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Z 600 06M lifinliwflilflififliiiil « LIBRARY Michigan State University ACCURATE MEMORY FOR PREVIOUSLY ATTENDED OBJECTS IN NATURAL SCENES presented by Andrew Richard Hollingworth has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph-D. degree in Esygbology Date MS U it an Affirmatiw Anion/Equal Opportunity Institution 0-12771 PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE woo chiRMpfiS—p.“ ACCURATE MEMORY FOR PREVIOUSLY ATTENDED OBJECTS IN NATURAL SCENES BY Andrew Richard Hollingworth A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Psychology 2000 ABSTRACT ACCURATE MEMORY FOR PREVIOUSLY ATTENDED OBJECTS IN NATURAL SCENES BY Andrew Richard Hollingworth This study investigated the nature of the information retained from previously fixated and attended objects in natural scenes. Evidence from the transsaccadic memory and change blindness literatures suggests that the visual system does not construct a global image of a scene by integrating sensory information from separate fixations or views. These results have led a number of researchers to propose that the visual representation of a scene is local and transient, limited to currently or recently attended objects. Three experiments provided evidence to the contrary. In a saccade-contingent change paradigm, participants detected type and token changes (Experiment 1) or token and rotation changes (Experiment 2) to a target object when the object had been fixated previously but was no longer within the focus of attention when the change occurred. In addition, participants demonstrated accurate type-, token-, and orientation-discrimination performance on subsequent long—term memory tests (Experiments 1 and 2) and during online perceptual processing of a scene (Experiment 3). These data suggest that detailed visual information is retained in memory from previously attended objects in natural scenes. A model of scene perception and long-term memory is proposed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank John Henderson for his guidance throughout my graduate career. I would also like to thank Tom Carr, Richard Hall, and Rose Zacks for their helpful comments on the dissertation. Portions of this research were supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and by NSF grants SBR 9617274 and ECS 9873531 to John M. Henderson. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ......................................... Vii INTRODUCTION .............................................. 1 Scene representation as the construction of a global image ................................................ 3 Localist, attention-based accounts ................... 7 Evidence from long-term scene memory ................ 14 Evidence from change detection studies .............. 19 Change blindness reconsidered ....................... 21 Current study ....................................... 25 EXPERIMENT 1 ............................................. 26 Method .............................................. 33 Participants ................................... 33 Stimuli ........................................ 34 Apparatus ...................................... 35 Procedure ...................................... 35 Results ............................................. 40 Online change-detection performance ............ 40 Long—term memory performance ................... 49 Discussion .......................................... 50 EXPERIMENT 2 ............................................. 56 Method .............................................. 57 Participants ................................... 57 Stimuli ........................................ 57 Apparatus ...................................... 58 Procedure ...................................... 58 Results ............................................. 58 Online change-detection performance ............ 58 Long—term memory performance ................... 64 Discussion .......................................... 64 EXPERIMENT 3 ............................................. 68 .Method .............................................. 73 Participants ................................... 73 Stimuli ........................................ 73 Apparatus ...................................... 74 Procedure ...................................... 74 Results ............................................. 76 Discussion .......................................... 80 GENERAL DISCUSSION ....................................... 81 ENDNOTES ................................................. 99 APPENDIX ................................................ 102 REFERENCES .............................................. 105 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Sample scene illustrating the change conditions in Experiments 1 and 2. The initial scene is depicted in Panel A. The notepad is the target object. Panel B shows a type change (Experiment 1), Panel C a token change (Experiments 1 and 2), and Panel D a rotation (Experiment 2). Figure 2. Sample scene (with contrast reduced) illustrating the software regions used to control scene changes in Experiment 1. Participants began by fixating the center of the screen. In the change-after-fixation condition, the computer waited until the eyes had dwelled in the target object region (A) for at least 90 ms. Then, the change- triggering region (B) was activated, and as the eye crossed the boundary to this region, the change was initiated. In the change-before—fixation condition, the computer waited until the eyes left the central region (C) before activating the change-triggering region (B), and the change was initiated as the eyes crossed the change—triggering boundary. The regions depicted in this figure were not visible to the participants. Figure 3. Mean percentage correct change detection for each change condition and mean false alarms for the no-change control condition, Experiment 1. Error bars are 95% confidence intervals based on error term for the interaction between change condition (token or type) and eye position (change before or after fixation). Figure 4. Mean percentage correct change detection as a function of the elapsed time from the beginning of the trial to the change for the change-before-fixation and change-after-fixation conditions (collapsing across type and token changes), Experiment 1. In each condition, the mean of each elapsed time quartile is plotted against mean percentage detections in that quartile. Point-biserial correlation coefficients that produced a reliable (p < .05) difference from a slope of zero are marked with an asterisk. Figure 5. Mean percentage correct change detection in the change-after-fixation condition as a function of the total fixating the target object prior to the change, Experiment vii 1. In each change type condition, the mean of each fixation time quartile is plotted against mean percentage detections in that quartile. Point-biserial correlation coefficients that produced a reliable (p < .05) difference from a slope of zero are marked with an asterisk. Figure 6. Mean percentage correct change detection in the change—after-fixation condition as a function of the number of intervening fixations between the last exit from the target region prior to the change and the change itself, Experiment 1. Zero intervening fixations indicates that the saccade leaving the target object crossed the change- triggering boundary, triggering the change. Point—biserial correlation coefficients that produced a reliable (p < .05) difference from a slope of zero are marked with an asterisk. Figure 7. Mean percentage correct change detection for each change condition and mean false alarms for the no-change control condition, Experiment 2. Error bars are 95% confidence intervals based on the error term of token- rotation contrast. Figure 8. Mean percentage correct change detection as a function of the total fixating the target object prior to the change, Experiment 2. In each change type condition, the mean of each fixation time quintile is plotted against mean percentage detections in that quintile. Point-biserial correlation coefficients that produced a reliable (p < .05) difference from a slope of zero are marked with an asterisk. Figure 9. Mean percentage correct change detection as a function of the number of intervening fixations between the last exit from the target region prior to the change and the change itself, Experiment 2. Point-biserial correlation coefficients that produced a reliable (p < .05) difference from a slope of zero are marked with an asterisk. Figure 10. Sequence of events in an orientation— discrimination trial in Experiment 3. Panel 1 shows the initial scene image (the software regions illustrated in yellow were not visible to participants). Participants began by fixating the center of the screen. The computer waited until the eyes had dwelled within the target object region (Region A) for at least 90 ms. Then, a second region (Region B) was activated around a different object in the viii scene. As the eye crossed the boundary to Region B, the target object was occluded by a salient mask (Panel 2). The mask remained visible until the participant pressed a button to begin the forced-choice test. After a delay of 500 ms, the first target object alternative was displayed for 4 s (Panel 3), followed by the target object mask for ls (Panel 4), followed by the second target object alternative for 4 5 (Panel 5), followed by the target object mask (Panel 6), which remained visible until response. Figure 11. Mean percentage correct discrimination performance as a function of the total time fixating the target object prior to test, Experiment 3. In each discrimination condition, the mean of each fixation time quintile is plotted against mean percentage correct in that quintile. Point-biserial correlation coefficients that produced a reliable (p < .05) difference from a slope of zero are marked with an asterisk. Figure 12. Mean percentage correct discrimination performance as a function of the number of intervening fixations between the last exit from the target region prior to the test and the onset of the target-object mask, Experiment 3. Point—biserial correlation coefficients that produced a reliable (p < .05) difference from a slope of zero are marked with an asterisk. ix I NTRODUCT I ON Due to the size and complexity of the visual environments humans tend to inhabit, and due to the fact that high-acuity vision is limited to a relatively small area of the visual field, detailed perceptual processing of a natural scene depends on the selection of local scene regions by movements of the eyes (Henderson, Weeks, & Hollingworth, 1999; Loftus & Mackworth, 1978; Mackworth & Morandi, 1967; Yarbus, 1967; for reviews, see Henderson & Hollingworth 1998; 1999a). During scene viewing, the eyes are reoriented approximately 3 times each second via a saccadic eye movement to bring the projection of a local scene region (typically a discrete object) onto the area of the retina producing the highest acuity vision, the fovea. The periods between saccades, when the eyes are relatively stationary and detailed visual information is encoded, are termed fixations and last an average of approximately 300 ms during scene viewing (Henderson & Hollingworth, 1998). During each brief saccadic eye movement, however, visual encoding is suppressed (e.g., Matin, 1974). Thus, the visual system is provided with what amounts to a series of snapshots (corresponding to fixations) that may vary dramatically in their visual content over a complex scene, punctuated by a brief periods of blindness (corresponding to saccades). The selective nature of scene perception places strong constraints on the construction of an internal representation of a scene. If a detailed visual representation is to be formed, then information from separate fixations must be retained and combined over one or more saccadic eye movements as the eyes are oriented to multiple local regions. The temporal and spatial separation of eye fixations on a scene leads to two general memory problems in the construction of a scene representation. One is the short-term retention of scene information across a single saccadic eye movement (for reviews see Henderson & Hollingworth, 1999a; Irwin, 1992a; Pollatsek & Rayner, 1992). The second, and it is this latter issue that the current work will investigate, is the accumulation of scene information across longer periods of time and across multiple fixations. That is, what kinds of scene information are retained from previously fixated and attended regions of a scene to construct a larger—scale representation of the scene as a whole, if such a representation is constructed at all? Scene representation as the construction of a global image One possibility is that low—level sensory information is retained and combined from previously fixated and attended regions to form a global image of the scene.1 In this View, sensory information from individual fixations is integrated within a visual buffer and organized according to the position in the world from which it was encoded (Breitmeyer, Kropfl, Julesz, 1982; Davidson, Fox, & Dick, 1973; Feldman, 1985; Jonides, Irwin, & Yantis, 1982; McConkie & Rayner, 1976). Metaphorically, local high- resolution information is painted into an internal canvas, producing over multiple fixations a metrically organized, composite image of previously attended regions. Such a composite sensory image could then be used to support a variety of visual-cognitive tasks and would form the basis of human phenomenology, supporting, in particular, the experience of a highly detailed and stable visual world. Although this possibility has proved attractive, a large body of research demonstrates conclusively that the visual system does not integrate low-level sensory information across saccadic eye movements (Bridgeman & Mayer, 1983; Henderson, 1997; Irwin, 1991; Irwin, Yantis, & Jonides, 1983; McConkie & Zola, 1979; O'Regan & Lévy— Schoen, 1983; Rayner & Pollatsek, 1983). For example, Irwin et a1. (1983) and Rayner and Pollatsek (1983) found that participants could not integrate two dot patterns when presented in the same spatial position but on subsequent fixations, suggesting that the type of sensory fusion possible within a fixation across short inter-stimulus- intervals (ISIS) (e g., DiLollo, 1980) does not occur across separate fixations. In addition, Henderson (1997) demonstrated that a precise representation of object contours is not retained across an eye movement. Instead, the visual object information retained across single saccades appears to be significantly abstracted from sensory stimulation and does not retain the precise metric properties of low-level visual representation (Carlson- Radvansky, 1999; Carlson-Radvansky & Irwin, 1995; Henderson, 1997; Henderson & Siefert, 1999; Pollatsek, Rayner, & Collins, 1984; Pollatsek, Rayner, & Henderson, 1990). Thus, if low-level sensory information is not retained and integrated across individual eye movements, such information could not be accumulated across multiple fixations to form a composite, global image of a scene. Research using natural scene stimuli has provided converging evidence that the visual system does not form a global sensory image of a scene. A number of studies have made changes to a scene during a saccadic eye movement with the logic that if a global image of the scene were constructed and retained across eye movements, changes to a scene should be detected easily. However, participants have proved rather poor at detecting scene changes across saccadic eye movements (Currie, McConkie, Carlson- Radvansky, & Irwin, 2000; Grimes, 1996; Henderson & Hollingworth, 1999b; Henderson, Hollingworth, & Subramanian, 1999; McConkie & Currie, 1996). For example, Grimes and McConkie (Grimes, 1996; McConkie, 1991) coordinated relatively large scene changes (e.g., enlarging a child in a playground scene by 30% and moving it forward in depth) with saccadic eye movements and found that participants detected changes at well below 50% correct. A stronger manipulation was conducted by Henderson et a1. (1999), in which every pixel in a scene image was changed during a saccade (a set of gray bars occluded half of the scene image; during a saccade, the occluded and visible portions were reversed). Despite the fact that the pictorial content changed dramatically over the entire scene, participants detected these changes less than 10% of the time. In addition, this phenomenon of poor change detection, or change blindness, is not limited to scene changes made during saccadic eye movements. Rensink et a1. (1997) examined whether the apparent inability to accumulate sensory information across discrete views of a scene is a specific property of saccadic eye movements or a more general property of visual perception and memory. Rensink et a1. simulated the visual events caused by moving the eyes: Initial and changed scene images were displayed in alternation for 250 ms each (roughly the duration of a fixation on a scene), and each image was separated by a brief, 80 ms, blank interval (corresponding to saccadic suppression). Participants were often quite poor at detecting significant changes to a scene in this paradigm, suggesting that the inability to construct a complete and veridical scene representation that is stable across views is a general property of visual perception. Subsequent research has demonstrated similar change blindness when a change occurs across many different forms of visual disruption, including film cuts (Levin & Simone, 1997), occlusion by an opaque object in a real-world encounter (Simons & Levin, 1998), or a blink (O’Regan, Deubel, Clark, & Rensink, 2000). In summary, the literature on visual memory across saccades and other visual disruptions demonstrates conclusively that sensory information is not integrated to form a global image of a scene. Localist, attention-based accounts Recent proposals have abandoned the idea of a global sensory representation in favor of a view that visual scene representation is more local and more transient. Irwin (1992a; 1992b; Irwin & Andrews, 1996) has proposed an object file theory of transsaccadic memory that was developed primarily to explain the integration of information across single eye movements but which has implications for scene representation in general and for the accumulation of scene information from previously fixated and attended regions. According to this theory, the allocation of visual attention governs what local visual information is and is not represented from a complex scene. When attention is directed to an object, low-level sensory features are bound into a unified object description (see Treisman, 1988). In addition, a temporary representation is formed, an object file, that links the object description to a spatial position in a master map of locations (see Kahneman & Treisman, 1984). Across a saccade, object files are maintained in visual short-term memory (VSTM), a relatively long-lasting, capacity-limited store maintaining visual representations abstracted from low-level sensory properties such as precise metric organization (Irwin, 1992a). Objects files, then, are the primary content of memory across saccades, providing local continuity from one fixation to the next. Critically, because of the strong capacity constraints on VSTM, only a very small portion of the local information available in a complex natural scene will be represented across a saccade. Irwin (1992b) has provided evidence that 3-4 discrete object files can be retained in VSTM across a saccade. In these experiments, an array of letters was presented prior to a saccadic eye movement. The letters were removed during the saccade, and a position was then probed in the array. Participants' ability to report the identity of the letter in the probed position was consistent with the retention of 3-4 position-bound letter codes. As a consequence of this limited capacity in VSTM, only currently or recently attended objects will be represented in any detail. Information from previously fixated and attended regions should be quickly replaced as new object files are constructed; thus, detailed information will not be accumulated from previously attended regions. In support of this view, Irwin and Andrews (1996) employed the partial report paradigm described above but allowed participants two rather than one fixation in the array prior to test. If information encoded during the second fixation accumulates with that encoded during the first fixation, then report performance should be reliably higher with two fixations prior to the probe versus one. Yet, report performance after two fixations was not reliably improved, which Irwin and Andrews interpreted as suggesting that little if any object information accumulated across the two fixations. In addition, Irwin has integrated the object file framework within a more general theory of scene representation and transsaccadic memory (Irwin, 1992a; Irwin & Andrews, 1996). In this view, the scene information retained across a saccadic eye movement is limited to three sources. One is active object files coding detailed information from currently attended or recently attended objects, and in particular from the target of the next saccade (see Currie et al., 2000). The second is position- independent activation of long-term memory nodes coding the identity of local objects that have been recognized (Henderson, 1994; Henderson & Anes, 1994; Pollatsek, Rayner, & Henderson, 1990). The third is schematic scene— level representations derived from scene identification, presumably coding such properties as scene meaning or gist. Critically, only object files encode detailed visual information from local objects, and these structures are transient. Irwin and Andrews (1996) summarize this view as follows: maccording to object file theory, relatively little information actually accumulates across saccades; rather, one’s mental representation of a scene consists of mental schemata and identity codes activated in long term memory and of a small number of detailed objects files in short- term memory. (p. 130) More recent proposals, drawn primarily from the change blindness literature, have placed even greater emphasis on the role of attention in scene perception and on the transience of visual representation (Rensink, 2000a; 2000b; Rensink, O’Regan, & Clark, 1997; O’Regan, 1992; O'Regan, Rensink, & Clark, 1999; Simons & Levin, 1997; Wolfe, 1999). Rensink (2000a; 2000b) has provided the most detailed account of this attention hypothesis. As in Irwin’s object file theory of transsaccadic memory, the attention hypothesis claims that visual attention is necessary to bind sensory features into a coherent object representation and to encode this representation into VSTM, which is stable across brief disruptions such as saccadic eye movements. In contrast, unattended sensory representations decay rapidly and are overwritten by new visual encoding. When visual attention is withdrawn from an object, however, the representation of that object immediately reverts to its preattentive state, becoming “unglued” (see also Wolfe, 10 1999).2 Finally, initial perceptual processing of a scene activates schematic representations of scene gist and general spatial layout, which are preserved across visual interruptions, providing an impression of scene continuity. Thus, detailed visual representation is limited to the currently attended object. Critically, because there are few if any representational consequences of having previously attended an object, the visual system is unable to accumulate information from previously attended regions. Though clearly similar, the attention hypothesis and object file theory appear to differ on three points. First, Rensink (2000a) proposes that only one object can be maintained in VSTM across visual disruptions, whereas Irwin (1992b) provides evidence that 3 to 4 objects can be maintained. Second, Rensink proposes that low-level sensory information can be retained in VSTM across disruptions such as saccades, whereas object file theory holds that VSTM supports the maintenance of visual representations abstracted from low-level sensory properties. Third, the attention hypothesis holds that visual object representations disintegrate as soon as attention is withdrawn, whereas object files can remain active after attention is withdrawn (at least until replaced). The first two differences are unlikely to be critical. Although 11 Rensink (2000a) claims that VSTM is limited to one object, he leaves open the possibility that visual system may treat a collection of objects as a single entity, so it is not clear if there exists any real difference between the two theories on this point. The second difference is significant, but extant data provide conclusive evidence that low-level sensory information cannot be retained across disruptions such as saccades, as reviewed above. The only difference of real import, then, concerns the fate of previously attended objects: Do visual representations disintegrate immediately upon the withdrawal of attention, or do they remain active until replaced by subsequent encoding? This difference in theory leads to slightly different predictions regarding the detection of changes to natural scenes. The attention hypothesis predicts that only visual changes to a currently attended object should be detected, whereas object file theory predicts that changes to an unattended object could be detected if it has been attended earlier and if its object file has not been replaced by subsequent encoding. In summary, both theories propose that the visual representation of a scene across disruptions such as saccades is local and transient, with only currently or recently attended objects represented in any detail. Thus, 12 I will refer to these proposals as visual transience hypotheses of scene representation. Although the representation of visual information is proposed to be transient, these theories do allow for the retention of more abstract and stable representations coding such properties as scene gist, the spatial layout of the scene, and the abstract identities of recognized objects. With regard to visual representation, visual transience hypotheses are consistent with a view of perception in which the visual system does not rely heavily on memory to construct a scene representation, but instead depends on the fact that local objects in the environment can be sampled when necessary by movements of the eyes or attention. The world itself serves as an “external memory” (O’Regan, 1992; O’Regan, Rensink, & Clark, 1999). In addition, visual transience hypotheses are consistent with functionalist approaches to scene representation (Ballard et al., 1997; Hayhoe et al., 1998; Hayhoe, 2000), which reject the notion that the visual system creates a “general purpose” representation that can support a variety of tasks. Instead, the representation of local scene information is directly governed by the allocation of attention to goal-relevant objects. Thus, researchers initially assumed that the goal of 13 vision was to construct a global and veridical internal representation of the visual world by integrating detailed information from multiple local fixations. The pendulum of theory has now swung to the view that little or no visual information is retained from previously fixated and attended regions of a scene, that visual representation is transient, leaving no lasting memory. Two literatures provide evidence relevant to the visual transience claim: 1) research on long-term memory for scenes and 2) change- detection studies that have examined visual representation after the withdrawal of attention. Evidence from long—term scene memory One place to look for initial evidence regarding the retention of visual information from natural scenes is the literature on long-term memory for pictures. Visual transience hypotheses hold that the long-term memory representation of a scene cannot contain detailed visual information, as such information is not retained for very long after attention is withdrawn from an object. Instead, scene memory under this View is limited to gist, layout, and, perhaps, the abstract identities of recognized objects (Simons, 1996; Simons & Levin, 1997; Rensink, 2000b). The picture memory literature, however, indicates that long- term picture memory can preserve quite detailed 14 information. Initial studies of picture memory demonstrated that human beings possess a prodigious ability to remember pictures presented at study. Nickerson (1965) had participants view 200 black and white photographs of varied subject matter for 5 8 each. On an old-new recognition test, participants correctly recognized 92.1% of the studied images (taking into account the false “old” rate). Subsequent studies have demonstrated that many thousands of studied pictures can be recognized accurately. Shepard (1967) displayed 612 color pictures at a self-paced rate. Memory was tested using a two—alternative forced-choice recognition test. Discrimination performance was 96.7% when participants were tested immediately after study and 99.7% when the test occurred two hours after study. However, these stimuli were chosen to maximize stimulus discriminability. Standing, Conezio, and Haber (1970) tested long-term memory for 2,560 images, about 600 of which were classified as “city scenes”, for 10 5 each over the course of either 2 or 4 days. Memory for a subset of 280 images was tested in a two—alternative, forced—choice test, with mean discrimination performance of approximately 90% correct. Thus, memory for a large number of scenes can be quite accurate even when some of the studied images have similar subject matter. 15 Although studies of memory capacity demonstrate that scene memory is specific enough to successfully discriminate between thousands of different items, these studies do not provide evidence to determine the nature of the stored information supporting this performance. However, three studies suggest that picture memory can indeed preserve specific visual information. First, Friedman (1979) presented line drawings of six common environments for 30 8 each during a study session. At test, changed versions of each scene were presented, and the subject’s task was to determine if the scene was the same as the studied version or not. One change conducted by Friedman was to replace an object in the initial scene with another object from the same basic-level category (a “token” change), a manipulation that should provide some indication of whether specific visual information (as opposed to purely conceptual information) was preserved in memory. Participants correctly rejected 25% of the changed scenes when the target object was very likely to appear in the scene, 38.6% when the target object was moderately likely to have appeared in the scene, and 60.0% when the target object was unlikely to have appeared in the scene. In a similar manipulation, Parker (1978) found accurate correct rejection performance on a recognition memory test 16 for token and size changes to individual objects in a scene, above 85% correct. Together, these data suggest that visual information can be retained in memory from individual objects in a scene. One problem with these studies, however, is that each of a relatively small number of scenes was repeated a large number of times. In addition to the initial 30 5 study period, Friedman (1979) presented each scene 12 different times in the memory test session to test different object changes. Parker (1978) conducted six different 2 hr sessions for each subject in which only one scene was examined. In each session, subjects were able to view the scene five different times for as long as they desired and also viewed each scene 60 different times to test different object manipulations. A second problem with these studies is that they used relatively simple stimuli. For example, Parker’s scenes contained just six discrete objects arranged on a blank background. Thus, the small number of scenes, the visual simplicity of those scenes, and the repeated presentation of each scene may have produced unrealistic estimates of the extent to which specific visual information was retained. Converging evidence that long—term scene memory preserves specific visual information comes from the Standing at al. (1970) study. Memory for the left-right l7 orientation of studied pictures was tested by presenting studied scenes at test either in the same orientation as at study or in the reverse orientation. It is unlikely that the orientation of a picture could be encoded using a purely conceptual representation, as the meaning of the scenes did not change when the orientation was reversed. However, participants were able to correctly identify picture orientation at study 86% of the time after a 30 min retention interval and 71.5% of the time after 24 hrs. Thus, the Standing et al. study demonstrates that in addition to being accurate enough to discriminate between thousands of studied pictures, the memory representation is not limited to the gist of the scene or to the identities of individual objects. However, it is at least possible that left-right orientation discrimination could have been driven by an accurate representation of the layout of the scene without the retention of visual information from local objects in the scene (Simons, 1996). In summary, the picture memory literature converges on the conclusion that scene representation is more detailed than would be expected under visual transience hypotheses. Importantly, however, no data from this literature provide unequivocal evidence that detailed visual information is reliably retained in memory from previously attended 18 objects. Evidence from change detection studies Further evidence bearing on the question of whether visual information is accumulated from previously fixated and attended objects comes from studies that have examined change detection as a function of eye position (Henderson & Hollingworth, 1999b; Henderson et al., 1999; Hollingworth, Williams, & Henderson, 2000). Hollingworth et al. (2000) made a token change to a target object in a line drawing of a scene during the saccade that took the eyes away from that object after it had been fixated the first time. Numerous studies have demonstrated that that prior to a saccade, visual attention is automatically directed to the target of that saccade (Deubel & Schneider, 1996; Henderson, Pollatsek, & Rayner, 1989; Hoffman & Subramanian, 1995; Kowler, Anderson, Dosher, & Blaser, 1995; Shepard, Findlay, & Hockey, 1986). Thus, attention had been withdrawn from the target object before the change occurred. According to the attention hypothesis, this type of change should not be detected, because the maintenance of a coherent object representation depends on the continuous allocation of attention (Rensink et al., 1997; Rensink, 2000a). However, participants were able to detect these changes, albeit at a fairly modest rate of 27% 19 correct (the false alarm rate was 2.1%). This ability to detect visual changes after the withdrawal of attention has been replicated using 3D-rendered, color images of scenes (Henderson et al., 1999) and using a different type of visual change, 90' rotation in depth during the saccade away from the target object (Henderson & Hollingworth, 1999b). The attention hypothesis has difficulty accounting for these data, but they are not necessarily inconsistent with Irwin's object file theory, because the latter view holds that visual object representations can be maintained briefly after attention is withdrawn. However, two pieces of evidence from these studies appear to be inconsistent with object file theory as well. First, in each of these experiments, we observed that detection was often delayed significantly after the change occurred, and detection in these cases occurred almost always upon refixation, suggesting that information specific to the visual form and orientation of an object was retained in memory across multiple intervening fixations and consulted when focal attention was directed back to the changed object. Second, in each of these studies, when a change was not explicitly detected, we observed that fixation duration on the changed object was significantly longer than when no change occurred, and this effect was likewise delayed, on average, 20 over multiple intervening fixations (13.5 fixations on average in Hollingworth et al., 2000). Under object file theory, this sort of longer-term retention of visual information should not occur, because the critical object file should have been replaced by the creation of new ohdect files as the eyes and attention were directed to other objects in the scene. Instead, these data are consistent with the picture memory literature suggesting that detailed visual information (though clearly less detailed than a sensory image) is retained from previously attended objects. Change blindness reconsidered The results from our change detection studies, along with the findings of the picture memory literature, are at odds with the conclusions drawn from the change blindness literature and with visual transience hypotheses of scene representation. But if detailed visual information can be maintained in memory from previously attended objects, why would change blindness occur at all? I will consider three possibilities. First, in studies demonstrating poor change detection performance, the critical change in the scene may occur before the target region is fixated and thus before detailed information is encoded from that region. This hypothesis is motivated by evidence suggesting that the 21 encoding of scene information is strongly influenced by fixation position. First, in a long-term memory study by Nelson & Loftus (1980), participants were asked to discriminate studied scenes from distractor scenes which differed only in a single object (type discrimination). Discrimination performance was quite accurate when the target object had been fixated during study (approximately 80% correct), but if the participant had not made a fixation within about 2' of the target during study, detection performance was very near chance. These data suggest that the encoding of information into a scene representation is generally limited to a very local region corresponding to the current fixation position. Second, in an online change detection paradigm, Hollingworth, Schrock, and Henderson (in press) found that fixation position played a significant role in the detection of scene changes made periodically across a blank interval (flicker paradigm), with the majority of changes detected only when the object was in foveal or near-foveal vision. Finally, I reexamined data from Henderson and Hollingworth (1999b) from a control condition in which a target object was changed (deletion or 90° in—depth rotation) during a saccade to a different object in the scene. Trials were divided into those on which the target object had been 22 fixated prior to the change and those on which the change occurred before fixation on the target object. Changes that occurred after fixation on the target were detected more accurately (39.7% correct) than changes that occurred before fixation on the target (14.2% correct), F(1,16) = 11.44, MSe = 965.5, p < .005. Thus, given the likely dependence of change detection on prior target fixation, changes may sometimes go undetected in change blindness studies simply because the target region was not fixated prior to the change. A second possibility why change blindness may underestimate the detail of the scene representation is that in studies demonstrating poor change-detection performance, information encoded from the target region may not always be retrieved to support change detection. As reviewed above, a number of studies have found that a change to an object is sometimes detected only when the changed region is refixated after the change (Henderson & Hollingworth, 1999b; Henderson et al., 1999; Hollingworth et al., 2000; Parker, 1978). Thus, fixation (or focal attention) may sometimes be necessary to retrieve stored information about a previously fixated object. If the changed region is not refixated, then the change may go undetected despite the fact that the stored representation 23 of that object is sufficiently detailed to support change detection. Finally, the standard interpretation of change detection performance in change blindness studies may be incorrect. Within the change blindness literature, the interpretation of change detection measures has tended to use the following logic. Explicit change detection directly reflects the extent to which scene information is represented. Therefore, if a change is not detected, the information necessary to detect the change must be absent from the internal representation of the scene. However, a number of recent studies have demonstrated that for trials on which a change was not explicitly detected, effects of that change can be observed on more sensitive measures (Fernandez—Duque & Thornton, 2000; Hayhoe, Bensinger, & Ballard, 1998; Henderson et al., 1999; Hollingworth et al., 2000; Williams & Simons, 2000). For example, Hollingworth et al. (2000) found that gaze duration on a changed object when the change was not detected was 250 ms longer on average than when the same object was not changed. Thus, change blindness may be observed not because the critical information is absent from the scene representation but because explicit detection is not always sensitive to the presence of that information. 24 Current study The goal of this study, then, was to investigate the nature of the information retained in memory from previously attended objects in natural scenes. By so doing, this study seeks to resolve the apparent discrepancy between evidence of poor change detection (and visual transience hypotheses which seek to explain such change blindness) and evidence of excellent memory for pictures. This primary goal can be broken down into a number of component questions. First, how specific is the representation of objects in a scene that have been previously attended but are not within the current focus of attention, both during the online perceptual processing of the scene and later, after the scene has been removed? Second, is fixation of an object necessary for encoding that object into a scene representation, and thus for the detection of changes? Third, does refixation play a role in the retrieval of stored object information, supporting change detection? Fourth, to what extent does explicit change detection reflect the detail of the underlying representation? 25 EXPERIMENT 1 Experiment 1 combined a saccade—contingent change paradigm with a long—term memory paradigm to investigate the nature of the representation constructed during scene viewing and the nature of the scene representation stored into long—term memory. In an initial study session, computer-rendered, color images of common environments were presented to participants, whose eye movements were monitored as they viewed each image for 20 s to prepare for a later memory test. In each scene, one target object was chosen. To investigate the representation of previously attended objects during scene viewing, the target object was changed during a saccade to a different region of the scene, but only if the target object had already been fixated at least once. Because visual attention and fixation position are tightly linked during normal viewing, making the change only after the object had been fixated assured that that object had been attended at least once prior to the change. However, because visual attention is automatically allocated to the target of the next saccadic eye movement prior to the execution of that eye movement (Deubel & Schneider, 1996; Henderson, Pollatsek, & Rayner, 1989; Hoffman & Subramanian, 1995; Kowler, Anderson, Dosher, & 26 Blaser, 1995; Shepard, Findlay, & Hockey, 1986), the target object was not within the current focus of attention when it changed: Before the initiation of the eye movement that triggered the change, visual attention shifted to the object within the change—triggering region, and thus participants could not have been attending the target object when the change occurred. To test the specificity of the representation of previously attended objects, two types of changes were possible to the target object in each scene: a type change, in which the target was replaced by another object from a different basic-level category, and a token change, in which the target was replaced by another object from the same basic-level category. These conditions are illustrated in Figure 1. In the type-change condition, detection could be based on a basic-level coding of object identity. However, if participants are able to detect token changes, information specific to the object’s visual form, as opposed to its basic—level identity, was likely to have been represented. If detailed visual information is retained from previously attended regions, as suggested by the picture memory literature, participants should be able to detect both type changes and token changes. The attention 27 Figure 1. Sample scene illustrating the change conditions in Experiments 1 and 2. The initial scene is depicted in Panel A. The notepad is the target object. Panel B shows a type change (Experiment 1), Panel C a token change (Experiments 1 and 2), and Panel D a rotation (Experiment 2) hypothesis, however, makes a different prediction. The attention hypothesis holds that only changes to attended visual information, the gist, or the layout of a scene can be detected, as these are the only forms of information retained across disruptions such as saccades. The target object changes in this experiment do not alter attended visual information, as the target object was not attended when the change occurred. In addition, general layout should not be altered by these changes, as the original and changed target objects occupied the same spatial position and were matched for size. It is possible that a type change might alter the gist of the scene if that representation is detailed enough to code the identities of individual objects (researchers are not particularly specific about what a representation of “gist” would be, but I take it to mean a short verbal description capturing the identity of the scene, such as “Grandma’s kitchen”). However, a token change should not alter the gist of the scene, as the change does not even alter the basic-level identity of the target object itself. Thus, the attention hypothesis makes the clear prediction that token changes should not be detected in this study. In fact, Rensink (2000a) states directly that information specific to object tokens can be maintained only in the presence of attention. Irwin’s object file theory of transsaccadic memory also predicts poor detection performance. If the object file coding detailed visual information from an object is replaced quickly after attention is withdrawn from that object, detection performance in the token-change condition should decrease as a function of the elapsed time between 29 the withdrawal of attention from the target and the change. A more precise prediction depends on making a number of assumptions about the creation of object files and their replacement in VSTM. According to object file theory, an object file is formed when attention is directed to a new perceptual object. Attention precedes the eyes to the next saccade target, and thus object file creation might be expected to be roughly one-per-saccade during scene viewing. This is an admittedly rough estimate since attention could be allocated to more than one object within a single fixation or to the same object across more than one fixation. In addition, the length of time an object file will persist after the withdrawal of attention will depend on the mode of replacement in VSTM. If replacement is first—in-first-out, as suggested by Irwin and Andrews (1996), then detection performance should decline sharply to zero if the change happens more than about 3 or 4 fixations after eyes leave the target region. It is possible, though, that replacement is a stochastic process, in which case a much more gradual, exponential decline in detection performance should be observed. In either case, however, Irwin’s object file theory predicts a significant decline in detection performance as a function of the number of intervening fixations between the last exit of 30 the eyes from the target region prior to the change and the change itself. In addition, in keeping with Irwin and Andrew’s claim that there is little accumulation of detailed information across eye movements, detection performance should to decline to zero quite quickly, within a maximum of about 4 fixations. Type changes, on the other hand, might be detected successfully and in a manner independent of the number of intervening fixations if the change is significant enough to alter the gist of the scene or if an abstract identity code is retained from the target object, as Irwin’s theory holds that these types of information can be maintained in a stable form across multiple eye movements. The change-after-fixation condition was contrasted with two control conditions. In the change-before-fixation condition, the target object was changed before the first fixation on that object. In the control condition, the initial scene was not changed. The change—before-fixation condition was included to test the extent to which local object encoding is dependent on fixation. If encoding is facilitated by object fixation, then change detection should be reliably poorer when the object had not been fixated prior to the change compared to when it had been fixated. In addition, if fixation is necessary to encode 31 scene information, detection performance in the change- before—fixation condition should be no higher than the false alarm rate in the no-change control condition. The control condition was included to assess the false alarm rate. Finally, to investigate long-term memory for the target objects in the scenes, a forced—choice recognition test for control scenes was administered after the study session. Participants saw two versions of each scene in succession, one containing the studied object and the other a distractor object in the same spatial position. The distractor could either be a different type (type- discrimination condition) or different token (token- discrimination condition). Similar predictions hold for the long-term memory test as for online change detection. If visual object representations are retained in memory after attention is withdrawn, as the picture memory literature implies, participants should be able to successfully discriminate between both type and token alternatives. However, if visual representation is transient and there is little accumulation of information from local scene regions, as proposed by both visual transience hypotheses, participants should not be able to accurately discriminate two token alternatives. 32 In addition, the memory test in this study avoids some of the interpretative difficulties present in other scene memory paradigms. First, distractors in prior studies were often chosen to maximize discriminability, whereas studied scenes and distractors in the current study differed only in the properties of a single object. Second, whereas prior studies showing the retention of token—specific information repeated each scene many times, participants viewed each scene in this study only once prior to the test. Third, prior studies often used a variety of materials from a variety of sources, for example mixing together color images with black and white images, whereas the similarity between studied scenes was fairly high in the current study: Each scene was a 3D—rendered, color image of a common environment; many of the scenes were taken from the same large-scale model of a single house; and some scenes were created by rendering different viewpoints within a single room model. Thus, this study provides a particularly stringent test of scene memory. Method Participants. Twelve Michigan State University undergraduate students participated in the experiment for course credit. All participants had normal vision and were naive with respect to the hypotheses under investigation. 33 Stimuli. Thirty—six scene images were computer- rendered from 3—dimensional (3D) wire-frame models using 3D graphics software (3D Studio Max). Wire-frame models were acquired commercially, donated by 3D graphic artists, or developed in—house. Each model depicted a typical, human— scaled environment (e.g., “office” or “patio”). To create each initial scene image, a target object was chosen within the model, and the scene was rendered so that this target object did not coincide with the initial, experimenter- determined fixation position. To create the type-change scene images, the scene was re—rendered after the target object had been replaced by another object of a different conceptual type. To create the token-change condition, the scene was re—rendered after the target object had been replaced by another object of the same conceptual type. In the changed scenes, the 3D graphics software automatically filled in contours that had been occluded prior to the change and corrected the lighting of the scene. All scene images subtended 15.8° x 11.9° visual angle at a viewing distance of 1.13 m. Target objects subtended 2.41° on average along the longest dimension in the picture plane. The objects used for type and token changes were chosen to be approximately the same size as the initial target object in each scene. The full set of scene stimuli are listed in 34 the Appendix. Apparatus. The stimuli were displayed at a resolution of 800 by 600 pixels by 15-bit color. The display monitor refresh rate was set at 144 Hz. The room was dimly illuminated by an indirect, low—intensity light source. Eye movements were monitored using a Generation 5.5 Stanford Research Institute Dual Purkinje Image Eyetracker (Crane & Steele, 1985). A bite-bar and forehead rest were used to maintain the participant’s viewing position. The position of the right eye was tracked, though viewing was binocular. Eye position was sampled at rate of better than 1000 Hz. Button-presses were collected using a button panel connected to a dedicated input-output (I/O) card. The eyetracker, display monitor, and I/O card were interfaced with a 90 MHz, Pentium—based microcomputer. The computer controlled the experiment and maintained a complete record of time and eye position values over the course of each trial. Procedure. Upon arriving for the experimental session, participants were given a written description of the experiment along with a set of instructions. The description informed participants that their eye movements would be monitored while they viewed images of real-world scenes on a computer monitor. Participants were informed 35 that they would View each image to prepare for a memory test on which they would have to “distinguish the original scenes from new versions of the scenes that may differ in only a small detail of a single object”. In addition to the memory test instruction, participants were instructed to monitor each scene for object changes during study and to press a button immediately upon detecting a change. The two types of possible changes were demonstrated using a sample scene. Following review of the instructions, the experimenter calibrated the eye tracker by having participants fixate 4 markers at the centers of the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the display. Calibration was considered accurate if the computer’s estimate of the current fixation position was within +/- 5 min arc of each marker. The participant then completed the experimental session. Calibration was checked every 3—4 trials, and the eye tracker was recalibrated when necessary. To begin each trial, the participant fixated a central box on a fixation screen. The experimenter then initiated the trial. Scene changes were initiated based on eye position, illustrated in Figure 2. In the change-after-fixation condition, an invisible region was initially activated surrounding the target object (region A in Figure 2). This region was 0.36° larger on each side than the smallest 36 Figure 2. Sample scene (with contrast reduced) illustrating the software regions used to control scene changes in Experiment 1. Participants began by fixating the center of the screen. In the change-after-fixation condition, the computer waited until the eyes had dwelled in the target object region (A) for at least 90 ms. Then, the change- triggering region (B) was activated, and as the eye crossed the boundary to this region, the change was initiated. In the change-before—fixation condition, the computer waited until the eyes left the central region (C) before activating the change—triggering region (B), and the change was initiated as the eyes crossed the change-triggering boundary. The regions depicted in this figure were not visible to the participants. 37 rectangle enclosing the target object. When the eyes had dwelled within the target region continuously for at least 90 ms, the computer activated a change-triggering region surrounding a different object on the opposite side of the scene (region B in Figure 2). This center of this region was 11.0° on average from the center of the target region. When the eyes crossed the boundary of the change-triggering region, the change was initiated. At a refresh rate of 144 Hz, the change was completed in a maximum of 14 ms. In the control condition, the procedure was identical except that the initial scene was replaced by an identical scene image as the eyes crossed the boundary of the change-triggering region. The procedure in the change-before-fixation condition was slightly different. At the beginning of the trial, an initial 4.9° horizontal x 3.9° vertical region was activated at the center of the screen (region C in Figure 2). The participant’s initial fixation on the scene fell within this region. The change-triggering region was activated as the eyes left the central region, and as in the other conditions, the change was initiated as the eyes crossed the boundary of the change—triggering region. In the experimental session, each participant saw all 36 scenes. Six scenes appeared in the change-after-fixation condition, 18 in the change-before—fixation condition, and 38 12 in the control condition. The large number of change— before—fixation trials was included because sometimes in that condition the target object would be fixated between the point that the eyes left the central region and the point when they crossed the change-triggering boundary. Trials when this occurred were recoded as change-after- fixation trials. In each of the change conditions, the trials were evenly divided between type-change trials and token-change trials. Across the twelve participants, each scene appeared in each condition an equal number of times. Each scene was displayed for 208, and the order of image presentation was determined randomly for each participant. The study session lasted approximately 20 min. After all 36 scenes had been viewed, the long—term memory test was administered. There was a delay of approximately 5 min between the study and test sessions in which the experimenter reviewed the memory test instructions and demonstrated the paradigm using a sample scene. Thus, the retention interval for scenes varied from a minimum of about 5 min to a maximum of about 30 min. Memory was tested for the twelve scenes appearing in the control condition. Participants saw two versions of each scene sequentially: the studied scene and a distractor scene that was identical to the studied scene except for 39 the target object. In the type-discrimination condition, the distractor target object was of a different conceptual type (identical to the changed target in the type—change condition); in the token—discrimination condition, the distractor target object was of the same conceptual type (identical to the changed target in the token—change condition). To ensure that participants based their decision on target-object information, the target was marked with a small green arrow in both the studied and distractor scenes. Each version was presented for 8 s with a ls 181. The order of presentation was counterbalanced. Participants were instructed to view each scene and then press one of two buttons to indicate whether the first or second version was identical to the scene studied earlier. Across participants, each scene item appeared in the type- and token-discrimination conditions an equal number of times. Results Online change-detection performance. Eye movement data files consisted of time and position values for each eyetracker sample. Saccades were defined as changes in eye position greater than 8 pixels (about 8.8 arcmins) in 15 ms or less. Samples that did not fall within a saccade were considered part of a fixation. The position of each 40 fixation was calculated as the mean of the position samples (weighted by the duration of time at each position) that fell between consecutive saccades (see Henderson, McClure, Pierce, & Schrock, 1997). Fixation duration was calculated as the elapsed time between consecutive saccades. Fixations less than 90 ms and greater than 2000 ms were eliminated as outliers. Trials were eliminated if the eyetracker lost track of eye position prior to the change or if the change was not completed before the beginning of the next fixation on the scene. Eliminated trials accounted for 2.1% of the data. In addition, in the change-before-fixation condition, the target object was fixated before the change on 57% of the trials. These were re-coded as change—after-fixation trials. Mean percentage correct detection data are reported in Figure 3. When a change occurred after target fixation, 51.1% correct type—change detection and 28.4% correct token-change detection was observed, which were reliably different, F(1,11) = 8.66, MSe = 357.2, p < .05. Performance in each of these conditions was reliably higher than the false alarm rate of 9.1% in the no-change control condition (type change versus false alarms: F(1,11) = 85.63, MSe = 123.7, p < .001; token change versus false alarms: F(1,11) = 7.47, MSe = 299.5, p < .05). When the 41 100 q 90 1 3 - Type change 30 : [:1 Token change *5 3 70 — 2 : 3, : U 60 1 a: : m 50 '3 cu . *5 . a, 40 :1 ° - i l- . a 30 “j , 20 «j oi A Change after Change before No-change control fixation fixation (false alarm rate) Figure 3. Mean percentage correct change detection for each change condition and mean false alarms for the no-change control condition, Experiment 1. Error bars are 95% confidence intervals based on the error term for the interaction between change condition (token or type) and eye position (change before or after fixation). change occurred before target fixation, 8.8% correct detection in the type-change condition and 4.7% correct detection in the token—change condition was observed, which did not differ, F < 1. Performance in the change-before- fixation conditions did not differ from the false alarm rate (type change versus false alarms: F < 1; token change versus false alarms: F(1,11) = 1.32, MSe = 85.18, p = .28). 42 Finally, comparing the change-after-fixation condition to the change—before—fixation condition, performance was reliably higher in the former compared to the latter condition, both for type changes, F(1,11) = 32.72, MSe = 327.0, p < .001, and token changes, F(1,11) = 8.11, MSe = 413.2, p < .05. One potential explanation for poor detection performance in the change-before—fixation condition is that, on average, changes occurred earlier in the trial compared to the change—after—fixation condition. Figure 4 plots detection performance as a function of the elapsed time to the change, both for the change before and after fixation conditions, collapsing across type and token change. There was a reliable (p < .05) positive correlation between detection performance and elapsed time to the change in the change—before-fixation condition (point— biserial correlation, r5 = .38). However, even in the fourth quartile of the elapsed time distribution in that condition, detection performance (13.0%) was not much above the false alarm rate (9 1%). In addition, the elapsed time distributions overlapped for change before and after fixation. In the region of overlap, change detection after fixation on the target object was still clearly higher than when the change occurred before fixation on that object. 43 50- *5 4o - 2 1 i- o -« 0 -« w 30 ~ g, 1 E . + Change after fixation 8 20 : rb = .05 3 . —0— Change before fixation “- : rb = .381. 10- .4 1 0 r Yfirtfirlrv r T r vii rd TTI 1*! r 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Elapsed time to change (5) Figure 4. Mean percentage correct change detection as a function of the elapsed time from the beginning of the trial to the change for the change-before-fixation and change-after-fixation conditions (collapsing across type and token changes), Experiment 1. In each condition, the mean of each elapsed time quartile is plotted against mean percentage detections in that quartile. Point-biserial correlation coefficients that produced a reliable (p < .05) difference from a slope of zero are marked with an asterisk. Finally, there appeared to be little effect of elapsed time to change on detection performance in the change-after- fixation condition (r5 = .05). Thus, prior fixation of the target object clearly plays a significant role in change detection. 44 Further evidence that target fixation plays a significant role in subsequent change detection comes from an analysis of fixation time on the target object prior to the change. In the change-after-fixation condition, mean total time fixating the target object prior to the change was 568 ms in the type—change condition and 622 ms in the token-change condition. Figure 5 plots detection performance as a function of fixation time on the target prior to the change. There was a reliable positive correlation between fixation time and detection performance in the token—change condition (15 = .39) but not in the type-change condition (r5 = .17).3 Thus, at least for token changes, not only did detection depend on whether the target object was fixated prior to the change but also on the length of time the target object was fixated. The ability of participants to detect changes in this experiment, particularly token changes, is inconsistent with the attention hypothesis, as the target object was not attended when the change occurred. However, object file theory could account for the change detection results if changes occurred soon enough after the object had been attended that the relevant object file had not been replaced by subsequent encoding. Thus, I examined detection performance in the change—after-fixation condition as a 45 80 . 9 +Typechange 70— 13:.17 : -~o-- Token change ., . ’b=-39* 8 60—_ b h . O . C) 50. w . g? . *5 403 ,«O o i § : 30— 0' ‘ ,0“ 4 or" 201.0 10'"'l"'fiT'f"l"'7l""l"'rl"7' O 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Total time fixating object prior to change (ms) Figure 5. Mean percentage correct change detection in the change-after-fixation condition as a function of the total fixating the target object prior to the change, Experiment 1. In each change type condition, the mean of each fixation time quartile is plotted against mean percentage detections in that quartile. Point—biserial correlation coefficients that produced a reliable (p < .05) difference from a slope of zero are marked with an asterisk. function of the number of fixations that intervened between the last exit of the eyes from the target region prior to the change and the change itself. There was an average of 4.7 fixations between the last exit from the target region and the change. Figure 6 plots detection performance as a function of the number of intervening fixations. Zero 46 100 90 5 + Type change 5=-J3 ---O-~ Token change g=h07 80 ILIILILII 70% 60% 50% 40.3 30: Percentage correct 205 mg 0 l l T l I I T l o 1 2 3 4 5 6-8 9+ Number of intervening fixations Figure 6. Mean percentage correct change detection in the change-after-fixation condition as a function of the number of intervening fixations between the last exit from the target region prior to the change and the change itself, Experiment 1. Zero intervening fixations indicates that the saccade leaving the target object crossed the change- triggering boundary, triggering the change. Point—biserial correlation coefficients that produced a reliable (p < .05) difference from a slope of zero are marked with an asterisk. intervening fixations indicates that the saccade leaving the target object region crossed the boundary of the change-triggering region, triggering the change. However, contrary to the object file theory prediction, there was no evidence of decreasing detection performance with an 47 increasing number of intervening fixations (15 = -.13 for type change; r5 = .07 for token change). For correct detections in the change—after—fixation condition, the eye movement record was examined to determine the position of the eyes when the change was detected. The vast majority of detections came upon refixation of the target object. On 93.2% of the trials, the detection button was pressed when the participant was refixating the target object after the change or within 1 eye movement after refixation. In addition, these detections tended to occur quite a long time after the change occurred. Mean detection latency in the change- after—fixation condition was 5.7 3. Given the strong relationship between detection and refixation, I examined percentage correct in the change-after-fixation condition eliminating trials on which the target was not refixated after the change. On only 4.4% of the trials did the participant fail to refixate the changed target object, so detection performance was raised only slightly with their elimination (type change: 53.6% correct; token change, 29.2% correct). I was also interested whether there would be implicit effects of change for trials on which a change was not explicitly detected. Thus, gaze duration (the sum of all 48 fixation durations on an object region from entry to exit from that region) on the target object was examined for the first entry after the change. Miss trials in the change- after-fixation condition were compared to the equivalent entry in the no-change control condition. There was no difference between mean gaze duration on the changed object for miss trials in the type—change condition (477 ms) and the no—change control (479 ms), F < 1. For token changes, there was a trend toward elevated gaze duration for miss trials compared to the no-change control, with mean gaze duration of 649 ms for token—change misses versus 479 ms in the no-change control, F(1,11) = 2.40, MSe = 72263, p = .15. Though not a reliable effect, the difference is in the same direction as and is of similar magnitude to implicit effects of token change on gaze duration found in previous studies (Henderson et al., 1999; Hollingworth et al., 2000). Long-term memory performance. Mean percentage correct for the forced—choice memory test was calculated for type— discrimination and token-discrimination conditions. Contrary to the predictions of both the attention hypothesis and object file theory, discrimination performance was well above the chance level of 50% correct, both for the type-discrimination condition (93.1%) and the 49 token-discrimination condition (80.6%), which were reliably different, F(1,11) = 6.05, MSe = 154.5, p < .05. Discussion The principal issue in Experiment 1 was whether visual object representations persist after attention is withdrawn from an object, or whether such representations are transient, consistent with recent proposals in the transsaccadic memory and change blindness literatures. The data support the former view. Participants were able to detect both type and token changes when the changed object had been previously fixated and attended but was no longer within the focus of attention when the change occurred. The attention hypothesis would appear unable to account for these data, particularly in the token—change condition, as that theory holds that coherent visual object representations disintegrate as soon as attention is withdrawn. The results are also inconsistent with object file theory, since detection often occurred many fixations after the last fixation on the target object, after the object file for the target should have been replaced by subsequent encoding. In addition, detection was significantly delayed after the change, on average more than 5 s, and typically until the target object had been refixated. This result suggests that visual information was 50 often retained for a relatively long period of time and was consulted when the eyes and focal attention were directed back to the changed object. In summary, there appears to be significant accumulation of local scene information across multiple eye fixations on a scene. Further evidence that visual information accumulates from previously fixated and attended regions of a scene comes from accurate discrimination performance on the long- term memory test. Discrimination performance in both the type- and token-discrimination conditions was above 80% correct. These results are inconsistent with visual transience hypotheses but correspond nicely with the picture memory literature (Friedman, 1979; Nelson & Loftus, 1980; Parker, 1978). Scene memory is clearly not limited to the gist or layout of the scene, or even to the meanings of individual objects, since token—discrimination performance was quite accurate. A puzzling issue given these results is why Irwin and Andrews (1996) found little evidence of visual accumulation across multiple eye movements. In that study, two fixations within an array of letters did not produce reliably better partial report performance than one fixation. Although this result is consistent with Irwin’s object file theory, another aspects of Irwin and Andrew’s data was not. Object 51 file theory predicts that information from the most recently attended region of the array should be most often retained, as object files created earlier should be rapidly replaced. However, Irwin and Andrews found that partial report performance was better for array positions near the first saccade target rather than the second, suggesting that visual information from the region of the array attended earlier was preferentially retained over information from the region attended later. This complicates the interpretation of Irwin and Andrews' results considerably. In addition, the many methodological differences between the current study and Irwin and Andrews (1996) make pinpointing the source of the discrepancy difficult: In Irwin and Andrews (1996), stimuli consistent of letter arrays rather than natural scenes, letters were not directly fixated, fixation durations and saccade targets were controlled by the experimenter, and there was little spatial context in which to encode letter position. Whatever the source of the difference, the data from the current study demonstrate that for free-viewing of natural scenes, type— and token-specific information reliably accumulates from previously attended regions. In addition to the primary question regarding whether visual representations are retained from previously 52 attended objects, the current experiment sought to shed light on the relationship between fixation position and change detection. The first issue was whether change detection depends on prior fixation on the target object. This was clearly the case, as change detection without prior target fixation was no higher than the false alarm rate. In addition, change detection performance increased with the length of time spent fixating the target prior to the change. Thus, in previous studies demonstrating change blindness, poor detection performance may have been due, in part, to the fact that target regions were not always fixated prior to the change. The second issue was whether refixation of the target object plays an important role in change detection. The vast majority of detections came upon refixation of the changed object, suggesting that refixation may cue the retrieval of stored information about a previously fixated and attended object. In studies demonstrating change blindness, then, poor detection performance could also be due to the fact that target regions were not always refixated after the change. However, these potential explanations cannot fully account for change blindness phenomena. In the current experiment, even when the target object was fixated before the change and again after the change, detection 53 performance was still only modest, with 53.6% correct for type changes and 29.6% correct for token changes. It is important to note, however, that visual transience theories cannot account for even modest detection performance when attention has been withdrawn. One reason for modest change detection performance may be that the change detection measure itself is not particularly sensitive to the detail of the scene representation. This possibility finds support in evidence from other studies demonstrating implicit effects of change on trials without explicit detection (e.g., Henderson et al., 1999; Hollingworth et al., 2000). In addition, the fact that forced-choice discrimination performance on the long—term memory test was apparently superior to performance on the online change detection test suggests that the latter may not reflect in full the information retained from previously attended objects. This issue will be addressed in Experiment 3. Exactly what is the nature of the information supporting detection and discrimination performance in this experiment? The possibility that low-level sensory information was retained from previously fixated and attended objects can be ruled out, as prior research shows that such information is not retained across a single saccadic eye movement (e.g., Irwin, 1991). Thus, it is 54 likely that higher-level visual representations, abstracted away from sensory stimulation, are retained across multiple fixations after attention is withdrawn and are ultimately stored in long-term memory. Critically, a large body of research indicates that although low—level sensory information is not retained across eye movements, visual representations abstracted from sensory properties can be retained (Carlson—Radvansky, 1999; Carlson-Radvansky & Irwin, 1995; Henderson, 1997; Henderson & Siefert, 1999; Pollatsek, Rayner, & Collins, 1984; Pollatsek, Rayner, & Henderson, 1990). It is tempting to speculate that the difference between types and tokens indicates that qualitatively different information was used to support performance in each case. For example, it is possible that for type change and type discrimination, not only could information about the visual form of the object be employed, but also basic—level identity codes could have been brought to bear. Though plausible, it is difficult to conclude this was the case given that the visual difference between initial and changed objects in the two conditions was not controlled. In general, objects of the same conceptual type will be more visually similar than objects from different categories. Thus, the possibility that visual information was solely functional in change 55 detection and discrimination cannot be ruled out. EXPERIMENT 2 The purpose of Experiment 2 was to strengthen the evidence that visual representations persist after attention is withdrawn from an object and are ultimately stored into long—term memory. In Experiment 1, this conclusion depended primarily on evidence from the token- change and token-discrimination conditions. However, it is possible that the representations underlying this performance could have been conceptual in nature rather than visual. For example, if participants were to have encoded object identity at a subordinate category level, an identity code of “legal notebook” could have been sufficient to discriminate the original target from the changed target (a spiral notebook) in the office scene illustrated in Figure 1. Thus, in Experiment 2, a rotation manipulation was introduced (see Figure 1). The changed target object was created by rotating the initial target object 90' in depth (Henderson & Hollingworth, 1999b). In this condition, the identity of the target object was not changed at all, yet the visual appearance of the object was modified. If participants can successfully detect the rotation of a previously attended object and discriminate between two orientations of the same object in the 56 subsequent long-term memory test, this would provide strong evidence that specific visual information had been retained in memory. For the online change detection task, in addition to the rotation manipulation, the token—change and control trials were retained from Experiment 1. The change-before- fixation condition was eliminated; on all trials the target object was changed only after it had been directly fixated at least once. Otherwise, Experiment 2 was identical to Experiment 1. .Method Participants. Twelve Michigan State University undergraduate students participated in the experiment for course credit. All participants had normal vision, were naive with respect to the hypotheses under investigation, and had not participated in Experiment 1. Stimuli. To create the changed images in the rotation condition, the initial scene model was rendered after the target object model had been rotated 90' in depth. In addition, three scenes were modified slightly to accommodate the rotation condition. Two of these were minor modifications to target objects whose original appearance did not change significantly upon rotation. The third change was to replace the book target object in a bedroom 57 scene (which did not change much upon rotation) with an alarm clock target. Apparatus. The apparatus was the same as in Experiment Procedure. The procedure was the same as Experiment 1, except that the type-change condition was replaced by a rotation condition. In addition, the change-before-fixation condition was eliminated. Twelve scene items appeared in each of the 3 change conditions: token change, rotation, and control (no change). As in Experiment 1, the 12 control scenes served as the basis of the memory test. Six of these scenes appeared in the token-discrimination condition and 6 in the orientation-discrimination condition. Across participants, each scene item appeared in each condition an equal number of times. Results Online change—detection performance. Trials were eliminated if the eyetracker lost track of eye position prior to the change or if the change was not competed before the beginning of the next fixation on the scene. These accounted for 5.3 % of the data. As in Experiment 1, eye fixations shorter than 90 ms or longer than 2000 ms were eliminated as outliers. Mean percentage correct detection data are reported in 58 Figure 7. In all change trials, the change was made after the target object had been fixated at least once, equivalent to the change—after-fixation condition of Experiment 1. Detection performance was 26.0% correct in the token—change condition and 29.2% correct in the rotation condition, which did not differ, F < 1. Performance in each of these conditions was reliably higher than the false alarm rate of 4.2% in the no-change control condition (token change versus false alarms: F(1,11) = 11.32, MSe = 186.7, p < .005; rotation versus false alarms: F(1,11) = 20.29, MSe = 185.8, p < .005). As in Experiment 1, detection performance was influenced by the length of time the target object was fixated prior to the change. Mean total time fixating the target object region prior to the change was 768 ms in the token—change condition and 760 ms in the rotation condition. Figure 8 plots detection performance as a function of the length of time spent fixating the target object prior to the change. There was a reliable positive correlation between fixation time and percentage correct detection in both the token—change condition (r5 = .31) and the rotation condition (r5 = .33).4 59 100 90 —‘ i [:l Token change 80 € i:l Rotation *6 I e 70: 3 1 o : U, 50 j m 15 : Q’ 40 ‘1 2 : T o 30 1 I EL : * 20 «j 10 -j 0 2 (77%?) Change after No-change control fixation (false alarm rate) Figure 7. Mean percentage correct change detection for each change condition and mean false alarms for the no-change control condition, Experiment 2. Error bars are 95% confidence intervals based on the error term of token— rotation contrast. Above floor change detection for previously attended objects is not consistent with the attention hypothesis. To test object file theory, however, I again examined detection performance in the change conditions as a function of the number of fixations that intervened between the last exit of the eyes from the target region prior to the change and the change itself. There was an average of 4.8 fixations between the last exit from the target region 60 60 ~ 0 50 a // / 13 . //’ ”.0 2 40— //’ *' h j / 3 i / l /O’ 0 / 0’30— .0’ i; ,// _n O 8 fl) ---O~ Tokenchange a 20 7 5 O rb=.31* n. . O/ —O- Rotation : C( rb=.33* 10- o . ... ,.. .., .....,. ... ,Tjr..j .... ,.. .., ... .,. ... ,rfi .. o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Total time fixating object prior to change (ms) Figure 8. Mean percentage correct change detection as a function of the total fixating the target object prior to the change, Experiment 2. In each change type condition, the mean of each fixation time quintile is plotted against mean percentage detections in that quintile. Point-biserial correlation coefficients that produced a reliable (p < .05) difference from a slope of zero are marked with an asterisk. and the change. Figure 9 plots detection performance as a function of the number of intervening fixations. Unlike Experiment 1, however, there was evidence that detection performance fell with the number of intervening fixations, though only the rotation condition produced a reliable 61 100 , 90% 80 1 ---o--- Token change *' ~ r =-J4 3 70% " . t 1 —O — Rotation o 3 r =-.26* O 60: b 0 I U, 50 j N . a : 6K .o h : >\U/f >\. a: 30 -; . C/ \ O I '0' O\ .- 20 3 ' \ \ ___--.'__ . . -o— _ -O 3 on ..... 1O _: O ......... O. O I I I I O I I I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6—8 9+ Number of intervening fixations Figure 9. Mean percentage correct change detection as a function of the number of intervening fixations between the last exit from the target region prior to the change and the Change itself, Experiment 2. Point-biserial correlation coefficients that produced a reliable (p < .05) difference from a slope of zero are marked with an asterisk. negative correlation between the number of intervening fixations and percentage correct (15 = -.26).For correct detections, the eye movement record was examined to determine the position of the eyes when the change was detected. Replicating Experiment 1, the vast majority of detections came upon refixation of the target object (89.2%) and detection was significantly delayed, with mean 62 detection latency of 4.6 s in the token—change condition and 4.5 s in the rotation condition. These results suggest that token- and orientation—specific information was retained in memory and consulted when the eyes (and focal attention) were directed back to the changed object. Finally, I looked for implicit effects of change by examining gaze duration on the target object for the first entry after the change. Miss trials were compared to the equivalent entry in the no-change control condition. For rotations, there was no difference between mean gaze duration for miss trials (586 ms) compared to the no-change control (535 ms), F < 1. For token changes, there was again a trend toward elevated gaze duration for miss trials compared to the no-change control, with mean gaze duration of 655 ms for token-change misses versus 535 ms for the no- change control, F(1,11) = 2.48, MSe = 34378, p = .14. Because these analyses consulted only a subset of the data and had relatively little power, the token-change and control data from Experiments 1 and 2 were combined, and experiment was treated as a between—subjects factor. The combined analysis revealed a reliable 145 ms difference between gaze duration on changed objects for token-change misses (652 ms) compared to the no-change control (507 ms), F(1,22) = 4.71, MSe = 53321, p < .05. This effect 63 replicates similar implicit effects of change in our other studies (Henderson et al., 1999; Hollingworth et al., 2000). Long—term memory performance. Mean forced-choice discrimination performance was calculated for the token- discrimination and orientation—discrimination conditions. Contrary to the predictions of both the attention hypothesis and object file theory, discrimination performance was well above chance performance of 50% correct, both for the token-discrimination condition (80.6%) and the orientation-discrimination condition (81.9%), which did not differ, F < 1. Discussion In Experiment 2, a rotation condition was included in which the visual form, but not the identity, of the target object changed between the initial and changed scene images. Contrary to the prediction derived from the attention hypothesis, participants were able to detect rotations and token changes despite the fact that the object was not within the current focus of attention when the change occurred. Participants’ ability to detect rotations provides converging evidence that specifically visual, as opposed to conceptual, representations were retained after attention was withdrawn. Unlike Experiment 64 1, however, there was some evidence that detection performance fell as a function of the number of intervening fixations between the last exit of the eyes from the target object region and the change, consistent with the prediction of object file theory. This relationship was observed for rotations but not for token changes. Thus, the explicit detection data do not support the attention hypothesis but are consistent, to some degree, with object file theory. The long-term memory test results, however, supported neither the attention hypotheses nor object file theory. Both token— and orientation—discrimination performance was above 80% correct. Thus, although there appeared to be some decay of information relevant to the detection of rotation changes, token- and orientation- specific information was reliably retained in memory long after object file theory predicts such information should have been replaced. In addition, Experiment 2 provided converging evidence that refixation serves as a strong cue to retrieve stored information from previous fixations. Replicating Experiment 1, change detection was delayed on average about 4.5 seconds after the change and typically until refixation of the changed object. In addition, change detection performance was influenced by the amount of time spent 65 fixating the target prior to the change, supporting the conclusion drawn from Experiment 1 that change detection depends on prior target fixation. Although rotation detection and orientation— discrimination performance in Experiment 2 cannot be attributed to an abstract coding of object identity, it is still possible that performance was mediated by the maintenance of non-visual representations. Specifically, participants may have produced an abstract, verbal description of the visual properties of the target object (e.g., “yellow, lined, rectangular notebook with writing on the page, a black spine, and oriented so that the longer side is roughly parallel to the nearest edge of the table" would describe the notebook in Panel A of Figure 1 fairly well). If this were so, object memory may not have been visual in the sense that it would not be based on representations in a visual format (though it is important to point out that a verbal description of this sort would still preserve visual content, coding visual properties such as shape or color). Though possible, verbal encoding does not appear to provide a plausible account of performance in Experiments 1 and 2. First, participants could not have known beforehand which features would be critical to differentiate between the original target and 66 the changed target. In addition, token and orientation trials were mixed together, so participants could not know which type of task they would have to perform when encoding information from the scene. Thus, in order to support successful performance, and discrimination performance in particular, verbal descriptions would have to have been quite detailed, encoding enough features from the original target so that a critical feature would happen to be encoded. Second, participants could not know beforehand which of the objects in the scene was the target. Thus, they would have to have produced a highly detailed, verbal description of each of the objects in the scene. Third, a detailed verbal description must have been produced in relatively short amount of time. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants fixated the target object for approximately 750 ms prior to the change and for approximately 1500 ms prior to the memory test. In addition, to anticipate the results of Experiment 3, participants demonstrated type- and token-discrimination performance above 80% correct after having fixated the target object for only 702 ms on average prior to the test. Although a verbal description hypothesis cannot be definitively ruled out (in theory, a verbal description of unlimited specificity could be produced with enough time and enough words), it seems 67 highly unlikely that participants could produce verbal descriptions for each of the objects in a scene, with each description detailed enough to perform accurate token and orientation discrimination, and do this within approximately 700 ms per object. EXPERIMENT 3 Accurate discrimination performance in the long—term memory tests of Experiments 1 and 2 provides strong evidence that visual scene information is retained in long- term memory. However, the fact that performance in the online change—detection task was less than 30% correct for token and rotation changes doesn’t allow the very strongest conclusion that the representation formed during online scene perception contains visual information from previously attended objects. One could reasonably argue that accurate long-term memory performance could not occur unless the information supporting that performance had been present during the online perceptual processing of the scene. In addition, any evidence of above-floor detection performance in the absence of sustained attention is inconsistent with visual transience theories in general and with the attention hypothesis in particular. Nevertheless, it remains the case that modest change detection performance is typically interpreted as evidence for the 68 absence of representation. There are a number of reasons, however, why online change detection performance may have underestimated the specificity of the scene representation, in particular compared to the forced-choice task employed in the long- term memory tests. First, the online change-detection task was performed concurrently with the task of studying for the memory test. Thus, change detection may have underestimated the detail of the scene representation because participants could not devote their full attention to monitoring for object changes. Second, in the forced- choice discrimination test, the target object was specified with a green arrow. Thus, participants could limit retrieval to information about the target object. However, such focused analysis was not possible in the online change-detection task, as the target was not specified. Finally, explicit change detection, regardless of other task demands, may not be very sensitive to visual representation (as reviewed above with regard to implicit effects), especially if subjects adopt a fairly high criterion for change detection. By forcing participants to make a choice between two alternatives, information unavailable or insufficient for explicit detection may be functional in influencing performance. In support of the 69 last point, there is direct evidence from Experiments 1 and 2 that explicit change detection did not reflect the full detail of the scene representation constructed online, as gaze duration on the changed object for token-change miss trials was reliably longer compared to the same entry when no change had occurred. In Experiment 3, then, I employed a forced-choice discrimination procedure to test the representation of previously attended objects during the online perceptual processing of a scene. Figure 10 illustrates the sequence of events in a trial in Experiment 3. As in the change- after-fixation conditions of Experiments 1 and 2, the computer waited until the participant had fixated the target object, at which point a second region was activated around another object in the scene. When the eyes crossed the boundary to this second region, instead of changing the target object, the target object was masked by a speckled, green, rectangular field slightly larger than the object itself. Participants were instructed to fixate this mask and press a button to continue. As in the long-term memory tests of Experiments 1 and 2, participants were then shown two object alternatives in sequence, one of which was identical to the initial target. The distractor was either a different token (token-discrimination condition) or the 70 Figure 10. Sequence of events in an orientation- discrimination trial in Experiment 3. Panel 1 shows the initial scene image. Participants began by fixating the center of the screen. The computer waited until the eyes had dwelled within the target object region (Region A) for at least 90 ms. Then, a second region (Region B) was activated around a different object in the scene. As the eye crossed the boundary to Region B, the target object was occluded by a salient mask (Panel 2). The mask remained visible until the participant pressed a button to begin the forced-choice test. After a delay of 500 ms, the first target object alternative was displayed for 4 s (Panel 3), followed by the target object mask for ls (Panel 4), followed by the second target object alternative for 4 8 (Panel 5), followed by the target object mask (Panel 6), which remained visible until response. 71 same object rotated 90' in depth (orientation— discrimination condition). Participants responded to indicate whether the first or second object alternative was the same as the one initially present in the scene. This paradigm replicates the encoding conditions of the change—detection trials in Experiments 1 and 2, yet employs a forced—choice discrimination procedure similar to that used in the long—term memory tests. This method should eliminate the factors that may have caused the change detection tasks of Experiments 1 and 2 to underestimate the detail of scene representation. First, the instruction to study for a long-term memory test was eliminated, so participants had only one task to perform, the discrimination task. Second, the critical object was specified (by the mask), so participants could limit analysis to the target. Third, the potentially more sensitive forced-choice procedure was employed. Given the results of the first two experiments, participants should be able to perform this task very accurately (i.e., above 80% correct), which would provide strong evidence that visual information is retained from previously attended objects during online scene perception. In contrast, visual transience hypotheses predict poor discrimination performance. The attention hypothesis predicts 50% 72 discrimination performance (i.e., chance), since attention had been withdrawn from the target object prior to the onset of the mask. Object file theory predicts that discrimination performance should fall to chance as the eyes and attention are oriented to new objects and the object file from the target is replaced. .Method Participants. Twelve Michigan State University undergraduate students participated in the experiment for course credit. All participants had normal vision, were naive with respect to the hypotheses under investigation, and had not participated in Experiments 1 or 2. Stimuli. The stimuli were the same as in Experiment 2 with minor modifications to three of the scene items. In these scenes, a few more objects were added, and the target object was moved closer to the center of the screen. These modifications were part of an ongoing effort to improve the scene stimuli and were not related to any experimental manipulation. The green mask in each scene was large enough to occlude not only the target object but also the two potential distractors and the shadows cast by each of these objects. Thus, the mask provided no information useful to performance of the task. 73 Apparatus. The apparatus was the same as in Experiment Procedure. Participants were informed that their eye movements would be monitored while they viewed images of real-world scenes on a computer monitor. They were instructed that at some point during the viewing of each scene, a bright green, speckled box would appear, concealing an object in the scene. When they saw the box, they should to look directly at it and press a button to continue. After a brief delay, two objects would be displayed in succession at that position, only one of which was identical to the original object. Participants were instructed that after presentation of the two alternatives, they were to press the left-hand button on the button box if the first alternative was identical to the original object or the right-hand button if the second alternative was identical to the original. The two types of possible distractors were described using a sample scene. Following review of the instructions, the experimenter calibrated the eye tracker as described in Experiment 1. Each trial began with the participant fixating the center of the screen. The computer waited until the eyes had dwelled in the target object region for at least 90 ms. Then, the second region (the change-triggering region in 74 Experiments 1 and 2) was activated around a different object in the scene. As the eye crossed the boundary to this region, the target object was masked. When the button was pressed to begin the discrimination test, there was delay of 500 ms, followed by the first object alternative display for 4 s, followed by the target object mask for 1 s, followed by the second object alternative for 4 s, followed by the target object mask, which remained visible until response. To avoid exceedingly long trials, if the mask had not appeared by 20 s into viewing, it was displayed regardless of eye position at that point. Participants first completed a practice session of 4 trials, 2 in each of the discrimination conditions (token and orientation). Participants then completed the experimental session, in which they viewed all 36 scenes, 18 in each of the discrimination conditions. The original target was the first alternative on half the trials and the second alternative on the other half. The assignment of scene items to conditions was counterbalanced between subject groups. The order of image presentation was determined randomly for each participant. The entire session lasted approximately 20 min. 75 Results On 25 trials (5.8%), the test had not been initiated by 20 s into viewing, and the target object was masked at that point. On one of these trials, the participant was fixating the target object when the mask appeared. This trial was eliminated, along with trials on which the target was not fixated for at least 90 ms prior to the onset of the mask. A total of 3.5% of the trials was removed. Eye fixations shorter than 90 ms or longer than 2500 ms were eliminated as outliers. Consistent with results from the long—term memory tests of Experiments 1 and 2, forced-choice discrimination performance was quite accurate, with 86.9% correct in the token—discrimination condition and 81.9% correct in the orientation—discrimination condition. The trend toward superior token—discrimination performance was not reliable, F(1,11) = 2.54, MSe =119.8, p = .14. There was, however, a reliable and unanticipated interaction between discrimination condition and the order of target-distractor presentation in the forced-choice test, F(1,11) = 12.05, MSe = 124.0, p < .01. For token discrimination, there was little difference between the target first (88.8% correct) and target second (85.1% correct) conditions. However, for orientation discrimination, there was a large difference 76 between target first (72.6% correct) and target second (91.2% correct). In the orientation—discrimination condition, participants were biased to respond “second”, but the source of this bias is not readily apparent. However, such a bias does not compromise the main finding of accurate performance in both the token- and orientation- discrimination conditions. As in Experiments 1 and 2, performance was influenced by the length of time spent fixating the target object prior to test. Mean total time fixating the target object prior to test was 725 ms in the token-discrimination condition and 678 ms in the orientation-discrimination condition. These values are roughly equivalent to the amount of time fixating the target object prior to the change in Experiments 1 and 2, suggesting that the encoding conditions of the online change-detection task were successfully replicated. Figure 11 plots discrimination performance as a function of the length of time spent fixating the target object prior to the test. There was a reliable positive correlation between fixation time and performance in the orientation-discrimination condition (r5 = .19) but not in the token-discrimination condition (r5 = .07). I also examined discrimination performance as a 77 100 Q- 1 f 1 .‘ 904 3- '-;}<,,.—43 J O ........ O '-.. 0’ / / H .1 ‘ - . . / 0 - .- O 3 . ‘;Y o I o/ 0 1 O! 70~ m d we . C . 8 . 3 60 - ---O-- Token discrimination a TD = .07 . —O - Orientation discrimination 50 - rb = .19” 4o 7r...,.....,-...,js...,... .,... , ....,. ...,... O 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Total time fixating target object before test (ms) Figure 11. Mean percentage correct discrimination performance as a function of the total time fixating the target object prior to test, Experiment 3. In each discrimination condition, the mean of each fixation time quintile is plotted against mean percentage correct in that quintile. Point-biserial correlation coefficients that produced a reliable (p < .05) difference from a slope of zero are marked with an asterisk. function of the number of fixations that intervened between the last exit of the eyes from the target region prior to the onset of the mask and the mask’s onset. There was an average of 4.6 fixations between the last exit from the target region and the onset of the mask. Figure 12 plots detection performance as a function of the number of 78 100 90~ 6 : \ 3 .fi“ "-\. ......... O ./ 3 . b '0' \ o / \d 0 ‘ ‘\~C// If w .. a: 70— m . H c 8 . I- 60 - . . . . a: « ---O-- Token discrimination Qf=00 50 _‘ —o - Orientation discrimination g=a09 40 d I l I I I I l I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6-8 9+ Number of intervening fixations Figure 12. Mean percentage correct discrimination performance as a function of the number of intervening fixations between the last exit from the target region prior to the test and the onset of the target-object mask, Experiment 3. Point-biserial correlation coefficients that produced a reliable (p < .05) difference from a slope of zero are marked with an asterisk. intervening fixations. Contrary to the prediction of object file theory, there was no evidence that discrimination performance fell as the number intervening fixations increased (rb = 0.00 for token discrimination; r5 = .09 for orientation discrimination). In the token-discrimination condition, when 9 or more fixations intervened between last 79 exit and the onset of the mask (range = 9 to 42 fixations; mean = 15.3 fixations), performance was 85.3% correct. In the orientation—discrimination condition, when 9 or more fixations intervened between last exit and the onset of the mask (range = 9 to 58 fixations; mean = 16.7 fixations), performance was 92.3% correct. Discussion Experiment 3 used a forced—choice procedure to test the online representation of previously attended objects in natural scenes. During viewing, after the target object had been fixated, it was masked as the eyes and focal attention were directed to a different object in the scene. Memory for the target object was then tested using a forced-choice procedure. Participants demonstrated accurate token- and orientation-discrimination performance, above 80% correct in each condition, despite the fact that the target object was not attended when the test was initiated. This result provides strong evidence against the claim of the attention hypothesis that coherent visual representations disintegrate as soon as attention is withdrawn from an object. If this were the case, then performance on the discrimination task should have been at chance. In addition, these results do not support Irwin’s object file theory, as there was no evidence of decreasing 80 discrimination performance with the number of intervening fixations between the last exit of the eyes from the target object region and the onset of the mask. Instead, these data support a view of scene perception in which visual representations accumulate in memory from fixated and attended regions of a scene. GENERAL DISCUSSION The three experiments reported in this study were designed to investigate the nature of the information retained from previously fixated and attended objects in natural scenes. The principal question was whether visual information is retained from previously attended objects, consistent with evidence from the picture memory literature (e.g., Standing et al., 1970; Friedman, 1979), or whether visual object representations decay rapidly after attention is withdrawn from an object, as proposed by visual transience hypotheses of scene representation (e.g., Irwin & Andrews, 1996; Rensink, 2000a). In Experiment 1, target objects in natural scenes were changed during a saccade to another object in the scene, but only after the target had been fixated directly at least once. The target was replaced with another object from a different basic-level category (type change) or from the same basic-level category (token change). In addition, long-term memory for 81 target objects in the scenes was tested using a forced- choice procedure. Participants successfully detected both type and token changes on a significant proportion of trials, despite the fact that the target object was not attended when the change occurred. In addition, participants could accurately discriminate between original targets and distractor objects that differed either at the level of type or token. In Experiment 2, a rotation condition was included as a more stringent test of whether visual representations persist after attention is withdrawn. Participants not only detected the rotation of previously attended target objects but also accurately discriminated between two orientations of the same object on the long—term memory test. In Experiment 3, a forced— choice procedure was used to test the online representation of previously attended objects in natural scenes. During scene viewing, participants were asked to discriminate between the original target object and a different—token or different—orientation distractor. Discrimination performance was quite accurate, above 80% correct. These results are not consistent with the proposal that visual representation is limited to the currently attended object (Rensink, 2000a; 2000b; Rensink, O’Regan, & Clark, 1997; O'Regan, 1992; O’Regan, Rensink, & Clark, 82 1999; Simons & Levin, 1997; Wolfe, 1999). This view predicts that token and rotation changes should not be detected in the absence of attention and additionally that forced-choice discrimination should be at chance if attention was not allocated to the critical object when it was masked. John Henderson and I have now conducted four separate studies (and 7 different experiments), each of which has demonstrated that participants can detect changes to objects in a scene that are no longer attended when the change occurs (Henderson & Hollingworth, 1999; Henderson et al., 1999; Hollingworth et al., 2000). The primary manipulation of attention in the three studies cited above was to change a target object during the saccade that took the eyes away from that object. Since attention precedes the eyes to the next fixation position, the target object was not attended when the change occurred. In the current study, an even stronger manipulation was employed—changing (or masking) the target object during a saccade to a completely different object in the scene—yet token and rotation changes were detected, and participants performed accurately on the token- and orientation-discrimination test. Thus, the proposal that “a change in a stimulus can be seen only if it is attended at the time the change occurs” (Rensink, 2000b) is disconfirmed by the current 83 study. In addition, these results are inconsistent with portions of Irwin's of object file theory of transsaccadic memory (Irwin, 1992a, 1992b; Irwin & Andrews, 1996). This theory holds that 3-4 object files, which maintain detailed visual information from attended objects, can be retained in VSTM but are quickly replaced as attention and the eyes are directed to new perceptual objects. This view predicts that detection and discrimination performance should fall quickly to zero or chance as the number of intervening fixations increases between the last exit of the eyes from the target object region and the change (in the change detection paradigm) or the onset of he mask (in the forced- choice discrimination paradigm). Although there was a reliable drop in change detection performance as a function of the number of intervening fixations for rotations in Experiment 2, the remaining 5 analyses showed no such effect. In particular, the more sensitive forced—choice discrimination measure used in Experiment 3 appeared to be entirely independent of the number of intervening fixations. In addition, Irwin’s object file theory cannot account for successful discrimination performance on the long—term memory tests, as object files could not have been retained in VSTM from study to test. Thus, although there 84 may be some decay of visual information encoded from previously attended objects, visual object representations are nonetheless reliably and stably retained from previously attended objects. It is important to remember that these results are only inconsistent with the portion of Irwin’s object file theory dealing with the representational fate of previously attended objects. The bulk of the theory, which concerns the retention and integration of information across single eye movements, and particularly from the attended saccade target, is not compromised by the findings of this study. In fact, the model I will describe below to account for the current results draws heavily from object file theory, yet provides a different account of visual representation after the withdrawal of attention. The long—term memory tests provided strong converging evidence that visual object representations are retained after attention is withdrawn and suggest that such representations are quite stable over the course of a 5 to 30 minute retention interval. These results provide a bridge between the literature on long—term memory for pictures and the literature on scene memory across saccades and other visual disruptions. The long-term memory data from this study are consistent with prior evidence showing 85 accurate memory for the visual form of whole scenes (Standing et al., 1970) and of individual objects in scenes (Friedman, 1979; Parker, 1978). In addition, the current study provided a stronger test of long—term scene memory compared to previous studies because the scenes themselves were relatively complex, participants viewed each scene only once, between-item similarity was high for studied scenes, and distractors in the forced-choice discrimination test differed from targets only in the properties of a single object. One of the objectives of this study was to resolve the discrepancy between evidence of excellent picture memory and recent proposals, derived from change detection studies, that visual object representations are transient. The discrepancy appears to be resolved: Visual object representations are reliably and stably retained from previously attended objects during online scene perception and are stored into long-term memory. Visual object representation is not transient. In addition to the main question of the representation of previously attended objects, I investigated three secondary questions. First, I sought to determine whether change detection depends on the prior fixation of the target object. This was indeed the case. In Experiment 1, a condition in which the target was changed before it was 86 directly fixated produced detection performance that did not differ from the false alarm rate and was reliably poorer than detection performance when the target had been fixated prior to the change. In addition, a positive relationship between fixation time on the object prior to the change and detection/discrimination performance was observed in all three experiments. Thus, the encoding of scene information appears to be strongly controlled by fixation position, consistent with prior reports (Nelson & Loftus, 1980; Henderson & Hollingworth, 1999b; Hollingworth et al., in press). Second, I examined the role of refixation of a changed object in the detection of that change. The vast majority of correct detections in Experiments 1 and 2 came upon refixation of the changed target. Thus, refixation appears to play an important role in the retrieval of a stored object representation and the comparison of that representation to current perceptual information (Henderson & Hollingworth, 1999b; Hollingworth et al., 2000; Parker, 1978). Finally, I was interested in whether explicit change detection performance provides an accurate measure of the detail of the visual scene representation. In Experiments 1 and 2, when a token change was not explicitly detected, gaze duration on the changed object was reliably longer than when no change occurred, 87 replicating other implicit effects using similar scene stimuli (Henderson et al., 1999; Hollingworth, et al., 2000). Thus, the current data provide further evidence that explicit change detection performance significantly underestimates the detail of the visual scene representation. Together, these data provide an explanation for why change blindness may occur despite strong evidence from the current study that visual representations persist after the withdrawal of attention. First, in studies demonstrating change blindness, eye movements have rarely been monitored. Thus, changes may be missed simply because the target object was not fixated prior to the change. If detailed information had not been encoded from a target object, it is hardly surprising that a change to that object would not be detected. Providing further support for this idea, Hollingworth et al. (in press) monitored eye movements during a flicker paradigm (see Rensink et al., 1997) using similar scenes to those in the current study. Over 70% of object deletions and over 90% of object rotations were detected only when the changing object was in foveal or near-foveal vision (see also O'Regan et al., 2000). Second, even if the object representation is detailed enough to discriminate between the initial and changed targets, it 88 may not be reliably retrieved to support change detection. The current results demonstrate that changes are often detected only when the changed object is refixated after the change (see also, Henderson & Hollingworth, 1999; Henderson et al., 1999; Hollingworth et al., 2000). Again, since most change detection paradigms do not monitor eye movements, changes may be missed because the changed region is not refixated. Finally, even if a target object is fixated before and after the change, changes may go undetected not because the relevant information is absent from the scene representation but because the explicit detection measure is not sensitive to the presence of that information, as has been amply demonstrated by studies like this one showing implicit effects of change (Fernandez- Duque & Thornton, 2000; Hayhoe, Bensinger, & Ballard, 1998; Henderson et al., 1999; Hollingworth et al., 2000; Williams & Simons, 2000). In summary, change blindness effects certainly demonstrate that a global sensory image is not constructed by the visual system and retained across visual disruptions such as eye movements, as has been known now for about 20 years (Irwin et al., 1983; McConkie & Zola, 1979; O'Regan & Levy-Schoen, 1983; Pollatsek & Rayner, 1983). However, poor change detection performance does not necessarily indicate the absence of visual representation. 89 If visual object representations are retained in memory after attention is withdrawn from an object, in what type of memory store is this information maintained? Clearly, the long—term memory tests demonstrate that fairly detailed information is retained in long—term memory, but what accounts for online change detection performance in Experiments 1 and 2 and online discrimination performance in Experiment 3? Two strands of evidence suggest that performance was, to a large degree, supported by the maintenance of visual object representations in long-term memory during the online perceptual processing of the scene, rather than in VSTM. First, if current estimates of the capacity of VSTM are correct, it is unlikely that target object information could have been retained in VSTM during the interval between the last fixation on the target object and the change or discrimination test. In Experiment 3, discrimination performance was highly accurate even when more than nine separate fixations intervened between the last exit and the onset of the target object mask. Second, change detection rarely occurred immediately after the change, suggesting that the target object information was not active in VSTM at the time of the change. However, upon refixation and the reallocation of attention to the changed target object, information stored in long-term memory could 90 be retrieved to support detection and discrimination. Third, the similarity between online discrimination (Experiment 3) and long-term discrimination (Experiments 1 and 2) suggests that performance in each was supported by a similar set of processes. It therefore appears that long- term memory plays an important role in online scene perception (see also Chun & Nakayama, 2000). Given the amount of visual information available for analysis from a natural scene and the length of time that we may be present in the same visual environment, the visual system appears to take advantage of the capacity of long—term memory to store potentially relevant information for future analysis, such as the detection of changes to the environment. The data from this experiment can be accommodated by the following model. It takes as its foundation current theories of episodic object representation (e.g., Kahneman, Treisman, & Gibbs, 1992; Henderson, 1994), and is broadly consistent with Irwin’s object file theory of transsaccadic memory, but proposes a large role for long—term memory in the online construction of a scene representation. As discussed in the introduction, dynamic scene perception faces two memory problems: 1) the short-term retention and integration of scene information across single saccadic eye movements, particularly from the attended saccade target 91 and 2) the longer-term retention and potential integration of information from previously attended and fixated objects. The model proposed here is limited in scope to the second issue. A complementary model of transsaccadic memory and integration can be found in Henderson and Hollingworth (2000). The model of transsaccadic memory deals with the selection of a saccade target, the encoding of information from that object prior to the saccade, the retention of target information across the eye movement, and the integration of that information with information encoded upon fixation of the target. The current model picks up at target fixation and concerns the nature of the representations produced when attention and the eyes are oriented to an object, the retention of object information when attention and the eyes are withdrawn, the integration of object information within a scene-level representation, and the subsequent retrieval of that information. It rests on the following assumptions. First, when attention and the eyes are oriented to a local object in a scene, in addition to low—level sensory processing, visual processing leads to the construction of representations at higher levels of analysis. These may include a visual description of the attended object, abstracted from low-level sensory properties, and 92 conceptual representations of object identity and meaning. Importantly, higher-level visual representations can code quite detailed information about the visual form of an object, specific to the viewpoint at which the object was observed (Riesenhuber & Poggio, 1999; Tarr, Williams, Hayward, & Gauthier, 1998), and viewpoint-specific object representations can be retained across eye movements (Henderson & Siefert, 1999; in press). Second, these abstracted representations are indexed to a position in a map coding the spatial layout of the scene, forming an object file (Kahneman & Treisman, 1984; Kahneman, Treisman, & Gibbs, 1992). This View of object files (described in detail in Henderson, 1994; Henderson & Siefert, 1999) differs from earlier proposals (e.g., Kahneman, Treisman, & Gibbs, 1992) in that object files preserve abstracted visual representations rather than sensory information and also support the short-term retention of conceptual codes. Thus, objects files instantiate not only VSTM but also conceptual short—term memory (CSTM) (see Potter, 1999). Third, processing of abstracted visual and conceptual representations in short—term memory and the indexing of these codes to a particular spatial position leads to their consolidation in long-term memory. The long-term memory 93 codes for an object are likewise indexed to the spatial position in the scene map from which the object information was encoded, forming what I will term a long-term memory object file. Fourth, when attention is withdrawn from an object, the short-term memory representations decay quite rapidly, leaving only the spatially indexed, long-term memory object files, which are relatively stable. Whether short-term memory decay is immediate or whether short-term memory information persists until replaced by subsequent encoding is not central to the current proposal. However, the fact that changes to objects on the saccade away from that object are often detected immediately (Henderson & Hollingworth, 1999; Henderson et al., 1999; Hollingworth et al., 2000) suggests that visual object representations can be retained in VSTM at least briefly after attention is withdrawn from an object, consistent with Irwin’s view of VSTM . Thus, over multiple fixations on a scene, local object information accumulates in long-term memory from previously fixated and attended regions and is indexed within the scene map, forming a detailed representation of the scene as a whole (though clearly less detailed than a sensory image, as the visual representations stored from local 94 regions are abstracted away from sensory properties such as precise metric organization). In contrast to high—capacity, long-term memory storage, only a small portion of the visual information in a scene is actively maintained in short-term stores, and the moment—by-moment content of VSTM and CSTM is dictated by the allocation of attention. Fifth, the retrieval of long-term memory codes for previously attended objects and the comparison of this information to current perceptual representations is strongly influenced by the allocation of visual attention and thus by fixation position. Access to the contents of an object file in VSTM is proposed to be dependent on attending to the spatial position at which the file is indexed, a proposal that is supported by spatially-mediated preview effects (Kahneman, Treisman, & Gibbs, 1992). Evidence for spatially-mediated long-term memory retrieval in the current study comes from that fact that changes were detected upon refixation of the target object. In addition, fixating the changed object led to change detection despite the fact that, at least in the type- and token-change conditions, the original object was no longer present and could not act as a retrieval cue. In addition, in Henderson & Hollingworth (1999b), object deletions were sometimes detected only when the participant fixated the spatial 95 position in the scene where the object had originally appeared. Clearly, the original object could not serve as a retrieval cue in this paradigm, as it had been deleted, suggesting that attending to the original spatial position of the target led to the retrieval of its long-term memory object file and subsequent change detection. Sixth, the retrieval from long-term memory of higher- level visual codes specific to the viewed orientation of a previously attended object accounts for participants’ ability to detect token and rotation changes and to perform accurately on token- and orientation-discrimination tests. Finally, when the scene is removed, the long—term memory representation consists of the scene map with indexed local object codes. During subsequent perceptual episodes with the scene, the scene map is retrieved, and local object information can be retrieved by attending to the position in the scene at which information about that object was originally encoded, leading to successful performance on the long-term memory tests. How the correct scene map is selected is an interesting question, the answer to which lies beyond the scope of this model. In summary, the model holds that a relatively detailed representation of a scene is constructed in long-term memory as the eyes and attention are directed to multiple 96 local regions. In addition, encoding into and retrieval from this representation are controlled by the allocation of visual attention and thus by fixation position, given the tight coupling between attention and the eyes during normal scene viewing. The principal difference between this model of scene perception/memory and visual transience hypotheses is the proposal that visual representations persist after attention is withdrawn, are stored in long- term memory, and form the basis of a fairly detailed, scene-level representation. However, the current model is consistent with the proposal of visual transience hypotheses that object representations in VSTM decay quickly once attention is withdrawn. In fact, the current model is consistent with object file theory except for an additional form of representation, long-term memory object files, as the former theory has no mechanism for long-term storage. This additional representation, however, has significant implications for the nature of the representation constructed from a scene. Thus, the current model describes a means by which relevant visual information can be stored and retrieved to support such processes as perceptual comparison, motor interaction, navigation, or scene recognition, while retaining the view that active visual representation is essentially local and 97 transient, governed by the allocation of attention. 98 ENDNOTES 1. I take sensory information or sensory representation to mean a precategorical, metrical representation of the properties available from early vision (such as shape, shading, texture, color, etc.). The visual system also produces representations abstracted away from sensory properties. Candidate representations include structural descriptions (e.g., Biederman, 1987; Marr, 1982; Palmer, 1977) or other hierarchical representations of object form (e.g., Riesenhuber & Poggio, 1999). I use the term visual to refer to both low—level sensory representation and higher—level visual representations such as structural descriptions. In addition, I distinguish visual representations (encoding properties such as shape and color) from conceptual representations (encoding object identity and other associative information). It is important to point out that this terminology is not used consistently throughout the literature on scene perception and memory. Some researchers prefer to limit the term visual to sensory representation (e.g., Simons, 1996). In addition, some researchers appear to equate visual with conscious visual awareness (e.g., Wolfe, 1999) and often further assume that conscious visual awareness derives solely from sensory representation. However, given that abstract visual representations appear to form the basis of integration across saccades (as will be reviewed below) and are likely functional in such visual processes as object recognition, it does not seem appropriate to limit the term visual to sensory representation. In addition, whatever constitutes visual awareness across saccades must necessarily be due to abstract visual representation, as sensory information is not retained from one fixation to the next. Thus, it also does not seem appropriate to posit a solely sensory locus for visual awareness. Finally, given that much of the work of vision is unavailable to awareness, I believe it is unnecessarily constraining to equate visual with conscious visual experience. 2. Although a key proposal in Wolfe (1999) is that a unified object representation dissolves when attention is withdrawn from an object, it is important to note that more recent work (Wolfe, Klempen, & Dahlen, 2000) has modified this earlier proposal. The modified claim in Wolfe et al. (2000) is that after attention is withdrawn from an object, the link established between the visual representation of that object and corresponding long—term memory 99 representations (allowing conscious identification) is dissolved. As a result, multiple objects in a scene cannot be consciously and simultaneously recognized. However, Wolfe et al. (2000) leave open the possibility that visual object representations may be retained in memory after attention is withdrawn from an object and used for subsequent change detection. Thus, Wolfe’s view no longer appears consistent with the attention hypothesis. 3. There was also a reliable positive correlation between the number of fixations on the target object prior to the change and detection performance in the token-change condition (rb = .28). However, number of fixations appears to have influenced detection performance only to the extent that more fixations led to a larger total fixation time. Total fixation time and number of fixations were highly correlated (r = .79). Adding number of fixations to the total fixation time regression model did not improve the fit of that model. However, adding total fixation time to the number of fixations regression model produced a reliable improvement in fit. This result is not consistent with Loftus’ proposal that the number of fixations on an object is the critical variable influencing memory for that object (Loftus, 1972). However, a more detailed discussion of this issue is beyond the scope of the current study. 4. As in Experiment 1, there was a reliable positive correlation between the number of fixations on the target object prior to the change and detection performance in change conditions (for token change, I} = .19; for rotation, r5 = .30). Again, the number of fixations appears to have influenced detection performance only to the extent that more fixations led to a larger total fixation time. Total fixation time and number of fixations were again highly correlated (r = .85). Adding number of fixations to the total fixation time regression model did not improve the fit of that model. However, adding total fixation time to the number of fixations regression model produced a reliable improvement in fit. 100 APPENDIX 101 APPENDIX Scene and Target Object Stimuli. A short description of each scene item is listed in the first column. Multiple examples of certain scene types were used. Some of these were created from different 3D wire frame models and are differentiated below by number; some were different views within the same model and are differentiated below by letter. The second column lists the original target object in each scene. The third column lists the object substituted for the target in the type-change condition of Experiment 1. Changed targets in the token-change condition were different examples of the same type of object described in the second column. Scene Art Gallery Attic A Attic B Bar Bathroom A Bathroom B Bedroom 1A Bedroom 1B Bedroom 2 (child’s) Computer Desk Dining Room Family Room A Family Room B Family Room C Front Yard Indoor Pool A Indoor Pool B Kitchen 1A Kitchen 1B Kitchen 2A Kitchen ZB Kitchen 3 Laboratory A Laboratory B Laundry Room Living Room 1A Living Room 1B Living Room 2 Original Target Trash Container Crib Stool Ashtray Hair Dryer Spray Bottle Book Lamp Toy Truck Pen Candelabra Watch Eyeglasses Briefcase Watering Can Drinking Glass Deck Chair Teapot Coffee Maker Knife Toaster Coffee Cup Microscope Cell Phone Iron Clock Magazine Television 102 Type Change Target Mailbox Crate Filing Cabinet Bowl of Nuts Tissue Box Shampoo Container Alarm Clock Flowers in Vase Gumball Machine Pencil Flowering Plant Coasters Remote Control Wastebasket Bucket Soda Can Side Table Pot Blender Fork Canister Apple Flask Stapler Aerosol Can Picture in Frame Serving Tray Aquarium APPENDIX continued Living Room 3 Loft Office A Office B Patio Restaurant Stage Staircase Chandelier Pool Table Notebook Telephone Barbeque Grill Flower in Vase Guitar Chair 103 Ceiling Fan Piano Computer Disc Binder Trash Can Candle Audio Speaker Fern REFERENCES 104 REFERENCES Ballard, D. 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