THE iNFLUENCE? orvoncs msn‘ueuasuABm an souacz CREDIB!LITY ' Thesis for the Degree of Pm} MCHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY ARTHUR I. BOONE 1971. "saw-1.. ‘bl'm' .- LIBRARY J I {Ht’v‘ This is to certify that the thesis entitled THE INFLUENCE OF VOICE DISTINGUISHABILITY 0N SOURCE CREDIBILITY presented by ARTHUR I. BOONE has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph. D. degree in Secondary Education Beam Mnjor professor Date August 12, 1971 0-7639 ABSTRACT THE INFLUENCE OF VOICE DISTINGUISHABILITY ON SOURCE CREDIBILITY BY Arthur I. Boone Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study was to measure the extent to which a distinguishable voice sound (aural cue) associ- ated with a Black speaker and a distinguishable voice sound (aural cue) associated with a Caucasian speaker used as narrators for an automated sound slide presentation affect the source credibility of a recorded message to a selected group of students. Of specific interest to this study was the extent to which believability of message and voice preference were affected by the identification of a distinguishable voice sound (aural cue) associated with a Black or Caucasian narrator. Procedures The experimental pOpulation consisted of 160 Cau- casian students enrolled in eight workshop sections of Education 450, School and Society, conducted at Michigan State University during the 1971 Spring quarter. All Arthur I. Boone students were enrolled in the Michigan State University Teacher Education Pregram and had completed student teach- ing requirements. Eight sections were randomly selected from the total of ten workshops. Eight experimental treatments were ran- domly assigned to the eight workshop sections. Four work- shops received a treatment with a Black voice arguing either for the con or pro position on "Community Control of Schools." Four workshOps received a treatment with a Caucasian voice arguing either for the pro or con position. The subjects in all workshOps were administered the same semantic differential consisting of twelve items relating to "voice preference" and thirteen items relating to "be- lievability." The mode of presentation fer the treatments (automated slide-tape presentation) was the same for all workshops. The statistical hypotheses were tested by using the multivariate analysis procedure, and the probability level selected for rejecting the null hypothesis was at the .05 alpha level. Conclusions The analysis of the differential test results sup- ports the following conclusions: 1. When Caucasian undergraduate students are ex- posed to information communicated by a Caucasian communi- cator they generally gave higher credibility to a Caucasian information source than they will give to a Black communicator source. Arthur I. Boone 2. "Voice preference" is perceived more positively with voice sound associated with a Caucasian than with voice sound associated with a Black speaker. 3. Distinguishable voice sound associated with different Black Speakers was perceived as having approximately the same level of credibility. 4. "Voice preference" was rated in a negative direction when associated with a distinguishable Black voice sound. 5. The perception of "voice preference" and "be- lievability" was rated in a positive direction when associated with a distinguishable Caucasian voice sound. 6. The "believability" of a message can not be assured by the position a speaker takes on an issue. THE INFLUENCE OF VOICE DISTINGUISHABILITY ON SOURCE CREDIBILITY BY Arthur I. Boone A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY College of Education 1971 DEDICATION To my wife, Zola, who sacrificed her own profes- sional job advancement and encouraged me to take this venture. Her moral support, understanding, and inspiration sustained me throughout this task. This task would not have been completed without the labor and many long hours she spent typing and retyping thesis drafts. Her under- standing of the many anxious moments was a constant source of encouragement to me. To my children, Monica, Denise, and Ivan, who some— how understood what I was doing and why I was absent from the home for many long hours. Their understanding made the task a little easier. ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express sincere appreciation to the Chairman of my Committee, Dr. Paul Witt, who has been a source of encouragement and helpfulness throughout my doctoral program and also to Dr. Elwood Miller and Dr. Wilbur Brookover for their contributions and interest as members of the writer's guidance committee. My gratitude is also extended to Dr. Troy Stearns for his personal friendship, moral inspiration and guidance during my doc- toral program. Special indebtedness and appreciation are expressed to Dr. Larry Lezotte who provided invaluable guidance and assistance in the design of this study and the statistical treatment of data. His patience, humane- ness and understanding made a difficult task bearable. Further gratitude and appreciation are expressed to Dr. Harry Johnson, who has been a counselor, friend, and professional confidant throughout my professional career. Special thanks is also extended to the instructors in Education 450 whose cooperation made it possible for me to collect the data for this study. I wish to thank especially my mother and father, who have been a lifetime of encouragement and inspiration to me. Arthur I. Boone iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page DEDICATION O O O O O O O O O I O O O 0 ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . iii LIST OF TABLES. . . . . . . . . o . . . Vi LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . Vii LIST OF APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . viii Chapter I. INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . 1 Statement of the Problem. . . . . 4 General Statement of the Hypothesis . . 5 Significant Questions. . . . . . . 5 The Need for the Study . . . . . . 6 Limitations of the Study. . . . . . 12 Definition of Terms . . . . . . . 14 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . 15 II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE . . . . . 17 Source Credibility. . . . . . . . l7 Racial Stereotyping . . . . . . . 39 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . 46 III. PROCEDURES AND METHODOLOGY . . . . . . 48 Statement of the Problem. . . . . . 48 The sample 0 O O O O O O O O O 48 Instrumentation. . . . . . . . . 49 Deve10pment of Pre-Test Screening Instrument . . . . . . . . 50 Administration of Pre-Test Instrument O O O O O O O O 52 Development of Test Instrument. . . 55 Procedure. . . . . . . . . . 65 Design and Analysis . . . . . . . 67 Statistical Hypotheses . . . . . . 69 smary O O O I O O O O O O O 71 iV Chapter Page IV. ANALYSIS OF DATA. . . . . . . . . . 73 Scale Reliability . . . . . . . . 73 Scale Intercorrelations . . . . . . 74 Hypotheses Tests. . . . . . . . . 74 Hypotheses. . . . . . . . . . . 74 Summary of Result . . . . . . . . 84 V. SUMMARY, FINDINGS, DISCUSSION, IMPLICATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS. . . . . . . . . 87 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Findings . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Discussion. . . . . . . . . . . 94 Implications . . . . . . . . . . 98 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . 101 BIBLIOGRAPHY. O O O O O O O O O O O O O 103 APPENDICES O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O 109 LI ST OF TABLE S Table Page 3.1 Mean scores on voice perception . . . . . 35 3.2 Number of distinguishable, indistinguishable and randomly excluded responses to voice sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 4.1 Group means for voice preference and believability . . . . . . . . . . . 75 4.2 Univariate analysis of believability scores of Black versus Caucasian voice sounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 4.3 Univariate analysis of voice preference scores of Black versus Caucasian voice sounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 4.4 Univariate analysis of believability scores for Black (Voice #1) versus Black (VOice #2) o o o o o o o o o o o o 79 4.5 Univariate analysis of voice preference scores of Black (Voice #1) versus Black (Voice #2) . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 4.6 Univariate analysis of believability scores of Caucasian (Voice #1) versus Caucasian (Voice #2) . . . . . . . . . 81 4.7 Univariate analysis of voice preference scores of Caucasian (Voice #1) versus Caucasian (Voice #2) . . . . . . . . . 82 4.8 Univariate analysis of believability scores of "pro" versus "con" position . . . 83 4.9 Univariate analysis of voice preference scores of "pro" versus "con" position . . . 84 4.10 Summary of results. . . . . . . . . . 85 Vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Treatment design . . . . . . . . . . 68 vii LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A. Voice Distinguishability Rating Scale B. Pre-Test Script. . . . . . . . C. Instructions. . . . . . . . . D. Article . . . . . . . . . . E. Script. . . . . . . . . . . F. Slides. . . . . . .4 . . . . G. Semantic Differential. . . . . . H. Ethnic Group Identification Check Sheet. I. Instructions for Proctor. . . . . viii Page 110 114 116 118 126 133 138 140 142 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The effectiveness of communication depends to a con— siderable extent upon the person or group who delivers it.1 However, the attitude of the audience toward the communicator is one of the major factors in determining the degree of credibility attributed to the communicator. Berlo2 suggests that the more source credibility the communicator is per- ceived to have, the more likely the receiver is to accept the transmitted message. Similarly the perception of the message is generally influenced by a variety of cues (vari- ables) directly associated with the communicator. These cues often take a variety of forms such as dress, mannerisms, social status, voice, and ethnic group identification. Accordingly the attitude of the audience toward these cues will affect its perception of the credibility of the source. The variables affecting source credibility are in- herent in the proposition that the audience's perception of _‘ lCarl I. Hovland, Janis L. Irving and Harold H. Kelly, Communication and Persuasion (New Haven: Yale Univer- sity Press, 1953), p. 19} 2David Berlo, James B. Lemert and Robert Mertz, "Dimensions for Evaluating the Acceptability of Message Sources," The Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 33 (Winter, 1969-70), p. 563. the source will influence the response to the message. Miller4 suggests further that physical and vocal variables play a part in shaping our reaction to a speaker if for no other reason than that various personality stereotypes are associated with certain physical and vocal characteristics. These physical and vocal characteristic variables are par- ticularly significant in situations where white audiences are placed in a position to judge the source credibility of Black communicators. The attitudes reflected by a white audience toward a Black communicator often appear to be distinctively discernible on the basis of racial distinguish- ability. Miller5 describes two possible reasons why the vari- able of communicator race leads to differences in the per- ception of source credibility relating to Caucasian and Black communicators. One reason is the variation in the cue properties of visual stimuli serving to identify race. He states that: . . . in the case of white audiences, individuals are exposed more frequently to messages presented by white communicators than to communications originat- ing from Negro communicators. Thus when white 3Gerald R. Miller and Murray A. Hewgill, "The Effect of Variations in Nonfluence and Audience Ratings of Source Credibility," The Quarterly Journal of Speech, Vol. 1, No. 1 (February, 1964), 36. 4Ibid. 5Gerald Miller and Kenn Roberts, "Communication Race, Open- and Closed-Mindedness, and Response to Informa- tive Communications," Audiovisual Communication Review, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Fall, 1965), 259. communicators are paired with messages, visual stimuli denoting race will be high, and their distinctiveness, along with the novelty of the stimulus situation, will lead white audience members to respond in ways calculated to reduce attention to the message content. Miller6 suggests that racial attitudes held by white audiences is a second reason why the race of the com- municator will influence audience perception of the source. If some members of such audiences entertain certain pre- judices and hold certain negative stereotypes of Blacks in general, negative responses, such as perceptions of low source credibility and distortion or avoidance of message content usually result. Thus, it is expected that a white audience exposed to a Black communicator would retain less of the message content than would a white audience exposed to a white communicator. Obviously, however, the communicator's race will not exercise an equal impact on all audience members; rather, it is probable that certain personality variables associated with the communicator will determine the extent to which the race of the source will alter response to the message.7 It was previously pointed out that the audience's attitude toward voice cue is one of the variables affecting the perception of source credibility. In a study by 61bid. 7Ibid., 263. Nerbonne,8 it was concluded that listeners can differenti- ate accurately between Black and Caucasian speakers. He9 suggested further that differentiations between Black and Caucasian speakers can be made more effective on the basis of prepared aural cues (oral reading) than on the basis of spontaneous oral cues (extemporaneous speech). With this View in mind, this study is designed to define and delineate further one of the variables (voice cue) which appears to influence the audience's perception of source credibility. Statement of the Problem The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which the recognition of voice sound (aural cue) functions as a basis for source credibility of a recorded message. Specifically, this study is designed to measure the extent to which a distinguishable voice sound (aural cue) associated with the Black speaker and a distinguishable voice sound (aural cue) associated with a Caucasian speaker used as narrators for an automated sound slide presentation affect the source credibility of a recorded message presented to a selected group of students. Of specific interest to this study is the extent to which believability of message 8Patrick G. Nerbonne, "Identification of Speaker Characteristics on the Basis of Aural Cues," unpublished doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University, 1967, p. 114. 9Ibid., p. 44. and voice preference are affected by the identification of a distinguishable voice sound (aural cue) associated with a Black or Caucasian narrator. General Statement of Hypothesis The hypothesis formulated for this study is gener- ally stated as follows: The mean score of source credi- bility for listener response to voice sound (aural cue) associated with a Caucasian narrator on a recorded message will be greater than the mean score of source credibility for listener response to voice sound (aural cue) associated _with a Black narrator. Significant Questions The following questions are posed as a basis for this study: 1. Can voice sound (aural cue) be distinctively identified and clearly associated with a par- ticular ethnic group by the listener? 2. Can voice sound (aural cue) be distinctively identified and clearly recognized as belong- ing to a Black speaker on a recorded message? 3. Can voice sound (aural cue) be distinctively identified and clearly recognized as belonging to a Caucasian speaker on a recorded message? 4. If voice sound (aural cue) can be distinguished clearly as belonging to a Black or Caucasian speaker, then to what extent does the recogni- tion of voice sound (aural cue) affect listener response to a recorded message? 5. To what extent does the identification of dis- tinguishable voice sound (aural cue) by the listener function as a basis for source credi- bility? The Need for the Study The solicitation of positive reSponse and attitude toward the information source is one of the major premises upon which effective communication is based. There are a variety of cues generally associated with all information sources which are peculiar to those sources. How the audi- ence receives and reacts to these cues determines to a con— siderable extent the degree of credibility given to the information source. In order to provide more evidence in this area, a continuing collection of research data is needed, particularly in the area of source credibility as it relates to verbal cues in general and to Blacks in par- 10 ticular. In a recent study, Berlo states that: We need empirical evidence establishing the criteria that in fact are used by receivers to evaluate infor- mation sources. We need to know how many dimensions are required to account for these evaluations, whether these are independent dimensions, and what types of response characterize each. In View of Berlo's statement, this study will be significant in that it can help to reduce the seeming paucity of research in this area. Paucity of Research The general area of source credibility is broad and exhaustive. However, there appears to be very little re- ported research dealing with credibility source as it loBerlo, Lemert and Mertz, op. cit., p. 564. relates solely to distinguishable voice sound as an aural cue and its association with a particular ethnic or racial group, particularly Blacks. While considerable emphasis has been placed on the "who the source is" dimension, little consideration has been given to "how the source says it." Or, expressed in a more scientific idiom, investigators have largely ignored those classes of physical and vocal variables likely to influence the audience's perception of the source's credibility.ll Much of the research regarding source credibility as it relates to race has emphasized the role of visual stimuli in shaping audience response to a communication 13 states that, ". . . it is reasonable situation.12 Miller to assume that the race of a communicator may exercise an effect on audience response to a communicator, however, there is a paucity of reported research dealing with this variable." One exception is a recent study by Krausl4 which demonstrates that a drama performed by a racially mixed cast produced significantly more favorable attitudes toward the integration of Blacks in education than did the same drama performed by all-Black or all-white casts. 11Miller and Hewgill, op. cit. 12Ibid., p. 258. l31bid. l4S. Kraus, "Modifying Prejudice: Attitude Change as a Function of the Race of the Communicator," Audiovisual Communication Review, Vol. 10 (January-February, 1962), 14-22 0 Evidence of the lack of research dealing with the race of a communicator and the visual stimulus of race as it relates to source credibility appears to substantiate Miller's observations. More significant to this study is that research dealing specifically with the question of race of the communicator and the aural stimulus (voice cue) of race as it relates to source credibility is practically non-existent in the literature. Obviously, there is a great need for additional research on source credibility as it relates to the race of the communicator and the aural stimulus associated with the communicator. To this extent, this study is important in that it can make a contribution in the following three ways: 1. Make gains in reducing the paucity of research done in the general area of source credibility, 2. Provide additional knowledge input to the spe- cific area of aural stimulus as it relates to source credibility, and 3. Broaden the knowledge base for further empirical examination of the relationship between source credibility and distinguishable aural cues asso- ciated with a particular racial or ethnic group. Investigations as to the ability of listeners to identify the ethnic group of speakers have been sparse. The same can be said of objective studies in which an attempt is made to specify various vocal or conversational cues by which to make such differentiations.15 Therefore, one of the single most important contributions that a study of this nature can make is the filling of the existing void of research evidence concerning the identification of distinguishable ethnic (Black American) aural cues as a function of source credibility. Criteria for Evaluation A trend has developed in recent years in the field of education in the publication of print and the production of non-print media. As a result of this trend, there is a noticeable increase in the pictorial visibility of multi- racial and ethnic groups, particularly Blacks, appearing in both print and non-print media. Through an examination of print media such as textbooks, work—books, and other similar media, evidence of the increase in the visibility of multi-racial and ethnic groups in pictorial illustrations becomes reasonably obvious. Likewise, this trend is also evident in non-print media such as instructional films, filmstrips and slides. The degree and extent of the visibility of multi- racial representations in pictorial illustrations in print media and non-print media is often one of the criteria used for evaluating the authenticity and credibility of these forms of media. Actions taken by some school systems 15Nerbonne, op. cit., p. 27. l0 (districts, regions, etc.) exemplify this concern when formulating criteria for the evaluation of print and non- print media. Faculty committees and other similar bodies are often established to evaluate and assess print and non- print media on the basis of the extent of multi-racial group representation found in those media used in their school system. For example, the State of Michigan was recently involved in such an evaluation process at the public school level. One of the criteria used for evalua- tion was the degree and kind of multi—racial representation evident in print media.16 This apparent trend in the field of education in . general and within certain school districts in particular to consider the visibility of multi-racial representation, particularly Blacks, as one of the criteria for evaluating print and non-print media is considered a recent dimension. However, these criteria for evaluation do not include con- cern for the representation of the multi-racial distinguish- ability and identification of voice sound used with non- print media as it is associated with a particular racial or ethnic group. In this sense, this study can contribute to the probable expansion of those criteria used for evaluation by many school systems. This study can be beneficial to school personnel by directing the school's attention to the l6"State Cites Flaws in Textbooks," The Lansing State Journal, March 18, 1971, p. 12. 11 need to examine non-print media such as audio tapes and recording discs for the accuracy and degree of representa- tion of those distinguishable voices associated with the Black voice. Packaged Programs Packaged programs are described as the incorpora- tion of filmstrips, motion pictures, disc and tape record- ings, manipulative devices and realia to assist in the teaching—learning process.l7 Packaged programs often combine filmstrips and audio-tapes in a single package. Repetitive film loops are combined with sound and pictures. A combination of syn- chronized audio-tapes and slides is also a common example of the variations utilized in packaged programs. In each of these variation-combinations, the inclusion of sound via audio track is a common element present in the packaged program. The communication effectiveness of a slide-audio tape program, like other similar packages, is only success- ful to the extent that some basis for criteria for evalua- tion is established to determine its merit and effective- ness in the situation in which it is intended for use. In 17Robert A. Weisgerber, Instructional Process and Media Innovations (Chicago: Rand, McNélly and Co., 1968), p. 329. 12 evaluating slide-tape packaged programs, the quality of the audio-track is invariably one of the criteria which is judged in the evaluation process. A vast majority of slide-audio tape packaged pro- 18 The absence of dis- grams are commercially produced. tinguishable ethnic and regional dialect on recorded audio tracks is evident in commercially produced packaged pro- grams. The professionally trained speaker with little or no distinguishable ethnic or regional dialect in his voice is the typical kind of narrator often used to record audio tracks for commercially produced packaged programs. A study of this nature can contribute significantly by alerting those persons who produce commercially packaged programs to consider the need to incorporate more distin— guishable ethnic voices for narration. This study can con- ceivably provide a broader and a more significant implica- tion for the selection of distinguishable ethnic and re- gional voice dialects to be used for recorded narrations and commentary used with instructional films, audio tapes, video tape programs, and discs. Limitations of the Study The following limitations are acknowledged as in— herent in this study and the scope of its findings is re- stricted accordingly: 18Ibid. 13 The population of this study is limited to students enrolled in Education 450, Schools and Society, for the Spring Quarter (1971) at ‘F Michigan State University. The total test population was comprised of 240 students divided into 10 workshop sections. The sample used for this study consisted of 8 sections, approximately 30 for each section. This study is further limited in sc0pe by the small number of sample population. Inferences to broader generalizations to other groups not included in this study are beyond the limited scope of this study. This study is limited to the use of an automated slide presentation. Results obtained are not intended to function as a basis for inferences to broader generalizations concerning other mediated packages including media such as films, discs, and video tapes. This study is limited to measuring listener response in the affective domain. Measurement of listener response in the cognitive domain is not included in the scope of this study. The assumed personal bias of the participating subjects is a limitation in that complete ob— jectivity of listener response may be lacking. The scepe of this study is limited in that no assumptions or inferences are made concerning the probable bias of the listeners included in the sample pOpulation. The study is limited to measuring listener re- sponse to voice sound (aural cue). The mea- surement of listener response to visual cues is beyond the scepe of this study. The scepe of this study is further limited to measuring listener response to "credibility" as defined in the context of this study. In- ferences to "credibility" beyond the scope of this study will be limited. 14 Definition of Terms An understanding of the key terms used in this study is paramount to the interpretation of the findings; accordingly, the following definitions are stated: 1. Voice sound (aural cue) The voice narration recorded on the slide tape presentation. Recorded message Refers to the content of the recorded narration on the automated slide-tape package. Automated Slide-Tape Presentation Refers to a combination synchronized audio tape and slide sequence automated with a one signal using a 35mm slide projector. Distinguishable voice sound Refers to that voice (aural cue) which is asso- ciated with either a Black or Caucasian speaker by the subjects. Pre-test script Refers to one paragraph statement. Master tape Refers to audio tape recording composed of five Black and five Caucasian voices. Script Readers Refers to those Blacks and Caucasians selected to read the pre-test script. Primary Tape Refers to the audio tape selected and used with the automated slide-tape presentation. 10. ll. 12. 13. 15 Source Credibility Refers to listener response as measured by two dimensions of voice sound (aural cue). Those dimensions are believability and voice pre- ference. Script Refers to the content of the recorded message. The script is composed of two messages, a "pro" and "con" position on the topic "Community Control of Schools." Black Those individuals born in America and are labeled as belonging to the Black minority, ethnic group. Caucasian Those individuals born in America and are labeled as beonging to the white ethnic group. Judges Refers to those students constituting the sample population who judge the pre—test script for the distinguishability of voice sound (aural cue) as it is associated with a particular ethnic group. Overview A frame of reference for this study is developed in Chapter I. Included are the introduction, the need for the study, statement of the problem, general statement of the hypothesis, basic assumptions, significant questions, limitation In literature literature of the study and definition of terms. Chapter II, a review of the related research is presented. This includes a review of the examining source credibility in two main areas: (1) communicator credibility and (2) communicator racial cues and stereotyping. 16 The design of the study and the procedures followed in the research are reported in Chapter III. Information in this chapter includes sources of data, the research instruments, and the treatment of the data. The examination and analysis of the data are re— viewed in Chapter IV. Included in the chapter is an analy- sis of the data obtained from each research instrument as it applied to the testable hypotheses. In Chapter V, a summary of the study, conclusions, and implications for further research are presented. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE The literature related to this study is reviewed in this chapter. A thorough review of the literature reveals a paucity of research studies directly related to the speci- fic problem investigated in this study. However, there are research reports which deal with the general concept of source credibility, the primary focus of this study. The literature reported in this chpater is quite diverse in origin being attributable to the fact that studies per- taining to source credibility arise from such diverse sub- ject fields as psychology, speech, sociology, and educa- tion. Nevertheless, the common element present in these studies and of relevance to this study is the exploration of the concept, source credibility. Consistent with the thesis, purpose, and rationale presented in Chapter I, this chapter is divided into two main sections: (1) source credibility and (2) racial stereotyping. Source Credibility A review of the literature indicates that the con- cept, source credibility, is defined in many different ways. The components or dimensions comprising source credibility are reflected by the varied interests of the inveStigation l7 l8 and also by the range and number of factors related to source credibility which are being examined. Berlol empha- sizes the point that such terms as prestige, charisma, image, ethos, and source credibility are used synonymously throughout the research literature when referring to the general concept, source credibility. In defining source credibility, he further states that an individual's accept- ance of information and ideas is based in part on "who said it." The variable such as the source's role in com— munication effectiveness is labeled or defined as source credibility. In further discussion of source credibility, Berlo hypothesizes the notion that, typically, "credibility" is implicitly assumed to be unidimensional, dichotomous (either high or low) and specifiable in terms of objective characteristics of the source, such as social status. Hovland et a1.2 expressed general agreement with Berlo regarding the importance of whom the source is. They state that: The effectiveness of a communication is commonly assumed to depend to a considerable extent upon who delivers it. Persons with prestige, highly respected persons or organizations may have much the same posi- tive effect as if they originated the message. The impact of a message probably depends also upon the particular publication or channel through which it is transmitted. The above examples suggest the im- portance of persons, groups, or media which can be subsumed under the general category of "sources." lBerlo, Lemert and Mertz, op. cit., 563. 2Hovland, Irving and Kelly, op. cit., p. 19. l9 Hovland §£_§133 further suggest that a distinction should be made between two components of source credibility: (l) the extent to which a communicator is perceived to be a source of valid assertions (his "expertness"), and (2) the degree of confidence in the communicator's intent to communicate the assertions he considers most valid (his trustworthiness"). In any given case, the weight given a communicator's assertions by his audience will depend upon both of these factors, and this resultant value can be referred to as the credibility of the communicator. Regarding the definition of source credibility, Hovland et_al, present a somewhat different perspective than the one expressed by Berlo. In attempting to explicate the concept of "source credibility" both theoretically and operationally, they4 suggest a two dimensional conception: involving perceived expertness and trustworthiness. They make a distinction between credibility and other source- related variables such as affection, admiration, power, fear, and awe--but suggest the relevance to credibility of vari- ables such as intelligence and sincerity. With respect to the functions of trustworthiness and expertise, they con- clude that persuasion varies positively with credibility, although "from the results" it is not possible to disen- tangle the effects of the two main components of credibility-- 31bid., p. 21. 4Ibid., p. 35. 20 trustworthiness and expertise--but it appears that both are important variables. Although the number of quantitative studies em- ploying the term "ethos" is small compared to those that use terms such as "credibility" and "prestige" in defining source credibility, ethos is a term commonly used in the research literature.5 Anderson6 defines "ethos" as the image held of a communicator at a given time by a receiver--either one per- Ison or a group. The preceding three definitions indicate the di— verse range and scope of the definitive statements used in describing the concept source credibility. More important to this study and particularly to the reader is the need for his awareness of the multiplicity of terms used to refer to the same general concept, source credibility. It should be noted by the reader that the review of literature in this chapter will reflect the use of a variety of terms in describing source credibility. However, the reader should not lose recognition of the fact that such terms as "prestige," "credibility," "ethos," "charisma," "ethical" and "communication effectiveness" are synonymous with the term source credibility. 5Kenneth Anderson and Theodore Clevenger, Jr., "A Summary of Experimental Research in Ethos," _peech Mono- graph, Vol. 30, No. 2 (June, 1963), 6 Ibid. 21 A number of studies which examine the ethos concept indicate that certain ethical factors can produce changes in attitude toward political and social issues. In a study conducted by Arnett, Davidson, and Lewis,7 a group of graduate students were tested to determine the extent to which prestige operated as a factor in attitude changes. The Harper's teSt of.1iberalism was administered two times over a four week period, once at the beginning and once at the end of the four week period. They found that prestige produced a significant shift in attitudes in the group of graduate students toward agreements with graduate educators on the Harper's test of liberalism. A study of Birch8 was concerned with the effect of referential group or class prestige upon attitude change. Two statements, one labeled "Fascist" or "Communist," the other labeled "Reactionary" or "Liberal" were given to a group of college students. They were required to judge the two statements in terms of preference. Evidence shows that there was no significant differences in preference for the two statements judged by the students. In contrast to Birch's study, other studies have been directed toward an investigation of the prestige of individuals. Saadi and 7Claude Arnett, Helen Davidson, and Hallett Lewis, "Prestige as a Factor in Attitude Chages," "Sociology and Social Research, XVI (1931), 49—55. 8Herbert Birch, "The Effect of Socially Disapproved Labeling upon a Well-Structured Attitude," Journal of Ab- normal and Social Psychology, XL (1945), 301-310. 22 Farnsworth9 found greater acceptance for dogmatic state- ments which were attributed to well-liked persons than to the same assertions when attributed to disliked individuals. Lorge and Curtis10 found a significant tendency for subjects to shift opinion toward the supposed position of a prestige source, but they found no significant negative shift when the preposition was linked with a disapproved source. In apparent conflict with these findings are the results obtained by Lewis.11 She reported that college students remained relatively unchanged in their opinions in the evaluation of statements and that they tried to explain away the "prestige source" through rationalization. Pertinent to this study are those studies designed to investigate the problem of whether differences in the speaker's prestige significantly influences the persuasive outcome of a Speech. Haiman12 presented to three groups a tape recorded speech variously attributed to Thomas Parran, 9Mitchell Saadi and Paul Farnsworth, "The Degrees of Acceptance of Dogmatic Statements and Preferences for Their Supposed Makers," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, XXIX (1934), 143-150. OIrving Lorge and Carl Curtis, "Prestige Suggestions and Attitudes," Journal of Social Psychology, XII (1936), 386-402. llHelen Lewis, "Studies in the Principles of Judge- ments and Attitudes: The Operation of Prestige Suggestion," Journal of Social Psychology, XIV (1941), 229-256. 12Franklyn Haiman, "An Experimental Study of the Effects of Ethos in Public Speaking," unpublished disserta- tion, Northwestern, 1948; Speech Monographs, XVI (September, 1949), 190—202. ' 23 Surgeon General of the United States; to Eugene Dennis, Secretary of the Communist Party in America; and to a "Northwestern University Sophomore." Not only was Parran rated significantly more competent than the other two, but also, as measured by the Woodward Shift-of-Opinion Ballot, his speech was significantly more effective in changing attitude than was either of the other two. Employing essentially the same techniques (tape- recorded speech, differing introductions, and the Woodward ballot), Strotherl3 and Paulson,l4 in separate studies, ob- tained results similar to Haiman's. Not only did Strother find significant differences in the persuasiveness of the "Parran" and the "Dennis" speeches, he discovered that only those who thought they had been listening to Dennis wrote unfavorable comments concerning the speech techniques em- ployed. Paulson attributed a taped speech to a political science professor and to a student. For female auditors there was no significant difference in the effects of the "two speeches, but among the male auditors the pr0portion of those shifting opinion was greater for the group which thought it had been addressed by the professor." l3Edward Strother, "An Experimental Study of Ethos as Related to the Introduction in the Persuasive Speaking Situation," unpublished dissertation, Northwestern, 1951. 14Stanley Paulson, "Experimental Study of Spoken Communication: The Effects of Prestige of the Speaker and Acknowledgement of Opposing Arguments on Audience Retention and Shift of Opinion," unpublished dissertation, Minnesota, 1952; Speech Monographs, XXI (1954), 267-271. 24 15 in an effort to However, Hovland and Mandell, assess subtler sources of the speaker's image, manipulated credibility through the suggestion of differing degrees of selfish interest and self-motivation. The nonsignificant difference in attitude change which the speakers produced was very small, but the audiences, apparently reacting to their presumed prejudices, rated the "unbiased source" as the significantly fairer and more honest of the two. 16 likewise suggests the possibility A study of Kraus of evaluating indirect, implicative sources of ethos. Using pairs which were racially homogeneous and others which were racially heterogeneous, he compared whites with Negroes in respect to their persuasiveness in filmed discussions of segregation issues. The results indicated that arguments favorable to integration were more persuasive when advanced by the heterogeneous pairs; and Kraus explained the results in terms of differing levels of credibility. Because the experiment conducted by Miller and Hewgill is one of the few which attempted to measure source credibility based primarily on verbal cues, it is particularly 15Carl Hovland and Wallace Mandell, "An Experimental Comparison of Conclusion Drawing by the Communicator and the Audience," Journal of Abnormal and Social ngchology, XLVII (1952), 581-588. l6Sidney Kraus, "An Experimental Study of the Relative Effectiveness of Negroes and Whites in Achieving Racial Attitude Change Via Kinesc0pe Recordings," unpublished dissertation, Iowa, 1959; Speech Monographs, XXVII (1960), 87-88. 25 relevant to the present investigation. Therefore it will be described in detail. Miller and Hewgill'sl7 experiment was designed to test the effect of variations in nonfluency on audience ratings of source credibility. The purpose of the study is stated as follows: In the present study, interest is directed toward one class of vocal variables that may influence an audience's perception of a source's credibility. Specifically, the study had as its purpose the in- vestigation of possible relationships between the quantity and type of nonfluency presented by a speaker and audience ratings of source credibility. Miller18 states the two major hypotheses as follows: (1) that as the number of nonfluencies presented by a speaker increases, audience ratings of the speaker's credi- bility will decrease; and (2) that this effect will be greater for a nonfluency typed repetition than for a non- fluency typed vocalized pause. Ten treatment groups, each containing 16 subjects, were utilized in the study. Each of these groups heard a message that differed only in the amount and type of non- fluency it contained. The treatment conditions were as follows: 0 Vocalized Pause, 25 Vocalized Pause, 50 Vocal- ized Pause, 100 Vocalized Pause, O Repetition, 25 Repetition, 50 Repetition, 75 Repetition, and 100 Repetition. The mes- sages were recorded by a trained speaker in order to mini- mize other presentational differences. 17Miller and Hewgill, Op. cit., 37. 18Ibid., 44. 26 Immediately after hearing the Speech, each subject completed a rating instrument designed to measure his per- ception of the source's credibility. Three dimensions of credibility were included in the instrument: Competence, TrustworthineSs, and Dynamism. Analysis of the data obtained from subjects' ratings produced the following results:19 1. On the Competence factor, subjects who heard the speech that contained no nonfluencies rated the speaker significantly higher than did subjects who heard the Speeches containing 50, 75, or 100 non- fluencies. Also, the decrease in ratings was more marked in the Repetition conditions than in the Vocalized Pause conditions. Thus, the findings on Competence tend to support both hypotheses of the study. 2. On the Trustworthiness factor, there were only six significant differences among all possible com- parisons of treatment means. The data on Trustworthi- ness were interpreted as providing only minimal sup- port for the first hypothesis of the study and no support for the second hypothesis. 3. On the Dynamism factor, subjects who heard the speech that contained no repetitions rated the speaker significantly higher than did subjects who heard speeches containing 25, 50, 75, and 100 repetitions. The decrease in Dynamism ratings was not as pronounced in the Vocalized Pause conditions, with only the com- parison between the O Vocalized Pause and 75 Vocalized Pause conditions reaching significance. Thus the findings on Dynamism tend to support both hypotheses of the study. It is evident from the findings by Miller and Hewgill that audience perception of verbal cues does exercise in- fluence on source credibility. lgIbid., 43. 27 In an eXperiment concerned with the effects of the ethos of individual communicators conducted by Harms20 it was shown that test scores are somewhat higher when the speakers are high in status than when they are low. The inferred reasons suggested for this result is that high status speakers are more "comprehensible." A further re- sult, secured through a differential analysis of listener groups, is that listeners reSpond with greater comprehen- sion to those from their own class than to speakers from either a higher or a lower class.21 A single study by Knower22 has illustrated the pos- sibility of investigating the effects of audience size upon the relationship between ethos and attitude change. Knower compared the effect of delivering a speech in an audience situation with giving the speech to one auditor at a time. The speech in the individual situation was somewhat more effective, women were more influenced than men, and women speakers obtained greater attitude shifts than did male speakers. In the audience situation, however, male speakers obtained greater shifts in attitudes than did women . 20Leroy Stanley Harms, "Social Judgments of Status Cues in Language," unpublished dissertation, Ohio State University, 1959; Speech Monograph, XXVII (1960), 87. lebid., 87. 22Franklin Knower, "Experimental Studies of Changes in Attitudes: I. A Study of the Effect of Oral Argument on Changes in Attitude," Journal of Social Psyohology, VI (1935), 315-347. 28 While the studies by Harms and Knower investigated the immediate effect of prestige credibility and other ethical elements, Hovland and his associates have investi- gated the temporal effects of the source upon persuasion. The effect of ethos, according to many studies, has a tem- poral dimension. In other words, when the stimulus is not renewed, material presented by a high ethos source loses in persuasiveness and that material given by a low ethos source gains. In one of their experiments Hovland and Weiss held all of the message elements constant except for factors which produced an impression of high credibility for one source and low credibility for another. The subjects ex- posed to the former stimulus shifted in significantly greater numbers on immediate post~tests of attitude than did those receiving the message with low credibility. Over a period of one month the favorable effect, however, de— creased, and the subjects exposed to the "inferior" source moved toward agreement with the attitudes expressed in it. Hovland postulated a "sleeper effect"--that in the absence of further stimuli agreement with high credibility sources decays while agreement with low credibility sources grows. The possible explanation is that the subject forgets the source but retains the information and the essential argu- ments. j‘ 23Carl Hovland and Walter Weiss, "The Influence of Source Credibility on Communication Effectiveness," ‘Public Opinion Quarterly, XVI (1961), 635-650. 29 In a specific test of the sleeper hypothesis, Kelman and Hovland24 found that a high ethos source-~one who was rated significantly fairer, better qualified to speak, and of sounder judgment than a supposedly low ethos source—- produced significantly greater attitude shifts. Over a three-week period, however, the extent to which subjects agreed with the positive source decreased significantly, and the extent to which they agreed with the negative source increased nonsignificantly. Reinforcing the recall of the sources by playing back the introductions of the tape re- corded messages produced greater agreement with the high prestige speaker and less agreement with the one of low ethos in an experimental group than occurred in a control group which received no repetition of the Stimuli. In a variation of the above approach Weiss25 deter— mined that a group exposed to a low credibility source showed less regression toward its original attitude than did a group exposed to a high credibility source. Also supporting the sleeper effect is the finding of Cohen26 that over a period of time those who originally 24H. C. Kelman and C. I. Hovland, "Reinstatement of the Communicator in Delayed Measurement of Opinion Change," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 48 (1953), 327-335. 25Walter Weiss, "A 'Sleeper' Effect in Opinion Change," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, XLVIII (1953), 173-180. 26Arthur Cohen, "Need for Cognition and Order of Communication as Determinants of Opinion Change," in Order of Presentation, ed. by Carl I. Hovland et al. (New Haven: YaIe University Press, 1957), pp. 79-97. 3O disliked a communicator became slightly more positive to- ward him while those who had originally like him became slightly less favorable (nonsignificant). The results of Duncker's27 study of the effect of prestige suggestions upon children's food preferences also confirm the Hovland findings regarding the sleeper effect in respect to both the decline of the effect over time and the renewal of strength following reinstatement. Diverse as the four studies discussed above appear to be, they share a common model of ethos--that is, they are all based on the assumption that the speaker's image is relatively fixed throughout the period of communication. In contrast to this view is the ethical model based on a congruity principle enunciated by Osgood.28 Intended to explain many psychological functions, the congruity prin- ciple holds that an image (or meaning) depends upon the other concepts with which it is associated and thus is sub- ject to perpetual change. Among the factors causing these variations are the successive parts of the message. Drawing upon this generalized congruity hypothesis, Tannenbaum29 formulated predictions of attitude change 27Karl Duncker, "Experimental Modification of Chil- dren's Food Preferences Through Social Suggestion," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, XXXIII (1938), 489-507. 28Charles Osgood and Percy Tannenbaum, "The Principle of Congruity in the Prediction of Attitude Change," Psycho- logical Review, LXII (1955), 42-55. 29Percy Tannenbaum, "Initial Attitude Toward Source and Concept as Factors in Attitude Change Through Communica- tion," Public Opinion Quarterly, XX (1956), 413-425. 31 toward communication sources and then compared these esti- mates with the results obtained when college students were exposed to written messages. Since the correlation was .91, the conclusion was that attitude changes of the col- lege students in this experiment supported the congruity hypothesis. A study of the same hypothesis applied to public speakers showed that the congruity model predicted changes in attitude somewhat better than chance alone. Unlike the studies of Osgood, Tannenbaum and Berlo, which typically attempted to assess the utility of a pre- sumed or measured ethos, there are studies of equal impor- tance to this study that are concerned with the means of generating or altering a receiver's image of a communicator. One such experiment by Berlo and KumataBOstudied the effect of a dramatic allegory, "The Investigator," in modifying images. Attitudes toward Joseph McCarthy, the subject of the satire, tended to become more favorable while attitudes toward the source (the Canadian Broadcasting Company) and toward Congressional committees became significantly less favorable. It was the judgment of Berlo and Kumata that the extreme onesidedness of the presentation may have caused these "boomerang" effects. 3ODavid Berlo and Hideya Kumata, "The Investigator: The Impact of a Satirical Radio Drama," Journalism Quarterly, XXXIII (1956), 287-298. ' 32 In a similar experiment, Anderson3l constructed three introductions designed to establish varying levels of prestige and authoritativeness for speakers dealing with the farm problem. His conclusions were: (1) students per- ceived significant differences between a college student and a Professor of Agriculture or a Farm Extension Agent .on two scales: (a) the evaluative and the dynamism dimen- sions of a semantic differential designed to measure ethos; (b) authoritativeness as estimated by a Likert-type scale, (2) the expected differences between the professor and the extension agent did not result except on the authoritative- ness scale, and (3) there was no proof that the variations in ethos and authoritativeness affected persuasiveness. One of the basic questions underlying this study is whether or not the presentation format of the message affects the audience's perception of the credibility of that message. In one such investigation Hovland, Lumsdaine, and Sheffield32 found (1) that the "both sides" presentation was significantly more effective for subjects with a high school education when the weight of evidence clearly sup- ported one side; and (2) that a one—sided presentation was more effective with subjects initially favoring the advocated 31Kenneth E. Anderson, "An Experimental Study of the Interaction of Artistic and Nonartistic Ethos in Persuasion," unpublished dissertation, Wisconsin, 1961, p. 118. 32Carl Hovland, Arthur Lumsdaine, and Fred Sheffield, Experiments on Mass Communication: Vol. III of Studies in Social Psyghologyfiin World War II (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1949). ' 33 view and with subjects who had not completed high school. Similarly, Paulson's33 experiment involved two speeches, one of which omitted opposing arguments and the other of which made the barest mention of them. Opinion changes did not differ significantly, but the "both sides" speech was significantly superior in respect to the amount of information which was obtained. Investigating a similar problem, Ludlum34 con- structed a speech in which he incorporated several elements designed to increase the credibility of the source. His techniques included the acknowledgement of opposing argu- ments, "leading thoughts rather than forcing,‘ showing alleged facts to be consistent with known facts, showing material to be recent, and manifesting a "high degree of credibility" by means of self-praising statements. Com- paring the persuasiveness of this speech with that of a "straight agrumentative" address, he found the latter to be more effective. The experiment by Ludlum points up the importance of specifying carefully any differences in con- tent between speeches intended to produce high credibility and those against which their effects are to be compared. 33Paulson, o cit., 267-271. 34Thomas Ludlum, "A Study of Techniques for Influ- encing the Credibility of a Communication," unpublished dissertation, Ohio State University, 1956. 34 The message which an audience receives during a speech involves more than verbal stimuli. Several studies indicate that nonverbal factors produce audience judgments concerning the speaker. Haiman35 found (1) that an audience rated a graduate male speaker higher in competence than it did an undergraduate male and two females; (2) that with content held constant, graduate speakers obtained higher rates of fairmindedness, sincerity, and likeableness than did undergraduates; (3) that in two experiments shifts of opinion within the audience were correlated positively with the speakers' competence ratings and with nothing else; and (4) that although variations in ratings of lifeableness and physical attractiveness could be produced through changes in appearance and demeanor, significant changes in attitude did not result. ' Many of the variables in the Haiman study are those associated with differences in social status. Harms36 has shown that, regardless of their own position, listeners in general assign high credibility to speakers of high social status and low credibility to those of low status. Such judgments occur even though the stimulus is nothing more than a short tape-recorded Sample of speech. The Harms study further shows that listeners can discriminate class difference with rough accuracy and that they identify the —‘ 35Haiman, op. cit., 198-199. 36Harms, op. cit., 91. 35 low status speakers somewhat more readily than they do those of superior background. Consistent with these results is the experimental finding that audiences may construct relatively complete assessments of a speaker's personality and physical charac- teristics on the basis of his voice. Other conclusions to this study were that personality, physical character- istics and occupation were likely to be perceived correctly, that consistency of response (right or wrong) was a stronger tendency than accuracy of judgment, and that gross psycho- logical characteristics were judged more accurately than physical features.37 In another investigation of combinations of vari- ables Anderson38 used two tape-recorded speeches, both of which were attributed to three sources described in tape- recorded introductions. The principal results were: (1) despite great manuscript variations which speech experts predicted would produce different levels of ethos, the only significant differences between the two speeches were those measured on a dynamism scale, (2) the elements of artistic and inartistic ethos did interact significantly in pro- ducing the final image of the speaker, and (3) the varia- tions in ethos did not cause a significant difference in persuasiveness. 37Gordon Allport and Hadley Cantril, "Judging Per— sonality from Voice," Journal of Social Psychology, V (1934), 37-55. 38Anderson, op. cit., p. 125. 36 It was noted previously that variations in the definition of source credibility and the origin of research relating to it arise from many different subject fields. Subsequently, the number and kind of components comprising source credibility are determined to a large extent by the nature of the research and the emphasis and interest of the investigator. A variety of characteristics of the communicator may evoke attitudes related to expertness. Among these are included age of the communicator, position of leadership in a group, status, values, point of view, and intent of the communicator. A limited number of investigations have been con- ducted which examine the effects of variations in expert- ness on opinion change. However, one such study by Bowden, Caldwell, and West39 examines the question of attitudes toward various solutions of the economic problem of an appropriate monetary standard for the United States. The major question concerning Bowden §p_§1, was the amount of agreement demonstrated by the subjects when exposed to statements attributable to men in different professions such as ministers, lawyers, and educators. Results showed that statements attributed to businessmen and educators were approved most frequently, while statements which were attributable to ministers were approved least frequently. 39A. O. Bowden, F. F. Caldwell, and A. G. West, "A Study in Prestige," American Journal of Sociology, 40 (1934), 193-204. 37 A similar study was made by Kulp.4O His findings show that social and political opinions attributable to profes- sional educators and social scientists are somewhat more influential than the Opinions of lay citizens. These studies by Bowden gpppl, and Kulp seem to suggest that the effects of variations in expertness on opinion change are determined to some extent by the source. Opinion change is also caused by attitudes of trust and distrust as perceived by the audience toward the com— municator. The effect of this component (trust and dis- trust) of credibility on opinion change is substantiated in a study by Hovland, Lumsdaine and Sheffield.41 Audience reactions to the War Department's orientation films were measured. SolHiers were shown the film "The Battle of Britain." Following the showing of the film, the soldiers were divided into two response groups. One was "prOpagand- istic" while the other was "informational." A comparison of the two groups in relationship to opinion change pro- duced by the film showed the film to be less effective with men who judged its intent to be propagandistic than with men considering it informational. 40 . . D. H. Kulp II, "Prestige as Measured by Single- experience Changes and their Permanency," Journal of Edu- cational Research, 27 (1934), 663-672. 41 Hovland, Lumsdaine and Sheffield, op. cit., pp. 100- 103. 38 Consistent with this finding is an experiment con- ducted by Lazarsfeld pp_§1.42 Results indicated that casual and nonpurposive comments seem to derive part of their effectiveness from the fact that the recipient is usually unaware that he is the object of influence by the communicator source. It can be generally stated that if the source is perceived as having a definite intention to persuade others, then the likelihood of distrust in the source will be greater than where the intent is unknown. A special aspect of this problem which dealt with the degree of agreement between a communicator's announced intentions and the audience's initial bias was examined by Ewing.43 In general Ewing's results support the hypothesis that when a communication comes from an unknown or ambiguous source, acceptance will be increased if, at the beginning, the communicator explicitly claims that his own position is in accord with that held by the audience. An experimental variation in source credibility through the use of communicators differing in trustworthi- ness was produced in a study by Hovland and Weiss.44 An identical communication was presented to two groups. One 42F. F. Lazarsfeld, B. Berelson, and Hazel Geudet, The People's Choice: How the Voter Makes up his Mind in a Presidential Campaign (New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1944), pp. 152-153. 43T. N. Ewing, "A Study of Certain Factors Involved in Changes of Opinion," Journal of Social Psychology, 16 (1942), 63-88. 4Hovland and Weiss, op. cit., 635-650. 39 group received communication from a source of high credi- bility while the second group received the communication from a source of low credibility. The experimental format was designed in such a way that each group was exposed to a source of low and high credibility and also to affirma- tive and negative versions of the communications. The data revealed that there was a significant difference in the credibility of the sources used with the communications. Another study involving variations in source credi- bility was conducted by Kelman and Hovland.45 This study consisted of presenting to the audience a recording of an educational radio program. Three different introductions were given for the speaker on the program. One introduction was negative in nature. The second was neutral while the third was positive. It was concluded that audience judg- ments concerning credibility of the presentation were much more favorable when the recording of the educational program was given by the positive communicator than by the negative one. The judgments for the neutral communication were intermediate but more similar to those for the positive. Racial Stereotypipg A thorough review of the literature reveals very limited research dealing with audience perception of com- municator's credibility based upon cues directly associated with the race of the communicator or speaker. 45Kelman and Hovland, op. cit., 327-335. 40 However, a recent study by Miller and Roberts46 examines this problem. This study was directed toward the effect of the communicator's race on audience-retention of message content, although audience attitudes toward the content were also examined as a dependent variable of secondary interest. In addition, a potentially relevant personality variable, openmindedness, was incorporated in the study design. Miller hypothesized the following: (1) for white audiences, presentation of a message by a Black communicator will result in lower retention of message content than will presentation of the same message by a white communicator, and (2) for white audiences, presenta— tion of a message by a Black communicator will result in less favorable attitude toward the message content than will presentation of the same message by a white communi- cator. Miller and Roberts concluded that maximum retention of mesSage content on the part of white audience members is facilitated by use of a white, rather than a Black, com- municator. However, this conclusion is tempered by a number of situational variables, including the personality charac- teristics of the audience and the audience and the initially perceived credibility of the communicator. The credible communicator takes into account the fact that his audience's feelings toward him can impede or 46Miller and Roberts, op. cit., 259-269. 41 increase his persuasiveness. Hovland et a1.47 outlined the relationship of these feelings toward the communicator as follows: We shall assume that . . . various effects of the communicator are mediated by attitudes toward him which are held by members of the audience. Any num- ber of different attitudes may underlie the influence exerted by a given communicator. Some may have to do with feelings of affection and admiration, and stem in part from desires to be like him. Others may involve awe and fear of the communicator based on perceptions of his power to reward or punish ac— cording to one's adherence to his recommendations or demands. Still other important attitudes are those of trust and confidence. These are related to per- ceptions of the communicator's credibility, including beliefs about his knowledge, intelligence, and sin— cerity. The attitudes this statement seems to summarize are apparently brought about through the manifestation of cer- tain emotional and psychological characteristics of the communicator. While these characteristics are admittedly important, Kraus48 has raised the question of the importance of the physical characteristics exhibited by the communica- tor. Kraus investigated just one such physical character- istic, that of race. More specifically, the study was con- cerned with the relative effectiveness of Black and white actors in changing the attitudes of eleventh grade white children toward Blacks. One of the major questions in— vestigated by Kraus of relevance to this study was whether white performers in a kinescope effect greater attitude 47Hovland, Irving, and Kelly, op. cit., p. 40. 48Kraus,"Modifying Prejudice: . . .," op cit., 14-22. 42 modification than Black performers or vice versa, or should the cast include both whites and Blacks. He assumed that the prestige of the communicator was influential in re- structuring the stimulus, a kinescope recording. The eXperiment, then, proposed to examine the relative effec— tiveness of such a kinescope in changing attitudes toward Blacks with the independent variable being the race of the actors involved. The findings in this study seem to indicate that the sincerity of credibility of the race of the communicator is judged by the favorable context in which Black and white communicators are perceived by the audience. In a similar study, Williams49 reported that chil- dren's participation in dramatization was the most effective teaching method for changing their attitudes toward Blacks; their viewing of motion pictures was second; their listening to material read by the teacher was least effective. A series of recent technical reports conducted by Williams gp_§1.50 deals with several aspects of ethnicity and speech stereotyping. One such study dealt with the 49Dorothy M. Williams, "A Study of the Relative Effectiveness of Selected Teaching Procedures in the Modi- fication of Children's Attitudes Toward the Negro," un- published doctoral dissertation, New York University, 1946. 50Frederick Williams, Jack Whitehead, and Jane Traupmann are research associates at the Center for Communi- cation Research, University of Texas at Austin, Texas. 43 exploration of the degree to which teacher-subjects' ratings of videotape samples of children's speech would correspond to ratings of the speech that teachers might presume to hear from children of certain ethnic and social 51 assumed that a teacher's status group. Williams £3411 rating of the speech that she would anticipate from a child who was described to her in terms of ethnic and social status characteristics would represent a close approxima- tion to that teacher's stereotype. Accordingly, the ques- tion then was whether ratings obtained under such condi- tions would correspond to ratings obtained when the teacher judged the speech of a child selected a priori to repre- sent a specified ethnic and status group. A set of six two-minute videotape stimuli was pre- pared, one for each of six ethno-status groups, Black-Middle and Lower; Mexican-American-Middle and Lower; and Anglo- Middle and Lower. Six brief descriptions for the ethnic and status groups of children represented in the videotapes were composed for use in eliciting subjects' stereotypes. In an average of one week's time before participa- tion in the video-tape presentation, subjects were visited in their classes and were requested to fill in the stereo- type response booklets described above. This was also done —V~. 51Frederick Williams, Jack Whitehead and Jane Traupman, "Correspondence Between Semantic Differential Ratings of Children's Speech and Speech Anticipated Upon the Basis of Stereotype," Technical Report, Center for Communication Review, University of Texas at Austin, August, 1970, pp. 2-7. 44 between three and five days after the experiment. No men- tion was made of stereotyping and the like when subjects would agree in terms of the speech associated with types of children. Videotape testing was undertaken individually with the subjects where each subject was given the opportunity to control the stimulus presentation and the order in which he chose to fill in the 15 cards issued to each one. One of the findings significant in this study was in the case of the middle status cluster. Ratings of the videotape of the middle class Black child were significantly different from the two stereotype ratings, which were not different from each other. This difference was in the direction of the speech being rated as more ethnic and non- standard than the stereotypes. In another study by the same researchers52 effort was made to assess the effects of racial sterotyping in a design where ratings of the same standard English audio samples could be compared under conditions of appearing with the video image of a Caucasian, Black and Mexican- American child. If racial stereotyping was affecting speech ratings then it was hypothesized that (1) the ratings of the same language samples would differ in the above com- parisons, and (2) that the direction of difference would 52Frederick Williams, Jack L. Whitehead and Leslie Miller, "Ethnic Stereotyping and Speech Attitudes," Tech- nical Report, Center for Communication Research, University of Texas at Austin, February, 1971, pp. 2-10. 45 be biased toward stereotyped ratings given the minority group children. Four video tapes were selected for the present research, one each of a Black and a Mexican-American child, and two of Caucasian children. Slight lip movement in the video segments was detectable, but was insufficient for lip-reading by viewers. For purposes of the testing design, two "ethnic guise" versions of each of the minority group children were prepared by using the audio tracks from the standard-English—speaking Caucasian children. For each of the Black and Mexican-American children's videotapes, there was the original version with a nonstandard English audio track, then two additional versions each with one of the standard English audio recordings paired with it. Each group viewed (1) a Black or Mexican-American child whose nonstandard Speech had been replaced by dubbing- in the speech of a standard English speaking child, (2) a Black or Mexican-American child Speaking nonstandard English, and (3) a Caucasian child speaking standard English. Each subject saw either the Black or Mexican- American child in the standard English version, but not both. In general, findings indicated that the videotape image showing the child's ethnicity does affect ratings of his language, and the bias does appear to be in the direc— tion of racial stereotype expectations. For Black children 46 the bias was in the direction of expecting them to sound more nonstandard and ethnic than their Caucasian peers. For Mexican-American children, the bias was not only one of ethnicity-nonstandardness but also that they were more reticent and nonconfident in their speech. Summar The literature reviewed in this chapter reports the examination of source credibility in terms of two broad but distinct areas. One area is concerned with the diver- sity of communicator source; the second area is focused primarily on the race of the communicator source. The findings in the literature dealing with com— municator source indicate that prestige of the source is related in some way to the impact of the message. This generalization appears to be applicable to communicated messages in such varied fields as politics, social science, religion and economics. Other studies indicate that ethos has a temporal dimension, suggesting that if high ethos source diminishes, low ethos source gains. It is further suggested that noncontent stimuli such as dress, voice, and manner apparently affect the attitude of the audience toward the communicator. Further review of the literature pro- vides evidence relative to the great diversity in the vari- ations of the conceptual framework in which source credi- bility functions. And the number of components or dimen- sions comprising source credibility is borne out by the 47 literature in offering a multiplicity of definitive state- ments describing source credibility. Literature reviewed concerning the attribute of race of the communicator source suggests that those cues denoting race of the communicator as a minority member generally serve to diminish credibility of that minority communicator. However, some studies indicate that because the differences of the characteristic variables of the minority communicator and audience composition, perception of credibility source generally fluctuates. CHAPTER III PROCEDURES AND METHODOLOGY Statement of the Problem The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which recognition of voice sound (aural cue) functions as a basis for source credibility of a recorded verbal message. Specifically, this study was designed to attempt to measure the extent to which a distinguishable voice sound (aural cue) associated with a Black speaker and distinguishable voice sound (aural cue) associated with a Caucasian speaker used as narrators for an automated slide presentation affect the source credibility of a recorded message presented to a selected group of students. Of specific interest to this study was the extent to which believability of message and voice preference were affected by the identification of a distinguishable voice sound (aural cue) associated with a Black or Caucasian narrator respectively. The subjects and the data collection instru- ments are described in this chapter. The specific procedures, the experimental design and data analysis, and the research hypotheses are also reported. 48 49 The Sample The subjects participating in this study were two hundred forty (240) undergraduate Caucasian students at Michigan State University. The sample was selected from a pOpulation of ten workshop sections of Education 450, School and Society, conducted at Michigan State University during the 1971 Spring quarter. The subjects were students ranging in ages from 19 to 25 years old. All subjects were enrolled in the Michigan State University Teacher Education Program and had completed student teaching requirements. The group consisted of eighty-nine (89) male students and one hundred fifty-one (151) female students. Each workshop section had an enrollment from 25 to 78 students. However, actual attendance at the workshops ranged from a minimum of 21 students to a high of 42 stu- dents. The fluctuation in attendance was due to the fact that attendance at the workshop sessions was optional. Because of the fluctuation in the number of students in attendance at each of the workshops, it was necessary to set the N for each experimental group at 20. Instrumentation One of the basic questions underlying this study was whether voice sound (aural cue) could be distinguished by the listener on the basis of ethnic group association. Before distinguishable voice sound (aural cue) association with a Black or Caucasian could be established, an instrument 50 to determine voice sound distinguishability had to be con— structed for this study. A pre-test screening instrument was constructed which included the following procedures: (1) the selection of five Black and five Caucasian script readers, (2) the production of a preliminary audio tape, and (3) the construction of a voice sound (aural cue) dis- tinguishability rating scale (see Appendix A). Development of Pre-Test Screening Instrument Five Black and five Caucasian male doctoral stu- dents enrolled in the College of Education at Michigan State University during the 1971 Spring quarter, were selected to serve as script readers. The selection of the five Caucasians was based on racial identity, avail- ability, and willingness to participate as script readers. While race, availability, and willingness to participate were of equal importance for the Black script readers one additional criterion was considered. Because the voice sound of some Black and Caucasians are indistinguishable when compared with each other, the researcher selected the Blacks whom he perceived as possessing a distinguish- able voice sound (aural cue) associated with a Black speaker. The five Black script readers were selected on an a priori basis by the researcher. The major concern in selecting the five Black script readers was that they would be posi- tively identified by voice sound (aural cue) by the sample population during the pre-test treatment. 51 A one page paragraph was selected for the script (see Appendix B). This script was used as part of the pre-test instrument and met one general requirement. The content had to be understandable by the subjects, yet pro- vide sufficient novel information to sustain interest and at the same time not distract the subjects from concentrat- ing on the voice sound of respective script readers. The script readers were provided with ample time to become familiar with the script and also appropriate time for rehearsal. The ten script readers, five Black and five Cau- casians, were recorded on a preliminary audio tape reading the same one page script. From this preliminary audio tape, a master tape composed of the ten script readers' voices was then produced. Sequence and order of the script readers recorded on the master tape were determined by simple random assignment. The master tape was then used as part of the pre-test instrument to determine voice sound (aural cue) distinguishability. Used in conjunction with the master audio tape was a five point voice sound distinguishability scale (see Appendix A). The voice sound distinguishability scale required the subjects to indicate their perceptions of voice sound (aural cue) based upon ethnic group association. Illustrated below are the typical choices and numerical point range comprising the voice scale to which the subjects were required to respond: 52 1. Sounds clearly distinguishable as a Black speaker. 2. Sounds like a Black speaker. 3. Sounds indistinguishable. 4. Sounds like a Caucasian speaker. 5. Sounds clearly distinguishable as a Caucasian speaker. This pre—test screening rating scale instrument was devel- Oped for this study by the researcher. The construction of this rating scale followed the principles suggested by Guillfordl and Kerlinger.2 In summary, the pre-test instru- ment was comprised of the following: (1) a master audio tape composed of ten voices, five Blacks and five Caucasians, randomly ordered, and (2) a five point voice sound dis— tinguishability scale with accompanying instructions. Administration of Pre-test Instrument A sample population (one workshop section) was randomly selected from the total pOpulation of the ten workshop sections of Education 450. This sample was ex- cluded from the subsequent test treatment. The sample pOpu- lation section was composed of thirty subjects (N = 30). A standard reel-to-reel tape recorder was placed in the classroom where the subjects met regularly approximately 1J. P. Guilford, Psychometric Methods (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1954), pp. 263-301. 2Fred N. Kerlinger, Foundations of Behavioral Research (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1964), pp. 564-580. 53 twenty minutes before the class was scheduled to meet. This was done to keep distraction at a minimum. In addi— tion to setting the tape recorder up before the class actually met in session, the researcher placed the tape recorder in the rear of the classroom. This procedure was followed to minimize the subjects' attention on the tape recorder and at the same time maximize their concentration on listening to the voice sound (aural cue) of the speakers on the audio tape. The researcher distributed the sheet of instruc- tions (see Appendix C) to the subjects. Each subject was required to read the instructions. They were asked to raise their hands if, after reading the instructions, they had any questions. After all questions were answered, a voice distinguishability scale (see Appendix A) was dis- tributed to each subject. The master audio tape was played for the subjects. At the end of the reading of each paragraph by each of the respective script readers, the tape recorder was stopped. During this interval, the subject was required to indicate by checking the appropriate number on the five point voice distinguishability scale that best described his perception of the association of the voice sound (aural cue) with the corresponding ethnic group description on the scale. After the subjects had an opportunity to respond to all ten voices, the scales were collected and the data was computed 54 to obtain the mean score for each voice. Mean scores ranging between (1.0) and (2.0) indicated that the subjects perceived the voice sound to be either a clearly distin- guishable Black voice or one that sounded like a Black voice. Those mean scores ranging between (4.0) and (5.0) indicated that the subjects perceived the voice sound to be either a clearly distinguishable Caucasian voice or one that sounded like a Caucasian voice. A mean score of not more than (2.0) was the cri- terion established for determining distinguishability of voice sound (aural cue) associated with the Black voice while a mean score of not less than (4.0) was the criterion established for determining distinguishability of voice sound (aural cue) associated with the Caucasian voice. The computation of the mean scores showed that four Black voices received a mean score of not more than (2.0) while one Black Voice was rated indistinguishable (3.03). The two Black voices receiving the two lowest mean scores (1.40 and 1.63) respectively were selected to narrate the messages (pro and con) for the automated slide-tape presenta- tions used in the experimental treatments. The mean scores for the Caucasian voices showed that all five voices re- ceived a mean score of not less than (4.0). The two Cau- casians with the two highest mean scores (4.60 and 4.26) were also selected to narrate the pro and con positions for the automated slide-tape presentations used in the 55 experimental treatments. Table 3.1 shows a summary of the mean scores on voice perception. Table 3.1.--Mean scores on voice perception. Voices Mean Caucasian** 4.60 Black 1.93 Black* 1.40 Caucasian 4.33 Black 1.80 Caucasian 4.03 Black* 1.63 Black 3.03 Caucasian 4.23 Caucasian** 4.26 ** Caucasian voices used for the narration for the tape-slide presentations used in the experimental treatment. * Black voices used for the narration for the tape- slide presentations used in the experimental treatment. Development of Test Instrument The test instrument for this study was develOped by: (1) providing the two Black and two Caucasian script readers assistance and ample time for rehearsal, (2) selecting and editing the scripts that were used for the recorded messages, (3) producing audio tapes for the auto- mated slide-tape presentation, (4) preparing an introductory 56 statement for the automated slide—tape presentation, (5) designing and producing original slides, (6) assembling the automated tape-slide presentations, (7) preparing two semantic differential scales to measure voice sound pre- ference and believability, and (8) constructing a racial identification check form. Narrators.--During rehearsal time the researcher explained to each narrator the purpose of the script, its relationship to the test instrument, and the importance of reading both of the scripts with the same delivery, enthu- siasm, rate, and tone as possible. Not until the narrators were well rehearsed and thoroughly familiar with the script, did the researcher permit them to be recorded. Recording was done under the supervision of a professioanl sound technician. Each narrator read both scripts in one setting on the same day. Every precaution was taken to assure uniformity and consistency in the script reading. Extreme care was also given to the technical production of the audio tapes. Message Content.-—The topic, "Community Control of Schools," was selected to be used as the source of the mes- sage content for this study. The information used as the basis for the message content was excerpted from the article (see Appendix D) entitled, "Community Control of Schools: A Review of Issues and Options." This article is based 57 upon discussions and prepared case materials. The article presents a balanced statement in that for each "pro" posi- tion given a "con" position is also stated, and for each pro Option statement a "con" option is also presented. The subsequent recorded message used for this study dealing with the tOpic "Community Control of Schools" con- sisted of two separate messages (see Appendix E). One message dealt with the "pro" position on the topic, "Com— munity Control of Schools," while the second message dealt with the "con position on the same topic. The construction of the message content consisted of the following: (1) selecting a common introductory statement to be used for both "pro" and "con" positions, (2) selecting six statements supporting "pro" and "con" positions, and (3) selecting one "pro" option and one "con" option. The researcher used practically verbatim the language of the author of the article in constructing the message content used for the two recorded (pro and con) messages. These recorded messages were used for the narration with the test instru- ment in the experimental treatment. Language and writing styles were held constant for both "pro" and "con" state- ments selected for the recorded messages since the exposi- tion of the statements are attributal to the same author. Extensive consideration was given to the lahguage level of the recorded messages. Because the periodical, Urban and Social Change Review, is written in lay, and non-technical 58 terms and prescribed for popular consumption, it was as- sumed that the language level would be readily comprehen- sible to the subjects enrolled in Education 450. Three basic factors were considered in selecting the topic "Community Control of Schools" for the message content used in this study. First, consideration was given to the target audience to whom the test instrument was going to be administered. It was decided that the message content should be of general interest to the subjects, one that would stimulate active listening as opposed to a pas- sive involvement. Second, consideration was given to the currency of the message content. It was decided that the message content should be relevant to the subjects as well as clearly related to their professional experiences. The workshop instructors were informed by the researcher about the nature of the message content. All instructors ex- pressed the consensus that the message content was timely and appropriate for their sessions. Third, consideration was given to a topic that was minimally controversial with options on both sides. Message Format.--The message format was designed to meet the following criteria: (1) uniformity, (2) balance, and (3) consistency. The format for the two recorded messages was identical for both "pro" and con positions. Major segments of each message and their se- quences were: 59 Topic: "Community Control of Schools" Pro Position Con Position 1. Introductory statement 1. Introductory statement 2. Six supporting "pro" 2. Six supporting "con" statements statements 3. One supporting "pro" 3. One supporting "con" option statement option statement To assure uniformity and balance in the message format, the same introductory statement was used in both "pro" and "con" presentations. Extreme precaution was taken to avoid the inclusion of any editorial or subjective opinion in either the "pro" or "con" presentation. Consequently, the two presentations reflected accurately the statements in the article, "Community Control of the Schools: A Review of Issues and Options." Audio Tape-Slide Presentation.--The audio tape- slide presentation used for the experimental treatment was produced with the assistance and under the supervision of a graphic artist and a professional sound technician. The audio tape-slide presentation included: (1) an automated tape-slide sequence and (2) an accompanying recorded message. The tape was cued with an audio signal which automatically changed the appropriate slides that were pre-arranged in the slide tray on the slide projector and pre-selected in accordance to the accompanying recorded message. The two Blacks selected as narrators for the treat- ment narrated both "pro" and "con" positions on the tOpic, 60 "Community Control of Schools." Likewise the two Cauca— sians selected as narrators also were required to narrate both "pro" and "con" positions. For the purpose of this study and also for future reference, one Black narrator is designated as Black (Voice #1) while the second Black narrator is designated as Black (Voice #2). A similar designation is given to the two Caucasians. One Caucasian is designated as Caucasian (Voice #1) while the second narrator is designated as Caucasian (Voice #2). A total of eight automated tape-slide presentations were developed for this study. Each presentation was approximately three and a half minutes duration. Only two separate and dis- tinct recorded messages (narration) were used for the eight slide-tape presentations. One recorded message dealt with the "pro" position on the tOpic, "Community Control of the Schools," while the second recorded message dealt with the "con" position of the same topic. The format for the slide- tape presentation treatment was as follows: Slide-Tape Presentation Voiog Position“ Presentation #1 Black (Voice #1) Pro Presentation #2 Black (Voice #1) Con Presentation #3 Caucasian (Voice #1) Pro Presentation #4 Caucasian (Voice #1) Con Presentation #5 Black (Voice #2) Pro Presentation #6 Black (Voice #2) Con Presentation #7 Caucasian (Voice #2) Pro Presentation #8 Caucasian (Voice #2) Con 61 Slides.--A series of four slides (see Appendix F) was developed for the study. The slides were selected in terms of: (l) originality, (2) simplicity, and (3) mini- mal distraction. Original line sketches for the four slides were done by the researcher. These black and white line drawings were Subsequently reproduced by a professional graphic artist. A professional photographer then produced sets of 2x2 black and white slides. A title slide, one single word caption slide, a simplified chart, and a slide with caricatures of six faces (three Blacks and three Cau- casians) constituted the composition of the four slides used. The simplicity of the slides was designed to reduce the probable influence of the visual image upon the accom- panying recorded message. The slides were used as an'atten— tion gettef'and visual references for the subjects. In contrast to the recommended time of allowing a single visual to be projected on a screen for approximately no longer than seven seconds before it loses its effective- ness, then, the slide-tape presentations developed for this study were automated so that each slide was projected on the screen for approximately 48 seconds. The assumption underlying the use of an extended projected time period was that once the subject had oriented himself to the visual image on the slide he would then tend to lose interest in the slide after such an extended viewing time. In this way the subject was less distracted by the slides during this 62 projected time period and was more inclined to listen more attentively to the voice sound (aural cue) and the recorded message. Semantic Differential Scales.--Two semantic differ- ential scales (see Appendix G) were developed for this study. Both scales were designed so that they could be presented on a single IBM form. One scale was designed to measure "believability" of message. The second semantic differential was designed to measure "voice preference." The semantic differential for measuring "believability" of message consisted of thirteen items. Twelve items identi- fying the acoustical features of the voice comprised the semantic differential which was developed to measure "voice preference." Both semantic differential scales were de- signed according to the principles and construction tech- niques suggested by Osgood3 and Kerlinger4 and were similar to items validated by Osgood's5 research. Items appropriate for this study were included in the semantic differential for measuring "believability" of message. Other items validated by Berlo6 were also included. The remaining items were selected and evaluated for appropriateness by the re- searcher. 3Charles E. Osgood, George J. Suci and Percy H. Tannenbaum, The Measurement of Meaning (Urbana, I11.: Uni- versity of Illinois Press, 1957), p. 173. 4 . . Kerlinger, op. c1t. 5Osgood, Suci and Tannenbaum, op. cit. 6Berlo, Lemert and Mertz, op.‘cit., 568-569. 63 The semantic differential for measuring "voice pre- ference" was designed in consultation with a specialist in speech and audiology. Some of the items developed in the classical study by Jakobson7 that were deemed appropriate for this study were included in this scale. Additional items were recommended by Dr. Oscar Tosi in consultation with other colleagues in the Speech and Audiology Depart- ment. Measurement of voice sound preference in this study is similar to the principles and techniques suggested by Rothauser.8 Ethnic Group Identification Check Sheet.--Following the experimental treatment it was necessary to validate the subject's identification of distinguishable voice sound (aural cue) with the appropriate ethnic group association. To do so, an Ethnic Group Identification Check Sheet (see Appendix H) was developed. The primary purpose of this check sheet was to provide evidence as to whether the sub- jects did or did not make the correct ethnic group associ- ation based on their reaction to the voice sound (aural cue). These check sheets were distributed to the subjects after the semantic differential forms were collected ,7Roman Jakobson, Preliminaries to Speech Analyses: The Distinctive Features and Their Correlates (Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1963) pp. 1-64. 8B. H. Rothhauser, "A Comparison of Preference Mea- surement Methods," The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 49, No. 4 (Part 2) (April, 1971), 1297-1308. 64 and the treatment had been completed. This procedure was followed in order to minimize any sensitizing or cueing effect toward ethnic group bias that may have been held by the subjects. Illustrated below are the typical choices presented to the subjects on the check sheet: Sounds like a Black American Speaker Sounds indistinguishable Sounds like an American Caucasian Speaker This check sheet was attached to the response forms. The differential scale response form of a sub- ject who failed to identify correctly the association of voice sound (aural cue) with the ethnic group speaker he heard was not included in the tabulation of the data on these forms. Table 3.2 shows the number of voice sounds Table 3.2.—-Number of distinguishable, indistinguishable and randomly excluded responses to voice sound. Voice Position Total Distin— Indistin— Randomly Number guishable guishable Excluded Caucasian Pro 22 20 2 Black Pro 20 20 0 Caucasian Pro 23 20 3 Black Con 29 20 1 8 Caucasian Con 24 20 4 Caucasian Con 23 20 3 Black Con 22 20 2 Black Pro 47 20 7 20 Total 210 160 22 28 65 (aural cue) which were clearly identified as distinguish- able and the number of responses which found the voice sound (aural cue) indistinguishable as recorded in each workshop section. Table 3.2 also shows the number of re- sponses randomly excluded from two sections to make the number in each section twenty (20). Procedure In individual conferences with each of the instruc- tors of the ten workshop sections in Education 450, the researcher explained the purpose and procedure of the ex- periment and obtained permission to conduct the experiment. However, the experiment was conducted in only eight workshop sections which were selected randomly. The eight slide-tape presentations were randomly assigned for presentation to the eight workshop sessions. Each section saw and heard only one automated slide-tape presentation, either a "pro" or "con" position. The experiment was conducted over a four day period. Each workshop testing period was approximately twenty minutes in length. The slide-tape presentation consumed approximately three and a half minutes of the total time. The random selection and assignment of voices, workshOp sec- tions, and positions on message are illustrated as follows: 66 WorkshOps Position Narrator Section 1 Pro Black (Voice #1) Section 2 Con Black (Voice #2) Section 3 Con Caucasian (Voice #1) Section 4 Pro Caucasian (Voice #1) Section 5 Pro Caucasian (Voice #2) Section 6 Con Caucasian (Voice #2) Section 7 Con Black (Voice #2) Section 8 Pro Black (Voice #2) Approximately a half hour before actually meeting with each workshOp section, the researcher set up the stereo tape recorder and Kodak carousel slide projector and checked the technical operation of the equipment to assure its proper functioning. After the workshop convened, the instructor for that particular workshop section intro- duced the proctor who administered the experiment. The proctor was a Black female graduate sutdent who had been well trained and thoroughly rehearsed by the researcher regarding the experimental procedure to be followed. The Black female proctor administered all eight experimental treatments, while the researcher, unknowing to the subjects, Operated the equipment for all eight eXperimental treatments. The experimental treatment was administered as follows: (1) The proctor read a prepared introductory statement (see Appendix I) indicating the purpose for view- ing and listening to the slide—tape presentation and out- lining the procedure tO be followed by the subjects. No 67 reference was made to the racial identity of the narrator Of the slide-tape presentation. The slide-tape presenta- tion was presented to the subjects under the guise of soliciting their responses as part of a continuing evalua- tion process of a slide-tape presentation being developed. (2) The slide-tape was presented following the introduction, (3) The proctor then distributed the semantic differ- ential response forms. (4) Upon completion of the semantic differential response forms, the subjects were given an ethnic group identification check sheet. (5) The IBM Semantic differential response forms and the ethnic group identification sheet were then attached together and collected by the proctor. Design and Analysis The design Of the study and its various treatments are shown in Figure 1. The ratings on the semantic differential forms were used to evaluate subjects' ratings of the two dimen— sions Of source credibility which are: (1) believability, and (2) voice preference. These data were treated with two statistical procedures, the Pearson Product Moment correla- tion and multivariate analysis of variance. The correla- tion was calculated to determine the corelationship between "believability" and "voice preference" associated with a distinguishable Black voice sound (aural cue) and between 68 MESSAGE L j Position PRO CON Black (Voice #1) Black (Voice #2) Caucasian (Voice #1) Caucasian (Voice #2) Legend Message—-Community Control of Schools Pro-~"Pro" Argument--Community Control of Schools Con--"Con" Argument-—Community Control of Schools Figure l.--Treatment design. "believability" and "voice preference" associated with a distinguishable Caucasian voice sound (aural cue). The multivariate analysis of variance was employed to simultaneously determine if significant difference existed between the mean scores of "believability" and "voice preference" of the Caucasian voice sound (aural cue) and the Black voice sound (aural cue). The .05 level of significance was selected as sufficient to reject the null hypotheses in the study. 69 The data were punched on computer cards and analyzed using a Control Data Corporation 3600 digital computer. Statistical Hypotheses This study was designed to determine if distinguish- able voice sound (aural cue) identified according to ethnic group association exercised influence on source credibility. To test this thesis, eight statistical hypotheses were generated and tested. Each null hypothesis is presented first, followed by an accompanying alternate hypothesis. No significant interactions were anticipated or hypothesized. Null Hypothesis 1a There will be no difference between the mean score of "believability" for the Caucasian voice sound (aural cue) and the mean score of "believability" for the Black voice sound (aural cue). Alternate Hypothesis 1a The mean score of "believ— ability" for the Caucasian voice sound (aural cue) will be greater than the mean score of "believability" for the Black voice sound (aural cue). Null Hypothesis 1b There will be no difference be— tween the mean score of "voice preference" for the Caucasian voice sound (aural cue) and the mean score of "voice prefer- ence" for the Black voice sound (aural cue). Alternate Hypothesis lb The mean score for "voice preference" for the Caucasian voice sound (aural cue) will be greater than the mean score of "voice preference" for the Black voice sound (aural cue). 7O Null Hypothesis 2a There will be no difference between the mean score of "believability" for the Black voice sound (Voice #1) and the mean score of "believability" for the Black voice sound (Voice #2). Alternate Hypothesis 2a The mean score of "believ— ability" for the Black voice sound (Voice #1) will be greater than the mean score of "believability" for the Black voice sound (Voice sound #2). Null Hypothesis 2b There will be no difference between the mean score of "voice preference" for the Black voice sound (Voice #1) and the mean score of "voice preference" for the Black voice sound (Voice #2). Alternate Hypothesis 2b The mean score of "voice preference" for the Black voice sound (Voice #1) will be greater than the mean score of "voice preference" for the Black voice sound (Voice #2). Null Hypothesis 3a There will be no difference between the mean score Of "believability" for the Cauca- sian voice sound (Voice #1) and the mean score of "believ— ability" for the Caucasian voice sound (Voice #2). Alternate Hypothesis 3a The mean score of "believ- ability" for the Caucasian voice sound (Voice #1) will be greater than the mean score of "believability" for the Caucasian voice (Voice #2). 71 Null Hypothesis 3b There will be no difference between the mean score of "voice preference" for the Cau— casian voice sound (Voice #1) and the mean score of "voice preference" for the Caucasian voice sound (Voice #2). Alternate Hypothesis 3b The mean score the "voice preference" for the Caucasian voice sound (Voice #1) will be greater than the mean score Of "voice preference" for the Caucasian voice sound (Voice #2). Null Hypothesis 4a There will be no difference between the mean score of "believability" for the "pro" position and the mean score Of "believability" for the con" position. Alternate Hypothesis 4a The mean score of "be— 1ievability" for the "pro" position will be greater than the mean score of "believability" for the "con" position. Null Hypothesis 4b There will be no difference between the mean score of "voice preference" for the "pro" position and the mean score Of "voice preference" for the "con" position. Alternate Hypothesis 4b The mean score of "voice preference" for the "pro" position will be greater than the mean score of "voice preference" for the "con" position. Summary Ten workshop sections of Education 450, School and Society, were Offered during the 1971 Spring term at 72 Michigan State University. Eight sections were randomly selected from the total Of ten workshops. Eight experi- mental treatments were randomly assigned to the eight work- shOp sections. Four workshops received a treatment with a Black voice arguing either for the con or pro position on "Community Control of Schools." Four workshops received a treatment with a Caucasian voice arguing either for the con Or pro position. Subjects in all workshops were ad— ministered the same semantic differential consisting of twelve items relating to "voice preference" and thirteen items relating to "believability." The mode Of presenta- tion for the treatments (automated slide-tape presentation) was the same for all workshops. The hypotheses were tested by using the multivariate analysis procedure, and the probability level selected for rejecting the null hypotheses was at the .05 alpha level. CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS OF DATA In this chapter an analysis of the data is reported. This chapter is divided into four main sections: scale reliability, scale intercorrelation, hypothesis tests and summary. Scale Reliability The estimates Of reliability of the items compris- ing the semantic differential scales for "voice preference" and "believability" were computed by using the Hoyt Estimate of Reliability formula.1 The computed reliability for the first twelve items (voice preference) yielded a reliability coefficient of r = .7551 indicating substantial intra- scale reliability. Similarly the reliability coefficient for the scale (believability) produced a reliability coeffi- cient of r = .8352 indicating substantial intra-scale re- liability for the items. The high intra-Scale reliability for the test items Of "voice preference" and "believability" were interpreted to mean that each scale was providing a stable estimate of a specific dimension. 1C. J. Hoyt, "Test Reliability Estimated by Analysis of Variance," Psychometrika, Vol. 6 (1941), 153-160. 73 74 Scale Intercorrelations A Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient was computed to determine the strength of relationship be- tween the "believability" and "voice preference" scales. The computed score yielded a correlation coefficient of r = .372 suggesting some interdependence as well as inde- pendence between the two dependent measures utilized to test the hypotheses. The correlation coefficient justi- fies the utilization Of the multivariate analysis of vari- ance test procedure since this statistic takes into account the degree Of inter-dependence among the measures. Hypotheses Tests The statistical hypotheses were tested using a one way multivariate analysis. Scores on the "voice preference--believability" semantic differential scales were used as the dependent variables. The independent variables were race, position, and voice replication. All hypotheses were tested using the .05 alpha level with the appropriate degrees of freedom. A summary of the analysis of group means is re- ported in Table 4.1. Hypothesop The testable form Of the hypothesis for "believ- ability" of Black voice versus "believability" of Cauca- sian voice is stated as follows: Table 4.1.—-Group means for voice preference and believability. 75 Narrator Positionb Voice Believability PreferenceC Black-Voice 1 Pro 34.6 37.7 § Black-Voice 2 Pro 32.2 37.4 :3 Black-Voice 1 Con 32.2 35.6 Black-Voice 2 Con 34.7 37.1 g Caucasian-Voice 1 Pro 27.3 30.9 '3 Cancasian-Voice 2 Pro 26.6 34.9 g Caucasian-Voice 1 Con 28.0 31.3 {3 Caucasian-Voice 2 Con 28.3 33.3 a . Rows are groups; columns are variables. Pro Argument for "Community Control of Schools." Con argument against "Community Control Of Schools." 0 . . . . . . Higher scores indicate negative direction. Lower scores indicate positive direction. Null Hypothesis 1a Alternate Hypothesis 1a There will be no difference between the mean score of "believability" for the Caucasian voice sound (aural cue) and the mean score of "believ- ability" for the Black voice sound (aural cue). The mean score of "believability" for the Caucasian voice sound (aural cue) will be greater than the mean score Of "believability" for the Black voice sound (aural cue). The multivariate analysis of variance of means yielded a F-Ratio of 20. which was significant at the P = .0001 level. 43 (degrees of freedom 2 and 151) A Significant multivariate F Ratio can be interpreted as meaning that the two groups score significantly different from each other a 76 on at least one of the dependent measures being simultane— ously analyzed. TO locate the differences a univariate analysis of variance of each of the dependent variables was subsequently conducted. A summary of the univariate analysis of believability scores is reported in Table 4.2. Table 4.2.--Univariate analysis Of believability scores of Black versus Caucasian voice sounds. Variable Between Mean Squared Univariate F Probability Believability 752.5562 13.4288 0.0004 Degrees Of Freedom for Hypothesis 1 Degrees Of Freedom for Errors 152 The one way analysis of variance Of "believability" scores of Black versus Caucasian voices produced a F value of 13.42 which was significant beyond the .05 alpha level. The mean score of "believability" for the Caucasian voices was 27.75 while the mean scores for the Black voices was 36.90 (low scores indicate greater believability). Since the range between these two scores was significant beyond the .05 alpha level, the null hypothesis is rejected. Furthermore, an examination Of the mean scores indicates the greater "believability" is associated with the Caucasian voice, therefore the alternate hypothesis is accepted. The testable form of the hypothesis for "voice pre- ference" of Black voice versus "voice preference" Of Cau- casian voice is stated as follows: 77 There will be no difference be- tween the mean score of "voice preference" for the Caucasian voice sound (aural cue) and the mean score of "voice preference" for the Black voice sound (aural cue). Null Hypothesis 1b Alternate Hypothesis 1 The mean score for "voice pre- ference" for the Caucasian voice sound (aural cue) will be greater than the mean score of "voice pre— ference" for the Black voice sound (aural cue). b The multivariate of analysis of variance Of means yielded a F-ratio of 20.43 (degrees of freedom 2 and 151) which was significant at the P = .0001 level. A summary of the univariate analysis of "voice preference" scores is reported in Table 4.3. Table 4.3.--Univariate analysis of voice preference scores Of Black versus Caucasian voice sounds. Variable Between Mean Squared Univariate F Probability Voice Preference 1368.9000 39.0527 0.0001 Degrees of Freedom for Hypothesis 1 Degrees of Freedom for error 152 The one way analysis of variance of "voice prefer- ence" score of Black versus Caucasian voices produced a F-value of 39.05 which was significant beyond the .05 alpha level. The mean score of "voice preference" for the Cau- casian voices was 27.53 while the mean scores for the Black voices was 33.87 (low score indicates greater "voice pre— ference). Since the range between these two scores was 78 significant beyond the .05 alpha level, the null hypothesis is rejected. Furthermore, an examination of the mean scores indicates that greater "voice preference" is associated with the Caucasian voice, therefore the alternate hypothesis is accepted. The testable form of the hypothesis for "believ- ability" of Black (Voice #1) versus Black (Voice #2) is stated as follows: Null Hypothesis 2 There will be no difference between a the mean score Of "believability" for the Black voice sound (Voice #1) and the mean score of "believability" for the Black voice sound (Voice #2). Alternate Hypothesis 2a The mean score Of "believability" for the Black voice sound (Voice #1) will be greater than the mean score of "believability" for the Black voice sound (Voice sound #2). The multivariate analysis Of variance of means yielded a F-ratio of .775 (degrees of freedom 2 and 151) which was significant at the P = .9255 level. The mean score Of "believability" for Black (Voice #1) was 36.60 while the mean score for Black (Voice #2) was 37.00. The difference between the range of these two scores was not significant at the .05 alpha level, therefore the null hypothesis was not rejected. A summary of the univariate analysis of "believability" scores is reported in Table 4.4. 79 Table 4.4.--Univariate analysis of believability scores of Black voice #1 versus Black voice #2. Variable Between Mean Squared Univariate F Probability Believability 7.8125 0.1394 0.7094 Degrees of Freedom for Hypothesis 1 Degrees of Freedom for error 152 The testable form of the hypothesis for "voice pre- ference" of Black (Voice #1) versus Black (Voice #2) is stated as follows: There will be no difference between the mean score Of "voice preference" for the Black voice sound (Voice #1) and the mean score of "voice pre- ference" for the Black voice sound (Voice #2). Null Hypothesis 2b The mean score Of "voice preference" for the Black voice sound (Voice #1) will be greater than the mean score of "voice preference" for the Black voice sound (Voice #2). Alternate Hypothesis 2b The multivariate analysis of variance Of means yielded a F-ratio Of .775 (degrees of freedom 2 and 151) which was significant at the P = .9255 level. The mean score of "voice preference" for the Black (Voice #1) was 36.60 while the mean score for Black (Voice #2) was 37.00. The difference between the range Of these two scores was not significant at the .05 alpha level therefore the null hypothesis was not rejected. A summary of the univariate analysis Of "voice preference" scores is reported in Table 4.5. 80 Table 4.5.--Univariate Of analysis of voice preference scores of Black (Voice #1) versus Black (Voice #2). Variable Between Mean Squared Univariate F Probability Voice Preference 0.0125 0.0004 0.9850 Degrees Of Freedom for Hypothesis 1 Degrees Of Freedom for Error 152 The testable form of the hypothesis for "believ- ability" of Caucasian (Voice #1) versus "believability" of Caucasian (Voice #2) is stated as follows: Null Hypothesis 3 There will be no difference between a the mean score Of "believability" for the Caucasian voice sound (Voice #1) and the mean score of "believability" for the Caucasian voice sound (Voice #2). Alternate Hypothesis 3 The mean score of "believability" a for the Caucasian voice sound (Voice #1) will be greater than the mean score of "believability" for the Caucasian voice sound (Voice #2). The multivariate analysis of variance of means yielded a F-ratio of 1.935 (degrees of freedom 2 and 151) which was significant at the P = .1480 level. The mean score of "believability" for Caucasian (Voice #1) was 34.00. The difference between the range of these two scores was not significant at the .05 alpha level, therefore the null hypothesis was not rejected. A summary of the univariate analysis Of "believability" scores is reported in Table 4.6. 81 Table 4.6.--Univariate analysis Of believability scores Of Caucasian (Voice #1) versus Caucasian (Voice #2). A Variable Between Mean Squared Univariate F Probability Believability 174.0500 3.1058‘ 0.0801 Degrees of Freedom for Hypothesis 1 Degrees of Freedom for Error 152 The testable form of the hypothesis for "voice pre— ference" of Caucasian (Voice #1) versus "voice preference" Of Caucasian (Voice #2) is stated as follows: There will be no difference between the mean score of "voice preference" for the Caucasian voice sound (Voice #1) and the mean score of "voice preference" for Caucasian voice sound (Voice #2). Null Hypothesis 3b Alternate Hypothesis 3 The mean score for "voice prefer- ence" for the Caucasian voice sound (Voice #1) will be greater than the mean score of "voice preference" for the Caucasian voice sound (Voice #2). b The multivariate analysis of variance of means yielded a F—ratio of 1.935 (degrees of freedom 2 and 151) which was significant at the P = .1480 level. The mean score of "voice preference" for Caucasian (Voice #1) was 27.65 while the mean score for Caucasian (Voice #2) was 27.00. The difference between the range Of these two scores was not significant at the .05 alpha level, therefore the null hypothesis was not rejected. A summary of the univariate analysis Of "voice preference" scores is re- ported in Table 4.7. 82 Table 4.7.-- Univariate analysis of voice preference scores Of Caucasian (Voice #1) versus Caucasian (Voice #2). Variable Between Mean Squared Univariate F Probability ‘w Voice Preference 1.0125 0.289 0.8653 Degrees of Freedom for Hypothesis 1 Degrees of Freedom for Error 152 The testable form Of the hypothesis for "believ- ability" Of "pro" position versus believability of "con" position is stated as follows: Null Hypothesis 4a There will be no difference be- tween the mean score of "believ- ability" for the "pro" position and the mean score of "believ- ability" for the "con" position. Alternate Hypothesis 4 The mean score of "believability" a for the "pro" position will be greater than the mean score of "believability" for the "con" position. The multivariate analysis of variance of means yielded a F-ratio of .7955 (degrees of freedom 2 and 151) which was Significant at the P = .4533 level. The mean score of "believability" for the "pro" position was 34.30 while the mean score of "believability" for the "con posi- tion was 34.30. The difference between the range of these two scores was not significant at the .05 alpha level, therefore the null hypothesis was not rejected. A summary of the univariate analysis of "voice preference" scores is reported in Table 4.8. 83 Table 4.8.--Univariate analysis of believability scores of "pro" versus "con" position. Variable Between Mean Squared Univariate F Probability Believability 31.5062 0.5622 0.4546— Degrees of Freedom for Hypothesis 1 Degrees of Freedom for Errors 152 The testable form of the hypothesis for "voice pre- ference" of "pro" position versus "voice preference" of "con" position is stated as follows: Null Hypothesis 4b There will be no difference between the mean score of "voice preference" for the "pro" position and the mean score Of "voice preference" for the "con" position. Alternate Hypothesis 4b The mean score of "voice preference" 77‘ for the "pro" position will be greater than the mean score of "voice preference" for the "con position. The multivariate analysis of variance Of means yielded a F—ratio Of .7955 (degrees Of freedom 2 and 151) which was significant at the P = .4533 level. The mean score of "voice preference" for the "pro" position was 30.00 while the mean score for the "con" position was 30.77. The difference between the range of these two scores was not significant at the .05 alpha level, therefore the null hypothesis was not rejected. A summary of the univariate analysis of "voice preference" score is reported in Table 4.9. 84 Table 4.9.--Univariate analysis of voice preference scores Of "pro" versus "con" position. Variable Between Mean Squared Univariate F Probability Voice Preference 15.6250 0.4458 0.5054 Degrees of Freedom for Hypothesis 1 Degrees of Freedom for Error 152 Although no interactions were hypothesized for hypotheses 2a, 2 3 3b’ 4a’ and 4b, these hypotheses b’ a’ were tested by no significant interactions were found. Summary Eight statistical hypotheses were generated and tested. Each hypothesis was tested using the One way multivariate analysis and using the .05 level Of confidence for determining significance. Three hypotheses were formu- lated to determine the effect of voice sound (aural cue) on "believability." Three additional hypotheses were formulated to determine the effect Of voice sound (aural cue) on "voice preference." One hypothesis was formulated to determine the effect of the position of argument on "blievability" while the remaining hypothesis was formulated to determine the effect of the position of the argument on "voice preference." A summary of results of the statis- tical analysis is presented in Table 4.10. A discussion of the findings and their implications is in Chapter V. 85 escoflpoomouucoz v24203.00.nomucoz «ecOHDOOmouncoz «coHuomflmm scofluomnom cofluomflouncoz Ho cofluoohom MO useEmucum .oocoHOMMflp uccOHMflcmHm oz 4* .Ho>OH mzefim mo. may o>onm no no ucmOHMHcmHm « i . Amw TUHO>V UCDOm OUHO> CMHwMUSMU OED How .suaeaam>maamn. Mo muoom same was one Ase moeo>v OQOOm OOHO> scammoscu ecu MOM =>uHHHDM>OHHOD= MO muoom some can coozuon OOCOHOMMHO 0: on HHHB chose m .Ama OOHO>V ocsom OOHO> xomHm one MOM :OOCOMOMOHQ OOHO>= Mo ouoom some ecu pcm AHM OOHO>V UCOOm OOHO> Romam Opp MOM =oocmHOMOHQ OOHO>= MO mnoom some ecu cmozuon OOSOHOMMHO on on HHHB mange pm .AN¢ OOHO>V OGDOm OOHO> Momam OED MOM =suaeanm>oaemn= Mo whoom cams man age Ase meao>v OCSOm OOHO> Romam map MOM zwuflaflbm>mflamb= Mo mnoom cmoE 03D cmm3uwn mocmHmMMflp OS on HHHB oumse m .Amoo Housmv OQDOm OOHO> xooam on» MOM =OOCOMOM some OOHO>= MO muoom some map one hose Housmv ocoom OOHO> scammosmo OLD MOM =mocoquonm OOHO>= MO ouoom some web coosu0b OOQOHOMMMO oc Ob Hafiz ouoce DH .Aooo amusmv OQSOm oOHO> Mocam OLD MOM =>DHHHQc>mHHm£: Mo ouoom some map can Amoo acnsmv USOOm OOHO> cmflmmoscv OED MOM =>uflaabm>oHHOQ= MO ouoom some one coozpon OOQOHOMMHU on on Haas emcee H mflmozpomxm Haoz .mDHOmOH MO humEEomsl.oa.v canoe 86 hELMOuuoe.neMucoz vEEOuuoe.meMLMOZ h__:..cOMuoe.meMLMOz .COHuHmom =coo= ecu MOM =eoceMeMeMd eouo>= Mo eMOom ceeE ecu oce cOHuumom =OMm= ecu MOM =eoceMeMeMm eouo>= MO eMOOm ceeE ecu ceesuec eoceMeMMup oc ec Haas eMecB cw .cOuuumOQ :coo: ecu MOM =>uuauce>euaec: Mo eMoom ceeE was mam acuuumoa =oua= ecu Moe =suueuem>muamn= Mo eMoom ceee ecu cee3uec eoceMeMMup 0c ec HHHB eMecB v .Ama eouo>v OCOOm eouo> ceumeooeo MOM =eoceMeMeMO eouo>: MO eMOom ceeE ecu one Ada eouo>v pence eouo> ceumeoseo ecu MOM =eoceMeMeMm eouo>= Mo eMoom ceeE ecu ceesuec eoceMeMMue 0c ec HHHB eMecB m COuuoefleMncoz MO COHuoenem Mo uceEeueum mumecuomwm HHOZ .Aemscuuaoocua.oe.e wanes CHAPTER V SUMMARY, FINDINGS, DISCUSSION, IMPLICATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary The purpose of this study was to determine what effect the recognition of a distinguishable voice sound (aural cue) associated with a particular ethnic group would have on "believability" and "voice preference." Specifi- cally this study had two primary purposes. One purpose was to determine what effect a distinguishable voice sound associated with a Black narrator would have on "believ- ability" and "voice preference." A second purpose was to determine what effect a distinguishable voice sound asso- ciated with a Caucasian narrator would have on "believability" and "voice preference." One of the generalizations drawn from review of the literature indicates that the prestige associated with the information source is related in some way to the impact of the message. Review of the literature further indicates that source credibility has a temporal dimension, suggesting that if high prestige source diminishes, low prestige source gains. Important to this study and substantiated by the review Of literature is the indication that noncontent 87 88 stimuli such as dress, voice, and manner apparently affect the attitude of the audience toward the communicator source. Further review Of the literature reveals that there is a commonality of agreement in defining source credibility in spite of the great diversity in the variations of the conceptual framework in which source credibility functions. The literature reviewed concerning the attribute Of race of the communicator source suggests that those cues denoting race Of the communicator as a minority member generally serve to diminish credibility Of the minority communicator. Some studies indicate that because Of the differences in characteristic variables of the minority communicator and audience composition, the perception of credibility source generally fluctuates. Ten workshop sections of Education 450, School and Society, were Offered in the Spring Term (1971) at Michigan State University. Eight workshop sections were randomly selected for the experimental treatment. Eight separate experimental treatments were randomly assigned to each Of the eight workshop sections. Four workshop sections were administered an experimental treatment with a Caucasian voice arguing either for the pro or con position on "Com— munity Control Of Schools." Four workshop sections were administered an experimental treatment with a Black voice arguing either for the pro or con position on "Community Control of Schools." 89 The experimental population consisted of 160 white undergraduate students enrolled at Michigan State Univer- sity. All subjects Were enrolled in the Teacher Education program and had completed Student Teaching requirements. The sample of 160 subjects was divided into eight workshop sections consisting of twenty students each. Two instruments were designed for this study. One was the pre-test screening instrument designed to determine whether or not voice sound could be distinctively identi- fied as belonging to a Black or Caucasian speaker. Results of the data collected with this instrument indicated that differentiation can be made between the voice sound of Black and Caucasian speakers. The second instrument con- structed was the semantic differential consisting of a total of 25 items. Twelve items related to voice preference and thirteen items to believability. Reliability of this instrument was substantiated by Hoyt's Estimate of Reli- ability formula. The mode Of presentation (automated slide-tape) for the treatment was the same with all workshop sections. The subjects in each treatment were administered the same semantic differential test. Results of the data collected by the semantic differential instrument supported the hypothesis that the mean scores of "believability" and "voice preference" would be greater for the distinguishable Caucasian voice sound than for the distinguishable Black voice sound. 90 Eight statistical hypotheses were generated and tested. Each hypothesis was tested using the multivariate analysis procedure and the .05 level of confidence for determining significance. Three hypotheses were formulated to determine the effect of distinguishable voice sound (aural cue) on "believability." Three additional hypoth- eses were formulated to determine the effect Of distin- guishable voice sound (aural cue) on "voice preference." One hypothesis was formulated to determine the effect Of the position Of argument on "believability," while the re- maining hypothesis was formulated to determine the effect of the position of argument on "voice preference." Findingo Hypothesis 1 There will be no difference between the mean a score of "believability" for the Caucasian voice sound (aural cue) and the mean score of "believability" for the Black voice sound (aural cue). With respect to Hypothesis la’ it was found that there was a significant difference in the mean score for subjects' ratings of perceived source credibility on the "believability" dimension. Mean scores were higher for the distinguishable voice sound associated with the Cau- casian narrator than for the distinguishable voice sound associated with the Black narrator. The data reveal that when white undergraduate students were exposed to informa- tion communicated byya Caucasian communicator they 91 gave higher credibility to the Caucasian information source than they will give to the Black communicator source . There will be no difference between the mean score of "voice preference" for the Caucasian voice sound (aural cue) and the mean score of "voice preference" for the Black voice sound (aural cue). Hypothesis 1 b With respect to Hypothesis 1 it was found that b’ there was a significant difference between the mean scores Of "voice preference" for the Black narrator. Mean scores were higher for the Caucasian narrator than for the Black narrator. The data show that a clear distinction is made in "voice preference" between Black and Caucasian narra- tors. However, the acoustical features (tone, pitch, resonance, etc.) comprising voice preference is a highly personalized and subjective evaluation process. These acoustical features were not specifically measured by this study, however, based on the results of the data, it is concluded that there are "certain" acoustical features comprising the voice sound to which the listener attaches "certain" values in determining voice_preference. What ever these "certain" values areypit appears that "voice preference" is perceived by white students as moreoposi- tive with voice sound associated with a Caucasian than with voice sound associated with a Black spoaker. Hypothesis 2a There will be no difference between the mean score of "believability" for the Black voice sound (Voice #1) and the mean score of "believability" for the Black voice sound (Voice #2). 92 With respect to Hypothesis 2a, it was found that there was no significant difference in the mean scores of "believability" between Black voice sound (Voice #1) and Black voice sound (Voice #2). This result suggests that negligible differentiation is made between different Black communicator sources. It appears that perception of voice sound attributable to different Black communicators did not vary substantially in its effect upon "believability" of the information. It is concluded that distinguishable voice sound associated with different Black speakers will tend to be perceived as having approximately the same level Of credibilipy, Hypothesis 2b There will be no difference between the mean score of "voice preference" for the Black voice sound (Voice #1) and the mean score of "voice preference" for the Black voice sound (Voice #2). With respect to Hypothesis 2 it was found that b’ there was no significant difference in the mean scores Of "voice preference" between Black voice sound (Voice #1) and the Black voice sound (Voice #2). NO negligible dis- tinction was made between "voice preference" of (Voice #1) and (Voice #2). These results suggest that distinguishable voice sound associated with Black speakers will tend to be generally rated approximately the same on "voice preference." The combined mean scores generated from Hypotheses 2a and 2b were higher than combined mean scores generated from Hypotheses 3a and 3b. It is concluded that "voice preference" 93 was rated in a negative direction when associ— ated with a distinguishable Black voice souog. Hypothesis 3 There will be no difference between the mean a score of "believability" for Caucasian voice sound (Voice #1) and the mean score of "be- lievability" for the Caucasian voice sound (Voice #2). Hypothesis 3b There will be no difference between the mean score Of "voice preference" for the Cauca— sian voice sound (Voice #1) and the mean score of "voice preference" for Caucasian voice sound (Voice #2). With respect to Hypotheses 3a and 3b, it was found that there was no Significant difference in the mean scores Of "believability" and "voice preference" between Caucasian voice sound (Voice #1) and Caucasian voice sound (Voice #2). It appears that distinguishable voice sound associated with Caucasian speakers differ little in how they are per- ceived in relationship to "believability" and "voice pre- ference." The combined means scores generated from Hypoth- eses 3a and 3b were higher than the mean scores generated from Hypotheses 2a and 2 . From this evidence it is con— b cluded that_perception of "voice_preference" and "believ- ability" will tend to be rated in a positive direction when associated with a distinguishable Caucasian voice sound. Hypothesis 4a There will be no difference between the mean score of "believability" for the pro posi- tion and the mean score of "believability" for the con position. Hypothesis 4b There will be no difference between the mean score of "voice preference" for the pro posi— tion and the mean score of "voice preference" for the con position. 94 With respect to Hypotheses 4a and 4b, it was found that there was no significant difference in the mean scores Of "believability" and "voice preference" between con and pro positions Of the arguments. Furthermore, no significant interaction between the position taken in communicating the message and believability Of the message. Results of the data suggest that the announced persuasive intent Of the message had negligible effect upon "believ- ability" Of the message or upon "voice preference" associ- ated with communicating the message. It is concluded that believabilipy of the message can not be assured by the position a speaker takes on an issue. Discussion The general question under investigation in this study was to determine the extent to which distinguishable voice sound associated with a Black or Caucasian speaker influenced source credibility. Source credibility for the purpose of this study was defined comprising two dimensions: (1) believability, and (2) voice preference. Generally speaking the results Obtained for "believability" and "voice preference" support the two major Hypotheses 1a and 1b of this study. "Believability" and "voice preference" were perceived and rated in a more positive direction for the Caucasian voice than for the Black voice. The mean scores were significantly higher for the Caucasian voice than for the Black voice. However, it should be noted that 95 these data can not adequately support the contention that these results will be duplicated under similar conditions. Due to the personality variables Of the subjects and the variations of voice quality for Black and Caucasian speakers, the need for replication Of this study is warranted. This fact emphasizes the highly fluid state Operating in the communication process. One of the basic questions underlying this study was answered by the data collected. Substantial support was given to the assumption that differentiation could be made between a Black and Caucasian speaker based on the distinguishability of aural cues. Out of a total of ten speakers (five Black and five Caucasian), four Blacks were accurately identified. One Black voice was judged to be indistinguishable. All five Caucasian voices were identi- fied as such. Based on the extent of the recognition of voice sound, it appears that white students were negatively influenced in their reaction to information communicated by a distinguishable Black voice. It was presumed that a certain amount of bias would be held by the white subject toward any single voice (Black or white). An effort was made to con- struct a design that would keep this source of bias at a minimal level thus reducing the impact of its effect upon the subjects recorded responses. In addition, this might have undertaken the task of developing an instrument 96 to pre—test the attitudinal bias of the subjects in order to better control this variable. However, this was not within the scope of the present study and would have been a major study by itself. To minimize this apparent weak- ness in the study, the researcher emphasized the relia- bility of the instruments constructed for this study. The pre-screening test instrument which enabled the researcher to clearly establish identification of and differentiation between Black and Caucasian voices proved to be extremely effective and valid. The semantic differential constructed to measure "believability" and "voice preference" proved to be substantially reliable. Reliability was supported by the Hoyt Estimate of Reliability formula. However, it is recognized that any instrument should be subject to con- tinuous refinement. Therefore, the present instrument proved to be reliable under the conditions of this study, it should be subject to further refinement for future use. Results of the data Show that Black voices consis- tently received lower mean scores than Caucasian voices. Mean scores for "believability" and "voice preference" were significantly higher for Caucasians. In contrast to these results, mean scores were not significantly different be- tween Black (Voice #1) and Black (Voice #2). The same results were apparent between the mean scores of Caucasian (Voice #1) and Caucasian (Voice #2). However, the combined mean scores of Black (Voice #1) and Black (Voice #2) were 97 significantly lower than the combined mean scores of Cau- casian (Voice #1) and Caucasian (Voice #2). It appears that the attitudinal biases of the subjects were either inclined toward stereotyping or the experimental treatment did not effectively control this variable. Another factor that may have indirectly influenced the subjects responses is the presence of a Black female proctor and a Black experimenter. Although no evidence is available to support this notion, this question nevertheless remains Open. The data seems to support indirectly that speech dialect associated with a Black Speaker appears to be one of many compounding variables which influence the Caucasian Observer in forming certain stereotypic attitudes. It should be noted that this position is not fully subv stantiated by the present study. It is noted that no significant interaction was evident between the position of argument taken by the Black narrators. However, the Black narrators were still per- ceived as being less credible than Caucasian narrators. These results indicate that voice sound (aural cue) played a significant role in the minds of the Caucasian subjects in their perception of source credibility. The message format used as part of the experimental treatment appeared to be adequate for this study. Extreme care was taken to assure its uniformity. Each message con— sisted of an introductory statement, supporting pro or con 98 statements, and one pro or con Option. Results Of the data showed no significant interaction between the pro and con positions, suggesting that position Of argument exer- cised no significant influence on source credibility of the message. This was significant to this study in that it suggests that voice sound (aural cue) was the dominating variable influencing source credibility. The results of the data pertaining to the perceived source credibility of Black voices versus Caucasian voices Show a significant difference. It would be difficult or unwise to generalize from these findings to other situa- tions different than the conditions described in this study. This study was limited in the size of population and also limited by the mode (automated slide-tape pre- sentation) of the experimental treatment. In View of this, it might be inappropriate to make generalizations about source credibility Of voice sound relating to other media such as recording discs, video tapes, and instruc- tional films. Implications Although it is difficult to generalize from the limited scope of this study, the researcher, nevertheless, feels very strongly that this study has broad implications beyond its present scope. These implications are particu- larly relevant to some Of the aspects of the educational process. Education can generally be described as a process 99 Of social interaction. It is during this process that the individual acquired behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions of other individuals with whom he interacts. With this point of view in mind, the following implications are suggested: 1. The unfavorable image in which the Black voice was perceived generally suggests that white students tend to hold negative attitudes toward the competencies of the Black individual. Implications of this Observation point to a strong need for more exposure and contact by white students with Blacks in a variety Of favorable educational situations. 2. Implications further suggest that distinct cul- tural speech patterns generally associated with the Black educator are Often perceived by fellow Caucasian educators as being suggestive of deficiencies in professional know- ledge. This indicates that the Black educator is often held in suspect by his Caucasian colleague regarding his proficiency. A need to develop mutual professional respect is indicated. I 3. It appears that strong overtones of racial stereotyping are demonstrated in the Caucasian perceptions of the credibility Of Blacks in an educational setting. A need for greater and more intimate academic exposure is implied. Hopefully through more favorable educational contact, a positive shift in attitude toward credibility of the Black educator will develop. 100 4. A serious question is raised in regard to the classroom environment, particularly in the lower grades, where Black teachers interact with white children. These children are part of a larger society in which negative attitudes toward the Black teacher are pervasive. There- fore, significance is attached to the young child and his perceptions of the Black teacher in relationship to his world. Implications Of this study suggest that the effec- tiveness Of the Black teacher can be drastically reduced. These implications suggest further that a value conflict can Often develop within the child if he is subjected to strong racial biases and influences from his family and peer group that are anti-Black. 5. Although this study showed that Black voices were perceived in a less favorable image, the implications for in- structional technology are significant. Based on the findings of this study, commercial producers of instructional technology (sound filmstrips, video-tape programs, films, etc.) will not look favorably upon using Black voices for narration based upon the findings Of this study. However, the implications Of this study suggest that commercial producers can make a unique contribution to the total edu- cational process by providing a positive channel of communi- cation by which Black voices can be incorporated in a manner in which is nonexistent at the present time. The general amount of exposure to and familiarity with Black voices in a positive image will be greatly enhanced. 101 Recommendations The following suggestions are based on the analysis Of the findings in this study and the insights gained 'during the course of this study. The recommendations for future research are stated below. 1. This study was restricted to a small experi- mental population. Future research in this area should include larger samples which would provide more definitive results than the present study provides. 2. The population of this study consisted of only University level senior students. It may prove beneficial for future research to examine populations of lower grade levels such as elementary, junior high, and senior high schools. Research at these levels should provide a broader basis for formulating more comprehensive conclusions re- garding source credibility. 3. The present study was concerned primarily with a pOpulation composed Of all white students. Further re- search should examine credibility using all Black students for the experimental population. As a result, some basis may be established for comparing the differences between Black and white students' perception of source credibility based on distinguishable voice sound. 4. Students represent only a small segment of society. This study was restricted to this single segment. In order to get a broader perspective and different in- sights to the question of source credibility, it may be 102 worthwhile to design future research in an attempt to ex- amine other groups in society such as educators, social workers, and counselors. 5. This study used only male voices in determin- ing audience reaction to source credibility. It would be Of interest to future research to determine what influence distinguishable Black and white female voices would exer- cise on source credibility. From the search of the liter- ature it appears that this has never been done. 6. A more comprehensive study should be under- taken in the future that would include a replication of this study across comparable groups throughout the Univer- sity. BIBLIOGRAPHY 103 BIBLIOGRAPHY Allport, Gordon, and Cantril, Hadley. "Judging Personality from Voice." Journal of Social Psychology, V (1934), 37-55. Anderson, Kenneth E. 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"A Study of the Relative Effective- ness of Selected Teaching Procedures in the Modifi- cation Of Children's Attitudes Toward the Negro." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, New York Univer- sity, 1946. 108 Williams, Frederick; Whitehead, Jack L.; and Miller, Leslie. "Ethnic Stereotyping and Speech Attitudes, Technical Report, Center for Communication Research, University Of Texas at Austin, February, 1971. Williams, Frederick; Whitehead, Jack; and Traupman, Jane. "Correspondence Between Semantic Differential Ratings of Children's Speech and Speech Anticipated Upon the Basis of Stereotype." Technical Roport, Center for Communication Review, University Of Texas at Austin, August, 1970. APPENDICES 109 APPENDIX A VOICE DISTINGUISHABILITY RATING SCALE 110 Check the appropriate number which best describes how you perceive the voice sound of each speaker. Speaker - Number 1 1 2 Speaker Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds clearly distinguishable as like a black speaker indistinguishable like a Caucasian Speaker clearly distinguishable as - Number 2 Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds clearly distinguishable as like a black speaker indistinguishable like a Caucasian speaker clearly distinguishable as - Number 3 Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds clearly distinguishable as like a black speaker indistinguishable like a Caucasian speaker clearly distinguishable as 111 a black speaker a Caucasian speaker a black speaker a Caucasian speaker a black speaker a Caucasian speaker Page 2 112 Speaker - Number 4 1 2 Speaker 1 Speaker 1 Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds clearly distinguishable as like a black speaker indistinguishable like a Caucasian speaker 'clearly distinguishable as - Number 5 Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds clearly distinguishable as like a black speaker indistinguishable like a Caucasian speaker clearly distinguishable as — Number 6 Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds clearly distinguishable as like a black speaker indistinguishable like a Caucasian speaker clearly distinguishable as - Number 7 Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds clearly distinguishable as like a black speaker indistinguishable like a Caucasian speaker clearly distinguishable as black speaker Caucasian speaker black speaker Caucasian speaker black speaker Caucasian speaker black speaker Caucasian speaker Page 3 113 Speaker - Number 8 1 Speaker Speaker 1 Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds clearly distinguishable as like a black speaker indistinguishable like a Caucasian speaker clearly distinguishable as - Number 9 Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds clearly distinguishable as like a black speaker indistinguishable like a Caucasian speaker clearly distinguishable as - Number 10 Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds Sounds clearly distinguishable as like a black speaker indistinguishable like a Caucasian speaker clearly distinguishable as black speaker Caucasian speaker black speaker Caucasian speaker black speaker Caucasian speaker APPENDIX B PRE-TEST SCRIPT 114 APPENDIX B PRE-TEST SCRIPT Words and pictures are stimuli. What is learned from them depends on the kinds of responses that they elicit. For convenience of exposition they can be put into three major categories. In the first are all pre- paratory responses Of attention, selective discrimination and perception which presumably have been learned previous to the presentation. Second are the responses involved in learning what the presentation purports to teach. These are called acquisition responses. In the third category are the reSponses involved in anchoring what has been learned so that it can be used on subsequent occasions. These are called consolidating responses. 115 APPENDIX C INSTRUCTIONS 116 Instructions: Please read the following instructions very carefully. If there are any questions after reading the instructions, please raise your hand. YOu are going to hear a tape recording composed of ppp speakers. Each speaker will read a very short paragraph. Please listen very attentively to the voice of each speaker. Following each speaker, the tape recorder will be stopped. After the tape recorder is stopped following each speaker, do the following. Check the appropriate number which best describes how you perceive the v01ce sound Of each speaker. Example: Sppaker - Number 0 1 Sounds clearly distinguishable as a black speaker 2 Sounds like a black speaker 3 Sounds indistinguishable 4 Sounds like a Caucasian speaker 5 Sounds clearly distinguishable as a Caucasian speaker Please wait for instructions. 117 v " 4 ' APPENDIX D ARTICLE 118 R THE 5:] The following article is based upon and inspired by the discussions and prepared case materials of the meeting concerning ”Commi ity Control of Schools” of the Council on Urban Development of the Institute of Human Sciences held at Endicott House, Dedhar Massachusetts on May 2-3, 1969. COMMUNITY CONTROL OF SCHOOLS: A REVIEW OF ISSUES AND OPTIONS ' DAVID HORTON SMITH Associate Research Professor in the Insti- tute of Human Sciences and Associate Professor of Sociology, Boston C o/lcgc RICHARD F. MCGRAIL Lecturer in the Schoo/ of Education Boston Co/lege At first qlance the phrase "Community Control of Schools" seems to refer mainly in the problem of the locus of authority in our educational system In the frequent current 0010lele on the issue. we read of hnrcnts from the ghetto and other-large City VIQOTOHSIV neighborhoods that receivmg an adequate education and that complaining their children are not teachers cannot or Will not understand their children We hear teachers (usually through a profeSSional association or union) decrying oiiISIde interfwence in the larlk Of discipline and poor capacities of ghetto L‘d'lCalIOllal process and the Voiingsters While stressmg their own “grits to tenure and ioh security And we sec public officials taking other tai‘ks in response to the turn of political breezes When we investigate the problem more deirply. however we find that community Coritrol of schools IS a complex political- eCniiomic moral (or othnic) iSSiie It IS 3’80 an ISSUE of overall urban policy and metropolitan planning. One of the most 'mhortant underlying questions in the community control of schools isSiie is Darricipation by members of the community in the management of matters affecting their BXISIBDCB, espeCially in the inner-City and ghetto areas of large metropolises The school issue has been highlighted because it is somewhat easrer to make a case for local control here than in other areas such as police, utilities This many moic Citizens are directly involved in their Also. transportation. utc is true Since so education throiigh children. even though they may not fully appreciate they (10 somehow see it as a vehicle to the "good the Importance of education. life for their children and as a means to personal fulfillment As a result. schools and tfieir staffs have become targets in what IS really a (.i'eepseated and often deliberately planned struggle by minority equality in political and The from a general feeiinq of pOWfiiieSsricss groups for economic realms problem stems on the part of people livmg in a highly and soiziety The intensny of this feeling is technoioiiical competitive mass multiplied many times in the case of those who belong to a minority group and who xth in poverty in our urban centers Although the community control of. schools issue is partially rooted in the demands of urban poor for more power and parIICipation in a variety of real‘ns, we. Wish to limit ourselves here specrfioally to sense of public "schools" in the and secondary schools. Similarly. the term elementary "community" has a variety of meanings. but we Wish to focus on the "community" as a neighborhood or natural sub-section of the core city of a large metropolitan area. The rough Size of such a community would be 50.000 people With a school poruilatirm of 1000020000 students It that the issue of COfll'HUHIIV control has a is obvrous much different coniplemon in suburbs of metropolitan areas or in smaller isolated communities and rural areas The concept of "control” as commonly . 119 iiSed in discussmn of the present issiio heir two impOrtant yet separate facets that an often confused. First. there is communin "control" of schools as decentralizatior of bureaucratic authority in educationa' decision-making. A decentralized systoni is one in which nearly all of the ImDOHLIHT and significant educational dCCISIons are made at the community level or below hi the community electorate and its elocter and appointed representatives (schoc boards, school superintendent. principals etc i In a centralized metropolitan or 38190 City school system. by contrast. mos‘ major decisuons are made by higher New representatives or bureaucrats who hays no direct personal tie to all neighbomood involved .,_. which usually means [her lower status areas go unrepresentmf H such deCis‘ion-making processes The second facet of “control" refers ii ani educational Thr means that the citizens of a communir both education for their children and activel- citizen involvement in education decision-making concerned about a are 900‘ parIICipate in the establishment anr implementation of educational goals I' their community The fact that a schou board community level and has power over Iocz IS elected periodically at (h educational dBCISIOnS does not by ac means guarantee that there Will be a hip involvement Wit degree of Citizen education in that COle’llUfllly PROS ANDCONS' Since community Control of schoo involves these two separate facets decentralization and Citizen involveme: -~ the pros and cons of those two fourH Will be conSiderod separately Decentralization Probably the most frequently pose Urban and SOCiai Change Revue rgument against decentralization is the liggestion that it hinders integration. The oint Here is that it IS, or could be, a step act to enforced segregation or de facto egregation. This argument loses most of a force when we note that under the lesent centralized educational systems. he percentage of blacks and hence de Icto segregation in core City populations as been increasmg steadily during this btade. so that decentralization could Eidly make matters worse While this 18’ld reality. and :o'tinues as protected by demographers. ls certainly fair that tne residents of the hie City communities or ghettoes have "ie say in the deCI5ions affecting the Education of their Children — a situation that cannot easily exist without ifecentralization as a base. Too. it should be emphasized that the vast majority of lfose in favor of decentralized school Sistems are not proponents of Sati'egation All of the available means to ksler integration li.e., bussing. Head Start F’mrams suburban programs, etc i could N should still be promoted in a de:entralized system. -"~ second common argument against ileuentralization relates to the ineffiCient use of educational resources. Centralized bi scale in the acquisuion and use Of ’resources by means of centralized llU'Chasmg, recruiting. etc. If this fielficiency has to be sacrificed for the sake ftl more important values. so be it. "iciwever, the fact is that decentralization ‘5 JUIle compatible With the maintenance pl certain centralized services, The central ol‘ice still could be responSIble for bid ‘Soemfications, bulk purchasmg, iomracted maintenance. etc. but it would Be the local Officials who would decide priorities and Would have the power to see .10 ll that action is taken promptly The “Eiffel office would thus be Simply I ‘mplementing the deClSIOn of the local ‘Ofllmals is a insofar as it i'eaucracies permit certain economics of The most important reasons in favor of .decenlralizmg our school systems spring mm the greater likelihood that the “Eteiilralized system Will be optimally it “me 3. Number 1, Fall 1969 k 120 and local conditions and needs Historically, large sensitive responswe to centralized bureaucracies have been noted for their insenSItiVity to the real needs of the local communities they purport to serve. Even when local needs have been recognized. large centralized bureaucraCIes have been ineffective in bringing about meaningful changes and implementing suitable programs. By contrast. there is a greater chance that decentralized school aware Of speCIal local needs, will be able relatively rapid decisions responding to these needs. and will more effectively appropriate systems will be to make implement programs and innovations. Without this decentralization it is scarcely possible that Widespread community involvement in the educational process will flourish. Centralized authority structures in large Cities essentially eliminate any real pOSSibility for meaningful community participation in educational deCision- making. Decentralization guarantees that the important education will be made on a local level (through local school boards and local administrative staff) and this is a much- step in City communities. especially in ghetto areas where the current demands for increased ”black power" must be answered Yet decentralization sufficient to bring about true community control Of schools. since it may result in token of the community in educational decisions by deCIsions affecting needed most core organizational is not only involvement local means of biennial school board elections The need for bringing about even greater Citizen involvement remains. Citizen Involvement Involvement has two distinct concern and participation Concern here implies that citizens of the Citizen aspects. community are interested in education broadly, believe in their children, urge their children to remain in school, encourage academic accomplishment both at home and at its value for school. and provide back-up support for teachers and other educational staff. This kind of citizen involvement is most characteristic of the suburbs and higher socio-economic areas in general. Lack of such concern is a vital problem in most core cities and high poverty areas Everyone seems to agree that concern for education is a good thing per se. Thus. there are no negative arguments to review here. The difficulties come in considering ways in which this concern can be brought about or increased and in dealing With the costs involved. The great potential value of this kind of Citizen concern is that it tends to foster educational achievement and aspiration in students. Substantial levels of educational achievement are a necessny in modern industrial society if the vicious cycle of poverty and ethnic discrimination is to be by competition and mobility of those who are the effectiveness of broken the effective occupational presently deprived. Along With increased occupational Current ghetto residents and their children would come increased representation in the political power structure and in other important private and public positions in our society. The battle against ethnic prejudice and discrimination will have to continue unabated. But an increase. through education. in the competence levels of currently deprived ethnic minorities should go a long way toward fostering integration and equality of opportunity in our nation. The participation aspect involvement goes beyond mere concern and refers to the active engagement of a variety of individuals from the local community in the selection and implementation of educational objectives Within the school system. Here we have parents and other citizens entering a domain previously reserved to professional educators and a handful of school board members. This very fact is the root of one of the most telling arguments raised against community control of schools. especially by professional educators and their unions or professional associations. of citizen 121 Educators. not without some justification, feel that the act of teaching and its supporting activities demand an expertise that is not to be found in everyone who might have an interest in and concern for education. They worry about the possibility of citizens interfering directly in the day-to-day operation of the school. In addition to these worries regarding the task of educating children. professional educators at all levels are also quite concerned about the implications for their personal job security and tenure. salary and promotion. collective bargaining rights. and related matters. There is no denying the existence of these professional and personal career problems of educators, but their existence is not sufficient reason to abandon the concept of citizen participation in community school systems. As will be shown in a moment. the values of this kind of participation for students. citizens. and education in general far outweigh the inherent problems. The answer must be to negotiate some form of compromise that avoids either the extreme of completely citizen-run schools. or the extreme of token of parents in completely educator-run schools. The compromise must take into account the professional and personal career interests of educators while providing for some involvement meaningful citizen participation in the local educational decision-making process. Another kind of argument advanced against meaningful community participation is that quality standards for educational achievement will be diminished. Although sometimes proposed very sincerely. this is often a sham appeal to universal values that is intended to mask educators' actual concern for their own personal and professional career interests. Certainly there are few persons who would quarrel with the need for maintaining and even enhancing educational quality standards. but there is no clear evidence that citizen participation has a detrimental effect. and in fact, there is good reason to believe that it may have a positive effect. especially in the ghetto areas. It should also be pointed out that educational achievement is already so low in poverty and ghetto areas that there is no place to go but up. The point is not to abandon quality standards of a universal nature entirely. but to broaden these standards to allow some room for the inclusion of local community values and educational objectives. A final argument raised against citizen participation in the educational process has to do with the spectre of extremist and minority groups completely taking over the educational system in local communities. Many see this as a logical development from allowing the community to participate in the selection of educational objectives. but exploitation by extremists is no more necessitated by community participation in education than it is by community participation in city. state. or national government. This danger is inherent in the democratic process at all levels but it is a danger that can be guarded against by an alert and active citizenry and by provision of options and flexibility in the objectives. . Openness and flexibility can be maintained by having the local community select periodically the priorities it would .Iike to have assigned to a series of educational objectives rather than attempting to arrive at a unanimous view on a single program that may not take into account minority opinions even Within the local community. The implementation of these community-selected educational objectives should further maintain flexibility by providing students and parents some Options in choosing courses and/or programs designed to meet these objectives. ' implementation of As noted earlier, community concern with education is significantly related to student educational achievement. Where this concern is substantial. as in many of our suburban areas. a minimal amount of participation can be tolerated. Where this concern is weaker, as in most ghetto and poverty areas. a program of citizen Urban and Social Change Review tiigipation is needed to foster and same Citizen interest in education and schools. 2 Rezent research has shown that liler‘it attitudes. expectations. and iscrality traits have a very substantial educational ese range all cast on achievement. the way from broad i'irgs of efficacy and positive self-image 'hs more specific attitudes toward the education in achievrng .pational success and the relevance of i..‘.ic courses and programs to eventual icress in life. The ghetto child tends to if‘»:‘ from a psychological deficiency on Int these counts. Programs that attempt . mprove educational achievement in it: eran schools merely by improving Les of in l (T) _r' utters, support services. facilities. or f‘.'5-Cai plant are likely to achieve only l’T'ifHfid success.3 insofar as they ignore llF: psychological components. An attack r. the root cause of poor educational heyement in the ghetto and poverty tress must be made via student attitudes tr". expectations. Since the latter are lfrT“ia'liy shaped in the home and the local :o'hmunity, an effectively programmed ianroach to changing student attitudes inil expectations must involve parents in'i other citizens in the community at 3“}6 This kind of involvement is what we bane been referring to as meaningful tiizzen participation in the educational Decess Participation of parents and other thzens in educational decision-making at the local level will lead to their increased commitment to their schools and to the ei'ucational process in general as well as inCreasmg their sense of personal efficacy and confidence. Insofar as this E“JTUCIDation has been effective. one may Exiled this sense of commitment and Ei'fiac‘l to be passed on to the children. In addition, effective vcation Will community have brought about attain changes in the school curriculum DBIKIU =3 that various courses and programs WI” ‘39 . . . i available that are mtnnsrcally more in ean'“qul to students from the local “Omniiinity. i1 . ”8 enhanced relevance of certain WW 3. Number 1, Fall 1969 122 community-selected programs and courses as well as the increased parental about by direct likely result from disadvantaged experiencing some degree of efficacy in concern brought partICipation will in many students areas the school setting for the first time In addition, is a positive answer to many of the overt community participation behaVior problems plaguing our urban schools such as poor discipline, truancy. and general indifference to the schools. Otiite aside from the direct impact of participation on student educational achievement. such participation also has an impact on the absenteeism. hostility or citizen broader political, racial. economic issues which bear not only on the problem of community control of schools but also on numerous other pressing problems inherent in the urban scene. The root issue here is equality. People in disadvantaged areas are demanding their fair share of American life in terms of political and economic power and in terms of social posuion relative to the majority ethnic groups. As Commission Report 4 amply shows. failure to meet such demands is significantly related to the occurrence of riots and other manifestations of civil unrest in core Cities. the Kerner Community control of schools. insofar as 'citizen participation, is at least one big step — but by no means the only step ~—— toward realizing equality. This kind of active it involves meaningful involvement will serve to decrease the currently widespread alienation and apathy found in poverty areas while conversely fostering the development of a generally aware and active citizenry who are both Willing and able to take their proper place as equal participants in running their communities, their states. and their nations. OPTIONS Implicit in all of the foregoing discussion has been the assumption that adequate funds will be available to bring about meaningful decentralization and Citizen involvement in community education. Without control adequate funds, community of schools will be a sham. Generally speaking. funds for education in a given community may come primarily from within the community (either from individual families or through local taxation) or primarily from higher level political units (city. metropolitan, state. or national levels). By considering primarily intra-community vs. primarily supra- community funding for education together with decentralized vs. centralized educational authority and active citizen involvement vs. no effective involvement. several major practical options emerge. OPTION 1 Centralized authority, no effective citizen community fiscal base. Option 1 describes the status quo in most large cities in this country today. The core urban areas and especially the ghettoes and disadvantaged areas have essentially no part in the decision-making involvement, supra- affecting the education of their children and manifest no effective citizen either in the sense of participation. Funds for education come from the total city fiscal base and other supra-community levels rather than primarily from within the community, but these funds are also allocated by the centralized supra- Community educational authorities. As a the meaningful involvement. concern or result, local citizenry have no community control of education in any sense. Out of this condition an increasing degree of alienation and dissatisfaction is deveIOping. At best. therefore. Option 1 results in apathy and indifference toward education and local schools, and at worst it leads hostility and widespread violence against the authority to outright structure in general. The latter response is all too prevalent in our urban ghettoes and poverty areas today. Obviously. Option 1 does not facilitate either good education or domestic tranquility in core city areas. nor does it foster racial justice and the ultimate equality of Opportunity for all persons in our somety. OPTION 2 Decentralized authority, no effective citizen community level fiscal base. Under this option. the community local educational making but also has the problem of raismg adequate funds for education from within the local community. There is still no effective program for developing citizen involvement. In middle class or wealthy suburbs and towns, this option works fairly well for two reasons. First. the suburban community will generally be wealthy enough to raise adequate funds for education from within itself. Second, the parents and other Citizens in a middle class (or higher status) suburban community will already tend to have a welladeveloped concern for education and at least a moderate level of Citizen participation in the educational decision- making process. By contrast. in the ghetto and poverty areas of large cities (or in the poorer suburbs). the local citizens lack sufficient wealth to support a sound educational program from their own resources as well as having a lower level of concern for education and less opportunity for the schools. As discussed in a preceding section, citizen involvement with education in poor or disadvantaged areas is not likely to occur merely because educational authority is decentralized. A spectfic program launched by. and through. local community leaders (as in Option 3 and 5) will generally be necessary to turn current apathy or hostility into positive concern for education and active citizen support of the schools. In sum, Option 2 simply turns the school system over to the local community while failing to provide adequate financial support from a supra~ community fiscal base and at the same time failing to develop an effective involvement. This option may provide self-determination at the community level. but its great danger is that it will probably lead to the further deterioration of the quality of education in the community and may ultimately result in aggravating the root problems of involvement, controls deClSlon- involvement in program of citizen poverty. racial injustice, and inequality of opportunity. OPTION 3 Decentralized authority. effective citizen involvement. community level fiscal base. This option is the same as Option 2 except that an effective program for developing citizen involvement is now assumed. As mentioned in discussing Option 2, decentralization of educational authority without maintaining a primary fiscal base broader than the local ghe community will effectively emascul community control of education. Sit Option 3 includes a program of CIII? involvement, it will probably have m: positive effects on the quality of lo education and on local feelings of st determination than would Option 2. ‘ Option 3 carries with it even grea dangers in the long run than Optior because both decentralization educational authority and i mobilization of local citizens for be‘ Urban and Social Change Rei meeting including individuals from all areas of the local community. In order to make such a process more than a futile exercise. the final recommendations of the community should be implemented insofar as is practically possmle by the local . school board and administration. Objectives that are GSjJQClaiiY difficult to accomplish or that tend to be rejected by the school board school and/or school administration should be arbitrated. And, in fact. since the election of the local school board will rest in the hands of community citizens in any event. according to Option 5. members of the school board may be eaSily removed at the next election if they fail to carry out the wishes of their constituencies. A correlative activity will be to foster greater Citizen interest in school board elections and local elections in general, as well as the meetings stressing and making meaningful openness of school board themselves ’ _ . A third broad type of activity favoring citizen involvement in education would be an intensively pursued“adult education and continuing education program for citizens of all ages who have left formal schooling. Part of the broad educational publicity campaign should emphasize the relevance of education not only forgone's Children but also for oneself, through. adult education. Rather than being a relatively passwe facility, as in suburban and middle class areas. adult educational programs should be aggressive recruiters of students in all disadvantaged areas. The course offerings and training programs must be carefully designed to meet the real needs of potential consumers. Further. all types of adult programs should be made freely available. from basic literacy training up through college courses. It will also be necessary educahon to make a variety of provisions for "school hours". including early mOrning, evening. late night. and weekend times. The greater the participation of citizens of the local in- adult c0urses. the more likely these citizens are community education to pass on to their children by example a genuine concern for education. 124 A fourth” important kind of citizen involvement activity deals with pre- school learning Through an active ”Head Start" program and related activities. the parents of disadvantaged children should be contacted early and made aware of the importance of pre—school learning and stimulation in the home neighborhood. In addition. special school experiences should be provided on and pre- a very broad scale in ghetto areas in an attempt to counteract the cumulative pre- that occurs among ghetto youngsters school experience deficit usuallyr There are numerous kinds of activities that may be used to foster increased students. educators. and parents in the local community. On the one hand. there might communication among be special teacher orientation sessions run for new-teachers by parents and other members of the local community so as to help close the gap between teachers and citizens in poverty areas. On the other hand, there should also be the reverse —- orientation sessions for fairly small groups of parents run by «teachers and other school staff. stressing not only the nature of the given school but also the Vital importance of parental educational behavior and attitudes in affecting school attendance and school performance of children. Wherever the parents of a given student do not come to such sessions at. the school, special attempts should be made to hold similar sessions at odd hours outside the school and to seek the parents out at home. if necessary Personalized home visits and 1 special counseling of parents and other relatives. as well as their school age children, may have a marked on student educational achievement, especially if this impact _is done by educators who have come from, or are at least Close to, the local community in background (race. ethnicity. dialect. religion, etc). Another related way to increase Citizen involvement in education is to provide Student participation in school activities that can greater opportunities for be presented to parents. Such actiVities would range from more frequent "Open (varied house'f. occasions for. ‘ parents to mor: . and frequent educations. demonstrations. plays._ intellectual artistic competitions. etc, run by student for parents and otheril‘ocal citizens. Sport afll events generate parental participatin also; but the foregoing kinds of mor strictly education-related activities at likely to be more important for fosterin‘ student achievement through concern and participation. Finally, provision should be made fo parent; the use of local citizens and others a resource persons and teacher aides in a many different kinds of courses an activities as possible. Such a prograr would further emphasize the closeness ( ties between the school and the community. Wherever possible. especrall successful loc. ghetto residents or formr residents should be ‘brought frequently to talk with students and t. encourage their educational achievemerx and attendance. One highly successft role model that students can identify wrt may be worth a hundred lectures on th importance of education. A serious talk I» bat: a somewhat older and ”sadder but wiser school dropout from the local communit would probably help also. There are numerous other ways of fostering effective citize possrbl ‘ involvement in addition to the ones jut mentioned. yet the foregoing will serve a an overview of what is needed The key 3 the effectiveness of any such program w- be its breadth of approach. its style. ac its sincerity. From the outset. the prograi must operate through and under tl direction of local community leaders an citizens if it is to be successful. It cann: be effective if it is just one more "(It gooder" program «imposed on H. community from outSide by outsider Outsiders may provide'some initial spark but the fuel must come from Within To sum up, Option 5 for Communi Control of Schools would seem to be t' only one with a substantial chance f success in the long run. Only this optii offers some substantial resolution both the strictly educational issue of stude achievement in poverty areas as well as e broader political-economic-raCial aces of participatory democracy, ua'ity of opportunity. and racial-ethnic stice ’ 'oblems ' ~ ten that community control of schools .in important goal to be accomplished it that it will involve a situation similar that outlined in Option 5. there are still I'TTE‘TOUS difficulties to be resolved slate such community control can some a reality. The New York City :rooi decentralization controversy. s:ussed in the following article. amply enorlstrates that the road to community enrol is not an easy one. There are iirerous vested interests on all sides eager to hold onto their present onu-ers irrespective of the strength of 131 are community control respective of the damage that may be garments; for.. lain-we to others by their stands. Given such ' inackground. a long and difficult period ii negotiation. testing, and compromise rilst be expected before effective Immunity control of is". ablished and viable in the long run Yet .it mist begin now. Che of the most critical problems to be limited is the precise mix of. supra— csmmunity level funding that is best for a given poverty area and the kind of central nsbursinq unit that will accompany such Can a method be devised whereby funds can come from a central indmg rl'siiiirsmg source or sources directl'v' 10 its community school board for the education of local children? Can this be none in such a way that the central scarce, whatever it may be, will not encroach upon the community's right to decree what kind of education is best for its children? Should this central source be ‘ Di'.lriarl(y connected in some way with the e"'Slmg government at federal. state. mEI'ODOlitan. or city levels. or should it be a SeDarate entity? How widespread and f”le held are the values of equality 0f ODDOrtunity and the right ”to a basic education provided by our society. Wheliter ones' parents and family can afford it or not? ‘ metropolitan, feasible? and - schools is exploration. Should progressive 125 the State. or federal educahonal income taxation at local. city. levels Support equal opportunity. and what mix of these sources is most What should be the responsibility of the federal government. particularly in view of the fiscal crisis of our core cities and the role of education in deveIOping the nation? Another problem pessible 'and area concerns the indeed actual conflict at . times between the community's desire to ,control its schools and the role of the , professional educator. Can a compromise be worked out that Will allow the educator to maintain or increase his status and economic position while making'him directly responsible to the local What kind of protective deVices can be worked out for the community (to avoid "being left with poor teachers") and for the educator (to provide some job security and to avoid arbitrary dismissal)? ' A third key problem area is the need for more preCise and extenswe knowledge of the strictly educational impact of various experiences and situations upon children. community? Given all the best intentions and unlimited ”money, What exactly could one do with a normal ghetto child (or any child) to maximize his education? How early does one have to begin and what does one do? Can the hours a ghetto child is inschool ever compensate for the other hours of the day and weekend when he is exposed to learning environments 'which are disturbing and often contradictory to his school experiences? Are teachers really useful in their traditional role any longer. or does the electronic. age call for a new breed of teachers who take much greater advantage of such things as computer- aided-instruction. new audiosvisual media, etc. in becoming guides to learning rather than sources of knowledge? These are seen as key areas that need further negotiation. and Without minimizing the importance or the complexuy of these problems. the movement toward effective community control of schools must not be delayed. research. 7 3 Fox. FOOTNOTES 1 In writing this article the authors made use of the various case materials regarding community control of schools that were prepared for the COuncil on Urban Devel- opment's May 1969 meeting, as well as drawing upon the actual discussions and notes taken at the meeting, and the brief statement of conclusions prepared by members of the Council and of the Insti- tute of Human Sciences. For all of this inSpiration and material the authors are in- debted to the Council members and to the Institute of Human Sciences' staff. However, the views presented in this paper do not necessarily reflect the opin- ion of the Council as a whole nor of any individual member. The Council is a deliberate body of distinguished scholars, professionals, sci- entists, members of the business com- munity, government officials, and others who meet semi-annually to confront the major issues of urban life. ‘ - Equality of Educational Opportunity (Washington. D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office. 1966) p. 22 f.. pp. 319 ff; Nuttall. Ronald L., David Horton Smith, et al. 2 Coleman. James. at al. Predicting VIGrade Point Averages (Chestnut Hill. Mass: Institute of ‘Human Sciences. Boston College. 1968). Sections VII to X. XIII, XIV; Lavin, David B.,The Prediction of Academic Achievement (New York Russell Sage Foundation. 1965). ‘Chapter David J.. Expansion of The More Effective School Program (New York. Center for Urban Education, 1967). p. 122f. indicates that elaborate and expensive administrative changes in disadvantaged schools do positively affect parental and teacher attitudes. but perhaps because these attitude changes are not effectively transmitted to the students involved. there is no noticeable improvement in student achievement. 4 National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. Report of The National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (New York: Bantam Books. 1968) APPENDIX E SCRIPT 126 APPENDIX E SCRIPT: COMMUNITY CONTROL OF SCHOOLS--PRO POSITION At first glance the phrase "Community Control of Schools" seems to refer mainly to the problem of the locus of the authority in our educational system. When we investigate the problem more deeply, how— ever, we find that community control of schools is a com- plex political, economic, racial (or ethnic) issue. The concept of control as commonly used in discus- sion of the present issue has two important yet separate facets. First, there is community "control" of schools as decentralization of bureaucratic authority in educational decision-making. The second facet of "control" refers to citizen involvement in education and educational decision— making. This speaker is in favor 9: community control 2: schools. One of the most important reasons £g£.decentraliza— tion is the strong likelihood that decentralization will be optimally sensitive and responsive to local conditions and needs. Decentralized school systems will be aware of special local needs, will be able to make relatively rapid decisions responding to these needs, and will more effec- tively implement apprOpriate programs and innovations. 127 128 A second argument £g£_decentralization is that de— centralization guarantees that the important decisions affecting education will be made on a local level (through local school boards and local administrative staff). Another argument Egg decentralization is that par- ticipation of parents and other citizens in educational decision-making at the local level will lead to their in- creased commitment to their schools and to the educational process in general as well as increasing their sense of personal efficacy and confidence. A fourth argument advanced £25 decentralization suggests that the enhanced relevance of certain community- selected programs and courses as well as the increased parental concern brought about by the direct participation will likely result in many students from disadvantaged areas experiencing some degree of efficacy. An additional argument for decentralization is that community participation is a positive answer to many of the overt behavior problems plaguing our urban schools such as poor discipline, truancy, absenteeism, and general hostility or indifference to the schools. A final argument raised £95 decentralization refers to minority groups realizing their share of equality in the terms of political and economic power and citizen par- ticipation in exercising authority in the community control of schools. 128 A second argument £9£_decentralization is that de- centralization guarantees that the important decisions affecting education will be made on a local level (through local school boards and local administrative staff). Another argument £9; decentralization is that par- ticipation of parents and other citizens in educational decision-making at the local level will lead to their in- creased commitment to their schools and to the educational process in general as well as increasing their sense of personal efficacy and confidence. A fourth argument advanced Egg decentralization suggests that the enhanced relevance of certain community- selected programs and courses as well as the increased parental concern brought about by the direct participation will likely result in many students from disadvantaged areas experiencing some degree of efficacy. An additional argument for decentralization is that community participation is a positive answer to many of the overt behavior problems plaguing our urban schools such as poor discipline, truancy, absenteeism, and general hostility or indifference to the schools. A figal argument raised Egg decentralization refers to minority groups realizing their share of equality in the terms of political and economic power and citizen par— ticipation in exercising authority in the community control of schools. 129 In essence, decentralization is a desirable option for community-control of schools. With decentralization authority, effective citizen involvement, and broad fiscal base as an option, meaningful community control of schools is Optimized by decentralizing educational authority to the local level by providing adequate funding from a fiscal base beyond the community level, and by developing an ef— i fective program of citizen involvement in education. Decentralization provides the poor and other mino- rity groups with greater opportunity of self-determination and participatory democracy. SCRIPT: COMMUNITY CONTROL OF SCHOOLS--CON POSITION At first glance the phrase "Community Control of Schools" seems to refer mainly to the problem of the locus of authority in our educational system. When we investigate the problem more deeply, how- ever, we find that community control of schools is a com— plex political, economic, racial (or ethnic) issue. The concept of control as commonly used in discus- sion of the present issue has two important yet separate facets. First, there is community "control" of schools as decentralization of bureaucratic authority in educational decision-making. The second facet of "control" refers to citizen involvement in education and educational decision- making. This speaker i§_not in favor gf community control of schools. 923 of the most frequently posed arguments against decentralization is the suggestion that it hinders inte- gration. The point here is that it is, or could be a step back to enforced segregation or de facto segregation. A second common argument against decentralization relates to the inefficient use of educational resources. Centralized bureaucracies permit certain economical savings in the acquisition and use of resources by means of cen- tralized purchasing, recruiting, etc. 130 131 Another kind of argument advanced against meaning- ful community participation is that quality standards for educational achievement will be diminished. A fourth argument against decentralization is that citizen participation in the educational process has to do with the spectre of extremists and minority groups com- pletely taking over the educational system in local com— ; munities. An additional argument against community control of schools is that educators feel that the act of teaching m. “fins—bawh—‘Mf- f ‘ and its supporting activities demand an expertise that is not to be found in all the parents and other citizens who might have an interest in and concern for education. A figgl argument against decentralization of com- munity control of schools relates to its unlikliness that any really noteworthy long-term changes in the quality of educational achievement of ghetto children will occur under decentralized authority. Further, decentralization of educational authority will not effectively solve the psychological proglems of ghetto students relating to self-determination. In essence, decentralization is not a desirable option for community control of schools. No effective program for developing citizen involvement exists. Par— ticularly in the ghetto and poverty areas of large cities (or in the poorer suburbs), the local citizens lack 132 sufficient wealth to support a sound educational program from their own resources as well as having a lower level of concern for education and less opportunity for involve- ment in the schools. Citizen involvement with education in poor or dis- advantaged areas is not likely to occur merely because educational authority is decentralized. APPENDIX F SLIDES 133 muoorom .10 .5528 >H~ZD§§OQ 135 136 0.20200w 20:5 42:2“. ENEo 22.25 . i4