EFFECT OF ORGANIC ACIDS AND NON-PROTEIN-NITROGEN 0N FUNGAL GROWTH, NUTRITIVE VALUE, FERMENTATEON, AND REFERMENTATSQN OF CORR SiLAGE AND HEGH MOiSTURE CORN Bissertation for the Degree of Ph. D. MICHéGAN STATE UNWERSITY DANNY GELBERT BRITT 1973 I/ " ""‘U-I-um III 1IL/9IQIIIIII8II5/Ig/ III/ III L 3171 ““3211. 11g:- 1.33:3 UH; 1W Sgt)! This is to certify that the thesis entitled EFFECT OF ORGANIC ACIDS AND NON-PROTEIN-NITROGEN 0N FUNGAL GROWTH, NUTRITIVE VALUE, FERMENTATION, AND REFERMENTATION 0F CORN SILAGE AND HIGH MOISTURE CORN presented by Danny Gilbert Britt has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph. D. degree in Dairy Science and Institute of Nutrition // Major professor / / Date 343/15 0-7 639 1 BINDING BY I k H0 is & sons 1 mm anm me 595 = I BWPLBESIMI 1 1.2%".1’fi flu“ .mfv.’ ..(1 ...U8, .. . r., .1.) .'1 fit ..r t 1-}? train?! as»: 1 . 11 q : l....\st.. . 4.: '«P . F a if: M n. . . , I . . .. . C . x2 . . . y . , 1 ., i I _ z I . ABSTRACT EFFECT OF ORGANIC ACIDS AND NON—PROTEIN-NITROGEN ON FUNGAL GROWTH, NUTRITIVE VALUE, FERMENTATION AND REFERMENTATION 0F CORN SILAGE AND HIGH MOISTURE CORN By Danny Gilbert Britt Experiments were conducted with corn silage and high moisture shelled corn to evaluate the preservative value of organic acids and non-protein-nitrogen additives on the fungal growth during fermentation and refermentation. Whole chopped corn (35% BM) in lots of 56 kg was treated with either propionic, formic, propionic plus formic or propionic plus acetic acids at 0, 0.5, l or 2%; and with either urea, aqua-ammonia or ammonia- molasses solution at 0, .2, .4, or .8% added nitrogen. Treated material was placed in polyethylene bags inside 200 2 drums, evacuated, and sealed. Forages were sampled and temperatures measured at various in- tervals during fermentation. After fermentation was completed, 12 kg portions of the preserved forages were placed in open containers and stored at 25 C. At various dates during refermentation forages were D I'T" Danny Gilbert Britt sampled, aerated, and temperatures measured. Samples were analyzed for VFA, lactic acid, pH, and number and type of fungi. During refermentation acid treatment at 2% reduced the average temperatures when compared to controls (19.8° vs 24.4°; P < .01); and .5 and 2% acid reduced (P < .Ol) the maximum temperature compared to controls (33.6°, 29.6°, and 37.5°, respectively). Propionic at .5 and l% was more effective than other acids. Lactic acid production was significantly depressed by all acids at 2% addition. All treatments containing propionic acid required more days (P < .01) before visual mold was detected (7.0, l3.4, 20.0, and 20.5 days; for formic, propi— onic plus formic, propionic plus acetic and propionic, respectively). Days until complete molding was also increased by acid treatment. All acids significantly decreased fungal colonies within 2 days after addi- tion. During refermentation all treatments at 1% acid exhibited a rapid increase in number of colonies; however, propionic acid treated silages showed less fungal growth than those treated with formic acid. The relative proportion of yeasts was greatest at initiation of fermentation and decreased at day 40 (from 70 to 10%). During re- fermentation, growth of yeast again accelerated. The proportion of Geotrichum was highest at day 40 of fermentation. Aspergillus was significantly higher at day 40 of fermentation and day 36 of refermen- tation. No significant amounts of Penicillium were detected at any date. 2 Danny Gilbert Britt Initial pH increased with nitrogen addition. At .8% nitrogen, pH values for urea, aqua-anmonia and ammonia-solution were 6.35, 9.88, and 9.65, respectively. Added nitrogen also resulted in large pH in— creases during refermentation. Ammonia added at .2% nitrogen increased, but higher levels depressed lactate production in silages. Upon spoil- age lactic acid disappeared. Silages treated with the ammonia—solution required the longest to spoil (P < .01). Ammonia nitrogen reduced total fungal colony counts (P < .01) at 30 minutes after treatment; but during fermentation, no differences between treatments were noted. At both .4 and .8% nitrogen, fungal counts were lower (P < .01) than at 0 and 2%. Treatment did not significantly change the relative proportions of fungi during spoilage. The majority of fungi were yeast and Geotrichum while some Aspergillus and Penicillium were identified. However, yeast de- creased and Geotrichum increased during spoilage on all treatments (P < .01). High moisture shelled corn (27% moisture) was treated with: 1) propionic acid (at 1.2%), 2) a mixture of 80% propionic and 20% acetic acid (1.2%), 3) aqua-ammonia (at .54% NH3) or 4) a commercial ammonia solution (at .63% NH3). Calculated recovery of nitrogen for the ammonia treatments after storage was 60% on the ammonia solution and 36% for the aqua-ammonia while about 80% of the propionic acid was recovered. No significant changes in nitrogen or acid content were 3 Danny Gilbert Britt observed during storage. Fungi were reduced by all additives (21 vs 690 colonies/g X 103) 30 minutes after treatment. Fungal colony counts after 28 days for the aqua-ammonia and control treatments were signifi- cantly higher than the others. During late storage both anmonia treat- ments showed increases in fungal colonies. They occurred earlier and were of greater magnitude for the aqua- than the ammonia—solution. After 60 days of storage, corn treated with aqua—ammonia heated to 50 C while the other treatments remained at ambient temperature. After roll- ing the corn prior to feeding the aqua-ammonia corn had higher fungi (P < .05) than other treatments and that treated with the ammonia— solution heated to 30 C. The propionic acid treated corn remained at ambient temperature (4-10 C) and did not heat after rolling. Lactating dairy cows (8 per group) readily consumed all corn in a 5—week feeding trial even though that treated with aqua-ammonia was heavily molded. No health problems were detected in any of the cows due to eating the moldy corn. Milk production was 21.2, 18.4, and 19.3 kg for treatments 1, 3, and 4 respectively (P < .109) and persis- tencies of milk yield (trt/std) averaged 93, 88, and 81% (P < .126). EFFECT OF ORGANIC ACIDS AND NON-PROTEIN-NITROGEN ON FUNGAL GROWTH, NUTRITIVE VALUE, FERMENTATION, AND REFERMENTATION OF CORN SILAGE AND HIGH MOISTURE CORN By Danny Gilbert Britt A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Dairy Science and Institute of Nutrition 1973 “I: DEDICATION O- I would like to dedicate this thesis to my father, Mr. Gilbert Britt, and grandfather, Mr. Andrew Britt, who instilled in the author the desire to never quit. r O . ' ¥ ., o b ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to Dr. J. T. Huber for his advice and counsel throughout his graduate program. His support and encouragement have been greatly appreciated. The author would also like to express his gratitude to other members of the graduate committee; Dr. H. Hafs, Dr. A. Rogers, and Dr. R. Luecke for their guidance and counsel during the author's grad- uate program. Thanks are extended to Dr. C. A. Lassiter and Dr. J. A. Hoefer for making the facilities at Michigan State University available for this research and to Dr. J. w. Thomas for his assistance in obtaining financial support through NIH. Appreciation is also extended to Alfred Dutrow, Richard Green- ing, Judy Ball, and Dr. Roger Neitzel for their help during this re- search. The writer wishes to extend his sincere gratitude to his wife, Carolyn, and son, Danny Joe, for their sacrifices, encouragement, and assistance during his course of study and manuscript preparation. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ......................... LIST OF FIGURES ......................... LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES ..................... Section I. INTRODUCTION ....................... II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................... Fungi Development in Feedstuffs ............. Role of Fungi in Forage and Grain Storage ....... Types of Fungi Present ............... Role of Fungi in Heating of Feeds .......... Mycotoxin Production by Fungi During Feed Storage. . . Conditions under which Toxins are Produced ..... Documented Cases of Mycotoxin Poisoning ....... Toxicity and Secretion in Animals Given a Known Amount of Mycotoxin ................ Contamination of Human Food Supply Via Fungal Toxin Consumption of Animals ............... Methods of Controlling Mycotoxin in Feeds ........ Destruction of Mycotoxins by Treatment ........ Table 0 Section III. IV. f Contents (cont.) Prevention of Fungal Growth with a Fungicide ..... Acid Treatment of Feeds and Grain .......... Conclusion ...................... Literature Cited ................... PART A: FUNGAL GROWTH DURING FERMENTATION AND REFERMENTATION OF ORGANIC ACID TREATED CORN SILAGE . Abstract ........................ Introduction ...................... Materials and Methods .................. Summary and Conclusions ................. Literature Cited .................... PART B: FUNGAL GROWTH DURING FERMENTATION AND REFERMENTATION 0F NON—PROTEIN-NITROGEN TREATED CORN SILAGE ....................... Abstract ........................ Introduction ...................... Materials and Methods .................. Results and Discussion ................. Summary and Conclusions ................. Literature Cited .................... Page 16 19 34 36 48 48 49 51 75 76 79 79 8O 81 83 94 95 Table of Contents (cont.) Page PART C: PRESERVATION AND ANIMAL PERFORMANCE OF HIGH MOISTURE CORN TREATED WITH NON-PROTEIN-NITROGEN AND PROPIONIC ACID ................... 97 Abstract ........................ 97 Introduction ...................... 98 Materials and Methods .................. 100 Results and Discussion ................. 102 Summary and Conclusions ................. 120 Literature Cited .................... 122 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .................. 124 APPENDIX ......................... 127 vi LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Effect of Level of Organic Acid Addition on Temperature Development in Corn Silage During Refermentation. . . . 55 2. Lactic Acid Production (% of BM) in Organic Acid Treated Corn Silage During Fermentation and Refermentation. . . 57 3. PHs of Organic Acid Treated Corn Silage During Fermentation and Refermentation ............ 60 4. Acetic Acid Content (% DM) of Organic Acid Treated Corn Silage During Fermentation and Refermentation ..... 64 5. Propionic Acid Content (% DM) of Organic Acid Treated Corn Silage During Fermentation and Refermentation. . . 65 6. Correlations of Several Variables During Fermentation and Refermentation of Organic Acid Treated Corn Silage. 66 7. Number of Days until Fungi Were Noted on Corn Silage, Complete Spoilage and DM Loss During Fermentation as Affected by Level and Type of Acid ........... 67 8. Number of Fungal Colonies (per gm X 105) on Different Media, with or without Novobiocin and/or Rose Bengal. . 68 9. Total Fungal Colonies (total counts/gm x 103) in Organic Acid Treated Corn Silage During Fermentation and Refermentation ..................... 71 10. Number of Fungal Colonies Obtained from Organic Acid Treated Corn Silage as Affected by Date ........ 72 11. Number of Fungal Colonies as Affected by Level of Acid Addition ..................... 72 List of Tables (cont.) Table Page 12. Types of Platable Fungal Colonies at Day 1 and 40 During Fermentation and Day 14 and 36 During Refermentation. . 74 13. Maximum Temperatures, Days until Spoilage and Days until Maximum Temperature During Refermentation as Affected by Different Levels and Sources of N Addition to Corn Silage ......................... 88 14. Total Fungal Colonies (Total Counts/g X 103) in Corn Silage as Affected by NPN Treatment During Fermentation and Refermentation ............ 90 15. Relative Proportions of Fungi in Corn Silage Treated with Various Kinds of NPN ............... 93 16. The pH During Storage of HMC Treated with Organic Acids or NPN ......................... 104 17. Crude Protein (% of DM) of HMC During Storage Treated with NPN and Organic Acids ............... 105 18. Propionic Acid (% wet wt) of HMC Treated with NPN and Organic Acids after Storage .............. 106 19. PH and Protein (% of DM) of HMC Treated with NPN and Organic Acid During Refermentation ........... 110 20. Propionic Acid (% wet wt) of HMC Treated with NPN and Organic Acids During Refermentation .......... 111 21. PH and Crude Protein after Rolling of HMC Treated with NPN and Organic Acids ............... 114 22. Propionic Acid (% wet wt) of HMC after Rolling Treated with NPN and Organic Acids ............... 115 23. Milk Production Data of Cows Fed HMC Treated with Either Aqua Ammonia, Propionic Acid, or Ammonia Solution . . . 119 24. Body Weight Gain and Feed Consumption of Cows Fed Propionic Acid, Aqua Ammonia or Ammonia Solution Treated HMC ...................... 120 viii Figure 1. 2. LIST OF FIGURES Lactic Acid in Control and 0.5% Acid Treated Corn Silage. Lactic Acid in Control and 2% Acid Treated Corn Silage. . Fungal Growth in Corn Silage Treated with 1.0% Acid from 4 Sources ..................... PH of Corn Silages Treated with .2% N from 3 NPN Sources. Lactic Acid Concentrations of Corn Silage Treated with Varying Levels of N from 3 Sources (Averaged from 20 and 86 days of Fermentation) .............. Lactic Acid in Corn Silage Treated with .2% N from 3 NPN Sources ........................ Relation of NPN Treatment of Corn Silage to Total Fungal Colonies During Fermentation and Refermentation . . . . Fungal Counts of HMC Treated with Ammonia and Organic Acids During Storage .................. Relationship of Days of Storage During Refermentation to Fungal Growth in Propionic and Ammonia Treated HMC. . . Fungal Colonies After Rolling in Ammonia and Propionic Treated HMC ...................... Temperature Development After Rolling in HMC Treated with Ammonia or Propionic Acid ............. Page 59 61 73 84 85 87 91 108 113 117 118 Table LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES PH's in NPN Treated Corn Silage During Fermentation and Refermentation ..................... Lactic Acid Production (% of DM) in NPN Treated Corn Silage During Fermentation and Refermentation ..... Total Fungal Colonies (per g X 103) of HMC Treated with Ammonia and Organic Acids ............... Total Number of Platable Fungal Colonies (X 103 per g) in HMC Treated with Various Preservatives During Refermentation ..................... Total Fungal Colonies (per g X 103) in HMC Treated with Ammonia and Propionic Acid after Rolling ........ Page 127 128 129 130 131 I. INTRODUCTION Changes in recent years have been oriented toward the storage of corn silage, haylage and corn, at moistures more susceptible to fungal growth, especially after aeration upon removal from storage. These fungal contaminants can produce a wide variety of toxic metabo- lites called mycotoxins (Lynch, 1972). A survey conducted in the United States revealed no contamination of the milk supply (Brewington gt;gl., 1970); however, Purchase and Vooster (1968) reported contamin- ation of commercially available milk in South Africa. Organic acids have been reported to be effective in preventing fungal growth (Sleiman, 1972; Richardson and Halick, 1957). In addi- tion, Bothast §t_§l, (1973) reported that ammonia may be used as a fungicide in stored grains. There is the possibility that these treatments may select for a more potent toxin forming fungi. The objectives of this thesis were to examine the type and num- ber of fungi which grew during fermentation and refermentation of non— protein nitrogen and organic acid treated corn silage and high moisture corn. The nutritive value of the treated HMC was also compared using lactating dairy cows. II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Recently emphasis has been placed on treating forages to decrease losses during storage and prevent spoilage due to fungal growth. In addition much interest has developed in preserving high moisture corn (HMC) with volatile fatty acids (VFA). This review will discuss the problem of mycotoxin formation in feedstuffs and the effect of chemical treatments on the fungal growth patterns. Fungi Development in Feedstuffs Role of Fungi in Forage and Grain Storage The problem of fungal contamination of feedstuffs is twofold. One is the loss of nutrients in feeds due to fungal growth and the other involves secretion of metabolites which are toxic to animals. Until recently, most interest has been in the loss of nutrients. Re- cently, however, due to changes in harvesting methods and more sensi- tive analytical procedures, concern has developed over the possible contamination of feeds with toxins, their effects on the animal, and entrance into the human food supply. Wogan (1964) stated that ergotism has been known for centuries and occasional reports have appeared during the past three decades associating ingestion of mold-contaminated foodstuffs with a variety of toxicity syndromes in domestic animals and in one instance man. However there is still a failure to appreciate the significance of food-borne mycotoxins in problems of animal and human health. Types of Fungi Present Different types of fungi are present during harvesting and storage of grains. These are the field fungi and storage fungi. Tuite and Christensen (1955) found Alternaria, Cladosporium, and Fusarium were common in seeds prior to harvest while Aspergillus and Penicillium appeared after harvest. Christensen (1949) found that the common field fungi were Alternaria, Helminthosporium, and Fusarium while Aspergillus and Penicillium were the predominate storage fungi and grew best at about 30° C. In a survey of fungi in flour, Chris- tensen and Cohen (1950) found counts ranging from several hundred to about 5,000 per gram. These counts remained stable for about 2 years and were predominately Aspergillus and Penicillium. Bothast and co- workers (1973) reported mold counts of whole corn varied from 102 to 106 in the 1970-1971 crop. Penicillium and Fusarium species predomin- ated among the molds but Aspergillus, Helminthosporium, Nigrospora, and Trichoderma were significant. Not all fungi which grow on grains are toxic. Scott (1965) isolated 228 strains from domestic cereal and legume crops and of these, 46 were toxic when grown in pure-culture and fed to Pekin duck- lings. Christensen and co-workers (1968) isolated 943 fungi strains in 40 genera from feeds, peanut fruits and seeds of which 54% were toxic to rats within 7 days. Richard et a1. (1969) isolated 246 fungi from 25 moldy corn samples in Iowa. Extracts of 99 of these isolates were toxic with the majority of the toxic isolates being Aspergillus or Penicillium. Burnside gfl;gil. (1957) isolated 13 cultures of mold from fields where hogs were dying. Two of the 13 cultures produced toxins. These were identified as Penicillium rubrum and Aspergillus flavus. Semeniuk et a1. (1971) isolated 392 strains of Aspergillus and found 166 of these were toxigenic. Role of Fungi in Heating of Feeds Gilman and Barron (1930) tempered grain to 18% moisture and sterilized the grain. The grain was then allowed to germinate with or without fungal inoculation. The presence of fungi imcreased the temperature over the non-inoculated from 5.2 to 26.4 C depending on type of grain. They concluded that there was a high probability that in bins of stored grains the marked increase in temperature may be ascribed to mold growth. Milner and Geddes (1946) reported that mold growth was responsible for soybean heating to 50-55 C and was asso- ciated with the growth of A. glaucus and A, jlgvgs. Milner and Geddes (1945) found mold proliferation in seed, as visually observed, was positively correlated with respiratory activity, and with increases in temperature to 40 C. In further support Christensen gt_al. (1949) reported a close correlation between increase in production of C02 and mold population. Christensen and Gordon (1948) found molds caused the temperature to rise within a few degrees of the maximum that the molds could endure. Autoclaved, moist wheat inoculated with 200,000 spares of A, flavgs per gram heated to 45 C in two days while that inoculated with 0.2 spore per gram took nine days to heat to a comparable temperature. They concluded that the amount of inoculum originally present has only a minor effect on eventual heating. Honig (1969) conducted gas balance tests with silages and found DM losses increased linearly with the amount of added air. The digestibility of nutrients as well as the quality and stability of silages decreased with increased air. Because fungi are aerobic this air may have been stimulating fungal growth but this was not mentioned. In support, Federson (1971) found oxidation of high moisture silages in insulated silos was accompanied by a large rise in temperature and high DM losses. Temperature increases in the silos without oxygen present were negligible. He observed that the pH closely paralleled the added oxygen. Gordon (1968) harvested corn silage at late maturity (58-63% DM) and early maturity (26-30% DM) and found digestibility of DM and acid detergent fiber were lower in the mature silage. Early silage had more VFA and lactic acid and the late silage had a tendency to heat when fed in hot weather. Gregory and co-workers (1963) harvested wet hay (60% DM) which became very hot and contained a large flora of thermophilic fungi. Actinomycetes and bacteria grew during the first heating with in— creases in acidity and volatile nitrogen. When fungi grew the pH rose to 7.0 or above. The wet stack developed a brown acid hay center containing many spore-forming bacteria but few fungi, surrounded by an outside layer of moldy hay. According to Thomas and Hillman (1972), excessive heating during curing of haylage, baled hay or stacked hay caused carmelization to occur between plant proteins, sugar and water resulting in a product which was insoluble and indigestible. They concluded the carmelization effect was small but measurable when forages heated to 46C, greater at 51.7 C and protein digestibility was markedly reduced at 57 C. Perry et a1. (1968) suggested that the corn plant may be harvested at a much later stage than hard dough W- .~ -_-.— which has been recommended by other workers if stored in gas-tight silos which would keep fungal contamination to a minimum. Mycotoxin Production by Fungi During Feed Storage Conditions under which Toxins Are Produced A complete listing of all toxins produced by fungi is too lengthy for this review, but such a list has been published by Wasser- man (1968) in which he listed 11 toxins produced by Alternaria, 16 by Fusarium, 66 by Aspergillus and 98 by Penicillium. Crane et a1. (1972) suggested four conditions for aflatoxin production. These were: 1) suitable strain of fungi, 2) correct moisture and relative humidity, 3) optimum temperature, and 4) sufficient time in storage. Koehler (1938) reported Aspergillus grew at a minimum of 14.3% moisture, Penicillium at 15.6 to 20.8 and Fusarium moniliforme at 18.4 to 21.2%. Trenk and Hartman (1968) concluded that rewet corn at mois- tures below 17.5% and temperatures below 13 C was not susceptible to aflatoxin fonnation by A, flaygs. From 19 to 28% moisture, toxin content increased linearly from 50 to 2,000 PPB. Diener and Davis (1967) reported the maximum temperature for aflatoxin production was 41.5 C, the limiting relative humidity was 85% and minimum temperature was 13 C. Milner and Geddes (1946) con— cluded the relative humidity rather than actual moisture determine susceptibility to molding. The critical moisture values for differ— ent seed species are those in equilibrium with a relative humidity of about 75%. Lutey and Christensen (1963) found that storage of barley at 15% moisture and 30 C for 16 weeks resulted in total loss of viability of all field fungi and little invasion of Aspergillus. Landecker and Stotzky (1972) found that when they grew fungi in the presence of bac- teria, the bacteria strongly inhibited colony spread and sporulation. Moreover, colony morphology was changed presumably by the release of volatile metabolites. Using casein substrates, Lie and Marth (1968) found A, flgygs was able to initiate growth in the pH range of 1.7 to 9.34, with the best growth between 3.42 and 5.47 mold growth was always associated with a pH change toward neutrality. Both aflatoxins B1 and G1 were detected in all samples which supported mold growth, but highest con- centrations were noted at the pH extremes. Documented Cases of Mytotoxin Poisoning When feeds are subjected to fungal growth, the fungi produces metabolites which may be beneficial, harmful or have no effect on the animals which consume the moldy feed. Christensen and co-workers (1973) added a toxin-producing strain of Aspergillus flavus to grain which was heavily infested with natural fungi. A small amount of toxin was found in one sample, but feeding this grain caused no in- jury in rats, ducklings or broiler chicks. This work suggests that the danger of toxicity from materials invaded by a mixture of fungi, including one strain of A, flgygg capable of producing toxin, is not great. Whiteher (1971), Doupnik and co—workers (1971) and Seerley and co-workers (1972) fed corn infected with Helminthosporium mgygj§_and found a complete lack of toxicity in swine, chicks, mice and rabbits. They did note a decreased digestibility and cautioned that this blighted corn was more susceptible to invading fungi during storage and care should be taken to avoid secondary contamination. In feeding an extract of Aspergillus grygg§_to sheep, Niver, Tucker and Mitchell (1971) found no effect on fiber digestibility or N balance and defaunation of the rumen was not detected. Hintz and co-workers (1967) fed 450 PPB of aflatoxin B to pigs from 3 to 8 1 months of age with no harmful effects. A11 gilts and one boar were 10 continued on feed for a reproductive study which resulted in all off- springs appearing normal at 6 weeks of age. Lynch (1972) listed the main storage fungi and toxins produced: Aspergilli - Aflatoxins, ochratoxins, patulin and sterigmatocystin Fusaria — Zearalenone, acetamido lactone, tricothecenes Penicillia - Rubratoxins, patulin, citrinnin and tremorgenic factors Other - Slaframine, sporidesmins, ergots Mirocha et a1. (1968) reported that when moldy hay was included in the ration of 150 dairy cattle the number of services per conception jumped from 1.2 to 4.0. An estrogenic factor was isolated (F—2) at a concentration of 14 PPM. When cultured, Aspergillus sp, and Penicil- ljgm_§p, were found but Fusarium would have died off at moisture con- tents that permit growth of Aspergillus and Penicillium. Burt and co- workers (1964) reported that when hay which was not visually molded but had total spore counts of 2,000,000/g was included in the ration of dairy cows, a 6% decline in milk yield was observed. Large numbers of Aspergillus and Penicillium were detected in this hay. Lynch et a1. (1969) reported a field case in which ensiled, moldy, shelled corn produced tetany symptoms in milk cows. Of the four cases which occurred, all responded to IV infusion of calcium gluconate. Apparently this ration contained a normal level of minerals. 11 The most predominate fungi in the corn were yeasts, Mgggr§3Penicillia, Monascus,and Byssochlamys. Still gt_gl. (1971) isolated Aspergillus ochraceus from moldy hay that was associated with abortions in dairy cattle. Ochratoxin was isolated from a pure culture of the fungi and caused faetal death in rats. Albright and co-workers (1964) diagnosed a gross hemorrhagic syndrome in 20 to 29 heifers fed a ration containing toxin-producing strains of Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium cyclopium and Penicillium palitans. Smith and Lynch (1973) analyzed mold and unmoldy corn silage which had been fed to a herd of cows in which several deaths had occurred. They found A, fumigatus at dilutions of 5 X 106, but analysis of feed for toxins by thin-layer chromatography was negative. They concluded that the corn silage may or may not have been impli- cated in the death of the cows. Mohanty gngfl, (1969) molded alfalfa hay by sprinkling with water. They hay quickly heated to 57-64 C. Molding lowered DM, ether extract, and NFE, while increasing pH, ash and ammoniacal nitrogen. In feeding trials, the molded hay reduced DM intake, BW gains, total VFA, ruminal ammonia, and rumen protozoal counts; whereas, increases in rumen pH, percent acetate and Diplodinium numbers were noted. Steers fed the molded hay showed laxation of feces and developed rough hair coats. Nineteen mold species were isolated with Sggpg: lariopsis brevicalis predominant. 12 Mohanty gt_gl. (1968) in another report molded hay and extrac- ted with various solvents. The chloroform extract gave the greatest growth depression when fed to baby chicks. Aspergillus appeared to be predominate fungal species in this study. In ewes Cysewski and Pier (1968) produced abortions with IV injections of spores from A, fumigatus. Chu and Chung (1971) reported the L D in day-old chicks to be 166 and 216 pg for ochratoxin A and 50 C. No toxic effect was demonstrated when chicks were fed with up to 500 ug/chick of dihydroisocoumarin, the hydrolyzed product. Christen- sen and co-workers (1965) found that 12 of 85 isolates of Fusarium caused increases of 5-8 times in weight of the uterus of rats. These isolates originated from feed collected on farms. Kurtz gt_gl. (1969) reported gilts given estradiol (F-2) mycotoxin and corn which had been inoculated with Fusarium graminearium exhibited the same histological changes in the genital tract. These were characterized by squamous cell metaplasia and loss of normal mu- cosal epithelium off the vagina and cervix. Sharda et a1. (1971) fed corn which had been inoculated with Fusarium rosium Ohio isolate C and showed it Was highly toxic to rats, mice, hamsters, rabbits, and pigs. Post-mortem examination revealed jaundice, histological changes in liver and myocardial granulomas. Molds depressed feed consumption of all animals but pigs. Permanent damage did not appear in rats and replacement of moldy corn with good corn reversed symptoms. 13 Muller ejAEl. (1970) reported sensitivities of several animals to aflatoxin. These animals in order of decreasing sensitivity were ducklings, turkey poults, goslings, young pheasants and chicks. Sinn- huber EILEl, (1969) has reported cancer formation in trout due to aflatoxin consumption. Krogh et a1. (1970) isolated two nephrotic compounds, citrinin and oxalic acid from Penicillium viridicatum. In addition to these toxins, Crump et a1. (1963) reported iso- lation of Rhizotonia leguminicola from hay known to cause slobbering in cows. The isolate was grown in pure culture and fed to rats and guinea pigs and produced similar symptoms. Rainey et a1. (1965) iso— lated a salivary factor from a pure culture of A, leguminicola which possessed parasympathomimetic action. Toxicity and Secretion in Animals Given a Known Amount of Mycotoxin Lynch gt_gl. (1970) fed aflatoxin to six pairs of calves for 6 weeks. The calves exhibited a strong objection to feed containing more than .020 mg aflatoxin B1. Weight changes, albumin/globulin ratios and total serum protein content of calves were not affected, but a significant increase in serum alkaline phosphatase occurred at .020 mg BI/kg BW. At post mortem, livers showed a loss of color and adrenal hyperplasia was noted. Histological studies of the liver 14 indicated bile duct and central vein proliferation, accumulation of fat, and loss of glycogen. To avoid the feed refusal Lynch §t_gl. (1971) dosed seven pairs of young dairy calves with 0 to .10 mg/kg BW of GT aflatoxin for 6 weeks. Most of the aflatoxin-induced changes occurred at the .08 and .10 mg doses by the second week of treatment. These were decreases in feed intake, gains, serum carotene, inorganic phosphorus, serum vit A, and increase serum alkaline phosphatase and total bilirubin. At post—mortem, livers were again light tan with bile duct proliferation at the .04 mg level. Gall bladders were 10 times their normal size. Marth (1967) found rats excreted some aflatoxin as C02, some in urine and feces, but 6-9% of ingested toxin remained in the liver. In addition rats and dairy cattle can modify and excrete some toxin in the casein fraction of their milk. Masri et a1. (1967) fed a cow and a ewe aflatoxin B1 in their diet. About 0.3% of the ingested aflatoxin appeared in the milk. From 2 to 3 percent of the original aflatoxin dose appeared as M1 in milk, and excretion was completed a few hours after ingestion. All- croft and co-workers (1968) gave a lactating cow an oral dose of 300 mg mixed aflatoxins (B1, 44%; G], 44%; B2, 2%). Urine, milk and feces was collected for 9 days. About 85% of the toxin secreted was de- tected in 48 hours; however, only 4.5% of the original dose was re- the urine 1.55% as M and 2.79% covered. The milk had .18% as M], 1 15 was found in feces as B]. Some G1 was in both urine and feces. Apparently the cow must metabolize the toxins to M1 before secretion. The ewe reacts similarly to the cow in excretion of afla- toxins. Nabney SELEJ: (1967) dosed a ewe with mixed aflatoxins (B1, 36%; G], 52%; B2, 3%; Ge, 2%). Ninety percent of that excreted occurred during the first 48 hours. Only 8.1% of the dose was re- covered. Milk had 0.1% as M1, urine 6.4% as M1 and G], and feces 1.6% as G1 and B]. Contamination of Human Food Supply Via Fungal Toxin Consumption by Animals In a survey of commercially available milk in the United States no aflatoxin M], was detected (Brewington et a1., 1970). In contrast Purchase and Vooster (1968) showed that 2 of 21 commercially available milk samples in South Africa contained aflatoxin M1 in easily detectable amounts, while 3 others contained traces. 16 Methods of Controlling Mycotoxins in Feeds Methods of preventing mycotoxin contamination of the human food chain are to destroy the toxins by chemical or physical means or prevent the toxin—producing fungi from developing. Destruction of Mytoxins by Treatment Dollear gt_gl. (1968) heated peanut meal containing aflatoxins in the presence of moisture and chemicals. They showed that ammonia, methylamine, sodium hydroxide and ozone were effective in either destroying or reducing aflatoxin levels. Burnside gngl, (1957) found the toxicity of mycotoxins unchanged after heating to 60 to 70 C for 26 hours. From these limited data, it appears that the most econ- omical way to solve the mycotoxin problem is the prevention of fungal growth by chemical or physical treatment. Prevention of Fungal Growth with a Fungicide As early as 1945 Snow and Watts (1945) tested 50 isolates of molds for their reaction to sulphonilamide, sulphonamide E.O.S., sul— phapyridine, sulphamezathine, sulphaquanidine, propamidine, and 17 phenamidine. They found sulphonamide doubled the storage life of ground linseed cake. Milner et a1. (1947) tested the fungistatic ability of 100 compounds on wheat stored at 16 to 25% moisture. They found eight compounds which had satisfactory fungistatic prop- erties. These compounds listed in order of their effectiveness are 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate, thiourea, P-aminobenzoic acid, sulfonil- amide, benezene sulfonamide, 2 aminothiozole chloramine B and calcium propionate. They found a variation in effectiveness for different fungi and suggested that a given compound should be tested on the flora of the product which is to be treated. Christensen and Gordon (1948) found chloramine B, spergon dust, P—toluensulfonilamide or thiourea had very little fungicidal activity when applied to wheat inoculated with A, jjgygs, Knodt gt 31;_(1952) reported sulfur dioxide treatment of wet forage produced a very palatable grass silage. The silage had decreased surface losses and spoilage rate during summer feeding. Wittwer et a1. (1955) treated red clover and grass forage with molasses, brewers dried grains and sodium bisulfite. Molasses-treated silage was most palatable and sodium bisulfite the least. They con- cluded that the small savings in nutrients could not justify the cost of preservatives. Srinivasan and Majunder (1965) reported that fumi- gation of kafir corn with methyl bromide and ethylene dibromide destroyed mold and bacteria. 18 Wilcox (1972) published a list of common feed preservatives and their characteristics: Propionic acid Acetic acid Formic acid Lactic acid Sorbic acid Insobutyric acid very effective and widely tested preservative pungent odor calcium and sodium salts appear less effective about 50% as effective as propionic at 16 to 20% moisture levels and less effective over 25% more effective as a preservative when combined with propionic acid much used in foods for pickling pungent odor salts of acetic acid have almost no preserving effect preserving effect somewhat less than acetic acid dangerously caustic to skin very pungent odor calcium formate used in silages some preserving effect in high moisture feeds needs further testing as a grain preservative along with potassium sorbate is used in bakery doughs to inhibit molds and yeast effective grain preservative when dissolved in alcohol and thoroughly distributed in the grain reported to have preserving effect on grain quite pungent odor 19 Benzoic acid - preservative for foods and fats and Sodium Benzoate - limited by law to less than .1% in foods and feeds needs further testing for grain preservation Propyl-p-hydroxy - used in foods--1imited to not over .05% benzoate needs further testing for grain preservative effects It appears that several compounds could be used as fungicides in feeds; but because of cost and legal restrictions the volatile fatty acids and their salts offer greatest promise. If their use is to become widespread they must not decrease the animal efficiency, but they must preserve the feed. Literature concerning the effect of these compounds on the animal and preservation of feeds will be re- viewed. Acid Treatment of Feeds and Grains Acid Effect on Animal and Feed Quality Simkins, Suttic and Baumgardt (1965) infused VFA mixtures (60% acetate, 20% propionate, 20% butyrate) into cows on pelleted alfalfa hay rations to meet 15% of the estimated digestible energy requirement and showed that infusion of propionic and butyric acids depressed feed intakes. They concluded that VFA's can act as satiety signal compounds. 20 Also, Montgomery et a1. (1963) reported a significant decrease in hay consumption after intraruminal acetic acid infusion, while the infu- sion of propionic, butyric and lactic acids caused a moderate decrease in voluntary intakes. Ulyatt (1965) reported decreased feed intakes in sheep intra- ruminally infused with 200 cal of acetic acid on low and high planes of nutrition, but the decrease was more pronounced on the low plane. Increased intakes resulted from infusing 200 cal. of propionic acid on both planes of nutrition; but at 300 cal. propionic depressed con- sumption at the low level of nutrition. Bentley §t_gl. (1956) reported the addition of sodium salts of acetic, propionic, and lactic acids to corn-cerelose-urea—hay or corn- hay rations produced significant increases in gains of lambs. The apparent feed replacement values were calculated at 1 kg of the acid salt for 3-10 kg of feed. Armstrong and Blaxter (1957) reported that the administration of 400 cal of acetic acid, propionic or n-butyric or 800 cal as n-buryric to sheep in positive energy balance did not interfere with the normal process of rumen fermentation or impose non- physiological conditions upon the animals. Balch and Rowland (1959) administered .5 to 1.5 kg sodium ace- tate to cows on a fat-depressing ration and increased milk fat percen- tages. Administration of 414 g sodium propionate did not restore the fat percent and sodium acetate addition, to a normal diet,had no 21 affect on milk fat. Rook and Balch (1961) infused acetic, propionic and butyric acids intraruminally and reported acetic acid caused an increase in milk production and in yields of fat, lactose and protein, as well as an increase in fat percentage. Butyric or propionic acids had no effect on milk yield, but propionic decreased fat yields and percent while increasing percent protein and solid non-fat; whereas, butyric acid specifically increased the yield and percentage of fat. Vercoe and Blaxter (1965) reported that the infusion of sheep with fonnic acid ondried grass diets at a constant rate for 17 days increased methane and CO2 production but there was no significant change in 0 consumption. 2 Birdson (1972) reported 6% faster gains in steers fed HMC treated with 1.5% acetic and propionic acids (60:40 ratio) compared to dry corn. Feed efficiencies favored the acid-treated corn. Jones fflijil. (1970) treated HMC with 1.5% propionic acid and ensiled other HMC. When the treated corn was fed to dairy cows and heifers FCM, persistency of milk production, milk fat and protein percent and rate of gain were not significantly different for animals fed untreated HMC. Clark £3411. (1973) fed 50 cows dry ensiled or propionic— treated corn with either hay or haylage. Cows fed ensiled and propionic-treated corn produced more 4% FCM than cows fed dry corn. In contrast to this Johnson and Otterby (1973) reported that 22 unadjusted milk production was higher on dry than high moisture or acid-preserved corn. McCaffree and Merrill (1968) reported two trials with dairy cows in early lactation which were fed HMC. Feeding HMC resulted in lower forage and total DM intakes, milk fat percent, but higher actual milk production compared to feeding dry corn. Solids corrected milk was not affected. Barrington and Jorgensen (1971) found milk production and feed efficiencies were similar for HMC and dry corn, but milk fat tests were lower for HMC. In contrast to the drop in fat percentage usually seen with HMC feeding Johnson and Otterby (1971) reported that milk fat depression was not a problem in rations containing 33% HMC and corn silage. Beeson and Perry (1958) found fattening beef cattle utilized high moisture ground ear corn (32% moisture) from 10-15% more effi- ciently than regular ground ear corn when grains were adjusted to the same moisture. In agreement with this Burroughs (1971) reported corn harvested and stored at 24-30% moisture had a feeding value on a DM basis 4—9% higher than artificially dried corn. Wilson and Long (1972) treated HMC with 1.6% acetic acid and propionic acids (60:40) and observed a 5% increase in feed efficiency of steers compared to steers fed dry—untreated corn. No significant differences in digesti- bility were seen. 23 Bayley §t_gl. (1972) reported greater nitrogen and energy re- tention for high moisture corn preserved by addition of organic acids or by ensiling than dry corn in trials with pigs. Bade 23:21: (1973) reconstituted dry sorghum to 70% DM with either water or 2% acid. Coefficients of digestibility for all com- ponents were highest for the water-reconstituted grain ration and lowest for the dry grain ration. Fat corrected milk was not affected by treatment but actual milk was highest on the reconstituted grain. Bolsen et a1. (1973) tested ammonium isobutyrate, aureomycin, sodium hydroxide and a mixture of acetic and propionic acids as forage sor— ghum additives. The concluded that feeding values of forage sorghum silage was not significantly improved by any of the four additives. Marion §t_gl. (1972) fed steers HM sorghum grain treated with O, 4, and 6% acetic or propionic acids. Steers gained well at the lower levels of acid and gains were higher than controls at 4%, and lower at 6% added acid. In another trial propionic acid was added at 2% to dry or reconstituted grain (30% moisture) and stored for 14 days in open barrels. When compared to the untreated grain no sig— nificant differences in daily gain, feed intakes, or efficiency were observed. 24 Factors Affecting Silage Quality Barnett and Duncan (1954) and Langston et a1. (1958) charac— terized poor quality silage by pH values of 4.8 or above, low amounts of lactic acid, high levels of butyric acid, and high ammonical nitro- gen. Poor chemical quality and a lower rate of nutrient preservation were associated with poor quality silage. They recommended compress- ing the mass to make it more air tight. Langston gjggl, (1962) observed aerated silages had high temp- erature and pH values with increased butyric acid and depressed lactic acid. They noted high total acids in sealed containers and concluded that high levels of sugar did not insure silage of superior quality unless the forage was packed properly to exclude air. Zimmer and Gordon (1964) using laboratory silos sealed for 38 days or sealed with the exception of aeration on days 1, 2, 3, and 6, reported higher 0 consumption of unwilted, chopped silage during day l and 2 2 of aeration. Grinding the material improved total preservation and reduced C02 and DM losses. A correlation coefficient of +.71 was ob- served between CO2 production and DM losses, so they concluded aera- tion resulted in poor preservation of the silage. Wierginga et a1. (1961) concluded that the presence of oxygen resulted in a faster loss of soluble sugars because respiration con- tinues for a longer time. Above 40 C, oxygen was responsible for the fixation of protein into indigestible compounds. This temperature 25 was also associated with the highest percent of butyric acid. They recommended that silages be kept below 30 C to prevent putrefaction and fixation of protein which makes it indigestible. Lopez gt_gl, (1970) observed greater pH values for corn silages at low (25%) and high (52%) than at medium DM (30%). A sig- nificant decline in lactic acid concentrations was observed with ad- vancing maturity. Total organic acids declined from 11.94% of DM in 25% DM to 3.14% of DM at 52%. Ohyam §£;§lx (1973) investigated the effect of glucose and temperature in grass silage preserved in laboratory jars. With no additive silage at 30 C was of very poor quality while at 15 C qual- ity was improved. Glucose addition resulted in excellent quality silage irrespective of the temperature. Extent of protein breakdown was affected by temperature at the early stages and by pH at the later stages of ensiling. Huber gngl, (1972) treated corn silage with formic, acetic, propionic, and lactic acids at levels from .17% to .85%. Lactic acid production was depressed by formic acid (from 10% of DM in control to .9% on .85% formic), unchanged by acetic and increased at higher levels of propionic and lactic acid. Acetic acid levels were higher than control at .17, .34, and .57% formic, but 50% of the control at .85%. Acetic acid treatment increased silage acetate when .68 and .85% was added; whereas propionic and lactic acid additions decreased acetate 26 to about 50% of the controls. Huber (1970) also showed a greater de- pression in lactic acid content resulted from formic acid treatment of corn silage than has usually been reported in other crops (Castle and Watson, 1970). Carpintero gt_gl. (1969) treated lucerne with .85% formic acid and found this level was sufficient to achieve an immediate pH fall to 4.2. Formic acid inhibited both lactic acid and clostridial activities. They also observed preservation of water soluble carbo- hydrates (WSC) and suggested a beneficial effect on ruminants. Wilkins and Wilson (1969) added formic acid at the rate of one half gallon per ton to grass silage and detected an immediate drop in pH to 4.4 with little change during the first 12 days. Lactic acid in the treated silage was low. Henderson and McDonald (1971) treated grass of low DM (11.8- 17.3%) with formic acid and found the acid prevented oxidation of WSC. Treatment at .34% or higher also decreased proleotysis, lactic acid production and volatile nitrogen. Castle and Watson (1970) treated timothy and perennial rye grasses (l7-20% DM) with 0.2% formic acid. Formic acid treatments had about 7-15 C lower temperatures. Lactic acid was higher and butyric lower in treated silages indicating that formic acid improved silage fermentation. Waldo et a1. (1971) reported higher energy 27 recoveries from unwilted silage treated with formic acid compared to no treatment. Waldo gt_§l. (1973) found that dairy heifers grew better on well made wilted silages than on direct cut silages treated with formic acid. In contrast, Castle and Watson (1970) found wilted silage was inferior to formic-treated silage for maintaining milk production. Effectiveness of Organic Acids in Preventing Fungal Growth Studies with Grains Porter (1946) found organic acids had a greater inhibitory or germicidal effect than mineral acids at the same pH which was attrib- utable to the whole (undissociated) molecule rather than solely to the hydrogen ion concentration. Weise (1971) tested the effect of adding 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, and 5% propionic acid to agar media on the growth of Candida, Pichia, Hansenula, Torulopsis, and mold. All but Torulopsis (which required .5%) were completely inhibited by .3% propionate. It was also noted that molding of cultures could be prevented by adding .25% Na propionate, but the inhibition of molds was greater than in yeasts. Richardson and Halick (1957) showed that propionic acid or propionic anhydride inhibited the growth of molds and heating in 28 corn meal at 0.1% addition. Calcium propionate was effective at 0.3%, but no inhibition was shown for sodium propionate at .6%, or for pro- pionamide or propionanalide at 0.3%. An acid environment was required for maximum effectiveness of propionate. Butyric, valeric, and caproic acids delayed heating when added at .1 to .2 percent and heat inhibit— ing activity decreased as chain length increased. However, prevention of mold appeared to increase with chain length. Sorbic acid also appeared very effective in depressing heat production. Despite the decreases in spoilage due to acid addition, the authors (Richardson and Halick, 1957) concluded that drying was the only practical way to properly preserve feeds. Sprague and Breniman (1969) reconstituted dry cracked corn to 20, 25, and 30% moisture and ensiled in quart jars. They concluded that the minimum moisture to provent mold in HMC was 30-33%. Drysdale (1970) estimated losses due to production of C02 during fermentation in sealed storage were as high as 5%. He suggested that the value of feed lost was almost equal to the cost of adding propionic acid which prevented C02 losses. The acid-preserved grain was found to keep for a year or more under open storage conditions. Miller (1971) reported the amount of propionic acid needed for preservation was directly proportional to the moisture content of the grain. For HMC at 25% moisture, 1% propionic acid was sufficient while at 30% moisture 1.25% was necessary. 29 Jones gt_gl. (1970) detected no heating or mold growth in HMC corn treated with three different mixtures of acetic, propionic, and butyric acid after 7 days of storage in sealed bags; however, in 7 days the controls molded (185,000-62,000 calories/g) had an off odor and heated. A pH of 4.4, which was obtained with 1% acid addition to 72% DM ear corn, was effective in inhibiting mold fonnation during 6 months of storage. However, Jones (1971) reported HM ear corn molded and heated within several weeks after treatment with 1.2% propionic acid. Arends SELELL- (1972) treated 27% moisture corn with 1.5% acetic and propionic acids (60:40). Control corn was dried to 12% moisture. Mold spore counts of the untreated dried corn were 4.6 X 105/gm while the counts of the treated dried and treated HMC were 6.04 X 102 and 23, respectively. Christensen (1973) showed that treatment of sorghum (l6-l7% moisture) with 0.2, 0.4, or 0.8% pro- pionic acid kept it free of molds for 483 days when held at 12 C. Sorghum at 19% moisture which was treated with .1 and .2% propionic at 27 C became heavily molded in 16 days. Corn (19-20% moisture) treated with .5% propionic and stored at 25 C was free of fungi after 54 days while samples at 30% moisture treated with 1.0% pro— pionic plus acetic acids (60:40) were free of molds after 140 days when held at 20 C. Samples treated with enough acid to prevent molding had zero germination. Alfalfa pellets (16% moisture) 30 treated with .5% and .8% propionic acid had no molds after 210 days at 20 C. Other reports of prevention of molding in feeds stored for animals are by Jones gtggl, (1970), Marion ££;213 (1972), and Young gijgL. (1970). Singh-Verma (1971) found propionic was more effective and longer lasting if added after deterioration of grain had already started because cells were growing in their log phase. Propionic acid was highly biocidal to saprophytic cocci, coliform bacteria, Aspergillus, Mgggg, Rhizopus, Alternaria, and a variety of yeast. The growth of Bacillaceae, Actinomyces, Penicillium, Fusarium, and Cladosporium was also strongly inhibited. In contrast, Sauer gtJiL. (1972) found higher levels of propionic or acetic were required when fungal invasion had already started. Fungi which grew in grain treated with insufficient amounts were the same type as in untreated grain. Studies with Forages Refermentation (spoilage upon removal from the silo) is often a serious problem to cattle feeders. With a clover-grass mixture Daniel fflijil. (1970) showed that propionic treatment reduced the fre- quency and intensity of refermentation. Hillman and Thomas (1973) found the addition of .4 to .6% propionic acid reduced molding of haylage in small silos when ensiled at 40% moisture. ll 1 ’l‘ 31 Sleiman et a1. (1972) treated whole chopped corn with various mixtures of formic, acetic, and propionic acids. All acids reduced temperature increases in silos. Days until molding were highest for propionic and lowest for control forages. Dry matter discarded was highest for acetic and lowest for acetic plus propionic treatments. All forages were readily consumed by growing heifers. It was con- cluded that the most effective retardation of spoilage was observed from adding propionic at 1% or higher. Asplund (1971) reported that a mold inhibitor added to hay baled at 30% moisture prevented poor digestibility and acceptability usually associated with mold growth. Sleiman (1972) concluded that propionic acid could be used to prevent extreme losses of forages stored under minimal protection. Henderson et a1. (1972) found yeasts were more active in formic acid treated herbages than in untreated material. Losses due to fermentation plus oxidation in wilted silages were higher in the acid-treated than untreated silage. Total microbial counts were lower on formic acid treatment. Taylor and Phillips (1970) also found that total aerobic counts were lower, while lactate fermenters and thermo- philic counts were higher in formic acid treated than untreated silages. 32 Non-Protein-Nitrogen Treatment of Forages and Grains Effects of Ngfl-Protein-Nitroggfl on Fermentation and Animal Schmutz £3411. (1962) ensiled HMC at 24, 32, and 45% moisture. Lactobacilli and anaerobes were 109 per gm after 10 days for all treatments and yeasts numbered 109 for the 24% and 108 for the 45% corn at 60 days. Acetic acid was highest at 45% moisture. Lactic acid concentrations of the HMC were directly related to moisture con- tent as were weight gains in growing heifers. When urea was added to the HMC 50% was degraded to ammonia by 20 days. Schmutz §t_gl. (1964) noted that high moisture ear corn with added urea was initially lower in pH than untreated corn but this reversed during fermentation. Lactic acid was increased and acetic decreased with the addition of 1% monobasic calcium phosphate to HMC (Schmutz, £3411. 1964). Dutton and Otterby (1971) found that HMC treated with diam- monium phosphate had higher pH values, NH levels and greater nitrogen 3 losses than controls or that treated with soybean meal; whereas the urea treatment was highest in acetic and lowest in propionic acid. Huber and Santana (1972) found that dairy heifers ate more ammoniated than control silage when these were the only feeds offered. Also, lactating cows produced more milk on ammonia or untreated silages than on a negative control ration but no differences between the 33 non-protein-nitrogen treatments were noted. Ammoniated silage had higher lactic acid and water insoluble nitrogen than urea or control silages. Webb gfl;i{1. (1972) reported intraruminally-administered ammon— ium acetate gave greater rumen ammonia concentrations than did isoni- trogenous quantities of urea. Urea elevated rumen pH but ammonium acetate did not. Both NPN supplements increased concentrations of ammonia and urea in peripheral blood. To produce toxicity it took less nitrogen from urea than ammonium acetate. Allen et a1. (1972) found no difference in gains of fattening steers supplemented with soybean meal, liquid urea, 1/2 liquid urea and 1/2 corn steep water, ammonium (NH4) formate, NH4 acetate, NH4 propionate, NH4 lactate, or NH4 butyrate. Dutrow and Huber (1973) used urea, ammonium propionate, ammonium lactate or soybean meal to supply 80% or more of the supplemental nitrogen in high corn-corn silage rations for dairy cows and showed that fat corrected milk was significantly higher for the NPN than soybean meal diets. Dry matter intakes were not different between treatments. Effect of Non-Protein-Nitrogen on Fungal Growth Tomkins and Trout (1931) found green rot of citrus due to Penicillium digitatum was greatly reduced by storage in an atmosphere 34 of 500 to 1000 ppm ammonia. This concentration was produced by damp crystals of ammonium bicarbonate while the release of ammonia from ammonium acetate was not sufficient to prevent the rot. Tomkins (1932) reported that ammonia increased the latent period of fungal spore germination and that the same concentrations were needed to inhibit germination as growth. Altschul gt_gl. (1946) treated cottonseed with ammonia to in- hibit plant respiration of mature seeds. They concluded that most of the deterioration which occurs in stored cottonseed is due to the action of enzymes in the seeds rather than microbial activity. Bothast gt_gl. (1973) treated 26 or 12% moisture corn with ammonia at 2 or 0.5% of the dry weight. Both concentrations of ammonia eliminated external and infecting molds and yeasts, and tended to reduce bacterial counts. Molds killed were species of Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Trichoderma, and Rhizopus. Fusarium comprised 75% of external mold population while the rest were Aspergillus and Penicillium. Original corn had 7.9 X 104 molds and yeasts per gm, but after 24 hr. of tempering these increased to 5.1 X 105 per gm. Mice showed no preference for the tempered over the 2% ammoniated corn. 35 Conclusion After reviewing the literature it becomes apparent that the growth of fungi in feeds during storage is a dangerous and expensive problem. Addition of propionic acid has been shown effective in re- tarding spoilage of high moisture grain. The effect of acid on fungal growth of forages has not been studied.“ Ammonia treatment of grains might also offer a less expensive preservative than organic acids, but further research on levels, animal acceptance, and methods of application is needed. Little work has been done on patterns of fungal growth during referementation and the effectiveness of organic acids or ammonia in preventing losses during this period. Therefore, the objectives of this thesis are: a) to evaluate the types of fungi during storage and refermen- tation of corn silage and HMC; b) to determine the effects of short chain organic acid and ammonia additions to corn and corn silage on fungal de- velopment during storage and refermentation; c) to ascertain the response of lactating cows to ammoniated corn grain. Literature Cited Albright, J. L., S. 0. Aust, J. H. Byers, J. E. Fritz, B. 0. Brodie, R. E. Olson, R. P. Link, J. Simon, H. E. Rhoades, and R. L. Brewer. 1964. Moldy corn toxicosis in cattle. J. Amer. 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Samples were taken temperatures measured, and silages were aerated at days 0, 2, 14, 22, 29, and 36 to determine the effects of organic acids on refermentation of corn silage. Samples were analyzed for VFA, lactic acid, pH, and number and type of fungi. Acid treatment at the 2% level reduced the average tempera- ture when compared to controls (19.8 vs 24.4; P < .01) and .5 and 2% acid reduced (P < .01) the maximum temperature compared to controls during refermentation (33.6, 29.6, and 37.5, respectively). Propionic acid was more effective than other acids at .5 or 1% treatment. Lac- tic acid production was significantly depressed by 2% acid. All treatments containing propionic acid required more days (P < .01) 48 49 before visual molding (7.0, 13.4, 20.0, and 20.5 for F, PF, PA, and P, respectively). Days until complete spoilage was increased by acid treatment. All acids significantly decreased fungal colonies within 2 days after addition. During refermentation all treatments at the 1% level or lower exhibited a rapid increase in number of colonies; how- ever, P showed a slower increase. The proportion of yeast was greatest at initiation of fermentation and decreased at day 40. During refer- mentation yeast started growth again. Geotrichum increased at day 40 of fermentation but was constant at other times. Aspergillus was sig- nificantly higher at day 40 of fermentation and 36 of refermentation. No significant amounts of Penicillium were detected at any date. Introduction Because of recent advances in synthesis of organic acids they have become economically available for use in preserving forages by preventing oxidation losses and fungal growth. Castle and Watson (1970) treated timothy and perennial rye grasses with .2% formic acid which had about a 7-15 C lower temperature increase than the un- treated. Weise (1971) found that .3% propionic acid added to agar media retarded the growth of yeats and molds. Richardson and Halick (1957) inhibited the growth of molds and heating in corn meal with 50 propionic acid. Yeasts were reported higher in formic acid treated herbages (Henderson gt_gl. 1972). Daniel £3431, (1970) reported a re- duction in frequency and intensity of after fermentation when a clover- grass mixture was treated with propionic acid. Sleiman gt_gl. (1972) reported propionic acid at 1% was effective in retardation of spoilage in chopped corn. Sleiman (1972) also concluded that propionic acid could be used to prevent extreme losses of forages stored under mini- mal protection. Fungi in forages have also been reported to cause tetany in milk cows (Lynch gtggl, 1969). Still gt_§l, (1971) isolated Aspergil- lus ochraceus from molding hay that caused abortions in dairy cattle. Albright gt___a_1_. (1964) diagnosed a gross hemorrhagic syndrome in 20 of 29 heifers fed a ration containing toxin-producing fungi and Mohanty SflLél: (1969) fed molded alfalfa hay to ruminant animals and found re- duced DM intake, body weight gains, total VFA, ruminal ammonia, and total rumen protozoa. The object of this experiment was to determine fungal growth and types of fungi during fermentation and refermentation in chopped corn forage after treating with different levels and combinations of organic acids. Changes in acid production, temperature, pH and dry matter in silages were also ascertained. 51 Materials and Methods Whole corn plants (35% dry matter) were field chopped and brought to a storage area where 56 kg portions were treated with propionic acid (P), formic acid (F), acetic plus propionic acid (PA), and formic plus pr0pionic acid (PF) acids at 0, 0.5%, 1% or 2% of the wet weight.a The PA acids mixture contained 80% propionic and 20% acetic acid while the PF treatment was 60% propionic and 40% formic acid. For treatment, the correct amount of chopped corn was weighed on a polyethylene sheet, and the acid was sprinkled on the surface while mixing with shovels. The entire mass was then rotated several times inside the polyethylene sheet to insure complete mixing. Treated material was then sampled and transferred to two 200 2 metal drums, lined with polyethylene bags (5 mils thickness). The bags were then evacuated using a vacuum cleaner, sealed, and stored (drums with bags inside) in an enclosed barn. Additional samples were collected on days 1, 5, 10, 15, and 40 by opening the bags, quickly removing .5 kg portions, re-evacuating and sealing. Samples were immediately frozen and stored at -20 C. While the bags were open temperatures were measured with mercury thermometers in- serted into the center of the silage mass. aAcids supplied by Celanese Chemical Co., Corpus Christi, TX. 52 At day 40 of fermentation the barrels were reopened and 12 kg portions were placed in open polyethylene containers and stored at 25 C. The remaining ensilage was weighed and discarded. Exposed silages were aerated by transferring from one container to another on days 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 22, and 36 and sampled on days 2, 14, 22, 29, and 36. Aeration was done to maximize the re-fermentation rates of silages. After thawing at room temperatures, forages were analyzed for DH, pH, lactic acid, and number and type of fungi. Dry matter (in duplicate) was determined by placing approximately 50 g wet forage in a forced-air oven at 90-100 C for 24 hours. Silages were prepared for pH, lactic, VFA, and fungal analyses by homogenizing 40 g in a Sorvall Omni-mixer.a The homogenizer cup was immersed in ice. Approximately 50 ml of the homogenized material was divided into two aliquots, one for pr determination and the other placed in a container for plating to estimate fungal populations. Extracts from the remaining material were strained through two layers of cheesecloth and deprotein- ized with 50% sulfosalicylic acid (1 part SSA to 10 parts extract). The deproteinized extract was then centrifuged at 15,000 rpm for 10 minutes and the supernatant was stored in a freezer until analyzed for lactic acid and VFA. aIvan Sorvall Inc., Newton, Conn. bE. H. Sargent and Co., Chicago, 111. “I: Tr mu «Ala-.w \ . I 53 Colorimetric procedures of Barker and Summerson (1941) were used to determine lactic acid and VFAs were analyzed by injecting 3 pt of the deproteinized sample into a Hewlett Packard F & M gas chromato- grapha using a glass column packed with chromasorb 101 (80/100 mesh).b The injection-port temperature was set at 340 C, the column at 285 C, and the flame detector at 320 C. Nitrogen was used as the carrier gas 1 3 and flow rate was 30-40 mls per minute which created a retention time -1 of approximately 7 minutes per sample. Sample VFA concentrations were calculated by comparing peak heights with a standard solution made with known weights of analytical grade acids in a stock solution and diluted until concentrations comparable with samples were reached. Fungal population was determined by transferring with a ster- ile wide-mouth 10 ml pipette, 1 ml aliquots of the freshly homogenized silage sample into a dilution bottle filled with 99mls of sterile, distilled water. The sample was thoroughly mixed and serially di- luted until the proper concentrations of fungal spores and mycelia were reached (approximately 20-50 colonies per plate). Either l or .1 ml of the diluted sample was then dispensed into sterile plastic petri dishes. Enough potato dextrose agarc with 100 mg per liter of novobiocin which had been melted and cooled to 45 C, was then added aHewlett Packard F & M Scientific Co., Mocel 402. bJohns-Manville, Celite Div., Denver, Colorado. cBBL, Cockeysville, Maryland. 54 to cover the bottom of the petri dish and swirled to insure complete mixing of the agar and silage homogenate. After cooling, the plates were sealed and placed in the dark at 20 C for 7-10 days at which time the plates were removed and colonies were counted using a colony countera and identified according to genus. Results and Discussion Heating of treated and control silages was negligible during fermentation and silage temperatures were usually within 1 to 2 de- grees of ambient. One explanation for the lack of temperatures might be the anaerobic storage conditions after evacuation. However, due to the small mass of silage (56 kg) and the dramatic change in ambient temperatures (20 C on day l to 7.6 C on day 20) small changes in silage temperature might have been dissipated or overshadowed. Honig (1969) found DM losses increased linearly with the amount of added air and Federson (1971) reported oxidation was accompanied by large rises in temperature, but temperature increases in silos without oxygen present were negligible. Zimmer and Gordon (1964) found aeration in- creased CO2 and DM losses. Complete anaerobiosis was apparently aFisher Scientific Co., New York, N.Y. 55 achieved in this experiment as indicated by the negligible DM losses which analyzed less than 3% on control silages. Refermentation is very critical during feeding of a stored feed such as haylage, HMC, or silage. In addition to the loss of nutrients due to refermentation (aerobic fermentation on removal from the silo) as discussed by Daniel g£_gl. (1970), toxic fungal growth may also occur. Losses or damage of a feed from the time of exposure to air until its consumption are not generally known but they are largely dependent on environmental conditions. For these reasons the influence of organic acids on refermentation was evaluated. Because fungal growth is closely associated with heating of stored feeds (Gilman and Barron, 1930; Milner and Geddes, 1946; Milner and Geddes, 1945; and Federson, 1971) measurements of both parameters were measured. Aeration caused a marked increase in temperatures as shown earlier by Federson (1971). Average temperatures (Table 1) during refermentation were depressed at all levels of addition for all acids, TABLE l.--Effect of Level of Organic Acid Addition on Temperature Development in Corn Silage During Refermentation LEVEL OF ACID TEMPERATURE MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE % (AVERAGE e) (c) 0% 24.4A 37.5A 0.5% 20.8AB 33.60 1.0% 20.2AB 35.7AC 2.0% 19.8B 29.63 ABC Means not sharing same superscript are different (P < .01). 56 but significantly so (P < .01) at 2.0%. Maximum temperatures during refermentation were also less for all acid additions, but the decrease was significant (P < .01) at the 0.5 and 2.0% levels. This agrees with the work of Daniel g£_gl, (1970) who found propionic acid treat- ment reduced the frequency and intensity of after-fermentation. Richardson and Halick (1957) also found propionic acid inhibited heat- ing in corn meal and Sleiman (1972) reported formic or acetic plus propionic acids reduced temperatures of unprotected rye forage. No significant differences were found between acid treatments with respect to heating. However, all but one series of treatments contained propionic acid and that series was treated with formic acid. Castle and Watson (1970) found formic acid—treated silages had a 7-15 C lower temperatures during fermentation than controls. It is difficult to explain why the .5% level of acids significantly reduced maximum temperatures and 1% did not. Lactic acid concentrations (across all dates and treatment levels) in silages (Table 2) were significantly decreased (P < .01) by 2% addition of all acids, (2.54, 1.79, 1.56, and .65% of DM for 0, .5, l, and 2% acid additions, respectively). This indicates a severe inhibition of microbial activity by acids during both fermen- tation and refermentation. However, of more interest would be the peak level of lactic acid which would be similar to silage which would be fed from the silo. Lactic acid concentrations were 57 .A_o. v a 00. m> 00.Nv 000500000 0: on 00000500 0000 owpum_ mo cowuozvoea on“ 000000; 00000000 0000 0N0 .mmpeumpazu oz» 00 mmmem>m mg» m? ma—m> 00000 .mam—Pm 00.000—woam mum_aeoo 00000000 mmspm> 000mmwz< N0.~ N0. 0F.0 0_.0 0N.0 50.0 0 0 0 0 «.0 <+0 00.N 0 00. 0P._ 00.0 00.0 “0.0 00.F 0 50.0 0 P.0 <+0 00.F 00.? N0._ Fn._ F0.m 00.0 0N.m _0.0 N0.0 FN.N 0 P.0 <+0 00. 00.0 00.~ N0.P 00.0 0~.0 00.0 0 0 0 0 P.0 00+; 00.N 00.0 nu.0 00.? 00.0 0_.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0+0 00.F 00.0 0_.0 F0.F 00.~ 0N.N N0.F 00.— P_._ 0_.0 0 0 0+0 00. < 0 mm.~ 00.0 0 0 00.0 0 0 0 0 00 00.~ 00.~ 00.N KN._ 0P.0 0 0 00.0 0 0 0 F.0 0 00., mm.~ 0N.F 00._ 00.N 00.0 mu.0 00.0 00.0 0_.0 0 0 0 00. 00.0 0 mp.0 0 00.0 0_.0 0 0 -.0 0 0 00 00.0 00.0 0N.N __.N m0.0 mm.0 00.0 0 0 NF.0 0 0 a 00.— n0.0 00.” 0N.0 __.0 Nn.0 00.0 Fn.0 0N.0 mm._ 0 0 a 00. < < 0 m_.m 00.0 No.0 0m.0 00.5 0_.n 00.F 0 Foepcou 0m mm mm 0_ N 0H00 0N 0F 0 m 0 00000000500000 mo mxmo cowumucwEme 00 mxmo .cowpmacmseommm 0:0 cowpapcwseau aceezo mmapem ceou uanamee 0000 Becameo =0 mAzo Co 00 cowpuzeoea 0000 segues--.w mamae 58 apparently maximal after 15 days of fermentation which agrees with Langston gt_gl, (1958). Lactic acid on days 20 and 40 of fermentation for the control silage was 5.8% of the dry matter (Table 2 and Figure 1). At .5% pro- pionic or propionic plus acetic treatment, lactate was depressed to 4.0% or about 70% of the controls. Strong inhibition of lactic acid production was observed on both .5% treatments containing formic acid. This different affect of the acids when applied at the same rate may be due to the relative strengths of the acids (Carpintero gt_gl. 1969). The pH (Table 3) reflect this difference with the .5% pro- pionic and propionic plus acetic acids having pH's of 4.80 and 4.73 while the two formic acid treatments averaged 4.47. This finding is in general agreement with Huber §t_gl, (1972) who observed marked de- creases in lactic acid of normal corn silage treated with formic acid at .3 or .6%, but smaller decreases with added acetic or propionic acids. All acid treatments at the 2% level completely inhibited lactic acid production during fermentation due to the low pH's caused by treatments (Table 2 and Figure 2). The pH's were 3.28 and 3.65 for the formic and formic plus acetic and 4.20 and 4.23 for the pro- pionic and propionic plus acetic. During refermentation lactic acid decreased markedly on the control, .5% pr0pionic and .5% propionic plus acetic while a smaller 59 mmapwm c000 umpamee neua 00.0 0cm Poeucoo :0 0000 Jensen--._ .m_a zoieaezmzmmm Lo m><0 (- 'q z) 019V OIIDV1 zouhm 000 m0 03—0> 0000 m .mmmpwm mo mmmpwo0m mump0eou 00000000 mmapm> 000mmwz< mm.0 0m.0 0m.0 m~.0 0~.0 mm.0 mm.m m—.0 w_.0 mp.0 mm.0 <+0 xo.m 0N.0 00.0 00.0 m_.0 0_.0 om.0 m0.0 mm.0 m0.0 mm.0 00.0 <+0 00.F op.0 m0.m 00.0 0_.0 00.m 00.0 mm.m 00.m mm.0 00.0 m~.0 (+0 00. 00.0 0+.0 m_.0 m_.0 mm.m o0.m mm.m 00.0 00.m mm.m m0.m 0+0 xo.m 00.0 0N.m 00.0 00.0 mm.0 mm.0 m_.0 00.0 o—.0 0P.0 m—.0 0+0 00., 00.0 00.0 mn.0 00.0 0m.0 m0.0 00.0 0m.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 0+0 00. < 00.0 00.0 0P.0 00.0 0m.0 0m.m Pm.m m_.m w_.m mm.m 0 xo.m 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 m0.m 00.m on.m m0.m m0.m 0 00.0 0m.0 00.0 0m.0 00.0 0m.0 mm.0 00.0 om.0 0m.0 No.0 om.0 0 00. 0~.0 0N.0 mp.0 00.0 mm.0 mN.0 mN.0 0—.0 mN.0 0p.0 o~.0 0 No.m 00.0 00.0 0N.0 m0.m mm.0 m0.0 0N.0 mm.0 mm.0 00.0 00.0 0 00._ 00.0 00.0 00.0 0N.0 00.m 00.0 0N.0 no.0 m0.0 00.0 00.0 0 00. < < 00.0 00.0 wo.0 mm.m m—.0 m0.0 0N.0 0m.0 00.0 Pogpcou 8 R NN S N 050 8 m: m m o cowumpcwEmemm mo m>e0 000000005000 00 mxmo .cowpmpcmsemmmm 0:0 000000005000 000030 mmmpwm 0000 00pmmcp 000< 0000000 00 m 2011.0 000<~ m 61 ama_em ceou easemee 0080 0m 0:0 .oeucou :0 0000 u_pumn--.m .000 zo_»<0 zoie<0 00 om 0N OH 00 cm 0m 0H . «3...... 5...: ...... .r 01 00.0 i < + L 050.0“ ll'l .; + L. 0&0.“ l HOE—H9500 EOI N : ('N'q %) 013V 31L3v1 LO 62 decrease was observed on the formic treatments (Figure 1). After 30 days of refermentation a marked increase of lactic acid occurred on the .5% pr0pionic, .5% formic, and .5% propionic plus formic. On the 2% formic treatments sharp increases in lactic acid were noted at the beginning of refermentation (Figure 2). These increases preceded those on the propionic treatments by about 3 weeks. The formic acid was being removed from the treated material faster than the propionic acid which permitted an earlier lactate production. This is substan- tiated by the rapid increase in pH to 4.70 at 1% formic treatment on day 2 of refermentation while the pH of the 2% propionic remained at 4.28 (Table 3). 0n treatments showing low lactate levels during fermentation, the pH and lactate began to increase considerably during refermenta- tion. The water soluble carbohydrates were preserved by the acid treatments, but once the pH increased, lactate-producing bacteria began to proliferate. Apparently the lactate was metabolized during later stages of refermentation (Table 2). A similar pattern was re- ported by Sleiman (1972) who found that after complete spoilage lactic acid was not found in control or acid-treated silages. Acetic acid production follows the pattern of lactic acid. Production at day 20 was decreased by .5% formic and formic plus pro- pionic treatments and was inhibited by all treatments at 1% or greater addition except the treatment which contained acetic acid (propionic + 63 acetic). Although fermentation was inhibited by 2% added acid as in- dicated by lactic acid (Figure 2) the added acetic acid increased the measured level comparable with control. During refermentation, acetic acid increased most in silages which had not been fermented, and at spoilage a general decline was noted. (Table 4) Propionate (Table 5) and pH (Table 3) were not statistically analyzed because the large acid additions exerted strong effects on both parameters. The pH data (Table 3) substantiate those of Carpin- tero g§_gl. (1969) who reported the strongly acidic nature of formic acid which in this experiment, decreased pH to 3.28 at 2% addition compared to 4.20 for 2% pr0pionic addition. Propionic acid production (Table 5) was low on all treatments and increases on the propionate treatments reflect that propionate added,which agrees with Sleiman (1972). Correlations between propionate, pH, temperature, and spoilage were determined (Table 6). Average and maximum temperatures were posi- tively correlated (P < .01) with pH. Levels of treatment and maximum temperatures were negatively correlated (P < .01). Days until visual fungi and days until spoilage were negatively correlated with pH (P < .01). In addition a high positive correlation of .836 (P < .01) was found between propionate and days until spoilage. Hence, the pH in- creases during refermentation were accompanied by spoilage; but whether this change in pH is the cause or result of fungal growth TABLE 4.--Acetic Acid ContentA (% DM) of Organic Acid Treated Corn 64 Silage During Fermentation and Refermentation FERMENTATION REFERMENTATION O 3 5 15 20 40:0 2 14 22 CONTROL .39 .95 1.09 1.32 1.43 .84 .51 .45 .16 .5% P .35 .46 .42 .25 1.27 .89 .44 .07 .08 .5% F .37 .50 .20 .50 .49 .59 ..56 .20 .35 .5% P+F .35 .40 .22 .26 .54 .79 .80 .79 .02 .5% P+A .75 .82 .60 .88 1.36 1.97 .40 .81 .45 1.0% P .27 .48 .26 .26 .36 .68 .03 .76 .70 1.0% F .45 .65 .24 .26 .41 .57 .23 .97 .13 1.0% P+F .34 .50 .31 .38 .38 .48 .69 .42 .58 1.0% P+A 1.14 .21 .75 1.36 .52 .74 .85 .79 .83 2.0% P .27 .41 .41 .54 .48 .78 .61 .68 .06 2.0% F .48 .23 .65 .36 .69 .86 .72 .21 .17 2.0% P+F .44 .62 .25 1.33 .40 .67 .97 .62 .51 2.0% P+A .98 .23 1.08 1.47 1.19 1.89 .15 .50 .31 AEach treatment is the mean of two duplicates. 65 TABLE 5.--Propionic Acid Content (% DM) of Organic Acid Treated Corn Silage During Fermentation and Refermentation FERMENTATION REFERMENTATION O 3 5 15 20 40:0 2 14 22 CONTROL .27 .25 .23 .12 .43 .27 .35 .36 .30 .5% P 1.18 1.59 1.20 1.27 1.27 .58 2.10 3.26 3.10 1% P 2.37 3.57 2.82 2.63 1.84 1.84 3.70 3.02 4.10 2% P 4.09 3.03 4.84 4.14 4.12 3.38 4.71 5.78 7.48 .5% F .40 .46 .36 .42 .29 .44 .36 .87 1.40 1.0% F .20 2.05 .09 .38 .12 .28 .24 .44 .44 2.0% F .09 .50 .25 .19 .38 .21 .21 .29 .23 .5% F+P .80 .99 .58 .68 .60 .59 1.14 1.23 1.51 1% F+P 1.46 1.68 1.50 1.51 1.23 .91 2.61 1.32 .86 2% F+P 5.89 4.59 3.44 3.46 2.92 2.72 5.22 4.19 5.25 5% A+P 1.76 1.25 .91 1.07 .98 1.10 1.70 1.24 1.70 1.0% A+P 3.19 2.54 2.14 2.10 1.63 1.64 3.10 2.63 3.03 2.0% A+P 3.58 4.08 3.61 4.09 3.48 3.53 3.79 3.98 3.61 66 TABLE 6.--Correlations of Several Variables During Fermentation and Refermentation of Organic Acid Treated Corn Silage VARIABLES r LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE PH: Temperature .530 .01 PH: Fungi .701 .01 PH: Maximum Temperature .717 .01 PH: Days until Visual Fungi -.691 .01 PH: Days until Spoilage -.583 .01 Propionate: Days until Spoilage .836 .01 Level: Maximum Temperature -.613 .01 is not known. The high correlation between days until spoilage and propionate confirms its action as an effective fungicide. As the level of acid addition increased days until visual fungal growth and days until complete spoilage also increased (P < .01; Table 7). This agrees with Sleiman (1972) who found acid treat- ment delayed spoilage of corn silage. Propionic acid was more effec- tive than formic acid in retarding spoilage. Addition of formic to propionic acid decreased the effectiveness of the propionic acid as a fungicide as shown by 13.4 vs 20.5 days until visual fungi appeared, but this was not observed with the propionic: acetic mixture. These 17,1. 67 TABLE 7.--Number of Days until Fungi Were Noted on Corn Silage, Complete Spoilage and DM Loss During Refermentation as Affected by Level and Type of Acid LEVEL OF DAYS UNTIL VISUAL DAYS UNTIL ACID FUNGAL GROWTH COMPLETE SPOILAGE 0% 5.0A 18.0A .5% 7.5A 29.8B 1.0% 19.9B 34.3B 2.0% 28.5B 32.5B ACID TREATMENT Propionic 20.5A 28.8 Formic 7.0B 26.3 Propionic + Formic 13.4C 29.8 Propionic + Acetic 20.0A 29.8 ABC Means not sharing same superscript are different (P < .01). data agree with Richardson and Halick (1957) who found propionic acid a very effective fungicide. Addition of 2% acid reduced (P < .01) DM losses during fermen- tation compared to the three lower levels of acid addition. Losses (as % 0f the original DM) averaged 1.5, 1.5, 1.3, and .5 kg for 0, .5, l, and 2% acid addition, respectively. Apparently, this was due to the 68 nearly complete inhibition of fermentation by all acids added at 2% 0f the treated silage. The literature revealed no reference to a method for quantifi- cation of fungi in forages. A comparison of media with additives was used for the identification and enumeration of fungi using corn silage homogenized in distilled sterile water (Table 8). The media TABLE 8.--Number of Fungal Colonies (per gm x 105) on Different Media, with or without Novobiocin and/or Rose Bengal MEDIA PDA MALT CHRISTIANSEN'S CORN 'T MALT MEDIUM MEAL NO ADDITIVE 49 57 0 48 51 Rose BengalA 23 22 0 14 19 NovobiocinB 19 16 0 18 17 R°Se Bengal 16 17 0 20 18 Novobiocin A33.3 mgs per liter of media. B100 mgs per liter of media. compared were: potato dextrose agar (PDA) (formulated to identify fungi because of its low pH); malt agar; corn meal agar and Christen- sen's medium (Christensen, 1946). All tests were conducted with the following: 1) no additive, 2) rose bengal, 3) novobiocin, or 4) 69 rose bengal plus novobiocin. Rose bengal was used to retard the growth of Mgggr_sp. but after determining insignificant amounts of this contaminant present its use was discarded. Novobiocin was added to retard bacterial growth. Christensen's medium appeared unsatis- factory and slightly higher counts were obtained on the PDA than the corn meal and malt agar. Corn silage contains a wide variety of fungi during fermenta- tion and refermentation. PDA is used to identify many types of fungi. 1 ‘ Because of this and slightly greater numbers of fungi isolated, PDA H was chosen as the medium used in this study. Novobiocin was used be- cause of its bactericidal properties. The apparent higher counts on the medium which did not contain novobiocin was because bacterial colonies were contaminating the fungal colonies and were being in- cluded in the fungal counts (Table 8). No differences in types of fungi isolated were seen between PDA, corn meal or malt extract. The same type of colonies were also observed when inoculum was sprinkled on solidified agar. Total fungal colonies represents the approximate number of fungi present in the samples. By the methods used it was not possible to differentiate between colonies grown from mycelia or spores. It is quite possible that all spores or mycelia did not grow; however, for comparative purposes this procedure was satisfactory. 7O Fungal colonies (Table 9) in green chopped corn were signifi- cantly decreased (P < .05) within one hour after acid addition. The fungal population of all silages decreased during fermentation, which agrees with Federson (1971). Upon aeration (refermentation) fungal colonies increased significantly (P < .01) and continued to increase until day 36 of refermentation (Table 10 and Figure 3). Acid addition across all dates and treatments significantly reduced the number of fungal colonies obtained in plates (Table 11) which agrees with data of Sleiman (1972). For acid treatment of silage to be economical it must be effective at an application rate of 1.0% or less. Fungal population in material treated at 1% (Figure 3) reached a low level during fer- mentation. With the exception of the propionic plus formic acid treatment, all material treated with propionic acid or a mixture of propionic had a marked lower rate of fungal growth during refermen- tation than formic or control. Propionic alone had a slower rate of fungal growth. On day 36 at the .5% treatment level (Table 9) pro- pionic acid and propionic plus acetic appeared more effective than the two treatments containing formic acid. Formic acid alone was very ineffective as a fungicide even at the 2% level. Propionic acid was present after 22 days of refermentation (Table 5) so the increases in fungi were due to an adaptation to pro- pionic acid and not its disappearance. The formic disappeared at a 71 .000000 00 000_wo0m mumP0Eoo 00000000 mmspm> 00000020 .0000000000 030 mo 00000>m 0:0 00 mspm> comm< 0F 00 0F 0N 0 00 0 N FF N0 0N <+0 00.N 00 00_.— NNP 00 0N 0 0 N 00 00 N0 <+0 00.— 0N0.— 0N0.00 00 00 0P _ N 0 0P 00 P0 <+0 00. 00 00 00 0F _ 0 0 0 00 0N NF 0+0 00.N 00N 000.0 000.0 00 0 00 mp N 0N 00F 00 0+0 00.0 000.0_ 00_.0N 0N0._ 0 0 0N 00 N 0 NN 0_ 0+0 00. 0 0 000.00 _0 up N 0 0 0 0 0N 0 00.N 00 000 000 0_ 0 0_ 0 F 0 00 00 0 00._ 000.0_ 0NN.N 0N 0N 00 00N 0_ N 0 00 00 0 00. 00 N 0N _N _N 0_ op 0 0_ _N 00 0 00.N 000 _0 _N 0 F N 0 0_ 0_ 00 0F 0 00._ 000._ 000.0 0N0 000 0 0 F 0 0 00 00 0 00. 0 0 000.000 N00.0_ 0N NF 0N 0 0+ 00 0N0 Foepcou 00 0N NN 0_ N 0000 0N 0F 0 0 0 00000000500000 0c 0000 000000002000 mo 0000 .covumpcmsgmmmm 0:0 000000002000 000000 000000 0000 0000000 uwo< 0000000 :0 A00_ x Em\mp=:oo Papouv 0v 000000m m 500» z 00 m00>00 000000> :00: 0000000 00000m 0000 00 00000000000000 000< 000000uu.m .000 0000< 20000002 N w. .0. N. no.5 // 3.0.0-1...- / .2. s / 1 (in 2) 013v 3mm 86 fermentation and late in refermentation. (Complete data for lactic acid production in Appendix, Table 2.) Lactic acid production (Figure 6) on control and .2% urea N was almost complete 10 days after ensiling while the higher peaks for the ammonia treatments occurred on day 20. The ammonia buffered the products of fermentation, thus extending the period of lactic acid production. Lactic acid remained stable until refermentation at which time concentrations decreased to negligible levels at spoilage as reported by Sleiman (1972). No differences in the maximum temperature during refermenta- tion were observed between treatments or levels of nitrogen addition (Table 13). This may have been due to the small mass of the silage (12 kg) and the high constant temperature (25 C) of the storage room. Small changes in silage temperature would have been overshadowed by the room temperature. Neither were any differences seen in tempera- ture during fermentation. Again large changes in ambient conditions (21 C and 5 C) and the small mass of silage may have masked changes. However, if complete anaerobic conditions were achieved little heat- ing would have been expected (Federson, 1971). Time until spoilage was observed (mold growth; Table 13) was increased at both the .2 and .4% N additions so it appears that added N as ammonia or urea (which partially degrades to ammonia) has some value in preservation of forages. At the .8% N, spoilage was fastest, 87 m000=om 202 m 0000 z 00. :00; 0000000 000000 0000 :0 0004 000000--.0 .000 Am>m mg“ m_ mapm> summ< m. _m NNN mNF._ a NN _ usom-¢=z NN.N om_ NN¢.m omN.N NNN e o_ NN us¢m-¢:z Nm.m _mN mNm oom.m_ mom o N_ mN som-e:z Nm._ NP Nm oom.e 0mm.F c N _ oe:z-<=o< No.¢ ¢_ mom.m_ mNN.m N¢_._ m we N_ uezz-<:o< No.N Nae Ne Nmo.FN NNN o em Nm ezz-<=o< No._ NN mm Nmo.m ¢_ _ mm Nee oumg :moogp_: pcmocmar 114 homomo.mp Ammomp.mp Aomvmo.mp Amovmn.mp Aeovom.mp Aoano.mF ooom1ezz Apmvmm.PF onvow.—F Ammvwo.—P Amov—m.wp Aomvem.FF AnmvNF.NF m¢221oumc mumcowaoga & mom mommgpcmgma cw mmc:o_m_ No. NN. N_. o_. o_. m_. som-e=z w” No. No. NN. N_. No. - e:z-<=o< ANmPVNN.F A¢N_V_N.N ANN_V¢F.N A¢m_omw._ Amopvmo.N ANmPoem._ FQNZOHNONN m_ N_ m o e o NENF_6N Labo< mama mnwo< u_:6mco 6:8 282 58?; empaaeh m=N_~om Lapc< oz: 40 AN: pm: No ewu< chowaoca--.NN N4m<4 116 The aqua-NH4 corn which had heated in the wagons was signifi- cantly higher in fungi (P < .01) after rolling and throughout storage (Figure 10). Fungi in the NH4-solution increased when compared to propionic but no significant differences were seen. Fungal data is in Appendix (Table 5). The temperature (Figure 11) of the rolled HMC treated with propionic acid remained close to ambient while the temperature of the aqua-NH4 which had peaked in the wagons decreased. After three days the temperature of the NH4-solution HMC increased until day 7 then began to decrease. This heating closely parallels the increase ob- served in fungal counts during the storage period and confirming the role of fungi in grain heating. No differences in type of fungi were noted between treatments. Trial II: As indicated by storage data, heating of the aqua- NH4 treated HMC necessitated beginning feeding earlier than antici- pated. Because of this, cows had not been on a standardization ration so they were allotted to treatment according to milk yields for the 28 days before this trial started. No fat tests were available during the period so it was not possible to co-vary fat corrected milk (FCM) during the trial and pre-treatment values as is usually done. Milk production (Table 23) adjusted for pre-treatment differ- ences was depressed on aqua-NH4 (P < .109). There was also a decline in fat percent of cows on aqua—NH4. Adjustment of this data to FCM 117 UZI cmwmmLh Uwcown—OLQ “Em wwcoEE< Cw m:_._._.om Lmflmm mmwcopou meczm11.o_. .mw... 82.44om mmhm< m>mo eczumgmasmh11.PF .oFm oIIIIIII" a: 3.2:. o m cub“: m>