«ww- '1 ~— 35‘." ————— —— —-v c __A . .‘.. v_'-‘ ' . "an." __ a. [KAY 1.. “.3. .‘ ”1’... , ‘ I ECOLOGICAL FACTORS INFLUENCING MACROINVERTEBRATES IN THE PINE RIVER Thesis for the Degree of Ph. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY WILIARD E. BARBER 197D \IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Mrw‘ 3 1293 009923.856 . 1c lgan State University This is to certify that the thesis entitled Ecological Factors Influencing Macroinvertebrates of the Pine River presented by Willard Eugene Barber has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D. . Fisheries 8: Wildlife degree 1n Z/L/{eq/ g /£®€14~/ Major professor Date 111/20/70 0-7639 23: ”1:0!“ BY mus & sous 309x BII: 9v me. .n ...su . viii” Uja. Oct; 91999 APR 0 123:) I If?» “U I! C. A ' U ABSTRACT ECOLOGICAL FACTORS INFLUENCING MACROINVERTEBRATES IN THE PINE RIVER BY Willard Ea Barber Influences of substrate, macrophyte growth and detritus on macroinvertebrate standing crop distribution, numbers and biomass (ash—free dry weight), as well as seasonal vari— ations in standing crop were investigated in a marginal trout stream. Seasonal maxima and minima in numbers and biomass are given for ephemeropterans, chironomids, simuliids, other dipterans, trichopterans, and trichopteran Helicopsyche borealis, coleopterans, water mites and plecopteranso Percentage pupae and/or average weight/individual are given for each group and are discussed in relation to pOpulation changes. Annual production is estimated, 654 g/m2, by using Waters' constant turnover ratio 5050 Ephemeropterans show no consistent relationship to large or small substrates, either numbers or biomass. Numbers of dipteran larvae do not show a definite relationship to sub- strate size, reflecting the relationship of chironomids and simuliids, but a larger biomass is associated with larger Willard E. Barber substrates, reflecting the association of larger dipterans. Higher numbers and biomass of trichopterans are associated with larger substrates. The trichopteran Helicopsyche borealis also shows the preceding relationship. Numbers of coleopteran larvae show no relation to substrate size, but biomass is greater in large size substrates. Biomass and numbers of water mites are generally associated with larger substrates, whereas there is no relationship in plecopterans. Larger numbers and biomass of ephemeropterans, dipterans (chironomids and simuliids but no others) and trichopterans are associated with macrophyte beds; this is attributed to drifting species and those that have summer generations. macrophyte growth seems to reduce numbers and biomass of ‘E. borealis, but no differences are observed in coleopterans or plecopterans. In a substrate substitution study, ephemeropterans, chironomids, coleopterans and oligochaetes are significantly related to smaller substrates, whereas dipterans (less chirono- mids) and trichopterans are not significantly related to substrate type. _Significantly higher numbers are related to low and medium foodlevels rather than high. The relationship to smaller substrates may be related to a reduction in inter- stitial Space (as compared to the large substrates) and the lack of Special heterogeneity in large substrates. Higher numbers related to low and medium food levels is suggested Willard E. Barber due to low oxygen levels below the substrate's surface in the high food levels or due to detritus being in large packets with a great deal unavailable to invertebrates. For the clam Sphaerium striatinum, highest numbers (1005/m2) and biomass (3.54 g/mg) occur during summer and Higher fall, whereas lowest are observed in late winter. numbers and biomass are generally associated‘with smaller substrates with no differences between macrophyte and riffle habitats. The majority of the young are extruded when they are 3.6 to 5.8 mm in length. but growth could not be interpreted from length frequency Maximum size reached is 15.5 nun, Adults contain as high as four young, but the histograms . ma j ority contain two . ECOLOGICAL FACTORS INFLUENCING MACROINVERTEBRATES IN THE PINE RIVER BY :9 .9 . ")3 Willard E3”Barber A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Fisheries and Wildlife 1970 isli (:v‘ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special thanks are extended to my major professor, for his support throughout my tenure Dr. Niles R. Kevern, I also as a graduate student at Michigan State University. wish to thank Drs. William E. Cooper, Eugene W. Roelofs and Gordon E. Guyer for reading and criticising the manuscript. Rev. H. B. Herrington identified Sphaerium striatinum and Drs. John L. Gill and William E. C00per gave advice liberally concerning statistical analysis. Fellow graduate students deserve thanks, particularly Frank J. Tesar, who gave assistance readily and made the field trips interesting. Without the financial assistance of a grant from the Dow Chemical Company and funds from the Agricultural Experi— ment Station, Michigan State University, this study would not haVe been possible. Last, but not least, I am particularly grateful to my wi fe Bonnie for her understanding and help during my graduate st7-l:l= mes mmN.H «mo.H m«N.N vwm.fi «wn.a hHh.N nNm.q m0>.m mom.fi vww.« obfi.« mam.a Nom.N vmn.w ~N¢.e mam.e cNN.H mumumooaou nmw awn mmd Nfiv noo.d mwm «mm HON mew mew mmm.~ va wm«.N wa o msv.a me new mflaamuon .fi mvm.m mam.N nwm.n nnm.m mm«.m Nmo.n Nun.« wow.N mw«.m NwN.N wom.m >«a.v vnv.m 000.6 nem.m wmm.w OmN.m wa.m mueudozu.u8 «mm.n who.N Nom.N mom.m wmn_m oo«.a Hmm.n nmfi.fi mwm.m mmm.m m>m.m mmH.N «mm oh» Nan.v 00>.H mow mon.n muwudao uwnuo nnw on mom ma>.m mmo.H mwo.m was Hem 0mm mwm me «am « 0 mm mv nmn.m new wmusnazesm wem.hn mwm.vn mnm.nm www.mm vvm.nv omn.ov man.nw www.mw «mfi.aw mNH_nm an.>¢ nmm.fim www.mm ma«.mm Hen.mm nwo.hm www.0H www.mu umOaEOCOS~£U vo>.a« flew.wn mmv.on www.mn awn.pv meq.u< cuc.¢u oao.«v Noo.nm m>~.>m nm>.om whm.nn www.mw mom.mm mam.mm Hew.mn Hmm.nfi ovn.m~ mumumao Had mun.» mm0.w nn>.m mew.~ wwm.> man.q e~m.a mna.n «Hm.m r«>«.m mum.n Hmn.m m«m.a «hm_~ >w>.m ome.a mm; mmm.m muuuaouwsonum m n n v n v v H v N H m m m H w n N : mmuna HHmEm umumq Hanan omnmq HHmEm omumq «anew momma HanEm omumq Hamfim ovum: HHaEm wanna Hamsm amnng aamsm AB m8 m9 m8 nah m9 .m8 uh uh .AmwadEmm no Hanan: n :v uu>q¢ Guam use no noun Sauna» u Baku Ioumuuunsn omuua Una AHMEI saw: tsunauouum Amko weaken wean sumo um Ns\num:ufi>ao:« mo oumEqumo washu>< .« manna 11 mum.m nnw.a mnw.n vww.« hnN.m mm0.» mv«.m finn.¢ mew.w va.H mww.« «ea.w Nwm.e m~w.0 mam.a Hmv.s mwm.r ,ne.N 4490? 000.0 N00.n «H0.0 m00.0 Ham.0 0a0.0 0n0.0 mmN.O «m0.0 000.0 ”No.0 000.0 000.0 mmc.0, «pr.0 H00.0 >00.0 NNO.r muwunouw~a md0.n 000.0 nv0.0 ma0.0 fiv0.o 0N0.o 500.0 Nd0.0 mNo.o mNo.0 Nn0.0 «no.0 om0.0 ww0.0 ~00.0 m~0.o «00.0 m00.0 ensumUnnU>z , Nv0.n whm.0 mm0.0 mmo.o vNH.0 m>0.0 wwN.0 nvv.0 HwN.0 Nmo.0 000.0 mm0.0 , mw«.0 mm0.0 va.0 ~n~.0 th.0 nmr.r auouaowaou _I I mwn.0 fi0N.C OwH.c mmo.0 mm«.o hHH.0 0H0.0 HH0.0 mN0.0 >v0.0 Hmo.0 ”No.0 _ m0c.0 nw0.0 000.0 fin0.0 0L0.0 MEN.: maamwuon .: ,_ mvw.fi vm>.0 mmN.N mmm.0 nmn.N mma.« pmh.o omh.0 ohm.0 >0m.0 «m>.0 vmv.o m mm~.o Hma.o wa.0 003.0 nel.0 HNO.« muwunonulub a0~.0 Oen.o HNN.0 pva.o nmw.o wvm.0 05N.H th.0 an.0 NmN.0 Omn.o wmm.0 I mmo.0 wm0.0 NON.O hwa.o fi00.c NHH.F muwudso uwzuo . mN0.n «00.0 000.0 “50.0 500.0 dm0.0 «00.0 «¢0.0 NN0.0 vN0.0 000.0 nao.o _ 000.0 000.0 000.0 «00.0 man.0 ndr.. _ omnsaasFlm mqw.n wnm.r vm>.0 va.0 hmw.o o~w.0 0e1.d VON.H n«w.o wwv.o NON.0 mon.o wmfi.o wnN.o mnw.n acl.o m-.. wmd.n wm0s5050u_£u m>m.n whm.o amm.o oww.o mmn.H pwm.o «ve.m nvm.a wwm.o ~«~.o New.o mm«.o mm~.0 nwm.o «v0.0 www.o , mmm.n fifim.c muuudso Hfi< wfim.o >v«.o mwm.n mmo.o Hm«.~ odw.o mnm.a Nvm.a men.o mwN.o «wo.0 om«.o moo.o mwo.0 O«H.n wmo.n Hwn.r vm«.c chauoouwsuzcm n n n e n v v a a N a N J n m a w n N H c wmuma Hawfim umumq HHmEm omumq HHme omuan Aunam wound Aame ovum; HHuEw swung HamEm ovum; Hansm ovum; d-Em uh uh uh GAB mm? 1&6 ah 9% ask — .AmmHmEmm mo Mensa: u :0 Songs scam any we noun mauudn n Eouu nouuuunnsn umuna ocm deEn sue: ovum«00mum “use uoauom mama some um Ams\m. mamas—A uo wumesumu omaum>< .N wanna 12 from TP5, larger in larger substrates except fbr TPe. These observations are in contrast to the relationship Pennak and van Gerpen (1947) found, more nymphs in larger substrates. Macan (1957) observed that more and smaller nymphs were generally associated with smaller substrates and observed a migration in some species when they became large and prior to emergence. Although the relationship between standing crops and substrate type, in the present study, was not con- sistent from TP; through TPe, from TP7 through TP9 numbers and biomass were higher in the larger substrate at a time when nymphs would be largest. Thus it may be possible that there is no definite relationship until nymphs are large, at which time they move to a larger substrate. A comparison between macrophyte beds and riffles shows that on 25 June the number of mayfly nymphs/m2 was higher in macrophytes (Table 3), but there were more occurring in riffles on 8 July. On 22 July nymphs occurred in both areas in about equal numbers. Concurrently the biomass/m2 on the first date was a little greater in macrophytes, but on 8 and 22 July solid substrates contained a larger amount of biomass. From 2 September until 6 October the numbers of organisms inhabiting macrophytes were much higher than in solid sub- strates. Biomass was greater in macrophyte beds on 2 and 16 September but about equal on 6 October. On the last date both biomass and numbers were about equal in both types of habitat. Mayflies have previously been observed to inhabit plants. 15 lHHn.He Han.oe Hemo.me innH.oe Hmwn.oeIHI Ammu.oc Hanu.oe 1min.oe lawn.se rHae.vee 1.....0 H Hea.w amH owm.H nee.m Haw sex.» was.u mm» n::.n~ na~.Hn .1..- .c. as Amne.me anno.oe. tho.oe Ammu.oe Asmq.ov Hmnn.He 1mm3.60 Hmom.qe lane... Hnnl.ql It .. I «u H mcm.nm mHm woe.H moo.H was HmH.n was eem.H onu.c\ mat.ms ;.w.m neonate .zuo L 33...; 33.3 33.3 800.3 . $2.13 33.3 “30.3 33.3 33.2 7.1.30 m «ne.mw mum.H nnm.H Ham mew euH.n nso.m mHs ens.en men.mn nnn.m scamac .nqw.ne «Huan% IHHno.oe Homo.oe “Hoo.o. Henm.me rnHo.ne HdeH.oe A«S+.a. In...3e in»..>e a H ch.HoH mse.H m~e.e mHe me Hmw.m w+9.H men.n neo.ws nes.nm .Hw.H scents; .neo .sqm.He Huon.oe Ammo.oe Ammo.oe Ammo.oe AHHn.oe inmn.ol Anoo.ae rein.ne Mn«.qe l.nH. , n «in.« ems oH+.n noH.H an.H mon.s ema.m wnH.H men.nn .n...a .:U.I devise imma.m .m»o.a Hmwn.ne anH.oc a lmon.He leoH.ae HnHm.ae 1ws«.3e 1.2a.He 1..-.>c l SH H MHn.mNH Omo.H mes.n mms.m o omn.mH Hem.H MH.mH Hen.ne one.nm uHI.u daemons .zaom loom.ne Han.oe Hemo.oe AwHH.ov leeo.oe HOHe.oe 1930.30 1000.60 loHu.n. lasm.ov inn..6l s Hmm.mm Hoe Hoe.m an.m was mmm.m mmN.H an www.me anm.se cHl.n nczmn< AMHm.Hl Hmon.oe Amno.oe HomH.ov “$00.0. Amwm.oe AHNo.oe InsH.oe ~0nn.ae men.wv lcen.3c m H mwm.nm pom mHH.+ mos.m Hem Non.HH oHH.H mHs.nH mon.me Hus.se wnl.nz scomcsa .saem lemn.Hc .Hoo.oe 4060.00 ian.oe isno.oe lenn.oc HonH.nl AHoo.ae ISUH.we Auen.oe 1-1..n1 n st.me an mms.H Hnm.m mm mxo.m Hon.m we new.rn Inm.nn nan.n access 33.: 3.00.3 $3.3 $3.3 $3.3 83.3 9213 SHHSV 33.: 7.3.3 3.93-0 mm H mHH.m~ mHH mes.m ~e~.H on on.m New.“ emw.m www.51 wnl.mm tat.~ .comosa sst lmom.me Ammo.oe Hmoo.oe .HQHH.00 IHNH.QH Aenn.ue AnoH.ne Hemn.a. loou.3e leHm.v lcsH.ue N mHH.me we 0mm omN.H me mmm.m wsm.n mam.n ms+.mm nm~.nn n.n.n scamna lamN.He Hwnu.oe AHHo.o. HasH.o. AaHH.oe AoHn.oV lnHo.oV Hooo.o. Avon.oe 310.00 isnn.o. n H nmm.mm mm¢.H see smn.m 55H omo.m wHu «N wwq.nm .em.em gn1.m “camera >Hue 1650.00 leon.nv Ammo.oe Ameo.oe Amso.oe lmHN.o. lawn.oe reoo.ov leeH.ol lmHu.oe Ans..n n me.nH me mow sse.H wwH New.m ewe mmH «6H.m unn.m Hun acemna .NnH.NV Asoo.ne Hmoo.oe 1036.00 lnHo.oe AmHe.sv ANNn.qe HesH.H. AQnH.ne .ean.Hv in...q. on H «mw.wm em 50H mmm NH mHe new mmm.+m nmm.w me.Nw ems ucowmua acne c 44909 4mme «sz4o came qux -momaoo .m amorone mmzso -Hasz -omHzo 44¢ -szam mean .AmmHnsdm 00 songs: 5 To: :3 0:: uoE¢3m mcHusn Aucomnmo mmewHu cH can Aucomoudo upon ouxcdouoms CH .mmmmrucmucd ch HNE\00 mmoeoHn can ufi\muonx:c mo ouneHumo omeno>< .o oane 14 Whitehead (1955) found that many parts of the stream were repopulated from moss areas after the recession of winter floods, and Frost (1942) found extensive utilizations of mosses throughout the year. Maitland (1966) found many nymphs in macrophyte beds but not as high numerically as he found in riffle areas. In the present study there seemed to be not consistent numerical relationship with either riffle or macrophyte habitats from 25 June to 22 July; however, there was a higher average biomass in the riffle habitat possibly indicating that smaller individuals were utilizing the macrophytes. From 2 September to 6 October there was a large difference in standing crop between the two habitats, numbers and biomass being greater in the plants. By 24 October numbers and biomass were nearly equal, undoubtedly due to the fact that prior to this time plants had begun to die off and break loose from the bottom; thus areas that were inhabited by extensive growths of macrophytes were becoming more like a riffle'habitat. The disparity between large and small substrate in average numbers/m? of diptera was great in the first three time periods (Table 1), more dipterans occurring in the smaller substrates at TP; and TP3 and more in larger substrates at TPg. From TP4 to TP9 the differences were not great. At TP4 and TP5 there averaged more larvae in smaller substrates. There is a relationship between average biomass/m2 and sub— strate type (Table 2); the first time period biomass was 15 greater in smaller substrates but associated with larger types at all other time periods. Relationship between the number of chironomids and sub- strate type was identical to dipteran larvae taken as a whole, which one would expect since chironomids were the dominant member of the group. Biomass did not follow a simi— lar pattern. More biomass was associated with smaller substrate type at the first, third and fourth time periods, but larger substrates contained more biomass at the other time periods. Numbers of blackfly larvae did not Show a constant rela- tionship to substrate type. At TP; there were more associated with large substrate, but more were associated with small substrate in time periods 2, 4, and 5. At TP3 there were no larvae from the small substrate and very few from larger sub- strate samples. AT TPe there were more associated with large substrate whereas more were associated with small substrate at TP7. At TPB and TP9 more larvae were associated with large substrates. Larger numbers of other dipteran larvae, excluding chironomids and blackflies, were generally associated with large substrate. At TP; more were associated with the small Substrate, but higher numbers were in larger substrate from TP2 to TP4. Again at TPS there were more in small substrate. At TPe, TP7 and TP9 large substrate contained more larvae, and at TPa there was a small difference between substrate 16 types with small containing a few more. Larger biomass was associated with large substrate at all time periods except the first in which the small type contained a higher biomass. Numerically dipterans did not Show a relationship to substrate size nor was there any relationship when chironomids, simuliids or other dipterans were considered separately. However, biomass of dipteran larvae as a whole did Show a relationship, with a larger biomass in larger substrates. Biomass of chironomid and simuliid larvae did not Show a rela- tion to substrate type whereas the other dipterans did. Other dipterans consisted mostly of the large, robust larvae; thus dipterans taken as a whole reflect the association of biomass of these large individuals to substrate. Denham (1958) con- trasted sand and gravel, finding more larvae in gravel but noted those occurring in sand were much smaller. Pennak and Van Gerpen (1947) found more chironomids in gravel and sand than in larger types and more simuliids on bedrock than other areas. However, they found more other types of dipterans associated with larger substrates. This association of the larger dipterans with the larger substrates is undoubtedly due to growths of algae and moss on the rocks, making refuges among the growth (Whitehead, 1955; Frost, 1942; Minckley, 1965). Dipteran larvae as a whole utilized macrophytes exten— sively as a habitat (Table 5) with both biomass and numbers generally greater in these beds than in riffles; this 17 association was due to the high occurrence of chironomids and simuliids. Numbers of chironomid larvae were highest in riffle areas on the first and third dates but higher in macrophytes on the second date. Biomass was larger in riffle areas on the first date, larger in macrophytes on the second and about equal on the third date. From the fourth date, 2 September, to 6 October greater numbers of chironomid larvae were associated with macrophyte beds. On 24 October numbers of these larvae were still higher in macrophytes, but the disparity between the two habitats was not as great as on the previous dates. Chironomid biomass was higher in macro— phyte beds from 2 September until the last date. Simuliids showed a definite preference for macrophyte beds, both in numbers and biomass. On all dates, except the second, numbers were greater and biomass higher in macrophyte beds than in riffles. In contrast to both chironomids and simuliids, other dipteran larvae occur in higher numbers and larger bio- mass in riffle areas; however, the disparity between numbers of larvae in macrophytes and riffles was not great on 22 July or 2 September. The association of dipterans with macrophytes is obvious, particularly with biomass. This association is due to chironomid and simuliid larvae while other dipterans are associated with riffles, both numbers and biomass. Maitland (1966) found that in macrophytes, dipterans made up a higher percentage of the fauna than in other habitats. Jonasson 18 (1948) found simuliid larvae in high concentrations in Cladophora, particularly in early Spring and fall. Caddisfly standing crop showed a definite relation to substrate type, both numbers/m2 and biomass/m2 larger in the bigger substrates in all except the first time periods (Tables 1 and 2). In comparing macrophytic and riffle hab- itats in this group, on the first and second dates a higher number of individuals were associated with riffles (Table 5). Concurrently, biomass was greater in macrophytes on the first date but greater in riffles on the second date (Table 5). On 22 July numbers in both habitats were nearly equal, but biomass was greater in macrophytes. From 2 September to the last date there were more individuals and a greater biomass present in macrophytes than in riffle areas. Although standing crop numbers of caddisflies showed variation in relation to substrate for the first three time periods, from.TP4 until the last more occurred in the larger substrates. Relationship of biomass is obvious, in all except the first time period, with more biomass being in larger substrates. Pennak and Van Gerpen (1947) compared numerical standing crops of three substrate types and found more caddisflies associated with the larger stones. Sprules (1947) found a similar relationship. However, Scott (1958) found the densest populations on medium-sized stones. An important factor causing differences between the two investi- gations could be attributed to the presence of moss and algae 19 cover on particular sizes of stone resulting in a microhabitat utilized by certain Species (e.g., members of the families Hydropsychidae, Philopotomidae, Psychomyidae) (Percival and Whitehead, 1929; Scott, 1958). Another factor that would influence the relation to substrate type is movement of the larvae. Scott noted that several species migrated from gravel to larger stones upon pupation. Cummins (1964a) studied sub- strate relations in two Pychopsyche Species. He showed that one species during early larval periods was associated with Silt bottom habitats, then migrated to gravel-pebble sub- strates in the terminal instar. The other species Showed no changes in substrate association as maturation occurred. Standing crops of caddisflies, numbers and biomass, follow the same pattern as mayflies and dipterans in relation to plants; very little difference between the two habitats in early summer, much higher in plants during late summer and fall. When plants died off in late October, both habitats became nearly equal. From observations it was determined that utilization of macrophytes as a habitat was almost en- tirely due to Hydropsyghe larvae. This association of Hydropsyche larvae with macrophytes was noted by Jonasson (1948), large populations being built up in Elodea beds during the summer. Minckley (1965) observed that Hydropsyche larvae avoided Myriophyllum beds in pool areas when there was little or no current. 20 The caddisfly g, borealis showed a similar relation to size of substrate type as did the group as a whole. TP; had more individuals and a higher biomass associated with smaller substrates. There was only one sample representing large substrates in TPg and this did not contain any Specimens. In TPs and TP4 there were more larvae in larger substrates whereas biomass was greater in the smaller substrate in TPa and greater in the larger substrates in TP4. The TP5 biomass and numbers were smaller in smaller substrates. In the last four time periods more nymphs and greater biomasses were associated with larger substrates. Thus, H, borealis seemingly demonstrates an affinity for larger substrates, both in numbers and biomass. Cummins and Lauff (1970) studied selectivity of substrate of this species in a laboratory situation and found that there was a tendency to select the largest substrate (16 mm). They noted that the larvae en- countered locomotory problems on finer substrates but were quite mobile on Silted substrates. Cummins and Lauff con- cluded from their study that substrate size is of secondary influence on micro-habitat selections and that food organisms are probably of prime importance. However, a selection of substrate may be made by the adult female while ovipositing as it is known that many Species submerge to accomplish this (Pennak, 1955). Growth of macrophytes seemingly influences the distribu- tion of H, borealis; more larvae were associated with riffles 21 than macrophyte beds on all dates except the last (Table 5). Biomass was also larger in riffles in all cases except 22 July. No larvae occurred in the sample from macrophytes on 16 September. This association with riffles is in contrast to the caddisfly group as a whole. These larvae, in contrast to the majority of the larvae found in macrophytes, build stone cases and are attached to rocks. It is possible that adverse conditions arise from deposition of silt and detrital material in macrophytes. Numbers of beetle larvae/m2 demonstrated no consistent relation to substrate type (Table 1). More larvae were associ- ated with large substrate at TP; and TP2, but at TP3 there were more in small substrates. TP4 and TPS had more larvae and a greater biomass associated with larger substrates. Biomass and numbers were greater in small substrate at TPe as well as TPa and TP9. At TP7 larger biomass and greater numbers were associated with large substrate. Biomass being greater in larger substrates while numbers are fewer, indi- cates larger larvae inhabiting larger substrates. Maitland (1966) found higher numbers of beetle larvae occurring in areas of coarse gravel than in the larger stones, whereas Pennak and Van Gerpen (1947) found more associated with rubble (i.e., large stones) than with coarse gravel. Comparing numbers of beetle larvae in relation to macro- phyte or riffle habitat shows that there were more larvae associated with macrophytes on two dates, 8 July and 22 2 September; on all other dates higher numbers were associ- ated with riffle habitat. On 25 June biomass was nearly equal in the two types of habitats, but macrophytes had a little higher biomass. On 8 July a higher biomass was associated with macrophytes. Higher biomass was associated with riffles on 22 July and 6 October; at the three other dates it was associated with macrophytes. There is little difference between plant and riffle habitats, which is similar to what Maitland (1965) observed; numbers of beetle larvae in plants were nearly equal to those in riffle areas. Frost (1942) and Minckley (1965) found large numbers of beetle larvae, mostly elmids, inhabiting moss which undoubtedly provides microhabitats. Water mites occurred in higher numbers in small sub- strates at three time periods, TPl, TP3 and TPs (Table 1). At all other periods there were higher numbers in large sub- strates. Biomass showed a similar relation to substrate in that it was higher in small substrates at TP; and TP3 but associated with large substrates at all other periods (Table 2). Macrophytic habitat had a higher number of water mites associated with it from 22 July to 6 October (Table 5), whereas riffle habitat had more associated with it on the first two and last dates. Large biomass was not consistently associated with either habitat but alternated between the two types of habitat (Table 5). 25 There is no relation of water mites to substrate during the first three time periods, after which numbers and biomass are larger in bigger substrates. There seems to be no effect on standing crops of water mites by growth of macrophytes. Maitland (1966) found more mites occurring in macrophytes and among large stones than in other areas, and Frost (1942) found large numbers inhabiting moss. Jonasson (1948) found in areas adjacent to macrophytes that when the plants died there was an influx of mites which apparently did not occur here. The first two time periods showed more stonefly nymphs associated with larger substrates with more associated with smaller substrates the next two periods. Concurrently there was a larger biomass in small substrates at TP; and TP3 but larger in large substrates at TP2 and TP4. At TP5 as well as TPa there were more nymphs in large substrates. At TPe numbers were nearly equal in the two types of substrates even though there were a few more in smaller substrate. At TP7 and TP9 more nymphs were in small substrates. In contrasting riffle and macrophytic habitats, higher numbers occurred in riffles on 25 June, 22 July and 6 October, with more occurring in macrophytes on the other dates. Biomass was nearly equal in the two habitats on two dates, 22 July and 24 October, greater in macrophytes on 8 July and 16 September and in the riffle areas on the other three dates. 24 In this study little can be said in regard to substrate relationships of stoneflies, undoubtedly due to small numbers present in the stream. Also little can be said in relation to the effect of macrophyte growth other than that there is no apparent adverse effect on standing crops by macro- phytes. However, several studies (Percival and Whitehead, 1929; Pennak and Van Gerpen, 1947) have found more stoneflies in larger substrates, whereas Maitland (1966) found more associated with gravel than in a mixture of large and small particle sizes. Stoneflies have also been shown to utilize plants as a habitat (Frost, 1942), with large numbers utiliz- ing moss, but Minckley (1965) found more individuals in riffle areas without moss or macrophytes than in those with plants. Total numerical standing crop does not demonstrate a definite association with substrate type, generally reflect- ing the association of the major numerical group, dipterans (Table 1). Standing crop measurements that have been made in different substrate types in the past have usually been thought of as a demonstration of production, being higher in a particu- lar substrate type (Pennak and Van Gerpen, 1947). However, these studies have usually been over a short period of time, the summer, and have used numbers as the measure of production instead of biomass. Present data Show that there is a definite association of biomass to substrate type, larger at all except the first time period in the bigger substrates (Table 2). As mentioned previously, this is probably due to the growth of 25 moss and algae on some of the larger rocks diversifying the habitat, leading to more areas to be inhabited, particularly by larger dipteran (e.g., Tipulidae, Rhagionidae) and caddis- fly larvae (e.g., Hydropsychidae). An effect of macrophyte growth on total standing crop in numbers and biomass is evident (Table 5). During the early part of the growth phase of the macrophytes (May and June) there seems to be no difference in standing crops of invertebrates. However, when macrophyte standing crop is high (August to October), there are higher numbers and larger biomass of invertebrates in the plants. Growth of macrophytes as it occurred in this investigation brought about changes in the riffle habitat, changing current velocity and turbulence which in turn caused deposition of detritus and inorganic materials. Other studies indicate that in such a situation there would also be a change in the macroinvertebrate associ- ations, through changes in abundance of various groups, dis— tribution and diversity (Chutter, 1969; Cole, in press). As macrophyte standing crop decreased in fall, there was a removal of deposited materials and a return to riffle conditions, and this is indicated in the last collection date (Table 5). Growth of macrophytes also presents an unoccupied habitat to be colonized by drifting organisms and those that have a summer generation. It seems noteworthy that the macrophytes were colonized by groups of organisms that are noted for drifting and inhabiting denuded areas: Simuliidae, Baetidae and 26 Hydropsychidae (Waters, 1966; Chutter, 1968). Annual plants then act as a refugia for drifting organisms preventing the loss due to drift as presupposed in Situations in which drifting of organisms occurs. Substrate and Food Manipulation Previous discussion focused on the relationship between macroinvertebrates and habitat types. However, other factors have been investigated (e.g., food, temperature, current and others) and have been shown to be important. One factor is detritus, both allochthonous and autochthonous, acting as a source of nutrition for primary consumers (Nelson and Scott, 1962; Hynes, 1965; Darnell, 1964; Minshall, G. W., 1967; Egglishaw, 1964). Therefore, it was decided to manipulate substrate and amount of detritus under natural conditions to quantitatively estimate the influence and interaction of these two factors on macroinvertebrate numbers. In an attempt to eliminate current as a factor, an area of relatively constant current and depth, varying between 0.12 m/sec and 0.28 m/sec (0.4 ft/sec and 0.9 ft/sec), and 15 cm and 27 cm (6 inches and 11 inches), respectively, was selected. Eighteen loca- tions of about 0.27 m2 (4 ft2) were selected and the stream bottom removed to a depth of about 25 cm (9 inches). This was a 2 x 5 factorial analysis design. Gravel and rock were ob- tained from a local gravel company and separated into large and small substrate types (see Table 4 for analysis of two Table 4. 27 Particle size distribution by weight of four samples, two from each Size category, from sub— strates substituted in a riffle area of the Pine River. Particle Size Large Weight of Particle Size in Grams Weight of Particle Size in Grams range in mm Sample 1 2 1 2 16+ 558.9 518.8 --- ——- 16-8 15.9 65.6 254.9 505.1 8-4 6.5 48.2 197.2 60.4 4-2 0.7 19.6 20.0 11.6 2-1 0.8 17.5 1.6 1.0 1-0.5 1.2 16.2 1.8 0.4 0.5-0.25 5.1 17.0 5.6 0.6 0.25-0.125 0.8 2.5 0.6 0.2 0.125-0.065 0.1 0.4 —-- 0.05 28 samples of each type). Dried Potamogeton (three Species that were found in the stream) was added at levels of about 121 g/m2 (11 g/fta), 484 g/m2(44 g/fta) and 847 g/m2 (77 g/fta). In July each sample was placed at random in the stream according to a random numbers table and sampled with the Petersen dredge in October. Samples were placed in buckets, 10% formalin added and returned to the laboratory. Samples were processed as those taken throughout the year with the exception that a No. 60 mesh sieve was used and two subsamples per sample were taken. Numbers of ephemeropterans, chironomids (data on this group was transformed to logs due to variance heterogeneity) and coleopterans were Significantly different between sub- strate types and food levels; more individuals in each group were associated with small substrates (Tables 5 and 6). Orthoganal contrasts (Table 5) Show that numerically there were Significant differences between food levels within sub— strate types, for ephemeropterans and chironomids only within small substrates and for coleopterans in both substrate types. Oligochaetes were significantly associated with substrates (Table 5), but orthoganal contrasts Show that within smaller substrates medium food level was different from high food level. Other dipterans and trichopterans were associated Significantly with food levels. Orthoganal contrasts show in both grOUps that low food level was significantly different from medium and high with large substrates, and in dipterans 29 .Ho>oH Hi.r ago on oscolw.cm.m .Ho>eH xo.n ecu um ucrolwlc0,m l “chum rm.mu. Hmm v.H ~.mN Hm.n m.mw vm.0 0.5H mc.0 vw.H nH.oH 3.05m mH mclHomenzm _ . a . nv.H o.me mom 0.0 0H.H w.nH NN.H m.e 0.50 .w.n Ne.n o.Hv 00.0 w.0 m~.o MN.H mH.CH n.enH NH HOHLm m.Hw emmfi n.H o.mn m.v 0.0NH mc.ofl on.m w.hH o.mov to scone UmHOOQ e T . 1 0.5 «we vnw o.NH e.ma ~.mH N.n n.nH n.ma .mw.m m.oN n.0m ..m.mm m.H m.H ..H.Hm “.mmw ~.nmm H r m> Eumuw 4. om.o m.mfi w.ma .vo.vH «.ma «.me N.N N.m N.m «m.o v.n v.n .o.> no.0 nm.o s.n o.\n n.5m H c m a m> Hum w I m. No.0 H a on.m m.w m.w o.n ~.NH n.ma «w.m m.m m.m .N.v mn.o No.0 0.0 ~.m m.m H c m> Eng w J N.H Ne Ne m.H m.H m.H .cw.e 0.Nn O.Nn .mm.w w.n~ w.mm o.m eN.o vN.o n.o nH.n 0H.n H c s E m> Hun m 0.N nNH men n.« >.fi hv.n «.0 n.« m.n m>.o m.N m.m N.N sH.0 nn.o .H.e m.no m.>NH m a x m N.N fine new .ta.na m.>« v.vn sso.n m.Hn >.nw .vH.> >.nw b.an ..o.wH mN.H mm.m ..e.m N.omH n.mem m Ho>oo boom .m.v won won m.w 0.0 c.m 0.0 an.” an.n hm.c m.n m.n ..o.VH HH.« HH.H ..N.Hm v.Hnn e.Hmn H wumuuwnsm oHumu m .m.: .m.m oHuuu h .m.z .m.m oHumu m .m.z .m.w oHumu m .m.z .m.m oHumu m .m.z .m.m oHumu m .m.: .m.m .u.u condom anomcoomHHO auchOOHnU muwuaonuHuB muwu H0 nocuo maUHeocouHLU mumuQOuoEmcmm .>H0>Huoodmou .mHm>oH oOOu 20H: new .EanoE .3oH combines 2 use .5 .H .moumuumnSn Hamsuum use omumHuq mononucou :H .mEnuHunmoH COEEOO Ou coEHOchmuu oum3 ombHEocouHru new sumo .uo>1m wean ecu no mess waumHu a CH mcobumasdHcmE oumuunnsm can Ho>oH moan zuH3 ndsouo me :H nEchmmuo mo muwnEs: co mononucoo anammozuuo use occasnm> uo mHm>Hmc< .L oHnsa 5O mo.meH mm.mefi mo.mew eo.aH ¢O.HH ¢O.HH on.mH mm.mw mm.mH 00.6 H>.mfi no.0 w>.o mo.m «v.0 mm.o mm.m mo.n m mm.mee mm.mws mm.m¢H ¢O.HH ¢O.HH «O.HH mm.mH mm.mw mm.mH e.d am.o mm.m am.o NO.N mm.d >.0 >>.m hm.e A mummsoomwao mnmumomaoo mumumonoHna m¢.mfl me.mw m¢.mfi mm.OH mm.ow mm.oH «0.0dfi «0.0HH Hm.0fiw me.o >0.m mm.m >.N m¢.m ¢.m mm.d m.dd m.oa m me.mw me.NH m¢.mfi mm.OH mm.0H mm.0H «0.0«H 60.0HH Hm.0fis o.a >>.N Hm.e m.m m.m o.m m.o mm.m m.m A s E a c E H s E H snowmen Hmnuo mmoHEocouwso MHOUQOHOEOLQM .mESuHHmmOH season on omEHommsmnu mnm3 mmoHEosoano mom mumn .>Hm>auommmwn .mHm>mH boom 50H: osw ESHUOE .BOH mum s new .8 .H .mmpmuumnsm Hamfim n m can momma u A .Hm>Hm mead one no mono OHMMHH m CH omomam msoHu ImanEoo ucoEummnu usmHOMMHo nqu omumwoommm mmsoum me CH onEmm as non Heme om m msmwcmmuo mo Hones: mmmnw>m co mam>H0uGH mosmoncou usoo Hem m>wmlwumst 51 medium food level was significantly different from high within small substrates. Thus, from the preceding and Table 6, it is clear more individuals are associated with smaller sub- strates and with low and medium food levels than with high food levels. If there is no significant relationship, there is this tendency of higher numbers to occur in small substrates and in low and medium food levels. Although there was no consistent numerical relationship to substrate type in many of the groups, results of substrate substitution are generally in contrast to the higher numbers in larger substrates found in other studies. -Food manipula- tion also resulted in data one might not expect. Nelson and Scott (1962), Minshall, G. W. (1967), and Mackay (1969) have attributed the majority of energy utilized by stream benthos to allochthonous detritus, and Egglishaw (1964) found that numbers were significantly related to the amount of detritus present in a stream. He also found the same relation- ship by placing trays containing various amounts of detritus in the stream. Differences in numerical relationships to substrate type between substituted and undisturbed substrates may be due to dissimilarities in physical complexity. Natural substrates are a heterogeneous mixture of large and small particles with larger particles having an algal or moss covering. Smaller substrates are less heterogenous in makeup, no moss or algal covering for insects to inhabit or large rocks present. 52 Substrates substituted were more homogeneous than natural substrates; large ones consisted mostly of particle sizes bigger than 16 mm, resulting in relatively large interstitial spaces and not having algal or moss growths extensive enough for insects to inhabit. Smaller substituted substrates would reduce interstitial Space Size, in comparison to larger substrates, allowing greater numbers of insects to inhabit the area. Large numbers of insects occurring in low and medium food levels rather than in high food levels may have two explanations. At high food levels there may be so much plant material present as to result in formation of aggregates. Therefore, material on the inside of the aggregate would be relatively unavailable to macroinvertebrates as a food source since the available surface area per unit weight of available food is decreased. But with low and medium food levels plant material is more diSpersed and offers a larger surface area which insects can utilize. Another possibility is that at high food levels interstitial oxygen can not be maintained due to decomposition of plant material resulting in interstitial oxygen concentrations below tolerance levels for stream macro- invertebrates. Those macroinvertebrates found would, therefore, inhabit the surface and not interstitial areas. 55 Seasonal Variations in Standing Crop The life histories of aquatic insects include a wide array of forms. Some have one brood a year, others several; some Show rapid growth in fall and Spring with little during summer or winter; others grow from fall through Spring; some have overwintering eggs, and others have ova with a long period of hatching or a very short one (Harker, 1955; Macan, 1957; Scott, 1958; Hynes, 1961; Hartland-Rowe, 1964; Maitland, 1964. 1966; Minshall, J. N., 1967; Heiman and Knight, 1970; and others). DeSpite differences in life history forms that exist in macroinvertebrates, from the analysis of all samples obtained from the Pine River through the year, general patterns of standing crop in the various groups can be seen. Mayflies show two periods of relatively low numbers and biomass, late spring-early summer (May-June) and late summer, 5-19 August (Figure 1, Tables 7 and 8). The low biomass and numbers in Spring would be expected following emergence of Spring emerging Species. During spring, average weight/nymph ranged from 0.05 mg to 0.05 mg, but during the low period of late summer, average weight was smaller, ranging from 0.01 mg to 0.05 mg. Highest standing crop of numbers occurred during two periods, early fall (16 Sept.-1968) and spring (12 May 1969), whereas highest biomass occurred during Spring (11 April to 12 May 1969); average individual weight ranged from 0.02 mg to 0.05 mg and 0.16 mg to 0.79 mg, respectively. 54 Figure 1. Seasonal changes in average estimate of standing crop, numbers/m2 and biomass (g/ma), of various groups from a riffle area of the Pine River. 55 SIMULHM TOT‘L mfll smcmm Figure 1 56 ”new.4wH leme.m lewa.4 Anew Ammo lem~.m le ASSH H AHns.nHH :42u.4H. ls44.4 . -W4e.umc -mHme dame -muo.ue ueoH. 04m.w. -44H.He IMHI -441.Hnl -3n4;.mv nn\.ue . .poz HHn.mHH me.H new m nnn.m wee mle.4 ooH.m are nu4.ma ans._vl H4\.a u r em lmHH.mnH Imam Aon.m ream Amen 16mm .0 .mmm.n 14«M.H 1e40.43H imam.Hl. lean.n . 7.1.36: 4: L943 $0023 -3 $3.: too: :3 7.33.30 1.1..“ .5: -341: . 5205.5 mHH.mn was mum.H 4~H.u wow 444.m Hno.m 344 4SH.ns 041.1m 12H.u 1 l «n lnH-.m0H isnm.H 4444.4 ”new 1m44 1H34.4 133m Ar.o.o ruso.44 , 143.. a ..1».l l Inwm.um. -sH..Hv -mmme -nHee -Hsc -me.He -440.He 1. : -tme.44,. -441..11 -.;\,.. _ tanc.cc mnu.am H44.H mn~.N ens 04H 4mm.m 4H..H ..n.H n4e.w. «n1... a4n.u u .. luew.4mH Aqnn.H A44n m lwms.m Amwm.n 10mm.nH .mem.w .muH.mH 1444.m. . A no.H4 1.: .4 -404.~40 -4mHe een.He -mn4.H. loo IONH.we >n4.Hv -HHV -104.nne .n.anl -..e.nl .aem eno.m. mew on..n nnm.H New mm4.m on..m Inn_e en4.vn un3.nn : n.. S ta ,4 ITIII.I4! I immo.nns ream imam.n 1H44.4 lst.H Aneo.oH Inm4.H NH. H Amsm.mm 1 AHNQ... 14H.wl . -4 m.eue -HmHe [some Ian.He -Heue [www.me -nHae IeHme -mnl.nme_ -4Hn.Huv -nn .He .csum Hmm.mm 4H4 444.m ssm.m 4mm 44m.~ swm.H an.m moo.44 mam.mn mmn.1 a u lemH.en HNH lHne.N Imam.n AmHe.n Awen.w Imam ANH Asou.Hm i4mw.lu 1n4u.u Immo.Hme -oe -wmee neSHe lemme 7m®4.40 -4nHe -ov -W4N.HHI -lm4.4ll -ztml omswsa enH.nm w 4mm.H mpo.m mem.H so®.m oon m new.sH eeH.mH was H m 4“ Ann..mm ANmH 1004 H lHem.H isne.H ASHH.m lmH~.m AwuH 1949.45 M Amen.um lens.” , team.mme -.H Hmme -wmae -.sc -moe.He -m44e no. 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From the preceding an overall picture of the changes of the mayfly fauna with seasons may be deduced. In Spring, emergence results in recruitment of many small nymphs; however, since there are still large individuals present, average weight/individual is maintained at a moderate level through most of the summer. The majority of mayflies in Michigan's trout streams have emerged by late August (Leonard and Leonard, 1962) at which time there are very few large nymphs in the stream; nearly all occur in the egg stage or as relatively small nymphs. As fall progresses biomass and numbers increase with growth and hatching of dormant eggs. Maitland (1966) found that mayflies were most abundant in May to August and decreased throughout fall and winter. In a productive stream studied by Egglishaw and Mackay (1967) higher numbers of nymphs occurred during the winter months, but no significant changes were observed in two relatively sterile streams during the year. Comparisons among different authors as done here suffers because of differing methods (see Jonasson, 1955, and Macan, 1958, for a review of sampling methods) and differing objectives. But despite this, com- parisons of the general results can be made and perhaps some conclusions drawn. In both of these studies the kicking method was used, catching the floating invertebrates in large meshed 41 nets. The present study used a fine meshed screen which re- tained many of the very smallest nymphs or larvae. It is therefore believed that collections in the present study give a more accurate description of the changes in the fauna. Highest numerical standing crop of dipteran larvae occurred in late November, 1968, with another peak occurring in mid-April, 1969 (Figure 1, Table 7). However, biomass was largest in early Spring with a lesser peak in late fall. Lowest numbers were found in late summer (19 August) and late Spring-early summer (7 June). Biomass was also low at these times. Minckley (1965) found seasonal changes in abundance of dipteran larvae, but time of maximum abundance varied with habitat which changed as he progressed downstream. Maitland (1966) found the greatest numbers occurring in summer which undoubtedly is a reflection of his use of a large meshed screen in collections. When the order is divided into chironomids, simuliids and all other dipterans, the trends in biomass, numbers and average individual weight are similar (Figure 1, Tables 7 and 8), However, it is not surprising that the seasonal varia- tion of the order as a whole reflects that of the chironomids, the dominant group. Seasonal changes in chironomid larvae have been noted by other authors. -Egglishaw and Mackay (1967) in studying a productive stream, found peak numbers in June and July with lows in late fall and late winter-early Spring. Pupae occurred from May to October, but in higher numbers in 42 May, June and July. Allen (1951) found peak numbers in mid- winter with pupae present at all times. In one area on the River Susaa Jonasson (1948) found maximum numbers in spring due to newly hatched and overwintering larvae, with numbers decreasing appreciably in succeeding months. He found a smaller peak in numbers during late summer with lows occurring in fall and winter. At another area on the river he found that numbers increased from spring to late summer, followed by an appreciable decline. In the present study, peak numbers of chironomids occurred in late fall and early Spring. Indi— vidual dipterans in late fall averaged 0.01 mg each, whereas in early spring they averaged 0.02 mg, indicating that the chironomid fauna as a whole consists of larger individuals which leads to highest biomass at this time. No pupae were present in late fall collections, whereas in early spring (11-25 April 1969) 1% to 2% of the chironomids collected were pupae. During the summer less than 1% were pupae. Simuliid larvae are well-known for their patchy distribu- tion and a tendency to drift which results in extreme fluctua- tions in numbers present in collections (Chutter, 1968; Ulfstrand, 1968). Perhaps, though, a general description of standing crops can be made. Maximum numbers and biomass occurred during early summer (25 June to 22 July 1968 and 25 June 1969). This is undoubtedly from hatching of overwinter- ing eggs and growth of larvae (Ulfstrand, 1968). There was another peak in fall (16 September 1968) and at these two 45 peaks average individual weight ranged from 0.01 mg to 0.05 mg. There were minimums during late summer and early Spring with larvae averaging 0.15 mg to 0.89 mg each. This may be partially due to sampling error. Pupae made up from 0.2% to 1% of the total p0pulation on collections prior to these low periods with only a few or none recorded at other times, thus indicating emergence and reproduction responsible for the lows. Frost (1942) observed a Similar distribution of numerical standing crop in her study. Allen (1951) found that pupae were most abundant during the same seasons observed in this study but found no seasonal changes in larval abundance. Jonasson (1948) found high numbers of larvae in the spring but very few until fall when they were again abundant. The majority of other dipteran larvae collected were large specimens of the families Rhagionidae, Empedidae, and Tipulidae with Dolichopodidae and Tabanidae taken in fewer numbers. Small larvae of the family Heleidae were also taken. Taken as a group these larvae demonstrated a low in numbers in late summer (19 August 1968) and late Spring (12 May 1969) (Figure 1, Table 7). Biomass showed a low at two periods, late summer (19 August 1968) and late Spring-early summer (25 June to 24 July 1968) (Figure 1, Table 8). Numbers increased on 25 June 1969 then stabilized, whereas biomass decreased. These trends are undoubtedly due to emergence of larvae and recruitment of young. 44 There were four major families represented in trichop- tera: Hydropsychidae, Helicopsychidae, Glossosomatidae (Hydropsyche, Helicopsyche and Glossosoma, respectively) and Limnephilidae, with the latter occurring less frequently than the first three, while those of other families occurred in- frequently. Caddisflies, numbers and biomass, showed several periods of maximum and minimum (Figure 2, Tables 1 and 2). But the low in both numbers and biomass in late fall (24 October 1968) may be due to sampling bias as biomass seems to be increasing prior to a winter decrease, and the trend in numbers is from a high in September to a winter low. Average weight/individual and the percentage of pupae in the population showed seasonal trends. Percentage pupae in summer 1968 increased from 2% at 25 June to a high of 10%»on 5 August after which there was a decrease until none were present on 6 October. Average weight/individual varied from 0.10 mg to 0.20 mg and dropped in early fall to 0.08 mg (16 September). Average weight then increased as fall progressed to a high of 0.58 mg on 29 November. By 15 March 1969 this had dropped to 0.25 mg and to 0.19 mg by 11 April at which time less than one percent of the population was pupae. Average weight increased to a high of 0.75 mg by 12 May then decreased to a low of 0.21 mg on 24 June. After the start of pupation in April the percentage of pupae increased to a high of 12%lon 7 June then decreased to 1% on 24 June. 45 Figure 2. Seasonal changes in average estimate of standing crop, numbers/m2 and biomass (g/m?), of various groups from a riffle area of the Pine River. 46 Figure 2 47 From the above, a general seasonal cycle may be in- ferred for trichopterans as a whole. Biomass and numbers are highest in spring prior to emergence due to gains in weight following winter senesence and the hatching of over- wintering eggs. Emergence continues through the summer due to those species which emerge late and species that are multivoltine. As fall progresses there is less emergence and growth occurs leading to a high in biomass and numbers in fall. rNumbers and biomass decrease due to winter mortal- ity, and as temperatures increase at the end of winter, growth of larvae resumes and overwintering eggs hatch. Seasonal variations in trichopterans have been noted by other authors. Frost (1942) and Hynes (1961) found a steady decrease in numbers as winter progressed to lows in late winter and early spring, with highest numbers occurring from summer to fall. .Jonasson (1948) found no marked seasonal variation but noted largest numbers occurring from January to May. Minckley (1965) noted that in riffle areas there were periods of high populations, but these were different at various stations in the stream. But all highs occurred between January and May. Allen (1951) found that in the families Hydropsychidae and Rhyacophilidae average weight -varied similarly to the variations noted in the present study: smallest in late summer-early fall and highest in late winter- early Spring. Scott (1958) found that there was a common seasonal pattern to all Species he studied, a summer minimum and a winter maximum. 48 Data were Obtained for an individual species of tri- chopteran, Helicopsyche borealis (Figure 2, Table 7). Unlike the order as a whole, maximum numbers occurred in August 1968 with a decline to a low in late winter with a smaller maximum occurring in Spring. Maximum biomass occurred in early summer, highest during June and July in both 1968 and 1969. Percentage pupae and average weight/individual varies seasonal- ly. Average weight decreased from 0.49 mg on 25 June 1968 to 0.52 mg on 22 July, whereas percentage pupae in the population increased from 45% to 95%. Pupae were present in the collec- tion on 2 September and 24 October, being less than one per- cent of the population, and absent until Spring collections. Average weight increased from 0.01 mg on 5.August to 0.11 mg on 29 November then decreased to a low average weight of 0.05 mg on 11 April 1969. From this low, average weight increased to a high of 0.50 mg on 24 June. Percentage pupae increased from 1% on 25 April-1969 to 25% on 24 June. The life history of g, borealis seemingly then is annual with two broods present. Emergence begins in late spring reaching a peak in early summer, resulting in a peak recruit- ment of young larvae in late summer. Ross (1944) states that there apparently is a continuous succession of generations, emergence occurring from May to September. This could coin- cide with embryonic development lasting between 9 and 25 days for trichoptera (Scott, 1958). Perhaps some larvae are pro- duced in spring, grow and emerge in the fall, producing ova. 49 Mortality of larvae occurs through winter. Delayed hatching probably occurs in those ova produced in fall giving another period of recruitment and reduction of average individual weight along with the resumption of growth in Spring. The majority of the beetles collected were of the family Elmidae. Members of Psephenidae were collected only peri- odically. Therefore, seasonal variation in standing crops is mostly a reflection of elmid life histories. Maximum biomass and numbers occurred in late winter after which there was a decline (Figure 2, Tables 1 and 2). The extreme low in numbers on 6 October may be due to sampling error as the trend from the beginning of collections to winter was toward an increase in numbers. Pupation in both of these families occurs on the shores of the streams (Pennak, 1955; Leech and Chandler, 1956). Therefore, only adults and larvae were collected. Adult percentage of the population between 25 June and 22 July ranged from 2.5% to 5% and decreased as summer progressed to fall. No adults were collected from 6 October until the following spring when adults again began to appear in the population because of pupation, numbers in- creasing as spring progressed. Average weight/individual increased due to growth from 0.05 mg on 25 June 1968 to 0.10 mg on 19 August, then de- creased to 0.05 mg on 16 September probably because of recruit- ment of young and emergence of adults. Increase in average weight then occurred as young grew to a high on 29 November 50 of 0.11 mg which was maintained until 15 March 1969, after which average weight decreased to a low of 0.02 mg on 25 May, probably due to recruitment of overwintering young, and then increased to 0.06 mg on the last date, 24.June. These two families of beetles, Elmidae and Psephenidae, are thought to have a two-year life cycle (Pennak, 1955; Leech and Chandler, 1956) and the data presented here seem— ingly support this thought. Perhaps, then, seasonal changes occur in the following manner. Pupation results in high numbers of adults in early summer with the production of ova which have an extended period of hatching, resulting in a gradual increase in larvae through summer. Concurrently, those larvae which will not pupate until the following spring grow, and as the number of young larvae increase through late summer, there is a decrease in average weight/individual and biomass. Growth of the population as a whole leads to an in- crease in biomass through late fall. (With the advent of Spring, mature larvae leave the stream to pupate leading to a decrease in average weight, numbers and biomass. Frost (1942) found that higher numbers of adults occurred during the winter at a time when larvae were lowest in numbers. Highest number of larvae in her study were found in July. Although there are fluctuations in standing crops (bio— mass and numbers), there are obvious trends in standing crops of water mites (Figure 2, Tables 1 and 2). There is an in- crease from an early summer low to peak numbers and biomass in 51 fall. Following this there is a winter decrease, an increase in spring, followed by an apparent decrease in early summer. Maitland (1966) found the highest numbers of water mites in his samples from May to October, whereas Jonasson (1948) found the highest numbers in late winter and early Spring; Jonasson attributed this to the migrations of individuals from decaying vegetation along the stream to the stony sub- strates. There is some confusion concerning whether water mites reproduce throughout the year or during late spring or early winter (Pennak, 1955). Present data seem to support the latter. Stoneflies of the genus Taeniopteryx made up the majority of plecopterans collected, with Pteronarcys taken periodically. Nymphs did not occur in high numbers in this study which leads to obvious sampling errors in estimating standing crops through the year, and makes it very difficult to discuss sea- sonal changes. Spring and early summer emergence occurred in Pteronarcys, but this should not have caused the extreme low on 19 August 1968 as the majority of stoneflies collected were Taeniopteryx. This low may be due to two factors: one is sampling as previously mentioned. Secondly, it has been observed that benthic organisms may go as deep as 50 cm (Coleman and Hynes, 1970), presumably to escape particular rigors of the environment (Maitland, 1964). Possibly summer temperatures are a form of "rigor" for Taeniopteryx, a winter emerger (Frison, 1955); large numbers of adults were observed 52 on 15 March 1969. AS temperatures decrease in the fall, Taenigpteryx emerges from the substrate and resumes growth leading to a high biomass in the winter. Emergence occurs in late winter resulting in a low biomass, but oviposition leads to an increase in numbers during spring. In this study macroinvertebrates taken as a whole demonstrated fluctuations seasonally with peak numbers in late fall-early winter and a lesser maximum in Spring; the largest biomass occurs in early spring before emergence commences. Changes in numbers reflect the changes in dipteran larvae as these were the predominant group numerically. For example, the extreme low on 19 August was due to few numbers of dip- teran larvae present. The low estimate of both biomass and numbers on the first collection date, 25 June 1968, is not entirely a reflection of the fauna. Because it occurred in every group on this date, I feel this low is due to sampling error. The decline through winter may not be due entirely to winter mortality. Babcock (1954a, b) points out that insects may be found as deep as 12 cm and Coleman and Hynes (1970) have Shown that insects may occur as deep as 50 cm in the substrate. It may be that insects seek the lower strata of the substrate to escape rigors of winter. As temperatures increase with the advent of Spring, they return to the sur- face and, with hatching of overwintering eggs and resumption of growth, there is a spring increase in both numbers and biomass. In retrospect then, a general pattern of change may 55 be described. Lowest numbers and biomass are found in early summer, both increasing through fall. Both decrease due to winter mortality and possible vertical movement downward, but with warmer temperatures numbers again increase, due to hatching and a vertical movement upward, and biomass reaches a maximum before emergence. The seasonal change observed in the present study is not entirely in accordance with that found by other authors. Maitland (1964) found peak numbers and biomass during summer months; however, he stated that the streams he studied were subject to extreme winter conditions and spates which led to low numbers during winter. Although flooding was observed in the present study, particularly during spring, there was no scouring of the bottom, which iS a situation that has been shown to be an important factor to stream benthos (Minckley, 1965; Maitland, 1964, 1966). Egglishaw and Mackay (1967) found a maximum biomass in spring, but maximum numbers occurred in July and December through March. Jonasson (1948) found that maximum numbers occurred in Spring. All of the above authors used large meshed screens which allow the loss of smaller nymphs, whereas I used a fine meshed screen which retained small nymphs and led to better characterization of the changes in numbers and biomass. 54 Annual Production Estimate In past years the production of aquatic plants and fish has been measured. Recent years have seen an increase in the measurement of production of invertebrates but limited to single species and then to those that demonstrate certain types of life histories (see Mann, 1969, and Waters, 1969, for reviews). Presently there is particular emphasis on attempts to determine production of entire benthic faunas and by a means which is fairly simple. Hynes and Coleman (1968) have attempted to do this (see Fager, 1969, and Hamilton, 1969, for modifications and criticisms of the technique) by using length measurements of the fauna collected over a year's time. Waters (1969) has recently reviewed the litera- ture concerning turnover ratio in freshwater invertebrates and found that it ranged from 2.5 to 5, averaging 5.5, which is comparable to the turnover ratios which Hynes and Coleman found with their method. Although the present study was not designed to obtain an accurate estimate of production, perhaps a gross estimate may be obtained by using waters' assumed constant, 5.5. It was felt that the results might be compared to the production estimate of Hynes and Coleman (1968) as well as eStimates obtained in future studies. Average ash-free dry weight was 2.52 g. Multiplying by the constant gives an average of 8.0 g/ma/yr. But, as Waters points out, in a fauna which is 55 dominated by multivoltine Species this ratio would be higher by two-or-threefold. Since the fauna in this study undoubtedly consists primarily of multivoltine species, mayflies, dip- terans, and various Species caddisflies, it seems reasonable to assume that the turnover ratio would be near seven (which assumes an average of two generations a year) in which case production of ash-free dry weight would be 17.7 g/ma/yr. It was determined that dry weight is about 6.7 times greater than ash-free dry weight. Egglishaw and Mackay (1967) found that wet weight of insects averaged 5.5 times dry weight. Together these two factors give an estimate of wet weight as being 57 times greater than ash-free dry weight. Multiplying this factor by the estimate of ash-free dry weight gives a production estimate 654 g/mg/yr. This river is high in nutrient and primary production (Tesar, 1970) and is comparable in secondary production to that of 620 g/m2 of another hardwater stream as determined by Hynes and Coleman (1968). Although Waters' turnover ratio is highly speculative, it would seem that an estimate of 654 g/mZ/yr may be in the right order of magni- tude. This is also a method which is much more Simple and less time consuming than the one proposed by Hynes and Coleman. Observations on Sphaerium striatinum M Three species of fingernail clams were represented in the collections: Sphaerium striatinum, Pisidium compressum and 56 g. fallax. Pisidium occurred infrequently; therefore, only .§2 striatinum will be considered in the following discussion. Clams were picked from the decanted material which re- mained in the Sieves and from the remaining gravel, then stored in 75% ethyl alcohol. Numbers and ash-free dry weight were expressed as for the other invertebrates. Ash-free dry weight was determined in the same manner as for the other inverte- brates. Ash-free dry weight was determined in the same manner as for the other invertebrates. For growth studies the length of each clam was taken to the nearest 0.2 mm with an ocular micrometer. Those too large for the microscope's field were measured to the nearest 0.2 mm with a pair of dividers. It was observed that after ashing young within the adults maintained their form and rigidity. Therefore, to determine numbers of young produced and time of reproduction, adults and young that they contained were measured from 25 June to 2 September 1968. After 16 September until the termination of the study the young were counted after ashing but no measure- ments taken. Standing Crop and Habitat Average number/m? was high on the first collection date, 25 June 1968, after which there was a decline followed by an increase on 5 August to the prior level (Figure 4, Table 9). Biomass and numbers increased to a high on 22 July but then decreased to an extreme low on 19 August. This decrease is 57 Figure 5. Seasonal changes in average estimate of total standing crop, numbers/m2 and biomass (g/m?), from a riffle area of the Pine River. Figure 4. Seasonal changes in standing crop of Sphaerium striatinum, numbers/m? and biomass (g/mf), in a riffle area of the Pine River. 58 3 -I “*0 /\/\ 1' 4: O ‘l 4. (’A‘ -. ‘cr ‘0“ ,1: § “0" «a "l! l J L 1 1 20 25 R 23 7 24 J“ m we EFT OCT W HAY g“ I.“ Figure 5 <0 5 smnmuw om:- , u ‘8 9 2 p ‘. I, '1' o” , ' 4n . V Iq\ I, 9 [I \‘ '1 I’ \’ ‘° 8 ‘2 1 1 1 4 230a: 2 .20 a '5 llflHZS‘V?‘ u: w u "7 WT nov III In. MAY J“ I” M. gamma 59 m m ¢ ¢ m m N N c AON0.mv Ammm.dv AOHa.HV ANmm.mV AmNm.mv ANmN.dv ANdN.oV Am>¢.ov onw.m mom.d ¢m>.o mwN.N mm».d H¢a.d «No.a mmm.N mmconm ANmmav Ammdv ANSNV AONmV AmNmV AmONV Amdnv Amev man N¢¢ Nma mo¢ ##m maN meN mm¢ mmmmzbz «N h MN Nd mN Ha mmmfi mN 1‘ ma mash was kumfi noun: .>oz mafia m n m m N w ¢ m w c Ammh.dv Aomd.Nv Amnm.>v A0>m.mv Ao>.ov AOm.NV Awom.mv Awa.mv AmmN.dv ¢O¢.N mbN.N >mm.m ohm.m fiem.o Nmo.m mad.m Nm¢.d «06.6 mmmonm A¢ONV Athv Ammmfiv ANdmav Awmav ANmmv Awmmv Aommv Amdmv mmfi oa¢ HNm mfim HON ewe Hmmfi mmN m¢N mummzbz #N m ma N ma m NN m mmmd nN Honouuo Hmnfiwummm umsmzm mash mash mama .mmmmnuconmm cw mcowumw>mv pumpamum 038 .mumo mcmeEmm sumo so amdwumwumm.85«ummnmw mo NE\mEmHm can NE\HmnEDs mmmum>< .m manna 60 undoubtedly due to sampling error as both numbers and biomass increased next sampling, reaching high in September. Through fall and winter there was a decrease in numbers and biomass, probably because of winter mortality, reaching a low on 11 April 1969. From this time the tendency of both was to in- crease, probably from spring reproduction. The extreme low on 25-May is again probably due to sampling error as the tendency from 25 March until termination of the study was to increase. Biomass and numbers were associated with smaller sub— strates from TP; to TPs (Table 10) and during these periods the disparity between the average standing crOps associated with the two substrate types was generally great. At TPe and TP7 numbers and biomass were higher in larger substrates, but at the last two periods both parameters were again associ- ated with smaller substrates. It should be pointed out that there is extensive overlap of standard deviations in each time period, thus the differences between standing crops of small and large substrates are insignificant statistically. However, perhaps the trend is meaningful in itself. From Table 11 it can be seen that both highest numbers and largest biomass were associated with macrophyte and riffle habitats an equal number of times, both about equal on the last date. Even though there was only one sample obtained from macrophyte beds on each date, compared with means of samples from riffle habitats, I think the comparisons give an 61 A¢>>.av Amma.dv A¢m0.nv Amoo.av Aomo.dv In: Aoaw.ov In: Awmo.dv mmm.a Nam.o mm.N mma.d mmo.N amm.o mmm.o amm.o mm>.o momma amaonm ANanaavamda.Nv Awmm.mv III Ammm.dv Ammfi.Nv Amfim.av A¢m>.mv A¢0e.¢v mom « ma¢.d. mmm.d mam.o mNH.m mam.N mom.N ¢m>.m ¢m0.N HHmEm Amva ASSNV Amva A¢¢Nv ANONV In: ANoav In: Aaamv «mm mNN flea mmN flew one mNN mm« was momma mummzoz Aammumv Advmv Ammmv in: Aommv AomNV Aoomv ANmmv AOSSV five a Nmm mmm mod mmm N¢¢ ¢Nm mmm m0¢ HHmEm may one rma ems mms «me ems was ams .ucommnm ma mamfimm mco mace cmg3 cm>Hm m“ mcoc “mononusmumm cw mcowumw>mv .wENu £uw3 mmmu mumuumnsm 0cm Escwumwuum Eswummnam Mo NE\mEmum ca mmmEoHn cam «£\mHmQESS mmmnm>m cmw3umn mflnmcoflumamm .oa wanma muHflUCmum 03H. 62 AOHOHNV AmNonv Aomo.Nv ANNm.NV Amdm.mv Adoa.mv ANmm.HV mm N d¢ N amn.d Nem.d. NNm.m mam.fi mm>.o meMMNm mm mom.m «mm.a «mm.o mm>.a mmumnmouomz Aommc imamv Ammwc Ammec land.ac Lemme Amomo Noe mmw dmN mmm mom new maN moammwm mmmmZDz ema mmm «mm.a «mm.a new «we mmm mmuwnmouomz #N m ma N NN m mN HOQOHUO HOQOHUO oummm oummm %H3b >HDU mfifib mung .mumo sumo co noun mumnmonoma Scum Umcwmuno mamamm wco >Hco .mmmmzucwumm a“ mcoHumw>w© pumpsmum 039 .mmwu umuwnmn nufiz cmumauommm ESSMuMNHum Eswnmmgmw mo ~E\mEmum cw mmmEONQ cam Mfi\mumnezc mmmum>¢ .dd manna 65 estimate of what effect macrophytes have on sphaeriid dis- tributions. The general trends in standing crops shown here, high during spring, summer and early fall with a general decline through winter months, are Similar to those found by Foster (1952). Although he sampled approximately monthly, no com- parison can be-made with regard to standing crops as he did not sample a constant area. The two extreme lows that occurred in the present study may be caused by high waters or sampling error. Minckley (1965) and Maitland.(1964, 1966) have discussed the effect of SpateS in streams which leads to a reduction of the fauna by washing them away and destroying them. However, in the present case, even though water levels were about six inches higher than normal, I believe the lows are due to sampling because of the later return to prior levels, even though water levels were still high. Gale (1969) studied standing crops of sphaeriids in the Mississippi River from June to December, .fi. striatinum being present in substantial numbers. Highest numbers and biomass occurred in August, approximately 5,000/m? and 50 g/m? dry weight. Highest numbers in the present study were 1,005/m? during September. Highest biomass also occurred in September, 5.54 g/m? ash-free dry weight. If it is assumed the conversion factor of 6.7 to convert ash-free dry weight to dry weight is valid, an estimate here of 24 g/m? is given. 64 Herrington (1962) indicates that this Species, most common of the genus, has a wide tolerance of habitat type, being present in sand, sandy-gravel, and muds of creeks, rivers, and lakes. In the present study the smaller substrate types seem to be preferred, generally having higher average standing crops. Gale (1969) comments that substrate type did not appear to greatly affect the abundance of sphaeriids (two species) except that fewer occurred in substrates of bare rock, gravel, or hard clay. It seems plausible that the relation to substrate type is due to physical effect. Larger substrate types contain rocks which occupy Space that would be available if smaller rocks or sand were present. This would also be a possible reason for the differences between standing crops of Gale's study (where substrate con- sisted of sandy silt) and the standing crops of the present study. There seems to be no adverse effects on g, striatinum distribution by extensive summer growth of macrophytes. This might be expected in a species which has a wide tolerance of habitats. This is in contrast to Gale's (1969) report that areas associated with vegetation generally supported low sphaeriid populations. However, it must be pointed out that he was dealing with very large standing crops, and areas of vegetation in his study may still have yielded populations equal to or greater than were found in the present study. 65 Growth and Reproduction From Figure 5 it seems that the majority of the young are extruded when they are 5.6 mm to 5.8 mm in length; few smaller free-living young were found in the collections. Length measurements of young still contained by adults showed very few 4.0 mm or larger. The percentage distributions in Fflj\ Figure 5 also show that a bimodal curve is present in a number 2 "& of samples, 8 July to 5 August, 2 September to 16 September 1968, and 25 May to 24 June 1969. However, no growth can be interpreted from these distributions as there are no changes E in various size groups through the year. Numerous individuals reached a Size of between 10 mm and 11 mm, with some being as large as 15.5 mm. Table 12 Shows the size of adult and number of young contained. The largest number of adults examined contained two young, with a substantial number containing one. A few adults contained 5 and 4 young. Smallest adults containing young from 25 July to 2 September were 7.4 mm and of those equal to or greater than this size the percentage containing young is shown in Table 15. It can be seen that the greatest percentage carrying young occurs from late fall to spring with the least occurring during summer and early fall. Minimum size of free-living young and maximum sizes of young still within adults coincide; thus young are released when they reach a Size of 5.6 to 4.0 mm. This is in accordance with Foster's (1952) findings. However, maximum size of adults 66 Figure 5. Length frequency distributions for collections of Sphaerium striatinum, by date, from the Pine River. 67 ...,. I ' I I “’-.|h_..|l.L-L’:. Jinnah. m 2:". .I. "all! 6 z 9 U . z . 8 lllllLl-llhl. 13°?” ”NOV .I Jul-hum l . "m "ML m midi? m. “ .mj. W .1“. LS: W “I tam m .M-.m. ”‘° . Adah- it” Humid .."" 23m "0'. I960 umwsoaomaosonomtzouono LIWYNNUM Figure 5 I?“ - ,u ‘ A l i u‘ -.s ‘ m N N N N a. a. N N m em N N N N ma N m .ma ¢ 06 m u m N N mm mm N m ¢ ¢ m 6 N N m N N d L Lm m o.dd m.oa m.OH ¢.Od N.Od 0.0a m.m w.m ¢.m N.m o.m m.m m.m T.m N.m 0.0 m.> m.> «.hmwm e n m T. u 1 SS 5 muam 3:2 5 o 3 xmmcflumwuum Eswuwmaam Hanna mo mmnosom vooun CH Umcwmucoo maze» mo Hogans mo %Ucmsvmum cam muwm cmw3umn mflnmcowumawm .Nd manna 69 Nm mm Ne mm mm me we Ezmommm ¢N e mN Nd mN Ha noun: ma maven mGSb mm: HHHQ< meme em mm we NH ma mm ma >¢ a¢ hm Bzmummm mN «N m ma N ma N NN m mach mN mafia HmQEm>oz Honouuo HmQEmumom umsmsd mash mmmd .mumv cowuomaaoo m9 maso> mag Icflmucou sumcma SH EE «.5 Hm>o GodumHSmom Escwumflnum Eswnmmnaw mo mmmucmuumm .mfi magma 70 in Foster's study was Smaller; the largest specimen was 10 mm with the majority of the largest individuals being 9-9.5 mm. Gilmore (1917) stated that the majority of adult lg. striatinum contained two young, one in each pouch, with a few containing four. Foster (1952) obtained Similar results F“?K but also found a few adults with one or three young, as 9 '”4 fbund in the present study, and concluded this was due to I, :V'AN'Ku": the recent extrusion of young. The bimodal curves (Figure 5) 44"” seem to suggest that these Sphaeriids live two years and E. from this and Table 12 the majority of reproduction and nurturing of young seems to occur during colder months with the majority of young being released in Spring, summer, and fall. Monk (1928) reached a similar conclusion with this species. Foster arrived at different conclusions; finding a bimodal curve in size distributions, he attempted to Show that it was due to periods of maximum extrusion of young dur- ing spring, summer and fall. It should be pointed out that these three studies were conducted in two divergent habitats, Foster's work in an oxbow lake and Monk's and the present study in streams, and the differences in conclusions about the life history of the clam may be derived from differences in life history response to habitat type. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS The effect of substrate Size, macrophyte growth and detritus distribution was demonstrated in the present study. As a whole the benthic fauna does not demonstrate a definite association with either small or large substrates numerically, but biomass is higher in larger substrate Sizes. Standing crop, biomass and numbers, is higher in macrophyte beds than in riffles when they are dense but the habitats are Similar during early growth phase of the plants and in late fall when they have died back. Substrate-food substitution experiment showed that the majority of the groups were related to low and medium food levels and small substrate Sizes. Although macro- or microdistribution of invertebrates may be related to a particular factor, the interaction of many factors is undoubtedly the most important aspect of the problem. Most benthic invertebrate studies seem to disregard the problem of sampling technique, and in this case it was random. A stratified random sampling design, according to at least three substrate sizes and macrophyte beds, would have alle— viated this problem and led to less variation in estimates of standing crops. 71 72 Coarse screens are normally utilized in benthic studies and miss many of the younger larvae which were obtained in this study by the use of a fine meshed screen. Compared to other studies the present study obtained substantially higher estimates of numbers of macroinvertebrates/m3, the highest being 116,000; thus a more accurate estimate of standing crops and seasonal changes has been given. ( [J LITERATURE CITED LITERATURE CITED Allen, K. R., 1951. The Horokiwi Stream. 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