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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE ‘ Ct ' ‘Q ‘ I'm, . f, L____.# l _______ MSU Is An Affirmative ActionlEqual Opponunity Institution ammonia-9.1 // DEVELOPMENT OF A HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVENIENT PROGRAM FOR THE RURAL ENVIRONS OF PAKISTAN BY Zubair Ahmad A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 1992 BY Zubair'Ahmad A Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) was suggested for alleviating rural trunkline accident problems in Pakistan. The HSIP is a contemporary term for a sequential plan of implementing highway related safety improvements. However, the principal restraining factor anticipated in the transfer of HSIP technology'was the absence of an.adequate and accessible accident data base in the country. This research was, therefore, conducted to develop accident prediction models using various highway and traffic hazards as the surrogate measures of safety. The independent variables developed for this study represented the hazards in terms of inadequate access control, deficient pavement and shoulder width, deficient pavement markings, guardrail deficiencies, potential intersection conflict points, low pavement serviceability and roadside obstructions. The ambient hazardousness was quantified using three types of procedure: use of design standard deficiencies as a measure of hazard; use of erratic maneuvers and traffic conflicts as a measure of hazard; and use of an expert team for subjective rating of hazardousness. Consequently, three types of data sets were generated: measurements; counts; and ratings. A three-year period (January 1988 to December 1990) accident data were retrieved from police records to be used as the dependent variable in the study. The experimental site was comprised of 86 kilometers of rural two-lane, two-way and four-lane divided sections of the National Highway (N-S) in the District Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Multivariate linear regression analyses were performed to investigate the statistical significance of the hypothesized relationship between the hazards and accidents. The analyses indicate existence of a statistical relationship between the hazards and.the accidents, and.show'that inadequate control of access and operational friction are significantly correlated with accidents. These findings are substantiated by the results of previous studies made in the United States and other countries. The results of this research provide a means to implement a HSIP in Pakistan even when archival accident records may not be available. The research findings also expose vital issues for the planners and policy makers that would arise from the incorporation of preventative safety measures in future highway transportation facilities. The most significant impact of implementing these measures would be on the land-use pattern of the country. JACIUWONVLIHNGEmflETFTS I wish to express my earnest feelings of gratitude and indebtedness for Dr. William C. Taylor, my academic advisor and the chairman of the doctoral guidance committee, for his continued guidance in the processing and completion of this research. I firmly believe that his encouragement and trust in my capabilities, from the very beginning of my graduate studies, led to this accomplishment. I am extremely grateful to Dr. Richard w. Lyles, Dr. Thomas L. Maleck and Dr. Shlomo Levental for being members of my committee. Their comments were always a source of inspiration and. guidance, and. certainly' resulted in. the improvement of this work. I would like to express my special appreciation to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University; the Chairperson, Dr. William.E. Saul; and my advisor for the financial support during my Ph.D. program. I am also thankful to Dr. David Horner and Elda Keaton, Office for International Studies and Scholars, Michigan State University for approving a fellowship award. I would like to thank Gene V. George, Chief, Office of Engineering, and. David Esch, Chief, Human IResource Development, of the United States Agency for International Development, Islamabad, Pakistan. Their help has definitely resulted in the timely completion of my dissertation. iv My thanks are due to Mr. M. Sadiq Swati, Senior Chief, National Transport Research Centre, Islamabad, for providing me the opportunity to work at the Centre, and for extending his auspices in data collection. I am particularly thankful to my employer, Government of the Punjab, and specially the former Secretary, Communication and Works Department, Mr. Manzoor Ahmad, for administrative actions facilitating completion of my dissertation. I express my gratitude to my father, Khalid Ahmad, and my mother, Shaukat Jehan, for their affection and love which determined my moral directions. Their prayers were the source of my growth and elevations, and today I owe my every achievement to them. My heartfelt thanks are due to my wife, Qaisra, for deferring her own professional activities during the days of my graduate school to replenish my negligence from home and children. With deep feelings of appreciation and love, this dissertation is dedicated to her. I would like to appreciate my children Amna, Isma, and Rehan for demonstrating their excellent adaptability in switching cultures, peer' and schools during' my' periodic sojourns between the United States and Pakistan while completing this research. Their style undoubtedly furnished carefree time for concentration on my work. Finally, I submit myself before my God, The Almighty Allah, with most humble feelings of thanks for bestowing His Benevolence and enabling me to complete this task. TABLE OF CONTENTS page LIST OF TABLES x LISTOF FIGURES xii LISTOFABBREVIATIONS xiv 1.1 THE THRESHOLD ............. ........ ................. 1.2 HIGHWAY SAFETY’ADHINISTRATION IN’PAKISTAN .......... 1.3 MOTIVATION ......................................... 1.4 OBJECTIVE .......................................... 1.5 RESEARCHLBPPROACH .................................. 1.6 ORDEROFPRESENTATIOH.............................. 10 ommhpp CHAPTER 2 Woso...coo-0000000.... 11 2.1 HISTORICALPBRBPBCTMooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 11 2.2 THE CONCEPT OF LIABILITY-ASSIGNMENT IN ACCIDENT CAUSATION J......................................... 17 2.2.1 Liability Studies in Developing Countries .... 19 2.2.2 The Theology of Single-Liability-Assignment .. 20 2.2.3 The Interactive Role of Accident Causative Factors ...................................... 22 2.3 “ECONCBPTOFBXPOBURB0.0.0....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 29 2.3.11nducedExposure 31 2.4 THE CONCEPT OF RISK-HOMEOSTASIS AND RISK-COMPENSATION .................................. 31 2.4.1 The Role of Highway Engineering in Risk Compensation ............................ 33 vi 2.5 HUMANENGINEERINGAPPROACH......................... 34 2.5.1 Functionalization of Human Engineering Approach in the Developing Countries Through HSIP ................................. 35 2.6 THE HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (HSIP) . . . . . . 37 2.6.1 Framework and Overview of HSIP ............... 38 2.6.2 Implementation of HSIP ....................... 41 SURROGATEMEASURESOPHIGHNAYSAPETY............... 41 2.7.1 Application of Surrogate Measures in Present Research ............................. 44 2.8 USE OF TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS AND HIGHWAY DESIGN FEATURES FOR ACCIDENT PREDICTION MODELING . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.8.1 Accident Prediction Modeling in Developing Countries ......................... 51 2.8.2 The Indexation Approach for the Identification of Hazardous Locations ........ 53 2.9 RELEVANCE OP LITERATURE REVIEW TO CURRENT RESEARCH 58 2.9.1 Transferability of the HSIP Technology ....... 60 2.9.2 Technical Gap in Transferability ............. 62 2.9.3 Suggested Method to Bridge the Transferability Gap .......................... 63 2.10 FORMULATIONOF HYPOTHESIS .......................... 64 CA ‘6 3.1 “BMIABLBBOFINTBRBBTsooooooooooooooooooooooooo 66 302 mnnslanornnnxma0000.00.00.000000000000000 71 3.2.1 The Ambient Highway Hazards .................. 72 3.2.2 Development of Measures of Hazard (MOH)....... 73 3.2.3 MOH Specifications and On-Ground Application.. 74 3.2.4 The Applied Procedures for Data Analysis ..... 81 30 3 m Rasmcn DATA . 0 0 . 0 . . . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . . . 0 0 0 0 . O 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 . . 83 3 0 3 0 1 The Hazard Data 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 84 3 0 3 0 2 The ACCident Data . . . . 0 . 0 . . . . O . . . . . 0 . . . 0 . . 0 0 . 0 85 3 0 ‘ Bnnlmn SITE 0 . . . . 0 0 0 0 . . . . . 0 O O . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 86 3.5 BXBCWIONOPTHBBXPBRIW00000000000000.0..0.0000 89 vii CHAPTER4 W.00.00....0......00000000.00.000.0000000000 91 4. 1 THE ANALYTICAL APPROACH AND PRESENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . 91 4 .2 DATA ANALYSIS FOR TWO-LANE, TWO-WAY SECTIONS . . . . . . . 99 4.2.1 Descriptive Statistics 99 4 2 2 FrequencyDistribution 101 4 2 3 SimpleCorrelations 107 4 2 4 Eigenvalues and Condition Indices . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 4.2.5 Variable Tolerance & Variance Inflation Factor 111 4 2 6 4 2 7 4 2 8 Regression Analysis and the Crucial Variables 112 Accident Freq. vs. Rate as Dependent Variable 114 Final Accident Prediction Model and Test of Hypotheses ................................... 117 Analysis of Residual & Predicted Values 118 4.3 DATA ANALYSIS FOR FOUR-LANE DIVIDED HIGHWAY SECTIONS 124 4.3.1 Descriptive Statistics 124 4 3 2 FrequencyDistribution 126 4 3 3 Simple Correlations . 132 4 3 4 Eigenvalues and Condition Indices . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 4.3.5 Variable Tolerance & Variance Inflation Factor 136 4 3 6 4 3 7 4 3 8 Regression Analysis and the Crucial Variables 137 Accident Freq. vs. Rate as Dependent Variable 139 Final Accident Prediction Model and Test of Hypotheses ................................... 140 Analysis of Residual & Predicted Values 141 4.4 ANEVALUATIONOFTHE DATATYPE ..................... 146 4.5 HAZARDIHDEXATION.................................. 148 4.5.1 Development of HI for the Present Research . . . 149 HI for 2-Lane, 2-Way Sections ....... .. 150 HI for 4-Lane Divided Sections . . . . . . . . 153 CHAPTERS c088 0000.....0...00000000....0000000000 15‘ 5.1 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF RESEARCH INPUTS ANDRESULTS........................................ 156 5.1.1 Evaluation of Independent Variables 158 5 1.2 Evaluation of Data Type 160 5.1.3 Evaluation of Predictive models 161 5 1.4 Evaluation of Hazard Index 165 5 1 5Evaluation of Accident Data 165 viii 5.2 5.3 ACCIDENT PREDICTION MODELS AND HSIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HSIPANDPOLICYDECISIONMAKING .................... RESEARCHLIMITATIONS....... ..... ................... PROMINENTFINDINGS................................. 6.2.1The IdentifiedHazards 6.2.2 Implementation of the HSIP 6.2.3 PolicyIssues BUGGBBTBDRBBmcn0.0.00.0...0000000000000000000000 REMAININGCOMPONENTSOFTHEHSIP ..... .............. 6.4.1 The Implementation Component 6.4.2 The Evaluation Component W...................................... W Financial Statement for the Removal of Blackspots. An Example: Rawalpindi Civil Division, Punjab. (19.80-1987).0.............0...0.000...000.000.....0 Some Photographs of the Experimental Site Showing theseleCtedHazards 00.0.00.....0...0.......0.00.00 The Hazard Data and the Quantified Hazardousness Usingthe DevelopedMOH TheACCidentData .00....00.0.....000000000000000000 The SPSS Program for DataAnalyses ix 166 167 169 169 170 171 172 172 173 174 174 175 177 187 188 194 212 225 LIST OF TABLES 2.1 Summary of Socio-Economic Macro Models of nghwaysafety0.00....OI0......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 13 2 . 2 Standards for Highway Safety Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.3 Causes of Road Accidents in 5 Developing countrieS[38] ..000000.00.0.00000..0...0..00000.0. 19 2 . 4 Traffic Accident Causes in Turkey [39] . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2 . 5 Traffic Accident Causes in Pakistan [40] . . . . . . . . . . 20 2 . 6 Traffic Accident Causes in Jordan [47] . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2 . 7 Computation of Hazardousness Index [101] . . . . . . . . . . 55 2.8 Regression Models of Traffic Safety in saudiuabia [103] ..00...........0...0..00...0.0.. 56 2 . 9 Procedures of Planning Component [71] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 2 . 10 Procedures of Implementation Component [71] . . . . . . . 62 2 . 11 Procedures of Evaluation Component [71] . . . . . . . . . . . 62 3.1 Second Order Elimination - Procedures for Identifying Hazardous Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 3.2 Third Order Elimination - Inventory of Hazardous HighwaYFeatures0.00.0...0000............0.00..... 70 3.3. The Developed MOH and their Use Characteristics . . . 74 3.4 The Hazard Measurement System 81 (2-Lano, 2-Way Sections) 4 . 1 Descriptive Statistics of Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 4.2 TheCorrelationMatrix............................ 108 4.3 Collinearity Diagnostics: Eigenvalues and ConditionIndices........ ........ .............. 110 4 . 4 Collinearity Diagnostics: TOL and VIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 4.5 The Variable Removal Order by Backward Elimination 112 4.6 The Statistical Results of Regression Analysis . . . . 113 4.7 Indicated Appropriateness of Independent Variables 113 X 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 Reported Variation in Traffic Volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . Correlation of Indicated Variables with AccidentFrequencyandRates Statistics for the Residuals and Predicted Values Outlier - Standardized Residual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spreadsheet Implementation of Accident Predictive ”Odel00000000........0..000...000..0.....0...00.00 (4-Lano Divided Highway Sections) Descriptive Statistics of Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TheCorrelationMatrix............................ Collinearity Diagnostics: Eigenvalues and conditionIndices.0..........00.00........0....0.0 Collinearity Diagnostics: TOL and VIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Variable Removal Order by Backward Elimination. The Statistical Results of Regression Analysis . . . . Indicated Appropriateness of Independent Variables. Correlation of Indicated Variables with Accident Frequency andRates Statistics for the Residuals and Predicted Values. . Outlier - Standardized Residual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spreadsheet Implementation of Accident Predictive "Odel000000000000000. Regression Analyses Results from One Type of Data. . Hazard Index: 2-Lane, 2-Way Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Correlation of Individual Variables and HI with Acc1dents (2-Lane, 2-Way Sections) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hazard Index: 4-Lane Divided Highway Sections . . . . . Correlation of Individual Variables and HI with Accidents (4-Lane Divided Highway Sections) . . . . . . . A Comparison of the Predictive Modeling and HI Approacn0.0.0000..00..0.00..00000000000000.0000... Model Limits in Accident Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Examples of non-Accident Based MOEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi 114 116 118 119 122 125 133 135 136 137 138 138 139 142 142 145 148 150 151 153 154 155 164 176 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2.1 Percentage Contributions to Road Accidents as Obtained in a British and US Accident Study [46]. . . 24 2.2 Percentages of Accidents in which Human Factors were Identified as Definite or Probable Causal Factors [34] 24 2.3 Overview of the Highway Safety Improvement Program(HSIP)[71].......... .......... ...... 38 2.4 Highway Safety Improvement Program at the Process Level [71] . ....... 39 2.5 Highway Safety Improvement Program at the Sub-Process Level [71] ................... . . . . . . . . . 40 2.6 Cumulative Adequacy Index vs. Accident Rate [97] . . 50 3.1 [PWIDTH] - A Hyperbolic Function of Pavement Width Variation from the Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 3.2 The Geographical Location of the Experimental Site. 87 3.3 The Magnified Diagram of the Experimental Site . . . . 88 (2-Lans, Z-way Sections) 4 . 1 Frequency Distribution of Variable [RIBBON] . . . . . . . 101 4 . 2 Frequency Distribution of Variable [SPATHS] . . . . . . . 102 4 . 3 Frequency Distribution of Variable [GDRAIL] . . . . . . . 103 4 .4 Frequency Distribution of Variable [PWIDTH] . . . . . . . 103 4 . 5 Frequency Distribution of Variable [SWIDTH] . . . . . . . 104 4 . 6 Frequency Distribution of Variable [PMARKS] . . . . . . . . 104 4 . 7 Frequency Distribution of Variable [INTSEC] . . . . . . . 105 4 . 8 Frequency Distribution of Variable [ISLAND] . . . . . . . 105 4 . 9 Frequency Distribution of Variable [PVCOND] . . . . . . . 106 4 . 10 Frequency Distribution of Variable [SIDEOB] . . . . . . . 106 4 . 11 Frequency Distribution of Variable [ANACFQ] . . . . . . . 107 xii 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.31 The Compounding Effect of Traffic Volume Variation Histogram - Standardized Residual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Normal Probability (P-P) Plot - Predicted Values . . Difference Between Actual and Predicted Accidents . (4-Lane Divided Highway Sections) Frequency Distribution of Variable [RIBBON] Frequency Distribution of Variable Frequency Distribution of Variable Frequency Distribution of Variable Frequency Distribution of Variable Frequency Distribution of Variable Frequency Distribution of Variable Frequency Distribution of Variable Frequency Distribution of Variable Frequency Distribution of Variable Frequency Distribution of Variable Frequency Distribution of Variable Histogram - Standardized Residual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [SPATHS] [MEDOPN] [GDRAIL] [PWIDTH] [SWIDTH] [PMARKS] [INTSEC] [ISLAND] [PVCOND] [SIDEOB] [ANACFQ] Normal Probability (P-P) Plot - Predicted Values . . Difference Between Actual and Predicted Accidents . A Graphical Representation of Hazard Index Vs. Accidents (2-Lane, z-Way Sections) . . . . . . . . . . . . A Graphical Representation of Hazard Index Vs. Accidents (4-Lane Divided Sections) . . . . . . . . . . . xiii 115 120 121 123 126 127 127 128 128 129 129 130 130 131 131 132 143 144 146 152 155 AASHO AASHTO EOS FHWA GNP HI HSIP JICA Kmph MOE MOH NHSB NHTSA NTRC OECD PDO PHD RRR TOPICS TRRL TRB USAID USDOT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS American Association of State Highway Officials American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Annual Daily Traffic End of Shoulder Federal Highway Administration (USA) Gross National Product Hazard Index Highway Safety Improvement Program Japan International Cooperation Agency Kilometer Kilometer per Hour Measure of Effectiveness Measure of Hazard Million Vehicle Kilometers Million Vehicle Miles National Highway Authority (Pakistan) National Highway Safety Board (USA) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (USA) National Transport Research Centre (Pakistan) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Property Damage Only Punjab Highway Department (Pakistan) Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation Traffic Operations for Increased Capacity and safety Transport and Road Research Laboratory (UK) Transportation Research Board (USA) United States Agency for International Development United States Department of Transportation Vehicle Miles of Travel xiv CXLKPTFHK l 1. 1 THE THRESHOLD Human knowledge on the subject of highway traffic safety is beyond infancy and, at present, relatively improved explanatory axioms are employed for having a refined comprehension about the crash mechanism. Over the past three decades the rate of motorization and highway network expansion has increased worldwide. This growth, particularly in the developed countries, has acted as a strong stimulus for attaining the present extent of behavioral and technological research concerning highway transportation. Over a period of time, this scholastic enterprise has induced some fundamental conceptual shifts and contributed many innovative notions to the transportation knowledge-base. One such development is perceived in observing that the word cause has largely disappeared from the technical literature on highway safety, since the term conveyed the 2 notion of a single responsible factor in the deterministic sense in which it was used in the physical sciences and engineering literature [1] . In fact, the results of the state of the art review indicates that current research no longer supports the classical single-liability-assignment model of accident causation based on the typical taxonomy of a "vehicle-road-user" system. The current research rather looks at the interactive and multiple level role of these three basic factors in each traffic crash [2]. A crash is certainly initiated by a set of circumstances that usually include these three factors. However, it would seldom result from an unambiguous single cause [3]. Quite often a single cause is associated with a crash occurrence because accident reports may ask explicitly for one, and to probe for the intricate and interactive reasons may not be easy. In fact, modeling a highway traffic safety system is very complex because of the high degree of interrelation among the system variables. This approach requires the modeler to predict and compare the individual and interactive effectiveness of changes in various parameters in increasing overall safety benefits. For these reasons of complexity, even the highly motorized and developed societies lack a composite safety system model and their present highway safety practices reveal a quasi-integrated but simultaneous effort to improve each prominent component. One of these practices, with engineering orientation and proven effectiveness for safety improvement, is the 3 identification and correction of hazardous highway locations. There is increasing evidence from the developed countries, and also with particular relevance to the Third World, that relatively detailed spot investigations combined with low cost remedial measures can be highly cost effective and impose a very marked effect on road safety [4,5,38]. The practice of identifying and correcting hazardous highway locations evolved in the early forties as the road mileage and use of automobiles increased dramatically in the United States. Through persistence, the practice and the techniques have attained a high degree of sophistication. At present in the United States, a vast knowledge 'base exists on this discipline, and the implementation- strategy (usually a multiple step sequential model) is referred to as a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). It follows (from the details given elsewhere in this dissertation) that implementing a HSIP would be the ultimate desirable option fOr Pakistan for alleviating the country's highway safety problems. However, initiation of a formal HSIP in a developing country like Pakistan is associated with many limitations stemming from various financial, technical and administrative constraints. These impediments, in.conjunction with a preponderance for correcting the most critical individual factor first, has resulted in polarized priorities targeted to enhance highway safety. As such, there is an absence of a definite national policy on highway safety in the country. In spite of the public desire, media campaigns and 4 government efforts, no strategy so far has been effective in alleviating the problem of increasing highway traffic crashes. 1.2 HIGHWAY SAFETY ADMINISTRATION IN PAKISTAN The public sector highway administration in Pakistan operates at two levels of government: i) Provincial, and ii) Federal. Most of the important inter-provincial trunk lines and major highways of the country are controlled by the federal government through an administering agency referred to as the National Highways Authority (NHA) while the primary (i.e., inter-district) and the secondary (i.e., intra-district and agricultural roads) networks are administered by the provincial highway departments and local bodies. Traditionally these agencies are only regarded as "highway construction and maintenance organizations” rather than the potential saviors of trauma and perpetual misery in human life. Their functional charter does not necessarily include participation in a formal HSIP. At present these highway organizations have practically no formal procedure for identifying hazardous elements, though they are frequently seen and often reported by the maintenance workers, police and inspecting officials. As a result, casual attempts at improving highway safety for isolated locations are practiced. However, due to the absence of a well structured and integrated program the selection of suspect sites and 5 countermeasures is not based on sound statistical procedures. The motorization rate in Pakistan during the past few years has been increasing. The motor vehicle population of the country reached 1,220,145 by the end of 1986 as compared to 191,851 in 1970 [6]. This annual growth rate of 13% includes a higher proportion of trucks and buses resulting from the deregulation of trucking in 1960 and a partial deregulation of buses in 1970. The increasing traffic volume and axle-load has consistently resulted in expansion and rehabilitation of the highway network. For example, in the province of Punjab‘about 250 kilometers of the National Highway (N-S), the country's most important strategic and trade route, have been upgraded to a four-lane divided highway and almost an equal length is currently undergoing such improvement. Besides, during the decades of 1970 and 1980, some busy segments of provincial highways were upgraded as dual carriageway sections and many by-passes were provided to avoid interaction of urban traffic with the main-stream flow. Pakistan is committed to an ambitious new’ highway construction;program.IMany'prioritized.highway‘rehabilitation and construction programs have been completed and some are under implementation with the assistance of ' various cooperating agencies for international development; like the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, USAID and JICA. However, these programs clearly address the issues of access, capacity and structural adequacy with little emphasis on safety, and regretfully reveal that no important lessons have been learned from the highway loss experience. These 6 improvement programs are appallingly replicating the safety deficiencies and persistently adding to the size of problem. 1.3 MOTIVATION Unfortunately Pakistan continues to be among the developing nations of the third world having a consistently high road crash and fatality rate. During the period from 1971 to 1989, the number of total road crashes in Pakistan increased from 5,892 to 11,238 per year, and fatal crashes from 1,793 to 4,371 per year [6,7]. Although the statistics for the year 1988 indicate a very slight drop in crash and fatality rate per ten-thousand vehicles (which may be attributed to the relatively higher rate of motorization than in the previous years), the fact remains unchanged that the increasing trend of road crashes has not declined, and the status of highway safety in Pakistan remains much lower than the developed countries of the world. For example, the present road fatality rate per ten thousand licensed vehicles in Pakistan.is estimated about 10 to 12 times higher than‘USA.and UK respectively [38]. In the early 1980's, a program for the removal of highway blackspots ‘was initiated in 'the Province of Punjab (and sizeable funds were allocated by the government to meet the prospective expenditure. Unfortunately this vital program, instead of gaining significance, tapered off and was eventually discontinued after 1987 because its effectiveness 7 was neither measurable nor perceived by the public. As an example, a financial statement for the removal of highway blackspots in Rawalpindi Division is presented in Appendix A. The obvious cause of this unimpressive performance was the execution of safety programs without following a prescribed and systematic procedure. It is quite apparent that identification of hazardous locations is the basic step in order to embark on a formal process of highway safety improvement. Traffic crashes are believed to be the most direct measure of safety of a highway location. However, attempts to estimate the relative safety of a highway location using this approach are fraught with the problems of unreliable accident records and the time required to wait for adequate sample sizes. In Pakistan, three research studies [9-11] were conducted for' the identification. of black-spots which used traffic accident data to accomplish the task. While one of these studies [9] concluded that due to fragmentary accident data, identification of black-spots at reasonably exact positions was not possible, the other two [10, 11] categorically enunciated that these spots could not be identified due to incomplete police reporting regarding accident location. Herein lies the fiber of motivation for the conclusion that surrogate measures of highway safety need to be investigated to develop accident prediction models for the identification of hazardous locations, so that a HSIP could be formally initiated and practiced in Pakistan. 1.4 OBJECTIVE The primary objective of this research is to develop a logical procedure to identify hazardous locations by employing surrogate measures of highway safety as predictors of accidents. This would provide the vital missing link required for initiating a formal HSIP in Pakistan in the absence of a reliable and accessible accident data base. 1.5 RESEARCH APPROACH To determine the course of research and to pinpoint the crucial variables, a backward screening process was employed at four distinctive levels, constituting the essence of the research approach. Briefly, this screening process was employed to achieve the following objectives. 1) To rationalize the road as the principal factor of interest in the "road-vehicle-user" classification of accident causation. A review of relevant literature [2-5,38,39,68,71] provides the necessary back-up to this rationale. 2) To select a method of identifying hazardous locations. 3) To screen out ambient highway hazards from an inventoried template and identify their presence. This operation resulted in developing the 9 experimental design for determining a relationship between hazards and accidents. 4) To distinguish significant independent variables for utilization in predictive modeling. This screening operation provided an instrument by which all the prominent safety aspects and technical options were considered prior to fine-tuning the research approach and selecting the variables of interest. A detailed‘dte’scripctionggf t3.‘3...£9‘1£.3§!§13._9f.fuming?” #8 Presented...“ Cha.PFer....'°.hres~ The experimental design is based on the outcome of this screening. The research data is comprised of information on ambient highway hazards and accident history of highway sections. These data were collected in Pakistan in early 1991 [12] and correspond to the time period of January 1988 to December 1990. The experimental site was comprised of 86 kilometers of the National Highway (N-5) passing through the rural areas of District Rawalpindi. Of these, 52 kilometers were 2-lane, 2-way, and 34 kilometers were 4-lane divided highway sections. Finally, computer routines for multivariate regression analysiswwflwereh “employed to investigate statistical. \nww" ' N, relationships betweeth eflt o entities. Accident prediction models were then developed using this information with annual accident frequency per kilometer as the dependent variable. The feasibility of aggregating the data in terms of a hazard index to determine the accident potential of a highway section was also examined. 10 1. 6 ORDER OF PRESENTATION This dissertation is organized in six main chapters followed by appendices A to E. Following this chapter, a literature review based on global research experiences in a chronological order is presented in Chapter Two. Since literature from the USA and UK is frequently referred for prospective application in a developing country, a critical assessment of specific literary material in terms of its applicability and transferability is included. Chapter' three jpresents the details of the research approach and the specifications of the experimental design. Chapter four concerns statistical analysis and accident prediction modeling. The development of a hazard index based on an adequacy rating of a highway section to determine its accident potential forms a part of this chapter. Chapter five offers a thorough discussion on various inputs, the implementation processes and the results of the research. This includes an evaluation of the independent variables; data type; predictive models; hazard index; and accident data. Chapter six presents the research limitations, inferences and conclusions, and the suggested research. The chapter also covers the remaining steps of the HSIP. The research data, some selected photographs of the experimental site, and the SPSS program for data analyses are presented as the relevant appendices. CHAPTER 2 2.1 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Intellectual concerns about the public health problems inflicted by automobiles and highway-travel started surfacing in the motorizing societies of the world in the early 1940's. As the level of motorization gradually increased during the 1960's, accompanied by an upward trend in traffic crash frequency, the issue of resulting property damage, injury and pre-retirement of life became a matter of wide public concern. Although the time frame in which various countries attained a certain level of motorization differs, they had a common viewpoint on road safety which included a high degree of national concern for research and improvement programs. However, it was not until the late 1960's and early 1970's that the global importance of highway safety was further emphasized through legislation and research in many countries. The United States, Canada, Australia, and various other 11 12 countries of Western Europe (e.g. , Great Britain, France, Belgium and Sweden), having the highest rates of motorization, were the pioneers to assign a national importance to the subject of highway safety. Besides assignment of national importance, the topic of highway safety was intensively discussed at an international level. For example, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and Commission of the European Community (CEC) were particularly active in Western Europe in road safety research and dissemination of results. The efforts of these organizations in transportation research mostly converged to one common objective: to ameliorate road crashes. It was anticipated that the wisdom of the western European nations would be able to frame effective international regulations before automobiles confirmed their increasing reputation as "the plague of the 20th century". The Overseas Unit of the Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), U.K., performed numerous studies to investigate the highway safety problems in many developing countries. Extensive efforts were made in the motorizing countries to find a plausible explanation of the traffic crash phenomenon in terms of its rationale and apparent attributes. These studies were the genesis of many theories and macro models of highway safety relating accidents, fatalities or injuries. with a myriad of independent variables. These variables represented a broad spectrum of technological, social, economic, demographic, biographic, psychological and 13 even the religious aspects of driver and road system [14-23]. Since a discussion about the macro models is not the main scape of this work, only the findings of some of the selected references is summarized in Table 2.1 to maintain continuity. Table 2.1 Summary of Socio-Econosic Macro Models of Highway Safety. REF RESEARCH VARIABLES OF INTEREST TYPE' lo. PARTICULARS or W Independent Variable(s) AMY“ V-idilele) Significant 80% + level an Skuifioent (f) Coeff. (-) Coeff. 1,2 Average speed Alcohol- CS Driver age consumption (AC) income Cost/accident 1 WT, GNP Unemloyeent TS Vehicle population 16 Sivak 1 Young drivers Suicide CS (1983) Murder rate rate 17 llatoper 5,6,7 VH1 Vehicle length Cost TS (1984) Average speed [accident Rural/Urban travel Income 18 hautzinger 2 Vehicle population CS, TS (1986) 19 Gaudry 2,3,4 Young drivers Cost/accident TS (1987) Seat belt, Ac Uneaploynent 20 Loeb 3 Rural/Urban travel Length of CS (1987) Average speed, Ac arterial roads * CS 8 Cross-sectional TS 8 Tina Series Lhflfllfl!fifl&lflflflun= 1. Fatalities in road accidents per vehicle ailes travelled (VMT). 2. Injury accidents per capita or per VHT. 3. Fatality road accidents per capita or per VHT. 4. Fatalities at night. 5. Total number of road fatalities or injuries. Number of notor-vehicle-occupants fatalities. Number of trian fatalities or injuries. The technological aspects of highway safety were further segregated into two distinct areas of interest: the l4 automobiles and the highways. In this dissertation, only the highway-related. safety' aspects. are considered, being ‘the specific orientation of the work. A chronological overview of the evolution of this subject in the motorizing countries is presented in the following pages. During the decade of the 1950's a large number of studies were carried out in the USA on the relationship between the highway geometric design elements and traffic flow characteristics, and road safety. In 1954, the AASHO published design guidelines [24] which reflected the major findings of these studies. The main theme of these guidelines was to classify a road hierarchy, and to assign different standards to different. types of road. In 'this hierarchy, access- controlled and divided highways were categorized as a relatively safer class of highways. In 1965, AASHO issued the next edition of these guidelines [25] placing greater emphasis on the complexity of road accidents and the role of the human element. However, the prime importance continued on highway geometrics including topics on crash barriers, road side obstacles, and specific criteria for climbing lanes. (These guidelines were further revised.and.expanded,byuAASHTO in 1984 and 1990). In 1963, the Automotive Safety Foundation and the US Bureau of Public Roads published a major study [26] on highway safety considering the relationship of traffic control and roadway elements with traffic crashes. In this study traffic volumes, (access control, cross-section, alignment, 15 intersections and interchanges, at-grade railroad crossings, driveways, speed, pavement surfaces, one-way streets, illumination and parking were thoroughly investigated for their relationship with highway safety. In 1966, the AASHO special Traffic Safety Committee undertook a critical survey of the safety characteristic of the interstate and other highway system and recommended improvements [27] applicable to two distinct areas: roadside design and appurtenances, and traffic operations. The increasing frequency of highway fatalities during the mid 1960’s drew the attention of the Us Congress to the need for an expanded federal role in Highway Safety. In 1965, the rigorous lobbying of Ralph Nader and his distinguished publication [28] raised public consciousness of the issue of highway safety and stimulated national concerns for reducing traffic accidents and fatalities. Numerous Congressional hearings were held and these resulted in enactment of two important pieces of legislation concerning highway safety, i.e., The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, and The National Highway Safety Act, of 1966. These legislative actions significantly expanded the federal role in highway safety by creating NHSB (the predecessor of the present NHTSA), and by bringing new focus to research for the advancement of the knowledge-base in highway safety [29]. The Highway Safety Program Manual was accordingly developed by the USDOT which included the Standards for various specialties, as shown in Table 2.2. 16 Table 2.2 Standards for highway Safety Programs. These standards covered 18 program areas which are now administered by NHTSA and FHWA. While efforts in the United States featured a coordinated approach to improve multiple aspects of highway safety at all levels of government, two major European publications in the mid 1960's represented the state of the art in other knowledge areas. In Sweden, a strategy based on the relationship between urban planning and road safety emerged for alleviating problems of traffic accidents. The Swedish National Board of Urban Planning issued guidelines in 1968 [30] giving more attention to hierarchy and strict design standards with more conservative speeds applicable to urban and rural environments. 17 In Great Britain, the TRRL in 1963 presented the combined results of studies on pedestrians, drivers, vehicles and road design [31]. This study presented, for the first time, a coherent compilation of research findings on the interaction among road users, vehicle characteristics and highway design as integrated components of the highway transportation system. The evolved phrase of "vehicle-highway-user" system forthwith became a popular entity and generated areas of interest for further research and development during the 1970's and early 1980's. However, attempts to‘assign liability and to concentrate efforts on the correction of a specific component was a major pitfall, soon discovered by the developed world. Unfortunately this was not realized by most developing countries. 2 .2 THE CONCEPT OF LIABILITY-ASSIGNMENT IN ACCIDENT CAUBATION In the era after the :mid 1960's, the three basic components of the highway transportation system, i.e. , the vehicle; the roadway; and the user were thoroughly critiqued for malfunctioning. Their individual responsibility toward highway safety in terms of perpetrating serious social problems were assessed. The classical literature indicated a minor contribution from the roadway and the vehicle as compared to the driver in accident causation. Following is a brief component-wise overview of these findings from various countries of the world. 18 Vehicle: Typically vehicle failures were found not to have a major (i.e. , not more than 10%) contribution in causing traffic accidents in the developed countries. In the USA, Hoback [32] reported that only 9.3% of the accidents on Oklahoma Turnpikes resulted from adverse causes related to vehicles. In the UK, Sabey and Staughton [33] found an overall contribution of 8% due to vehicle failures. In Germany, Bitzl [34] reported 6.9% of accidents on the.Autobahnen.as being due to tire failure and defective vehicle mechanism. Roadway: The roadway, quite similar to vehicles, was shown to have a relatively small causal relationship to traffic accident. Michaels [35] reported that highway characteristics played a significant role in only 5% of the accidents. In analyzing the role of roadway elements in Pennsylvania Turnpike accidents, Eckhardt et a1. [36] concluded that considering the three main components of driving operation, the roadway design was well ahead of the driver and his vehicle. Treat [37] reported a contribution factor of 3% for the USA, while Sabey and Staughton [33] attributed the road environment to cause only 2% of the accidents. Driver: Historically, the driver has been identified as the most significant single component of accident causation in context of the vehicle-roadway-driver system. In the USA, Treat [37] , utilizing data from Indiana, found that the driver was the exclusive factor in 57% of total accidents. In the UK, Sabey and Staughton [33] found that driver errors alone were the causative factor for 65% of the accidents. 19 2.2.1 Liability Studies in Developing Countries Various studies [38,39,40], made in the developing countries during the period 1970-85 to analyze the causes of accidents, revealed similar results and showed a low contribution of the roadway and the vehicle, as compared to a very significant role of the user. The Overseas Unit of the TRRL collected annual police reports from a number of developing countries which provided a basic summary of the road accident situation and the major "cause" of the accident. Though the police had ascribed a "single cause" to each accident rather than listing the "factors involved", this information was nevertheless considered to provide an insight to the police viewpoint of major factors involved in road accidents. The results of the study based on the police data of 5 developing countries are reproduced in Table 2.3. Road user error was identified as the main cause in 71-95% of the road accidents [38]. Table 2.3 Causes of Road Accidents in 5 Developing Countries [38]. MALAYSIA Halli-KONG , _ 1976 1977 » HAIR CAUSE OF ACCIDENT +P ! +P +P +P +1 ‘ Road-user Error 95 77 71 87 92 Vehicle Defect 1 16 12 1 * I Adverse Road Conditions 1 5 2 8 * Other 3 2 15 4 8 II I TOTAL ”m“ _ 100 100 100 100 +P I POO included 11’ I POO inclusion not known +1 - injury accident only 20 Ergun [39] found similar ordered figures for Turkey, as summarized in Table 2.4. Table 2.4 Traffic Accident Causes in Turkey [39]. CAUSE PERCENT CONTRIBUTION* Road User Error 94 Vehicle Defect 5 Road and Environment 1 Others - * Total accidents considered. Swati and Downing [40] also reported the road-user as the single major cause of accidents in Pakistan. The percentage contribution of each cause/factor is reproduced in Table 2.5. Table 2.5 Traffic Accident Causes in Pakistan [40]. CAUSE/FACTOR PERCENT CONTRIBUTION* Road User 90 Road and Environment 6 vehicle 4 I * Percentage of accidents in which cause/factor was identified. 2.2.2 The Theology of Single-Liability-Assignment The above cited factor-contribution studies mostly used police accident reports. Their results merely indicate that 21 driver errors, often accompanied by law violation, are in the chain of events leading to 70 to 90% of all highway accidents. Commenting on this situation, Oglesby [41] observed that single minded proponents of driver education or strict enforcement sometimes distort this statement by saying that driver errors cause 90% of accidents. In many developing countries, highway safety efforts are extremely influenced by the single liability approach and consequently their primary focus is on driver correction. For example, Al-Isa [42] reported that in Saudi Arabia highway safety authorities held the traditional "violation-error" attitude toward accidents. Therefore, the safety programs in that country were directed toward changing the behavior of violator drivers by imprisonment or fines. The recommendations of Somnemitr [43], for traffic accident prevention in Thailand, indicated the need for road user education and traffic law enforcement because of unlicensed drivers, disobedience of traffic laws, and use Of amphetamine and other stimulants while driving. In Pakistan, Swati [44] stressed prioritized safety measures oriented toward improving the road user’s knowledge of traffic rules, enforcement, and updating laws for alleviating highway safety problems. In the United States as well, most early highway safety initiatives ‘were focused on. the driver being the :major contributor to motor vehicle crashes. These efforts included safety campaigns, driver education, training and testing 22 programs, and use of punishment as a deterrent to violations. However, the jeopardy of isolating the human component for its prioritized correction was timely detected in the motorized countries. To them, it became obvious beyond doubt that the importance of vehicle and highway related safety programs could not be ignored at the cost of improving human traits. For example, in the USA, due to a dominant focus on the driver as the primary cause of crashes, vehicle crashworthiness research remained a largely undeveloped area until the mid 1960's. Significant advancement and application of knowledge in this area was noticed after the mid 1960's. Similarly, highway-related programs, having‘ indirect and direct bearing on safety, like TOPICS, RRR, and HSIP were launched after the mid 1960's, which later on demonstrated a definite achievement of objectives. It was shown by Koshi [45] that accident reduction in Japan in the 1970's was largely attributable to improvement.of the environments of road users rather than improvement of the road users themselves. 2.2.3 The Interactive Role of Accident Causative Pastors In the 1970's two major studies [37,33] were carried out in the USA and the UK to investigate the independent and the interactive role of factors associated with large samples of crash data. The US study was performed at the Indiana 23 University by Treat [37] while the British study was performed at the TRRL by Sabey and Staughton [33]. In both the studies a multi-disciplinary accident investigation team was employed to find the accident causes. This approach had been previously employed with reasonable accuracy to determine accident causes in.other'man-machine systems such as, aviation, railroads, and shipping. This approach was supported by other techniques like experimental analysis and incidence reporting. Rumar [46] summarized.the results from.both studies in an interesting pattern as shown in Figure 2.1 with the following interpretation: 1) The vehicle is identified as the sole factor in 2% of the crashes; 2) the interaction between vehicle and road user is identified as a factor in 6% of the crashes; 3) the interaction between vehicle, road user and environment is identified as a factor in 3% of the crashes; and 4) the interaction between vehicle and road environment is identified as a factor in 1% of the crashes. The corresponding values for the UK study are 2%; 4%; 1%; and 1% respectively. The analysis of the US study [34] were further extended by classifying the type of human errors involved and are reproduced in Figure 2.2. It can be seen from Figure 2.2 that recognition and decision error predominate. These type of 24 l — Vehicle Road Road E nvironment“ User 28/34 95/94 8/12 Figure 2. 1 Percentage Contributions to Road Accidents as Obtained in a British and US Accident Study [46] . 60 III DefianCauuiicuus 50 I- 553 DOfll‘lIt. or Probable .e.e.b.e:e cm a 40 __ ...;.:.;.; Severity-hermim 3.3.3. Factors 96 Of Accidents 20 1O 0' In- On- In- On- In- On- In- On- In- On- Depth Site Depth Site Depth Site Depth Site Depth Site Recognition Decision Performance Critical- Non Errors Errors Errors Non- Accident Performance (e.g. (Blackout Suicide) Dozing) Pigure 2.2 Percentages of Accidents in which Susan rectors were Identified as Definite or Probable Causal Factors [371. 25 errors are obviously caused by "inappropriate information acquisition and processing." This study further specified human errors in the decreasing order of frequency of occurrence revealing the following hierarchy of errors: 1. Improper lookout. 2. Excessive speed. 3. Inattention. 4. False assumption. 5. Improper maneuver. 6. Internal distraction. Investigating the interactive role of these factors in Jordan, Balbissi [47] also found results quite similar to the US and British studies. His results are shown in Table 2.6. Table 2.6 Traffic Accident Causes in Jordan [47]. REASONS OP ACCIDENT PERCENT -__- CONTRIBUTION* Human Errors 65.00 Combined Human and Road Elements 24.00 Combined Human and Vehicle Elements 04.50 Combined Human, Road and Vehicle Elements 01.25 Road Elements 02.50 Road and Vehicle Elements 00.25 Vehicle Elements 02.50 4' * Averaged over 5 years (1979 through 1983). These three completely separate and large studies [33, 37,47] of several thousand accident records, and corresponding to different geographical locations, were almost unanimous in assigning the road user as the dominating cause of highway 26 traffic accidents. However, many words of caution have been offered by researchers such as Klien and Waller [48], Shinar [49], Campbell [50], Blatnik [51], Jacobs and Sayer [38], and Rumar [46] about drawing instantaneous and raw inference from the results of such studies and interpreting their findings. The reasons for citing such cautions.by these researchers are many and diverse. Klien and Waller [48] maintained that data collected through police investigation or through self reporting were: 1) Incomplete (in terms of the relevant observations that were to be recorded). 2) Unreliable (in terms of the citizen's or the police interpretation of the observation that were recorded). 3) Unrepresentative (in terms of crash investigations that did not represent a cross-section of all crashes that occurred).: Overall, they concluded: -'a number of carefully designed research studies have attempted to identify causal factors, and most of these have developed conclusions that differ markedly from those reached from the use of police data or common sense". Campbell [50], referring to the results of the State Road Commission's research on two-lane rural highways in West Virginia, observed that roadway features were associated with the driver in accident involvement. He further commented that 27 technological innovations for highway improvement could substantially help protect the vehicle and occupants after the accident dynamic was activated. Blatnik [51], as the chairman of the special sub- committee on the Federal-Aid Highway Program categorically emphasized highway-related safety improvements. He rejected the approach ascribing the majority of accidents to "driver failure" because of human limitations (e.g., imperfect sight and hearing, limited intelligence etc.) , and a complex of emotions that no one fully understood. His deposition stated: - " when a driver falls victim to an accident despite his best efforts, it may not be the driver who has failed". Jacobs and Sayer [38], commenting upon the use of police accident records to analyze causes of accidents in various ' developing countries, concluded that it could be dangerous to draw conclusions about variations between the countries as there were likely to be differences in the types of accidents reported to the police, and in the way in which the police analyzed the accidents for causes. Even for a single case, their observations were: - ' Also it is likely that the percentages are under estimates of the true contribution of these factors because in many of these accidents there are probably several factors involved and not just one. Thus the percentage of accidents due to adverse road conditions and environments may in reality be much higher because many of the road use errors could have been due to inadequate road signing or marking". Rumar [46] observed that the weakness of the liability assignment approach was evident because these studies lacked 28 an explicit theoretical basis, their results were hard to relate to other types of data, and they tend to use the human factor as a scrap box. Referring to Haight’s article [52], he quoted the example of the Japanese White Paper of 1982 which listed " failure to drive safely" as the major cause of accidents. He concluded that typical human errors contributing to accidents were both perpetual and decisional, and were related with information acquisition and processing. Evans [1] commented on the high rate of driver’s involvement in traffic crashes and discredited existence of a relationship between driver performance and characteristics by citing young drivers record in the USA. His observations were: - ”While various aspects of driver performance are related to safety, there is not a coherent pattern. The findings of no effect from driver education and knowledge, and that younger drivers, with the best visual acuity and shortest reaction times, have the highest crash rates, suggest that driver performance is not the driver characteristic which has the largest influence on traffic safety". Numerous studies have attempted to identify human traits that were common in individuals involved in traffic crashes. Due to a variety of psychological traits apparent in chronic traffic violators and accident repeaters, such as aggressiveness, intolerance, and resentment of authority, it was concluded by Goldstein [53] that it would be difficult if not impossible to use human characteristics as reliable predictors of accident involvement. The accumulated main theme of these perspectives implies that the liability'approach.neither explains the traffic crash 29 phenomenon nor assigns a substantial importance to highway- related safety improvement programs concurrent to efforts aimed at promoting driver’s performance. 2.3 THE CONCEPT OF EXPOSURE The concept of exposure takes into account the amount of opportunity for accidents which the driver of the traffic system experiences. Quite in contrast to the liability concept, many studies showed that exposure was the most convincing explanatory approach to the interpretation of traffic crash situations. Blunden [54] categorically pointed out that there had been too much concentration of effort in the past on the liability factor, and urged that more emphasis be placed on the study of exposure. Commenting upon the explanatory potential of the exposure approach, Chapman [55] observed that: - ”If the number of accidents is found to be closely related to the amount of travel, the amount of the traffic can be regarded as a measure of exposure. If no relation is found, does this invalidate the use of traffic as such measure? The answer to this is negative; the variation which has not been explained by travel may be due to something which has not been measured. This problem is faulty experimental design, with no control of variables other than those under study”. In this study, Chapman [55] has presented a fairly complete review of the exposure literature describing the concept and application of exposure, and various terms and extensions associated with it. In a different comparative 30 study of exposure measures at intersections, Chapman [56] found that the accident rate at cross roads were significantly higher than at T- or Y-junctions; twice higher in urban areas; and five times in rural area, irrespective of many variants of accident measures. Erlander et. al [57], showed that significant variation in the daily accidents in rural areas could be explained by the amount of traffic. Baker [58] further commented on these results that correlated exposure with accidents. He enunciated: - ' The absolute number of fatalities and injuries has steadily increased, but so has the population and amount of travel. As the population increases, the number of travellers and vehicle-miles of travel will increase for the same level of mobility for individuals. As a result, the degree of ”exposure” to accidents is increased, and a greater number of accidents would be expected if no improvements were made in the highway transportation system“. In a study by Operation Research Inc. [59] , strong attention was paid to exposure, viewing it as a systematic process affecting the crash system, which was an outcome of the continual interaction of driving behavior with the ever changing environment. The study considered that three basic elements of exposure were important: 1) Characteristics of drivers and vehicles; 2) Characteristics of the road system and intensity of system use; and 3) Environmental conditions (weather, day/night.etc.). 31 2.3.1 Induced Exposure Literature showed that it was not always possible to obtain an appropriate estimate of the exposure in terms of the above mentioned elements. Thrope [60], first of all, proposed a method which did not require directly measured exposure (i.e., in terms of traffic and roadway characteristics) but which induced exposure from the accident data. Subsequently many other researchers, e.g., Carr [61] and Haight [62], also followed this approach to develop various mathematical models pertaining to highway safety. Their fundamental concept presumed that the population of innocent accident involvement could be taken as the representative of the entire population at risk. A comprehensive validation of this concept was made by Taylor and DeLong [63] employing more sophisticated asymmetrical models. An extensive review of the literature on exposure, and affiliated material, is beyond the scope of this dissertation. The objective of briefly citing exposure literature was to demonstrate its potential and applicability toward explaining the traffic crash phenomenon, which was something beyond the concept of simple liability assignment. 2.4 THE CONCEPT OF RISK-NONEOBTABIB AND RISK-COMPENSATION The theory of risk-homeostasis was first presented by Wilde [64] in the early 1980’s. According to this theory, risk 32 taking behavior involves an attempt to balance perceived risk and desired risk, and people adjust their behavior in response to changes in perceived risk. A concurrent theory, presenting a more acceptable view of the effects of safety measures on driver behavior, concerns offsetting driver behavior or risk compensation. According to this theory road users adapt to conditions and regulations in a way that alter their level of risk, and in some cases even negate their original desired intent. The findings by Crandall [65] partially'discredited.this‘theory'by'showing'that.theiNational Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act was effective in significantly reducing the car-occupant fatality rate. The concept of utility maximization, quite analogous to these theories, has specific application in many areas of transportation engineering including' planning and policy decision making. In the context of safety, this concept would imply that an individual driver will choose between safety and his other activity options (i.e., work, recreation etc.), and then will weigh the benefits and cost of safety features with the set of anticipated driving conditions. Literature's [66,67] distinct indication of practical application choice models in travel demand analysis which were based on the principle of utility' maximization, seem to substantiate applicability of the risk compensation theory in highway safety modeling. From this analogy, it may be presumed that properly designed HSIP are most likely to modify driver behavior for safer driving. 33 2.4.1 The Role of Highway Engineering in Risk Compensation Highway Engineering can play a dominant role in driver's behavior of risk-compensation if it can be demonstrated that traffic crashes are most frequent in those circumstances where relatively higher demand is placed on the drivers ability to perceive and cope with the situation. A study by Vercase [68] provided important information on this aspect. He studied fourteen highway variables in which factor analysis techniques were applied to roadway and accident data. He concluded: -"only one single factor emerged from the vast amount of the data in this analysis which explained where accidents occurred. Although only highway variables were included in the analysis, this one factor conveys a psychological meaning: There are more accidents at those places where situation places greater demands on the momentary perceptual-decision-motor capacities of the driver. The drivers basic psychological capacities are heavily exercised when he must deal with a situation around him that is changing rapidly." This implies that traffic crashes are most frequent in those circumstances where traffic friction or conflict is greater i.e., where one encounters more cars and where there is traffic flow interference from intersections and driveways. In.this study it was clearly found that accident frequency'was proportional to the load or rate of demand placed on the drivers basic ability to perceive and cope with the situation. A synthesis of the Vercase findings with the results of Treat's study [37] (that stratified human recognition and decision errors, and showed that "inappropriate information acquisition and.processing" were the obvious causal factors), imparts the real significance of highway engineering in risk- 34 compensation. The specific discipline which takes an account of human limitations in the driving task, when considering improvement in the highway transportation system, is referred to as the human engineering approach. 2.5 HUMAN ENGINEERING APPROACH The highway features and the physical changes which require the driver to make a decision in an extremely short period of time while driving, may be termed as failure of a highway system. The driver has to perform three sequential operations in this short span.of time while driving: 1) detect hazards or potential dangers; 2) evaluate the overall situation and decide the ideal action; and 3) take the final action. It is evident that highway engineering and technology is directly related to the first two items of the driving task. The design and signing system alone could avert an impending accident situation at three levels of technology: 1) Primarily, by providing a relatively hazard free designed highway; i 2) Auxiliarily, by providing appropriate information about highway hazards if present; and 3) Over and above, by allowing the highway system to forgive the driver even if he misjudged the ambient conditions at certain points. The vehicle driver is the most important single component 35 of the driving process and the overall highway transportation and safety system, and is the most difficult to understand.and control. The human engineering approach attempts to detect human performance limitations in the complexity of the entire driving task and uses these findings to redesign or improve the system to make it compatible with the needs and capabilities of the road. users. For example, Evans [1] suggested that, since drivers were poor judges of speed of oncoming cars, technological innovations providing such information could increase traffic efficiency and safety in overtaking maneuvers. To sum up, it may be concluded that there is a growing body of literature denoting that highway-related engineering measures can drastically reduce accident potential of a highway location or a section. Claes [69] estimated that proper engineering could reduce the accident rate by 70%. 2.5.1 Punctionalisation of Human Engineering Approach in the Developing Countries Through HSIP Some important lessons learned in the area of highway safety by the motorized societies, through extensive research and persistent sufferings, could be of significant benefit to the developing nations of the world. The review of the cited literature explicitly showed that in the developed countries, an integrated and simultaneous approach toward the highway safety problems is the crux of state of the art practices. It 36 may be, therefore, inferred that highway-related safety improvement strategies in the developing countries can not be ignored or delayed at the cost of another causal factor deemed to be improved first. In this context, Ergun [39] pointed out that without the provision of a bare minimum in engineering and safety standards, efforts directed toward improvement of driver behavior in the developing countries might result in a total waste of resources. He further suggested that the safety concepts represented by terminologies like, "design for safety"; "forgiving highways"; "driver expectancy"; and "design consistency" should be incorporated in highway design policies of the developing countries. He enunciated: - ”Since developing countries are still in their ”infancy” of motorization and 'their highway' network. expansion, it is very important for them to incorporate safety concepts in highway design as it will become more difficult and costlier to correct such design errors later“. Jacobs and Sayer [38] asserted that for developing countries, safety features such as those involving geometry, signing and delineation, should be introduced at the design stage rather than added later (almost as an "after-thought") for the reasons of increased costs and relocation of at-ground services. To incorporate safety concepts at a post-design level, a systematic approach is essentially required on account of three basic reasons: 1) For identification of hazardous locations; 2) For selection of appropriate corrective measures 37 to replenish chronic mistakes; and 3)’ For evaluation of effectiveness of such incorporation. The pragmatic response to this important technical requirement is offered by the HSIP as described in the following section. 2.6 THE HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (HSIP) The IHighway Safety' Improvement. Program. (HSIP) is a contemporary US terminology [71] representing a sequential plan for highway-related safety improvements structured in terms of various components, processes, sub-processes, and procedures. These terms are briefly described as follows: W: These are the three basic phases of the HSIP, i.e., Planning; Implementation; and Evaluation (also see Tables 2.9-2.11, pages 61-62). zxggggggg: These are the sequential subsets within each component. For example, there are four processes in the Planning Component. fink:pgggggggg: Each process is often divided into subprocesses, which are the categorized technical operations. [Igggggzgg: These are the suggested specific methods to perfonm the technical operations. For example, in the process of identifying hazardous location, there are seven procedures listed to perform this operation. 38 2.6.1 Framework and Overview of HSIP A flow-chart presentation of the overview of HSIP is given in Figure 2.3. The magnifications of the chart at the process level and at subprocess level are presented in Figure 2.4 and Figure 2.5 respectively. r——>l PLANS FOR THE TOTAL HIGHWAY SYSTEM l _ *6 '6 , 6 V PLANNING OPERATION AND CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN MAINTENANCE _» "I-I-I-l-vI-I-I-I- -I-I1 :3 - HICHHAY SAFETY IRPROVERENT i g ! PROGRAM _ -9 d l as s ! . g8 . | I .§ - i :2 § ! , E35 ! ! 52: I I :8 to I ' ~¢ - EVALUATION | gg'é’ I COMPONENT i U ! . LI-I-I-I-I I-I-I-I-l-IJ ‘1 Figure 2.3 Overview'of the Highway Safety Improvement Prograe.[71]. 39 PLANNING PROCESS 1 COMPONENT COLLECT AND MAINTAIN TA 1 PROCESS 2 IDENTIFY HAZARWUS OCAT NS AND LEM NTS PROCESS 3 CONDUCT ENGINEERING STUDIES 1 PROCESS 4 EST ABLI SHTPEOJECT .—.-._._.—;—.—.-.-.-. .-.-.-.-3.-.-._.-.-. LD-I-I-I-I-D-D-I-I-I-D-I-PIR- -IS-I-I-IJ P.-.-l-I-I-I-I-I-I-IA-I-I-I-D I-I-I-I- I. IFI’LERENTATIM PROCESS 1 I 'fi MONENT SCNEOULE ANO IMPLEMENT fl" LI-D-I-I-I-J-I-I-D-I-I-I-I- -I-PI-I-Ij FD-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I- -I-D-I-l‘ q I I EVALUATION PROCESS 1 I ' COMPONENT DETERMINE THE EFFECT ' j or man“ SAFETY “'4 i i LI-I-I-l-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-IJ Figure 2 .4 Highway Safety Iaproveeent Prograe at the Process Level [71] . 40 I : PROCESS I. CdLECT AID MAINTAIN DATA : | I I sumac“: I I “Fl! M NIGNUAT ' I LOCATION REFERIICL I SYSTEM | ' I I | I | CILCCI AD :sAIleAI ' | I ACCIsiII DATA Nieuv DA1A I name r-.1 cannaewr +-.T ‘ I I I PROCESS 2. IDENTIFY HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS AID ELEMENTS I I : PROCESS 3. CONDUCT ENDIIEERIN; STUDIES I I ' ' | means: 1 m3 2 W” J I i w: 3:. arm: I ' A. I I , | I l [ PROCESS 4. ESTABLISI PROJECT PRIORITIES ] I | 1 gr I PROCESS I. SCMEDuE AIo IMPL NT SAFETY IIPROVEI'ENT PROJECTS | L—‘u man-new :w I I ' I l '----_----------—----—--—- -------' I l _ 1 4 : PROCESS I. DETERMIIE TIE EFFECT OF IIIDNIMY SAFETY IMPROYEIIEIITS : I : ' I | I H F W | I l I I I I I Figure 2.5 Highway Safety Improvement Prograe.at the Sub-Process Level [71]. 41 2.6.2 Implementation of HSIP Identification of hazardous locations is one of the most fundamental process, and requires collection and recording of accident data to perform this task. However, a substitute strategy will be employed in this dissertation since the objective of the current research is to develop a HSIP practicable in conditions where accidents records are not reliable or readily available. The following two sections of this chapter precisely cover the literature on the utility of roadway features and traffic characteristics as a surrogate measure of highway safety, and their use in accident prediction. 2.7 SURROGATE MEASURES OP HIGHWAY SAFETY By’ convention, 'traffic crashes are ‘the :most. direct determinants of hazardous locations. However, some critiques seriously opposed this perception. For example, Hauer and Persaud [72] suggested that there were serious problems of identifying hazardous locations using accident data, and showed that in two cases a significant proportion of deviant accident sites remained unidentified while many sites which were subjected to countermeasures were not deviant at all. Hauer [73] showed that there would be a reduction in the number of accidents at sites identified by a high number of traffic crashes even if the countermeasures were ineffective. 42 An explanation to this type of phenomenon was offered by Griffin et al. [74] in terms of a mathematical expression referred to as "regression to the mean". In simple words, it means that since sites selected for treatment generally had much higher than average crash rates, these rates would tend to be lower in subsequent years regardless of treatment. Various studies [e.g. , 75-77], therefore, developed algorithms for the identification of hazardous locations to reduce the statistical bias caused by accident over-representation from the average. However, these arguments were presented from a purely scholastic standpoint, and were case-specific. Perkins and Harris [78] had a different reservation in using accident records for identifying hazardous locations, especially for intersections. They suggested that the accident potential of a location should be objectively measured without waiting for an accident history to evolve - an approach which they referred to as "dynamic evaluation of an intersection". They used traffic conflict characteristics as measures of accident potential, and observed that, in three 12-hour observation sessions, it was possible to completely evaluate an intersection using the obtained information, which was more comprehensive than that normally available from accident records. Their studies showed a high level of association between traffic conflicts and the reported accident frequencies. A comparison of direct and indirect methods for determining accident potential was made by Pahl [79] . He concluded that the outstanding problem in using accident 43 records was the moral issue of having to wait a certain number of accidents before any statistically reliable results could be obtained. He asserted that, in principle, the correlation between a direct candidate measure and the accident potential of a highway site appeared to be feasible. Pahl' s findings supported the use of indirect measures and pointed out that the indirect candidate measure needs to be correlated with accident data. However, concurrent with these findings, the use of accident records is still the state of the practice for diagnosis of deficiencies and application of corrective countermeasures. At present, practically every highway agency having access to a comprehensive accident data base, uses some variant of the rate or number method to identify hazardous 'locations, for discharging its obligation toward highway safety. The specific literature on HSIP indicated several methods for identifying hazardous highway locations utilizing accident histories (see Table 2.9, Page 61) . However, in circumstances where accident records are not available, adverse highway features and geometrics, and operating traffic characteristics which deviate from the norm, may act as the surrogate determinants of safety. A few examples of adverse highway features are: deficient geometric design, roadside obstacles, slippery pavement surface conditions, and lack of access control. Likewise, the examples of deviant traffic characteristics are: traffic conflicts, erratic maneuvers, short headways, extreme lateral placements, and digressing 44 speed distributions. For a detailed description of the use of such surrogate measure of highway safety, some selected studies [80 to 85] are included in the list of references. 2.7.1 Application of Surrogate Measures in Present Research Based on the above cited examples, various highway features and traffic characteristics were selected for this dissertation, as representative surrogate measures. To evaluate the prospective hazardousness of a highway section, as represented by these surrogate measures, the following three types of hazard—quantification procedures were employed. 1) Direct physical measurements, 2) Unobtrusive observations, and 3) Subjective ratings by an expert team. Accordingly, these procedures resulted in the generation of three types of corresponding data sets representing ambient hazardousness of highway locations. A detailed description of the data collection process is given in Chapter three. 2.8 USE OF TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS AND HIGHWAY DESIGN FEATURES FOR ACCIDENT PREDICTION MODELING The classical literature on highway safety revealed many studies on the relationship between various highway features and accident rates. These studies mostly examined the effect 45 of one or more highway element or design aspect on traffic accidents. For example, pavement and shoulder width were traditionally investigated for their effect on accident rates by various researchers. Blensly et al. [86] studied the relationship between accident data and gravel shoulder widths in Oregon and found insignificant effects at lower volumes. However, for volumes between 3600 to 5500 ADT, there was a significant relationship between accidents (total and PDO) and shoulder width. Stohner [87] , considering the entire system of rural two—lane roads in New York state, found that there existed a measurable relationship between shoulder width and accidents rates, which was especially true for property damage accidents. His finding showed that the wider shoulder, within reasonable limits, were associated with a lower accident rate. Raff [88] studied the effect of a number of design features on accident rates on rural highways. The factors of interest included number of lanes, ADT, degree of curvature, sight distance restrictions and traffic flow characteristics at intersections. He concluded that traffic volumes and sharp curves caused accidents and wide pavements and shoulders increased safety on two lane curves. This finding substantiated the causal relationship, reported by Blensly et al. [86] , between personal injury accident frequency and paved shoulder width for specific volumes. Belmont [89] investigated the effect of shoulder width on accidents on two lane tangents, using 1333 accident records 46 for 533 miles of roads in California, and obtained the following regression equations: (i=0. 4766+D.2202M (With no restrain on S) (2.1) i/Xzo. 1013+o. 01971M+D . 4514,522- (For S < 6 ft.) (2.2) JE=D . 1018+0. 005485M+D . 4514,43 (For 3 > 6 ft., and v > 5000) (2.3) where, Number of accidents; Average daily traffic volume; Length of the road section; and Shoulder width. mB Procedure - Milepost Method ............... ...... ....... ........ Procedure 2 - Reference Point Method ....... ... ........ ... ........ Procedure 3 - Link Mode Method .......... ... ...................... Procedure 4 - Coordinate Method .................................. Procedure 5 - LORAM-C Method ..... ................................ > Suggrggggg a - Coligg; and Maingiig Aggjgggt Qgtg Proc re 1 - F1 e of Acci t Reports by Location ............... Procedure 2 - Spot Maps .......................... ......... . ...... Procedure 3 - Systenwide Computerization of Accident Data ........ > - 0 let Maintain Traffic t Procedure - Routine Manual Traf IC Counts ...................... Procedure 2 - Use of Mechanical/Electronic Traffic Count Devices .. Procedure 3 - Permanent Count Stations ........................... Procedure 4 - Maintenance of Traffic Data on Maps of Files ....... Procedure 5 - Systamwide Computerization of Traffic Data .... ..... . > 4 - o and Maintai Hi hwa D t Procedure 1 - Systemwide Manual Collect on of highway Data ....... Procedure 2 - Photologging and Videologging . .............. . ...... Procedure 3 - Maintenance of Highway Data on Maps of Files ....... Procedure 4 - Systemwide Computerization of highway Data ... ...... 0 Process 2 ' IDEITIFY IIZAIDOUS LDCIJIGIB AID ELEIEITS Procedure 1 - Frequency Method .................. ................. Procedure 2 - Accident Rate Method ................. ..... ......... Procedure 3 - Frequency Rate Method .............................. Procedure 4 - Rate Duality Control Method ........................ Procedure 5 - Accident Severity Method ........................... PM. 6 - ".1.” lmx ".th“ ......OOIOOIOOOIIOO0. Procedure 7 - hazardous Roadway Features Inventory ............... O PfDCUII 3 ' CDIDUCT EISIIEEIIIG STUDIES > - ll ‘ Procedure 01-05 - Accident Studies ............................... Procedure 06-14 - Traffic Studies . ........ . ..... .... ......... .... Procedure 15-20 - Environmental Studies .......................... Procedure 21-24 - Special Studies ............. ..... .............. >mmhkfimmmwn ' Procedure - Accident Pattern Tab es ............... ...... .. ..... Procedure 2 - Fault Tree Analysis ................ ............. ... Procedure 3 - Multi-disciplinary Investigation Team ... ........... ’ 5MEEI2ES1l.Z.:.2£!!i£E_££2£§g£i§2 Procedure 1 - Cost E ect veness method .......................... Procedure 2 ~ Benefit to Cost Ratio Method ...................... Procedure 3 - Rate-of-Return Method .............................. Procedure 4 ~ Time-of-Return Method .............................. Procedure 5 - Met Benefit Method ...... .................... ....... 0 Process 4 - ESIADLISI PROJECT PRIORITIES Procedure 1 - Project Development Ranking ........................ Procedure 2 - Incremental Benefit to Cost Ratio .. ....... ... ...... Procedure 3 - Dynmnic Programing .......... ............ .......... Procedure 4 - Integer Programming ................................ Transferable. Mot Transferable. Transferable with certain limitations. Mot Transferable without modifications. *(') '(*) TRAMIFEBAIIJTY ITATUO I0000 0000 I A 0 v 0 + 4‘? . 4 + o . V 00000 0000 62 Table 2.10 Procedures of Implementation Component [71]. IMPLEMENTATION COMPONENT WW oanmnil-SUEMAEAI>"Pumansnnnvimnmmmmtpmnans ---------------------- > - Pro' Procemre 1 - Cantt Charts ....................................... f l Procechre 2 - Progru Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) ..... f Procedure 3 - Critical Path Method (CPM) ......................... * Procechre 4 - Multiproject Schemling System ..................... * Table 2.11 Procedures of Evaluation Component [71]. EVALUATION COMPONENT O m ‘l - DETEIII‘ TE EFFECT N MIGHT SAFETY [WE Procedare 1 - Perform Accident Based Evaluations ................ Procedue 2 - Perform Mon-Accident Based Evaluations ............ Procedure 3 - Perform Progr- Evaluation ........................ Procemre 4 - Perform Adinistrative Evaluation ................. + I Transferable. - I Mot Transferable. 2.9.2 Technical Gap in Transferability The information displayed in Tables 2.9 through 2.11 reveal that "identification of hazardous location using accident data" (i.e., Process 2 of the Planning Component) is the only process which lacks transferability in the entire HSIP. The hazardous roadway features inventories could be used as an alternative to serve the purpose. However, it would 63 be implicitly desirable to validate the technical soundness of this alternate approach. 2.9.3 Suggested Method to Bridge the Transferability Gap As mentioned above, the proposed alternative method of identification of hazardous location needs to be validated prior to its application. This could be accomplished by quantifying the hazardousness represented by the hazardous roadway features inventories, and then correlating it with accident records. The specifications of the procedures devised for quantification of ambient hazardousness are specified in the Experimental Design (Chapter 3). Since a reliable accident data base is not likely to be readily available, this may be developed from police records. In case a significant correlation is indicated between the two entities (i.e., hazardousness and accidents), the former may be adopted as a surrogate in identical environmental situations. In this dissertation this course is specifically adopted to bridge the transferability gap and constitutes the basis .of the research. In the experimental design, the hazardous roadway features are identified using an inventoried checklist developed on ‘the basis of information. available in ‘the literature and in synthesis with indigenous hazard conditions. The ambient hazards include detrimental highway elements, adverse geometric design and pavement deficiencies, and 64 inadequate control of access. In the perspective of technology transfer, it also became apparent that accident files need to be constructed for testing the highway hazard data against the accident records. This was accomplished by retrieving accident reports for selected highway segments from police records. The retrieved information was further authenticated using linear plans to cross check the police narrative or sketched description of the accident location. 2.10 FORMULATION OP EYPOTEESIB The mathematical models reviewed in Section 2.8 demonstrated a high degree of correlation between the accidents and the explanatory variables as indicated by the various determinants of statistical significance (i.e., RE F-ratios and probability levels). This significance led to the practical application of these models for the prediction of accidents. For example, Schoppert [95] asserted that the equations presented by him could be used to predict total accidents on one-mile sections of rural two lane highways with similar characteristics in Oregon. Kihlberg and Tharp [98] explicitly demonstrated the application of their developed.monographs to predict accidents for various geometric conditions. As a corollary to this, they also demonstrated how various 65 geometric designs could be evaluated for safety. As an analogy to these findings, it may be postulated that the accident potential of a highway location in Pakistan may' be assessed ‘using’ appropriate surrogate 'measures of hazardousness. It is, therefore, hypothesized that the tangible hazardousness of a rural highway section in Pakistan is representative of its accidents potential. The precise specification of the null hypothesis is as following: ' There is no relationship between the ambient hazards and the accident potential of'a.rura1 highway section in Pakistan.' To ‘test. this Ihypothesis, an. experimental design is presented in the following chapter. CHAPTER 3 11‘! 1b,. US 111 0 ‘5” A! '| !_NT‘._,_ I__, i. 3.1 TEE VARIABLES OF INTEREST The topic of highway safety may be viewed from a variety of perspectives representing several aspects of individual and communal interests. In this dissertation, this topic is purely dealt with from an engineering standpoint, and in specific, the technological aspect of highway-related safety improve- ments are addressed. To rationalize the course of research, and to select the crucial variables, a four-level screening procedure was employed. At each level, a group of entities relevant to highway safety were screened by backward elimination. This means that all the group-components were considered for their appropriateness prior to retaining the pivotal ones. A detailed description of the four levels of elimination is presented in the following pages. 66 67 W In the first level of elimination, the three conventional accident-causal factors (i.e., road, user, and vehicle) were considered. The objective was to validate the relevancy of highway-related safety improvement programs in the given situation. The improvements aimed at the vehicle and the user were filtered on three important considerations. First, the country's indigenous industrial research and production base was not likely to effect automotive safety improvements in the near-future. Second, the literature indicated that there was a low probability of a change in user behavior in a short time period, even by education or enforcement. Third, any strategy oriented toward the correction of the highway system would interactively address the other two factors in achieving safety. W In the second level of elimination, various procedures for identifying hazardous locations were reviewed, since this operation is the foremost step in the design and implementation of a highway related safety improvement program. The specific literature on implementation of a HSIP [71] suggested seven methods of identifying hazardous locations as listed in Table 3.1. The first six methods require application of accident data in some form. The last method was considered most appropriate for use in Pakistan. The choice was based on the 68 Table 3.1 Second Order Elimination - Procedures for Identifying Hazardous Locations. STATUS PROCEDURES SELECTION I Frequency Method Accident Rate Method Rate Quality Control Method 5 Accident Severity Method l 0 2 0 3 Frequency Rate Method 0 I 4 0 l o 6 Hazard Index Method 0-1 I Hazardous Roadway Inventory Method 0 I Can not be selected due to technological limitations. 0-1 I Can be selected with certain limitations. 1 I Can be selected without any limitation. fact that a reliable and accessible highway accident data base was not likely to be available in the country. However, preceding any generalization, this approach needs to be further authenticated with the help of selected accident data. Winslow In the third level of elimination, various highway hazards were examined to select those to be used in this study. Literature [105] indicated that there was no universally accepted definition of a hazardous location or an element. In fact, highway safety personnel recognize various types of highway locations and features which, if not corrected, are likely to be associated with high accident 69 frequency or severity. For example, roadway sections with closely located fixed obstacles and with low skid resistance properties are considered to have an increased potential for accidents. Similarlyy a. drop-off‘ of several inches from pavement-edge to shoulder is considered a potential hazard. The AASHTO [106] established a generally accepted group of hazardous road elements identifying specific types of hazards. The FHWA [107] also developed a similar classification of hazardous elements. The aggregated hazardous situations, based on the cited literature and those commonly found on rural trunk lines in Pakistan, are summarized in Table 3.2. This table eventually served as a checklist to determine the number of hazards and to spot their physical location on the ground. According to this checklist, 22 types of hazards were found to be present in the experimental site, that are marked either as "P" or "PNC" in the table. However, only 19 (out of the 22 present) hazards were considered, that are marked as "P" in the table. The three hazards which were present but not considered are marked.as "PNC". These included inconsistent use of signs and traffic control devices, and poor illumination conditions. The experimental design is based on the outcome of this screening process. Twelve Measures of Hazard (MOH) were developed for the quantification of hazardousness. A.detailed description of these MOH and the results of their operation is given in Sections 3.2.2 and 3.2.3. 70 Table 3.2 Third Order Elimination - Inventory of Hazardous Highway Features. P I Present A I Absent PNC I Present (but Not Considered) 71 rde l a o The fourth, and final, level of elimination constitutes the principal part of this research. In this process the independent variables , representing the quantif ied hazardousness, are tested for their correlation with accident data extracted from the police records. This operation results in the development of accident prediction models. The entire process is presented in Chapter 4 which deals with the analysis of the research data. 3.2 THE DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS Chapter 2 concluded with the formulation of a hypothesis that there are no identifiable hazards on rural highway sections in Pakistan which are the determinants of accident potential. To test this hypothesis, it was intended to examine the statistical significance of any relationship between the quantified hazardousness and the accident data. Multivariate regression analysis were performed to test correlations with a control on multicollinearity, since the hazard data was represented by multiple descriptors. The details of the proposed analysis are covered in Section 3.2.4. The experimental plan essentially requires information on two types of data: 1) The Hazard Data, quantified from hazardous highway features and adverse operating traffic characteristics; and 2) The Accident Data, extracted from archival accident records. 72 The primary objective of the experiment was to determine if accident surrogates could be confidently used as a substitute for actual accident histories which are unavailable or deemed unreliable. This substitution is a requirement to bridge an obvious gap in transferability of HSIP technology for implementation in Pakistan. The following pages describe the salient features of the experimental plan. 3.2.1 The Ambient Highway Hazards As a result of third order elimination (see page 68), the following 19 types of hazards present on the experimental site were considered for this study. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 5) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Narrow bridges, and bridge approaches. Guardrail deficiencies. Fixed objects (roadside obstacles), trees etc. Sight distance restrictions (e.g., vegetation). Utility and signal poles. Animal and pedestrian crossing. Narrow shoulders and shoulder drop-offs. Smooth, slippery pavements. Culverts, headwalls, drainage facilities. Steep side slopes, high fills, ditches. Deficient intersections (e.g., blind approaches). Inadequate or worn pavement markings or delineation. Substandard geometry. Deficient bridge rail and connecting guardrail. Rough pavement surface (e.g., potholes etc.). 73 16) Narrow lane and pavement. 17) Barriers, fences and stone walls. 18) Obsolete geometric design. 19) Buildings. Some photographs of locations within the experimental site showing the ambient highway hazards are presented in Appendix B. The next logical step in the experimental design was to develop some appropriate techniques to quantify these hazards. As such, the following three types of procedures were employed for the quantification of hazardousness: 1) Use of design standard deficiencies as a measure of the hazard; 2) Use of drivers erratic maneuvers and traffic conflicts as a measure of the hazard; and 3) Use of an expert team for subjective rating of the hazard. Application of these quantification procedures resulted in three type of corresponding data sets: on-ground measurements; unobtrusive observational counts; and 3) scaler rating numbers. 3.2.2 Development of Measures of Hazard (MOH) Twelve MOH were carefully developed to measure the 19 types of hazards utilizing one (of the three) quantifying techniques. These MOH depicted the typical features of a rural trunk line highway and operating traffic characteristics in Pakistan, and ultimately acted as the independent variables 74 for mathematical modeling. These MOH and their intended use are presented in Table 3.3. Teble 3.3 The MOH Development Plan and their Use Characteristics. Quantification Location-wise Technique [ACCESS] [GDRAIL] [PWIDTH] Measurement Non-intersection [SWIDTH] [PMARKS] [INTENT] [INTSPD] Intersection [INTCOL] Observation [SPDCHG] [LANCHG] Non-intersection [FWXWD] [SIDEOB] 3.2.3 MOH Specifications and On-Ground Application The application of these MOH resulted in generation of both continuous and discrete numbers, depending upon the nature of the hazard, and provided a numerical basis for the descriptive statistics of the composite hazardousness of a location. The specifications of the developed MOH and their application method for hazard quantification are described in the following pages. 1. MOH [ACCESS]: This MOH was employed to evaluate the hazardousness due to inappropriate access control. This 75 deficiency not only causes intrusion of pedestrian and animals on the road, but also encourages bus drivers to off-load passengers upon demanded. Any section of road naturally or otherwise unprotected against such accessibility was measured. Three types of lateral access conditions were included in the study: 1) linear ribbon development [RIBBON]; 2) specific lateral paths [SPATHS]; and 3) median openings [MEDOPN] in the case of 4-lane sections. A presence of any of these condition was assumed a potential hazard and was measured in meters per kilometer. 2. MOH [GDRAIL]: Installation of guardrail often has a contradictory effect on overall safety i.e., it reduces the number of fatalities but increases the number of injuries and accidents [108, 109]. Though guardrail by itself may not precisely avert an impending accident situation, the evaluation of hazardousness due to the absence of guardrail on warranted highway sections was considered appropriate for this study. Accordingly, this MOH was used to evaluate the hazardousness due to the absence of guardrail at bridge approaches and embankments of three meters or higher. This hazard was measured in meters per kilometer. 3. MOH [PWIDTH] : For evaluating the prospective hazardousness caused by deficient pavement width and narrow bridges, sections having a lateral width below 3.65 meters (12 ft.) per lane were included in the analysis. It is 76 pertinent to point out here that some sections of two-lane, two-way highway and either carriageway of a 4-lane divided highway had pavement widths more than 7.30 meter (24 ft.) because of stage construction or intermittent road widening programs. Though not deficient in width, these sections were considered to pose an increased threat to highway safety by causing non-channelization and overtaking potential due to the available extra width. Such hazardous sections were also covered by this MOH and included in the study. The variation of width from the specified was taken as a hyperbolic (second degree) function to incorporate the effect of negative deviations and to ignore minor deviations in evaluating hazardousness as shown in Figure 3.1. 4. MOH [SNIDTH]: This MOH was used to determine prospective hazardousness due to the shoulder deficiency. The standard shoulder ‘width for ‘various types of roads are specified by AASHTO [25] depending upon the traffic volumes and the type of road. For the purpose of this study, a shoulder width less than 3.0 meter was counted as deficient. This deficiency, on the average, was considered a measure of hazard and was recorded in meters per kilometer. S. MOH [PMARES]: Absence of longitudinal pavement markings poses a hazard in terms of non channelization, improper overtaking and off-tracking of vehicles. Evaluation of this hazard was an important factor because dangerous 77 0.5 n‘_\ a" \ A -( m L i o2 E o \\ > O o H -o.2 q -o.4 \ 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.1: 4 4.2 Povernani Widih (meiars) -><- 2nd degree * linea' Figure 3.1 [PWIDTH] - A Hyperbolic Function of Pavement Width variation tnmithelnmmumd. overtaking was earlier identified as a principal cause of fatal accidents in Pakistan [40]. The hazardousness was measured in kilometers per kilometer both for the longitudinal sections and intersection areas. 6. MOH [INTENT]: This MOH, along with the next two i.e., MOH [INTSPD] and MOH [INTCOL] were simultaneously used to evaluate hazardousness at an intersection with permanent obstructed visibility and adverse geometry. The hazardousness 78 was evaluated by unobtrusively recording the number of non stopping vehicle entries in the intersection per unit time and in proportion to the operating volume. Thus the devised unit for the measure of hazard was a ratio of vehicles per hour. 7. MOH [INTSPD]: This MOH was conceived as an indicator of the hazardousness due to adverse geometry of the intersection area and approaches. In developing this measure it was assumed that the vehicle driver who entered an intersection area without stopping would either try to quickly stop or clear off the intersection in haste, to avoid an impending collision. A change in speed exceeding 15 Kmph after a vehicle's entry in the intersection area was defined as an "abrupt change" for this study. The number of such speed changes per unit time, and in proportion to operating traffic volume, were unobtrusively recorded and used as a measure of hazard. 8. MOH [INTCOL]: This MOH is an indicator of the degree of adverse intersection geometry as evidenced by a near collision. The evidence of having two or more vehicles reasonably close (defined as one meter or less for this study) and trying to avoid a collision were unobtrusively recorded per unit time and used as a measure of hazard. The MOH [INTENT], MOH [INTSPD] , and MOH [INTCOL] were specific to intersections. Based on the values of these three MOH, an aggregated variable [INTSEC] was employed in the 79 analyses to represent the composite intersection hazardousness. Besides evaluating the independent effect of these MOH, their interdependent effect were also included in the analysis. 9. MOH [SPDCHG] : This MOH was a measure of roadway hazard in terms of spatially located skid-zones, corrugations, humps, ditches and pot-holes. The number of abrupt speed reduction events to avoid such roadway hazards (in a distance of 30 meters or less) were recorded by a front-seat passenger using the following rated weights. 1 I Low hazard (for speed reduction up to 15 kmph). 2 I Medium.hazard (for speed reduction up to 30 kmph). 3 I High hazard (for speed.reduction.more than 30 kmph). 10. MOH [LANCHG]: This MOH was used as a conjugate to the previous one and was devised with the assumption that, when confronted with an impending accident situation due to adverse lane conditions, a driver may suddenly change his lane. Only road hazard based incidents were recorded. The number of such actions were recorded by a front-seat passenger who observed lane changes in.a¢distance of 30 meters or less. The following weights were used for hazard evaluation. 1 I Low hazard (1/4 lane change). 2 I Medium hazard (1/2 lane change). 3 = High hazard (full lane change). 80 The MOH [SPDCHG] and MOH [LANCHG] were specific to isolated lane hazards. By aggregating the values of these two MOH, a variable [ISLAND] was employed in the analyses to represent the total hazardousness caused by isolated lane defects like corrugations, humps, and pot-holes. 11. MOH [PVCOND]: This MOH represented the road surface and riding-quality hazards. The recommended procedures [110] were adopted for pavement condition rating in terms of surface cracking, rutting, roughness and edge drop-offs. Each kilometer of the test section was rated on a scale of 0 (least hazardous) to 100 by a two member expert team comprised of experienced highway engineers. 12. MOH [SIDEOB]: Utilizing this MOH, the road-side obstruction caused by fixed objects which were liable to impose increased accident severity (e.g. road-side trees, poles etc.) were measured in number of their occurrence. The employed MOH provided a relatively simple approach to evaluate the road-side obstructions by the observers of an expert team. The distance of the road-side obstacle from the pavement was not prefixed and the rating-judgement alone was the sole criterion to determine the hazardousness caused by such obstructions. The employed MOH and their measurement attributes are summarized in Table 3.4. £11 Table 3.4 The Hazard Measurement System. a . iscnnxous Ilse of Desim Stmzbrd Deficiency as a Measure of Hazard 1 IDH [ACCESS] meters/km linear measurement taping 2 IR)" [GDRAIL] meters/km linear measurement taping 3 MOH [PMIDTH] meters/km linear measurement taping 4 MOH [SMIDTH] meters/km linear measurement taping 5 MOH [PMARKS] lune/km linear measurement taping Ilse of Traffic Conflicts and Erratic Mmeuvers as a Measire of Hazard 6 IBM [IHTEHT] S/hr. comting mobtrusive field observations I: :23; MOH [INTSPD] I/hr. comting unobtrusive field observations 8 situation 10H [IHTCDL] S/hr. comting mobtrusive field observations 9 NH [SPDCHG] Slkm. comting co-driver's observations 10 IDH [LANCHG] #lkm. comting co-driver's observations lbeofmiExpertTe-‘sabjectiveRatimasaMaasu'eoflazard [11 IBM [PVCGIDJ #Ikm. slbjective rating I expert team's judgement NH [SIDEml slbjective GMTIM l expert tema's judgement The printouts of the hazard data and the numerical values for the quantified hazardousness employing the above described MOH are presented as Appendix C. 3.2.4 The Applied Procedures for Data Analysis Multivariate linear regression analyses were performed to test the null hypothesis of no relationship between the hazardousness and accidents. This is one of the most versatile data analysis techniques available for model building, and has 82 a demonstrated applicability [17-18, 96-97, 111-115] in safety research. The proposed accident prediction model can be expressed as: Af . Bo + 8px“ + BZ'XZI 'I' ...... + Bp'xpi + 9; Where, A, is the accident frequency on a particular kilometer of the highway section, expressed in #lyear. 14,, represents the value of the pth independent variable for the kilometer i. The B coefficients are the unknown parameters and were determined as the result of regression analysis. The e, terms are assumed as independent random variables that are normally distributed with mean 0 and constant variance 0’. It is also assumed that in the proposed model, the dependent variable (accident frequency) has a normal distribution for every combination of the values of the MOH (independent variables). The following statistic was used to test the hypotheses. 3: t- 881 where, B1 is the slope of the regression line, and S is the standard error of Bl. The distribution of the statistic when the hypothesis of no relationship is true would be the Student's-t distribution with N-2 degrees of freedom. These analyses were made using a commercial software package, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The t statistic and their two-tailed observed significance levels 83 are displayed in the standard output results of SPSS regression routines. Multicollinearity Diagnostics: Since the hazard data is represented by a variety of descriptor independent variables (i.e., MOH), the regression analyses were performed with a control on multicollinearity. This terminology refers to a situation in which there is a likelihood of high correlation between the independent variables. The problem with such a situation is that the different MOH would provide similar or interrelated information about the hazardousness of a location. A check on this phenomenon enables the analyst to retain the pivotal MOH. Any decision on the retention of the pivotal MOH was further subjected to practical considerations of variable acquisition. Two measures of collinearity, Tolerance of variable (TOL), and variance Inflation Factor (VIF) were employed as diagnostic tools. The extended capabilities of the SPSS regression routine includes computations for the TOL and VIP values. In addition to these statistics, eigenvalues and condition indexes are also useful tools to examine collinearity of a data matrix. A specific application of these proposed statistical procedures is made in Chapter 4 which deals with the analysis of data. 3.3 TEE RESEARCH DATA The research data is distinctively divided in two categories: 1) The hazard data (independent variables); and 84 2) The accident data (dependent variable). In developing the experimental design, it was planned that the MOH should act as the independent variables. The accident data were primarily used in frequency version rather than rate format. The details of these data are presented in the following subsections. 3.3.1 The Hazard Data The requisite data on highway hazards were collected according to the experimental plan as described in Section 3.2.3. The following information, inventories and data were initially required for the study. 1) Information on district boundary, kilometer posts, and topographical plans of the sample sites. 2) Inventories of intersections, curves, and bridges with their geometric details. 3) Information on control of access, ribbon development, and median openings. 4) Embankment height data. 5) Pavement width data. 6) Shoulder width data. 7) Pavement marking details. 8) Pavement condition rating data. 9) Road-side obstructions data. 10) Traffic volume counts. These initial data on physical roadway features and the 85 topographical site plans were furnished by the National Highway Authority, Ministry of Communications, Islamabad; and their Consultants, M/S Kampsax International A/S. The furnished information and plans were further checked at site to incorporate any changes due to construction and land-use development. 3.3.2 The Accident Data The accident data were not readily accessible in terms of a computerized data base. Therefore accident data files were created by retrieving information from the police records which were mostly in narrative form, occasionally formatted or sketched. The following eight police stations (PS) provided accident data for the three year period January 1988 through December 1990. 221M121: MW 1) PS Gujar Khan. 1481 - 1496 2) PS Mandra. 1497 - 1510 3) PS Riwat. 1511 1520 4) PS Sehala. 1521 1530 5) PS Rawalpindi (CL). 1531 1546 6) PS Tarnol. 1547 1564 7) PS Taxila. 1565 1570 8) PS Wah. 1571 1583 The accident locations as described in the police records 86 were cross-checked with the help of linear highway plans to authenticate the narrative report, and to identify their correct position, The printoutS»of the accident data files are presented as Appendix D. 3.4 EXPERIMENTAL SITE The National Highway (N-5) in the Rawalpindi District, excluding the municipal limits of urbanized areas, was selected as the experimental site for collecting the required road hazard data. The sample site constituted a rural stretch of 86 kilometers, beginning from Kilometer 1481 and ending at Kilometer 1583. This site excluded the 17 kilometers of the urbanized sections of highway passing though the cities of Gujar Khan and.Rawalpindi. The first 52 kilometers of the site were two-lane, two-way, while the remaining 34 kilometers were four-lane divided highway. The geographical location of the experimental site, and its diagrammatic magnification are shown in Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3 respectively. The selected site had the following intrinsic qualities to the advantage of the experimental plan. a W. The Rawalpindi District includes the city of Rawalpindi - a Divisional Headquarter, and the territories of the Federal Capital, Islamabad. The national importance of Rawalpindi together with the diplomatic significance of Islamabad, has resulted in a reasonably efficient highway patrol system in the District and especially 87 n t bk" 0 (Nufll‘lioio If c )3 "Psalm 2 6’1." Fmi° “G“ H film i ‘ (’7“""06I|zwn"‘fm m 35p pl-t medO ' ‘18:"? ;"“ . nor-3‘" - WEE/i COL: "Manama” :0 0 mutul 0:” “fie. .‘ “a“ (an J 45.5%“... n :- ..u r l “2? Misha. . u/l $51.34 ...: CO" 44: n in!) .- s' \_\\\a.5m°fl:‘¢w 0° "8‘1'0 aha. 0""? .20: hwfl'flfi "Ni-",1! O K gum-",5- mm . emsrdheo “‘3 Oman—.... India Subcontinent and Afghanistan CONIC PROJECTION SCALE 0F MILES International Boundar aria Provincial and State Boundaries _ . _ Canals ........................... Scale 1. 14,500,000 to Rggmgring o no) no no Capitals 01 Countries... Provincial and State Capitals. an no ......................... R ..e Figure 3.2 The Geographical Location of the Experimental Site (Map Source [70]). NATIONAL HIGHWAY (N-SI DISTRICT RAWALPINDI. PAKISTAN. II ‘ ' DISTRICT ASSOTABAD DISTRICT ATTOCK \3’ “”1492 Gujar khan Knn488 “ ‘Knfl480 DISTRICT JI'IELUM 4-Lane Divided Sections 2-Lane, 2-May Sections Urban Limits (not included in the study) I<__IIII.__>I Figure 3.3 The Magnified Diagram of the Experimental Site. =93! 89 on N-5. As a result of this proficiency, the accident reporting rate for the test site was more consistent and comprehensive than for less significant areas of the country. 0 MMWMUM- As mentioned above, the experimental section of N-5 is comprised of both 2-1ane and 4-lane divided highways. This distinctive situation provided a site to investigate the hazard-accident relationship characteristics for two basic categories of highway system. 0 W. The N-5 is the most important trade and passenger route in the country, and therefore operates a traffic mix representative of both private and commercial vehicles. The study was, therefore, not specific to any single important mode of highway transportation system. e W. The terrain of the experimental site ranged from flat to mild-rolling, and was therefore considered a reasonable representative of the topographic features of many other sections of N—5 and other important arterials in the country. 3.5 EXECUTION OF THE EXPERIMENT- The highway hazard data were collected on the experimental site using the twelve MOH developed for this study. These data were collected during January to March 1990 90 under the supervision of the author by the technical staff of the National Transport Research Centre (NTRC), Islamabad. The data collection procedures, applicable to the experimental design, were explained to the staff and were demonstrated on site before the start of a particular operation. A part of the experimental plan also required use of a front seat passenger for recording observations on driving maneuvers to collect data concerning MOH [SPDCHG] and MOH [LANCHG]. A Ford.Transit 1989 van with.necessary equipment was provided by the NTRC to accomplish the task. The component of subjective rating in the experimental plan was covered by an expert team of two civil engineers having their Masters degree earned in the united States. Both the team-members were the employees of the Centre and had their professional expertise in highway engineering. A technical report was published by the NTRC based on the data collected on highway hazards [12] . This report only dealt with the description of the hazards that were physically observed at the experimental site (i.e., in terms of their magnitude and frequency of occurrence), and did not address the location’s relationship with accidents. Subsequently accident data were extracted from the police records in the required format and are now being used in this dissertation to achieve the objective of the present research. CHAPTER 4 DAT Y 4 . 1 THE ANALYTICAL APPROACH AND PRESENTATION The foremost objective of this data analysis was to determine the statistical significance of the presumed relationship between the ambient hazards and accident history of a highway section as represented by the following model. Af = Bo + 13,.xli + 132-X21 + + 135,.xpi + ei (4.1) Where, Af = Accident frequency on a particular kilometer i of the highway section, expressed in #lyear. Xpi = The value of the pth hazard for the kilometer i. B = Unknown coefficients (parameters) to be determined as the result of regression analysis. e. = Independent random ‘variables that were assumed normally distributed with. mean 0 and constant variance 0’. The proposed model had its genesis in the theoretical 91 92 perception of accidents as a function of adverse highway features, expressed as following. Accidents = f(adverse highway features) (4 . 2) For the jpresent research, a null hypothesis of no relationship 'was assumed. Primarily, multivariate linear regression analyses were performed to test the hypothesis. Since it was assumed that the adverse highway features would have a direct causal relationship with accidents, the variables having a negative correlation with accidents were considered to violate this assumption and were controlled. Besides negativity, the regression analyses were performed controlling for multi-collinearity since the hazardousness was represented by a variety of independent variables. The regression analyses, performed with these specifications, resulted in the formulation of mathematical models predicting the accident potential of a highway section in 'terms. of crucial. non-accident. based 'variables. These sections (analytical units) had a uniform length of one kilometer each and included the intersections. The analytical unit was not further segregated by the type of location since accident records did not furnish information in terms of intersection and non-intersection accidents that was required for such discrimination. These analyses were primarily made using the Statistical.Package.for’Social Sciences (SPSS), with 93 other supporting software packages used for graphics and spreadsheet computations. An analytical approach based on the following described eight tasks was developed to accomplish the overall objectives of data analysis. The results of implementing these tasks are contained in Sections 4.2 (page 99) and 4.3 (page 124) for the z-lane, 2-way and the 4-lane sections respectively. . Task 1. g2nnute_neasriatize_fitatiatisa The descriptive statistics of the variables was comprised of the mean, standard deviation, and minimum and maximum values. This procedure was important in three ways: First, it provided the basic information on the limits and variation of the variables. Second, it served as a confirmatory tool to ascertain flawless transfer of research data brought from Pakistan on micro computer disks to the local operating system. Third, it established the accuracy of the created SPSS system-files in responding to data files. 0 Task 2- Defermia2.2rssneasz_niafributiga The frequency distribution histograms were displayed to examine the nature of occurrence of] hazards and accidents on the experimental site. Though not an ultimate measure, the frequency distributions furnished important logical checks and were one of the criteria 94 used for variable selection in model building. Task 3. De e e S e Co elations These analyses were made to examine the type and the order of any relationship between the dependent and the independent variables. A significant and non-negative relationship provided the necessary rationale to proceed further with the analysis and test the postulate of a hazard-accident relationship. The insignificant and inverse relationships were noted as a point of concern to be considered when selecting the final variables for model building. Moreover, the correlations also provided information on the inter-relationship between the various independent variables. The prominent interrelated independent variables were further examined with multicollinearity diagnostic tests to decide their importance in model building. The term multicollinearity refers to a situation in which the independent variables are correlated and tend to provide similar or interrelated information. A check on this phenomenon resulted in identifying the statistical appropriateness of candidate variables. The two diagnostic techniques employed were: 1) the eigenvalues analysis; and 2) the variance inflation factor (VIF) method [116] . Their description is covered in the following two tasks. 95 Task 4. C v e o i e To examine the collinearity between the independent variables, the eigenvalues of the scaled uncentered cross-products matrix, and decomposition of regression variance corresponding to these eigenvalues were computed. There is an evidence of near dependency of variables when there is a high proportion of the variance of two or more coefficients associated with the same eigenvalue [116,117] . The condition index is defined as: Cond. Indexi = [eigenvalue]m / eigenvaluei]°'5 (4.3) The presence of near-linear dependencies results in small eigenvalues and, consequently, larger condition indices. In these computations, the number of large condition indices is the determinant of the near- dependent number of cases. Ink 5- MW W The literature [116] indicated that the tolerance of a variable was another commonly used measure of collinearity. The tolerance of a variable is defined as: Tolerance (TOL) = (l-Rf) (4.4) where Ri is the multiple correlation coefficient of the 96 ith independent variable when it is predicted from other independent variables. The variance inflation factor (VIF) is the reciprocal of the tolerance and, therefore, for the.ith independent variable, it can.be expressed.as: VIF = [1 / (1-R3IJ (4.5) The extended capabilities of SPSS regression routine produced computations for the eigenvalues, condition indices, TOL and VIP values. These computations displayed the required statistical characteristics of the variables and provided a logical check on their appropriateness for model building. Task 6. e e a Variablgg The process of BACKWARD ELIMINATION in the SPSS regression analysis routine was used for retaining the significant variables. This process starts with all the entered variables of the prospective multivariate model and sequentially removes them. Two removal criteria are employed: 1) the minimum F value (FOUT) that a variable must have in order to remain in the equation; and 2) the maximum F value (POUT) a variable can have. All the independent variables were initially entered into this process for the final selection. The system default values of 2.71 for (FOUT), and 0.10 for (POUT) 97 respectively, were adopted in the analysis for the two removal criteria. Besides the BACKWARD ELIMINATION, the other two available procedure: the FORWARD and the STEPWISE, were additionally employed to authenticate the entire process of regression analysis. The former procedure employed entry of one variable at a time, while the later examined each variable for entry or removal at each step.' '1'“): 7- MW meanest—Vang}; The accident data were primarily used as frequencies. However, a noticeable variation in traffic volume was reported [118] for different sections of the experimental site. As such, accident rates were taken into account and the effect of operating volume on the hazard-accident relationship was investigated in developing the final predictive models. Tank 3. W This task was comprised of constructing two separate multivariate models for predicting the accident potential of a highway section, corresponding to the two types of highway section studied. The choice of variables was essentially based on the outcome of the first seven tasks, which. provided. a logical check for ‘variable 98 selection. In this final task, the null hypotheses of no relationship between the quantified hazardousness and the accident history of highway sections were tested. Explicit inferences about the acceptance or rejection of hypothesis were made employing the statistics of the final accident prediction models. The analysis of residuals and comparison of predicted accidents to actual were covered in this task. In addition to accident modeling using regression analysis techniques, a hazard index (HI) was also developed for the identification and ranking of hazardous locations. The developed HI, based on an adequacy rating concept, represented the composite hazardousness of an analytical unit. The competence of HI approach was shown by the studies [101-104] indicating that composite hazardousness rating could provide a reasonably accurate prediction of future accident experience. A detailed description of the HI approach is covered in the literature review, and its application in the development of indices for this study is presented in Section~ 4.5. The SPSS program to accomplish the entire analytical approach is presented in Appendix E. The data analysis and the results, based on the above described eight tasks, are separately presented for the two types of highway sections studied: two-lane, two-way; and four-lane divided highway sections. In the following pages, this analytical approach is virtually replicated for the two highway types. 99 4.2 DATA ANALYSIS FOR TWO-LANE, TWO-WA! SECTIONS 4.2.1 Descriptive Statistics The descriptive statistics of variables indicated that data for the entire 52 kilometers were processed and there were no missing values. A summary of the descriptive statistics of the variables employed in the study’is presented in Table 4.1. A list of 13 variables is exhibited in Table 4.1. The first ten are the independent variables developed for accident modeling. The details of development of these variables are presented in Section 3.2.2 (page 73). These candidate variables were further screened based on the criteria of variability; non-negativity; independency; and repressibility for employment in the model. Item 11 in Table 4.1, the [ACCFRQ], represents the three year period.accident.data. The [ANACFQ], i.e., item 12, is the average annual accident frequency based on [ACCFRQ]. Primarily, the [ANACFQ] was used as the dependent variable in predictive modeling. Item 13, the [ANACRT], represents the annual accident rate, computed to account for the reported variation of traffic volume in different segments of the experimental site. A detailed description of the effect of traffic volume variation on accidents, and using [ANACRT] as the dependent variable, is presented in Section 4.2.7 (page 114) . 100 uses essence: unease «m «e.m 66.6 no.” em.” .emoeze. .na sozueoume ezeauooc amass: an ac.» oo.o he.a on.” “annexe. .nu sozueouxu azuanooc um oo.fl« oo.o oo.m m«.m .eesooc. .HH mzoueoamemmo mementos «m cm.oc oo.o no.nu nm.en .monamm_ .6” causes onaanoo azuzn>em um oo.~o om.n~ ao.o nv.ee .nzoosm. .m muHozuHoHeue uzea nueeuomn um eo.e oo.o ou.H um.o .nzaama_ .e muHozuHoHsue zoneoummnezu um eu.o~ oo.o e«.o oo.n .oumezu_ .e moznxmez azuxu>¢m eanoHsue «m no.n oo.u ea. mo.« .nxmere. .8 menu: «someone azunousun um oo.n oo.o no.o eo.o .maaazm. .m means azuzu>¢e azuuoueun «m «0.4 60.6 ee.o eu.o .zeauza. .v mzoneoum uHamamceo azuHoHeun «m oo.umo~ oo.o mm.oo~ oo.oe~ .a~¢mao. .n mused accuses oHeHoumm «m oo.mn oo.o so.e oe.ma .mzaeem_ .u aznxaoau>un saunas um oo.u~on oo.o nn.oov me.ome .zonmnx_ .a defied 2 MI! Cd! >On Cum CID: Canedud> .02 .ueaa-«uae no noeaueaeau openness-ea «.4 sun-a 101 4.2.2 Frequency Distribution An investigation of the frequency distribution of the studied hazards and accidents was considered important to gain some insight on their characteristics. The frequency distribution histograms of the hazards and accidents are presented in Figures 4.1 through 4.11. Comt Midpoint RIBBON DEVELOPMENT (meters per kilometer) 1" ‘3 -=_ ’t 139 —=- 3 235 — - ‘ 331 —= ’t 523 —- ’° ‘19 _= 3 rs .... . 2 m1 ... . 2 907 - O 4 1°03 _3— 0 1099 . 0 1195 0 1291 2 1387 .3- 1 1‘83 :- 2 199 a.- I....+....I....*....I....*....I....+....I....+....I 0 I 8 12 16 20 Histogram freqmncy Percentile : Value I 15.0 : 0.00, 85.0 : 992.10 Figure 4.1 Frequency Distribution of Variable [RIBBON] - RIBBON DEVELOPMENT. In these frequency histograms, the "count" column represents the number of kilometers. Their sum always equals 52, representing the total length of the 2-lane, 2-way test section. The "midpoint" column represents a scaled axis for the histograms, and is divided into equidistant intercepts based on the minimum and the maximum value of the variable. 102 For example, in Figure 4.1 for variable [RIBBON], the first reading (14) in the "count" column signifies the number of kilometers having a midpoint value of the hazard as 43 units per kilometer. This vertical axis is divided into equidistant intercepts of 96 units each to cover the minimum- maximum range of 0 to 1622 of the variable value. Comt Michoint SPECIFIC LATERAL PATHS (meters per kilometer) a e e e e e e a e MOUOUIOUIOUIOUIOUIOUIOUI eel dddd ... . garasuss.4.y.e.~. 0| 0 ddONN-INUI‘OUIUIU‘03‘0-D as. I as a II "II In I e a O“ a I a O 0 e e e O N"- I D I e 0 O a e a be: a a a a ... e a e 0 0mm e e O C 0 I I I ae-e _a O Histogr- fremency Percentile : Value I 15.0 : 7.00, 85.0 : 25.10 Figure 4.2 ' Frequency Distribution of Variable [SPATHS] - SPECIFIC LATERAL PATHS. Midpoint Count d flOOONO-IMNUW-D50mum 91 156 221 286 351 616 681 546 611 676 761 806 871 936 1001 1066 Percentile : Value I Figure 4.3 26 103 DEFICIEHT GUARDRAIL (meters per kilometer) Histogram frequency 15.0 : 0.00, 85.0 : 546.85 Frequency Distribution of Variable [GDRAIL] - DEFICIENT GUARDRAIL. i Midpoint .0 .3 e 0 e e e e e e e OWNOOWOVJ~HOUI~O b HOOOOOOOOOON-INe‘NO 55$HNFUNNNdd-I Percentile : Value I Figure 4.4 DEFICIEHT PAVEMEHT HIDTH (meters per kilometer) IIIIIIIIIFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - e - ' - e I e -e II 1....+....I....+....I....+....I....+....I....+....I 0 8 16 26 32 40 Histogram frequency 15.00 : 0.00, 85.00 : 0.49 Frequency Distribution of Variable [PWIDTH] - DEFICIENT PAVEMENT WIDTH. 104 (meters per kilometer) Comt Midpoint DEFICIEHT SHOULDER mom 0 '.1 . 17 -1 _=— 0 .3 . 9 -5 —=_ 1 .7 _ . 11 -9 _=— 0 1.1 . 1 1.3 _ . 2 1.5 _ I 2 1.7 _ . 7 1-9 —i_ 0 2.1 . 0 2.3 . 0 2.5 . O 2.7 . 2 2.9 : 0 3.1 _ 1....*....I....+....I....+....I....+....l....+....l 0 4 8 12 16 Histogram frequency Percentile : Value 8 15.00 : 0.00, 85.00 : 2.00 Figure 4.5 20 Frequency Distribution of Variable [SWIDTH] - DEFICIENT SHOULDER WIDTH. Micboint DEFICIEHT PAVEMENT HARKINGS g f. HOOONOO-O-IOO-OOOOOS NNNNNNNNyNNNNNNN-b umuaauuuw ...... aomatNUOM-DVuOUI-bgax 0 10 20 30 (.0 Histogram freqrency Percentile : Value 8 15.00 : 2.00, 85.00 : 2.00 Figure 4.6 (kilometers per kilometer) I 1....‘O0.0IOOOC+OOOOI..I.*COOOlIOO.‘OOOOIOIOI+IOOOI 50 Frequency Distribution of Variable [PMARKS] - DEFICIENT PAVEMENT MARKINGS. 105 Count Midpoint INTERSECTION DEFICIENCY (# of traffic conflicts per hour) '3 . '1 . 1 _=— 3 . 5 . 7 . 9 . 11 . 13 . 15 . 17 19 :' 21 23 m 25 27 . 29 O-DO-IO-INOOOOOOOVOO 0 10 20 30 40 50 Histogram frequency Percentile : Value I 15.00 : 0.00, 85.00 8 0.00 Figure 4.7 Frequency Distribution of Variable [INTSEC] - imsnsecnou DEFICIENCY. COUNT VALUE ISOLATED LANE DEFICIENCY (# 0f lane change per kilometer) 33 ~00 —=— 3 1-00 — - 3 2.00 _ . 2 3.00 .. 0 6.00 0 5.00 0 6.00 1 7.00 . 1... ...... 1.... ..... I.........l ......... I ......... I 0 3 16 26 32 60 Hi stogr- frequency Percentile : Value = 15.00 : 0.00, 85.00 : 1.00 Figure 4.8 Frequency Distribution of Variable [ISLAND] - ISOLAT- LANE DEFICIENCY. Midpoint 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 37.5 40.0 42.5 Count N-INUlbUINONUIhUINONO-D Percentile : Value s Figure 4.9 106 PAVEMENT CONDITION RATING Histogram frequency 15.00 : 34.950, 85.00 : 54.50 _ - — - —=- —=— —= -- -=_ 1....+....I....+....l....+....I....+.. 0 2 4 6 (rated # per kilometer) Frequency Distribution of Variable [PVCOND] - PAVIIENT CONDITION RATING. Count Midioint -1 d dNOO‘to-‘NNNUINN-‘ou-D 11 14 17 20 32 35 41 47 Percentile : Value a Figure 4.10 ROAD SIDE OBSTRUCTIONS 0 4 8 Histogram frequency 15.00 : 4.975, 85.00 : 30.175 12 (counted 0 per kilometer) l....‘I...‘....*..I.l.CCI+COCIlIIII+OOOOlOO00*....! 16 20 Frequency Distribution of Variable [SIDEOB] - ROAD SIDE DBSTRUCTIDNS. 107 Comt Midpoint ANNUAL ACCIDENT FREQUENCY (# of accidents/year per kilometer) o -.s . 9 -° _=— 10 1.3 —:— 3 . — . 1: g-g —=_ 2 2:5 — - 3 3-0 — 3 3-5 — - 1 (0.0 - e 2 4.5 -3. 2 5.0 .3- 1 5.5 :- 0 6.0 . 2 9'3 0 73 " J..-.+....I....*....lC...+....l....+....l....+....l 0 4 8 12 16 20 Histogrm frequency Percentile : Value = 15.00 : 0.00, 85.00 : 3.683. Figure 4.1 1 Frequency Distribution of [ANACFQ] - ANNUAL ACCIDENT FREQUENCY. The frequency distribution of the independent variables, [PWIDTH], [PMARKS] and [ISLAND] showed. that. the. hazards represented by them were neither very frequently occurring nor had a noticeable variance. This point, though not totally decisive, was of interest for variable retention in the final predictive model. The interpretation of the frequency distribution histogram for variable [INTSEC] required caution in the sense that the output was only for the five intersections of the experimental site. These were isolated spots and were not distributed in 52 kilometers of the test section like the other hazards. 4.2.3 simple Correlations The correlation matrix showing the characteristics of the relationship between the variables is presented in Table 4.2. 108 388.5 coco. 598. SB... 259.. 039.. 053.. 98.... 83. 8Q. gnome. Snug 00080.. 33.- o~5~. ~03. 98. 33. ~03... 553.. 535.. man... "Bun—8 0088.5 «~23 $9.. nn-.. o~n~.. “mm—... 33.. ~n¢~.. 039.. "93?: 0088.5 508.. nm~p.. pump: 33.. n5n~.. 33. 855.. . "gas :3.— :3. N3... 35. 5~o~. . ~30. . ~mnp . Bumps: cage; 0%. ~58. n55... ~08. n59. "mug sag; e33. .62... §~.. 88. 2.5233 :88... :8. . m¢-. . 33.. 2.5235. 59:8... 98—. ~¢o~f adaflu 00089.5 053. 5355.2 388.5 n22: .Nduulx flOdvld’uuoo Cg N.v CHAIR 109 The correlationumatrix indicated the variables [PWIDTH], [SWIDTH] , [PMARKS] , [INTSEC] and [ISLAND] had a negative relationship with accidents. This counter-intuitive effect was noted as a jpoint of concern ‘while selecting final variables for model building. The decision about the retention of these variables was further subjected to various diagnostic tests for checking multicollinearity, and.multiple procedures for performing regression analysis. 4.2.4 Eigenvalues and Condition Indices The computed eigenvalues and the condition indices are shown in Table 4.3. Each column of the table, after the condition index, indicates the proportion of the variance of each of the coefficients associated with each of the eigenvalues. For example, for the [RIBBON] coefficient, 0.464% of the variance of the coefficient is attributable to the first eigenvalue. In this table, the variables with high proportions of variance for the smallest eigenvalue are highly dependent. The number of suspect collinear variables is indicated by the number of higher-valued condition indices. In other words, there are as many near dependencies among the variables as there are large condition indices [116]. Referring to Table 4.3, the last eigenvalue i.e. , 0.00052 (at serial number 11) is the smallest, and accounts for 98.553% 110 . 58. .82. ~88. e88. 388. . 58. some. .88. .88. .88. . ammo. 33.. 88. 88. 38. . .98. 50.8. 0.8. .38. «flat 8mg» g 9.52 um»;— nug 353:» ...—235 4:88 03.53 g; “saga con—o '88 n88 NE 0028 0 ~02! ~02! 5 8g 0028 o 858. ~88. mg. 3.08. 808. 033. 3N3. 530—. :80. n..-~. 880. 535 035m. 9. . . 8g 3. c 288 088 n g 088 ~ ~c§ ~88 5 use. 83-» 28282.. 85...; 53.28 ESE teas... .aeuuvau suave—500 uni aeaueeseudn 333-2535 huwuaendunoo n.v edaea 111 and 69.461% of the variance of [PMARKS] and [INTSEC]. This implies that these two variables are inter-dependent. Since other independent variables have small variance proportions for the 11th eigenvalue, they do not seem to have multicollinearity. There are two condition indices (at serial 10 and 11) with magnitude (19.484 and 111.186) significantly higher than the rest. This indicates twosuspect cases of collinear variables. Both [PMARKS] and [INTSEC] were also indicated for filtering out of the equation, based on non- negativity of the simple correlation criteria. 4.2.5 Variable Tolerance (TOL) and Variance Inflation Factor (VII) The second diagnostic test.of multicollinearity involved computing variable tolerance and variance inflation factors. These statistics are produced in Table 4.4. Table 4.4 Collinearity Diagnostics: TOL and VIP. Variable Tolerance VIP [SIDEOB] .787332 1.270 [PNIDTH] .790045 1.266 [INTSEC] .256323 3.901>> [RIBBON] .675306 1.481 [PVCOND] .799510 1.251 [GDRAIL] .705304 1.418 [ISLAND] .702357 1.424 [SWIDTH] .627266 1.594 [SPATHS] .613606 1.630 [PMARKS] .234617 4.262)) >> High VIP. In Table 4.4, high VIF values for [INTSEC] and [PMARKS] indicate that the two independent variables are collinear, and 112 substantiate the previous findings based on the eigensystem diagnostic test. 4.2.6 Regression Analysis and the Crucial Variables All the ten variables were entered in to the process of BACKWARD ELIMINATION for regression analysis. This process was employed to observe the removal order of variables. The observed. elimination sequence (in 'the, order’ of variable significance based on a POUT = 0.100 criteria) is summarized in Table 4.5. Table 4.5 The Variable Removal Order by Backward Elimination. Step # Variable Removed T Sig T 1. [SWIDTH] -.842 .4040 2. [ISLAND] .467 .6427 3. [INTSEC] -.540 .5920 4. [PWIDTH] -.858 .3953 5. [SIDEOB] .289 .7741 7. [SPATHS] .461 .6467 8. [PVCOND] 1.283 .2056 Consequently, [RIBBON] and [GDRAIL] were retained as the two most significant variables. The FORWARD and the STEPWISE methods also indicated [RIBBON] and [GDRAIL] as the two most significant variables for equation building. The significance of T-statistics of the filtered out variables indicated that any additional variable could not be selected even by relaxing the adopted limit of POUT. The output results of the regression analysis are presented in Table 4.6. 113 Table 4.6 The Statistical Results of Regression Analysis. Multiple R .59827 R Square .35792 Adjusted R Square .33172 Standard Error 1.36230 mm D! Sum of Squares Mean Square Regression 2 50.69269 25.34635 Residual 49 90.93765 1.85587 P - 13.65739 Signif F - .0000 Dependent Variable. [ANACFQ] ANNUAL ACCIDENT FREQUENCY Variables in the Equation Variable B SE B Beta T Sig T RIBBON .001993 4.266638-04 .557777 4.672 .0000 GDRAIL .002726 7.62760E-04 .426730 3.574 .0008 (Constant) .112287 .370548 .303 .7631 The indicated appropriateness of selecting independent variables, based on the different criteria employed in the study, is summarized in Table 4.7. Table 4.7 Indicated Appropriateness of Independent variables. VARIABLE SELECTION CRITERIA No. Variable FD NN NC RC 1. [RIBBON] + + + + 2. [SPATHS] + + + - 3. [GDRAIL] + + + + 4. [PWIDTH] - - + - 5. [SWIDTR] + - + - 6. [PMARRS] - - - - 7. [INTSEC] + - - — 8. [ISLAND] - - + - 9. [PVCOND] + + + - 10. [SIDEOB] + + + - Symbols + - Variable indicated for inclusion in the predictive model. - - Variable not indicated for inclusion in the predictive model. Abbreviations ED 8 Frequency distribution. NN - Non-negativity. NC Hulticollinearity. RC 8 Regression. 114 Table 4.7 shows that, based on all four criteria of variable selection, the most appropriate indicated variables for employing in the model were [RIBBON] and [GDRAIL]. 4.2.7 Accident Frequency Versus Rate as the Dependent Variable A noticeable variation in the operating traffic volumes was reported [118] for the experimental sites. To incorporate the effect of traffic volume variation, accident rates for the various sections of the experimental sites were calculated. The average annual traffic volume for the entry section (i.e., Gujar Khan - Mandra section, Kilometer (1480 - 1502) was taken as the base value to discount the remaining sections. The reported variation and the calculated discounting factors are shown in Table 4.8. Table 4.8 Reported variation in Traffic Volumes. No. Section Year Mean Discounting 1988 1989 1990 Factor ]< ----- ADT ----- >1 (mean/8656) 1. Gujar Khan - Nandra 8146 8739 9083 8656 1.00 2. Nandra - Rawalpindi 9470 10332 11982 10595 1.22 3. Rawalpindi - Tarnol 15654 15882 16103 15880 1.83 4. Tarnol - Taxila 12366 15355 15616 14446 1.67 5. Taxila - Wah 10635 11072 11415 11041 1.27 The compounding effect of the traffic volume variation on the experimental site is shown in Figure 4. 12. The peak represents the increased traffic flow in the suburbs of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. 115 Sectional Variaiion in Traffic Volume 3 26 L. o 6 2 a u. g. /\-\ '5 1.5 ’/V \T c a o a E i o t) (15 O I 2 3 4 5 Highway Seciions 2-Lane, 2-Nay Eighway Section 1 - Gujar Khan - Nandra. Section 2 - Nandra - Rawalpindi. 4-Lane Divided Highway Section 3 - Rawalpindi - Tarnol. Section 4 I Tarnol - Taxila. Section 5 - Taxila - Wah. Figure 4.12 The Compounding Effect of Traffic Volume Variation. The correlation of the variables with the two versions of accident data (i.e., frequency and rate), was also examined. This exercise was considered appropriate to explore the possibility of having an incremental gain in the predictive model's statistics by incorporating the reported variation in 116 traffic volume. For this purpose, Annual Accident Frequency [ANACFQ] and Annual Accident Rate [ANACRT] were used as the two dependent variables. The correlation between the two versions of accident data and the variables indicated a nominal difference in the coefficients as shown in Table 4.9. Table 4.9 Correlation of Indicated Variables with Accident Frequency and Rates. Variables [ANACFQ] [ANACRT] :RIBBON] .4365** .4144* :spnrasl .2398 .2451 [GDRAIL] .2682 .3151 :pwxara] -.1080 -.O982 :SWIDTI'I] -e0379 ". 0535 :PMARKS] -.0959 -.1086 [ISLAND] -.1501 -.1421 :PVCOND] .0997 .0816 :SIDEOB] .0669 . 0705 1-tailed Signif: * - .01 ** - .001 The comparison presented in Table 4.9 indicates a very nominal difference between the coefficients of correlation of the variables. Moreover, model development using [ANACFQ] and [ANACRT] as two separate dependent variables showed a gain of only 1.77% in the value of R2 for the "rate" format as compared to "frequency" (i.e., R2 for [ANACFQ] was 0.35792 versus 0.37564 for [ANACRT]) . Since there were no strong reasons to switch, the [ANACFQ] was retained as the dependent variable of the predictive model. This selection also seemed justified from a practical standpoint considering that computation of accident rate required additional information on traffic counts. 117 4.2.8 Final Accident Prediction Model and Test of Hypotheses The equation which finally emerged from the regression analysis for predicting accident potential of a 2-1ane, 2-way section provided the following relationship between the accident frequency and the hazardousness. Y“, = 0.112287 + 0.001993 8, + 0.002726 1:, (4.6) where, Ym I Accident frequency per year per kilometer. xl I Length of ribbon development on both sides (meters). x2 I Length of highway section with deficient guardrail (meters). The presence of variable [RIBBON] (i.e., x,) in the equation indicates that deficient control of access is related to accidents in Pakistan. This finding is supported by the results of many studies [e.g. ,95,98,99] reporting that control of access was a significant factor associated with accidents, both in the motorized and motorizing countries. Based on the following statistics of the predictive model R I 0.59827 R? I 0.35792 R’M I 0. 33172 F I 13.65739 you I 0.0000 Variable T Big T x1 4.672 0.0000 x2 3.574 0.0008 the null hypothesis of no linear relationship between the ambient hazardousness and accidents was rejected, and it was concluded that at a probability of F=0.00, 35.79% of the 118 variation in accidents was explained by two types of identified hazards: 1) Deficient control of access; and 2) Deficient provision of guardrail. Analysis of Residual and Predicted Values The following four statistics for examining the residuals and predicted values were calculated. 1. PRED Unstandardized predicted values. 2. RESID Unstandardized residuals. 3. ZPRED Standardized predicted values. 4. ZRESID Standardized residuals. These statistics are presented in Table 4.10. Table 4.10 Statistics for the Residuals and Predicted values. Min Max Mean Std Dev N *PRED .1123 3.7719 1.7628 .9970 52 *RESID -2.8610 3.2281 .0000 1.3353 52 *ZPRED -1.6555 2.0152 .0000 1.0000 52 *ZRESID -2.1001 2.3696 .0000 .9802 52 Durbin-Watson Test I 1.92816 The Durbin-Watson statistic is a measure of auto- correlation in the residuals. Regression analysis assumes that the residuals are not auto-correlated, in which case the Durbin-Watson test should have a value near 2.00 [116]. The indicated value of 1.92816 for the constructed model signifies a satisfactory non auto-correlation between the residuals. 119 Regigua; Outliers The SPSS system default produces the ten worst outlier cases based on absolute values of the residuals and the standardized residuals. The information on outliers presented in Table 4.11 reveal that the model is good enough to predict accidents by a maximum error of i 2 (taken as a discrete rounded value for accidents), with two exceptions. Table 4.11 Outlier - Standardised Residual. Case # Km *RESID *ZRESID 22 1506 3.22809 2.36958 52 1536 -2.86098 -2.10010 7 1487 -2.39181 -1.75571 25 1509 2.22977 1.63677 26 1510 2.16272 1.58755 20 1504 2.14652 1.57566 51 1535 -2.10017 -1.54163 47 1531 1.98800 1.45929 21 1505 -1.96217 -l.44034 4 1484 -1.91629 -1.4D666 Wit! The histogram for the standardized residuals is presented in Figure 4.13. This histogram depicts the observed number of residuals (labeled "N") , and the number expected (labeled "Exp N") in each interval. The extreme intervals (labeled "Out") contain more than 3.16 standard deviations from the mean. The expected frequencies and the overlap between expected and observed are indicated by a period and a colon respectively. In the histogram presented in Figure 4.13, the distribution seems to be fairly normal except for a mild clustering of residuals at the center. 120 N Exp N (* = 1 Cases, . : = Normal Curve) 0 .04 Out 0 .08 3.00 O .20 2.67 1 .46 2.33 * 0 .95 2.00 . 3 1.74 1.67 *:* S 2.85 1.33 **:** 2 4.19 1.00 ** . 3 5.52 .67 *** . 8 6.51 .33 ******:* 4 6.88 .00 **** . 10 6.51 -.33 ******:*** 6 5.52 -.67 *****: 5 4.19 -l.00 ***:* 2 2.85 -1.33 **. 2 1.74 -1.67 *z 1 .95 -2.00 : 0 .46 -2.33 0 .20 -2.67 O .08 -3.00 O .04 Out Figure 4.13 Histogram - Standardised Residual. Predicted Value; The normal probability plot in Figure 4.14 presents a comparison of the probability of the observed and predicted values . entities were plotted against each other and examined The cumulative distributions of the deviation from the expected straight line. If the the two for two distributions are identical (the zero-error case), a straight line should result. By observing the scatter of the predicted 121. points about the expected straight line, it may be inferred that the probability of having the predicted values from the developed model will be reasonably close to the actual values. 1.0 i i i * *‘A' .* .1”: * 75 .. .141”. ... *** o *t*** b * s **. e .5 .... ****. «r- r *‘t v ** . e * d .25 .. *** .. *t. ** .* v** i l 1 Expected .25 .5 .75 1 0 Figure 4.14 normal Probability (P-P) Plot - Predicted values. For a kilometer-wise prediction evaluation, a spreadsheet implementation of the model is presented in Table 4.12. The resulting deviations of the predicted accidents from the actual are shown in Figure 4.15. 122 Table 4.12 Spreadsheet Implementation of Accident Predictive Model ( -Lane, 2-Way Section). Variables Acc Frequency Constant X{* x5' Predicted Difference Km.# x, x, 3-Yrs Annual (0.001993) (0.002726) Accidents 1481 901 _ 545 6 2.00 .112287 1.795693 1.48567 3.39 -1.39365 1482 0 180 1 .33 .112287 0 .49068 .60 -.269634 1483 0 500 0 .00 .112287 0 1.363 1.48 -1.47529 1484 0 784 1 .33 .112287 0 2.137184 2.25 -1.91614 1485 0 412 1 .33 .112287 0 1.123112 1.24 -.902066 1486 570 670 13 4.33 .112287 1.13601 1.82642 3.07 1.258616 1487 319 1092 4 1.33 .112287 .635767 2.976792 3.72 -2.39151 1488 980 150 10 3.33 .112287 1.95314 .4089 2.47 .8590063 1493 142 822 13 4.33 .112287 .283006 2.240772 2.64 1.697268 1494 214 602 5 1.67 .112287 .426502 1.641052 2.18 -.513174 1495 0 0 2 .67 .112287 0 0 .11 .5543797 1496 310 50 4 1.33 .112287 .61783 .1363 .87 .4669163 1497 100 328 9 3.00 .112287 .1993 .894128 1.21 1.794285 1498 50 188 D .00 .112287 .09965 .512488 .72 -.724425 1499 50 630 6 2.00 .112287 .09965 1.71738 1.93 .070683 1500 810 0 4 1.33 .112287 1.61433 0 1.73 -.393284 1501 98 0 2 .67 .112287 .195314 0 .31 .3590657 1502 0 399 1 .33 .112287 0 1.087674 1.20 -.866628 1503 305 150 4 1.33 .112287 .607865 .4089 1.13 .2042813 1504 600 200 12 4.00 .112287 1.1958 .5452 1.85 2.146713 1505 1597 0 4 1.33 .112287 3.182821 0 3.30 -1.96177 1506 1040 582 21 . 7.00 .112287 2.07272 1.586532 3.77 3.228461 1507 396 301 5 1.67 .112287 .789228 .820526 1.72 -.055374 1508 1032 284 8 2.67 .112287 2.056776 .774184 2.94 -.276580 1509 718 450 15 5.00 .112287 1.430974 1.2267 2.77 2.230039 1510 660 517 15 5.00 .112287 1.31538 1.409342 2.84 2.162991 1511 990 0 2 .67 .112287 1.97307 0 2.09 -1.41869 1512 629 0 5 1.67 .112287 1.253597 0 1.37 .3007827 1513 610 0 3 1.00 .112287 1.21573 0 1.33 -.328017 1514 821 423 11 3.67 .112287 1.636253 1.153098 2.90 .7650287 1515 534 195 6 2.00 .112287 1.064262 .53157 1.71 .291881 1516 409 50 4 1.33 .112287 .815137 .1363 1.06 .2696093 1517 710 142 10 3.33 .112287 1.41503 .387092 1.91 1.418924 1518 0 200 0 .00 .112287 0 .5452 .66 -.657487 1519 0 200 2 .67 .112287 0 .5452 .66 .0091797 1520 523 488 6 2.00 .112287 1.042339 1.330288 2.48 -.484914 1521 518 0 9 3.00 .112287 1.032374 0 1.14 1.855339 1522 0 88 0 .00 .112287 0 .239888 .35 -.352175 1523 913 0 3 1.00 .112287 1.819609 0 1.93 -.931896 1524 400 0 4 1.33 .112287 .7972 0 .91 .4238463 1525 222 266 0 .00 .112287 .442446 .725116 1.28 -1.27985 1526 0 285 0 .00 .112287 0 .77691 .89 -.889197 1527 0 200 0 .00 .112287 0 .5452 .66 -.657487 1528 755 0 8 2.67 .112287 1.504715 0 1.62 1.049665 1529 0 88 2 .67 .112287 0 .239888 .35 .3144917 1530 170 50 1 .33 .112287 .33881 .1363 .59 -.254064 1531 1622 0 16 5.33 .112287 3.232646 0 3.34 1.988400 1532 356 100 9 3.00 .112287 .709508 .2726 1.09 1.905605 1533 229 212 0 .00 .112287 .456397 .577912 1.15 -1.14660 1534 1340 0 5 1.67 .112287 2.67062 0 2.78 -1.11624 1535 1499 0 3 1.00 .112287 2.987507 0 3.10 -2.09979 1536 1379 0 0 .00 .112287 2.748347 0 2.86 -2.86063 123 s 4 ’E d A g 2 + ‘f+ 1 '6 3* 1 7x11 A 3. y 171 N 'K¥ I I x a: ,_ yvy V Wkly R 0 C 0 3-2 a. X -4 .6IIUIIUIITWITTIITITTIIIIIIIT‘TIIIIIIDTWTTTIITTTTTI[III 1431 1195 1507 1 KilometerNo. Figure 4.15 Difference between Actual and Predicted Accidents 2-Lane 2-Nay Section (HIS), Kilometer 1481 - 1536. 124 4.3 DATA ANALYSIS FOR POUR-LANE DIVIDED HIGHWAY SECTIONS The analyses for the four lane divided highway section (kilometer 1550 - 1583) are presented in the following pages. Since the analytical approach, in essence, is the same as that followed for the two lane analysis, any repetitive description of the statistical procedures and terminologies is avoided. 4.3.1 Descriptive Statistics The descriptive statistics of variables indicated that data for the entire 34 kilometers were processed and there were no missing values. A summary of the descriptive statistics of the variables employed in the study is presented in Table 4.13. A list of 14 variables is exhibited in Table 4.13. The first 11, are the independent variables, developed for the quantification of hazard and use in modeling, as described in Section 3.2.2 (page 73). As before, the [ACCFRQ] represents accident data for a period of three years; [ANACFQ] is the average annual accident frequency; and [ANACRT] represents the annual accident rate. Primarily, [ANACFQ] was used as the dependent variable in predictive modeling. However, the effect of traffic volume variation on accidents, using [ANACRT] as the dependent variable, was also examined and is presented in Section 4.3.7 (page 139). 125 seem azuouoor 040222 on 00.0 00.0 on.” 00.0 .amoczc. .en uuzuooemm azunHooc gross: In 00.5 00.0 H5.A 00.A .osoazc. .na uozunoumn azunnooe In 00.nn 00.0 «A.m 0n.0 .ommoo¢_ .«A onaoamenmo unannsos 0n 00.nn 00.0 mn.0 nu.u~ .nou0Hm_ .AA causes onaanoo aznxu>¢o en ma.nm 00.0“ 00.5 0A.00 .0zoo>o. .0H nuaozunoabun used absence” on 00.0 00.0 an." up.“ .achmu. .0 muuozuuoumuo zonaounmuazn on an.0d 00.0 0~.n 50.0 .ounazH_ .0 mozmxmrx azurn>¢o azuHoHuuo In 0«.v 00. H0.H 00.A .mmmazo. .5 means mongoose azunoubun 0n 0m.m 00. 0~.A In.“ .meomsm_ .0 means azuxm>¢o azuHoHuun In mn.n 00. 00. mm. .manuzo_ .m quasnmroo azuuouuun 0n 00.000” 00.0 50.00" «0.0ma .0H4u00. .0 noszuoo zaHan: on 00.0An 00.n. en.vm no.5» _zooouz. .n are accused ouunouon 0n 00.A0 00.A nn.o an.an .mmacon_ .« azarooan>un saunas 0n 00.0mm” 00.0 00.n00 no.0me .zoanam. .A Huang 2 «or as: >00 can 000: eanuaue> .02 .ueuneaueb «0 unevenness eruuneuoeea n~.0 ensue 126 4.3.2 Frequency Distribution An investigation into the frequency distribution of the studied hazards and accidents was considered important to gain some insight into their characteristics. The frequency distribution histograms of the hazards and accidents are presented in Figures 4.16 through 4.27. Comt Micboint RIBBGI DEVELOPMENT (meters per kilometer) 1° 44 —=— 2 I“ _= 1 233 — ’° 335 _=— 3 ‘32 —=- 3 529 —i- 1 626 — I 0 723 ’° 32° —=— 0 917 . 0 1014 1 1n1 ... 1 1mm ... 1 1305 -3- 1 1402 : 1 11.99 :.= 1 1596 :- 1....4’....I....*....I....*....I....‘0'....I....+....I 0 2 4 6 8 10 Histogrn freqiency Percentile : Value I 15.00 : 0.00, 85.00 : 1189.50 Figure 4.16 Frequency Distn'bution of Variable [RIBBON] - RIBBON DEVELOPMENT. 127 Count Midpoint SPECIFIC LATERAL PATIiS a a OWOUIOUIOUIOUIOUIOUUOU‘O I II II II I I I II Nd‘dd dO-lNuNuuUl-DUJ‘WNOO-I Histogr- frecpency Percentile : Value I 15.00 : 12.00, 85.00 : 32.00 Figure 4.17 (meters per kilometer) I I I I + I I I H I I I + I I I bl. I I I I 4' I I I I H I I I I + I I I ~ I I I + I H Frequency Distribution of Variable [SPATHS] - SPECIFIC LATERAL PATHS. Comt limoint MEDIAN (PENIIGS 9 —=_ 23 —-— ‘7 — 65 —- 85 _ . 104 123 . 1‘2 I 161 . 130 199 218 237 256 275 29’. 313 ..a-a dOOOOOOOOOOONJ‘NOU 0 6 B 12 16 Histogram fremency Percentile : Value = 15.00 : 6.50, 85.00 : 65.75 Figure 4.18 (meters per kilometer) IIII*IIIIIIIII+IIIIIIIII+IOIIII.II+IIII!IOII+IIIOI 20 Frequency Distribution of Variable [MEDOPN] - MEDIAN OPENINGS. 128 Comt Hicboint DEFICIENT GUARDRAIL 22 ‘1 —: 129 — - 217 —= 305 _ 393 ‘81 -: 569 . 657 .: 745 . 833 921 1009 1097 1185 1273 1361 11.1.9 _ HOOOOOOOOdONOd§U T a a a I a a a e a-a a a a a I e a a a a- * a-a I' e- Histogram frequency Percentile : Value e 15.00 : 0.00, 85.00 : 313.00 Figure 4.19 (meters per kilometer) Frequency Distribution of Variable [GDRAIL] - DEFICIENT GUARDRAIL. (meters per ki lometer) CM! "1‘30"“ DEFICIENT PAM." UIDTH ‘9 -° _=_ 6 -2 _=— 1 .I. _ . 1 .6 _ . 0 .8 . 0 1.0 . 0 1.2 . 1 1.1 _ . 0 1.6 . 0 1.8 . 1 2.0 .3 2 2.2 .3- 1 2.‘ :- 0 2.6 . 1 2.0 o 3.0 - 1 3.2 _ 1....+....I....*....I....+....I....+....I....+....I 0 ‘ 8 12 16 Histogr- freqnncy Percentile Value = 15.00 : 0.00, 85.00 : 2.185 Figure 4.20 20 Frequency Distribution of Variable [PWIDTI-I] - DEFICIIVT PAVEMENT WIDTH. 129 DEF I CIEIIT SIIGJLDER HIDTII 1s 1n 0- I ... . I" d «3‘ u U. I. e N e -a O -a d d-‘OONOOI‘NNuNN-DONN u N a a a a a J‘ ‘1 a 0 V .III Histogram frecpency Percentile : Value = 15.00 : 1.075, 85.00 : 3.000 Figure 4.21 (meters per kilometer) Frequency Distribution of Variable [SWIDTH] - DEFICIENT SHOULDER WIDTH. (kilometers per kilometer) Comt MIMI"! DEFICIENT PAVEHENT HARKIIIGS 0 '.3 . 2 .0 :- 1 .3 .3 0 .6 . 5 -9 -=_ 1 1.2 _ . 0 1.5 . 0 1.0 . 12 2-1 —=— 3 20‘ — O 1 2.7 _ . 6 3-0 —=_ 0 3.3 . 0 3.6 . 1 3.9 : 1 1.2 1. 0 4.5 1....‘I‘....I....*....I....‘P....I....+....I....+....I 0 I. 8 12 16 Histogram frequency Percentile : Value -- 15.00 : 1.00, 85.00 : 3.00 Figure 4.22 20 Frequency Distribution of Variable IPMARKS] - DEFICIENT PAVEMENT MARKINGS. 130 Count Midpoint INTERSECTION DEFICIENCY (# of traffic conflicts per hour) 29 0—=— 1 _ . 1 2_ . 1 3_. 0 6 . 0 5 . 0 6 . 0 7 . 0 8 . 0 9 1 1o.I 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 1 16- I....+....I....*....I....+....I....+....I....+....I 0 6 12 18 24 30 Histogram frequency Percentile : Value 8 15.00 : 0.00, 85.00 : 0.556 Figure 4.23 Frequency Distribution of Variable [INTSEC] - INT SECT ION DEFICIENCY. i E HNOUIUIUIUbO 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 4.00 : 00 6 00 7 00 8 00 l.........I.........I... ...... I ......... I ......... I 0 2 6 6 8 10 Histogram frequency Percentile : Value 8 15.00 : 0.00, 85.00 : 5.00 Figure 4.24 ISOLATED LANE DEFECTS (I of lane change per kilometer) Frequency Distribution of Variable [ISLAND] - ISOLATED LANE DEFICIIVCY. 131 Comt Mimint PVT. CONDITION RATING (rated # per kilometer) 6 29-0 -=— 0 30.5 . 1 32.0 —:- 1 33.5 _: 0 35.0 . 1 36-5 — - 0 38.0 . 0 39.5 . 3 “-0 —=— 2 62-5 _ - I “-0 — 3 ‘5-5 _=— 5 67-0 —=— 3 63-5 —=_ 3 50-0 —=_ 2 51-5 —=- 5 53-0 —=— 1....+....I....‘0'....I....‘6....I....+....I....+....I 0 1 2 3 lo 5 Histogram frequency Percentile : Value 8 15.00 : 32.875, 85.00 : 52.063 Figure 4.25 Frequency Distribution of Variable [PVCOND] - PAVEMENT CONDITION RATING. Count Midpoint ROADSIDE OBSTRUCTION (comted # per kilometer) 2 . 6 —=— 6 _=_ 3 _=— 10 _3_ 12 —- 16 — 16 _- 13 _ - 2° - - 22 . 2" I:— 26 . 28 . 30 32— 34 O-POOONO-DNU-DI‘UIVUIWO 1...-*OIOIlCI.I+OIIIIIOII+IIIIIIII.*IIIIlIIII+IIIII 0 2 lo 6 8 10 Histogrll freqnncy Percentile : Value = 15.00 : 5.00, 85.00 : 18.50 Figure 4.26 Frequency Distribution of Variable [SIDEOB] - ROAD SIDE OBSTRUCTIONS. 132 Count Midpoint ANNUAL ACCIDENT FREQUENCY (# of accidents/year per kilometer) 0 '.5 7 -° —=— g 1-3 _=— - —=— 3 1-5 _ - 0 2.0 3 2-5 _ - 2 3-° — - 3 -5 _=— o ‘00 . 0 4.5 . ‘1’ 3'3 _‘ 0 ah I 1 :1 _ o 73 1....t....I....*....I....+....I....‘f....I....+....I 0 2 6 6 8 10 Histogram frequency Percentile : Value 8 15.00 : 0.00, 85.00 : 3.50 Figure 4.27 Frequency Distribution of [ANACFQ] - ANNUAL ACCIDENT FREQUENCY. The frequency distribution of the independent variable [PWIDTH], much like the 2-lane case, showed that deficient pavement width neither occurred very frequently nor had a noticeable variance. The non-variability reflected that [PWIDTH] was not a robust candidate for modeling. The interpretation of the frequency distribution histogram for variable [INTSEC] required caution in the sense that the output was only for the six intersections in the experimental site. These were isolated spots and were not distributed in the 34 kilometers of the test section like the other hazards. 4.3.3 simple Correlations The correlation matrix showing the nature and the order of the relationship between the variables is presented in Table 4.14 133 2.88... 39.. 33. NN—o. canoe. gen. 5.8. 93. e93. «N2... 03... :33. "20:5 6688., 83.. can; :3. 88. Kc... can: 350.. .636. «on. EN. name—8 e088... has; SON. $13.. 933. mp8. 82.. one} 53.. 009. "gen :88.— p-n.. n58. ~o-.- not... 83.. 009.. 559.. 33. ~35”: 6688... 58¢. «NMN. $3. hemp. 33.. 2.2.. can. 38:: :88.- thp . . 38. 33. meow. . 3-. 32.. august: :88... gnu . - .68. . hope. . e23. 093. 3338 5089.. on“. n37. 52.. 03.4... 9.5.3.: 2.3; 83.- comp. mono. 328$. 588$ «no. coo—... "28°95 assoc... ~08. sushiaa 66608.. nag—E .Nduuei gdvedeuuoo DAB 11¢ CHAIR 134 The correlation matrix indicated all variables, except [MEDOPN] and [SIDEOB], had a positive relationship with accidents. This effect was noted as a point of concern while selecting final variables for model building. The decision about the retention of the variables was further subjected to various diagnostic tests for checking multicollinearity, and multiple procedures of performing regression analysis. 4.3.4 Eigenvalues and Condition Indices The computed eigenvalues and the condition indices are produced in 'Table 4.15. (A detailed. description. of the statistical terminologies and interpretation of this type of table is given in Section 4.2.4, page 109). The last eigenvalue in Table 4.15 (i.e. , 0.00658 at serial number 12) is the smallest and accounts for 21.173, 88.776, and 18.922 of the variance of [ISLAND], [PVCOND], and [SIDEOB] respectively. This implies that these three variables are susceptible to near dependency. Since other independent variables have small variance proportions for the 12th eigenvalue, they do not seem to have multicollinearity. However, the collinear variables are not sharply distinguished as there are only two condition indices (at serial 11 and 12) having their magnitude 12.000, and 33.664 respectively, higher than the rest. This indicates that there are two suspect cases of collinear variables. 135 § E s E‘ a ‘§ g E § s 10 § § 0 a ii a s 0 if! 3 § eNOSc. ~cmec. meaeN. macaw. «amnm. apnea. nnNee. pwmpe. scoop. annFe. creme. oNeee. oe~.e ppmee. sumac. mQNNe. mauve. epeae. «mace. woowe. oepee. Nmmpe. ance. mmeea. puppe. amp.a nc~—— o oewoe. moeee. Nepwe. No—ee. mac—N. ameaF. mveme. Neeee. Nooaa. mpwee. soeoe. aaeee. o~a.m emu—N a canoe. n—eee. emcee. mecca. ~eeee. comma. chesw. chmee. No~me. cam~e. cunnm. ecaee. sen.m ne¢o~ h -a~e. e~eae. neae~. cnpop. ph—ee. eOOne. ansee. ue~m—. euebp. mac—e. ounce. vaace. ~na.v nae—n c «ewee. caeee. nepwe. ~mo-e. ~e~ee. Mmeee. vmcmp. Npmem. emcee. ~eeee. N¢~ne. eeeee. mon.n enema m a-ee. eeeee. amnne. cooea. Peace. skaee. Noeee. «once. me—Nn. m~eee. eepee. eeeee. sp~.n eoawh a e—cce. e—eee. «came. cmmm~. hecce. unpea. enema. p-ee. vs—me. epaee. nonNe. Npeae. cae.~ ~cnne n apnea. —eeee. mompe. mhnvw. peace. -ece. manoe. cease. opece. ~eeee. ne—ee. mecca. env.~ eeno~.— ~ capee. o~eee. n-ea. Pm—ee. whpee. «area. en~ee. o~nee. eawcc. ac—ee. n~nee. N—eee. eea.— reamo.s F came—m 950).. 92.5— uwm»: «nag aha—3m she—3A .258 880* 9:58 See; cringe . x85 03¢) 363.63.... 3:33) 53:88 .565 .35.. .eeudaau soaudoaoo use aesnesdemwm .euauaoeaewn hvdueedwuuou m~.¢ sands 136 4.3.5 Variable Tolerance (TOL) and Variance Inflation Factor (VIP) The second diagnostic test of multicollinearity was comprised of computing variable tolerance and VIP. These statistics are produced in Table 4.16. Table 4.16 Collinearity Diagnostics: TOL and VIP. Variable Tolerance VIF [SIDEOB] .472085 2.118>> [INTSEC] .580699 1.722 [GDRAIL] ‘.826755 1.210 [SWIDTH] .571155 1.751 [PVCOND] .602800 1.659 [MEDOPN] .676510 1.478 [RIBBON] .599652 1.668 [SPATHS] .624303 1.602 [PWIDTH] .605702 1.651 [PMARKS] .567050 1.764 [ISLAND] .562582 1.778 >> Highest VIP. In Table 4.16, [SIDEOB] is the only variable having a clearly higher VIF value than the rest indicating one suspect case of dependency. The VIP analysis did not clearly show other dependencies, and only partially supported the findings based on the eigensystem diagnostic test which indicated [ISLAND], [PVCOND], and [SIDEOB] having interdependency. The cumulative conclusion drawn from the two diagnostic tests for mmlticollinearity (i.e., eigenvalues and the VIP tests) is that only one variable, [SIDEOB] failed both tests whereas [ISLAND] and [PVCOND] were not clearly indicated for interdependency. 137 4.3.6 Regression Analysis and the crucial variables To explore the most significant variables, all the eleven independent variables were entered to the process of BACKWARD ELIMINATION for regression analysis. The observed elimination sequence (in the order of variable significance based on a POUT = 0.100 criteria) is summarized in Table 4.17. Table 4.17 The Variable Removal Order by Backward Elimination. Step # Variable Removed T Sig T 1. [PWIDTH] -.251 .8035 3. [SPATHS] .220 .8274 s. [ISLAND] .777 .4440 As a result of this operation [RIBBON], [MEDOPN], [GDRAIL], [PMARKS], [INTSEC] and [SIDEOB] were retained as the six most significant variables. However, a negative coefficient was indicated for [SIDEOB] (as‘was expected.due to negative correlation). Besides, the FORWARD and STEPWISE methods excluded [MEDOPN] and [PMARKS] based on a PIN = 0.050 criteria. Thus [RIBBON], [GDRAIL] and [INTSEC] were selected as the three most relevant significant variables for model building. The results of various iterative runs of regression analysis indicated these three variables as the most appropriate regressors. However, it is important to note that [MEDOPN] would have been the next most significant variable for modeling if the selection criteria were relaxed. The output results of the final regression analysis are presented in Table 4.18. 138 Table 4.18 Statistical Results of Regression Analysis. Multiple R .81211 R Square .65952 Adjusted R Square .62547 Standard Error 1.04503 Analysis of Variance DP Sum of Squares Mean Square Regression 3 63.46281 21.15427 Residual 30 32.76268 1.09209 F = 19.37046 Signif F = .0000 Dependent Variable. [ANACFQ] ANNUAL ACCIDENT FREQUENCY Variables in the Equation Variable B SE B Beta T Sig T RIBBON .001932 3.79586E—04 .557823 5.089 .0000 GDRAIL .002189 6.41767E-04 .366633 3.410 .0019 INTSEC .158703 .057857 .303268 2.743 .0102 (Constant) .012487 .272011 .046 .9637 The indicated appropriateness of selecting independent variables, based on the different criteria employed in the study, is summarized in Table 4.19. Table 4.19 Indicated Appropriateness of Independent variables. VARIABLE SELECTION CRITERIA No. Variable FD NN MC RC 1. [RIBBON] + + + + 2. [SPATHS] + + + - 3. [MEDOPN] + - + - 4. [GDRAIL] + + + + 5. [PWIDTH] - + + - 6. [SWIDTH] + + + - 7. [PMARKS] + + + - 8. [INTSEC] + + + + 9. [ISLAND] + + - - 10. [PVCOND] + + - - 11. [SIDEOB] + - - - Symbols + 3 Variable indicated for inclusion in the predictive model. - 8 Variable not indicated for inclusion in the predictive model. Abbreviations PD 8 Frequency distribution. NN 8 Non-negativity. MC - Multicollinearity. RC - Regression. 139 Table 4.19 shows that, based on all four criteria of variable selection, the most appropriate variables indicated were [RIBBON], [GDRAIL] and [INTSEC]. 4.3.7 Accident Frequency Versus Rate as the Dependent Variable To incorporate the effect of traffic volume variation, accident rates for the various sections of the experimental site were calculated as explained in Section 4.2.7 (page 114). The correlation of the indicated variables with the two versions of accident data: 1) Annual Accident Frequency [ANACFQ]; and 2) Annual Accident Rate [ANACRT] were examined. A comparison of the two showed a nominal difference in the coefficients of correlation as shown in Table 4.20. Table 4.20 Correlation of Indicated Variables with Accident Frequency and Rates. Variables [ANACFQ] [ANACRT] 'RIBBON] .6403** .6969** spawns; .1486 .1260 HEDOPN] -.o921 —.1226 GDRAIL] .4245* .3537 'pwxnrn] .0743 .0148 SWIDTH] .0813 .0875 PMARKS] .3421 .2873 INTSEC] .4838* .3750 ISLAND .0122 .1065 pvcounl .2648 .2377 sxusos] -.1079 -.1203 1-tailed Significance: * - .01 ** - .001 The model development using [ANACFQ] and [ANACRT] as two separate dependent variables showed better statistical results for the "frequency" format as compared to "rate" (e.g., szor 140 [ANACFQ] was 0.65952 versus 0.62698 for [ANACRT]). Therefore, the [ANACFQ] was adopted as the dependent variable of the predictive model. Much like the 2-lane case, this selection was justified from a practical standpoint as well, considering that the computation of accident rate required additional information on traffic counts. 4.3.8 Final Accident PredictionMNodel and Test of Hypotheses It was concluded in Section 4.3.6 that [RIBBON], [GDRAIL] and [INTSEC] were the most appropriate independent variables for model building. The equation which finally emerged for predicting the accident potential of a 4-1ane divided.highway section provided the following relationship between the accident frequency and the hazardousness. Y“, = 0.012487 + 0.001932 81 + 0.002189 32 4' 0.150703 83 (4.7) where, Ym - Accident frequency per year per kilometer. x, - Length of ribbon development on both carriageways (meters). x2 - Length of highway section with deficient guardrail (meters). x, - The aggregated ratio of traffic conflicts to the operating volume in an intersection expressed as percent. The presence of [RIBBON] and [INTSEC] (i.e., x1 and x3) reveal that deficient control of access and lateral entrance conditions were predominantly associated with accidents in Pakistan. These findings are upheld by many studies made in the developed countries, and by the TRRL, 0.x. , for some third world countries [e.g., 95,98,99]. 141. Based on the following statistics of the predictive model R - 0.81211 R2 8 0.65952 3’”, - 0. 62547 F s 19.37046 Fm” - 0.0000 Variable T Sig T xl 5.089 0.0000 x2 3.410 0.0019 x, 2.743 0.0102 the null hypothesis of no linear relationship between the ambient hazardousness and accidents was rejected, and it was concluded that at probability of F=0.000, 62.55% of the variation in accidents was explained by three types of identified hazards. l) Deficient control of access; 2) Deficient provision of guardrail on warranted sections; and 3) Intersection deficiencies. Analysis of Residual and Predicted values The following four statistics for examining the residuals and predicted values were calculated. 1. PRED Unstandardized predicted values. 2. RESID Unstandardized residuals. 3. ZPRED Standardized predicted values. 4. ZRESID Standardized residuals. These statistics are presented in Table 4.21. 142 Table 4.21 Statistics for the Residuals and Predicted Values. Min Max Mean Std Dev N *PRED .0125 5.5138 1.4608 1.3868 34 *RESID -2.0442 3.7555 .0000 .9964 34 *ZPRED -1.0444 2.9226 .0000 1.0000 34 Durbin-Watson Test 8 2.09919 The Durbin-Watson statistic is a measure of auto- correlation in the residuals. Regression analysis assumes that the residuals are not auto-correlated, in which case the Durbin-Watson test should have a value near 2.00 [116]. The indicated value of 2.09919 for the constructed model signifies satisfactory non auto-correlation between the residuals. e du t e The SPSS system default produced the ten worst outlier cases based on absolute values of standardized residuals. The information furnished on outliers is presented in Table 4.22 which reveals that the model was good enough to predict accidents by a maximum error of _-I_-2 (taken as a discrete rounded value for # of accidents), with one exception. Table 4.22 Outliers - Standardized Residual. Case # Km *RESID *ZRESID 23 1572 3.75548 3.59366 30 1579 -2.04417 -1.95609 5 1554 -1.87951 -1.79852 22 1571 -1.56187 -1.49456 34 1583 -1.30388 -1.24769 11 1560 1.17303 1.12248 8 1557 .87809 .84025 6 1555 -.87478 -.83708 15 1564 .84745 .81093 12 1561 .83011 .79434 d No 1 143 The histogram for the standardized residuals is presented in Figure 4.28 (the interpretation of the histogram is given at page 119). Here the distribution does not seems to be normal due to clustering of residuals at the center and a steep tail toward negative values. The statistical literature [116] indicated the following supporting remarks: "it would unreasonable to expect the observed residuals to be exactly normal - some deviation is expected because of sampling error. Even if the errors are normally distributed in the population, sample residuals are only approximately normal". N Exp N 1 .03 Out 0 .05 3.00 0 .13 2.67 0 .30 2.33 0 .62 2.00 0 1.14 1.67 0 1.87 1.33 2 2.74 .00 3 3.51 .67 5 4.25 .33 12 4.50 .00 5 4e26 -e33 1 3e61 -e67 1 2e74 '1.00 2 1.87 -1e33 1 1e14 -1e67 1 .62 '2.00 0 .30 '2.33 0 .13 '2.67 0 .05 '3.00 0 .03 Out Figure 4.28 (* = 1 Cases, . : a Normal Curve) * O O 0 es, are. ***:* eeeegeeeeeee stage II“ Histogram - Standardized Residual . Erasmus; The comparison of the probability of the observed and the predicted values is presented by the normal probability plot in Figure 4.29. The cumulative distributions of the two 144 entities were plotted against each other and examined for deviation from the expected straight line. By observing the scatter of the predicted points about the expected straight line, it was inferred that with the exception of a few data points, the probability of having the predicted values from the developed model will be reasonably close to the actual values. ** .** sees .75 0 we .p sees as . * 0 *******° . e ** 00.:gu.= u........ on on on ~n.. nnm. ~o.~. no... na~o. mo~o. ~nho. c...u:=s-» .... ...;o o~ on us «no opm. oo.~. puma. onwo. acne. ~roo. c....==s.» ..ag.gu an ac ~s .s_. «on. c....o.3 .gn». gag». .gn’. .gn,. ”numb... .~u<»a_. ndoopz_. noun»... "—.m»a__ ca........c. u. «a a: up ..2 .2952: + 38;: e "camps: 6 pumps: e 88;: Jose‘s 533...»... .6 83.326 .3. 7 4323363.»): ... 8:25.966): a 2932: .333 a 38.—...: .mp3 a 38.—z: 622. . Camp-.8 .c...o.m >.:-~ ..c...~ .52. ..ea m 3:89:83: .6 :5 3:3»; Bum—.38 a: "fight: :2 820332.:— ot: >823 aubu< 325.0 cum..." pg: "Samba: :9. 02:85 25:53 3303135 0»: >55 «Camps: :2 a—s—u—ug Bung;— ufi-wuhl: I! 200 u um): locum I.“ MFICIEICII ID" [SPDCHG]: ABRUPT SPEED CHANGE Mil [LANCHG]: ABRWT LANE CHANGE Unit of Measurement: 8 par kilometer (weighted) Z-Lane, Z-Uay Sections USLAMD] ' [SPDCHG] + [LANCHG]. [SPDCHG] I (Lou ASCX‘I) * (Medit- ASCXZ) * (High A8616”. [LANCHG] I (LOH ALCX‘I) '1’ (Mediu- ALCXZ) 1' (High ALDEN. km. Abrupt Speed Change Abrupt Lane Change LOH Medi In M i gh [SPDCHG] LOH Medi in Ii i d! [LANCHG] [ISLAD] 1681 .00 .00 .00 .00 1681 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1682 .00 .00 .00 .00 1682 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 1.00 1683 .00 .00 .00 .00 1683 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1686 .00 .00 .00 .00 1686 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1685 .00 .00 .00 .00 1685 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1686 .00 .00 .00 .00 1686 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1687 .00 .00 .00 .00 1687 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1688 .00 .00 .00 .00 1688 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1693 .00 .00 .00 .00 1693 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1696 .00 .00 .00 .00 1696 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1695 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 1695 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 2.00 1696 1.00 1.00 .00 3.00 1696 2.00 1.00 .00 6.00 7.00 1697 .00 .00 .00 .00 1697 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 1.00 1698 .00 .00 .00 .00 1698 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1699 .00 .00 .00 .00 1699 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1500 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 1500 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 1501 .00 .00 .00 .00 1501 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1502 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 1502 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 1503 .00 .00 .00 .00 1503 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1506 .00 .00 .00 .00 1506 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1505 .00 .00 .00 .00 1505 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1506 .00 .00 .00 .00 1506 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1507 .00 .00 .00 .00 1507 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 1.00 1508 .00 .00 .00 .00 1508 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 1.00 1509 .00 .00 .00 .00 1509 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1510 .00 .00 .00 .00 1510 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1511 .00 .00 .00 .00 1511 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1512 .00 .00 .00 .00 1512 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1513 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 1513 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 2.00 1516 .00 .00 .00 .00 1516 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1515 .00 1.00 .00 2.00 1515 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 3.00 1516 .00 .00 .00 .00 1516 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1517 .00 .00 .00 .00 1517 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1518 .00 .00 .00 .00 1518 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1519 .00 .00 .00 .00 1519 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1520 .00 .00 .00 .00 1520 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1521 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 1521 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 1522 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 1522 .00 1.00 .00 2.00 3.00 1523 .00 .00 .00 .00 1523 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1526 .00 .00 .00 .00 1526 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1525 .00 .00 .00 .00 1525 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1526 .00 .00 .00 .00 1526 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1527 .00 .00 .00 .00 1527 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1528 .00 .00 .00 .00 1528 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1529 .00 .00 .00 .00 1529 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 1.00 1530 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 1530 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 2.00 1531 .00 .00 .00 .00 1531 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1532 .00 .00 .00 .00 1532 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1533 .00 .00 .00 .00 1533 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1536 .00 .00 .00 .00 1536 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1535 .00 .00 .00 .00 1535 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 201 I. M]: Mm mama IAN“ Unit of Measurement: tuber (rated) per kilometer 2-Lane, 2-Uay Sections Subjective Rating Muer Cwlative Rating I A commits rating based on above specified distress. Sue itemized I Sill [Cracking + Rutting + Roughness + Dropoff]. [PVCGID] I ((81. itemized) + (Cwlative Rating)i/Z.00 Cumalative itemized Rating Rating Cracking Rutting Roughness Dropoff itami zed m. nus 762 6:6n66m .5561 569fiufis 1%. 666066606606 .omwmmmwmmomo mmmmwmmwmmwmwwwwmmmwwwwmmwwmmmmwmwmmwwwwwmmmmmwmm666 666666666 66 6666665m5666665m66666 .666660 6:666663666 o66666666666666666666666666mmmmwmwwmmmwmwmmmwmmmm666 86636umun9666666663666766:un6666636uu661nnfimwum 666666666mmwwmwmmmmwmmmwwwwmmwmwmwmwwmmmwmmmwmmmm666 554.7749‘658'?’90‘0187‘5020895"798776085600756095‘567 1111 11‘ mmwmmwwmwmmwmmm666666666666mmmwmwmmwwwmwmmmmwmmwmmmm 77667878689180788900'91‘1oz1°99776789877208708056655 “11111 o666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 mmmmmmmmmmommmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmm o1350532565‘76556m875681676232578" 0.415635273535302 alelelelelelelelelalelelelelslelel elelalalelq‘elelelelalelelelel elelelalelelelel elel 202 Unit of Measurement: tuber per kilometer . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m . . . ..I . t . . u . s . . v. u m . . . 2 u e . . . . I— . . . 2 m. " Zea. ’12. ml...- arr. . . t . . m . . . cum. .3. . el . i.el. ‘tt. 65M“. . m . Ccc" .l . an. 660;. ll. RR" 8...." 111 . man" Boat. S . (cc. (mmtn) (Count #1) 6666666066666666666666mo6066666666£flmmflfl666666666666 12765a92177““6598565150fi9BM78726637uwa 8.Lihmilmmkwm 666666666666mmmm6666666666666666wwmmmmmwmmwmmwwwwmmw e0l.27.‘..2 8.eeH.eeH.7.6. 9.‘.~.7.8.:Q.6..O. Seal. .mmnmsmhmul 5‘6Lo.el.6.,u ..I. 666666666666wmmmwwwwwmmwwwmmmwmwmwmmwwmwmmwmmmmmmmmm 11155 L 7 7 12 7 0123656789 1 7 1 5 ummmmmammmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmm...any?”nunmammmmmnmmmnmmmnm elalelelelalelelelalelelelelelalelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelel 203 lh3’\ I. mm: KHCIEIT mum. N Unit of iieeeurenent: utere per kilueter (b-Lene Divided Sectione) [RIM] . ” (Ribbon Develop-mt). [SPAIHSJ 8 Su (Specific Pethe). new») I Iiedien Opening. Specific Pethe Median mooning Ribbon Developent hetero) (netere) teeters) SOC mwmmmmwmmwmmmmmmwmmwwmmwmmwwwmmwmm wmz “muufiwsmufisanm339165366msann3 wmmmwmwwwmmmwmwwmmwmwmwmmmmwwmwwmm u6unumnufiwvv£esu oauuma1zuaauneuo1 e8l.e6l.3.Q.B.27.9. .518.7.o§.5“5 ‘4Q3808227782 .3..el. 3 mmwwmmmwwmmmmmmmmmwmwwmmmwmmmwmwmw 7 mm m. mo mmem Mmmeme mammmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmm m mm mm mmmmm mmumwmmmmmmuaw mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmm mm mm m mmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm NBC 8 North Bound Corriegeuey sac - South om Corriegmy 204 ll mum: DEFICIENT mu. SEC"!!! Unit of Neaeurauent: netere per kilo-eter (6-Lane Divided Sections) [GDRAIL] I Slli [Deficient Guardrail Sectional. Kn. Deficient Guardrail Sactione (Deters) N00 500 Left Right Left Right [011611.] 1550 222.00 110.00 .00 .00 332.00 1551 30.00 .00 .00 .00 30.00 1552 .00 .00 50.00 .00 50.00 1553 .00 .00 25.00 .00 25.00 1556 60.00 .00 .00 .00 60.00 1555 .00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 1556 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1557 .00 .00 50.00 .00 50.00 1550 .00 .00 77.00 .00 77.00 1559 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1560 232.00 266.00 .00 .00 676.00 1561 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1562 .00 .00 66.00 .00 66.00 1563 .00 .00 65.00 .00 65.00 1566 .00 .00 66.00 .00 66.00 1565 570.00 660.00 230.00 230.00 1690.00 1566 530.00 .00 165.00 .00 695.00 1567 .00 .00 62.00 .00 62.00 1560 50.00 .00 70.00 .00 120.00 1569 136.00 .00 122.00 .00 256.00 1570 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1571 .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 1572 .00 .00 30.00 .00 30.00 1573 112.00 110.00 .00 .00 230.00 1576 250.00 210.00 .00 .00 660.00 1575 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1576 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1577 50.00 .00 .00 .00 50.00 1570 .00 .00 20.00 .00 20.00 1579 50.00 .00 50.00 .00 100.00 1500 60.00 .00 .00 .00 60.00 1501 05.00 .00 162.00 .00 227.00 1502 110.00 .00 110.00 .00 236.00 1503 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 NBC I North Sound Carriaoeaay SOC 8 South Domd Carriageuay 205 II WIDTH]: DEFICIEI‘I’ PAM 9107' Unit of Measurement: netera per kilometer (6-Lane Divided Sections) [PNlD‘l’li] . sun [(Variation)’]. Variation I (3.65 x Nulber of lanea - Pvt. Nidth). A negative variation signifies pave-ant wider than apecified. Kn. Pavenent Nidth Variation m (aetera) (eaters) N00 300 N00 500 1550 7.10 7.50 .20 -.20 .00 1551 7.60 7.30 -.10 .00 .01 1552 7.60 7.30 -.10 .00 .01 1553 7.30 7.30 .00 .00 .00 1556 7.30 7.30 .00 .00 .00 1555 7.50 7.00 -.20 .30 .13 1556 7.20 7.30 .10 .00 .01 1557 7.50 7.30 -.20 .00 .06 1550 7.50 0.50 -.20 -1.20 1.60 1559 7.60 0.00 -.10 -1.50 2.26 1560 7.00 0.00 .30 -.70 .50 1561 0.00 7.00 -1.50 .30 2.36 1562 9.00 7.90 -1.70 -.60 3.25 1563 0.70 7.30 -1.60 .00 1.96 1566 7.20 7.30 .10 .00 .01 1565 7.50 0.00 -.20 .1.50 2.29 1566 7.00 7.60 ~.50 -.10 .26 1567 7.50 7.50 -.20 -.20 .00 1560 7.60 7.50 -.10 -.20 .05 1569 0.00 0.00 -1.50 -.70 2.76 1570 7.30 7.50 .00 -.20 . 1571 7.50 7.30 -.20 .00 .06 1572 7.30 7.30 .00 .00 .00 1573 7.30 7.20 .00 .10 .01 1576 7.60 7.00 -.10 .30 .10 1575 7.30 7.00 .00 .30 .09 1576 7.00 7.00 .30 .30 .10 1577 6.00 7.00 .50 .30 .36 1570 7.00 7.00 .30 .30 .10 1579 7.50 7.00 -.20 .30 .13 1500 7.30 7.30 .00 .00 .00 1501 7.30 7.30 .00 .00 .00 1502 7.30 7.30 .00 .00 .00 1503 7.30 7.30 .00 .00 .00 NBC I North Bound Carriageuay SBC . South Bound Carriageuay 206 I. mom: fiFICIEIT mm mm Unit of Measureaent: eaters per kilo-eter (6-Lane Divided Sections) [SUIDTN] I Sill [Deficiency (+ values only”. Deficiency I (3.00 - Shoulder Nidth). A negative deficiency signifies ahoulder uider than specified. mom Deficiency (asters) Shoulder Nidth (eaters) NBC Left Right Left “flit Rid“ Left Ridlt Left mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ”mama m samumuwwwsaanummuummwsmumm mmwmmwwwm mwmm wwwwmmwmmwwwwm wwww I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I elal el al 2 mmmwwmmmwwmmm ”an wwmwmwmmwmw I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11111 11.1 elalaleleloeh LLLZLehalel. mmammmmmm....m.m.mmmxwwmwmwwmmmwmm al elal..al .alelalel 2.1 e1 1111 12211111 mammmwmmwmwmmmwmmwmmmmwmwwwwmwmmw I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 .a... . .a.l .ahel. mmmmmmwmommmwomommm ommmmmmmmwmmmm 2233333322333222333223333333313333 mmmmmmmwmmmwommmowmmmmmwmommmmwmwm 22222333333322222222‘2222222112222 mo mmmmmommmmmmsmmmmmmmwwomwmmwmmm 2222232332222213222321221221112222 mmmmmowmwommmmmwmwwmmommmmmwmmmmwm 122333233232233‘332232322‘33322333 mausunuyummmmmwmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnmmum 5555555555 55555555555 5 111111111111111111‘111‘1111111‘111 NBC I North Bound Carriageuay SBC I South Bound Carriageuay .2()7 8303.28 ...-0. .333 09. 8300228 353 5.5.. n um: ... 8” n8. 8 8. 8. 8. . . 8. 8. 8m. 8 8. 8. 8. W. %. Mm" 8 ~ 8 8.... .8. 8 8. 8. 8. 8.8... 8. .8. 8.... 8.8.... 8.. 8 8. 8. 8. 8.8... 8. 8.... 8... 8.8.... km. 8 8. 8. 8.8... 8...... 8. 2... ”mum fiugm mm" % 8” 8” 88... 88.”. 8. R... “an.“ $.88... 8.8m 83.5.... 2. ...... 2... .... 8 a”. fi. %. ”man." a”. Rm" e e I e e I .... 8.8.. mm... 1.” 3. %. um. %. avg." mm" 8.... 8.8.... Rm. 8 8. 8. 8. 8...... 8. n... 8.. 8..... km. 8 8. 8. 8.8... 8.8... 8. fl fin» $8... Km" ”u 838”. 8” 88.”. 8.8.”. 8. Km" 8” 8.... 8.8... 8.05...» is .2 Sn. 8 8. . 8 8 8. . 8 ... . 8 ”sow" 8... 8.8... 8.3... 83.5.... .... .3. 8.8... 8.8... 8. 8.8... 8.8.. 8. .... 8 .. 8 8... 8a. 868.. 8.8... 8. 8.8... 868.. 8. 8m. 8”. 8.8.. ...... 8.8a 8.8. 8. 8.8... 868.. 8. ..m. 8 m 8.8.. 8.8m 83.5.... ...... 3:... 3m. 8. 8. 8. 8.8... 8.8.. 8. 3n. 8.. 868. no... 8. 8. 8. 8.8... 8.8... 8. 8. 8. 3n. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. fl. 8.. 868. n... 8. 868.. 8. 8. 8...... 8. no." 8”. 858. 3a. 8. 868.. 8. 8. 868.. 8. 3.. fl." fiufiu 8.8. 83.5.... ...... 8.. Wm" %. $8.". 8. 8. 868.. 8.. .8. . . . .8. . 8. 8. 868.. 8. 8m. 8 . 8 .8.. .8. 8. 8.8... 8. 8. ...8... 8. 8e. gogoc e e I e e e I e a“. .... ... .... ...... ...... a..." a. .. ...... .. .... “an" ”mam“... “mm" 8” 88.". 8. 8. 868”. 8. mm" ”mum “mug“ 868 8.85.... E... ...... an. n“ %.%m . fl. «“8... mafia." «a. “mm" a e e I e I e flu» ““88 mm m $8.“. a” gnaw; «van»; %. “mm" ......... ...mHm.....m..8m. 8.8. 8.85.... .5. ...-...... 8m. 8 $8. . a. fig." gnaw." «u. ...mm" 83...... S... .................................... ”fin“... m0...~ 0E“ ..... Emmnm..mflmmum:flmhm ............. .............................................. m8 8.. anoo.‘ co «octave: “rummmmmnmuuuam.m.m.o.w uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ................................ WWWWW.....w...m.w...wmmwwm::..H......-.......- . .23.... 5853......9..8 .5. .IIILI smuwouccuc— v. 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Ba 83 is... a a. a... 8.! :33» :82. a. on: 835 8m, 8m 85 83:8 8 .8... . ..8 88: $2 8: R 8m. 3m 8m. ..8 8.23. 2: a... ..25 . ..8 .8.: 8m 83 > Sm. an 89 38...... ..8 . .3 ..8 82 8: a. 8m. 3m 89 u. .5 2.. .3 - 8 5. 32 835 8“. 8m 83 5.3.88 .5 a... “.8.: . . .8.: at 83 > 8m. .8 83 5.3.88. .5 a... ..8 . . ..8 8: 83:“ 8.: 8n .Iu 8.8.5.. .3: A... .8302: .302; .0 .02 ...v 8.. .... a: ‘3 33 .5 .3... “FOOOOOFOOOOP O OOPPPNHOPNNPO QmeOOmOWOO—v Appendix B The SPSS Program for Data Analyses 225 SPSS COMMAND AND PROGRAM FILES FOR DATA ANALYSIS SET MORE = OFF. ************************************************************ * 2-LANE ANALYSIS. ************************************************************ TITLE ’2-LANE ANALYSIS’. DATA LIST FREE FILE = ’2L2W.DAT’/ KM (A) RIBBON SPATHS GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB HZINDX ACCFRQ ACCRAT. VARIABLE LABELS KM ’KILOMETER NO.’ RIBBON ’RIBBON DEVELOPMENT’ / SPATHS ’SPECIFIC LATERAL PATHS’/ GDRAIL ’DEFICIENT GUARDRAIL’ PWIDTH ’DEF. PAVEMENT WIDTH’ / SWIDTH ’DEF. SHOULDER WIDTH’ / PMARKS ’DEF. PVT. MARKINGS’ INTSEC ’INTERSECTION DEFCY.’ ISLAND ’ISOLATED LANE DEFICIENCIES’ / PVCOND ’PVT. CONDITION RATG.’/ SIDEOB ’ROADSIDE OBSTRUCTION’ / HZINDX ’HAZARD INDEX’] ACCFRQ ’ACCIDENT FREQUENCY’I ACCRAT ’ACCIDENT RATE’. SAVE OUTFILE = ’2L2W.SYS’. GET / FILE ’2L2W.SYS’. COMPUTE ANACFQ=(ACCFRQ/3.0). COMPUTE ANACRT=(ACCRAT/3.0). VARIABLE LABELS ANACFQ ’ANNUAL ACCIDENT FREQUENCY’ ANACRT 'ANNUAL ACCIDENT RATE'. DESCRIPTIVES / VARIABLES ALL. * CORRELATIONS. CORRELATIONS I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ WITH RIBBON SPATHS GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ. * FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS. FREQUENCY / VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ HZINDX / FORMAT NOTABLE / HISTOGRAM NORMAL / PERCENTILE 15 85 / STATISTICS DEFAULT. 226 * TEST FOR MULTICOLLINEARITY. REGRESSION / VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ / STATISTICS COLLIN / DEPENDENT ANACFQ / METHOD ENTER. REGRESSION / VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ / STATISTICS TOL / DEPENDENT ANACFQ / METHOD ENTER. * REGRESSION ANALYSIS. * BACKWARD ELIMINATION METHOD. REGRESSION / VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ / DESCRIPTIVES / DEPENDENT ANACFQ / METHOD BACKWARD. * FORWARD SELECTION. REGRESSION / VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ / DESCRIPTIVES / DEPENDENT ANACFQ / METHOD FORWARD. * STEPWISE SELECTION. REGRESSION / VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ / DESCRIPTIVES / DEPENDENT ANACFQ / METHOD STEPWISE. * EXAMINE TRAFFIC VARIABILITY EFFECT. CORRELATIONS / VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB WITH ANACFQ ANACRT. REGRESSION / VARIABLES RIBBON GDRAIL ANACRT / DEPENDENT ANACRT / METHOD BACKWARD. * EXAMINE RESIDUALS. REGRESSION / VARIABLES RIBBON GDRAIL ANACFQ / DEPENDENT ANACFQ / METHOD BACKWARD / RESIDUALS DEFAULT HISTOGRAM (RESID BRED) OUTLIERS NORMPROB (RESID FRED). * REGRESSION ANALYSIS WITH ONE DATA SET. * GEOMETRIC DATA ONLY. * BACKWARD ELIMINATION METHOD. REGRESSION I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS ANACFQ / DEPENDENT ANACFQ / METHOD BACKWARD. 227 * FORWARD SELECTION. REGRESSION I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS ANACFQ / DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD FORWARD. * STEPWISE SELECTION. REGRESSION / VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS ANACFQ / DEPENDENT ANACFQ / METHOD STEPWISE. * CONFLICT DATA ONLY. * BACKWARD ELIMINATION METHOD. REGRESSION I VARIABLES INTSEC ISLAND ANACFQ / DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD BACKWARD. * FORWARD SELECTION. REGRESSION / VARIABLES INTSEC ISLAND ANACFQ / DEPENDENT ANACFQ / METHOD FORWARD. * STEPWISE SELECTION. REGRESSION I VARIABLES INTSEC ISLAND ANACFQ I DEPENDENT ANACFQ / METHOD STEPWISE. * SUBJECTIVE RATING DATA ONLY. * BACKWARD ELIMINATION METHOD. REGRESSION I VARIABLES PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ I DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD BACKWARD. * FORWARD SELECTION. REGRESSION / VARIABLES PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ I DEPENDENT ANACFQ / METHOD FORWARD. * STEPWISE SELECTION. REGRESSION / VARIABLES PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ / DEPENDENT ANACFQ / METHOD STEPWISE. * HAZARD INDEX DEVELOPMENT. COMPUTE HI = (RIBBON + SPATHS + GDRAIL + PWIDTH + SWIDTH + PMARKS + INTSEC + ISLAND + PVCOND + SIDEOB). DESCRIPTIVES I VARIABLES ALL. CORRELATIONS I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB HZINDX HI WITH ANACFQ. * GRAPH BETWEEN HZINDX AND ANACFQ. PLOT I FORMAT REGRESSION I TITLE ’HAZARD INDEX 2-LANE’I VERTICAL 'Annual Acc. Freq'] HORIZONTAL 'Hazard Index' [PLOT ANACFQ WITH HZINDX. 228 ************************************************************ * 4-LANE ANALYSIS. ************************************************************ TITLE ’4-LANE ANALYSIS’. DATA LIST FREE FILE = ’4LDH.DAT’/ KM (A) RIBBON SPATHS MEDOPN GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB HZINDX ACCFRQ ACCRAT. VARIABLE LABELS KM ’KILOMETER NO.’ RIBBON ’RIBBON DEVELOPMENT’ / SPATHS ’SPECIFIC LATERAL PATHS’I MEDOPN ’MEDIAN OPENINGS’I GDRAIL ’DEFICIENT GUARDRAIL’ PWIDTH ’DEF. PAVEMENT WIDTH’ I SWIDTH ’DEF. SHOULDER WIDTH’ I PMARKS ’DEF. PVT. MARKINGS’ I INTSEC ’INTERSECTION DEFCY.’ ISLAND ’ISOLATED LANE DEFICIENCIES’ I PVCOND ’PVT. CONDITION RATG.’I SIDEOB ’ROADSIDE OBSTRUCTION’ I HZINDX ’HAZARD INDEX’I ACCFRQ ’ACCIDENT FREQUENCY’I ACCRAT ’ACCIDENT RATE’. SAVE OUTFILE = ’4LDH.SYS’. GET I FILE ’4LDH.SYS’. COMPUTE ANACFO=(ACCFRO/3.O). COMPUTE ANACRT=(ACCRAT/3.0). VARIABLE LABELS ANACFQ 'ANNUAL ACCIDENT FREQUENCY' ANACRT 'ANNUAL ACCIDENT RATE’. DESCRIPTIVES / VARIABLES ALL. * CORRELATIONS. CORRELATIONS I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS MEDOPN GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ WITH RIBBON SPATHS MEDOPN GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ. * FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS. FREQUENCY I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS MEDOPN GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ HZINDX I FORMAT NOTABLE I HISTOGRAM NORMAL / PERCENTILE 15 85 I STATISTICS DEFAULT. * TEST FOR MULTICOLLINEARITY. REGRESSION I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS MEDOPN GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ I STATISTICS COLLIN I DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD ENTER. 229 REGRESSION I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS MEDOPN GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ I STATISTICS TOL I DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD ENTER. * REGRESSION ANALYSIS. * BACKWARD ELIMINATION METHOD. REGRESSION I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS MEDOPN GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ I DESCRIPTIVES I DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD BACKWARD. * FORWARD SELECTION. REGRESSION I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS MEDOPN GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ I DESCRIPTIVES I DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD FORWARD. * STEPWISE SELECTION. REGRESSION I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS MEDOPN GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ I DESCRIPTIVES I DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD STEPWISE. * EXAMINE TRAFFIC VARIABILITY EFFECT. CORRELATIONS I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS MEDOPN GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB WITH ANACFQ ANACRT. REGRESSION I VARIABLES RIBBON GDRAIL INTSEC ANACRT I DEPENDENT ANACRT I METHOD BACKWARD. * EXAMINE RESIDUALS. REGRESSION I VARIABLES RIBBON GDRAIL INTSEC ANACFQ I DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD BACKWARD I RESIDUALS DEFAULT HISTOGRAM (RESID PRED) OUTLIERS NORMPROB (RESID PRED). * REGRESSION ANALYSIS WITH ONE DATA SET. * GEOMETRIC DATA ONLY. * BACKWARD ELIMINATION METHOD. REGRESSION I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS MEDOPN GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS ANACFQ I DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD BACKWARD. * FORWARD SELECTION. REGRESSION I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS MEDOPN GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS ANACFQ I DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD FORWARD. * STEPWISE SELECTION. ' REGRESSION I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS MEDOPN GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS ANACFQ I DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD STEPWISE. 230 * CONFLICT DATA ONLY. * BACKWARD ELIMINATION METHOD. REGRESSION I VARIABLES INTSEC ISLAND ANACFQ I DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD BACKWARD. * FORWARD SELECTION. REGRESSION I VARIABLES INTSEC ISLAND ANACFQ I DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD FORWARD. * STEPWISE SELECTION. REGRESSION I VARIABLES INTSEC ISLAND ANACFQ I DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD STEPWISE. * SUBJECTIVE RATING DATA ONLY. * BACKWARD ELIMINATION METHOD. REGRESSION I VARIABLES PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ I DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD BACKWARD. * FORWARD SELECTION. REGRESSION I VARIABLES PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ / DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD FORWARD. * STEPWISE SELECTION. REGRESSION I VARIABLES PVCOND SIDEOB ANACFQ I DEPENDENT ANACFQ I METHOD STEPWISE. * HAZARD INDEX DEVELOPMENT. COMPUTE HI 8 (RIBBON + SPATHS + MEDOPN + GDRAIL + PWIDTH + SWIDTH + PMARKS + INTSEC + ISLAND + PVCOND + SIDEOB). DESCRIPTIVES I VARIABLES ALL. CORRELATIONS I VARIABLES RIBBON SPATHS MEDOPN GDRAIL PWIDTH SWIDTH PMARKS INTSEC ISLAND PVCOND SIDEOB HZINDX HI WITH ANACFQ. * GRAPH BETWEEN HZINDX AND ANACFQ. PLOT I FORMAT REGRESSION I TITLE ’HAZARD INDEX 4-LANE’ /VERTICAL 'Annual Acc. Freq'lHORIZONTAL 'Hazard Index' [PLOT ANACFQ WITH HZINDX. FINISH. INTERr