IMPROVING THE CAPACITY VALUE OF WIND POWER WITH ENERGY STORAGE INTEGRATION By Elicia A. Sashington A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University In partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Electrical Engineering-Master of Science 2014 ABSTRACT IMPROVING THE CAPACITY VALUE OF WIND POWER WITH ENERGY STORAGE INTEGRATION By Elicia A. Sashington Wind power generation is a steadily growing renewable energy resource. However, the integration of wind power to the power grid poses reliability issues because wind is variable and unpredictable. One of the reliability issues is the mismatch between the system’s load and generation. A solution to alleviating this issue is to combine wind power with energy storage systems. This combination will reduce the variability of wind power generation output and improve the capacity value. Capacity value can be defined as the amount of additional load that can be served due to the addition of a generator, while maintaining the existing levels of reliability [1]. For planning and reliability purposes, the capacity contribution of wind power with energy storage systems must be estimated. This will transform wind power from an energy resource to a capacity resource. In this thesis, an analysis of systems with wind power and wind power with energy storage were performed using reliability methods. In addition, a descriptive analysis and comparison was completed on different types of energy storage systems. The objectives of this thesis were to show the improvement of capacity values when energy storage systems are combined with wind power and energy storage systems that are most suitable for the system being analyzed. Copyright by ELICIA A. SASHINGTON 2014 To my heavenly father, who has blessed me with the knowledge and strength to achieve this higher goal in my life, thank you for the gift of learning and tapping into my potential. To my mother, Sandra Burrage; I would like to thank you for supporting me and being the best parent you could be. To my Aggie friends, Julian Alford and Lauren Brownridge: I would like to thank you both for encouraging me to continue this path and helping me through the process of my thesis. To my grandmother, Geraldine Thomas: Thank you for checking in on me and making home-cooked meals. To the inner city kids of Chicago, I am you and you are me. There is nothing you can’t do if you put your mind to it and work hard. You can do this too! iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Dr. Mitra for giving me the guidance needed to conduct my research. Also, I would like to thank my committee, Dr. Dong and Dr. Pierre, for their assistance in my process. The Sloan Program: Thank you for not only the financial support but the academic and social support as well. Dr. Percy Pierre, thank you for supporting me well before entering Michigan State University and throughout. Your counseling and guidance is valuable to the matriculation of students in the Sloan Program. v TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES...………………………………………………………………………...…viii LIST OF FIGURES..……………………………………………………………………………ix Chapter 1 Introduction……………………….…………………………………………………1 Chapter 2 Background…….…………………………………………………………………….4 2.1 Wind Energy…………………………………………………………………….…….4 2.1.1 Characteristics of Wind……………………………………………………...5 2.1.2 Reliability Concerns…………………………………………………………5 2.1.3 Solutions…………………………………………………………………….7 Chapter 3 Different Techniques of Estimating Capacity Value….……………………….…..9 3.1 Capacity Value…………………………………………………………………….......9 3.1.1 Garver Approximation……………...………………………….…………....9 3.1.2 Multi-State Unit Representation……………………………….…………..10 3.1.3 Annual Peak Calculation…………………………………………………..10 3.1.4 Peak-Period Capacity Factor………………………………………………11 3.1.5 Z-Statistic Method………………………………………………………....11 3.2 Preferred Method……………………………………………………….……………12 Chapter 4 Energy Storage Systems….………………………………………………………...14 4.1 Compressed Air Energy Storage………………………………………….………….14 4.2 Flywheel Energy Storage………………………………………………….…………15 4.3 Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage……………………………….………....16 4.4 Battery Energy Storage………………………………………....………….………...17 4.4.1 Lead-Acid Battery……………………………………….………....17 4.4.2 Sodium-sulfur (NaS) Battery…………………………….………...18 4.4.3 Zinc/Bromine (Za/Br) Battery………………………….………….18 4.4.4 Lithium-ion Battery……………………………………….……….19 4.5 Supercapacitor Energy Storage..…………………………………………….…….....19 4.6 Pumped Hydroelectric Storage…………………………………………….………...20 4.7 Application………………………………………………………………….……….21 4.8 Summary…………………………………………………………………….……….21 Chapter 5 Reliability..……………………………………………………………….………….24 5.1 System Description……………………………………………………….………….24 5.2 Discrete Convolution……………………………………………………….………..25 5.2.1 Generation Model……………………………………………….…………25 5.2.2 Load Model……………………………………………………….………..26 5.2.3 Generation Reserve Model………………………………………….……..28 5.3 Monte Carlo………………………………………………………………….………28 5.3.1 Mathematical Model……………………………………………….………29 vi 5.3.2 Sequential Method………………………………………………….……...29 5.4 Results and Discussion……………………………………………………….……...31 Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations…………………….………………………...39 APPENDICES………………………………………………….……………………….……....41 Appendix A: Matlab Code- Discrete Convolution of Original System…………….........42 Appendix B: Matlab Code- Discrete Convolution of System with Wind Power………..45 Appendix C: Matlab Code- Discrete Convolution Iterations to Find LPI……..………...48 Appendix D: Matlab Code- Discrete Convolution of Wind Power and ESS…………....51 Appendix E: Matlab Code- Discrete Convolution Iterations of Wind Power and ESS to Find LPI Increase………………………………………………………………………...55 Appendix F: Matlab Code- Monte Carlo of Original System…………………………...60 Appendix G: Matlab Code-Monte Carlo of System with Wind Power………………….62 Appendix H: Matlab Code-Monte Carlo Iterations to Find LPI………………….……...64 Appendix I: Matlab Code-Monte Carlo of Wind Power and ESS..………...…..………..67 Appendix J: Matlab Code- Monte Carlo Iterations of Wind Power with ESS to Find LPI Increase………………….………………….………………….………………….……..71 Appendix K: Test System Data..…………………………………..……..…….……..….75 REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………….….…...76 vii LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1: Advantages and Disadvantages of Energy Storage Systems………………………22 Table 4.2: Comparison of Technical Aspects Energy Storage Systems………………………23 Table 5.1: Initialization of COPAFT……………………………………………………..…...26 Table 5.2: LOLE of Original and Wind Integrated Systems………………………………….31 Table 5.3: Factor Increases and Capacity Values……………………………………………..32 Table 5.4: Discrete Convolution Results for ESSs Discharging during All Peak Hours……..33 Table 5.5: Monte Carlo Results for ESSs during All Peak Hours…………………………….33 Table 5.6: Discrete Convolution Results for ESSs Discharging during a Portion of Peak Hours………………………………………………………………….……………….34 Table 5.7: Monte Carlo Results for ESSs Discharging during a Portion of Peak Hours….......34 Table A.1: Generating Unit Reliability Data………………………………………………….86 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: Primary Energy Consumption with Renewable Energy Breakdown…………….....8 Figure 5.1: HLOLE for ESS Discharging During All Peak Hours………………………….....34 Figure 5.2: HLOLE for ESS Discharging During a Portion of Peak Hours…………………...35 Figure 5.3: Capacity Value Comparison for Discrete Convolution…………………………...36 Figure 5.4: Capacity Value Comparison for Monte Carlo………..…………………………...36 Figure A.1: IEEE RTS Load Data……………………………………………………………..86 ix Chapter 1 Introduction As fossil fuel prices and environmental pollution increases, countries have invested many resources into wind energy. Since the 1990s, the annual growth rate of wind energy has exceeded 26% and many countries have set goals for high penetration level on the grid [2]. Wind energy is the most mature renewable energy source and competitively priced compared to traditional power plants. Wind energy does not produce any greenhouse gases and is located mostly in rural areas or offshore. However, sites for wind farms tend to be in remote locations, resulting in significant infrastructure development, especially transmission capacity. In addition, there are concerns about noise, aesthetic aspects, and the harm to birds, due to the rotor blades. These concerns have been mitigated through improvements of proper siting for wind farms. The major challenge of wind energy, especially at high level of penetration, is the variability of wind and load demand. Also, since wind energy is unpredictable, the uncertainty makes it more difficult to operate the power grid. A solution to this challenge is integrating energy storage systems with wind energy to alleviate the uncertainty and reliability issues. One of the challenges imposed by increasing penetration of wind generation is balancing the system load demand and available generation. When integrating wind generation with energy storage systems, the mismatch between intermittent wind generation and the time varying load demand is reduced [3].For capacity planning and reliability purposes, the capacity contribution of an integrated energy storage system (ESS) with a wind generation system needs to be estimated. A method to determine the capacity contribution is calculating the capacity value. 1 Capacity value can be defined as the amount of additional load that can be served due to the addition of the generator, while maintaining the existing levels of reliability [1]. In relative works, techniques have been developed to estimate the capacity value of wind. In [1, 8], there is a thorough description of different techniques to estimate the capacity of wind and the preferred method. In addition, there are several papers discussing the use of ESSs to mitigate the issues of high penetrations of wind power in the bulk power system. In [2], a battery model is developed to demonstrate that energy storage technology can reduce the fluctuation of wind power output. From there, researchers have analyzed more specific energy storage options to combine with wind farms. In [22-23], proposed using superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) to improve the power quality and stability of wind farms. In [21], uses SMES as a solution to minimize the frequency fluctuation for isolated power system with wind farms. In [24], using flywheel energy storage system for frequency control of an isolated power system with wind farms. Now that energy storage technology has been analyzed, how to model the usage of these systems are critiqued to improving wind power. In [7], an availability model is developed to take in account the impact of outages during charging periods and the unavailability during the discharging periods. In addition, it compares the difference between using ESSs for reduction of variability and reliability improvement. The motivation for this thesis is to investigate the different possibilities of ESSs and estimate the capacity value of wind generation with an ESS. Capacity value has been heavily researched with many methodologies but there is a preferred method. This preferred method is combined with reliability approaches to produce the capacity value of the system. This information can be used for the advancement of high penetrations of wind in the future. 2 Chapter 2 discusses wind power, characteristics of wind, reliability concerns, and current solutions. Chapter 3 describes different methods used to estimate the capacity value and the preferred method. Chapter 4 discusses multiple types of ESSs and their specifications. Within chapter 4, there is a descriptive analysis of each energy storage system’s functionality, efficiency, maturity, advantages, and disadvantages, charging capabilities, and discharging capabilities. Chapter 5 describes two approaches to achieving the reliability of a system to lead to the capacity value. Furthermore, a comparison of how the capacity value improves from a system with wind power and a system with wind power and storage. The final chapter will include further remarks and suggestions for future research. 3 Chapter 2 Background The current U.S. energy portfolio relies heavily on fossil fuel resources. Due to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations and the depletion of fossil fuel reserves, the energy portfolio needs to be diversified to handle the current and increasing energy demands. Currently, natural gas has been an immediate option because the pricing of Shale gas has decreased and it is cleaner than fossil fuel. With the advancement of new technologies, renewable energy sources will be the solution to have an environmental-friendly and independent energy portfolio. About 10% of energy supply is renewable energy sources. Renewable energy is an energy source that is naturally replenished or inexhaustible such as wind, solar, hydro, biomass, and many others. Figure 2.1 shows the distribution of different types of renewable energy resources in the complete primary energy usage. Wind and solar are the two most rapidly growing renewable energy sources. Globally, these are 283 GW of installed capacity for wind and 100 GW of installed capacity for solar [25]. However, solar is growing at a higher rate than wind. For this thesis, wind will be the focused renewable energy source. 2.1 Wind Energy Wind is the movement of air across the surface of the Earth [2]. Wind energy is a renewable source of power that uses turbines to harvest the kinetic energy of wind to be converted to electricity. The minimum speed to produce power is 11km/hour and the optimum 4 wind speed is 60 km/hour [21]. When wind speeds are 90km/hour or greater, the main computer shuts down as a safety precaution. Power can be calculated by the following equation: (2.1) where swept area of a wind turbine density of air wind speed power coefficient. 2.1.1 Characteristics of Wind Wind power brings up many environmental and reliability concerns. From an environmental view, wind is a clean and resourceful way to produce power versus the conventional way. However, certain interest groups are concerned with the amount of area needed to commission a wind farm, the aesthetics and noise of the wind turbines, and the habitat for birds in the area. From a reliability view, wind energy poses several problems for planning operations such as variability, frequency fluctuation, increase ramping rate and range, and others. There will be further discussion of these concerns to follow in the next section. 2.1.2 Reliability Concerns Since wind power is based on wind speed, there are times when there is no generation due to low wind speeds. Earlier in the text, it stated the wind speed needs to be a minimum of 11 km/hour to start generating power and cannot exceed 90 km/hour for safety reasons. Wind is not 5 predictable and is variable because wind does not blow all the time or meet those specifications to generate power. This is an issue planning operations have because a plan is develop by the load and generation to figure out how to meet demands. If power generation is changing spastically then a proper plan cannot be developed or executed. In addition, wind generates the most power during the off peak hours of the day, which is completely opposite to the daily load curve. The variability of wind power leads to other reliability concerns such as frequency and power fluctuation. The inconsistent wind speeds create output power fluctuation, which causes network frequency and voltage fluctuation in the system. Therefore, the power quality of the system declines. The system’s inertia plays an important role in determining the rate of frequency change after an event. Renewable energy sources such as wind, contribute little to no inertia to the system. If wind power continues to increase, frequency control will be difficult in the future. For isolated power systems, which benefit from having wind power, are lacking in capabilities of power regulation. The utilization of wind power is more effective in an isolated power system because the main power is driven by a diesel engine which is bad for the environment [24]. Other reliability concerns are ramping rate and range. A ramping event is the change of power at every time interval. If the power change is positive, it is a ramp-up event and if negative, a ramp-down event. The ramp rate is the power difference from time interval to time interval. When integrating wind with the system load, the wind generation is considered a negative load and summed to create the net load. The net load maxima are shifted down and the local minima are shifted down and stretched. Depending on the amount of wind power being 6 produced, the range increases significantly. This mainly occurs when the load is at its local minima and the wind power is at its local maxima. 2.1.3 Solutions The two predominant solutions to the reliability concerns of wind power fall in the spectrum of geospatial and temporal. A geospatial solution involves an analysis of the entire country for wind power output, transmission capabilities, and load demands. For areas that produce high wind power and a low load demand, would have excess power. This power can be transferred to other areas with a higher load demand. However, this solution is not plausible without building more transmission in the current system infrastructure. The cost to update the infrastructure with new transmission lines to meet the target of 20% of wind by 2030 is about 20 billion dollars [26]. This is a long term and expensive solution to the increasing energy demands. The other option is a temporal solution for mitigating the variability of wind energy with ESSs. The solution is an immediate compared to upgrading the system infrastructure which take significant time and resources. However, ESSs are also expensive due to the material, size, and sometimes installation. In addition, ESSs are developing as technology changes and some systems are in development or prototype stages. Proper planning and decision making based on the system needs would determine what are the best ESSs needed to be use. The specifications these ESSs need to meet to be beneficial are size capacity, charging/discharging, power density, life cycle, and a few others. The next chapter will discuss different ESSs and how they compare with these specifications. 7 Figure 2.1: Primary Energy Consumption with Renewable Energy Breakdown [27] 8 Chapter 3 Different Techniques of Estimating Capacity Value 3.1 Capacity Value Capacity value is of great importance to wind power since it assesses the risk of generation capacity deficiency [1]. The metrics that are used for evaluation are loss of load probability (LOLP) and loss of load expectation (LOLE). LOLP is the probability of when the load exceeds the available generation but does not explain for how long. LOLE is the expected number of hours or days the load will not be met over a period of time. The effective load carrying capacity (ELCC) is the metric used to find the capacity value [4]. There are numerous methodologies to finding the capacity value of wind generation such as: Garver Approximation, Multi-State Unit Representation, Annual Peak Calculations, Peak Period Capacity Factors, and Z-Statistic Method. 3.1.1 Garver Approximation Garver Approximation has been important in the calculation of capacity values but is outdated by the advancements in computing power [1]. Garver proposed using the graphical approach when calculating the capacity value of an additional generator. This same methodology can be used to estimation the ELCC of a wind generator added to a power system. The main two assumptions of Garver’s methodology are:  The probability distribution for wind availability is the same at all times.  LOLE is calculated as , where is the peak demand, and parameters. 9 and are fitting The ELCC of wind generation is calculated by the following: (3.1) where is the probability that the available wind capacity is [1]. 3.1.2 Multi-state Unit Representation Multi-state unit representation uses probabilistic representation of wind plants similar to conventional units. The wind plant is model with partial capacity outage states with corresponding probabilities. When calculating the LOLP, the wind generation is included in the capacity outage probabilities table (COPT) calculation. The wind power is typically model by a histogram of wind power output during a period of time. A major concern with this approach is the loss of wind/load correlation [1]. There are factors that affect the wind energy availability such as, seasonal and diurnal variation, which cannot be modeled in one probability density function. However, this concern has been address by using different probability distributions at categorized hours. 3.1.3 Annual Peak Calculations Annual peak calculations use the LOLP at the time of annual peak demand to represent the system’s risk. The calculations are the same as year-around risk calculations besides using the LOLP at the time of annual peak. Peak demand only occurs once a year which is problematic when choosing a probability distribution for wind capacity. The two approaches to evaluate wind resources at annual peak are: 10  Use a histogram to represent the hourly load for the entire peak season. However, this approach is limited, due to many days not being close to the annual peak demand.  Use a histogram to represent the load factors from hours where demand is a percentage of the year’s peak. This has greater relevance to the peak demand and reduces the amount of data. The major disadvantages of the annual peak calculations are that it does not consider the loss of load at other times of the year, and it is difficult to designate appropriate distributions for wind resources, as well as peak load [1]. 3.1.4 Peak-Period Capacity Factor Peak-period capacity factor calculates the capacity factor over peak periods to estimate the capacity value of wind. Using this approximation has been fairly accurate with the exception of hydro and transaction schedules [5]. This is due to hydro and transaction schedules being positively correlated to the load. However, capacity factors do not provide the short term or annual variability of wind power or the correlation to demand. Capacity factors gives insight to the capacity value of that system such as a high capacity factor yields a high capacity value for the same system. 3.1.5 Z-Statistic Method The z-statistic method is taking the difference between available resources and load during peak hours as a random variable with a probability distribution. The z-statistic is kept constant by adding the load carrying capacity for an added power plant in increments. When 11 keeping the z-statistic constant, it is equivalent to keeping the LOLP constant. There are two following assumptions involved in this approach:  When adding wind, the shape of the probability distribution for the margin of available capacity does not change significantly. However, the mean and standard deviation may change.  The standard deviation for available wind capacity is small versus the available capacity from existing generation. Therefore, the z-statistical method is only valid for small penetrations of wind power. From these assumptions, the expression for ELCC is derived as: (3.2) where mean wind load factor over peak hours z-statistic representing LOLP. This method provides a greater insight on what influences the level of the ELCC than iterative calculations [1]. In addition, this method is relatively simple for determining how wind variability and correlations among wind power affects the load caring capacity. 3.2 Preferred Method The preferred method is modeled after calculations for conventional thermal generation in power systems. They are modeled by their perspective forced outage rates (FOR) and capacities. This information is convolved through an iterative method to produce the COPT. The COPT is comprised of the capacity levels and their respective probabilities [6]. However, wind 12 cannot be modeled by capacity and FOR because of its variability. For calculating the ELCC with wind, the following three steps can be used: 1. Compute the LOLPs of a system without wind using the hourly load time series and the COPT of the system. The annual LOLE should be calculated and meet the reliability target for that period. However, if the target is not met, reduce the load to achieve the reliability target. 2. The time series of wind power is treated like a negative load and combined with load time series. The LOLE is recalculated and should be lower (better) than in step 1. 3. The load data is increased by a ΔL across all hours using an iterative process until the LOLE reaches the LOLE in step two. The increase in load that achieves the target reliability is the ELCC/capacity value of the wind plant. This chapter has provided different studies of capacity value which explain the different levels of capacity value. However, there are factors that influence the calculation of capacity value that these methods have in common. The key factor in calculating the capacity value is to capture the relationship between wind and the load. When modeling the relationship between wind and the load, it is critical to use information from the same year [1]. In addition, for variable generation, it is best practice to use a year or more data to help with prediction of wind’s capacity value. 13 Chapter 4 Energy Storage Systems Energy storage can be divided into two categories: direct and indirect energy storage. Direct energy storage is a storage system that stores electric energy in an electric or magnetic field. Indirect storage is a storage system that converts electric energy to kinetic, chemical or mechanical energy. Depending on the power system’s parameters, these would determine what ESS is suitable. There are many ESSs such as, compressed air, flywheel, battery, supercapacitors, superconducting magnetic, pumped hydro, and many more. The next sections will provide a review of these types of ESSs. 4.1 Compressed Air Energy Storage Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is storing energy by compressing and cooling air at high pressures in a sealed geological vessel. When needed, the compressed air is combined with natural gas and used to rotate a turbine for generating electricity. The efficiency of a CAES system is comprised of two components: energy ratio and heat rate [9]. The energy ratio is defined as: (4.1) where Egen energy out from generation; and Ecomp energy consumed by the compressor. The efficiency of the system is defined as: 14 (4.2) where HR amount of gas consumed per unit of energy generated. There are different types of CAES systems according to generation: first, second, and third generation. The first generation is the only CAES system in conventional use. This system is composed of compression and generation components that mix natural gas with compressed air and burned as the same in conventional turbine plants. The second generation systems are similar to the first but the design is coupled with technological advancements. The second generation system has a turnaround efficiency of about 54% compared with 48-50% with first generation [9]. The third generation systems do not use natural gas but instead stores heat during compression to be used for heating the compressed air later. This system is still in research and development stage due to technology issues with heat storage. The efficiency of this particular system is directly connected to the energy ratio since gas turbines are not used. A great benefit is zero carbon emissions and no fuel consumption. However, the downside is the increased capital cost and technology immaturity. Since the second generation system is more efficient than the first and the third generation is in research and development, investments towards CAES systems are for a second generation hybrid system [9]. 4.2 Flywheel Energy Storage Flywheel energy storage stores kinetic energy of a rotating mass in an electromechanical storage system. There are major two types of flywheel system: steel- and composite-rotor flywheels. In both systems, the energy is stored in the momentum of the rotating rotor. In a 15 vacuum, the rotor spins on the bearings to reduce friction and increase efficiency. This energy can be converted to electrical or mechanical forms due to the rotor containing a motor/generator [10]. Steel-rotor systems depend on the mass of the rotor for energy storage while composite systems depend on speed. When charging the system, the current flows through the motor which increase the speed of the flywheel. When the system is discharging, current flow is produced by the generator which slows down the wheel. The sizes range from 40kW to 1.6MW for times of 5-120 seconds [10]. The advantages of a flywheel energy system are low-life cycle costs due to minimal maintenance, compact and can be arrange in small area, and contain no harmful chemicals or produce any gases [10]. A disadvantage is the containment of all the rotating energy equipment in the system. To minimize the issue, a particular site, design, and material have to be chosen or the system must be tested and rated. 4.3 Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) stores electrical energy in a magnetic field without converting to chemical or mechanical form. In SMES, there is a coil made of superconducting wires that allows direct current to flow through without any significant loss. This produces a magnetic field which stores the energy. SMES have to operate in cryogenic temperatures to maintain superconductivity. The efficiency of an SMES system is dependent on the duration of which it is stored. Thus, the efficiency of the system is defined as: (4.3) where 0.025, charge/discharge inefficiency 16 0.04, daily loss number of days between charge and discharge Typically, a SMES system will not charge and discharge completely. Therefore, will not be an integer. The expected range of efficiency for SMES for long turn use is 80 and 90 percent and about 98% for short-term use [11]. Most SMES units fielded to date provide 1MW for 1 second and can be paralleled for more power [10]. The SMES coil has the ability to release large quantities of power and fully recharge in minutes. There are numerous advantages of a SMES system such as controllability and reliability, no degradation in performance overtime, and very economical. The system is compacted, self-contained, highly mobile, and can be kept in remote locations. There are no harmful chemical or produces any flammable gases and the estimated life expectancy of a typical system is at least 20 years [10]. 4.4 Battery Energy Storage Battery energy storage (BES) stores electrical energy through the reverse chemical reactions of a typical battery. There are many types of BES systems such as lead-acid, sodiumsulfur, zinc/bromine, lithium-ion, and many more. 4.4.1 Lead-Acid Battery Lead-acid batteries have been in industry use for over 20 years. They are traditionally used as form of backup power and in automobiles [12]. The lifetime of lead –acid batteries depend on the usage, discharge rate, and number of deep discharge cycles. When charging, at the negative electrode, an electrochemical reaction is converting lead sulfate into a soft lead. Also, at the positive electrode, the lead oxide is formed due to the current flow. One main advantage of 17 lead-acid batteries is the low cost. The cost of lead-acid batteries is mainly influenced by the price of lead at the time. Lead-acid batteries have a relatively short calendar/cycle life of approximately 4-5 years/ 750 cycles, meaning for heavily usage, they would need to be replaced frequently [12]. Therefore, they are mainly used for power quality management and emergency power. 4.4.2 Sodium-sulfur (NaS) Battery Sodium-sulfur (NaS) batteries contain sodium at the negative electrode and sulfur at the positive electrode. NaS batteries are used for a wide variety of applications such as, peak shaving, emergency power, power quality management, and peak shaving [12]. Some advantages of NaS batteries are long cycle life, low material cost, temperature stability, and high power and energy density. The energy density is three times as much as tradition lead-acid batteries [12]. The efficiency of DC conversion for NaS batteries is approximately 85% which make them ideal for future DC distribution systems [12]. 4.4.3 Zinc/Bromine (Za/Br) Battery Zinc/Bromine (Za/Br) batteries are a type of flow battery that uses a pump system to circulate reactants throughout the battery. The battery modules are rated to discharge at 150A at an average voltage of 96V for 4 hours [12]. Since the battery is stacked in parallel, individual stacks can be replaced without replacing the whole system. The life cycle of Za/Br batteries are rated at 2500 cycles and uses less toxic electrolytes than traditional lead-acid batteries [12]. Due to the lack of technological maturity, there are very few real world installations. 18 4.4.5 Lithium-ion Battery Lithium-ion batteries allow lithium ions to flow between the cathode and anode producing a current flow. There are many chemical configurations and this battery is one of the newer technologies. The advantages of lithium-ion batteries are long calendar life, high energy density, low self-discharge, and no memory effect. However, lithium is very scarce which makes them more expensive than others [13]. 4.5 Supercapacitor Energy Storage Supercapacitor energy storage stores electric energy through the double layer effect. A supercapacitor consists of an ion permeable membrane that separates two electrodes and the electrodes are electrically connected by an electrolyte. When voltage is applied, an electric double layer is formed at both electrodes. The charges are separated by the double layer which has no conventional solid dielectric. The capacitance values are determined by two different storage principles: double-layer and pseudocapacitance. In double-layer capacitance, the separation of charge by a Helmholtz double layer, stores electric energy electrostatically [14]. In pseudocapacitance, there is a faradaic redox reaction that electrochemically stores the electric energy. The efficiency of a supercapacitor is comprised of the following: charging current, total energy consumed during charging, and energy stored. The charging current is defined as: (4.4) where C ideal capacitor. The total energy stored consumed during the charging period is defined as: 19 . (4.5) The energy stored of the supercapacitor is defined as: (4.6) The charging efficiency is defined as: . (4.7) In many ways a supercapacitor is incomparable to a battery, in that, it’s light weight, great capacity, higher power density, faster charging rate, longer shelf and cycle life, and wider temperature characteristic [14]. 4.6 Pumped Hydroelectric Storage Pumped hydroelectric storage (PHS) stores energy using gravitational potential energy of water, where water is pumped from a lower elevated reservoir to a higher one. During low demand, energy is used to pumped water to the high reservoir. When demand is high, the water is release back to the lower reservoir through a turbine to generate electricity. The roundtrip efficiency of PES for old units are 60% and for newer unit as high as 78% [15]. PHS units are very flexible and will start up from 200 to 1600 times each year [15]. The time to charge to full generation ranges from 5 to 22 minutes and a cold start takes approximately one to four minutes. The disadvantages are the environmental impact, site location due to the size, and investment cost versus traditional combustion turbines. Currently, PES is the most favorable and proven to be combined with wind resources to optimize operating benefits and meet required supply level [15]. 20 4.7 Application The purpose of using the ESS is to mitigate the reliability issues discussed in chapter 2. Based on the information given, the ESS needs to discharge quickly to help reduce the ramping range and rate. Discharging the stored energy will help level the minima and maxima of wind energy to a more consistent output. If maturity was not a factor, flywheels, superconductors, batteries, and SMES would be suitable options. In addition, appropriate is needed based on the installed capacity. ESSs such as CAES or PHS are not suitable options because of their geological restrictions and the discharging time frame. Even though PHS is the only grid-scale storage technology, the sizing of PHS is not appropriate for wind farms. The difference in scale would not provide the advantages of integrating with wind. 4.8 Summary Table 1 presents the advantages and disadvantages of each system. Table 2 discusses some of the important parameters to determining a suitable system for a power system based on cost, efficiency, nominal power and others. 21 Table 4.1: Advantages and Disadvantages of Energy Storage Systems [17] Systems Battery Technologies CAES Advantages -High power density -High energy density -Mature Technology Flywheel -High power density -Long cycle life -Very fast recharge SMES -High power density Lead-Acid -Mature technology -Inexpensive Soduim-Sulphur (NaS) -High power density -High energy density -Mature technology -High efficiency Zinc-Bromine (Zn-Br) Lithium-Ion Supercapacitor Pumped Hydroelectric -High power density -High energy density -High power density -High energy density -High efficiency -High power density -Long cycle life -Very fast recharge -High power density -High energy density -Mature technology 22 Disadvantages -Geographical limitations -Expensive to site and build -Requires fuel input -Only for huge applications -Low energy density -Large standby losses -Low energy density -Expensive technologies -High auxiliary needs -Low power density -Low energy density -Short life cycle -Environmental hazard -High maintenance requirements -Expensive technology -Early stage technology -Toxic components -Fast corrodible components -High maintenance cost -Early stage technology -Expensive technology -Low energy density -Requires advanced power electronics Expensive technology -Geographical limitations -Expensive to site and build -Requires fuel input -Only for huge applications Table 4.2: Comparison of Technical Aspects Energy Storage Systems [16, 17, 18] Systems Maturity Unit Costs Efficiency (charging/ discharging) CAES Mature 700 $/kW 60%-70% 1300 $/kW 90% 0.01-2 MW secs-mins 700 $/kW4000$/kW 90-95% 10-100 MW secs-mins 1100 $/kW3100 $/kW 70-90% 0.001-10 MW mins-days Flywheel SMES Battery Mature and commercial products Prototypes units Mature and commercial products Typical Nominal power 0.1-400 MW Discharging at Nominal Power hrs-days Supercapacitor Prototypes $30 (per cell) 80-95% 0.01-1 MW secs-mins Pumped Hydroelectric Mature 2300 $/kW 80% 0.1-1 GW hrs-days 23 Chapter 5 Reliability 5.1 System Description The test system examined in this thesis is the IEEE RTS-79 [20] with a peak demand of 2850 MW and a total installed generation of 3405 MW. The wind speed data has been collected by the government of Canada records for historical climate data. The data was recorded for providence Alberta, Canada and the assumption is that this data would generate the amount of power as Halkirk Wind Farm. Halkirk wind farm is a 150 MW farm in Halkirk, Alberta, Canada. The parameters of Halkirk Wind Farm are used to determine the wind power. The minimum wind speed for Halkirk’s wind turbines to produce power is 11 km/hr. The optimum wind power speed for power production is 60 km/hr. If winds are 90 km/hr or greater, sensors signal the main computer to power down for safety reasons. These parameters are converted to m/sec to be use in equation 1.1. The charging and discharging of the energy storage system (ESS) is based on the peak and off-peak hours. Since wind produces the most power during the morning and the late evening, the system will be charging after 5pm until 8am. During peak hours, more power is consumed and the ESS can optimize the wind power by discharging during peak hours. The storage volume is an integer multiple of the installed capacity which determines when the ESS will be exhausted. ESSs of various installed capacities are combined with the wind power to determine the impact on the capacity value. The wind power and energy storage are treated as a negative load and combined with the system load. The ESS can only be fully charged if the amount of wind power produced is equal to or greater than the ESS’s volume. 24 Reliability can be defined as the probability that a component or system will perform its designated functions for a given period of time under the conditions in which it was designed to operate. In this thesis, two approaches will be used to find the reliability of a system without wind power, with wind power, and wind power with storage. The reliability index (LOLE) will yield the capacity value to be compared amongst the systems. 5.2 Discrete Convolution Discrete convolution consists of building a generation and load model containing probability and frequency distributions to represent the total generation and load. The generation model is constructed with the capacity outage levels better known as the capacity outage probability and frequency table (COPAFT). The load model is constructed with the probability and frequency distribution of the total system load. These two models together are used to build the generation reserve model. The generation reserve model represents the probability and frequency distributions for excess system generation. This information is obtained by performing discrete convolution of the generation and load model. 5.2.1 Generation Model The generation model is constructed using the following equation (5.1) and (5.2) (5.1) (5.2) where u repair rate of the new unit 25 p availability probability q failure probability The variable X represents the outage state and subscript i is the index of the existing capacity outage state Ci such that Cj=X. If a state does not exist in the “old” COPAFT, then Ci is the smallest of the existing states that are larger than X. The subscript j is the index of the existing capacity out state Cj such that Cj=X-CN. If a state does not exist, then Cj is the smallest of the existing states that are larger than X-CN. Table 5.1: Initialization of COPAFT State 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Co=Ci (MW) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pi=P{Co>=Ci} 1 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Fi=F{Co>=Ci} 0 0.000333333 0.000333333 0.000333333 0.000333333 0.000333333 0.000333333 0.000333333 0.000333333 0.000333333 0.000333333 0.000333333 0.000333333 Table 3.1 represents the blank COPAFT to start with where, q=0.02, f=qu=0.000333333, for the first 12 MW generator. There are 32 generators in the system and therefore, the COPAFT needs to be updated 32 times. 5.2.2 Load Model 26 The load model is constructed by the following two equations (5.3) and (5.4). (5.3) (5.4) For the generation reserve, most of the work was done doing the generation system and load model. To compute the probability and frequency the following equations (5.5) through (5.11) were used. M can be expressed as: (5.5) Cc is the total generation capacity of the system; Co is the forced outage capacity; L is the load capacity. The probability of M can be expressed as: (5.6) where (5.7) (5.8) The frequency of M can be expressed as: (5.9) where (5.10) (5.11) The maximum load is 2850 from the data sheet and since it does not get any greater the probability and frequency for the load will be zero until it reaches 2850. 27 5.2.3 Generation Reserve Model From generation reserve model, the system reliability index is computed and this will give the hourly LOLE to be compared with the other systems. HLOLE=LOLP x D (5.12) where 5.3 LOLP loss of load probability D length of time interval in hours Monte Carlo Monte Carlo consists of imitating a physical system with a stochastic behavior and is an alternative to analytical methods [19]. When systems are too complex to solve with analytical methods, simulation such as Monte Carlo are used. The components of a system are divided into elements whose behavior can be predicted either deterministically or probability distributions. Therefore, mathematical models are used and preceded by performing sampling experiments. Monte Carlo simulation methods can be classified as sequential or non-sequential. Sequential simulation methods replicate the system behavior over time [19]. The mathematical model generates the artificial history to be analyzed over time and a statistical conclusion is drawn. Non-sequential simulation methods perform random sampling over all states that can be assumed during the period of interest. After an appropriate number of samples have been drawn, a statistical conclusion can be drawn. For this thesis, sequential methods will be used for the system described in section 3.1. 28 5.3.1 Mathematical Model The IEEE-79 RTS has 32 generators, which yields 232 states. Using a vector of 32 dimensions to represent the generators’ states, 1 represents the up state and 0 represents the down state in the following equality. Geni = Drawing 32 random numbers for each generator , for every hour, time is calculated using equation 5.13 (5.13) When generator i is in the up state, p is the failure rate of that generator. If generator i is in the down state p is the repair of that generator. The generator vector is updated by choosing the smallest t amongst the 32 times and changes the state of the generator that corresponds to that time. The interval of the system load is every hour and the simulation must track the amount of time passed. When the generator vector is updated, a new generator capacity is calculated. At that particular hour, the load capacity can be determined as well. A comparison between the generator capacity and load capacity is used to determine if the entire system has failed. The reliability indices are updated accordingly. 5.3.2 Sequential Methods Sequential methods can be divided into three categories: synchronous timing, asynchronous timing, and mixed timing. Synchronous timing method is also known as fixed time interval 29 method [19]. It is a two-step method and a time interval Δt is determined by the system’s characteristics. In the initial state, time is increased by Δt and the simulation determines what event has occurred. Asynchronous timing method, also known as next event method, is advanced by a variable amount of time versus fixed. The simulation keeps a record of the next couple of simulated events to occur. Once the imminent event has occurred, the time is changed to the occurrence of that event. Mixed timing incorporates both synchronous and asynchronous timing. This is the most commonly used in the industry for the purposes of both reliability evaluation and production [19]. Typically, the form consists of hourly load curve over a period of time and advancing states of system components asynchronously. For this thesis, the mixed timing method will be used. There is an algorithm that describes a typical embodiment of this mixed timing method [19]. The algorithm has been modified to fit the needs of this thesis as follows: 1. Input system data, including generation capacity, generation probability data, repair rate, failure rate, initial state, load data and initial indices. 2. Initial sample path index at i=1 3. Draw random numbers for the system 4. From those random numbers, compute the time and find tmin. 5. Find the generator that corresponds to tmin, which is the imminent event, and change its state. Find the total generation capacity. 6. Find the load during tmin and determine in each hour, if the system failed. 7. Update the failure time and compute hourly LOLE. 5.4 Results and Discussion 30 Using Discrete Convolution and Monte Carlo described above, the results of the IEEERTS 79 system is displayed in table 5.2. This data is used as a marker to compare the results of other systems. Also, the results of the system with wind power is displayed which determines the capacity value. Table 5.2: LOLE of Original and Wind Integrated Systems Method Discrete Convolution Monte Carlo Original System (LOLE) 9.303 9.423 Wind Integrated System (LOLE) 7.165 7.270 In chapter 2.7, the preferred method was introduced to find the capacity value of wind power. When finding the capacity value of wind, the LOLE should be lower (better) than the original system. In the preferred method, the first step is to compute the LOLE of a system without wind using the hourly load time series and the COPT of the system, which was accomplished in the previous section. The next step is to calculate the capacity value of wind power. The reliability methods will be repeated to complete the second step, where the wind power is a negative load and combined with the system load. Once the new LOLE is acquired, the wind power is removed. In the third step, the system load is increased by a small factor to obtain the same LOLE as the first step. This is accomplished by performing iterations of the system and comparing the LOLEs until the difference is a tolerance of 10 -4 for discrete -2 convolution. Since Monte Carlo is based on randomness, the tolerance was increase to 50 . In addition, a number of one million samples of random numbers were generated to produce the results for the Monte Carlo method. 31 Table 5.3: Factor Increases and Capacity Values Method Discrete Convolution Monte Carlo Load Factor Percentage Increase (LFPI) LOLE after LFPI Capacity Value 1.472% 9.302 41.952 MW 2.110% 9.356 60.135 MW The charging and discharging of the ESS is based on the peak and off-peak hours. Since wind produces the most power during the morning and the late evening, the system will be charging after 5pm until 8am. During peak hours, more power is consumed and the ESS can optimize the wind power by discharging during peak hours. The storage volume is an integer multiple of the installed capacity which determines when the ESS will be exhausted. ESSs of various installed capacities are combined with the wind power to determine the impact on the capacity value. The wind power and energy storage are treated as a negative load and combined with the system load. The ESS can only be fully charged if the amount of wind power produced is equal to or greater than the ESS’s volume. Table 5.4 and 5.5 displays storage volumes to discharge power for all peak hours and table 5.6 and 5.7 displays storage volumes for a portion of the peak hours. Figures 5.1 and 5.2 show the comparison of HLOLEs for all peak hours and a portion of peak hours. Figures 5.3 and 5.4 show the comparison of capacity values for the system without wind, with wind, and wind with ESS. 32 Table 5.4: Discrete Convolution Results for ESSs Discharging during All Peak Hours Installed Capacity 100kW 150kW 200kW 400kW 1MW 2MW 3MW 4MW 5MW 10MW Storage Volume 800kW 1.2MW 1.6MW 3.2MW 8MW 16MW 24MW 32MW 40MW 80MW Factor Increase 4.816% 4.816% 4.816% 4.784% 4.550% 3.473% 2.730% 2.367% 2.233% 1.733% HLOLE 4.389 4.389 4.389 4.404 4.496 5.186 5.811 6.164 6.312 6.864 Capacity Value 137.256 137.256 137.256 136.344 129.675 98.981 77.805 67.460 63.641 49.391 Percentage Comparison 327% 327% 327% 325% 309% 254% 185% 161% 152% 118% Table 5.5: Monte Carlo Results for ESSs during All Peak Hours Installed Capacity 100kW 150kW 200kW 400kW 1MW 2MW 3MW 4MW 5MW 10MW Storage Volume 800kW 1.2MW 1.6MW 3.2MW 8MW 16MW 24MW 32MW 40MW 80MW Factor Increase 7.0% 6.3% 6.4% 6.7% 5.6% 4.1% 2.6% 1.6% 0.9% 0.1% HLOLE 4.655 4.872 4.840 4.827 4.786 4.967 5.257 5.608 5.865 6.240 33 Capacity Value 199.50 179.55 182.40 190.95 159.60 116.85 74.10 45.6 25.65 2.85 Percentage Comparison 332% 299% 303% 318% 265% 194% 123% 75.8% 42.7% 4.74% Figure 5.1: HLOLE for ESS Discharging During All Peak Hours (For interpretation of the references to color in this and all other figures, the reader is referred to the electronic version of this thesis.) Table 5.6: Discrete Convolution Results for ESSs Discharging During a Portion of Peak Hours Installed Capacity 100kW 150kW 200kW 400kW 1MW 2MW 3MW 4MW 5MW 10MW Storage Volume 500kW 750kW 1MW 2MW 5MW 10MW 15MW 20MW 25MW 50MW Factor Increase 3.139% 3.139% 3.139% 3.139% 3.051% 2.606% 1.933% 1.623% 1.489% 1.467% HLOLE 5.542 5.542 5.542 5.542 5.610 5.986 6.713 7.020 7.147 7.162 34 Capacity Value 89.462 89.462 89.462 89.462 86.953 74.271 55.091 46.256 42.437 41.809 Percentage Comparison 113% 113% 113% 113% 107% 77% 31% 10% 1% -0.4% Table 5.7: Monte Carlo Results for ESSs Discharging During a Portion of Peak Hours Installed Capacity 100kW 150kW 200kW 400kW 1MW 2MW 3MW 4MW 5MW 10MW Storage Volume 500kW 750kW 1MW 2MW 5MW 10MW 15MW 20MW 25MW 50MW Factor Increase 4.0% 3.4% 3.1% 3.4% 3.5% 3.2% 2.1% 1.2% 0.8% 0.0% HLOLE 6.325 6.853 6.837 6.716 6.642 6.586 6.660 6.758 6.947 7.122 Capacity Value 114.00 96.90 88.35 96.90 99.75 91.20 59.85 34.20 22.80 00.00 Percentage Comparison 190.0% 161.0% 147.0% 161.0% 166.0% 152.0% 99.5% 56.9% 37.9% 00.0% Figure 5.2: HLOLE for ESS Discharging During a Portion of Peak Hours 35 Figure 5.3: Capacity Value Comparison for Discrete Convolution Figure 5.4: Capacity Value Comparison for Monte Carlo 36 From the figures and tables above, the capacity values started at their highest and significantly decreased. Most of the data in the beginning is similar due to the small increment increase in installed capacity compared to the system load. There is not a significant change until the installed capacity reaches 1 MW. As the volume size increases, the capacity value decreases almost exponentially until it reaches its original capacity value of about 42 MW for discrete convolution. However, Monte Carlo results show the capacity values decreasing beyond the original capacity value of 60 MW. This data shows it is important to choose a volume size most optimum for the wind farm’s generation to benefit from the ESSs. In addition, the distribution of power during a select number of hours can affect the capacity value. The capacity values of the ESS being discharged during the full peak hour period is higher than those acquired for a portion of the peak hour period. The data results using Monte Carlo is different from discrete convolution because of the randomness of the method and the higher tolerance difference. However, the Monte Carlo method still shows the reliability and capacity value decreasing as the ESS volume increases. These two methods are well-known in the reliability world. Discrete convolution is the more favorable method because it takes in account all the parameters of the system. However, this method can get very time consuming and unmanageable the large the system becomes. In this case, Monte Carlo can be used as an alternative method. This method uses randomness to emulate the system. Between the two, discrete convolution is the more accurate method. However, the more trials performed with Monte Carlo, the more accurate the results will be or fairly close to discrete convolution. In this test system, the Monte Carlo simulation only performed one million trials. To get closer results, the simulation may have needed to run a 37 hundred million trials or more. In spite of this, the proper programming language that has the computing power could yield better results for the Monte Carlo method. 38 Chapter 6 Conclusion and Recommendations The objective of this research was to evaluate the integration of ESS with wind power and how that would improve the capacity value. This research shows that ESS is a solution to the variability of wind power and the mismatch between load and generation. The results of the ESS combined with wind improved the capacity value 2 to 3 times the capacity value of wind alone. With ESSs discharging during peak hours, it responds to the load increase and provides a consistent level of power. Peak hours are the most critical periods because of the spike in load and it’s the period when wind farms are not generating as much power. Based on the test system, ESSs that are mature, 10MW or less in size, discharges and charges fast, and cost effective would be suitable storage options. Possible options using tables 3.1 and 3.2 could be flywheels and batteries. However, more research in the area of Halkirk Wind Farm would have to be taken into account to consider CAES or PHS because of their geological restrictions. For recommendations, the data used in this study should be data from an actual wind farm. In addition, multiple years of this data should be used as well. For this study, there was only one year of load data and it is necessary to have equal time frames of load and wind speed data. This would make the analysis have real world application and a more extensive comparison can be done for the capacity value estimation. For analyzing purposes, another method should be used instead of Monte Carlo or program with high computing power to yield closer results to discrete convolution. Since the method is based on randomness, it is more difficult to perform iterations to determine the percentage load increase to reach the previous LOLE value. Further research can be performed on different configurations of ESSs. For example, possibly using 39 flywheels to energize pumps to pump water from the lake to the reservoir of a PHS with wind power could be a configuration. Some PHSs use its own power to energize its pump. With configurations, there is a need for network communication amongst these systems to work together. 40 Appendices 41 Appendix A Matlab Code: Discrete Convolution of Original System clc clear all format long PL=zeros(24,364); Pl=zeros(60, 365); k=1; Fl=zeros(60, 365); COPAFT_os= zeros(110, 3);COPAFT_old= zeros(110, 3);COPAFT= zeros(110, 3); NUM=3000;A= zeros(1, 32);Load_model=zeros(3406,1); MTTF=[2940 2940 2940 2940 2940 450 450 450 450 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1960 1960 1960 1960 1200 1200 1200 960 960 960 960 950 950 950 1150 1100 1100]'; MTTR=[60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 100 150 150]'; generator=[12 12 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 50 76 76 76 76 100 100 100 155 155 155 155 197 197 197 350 400 400]; %Reading in LDTS data data=fopen('LDTS.txt', 'r'); data1= fscanf(data, '%f', [24 365]); PL=(data1)*2850; PL=[PL,PL(:,1)]; %Adding the 365th day %Load Model for l=1:3000; for j=1:365; x=PL(:,j)>= l; Pl(k,j)=sum(x); for n=1:23; y(n,j)= (PL(n,j)=l); end Fl(k,j)=sum(y(:,j)); end k=k+1; Load_model(l,1)=l; Load_model(l,2)= sum(Pl(l,:))/8760; Load_model(l,3)= sum(Fl(l,:))/8760; Pl_f(l)=(sum(Pl(l,:))/8760)'; Fl_f(l)=(sum(Fl(l,:))/8760)'; end %Generation System Model for i=1:32; q(i)=(1/MTTF(i))/((1/MTTF(i))+(1/MTTR(i))); p(i)=(1/MTTR(i))/((1/MTTF(i))+(1/MTTR(i))); end %-Intialize blank COPAFT COPAFT(1,2)=1; 42 COPAFT_old= COPAFT_os + COPAFT; for i=1:3500 COPAFT_old(i+1,1)=COPAFT_old(i)+1; if i<=12 COPAFT_old(i+1,2)=q(1,1); COPAFT_old(i+1,3)=q(1,1)*(1/MTTR(1,1)); end end Cn=13; %Updating COPAFT COPAFT_os=COPAFT_old(2:length(COPAFT_old),:); for i=2:32 Cn=Cn+generator(i); C=COPAFT_os; for k=1:Cn Pi(k)=COPAFT_os(k,2); Fi(k)=COPAFT_os(k,3); if (k-generator(i))<=0 Pj(k)=1; Fj(k)=0 ; else Pj(k)=COPAFT_os((k-generator(i)),2); Fj(k)=COPAFT_os((k-generator(i)),3); end P(k)=Pi(k)*p(i)+Pj(k)*q(i); F(k)=(Fi(k)*p(i))+(Fj(k)*q(i))+((Pj(k)-Pi(k))*q(i)*(1/MTTR(i))); C(k,2)=P(k); C(k,3)=F(k); end COPAFT_os=C; End %Ignore data less than 10e-7 for i=1:length(COPAFT_os); if COPAFT_os(i,2)>(1*10^-7) COPAFT(i+1,:)=COPAFT_os(i,:); end end %Generation Reserve Model P_marg(1)=0; F_marg(1)=0; j=2; for i=1:length(COPAFT) P_r(i)=P(i)-P(i+1); F_r(i)=F(i)-F(i+1); R=3405-i+j; if R>=2851 P_load(i)=0; F_load(i)=0; else P_load(i)=Pl_f(3405-i+j); F_load(i)=Fl_f(3405-i+j); end P_marg(i+1)=P_marg(i)+(P_r(i)*P_load(i)); 43 F_marg(i+1)=F_marg(i)+(F_r(i)*P_load(i))+(P_r(i)*F_load(i)); end P_marg_o= sort(P_marg,'descend'); F_marg_o= sort(F_marg,'descend'); for i=1:length(P_marg) T(i)=(P_marg_o(i)>(1*10^-7) && F_marg_o(i)>(1*10^-7)); if T==1 Gen_reserve(i,1)=P_marg_o(i); Gen_reserve(i,2)=F_marg_o(i); else end end %Results HLOLE_1=P_marg_o(1)*8760; LOLF=F_marg_o(1)*8760; 44 Appendix B Matlab Code: Discrete Convolution of System with Wind Power clc clear all format long PL=zeros(24,364); Pl=zeros(60, 365); k=1; Fl=zeros(60, 365); COPAFT_os= zeros(110, 3);COPAFT_old= zeros(110, 3);COPAFT= zeros(110, 3); NUM=3000; A= zeros(1, 32);Load_model=zeros(3406,1); P=zeros(24,365); MTTF=[2940 2940 2940 2940 2940 450 450 450 450 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1960 1960 1960 1960 1200 1200 1200 960 960 960 960 950 950 950 1150 1100 1100]'; MTTR=[60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 100 150 150]'; generator=[12 12 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 50 76 76 76 76 100 100 100 155 155 155 155 197 197 197 350 400 400]; r=0.986; Ar=6362; C=0.5; %Reading in LDTS data data=fopen('LDTS.txt', 'r'); data1= fscanf(data, '%f', [24 365]); data_=fopen('alberta.txt', 'r'); data_2=(fscanf(data_, '%f', [24 365]))*0.27777; PL=(data1)*2850; PL=[PL,PL(:,1)]; %Adding the 365th day %Calculating Wind Power for i=1:24 for j= 1:365 if data_2(i,j)<11 || data_2(i,j)>25 Pw(i,j)=0; end if data_2(i,j)>=11 && data_2(i,j)<=16 Pw(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*data_2(i,j)^3; end if data_2(i,j)>16 && data_2(i,j)<=25 Pw(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*16^3; end end end %Calculating New Load PL_= (PL-Pw); %Load Model for l=1:3000; for j=1:365; x=PL_(:,j)>= l; Pl(k,j)=sum(x); for n=1:23; y(n,j)= (PL_(n,j)=l); end Fl(k,j)=sum(y(:,j)); 45 end k=k+1; Load_model(l,1)=l; Load_model(l,2)= sum(Pl(l,:))/8760; Load_model(l,3)= sum(Fl(l,:))/8760; Pl_f(l)=(sum(Pl(l,:))/8760)'; Fl_f(l)=(sum(Fl(l,:))/8760)'; end %Generation System Model for i=1:32; q(i)=(1/MTTF(i))/((1/MTTF(i))+(1/MTTR(i))); p(i)=(1/MTTR(i))/((1/MTTF(i))+(1/MTTR(i))); end %-Intialize blank COPAFT COPAFT(1,2)=1; COPAFT_old= COPAFT_os + COPAFT; for i=1:3500 COPAFT_old(i+1,1)=COPAFT_old(i)+1; if i<=12 COPAFT_old(i+1,2)=q(1,1); COPAFT_old(i+1,3)=q(1,1)*(1/MTTR(1,1)); end end Cn=13; %Updating COPAFT COPAFT_os=COPAFT_old(2:length(COPAFT_old),:); for i=2:32 Cn=Cn+generator(i); C=COPAFT_os; for k=1:Cn Pi(k)=COPAFT_os(k,2); Fi(k)=COPAFT_os(k,3); if (k-generator(i))<=0 Pj(k)=1; Fj(k)=0 ; else Pj(k)=COPAFT_os((k-generator(i)),2); Fj(k)=COPAFT_os((k-generator(i)),3); end P(k)=Pi(k)*p(i)+Pj(k)*q(i); F(k)=(Fi(k)*p(i))+(Fj(k)*q(i))+((Pj(k)-Pi(k))*q(i)*(1/MTTR(i))); C(k,2)=P(k); C(k,3)=F(k); end COPAFT_os=C; end %Ignore data less than 10e-7 for i=1:length(COPAFT_os); if COPAFT_os(i,2)>(1*10^-7) COPAFT(i+1,:)=COPAFT_os(i,:); end end 46 %Generation Reserve Model P_marg(1)=0; F_marg(1)=0; j=2; for i=1:length(COPAFT) P_r(i)=P(i)-P(i+1); F_r(i)=F(i)-F(i+1); R=3405-i+j; if R>=2851 P_load(i)=0; F_load(i)=0; else P_load(i)=Pl_f(3405-i+j); F_load(i)=Fl_f(3405-i+j); end P_marg(i+1)=P_marg(i)+(P_r(i)*P_load(i)); F_marg(i+1)=F_marg(i)+(F_r(i)*P_load(i))+(P_r(i)*F_load(i)); end P_marg_o= sort(P_marg,'descend'); F_marg_o= sort(F_marg,'descend'); for i=1:length(P_marg) T(i)=(P_marg_o(i)>(1*10^-7) && F_marg_o(i)>(1*10^-7)); if T==1 Gen_reserve(i,1)=P_marg_o(i); Gen_reserve(i,2)=F_marg_o(i); else end end %Results HLOLE_1=P_marg_o(1)*8760; LOLF=F_marg_o(1)*8760; 47 Appendix C Matlab Code: Iterations of Discrete Convolution to Find LPI clc clear all format long MTTF=[2940 2940 2940 2940 2940 450 450 450 450 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1960 1960 1960 1960 1200 1200 1200 960 960 960 960 950 950 950 1150 1100 1100]'; MTTR=[60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 100 150 150]'; generator=[12 12 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 50 76 76 76 76 100 100 100 155 155 155 155 197 197 197 350 400 400]; r=0.986; Ar=6362; C=0.5; tlr=0.001; Fa=1; Q=50; tol=zeros(1,Q); %Reading in LDTS data data=fopen('LDTS.txt', 'r'); data1= fscanf(data, '%f', [24 365]); data_=fopen('alberta.txt', 'r'); data_2=(fscanf(data_, '%f', [24 365]))*0.27777; PL=(data1)*2850; PL=[PL,PL(:,1)]; %Adding the 365th day %Calculating Wind Power for i=1:24 for j= 1:365 if data_2(i,j)<11 || data_2(i,j)>25 Pw(i,j)=0; end if data_2(i,j)>=11 && data_2(i,j)<=16 Pw(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*data_2(i,j)^3; end if data_2(i,j)>16 && data_2(i,j)<=25 Pw(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*60^3; end end end %Iterations for U=1:Q COPAFT_os= zeros(110, 3);COPAFT_old= zeros(110, 3);COPAFT= zeros(110, 3); Pl=zeros(60, 365); k=1; Fl=zeros(60, 365); NUM=3000; A= zeros(1, 32);Load_model=zeros(3406,1); P=zeros(24,365); PL_=(PL-Pw)*Fa; %Load Model for l=1:3000; for j=1:365; x=PL_(:,j)>= l; Pl(k,j)=sum(x); for n=1:23; 48 y(n,j)= (PL_(n,j)=l); end Fl(k,j)=sum(y(:,j)); end k=k+1; Load_model(l,1)=l; Load_model(l,2)= sum(Pl(l,:))/8760; Load_model(l,3)= sum(Fl(l,:))/8760; Pl_f(l)=(sum(Pl(l,:))/8760)'; Fl_f(l)=(sum(Fl(l,:))/8760)'; end %Generation System Model for i=1:32; q(i)=(1/MTTF(i))/((1/MTTF(i))+(1/MTTR(i))); p(i)=(1/MTTR(i))/((1/MTTF(i))+(1/MTTR(i))); end %-Intialize blank COPAFT COPAFT(1,2)=1; COPAFT_old= COPAFT_os + COPAFT; for i=1:3500 COPAFT_old(i+1,1)=COPAFT_old(i)+1; if i<=12 COPAFT_old(i+1,2)=q(1,1); COPAFT_old(i+1,3)=q(1,1)*(1/MTTR(1,1)); end end Cn=13; %Updating COPAFT COPAFT_os=COPAFT_old(2:length(COPAFT_old),:); for i=2:32 Cn=Cn+generator(i); C=COPAFT_os; for k=1:Cn Pi(k)=COPAFT_os(k,2); Fi(k)=COPAFT_os(k,3); if (k-generator(i))<=0 Pj(k)=1; Fj(k)=0 ; else Pj(k)=COPAFT_os((k-generator(i)),2); Fj(k)=COPAFT_os((k-generator(i)),3); end P(k)=Pi(k)*p(i)+Pj(k)*q(i); F_(k)=(Fi(k)*p(i))+(Fj(k)*q(i))+((Pj(k)-Pi(k))*q(i)*(1/MTTR(i))); C(k,2)=P(k); C(k,3)=F_(k); end COPAFT_os=C; end %Ignore data less than 10e-7 for i=1:length(COPAFT_os); if COPAFT_os(i,2)>(1*10^-7) 49 COPAFT(i+1,:)=COPAFT_os(i,:); end end %Generation Reserve Model P_marg(1)=0; F_marg(1)=0; j=2; for i=1:length(COPAFT) P_r(i)=P(i)-P(i+1); F_r(i)=F_(i)-F_(i+1); R=3405-i+j; if R>=2851 P_load(i)=0; F_load(i)=0; else P_load(i)=Pl_f(3405-i+j); F_load(i)=Fl_f(3405-i+j); end P_marg(i+1)=P_marg(i)+(P_r(i)*P_load(i)); F_marg(i+1)=F_marg(i)+(F_r(i)*P_load(i))+(P_r(i)*F_load(i)); end P_marg_o= sort(P_marg,'descend'); F_marg_o= sort(F_marg,'descend'); for i=1:length(P_marg) T(i)=(P_marg_o(i)>(1*10^-7) && F_marg_o(i)>(1*10^-7)); if T==1 Gen_reserve(i,1)=P_marg_o(i); Gen_reserve(i,2)=F_marg_o(i); else end end %Results HLOLE_1=P_marg_o(1)*8760; LOLF=F_marg_o(1)*8760; tol(U)=9.302784188074227-HLOLE_1 if tol(U)<0 Fa=Fa-0.0001 elseif tol(U)>1 Fa=Fa+0.01 elseif tol(U)>0.1 Fa=Fa+0.001 elseif tol(U)>0.01 Fa=Fa+0.0001 elseif tol(U)>0.001 Fa=Fa+0.00001 else tol(U)<=tlr break end end 50 Appendix D Matlab Code: Discrete Convolution of Wind Power and ESS clc clear all format long MTTF=[2940 2940 2940 2940 2940 450 450 450 450 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1960 1960 1960 1960 1200 1200 1200 960 960 960 960 950 950 950 1150 1100 1100]'; MTTR=[60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 100 150 150]'; generator=[12 12 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 50 76 76 76 76 100 100 100 155 155 155 155 197 197 197 350 400 400]; r=0.986; Ar=6362; C=0.5; HLOLE_1=zeros(1,10);LOLF=zeros(1,10) Pw=zeros(24,365); Es=zeros(1,365); CAES=zeros(240,365); n=0; z=0; CAES_1=zeros(24,365); CAES_2=zeros(24,365);CAES_3=zeros(24,365);CAES_4=zeros(24,365);CAES_5=zeros(2 4,365);CAES_6=zeros(24,365); CAES_7=zeros(24,365); CAES_8=zeros(24,365);CAES_9=zeros(24,365);CAES_10=zeros(24,365); r=0.986; Ar=6362; C=0.5; y=[24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144]; size=[100*10^3 150*10^3 200*10^3 400*10^3 1*10^6 2*10^6 3*10^6 4*10^6 5*10^6 10*10^6]; vol=[800*10^3 1.2*10^6 1.6*10^6 3.2*10^6 8*10^6 16*10^6 24*10^6 32*10^6 40*10^6 80*10^6]; EF=[.54 .85 .85 .85 .95 .78]; %Reading in LDTS data data=fopen('LDTS.txt', 'r'); data1= fscanf(data, '%f', [24 365]); data_=fopen('alberta.txt', 'r'); data_2=(fscanf(data_, '%f', [24 365]))*0.27777; PL=(data1)*(2850); PL=[PL,PL(:,1)]; %Adding the 365th day %Calculating Wind Power for i=1:24 for j= 1:365 if data_2(i,j)<11 || data_2(i,j)>25 Pw(i,j)=0; end if data_2(i,j)>=11 && data_2(i,j)<=16 Pw(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*data_2(i,j)^3; end if data_2(i,j)>16 && data_2(i,j)<=25 Pw(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*16^3; end end end %Summing wind power during off peak hours 51 for k= 1:24 for h=1:365 if k<9 || k>16 Es(h)= Pw(k,h)+Es(h); end end end for w=1:10 for q=1:365 hour(w,q)= floor(Es(q)/size(w)); end end %Determining power to discharge during peak hours for w=1:10 for p=9:16 for q=1:365 if (hour (w,q)==1) CAES(9+n:16+n-7,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==2) CAES(9+n:16+n-6,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==3) CAES(9+n:16+n-5,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==4) CAES(9+n:16+n-4,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==5) CAES(9+n:16+n-3,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==6) CAES(9+n:16+n-2,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==7) CAES(9+n:16+n-1,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)>=8) CAES(9+n:16+n-0,q)=size(w); else end end end n=n+24; end CAES_1=CAES(1:24,1:365); CAES_2=CAES(25:48,1:365); CAES_3=CAES(49:72,1:365); CAES_4=CAES(73:96,1:365); CAES_5=CAES(97:120,1:365); CAES_6=CAES(121:144,1:365); CAES_7=CAES(145:168,1:365); CAES_8=CAES(169:192,1:365); CAES_9=CAES(193:216,1:365); CAES_10=CAES(217:240,1:365); for b= 1:10 %Calculating New Load k=1; Fl=zeros(60, 365); COPAFT_os= zeros(110, 3);COPAFT_old= zeros(110, 3);COPAFT= zeros(110, 3); NUM=3000; A= zeros(1, 32);Load_model=zeros(3406,1); P=zeros(24,365); PL_= (PL-Pw-CAES(1+z:24+z,1:365)); 52 %Load Model for l=1:3000; for j=1:365; x=PL_(:,j)>= l; Pl(k,j)=sum(x); for e=1:23; y(e,j)= (PL_(e,j)=l); end Fl(k,j)=sum(y(:,j)); end k=k+1; Load_model(l,1)=l; Load_model(l,2)= sum(Pl(l,:))/8760; Load_model(l,3)= sum(Fl(l,:))/8760; Pl_f(l)=(sum(Pl(l,:))/8760)'; Fl_f(l)=(sum(Fl(l,:))/8760)'; end %Generation System Model for i=1:32; q(i)=(1/MTTF(i))/((1/MTTF(i))+(1/MTTR(i))); p(i)=(1/MTTR(i))/((1/MTTF(i))+(1/MTTR(i))); end %-Intialize blank COPAFT COPAFT(1,2)=1; COPAFT_old= COPAFT_os + COPAFT; for i=1:3500 COPAFT_old(i+1,1)=COPAFT_old(i)+1; if i<=12 COPAFT_old(i+1,2)=q(1,1); COPAFT_old(i+1,3)=q(1,1)*(1/MTTR(1,1)); end end Cn=13; %Updating COPAFT COPAFT_os=COPAFT_old(2:length(COPAFT_old),:); for i=2:32 Cn=Cn+generator(i); C=COPAFT_os; for k=1:Cn Pi(k)=COPAFT_os(k,2); Fi(k)=COPAFT_os(k,3); if (k-generator(i))<=0 Pj(k)=1; Fj(k)=0 ; else Pj(k)=COPAFT_os((k-generator(i)),2); Fj(k)=COPAFT_os((k-generator(i)),3); end P(k)=Pi(k)*p(i)+Pj(k)*q(i); F(k)=(Fi(k)*p(i))+(Fj(k)*q(i))+((Pj(k)-Pi(k))*q(i)*(1/MTTR(i))); C(k,2)=P(k); C(k,3)=F(k); end COPAFT_os=C; end 53 %Ignore data less than 10e-7 for i=1:length(COPAFT_os); if COPAFT_os(i,2)>(1*10^-7) COPAFT(i+1,:)=COPAFT_os(i,:); end end %Generation Reserve Model P_marg(1)=0; F_marg(1)=0; j=2; for i=1:length(COPAFT) P_r(i)=P(i)-P(i+1); F_r(i)=F(i)-F(i+1); R=3405-i+j; if R>=2851 P_load(i)=0; F_load(i)=0; else P_load(i)=Pl_f(3405-i+j); F_load(i)=Fl_f(3405-i+j); end P_marg(i+1)=P_marg(i)+(P_r(i)*P_load(i)); F_marg(i+1)=F_marg(i)+(F_r(i)*P_load(i))+(P_r(i)*F_load(i)); end P_marg_o= sort(P_marg,'descend'); F_marg_o= sort(F_marg,'descend'); for i=1:length(P_marg) T(i)=(P_marg_o(i)>(1*10^-7) && F_marg_o(i)>(1*10^-7)); if T==1 Gen_reserve(i,1)=P_marg_o(i); Gen_reserve(i,2)=F_marg_o(i); else end end %Results HLOLE_1(b)=P_marg_o(1)*8760; LOLF(b)=F_marg_o(1)*8760; z=z+24 end 54 Appendix E Matlab Code: Iterations of Discrete Convolution of Wind Power and ESS to LPI increase clc clear all format long MTTF=[2940 2940 2940 2940 2940 450 450 450 450 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1960 1960 1960 1960 1200 1200 1200 960 960 960 960 950 950 950 1150 1100 1100]'; MTTR=[60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 100 150 150]'; generator=[12 12 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 50 76 76 76 76 100 100 100 155 155 155 155 197 197 197 350 400 400]; r=0.986; Ar=6362; C=0.5; HLOLE_1=zeros(1,10);LOLF=zeros(1,10);Fa=ones(1,10); Q=50; tol=zeros(1,Q);tlr=0.001; Pw=zeros(24,365); Es=zeros(1,365); CAES=zeros(240,365); n=0;z=0; CAES_1=zeros(24,365); CAES_2=zeros(24,365);CAES_3=zeros(24,365);CAES_4=zeros(24,365);CAES_5=zeros(2 4,365);CAES_6=zeros(24,365); CAES_7=zeros(24,365);CAES_8=zeros(24,365);CAES_9=zeros(24,365);CAES_10=zeros( 24,365); r=0.986; Ar=6362; C=0.5; y=[24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144]; size=[100*10^3 150*10^3 200*10^3 400*10^3 1*10^6 2*10^6 3*10^6 4*10^6 5*10^6 10*10^6]; vol=[800*10^3 1.2*10^6 1.6*10^6 3.2*10^6 8*10^6 16*10^6 24*10^6 32*10^6 40*10^6 80*10^6]; EF=[.54 .85 .85 .85 .95 .78]; %Reading in LDTS data data=fopen('LDTS.txt', 'r'); data1= fscanf(data, '%f', [24 365]); data_=fopen('alberta.txt', 'r'); data_2=(fscanf(data_, '%f', [24 365]))*0.27777; PL=(data1)*2850; PL=[PL,PL(:,1)]; %Adding the 365th day %Calculating Wind Power for i=1:24 for j= 1:365 if data_2(i,j)<11 || data_2(i,j)>25 Pw(i,j)=0; end if data_2(i,j)>=11 && data_2(i,j)<=16 Pw(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*data_2(i,j)^3; end if data_2(i,j)>16 && data_2(i,j)<=25 Pw(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*16^3; end end end 55 %Summing wind power during off peak hours for k= 1:24 for h=1:365 if k<9 || k>17 Es(h)= Pw(k,h)+Es(h); end end end for w=1:10 for q=1:365 hour(w,q)= floor(Es(q)/size(w)); end end %Determining power to discharge during peak hours for w=1:10 for p=9:16 for q=1:365 if (hour (w,q)==1) CAES(9+n:16+n-7,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==2) CAES(9+n:16+n-6,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==3) CAES(9+n:16+n-5,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==4) CAES(9+n:16+n-4,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==5) CAES(9+n:16+n-3,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==6) CAES(9+n:16+n-2,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==7) CAES(9+n:16+n-1,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)>=8) CAES(9+n:16+n-0,q)=size(w); else end end end n=n+24; end CAES_1=CAES(1:24,1:365); CAES_2=CAES(25:48,1:365); CAES_3=CAES(49:72,1:365); CAES_4=CAES(73:96,1:365); CAES_5=CAES(97:120,1:365); CAES_6=CAES(121:144,1:365); CAES_7=CAES(145:168,1:365); CAES_8=CAES(169:192,1:365); CAES_9=CAES(193:216,1:365); CAES_10=CAES(217:240,1:365); for b= 1:10 for U=1:Q %Calculating New Load 56 k=1; Fl=zeros(60, 365); COPAFT_os= zeros(110, 3);COPAFT_old= zeros(110, 3);COPAFT= zeros(110, 3); NUM=3000; A= zeros(1, 32);Load_model=zeros(3406,1); P=zeros(24,365); PL_= (PL-Pw-CAES(1+z:24+z,1:365))*Fa(b); %Load Model for l=1:3000; for j=1:365; x=PL_(:,j)>= l; Pl(k,j)=sum(x); for e=1:23; y(e,j)= (PL_(e,j)=l); end Fl(k,j)=sum(y(:,j)); end k=k+1; Load_model(l,1)=l; Load_model(l,2)= sum(Pl(l,:))/8760; Load_model(l,3)= sum(Fl(l,:))/8760; Pl_f(l)=(sum(Pl(l,:))/8760)'; Fl_f(l)=(sum(Fl(l,:))/8760)'; end %Generation System Model for i=1:32; q(i)=(1/MTTF(i))/((1/MTTF(i))+(1/MTTR(i))); p(i)=(1/MTTR(i))/((1/MTTF(i))+(1/MTTR(i))); end %-Intialize blank COPAFT COPAFT(1,2)=1; COPAFT_old= COPAFT_os + COPAFT; for i=1:3500 COPAFT_old(i+1,1)=COPAFT_old(i)+1; if i<=12 COPAFT_old(i+1,2)=q(1,1); COPAFT_old(i+1,3)=q(1,1)*(1/MTTR(1,1)); end end Cn=13; %Updating COPAFT COPAFT_os=COPAFT_old(2:length(COPAFT_old),:); for i=2:32 Cn=Cn+generator(i); C=COPAFT_os; for k=1:Cn Pi(k)=COPAFT_os(k,2); Fi(k)=COPAFT_os(k,3); if (k-generator(i))<=0 Pj(k)=1; Fj(k)=0 ; else Pj(k)=COPAFT_os((k-generator(i)),2); Fj(k)=COPAFT_os((k-generator(i)),3); end P(k)=Pi(k)*p(i)+Pj(k)*q(i); F(k)=(Fi(k)*p(i))+(Fj(k)*q(i))+((Pj(k)-Pi(k))*q(i)*(1/MTTR(i))); C(k,2)=P(k); C(k,3)=F(k); 57 end COPAFT_os=C; end %Ignore data less than 10e-7 for i=1:length(COPAFT_os); if COPAFT_os(i,2)>(1*10^-7) COPAFT(i+1,:)=COPAFT_os(i,:); end end %Generation Reserve Model P_marg(1)=0; F_marg(1)=0; j=2; for i=1:length(COPAFT) P_r(i)=P(i)-P(i+1); F_r(i)=F(i)-F(i+1); R=3405-i+j; if R>=2851 P_load(i)=0; F_load(i)=0; else P_load(i)=Pl_f(3405-i+j); F_load(i)=Fl_f(3405-i+j); end P_marg(i+1)=P_marg(i)+(P_r(i)*P_load(i)); F_marg(i+1)=F_marg(i)+(F_r(i)*P_load(i))+(P_r(i)*F_load(i)); end P_marg_o= sort(P_marg,'descend'); F_marg_o= sort(F_marg,'descend'); for i=1:length(P_marg) T(i)=(P_marg_o(i)>(1*10^-7) && F_marg_o(i)>(1*10^-7)); if T==1 Gen_reserve(i,1)=P_marg_o(i); Gen_reserve(i,2)=F_marg_o(i); else end end %Results HLOLE_1(b)=P_marg_o(1)*8760; LOLF(b)=F_marg_o(1)*8760; EPNS=sum(P_marg_o)-(0.5*(P_marg_o(1)+P_marg_o(1311))); EUE=EPNS*8760; tol(Q)=9.302784188074227-HLOLE_1(b) if tol(Q)<0 Fa(b)=Fa(b)-0.0001 elseif tol(Q)>1 Fa(b)=Fa(b)+0.01 elseif tol(Q)>0.1 Fa(b)=Fa(b)+0.001 elseif tol(Q)>0.01 58 Fa(b)=Fa(b)+0.0001 elseif tol(Q)>0.001 Fa(b)=Fa(b)+0.00001 elseif tol(Q)<=tlr break end end z=z+24 end 59 Appendix F Matlab Code: Monte Carlo of Original System clc clear all format long PL=zeros(24,364); k=1; S= ones(1,32); N=10000000;s=1;s_1=1;T0=0.000000001;T_s=0;T_f=0;C_s=0;C_f=0; MTTF=[2940 2940 2940 2940 2940 450 450 450 450 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1960 1960 1960 1960 1200 1200 1200 960 960 960 960 950 950 950 1150 1100 1100]'; MTTR=[60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 100 150 150]'; generator=[12 12 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 50 76 76 76 76 100 100 100 155 155 155 155 197 197 197 350 400 400]; %Reading in LDTS data data=fopen('LDTS.txt', 'r'); data1= fscanf(data, '%f', [24 365]); PL=(data1)*2850; PL=[PL,PL(:,1)]; %Adding the 365th day %Calculate Repair/Failure Rate R_r = 1./MTTF; F_r= 1./MTTR; M=R_r; %Simulate Mixed time sequential Monte Carlo for i=1:N R=rand(1,32); M1=diag(M); t=-log(R)/M1; %Determine the minimum time for the generator to change state [tmin index]=min(t); %Locate the specific generator G=generator*(diag(S)); Gen=sum(G); %Total generation X1=ceil(mod(T0,8760)); T1=T0+tmin; X2=ceil(mod(T1,8760)); for j=X1:X2 Load=PL(j); if Gen>Load s=1; if j==X1 T_s=T_s+ceil(T0)-T0; elseif j==X2 T_s=T_s+T1-floor(T1); else T_s=T_s+1; end if s_1==0 C_s=C_s+1; 60 end s_1=s; else s=0; if j==X1 T_f=T_f+ceil(T0)-T0; elseif j==X2 T_f=T_f+T1-floor(T1); else T_f=T_f+1; end if s_1==1 C_f=C_f+1; end s_1=s; end end T0=T1; if S(index)==1 M(index)=F_r(index); S(index)=0; else M(index)=R_r(index); S(index)=1; end end %Results LOLP=T_f/T0; HLOLE=LOLP*8760 HLOLF=(C_s/T0)*8760 61 Appendix G Matlab Code: Monte Carlo of System with Wind Power clc clear all format long PL=zeros(24,364); k=1; S= ones(1,32); N=1000000;s=1;s_1=1;T0=0.000000001;T_s=0;T_f=0;C_s=0;C_f=0; MTTF=[2940 2940 2940 2940 2940 450 450 450 450 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1960 1960 1960 1960 1200 1200 1200 960 960 960 960 950 950 950 1150 1100 1100]'; MTTR=[60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 100 150 150]'; generator=[12 12 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 50 76 76 76 76 100 100 100 155 155 155 155 197 197 197 350 400 400]; r=0.986; Ar=6362; C=0.5; %Reading in LDTS data data=fopen('LDTS.txt', 'r'); data1= fscanf(data, '%f', [24 365]); data_=fopen('alberta.txt', 'r'); data_2=(fscanf(data_, '%f', [24 365]))*0.277778; PL=(data1)*2850; PL=[PL,PL(:,1)]; %Adding the 365th day %Calculating Wind Power for i=1:24 for j= 1:365 if data_2(i,j)<11 || data_2(i,j)>25 P(i,j)=0; end if data_2(i,j)>=11 && data_2(i,j)<=16 P(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*data_2(i,j)^3; end if data_2(i,j)>16 && data_2(i,j)<=25 P(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*16^3; end end end %Combining the system load and wind PL_=PL-P; %Calculate Repair/Failure Rate R_r = 1./MTTF; F_r= 1./MTTR; M=R_r; %Simulate Mixed time sequential Monte Carlo for i=1:N R=rand(1,32); M1=diag(M); 62 t=-log(R)/M1; %Determine the minimum time for the generator to change state [tmin index]=min(t); %Locate the specific generator G=generator*(diag(S)); Gen=sum(G); %Total generation X1=ceil(mod(T0,8760)); T1=T0+tmin; X2=ceil(mod(T1,8760)); for j=X1:X2 if Gen>PL_(j) s=1; if j==X1 T_s=T_s+ceil(T0)-T0; elseif j==X2 T_s=T_s+T1-floor(T1); else T_s=T_s+1; end if s_1==0 C_s=C_s+1; end s_1=s; else s=0; if j==X1 T_f=T_f+ceil(T0)-T0; elseif j==X2 T_f=T_f+T1-floor(T1); else T_f=T_f+1; end if s_1==1 C_f=C_f+1; end s_1=s; end end T0=T1; if S(index)==1 M(index)=F_r(index); S(index)=0; else M(index)=R_r(index); S(index)=1; end end %Results LOLP=T_f/T0; HLOLE=LOLP*8760 LOLF=(C_s/T0)*8760 63 Appendix H Matlab Code: Iterations of Monte Carlo to Find LPI clc clear all format long PL=zeros(24,364); k=1; S= ones(1,32); N=1000000;s=1;s_1=1;T0=0.000000001;T_s=0;T_f=0;C_s=0;C_f=0; MTTF=[2940 2940 2940 2940 2940 450 450 450 450 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1960 1960 1960 1960 1200 1200 1200 960 960 960 960 950 950 950 1150 1100 1100]'; MTTR=[60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 100 150 150]'; generator=[12 12 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 50 76 76 76 76 100 100 100 155 155 155 155 197 197 197 350 400 400]; r=0.986; Ar=6362; C=0.5; Q=50; tlr=0.1 ;Fa=1;tol=zeros(1,Q); %Reading in LDTS data data=fopen('LDTS.txt', 'r'); data1= fscanf(data, '%f', [24 365]); data_=fopen('alberta.txt', 'r'); data_2=(fscanf(data_, '%f', [24 365]))*0.277778; PL=(data1)*2850; PL=[PL,PL(:,1)]; %Adding the 365th day %Calculating Wind Power for i=1:24 for j= 1:365 if data_2(i,j)<11 || data_2(i,j)>25 Pw(i,j)=0; end if data_2(i,j)>=11 && data_2(i,j)<=16 Pw(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*data_2(i,j)^3; end if data_2(i,j)>16 && data_2(i,j)<=25 Pw(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*16^3; end end end %Calculate Repair/Failure Rate R_r = 1./MTTF; F_r= 1./MTTR; M=R_r; for U=1:Q COPAFT_os= zeros(110, 3);COPAFT_old= zeros(110, 3);COPAFT= zeros(110, 3); Pl=zeros(60, 365); k=1; Fl=zeros(60, 365); NUM=3000; A= zeros(1, 32);Load_model=zeros(3406,1); P=zeros(24,365); PL_=(PL-Pw)*Fa; %Simulate Mixed time sequential Monte Carlo for i=1:N 64 R=rand(1,32); M1=diag(M); t=-log(R)/M1; %Determine the minimum time for the generator to change state [tmin index]=min(t); %Locate the specific generator G=generator*(diag(S)); Gen=sum(G); %Total generation X1=ceil(mod(T0,8760)); T1=T0+tmin; X2=ceil(mod(T1,8760)); for j=X1:X2 if Gen>PL_(j) s=1; if j==X1 T_s=T_s+ceil(T0)-T0; elseif j==X2 T_s=T_s+T1-floor(T1); else T_s=T_s+1; end if s_1==0 C_s=C_s+1; end s_1=s; else s=0; if j==X1 T_f=T_f+ceil(T0)-T0; elseif j==X2 T_f=T_f+T1-floor(T1); else T_f=T_f+1; end if s_1==1 C_f=C_f+1; end s_1=s; end end T0=T1; if S(index)==1 M(index)=F_r(index); S(index)=0; else M(index)=R_r(index); S(index)=1; end end %Results LOLP=T_f/T0; HLOLE=LOLP*8760 LOLF=(C_s/T0)*8760 tol(U)=9.422655345350872-HLOLE 65 if tol(U)<0 Fa=Fa-0.0001 elseif tol(U)>1 Fa=Fa+0.01 elseif tol(U)>0.1 Fa=Fa+0.001 elseif tol(U)>0.01 Fa=Fa+0.0001 elseif tol(U)>0.001 Fa=Fa+0.00001 else tol(U)<=0.1 break end end 66 Appendix I Matlab Code-Monte Carlo of Wind Power and ESS clc clear all format long PL=zeros(24,364); k=1; S= ones(1,32); N=1000000;s=1;s_1=1;T0=0.000000001;T_s=0;T_f=0;C_s=0;C_f=0; MTTF=[2940 2940 2940 2940 2940 450 450 450 450 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1960 1960 1960 1960 1200 1200 1200 960 960 960 960 950 950 950 1150 1100 1100]'; MTTR=[60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 100 150 150]'; generator=[12 12 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 50 76 76 76 76 100 100 100 155 155 155 155 197 197 197 350 400 400]; r=0.986; Ar=6362; C=0.5; HLOLE=zeros(1,10);LOLF=zeros(1,10);Fa=ones(1,10); Q=50; tol=zeros(1,Q);tlr=0.5; Pw=zeros(24,365); Es=zeros(1,365); CAES=zeros(240,365); n=0;z=0; CAES_1=zeros(24,365); CAES_2=zeros(24,365);CAES_3=zeros(24,365);CAES_4=zeros(24,365);CAES_5=zeros(2 4,365);CAES_6=zeros(24,365); CAES_7=zeros(24,365);CAES_8=zeros(24,365);CAES_9=zeros(24,365);CAES_10=zeros( 24,365); r=0.986; Ar=6362; C=0.5; y=[24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144]; size=[100*10^3 150*10^3 200*10^3 400*10^3 1*10^6 2*10^6 3*10^6 4*10^6 5*10^6 10*10^6]; vol=[800*10^3 1.2*10^6 1.6*10^6 3.2*10^6 8*10^6 16*10^6 24*10^6 32*10^6 40*10^6 80*10^6]; EF=[.54 .85 .85 .85 .95 .78]; %Reading in LDTS data data=fopen('LDTS.txt', 'r'); data1= fscanf(data, '%f', [24 365]); data_=fopen('alberta.txt', 'r'); data_2=(fscanf(data_, '%f', [24 365]))*0.27777; PL=(data1)*2850; PL=[PL,PL(:,1)]; %Adding the 365th day %Calculating Wind Power for i=1:24 for j= 1:365 if data_2(i,j)<11 || data_2(i,j)>25 P(i,j)=0; end if data_2(i,j)>=11 && data_2(i,j)<=16 P(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*data_2(i,j)^3; end if data_2(i,j)>16 && data_2(i,j)<=25 P(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*16^3; end end end 67 %Summing wind power during off peak hours for k= 1:24 for h=1:365 if k<9 || k>17 Es(h)= P(k,h)+Es(h); end end end for w=1:10 for q=1:365 hour(w,q)= floor(Es(q)/size(w)); end end %Determining power to discharge during peak hours for w=1:10 for p=9:16 for q=1:365 if (hour (w,q)==1) CAES(9+n:16+n-7,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==2) CAES(9+n:16+n-6,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==3) CAES(9+n:16+n-5,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==4) CAES(9+n:16+n-4,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==5) CAES(9+n:16+n-3,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==6) CAES(9+n:16+n-2,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==7) CAES(9+n:16+n-1,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)>=8) CAES(9+n:16+n-0,q)=size(w); else end end end n=n+24; end CAES_1=CAES(1:24,1:365); CAES_2=CAES(25:48,1:365); CAES_3=CAES(49:72,1:365); CAES_4=CAES(73:96,1:365); CAES_5=CAES(97:120,1:365); CAES_6=CAES(121:144,1:365); CAES_7=CAES(145:168,1:365); CAES_8=CAES(169:192,1:365); CAES_9=CAES(193:216,1:365); CAES_10=CAES(217:240,1:365); for b=1:10 k=1; NUM=3000; A= zeros(1, 32);Load_model=zeros(3406,1); P=zeros(24,365); 68 PL_= (PL-P-CAES(1+z:24+z,1:365))*Fa(b); %Calculate Repair/Failure Rate R_r = 1./MTTF; F_r= 1./MTTR; M=R_r; %Simulate Mixed time sequential Monte Carlo for i=1:N R=rand(1,32); M1=diag(M); t=-log(R)/M1; %Determine the minimum time for the generator to change state [tmin index]=min(t); %Locate the specific generator G=generator*(diag(S)); Gen=sum(G); %Total generation X1=ceil(mod(T0,8760)); T1=T0+tmin; X2=ceil(mod(T1,8760)); for j=X1:X2 Load=PL_(j); if Gen>Load s=1; if j==X1 T_s=T_s+ceil(T0)-T0; elseif j==X2 T_s=T_s+T1-floor(T1); else T_s=T_s+1; end if s_1==0 C_s=C_s+1; end s_1=s; else s=0; if j==X1 T_f=T_f+ceil(T0)-T0; elseif j==X2 T_f=T_f+T1-floor(T1); else T_f=T_f+1; end if s_1==1 C_f=C_f+1; end s_1=s; end end T0=T1; if S(index)==1 M(index)=F_r(index); S(index)=0; else M(index)=R_r(index); 69 S(index)=1; end end %Results LOLP=T_f/T0; HLOLE(b)=LOLP*8760 LOLF(b)=(C_s/T0)*8760 z=z+24 end 70 Appendix J Matlab Code- Monte Carlo Iterations of Wind Power with ESS to Find LPI lc clear all format long PL=zeros(24,364); k=1; S= ones(1,32); N=1000000;s=1;s_1=1;T0=0.000000001;T_s=0;T_f=0;C_s=0;C_f=0; MTTF=[2940 2940 2940 2940 2940 450 450 450 450 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1960 1960 1960 1960 1200 1200 1200 960 960 960 960 950 950 950 1150 1100 1100]'; MTTR=[60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 100 150 150]'; generator=[12 12 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 50 76 76 76 76 100 100 100 155 155 155 155 197 197 197 350 400 400]; r=0.986; Ar=6362; C=0.5; HLOLE=zeros(1,10);LOLF=zeros(1,10);Fa=ones(1,10); Q=50; tol=zeros(1,Q);tlr=0.5; Pw=zeros(24,365); Es=zeros(1,365); CAES=zeros(240,365); n=0;z=216; CAES_1=zeros(24,365); CAES_2=zeros(24,365);CAES_3=zeros(24,365);CAES_4=zeros(24,365);CAES_5=zeros(2 4,365);CAES_6=zeros(24,365); CAES_7=zeros(24,365);CAES_8=zeros(24,365);CAES_9=zeros(24,365);CAES_10=zeros( 24,365); r=0.986; Ar=6362; C=0.5; y=[24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144]; size=[100*10^3 150*10^3 200*10^3 400*10^3 1*10^6 2*10^6 3*10^6 4*10^6 5*10^6 10*10^6]; vol=[800*10^3 1.2*10^6 1.6*10^6 3.2*10^6 8*10^6 16*10^6 24*10^6 32*10^6 40*10^6 80*10^6]; EF=[.54 .85 .85 .85 .95 .78]; %Reading in LDTS data data=fopen('LDTS.txt', 'r'); data1= fscanf(data, '%f', [24 365]); data_=fopen('alberta.txt', 'r'); data_2=(fscanf(data_, '%f', [24 365]))*0.27777; PL=(data1)*2850; PL=[PL,PL(:,1)]; %Adding the 365th day %Calculating Wind Power for i=1:24 for j= 1:365 if data_2(i,j)<11 || data_2(i,j)>25 P(i,j)=0; end if data_2(i,j)>=11 && data_2(i,j)<=16 P(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*data_2(i,j)^3; end if data_2(i,j)>16 && data_2(i,j)<=25 P(i,j)=.5*r*Ar*C*16^3; end end end 71 %Summing wind power during off peak hours for k= 1:24 for h=1:365 if k<9 || k>17 Es(h)= P(k,h)+Es(h); end end end for w=1:10 for q=1:365 hour(w,q)= floor(Es(q)/size(w)); end end %Determining power to discharge during peak hours for w=1:10 for p=9:16 for q=1:365 if (hour (w,q)==1) CAES(9+n:16+n-7,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==2) CAES(9+n:16+n-6,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==3) CAES(9+n:16+n-5,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==4) CAES(9+n:16+n-4,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==5) CAES(9+n:16+n-3,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==6) CAES(9+n:16+n-2,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)==7) CAES(9+n:16+n-1,q)=size(w); elseif (hour (w,q)>=8) CAES(9+n:16+n-0,q)=size(w); else end end end n=n+24; end CAES_1=CAES(1:24,1:365); CAES_2=CAES(25:48,1:365); CAES_3=CAES(49:72,1:365); CAES_4=CAES(73:96,1:365); CAES_5=CAES(97:120,1:365); CAES_6=CAES(121:144,1:365); CAES_7=CAES(145:168,1:365); CAES_8=CAES(169:192,1:365); CAES_9=CAES(193:216,1:365); CAES_10=CAES(217:240,1:365); for b=10:10 for U=1:Q k=1; NUM=3000; A= zeros(1, 32);Load_model=zeros(3406,1); P=zeros(24,365); 72 PL_= (PL-P-CAES(1+z:24+z,1:365))*Fa(b); %Calculate Repair/Failure Rate R_r = 1./MTTF; F_r= 1./MTTR; M=R_r; %Simulate Mixed time sequential Monte Carlo for i=1:N R=rand(1,32); M1=diag(M); t=-log(R)/M1; %Determine the minimum time for the generator to change state [tmin index]=min(t); %Locate the specific generator G=generator*(diag(S)); Gen=sum(G); %Total generation X1=ceil(mod(T0,8760)); T1=T0+tmin; X2=ceil(mod(T1,8760)); for j=X1:X2 Load=PL_(j); if Gen>Load s=1; if j==X1 T_s=T_s+ceil(T0)-T0; elseif j==X2 T_s=T_s+T1-floor(T1); else T_s=T_s+1; end if s_1==0 C_s=C_s+1; end s_1=s; else s=0; if j==X1 T_f=T_f+ceil(T0)-T0; elseif j==X2 T_f=T_f+T1-floor(T1); else T_f=T_f+1; end if s_1==1 C_f=C_f+1; end s_1=s; end end T0=T1; if S(index)==1 M(index)=F_r(index); S(index)=0; else M(index)=R_r(index); 73 S(index)=1; end end %Results LOLP=T_f/T0; HLOLE(b)=LOLP*8760 LOLF(b)=(C_s/T0)*8760 tol(Q)=9.422655345350872-HLOLE(b) if tol(Q)<0 Fa(b)=Fa(b)-0.0001 elseif tol(Q)>1 Fa(b)=Fa(b)+0.01 elseif tol(Q)>0.5 Fa(b)=Fa(b)+0.001 elseif tol(Q)<=tlr break end end z=z+24 end 74 Appendix K Test System Data Table A.1: Generating Unit Reliability Data Unit Size MW 12 20 50 76 100 155 197 350 400 Number of Unit 5 4 6 4 3 4 3 1 2 Forced outage Rate 0.02 0.10 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.08 0.12 MTTF MTTR 2940 450 1980 1960 1200 960 950 1150 1100 60 50 20 40 50 40 50 100 150 Figure A.1: IEEE RTS Load Data 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 75 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 REFERENCES 76 REFERENCES 1. 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