THE EFFECTS OF FIELD SPRAYS' OF MALEIC HYDRAIIDE ON THE STORAGE LOSSES AND COOKlNG QUALITY OF PQTATO TUBERS M for flu Dean. of Ph. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY E. Lalekan Ayokunnu Art 1962 fESlS 0-169 This is to certify that the thesis entitled The Effects of Field Sprays of Maleic Hydrazide on the Storage Losses and Cooking Quality of Potato Tubers. presented by E. Lalekan Ayokunnu Are has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D. degree in Farm Crops ,fl/Qz: Major professor Ma1612 LIBRARY Michigan State University THE EFFECTS OF FIELD SPRAYS OF MALEIC HYDRAZIDE ON THE STORAGE LOSSES AND COOKING QUALITY OF POTATO TUBERS By ‘ M E. Lalekan Ayokunnu Are AN ABSTRACT Submitted to Michigan State University al fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of in parti DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Farm Crops Year 1962 Approved W ABSTRACT QUALITY OF POTATO TUBERS By E. Lalekan Ayokunnu Are The objectives of the investigation were to determine: the types of weight losses in stored potato tubers from maleic hydrazide treated plants, and the effect of maleic hydrazide on the cooking quality of such tubers. Kennebec and Russet Rural potatoes were grown in several plots in 1960 and 1961. Half of the plots were sprayed with the diethanolamine salt of 6—hydroxy-3—(2H)—pyridazinone, i.e. MH—30, at blossom drop. Yields and specific gravity of harvested tubers were not altered by MH-30. Tubers from untreated and maleic hydrazide-treated plants stored at 410 F. lost 6.5% and 4% dry matter, re— spectively. Few sprouts were formed. At 600 F., tubers from maleic hydrazide-treated plants where few sprouts were formed and untreated plants with many sprouts lost 5% and 22% of their dry matter, respectively. Half of the dry matter loss in control tubers was due to sprouts. About E. Lalekan Ayokunnu Are 19% of the initial crude protein content of tubers from untreated plants was lost in sprouts. Maleic hydrazide did stored at 410 and 700 F. In limited trials, maleic hydra— zide-treated tubers conditioned a week faster than untreated tubers at 700 F. There was a direct correlation between the amount of total sugar in the tuber and the color of potato chips produced from such tubers. Chips of acceptable light color could only be made from tubers containing 0.05% or less of total sugar. THE EFFECTS OF FIELD SPRAYS OF MALEIC HYDRAZIDE ON THE STORAGE LOSSES AND COOKING QUALITY OF POTATO TUBERS BY E. Lalekan Ayokunnu Are A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University al fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of in parti DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Farm Crops Year 1962 VQ‘O Io[ Islez. Dedicated to my mother, Christiana Nihinlola Alabi who encouraged me as a boy and to my cousin, Amusa Olaniyi Lawal Are who inspired me as a man. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to express his profound gratitude to Dr. S. T. Dexter and Dr. D. R. Isleib for their valuable assistance, suggestions and interest throughout the inves— tigation and their helpful advice in preparing this thesis. The author is also very grateful to Drs. D. H. Dewey, E. J. Benne and C. L. Bedford for their kindness in allow- ing me the use of their laboratory facilities. Sincere thanks are also extended to Dr. N. R. Thompson, Dr. R. S. Baudurski, Dr. C. M. Harrison, Dr. R. R. Dedolph, Dave Maclean, Leslie Wilcox and John Showers for the various assistance rendered and to Mrs. Jody Levi who typed the first copy of the thesis. Finally, immense gratitude is extended to the manage- ment of the Western Nigeria Development Cooperation, Ibadan, Nigeria, for their generous scholarship which made the study possible and to the chairman, Mr. Alfred Ogbeyiwa Rewane, for his encouragement throughout my stay in the U.S.A. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 REVIEW OF LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 MATERIALS AND METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 iv LIST OF TABLES Table Page la The weight of sprouts expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight, after various periods of storage . . . . . . . . . . . 34 lb Sum of evaporation and respiration losses from tubers and weight of sprouts expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight, after various periods of storage . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2a Chemical composition of potato tubers and sprouts from untreated and treated plants determined between the third and sixth months of storage and expressed in grams per kilogram of initial fresh weight of sample . . . . . . . . 45 2b Chemical composition of potato tubers and sprouts from untreated and treated plants determined between the third and sixth months of storage and expressed in grams per kilogram of initial fresh weight of sample . . . . . . . . 47 3 Yield and specific gravity of Kennebec and Russet Rural tubers from plots sprayed and unsprayed with MH-3O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 4a The weight of sprouts expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight, after various periods of storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4b Evaporation and respiration losses from tubers expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight, after various periods of storage . . . . 52 40 Sum of evaporation and respiration losses from tubers and weight of sprouts expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight, after various periods of storage . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Table Page 5 Evaporation and respiration losses from tubers stored at 41° F. and 90-95% relative humidity for 15 weeks in respiration pails expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight, after various periods of storage . . . . 60 6 Evaporation and respiration losses from tubers stored at 70° F. and 70% relative humidity for 15 weeks in respiration pails expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight, after various periods of storage . . . . . . . . . . . 61 7 The weight of sprouts from tubers stored for 15 weeks in respiration pails expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight, after various periods of storage . . . . . . . . . . . 61 8 Components of weight lost by tubers during the 15 weeks of storage in respiration pails expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight and expressed as percent of total weight loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 9 The effect of tuber size on the rate of respi— ration of potato tubers stored at 700 F. and . 70% relative humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 10 Evaluation of potato chips made from potato tubers from treated and untreated plants during the storage period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 ll Potato chip color score during conditioning at 700 F. and 70% relative humidity of tubers pre— viously kept at 41° F. and 90—95% relative himidity for 15 weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 12 Evaporation and respiration losses from tubers and weight of sprouts produced during the con— ditioning period at 700 F. and 70% relative humidity of tubers previously stored at 41° F. and 90-95% relative humidity for 15 weeks . . . . 78 vi Table 13 14 15 16 17 18 Page Components of weight loss during the condi— tioning period at 70° F. and 70% relative humidity of tubers previously held at 41° F. and 90—95% relative humidity for 15 weeks . . . . 78 The relationship between the amount of total sugar expressed as percent of fresh weight of tuber and potato chip color score, at the beginning and end of conditioning at 70° F. and 70% relative humidity of tubers previously stored at 41° F. and 90—95% relative humidity for 15 weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Color, flavor and texture scores of boiled potato tubers made at monthly intervals from tubers stored at 41° and 700 F. for 5 and 3 months respectively . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Dry matter losses from tubers and sprouts from the end of the third month to the end of the sixth month in storage at 410 F. i 2° and 600 F. in the 1960-61 experiments . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Dry matter losses from tubers in respiration and from sprouts in 15 weeks at 41° F. and 90—95% relative humidity and 70° F. and 70% relative humidity expressed in grams per kilo— gram initial fresh weight and as percent of total dry matter loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Dry matter loss from tubers during conditioning at 70° F. and 70% relative humidity expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight and as percent of total dry matter loss . . . . . . . 87 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Apparatus for measuring CO2 production of potato tubers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2 A comparison of the condition of Russet Rural and Kennebec MH—tubers and control tubers after 6 months of storage at 60° F. and 70% relative humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3 A comparison of the condition of Kennebec and Russet Rural MH-tubers and control tubers after 6 months of storage at 410 F. t 2° and 85—90% relative humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4 The condition of Russet Rural tubers after 6 months of storage at 600 F. and 70% relative humidity and 41° F. t 2° and 85—90% relative humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 5 The condition of Kennebec tubers after 6 months of storage at 410 F. i 20 and 85—90% relative humidity and 600 F. and 70% relative humidity . . 38 6a Evaporation and respiration losses from tubers stored at 410 F. i 2° expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight after various periods of storage . . . . 41 6b Evaporation and respiration losses from tubers stored at 600 F. expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight after various periods of storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 7 The condition of Russet Rural tubers at the end of 3 months storage at 700 F. and 70 _ 2% relative humidity . . . . . . . . 54 8 The condition of Kennebec tubers at the end of 3 months storage at 70° F. and 70 I 2% relative humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 viii Figure 9a 9b 10a 10b 11a llb 12a 12b l3 14 Page The effect of MH—3O on the respiration rate of Kennebec tubers stored at 700 F. and 70% relative humidity for 15 weeks . . . . . . . . . 56 relative humidity for 15 weeks . . . . . . . . . 57 . . . 58 The effect of MH-30 on the respiration rate of Russet Rural tubers stored at 410 F. and 90—95% relative humidity for 15 weeks . . . . . . . . . 59 The condition of Kennebec tubers stored at 410 F. and 90-95% relative humidity at the end of 15 weeks. Photographed on 2-27-62 . . . . . The condition of Russet Rural tubers stored at 41° F. and 90-95% relative humidity at the end of 15 weeks. Photographed on 2—27-62 . . . . The condition of Kennebec tubers stored at 700 F. and 70% relative humidity at the end of 15 weeks. Photographed on 2—27—62. . . . . . . . 67 The condition of Russet Rural tubers stored at 70° F. and 70% relative humidity at the end of 15 weeks. Photographed on 2-27—62 . . . . . . . 67 Potato tubers photographed at the end of 3 months in storage at 700 F. and 70 i 2% relative humidity to illustrate the loss of apical dominance by MH—tubers . . . . . . . . 7O Potato chips from Russet Rural tubers made at the beginning of conditioning and at 2, 3 and 4 weeks later to show the trend in chip color change . . . . . 74 ix Figure page 15 Potato chips from Kennebec tubers made at the beginning of conditioning and at 2, 3 and 4 weeks later to show the trend in chip color change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 16 The condition of Kennebec MH-tubers and control tubers at the end of conditioning at 700 F. and 70% relative humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 17 The condition of Russet Rural MH—tubers and control tubers at the end of conditioning at 70° F. and 70% relative humidity . . . . . . . . 76 18a The effect of MH—3O on the respiration rate of Kennebec tubers during 4 weeks of conditioning at 700 F., following storage at 41° F. for 15 weeks . . . . 79 18b The effect of MH—3O on the respiration rate of Russet Rural tubers during 4 weeks of condition- ing at 700 F., following storage at 410 F. for 15 weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 INTRODUCTION In the regions of the United States where the bulk of the nation's supply of potatoes is grown, harvest shortly precedes freezing weather, and the portions of the crop that are utilized during the following months-—October to May—-come from storage. Potatoes planted in spring and harvested in fall constitute about 66.4% of the total crop in the United States (72). About 75—80% of this crop is stored for direct consumer use and for processing into potato chips, french fries, and dehydrated potatoes. In many parts of the world, storage facilities are crude and haphazard even in regions where the tubers may constitute a large part of the diet, and deterioration in storage may lead to a greatly restricted food supply. In general, potato tubers are stored to preserve their market and culinary qualities for consumption beyond the 9rOWing season. In order to prevent the development of Certain fungous and bacterial diseases which induce rotting, and to retard shrinkage and sprouting, low temperatures of 380-400 F. have been generally recommended for potato storage (67). Low temperatures slow the rate of metabolic processes within the tuber, and there is an accumulation of sugar, which can be rapidly decreased by re—transformation to starch and by loss in respiration at higher tempera- tures, e.g., 600-70o F. The accumulated sugar affects cooking quality by causing a sweet flavor and produces dark brown chips unacceptable to the potato chip industry. Regardless of the varied attempts being made to pro— perly store potato tubers, millions of dollars worth are lost annually. Loss of weight in the stored potato tubers is the result of desiccation, respiration and sprout growth. Sprouting is objectionable in that it decreases the carbo— hydrate and protein contents of the original tuber. More— over, it also causes difficulties in washing potatoes (71). Sprouting can be controlled by proper temperature or by the use of chemical sprout inhibitors. It has been claimed that maleic hydrazide is effective in inhibiting sprouting and reducing total weight loss of pOtato tubers in storage (35, 56). In the latter case, fresh weight loss of the edible tuber is sometimes as great as in the sprouted controls. Apparently, either increased deSiccation or respiration of the treated tubers increases loss in fresh weight and compensates for the sprout loss. The objective of this investigation was to determine: 1) the types of weight losses in stored potato tubers, 2) the relative magnitude of each type of weight loss, 3) the influence of maleic hydrazide and storage environment on these types of weight losses, and 4) the effect of maleic hydrazide on the cooking quality of the stored tubers. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Fundamentals of Storage of Potatoes The dietary importance of potato tubers has led to many investigations seeking to determine the best means of preserving their culinary quality during storage periods. Thompson and Kelly (70) summarized investigations in this area. They reported that to prevent excessive shrink— age and rotting, potato tubers should be held at 500-600 F, and 85-95% relative humidity during the first week after harvest to heal the bruises. After this, storage at 380—400 F. is desirable to extend the rest period and to prevent sprouting when the rest period is over. They also reported that the greatest shrinkage in storage occurs when sprouts appear, due to the translocation of carbohydrates from the tuber into the sprouts, increase in respiration rate and large increase in water loss from the sprouts. During storage at low temperatures, the rate of respir— ation is reduced more than is the rate of conversion of Starch to sugar, thus leading to sugar accumulation (67). According to Appleman (4), good, vigorous tubers of most potato varieties sprout first from the buds on the terminal or seed end of the tuber. This inhibiting 4 influence of the terminal sprouts on the growth of sprouts from the other eyes on the tuber is known as "apical dominance.” Appleman suggested that the cause of apical dominance was inherent in the tuber and that the degree of apical dominance might be employed as a practical index of vitality in seed tubers. In fact, he suggested a direct relationship between sprout vigor and the degree of apical dominance. Storage in Relation To Cooking Quality Wright §£_§1. (73) reported an increase in sugar content as the storage temperature was lowered. This was accompanied by the lowering of cooking quality as denoted by flavor and texture. At temperatures below 500 and 600 F., sugars in— creased while starch decreased. They also stored potato tubers at 40°, 360 and 320 F. and after 6 weeks, transferred them to 700 F. for another period of 6 weeks. They noticed that the sugar content of those tubers previously stored at 400 F. was similar to what it had been when they were first put in storage, while those at 360 and 320 F. had relatively high sugar content. Treadway et_§1, (71) observed that Katahdin potatoes stored at 340-380 F. lost 3.8% of their starch during the first 7 weeks of storage: but experienced only little addi- tional loss as the duration of storage or temperature in— creased. A large increase in total sugars (primarily in reducing sugars) was found in potatoes stored at 34° and 36° F.; the greatest change taking place during the first 13 weeks in storage. Little sugar accumulation was recorded at 38°~42° F., whereas some decrease occurred between 50° and 60° F. With conditioning at 70° F., however, the sugar levels became lower in those samples from warmer storage than the levels of those stored at low temperatures. The amount of sugars formed during cold storage of potatoes varies with variety as well as temperature (27). The extent of sugar disappearance which occurred on expo- sure to higher temperature was also found to be different in different varieties. Appleman (3L studying the changes occurring in potatoes during storage reported that potato tubers which accumulated sugar during low temperature storage lost about 4/5 of that sugar through reconversion to starch and only 1/5 through respiration. (3 Appleman and Smith (5) proved conclusively that the initial high liberation of CO2 from potatoes after a period J of cold storage was due to actual respiration and not simply to the output of excess CO2 which was dissolved in the cold sap of the potato tissue. They also observed that during the period of the most rapid decline in the respira- tion rate at 86° F. of tubers previously held in cold storage, the percentage of both total and reducing sugars in the tubers was actually increasing. Further studies (5) by both men revealed that in potatoes, the shifting equili— brium between sugar and starch tended to attain stability with widely different percentages of sugar characteristic of the different temperature ranges. They inferred that these carbohydrate transformations in potatoes with tem— perature changes were the cause of the characteristic res- piratory response with the same temperature changes. They concluded that the high initial respiration rate in potatoes when suddenly changed from a lower to a higher temperature was due to the "change of temperature effect.” They showed by experiments that this "change of temperature affect" could be reproduced in the same lot of potatoes at least 3 times over a period of 5 months without much change in the typical respiratory response. Treadway et al. (71) confirmed that sugar disappearance during conditioning was accompanied by gain in starch. However, they also pointed out that the total starch con- tent of tubers decreased progressively. Sweetman (67) noticed that boiling, as well as chipping quality of potatoes decreased at 400 F. storage, but that both qualities could be partially restored after 21 days at 68° F. The sweet flavor and off color in the chips were attributed to sugar accumulation at levels of 0.5% or higher of the fresh weight. Denny and Thornton (26) found a direct correlation be- tween the amount of reducing sugar rather than total sugars, in the juice of potato tubers and the extent of browning when chips were made from them. Alexander gt_§l, (1) reported that potatoes with higher specific gravity lost sugar more quickly than those with lower specific gravity. Fischnich and Heilinger (34) observed that the chemi- cal constituents of the potato tuber were primarily related to variety, both quantitatively and qualitatively, but that they could also be influenced by soil fertility, climate, disease, growing seaSOn and storage conditions. The organic acid components are malic, lactic, succinic, tartaric, citric and oxalic. The protein content of the tuber, al— though only about 2%, was said to be highly nutritious. Starch was suggested as the primary material respired at a rate of 1.2 to 2.5 milligrams dry matter per kilogram per hour (12). Changes in the starch—sugar ratio in the . potato tubers were reported to be controlled by 3 factors: (1) hydrolysis of starch to sugar, (2) condensation of sugar back to starch, and (3) oxidation of sugar during respiration. Hensen (41) used the CO2 liberated from potato tubers as an index of the intensity of their respiration. He pointed out that losses in tuber weight due to respiration were much smaller than those due to evaporation; he even suggested a ratio of 1:10, but gave no data on the dry mat— ter content to substantiate this ratio. Starch loss was said to be responsible for tuber weight loss as a result of respiration. Moisture loss was thought to depend on the evaporation of water from the tuber skin and on the thickness of the cork layer of the tuber. 10 Chemical Sprout Inhibitors Chemical inhibitors have been available for commercial application since about 1947 (68). Interest in the use of chemical inhibitors was stimulated by the work of Elmer (30), who discovered that volatile gases given off by apples applied to potato tubers, produced sprouts which developed abnormally. Several factors prompted the use of chemical inhibitors, viz.: a) The need for keeping potatoes sprout—free while in transit during World War II, other than by refrigeration (68). b) Potato processors using deep fat frying like to store their produce at 50° F. or higher for curing and color control. This puts a serious limitation on the use of temperature alone for the control of sprouting (68). c) Potato processors buying their produce at periods of peak supply when prices tend to be low, need some method other than temperature manipulation to keep these potatoes relatively sprout-free (68). d) Some high yielding potato varieties which also pos- sess good cooking qualities have a short rest period (69). 11 Chemical inhibitors applied as dusts on tubers or as sprays to potato foliage have found commercial acceptance. Numerous chemicals which are effective for this purpose have not as yet been cleared by the federal government for commercial use; however, maleic hydrazide was recently given such clearance. It is noteworthy that maleic hydra- zide has been tested more and has received a wider range of acceptance than any other commercial inhibitor in the United States. The greatest use of this chemical has been with potato processors (68). The most promising chemical inhibitors in potato re— search programs are: tetrachloronitrobenzene (TCNB), maleic hydrazide (MH), methyl-ester of alpha naphthalene acetic acid (MENA), isopropyl-N-chlorophenyl carbamate (CIPC) and amyl and nonyl alcohols (68). Irradiation is also a very potent sprout inhibitor (68). MH was reported to be effective for inhibiting sprout growth only if applied during the growing season (35). MENA, CIPC and TCNB, on the other hand, can be applied as dusts or sprays to potatoes going into storage. Amyl and nonyl alcohols, as well as MENA and CIPC have been applied as gases to potatoes after they are in storage. Irradiation 12 has a disadvantage in that it cannot be applied to potato tubers in the bin. Denny et al. (25) used MENA incorporated into filter papers distributed among potato tubers stored in earthen— ware containers which were not tightly closed. The chemi- cal was reported to inhibit the sprouting of the tubers. Sprouting was completely prevented for 1 year by an unin- terrupted application of 400 milligrams per kilogram of tubers while inhibition was only barely perceptible with 10 milligrams per kilogram. The filter papers were found effective a second time in closed containers. For one year at 500 F., there was neither shrivelling of the tubers nor sprouting. The treated tubers made good chips, but it could not be recommended then for commercial use as the amount of the chemical in the tuber was not known. Denny (24) in a later experiment found that not more than 5 mg. of the MENA was taken up by the tissues treated with 100 mg. per kilogram for 5 months. Of the 5 mg., 4/5 was in or on the skin of the tubers. The tubers, however, did not sprout properly when cut and planted, not even when treated with ethylene chlorhydrin. Sawyer and Dallyn (62) showed that the application of l3 vaporized chemical inhibitors gave excellent sprout con— trol with potatoes. Good results were obtained with CIPC at 250 mg. per bushel and with MENA at 500 mg. per bushel. Gaseous application was less expensive and gave better control of shrinkage and less sprouting than dust or aerosol application. It is free from dust, which is a problem with aerosol formulations. Talburt and Smith (68) summarized that a gas applica— tion of MENA, CIPC and the alcohols (amyl and nonyl), had many advantages over the other methods of sprout control since the application may be delayed until a definite need arose for sprout control. The effects were longer lasting with such delayed application in storage than from an appli- cation of the same material at harvest. They further pointed out that all of the other methods of sprout control, which required an application before a need arose, were wasted during years when the rest period and cool storage temperatures were sufficient to keep the tubers in good condition for the storage period. A characteristic common to all chemical inhibitors is that the mechanism that prevents cell division for sprout— ing, also prevents cell division for wound periderm forma- tion (68). l4 ggperal Effects of Maleic Hydrazide Maleic hydrazide (MH) is commonly used in the form of the diethanolamine salt (MH-30) or as the sodium salt (ME-40) of 6-hydroxy—3-(2H)—pyridazinone. MH has been extensively evaluated and found to: a) inhibit cell division but not cell expansion (31), b) reduce respiration rate (44, 55), c) destroy apical dominance (47, 56), and d) to behave as an anti-auxin (7). Schoene and Hoffman (63), working on tomatoes, turf and corn, described maleic hydrazide as a unique growth regulant. Since their work, many experiments have been performed and MH-3O has been shown to be both a plant growth inhibitor and a herbicide (75). It has found extensive use on many crops and was found to be relatively non—toxic to mammalian tissue (75). In fact, MH—30 applied at a rate of 1 gallon per acre on potatoes, showed no diethanolamine residue in the tubers (14). MH functions as a herbicide by preventing the regrowth of rhizomes (ll), preventing flowering and inhibiting ger— mination to control annual weeds such as sandbur grass and Wild oats (13, 53). Since MH is most active against young 15 vigorously growing plants, it exerts selective control on young weeds among mature plants. As a growth inhibitor, MH inhibits cell division with- out affecting cell expansion (31). It also prevents the growth of suckers in tobacco and increases the yield of tobacco leaves (10). It finds application on lawn grasses where it reduces the frequency of mowing by reducing grass growth (76). Inhibition in grasses (22), however, shows variable response possibly due to the differences in rate of absorption which can be correlated with relative humidity (65). MH inhibits sprouting of radish (28), sugar beets (74), potatoes (56) and onions (56). Other effects of MH include: inhibition of terminal growth to force axillary buds for increased flower production of Chrysanthemums (9), reduc- tion of respiration to decrease storage losses of sugar in sugar beets (74), suppression of apical dominance and bolt- ing in vegetables (7), increase in percentage of protein in forage grass (64) and production of male sterile cucurbits (43), sorghum (52) and corn (54). 16 Effects of MB on Potatoes Many papers have reported the effects of MH on potato tubers. Dipping potatoes in MH solution was demonstrated to be ineffective in reducing sprout growth although it checked fungous infestation (16, 32). This indicated that the chemical was probably not absorbed by the tubers. Marshall and Smith (51),however, working with Green Moun— tain potatoes, reported that a toothpick application of 0.25% MH by puncturing the tuber prevented any sprout from developing. Experiments indicated that only a field spray appli— cation on potato vines was effective in retarding sprout growth of tubers in storage (35, 56). Later work showed that the time of application was very critical. Kennedy and Smith (47) observed that sprays applied early in the growing season caused increased tuber set and decreased yield. Other workers (56, 58) reported that satisfactory sprout control could be obtained from MH sprays applied several weeks before harvest. Sawyer and Dallyn (62) and Denisen (23) found a blossom drop (i.e., 8 days after full bloom) application most satisfactory as it gave less detrimental effects to the tubers than earlier sprays. l7 Isleib (45) working with Arenac, Kennebec, Russet Rural, Merrimack and Golden Chipper, observed that spraying 7—12 days after full bloom led to no reduction of yield or specific gravity of the tubers. In general, foliar spray applications of MH applied at blossom drop or 6 weeks before harvest of the tubers have been found to inhibit sprouting in tubers and to give no reduction in yields and no significant difference in the specific gravity of the tubers either before or after 5 months of storage (23, 35, 47, 58). A few workers (8, 15), however, did not obtain the above mentioned effects. Accompanying a reduction in sprout growth and total weight loss in storage was the fact that there was an in- crease in the number of buds showing activity (47). Paterson (56L applying a foliar spray of 500, 1000 and 2500 ppm of MH 1-7 weeks prior to harvest to Irish Cobbler, Pontiac, Russet Rural and Sebago potatoes observed that apical dominance of both tubers and individual sprouts on the tubers was destroyed. Paterson and Rao (56, 58) re- ported that the apical region of each tuber had complete Sprout inhibition as contrasted with the basal region where incomplete inhibition was observed. 18 Highlands et al. (42) treated Kennebec and Katahdin potatoes in Maine with 1000 and 2500 ppm MH,37, 27 and 20 days prior to harvest. After storing the tubers at 40° F. for 6 months, he found no significant differences in chip color or in reducing sugar content in tubers from treated and untreated plants. These results were confirmed by other researchers (48, 56). Salunkhe and Wittwer (61) failed to obtain the above mentioned results. They reported potatoes treated with MH yielded golden yellow chips of good flavor and texture as compared with the burnt, dark brown and bitter chips pro— duced from control tubers. Klein and Leopold (49) suggested that MH acted as an auxin competitor in the presence of true growth regulators (indole acetic acid for example), increasing growth by as much as 30% at 1 ppm and inhibiting growth at high con— ' centrations. PaterSOn (56) confirmed the growth promoting aspect of MH when he observed that low concentrations of MH applied shortly before harvest, in fact, stimulated Sprout growth on potato tubers. Greulach and Haesloop (38) reported that inhibition of cell division by MH accounted for practically all the 19 observed growth inhibition. Further work by Greulach (37) showed that MH definitely inhibited cell division but that 'I its effects on cell enlargement were varied, gfthough the cells in treated plants were often larger than those in controls. The amount of xylem and lignified interfasci- cular tissue was also greatly reduced, due to the inhibi— tion of secondary meristematic activity. Maleic hydrazide may also have an effect on cell differentiation, as indi- 5 cated by the fact that Greulach found guard cells ceased growing in various stages of ontogeny in treated bean and sunflower leaves, as well as a greatly reduced number of stomates per unit area. Other physiological effects of MH reported include: accumulation of carbohydrates, lowering of protein content and increasing non-protein nitrogen compounds, particularly leucine, and reducing the rate of transpiration from leaves. Darlington and McLeish (20) working with MH on the mitosis of Vicia faba roots reported complete cessation of mitosis for 2 days in roots in water solution concentrations above 0.0005 M NH for 24 hours at 53.60—60.8O F. Lower concen— trations, however, did not stop mitosis, but breakage of chromosomes at mitosis was seen. 20 Inhibition of respiration by MH was reported by Naylor and Davis (55). Working with the root tips of peas, sun- flower, corn, barley, tomato, oats and wheat, they sug- gested that MH possibly exerted its influence on growth by inhibiting respiration perhaps by affecting the normal function of dehydrogenase. The results of Isenberg's study (44) support the con- clusion that the principal effect of MH is the modifica- tion of the respiratory activity of the plant. The modification is said to be twofold in nature: low concen— tration of applied sprays stimulate respiratory activity, while high concentrations reduce or inhibit respiratory activity. This change in respiratory rate is generally accompanied by undesirable morphological changes in actively growing plants. These changes were not apparent in storage organs such as tubers and bulbs, although respiratory changes were detectable. iFischnich et a1. (33), working with potatoes and Jerusalem artichoke sprayed with MH before or during bloom, concluded that MH exerted a strong retardation effect upon growth and development of plants. The action presumably depends upon a strong inhibition of metabolic processes, 21 of respiration, as well as upon the inactivation or de- struction of natural growth substances. An anti—auxin action has been suggested by Audus (7) for MH. He also reported that growth inhibition caused by ME was relieved only by high concentration of IAA, indicating a mutual competition for the growth centers. MH was also found to inhibit cell division but not cell extension, and had no significant effect on indole acetic acid levels in growing tissues except at 10°3 M concen— tration. Audus also stated that many observations showed thatAcarbohydrate metabolism was seriously disturbed by MH treatment in many different tissues. Such disturbed metabolism was usually characterized by an increase in sugars at the expense of polysaccharide reserves. It was also reported that some workers, however, showed that in— crease in sugars had no direct connection with growth in- hibition. Petersen and Naylor (57) working on some meta- bolic changes in tobacco stem tips treated with MH proposed that a blockage of carbohydrate utilization might necessi- tate drawing on proteins as a source of respiratory fuel and so disturb protein metabolism and cell division. { Inhibition of protein formation was also suspected. 22 Greulach (36) described work on starch metabolism of plants treated with MH. He found that MH did not block starch breakdown processes. He also suggested that MH blocked either hydrolysis or phosphorolysis, but certainly not both processes. In his second experiment, he found that MH did not block starch synthesis in bean and tomato plants. Some enzyme systems are reported to be affected by MH. These include succinnic dehydrogenase (44), peroxidase, phosphatase and polyphenolase (40). Inhibition of differentiation of tissue in the buds and root primordia of tubers and bulbs was reported (58). Sections of Irish cobbler tubers prepared after 5 months of storage at 55° F. showed no evidence of meristematic (phellogen) tissue in the periderm following treatment with MH. Comparatively little activity was seen in the buds (59). The relative humidity of the atmosphere at the time of application markedly affected the rate of absorption of MH (65). The most rapid absorption occurred when leaf cells were turgid under high humidity conditions. MH from the diethanolamine salt formulation was better absorbed than the corresponding sodium salt at humidities above 40%. 23 This was probably due to the ability of the amine salt to absorb water from the atmosphere (21). MH moves in the phloem (19) and translocation occurs both in an upward and downward direction from the point of application (50). All the investigations have shown that MH is primar- ily an inducer of dormancy in potatoes. There are, how- ever, conflicting reports on its mode of action, although it appears to inhibit cell division in the meristematic regions but not cell enlargement. A precocious maturation of tissues also occurs (31). MATERIALS AND METHODS The experiments were conducted between May 1960 and May 1962. Two recommended potato varieties in Michigan, Kennebec and Russet Rural, were selected for use in the experiments. They were grown at the Lake City experi— mental station during both 1960 and 1961. The potato vines were hand sprayed with MH—30 at a rate of 1 gallon MH-30 in 100 gallons of water d.e., 3 lbs. active MH) per. acre on August 4, 1960 and August 6, 1961. Each year the potato tubers were harvested in October and brought from the Lake City station to the Michigan State University campus at East Lansing in November where they were stored. 1960/1961 Experiments A quantity of potato tubers from the 1960 crop, care— fully selected for lack of bruising, rot, injuries or disease, were placed in storage for 6 months from November 17, 1960 to May 20, 1961, in the Farm Crops field labora- tOry. There were 2 storage environments: a) A large room in the basement of the laboratory with a temperature of 600 F. and relative humidity of about 70% at the start of the experiment. (In April 24 25 and May 1961, however, the temperature rose to an average of 62° F. while the relative humidity fell to 46%). b) A controlled temperature room at 41° F. t2 , with a relative humidity of 85—90%. Each sample in storage weighed about 2500 grams. There were 2 replications. The samples were placed in mesh bags, which were in turn carefully placed in wooden boxes with openings at the sides, bottom and top to permit free air circulation in storage. Each mesh bag was numbered. Gross weight readings were recorded at the beginning and at monthly intervals until the end of the sixth month. Sprout weight was obtained by difference by first weighing all the tubers with their sprouts intact, then breaking off all sprouts and reweighing the tubers alone. Observations were made as regards the nature of the sprouts and the con- dition of the tubers. From the end of the third month in storage, a proximate feed analysis was made on each potato sample. This included determinations for ash, water, ether extract, crude protein, crude fiber and nitrogen free extract (NFE). Both tubers and sprouts were analyzed for these constituents. 26 In order to obtain a representative portion for chem— ical analyses, each sample was divided into 2 lots by count, based on the size of the individual tubers it contained. One lot was then thoroughly cleaned with a clean, soft cloth to remove all soil and sand particles in par— ticular. The tubers were then cut into thin slices and weighed to determine their fresh weight. They were placed on trays and put in the drying oven at about 185°F. for 24 hours. After drying, the samples were again weighed to determine the loss in weight which was expressed as moisture loss. The dry samples were finely ground in a Wiley mill, thoroughly mixed, and stored in bottles with tight lids. This material was used for all chemical analyses. The analytical methods used were standard laboratory procedures as described by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (6). 1961/1962 Experiments On May 9, 1961, Kennebec and Russet Rural tubers were each planted in 11 ranges at the Lake City experimental station. Each plot, made up of 3 rows, was 9 feet by 24 27 feet and was approximately 1/200 acre. One plot out of every 2 was randomly chosen and was hand sprayed with MH-30 on August 6, 1961, 10 days after full bloom. The rate of maleic hydrazide application was, as in 1960, 1 gallon MH—30 in 100 gallons of water per acre. At harvest in October 1961, only tubers from the middle row of each plot were collected, tagged and bagged for yield records. The tubers were later sorted and graded into US No. l (1 7/8 inch minimum diameter) and the B group (less than 1 7/8 inch). Specific gravity determinations were made, by weighing the tubers in air and then in water, using only US No. l tubers from each plot (46). The tubers were put in 41° F. storage at East Lansing on the 12th and those at 700 F. on the 20th of November 1961. Each storage sample was about 2000 grams. Only healthy tubers were used. Both storages had automatic devices for maintaining temperatures at 41° and 700 F., respectively. The 41° F. controlled temperature room operated at an average relative humidity of 85-90%, while the 70° F. cabinets averaged a relative humidity of 70% i 2 for the storage period. Weighings were carried out at monthly intervals. The 28 weight of tubers and sprouts was also determined. Storage of tubers in the 700 F. cabinets was terminated at the end of the third month owing to excessive sprout growth. However, tubers in the 410 F. room were held there until April 21, 1962, i.e., for 5 months. Respiration Studies The method used in this experiment to measure the quantity of CO2 evolved by the tubers was an adaptation of the Claypool—Keefer method (17, 29). The method and the apparatus used have been described in detail by Eaks and Pratt, with additions by Clerx and Dewey (Fig. 1). Healthy Kennebec and Russet Rural tubers were used. The experi- ments were conducted in 2 controlled temperature rooms. 10,000—gram samples of US No. 1 potatoes were placed in closed plastic pails for storage at 41° F. and 5000 grams for storage at 700 F. Each pail was fitted with hose connections to permit an air flow rate of about 200 ml./min. over the tubers. Air from each pail was run through the indicator solution (dilute NaHCO3 contain— ing bromthymol blue dye) to measure CO2 production. -Blanks were run for each period. Samples were examined 29 periodically for sprouting, mold growth and spoilage. Tuber weights were taken and corrections made whenever a spoiled tuber was removed. The amount of CO2 evolved was computed and expressed as mg. COZ/Kg-hr. The respiration experiments were started on November 13, 1961, but no reading was taken until November 20, 1961, after which further readings were taken every 3 1/2 days-— one at 11 p.m. on Mondays and the other at 11 a.m. on Fridays of each week. After 10 weeks in storage, the sprouts of all the tubers kept at 700 F. were removed and weighed. Respiration data were recorded for another 5 weeks before the experiment was terminated after 15 weeks. The final weight of each sample was recorded. The newly regenerated sprouts were broken off from each sample and their weights recorded. The samples (tubers and sprouts separately) were then analyzed for dry matter content. The respiration measurements for the tubers stored at 410 F. were also terminated after 15 weeks of storage. Final weight readings were made for each sample. However, a 4000—gram sample was taken from each lot and was continued . , 0 1n respiration studies at 70 F. 30 When the plastic pails were opened to examine and weigh the tubers, a tuber was removed from each sample for cooking to determine potato chip quality. This was done with a view of relating the respiration rate of each sample to the rapidity of conditioning for making potato chips. Portions were removed with a cork borer from each of 6-7 tubers. This material was preserved in 80% ethanol for subsequent sugar analyses. A total sugar analysis was made using the pickled tuber samples at the beginning and at the end of the conditioning period. Cooking Quality This experiment was done in order to find out what effect maleic hydrazide had on cooking quality of potatoes; The tubers were washed with water and were cut longitudi— nally into halves, i.e. along the axis from the apex to the basal end. One of the 2 halves from each sample was boiled in water for about 25 minutes. They were pierced With a pointed instrument to determine when they were well cooked. Samples stored under the same storage conditions were all cooked together in one big aluminum pot divided into 8 compartments, one for each sample. When they were done, each sample was peeled and scored for color, flavor 31 and texture. The other half of the cut tuber was sliced with a chip slicer. Six or seven slices were picked from each sample and were soaked in cold water for about 10 minutes to remove adhering starch and to separate the slices (60). Then the slices were fried until they were sufficiently cooked in oil which had been preheated to 375° F. The slices were judged to be well fried when bubbling stopped in the oil. That was an indication of complete removal of water from the slices. During the rapid evaporation of water from the chips in the frying oil, the temperature of the oil fell rapidly to about 350° F. Anatomical Studies ___________________ The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether the difference in loss of water and inhibition of sprouts in tubers from potato plants treated with MH—3O is due to the degree of cell differentiation. After 3 months of Storage at 70° F., 10 potato tubers showing the typical maleic hydrazide effect of bunchy, rosette—like tiny sprouts were selected from treated tubers. Ten tubers were also chosen at random from the controls. All tubers were waShed 32 t and scrubbed with a soft, clean cloth to remove soil and sand particles. With a 7/16 inch cork borer, 1/2 inch long pieces were taken from each of the 10 tubers in each sample, usually through the bud. After fixation and embedding, the pieces were sliced to a 12 micron thickness with a micro— tome, and were stained with safranine I'O," crystal violet and orange G for microscopic examinations. RESULTS 1960-61 Experiments The results of the experiments conducted from November 17, 1960, to May 20, 1961, are shown in Tables 1a, lb, 2a and 2b and Figs. 6a and 6b. From now on, potato tubers from MH treated plants will be designated MH tubers; while those from untreated plants shall be known as the control tubers. MH Effects on Sprouting Sprout weights expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight of the tuber samples were recorded throughout the 6 month storage period as shown in Table 1a. Sprouting was effectively inhibited by MH when the tubers were stored at 41° and 60° F. The effectiveness of MH in retarding sprout growth is also shown in Figs. 2, 3, 4, and 5. The photographs were taken on May 31, 1961, at the end of the storage period. Apical dominance was lost in MH—tubers. Sprouts of MH—tubers Were rosette—like and bunchy as contrasted with the l or 2 The basal sprouts Vigorous apical sprouts of control tubers. of MH—tubers were the most vigorous. 33 --—‘Ir 34 .mumc map How waflmaflm>m wHQEwm H haco a em.m e.m 4m.o em.o 0.0 0.0 omlms amuse eonmdm a.oma N.RHH m.m m.o Honodoo Hausa penned massed on *m.m im.a te.e v.0 o.o omlmz omnocdws o.oeH m.mmu m.em N.o o.a Honodoo contents on 006 .m.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 omtmz Hound oomndm H.du «d.m 0.0 0.0 0.0 Houucoo Honda edmmsm m.e m.m ed.m 0.0 0.0 0.0 omnm: oondddws m.ou m.n v.m v.0 0.0 0.0 Houocou conducts omnmm aw “due ox\m mx\o mxxm oxxe ox\o ox\m m C E w go o rucoe m£DCOE mnucoe mflucoe Sucoe mucwEumouu xuflcfless mo ousum o m e m N a o>aumaon a neonate / UGO I! no QZm use em emoumz esomem moeewuee> moamoem wmmuoum Mo mUOHHwQ mSOHHm> kuwm named? Smwum HmfluHcH EmumoHflx Mom mEmHm CH commoHQXw musoumm mo ucmflwz wSB .MH wanme ‘ 1 w ‘ g l l 2223/ \ '.A - . I . I .'. ° ' ‘ ‘I liiIIIIIIIIIiIIIIiII‘ -—— We. * " " . u. s o Fig. 1. Apparatus for measuring CO2 production of potato tubers. 36 Fig. 2. A comparison of the condition of Russet Rural and Kennebec MH—tubers and control tubers after 6 months of storage at 60° F. and 70% relative humidity. Fig. 3. A comparison of the condition of Kennebec and Russet Rural MH—tubers and control tubers after 6 months of storage at 41° F. i 2° and 85-90% relative humidity. RR. MH-tubers Ken. MH-tubers RR. Ebntrol tubers Ken. control tubers Ker MH-tubers control tubers Ken. control tubers RR. MH-tubers ‘ \ l I 38 Fig. 4. The condition of Russet Rural tubers after 6 months of storage at 600 F. and 70% relative humidity and 41° F. ”5 2° and 85-90% relative humidity. Fig. 5. Theocondition of Kennebec tubers after 6 months ofostorage at 41 F. _ 2° and 85—90% relative humidity and 60 F. and 70% relative humidity. Control tubers Control tubers MH-Lubers MM-tubers . . \._f‘\ ... h1°1=. - . . .. 60°F.- \ .‘ s l . . l l . . . . I a u“ _ . I\". l O . . I '- ' I. o I 1 I ' Control tubers 3‘. .’J ontrol tuber 4O Wei ht Loss Weight loss due to water evaporation and respiration were measured by weighing the samples at monthly intervals. The results obtained are shown in Figs. 6a and 6b. When stored at 600 F., weight loss from the control tubers was greater than that from the MH—tubers only after the fourth month, but generally MH-tubers lost slightly more weight than the control tubers when stored at 410 F. o . . + 2 Higher losses were experienced by Russet Rural con- trol and MH-tubers than their Kennebec counterparts at both storage temperatures. However, both varieties lost more weight at 600 F. than at 41° F. The larger weight loss of MH—tubers stored at 41° F. i 2° appeared to have compensated for sprout loss from control tubers. A combination of weight loss from dessication, respiration and sprout growth gave the total weight loss or shrinkage during the storage period. (See Table lb.) Total weight loss was greater at the warmer storage temperature for both varieties. The control tubers lost more weight than the MH tubers. The conditions of the tubers at the end of the 6 month storage period are illustrated by Figs. 2, 3, 4, and 5. mo mUoHHwQ mCOHHm> ku mm ufimHo3 Cmmuw HMHuHCH EMHmo 0N H m oHv um poHODm muons u Eouw mommOH CoHumuHmmoH ch mfluCoE CH oEHu omwuoum w m w m N 41 * mHoQCUIZE Hmusm uommsm muons» HouuCoo Hmusm Hommdm muonoulmz owanCox muonou HOHuCOU owaCCoM ®l+lo ¥II.IIK 4|IIIL< cam .mmmuoum .mHn ION low low low k7.00.... HHM Hod mEmum CH commmumxw COHumuomm>m ssoI 1q5T9M (Bx/5) 42 32° O—————4> Kennebec control tubers A——--fl Kennebec MH—tubers 300 x—---—x Russet Rural control tubers Russet Rural MH-tubers Weight loss (g/kg) Storage time in months Fig. 6b. Evaporation and respiration losses from tubers Stored at 600 F. expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight after various periods of storage. ‘f 43 .wumc How oHQMHHm>m oHQEmm H mHCO * *N.mmm m.hmH *m.H©H 4m.HNH m.Hm OMIES HMHSM uwmmsm h.mvv m.m¢m m.NHN h.m¢H ©.mm HOHDCOU Hohdm Commom demand on 4H.meH «m.mea omumz omnwddms H.Hde m.dmm m.eeH a.mme m.nm Houudoo uondddws ca 006 * *H.eo m.em omumz Hones ewnndm v.ou Houocoo Hones ummmsm o.vm o.em m.wm omnmz ownwddws H.6v m.em o.oH Houodoo oododdws omlmm 0m HoHe mx\a mx\m mx\m ox\o mx\o mx\m mCuCOE mnucoE mnuCOE mCDCOE mCDCOE CHCOE soeoesor .e endow o w m v m m H ucoEumoHu o>HumHou X (HomEoB IIIIlIIIIlIIIIlIIllIIllllllllllllllllllllllll ch Illlllllllllllllllll m0 QZW mmB B< mmOQ HIGHER mwfluwHHm> WO Houwm .uLme3 Amoum HMHDHCH EmumoHHx Hod madam CH commoumxo muoonmm mo uzmHm3 ch muons» Eouw mowmoH CoHumuHQme pCm CoHumuomm>o mo Esm .QH wHQmB 44 o Tubers at 41 F. were firm and fresh; whereas, those at 60° F. were wrinkled although MH tubers had a better appear- ance than control tubers. Chemical Composition of Tuber and Sprouts A proximate feed analyses were made on tubers and sprouts at monthly intervals starting from the end of the third month. The results (see Tables 2a and 2b) indicated that weight loss from tubers was primarily a result of water eva- poration, crude protein loss and the disappearance of NFE, i.e., the easily hydrolyzable carbohydrates. No chemical analyses were made of sprouts from MH tubers or from control tubers stored at 41° F. i 2°, since the quantity of sprout produced in each case was not enough for a proximate feed analysis. 1961-62 Experiments Yield and Specific Gravity Yield records and specific gravity measurements are shown in Table 3. Results obtained showed that the MH treatment neither reduced the total and U.S. No. 1 yield of tubers, nor did it have any effect on their specific gravity. 45 Table 2a. Chemical composition of potato tubers and sprouts from untreated and treated plants determined be- tween the third and sixth months of storage and expressed in grams per kilogram of initial fresh weight of sample. STORAGE Varieties ASH and Temp. % treatment 3rd 4th 5th 6th oF relative month month month month ' humidity TUBERS g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg 41° 85—90 Kennebec control 9,4 9.,1 8.5 9.1 i: 2° " MH—3O 9°6 9.2* 962 9.3 Russet Rural control 909 959 908 9.8 " " MH—3O 10.1 10.2 9.8 10.0 TUBERS O 60 7O Kennebec control 9.1 808 7,9 7.3 " MH—3O 9.4* 1000* 902* -** Russet Rural control 1000 906 8.6 8-2 " " MH—3O 1005* 9.6* 9.8 10.0* SPROUTS o 60 70 Kennebec control 003 008 1 2 1.5 Russet Rural control 0:4 094 1.1 1°6 * Only 1 sample available for data. ** No sample. b ‘ 46 CRUDE FIBER ETHER EXTRACT 3rd 4th 5th 6th 3rd 4th 5th 6th month month month month month month month month g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg 3.9 3.4 3.8 3.6 1.5 0.9 0.7 0.9 4.1 3.6* 3.7 3 9 0.9 0.9* 1.0 0.8 5.2 4.7 4.5 4.6 1.1 1.2 0.8 1.0 4.8 5.1* 4 5 4.1* 1.3 0.8* 0.8 1.0* 4.0 3.9 3 4 3 8 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.6 4.1* 3.8-k 3.6* _~k* 008* 007* 1°8* _** 4.9 4.7 4.7 4.5 1.2 0.9 0.7 1.3 4.8* 4.5* 4.5 4.4* 1.1* 0.8* 0.6 2.3* 0.4 1.3 2.0 2.7 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 47 Table 2b. Chemical composition of potato tubers and sprouts from untreated and treated plants determined betweai the third and sixth months of storage and expressed in grams per kilogram of initial fresh weight of sample. STORAGE . WATER 7 Varieties Temp. . and 3rd 4th 5th 6th relative o . . treatment month month month monfli F. humidity TUBERS g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg o 41 85-90 Kennebec control 784.5 785.0 777.2 750.6 + 20 " MH-30 777.8 765.7* 762.4 737.1 Russet Rural control 765.7 758.7 740.9 697.8 " " MH—30 753.0 741.5* 737.9 732.9* TUBERS o 60 70 Kennebec control 683.0 652.1 488.8 418.7 " MH—3O 738.8* 683.1 651.2* —** Russet Rural control 661.2 611,8 490.1 402.1 " " MH—30 690.6* 646.5* 616.5 580.4* SPROUTS 60° 70 Kennebec control 23.6 24,4 109°7 106.0 Russet Rural control 1609 45°1 103.3 108.6 * . - Only 1 sample available for data. ** No sample. 48 NITROGEN FREE EXTRACT CRUDE PROTEIN 3rd 4th 5th 6th 3rd 4th 5th 6th month month month month month month month month g/kg g/kg 9/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg 153.5 143.7 143.8 142.1 20.1 21.1 20.1 20.7 154.1 146.4* 148.8 147.0 19.7 20.0* 20.3 19.2 159.2 152.8 148.4 146.9 17.1 17.5 17.8 17.9 153.5 157.5* 148.0 145.4* 17.8 17.9* 19.0 18.5* 146.0 138.7 128.2 112.2 19.4 18.5 16.0 15.3 133.1* 136.8* 138.3* —** 19.5* 21.8* 20.7* —** 160.4 143.9 137.4 124.2 16.2 16.8 16.0 14.1 153.9* 158.5* 153.0 144.6* 17.3* 18.9* 18.4 19.1* 2.2 6.0 9.1 12.0 0.8 2.3 2.3 4.4 3.2 2.8 8.0 13.0 0.9 0.9 2.6 3.8 49 Table 3. Yield and specific gravity of Kennebec and Russet Rural tubers from plots sprayed and unsprayed with MH-30 Varieties YIELD PER PLOT (LBS.) . . SpeCific and US B ra it treatment No. 1 Group Total g V Y Kennebec control 48.9 3.3 52.2 1.077 " MH-30 48.4 3.5 51.9 1.076 Russet Rural control 48.2 4.7 52.9 1.077 " ” MH—30 45.3 4.6 49.9 1.077 Total yield was, however, slightly decreased by the MH treatment in the Russet Rural. The above observations con- firm the findings of the earlier researchers in this field (23, 45, 47, 58). Weight Losses Sprout weights were recorded for both storage environ- ments. The results are shown in Table 4a. MH was effective OF It in prolonging the rest period of the tubers at 41 . 0 also reduced the amount of sprout growth at both 41 F. and 70° F. 50 .mes wHQEmm H hHQO « k.m m.m o.o omumz = = v.m o.o Houucoo Hmnsm ummmom o.o *m.oa o.o omlmz z o.ov m.vH o.o Houucoo umnmocmx m w on oos o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o omumz z = m.H o.o o.o o.o o.o Houocoo Hmuom ummmsm o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o omumz = o.H o.o o.o o.o o.o Houusoo ownwcowx ooumm oHv mxxo mx\o ox\m ox\o ox\m wuapaesn .m mnucoe msucoe mQuCOE wzusoE fluCOE . . o ucwEumeu w>aumawm m v m N H Ucm X musumnwmfimfi mmfluwaum> mo sz mmB B< emonZ 930mmm . mo kumm .uanwB Smwuw HMHuflce EmHmoHflx mom mEmum ca pwmmmumxm muDOHmm mo unmflwk was .wv wHQmB 51 Weight losses due to water evaporation and respiration were also measured. The results (see Table 4b) indicated that weight losses by MH-tubers and control tubers were similar. The total weight loss or shrinkage was the same in both MH tubers and the control tubers at 700 F. up to the end of the second month in storage (see Table 4c). At 410 F., the MH tubers lost slightly more weight than the control tubers except in the first and fifth months. The 700 F. experiment was terminated at the end of the third month due to excessive sprout growth of the tubers as shown in Figs. 7 and 8. By that time, the tubers at 700 F. were wrinkled. The appearance of the tubers stored at 410 F. for 5 months was good, but most of the tubers were beginning to lose their firmness. Respiration Data The CO2 evolved was measured every 3 1/2 days. It was expressed as mg. COZ/kg.—hr. The results obtained are shown in Figs. 9a, 9b, 10a and 10b. The rate of respiration of the tubers was higher at the warmer temperature than at the COld temperature as expected. The respiration rates of MH 52 m.oOH H.Hn o.Hv omumz = = H.on o.ov Honecoo Honem emmmsm o.on omumz = m.nm Honocoo ownoccwx m H On ooh n.ns m.m emumz = = o.oH H.o Houucoo Hmuom pommom m.NH omnmz = m.Ho Houucoo ownwocwx ooumm 0H6 mx\o mx\m mx\m mx\o ox\m mfluCOE zuCOE ucwEumeu w>auMHmm o m v m m H ppm . o musumuwmfiwe IIIIlIIlIlllIlIIlIlllllllllllllllllllllll meuwHHm> IIIIKWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII mo sz mme Ed mmoq Bmemz mwdmoem .mmmuoum mo mpOHuwm msoHum> kuwm .uanw3 Smwuw HmHuHCH EmumoHHx uwm mEmum CH Ummmwumxm mumflsu Eouw wwwmoH COHuMHHQmmH paw coHumuomm>m .Qv wHQmB 53 a.mOH o.Hv : = m.vHH o.ov Houucoo Hmusm uwmmsm omumz = H.0NH Houucoo owanst N H on ooe n.5H m.m omlmz : : o.oH H.m Houucoo Hmusm uwmmsm m.nm m.NH omlmz : m.mH Houucoo ownwscmx omlmm OHv 918 or}... oxxo or} 93... wuapafidfl .m maucoe wzucos wzucoe mgucoe nucoE ucwsumwuu w>+ m w o m v m m H Cam .uoH m wusumuwmfiwe meuwHum> 8 mo sz mme B< mmoq BmOHmz m0¢moem Hmuwm .usme3 fimwuw HMHuHcH EmumoHHx Mom mo uzme3 paw muonsu EOHM mommoH COHumuHm .wmmuoum mo mUOHHwQ mSOHHm> mEmum CH memmumxw muzoumw mwu paw coHumnomm>w mo Esw .Uv wHQMB 54 Fig. 7. The condition of Russet Rural tubers at the end of 3 months storage at 700 F. and 70 i 2% relative humidity. Fig. 8. The condition of Kennebec tubers at the end of 3 months storage at 700 F. and 70 1 2% relative humidity. 2‘?! Control tubers Control tubers MH-tubers MH-tubers 56 um Uwuoum muons» owflwccwm mo mums soHum mxmwB CH mH vH NH OH F|\ _ _ _ Uw>OEwH mucouam .mxmwz mH you muflonsos m>numeu Ron oem .m oon gnomes one no omnmz no uowmum one .mo wEHu wmmuowm m w 1 _ V N wHwqu Houucoo so mudoumm who: u m mcHuSOHQm umsm Honuaoo H 4 mumnouumz elliulle mequ Houucoo @llllllO .mHm I O v-i I N H '1q—‘6x/ZOQ '6m 9391 uorqexrdsau mH 57 .m pwuoum muonsu Hmusm uwmmsm mo mama coHu xwwz mH sou munonsss w>flumen Ron out .m com um muHommH one so omnmz mo uomnmo one .nm .mHm mxwa CH wEHu wmmuoum mH vH NH OH m o v N VII111 1 1 1 1 1 1111L Ill m < e e - . I o \3 Nine/ow u m &\ muonsu Houucoo co musoumm who: I OH mcHuzoumm umsfl Houucoo H < 3661311: T .II@ I NH mumpsu Houucoo mTllllllO pw>OEwH wusoumm VH ‘1q-‘6x/Zoo 'Bm age: uorqexrdseg .81me 3 How 3825.1 9.3.33 .8.3.8 on... Umuoum muons» ownwsswx mo wumu c .m 0.3V um oflmfiowmn one so omnmz mo uowmmw mes. .m. S .65 mxw03 CH wEHu womuoum mH vH NH OH O O 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 I r-I 58 7 N I m I v '1q-‘6x/ZOQ 'bm age; uorqelrdsag 3813-112 T . Ila muonsu Houusoo mTllllIlG 59 .mxooz mH new abscess: w>eumaon xmouom new . OOHOum mHmQDu Hohsm uwmmsm mo mums coHumuHmmmH map so Omnmz mo uummww 0:8 .QOH mxwos CH wEHu mmmuoum mH vH NH OH O O v N VIII 1 1 1 1 1 .— mumnsuumz eIII.III8 meQSu HOHuGOU m oHv um .63 I I m N I fl ‘1q-‘6x/ZOQ 'bw age: uorqelrdssg 60 tubers and control tubers at the same temperature were similar until the control tubers began to sprout excessively. After the sprouts were removed, the respiration rates of both control and MH—tubers again became identical, until new sprouts showed up on control tubers. 0 At 41 F., where there were no sprouts, the respiration rates of MH-tubers and control tubers were similar. Records of weight loss during the respiration experiment were kept. The results are shown in Tables 5, 6 and 7. Table 5. Evaporation and respiration losses from tubers stored at 41° F. and 90-95% relative humidity for 15 weeks in respiration pails expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight, periods of storage. after various VARIETIES AND TREATMENT WEEKS IN STORAGE 4 8 12 15 g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg Kennebec control 3.4 8.0 12.9 16.4 " MH-30 3.2 7.9 13.2 16.6 Russet Rural control 3.2 8.0 13.1 16.7 " " MH-30 3.0 7.7 12.9 16.6 61 Table 6. Evaporation and respiration losses from tubers stored at 700 F. and 70% relative humidity for 15 weeks in respiration pails expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight, after various periods of storage. VARIETIES AND WEEKS IN STORAGE TREATMENT 4 6 8 10 12 13 15 g/kg 9/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg Kennebec; control 10.3 20.8 33.9 45.7 58.6 75.3 83.9 103.8 MH-3O 13.3 24.3 36.8 48.0 59.8 72.2 80.8 100.5 Russet Rural: Control 11.9 23.2 38.5 51.6 65.7 90.0 96.6 117.4 MH~30 12.2 23.2 38.2 51.7 65.2 83.4 92.0 110.3 Table 7. The weight of sprouts from tubers stored for 15 weeks in respiration pails expressed in grams per kilogram initial fresh weight, after various periods of storage. STORAGE Varieties lst Next T O— T % and 10 5 tal emperature Relative treatment weeks weeks OF. humidity g/kg g/kg g/kg 41 90-95 Kennebec control 0.0 0.0* 0.0* " MH—30 0.0 0.0 0.0 Russet Rural control 0.0 0.0 0.0 ” " MH—30 0.0 0.0 0.0 70 70 Kennebec control 14.8 34.4 49.2 " MH-30 6.4 3.3 9.7 Russet Rural control 5.9 16.2 22.1 " " MH-30 0.6 1.6 2.2 * Tiny sprouts. 62 The following equation was used to convert the CO2 production of the tubers to grams starch per kilogram fresh material: C6(H1005)n + (602)n “————'.’ (6C02)n + (6H20)n 162 grams -————*>- 264 grams Table 8 shows the pattern of weight loss by the tubers . . . . 0 during the respiration experiment. At 41 F., water eva- poration and respiration accounted for all losses since no sprouts developed. Tuber Size and Respiration Rate An experiment was conducted between February 15 and February 22, 1962, to determine the effect of size of potato tubers on the rate of respiration. The tubers were sorted into small (less than 3 1/2 inch diameter) and large (3 1/2 inch minimum diameter) sizes and each tuber was numbered for its identity. The respiration data obtained are shown in Table 9. The respiration rates of the small and large tubers were similar except in Russet Rural MH-tubers where the large 63 .mucwHwMMHp hm mm .mon Aoumum mm Ummmmumxw ppm GOHHUDOOHQ N00 Scum UquHSUHmo m m.OH h.hw O.N O.HH N.N m.NHH omumz : = o.m O.v> m.mH «.mH O.¢OH H.NN m.OMH Hosucoo Hmudm pwmmsm m.m n.Hw m.m m.OH o.o N.OHH Omlmz : N.m N.Nm m.NH m.Hm O.mmH Honusoo omflwsswx on Oh N.NN m.Nn o.o o.o O.NH o.o 0.0H omlmz : : h.mN m4: o.o mfv v.NH 0.0 h.OH HOHuCOU HMHDm uwmmdm m.Hm o.o N.m ¢.HH 0.0 m.wH Omlmz : a.mN H.On o.o m.v m.HH o.o v.0H Houucou ownwcsmm mmIOO oHv .8 .x. x 918 918 1918 93... NW u codumu .coaumu sou ucwfiumwuu wWMMMflMM mo . t . 8* . . IHmmmm umumz usoumm IHmmmm um: usoumm Hmuoe paw x QEwB meuwHHw> mmoq EOHHB mwflmoem .mmOH uanm3 Hmuou mo ucwouwm mm UmmmeQXm paw pamHmB nmwuw HmfluHCH EMHOOHHX me mEmum CH mewwumxw mHHmm GOHumu IHmmwu CH wmwuoum mo mxwm3 mH wflu OGHHDU muons» >9 umoH uflmeB mo mucmcomfiou .m wHQmB 64 Table 9. The effect of tuber size on the rate of respiration of potato tubers stored at 700 F. and 70% relative humidity. Varieties AVERAGE RESPIRATION RATE IN MG. COz/KG.-HR. and treatment 2—15—62 2-19—62 2—22—62 Small Large Small Large Small Large tubers tubers tubers tubers tubers tubers Kennebec: Control 14.41 14.68 12.18 12.12 14.34 14.33 MH—30 9.77 8.94 8.04 7.15 7.92 8.59 Russet Rural Control 11.61 12.25 10.67 11.00 13.00 14.29 MH-30 3.53 11.01 7.42 10.07 8.74 7.84 tubers respired faster than the small ones on the 15th and 19th of February 1962. Condition of the Tubers At the end of 15 weeks of the respiration experiment, the tuber samples were photographed (see Figs. 11a and llb o and 12a and 12b). Tubers stored at 41 F. were fresh and firm. The MH tubers had no sprouts, but the control tubers, eSpecially the Kennebecs, had tiny visible sprouts. Tubers 65 Fig. 11a. The condition of Kennebec tubers stored at 410 F. and 90—95% relative humidity at the end of 15 weeks. Photographed on 2—27-62. Fig. 11b. The condition of Russet Rural tubers stored at 41° F. and 90—95% relative humidity at the end 0f 15 weeks. Photographed on 2—27—62. . . I. J n- In: Control tubers MH-tubers 4 . a: v Control tubers MH-tubers 67 Fig. 12a. The condition of Kennebec tubers stored at 700 F. and 70% relative humidity at the end of 15 weeks. Photographed on 2—27—62. Fig~ 12b. The condition of Russet Rural tubers stored at 700 F. and 70% relative humidity at the end of 15 weeks. Photographed on 2—27-62. MH-tubers Control tubers MH-tubers Control tubers 69 o . at 70 F. were wrinkled and flabby. The control tubers sprouted more heavily than MH tubers. Sprouting was most pronounced on Kennebec control tubers. Apical Dominance Fig. 13 confirmed the results of the 1960—61 experiments in which apical dominance was destroyed in MH tubers. Careful examinations of the MH—tubers when they sprouted revealed that: a) the apical dominance of each sprout was also lost, since the lateral buds grew rather than the apical bud; b) the basal end sprout was the most vigorous, and c) the vigor of the sprouts produced decreased progressively from the basal end to the apical end of the tuber. Cooking Quality Potato chips and boiled potatoes were evaluated. Potato chips: The potato chips produced were scored using the proposed color reference standard obtained from the Potato Chip Insti— tute International of Cleveland, Ohio (18). The averages of 2 The Scores from 2 replications are presented in Table 10. scores were judged on a scale from 1 to 10. The evaluation of the scores is as follows: I‘M-tubers Control tubers Fig. 13. Potato tubers photographed at the end of 3 months in storage at 700 F. and 70 t 2% relative humidity to illustrate the loss of apical dominance by MH—tubers. 'N 71 l ‘ 4 = Very good 5 = Good 6 - 7 = Fair 8 - 10 = Poor Acceptable chips have scores of l to 5; l to 4 being the most desirable. The results (see Table 10) indicated that MH did not improve the color of the potato chips from MH tubers over the color of chips from control tubers stored at 410 or 700 F. Acceptable chips were produced only from potatoes stored at 70° F. Conditioning: Potato chips were made at the beginning of conditioning at 700 F. and at 2, 3 and 4 weeks later using 2 tuber sam- ples. Table 11 shows the average score from 2 replications. The color reference standard (18) was used to evaluate the quality of the potato chips. MH was effective in bringing the potato chips from MH tubers to a desirable color a week earlier than those from the control tubers. At the end of the conditioning period, Russet Rural MH tubers made chips scored at 5.5. This score was an average Of 4 scores of 4, 4, 6 and 8. This incidentally confirms the views of people in the potato chip industry that Russet Rural tubers do not always condition. 72 m.m o.m o.h OMIEZ : : o.m o.v o.m Houusoo amusm uwmmsm o.m o.m m.m omnmz : o.m m.m m.v Honucoo ownmccmx N H on on OnOH mow 000 Oak. OMIMIHE : : m.m m.m o.o m.n Houucou Hausa uwmwsm o.o o.o o.oH m.n omlmz : m.m o.oa o.oa m.n Honucou omnwccwx omlmm Gav squHEsg .m mnucoe mzucoe mauCOE zucoe ucwEuwwuu o w>aumawm m m m H paw . o wusumnwmfiwa mwfluwflum> a mo sz mm& 94 mmoom moqoo mHmo mom .OH wHQmB 73 Table 11. Potato chip color score* during conditioning at 700 F. and 70% relative humidity of tubers pre— viously kept at 41° F. and 90—95% relative humidity for 15 weeks. Varieties AFTER and . . treatment Inltlal 2 3 4 weeks weeks weeks Kennebec control 10.0 9.5 8.0 4.5 " MH—30 10.0 8.0 4.0 3.0 Russet Rural control 9.5 8.0 7.5 5.0 " " MH—30 9.0 8.0 3.5 5.5** * Average of 4 scores. ** Average of 4, 4, 6 and 8. The potato chips produced were photographed in series at the end of the experiment to show the change in color of the chips during conditioning. The photographs are shown in Figs. 14 and 15. The condition of the tubers and weight losses by them are shown in Figs. 16 and 17 and Tables 12 and 13. Respiration measurements were made during conditioning. The respiration data are presented in Figs.18aand 18b. 74 Fig. 14. Potato chips from Russet Rural tubers made at the beginning of conditioning and at 2, 3 and 4 weeks later to show the trend in chip color change. Fig. 15. Potato chips from Kennebec tubers made at the beginning of conditioning and at 2, 3 and 4 weeks later to show the trend in chip color change. ..RUSSEI Rum .Rvssn BTCON ROL 3CONTR0L DEEDSHRURAL - 2NTRO -2.'7 .. I3 “62 2-0 62 L 343nm ~ J ., ,K‘xl‘ \‘\ 3 x I ‘ k \g , -‘ , 71 '\ . . l “ :\ \ ‘. l. x - @I I/ (A ‘. - ; mi ‘/. \ ‘ .- 2 27 62 E”Russnw RURAL uRUSSEI 3m I,RuSSEI RURAL ‘RUMSSEI 3Rum I,3- Mzo- 3962 3-273 (,2 DKENNEBEC EJKENNEBEC ;.,KENNEBEC KENNEBEC CONTROL CONTROL CONTRoL - _ -2 4,2 CONTROL 5 3- lg 322 3-20-62 DKENNEBEC ..,KENNEBEC _KE§\‘§SE8EC DEEJ’EEEEC '7 MH- 0 flangflgz ;. ‘\ E55: ‘\ 9%}: 76 Fig. 16. The condition of Kennebec MH-tubers and control tubers at the end of conditioning at 700 F. and 70% relative humidity. Fig. 17. The condition of Russet Rural MH—tubers and control tubers at the end of conditioning at 700 F. and 70% relative humidity. Mil-tubers Control tubers MH-tubers Control tubers Table 12. Evaporation and respiration losses from tubers and weight of sprouts produced during the conditioning period at 700 F. and 70% relative humidity of tubers previously stored at 41° F. and 90-95% relative humidity for 15 weeks. Varities TUBER WEIGHT LOSS IN Total d Sprout _ an . ht weight treatment 2 weig loss weeks g/kg g/ kg g/kg Kennebec: control 14.8 9.5 39.6 MH-30 14.8 3.2 32.2 Russet Rural: control 14.8 6.9 26.6 MH-30 16.1 1.0 32.6 Table 13. Components of weight loss during the conditioning period at 700 F. and 70% relative humidity of tubers previously held at 410 F. and 90—95% rela— tive humidity for 15 weeks. WEIGHT LOSS ter** ration* Wa— ter Respi— ration Varieties and To— treatment tal Sprout g/kg g/kg Kennebec: control 39.6 9. MHbBO 32.2 3. Russet Rural: control 36.6 6. MH-30 32.6 1. NW OKO % % *Calculated from CO2 production and expresse **By difference. d as starch loss. 79 16 - o————O Kennebec control tubers @F*"—@ Kennebec MH—tubers l4 - L; .1: | 3‘12- \ N O o o'» E w 10 - U m H c 0 fl 4.) 88— H D. m m m T 6 - . Sprouting started 4 l I ' ’ 1 2 3 4 Storage time in weeks Fig. 18a. The effect of MH-30 on the respiration rate of Kennebec tubers during 4 weeks of conditioning at 700 F., following storage at 410 F. for 15 weeks. 80 16- ' 0——————0 Russet Rural control tubers 8——-°——0 Russet Rural MH-tubers 14— I1 .1: I m {f 12- N O U | I 6 I E 3 10- m H a o H 4.) a I .H 8“ m m a) ‘. £11 1\ ‘ 6~ Sprouting I started ' 4 .1 [ l I I 1 2 3 4 Storage time in weeks Fig. 18b. The effect of MH-3O on the respiration rate of Russet Rural tubers during 4 weeks of con— ditioning at 700 F., following storage at 410 F. for E 15 weeks. 1 ..-u-.-_ in...- . 81 High and similar initial respiration rates were record— ed for both MH-tubers and control tubers. As conditioning continued, the respiration rates of the tubers declined sharply but began to rise again after 2 1/2 weeks by which time the tubers had started to sprout. The results of the sugar analyses made at the beginning and end of conditioning are shown in Table 14. The results indicate that tubers had to have less than 0.05% total sugar in order to make acceptable chips. Boiled potato: Potato tubers boiled for 25 minutes were scored for color, flavor and texture (see Table 15). Scores of l to 10 were assigned for each of the cooking quality items evaluated. For color evaluation a whitish tuber flesh was most desirable and 10 points were awarded for that. The more yellow the color, the less the number of points scored. As for the flavor, a tasteless, i.e., flat potato scored 10 The score of tubers with taste decreased the points. sharper the taste. For texture, a crumbly dry tuber scored 10 points. Water logged sticky moist potatoes scored very low. 82 0.5 NNH.0 0.0 000.0 v00.0 000.0 o.o oeo.o o.oa mao.o Omumz amusm ummmsm 0.v H¢0.0 0.0 50¢.0 mm0.0 0mm.0 0.0 000.0 0.0a 0am.0 Houusoo Hmnsm ummmsm 0.m 0m0.0 0.0a mom.0 vmo.0 H05.0 0.m H50.0 0.0a 0mm.0 OMIEE ownosswx 0.0 050.0 0.0a 005.0 m00.0 m00.0 0.m Hm0.0 0.0a 0am.0 Houusoo uwfloccwx x .x. .x. x whoom mesm whoom Hmmsm HoHoo HmuOu ummsm HoHoo Hmuou ummSm ucwEummHu QHLU meMHw>< HMUOB QHflU wmmhwxfim HMHVOB UCM mmfluofium> Amounmumv ozm AmoIRmINV emflumumu xmmIOm 6cm .m oHv um swuoum xamsofi>wum muons» mo huaCHEDL o>flumawu $05 paw ..m 005 um mascofluapcoo mo paw 0cm mascsflmwn on» um wuouw HoHoo mflzo Oumuom 0cm Honsu mo ucmfloB flmwum mo ucwonmm mm pmmmmumxw Hmmsw Hmuou mo ucsosm wnu cow3uon mflnwsoflumawu one .va mHQmB ‘7777 E 83 wusuxme Hoaoo u U OLD L0 L0 0 0 KO l\ Ln 0 (I) O\ 5 5 0 0 H (135 Lfllfl (DOW ('30 mm [\1\ O 5 0 OO 5 m (DU) [\Ch mm (DB Lflf") 0 com mm 5 0 m 0 5 w m m 0 5~0 0 m m m m m m 0 5 m [\0‘ (DP OLD U m mLuCOE m mnucoe m mzuCOE m0 sz MIR B< mmOUm mLuCOE m 0cm m How manucoe um mUmE muoflsu oumuom .m OLD l\[\ 00 00 OLD 035 OLD (DO m OMImZ Honucoo "Honda pwmmsm Omlmz Houusoo "oonwcswx OMIEZ Houucoo "Hausa uwmmsm OMIEZ Houusoo ”omflwscwx LDC) m5 0 uswEumouu 0cm mwfluwflum> space H 05 05 omlmm av sufloflsss .m w>flumawm .QEM X B m0fluowmwwu 005 can Gav um Uwuouw wuwndu Eouw mHm>Houcfl pwaflon mo mwuoom wusuxou 0cm Ho>mam .HOHOU .mH wHQMB 84 A good comparative study of the boiled potato tubers could not be made owing to the arbitrary nature of the method of evaluation. In fact, each group of 8 samples was evaluated independent of the next group. Despite the weakness of this test, MH tubers had better flavor and texture than the control tubers. Anatomical Studies Slides of the longitudinal sections of MH tubers and control tubers did not show any anatomical differences, especially as regards cell differentiation and the thickness of the cork layer. Dry Matter Losses Summary tables of dry matter losses from potato tubers and the dry matter showing up in sprouts are presented in Tables 16, 17 and 18. NFE and crude protein accounted for most of the losses. MH—tubers lost less dry matter than the control tubers stored at 410, 600 or 700 F. Also, use of MH reduced crude protein loss in MH—tubers as storage continued. During conditioning, loss of dry matter due to respira- 0 tion by the tubers in 4 weeks at 70 F. was as great as the 85 .mmoH uos .QHMU + .mmmhamsm AMUflEmnu Mom HHmEm 000 mHmEMm usoumm* v.0 05.0 *I *- m.v v0.5 v.0H+ 00.H+ 0.0 mm.m mm.m5H OMImZ 5.0 00.5H 0.0a mm.m v.Hm 05.0m 0.MH 0H.N 0.NN Hm.0m 0m.ama Houusoo Hmmsm uwmmsm 0.0 0H.H *I *I H.m 00.0 m.0+ mm.H+ m.0 Nv.m 00.0ma OMImS 5.HH v5.0H 0.0a mw.m H.HN 00.v H¢.moa Honusoo A ownmsswx .m 000 0.0 m0.0 «I *I o.o m0.m m.m+ 00.0+ m.m 0H.m m0.05H 0MImz N.m mm.m *I S. 5.0 VH.NH m.v+ 55.0+ 5.5 0m.NH 0m.awa Honusoo Hausa pomwsm 0.0 MH.H «I II m.m Nw.0 m.m+ 0v.0+ 0.v 50.5 mm.55a 0m-m2 m.H 00.N «I *I N.0 00.HH H.m+ m0.0+ m.5 mv.Ha 0m.55a Howusoo ownossmx .x. 3}. x 918 x 91>... x as} x 93.. 38 o.o. .Ir so? moxv 191v Div darv NIV REE scams des m. We mmmé . We fl£8.55w n2-.% fix. um-.% .514 5-4 sum Sumo 38w mega .eo Emuo i m. .HmuumE ie HouumE u I val u . saw an Uflsmmuo camuoum t. oacmmuo Camuoum . . . muoa @0500 5 HmuOB opsuu m m z HmuumE H oasmm mfibommm ZH mmmmDB 20mm mmoq mMBEHumHmH X .mon kuumE 5H0 Hmuou £0Hw3 zwwum Hmfluflcfl Emumoaflx Mom mEmum Ce pommwnmxw 05 0cm .m 005 pcm zuHUHEDL m>flumaou fimmIom paw .m Gav um mxww3 ma CH musoumm Eouw 05m coflumnflmmmu Ce muonsu Eouw momon HouumE >HQ .5H GHQMB 87 N .COHuUSUOHQ OU EOHM 00050800 ¥ 3.4 4.4 3.0 6.3 «ma 7: 3..” 8.52 __ _. om.m 13 SA 3.1. 4.8 om.m H9380 Hausa $83 14. mg: Rio mam 2.4 88 mm.m Oars: _. 3.... TX 34 6.3 31v mam 8..., 3.380 8228mm aim x 3} x 93.. x 93m mxme v mo wxww3 m mo 0cm may u< 0cm wflu ufi ddeoe mBDOmmm ZH «ZOHB4MHmmmm ZH mmoq mmBBflumHmH $05 paw .m 005 um 0sficoflufl©soo msflusp wuwflsu Eouw mmoa kume who .ma maame 88 loss of dry matter in 15 weeks at 410 F. MH-tubers lost less dry matter through sprout growth than the control tubers which sprouted more, but both MH—tubers and control tubers lost identical amounts of dry matter in respiration. DISCUSSION Sprout Growth Treatment with maleic hydrazide reduced sprout growth markedly, and at the same time eliminated or even reversed apical dominance. Since sprouting was associated with removal of protein from the tubers, it is suggested that MH interferes with the mobility of the protein. Since apical dominance is commonly associated with auxin concentration, it may be inferred that MH treatment led to auxin redistribution. Respiration In all cases with either MH—tubers or control tubers, the rate of respiration tended to decrease as the duration of storage was prolonged whether sugar contents of the tubers were increasing or decreasing. Whenever sprouts appeared, however, this downward trend was interrupted, and as sprouts became abundant, respiration rate was greatly increased. All or most of the differences in respiration of tubers, regardless of variety, may be attributed to differences in the occurrence of sprouts. Similarly, dif— ferences in respiration of MH tubers and control tubers were closely related to sprout growth. 89 90 The high initial respiration rates recorded for both MH-tubers and control tubers when transfered from 410 to 700 F. agree with the findings of Appleman and Smith (5). Since the respiration rate of the tubers was low at 410 F. compared with the high initial respiration rate when the o . same tubers were transfered to 70 F., and Since the sugar content of the tubers was the same, this proves that there is no direct correlation between sugar content and respi— ration rate of the tubers. Therefore, the high initial respiration rates observed at 700 F. could only be due to the change in temperature (5). The decline in the respiration rate of these tubers that followed the initial rise was probably due to the reconversion of about 4/5 of the accumulated sugar to starch (3). This decreased concentration of available sugars in the tubers was insufficient to support the high . O . . . rate of respiration at 70 F. The increased respiration rate when sprouts appeared was due to the translocation of carbohydrate from the tuber into the sprouts in order to supply adequate amounts of energy for the metabolic pro— cesses of the developing sprout tissue (70). Sprout tissues being very young compared with those of the tubers, respire much faster (70). 91 Cells of potato tubers are packed closely together (45). This limits ready access of air and may account in part for their relatively low rate of respiration (39). These fac— tors combined should explain why the size of tubers did not affect their respiration rate. Losses in Weight Losses in weight, either as water or as dry matter, were reduced either by low temperature storage or by the use of maleic hydrazide, alone or in combination. However, although maleic hydrazide greatly reduced sprouting, even at 600 or 700 F., the losses of water at the higher tem- peratures resulted in shriveled and unsaleable potatoes. Dry matter losses in the period from 3 to 6 months storage, however, present quite a different contrast between MH— tubers and control tubers. Whereas control tubers of both varieties lost about 22% of their total dry matter in 3— 6 months, MH tubers lost only 5%. Not only were losses in sprouts greatly reduced, but respiratory loss was decreased by the MH treatment. Protein losses in sprouts amounted to about 19% of the total protein in the control tubers, while the MH tubers showed no loss. Since potato protein is highly nutritious (34) this saving of protein could add to 92 the food value of such potatoes. In the limited trial, MH—tubers conditioned a week earlier than the control tubers. This would have prevented the loss of 25% of the total dry matter lost in 4 weeks during the conditioning period (see Table 18). Since in potato chip manufacture the greater the dry matter the better the chips (45), the use of MH for conditioning of potato tubers may be recommended. The quantity of dry matter remaining in the tubers, after storage at 700 F. was greatly affected by MH treat— ment as indicated above. In the case of conditioning at 700 F. after storage at 410 F., differences in loss of dry matter after 4 weeks of conditioning were relatively small, but still less in MH—tubers than in the control tubers. The slightly higher loss of dry matter by control tubers is attributable to the larger sprouts of the control tubers. Water loss from Russet Rural tubers was greater than in their Kennebec counterparts at both temperatures. Since Russet Rural tubers were in general much smaller than Kennebec tubers, and since water evaporation from a material depends among other things on the surface area to volume ratio of the material (66), it is expected that the Russet 93 Rural tubers with the larger surface area to volume ratio than Kennebec tubers should have lost more water. The ratio of weight losses of water to dry matter in o respiration was about 3:1 at 410 F. and 9:1 at 70 F. A ratio of 10:1 at the warmer temperature was reported by Hensen (41). The bulk of the weight loss was through water evaporation. Color of Potato Chips As shown in Table 14, there is a correlation between the amount of total sugar in tubers and the color of chips made from them. Hence, tubers stored at 410 F. made poor chips owing to sugar accumulation (67, 73), while those stored at 700 F. produced acceptable chips, because the high respiration rate at that temperature not only prevented sugar accumulation, but also depleted the sugar content of the tubers. Similarly, the faster respiration rate of the tubers, and the reconversion of most of the sugars in the tubers to . . . . . O . starch during the conditioning period at 70 F. (3), explain why acceptable chips were produced from conditioned tubers. 94 Treatment with MH may have accelerated conditioning slightly, but in either case, low content of total sugars was necessary to produce good chips. inn-fin.-— SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Kennebec and Russet Rural potato vines were sprayed in the field 10-12 days after full bloom with 1 gallon MH-30 in 100 gallons of water per acre. Potato tubers were har— vested and stored at 410 F., 600 F., and 700 F. at high relative humidity (about 70-90%) for periods up to 5 or 6 months, or until sprouting became excessive. Weight losses due to the different storage environments were computed. Chemical analyses were made of tubers harvested in 1960 to determine the variations in their chemical constituents during the storage period. Respiration measurements of tubers were made every 3 1/2 days during storage at 410 F., and 700 F. Similar measure— ments were made during conditioning of tubers previously stored at 410 F. Cooking quality was evaluated with potato chips and boiled potatoes. Sugar was determined in tuber samples collected at the beginning and end of the conditioning period. Anatomical studies were also made on the tubers at the end of the storage period. 95 96 MH inhibited sprout growth of both varieties and destroyed their apical dominance. Yield and specific gravity of tubers were unaffected by MH treatment. The key effect of MH was the prolonging of the rest period and especially the inhibition of sprout growth. Fresh weight losses from MH—tubers and control tubers were identical as long as the sprout growth of control tubers was small. MH—tubers, however, lost less dry matter than control tubers. Weight loss from tubers was a result of water evapora— tion, losses of protein and carbohydrate due to sprout growth and losses due to respiration. Water loss contrib— uted the highest percentage of weight loss. MH—tubers stored at 600 F. lost less hydrolyzable car— bohydrate than the control tubers——5% versus 22% respec— tively, and had no loss in crude protein while the control tubers lost 20—25% of their crude protein. The respiration rates of MH—tubers and control tubers were identical as long as the control tubers did not sprout. There was no direct correlation between the sugar con- tent and the respiration rate of the tubers. 97 MH-tubers did not make better potato chips than the control tubers when stored at 410 and 700 F. In limited trials, MH—tubers, however, conditioned a week faster than the control tubers. Tubers made acceptable chips only if their total sugar content was 0.05% or less. Boiled MH—tubers had better flavor and texture than boiled control tubers. High weight losses at 600 and 700 F. indicate that MH should be used as an accessory to regulation of temperature and relative humidity in order to keep losses at a minimum. bun—o. - 10. LITERATURE CITED Alexander, L. M., Schopmeyer, G. E. and Anderson, R. B. Potato storage and quality of french fries. Amer. Potato Jour. 26: 439-445, 1949. Anderson, R. L. and Houseman, E. E. Table of ortho— gonal polynomial values extended to N = 104. Iowa State College Research Bull. 297, April 1942. Appleman, C. 0. Changes in potatoes during storage. Md. Agr. 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