53.3.15... . ..$.I. .11 Emma? a? .w I I. ._ . , £3? E. J 3100 l LIBRARY Michigan State- University “1 "4. This is to certify that the dissertation entitled Studies on Low Temperature Induced Gene Regulation and Freezing Stress Tolerance in Arabidopsis presented by Daniel George Zarka has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D. degree in Plant Biology Major professor Date July 30, 2001 MS U i: an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution 0-12771 a“! I ‘ PLACE IN RETURN Box to remove this checkout from your record. To AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE PQTE DflUE DATE DUE M3 ‘1"4‘2004 001' 033552133 6/01 cJCIRCIDateDuepSS-QJS STUDIES ON LOW TEMPERATURE INDUCED GENE REGULATION AND FREEZING STRESS TOLERANCE IN ARABIDOPSIS By Daniel George Zarka A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Plant Biology 2001 ABSTRACT STUDIES ON LOW TEMPERATURE INDUCED GENE REGULATION AND FREEZING STRESS TOLERANCE IN ARABIDOPSIS By Daniel George Zarka Low temperature is a significant environmental stress factor limiting growth and productivity of agronomically important plants in many parts of the world. Plant responses to low temperature are complex, involving coordinated regulation of multiple biochemical pathways leading to expression of a number of genes encoding proteins that contribute to cold acclimation. Genes whose expression is increased during low temperature stress include those associated with freezing stress as well as the cellular protective enzymes, proteins and other compounds involved in osmotic adaptation to and tolerance of the cellular dehydration caused by freezing stress. Other up regulated genes include the several signaling proteins such as protein kinases and transcription factors that play roles in adapting plants to tolerate freezing temperature. Some of the regulatory DNA sequences that confer responsiveness to low temperature and associated stresses have been identified and transcription factors that interact with such cis-elements have been partially characterized. Work to identify additional sequences and factors involved in the sensation of low temperature and the transduction of the earliest gene response signals is continuing through the use of reverse genetics and mutagenesis studies. In particular, the following describes efforts to characterize some of the functions of the CBF genes as transcriptional activators in the low temperature signal transduction pathway and also to identify sequences responsible for regulation of their own activation. Through the use of promoter deletion analyses, a 155bp fragment of the CBF2 promoter was found to be responsible for low temperature inducible expression of the gene as well as responsiveness to mechanical agitation, ABA and the translation inhibitor cycloheximide. Some transcript accumulation at warm temperatures in the presence of cycloheximide also led to the idea that an inhibitor of CBF as well as an inducer of CBF expression (ICE) may be working to precisely regulate CBF expression. Work to identify additional genes associated with the low temperature signal transduction pathway upstream of the COR genes using a COR gene promoter and marker gene fusion system and chemical mutagenesis was performed. Markers included the BAR gene, codA, and the R gene. Several mutants affected in their expression of both the R gene marker and one of the COR genes were isolated but the change in expression was likely due to gene silencing and not interruption of the cold signaling pathway. Plants exhibiting loss of the endogenous COR78 expression were examined with an ion leakage assay to assess the significance of the loss of this one COR gene on freezing tolerance. No significant change was seen in these plants, however, a wealth of information was obtained concerning the use of different reporter genes and possible methods to improve the search for genes. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I first and foremost want to acknowledge my wife Kelly for her endless support throughout my graduate career. Her positive attitude, quick wit and helpful encouragements inspire me. I thank also my advisor Dr. Michael Thomashow for his patience and support as well as the rest of my committee, Dr. Sears, Dr. Triezenberg and Dr. Keegstra. They let me do a lot of things my own way. I benefited from knowing all the members of the Thomashow lab especially, Eric Stockinger, Sarah Gilmour, Keenan Amundsen, HuanYing Qin, Ann Gustafson, Daniel Cook and Lenny Bloksberg and so I thank you. And finally, to my parents for bringing me up right with love and support, I will always be indebted. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: Plant cold acclimation and freezing stress tolerance Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1 Freezing, dehydration and damage ..................................................................... 4 Cold upregulated genes ..................................................................................... 11 Additional low temperature induced genes ........................................................ 17 Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 23 Literature cited ................................................................................................... 24 CHAPTER 2: Initial characterization of CBF gene function and identification of a promoter region sufficient for low temperature regulated expression of CBF2 Summary ........................................................................................................... 35 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 36 Results ............................................................................................................... 40 Discussion ......................................................................................................... 62 Methods and materials ....................................................................................... 69 Literature cited ................................................................................................... 73 CHAPTER 3: Screen for mutations in the signal transduction pathway leading to induction of COR genes Summary ........................................................................................................... 77 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 78 Results ............................................................................................................... 81 Discussion ......................................................................................................... 91 Methods and materials ....................................................................................... 97 Literature cited ................................................................................................. 101 Chapter 4: Perspectives and Future Directions Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1 04 Future directions ............................................................................................... 105 Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 107 Literature cited .................................................................................................. 109 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1. Expression of CBF1 and COR genes in Arabidopsis plants. .......... 20 Figure 2.1. Expression pattern of CBF and COR genes after exposure to low temperature ................................................................................................. 42 Figure 2.2. Pattern of gene transcript accumulation in response to dehydration, ABA and mechanical agitation ...................................................... 44 Figure 2.3. Expression pattern of CBF and COR15a genes after cold shock (CS) and a slow temperature downshift ................................................... 46 Figure 2.4. Expression of CBF genes and their targets after an extended period of cold ..................................................................................................... 46 Figure 2.5. Diagram depicting the three CBF promoters and CBF2 promoter fragments used in promoter analysis experiments ............................. 48 Figure 2.6. Sequence from CBF2 promoter deletions and mutations from -419 to +152 ........................................................................................................ 49 Figure 2.7. Staining of transgenic plants containing whole CBF promoter/GUS fusions ........................................................................................ 50 Figure 2.8. Whole promoter CBF/GUS fusions demonstrate low temperature induced promoter activity ............................................................... 51 Figure 2.9. Seedling staining indicating CBF promoter/GUS gene activity. ....... 51 Figure 2.10. Expression pattern of deleted CBF promoter/GUS fusions ............ 54 Figure 2.11. Monomer and dimer promoter fragment expression pattern .......... 56 Figure 2.12. Effects of ABA and drought treatment on CBF expression ............ 57 Figure 2.13. Turnover rate of CBF gene transcript ............................................ 58 Figure 2.14. Relative promoter activity after cold, ABA and drought treatments ........................................................................................................... 58 Figure 2.15. Response of CBF promoter to hypo-osmotic shock. ...................... 59 Figure 2.16. Responsiveness of CBF promoters to mechanical agitation ......... 61 vii Figure 2.17. Effects of cycloheximide treatment ................................................ 62 Figure 2.18. Effect of site directed mutagenesis on ABA and low temperature responsive expression ................................................................... 63 Figure 3.1. Expression pattern of COR15a promoter/GUS fusions. .................. 82 Figure 3.2. Determination of transgene copy number in transformed plants .................................................................................................................. 86 Figure 3.3. Gene expression pattern in transgenic plants ................................. 87 Figure 3.4. Gene expression in mutagenized plants ......................................... 89 Figure 3.5. lon leakage assay to determine cellular fitness or loss of fitness after a three day cold acclimation period ................................................ 90 viii Chapter 1 PLANT COLD ACCLIMATION AND FREEZING STRESS TOLERANCE Introduction Anchored in the environment in which they germinate, plants are often subjected to adverse growth conditions including extremes in temperature, drought and salinity. To survive, plants have developed a complex signaling system that allows them to sense and respond to an ever-changing environment. Tolerance of freezing is considered a primary limiting factor for growth, productivity and distribution for many important crop plants and wild species in the northern latitudes throughout North America, Europe, Asia and the high altitudes of South America. Considerable time and energy has been directed toward efforts to enhance freezing tolerance in agriculturally important plants. However, limited advancement has been achieved in the progress toward increasing freezing stress tolerance in most plants due in part to the complexity of the problem that is being addressed. Multiple stress factors, both biotic and abiotic are often occurring at the same time and affect plants that reside in habitats that experience freezing temperatures. Understanding these influences individually is difficult enough but the problem is exacerbated by unknown roles of the potentially hundreds of genes involved in the acquisition of freezing tolerance and the need to battle the multiple stresses associated with a low temperature environment. Freezing temperature is one part of a set of stresses that must be tolerated in order to survive in an environment that frequently produces sub- optimal growth temperatures. For many plants growing in temperate zones, environmental factors such as wind and ice formation can increase the tendency for dehydration. Water logging and ice encasement cause anaerobic stresses. High light combined with low temperature can lead to photoinhibition. In addition plants that over winter may be subject to several diseases (Gaudet, 1994; Tronsmo et al., 1993; Wise 1995). Tolerance of these low temperature stresses can vary considerably between species of plants. If one considers just the effect of cold temperatures, plants can be classified into different groups based on their ability to cope. Most tropical plants and many important crop plants such as rice and corn show injury or/and loss of viability at temperatures between 0°C and 15°C and are considered chilling sensitive (Anderson et al., 1994; Taylor et al., 1974). Plants such as cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum) can tolerate low nonfreezing temperatures but are injured or killed when ice begins to form in their tissues (Sukumaran and Weiser, 1972). Other plants can survive ice formation in their tissues but are killed by high sub-zero temperatures. For example, many types of citrus plants are injured or killed at temperatures of -3°C to -6°C (Yelenosky and Guy, 1989). When acclimated, many of the cereals and temperate herbaceous species of plants can survive freezing to temperatures ranging from -10°C to -30°C (Fowler and Gusta, 1979; Scorza et al., 1983). Some of the most hardy woody perennials can survive -30°C to -50°C in nature or even immersion in liquid nitrogen (-196°C) when fully acclimated (Sakai, 1960). In plants with the same genetic potential to acclimate to freezing temperature, variations can be seen in the maximum degree to which a single individual or type of plant can acclimate depending on the immediate surroundings of the plant or other stresses affecting its growth. For example, depending on growth conditions from year to year, some types of winter wheat may have a maximal tolerance that varies from -16°C to -24°C (Fowler 9! al., 1983). Lengthening the time over which the plant acclimates can often increase the degree of tolerance. Although time is only one of many factors contributing to tolerance, the longer the acclimation period the more likely a plant will be able to reach its maximum tolerance level. Because the ability to gain freezing tolerance requires time, even the most freezing tolerant species may be sensitive to low temperatures in a nonacclimated state such as in the spring after growth has resumed or until growth stops in late summer or fall. At the end of a growing season however, plants respond to cues such as decreasing temperature and changes in day length in such a way as to increase their freezing tolerance, which allows them to survive the prolonged periods of low temperatures. This adaptive change leading to an increase in tolerance to freezing has been termed cold acclimation. Tolerance to freezing that is gained by cold acclimation is transient though and is rapidly lost during environmental conditions in which temperatures rise above freezing. Therefore cold acclimation can be considered a dynamic physiological process that increases the level of a plant’s tolerance to low temperature to different extents depending on the level of conditioning prior to the freezing stress. The level of acclimation is determined by factors such as the rate of cooling, the minimum temperature reached and duration at that temperature, the rate of thawing and interaction with other stresses in the environment. The genetic potential and physiological strategies used to survive these stresses vary greatly between plants. For some plants, preventing freezing by allowing water within the tissues to supercool without forming ice crystals increases the chance of survival. Others form ice but prevent its spread with barriers or prevent movement of water from within cells out to the ice. Mechanisms to survive dehydration are important because once extracellular ice is formed, the crystal grows by drawing water from the cells. Because the water potential of ice is lower than that of liquid water within the cell, water moves down a chemical potential gradient from inside the cell to extracellular spaces which leads to the cellular dehydration stress. Therefore, factors that influence a plant’s ability to survive freezing temperature include whether supercooling or ice formation occurs, the location of ice formed, whether mechanisms exist to prevent the spread of ice or the movement of water to ice and the ability to tolerate dehydration stresses. Freezing, dehydration and damage When the air or soil temperatures drop below the freezing point of water, ice crystals can begin to form in plant tissues. lce normally forms in vessels of the xylem in leaves and stems and intercellular spaces first due to relative negative osmotic potential of the sap. The temperature required for formation of ice, even here, may be several degrees below 0°C because the water molecules need a nucleation site to first start forming the ice crystals. Location of nucleation sites in plant tissues can be controlled by the composition and structure of cell walls. Once ice has formed, subsequent nucleation occurs on the surface of the ice crystal itself. Ice crystals then spread throughout the vessels and extracellular spaces. As the ice crystal grows and accumulates water, it excludes the solutes and these accumulate in the remaining liquid. lce formation continues until the chemical potential of the unfrozen water is in equilibrium with the ice (Mazur, 1970). Because solutes are excluded from ice, the extracellular unfrozen solution becomes more concentrated. This creates a gradient in the water potential between intracellular and extracellular solutions, which causes water to move out of the cytoplasm until water potentials equilibrate again. This results in cytoplasmic dehydration. In a nonacclimated cell after ice nucleation has occurred, large amounts of water cross the plasma membrane. As ice forms, large crystals cause tissues to swell and the cytoplasm experiences dehydration, which may be extreme. Damage resulting from freezing most often will result in death for the cell. Acclimation reduces damage through several adaptive changes that take place in the cell such as increasing the solute concentration within the cytoplasm to decrease water movement out of the cell, changing the composition of the plasma membrane to tolerate freeze thaw processes and avoidance of freezing in the first place by supercooling. Supercooling is achieved in plants by minimizing nucleation sites. It avoids the damage caused by cytoplasmic dehydration, however, the protection cannot exceed the critical threshold for ice nucleation, which is about -38°C. The degree of success minimizing nucleation sites determines the temperature to which water in a particular plant or tissue can supercool. While many types of damage to cells can affect viability, the immediate target of freezing induced damage appears to be the membrane systems in plant cells (Pearce and Willison, 1985; Steponkus, 1984). Many forms of membrane damage have been recognized as a consequence of freezing induced cellular dehydration and therefore a key function of the cold acclimation process is to stabilize membranes. Damage can result from expansion-induced lysis or local changes in phase from lamellar to non-lamellar (Pearce, 1985; Pearce and Willison, 1985; Pearce, 1988; Steponkus and Webb, 1992; Steponkus et al., 1993; Uemura et al., 1997). In the case of expansion-induced lysis, as water diffuses out of the cell, extracellular ice forms. The plasma membrane loses tension and through a process of endocytotic vesiculation loses parts of the membrane. When the cell thaws, the influx of additional water causes expansion and eventual lysis of the cell (Steponkus, 1984). Non-lamellar, or hexagonal ll phase transitions result from the destabilization of membrane protein lipid interactions (Williams, 1990). The appearance of fracture-jump lesions, identified through the use of a freeze fracture electron microscopy technique, is an indication of changes in lipid interactions in the membrane bilayer (Webb and Steponkus, 1993). Membrane stabilization can be aided by changes in lipid composition (Steponkus et al., 1993; Uemura et al., 1997). Other soluble molecules including carbohydrates that accumulate during growth at low temperature can also stabilize membranes (Strauss and Hauser, 1986; Crowe et al., 1992; Anchordoguy et al., 1987) and thus help cells survive. Other potential effects resulting from freezing include inhibition of catalytic activity of multimeric enzymes due to dissociation of its subunits and loss of conformational stability at temperatures below the freezing point of water leading to protein denaturation (Li et al., 1999). Certain molecular chaperones may play roles in maintaining conformation and assembly of proteins during freezing stress and thus allow tolerance of the stress. Members of the family of HSP70 protein molecular chaperones are influenced by low temperature. Increases in expression could be due to a decrease in temperature or due to the loss of cellular homeostasis caused by processes affected by low temperature, such as impairment of protein biogenesis or cold denaturation of cold labile proteins. Increases in expression are most pronounced at chilling temperature but several of the stress 70 and other molecular chaperones are upregulated several hours after a freeze/thaw stress (Li et al., 1999; Anderson et al., 1994; Parswell and Lindquist, 1993). Oxidative stress tolerance is also an important component of freezing tolerance. Reactive oxygen species can be deleterious to membranes and photosystems (Tanino and McKersie, 1985; Wise, 1995). Enhancement of antioxidative mechanisms may minimize damage and are normally expressed at higher levels in low temperature stressed plants. McKersie et al. (1993) have shown that transgenic alfalfa that over expressed Mn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) cDNA had enhanced freezing tolerance and higher growth rate after a sub-lethal freezing stress. Less benefit was seen after more severe freezing temperature and higher levels of active oxygen indicating the SOD system may have been overwhelmed. The levels of other potential oxidative stress protective enzymes including ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase and catalase (Bridger etal., 1994; Hull et al., 1997; Prasad, 1997; Prasad et al., 1994; Jahnke et al., 1991; Walker and McKersie, 1993) increase after exposure of cells to low temperature. Working in combination these may help reduce the damage caused to photosynthetic systems by reactive oxygen molecules (Krivosheeva et aL,1996) As previously stated, cold acclimation in plants is an adaptive response to low non-freezing temperatures that leads to an increase in tolerance to below freezing temperatures. In addition to low temperature, dehydration stress can lead to an increase in freezing tolerance (Guy et al., 19923). This is not surprising since during periods of freezing, extracellular ice formation causes cellular dehydration. Analysis of the major water stress induced genes and the low temperature induced genes reveals similarities in the families of genes that are induced. One of the major families is the late embryogenesis abundant or LEA. Many of the Arabidopsis COR genes fall into this family and will be discussed later. Dehydration stress also results in the endogenous synthesis and accumulation of abscisic acid (ABA) (Write and Hiron, 1969) and may trigger the acclimation response. ABA levels are known to increase in a variety of plants during cold acclimation. This led to the hypothesis of Chen and Gusta (1983) that cold acclimation is activated through an ABA mediated pathway. This idea was further strengthened with the observation that exogenous applications of ABA to plants kept at warm temperatures enhanced their freezing tolerance (Chen et al., 1983; lshikawa et al., 1990; Orr et al., 1986). And with the commonality of molecular responses and genes associated with drought and cold acclimation, ABA appeared to be a common agent that mediated responses to both types of stresses (Close et al., 1989; Gilmour et al., 1992; Horvath et al., 1993; Nordin etal., 1993; Yamaguchi-Shinozaki and Shinozaki, 1993a). In addition, Arabidopsis plants carrying mutations in ABA synthesis (aba1) or in the plant’s ability to respond to ABA (abi 1) are less freezing tolerant than wild type (Gilmour and Thomashow, 1991; Heino et al., 1990; Mantyla et al., 1995). However, ABA does not seem to be required for activation of several cold responsive genes since their expression is still induced by low temperature in both the aba1 and abi1 mutants (Gilmour and Thomashow, 1991; Nordin et al., 1991 ). The discovery of separate cis-acting DNA regulatory elements in the promoters of cold responsive genes also supports the idea of independent cold induced and ABA regulated pathways (Baker et al., 1994; Yamaguchi-Shinozaki and Shinozaki, 1994). lshitani et al. (1997), isolated mutants that increase or decrease expression of cold regulated genes in response to both cold and ABA. These results suggest that the cold and ABA regulatory pathways are not completely independent pathways but are rather part of a network that shares some components. Identification of more factors in the signal transduction pathways should help clarify the relationship between cold and ABA. Regardless of the mechanism by which the low temperature signal is transmitted, certain facts about the cold acclimation process are known. For instance, during the acclimation process, a plant’s metabolism changes considerably. Rates of respiration, photosynthesis and synthesis of proteins and other compounds are all up-regulated (Guy, 1990). Solutes accumulate during low temperature growth that can change osmotic potential, which influences the freezing or ice nucleation point in cells. The major changes in osmotic potential are due to changes in sugars (Levitt, 1980; Sakai and Larcher, 1987). Some studies on plants that demonstrate this include the observation that an increase in soluble sugar content of cabbage leaves, led to acquisition of freezing tolerance. The slow increase of sucrose, glucose and fructose correlates with the degree of freezing tolerance. The loss of freezing tolerance after one day of deacclimation is associated with large reductions in sugar content (Sasaki et al., 1996). In alfalfa, the accumulation of sucrose, stachyose and raffinose correlates with development of freezing tolerance. In addition, differences in freezing tolerance between a cold tolerant and a cold sensitive cultivar are closely associated with accumulation of raffinose and stachyose (Castonguay et al., 1995). In winter cereals, fructans are storage carbohydrates that act to regulate sucrose levels and provide osmoregulation. In response to freezing they are hydrolyzed into soluble sugars, which provided some protection against freezing (Olien and Clark, 1995; Livingston and Henson, 1998). 10 Membrane lipid composition also plays an important role in cold acclimation. Early work showed that as plants acclimated to low temperature, lipids became more unsaturated (Lynch and Steponkus, 1987; Steponkus, 1984). More recently, the composition of lipids that make up the membranes has been shown to change as a result of acclimation to cold. ln Arabidopsis thaliana, the proportion of phospholipids increase in percent over total lipids while the proportions of cerebrosides and free sterols decrease (Uemura et al., 1995). In cold acclimated winter rye and oats, the proportions of phospholipids increase significantly as a result of increases in proportions of phosphotidylcholine and phosphotidylethanolamine. The relative proportion of diunsaturated species also increases and there is a decrease in the proportion of cerebrosides in the plasma membrane (Lynch and Steponkus, 1987; Uemura and Steponkus, 1994). These changes all contribute to the increase in freezing tolerance that occurs during acclimation (Steponkus et al., 1988). Cold up-regulated genes In 1970, Weiser suggested that cold acclimation required transcriptional activation of a set of genes that are not normally expressed under non-cold acclimating conditions. Guy et al. (1985) were the first to demonstrate the accuracy of this supposition when they showed that exposure of spinach leaves to low temperature (5°C) led to induction of newly translatable mRNAs. A number of plant genes have since been isolated from both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous species that are up-regulated in their mRNA levels by low temperature treatments. Many of these genes encode proteins with known 11 enzymatic activities that may contribute to freezing tolerance. They include some relating to primary metabolism or stress metabolism such as the housekeeping genes B-tubulin (Chu et al., 1993) and EF-1or, which is involved in general up- regulation of protein synthetic capacity (Berberich et al., 1995; Dunn et al., 1993; Hong et al., 1997). Alcohol dehydrogenase is up regulated and may aid in anaerobic metabolism during periods of ice encasement (Jarillo et al., 1993). The levels of cold up-regulated heat shock proteins also increase. These may be used for protein folding and assembly (Parswell and Lindquist, 1993). The heat shock proteins may play roles in protecting proteins from denaturation at low temperature or they may be up regulated to deal with increased demand for protein folding and assembly caused by the up regulation of general protein synthetic machinery during cold acclimation. Other up regulated genes or proteins probably play protective roles such as sucrose phosphate synthase and A“’pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase, which are involved in sucrose synthesis and proline synthesis, respectively, and contribute to solute accumulation (Guy et al., 1992b; Reimholz et al., 1997; lgarashi et al., 1997). A third group of up-regulated genes or proteins include those that are regulatory such as RNA-binding proteins (Carpenter et al., 1994; Dunn et al., 1996; Molina et al., 1997), protein kinases and 14-3-3 proteins (Holoppa and Walker-Simmons, 1995; Hong et al., 1997; Monroy and Dhindsa, 1995; Jarillo et al., 1994), and the CBF genes which activate expression of the four cold regulated COR genes from Arabidopsis and presumably many other genes 12 associated with increased freezing tolerance (Gilmour et al., 1998; Jaglo-Ottosen etaL,1998) In addition to the genes whose functions or partial functions are known, many more genes have been identified that encode polypeptides whose functions are not known. Some recent reviews have listed collections of genes with known functions, as well as those with speculative functions and unknown functions (Thomashow, 1999; Pearce, 1999). Many of the polypeptides whose function is not known are either novel or share similarities to LEA proteins. LEA proteins are late embryogenesis abundant and have been found to accumulate during development just prior to the time when seeds undergo dehydration and enter a stress resistant dormant state. Several classes of LEA proteins have been identified and separated into groups based on differences in the types of motifs found in their sequence. These LEA genes have been isolated from plants of all types and a major group belongs to the dehydrin family (Close et al., 1989). Dehydrins (also called the LEA D11 or group 2 family of developmentally induced seed proteins) (Baker et al., 1988), can reach levels as high as 1% of total soluble protein during water stress or low temperature stress (Close et al., 1989; Bray, 1993). Some common features among many of these polypeptides are that they are hydrophilic and remain soluble upon boiling. LEA proteins have relatively simple amino acid composition with repeated sequence motifs and regions capable of forming amphipathic a-helices. The dehydrins are recognized by a highly conserved IYsine (K) rich sequence, EKKGIMDKIKEKLPG, called the K segment (Close, 13 1996). The numbers of K segments found in dehydrins vary from one to eleven or more and are predicted to form an amphipathic a-helix which may function to stabilize subcellular structures and membranes (Close, 1996; Dure, 1993). A possible mechanism for protection may be through retention of the interaction between the aqueous cytosolic material, proteins and membranes, and prevention of membrane-membrane contact during periods of low water activity such as that caused by freezing induced dehydration (Close, 1997; Pearce, 1999), which could lead to the types of damage described earlier. A second sequence often found in these proteins is (V/T)DEYGNP known as the Y- segment. Outside of the conserved sequences there is little conservation of sequence between different member proteins in the family. However they frequently contain high content of glycine and other polar amino acids. In wheat, cold induced members of one family of dehydrins are localized in the cytoplasm and nucleus (Houde et al., 1995). The polypeptide sequence from a member of the family, WCS120, has 6 K-segments and 11 Y-segments and is rich in glycine and threonine. The WSC120 gene has been shown to be up-regulated by cold within 24 hours and remains at elevated levels while the plant is in the cold, however mRNA levels decrease rapidly during deacclimation (Houde, 1992). The cold regulated gene wcor410 is also associated with acclimation to freezing stress in several gramineae species (Danyluk et al., 1998). Immunolocalization studies have shown the protein to be closely associated with 14 the plasma membrane. It has been proposed that WCOR410 helps to prevent membrane destabilization during freeze induced dehydration. It has not yet been possible to directly test the role of the dehydrins or other LEA proteins in mutant plants with knock-outs in part due to the redundancy in families of LEA genes. However, a heterologous expression system has been used to test activity of several isolated LEA proteins. Yeast expressing Em, a group 1 wheat LEA (Swire-Clark and Marcotte, 1998), LE25, a tomato group 4 LEA (lmai et al., 1995), LE4, a tomato group 2 and HVA1, a barley group 3 LEA (Zhang et al., 2000), all show improved survival after freezing stress. Generalized roles ascribed to these proteins, based in part on structure and function in the yeast, include ion scavenging and stabilizing membranes and proteins. Continued success with expression of plant genes in yeast could help further dissect the mechanisms of stress tolerance and protection by the different types of stress proteins. Several other cold-responsive proteins, some of which are classified as LEA or LEA-like and others as novel proteins, are also highly hydrophilic and boiling stable, including the COR (cold regulated) gene family of proteins in Arabidopsis. At least four groups of COR genes have been isolated that show elevated levels of mRNA transcripts within four hours of transfer to low temperature (Thomashow et al., 1990; Gilmour and Thomashow, 1991; Gilmour et al., 1992). The mRNA transcript levels remain high for the duration of low temperature treatments and rapidly decrease upon transfer to warm temperature. Key representatives from each group include COR6. 6, COR15a, COR47, and 15 COR78. The COR genes have also been termed LTI (low temperature induced), KIN (cold inducible), RD (responsive to desiccation) and ERD (early dehydration- inducible) (Nordin et al., 1993; Wang et al., 1994; Welin et al., 1994; Welin et al., 1995; Wilhelm and Thomashow, 1993; Yamaguchi-Shinozaki and Shinozaki, 1993b). Each of the groups has been found to exist as tandem gene pairs physically linked in the genome and with members of each pair being differentially regulated. At least one member of each pair is induced in response to low temperature. Many of these genes also respond to other treatments associated with water deficit including dehydration, high salt concentrations and ABA. One of the more thoroughly studied COR genes is COR15a, which has been shown to play a direct role in freezing tolerance. COR15a encodes a 15kDa polypeptide that is targeted to the chloroplast where it is processed to a 9.4kDa polypeptide. Constitutive expression of COR15a in transgenic Arabidopsis was shown to increase the freezing tolerance of both chloroplasts and isolated leaf protoplasts by 1°C to 2°C. Currently, COR153 is believed to enhance freezing tolerance by helping to stabilize membranes which prevents the formation of or lowers the temperature at which lamellar to hexagonal ll phase membrane transition occurs (Steponkus et al., 1998). The improvement in freezing tolerance in the plants overexpressing COR15a is subtle since no obvious enhancement is observed at the whole plant level (Artus et al., 1996). Such has also been the case for some other cold-induced genes that have been overexpressed in transgenic plants (Zhu et al., 1996; Kaye et al., 1998). 16 Teml new stat l col: I1 30* P. m,» I v Additional Low Temperature Induced Genes and Roles in Low Temperature Signal Transduction The mechanisms by which plants perceive a low temperature signal and how they trigger responses are poorly understood. What many of the components are that make up the earliest steps of the signal transduction pathway are unknown. Sensation of cold may be relayed through changes in membrane physical properties (Nishida and Murata, 1996; Vigh et al., 1993) but direct evidence in higher plants is lacking. Recognition of changes in the redox status of photo-system II has also been suggested as a sensing mechanism for cold (Gray et al., 1997). The role of either in plants is yet to be determined. Calcium and protein phosphorylation play an important part in the acquisition of freezing tolerance. Calcium may play a role as a second messenger relaying the information of a temperature change. Phosphorylation may then affect the regulation of low temperature signal transduction (Knight et al., 1996; Monroy and Dhindsa, 1995; Monroy et al., 1993; Tahtiharju et al., 1997; Polisensky and Braam, 1996). In Arabidopsis, a cold shock elicits an immediate rise in cytosolic free calcium concentrations (Knight et al., 1996; Polisensky and Braam, 1996). This may result from the cold-induced opening of membrane calcium channels or influx from the vacuole (Burk et al., 1976; Monroy and Dhindsa, 1995; Monroy etal., 1993; Knight etal., 1996). Chemical treatments to block calcium channels or inhibit protein kinases severely affect the ca'pacity of plants to develop cold-induced freezing tolerance and limit expression of some cold regulated genes (Knight et al., 1996; Monroy and Dhindsa, 1995; 17 Monroy et al., 1993; Tahtiharju et al., 1997). However, Monroy and Dhindsa (1995) have shown in alfalfa the addition of a calcium ionophore to cells caused an influx of calcium and induced the expression of two cas (cold acclimation specific) genes at 25°C. Following the increase in calcium flux, transcript levels for several protein kinases have been shown to increase (Jonak et al., 1996; Mizoguchi et al., 1996; Monroy and Dhindsa, 1995; Tahtiharju et al., 1997). In Arabidopsis a MAP kinase and MAP kinase kinase kinase are induced in response to low temperature (Mizoguchi et al., 1996). Calcium dependent protein kinases in alfalfa (Monroy and Dhindsa, 1995) and Arabidopsis (Tahtiharju et al., 1997) were also activated by low temperature. Application of protein kinase inhibitors blocks the induction of cold acclimation and cold regulated gene expression while addition of a phosphatase inhibitor stimulated the induction of 03315. Total phosphatase activity and phosphatase 2A is inhibited by low temperature treatment and 2A is also decreased by calcium ionophore treatment (Monroy et al., 1998), demonstrating a potential link between activation of a calcium cascade, protein phosphorylation and induction of freezing tolerance. Low temperature stress responsive promoter elements involved in the transcriptional control of a subset of cold upregulated genes are known. Within the promoter of the Arabidopsis COR genes is a DNA sequence element, the CRT (C-repeat), which has a core sequence CCGAC that is sufficient for low temperature responsiveness of these genes. It is also found in the wheat wcs120 and Brassica napus BN115 low temperature regulated genes and 18 | a!“ UIIUI bl t C.) loc undoubtedly many others. This core sequence interacts with the C-repeat binding factor (CBF) under different stress conditions and makes up part of a low temperature signal transduction pathway. CBF is part of a small gene family (CBF1, CBF3 and CBF2; also termed DREB for dehydration responsive element binding protein (Liu et al., 1998)) located in direct repeats in the genome. The CBFs contain an acidic activation domain, a DNA binding domain motif found in APETALA2 and other plant transcription factors and a possible nuclear localization sequence. CBF1 was first shown to be a functional transcription factor in yeast with its ability to activate reporter genes containing the CRT in the promoter region (Stockinger et al., 1997) Overexpression of CBF1 in transgenic Arabidopsis upregulates the expression of a family of COR genes that have the CRT in their promoter without a low temperature stimulus (Figure 1.1). When freezing tolerance was assayed by an ion leakage test, transgenic plants overexpressing CBF1 showed a dramatic increase in freezing tolerance over non-transgenic plants that had not been cold acclimated and transgenic plants overexpressing just a single COR gene, COR15a. At a whole plant level, an increase in freezing tolerance is also observable (Jaglo-Ottosen et al., 1998). These experiments demonstrate that CBF-mediated cold induced genes play significant roles in freezing and stress tolerance. The isolation of CBF was a major advancement that helped identify an important early component of a low temperature signal transduction pathway and was discovered using a reverse genetic approach. Using repeats of the 19 elFI P011 Nonacclimited Cold-acclimated B1 6 T8 RLD A6 B1 6 T8 A6 COR6.6 * COR15a , .. COR47 - ‘ g In Q RLD CBF1 COR78 elF4A Figure 1.1. Expression of CBF1 and COR genes in Arabidopsis plants. Total RNA was prepared from leaves of nonacclimated and 3-day cold acclimated plants and examined for CBF1 and COR gene transcript accumulation by RNA blot hybridization analysis. Amounts of COR gene transcripts are detectable in nonacclimated CBF1 overexpressing plants (A6, B16) at a higher level than nontransgenic plants (RLD). ln nonacclimated A6 plants, COR transcripts accumulate to levels approximating that seen in cold acclimated plants. Overexpression of CBF1 did not affect transcript concentrations of elF4A (eukaryotic initiation factor 4A) (Metz et al., 1992), a constitutively expressed gene that is not responsive to low temperature and was used here to compare RNA loading. Transgenic plants overexpressing COR15a (T8) only increased transcript accumulation for COR15a. 20 N ”I 8C2 Elpi CRT in the promoter of a reporter gene in a yeast one-hybrid screen, Stockinger et al., (1997) was able to identify CBF1. Additional links backward in the COR gene signaling pathway will help better define the significance of this particular pathway. A more complete understanding of how a low temperature signaling network involving multiple signaling pathways may work will not be possible however until additional components associated with cold acclimation are defined. Recently, three mutational screens have been used in Arabidopsis to help dissect freezing tolerance pathways. The first approach involved isolating mutants that were defective in their ability to cold acclimate. Warren et al., (1996) isolated seven mutants that were unable to develop freezing tolerance even after extended periods of cold acclimation. These mutants were named sfr for sensitive to freezing. The reason for sensitivity in some of the sfr mutants appeared to be due to an inability to accumulate soluble sugar during cold acclimation (McKown et al., 1996). One of the mutants, sfr6, was shown to be deficient in CBF-mediated induction of COR genes which confirms the importance of the CBF pathway in cold acclimation (Knight et al., 1999). The additional sfr mutants did not affect COR gene expression. Most of the sfr m utants still retain some capacity to cold acclimate suggesting the mutation blocks one signaling pathway but also indicating involvement of multiple pathways. A second mutational approach was used to generate plants with aberrant expression of a reporter gene driven by the COR78 promoter (lshitani et al., 21 elemer‘. Dahlia II ncr . lal int: osmoti genes i031 E U‘iEI-E wild I. trig-,7: 1997). Since the COR78 promoter has cold, drought and ABA responsive elements, this approach allows identification of signal components in all three pathways, at least as they are transmitted through to the COR genes. Several hundred mutants with altered reporter gene activity were identified. The mutants fall into three general classes. The cos mutants show constitutive expression of osmotically responsive genes. The los mutants show loss of expression of these genes, and the has mutants show hyper-expression. Two of the has mutants, hos1 and hosZ, are less freezing tolerant after cold acclimation even though they over-accumulate COR gene transcripts when exposed to cold (lshitani et al., 1997, Lee et al., 1999). The H081 locus appears to be a negative regulator of cold signal transduction but may be a positive regulator for other stress signal pathways. H082 also appears to be a negative regulator of cold acclimation through the COR pathway but another low temperature requiring process, vernalization, is unaffected. H082 may play a positive role in regulation of factors subsequent to COR gene expression such as changes in sugar metabolism or membrane composition. Analysis of the different types of mutants isolated by this approach suggest a network of multiple signaling pathways that share components in different pathways to activate the COR genes in response to several different stress factors. A third mutagenesis approach involved the isolation of constitutively freezing tolerant (cft) mutants. These mutants are more freezing tolerant than wild type in the absence of cold acclimation. Xin and Browse (1998) isolated twenty-six mutants with increased freezing tolerance. One of the mutants, 22 eskimof, tolerates freezing to —10.6°C without cold acclimation due to its high levels of proline and soluble sugars. It does not express the COR genes in the absence of cold acclimation. Characterization of additional mutants should provide insights into other aspects of freezing tolerance signaling pathways (Xin and Browse, 2000). Conclusion Over the last several years, advances in technology including methods in molecular biology, and the completion of sequencing of the Arabidopsis genome and partial sequencing of genomes from several other plants types and the ability to study genome wide expression of genes through micro-arrays has allowed leaps in our understanding of the signaling pathways. A great deal of information however is still lacking and it will be up to those continuing and advancing these technologies to dissect in finer detail the specific mechanisms and interactions involved in signal transduction. 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Promoter analysis of these genes has led to the identification of cis-acting elements including a cold and dehydration responsive DNA regulatory element termed the CRT (C-repeat)/DRE (dehydration- responsive element) (Baker et al., 1994; Yamaguchi-Shinozaki and Shinozaki, 1994). Subsequently, a transcription factor that binds to the CRT/DRE was identified and termed CBF (C-repeat binding factor)/DREB (dehydration responsive element binding protein) (Stockinger et al., 1997; Liu et al., 1998). A small family of these transcriptional activators (CBF 1, CBF2, and CBF3) was later identified, all of which bind to the CRT/DRE and activate expression of reporter genes in yeast that contain the CRT/DRE as an upstream activator sequence. In addition, overexpression of CBF1 and CBF3 in Arabidopsis plants grown at non-acclimating temperatures induces COR gene expression and increases freezing tolerance. In this study, the CBF genes and their promoters were further examined to characterize their role in the low temperature signaling cascade and to identify the means for their own regulation. Transcript levels for all three CBF genes increased within 15 min of transferring plants to low temperature followed by the 35 accumulation of COR gene transcripts at two to four hours. The CBF transcripts also accumulated in response to mechanical agitation, drought, ABA, and cycloheximide. Promoter deletion analysis identified a 155 base pair region that is sufficient for responsiveness to low temperature and the other stresses. The CBF genes do not appear to be autoregulated and likely require additional transcriptional regulators, possibly both positive and negative, to mediate their expression. Introduction During their life cycle, plants frequently experience many different environmental stresses that can significantly impact their productivity and ability to survive. Because of their immobility, they must make metabolic and structural changes to cope with these environmental conditions. An inducible genetic system responsive to stress stimuli enables many plants to survive. A number of genes that respond at a transcriptional level to stresses such as low temperature, drought and high salinity have been described. The function of a few is known. In Arabidopsis, a group of four sets of gene pairs, each pair represented by a tandem repeat, have been described which are abundantly expressed in response to low temperature. These are termed the COR (cold regulated) genes. Transcripts for the COR genes begin to accumulate within two to four hours after experiencing cold temperatures. The COR153 protein, the best characterized of the COR gene products, has been localized to the stromal compartment of the chloroplast and may play a role in minimizing damage between chloroplast and plasma membranes during freeze thaw cycles 36 (Steponkus et al., 1998). Functions of the other COR genes products are not known. Part of the stress responsive induction of the Arabidopsis COR genes is mediated at a transcriptional level (Baker et al., 1994). In fact, the promoters from many stress inducible genes have been analyzed for responsiveness to low temperature, drought and high salinity and different mechanisms for regulation have been proposed (lshitani ef al., 1997). ABA is often associated with stress responses in plants. ABA levels do increase in many plants in response to low temperature (Chen and Gusta, 1983). The COR genes, for example, are responsive to applications of ABA (Thomashow, 1994). The cold inducible Arabidopsis RAB18 gene is also dependent on ABA for activation and the gene is not induced by low temperature in the ABA mutants aba1 or abi1 (Lang and Palva, 1992). RAB18 has an ABA-responsive cis-acting DNA sequence element in its promoter that may be responding to the binding of a bZlP type of transcription factor (Guiltinan et al., 1990, Meshi and lwabuchi 1995, Shen et al., 1996). However, using the same ABA mutants, but this time looking at COR gene response, a second pathway was discovered that was not directly dependent upon ABA. With certain COR genes, ABA induced expression is impaired in the ABA mutants, however, cold induced expression is not affected (Gilmour and Thomashow, 1991, Nordin et al., 1991). Subsequent deletion analysis of the Promoter from COR15a led to the discovery of the cis-acting DNA sequence element required for the cold induced expression. This element was termed the CRT (C-repeat) (Baker et al., 1994) and contains the core sequence CCGAC. 37 Colt This core sequence was also present in a cis-acting sequence motif discovered by Yamaguchi-Shinozaki and Shinozaki (1994). Their element was termed the DRE (dehydration responsive element) because it could elicit dehydration- induced expression from genes whose promoters contained this element. The identification of a transcription factor, CBF 1, which interacts with the CRT/DRE (Stockinger et al., 1997), has advanced our understanding of an important part of the low temperature signal transduction pathway. Liu et al., (1998) subsequently identified the same factor and named it DREB1b (Dehydration Responsive Element Binding protein 1b). Insights gained from the low temperature stress pathways can aid our understanding of other stress responses and pathways. Ultimately, this may facilitate the development of applications to enhance plant responsiveness to stress. For example, the activation of a cold acclimation response can be achieved by expression of a single transcription factor such as CBF1. This gene could have great agronomic potential in crops that are subject to unexpected frost during their growing season. Understanding the basic science behind freezing tolerance and regulation of genes such as CBF is also important because the induction of a freezing tolerance state can be costly to a plant. If it were not, evolution might have produced constitutively hardy plants. Such plants would be expected to have a considerable selective advantage in regions or seasons that experience sudden frosts. In fact, constitutive expression of CBF, while it improves freezing tolerance of non-acclimated plants considerably and even improves freezing tolerance of cold acclimated plants (Jaglo-Ottosen et al., 1998), has often resulted in plants 38 IES PIC ier CB def SIII WII.‘ liar IO v. dele with a retarded growth phenotype (Liu et al., 1998; Gilmour et al., 2000). This has been experimentally overcome in part with the use of an inducible promoter that expresses CBF at higher than endogenous levels only after cold treatment. In this example, the CBF gene was controlled by the COR78 promoter, which resulted in hyper-responsiveness to cold and osmotic stress and less growth retardation (Kasuga et al., 1999). Identification of additional factors responsible for regulation may afford a fine-tuning of the expression levels for some of these transcription factors to prevent the negative results that are sometimes seen. Subsequent to the initial identification of CBF 1, members of the CBF family (CBF 1, CBF2, and CBF3, also termed DREB1b, DREB1c and DREB1a, respectively, (Liu et al., 1998)) were shown to be transcriptionally regulated. Promoter/reporter fusions and transgenic plants were used to demonstrate low temperature induction. In addition, Gilmour et al., (1998) demonstrated that the CBF genes were responsive to mechanical agitation but were unable to determine responsiveness to drought and ABA. However Liu et al., 1998, and Shinwari et al., 1998 suggested they were not induced by drought nor treatments with ABA. In this study, analysis of expression patterns for the CBF genes was performed in order to determine the role of CBF in the low temperature signal transduction cascade and to examine the responses of the CBF gene promoters to various stimuli. Activity of the CBF2 promoter was further examined with deletion and nucleotide base substitution experiments in order to determine DNA 39 sequences that may be important for its responsiveness as well as that of the other CBF genes. Results Mapping of CBF and COR genes. Analysis of DNA blot hybridization and subsequent sequencing of a clone from a genomic library screen indicated three CBF genes were physically linked in direct repeats in the Arabidopsis genome (Gilmour et al., 1998). To determine the map position of the CBF gene cluster and that of four CRT-containing COR genes, COR6. 6, COR15a, COR47, and COR78, cosegregation analysis of molecular markers from the Lister and Dean recombinant inbred lines (Lister and Dean, 1993) was conducted. The results indicated that the CBF genes were located on chromosome 4 at 75.6cM. The four COR genes were distributed throughout the genome unlinked to any other COR gene or the CBF genes. COR6.6 was located on chromosome 5 at 32.1cM, COR 15a was on chromosome 2 at 76.9cM, COR47 was on chromosome 1 at 27.4cM and COR78 was on chromosome 5 at 106.5cM. Expression of CBF genes. The CBF genes have been shown to activate expression of a reporter gene carrying a CRT element in its promoter in yeast (Stockinger et al., 1997, Gilmour et at, 1998). Whether the CBF genes themselves were constitutively expressed or induced in response to low temperature was another question. A constitutively expressed gene would suggest that the CBF protein was activated in response to low temperature while low temperature induced accumulation of gene transcripts would suggest either a transcriptionally regulated component or an mRNA stability factor. To partially 40 answer the question, Arabidopsis plants were grown at nonacclimating conditions and then transferred to low temperature for various periods of time. RNA was then extracted and blot hybridization was performed using a cDNA for the entire CBF1 coding sequence, which hybridizes to all three CBF genes. The results indicated the CBF transcripts increased rapidly within 10—15 minutes after transfer to low temperature. The transcripts continued to increase until about 2 hours of low temperature treatment, then decreased to a new lower level over the 24-hour period of the experiment (Figure 2.1A). Between 2-4 hours after the induction of CBF, transcripts for the COR genes began to accumulate. To test whether elevation of transcript levels was due to dehydration stress, we used cultured Arabidopsis cells that were suspended in an aqueous medium and thus were constantly hydrated. Transcript levels for the CBF and COR genes were examined and also found to be elevated in this liquid cell suspension when treated with low temperature (Figure 2.1 B). The CRT/DRE DNA regulatory element found in the promoter of COR genes stimulates gene expression in response to both low temperature and dehydration stresses but not to ABA (Yamaguchi-Shinozaki and Shinozaki, 1994). To determine if the CBF promoters might also be responsive to these treatments, RNA blot hybridization analysis of treated samples were examined. When using the entire CBF1 cDNA as a hybridization probe, the apparent CBF transcript levels increased within 15 minutes of placing detached leaves on dry filter paper or after spraying plants with a solution of ABA (100pM). The levels of transcript accumulated to a peak at about 30 minutes and then decreased to a 41 6X 0f,I we ‘I f E A Time (h) at 4°C 0.25.512 4 624 "v” CBF1 COR15a rRNA B Time (h) at 4°C o 30 CBF1 COR15a . COR78 — COR66 rRNA Figure 2.1. Expression pattern of CBF and COR genes after exposure to low temperature. In A, plants were exposed to low temperature for between Oh and 24h. After treatment, transcript accumulation for the indicated genes was detected by RNA blot hybridization. In B, suspension cultured cells were treated for 30h at low temperature and transcript accumulation was detected for the indicated genes. The rRNA panel shows an ethidium bromide stained gel picture of ribosomal RNA representative of the loading for the blots. level similar to untreated plants by 24h for dehydration treatments or 4h for ABA treatments (Figure 2.2). These results initially appeared to indicate that CBF might be responsive to both ABA and dehydration. However, control experiments in which leaves were detached under water to prevent dehydration or/and in the air and then placed onto wet filter paper or plants sprayed only with water had a similar pattern of expression as the experimental treatments. This suggested that much of the induction seen in the dehydration and ABA test 42 treatments might actually have been due to another stress such as the mechanical agitation associated with the treatment. The effects of mechanical stress were tested by growing seedlings in covered Petri dishes, to prevent changes in environmental water status, and then tapping the plate on its side for five minutes to produce a mechanical agitation. RNA blot hybridization was then performed and CBF transcripts were observed to increase within 15 minutes and then subside to near untreated levels within an hour after the tapping treatment (Figure 2.2). COR15a gene expression also rose in all of the experiments within 2-4h. The increase in COR15a expression is presumably due to the large increase in CBF expression that resulted from the mechanical agitation stress applied to the plants, however, additional regulatory factors may also be involved. In the dehydration and ABA treatments, COR153 transcript remained higher than controls at 24h possibly due to an increase in endogenously produced ABA, which induced COR15a expression through the ABREs present in the promoter of the gene (Baker et al., 1994). Further studies on CBF gene expression. Many previous experiments used to examine the expression of the CBF genes were carried out only after directly shifting plants from a warm growth chamber (~20°C) to cold (4°C) (Gilmour et al., 1998). Therefore, the question arose whether there was a need for this large temperature change to activate the CBF low temperature response pathway. This, in fact, does not appear to be the case (Figure 2.3). Plants that were slowly cooled at a rate of 2°C per hour over an 8h period and then held at 4°C for an additional 16h began to accumulate CBF gene transcripts at about 3h 43 A Deh dration Test Control (hr) 0.25 .5 1 2 4 6 24.25 .5 1 2 4 6 24 CBF1 * "II ' COR15a nlflw rRNA B ABA Test Md (hr)0.25.512 4 62425512 4 624 CBF1 COR15a rRNA C Mechanical Agitation (hr)0.25 .5 1 2 4 6 CBF1 ' COR15a v.5 . rRNA I 4 1.....- I Figure 2.2. Pattern of gene transcript accumulation in response to dehydration, ABA, and mechanical agitation. Arabidopsis seedlings were grown on agar medium and then treated as described in the text. Levels of CBF1 and COR15a transcripts were determined by RNA blot analysis. All zero time samples are of control plant material collected prior to treatment. (A) RNA isolated from detached leaves incubated on dry filter paper (Test) or wet filter paper (Control) for the indicated times. (B) RNA isolated from seedlings sprayed with a solution containing ABA (Test) or without ABA (Control). The samples are from times after spray treatment. (C) RNA isolated from seedlings mechanically agitated for 5 min and then incubated for the indicated times with no agitation. The rRNA panel shows an ethidium bromide stained gel picture of ribosomal RNA representative of the loading for the blots. 44 ele aul lo I Iov. after the start of the experiment. The ambient temperature surrounding the plant leaves at the point CBF mRNA was first visible by RNA blot hybridization was about 14°C. The amount of CBF transcripts continued to increase and reached a maximum at 4°C, similar to the amount of transcript accumulation for plants that experienced a cold shock. The amount of CBF transcripts after about 10 hours (about 2-3 hours after reaching 4°C) began to decrease to a new steady state level (Figure 2.3). In addition, when the levels of CBF and COR genes mRNA were measured over an extended period of cold treatment (21days), this new lower level for CBF persisted while COR gene transcripts remained high. Plants containing a transgene with two copies of the CRT fused to GUS also maintained a high level of transcript throughout the 21-day low temperature treatment (Figure 2.4). This suggested that the lower level of CBF transcript was sufficient to maintain the high level of COR gene expression. Alternatively, increased Stability of the CBF protein during the long period of cold may decrease the need for a high level of CBF transcript in order to maintain elevated levels of COR gene or GUS marker gene transcripts. Examination of CBF promoters for low temperature responsive elements. Gilmour et al., (1998) demonstrated that the CBF genes are not autoregulated, and examination of the three CBF promoter sequences revealed no regions containing the core pentamer sequence of the CRT/DRE (CCGAC). However, RNA gel blot analysis using CBF 1, CBF2, and CBF3 gene specific 45 Cold Shggk Gradual Temperature Decrease Time (hr) 1.54 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101224 Temp (°C> 44 201816141210 86 4 4 4 4 4 CBF1 COR15a rRNA AAAAAA Figure 2.3. Expression pattern of CBF and COR15a genes after cold shock and a slow temperature downshift. Plants grown at 20°C were transferred directly to a 4°C chamber for cold shock or cooled slowly (05°C per 15 min) and sampled at the indicated times. RNA blot hybridization was used to detect transcripts at the sampled time points using a probe for COR15a and a full length CBF1 probe. The rRNA panel shows an ethidium bromide stained gel picture of ribosomal RNA representative of the loading for the blots. Experiment #1 Experiment #2 Experiment #3 Time at 4°C Oh153691d3714210h1.53691d3714210h1.53691d371421 COR15a ' 2xCRT: GUS CBF1 CBF2 CBF3 r RNA Figure 2.4. Expression of CBF genes and their targets after an extended period Of cold. Three independent sets of plants containing two copies of the CRT in a Chimeric promoter fused to GUS (2xCRTzGUS) were grown at 22°C before transfer to 4°C for 21 days. RNA was isolated within hours (h) or days (d) after transfer to 4°C. RNA blots were then probed to determine expression of the endogenous COR15a, the GUS marker and the three CBF genes using gene Specific probes. The rRNA panel shows an ethidium bromide stained gel picture of ribosomal RNA representative of the loading for the blots. 46 CB WIII probes indicated that all three genes were rapidly induced by exposure of plants to low temperatures (4°C) (Gilmour et al., 1998). To investigate the hypothesis that a cis-acting element in the promoter was responsible for low temperature responsive gene expression, a set of promoter/reporter gene plasmid chimeras consisting of promoter fragments from the CBF genes were fused to the GUS reporter gene (Jefferson et al., 1986). Whole promoter gene fusions, containing approximately 1kb of promoter sequence upstream of the translational start site, were created for all three CBF genes. Six gene fusions with the 5' end of the CBF2 promoter deleted and three gene fusions with the 3' end of the CBF2 promoter deleted were also created (Figure 2.5). The sequence and relevant information about the region of the CBF2 promoter used in the deletion studies is shown in Figure 2.6. Arabidopsis thaliana plants were then transformed by an Agrobacterium mediated transformation method and T2 and T3 populations of plants were analyzed for low temperature responsive expression of the GUS reporter gene. At least ten independent transgenic Arabidopsis plants for each whole CBF promoter GUS fusion were analyzed for B-glucuronidase activity which When positive after an assay, results in blue staining in tissues (Jefferson, 1987). After both warm and low temperature treatments, staining was observed in tissues of the plants (Figure 2.7). This seemed to contradict earlier results from IRNA blots indicating the endogenous CBF gene transcripts were not elevated at Warm temperatures. Therefore, RNA blots were prepared for the transgenic reporter lines and hybridized with the GUS gene as a probe. For all transgenic 47 CI Into were 358 GUS -987 CBF1 promoter +176 _— -1091 CBF3 promoter +139 _— -982 CBF2 promoter +152 _— CBF2 promoter 5’ deletions .41 9 , +152 I ‘ "363919 _— ' _— '189 __ '94 _—. ‘53 , ‘— CBF2 promoter 3’ deletions '724 '35 L46” __ -724 -1_45 Ii '724 . *244 — _— Monomer -189-35_ _— Dimer -1 89335-1 89-35 —— Mutations '319 "Q1 2 +152 _— m '189 x3 ‘— '139 ",1 _— ‘189 , "£4 . _— Figure 2.5. Diagram depicting the three CBF promoters and CBF2 promoter fragments used in promoter analysis experiments. Each fragment was inserted Into a binary vector upstream of the GUS gene. Fragments that had 3’ deletions Were first inserted into a binary vector upstream of the cauliflower mosaic virus 358 minimal promoter (-46 minimal promoter) then fused to GUS. 48 -419 rb GAATGGAGAA -369 r’ CATTATGTCT -319 r' GTTATTCGTG TACAGCCACA GGCATCAACC CATGTCAGAT ATCGCTTAGC -68 r' GCGTTCGACC AGCTCTCACT AAGAAAGATA ACAGAGATCT GAAACAGAGT AAGACAGAAA AATTATTTTA GAAAAATAAT CATTCATACA AGTGAAGGGT TCTCAGTGAT TGTTTCTTAT CCACAAATAT GAGCATTTGA CCATAGAAAA ATTTAATAAT ATAAGAAGTT -244 CAGAAACTTC TGACAGCCTT