WNWINl‘HWl‘HWIWINWIMWIWHI 'THS *HE S“? Illlllllllllllllllll / This is to certify that the thesis entitled Molecular Study of Actin in Naegleria fowleri presented by Jonghee Ahn has been accepted towards fulfillment ,of the requirements for Master's degree in Science Major professor Date AW‘J 4,1/99L 0-7639 MS U is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before due due. I DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE IL [—71 MSU le An Affirmetlve Action/Equal Opportunity Institution manna MOLECULAR STUDY OF ACTIN IN HAEGLEBIA EQHLEEI BY Jonghee Ahn A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Zoology 1992 (5/8- 5/2 ’7’ ABSTRACT MOLECULAR STUDY OF ACTIN IN NAEGLEBIA EQHLEBI BY Jonghee Ahn Naegleria flawleri is a free-living amoebo-flagellate, and the causative agent of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). This organism like many other species has multiple actin genes. Actin genes are present in most organisms and conserved throughout evolution. Analysis of Northern blots showed the existence of actin genes and a possible role in virulence of the amoebae. The multiplicity of actin genes was demonstrated by Southern blots. Two cDNA actin genes were isolated, sequenced and compared with many other actin genes from various organisms. The results suggested that n. figulgri is more closely related to {Aganthamgeba than to Trxnanoanma, which is contradictory to speculations on data from small subunit ribosomal RNA sequencing which place N,£gnleri closer to Irynangsgma than .Aganthamgeha in the evolutionary tree. H. figuleri may be a_ more advanced organism than thought previously. Dedicated to my family ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my thanks to Dr. R. Neal Band, my major professor, for his guidance and encouragement during the course of this study. I also wish to thank Dr. Will J. Kopachik, my advisor, and Dr. Donald B. Jump, my committee member for their helpful suggestions in preparing my thesis. Special thanks are extended to Dr. H. T. Band and Wang- nan Hu for their kind help. Finally, I would like to thank all the people who have assisted me in completion of my research. Page LIST OF FIGURES .......................................... v LIST OF TABLES ......................................... vi INTRODUCTION .......................................... 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS .................................... 3 Northern blot ............................ 3 Screening of cDNA library ................ 4 Southern blot ............................ 4 Preparation of DNA for sequencing ........ 5 Denaturation for double strand sequencing ........................ 6 DNA sequencing ........................... 6 RESULTS .......................................... 7 Northern blot analysis ................... 7 Southern blot analysis ................... 7 Dot blot and nucleotide sequence analysis ........................ 8 DISCUSSION ......................................... 11 LITERATURE CITED ....................................... 19 TABLE OF CONTENTS iv Figure Figure Figure Figure LIST OF FIGURES Autoradiograph of Northern blot of RNA from axenically grown amoebae and amoebae from mouse brain ............ 22 Autoradiograph of southern blot probed with the act2 cDNA ............... 23 Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of Ni figulgri .................. 24 Amino acid sequence alignment and comparison of the actin sequences in N... fouleri (actl), Dicticstelinm disggidgum, human b-actin, LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 Condon usage in u; fignleri actin gene .................................... 35 Table 2 Amino acid comparison of Naeglgria fowlgri with other species .............. 36 vi INTRODUCTION The free-living, pathogenic amoeba Naegleria,fignleri, is widely distributed in soil and freshwater throughout the world. These organisms have the unusual ability to undergo transformation from an amoeboid trophozoite to a temporary, non-feeding, non-dividing biflagellate. The life cycle of Naeglgria also includes a dormant cyst. Although Naegleria flagellates do not encyst, amoebae are able to encyst (Marciano-Cabral, 1988). Primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) is a rapidly fatal human disease of the central nervous system caused by this organism. Unlike a "true" parasite, this is an opportunistic pathogen whose virulence is affected by several factors. Although determinants of pathogenicity are largely unknown, it has been suggested that phagocytosis, phospholipolytic enzymes and catalase are responsible for its virulence (John, 1982). N,£gnleri, like all other eukaryotic cells, keep their shape and motility with actin filaments. Actin also participates in cytokinesis. Many organisms have multiple isoforms of actin that often exhibit developmentally regulated and cell-type-specific expression (Lees-Miller e; a1. 1992). At least N» grnheri, translatable actin mRNA disppears rapidly during the differentiation of amoebae to flagellates ( Sussman at al, 1984). Here, I reported the existence of a multigene family of actin genes in Nagglgria,£gnlezi. Amino acid and nucleotide sequence comparisons show an extremely biased codon usage. MATERIALS AND METHODS Northern blot DNA-RNA hybridization was carried out for 2 days at 50°C in 50% formamide, 5x Denhardt's solution (10% Ficoll/10% polyvinylpyrrolidone/10% bovine serum albumin), 1% ultrapure sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 10% dextran sulfate, looug/ml denatured salmon sperm DNA, 1M NaCl, SOmM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) and 3.2x105 cpm/ml of an end-labelled DNA probe. The probe was end-labelled to reduce the background. The probe was prepared with the synthetic oligomer (5'- TAGAAGCATTTTCTGTGCAC-B'). This conserved sequence was determined by comparison of available actin gene sequences in various species. This oligonucleotide was synthesized by the Michigan State University Macromolecular Synthesis Facility. The 20mer oligonucleotide was radiolabelled with _f32P ATP by the polynucleotide kinase (PNK) reaction (Sambrook, at 31., 1989). The blot was washed at room temperature, 15 min twice with 2x sodium chloride/sodium citrate (SSC). Screening of cDNA library Poly (A) + mRNA purified from 200ug total RNA was used as a template for oligo dT-primed cDNA synthesis by using a cDNA synthesis kit (Amersham). Blunt ended double stranded cDNA was ligated into pUC18 which had been cut with Sma I and dephosphorylated with calf intestinal phosphatase. After Escherichia ggli DHS'a cells were transformed, 1000 mini- plasmid preparations of cDNA clones were made and dot blotted onto GeneScreen membranes (Dupont). The library was screened with the same probe used in the Northern blot, but the washing step was done at reduced stringency (6x SSC/1% SDS at 40°C for 20 min, 3x SSC/1% SDS at 40'C for 20 min). Southern blot Southern blot transfer was done on Naggleria DNA, digested with restriction enzymes (BamH I, Hind III, EcoR I, Pst I) for 5 hr and separated by electrophoresis in 0.7% agarose (IBI) gel. Denaturation of the gel is accomplished with 0.4N NaOH/0.6N NaCl, and then transferred to GeneScreen. BamH I and EcoR I was from Stratagene, Hind III and Pst I was purchased from BRL. The buffer used for restriction enzyme digestion was Stratagene universal buffer at concentrations recommended by Stratagene. The oligolabelled probe for the Southern blot was first prepared by cutting the insert from actin cDNA plasmid with EcoR I, followed by agarose gel electrophoresis and electroelution of DNA into a dialysis membrane. This insert went through a further purification step by running with low melting agarose (FMC) and a second electroelution. This double purified probe was labelled with a-32P dCTP by random primer method (Feinberg, et al., 1983). Hybridization was done for 2 days at 65‘C in 1M sodium chloride, 1% ultrapure SDS, 10% dextran sulfate, 5x Denhardt's solution, 50mM Tris-HCl (pH7.5), 100ug/ml denatured salmon sperm DNA with oligolabelled probe. The Southern blot was washed with 2x SSC for 10 min at room temperature twice, 1xSSC for 20 min at 60‘C twice, 0.5x SSC for 20 min at 60’C twice. The blot was exposed to Kodak X-ray film overnight. Preparation of DNA for sequencing Plasmid DNA from the cDNA clone was prepared for double strand sequencing. Bacteria grown overnight (100ml) were harvested, resuspended in lysis buffer (25mM Tris-HCl, 10mM EDTA, 5mg/ml lysozyme) and incubated in ice for 10 min. The cells were lysed in 0.2N NaOH/1% SDS. After neutralization with 3M potassium acetate (pH4.8), the plasmid DNA was recovered by standard procedures. Ethanol precipitation, washing, RNA digestion, phenol-chloroform extraction, second precipitation and washing were carried out as previously described (Sambrook, at al., 1989). The plasmid DNA was dissolved in nanopure water before further experiment. Denaturation for double strand sequencing DNA (10ug, measured by spectrophotometer) was denatured with 0.4M NaOH at 37'C for 30 min. An 0.1 vol. 3M sodium acetate (pH 4.5-5.5) was added to neutralize and 4 vol. 100% ethanol was added to precipitate the DNA at -20'C overnight. DNA sequencing Naegleria fonleri actin cDNA clones were sequenced by the dideoxynucleotide chain termination method according to the method provided by US Biochemical with USB Sequenase version 2.0. For labelling, 33P dATP is used as well as 35$ dATP . Two sequence primers (5'-CCAATTGAACACGGTAT-3', 5'- CACAACCTTAATCTTCA-B') were synthesized to get the full length actin cDNA. RESULTS Northern blot analysis The blot of long of total celluar RNA was made by Wang- nan Hu. The RNA was size separated on agarose gels with formaldehyde as the denaturant. After electrophoresis the RNA was electroblotted onto GeneScreen. The hybridization of end-labelled probe to Northern blot occurred in the 1.2kb region of the blot which was determined by running RNA size makers on the same gel. The level of hybridization increased after subsequent mouse brain passages (compare m1 RNA to m2, m3 and m4 in Figure 1) while the axenically grown RNA showed the lowest hybridization (lane Ax). An equal amount of intact RNA was present in the five samples beCause the rRNA had equal ethidium bromide staining, I conclude that there is a higher expression of actin gene in virulent amoebae than non-viruelnt amoebae. Southern blot analysis Southern blot analysis was performed to determine the number of copies of actin genes (Figure 2). Total nuclear DNA was digested individually with four different restriction enzymes (BamH I, EcoR I, Hind III and Pst I) and the digestion products size separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. First, the hybridization was done with the end-labelled probe but the signals were too weak to be clearly visualized. Therefore a random primer oligo-labelled probe of cDNA N,fgnleri actin gene was made to give stronger signal. The 4-7 bands shown on Southern blot suggested that actin genes are a multigene family. Dot blot and nucleotide sequence analysis A cDNA library of 104 clones was made from LEE strain with SmaI digestion and pUC 18 ligation by Wang-nan Hu. This library was screened with the end-labelled probe. Three positive clones were found. The inserts were sequenced but one of them had the SmaI site within the coding region of actin gene and it couldn't represent the full length cDNA actin. The actual insert sizes were 1120 base pair and 1177 base pair, designated actl, act2 respectively. In the actl sequence, one long open reading frame was present extending 1116 bases from the ATG putative start codon to TAA stop codon. A possible poly A additional signal was located 25 bases after the stop codon. The other sequence, act2, 1128 bases were identified within the coding region, missing 12 bases from start codon. It contained 24 base pairs of the 5' upstream region, 68 base pairs of the 3' region after the stop codon including poly A tailm as well as coding sequence. Also actl had a possible poly A additional signal at 36 bases after the stop codon. 9 Comparison of the nucleotide sequence to the GENEMBL data base sequence showed a homology with 241 actin gene sequences. 'The highest homology shown here was 78.1% for actl with a Candida albigans actin gene (accession number X16377). ’Other organisms, Digtygstglinm (73.8%, accession number X03281), Saggargmygga (77.3%, accession number L00026) and Entamggha (76.7%, accession number M16396) actin genes showed relatively high homology with that of N,fnnl£zi. Also the deduced amino acid sequence was compared with other actin peptide and showed the highest homology (83.4%) for actl with Ehysarnm pglygephalnm (accession number P02576). Dictygstelinm diaggideum (accession number P02577) human (accession number P02570) and Acanthamgeba (accession number P02578) showed more than 80% homology with Nflfgwleri actin amino acid sequence (Table 2). Because the structure of actin protein is now available from x-ray crystallography, we can deduce the ATP and divalent metal ion binding site as well as actin-myosin and actin-actin interaction site. The amino acid residues which involves ATP, metal ion binding and actin-myosin interaction are largely conserved while actin-actin contacts are not as highly conserved as other interaction sites. There were 10 nucleotide differences out of 1116 base pairs between actl and act2 genes in coding region. Six amino acid changes were predicted from the nucleotide difference, 4 of them had different side chain polarity. 10 The A+T content inside the coding region was 58.3% while in the 5' and 3' region, it was 67.4% (actl both 5'and 3' ends),and 78.7% (act2, 3'end only). For translation, actin gene showed the preference of purine base at third position (Table 1). DISCUSSION Actin is present in the form of filaments, small filament bundles and meshworks in a wide variety of organisms (Taylor at al. 1979). Thick and thin microfilaments, morphologically similar to actin and myosin, have been seen in the cytoplasm of Naeglgria,figwlgri (Lastovica at al., 1976). The Northern blot showed that there is at least one actin transcript of moderately high abundance in this organism (Fig. 1). The probes were hybridized to gel blots of total RNA from axenically growing amoebae (Lane Ax) and from amoebae taken from brains of mice after one, two, three or four serial infections of mice (m1, m2, m3, m4). This results showed that there is a higher expression of actin gene. Because of the increase in hybridization, the increased mRNA of actin may be necessary for the virulence in N. fonleri. Wong et_al. (1977) noted that after prolonged periods of maintenence in axenic medium, strains of N. foulgri lost their original pathogenicity in mice Virulence was restored after serial mouse brain passage. The highly virulent amoebae exhibit faster movement in xixg than do weakly virulent amoebae (Cline at al. 1986). The increase of actin mRNA is correlated with increased motility possibly for host cell invasion and phagocytic activity. The actin gene generally belongs to a multigene family, but there are exceptions such as in Sagghargmycea,gerexisidae and Tetrahymena spp. (Amar at al. 1988). The size of the 11 12 multigene family may be small, as in Aganthamggha spp. and Physarum spp. which have three or four actin genes, or large as in Dictybstelinm spp., mice or human which have 20 to 30 actin genes (Amar e; al.1988). Cloned actin cDNAs hybridize to at least four fragments in genomic DNA which were digested with restriction endonucleases (Fig. 2) indicating that actin may be present in many copies in Naggleria genome. In addition, faintly hybridizing bands were detected which might be due to cross-hybridization to similar sequence of actin or parts of actin genes which have restriction sites within their genomic sequences. The construction and identification of cDNA clones containing sequences of actin provides an understanding of actin protein structure as well as gene evolution. Actins are widely assumed to be evolutionary conserved proteins. The sequences determined here are between 65-80% for both nucleic acid and amino acid homology to other organisms. This is lower than comparisons of Sghizgsanghargmyces,pombe actin genes to other actin sequences in various organisms (Lees—Miller at al. 1992). I have sequenced two actin genes in N, fgnlgri, one of which is 12 base pairs short of the start codon (Fig. 3). There are 13 nucleotide differences which cause 3 silent and 5 amino acid changes in actin protein. This is a big difference (79.6% amino acid homology) compared with Entamgeha,histglytiga (Edman at al. 1987) which was previously thought to be closely related to N..£Qfllfinir 13 that showed just 4 nucleic acid changes, all of which were silent changes when translated into amino acid sequence. Even though 3 of the changed amino acids have the same side chain polarity, one of them is polar/non-polar change and the other is non-polar/polar change. Thus, the overall charge of these two proteins remains the same from 4 to 375 amino acid but the isoelectric point can be different because the N-terminus is a very variant region in actin protein. It is now established that various forms of actin, differing from one another by certain changes in primary strcture of protein, exist in different cells and tissues and within a given cell (Taylor :1 a1. 1979) or in an amoebae (Nellen gt al. 1982). The two different actin proteins deduced from the actin gene cloned here can coexist in a anguleri, excuting different roles structurally and functionally. The comparison of both actl and act2 3' untranslated regions did not show high homology (23%), but they have 11 A's in the polyA tail as well as the eukaryotic polyadenylation signal (Fig3, underlined). From GENEMBL data base sequences, a comparison of both 5' and 3' untranslated region was done with various species. Unlike the coding region, there were no detectable similarities between N. fnnleri and other organisms that have high homology in coding sequences. The 3' untranslated regions including poly A tail in N, fgnleri actin genes are very short (50 and 57 base pair long, shown in Fig.3) which is also true for a- and B-tubulin genes of Naegleria (Clark. 1990). This short untranslated 14 portion of actin mRNA was also observed in Aganthamggha, Digtygstelinm, and yeast (Nellen at al. 1982). It, therefore, Seems that the group of smaller actin mRNA is confined to the simpler eukaryotesfi Deduced amino acid sequence comparison is contradictory to that of nucleic acid sequences (Fig 4). Among 8 organisms, Dictygatelinm and Sagchargmyges exhibit the highest homology (77.3%) followed by Entamggha (76.7%) in nucleic acid comparison. However, in amino acid alignment, Aganthamgeba, Digtygstelinm, and human show higher homlogy than Entamgeha (Tabel 2). No matter how high the homology is, there are two parts of amino acid sequences in N. fowleri which are very distinct in terms of side chain polarity. The region of 192-194 and 216-220 amino acids are quite different from other actin sequences while all other eight genes shared those sequences or have few replacements. As N-terminal amino acids showed high degree of replacement in other comparison (Lees-Miller a; a1. 1992), it is not remarkable that there is a variety of amino acids in this comparison. In one species of Naegleria, N. gznhazi. an antibody for actin did not recognize determinants in actin of Aganthamgeba, Dictygsteinm and Rhysarum (Fulton et.al. 1986) This antibody defines a region possibly species specific. Lack of N-methylhistidine in N, gruheri (Fulton at. al. 1986.) may also participate in the uniqueness of actin. The reason for specific antibody specificity may be clarified by sequence analysis. 15 Recently, the atomic structure of actin was determined by X-ray crystallography in rabbit skeletal muscle (Kabsch a; a1. 1992). Actin generally consists of two domains which can be further subdivided into two subdomains. It is suggested that a five-stranded a sheet consisting of B-meander and a right handed BaBunit appears in each domain. Because Naegleria actin is homologous to their actins, possibly it has the same atomic structure. Naegleria actin, although different enough to have unique antigen determinants, is conserved in many properties like calcium-, nucleotide-, myosin-, actin-binding sites (Lees-Miller at al. 1992). As shown in Fig 4, calcium- binding sites are completely conserved while nucleotide- binding sites are relatively well conserved in N. fnnlafi. The most variable replacements are found in actin-actin binding sites, however, those replacements have the same side chain polarity except 40, 41, 43, 110, 196 amino acids. The myosin binding sites are highly conserved throughout the peptide exept the variant N-terminus region where no homology was found among 9 species. DNAseI contact sites, composed of 50, 53, 61, 68, 69 amino acid residues (Edman gt a1. 1987) was conserved in N, fowleri actin. Therefore the N,fguleri actin polypeptide possesses the common structure of actin which allows the functional properties of it. The relative frequency of synonymous codons for any amino acids suggests that codon usage differs among species (Starner at al. 1989). The preference of particular codons 16 implies that a functional role of codon usage may differ in many organisms as a consequence. As shown in Table 1, the amino acid codon usage in N. fouleri actin is very biased. Every amino acid is encoded by a preferred codon with exceptions of threonine, asparagine, histidine and serine. N. fauleri shows a strong preference for substitution of an adenine or thymidine residue in the third position of a codon. The adenine or thymine occurrence at the third position presents at a frequency of 64.5% in contrast to 30% in human actin. Comparison of the codon usage of N, fowleri actin with E. 1113mm, S. minions and A. nastellani actin (Edman et a1. 1987) revealed that N, fowleri actin codon usage is more smilar to S, cerexisidae than to E. hiatglytiga and very different from A. gastellani. Also, this bias will prove useful in producing probable DNA sequences for oligonucleotide based gene isolation and for confirming the proper reading frame when genes are being sequenced. As amoebas have long been considered the most difficult protozoa to place satisfactorily in a taxonomical scheme, actin is extremely valuable for probing phylogenic relationship. Many regions of actin remain conserved over large periods of time, and the rate of molecular evolution in general is relatively constant with time (Baverstock er a1. 1989). Most of the molecular work to determine evolutionary relationships are by comparison of small-subunit ribosomal RNA sequences. These sequences are considered highly 17 conserved in evolution and because of slow divergence (Clark gt a1. 1989). According to rRNA sequencing, Nagglgtig is more closely related to Tgttahymgna or Irxpannanma than (Aggnthgmgghg (Baverstock gt gl. 1989). This is contradictory to the conclusion based on actin nucleotide and amino acid sequence which place Nagglgtia more closely to D,digggidgum and Aflgastgllanii. Table 2 shows the similarity between Nagglgria4fgnlgri and other species. Amino acid sequence comparison instead of nucleotide was used because Loomis gt g1. (1990) had suggested that amino acid sequence might be more reliable than untranslated nucleic acid sequences for evolutionary comparisons. N,fgwlgti has a higher H-value (defined by Sogin gt,gl, 1986) with Arcaatellanii and D.digggidgnm than with Erhigtglxtiga. This discrepancy might be due to the species used for the rRNA sequencing. N, grnbgti is considered to be the most divergent species in the genus Nagglgrig (Clark gt al. 1988). Restriction endonuclease analysis of mitochondria DNA also showed the most divergent nature of N, grubgti_within the genus as well as the most distant relatedness to N, fgulgti (Milligan gt g1. 1988). Furthermore, ribosomal DNA digestion demonstrated that N. exuberi‘is very variant within the species (Clark gt a1. 1989). Therefore the possibility remains that N, finalezi is a more advanced eukaryote than N, gtnbgti and is closely related to Aganthamggbg. Similar contradiction in phylogenic analysis have been reported in Digtyggtglinm.diggg1dgnm (Loomis gt al., 1990). Cladistic analysis of amino acid 18 sequence in actin from a variety of eukaryotes shows that D.diacoideum and E.higtglytiga are closely related and are closer to metazoa than are yeast. But in distance matrix, Digtygstglinm is grouped with the metazoa, and Entamggba forms a separate line. Therefore although rRNA sequencing could be a useful method to determine the phylogenic relationships in evolution, the comparison of highly conserved protein sequences can come to a different conclusion. One remarkable characteristic of Aggnthgmggba is to form a cyst in the absence of exogenous nutrients. Also, Dictxnfitelinm aggregates and form spores when staring (MacLeod gt al., 1980). .Aaanthamneha, Di£L¥QfiL£linm and Nagglgtia transform their shape when starving and the actin is an organelle which is resposible for the shape of an organism. 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Parasitol. 63:872-878 ' Axm1m2 m3m4 18$— .“ —NfActin1 Figure 1. Autoradiograph of Northern blot of RNA from axenically grown amoebae and amoebae from mouse brain. Total RNA (lOug) was electrophoretically size separated on an agarose gel containing formaldehyde. Lane Ax (axenic amoebae); m1. m2, m3 and m4 amoebae after 1, 2, 3 and 4 passages of infection in mouse brain. The blot of the gel was probed with and 32P-end labelled oligonucleotide homologous to an actin mRNA sequence. 22 23 (kb) 23.1=4> fin .- e 9.4=> _’ .. 6.7={> 4.4={> at; Figure 2. Autoradiograph of southern blot probed with the act2 cDNA. Genomic DNA (long) digested with BamH1(B), EcoR1(E), HindIII(H) and Pst(P) restriction enzymes was electrophoretically size separated, blotted onto GeneScreen and hybridized to 32P-oligolabelled act2 cDNA insert. Size markers on the left were from lambda DNA digested with HindI I I . -24 Actl TTCCTCTCCAACAAGAACAACAAA MetCysAspAspVal ATGTGTGACGACGTT ********Act2 PheAlaGlyAspAsp TTCGCTGGTGATGAT LysSerIleMetVal AAGTCCATCATGGTT LysArgGlyIleLeu AAGAGAGGTATTTTG AspMetGluLysIle GATATGGAAAAGATC HisProValLeuLeu CATCCAGTCTTGTTG GlnIleMetPheGlu CAAATCATGTTTGAA SerLeuTyrAlaSer TCTTTGTATGCTTCT HisThrValProIle CACACTGTTCCAATT AlaGlyArgAspLeu GCTGGTAGAGATTTG AsnThrThrAlaGlu AATACCACTGCTGAG 30 GlnAlaLeuValVal CAAGCACTCGTAGTT a Glu 90 AlaProArgAlaVal GCACCAAGAGCTGTC 150 GlyMetGlyAsnLys GGTATGGGTAACAAG 210 ThrLeuLysTerro ACTTTGAAGTATCCA 270 TrpHisHisThrPhe TGGCATCACACCTTC 330 ThrGluAlaProLeu ACTGAAGCTCCATTG 390 ThrPheSerValPro ACCTTCTCTGTTCCA 450 GlyArgThrThrGly GGTCGTACCACTGGT 510 TyrGluGlyTyrAla TATGAAGGTTATGCT 570 ThrAspTereuIle ACTGATTACTTGATC 630 ArgGluIleValArg AGAGAAATTGTCAGA tg caa CysGly 24 AspAsnGlySerGly GATAACGGATCTGGT PheProSerIleIle TTCCCTTCCATCATT AspAlaTeralGly GATGCCTATGTTGGT IleGluHisGlyIle ATTGAACACGGTATT TyrAsnGluLeuArg TACAATGAATTGAGA AsnProLysAlaAsn AATCCAAAGGCTAAC AlaMetTyrvalAla GCCATGTATGTTGCC IlevalLeuAspSer ATTGTTTTGGACTCT LeuProHisAlaIle TTGCCTCATGCTAGG c Ala GluAspSerHisGly GAAGATTCTCATGGA AsleeGluGlyLys GATATCGAAGGAAAA a Glu 60 MetCysLysAlaGly ATGTGTAAGGCTGGT 120 GlyArgProLysGln GGTAGACCAAAGCAA 180 AspGluValGlnSer GATGAAGTCCAATCC 240 valThrAsnTrpAsp GTCACCAATTGGGAT 300 valAlaProGluGlu GTTGCTCCAGAGGAA 360 ArgGluLysMetThr AGAGAAAAGATGACT 420 IleGlnAlaValLeu ATTCAAGCTGTCTTG 480 GlyAspGlyValSer GGTGATGGTGTCTCT 540 LeuArgLeuAspLeu TTGAGATTGGATTTG 600 ThrCysTyrSerPhe ACGTGTTACTCATTC 660 AlaLeuLeuTerys GCTCTGTTATATTGC PheAspPheGluGln TTTGACTTTGAACAA GluLeuProAspGly GAATTGCCAGACGGT LeuPheGlnProAsn TTGTTCCAACCAAAC SerIleGlyLysCys TCGATTGGAAAGTGT GlyGlyThrThrMet GGTGGTACTACCATG AlaProAlaSerMet GCTCCTGCTTCCATG IleGlyGlySerIle ATTGGAGGTTCCATC GluTyrGluAspAla GAATATGAGGATGCC 690 GluMetLysIleAla GAAATGAAGATTGCT 750 AsnvalIleThrVal AACGTGATTACTGTT 810 PheIleGlyMetGlu TTCATTGGTATGGAA 870 AsleeAsleeArg GATATTGATATCAGA 930 PheGluGlyIleAla TTTGAAGGTATTGCT 990 LysIleLysValVal AAGATTAAGGTTGTG 1050 LeuAlaSerLeuSer TTGGCTTCATTGTCC 1110 GlyProGlyIleVal GGTCCAGGTATTGTC 25 AlaGluSerSerThr GCTGAATCATCCACC t Ser GlyAsnGluArgPhe GGAAATGAAAGATTC AlaAlaGlyValHis GCTGCTGGTGTCCAT LysAspLeuTyrGly AAGGATTTGTATGGT GluArgMetThrLys GAGAGAATGACCAAG AlaProProGluArg GCTCCACCAGAAAGA ThrPheGlnGlnMet ACCTTCCAACAAATG HisArgLysSerPhe CACAGAAAGAGCTTC 720 ValGluLysSerTyr GTTGAAAAGTCTTAT ctc Leu 780 ArgCysProGluval AGATGTCCAGAAGTT 840 GluThrThrPheAsn GAAACTACTTTCAAC 900 Asnva1ValLeuSer AACGTTGTCTTGTCT '960 GluLeuThrAsnMet GAATTGACCAACATG 1020 LysTyrSerValTrp AAGTACTCGGTCTGG a Lys 1080 TrleeThrLysGlu TGGATCACCAAGGAA 1128 stop TAA ATTGACCTTGGATGCACATTATCAAATTCCAATGTABIABAACATAAAAATCTATGT AAAAAAAAAAA 1196 attggatgcacattatcaaattccaataaatccaataattgtaatacttcaaaaaaaaaaa 1189 Figure 3. Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of N.fgnlgti is shown in capital letters in full length cDNA (Actl), while the partial cDNA (Ath) with small letters. Nucleotides are numbered relatively to the A of the ATG initiation codon in Actl, negative numbers indicate 5' flanking sequence. The deduced amino acid sequence of Actl is shown above the nucleotide sequence. sequence is shown below the nucleotide sequence. In Act2,Amino acid The underline indicates a potential poly A additional site AAIWJUX. Naegleria Dictyostelium Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma Naegleria Dictyostelium Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma 3 E! 3 tn 0 3 B <<:<:<:<<:<: «1000:2000 V 3’ V 3’ W 3’ w 3’ 3 > 3’ V 3’ V 3’ w 3’ V 31 w 33 w 33 w v 3’ 5 3’ V 3’ V .g <1 < <3 < <3 < 71 (I) (3 *3 L" 26 :1 :3 LV NGSG Lv NGSG LV NGSG LV NGSG LV NGSG LV NGSG LV NGSG IV NGSG AI NGSG 1 PP IGRP FP VGRP FP VGRP FP VGRP FP VGRP FP VGRP FP VGRP FP VGRP FP VGPL 2 ES 3 5! Z I! Z 5! Z w 33 w 50 w N O O N Q K Y T H Q H Q H T N V MIP N K v w 3’ ‘w 3’ D .k) m a) a a) m a) m a) j '< < H [333333333 Im m 3’ w 3’ v 3’ W 3’ W 3 3’ W 3’ < <3 < ‘3 <1 m [g 23 46 O G) C) G) C) Q Naegleria Dictyostelium Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma Naegleria Dictyostelium Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma 3 E: 3 E! 3 E! Z 3 (I) Q G) G) G) £00000 2 N C) (D N 5‘ W U 3 (1 3’ w 27 l < <3 < <3 < <3 < ha a) m a) m a) o a) a 0000006) 6) < <3 < <3 < <3 < <3 < T N T N T N T N N N T N S 13 2 =3 8 13 2 w < m w 3’ w a: :v w a» > k: C) r: c> r: C) r: c> raj 3 E! 3 E! 3 E! Z 5! F1 U) U) 5 3’ N N 73 N 33 N 33 N < 33 N 33 N 5% N 53 N 69 3.2.3 __<1£L R G I L K Y K G I L K Y R G I L K Y R G I L R Y R G I L K Y R G I L K Y R G I L K Y R G V L K Y RLgyv 331(33 92 I W'H F Y N I W'H F Y N I W'H F Y N I W’H F Y N I W'H F Y N I W'H F Y N I W'H F Y N I W’H F Y N I W'H F Y N Naegleria Dictyostelium Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma Naegleria Dictyostelium Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma 28 m m E R V.A E R V.A E R VIA E R V.A E R V.A E R A.A E R V'A E R V T E R V'N R K MIT R K M T R K M'T R K M T R K M T R R M T R K M T R K MIT R K MIT X (D C) (D (D C) ID C) C) K E: 3 E! 3 E! 3 E! Z < <3 ‘< < <3 < O O LL EA LL EA LL EA LL EA LL EA LL EA LL EA LL EA LL EA Es PA EN PA EN PA EN PA EN PA EN PA EN PA EN PS _E_G LA 'd 3 E! 3 3 5! Z 115 aaa .1 LNP AN LNP RN LNP AN MNP SN LNP AN LNP GN MNP AN QNP LN MNP Q_N_ 138 a YVA QA YVA QA YVA QA rvs QA YVA QA YVA QA ch QA YVA QA YVA 9A Naegleria. Dictyostelium Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma Naegleria Dictyostelium Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma < <3 < <3 < <3 < < <3 < <3 < <3 < <3 < <3 < 5 5 3’ 5 5 3’ 29 mmm SGR GIV SGR GIV SGR G1v SGR G1v SGR GIV SGR GIV SGR G1v SGR GIV SGR G1v £38 a GYA HA1 GYS HA1 GYA HA1 GEs HAI GYA HA1 GYA HA1 GEs HA1 GYA HA1 _GJYS HA1 < I! t‘ b 3 I! I." w 23 I” w 33 I” w En 161 nn __ G GVSH G GVSH G GVTH G GVTH G GVTH G GVSH G GVSH G GVTH G GVT_H_ 184 D AGED D AGRD D AGRD D AGED D AGRD D AGRD D AGED D AGEE g AGED Naegleria Dictyostelium I Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma Naegleria Dictyostelium Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma < <3 < <3 < <3 < w 31 I” w 31 w w Z I! 3 SK 3 E! 3 I?! X In 33 N 5‘ N :3 N I?! 30 III C) IN N 73 IN N 33 IN N I." O O O O O O 0 3’ I-i 0 w N w w 73 w G) G) G) G) G) G) O G) H <3 < <3 < < <3 < D) O 5 3’ 5 3’ 5 3’ 5 3’ M (D C) (D 5 (3 I31 [wwwwwwn’ijm' III 330 50 73 73 0 33 r-II 230 H 5 3’ 5 3’ 5 X 5 Naegleria Dictyostelium Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma Naegleria Dictyostelium Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma ”C A S S A S S A-Q S A S S E Q S A S S K.E S AIKI DL R F C R F C R F C R F A R F A R F C R F C R F C R F C 5 3’ 5 3’ 5 3’ < L" 31 N :3 N N N (D C) (D m C) (D C) N m Q G) O 6) Q 6) Q G) O 23 2 C) Z (3 C) ID C) 2 m a) m a) o a) m a) 1m b 33 3 33 3 t4 3 E! Z Z < <3 < <3 < H 2 3’ 5 3’ <3 5 3’ k) 0 a) a a) m a) m a) I 'U .<:<:<:<: G) O G) O Q C) Q G) 0 253 275 Naegleria Dictyostelium Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma Naegleria Dictyostelium Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma Z‘J G) 06') 009006) 0 6) 090006) 6) Z 2: 52 Z 35 Z Z Z 32 Z 5! 3 33 K E! 3 E! Q 33 33 N 33 33 O O C) O O 0 O N 5:223:22:st "U 2 G) G) G) G) C) G) < <3 < <3 < <3 < 3’ Z G) 5 3’ 5 3’ 5 "U an], w 50 31 w w I” w 31 I” w W 33 N 33 N 33 N w MIT MIN N10 N10 N10 L T L S L G N 3’ IN C N < ‘iZ G) G) G) G) G) 6) Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 2 299 < < L" < < <3 < <3 < L" III [<: <: t“ 322 3 5 'U t" 5 3’ 5 3’ 5 3’ 5 3’ 'U Naegleria Dictyostelium Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma Naegleria Dictyostelium Human Saccharomyces Acanthamoeba Plasmodium Entamoeba Tetrahymena Trypanosoma b 5 3’ 5 3’ 5 33 M5 _ n m MK KVVAPP RKY vw GGSI MK KIIAPP RKY vw GGSI MK KIIAPP RKY vw GGSI MK KIIAPP RKY vw GGSI MK KIIAPP RKY vw GGSI MK KVVAPP RKY vw GGSI MK KVIAPP RKY vw GGSI MK KVVAPP RRY vw GGSI IK_£VVAPP RKY vw GGSI 3% __ mm SL TFQQMW TKE rE AGPG SL TFQQMW SKE YD SGPG SL TFQQMW SKQ YD SGPG SL TFQQMW SKQ YD SGPS SL TFQQMW SKE YD SGPS SL TFQQMW TKE YD SGPS SL TFQNMW TKE YD SGPA SL TFQTMW TKA YD SGPS SL TFQSMW Tys YD SGPS 34 375 Naegleria_ I Dictyostelium I V V Human I V H R K C F X Saccharomyces I V'H H K C F X Acanthamoeba I V’H R K C F X Plasmodium I V'H R K C F X Entamoeba I V H R K C F X Tetrahymena I V'H R KIC F X Trypanosoma I V H S K C L X Figure 4. Amino acid sequence alignment and comparison of the actin sequences in Nimrleri— (actl), Dicticstelinm discoideum. human b-actin, Sacchammcea sen-insides, Acanthamoeba castellanii, Elasmcdium falninafnm, Entamoeba bismlxtica. Tetrahymena thermophila, W Emmi. In the species that have isoforms of actin, the most homologous amino acid sequence is chosen for the comparison. Amino acid identities are boxed only when shared by all nine members. The residues in actin that interact with the nucleotide (n), calcium (c), and myosin (m) and that involved in actin-actin interactions (a) are in small letters above the actl sequemce. TABLES Table 1. Codon usage in N, fgnlgri actin gene. All 375 codons from the initiator ATG to the st0p TAA are represented. The numbers are total number of occurrences of each codon.p ARG CGT 1 LED TTA 1 SER TCT 9 CGC 0 TTG 22 TCC 7 CGA 0 CTT 0 TCA 3 CGG 0 CTC 1 TCG 2 AGA 15 ,CTA 0 AGT 0 AGG 0 CTG 1 AGC 1 ALA GCT 22 GLY GGT 25 PRO CCT 3 GCC 4 GGC ~ 0 CCC 0 GCA 2 GGA 6 CCA 15 GCG 0 GGG 0 CCG 0 VAL GTT 14 THR ACT 11 ILE ATT 18 GTC 11 ACC 11 ATC 9 GTA 1 ACA 0 ATA O GTG 2 ACG 1 ASN AAT 5 ASP GAT 17 CYS TGT 5 AAC 8 GAC 5 TGC 1 GLN CAA 9 GLU GAA 25 HIS CAT 5 CAG 0 GAG 5 CAC 4 LYS AAA 1 PHE TTT 4 TYR TAT 10 AAG 19 TTC 11 TAC 4 MET ATG 15 TRP TGG 4 35 36 Table 2. Amino acid comparison of Nggglgzia‘fignlgti with other species (Ac; Acanthamoeba castellanii, Dd;D.im'.¥Qs.t.elinmdis.cnideum Hsrncmcsaniens. Eh;Entamceba 111.319.111.11“, Pf; Blasmcdium falcinarum, Sc; Sacchammxces cemisidae Tt Tetrahymena W Th; Trypanosoma hrnggi). Matching column shows the number of identical amino acids between the two species. Similar replacement is the amino acid changes within the same side chain polarity while different replacement shows different polarity. H-value is calculated as Ham/(m+u+g/2), m is the number of sequence positions with matching amino acids in the two positions, u is with unmatching (replacements) positions, and g is the number of positions that have a gap in one sequence opposite an amino acid in the other. The greater H-value represents closer relationships between the two species. replacement comparison matching H-value - similar different N-Ac 318 46 11 0.848 N-Dd 316 47 12 0.845 N-Hs 312 50 13 0.832 N-Eh 307 56 ' 12 0.817 N-Pf 302 61 12 0.805 N-Sc 296 68 11 0.789 N-Tt 276 72 27 0.736 N-Tb 272 82 21 0.725 "Illliiii'llii'lflllllfli'iliI