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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE * I I MSU IoAn Affirmative Mg“ Opportunity Intuition Was-9.1 A PARALLEL ALGORITHM FOR ULTRASONIC MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION By Chipai Chou A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Electrical Engineering 1995 ABSTRACT A PARALLEL ALGORITHM FOR ULTRASONIC MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION By Chipai Chou Attenuation coefficient has been considered to be an important feature in material characterization. However, estimation of an attenuation coefficient in material, especially in biological tissues, is still a difficult task. Unlike conventional approaches, the proposed approach extracts several features from the return echoes, then applies a clustering technique to the extracted features. A modified Hopfield neural network, called the maximum neural network, is adopted to process the extracted data set. The advantages and convergence property of the maximum neural network are discussed in this dissertation. Due to the inherent parallelism in the maximum neural network, material characterization using parallel processing becomes possible. Both synthetic data sets and a data set taken from a human sample are used to demonstrate the capability of the proposed system. Some results were obtained from the proposed scheme which could be achieved by the traditional methods. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my advisor, Dr. Bong Ho, for his guidance and support. Thanks also given to the guidance committee members, Dr. H. Roland Zapp, Dr. James A. Resh, and Dr. Wei-Eihn Kuan, for taking time to serve in the committee. Most importantly, I would like to thank my parents and my wife. Because of their encouragement and support, I was able to complete this dissertation. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Ultrasonic imaging Artificial neural network Research objective Thesis organization ' Chapter 2 BACKGROUND 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 The acoustic plane wave equations Transmission and reflection coefficients The processing element of artificial neural network The structure of l-Iopfield neural network Chapter 3 TIME-DOMAIN AND FREQUENCY-DOMAIN ANALYSES 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Time-domain technique Advantages and limitations of time-domain technique Advantages and limitations of frequency-domain technique Frequency-domain technique Chapter 4 MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION USING PARALLEL PROCESSING 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Material characterization Methodology Feature selection The structure of maximum neural network Classification using maximum cut Chapter 5 SIMULATION EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 5.1 Maximum independent set problem vi vii 12 16 19 23 23 32 35 36 43 43 45 46 51 58 64 64 5.2 Simulation results 5.3 Ultrasonic tissue characterization Chapter 6 CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Summary 6.2 Directions for future work APPENDIX A Program list for the maximum independent set problem B Program list for data acquisition and displaying BIBLIOGRAPHY 7 1 80 87 87 88 9O 96 104 Table 5.1 Table 5.2 A Table 5.3 Table 5.4 Table 5.5 Table 5.6 LIST OF TABLES Comparison of simulation results for lO-vertex graphs. Comparison of simulation results for 25-vertex graphs. Comparison of simulation results for SO-vertex graphs. Comparison of simulation results for 75-vertex graphs. Summary of simulation results to demonstrate solution qualities. Comparison of the computation time for 50%-density graph problems. vi 74 75 76 77 78 79 Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 Figure 2.4 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4 Figure 3.5 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 4.3 Figure 4.4 Figure 5.1 Figure 5.2 Figure 5.3 Figure 5.4 Figure 5.5 Figure 5.6 LIST OF FIGURES Acoustic wave at interface of two different media. Schematic diagram of a neuron. Input/output functions of neurons. Architecture of the Hopfield neural network. Bidirectional interrogation for layered model. The impulse response pairs of dual interrogation. Experimental setup for measuring r]. Structure of the multi-layered model. Reflected signal gated by windows. System diagram. Stages of data clustering. Features extracted from the spectrum of a return echo. Architecture of maximum neural network. The test result of the proposed algorithm (a) the given graph G (b) the found independent set S of the graph G. The test result of the proposed algorithm (a) the given graph G (b) the found independent set S of the graph G. Picture of human brain sample with hemorrhaged tumor. Schematic diagram of the data acquisition system. Projection of five features in a two-dimensional space. C—scan image of human brain sample. vii 13 17 18 20 24 27 3O 37 38 47 48 50 53 72 73 81 82 84 85 Figure 5.7 Reconstructed image of human brain sample. viii 86 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Ultrasonic imaging Pulsed-echo ultrasound is an important and valuable tool in non-destructive evaluation (NDE) [l], non-invasive clinical diagnostics [2], and many other applications [3]. It employs high frequency acoustic wave to extract information about the internal structure and characteristics of materials. The attractive features of using ultrasound are that it provides safety of operation and acquires low examination cost as compared to other detection techniques. The commonly used x-ray computerized tomography (CT) uses a high energy x-ray beam to obtain images of material structure. Basically. transmission technique based on material absorption characteristics is utilized in x-ray systems and image reconstruction. Quite often, injection of a contrast medium such as iodine, for visualization of non-bony tissue, is necessary and the procedure is invasive and hazardous. The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques, which are very popular in recent years, measure the selective resonances of radioactive isotopes in particular organs and provide a significant medical imaging technique. Since they use extremely strong magnetic fields, several teslas, the possible bioeffects on the human body are not well determined at the present time. The cost of equipment and the expense of examination for both of these techniques are extremely high. Short-term and long-term exposure risks for both Operators and patients are also of great concerns. Although ultrasonic imaging systems, which use much lower frequency, can not provide high resolution images as those from CT and MRI, yet the lower cost and safety of operation continue to favor ultrasound for material evaluation. The research work in this dissertation tries to apply neural network technique to ultrasonic detection in such a way that the imaging resolution can be improved. Non- destructive evaluation of materials by ultrasound has shown rapid growth in recent years. especially in the testing of composite materials which have become a major construction material in aerospace and automotive industries. A great deal of information about the mechanical properties of materials can be retrieved from the acoustic return echoes. A C- scan imaging system has been implemented to display two dimensional images for defects and flaws inside composite materials [1]. However, in order to assure the success and consistency of non-destructive evaluation, acoustic properties such as impedance, attenuation, and reflection coefficient have to be obtained with high accuracy. Several techniques have been proposed to improve the lateral resolution and the range resolution for better image quality. Lateral resolution is the ability to distinguish nearby objects in the transverse direction with respect to the ultrasound beam. Due to the inherent drawbacks of dispersive nature and the spatial profile of acoustic beams, the lateral resolution of ultrasonic imaging systems is poor. Techniques have been proposed to improve lateral resolution. Correlation technique has been used in C-scan imaging [4]. Digital filtering technique has also been implemented [5]. A method of firing a transducer array repetitively to obtain an adaptive focusing effect for resolution enhancement has also been reported [6]. Range resolution is the ability to distinguish two different acoustic return echoes along the beam direction. Theoretically, range resolution can be improved by using broad-bandwidth and low-Q transducers which can provide narrow transmitting pulses. Due to fabrication difficulties, such transducers are not available at the present time. Beretsky employed frequency deconvolution to improve ultrasonic imaging [7]. Steiner proposed a generalized cross-correlation to improve image quality [8]. Yamada presented an on-line deconvolution for high resolution ultrasonic pulse-echo measurements under constraints of narrow-band transducer [10]. However, range resolution in ultrasonic imaging still has much room for improvement. Differences in acoustic impedance, velocity, and attenuation of various normal and abnormal tissue were studied under a variety of controlled ultrasonic field conditions. These were found to be quantitatively significant and could be correlated with differences in tissue structure and pathological changes. In the past two decades, there were many techniques proposed for estimating these quantities. Jones utilized the return echoes deconvolved with the transmitted wave to produce the impulse response which yields impedance profiles under the assumption that the wave propagates through non- attenuating media [11]. Cobo-Parra determined the impedance profile of a multi-layered ocean floor. However, their treatment of attenuation is overly simplified by the hypothesis of linear frequency dependency and the same acoustic thickness for each layer [12]. The propagation velocity in tissue is an important property of material. Kossoff [13] and Lin [14] demonstrated that this parameter correlates with pathological characteristics of tissue. Greenleaf used transmission technique [15] and time-of-flight tomography [16] to produce two dimensional sound speed images of female breast tissue. Propagation velocity can also be measured by transmission methods [10, 17, 18] and pulse echo methods [19,20,21]. However, the propagation velocity has not been extensively used in medical diagnosis because the pathology related changes in propagation velocity are too small to be accurately measured. Attenuation has been considered an important characteristic capable of forming the basis for a tissue differentiation scheme [22]. Transmission methods [23, 24, 25] are simple and straightforward. However, when these approaches are limited to in-vivo measurements, very few human organs can be accessed in such a way. Kuc [26, 27, 28] proposed an approach to estimate the attenuation from return echoes on the assumption that attenuation coefficient is a strong function of frequency. Based on this assumption, both spectral-shift and spectral-difference approaches were used to estimate attenuation coefficients. The spectral-shift approach estimates attenuation coefficient from the downshift of the echo spectrum as compared with that of the incident pulse. The spectral- difference approach estimates attenuation coefficient from the deviation of the mean log spectrum of the return echoes. Several researchers have also proposed time-domain methods [29, 30]. Although time-domain methods are straightforward, difficulties such as signal distortion and echo overlapping remain to be solved. Because of the difficulties in estimating acoustic parameters by traditional methods, image processing and pattern recognition techniques have been adopted to enhance the results [31, 32, 33]. Almost all of these techniques are used in the post-processing stage. 1.2 Artificial neural network The study of artificial neural network systems began in the early 1940s. An artificial neural network system is a parallel distributed information processing system which consists of neurons and synapses. Neurons are the processing elements and synapses link neurons together. Each neuron receives and transmits signals to a number of neurons via synapses. The function of the neural network system depends on the function of neurons and the structure of how neurons and synapses are connected. McCulloch and Pitts modeled a neuron as a simple threshold device which performs a binary logic function [34]. Later, the neuron model was refined by the use of Rosenblatt’s Percepuon [35] and Widrow’s Adaline [36]. The neural network architectures can be classified into three categories: feedback model, feedforward model, and recurrent model. In the feedback neural networks, neurons are connected to one another by feedback paths (synapses) from the outputs to the inputs of neurons. Continuous-valued neurons are normally implemented as electrical circuits and the network dynamics are described by differential equations. A key issue of this type of network is to define an energy function which always decreases during the dynamical evolution. The Hopfield neural network is a one-layer feedback network which consists of interconnected nonlinear analog neurons [37]. In the Hopfield neural network, a gradient descent method is used to seek a local minimum of the given energy function. Generally, the energy function is derived from the given constraints and a cost function. Another canonical circuit model with feedback was proposed by Chua and Kennedy [38, 39]. This model uses integrators as neurons. The parameters of the Chua-Kennedy neural network correspond to the coefficients of the objective function and constraints. The Chua- Kennedy model requires more hardware than the Hopfield model does. However the model is superior to the Hopfield model in solving linear programming problems because it guarantees a stable equilibrium point while the Hopfield model does not. In feedforward neural networks, synapses only exist between consecutive layers of neurons or between peers. Sample data are needed to train the neural network. Layered feedforward neural networks were first studied by Rosenblatt [41]. Since then. feedforward multilayered structures and learning algorithms for the training of the neural network have been developed. The most well-known learning algorithm is the error back- propagation algorithm for multilayered feedforward neural networks proposed by Rumclhart [42]. In recurrent neural networks, connections (synapses) in both directions between a pair of layers and within a layer are allowed. The Boltzmann machine is a well- known recurrent neural network with symmetric connections [43]. The Boltzmann machine consists of visible and hidden units where visible units can be divided into input and output units. In the training phase, the Boltzmann machine adjusts the connections such that the states of the visible units have a desired probability distribution. The disadvantage of the Boltzmann machine is that the training requires an extremely long convergence time. Simulated annealing procedures have been proposed to shorten the training convergence time [95]. Since the outputs of a neural network system are the result of cooperative work of all neurons, the system can still produce useful result even when some connections are damaged and/or faults exist in some neurons. In other words, neural network systems exhibit fault tolerance. Because each neuron can function independently, parallelism is inherent in neural networks. Some massively parallel computational ability is essential for many applications requiring high computation capacity. Over the years, neural network models have been applied to various areas. The feedback model has been applied to several combinatorial optimization problems such as the travelling salesman problem [37] and the bipartite subgraph problem [44]. The feedforward model has been applied to robotics [45] and control problems [46]. The recurrent model has been applied to statistical pattern recognition [47] and constraint satisfaction problems [48]. 1.3 Research objective Material characterization using ultrasound can be achieved by extracting acoustic parameters from the return echoes as well as the transmitted signals. There are methods to estimate various acoustic parameters. Echoes returned from non-homogeneous material, such as biological tissues, are the result of collective scattering inside the target. Due to the nature of biological tissues, the return echoes from such target are very complex. No quantitative scheme for estimating the acoustic parameters of non-homogeneous material has been well developed at the present time. Instead of solving the tissue characterization problem quantitatively, qualitative methods can be used to distinguish normal tissue from abnormal tissue. Frequency domain techniques, especially the dispersive characteristics of the attenuation coefficient, have been widely used in tissue characterization. Features related to the attenuation coefficient, which is strongly frequency dependent, are extracted from the return echoes. Each transducer location on the scanning plane is represented by a feature vector whose dimension equals the number of features. Then, the data set consisting of all feature vectors may have enough information to characterize the target. A modified neural network will be used to classify the data set into two clusters. One cluster represents the normal tissue, while the other represents abnormal tissue. To accomplish this goal, the following steps are taken. (1) Time domain return echoes are sampled and stored. (2) Various features are extracted from the stored return echoes. (3) Develop an appropriate algorithm for the modified neural network to classify the data set. (4) Classify the data set and display the clustering result in graphics. Images reconstructed from the clustering result can be further improved by using image processing techniques. 1.4 Thesis organization The organization of this dissertation is as follows: In chapter two, some background material of ultrasound is presented. Important acoustic parameters, such as attenuation coefficient and reflection coefficient, are defined. Some discussions of artificial neural network are also included. In chapter three, methods for estimating acoustic parameters in both the time domain and frequency domain are presented. Advantages and limitations of various methods will be examined. In chapter four, features used in feature vectors are presented. Algorithms for improving the existing neural network processing are developed. In chapter five, several synthetic data sets and a data set taken from a real sample are used to test the validity of the theory developed. Results are also compared with those produced by other algorithms. Finally, some conclusions and suggested future research are stated in chapter six. CHAPTERZ BACKGROUND 2.1 The acoustic plane wave equations Ultrasonic waves are pressure waves with frequencies above the audible range. Ultrasonic waves consist of pmpagating periodic vibrations in an elastic medium where the particles of the medium oscillate about their equilibrium position on either perpendicular or parallel to the direction of propagation. Since the longitudinal vibrations are dominant in the non-destructive applications [49], only those variation are considered in this dissertation. The propagation of the resulting motiomstrain effects from the source results in a longitudinal compression wave that transmits acoustic energy away from the source. Pressure and particle velocity are two observable parameters of a propagating acoustic wave. Assume that the particle at location x0 in a homogeneous medium undergoes a small compressional force at time to, the relationships between particle velocity v and pressure p are described as and 10 av -(_1)92 37 - k a: (2'1) 3p _ 8v 3'} - (—p)5; (2.2) where k is the elastic coefficient and p is the medium density. Equation 2.1 is the mass continuity equation, while equation 2.2 is the momentum equation. Equations 2.1 and 2.2 show the coupling between particle velocity and pressure. By decoupling these equations, the acoustic plane wave equations can be obtained as and 32 ka2 J21 = -—’-’2— (2.3) 3: Pax a 1.32 V V _ = —_ (2 4) a? Pax2 The general solution forms for pressure and particle velocity are p = 12(0)! ("’"K" (2.5) 11 and v = v(0)e"‘°""" (2.6) where K is the wave number given by K = (OJE (2.7) The wave number is in general a complex quantity. It consists of the phase constant B and the attenuation constant a. K = [3 — jet , (2.8) From equations 2.2, 2.5, and 2.6, the pressure and particle velocity can be related by p = QKBV . (2.9) The characteristic acoustic impedance is defined as the ratio of pressure to particle velocity. From equation 2.9, the acoustic impedance Z can be expressed as 2524212 (2.10) v K , For a lossy medium, the acoustic impedance is a complex quantity. For a lossless medium, 12 the acoustic impedance is a real quantity since there is no attenuation for the propagating wave and the wave number K becomes a real quantity. For a lossless medium, the phase velocity VP is (2.11) As a result, the acoustic impedance of a lossless medium can be expressed as Z = pvp . (2.12) 2.2 'D‘ansmission and reflection coefficients Material characterization using ultrasound is either based on the signal reflected from or transmitted through an interface between two different media. Therefore, it is important to determine the magnitudes of reflection coefficient and transmission coefficient. When an acoustic plane wave arrived at a boundary between two different media, it will be partially reflected. Consider an acoustic plane wave propagating from medium 1 to medium 2, as shown in Figure 2.1, the law of reflection states that the angle of incidence 9‘. and the angle of reflection O, are equal when the wavelength of the wave is small compared to the physical dimensions of the reflector. That is e. = e . (2.13) The relationship between the incident angle 9‘. and the angle of transmission 9, is Figure 2.1 Acoustic wave at interface of two different media. 14 described by the Snell’s law, sinO‘. vl " - (2.14) srnO, v2 . In the equilibrium state, the pressure on both sides remains the same in order to maintain a stationary boundary and the normal component of the particle velocity on both sides must be equal in order to keep the media in contact. Thus, pint-pr = p! (2.15) and vicosOi — vrcosO, = v,cosO, . (2.16) From equations 2.9 and 2.16, we have pichosOi erlcosO, lezcosfll or P: 7 92 (2.17) From equations 2.15 and 2.17, the pressure reflection coefficient r and transmission coefficient t can be obtained as K1 K2 —cosO‘.——cosO, r585: pl p2 (2.18) Pt K1 K2 —cosOi+ —cosO, pt 92 15 and K2 p Z-p—cosfli pi K1 K2 —cosOi + —cosO, P, 132 For normal incidence, O‘- = 9, = O, the reflection and transmission coefficients are reduced to K, K2 pl 92 .-.-. 2.20 r K1 K2 ( ) P] [32 and z= p2 (2.21 ) Using the acoustic impedance definition given by equation 2.10, these coefficients are simplified to l6 and t = (2.23) 2.3 The processing element of artificial neural network The artificial neural network is a nonlinear network which consist of a massive number of simple processing elements where they are tightly interconnected. The processing element is called an artificial neuron because it performs a similar simplified function of a biological neuron. The mathematical model of an artificial neural network is composed of two important components: neurons and synaptic links. The output signal generated by one neuron propagates to the others through the synaptic links. The new state of the neuron is determined by the linear sum of the weighted input signals and a threshold value. This model is shown in Figure 2.2 where Xi’s is the inputs from other neurons, WU is the weight between neuron i and neuron j, f(.) is the neuron input/output function. 9) is the threshold value of neuron i, and Yi is the output of neuron i. McCulloch and Pitts proposed a simple mathematical neuron model based on biological computation in 1943 [34]. Their neuron model has a binary input/output function. Since then, several neuron models have been proposed [50]. There are two most commonly used neuron input/output functions: linear function and sigmoid function. These input/output functions are shown in Figure 2.3. l7 O. I 1 x1 Wi1 X2 Wi2 f( Winj — 9,) . i O 0 Win X Figure 2.2 Schematic diagram of a neuron. f(x) f(X) (a) binary (b) linear f(x) (c) sigmoid Figure 2.3 Input/output functions of neurons. 19 Since neurons can process information independently, the parallel processing ability is inherent in artificial neural network. Because neurons are simple processing elements. the fabrication of such parallel system with hundreds of neurons is possible [51, 52, 53]. The output of an artificial neural network is the result of collective efforts of all neurons. It has been shown a few inaccuracies and faults in the hardware will not paralyze the system as a whole. This provides an attractive feature of artificial neural network, the fault tolerance property. 2.4 The structure of Hopfield neural network The artificial neural network for solving combinatorial optimization problems was first introduced by Hopfield [37]. The differentiable, continuous, and nondecreasing neuron model, using sigmoid function, is used in the Hopfield neural network. Figure 2.4 shows the architecture of the Hopfield neural network. The relationship between output V and input Ui of neuron i is given by v‘. = g (1 + tanh W111) (2.24) Note that It represents a constant gain which changes the steepness of the sigmoid curve. One key issue in the Hopfield neural network is to find a suitable energy function E. In general, the energy function is derived from the given constraints and the cost function. The conductance matrix W in figure 2.4 is determined by the energy function. In the Hopfield neural network, the symmetric conductance matrix W with zero diagonal elements must be used to guarantee the convergence to the local minimum [54|. 20 Conductance Matrix W Figure 2.4 Architecture of the Hopfield neural network. 21 Hopfield mapped the travelling salesman problem onto an N x N artificial neural network. The energy function E for an N-city problem is given by x=lt=lj¢t i=lx=lx¢y =lx=1 +D N N N +x§2 Z deyvxi(vy, i+l +Vy,i-l) (2'25) x=ly¢xi=1 where (1,,y is the distance between city x and city y and A, B, C, and D are constants. The conductance matrix W is given by WM=—A5xy(1—5ij)—35,j(t—5x) c Dd (5 1+1 +5j,,_,). (2.26) The gradient descent method is used in HOpfield neural network to seek the local minimum of the given energy function. Consequently, the dynamics of the system follows the motion equation which is given by _‘ = _ (2.27) The Hopfield neural network is guarantee to converge to the local minimum. Unfortunately, the local minimum is not always equivalent to the feasible solution. In other words, the proof of the local minimum convergence in Hopfield neural network does 22 not always guarantee the feasible solution even through its fast convergence speed is very attractive. There are no systematic methods to find the constants in the energy function at the present time. We will discuss further about these problems and pr0pose a modified Hopfield neural network in chapter four. CHAPTER 3 TIME-DOMAIN AND FREQUENCY-DOMAIN ANALYSES 3.1 Time-domain technique The time domain technique extracts material property information, such as attenuation coefficient, acoustic impedance, propagation velocity, from a one-dimensional echo sequence (A-mode signals). Consider the object under investigation consists of multiple homogeneous layers, as shown in Figure 3.1. The parameters (1‘, Z, ri, and d, in Figure 3.1 are the attenuation coefficient, acoustic impedance, reflection coefficient, and layer thickness respectively. By the use of the convolution theorem, the relationship between the received signals Yi(t) and the incident signal X(t) for the left transducer is yln) = IX(I)hl(t—t)dt (3.1) c—N and for the right transducer is 23 24 rt 1'2 water tank Figure 3.1 Bidirectional interrogation for layered model. 25 Y2(:) = IX(I)h2(t—I)d‘t (3.2) —N Y1(t) and Y2(t) are the received signals from the left side and right side respectively, and mm and h2(t) are the left side and right side impulse responses of the test object respectively. In general, the process of evaluating the mm and h2(t) from the measurements Y1(t) and Y2(t) is called the deconvolution process. There are many deconvolution algorithms been proposed [5, 55, 56, 57], but only a few algorithms for obtaining the attenuation properties [58]. The impulse response can be expressed as a sequence of delta functions under the assumption that the acoustic wave propagates through a non-attenuating medium. When a narrow band transducer is used, the . -(XX . . . attenuation process can be modeled as e where 0t 18 the attenuation coefficrent at the central frequency of the incident signal and x is the distance travelled. Assuming a narrow band transducer is used, the received signals Yi(t) can be expressed as a sequence of delayed incident signals. Therefore, the left side and right side impulse responses can be expressed as h,(r) = ZafiU-t‘.) (3.3) and [22(1) = ZbiSU— I) (3.4) 26 where a, is the amplitude of the echo received by the left transducer which is reflected from the boundary between (i-1)th and ith layers while bi is the amplitude of the echo received on the right side and reflected from the boundary between (i-1)th and ith layers. The amplitude a, has the following form, —or d ["1 2 —2a (1 a.=e °°r. (l—rk )e H (3.5) Similarly, the amplitude bi has a form of (3.6) The minus sign in bi accounts for the fact that the reflection coefficient changes sign when the incident signal is from the opposite side of the object. The magnitudes a, and bi can be read directly from the impulse responses mm and h2(t). The impulse responses of dual interrogation is shown in Figure 3.2. The amplitude ratio of successive echoes can be expressed as a. r. ‘ = ‘ (3.7) a: 2 —2aidi ”1 ’t+1(1“’t)e and 2) —20t,.d,. bi =rl.1-—rl.+1 e (38) i+l 27 I110} aN 32 0000 time 112(1) time Figure 3.2 The impulse response pairs of dual interrogation. 28 From equations 3.7 and 3.8, one can obtain 114 2) t ‘l+1 2 (3.9) 2 ’1' RI = 2 (3.10) 1 -— r‘. Equation 3.9 can then be reduced to aib‘. Rt. __ = 3.11 a b R ( ) ai+lbi+l R14): R17 (3.12) The reflection coefficient ri can be expressed in terms of R, as follows Rt ’1': sgn (at) 1+R (3.13) 29 where 1 for ai >0 sgn(ai) = { -l for ai < 0 Therefore, the acoustic impedances for successive layer can be related by 1+r‘. 21': l—r.Z“‘ (3.14) I From equations 3.7 and 3.8, one can obtain a.b. t 1+1 _ I (3.15) . .T —4 ,d, 1» (1-.;)(.-,,,,2). . From equation 3.15, the attenuation coefficient (1‘. of the ith layer can be expressed as l albi+1( 2X 2) Oti — Hln[a b l—r‘. l—r‘.+1 - (3.16) i i+1i Once the reflection coefficients are determined and the layer thicknesses are available, the attenuation coefficient for each layer can be obtained from equation 3.16. However, the layer thicknesses (11 can not be measured directly from the A-mode echo sequence. It is a distance inferred from the measurement of time delay between two consecutive echoes. A precise measurement of di will require knowledge of the mean sound velocity in each 30 7//////////// I transducer T l l l l I l I | l I .................... X(t) 17(2) transducer Figure 3.3 Experimental setup for measuring r1. 31 layer. Therefore, we can only obtain the attenuation-velocity product (av) from the experimental data [90]. The reflection coefficient of the first interface is r1 = (1,6 (3.17) where a] is obtained from the impulse response function. Typically the transducer is immersed in water, so the attenuation coefficient 010 is a known quantity. The distance d0 between the transducer and the test object can easily be measured. In practice, it is rather difficult to get a replica of the incident pulse from the transducer. A water-air/water-object interface setup, as shown in Figure 3.3, can be used to measure the reflection coefficient r]. Since the reflection coefficient at the water-air interface is approximately -1. the amplitudes of Y(t) and 17(1) in Figure 3.3 can be expressed as YpeakU) = —AOe (3.18) and “aodo 17mm) = rlAOe . (3.19) From equations 3.18 and 3.19, the reflection coefficient r1 is then ~ _ _ YpeakU) .. (3.20) I Ypeak“) . 32 Once r1 is obtained, equations 3.12 and 3.13 can be used to find other reflection coefficients. Consequently, the attenuation-velocity products can be evaluated from equation 3.16. 3.2 Advantages and limitations of time-domain technique The time domain technique described in the previous section provides a simple way to determine both the reflection coefficient and the attenuation-velocity product simultaneously. Because of its short processing time, the real-time ultrasonic imaging becomes possible by using the time domain technique. Needless to say there are drawbacks in the time domain technique. (1) Since the incident signal of a given layer is the transmitted signal from the previous layer, whatever error incurred in the current layer will be carried to the next layer. So the error will be accumulative along the propagation path. (2) The time domain technique requires a very precise alignment between the transducer and the object. A minor misalignment could cause a significant error in the end. (3) In reality, the incident signal is not truly a narrow band signal. This can cause some analytical error which will be discussed next. Assuming the incident signal has a Gaussian shape in the time domain, .33 .2 _—i x(t) = e’ We 2" (3.21) where f0 is the central frequency and o is the standard deviation. The signal and its specuum are related by the Fourier transform pair [59|. W X(f) = [ x(z)e"2"f‘d1 (3.22) and 0° '21th x(1) = [xme’ df (3.23) The frequency spectrum of the incident signal can thus be obtained as _2 2 2 - 0 2 X(f) = J2_n<5e M U f) . (3.24) The transfer function of the medium can be characterized by H(f) = e-afde’jkd (3.25) where a is the attenuation coefficient, (1 is the distance travelled, k is the wave number, and n is the frequency dependent factor. The output signal frequency spectrum can be expressed as 34 Y(f) = X(f)H(f) . (3.26) In reality, most materials have a linear frequency dependency, i.e. n=l, equation 3.26 can be reduced to _2 2 2 _ o 2 _ _. Y(f) = Jfr'me 1‘ 0 U f) e Cl“e ”“1 (3.27) and y(t) = [ Ymeiznf’df (1de ant- kd = EXP(T2 —' adf0)*EXP(-——2 )* 8n 0 41th EXP(j21t(f0— “2d 2)(1— 2"—")) (3.28) 41t o “f , . kd The peak amplitude of y(t) occurs at t = 21:7 2 2 a d ypeaka) = EXP(——2—-i — adfo) (3.29) Sn 0 , Hence, it is apparent that the decay of the peak amplitude in the time domain will not just 35 . —ordf . follow the usual exponential e o manner. As a result, the attenuatron measurement based on the time-domain analysis becomes inaccurate. 3.3 Advantages and limitations of frequency-domain techniques If a broadband transducer is used in the ultrasonic imaging system, the attenuation property of the object can be estimated by using the spectral distributions of the incident and reflected signals. The frequency domain approaches can be broadly divided into two categories: the spectral difference [2, 26, 28, 60] and the spectral shift [61, 62, 63] methods. The spectral difference method estimate the attenuation coefficient, (X(t) = a0!" , by evaluating the spectral difference between the input and output signals. The advantage of the spectral difference method is that no spectral form of the incident signal is required and the attenuation factor n is not restricted to be an integer. Kuc estimates 010 for liver by comparing the spectra of signals reflected from a planar interface with / without a volume of liver interposed under the assumption of linear frequency dependent attenuation in the liver [61]. Insana modified the spectral difference method to improve the overall measurement accuracy [64]. Insana included the transducer beam diffraction pattern into the data analysis by using empirically determined correction factors. In general, the spectral difference between the incident and reflected signals contains information on both the attenuation coefficient and the reflection coefficient. These material properties can not be determined simply by using the signal information in a single trace of return echo. Since the frequency difference method does not consider reflection and attenuation as separate factors, the estimation results are contaminated and the accuracy is not as good as that of the spectral shift method which will be described DCXI. 36 When an acoustic signal passes through an medium with attenuation, it experiences a frequency dependent attenuation. The attenuation experienced at higher frequencies is larger than that at lower frequencies. The spectral shift method was first suggested by Serabian [63]. Serabian showed the downshift of the central frequency for a signal propagating through different thicknesses of graphite. Kuc applied this concept to evaluate attenuation in linear frequency dependent soft tissue [61, 65]. Ophir extended this method to nonlinear frequency dependent media [66]. The spectral shift method does not require the knowledge of the reflection coefficient or transmittance to estimate the attenuation coefficient. However, the spectral shift method does require a Gaussian-shaped spectrum for the interrogating pulse. For most ultrasonic imaging system, a Gaussian-shaped pulse with a corresponding Gaussian power spectrum can be produced by slightly modifying the transducer driving voltage and the impedance loading. For a linear frequency dependent attenuation medium, the power spectrum of the signal after going through the medium has also a Gaussian shape, except that the peak is down shifted to a lower frequency. For a nonlinear frequency dependent attenuation medium, the power spectrum of the signal after going through the medium remains in Gaussian shape, but the width becomes narrower. Narayana derived the theoretical relationship between the central frequency downshift and the spectral bandwidth of a signal with a sinc(f) spectrum propagating through attenuating media. The spectral shift method will be further examined in next section. 3.4 Frequency-domain technique Assuming that the incident signal has a Gaussian-shaped spectrum, the incident signal in the time domain can be expressed as 37 X(t) y(t) rr Layer I 21, d1, H1(f) r2 fib—i Layer i Figure 3.4 Structure of the multi-layered model. 38 1'2“) I'—""—-'I I"'———1 YNU) o o .I <-______ _————_—_— p—_——_——— > time Figure 3.5 Reflected signal gated by windows. 39 2 x(1) = EXP(—’—2-) sin (21tf01) (3.31)) 200 where f0 is the central frequency and 00 is the standard deviation of the Gaussian-shaped envelop. The magnitude of the incident signal spectrum 1X(f)l is lX(f)l = [ x(1)e"2“f‘d1 (f—f )2 = C-EXP[— 2 J (3.31) 20/ where C = JZKGO isaconstant and of2 = 21 2 is the variance. 41: 00 Consider a multi-layered structure, as shown in Figure 3.4, where ri, Zi, di, and H,(f) are the reflection coefficient, the acoustic impedance, the layer thickness, and the transfer function of the ith layer respectively. The magnitude of the transfer function can be characterized by [Him] = EXP(—af'd‘.) (3.32) where 01‘. is the attenuation coefficient of the ith layer. After the incident signal propagates through the structure, echoes come back from various boundary. We can use a window to gate a nonoverlapped sequence of pulses, y,( t), 40 y2(t),..., yN(t), from the reflected signal y(t), as shown in Figure 3.5. The magnitude of each gated signal |Yi(f)l can be expressed as [13(1)] = [X(f)I|r1| (3.33) and i |Y1+1l = |X(f)I|R‘.+1(rl...,r‘.+,)|1'_I|H,‘(f)|2 (3.34) k=l where R1.» 1 (r1...,r‘.+ l) is the reflection function and can be expressed as 1‘ 2 Ri+1(r1...,r‘.+1) = r”1 ”(I —rk) (3.35) k=l Assuming that the object has a linear frequency dependency and the coupling medium is water whose attenuation is practically negligible. The spectrum of the signal reflected from the (i+l )th interface is 2 -(—f—_—f‘—+—‘)—J (3.36) |Y1+1m| = C1+1IR1+1|EXP{’ 2 20/ where Ci+1 is a frequency independent constant and 41 1 2 fi+1 =fo‘20f Xakdk (3.37) k=l From equation 3.36, we observe that the reflected signal spectrum maintains a Gaussian shape as that of the incident signal, but the central frequency has been down shifted by Afi. Af‘. = 20f 01‘. 1' . (3.38) From equation 3.38, the attenuation coefficient is then Af. at. = 2‘ (3.39) 20f d. I In order to obtain the reflection coefficient of each layer, the peak spectral amplitudes pi are needed and can be obtained as pI = |X(fl)“r1| (3.40) and 2... =1w...)||R.-..11112.|1R.-..11’1 IHM+1>I2 k=1 pi i-l 1221(3) 11 12.2.12 k=1 |X(fi+ l)l H lHk(fi+ 1)|2 2 = (=1 ri+l(l_ri) (342) 1-1 2 _ ‘ ' ' IXWI II [HM-ll ‘ k = 1 From equation 3.42, the reflection coefficient of each layer can be obtained as i—l 2 IXWI H [WWI Iril pi +1 I: = r _ , , 1 |X(fi+l)|I-I|Hk(fi+l)l k=l . Once r1 is known, equation 3.42 can be used to find the successive reflection coefficients. r1 can be measured by a simple experimental setup as shown in Figure 3.3 and explained in section 3.1. Once the reflection coefficients ri are determined, the acoustic impedance can be evaluated as Z- = 21-1- ‘ (3.44) CHAPTER 4 MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION USING PARALLEL PROCESSING 4.1 Material characterization The measurement and estimation of the attenuation coefficient of biological tissue have received much attention in the field of ultrasonic material characterization. From chapter two, the pressure of the sound wave propagating in the x direction can be expressed as p(x,t) = p(0)cos (21tft—kx) (4.1) where f is the frequency and k is the wave number. When a sound wave propagates . -or through an attenuating medium, the wave will experience an exponential decay e ’1 in its amplitude where 01/ is the attenuation coefficient at the operation frequency and x is the distance the wave travelled. Therefore, the pressure of a sound wave propagating through an attenuating medium can be expressed as 43 p = p(0)e—a’xcos(21tft—kx) . (4.2) In an ultrasonic imaging system, the transducer sends out a pulse which composes of a band of frequency components. The pressure P of the pulse propagating through an attenuating medium consists of many frequency components which can be expressed as "U l p(fI)EXP (—af1x) cos (21tflt— kx) + p(fz)EXP (—Otf2x) cos (21tf21— kx) + 2pm)EXP (—Otqu) cos (21tfit— kx) (4.3) i I where p(f,-) is the amplitude of the excitation at frequency fr As described in chapter three, the high frequency components will be attenuated more than the lower frequency components. As a result, the spectrum of the pulse is down shifted in frequency domain. Based on this phenomenon, Dines [67] and Schattner [68] have proposed techniques for ultrasonic imaging. Clinical evaluations on liver, breast, and other biological tissues have demonstrated the correlation between pathological status and tissue attenuation properties [69, 70, 71]. The correlation implies that the attenuation measurement of biological tissues may provide a unique method of clinical diagnosis. However, the tissue attenuation measurement remains a difficult task [72, 93]. Difficulties arise from the fact that the acoustic wave is scattered by the biological structure, which is 45 very complex and dispersive in nature. Although some improvement can be made in data acquisition, tissue characterization based on information obtained from the back-scattered ultrasonic signals is not a trivial task. 4.2 Methodology Methods for estimating attenuation coefficient can generally be grouped into two categories: time-domain methods and frequency-domain methods. Time-domain methods have the advantage of being easily implemented and thus are suitable for real-time imaging applications. However, the time-domain method can only provide limited amount of information. On the other hand, the frequency-domain method can retrieve more information and provide better accuracy. The trade-off is that the frequency—domain method requires more processing procedure such as windowing, sampling and Fourier transfonn. Material characterization utilizing the conventional estimation of attenuation property is not reliable at the present time. In order to improve the accuracy, we proposed a method of applying a clustering technique based on features extracted from the return echoes. To speed up the processing, a parallel algorithm based on a modified Hopfleld neural network is proposed. The modified Hopfield neural network is called maximum neural network and will be described in detail in section 4.4. The maximum neural network is used to classify the multi-dimensional data set into clusters after features are extracted from the return echoes. The spatial information is then added to the clustering result for image reconstruction. Several general features of our proposed scheme are outlined as follows: 46 (1) For good material identification, both time-domain and frequency-domain information should be utilized. (2) Features can be added or deleted from the feature space for optimal classification. (3) Knowledge of input spectrum or relationship between attenuation coefficient and frequency is not required. Conventional frequency-domain techniques, however, require such information for material characterization. The rest of this chapter are as follows. Features extracted from the return echoes are given in section 4.3. The method for selecting independent features in the feature space is also given in section 4.3. The structure of the maximum neural network and its convergence property are described in section 4.4. Clustering using the maximum neural network is explained in section 4.5. The system diagram is shown in Figure 4.1. The stages of data clustering are shown in Figure 4.2. 4.3 Feature selection Five different features are extracted from each reflected signal at the initial phase of the process. That is, at each scanning position, five frequency-dependent features are extracted from each echo return. These features are the total energy, central frequency, peak frequency, 3-dB bandwidth of echo spectrum, and correlation coefficient between incident and reflected signals. Total energy 47 Data Acquisition 1 Traditional Approach ) Data Clustering Estimation of ‘ 1 0t or 0 Image . Segmentation Material , .. Charactenzatron 1 ( ] l Figure 4.1 System diagram. 48 I Extracting spatial . rnforrnatron Feature extraction Feature dependency : c ec :3" 7V — é Composing weight 1 matrrx Clustering by MNN Adding spatial 1nformatron Figure 4.2 Stages of data clustering. 49 Total energy of the reflected signal is related to the reflection coefficient which contains the information of acoustic impedance of the medium. Let the sampled return echo be s(i), the total energy E 1 can be put in the form of N E, = 2 1.1(1')|2 (4.4) 1': 1 where N is the number of sampling points of each return echo. Central frequency, peak frequency, and 3-dB bandwidth Attenuation coefficient has been shown to be highly related to spectral-shift and specual-difference of the echo specuum [73]. This phenomenon cause central frequency and peak frequency shifted downward and the 3-dB bandwidth of the echo spectrum widened. Because of the Gaussian—shaped spectrum, the central frequency can be estimated by the mean frequency Fm and is given as [74] N 2 F,P(F,) F = 1=_1__ (4.5) m N 2 2(2) i=1 where HE) is the ith element of N-point FFT which ranges from the lower 3-dB to the upper 3-dB level. Peak frequency PK(F) is the frequency having the maximum magnitude within the 3-dB bandwidth. Figure 4.3 shows how these three features extracted from an echo return are defined. 50 Amplitude Peak frequency Ce tral frequency >Frequency Figure 4.3 Features extracted from the spectrum of a return echo. 51 Correlation between incident and reflected signals Correlation between incident and reflected signals at a given interface can provide useful information about the medium under interrogation. Properties such as elasticity, stiffness, velocity, and attenuation are all embedded in this feature. Feature dependence test In order to avoid redundance of features, linear dependence test is used to measure the degree of dependence between features. The linear dependence between two features. 1 and j, is measured by [94] 21'— v M2 (x11 " m1) (xkj ’ mj) 1 (4.6) S-S «((121) = k where si and mi are sample variance and sample mean for feature 1 respectively. The absolute value is required because the correlation could have either positive or negative value. Nevertheless, the magnitude is used as an index for dependence. If d(i,j) = 0, the features i and j are linearly independent. On the other hand, when d(i,j) approaches unity. one of the features can be discarded. 4.4 The structure of maximum neural network The NP-complete problems are classified as hard problems. It is believed at the present time that no polynomial time algorithm exists for those problems. Therefore, a near-optimum solution is acceptable as long as it can be obtained in a reasonable 52 computation time. In 1985, Hopfield [37] used an artificial neural network to solve optimization problems such as travelling salesman problems. In a Hopfield neural network, the gradient descent method seeks a local minimum of the given energy function. The energy function is usually composed of two parts. When the first part is minimized the network output represents a valid solution. The second part is described as the cost of the solution. The sum of these two terms forms a specific energy function. In general, the state of the system in the Hopfield neural network is guaranteed to converge to one of the local minima instead of the global minimum [54]. However, the local minimum is not always equivalent to the feasible solution. In other words, the proof of the local minimum convergence in the Hopfield neural network does not always guarantee a feasible solution although its fast convergence speed is very attractive. Furthermore, the determination of the parameters in the energy function is usually based on a process of trial and error. No theoretical analysis has been reported for the general case at the present time. A modified Hopfield neural network for classifying an N-point data set into two classes is proposed in this section. The modified Hopfield neural network is called the maximum neural network and is shown in Figure 4.4. The maximum neural network consists of N clusters and each cluster is composed of two processing elements. The total number of required processing elements is then 2N. Processing element of the ith neuron in the xth cluster has an input Ux, 1' and an output Vx’ 1.. The input/output function of the neuron xi is given by 1 if Um- =max{U Ux,2} x,l’ 0 otherwise 53 Conductance Matrix Figure 4.4 Architecture of maximum neural network. W e . I-_—'| I'_—_I r——-I l I I I I I O 101 l to o 01 l I | l l | l 0 (01 IO) (OI L_._J L__J L__J e o o 0 V1 VN 54 Therefore, only one processing element per cluster is always encouraged to fire in the maximum neural network. The gradient descent method is also used in maximum neural network. The approach is very similar to the Hopfield neural network which seeks the local minimum of a given energy function. The dynamics of the system follows the motion equation which is given by de 1' 8E E — F—-aV . (4.7) Convergence property of the maximum neural network Theorem 4.1 and Theorem 4.2 below are introduced to prove that the proposed system can always converge to a stable status. The convergence of the Hopfield neural network is given in [50] and is restated in Theorem 4.1 for completeness. Theorem 4.1: dB . . . . dUi BE . a? $0 rs guaranteed by the condttrons. E = - 87 and V1 = f(Ul.) where f(U 1) rs a nondecreasin g function. Proof: gig ___ zfl/idviaE dt 1 dt (111,314. 55 dUt' 2W) h BE. 1 db dUi d" 1 _-22—t mwerewrsrepace y-E (con rtron) I I dV. 5 0 where 7171‘.) 0 (condition 2) Q.E.D. 1' In Theorem 4.2, the convergence of the maximum neural network for the clustering problem is guaranteed. Theorem 4.2: £5 S 0 is guaranteed by the two conditions, they are (1) —"'i=- and (2) V“. = 1 if U“. = max {U U1,2 }, Ootherwise. 1.1’ Proof: The derivative of the energy E with respect to time t is 56 dE _ . Z? ' €23 dumavm de i Zde I BE . de i . . - ;;[E ] Ill—x: where 31: rs replaced by - :1? (condition 1). 8' (”112,1 _ U2, i(t+dt)— Ux’ [(1) d de. _ Vx,,-(t+dt)- V1,,(I) ,f 1 "me E = d: 3" de, 1 = Una +dt) — U, ((1)’ l we 61 U; d(t + dt) be the maximum at time t+dt and UJlr b(t) be the maximum at time t in the cluster x, then U1, d(t + (1!) = max{ U1, l(1+ d1), Ux. 2(1 + dt) } and Ux. b(t) = max{ Ux, 1(1), Ux’2(t) }. It is necessary and sufficient to consider the following two cases: (1)a=b (2)a¢b. If case (1) is satisfied, then there is no state change in the cluster x. As a result, 57 2 de, i dvx, i . . Z — —— must be zero. If case (2) rs satisfied, then dr dUm. dU .de . U (t+dt)-U (1)2V (t+dt)—V (r) 2 _X,I AI = 1,0 1,0 ) 1,0 x,a + 1' dt de’i dt Ux, a(t + dt) - Ux, d(t) (U1, b(t + dt) — Ux' b(t))2 VI, b(r + dr) - V3213“) dt U1, b(t + dt) — Ux, b(t) (Um(1+ dt) — Ux’ 0(1) 2 1 ' d1 Ux.a(1+ d1) - Ux, 0(1) + (UL b(r + dt) — U1, b(t) )2 _1 d1 Ux‘ b(1+ dt) - U1, b(t) Ux, d(t + dt) — Ux‘ 0(1) (131,130+ dt) — Ux, b(t) (d1)2 (dt) 2 = 1 2(UJr a(t+dt) - U2 b(t+dt) + Ux b(t) - U2 0(1)) (dt) ' ' ' ' > O . Notice that U1 “(1 + dt) is the maximum at time t+dt and U x b(t) is the maximum at time t in the cluster x. The contribution from each term is either zero or positive, therefore 58 2 2 iUxJ] dV [dz/x, i] de,i dE x,i Theorem 4.1 guarantees the convergence of the system. Theorem 4.2 states that the solution quality improves as the time elapses until no further improvement can be made. The maximum neural network performs a parallel improvement algorithm which can be implemented either on the sequential machine or on the parallel machine. The termination condition is given by the convergence state of the system. As long as the system reaches an equilibrium state, the execution is terminated. The equilibrium state is defined that all firing neurons have the smallest change rate of the input per cluster. The condition of the equilibrium state is as follows Vx’ 1'“) = l and 1U)" [(1) = min { d d dr 75%, (ml) IEU,,2(I)I } for x = 1,..., N. (4.8) 4.5 Classification using maximum cut When an N-point data set is classified into two classes, we would like to have data points in the same class to be as similar as possible, whit data points in different classes are as different as possible. If the N-point data set is mapped onto an N-vertex graph and the relationship between data points is regarded as weights on the edge between vertices, the clustering problem can be viewed as the maximum cut problem. As explained in section 4.4, the energy function E of the maximum neural network is the same as that of the Hopfield neural network. Those parameters in the energy function of the maximum 59 neural network need to be determined. If the clustering problem is mapped onto the maximum cut problem while using the maximum neural network, we will see that the number of the parameters will be reduced to one. The advantages of the maximum neural network will be presented next. First, the maximum cut problem is defined in the following manner [75]. Maximum Cut Problem: Instance: Graph G = (V, E), weight W(e) e Z + for each e e E , positive integer K. Question: Is there a partition V into two disjoint sets V1 and V2 such that the sum of the weights of the edges from E that have one endpoint in V1 and one endpoint in V2 is at least K? Optimization description: N N 2 2 maximize z 2 2 XWX,)V,,,-Vy,) Vme {1,0} x=lx¢yi=1j¢i 2 subject 2 V; l. = 1 for x = 1 to N where N is the number of vertices. i=1 Note that W}.r y represents the weight of the edge between vertex x and vertex y and W1. x = 0. If V“. = l, the vertex x belongs to the ith partition. Remark: N N 2 2 To maxrmrze Z 2 2 2 Wx‘ ny, iVyJ rs equivalent to mrnrmrze = lx¢yi = 'at ' Proof: N N 2 2 Let Sum= 2 2 2 2 Wx’ny'iVy’j x: =1j=l lxatyi N N 2 2 Let M* be the maximum of 2 2 Z Zwmvx 1V1.) and x=lx¢yi=1j¢i N N 2 S*bethe minimum of 2 Z wa nyiVy", then x=lx¢yi=l N N 2 2 N N 2 Sum=zzzzlw J“VJHVy. + ZZZnyl/X‘VYI=M*+S*. x=lx¢ yi=1j¢i X=IX¢YI=1 Since M* is the maximum of the maximum cut problem, the maximum cut can be obtained by the minimization of S*. Q.E.D. The maximum neural network model is composed of 2N processing elements for solving the maximum cut problem of an N-vertex graph. The input/output function for 61 each neuron is given by 1 ifo’i=max[Ux,1,Ux’2} 0 otherwise where x and i represent the vertex and partition respectively. With this function, there is always one neuron fired for each vertex x. The maximum cut problem can be solved by minimizing the energy function E which can be expressed as C N N 2 52:22ny x1)! (49) x lxatyizl The motion equation for the xi-th neuron is dU czw U vy, (4.10) yatx It should be noted that the parameter C does not affect the performance of the system. For simplicity, it is assigned to be unity hereafter. In summary, the maximum neural network approach has the following features for the clustering problem: (1) The maximum neural network always generates a valid solution. Wherever or whenever the system converges, the corresponding output is a valid solution. 62 Note that none of the existing algorithms based on Hopfield neural networks can guarantee this property. (2) No trial-and-error parameters need to be evaluated in the maximum neural network. None of the existing algorithms based on Hopfield neural networks can avoid this trial and error process. (3) The maximum neural network has an exact condition for convergence listed in equation 4.8. Most of the algorithms used in the neural networks, the states of convergence are defined by a tolerance range. None of the existing algorithms based on Hopfield neural networks clearly defines the condition of the system convergence. The parallel algorithm based on the maximum neural network has been implemented in C language on a sequential machine such as Sun SPARC 10. The following procedure describes the proposed parallel algorithm based on the first order Euler method. 63 step 0: Set t = O stepl: forx=1toNdo for i =1 to 2 do in parallel Ux, i(t) <— random number 6 (-1, 1) step 2: for x = 1 to N do for i =1 to 2 do in parallel Vx".(t) = 1 if Um“) = max [Ux. 1(t), Ux‘ 2(t) ] 0 otherwise step 3: forx =1 toN do for i =1 to 2 do in parallel N AU," ,.(z) = - Z wmvy’ .- y = 0 step 4: forx =1 toN do for i =1 to 2 do in parallel Ux. i(t + 1) = Ux, 1(1) + AUX, [(t) step 5: Increment t by 1. step 6: If the state of the system reaches an equilibrium state then stop, otherwise go to step 2. CHAPTER 5 SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 5.1 Maximum independent set problem In order to verify the validity of the proposed algorithm, two types of problem are solved by the maximum neural network: the maximum independent set problem and the tissue characterization problem. For the maximum independent set problem, a massive number of simulation runs are performed. The simulation results are compared with results published by other researchers. For the tissue characterization problem, the result is compared with the result of the conventional C-scan imaging. The experimental setup is also described. An independent set in a graph G = (V, E) is a subset S g V such that, for all v, w e S , the edge (v, w) is not in E. The maximum independent set problem is to find the maximum size of the independent set in G. The problem is one of the fundamental problems in graph theory and has many useful applications such as RNA secondary structure prediction [76]. It is also known to be NP-complete [75]. Algorithms for the 65 maximum independent set problem have widely studied. Gavril developed an 0(m3) time algorithm for the maximum independent set problem in a circle graph, where m is the number of edges in the graph [77]. Supowit proposed an 0(m2) time algorithm on the circle graphs [79]. Masuda gave an O(m log m) time algorithm on the circle graphs [80]. Hsu gave an 0(n4) time algorithm on the planar perfect graphs, where n is the number of vertices [81]. Several parallel algorithms have been proposed by Karp [82], Luby [83], and Goldberg [84], where the computation time is O(log4n). Takefuji gave a nearly 0(1) time parallel algorithm on circle graphs [76]. Given a graph G, a clique is a maximal complete subgraph of G. The maximum clique problem is to find the maximum complete subgraph of G. The problem is known to be NP-complete [75]. It is also useful and has been investigated in many areas including clustering analysis, classification theory, graph coloring, information retrieval systems. and VLSI circuit design [85]. Pardalos proposed an algorithm where the maximum clique problem is formulated and solved as a linear constrained indefinite quadratic global optimization problem. Although the supercomputer Cray 2 was used, their algorithm could not solve larger than 75-vertex graph problem [86]. Carraghan proposed an algorithm based on a partial enumeration [87]. Although it could solve up to 3,000-vertex graph problems on the mainframe IBM 3090, it required a prohibitively long computation time even for a middle-size graph. In fact, the maximum independent set problem and the maximum clique problem are equivalent as pointed out in [75]. For clarity, the equivalence is restated here. Given G = (V, E), two vertices v, w are adjacent if (v,w) e E. A set S of vertices is independent if (v,w) e E for all v, w e S. A set of vertices is a clique if (v,w) e E for all pairs of distinct vertices v, w e S . Clearly S c; V is an independent set of G if and only if S is a clique of G, where G is the complement of G. Therefore, finding the maximum independent set of 66 graph G is equivalent to finding the maximum clique of graph G. The equivalence between the maximum independent set problem and the unconstrained quadratic zero-one problem has been pointed out by Pardalos [86]. The equivalence between the quadratic zero-one problem and the maximum cut problem has also been pointed out by Hammer [88] and Barahona [89]. The equivalence between the maximum independent set problem and the maximum cut problem will be established in this section. The procedure of using the maximum neural network to solve the maximum independent set problem will also be presented in this section. The unconstrained quadratic zero-one problem can be formulated as follows: minimize f(X) = ch + xTQx (5.1) where Q is an N x N symmetrical rational matrix with zero diagonal elements, X is an integer N-vector and C is a rational N-vector. Equation 5.1 can be reformulated as N N N minimize f(X)= Xcix‘. + 2 zqi‘jxixj xie {0,1} (5.2) i=1 i: 1} =1 where q”. is the ij-th element of Q, xi is the ith element of X and "'1 is the ith element of C. If AG is the adjacency matrix of G and l is the identity matrix, the minimization of the following unconstrained quadratic zero-one problem is equivalent to finding the maximum independent set in G [86]: minimize f(X)=XT(AG-I)X xie {0,1} (5.3) 67 Equation 5.3 is reduced to N N N minimize f(X)= z (—1)x‘. + 2 zquxixj xie {0,1} (5.4) i=1 i=1j=1 where q‘. j = 1 if there exists an edge between vertex i and vertex j in graph G, 0 otherwise. The quadratic problem also is one of the NP-complete problems. The equivalence between the quadratic zero-one problem and the maximum cut problem has been proven [88]. Barahona also proved the relationship [89]. For completeness, the reduction process is also presented here. Let s‘. = 2x1. — 1 , equation 5.4 can be reduced to the following form 1 i=lj=l i=lj= i=lj=l i=1 II M 2 M 2 Alt—- .2“ :9, “y: + M M kh— :9 k “in + M 2 M 2 hl—e Q f(s) N N where s‘. e {l,-1] and C, = 2 2 (1141', j - g, with an additional variable 50 = l and i=lj=l 68 Equation 5.4 can then be transformed into N N f(s) = z Wijsisj + C] with so =land sie 11,—1} . (5.5) i=0j=0 A graph GM = (V, E) with node set V = {0, l, 2,..., N} and edge set E can be defined where W‘. 1' represents the edge weight between vertex i and vertex j. The assignment of each si, either +1 or -1, corresponds to a partition ofV into V’r = {is V I st. = +1 } and V‘ = [i e V l s‘. = -1 }. Note that the vertex 0 has been assigned to the partition VJ". Because C1 is a constant, the minimization of equation 5.4 can be rewritten as minimize f(s) 2 Wi,j + 2 WA} ' 2, W“ + C1 51’ sje V+ svsje V' 31.6 V+and 316 V' =C1+C2-2*[ 2 WW. 1 (5.6) sie V+ and 51.6 V‘ N N where C2 = z 2 WI. j and C2 is a constant. i= 0} = 0 69 The minimization of equation 5.3 has been transformed into equation 5.6. Equation 5.6 is equivalent to the maximum cut problem. In other words, finding the maximum independent set in graph G and finding a maximum cut in graph GM are equivalent. Therefore, the maximum independent set problem can be solved by substituting WU in equation 5.6 into W,“y in equation 4.9. The relationship between the set of local minimum and the maximum independent set in a given graph is presented next. Theorem 5.1: Given a graph G, a graph GM is defined by following equation 5.5. Then every local minimum in the maximum cut problem for the graph GM corresponds to a maximum independent set in the graph G if the maximum neural network is used. Proof: Suppose that the system reaches an equilibrium state, i.e. local minimum, at t = T, then there exists a partition of V+ and V' in the graph GM. Since the system stays in the equilibrium state and the maximum neural network is used, the following conditions must be satisfied forte v+, vmm = 1 and lumm >2?! dt U" 2(7) 70 forie V', Vi,2(T) = l and %Ui,l(T) <%Ui'2(7) . Suppose that the final state does not correspond to an independent set in the graph G, then 3 vertex a and vertex b e V"’ and there exists an edge between vertex a and vertex b in G. It is defined that if there exists an edge between vertex i and vertex j then (i, j) = l. () otherwise. LetS= {il ie V+and(i,a)=1inG}andQ=[i|ie V'and (i, a)= l inG}. => ISI 2 1 where ISI denotes the number of elements in 8. Since a e V”, then => 5 ,U,m> 551,471 N N => 20W 0 y Vy 1<20Wa y Vy 2 where W"j . is defined 1n equatron 5.5 N =9 00 + Z wav y y] <2 Wa‘yVy’2 w (because soe V+) y=1 => - 4-(deg(a) 1) +- 4181 <— l—Ql where deg(a) denotes the degree of the vertex a in G. 71 I 1 1 => |S|<- Since ISI 2 1 , we reach a contradiction. Therefore, every local minimum for the maximum cut in the graph GM corresponds to a maximum independent set in the graph G if the maximum neural network is used for solving the maximum independent set problem. Q.E.D. 5.2 Simulation results A program in C language was written to test the validity of the algorithm. The program listing of the main program is given as Appendix A. More than a thousand examples including up to 1000-vertex problems have been examined. In order to demonstrate the performance of the proposed parallel algorithm, the graphs in Figure 5.1 (a) and Figure 5.2 (a) are first tested. Figure 5.1 (b) and Figure 5.2 (b) show the independent set found by the proposed algorithm. Our algorithm is then compared with Pardalos’s algorithm [86] where graphs with vertex size varying from 10 to 75 and with density varying from 0.1 to 0.9 were tested on the Cray 2 supercomputer using one processor. For the sake of comparison, the published results for the maximum clique problem have been converted to the results for the maximum independent set problem as given in section 5.1. The comparison of the results 72 la (32 76 98 69 @3129 @9 e4 11$ Q10 13 14 15 T6 17 T8 (b) S = {13,14,15,16,17,18} Figure 5.1 The test result of the proposed algorithm (a) the given graph G (b) the found independent set S of the graph G. 73 1 13. .2 93 @4 .5 8. .6 (b) S =15,7,10,12,13} Figure 5.2 The test result of the proposed algorithm (a) the given graph G (b) the found independent set S of the graph G. 74 Table 5.1 Comparison of simulation results for 10-vertex graphs. Cray 2 Sun SPARC 10 Average Average Average Average Average Average . . comp. . . comp. densrty set srze . densrty set srze . trme trme 0.88 2.1 0.3 0.91 2.0 0.021 0.75 2.9 0.5 0.76 2.7 0.028 0.50 3.7 0.6 0.51 3.8 0.022 0.22 5.5 ~ 0.4 0.26 5.4 0.026 0.10 7.0 0.2 0.11 7.5 0.025 75 Table 5.2 Comparison of simulation results for 25-vertex graphs. Cray 2 Sun SPARC 10 Average Average Average Average Average Average (1 . . comp. . . comp. ensrty set srze . densrty set srze . trme trme 0.91 2.6 6.7 0.91 2.7 0.18 0.75 3.4 7.3 0.76 3.5 0.19 0.49 5.5 7.3 0.51 5.4 0.14 0.24 8.7 6.7 0.26 9.2 0.19 0.09 14.2 4.7 0.11 14.5 0.17 76 Table 5.3 Comparison of simulation results for 50-vertex graphs. Cray 2 Sun SPARC 10 Average Average Average Average Average Average . cquue comp. . clique comp. densrty . . densrty . . srze trme srze trme 0.90 2.7 93.6 0.91 2.9 0.91 0.75 3.6 98.1 0.76 4.1 0.96 0.50 5.9 86.3 0.51 6.8 0.83 0.25 10.4 78.7 0.26 12.4 0.93 0.10 18.8 69.2 0.11 21.8 0.88 77 Table 5.4 Comparison of simulation results for 75-vertex graphs. Cray 2 Sun SPARC 10 Average Average Average Average Average Average . . comp. . . comp. densrty set srze . densrty set srze . trme trme 0.91 3.0 2283.0 0.91 3.1 2.29 0.75 4.0 3690.1 0.76 4.5 2.48 0.49 6.0 2837.1 0.51 7.6 1.98 0.24 11.0 2941.4 0.26 14.5 2.22 0.09 22.0 3879.6 0.1 1 26.7 2.45 78 Table 5.5 Summary of simulation results to demonstrate solution qualities. 75% density 50% density 25% density Graph Avg. Solution Avg. Solution Avg. Solution size steps quality steps quality steps quality 100 214.7 4.9/6 180.6 8.2/10 264.7 15.3/17 200 251.0 4.7/6 177.5 8.9/10 114.8 185/21 300 246.9 5.6/7 224.2 9.4/12 226.3 196/22 400 287.0 5.3/7 209.0 1 1.0/13 292.2 206/22 500 316.6 5.3/7 376.8 9.2/ 12 276.3 212/26 600 259.7 5.7/7 364.6 10.2/1 1 260.9 222/24 700 282.8 4.7/5 353.2 11.7/ 13 347.2 21.8/24 800 388.8 5.3/6 355.0 10.2/13 283.5 24.7/26 900 392.2 5.8/7 449.0 10.6/ 12 388.3 24.2/27 1000 395.2 6.0/8 398.2 10.8/13 452.8 22805 79 Table 5.6 Comparison of the computation time for 50%-density graph problems. Graph size IBM 3090 Sun SPARC 10 100 0.14 4.5 200 4.16 17.0 300 46.04 47.8 400 235.68 79.5 500 1114.78 227.4 600 362.0 700 407.5 800 534.2 900 817.6 1000 953.4 80 are shown in Tables 5.1 - 5.4. Each element in the tables represents by the average value of 100 simulation runs of randomly generated graphs with given sizes and densities. The maximum neural network converges within 200 iteration steps.Our computation times on the Sun SPARC 10 are shorter than theirs on the Cray 2 and our solution qualities are comparable to theirs. Our algorithm is also compared with Carraghan’s algorithm [87] on IBM 3090 mainframe where graphs with vertex size varying from 100 to 1000 and with density varying from 0.25 to 0.75 were tested. Table 5.5 shows the average number of iteration steps to converge to solution and the average/maximum sizes of independent sets found by our algorithm. The same conversion between the maximum independent set problem and the maximum clique problem as given {in section 5.1 has been used. Each element in Table 5.5 represents by the average value of 10 simulation runs of randomly generated graphs with given sizes and densities. Table 5.6 compares the computation time between our algorithm on the Sun SPARC 10 and Carraghan’s algorithm on the IBM 3090. Tables 5.1 - 5.6 show that our algorithm is superior to the best existing algorithms in term of computation time while still maintains similar solution quality. 5.3 Ultrasonic tissue characterization Experimental data sets obtained from a human brain sample with hemorrhaged tumor, as shown in Figure 5.3, are used in this section. The data set are taken from the data acquisition system in our Ultrasound Research Laboratory. A program written in C language is developed to do the data acquisition and displaying. The program listing of the main program is given in Appendix B. The experimental setup includes a PC-486, a PC- based A/D converter board, a Panametrics 5050 pulser, and a Panametrics V306 transducer, as shown in Figure 5.4. The pulser is used to trigger the transducer and receive 81 Figure 5.3 Picture of human brain sample with hemorrhaged tumor. 82 .8293 £53868 «:8 05 .8 Efiwfiu ovanzom in oenwi mecwoi @3235 emac: 22 mammmoooi 3:me 5:980 Eafimfii 80:35:. H315 2.5935 83 reflected signals. The received signal is sampled at 40 MHz with 8-bit resolution by the A/ D converter. The sampled data is stored in the computer for further analysis. Five features, as mentioned in section 4.3, are extracted from returned echoes. The use of the multidimensional data is to catch as much as the information of the target tissue as possible. However, some of those features may contain similar information. In order to reduce the redundancy in the data set, the dependence between features is measured by equation 4.6. The dependence between features is shown by the eigenvector projection of the five features onto a two-dimensional space in Figure 5.5. Total energy and peak frequency are discarded due to their strong dependence to correlation coefficient and central frequency respectively. Since the number of data points in the data set is large, it will take a long processing time and large memory capacity. The background data points are removed to reduce the size of the data set. The background data points can easily be removed because it is very uniform. The reduced three-feature data set is used to generate the conductance matrix W,“y for the proposed algorithm. The W,"y is given as WK,y = d(x, y) (5.7) where d(.) is the Euclidean distance between data points x and y. The W matrix characterizes the maximum neural network. Spatial information is then added to the clustering result for subsequent image reconstruction. The C-scan image is shown in Figure 5.6 while the reconstructed image is shown in Figure 5.7. From Figure 5.7, the clustering result does show the abnormal tissue portion. However, a detail identification of the brain sample requires further investigation for conclusive result. Physicians could contribute their expertise to the eventual identification. 8 r l I I I l j correlation 5 + " ~ is total energy 4 ~ 3-dB bandwidth - 2 b r N f0 0 >- -1 § -2 .. a -41. _ a: peak frequency -6 >- -1 at central frequency ‘8 1 J L l L 1 I -8 —6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 ans 1 Figure 5.5 Projection of five features in a two-dimensional space. 8S Figure 5.6 C-scan image of human brain sample. 86 Figure 5.7 Reconstructed image of human brain sample. CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Summary In this dissertation, some basic principles of linear acoustic waves have been reviewed. Time domain and frequency domain techniques for acoustic parameter estimation were described. Their advantages and limitations were also discussed. Ultrasound is a useful tool in many applications, such as non-destructive evaluation of materials and tissue characterization. The conventional ultrasonic detection technique uses the A-mode signal directly for material characterization. The proposed approach is first to extract features from the return echoes. Then, use these features to construct the feature vectors from the data set. A modified Hopfield neural network is adopted for clustering the data set. We refer to this modified Hopfield neural network as the maximum neural network. It has several advantages: (1) The maximum neural network always generates a valid solution. (2) No trial-and error parameters are needed in the maximum neural network. (3) The maximum neural network has exact condition for convergence. 87 88 The maximum independent set problem and the tissue characterization problem have been used to test the proposed system. For the maximum independent set problem, shorter computation time has been achieved from the proposed algorithm. For the tissue characterization problem, the abnormal portion of the sample has been identified. Due to the inherent parallelism in the maximum neural network, parallel processing for the material characterization is also achieved. 6.2 Directions for future work Modern acoustic imaging is still in its infancy, combining recent achievements in data acquisition and computer science techniques. Much improvement can be made in the areas of non-destructive evaluation and clinical applications. Some of the topics to be pursued in the future are as follows: (1) Pre-processing knowledge: Currently no preference has been given to any feature in the feature vector. However, some feature may be more relevant than others. Those features should have greater influence to the outcome of the characterization. (2) Initial state: Randomly generated initial state in the maximum neural network may not be appropriate for specific problems. Some pre-processing knowledge can be used to adjust the initial state. This adjustment can further shorten the processing time. (3) Post-processing knowledge: A knowledge base of acoustic response of various biological tissues should be established and incorporated into the proposed (4) 89 system. Therefore, conclusive results could be obtained. Real-time system: Most of the components in the proposed system are built in software and run in sequential computers. Hardware implementation of the processing elements or the use of parallel computers is needed to take full advantage of the proposed system. Since the basic processing elements in the maximum neural network are very simple, hardware implementation should be feasible and may be more economical than the use of parallel computers. APPENDIX APPENDIX A PROGRAM LIST FOR THE MAXIMUM INDEPENDENT SET PROBLEM /*****************************************************************/ /* */ /* Maximum Neural Network approach for solving */ /* Maximum Independent Set problem */ /* */ /* By C.P. Chou */ /* t/ /**************************************************************it*ir/ #include #include #define MaxN 2000 #define M (MaxN+1) /* random generator for initial U */ #define random() ((rand()%(1000))/10.0)-50.0 /* random generator for adjacency matrix */ #define random1() ((rand()%(100))/50.0)-1.0 main()[ FILE *fp; char Infile[40],0utfile[40]; int i,j,x,y,N,flag,iteration,min,count; float q[M][M],W[M][M],V[M][2],U[M][2],deltaU[M][2],deltaT; float exist[M],deg[M],set[M],min_deg; /* man—machine interface */ N=0; while ((N != 1) && (N != 2111 printf("(1) Use user given adjacency matrix \n"): printf("(2) Use randomly generated adjacency matrix.\n"): 90 /* if 91 printf("Your choice: "); scanf("%d",&N); I (1) Use user given adjacency matrix. */ (N == 1) I printf("Input adjacency matrix file name:\n"): scanf("%s",Infile); fp=fopen(Infile,"r"): fscanf(fp,"%d ",&N): if (N > MaxN){ printf("Vertex number is too large.\n"); exit(1): l for (i=1;i<=N;i++) for (j=l;j<=N;j++)l fscanf(fp,"%d ",&x); q[i][j]=(float)x; I fclose(fp); l /* (2) Use randomly generated adjacency matrix. */ else { printf("Input vertex number = "); /* /* /* /* /* scanf("%d",&N): if (N > MaxN){ printf("Vertex number is too large.\n"); exitil): 1 generat the adjacency matrix */ This graph has N vertices. */ q[i1[jlr 1<= ilj <8 N 1"/ q[][] is a symmetric matrix with diagonal zeros. */ for (i=2;i<=N;i++) for (j=1;j<=(i-l);j++)l if (randoml() <= 0.0) Qiilljl=0.0: else Qiilijl=1.0: q[j][i]=q[i][j];. 1 for (i=1;i<=N;i++) q[i][i]=0.0: printf("Generated adjacency matrix:\n"): for (i=1;i<=N;i++)I for (j=1;j<=N:j++) printf("%d ",(int)q[i][j]); printf("\n"): 92 */ 1 /* printf("Output file name:\n"): scanf("%s",0utfile); */ /* calculate conductance matrix W[][] from q[][] */ for (i=1;i<=N:i++){ W[0][i]=0.0; for (j=1;j<=N:j++) W1011i1=W[0][i1+q[i][j1; W[0] [i]=W[0] [i]-1.0; W[0] [i]=W[01[i]/4.0; WIi1101=W[0][i1: } for (i=1;i<=N;i++) for (j=1:j<=N;j++)l W[i][j]=q[i][j]/4.0; WIjI[i]=W[i][j]: l W[0][0]=0.0; /* The main algorithm starts here */ /* generate initial Ulll] (step 1) */ for (x=0:x<=N;x++) for (i=0:i<=1;i++) U[x][i]=random(); flag=0; iteration=0r printf("iteration = %d\n",iteration); while(f1ag==0)l /* calculate the V[][] (output) (step 2)*/ for (x=0;x<=N:x++) if (U[X][0] > U[x1[1]){ V[x][0]=l.0: V[x][l]=0.0; 1 else{ V[x][0]=0.0: V[x][l]=l.0: I /* printf("V[x][i]\n"): for (i=0;i<=l;i++)1 for (x=0;x<=N;x++) printf("%d ",(int)V[x][i]): 93 printf("\n"): } */ /* calculate the delta U[][] (step 3) */ for (x=0:x<=N:x++) for (i=0;i<=l;i++)l deltaU[x][i]=0.0; for (y=0;y<=N:y++) deltaU[x][i]=deltaU[x][i]+W[x][y]*V[y][i]; deltaU[x][i]=(-1.0)*deltaU[x][i]: l /* printf("deltaU[x][i]\n"); for (i=0;i<=1;i++)1 for (x=0;x<=N;x++) printf("%5.2f ",deltaU[x][i]); printf("\n"); l */ deltaT=l.0: /* update U[][] (input) (step 4) */ for (x=0;x<=N;x++) for (i=0;i<=1;i++) U[x][i]=U[x][i]+deltaU[x][i]*deltaT; for (x=0;x<=N;x++)( if ((U[x][0]-U[x][l]) > 100.0)1 U[x][0]=50.0; U[x][1]=-50.0: I if ((U[x][1]-U[x][0]) > 100.0)1 U[x][1]=50.0; U[x][0]=-50.0; I l /* printf("U[x][il\n"); for (i=0;i<=l;i++)1 for (x=0;x<=N;x++) printf("%5.2f ",U[x][i]); printf("\n"); I */ /* Is the sysyem in equilibrium state? (step 5) */ /* If any neuron is unstable, set flag = 0. */ flag=1: for (x=1:x<=N;x++)l if (deltaU[x][0] > deltaU[x][1]) 94 i=0; else i=1: if (V[x][i] == 0) f1ag=0: I iteration=iteration+l; printf("iteration = %d\n",iteration); l /* end of while() */ /* End of the algorithm */ /* Output the result */ for (x=0;x<=N;x++) if (U[XIIOI > U[x1[1]){ V[x][0]=1.0; V[x][1]=0.0; 1 else{ V[x][0]=0.0; V[x][l]=1.0: l /* printf("V[x][i]\n"); for (i=0;i<=1;i++){ for (x=0;x<=N;x++) printf("%d ",(int)V[x][i]); printf("\n"); l */ /* fp=fopen(0utfile,"w"); */ /* Vertices in the same group as vertex 0 belong to Independent Set. *1 if (V[0][O] == 1.0) j=0: else j=1: /* fprintf(fp,"V+(Max Independent Set):\n"): */ printf("V+(Max Independent Set):\n"); i=0; count=0: for (x=1;x<=N;x++){ if (V[x][j] == 1.0)1 /* fprintf(fp,"%d ",x); */ printf("%d ",x); i++; count++; l 95 if (i >= 15){ /* fprintf(fp,"\n"); */ printf("\n"); i=0; 1 I /* fprintf(fp,"\nsize = $d",count): */ printf("\nsize = %d",count); if (j==0) i=1: else i=0: /* fprintf(fp,"\nV-:\n"): */ printf("\nV-:\n"); i=0; for (x=1;x<=N;x++)1 if (V[x][j] == 1.0)1 /* fprintf(fp,"%d ",x); */ printf("%d ",x); i++; 1 if (i >= 15){ /* fprintf(fp,"\n"); */ printf("\n"); i=0; } l /* fprintf(fp,"\n"); */ printf("\n"): /* fclose(fp): */ l/* end of the main program */ APPENDIX B PROGRAM LIST FOR DATA /******* /* /* Data /* /* By C. /* /******* ACQUISITION AND DISPLAYING **********************************************************/ */ acquisition and displaying. */ */ P. Chou */ */ ***************‘k****************************************‘k‘k/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAXSIZE 131072L /* 128K memory */ #define SEGMENT 0xd000 /* fixed segment */ #define PORTO 0x178 /* default setting */ #define PORTl 0x179 /* all switches are off */ #define PORTZ 0x17A #define PORT3 0x178 #define PULSER 0x301 /* port for triggering pulser */ #define CMDO "Czchange setting sttatic Dzdynamic ESC:exit" #define ESC 27 #define YES 1 #define NO 0 unsigned int huge *sig: /* sampling signal */ unsigned int huge *sigold; /* old sampling signal */ 96 97 int israte; /* index of sampling rate */ long startpoint,endpoint; float sx,sy; /* scales of x and y */ int lx,ly; /* size of window 1 */ int wlt,w1b,wlr,wll; /* parameters of window 1 */ int w2t,w2b,w2r,w21; /* parameters of window 2 */ long secs_now; /* current time in seconds */ char *str_now; /* currnet time in string */ long cursor,oldcur; /* cursor position */ long curscale; /* cursor inc (dec) step size */ int drawn,curdrawn; void main() I int done,goodans: int cmdflag,initflag,plotflag,curflag; char ans,ansl: if ((sig = farmalloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*MAXSIZE)) == NULL) { printf("Memory allocation failed!\n"); exit(l): I if ((sigold = farmalloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*MAXSIZE)) == NULL) { printf("Memory allocation failed!\n"): exit(l); I outportb(PULSER + 2, 0x88): outportb(PULSER, 0x00): done = NO; initflag = YES; plotflag = YES; curflag = NO; do [ if (initflag == YES){ getndata(); init_graphics(); drawn = NO: curdrawn = NO: initflag = NO; cmdflag = YES; I if (cmdflag == YESII dispcmd(); cmdflag = NO: I if (plotflag == YESII sampling_all(50); plotsigna1(); cmdflag = YES; I if (curflag == YES){ 98 plotcursor(): curflag = NO; cmdflag = YES; I do { /* do loop for command */ goodans = YES; if (kbhit() !=0)1 ans = getch(); ans = toupper(ans); switch(ans) 1 case '\0': /* arrows */ ansl = getch(): if (plotflag == NOII switch(ansl) 1 case 'M': case 'K': oldcur = cursor; if (cursor > curscale && ansl == 'K') /* left arrow */ cursor-=curscale; if (cursor < (endpoint-startpoint-curscale) && ansl == 'M') /* right arrow */ cursor+=curscale; plotcursor(): cmdflag = YES: break; default: goodans = NO; break; I } else { goodans = NO; I break: case 'C': /* change setting */ closegraph(): initflag = YES: plotflag = YES; curflag = NO: break; case 'S': /* static */ oldcur = cursor; plotflag = NO; curflag = YES; break: case '0': /* dynamic */ plotflag = YES: 99 if (curdrawn == YES){ curdrawn = NO; plotcursor(): curdrawn a NO; I break: case ESC: done = YES: break; default: /* any illegal command */ goodans = NO; break; I /* do loop for command */ I } while(goodans == NO); } while(done == NO); closegraph(): farfree(sig): farfree(sigold); I /* main */ getndata() { long sampleno; c1rscr(); do { printf("\nChoose the sampling rate:\n“); printf("\n 8: 4OMH2"); printf("\n 9: 4MH2"); printf("\n 10: 400KH2"); printf("\n 11: 4OKH2"); printf("\n 12: 4KH2"); printf("\n\n Sampling rate = "); scanf("%d",&israte): 1 while(israte > 12 ll israte < 8): do { printf("\nStarting point of sampling (inside [0, %ld]) = ",MAXSIZE); scanf("%ld",&startpoint): } while (startpoint < 0 ll startpoint > (MAXSIZE-1)); do [ printf("\nNumber of sampling points (inside [0, %1d]) = ",(MAXSIZE- startpoint)): scanf("%1d",&samp1eno); ] while (sampleno < 0 ll sampleno > (MAXSIZE-startpoint)); endpoint = startpoint + sampleno — 1; cursor = sampleno/2; curscale = cursor/10; I /* get data */ init_graphics() 1 um int graphdriver; /* graphics card, eg. Hercules. int graphmode; /* graphics mode int maxx,maxy; /* max x and y in graphics float dx,dy; /* differences of x and y detectgraph(&graphdriver,&graphmode); initgraph(&graphdriver,&graphmode,"\\tc\\"); maxx = getmaxx(); maxy = getmaxy(); 1x = (maxx - 40); /* parameters for window 1 1y = (maxy - 40); wll = 30; wlt = 10: wlr = wll + 1x; wlb = wlt + ly: w21 = 0; /* parameters for window 2 w2t = wlb + 2; w2r = maxx: w2b = maxy; dx = endpoint - startpoint; /* parameters for graphics sx = lx/dx; dy = 256.0: sy = ly/dy: setcolor(GREEN); rectangle(wll-2,w1t-1,wlr+l,wlb+l); } /* init graphics */ plotsignal() /* display the signal */ { int px1,py1,px2,py2,pyoldl,pyold2; long j: setviewport(wll,w1t,w1r,w1b,l); pxl = 0: pyl = 1y - sig[startpoint]*sy; pyoldl = 1y - sigold[startpoint]*sy; sigold[startpoint] = sig[startpoint]: for (j=startpoint+1;j<=endpoint;j++)l px2 = (j-startpoint)*sx; py2 = ly-sigtjl*sy: if (drawn == YES)[ pyole = ly - sigold[j]*sy; setcolor(BLACK): line(pxl,pyold1,px2,pyold2); I setcolor(LIGHTCYAN); line(px1,pyl,px2,py2); pxl = px2; pyoldl = pyoldz: pyl = py2: sigoldtjl = sigtjl; 1 .*/ */ */ */ */ */ */ in 101 drawn=YES: I /* plot signal */ sampling_all(troffset) unsigned int troffset: I unsigned int trigger,sample_all(); unsigned int i,j,control; long k; /* Low byte : (Port2) 7654 3210 bit 6,5,4 : sampling rates : xxx 000 = 20MH2 (israte= O) or 40 MHz (israte= 8) 001 = ZMHz (israte= 1) or 4 MHz (israte= 9) 010 = .2MHz (israte= 2) or .4 MHz (israte=10) 011 = ZOKHz (israte= 3) or 40 KHz (israte=ll) 100 = ZKHz (israte= 4) or 4 KHz (israte=12) 101 = external clock 110 = no clock */ control = 0xa00c l ((israte % 8) <<4 ); load_trigger_offset(troffset); /* trigger offset */ trigger = sample_all(control); /* data acquisition */ trigger <<= l; /* address = trigger*2 */ i=0; /* access low 64K */ outport(PORT2,0x806f); /* enable WAGII RAM */ for (k=0;k<(MAXSIZE/2);k++){ j = trigger+i; sig[k] = (unsigned int)peekb(SEGMENT,j); i++; 1 i=0; /* access high 64K */ outport(PORT2,0x906f): /* enable WAGII RAM */ for (k=(MAXSIZE/2);k