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I. . 700A: ‘lt . t 1 1 ...:1..:11 11 . ...... §§mflw%.¥..§anmfir . .n .. v... v . . 1 w n ‘ . 1- ~ . .1 10 I o A. 1 . 1.1 v 1“. .1. .1.. . ...... . . 11“.. . ......1. .... .....: ....1..... .. . . _ ....1 . 111111.. 1 1 111 1L1 . .1... 11.1.1 llllfl' [WEN llilllefl'jllljlllll LIBRARY L Michigan State University This is to certify that the dissertation entitled THE GOL SITE: A BACTERIOPHAGE T4 REGULATORY REGION THAT CAN AFFECT EXPRESSION OF ALL THE T4 £§gfi GENES presen Wendy Cooley Champness has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for M-_degree in Microb io logy M9 % Major professor“ 51%(7/ MSUL! an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunily Institution O~1 2771 MSU RETURNING MATERIALS: Place in book drop to . LIBRARIES remove this checkout from up. your record. FINES will be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. «W' ’AUG 1 3 9915’ .1 22“ THE 99L SITE: A BACTERIOPHAGE T4 REGULATORY REGION THAT CAN AFFECT EXPRESSION OF ALL THE T4 LATE GENES By Wendy Cooley Champness A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Microbiology and Public Health 1982 ABSTRACT THE GQL_SITE: A BACTERIOPHAGE T4 REGULATORY REGION THAT CAN AFFECT EXPRESSION OF ALL THE T4 LATE GENES By Wendy Cooley Champness Escherichia coli mutants have been isolated which prevent T4 late (replication coupled) gene expression at temperatures below 34°C., primarily by acting at the level of transcription. The E, gglj_mutants have been mapped to 25 min., where they define a new gene, 11;, Because of the severe block to late gene expression, wild- type T4 does not form plaques on 113’ mutant hosts at low temperatures. T4 mutants which have been named 391, for grow on ljt' hosts, are able to form plaque. In a mixed infection of a litf host by golf and golf phage, the 991 mutation is able to restore gene expression only in £13. All ggl_mutations map within the coding region for p23, the major T4 capsid protein. However, ggl_mutations do not exert their effect by altering p23. Rather, they seem to affect a site on T4 DNA, which in the wild- type form interferes with gene expression in a lit: host. The nucleotide sequence of several 991 mutations has been determined. However, from the sequence data accumulated thus far, the structural significance of the ggl_mutations is not clear. I speculate that the T4 ggl_site plays a role in the template processing that has been proposed to be required for T4 late gene expression. Wendy Cooley Champness Besides affecting T4 late gene expression in a lit? host, the T4 ggl site has an effect when cloned into plasmid DNA. If a plasmid contains a fragment of T4 DNA which includes the wild-type ggl_site, it cannot be used to transform a lit: host, but can be used to transform a lit? host. However, if the plasmid contains a T4 fragment which is gglf or is deleted for the ggl_region, it can be used to transform a litf host. Therefore, the presence of the wild-type ggl_site in a plasmid prevents the stable transformation of lit' E. coli. The ability of the T4 ggl_site to affect both T4 and plasmid DNA may reflect that a common structure is shared by the two DNAs; further study of the ggl_site may reveal the ig_vivo function of such a DNA structure. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I gratefully thank all who advised, supported and encouraged me, especially Dr. Loren Snyder; my Guidance Committee members, Drs. Jerry Dodgson, Ronald Patterson, Leonard Robbins, and Harold Sadoff; and Drs. Paul T. Magee and Michele M. Fluck. I acknowledge a National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship and a College of Veterinary Medicine Graduate Fellowship, as well as funding by Department of Microbiology and the National Institutes of Health. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES . LIST OF FIGURES INTRODUCTION . LITERATURE SURVEY The T4 Genome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prereplicative (Early) Transcription . . . . ..... Immediate early and delayed early Quasi- Lates . . ..... Shutoff of early genes . . . Postreplicative (Late) Transcription . Regulation of late gene expression . T4 DNA Replication . . . T4 replication proteins The replication process Intracellular DNA Structure . Replication— Uncoupled Late Gene Expression . . . In vitro systems . . . ............ Effects of Nucleotide Modification on Late Gene Expression : : The role of the glg_product in late transcription Expression of Late Genes from Clones . The T4 PseT Gene . Gene 63— . . E. Coli CTer DNA STructure and Transcription ARTICLE I: THE §9L_SITE: A §I§;ACTING BACTERIOPHAGE T4 REGULATORY REGION THAT CAN AFFECT EXPRESSION OF ALL THE T4 LATE GENES . ARTICLE II: THE BACTERIOPHAGE T4 GOL SITE: SEQUENCE ANALYSIS AND EFFECTS OF THE SITE ON PLASMID TRANSFORMATION . . . . SUMMARY REFERENCES . APPENDIX A: A NEW GENE OF ESCHERICHIA COLI NHOSE PRODUCT PARTICIPATES IN T4 BACTERIOPHAGE LATE GENE EXPRESSION: INTER- ACTION OF LIT WITH THE T4- INDUCED POLYNUCLEDTIDE 5' -KINASE 3' -PHOSPHATASE . . . . . . . . ...... APPENDIX B. NILD- TYPE T4 GENOMES INTERFERE WITH THE EXPRESSION OF GOL MUTANT GENOMES IN MIXED INFECTIONS 1'11 Page iv 42 73 78 88 97 LIST OF TABLES Table ARTICLE I l. Hybridization of RNA labeled after infection of th lit? e host to the separated complementary strands of T4 DNA . 2. Mapping of a ggl_mutation by three factor crosses . 3. Production of ggli and ggl_mutant phage in mixed infections . ARTICLE II l. Strains used 2. Transformation of 11;: E, coli by plasmids . APPENDIX A lA. Bacteriophage and bacterial strains . 2A. Mapping of lit_mutations with P1 transduction . 3A. 3' phOSphatase activities in lit_mutants and extracts of T4-infected E, coli B . iv Page 33 34 39 47 65 89 9T 94 LIST OF FIGURES Figure ARTICLE I l. T4 protein synthesis after infectioncrfthe 113: host . 2. An expanded map of the gene 23 region of T4 showing the position of a ggl_mutation . . . . . ......... 3. Synthesis of 14 gene 23 product in mixed infections with a gene 23 amber mutation and a gol mutation on lit- E, coli. 4. Synthesis of T4 gene l8 product in mixed infection with a gene l8 amber mutation and a ggl_mutation in lit- E, coli. ARTICLE II 1. Correlation of genetic and physical maps in the T4 gene 23 region . . . . . . . . . 2. Cloning strategy . 3. Sequence of the 270 base pair Hpa II fragment and changes due to ggl- mutations . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Restriction enzyme digests of plasmids used in transformation studies . APPENDIX A IA. The rate of T4 DNA synthesis after_infection of the li __:c_+ parent E. cLli A82495 and a lit recombinant of MPH “6 with T4 wild- -type and a T4 Gol mutant . . . 2A. Alkaline sucrose gradient centrifugation of the T4 DNA . 3A. Rate of synthesis of T4 proteins after infection of the recombinant of E, coli MPH 6 . . . . . . . . 4A. T4 late protein synthesis by wild- -type and a T4 601 mutant on E. cLli A82495 (lit ) and E. cLli MPH 7 (lit ) SA. T4 late protein synthesis on E, coli CTer at 37 and 42°C APPENDIX 8 l8. Rate of synthesis of T4 late proteins in mixed infections of wild-type T4 and g_ol_ mutant on l_1'_t' E. coli V Page 32 35 55 57 6O 63 91 92. 93 94 . lOD INTRODUCTION Despite the wealth of current knowledge about transcriptional regulation in prokaryotes, the control of the expression of the T4 late genes remains an intriguing mystery. It has been known for some time that T4 late gene expression is coupled to concurrent replication and it is thought that a structural alteration of the template occurs, during replication, which activates the late promoters. The nature of the template alteration is not known and it has not been possible to reproduce, 3n vitro, the in_vivo state of the "competent" T4 late transcriptional template. It is becoming increasingly evident that “promoter-operator" models for transcriptional regulation do not completely describe all regulation, even in prokaryotes. Mechanisms operating in T4 phage may well also operate in E, ggli and higher organisms, as well. Therefore, elucidation of T4 late transcriptional regulation may add to our understanding of regulatory mechanisms in general. Another aspect of the problem of late gene expression in T4 phage is that of coordinating transcription with other intracellular events. The phage life cycle requires that one to two hundred phage equivalents of DNA be replicated, an amount of DNA which is greater than ten times that of the bacterial nucleoid. The intracellular DNA is in a highly complex, condensed structure, in which recombination is very active. The late transcriptional units are highly active in order to produce the structural proteins for at least one hundred phage. Furthermore, encapsidation of DNA into phage heads begins at a l 2 time when all these events are actively occuring; therefore replication, recombination, transcription and packaging all occur simultaneously. It seems likely that mechanisms exist which regulate the coordination of these events; analogous mechanisms might operate in the even more complex coordination problems of higher cells. One approach to the study of T4 late transcriptional regulation, taken in our laboratory, has been to study T4 genes which encode functions involved in late transcription. One such gene, gggl, encodes the T4 5' polynucleotide kinase, 3' phOSphatase. The p§g1_gene product is required for T4 late gene expression on the E, ggli_strain CTer (K. Sirotkin, w. Cooley, J. Runnels and L. Snyder, l978). The ig_vit£g_activities of the enzyme suggest that it might have the capability, and ifl_le0 role, of altering T4 DNA structure to make it competent for late transcription. Also, it seemed that E, ggli_encodes at least one function,which is altered in CTer, which is involved in T4 late gene expression. If so, mechanisms for transcriptional regula- tion, similar to those operating in T4 might exist in E, 9911, this possibility inspired further study of CTer restriction of pggl:_mutants. In the hope of simplifying genetics and biochemical analysis of the pggllrrestrictive locus in CTer, attempts were made to isolate host mutants, in a K-l2 background, that would mimic the p§31::restrictive phenotype of CTer. The E, ggli_mutants which resulted from a search for ”CTer-like” mutants have been called lit_and are described in the publication in Appendix A (Cooley et al., 9, Bacteriol. 140:83-91, l978). Eit_mutants restrict pseT- deletions but not pseT' point mutations at 37°C. At temperatures below 34°C, even wild-type T4 is restricted. T4 fails to 3 multiply on 11;: hosts because of a severe block to T4 late gene expression at the restrictive temperature. Spontaneous T4 mutants arise which can form plaques on 111: host mutants at the restrictive temperature. These T4 mutants have been called 391. In Article I, which is published in J. Mol. Biol. 155:395 0982),evidence is presented that ggl_mutations alter a site on T4 DNA which affects the expression of all the late T4 genes. The ggl_site may be involved in forming or maintaining the DNA template structure which is thought to be required for T4 late gene expression. Such a site may be a prototype for a new class of prokaryotic regulatory sequence. Besides affecting T4 gene expression, the ggl site affects the transforming capability of a plasmid which contains it, i.e. a plasmid which contains a gglf sequence will not transform a lit: host. In contrast, if the plasmid contains a ggl_mutant sequence or is deleted for the ggl_region, it can transform a litf host. Therefore, the 391 sequence must affect the replication, expression or segregation of plasmids which contain it. This work, as well as DNA sequence analysis of ggl_mutations, is described in Article II. The literature survey discusses work that has been done on T4 late transcription, both ig_yivg_and jg_yi§:g, Because some aspect of T4 DNA structure is required for late transcription, studies on intra- cellular T4 DNA are reviewed. Finally, regulatory mechanisms which involve DNA structure and which may be relevant to T4 late transcrip- tional regulation are discussed. In the final section, the results presented in Articles I and II and the appendicies are discussed, and recommendations for further study are made. LITERATURE SURVEY The T4 Genome The T4 genome is l.66 kilobase pairs, enough to code for approximately 160 genes. The linear molecules from phage particles are slightly longer because they are terminally redundant. They are also circularly permuted, giving use to a circular genetic map. About l40 of the T4 genes have been characterized. (Wood and Revel, l976) The T4 transcripts can be classified into three major groupings: l) those which are expressed prior to DNA replication; 2) those which are expressed after DNA replication and 3) those which are expressed throughout infection. The first category, the "early genes,” includes the genes whose products function in phage DNA metabolism. Genes in the second category, the "late genes,” encode phage assembly functions. The late gene products begin to appear 2.5 to 3.5 minutes after DNA replication begins, which usually occurs at 5 to 6 minutes after infection at 300C. Most early protein synthesis starts to be shut off at about the time late synthesis begins, but there is a class of genes, the quasi-lates, which are expressed both early and late. The only quasi-lates functions identified are the T4 tRNAs. (Young et al., l980). The T4 genes are arranged on the genome such that the early genes are clustered into two major groups and the late genes are clustered into three major groups, separated by the early clusters. (Wood and Revel, 1976). Within each group are multiple transcription units; many genes are expressed as both mono and multicistronic transcripts (Young and Menard, l98l). The early genes are all transcribed with the same polarity, off 4 5 the "l” strand (Notani, l973). The late genes are transcribed off the ”r" strand (Guha et al., l97l). The rate of chain elongation in T4 is llOO nucleotides per minute at 300C, about one half the rate in uninfected E. coli. In general, but with some exceptions, the mRNAs are immediately translated. Prereplicative (Early) Transcription Immediate early and delayed early Within the prereplicative period, the first 5-6 minutes after T4 infection, many species of early proteins appear in a defined temporal sequence (O'Farrell and Gold, l973). More than one regulatory class of prereplicative messages exists, based on the following evidence (reviewed in Rabussay and Geiduschek, l977): l) the mRNA synthesis of a small number of early proteins cannot be initiated within the first one to two minutes after infection (O'Farrell and Gold, T973), and the synthesis of these proteins is sensitive to the addition of rifamycin added immediately after infection; 2) the transcription of some genes does not occur in the absence of protein synthesis; and 3) the relative abundance of mRNAs changes between five and twenty minutes (Salser et al., l970). The different regulatory classes have generally been termed immediate early (IE), delayed early (DE), and quasi-late. Immediate early genes are proximal to promoters; delayed early genes are distal to promoters and appear after a time lag of l.5 minutes at 30°C (Salser et al., l970). Synthesis of the delayed early genes is sensitive to chloramphenicol addition (Brody et al., 1970). The chloram- phenicol block is probably due to induced polarity (Young, l975) mediated by :39_(Caruso et al., l979; cf Young and Menard, l98l). 6 Recently, Young et al (l980) measured the levels of early mRNAs which hybridized to selected early gene clones. They found that messages for genes 30, 39, 52, 4l, 42, Bgt and the tRNAs appeared first, were made at their highest rates between zero and four minutes and were insensitive to the addition of chloramphenicol. These genes would conform to the designation "immediate early genes." Messages for genes 43, rIIA and rIIB appeared after those for the IE genes, peaked during four to eight minutes, and were not made in the presence of chloramphenicol (CAM); these genes would be the "delayed early genes." The CAM sensitivity of the switch—on of the delayed-early genes suggests that a phage-coded factor plays a role in the switch from immediate-early to delayed-early synthesis. Mutants have been isolated which may be in such a factor (Mattson et al., l974). These mutants, called mg}, reduce the expression of tRNA, 32, r118, 43, 45 and 46, but delay the shut—off of 44, rIIA and 52. An ig_yi§§9_RNA synthesizing system has been developed (Thermes et al., l976) in which the mg£_pheno- type and the chloramphenicol effect of restricting transcription to promoter-proximal regions can be reproduced. The proposal has been made (cf Pulitzer et al., l979) that m9§_ acts as an antiterminator. However, this proposalremainsunproven and the assignments of genes to the DE versus IE categories by mg3_effect do not entirely correspond to the kinetics of mRNA production, as measured by Young et al (l980) Sizing of early mRNAs has shown that some of the messages are synthesized in multiple transcripts, lending support to the model that DE mRNAs are Synthesized by readthrough from IE genes (Young and Menard, l98l). However, attempts to size the CAM RNA of early genes 7 in order to show that CMA RNA is shorter than normal transcripts, were unsuccessful (Young and Menard, l98l) because extensive degradation of RNA, both in the presence and absence of CAM, makes sizing RNAs diffi- cult. Thus, the early regulatory switch between IE and DE synthesis is not yet well understood. ansi-Lates The prereplicative transcripts which are present at five minutes but increase at twenty minutes have been called the "quasi-lates.” Based on the presence of the gene product both before and after replication, several genes have been identified as quasi-lates, including 32, 4l, 43, 44, 63, 57 and the internal head proteins (cf Hood and Revel, l976). However, by following the kinetics of hybridization of pulse-labeled mRNA to cloned early genes, Young et al. (l980) did not find that the mRNA of genes 41 and 43 increased at twenty minutes; they did not study the mRNA of other putative quasi-lates. They did find that the synthesis of the tRNAs showed quasi-late behavior. Shutoff of early genes The synthesis of most early gene products, with the exception of the quasi-lates, ceases after l2 to 14 minutes of infection at 300C (Hiberg et al., l962; Hosoda and Levinthal, 1968). The synthesis of many early genes is not shut off synchronously (O'Farrell and Gold, l973) and some of the genes are autogenously regulated (reviewed by Rabussay and Geiduschek, l977). Thus, a variety of regulatory mechanisms are important in early gene shutoff. To a large extent, early gene shut off occurs as the result of transcriptional regulation (Bolle et al., l968a; Salser et al., l970). 8 However, post transcriptional mechanisms also operate because, for many early proteins, the stability of early mRNAs decreases at the time early shutoff occurs (Sauerbier and Hercules, l973). Furthermore a gene has been identified, Egg A, which can affect the stability of early messages. In :gg_A_mutant infections, many early messages have greater stability, an effect which is enhanced if replication does not occur. In general, when replication does not occur, the early gene products continue to be synthesized (Hiberg et al., l962; Bolund, l973). Also, iriinfectionsin which gene 55 is mutant (and therefore late protein synthesis is not turned on) early gene expression does not cease (Bolund, l973). Because late genes are also not expressed in replication- defective infections, these observations could be interpreted to mean that a late gene product plays a role in early shutoff. But recently, several situations have been described in which early gene shutoff occurs even though no late gene expression occurs. These situations are l) in an infection in which cytosine DNA rather than hydroxymethyl cytosine, DNA is produced (Snyder et al., l976); 2) RNA ligase or pseT mutant infections of the host CTr5x (Runnels et al., l982); and 3) wild-type T4 infections of 115: hosts at 300C (Champness and Snyder, Article I of this dissertation). It therefore seems that Uwasimple explanation that a late gene product shuts off early gene expression must not be correct. Postreplicative (Late) Transcription The post-replicative gene products begin to appear about 2.5 to 3 minutes after the onset of replication; i.e., at about 8.5 to 9.5 minutes after infection at 300C. (Bolle et al., l968a; O'Farrell and Gold, l973). The temporal regulation of late gene expression is at the level of mRNA transcription (Young et al., l980). 9 The late genes are distributed into three clusters which are separated by regions encoding early genes (Hood and Revel, l976). Because most of the late genes are transcribed from the ”r” strand, with an opposite polarity to the early genes (Guha et al., l97l; Notani, 1973), they cannot be transcribed by readthrough from early promoters. Rather, many new promoters must be utilized. Information about the location and utilization of late promoters comes from a recent study of transcription of the contiguous late genes 2l, 22 and 23 (Young et al., l98l). The late genes 2l, 22 and 23 are co-transcribed as two minor polycistronic messages and gene 23 is also transcribed as a major monocistronic message. Because the three messages have the same distri- bution in both steady-state and pulse-labelling conditions, it seems likely that the multiple messages result from the use of multiple promoters and not from processing of a single large precursor. Regulation of late gene expression Transcription of the T4 late genes requires the association of several T4-specified proteins with the host RNA polymerase. Early after infection, the RNA polymerase is modified by ADP-ribosylation of the 6 subunits (Goff, l974). Several low molecular weight polypep— tides bind to the modified RNA polymerase. These include the products of genes 33, 55 and 45 (Horvitz, l973; Ratner, T974), and lSK and a 12K dalton protein (Stevens, 1972). The products of genes 33, 55 and 45 are directly and continuously required for late transcription (Bolle et al., 1968b, Pulitzer, 1970; and Wu et al., l975). The product of gene 45 is required directly, in transcription, and indirectly, in replication (Wu et al., 1975). 10 In addition to modification of RNA polymerase, T4 late gene expression is thought to require processing of the DNA template. This idea has resulted from the observation that late gene expression is normally coupled to concurrent DNA replication (Riva et al., T980), but in the absence of replication, mutations in genes which lead to the formation or stabilization of interruptions in DNA permit late gene expression (Bolle et al., l968b; Hosoda and Levinthal, l968; Wu et al., l975). Therefore, it has been proposed (Riva et al., l970b) that nicks or gaps in DNA might be required for late transcription. Because late gene expression is replication-coupled it is appropriate at this point to discuss T4 DNA replication. T4 DNA Replication T4 replication proteins The replication complex consists, at least, of the products of genes 43 (DNA Polymerase), 32 (helix-destabilizing protein), 44 and 62 (a complex with DNA-dependent ATPase activityL 4l (DNA-dependent ATPase activity), 45 (which stimulates the activity of the products of gene 44 and 62) and 6l. The above complex can be reconstituted to carry out replication ifl_yit:g_(Hibner and Alberts, l980). The ifl_yi§59_system mimics in_yjy9_replication with respect to rate of chain elongation, RNA priming of Okazaki fragments and the general structure of the replication fork. In addition to the above proteins, other T4 proteins, including the products of gene 1 (deoxynucleotide Kinase) and 42 (cCMP hydroxymethylase) may have structural roles in replication. Recently, a T4 Type II topoisomerase has been identified as the product of genes 39, 52 and 60. Mutants in these genes had been ll characterized as the DNA-delay mutants because DNA replication rates in 39', 52' or 60' infections are lower and delayed relative to wild-type (Naot and Shalitin, l973; Mulfi and Bernstein, l974). The T4 topoisomer- ase probably acts at replication forks (McCarthy, l979). Topoisomerase mutants (DNA-delay) are cold-sensitive and vary in the severity of their replication defects on B versus K-lZ strains. These phenomena may reflect that an E, ggli_enzyme (probably gyrase) can substitute for the T4 topoisomerase under some conditions. The replication process The first event after T4 injection into the cell is attachment of the DNA to membrane, at what will be the origin of replication (cf Siegel and Schaechter, l973): DNA-membrane attachment occurs without phage protein (Earhart, l970) or DNA synthesis (Earhart et al” l973), but some RNA synthesis is required. A candidate for the required RNA is an RNA-DNA copolymer (Buckley and Kozinski, l972) which is synthesized early, hybridizes to the “l” strand and is an obligatory intermediate in DNA synthesis. Attachment of the DNA to membrane is sensitive to energy poisons but this sensitivity is reversible after removal of the poison (Earhart et al., l973). Within five minutes after infection, deoxynucleotides are added to the parental DNA, increasing the size of the parental molecules by 6% (Murray and Mathews, l969a). This addition occurs in DD mutants and is apparently mediated by E, ggli_enzymes. Surprisingly, this "early DNA" does not hybridize to mature T4 DNA at a detectable level (Murray and Mathews, l969a), but does hybridize to vegetative DNA. A possible explanation, which has not been investigated, is that the early DNA is copied from a sequence which becomes amplified in vegetative DNA. In this regard, Kozinski et al., (l980) have recently found that, in the early stages of replication, the replication origins are repeatedly amplified by replication. The amplification extends through much of the major late cluster of genes. T4 replication initiates at multiple sites, primarily in the regions of genes 50-5 and 25-29 (Halpern et al., 1979), and proceeds bidirectionally until 20 to 25 phage equivalents are produced. These DNA molecules recombine (Tomizawa, l967), through the action of the gene products 46, 47, and 59, to produce concatemers (cf. Broker and Doermann, l975). DNA synthesis is not a prerequisite for concatemer formation because concatemers are formed in a gene 44- (DNA replciation negative) infection (Murray and Mathews, l969b). Replication continues in a complexly interconnected structure (Huberman, l968) which is distributed throughout most of the intracellular volume (Hamilton and Pettijohn, l976). Intracellular DNA structure The complex structure of T4 DNA late in infection is poorly understood, despite considerable experimentation designed with the purpose of describing intracellular DNA structure. The main experimental approach has been to gently lyse infected cells and study the sedimenta- tion behavior of the released T4 DNA. Because different workers have used a variety of lysis procedures, the reported results are difficult to compare. There is agreement among workers (cf. Siegel and Schaechter, 1973) that both rapidly sedimenting and slowly sedimenting forms are seen, but the actual S values of the slow and fast forms vary from report to report. l3 Altman and Lerman (1970), using a low salt, lysozyme, SDS lysis procedure, reported four differently sedimenting species: l) ”slow" or 950-35008. Within the first five minutes after infection the slow form, consisting of parental DNA, appears. Half of the parental DNA is rapidly converted to >950-35005, the form in which new DNA appears. This "bottom" DNA has membrane associated with it. Later, some of this DNA is converted to the "fast" form, l70-6SOS. From this pool, mature phage (650-9508) are drawn. Some of the "bottom" DNA goes to a slow form (. @3520 Ben m.ummmmm qm1_ OP>A ur>m ur>wD~ ur>Rz o. o>om~v .00.. O 2 9 7 7 7 2 8 2 H I 2 3 3 B H B a H E n _ p _ . p _ m Nease M4_ case »n_ case no _ a m.. w m WW m mm m z ldb.l Hun." . . 2 . __ l. )0 -lqmwul> .l L lPEIll u AWWIlT\\\\\\\l///l////llp L >E. llwmm . 4.03 _ l. > >03 llll u llll P _ . p p — _ — O _ N 0 # X0 lbamul. . _ L Talon... II 56 Fig. 2. Cloning strategy. T4 cytosine-containing gglf DNA was first digested with Eco RI, then the 3.5 Kb fragment which contains the ggl_region was cloned into the plasmid pACYCl84 (Chang and Cohen, l978). The 270 base pair Hpa II fragment which contained ggl (see Figure l) was then cloned into the ACC'I site in Ml3mp7. 57 Eco RI m pAcvcuu sJiKb 8 T4 col-DNA " mum digest with Eco RI I at Mill mu m digest wlth Eco RI Isolsts 3.6 Kb trsgmont I—i—L-—i Ilgsto wlth T4 DNA ligase select Tc". Cm° screen for gof‘by marker rescue dlaost with Hlndlll Hlll NIH Htl "II H” "II digest with Acct Isolate 1.1 Kb Hindlll fragment h—A—‘A—l—J—i llgstc select recombinant plaques ,msrker rescue for gol- lelllAccl Npolllecl 58 23am8272 predict that the 270 base pair fragment might include the ggl_EE mutation. Therefore, plasmids pGGB and pGHl and pGH2 were digested with Hind III and the l.l Kb Hind III fragment was then isolated and digested with Hpa II. Hpa II ends are compatible with Acc I ends so the fragments could be cloned in the Acc I site of MI3. Following ligation, recombinant MI3 plaques (Figures 2) were selected and tested by marker rescue for the presence of a 991 mutant DNA insert. By this method, Ml3mp7 clones mp7G6B, mp7GHl, and mp7GH2 (containing ggl mutations 68, HI and H2 respectively) were obtained. As shown below, all three of the ggl_mutations were located within the 270 bp Hpa II fragment. Sequence Analysis MI3 clones mp7G6B, mp7GHl and mp7GH2 were sequenced by the dideoxy chain termination method. The sequence changes due to mutations are indicated in Figure 3. In each case, there was only one base change within the insert sequence. Because each insert was shown genetically to contain a g91_mutation, these changes found must be the biologically relevant changes. The spontaneous mutant, ggl_EE, changes T/A to C/G at position 207. The two hydroxylamine-induced mutants HI and H2 are both changes of C/G to T/A at position I67. We have observed similar clustering of 991 mutations when mapped genetically; most spontaneous ggl mutations gave little or no recombination as if they were in the same base or within a few base pairs of each other, but one mutation (hydroxy- lamine-induced) gave a recombination frequency with ggl_§§ consistent with its being close but at a distinct site from the ggl_§E_mutation (L. Snyder, unpublished data). 59 Fig. 3. Sequence of the 270 base pair Hpa II fragment and changes due to gglf mutations. The mutant gol 68 changes T/A to C/G at position 207. The mutants gol HI and gol H2 change C/G to T/A at position I67. 18.. ll, 9 Jo @433;o>oo>>>>>>jooao500340093034oj>>o>c>>coam>>>qomoq VOOVBLQO hbowwhk<0<0ho<OQHOQHQOA>HAOOH>>OOAQ>44004440Q>4>444040040440>0009>40>> % J 0 film? 09V OOHI' 00.. O 00whoGGFG