MSU LIBRARIES n. RETURNING MATERIALS: PIace in book drop to remove this checkout from your record. FINES will be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. magmas“ JUN 2 c 2034 PRODUCTIVITY OF FOUR PASTURE GRAZING SYSTEMS FOR YEARLING STEERS By Edgardo L. Cardozo A DISSERTATION Smeitted to Midhigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Animal Science 1983 ABSTRACT PRODUCTIVITY OF FOUR PASTURE GRAZING SYSTEMS FOR YEARLING STEERS By Edgardo L. Cardozo Recent reports have suggested that the demand for beef in the U. S. will continue increasing in the future. This increment will be a consequence of an increase in the population and to an increase in meat consumption per capita. At the same time, a high proportion of the meat actually consumed in Michigan is produced outside of the state. The utilization of dairy breed steers and cheaper feedstuffs such as forages will permit to meet the demand for high quality products at low prices. Four different pasture mixtures were tested using Holstein yearling steers: alfalfa-orchardgrass (treatment 1); a combination of alfalfa-orchardgrass, birdsfoot trefoil-fescue and rye-sorghum (treatment 2); birdsfoot trefoil-orchardgrass-bromegrass (treatment 3) and Kentucky bluegrass (treatment 4). The first two treatments Edgardo L. Cardozo were rotationally grazed, while the last two were used in continuous grazing. Treatment effects were statistically significant for digestibility in both years and for dry matter production only in year one. No significant treatment effects were observed in yield per animal, but a high significance was Obtained in production per hectare. Treatments one and two showed a higher production per hectare over the other two treatments. At the same time, the former two treatments outproduced the latter ones in digestibility in both grazing seasons, and in dry matter production per hectare in the first year. Liveweight production per animal and per hectare were higher the second year in all treatments, with a higher increment observed in treatment two. Intake, selection of the consumed forage by the steers, legume composition and the rotational grazing system imposed in treatment two are the main reason for the different animal performances obtained. Multivariate linear regression models for the alfalfa-grass data and the pooled data across treatments were used to predict forage production. For the alfalfa-orchardgrass treatment, growth period was the most important variable, followed by evaporation, forage present at the initiation of the growing period and precipita- tion. When the pooled data was analyzed, the order of importance was forage present, growth period, precipitation and evaporation. Maximum and minimum temperatures were the least important variables in both models. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author expresses his deepest gratitude to his entire guidance Committee. To his major professor, Dr. R. Erickson, for continual councel, encouragement and friendship during the course of the graduate study. His constant patience, effort and under- standing have shown me the meaning of being an outstanding person. Sincerest appreciation is extended to Dr. K. Wilson and Dr. Frank Madaski for their constant moral support and interest during my program, to Dr. H. Ritchie for his invaluable help in the research project, to Dr. M. Tesar and Dr. G. Schwab for their constructive criticism in the preparation of this dissertation. The author is grateful to the Organization of American States and the Government of Uruguay for their economic support. Thanks are also extended to Dr. R. Nelson and Dr. W. Magee for the financial support during the last three months of the program. The interest and support of Ing. D. Faggi, former Dean of the College of Agricul- ture in Uruguay is deeply appreciated. His immense commitment to my program, as a professional and as a friend, assured the success of it. Appreciation is expressed to Dr. J. Gill, Dr. C. Anderson, Mr. ii M. Villarreal and Mr. J. Liesman for their help with the statistics and computer analysis of the research data. Thanks are also extended to Dr. D. Hillman and Dr. W. Thomas for their valuable comments during the program, and to Dr. R. Emery, Dr. T. Huber and Dr. R. Cook for the utilization of the laboratory facilities for forage analysis. Special appreciation is expressed to the members of the Lake City Research Station Mr. D. Nielsen, Mr. G. McLachlan, Mr. H. McGee and Mr. H. Boven for their invaluable assistance with the research project. I am also in debt with Mr. P. Sweeney and Mr. C. Reid for their willingness to help. The author is grateful to the Faculty members of the former Department of Dairy Science. Special gratitude is expressed to the members of the Breeding and Statistic group of the Department of Animal Science for considering me for their seminars and workshops: Dr. W. Magee, Dr. J. Gill, Dr. I. Mao, Dr. L. McGilliard, Dr. T. Ferris and Dr. C. Anderson. Sincere appreciation is expressed to all graduate students of the Department of Animal Science, and specially to Dr. T. Smith, Mr. J. Forsell, Miss M. L. Lockwood, Mr. D. Kirsch, Mr. B. Hughes, Miss D. J. Cox, Mr. J. Walter, Mr. D. Banks, Miss D. Lana, Mr. J. Meyers and Mr. P. Aho. Special appreciation is expressed to those that contributed with their honest friendship and moral support: Mrs. and Mr. Bonilla, Mr. A. Brondani, Mrs. and Mr. Correa, Mrs. and Mr. da Silva, Miss M. Gjorup, Mrs. and‘Mr. Gonzalez, Mr. A. Hargreaves, Mr. T. Hervas, iii Mr. J. Hlubick, Mr. T. Oleas, Mrs. and Mr. Towns, Mrs and Mr. Valdez, Mrs. and Mr. Villa-Godoy. My special gratitude to Mr. M. Villarreal for his help and sincere friendship during the entire program. The author will be always in debt with Mrs. Florence and Mr. F. Madaski for their friendship and constant support. Finnally, my deepest appreciation goes to my wife, Mercedes, for her continual support, sacrifices and love throughout my program. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . LITERATURE REVIEW . . . . . . . . . 2. Pasture evaluation methods under grazing conditions 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . 2.2 State of the Art of pasture evaluation . . . 2 3 Measurement of dry matter yield and intake: use of cages . . . . . . . . . . 2 3.1 Cutting equipment . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Height of cutting . . . . . . . . 2 3 . .3 Herbage accumulation during the grazing period and measure of growth . . . . . . . . . 2. 3. 4 Measure of intake . . . . . . . 2.4 Sampling methods: accuracy, sample size, number and distribution . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Botanical composition . . . . . . . . 3. Gr razing management . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Systems of grazing . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Definition of grazing systems . . . . . . 3.2 Management of grazing for forage growth . . . . 3.3 Ecology of grazed pastures . . . . . . . 3.4 Animal-plant relationship . . . . . . . 3.4.1 Stocking rate . . . . . . . . . 3.4.2 Comparisons among grazing systems . . . . . 3.4.3 Conclusions of the relation between systems of grazing and stocking rate . . . . . . . . . 3.4.4 Trampling . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.5 Animal excretions . . . . . . . . . 3.4.6 Cycling of nutrients . . . . . . . . 3.4.7 Behavior of grazing animals . . . . . . Page viii xi mO\O\ 11 12 13 16 19 24 27 27 27 28 32 39 39 S3 67 68 7O 72 75 Page 3.4.8 Selection of diet . . . . . . . . 80 3.5 Physiological basis for grazing management . . . 84 3.5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . 84 3.5.2 Pasture growth . . . 84 3.5 2.1 Definition of growth: factors that affect pasture growth . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Mixtures of legumes and grasses . . . . . 85 a. Importance of legumes . . . . . . 85 b. Competition between legumes and grasses . . 95 3.5 3 Pasture growth in relation to the environment . . 98 3.5.4 Organic reserves and growth . . . . . . 102 3.5.5 Frequency and intensity of defoliation in relation to pasture growth and persistency . . . . . 105 3.6 Control of feed intake . . . . . . . . 114 3.6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . 114 3.6.2 Factors that affect intake . . . . . . 114 3.6.3 Mechanisms of control. . . . . . . . 117 3.6.4 Effect of grazing conditions on voluntary intake . 121 4. Measurement of animal performance . . . . . 123 MATERIALS AND METHODS . . . . . . . . . 126 RESULTS 0 O O O O O O O O O O O 143 1. Botanical composition . . . . . . . . 143 2. Dry matter 0 O O O O O O O O O O 148 3. In vitro dry matter digestibility . . . . . 155 4. Intae O 0 O O O O O O O O O O 165 5. Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 DISCUSSION 0 I O O O O O O O O O O 194 1. Botanical composition . . . . . . . . 194 2. Digestibility . . . . . . . . . . 201 3. Animal performance . . . . . . . . . 207 4. Forage growth: a model . . . . . . . . 221 CONCLUSIONS 0 O O O O O O O I O O 229 vi Page RECOMMENDATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH . . . . . . 233 BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Vii Table 10. 11. 12. 13. LIST OF TABLES Comparison of the effect of different grazing systems on performance per animal and per unit are a O O O O O O I O O O 0 Total herbage production on grass and grass- legume mixtures . . . . . . . . Animal performance due to different fertilizer treatments and comparison of legume-grass versus grass pas tures O O O O O O O 0 Average body weight and standard errors at the beginning of the experiment in 1981 and 1982 Animal weigh schedule for year 1 and 2 . . Average area in acres and hectares per treatment Mineral composition of trace mineralized salt blocks . . . . . . . . . . Means and standard errors for botanical composition in June 1981 and 1982, Z . . . . . . Means and standard errors for in vitro dry matter digestibility at the beginning of the experiment in both years, Z . . . . . . . . Legune composition of pastures : means and standard errors, year 1, Z . . . . . . . Legume composition of pastures: means and standard errors, year 2, Z . . . . . . . Dry matter available per treatment during year one, means and standard errors, kg per ha . . . Dry matter available per treatment during year two, means and standard errors, kg per ha . . . viii Page 56 87 92 127 128 132 133 138 139 144 145 149 150 Table Page 14. Dry matter offered for the different treatments during year one and two, kg per ha . . . 153 15. Means for dry matter offered across treatments for both years in time one, three and six, kg/ha 154 16. Dry matter offered per treatment in years one and two and in times one, three and six, kg/ha 156 17. In vitro dry matter digestibility per treatment during year one, means and standard errors, Z 157 18. In vitro dry matter digestibility per treatment during year two, means and standard errors, Z 158 19. In vitro dry matter digestibility for the four treatments in year one and two, Z . . . 162 20. In vitro dry matter digestibility of dry matter across treatments for times one, three and seven, Z O O O O O O O O O O O 164 21. Digestibility values for the different treatments in year one and two, Z . . . . . . 165 22. Intake per steer per day, means and standard errors, year one, kg of DM . . . . . . 166 23. Intake per steer per day, menas and standard errors, year two, kg of DM . . . . . . 167 24. Intakes across treatments for times one, three, six, kg per steer per day . . . . . 171 25. Means for intake for the different treatments in year one and two, and times one, three and six, kg of DM per steer per day . . . . . 172 26. Average liveweight per treatment per time in year one and two, kilograms . . . . . . 177 27. Kilograms of liveweight gain per hectare for the different treatments, year one, means and standard errors . . . . . . . . . . 178 28. Kilograms of liveweight gain per hectare for the different treatments, year two, means and standard errors . . . . . . . . . . 179 ix Table 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Page Liveweight gain per hectare for the four treat- uents during year one and two, kilograms . . . 183 Effect of time of weigh on animal gain, kilograms . 186 Kilograms of liveweight gain per hectare across treatments at different times during the two experi- mental periods . . . . . . . . . 187 Liveweight gain per unit area for the different treatments in times one, three and seven, kg/ha . 191 Stocking rate per treatment during year one . . 208 Stocking rate per treatment during year two . . 209 Linear regression equations for alfalfarorchardgrass production on several independent variables, 1981-1982 222 Linear regression equations for forage production (pooled data) on several independent variables, 1981-1982 0 o o o o o o o o o 223 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. LIST OF FIGURES Control of feed intake in ruminants with diets of different qualities . . . . . . . Map of the experimental area . . . . . Legume composition of the different treatments, year one I O O O O O O O O . Legume composition for the different treatments, year two 0 O O O O O O O O 0 Dry matter offered for the different treatments, ye ar one 0 O O O O O O O O 0 Dry matter offered for the different treatments, year two 0 O O O O O 0 O O In vitro dry matter digestibility for the differ- ent treatments, year one . . . . . . In vitro dry matter digestibility for the differ- ent treatments, year two . . . . . . In vitro dry matter digestibility, values are averages across treatments for each sampling time, years one and two . . . . . . . . Daily intake per steer for the different treatments in year one, in dry matter . . . . . . Daily intake per steer for the different treatments in year two, in dry matter . . . . . . Total liveweight gain per treatment in year one Total liveweight gain per treatment in year two Accumulated liveweight gain in year one . . Page 119 131 146 147 151 152 159 160 163 169 170 174 175 180 Figure Page 15. Accumulate liveweight gain in year two . . . 181 16. Effect of time of weigh on animal gain, values are averages across treatments for each time in year one and two . . . . . . . . . 185 17. Liveweight gain per treatment in year one . . . 188 18. Liveweight gain per treatment in year two . . . 189 19. Average liveweight gain per day in year one . . 192 20. Average liveweight gain per day in year two . . 193 21. Proposed relationship between stocking rate and gain per animal . . . . . . . . . 212 xii INTRODUCTION The total land surface of the world is estimated to be around 32.9 billion acres. Approximately 10 Z of it is considered arable land, and 2.5 billion acres (7.6 Z) are used for crop production.lastures (natural grasslands and sown forages) represent almost 20 Z of the earth's surface , or 6.4 billion acres (Cook, 1980). According to FAO (1978), temporary and permanent pastures represent 65 Z of the total agricultural land in the world. Barnes (1981) reported that up to 56 Z of the total land in the United States (U.S.) was dedicated to forage production in 1977. A: the same time, the population in the world is increasing dramatically. The annual increase has been projected to 1.7 Z, which represents a total population of 6 billion people by the year 2030. Meijs (1981a) suggested that because of the extensive areas occupied by grasslands, we have to put more emphasis in developing them in order to meet the increasing demands for food by the increasing population. This idea agrees with two important considerations: - high quality feeds will have to be diverted to human consumption in the future (Hoveland, 1975); - the remaining crop lands in the world will not be able to satisfy human needs under the present rate of increase in the human population. Several definitions of grasslands have been proposed by different authors (Stoddart et al., 1975). I will use the term grassland according to 't Mannetje (1978a): "it is an ecosystem from.which herbaceous animal feed is derived". Grassland vegetation may consist of mixture of grasses, legumes, trees and other plants. Some of them contribute directly to production of feed for animals, and others, although not important as feed for grazing animals, play an important role competing with edible species. To avoid confusion, I consider it essential to define some of the terms used in this thesis. Wheeler (1981a) defines forages as the vegetation eaten by grazing livestock. The same author distinguishes between native, natural and improved pastures. we are only interested in improved pastures within the context of this work. He defines improved pastures as those "communities entirely or principally of sown species, to which in most cases fertilizer has been applied". This use conformes the definitions of Moore (1970) and Barnes (1981). Ruminant livestock in Oceania, America and certain countries of Europe rely heavily on forages. Tesar (1978b) estimates that native grasses and grazing lands carry 60 Z of the cattle, 70 Z of the sheep and 80 Z of the goats in the U. 8. Beef cattle comprise 87 Z of the total cattle population in the U. S., and 83 Z of all the feed units consumed is provided by forages (Barnes, 1981). At the same time, this author established that forages provide 61.2 Z of the feed units to dairy cattle and 91.1 Z to sheep and goats in the U. S.. In Australia less than 1 Z of cattle (or approximately 3 Z of the steers over one year of age ) are lot-fed animals (Wheeler, 1981a). The same author concludes that most nutrients for dairy cows and sheep are also provided by forages (grazed and preserved). Meijs (19813) established that herbage and grassland products (preserved forages) supply approximately 63 Z of the total requirements of sheep and cattle in the Netherlands. In Argentina, "feedlot operations do not constitute any important percentage in the beef market" (Inchausty and Tagle, 1980). Escuder (1976) concludes that beef production in Brazil is based on native and improved pastures. Profitable production of slaughter beef on pasture requires forages with high potential to sustain rapid animal gain and good finish (Hoveland, 1975). Bryan et al. (1964), Shaw et al. (1976a) and Williams et al. (1976) established the important characteristics sought in pasture plants to be utilized for animal production: - ability to grow and persist under several conditions of soil and climate; - ability to withstand grazing; - ability to respond to imporvements in the environment; - ability to produce high yield and quality of feed; - absence of toxic compounds that can retard animal gains; - ease of establishment and gathering reproductive material. Legumes in general are very important components in pastures due to their quality such as protein content, digestibility, dry matter production . Balasko et al. (1974) have indicated the importance of including legumes in forage programs for beef operations in the North East United States. Several reasons support the idea of measuring vegetation. 't Mannetje (1978a) establishes three main purposes: 1) as a way to describe the vegetation in terms of ground cover, dry matter production, growth, quality; 2) to distinguish the effect of specific management practices in terms of changes introduced into the original pasture ecosystem; and 3) to establish the productive capacity of it. Several characteristics can be used to evaluate the ability of the vegetation to produce feed for animals, but all of them depend on the final utilization of the forages. Reid et al. (1959) established that the main purpose of forages in the diet of beef cattle is the provision of energy, while 't Mannetje (1978b) maintains that energy, protein, minerals, vitamins and the absence of toxins and deleterious hormones are the important factors on which to base quality of forages. Beaty and Engel (1980) emphasized the importance of considering plants not as uniform material, but to divide them in their parts, managing them in order to avoid accumulation of the undesirable plant parts and dead material. The other important role in the system is played by ruminants. The projected demand for U. S. beef and feed grains suggests the need for efficient systems to produce beef from all-forage diets (Baker et al., 1974). These predictions were based on projections made by Balasko et al. (1974). These researchers predicted that the demand for beef will increase, even if the demand per capita remains constant. Beef cow numbers in Michigan have increased from 132,000 to 195,000 in ten years (1964 to 1974). There has also been an increase in value of the livestock from 22 to 52 million dollars (Anonymous, 1974), and these trends will continue in the near future. Ferris and Wright (1976) reported that beef consumption in Michigan is greater than the amount of beef produced in the state. As a result of that, feedlots in the state have been utilizing animals from other states. It is likely that future demands will continue to be strong if beef production can be economically achieved (Helsel et al., 1978). Beef production would be rapidly expanded by feeding out male dairy calves that are at present either killed, used for veal production or sent to the market at different stages of development (Hibbs et al., 1959). Several studies have shown that dairy-breed calves produce rapid gains, and feed conversion is relatively efficient, although fat cover and carcass grades are low when compared to beef-breed steers (Kesler et al., 1975). The specific objectives of this study include the following: - to evaluate the productivity of four pasture systems that vary in levels of input management; - to determine the variability and length of productivity of the four systems. LITERATURE REVIEW 2. Pasture evaluation methods under grazing conditions 2.1 Introduction Techniques for evaluation of forages must have reference to animals in some way. Animals must be used in some part of the system if the information obtained about forages is to be relevant for plant-animal systems (Heaney, 1970; Mott and Moore, 1970). Mott (1980) concluded that yield per animal gives reliable estimates of the forage quality, providing it is offered ad libitum. On the other hand, animals per area is a good estimator of forage production when the stocking rate is near the carrying capacity. Information on the comparison of pasture yields obtained from clipping methods and animal methods has increased since the fifties. Carter (1962) points out that clipping methods tend to overestimate the yield basically due to unrecovered rejected forage, the effect of the grazing animals and unmeasured use of nutrients by the animals. At the same time, other authors have reported that some type of forage analysis is essential to be able to find relationships between quality parameters in the pasture and animal responses (Moore, 1981). Mott and Moore (1970), Myers et al. (1074), Riewe (1980), Mochrie et al. (1981) and Wheeler (1981b) should be consulted for more detailed information on basic schedules and protocols for forage evaluation. Grazing experiments in which animal production is one of the variables are essential in pasture evaluation programs. Animals are the marketable product, and since there is a strong interaction between the grazing animal and the pasture, no accurate pasture evaluation for grazing can be done without them ('t Mannetje et al., 1976). Spedding (1965) also established that grazing management should be based on the understanding of the animal-plant relationship. He claims that it is essential to understand both the nutritional needs of the animal and the harvesting effect of the animal on the growth rate of the plants. The central goal of many plant and animal scientists is the improvement of forages as feeds for ruminants (Moore, 1981). Burton (1981) maintains that through genetically improved varieties, farmers can Obtain more production per animal, a better quality product, and more efficiency in the system, which will mean more profitability. Based on these predictions Moore (1981) expressed that more profitability in livestock enterprises can be obtained if forages are a major part of the animals' diet, if animal performance increases as a result of the improvement in forage quality, and if increased income is superior to increased costs of using better quality forages. It is also important to evaluate the pastures considering the general context in WhiCh they will be used ('t Mannetje et al., 1976). In our experiment we considered two basic aspects: - the experiment was planned to be used for beef production; and - we also considered the prevailing conditions in which the forages will be used. The systems which were used may not represent the most efficient method of pasture utilization, but they represented methods that farmers may adopt in the future. 2.2 State of the Art of pasture evaluation Grazing experiments vary widely in their scope, from studies on native species (grasses and shrubs) on semi-arid conditions to introduction of sown species in areas with high rainfall. At the same time, different completeness of experiments have been achieved from simple analysis of livestock production to more complete analysis: Chemical analysis of forages and livestock subproducts, intake, and quantification of the animal-forage systems (Robards, 1981). Beaty and Engel (1980) concluded that major improvements have been made on forage production research, but not on forage intake and digestibility measurements. Mochrie (1981) presented results from a survey made in the U. S. on 135 projects under grazing conditions developed throughout the entire nation from 1975 to 1980. Some of the most important findings can be summarized as follows: 70 Z of the projects were classified as using humid pastures, 28 Z as range conditions and 2 Z as irrigated pastures used as supplements to range. - 65 Z of the experiments included grasses, 13 Z legumes and 47 Z some type of legume-grass combinations. - 73 Z of the projects used beef animals, 13 Z dairy animals, 6.7 Z sheep-goats and 7.3 Z were a combination of the above. Over 75 Z of the projects analyzed the response of the pasture using grazing animals, basically through botanical composition analysis. - Clipping alone is the most common method used to calculate forage production (almost 50 Z of the projects); but other methods also used clipping as part of the analysis. - Approximately 60 Z of the experiments estimate intake. - In vivo digestibility comprised only 20 to 25 Z of the experiments, which indicates a generalized reliance on laboratory techniques. - The major emphasis is on animal-plant interface. Except when minerals or metabolic anomalies were the main objective of the experiments, few soil specialists were included as part of the scientific teams. Holloway (1980) presents a detailed review of the research in pasture utilization in the Southern States of the U. 8.. Australian research has some basic differences with the U. S. systems described above. One of the more important differences is that sheep is the most important animal specie used in temperate Australian pasture research (Robards, 1981). Robards (1981) also refers to some other distinctive characteristics of the plant-animal research systems in-Australia: - changes in liveweight are usually the only indicators of available forage, especially in long term experiments. - More emphasis has been placed on measuring intake under grazing conditions, using in vitro methods in combination with fistulated animals or other in vitro techniques. - Australian researchers have employed the fecal index technique under grazing conditions to increase the accuracy of intake and digestibility measures (Langlands, 1975). This is one technique with great potential to evaluate nutritional status of grazing animals under extensive conditions (Holloway et al., (1980). 2.3 Measurement of dry matter yield and intake: use of cages Several types of techniques have been used to measure dry matter yield and intake by grazing animals. Maclusky (1959) reports that large v1 an» 10 discrepancies have been reported in the literature between the pasture output and animal production when herbage sampling techniques and animal requirements are used as the basis of the estimation. Those discrepancies are based on pasture sampling errors which do not precisely show what animals consume. Ahlgren (1947) concluded that the use of livestock provides the most accurate results because it considers not only the effect of the pasture on the animal but the animal effect on the forage as well. However, good clipping techniques may give more precise information on pasture yield than methods using animals due to the large variability among them (Anonymous, 1952). The main purposes of measuring dry matter yield and intake can be summarized as follows: - to determine the amount of dry matter feed available for the grazing animals (Bransby et al., 1977); - to plan the use of fertilizers, herbicides, choice of grazing methods or stocking rates ('t Mannetje, 1978b); - to calculate growth (Bransby et al. (1977), utilization by animals and their effect on the pasture: trampling, urination and defecation ('t Mannetje, 1978b). The procedure used also depends on several other factors: specie of animals used, specie of plants and their combination in mixtures or pure stands, scale of the investigation, size of the plots to be sampled, available resources and facilities (Anonymous, 1952). The quantity of forage available in any pasture can be measured by mechanical methods (destructive) and by non-destructive procedures (visual or electronic means) (Burns, 1980). In the destructive method, representative forage samples are cut from the pastures. The non-destructive 11 procedures are based on the utilization of one or more variables related to quantity, and harvesting a small amount of the available forage for further analysis. Several non-destructive methods are described in the literature: visual estimation (Hutchinson et al., 1972), height (Whitney, 1974), density (It Mannetje, 1978b), and measurements of non-vegetative attributes such as electronic capacitance (Neal and Neal, 1973), beta- attenuation and spectral composition of reflected light ('t Mannetje, 1978b). The basic idea behind the non-destructive procedures is to reduce labor and equipment costs (Burns, 1980), and sometimes-as a way to overcome the problem that samples take a large proportion of the available forage on small plots ('t Mannetje, 1978b). Corbett (1981) suggests that a capacitance meter to measure dry matter before and after grazing is a promising method to increase the ease and accuracy of the "difference" method. With the destructive technique (cutting and weighing) a representative sample of the available forage is harvested and several analysis can be performed to have a more accurate estimation of the elements available to the grazing animals (Bransby et al., 1977). Bransby et al. (1977) developed the idea of using a combination of forage attributes (height, density and compressibility) to be measured together by a disk. The new term was called "forage bulk" by the authors and has the advantage of its accuracy and speed. The level of precision measured on tall fescue pure stands seems to be relatively insensitive to the diameter of the disk and to the amount of forage present on the field. 2.3.1 Cutting equipment Several hand harvesting devices for forages are available: scissors, 12 shears, curved knives, etc. The major advantages of this type of equipment is their adaptability to small or irregular sample quadrats and their controlability of sample height. Their main disadvantage is the high labor input which make them less used ('t Mannetje, 1978b). Researchers now use power-driven equipment and special machines to increase the efficiency of sample collection. Machines permit large samples to be taken quickly and a larger area can be sampled (Shaw et al., 1976b). The principal disadvantage of the power-driven equipment is the variability in cutting height. For Meijs (1981a) the choice of the Inachine is based on the cutting height which has to be controllable. 2.3.2 Hegighftof cutting Two systems of height cutting can be used: ground level and above gground level. As we mentioned earlier, hand cutting systems are more ziccurate in controlling height level. Meijs (1981a) found differences 111 cutting height using lawn-mower and motor scythe with a mixture ciomposed predominantly of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenng). He also f(Fund significant differences among persons cutting the same forage mllxture which supports the need for the same person to cut all the Samples. One way to avoid errors due to variable height cutting levels is hai‘rvesting to ground level. However cutting to ground level has certain disadvantages : “ it may damage the vegetation and introduce another factor that affects regrowth. 't Mannetje (1978b) emphasized the importance of avoiding samples from the same location over short periods of time. ‘ Samples may be highly contaminated with soil, litter and dung 13 (Anonymous, 1961). This tends to overestimate dry matter production and includes another source of error in chemical analysis. Johnson (1978) indicates some methods to overcome this problem. - It is essential that collection of material to analyze animal intake represents what animals actually eat. If the whole plant is harvested, underestimation of digestibility and concentration of minerals and other components will occur as a result of the selectivity of animals (Johnson, 1978). However, Walters and Evans (1979) concluded that ground level cutting systems are more applicable, unless the species used have prostrate liabits.‘Maclusky (1959) reported several experiments done at the Hannah Research Institute clipping to ground level. The other possible cutting height is above ground level. Meijs (L1981a,b) using a motor scythe reported differences in cutting height before and at the end of the grazing period, the latter being higher. However he did not find any difference using a lawn-mower. 2.L3.3 Herbage accumulation during the grazing period and measure of growth Herbage accumulation during the grazing period is a function of the following factors (Meijs, 1981a): length of the grazing period; Cflharacteristics outside the pastures: season, temperature, rainfall, Irutrient levels of the soil; grazing intensity: herbage allowance, stocking rate. Different procedures have been used to measure dry matter production aJud consumption by grazing animals. In general these methods can be grouped in two different categories: direct harvest technique represented 14 by technique number one of Boyd, and the "difference" method with various modifications (Boyd, 1949). Lineham (1952) and Lineham et al. (1952) reviewed the different techniques included in the so called "difference method". Klingmen et al. (1943) distinguish between two methods to estimate yield: - through measuring consumption by the grazing animal, and - measuring annual growth of herbage. When the grazing period is short, a good indication of the available forage is obtained by cutting samples at the beginning of the grazing period. When animals are moved out, another sample can be taken and consumption is calculated by the difference between the two (Harris et al., 1977). This system can be used under range conditions (Cook et al., 1948) or sown pastures (Holmes, 1980). Even though it needs twice as much sampling as the non-destructive methods, it provides estimates of yield and intake (Cooke, 1969). Growth during rest periods is obtained by the difference in forage available at the beginning of the next grazing period and the forage left uneaten during the last grazing period ('t Mannetje, 1978b). When the grazing period is less than three days, there is no need to correct intake of the grazing animals by pasture growth (Lineham, 1952; Lineham et al., 1952; Anonymous, 1961; Carter, 1962; Pigden and Minson, 1969; Walters and Evans, 1979). Green (1949) suggested two days as a maximum, and Holmes (1980) used two to four days as a grazing interval without correcting for plant growth. Long-cycle rotational or continuous grazing requires the utilization of protected areas or enclosures to correct for the growth of the pasture (Carter, 1962). Bosch (1956) distinguishes between gross and net yield. Gross yield is determined by direct measurement, and as a result, it 15 involves a large error. Net yield is calculated by indirect methods, using the number of grazing days, milk yield and growth of the livestock. Lineham (1952) established that within certain limits, pasture growth is a function of the existing forage on the field: the higher the remaining forage present on the field the higher is the rateof plant growth. Mitchell (1970) defines growth as the increment in plant size and fresh weight due to cell division and enlargement. Several authors have established that some bias is introduced in the evaluation due to the fact that a special microclimate is created within the enclosure (Maclusky, 1959). This bias is increased when the grazing period is extensive (Lineham, 1952), and with dense stands of high and prostate species (Mitchell, 1970). Cowlishaw (1951) reported that 16.2 Z more green matter and 11 Z more dry matter is produced inside the cages due to lower wind velocity, higher relative humidity and as a result lower dry matter percentage and transpiration losses. Peterson et al. (1965) working with alfalfa pastures reported a 20 Z decrease in dry matter production outside the cages due principally to soil compaction. Cowlishaw (1951) also mentions the effect of defoliation, trampling, dung and urine outside the cages as being responsible for lower growth rates. At the beginning of the grazing period, homogeneous sampling sites are chosen. At each sampling site two sampling units similar in yield and composition are defined: one is out before animals start grazing to measure yield (0Y1) and other predefined characteristics, and the other area is protected from grazing. At the end of the grazing period its yield is estimated (CY2) by cutting procedure. Growth (Cl) is then calculated as G1 a CY2 - 0Y1. For successive periods the formula is 16 n AG = 2: ( CYn - OYn_1 ) ('t Mannetje, 1978b). 1 2.3.4 Measure of intake Van Soest (1982) defines intake as the amount of feed an animal consumes and it is expressed as the weight of that feed ingested in a given time period. However due to the imprecision of this system, 't Mannetje (1978b) uses utilization instead of intake. It refers to intake by grazing livestock and other herbivores plus decomposition and hebage spoiled by trampling, dung and urine. These effects can not be easily separated from true intake and as a consequence, utilization, consumption and intake are often used as synonymous (Anonymous, 1961). Herbage intake by grazing animals can be estimated by measurements on the pasture (Brown, 1954; Peterson et al., 1956; Carter, 1962; Shepherd, 1962; Meijs, 19813) or by measurements on animals themselves (Anonymous, 1952, 1961; Harris, 1962; Woolfolk, 1962; Pigden and Minson, 1969; Harris et al., 1977; Walters and Evans, 1979). In general, animal techniques are prefered because they are more accurate (Maclusky, 1959; Raymond, 1969) since they can be based on individual-animal basis (Walters and Evans, 1979). Within the last few years the chromic oxide technique has been considered as a very useful and precise tool to measure intake. Raleigh et al. (1980) present an up—to-date review about the use of this technique. Meijs (1981a) establishes the basis for the potentiality of the "sward method" to provide reliable estimates of forage intake: - the accuracy in maintaining a constant cutting height before and after the grazing period. It also has to reproduce the grazing behaviour of the animals and recover deteriorated material by Ru. 3 as. .5 N t O‘- h...» u- n ‘ '9‘ Q... .uu . . ‘ e .3 a. u A: .\ . u .4 his .a h- :- n -. .u- n. \ 17 trampling or other factors. - The precision in assessing the pasture growth throughout the grazing period. - The exactness of the estimation of the forage intake by the grazing animals. Peterson et al. (1956) compared chromogen and clipping methods to measure consumption of total dry matter and digestible nutrients by steers on alfalfa pastures under two grazing systems. Based on these results, they concluded that the clipping method does provide an acceptable method for preliminary evaluation of pastures. The same main conclusion is reported by Anonymous (1952) and Walters and Evans (1979). Corbett (1978) presents a review of techniques used to estimate intake of animals under grazing conditions. His discussion deals with the labor requirements and sources of error, two of the most critical areas in pasture research. The same author presents a supplement paper in 1981. To calculate animal consumption under long grazing periods, Lineham et al. (1952) used a formula that takes into account the growth of the pasture during the grazing period. The formula is: Amount of grass nutrients (log D - log F) =(C-F) consumed by steers (log C - log F) where C is the amount of pasture nutrients at the beginning of grazing, D is the quantity of pasture nutrients in cages at the end of the grazing period, and F is the quantity of pasture nutrients left uneaten on the grazing area at the end of the grazing period. These authors found a correlation coeficient of 0.95 using this formula and a method of intake 18 calculated from maintenance and weight changes of the animals during a four year year period. Lineham (1952) reports a 1 Z difference using this formula relative to the "animal method". The animal method is based on actual measured liveweight gain of 464 bullocks in 46,748 grazing days. Bosch (1956) simplified the previous formula to: Amount of grass nutrients = ( C - F ) + ( D - C ) consumed by livestock 2 where C, D, and F are the same parameters defined by Lineham et al. (1952). Using a series of observations from Lineham, Bosch (1956) compared the results using both formulas. He found that both procedures gave practically the same results, and as a consequence he recommended his formula because it is simpler to use. schultz et al. (1959) established a curvilinear relationship between forage consumption and beef production per acre. However, Carter (1962) suggested that this effect could be true under continuous grazing for long periods of time; but we have to expect a linear relationship when short grazing periods are used and maximum intake is assured. This is to diminish the maintenance proportion with respect to total weight gain. MacluSky (1959) also found a linear relation between yield per acre and intake on a ryegrass pasture. However the same author reported that a curvilinear relation could be found if the increase in yield per acre was due to maturity instead of to soil fertility, and if a wide range of yield was considered. s .- ‘I "b 4 ‘ C .1‘ " — v , ':"; 3"». b» ' I v-I!‘ Q at- 5 ' t o.’ q... '05 on: >‘-\§“ h ‘n'.. 'T'J .,.( t1- , a- 53 n " Q g n ~C A .. ‘V"\&L m s \O*-- V . v.‘ .8“: 4 t . 0 e . i L ‘1 ‘ . u “U. 19 2.4 Sampling:methods: accuracy,g3ample size, number and distribution Different sampling systems have been used to calculate forage yield (Carter, 1962). McIntyre (1978) reviews the different sampling systems used in planned experiments and the degree of accuracy obtained. we will reproduce the definition of the two sampling units that fit in our experiment. Stratified random sampling is when a plot is subdivided into subplots and these are subsampled regularly (McIntyre, 1978). Systematic sampling are plots sampled at regular intervals (McIntyre, 1978). The number of cages required depends on the precision desired, type and uniformity of the pasture, and the size of the cages (Wilson, 1969). Fewer cages are required where growth of the mixture plants are vigorous or when stoloniferous species are used. On the other hand, more cages are required when conditions do not promote a vigorous growth (Wilson, 1966). Klingman et a1. (1943) concluded that with very uniform herbage the same number of cages is required regardless of the size of the pasture. Carter (1962) reports that the literature is very limited regarding the size and number of cages per pen. However two conclusions can be drawn (Wilson, 1966): - several small samples give a more precise estimate of yield than few larger samples for the same area; - fairly intensive sampling is required if accuracy is to be achieved. Much has been done on direct methods during the 1940's and 1950's. There has not been any big improvement in that area since then, because researchers have emphasized indirect techniques for pasture evaluation. Different sizes and number of cages per pen are used. Carter (1962) reported that the standard 4 by 4 foot cages are most often used; 20 but he also cited other authors who recommend different type and or size of cages to achieve better sampling procedures. Carter (1962) presents a good review of these points. Carter et al. (1960) compared the effectiveness of using two quadrats versus one in sampling forage before and after grazing with three different pastures: alfalfa, brome and sudan. They concluded that there was not any difference between forage yields in the two quadrats and that a series of yield measures from both quadrats resulted in a highly significant correlation (>>0.79). They also reported that the two quadrats system removed excessive forage from the 1,200 square feet available for the three sheep maintained in the pen. Based on these facts the authors concluded that one quadrat is sufficient to sample forage unless a larger daily rationed pasture has to be used. Due to higher correlation coefficients between the chromic oxide technique and the estimation of the intake using a 2 by 3 foot quadrat, these authors recommend using this quadrat size instead of the 1 by 1 foot size. When the "difference method" is used, the number of pair of sampling units cut during a rotation period has to be approximately 16 per treatment, for all replicates, if the sample area is between 1 and 2 square yards. With smaller areas, the number of sampling units tend to increase (Anonymous, 1961). The authors do not mention size of the plots, shape of the sample or grazing periods in the same pen. Cooke (1969) establishes a guide for number of samples per treatment according to the number of replicates, in order to obtain an expected coefficient of variability of 20 Z. He also makes a 21 differentiation between dense sown pastures and natural grasslands, the latter having twice as many cages per plot. In case of 3 replicates, he recommends 6 cages per plot but he mentions neither the size of the pens nor the size of the samples. Green et al. (1952) reported that coefficient of variation between sample yields varies between 20 and 35 Z when a sample unit of 1 or 2 square yards is used, and the yield of dry matter per acre lay between 1,000 and 2,500 lbs.. However, it rises to 60 or 80 Z with only 500 lbs. of dry matter yield per acre. Green (1952) found a negative linear regression between the coefficient of variation expressed in yield and the logarithm of sampling unit size. Based on these findings, Green et al. (1952) concluded that it is more convenient to use sampling units of about 3 to 6 square feet rather than the more common size units of 1 or more square yards. It is also important to consider the fact that the convenience of using smaller sampling unit size increases with increase in the level of variability. Klingman et a1. (1943) studied the best system to allocate cages, and the number of 4 by 4 foot cages required to obtain different levels of precision (expressed in pounds of dry matter per acre). They used a twelve acre pasture of legume-grass with a mean dry matter yield per acre of 700 lbs.. For a precision of 200 lbs. of dry matter per acre, at 5 Z level of probability, 20 single cages are required. With increasing level of accuracy more cages are needed. Some researchers have used duplicate and triplicate cages. This means placing pairs or trios of cages closely. Klingman et al. (1943) concluded that for a fixed number of cages the error of estimation increased with more cages put together instead of singly. Or, in other 22 words, to achieve the same sampling error it is necessary to use 2.26 and 1.63 times as many cages with trios and pairs respectively, than when cages are placed individually. Green et al. (1952), assuming a 15 Z coefficient of variation of a plot yielding 2,000 lbs. per acre and 25 Z for sampling variation, concluded that only three units per plot (25/15)2 are required to reduce the sampling error to the level of plot error. ' Maclusky (1959) used 8 to 10 samples per pen in an experiment with dairy cows on ryegrass. The size of the pens were small enough to keep one cow with daily rotation. This procedure gave statistical precision in calculating intake per animal per day. It should be mentioned that the pastures were much more intensely sampled than in other experiments reported, considering the number of sample units per pen, the size of the pens, and the fact that cows were rotated on a day by day basis which eliminates the error introduced by the growth of the forage. A representative sample unit of a pasture may only come from a random sample. The procedure to obtain pasture samples from "before" and "after" grazing was mentioned previously. Klingman et a1. (1943) established a method to obtain samples when cages are used. The system is similar to the procedure defined by 't Mannetje (1978b), but a third site similar to the two chosen is then located. More accurate results are obtained when the cage site is chosen at random and a similar site is selected for harvesting instead of choosing it also in a random fashion (Klingman et al., 1943). A third site is randomly chosen outside the cages and harvested at the end of the grazing period. Green et al. (1952) reported that the immediate area to the cages becomes deteriorated due to excessive trampling and to other factors, and that makes more 23 difficult the close pairing of cages. All the reports presented are good guides to the number of sites required to sample a given sward in an adequate manner, but they do not conSider the effect of repeated sampling of the pasture on a repeated sequence over a grazing period, nor do they suggest how many pastures should be sampled in a rotational grazing system. Wilson (1969) suggests that with six or more rotation fields with similar productivity, it is not essential to sample all of them. For any given number of sampling sites a very reliable estimate of yield is obtained if only half of the pens are sampled at double intensity. It is best to sample in an alternate fashion, starting either with the first or second pen (Wilson, 1966). Wilson (1966) used six 2-acre blocks subdivided in 4 half-acre plots seeded with 4 different herbage mixtures. He used a rotational system within each mixture: each half-acre plot was subdivided in 4 1/8 acre paddocks. The author concluded that the coefficient of variability for sample harvest yield was 28-56 Z and 15-46 Z for total annual yields. In order to obtain a coefficient of variability of 12.5 Z (between plots), four cages of 3 by 6 foot per paddock are required. The shape of sample units can be very diverse: square, rectangular and circular. To reduce edge effects, the perimeter of the sample unit has to be as small as possible in relation to the size of the unit (Meijs, 1981a). To reduce this problem, Van Dyne et a1. (1963) proposed the utilization of circular samples. The problems with circular samples increase with high pastures ('t Mannetje, 1978b). To overcome this problem Kennedy (1972) proposed the use of a stake that when pushed into the ground forms the center of the quadrat. The author mentions several advantages attributable to the device: decrease bias in quadrat 24 placement, less problems with perimeters, higher precision in clipping at different height above the soil surface, and less time consuming. Another possibility to overcome the problem of boundary definition is to use an open ended square or rectangular quadrat ('t Mannetje, 1978b). McIntyre (1978) favors the use of rectangular shape for statistical reasons: less variation exists using a long and narrow sample shape compared to the square shape. Larger samples (1.5 by 12 fOOt), if the number is kept constant, decrease the variability between samples (Anonymous, 1952). 2.5 Botanical composition The type of vegetation at any time is the direct consequence of the interrelationship of several factors: climate, grazing system, stocking rate and stocking pressure, etc. Some of them depend on the management practices applied to it: number of animals maintained on a given area, size and physiological conditions of them. There are some other factors independent of the management: rainfall, temperature, sunlight (Loomis et al., 1971). A complete interpretation of grazing experiments requires a knowledge of the botanical compOsition of the pastures as well as a full understanding of the changes that occur over time. Species differ in their value for animal production, their response to changes in the environment and management factors ('t Mannetje et al., 1976). Animal production is highly correlated with the species composition of the pasture, especially those with legume content (Norman, 1970; 't Mannetje, 1974). A botanical composition analysis has to be made at least once a year, but preferably more often. The basic objectives of the analysis v .1. 25 are to recognize specific aspects related to the method of grazing and/or clipping techniques, application of fertilizers, stocking rate, duration of the trial, and as a way to determine the relative contribution of each plant species to the forage consumed by the animals (Anonymous, 1952). Tothill (1978) suggests that botanical composition implies the gathering of information of species composition about areas of vegetation in such a way to present a coherent framework pertinent to the purpose of the study. Several previous reviews on this topic are also cited by this author. There are four types of properties of vegetation extensively used in vegetation description and measurement: physiognomy, structure, function and composition. They are usually grouped into two groups: physiognomy, structure and function in one group and composition in a second group (Tothill, 1978). Composition can also be expressed in different ways: number or density, area (cover) and weight (Branson, 1962; Greig—Smith, 1964). Brown (1954) adds two more categories to this classification: pattern and frequency of occurence. Weight expresses the importance of the different species on the bases of relative production (Tothill and Peterson, 1962). Yield of the species components (weight) is the most important measure because it is directly related to animal performance ('t Mannetje et al., 1976). Its principal disadvantages are the amount of labor involved when hand separation of the species is used (Tothill and Peterson, 1962), human error (Theurer, 1976), and the spoiling of herbage (Tothill, 1978). Persistency (study through changes in composition over time) is the most important attribute of the vegetation to be 26 considered (Leach et al., 1976). Several reviews have been published on methods available to study botanical composition (Sears, 1951; Anonymous, 1952; Brown, 1954; Theurer, 1970; Ward, 1970; Theurer et al., 1976; Harris et al., 1977). Theurer et al. (1976) grouped those methods into four categories: visual appraisal, manual separation with weight or volume analysis, micro- histological methods and microscope point techniques. The last two methods are more accurate when samples from fistulated animals are used (Theurer, 1970). Visual appraisal is the more rapid and less costly method, but a great deal of innacuracy is involved. It can be applicable in those cases where cover or density are the characteristics to be analyzed. It cannot be used when samples from fistulated animals need to be analyzed (Theurer et al., 1976). Tothill and Peterson (1962) enumerate four different methods to obtain weight: cutting and weighing, cutting and estimating visuals, eye estimation of weight in the field and estimation of weights in the field by plots. The authors agree on the fact that the first one is the more accurate method and the other three are approximations to be used only in surveys. Branson (1962) established that hand separation in the field is the more accurate method of range vegetation, where species yield are generally small but there may be several species per unit area, which makes it more time consuming. 27 3. Grazing management 3.1 Systems of grazing_ 3.1.1 Introduction Independently of the method used to evaluate grasslands, they must be judged according to their ability to sustain animal production. Unfortunately, when data from animals are used to evaluate grasslands, it is not always clear whether we are evaluating the pastures, or the system of grazing under use, or the animals themselves (Maclusky, 1959). The grazing system involves several factors that interact with one another: soil, climate, animals, sward, parasites and diseases. This supports the idea of the complexities involved in any grazing system. Several decisions are involved in management of grazing systems (Morley, 1981): - decisions that involve plants: species to use, use of fertilizers and irrigation, subdivision of the pastures, resting periods; - decisions that involve the animals: composition of the grazers, marketing dates, disease control, stocking rate. The growth rate of awards varies greatly throughout the year. Climate and soil characteristics play an essential role in that variation, as well as species used in the sward and the management system (Murphy, 1977). ‘McMeekan (1956) and Beranger (1977) consider that grazing management consists basically of three components controlled by the farmer: stocking rate, the grazing method and the kind of grazing animals used. They indicate three basic objectives of the grazing management: to stimulate grass growth, to stimulate the optimum use of the grass, 28 and to use it very efficiently for animal production. The Arizona Interagency Range Committee (1973) adds two additional objectives to those three mentioned early: to reduce supplemental feeding and minimize labor cost. Shiflet and Heady (1971) state that the major goals are to improve or maintain the grazing resource and to increase livestock production. According to Holmes (1980), an adequate grazing management procedure must provide a low cost supply of nutritious herbage through the growing season, avoid any waste of herbage and maintain the productivity of the sward. 3.1.2 Definition of grazing;systems The name of a grazing system does not always explain the design of the system. When we define a system as rotational we are refering to animals being moved from one pen to the next, and the pasture receives a rest period and a successive utilization period. But very little is said about animals maintained per unit area, animal-days per pen, and duration of the rest period. These basic ideas led Heady (1970) to conclude that unless writers give more detailed information about their systems, it is impossible for readers to understand that specific system by just knowing the name. For that reason I will define several terms to be used in this report, according to Heady (1970), Shiflet and Heady (1971), Stoddart et a1 (1975): Grazing season: portion of the year when grazing is feasible. The grazing season is just a part of the vegetative growing season. Swards start their growing season well in advance of the time animals start grazing. It should be understood that we will stop the grazing trial before the growing season is ended. 29 Grazing period: part of the grazing season during which grazing takes place. Continuous grazing: unrestricted livestock access to any part of the pasture throughout the grazing period. It is also called free or uncontrollable grazing. Rotational grazing: animals are moved from one treatment pen to the next on scheduled basis. In this system pens are allowed to rest before animals are moved back in for another grazing time. It is also called intermittent grazing. Grazing time: period of time animals graze a specific pen in a rotational grazing system. Deferred pasture: part of a pasture treatment (pen) not grazed during certain time within the grazing period. 't Mannetje et al. (1976) established that three main variables are needed to define grazing methods: number of animals, time they spend in any paddock and the interval between grazings. Considering those three variables they define the following grazing methods: continuous set stocking rates, continuous variable stocking rates, rotational set stocking rates, rotational variable stocking rates and strip grazing. Continuous set stocking rate is the least variable of all systems in terms of the interpretation. However, McMeekan (1961) reports three different possibilities within this system: the use of a simple field grazed by all stock during the entire grazing period, or a diurnal shift between a day and a night paddock, or the use of these two systems in conjunction with a young stock or dry stock area. The rotational system is much more variable in definition. It may 30 be used as a system where animals are rotated on monthly, weekly or daily basis, or any other combination in between. Semple et al. (1942) defined the rotation system in two groups: alternate rotational when only 2 paddocks are involved in the system, and rotation grazing when 3 or more paddocks are used. Campbell (1961) defines rotational grazing as those which cover a multitude of systems from daily shifts to monthly shifts, from 3 to 30 paddock systems. Up to now we have considered rotation system as a subdivision of one type of pasture. Semple et al. (1942) defined the rotation system formed by different pure sward species, or combination of species in the pasture. These authors emphasized the importance of careful planning in order to have the animals on each pasture when they can obtain the most from it without reducing its productive capacity in the future. A multitude of combination systems have been created too. Under range conditions Merrill (1954) defined the "deferred rotation grazing system". In this system, the total area is divided in four pens, and each paddock is grazed during 12 months and then rested four months. Merrill (1973a,b) adapted two new modifications of the different rotation systems: intensive and non-intensive deferred rotation grazing. Another modification of the rotative system was developed in Germany in 1916 specially for dairy operations: "Hohenheim system". It is basically a division of the pasture into 4 to 8 paddocks of similar size and the utilization by the grazing animals in a gradual way: high producers are the head of the sequence, followed by low producers and dry cows at the end. The original Hohenheim plan called for a heavy application of fertilizer, especially nitrogen (Woodward et (3‘ -H ll' .- .5 5.. (h .3. 31 al., 1938). This plan was the origin of another rotational method used in dairy operations called "leaders and followers" (Leaver, 1970; Campling, 1975), or "top and bottom grazers" (Blaser et al., 1959). Some of the most relevant experiments in the last two decades have been the tendency to simplify the grazing systems in use, and at the same time increase their efficiency in terms of animal output. The new methods have been tested basically with dairy cows for two reasons: - milk production is a more intensive type of operation than beef; - it is also more sensitive to any change in the system: quantity of forage, variation in specific forage components such as protein content or mineral composition. Three intensive grazing methods have been under evaluation in the last two decades in Europe: - strip grazing: it consists of moving animals once or twice a day. When twice a day is used, the electric fence is moved after every milking (for dairy cows) to allow animals to graze fresh forage (Logan et al., 1960). - The "wye College System": it consists of four paddocks, each one grazed during one week and rested during three weeks, high stocking rate and nitrogen fertilizer applications. It is also possible to subdivide the paddock under grazing and use it in combination with strip grazing (Castle and Watson, 1975; Holmes, 1980). - Alternation of cutting and grazing: the basic idea behind this system is to reduce wastage and increase intake of forage. It is a modification of the zero grazing system in which the forage is mechanically harvested and fed to animals (Journet and Demarquilly, 1979). 32 There are some additional combinations that are not mentioned in this review. Kothman (1980) uses a different classification system based on intensity and frequency of utilization because it gives a higher degree of flexibility under range conditions. For additional information on this subject, the Arizona Interagency Range Committee (1973) published a very detailed work on grazing systems for Arizona ranges. Authors do not agree on what system is more advantageous in terms of animal production; but they are in general agreement that the system of grazing and stocking rates are two variables that exert their effects in a parallel mode (Campling, 1975; 't Mannetje et al., 1976; Holmes, 1980). For this reason I will analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the different systems mentioned in the stocking rate section. 3.2 Management of ggazing for forage growth Subdivision of the grazing area is necessary for research as well as for production purposes. It is recognized that subdivision of grasslands influence animal performance in at least five different ways (Morley, 1978): - pasture can be rotated to preserve food for times when it is short; - growth of pasture can increase, so more forage is available on a total basis; - the botanical composition can be modified to change the proportion of certain species, and as a consequence, the relative proportion of specific constituents: protein, dry matter, digestibility; - reduction of waste material; maintain a better health condition of the herd. In this case, subdivision means that the forage is utilized in a rotational grazing form. In such a way, those could be the theoretical 33 advantages of the rotational grazing over continuous system. One of the most important advantages cited above is the higher growth of the pasture under the rotational system. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this situation: leaf area index, losses from decay and variation in the relationship between the use of reserves and production of new reserves. This latter point will be discussed later. Loomis and Williams (1969) established that the density of the canopy is the most important feature related to crop growth. Riewe (1976) reported that the maximum growth is obtained at near maximum light interception, provided other factors (temperature, water, soil nutrients) do not limit growth. This is based on the fact that the light passing through the canopy to the ground is wasted. The leaf area index concept (LAI) is a more functional parameter to measure light interception, and according to Watson (1947), the variation in it is the main factor associated with differences in yield. Watson (1947) defines leaf area index as the number of unit area leaves per unit area of ground surface. Watson (1947), Brougham (1956), and Koter (1977) among others, established that: — LAI and dry matter growth are positively correlated; - the LAI during growth should be sufficient to intercept as much of the radiation as possible; - above optimum LAI creates situation of parasitism, where the lower leaves use the carbohydrates to a higher extent of their capacity of synthesis; - the LAI changes according to species, type of production,season within years and among years. I“ _ 5|. ru 34 The optimum LAI is species dependent. Hrabe (1977) reported a different optimum LAI for species and for season within species. For alfalfa the LAI that produces maximum yield per hectare is 5 to 6 in the spring, and 4 to 5 after the first cut, due to an increase in radiation during summer. For white clover, he reported 4 to 5 and 3 to 4 per square meter of ground respectively. Koter (1977) found an optimum LAI for ryegrass equal to 8 and for alfalfa equal to 7 with an alfalfa density of 250 plants per square meter. Brougham (1958) reported values of 7.1 for ryegrass, 3.5 for white clover and 4.5 for mixed stands. Brown and Blaser (1968) also reported lower optimum LAI for clovers than for grasses. Watson (1958) established the relationship between LAI and net assimilation rate (NAR or E). When LAI increases over an optimum, NAR declines. This relationship is very important because crop growth rate (C) (net dry matter production) depends on these two variables (Loomis and Williams, 1969): C = LAI x mean rate of net photosynthesis of all leaves. Sometimes a lower leaf surface than maximum for complete light interception is required in order to maintain a high quality standard of the forage harvested (Riewe, 1976). In those cases a compromise- between maximum forage yield and adequate quality must be reached. The relationship between C, LAI and mean rate of net photosynthesis is not clear. For some authors (Watson, 1958; Sibma et al., 1977), C increases with LAI up to a maximum.point called optimum LAI (Lop), above which further increase in LAI produces lower C. On the other hand, other authors (Brougham, 1956; Williams et al., 1965) have found that C increases with LAI up to a point where it is kept constant in spite of continuous increments in LAI. Stoy (1969) explains that difference in 35 the different capacity of the species used to intercept light, and to the differences in environmental factors such as light intensity and plant density. The distribution pattern among leaves is another important factor to consider. Even when a full cover could be provided by one continuous layer of leaves, LAI equal to 3 is needed to achieve a complete light interception (Loomis and Williams, 1969). Monteith (1965) indicated that LAI larger than 3 is needed for 95 Z interception of light with a sun elevation above 60 degrees. Brougham (1956, 1958) measured light intensity, LAI and height of the defoliated pasture. He found that a clover-ryegrass pasture defoliated to 1 inch of height requires 24 days of regrowth to intercept 95 Z of the light, while only 4 days are needed if it is defoliated to 5 inches. Pastures defoliated to 5 inches produced 20 Z more dry matter than the same mixture defoliated to 1 inch, but during the first 14 days of regrowth the difference was almost 100 Z. The leaf angle to the horizontal (oz) is another important factor to be considered. In case of very dense swards, erect leaves are much more efficient in terms of light interception; however when LAI is small, horizontal leaves are more advantageous (Duncan, 1969). Alfalfa plants are erect, and as a consequence their leaves are distributed in a vertical way, with larger 04 values (Warren Wilson, 1965, 1967). When LAI is less than 3, photosynthesis increase with a more prostrate leaf arrangement, but with a larger LAI than 5, photosynthesis increases with more erect leaves (Monteith, 1965). The angle of the leaves to the horizontal changes throughout the 36 season. Sibma et al. (1977) found that the production of carbohydrates decreased 30 Z when the leaf position of LoliumLperenne changed from erectophile to planophile. After defoliation or cutting, leaves were replaced in the original erectophile position and proportional recovery of carbohydrate synthesis occured. These authors concluded that one of the causes of lower production in the later part of the growing season could be the leaf position of the stands. Monteith (1969) suggested that for the most common leaf indices found in the field (4 to 8 in mature stands), the leaf angle is not so crucial in determining photosynthesis rate. At large leaf areas (8 to 12), different models predict a more efficient utilization of the light for erectophile stands. Stoy (1969) reports that the different inclination of leaves of the species used for research is the major factor that can explain the lack of agreement among authors in terms of the true relationship between growth rate, leaf area index and rate of net photosynthesis. Beevers (1969) introduced the concept of "metabolic sinks" to express those cases where the products of photosynthesis are utilized within the plant. New leaves are a metabolic sink since they need photosynthetates produced in any other parts of the plant to complete their growth. Old and shaded leaves from the bottom of the plant are considered sink too, not because they import sugars from other parts of the plant, but because they use their own photosynthetates (Beevers, 1969). It is not clear what the final balance is between the utilization and synthesis of photosynthetates by old, lower shaded leaves of plants. Riewe (1976) reports that respiration rates may exceed photosynthesis. 37 However, King and Evans (1967), among other authors, demonstrated that shaded bottom leaves of alfalfa and other species have a lower respiration rate than leaves from the top of the canopy. Stoy (1969) concluded that lower shaded leaves do not reduce the amount of assimilates produced by the upper leaves. 3.3 Ecology of ggazed pasture Grazed pastures develop complex interrelations with other components of the environment. Snaydon (1981) defines the ecosystem as a complex interacting system between the grazing animals, the pastures they graze, the associated microorganisms, the soil and the climatic conditions in a given area. The term ecosystem was first used by Tansley (1935) in order to describe the relationship between the living organisms and the environment, but as Stoddart et al. (1975) establish, the idea of the ecological complex is much older. The ecosystem can be divided in different ways. One way is to distinguish between biotic and abiotic components. The biotic part of the ecosystem is formed by the animals, microorganisms and plants. They develop complex interactions among them: animals affect plants through defoliation, cycling the nutrients and trampling. On the other hand, plants affect animals through the quantity and quality of the forage produced and seasonality of the production. Microorganisms impose different actions over the other biotic components of the system: plant and animal diseases, decomposition of plant residues, active role in nitrogen fixation. Stoddart et al. (1975) divide the biotic component in four categories: 38 - producers: represented by plants, and they are the only ones in the ecosystem to produce food for consumers. — consumers: animals that consume and redistribute the energy captured by producers. There are two types of consumers: primary or herbivores and secondary or carnivores. - reducers: decompose and rearrange organic matter from the producers and consumers. - manipulators: manipulate the other factors in the ecosystem to their benefit (man) . It is also essential to consider the interactions that exist between the biotic and abiotic components of the system. Soil and environment are the integral elements of the abiotic component of the ecosystem. Animal-soil interaction can be seen in two ways: the direct effect of the animals on the soil through compaction and nutrient cycling, and the indirect effect of soils on animals through forage production. Plant-environment relations are diverse. Light, temperature, water, and carbon dioxide concentration are the most important environmental factors that affect plant performance. Carbon dioxide supply interacts extensively with light intensity to determine the rate of the photosynthetic process. Hesketh (1963) working with four commercial crops established light saturation curves with different concentrations of carbon dioxide. I only tried to specify in this chapter that complex relationships exist between the plant and the other components of the ecosystem. Further discussion will deal with the animal-plant relationship, the 39 relationship between pasture and minerals, as well as between species of pastures. Stoddart et al. (1975) present an excellent review on this topic. Williams (1966) presents an example where energy flow and productivity in a range ecosystem is analyzed. Even though these two publications deal with range situations, the basic principles are applicable to sown pastures. 3.4 Animalfiplant relationship 3.4.1 Stocking rate Maximum production from.pastures is obtained only when the needs of the animals and the productive capacity of the pasture are in equilibrium. It is in this respect that stocking rate plays an important role in pasture utilization, in terms of consumption of the feed available and in determining the productive life of the sward. It is well known that pastures for beef production are more extensively managed than dairy pastures. As a result, beef production per unit area and efficiency of pasture utilization are generally lower than for dairy production. There is enough research information to support the idea of a more intensive management system in beef operations, but this is seldom used on commercial farms. Optimum systems of grazing management cannot be generalized for all situations because climatic conditions play an essential part on the system, directly on the animals and indirectly through the type of plant species or mixture of those species that can be used. Enough information is available about sown pastures in temperate areas, but in general there is a shortage of knowledge in semiarid regions as well 40 as in high altitudes. In general, when management is modified by the adoption of new techniques, the amount and quality of the pasture is also changed. The addition of legumes to a grass dominated pasture, fertilization, subdivision of the land are examples of modifications of the management practices. As a consequence of those modifications, production per animal and per unit area also changes. This phenomenon led McMeekan (1961) to conclude that stocking rate is the most important determinant variable of pasture production. 't Mannetje et al. (1976) established that under most research conditions it is essential to use different stocking rates. Axelson and Morley (1968) indicated that variety of plant could be the most important determinant of economic responses, especially at optimum stocking rates. This conclusion is drawn from the fact that these authors worked with-a very high stocking rate (7 and 9 sheep per acre or 17 and 22 sheep per hectare) for more than five years. But the supreme importance of high stocking rate in determining output per acre was recognized by many authors: Holmes, 1962; Wheeler,1962; Bone and Tayler, 1963; McMeekan and Walshe, 1963; Gordon, 1973; Hutton and Parker, 1973; Leaver, 1974; Macleod, 1976; and others. Since the first experiments in mid 1950's, increased stocking rates have, in most cases, led to an increased output per unit area. Castle et al. (1972) observed that in 19 years (1951-1970) the factors that affected milk production at the Hannah Institute were basically two: the stocking rate and variation in milk production of the herd as a whole. Journet and Demarquilly (1979) present a review of the main results obtained in New Zealand, Australia and Great Britain showing 41 the effect of stocking rate on milk production per cow, per acre and changes in body weight. Owen and Hinders (1962) using an alfalfarbrome and alfalfa-orchard pasture with a daily strip system, compared the effect of increasing stocking rates on different parameters. High stocking rates produced more milk on alfalfa-brome (10 Z), while low stocking rate was more effective with alfalfa-orchardgrass (17 Z). Bryant et al. (1965) found a higher average daily gain of steers on Kentucky bluegrassdwhite clover mixtures under low stocking rates. The differences in average daily gain were only significant when extreme stocking rates were used. Hart (1980) details the different steps required to establish the proper stocking rate for grazing experiments: — define what is the measurement system to use in order to evaluate the experimental results: maximum liveweight gain per animal or per unit area, maximum profit per animal or per unit area, maximum utilization of the available forage, or most rapid improvement of pasture conditions; - if it is possible, establish a mathematical relationship between the stocking rate and animal and/or plant response; - calculate the stocking rate needed to obtain the level of response desired; - analyze all the other constraints that could limit the results to be obtained from the experiment. Morley (1978) established the needs for estimating responses to stocking rates under research conditions. He mentions three main purposes: 42 - to estimate production per animal: it includes physical production as well as financial results; - to determine total costs per head including deaths, extra labor and supplementary feed; - to assess stability of pastures: it is an important point since the farmer not only requires physical and economical results, but to be able to use the same pasture for as long as it can survive and be productive. Several curves relating production per head and per unit area with different stocking rates have been postulated. As Morley (1978) suggested, if there were complete agreement between the different authors it would be possible to determine one's position on the curve by using two stocking rates and sometimes even one. The different curves and their supportive concepts will be examined. Under grazing conditions, the output per unit area is the most common measure of animal production. Morley and Spedding (1968) suggest that this occurs as a result of the relationship that exists between production per unit area and total production per farm, or per unit rainfall or even total energy. In those areas where the price of land is higher than the price of animals, it is economically justifiable to express physical and financial production in terms of unit of land and not per animal basis. Mott (1959) established a mathematical function to relate product per acre (2), animal days per acre (x) and performance per animal per day (Y), assuming all the animals are similar in rate of consumption and performance: production per acre is equal to animal days per acre times performance per animal per day. 43 We have to define certain terms in order to unify their meanings since not all the authors use them in the same context: - stocking rate: total area of land alloted to each animal—unit year (Kothman, 1974), or number of animals per unit area of land (Holmes, 1980); - grazing pressure: Animal-forage ratio at a specific time (Kothman, 1974); - carrying capacity: stocking rate at the optimum grazing pressure (Mott, 1960) . Mott (1960) was the first author to present generalized curves to relate grazing pressure and production per animal and per unit area. He established that the equation relating animal production per head (y) and stocking rate (x) is as follows: y = k - abx where k, a and b are constants. Using data from the literature he calculated the values for those three constants: 1.1214, 0.0014 and 84.54, respectively. It is important to consider that the first assumption made to calculate those values is that if the stocking rate is 1.0, then the value of gain per animal is also 1.0. With an increment of 50 Z in the stocking rate the steers do not gain any weight because the feed is in such a short supply that steers can only maintain themselves: y = 0. This is true for steers averaging 1 to 2 years of age; other constant values must be used with older steers where a greater proportion of the feed intake is used for maintenance. Similar results were obtained by Alder (1969, 1970). He obtained from 620 to 860 grams per calf per day using half the area per head than other authors, but 44 his calves weighed between 55 and 70 kg. while calves from comparable experiments were 4 and 5 times heavier: 200 to 300 kg.. ‘Mott (1960) established a mathematical equation to relate product per acre (2) and stocking rate (x): z = x (k - abx) Expressing z, y and x as a ratio with respect to optimum grazing pressure (2', y', x'), it is possible to plot both curves on the same scale. In such a case, the optimum stocking rate is below the maximum production per acre, but over-grazing and under-grazing are avoided. Riewe (1961) using data from 14 different experiments throughout the U. 8. established a highly negative linear correlation between gain per animal and stocking rate. At the same time a higher gain per acre was obtained with the stocking rates used. In order to study the interactions between replication-stocking rate and species-stocking rate, Riewe (1961) performed an experiment on gulf ryegrass using yearling steers on three different stocking rates: 0.86, 1.14 and 1.43 steers per acre, over five months. From that experiment he developed a curve from which the following conclusions were made: - maximum gain per animal was 230 lbs with 0.86 animals per acre; - maximum gain per acre was 225 lbs with 1.14 animals per acre; - a significant negative correlation between stocking rate and gain per animal was found, but gain per acre was increased with a higher grazing intensity. However, with 1.43 steers per acre, gain per steer and per acre were smaller than 1.14. If the curve proposed by Mott (1960) is usable, 1.43 steers per acre is an excessive stocking rate to increase production per unit area. 'r.) LT) 45 Riewe et al. (1963) compared two different species, gulf ryegrass and tall fescue under three different stocking rates and three replications per pasture to predict grazing production curves and optimum stocking rates. The stocking rates were different for the two species and also different between years for the same specie. The conclusions to be obtained from this experiment are as follows: - maximum gain per steer was higher on ryegrass. This could be explained by a lower digestible energy intake on fescue compared with ryegrass, which agrees with previous reports (Mc Cullough, 1953). - Gain per steer decreased more rapidly on ryegrass with higher stocking rates. The authors found a larger decrease in digestible energy intake of steers on ryegrass than on those grazing fescue. - At the point of maximum gain per acre, gain per steer and per acre were higher on ryegrass. However tall fescue pastures had a higher stocking rate. From the curves drawn, it is possible to observe that maximum gain per acre can be obtained with 1.5 steers per acre on fescue and with only 0.90 on ryegrass. Hildreth and Riewe (1963), using the same pastures as Riewe et a1. (1963) established an economic optimum stocking rate. The economic optimum stocking rate increases with a positive margin and with increase in animal gain. On the other hand, negative margin and increase in total costs different than the pastures themselves make the economic optimum stocking rate decrease. McCartor and Rouquette (1977) proposed a formula that relates stocking rate with maximum profitability per hectare. These authors found that the stocking rate which maximizes net profit per hectare changes slightly, depending on the difference between 46 purchase price and selling price of the forage. Riewe (1961) established that the highest gross return is obtained with the stocking rate producing maximum gain per acre. However, with a decrease in the price of the pound of beef (negative margin) the highest gain per animal (lower stocking rate) results in the least loss. Jones (1981) established that in general, stocking rate for maximum economic return is lower than for the maximum gain per unit area and per animal because costs and risks are lower than at higher stocking rates. Hart (1980) presents a series of formulas for calculating gross return, net return per unit area, and maximum net return with different stocking rates. Jones and Sandland (1974), using beef cattle continuously grazing tropical pastures, developed a simple linear model to relate production per animal (y) and stocking rate (x): y = a - bx where a = 1.999 and b = 0.999 (not significantly different than 2 and 1 respectively). High values for a and low for b reflect a high quality and very stable pastures (Roberts, 1980). On the other hand, low a and large b are indicative of a low quality pasture, very sensitive to a high stocking rate (Jones, 1981). Linearity was established on the range 0.18-2.0 times the optimum stocking rate (Jones and Sandland, 1974). Several other authors also demonstrated linear relatiOns between gain per animal and stocking rate: Cowlishaw (1969); Hart (1972); Conway (1974); Jones (1974). Hart (1972) used four different forage yields (6, 9, 12, 15 tons per hectare) of Coastal bermudagrass and found that average gain per day decreases linearly with increasing stocking rate (from 2 animals per hectare and above), but the rate of 47 decrease becomes less as forage yield increases. Conway (1974) accepts a linear decrease in gain per animal with higher stocking rates, but he suggests a constant animal gain below the critical value. Peterson et al. (1956) also found a constant gain with very low stocking rates. On the other hand, Morley and Spedding (1968) maintain that linearity can be proved only in the region of optimum stocking rate, but it is unlikely to be true over a wide range of stocking rates. Using the formula developed by Jones and Sansland (1974), it is possible to predict negative values for liveweight gain per animal when stocking rate is twice the optimum.but not 50 Z as Mott (1960) suggested. Authors did not study the relationship between stocking rate and gain per unit area with the same detail as they did in gain per animal and intensity of grazing. However, some authors established a ‘ curvilinear relation (Mott, 1960; Jones, 1974). Owen and Ridgman (1968)' using sheep and different stocking rates confirmed this theory. Jones and Sandland (1974) established the following quadratic equation to measure gain per hectare (yh) with stocking rate (x): yh=2x-x2 Sandland and Jones (1975) analyzed two more linear models (Conniffe et al., 1970, 1972; Owen and Ridgman, 1968) and compared them with the linear models of Cowlishaw (1969) and Jones and Sandland (1974). They concluded that the linear relation between animal gain and stocking rates is a good approximation even for grazing intensities beyond the critical stocking rate. This idea is in opposition with Morley and Spedding (1968) who suggested a probable curvilinear relation in that area, and with Conniffe et al. (1970) who suggested a gain plateau at 48 low stocking rates and a sigmoid curve with increasing slope which fits better with stocking rates over the critical value. Connolly (1976) also suggests that there is a constant gain per animal with low stocking rate, but above the critical stocking rate there is a quadratic curve with increasing slope. Petersen et al. (1965) established that above the critical stocking rate the gain per animal decreases hyperbolically. Hart (1978) established a model for grazing on rangelands. He suggested that under rangeland conditions, gain per animal is very nearly constant at low stocking rates, and it decreases linearly with stocking rates above the critical value. He developed different linear regression equations for the different months of the grazing season based on the fact that the quantity and quality of forage and the needs of the animals change during the season. The model can be used to determine the economic stocking level, and to compare different pasture improvement practices. Jones (1981) proposes a model with four different areas of the curve. The first part of the curve is a situation where gain per animal and per hectare increase with an increase in stocking rate. This is due to an increase in legume percentage, suppression of maturity or patch grazing. The second area of the curve is defined as a constant gain per animal, but gain per area still increases lizearly. The third situation occurs where gain per animal decreases as a result of a decline in food supply per animal. The author suggests that this part of the curve is linear or near linear. Finally the last part of the curve is characterized by a sharper decline in gain per animal as a result of an increase loss of this legume species in the mixture due to an excessively high stocking rate . 49 At very low stocking rates and high soil fertility, grasses may dominate in the mixture. Wolfe (1972) reported that under such conditions grasses may constitute up to 90 Z of the pasture. As stocking rates are raised, lower-growing and prostrate species (legumes specifically) are favoured as a result of less shading (Rossiter, 1969). This supports the idea of Jones (1981) with respect to the first section of his model. For a given pasture, the optimum stocking rate varies with the season. Beranger (1977) established that with a set stocking system the optimum stocking rate has to be low. This is a consequence of the effect of the high stocking rate on the growth of the pasture: excessive high stocking rate has a large reducing effect on the pasture growth at the last part of the grazing season. Conway (1963b) obtained a significant decrease in liveweight gain of beef cattle during the first 10 weeks of grazing over a two year period, when stocking rate was increased from 1 to 2.5 bullocks per acre (average weight 560 lbs). However when the increment in stocking rate was to 1.75 bullocks per acre, the reduction in gain was only 8 Z and was observed after 20 weeks of grazing. Conway (1968) reported that when 2 animals per acre were maintained during the first part of the experiment (16 to 19 weeks), and the stocking rate was reduced to 1 per acre thereafter, yield per unit area was similar to the treatment with constant stocking rate of 2 bullocks per acre. However, these two treatments produced more liveweight per acre than the treatment with only 1 bullock per acre: 48 and 55 Z more respectovely. Beranger et al. (1970) and Beranger (1977) concluded that stocking rate has to be 50 adjusted according to the growth of the pasture. For a perennial ryegrass, the author suggested that the optimum stocking rate at theenui of the summer is about 50 to 60 Z of the level in spring and early summer. Blaser et al. (1969) report two experiments done with adjusted stocking rates according to the growth of the pasture during the season. In the first experiment they worked with bluegrass with 2 average stocking rates: 1.4 and 3.0 steers per acre, specified as medium and heavy stocking rates respectively. With the medium rate, average daily gain was 1.77 lbs and production per acre 380 lbs, while it was 0.92 and 432 lbs respectively, for high intensity. The difference in average daily gain was attributed to a higher pasture yield per steer, which in consequence led the steers to a higher level of selectivity. In the second experiment, bluegrass-white clover pastures were stocked with yearling heifers (700 lb average) at three different stocking rates. The difference between medium and heavy was only 7 percent on a per head basis in favor of medium,‘while it was 23 Z on a per acre basis in favor of heavy intensity. Some authors have supported the idea of using constant stocking rates in experiments: Wheeler, 1962; 't Mannetje et al., 1976; Morley, 1978. With this system, the number of animals per unit area remains unchanged throughout the grazing season. Under this system it is recognized that the quantity and quality (Beranger, 1977; Hart, 1978) as well as seasonal distribution (Morley and Spedding, 1968) vary throughout the grazing season and depends upon plant genotype (Morley and Spedding, 1968). Wheeler et al. (1973) suggested that this fact led 51 researchers to the idea of using different stocking rates according to the pasture production: "appropiate rate". Under specific circumstances this subjective method resulted in treatment effects that were proportional to the stocking rates under use (Wheeler, 1962). Using response surface design it is possible to find the optimum response in animal output from the combination of the two variables: stocking rate and pasture production (Gill, 1978b). The "put and take" system is a variation of the variable stocking rate method (Blaser et al., 1956), and was first described by Mott and Lucas (1952). It allows for the adjustment of stocking rate in accordance with the fluctuation of feed available to the livestock (Greenhalgh et al., 1972; Matches and Mott, 1975). Mott and Lucas (1952) also suggested that the same objectives can be achieved using the same number of animals and adjusting the area to adjust for the differences in pasture growth. This system is a good method of animal and plant evaluation according to the theory proposed by Ivins (1959). He suggested that in order to evaluate "grass potential" it is required to increase the stocking rate to a maximum and use animals with a very high productive capacity. When animals do not provide enough response to the pasture available (the limitation is imposed by the animals), the author suggests using dry matter yield as the most valuable estimate of grassland productivity, closely followed by the maximum stocking capacity which permits animals to express their potential. As a guide, 3.5 gallons of milk per cow per day and 2.5 lbs of gain per day are the limiting production levels at which animals are insensitive to grassland treatments. 52 Different methods of computing yield per acre were proposed by Mott and Lucas (1952) using the "put and take system", where the number of animals are changed according to the availability of herbage. For method one, the following measures are needed: total product produced by all animals per acre, total animal days per acre and average daily gain of all animals. Product per acre is then defined as the product of animal days per acre and average daily gain. For method two, animal days from all animals on the pasture and average daily performance from testers (animals that remained on the pasture for the entire grazing period) are computed. Output per acre is the product between animal days per acre and average daily performance of testers. The third method involves the utilization of some feed unit such as total digestible nutrients (T.D.N.). It requires a double step procedure: tester animal days is first calculated dividing T.D.N. yield per acre by average T.D.N. consumption per day of testers. The second step is to calculate the tester product per acre, as the product between tester animal days and daily performance of average tester. Matches and Mott (1975) analyzed the "put and take method" and indicated its advantages when pastures of different potentialities are compared. If the researcher does not graze all pastures at their optimal, a source of bias is introduced to the system. With undergrazing the estimate of animal days per unit area is too low and the potential production of animal product per acre is not reached. With overgrazing, performance per animal is reduced and potential production of animal product is underestimated. Based on these facts, the authors proposed the use of the put and take system as the way to estimate the potential 53 of different-pasture treatments: production per head, output per acre and carrying capacity. The whole grazing system then may be evaluated under a fixed stocking rate which is more comparable to the general situation under farm conditions. Burns et al. (1970b) also support the idea of using the put and take system under research conditions. The stocking rate that provides maximal per unit performance, output per animal product and maximum forage productivity are in general not the same for all pastures. The optimum stocking rate to achieve maximum performance does not always agree with the stocking rate to obtain maximum profit. Because economic patterns change rapidly, researchers and farmers have to estimate animal and pasture performances over a wide range of stocking rates. 3.4.2 Comparisons amonggggazingTsystems Before the merits of the different systems of grazing management can be analyzed, the parameters for comparisons must be selected. If the primary objective is to reduce labor, machinery and fence costs, the continuous system may have advantages over rotational and zero grazing. However, if the primary objective is to increase the stocking rate only, it is possible to choose the rotational grazing because it offers more advantages under that circumstance (Marsh, 1976). Output per animal and/or per unit area are the parameters generally chosen for evaluating animal production under different grazing systems, since they are closely related to the financial behavior of the enterprise. Based on the different models presented, it is possible to conclude that performance per head and per unit area have to be considered together to obtain an optimum relationship 54 with stocking rate. The herbage production is the most crucial factor resulting from the manipulation of the stocking rate. Jones (1981) established how herbage production in terms of quantity and species composition, varies with different stocking rates. Marsh (1976) mentioned nitrogen fertilization and defoliation practice as the two more important factors affecting herbage yield in the British Isles. We will concentrate on stocking rate in this section, since fertilization will be reviewed later. Several authors have established the influence of the grazing system on herbage yield. In general, those who indicate a higher dry matter production under rotational grazing, rely on the fact that longer rest periods are necessary for that to occur. Hodgson (1966), Hodgson and Ollerenshaw (1969) and Morris (1969) studied the frequency of defoliation of ryegrass and cocksfoot swards in a continuous grazing system. They reported a range of 19 to 36 days as the number of days between consecutive defoliation, with a stocking rate from 19 to 32 sheep per acre (medium and high stocking rate respectively). Under heavy stocking rate, defoliation of tillers occured every 7 to 8 days while under medium intensity every 11 to 14 days. Twenty seven percent of the green leaf length (GLL) of tillers were removed under high intensity (Hodgson, 1966), and 24 Z was the mean GLL of cooksfoot removed for all stocking rates (Morris, 1969). Spedding (1965) and Hodgson (1966) suggested that frequent and severe defoliation of all plants in a continuously grazed award is unlikely, except under a severe overstocking condition. Greenwood and Arnold (1968) confirmed 55 what Spedding and Hodgson established. They reported that under high. stocking rates where herbage available cannot support any gain, between 85 and 97 Z of the plants were grazed at least once a week. When the stocking rate was decreased to let sheep have an average daily gain of 1.3 kg, only 44 Z of those plants were grazed once a week. Under severe stocking rate, rotational grazing can impose a longer growth period between grazings, and as a consequence of that, higher herbage yield can be obtained (Marsh, 1976). Spedding (1965) suggested that it should be possible to utilize forages under a continuous grazing condition without damaging the pasture. He introduced a new concept: "correctly stocked continuous. grazing". It is defined as a situation where the amount of forage produced is equal to the amount consumed by the animals. Morris (1969) proposed a change of this definition: the amount of material removed per day by the animals is equal to the amount grown daily minus the amount lost by decay. This new concept introduces the idea that optimum LAI coincides with maximum herbage growth but with lower maximum consumption, due to death and decay of some material. In Table 1, a comparison between different grazing systems and their effects on animal performance is presented. The comparisons were made using different pasture mixtures and animal species to be able to arrive at common conclusions. Also presented are experiments that differ in stocking rate, duration of the trials and area of the world, to analyze the validity of the comparisons on a broader base. From Table 1, it is possible to conclude that not all authors agree in which grazing system produces the most output per animal or per unit area. In spite of this lack of agreement, several authors have 56 . was a axon omums aoauauou mmaa vumeouo ..Hm um ummmam was a 920m omnom coaumuou num>oao was omo.H u amo waaumum mandamaamo mama «ms was me.a u on< onus ommfi mna mmn u 4mm wnfiumum ..Ha so “mam: mama «ms was so.~ a on< manna was amo a ass amass no mean mma was ma.s u un< aosuauon «panama ammaauaz was moo.s u use means me.m meme mm mna new a oau no. maoaamm hoo.a u axon mooHHmw mum u Baum msoo H~.H unconfiuooo aaaammu amz maoaHmm cam n «zoo mooHHmm new a Hzom msoo No.H mooncfiuooo seas .amsmozuz maoaamw «mm a «Sum mooaamm «mm a 820m msoo HN.H coaumuou maoaamw dmm n «Sum mmmuw msoHHmw ode I axon msoo No.H coaumuou lum>oau maaamua> mama fine was mo.m~ a name Aaouuoav consumes vumnouo a.waoma ..H« mm season mama ems was a axon “acne coaumuou namammaa mozmmmmmm zo~e< n on< “whom non damn u fiq n 03: mumuoo: Hoe mamawom ca vmmmmumxo me soon waaxooumo whom you mamafinm :H nmmmmumxo ma mums wowxooumn menu as nommouexo ma monoumme new no mousse umomm wa.w u N was memos ca we n nave mace wa.n aawuw aamawcm em.m n N umm AmumsoaaomV mNmH ..Hm um pflmnfinou< axons 0H wx m.oH n 920m mzoo on.m ooaumuou Hm.N n N umm Amumwmoav ammuw mxooz OH wx a.a~ a 920m msoo om.m coaumuou Iuo>oau mxoma om wx cam u G34 mama w Aowmuwlusov camuauw pawns we u wzom wsou ~.w wN aoauwuou NNmH ..Hm um meadow mxmoz om wx wmm n as: name a Azafimmv mmmuwmhu wx oww.s~ a snow wsoo N.w Hm consumed num>oao muzmmmmmm onHoaonooomom mumo% me~.m um>oaolmmmumoumeouo hxususmx mumps mm¢.q moumom Hawk momfl ..Hm um scuofieaoa munch mNN.c mmmuwoummuuo mumps ~m~.o Haommuulmmmuwoumzoso oumsmaoa mumoh omw.n mmamwamnmmmuwoumeouo «can .HHQSUqu mums» ~m~.o ammuweumeuuo camsoomfi3 mumps mqo.n swammamlmwmuwmsoum Hmmfi.oouwan< moo Houumo mumps mqq.m monumoaoum mozmememm one¢o .o>ono cocoauome mommmuw mnu mo moo some sues mmammam mo monouxfia snow mo mmmuo> m o mommsm>¢ .ouom use and as oommouexm .muom use soHuosooue souuma hum H U m a nymph N ooN oom.m moomom Hana mumoh ooH n~q.m mnemom Hash comanofiz .mmmfi sumo» com ooo.o mumswmumnuuo .ummma moo sonom oomph ooH moo.¢ ammuwmumzuuo Husommfiz .mnafi mumps mwm.q Hfiowmuulosumom ..Hm um monoumz mumps emm.m moommw HHmB whom» oc~.w mommuwlmmamma< mumom ow~.q moommm smwfinofiz mumps ooH.¢ mmmuwmuoomo ooom «Baa .uomoa mumps oom.q mmmummEoum mozmmmmmm onH mmoHolosomom moms ..Hm so ems: mucus awn «mm -.H ooouooouooo um>o~unmaumom spams one see mo.~ ooouooonoou «mammamumaommm souwasemmz names «so omm ma.u ooouooouoom «suave Hams some .amuams muwms ems ass Hu.~ ooouooouooH muammsmueumeuuo gas was newsmasme mumms Hmm mom se.s ooouooonoom mmmumeumeouo owofiwufi> wumoh mN.H ooonooo:ooo um>oaunooomom coma ..Hm um “mamas memos am.o ooouooouoom magmas Heme mozmememe oneeeao e<\zH< e a .83Hmmmuomlmouonemosmuoowouu“z mo ummh\mna ow oommouexmm mamas m mos smm om.u eooonoooaoom mmmmmuu qmwseusz muses m one saw se.u wooonoooaoom mummmuu mean ..Hm um gammy mumms m «mm mes we.s ooouooouooo mmmmmuo msmnmaa mumms m «cm mm.s coonooouooo um>osousnmeouo Name ..Hm um assume mumms m com as.s ooosooo:omu mmmumsumeoso nauseoumo euuoz mumms m mom cum No.a ooouooo-Om~ «sawmaummmuo seems ..Hm um amuse mums» m men use mm.u ooouooouooo «sawmaummmuu mmmemxua mamas s eke use ma.o oomuoom-ooe mmmummeaaumm seas .sme cam “mucosa muses s oim sew HH.H so now use mmmsmmeaauom mozmememe oneemna e<\zH .Hmas .H ooHemm u(AB)ij + C(i)k + (BC)(i)jk + D(j)l + (AD)(j)11 + (CD)<1j>k1 where yijkl is the observed value of the l£h_time within year, kph pen within treatment, j£h_year and igg treatment; u is the overall mean; C(i)k is the random effect of the k£h_pen within treatment; (BC)(i)jk is the effect of the interaction year-pen within treat- ment; (CD)(1j)kl is the effect of the interaction pen within treatment- time within year; and A1, Bj, (AB)ij’ D(j)1, and (AD)(j)11 are as previously described. Three error terms can be identified in this model using the formula- tion of the expected mean squares (Gill, 1978b): 3,- (CD)(ij)kl to test for (AD)(j)11 , and D(3)1 3 b.- (BC)(i)jk to test for C(i)k , (AB)1j , and 81 ; and c.- adjusted mean square error to test for treatment effects (A1). The ad- justed mean square error is defined as the mean square of (AB)1j plus the mean square of C(i)k minus the mean square of (BC)(i)jk . RESULTS 1. Botanical composition Species composition of the available forage was analyzed for every treatment. Each pen within treatment was analyzed separately, and the average between the three was taken as the mean for the treatment. Tables 10 and 11 present means and standard errors for legume percentages in treatments 1, 2 and 3. For treatments 1 and 2 these values represent the legume percentages of forage samples taken before grazing started. For treatment 3, the legume percentage repre- sents the composition of the forage at a point in time since steers continuously grazed the pasture. Figures 3 and 4 show the trends in the legume percentage in treatments 1, 2 and 3 for years one and two. With the exception of birdsfoot trefoil in treatment 2, the tendencies in both years were different. In year one, alfalfa from both treatments shows similar trends and values. The tendencies in both treatments is to decrease with time, regardless of a not significant (N.S.) increase in treatment 2. The decline is more pronounced from time three on, for both treatments. Birdsfoot trefoil also show the same behavior, regardless of the treatment and of the important differences in value. In year two, both alfalfas increase in percentage at the beginning, 143 144 .An—v HfiOHOHU UOOHmUHfim mun we’d“ fig 03“ mafia. mfigm HM.“ mug «Adv NMHNMH4 m.“ Nfim Us oouou .mso mmaHu oHeEmm .03u usmeumouu sH maaon .HHommHu uoowmoHHm mH momma usoeummuu sH osson .mmHmHH< mH moo usmaumouu sH mason .muouum osmosmum mum mHmonusone sH mosHm> Hem.uv HNH.HV Ho.m mH.H HH~.~V «Hm.- mH.mH H mzHH e mzHH Hm8.Hv nHo.m~ m mZHH m8.eH HHH.HV m mZHH AmH.Hv N mZHH ANm.NV mN.¢N mm.Hs H mZHH m HszBHm use can mmaHu wsHHmamm .osu usuaumouu sH mason .HHoonu uoommouHm mH oouou usmauoouu sH seamed .omewH4 mH use usmaumouu sH meson mm.mV 00.0H Hem.Hv HH.H w MZHB Hem.~v nao.m~ Aa8.HV Hs.aH 0 mEHH .muouuo osmosoum mum mHmonusoume sH mmsHm> HHH.8V Hmo.Hv Hw~.~v HH.¢~ mm.oH mm.H m Hzmzeames Hmm.oHv Hnm.~v «Hm.m~ noH.mH mmH.H nHo.mH H Hzmze .m0m z< MMHfiaz wan Hm Nmm.N HHmHv ems.H HHosV aeo.m HHHHV HHo.m HomHv Neo.m «\m 0N\N NHN.m Home me.H HaHmv mms.m qunv mso.m Hesse ome.q mH\H 0M\0 mHe.m Hesv Hen.~ Honuv Hom.m HGNHV Nem.m H88 HHe.s oN\0 HH\o 2< 0099<2 920 H<909 umH 000<9 151 Trt. 1 Trt. 2 - - - - 6,500 6,000 5,500 “ 5,000 A 4,500 KILOGRAMS PER HECTARE 4,000 4, 3,500 “ 3,000 " 2,500 2,000 TIME Figure 5: DRY MATTER OFFERED FOR THE DIFFERENT TREATMENTS. YEAR 1. 152 4,500 4* a g Trt. 2 ----- 7.: M ” Trt. 3 000000000 m 4,000 9‘ Trt. 4 -- ------- g .4 3,500 " H I 54 I I 3,000 " / I I 2,500 9 l’ l .HC-O-0-0 _ ‘./\ I 2,000 .. ‘. ,- \. .’° \. / \. 2° \. 1' 1,500 0 V' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TIME Figure 6: DRY MATTER OFFERED FOR THE DIFFERENT TREATMENTS. YEAR 2. 153 dry matter offered in year one versus year two. It is possible to observe that there was an almost 36 percent more dry matter offered in year one. To test for treatment effects one contrast was performed: improved rotational grazing system versus continuous system (treat- ments 1 and 2 versus 3 and 4). The dry matter offered during the second year was less variable between treatments, and as a consequence, no significant effects were found (P ZH ”NH «$.mq Ann.ov qo.¢q qu.m¢ mH\oH mq.wq Aqm.ov mN.Nq Ama.ev Amm.oV Awo.Nv NH\OH a~\m Aee.ev em.em Am~.ev ee.em AHm.Hv NH.¢n Awm.~v m¢.Nm wN\m m\m o¢.mq A~¢.ov mm.oq Ae~.HV Amm.ov AH~.ev m\m mN\m eo.Hm Adm.ov mm.oq Ac~.Hv mo.m¢ Amm.~v wo.wo <~.Nm e~\m o~\m « Aom.ov mm.oq Aq~.HV no.0q n~.©n AnH.HV 0H.oo m\m ¢N\m .mmmommm Qmm z UZHmdQ BZMZH ZH "ma .muouuo vumvsmum mum mamonuaoumm ca mmaflm> m z 70 1P I \ Trt 4 ... ....... 53 I 1 d I 1 a l E \ ”3 I 8 15 I \ 23 65 \ 60 u 55 ” 50 I. .\ \ ‘ \ o \ . 0 /\ 45 11 . .-’.\ '. . “I \. . ’:./. \ \. /. . . \ '1'. \. \/ \ 40 1’ L Li - 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TIME Figure 8: IN VITRO DRY MATTER DIGESTIBILITY FOR THE DIFFERENT TREATMENTS. YEAR 2. 161 similar trends in both years: digestibility tends to decline with time. Larger variations were obtained with treatments 1 and 2. Treatment effects Three non-orthogonal contrasts were established to test for treatment effects: - rotational versus continuous grazing systems (treatments 1 and 2 versus 3 and 4); - improved pastures with rotational grazing systems versus non- improved forages and continuous grazing (treatments 1 and 2 versus 4); - the best improved system versus control (treatment 2 versus 4). The analysis was performed using the mean values per treatment for both years, and the pooled values across years since the year effect did not show any significance. Table 19 presents the comparative analysis for treatment effects. As a result of the contrasts established, there is a significant difference (P<:0.05) between the two improved pastures under rotational grazing systems and the two treatments with continuous grazing. The material from the rotational grazing plots had a 27 and 21 percent more digestibility than the latter ones in year one and two respec- tively, with an average of 24 percent when the data from both years were pooled. Time within year Three times were chosen to test for time effect: times one, three seven. Non—orthogonal contrasts were performed to test time one versus time seven, time one versus three and three versus seven. Similar 162 Table 19: IN VITRO DRY MATTER DIGESTIBILITY FOR THE FOUR TREAT- MENTS IN YEAR ONE AND TWO: IN PERCENTAGES. Treatment Year 1 Year 2 Average 1 56.00a 53.308 54.653 2 55.838 58.668 57.258 3 45.17b 46.03b 45.60b 4 43.13b 46.33b 44.73b Means within the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (P< 0.05). Contrasts analyzed: Treatments 1 and 2 versus 3 and 4 Treatments 1 and 2 versus 4 Treatment 2 versus 4 results were obtained for both years: the only significant difference was obtained between time one and the other two times (P<:0.05) (Table 20). The digestibility values decreased from time one toward the end of the experiment in both years: 11 and 15 percent in year one, and 11 and 13 percent in year two, for times three and seven respectively (Figure 9). Treatment-time within year To test for the effect of the interaction treatment-time within year, times one, three and seven were chosen. Non-orthogonal contrasts comparing all the possible means were established in order to detect the differences between all the treatment means. Tuckey's test modified 163 55 DIGESTIBILITY (Z) 53 51 1’ 49 7. 47 .. 43 «P Figure 9: IN VITRO DRY MATTER DIGESTIBILITY. THE VALUES ARE AVERAGES ACROSS TREATMENTS FOR EACH SAMPLING TIME FOR YEARS ONE AND TWO. 164 Table 20: IN VITRO DRY MATTER DIGESTIBILITY OF DRY MATTER ACROSS TREATMENTS FOR TIMES ONE, THREE AND SEVEN. IN PERCENTAGE. Time 1 Time 3 Time 7 Year 1 57.30a 50.97b 48.45b Year 2 56.27C 50.17d 49.15d Means within the same row with different superscripts differ significantly (P < O. 05) . for the degree of unbalance was utilized. The trends for all treat- ments were the same in both years: digestibility declines with time. In year one treatment I kept the highest digestibility throughout the entire period except in time four (Figure 7). Treatment 2 had the next highest values, while treatments 3 and 4 started with similar values but the decrease was fastest for the latter. In time one, only treatment 1 was significantly different than 3 and 4 (P<:0.05), but in time three treatment 2 showed a significant difference with treat- ments 3 and 4. In time seven the same situation occurred, but because of a larger decline in digestibility for treatment 2, there was also a significant difference between treatments 1 and 2 (Table 21). During year two, treatment 2 maintained the highest digestibilities for the entire period followed by treatment 1, 4 and 3 (Figure 8). In time one, treatment 2 was significantly different than the other three treatments (P<:0.05). However, in time three due to the lowest value for treatment 3, treatments 1 and 2 showed a significant difference 165 Table 21: DIGESTIBILITY VALUES FOR THE DIFFERENT TREATMENTS IN YEAR ONE AND TWO: IN PERCENTAGES. Year Treatment Year 1 Year 3 Year 7 1 1 62.368 60.168 58.088 1 2 58.348b 56.178 50.25c 1 3 54.34b 46.63b 43.20b 1 4 54.17b 40.92b 42.25b 2 1 54.798 53.348 50.28c 2 2 62.95b 54.468 56.998 2 3 52.038 44.71bc 42.84b 2 p 4 55.328 48.178C 46.49bC Means within the same column and year with different superscripts are significantly different (P1o mo.m Aoo.~v mm.m A2 .8 mm.e Ace.ev No.8 585.ov 5~.oH ¢\w «N55 em.e Aem.ev am.m Ane.ov oH.m Aem.ov mN.e Ae~.av em.m m~\5 mm\o ma.m Aem.ev am.m Ame.ov oa.m Aam.av ma.m a: .8 ea.~ -\e ~H\o zm 05.0 «5.5 No.m no.5 mo.m m5.w w¢.5 w©.5 zHH mo mzHH mo mzw mum omsHm>o Ho.o m "N poor no.0 m "H you» ”moamowmwdwfim .vaoOQ mums a mafia paw m maHu cw mafimw .oso um05 aH Aw + 5 + e + mv mmaHH 1 He + m + N + Hv mmBHH ”mummuuaou nom.Hm HwN.m¢ mN¢.om qu.Hm woN.o¢ me.m5 N m 5 mZHH o MEHH m MEHH q mZHH m MZHH N MZHH H mZHH .umzHH mo mzHH ’. I. /o /o I. . . . [1.1/H \ _ . _ \lo 0 o \ O H o _ \ o/ . ‘ . _ H \ oo/ \\ I. 1 2 3 4 \ o. \ o o . . O O \\ O. .\ ”I.” n m “I.” \ o. o o\ T T T T \\ A.\ I .0. Q l .o / I 00 O I, 0000/. ’ 0. ‘ooV. ........\.‘ ‘0‘0‘0 0000. 0 0‘0‘ 0|. 0‘ 000000 I.“ ‘0‘ 00“..”00000 ‘H‘ ‘0‘. 7.: H ’ 00000. ~ 0000’ O OJIWIOO. O’l’erO l...’ [I l 0 III. r I.. ....V x..\ ..u\n o \ \ '1 I D D P D u q q d u a « 4 0 O O 0 9 8 6 4 m o TIME Figure 17: LIVEWEIGHT GAIN PER TREATMENT IN YEAR ONE. 189 Trt. l Trt. 2 - - - - Trt. 3 0000000 Trt. 4 -° ----- a 70m .2“: O ‘5‘ x 601» LI] Q: g: 0 H H :4 .. 40" 2 H < (J g a 53 H Cd 3 g H 201- 51 OJI TIME Figure 18: LIVEWEIGHT GAIN PER TREATMENT IN YEAR TWO. 190 in gain per hectare at time four during year one. During year two, variations were smaller for all treatments, and especially for treatments one and four. The average gain per hectare per time for the four treatments are shown in Table 32. Comparisons were only made in times one, three, five and seven. During the first year only treatments one and two were significantly different than four in time seven (P" g 11} a: 5:] 34 2 H 4 U I [‘4 0 g 8 0.1 ,J H :4 Figure 19: AVERAGE LIVEWEIGHT GAIN PER DAY IN YEAR ONE. 193 Trt. 1 Trt. 2 ..... Trt. 3 0.0000000 Trt. 4 ---°----- KILOGRAMS OF GAIN PER DAY Figure 20: AVERAGE LIVEWEIGHT GAIN PER DAY IN YEAR TWO. DISCUSSION l. Botanical composition Trends in legume percentage in treatments one, two and three are different for both grazing seasons. During year one, legume percentages decrease with time with the exception of alfalfa from treatment two, which increased 1.2 percentage units between times one and three. How- ever, it decreased 16.3 percentage units between times three and six (figure 3). During year two, tendencies show an increase in legume percentage for all treatments and then a decline with time, except birdsfoot trefoil from treatment two which declined from time one to three and then leveled off. The values of legume percentage within treatment for both years show a marked difference. During year one, alfalfa in treatment one comprised more than forty percent of the dry matter available at the beginning of the experiment, While it represented almost twenty- five percent at the beginning of the second season. An.explanation for this is that alfalfa was grazed between September and part of October during the first year which increased winter kill. Smith and Rohweder (1977) recommend avoiding harvesting alfalfa between the first week of September and mid October for conditions in Wisconsin. This allows alfalfa to replenish a high level of carbohydrate reserves before the first killing frost. Tesar (1978b) presents data for conditions in Michigan where no harmful effects are produced when 194 195 harvesting a third cutting on a single date with a mower within the above dates if alfalfa is allowed to flower during the summer and the glands are annually fertilized. However, grazing (1978b) for a long period in September is harmful in any state in the North Central region and is not recommended. Because of the grazing management imposed, plants did not flower in either of the two grazing seasons and the plots were fertilized only once very two years. As a consequence, it is very likely that alfalfa plants entered the winter after the first grazing season without the required reserves. Under such conditions the stands were partially killed or at least weakened, and their contribution at the beginning of the second season was diminished. The important increment observed during the first period in year two is due to the fact that after each pen was grazed, the remaining forage was clipped to a height of approximately 8 to 10 centimeters. This allowed alfalfa to develop more rapidly and with less competition from orchardgrass. England (1968) observed that orchardgrass harvested in the vegetative phase has a lower competitive ability than ryegrass, being dominated by this specie. At the same time, Templeton et al. (1965) reported a slow start of orchardgrass when seeded with alfalfa which support the findings in this situation. However, after the initial period, orchardgrass has a quick capacity to compete with other species, especially with legumes. This caused the alfalfa percentage to decrease rapidly throughout the second grazing season, regardless of the fact that the rest periods were near optimum for alfalfa persistence. 196 Baxter et al. (1969) also obtained an increase in orchardgrass in an alfalfa-orchardgrass mixture pastured with dairy cows. However, no change was observed hithose pens managed in the same way but mechani— cally harvested. Orchardgrass is considerably different in spring growth habit than other cool grasses such as fescue, timothy and bromegrass. It appears that basal buds are under the control of apical dominance in timothy, fescue and bromegrass during the period of stem elongation (Newman and Smith, 1972). As a result of that, there is little if any growth of the basal buds of these three species prior to anthesis. However, basal buds of orchardgrass appear to be under less apical dominance, and as a consequence, they continue to grow throughout spring. Sheard and Winch (1966) concluded that orchardgrass shoots are in different stages of development at any given time, which in turn make this specie more competitive in mixture with legumes than the other cool season grasses. Smith et al. (1973) reported that orchardgrass persists well with alfalfa under the three cutting system imposed in the Great Lakes area, regardless of the height of cutting. When orchardgrass is cut, leaf growth from shoots with intact growing points continue, and new leaves develop rapidly. It is the continuous growth and development of new tillers that produce the rapid growth of orchardgrass after cutting. Nest of the growth is leaves when orchardgrass is out near anthesis, (Newman and Smith, 1972). 197 The rotational system for alfalfa persistence is very important. Seath et al. (1962) observed that when alfalfa-grass mixtures were rotationally grazed for fourteen days and rested for twenty eight days, the legume content tended to decrease. Smith (l970a) noted that the same grazing system did not affect alfalfa persistence when three wethers per hectare were used. However, when the carrying capacity was augmented to four wethers per hectare, alfalfa persistence could only be maintained if it was grazed one week and then rested for five weeks. Paulson et al. (1977) recommend giving alfalfa based pastures twenty days rest between the first and second grazing, and thirty days thereafter between consecutive grazings, for the conditions in Wisconsin. Hoglund et al. (1974) observed an extensive weed invasion when alfalfa stands were defoliated at pre-bud stage, regardless of the rest period established. However, the same practice did not affect the stands when plants were harvested at first flower stage, In treatment one, the stocking rate was almost three times higher than the one reported by Smith (19703), and plants were always harvested before flowering stage. Alfalfa from the second treatment showed a very different behavior. It started the first year being above 37 percent for the first two grazing times, and declined thereafter more than 16 percentage units. It finished the first year comprising twenty two percent of the total mixture. However, it only composed 7.2 percent of the mixture at the beginning of the second year. As was reported for the mixture from treatment one, the low level of reserves the plants had at the 198 end of the first grazing season could explain part of the significant decrease observed between September 1981 and June 1982. The other reason responsible for this decrease could be the fact that alfalfa was heavily grazed at the beginning of the first year having only fifteen days of rest between consecutive grazings. This system is practically a continuous grazing system considering the high stocking rates used in the experiment. Fuelleman et al. (1954) and Peart (1968) showed that continuous grazing of alfalfa with sheep markedly reduce the stand in a short period and then eliminates it from the mixture. Smith (1970b) concluded that even under very low stocking rates (two wethers per hectare), alfalfa plants cannot be retained in the mixture for a very long time if continuous grazing is practiced. Birdsfoot trefoil was studied in two treatments under continuous and rotational grazing. During year one, the birdsfoot trefoil percentage in both treatments decreased with time, being higher for treatment two. However, during year two, birdsfoot trefoil percent increased in treatment three up to time five and then declined, while in treatment two it decreased. Regardless of the increment, the rotational system always maintained a higher content of the specie througout the grazing season. Authors in general agree on the fact that this specie needs rotational grazing if stands have to be main- tained (Davis and Bell, 1957; Van Keuren and Davis, 1968; Van Keuren et al., 1969). Other authors have sustained that birdsfoot trefoil may be used for continuous grazing (Smith, 1962; Paulson et al., 1977) as well. Tenpas and Scholl (1970) showed that birdsfoot trefoil is 199 more productive that alfalfa under a more frequent harvesting procedure (three versus two cuttings) in northern Wisconsin. The suggestion that alfalfa has to be grazed closely but not frequently and birds— foot trefoil more frequently but not as closely is based on the re- covery growth pattern of these two legumes. Alfalfa produces several growth from the crown, while birdsfoot trefoil derives the first growth from the crown and additional growths from branches originated from auxillary buds (Nelson and Smith, 1968; Smith, 1968). Since alfalfa restores its reserves during a grazing season it can be closely grazed for short periods providing rest to resynthesize reserves to be used for additional growth. Birdsfoot trefoil requires some leafy area to be left to snythesize the material needed for regrowth (Smith, 1962; Nelson and Smith, 1968, 1969). Thus it is very likely that continuous grazing does not eliminate birdsfoot trefoil unless a very high stocking rate is utilized. In treatment three, 2.62 and 2.49 steers per hectare were maintained in year one and two respect- ively. Davis and Bell (1957) Obtained similar results but with 2.94 steer equivalents per hectare over a three year period. Birdsfoot trefoil was seeded with orchardgrass and bromegrass in treatment three. The proportion of orchardgrass clearly increased throughout both grazing seasons to constitute the majority of the grass in the mixture. Raguse et a1. (1971) showed that orchardgrass became dominant in a mixture of two legume and two grasses under continuous grazing. In an additional experiment, Raguse et al. (1975) using the same mixtures and a rotational grazing system (one week 200 grazing and one week rest) did not obtain any significant difference in botanical composition. Regardless of the high stocking rates used (above seven steers per hectare) the pastures were irrigated on a weekly basis and steers received alfalfa supplementation. These two factors contributed to alleviate the grazing pressure exerted on the pasture as it is shown that 70 to 90 percent of the forage in all pastures kept a 5 to 20 centimeter height. Several authors have established the importance of height of cut in persistence of orchardgrass in pastures. Mitchell (1962) observed that heights of cut less than two inches produce a significane loss in orchardgrass plants. Colby et al. (1965) noted that cutting heights of 1.5 inches produce poor recovery of orchardgrass stands, and Mitchell (1967) observed that with cutting heights of 1 inch coupled with irrigation and heavy application of nitrogen can eliminate orchardgrass from the pasture. However, with higher heights orchard- grass has the abilify to recover more rapidly than bromegrass after cutting (Carter and Scholl, 1962). Since the stocking pressure in our experiment was not high enough to make orchardgrass plants to be harvested at less than the critical values cited above, the rapid growth of this specie with respect to bromegrass may be the principal cause to explain the dominance of orchardgrass in treatment three. Tall fescue shows a similar behavior with timothy and bromegrass in grow habits. Yeh et al. (1976) observed that in spring and fall there is accumulation of an endogenous growth regulator (auxin) in shoots which in tLrn produce rapid tillering. With the high 201 temperatures of summer, the concentration of auxin in stem bases increases while in shoots it decreases producing inhibition of tiller elongation. Lopez et al. (1967) observed low growthcflftall fescue in mid summer regardless of the presence of sites for tiller production. This low competitive growth ability of fescue in mid summer could explain why the low decrease in birdsfoot trefoil per- centage in treatment two during the second grazing season, even though the stocking pressure was high and the rest period between consecutive grazings was shorter than the recommended. Berry and Hoveland (1969) also observed a reduction in yield of tall fescue Kentucky 31 when harvested in mid summer. .2 .2189. EPEEX Leaves and stems within Species differ in their anatomy. Leaves are composed of an epidermal layer covered with an indigestible cuticle, a variable proportion of a parenchyma tissue (mesophyll) formed by cells with walls readily digested and vascular bundles surrounded by a layer of cells within variable digestibility. Stems are composed of basically the same components but with less mesophyll, and the vascular bundles are surrounded by supporting cells with very low cell wall digestibility (Swakon and Moore, 1980). There are important differences among species in the anatomical structure of leaf blades. Akin and Burdick (1975) studied the percentages of tissue types for four—week-old plants of bromegrass, fescue, bluegrass and orchardgrass. Kentucky blue grass has the highest percentage of meSOphyll and the lowest percentage of the less 202 digestible portions: total and lignified vascular tissue and parenchyma bundle sheath. Bromegrass and orchardgrass are the two species with the lowest mesophyll and the highest lignified vascular tissue. Fescue varieties present intermediate values. In general it is possible to establish the following trend for tissue digestion (Akin, 1981, 1982b; Akin and Burdick, 1981; Akin and Burton, 1983): Mesophyll and Epidermis and :> Schlerenchyma j) Lignified Phloem Parenchyma vascular sheath Burdick (1979) established that the relative amounts of the more rapidly and slowly degraded tissues may play the most important role in explaining the digestibility of leaf blades. Based on these facts it is possible to conclude that bluegrass could be more digestible than orchardgrass and hromegrass,being fescue intermediate between the two groups during the first part of the growing cycle. Lignin content has been indicated as the component more related with digestibility of herbages by many authors (Barton et al., 1976; Van Soest, 1965, 1968). Barton and Akin (1977) obtained an increase in the extent of digestion of cell walls of plants chemically deligni- fied. However, no increase was observed for the digestion of the vascular bundle, indicating that the amount of lignin is not entirely responsible for the indigestibility of the vascular tissue. Allinson (1970) suggested that the nature and distribution of lignin among different tissues could be more important than tte quantity itself. 203 This could explain why alfalfa is more digestible than grasses regardless of having a higher content of lignin (Van Soest, 196E). Akin (1982a) demonstrated that p—coumaric acid, a lignin precursor, is toxic to certain rumen protozoa and bacteria that normally play an important role in forage digestion. These findings drove Deinum (1974) to conclude that the degree and kind of lignification may be the cause of the deviations observed between the average relationship between the digestibility and the percentage of lignin in cell-wall constituents. Akin (1983) explains the differences in kind and degree of lignification as the determinants of the differences in the relative ease of tissue digestion for differenct species, and Akin and Burton (1983) concluded that while degradation of the cell wall can occur by enzymes of nearby bacterias, some others are digested only attached microorganisms. This explains the difference in ease of degradation between species. Treatments show a significant effect in in vitro digestibility of dry matter during both years, with treatments one and two having higher values than the other two treatments. The grazing system and the species composition of the mixtures compared play the major roles in those differences. The forages in treatments one and two were rotationally grazed, allowing a more uniform consumption of the plants, and as a consequence, a more uniform regrowth of the pasture. However, the continuous grazing system imposed on treatments three and four determined that at any point in time there were many more plants not being consumed and, as a consequence, decreasing in 204 digestiblity as a result of accumulation of more mature material. More (1980) reports that under conditions of rapid regrowth of the pasture and low stocking pressure, there is an increase in yield and availability of forage, but a decrease in quality of the herbage because of the accumulation of mature stems. The legume composition in treatments one and two were always higher than in treatment three. Several authors have established the advantages of legumes over grasses for quality parameters such as digestibility and crude protein. Winch et al. (1970) concluded that alfalfa pure stands and alfalfa—grass mixtures are superior to pure grass fertilized with nitrogen, which in turn have a higher digestibility than pure grass stands without nitrogen. In our experiment treatments one and two showed a superiority over treatment four and treatment three, the latter with a very small percentage of trefoil. All treatments showed a decline in digestibility with time in both years. In case of treatments three and four, this trend can be explained by the increase in maturity of the forage. For treatments one and two, part of the decline in digestibility can be attributed to increase in maturity, and also to a reduction of tie legume stands in the mixture. Since both treatments were rotationally grazed and the maturity was delayed, it is very likely that the main reason could be attributed to the lower legume composition in the mixture. Matches et al. (1970) observed a similar behavior Of two alfalfa variet- ies in four different states in the U.S. 205 The decrease in digestibility showed a different trend in years one and two for treatment one. During year one, there is a more marked decline between the end of August and the beginning of October: approximately 0.4 percentage units per day. However, the decrease was only approximatley 0.3 units between June and August. During the second year, there was an increaseixtdigestibility of the regrowth up to the end of August and, afterwards, the decrease was approximately 0.14 percentage units per day. Demarquilly and Jarrige (1971) reported a decline in digestibility for alfalfa of 0.35 to 0.40 percentage units per day for the first cycle of growth and first regrowth,zuu10.44 units of orchardgrass during the same time. Treatment two also had a different behavior in both years. During the first year, alfalfa—grass had a daily decline of 0.05 percentage units between June and the end of July,and.0.04 units between July and September. However, it increased 9 percentage units between June and August of the second year, or a daily increase of 0.20 units. Birdsfoot trefoil showed a daily increase of 1.33 percentage units in 63 days during the first year. During the second year it decreased 0.26 units per day from June to middle of July, but it increased 0.06 units per day between July and the end of August. The participation of birdsfoot trefoil in the mixture decreased 5.57 percentage units during June—July of the second grazing season. This, in part, could explain the decrease in digestibility values in that period. Tflnaother possible reason is that there were only 21 days between two consecutive grazings. This could not be long enough to allow 206 a complete recovery of the pasture, making the steers consume a larger percentage of mature material left over from the previous grazing period. Treatments three and four showed different tendencies in years one and two. During year one treatment three decreased in digesti- bility until the end of September, which coincides with a decrease in trefoil percentage in the pasture. The decrease was very similar throughout the entire season: 0.17 percentage units per day. During year two, a daily decrease of 0.22 percentage units until the end of July and 0.12 units from mid August to the end of September was obtained. However, there was an increase of 2 percentage units of digestibility between the end of July and mid August which coincides with a significant increase in trefoil composition in the pasture. Kentucky bluegrass showed a constant decrease between June and the end of September of the first year (0.15 units per day). During the second year the decrease was larger (0.22 units daily), but it in- creased at the end of August. Regardless of small increases, the general tendency was to have lower digestibilities with the regrowths in treatments one and two. Demarquilly and Jarrige (1971) have concluded that regrowths are always less digestible than the plants of the first cycle at similar age because the cell walls are more lignified. Jarrige and Minson (1964) have shown this tendency on orchardgrass pastures. Van Soest (1982) established that the aging of forage is characterized by a decrease in leafiness and an increase in the stem to leaf ratio. 207 Davis (1974) showed that the initial effect of cutting is to reduce the rate of leaf appearance up to a third to ryegrass stands, and the same author (1977) also demonstrated that the size of the leaves become smaller due to frequent cutting. Mbwat et al. (1965) have shown that in vitro digestibility of stems of orchardgrass and bromegrass decrease with a higher slope than the digestibility of the leaves. However, Christian et al. (1970), Kilcher and Heinrichs (1974) and Thom (1978) observed that digestibility of alfalfa leaves remain constant throughout the summer months, while the digestibility of stems decrease rapidly. Hardison et al. (1957) obtained a daily decrease in digestibility of the bottom portion of alfalfa plants of 0.6 percent. 3. Animal performance 3.1 Stocking rate The evolution of the stocking rate for the four treatments is shown in tables 33 and 34. In general terms it is possible to conclude that the stocking rate has been very similar for every treatment in both years. Treatments one and three kept a 2.77 and 4.8 percent higher stocking rate (steers per hectare) respectively during the first grazing season. On the other hand, treatments two and four had a 4.66 and 2.17 percent more steers per hectare in year two. Treatments one, two and three maintained a two year average of 24, 23 and 10 percent more steers per hectare than treatment four. A different program to remove steers when dry matter offered declined can be observed for both grazing seasons. 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