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INBRED RESPONSE TO HERBICIDES presented by JOSEPH TODD SIMMONS has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for M.S. degree inCrOp and Soil Sciences QAL/MJ Mljor professor Date 591;] 2?, 2000/ , . 0-7639 MS U is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution I LIBRARY Michigan State " University PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. To AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 11100 chIRC/D‘aDm.p65»p.t4 CORN (Zea mays L.) INBRED RESPONSE TO HERBICIDES By Joseph Todd Simmons A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTERS OF SCIENCE Department of Crop and Soil Sciences 2000 ABSTRACT CORN (Zea mays L.) INBRED RESPONSE TO HERBICIDES By Joseph Todd Simmons Seed corn production is a very important component of the agricultural economy in southwest Michigan. The potential for weed growth in seed corn production fields following detassseling and male row removal requires intensive weed management strategies including the use of herbicides. Two inbred parents grown together in the same field create crop safety concerns related to herbicide use in seed corn production fields. Corn inbreds are often more sensitive to herbicides than corn hybrids. Therefore, many of the herbicides commonly used in hybrid corn production cannot be used safely on corn inbreds. Field studies were conducted to determine if antidotes could be used with acetarnide herbicides to reduce injury. Benoxacor reduced corn injury fiom metolachlor, and MON-13900 and dichlorrnid reduced com inbred injury from acetochlor. Greenhouse and field trials were conducted to determine the response of commercially grown corn inbreds to four preemergence and four postemergence herbicides. Environmental conditions was a major factor in the response of corn inbreds to herbicides. Greenhouse trials were conducted to study the variation and inheritance of isoxaflutole tolerance in com. Four Fl hybrids were produced from tolerant and sensitive inbred lines from the B73 and C103 families. The results indicate that tolerance to isoxaflutole is a heritable trait. The results of this research indicate that injury from herbicides is often related to inherent differences in tolerance among corn inbreds. Therefore, herbicides and corn inbreds must be matched carefully to assure crOp safety. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to sincerely thank my major advisor, Dr. James J. Kells, for his time, guidance, and, most of all, his patience regarding my graduate studies at MSU. Being a former Ag-Tech student made this masters degree very rewarding. I would also like to thank my other committee members, Dr. Donald Penner, and Dr. Chris DiFonzo, for their assistance and guidance in my research. I need to thank Herschel Wahls for being helpful as my contact person with Great Lakes Hybrids. Part of graduate school is meeting and working with great people. I was blessed to have worked with some of the best. My research would not have been possible without the help from Andy Chomas, Brent Tharp, Christy Sprague, Caleb Dalley, Matt Rinella, Stephanie Eickolt, and Pat O’Boyle. Many other fiiendships were made that has made my time at MSU enjoyable. Special thanks to Kyle Poling, Kelly Nelson, Sherry White, Chad Lee, Gary Powell, Nate Kemp, Kyle “Biff” Fiebig, Gabe Corey, Amy Guza, Jeff Stachler, Corey Ransom, Jason Fausey, and Frank Roggenbuck. Finally, I have many great friends and family members that have made this degree possible. I need to thank my parents, Richard and Arlene, for their many years of love and support. I would also like to thank all my brothers and sisters for all their support and encouragement. A special thank you goes to Laura Verona “LJV” for her encouragement and, most of all, her friendship. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ...................................................... v LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................... x CHAPTER 1 RESPONSE OF CORN (Zea mays L.) INBREDS B73 AND M017 TO ACETIMIDE HERBICIDES AS INFLUENCED BY ANTIDOTES ......................... 1 ABSTRACT ...................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................. 3 MATERIAL AND METHODS ....................................... 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...................................... 5 LITERATURE CITED ............................................. 8 CHAPTER 2 RESPONSE OF CORN (Zea mays L.) INBREDS TO PREEMERGENCE AND POSTEMERGENCE HERBICIDES ...................................... 13 ABSTRACT ..................................................... 13 INTRODUCTION ................................................ 1 5 MATERIAL AND METHODS ...................................... 16 Greenhouse Experiments ..................................... 16 Field Experiments .......................................... 18 Statistical Analysis .......................................... 20 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ..................................... 21 Preemergence Herbicide Studies ............................... 21 Postemergence Herbicide Studies .............................. 22 LITERATURE CITED ............................................ 25 CHAPTER 3 VARIATION AND INHERITAN CE OF ISOXAFLUTOLE TOLERANCE IN CORN (Zea mays L.) ................................................... 33 ABSTRACT ..................................................... 33 INTRODUCTION ................................................ 34 MATERIAL AND METHODS ...................................... 35 General Experimental Procedures .............................. 35 Isoxaflutole tolerance in corn inbreds within the B73 and C103 families 36 Inheritance of isoxaflutole tolerance ............................ 36 Statistical Analysis .......................................... 36 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ..................................... 37 Isoxaflutole tolerance in corn inbreds within the B73 and C103 families 37 Inheritance of isoxaflutole tolerance ............................ 37 LITERATURE CITED ............................................ 40 APPENDIX ........................................................... 45 iv LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER 1 RESPONSE OF CORN (Zea mays L.) INBREDS B73 AND M017 TO ACETIMIDE HERBICIDES AS INFLUENCED BY ANTIDOTES Table 1. Rainfall accumulation for 14 days after herbicide application at the research site ...................................................... 9 CHAPTER 2 RESPONSE OF CORN (Zea mays L.) INBREDS TO PREEMERGENCE AND POSTEMERGENCE HERBICIDES Table I. Inbred number, corresponding inbred family, and use in commercial seed corn production .............................................. 27 Table 2. Rainfall accumulation for 14 days after herbicide application ....... 28 Table 3. Visual injury, plant height, and dry weight of corn inbreds 14 days after preemergence herbicide application in the greenhouse ................ 29 Table 4. Visual injury and growing degree days to the initiation of tassel emergence in corn inbreds after preemergence application of isoxaflutole in 1998 and 1999 field trails ........................................ 30 Table 5. Visual injury, plant height, and dry weight of corn inbreds 14 days after postemergence herbicide application of fluthiacet in the greenhouse ..... 31 Table 6. Visual injury to corn inbreds 14 days afier postemergence application of herbicides in 1998 and 1999 field trials .............................. 32 APPENDIX Table 1. Visual injury, plant height as % of the control, and dry weight as % of the control to corn inbreds 14 days after preemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse applied at twice the typical use rate .............. 45 Table 2. Visual injury, plant height as % of the control, and dry weight as % of the control to corn inbreds 14 days after preemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse applied at four times the typical use rate. ......... 46 LIST OF TABLES (cont) Table 3. Visual injury to corn inbreds 28 days after preemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. . . . . 47 Table 4. Visual injury to corn inbreds 35 days afier preemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1999 field season. . . . . 48 Table 5. Visual injury to corn inbreds 28 days after preemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. 49 Table 6. Visual injury to corn inbreds 35 days after preemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1999 field season. 50 Table 7. Growing Degree Days as % of the control to corn inbreds after preemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1998 field season ............................................. 51 Table 8. Growing Degree Days as % of the control to corn inbreds after preemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1999 field season ............................................. 52 Table 9. Growing Degree Days as % of the control to corn inbreds after preemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. ........................................ 53 Table 10. Growing Degree Days as % of the control to corn inbreds afier preemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1999 field season. ........................................ 54 Table 11. Visual injury to corn inbreds 3 and 7 days after postemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse applied at twice the typical use rate. . 55 Table 12. Visual injury to corn inbreds 3 and 7 days after postemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse applied at four times the typical use rate. ........................................................ 56 Table 13. Visual injury to corn inbreds 14 days after postemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse for two runs applied at twice the typical use rate. .................................................. 5 7 Table 14. Plant height as % of the control, and dry weight as % of the control to corn inbreds 14 days after postemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse applied at twice the typical use rate. ......................... 58 vi LIST OF TABLES (cont) Table 15. Visual injury to corn inbreds 14 days after postemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse for two nms applied at four times the typical use rate. ............................................... 59 Table 16. Plant height as % of the control to corn inbreds 14 days after postemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse applied at four times the typical use rate. ............................................... 60 Table 1 7. Plant dry weight as % of the control to corn inbreds 14 days after postemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse applied at four times the typical use rate. ............................................... 60 Table 18. Visual injury to corn inbreds 3 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. ..................................................... 61 Table 19. Visual injury to corn inbreds 3 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1999 field season. ..................................................... 62 Table 20. Visual injury to corn inbreds 3 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1998 field season .................................................. 63 Table 21. Visual injury to corn inbreds 3 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1999 field season .................................................. 64 Table 22. Visual injury to corn inbreds 7 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. ................................................ 65 Table 23. Visual injury to corn inbreds 7 days afier postemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1999 field season. ................................................ 66 Table 24. Visual injury to corn inbreds 7 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. ................................................ 67 Table 25. Visual injury to corn inbreds 7 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1999 field season. ................................................ 68 vii LIST OF TABLES (cont) Table 26. Visual injury to corn inbreds 14 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. ................................................ 69 Table 27. Visual injury to corn inbreds 14 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1999 field season .................................................. 70 Table 28. Visual injury to corn inbreds 14 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1998 field season .................................................. 71 Table 29. Visual injury to corn inbreds 14 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1999 field season .................................................. 72 Table 30. Growing Degree Days as % of the control to corn inbreds after postemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1998 field season ............................................. 73 Table 31. Growing Degree Days as % of the control to corn inbreds afier postemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1999 field season ............................................. 74 Table 32. Growing Degree Days as % of the control to corn inbreds afier postemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. ..................................... 75 Table 33. Growing Degree Days as % of the control to corn inbreds after postemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1999 field season. ..................................... 76 Table 34. Visual injury to corn inbreds within the B73 family 14 days afier preemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse for two runs applied at twice the typical use rate. .............................. 77 Table 35. Plant height as % of the control, and dry weight as % of the control to corn inbreds within the B73 family 14 days after preemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse applied at twice the typical use rate. . 78 viii LIST OF TABLES (cont) Table 36. Visual injury, plant height as % of the control, and dry weight as % of the control to corn inbreds within the B73 family 14 days after preemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse applied at four times the typical use rate. ............................................... 79 Table 3 7. Visual injury, plant height as % of the control, and dry weight . as % of the control to corn inbreds within the C103 family 14 days after preemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse applied at twice the typical use rate. .......................................... 80 Table 38. Visual injury, plant height as % of the control, and dry weight as % of the control to corn inbreds within the C103 family 14 days after preemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse applied at four times the typical use rate. ....................................... 81 ix LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 1 RESPONSE OF CORN (Zea mays L.) INBREDS B73 AND M017 TO ACETIMIDE HERBICIDES AS INFLUENCED BY ANTIDOTES Figure 1. Response of inbred M017 to metolachlor at three times the typical use rate with and without benoxacor .................................. 10 Figure 2. Response of inbred M017 to acetochlor at three times the typical use rate affected by MON-13900 and dichlormid. Acetochlor without safener was not included in 1997 ..................................... 1 1 Figure 3. Response of corn inbred M017 to commercially available acetarnide herbicides applied at three times the typical use rate ............. 12 CHAPTER 3 VARIATION AND INHERITANCE OF ISOXAFLUTOLE TOLERANCE IN CORN (Zea mays L.) Figure I . Response of corn inbreds from the B73 and C103 families to isoxaflutole at 314 g/ha, evaluated 14 days after treatment in the greenhouse . . 42 Figure 2. Distribution of isoxaflutole sensitivity within corn inbreds from B73 and C103 families. Isoxaflutole was applied at 314 g/ha, evaluated 14 days afier treatment in the greenhouse ...................... 43 Figure 3. Response of corn inbreds and F , hybrids to isoxaflutole at 314 g/ha, evaluated 14 days after treatment in the greenhouse ............ 44 CHAPTER 1 Response of Com (Zea mays L.) Inbreds B73 and M017 to Acetamide Herbicides as Influenced by Antidotes Abstract Corn inbreds are often more sensitive to herbicides than corn hybrids. Therefore, many of the herbicides commonly used in hybrid corn production cannot be used safely on corn inbreds. Field studies were conducted in 1996 and 1997 to determine if antidotes could be used with acetarnide herbicides to reduce injury to B73 and M017 corn inbreds. Visual injury and number of injured plants per row were determined. Benoxacor reduced corn injury from metolachlor, and MON-13900 and dichlonnid reduced corn inbred injury fi'om acetochlor. Differences in corn injury were not apparent between MON-13900 and dichlormid. Corn inbred injury was greater than 20% from flufenacet plus metribuzin, dirnethenamid, metolachlor without safener, and acetochlor without safener. S-metolachlor plus benoxacor, acetochlor plus dichlormid, acetochlor plus MON-13900, and alachlor injured corn inbreds less than 20%. This research indicates that com inbreds vary in their sensitivity to acetarnide herbicides. Nomenclature: acetochlor, 2-chloro-N-(ethoxymethyl)-N-(2-ethyl-6- methylphenyl)acetamide; alachlor, 2-chloro-N-(2,6-diethylphenyl)-N- (methoxymethyl)acetamide; benoxacor, (4-dichloroacetyl)-3,4-dihydro-3-methyl-2H-1,4- benzoxazine; dichlormid, 2,2-dichloro-N,N-di-2-propenylacetamide; dirnethenamid, 2- chloro—N-[(1-methyl-2-methoxy)ethyl]-N-(2,4-dimethyl-thien-3-y1)-acetamide; flufenacet, N-(4-fluoropheny1)-N-(1-methy1ethyl)-2-[[5 -(trifluoromethyl)-1,3 ,4-thiadiazol-2- yl]oxy]acetamide; metolachlor, 2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(2—methoxy-1— methylethyl)acetamide; S-metolachlor, 2-chloro-N-(2-ethy1—6—methylpheny1)~N-(2-methoxy- 1-methylethy1)acetamide, S—enantiomer; metribuzin, 4-amino-6-(1,l-dimethylethyl)-3- (methylthio)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one; MON-13900, 3-dichloroacetyl-5-(2—furanyl)—2,2- dimethyl-oxazolidine; corn, Zea mays L.; Abbreviations: DAT, days after treatment. INTRODUCTION Acetamide herbicides are commonly used to control annual grasses in corn (Zea mays L.) production. Acetamide herbicides rarely injure corn when used at rates recommended for the soil type. However, under certain conditions injury can occur. Injury symptoms range from twisting and curling of the leaves to more severe stunting and malformation of the plant, which may decrease corn yield. Rowe and Penner (1990) reported that com injury increased as rates of acetarnide herbicides were increased. Narsaiah and Harvey (1977) found that alachlor at 10 kg/ha severely injured three corn inbreds, but two inbreds were not affected by the herbicide, indicating that some inbreds are inherently more sensitive to this herbicide than others. Environmental conditions also influence the response of com inbreds to herbicides. Corn injury increased as soil moisture content increased (Rowe et a1. 1991). Roggenbuck and Penner (1987) reported that air temperature influenced injury to trifluralin [2,6-dinitro-N,N—dipropyl-4-(trifluoromethyl)benzenamine] more than soil moisture levels, but both are important. The concept of increasing crop selectivity to herbicides with antidotes (also known as safeners) was introduced in 1962 (CL. Hoffinan 1962). Since this discovery, 3 number of compounds have been identified as safeners (Hatzios 1984; Leavitt and Penner 1978). For example, Winkle et a1. (1980) reported that dichlorrnid reduced corn injury from metolachlor and alachlor. Most of the previous research on herbicide safeners has been conducted on commercial hybrid corn. Inbreds typically lack the plant vigor associated with corn hybrids (Biclmer 1993), which would likely make hybrid corn more tolerant to herbicides than corn inbreds. More information is needed on inbred sensitivity to herbicides and how safeners influence the response of inbreds to herbicides. The objective of this research was to evaluate relative sensitivity of two corn inbreds to acetarnide herbicides as influence by safeners. Material and Methods Field trials were conducted in 1996 and 1997 at the Michigan State University Crop and Soil Science Research Farm at East Lansing, MI. The soil was a Capac loam (fine- loamy, mixed mesic Aeric Ochraqualf) with a pH of 7.5 and 2.9% organic matter in 1996 and pH of 5.4 and 1.6% organic matter in 1997. Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] stubble was spring chisel plowed, and field cultivated each year. Prior to the field cultivation in both years, 305 kg/ha of 46-0-0 (N, P205, K20) fertilizer was broadcast. At planting 6-24-24 (N, P205, K20) fertilizer at 319 kg/ha in 1996, and at 336 kg/ha in 1997 was applied as a banded treatment 5 cm below and 5 cm beside the corn seed. Plots consisted of four rows spaced 76 cm apart with lengths of 12 m in 1996 and 10.6 m in 1997. The left two corn rows in all plots were planted to the inbred B73 and the right two rows were planted to inbred M017. Corn inbred seed were planted 3.8 cm deep at 51,900 seeds/ha on May 29, 1996, and 56,800 seeds/ha on May 12, 1997. Herbicide treatments were applied at two rates, the first rate was treated at typical use rate recommended for the soil type and the second rate was treated at three times the recommended rate for the soil type. Herbicide treatments consisted of metolachlor at 2.23 kg/ha and 6.7 kg/ha; the ‘ S’ isomer ofmetolachlor plus benoxacor at 1.5 kg/ha and 4.5 kg/ha; dimethenamid at 1.3 kg/ha and 3.9 kg/ha; flufenacet plus metribuzin at 0.87 kg/ha and 2.6 kg/ha in 1996, and at 0.7 kg/ha and 2.1 kg/ha in 1997; alachlor at 2.23 kg/ha and 6.7 kg/ha; acetochlor at 1.8 kg/ha and 5.4 kg/ha; acetochlor plus dichlormid at 1.8 kg/ha and 5.4 kg/ha; and acetochlor plus MON-13900 at 1.8 kg/ha and 5.4 kg/ha. Atrazine [6—chloro-N-ethyl-N’- (1-methylethyl)—1,3,5-triazine-2,4—diamine] at 1.12 kg/ha was tank mixed with each herbicide treatment to minimize annual weed competition. Treatments were compared against plots treated with atrazine at 1.12 kg/ha. All herbicides were applied with a tractor mounted compressed air sprayer calibrated to deliver 187 L/ha at 207 kPa using flat fan nozzles‘. Applications of preemergence herbicides were on May 30, 1996 and May 13, 1997, respectively. At least 1.34 cm of rainfall occurred within 14 days after treatment (DAT) in both years (Table 1). Experiments were conducted as randomized complete block designs with three replications in 1996 and four replications in 1997. Each corn inbred was analyzed as an independent trial. Corn injury was evaluated 28 DAT in 1996. Because of slow growing conditions in 1997 injury was evaluated 42 DAT in 1997. Visual injury ratings were based on a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 representing no effect and 100 representing plant death. The number of plants showing typical acetarnide injury symptoms were counted in each row, and are expressed as a percentage of the total plants in the row. Data from each year were analyzed and reported separately. All data were subjected to analysis of variance (AN OVA) and means were separated using the least significant difference procedure at the 0.05 level. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Differences in injury to B73 at both application rates were small and consistently less than 16% in 1996 and less than 10% in 1997 (data not shown). Injury to M017 at the typical use rates of acetarnide herbicides never exceeded 16% (data not shown). Differences in injury to M017 treated with acetarnide herbicides at three times the recommended rates for soil type were apparent. In 1996 and 1997, M017 injury from metolachlor was reduced by benoxacor (Figure 1). In 1996, visual injury to M017 was 60% for metolachlor alone, and 1TeeJet 8003, Spraying Systems Co., North Ave, Wheaton, IL 60188. 5 12% for metolachlor plus benoxacor. In 1997, visual injury to M017 was 23% for metolachlor alone, and 1% for metolachlor plus benoxacor. However, not all plants showed typical injury symptoms. The percentage of total plants showing typical injury symptoms in 1996 was 42% for metolachlor alone, and 8% for metolachlor plus benoxacor. In 1997, the percentage of total plants showing injury symptoms was 25% and 4% for metolachlor alone and metolachlor plus benoxacor, respectively. Rowe et a1. (1991) reported that benoxacor does not influence the amount of metolachlor absorbed by com seedlings, and that the mechanism by which benoxacor protects corn from metolachlor injury is by enhancement of herbicide metabolism. In 1996, M017 injury from unsafened acetochlor was reduced by safeners MON- 13900 and dichlormid, and differences between safeners were not apparent (Figure 2). The percentage of total plants showing typical injury symptoms in 1996 was 27% for acetochlor alone, and 2% and 5% for acetochlor plus MON-13900 and dichlormid, respectively. No differences in visual injury were observed in 1997 between acetochlor plus dichlormid and acetochlor plus MON-13900. Leavitt and Penner (1978) reported that dichlormid was the most effective of six potential antidotes evaluated in protecting corn hybrids form alachlor and metolachlor. Sprague et al. (1999) reported that MON-13900 reduced injury to corn hybrids from isoxaflutole, [5-cyclopropyl-4-(2—methylsulfonyl-4- trifluoromethylbenzoyl)isoxazole]. Data from these studies demonstrate that safeners increase the tolerance of corn inbreds to acetarnide herbicides, and that com inbred injury from acetarnide herbicides varies among herbicides. In 1996 and 1997, corn inbred injury varied among commercially available acetarnide herbicides (Figure 3). Dimethenarnid and flufenacet plus metribuzin injured M017 greater than 20% in 1996 and 1997. In 1996 dimethenamid and flufenacet plus metribuzin visually injured M017 more than metolachlor plus benoxacor, acetochlor plus MON-13900, and acetochlor plus dichlormid. Herbicides that included safeners injured M017 less than 15% both years. The percentage of injured plants was greatest fiom flufenacet plus metribuzin both years. Metribuzin could be responsible for the increased injury. Olson et a1. (1979) showed that metribuzin injured corn hybrids. The percentage of injured plants from dimethenamid was greater than acetochlor plus MON-13900 in 1996 and metolachlor plus benoxacor in 1997. The results of this research indicate that herbicide application rate influences acetarnide injury to corn. Injury to B73 and M017 was not observed when herbicides were applied at rates recommended for the soil type. Safeners consistently decreased injury of M017 to acetarnide herbicides. Injury to acetarnide herbicides varied between B73 and M017, indicating that the inherent sensitivity of corn inbreds influences their response to acetarnide herbicides. Inbreds also responded differently among acetarnide herbicides. Therefore seed companies should screen all inbreds with commonly used corn herbicides, and use herbicides that include safeners when possible. LITERATURE CITED Bickner, B. P. 1993. Hybrid Com, past, present, and future. Frontiers of Plant Sci. 4622-4. Hatzios, K. K. 1984. Interactions between selected herbicides and protectants on corn (Zea mays). Weed Sci. 32:51-58. Hoffman, O. L. 1962. Chemical seed treatments as herbicide antidotes. Weeds. 10:322- 323. Leavitt, J. R. C. and D. Penner. 1978. Protection of corn from acetanilide herbicide injury with the antidote R-25788. Weed Sci. 26:653-659. Narsaiah, D. B. and R. G. Harvey. 1977. Differential responses of corn inbreds and hybrids to alachlor. Crop Sci. 17:65 7-659. Olson, J. O. 1979. Factors affecting the tolerance of corn to metribuzin. Proc. North Cent. Weed Control Conf. 34:54-55. Roggenbuck, F. C. and D. Penner. 1987. Factors influencing corn (Zea mays) tolerance to trifluralin. Weed Sci. 35:89-94. Rowe, L., J. J. Kells, and D. Penner. 1991. Efficacy and mode of action of CGA-154281, a protectant for corn (Zea mays) from metolachlor injury. Weed Sci. 39:78-82. Rowe, L. and D. Penner. 1990. Factors affecting chloroacetanilide injury to corn. Weed Technol. 4:904-906. Sprague, C. L., D. Penner, and J. J. Kells. 1999. Enhancing the margin of selectivity of RPA 201772 in Zea mays with antidotes. Weed Sci. 47:492-497. Winkle, M. E., J. R. C. Leavitt, and O. C. Burnside. 1980. Acetamilide-antidote combinations for weed control in corn and sorghum. Weed Sci. 28:699-704. Table 1. Rainfall accumulation for 14 days after herbicide application at the research site. Days after application 1996 1997 Rainfall (cm) 0-7 1.2 2.8 8-14 2.4 0.5 Total 3.6 3.3 Percent (%) 70 metolachlor without benoxacor I metolachlor with benoxacor 3‘. J g; . .3. . 4'3 :3; r; 1! Ti. 1’34»- 1.».; i. 5“ 1996 1997 1996 1997 Injury Injured plants Figure 1. Response of inbred M017 to metolachlor at three times the typical use rate with and without benoxacor. 70 - unsafened acetochlor 60 I acetochlor plus MON-13900 E] acetochlor plus dichlormid LSDQOS = 26 50 _ r; 40 - e E Q.) 8 a 30 . 1996 1997 l 996 1997 Injury Injured plants Figure 2. Response of inbred M017 to acetochlor at three times the typical use rate affected by MON-13900 and dichlormid. Acetochlor without safener was not included in 1997. 11 acetochlor plus MON-13900 I dimethenamid E] alachlor I acetochlor plus dichlormid flufenacet plus metribuzin I metolachlor plus benoxacor =6 ..\ \ .A 1 (I. LSD0.05 7 1 I .c. \ . . I LSDoos = LSDODS r . m 0. L 70 20 10 _ 0 a m. exp “808$ 1996 1997 Injured plants 12 1997 acetarnide herbicides applied at three times the typical use rate. Injury Figure 3. Response of corn inbred M017 to commercially available 1996 CHAPTER 2 Response of Com (Zea mays L.) Inbreds to Preemergence and Postemergence Herbicides Abstract. Weed growth in seed corn production fields after detasseling and male row removal has made herbicide applications an important management practice. Two inbred parents grown together in the same field creates crop safety concerns related to herbicide use in seed com production fields. Greenhouse and field trials were conducted to determine the response of eight corn inbreds to four preemergence and four postemergence herbicides. Isoxaflutole and pendimethalin injured all corn inbreds in the greenhouse. Inbreds 3 (Iodent family) and 24 (C103 family) were sensitive to all preemergence herbicides in the greenhouse. Isoxaflutole was the only preemergence herbicide to delay initiation of tassel emergence in field trials. Nicosulfuron did not injury corn inbreds in the greenhouse or in the 1998 field trials. However, injury to inbred 1 (Flint family) from nicosulfuron was observed in the 1999 field trial. Fluthiacet injured inbreds 3 and 24 in the greenhouse. Bromoxynil injury was less than 12% on any corn inbred in the greenhouse or field trial. Dicamba did not injury corn inbreds in the greenhouse. However, dicamba injured certain inbreds in 1998 and 1999 field trials. Postemergence herbicides did not delay initiation of tassel emergence. Corn inbreds vary in their sensitivity to preemergence and postemergence herbicides. Inbreds 3 and 24 were more sensitive to preemergence and postemergence herbicides than other inbreds. Herbicides and corn inbreds must be matched carefully to assure crop safety. Nomenclature: bromoxynil, 3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile; dicamba, 3,6—dichloro-2- methoxybenzoic acid; fluthiacet, [[2-chloro-4-fluoro-5-[(tetrahydro-3-oxo-1H, 3H- [1,3,4]thiadiazolo[3,4—a]pyridazin-1-y1idene)amino]phenyl]thio]acetate; isoxaflutole, [5- l3 cyclopropyl-4-(2-methylsulfony1-4-trifluoromethylbenzoyl)isoxazole]; nicosulfuron, 2- [[[[(4,6-dimethoxy-2-pyrimidinyl)amino]carbonyl]amino]sulfonyl]-N,N-dimethyl-3- pyridinecarboxamide; pendimethalin, N-( 1 -ethylpropyl)-3 ,4-dimethyl-2 ,6- dinitrobenzenamine; corn, Zea mays L. Abbreviations: DAT, days after treatment. 14 INTRODUCTION Hybrid corn (Zea mays L.) is a cross of two or more unrelated lines of corn, known as inbreds (Bickner 1993). Seed corn production is an important step in the production of high yielding corn hybrids. Although agronomic practices for seed corn production are similar to commercial com production, the production of seed corn requires more intense management (Wych 1988). Weed control is one of the most challenging management concerns in production of seed corn. Two practices that affect weed control in seed corn production are detasseling and male row removal. Detasseling involves removal of the tassel from the seed parent either manually or in combination with mechanical operations. The male row is the pollen parent in seed corn production fields. The removal of the male row eliminates the possibility of seed contamination, at harvest, from the pollen parent and can also increase yield by reducing competition with developing seed parent for nutrients and water (Craig 1977). Detasseling and removal of the pollen parent (male row) increases the chance of weeds germinating and growing in seed corn production fields. Light transmission through the crop canopy after detasseling and male row removal is a likely reason for increased weed grth in seed corn fields. Harvey and McNevin (1990) reported that rows spaced 102 centimeters apart are less competitive with weeds than rows spaced 76 centimeters apart. The potential for weed growth in seed corn fields has made herbicide applications an important management practice in the production of seed corn (Craig 1977). Crop safety is a concern when using herbicides in seed corn production fields. Seed corn companies and growers are concerned about applying herbicides safely because inbreds typically lack the plant vigor associated with corn hybrids (Bickner 1993). Two inbred parents growing in the same field is another concern when using herbicides in seed com 15 production fields. Differences in herbicide tolerance between parent inbreds can result in observed differences in corn injury. Green and Ulrich (1993), Penner et a1. (1986), and Narsaiah and Harvey (1977) reported differences in corn inbred tolerance to herbicides. In seed corn production it is essential that the female and male parents flower on the same date (Craig 1977). Poor pollination results when the male and female inbreds fail to flower during the same time frame. Poor pollination could result in reduced yield. Seed corn production is very important to the agriculture economy in southwest Michigan. Seed corn is considered a high value crop. Seed corn companies and farmers try to obtain the highest economic return per acre as possible. Reducing weed competition and crop damage are two important factors in managing seed corn to produce the highest economic return. The objective of this research was to characterize the tolerance of eight commercial corn inbreds to common preemergence and postemergence herbicides. The eight inbreds used in all trials represent seven different inbred families (Table 1). MATERIALS AND METHODS Greenhouse Experiments. Greenhouse trials were conducted to determine tolerance of corn inbreds to preemergence and postemergence herbicides under controlled environmental conditions. All greenhouse trials were conducted at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI with a Spinks loamy sand (sand, mixed, Mesic Psarnmentic Hapludalfs) soil that had a pH of 6.9 and 3% organic matter. Plants were grown at air temperature of 25 i 5 C with a 16-h photoperiod of natural lighting supplemented with sodium vapor lighting to provide a total midday light intensity of 1,000 umol/mz/s photosynthetic photon flux at plant height. Premergence trials had four seeds per pot and postemergence trials had one seed per pot 16 planted 2.5 cm deep in 910 ml plastic pots. Herbicides were applied at two and four times the typical use rates using a continuous link-belt sprayer equipped with an even flat fan nozzle‘ calibrated to deliver 234 L/ha at an operating pressure of 220 kPa. Herbicide treatments for preemergence greenhouse experiments consisted of untreated, isoxaflutole at 157 gm and 314 g/ha, acetochlor, 2-chloro-N-(ethoxymethyl)-N— (2-ethy1-6-methy1phenyl)acetarnide; plus MON-4660, 4-(dichloroacetly-1-oxa—4-azaspiro- (4,5)-decane; at 3.6 kg/ha and 7.2 kg/ha, and pendimethalin at 2.2 kg/ha and 4.4 kg/ha. To incorporate preemergence treatments 125 m1 of water was added to each individual pot immediately after herbicide application. Herbicide treatments for postemergence greenhouse experiments consisted of untreated, nicosulfuron at 70 g/ha and 140 g/ha with non-ionic surfactant at .25 % (v/v) and 28% nitrogen at 9 MM, fluthiacet at lOg/ha and 20 g/ha with crop oil concentrate at 2.4 L/ha, bromoxynil at 0.84 kg/ha and 1.68 kg/ha, and dicamba at 0.56 kg/ha and 1.12 kg/ha. For the postemergence greenhouse trials extra pots were planted and used to select a turiform population. Plants in postemergence trials were at V3 stage of development when treated (Ritchie et a1. 1989). All experiments were conducted as completely randomized design with four replications and repeated. Corn injury, plant height, and plant dry weight 14 days after treatment (DAT) were collected for all greenhouse studies. Visual injury ratings were based on a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 representing no effect and 100 representing plant death. Corn height and plant dry weight was calculated as a percentage of the nontreated plants, with 0 representing plant death and 100 representing height and dry weight equal to nontreated plants. 'TeeJet 8001B, Spraying Systems Co., North Ave., Wheaton, IL 60188. 17 Field Experiments. Field trials were conducted in 1998 and 1999 to determine tolerance of corn inbreds to preemergence and postemergence herbicides under field environmental conditions. All field experiments were conducted at the Michigan State University Crop and Soil Science Research Farm at East Lansing, MI on a Capac loam (fine-loamy, mixed mesic Aerie Ochraqualf) soil. All field experiments were designed as split plots with three replications. The main plots were herbicides and subplots were inbred varieties. Sub plots were four 76 cm corn rows wide and 7.6 m long. Herbicide treatments were applied on the center rows and the outside rows were untreated. One of the center rows was treated at two times the typical use rate and the other row was treated at four times the typical use rate. All herbicides were applied with a tractor mounted compressed air sprayer calibrated to deliver a 51 cm band over the row at 187 L/ha at 207 kPa using even flat fan nozzlesz. The two rates of herbicides were applied on the subplots at the same time using multiple tanks and nozzles mounted on the tractor. Preemergence Herbicide Experiments. In 1998 a fallow field with a soil pH of 7.7 and 2.3% organic matter was spring moldboard plowed, disked two times, and field cultivated three times. In 1999 soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] stubble with a soil pH of 6.1 and 1.0% organic matter was spring field cultivated three times. In both years prior to the last field cultivation 318 kg/ha of 46-0-0 (N, P205, K20) fertilizer was broadcast. At planting 6-24-24 (N, P205, K20) fertilizer was applied as a banded neatment 5 cm below and 5 cm beside the corn seed at 224 kg/ha in 1998 and 280 kg/ha in 1999. Corn inbred seed were planted 3.8 cm deep at 62,400 seeds/ha on June 17, 1998 and May 4, 1999, respectively. Herbicide treatments for preemergence field experiments consisted of untreated, 2TeeJet 8003B, Spraying Systems Co., North Ave., Wheaton, IL 60188. 18 isoxaflutole at 157 g/ha and 314 g/ha, metolachlor, 2-chloro-N-(2-ethy1-6-methylphenyl)-N- (2-methoxy-1-mehylethy)actamide; plus benoxacor, (4-dichloroacety1)-3,4-dihydro-3- methyl-2H-1,4-benzoxazine; at 2.83 kg/ha and 5.66 kg/ha, acetochlor plus MON-13900, 3- dichloroacetyl-S-(2-fi1ranyl)-2,2-dimethyl—oxazolidine; at 3.6kg/ha and 7.2 kg/ha, and pendimethalin at 2.2 kg/ha and 4.4 kg/ha. Atrazine, [6-chloro-N-ethyl-N’-(l-methylethyl)- 1,3,5-triazine—2,4—diamine] at 1.68 kg/ha was applied preplant incorporated to the entire study area to minimize annual weed competition. Applications of preemergence herbicides were on June 18, 1998 and May 4, 1999, respectively. Rainfall in 1998 and 1999 was not ideal for incorporation of herbicides into the soil. Efforts were made in 1998 to incorporate herbicide treatments by applying 1.2 cm of over head irrigation on June 22, 1998. Rainfall amounts 0-14 DAT in 1998 and 1999 are listed in Table 2. Corn injury was evaluated 28 DAT in 1998 and 35 DAT in 1999. Other data collected were number of days from planting to seedling emergence, and number of days from planting to initiation of tassel emergence. Visual injury ratings were based on a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 indicating no effect and 100 indicating plant death. Postemergence Herbicide Experiments. In 1998 corn stubble with a soil pH of 6.8 and 1.7% organic matter was chisel plowed, in the fall of 1997, and spring field cultivated two times. In 1999 soybean stubble with a soil pH 7.0 and 1.6% organic matter was spring field cultivated two times. In both years prior to the last field cultivation 318 kg/ha 46-0-0 (N, P205, K20) fertilizer was broadcast. At planting 6-24-24 (N, P205, K20) fertilizer was applied as a banded treatment 5 cm below and 5 cm beside the corn seed at 302 kg/ha in 1998 and 280 kg/ha in 1999. Corn inbred seed were planted 3.8 cm deep at 62,400 seeds/ha on May 15, 1998 and May 7, 1999, respectively. In 1998 the study was located in a field that 19 was com in 1997 so the insecticide tefluthrin [(2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-4-methylphenyl) methyl- (1a,3a)-(z)-(i)-3-(2-chloro-3,3 ,3-trif1uoro-1-propenyl)-2,2- dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate] at 0.35 kg/ha was T-banded over the row at planting. Herbicide treatments consisted of untreated, nicosulfuron at 70 g/ha and 140 g/ha with non-ionic surfactant at .25% (v/v) and 28% nitrogen at 9 L/ ha, fluthiacet at 10 g/ha and 20 g/hawith crop oil concentrate at 2.4 MM, bromoxynil at 0.84 kg/ha and 1.68 kg/ha, and dicamba at 0.56 kg/ha and 1.12 kg/ha. Metolachlor plus benoxacor at 1.42 kg/ha, and atrazine at 1.68 kg/ha were applied preplant incorporated to the entire study area to minimize annual weed competition. Applications ofpostemergence herbicides were on June 15, 1998 and June 8, 1999, respectively. At time of herbicide application all inbreds were at V4-V5 stage of development (Richie et a1. 1989), averaged 6-7 visible leaves, and plant height ranged from 7 to 11 inches. Corn injury was evaluated 14 DAT both years, and number of days from planting to initiation of tassel emergence was also recorded. Visual injury ratings were based on a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 indicating no effect and 100 indicating plant death. Statistical Analysis. Greenhouse data were subjected to the F-max test for homogeneity of variance which indicated that the data could be combined over nms. The F-max test showed that field data was non-homogenous. Therefore, data from each year were analyzed and reported separately. All data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means were separated using the least significant difference procedure at the 0.05 level. Arcsine transformations were conducted. Transformations did not affect interpretation of the data, therefore nontransformed means are presented. 20 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Preemergence Herbicide Studies. Herbicides applied at four times the typical use rates provided the best representation of the effects for both greenhouse and field nials. Therefore, data fiom herbicides applied at four times the typical use rates are presented for clarity. The response of corn inbreds to preemergnce herbicides in the greenhouse is reported in Table 3. Pendimethalin and isoxaflutole severely injured all corn inbreds. Pendimethalin injury ranged from 31% with inbred 1 to 88% with inbred 24. Isoxaflutole injury ranged from 12% with inbreds 15 and 16 to 43% with inbred 24. Acetoclor plus MON-13900 severely injured only two inbreds (3 and 24). With inbreds 3 and 24, visual injury was increased, and plant height and dry weight were decreased by all three herbicides. This data demonstrates differential tolerance among inbreds. Isoxaflutole was the only preemergence herbicide in 1998 and 1999 field studies to injure corn inbreds. Therefore, only corn inbred response to isoxaflutole is reported in Table 4. Preemergence herbicides did not delay crop emergence either year (data not shown). Isoxaflutole caused visual injury and delayed the number of days to initiation of tassel emergence both years. Luscombe et a1. (1994) reported that isoxaflutole is available for plant uptake for six weeks after application. Corn inbred injury ranged from 78% with inbred 11 to 92% with inbred 15 in 1998. Injury in 1999 ranged from 13% with inbred 27 to 84% with inbred 24. Initiation of tassel emergence was delayed by exposure to isoxaflutole with all inbreds compared to untreated plants. For example, treated plants of inbred 26 took 26% longer to tassel compared to the untreated plants in 1998. All inbreds except l6 and 27 required more growing degree days to tassel compared to untreated plants in 1999. Inbred 24 took 11% longer to tassel compared to untreated plants. Sprague et a1. (1999) reported 21 that the difference in corn hybrid tolerance to isoxaflutole was primarily due to differential herbicide metabolism. Environmental conditions influence inbred response to herbicides. Corn injury increased as soil moisture content increased (Rowe et a1. 1991). Roggenbuck and Penner (1987) reported that temperature influenced injury to trifluralin [2,6—dinitro—N,N-dipropyl-4- (trifluoromethyl)benzenamine] more than soil moisture levels but both are important. Environmental conditions may increase herbicidal activity or reduce the plants tolerance to herbicide exposure. For example, pendimethalin caused 31-88% injury in greenhouse trials, but caused no injury in field trials. Lack of corn injury from pendimethalin in 1998 or 1999 field studies is likely due to lack of exposure of the corn roots to the herbicide. In the greenhouse, inigation applied at the time of herbicide application resulted in pendimethalin migration through the soil to the roots, resulting in injury to corn inbreds. Lueschen and Behrens (1977) reported that com hybrids exhibited a range of susceptibility to pendimethalin but could not be easily grouped into tolerant and susceptible categories. Postemergence Herbicide Studies. The response of corn inbreds in a greenhouse varied between repeated trials of the experiment. No injury occurred in the first trial while herbicide injury was observed in the second trial. Fluthiacet was the only herbicide to injure corn inbreds. Therefore, only corn inbred response to fluthiacet from the second trial is reported in Table 5. Fluthiacet injured only inbreds 3 and 24. Injury to each inbred was 19%, and plant height and dry weight were decreased. No published data reports this variable response among corn inbreds to fluthiacet. However, Fausey (1999) reported that decreased herbicide retention, absorption, translocation, and increased metabolism contributed to corn tolerance to fluthiacet. 22 The response of com inbreds to postemergnce herbicides in 1998 and 1999 field studies are reported in Table '6. Herbicides did not delay growing degree days for initiation of tassel emergence in any inbred (data not shown). Nicosulfuron did not injury any inbreds in 1998, however in 1999, inbred 1 had 38% injury. Inbred 1 belongs to the flint family. Green and Ulrich (1993) reported that flint inbreds varied widely in sensitivity to sulfonylurea herbicides. However, inbred 1 is used as a female in seed production, and Green and Ulrich (1993) reported that all female inbreds were tolerant of nicosulfuron Kang (1993) reported that sensitivity to nicosulfuron is caused by a single recessive gene. In 1999, inbreds 15, 16, 24, and 27 exhibited intermediate sensitivity to nicosulfuron with injury ranging fiom 9 to 15%. Injury from fluthiacet was greatest on inbred 24 with 22% injury in 1998 and 12% injury in 1999. Bromoxynil did not cause greater than 12% injury either year. Schafer and Chilote (1970) reported susceptibility to bromoxynil is based on differential translocation and degradation. Injury from dicamba was greatest on inbred 1 with 30% injury in 1998 and 12% injury in 1999. Inbred 16 had 23% injury from dicamba in 1998, but had no injury from dicamba in 1999. Hansen and Buchholtz (1950) reported differences in com inbred tolerance to 2,4-D, (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid. The mode of action of dicamba is similar to that of 2,4-D (Miller 1952). The exact sites of action of dicamba are not known and are believed to be multiple (Gunsolus and Curran 1994). Dicamba alters the hormone balance and protein synthesis in susceptible plants which results in abnormal growth. The environment was a factor in the sensitivity of these inbreds. For example, fluthiacet injured inbreds 3 and 24 in the greenhouse but injured only inbred 24 in the field. Inbred 1 was injured by nicosulfuron and dicamba only under field conditions. 23 The response of corn inbreds to preemergence and postemergence herbicides is variable. Inbreds 3 and 24 were more sensitive to preemergence and postemergence herbicides than other inbreds. Inbred injury was not limited to herbicides that have the same mode of action. For example, inbreds 3 and 24 were sensitive to isoxaflutole, acetochlor, and fluthiacet in the greenhouse. These three herbicides have distinctly different modes of action. The results of this research indicates that injury from herbicides is the result of inherent differences among corn inbreds. Therefore, herbicides and corn inbreds must be matched carefully to assure crop safety. 24 LITERATURE CITED Bickner, B. P. 1993. Hybrid Corn, past, present, and future. Frontiers of Plant Sci. 46:2-4. Craig, W. F. 1977. Production of hybrid seed corn. p. 671-719. In G. F. Sprague (ed.) Corn and Corn Improvement. Agron. Monogr. 18. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. Fausey, J. C. 1999. Enhancing postemergence weed control programs in corn and soybean with fluthiacet and flurniclorac. Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI. pp.2-29. Green, J. M. and J. F. Ulrich. 1993. Response of corn (Zea mays L.) inbreds and hybrids to sulfonylurea herbicides. Weed Sci. 41:508-516. Gunsolus, J. L. and W. S. Curran. 1994. Herbicide mode of action and injury symptoms. North Central Regional Extension Publication 377. pp. 4. Hansen, J. R. and K. P. Buchholtz. 1950. Germination and seedling responses of inbred lines of corn to 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Agron. J our. 42:452-455. Harvey, R. G. and G. R. McNevin. 1990. Combining cultural practices and herbicides to control wild-proso millet (Panicum miliaceum). Weed Tech. 4:433-439. Kang, M. S. 1993. Inheritance of susceptibility to nicosulfirron herbicide in maize. J. Heredity 84:216-217. Lueschen, W. E. and R. Behrens. 1977. Corn hybrid response to preplant and preemergence pendimethalin application. Proc. North Cent. Weed Control Conf. 32:78. Luscombe, B. M., T. E. Vrabel, M. D. Paulsgroves, S. Cramp, P. Cain, A. Gamblin, and J. C. Millet. 1994. RPA201772: A new broad spectrum preemergence herbicide for corn. Proc. North Cent. Weed Sci. Soc. 49:57-58. Miller, H. J. 1952. Plant hormone activity of substituted benzoic acids and related compounds. Weeds 1:185-188. Narsaiah, D. B. and R. G. Harvey. 1977. Differential responses of corn inbreds and hybrids to alachlor. Crop Sci. 17:657-659. Penner, D., F. C. Roggenbuck, and E. C. Rossman. 1986. Tolerance of corn inbreds and hybrids to the herbicide trifluralin. Annual Corn and Sorghum Research Conf. 41 :155- 159. 25 Ritchie, S. W., J. J. Hanway, and G. O. Benson. 1989. How a corn plant develops. Special Report No. 48, Iowa State University. Roggenbuck, F. C. and D. Penner. 1987. Factors influencing corn (Zea mays) tolerance to trifluralin. Weed Sci. 35:89-94. Rowe, L., J. J. Kells, and D. Penner. 1991. Efficacy and mode of action of CGA-154281 , a protectant for corn (Zea mays) from metolachlor injury. Weed Sci. 39278-82. Schafer, D. E. and D. O. Chilcote. 1970. Translocation and degradation of bromoxynil in a resistant and a susceptible species. Weed Sci. 18:729-732. Sprague, C. L., D. Penner, and J. J. Kells. 1999. Physiological basis for tolerance of four Zea mays hybrids to RPA 201772. Weed Sci. 47:631-635. Wych, R. D. 1988. Production of hybrid seed corn. p. 565-607. In G. F. Sprague and J. W. Dudley (ed.) Corn and Corn Improvement. Agron. Monogr. 18. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. 26 Table 1 . Inbred number, corresponding inbred family, and use in commercial seed corn production. Inbred No. Family Seed Parent Pollen Parent 1 Flint x - 3 Iodent x x 1 l SSS—B 14 x - 15 SSS-B73 x - 16 W153R x - 24 C 103 - x 26 SSS—B73 x - 27 SSS-B37 x - 27 Table 2. Rainfall accumulation for 14 days after preemergence herbicide application. Days after application 1998 1999 Irrigation Rainfall Rainfall cm 0—7 1.27 0 0.25 8-14 - 3 .5 2.9 Total 1.27 3.5 3.15 28 .mme ed 3 :__m£08€:0Q Mar—Ex NH we 802-202 + 3202000 85w 3 m S 28::88fl 6022 02055: . 2 2 a steam.— wv Na 0o 2 Q. mu 5 m G nm em mm mm 3 R mm ow m mm om mm 3 mm 2 mm on mm ov me em 3. mm mm G we on we m .2 c— an m. Du mm 3. om 3 o .2 2 on 0w 3 _N we cm 3 o E 2 me ow em mm me On we vm mm m we mm mm en R we 3 e um _ 02005:: mo .x. 00603:: E .x. .x. czefioemwcom 830303 0_8=cmx8_ czar—686:3 8208000 28::axofl czafioEEEQ 8203000 .2235me2 005:— Ewfi? .CQ Ewfim is? 0030::02m 05 E :oueozqam 02053: 00:0wc0808a has 930 E 00055 600 m0 Ems? be 98 .Emfi: :83 53.5 3.55 .m 03: 29 Table 4. Visual injury and growing degree days to the initiation of tassel emergence in corn inbreds after preemergence application of isoxaflutole in 1998 and 1999 field trials‘. Inbred Injury Growing degree days to tasseling 1998 1999 1998 1999 % —— % of untreated 1 80 43 113 104 3 82 38 111 104 1 1 78 40 112 104 15 92 47 116 107 16 80 68 109 100 24 87 84 112 111 26 88 63 126 106 27 85 13 112 100 ‘ Isoxaflutole was applied at 314 g/ha. Injury was evaluated visually 28 DAT in 1998 and 35 DAT in 1999. 30 Table 5. Visual injury, plant height, and dry weight of corn inbreds 14 days after postemergence herbicide application of fluthiacet in the greenhouse“. Inbred Injury Plant height Dry weight 96 ————————-96cndunnuued 1 O 91 98 3 19 59 65 11 O 96 98 15 0 Q 105 102 16 O 83 71 24 19 77 72 26 0 97 94 27 0 95 121 LSDWOS, 5 24 — l6 — aFluthiacet was applied at 20 gfha with crop oil concentrate at 2.4 L/ha. Data from one trial only. 31 Table 6. Visual injury to corn inbreds 14 days after postemergence application of herbicides in 1998 and 1999 field trials. Inbred nicosulfurona fluthiacetb bromoxynilc dicambad 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 % 1 0 38 4 7 7 9 3o 12 3 0 3 3 5 5 9 0 0 11 0 2 3 7 6 6 3 o 15 2 9 7 7 5 7 2 3 16 0 15 4 3 6 12 23 0 24 2 15 22 12 8 9 8 5 26 0 0 5 3 4 3 0 0 27 0 11 8 6 11 2 3 LSDMOS) 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 aNicosulfuron was applied at 140 g/ha with non-ionic surfactant added at .25% (v/v) and 28% nitrogen added at 9 L/ha. b Fluthiacet was applied at 20 g/ha with crop oil concentrate added at 2.4 L/ha. ° Bromoxynil was applied at 1.68 kg/ha. dDicamba was applied at 1.12 kg/ha. 32 CHAPTER 3 Variation and Inheritance of Isoxaflutole Tolerance in Corn (Zea mays L.) Abstract. Corn injury from isoxaflutole has been reported in sites across the corn belt. Variation in tolerance to isoxaflutole has been observed among corn hybrids. Greenhouse trials were conducted to study the variation and inheritance of isoxaflutole tolerance in corn. Inbreds from two families were treated with isoxaflutole applied preemergence to study plant response. Injury to corn inbreds from isoxaflutole ranged from 2% to 44% among lines within the C103 family and fiom 2% to 48% among lines within the B73 family. One tolerant and one sensitive inbred line were selected from each family. The inbred lines were crossed in the field to produce four F1 hybrids. The four hybrids were treated with isoxaflutole in the greenhouse and tolerance of each hybrid was compared to the parent inbred lines. Data indicate that sensitivity to isoxaflutole is a heritable trait. These results suggest that sensitivity to isoxaflutole is mediated by nuclear genes. Tolerance of corn hybrids to isoxaflutole can be predicted from the response of the parent inbreds. Nomenclature: isoxaflutole, [5-cyclopropyl-4-(2-methylsu1fonyl-4- trifluoromethylbenzoyl)isoxazole]; corn, Zea mays L. Abbreviations: DAT, days after treatment. 33 INTRODUCTION Isoxaflutole is a preemergence isoxazole herbicide that selectively controls annual grass and broadleaf weeds in corn (Zea mays L.). Application rates for isoxaflutole are based on soil texture. Bhowmik et al. (1999) and Young et a1. (1999) showed that com was not injured after preemergence applications of isoxaflutole. However, Obermeier et a1. (1995), and Sprague et a1. (1999’) observed injury to corn after preemergence applications of isoxaflutole. Injury symptoms from isoxaflutole include bleaching of newly developed tissue followed by necrosis. Luscombe et a1. ( 1994) reported that isoxaflutole is available for plant uptake for six weeks after application. Corn injury from isoxaflutole is affected by several factors including soils (Wicks et a1. 1999), environment (Wilson et a1. 1999), and application technique (Klein et a1. 1999). Corn inbreds and hybrids have demonstrated differential tolerance to herbicides including alachlor (Narsaiah and Harvey 1977), trifluralin (Penner et a1. 1986), metolachlor (Rowe and Penner 1990), and rimsulfuron (Green and Ulrich 1994). Differential tolerance of isoxaflutole has also been documented in corn hybrids (Sprague et al. 1999’). However, differences in tolerance to isoxaflutole among corn inbreds have not been reported. The use of isoxaflutole on sensitive com inbreds could have a negative impact on the successful cross pollenation and seed corn production in commercial fields. If corn inbreds used to produce hybrids could be identified as tolerant or sensitive to isoxaflutole, sensitive corn hybrids could possibly be predicted and thus risk of injury could be reduced. The objectives of this research was to: 1) determine variation of isoxaflutole tolerance within the B73 and C103 families and 2) study the inheritance of isoxaflutole tolerance in F1 hybrids. 34 MATERIALS AND METHODS General Experimental Procedures. Greenhouse trials were conducted to determine variation and inheritance of isoxaflutole tolerance in corn under controlled environmental conditions. All trials were conducted at Michigan State University, East Lansing, IVII with a Spinks loamy sand (sand, mixed, Mesic Psammentic Hapludalfs) soil with a pH of 6.9 and 3% organic matter. Plants were grown at ambient air temperature of 25 d: 5 C with a 16-h photoperiod of natural lighting supplemented with sodium vapor lights to provide a midday light intensity of approximately 1,000 umol/mZ/s photosynthetic photon flux at plant height. Four corn seeds were planted 2.5 cm deep in each 910 ml plastic pot. Isoxaflutole was applied using a continuous link-belt sprayer equipped with an even flat fan nozzlel calibrated to deliver 234 L/ha at an operating pressure of 220 kPa. Treatments for all greenhouse experiments consisted of untreated and isoxaflutole preemergence at 314 g/ha, four times a typical use rate. To incorporate preemergence treatments, 125 m1 of water was added to each pot immediately after herbicide application. All greenhouse experiments were conducted as completely randomized designs with four replications and repeated. Corn injury, plant height, and plant dry weight 14 days after treatment (DAT) were collected for all studies. Visual injury ratings were based on a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 representing no effect and 100 representing plant death. Corn height and plant dry weight were calculated as a percentage of the nontreated plants, with 0 representing plant death and 100 representing height and dry weight equal to nontreated plants. Plant height and plant dry weight supported the visual injury rating in all studies, therefore only visual injury rating are shown. lTeeJet 8001B, Spraying Systems Co., North Ave., Wheaton, IL 60188. 35 Isoxaflutole tolerance in corn inbreds within the B73 and C103 families. Greenhouse trials were conducted to determine tolerance to isoxaflutole in corn inbreds within the B73 and C103 families. Separate studies evaluated eight inbred lines within the B7 3 family and Six inbred lines within the C103 family for tolerance to isoxaflutole. After determining the variation within the two families, a separate greenhouse trial was conducted to study the inheritance of isoxaflutole tolerance. Inheritance of isoxaflutole tolerance. One tolerant and one sensitive inbred line was selected from both the B73 and C103 families. The tolerant and sensitive inbred lines were crossed in the field, in 1999, to produce four Fl hybrids. The four hybrids and the four parent inbreds were treated with isoxaflutole and evaluated for injury. Crossing Procedure. Tolerant and sensitive inbred lines were crossed in the field to produce four hybrids. The crossing took place in 1999 at the Michigan State University Crop and Soil Science Research F arm at East Lansing, MI on a Capac loam (fine-loamy, mixed mesic Aerie Ochraqualf) soil. Each inbred was planted by hand in single rows. Each inbreds was planted at three different times to assure synchronization of tassel and silk emergence. During peak pollination, pollen was collected in color coded paper bags. Paper bags were placed over ear shoots on female plants to prevent contamination prior to bags containing pollen was placed over silks and stapled closed around each corn ear until harvest. F, hybrid corn ears were hand harvested, air dried, and hand shelled. Statistical Analysis. Statistical analysis revealed no experimental run interactions, so the data were combined and are reported as means of the two experiments. All data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means were separated using the least 36 significant difference procedure at the 0.05 level. Arcsine transformations were conducted on all greenhouse trials. Transformations did not affect interpretation of the data, therefore nontransformed means are presented for all trials. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Isoxaflutole tolerance in corn inbreds within the B73 and C103 families. Inbreds within the same family varied greatly in response to isoxaflutole (Figure 1). Injury to corn inbreds from isoxaflutole ranged from 2% to 48% among lines within the B73 family and from 2% to 44% among lines within the C103 family. Sprague et al. (1999”) observed differential tolerance in corn hybrids to isox'aflutole and determined that metabolism rate is the primary basis for differences in tolerance to isoxaflutole. Inheritance of isoxaflutole tolerance. The distribution of isoxaflutole sensitivity within corn inbreds fi'om the B73 and C103 families suggests that no previous selection for isoxaflutole tolerance has occurred within the inbreds that were evaluated in this research (Figure 2). Five of the 14 inbreds evaluated had 0-10% injury. Two inbreds had 11-20% injury. Four inbreds had 21-30% injury. One inbred had 31-40% injury and two inbreds had 41-50% injury. Inbreds from the B73 family are used as female (seed bearing) parents in commercial seed corn production and inbreds from the C103 family are used as male (pollenator) parents. Inbred 18 was selected as a sensitive inbred line in the B73 family with 48% injury. Inbred 23 had 2% injury and was selected as a tolerant inbred line in the B73 family. Inbred 22 had 44% injury from isoxaflutole and was selected as a sensitive inbred line in the C103 family. Inbred 30 was injured 2% from isoxaflutole and was selected as a tolerant inbred line in the 37 C103 family. Four crosses were conducted using inbreds 18 and 23 as females and inbreds 22 and 30 as males. The inheritance of isoxaflutole tolerance fiom inbreds to F, hybrids is reported in Figure 3. The hybrid from inbreds 18x22 (sensitive x sensitive cross) was injured 48%. The hybrid fi'om a sensitive female (18) and a tolerant male (30) had 9% injury. The hybrid from a tolerant female (23) and a sensitive male (22) also had 9% injury. The hybrid from inbreds 23x30 (tolerant x tolerant cross) was injured only 2%. These results indicate that tolerance to isoxaflutole is a heritable trait. All F, hybrids exhibited equal or less isoxaflutole injury than either parent inbred suggesting heterosis. The characteristics that most commonly distinguish hybrid corn plants from their inbred parents are more rapid growth, larger size, greater yield potential, and greater tolerance to herbicides. Tolerance to isoxaflutole was equally inherited from both the male and female parents, suggesting that this trait is mediated by nuclear genes. Inheritance of isoxaflutole does not appear to be influenced by maternal or cytoplasmic genes. Research has Shown that sensitivity of corn inbreds to ALS-inhibiting herbicides can be caused by a single recessive gene (Widstrom and Dowler 1995; Green and Ulrich 1993 and 1994; Kang 1993;). Additional research is needed to determine the genetic basis for inheritance of isoxaflutole tolerance. Tolerance to isoxaflutole varies widely among com inbreds. An understanding of the level of tolerance of corn inbreds would be valuable when isoxaflutole is used for weed control in seed corn production fields. Tolerance of corn hybrids to isoxaflutole can be predicted fiom the response of the parent inbreds. Screening all important developmental corn inbreds for tolerance to 38 isoxaflutole should be conducted by com breeding programs so that sensitive inbreds can be identified. Hybrids produced from two sensitive inbreds will likely be sensitive and thus have a greater risk of injury form isoxaflutole. Information on the relative tolerance of corn hybrids to herbicides is extremely useful in developing weed management strategies. 39 LITERATURE CITED Bhowmik, P. C. S. Kushwaha, and S. Mitra. 1999. Response of various weed species and corn (Zea mays) to RPA 201772. Weed Technol. 13:504-509. Green, J. M. and J. F. Ulrich. 1993. Response of corn (Zea mays L.) inbreds and hybrids to sulfonylurea herbicides. Weed Sci. 41 :508-516. Green, J. M. and J. F. Ulrich. 1994. Response of maize (Zea mays) inbreds and hybrids to rimsulfuron. Pestic Sci. 40:187-191. Kang, M. S. 1993. Inheritance of susceptibility to nicosulfuron herbicide in maize. J. Heredity 84:216-217. Klein, R. N., G. A. Wicks, R. G. Wilson, A. R. Martin, F. W. Roeth, and S. Knezevic 1999. Factors affecting isoxaflutole injury to corn in Nebraska: Application. Proc. North Cent. Weed Sci. Soc. 54:(In Press). Narsaiah, D. B. and R. G. Harvey. 1977. Differential responses of corn inbreds and hybrids to alachlor. Crop Sci. 172657-659. Obermeier, M. R., C. H. Slack, J. R. Martin, and W. W. Witt. 1995. Evaluations of EXP31130A-a new preemergence corn herbicide. Proc. N. Cent. Weed Sci. Soc. 50:25. Penner, D., F. C. Roggenbuck, and E. C. Rossman. 1986. Tolerance of corn inbreds and hybrids to the herbicide trifluralin. Annual Corn and Sorghum Research Conf. 41 :155- 159. Rowe, L. and D. Penner. 1990. Factors affecting choloracetanilide injury to cOrn. Weed Technol. 42904-906. Sprague, C. L., J. J. Kells, and D. Penner. 1999a. Weed control and corn (Zea mays) tolerance from soil-applied RPA 201772. Weed Technol. 13:713-725. Sprague, C. L., D. Penner, and J. J. Kells. 1999’. Physiological basis for tolerance of four Zea mays hybrids to RPA 201772. Weed Sci. 47:631-635. Wicks, G. A., R. N. Klein, R. G. Wilson, F. W. Roeth, S. Knezevic, and A. R. Martin. 1999. Factors affecting isoxaflutole injury to corn in Nebraska: Soils. Proc. North Cent. Weed Sci. Soc. 54:(In Press). Widstrom, N. W. and C. D. Dowler. 1995. Sensitivity of selected field corn inbreds (Zea mays) to nicosulfuron. Weed Technol. 92779-782. 40 Wilson, R. G., G. A. Wicks, R. N. Klein, F. W. Roeth, S. Knezevic, and A. R. Martin. 1999. Factors affecting isoxaflutole injury to corn in Nebraska: Environmental. Proc. North Cent. Weed Sci. Soc. 54:(In Press). Young, B. G., S. E. Hart, and F. W. Simmons. 1999. Preemergence weed control in conventional-till corn (Zea mays) with RPA 201772. Weed Technol. 13:471-477. 41 .0msonc00hw 05 E E08200: Baa 93¢ E 02020.0 6% 3 m :0 Bows—magi 8 858$ «.30 can mum 05 Eob $0055 800 mo 0mcoam0m ._ Semi 855 :80 on —n on ll h _..._z...a. 1...... an mN MN fix. Mb”... N. H 80er— c~ an co an ac— cm av so an ac— (%) Amfur [BUSIA 42 Number of inbreds 0-10 % injury 21—30 % injury I 11-20 % injury 31-40 % injury I 41-50 % injury Figure 2. Distribution of isoxaflutole sensitivity within corn inbreds from the B73 and C103 families. Isoxaflutole was applied at 314 g/ha, evaluated 14 days after treatment in the greenhouse. 43 .832?on 05 E Eofifiob 8cm a3 3 Bums—«>0 rash 3 m 3 283.?on 8 were»: Q van 3655 :50 mo umaommom .m BamE on onunn nu .n m ESE a I 855 i n n 3.0qu on can: u— .b Ea: a I 355 a u m n n 8033 «nuns 25% a I 355 E 25E 5 I 855 O a s (%) KmeI Iensm 44 APPENDIX .3222 @2855: 05 3 3:3 mESQBE 2: can :28:qu :39 @28me o 5:5 .353 33220: mo owwfiofloa a mm @8585 m_ 2303 be 98 Ems: Eco _. .22... 3. 8.8 $8 .2 e um? .3830 28 a: 32%? Ase... me o. 3 <2 3 2 d enema .8 as a: 32%.: iii“ an: no.8 «<8 m._ E map coca—ammo 0:2 cm: 3293.. M: E _ _ 5.2qu cc m3 om R ow SW 00 o 5 mm on 2. we we g on Q. N 3 cm On 3 E om no mm 3 a 2 «a mm 5 8 mm mm mm mm o v 3 G R Z. NV 3 mm m m o N m fl 3 cm 6 R 5 mm mm _ m ~ _ on we cm 3 t. mm cm 2 S m an mo 3 R mm mm w. v M: _ .x. 0365 pmmofiam “85:5 936.5 380.5": «ooze—mm 9.38m 3308mm “coca—mm BEE .3395 ED I .2303 En? .82 cm: 3293 05 835 8 355a 8:058on a E 82053: mo gang—haw oocowuoEooa Sam 99% 3 £555 Eco 8 35:8 05 mo .x. mm Ems? be Ba .3550 2: mo .x. 3 Emma: :83 SSE Ram; .~ Sag 45 3:3: c3835: 05 3 330 @3863 E: :5 E3836: :38 @2332: o :33 3:3: 3.83:0: .3: omfifiob: : m: @3533: 3 £995 b: :c: Ewfi: :80 a .22.: 3: 3.8 «S: N2 3 0mm.m 36.5 .30 38 3: 33%.? .22.: 3: c. 3 «S: w; 3 i: 3053:: 38 8: 33:3. 9 A32: 3: no.8 3:: m3 3 “an: 00:33:: 38 8: 33:3; 3 2 a 5.3qu 3. No 3 _ _ Q 3 :W m a R 2 mm mm a E mm cm W mm 3 mm 9. am S 3 cm 3 S. a. a S 3 S a 2 on 3 m S 3 on Q s. NN E S 8 o S 3 on ow :. a 3 8 E w 3 _ 3 a. 2 E mm 8 8 we 3 3. m 3 3 mm 3 R 3. z w 2 _ .x. Lap—m pmeEmE «0052mm LBOQA nmmoEmm «coca—am LBOHA ammoEmm «0023mm “upsc— 2303 b: .230: has: .38 3: 33:3 05 8:3. .58 3: 323:: om:o::02w a :2 823:3: ho 53:33:: oo:ow:o::oo.a Ban 3?: 3 355:2 E00 9 33:8 05 .30 .x. m: Ems? E: E: 203:8 05 .3: .x. mm Ems: :3: $5.32 .m:3> .N :3: 46 Table 3. Visual injury to corn inbreds 28 days after preemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. Inbred Balancea Dual 11 Magnumb Harnessc ProwlCl % 1 35 O O 0 3 50 O O O 6 55 0 O 0 1 1 42 O O 0 14 9O 0 O O 15 62 O 0 O 16 43 O O O 22 72 0 O O 24 62 O O O 26 50 O O 0 27 33 0 O 0 31 75 O 0 O 33 75 0 O O 37 67 0 O 0 38 6O 0 O O 39 47 0 O O LSDQWDS) = 15 ‘ Typical use rate of Balance 75DF is 1.5 oz/A (0.07 lbs a.i./A). bTypical use rate of Dual [1 Magnum 7.64L is 1.3 pt/A (1.26 lbs a.i./A). ° Typical use rate of Harness 8L is 1.6 pt/A (1.6 lbs a.i./A). dTypical use rate of Prowl 3.3EC is 1.2 qt/A (0.99 lbs a.i./A). ° LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. fLSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 47 Table 4. Visual injury to corn inbreds 35 days afier preemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1999 field season. Inbred Balancea Dual II Magnumb Harnessc Prowld % 1 23 O O O 3 O O O O 6 17 O O O 1 l O O O 0 l4 3 5 O 0 O 1 5 3 O O O l 6 23 O 0 0 22 40 O O 0 24 79 0 O O 26 13 O O O 27 O 0 0 O 3 1 28 O 0 O 33 0 O 0 O 3 7 70 O O O 3 8 5 O O O 3 9 0 O 0 O LSD=(,,SO,05,= 13 aTypical use rate of Balance 75DF is 1.5 oz/A (0.07 lbs a.i./A). b Typical use rate of Dual 11 Magnum 7.64L is 1.3 pt/A (1.26 lbs a.i./A). cTypical use rate of Harness SL is 1.6 pt/A (1.6 lbs a.i./A). dTypical use rate of Prowl 3.3EC is 1.2 qt/A (0.99 lbs a.i./A). ‘ LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. fLSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 48 Table 5. Visual injury to corn inbreds 28 days after preemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. Inbred Balancea Dual 11 Magnumb Harness“ Prowl“ % l 80 0 O 0 3 82 0 O O 6 78 0 0 O 1 1 78 O O O 14 98 0 0 O 15 92 O 0 0 16 80 0 0 O 22 93 0 0 0 24 87 0 0 0 26 88 O O 0 27 85 O 0 0 31 92 0 0 O 33 93 0 0 0 37 97 O 0 0 38 89 0 0 0 39 88 O O O LSDcmgoo» = 5 LSDf(p50DS) = 6 anTypical use rate of Balance 75DF is 1.5 071A (0.07 lbs a.i./A). bTypical use rate of Dual 11 Magnum 7.64L is 1.3 pt/A (1.26 lbs a.i.lA). cTypical use rate of Harness 8L is 1.6 pt/A (1.6 lbs a.i./A). “Typical use rate of Prowl 3.3EC is 1.2 qt/A (0.99 lbs a.i./A). ° LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. fLSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 49 Table 6. Visual injury to corn inbreds 35 days after preemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1999 field season. Inbred Balancea Dual H Magnumb Harnessc Prowl“ % 1 43 0 0 0 3 3 8 3 0 0 6 25 0 O 8 1 1 4O 0 0 0 14 50 O 0 3 15 47 O 0 O 16 68 O 0 O 22 83 O 0 0 24 84 0 O 0 26 63 0 0 0 27 13 O 2 O 31 73 3 0 0 33 48 O O O 37 83 O 0 O 3 8 8 O 0 O 39 7 O O O Lspcugm= 18 3‘ Typical use rate of Balance 75DF is 1.5 oz/A (0.07 lbs a.i./A). bTypical use rate of Dual 11 Magnum 7.64L is 1.3 pt/A (1.26 lbs a.i./A). ‘ Typical use rate of Harness 8L is 1.6 pt/A (1.6 lbs a.i./A). “Typical use rate of Prowl 3.3EC is 1.2 qt/A (0.99 lbs a.i.lA). ° LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. ‘ LSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 50 Table 7. Growing Degree Days as % of the control to com inbreds afier preemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. Inbred Balance“ Dual H Magnum“ Harnessc Prowl“ 96 l 106 98 99 101 3 105 100 101 99 6 107 100 101 101 11 103 100 100 100 14 110 99 100 101 15 107 99 101 101 16 106 100 100 100 22 107 98 100 101 24 105 98 101 99 26 106 99 102 99 27 105 99 100 100 31 109 99 100 100 33 105 99 101 100 37 108 99 100 99 38 107 99 100 100 39 104 98 100 101 LSDcwgoo» = 2 LSDfmgom) = 2 “Typical use rate of Balance 75DF is 1.5 oz/A (0.07 lbs a.i./A). “Typical use rate of Dual II Magnum 7.64L is 1.3 pt/A (1.26 lbs a.i./A). cTypical use rate of Harness 8L is 1.6 pt/A (1.6 lbs a.i./A). “Typical use rate of Prowl 3.3EC is 1.2 qt/A (0.99 lbs a.i./A). “ LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. fLSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 51 Table 8. Growing Degree Days as % of the control to corn inbreds after preemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1999 field season. Inbred Balance“ Dual H Magnum“ Harnessc Prowl“ 96 l 104 100 100 100 3 101 101 100 100 6 100 100 100 100 11 101 102 100 98 14 102 99 99 100 15 102 103 99 102 16 100 100 100 100 22 111 101 100 99 24 108 99 99 99 26 103 97 101 99 27 100 100 101 100 31 102 102 100 99 33 102 102 103 100 37 106 101 99 99 38 101 100 100 101 39 98 103 100 100 LSD‘GEQOS) = 6 LSDENDS) = 4 “Typical use rate of Balance 75DF is 1.5 oz/A (0.07 lbs a.i./A). “Typical use rate of Dual II Magnum 7.64L is 1.3 pt/A (1 .26 lbs a.i./A). ° Typical use rate of Harness 8L is 1.6 pt/A (1.6 lbs a.i./A). “Typical use rate of Prowl 3.3EC is 1.2 qt/A (0.99 lbs a.i./A). “ LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. fLSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 52 Table 9. Growing Degree Days as % of the control to corn inbreds after preemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. Inbred Balance“ Dual 11 Magnum“ Harnessc Prowf 96 1 113 98 99 100 3 111 100 100 100 6 110 100 101 101 11 112 100 100 101 14 143 99 100 101 15 116 100 101 101 16 109 100 100 100 22 113 98 100 101 24 112 99 102 100 26 126 99 101 99 27 112 99 100 101 31 143 99 100 100 33 124 99 101 100 37 131 99 100 99 38 129 99 100 99 39 110 98 100 101 LSDe(p50.05) = 6 “Typical use rate of Balance 75DF is 1.5 oz/A (0.07 lbs a.i./A). “ Typical use rate of Dual II Magnum 7.64L is 1.3 pt/A (1 .26 lbs a.i./A). ° Typical use rate of Harness 8L is 1.6 pt/A (1.6 lbs a.i./A). “Typical use rate of Prowl 3.3EC is 1.2 qt/A (0.99 lbs a.i./A). “ LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. “LSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 53 Table 10. Grong Degree Days as % of the control to corn inbreds afier preemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1999 field season. Inbred Balance“ Dual 11 Magnum“ Harnessc Prowl“ 96 l 104 100 100 100 3 104 100 100 100 6 100 100 100 100 11 104 102 100 100 14 103 99 100 102 15 107 102 101 102 16 100 100 100 100 22 115 100 101 100 24 111 99 99 104 26 106 98 101 99 27 100 100 102 100 31 104 101 100 100 33 103 102 103 101 37 113 100 99 99 38 104 100 101 101 39 100 102 101 100 LSDcmsoos) = 4 LSDfODSOOS) = 5 “ Typical use rate of Balance 75DF is 1.5 oz/A (0.07 lbs a.i./A). “ Typical use rate of Dual 11 Magnum 7.64L is 1.3 pt/A (1.26 lbs a.i./A). “ Typical use rate of Harness 8L is 1.6 pt/A (1.6 lbs a.i./A). “Typical use rate of Prowl 3.3EC is 1.2 qt/A (0.99 lbs a.i./A). “ LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. “LSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 54 22.2.22 ”222 NN.2 <22 6. N2 .22. 52.22020 28 822 28225.. $22.22 222 NE S222 2 2 2N 22222250 22 a: 2.3225. .3228 2 2m 28ch 83 882228228 :0 9:0 .224“ ma mhmoodv 38 m2 m2 gm =o_2o< .20 28 um: 329C; .\>V $3. 222 2222.2.22W N22? 92 232d 3. 3.8.8 38 Ca N. ”Emu 258.2...0 28 em: .81.»... 2 N 22.26.2223 No. 22.. mm. mm. mo .8. 8. ma mm 3 .m 3 2. co. 3 co. .3 cm co mm vm .o mm 3 mm .a 2.N mm 3 ea co mo. mm 3 .m 9. ea mm mm .3. mm No. cm 3 m. mm :2 mo .3 a mo 3 ea .2 .m .w 2... No. .2222. co. 3 mo. m mm on 2222. mg no mm .22. mo. . 2x2 2.52225 222222.232. N2=ooo< 2.525 22:22.222< .258... .2055 222N222; be 222N232 .8222 8: 30.25 222.2 8.223 222 .222..qu emsoncoo2w N 22. 8.2.0522. .222 2222.28.32.22 oocowEEBNoN. 20% 2.. £29522. 22.28 222 .8228 222.2 .20 2x2 N22 22.395 22.2.2 .252 22222228 222.. .22 2x2 NN2 Ems: ENE .3 wins 58 .222... N22 NN2 $222 .N. 22 .22. b22282. 2.2222 322 282252. 2.222.222 m222 N2N2 S222 2 N2 .2N 222225.22. as 82. 28222.2? .<\2.2 . 222 8.2.222 N223 22222222285222 :22 2.80 A3222 3. 2.80.8 <\No N. N. 2.3m 2222.2o< .22 822.2 8: 1222.92.12 2.2222 2. 222 N22; 228222: xNN 2.2222 23; ..\..NN. 22. 220222222 N22; N22 23.2.22 222 NN2N22.222 $8 N2N N2 ”ENN 22282.52. 2.22 822 28225. Nz N 22 22 22 22 22 2 2 22 22 NN 22 N 22 22 22 22 22 22 NN 22 22 22 22 22 2 N2 22 2.N N N 22 22 22 22 22 22 N2 22 222 22 22 22 22 22 22 N2 22 22 N2 22 22 22 22 22 2 2 22 22 22 22 22 N 2 22 N 22 22 22 22 22 N 22 22 2 .2. 2.222.220 222825 228.232.. .268... 2.222.230 2:283. 22220.2o< 222222842. .8522. .. 2222M. . 2222.". .28 em: 30.2.3 222.2 N22222: 22222,. E .2332? 2222.2 2232 20.. 822.59% 22 22. 8.2.2258: .20 5.822.392 cocow2oEo2No2. 222% $222.2 2.. £222.22. Eco 9 292.222. .2265 .2 633.. 59 Table 16. Plant height as % of the control to corn inbreds 14 days afier postemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse applied at four times the typical use rate. Inbred Accent“ Action“ Buctrilc Clarity“ 96 1 101 102 90 94 3 104 77 91 101 1 1 100 91 89 94 15 99 102 88 97 16 90 86 87 89 24 95 85 94 82 26 103 101 91 100 27 100 103 88 98 LSDMO‘OS) 1 1 Table 17. Plant dry weight as % of the control to corn inbreds 14 days after postemergence application of herbicides in a greenhouse applied at four times the typical use rate. Inbred Accent“ Action“ Buctrilc Clarity“ Mean“ % 1 89 99 69 75 83 3 95 75 69 76 79 1 1 97 86 62 72 79 15 1 12 97 63 78 88 16 79 76 61 75 73 24 91 77 68 61 74 26 124 99 75 100 100 27 127 128 82 83 105 LSDMDS, NS —1 1— Mean“ 102 92 78 69 LSD(p50.05) 8 “Typical use rate of Accent 75DF is 2/3 oz/A (0.03125 lbs a.i./A). NIS was added at .25% (v/v) and 28% nitrogen was added at 4 qt/A. “ Typical use rate of Action SWP is 1.2 oz/A (0.00375 lbs a.i./A). Crop oil concentrate was added at 1 qt/A. “Typical use rate of Buctril 2L is 1.5 pt/A (3/8 lbs a.i./A). “Typical use rate of Clarity 4L is 1/z pt/A (.25 lbs a.i./A). ° Mean of inbreds averaged over herbicides. “ Mean of herbicides averaged over inbreds. 60 Table 18. Visual injury to corn inbreds 3 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. Inbred Accenta Actionb Buctrilc Clarityd °/o 1 0 1 7 O 3 0 1 7 2 6 O 2 16 23 1 1 0 3 8 O 14 0 2 13 O 15 O 4 9 1 16 0 3 7 9 22 0 6 22 5 24 O 1 5 17 6 26 0 3 14 4 27 0 3 12 3 31 0 2 25 2 33 O 4 13 O 3 7 O 22 25 3 3 8 O 1 20 O 39 0 4 15 0 $137500.) = 7 LSD‘WDS) = 7 aTypical use rate of Accent 75DF is 2/3 oz/A (0.03125 lbs a.i.lA). NIS was added at 25% (v/v) and 28% nitrogen was added at 4 qt/A. bTypical use rate of Action .91EC is 0.6 oz/A (0.0044 lbs a.i./A). Crop oil concentrate was added at l qt/A. ° Typical use rate of Buctril 2L is 1.5 pt/A (3/8 lbs a.i./A). dTypical use rate of Clarity 4L is ‘/2 pt/A (.25 lbs a.i./A). ° LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. fLSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 61 Table 19. Visual injury to com inbreds 3 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1999 field season. Inbred Accenta Actionb Buctrilc Clarity“ % 1 0 10 12 20 3 0 10 7 15 6 O 8 20 28 1 1 O 7 5 7 14 0 12 10 7 15 O 6 10 15 16 O 4 17 15 22 0 7 15 7 24 O 15 9 8 26 O 7 7 7 27 0 10 13 9 31 0 5 20 8 33 0 7 7 O 37 O 17 18 7 38 0 10 10 15 39 O 10 10 13 LSDc(p§0.05) = 7 LSDQPQOS) = 7 3Typical use rate of Accent 75DF is 2/3 oz/A (0.03125 lbs a.i./A). NIS was added at .25% (v/v) and 28% nitrogen was added at 4 qt/A. bTypical use rate of Action .91EC is 0.6 oz/A (0.0044 lbs a.i./A). Crop oil concentrate was added at l qt/A. ° Typical use rate of Buctril 2L is 1.5 pt/A (3/8 lbs a.i./A). “Typical use rate of Clarity 4L is 1/2 pt/A (.25 lbs a.i./A). ° LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. fLSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 62 Table 20. Visual injury to corn inbreds 3 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. Inbred Accenta Action“ Buctrilc Clarity“ % l 0 3 17 2 3 0 4 25 7 6 0 5 30 3 8 1 l O 5 17 2 14 O 7 22 2 15 0 7 22 13 16 O 4 13 22 22 O 22 30 27 24 0 42 32 13 26 0 5 28 10 27 0 8 3O 6 31 0 2 40 7 33 0 5 25 5 37 0 45 40 8 3 8 0 5 25 7 39 0 7 27 5 L81:)".(p5005) = 7 LSDfmom) = 8 IITypical use rate of Accent 75DF is 2/3 oz/A (0.03125 lbs a.i./A). NIS was added at .25% (v/v) and 28% nitrogen was added at 4 qt/A. “ Typical use rate of Action .91EC is 0.6 oz/A (0.0044 lbs a.i./A). Crop oil concentrate was added at 1 qt/A. cTypical use rate of Buctril 2L is 1.5 pt/A (3/8 lbs a.i./A). “ Typical use rate of Clarity 4L is ‘/2 pt/A (.25 lbs a.i./A). ° LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. fLSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 63 Table 21 . Visual injury to corn inbreds 3 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1999 field season. Inbred Accent“ Action“ Buctrilc Clarity“ 96 1 0 13 18 30 3 O 12 11 15 6 0 15 23 4O 11 0 12 11 17 14 O 17 22 12 15 O 12 22 28 16 0 12 20 22 22 0 12 23 8 24 0 25 15 18 26 O 10 15 10 27 O 12 14 15 31 O 8 27 12 33 O 13 13 0 37 O 32 22 10 38 O 12 13 30 39 O 13 17 20 LSDflpSoos) = 8 LSDf(p<0.05) = 9 “Typical use rate of Accent 75DF is 2/3 oz/A (0.03125 lbs a.i./A). NIS was added at .25% (v/v) and 28% nitrogen was added at 4 qt/A. “Typical use rate of Action .91EC is 0.6 oz/A (0.0044 lbs a.i.lA). Crop oil concentrate was added at 1 qt/A. ° Typical use rate of Buctril 2L is 1.5 pt/A (3/8 lbs a.i./A). “Typical use rate of Clarity 4L is V2 pt/A (.25 lbs a.i./A). ° LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. fLSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 64 Table 22. Visual injury to corn inbreds 7 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. Inbred Accent“ Action“ Buctrilc Clarity“ "/0 1 O 2 6 2 3 O 0 6 2 6 O 9 12 12 11 O 2 5 O 14 O 0 8 O 15 O 4 10 2 16 O 2 9 3 22 O 8 1 1 2 24 O 12 1 1 3 26 O 2 10 1 27 O 3 10 0 31 O 2 10 0 33 O 2 7 1 37 O 12 12 7 38 0 1 8 0 39 O O 1 1 0 LSDflpSQOS) = 4 LSDf(p<0.05) = 4 “ Typical use rate of Accent 75DF is 2/3 oz/A (0.03125 lbs a.i./A). NIS was added at .25% (v/v) and 28% nitrogen was added at 4 qt/A. “Typical use rate of Action .91EC is 0.6 oz/A (0.0044 lbs a.i.lA). Crop oil concentrate was added at 1 qt/A. ° Typical use rate of Buctril 2L is 1.5 pt/A (3/8 lbs a.i./A). “Typical use rate of Clarity 4L is 1/2 pt/A (.25 lbs a.i./A). ° LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. “LSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 65 Table 23. Visual injury to corn inbreds 7 days afier postemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1999 field season. Inbred Accent“ Action“ Buctril“ Clarity“ °/o 1 22 2 4 6 3 2 3 3 2 6 2 2 8 9 1 1 0 4 5 6 14 O 4 5 2 1 5 4 4 4 3 16 1 O 3 6 2 22 3 6 6 0 24 7 5 5 5 26 0 4 3 O 27 2 4 4 5 3 1 2 4 6 0 33 2 3 4 0 37 1 2 4 1 0 2 3 8 2 3 4 6 39 0 3 4 3 LSD°(pgo.05) = 4 LSDf(p<0.05) = 4 “Typical use rate of Accent 75DF is 2/3 oz/A (0.03125 lbs a.i./A). NIS was added at .25% (v/v) and 28% nitrogen was added at 4 qt/A. “ Typical use rate of Action .91EC is 0.6 oz/A (0.0044 lbs a.i./A). Crop oil concentrate was added at 1 qt/A. ° Typical use rate of Buctril 2L is 1.5 pt/A (3/8 lbs a.i.lA). “Typical use rate of Clarity 4L is 1/2 pt/A (.25 lbs ai./A). ° LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. “LSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 66 Table 24. Visual injury to com inbreds 7 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. Inbred Accent“ Action“ Buctrilc Clarity“ % 1 0 6 10 5 3 2 3 10 1 6 O 4 15 22 11 0 4 7 2 14 O 2 10 1 15 0 8 11 2 16 O 3 ll 12 22 O 12 14 22 24 0 37 12 8 26 2 4 10 3 27 2 6 13 1 31 2 6 12 O 33 3 6 10 2 37 0 33 17 12 38 5 11 12 4 39 O 8 11 2 LSDe(pSO.05) = 7 LSDfmo'os) = 7 “Typical use rate of Accent 75DF is 2/3 oz/A (0.03125 lbs a.i./A). NIS was added at .25% (v/v) and 28% nitrogen was added at 4 qt/A. “ Typical use rate of Action .91EC is 0.6 oz/A (0.0044 lbs a.i./A). Cr0p oil concentrate was added at 1 qt/A. cTypical use rate of Buctril 2L is 1.5 pt/A (3/8 lbs ai./A). “Typical use rate of Clarity 4L is “/2 pt/A (.25 lbs a.i./A). ° LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. “LSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 67 Table 25. Visual injury to corn inbreds 7 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at four times the typical use rate in the 1999 field season. Inbred Accent“ Action“ Buctrilc Clarity“ "/0 1 38 2 7 12 3 6 3 4 2 6 4 3 10 25 1 l 0 5 6 7 14 O 7 6 4 15 10 5 7 7 16 17 4 7 7 22 8 10 9 2 24 20 14 6 20 26 0 4 6 2 27 7 7 5 7 31 2 4 12 O 33 2 4 7 0 37 17 7 12 3 38 4 5 6 9 39 0 3 7 4 LSDc(p$0.05) = 8 LSDfmoon = 8 “Typical use rate of Accent 75DF is 2/3 oz/A (0.03125 lbs a.i.lA). NIS was added at .25% (v/v) and 28% nitrogen was added at 4 qt/A. “Typical use rate of Action .91EC is 0.6 oz/A (0.0044 lbs a.i./A). Crop oil concentrate was added at 1 qt/A. ° Typical use rate of Buctril 2L is 1.5 pt/A (3/8 lbs a.i./A). “Typical use rate of Clarity 4L is “/2 pt/A (.25 lbs a.i.lA). ° LSD to compare between inbred means within a herbicide. “LSD to compare between herbicide means within an inbred. 68 Table 26. Visual injury to com inbreds 14 days after postemergence application of herbicides applied at twice the typical use rate in the 1998 field season. Inbred ' Accent“ Action“ Buctrilc Clarity“ % l 3 6 ll 14 15 16 22 24 26 27 31 33 37 38 39 p... O OOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO woothhhoowAh-oomom ##Qmamhomhmhkwhm OOOOONOOONONNNO LSDf(p>o.~n~ ammofidm «mug—mm «VP—Ln: mews; A5 | 23% has .23 cm: 33$ 05 88: Bow Am 3:93 02855ko a E 82055: .3 553:9? oocoonEooE Sam was 3 bind nos 05 :23? £855 E8 8 35:8 05 .Ao .x. 8 £on? be 98 .3350 2: .3 c\° 8 Emma: A53 «CPS: 33$ .3. 6365 81 HICHI 11111111111111“