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MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE L553 9 5. 2001 11m caCiRClDatoDvanS—p.“ AVIAN COMMUNITIES IN FORESTED RIPARIAN WETLANDS OF SOUTHERN MICHIGAN By Rainy Lynn Inman A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Fisheries and Wildlife 2000 ABSTRACT AVIAN COMMUNITIES IN FORESTED RIPARIAN WETLANDS OF SOUTHERN MICHIGAN By Rainy Lynn Inman There is a lack of information concerning the avifauna that inhabit midwestern riparian forests relative to riparian management and national wetland inventory objectives. For our study, we selected five undisturbed floodplain sites in the southern Lower Peninsula of Michigan. At each site, 0.64 ha circular sample plots were placed in a stratified random fashion in three forested wetland zones, and within forested upland areas adjacent to the floodplain (7-8 plots per site). Point-count surveys were conducted during the early, mid, and late breeding bird seasons (1998-1999) to assess the relative abundance and diversity of the breeding bird community in relation to the hydrology and woody plant structure and species compostion measured within each plot (391 total point-counts). Trends in ground water depths were similar across forested wetland zones, which were consistently wetter than adjacent uplands. Plant species richness, dominance, and vegetation structure differed between forested wetlands and uplands, but were similar among forested wetland areas. Of the 115 bird species detected, 53 were categorized as breeders within our southern Michigan sites. Breeding bird abundance and richness were greater in the forested wetlands than within adjacent uplands, and 15 species had significantly higher breeding densities within forested wetland zones as compared to the upland. Thus, riparian zones in Michigan are important breeding habitats for an array of avian species not always found in upland sites. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to acknowledge each of my contributing committee members. Thanks to Dr. Daniel B. Hayes, Dr. Thomas M. Burton, and Dr. Glenn Y. Belyea for their generous advice and support throughout the project. I am especially grateful to my major professor, Dr. Harold H. Prince, for his continual enthusiasm and guidance. I would also like to extend my profound appreciation to the volunteers whose outstanding bird identification skills made this study possible. Doug McWhirter, Kevin Thomas, Russ Schipper, Doug Powless provided invaluable assistance over the past two field seasons. Additional thanks to Ray Adams of the Kalamazoo Nature Center for helping to coordinate these bird survey efforts. I am thankful for the dedication and patience of my two field assistants, Cary Gardner and Tara VanWyck. My research experience was enhanced through their hard work and friendship. Finally, I thank my family and friends, and especially my fellow graduate student and friend, Jason Hill, for their encouragement and companionship. This research was funded through contributions from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................... vii LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................. ix INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1 METHODS ........................................................................................ 5 Study Area ............................................................................... 5 Habitat Measurements .................................................................. 7 Avian Surveys ........................................................................... 10 Analysis .................................................................................. 13 RESULTS .......................................................................................... 16 Water Depth ............................................................................... 16 Vegetation Structure and Composition ................................................ 16 Snags and Logs ........................................................................... 21 Breeding Bird Surveys ................................................................... 25 DISCUSSION ...................................................................................... 34 APPENDICES ..................................................................................... 42 Appendix A: List of 47 tree species and 49 shrub species found on 39 vegetation quadrats (1800 m2 for trees, 900 m2 for shrubs; 10 quadrats in each forested wetland zone and 9 quadrats in the upland zone) sampled within southern Michigan study sites .......................................................................... 42 Appendix B: List of tree and shrub species found on vegetation quadrats (1800 m2 for trees, 900 m2 for shrubs; 2 quadrats per zone per site escept Red Cedar upland-1 quadrat) sampled within each southern Michigan study site ..................................... 46 Appendix C: Importance values for tree species and shrub species found in forested wetland and upland survey zones in southern Michigan study sites .................................................................. 55 Appendix D: Total number of logs recorded in riverine floodplain and adjacent upland survey zones across all southern Michigan study sites .................................................................. 58 Page Appendix B: List of bird species observed over all southern Michigan forested wetland and upland study areas (including within plot, outside of plot, and between plot records) during the 1998 and 1999 breeding bird seasons .................................. 59 Appendix F: List of bird species observed at each southern Michigan study site in forested wetland and upland study areas (including within plot, outside of plot, and between plot records) during the 1998 and 1999 breeding bird seasons ......... 63 Appendix G: Avian breeding densities within forested wetland and upland zones over all southern Michigan study sites (within plot observations only) during the 1998 and 1999 breeding seasons ..................................................................... 75 LITERATURE CITED ........................................................................... 78 LIST OF TABLES Number of avian survey plots sampled in forested wetlands and adjacent forested uplands at each study site during the 1998 and 1999 breeding bird seasons .................................................... Tree and shrub density (trees ha"; shrubs ha"), tree diameter at breast height (dbh), and total basal area (m2 ha") over all study sites for each forested wetland and nearby upland survey zones in southern Michigan ............................................................. Vegetation cover (% i SE) in four vertical layers of growth for forested wetland and upland survey zones across southern Michigan study sites ........................................................................ Species richness summed over each survey zone for trees and shrubs at each study site in forested wetland and adjacent upland survey zones .................................................................... Importance values of tree and shrub species sampled within 39 vegetation quadrats (1800 m2 for trees; 900 m2 for shrubs) positioned within forested wetland and adjacent upland survey plots ............................................................................. Avian species observed within forested wetland and upland zones over all study sites (within plot observations only) during the 1998 and 1999 breeding seasons .................................................. Avian species observed breeding within the forested wetland and upland zones verses species breeding exclusively in the forested wetland zones or the upland zone ................................ Total avian richness of breeders and migrants/transients (within plot observations only) and mean avian richness (species/0.64 ha plot) in forested wetland and adjacent upland survey zones across southern Michigan study areas ......................................................... Densities (birds ha") of the most abundant breeding species recorded in each forested wetland and upland survey zone in southern Michigan over the 1998 and 1999 breeding bird seasons ......................................................................... vi Page 12 18 19 20 22 25 28 29 31 Table Page 10 Breeding species of low abundance exhibiting significant differences in densities (birds ha") across forested wetland and upland survey zones in southern Michigan during the 1998 and 1999 breeding seasons ......................................................... 33 vii Figure LIST OF FIGURES Location of southern Michigan study sites (l-Maple River 1, 2-Maple River 2, 3-Red Cedar, 4-Allegan, 5-Augusta) .................. Sampling protocol used for placement of 0.64 ha (45 m radius) avian survey plots and vegetation quadrats (1800 m2 for trees and 900 m2 for shrubs) within study sites .................................. Mean water level in forested wetland and adjacent upland plots across all study sites during the 1999 early, mid, and late breeding bird season ...................................................................... Number of snags observed in vegetation quadrats (1800 m2) in each diameter at breast height (dbh) size class (cm) ...................... viii Page 17 24 INTRODUCTION Wetlands are characterized by the presence of water, soil conditions unlike the adjacent upland, and a tendency to support hydrophytic vegetation (Mitsch and Gosselink 1993). Riparian forested wetlands are areas dominated by trees, where the water table is influenced by the water levels of the adjacent stream or river, and which is slightly below to slightly above the land surface long enough annually to form hydric soils and to support hydrophyte growth (Cowardin et al. 1979). Overbank silt deposition and fluctuating forest hydrology are two important physical characteristics which distinguish forested floodplain wetlands from hardwood swamps not adjacent to river valleys (Curtis 1959, Brower et a1. 1990). However, forested floodplain wetlands exhibit several other unusual attributes including: a linear form due to their proximity to the river; a higher flux of energy and materials than any other wetland type due to the open system; and their functional connection to upstream and downstream ecosystems and lateral connection to upslope (upland) and downslope (aquatic) ecosystems (Brinson et al. 1981). These floodplain ecosystems are generally considered to have higher production rates than surrounding uplands and many other wetlands because of the periodic inflow of nutrients transported by seasonal flooding (Mitsch and Gosselink 1993). Johnson and McCormick (1979) stated that these ecosystems are uniquely characterized by high levels of plant diversity, density, and productivity. The unique hydrologic and nutrient conditions within floodplain sites often influence the establishment and succession of plant species (Van der Valk 1982). Factors such as rate of flow, seasonality of flooding, and duration of flooding determine the ecology and chemistry of the floodplain, creating a community of herbaceous and woody species adapted to the riparian conditions (Conner and Day 1982). Curtis (1959) explained this distinct floodplain community as a result of spatial and temporal variation that leads to unique spatial distributions of component species. He also stated that within the floodplain habitat, variation in the plant community was typically associated with gradients in available moisture, temperature, and light. Curtis (1959) found that the most straightforward correlation to the species distribution was the gradation of water-retaining capacities of the soil. His conclusions were later supported by several studies which correlated the moisture gradient of the floodplain to vegetative species distribution and diversity (Hosner and Minckler 1963, Johnson and Bell 1976, Franz and Bazzaz 1977, Robertson et al. 1984, Smith 1996). Recent efforts to inventory our national wetlands indicate that a significant proportion of forested floodplain wetlands within the United States have been lost over the last century (Brinson et a1. 1981, Abemethy and Turner 1987, Dahl 1990). A variety of influences are responsible for the reduction of forested wetlands, including agricultural and industrial development, logging, and abusive recreation (Shear et al. 1996, Dowd 1992). As these wetlands are damaged or destroyed, critical habitat conducive to high wildlife diversity and abundance are lost or diminished (Bull and Skovlin 1982, Sanders and Edge 1998, Whitaker and Montevecchi 1999). Thomas (1979) stated that wildlife generally use riparian zones more than any other habitat type, because these wetlands provide all three essential habitat components: food, cover, and water. Brinson et a1. (1981) expanded this concept to define four ecological attributes that are important to the wildlife of riparian ecosystems: 1. The predominance of woody plant communities provides protection, roosting and nesting areas, favorable microclimates, and standing dead trees and snags that are valuable habitat for both aquatic and terrestrial animals. 2. The presence of surface water and plentiful soil moisture provide important food resources for consumers, an area of protection and travel, and breeding grounds for amphibians and fish. 3. The diversity and interspersion of habitat features provide numerous niches for an abundance of wildlife species. 4. The linear nature of the floodplain provides protective corridors for dispersal and migration for birds, ungulates, small mammals, and fish (within the river). To aid in management and mitigation, recent attempts have been made to develop evaluation methods for assessing the wildlife habitat functions of these forested wetlands (Adamus et al. 1990). However, the scarcity of literature on wildlife use within these systems has hampered the development of assessment techniques (Wakeley and Roberts 1996). Several researchers in the northwest and southeast US. have undertaken studies which focus on the avian component within forested wetland habitats. Bull and Skovlin (1982) correlated bird species abundance and diversity to varying densities of streamside vegetative cover (low, moderate, and high), and discovered that species diversity and abundance was greatest in the moderate cover class. It has also been documented that avian-habitat associations in riparian areas are primarily influenced by the vegetative composition and structure, which are determined by the soil moisture gradient of the floodplain (Smith 1977, Douglas et al. 1992). Furthermore, it has been reported that species abundance and overall bird species richness differ significantly across vegetative cover types (Wakeley and Roberts 1996, Sanders and Edge 1998). However, few studies have concentrated on the forested floodplains of the Midwest region (Adams et al. 1995). The lack of research in this region combined with the probable values they possess in terms of wildlife and social benefits, make these ecosystems a primary focus for ecological study. Thus, the purpose of this project was to characterize the forested wetland zone of river floodplains in southern Michigan. The project focused on the composition and structure of the woody plant species and the associated avian community within forested floodplains. 1 hypothesized that the climatic and moisture conditions of the forested wetland would support a woody plant community structurally different from the surrounding upland habitats. I further hypothesized that the forested wetlands would support a distinctive bird community. Specifically, the avian species relative abundance and richness would be different within the forested wetlands than within adjacent upland areas. It was also probable that the density of individual bird species and the combination of bird species within these forested floodplain habitats would be unique to the wetland ecosystem, as compared to the upland. Deciduous forested floodplains were chosen for study because the decline of lowland forests has been greatest in the southern lower peninsula, due to increased human population and development pressures. Thus, the need for management was greatest in this area. METHODS Study Area Research was conducted in forested floodplains adjacent to several southern Lower Michigan river systems (Figure 1). In this region the growing season averages 200-240 days, and the climate is temperate and humid (Austin 1979, Barnes et a1. 1979, F eenstra 1979, Knapp 1987). Although optimum “reference sites” would be historically undisturbed by human use, few or no such areas exist in the populated region of southern Michigan. Most forested floodplain habitats have been altered from their primary forested state through stream modifications, agricultural use, or lumbering. The riparian forests judged to be least impacted by human perturbations were thus used as reference sites for this project. Riparian stands selected were at least 10 ha in size, and at least 30 years of age. Sites were adjacent to reaches of rivers with natural flow regimes (upstream of any impoundment). All study sites were located within or south of the theoretical transition, or tension, zone (Figure 1). This zone is a region of 47 degree Fahrenheit isotherm of mean annual temperature which divides Michigan’s lower peninsula into northern and southern vegetative habitats (Barnes and Wagner 1981). In this area of Michigan, the majority of lowland forests were expected to be dominated by deciduous trees (Albert 1995) Sites were also chosen to incorporate a regional sampling distribution across southern Michigan (Figure 1). In 1998, four study sites were identified, including Maple River State Game Area-2 sites (Maple River; T. 8N., R. 5W., Ionia County and T. 8N., R. 4W., Clinton County), Allegan State Game Area-1 site (Kalamazoo River; T. 3N./2N., R. 14W., Allegan County), and Red Cedar Riverwalk Crego Park-l site (Red Cedar River; T. 4N., R. 12W., Ingham County). An additional site, the Augusta Floodplain Reserve (Kalamazoo River; T. 28., R. 9W., Kalamazoo County), was added in 1999. LAKE MICHIGAN LAKE HURON Transition Zone \ LAKE ERIE 100 Miles 0 100 KM Figure 1. Location of southern Michigan study sites ( l-Maple River 1, 2-Maple River 2, 3-Red Cedar, 4-Allegan, 5-Augusta). Reference floodplains were generally lacking in the southeast comer of the state, and therefore, no sampling was conducted in this area. Soils data for each of the river floodplains were obtained from county soils books (Austin 1979, Barnes et al. 1979, Feenstra 1979, Knapp 1987). Although regional floodplain soils tend to vary greatly due to the unique cycles of wetting and drying, some characteristics were common to most study areas. The dominant soil series for each reference area was Ceresco for the Red Cedar site; Capac Variant-Parkhill complex and Sloan loam at the Maple River sites; Glendora sandy loam within the Augusta Floodplain Reserve; and Sloan silt loam at the Allegan floodplains. In order, the taxonomic class for each series is F luvaquentic Hapludoll, Aeric Ochraqualf, F luvaquentic Haplaquoll, Mollic Psammaquent, and Fluvaquentic Haplaquoll. All soils, with the exception of the Capac Variant-Parkhill complex, belong to the Mollisol soil order and Aquent (wet entisols) and/or F luvent (floodplain) suborders. Each of these series was nearly level with 0-2% slopes, having somewhat or very poorly drained soils which are commonly found along the floodplains of rivers and streams. All types of soils mentioned were included in the Hydric Soils of Michigan (SCS 1993), and experienced frequent flooding (exception of the Capac Variant-Parkhill series, not a hydric soil due to rare flooding regimes). Habitat Measurements At each site, plots were placed in a stratified random fashion in each of four survey zones: I-Forested Wetland, II-Forested Wetland, III-Forested Wetland, IV-Upland (Figure 2). Forested wetland survey zones were placed in the river floodplain, and initially defined by proximity to the river. Survey zone I was set directly on the river bank, survey zone 11 was set 100-200 m from the river bank, and survey zone III was set 300-400 m from the river bank. The upland survey zone was placed within upland habitat directly adjacent to the floodplain areas. Plots were established prior to the —II— River ------ Vegetation 2quadrat :'_'_'.‘.'.'.'.'.'.'.' (1800 m2 for trees) H (900 m2 for shrubs) Habitat Edge it Avian survey plot River Floodplain Upland Figure 2. Sampling protocol used for placement of 0.64 ha (45 m radius) avian survey plots and vegetation quadrats (1800 m for trees and 900 m2 for shrubs) within study sites. field season to ensure that all four zones could be sampled, and to enable researchers to return to the same points during three sampling periods of the bird breeding season over two years. Eight census points were surveyed at each site (two plots in each survey zone) excluding the Red Cedar area, in which only seven plots were used (only one upland plot) due to the small adjoining upland area. Most habitat features listed as important to bird species in Bibby et al. (1992) were measured in this study. Avian habitats were analyzed using vegetative measurements collected within each census plot using two quadrats: one approximately parallel to the river flow, and one approximately perpendicular to the river flow (Figure 2). Vegetation quadrats ran the full 90 m diameter of the census plot. The following measures were taken on each census plot only once during the 1998 field season for the original four study sites, and during the 1999 season for the additional study site. Individual trees encountered within 5 m from quadrat center were recorded by species and diameter at breast height. DBH was measured in the following size classes: 1 cm (1- 2.5 cm), 5 cm (2.6-7.5 cm), 10 cm (76-15 cm), 20 cm (15.1-25 cm), 30 cm (25.1-35 cm), and continuing to increase by 10 cm increments (Curtis 1959). Tree heights were calculated using a clinometer for every fifih tree within the sampled area until twenty tree heights were recorded for each plot. The species, stem number, and height were recorded for every shrub within 2.5 m from the quadrat center. Trees with a dbh less than 1 cm were recorded as a shrub, and shrubs less than 50 cm high were not counted, as shrubs this small were considered structurally equivalent to herbaceous groundcover. Snags (standing dead trees) that were at least 5 cm dbh and within the 5 m sample distance were counted and recorded according to the dbh classes. As it was not feasible to measure the dbh of downed woody material, all logs discovered within 5 m of the quadrat center were classified by the widest diameter of the log using 10 cm diameter size classes (“log- width”). All snags and logs recorded were identified to species when this was possible, and were marked as “unknown” otherwise. At all four sites, vertical vegetation density measurements were taken every third meter along plot transects during the early and the late bird survey periods in 1998. In 1999 these measurements were taken only once for the new site, as cover densities increased only slightly from the 1998 early period (34%) to late period (41%). Vertical density was measured by estimating the percent cover (to the nearest 5%) of the vegetation directly over a meter tape extended the length of the plot transects in four vertical layers: 1) 0-50 cm, 2) 51 cm—3 m, 3) 3.1-5 m, 4) >5 m. These layers were defined to include groundcover, shrubs, understory trees, and overstory canopy. In the 1999 season, the depth of standing water or depth to the groundwater table was recorded to the nearest 1 cm at the plot center during each bird survey. The groundwater depth was determined using a hand soil auger down to a depth of 95 cm. Groundwater tables deeper than 95 cm were recorded as >95 cm. Avian Surveys Birds were surveyed using a modification of the variable circular-plot method proposed by Reynolds et al. (1980). Variable circular-plots were chosen because they are well designed for sampling in structurally complex vegetation, and are often preferred over transects in fine-grained habitats if an objective of the study is to identify habitat determinants of the inhabiting bird community (Bibby et al. 1992, Reynolds et al. 1980). Also, a well-spaced series of point counts represented the area of study better than a few transects; allowed for less distraction within woodlands than trying to avoid obstacles along transects; and had the advantage of greater detection of difficult or secretive birds (Bibby et al. 1992). These point counts were also used to obtain a measure of relative abundance of the birds, and to calculate relative densities of species using a standard sampling area for all individuals recorded (Bibby et al. 1992, Reynolds et al. 1980). This census technique was ultimately chosen as a result of trial comparisons of several survey methods prior to the actual study, and from a review of the literature recommendations mentioned above. It is important to note the assumptions related to the circular-plot method. Bibby et al. (1992) provides an adequate summary: 1. Birds do not approach or flee the observer-this may affect density estimates. 2. Birds are 100% detectable by the observer-the density of foliage may bias observations. 3. Birds do not move much during the recording period-may increase the number of double counts on an individual, overestimation of mobile species. 4. Birds behave independently of one another-behavior may affect individuals locations and/or detectability. 5. Violations of the above assumptions are not interactions with the habitat or study design elements-bias may change in different circumstances. 6. Distance estimates to birds are accurate-this may affect density estimates. 7. Birds are fully and correctly identified-this relates to observer bias. Bird population data were collected on plots having a 45 m fixed-radius (0.64 ha). Circular bands of 25 m, 35 m, and 45 m were used as quality assurance measures for distance estimates of recorded individuals. Plot centers were located at least 50 m from all adjacent vegetation borders and man-made edges (i.e. roads) to avoid sampling species outside of the plot habitat. To reduce the possibility of multiple recordings of an individual bird, plot centers were at least 100 m, but preferably 200 m, from the nearest neighboring plot (Bibby et al. 1992). ll Surveys were conducted between sunrise and 10:00 A.M. during the breeding bird season, beginning the second week of May and continuing through the first week of July (Brewer et al. 1991). Fourteen days of data collection were followed by a week in which no sampling occurred to separate the breeding season into three distinct periods: early, mid, and late. Each of the original four study areas were visited twice during the early, mid, and late periods of the breeding season in 1998 and 1999; with an additional site visited similarly in 1999 (Table 1). Each census consisted of a ten minute sampling Table 1. Number of avian survey plots sampled in forested wetlands and adjacent forested uplands at each study site during the 1998 and 1999 breeding bird seasons. Period Study Site Survey Zone Early Mid Late Total Plots 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998 I999 Allegan I-Forested Wetland 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 II-Forested Wetland 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 III-Forested Wetland 4 2 4 2 4 2 l8 IV-Upland 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 Augusta I-Forested Wetland --- 2 --- 4 --— 4 10 II-Forested Wetland --- 2 --- 4 --- 4 10 III-Forested Wetland --- 2 --- 4 --- 4 10 IV-Upland --- 2 --- 4 m 4 10 Maple 1 I-Forested Wetland 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 lI-Forested Wetland 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 III-Forested Wetland 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 IV-Upiand 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 Maple 2 I-Forested Wetland 4 4 2 4 4 4 22 II-Forested Wetland 4 4 2 4 4 4 22 III-Forested Wetland 4 4 2 4 4 4 22 IV-Upland 4 4 2 4 4 4 22 Red Cedar I-Forested Wetland 4 4 4 2 4 4 22 II-Forested Wetland 4 4 4 2 4 4 22 III-Forested Wetland 4 4 4 2 4 4 22 IV-Upland 2 2 2 l 2 2 11 Total 46 38 46 391 12 period following a three minute settling period initiated upon reaching the center point. During this short time researchers waited for disturbed bird activity to normalize within the plot. All birds heard and/or seen during the sampling period were recorded at their approximate distance from plot center within the distance estimation bands (0-25 m, 25.1-35 m, 35.1-45 m). This included birds whose flight originated or terminated within the plot boundaries (Whitt 1995). Species that were seen or heard within the survey habitat, but did not land within the plot boundary, were noted as either flying over plot or outside of 45 m if their flight path never entered the plot. Birds were recorded as individuals, pairs assumed mated), or family groups. Only adults were counted, although young and nests were noted on the data sheets. No sampling was done during high wind or rain. Analysis Water depths recorded in 1999 were averaged by survey plot for each survey zone for the early, mid, and late breeding bird seasons. An analysis of variance (ANOVA, general linear model) was performed, and Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to compare depths across all four survey zones and also to compare depth differences between the forested wetland zones. Tree and shrub densities were calculated for each vegetation quadrat (1800 m2 for trees; 900 m2 for shrubs), and then averaged across all study sites for each survey zone. Densities were then converted into trees per hectare and shrubs per hectare. Mean tree diameter at breast height (dbh) was also calculated for each vegetation quadrat, and 13 similarly averaged for each survey zone. Mean basal area was calculated by adding the basal area of individual trees within vegetation quadrats, and averaging across quadrats for each survey zone. Vegetation richness was calculated for trees and shrubs by summing all species recorded at study site in each survey zone. Tree and shrub species richness values were also summed over all study sites for each survey zone. Importance values were calculated for each tree species recorded within the 1800 m2 vegetation quadrats, and for each shrub species recorded within the 900 m2 vegetation quadrats. Tree importance values were based on the sum of the relative frequency, relative density, and relative dominance (percent basal cover). Shrub importance values were based on the sum of the relative frequency and relative density (Curtis 1959, Cain and Castro 1959). Importance values (maximum value = 300 for trees and =200 for shrubs) were averaged for each survey zone. Vertical vegetation density was calculated by averaging percent cover values by survey plot for each survey zone. This calculation was completed for each of the four vertical layers of growth. Snags and logs observed within the 1800 m2 vegetation quadrats were summarized by total number recorded in each dbh or log-width size class for each survey zone. Total (all size classes) snag and log densities were calculated for each vegetation quadrat and averaged across all study sites for each survey zone. Avian densities were calculated on a survey plot basis for each species. Density was computed by dividing the within plot count (excludes birds observed flying over or outside of plot) of a given species by 0.64 ha to the density per hectare. These density values were then averaged across all study sites for each survey zone for every bird l4 species. Avian richness was calculated for breeding species and for migrating/transient species. The total number of species in each category was summed for each study site within each survey zone, and across all study sites for each survey zone. Mean number of species per plot was calculated by averaging individual plot species counts across all study sites for each survey zone. Vegetation and avian density values, mean dbh values, mean basal area values, and mean avian plot richness values were compared by study site, survey zone, and the associated interaction using Statistical Analysis Software (SAS v.6.12, SAS 1990). An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed using the general linear model (GLM) and mixed procedures. Least-square means statements were utilized to estimate density and other mean values, as well as related standard errors (SAS 1990). Orthogonal contrasts were used to compare least-square means calculated by mixed procedures (avian densities), in order to incorporate the unbalanced data (not all species were observed at all plots). Differences were considered significant if a p-value < 0.05 was demonstrated. 15 RESULTS Water Depth Mean water depth trends in 1999 were similar for all forested wetland areas. Standing water occurred in only one zone and only during the early census period. Otherwise, water levels were below the soil surface throughout the census periods. Forested wetlands had higher mean water depths than upland zone in all periods. Mean water depth in the upland decreased from the early to the late breeding period, having many individual depth records below —95 cm (the limit of our measurements). Water depth was highly correlated with survey zone when all four zones were compared (r = -0.259, P=0.0002). Differences in depth between season periods (F=20.81, P=0.0001), survey zones (F=31.61, P=0.0001), and survey zones within periods (F=3.36, P=0.0036) were all highly significant (Figure 3). Within forested wetlands differences in depth were significant for period (F=20.05, P=0.0001) and survey zone (F=13.6l, P=0.0001), but not for survey zone within period (F=1 .87, P=0.1193). Vegetation Structure and Composition Mean shrub density (shrubs ha") differed significantly between survey zones (F=10.67, P=0.0006), but shrub density patterns among zones were similar between sites (General Linear Model, F=1.09, P=0.4004; zone x site interaction, F =1 .31, P=0.3110) (Table 2). Shrub density in the forested wetlands was similar, but was significantly higher in upland zone IV. Mean tree density (trees ha") differed significantly between sites (General Linear Model, F=l9.62, P=0.0001) and between survey zones (F=4.95, P=0.0066) (Table 2). The interaction of site and survey zone was also significant 16 6838.: Ho: 203 Eu 3! 323 3326 BEES—80 .538 EB ”.5685 83 was .28 .330 39 05 macaw 8% 33m =~ 388 32a «ESQ: 208:5 98 98:03 @0628 E ER: 533 :82 .m “5&5 ocoN Baum 95.5-2 93:03 gnocchi: wed—83 gnocchi 23:25 Baotou; mm- 85 E 22 E y 3.- 35 l v WWI J. ‘1‘ (mo) qidaq 1919M 9590 320m €35 o>on< l7 (F =5.27, P=0.0007). Tree densities increased from the river (zone 1) toward the upland (zone IV). Densities were again similar for forested wetland zones, and significantly greater in the adjacent upland. Table 2. Tree and shrub density (trees ha'l; shrubs ha'l), tree diameter at breast height (dbh), and total basal area (m2 ha") over all study sites for each forested wetland and nearby upland survey zones in southern Michigan. Survey Zone I-Forested II-Forested III-Forested Wetland Wetland Wetland IV -Upland Shrub Density (x d: SE) 954 i 656 1504 :L- 757 892 3: 656 5370 :t 656 Tree Density (x :1: SE) 1039 d: 222 1139 d: 222 1543 i 222 3103 :h 243 DBH (cm) (x 3: SE) 20.5 :t 0.4 23.3 a; 0.4 17.0 i 0.3 6.6 :i: 0.3 Basal Area (x :1: SE) 70.4 :i: 11.3 61.6 :1: 1.4 54.1 i: 7.0 32.8 i: 10.9 Mean diameter at breast height (dbh) was similar for trees in the forested wetlands, and significantly higher as compared to the upland zone (Table 2). Mean dbh values ranged from a high of 23.3 i 0.4 cm in forested wetland zone II, to a low of 6.6 i 0.3 cm in the upland zone. Differences between survey zones (General Linear Model, F =64l.28, P=0.0001) and sites (F=106. 12, P=0.0001) were considered highly significant, as was the difference between survey zones at particular study areas (zone x site interaction, F=82. 13, P=0.0001). Mean basal area (m2 ha") for trees also decreased from the river toward the upland, having the highest basal area near the river and the lowest basal area in the upland areas (Table 2). The only significant differences occurred between the upland and 18 the forested wetland, as the basal areas of forested wetland areas 11 and III were similar to forested wetland 1. Patterns of vertical vegetation cover across the forested wetland were characterized by moderate groundcover, sparse shrub and sapling cover, and a well developed canopy layer (Table 3). Forested wetland zone II had the least amount of cover Table 3. Vegetation cover (% i SE) in four vertical layers of growth for forested wetland and upland survey zones across southern Michigan study sites. Percent Cover (% :t SE) I-Forested II-Forested III-Forested Vertical Layer Wetland Wetland Wetland IV-Upland Groundcover 60 i: 6 46 i 6 57 i 6 34 i 6 (0 cm-50 cm) Shrubs 2714 14:4 28i4 3815 (51 cm-3 m) Saplings 22 i 4 ll 3: 4 20 i 4 30 :t 4 (3 m-5 m) Canopy 73 i 5 74 i 5 75 :t 5 55 i 6 (+5 m) in the ground, shrub, and sapling layers. Canopy closure in the forested wetlands was approximately 74%. Compared with the wetland areas, the upland zone supported relatively less groundcover, had denser shrub and sapling growth, and a less developed canopy. Within each vegetation layer, the survey zone had a significant effect on percent cover values (Mixed Procedure, F =4.46, P=0.0102 for groundcover; F=4.60, P=0.0090 for shrubs; F=5.02, P=0.0060 for saplings; F=3.17, P=0.0378 for canopy), although cover 19 values did not always different between individual zones. Forested upland zones consistently supported the greatest number of tree and shrub species within and across study sites, with the exception of one site (Maple 1), compared to the forested wetlands (Table 4). At the Maple 1 site, low numbers of tree and shrub species in the upland zone were likely a result of past cutting to clear the area for agricultural cultivation. There was also a low number of shrub species in the Red Table 4. Species richness summed over each survey zone for trees and shrubs at each study site in forested wetland and adjacent upland survey zones. Species Richness I-Forested II-Forested III-Forested Study Sites Wetland Wetland Wetland IV-Upland Trees Allegan l4 5 11 22 Augusta 13 12 13 17 Maple l 10 6 9 4 Maple 2 9 6 8 26 Red Cedar 12 9 6 17 All Sites 26 22 25 36 Shrubs Allegan 12 2 6 20 Augusta 4 12 8 16 Maple l 6 3 3 5 Maple 2 3 5 4 30 Red Cedar 6 5 6 8 All Sites 17 15 16 43 20 Cedar upland zone where only one plot was sampled, as compared to two plot at other study areas. A total of 47 tree and 49 shrub species were observed across all sites in riverine forests and adjacent upland areas (Appendix A, B). Two tree species, silver maple (Acer saccharinum) and green ash (F raxinus pennsylvanica), dominated all three forested wetland zones, and were the only dominant trees in forested wetland I with an importance value greater than 30 (max=300) (Table 5, Appendix C). American elm (Ulmus americana) was the third and final dominant in forested wetland II and III. The riverine forests shared no dominant trees with the upland zone, where sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and red oak (Quercus rubra) had the highest importance values. Spice bush (Lindera benzoin) and green ash dominated forested wetland zones (IV>20). Common buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) was a co- dominant in forested wetlands I and II, with the addition of highbush—cranberry (Viburnum opulus) in forested wetland 1. Gray dogwood (Cornusfoemina) and sugar maple seedlings were the only dominant shrub species for the upland zone. The riverine forest zones were designated forested wetlands based on the dominant wetland vegetation being classified as either FACW or OBL and secondary wetland indicators, in accordance with the United States Army Corps methods of wetland delineation (Environmental Laboratory 1987). In contrast, the upland zone dominants were all facultative upland species, and no secondary wetland indicators were found. Snags and Logs Mean number of snags per hectare did not significantly differ between survey zones (Mixed Procedure, F =1 .60, P=0.2099) (Figure 4). All three forested wetland zones 21 Table 5. Importance values of tree and shrub species sampled within 39 vegetation quadrats (1800 m2 for trees; 900 m2 for shrubs) positioned within forested wetland and adjacent upland survey plots. Importance Value (IV)" I-Forested II-Forested III-Forested Species‘I Indicatorc Wetland Wetland Wetland IV-Upland Trees Silver Maple F ACW 104 98 70 8 Green Ash FACW 46 75 91 5 American Elm FACW- 23 32 3O 9 Sugar Maple F ACU 0 2 3 35 Red Oak FACU l 0 0 32 Shrubs Spice Bush F ACW- 54 55 88 7 Green Ash FACW 21 59 26 5 Common Buttonbush OBL 22 33 16 2 Highbush-cranberry F ACW 20 8 3 4 Sugar Maple FACU 0 0 0 23 Gray Dogwood PAC 0 4 4 20 “Species with importance values over 30 for trees, and over 20 for shrubs, in any survey zone are listed. Complete plant species lists can be referenced in Appendix A and B. bMaximum importance value = 300 for trees; 200 for shrubs. cIndicators: FACU=Facultative Upland; usually occurs in non-wetlands (1%-33% probability in wetlands) FAC= Facultative; equally likely to occur in wetlands or non-wetlands (34%-66% probability) FACW=Facultative Wetland; usually occurs in wetlands (67%-99% probability in wetlands) OBL=Obligate; almost always occurs in wetlands under natural conditions (>99% probability) + Indicates wetter conditions - Indicates drier conditions 22 had a greater proportion of larger size snags than did the upland. Differences between survey zones were significant for the mean number of logs per hectare (Mixed Procedure, F=6.78, P=0.0013). Total numbers of logs was highest in floodplain zones 11 and III (Appendix D). 23 ml 2 m. 8| 8 I 3D +3 I :mo 9:5 .28N «ESQ: can cam—83 8328 some now 85 3:5 cmeomE E238 =m 55 3883 one? mwmcm A88 $20 36 938 Emma: 685 an 56:86 some E 98 com 3 $8226 538%? E 32820 $25 mo 598:2 .v ouswfi v.3” H mam— adm H Nam ocoN Siam 825-2 2233 cousin: . L _ adm H Wm: oémfi Wm: cum—$3 3320*: 28:03 @888”: i E \\ \\\ CD [on roo_ r ow fl -oom mwncw me 53:52 [own teem romm r oov 24 Breeding Bird Surveys A total of 10,664 individuals representing 115 bird species were observed within survey plots, flying through plots, or just outside of survey plots during the 1998 and 1999 breeding seasons (Appendix E, F). Those species recorded within survey plots (85 species) were identified as either breeding or migrating/transient based on breeding bird criteria of Brown and Dinsmore (1986) and habitat requirements presented by Brewer et al. (1991) (Table 6). Species were listed as breeders if the breeding criteria and habitat Table 6. Avian species observed within forested wetland and upland zones over all study sites (within plot observations only) during the 1998 and 1999 breeding seasons. Each species historical status as a breeder or migrant in southern lower Michigan, as well as their breeding status in each survey zone of this study, is listed. Species are listed as a breeder if there was confirmed evidence of breeding in at least one survey survey zone. Common Name Southern MI Breeding Status' Survey Zones I-Forested Wetland II-Forested III—Forested Wetland Wetland IV-Upiand Breeder Acadian Flycatcher American Crow American Goldfinch American Redstart American Robin American Woodcock Belted Kingfisher Black-capped Chickadee Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Blue-winged Warbler Blue Jay Brown-headed Cowbird Brown Creeper Canada Goose Cerulean Warbler Common Grackle Common Yellowthroat Downy Woodpecker Eastern Phoebe C‘. 03 wwwwgwwwwwwwwwwwww cow—room comm. woo—immunoassa- (13(17wa wwurw wwawwwwww- www- www- woo—awry w—aww- wwwwww wwwwwawwwwww- 25 Table 6 (cont'd). Survey Zones Southern MI I-Forested II-Forested III-Forested Common Name Breeding Status' Wetland Wetland Wetland IV-Upland Breeder Eastern Wood-Pewee Gray Catbird Great Crested Flycatcher Hairy Woodpecker Hooded Merganser Indigo Bunting Least Flycatcher Mallard Northern Cardinal Northern Flicker Northern Oriole Northern Rough-winged Swallow WWWW WWWW WWWW WW- w. WWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWW WW° WWW WWW- WWW Ovenbird Prothonotary Warbler Red-bellied Woodpecker Red-eyed Vireo Red-headed Woodpecker Red-tailed Hawk Red-winged Blackbird Rose-breasted Grosbeak Ruby-throated Hummingbird Scarlet Tanager Song Sparrow Tree Swallow Tufied Titmouse Veery Warbling Vireo White-breasted Nuthatch Willow Flycatcher Wood Duck Wood Thrush Yellow-billed Cuckoo Yellow-throated Vireo Yellow Warbler wwwwwwgww ww- common—aw wwwwwww- www~ tn WW- WWWWW WWWWWWWW WWWW' WWW W WWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWW WW- WWr-IWW WWr-IWW- WW—lWW WWWW' Migrant/Transient Alder Flycatcher UB . . . T Barn Swallow B T T Bay-breasted Warbler B . T . Black-and-white Warbler UB T . T . Black-billed Cuckoo B . . . T 26 Table 6 (cont'd). Survey Zones Southern MI I-Forested II-Forested III-Forested Common Name Breedig Status‘I Wetland Wetland Wetland IV-Upland Migrant/Transient Black-throated Green Warbler Black-throated Blue Warbler Blackbumian Warbler Brown Thrasher Carolina Wren Cedar Waxwing Cooper's Hawk European Starling Field Sparrow Golden-winged Warbler Great Blue Heron House Sparrow House Wren Magnolia Warbler Mourning Dove Mourning Warbler Nashville Warbler Northern Parula Warbler Northern Waterthrush Orange-crowned Warbler Savannah Sparrow Solitary Vireo Spotted Sandpiper Swainson's Thrush Tennessee Warbler Wild Turkey Yellow-rumped Warbler aBreeding Status Abbreviations: B=Confirmed evidence of breeding UB=Unconfirmed, but suspected breeding M=Regional migrant T=Regional breeder (confirmed or unconfirmed) , but transient through survey zone .=Not observed within plot in the survey zone wwwwwwwwwmngz Z —r-i- -1 -—r --a -—r-—a ~13: Z -l -i'-l'-l- Z wwzzwww: ZZZE ZZZ-i"!- 3 H3 2° Z- M M M HHZZ—l' T T T requirements were met for a given species in at least one survey zone. Of the 85 avian species found within plots in the forested wetland and upland zones, 53 were considered actively breeding, and 32 were considered migrants/transients. Although the majority of breeding species were observed in forested wetlands and nearby uplands (34 species), 12 27 species were found breeding only in the forested wetlands, while 7 species bred solely in the upland (Table 7). Table 7. Avian species observed breeding within the forested wetland and upland zones versus species breeding exclusively in the forested wetland zones or the upland zone. Species listed include those observed within survey plots during the 1998 and 1999 breeding bird seasons in the southern Michigan study areas. Avian Species Forested Wetland & Upland Forested Wetland Upland Ruby-throated Hummingbird Red-bellied Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker Hairy Woodpecker Northern Flicker Eastern Wood-Pewee Acadian Flycatcher Eastern Phoebe Great Crested Flycatcher Blue Jay American Crow Black-capped Chickadee Tufted Titmouse White-breasted Nuthatch Brown Creeper Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher Veery Wood Thrush American Robin Gray Catbird Yellow-throated Vireo Red-eyed Vireo Yellow Warbler Cerulean Warbler American Redstart Scarlet Tanager Northern Cardinal Rose-breasted Grosbeak Indigo Bunting Song Sparrow Red-winged Blackbird Common. Grackie Brown-headed Cowbird Northern Oriole Canada Goose Wood Duck Mallard Hooded Merganser Red-Tailed Hawk Belted Kingfisher Red-headed Woodpecker Least Flycatcher Tree Swallow Northern Rough-winged Swallow Warbling Vireo Prothonotary Warbler 28 American Woodcock Yellow-billed Cuckoo Willow Flycatcher Blue-winged Warbler Ovenbird Common Yellowthroat American Goldfinch Avian richness was divided into breeding and migrating/transient categories for survey zones within and across study sites (Table 8). All sites had the highest number of Table 8. Total avian richness of breeders and migrants/transients (within plot observations only) and mean avian richness (species/0.64 ha plot) in forested wetland and adjacent upland survey zones across southern Michigan study areas. Avian Richness (Breeders : Migrants/'I‘ransients) I-Forested II-Forested III-Forested River Study Site Wetland Wetland Wetland IV-Upland Kalamazoo Allegan 29 : 7 29 : 4 28 : 6 22 : 3 Kalamazoo Augusta 25 : 4 23 : 2 21 : l 22 : 3 Maple Maple 1 30: 7 27 : 3 28 :5 21 : 5 Maple Maple 2 28 : 8 22 : 6 27 : 4 28 : 10 Red Cedar Red Cedar 30 : 9 27 : 6 27 : 8 18 : 3 Total 44 : 21 43 : 14 39 : 14 41 : 19 Species/Plot (x :1: SE) 7.2 :L- 0.3 5.8 :1: 0.3 6.2 :t 0.3 5.4 :l: 0.3 breeding species near the river in forested wetland 1. However, breeder richness was similar across forested wetlands and uplands. Migrants/transients species counts tended to be highest near the river and decrease toward the upland, although numbers of migrant/transient species at individual sites did not always follow this pattern. Mean number of avian species (including breeders and migrants/transients) per survey plot was greatest near the river, in forested wetland I (7.2 i 0.3). Remaining forested wetland, areas 11 and III (5.8 i 0.3 and 6.2 i- 0.3 respectively) and the upland (5.4 i 0.3) contained approximately one less species per plot. 29 Breeding densities of 22 species that were observed 25 or more times in at least one survey zone over the 1998 and 1999 breeding bird seasons were compared between survey zones for each species (Mixed Procedure, orthogonal contrasts) (Table 9, Appendix G). Song Sparrows were observed more often in the forested wetlands than any other species; reaching a high of 2. 13 birds per hectare in forested wetland 1. Song Sparrow densities near the river were significantly greater than in forested wetland II and the upland (IV) (0.94 and 0.70 birds per hectare, respectively). Similarly, Black-capped Chickadees had significantly higher densities in forested wetland II (0.86 birds ha") and 111 (0.83 birds ha'l), than in forested wetland I (0.36 birds ha'l), but there was no difference between the wetlands and the upland habitat (F =2.32, P=0.0763). Downy Woodpeckers were observed more often in forested wetland II (0.66 birds ha'l) than in the upland (0.30 birds ha"), but no significant distinction could be made between the other forested wetland densities (F =2.06, P=0.1066). The American Robin (F=6.13, P=0.0005), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (F =8.43, P=0.0001), White-breasted Nuthatch (F=3.28, P=0.221), and Great-crested Flycatcher (F=3.5 8, P=0.0158) were observed most commonly in forested wetland I, and densities tended to decrease toward the upland. Near the river, approximately one bird per hectare was observed for Robins (0.94 birds ha") and Gnatcatchers (0.93 birds ha'l), while about half as many individuals were recorded for the Nuthatches (0.62 birds ha") and F lycatchers (0.47 birds ha"). Two species, Brown Creeper (F =9.72, P=0.0001) and Eastern Wood-Pewee (F=6.95, P=0.0002), were found in the highest densities in forested wetland II and 111, respectively. Blue Jays had similar densities in forested wetland II (0.53 birds ha") and 111 (0.51 birds ha") and upland zone IV (0.25 birds ha'l). American Goldfinches and Common 30 Table 9. Densities (birds ha") of the most abundant breeding species recorded in each forested wetland and upland survey zone in southern Michigan over the 1998 and 1999 breeding bird seasons. Densities in bold are significantly greater than densities followed by a different letter in other survey zones. Avian Density (x)'I I-Forested II-Forested III-Forested Species Wetland Wetland Wetland IV-Upland" Song Sparrow 2.13a 0.94b 1.44ab 0.70b American Redstart 0.95a 0.56a 1.07a 0.39a American Robin 0.94a 0.88:: 0.4% 0.2% Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 0.93a 0.39bc 0.52b 0.20c Northern Oriole 0.62a 0.35a 0.26a 0.22a White-breasted Nuthatch 0.62a 0.54a 0.59a 0.2 lb Tufted Titmouse 0.53a 0.47a 0.63a 0.39a Downy Woodpecker 0.52ab 0.66a 0.47ab 0.30b Great-crested Flycatcher 0.47a 0.33a 0.42a 0.10b Common Grackle 0.43a 0.63a 0.38a 0.32a Black—capped Chickadee 0.36b 0.86a 0.83a 0.56ab Brown Creeper 0.18bc 0.59a 0.35b 0.03c Blue Jay 0.14b 0.53a 0.51a 0.25ab Red-bellied Woodpecker 0.40a 0.46a 0.33a 0.18a Eastern Wood-Pewee 0.24bc 0.43ab 0.65a 0.14c Red-eyed Vireo 0.3 8a 0.47a 0.58a 0.44a American Goldfinch --- --- --- 0.90a Red-winged Blackbird 0.03a 0.36a 0.09a 0.61a Gray Catbird 0.07a 0.03a 0.01a 0.61a Northern Cardinal 0.40a 0.18a 0.29a 0.53a Common Yellowthroat --- --- --- 0.44a Wood Thrush 0.03a 0.06a 0.13a 0.41a “F or each species density values followed by the same letter do not differ significantly (P>0.05) as determined by ANOVA (orthogonal contrast). Dashes = no evidence of breeding. Yellowthroats were not observed breeding in the forested wetland habitat. Ten additional breeding species of low abundance were observed to have significantly different breeding densities across survey zones (Table 10). Seven species were observed in the highest densities near the river in forested wetland I. The Least Flycatcher (F =5.37, P=0.0014), Eastern Phoebe (F=2.70, P=0.0468), Tree Swallow (F=2.83, P=0.0397), Northern Rough-winged Swallow (F=2.71, P=0.0460), Warbling Vireo (F=11.10, P=0.0001), Northern Parula Warbler (F=3.39, P=0.0190), and Prothonotary Warbler (F=5.74, P=0.0009), all occurred in survey zone I more often than within the other three zones (Mixed Procedure, orthogonal contrasts). Five of these six species (excluding Eastern Phoebe) were not observed at any time within the upland zone. Hairy Woodpeckers seemed to prefer the wetlands over the upland habitat (F =3. 12, P=0.0272). Two species, the Ovenbird (F=3.55, P=0.0154) and Blue-winged Warbler (F =5.95 , P=0.0007) were found to have greater densities in the upland as compared to forested wetlands. 32 Table 10. Breeding species of low abundance exhibiting significant differences in densities (birds ha'l) across forested wetland and upland survey zones in southern Michigan during the 1998 and 1999 breeding seasons. Densities in bold are significantly greater than densities in other survey zones. Avian Density (x)'I I-Forested II-Forested III-Forested Species Wetland Wetland Wetland 4-Upland Least Flycatcher 0.16a 0.0 lb 0.02b --- Eastern Phoebe 0.12a 0.02b --- 0.02b Tree Swallow 0.16a 0.03b --- --- Northern Rough-winged Swallow 0.06a --- --- --- Warbling Vireo 0.29a 0.03b 0.03b --- Northern Parula Warbler 0.04a --- --- --- Prothonotary Warbler 0.39a 0.17b 0.00b --- Hairy Woodpecker 0.22a 0.34a 0.19ab 0.04b Ovenbird 0.00b --- --- 0.15a Blue-winged Warbler --- --- --- 0.11a 3For each species density values followed by the same letter do not differ significantly (P>0.05) as determined by ANOVA (orthogonal contrast). Dashes = no evidence of breeding. 33 DISCUSSION Trends in ground water depths were similar across forested wetland survey zones, while the uplands had consistently lower ground water levels compared with the forested wetland zones. The river bank zone (I) had a greater depth to the groundwater level than zones 11 and III. In addition to elevation, other variables such as soil texture, soil aeration, and internal drainage can also affect local water levels (Robertson et al. 1978). Forested wetland areas supported significantly less trees and shrubs than in the adjacent upland zone. Although woody plant densities were not statistically different between forested wetland zones, structural characteristics of the vegetation were significantly different from the upland forests. Forest stands with the largest trees, and greatest total basal area, were located near the river in forested wetland zones I and 11. Mean size of individual trees and total basal area decreased moving away from the river into the upland where stands were composed of more numerous, younger trees. Mean tree and shrub densities in the forested wetlands were similar to eastern hardwood swamps (Ehrenfeld and Gulick 1981), but considerably less than some southern bottomlands and subtropical areas (Conner et al. 1981, Pool et a1. 1977). Mean basal area was greater in southern Michigan forested wetlands than in most mixed hardwood floodplain forests (Brinson 1990), including southern lowland forests in Wisconsin (Curtis 1959). Basal area was not statistically different from continuous silver maple and elm dominated floodplain stands in New Brunswick (Prince 1968). Poor understory development in southern Michigan forested wetlands was consistent with references made to the reduced shrub and sapling densities of many riverine forests (Conner et al. 1981, Smith 1996, Bledsoe and Shear 2000). Unfavorable growth conditions in the 34 forested wetland understory are likely due to light limitation caused by high canopy closure (Marks and Harcombe 1981), and to seasonal flooding (Bell 1974). Like the vegetation structure, vegetation composition was different between forested wetland and upland habitats. Species richness in most sites was much greater in upland areas than in the wetland zones, which had similar numbers of tree and shrub species. Bledsoe and Shear (2000) and Brinson (1990) documented similar trends in species richness, where a decrease in site flooding frequency resulted in an increase in the number of tree and shrub species. Upland forests in southern Michigan supported more tree species (36 species) than typical stands in southern Wisconsin (29 species) (Curtis 1959). Southern Michigan forested wetlands had similar numbers of tree species as several other Eastern United States riverine forests, and considerably more species than most Western US. floodplains (Brinson 1990). For example, 24 tree species were identified in a New Jersey mixed hardwood floodplain (Frye and Quinn 1979), while a mixed stand in North Dakota contained only nine (Johnson et al. 1976). Importance values were greatest for several facultative and obligate wetland species across all forested wetland zones. Silver maple and green ash were common dominants within the entire floodplain canopy, with the addition of American elm as a dominant in the wetter zones of the floodplain (II and III). Buell and Wistendahl (1955) described a very similar association of trees in the floodplain of the Raritan River, New Jersey. On the inner floodplain where a series of ridges and poorly drained sloughs were created through erosion, they found silver maple was the top dominant, followed by red maple, green ash, and American elm. Similar communities were found along the St. Lawrence River in Ontario and Quebec, where silver maple dominated forests were 35 associated with riverine sites having low summer water levels; while wetter conditions supported a combination of silver maple, green ash, American elm, black ash (Fraxinus nigra), and yellow birch (Betula lutea) (Jean and Bouchard 1993). The upland zone shared no dominant species with the floodplains, and had fewer dominant trees and shrubs than in most floodplain areas. Upland dominants included only sugar maple and red oak, both facultative upland species. These species were also highly dominant in the mesic and xeric forests of southern Wisconsin (Curtis 1959). Avian community composition is determined by local food resources, the availability of suitable territory for breeding and nesting, and the structural composition of the habitat (Cody 1981, Bibby et al. 1992). Smith (1977) discovered that in forested habitats, the moisture gradient reflected in the local vegetation structure was an important factor determining the distribution of the birds. Similarly, Douglas et al. (1992) found that avian-habitat associations in riparian zones were primarily influenced by vegetation composition, which was determined by soil moisture. Based on these criteria, we compared the avian community in two forested habitats, the floodplain wetland and the adjacent upland, along major river systems in southern Michigan. Several bird species found utilizing our study areas deserve noting here. The Acadian Flycatcher and Cerulean Warbler were recorded as breeders in all four survey zones, while the Prothonotary Warbler was discovered breeding exclusively in the forested wetland habitat. These three species are historically classified as “unconfirmed breeders” across most of the southern Michigan region (Brewer et al. 1991). The Cerulean Warbler and Protonotary Warbler are also “species of concern” for the state of Michigan, as are several species observed within our sites that were not recognized as 36 breeders within the context of our study. These additional species included the C00per’s Hawk, Louisiana Waterthrush, and Hooded Warbler (Michigan Natural Features Inventory 1999). All species of concern within our sites are considered rare or uncommon in the state (21 to 100 occurances), although the Cooper’s Hawk is bordering on being secure within Michigan, and the Waterthrush may be more imperiled than the other species due to its rarity and vulnerability to extirpation from the state. Globally, these species are all demonstrably secure, being rare only in parts of their ranges. One species, the Yellow-throated Warbler, is considered “threatened” in Michigan (Michigan Natural Features Inventory 1999). Although it is globally stable, this warbler is critically imperiled in the state because of extreme rarity, and was observed only at the two Maple River sites. Differences in the breeding bird community were greatest between the forested wetlands and the upland, where variations in the vegetation structure and composition were most pronounced. Breeder abundance and richness were greater in the forested wetlands than within adjacent uplands. This is consistent with the findings of several studies, which reported that floodplain woodlands supported higher densities of breeding birds than did wooded uplands (Dickson 1978, Stauffer and Best 1980). However, Stauffer and Best (1980) found similar numbers of species across both habitats. A significant number of species responded to the differences between forested wetlands and uplands by breeding exclusively in one of the two habitats. Birds found breeding only in the forested wetland were likely utilizing this habitat for several reasons. Two of the 12 forested wetland breeders, the Least Flycatcher and Prothonotary Warbler, are known to nest in relatively mature deciduous forests and are sensitive to forest 37 fragmentation (Adams 1995). The wetland stands in southern Michigan were older and often encompassed larger areas than the adjacent upland forests. The wetlands had abundant snags surrounded by contiguous forest, which is essential nesting structure for Red-headed Woodpeckers (Brewer et al. 1991). Red-tailed hawks were also found breeding exclusively in the wetlands in our study. These hawks were likely responding to the large deciduous trees and snags available for nesting sites in the wetland study areas, and not necessarily avoiding the upland zone. Southern Michigan rivers and adjacent floodplains offer nesting and brooding protection for waterfowl, such as the four species identified in this study (Canada Goose, Wood Duck, Mallard, Hooded Merganser) (Bellrose 1980). Tree Swallows, Northern Rough-winged Swallows, Warbling Vireos, and Belted Kingfishers were observed most often along river banks, where they are likely to nest and forage (Brewer et al. 1991). As compared to the forested wetlands, upland stands provided more suitable breeding habitat for several avian species. Three of the upland breeders require dense shrub cover for nesting, a structure more characteristic in the uplands (Brewer et al. 1991). American Goldfinches, Common Yellowthroats, Willow F lycatchers, and Yellow-billed Cuckoos were found mainly at sites with young trees and an abundance of shrubs. Ground nesters, such as the American Woodcock, Blue-winged Warbler, and Ovenbird require the high, dry substrate of the upland zone (Brewer et al. 1991). Twenty-two breeding species were observed 25 or more times in at least one survey zone over the duration of the study. Sixteen of these species were also found in Wakely and Roberts’ (1996) investigation of bottomland hardwoods along the Cache River in Arkansas. Densities were similar in both studies of forested wetlands for 38 Northern Orioles, White-breasted Nuthatches, Eastern Wood-Pewees, Red-eyed Vireos, Gray Catbirds, Northern Cardinals, Wood Thrushes, and American Goldfinches. Southern Michigan riverine forests had higher densities of American Redstarts, Common Grackles, Blue Jays, and Red-winged Blackbirds; and lower densities of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, Tufted Titrnice, Downy Woodpeckers, and Great-crested F lycatchers than in Arkansas (Wakely and Roberts 1996). Almost 50% of the most abundant species had significantly higher breeding densities within the forested wetlands than in the adjacent upland. Song Sparrows were the most abundant species within all three zones of the forested wetland, and had over 2 birds ha“1 in forested wetland 1. Two other highly abundant species (American Robin and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher) also had their highest densities near the river. Several species exhibited preference for the adjacent forested wetland zones, including Black-capped Chickadees, Brown Creepers, Blue Jays, and Eastern Wood-Pewees. White-breasted Nuthatches, Downy Woodpeckers, and Great-crested Flycatchers were found in fairly equal densities across the riverine forests. In forests along the Kalamazoo River, Song Sparrows were also reported to have the highest density (2.5 birds ha") of all birds observed over the duration of the study (Adams et al. 1995). Compared to our study, Adams et al. (1995) found slightly lower densities for Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, Downy Woodpeckers, Great-crested F lycatchers, and Brown Creepers; higher densities for Song Sparrows, American Robins, Black-capped Chickadees, Blue Jays, and Eastern Wood- Pewees; and a similar density for White-breasted Nuthatches. Only two of the highly abundant species, American Goldfinch and the Common Yellowthroat, were observed in significantly higher densities in the upland areas. 39 Although most structural attributes and vegetation composition were similar for the forested wetland survey zones, the river corridor in forested wetland I had a distinct influence on avian community composition. These findings were similar to the observations of Sanders and Edge (1998) and Whitaker and Montevecchi (1999). Of the 53 breeding species detected at southern Michigan sites, 83% of these were found in forested wetland 1. Approximately one-third of the breeding birds having significantly different densities across zones preferred forested wetland I over other wetland and upland areas. Seven species of low abundance (Least Flycatcher, Eastern Phoebe, Tree Swallow, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Warbling Vireo, Northern Parula Warbler, and Prothonotary Warbler) were found in greater numbers near the river than in all other areas. The breeding bird community within forested wetland I is not simply the result of an “edge effect”, or due to the open canopy structure over the river corridor. If this were the case, we would have found a similar composition and density of bird species at the Maple River 1 site within forested wetland III plot #3, which is adjacent to an open field upland plot. However, no Prothonotary Warblers or Least Flycatchers were found within plot #3; and American Robins, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, Eastern Phoebes, Northern Rough-winged Swallows, Tree Swallows, and Warbling Vireos all had greatly reduced densities within plot #3 as compared to the river zone plots at this site (no Northern Parula Warblers were found at the Maple River 1 site). Therefore, cutting within the forested wetlands would not attract the same host of breeding species, or species in equal densities, as along the forested river conidor. 40 Avian species richness, species composition of the local bird community, and densities of individual species were markedly different between forested wetlands and adjacent uplands. Riparian zones in Michigan not only act as movement corridors for many birds (Whitaker and Montevecchi 1999), but are important breeding habitats for an array of avian species not always found in upland sites. There is a recognized need to maintain these riparian zones across the United States because of the multiple benefits they provide for wildlife (Brinson et al 1981). This is true in southern Michigan, where riparian areas provide crucial avian habitat for many species. 41 Appendix A. List of 47 tree species and 49 shrub species found on 39 vegetation quadrats (1800 m2 for trees, 900 m2 for shrubs; 10 quadrats in each forested wetland zone and 9 quadrats in the upland zone) sampled within southern Michigan study sites. Species are grouped by common genera and are listed for each survey zone (Billington 1949, Barnes et al. 1981, Voss 1985 and 1996). Trees Shrubs WM Acer negunda L.d A car rubrum L.c A cer saccharinum L.d Carpinus caraliniana Walterc Carya cardifarmis (Wang) K.Kochc Celtis accidentalis L.c Cercis canadensis L.b Camus alternifalia L. f.a Crataegus sp. * Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshalld Gleditsia triacanthas L.c Juglans nigra L.‘ Lindera benzain (L.) Blumed Marus rubra L.c Platanus accidentalis L.d Papulus deltaides Marsh.° Prunus seratina Ehrh.b Prunus virginiana L.c Quercus bicaIar Willd.d Quercus rubra L.b Rabim'a pseudaacacia L.b Salix amygdalaides Anderssond Sambucus canadensis L.d Tilia americana L.b Ulmus americana L.d Ulmus rubra Muhl.c Hflmstcdflefland Acer negunda L.d Acer rubrum L.c Acer saccharinum L.d Acer negunda L.d Carya avata (Miller) K. Kochb Celtis accidentalis L.c Cephalanthus accidentalis L.c Camus alternifalia L. f.’ Camus stalinifera Michauxd Crataegus sp. * Diervilla sp. "' F raxinus pennsylvanica Marshalld Lindera benzain (L.) Blumed Rubus accidentalis L.‘ Rubus strigasus Michauxd Sambucus canadensis L.d Staphylea trifalia L.c Ulmus americana L.d Ulmus rubra Muhl.c Vibemum apulus L.d Acer rubrum L.c Carpinus caraliniana Walterc Cephalanthus accidentalis L.° 42 Appendix A (cont'd). Trees Shrubs WW Acer saccharum Marsh.b Carpinus caraliniana Walter“ Carya cardrfarmis (Wang) K.Kochc Carya laciniasa (Michaux f.) G. Don“ Celtis accidentalis L.“ Camus alternifalia L. f.“ Crataegus sp. " F raxinus americana L.b F raxinus nigra Marshall“ Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Hamamelis virginiana L.b Platanus accidentalis L.“ Papulus deltaides Marsh.c Quercus bicalar Willd.“ Quercus muehlenbergii Engelm.c Salix amygdalaides Andersson“ Salix nigra Marsh.“ T ilia americana L.b Ulmus americana L.“ Wild Acer negunda L.“ Acer rubrum L.“ Acer saccharinum L.“ Acer saccharum Marsh.b Carpinus caraliniana Walter“ Carya cardifarmis (Wang) K.Koch“ Carya Iaciniasa (Michaux f.) G. Don“ Celtis accidentalis L.“ Camus alternifalia L. f.“ Crataegus sp. * F agus grandifalia Ehrh.b F raxinus americana L.b Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Lindera benzain (L.) Blume“ Malus pumila Miller“ Camus flarida L.b Camus faemina Miller“ Diervilla sp. " F rarinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray“ Lindera benzain (L.) Blume“ Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Kochb Quercus bicalar Willd.“ Rasa palustris Marsh.“ Sambucus canadensis L.“ Staphylea trifalia L.“ Ulmus amen'cana L.“ Vibemum apulus L.“ Carpinus caraliniana Walter“ Carya lacim’asa (Michaux f.) G. Don“ Celtis accidentalis L.“ Cephalanthus accidentalis L.“ Camus amamum Miller“ Camus faemina Millerd Diervilla sp. * F raxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Lindera benzain (L.) Blume“ Quercus bicalar Willd.d Staphylea trifalia L.“ T ilia americana L.b Ulmus americana L.“ Vibemum Ientaga L.“ Vibemum apulus L.“ 43 Appendix A (cont'd). Trees Shrubs Wow Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch“ Platanus accidentalis L.“ Prunus virginiana L.“ Quercus bicalar Willd.“ Salix amygdalaides Andersson“ Salix nigra Marsh.“ Sambucus canadensis L.“ T ilia americana L.“ Ulmus americana L.“ Ulmus rubra Muhl.“ 13211218131! Acer negunda L.“ Acer nigrum Michaux f.“ A cer rubrum L.“ Acer saccharinum L.“ A car saccharum Marsh.“ Asimina trilaba (L.) Dunal“ Carpinus caralim'ana Walter“ Catya cardrfarmis (Wang) K.Kochc Carya avata (Miller) K.Koch“ Celtis accidentalis L.“ Camus flarida L.“ Crataegus sp. * Fagus grandifalia Ehrh.“ F raxinus americana L.“ Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Hamamelis virginiana L.“ Juglans cinerea L.“ Juglans nigra L.“ Lindera benzain (L.) Blume“ Malus pumila Miller“ Marus rubra L.“ Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch“ Pinus strabus L.“ Papulus deltaides Marsh.“ Acer nigrum Michaux f.“ Acer rubrum L.“ Acer saccharum Marsh.“ Asimina trilaba (L.) Dunal“ Carpinus caraliniana Walter“ Carya cardifannis (Wang) K. Koch“ Carya avata (Miller) K. Koch“ Cephalanthus accidentalis L.“ Camus altemifalia L. f.“ Camus amamum Miller“ Camus flarida L.“ Camus faemina Miller“ Camus stalinifera Michaux“ Crataegus sp. * Diervilla sp. * F agus grandifalia Ehrh.“ F raxinus americana L.“ F raxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Hamamelis virginiana L.“ Juglans nigra L.“ Lindera benzain (L.) Blume“ Malus pumila Miller‘i Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch“ Papulus deltaides Marsh.“ 44 Appendix A (cont'd). Trees Shrubs maximal Papulus tremulaides Michaux“ Prunus seratina Ehrh.“ Prunus virginiana L.“ Quercus alba L.“ Quercus bicalar Willd.d Quercus caccim'a Muenchh.a Quercus rubra L.“ 5011'): exigua Nutt.“ Salix nigra Marsh.“ Sassafras albidum (N utt.) Nees“ Tilia americana L.“ Ulmus americana L.“ Ulmus rubra Muhl.“ Prunus seratina Ehrh.“ Prunus virginiana L.“ Ptelea trifaliata L.“ Quercus alba L.“ Quercus bicalar Willd.“ Quercus rubra L.“ Ribes cynasbatti L.‘I Rosa palustris Marsh.“ Rosa spp“ Rubus accidentalis L.II Rubus strigasus Michaux“ Salix exigua Nutt.“ Staphylea trifalia L.“ Tilia americana L.“ Ulmus americana L.“ Ulmus rubra Muhl.“ Vibemum apulus L.“l Vitis riparia Michaux“ Zanthaxylum americanum Miller‘ I"Similar species grouped into genera. “Upland; almost always occurs in uplands (>99% probability) “Facultative Upland; usually occurs in non-wetlands (1%-33% probability in wetlands) cFacultative; equally likely to occur in wetlands or non-wetlands (34%-66% probability) “Facultative Wetland; usually occurs in wetlands (67%-99% probability in wetlands) “Obligate; almost always occurs in wetlands under natural conditions (>99% probability) 45 Appendix B. List of 47 tree species and 49 shrub species found on vegetation quadrats (1800 m2 for trees, 900 m2 for shrubs; 2 quadrats per zone per site except Red Cedar upland-l quadrat) sampled within each southern Michigan study site. Species are grouped by common genera and are listed for each survey zone (Billington 1949, Barnes et al. 1981, Voss 1985 and 1996). Trees Wand Acer negunda L.d Acer saccharinum L.“ Celtis accidentalis L.c Crataegus sp. * Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Gleditsia triacanthas L.c Juglans nigra L.“ Lindera benzain (L.) Blumed Marus rubra L.c Platanus accidentalis L.“ Prunus virginiana L.c Sambucus canadensis L.d T ilia americana L.“ Ulmus americana L.d Ulmus rubra Muhl.“ WM Acer saccharinum L.d Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Platanus accidentalis L.“ Salix amygdalaides Andersson“ . d Ulmus amencana L. Wand Acer negunda L.“ Acer saccharinum L.“ Celtis accidentalis L.c Camus altemifalia L. f.“ Crataegus sp. " Fraxinus pennsylvam’ca Marshall“ Lindera benzain (L.) Blume“ AlleganjtaieflameArea Shrubs Acer negunda L.d Celtis accidentalis L.c Cephalanthus accidentalis L.“ Camus stalinifera Michauxd Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Lindera benzain (L.) Blumed Rubus accidentalis L.“ Rubus strigasus Michaux“ Sambucus canadensis L.d Staphylea trifalia L.c Ulmus americana L.d Ulmus rubra Muhl.c Lindera benzain (L.) Blumcd Cephalanthus accidentalis L.“ Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Lindera benzain (L.) Blumed Sambucus canadensis L.“ . d Ulmus amerzcana L. 46 Appendix B (cont'd). AW Trees WW Sambucus canadensis L.“ Ulmus americana L.“ Ulmus rubra Muhl.c ISL-Upland Acer rubrum L.“ Acer saccharinum L.“ Acer saccharum Marsh.“ Caminus caroliniana Walter“ Carya cordiformis (Wang) K.Kochc Cornusflorida L.“ Crataegus sp. "' Fraxinus americana L.“ Hamamelis virginiana L.“ Juglans cinerea L.“ Juglans nigra L.“ Lindera benzoin (L.) Blume“ Pinus strobus L.“ Papulus tremuloides Michaux“ Prunus serotina Ehrh.“ Prunus virginiana L.c Quercus alba L.“ Quercus rubra L.“ Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees“ T ilia americana L.“ Ulmus americana L.“ Ulmus rubra Muhl.“ Shrubs Acer rubrum L.“ Acer saccharum Marsh.“ Carpinus caroliniana Walterc Carya cordiformis (Wang) K. Koch“ Cephalanthus occidentalis L.“ Comusflorida L.“ Camus foemina Miller“ Crataegus sp. " Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.“ Fraxinus americana L.“ Hamamelis virginiana L.“ Lindera benzoin (L.) Blume“ Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch“ Prunus serotina Ehrh.“ Prunus virginiana L.c Ribes cynosbatti L.‘I Ulmus americana L.“ Vibernum opulus L.“ Zanthoxylum americanum Millera Trees L-Eoresledflenand A cer rubrum L.“ . d Acer saccharmum L. Carpinus caroliniana Walter“ Shrubs Celtis occidentalis L.“ Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Lindera benzoin (L.) Blume“ 47 Appendix B (cont'd). Carya cordiformis (Wang) K.Kochc Celtis occidentalis L.“ Cercis canadensis L.“ Fraxinus pennsylvam'ca Marshall“ Platanus occidentalis L.“ Prunus virginiana L.c Quercus bicolor Willd.“ Quercus rubra L.“ T ilia americana L.“ . d Ulmus amerzcana L. W Acer rubrum L.“ Acer saccharinum L.“ Acer saccharum Marsh.“ Caminus caroliniana Walter“ Catya cordzformis (Wang) K.Kochc Fraxz'nus americana L.“ Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Hamamelis virginiana L.“ Quercus bicalar Willd.“ Quercus muehlenbergii Engelm.c T ilia americana L.“ . d Ulmus amertcana L. WM Acer rubrum L.c Acer saccharinum L.“ Acer saccharum Marsh.“ Caminus caroliniana Walter“ Carya cordiformis (Wang) K.Kochc Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.“ Fraxinus americana L.“ Fraxz’nus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch“ Shrubs Staphylea trzfolia L.“ Acer rubrum L.“ Carpinus caroliniana Walter“ Cephalanthus occidentalis L.c Camus florida L.“ Camus foemina Miller“ Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray“ Lindera benzoin (L.) Blume“ 0sttya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch“ Quercus bicalar Willd.“ Staphylea trifolia L.“ . d Ulmus amencana L. Carpinus caroliniana Walter“ Cephalanthus occidentalis L.“ Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Lindera benzoin (L.) Blume“ Quercus bicalar Willd.“ Staphylea trifolia L.“ T ilia americana L.“ . d Ulmus amerzcana L. 48 Appendix B (cont'd). Prunus virginiana L.“ Quercus bicalar Willd.d Tilia americana L.“ . d Ulmus amerzcana L. Dbl-Inland Acer saccharinum L.“ Acer saccharum Marsh.“ Asimina trilaba (L.) Dunal“ Carpinus caraliniana Walter“ Carya cardzfarmis (Wang) K.Kochc Crataegus sp. "‘ Fagus grandifalia Ehrh.“ Fraxinus americana L.“ Fraxinus pennsylvam'ca Marshall“ Lindera benzain (L.) Blume“ Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch“ Prunus seratina Ehrh.“ Quercus bicalar Willd.“ Quercus rubra L.“ . . . b T zlza amencana L. . d Ulmus amerlcana L. Shrubs Acer saccharum Marsh.“ Asimina trilaba (L.) Dunalc Carpinus caraliniana Walter“ Cephalanthus accidentalis L.“ Camus flarida L.“ Camus faemina Miller“ Camus stalinifera Michaux“ Fagus grandifalia Ehrh.“ Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Hamamelis virginiana L.“ Lindera benzain (L.) Blume“ Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch“ Prunus seratina Ehrh.“ Rosa palustris Marsh.“ Salix exigua Nutt.c Staphylea trifalia L.“ ManleRixenStateflameAmJ Trees Shrubs W Acer negunda L.“ Acer saccharinum L.“ Carya cardifarmis (Wang) K.KochC Celtis accidentalis L.“ Crataegus sp. * Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Platanus accidentalis L.“ Papulus deltaides Marsh.“ Carya avata (Miller) K. Koch“ Celtis accidentalis L.“ Cephalanthus accidentalis L.c Crataegus sp. * Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Vibemum apulus L.“ Appendix B (cont'd). mmmmmmmuummm Trees Shrubs WW3) Quercus bicalar Willd.“ WW Acer saccharinum L.“ Carya Iacim'asa (Michaux f.) G. Dond Platanus accidentalis L.“ Papulus deltaides Marsh.“ . d Ulmus amerzcana L. Wand Acer saccharinum L.“ Carya laciniasa (Michaux f.) G. Dond Celtis accidentalis L.“ Crataegus sp. * Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Malus pumila Miller“ Quercus bicalar Wind.d Ulmus americana L.“ Ulmus rubra Muhl.c W Acer negunda L.“ Fraxinus americana L.“ Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Papulus deltaides Marsh.“ Salix exigua Nutt.“ Ulmus americana L.“ Cephalanthus accidentalis L.“ Fraxinus pennsylvam'ca Marshall“ Carya lacim'asa (Michaux f.) G. Don“ F raxinus pennsylvam'ca Marshall“ Camus amamum Miller“ Fraxinus americana L.“ Papulus deltaides Marsh.“ Rosa palustris Marsh.“ Salix exigua Nutt.“ WW Trees Wand Acer negunda L.“ Acer saccharinum L.“ Celtis accidentalis L.“ Shrubs . d Sambucus canadenszs L. Vibemum apulus L.“ 50 Appendix B (cont'd). WWW Trees Shrubs W Crataegus sp. "' Fraxinuspennsylvanica Marshall“ Juglans nigra L."I Papulus deltoides Marsh.c Quercus bicalar Willd.“ . d Ulmus amerzcana L. W Acer saccharinum L.d Fraxinus nigra Marshall“ Fraxinuspennsylvanica Marshall“ Quercus bicolor Willd.“ Salix nigra Marsh.° . d Ulmus amencana L. W Carya cordiformis (Wang) K.Kochc Celtis occidentalis L.c Crataegus sp. "' Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Quercus bicolor Willd.“ Salix nigra Marsh.c . d Ulmus amerzcana L. wand Acer negundo L.“ Acer nigrum Michaux f.b Acer rubrum L.c Acer saccharum Marsh.b Caminus carolim'ana Walterc Catya cordiformis (Wang) K.Kochc Carya ovata (Miller) K.Kochb Celtis occidentalis L.c Crataegus sp. “ Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.b Cephalanthus occidentalis L.e Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Lindera benzoin (L.) Blume“ Vibemum apulus L.“ Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Lindera benzoin (L.) Blume“ Vibernum apulus L.“ Acer nigrum Michaux f.b Carpinus caroliniana Walter“ Carya cordiformis (Wang.) K. Kochc Carya ovata (Miller) K. Kochb Camus alternifolia L. f.“ Cornusfoemina Miller“ Crataegus sp. * Fraxinus americana L.b Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Juglans nigra L.b 5l Appendix B (cont'd). WW Shrubs Fraxinus americana L.“ Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Juglans cinerea L.“ Juglans nigra L.“ Malus pumila Miller“I Morus rubra L.“ Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Kochb Prunus serotina Ehrh.“ Prunus virginiana L.c Quercus alba L.“ Quercus bicalar Willd.“ Quercus coccim'a Muenchh.“ Quercus rubra L.“ T iIia americana L.“ Ulmus americana L.“ Ulmus rubra Muhl.“ Malus pumila Miller“l Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch“ Prunus serotina Ehrh.“ Quercus alba L.“ Quercus bicalar Willd.“ Quercus rubra L.“ Ribes cynosbatti L.“ Rosa palustris Marsh.“ Rosa spp“ Rubus accidentalis L.“ Rubus strigosus Michaux“ Staphylea trifolia L.“ T iIia americana L.“ Ulmus americana L.“ Ulmus rubra Muhl.“ Vibemum apulus L.“ Vitis riparia Michaux“ Zanthoxylum americanum Miller“ WW Trees WW Acer negundo L.“ Acer saccharinum L.“ Celtis occidentalis L.c Camus altemtfolia L. f.“ Crataegus sp. * Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Platanus occidentalis L.“ Papulus deltoides Marsh.“ Prunus serotina Ehrh.“ Robinia pseudoacacia L.“ Salix amygdaloides Andersson“ Ulmus americana L.“ Shrubs Cephalanthus occidentalis L.“ Camus altemifolia L. f.“I Diervilla sp. "' Rubus strigosus Michaux“ Staphylea trifolia L.“ Vibemum apulus L.“ Appendix B (cont'd). WWW Shrubs Acer negundo L.“ Acer saccharinum L.“ Cellis occidentalis L.c Camus altemifolia L. f.“ Crataegus sp. * F raxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Papulus deltoides Marsh.“ Salix amygdaloides Andersson“ . d Ulmus amerzcana L. Wand Acer negundo L.“ Acer saccharinum L.“ Crataegus sp. " Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Salix amygdaloides Anderssond . d Ulmus amerzcana L. IYleland Acer negundo L.“ Acer saccharinum L.“ Acer saccharum Marsh.“ Crataegus sp. “ Fraxinus americana L.“ Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall“ Juglans cinerea L.“ Juglans nigra L.“ Malus pumila Miller“ Papulus deltoides Marsh.“ Prunus serotina Ehrh.“ Quercus alba L.“ Quercus coccinia Muenchh.a Quercus rubra L.“ Salix nigra Marsh.e Ulmus americana L.“ Cephalanthus occidentalis L.“ Diervilla sp. * Fraxinus pennsylvam'ca Marshall“ Rosa palustris Marsh.e Vibemum apulus L.“ Celtis occidentalis L.“ Cephalanthus occidentalis L.“ Camus amamum Miller“ Comusfoemina Miller“ Diervilla sp. * Vibemum Ientago L.c Camus altemifolia L. f.a Comusfoemina Miller“ Diervilla sp. * Fraxinus americana L.“ Prunus serotina Ehrh.“ Ptelea trifoliata L.“ Quercus rubra L.“ Salix exigua Nutt.“ Appendix B (cont'd). WM Trees Shrubs Ulmus rubra Muhl.c *Similar species grouped into genera. “Upland; almost always occurs in uplands (>99% probability) bFacultative Upland; usually occurs in non-wetlands (l%-33% probability in wetlands) cFacultative; equally likely to occur in wetlands or non-wetlands (34%-66% probability) “Facultative Wetland; usually occurs in wetlands (67%-99% probability in wetlands) cObligate; almost always occurs in wetlands under natural conditions (>99% probability) 54 Appendix C. Importance values for tree species and shrub species found in forested wetland and upland survey zones in southern Michigan study sites. Maximum importance values =3OO for trees, and =200 for shrubs in each survey zone. Importance Value I-Forested II-Forested III-Forested Species Wetland Wetland Wetland IV-Upland Trees Acer negunda L. 16 4 7 3 Acer nigrum Michaux 0 O 5 Acer rubrum L. 4 9 7 4 Acer saccharinum L. 104 98 7O 8 Acer saccharum Marsh. 0 2 3 35 Asimina trilaba (L.) Dunal 0 0 O l Caminis caraliniana Walter 9 12 15 7 Carya cardifarmis (Wang) K.Koch S 2 5 10 Carya lacim'asa (Michaux f.) G. Dan 0 2 2 O Carya avata (Miller) K.Koch 0 O 0 3 Celtis accidentalis L. 11 3 6 l Cercis canadensis L. 2 O O 0 Camus alternifalia L. f. 1 2 1 O Camus flarida L. 0 O O 4 Crataegus sp. "‘ 1 l 4 l4 9 Fagus grandifalia Ehrh. 0 0 4 12 Fraxinus americana L. O 2 3 23 Fraxinus nigra Marshall 2 O 0 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall 46 75 91 5 Gleditsia triacanthas L. 2 O O O Hamamelis virginiana L. 0 2 O 12 Juglans cinerea L. 0 O O 2 Juglans nigra L. 5 O 0 6 Lindera benzain (L.) Blume 5 0 3 2 Malus pumila Miller 0 O 1 3 Moms rubra L. l O O l Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch 0 O 1 8 Firms strabus L. O O 0 3 Platanus accidentalis L. 10 8 3 0 Papulus deltaides Marsh. 13 8 0 18 Papulus tremulaides Michaux 0 O O 4 Prunus seratina Ehrh. 1 O O 13 55 Appendix C (cont'd). Species Trees Prunus virginiana L. Quercus alba L. Quercus bicalar Willd. Quercus caccim'a Muenchh. Quercus muehlenbergii Engelm. Quercus rubra L. Rabinia pseudaacacia L. Salix amygdalaides Andersson Salix exigua Nutt. Salix nigra Marsh. Sambucus canadensis L. Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees T ilia americana L. Ulmus americana L. Ulmus rubra Muhl. Shrubs Acer negunda L. Acer nigrum Michaux f. Acer rubrum L. Acer saccharum Marsh. Asimina trilaba (L.) Dunal Carpinus caraliniana Walter Carya cardifannis (Wang) K. Koch Carya laciniasa (Michaux f.) G. Don Catya avata (Miller) K. Koch Celtis accidentalis L. Cephalanthus accidentalis L. Camus altemzfalia L. f. Camus amamum Miller Camus flarida L. Camus faemina Miller Camus stalinifera Michaux Crataegus sp. * Importance Value I—Forested II-Forested III-Forested Wetland o—oon-—~ooooo-—- Nu—s “mm WOOOOOOOON 56 Wetland p—n goo ONOONOOOOONO DJ on OOOOOOOO-hOO 1») M 0043-3560 Wetland H ooo" uo—no—oooo DJ “o wO-AOOOOOOOO u— 0‘ OO-hO-bo IV-Upland N wnwo NNNNONOMMUI {AD—g Appendix C (cont'd). Species I-Forested II-Forested III-Forested Wetland Importance Value Wetland Wetland IV -Upland Shrubs Diervilla sp. "‘ Fagus grandifalia Ehrh. Fraxinus americana L. Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall Hamamelis virginiana L. Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray Jug/ans m'gra L. Lindera benzain (L.) Blume Malus pumila Miller Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch Papulus deltaides Marsh. Prunus seratina Ehrh. Prunus virginiana L. Ptelea trifaliata L. Quercus alba L. Quercus bicalar Willd.c Quercus rubra L. Ribes cynasbatti L. Rosa palustris Marsh. Rosa sp. * Rubus accidentalis L. Rubus strigasus Michaux Salix exigua Nutt. Sambucus canadensis L. Staphylea trifalia L. T ilia americana L. Ulmus americana L. Ulmus rubra Muhl. Vibemum lentaga L. Vibemum apulus L. Vitis riparia Michaux Zanthaxylum americanum Miller LII A OflmOOOOOOOOOOOO 57 M Lit oooooo-nonoooooc-ooa-ooooosso 26 00 000 OOWMOflA-hOOOOOOOOONOOOOOOO ~w—MMNN——~OOJ>M~\I~O&MVOWO\ —AONU~J\JNO: u—n O Appendix D. Total number of logs recorded in riverine floodplain and adjacent upland survey zones across all southern Michigan study sites. All logs within the 39 vegetation quadrats (1800 m2) and with a diameter greater than lOcm were counted. Survey Zone I-Forested II-Forested III-Forested Log Width (cm)'I Wetland Wetland Wetland 4-Upland 10 108 293 228 84 20 76 l 95 1 24 43 3 0 23 40 52 30 4O 6 l 2 20 1 3 50 10 3 5 7 6O 2 l 2 l 70 1 0 2 O 80 0 0 0 3 90 0 0 1 l 100 O l 0 l 120 0 0 l 0 l 40 0 0 l 0 1 90 O O l 0 200 O O 0 1 All 226 545 437 l 83 Mean Density (logs ha")" 132.9b 320.6a 257.6a 133.5b aLog Width = the largest diameter (cm) of the fallen tree in lOcm size classes. bMean densities followed by the same letter have statistically similar values. 58 Appendix B. List of bird species observed over all southern Michigan forested wetland and upland study areas (including within plot, outside of plot, and between plot records) during the 1998 and 1999 breeding bird seasons (Scott 1987). Family Species Common Name Ardeidae Ardea heradias Linnaeus Great Blue Heron Butarides virescens (Linnaeus) Green Heron Anatidae Branta canadensis Linnaeus Canada Goose Aix spansa (Linnaeus) Wood Duck Anas platyrynchas Linnaeus Mallard Anas discars Linnaeus Blue-winged Teal Laphadytes cucullatus Linnaeus Hooded Merganser Cathartidae Cathartes aura (Linnaeus) Turkey Vulture Accipitridae Accipiter caaperii (Bonaparte) Cooper's Hawk Phasianidae Buteajamaicensis (Gmelin) Phasianus calchicus Linnaeus Red-tailed Hawk Ring-necked Pheasant Meleagris gallapava Linnaeus Wild Turkey Calinus virginianus (Linnaeus) Northern Bobwhite Gruidae Grus canadensis (Linnaeus) Sandhill Crane Charadriidae Charadrius vaciferus Linnaeus Killdeer Scolopacidae Actitis macularia (Linnaeus) Spotted Sandpiper Scalapax minor Gmelin American Woodcock Columbidae Columba livia Gmelin Rock Dove Zenaida macroura (Linnaeus) Mourning Dove Cuculidae Coccyzus erythrapthalmus (Wilson) Black-billed Cuckoo Caccyzus americanus (Linnaeus) Yellow-billed Cuckoo Strigidae Buba virginianus (Gmelin) Great Horned Owl Strix varia Barton Barred Owl Apodidae Chaetura pelagica (Linnaeus) Chimney Swifi Trochilidae Archilacus calubris (Linnaeus) Ruby-throated Hummingbird Alcedinidae Ceryle aIcyan (Linnaeus) Belted Kingfisher Picidae Melanerpes erythracephalus (Linnaeus) Red-headed Woodpecker Melanetpes caralinus (Linnaeus) Red-bellied Woodpecker Picaides pubescens (Linnaeus) Downy Woodpecker Picaides villasus (Linnaeus) Hairy Woodpecker 59 Appendix E (cont'd). Family Species Common Name Picidae (cont’d) Calaptes auratus (Linnaeus) Northern Flicker Dryacapus pileatus (Linnaeus) Pileated Woodpecker Tyrannidae Cantopus virens (Linnaeus) Eastern Wood-Pewee Hirundinidae Empidanaxflaviventris (Baird & Baird) Empidanax virescens (V ieillot) Empidanax alnarum Brewster Empidanax traillii (Audubon) Empidanax minimus (Baird & Baird) Sayamis phoebe (Latham) Myiarchus crinitus (Linnaeus) Tyrannus tyrannus (Linnaeus) Prague subis (Linnaeus) T achycineta bicalar (V ieillot) Stelgidapteryx serripennis (Audubon) Hirunda rustica Linnaeus Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Acadian Flycatcher Alder Flycatcher Willow Flycatcher Least Flycatcher Eastern Phoebe Great Crested Flycatcher Eastern Kingbird Purple Martin Tree Swallow Northern Rough-winged Swallow Barn Swallow Corvidae Cyanacitta cristata (Linnaeus) Blue Jay Corvus brachyrynchas Brehm. American Crow Paridae Parus atricapillus Linnaeus Black-capped Chickadee Parus bicalar Linnaeus Tufted Titmouse Sittidae Sitta caralinensis Latham White-breasted Nuthatch Certhiidae Certhia americana Bonaparte Brown Creeper Troglodytidae fliryatharus ludavicianus (Latham) Carolina Wren Troglodytes aedan Vieillot House Wren Muscicapidae Regulus calendula (Linnaeus) Ruby-crowned Kinglet Poliaptila caerulea (Linnaeus) Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Sialia sialis (Linnaeus) Eastern Bluebird Catharusfitscescens (Stephens) Veery Catharus minimus (Lafresnaye) Gray-cheeked Thrush Catharus ustulatus (Nuttall) Swainson's Thrush Hylacichla mustelina (Gmelin) Wood Thrush T urdus migratarius Linnaeus American Robin Mimidae Dumetella caralinensis (Linnaeus) Gray Catbird T axastama rufilm (Linnaeus) Brown Thrasher Bombycillidae Bambycilla cedrarum Vieillot Cedar Waxwing Stumidae Stumus vulgaris Linnaeus European Starling 60 Appendix E (cont'd). Family Species Common Name Vireonidae Vireo solitarius (Wilson) Solitary Vireo Vireaflavifrans Vieillot Yellow-throated Vireo Vireo gilvus (Vieillot) Warbling Vireo Vireo philadelphicus (Cassin) Philadelphia Vireo Vireo alivaceus (Linnaeus) Red-eyed Vireo Emberizidae Vermivara pinus (Linnaeus) Blue-winged Warbler Vermivara chrysaptera (Linnaeus) Vermivara peregrina (Wilson) Vermivara celata (Say) Vermivara ruficapilla (Wilson) Parula americana (Linnaeus) Dendraica petechia (Linnaeus) Dendraica pensylvanica (Linnaeus) Dendraica magnolia (Wilson) Dendraica tigrina (Gmelin) Dendraica caerulescens (Gmelin) Dendraica coronata (Linnaeus) Dendraica virens (Gmelin) Dendraicafiisca (Muller) Dendraica dominica (Linnaeus) Dendraica castanea (Wilson) Dendraica cerulea (Wilson) Mniatilta varia (Linnaeus) Setophaga ruticilla (Linnaeus) Pratanataria citrea (Boddaert) Seiurus auracapillus (Linnaeus) Seiurus navebaracensis (Gmelin) Seiurus matacilla (V ieillot) Oparamis philadelphia (Wilson) Geathlypis trichas (Linnaeus) Wilsam'a citrina (Boddaert) Piranga alivacea (Gmelin) Cardinalis cardinalis (Linnaeus) Pheucticus ludavicianus (Linnaeus) Passerina cyanea (Linnaeus) Pipila erythraphthalmus (Linnaeus) Spizella passerina (Bechstein) SpizeIIa pusiIIa (Wilson) Passerculus sandwichensis (Gmelin) Melaspiza meladia (Wilson) Zanatrichia albicallis (Gmelin) Dalichanyx aiyzivaraus (Linnaeus) Agelaius phaeniceus (Linnaeus) Stumella magna (Linnaeus) Quiscalus quiscula (Linnaeus) Malathrus ater (Boddaert) 61 Golden-winged Warbler Tennessee Warbler Orange-crowned Warbler Nashville Warbler Northem Parula Warbler Yellow Warbler Chesnut-sided Warbler Magnolia Warbler Cape May Warbler Black-throated Blue Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Black-throated Green Warbler Blackbumian Warbler Yellow-throated Warbler Bay-breasted Warbler Cerulean Warbler Black-and-white Warbler American Redstart Prothonotary Warbler Ovenbird Northern Waterthrush Louisiana Waterthrush Mourning Warbler Common Yellowthroat Hooded Warbler Scarlet Tanager Northern Cardinal Rose-breasted Grosbeak Indigo Bunting Eastern Towhee Chipping Sparrow Field Sparrow Savannah Sparrow Song Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Bobolink Red-winged Blackbird Eastern Meadowlark Common Grackle Brown-headed Cowbird Appendix E (cont'd). Family Species Emberizidae (cont'd) Icterus galbula (Linnaeus) Fringillidae Carpadacus mexicanus (Muller) Carduelis tristis (Linnaeus) Passeridae Passer damesticus (Linnaeus) 62 Common Name Northern Oriole House Finch American Goldfinch House Sparrow Appendix F. List of bird species observed at each southern Michigan study site in forested wetland and upland study areas (including within plot, outside of plot, and between plot records) during the 1998 and 1999 breeding seasons (Scott 1987). AlleganfitatefiameArea Family Species Common Name Ardeidae Ardea heradias Linnaeus Great Blue Heron Anatidae Branta canadensis Linnaeus Canada Goose Aix spansa (Linnaeus) Wood Duck Anas platyrynchas Linnaeus Mallard Laphadytes cucullatus Linnaeus Hooded Merganser Cathartidae Cathartes aura (Linnaeus) Turkey Vulture Accipitridae Buteajamaicensis (Gmelin) Red-tailed Hawk Phasianidae Meleagris gallapava Linnaeus Wild Turkey Gruidae Grus canadensis (Linnaeus) Sandhill Crane Charadriidae Charadrius vaciferus Linnaeus Killdeer Cuculidae Coccyzus americanus (Linnaeus) Yellow-billed Cuckoo Strigidae Strix varia Barton Barred Owl Apodidae Chaetura pelagica (Linnaeus) Chimney Swift Trochilidae Archilacus calubris (Linnaeus) Ruby-throated Hummingbird Alcedinidae Ceryle alcyan (Linnaeus) Belted Kingfisher Picidae Melanerpes caralinus (Linnaeus) Red-bellied Woodpecker Picaides pubescens (Linnaeus) Downy Woodpecker Picaides villasus (Linnaeus) Hairy Woodpecker Calaptes auratus (Linnaeus) Northern Flicker Dryacopus pileatus (Linnaeus) Pileated Woodpecker Tyrannidae Contapus virens (Linnaeus) Eastern Wood-Pewee Empidanax virescens (V ieillot) Acadian Flycatcher Empidanax alnarum Brewster Alder Flycatcher Empidanax minimus (Baird & Baird) Least Flycatcher Sayamis phoebe (Latham) Eastern Phoebe Myiarchus crinitus (Linnaeus) Great Crested Flycatcher Hirundinidae T achycineta bicalar (V ieillot) Tree Swallow Hirunda rustica Linnaeus 63 Barn Swallow Appendix F (cont'd). AlleganStateflameAreuconfld) Family Species Common Name Corvidae Cyanacitta cristata (Linnaeus) Blue Jay Corvus brachyiynchas Brehm. American Crow Paridae Parus atricapillus Linnaeus Black-capped Chickadee Paras bicalar Linnaeus Tufted Titmouse Sittidae Sitta caralinensis Latham White-breasted Nuthatch Certhiidae Certhia americana Bonaparte Brown Creeper Muscicapidae Paliaptila caerulea (Linnaeus) Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Hylacichla mustelina (Gmelin) Wood Thrush T urdus migratorius Linnaeus American Robin Mimidae Dumetella caralinensis (Linnaeus) Gray Catbird Bombycillidae Bambycilla cedrarum Vieillot Cedar Waxwing Vireonidae Vireo salitarius (Wilson) Solitary Vireo Vireaflavifrans Vieillot Yellow-throated Vireo Vireo gilvus (V ieillot) Warbling Vireo Vireo alivaceus (Linnaeus) Red-eyed Vireo Emberizidae Vermivara pinus (Linnaeus) Blue-winged Warbler Vermivara chrysaptera (Linnaeus) Vermivara peregrina (Wilson) Vermivara celata (Say) Vermivara ruficapilla (Wilson) Parula americana (Linnaeus) Dendraica petechia (Linnaeus) Dendraica pensylvanica (Linnaeus) Dendraica caranata (Linnaeus) Dendraica virens (Gmelin) Dendraicafitsca (Muller) Dendraica cerulea (Wilson) Mniatilta varia (Linnaeus) Setaphaga ruticilla (Linnaeus) Pratanataria citrea (Boddaert) Seiurus auracapillus (Linnaeus) Seiurus navebaracensis (Gmelin) Seiurus matacilla (V ieillot) Geathlypis trichas (Linnaeus) Wilsania citrina (Boddaert) Piranga aIivacea (Gmelin) Cardinalis cardinalis (Linnaeus) Pheucticus Iudavicianus (Linnaeus) 64 Golden-winged Warbler Tennessee Warbler Orange-crowned Warbler Nashville Warbler Northern Parula Warbler Yellow Warbler Chesnut-sided Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Black-throated Green Warbler Blackbumian Warbler Cerulean Warbler Black-and-white Warbler American Redstart Prothonotary Warbler Ovenbird Northern Waterthrush Louisiana Waterthrush Common Yellowthroat Hooded Warbler Scarlet Tanager Northern Cardinal Rose-breasted Grosbeak Appendix F (cont'd). Family AlleganSiatefiachrealmnfld) Species Common Name Emberizidae (cont'd) Passerina cyanea (Linnaeus) Pipila erythraphthalmus (Linnaeus) Spizella passerina (Bechstein) Spizella pusilla (Wilson) Melaspiza meladia (Wilson) Agelaius phaeniceus (Linnaeus) Quiscalus quiscula (Linnaeus) Malathrus ater (Boddaert) indigo Bunting Eastern Towhee Chipping Sparrow Field Sparrow Song Sparrow Red-winged Blackbird Common Grackle Brown-headed Cowbird Icterus galbula (Linnaeus) Northern Oriole Fringillidae Carduelis tristis (Linnaeus) American Goldfinch Angustaflmdnlainkeseme Family Species Common Name Ardeidae Ardea heradias Linnaeus Great Blue Heron Anatidae Branta canadensis Linnaeus Canada Goose Aix sponsa (Linnaeus) Wood Duck Anas platytynchas Linnaeus Mallard Cathartidae Cathartes aura (Linnaeus) Turkey Vulture Accipitridae Accipiter caaperii (Bonaparte) Cooper's Hawk Buteajamaicensis (Gmelin) Red-tailed Hawk Phasianidae Meleagris gallapava Linnaeus Wild Turkey Gruidae Grus canadensis (Linnaeus) Sandhill Crane Charadriidae Charadrius vaciferus Linnaeus Killdeer Scolopacidae Actitis macularia (Linnaeus) Spotted Sandpiper Scalapax minor Gmelin American Woodcock Columbidae Zenaida macraura (Linnaeus) Mourning Dove Cuculidae Caccyzus americanus (Linnaeus) Yellow-billed Cuckoo Trochilidae Archilacus calubris (Linnaeus) Ruby-throated Hummingbird Alcedinidae Ceryle alcyan (Linnaeus) Belted Kingfisher Picidae Melanerpes caralinus (Linnaeus) Red-bellied Woodpecker Picaides pubescens (Linnaeus) Downy Woodpecker Picaides villasus (Linnaeus) Hairy Woodpecker 65 Appendix F (cont'd). Augustafluodplainfiesemicnnfld) Family Species Common Name Picidae (cont'd) Calaptes auratus (Linnaeus) Northern Flicker Tyrannidae Cantapus virens (Linnaeus) Eastern Wood-Pewee Empidanax virescens (Vieillot) Acadian Flycatcher Empidanax traillii (Audubon) Willow Flycatcher Sayomis phoebe (Latham) Eastern Phoebe Myiarchus crinitus (Linnaeus) Great Crested Flycatcher Tyrannus tyrannus (Linnaeus) Eastern Kingbird Hirundinidae T achycineta bicalar (V ieillot) Tree Swallow Hirunda rustica Linnaeus Barn Swallow Corvidae Cyanacitta cristata (Linnaeus) Blue Jay Corvus brachyrynchas Brehm. American Crow Paridae Parus atricapillus Linnaeus Black-capped Chickadee Parus bicalar Linnaeus Tufted Titmouse Sittidae Sitta caralinensis Latham White-breasted Nuthatch Certhiidae Certhia americana Bonaparte Brown Creeper Muscicapidae Paliaptila caerulea (Linnaeus) Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Catharusfuscescens (Stephens) Veery Hylacichla mustelina (Gmelin) Wood Thrush T urdus migratarius Linnaeus American Robin Mimidae Dumetella caralinensis (Linnaeus) Gray Catbird Bombycillidae Bambycilla cedrarum Vieillot Cedar Waxwing Vireonidae Vireo salitarius (Wilson) Solitary Vireo Vireoflavifians Vieillot Yellow-throated Vireo Vireo gilvus (V ieillot) Warbling Vireo Vireo alivaceus (Linnaeus) Red-eyed Vireo Emberizidae Vermivara peregrina (Wilson) Tennessee Warbler Vermivara ruficapilla (Wilson) Nashville Warbler Parula americana (Linnaeus) Northern Parula Warbler Dendraica petechia (Linnaeus) Yellow Warbler Dendraica cerulea (Wilson) Cerulean Warbler Setaphaga ruticilla (Linnaeus) American Redstart Pratanataria citrea (Boddaert) Prothonotary Warbler Geathlypis trichas (Linnaeus) Common Yellowthroat Piranga alivacea (Gmelin) Scarlet Tanager Cardinalis cardinalis (Linnaeus) Northern Cardinal 66 Appendix F (cont'd). Family Augusta Elnndnlain RESEDIE (cont'd) Species Common Name Emberizidae (cont'd) Pheucticus ludovicianus (Linnaeus) Spizella passerina (Bechstein) Melaspiza meladia (Wilson) Agelaius phaeniceus (Linnaeus) Quiscalus quiscula (Linnaeus) Malathrus ater (Boddaert) Rose-breasted Grosbeak Chipping Sparrow Song Sparrow Red-winged Blackbird Common Grackle Brown-headed Cowbird Icierus galbula (Linnaeus) Northern Oriole Fringillidae Carduelis lristis (Linnaeus) American Goldfinch W Family Species Common Name Ardeidae A rdea heradias Linnaeus Great Blue Heron Butarides virescens (Linnaeus) Green Heron Anatidae Branta canadensis Linnaeus Canada Goose Aix spansa (Linnaeus) Wood Duck Anas platyrynchos Linnaeus Mallard Laphadytes cucullatus Linnaeus Hooded Merganser Accipitridae Buteajamaicensis (Gmelin) Red-tailed Hawk Phasianidae Phasianus calchicus Linnaeus Ring-necked Pheasant Meleagris gallapava Linnaeus Wild Turkey Calinus virginianus (Linnaeus) Northern Bobwhite Gruidae Grus canadensis (Linnaeus) Sandhill Crane Charadriidae Charadrius vaciferus Linnaeus Killdeer Scolopacidae Actitis macularia (Linnaeus) Spotted Sandpiper Scalapax minor Gmelin American Woodcock Columbidae Zenaida macraura (Linnaeus) Mourning Dove Cuculidae Caccyzus erythrapthalmus (Wilson) Black-billed Cuckoo Caccyzus americanus (Linnaeus) Yellow-billed Cuckoo Trochilidae Archilacus calubris (Linnaeus) Ruby-throated Hummingbird Alcedinidae Ceryle aIcyan (Linnaeus) Belted Kingfisher Picidae Melanerpes erythracephalus (Linnaeus) Red-headed Woodpecker Melanerpes caralinus (Linnaeus) Picaides pubescens (Linnaeus) 67 Red-bellied Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker Appendix F (cont'd). ManleRixeLStatefiameAmfiiconfld) Family Species Common Name Picidae (cont'd) Picaides villasus (Linnaeus) Hairy Woodpecker Colaptes auratus (Linnaeus) Northern Flicker Dryacapus pileatus (Linnaeus) Pileated Woodpecker Tyrannidae Cantapus virens (Linnaeus) Eastern Wood-Pewee Empidanax virescens (Vieillot) Acadian Flycatcher Empidanax alnarum Brewster Alder Flycatcher Empidanax traillii (Audubon) Willow Flycatcher Empidanax minimus (Baird & Baird) Least Flycatcher Sayomis phoebe (Latham) Eastern Phoebe Myiarchus crinitus (Linnaeus) Great Crested Flycatcher Tyrannus tyrannus (Linnaeus) Eastern Kingbird Hirundinidae T achycineta bicalar (V ieillot) Stelgidopteryx serripennis (Audubon) Hirunda rustica Linnaeus Tree Swallow Northern Rough-winged Swallow Barn Swallow Corvidae Cyanocitta cristata (Linnaeus) Blue Jay Corvus brachyrynchas Brehm. American Crow Paridae Parus atricapillus Linnaeus Black-capped Chickadee Parus bicalar Linnaeus Tufted Titmouse Sittidae Sitta caralinensis Latham White-breasted Nuthatch Certhiidae Certhia americana Bonaparte Brown Creeper Troglodytidae Tragladytes aedan Vieillot House Wren Muscicapidae PaIiaptiIa caerulea (Linnaeus) Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Catharus minimus (Lafresnaye) Gray-checked Thrush Hylacichla mustelina (Gmelin) Wood Thrush Turdus migratarius Linnaeus American Robin Mimidae Dumetella caralinensis (Linnaeus) Gray Catbird T axastoma rufum (Linnaeus) Brown Thrasher Bombycillidae Bambycilla cedrarum Vieillot Cedar Waxwing Stumidae Stumus vulgaris Linnaeus European Starling Vireonidae Vireaflavifrans Vieillot Yellow-throated Vireo Vireo gilvus (Vieillot) Warbling Vireo Vireo philadelphicus (Cassin) Philadelphia Vireo Vireo alivaceus (Linnaeus) Red-eyed Vireo 68 Appendix F (cont'd). mammflmmam Family Species Common Name Emberizidae Vermivara pinus (Linnaeus) Blue-winged Warbler Vermivara peregrina (Wilson) Tennessee Warbler Vermivara ruficapilla (Wilson) Nashville Warbler Dendraica petechia (Linnaeus) Yellow Warbler Dendraica magnolia (Wilson) Magnolia Warbler Dendraica tigrina (Gmelin) Cape May Warbler Dendraica caranata (Linnaeus) Yellow-rumped Warbler Dendroica virens (Gmelin) Black-throated Green Warbler Dendraica dominica (Linnaeus) Yellow-throated Warbler Dendraica cemlea (Wilson) Cerulean Warbler Mniatilta varia (Linnaeus) Black-and-white Warbler Setaphaga ruticilla (Linnaeus) American Redstart Pratanataria citrea (Boddaert) Prothonotary Warbler Seiurus auracapillus (Linnaeus) Ovenbird Seiurus navebaracensis (Gmelin) Northern Waterthrush Oparamis philadelphia (Wilson) Mourning Warbler Geothlypis trichas (Linnaeus) Common Yellowthroat Piranga alivacea (Gmelin) Scarlet Tanager Cardinalis cardinalis (Linnaeus) Northern Cardinal Pheucticus Iudavicianus (Linnaeus) Rose-breasted Grosbeak Passerina cyanea (Linnaeus) Indigo Bunting Spizella passerina (Bechstein) Chipping Sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis (Gmelin) Savannah Sparrow Melaspiza meladia (Wilson) Song Sparrow Zonatrichia albicallis (Gmelin) White-throated Sparrow Dalichanyx aryzivaraus (Linnaeus) Bobolink Agelaius phaeniceus (Linnaeus) Red-winged Blackbird Stumella magna (Linnaeus) Eastern Meadowlark Quiscalus quiscula (Linnaeus) Common Grackle Malathrus ater (Boddaert) Brown-headed Cowbird Icterus galbula (Linnaeus) Northern Oriole Fringillidae Carpadacus mexicanus (Muller) House Finch Carduelis tristis (Linnaeus) American Goldfinch ManlaRixerStatefiameAmJ Family fipwies Common Name Ardeidae Ardea heradias Linnaeus Great Blue Heron Anatidae Branta canadensis Linnaeus Canada Goose Aix spansa (Linnaeus) Wood Duck Anas platyrynchas Linnaeus Mallard Anas discars Linnaeus Blue-winged Teal Laphadytes cucullatus Linnaeus Hooded Merganser 69 Appendix F (cont'd). ManleRixeLStatefiameAreaLZLcanfld) Family Species Common Name Cathartidae Cathartes aura (Linnaeus) Turkey Vulture Phasianidae Phasianus calchicus Linnaeus Ring-necked Pheasant Meleagris gallapava Linnaeus Wild Turkey Gruidae Grus canadensis (Linnaeus) Sandhill Crane Charadriidae Charadrius vaciferus Linnaeus Killdeer Scolopacidae Scalapax minor Gmelin American Woodcock Columbidae Columba livia Gmelin Rock Dove Zenaida macraura (Linnaeus) Mourning Dove Cuculidae Caccyzus erythrapthalmus (Wilson) Black-billed Cuckoo Caccyzus americanus (Linnaeus) Yellow-billed Cuckoo Strigidae Strix varia Barton Barred Owl Trochilidae Archilacus calubris (Linnaeus) Ruby-throated Hummingbird Alcedinidae Ceryle alcyan (Linnaeus) Belted Kingfisher Picidae Melanerpes caralinus (Linnaeus) Red-bellied Woodpecker Picaides pubescens (Linnaeus) Downy Woodpecker Picaides villasus (Linnaeus) Hairy Woodpecker Calaptes auratus (Linnaeus) Northern Flicker Dryacopus pileatus (Linnaeus) Pileated Woodpecker Tyrannidae Cantapus virens (Linnaeus) Eastern Wood-Pewee Empidanaxflaviventris (Baird & Baird) Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Empidanax virescens (V ieillot) Acadian Flycatcher Empidanax minimus (Baird & Baird) Least Flycatcher Sayomis phoebe (Latham) Eastern Phoebe Myiarchus crinitus (Linnaeus) Great Crested Flycatcher Hirundinidae Pragne subis (Linnaeus) Purple Martin Corvidae Paridae Tachycineta bicalar (Vieillot) Stelgidapteryx serripennis (Audubon) Hirunda rustica Linnaeus Cyanacitta cristata (Linnaeus) Corvus brachyrynchas Brehm. Parus atricapillus Linnaeus Parus bicalar Linnaeus 70 Tree Swallow Northern Rough-winged Swallow Barn Swallow Blue Jay American Crow Black-capped Chickadee Tufted Titmouse Appendix F (cont'd). W Family Species Common Name Sittidae Sitta caralinensis Latham White-breasted Nuthatch Certhiidae Certhia americana Bonaparte Brown Creeper Troglodytidae Thryotharus ludovicianus (Latham) Carolina Wren Tragladytes aedan Vieillot House Wren Muscicapidae Paliaptila caerulea (Linnaeus) Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Sialia sialis (Linnaeus) Eastern Bluebird Catharusfitscescens (Stephens) Veery Catharus ustulatus (Nuttall) Swainson's Thrush Hylacichla mustelina (Gmelin) Wood Thrush T urdus migratarius Linnaeus American Robin Mimidae Dumetella caralinensis (Linnaeus) Gray Catbird T axastoma rufum (Linnaeus) Brown Thrasher Bombycillidae Bambycilla cedrarum Vieillot Cedar Waxwing Stumidae Stumus vulgaris Linnaeus European Starling Vireonidae Vireaflavifrans Vieillot Yellow-throated Vireo Vireo gilvus (Vieillot) Warbling Vireo Vireo alivaceus (Linnaeus) Red-eyed Vireo Emberizidae Vermivara pinus (Linnaeus) Blue-winged Warbler Vermivara peregrina (Wilson) Tennessee Warbler Vermivara ruficapilla (Wilson) Nashville Warbler Parula americana (Linnaeus) Northern Parula Warbler Dendraica petechia (Linnaeus) Yellow Warbler Dendraica pensylvanica (Linnaeus) Chesnut-sided Warbler Dendraica magnolia (Wilson) Magnolia Warbler Dendraica tigrina (Gmelin) Cape May Warbler Dendraica caerulescens (Gmelin) Dendraica caranata (Linnaeus) Dendraica virens (Gmelin) Dendraicafusca (Muller) Dendraica daminica (Linnaeus) Dendraica cerulea (Wilson) Mniatilta varia (Linnaeus) Setaphaga ruticilla (Linnaeus) Pratanataria citrea (Boddaert) Seiurus auracapillus (Linnaeus) Seiurus navebaracensis (Gmelin) Seiurus matacilla (V ieillot) Oparomis philadelphia (Wilson) 71 Black-throated Blue Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Black-throated Green Warbler Blackburnian Warbler Yellow-throated Warbler Cerulean Warbler Black-and-white Warbler American Redstart Prothonotary Warbler Ovenbird Northern Waterthrush Louisiana Waterthrush Moumirg Warbler Appendix F (cont'd). MapleRixeLStateflameAmfimmld) Family Species Common Name Emberizidae (cont'd) Geothlypis trichas (Linnaeus) Common Yellowthroat Piranga alivacea (Gmelin) Scarlet Tanager Cardinalis cardinalis (Linnaeus) Northern Cardinal Pheucticus ludavicianus (Linnaeus) Rose-breasted Grosbeak Passerina cyanea (Linnaeus) Indigo Bunting Spizella passerina (Bechstein) Chipping Sparrow Spizella pusilla (Wilson) Field Sparrow Melaspiza meladia (Wilson) Zanatrichia albicallis (Gmelin) Dalichanyx aryzivaraus (Linnaeus) Agelaius phaeniceus (Linnaeus) Quiscalus quiscula (Linnaeus) Malathrus ater (Boddaert) Icterus galbula (Linnaeus) Song Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Bobolink Red-winged Blackbird Common Grackle Brown-headed Cowbird Northern Oriole F ringillidae Carpadacus mericanus (Muller) House Finch Carduelis tristis (Linnaeus) American Goldfinch Wank Family Species Common Name Ardeidae Ardea heradias Linnaeus Great Blue Heron Butarides virescens (Linnaeus) Green Heron Anatidae Branta canadensis Linnaeus Canada Goose A ix spansa (Linnaeus) Wood Duck Anas platyrynchas Linnaeus Mallard Laphadytes cucullatus Linnaeus Hooded Merganser Accipitridae Accipiter caaperii (Bonaparte) Cooper's Hawk Buteajamaicensis (Gmelin) Red-tailed Hawk Charadriidae Charadrius vaciferus Linnaeus Killdeer Scolopacidae Actitis macularia (Linnaeus) Spotted Sandpiper Scalapax minor Gmelin American Woodcock Columbidae Columba livia Gmelin Rock Dove Zenaida macraura (Linnaeus) Mourning Dove Cuculidae Caccyzus erythrapthalmus (Wilson) Black-billed Cuckoo Caccyzus americanus (Linnaeus) Yellow-billed Cuckoo Strigidae Buba virginianus (Gmelin) Great Horned Owl Apodidae Chaetura pelagica (Linnaeus) Chimney Swift 72 Appendix F (cont'd). WWW Family Species Common Name Trochilidae Archilacus calubris (Linnaeus) Ruby-throated Hurmningbird Alcedinidae Cetyle alcyan (Linnaeus) Belted Kingfisher Picidae Melanerpes erythracephalus (Linnaeus) Red-headed Woodpecker Melanerpes caralinus (Linnaeus) Red-bellied Woodpecker Picaides pubescens (Linnaeus) Downy Woodpecker Picaides villasus (Linnaeus) Hairy Woodpecker Calaptes auratus (Linnaeus) Northern Flicker Tyrannidae Cantapus virens (Linnaeus) Eastern Wood-Pewee Empidanax minimus (Baird & Baird) Least Flycatcher Sayomis phoebe (Latham) Eastern Phoebe Myiarchus crinitus (Linnaeus) Great Crested Flycatcher Hirundinidae T achycineta bicalar (V ieillot) Tree Swallow Stelgidapteryx serripennis (Audubon) Northern Rough-winged Swallow Hirunda rustica Linnaeus Barn Swallow Corvidae Cyanacitta cristata (Linnaeus) Blue Jay Corvus brachyrynchas Brehm. American Crow Paridae Parus atricapillus Linnaeus Black-capped Chickadee Parus bicalar Linnaeus Tufied Titmouse Sittidae Sitta caralinensis Latham White-breasted Nuthatch Certhiidae Certhia americana Bonaparte Brown Creeper Muscicapidae Regulus calendula (Linnaeus) Ruby-crowned Kinglet Poliaplila caerulea (Linnaeus) Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Catharus ustulatus (Nuttall) Swainson's Thrush Hylacichla mustelina (Gmelin) Wood Thrush Turdus migratarius Linnaeus American Robin Mimidae Dumetella caralinensis (Linnaeus) Gray Catbird Bombycillidae Bambycilla cedrarum Vieillot Cedar Waxwing Stumidae Stumus vulgaris Linnaeus European Starling Vireonidae Vireaflavrfrans Vieillot Yellow-throated Vireo Vireo gilvus (V ieillot) Vireo alivaceus (Linnaeus) 73 Warbling Vireo Red-eyed Vireo Appendix F (cont'd). W Family Species Common Name Emberizidae Vermivara pinus (Linnaeus) Blue-winged Warbler Vermivara peregrina (Wilson) Tennessee Warbler Parula americana (Linnaeus) Northern Parula Warbler Dendraica petechia (Linnaeus) Yellow Warbler Dendraica magnolia (Wilson) Magnolia Warbler Dendraica caranata (Linnaeus) Yellow-rumped Warbler Dendraica virens (Gmelin) Black-throated Green Warbler Dendraicafusca (Muller) Blackburnian Warbler Dendraica castanea (Wilson) Bay-breasted Warbler Dendraica cerulea (Wilson) Cerulean Warbler Mniatilta varia (Linnaeus) Black-and-white Warbler Setaphaga ruticilla (Linnaeus) American Redstart Seiurus auracapillus (Linnaeus) Ovenbird Seiurus navebaracensis (Gmelin) Northern Waterthrush Oparamis philadelphia (Wilson) Mourning Warbler Geothlypis trichas (Linnaeus) Common Yellowthroat Piranga alivacea (Gmelin) Scarlet Tanager Cardinalis cardinalis (Linnaeus) Northern Cardinal Pheucticus ludavicianus (Linnaeus) Rose-breasted Grosbeak Passerina cyanea (Linnaeus) Indigo Bunting Spizella passerina (Bechstein) Chipping Sparrow Melaspiza meladia (Wilson) Song Sparrow Agelaius phaeniceus (Linnaeus) Red-winged Blackbird Quiscalus quiscula (Linnaeus) Common Grackle Malathrus ater (Boddaert) Brown-headed Cowbird Icterus galbula (Linnaeus) Northern Oriole Fringillidae Carpadacus mexicanus (Muller) House Finch Carduelis tristis (Linnaeus) American Goldfinch Passeridae Passer domesticus (Linnaeus) House Sparrow 74 Appendix G. Avian breeding densities within forested wetland and upland zones over all study sites (within plot observations only) during the 1998 and 1999 breeding seasons. Migrant and transient densities are followed by the related abbreviation. Avian Density (10'I I-Forested II-Forested III-Forested Common Name Wetland Wetland Wetland IV-Upland Breeder _ Acadian Flycatcher 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.06 American Crow 0.08 0.04 0.11 0.17 American Goldfinch 0.40T 0.20T 0.32T 0.9 American Redstart 0.95 0.56 1.07 0.39 American Robin 0.94 0.88 0.49 0.29 American Woodcock . . . 0.05 Belted Kingfisher 0.01 0.01 0.03 . Black-capped Chickadee 0.36 0.86 0.83 0.56 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 0.93 0.39 0.52 0.20 Blue-winged Warbler . . . 0.11 Blue Jay 0.14 0.53 0.51 0.25 Brown-headed Cowbird 0.26 0.22 0.27 0.34 Brown Creeper 0.18 0.59 0.35 0.03 Canada Goose 0.13 0.03 . 0.05T Cerulean Warbler 0.20 0.28 0.23 0.09 Common Grackle 0.43 0.63 0.38 0.32 Common Yellowthroat 0.08T 0.07T 0.07T 0.44 Downy Woodpecker 0.54 0.68 0.49 0.33 Eastern Phoebe 0.12 0.01 0.00 0.02 Eastern Wood-Pewee 0.24 0.43 0.65 0.14 Gray Catbird 0.07 0.03 0.01 0.61 Great Crested Flycatcher 0.47 0.33 0.42 0.10 Hairy Woodpecker 0.22 0.34 0.19 0.04 Hooded Merganser 0.04 . . . Indigo Bunting 0.18 0.05 0.34 0.22 Least Flycatcher 0.16 0.01 0.02 Mallard 0.29 . . . Northern Cardinal 0.40 0.18 0.29 0.53 Northern Flicker 0.03 0.11 0.08 0.04 Northern Oriole 0.62 0.35 0.26 0.22 Northern Rough-winged Swallow 0.06 . . . Ovenbird 0.00T . . 0. 15 Prothonotary Warbler 0.39 0.17 0.00 . Red-bellied Woodpecker 0.40 0.46 0.33 0.18 Red-eyed Vireo 0.38 0.47 0.58 0.44 Red-headed Woodpecker 0.03 0.04 . Red-tailed Hawk . 0.01 0.02 . Red-winged Blackbird 0.03 0.36 0.09 0.61 Rose-breasted Grosbeak 0.17 0.07 0.18 0.14 75 Appendix G (cont'd). Avian Density (x)' I—Forested II-Forested III-Forested Common Name Wetland Wetland Wetland IV-Upland Breeder (cont'd) Ruby-throated Hummingbird 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 Scarlet Tanager 0. l 3 0.06 0. l 8 0.08 Song Sparrow 2.13 0.94 1.44 0.7 Tree Swallow 0.16 0.03 . . Tufted Titmouse 0.53 0.47 0.63 0.39 Veery . 0.02 0.02 0.02 Warbling Vireo 0.29 0.03 0.03 . White-breasted Nuthatch 0.62 0.54 0.59 0.21 Willow Flycatcher . . . 0.06 Wood Duck 0.03 0.07 0.00 . Wood Thrush 0.03 0.06 0.13 0.41 Yellow-billed Cuckoo 0.07T 0.06T 0.03T 0.06 Yellow-throated Vireo 0.18 0.14 0.10 0.04 Yellow Warbler 0.21 0.11 0.06 0.25 Migrant/Transient Alder Flycatcher . . 0.02 Barn Swallow 0.04T 0.03T Bay-breasted Warbler . 0.01T . Black-and-white Warbler 0.03T 0.05T . Black-billed Cuckoo 0.02T Black-throated Green Warbler 0.01M 0.02M 0.02M Black-throated Blue Warbler . 0.02M Blackbumian Warbler 0.03M 0.05M Brown Thrasher . . 0.03T Carolina Wren 0.01T . 0.00T . Cedar Waxwing 0.40T 0.10T 0.12T 0.18T Cooper's Hawk . . 0.03T European Starling 0.14T 0.03T . Field Sparrow . 0.02T Golden-winged Warbler 0.01T . Great Blue Heron 0.01T 0.01T . House Sparrow 0.03T . House Wren . . 0.03T Magnolia Warbler 0.01T 0.01T 0.03T Mourning Dove 0.03T . 0.02T Mourning Warbler 0.01M . 0.02M . Nashville Warbler 0.06M 0.03M 0.10M 0.03M Northern Parula Warbler 0.04M . . Northern Waterthrush 0.01 M 0.02M 0.02M Orange-crowned Warbler 76 Appendix G (cont'd). Avian Density (x)' I-Forested II-Forested III-Forested Common Name Wetland Wetland Wetland IV-Upland Migrant/Transient (cont'd) Savannah Sparrow . . . 0.02T Solitary Vireo . 0.02T Spotted Sandpiper 0.01T Swainson's Thrush 0.06M . . . Tennessee Warbler 0.03M 0.01M 0.02M 0.02M Wild Turkey 0.02T . . . 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