l §§§ HHHWHHHH \ ‘1 REMOTE :, ' STORAGE REMOTE STEIN/ESL“: ‘M’r’f‘s-w % E UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 00781 7558 r lllllllljlflljl LIBRARY Michigan State 3 University ‘ This is to certify that the thesis entitled F. SP. CEPAE IN CULTIVATED ONIONS presented by Jeffery w. Bacher of the requirements for 2,?Zé/7M INHERITANCE 0F RESISTANCE T0 FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM has been accepted towards fulfillment Masters degree in Horticulture fioywtggmfi Major professor MSUisan Affirm/"inn ‘ ' "1 n, ', Institution INHERITANCE OF RESISTANCE TO FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM F. SP. QEBAE IN CULTIVATED ONIONS by Jeffery W. Bacher A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Horticulture 1989 ABSTRACT INHERITANCE OF RESISTANCE TO S SP. QEEAE IN CULTIVATED ONIONS By Jeffery W. Bacher The inheritance of resistance to Fusarium szsgggum f. sp. ggpag was studied to increase the effectiveness and speed of introduction of Fusarium resistant cultivars. The effect of inbreeding on the level of resistance was also investigated. Two genes, £29; (A) and Eggz (E), are proposed to govern resistance to E. Q. gggag. Results indicated that both A and 5 genes were partially dominant (AA > A; and BB > Eh) and that the interaction between loci was additive (8835 > AABh or AaBB > Ath). Resistance was not epistatic; plants with genotypes AAbb, Aabb, aaBB and aaBb were susceptible. Three genotypes resulted in a resistant phenotype; AAEfl, AABh, and AaBB. Genotype AgBh was moderately resistant. Three cycles of screening for resistance and selfing of line 6701 resulted in an 89% reduction in the level of resistance to E. Q. ggpag. The original level of resistance was not restored by sib mating of S, (selfed once) generation plants. Lethal genes did not appear to be the major cause of this decline. ii “-' ..' . : -- 1915-253 .W quark-9L ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my guidance committee; Dr. M. L. Lacy, Dr. Jim Hancock and Dr. Lowell Ewart. I would also like to thank Uma Gupta for taking the time to discuss my research and his helpful suggestions. Mostly I wish to express my love and appreciation to my family... Susan, Aaron and Nora... they are my source of love and strength. To Susan... for your patience and love... I dedicate my work and my life to you. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ............... .. ..... ..... ....... ....... vi LIST OF FIGURES ................ ........ ............ .... viii INTRODUCTION ................. .......................... 1 LITERATURE REVIEW ......... . ................. . ....... ... 3 ' Pathogen: WW f. sp. seesaw. 3 I Reduction in yield ..................... . ........ 4 I Disease Management with Resistance ........... 4 I Inheritance of Resistance to Formae Speciales of Eusarium gxxspgrum ........................... 5 I Permanence of Genetically Inherited Resistance to Fusaria ...................................... 7 I Mechanisms of Resistance ......... . ............. . 8 I Sources of Resistance ........................... 14 MATERIALS AND METHODS ........................ .......... 16 I Screening for Resistance to E. g. gggae ......... 16 I Screening Procedure for E. Q. cgpae Resistance in Onion ....................................... 17 I Pathogenicity Tests .......................... ... 18 I Flower and Seed Production ...................... 19 I Culture .................................... 19 I Pollination .......................... ...... 19 I Pollination Technique and Timing ........... 21 I Cleaning and Storage of Seed ............... 22 I Selection of Resistant and Susceptible Parents.. 22 I Nomenclature ................................... 23 I F1, F2, Backcross and Selfs Used in Inheritance Study ........................................... 23 I Effect of Inbreeding on Resistance .............. 24 I Statistical Analysis ............................ 24 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................. 25 I Pathogenicity of Six Single Spore Isolates of E. Q. cepae ...................................... 25 I Screening Results for Resistance to E. Q. cepae.. 26 iv I iv 1......-.-....-....-.'...-..3!J!!AT'IIO721.1 iii": . ... .. . .. . .....Z'fi‘lifi'! 10 I‘LL! Page Progeny Tests of Parental Lines 6701-1CRES), 1849(SUS) ........................................ 28 Use of Genotype Frequencies to Calculate Ratio of Resistant to Susceptible Offspring ............... 28 Gene Action of Proposed Resistance Genes Egg; (A), EQQZ (B) and Lethal Gene 1 ...................... Chi-square Tests for F1, F2 and Backcross Families ......................................... 38 Effect of Inbreeding on Resistance to E. Q. gepae 41 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................. 44 I Summary of Inheritance of Resistance to E. g. gegag ...................................... 44 I Recommendations for Breeding Onions for Increased Resistance to E. a. usage ........................ 45 LITERATURE CITED ........................................ 48 animus: n: - . . 733'“. iffiiflflflmflfllfi GM TEA-"914?. ' ' .' ‘I '. '-'. V IL-JI’IUIR ' .-~ .I. LIST OF TABLES Page Pathogenicity of Single Spore Isolates of Engaginm oxygggggm f. sp. gggag on 5 Onion Lines..... ....... 26 Analysis of Variance of F1, F2 and BC Families..... 26 Summary Statistics of Screening Data for Resistance to Fusarium oxysgorum f. Sp. cepae..... ............ 27 Expected Genotype Frequencies of Parents, F1, F2 and Backcross Families for Cross 1849 x 6701—1. Model I. A and B Genes are Both Partially Dominant. Resistant Genotypes are Aflflfl, AABh and Aaflfi .. .. Expected Genotype Frequencies of Parents, F1, F2 and Backcross Families for Cross 1849 x 6701-1. Model II. A Gene is Partially Dominant and B Gene is Dominant. Resistant Genotypes are AAEE and AAEQ .............. . . . ....... . ....... ..... 32 Expected Genotype Frequencies of Parents, F1, F2 and Backcross Families for Cross 1849 x 6701-1. Model III. Both A and B Genes are Partially Dominant. Resistant Parent 6701—1 is Heterozygous for Lethal Gene 1 ............................... ... 33 Expected Genotype Frequencies of Parents, F1, F2 and Backcross Families for Cross 1849 x 6701—1. Model IV. Both A and E Genes are Partially Dominant. Both Parents are Heterozygous for lethal gene 1 ............................................ 34 Chi—Square Tests of Genetic Models for Resistance tommmwwf.sp.§_em ................. 38 Chi-Square Test for F1, F2, Backcross Resistant and Susceptible Progenies Resulting from Cross 1849 x 6701—1. Model I. Both A and B Genes Partially Dominant ............................... .. 39 vi } 99. if this? gal... 91.411 in ¢5z-.jaai sun-:43. 9 'r 2;? .., -;.‘.‘:-znswm 'r-."E . i 11: _;‘.. I .. “I ‘ f. . . -.‘ ._.- I ' ‘ - I - - ' ' ' - ; I. . .- = -—.I.J- II- 10. 11. 12. Expected Frequency of Resistant Phenotypes for Genetic Models of Complete Dominance and/or Recessiveness .................................... .. 40 Analysis of Variance of SD, SI, S2 and S 3 Generations ........................................ 42 The Effect of Selfing on the Level of Resistance on Resistant Line 6701 ............................. 42 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Summary of Genetic Studies on Inheritance of Resistance to Formae Speciales of mum ..... 6 Cultural Procedure to Decrease Generation Time in Onions Grown From Seed... ....... ........... 20 The Effect of Genotype on Resistance to W f sp sagas. Model I Both A and E Genes are Partially Dominant ..................... 36 The Effect of Genotype on Resistance to Egggzium oxygpgzum f. sp. geese. Model II. A Gene is Partially Dominant and E is Dominant ............ ... 36 viii a sup t1 --_- '. Ham.- 25'. , l ':I _'._'-_r. INTRODUCTION Thirty to thirty—five percent of world crop production is lost annually to diseases, pests, and weeds (22,44). About 10 to 12 percent of this loss is attributable to plant diseases (22,44,66). The USDA (86) estimated the average annual loss from all diseases of onions grown in the United States at 20 percent. Fusarium basal rot caused by Eusarium oxysgorum f. sp. ggpag (E. Q. ggpag) is responsible for 4 percent of this loss. The United States is the fourth largest onion producer in the world, with a crop valued at $428 million (87). A 4 percent yield reduction from E. g. gepae would represent a loss of $17 million annually. The State of Michigan ranks eighth in the country in production of onions, with a crop valued at $16.4 million (87). If 4 percent of the crop were lost to E. g. ggggg that would be a loss of $0.66 million annually. The need to control losses due to disease is obvious. Millions of dollars are spent annually on chemical applications to reduce or prevent these losses. This adds to the cost of production and is ultimately passed on to the consumer in terms of increased cost and pollution to our environment. l — _ . .- . L 1“ Ii, . I"! i h l‘ o:- .h" .L'" Ir." 2 One of the most appealing solutions to losses from disease is the use of disease resistant cultivars. The advantages of resistance as a control strategy are primarily its effectiveness and relatively low cost. Resistant cultivars do not require the application of chemicals, or at least reduced levels of them, and are therefore environmentally sound. Often there may be no effective and economical chemical control available to growers, which has been the case with E. g. genie. The incorporation of disease resistance into onion breeding lines is one of the major objectives of the onion breeding program at Michigan State University. Eggaxium gxyspgxgm f. sp. gggag, a fungal disease which causes the onion bulb to rot in the field or in storage, is a potentially serious disease. Because of the length of time necessary to develop new cultivars, foresight must be used in development of resistant cultivars before wide-spread epidemics and serious losses occur. Knowledge of the inheritance of disease resistance to E* 9* QgQae would greatly increase effectiveness and speed of introduction of Fusarium resistant cultivars. Therefore, a study of the genetics of resistance to E* 9* 9:21: was undertaken. ' ‘ ' _¢0)"‘ ‘,‘* 10' SUN ‘7 Mon-1&1 m ob 0137111119 «noisier-Z: .115; .931: .mggn': 1.; rig-vs! banal»! nut is ' . has -.-.-_- Lei-7.5: . natal. 35‘ :.‘- .J- ‘ biuov -._-'. i .i;:.n|-:nn--.J'xi> A; and EE >> Eh) and the interaction between loci is additive (AABB > AAEh or 3333 > Ath). Resistance is not epistatic; both resistant alleles A and B must be present for the plant to remain healthy in screening trials past 28 days. Plants with genotypes AAEB, AAEh and Aéflfi are considered resistant. Plants heterozygous at both loci (AaEE) are intermediate in resistance and remain healthy for 21 days, then become diseased and may die. Genotype aahh is completely susceptible with all plants screened dying around day 10. Mgdel 11. (Table 5). A gene is partially dominant and E gene is dominant. The interaction between loci is additive. This gene action results in only two resistant genotypes, AAEB and AAEE. 30 Mgle 111. (Table 6). Both A gene and E genes are partially dominant. The interaction between loci is additive. In addition, a lethal recessive gene 1 results in death of seedlings after emergence. Gene 1 occurs only in the resistant parent. Mgfigl 11. (Table 7). Both A and E genes are partially dominant. The interaction between loci is additive. In addition, recessive lethal gene 1 occurs in both resistant and susceptible parents in heterozygous state (Ll). 31 Table 4. Expected Genotype Frequencies of Parents, F1, F2 and Backcross Families for Cross 1849(Pl) x 6701- 1(P2). Model L. A and E Genes are Both Partially Dominant. Resistant Genotypes (3) are AAEE, AAEE, and AaEE. TYPE P1 FREQ P2 FREQ CROSS FREQ FREQUENCY OBSz EXP” Fl aabb 1.00 AABb 1.0 AaBb 0.500 0.094 QEQQQ Aabb 0.500 F2 AaBb 0.50 AAEE QEQQL 0.151 QElifi Aabb 0.50 AABb AAbb 0.156 BABE AaBb 0.125 Aabb 0.313 aaBB 0.031 aaBb 0.063 aabb 0.156 BC—R AaBb 0.50 AABb 1.0 5555 9.953 0.396 9.325 11.21%: Aabb 0.50 m}; Aabb 0.188 BC-S AaBb 0.50 aabb 1.0 AaBb 0.125 0.015 QEQQQ Aabb 0.50 Aabb 0.375 aaBb 0.125 aabb 0.375 RES" AABb 1.00 AAEE QEZEQ 0.820 9,259 MB}; (1.5.00. (D21) " AAbb 0.250 'ix Observed (OBS) is the observed frequency of resistant seedlings after 28 days of screening. Expected (EXP) frequency of resistance = freq of resistant genotypes (underlined) X (1 — frequency of lethals(ll). Resistant parent line 6701-1. Day 21 data used because day 28 data not available. FREQ = frequency, BC-S AND BC-R = backcross susceptible and resistant. Resistant genotypes and their frequencies are underlined. Parental genotypes: 1849 = aabb, 6701-1 = AABb. 32 Table 5. Expected Genotype Frequencies of Parents, F1, F2 and Backcross Families for Cross 1849(P1) x 6701-1 (P2). Mgdgl 11. A Gene is Partially Dominant and E Gene is Dominant. Resistant Genotypes (2) are BABE and am. TYPE Pl FREQ P2 FREQ CROSS FREQ FREQUENCY OBS' EXPy F1 aabb 1.00 AABb 1.0 AaBb 0.500 0.094 QEQEQ Aabb 0.500 F2 AaBb 0.50 AAEE 0.931 0.151 QEflflfi Aabb 0.50 53512 0105.3 AAbb 0.156 AaBB 0.063 AaBb 0.125 Aabb 0.313 aaBB 0.031 aaBb 0.063 aabb 0.156 BC—R AaBb 0.50 AABb 1.0 AAEE 0,Q§§ 0.396 9,313 Aabb 0.50 AAEE QEQEQ AAbb 0.188 AaBB 0.063 AaBb 0.250 Aabb 0.188 BC—S AaBb 0.50 aabb 1.0 AaBb 0.125 0.015 QEQQQ Aabb 0.50 Aabb 0.375 aaBb 0.125 aabb 0.375 RES" AABb 1.00 5852 0,250 0.820 Q,7§Q AABb (D21)w AAbb 0.250 Observed (OBS) is the observed frequency of resistant seedlings after 28 days of screening. Expected (EXP) frequency of resistance = freq of resistant genotypes (underlined) X (l — frequency of lethals(ll). Resistant parent line 6701-l. Day 21 data used because day 28 data not available. FREQ = frequency, BC—S AND BC—R = backcross susceptible and resistant. Resistant genotypes and their frequencies are underlined. Parental genotypes: 1849 = aabb, 6701—l = AABb. 33 Table 6. Expected Genotype Frequencies of Parents, F1, F2 and Backcross Families for Cross 1849(P1) x 6701-1( Model P2). Both A and E Genes are Partially Dominant and Resistant Parent 6701—1 is Heterozygous for Lethal Gene 1. TYPE Pl FREQ P2 FREQ CROSS FREQ FREQENCY OBS ‘ EXPY F1 aabbLL 1.00 AABbLl 1.0 AaBbLL 0.330 0.094 9‘999 AaBbLl 0.170 AabbLL 0.330 AabbLl 0.170 F2 AaBbLL 0.33 AAEE;; 9,993 0.151 9,143 AaBbLl 0.17 AAEE;; £1953 AabbLL 0.33 AAbb-- 0.156 AabbLl 0.17 AaEB—— 9,063 AaB —— 0.125 Aabb-- 0.313 aaBB—- 0.031 aaBb-— 0.063 aabb—- 0.156 (———-11 0.083) BC—R AaBbLL 0.33 AABbLl 1.0 AAEE;; 9,993 0.396 9,354 AaBbLl 0 17 AAEE;; 9‘219 AabbLL 0 33 AAbb-- 0.188 AabbLl 0 17 Aa —— 0,969 AaBb—— 0.250 Aabb-— 0.188 (----11 0.055) BC-S AaBbLL 0.33 aabbLL 1.0 AaBbL- 0.125 0.015 9‘999 AaBbLl 0.17 AabbL- 0.375 AabbLL 0.33 aaBbL- 0.125 AabbLl 0.17 aabbL— 0.375 2 Observed (OBS) is the observed frequency of resistant seedlings after 28 days of screening. y Expected (EXP) frequency of resistance = freq of resistant genotypes (underlined) X (l — frequency of lethals(ll). - Resistant genotypes and their frequencies are underlin I Parental genotypes: 1849 = aabb, 6701-l = AABb. ed. 34 Table 7. Expected Genotype Frequencies of Parents, F1, Backcross Families for Cross 1849(P1) x 6701-1(P2). flgggl 11. Both A and E Genes are Partially Dominant and Both Resistant Parent (6701-1) and Susceptible Parent (1849) are Heterozygous for Lethal Gene. F2 and TYPE P1 FREQ P2 FREQ CROSS FREQ FREQENCY OBS ' EXPy Fl aabbLl 1.00 AABbLl 1.0 AaBbL- 0.500 0.094 9*999 AabbL- 0.500 (—---11 0.25) F2 AaBbL- 0.50 AAEE;; 9,039 0.151 9,137 AabbL- 0.50 AAEE;; 9‘99} AAbb-- 0.156 Aafitlm AaBb—- 0.125 Aabb-— 0.313 aaBB-- 0.031 aaBb-- 0.063 aabb—— 0.156 (----11 0.125) BC-R AaBbL- 0.50 AABbLl 1.0 AAEE;; 9‘993 0.396 9*329 AabbL- 0.50 AAEE;; 9‘299 AAbb—— 0.188 Aaflflzzflalléfi AaBb-- 0.250 Aabb-- 0.188 (——--11 0.125) BC-S AaBbL- 0.50 aabbLl 1.0 AaBbL— 0.125 0.015 9*999 AabbL- 0.50 AabbL- 0.375 aaBbL- 0.125 aabbL— 0.375 (*'--11 0.125) Observed (OBS) is the observed frequency of resistant seedlings after 28 days of screening. Expected (EXP) frequency of resistance = freq of resistant genotypes (underlined) X (1 ~ frequency of lethals(ll). Parental genotypes: 1849 = aabb, 6701-l = AABb. 35 By matching the expected genotype frequencies for the various families with the observed frequencies of resistance on days 10, 21 and 28, the length of time a plant with a specific genotype survived during screening was estimated (Figure 3 for models I, III and IV and Figure 4 for model 11). This time probably varied with differences in environmental conditions and also with the genetic background of the plant. The existence of a post—emergence lethal gene was indicated by the lower than expected survival rates in the uninoculated control plants. It is hypothesized that this post—emergence recessive lethal gene resulted in the death of seedlings after emergence when in the E; condition. The survival rates of uninoculated selfed progeny from line 6701-1 (80%) and 1849 (83%) were close to that expected from plants contained a heterozygous lethal gene (Ll) segregating 3:1 {75%) for normal and lethal phenotypes. This lethality was observed in uninoculated selfed plants but, not in the crosses (F1, F2 and BC families) where the average survival rate in the control was 97.7%. Therefore, it is likely that the two parents contained different lethal genes which remained concealed in a heterozygous state in the crosses and only segregated homozygous recessive in progeny of selfed plants. 36 Figure 3. The Effect of Genotype on Resistance to m f. sp- asms. Model I. Both A and B Genes are Partially Dominant. H 1 E D S 'v' I 0 10 21 28 AABb AaBB AaBb AAbb aaBB Aabb aaBb aabb healthy diseased No line = death Number of days seedlings survive in E. o. cepge inoculated sand from emergence to death. NIII 37 Figure 4. The Effect of Genotype on Resistance to Qxygpgxum f. sp. sagas. Model II. A Gene is Partially Dominant and E is Dominant. Ngmbgg 9f Days Sggvivingz 0 10 21 28 AABB AABb AaBB AaBb AAbb aaBB aaBb Aabb aabb NIII healthy diseased No line = death Number of days seedlings survive in E. o. cepgg inoculated sand from emergence to death. CHI-SQUARE TESTS FOR F1, The 38 F2 AND BACKCROSS FAMILIES chi—square values for F1, F2, BC and SUS selfed families for all models (Table 8) along with a more complete table for generated Model I the best (both A and B gene The chi—square This supports (Table fit to values in the partially dominant and all cases hypothesis 9) are the observed of two given. The model data was were not genes that model I no lethal genes). significant. governing resistance with gene action being partially dominant at both loci. Table 8. Chi-Square Values of Genetic Models for Resistance to ' W f. 3p. mas. Family Model I Model II Model 111 Model IV F1 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 F2 0.03 12.20* 0.12 0.52 BC-R 0.40 7.65* 1.79 5.08* BC-S 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 SUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I Model I both A and E genes incompletely dominant. I Model II A gene incompletely dominant and E gene dominant. I Model III resistant line. I Model IV both parents. * X2 same as model I. with lethal gene in same as model I. with lethal genes in > 3.841 is significant at the 5% level (df=l). um _ ' .tfr‘r?“-'-‘§ on (I offlofi A an ' labs-u: 2»: 23:5 Nev-gearin- on: as an '- MM! not: em 91!? mar-'5?" "z. uran: .--._ ;.- ....._ --:.:...=n..q on” n has 1 _ _ _ ,._ .‘ .___ ._.-; 1. ... - .. m'gsuplrifla. _ Hague ntdi‘ ".'.-I! 39 Table 9. Chi-Square Test For F1, F2, Backcross Resistant and Susceptible Progenies Resulting from Cross 1849 x 6701-1'. Model I. Both A and E Genes Partially Dominant. PARENTS CROSSES PROB OBSERVED SUM DF X2 PROB RES. SUS RES SUS SUS-20x 0.000 39 0 39 1 0.00 1.00 PARENT SUS—21x 32 0 32 1 0.00 1.00 (selfed) SUS—24x 29 0 29 1 0.00 1.00 SUS-31x 51 0 51 1 0.00 1.00 SUS—42x 33 0 33 l 0.00 1.00 SUS-46x 21 0 21 l 0.00 1.00 SUS—48x 18 0 18 1 0.00 1.00 TOTAL 223 0 223 EXPECTED 223 0 223 l 9‘99 1‘99 RES 0.750 PARENT TOTAL 17 59 76 (6701-1) EXPECTED 19 57 76 1 9,19 9,29 F1 RES-1-55xSUS-27 0 000 16 3 19 1 0.33 0.60 RES—l-SSxSUS-27 15 0 15 1 0.00 1.00 RES-1-55xSUS-27 12 2 14 1 0.16 0.70 TOTAL 43 5 48 EXPECTED 48 0 48 1 9,39 9‘99 F2 F1-4x 0 156 62 4 66 1 3.87 0.05 Fl-8x 48 15 63 1 2.63 0.10 Fl-9x 60 8 68 l 0.50 0.50 F1—10x 57 15 72 l 1.13 0.30 F1—14x 54 8 62 1 0.17 0.70 TOTAL 281 50 331 EXPECTED 279 52 331 1 9,03 9E99 BC—RES Fl-lxRES-1—54 0.375 43 28 71 1 0.05 0.85 F1—7xRES*1—36 46 27 73 1 0.01 0.95 F1-29xRES—1-27 36 37 73 1 4.87 0.03 F1—30xRES—1-26 29 9 38 1 2.53 0.10 TOTAL 154 101 255 EXPECTED 159 96 255 1 9‘59 9,39 BC—SUS F1-22xSUS—42 0.000 40 0 40 l 0.00 1.00 F1-33xSUS-46 67 0 67 1 0.00 1.00 Fl—34xSUS—43 21 0 21 1 0.00 1.00 F1—37xSUS~48 25 0 25 l 0.00 1.00 F1—4leUS—10 46 3 49 1 0.13 0.75 TOTAL 199 3 202 EXPECTED 202 0 202 1 9,93 9‘99 Proposed genotype aabb x AABb. > 3.841 is significant at the The chi—square values in the 5% level (df=l). F2 and BC-RES families 40 increased as the number of parents containing lethal genes increased from 0 to 2 (in models I, III, and IV) resulting in a progressively poorer fit (Table 8). This indicates that the lethal genes were not expressed and, therefore, did not effect the survival rates. This supports the earlier statement that the lethal genes in the two parents were different genes. Other models of inheritance were tested; single gene dominant, single gene recessive, two genes completely dominant and three genes completely dominant resulted in a poor fit between observed and expected values (Table 10). Table 10. Expected Frequency of Resistant Phenotypes for Genetic Models of Complete Dominace and/or Recessiveness. r e c o R 'stance OBS 1 DOM FAMILY FREQz l DOM 1 REC 2 DOM l REC 3 DOM RES 0.830 0.750 100.0 0.750 0.750 0.750 Fl 0.094 0.500* 0.000 0.500* 0.000 0.500* F2 0.151 0.375* 0.250* 0.282* 0.094* 0.220* BC-R 0.396 0.625* 0.500* 0.626* 0.313* 0.625* BC-S 0.015 0.250* 0.000 0.125* 0.000 0.025* Observed frequency of resistant plants after 28 days of screening for resistance to E. g. gegag. I Parental genotypes for models: monogenic dominace (l DOM) = Aa x aa, monogenic recessive (l REC) = aa x AA, 2 genes dominant = AABb x aabb, 1 gene dominant + 1 gene recessive = aaBb x AAbb, and 3 genes dominant = AABBCC x aabbbcc. * An asterisk indicates that the expected frequency of resistant phenotypes predicted by a given model was significantly different than the observed frequency of resistance (by chi—square analysis). inn. maintain“ . .. . .‘.-w bib .9soioueui .hnn hes:o:§ao sen 610w undid II I.”_ Tai(.th :fi” 2:181:31 'tiflT .uuiss I‘VIV1BI I13 9 "-- ir'IQ'JI if“. I‘d, .‘.. .uonop dussoii§§}‘ .‘. l '-.. ..'; H :21.) a : ...“:imob ‘z- '..ifl'.'l)b 41 Heterogeneity tests supported the hypothesis that parental line 6701—l was heterozygous for resistance genes and line 1849 homozygous susceptible. Heterogeneity chi- square values were significant for F2 and backcross resistant families. EFFECT OF INBREEDING ON RESISTANCE TO EUSARIUM OXYSPORQM F. SP. QEEAE A cycle of screening and selfing of line 6701 was repeated for three generations. Those plants showing the highest resistance were selected as parents for the next cycle. The level of resistance to E. 9. 932g; in selfed progeny decreased dramatically over the three generations from that of the original parent line. Analysis of variance test (Table 11) showed a significant difference between the percent resistance in the progeny of the selfed families. The greatest reduction occurred in the lst(SL) and 2nd(&.) generations of selfing (Table 12) The difference between the 2nd (8:) and 3rd (83) generations was not significantly different at the a=0.5 level as determined by LSD test. This loss of resistance, in part, was probably due to expression of recessive lethal genes in the homozygous state. The trend of decreasing resistance in selfed progeny is still apparent after separating the effect of any post- emergence lethal gene (Table 12). The values given have been corrected to reflect a “true” (effect of lethal genes removed) level of resistance. Selfing of line 6701 for 42 Table 11. Analysis of Variance of So, 8,, SE, and S; Generations. DF Sum of Error F-value Prob Squares Mean Square Between 4 13273.16 3318.29 25.10** 000 Within 84 11103.58 132.19 Total 88 24376.74 H ** 7 Highly significant (a=0.01). Table 12. The Effect of Selfing on the Level of Resistance on Resistant Line 6701. SO Si slxsl S2 53 No. plants selfed —— 29 5 32 19 No. seeds screened 136 1088 72 932 395 No. plants selected —— 1 -- 6 ~- for next generation % survivingx 97 91 100 80 89 in control % resistance D 21“ 74.7 39.5 30.4 27.5 24.4 % resistance D 28“ 53.0a 17.8b 6.30 7.1c b.1c z % of emerging seedlings that survive for 28 days in non— inoculated conditions. x (% resistance) x (1 + (1 control)). ' a.b. and c are significantly different (LSD d=0.5) frequency of survival in 43 three generations resulted in a 89% decrease in the number of plants resistant to E. 2. ggggg. Since the reduction in survival rate due to lethal genes was removed this decrease in resistance was attributed solely to the effect of inbreeding. 3; plants were sib mated to see if this would restore some resistance that might have been lost due to other effects of inbreeding depression besides recessive lethals. The mean % resistance value was not significantly different between S. x S. progeny and S2 progeny (Table 12). This lack of effect from crossing sister plants to restore vigor and/or resistance was also observed in the F2 generations (Table 3) where F1 sib families were mated and compared to F1 selfed families. This effect would be expected if a high degree of homozygosity between sister plants existed. The possibility of a lethal gene linked to one or more of the resistance genes was considered, but this would have resulted in a much lower level of apparent resistances in BC-RES families. Also an increase in the level of lethals in the control in BC-RES families was not observed (96 to 98% of the BC—RES plants survived in the control), SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS SUMMARY OF INHERITANCE OF RESISTANCE TO EESARIHM_QKX§EQEEM F.SP.QEEAE Two genes, Egg; (A) and E292 (E), are proposed to govern resistance to E. Q. ggnag. The A and E genes are partially dominant resulting in the homozygous genotypes AA and EE being more resistant than the heterozygous genotypes A; and EE, respectively. There appears to be an additive effect between loci with the order of resistance as follows: M >Mor8fl>ba§b> AAbboraafli>Aabboraa§b> aabb. Resistance is not epistatic; at least one resistant allele (A and E) at both loci must be present for a resistant phenotype to occur. Plants with genotypes AAbb and aaBB are susceptible. Three genotypes result in a resistant phenotype: AAEE, AAEE, and AQEE (plants survived free of symptoms of E. g. ggggg for 28 day in screening trials). Plants heterozygous at both loci (AgEE) appear to have some resistance, surviving around 21 days in screening trials, thereafter, developing symptoms of E. Q. genae. The percent of plants resistant from cross 1849 x 6701—1 and reciprocal cross 6701—l x 1849 was not 44 45 significantly different. Therefore, it was concluded that resistance to E. 2. ggpgg was not maternally inherited. The existence of recessive lethal genes in both of the parents was indicated by the lower than expected survival rates in the uninoculated control plants. Survival rates in the uninoculated selfed progeny from line 6701-1 and 1849 were close to a 3:1 (normal:lethal) segregation ratio, or 75% survival rate, expected from segregating plants containing a heterozygous recessive lethal gene (L1). This lethality occurred in selfed plants but, not in crosses where the survival rate in the control was approximately 98%. It was concluded that the two parents contained different lethal genes and, therefore, they did not effect the survival rates of the F1, F2 and BC families screened for resistance to E. Q. ggEag. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BREEDING ONIONS FOR INCREASED RESISTANCE TOWF. SP. QEEAE Assuming the proposed genetic model for resistance to E. g. ggggg is true, it would be beneficial to increase the screening time from 21 days to 28 (or more) to eliminate the genotypes heterozygous for resistant genes. Genotypes AAEE, AAEE, AgEE, AaEE, AAEE and aaEE survive for 21 days in screening trials (see Figure 3.) while only genotypes AAEE, AAEE and AQEE survive for 28 days. Therefore, increasing the screening time would eliminate those plants with genotypes AgEE and AAEE, decreasing the frequency of recessive susceptible genes in the population. Considering 46 the partial dominant gene action proposed it is likely that genotypes AABb and AaBB might also be reduced or eliminated if screening time were extended. Another effective way to increase selection pressure for resistance genes is to increase inoculation concentration (3,58,68,70). A combination of increased screening time and inoculum concentrations is perhaps an even better solution. Optimal screening time and inoculum concentrations for selection of resistance genes could be determined experimentally. The effect of inbreeding on level of resistance should be considered when selecting for resistance to E. g. aspag in onions. Development of inbred lines requires a certain amount of selfing to increase homozygosity and homogeneity in the population. The effect of inbreeding can confound attempts to select for increased resistance. Some inbreeding depression, however, can be tolerated and evidence from the selfing study on line 6701 indicates that the decline in resistance will taper off after the 2nd generation of selfing with selection. Massing of selected plants and cross pollination will usually restore vigor (45,46); whether the level of resistance will also be restored will require further study. The use of large populations (1000—2000 seeds) for screening should allow heavy selection while retaining enough surviving plants to recombine to restore heterozygosity and vigor. 47 The pattern of resistance observed in this study and the proposed genetic model suggest that a hybrid with a relatively high level of resistance to E. Q. gggag can be produced by crossing a resistant parent with either another resistant or intermediate level resistant parent. Crossing a resistant parent with a susceptible parent should result in a hybrid with little or no resistance since the trait is not completely dominant. 10. 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