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[DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE JUL I B 32306" 8 me chlRCIDumepGS-p.“ CLIMATOLOGICAL CONSTRAINTS OF A WHEAT-SOYBEAN DOUBLE- CROPPING SYSTEM IN THE GREAT LAKES REGION By Colleen Marie Garrity A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS Geography 1999 ABSTRACT CLIMATOLOGICAL CONSTRAINTS OF A WHEAT SOYBEAN DOUBLE CROPPING SYSTEM IN THE GREAT LAKES REGION BY COLLEEN MARIE GARRITY Double cropping soybeans following winter wheat has traditionally been limited to areas hundreds of miles south of the Great Lakes Region. Primary climatological constraints for the secondary soybean crop include dry topsoil for germination and establishment, lack of available moisture during vegetative and reproductive stages due to dry subsoil layers, and limited frost-free growing season length. In the study, the potential for successful wheat-soybean double cropping across the region is examined. Historical risk of the cropping system is assessed using the DSSAT crop simulation system given weather data from stations across the region, 1895-1996. Given the potential for future climate change, the cropping system is also evaluated given weather data derived from the HadCM2 transient general circulation model to the year 2099. Simulated yield potentials increased from north to south across the region, and yields improved with earlier planting dates, greater mean seasonal precipitation, and greater plant extractable soil water. Future simulated yield potentials increased over historical levels in response to warmer, wetter growing seasons, and 002 enrichment further boosted yields. Mean yields increased significantly in the latter half of the 21’”t century; by 2099, mean yields under C02 enrichment improved by at least 50% over the historical mean. Copyright by Colleen Marie Garrity 1 999 for Mark ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to my dedicated advisor, Dr. Jeff Andresen, and to my committee members Dr. Jay Harman, Dr. Julie Winkler, Dr. Joe Ritchie for their guidance and support throughout this process. Thank you to Dr. Alagarswamy, Brian Baer, Jim Brown, and Andy LeBaron for providing technical assistance in a pinch. Special thanks to Tracy Aichele, Steve Aichele, Peter Harsha, and Jill Hallden for graphical and editing assistance, and to my roommates Julie Colby, Mark Bowersox, and Yushuang Zhou for their patience and understanding. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 BACKGROUND CHAPTER 2 METHODS Agronomic Assumptions Model Requirements Weather Data Soils Data Sequential Experiment Files and Study Treatments Model Output Analysis CHAPTER 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Historical Analysis HadCM2 Future Climate Scenario Simulation CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSIONS APPENDIX A DSSAT Input File Samples Weather File Sample Soil File Sample Sequential File Sample APPENDIX B DSSAT Output File Samples Growth Aspects File Sample Simulation Overview File Sample Summary File Sample Water Balance File Sample Water Balance Summary File Sample LIST OF REFERENCES vi vii viii 11 13 15 15 18 21 23 24 24 45 68 72 72 73 74 77 77 80 86 87 92 95 Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 LIST OF TABLES Stations and Weather Record lnforrnation used in the study. Soil series, texture and taxonomy at each site. Mean simulated historical double-crop soybean yields by site and planting date for dryland and irrigated simulations, 1895-1996. Historical mean season length and yield for soybeans at Adrian, 1895-1996. Simulated mean historical dryland soybean water balance by site and planting date (1895-1996). Historical probability of attaining simulated soybean yields greater than 1000 kg/ha at different planting dates (1895-1996). Summary of mean number of irrigation applications and mean seasonal amounts of irrigation applied in historical soybean double crop simulations by site and planting date (1895-1996). Simulated mean historical irrigated soybean water balance by site and planting date (1895-1996). Comparison of mean future (2001-2099) and historical (1896-1996) simulated soybean yields by site for the July 15 planting date. Future simulated mean seasonal water balance for the July 15 planting date (2001-2099). Historical and future probability of attaining yields greater than 1000 kg/ha for July 15 planting date. vii 17 20 24 25 29 36 37 39 45 49 61 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7a Figure 7b Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10a LIST OF FIGURES Seasonal Chronology of Wheat and Soybean Cropping Systems 5 Stations used in the study. 16 Simulated historical cumulative probability distribution of dryland soybean yields by planting date at Ft. Wayne (1897-1996). 26 Simulated historical cumulative probability distribution of dryland soybean yields for a north- south transect of sites for the July 1 planting date (1896-1996). 27 Seasonal precipitation totals vs. simulated dryland Soybean yields for a June 15 planting date at Findlay (1896-1996). 31 Simulated plant extractable soil moisture for three different layers at Circleville from 1 October 1907 through 30 September 1908. Soil type is Coloma Loamy Sand. 32 Simulated historical cumulative probability distribution of dryland soybean yields by planting date at Coldwater (1897-1996). 34 Simulated historical cumulative probability distribution of irrigated soybean yields by planting date at Coldwater (1897-1996). 34 Simulated historical cumulative probability distribution of irrigated soybean yields for a north-south transect of sites at the July 1 planting date (1896-1996). 35 Simulated historical cumulative probability distribution of dryland soybean yields by soil texture at Adrian for July 1 planting date (1895-1996). 41 Simulated historical dryland yields and moving 9-year average by year at Allegan for June 15 planting date (1895-1996). 42 viii Figure 10b Simulated historical dryland yields and moving 9-year average by year at Greencastle for June 15 planting date (1895-1996). 43 Figure 113 Mean simulated dryland soybean yields by site, without future CO2 enrichment, for the July 15 planting date. 46 Figure 11b Mean simulated dryland soybean yields by site, with future CO2 enrichment, for the July 15 planting date. 47 Figure 12a Future cumulative probability distribution of simulated dryland soybean yields with constant CO2 levels for a north-south transect of sites (2001-2099). 48 Figure 12b Future cumulative probability distribution of simulated dryland soybean yields with enhanced CO2 levels for a north-south transect of sites (2001-2099). 48 Figure 13a Comparison of future (2001-2099) and historical (1895-1996) mean seasonal evapotranspiration for dryland soybean yields for July 15 planting date. 51 Figure 13b Comparison of future (2001-2099) and historical (1895-1996) mean seasonal precipitation for dryland soybean yields for July 15 planting date. 51 Figure 14 Mean soybean growing season precipitation for the July 15 planting date. 52 Figure 15 Mean evapotranspiration for simulated dryland soybeans, with transient future 00,, for the July 15 planting date. 53 Figure 16a Future simulated cumulative probability distribution for irrigated soybean yields under constant 002 levels (2001-2099) for the July 15 planting date. 55 Figure 16b Future simulated cumulative probability distribution for irrigated soybean yields under enriched CO2 levels (2001-2099) for the July 15 planting date. 55 ix Figure 173 Figure 17b Figure 183 Figure 18b Figure 19a Figure 19b Figure 20a Figure 20b Figure 21a Figure 21b Figure 22a Comparison of future and historical mean irrigation application frequency for the July 15 planting date. Comparison of future and historical mean simulated seasonal irrigation requirements for a cross-section of sites in the Great Lakes region for the July 15 planting date. Mean seasonal number of irrigation applications, without CO2 enrichment, for the July 15 planting date. Mean seasonal number of irrigation applications, with CO2 enrichment, for the July 15 planting date. Mean seasonal irrigation application amounts, without CO2 enrichment, for the July 15 planting date. Mean seasonal irrigation application amounts, with CO2 enrichment, for the July 15 planting date. Historical and future cumulative probability distributions of dryland soybean yields at Big Rapids for planting date July 15. Historical and future cumulative probability distributions of irrigated soybean yields at Big Rapids for planting date July 15. Future simulated dryland soybean yields and nine- year moving average at Salem without CO2 enrichment for the July 15 planting date (2001-2099). Future simulated dryland soybean yields and nine- year moving average at Salem with CO2 enrichment for the July 15 planting date (2001-2099). Future simulated dryland soybean yields and nine- year moving average at Coldwater without CO2 enrichment for the July 15 planting date (2001-2099). 56 57 58 59 6O 60 62 62 66 Figure 22b Future simulated dryland soybean yields and nine- year moving average at Coldwater with CO2 enrichment for the July 15 planting date (2001 -2099). xi 66 INTRODUCTION Net cash farm income (gross cash income minus gross cash expenses) for agricultural operations in the United States has decreased in recent years and further decreases are likely in the future, attributable largely to changes in economic factors, such as low commodity prices and the phase-out of governmental support programs (Collins, 1999). Continued low commodity prices in coming years will create further financial stress for producers who are already financially leveraged. In the face of such trends, farmers retain a limited number of adaptive strategies. One managerial option that allows farmers the opportunity to increase profits with only a small increase in risk is a double-cropping system, in which two crops are produced in overlapping or succeeding order. Double- cropping systems allow farmers to increase potential income, to diversify by spreading financial risks over two crops, and to make more efficient use of land resources. The practice of double cropping winter wheat followed by soybeans has been commonplace in the US. from the Ohio River Valley southward for much of the past few decades. In more northerly areas of the central U.S., however, double cropping has generally been possible only in certain years and only with significant production modifications due to climatological limitations such as growing season length. During the 1998 growing season, farmers in southern Michigan reported success at double cropping wheat and soybeans. The 1998 season was characterized by an abnormally mild, early spring (the warmest January - May on record for the Great Lakes region) which led to a very early winter wheat harvest, followed by timely late summer rainfall, mild fall temperatures, and a delayed first killing freeze of the fall season (NCAA, 1999; NCDC 1998; MASS 1998). Growers who attempted a secondary soybean crop reported yields as high as 2.5 ton/ha, which translated into cash receipts up to $500/ha with total production cost of $175lha or less (Ned Birkey, MSU Extension, personal communication; Mike Staton, MSU Extension, personal communication). This success raises climatological questions as to the potential for this type of agricultural practice in the Great Lakes region: How often do extended growing seasons conducive to double cropping occur? Is the recent long growing season indicative of a larger change of climate, with increasing probabilities of success for double cropping in the region? Or are longer growing seasons only an intermittent phenomenon, with limited long-term possibilities for successful double cropping? Assuming current levels of technology, what is the historical potential for double cropping winter wheat and soybean in Michigan? How might anticipated future climate change affect wheat-soybean double-cropping potential in the Great Lakes region? Global climate change and its potential impacts on weather and climate dependent processes are under investigation worldwide. Increasing concentrations of 002 and other atmospheric trace gases have been projected to lead to global increases in temperature on the order of 0.9-3.5°C by the end of the next century (Houghton et al., 1996), with even further increases possible due to future reductions in sulfur dioxide emissions (Wrgley, 1999). Climate change projected for the Great Lakes region during the next century includes trends toward a warmer and potentially wetter climate (Wigley, 1999). Will this projected climate change result in increased opportunities for double cropping in the region? VVIth the potential for a warmer climate and increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the future, what might the potential for double-cropping systems be, based on current levels of technology, for producers in the Great Lakes region? The purpose of this thesis is to examine the historical and future potential of wheat-soybean double- cropping systems in the Great Lakes region. Chapter 1 BACKGROUND Definitions Double cropping refers to the planting and harvesting of a second crop after the harvest of the first crop in the same growing season at the same location. The seasonal chronology of a typical wheat-soybean double-cropping system in the Ohio Valley is illustrated in Figure 1. Several variations of the double-cropping system described above are commercially used in the US. Chief among these is relay intercropping, in which the second crop is planted directly into the first crop while it is still actively growing, with subsequent harvest of both crops during the same growing season. This cropping method is an adaptation of double cropping and is practiced in regions with cooler climates that cannot otherwise produce two crops in a single season . Typical Midwestern Winter Wheat and Soybean Cropping Systems Winter Wheat Monocropping System . Soybean Monocropping System . Fallow ‘ V ; . , f Soybeans Double-cropping System Wheat Soybeans Relay lntercropping System Wneat Soybeans Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall Oct Dec Feb Apr Jun Aug Oct Figure 1 Seasonal Chronology of Wheat and Soybean Cropping Systems Fall—Wheat planting Winter—Vernalization, soil water accumulation (when/if snowmelt occurs) Spring—Wheat growth and development Early Summer—Wheat harvest/soybean planting Summer—Soybean growth and development Fall—Soybean harvest, wheat planting aerate The most common justification for the use of a double-cropping system is potential economic advantage. Other potential advantages include soil nitrogen credits (from the leguminous soybean crop) for future crops, crop rotational benefits related to insect and disease pressure, and the potential for use as animal forage if the secondary soybean crop isn’t successful (LeMahieu & Brinkman, 1990). Constraints Shapiro et al (1992) demonstrated that risk perception is key to explaining adoption of wheat-soybean double-cropping practices. Producers in northern regions of the US. face climatological constraints that render the prospect of adopting the practice less profitable and more risky. What risks do producers face in making the decision to double crop wheat and soybeans? The potential for success with two crops in a single season involves a number of constraints, but three factors related to climatology are most significant. The first constraint is length of frost-free growing season. If the season is too short, the soybean crop won’t have enough time to mature before the first killing freeze of the fall. Soybean killed prior to maturity may suffer significant reductions in yields, test weights, and quality (Halvorson et al, 1995). In Indiana, Schweitzer (1981) found that a minimum 90-day frost-free growing season was necessary for double-cropped soybean to reach maturity and still maintain a yield potential of 1881 kg/ha (30 bushels/acre) or higher. Timing of the soybean planting is also critical. For every day after June 15th that soybean planting is delayed, Jeffers (1987) found yield potential to decrease 31 to 47 kglha (1/2 to 3/4 bushels/acre) and recommends that double crop soybeans not be planted after July 10‘“. The second constraint is adequate soil moisture for soybean germination and establishment. The adage “if June is dry, do not try,” is based on the requirement of adequate moisture for germination of the soybean seed (Jeffers, 1995). If moisture in the upper several centimeters of the soil profile is insufficient to facilitate germination at planting time, the soybean seeds will remain dormant until sufficient moisture occurs, possibly resulting in poor stand establishment and subsequent delays in phenological development and progress (Pearce et al, 1993; Jeffers, 1995). A third climatological limitation to wheat-soybean double cropping is the lack of available moisture to the soybean crop during vegetative and reproductive phenological stages. Total evapotranspiration from the primary wheat crop typically ranges from 350 to 700 mm between emergence and maturity (Musick & Porter, 1990). This moisture must usually come from a combination of precipitation and antecedent soil water. In Midwestern climates, wheat crops generally leave the secondary soybean crop with a moisture-depleted soil profile and at risk of moisture shortages should precipitation not be sufficient to meet the secondary crop needs. Due to climatological and other factors, yields in double-cropping systems are generally lower than those of single-season crops. In Indiana, double-crop soybean yields are generally 60% of full-season yields (Schweitzer, 1981), while Mississippi State University data (taken in a warmer and wetter climate) indicate that, on average, double-crop yields are 15-30% lower than full-season yields (Blaine, 1998). Jeffers (1987) found well-managed double-crop soybean yields in Ohio to average 50% of single-crop yields, while intercrcp wheat and soybean yields produce roughly 85% and 75% of monocrop yields, respectively. Once the decision to plant a double crop has been made, a number of tactical concerns must also be addressed. The most critical tactical decisions concern the timing of wheat harvest and soybean planting in the summer. The farmer can opt for the conventional practice—harvest the wheat, till the field, and plant the soybeans. However, this method is time-consuming and can create soil moisture problems for the soybeans, as tilling tends to dry the soil. Tilling and planting at night can reduce soil moisture losses, but any tilling practice will still cause more moisture losses than other methods of preparing the field for planting soybeans (Crabtree et al, 1990). A second option is no-till planting the soybean seed directly into the wheat stubble. This option allows maximum moisture retention in the soil, which promotes soybean germination. Standing wheat stubble also prevents soil erosion and can encourage the soybean plants, once established, to grow taller and flower more quickly, competitively accelerating growth in an already short growing season. While benefiting growth and development to some degree, the wheat residue, if left on the field, still poses some problems, as it is difficult for the planter to cut through, can impede soybean harvest, can harbor diseases and limit weed control practices, and may hinder initial establishment of the soybean plants (Blaine, 1998). To alleviate some of these problems and advance soybean emergence, the wheat residue can be chopped, shredded, or baled as straw after the wheat harvest, but these reductions in the amount of straw present were associated with lower volumetric soil moisture content (Vyn et al, 1998). Because soybean establishment is commonly difficult in stubble, a seeding rate 25% greater than normal was suggested by Schweitzer (1981). Nc-till is a common practice with several possible variations. The standard no-till method is to harvest the wheat and plant the soybeans into wheat stubble. An alternative no-till method is intercropping, where soybeans are planted into a standing wheat crop that will be harvested shortly after soybean establishment (Jeffers, 1995; Moomaw and Powell, 1990). A related alternative method is aerially seeding the soybean seed into a standing wheat crop. In both of the latter cases, wheat can be harvested above young soybean plants if the cutter bar on the combine harvester is set to a level high enough to avoid damaging the soybean plants. Still another alternative no-till method is to harvest the wheat, burn the wheat stubble in a controlled manner, and then plant the soybeans in the burned stubble. Research in Mississippi demonstrated that while fast-burning fires in wheat stubble can be dangerous, the burning practice tends to result in higher yields than both conventional and nc-till practices (Blaine, 1998). The double-crop production system generally requires a high level of management and a restricted time budget (Jeffers, 1995). Given climatological restrictions, conventional double-cropping methods have traditionally been restricted to the Ohio River Valley, the Lower Mississippi Valley, and the Southeastern United States. Modifications of traditional double-cropping strategies have allowed the practice to spread to formerly marginal regions, such as the Southern Great Plains, where the availability of water has historically limited double-crop potential. Other specialized double-cropping practices are adapted to colder climates in the northern US. For instance, in Wisconsin, winter small grains are sometimes planted and used as forage in the spring before a soybean crop is planted (LeMahieu & Brinkman, 1990). Intensive management and innovative strategies are required of farmers wishing to successfully double crop in areas north of the climatic optimum. One option is early wheat harvest at high moisture levels. At high moisture levels, the farmer can artificially dry the wheat from 20-25% moisture, windrow the wheat at 30-40% moisture, or remove the wheat as silage (Schweitzer, 1981). The climate of the Great Lakes region traditionally has not been suited for wheat-soybean double cropping, though success has been reported in exceptional growing seasons such as 1998. Based on climatology, what is the potential for a wheat-soybean double-cropping system in areas north of the traditional double-cropping region? 10 Chapter 2 METHODS Ultimate determination of the potential feasibility of double cropping systems in the Great Lakes region will likely require many seasons of traditional agronomic field experimentation with data taken at a number of locations. One less time-intensive methodology available to investigators that can provide an initial assessment of the potential for this system in the region is the crop simulation model, which is a quantitative, deterministic simulation of the physiological processes that govern crop growth, development, and yield. In this study, the DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer) v.3.5 (T suji et al., 1994) crop modeling system was employed to assess the historical and potential viability of double-cropping practices for eighteen stations across the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes regions. The DSSAT modeling system contains more than 12 different crop simulations and has been used for a range of agronomic simulations and impact assessment studies in the past (e.g. Adams et al, 1995; Chipanshi et al, 1997; Lal et al, 1998; Landau et al, 1998; Meams et al, 1996; Meams et al, 1999; Parsch et al, 1991). For this study, the CERES-Wheat (Godwin et al, 1989; Ritchie et al, 1985) and SOYGRO (Jones et al, 1989; Wilkerson et al, 1985) crop models were used to simulate wheat and soybean, respectively, in a double cropping system under a variety of environmental conditions. CERES-Wheat and SOYGRO have been successfully utilized in many past modeling studies and production areas, and 11 have been found to compare well with observed data and with other crop models (Meams et al., 1997, Meams et al., 1999; Pickering et al, 1995). In this study, the primary focus is on the constraints of the secondary soybean crop, so the wheat simulation was used essentially to initialize soil moisture conditions for the second crop. Because winter wheat parameters in double cropping are largely congruent with those of full-season crops, the CERES-Wheat model verifications by other authors were assumed to be sufficient for this study. Double-crop soybean parameters, however, differ from those of full-season soybeans. Yield data are not officially recorded for double-crop soybeans, so verification for this cultivation practice is not possible. One past simulation study of full-season soybeans found SOYGRO to adequately simulate crop growth phenology and yields in the midwestern U.S., though it performed better in southern than northern sections of the region (Kunkel and Hollinger, 1991). The area chosen for the present study encompasses the Ohio River Valley, where double cropping is commonly practiced, and sections of the Great Lakes Region including the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, where double cropping is atypical. In the first phase of the project, a wheat-soybean double cropping system was simulated at 18 locations across the region using approximately 100 years of historical daily weather data (1895-1996). This necessitated the development of weather, soil, and other agronomic data sets for each station location. In the second phase of the project, the double cropping system was modeled at 6 of the 18 historical station locations using simulated future daily weather data for the next century (2001-2099) from the Hadley Centre HadCM2 12 general circulation model (Mitchell et al, 1995; Johns et al, 1997; Viner & Hulme, 1998). Extensive, detailed output from the crop models with a large number of historical and potential future scenarios provided a means of analyzing the potential for wheat-soybean double cropping in this region. In addition, a variety of sensitivity analyses were also performed on the model simulations to identify and characterize important climatological constraints. Agronomic Assumptions In order to run any model, assumptions must be made regarding input variables to simplify the vast array of decisions involved in the modeled process. Accordingly, some agronomic assumptions were made to represent wheat- soybean double-cropping tactical decisions in the DSSAT sequential analysis files. First, agronomic input variables were chosen as typical of current (i.e. late 1990’s) technology. This includes cultivar selection, planting row width, and seeding population specifications. While soybean cultivars should vary as operators adapt to a changing climate, for example, the cultivars are kept constant here for the purpose of consistency in the simulation. Second, fertility was assumed to be non-limiting in all simulations and there was no consideration of the potentially negative impacts of weeds, pests, or diseases. These factors, while possibly important on local scales, are beyond the scope of this investigation, which focuses on the climatological constraints of a double cropping system. Third, soil profiles chosen for the analysis were assumed to generally represent typical agricultural areas in the vicinity of each station. 13 Finally, an important component frequently overlooked in past agronomic impact studies is the effect of ambient COz concentrations, which can significantly increase plant water use efficiency, dry matter production rates, and yield (Adams et al, 1990; Rosenzweig, 1985) . In many of the studies that have taken CO; concentration into account, the future scenarios were adjusted by an equilibrium doubling of 002 concentration relative to global pre-industrial revolution levels (e.g. Rosenzweig & Parry, 1994; Meams et al, 1996). However, comparing the effects of 1x00; scenarios with those of 2xCOz scenarios may not provide a realistic transition from current concentrations to projected future concentrations of 002. Researchers have cited the need for transient models to be incorporated into impacts assessment modeling, as this approach offers a more realistic picture of climate change than equilibrium models allow (Rosenzweig et al, 1993). With advances in climate modeling capabilities, transient climate models have recently been made available for use in impact studies. In this study, projected atmospheric CO; concentrations for the years 2001-2099 were taken from the transient IPCC 92a scenario as outlined by Joos et al. (1995) and combined with the HadCM2 daily weather data. The crop models respond to the increases in CO; with increased photosynthetic rates and decreased transpiration for a net increase in plant water use efficiency. The combination of transient C02 levels with crop models able to respond to changing ambient 002 levels, such as the DSSAT model suite, provides a more accurate picture of the potential effects of projected climate change scenarios. 14 Model Requirements The DSSAT crop model requires a wide variety of weather, soil, and other agronomic data as inputs for simulations and experiment files. The Sequential Analysis component of DSSAT is used to model multiple-year and double- cropping sequences. Sequential experiment files drive the crop model subroutines, CERES-Wheat and SOYGRO, and specify the parameters of each simulation. Parameters specified in the sequential experiment files include crop model subroutines, cultivars, field and soils information, initial conditions at the start of simulation, planting details, irrigation and water management, harvest details, and simulation controls. An example of sequential experiment files is given in Appendix A. Weather Data Weather variables used in the DSSAT modeling process include daily maximum and minimum temperatures, precipitation totals, and solar radiation totals. Historical daily temperature and precipitation data for the period 1895- 1996 (or as close as possible to these years) were obtained from the Midwestern Regional Climate Center for eighteen stations across the Great Lakes Region and Ohio River Valley. Stations were chosen on the basis of series quality, continuity, and length, completeness of record, and by geographic location 15 relative to other stations in the study area to ensure roughly equal spatial representation across the region. A map of the stations is given in Figure 2. * Station location Figure 2. Stations used in the study. 16 The DSSAT model simulation framework requires serially complete weather files. Missing daily data in each of the station series in this study were estimated at the Midwest Regional Climate Center with a kriging objective analysis, which weights estimated values heavily on those of the nearest available neighbor stations (Ken Kunkel, personal communication). A list of the stations with periods of records and percentage of complete data is given in Table 1. To complete the historical weather data, daily solar radiation totals were synthetically generated based on historical statistics using the WGEN (Richardson and Wright, 1984) stochastic weather generation program. Prior to model simulation runs, the raw weather files were converted into DSSAT-compatible weather input files (*.WTH files). An example of the *.WTH file format is given in Appendix A. Table 1 Stations and Weather Record lnfon'nation used in the study. Percent complete refers to the percent of total weather observations during the period of record that were not missing or estimated. IState Station Period of Record % Complete I IMI Adrian 1895 - 1996 99 Allegan 1895 - 1996 99 Bay City 1896 - 1996 90 Big Rapids 1896 - 1996 99 Coldwater 1897 - 1996 99 Owosso 1896 - 1996 95 Pontiac 1895 - 1996 99 IN Cambridge City 1896 - 1996 91 Ft. Wayne 1897 - 1996 99 Greencastle 1896 - 1996 85 Salem 1896 - 1996 94 South Bend 1896 - 1996 99 OH Circleville 1896 - 1996 97 Findlay 1896 - 1996 99 Wooster 1896 - 1996 99' IL Jacksonville 1896 - 1996 99 Mt. Vernon 1895 - 1996 98 Ottawa 1895 - 1996 97 17 In the second phase of the project, feasibility of double cropping in a future climate is explored. Simulated daily weather data from the HadCM2 transient general circulation model for the next century were obtained in conjunction with the US. Global Change Research Program National Assessment (Great Lakes Regional Assessment). The original 2.5° X 3.75°-resolution HadCM2 general circulation model data, in the form of monthly mean departures from historical averages, were converted into a gridded 0.5° x 0.5° and daily time step format for VEMAP (Kittel et al., 1997; Kittel et al., 1995) using stochastic weather generation techniques. The future daily weather series were obtained from the nearest model grid on land for each of six stations in north to south and east to west transects across the study area and converted to DSSAT-compatible weather input file (*.WTH) format. Soils Data Because DSSAT models simulate plant growth and development above and below the surface, detailed soil profile data input files are required for each site. Representative agricultural soils were chosen for each site using USDA County Soil Survey publications (USDA—NRCS County Soil Survey Series). For each site, the two most prevalent agricultural production soils in the county (by percentage of area) were selected as representatives of soils potentially suitable for double cropping. Many, but not all, of these soils have sample profile data 18 available, which are required by DSSAT to run the crop simulations. Final soil series selection for each site was determined first by the degree of agricultural potential and second by availability of soil profile data. A listing of soil series, texture, and taxonomy by site is given in Table 2. Detailed soil series profile data were obtained from the National Soil Survey Center (NSSC, 1999). When a representative soil was chosen for each site, soil data files (*.SOL) were created in DSSAT for use in crop simulations. lnforrnation required to create soil data files includes texture of uppermost horizon in the soil profile, number of horizons in the profile and the depth of each, coarse fraction, bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity, total nitrogen, pH 1:1 in water, cation exchange capacity, and root quantity for each horizon. A sample soil data file is given in Appendix A. 19 Table 2. Soil series, texture, and taxonomy at each site. Station Soil Series Texture Taxonomy Adrian Hoytville Clay Loam Fine illitic mesic mollic ochraqualf Allegan Blount Loam Fine illitic mesic aeric ochraqualf Sandy over loamy mixed frigid alfic Bay City losco Loamy Sand haplorthod Sandy mixed mesic psammentic Big Rapids Coloma Loamy Sand hapludalf Cambridge City Crosby Silt Loam Fine mixed mesic aeric ochraqualf Fine-loamy mixed mesic typic Circleville Brookston Loam agiaquoll Fine loamy over sandy mixed Coldwater Fox Loam mesic typic hapludalf Findlay Blount Loam Fine illitic mesic aeric ochraqualf Fine-loamy mixed mesic typic Ft. Wayne Miami Silt Loam hapludalf Fine-silty mixed superactive mesic Greencastle Fincastle Silt Loam aeric epiaqualf Fine montmorillonitic mesic aquic Jacksonville lpava Silty Clay Loam argiudoll Fine-silty mixed mesic aeric Mt. Vernon Bluford Silt Loam ochraqualf Fine-silty mixed mesic typic Ottawa Catlin Silty Clay Loam Li‘giudoll Owosso Conover Sandy Loam Fine montmorillonitic eutroboralf Pontiac Conover Sandy Loam Fine montmorillonitic eutroboralf Fine-silty over clayey mixed mesic Salem Crider Silt Loam typic paleudalf Fine-loamy mixed mesic typic South Bend Brookston Loam argiaquoll Wooster Bennington Silt Loam Fine illitic mesic aeric ochraqualf 20 Sequential Experiment Files and Study Treatments Once weather and soil data input files were complete, sequential experiment files (*.SQX) were created in the DSSAT program framework. For both the 100-year historical and future double cropping simulations, sequential program experiment files were created to simulate each multi-year sequence of CERES-Wheat followed by SOYGRO simulations. Eight sequential experiment files were created for each of the eighteen sites in the historical analysis to evaluate the effects of different soybean planting dates and water availability. Sequential experiment files for four planting dates (June 1, June 15, July 1, and July 15) were created for each site using both dryland and irrigated situations. These dates were chosen to represent a range of possible soybean planting dates across the regions, with mid-July considered the latest possible planting date in the region (Jeffers, 1987). Simulations for each planting date were run twice, one for dryland (water limiting) and one for irrigated (water non-limiting) conditions. Future sequential experiment files were created for six sites using the July 15 soybean planting date to simulate the potential effects of water stress and carbon dioxide enrichment. Experiment files were created to compare the potential effects of both dryland and irrigated CO2-enriched and non-CO2- enriched future scenarios on double cropping. To account for the effects of the transient climate model CO2 enrichment, sequential files were created by decade, beginning with 2001-2010, using the median CO2 value for each decade given in the Joos et al (1995) series. 21 In all of the sequential experiment files, both historical and future, the simulation beginning date was January 15‘. For the wheat simulations, a generic U.S. Soft Red Winter variety was used at all sites. The CERES-Wheat sequence begins using the automatic planter feature, which plants the wheat within a specified window of dates, weather, and soil moisture conditions. In all simulations, the planting window was defined as the 30-day period after the Hessian fly—free date for each site, with planting generally occurring in early October. Seeding populations were set to 300 seeds per square meter and row spacing was set to 100m. CERES-Wheat model harvest details were set to automatically harvest the day before the scheduled soybean planting date. For the soybean simulations, generic soybean cultivars of differing maturity group were selected for each site according to latitude, ranging from maturity Group 0 in the northern region of the study area to maturity Group 3 near the Ohio River, the southern boundary of the study area. The SOYGRO sequences were set to plant soybeans on a specified date for each model run, June 1, June 15, July 1, or July 15. Seeding rates were set to 50 seeds per square meter and row spacing was set at 380m. Irrigated simulations were set to automatically water the soybean plants with 25mm of water when a threshold of 50% of maximum available soil moisture was reached. SOYGRO harvest details were set to harvest the soybeans automatically at maturity. 22 Model Output Analysis DSSAT created five output files for each of the simulations (wbal.out, water.out, summarycut, growth.out, and overview.out). Because of the large volume of data produced in 156 century-long historical and 120 decade-long future series of daily simulations, output generation frequency was restricted to once every 10 days. For examples of the output files, refer to Appendix B. To analyze the model run results, text output files were converted to Microsoft Excel 97 (*.XLS) format. The analysis focuses primarily on the double-cropped soybeans. Answers to the research questions in this study were addressed first for the historical analysis and second for the future scenario. In the assessment, it was necessary to define a breakeven soybean yield level, at which economic input costs equal output costs for the secondary soybean crop. Based on estimated current production costs, including seed/technology fees, planting costs, one herbicide application, harvesting costs, and the market price for soybeans, the breakeven yield is estimated at 1000 kglha (15 bushels/acre). Because production costs may vary by location, this breakeven yield is not exact, but can be considered a liberal cost, conservative yield estimate as some of the actual costs may be cheaper or may not be applicable in some cases. 23 Chapter 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Historical Analysis On average, later planting dates resulted in lower simulated soybean yields than earlier planting dates. Table 3 lists mean simulated double crop soybean yields for each of the eighteen sites, for both dryland and irrigated crops across four different planting dates. Table 3. Mean simulated historical double-crop soybean yields (kg/ha) by site and planting date for dryland and irrigated simulations, 1895-1996. State Site Dryland Irrigated L 1-Jun 15-Jun 1-Jul 15-Jul 1-Jun 15-Jun 1-Jul 15-Jul Ml Adrian 549 3'7 260 188 3758 3365 2651 1638 Allegan 1009 716 491 329 3719 3140 2580 1611 Bay City 420 279 200 264 3488 3071 2346 1398 Big Rapids 950 802 506 210 3245 2675 1645 582 Coldwater 1 124 986 815 621 3697 3295 2609 1624 Owosso 723 458 307 209 3589 3175 2428 1371 Pontiac 789 539 426 320 3739 3344 2645 1736 IN Cambridge City 1982 1593 1149 861 3888 3518 2823 1821 Ft. Wayne 1350 960 694 592 3890 3535 2915 2056 Greencastle 2088 1741 1521 1393 4049 3731 3159 2435 Salem 1995 1723 1609 1469 4146 3832 3315 2595 South Bend 1667 1232 905 721 3881 3509 2865 1993 OH Circleville 1714 1332 1192 1101 3984 3666 3115 2384 Findlay 1386 952 668 518 3953 3597 2940 2011 Wooster 1785 1306 891 592 3749 3356 2626 1512 IL Jacksonville 1517 1379 1236 1164 4181 3837 3270 2454 Mt. Vernon 1596 1461 1472 1467 4204 3914 3469 2834 Ottawa 1254 1069 911 887 3798 3476 2914 2234 24 At Coldwater, mean yield decreased from 986 kglha at June 15 dryland planting dates to 621 kglha for the July 15 planting dates, a 37% decrease. Irrigated yields decreased by 51% for the same planting dates at Coldwater. Exceptions occurred at Bay City, where the simulated mean dryland soybean yield increased slightly (by 64 kglha) from July 1“"t to July 15‘“, and at Mt. Vernon, where the mean dryland yields remained relatively constant from June 15th through July 15‘“. Table 4. Historical mean season length (days) and yield (kg/ha) for soybeans at Adrian, 1895-1996. Dryland Irrigated PDAT Mean season Length Mean Yield Mean season Length Mean Yield 1-Jun 1 13 549 111 3758 1 5-Jun 1 10 377 105 3365 1-Jul 105 260 99 2651 1 5-Jul 97 188 94 1638] Mean season length and mean yield at Adrian given in Table 4 further illustrate this point. For both dryland and irrigated simulations, mean yield decreased with later planting dates. Dryland mean yields decreased by 66% between the June 1 and July 15 planting dates with a 14% (16-day) decrease in mean season length. Irrigated mean yields decreased by 56% with a 15% (17- day) decrease in mean season length. One method of analyzing the character of a given series, including both frequency and magnitude, is estimation of the probability distribution of the series, which can be obtained empirically by rank ordering the data and then calculating frequency/probability. Probability distributions are useful in illustrating 25 risk involved in decision-making processes (Chipanshi et al., 1997). The cumulative probability distributions of soybean yields for the four different planting dates given in Figure 3 at Ft. Wayne illustrate the risks involved with later soybean planting dates through a lower probability of attaining a given yield level, such as the breakeven 1000 kglha yield. 4500 4000 4— 2 . ., , - g __ . 3500 .——. -2 ,2 2 2 2 ;_i‘ .2 3000 -2-” 2 2 2 , , 2 4 g g u .3 ‘fl A1-Jun E 2500 W T 77 T T N T i _TT..8“:. i -15-Jun 2 2000 ~- —— _ _ _ _ _ __2 ‘ M .- - - _1_Jul '2 “w -15-.iui > 1500- 10004 500 4- o T I T r T I 1 . 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Probability Figure 3. Simulated historical cumulative probability distribution of dryland soybean yields by planting date at Ft. Wayne (1897-1996). A planting date of June 1 is associated with approximately a 63% chance of achieving a breakeven 1000 kglha yield. The probability of reaching breakeven yields decreases with later planting dates; 43% at June 15, 27% at July 1, and 22% at July 15. Frequency of breakeven growing seasons also varied by location from north to south across the study region, with generally greater simulated yields at 26 sites in the southern portion of the study area. For example, the July 1St dryland simulation at Mt. Vernon averaged 561 more kglha yield than the analogous simulation at Ottawa. This result was expected, as Mt. Vernon and other sites in the Ohio Valley are traditionally double-cropping areas with warmer climates, longer growing seasons, and greater precipitation than northern sites, such as Ottawa, which are primarily monocultural production regions. The probability distribution for the July 1St planting date in Figure 4 illustrates 4000 3500 4» # L 22 2 #34 3000 -2 - f -2, 22 fig; 5 2500 ‘T‘ ‘ m i 7 Fwd-“’3' ’— ----- Salem 2 2000 2 2 éffl?’ __fi . Jacksonville 2 ,..--v""' .o» . - Wooster a 1500- --“ e 2 Owosso 1000 » 500 » 0 Probability Figure 4. Simulated historical cumulative probability distribution of dryland soybean yields for a north-south transect of sites for the July 1 planting date (1896-1996). the increasing potential for dryland double-crop soybean yields from north to south across the study area. Salem, the southernmost site in the region, shows a near-70% probability of attaining 1000 kglha yields. Jacksonville, Wooster, and 27 Owosso show progressively lower probabilities of attaining 1000 kglha yields with increasing latitude. Why does the potential for successful double cropping change from north to south across the study region? Climatic limitations are often cited as reasons why double cropping is generally not practiced in northern areas of the US. The most important variable is moisture availability (Jeffers, 1987; Beuerlein, 1987). On a seasonal or annual basis, the overall bulk water balance of the soil profile can be described as the balance between precipitation and the sum of evapotranspiration (plant transpiration plus soil evaporation), runoff, and drainage out of the profile. The DSSAT simulations provide estimates of each of the components of the soil water balance, which in turn provides an opportunity to investigate the relationship between crop performance and moisture availability in greater detail. Simulated mean historical dryland water balance by site and planting date is given in Table 5. 28 Table 5. Simulated mean historical dryland soybean water balance (mm) by site and planting date (1895-1996). ET=evapotranspiration, R0=runoff, DR=drainage, and PR=precipitation. 1-Jun 15-Jun State Station ET R0 DR PR ET R0 DR PR MI Adrian 260 61 1.4 305 229 58 1.1 377 Allegan 295 43 3.2 316 257 41 2.7 305 Bay City 237 50 1.8 279 210 49 1.9 270 Big Rapids 279 2.9 31 324 249 2.8 26 302 Coldwater 306 19 10 332 272 18 9.2 315 Owosso 274 33 3.2 296 236 32 3.2 280 Pontiac 274 33 3.4 291 238 31 3.3 274 IN Cambridge City 377 26 13 360 328 25 10 338 Ft. Wayne 330 38 4.4 326 278 35 3.9 301 Greencastle 378 27 1 0 367 329 25 7.6 345 Salem 392 27 7.3 377 341 26 5.4 349 South Bend 357 38 5.1 356 305 36 4 339 OH Circleville 357 36 5.5 351 313 34 4.6 330 Findlay 342 48 2.9 351 290 45 2.1 324 Wooster 370 51 4.5 374 317 47 3.6 348 IL Jacksonville 372 38 7.6 387 323 35 5.2 354 Mt. Vernon 368 27 8.9 364 324 26 6.4 337 Ottawa 307 32 5.7 31 7 269 31 3.7 303 1-Jul 15-Jul State Station ET R0 DR PR ET R0 DR PR MI Adrian 201 54 1.1 201 183 50 1.1 248 Allegan 224 38 2.8 289 202 38 3.1 281 Bay City 191 47 2 259 189 29 4.3 256 Big Rapids 212 2.5 24 274 178 2.3 25 252 Coldwater 238 17 10 291 214 16 12 274 Owosso 203 28 3.3 254 183 25 3.4 234 Pontiac 21 1 30 3.3 259 193 27 3.6 241 IN Cambridge City 277 22 8.1 309 246 20 9.7 278 Ft. Wayne 237 34 3.7 280 216 31 4 256 Greencastle 287 22 8.2 313 262 22 9.4 288 Salem 305 25 7.5 319 273 24 10 292 South Bend 259 35 3.7 319 233 34 4.4 303 OH Circleville 278 32 4.9 301 250 29 6.1 271 Findlay 247 41 2.2 297 219 37 2.5 266 Wooster 264 43 2.9 31 1 230 38 3.5 275 lL Jacksonville 281 33 6.1 319 254 31 8.4 294 Mt. Vernon 292 24 7.9 306 268 23 10 283 Ottawa 237 30 4 286 222 28 5.4 267 29 In general, the southern sites have higher seasonal mean evapotranspiration values, which are indicative of their warmer, wetter climate. Runoff and drainage values in Table 5, however, vary across the region, likely reflecting the physical characteristics of different soils. For example, Big Rapids has very low runoff values and very high drainage values (e.g. 2.9 mm runoff and 31 mm drainage for the June 1 planting date), likely indicative of the coarse- textured, porous upper layers of the Coloma sand soil used in the simulation. In contrast, for a fine-textured soil with lower infiltration rates, such as Hoytville clay loam at Adrian, the magnitude of the runoff and drainage totals is symmetrically opposite (61mm runoff and 1.4 mm drainage for the June 1 planting date). Seasonal precipitation totals vs. simulated yield, illustrating the importance of seasonal moisture on yield outcome, is given in Figure 5. All of the sites for all of the planting dates show a positive correlation between total seasonal precipitation and yield. 30 4000 3500 +7- 3000 «v - 2500 22 — - 2 2000 ——~ - - - - 1500 7* - 2 1000 ,2, -- - — 500 % YIeId (kglha) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Seasonal Preclpltatlon (mm) Figure 5. Seasonal precipitation totals vs. simulated dryland soybean yields for a June 15 planting date at Findlay (1896-1996). Double cropping has special soil moisture constraints. The amount of soil water used by the primary wheat crop may leave insufficient moisture for the soybean crop. This point is illustrated in Figure 6, which depicts soil moisture conditions of three soil layers for a 12-month simulation at Circleville. The high variability of available soil moisture in the upper 0-15 cm layer relative to the lower layers is evident, as are differences in the rates of moisture drawdown and recharge. 31 0.14 (112 ' ' ll I l l I: l . I ' I. I l s 1 ”ill". 2111171" 1" Il' 11V.)';,‘\tl g 0.08 III .- E : 3 5, 0.06 ~ Lu 0. 0.04 ----- 45-60 cm 0.02 —90-120 cm ‘- 1, 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 241 271 301 331 361 Days After Wheat Planting Figure 6. Simulated plant extractable soil moisture for three different layers at Circleville from 1 October 1907 through 30 September 1908. Soil type is Coloma Loamy Sand. However, as wheat progresses through the grain-fill period towards maturity (indicated in Figure 6 between day 211 and 267), plant extractable soil moisture is severely depleted for both topsoil and subsoil layers simultaneously. This is a critical consideration for planting double-crop soybeans, as the seeds require moist soil for germination and delays in germination may negatively impact yields (Jeffers, 1987). 32 How much of a constraint is soil moisture on the double-crop soybeans? Simulations with irrigation serve to illustrate yield potential when moisture is not a limiting factor in plant growth and development. For simulations with the same planting dates, irrigation significantly improved mean yields. In these irrigated simulations, most sites exhibited mean yields more than double those of dryland simulations. For example, in the simulation at Cambridge City, dryland yields planted on June 15th averaged 1593 kglha while irrigated yields averaged 3518 kglha. Big Rapids more than tripled its yield for the same simulation, from 802 kglha yield under dryland conditions to 2675 kglha under irrigation. These results underscore the importance of moisture availability in determining the success of double crop soybeans. The effects of irrigation can be seen by comparing Figures 7a & 7b, which illustrate yield probabilities at Coldwater for dryland and irrigated simulations across all planting dates. For the July 15 planting date, the probability of attaining a 1000 kglha yield jumped from 20% in the dryland simulation to approximately 82% in the irrigated simulation. 33 .‘ - 1-Jun - 15-Jun A 1-Jul - 15-Jul Yield (kglha) k: c: c: c: 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Probability Figure 7a. Simulated historical cumulative probability distribution of dryland soybean yields by planting date at Coldwater (1897-1996). 4500 4000 -———~fin_—___--___n - 3500 2500 3000 — 2000 1 1500 - -- 1000 - 500 — 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 - 1-Jun . 15-Jun 4 1-Jul .. 15-Jul Figure 7b. Simulated historical cumulative probability distribution of irrigated soybean yields by planting date at Coldwater (1897-1996). With irrigation, does the yield potential still differ from north to south? Figure 8 illustrates the probability distribution of simulated soybean yields for a north- south transect of sites. E ----- Salem 3’ . Jacksonville 5 . Wooster 5 Owosso 0 A , . . T . . 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 Probability Figure 8. Simulated historical cumulative probability distribution of irrigated soybean yields for a north-south transect of sites at the July 1 planting date (1896-1996). The distributions still reflect differences in yield potential from north to south, with Salem and Jacksonville, the southern sites, achieving substantially higher yields and potential yields than Wooster and Owosso in the northern region. As in the dryland simulations, the probability of obtaining yields of 1000 kglha or better increased from north to south in the study area. Probabilities of attaining 1000 kglha yields for all simulations at all sites are given in Table 6. With irrigation, nearly 100% of the time for all sites, simulated double-crop soybean yields were over 1000 kglha. The exception was the July 15th planting date, at which point the frequency of 1000 kglha yields at many northern sites 35 dropped off significantly. This is likely the effect of limited growing season on the second crop. Table 6. Historical probability of attaining simulated soybean yields greater than 1000 kglha at different planting dates (1895-1996). State Station Dryland Irrigated 1-Jun 15-Jun 1-Jul 15~Iul 1-Jun 154m 1-Jul 15-Jul Ml Adrian Ofi 0.09 0.05 0.05 1.00 1.00 1.00 0ffi Allegan 0.40 0.25 0.15 0.12 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.79 Bay City 0.11 0.05 0.04 0.03 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.73 Big Rapids 0.41 0.33 0.22 0.05 1.00 0.98 0.76 0.24 Coldwater 0.52 0.41 0.34 0.22 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.82 Owosso 0.24 0.13 0.08 0.03 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.74 Pontiac 0.31 0.19 0.16 0.08 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.90 IN Cambridge City 0.80 0.63 0.50 0.41 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.93 Ft. Wayne 0.62 0.40 0.26 0.21 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 Greencastle 0.84 0.70 0.60 0.63 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Salem 0.79 0.70 0.66 0.66 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 South Bend 0.70 0.49 0.41 0.34 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 OH Circleville 0.63 0.43 0.50 0.51 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Findlay 0.58 0.37 0.24 0.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 094' Wooster 0.75 0.49 0.37 0.26 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.76 IL Jacksonville 0.61 0.59 0.49 0.51 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 Mt. Vernon 0.68 0.62 0.63 0.67 1.00 1.00 1.00 100] Ottawa 0.46 0.39 0.33 0.38 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 How much moisture is necessary to eliminate moisture stress on the double-cropped soybeans? Table 7 lists the mean seasonal number and amount (in millimeters) of irrigation applications for each planting date. In the irrigated simulations, a large amount of water was required to keep soil moisture above stressful levels. For many of the northern sites, the average seasonal irrigation amounts were comparable to the mean seasonal precipitation amounts. For example, at Adrian on the June 15‘ planting date, an average of 315 mm of 36 irrigation is applied in a season while the total mean seasonal precipitation is only 305 mm. At the same planting date in Ft. Wayne, an average of 257 mm of irrigation is applied per season while mean seasonal precipitation is 326 mm. For all sites, mean seasonal irrigation amounts and average seasonal number of irrigation applications were highest with earlier planting dates. Table 7. Summary of mean number of irrigation applications (No. Apps.) and mean seasonal amounts of irrigation (Amt.) applied in historical soybean double crop simulations by site and planting date (1895-1996). 1-Jun 15-Jun 1-Jul 15-Jul State Station No. Amt. No. Amt. No. Amt. No. Amt. Apps. (mm) Apps. (mm) Apps. (mm) Apps. (mm) Ml Adrian 12.4 315 11.6 294 9.8 246 7.7 189 Allegan 12.5 307 1 1.3 278 10.7 261 8.7 209 Bay City 12.2 311 11.4 289 9.9 248 7.6 189 Big Rapids 13.6 260 12 227 9.8 184 7.5 138 Coldwater 10 244 9.4 225 7.8 185 5.9 140 Owosso 11.7 283 10.9 262 9.2 219 7 164 Pontiac 11.4 275 10.8 259 9.3 222 7.3 170 IN Cambridge City 7.3 199 7.1 193 6 162 4.7 124 Ft. Wayne 9.6 257 8.9 239 7.5 199 6 157 Greencastle 7.9 221 7.2 202 6 165 4.7 129 Salem 8.5 239 7.7 217 6.2 172 4.3 120 South Bend 8.9 233 8.4 217 7.1 183 5.3 136 0H Circleville 8.8 228 8.2 212 6.8 176 5.5 141 Findlay 10 251 9.6 237 8.3 202 6.5 158 Wooster 7.7 207 7.4 197 6.3 167 4.9 129 IL Jacksonville 10.6 266 9.8 244 7.9 194 6 147 Mt. Vernon 11.2 280 10 250 8 195 6.1 149 Ottawa 9.6 266 9.1 252 7.7 211 6.3 169 Potential yield under simulated non-limiting moisture conditions is clearly higher than dryland simulations across the region, but the mean seasonal amounts of irrigation applied to eliminate moisture stress are substantial. If used, 37 irrigation would substantially increase the soybean production cost and the resulting breakeven yield level. However, the irrigated simulations used here are intended to show overall yield potential and to illustrate moisture deficiencies across the region. The numbers indicate that northern sites, especially in Michigan, generally have greater potential risk of moisture stress than other sites in the study area, possibly due to lower average growing season precipitation. Looking at the seasonal water balances, the model results indicate that seasonal cumulative evapotranspiration decreased with later planting dates. Cumulative runoff also decreased with later planting dates, while cumulative drainage varied—no predictable increases or decreases with planting dates. This was likely caused by increased water uptake due to plant growth, drying the subsoil so that the soil soaks up more of the precipitation or irrigation. A comparison of mean seasonal evapotranspiration for dryland (Table 5) and irrigated double-crop soybeans (Table 8) reveals that potential evapotranspiration in an unlimited moisture simulation far exceeds actual evapotranspiration in the dryland simulation. Moisture availability plays a major role in double crop success. 38 Table 8. Simulated mean historical irrigated soybean water balance (mm) by site and planting date (1895-1996). ET=evapotranspiration, RO=runoff, DR=drainaE and PR=precipitation. 1-Jun 15-Jun State Station ET R0 DR PR ET RO DR PR MI Adrian 473 75 1.4 299 427 70 1.1 279 Allegan 471 53 3.5 316 414 51 2.9 305 Bay City 451 61 2.2 269 410 59 1.8 259 Big Rapids 425 3.6 48 314 373 3.4 42 294 Coldwater 455 24 29 326 412 23 26 305 Owosso 462 42 4.5 284 416 41 3.7 269 Pontiac 459 42 4.5 282 414 39 4.1 262 IN Cambridge City 481 34 19 359 434 32 15 331 Ft. Wayne 478 47 7.5 322 428 43 5.8 294 Greencastle 496 34 18 366 445 32 14 341 Salem 523 36 9.9 373 466 34 8.3 341 South Bend 488 50 6.6 351 438 46 5.2 327 OH Circleville 489 47 9.4 348 442 44 7.3 325 Findlay 499 60 3.8 346 448 55 2.7 316 Wooster 479 63 6.2 370 433 58 4.5 340 lL Jacksonville 540 49 12 380 480 45 1 1 352 Mt. Vernon 544 35 10 356 484 32 8.6 328 Ottawa 472 41 12 313 428 40 10 296 1-Jul 15-Jul State Station ET RO DR PR ET RO DR PR MI Adrian 366 63 1 .2 256 305 59 1 .2 243 Allegan 370 46 3.8 288 316 45 4.3 280 Bay City 356 56 2.5 248 302 54 3.7 243 Big Rapids 307 2.9 40 268 244 2.7 39 250 Coldwater 353 21 28 285 295 19 36 269 Owosso 353 36 4.5 246 290 31 5.6 227 Pontiac 359 36 3.9 245 304 34 5 235 IN Cambridge City 371 28 14 303 312 25 18 275 Ft. Wayne 366 40 6.9 273 310 36 9.3 251 Greencastle 380 28 17 309 327 25 24 285 Salem 400 32 13 316 336 29 29 289 South Bend 373 44 5.8 307 313 41 9.3 294 OH Circleville 382 39 8.1 298 327 34 12 269 Findlay 383 50 3.1 289 321 43 4.7 261 Wooster 369 53 4.2 308 305 44 5.3 272 IL Jacksonville 403 42 1 3 315 336 37 20 291 Mt. Vernon 41 1 30 13 300 351 27 19 281 Ottawa 368 38 12 279 317 35 18 264 39 Because available soil moisture can be related to soil texture, a sensitivity analysis was performed at Adrian, MI. To explore soybean yield variability as a function of soil type, simulations contrasting three soil textures were run at Adrian keeping all other variables constant. While total seasonal precipitation was constant across the three simulations, water balance (i.e. runoff, drainage, and evapotranspiration) and PESW varied by soil texture. The sandy textured soil was associated with the greatest ET and DR and the clay loam, the least (data not shown). Simulated potential yield differences across the differing soil textures are given in Figure 9. The sandy soil, most permeable of the three, produced the highest yield potential while clay loam produced the worst. For example, at the 1000 kglha yield level, the frequency for the sand was 0.40, for the loam, 0.18, and for the clay loam, only 0.05. This was unexpected as loamy textured soils are often preferred soils for agriculture. This result could be a function of the model, but more likely indicates that more permeable soils, in which a relatively greater fraction of growing season precipitation reaches the rooting zone, may actually be an advantage in this type of double cropping system. 40 3500 3000 J 2500 ~4 . .' 2000 '-° ' - - Sand ...... '32" - Loam - Clay Loam Yield (kglha) 1500 ,J- 1 000 III-I‘ll. 500 ..... .mn . ._... ------ . Il. ... ..I In" ...-Inonou .............. 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Probability Figure 9. Simulated historical cumulative probability distribution of dryland soybean yields by soil texture at Adrian for July 1 Planting Date (1895-1996). 41 Given the constraints that affect the frequency of historical success at double cropping, is there a time trend in the simulated double-crop yield data? Time series of simulated soybean yields for Allegan in the northern part of the study area and Greencastle in the south are given in Figures 10a and 10b. Allegan has lower overall yields and a smaller overall yield range than Greencastle. The moving average at Allegan depicts a variable yield trend over the past century, with a marked increase in mean yield from 1965-1975. The moving average at Greencastle reflects a flatter distribution of simulated yields in the early part of the 20th century, with steady increases for much of the latter half of the century. The reasons for the periods of relatively higher and lower yield 3500 3000 - 2,, *7. 2500 - .. . . _ 22“.. _ 2000 1500 -. A 2 . 10mj,I I . -,- ”I I\ AI 2 M " L Yield (kglha) 500 . \L o- 1895 1905 1915 1925 1935 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 Year Figure 10a. Simulated historical dryland yields and moving 9-year average by year at Allegan for June 15 planting date (1895-1996). 42 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 Yield (kglha) 8 1 500 1 000 500 0 1896 1906 1916 1926 1936 1946 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996» Year Figure 10b. Simulated historical dryland yields and moving 9-year average by year at Greencastle for June 15 planting date (1896-1996). trends are unknown, but may be linked to long-term increases in precipitation (Karl et al., 1994) and precipitation frequency (Andresen, 1999). Historical analysis of a wheat-soybean double-cropping system in the region resulted in several consistent trends and associations. First, mean double-crop soybean yields positively correlated with mean season length and later planting dates resulted in lower simulated soybean yields than earlier planting dates. The frequency of simulated breakeven yields increased with earlier planting dates. Yield potential increased from north to south across the study area. Overall, however, the most important climatological factor for the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley regions is precipitation, with simulated yield potentials found to be strongly and positively correlated with plant available water. In 43 general, the Ohio Valley sites have higher mean seasonal precipitation and evapotranspiration than the Great Lakes sites, which explained a major portion of the differences in regional yield potential. Soil moisture limitations for soybean are related to high rates of evapotranspiration and resulting depletion of subsoil moisture by the primary wheat crop during grain-fill. Finally, some increase in simulated soybean yields is evident in time series plots of historical yield simulations for the past century, which are possibly linked to long-term changes in precipitation. 44 HadCM2 Future Climate Scenario Simulation Simulating double cropping with data or output from a climate model scenario can serve as a tool to explore a range of potential effects of climate change on agricultural production. Using the HadCM2 scenario, one possible outcome on double cropping wheat and soybeans was explored for 2001-2099. The results are compared with the results of the historical analysis in the previous section. How do mean double-crop soybean yields compare between historical and future scenarios? A comparison of simulated soybean yields at a subset of sites for each of the scenarios modeled: both dryland and irrigated, for future 002 - enriched, future non-CO2 — enriched, and historical scenarios is given in Table 9 for the July 15 planting date. Table 9. Comparison of mean future (2001-2099) and historical (1896-1996) simulated soybean yields by site for the July 15 planting date. Station Dryland Irrigated Future Future Historical Future Future Historical no C02 002 no 002 002 Big Rapids 655 1272 210 1282 2004 582 Cambridge City 1247 2346 861 2003 3148 1821 Coldwater 868 1 726 621 1630 2569 1624 Ottawa 1 143 2122 887 1767 2793 2234 Salem 1577 2751 1469 2274 3495 2595 Wooster 738 1 608 592 1 71 7 2686 1512 Mean yields for dryland soybeans without carbon dioxide enrichment increase more than 200% over dryland historical mean yields at Big Rapids, while Salem 45 increased only 7% for the same scenario. Vlfith carbon dioxide enrichment, mean yield values nearly double those without carbon dioxide enrichment. Figures 11a and 11b illustrate a comparison of changes in mean simulated dryland soybean yields for two decades in the future and the historical mean, with constant and transient CO2 concentrations, respectively. Vlfithout C02 enrichment, mean yields in the 20403, a decade of relatively low precipitation, are far lower than those in the 20905. Mean yields for the 2040s are comparable to those of the historical mean, with the exceptions of Salem and Ottawa, which decrease markedly from the historical mean. 2500 2000 I 1895-1996 I 2041 -2050 I 2091 -2099 1 500 1000 Yleld (kglha) 500 Figure 11a. Mean simulated dryland soybean yields by site, without future CO2 enrichment, for the July 15 planting date. 46 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 I 1895-1996 I 2041-2050 I 2091-2099 Yleld (kglha) Figure 11b. Mean simulated dryland soybean yields by site, with future 002 enrichment, for the July 15 planting date. V\fith CO2 enrichment, both future decades reflect an increased simulated mean yield over the historical mean at all sites. The 20905 had the highest simulated mean yields, with all six sites averaging above 2500 kglha. Does the yield potential still reflect a north-south gradient with climate change? Cumulative probability distribution functions of simulated future soybean yields at Big Rapids, Ottawa, and Salem, (a north-south transect of the study area) for constant and enriched CO2 levels are given in Figures 12a & 12b. The distributions indicate that the north-south gradient is still prominent, with greater yield potential at the southern sites than at the northern sites. For example, yields at Salem are 45% more likely to exceed 1000 kglha than at Big 47 ‘6 5 ----- , Salem a 5 —0ttawa 'D 5 - Big Rapids >. oI . . . , , . . - 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Probability Figure 12a. Future cumulative probability distribution of simulated dryland soybean yields with constant 00., levels for a north-south transect of sites (2001- 2099) 5000 4500 4000- 3500 ~ 3000- 2500- 2000 - 1500- 1000 a 500- ----- Salem Ottawa - Big Rapids Yield (kglha) Probability Figure 12b. Future cumulative probability distribution of simulated dryland soybean yields with enhanced CO2 levels for a north-south transect of sites (2001-2099). 48 Rapids, where breakeven yields occurred less than 30% of the time. Yield potential increases for all three sites with CO2 enrichment, but the north-south gradient remains evident across both constant and enriched CO2 scenarios. While the probability of achieving breakeven yields at Big Rapids increased to 52% with CO2 enrichment, the same probability at Salem increased to 85%. Is water stress in the future as much of a limitation for the Great Lakes region as it was for the historical simulation? How does the future water balance compare with the historical water balance? Mean seasonal water balance for the six sites for both CO2 enriched and constant CO2 scenarios in the future are listed in Table 10 for the July 15 planting date. Table 10. Future simulated mean seasonal water balance (mm) for the July 15 planting date (2001-2099). ET=evapotranspiration, RO=runoff, DR=drainage, and PR=precipitation. Dryland no 002 002 ET R0 DR PR ET R0 DR PR 226 2.5 40 326 210 3 ‘ 48 325 284 20 13 319 268 22 19 321 250 18 22 318 233 19 27 317 261 35 1 8 336 244 37 23 335 307 28 40 353 293 30 46 356 260 37 1.3 315 243 40 2 314 Irrigated no COZ C02 ET RO DR PR ET RO DR PR 272 2.7 53 324 244 3 61 323 328 23 20 318 299 25 27 321 297 20 50 316 266 21 55 316 305 40 38 337 273 42 44 337 348 31 52 353 321 33 59 356 317 42 4.9 315 286 44 9 312 49 The southernmost site, Salem, still has the highest mean evapotranspiration value, while the northernmost site, Big Rapids, retains the lowest values across all simulations. Compared with historical dryland evapotranspiration values, the mean at Big Rapids in the future simulation increased by 48 mm without 002 enrichment and by 32 mm with CO2 enrichment. Mean evapotranspiration values for Salem increased by 34 mm without CO2 enrichment and by 20 mm with CO2 enrichment. The difference between mean evapotranspiration in the irrigated simulation and the dryland simulation decreased from the historical to the future scenario at Big Rapids by 20 mm and at Salem by 22 mm, suggesting less potential water stress on double-crop soybeans in the future for both the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley regions. A comparison between future and historical mean evapotranspiration and precipitation is given in Figures 13a & 13b. In all cases, mean seasonal evapotranspiration increases from the levels in the historical simulation to those in the future simulation, likely due to increased mean precipitation indicated in Figure 13b. While precipitation is greater than evapotranspiration for both future and historical simulations, yields in the future are significantly greater, likely because of reduced plant water stress (data not shown). Evapotranspiration in the future is reduced with CO2 enhancement, reflecting increased water use efficiency. Evapotranspiration values are greatest at southern sites and decrease to the north. 50 El Historical I Future no C02 I Future C02 mm H20 Figure 13a. Comparison of future (2001-2099) and historical (1895-1996) mean seasonal evapotranspiration for dryland soybean yields for July 15 planting date. El Historical I Future mm H20 Figure 13b. Comparison of future (2001-2099) and historical (1895-1996) mean seasonal precipitation for dryland soybean yields for July 15 planting date. 51 To illustrate decadal changes in precipitation in the future, refer to Figure 14. Mean seasonal precipitation increases over the historical mean for both the 20405 and the 2090s. Changes simulated at Big Rapids show mean precipitation to double in the 20903 over historical means. E E 5 I 1895-1996 3 I2041-2050 § I2091-2099 0 2 a. Figure 14. Mean soybean growing season precipitation (mm) for the July 15 planting date. 52 Changes in mean evapotranspiration for two decades of future simulated dryland soybeans are given in Figure 15 for each site under transient 00;; conditions. In all cases, future evapotranspiration exceeds mean historical evapotranspiration levels, likely reflecting increased precipitation in the future. On average, evapotranspiration levels in the 20905 equaled or exceeded those of the 20405. For example, the 20905 simulation at Coldwater had approximately 252 mm of mean evapotranspiration, while the 20405 had approximately 235 mm. 0) 0| 0 NO) 010 CO I 1895-1996 I 2041-2050 I 2091-2099 evapotransplratlon (mm) .4 _| N o a: o o o o 01 O Figure 15. Mean evapotranspiration for simulated dryland soybeans, with transient future C02, for the July 15 planting date. Irrigated scenarios used to illustrate water non-limiting situations in a north-south transect with both constant and enriched CO; levels are given in Figures 16a and 16b. Yield potential increased significantly with C02 enrichment when water was not limiting. For instance, Big Rapids jumps from a 57% to a 53 69% probability of attaining breakeven yields with C02 enhancement. The north- south transect is still evident in yield potential, despite the effects of 002 enhancement, as Salem, the southernmost site in the graph has a greater yield potential than both Ottawa and Big Rapids, the northernmost site. 54 4000 3500«~ -5- _- w , e ,, -7 , V 7 .7. - --.. 2 ._..-1 3000 -- , 2500 . ----- Salem Ottawa - Big Rapids 2000 -. Yleld (kglha) 1500 « 1000 ‘- 500 -. 0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Probability Figure 16a. Future simulated cumulative probability distribution for irrigated soybean yields under constant 002 levels (2001-2099) for the July 15 planting date. 6000 5000 ~ ~— 4000 ----- Salem Ottawa - Big Rapids 3000 “I -- Yield (kglha) 2000 ~ -- 1000 5' 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Probability Figure 16b. Future simulated cumulative probability distribution for irrigated soybean yields under enriched C02 levels (2001-2099) for the July 15 planting date. 55 A comparison of historical and future mean frequencies and amounts of irrigation applications is illustrated in Figures 17a and 17b. Because the irrigated simulations were designed to eliminate water stress, the changes in irrigation application frequency and amounts through time are assumed to represent changes in water stress levels for the soybeans. Both frequency and amount of irrigation applied decreased from the historical simulations relative to the future simulations, indicating decreased water stress on the soybeans. Carbon dioxide enhancement scenarios exhibited less frequent and smaller amounts of irrigation. The greatest decrease was found at Ottawa, where the amount of irrigation applied decreased by more than 50% from historical to future COz-enhanced simulations. D Historical I Future no 002 I Future COZ no. applications o _. N no -h 01 a) ‘1 on Figure 17a. Comparison of future and historical mean irrigation application frequency for the July 15 planting date. 56 El Historical I Future no COZ I Future COZ Irrigation applied (mm) A d M A a; on o N o o o o o o o Figure 17b. Comparison of future and historical mean simulated seasonal irrigation requirements for a cross-section of sites in the Great Lakes region for the July 15 planting date. 57 A comparison of the mean number of irrigation applications for two future decades with the historical simulated mean across static and transient C02 levels is given in figures 18a and 18b. For all sites, the frequency of irrigation applications for the future decades was less than those of the historical simulations. On average, the frequency declines from the 2040s to the 20905. Under transient 002 levels in the future, the frequency of irrigation applications decreases even more. I 1895-1996 I 2041-2050 I 2091-2099 no. appllcatlons J5 , l 0 ' i" « ' .1 Big Rapids Cambridge Coldwater Ottawa Salem Wooster City Figure 18a. Mean seasonal number of irrigation applications, without C02 enrichment, for the July 15 planting date. 58 7 6 2 ¢_: 5 g I 1895-1996 ‘=°l 4 .2041-2050 it .2091-2099 0' C Big Rapids Cambridge Coldwater Ottawa Salem Wooster City Figure 18b. Mean seasonal number of irrigation applications, with C02 enrichment, for the July 15 planting date. Mean seasonal amounts of irrigation applied are given in Figures 193 and 19b for static and transient C02 levels. Total applied irrigation decreases from historical to future levels. On average, the amounts also decreased through time in the future simulations from the 20405 to the 20905. For example, at Coldwater in the non-COz-enriched scenario, mean irrigation decreased from 140 mm in the historical simulation to 90 mm in the 20405, to 67 mm in the 20905. With C02 enrichment, future irrigation amounts decreased even more. At Coldwater under transient C02, an average 67mm of irrigation was applied in the 20405 and 40 mm in the 20905. 59 I 1895-1996 I 2041-2050 I 2091-2099 Irrigation (mm) Figure 19a. Mean seasonal irrigation application amounts, without CO; enrichment, for the July 15 planting date. E E I 1895-1996 :5 I2041-2050 g I2091-2099 ': L . Q <59 6.90 Figure 19b. Mean seasonal irrigation application amounts, with CO; enrichment, for the July 15 planting date. 60 An overall comparison of the probability of simulated breakeven yields for each of the six sites (historical vs. future) is given in Table 11. The probability of reaching soybean yields greater than 1000 kglha changes between historical and future scenarios, but results vary by site. Probabilities at Big Rapids, Coldwater, and Wooster all increased for future simulations vs. historical simulations, while Cambridge City, Ottawa, and Salem exhibited increased potential yields for dryland simulations in the future, but decreases for the irrigated simulation. Table 11. Historical and future probability of attaining yields greater than 1000 kglha for July 15 planting date. Dryland Irrigated Station Future Future Historical Future Future Historical no C02 C02 no C02 C02 Big Rapids 0.25 0.53 0.05 0.56 0.70 0.24 Cambridge City 0.60 0.80 0.41 0.87 0.89 0.93 Coldwater 0.44 0.71 0.22 0.83 0.86 0.82 Ottawa 0.59 0.76 0.38 0.85 0.87 1.00 Salem 0.70 0.86 0.66 0.88 0.91 1.00 Wooster 0.32 0.60 0.26 0.80 0.84 0.76 Dryland and irrigated yield probability distribution functions comparing historical and future yield potentials at Big Rapids for the July 15 planting date are given in Figures 20a & 20b. Both future simulations at Big Rapids reflect decreased risk versus the historical levels. The future scenario without C02 61 4500 4000 W ~ ~ *- , . 7— - -_ 7 I -fl I 3500 b I" 7 . 7 7. 7.. ""g' I. 3 3000 — - — — — . _- , If-.- g I. ..... El 2500 , ~ ,, . , -~ -. —7— f1--- - -, Future+Coz v ' Future a . g 2000 " Historical 1500 * 1000" 500 - o« . . 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Probability Figure 20a. Historical and future cumulative probability distributions of dryland soybean yields at Big Rapids for planting date July 15. 4500 4000 —# f~—.w-=~ 3500 ._ * , W , , ,2‘“ WW 3000 *r ,' WW 2500- 2000 1500 , 1000 500 - 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Probability """ Future + 002 Future ' Historical Ylold (kglha) Figure 20b. Historical and future cumulative probability distributions of irrigated soybean yields at Big Rapids for planting date July 15. 62 reflects changing temperatures and precipitation amounts, and the yields increase over the historical simulations as a result. Finally, time trends of yields in the future scenarios at Salem were plotted in Figures 21a and 21b. An evenly-weighted nine—year moving average was fitted to the distribution to illustrate decadal-scale trends. While the mean yields are greater in the COz-enriched scenario, the trends through time are similar. Both graphs reflect an overall upward trend through the next century, with a phase shift in mean yields occurring in mid-century. Periods of relatively low yields on the graphs correspond to periods of lower precipitation, including the 20405. 63 3500 3000 ,. ~ e - . - ..V. - A _ ___ 2500— —«. . ._. A A £2000 [N22, , f - - UH» gm \ - [VI III 1000 II 500 4—4 — -2 -_- __ -__, 0 V I 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 2051 2061 2071 2081 2091 Year Figure 21a. Future simulated dryland soybean yields and nine-year moving average at Salem without CO2 enrichment for the July 15 planting date (2001- 2099). 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 2051 2061 2071 2081 2091 Year Ylald (kglha) Figure 21b. Future simulated dryland soybean yields and nine-year moving average at Salem with CO2 enrichment for the July 15 planting date (2001-2099). 64 For comparison, the same future simulated dryland soybean yield time series are given for Coldwater in Figures 22a and 22b. In general, the trends are similar to those at Salem. Yields decrease slightly in the first decade of the 21St century, but increase overall through the rest of the century. 65 2500 2000 ~- . .. . .. _ __. __,._._ 15002,. i I M i I A IA \l _ I n ' ' ...i l , II I I " 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 2051 2061 2071 2081 2091 Year Yleld (kglha) Figure 22a. Future simulated dryland soybean yields and nine-year moving average at Coldwater without CO2 enrichment for the July 15 planting date (2001-2099). 4500 4000~~‘~.-95~7 ~_~-_-- _---_ -U ___. 3500._,_ - --,- M f ‘_ . 3000 . . l I I I PI 2500 »~—e_~ - 2000 . ,____W I n 1500 II 1000 l - 500- TIII 0 . I. U . . , I 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 2051 2061 2071 2031 2091 Year Yield (kglha) #~——4 Figure 220. Future simulated dryland soybean yields and nine-year moving average at Coldwater with CO2 enrichment for the July 15 planting date (2001- 2099). 66 Overall, the simulations with potential future climate appear to suggest an increased probability of successful double cropping in the region. For the six sites modeled, mean yields increased for all future scenarios vs. historical scenarios. Yields increased most with irrigation and when carbon dioxide enrichment was taken into account. The future yield potentials still reflected a north-south gradient, with overall yields greater at southern sites vs. those in the nonh. Water stress in the future scenario was not as much of a limitation for sites in the Great Lakes region as it was in the historical scenario. Mean seasonal evapotranspiration totals increased for all future scenarios, especially for those including C02 enrichment. Future yield potential was enhanced by increasing ambient C02 levels. Frequency and amounts of irrigation required to eliminate water stress decreased for the future models, especially for higher concentrations of C02. 67 Chapter 4 CONCLUSIONS Double cropping wheat and soybeans has been historically possible to some degree, according to research and simulations for the Great Lakes region. For model simulations at 18 sites throughout the region, later planting dates resulted in lower soybean yields than earlier planting dates and mean double- crop soybean yields and mean season length were positively correlated. The probability of attaining breakeven yields increased with earlier planting dates. Geographically, yield potential increased from north to south across the study area. Soil moisture and precipitation are the most important climatological factors influencing double cropping in the Great Lakes region. In general, the Ohio Valley sites have higher mean seasonal precipitation and evapotranspiration than the Great Lakes sites. Soil moisture may also limit soybean emergence and growth due to high rates of wheat evapotranspiration and resulting depletion of subsoil moisture during grain-fill. Even when moisture is non-limiting, the probability of reaching breakeven yields is still greater for sites in the southern portion of the study area, likely an impact of limited growing season length on the secondary soybean crop. Increasing yields through time are evident in time series plots of historical yield simulations, especially in the past 50 years. Climate change, particularly 68 Increasing yields through time are evident in time series plots of historical yield simulations, especially in the past 50 years. Climate change, particularly with increasing levels of atmospheric C02, longer growing seasons, warmer temperatures, and increasing precipitation, may help to boost yields in the future. Time series plots of simulated double-crop soybean yields from the future HadCM2 scenario indicate a significant increase in yields by the end of the 21St century. The results of this model analysis should be tested and proven in the field before widespread adoption of double cropping occurs. Given both crop model and general circulation model limitations, this is just one in a range of possible scenarios that might occur in a future climate. This study explores one possible farm-level adaptation to climate change. It does not include the effects of fertility, pest, or disease problems that may occur or develop in the future. It also does not factor in any technological advances that may occur, such as seed genetics, new management techniques, or advances in tillage, planting, and harvesting equipment. Model limitations are the major constraint to this sort of analysis. Some research and development for the DSSAT model suite that might be useful to this analysis would include the implementation of relay lntercropping simulations. The DSSAT model does have some inherent limitations. Currently, DSSAT is capable of handling only one crop at a time, meaning that soybeans cannot be planted into standing wheat in a simulation, making it impossible to simulate relay intercropping. Only standard double cropping practices can 69 currently be modeled using DSSAT, with the proper adjustments to the sequential experiment files. Future research might include other general circulation models, particularly those with transient CO; scenarios, to further assess potential impacts of changing climate and ambient carbon dioxide levels on crop production. 70 APPENDICES 71 APPENDIX A DSSAT INPUT FILE SAMPLES Weather (*.WTH) File Sample: Coldwater, Michigan, 1901 *WEATHER DATA : Coldwater, MI @ INSI LAT LONG ELEV TAV AMP REFHT WNDHT COMI 41.950 -85.000 1000 9.1 13.4 -99.0 -99.0 @DATE SRAD TMAX TMIN RAIN 01001 3.7 ~5.6 —15.0 0.0 01002 2.3 -5.6 -16.7 0.0 01003 5.2 -5.0 ~19.4 0.0 01004 2.4 1.1 -9.4 0.0 01005 3.9 0.0 -10.6 0.0 01006 5.6 3.9 ~8.9 0.0 01007 2.1 2.2 -1.1 3.6 01008 2.1 9.4 -1.7 2.5 01009 2.1 6.1 -3.9 5.1 01010 2.1 4.4 -2.2 22.9 01011 2.1 0.6 -1.7 10.2 01012 6.4 0.0 -3.3 0.0 01013 8.5 1.1 -11.1 0.0 01014 2.2 1.7 -3.3 5.1 01015 9.5 5.6 -3.3 0.0 01016 8.2 5.6 -2.2 0.0 01017 7.1 -1.7 -8.9 0.0 01018 8.9 -6.7 —10.0 0.0 01019 2.3 -5.6 -17.8 5.1 01020 4.8 10.6 -12.2 0.0 01021 6.1 7.2 -1.1 0.0 01022 10.6 1.7 -3.9 0.0 01023 11.8 1.7 -3.3 0.0 01024 2.4 2.2 —6.1 2.5 01025 7.5 -2.2 -7.8 0.0 01026 2.4 -3.9 -11.1 8.9 01027 10.6 -0.6 -4.4 0.0 01028 9.2 -3.3 -8.3 0.0 01029 8.9 -5.6 -12.8 0.0 01030 2.8 -4.4 -10.0 2.5 01031 3.6 -5.6 —17.2 2.5 01032 10.2 -7.2 -l2.8 0.0 01033 9.7 —3.3 -17.8 0.0 01034 2.7 -2.8 -6.1 15.2 01035 2.7 -1.7 -8.3 3.8 01036 10.5 -5.6 —10.0 0.0 01037 9.9 -7.2 -15.6 0.0 01038 13.8 -5.0 -17.2 0.0 01039 9.0 -5.6 -17.8 0.0 01040 6.8 -5.6 -11.1 12.7 01041 7.2 -5.0 -18.3 0.0 u 72 Soil File Sample: Catlin Silty Clay Loam, Ottawa, IL. *SOILS *M800910002 SCS SICLL 114 FINE-SILTY MIXED MESIC @SITE COUNTRY LAT LONG SCS FAMILY OTTAWA USA 41.320 88.920 MOLLISOL @ SCOM SALB SLUl SLDR SLRO SLNF SLPF SMHB SMPX BN 0.13 10.8 0.40 76 1.00 1.00 18001 IBOOl @ SLB SLMH SLLL SDUL SSAT SRGF SSKS SBDM SLOC SLCF SLNI SLHW SLHB SCEC 28 AP 0.189 0.329 0.388 1.00 —99.0 1.50 2.90 99.0 -99 5.9 -99.0 25.4 41 AB 0.203 0.341 0.387 0.75 -99.0 1.50 1.72 99.0 -99 5.6 -99.0 24.2 66 ET 0.193 0.332 0.387 0.50 -99.0 1.47 0.67 99.0 -99 5.2 -99.0 22.7 104 ET 0.056 0.200 0.389 0.35 -99.0 1.50 0.40 99.0 -99 5.8 -99.0 15.6 114 BC 0.178 0.307 0.399 0.35 -99.0 1.30 0.24 3.0 -99 7.4 -99.0 10.0 73 TYPIC ARGIUDOLL SMKB 18001 SLCL 34.5 37.5 35.4 25.5 32.6 SLSI 63.0 60.6 62.2 71.1 47.3 Sequential file sample: Coldwater, Michigan, historical irrigated simulation for planting date 1 June. *EXP.DETAILS: COM12004SQ COLDWATER 19008 PDAT=01JUN IRR *TREATMENTS ------------- FACTOR LEVELS ---------- @N R O C TNAME .................. CU FL SA IC MP MI MF MR MC MT ME MH SM 1 1 1 0 soybean 1 l 0 1 l 1 0 0 0 0 O 1 1 l 2 1 0 wheat 2 1 O 2 2 0 0 0 O 0 O 2 2 *CULTIVARS @C CR INGENO CNAME 1 SB 990001 M GROUP 1 2 WH 990003 WINTER-US *FIELDS @L ID_FIELD WSTA.... FLSA FLOB FLDT FLDD FLDS FLST SLTX SLDP ID_SOIL 1 COMI COMI —99.0 0 IBOOO 0 0 00000 -99 150 MSOOOOOOOl @L ........... XCRD ........... YCRD ..... ELEV ............. AREA .SLEN .FLWR .SLAS 1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 *INITIAL CONDITIONS @C PCR ICDAT ICRT ICND ICRN ICRE ICWD ICRES ICREN ICREP ICRIP ICRID 1 SB 1001 100 0 1.00 1.00 180.0 1000 0.80 0.00 100 15 @C ICBL SH2O SNH4 SNO3 1 20 0.201 1.0 1.3 1 28 0.233 1.0 1.1 1 71 0.224 1.0 1.1 1 152 0.223 1.0 1.1 @C PCR ICDAT ICRT ICND ICRN ICRE ICWD ICRES ICREN ICREP ICRIP ICRID 2 01001 0 0 1.00 1.00 -99.0 0 0.00 0.00 100 15 @C ICBL SH2O SNH4 SNO3 2 10 0.338 1.0 4.5 2 23 0.340 1.0 4.9 2 43 0.340 0.5 1.4 2 69 0.315 0.5 0.8 2 89 0.304 0.5 1.0 2 114 0.338 0.5 1.1 2 152 0.408 0.5 1.4 *PLANTING DETAILS @P PDATE EDATE PPOP PPOE PLME PLDS PLRS PLRD PLDP PLWT PAGE PENV PLPH SPRL . 1 1152 -99 50.0 50.0 S R 38 0 4.0 -99 -99 - 99.0 -99.0 0.0 74 2 01280 99.0 ~99.0 -99 300.0 300.0 0.0 S *IRRIGATION AND WATER MANAGEMENT @I EFIR IDEP ITHR IEPT l 1.00 30 50 100 *HARVEST DETAILS @H HDATE HSTG HCOM HSIZE 1 1354 2 02151 *SIMULATION CONTROLS @N GENERAL NYERS NREPS 1 GE 96 1 @N OPTIONS WATER NITRO 1 OP Y N @N METHODS WTHER INCON 1 ME M M @N MANAGEMENT PLANT IRRIG 1 MA R A @N OUTPUTS FNAME OVVEW DIOUT LONG CHOUT OPOUT 1 OU N Y N Y N N @ AUTOMATIC MANAGEMENT @N PLANTING PFRST PLAST 1 PL 01152 01196 @N IRRIGATION IMDEP ITHRL 1 IR 30 50 @N NITROGEN NMDEP NMTHR 1 NI 30 50 @N RESIDUES RIPCN RTIME 1 RE 100 1 @N HARVEST HFRST HLAST 1 HA 0 01360 @N GENERAL NYERS NREPS 2 GE 95 l @N OPTIONS WATER NITRO 2 OP Y N @N METHODS WTHER INCON 2 ME M M @N MANAGEMENT PLANT IRRIG 2 MA A A @N OUTPUTS FNAME OVVEW DIOUT LONG CHOUT OPOUT 2 OU N Y N Y N N @ AUTOMATIC MANAGEMENT @N PLANTING PFRST PLAST 2 PL 1275 1360 @N IRRIGATION IMDEP ITHRL 2 IR 30 50 @N NITROGEN NMDEP NMTHR IOFF GSOOO HPC 100.0 100.0 START SYMBI LIGHT FERTI SUMRY PHZOL ITHRU 100 NAMNT 25 RIDEP 20 HPCNP 100 START SYMBI LIGHT FERTI SUMRY PH2OL ITHRU 100 NAMNT IAME IR001 SDATE 1001 PHOSP EVAPO RESID FROPT 30 PHZOU 99 IROEE IBOOl NCODE IBOOl HPCNR SDATE 1001 PHOSP EVAPO RESID FROPT 30 PHZOU 99 IROFF IBOOl NCODE 75 10 IAMT 10 RSEED 1157 POTAS INFIL HARVS GROUT PHZOD IMETH IR004 NAOFF IBOOl RSEED 1157 POTAS INEIL HARVS GROUT PH2OD IMETH IR004 NAOFF -99 -99 _ SNAME .................... COLDWATER SB IRR DISES N PHOTO C CAOUT N PSTMX 40 IRAMT 25 CHEM N HYDRO R WAOUT Y PSTMN IREEF 0.75 TILL N NIOUT MIOUT N N SNAME .................... COLDWATER WH DISES N PHOTO C CAOUT PSTMX 40 IRAMT 25 CHEM N HYDRO R WAOUT Y PSTMN IREFE 0.75 IRR TILL N NIOUT MIOUT N N NI RESIDUES RE HARVEST HA 30 50 25 18001 18001 RIPCN RTIME RIDEP 100 1 20 HFRST HLAST HPCNP HPCNR 0 02195 100 0 76 *GROWI'H ASPECTS OUTPUT FILE *RUN 1 MODEL EXPERIMENT TREATMENT 1 CROP : MATURITY GROUP 1 STARTING DATE PLANTING DATE 38.cm WEATHER SOIL SOIL INITIAL C .Okg/ha WATER BALANCE IRRIGATION 50.%] NITROGEN BAL. N-EERTILIZER RESIDUE/MANURE ENVIRONM. OPT. .00 .00 SIMULATION OPT ET :R MANAGEMENT OPT WTHzM @DATE GWGD HIAD PWAD PWTD SLAD CHTD RL7D RL8D RL9D 1152 0 0. 0 0.000 0 192.9 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 1181 29 3. 0 0.000 0 310.9 0.21 0 00 0.00 0.00 1211 59 11. 0.0 0.000 419 419 258.3 0.68 0.14 0.00 0.00 0. 0 0 0. 0 0. CDAY L#SD GSTD LAID APPENDIX B DSSAT OUTPUT FILE SAMPLES soybean CRGRO980 - SOYBEAN ALM12004 SB ALLEGAN 1900s WH-SB PDAT=01JUN IRR soybean r7 SOYBEAN CULTIVAR M GROUP 1 - JAN 1 1901 JUN 1 1901 PLANTS/m2 50.0 ROW SPACING 'I ALMI 1901 g ; M800890001 TEXTURE lo — BLOUNT i; DEPTH:152cm EXTR. H20:l88.1mm NO3: .Okg/ha NH4: AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION - REFILL PROFILE AUTOMATIC - PLANTING -> MATURITY [ SOIL DEPTH:30.00m NOT SIMULATED NO N-STRESS I I DAYL= .00 SRAD= .00 TMAX= .00 TMIN= RAIN: .00 C02 = R330.00 DEW = .00 WIND= WATER :Y NITROGEN:N N-FIX:N PESTS :N PHOTO :C PLANTING:R IRRIG :A FERT :N RESIDUE:N HARVESTzM LWAD SWAD GWAD RWAD CWAD G#AD P#AD WSPD WSGD NSTD EWSD LN%D SH%D HIPD PWDD CWID NWAD RDPD RLlD RL2D RL3D RL4D RL5D RL6D RL10 CDAD LDAD SDAD 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 8 0 0.51 166 74 0 191 239 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.31 0.00 0.00 0 .20 0.0 0.62 0.30 0.38 0.35 0.17 0.08 0.00 0.00 5 3 2 6 5 4.13 1599 1731 0 1106 3749 0 680 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.17 0.00 0.11 0 0.38 0.0 1.23 1.11 1.45 1.38 0.96 0.73 0.41 0.00 158 100 58 77 1241 89 14.8 5 2.83 1125 1564 2912 799 7073 2232 130.5 0.412 4384 1015 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.17 66.43 0.62 0 4384 251.3 0.88 0.38 0.0 1.43 0.81 1.05 1.01 0.70 0.53 0.31 0.13 0.02 0.00 0.00 1154 370 215 1259 107 14.8 8 0.17 67 925 3916 654 6288 2232 175.4 0.623 5296 1015 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.19 73.94 0.84 0 5296 258.4 0.88 0.38 0.0 1.50 0.65 0.87 0.83 0.58 0.44 0.26 0.11 0.01 0.00 0.00 2707 1354 785 *RUN 2 wheat MODEL GECER980 - WHEAT EXPERIMENT ALM12004 WH ALLEGAN 19008 WH-SB PDAT=01JUN IRR TREATMENT 1 wheat CROP WHEAT CULTIVAR WINTER-US - STARTING DATE JAN 1 1901 PLANTING DATE OCT 27 1901 PLANTS/m2 :300.0 ROW SPACING 10.cm WEATHER ALMI 1901 SOIL M800890001 TEXTURE lo — BLOUNT SOIL INITIAL C DEPTH:152cm EXTR. H20:188.1mm N03: .Okg/ha NH4: .Okg/ha WATER BALANCE RAINFED IRRIGATION NOT IRRIGATED NITROGEN BAL. NOT SIMULATED ; NO N-STRESS N-FERTILIZER RESIDUE/MANURE ENVIRONM. OPT. DAYL= .00 SRAD= .00 TMAX= .00 TMIN= .00 RAIN: .00 C02 = R330.00 DEW = .00 WIND= .00 SIMULATION OPT WATER :Y NITROGEN:N N-FIX:N PESTS :N PHOTO :C ET :R MANAGEMENT OPT PLANTING:A IRRIG :N FERT :N RESIDUE:N HARVEST:R WTH:M IYR Days Leaf Grow Dry Weight Grain Kern. Pod Phot. Grow Leaf Shell Spec Canopy Root 3 Root Length Density 3 ! and after Num Stage LAI Leaf Stem Grain Root Crop per wght HI Wgt. No. Water Nit. Nit -ing Leaf tht Brdth Depth 3 cm3/cm3 of soil 3 I DOY plant 3< ————————— kg/Ha --------- >3 m2 mg Kg/Ha 33 % % Area m m m 3< ______________________________________________________ >3 @DATE CDAY L#SD GSTD LAID LWAD SWAD GWAD RWAD CWAD G#AD GWGD HIAD EWAD E#AD WSPD WSGD NSTD LN%D SH%D SLAD CHTD CWID EWSD RDPD RLlD RL2D RL3D RL4D RL5D RL6D RL7D RL8D RL9D RL10 1283 0 .0 .00 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 .000 .00 .00 .0 .00 .00 .04 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 7 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .00 .0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 0 .000 .00 .00 .000 .00 .0 .000 1290 .000 .09 0 .00 .00 0 .00 .00 .0 .000 0 .00 0 .00 78 1320 37 3.0 1 .21 137 0 0 69 137 0 .0 .000 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .00 .00 152.7 .00 .00 .000 .28 .39 .47 .23 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1350 67 4.0 1 .23 159 0 0 109 159 0 .0 .000 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .00 .00 142.5 .00 .00 .000 .32 .62 .70 .46 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2015 97 4.0 1 .02 154 0 0 99 167 0 .0 .000 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .00 .00 10.2 .00 .00 .000 .33 .56 .63 .43 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2045 127 4.0 1 .02 154 0 0 99 167 0 .0 .000 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .00 .00 10.2 .00 .00 .000 .33 .51 .57 .39 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2075 157 5.0 1 .12 226 0 0 112 226 0 .0 .000 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .00 .00 53.9 .00 .00 l .000 .43 .51 .60 .45 .06 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2105 187 7.0 1 1.36 1106 0 0 742 1106 0 .0 .000 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .00 .00 123.3 .00 .00 .000 .61 1.62 2.95 2.72 1.75 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2135 217 12.0 2 5.13 5685 1117 0 1933 6802 0 .0 .000 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .00 .00 90.2 .00 .00 .000 .91 3.54 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.16 .73 .00 .00 .00 .00 ; 2151 233 12.0 4 4.68 5928 5057 0 2272 10985 0 l .0 .000 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .00 .00 78.9 .00 .00 I .000 1.10 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.64 1.19 .19 .00 .00 .00 79 *SIMULATION OVERVIEW FILE *RUN 1 MODEL EXPERIMENT TREATMENT CROP 1 MATURITY GROUP 1 STARTING DATE PLANTING DATE 38.cm WEATHER SOIL SOIL INITIAL C .Okg/ha WATER BALANCE IRRIGATION 50.%] NITROGEN BAL. N-FERTILIZER RESIDUE/MANURE ENVIRONM. OPT. .00 .00 SIMULATION OPT ET :R MANAGEMENT WTH:M OPT soybean CRGRO980 - SOYBEAN ALM12004 SB ALLEGAN 19008 WH—SB PDAT=01JUN IRR soybean SOYBEAN CULTIVAR : M GROUP 1 - JAN 1 1901 JUN 1 1901 PLANTS/m2 50.0 ROW SPACING ALMI 1901 MSOO890001 TEXTURE lo - BLOUNT DEPTH:152cm EXTR. H20:188.1mm N03: .Okg/ha NH4: AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION AUTOMATIC - PLANTING NOT SIMULATED ; NO N DAYL= .00 SRAD= RAIN= .00 C02 WATER :Y NITROGEN PLANTING:R IRRIG - REFILL PROFILE -> MATURITY [ SOIL DEPTH:30.00m -STRESS .00 TMAX= .00 TMIN= R330.00 DEW = .00 WIND= :N N-FIX:N PESTS :N PHOTO :C :A FERT :N RESIDUE:N HARVEST:M *SUMMARY OF SOIL AND GENETIC INPUT PARAMETERS SOIL LOWER UPPER SAT EXTR INIT NH4 ORG DEPTH LIMIT LIMIT SW SW SW C cm cm3/cm3 cm3/cm3 cm3/cm3 ugN/g 0- 5 111 .233 .366 .122 .233 .50 1.23 5— 15 111 .233 .366 .122 .233 .50 1.23 15- 30 186 .305 .380 .119 .305 .50 .77 30- 45 244 .363 .411 .119 .363 .50 .51 45- 60 .216 .336 .399 .121 .336 .50 .44 60- 90 .191 .317 .386 .126 .317 .50 .35 90-120 .191 .317 .386 .126 .317 .50 .35 80 ROOT BULK pH N03 DIST DENS g/cm3 ugN/g .50 1.41 6.30 4.50 .50 1.41 6.30 4.50 .48 1.38 6.50 2.89 .35 1.38 7.24 1.94 .28 1.36 7.73 1.67 .20 1.33 8.10 1.40 .20 1.33 8.10 1.40 120-136 .191 .317 .386 .126 .317 .20 1.33 8.10 1.40 .50 .35 136-152 .191 .317 .386 .126 .317 .20 1.33 8.10 1.40 .50 .35 TOT-152 28.9 47.7 58.8 18.8 47.7 <--cm - kg/ha--> .0 .0 0 SOIL ALBEDO .13 EVAPORATION LIMIT 9.40 MIN. FACTOR 1.00 RUNOEF CURVE # 384.00 DRAINAGE RATE .20 FERT. FACTOR 1.00 SOYBEAN CULTIVAR :990001*M GROUP 1 ECOTYPE :880101- Ea MATURITY GROUP 1 g CSDVAR :13.84 PPSEN .20 EMG-FLW:17.00 PLW-FSD:13.00 FSD-PHM ; :32.00 S WTPSD .190 SDPDVR : 2.20 SDFDUR 223.00 PODDUR £10.00 XFRUIT ; 1.00 *SIMULATED CROP AND SOIL STATUS AT MAIN DEVELOPMENT STAGES i? RUN NO. LAI 12 12 20 21 11 20 30 13 19 19 1 soybean CROP GROWTH BIOMASS STRESS AGE STAGE kg/ha H20 N 0 Start Sim 0 .00.000.00 0 Sowing 0 .00.000.00 11 Emergence 26 .20.000.09 11 End Juven. 26 .20.000.09 19 Unifoliate 45 .80.000.46 20 Flower Ind 54 .70.000.00 40 First Flwr 1025 .20.000.00 49 First Pod 2203 .90.000.00 59 First Seed 3749 .70.000.00 73 End Pod 5393 .50.000.00 79 End Msnode 6058 .60.000.00 79 End Leaf 6058 .60.000.00 95 Phys. Mat 7492 .90.000.00 .00 .00 .04 .04 .08 .11 .83 .30 .13 .70 .34 .34 .64 LEAF ET RAIN IRRIG SWATER CROP NUM. mm mm mm mm kg/ha 0.0 0 0 0 188 0 0.0 123 199 0 176 0 0.1 128 200 0 172 1 0.1 128 200 0 172 1 1.1 142 216 0 174 2 1.3 143 216 0 173 3 6.5 234 267 47 163 43 8.9 287 281 73 142 87 11.6 346 327 121 151 137 14.1 412 327 170 122 190 14.8 447 327 197 107 217 14.8 447 327 197 107 217 14.8 515 363 245 108 290 81 16 SEP 107 Harv. Mat 6288 0.17 14.8 558 390 295 124 278 16 SEP 107 Harvest 6288 0.17 14.8 558 390 295 124 278 *MAIN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT VARIABLES @ VARIABLE PREDICTED MEASURED Anthesis Date (dap) 40 -99 First Pod (dap) 49 —99 First Seed (dap) 59 -99 Physiological Maturity (dap) 95 -99 Pod Yield (kg/ha;dry) 5296 -99 Seed Yield (kg/ha;dry) 3916 -99 Shelling Percentage (%) 73.94 -99 Weight Per Seed (g;dry) 0.175 -99 Seed Number (Seed/m2) 2232 -99 Seeds/Pod 2.20 -99 Maximum LAI (m2/m2) 4.14 -99 Biomass (kg/ha) at Anthesis 1025 -99 Biomass (kg/ha) at Harvest Mat. 6288 -99 Stalk (kg/ha) at Harvest Mat. 925 —99 Harvest Index (kg/kg) 0.623 -99 Final Leaf Number (Main Stem) 14.83 —99 Canopy Height (m) 0.88 -99 Seed N (kg N/ha) 253 -99 Biomass N (kg N/ha) 278 -99 Stalk N (kg N/ha) 6 -99 Seed N (%) 6.47 -99 Seed Lipid (%) 19.25 -99 *ENVIRONMENTAL AND STRESS FACTORS ------------------------------------ ENVIRONMENT------—----------STRESS- l--DEVELOPMENT PHASE—-|-TIME-| ------- WEATHER ———————— I I—-—WATER--| I- NITROGEN-I DURA TEMP TEMP SOLAR PHOTOP PHOTO GROWTH PHOTO GROWTH TION MAX MIN RAD [day] SYNTH SYNTH Emergence —First Flower 29 30.36 17.46 23.17 15.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.128 First Flower-First Seed 19 32.04 18.92 24.64 14.60 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 First Seed Phys. Mat. 36 27.48 14.15 21.35 13.58 0.000 0.000 0.120 .000 Emergence Phys. Mat. 84 29.51 16.37 22.72 14.30 0.000 0.000 0.052 .044 OIOI 82 (0.0 = Minimum Stress 1.0 = Maximum Stress) SOYBEAN YIELD : 3916 kg/ha [DRY WEIGHT] *RUN 2 : wheat MODEL : GECER980 - WHEAT EXPERIMENT : ALM12004 WH ALLEGAN 19008 WH-SB PDAT=01JUN IRR TREATMENT 1 : wheat CROP : WHEAT CULTIVAR : WINTER-US - STARTING DATE : JAN 1 1901 PLANTING DATE : OCT 27 1901 PLANTS/m2 :300.0 ROW SPACING 10.cm WEATHER : ALMI 1901 SOIL : MS00890001 TEXTURE : lo - BLOUNT SOIL INITIAL C : DEPTH:152cm EXTR. H20:188.1mm NO3: .Okg/ha NH4: .Okg/ha WATER BALANCE : RAINFED IRRIGATION : NOT IRRIGATED NITROGEN BAL. : NOT SIMULATED ; NO N—STRESS N-FERTILIZER RESIDUE/MANURE . ENVIRONM. OPT. : DAYL= .00 SRAD= .00 TMAX= .00 TMIN= .00 RAIN= .00 C02 = R330.00 DEW = .00 WIND= .00 SIMULATION OPT : WATER :Y NITROGEN:N N-FIX:N PESTS :N PHOTO :C ET :R MANAGEMENT OPT : PLANTING:A IRRIG :N FERT :N RESIDUE:N HARVEST:R WTH:M *SUMMARY OF SOIL AND GENETIC INPUT PARAMETERS SOIL LOWER UPPER SAT EXTR INIT ROOT BULK pH NO3 NH4 ORG DEPTH LIMIT LIMIT SW SW SW DIST DENS C cm cm3/cm3 cm3/cm3 cm3/cm3 g/cm3 ugN/g ugN/g % 0- 5 .111 .233 .366 .122 .338 .50 1.41 6.30 4.50 1.00 1 23 5- 15 .111 .233 .366 .122 .339 .50 1.41 6.30 4.70 1.00 1 23 15— 30 .186 .305 .380 .119 .340 .48 1.38 6.50 3.27 77 .77 30- 45 .244 .363 .411 .119 .337 .35 1.38 7.24 1.32 50 .51 45- 60 .216 .336 .399 .121 .315 .28 1.36 7.73 .80 50 44 83 60- 90 .191 .317 .386 .126 .308 .20 1 33 8.10 .94 .50 .35 90-120 .191 .317 .386 .126 .352 .20 1 33 8.10 1.16 .50 .35 120-136 .191 .317 .386 .126 .408 .20 1 33 8.10 1.40 .50 .35 136-152 .191 .317 .386 .126 .408 .20 1.33 8.10 1.40 .50 .35 TOT-152 28.9 47.7 58.8 18.8 52.8 <--cm - kg/ha--> .0 .0 0 SOIL ALBEDO EVAPORATION LIMIT 9.40 MIN. FACTOR 1.00 RUNOFF CURVE # :84.00 DRAINAGE RATE .20 FERT. FACTOR : 1.00 WHEAT CULTIVAR :990003-WINTER-US ECOTYPE : - PlV :6.000000 P1D :2.500000 P5 -5.00 G1 5.000 G2 1.200 G3 1.400 PHINT 80.000 *SIMULATED CROP AND SOIL STATUS AT MAIN DEVELOPMENT STAGES RUN NO. 2 wheat DATE CROP GROWTH BIOMASS LAI LEAF ET RAIN IRRIG SWATER CROP N STRESS AGE STAGE kg/ha NUM. mm mm mm mm kg/ha % H20 N 17 SEP 0 Start Sim 0 .00 .0 3 0 0 122 0 .0 .00 .00 10 OCT 0 Sowing O .00 .0 18 22 0 127 0 .0 .00 .00 10 OCT 0 Emergence 0 .00 .0 18 22 0 127 0 .0 .00 .00 11 OCT 1 Germinate O .00 .0 21 22 0 125 0 .0 .00 .00 24 OCT 14 Emergence 37 .01 2.0 40 80 0 151 0 .0 .00 .00 28 APR 200 Term Spklt 3291 3.78 9.0 247 337 0 147 0 .0 .00 .00 19 MAY 221 End Veg 7781 4.93 12.0 329 447 0 157 O .0 .00 .00 31 MAY 233 End Ear Gr 10985 4.68 12.0 390 468 0 114 O .0 .00 .00 31 MAY 233 Harvest 10985 4.68 12.0 390 468 0 114 0 .0 .00 .00 *MAIN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT VARIABLES @ VARIABLE PREDICTED MEASURED FLOWERING DATE (dap) ~99 -99 PHYSIOL. MATURITY (dap) —99 -99 84 GRAIN YIELD (kg/ha;dry) 0 ~99 WT. PER GRAIN (g;dry) .0000 ~99 GRAIN NUMBER (GRAIN/m2) 0 ~99 GRAINS/EAR .0 ~99 MAXIMUM LAI (m2/m2) 4.96 ~99 BIOMASS (kg/ha) AT ANTHESIS 10985 ~99 BIOMASS N (kg N/ha) AT ANTHESIS 0 ~99 BIOMASS (kg/ha) AT HARVEST MAT. 10985 ~99 STALK (kg/ha) AT HARVEST MAT. 0 ~99 HARVEST INDEX (kg/kg) .000 ~99 FINAL LEAF NUMBER 12.00 ~99 GRAIN N (kg N/ha) 0 ~99 BIOMASS N (kg N/ha) 0 ~99 STALK N (kg N/ha) 0 ~99 SEED N (%) .00 ~99 *ENVIRONMENTAL AND STRESS FACTORS ------------------------------------ ENVIRONMENT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS~ |~~DEVELOPMENT PHASE—~l-TIME-I ——————— WEATHER -------- I I~~~WATER——| I- NITROGEN—I DURA TEMP TEMP SOLAR PHOTOP PHOTO GROWTH PHOTO GROWTH TION MAX MIN RAD [day] SYNTH SYNTH Emergence - Term Spiklt 186 5.46 ~4.93 10.17 10.45 .000 .000 .000 .000 End Veg-Beg Ear Growth 21 20.61 6.85 20.97 14.10 .000 .000 .000 .000 Begin Ear-End Ear erth 12 24.88 11.26 24.49 14.65 .000 .000 .000 .000 End Ear Grth-Beg Grn F1 1 26.70 12.20 24.00 14.82 .000 .000 .000 .000 Linear Grain Fill Phase 0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .000 .000 .000 .000 (0.0 = Minimum Stress 1.0 = Maximum Stress) WHEAT YIELD : 0 kg/ha [DRY WEIGHT ] 85 *SUMMARY : ALM|200480 ALLEGAN 19008 WH-SB PDAT=01JUN IIDENTIFIERS .............................. DATES ......................... DRY WEIGHTS .................................... WATER .................................... NITROGEN ....................................... HWAM DRCM ONAM 3916 79 0 37 3412 180 3261 113 3603 66 3842 0 101 IRR PHOSPHORUS ............ @RP TN ROC CR TNAM HDAT DWAP CWAM PRCM ETCM ROCM CNAM GNAM RECM 1 1 110 SB soybean 1259 119 6288 390 558 37 278 253 0 2 1 210 WH wheat 2151 85 10985 468 390 50 0 0 0 3 1 110 SB soybean 2268 119 5951 339 503 33 254 225 0 4 1 210 WH wheat 3151 85 10917 565 394 75 0 0 0 5 1 110 SB soybean 3272 119 5652 403 441 83 233 209 0 6 1 210 WH wheat 4151 85 6866 396 308 30 0 0 0 7 1 110 SB soybean 4264 119 6029 223 466 33 259 233 0 8 1 210 WH wheat 5151 85 10858 567 409 96 0 0 0 9 1 110 SB soybean 5263 119 6146 324 458 40 272 248 0 10 1 210 WH wheat 6151 85 8046 461 357 35 0 0 O FNAM HWAH BWAH SWXM NI#M OCAM PO#M ALMI 3916 0 124 0 0 0 ALMI 3842 0 123 0 0 0 ALMI 91 0 86 ORGANIC MATTER... SDAT PDAT ADAT MDAT HWUM H#AM H#UM IR#M IRCM NICM NFXM NUCM NLCM NIAM POCM CPAM SPAM 1001 1152 1192 1247 175 2232 2.20 12 295 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1260 1283 ~99 ~99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2152 2152 2199 2256 145 2347 2.20 12 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2269 2275 3151 ~99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 3152 3152 3202 3260 159 2046 2.20 11 272 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3273 3275 ~99 ~99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4152 4152 4196 4252 163 2215 2.20 17 429 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 4265 4275 ~99 ~99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5152 5152 5196 5251 161 2382 2.20 9 231 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5264 5284 ~99 ~99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *WATER BALANCE OUTPUT FILE *RUN 1 : soybean MODEL : CRGRO980 ~ SOYBEAN EXPERIMENT : ALM12004 8B ALLEGAN 19008 WH—SB PDAT=01JUN IRR TREATMENT 1 : soybean CROP : SOYBEAN CULTIVAR : M GROUP 1 ~ MATURITY GROUP 1 STARTING DATE : JAN 1 1901 PLANTING DATE : JUN 1 1901 PLANTS/m2 : 50.0 ROW SPACING 38.cm WEATHER : ALMI 1901 SOIL : M800890001 TEXTURE : lo - BLOUNT SOIL INITIAL C : DEPTH:152cm EXTR. H20:188.1mm N03: .Okg/ha NH4: .Okg/ha WATER BALANCE : AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION - REFILL PROFILE IRRIGATION : AUTOMATIC ~ PLANTING -> MATURITY [ SOIL DEPTH:30.00m 50.%] NITROGEN BAL. : NOT SIMULATED ; NO N-STRESS N-FERTILIZER RESIDUE/MANURE ENVIRONM. OPT. : DAYL= .00 SRAD= .00 TMAX= .00 TMIN= .00 RAIN= .00 CO2 = R330.00 DEW = .00 WIND= .00 SIMULATION OPT : WATER :Y NITROGEN:N N-FIX:N PESTS :N PHOTO :C ET :R MANAGEMENT OPT : PLANTING:R IRRIG :A FERT :N RESIDUE:N HARVEST:M WTH:M @DATE CDAY EPAA ETAA EOAA SWXD ROFC DRNC PREC IRRC SRAA TMXA TMNA DAYD ESAA EPAC ESAC ETAC IR#C DTWT SW1D SW2D SW3D SW4D SW5D SW6D SW7D SW8D SW9D SW10 TSlD TS2D TS3D TS4D TS5D TSOD TS7D TS8D TS9D T810 1001 0 0.00 0.04 0.04 187.9 0.0 0 0 0 2.0 - 3.9 ~10.6 9.01 0.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 152 0.232 0.233 87 1121 1151 1152 1181 1211 1241 0.305 0. 2.8 5.0 0 0.00 0.4 ~8.0 9 0.308 0. 2.6 4.7 0 0.00 3.6 ~13.4 11 0.304 0. 2.1 4.0 0 0.00 4.4 -4.4 12 0.312 0. 4.1 5.1 0 0.00 14.3 1.6 1 0.295 0.361 0.338 0.320 0.320 0.320 0.320 0. 14.7 19.4 0.285 0.356 0. 9.8 16.1 0.285 0.356 0. 9.9 27.8 0.255 0.339 0. 18.7 31.6 0.279 0.315 0.267 0.256 0.308 0.319 0.320 0. 18.3 27.5 0.263 0.309 0.256 0.236 0.263 0.306 0.315 0. 18.7 0 0 29 59 89 12.8 0.00 7.4 1 9.0 0.00 1.1 1 9.1 0.42 14.5 1 15.7 3.85 18.6 1 15.6 3.88 14.7 1 16.2 7.1 0.36 .76 0 6.8 0.21 .03 0 6.1 1.38 .47 1 6.5 1.11 3.83 11.2 1.01 82 334 8.5 0.51 84 334 8.5 1.73 02 328 12.8 5.76 4.33 4. 4. 5. 12.8 4.96 3.08 13.4 8.5 8.9 9.0 0.36 187.9 0.3 .36 0.0 10.9 1 8.3 8.9 9.1 0.21 192.7 0.3 .21 0.0 17.1 1 7.9 8.6 8.9 1.39 189.3 9.2 .38 0.0 58.6 5 7.9 8.5 8.8 3.49 179.0 9.3 1.11 0.0 91.8 10.3 10.0 9.9 0.0 5.21 176.8 9.3 79 1.01 0.0 122.2 122.2 0.320 0.320 0.320 0.320 0. 8.5 8.7 8.9 0.0 4.91 176.3 9.3 79 0.51 0.0 122.7 122.7 0.320 0.320 0.320 0.320 0. 8.5 8.7 8.9 0.0 5.70 169.1 9.9 79 1.31 12.3 160.6 172.9 0.318 0.320 0.320 0.320 0. 10.8 10.1 9.8 0.0 5.97 151.4 29.1 79 0.0 0.9 0.0 7.1 0.0 8.6 0.0 91.8 1.91 127.7 218.0 345.7 10.7 4.96 110.4 10.0 9.7 33.2 0.0 1.08 244.2 250.3 494.5 11.1 10.2 9.8 88 0.0 363 0.336 0.317 0.317 0.317 0.317 0. 11 366 0.336 0.317 0.317 0.317 0.317 0. 11 365 0.336 0.317 0.317 0.317 0.317 0. 77 368 0.340 0.320 0.320 0.320 0.320 0. 79 79 000 ~5.9 ~3.6 ~0.3 22 0 6.1 0 152 0.222 0.230 000 ~4.3 ~2.6 0.0 34 0 7.6 - 0 152 0.310 0.242 000 ~3.1 ~1.9 0.0 147 0 14.3 0 152 0.153 0.237 000 2.4 2.6 3.1 171 0 18.8 0 152 0.096 0.201 000 24.0 21.2 17.7 199 0 25.1 0 152 0.133 0.190 000 14.3 13.0 11.2 199 0 26.5 0 152 0.127 0.189 000 14.5 13.2 11.4 243 0 23.6 0 152 0.126 0.200 000 30.4 27.3 22.8 327 121 24.5 5 152 0.307 0.245 000 27.8 25.4 21.8 363 222 22.5 9 152 0.122 0.203 000 26.5 24.6 21.7 1259 107 1.75 3.55 3.59 124.5 37.3 79 390 295 16.6 24.8 11.8 12.23 1.80 275.7 282.8 558.5 12 152 0.127 0.274 0.304 0.339 0.257 0.234 0.258 0.300 0.310 0.000 20.3 19.4 17.9 16.1 14.5 12.5 10.7 9.9 9.6 0.0 *RUN 2 : wheat MODEL : GECER980 - WHEAT EXPERIMENT : ALM12004 WH ALLEGAN 19008 WH-SB PDAT=01JUN IRR TREATMENT 1 : wheat CROP : WHEAT CULTIVAR : WINTER-US ~ STARTING DATE : JAN 1 1901 PLANTING DATE : OCT 27 1901 PLANTS/m2 :300.0 ROW SPACING 10.cm WEATHER : ALMI 1901 SOIL : MSOO890001 TEXTURE : lo ~ BLOUNT SOIL INITIAL C : DEPTH:152cm EXTR. H20:188.1mm N03: .Okg/ha NH4: .Okg/ha WATER BALANCE : RAINFED IRRIGATION : NOT IRRIGATED NITROGEN BAL. : NOT SIMULATED ; NO N—STRESS N—FERTILIZER RESIDUE/MANURE ENVIRONM. OPT. : DAYL= .00 SRAD= .00 TMAX= .00 TMIN= .00 RAIN= .00 C02 = R330.00 DEW = .00 WIND= .00 SIMULATION OPT : WATER :Y NITROGEN:N N-FIX:N PESTS :N PHOTO :C ET :R MANAGEMENT OPT : PLANTING:A IRRIG :N FERT :N RESIDUE:N HARVEST:R WTH:M IYR Days Daily Evapotran. PESW Cumulative Ave Temp. Temp Day Day Cumu. Evap. No. Soil water in Layer Soil Temperature in Layer 89 I and after Plant Total Pot. RunOff Drain Prcip Irr 801 Max Min Len Soil Plant Soil Total of l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ! DOY Plant 3<--~- mm ~~~~>3 mm 3< ~~~~~~~~ mm --------- >3MJ/m2 C C hr Evap 3< ~~~~~~ mm ~~~~~ >3 irr 3< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ cm3/cm3 --~~~—~~~~--~~-~~~----~>3 3<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _____ C ___________________-______>3 @DATE CDAY EPAA ETAA EOAA SWXD ROFC DRNC PREC IRRC SRAA TMXA TMNA DAYD ESAA EPAC ESAC ETAC IR#C DTWT SW1D SW2D SW3D SW4D SW5D SW6D SW7D SW8D SW9D SW10 TSlD TS2D TS3D TS4D TSSD TS6D TS7D TS8D TS9D T810 1260 0 .00 2.65 3.27 121.8 .0 0 0 0 17.2 15.6 4.4 12.18 2.65 .0 2.7 2.7 0 152 .086 .259 .304 .343 .257 .234 .258 .300 .310 .000 19.4 18.6 17.3 15.7 14.2 12.3 10.6 9.9 9.6 .0 1283 0 .00 .68 3.05 127.4 .3 0 22 0 14.7 20.6 7.0 11.08 .68 .0 18.4 18.4 0 152 .208 .246 .298 .338 .273 .236 .261 .296 .305 .000 17.8 17.4 16.6 15.4 14.2 12.6 11.0 10.2 9.8 .0 1290 7 .00 1.47 1.47 162.7 13.1 0 80 0 7.8 13.9 5.4 10.76 1.47 .0 28.7 28.7 0 152 .234 .295 .338 .379 .335 .262 .262 .295 .303 .000 9.6 10.3 11.1 11.4 11.3 10.8 10.0 9.6 9.4 .0 1320 37 .08 .99 1.52 164.5 13.3 0 112 0 8.8 13.4 1.2 9.55 .91 2.4 56.0 58.3 0 152 .259 .248 .305 .363 .336 .300 .270 .292 .298 .000 4.0 5.4 7.2 8.6 9.4 9.9 9.8 9.5 9.4 .0 1350 67 .06 .62 .62 204.7 23.2 0 180 0 6.5 3.5 ~5.0 8.96 .56 4.1 72.7 76.9 0 152 .297 .301 .343 .374 .339 .317 .317 .317 .310 .000 ~1.9 .0 2.7 5.1 6.8 8.3 9.1 9.2 9.2 .0 2015 97 .00 .38 .38 182.6 23.2 18 188 0 6.2 .2 ~9.1 9.27 .38 4.3 84.0 88.3 0 152 .165 .207 .301 .365 .339 .319 .317 .317 .317 .000 ~1.8 -.2 2.2 4.5 6.2 7.9 8.9 9.2 9.3 .0 2045 127 .00 .22 .22 180.5 23.2 18 192 0 7.2 - 2.4 ~11.2 10.31 .22 4.3 90.5 94.8 0 152 .180 .204 90 I and after Plant Total Pot. RunOff Drain Prcip Irr 801 Max Min Len Soil Plant Soil Total of l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I DOY Plant 3<———— mm ————>3 mm 3< -------- mm ————————— >3MJ/m2 C C hr Evap 3< ------ mm ----- >3 irr 3< ———————————————— ~~~~~~~ cm3/cm3 >3 3< _____ C )3 @DATE CDAY EPAA ETAA EOAA SWXD ROFC DRNC PREC IRRC SRAA TMXA TMNA DAYD ESAA EPAC ESAC ETAC IR#C DTWT SW1D SW2D SW3D SW4D SW5D SW6D SW7D SW80 SW9D SW10 TSlD TSZD TS3D TS4D TSSD TS6D TS7D TS8D TS9D T810 1260 0 .00 2.65 3.27 121.8 .0 O 0 O 17.2 15.6 4.4 12.18 2.65 .0 2.7 2.7 0 152 .086 .259 .304 .343 .257 .234 .258 .300 .310 .000 19.4 18.6 17.3 15.7 14.2 12.3 10.6 9.9 9.6 .0 1283 O .00 .68 3.05 127.4 .3 0 22 0 14.7 20.6 7.0 11.08 .68 .0 18.4 18.4 0 152 .208 .246 .298 .338 .273 .236 .261 .296 .305 .000 17.8 17.4 16.6 15.4 14.2 12.6 11.0 10.2 9.8 .0 1290 7 .00 1.47 1.47 162.7 13.1 0 80 0 7.8 13.9 5.4 10.76 1.47 .0 28.7 28.7 0 152 .234 .295 .338 .379 .335 .262 .262 .295 .303 .000 9.6 10.3 11.1 11.4 11.3 10.8 10.0 9.6 9.4 .0 1320 37 .08 .99 1.52 164.5 13.3 0 112 0 8.8 13.4 1.2 9.55 .91 2.4 56.0 58.3 0 152 .259 .248 .305 .363 .336 .300 .270 .292 .298 .000 4.0 5.4 7.2 8.6 9.4 9.9 9.8 9.5 9.4 .0 1350 67 .06 .62 .62 204.7 23.2 0 180 3 6.5 3.5 —5.0 8.96 .56 4.1 72.7 76.9 0 152 297 .301 .343 .374 .339 .317 .317 .317 .310 000 ~1.9 .0 2.7 5.1 6.8 8.3 9.1 9.2 9.2 .0 2015 97 .00 .38 .38 182.6 23.2 18 185 0 6.2 .38 4.3 84.0 88.3 C 152 165 .2“ .317 .317 2:3 ~1.8 -,2 : I 9.3 .C 23.2 :E 192 C ‘_: ‘ .5 94.5 C 152 .153 :- .292 .359 .337 .319 .317 .317 .317 .000 ~3.7 -2.3 .0 2.4 4.4 6.5 8.2 8.8 9.0 .0 2075 157 .04 1.21 1.40 191.9 27.1 32 257 0 11.7 5.3 ~6.1 11.70 1.18 5.4 125.8 131.2 0 152 .214 .257 .311 .366 .339 .319 .317 .317 .317 .000 7.8 7.4 7.1 7.3 7.7 8.4 9.1 9.4 9.4 .0 2105 187 .74 2.23 2.47 167.2 28.0 37 306 0 16.3 10.2 -1.5 13.13 1.49 27.6 170.5 198.1 0 152 .078 .185 .274 .343 .327 .320 .317 .317 .317 .000 8.3 7.6 7.0 6.8 7.0 7.6 8.4 8.9 9.1 .0 2135 217 3.22 3.68 3.80 167.1 49.1 37 437 0 20.7 19.2 5.5 14.36 .45 124.4 184.2 308.5 0 152 .293 .306 .308 .313 .255 .280 .314 .317 .317 .000 16.1 14.5 12.4 10.7 9.7 9.0 9.0 9.1 9.2 .0 2151 233 4.46 5.12 5.12 114.4 50.4 37 468 0 24.7 25.2 11.2 14.82 .66 195.7 194.7 390.4 0 152 .135 .160 .226 .284 .248 .246 .307 .315 .317 .000 20.9 18.7 15.7 13.2 11.5 10.1 9.4 9.3 9.3 .0 91 *WATER BALANCE SUMMARY FILE *RUN 1 MODEL EXPERIMENT TREATMENT 1 CROP STARTING DATE PLANTING DATE 38.cm WEATHER SOIL SOIL INITIAL C .Okg/ha WATER BALANCE IRRIGATION 50.%] NITROGEN BAL. N-FERTILIZER RESIDUE/MANURE ENVIRONM. OPT. .00 .00 SIMULATION OPT ET :R MANAGEMENT OPT WTH:M soybean CRGRO980 - SOYBEAN ALMI2004 SB ALLEGAN 19008 WH—SB PDAT=01JUN IRR soybean SOYBEAN CULTIVAR : M GROUP 1 - MATURITY GROUP 1 JAN 1 1901 JUN 1 1901 PLANTS/m2 : 50.0 ROW SPACING ALMI 1901 M800890001 TEXTURE : lo - BLOUNT DEPTH:152cm EXTR. H20:188.1mm NO3: .Okg/ha NH4: AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION ~ REFILL PROFILE AUTOMATIC - PLANTING -> MATURITY [ SOIL DEPTH:30.00m NOT SIMULATED ; NO N-STRESS DAYL= .00 SRAD= .00 TMAX= .00 TMIN= RAIN= .00 CO2 = R330.00 DEW = .00 WIND= WATER :Y NITROGEN:N N-FIX:N PESTS :N PHOTO PLANTING:R IRRIG :A FERT :N RESIDUE:N HARVEST: WATER BALANCE PARAMETERS ======================== ~-mm~~ Soil H20 (start) on day 1001 477.19 Soil H20 (final) on day 1259 413.73 Irrigation 295.22 Effective Irrigation 221.42 Irrigation Lost 73.81 Precipitation 389.70 Drainage 78.76 Runoff 37.35 8011 Evaporation 282.79 Transpiration 275.68 Evapotranspiration 558.48 Potential ET 882.50 Final Balance 0.0001 *RUN 2 MODEL wheat GECER980 ~ WHEAT 92 :C M EXPERIMENT : ALM12004 WH ALLEGAN 19008 WH-SB PDAT=01JUN IRR TREATMENT 1 : wheat CROP : WHEAT CULTIVAR : WINTER-US - STARTING DATE : JAN 1 1901 PLANTING DATE : OCT 27 1901 PLANTS/m2 :300.0 ROW SPACING 10.cm WEATHER : ALMI 1901 SOIL : M800890001 TEXTURE : 10 ~ BLOUNT SOIL INITIAL C : DEPTH:152cm EXTR. H20:188.1mm NO3: .Okg/ha NH4: .Okg/ha WATER BALANCE : RAINFED IRRIGATION : NOT IRRIGATED NITROGEN BAL. : NOT SIMULATED ; NO N-STRESS N-FERTILIZER RESIDUE/MANURE . ENVIRONM. OPT. : DAYL= .00 SRAD= .00 TMAX= .00 TMIN= .00 RAIN= .00 C02 = R330.00 DEW = .00 WIND= .00 SIMULATION OPT : WATER :Y NITROGEN:N N-FIX:N PESTS :N PHOTO :C ET :R MANAGEMENT OPT : PLANTING:A IRRIG :N FERT :N RESIDUE:N HARVEST:R WTH:M WATER BALANCE PARAMETERS ======================== ~~mm~~ Soil H20 (start) on day 1260 413.73 8011 H20 (final) on day 2151 403.63 Irrigation .00 Effective Irrigation .00 Irrigation Lost .00 Precipitation 467.50 Drainage 36.76 Runoff 50.40 Soil Evaporation 194.75 Transpiration 195.68 Evapotranspiration 390.43 Potential ET 478.06 Final Balance .0001 93 BIBLIOGRAPHY 94 List of References Adams, R.M, R.A. Fleming, C.C. Chang, B.A. McCarl, & C. Rosenzweig. “A Reassessment of the Economic Effects of Global Climate Change on US. Agriculture.” Climatic Change 30: 147-167 (1995). Adams, R.M., C. 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