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Major professor Date 12/5/92 MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution 0-12771 r' *\ LIIRARY Michigan State University x J PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove We checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE JUN f3 6 19‘ [I '1 MSU Is An Affirmatlve Action/Equal Opportunity Institution emails-9.1 A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SUPERVISOR IMPACT ON THE TRANSFER OF TRAINING AS MEASURED BY JOB PRODUCTIVITY, EFFECTIVENESS AND SATISFACTION BY Lynn D. Bradfield A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Education 1992 ABSTRACT A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SUPERVISOR IMPACT ON THE TRANSFER OF TRAINING AS MEASURED BY JOB PRODUCTIVITY, EFFECTIVENESS AND SATISFACTION BY Lynn D. Bradfield The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of various methods of supervisor reinforcement on the transference of training to on-the-job performance as indicated by measures of job productivity, effectiveness and satisfaction. Employee/supervisor work groups in three treatment groups (A, B, and C) received support and reinforcement of training from their supervisors. Only supervisors in treatment Group A received reinforcement follow-up support from the company training department staff. Group B work groups were provided with the opportunity to observe the modeled reinforcement of Group A supervisors. Group C served as a control group for supervisor follow-up and reinforcement, and the modeling environment. Four dependent variables were used for this research. First, perceptions of course quality were measured by an end-of-course evaluation. The second variable, job satisfaction, was measured in a pretest-posttest fashion by the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire. The last two variables, productivity and effectiveness, utilized on-the-job performance measures from existing computerized reports. Hypotheses testing resulted in the following findings: 1. Employees who's supervisors were supported by the training department showed a statistically significant increase in productivity over employees who's supervisors provided self-directed reinforcement. 2. Employees who's supervisors were supported by the training department showed a statistically significant increase in effectiveness over employees who's supervisors provided self-directed reinforcement. 3. Both supervisors and employees felt positive about the content and relevancy of the training. 4. Although not statistically significant, supervisors supported by the training department showed an increase in job satisfaction over supervisors providing self-directed reinforcement. 5. Although not statistically significant, employees who's supervisors were supported by the training department showed an increase in job satisfaction over employees who's supervisors provided self-directed reinforcement. Based on this study's findings, supervisors responsible for reinforcing employee on-the-job training will be more successful if provided actual or modeled support. Copyright by LYNN D. BRADFIELD 1992 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The opportunity to pursue this research has been an enriching and challenging experience for me. I could not have begun and accomplished this project without the help and support of many people. My sincere thanks and deep appreciation: To Chrysler Financial Corporation and Chrysler Credit Corporation for generously permitting me to conduct this research within their field organization. To Dr. Cas Heilman, my dissertation director, mentor and friend without whose constructive criticism and guidance I could not have completed this project. To Drs. Richard Gardner, John Suehr and Cass Gentry, who provided excellent input, support and encouragement as members of my doctoral guidance committee. To the employees within Chrysler Credit who volunteered to participate in this research and their managers. To my co-workers Don Mc Cloud, Bob Frasier, and Connie Pryor for their constant support and tolerance. To Jim Norwine who's ever present guidance and unending words of encouragement helped more than he will ever know. To Dr. Paula Serra, Dr. Eric Gordon and Jean Ferrari for their invaluable assistance in the final stages of this project. To my mother and father, who taught me what it takes to go after and reach your dreams. Last but most important, to my husband, Lee and my children, James, April, Mark and Doug. Words cannot express my deepest love and heartfelt appreciation to them. vi LIST OF LIST OF Chapter I. II. III. Iv. TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLES . O O O O O O O O O O O O O FIGURES O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . Statement of Problem . . . . . . Statement of the Purpose . . . . Research Questions . . . . . . . Limitations . . . . . Importance of the Study . . . . Definition of Terms . . . . . . REVIEW OF RESEARCH LITERATURE . . Training Design . . . . . . . . Trainee Characteristics . . . . Work Environment Characteristics RESEARCH DESIGN AND PROCEDURES . . Environment . . . . . . . . . . Population . . . . . . . . . . . Sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . Research Design . . . . . . . . 7% Potential Influencing Variables Data Collection . . . . . . . . Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . FINDINGS O O O O O O O O O I O O 0 Characteristics of the Sample . Analysis of Quantitative Data Regarding Research Hypothesis . . . . . Analysis of Course Evaluation . summary 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0 vii Page ix xi 10 11 13 14 17 19 25 29 32 33 35 36 48 48 49 52 53 55 55 58 73 73 V. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND REFLECTIONS Summary 0 0 Summary of Findings . Conclusions Recommendations . Future Research . Reflections APPENDIX . . . . Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix LIST OF REFERENCES 0001? Consent Letters Course Material Instruments Letters of Permission viii Page 75 75 76 78 80 82 83 86-112 87 90 102 109 113 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. LIST OF TABLES Training Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trainee Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . Environmental Characteristics . . . . . . . . Distribution of Sample by Employee Group . . Distribution of Sex by Treatment Group . . . Distribution of Sample by Race . . . . . . . Distribution of Sample by Age . . . . . . . Productivity Scores by Treatment Group Across T ime O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Multivariate Test for the Interaction Effect Between Group and Time of Impact . . . . . . Univariate Tests of Between Group Differences From Pretreatment to Three Months After Treatment Began . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Univariate Tests of Between Group Differences From Pretreatment and Intermediate Levels to the Delayed Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effectiveness Scores by Treatment Group Across Time 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Multivariate Test for the Interaction Effect Between Group and Time of Impact . . . . . . Univariate Tests of Between Group Differences from Pretreatment and Intermediate Levels to the Delayed Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Distribution of Position by Treatment Group . ix Page 22 27 3o 56 56 57 59 59 60 61 62 64 65 66 68 16. 17. 18. A One-Way Analysis of Variance Comparing Total Gain Score for Supervisors by Group . . . . . . 70 A One-Way Analysis of Variance Comparing Total Gain for Nonsupervisors by Group . . . . . . . 72 Course Evaluation Composite Report . . . . . . 74 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1 Transfer of Skill Training . . . . . . . . . 7 3.1 Work Group Assignment by Treatment Group . . 37 3.2 Scope/Sequence 0f Activities . . . . . . . . 47 4.1 Between Group Comparison Results for Productivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4.2 Productivity Performance . . . . . . . . . . 63 4.3 Between Group Comparison Results for Effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 4.4 Effectiveness Performance . . . . . . . . . . 67 4.5 Supervisor Job Satisfaction . . . . . . . . . 69 4.6 Employee Job Satisfaction . . . . . . . . . . 71 xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In corporate America today, getting results is what matters. Structures for accountability and rewards exist in almost every facet of the business environment. The primary function of such structures is the reinforcement or achievement of results. Manufacturing lines are held accountable for rate of output and high quality; selling functions, for sales and earnings; engineers, for the design of machinery, which increases productivity and improves quality. Training functions, however, usually are held accountable for their activity in terms of number of programs offered; participants who attended, and costs for materials, external vendors, and audiovisual equipment. There is little or no accountability for long range impact or results of training activities in regard to improved employee ability and productivity. (45,62) Skill transfer from the classroom to the job is frequently a concept which receives little or no attention. Trainers have only just begun to realize that regardless of how well needs are assessed and instruction delivered, training efforts will do very little good if they do not 2 improve job performance. Instruction can provide people with new information, insights, and skills, it cannot guarantee that they will then be applied on the job. For this reason, all training events should be designed and implemented with an eye toward the conditions in which learning will have to be applied. Thus the most important role of training is that of the person or persons responsible for the training transfer. Unfortunately, the little research that has been done in this area shows that training practitioners do not spend much time on ensuring that what they teach is transferred back to the jobs of the employees. (62,55) Generally, the training department's major purpose is to offer and deliver courses that provide employees with skills and knowledge, and to do so in a high-quality learning environment. Whether the learning experience is delivered in a classroom or by other means, the end-of— course evaluation is often the only evaluative tool. While they do provide valuable information about the program, such evaluations do not collect data about the application of new knowledge or skills to the job. (62,24,32) On-the-job application of training, if considered, is the responsibility of the employee and his/her supervisor. Unfortunately, most supervisors have no idea of how to reinforce or even what type of reinforcement would facilitate or increase the likelihood of on-the-job transfer of training. Most do not even realize that they should 3 reinforce training. Employees are left to their own devices or inclinations regarding the utilization of training in daily job activities. (62) Recent statistics compiled by the American Society for Training and Development indicate that both investment in training and development and the role of training in meeting business objectives will increase over the next three years. Currently, 63% of 225 Fortune 500 companies provide training to over 20% of their employees. This is up from 1987 when a 0.8. Census report on training in America reported that only 10% of all U.S. employees received employer provided training. (47, 3) Based on this information, projections indicate that training activities will continue to grow. However, the size of that growth, as always in the business arena, will depend largely on the ability of training to demonstrate added value to the company. As companies continue to face a stagnant economy, they will be forced to make better use of their workforce if they hope for growth and profitability. Companies in recent years have begun to focus on designing more effective employee recruitment, selection and training practices. These practices are designed to improve the quality of the workforce pool and, ultimately, productivity. (32) Thus, it appears that management out of necessity is or very soon will be actively involved in the training process ... ensuring that training is transferred to the worksite. (55) 4 With these elements in operation, it is the general purpose of this study to explore and compare the impact of training on employee job satisfaction, productivity and effectiveness when training transfer is encouraged and reinforced by the on-the-job supervisor. Statement of the Problem Transfer of training is of paramount concern for training researchers and practitioners. Despite research efforts, there is a growing concern over the "transfer problem". The conditions of transfer include both the generalization of learned material to the job and maintenance of trained skills oVer time on the job. (3) A central idea in training for the last 20 years has been that knowledge and skills are different and need different training methods. (55) Business and Industry Managers have through hit and miss come to the realization that knowledge can be taught in the classroom effectively and relatively inexpensively. However, skill training presents another matter. To simulate a skill in the classroom, the learner must perform using role plays, case studies, actual practice or similar methods. (55) Such simulations have a couple of problems: * They are seen as artificial, particularly to experienced or seasoned learners. * There is never sufficient time in the average program to provide enough repeat practice for actual acquisition of the skill. * Even if learners sufficiently demonstrate skills during classroom training, most lose or forget 5 the newly acquired skill upon returning to their work environment. (55) Because training involves making change, many training sessions do indeed provide reinforcement during the training session, but not afterward. The trainee returns to his/her job stimulated, even motivated to try out some new ideas. However, the rest of the work environment has not changed. There are problems associated with change in an organization; people resist it and cling to comfortable habits. Pressures of deadlines, budgets and bosses sabotage change. (34) Few people can really make a significant change without the opportunity to practice in a "safe" way. The initial momentum of a training session will never last very long without a series of "booster shots". (34) It is because of this that many of the larger, more experienced corporations are moving their skills training out of the classroom and into the job where daily situations create realistic opportunities to develop skills. Repeated practice and reinforcement over an extended time is also available. (48,55) As mentioned earlier, it does not matter how expertly skills are taught and demonstrated in the classroom, unless they are followed up and reinforced on the job, most of their effectiveness will be lost. (51) XEROX Corporation, after several studies found, that the absence of on-the-job follow-up coaching could create a loss of as much as 87% of the skills gained during a training program. (56) 6 XEROX conducted a practitioner study to analyze the effectiveness of coaching on one group of branch sales people. The branch selected was a poor performing unit and had been so for several years. Conventional classroom training had not improved results so XEROX implemented a coaching program. The program provided branch managers with coaching methods and techniques for analyzing sales skills. Within only two months the branch showed marked improvement. The increase was one of quality and skill, not just more business calls. (60) XEROX found that skills learned in a classroom setting become awkward and uncomfortable when the employee tries to implement them back at the worksite. New skills do not bring instant results. Initially, employees attempting to use new skills go through an awkward period, illustrated in the decline in Figure 1.1, where the newly acquired skill does not feel natural and is not bringing results. This period is often called "results lag" or "performance dip". This is the time it takes a learner to become effective in utilizing their new-found skill. If the learner does not make it through this performance dip he/she will loose the new skill. However, those that persevere gain the expected rewards as Figure 1.1 shows. (60) 7 Figure 1.1 Transfer of Skill Training Short Term Long Term Pre-Training Training Impact Impact Performance I Skill Loss I Skill Gain Figure 1.1 illustrates two types of behavior that may result from the training transfer process. During training, skills are taught or enhanced with little or no change in performance as demonstrated by the flat line. People leave the training program planning to use some or all of what was taught. Back on the job, they attempt to use the new skills and find that their performance dips below what it was before training. This performance dip is illustrated by the decrease during Short Term Impact. It is immediately after training, during the performance dip, that new skills are most vulnerable to extinction. If the work environment does not support and encourage learners to use the skills (even though initial results may be disappointing), and if supervisors are not prepared to coach and reinforce the skills and if learners are punished for reduced results 8 rather than rewarded for using these new approaches or techniques, then skills will disappear resulting in the SKILL LOSS CURVE demonstrated in Figure 1.1. However, if learners are using the skills after the training program and the work environment is reinforcing the use of the new skills a SKILL GAIN CURVE will occur over time and it will surpass previous performance. (60,62) Few learners make it through the performance dip unless they receive coaching or reinforcement, they cannot maintain the newly acquired skill. Alan Gist in "Helping Adults Apply What They Learn", indicates that most people will try the new skill for a little while, then find it awkward and uncomfortable. The new skill is not bringing about instant results, so they go back to their old ways. (46) According to XEROX and numerous other studies, once the learner makes it through the performance dip, when the new skills start bringing actual results, the learner's success will become self-reinforcing. (34,46,52,59,60,62,70) Since relatively few longitudinal studies have been completed for business and industry, it is difficult to determine the degree to which training needs to be reinforced in order for it to be adequately transferred to on-the-job performance. Further, once training skills have been transferred to on-the-job performance, it must be determined if the transference will have an impact on employee performance. (3,33) 9 Statement_9f_the_zureese To date many studies, like XEROX, can only speculate the reasons for improvement. Research available on skill transfer focus' on three elements: training design, trainee characteristics and environment. (3) Extensive research has been conducted in these areas. Unfortunately most of the data collected for these studies was based on self reported immediate measures taken directly upon completion of training. (3) This study was designed to expand the impact and maintenance of training skills beyond the classroom setting. Supervisory reinforcement of training was used to encourage training transfer to on-the-job performance. Skills learned during training need to be moved from the classroom into the job where daily situations create realistic opportunities to develop and reinforce skills. On-the-job repeated practice over time and supervisor reinforcement need to encourage employees to utilize the skills they learned in the classroom. Supervisory monitoring and various training support activities and techniques were employed to assist the learner in not only transferring but practicing the new found skills or techniques. (60) The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of various methods of supervisor reinforcement on the transference of training to on-the-job performance as indicated by measures of job productivity, effectiveness and satisfaction. 10 W Five research questions were investigated during this study: 1. Given a variety of adjunct training activities related to improving work performance, does on-the-job transference of training take place without reinforcement of the supervisor? 2. What is the effect on employee productivity and effectiveness if supervisors receive reinforcement? 3. What is the effect of supervisor reinforcement on employee job satisfaction? 4. Given a variety of work situations, what effect does the overall employment environment have on a supervisor's ability to reinforce training? 5. Given management support and the opportunity to impact employee performance through reinforcement of training, will supervisors' job satisfaction improve? Research Hypothesis From the above research questions, the following research hypotheses were derived: 1. Employees who's training is reinforced by supervisors reinforced by a trainer will show a marked improvement in jgb_p;gdgg§111§y over employees that receive self-directed supervisor reinforcement. 2. Employees who's training is reinforced by supervisors reinforced by a trainer will show a marked improvement in ob fectiveness over employees that receive self-directed supervisor reinforcement. 11 3. gap satiafacgiop for supervisors who receive training department reinforcement support and follow-up will be greater than that of supervisors that provide self-directed training reinforcement. 4. The job satisfaction of employees who's supervisor received training reinforcement support and follow-up from the training department will be greater than those employees with self-directed supervisor reinforcement and support. Nall Hypothesis The following null hypotheses were utilized to test the research hypotheses: 1. There is no significant difference in productivity as measured by the Branch Productivity Report between employees who received training reinforcement from supervisors supported by training department staff and employees that received reinforcement from self-directed supervisors. 2. There is no significant difference in effectiveness as measured by the Branch Effectiveness Report between employees who received training reinforcement from supervisors supported by training department staff and employees that received reinforcement from self- directed supervisors. 3. There is no significant difference as measured by the Minnesota Questionnaire in supervisor jpp aatisfactioa as a result of training department reinforcement support and follow-up 4. There is no significant difference in employee 19p aatisfaction as measured by the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire between employees with semi-structured training reinforcement from the training transference and employees given no structured supervisor training reinforcement of training transference. Limitations While the findings of this study may have impact far beyond the limits of the study itself, it is important to 12 note that due to limitations of the proposed sampling procedure, it will be impossible to generalize with any high degree of confidence beyond the training setting in which the study is to be conducted. Consequently, it is important to consider the following in view of the restrictive nature of the proposed sampling procedures. 1. Since the findings are based on data gathered from given groups of employees and supervisors within a given environmental setting, the study will be able to make only tentative statements about the applicability of the findings to employees and supervisors within business and industry as a whole. 2. The data collected through the Job Satisfaction Questionnaire and the end-of-course evaluations will be subject to the candor and honesty of the supervisors and employees. 3. Since the finance industry does have significant turnover rates, particularly within collection departments, turnover may impact both the size and consistency of the sample groups. 4. Sample size and consistency will be impacted by opportunity for upward mobility within the Telephone Adjuster and Supervisor groups. 5. Training transfer results will be impacted by the specific actions and the extent to which individual supervisor's motivated to reinforce training on-the-job. 6. Company computerized reports on productivity and 13 effectiveness will be used to measure training transfer through job performance. Since these are internal company measures, there may be some question as to the validity of these reports as measures of productivity and effectiveness as it would apply to other organizations. However, these reports are standard performance measures for the industry focused on in this study. Im o tanc o h tud The proposed research will help education and business training communities alike to further identify to what extent supervisory support is key to establishing an environment conducive to employee transfer of training to work performance. While supervisory support has been identified as critical to training transference, little research has been targeted toward establishing specific measures of successful transference. Current research information on this subject is anecdotal in nature. (3,46,62,70,34,60) This study is considered important for the following reasons: 1. Educators, researchers and businesses alike have become concerned about the low training transfer in the workplace, thus it is an important area for study and one in which a measurement of supervisor involvement may prove valuable. (3,33) 2. Typically, training is one of the first areas or departments to be cut during economic downturns. This might 14 be directly related to training departments overlooking the importance of training transfer as a means of validating training impact on employee on-the-job productivity. (62,34) 3. Training is frequently viewed as where employees go to get repaired or recharged. However, the recharge is usually very short lived. Pressures of the job, productivity standards, and supervisor direction often serve to defeat implementation of newly obtained knowledge or skills. (34,62) Yet recent business literature indicates that training has come to be viewed as the key to solving many of the important issues caused by increased technology, competition and high productivity standards. (65) Certainly there are several reasons for this discrepancy of missions. It is hoped that this study can begin to demonstrate that trainers can build and even increase the value and importance of training through improved on-the-job transference. (65) Defipipion of Teams Definitions for key terms used in the description of the study are presented to provide a common basis for understanding. BRANCH: a retail finance office through which car dealers and retail car buyers obtain financing. Three primary departments exist within each branch: Collections (referred to as Customer Service Department), Credit and Sales. 15 paaaaQp§a1_gpa19aaa_pa_agggpaxa refers to an overdue payment on a financed account of more than 15 days. BIEEQIIZEEEEQI the total number of delinquent customer payment promises kept per hour. [IELD REPRESENTATIVEIFR): an employee responsible for contacting delinquent customers regarding their account and making home or work site visits if a customer's account becomes seriously delinquent. 1aa1apgmga_ga_aaa;a§aa the instructional leader in the training programs or activities.‘ For consistency, all training sessions for the Telephone Adjusters and Field Representatives are conducted bythe same group of instructors. Likewise, all training provided to the Supervisors are delivered by the same instructor group. JO ATISFACTION A8 MEASU ED BY MI SOTA O QAIISEACTIQN QUESTIONNAIRE; refers to work related extrinsic factors(e.g., working conditions, supervision, co-workers, company) and intrinsic factors (e.g., type of work, achievement, ability to utilize knowledge and skills). PRODUCTIVITX: the total number of delinquent customer telephone collection payment promises taken per hour by a Telephone Adjuster or Field Representative. REINFORCEMENT FOLLOW-UP: a series of formal and ~ informal activities designed to assist in the transfer of training to on-the-job performance. Supervisors, monitored 16 by the training department, provided models of correct behavior. SUPERVISQR. CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPERVISOR: the employee responsible for directing the operations of the customer service department. TELEPHONE ADJUSTERITA): an employee responsible for contacting delinquent customers for the purpose of discussing an overdue account and making arrangements for immediate or future payment of the total amount due. IBLINIEG ACTIVITX. WORKSEOE QB PROGRAM: For the purposes of this study Telephone Adjuster and Field Representative training involved a classroom experience characterized by job specific instructional activities, techniques, or methods, designed to expand work knowledge and improve job performance. Supervisor training focused on management techniques and practices for improving employee attitude and increasing performance. IBAEQFER. TRANSFER OF TRAINING. IRANSFERENCE. or TRAININQ TRANSFER: on-the-job utilization, application or implementation of knowledge and skills gained or introduced to employees during a training session, including modification of previous behavior. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RESEARCH LITERATURE Recently the importance of training has increased resulting in a wealth of literature on training transfer and reinforcement. However, among this literature there are few results from controlled investigations on the transfer of training to on-the-job performance. (55) Positive transfer of training can be defined as the degree to which trainees effectively apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes gained in a training context to the job. (58,75) Transfer of training, therefore, is more than a function of the training provided during a training program. Transfer of training occurs when learned behavior is generalized to the job and maintained over time. (1) There is a growing recognition of the "transfer problem" in corporate training today. (54) It is estimated that while American industries spend up to $100 billion annually on training and development. Ten percent (10%) of these expenditures actually result in training transfer to the job. (31) While a significant number of researchers have concluded that much of the business training conducted fails to transfer to the work environment few comprehensive 17 18 studies on transfer have appeared. (35,56,75) Several researchers have stated that the existing literature on transfer offers little value to trainers concerned with maximizing transfer. (28,73) On the other hand, Hinrichs suggests that trainers often fail to apply the scientific knowledge that is available. (41) Most of the information available focuses on teaching knowledge and immediate measurement of the knowledge taught. There has been little consideration for monitoring and supporting on-the-job performance of skills taught during training. Further, the information that is available seems to have little impact on the way training is taught and reinforced on the job. Consequently, this review of literature will extend beyond the usual studies centering only on the conducting of effective training programs and will explore other areas thought to have direct impact on the application of adjunct supervisor training and reinforcement of training on-the-job. However, factors impacting transfer such as trainee skill, motivation and personality factors will not be explored in the context of this research. (3) Figure 1.1 provides a framework for describing the desired transfer process. The literature examining transfer issues will be reviewed and critiqued in relation to the impact of training outcomes and conditions of transfer. In 1988 Baldwin and Ford conducted an in-depth study on previous transfer of training research. The results of this 19 study have been liberally reproduced, with permission, in the following pages and tables. (3) Tpaining Design A large proportion of the research on transfer has concentrated on improving the design of training programs through incorporation of basic learning principles. Research has centered around the following principles: Identical Elements. This concept, originally proposed by Thorndike and Woodworth, hypothesized that transfer is maximized when identical stimulus and response elements are used in training and transfer settings. (66) Empirical research supports the use of identical elements to increase retention of motor and verbal skills. (13,21,29,68) Genaral Ppinciples. Promotes the concept that transfer is facilitated when trainees are taught the general rules and theoretical principles that underlie the training content. (53) Crannell, in a series of three studies, demonstrated the value of general principles by teaching the problems solving to improve subjects' ability to learn card- sorting tricks. (14) Stimulus Vapiability, Encourages the use of a variety of relevant training stimuli to increase training transfer. (23) This principle states that the use several of examples of a concept will not only increase the trainee's understanding but will make the trainee better able to see the applicability of a concept in a new situation. (20,23) This principle has gained empirical support with respect to 20 training outcomes. Shore and Sechrest found that using a moderate number of different examples that were repeated a few times each were more effective in enhancing learning than using one examples repeatedly. (64) Cgpditions pf Eraatica, Include a series of specific designs: massed or distributed training, whole or part training, feedback, and overlearning. Mass versus distributed training addresses whether or not to divide training into segments. Research suggests that material learned through the distributed method is generally retained longer than material learned under mass. (7,57) There is also some evidence that massed practice sessions on difficult or complex subjects result in higher performance when followed by briefer sessions with frequent breaks. (42) Whole versus part training centers around teaching all the material as opposed to teaching one part at a time. Interestingly, evidence suggests that the whole method is advantageous when learners intelligence is high, practice is distributed rather than mass, and training material is high in task orientation but low in complexity. (57) Feedback refers to information provided to trainees about their performance. Evidence shows that feedback is a critical element for maintaining learning and that timing and specificity are critical to its success. (77) Overlearning refers to the process of providing trainees with continued practice beyond the point when the 21 task has been performed successfully. (53) Research indicated that the greater the amount of overlearning, the greater the subsequent retention of the trained material. (1,30,51) Table 1 presents the studies related to training design and learning principles. An examination of the table reveals that most of the research regarding principles was conducted before 1970. The samples used for most of the studies were composed of college students completing relatively straightforward memory and psychomotor skill tasks. The criterion measured for all the studies was training outcome. Typically, measures of retention were taken immediately after completion of the task. Research indicates that learning principles have an effect on learning and immediate retention of training material. Unfortunately, attempts to examine retention over time or the effects of retention on the on-the-job maintenance of skills have been rare. In examining the study characteristics presented in Table 1, two basic limitations are evident. First, the tasks used limit generalizability of the results to short term, simple motor and memory skills training. This is problematic given that corporate training is often conducted to enhance individual competence on long term, more complex skills such as interpersonal 22 95595 cute 2... we a N 33m n— ..o p 35 3533 3.3: mc_c_otu couew we: em a F “mummy >uco_umwota ~ >u_._namco> m:_os_um co>o. a mo aceso>oz umo._ou :00 course pack? .m> one... .66.. 53 .833 mucosa» “one: >8amu$oca 3.23 353.5: 3300.5 we 3559.3 39.3 93:: amazon 3 c253 83329.83 :3.» 358 3539.8 026.05 Santiago “~33 ouawpn§e_ “a.._xm *6 co_uu:oocaoa ouemuoss~ mc_cceo. yo oo>b mc_.ocec a acmsueou oc_. unt_u w~ Lagoon 8333288 :36 33..» 3.26 039.33 me 353% 8003 358.5: "3me we 5393959. 353...: @553. we out. 95.009- .352.53 003.3 8 ..oxuoo «3:5.- 2. 5 “.3395". on p.300 «56.n0ca ~ 55 nuances a: 0 “cs — c_ mscdnoca uncousuu «emery c3338 26395 we .6: ..o 338.. 353.5: 3.5055 .833 35.; You 3028 3w .858 3533 $35 an.» 95:3 E3 9533 so 333- 30:83... 3:230 .3353 9533 Pic 3033 3 32...“. co_uo.oroo >u_._ne_ca> no.3smum uc_.uo* we «acetone n~oopv 8.59.... cote 335305 .53 32 touch a 3.505.... .9855 838:9. 95:03» 3.395 cm b.6558 cacao: ammo: uc_uccuuaouc: vacuums... on guano uc_ucom umcuosoou ;u_z «uneasy» cacao: a c. grotto mo .0: douou *o mesa-ac oua.ooss_ >u_._ne_te> undue—um arose—auuo uaoucou coo—Lou o~— oc_uco_.au uc_oceuacoocs nonopv 3953.: 3 3:3 9533 too .a> 32.: 9:309; “.3333; 3533 9.363 5 89...... we .585: .33 we 3:03.- ouemvfli. 333.5 *0 25:38 855...; 63.. 09:3 95.. oo- a 85.5 5393 95x09; 3003 page .m> 0.0g: >couomconsou a we uncousuu co.>ez 3:03:95 955.095 we 2:80... 353...... 3309:. we 8559.8 .9580 955.358. 053.8 3.. a 32.5 , .3: a... .t on. 3.2.... 50 «annual o>pnscunocs “cone. as: q «neuron a.._xm m.._xm o>mutomme mucousua “moo-u yo oc.~_.ecocou noc_ccoo. mo «cocoon ouc.uoss_ >u..mno*co> 63.:smum acmdoooc ao_>ezou ooo..ou ms c.3pdon Agataozgs 388: SS: >.uooccoo auto: nc_c_oa c. >oco_u_~oca oue_pnie_ ou_uoeca we mco.u.ucou more: mc_c_ea oooLLou ~n couezu< e_cou_cu 60.nomau> acoucou o.a:cm anvaogus< 955?.» avenue mswcfioua I a canoe 23 3:09.50 3003 0008000.. 000....00 .0 .0: 3500...... 3860.0 .3380. 0330300 0550.. 000300 00 0003.09... 00 30 3300.000 3003 83.800. 53.00 .0. 38030 5.03000: .0 0.0: 5 30.5000 .- 00000 3500!: 00:08.0 .3380. 00.0: 052008 003.00 0 050:5...» 2.00... 3:00:00 0005.000 303 000.200 .0 .0: 350005 3330...; 05.3.30 00005030 000080 000300 3 0 0.2.0 00503 3003 0500 0.30800 00 0500 3:00.30 00030 8030.. 3055.050 3 05.30 30.0005 3:3033 032.30 050055.003 .0080 00:. no a 5.00.. 3003 00.00.10 058007.26 00808: 8... 3.5 38030 800.050.. 0:03 «00.50 .0 .0: 30.00.... 00300.: 00 083.980 .00.? 00 38.0000 000300 3 .- 5.9.0: . 09.03000 5 00:00.30 3:09.50 3003 0:03 000...0...0 3500...... 00300.0 +0 083.080 9.0: 0:30.000 003.00 3 .308: 3003 3&2: 05300 8.00.: .0 .03 :03 3:00:00 0 .05.... 030008.» :0 008.030.: 00.5000... 2.5826 00.505... .3080 0.0.... 0.00 .0080 :0... 00 0.00.... 3003 0x03 3:80.00 000.. 0:3 .26 83:30.. .0 008.030.: 3500.3... 00300.0 .0 083.980 33....- 00 30300 0.3:... a :80: 03.30 .08: 3005 0.0....0 00 .0: ~ 0.0...» 000.00 .0> 000.- .0380 05000.0 .... :0... S0: .300. 30.80 3 00.3 00 0500.0 — 005000: 3500...... 00300.0 .0 083.080 000.. 3 83000.. 035.5 a: a 0:000 3230 20:50.00 3005 05503 8 0000.. 30.0 300030 0003.095 .33 000 .... a 0.... ..~ 0583. 00 83:30.. 3860.0 .3380. 35 .0)... 05.6.. 000200 00.. a :0050 0 33 7.0 00.00 30> 0:380 0.80 .3553 0550.» .0mzcwucoov £00000 osacwmua I H manna 24 .0330 0050.0 ..0 0:30.003... 0:0 05503 50:00.. 00000.0 050 0:052:50 0: 0. 00:0 8550.0 0:0 .0000 300050 05.00 0 0009.00 30.00:... ....00 0:0 8.0050 0.5 5 .302 .~.o.. 00500 30.30000 00:00:00 c3505 00000 00.000 0000000. ..ouoaoo.0c. 000..00 .0~ 0 00.00: 0 ..00 ..0 00.00 ..0> 0:00:00 0.9.00 30.053 0550... .0mazfiucouv cmwmmo 0:0:0008 s a manna 25 learning principles on training outcomes for more complex and interrelated tasks is unknown. Second, the criterion measures in these studies have been learning and short term retention. While these measures were appropriate, given the goals of the original studies. It would be hard to apply these findings to the transfer of training. Therefore research is needed that examines the effects of training design factors on training outcomes and the conditions of transfer. Trainee Characteristics A wide variety of trainee characteristics thought to effect the transfer have been suggested in some literature. (62,67) However, empirical investigations of ability, personality, and motivational effects on training and transfer outcomes are quite limited. Existing research demonstrates that trainee success in the early stages of training or on training exercises predicts transfer on some training tasks. (19,36,37) Noe and Schmitt found that trainees with high job involvement were more motivated to learn and transfer skills to the work setting. (59) Baumgartel et al. showed that managers who believed in the value of training were more likely to apply skills learned in training. (5) Post-training intervention such as goal setting and feedback have been used to increase the motivation of the trainee to transfer skills learned in training. (3) Wexley and Nemeroff found that trainees assigned goals after a 26 management development program were significantly better at applying their learning than were members of a control group. (76) Reber and Wallin showed that both feedback and goal setting produced higher levels of skill transfer to the work setting than did either approach separately. (61) Table 2 present studies that examine the relation of trainee characteristics to transfer of training. There are few of these studies, but they are more recent than those focusing on training design. Examination of the table reveals a variety of different samples, training tasks, and designs used. The criterion measure typically used in these studies was retention of learned material. Retention was commonly measured through written tests given immediately or shortly after completion of the training program. In some studies information on generalization and on-the-job transference were also gathered. The major source of information was the trainee him/herself and their perception of their success in transferring skills from the training to the job. The research available on trainee characteristics has a major problem, it uses self reporting measures to determine if transfer has occurred. Self reporting measures of transfer are not adequate in and of themselves. They do not provide you with sufficient information for developing a data base for determining which interventions have the greatest impact on training transfer. 27 non.mo uc_uuoa .oou a soonvoow n uucm.ss oc_uuou ..oo ~ unmo.os ocmcwatu 0.3L xuowaa F "aco_ucu> otoxgo: Remove -guuc_ n to. auuowmo c_ox - pou_n_gxo atom>asoa a.aoo a soonuoow unannouoen >Loc.guas c...o: >uoeoa co axon: 0* on n: uto>to¢no >.uoo: noc_ag» nauto~c_ot "copun>_uox >uoeom can; now u gonna .a.c ¢u_ua_touuacagu ooc_agu ... ou co_uo.ot - tom>acon oc_cm-Lu guy». an: m toum>gonam .¢.c nomuu_aouuogogo oocmogu ... on co_uu.og . tuwmcotu ou co_uo>_uos non uc_c_ogu Lou». no: n-~.p $.0m we. a aca¢o>.o>cs acoso>do>cm non .ogauac to» accopv o:.o> .o:p.uou ...: ao_uu.aouoagaso ... >Louoto.nxo .cgoo. on o>_uo¢ a.._xu uaououapo numecum su.) co_ua.ug - uc_cLao. «count vac—at» oua_ufliu_ .ao_ucouooaxo "co_ao>.uo: _a_gouuco: .oogom co a 00: .u.c ao_uu_touuagozu ..a oc.c.agu Laue. no: n utooa .mxuau ucmc_ntu e uua_w can we goon co oucasLowtod Anuopv ac.c_oau >.goo o» nouodog >.ucuom»_co_m not_:oot as.» ucpudo: moocwatu cozou . oc_c.oga ouo.niou ou uoL_:uot «I_u ouo_uoss_ ocmcwatu >.aao ">u_.ma< ouo.a nc_o.oa on a cannon otamoaxo o_uot moo.>ota we cootuop uc_>to> gu_: moneto n .ufi.» ucmc_ogu >.too o» meander not_:ooa os_u mcmcmatu au_:toog Amway. >.ucou.*_:o.m . otouo you» ouou o_uog ouomuoe:_ uc_c_otu >_Loo ">u__mb< ooou 0.3.x >tou_..x cow cooaou u.dsaa o:_c_ugu co anon» on “om.ugv poua.ua um_c_zuus “chop. >.ucou.m_cu.m . uc_uat Louuatuacs unoppose— o.nsam mcmcmotu ">u..mn< oc_;uas ocmaom acmzom ~o uczoo .¢.c nupua_touuagogu ooc_ogu toguo .o:.o> .OLucou co «coo. aeoopv oc_cmugu c. wo¢.on 0» toua.og >.ucou_»_co_a ">u_.ocoatoa uc_c_utu *0 cacao; a . nc_tgoemcagu c. uncouau uo>_ougoa ..ogucou we o:.a> "co_uo>_uo: .o>o. «romance .np.oc>o¢ mono. o» unuo.og >.ucao_w.co_o . ugomwo ouamuos§_ no_\xcot uu_gaoauosoa meo_uo.og cuss: coo_tol< cow ..outoosaan .u.c no.u0_aouoatogo a «coma-.0; ooc_og» .oa: on annoy». ooxo.nso «Ion nouou.uc_ «goo_>gon:a ecu wo xp~ . unsouu< .30. amp .E:.uol awn common-on u>um.qcougoa .uaoouaa 5a.: nouou_uc_ nsq "ugoweo oc_uou_uc_ .ouca>o.ot a oado> actuate Amso—v noose co - auouoom .>.co Queue. 0» acou_»_co_m "co_uo>_uox unsoucm a «cosno.u>up gauges-I ottoan-cooa a .>.ano ou «cone. pauau.nc. Rue . utoeeo uuo_uols_ .oapo .vua "uwznogoosoo ucosouoco: oco.uc_ ecu deacon-sou 338.. a 8.53»: 2.33.5, 23:8 39.3 3:222 ac_c_otp MOflfimflhquMHMEU 00EHMHB l N OHQMB 28 5303500» {2. 3059.230 95000.85 5 330030 :2. an: 93 @5300 .08 p850: .. .5258 9550..» .03.. gap 8 305.823» .95... *o .3330“. .030. 95.6.55 5 99.9 3.59.3 :05 Ammo: 033030 0.3.: 30:05:53 00:053..» 9530» 59.8.5 21..» 9.30:9: 0.30 39.03.02 .08 . 332.03 Q55...» .0:. {up 8 20m @530» .08 2.03930: {8.3090 >3 ~ 5.00.. km a >018: 6.: - 330:3 9550..» .0:- 8... 0 502008 65300 .39 03:550.!“ a 3:502. .3.— 300?‘ 5!- . .5323 95 38: .50.; .030 8.: 0 30m 650000 .03 35300 53:05.5 0830.. 28.095... 3:033 5333 to. .90..» c.ax - u:.c.oo. touuaauac. ou-.uozs. "ac...ou .oou ..co.uo>.uox «a.» ouc..oo om~ a >0.x03 3.300.. a 00.5000: 0030...; acoucou 0.9.00. “3.553 0550..» Aomsswucoov mOHumfiumuooumzo mocflmua I m manna 29 Work Environment Characteristics Currently there is some practitioner literature which indicates that training transfer is highly dependent on factors in the trainee's work environment. (22) However, empirical evidence is scarce. Huczynski and Lewis found that a management style that included pre/post-course discussion with one's boss contributed to the transfer of skills. (43) Table 3 presents several studies that have examined the relation of environmental characteristics to transfer of training. This researcher was unable to locate any studies in which an intervention was made to change the work environment. The studies reported used large scale surveys to examine relationships such as work climate, leadership climate, and supervisory support to transfer criteria. (5,25,43) Most of the training programs studied were interpersonal-skills programs. Given that behavioral changes in interpersonal-skills are difficult to measure, it is not surprising that the transfer measurement most frequently used was that of self reporting. Many of the measures were gathered immediately or shortly after the training program was completed. A few studies collected self and supervisory reports of behavior change at varying points in time after the training. (39) 30 .000. 00: 2.0 000.0090 003 0.05 0:0 03 ..0... 9.5000050 0550.003 0005.0 8003 00.. 00050.0 :2... 30.... 0.0: 0.03 300:0.» . 300:0.0 350000.00 0550.0 0.0305 0.0003: 0.30.. a 300:0.0 00 030000 05503 .0000 00: .. 0.00 a 03090 303.090 0.0000: >00 0 0.5.0005 3 30:300.. .03 .0.0..00 .0003 5 0000.00 000:0..0 030000: 300:0.» 350000.00 0550.0 0.0305 0.0005: 0.00. .0 3030.0 00 09.0000 0550.0 .0000 00... .0 0.00 a 0.0090 303.0000 .330: >00 0. 58300.0 0.. 30:300.. .0.0 .0330 5 0000.00 00033 030000: . 0.0 30:05.33 5 03.030 0.00 0000.000 5 000003 0.50.000 0:053:50 .000... 0550.0 .0000 00... 0» 03.030 00050.0 0500.0 a 00 332.3 .0 0000.000 5 000:0..0 .0.: 0005.0 0550.0 0.0003: .0033... ..0>0 00! 0 0550.0 .0000 00... 0» a n 0.00 3003.0 00 350000.00 00500.0. :05: 0.00... F. .03.. .0:0I.0.3:0 .30 0.00503 0:0 5 0005.0 0.00.0000. 0:0 3 00000000 30:050.:50 000 .0303 .0000. 0005.0 50.030 05.00 .000». . 332.3 .0000. 0550.0 .0000 00... 0~.~ 0.00 0.00.0000. 00 350000.00 0550.0 0.00.0000. .0000:0: -» 5.050.. 3003 .330 00 0.0000 00 0000.0. 30:00.0.:0.0 0.2.000 a 0.00 350000.00 0005.0 5.000.503 0005.0 0.0005: 60.0500 - 3000 00 03000 0.00 000.008... .5053 00 250000.00 :95: 55.0.2 00... 300.030 00.0000 0 00.0000: 0030...; 0:00:00 0.0000 .3353 0550.» mUHumfihmuowHflfiu HUfiGflEfiOHfl>¢fi I m GHQMB 31 There are some problems with the research examining work environment and transfer. The first issue is the static nature of the research in relation to the dynamic nature of the transfer process. The primary support for the importance of the environment to transfer is based solely on correlation studies in which causality can not be inferred. What is needed is the identification of key work environment variables. For example, while research suggests that supervisory support is an important component affecting transfer, there is little attempt to understand what supervisory behaviors are most impacting. A second issue is the data collection problem. The studies on environment have typically used self reporting as the major measure of transfer. Research is needed in which measures are taken at multiple intervals to examine the effects of work characteristics and time on skill transfer to on-the-job performance. In summary, it is important to remember that it is only in the past decade that training and the transfer of training became an important business factor. When examining the research samples, designs and measures it becomes evident that we have only just begun to understand the transfer process. Hopefully, this research project will bring us a little closer to that understanding. CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN AND PROCEDURES The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of various methods of supervisor reinforcement on the transference of training to on-the-job performance as indicated by measures of job productivity, effectiveness and satisfaction. Various methods of reinforcement were applied to three employee/supervisor work groups. The work groups were tracked over a six month period. Five research questions were investigated during this study: 1. Given a variety of adjunct training activities related to improving work performance, does on-the-job transference of training take place without reinforcement of the supervisor? 2. What is the effect on employee productivity and effectiveness if supervisors receive reinforcement? 3. What is the effect of supervisor reinforcement on employee job satisfaction? 4. Given a variety of work situations, what effect does the overall employment environment have on a supervisor's ability to reinforce training? 32 33 5. Given management support and the opportunity to impact employee performance through reinforcement of training, will supervisors' job satisfaction improve? Research Hypothesis From the above research questions, the following research hypotheses were derived: 1. Employees who's training is reinforced by supervisors reinforced by a trainer will show a marked improvement in ob roductivit over employees that receive self-directed supervisor reinforcement. 2. Employees who's training is reinforced by supervisors reinforced by a trainer will show a marked improvement in ob effoc iveness over employees that receive self-directed supervisor reinforcement. 3. Job satisfaction for supervisors who receive training department reinforcement support and follow-up will be greater than that of supervisors that provide self-directed training reinforcement. 4. The job satisfaction of employees who's supervisor received training reinforcement support and follow-up from the training department will be greater than those employees with self-directed supervisor reinforcement and support. Environment The location or environment under which this project was conducted was that of a credit branch. The specific department from which the treatment groups of employees and supervisors were drawn was that of the collection department within the credit branch. The collection department is the largest group of employees within the branch setting. It is responsible for collecting payments on delinquent accounts. Delinquent accounts occur when credit customers' payments 34 are overdue. The exact degree of delinquency is directly related to the length of time the account has been overdue or how many payments the customer is in arrears. The more serious the delinquency the more serious the collection problem. Customer accounts are classified by the number of days delinquent: 0 - 15 days delinquent 16 - 3O 31 - 60 61 & over Each employee within the Telephone Adjuster and Field Representative group is responsible for a certain number of delinquent accounts. The exact number may vary based on the local economy, the number of accounts within the branch and the employees ability to collect the delinquent accounts. Thus the employee, based on his/her ability to collect, can cause their caseload to increase or decrease. TA/FR's delinquent accounts will increase if collection calls are unsuccessful and payments are not received. Delinquent accounts will decrease if collection calls are successful and payments are received. Telephone Adjusters and Field Representatives are required to contact a certain number of delinquent customers per day. Again this number may vary based on caseload fluxuations previously identified. Most customer contacts are made by telephone. In some cases, where the employees are unable to reach a customer or an account has become 35 seriously delinquent, home and/or worksite visits are made by the Field Representatives. Customer Service Supervisors (Collection Department Supervisors) serve a multiplicity of roles; trainer, counselor, supervisor, evaluator, and motivator. However, the primary function for which they are held accountable is "getting delinquency down". Both the Telephone Adjuster and Field Representative jobs have to cope with a great deal of stress. Productivity (number of accounts called daily) and overall effectiveness (number of payment promises received and kept) are monitored daily. Contacting customers regarding their delinquent accounts in and of itself has a certain amount of stress. This project will determine if, in a concentrated environment like the one just described, training transference can take place and if supervisor involvement improves such transference. Population The population under investigation was comprised of employees in collection departments of five branches of one of the largest independent financial institutions in the world. The specific target population within the branch are identified as telephone adjusters and field representatives and their direct supervisors. 36 Sample From a network of approximately 100 branch locations, five sample branches were identified for participation in this study. Selection depended upon branch location, proximity, size, and productivity. All selected branches had at least two separately supervised groups of telephone adjusters and field representatives. Employee/supervisor work groups, from five (5) branches selected to participate in this study, were randomly assigned to three treatment groups (A, B, and C). (See Figure 3.1 - Treatment Groups Among 5 Branches) Two employee/supervisor work groups from each of three branches (1, 2, and 3), were assigned to one of the first two treatment groups (A and B). Groups 1a, 2a, and 3a received support and reinforcement of training from their supervisors. Supervisors in this group received reinforcement follow-up support from the company training department staff. (See review of reinforcement and support on pages 44-46.) The remaining employees from different work groups within the same branches, identified as 1b, 2b, and 3b, received identical training and supervisor support and reinforcement of training. The training department did not interact or provide reinforcement follow-up support for the 1b, 2b, and 3b supervisors. Both groups A and B were compared to determine if an overflow effect occurred. Employee/supervisor groups from branches 4 and 5 served as control group (C). These two branches were H935 GROUP BRANCH In BRANCH 2a BRANCH 33 HORK GROUP BRANCH 1b BRANCH 2b BRANCH 3b NORK QROUP BRANCH 6 BRANCH 5 37 Figure 3.1 3 TREATMENT GROUPS AMONG 5 BRANCHES N 3 81 GROUP A LATI IREATMEN! 2 SUPERVISORS REINFORCEMENT FOLLOU’UP SUPPORT 8 EMPLOYEES SUPERVISOR REINFORCEMENT OF TRAINING Z SUPERVISORS 8 EMPLOYEES 1 SUPERVISOR 6 EMPLOYEES GROUP B POPULATION TREATMENT 1 SUPERVISORS MODELING ENVIRONMENT 6 EMPLOYEES SUPERVISOR REINFORCEMENT OF TRAINING 2 SUPERVISORS B EMPLOYEES 1 SUPERVISOR 6 EMPLOYEES GROUP C POPULATION TREATMENT 1 SUPERVISORS SUPERVISOR REINFORCEMENT OF TRAINING 5 EMPLOYEES 6 SUPERVISORS 22 EMPLOYEES 38 monitored from a distance utilizing company computerized reports on productivity and effectiveness. While there was self-directed supervisor reinforcement of training, there was no reinforcement follow-up support provided to the supervisors by the training department. Employee and supervisor activities and progress measures remained the same as in the other three branches. esea c es' n This study collected and compared training transfer through reinforcement results based on six months tracking of various treatments. Training transfer outcomes were measured by comparing on-site supervisor reinforcement as supported, encouraged, and guided by the company training department with the traditional methods of independent self-directed supervisor reinforcement of training. Training transfer outcomes included self reported information in addition to gathering computerized job performance data. This combination provided a more comprehensive picture of the impact of supervisor reinforcement on training transfer as related to on-the-job performance. Areas measured to determine and compare the effects of the above treatments on training transference included: End-of-Course Evaluation - How did work groups feel about training? Productivity - How much work is accomplished? Effectiveness - What are the results of the work accomplished? 39 Job Satisfaction - Has job satisfaction changed since this study? The design, over time, took the form indicated below: Treatment Groups Measures Treatments 1a,2a,3a 01,02,03,04 A 1b,2b,3b 01,02,03,o4 B 4,5 01,02,03,04 C The variable matrix takes the form of a one way design with equal numbers of observations in all cells. gpetreatmenp Training In order to track the transfer of training a comprehensive training program was developed to delivered to the Telephone Adjusters (TA), Field Representatives (FR). A second training program was developed for the Supervisors. The training for both groups served as the foundation upon which this study would measure training transference as impacted by supervisor reinforcement. The Telephone Adjuster/Field Representative's general training purpose was to provide improved understanding, awareness and utilization of collection techniques and procedures: against which increased job productivity and effectiveness could be measured. Specific training topics included: Team Building Personality Profiling Customer/Service Collection Techniques and Procedures Customer Relations Quality Improvement 40 See Appendix B for more details on the purpose, process, products and objectives of the training modules listed above. Supervisor training had a three-fold purpose. First, and primarily, to provide supervisors with basic management tools for improving on-the-job transfer of employee training. Second, to expand supervisors ability to manage and motivate their employees. Third, to provide the supervisors with an awareness and understanding the training their TA/FR's received. Since this supervisor group had previously received no formal management training, numerous management techniques and practices were introduced. Topics included the following: Coaching and Counseling Recognition Listening Skills Quality/Customer Relations Problem Solving Performance Appraisals and Management By Objectives Collection Procedures and Techniques The general content and topics resulted from feedback from TA/FR training sessions, upper management and a training needs analysis survey. See Appendix B for more details on the purpose, process, products and objectives of the training modules listed above. Independent Variables Treatments Figure 3.1 presents an overview of the work group distributions by treatment group and the treatments applied to each group. The subjects were assigned to treatment 41 groups according to the branch locations in which they were employed. The treatment groups reflected one entire employee/supervisor group or department within each designated branch. Treatment Group A: 1a, 2a, 3a Treatment Group B: 1b, 2b, 3b Treatment Group C: 4, 5 Treatment Group C served as the control group for this research. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of various methods of supervisor reinforcement on the transference of training to on-the-job performance as indicated by measures of job productivity, effectiveness and satisfaction. This study took the form of a quasi-experimental design with multiple treatments including end-of-course training evaluations and a pre/post job satisfaction questionnaire. In addition, individual productivity and effectiveness reports were used to measure the impact of supervisor reinforcement of training on job performance. The size of the study provided a sampling from which statements about the applicability of findings could be drawn. A unique element of this study centers around the involvement of the company training department in providing on-going support and direction to one of the three treatment groups. This support was designed to provide supervisors 42 with training reinforcement as they in turn attempted to provide training reinforcement to their respective employees. The investigator closely monitored various degrees of supervisor involvement. Supervisors from all treatment groups were asked to provide their employees with any help and support needed to overcome the awkward or performance dip period that occurs when attempting to transfer training to on-the-job performance. It was expected that training reinforced and supported by on-the-job supervisors would more positively effect employees than training with little or no supervisor interaction or reinforcement. Further, that supervisor reinforcement of training transference could be enhanced through ongoing intervention and support. This study compared and assessed the impact of three supervisor reinforcement treatments on training transfer. Treatment groups differ in the type of intervention employed. Group A (branches 1a,2a,3a) Process: Training transference was followed-up, monitored and supported by the training department. Supervisors were contacted monthly and encouraged by the training department to develop and maintain daily training reinforcement activities with their TA/FR's. Upper management within the Branch, the Area Vice President and Regional Managers provided verbal encouragement and on site visits to support training reinforcement activities. Knowing that upper management 43 supported the project and their efforts served as positive reinforcement for both Supervisors and TA/FRs. Supervisors were instructed to provide feedback or reinforcement daily on an as needed basis. Various staff managers from the training department contacted or physically visited this group of supervisors monthly. During visits the training staff encouraged the supervisors to continuously provide employees with training reinforcement. They also provided them with reinforcement ideas and materials. Thus the training department in a semi-structured manner provided ongoing follow-up support and guidance to supervisors in Group A as they attempted to reinforce the training transfer process. This support consisted of a variety of activities including: 1. Monthly on-site visits during which TA/FR and supervisor practices were observed first hand. Individual feedback and suggestions were provided to both groups. Meetings were also held with the supervisors to discuss training transfer problems, issues, and successes. During the supervisor meeting specific suggestions and ideas were discussed in conjunction with future actions and activities that would assist in continuing training transfer to on-the-job performance. Supervisor implementation action plans, developed during training, were discussed and revised as necessary. During the on- site visits the training staff person also met with branch 44 management to give them progress reports and to elicit their continued support for the project. 2. An electronic message system was established between the training department and the supervisors. This system facilitated ongoing communication between the on-site visits. Supervisor questions, problems and successes could be electronically communicated between the individual supervisors and the training staff. This was particularly helpful in establishing a mechanism for intragroup communication and support. The electronic system was also used by the training department to send monthly reinforcement activities and ideas called "training reminders" to the Group A supervisors. 3. Numerous support activities and materials were provided to supervisors to assist them as they attempted to provide the continuous support necessary for training transfer to occur. These support activities included: brief readings or newsletters, discussions of practical applications for learned behaviors, and training reminders in the form of various items and activities designed to remind learners of desired behavior (i.e., mirrors to attach to computers reminding TA/FR's to "Smile before you dial": booklets which restated desired behaviors). Feedback on performance and verbal encouragement were provided continually to encourage persistence in 45 implementation. Recognition materials such a pencils and pads were distributed for on-the-job performance of desired behavior. fireup B (prepcnes 2a,;p,2e): Supervisors and employees (TA/FR's) within this work group were given the same training as Group A. Employees were asked to implement the training techniques they had learned during training on their day-to-day job. Supervisors were asked to give continuous support, reinforcement and recognition to employees as they attempted to transfer the training they had received to on-the-job performance. No external support was provided to this group by either the training department or management within the branches. Since supervisors of the second treatment group were located in the same facility as the first treatment group, examples of supervisor reinforcement models were readily observable within the environment. Thus, this environment provided the Opportunity for supervisors of one treatment group to observe and emulate the activities of supervisors in the other treatment group. Group C (branches 4,5): Supervisors and employees (TA/FR's) within these branches were given the same training as Groups A and B. No external support was given by the training department. Supervisors were directed upon the completion of their training to return to their branch and to provide training reinforcement and support to their employees as they attempted to transfer training to on-the- 46 job performance. Supervisors were expected to independently reinforce and motivate employees to modify behavior according to the training they had received. Treatment Group C served as the control group for this research. These branch locations were totally separate from Groups A and B. Consequently, no modeling opportunities were available. Figure 3.2 details the delivery sequence of the research design. All monitoring of supervisor and employee performance was done from a distance utilizing company computerized reports on productivity and effectiveness. There was no interaction with the training department. erepdept Variables Four dependent variables were used for this research. The first variable was related to perceptions of the quality of the training course provided. Though not an actual component of the research design, the training provided was a basis for the reinforcement provided. Hence, the investigator felt that some indication of the quality of the training provided was important. This variable was measured immediately after training using an end-of-course evaluation. (See Appendix C for TA/FR and Supervisor end- of-course training evaluations.) The second variable was job satisfaction as measured by the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire. (77) A questionnaire was administered in a pretest-posttest fashion 47 co_uo:.n>m «assoc 8:02.28 8.. mgmuuowyu 3328.8... comuoodu>m amazon 8:00:33 00.. amoc9>_uuom»u 3338.99... co_ua:.u>u outaou 8:833... 8.. uaaco>_uuoemm >u 33960.5 m (w .oosogo acuioooau «antenna neonates; m ace c connects .uaoeosz .gucoen «sou may c.;u_3 aeou.>uon:a uco aoyso.nso acomognog .nn .n~ .3. use .on .oN ..p as no.*.ucoo. on30gu yen-acute o>ooa «spa ucosouao~c_o¢ Lomw>aoaom A.- mgoum>gooam smug» A..- mooxodosm :_oep acu¢c0au>cm ac..ouo: A-.. acusouto»c_ou Loaw>aooom A-- maoa_>aonsm c.aa» A.- nooso.ozu c_otp utonnsm acoeougowcmoa A.- acosougowc.u¢ Loa_>goo:m A-- at0m_>goo:m cmag» A... nooxodoEm cmutp u zwaamm so hu< mumum>muu< Co oocooaomxoooum ~.n 88.: A 4 u an AN £ a a». 3. a. < «cacao manage Mao: hawth595". m ”Coooueu 838 “anon c6333 «canoe new coco: «SSS? 3233533 .6253 m.~o veto: 956: Rn u l- u Iculxe» as. a.......o..a. so genial: u 55333.5 6...” a.» ~.2. Emu u...: 00. Fan“ ~N~ 3.4. on: 33 n-wo 33 season nouou.mou ..i- ease» A».<\m .u_-uod .u. .60. accuses mamas: emmm:_e¢ page 3.... eagle-... ouuuaucou 3:3 «or: :3 9.3: .8852 c0852 .36» s 380583 a ”Eocene A. 3.8938 883 "upon 8330.. sconce new coco: «.m»s_hu=so¢a xuz<¢m APPENDIX D LETTERS OF PERMISSION MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 110 OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT FOR RESEARCH EAST LANSING 0 MICHIGAN 0 488244046 AND DEAN OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL December 18, 1991 Lynn 0. Bradfield 1749 Laurel Oak Flint, MI 48507 RE: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SUPERVISOR/MANAGER IMPACT ON IMPLEMENTATION AND ON- THE-JOB TRANSFER OF EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND ITS EFFECT ON JOB SATISFACTION, PRODUCTIVITY, AND EFFECTIVENESS, IRB #91-585 Dear Ms. Bradfield: The above project is exempt from full UCRIHS review. The proposed research protocol has been reviewed by another committee member. The rights and welfare of human subjects appear to be protected and you have approval to conduct the research. You are reminded that UCRIHS approval is valid for one calendar year. If you plan to continue this project beyond one year, please make provisions for obtaining appropriate UCRIHS approval one month prior to December 13, 1992. Any changes in procedures involving human subjects must be reviewed by UCRIHS prior to initiation of the change. UCRIHS must also be notifed promptly of any problems (unexpected side effects, complaints, etc.) involving human subjects during the course of the work. Thank you for bringing this project to my attention. If I can be of any future help, please do not hesitate to let me know. Sincerely, Human Subjects (UCRIHS) DEN/deo cc: Dr. Cas Heilman MSU is a: Min—alive Action/Equal Wuity Institution \ 111 m UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Psychology TWIN CITIES Elliott Hall 75 East River Road Minneapolis. Minnesota 55455 NOV.5,1991 Lynn D. Bradfield Chrysler Financial Corp. Training Dept. 27777 Franklin Road Southfield, MI 48034 Dear Lynn D. Bradfield: We are pleased to grant you permission to use the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire short form in your research. We acknowledge receipt of payment for 60 copies of the instrument. Vbcational Psychology Research is currently in the process of revising the MSQ manual and it is very important that we receive copies of the research study results in order to construct new norm tables. Therefore, we would appreciate receiving a copy of your results including 1) demographic data of respondents, including age, education level, occupation and job tenure; and 2) response statistics including scale means, standard deviations, Hoyt reliability coefficients and standard error of measurement. If your tests are scored by us, we will already have the information detailed in item #2. Your providing this information will be an important and valuable contribution to the new MSQ manual. If you have any questions concerning this request, please feel free to call me at 612-625-1367. Good luck with your research! Sincerely, Cli ord Neville Assistant Director Vocational Psychology Research MICHIGAN sure UNIVERSITY 112 DEPARTMENTOF PSYCHOLOGY EAST LANSING 0 MICHIGAN 0 48824-1117 PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH BUILDING December 14, 1992 To: Lynn Bradfield FROM: Kevin Ford Aé[\ Re: Material from Baldwin and Ford (1988) paper This letter is to confirm our earlier conversation regarding the use of material from the Baldwin and Ford (1988) paper for your dissertation. During that conversation, it was clear that the model that we developed and some of the supporting materials were ,quite relevant for your dissertation. I agreed that instead of reinventing the literature that we reviewed, that it was in your best interest to use that material from Baldwin and Ford as support for your dissertation project. It must also be noted that the copyright to the tables/figures and material in the Baldwin and Ford paper are held by the Publisher - Personnel Psychology, and that permission must be granted from the Publisher prior to publishing any article from your dissertation that might liberally cite material or present the tables/figures from that article. RECEIVED DEC 17 1992 L D. Bradfield USU I: II M Action/Equal Opportunity Institution LIST OF REFERENCES 10. LIST OF REFERENCES Atwater, JA. Multiple vs. Single Problem Training in Human Problem Solving. Journal Of Eyperimental Esxshglesx. 43: 15'18, 1955- Baldwin, TT. The Effect of Negative Models on Learning and Transfer from Behavior Modeling: A test of Stimulus Variability. Presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, LA., 1987. Baldwin, TT., Ford, KJ. Transfer of Training: A Review and Directions For Future Research. Personnel Psychology, 41, 63-102, no. 1, 1988. Baumgarter, M., Jeanpierre F. 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