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V 00} 00 95084“ 6/01 cJCIRC/DateOue.p65-p.15 MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES IN PRISTINE AND TETRACHLOROETHYLENE-CONTAMINATED AQUIFER SEDIMENT By Merry Shannon Riley-Buckley AN ABSTRACT OF A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University In partial fiilfillment of the requirements For the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Crop and Soil Sciences 2001 Dr. Terence L. Marsh and Dr. James M. Tiedje ABSTRACT MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES IN PRISTINE AND TETRACHLOROETHYLENE-CONTAMINATED AQUIFER SEDIMEN T By Merry Shannon Riley-Buckley The microbial communities of the saturated subsurface play an important role in the quality of groundwater, a resource of incalculable value to human and ecological concerns. Further, although the magnitude of the effect that subsurface microbes have on global biogeochemical cycling is not known, estimates suggest that because of the sheer numbers of subsurface bacteria, they likely play a significant role in the cycling of bioactive elements. Despite these facts, subsurface microbial communities have been little studied until recently. In an effort to extend current knowledge in this area, a study of the microbial communities in clean and chemically-contaminated aquifer sediment was undertaken. The diversity and composition of the microbial communities at two sites was assessed using molecular techniques. At a pristine site in Oyster, Virginia, the members of microbial communities in oligotrophic sediment were characterized by phylogenetic methods. The bacterial community profile from oligotrophic sediment was compared to that of the communities in a contrasting geochemical environment in the same formation. Similarities were found to exist between the two communities. Bacterial community diversity in aquifer sediment was markedly lower than that observed in surface soils. A novel group of phylogenetically deeply-branching bacteria was detected at the site and found to exist in eight out of ten sediments tested. The microbial communities at a tetrachloroethylene-contarninated site in Oscoda, Michigan were also studied. Members of communities in clean and contaminated sediment were described phylogenetically, and found to be closely related to the B, y, and 5 Proteobacteria, the Acidobacteria, Leptospirillum / Nitrospira, and Green nonsulfur bacteria. Within the plume, 16S sequences closely related to the species Syntrophus were identified, suggesting that interspecies hydrogen or acetate transfer played a role in carbon cycling at the site. Bacterial diversity was found to be significantly higher in contaminated sediment than in sediment from upstream of the plume. Finally, the distribution and abundance of a sulfate-reducing bacterium which was detected within the plume was studied using the emerging method of real-time PCR. The 168 sequence of this organism was found to constitute only a small proportion of total bacterial l6S sequences at the site, and was highly over-represented in the 168 clone library. AKNOWLEDGEMENTS Much of my success in graduate school I owe to my advisor Terry Marsh, who presented a fantastic example of what a scientist could be by conducting exceptional research while maintaining sanity and perspective. Thanks for your guidance. I will remember: chop wood, carry water. Thanks also go to the other faculty members who have helped me in my work, including my committee members Dr. Jim Tiedje, Dr. Del Mokma, and Dr. Mike Klug. Thanks also go to Dr. John Breznak for his help in designing the cultivation experiments. Thanks to my parents Bert and Pauline, who, although they really wanted me to be a brain surgeon, told me I should choose whatever path leads to my happiness and fulfillment. How can I thank you enough for your unending encouragment and support? And a final word of thanks goes to Dan who held me up in my periodic bouts with frustration and self-doubt during these past five years. You are my rock. Thank you for choosing to spend your life with me. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES )1 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xii CHAPTER 1: MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES IN THE SATURATED SUBSURFACE 1 1. Introduction 1 2. The importance of groundwater l 2.1. Human use of groundwater 1 2.2. Ecological significance of groundwater 2 2.3. Global nutrient cycles and the subsurface 2 3. Biogeochemistgr of the saturated subsurface 3 3.1. Aerobic reduction-oxidation processes 3 3.2. Anaerobic reduction-oxidation processes 7 3.3. Other processes not linked to energy conservation ll 4. Previously identified aguifer microbes 12 4.1. Eukarya 12 4.2. Archaea 14 4.3. Bacteria 16 5. Methods for analysis of microbial communities 22 5.1. Cultivation and characterization of isolates 22 5.2. Analysis of functional genes 22 5.3. Analysis of the metabolism of radio-labeled substrates or electron acceptors 23 5.4. Analysis of membrane components - PLF A and FAME 23 5.5. Analysis of small subunit rRNA or small subunit rDNA 24 6. Specific aims of this work. 29 7. References 30 CHAPTER 2: A CU LTIVATION-INDEPENDENT ANALYSIS OF BACTERIAL COMMUNITIES IN PRISTINE AQUIFER SEDIMENT 35 Introduction 35 Materials and methods 36 Sample collection 36 DNA extraction 38 16S rDNA T-RFLP 39 T-RFLP analyses 40 Cloning of 16S rRNA genes 41 Screening of rDNA clones by ARDRA 41 Sequencing of rDNA clones 42 Phylogenetic analyses 42 Results 43 Description of the study site 43 16S rDNA T-RFLP 43 Phylogenetic analysis 45 Discussion 46 References 66 CHAPTER 3: DETECTION OF A NOVEL, DEEPLY-BRAN CHIN G GROUP OF BACTERIA IN PRISTINE AQUIFER SEDIMENT 70 Introduction 70 Materials and methods 72 Sample collection 72 DNA extraction 72 Primer design 72 Cloning of 16S rRNA genes 72 Screening of 16S clones by ARDRA 74 Sequencing of rDNA clones 75 Phylogenetic analyses 75 Results 76 Description of the study site 76 Phylogenetic analyses 76 Discussion 77 References 82 CHAPTER 4: A MOLECULAR COMPARISON OF MICROBIAL COMIVIUNITIES IN PRISTINE AND TETRACHLOROETHYLENE— CONTAMINATED AQUIFER SEDIMENT 83 Introduction 83 Materials and methods 85 Sample collection 85 DNA extraction 85 16S rDNA T-RFLP 86 T-RFLP analyses 87 Cloning of bacterial 16S rRNA genes 88 Screening of clones by ARDRA 88 Sequencing of rDNA clones 89 Phylogenetic analyses 89 Results 90 Description of the study site 90 Profiles of microbial communities in clean and contaminated sediment 91 Bacterial diversity in clean and contaminated aquifer sediment 93 Discussion 101 References l 10 CHAPTER 5: QUANTIFICATION OF BACTERIAL, ARCHAEAL, AND SPECIES-SPECIFIC 16$ GENES IN TETRACHLOROETHYLENE— CONTAMINATED AQUIF ER SEDIIVIEN T USING REAL-TME PCR 114 Introduction 1 14 Materials and methods 116 Sample collection 116 DNA extraction 117 Primer design 118 Real-time PCR 1 l9 Controls 120 Results 121 Description of the study site 121 Primer specificity 122 Detection limits 124 Quantification limits 124 Quantification of bacterial, archaeal, eukaryal, and lel SSU genes 125 Discussion 129 References 140 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS 144 References 149 APPENDIX A: CULTIVATION TECHNIQUES USED TO ISOLATE N CFA GROUP I BACTERIA 150 APPENDIX B: T-RFLP DATA FROM CHAPTERS 2 AND 4 154 APPENDIX C: RAPID PHENOTYPIC CHANGE AND DIVERSIFICATION OF A SOIL BACTERIUM DURING 1000 GENERATIONS OF EXPERINIENTAL EVOLUTION 184 vii Chi; .L_ new 1. Chi); . I. _: ”Mu-5 ix,“ - “-5 i. :Wx' I haul ‘ "1m ~- . ““Q‘u l l“ LIST OF TABLES Chapter 1 Table 1 Bacterial isolates and 16S clones previously derived from the subsurface. The division (or putative division) and genera are listed if determined for a given isolate or sequence. All isolates and clones were phylogenetically identified by sequencing of the 16S gene, except isolates developed by Fries et al (24), which were identified through fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis. - Pages 19-21 Chapter 2 Table 1 Total number of terminal fragments detected in Hha I bacterial T-RFLP profiles from Oyster, Virginia Page 44 Table 2 Phylogenetic placement of bacterial 16S sequences from the narrow channel focus area in Oyster, Virginia Pages 47-49 Table 3 Presence/absence of deeply branching clone terminal restriction fragments in TRFLP profiles from the narrow channel study site Page 60 Chapter 4 Table 1 Phylogenetic affiliations of 16S rDNA clones from the Bachman Road site and BLAST search results Pages 99-100 Chapter 5 Table 1 Primer pairs for real-time PCR Page 119 Table 2 The numbers of bacterial, archaeal, eukaryal and clone le1 SSU targets per gram of aquifer sediment (Wurtsmith, Bachman, and Oyster samples) or per ul of directly extracted DNA (bioreactor and activated sludge samples), and the standard error of each measurement. "% of total" is the percent of SSU genes that each kingdom contributed to the total SSU genes detected for a given sample. The percent contribution to the total number of bacterial 168 genes detected is reported for lel 168 sequences. The "+" symbol indicates that le1 sequences were detected in a sample but not quantitated and a "-" indicates that the group was not detected. Pages 127-128 Appendix A Table 1 Media used for cultivation of NCFA group I. (Quantities are in units of g per L). Store metals solution at 4 degrees C. Page 151 Table 2 Trace metals solution for growth media. (Quantities are in units of g per L) Page 151 viii All. la‘: Appendix B Table 1 Chapter 3 data. Pages 154-169 Table 2 Chapter 4 bacterial T-RFLP data Pages 170-181 Table 3 Chapter 4 Archaeal T-RFLP data Pages 182-183 ix LIST OF FIGURES Chapter 1 Figure 1 Radial phylogram of selected bacterial divisions. Shaded wedges indicate divisions for which representative isolates or 168 sequences have been recovered from the subsurface. Adapted from Hugenholtz et al. (3 2). Page 18 Chapter 2 Figure 1 Map of Oyster, Virginia, indicating the locations of the south Oyster focus area (SOFA) and the narrow channel focus area (NCFA). Below, the areas of the SOFA and the NCFA have been expanded to indicate the positions of sampling points. Page 37 Figure 2 a-e Maximum likelihood dendrograms of bacterial 16S sequences obtained from the narrow channel focus area in Oyster, Virginia. Divisions are listed out side the brackets for panels b through d and subdivisions are listed in panel a (Proteobacteria). Optimality criteria used in bootstrap analysis of the sequences were: maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and neighbor joining. Bifiircations supported (bootstrap values >75%) by one optimality criteria but are only marginally supported (50- 75%) or not supported (<50%) by the other criteria are indicated with open circles. Bifirrcations supported by two or three of the criteria are indicated with closed circles. The number of characters in each analysis and the range of the mask (E. coli numbering) were as follows: a) 330 characters, bases 216-484, b) 443 characters. bases 134-602, c) 332 characters, bases 116-527, d) 432 characters, bases 134-537, and e) 1165 characters, bases 92-1390. Pages 50-54 Figure 3 Difi‘erences between T-RFLP profiles generated using two different reverse primers. In comparing the profiles of template NC B2 (6 m) created with primer set (a) 27F/1392R and (b) 27F/1525R, we see the appearance and dissappearance of three Significant peaks. The profiles of NC M3 (6 m) created using the same two primer sets (c) 27F/1392R and (d) 27F/1525R are more comparable and all significant peaks are found inboth profiles. Page 58 Chapter 3 FlSure 1 Map of Oyster, Virginia, indicating the location of the narrow channel focus area and the relative positions of sampling points within the site. Page 73 Figure 2 Maximum likelihood dendrogram of NCFA group I 168 sequences obtained (from the narrow channel focus area in Oyster, Virginia. Divisions are listed outside the brackets. Optimality criteria used in bootstrap analysis of the sequences were: maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and neighbor joining. Bifiircations supported (bootstrap values >75%) by one optimality criteria but are only marginally supported (50- 75%) or not supported (<50%) by the other criteria are indicated with open circles. Bifirrcations supported by two or three of the criteria are indicated with closed circles. There~ were 1165 characters included in the analysis and the range of the mask (E. coli numbering) covered bases 92-1390. Page 78 Chapter 4 Figure 1 A comparison of bacterial community T-RFLP profiles from contaminated (top - IN) and pristine (bottom - 4A) aquifer sediment. In this comparison, each of the five terminal fragments detected in the pristine sediment is also detected among the fi'agments in the contaminated sediment profile. Page 92 Figure 2 a-d Maximum likelihood dendrograms of bacterial 16S sequences obtained from the Bachman Road site in Oscoda, Michigan. Divisions are listed out side the brackets in panels d and c (clone group OPB80, and Green non-sulfirr) and subdivisions are listed in panels a (Proteobacteria), b (Proteobacteria), and c (clone group T78). Optimality criteria used in bootstrap analysis of the sequences were: maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and neighbor joining. Bifiircations supported (bootstrap values >75%) by one optimality criteria but are only marginally supported (50-75%) or not supported (<50%) by the other criteria are indicated with open circles. Bifurcations supported by two or three of the criteria are indicated with closed circles. The number of characters in each analysis and the range of the mask (E. coli numbering) were as follows: a) 436 characters, bases 113-600, b) 285 characters, bases 111-422, c) 414 characters, bases 98- 537, and d) 350 characters, bases 134—537. Pages 95-98 Chapter 5 Figure 1 a-d Standard curves used to interpret real-time PCR data. Panel a depicts standard reactions with bacterial-specific primers, panel b depicts the archaeal standard reactions, panel c depicts the eukaryal reactions, and panel (1 depicts the standard reactions with clone lel-specific primers. Error bars indicate standard deviation among triplicate standards. Page 126 Figure 2 The relative contributions of bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryal SSU rRNA genes to total numbers of rRNA genes detected in DNA from activated sludge, bioreactor fluid, PCB-contaminated aquifer sediment from the Bachman site, pristine aquifer sediment from the Oyster site, and a contaminated aquifer at the former Wurtsmith Air Force Base. Archaea] 168 was not detected in either of the activated sludge replicates or in sample ODU4 6.3-6.4 m. Eukaryal 188 was detected only in Wurtsmith sediment ML3 (23.5 — 27.5 it) and in the activated sludge samples. Page 132 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS U = units of activity bp = nucleotide base pairs it = feet DNA = deoxynucleic acid RNA = ribonucleic acid dNTP = deoxynucleotide triphosphate xii CHAPTER 1 MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES IN THE SATURATED SUBSURFACE 1. INTRODUCTION The microbial communities of the saturated subsurface are complex, diverse, and, in general, are not well characterized. The human need for quality groundwater resources is expected to increase in the next century (50) even while more and more aquifers are being contaminated by anthropogenic chemicals and human waste. Groundwater is also a key component of aquatic ecosystems like lakes, rivers, and coastal areas, and the chemical properties- of this water have a profound effect on ecosystem function. Furthermore, the subsurface is a component of the global cycles of such bioactive elements as carbon, nitrogen, sulfiir, and phosphorous, to name a few. The chemical reactions that determine water quality and nutrient cycling in the subsurface are almost exclusively mediated by microbes. In light of this fact, the importance of bridging the gap in our understanding is apparent. This chapter will review the importance of groundwater to human and ecological concerns, some of the biogeochemical transformations that subsurface microbes carry out, current knowledge about the distribution of different phylogenetic groups found in the subsurface, and methods for analyzing subsurface microbial communities. Finally, the goals and methods of my research into subsurface microbial communities are described. 2. THE IMPORTANCE OF GROUNDWATER 2.1. Human use of groundwater 3.4.. Aw). 4"“. ~.. ‘4 '7‘ ‘h; 5" l1.‘ It is difficult to overestimate the importance of groundwater in the United States. It is estimated that 50% of all Americans and 98% of the population living in rural areas rely on groundwater as their primary source of water (50). The most recent data available indicate that over 77 billion gallons of groundwater is pumped per day in the United States (4). Statistics from the US. Geological Survey indicate 19% of groundwater is drawn for public drinking water and 63% is used for irrigation (4). 2.2. Ecological significance of groundwater Approximately 99.7% of the world’s freshwater (not in the form of ice and snow) is held in the subsurface. This groundwater serves as an important component of the hydrologic cycle, particularly in regard to the cycling of freshwater. Precipitation on land eventually becomes surface runoff which, in most geologic environments, infiltrates to the subsurface. Subsurface water has a relatively high residence time, between two weeks and 10,000 years, which may be longer than the residence times calculated for the ocean (about 4000 years). Groundwater which is not held in the primary lithosphere (the rock that forms the core of the earth) eventually exits the subsurface and discharges into lakes, rivers, or wetlands, or it empties directly into the ocean. Each of these environments are complex ecosystems, and groundwater flow rate and water quality have an impact on the function of these ecosystems. The flow of subsurface water into surface ecosystems influences water availability and habitat suitability, among other things, and the quality of subsurface water in these systems often selects for the species that live there. So, the processes that take place in subsurface environments are felt in other environments by virtue of the role of groundwater in the hydrologic cycle. 2.3. Global nutrient cycles and the subsurface The subsurface serves as a compartment of the global cycles of every known element of biological importance, including carbon, iron, sulfirr, and oxygen. Since primary production is thought to be insignificant in the subsurface (27), the dominant processes are likely to be degradative (14, 38). The extent to which subsurface environments effect global nutrient cycles is unknown. 3. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY OF THE SATURATED SUBSURFACE Madsen and Ghiorse (3 8) have estimated that the total microbial biomass in subsurface environments worldwide may be 40 times greater than in the top 1 m of soil. Moreover, the subsurface microbiota catalyzes a vast array of chemical transformations that affect global cycles of every bioactive element (27). Here, these processes are classified as aerobic reduction-oxidation processes, anaerobic reduction-oxidation processes, or processes not linked to energy conservation. 3.1. Aerobic reduction-oxidation processes 3.1.1. Degradation of organic compounds Degradation of organic molecules in groundwater is crucial to efficient global cycling of carbon. Carbon is fixed by green plants and other autotrophic organisms on the surface and incorporated into plant tissues. Upon decomposition of these tissues by surface microbes, soluble organic compounds are carried to the subsurface by infiltrating water. In shallow or oxygenated systems, degradation of this dissolved carbon is largely mediated by aerobic, heterotrophic bacteria. The major carbon end product of aerobic heterotrophic metabolism is C02, a pivotal component of the carbon cycle. In this form, carbon may either re-enter the atmosphere or it may be taken up by other microbial processes, including methanogenesis and carbon fixation. Organic carbon concentrations Act t1. are.” Tie; . .__ flyORO than ... 0. Fa: y 1.5."... Pbflarj ens. b Inn-H au..\'. T3: 3» cA‘ “ “4' “5 J58 l‘ . CC." ‘_‘ t‘h“‘v' .- f"? \‘NLL I I 14.. can vary widely across different formations, but it is thought that most pristine aquifers are carbon-limited (27, 38). 3.1.2. Nitrification The energy conserving process by which nitrate is created from ammonia is referred to as nitrification. Ammonia is generated by the anaerobic decomposition of plant and animal matter. Generation of nitrate from ammonia is a two step process undertaken by different genera: usually Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter. Nitrosomas (or Nitrocystis) uses ammonia as an electron donor in the overall energy-yielding processes: NH; + V202 -) NH20H (rxn #1) NH20H + 02 9 HNO2 + H20 (rxn #2) Nitrite (N02') is used as an electron donor by Nitrobacter (or Nitrococcus) species in the following reaction: N02' + V202 9 N03' (rxn #3) The final product, nitrate, can be assimilated by a variety of microorganisms, reduced, and used as NH2 groups in amino acids and proteins. Alternatively, under anaerobic conditions nitrate can be used as an electron acceptor by denitrifiers. Under the aerobic, oligotrophic conditions observed in shallow local flow systems however, when nitrate is introduced by agriculture or other practices it tends to accumulate (14). 3.1.3. Sulfide or elemental sulfur oxidation Chemolithotrophic sulfide oxdizing bacteria have been shown to occur in a number of subsurface systems (22). Coal spoil piles, in particular, encourage the growth of these organisms, as they leach elemental sulfiir in an aerobic environment, where subsequent bacterial activity creates acid mine drainage. In most systems, however, sulfur is found in trace quantities and originates from minerals or from the decomposing organic matter in the soil layer. The most widely studied sulfur oxidizer, Thiobacillus, uses sulfide or elemental sulfur as an electron donor and molecular oxygen as an electron acceptor for energy conservation: 2st + 02 -) 2H2O + 25° (rxn #4) or 23° + 02 + 2H2O -> 2H2SO4 (rxn #5) Reduced sulfiir species are typically available in anoxic areas where microbial activity has reduced oxidized sulfur species. By definition, however, oxygen is limiting in these zones, and for sulfur oxidation to proceed, these reduced species need to be transported to an oxic environment. Alternatively, sulfide that is associated with the mineral substratum can be utilized for energy-yielding reactions. For example, Chapelle (15) observed pyrite oxidation in an aerobic subsurface system. The overall reaction is: FeS2 + 15/4 02 + 7/2 H20 -) Fe(0H)3 + 4H* + 230.” (rxn #6) In aerobic systems with a rich source of sulfide or sulfirr, sulfate will tend to accumulate. This is seldom the case, however, as extensive sulfur oxidation will quickly deplete the environment of oxygen and the buildup of sulfuric acid acts as a negative feedback on sulfur oxidation. The end product of sulfide oxidation, sulfate, may accumulate in the subsurface, it may be assimilated by other microorganisms for use in protein production, or it may be used as a terminal electron acceptor for sulfate reducing bacteria in anaerobic zones of the aquifer. 3.1.4. FeH oxidation I H)“. val-L.» 61552? 'T. 1 a HAIL) :: 2L ., P. V ’Io l'g‘filffl C . .’. was J.- Iron oxidizing bacteria, or “iron bacteria” are so common in groundwater that they are considered a microbiological pest by the well water industry. In the saturated subsurface, iron can be derived directly from mineral sources or from the breakdown of organic matter. Ferrous iron is generally found in environments where anaerobic respiration has taken insoluble ferric iron and converted it to soluble ferrous iron. Iron oxidizing bacteria like Gallionella use ferrous iron as an electron donor and molecular oxygen as an electron acceptor in the following overall reaction: , Fe2+ + 4H+ + 02 -> Fe3+ + 2H2O (rxn #7) This Chemolithotrophic activity is observed most often in sediments that are anaerobic but are exposed to the atmosphere either by the intrusion of a well or by natural discharge into an aerobic environment like a river. Microbial iron oxidation is responsible for the thick, slimy coatings of ferric iron observed in some wells or at bottom of a stream or river where an anaerobic aquifer discharges. 3.1.5. C02 fixation Chemolithotrophs, like those that oxidize SUlfiJT, iron, manganese, and hydrogen, can utilize organic compounds as a carbon source in a manner much like chemoheterotrophs do. Utilization of inorganic electron donors and acceptors and an organic carbon source is called mixotrophy. Alternatively, many chemolithotrophs can autotrophically fix C02 through use of the Calvin cycle or the TCA cycle; this is known as chemolithoautotrophy. 3.1.6. H2 oxidation Hydrogen oxidizing bacteria have been found in a deep subsurface sediment by Fredrickson et al. (22). Hydrogen oxidation is coupled to aerobic respiration in the following overall reaction: m— ~ IAA.““ 2H2 + 02 -) 2H20 (rxn #8) In surface aquatic environments, where they have been most extensively studied, hydrogen oxidizers are generally found at the interfaces of oxic and anoxic waters. In these areas, H2 from anaerobic fermentation processes mixes with low concentrations of oxygen, providing the substrates needed for the above energy-conserving reaction. 3.1.7. Oxidation of other reduced species — Mn, P, As, Sb, Mo, U, Se Other reduced compounds may be used in energy conserving reactions, including manganese, reduced phosphorous, arsenite, antimony, molybdenite, uranium, and selenium. It is not known how important these processes are in the saturated subsurface, but they may be most relevant in systems where high concentrations of these elements are found. ~3.2. Anaerobic reduction-oxidation processes 3.2.1. Organics degradation Organic compounds in anoxic environments may be degraded by fennenters or anerobically respiring microbes. Many fermentation processes degrade high molecular weight organic compounds to organic acids and hydrogen. These fermentation products may be taken up as substrates by anaerobic respirers or methanogens that convert them to carbon dioxide and methane. 3.2.2. Fermentative production of formate, acetate, lactate Under anaerobic conditions, ferrnentative processes may play a large role in organics cycling. Fermenters in the subsurface and other environments conserve energy by using an organic compound as an electron donor and either organic compounds or protons as Py‘o l -.. F;;' 4.». 323.67. ”Mr 15: ”,5. ‘ I‘_ the electron acceptor. Examples of ferrnentative processes follow. Here, lactate and ethanol are produced from glucose: C5H1206 9 CH3CHOHC00H + CH3CH20H + C02 (rxn #9) In an unrelated reaction, lactate may be transformed to pr0pionate and acetate: 3CH3CH0HC00H -) 2 CH3CH2COOH + CH3C00H + C02 (rxn #10) Protons serve as electron acceptor in the following fermentation of ethanol to acetate: CH3CH20H + 2H20 -> CH3C00H + H“ + 4H2 (rxn #11) Small organic molecules like acetate, propionate, and forrnate are suitable substrates for anaerobically reSpiring bacteria. Hydrogen, too, is an extremely important substrate for anaerobic respirers. The passage of these substrates on to anaerobic respirers allows fermenters and respirers to co-exists under oligotrophic conditions. 3.2.3. Iron reduction Iron may serve as a terminal electron acceptor for bacterial respiration in the absence of oxygen. This process is thought to be relatively important in the saturated subsurface, where mineral iron is often found in high concentrations and oxygen may be depleted. Both autotrophic and heterotrophic iron reducers have been isolated, and potential electron donors include volatile fatty acids, aromatics, and SO. Ferric iron is reduced in the following overall reaction: 2Fe3+ + 2e -) 2Fe2+ (rxn #12) Iron reduction is responsible for the solubilization of ferric iron in many aquifers, often to such an extent that water treatment facilities must be created specifically for its removal. 3.2.4. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction / denitrification “I"? has... E” iii?» .7 533.5 Due to the paucity of nitrate in pristine groundwater, nitrate reduction is usually considered an important process only in contaminated environments. Contamination may originate from farm runoff or septic leachate or any of a number of different sources. In the absence of the more energetically favorable electron acceptors oxygen and Fe (II), nitrate can be reduced to dinitrogen by a single organism or stepwise by more than one species as some species lack either nitrate reductase or nitrite reductase. Alternatively, nitrate may be reduced to nitrite and then to ammonia in a process referred to as nitrite ammonification. Dissimilatory nitrate reducers use nitrate as an electron acceptor and they may use any of a number of organic metabolites or reduced sulfur such as S0 or H2S as an electron donor. The steps of nitrate reduction are as follows. N03' + 2H+ + 2c -> N02'+ H2O (rxn #13) N02'+2H++2e-)N0+H20 (rxn #14) 2NO+2H++2e -)N20+H20 (rxn #15) N20+2H*+2e-)N2+H20 (rxn #16) The overall process of nitrite ammonification is: NO2' + 7H++ 6e 9 NH3 + 2H2O (rxn #17) It has been thought that denitrification occurs only under anoxic conditions, but Robertson and Kuenen (43) have shown nitrate reduction in Thiosphaera pantotropha at atmospheric oxygen concentrations. 3.2.5. Sulfate reduction Sulfate reduction has been shown to be of great importance to the geochemistry of certain saturated subsurface environments. Sulfate and other oxidized sulfiir species are derived from degrading organic matter at the surface or from the microbial process of g? I." .;p L~il¥\. ta ~-.'$-~ . . . AAh'c\ I Q0 ‘ I . v 9 HS’ + 4H2O (rxn #18) Sulfate reduction results in the production of sulfide, which is toxic to most organisms, including sulfate reducing bacteria. Dissolved metals like Fe (II), however, will tend to precipitate sulfide, lowering the toxicity. 3.2.6. Methanogenesis In the absence of any other terminal electron acceptor, C02 or acetate may be used for the process of methanogenesis. This can be a significant process in many subsurface systems where electron acceptors have been depleted by high activity of respirative organisms. Stevens and McKinley (54) described the first subsurface ecosystem found in which A autotrophic methanogenesis was the dominant metabolism. In methanogenesis, C02 produced by respirative organisms is used as a terminal electron acceptor and any of a number of simple organic compounds or H2 (autotrophic methanogenesis) may be used as en electron donor. C02 + H2 9 CH4 + 2H20 (rxn #19) Alternatively, acetate produced by respirers may be cleaved by methanogens in aceticlastic methanogenesis: CH3COOH 9 CH4 + C02 (rxn #20) 10 B"; k... In subsurface systems where methane cannot cycle to an aerobic zone (where it could be aerobically converted to C02) the carbon cycle is truncated and natural gas accumulates. 3.3. Other processes not linked to energy conservation 3.3.1. Production of organic and inorganic acids that encourage dissolution Both heterotrophic and Chemolithotrophic microbes can contribute to mineral dissolution by generation of acidic end-products. Heterotrophic metabolism in the subsurface produces organic acids and C02 can hydrolyze to form carbonic acid in solution. Some chemolithotrophs form large quantities of sulfuric acid or nitric acid. These acids can react with minerals in the saturated subsurface, bringing about dissolution or alteration of sediments. 3.3.2. Production of siderophores that encourage dissolution Siderophores, particularly iron-specific siderophores, can cause dissolution of iron minerals. Iron reducers like Geobacter metallireducens produce these chelators in order to scavenge insoluble Fe (HI) from mineral surfaces. Chelated Fe (III) can be readily utilized for metabolic processes. 3.3.3. Agents of concentration Microbes may serve as agents of concentration in the subsurface. Certain species actively concentrate inorganic matter intracellularly, as with intracellular sulfur depOsition by sulfur bacteria. Passive accumulation of metals may occur on the sheath of bacteria like Leptothrix and Sphaerotilus and in biofilms. Other species have been found to encourage CaC03 precipitation outside of the cell (45, 60). 3.3.4. Agents of fractionation 11 Microbes may act as agents of fractionation by selective uptake of inorganic species. Preferential action may take the form of differential use of metals as terminal electron acceptors, as in the reduction of Mn (IV) before Fe (III). Other activities create stable isotope fractionations. Microbes preferentially utilize light stable isotopes as substrates and electron acceptors. The isotopes which have been shown to fractionate include: 328 and 34s, 12c: and 13c, 16c and 18C, 1‘N and 15N, 16o and 18o. 4. Previously identified aquifer microbes 4.1. Eukarya 4.1.1. Patterns of abundance Eukaryotes are thought to be present in low numbers in the saturated subsurface. In investigations in which they were observed, eukaryotic populations have been found to be significantly smaller than those of bacteria or archaea (5, 9, 39, 59). It has been asserted that populations of protozoa rely on the availability and numbers of their bacterial prey (20) and from this fact it has been inferred that the low counts of bacteria in the subsurface are the reason for the low observed numbers of protozoa (39). Sinclair et al. (48) detected protozoa in sediment cores only in samples with bacterial counts greater than 104 CFU/gdw. Madsen et al. (3 9) cultivated relatively high numbers of protozoa in aquifer sediments contaminated with polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s) compared to the counts observed in uncontaminated sediments from the same site (400 protozoa per gram versus <50 per gram). The authors assert that higher bacterial growth rates observed in the contaminated sediments are the cause of the high protozoa counts. Sinclair et al. (47) detected high numbers of protozoa in the unsaturated zone of a fuel- contaminated site. Numbers were also high in the saturated zone where contaminated 12 TESL prc. l c H,- .- . (‘1‘.3‘ lH~I an -»0..__ sediment met oxygenated groundwater. The authors argue that these observations are the result of high oxygen sensitivity in protozoa. Using MPN techniques to examine protozoa in sediments taken from within and outside of a plume of monoaromatic hydrocarbons, Zarda et al. (61) noted high counts in surface soil, a decrease in numbers in the vadose zone, and an increase in the saturated sediments. Strauss and Dodds (55) observed a steep decrease in protozoa numbers with depth in a profile of a pristine site; counts went from 105 protozoa/g dw in surface soils to 392 protozoa/g dw in saturated sediments at a depth of 10.3 meters. Sinclair and Ghiorse (48) observed two patterns in a pristine aquifer in Oklahoma. They noted both a decrease in protozoa counts with depth and that deep layers with high permeability present an exception to this rule in that higher protozoa counts were observed in coarser sediments. Using these observations, the authors speculate that protozoa abundance is affected by pore neck size and forces that carry these organisms fi'om the more heavily populated surface soils. Only a few investigations have sought to quantify filngal populations in the subsurface. Madsen et al. (39) observed on the order of 10 firngal CFU per gram in contaminated and uncontaminated sediment from up to 10 m below the soil surface. Bone and Balkwill (10) failed to observe yeast and other “eukaryotic forms” in sediment samples from below 0.2 m deep. White et al. (59), failed to detect long-chain polyenoic fatty acids, indicators of eukaryotes, in samples of aquifer clay from 400 meters below the surface. Ludvigsen et al. (36) detected fatty acid esters which they attribute to microan or algae in extracts of landfill-leachate contaminated sediment samples taken from 12 m below the surface. 4.1.2. Identity of eukaryotic organisms 13 I” "5 101g 9::- {’1 W838 t ‘4' Dim). 049.3: on. a, - may. ‘ “(5.. .‘ I‘LV‘L‘ The specific identity of subsurface eukaryotes has seldom been investigated beyond rough estimates of identity by morphological examination. Sinclair and Ghiorse (48) noted, using most-probable-number estimates, that ciliates decreased to extinction within 0.5 m of the surface in an uncontaminated site in Oklahoma. Flagellates and amoeba were detected throughout the profile. In examining the culturable protozoa from a hydrocarbon-contaminated plume near Hunxe, Germany, Zarda et al. (61) observed ciliates and naked amoebae, but the dominant protozoa were flagellates. Studies employing molecular techniques to phylogenetically identify subsurface microeukaryoates have yet to be reported in the literature. 4. 2. Archaea 4.2.1. Patterns of abundance While archaea have been isolated from enrichments of subsurface inoculum, few studies have undertaken a description of the in situ abundance and activities of archaeal populations in the subsurface. Bekins et al. (8) studied the distribution of several microbial groups, including methanogens, in a contaminated aquifer in Bemidji, Minnesota with most probable number (MPN) techniques. They found that methanogen populations, like the other groups, had a greater affinity for sediment surfaces (85%) than they did for the interstitial space. Furthermore, they detected 10-100 times more methanogens per gram of sediment in the unsaturated zone than in the saturated zone, possibly due to the presence of higher concentrations of nutrients in shallow sediments. It is expected that, in most cases, the forces that determine the distribution of bacteria in aquifers also determine the distribution of archaeal species. 4.2.2. Identity of subsurface archaea 14 spec. u “‘1‘ .1.“ In their study of a contaminated aquifer at the former Wurtsmith Air Force Base near Oscoda, Michigan, Dojka et al. (18) cloned archaeal 16S rRNA sequences from anaerobic, jet-fire] contaminated sediments using both archaeal and universal primer sets. They found archaeal sequences to be related to known methanogens and to an unknown Crenarchaeote. They propose that aceticlastic methanogens detected at the site and a known H2-producer, Syntrophus, also detected, may be involved in a syntrophic association in which H2 is passed from Syntrophus to the methanogens. Chandler et a1. (11) derived an archaeal 16S rRNA clone library from a deep subsurface sediment extracted from beneath the Hanford Site in Washington state. The sediment had a relatively high Eh (300 mV) and a high concentration of organic carbon (0.7% wt:wt). The sequences were all most closely related to thermophilic Crenarchaea. The authors speculate that these archaea may oxidize sulfur as their primary mode of energy- conservation. Using taxon-specific oligonuceotide probes, Fry et al. (26) determined that archaeal rRNA comprised 1.8% and 2.5% of the total rRNA in two deep, anaerobic, alkaline aquifer sediments. They assert that these populations are likely to be methanogenic since previous enrichments at the site uncovered methanogenic archaea. Finally, Stevens and McKinley (54) have uncovered a subsurface environment that may be dominated by lithoautotrophic methanogenesis. Using stable carbon isotope ratio measurements, they determined that hydrogen of lithological origins was being incorporated into methane, most likely through the metabolism of archaeal methanogens. It is worth noting that two studies exist (40, 46) in which researchers have used specific tools to detect Archaea in the subsurface (cultivation and rRNA analysis, respectively) but failed to detect the presence of this group. 15 Di: 4. 3. Bacteria 4.3.1. Patterns of abundance Data on the distribution of bacteria in the saturated subsurface is somewhat more extensive than data on Eukarya or Archaea, but the picture is still incomplete. In studies that measured direct microscopic counts and plate counts in pristine subsurface sediment (9, 10, 40, 49, 59), bacterial numbers have been found to be lower than those observed in the overlying soil. It is largely agreed that the relatively lower concentrations of organic matter and nutrients in sediments below the soil horizons is the largest determining factor for this observation (27). In sediment from a buried coal tar site, Madsen et al. (39) found that chemical contamination resulted in increased numbers of viable bacteria, a phenomenon observed in microbial communities from other environments as well (16, 19). There is conflicting data on the relative numbers of bacteria in unsaturated and saturated subsurface sediments and the results are apparently not correlated to any measured parameter. For example, Beloin et al. (9) found higher levels of microbial biomass indicators in saturated sediment than in the upper zones but Kieft et al. (34) found greater relative numbers of the same or similar indicators in unsaturated sediment at their study site in Washington state. Other studies have failed to uncover a relationship between saturation and bacterial counts (5, 10). Sediment texture (and hence, permeability) may be a more important influence on I'elative numbers of bacteria than degree of saturation. Albrechtsen (2) investigated the l'€=lative numbers of viable bacteria in the various size fractions of a single aquifer Sediment. It was found that although viable numbers are inversely proportional to grain Size. a size cut-off exists below which numbers of viable bacteria drop off: the size 16 fraction 0.2-1.2 urn held only 0.01-0.04% of the total numbers of bacteria found in the whole sediment. The highest numbers of viable bacteria per gram of sediment were found in the 1.2-100 um fraction. Fredrickson et al. (23) uncovered the same phenomenon in interleaved layers of sandstone and shale, but expressed their findings in terms of the pore-throat size of the sediments examined. They observed a total elimination of metabolic activity (as measured by 14C-labeled substrate uptake) in layers with pore throat sizes below 0.2 um. They suggest that while inactive cells may be maintained within sediment with low pore sizes, pore throats above 0.2 um are required for sufficient nutrient flux to maintain active metabolism. It is generally accepted in the field that the vast majority of bacteria in the saturated subsurface are attached to the substratum, rather than suspended in the interstitial space (3, 8), and further investigation has shown that sediment communities are distinct from those of the surrounding groundwater (3, 35). These data suggests that groundwater sampling does not serve as an appropriate surrogate for the more expensive and labor- intensive sampling of subsurface sediment. 4.3.2. Identity of bacteria Bacteria and 168 sequences previously isolated from the subsurface fall into these phylogenetic divisions: Proteobacteria, High G+C Gram positive bacteria, Low G+C Gram positive bacteria, candidate divisions OPS, 0P8, 0P10, and DP] 1, Cytophaga/Flexibacter/Bacterioides, Acidobacteria, Spirochetes, Termite group I, Verrucomicrobium, and Green nonsulfur. Figure 1 represents these groups in the context of the currently accepted bacterial divisions and proposed divisions (32) and Table l is a lists of these organisms and the most closely related genera, where determined. 17 § '3 o g e 2, a: as 3 o O 5 ' e e 0 r6 ~4 3 g 8‘ 4%) ~15 63 ga- 'o. e 9 ” o~ “is 5" fire .29 . 0‘ ‘° 9. \ sad“ e‘" I!» "a m ' 43°65? ‘9"? W i, if. Cfi Cgfo’ Q 2 gm // «0x ," ' w x/ ’ w FibIObac‘ct .afii’ . Green SUIfur . . ...-. ~WRE55$%§W5534>3M . “--..\ Cytophagales 4:; MIR-‘22:... hemNISID ' 1E;- \ CUS ‘ flir- , ._ 005919.? Archaea 0'10 Figure 1 Radial phylogram of selected bacterial divisions. Shaded wedges indicate divisions for which representative isolates or 168 sequences have been recovered from the subsurface. Adapted from Hugenholtz et al. (32). 18 a. :. l. Q Q Q ‘3 Q Q ‘3 ‘rl ’yV ‘-_y ‘—< ’v-, ‘~. ’- Nil. 07%; _ 6a,! 5.1),, ,' ND)“ ,7 Play, 71%;; 7pm; I 715.7); ‘15 , .1”), Table 1 Bacterial isolates and 16S clones previously derived from the subsurface. The division (or putative division) and genera are listed if determined for a given isolate or sequence. All isolates and clones were phylogenetically identified by sequencing of the 16S gene, except isolates developed by Fries et a1 (24), which were identified through fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis. Division or putative Genera (if isolate or Method of division determined) clone analysis reference a Proteobacteria Erythromicrobium 16S clone sequencing (13) a Proteobacteria Methylobacterium isolate FAME (24) aProteobacteria Sphingomonas isolate sequencing (6) a Proteobacteria Sphingomonas isolate sequencing (21) a Proteobacteria Sphingomonas l6S clone sequencing (53) a Proteobacteria 16S clone sequencing (18) aProteobacteria 16S clone sequencing (18) flProteobacteria Azoarcus 16S clone sequencing (18) ,6 Proteobacteria Burkholderia 16S clone sequencing (13) fl Proteobacteria Burkholderia 16S clone sequencing (53) fl Proteobacteria Burkholderia isolate sequencing (62) ,8 Proteobacteria Comamonas isolate sequencing (6) ,B Proteobacteria Comamonas l6S clone sequencing (13) ,6 Proteobacteria Comamonas isolate FAME (24) ,6 Proteobacteria Duganella l6S clone sequencing (l8) ,6 Proteobacteria H ydrogenophaga isolate FAME (24) ,6 Proteobacteria Janthinobacterium isolate FAME (24) fl Proteobacteria Ralstonia l6S clone sequencing (53) fl Proteobacteria Variovorax isolate sequencing (6) fl Proteobacteria Variovorax isolate FAME (24) [3 Proteobacteria 16S clone sequencing (18) 6 Proteobacteria Desulfovibrio 16S clone sequencing (41) 5 Proteobacteria Syntrophus 16S clone sequencing (18) 6 Proteobacteria 16S clone sequencing (18) 7 Proteobacteria Acinetobacter isolate sequencing (6) 7 Proteobacteria Acinetobacter isolate FAME (24) Y Proteobacteria Acinetobacter l6S clone sequencing (41) 1’ Proteobacteria Actinobacillus isolate FAME (24) 7 Proteobacteria Legionella 16S clone sequencing (18) YProteobacteria Methylomonas isolate sequencing (33) 19 Table 1 Continued Division or putative Genera (if isolate or Method of division determined) ‘ clone analysis reference 7Proteobacteria Shewanella 16S clone sequencing (41) 7Proteobacteria Thiamicrospira 16S clone sequencing (41) Proteobacteria Pseudomonas isolate sequencing (6) Proteobacteria Pseudomonas 16S clone sequencing (1 3) Proteobacteria Pseudomonas isolate FAME (24) Proteobacteria Pseudomonas l6S clone sequencing (53) Hi G+C gram positive Arthrobacter isolate sequencing (6) Hi G+C gram positive Clavibacter 16S clone sequencing (l 1) Hi G+C gram positive Corynebacterium isolate FAME (24) Hi G+C gram positive Micrococcus 16S clone sequencing (13) Hi G+C gram positive Micrococcus isolate FAME (24) Hi G+C gram positive Nocardia 16S clone sequencing (13) Hi G+C gram positive Nocardia isolate FAME (24) Low G+C gram positive Bacillus isolate sequencing (6) Low G+C gram positive Bacillus 16S clone sequencing (13) Low G+C gram positive Bacillus isolate FAME (24) Low G+C gram positive Bacillus 16S clone sequencing (41) Low G+C gram positive Bacillus 16S clone sequencing (53) Low G+C gram positive Desulfosporosinus isolate sequencing (44) Low G+C gram positive Desulfotomaculum 16S clone sequencing (18) Low G+C gram positive Eubacterium l6S clone sequencing (41) Low G+C gram positive Exiguobacterium l6S clone sequencing (18) Low G+C gram positive Staphylococcus isolate FAME (24) Low G+C gram positive Streptococcus isolate sequencing (6) Low G+C gram positive 165 clone sequencing (l8) OPIO l6S clone sequencing (18) CPU 168 clone sequencing (18) OPS 16S clone sequencing (18) 0P8 l6S clone sequencing (18) Cytophaga/Flexibacter/ Bacterioides F lavobacter l6S clone sequencing (53) Cytophaga/Flexibacter/ Bacterioides 16S clone sequencing (18) CyIOphaga/Flexibacter/ Bacterioides Chryseobacterium 16S clone sequencing (18) 20 Table 1 Continued Division or putative Genera (if isolate or Method of division determined) clone analysis reference Acidobacteria 16S clone sequencing (7) Acidobacteria 16S clone sequencing (18) Spirochetes 16S clone sequencing (18) Termite group I 168 clone sequencing (18) Verrucomicrobium 16S clone sequencing (18) Green nonsulfizr l6S clone sequencing (18) 21 “1*— H”... Nina. iiLg~ y 3‘3», “\14‘“' 3:09,)“, A n 5. Methods for analysis of microbial communities There are a number of methods available to study the microbial communities of the saturated subsurface. Methods of community analysis are generally divided between those which require cultivation and those which do not. Each method has its strong points and its limits. In deciding which method to use, a researcher has to balance these pros and cons and arrive at a choice that targets his or her objective the best. Some of the more commonly used approaches are listed here. 5.1. Cultivation and characterization of isolates The cultivation of subsurface microbes offers one route to describing the diversity of the community. Isolates can be metabolically characterized to determine what biogeochemical processes may be important in the ecosystem. Alternatively, the substrate range of isolates may be determined to elucidate possible pathways present in the system. Drawbacks include the possibility that isolates are poorly representative of the metabolically active members of the community, since it has been reported that only 1 -IO% of environmental strains can be cultivated (52) and the fraction of culturable bacteria in aquifer sediment can vary from sample to sample within the same formation (5). Hence, isolates derived from the subsurface may, in fact, be representative of the dominant metabolic groups present, but this has not been tested to date. 5.2. Analysis of functional genes Testing for the presence of certain functional genes in the subsurface, whether they are eXtracted in community DNA or recovered fiom the genomes of isolated organisms, is another approach to understanding the metabolic features of the subsurface microbial 22 The mitt) field it I A I: ’ a,“ {.,. 4s“; H ’t-\ flute 57.. -. 54¢ vu‘. community. Functional genes can be used as indicators of certain processes, like denitrification or toluene degradation for example, and the presence of these genes can be tested in samples taken directly from the environment or from enrichment cultures (30). One drawback to using this method is that in order to detect a given firnctional gene it must have been previously identified and characterized, which can be laborious. Another point of concern lies in the fact that detection of a given gene does not necessarily mean that it is expressed under the current conditions. Furthermore, metabolic processes that are not specifically targeted will not be detected, so pathways of importance may be missed in this type of analysis. 5.3. Analysis of the metabolism of radio-labelled substrates or electron acceptors The use of radioactively-labelled substrates or electron acceptors can be used to investigate the metabolism of subsurface microbial communities on a bench scale or a field scale. For example, Fredrickson et al. (23) used [14C] acetate, [14C] glucose, and 358042' in sediment microcosm studies to determine the viability and the sulfate reduction capacity of the subsurface community. One drawback to using labeled substrates in microcosm experiments is that one can only confirm the potential for a given metabolic process, since in situ rates of a given reaction, given ambient concentrations of the substance of interest, are not measured. 5.4. Analysis of membrane components — PLFA and FAME Fatty acids and phospholipids found in the membranes of all microbes can be employed in analyzing the composition of the subsurface community. In phospholipid fatty acid (PLF A) analysis and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis, the lipids in a given sediment are extracted and the polar lipids are separated from the mixture and analyzed 23 361‘; 'II in My | ya... I“; one: Fun}... .. ‘ u‘¥ : ii: I misfit - A 1’. YnL;_" *‘LLE s IGOR: (PLF A) or the lipids are esterified and analyzed (FAME). Signature molecules have been identified that can indicate the presence of certain microbial groups (25). However, this method provides only a low degree of resolution and allows the researcher to determine the relative abundances of only those groups that have been cultivated, characterized, and have distinct membrane lipids. Also, sample size considerations may be prohibiting, as cell counts in subsurface sediment are often so low that large quantities of sediment are needed for the extraction (>75 g) which may be expensive to acquire. 5.5. Analysis of small subunit rRNA or small subunit rDNA The small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene and its transcripts, l6S rRNA in bacteria and archaea and 18S rRN A in eukaryotes, are employed in many different methods of community analysis. The SSU rRNA molecule serves in the ribosome as part of the machinery of translation and its function has been found to be highly conserved among all living organisms. There are a number of advantages to using 168 and 188 over other molecular markers. Firstly, the SSU gene is present in all organisms. This means that having the 168 sequence of a given organism allows researchers to place that organism within the context of the universal tree of life. Also, some parts of the molecule are highly conserved, so large evolutionary distances between kingdoms can be resolved, and other parts are less conserved, allowing for finer resolution of genera and species. Furthermore, the 168 molecule holds a great deal of phylogenetic information: each of the 1500+ nucleotide bases has four possible identities (A, G, C, U). The 168 gene is not translated into protein, so its sequence is not subject to the restrictions and complications which translation into amino acids imposes. Finally, there are extensive databases of known 16S sequences available (including the Ribosomal Database Project 24 i43nc ins... $1)ij l' 5,“. O4- I‘k‘a. (II E art: IRS l r . u gE fey-4;, “will 1 eiffffnn. the {536 http://www.cme.msu.edu/RDP/html/. and GenBank, available through the National Center for Biotechnology Information http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) which can be used for comparing or identifying newly discovered 16S sequences. There are drawbacks to the use of the 16S gene in community analysis. Biases may be introduced by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which is often used to amplify the community 168 sequences. Artifacts of the reaction may include preferential amplification of minority sequences, fidelity problems in polymerization, chimeric sequences, and founder effects (12, 51, 56, 57). Furthermore, 168 results may be difficult to extrapolate to the environment because of lack of agreement between phylogenetic identity and the metabolism of the organism (1). This is certainly a consideration when employing 168 methods, but many phylogenetic groups (species, genera, and divisions) have been shown to have consistent metabolic traits, allowing conjecture about the processes that closely related organisms undertake (18). Also, 16S rDNA extracted from environmental samples (soil, sediment, or water, for example) may have been derived from dead or inactive cells, as it is unclear exactly how long DNA remains stable in the environment. Each of these limitations must be acknowledged when using the 16S gene in community analysis. 5.5.1. Amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis In amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) of microbial communities, 168 genes in community DNA are amplified through the PCR and digested with a restriction enzyme. The resulting mixture of long and short fragments are separated by electrophoresis to produce a profile of the 168 genes from the sample. ARDRA allows the researcher to compare microbial communities from sample to sample, possibly to 25 Ar..- kt. C37 {HE'S less 06(- monitor the presence or absence of certain ribotypes or to observe whether the microbial community at large is affected by a particular event (25). One drawback of this method is the difficulty in identifying individual members of the community in a given community profile. A single 168 type creates an unknown number of bands, so a band cannot be correlated, with certainty, with a given ribotype. 5.5.2. Denaturing gradient gel elctrophoresis analysis In denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, or DGGE, 168 genes fiom the community are amplified through PCR and separated on an acrylamide gel. A chemical denaturant in the gel causes the 168 genes to be separated according to their base pair sequence. This method allows many of the same analyses afforded by ARDRA analysis and provides a less complicated community profile with a one-band-to-one—ribotype ratio. However, DGGE is subject to poor reproducibility due to the vagaries of assebling the gradient gel. 5.5.3. Fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis Fluorescent in situ hybridization microscopy, or FISH, is a method of analysis in which cells are washed from the sample (sediment, in this case) and are stained with fluorescently-tagged rRNA probes. The stained cells are viewed with an epifluorescence Inicroscope which allows the user to apply varying wavelengths of incident light to cause fluorescence of the chemical tags attached to the rRNA probes. The result is a series of images in which cells that are tagged with each probe used are highlighted. The Specificity of the probes is the key: they can be designed to target groups from the Kingdom level to the strain level. Using this method, one can determine the numbers and relative proportions of different phylogenetic groups within a sample. One drawback of FISH is that the only groups that are identified and enumerated in a given sample are 26 Urn:_ “k. 6825," .-.-~- those which the researcher has specifically targeted. For example, a particular division which comprises a large part of the community will not be enumerated if the researcher doesn’t know in advance to target it and design a specific probe for it. Furthermore, some groups lack a consistent signature sequence in the 168 gene, preventing the design of a probe to specifically target them. 5.5.4. rRNA hybridization analysis The hybridization techniques in FISH were derived from earlier work with rRNA hybridization in which whole rRNA fiom the microbial community is extracted and attached to a membrane. The community rRNA is exposed to radioactively labeled phylogenetic rRNA probes, and the amount of hybridization of a probe to the community RNA is quantified. The concentration of these probes that attach to a given community sample is proportional to the number of target sequences in the sample. Using rRNA hybridization, the relative proportions of different phylogenetic groups in the community can be established. This method has the same drawbacks as FISH, namely, that untargeted phylogenetic groups and groups for which a probe cannot be designed are not detected. 5.5.5. Cloning the 168 gene The 168 DNA from a sediment sample can be amplified (with the PCR), cloned into Escherichia coli, and analyzed to determine the identities of individual community members. This method has proven to be a powerfiil tool in the discovery of previously unknown bacteria and archaea and in assessing the distribution of known species. The drawbacks to using 168 in community analysis (as described above) clearly apply to the 27 p——«¢ . rt- . . A f.n Lt. V: (I; . (' i C) ”o, 1 ’H ‘0 ‘ A n...‘ 10 i: RFU h‘ -- . fit-v1“; I... ‘ ., “15C". t¢.\ p- '31 :p‘ C“ In," . . ‘ I II‘I‘L: t, "h u .. :- “A“ use of cloning, but it has allowed many researchers to explore the variety of community members in the subsurface. 5.5.6. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis In terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis, the 168 genes from a microbial community are amplified using a primer that is fluorescently labeled at the 5’ end. The amplified genes are then digested with a restriction enzyme and size- separated by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. The terminal 168 fragments are fluorescently tagged and can be detected and compiled to create a profile of the microbial community. The length of any particular terminal fragment is dependent upon the sequence of the original 168 gene, and the 168 sequence is dependent upon the identity of the organism from which it was derived. So, in addition to the comparative analysis that ARDRA allows, T-RFLP profiles can be analyzed using databases of 16S sequences. The 168 sequences in these databases can be digested with restriction enzymes in silico to determine the terminal 168 restriction fragment lengths of known species. Peaks in T- RFLP profiles can be correlated to the restriction fragment lengths of known species or phylogenetic groups. T-RFLP analysis is subject to the limitations inherent to all 168 methods, but it can be a usefirl tool for comparative community analysis. 5.5.7. Real-time PCR of SSU genes or functional genes Real-time PCR is a molecular method in which the numbers of a targeted DNA sequence are quantified by comparing the progress of a reaction containing an unknown number of target sequences with the progress of standard reactions. The method has been used to quantify a range of DNA sequences, including nitrite reductase (28), glycoprotein D of human immunodeficiency virus (31), meningococcal-specific genes IS1106, ctrA, and 28 siaD (29), and large (37) and small subunit rRNA (17, 37, 42, 58). The method has great potential for investigating microbial community structure through quantifying SSU genes and fiinctional genes in environmental samples, but it is not yet widely used for this purpose. The drawbacks of analyzing the distribution of functional genes and SSU genes apply to real-time PCR. 6. Specific aims of this work To achieve a better understanding of subsurface microbial communities, we have undertaken a comparative analysis of the communities in pristine and chemically- contarninated aquifer sediment by dissecting the communities of two different sites using molecular, cultivation-independent approaches. The specific aims of these projects were as follows: 1. Determine the community structure in several samples of pristine aquifer sediment using T-RFLP of PCR amplified l6S rRNA genes. 2. Describe members of the bacterial community in a pristine subsurface sediment by cloning and sequencing selected 168 sequences. 3. To use T-RFLP to assess the community-level differences between contaminated and uncontaminated sediment sediments derived from the Bachman aquifer. Intrinsic bioremediation of tetrachloroethylene (TCE) has been shown to occur within the plume at this site. 4. To describe members of bacterial communities in these clean and contaminated sediments by cloning 168 genes fi'om the site. 5. To elucidate the relative abundance of a 16S clone which has been recovered from contaminated sediment at the Bachman site using real-time PCR. 29 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. REFERENCES Achenbach, L. A., and J. D. Coates. 2000. Disparity between bacterial phylogeny and physiology. ASM News. 66(December):p. 714. Albrechtsen, H.-J. 1994. 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[print] March, 2000;. 50(6 part 2):743-749. 34 CHAPTER 2 A CULTIVATION-INDEPEN DENT ANALYSIS OF BACTERIAL COMMUNITIES IN PRISTINE AQUIFER SEDIIVIEN T INTRODUCTION Groundwater is an important resource both economically and ecologically, and the microbial communities that reside in the saturated subsurface play an integral role in the quality of this resource. As groundwater filters through subsurface sediment, microbes metabolize soluble organic and inorganic compounds, immobilizing or mineralizing them and improving water purity (36). Subsurface microbes are also responsible for the degradation of anthropogenic contaminants in groundwater (3, 31, 41). To date, numerous studies of subsurface microbial communities have been carried out, but by no means do we have a complete description of life in the saturated subsurface. Early work has shown that life in saturated sediment is strictly microbial, prokaryotic, and adapted to oligotrophic conditions. Most studies have examined the cultivable fraction of the microbial community (6-8, 17, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 30, 38). While these studies have provided a degree of insight into the physiology and numbers of certain subsurface organisms, they are severely limited in the wider significance of their findings because the culturable members do not necessarily reflect the entire community or even a substantial fraction of the community (11, 16, 34, 39). These studies have shown, however, that subsurface microbes represent a high degree of physiological and morphological diversity (6, 7, 17, 23, 30, 38). Other investigations have contributed 35 information about abundance patterns in the subsurface, and they have begun to correlate aquifer geochemistry and population abundance (6, 7, 17, 19, 20, 23, 30, 38). Specific information on the phylogenetic groups and metabolic types present in uncontaminated subsurface sediments is severley limited, however. We have undertaken an analysis of the microbial communities in a pristine aquifer on the eastern shore of Virginia, where sediments range fi'om aerobic and oligotrophic to microoxic and relatively organic-rich. We have employed two nucleic acid-based techniques, 16S rRNA T-RFLP and cloning, in an effort to compare and describe these communities. While we observe similarities between the bacterial communities from the two sites, there are also strong differences. Clones from the aerobic zone are phylogenetically diverse and most show little homology with known species. We have also detected two rDNA clones that show little relatedness to known phylogenetic divisions and are deeply rooted in the bacterial phylogenetic tree. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sample collection The study site is located in Oyster, VA. Two areas of the aquifer were sampled: the narrow channel focus area (N CFA) and the south Oyster focus area (SOFA) (Figure l). A single intact core was aseptically collected from each sampling point indicated in the diagram from the NCFA in October 1998 and from the SOFA in April 1999. Cores were placed in plastic liners, divided, placed in gamma-irradiated polypropylene tubes, and held at 4° C for seven days, after which they were stored at - 80°C. The sediment samples from the NCFA and SOFA were collected from 6.5 - 8.0 and 4.9 — 7.0 meters below the ground surface, respectively. 36 i A ' ,. 1‘ 13:51,.” Focus South Oyster Focus Area (SOFA) o 2 4 Scale in meters SO T2 . so S 14 . SO 32 . Hydrological flow gradient NC M3 SO S 10 ——> Narrow Channel Focus Area (NCFA) 0 2 4 Scale in meters 0 O 0 NC B2 NC 818 NC M3 Hydrological flow gradient ————> Figure 1 Map of Oyster, Virginia, indicating the locations of the south Oyster focus area (SOFA) and the narrow channel focus area (NCFA). Below, the areas of the SOFA and the NCFA have been expanded to indicate the positions of sampling points. 37 DNA extraction Microbial community DNA was extracted from NCFA sediment samples by a protocol described by Zhou et al. (44) with modifications. Briefly, 15 ml extraction buffer and proteinase K (final concentration 0.04 mg/ml) was added to 15 g of sediment, and the mixture was incubated at 37°C for 30 minutes. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution was added for a final concentration of 18 mg/ml, and the mixture was incubated at 65°C for 2 hours, followed by three cycles of freezing in a dry ice and ethanol bath and thawing in a 65°C water bath. The supernatant was collected and the pellet was washed twice with extraction buffer and SDS and the washes and supernatant were combined. This liquid was extracted twice with chloroform and isoamyl alcohol (24:1 vol:vol) and the aqueous phases were combined. Nucleic acid was precipitated by the addition of 0.6 volume of isopropanol, then resuspended in water and precipitated by the addition of 2 volumes of ethanol. The pellet was resuspended in modified TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCL, 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 8) and used in polymerase chain reactions. DNA was extracted from SOFA sediment samples with a Soil DNA Kit Mega Prep (MoBio) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. We used 10 g of sediment for each extraction. Isopropanol (0.7 volume) was added to the final DNA elution, and the solution was incubated at 4°C overnight. The solution was centrifiiged at 12,000xg for 30 min, the supernatant was decanted, and the pellet was resuspended in 200 ul of water. The DNA was reprecipitated by addition of 0.15 volume of 3 M sodium acetate and 2 volumes of ethanol. The solution was stored at -20°C overnight. Community DNA was pelleted by centrifugation at 12,000xg for 30 min. The pellet was dried and resuspended in 50 ul of water, and stored at -20°C until needed. 38 1'; C035 16S rDNA T-RFLP As sediment samples from the two sites were extracted by different methods, the amount and purity of the genomic DNA in the final extraction volume difl‘ered as well. Accordingly, the T-RFLP amplification mixture for each sample set was adjusted independently. NCFA sediment samples NC B2 (8 m), NC 518 (6 m), NC 818 (8 m), and NC M3 (6 m) were used for T-RFLP analyses. Bacterial 16S ribosomal genes were amplified from bulk DNA in reaction mixtures that contained 1X PCR buffer (Perkin Elmer), 2 mM MgC12, 0.2 mM of each dNTP, 0.2 mM of the reverse primer, 0.5 mM of the forward primer, 8 ng bovine serum albumin per ul, approximately 0.08 ng/ul of template DNA, and 0.02 U of AmpliTaq (Perkin Elmer) per ul. SOFA sediment samples S0 B2 (5 m), SO BZ (6 m), SO T2 (5 m), SO T2 (6 m), S0 814 (5 m), SO $14 (6 m), SO M3 (6 m), and SO 810 (4 m). For T-RFLP of the SOFA DNA, bacterial 16S genes were amplified in the same manner as described for the NCFA samples, with the following exceptions: the forward and reverse primer concentrations were both 0.25 uM, the template concentration was 0.8 ng/ul and the AmpliTaq concentration was 0.05 U/ul. The forward primer for all reactions, 27F, which is specific for bacteria (5’-AGA GTT TGA TCC TGG CTC AG-3’) (24), was labeled at the 5’ end with the phosphoramidite dye 5-hexachlorofluorescein (“hex-labeled”). The reverse primer used in SOFA amplifications was the universal primer 1392R (5’-ACG GGC GGT GTG TRC- 3’)(32). Amplifications of NCFA DNA contained either 1392R or the universal primer 152511 (sumo GAG GTG ATC CAG cc-3’) (5). 39 Reaction mixtures were incubated in a GeneAmp 2400 PCR System thermal cycler (Perkin Elmer) at 94°C for 3 minutes, followed by 35 cycles at 94°C for 45 seconds, 60°C for 30 seconds, and 72°C for 90 seconds and a final extension step of 72°C for 10 minutes. We prepared three replicate amplifications of each NCFA DNA sample and two replicates of each SOFA DNA sample. Replicate reaction mixtures were combined and purified using WizardQ PCR purification columns (Promega) and eluted with a final volume of 50 ul of modified TE buffer (0.1 mM EDTA, lOmM Tris, pH 8.0). For restriction digests, 200 ng of purified PCR product were digested with 15 U of HhaI, MspI, or RsaI (BMB) at 37°C for 3.5 hours. For electrophoresis, 1 ul of this mixture was loaded on an acrylamide slab gel. The lengths of the terminal restriction fragments from the amplified rDNA products were determined using an ABI Prism 377 DNA sequencer and ABI software (PE Applied Biosystems) as described by Liu et al. (25). In order to eliminate primer fragments from detection and to avoid inaccurate sizing of long fragments, we excluded all fragments smaller than 30 bp and larger than 600 bp from the analysis. TRFLP analyses T-RFLP profiles were analyzed using GeneScan 3.1 software (PE Applied Biosystems). For enumerating the restriction fragments in each profile, a fluorescence intensity threshhold was set at 50 so that only fragments greater than this intensity were included in further analysis. Comparisons between T-RFLP profiles were conducted using the Genotyper software package (version 2.5, Perkin Elmer). Fragments shorter than 30 base pairs (bp) or larger than 600 bp were excluded from analysis in order to eliminate primer artifacts and to avoid the problems associated with identifying the 40 length of large fragments. The Hha I profiles were compared using the T-RFLP Profile Analysis tool through the Ribosomal Database website (http://www.cme.msu.edu/RDP/cgis/trflp.cgi?su=SSU), which determines the percent similarity between two profiles by dividing the the number of terminal fragments present in both profiles by the number of fragments in the profile with fewer fragments. Cloning of 16S rRNA genes Sediment from the narrow channel site was selected for 16S rDNA cloning as this site represented a typical pristine, oligotrophic, aquifer. Three sediments were used for cloning experiments: 818 (6 m), S18 (8 m), and B2 (8 m). Bacterial 16S ribosomal genes were amplified from bulk DNA in reactions that contained 1X PCR buffer (Perkin Elmer), 2.5 mM MgC12, 200 M dNTPs, 0.2 mM of each primer, 8 ng bovine serum albumin per ul, and 0.02 U of AmpliTaq (Perkin Elmer) per ul. The forward primer was 27F and the reverse primer was 1392R. The amount of template in each amplification and the cycling conditions were the same as those used for T-RFLP reactions. The PCR products were cloned using a TOPO TA Cloning Kit (Invitrogen Corp.) in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Plasmid DNA was extracted and purified with a Qiagen Mini Plasmid-prep kit (Qiagen). Screening of rDNA clones by ARDRA The plasmid inserts of approximately 40 clones from each library were amplified using the PCR conditions described for cloning, with roughly 30 ng of purified plasmid DNA template per 25 ul reaction. Five ul of rDNA PCR products were digested with 10 U of the 4-base specific restriction enzyme Cfo I in 1X NEB bufl‘er (New England Biolabs) in a final volume of 15 ul for 3 hrs and 30 min at 37°C. Digested DNA fragments were separated by acrylamide gel (10% acrylamide) electrophoresis and visualized by silver staining. Restriction fragment lengths were 41 estimated by comparison with molecular weight standards which ranged from eight to 587 bp (DNA molecular weight marker V2, Roche Molecular Biochemicals), and plasmids with unique patterns were selected for partial sequencing of the rDNA insert. Sequencing of rDNA clones Plasmid inserts from selected rDNA clones were amplified using the same conditions described above for cloning. Amplified rDNA inserts were purified by using Ultrafree MC Millipore 30,000 NMWL filter units (Millipore) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Sequencing was performed using the ABI Prism BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Reaction Kit and an ABI Prism 377 DNA sequencer (PE Applied Biosystems) according to the manufacturer’s directions. Primers for sequencing included 27F, 355F (5’-ACT CCT ACG GGR SGC AGC-3’) (4), 536R (5’- GWA TTA CCG CGG CKG CT -3’) (33), 1100R (5’-AGG GTT GCG GTG GTT G- 3’) (ref. TLM?), and 1392R. Fifty-two (52) clones were partially sequenced using 27F and five clones that were of particular phylogenetic interest were fiilly sequenced. Phylogenetic analyses All sequenced clones were checked for chimeric sequences using the Ribosomal Database Project II CHIMERA_CHECK version 2.7 (http://www.cme.msu.edu/RDP/html/index.html). Seven chimeras were detected among the sequences and were eliminated from further analysis. Sequences were aligned against close relatives in the Ribosomal Database Project 11 release 8.0 (28) using Arb software (40). Alignments were refined by visual inspection and percent similarity to known isolates and previously cloned sequences was determined. For analysis, a mask was generated to exclude highly variable regions where the alignment was uncertain or where one or more of the sequences had an alignment gap. All presented dendrograms were 42 " E constructed using the fastDNAml (maximum likelihood) function in the Arb software package (40). The robustness of tree topologies was tested through loo-replicate bootstrap resampling of sequences using evolutionary distance and the optimality criteria of maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony (PAUP* version 4.0b8, written by David L. Swofl‘ord). Evolutionary distance variables and corrections were selected through the use of Modeltest (3 5). RESULTS Description of the Study Site The site is located in the village of Oyster, Virginia, on the Delmarva Peninsula. The aquifer underlying Oyster is a shallow, unconfined formation and is currently the focus of a study on bacterial transport by the US. Department of Energy’s Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation Research Program. Two areas were sampled for this study: the narrow channel focus area (NCFA) and the south Oyster focus area (SOFA) (Figure 1). The NCFA lies to the south-southwest of the village of Oyster. The water in this part of the formation was oxic (5.5 mg 02/1) and low in organic carbon (1000 ppb). The SOFA lies directly to the south of Oyster. Here, the groundwater was hypoxic (0.52 mg 02/1) due to upwelling suboxic groundwater and was comparatively high in organic carbon (36,000 ppb). The water table at both sites was roughly 1.5 to 2.0 meters below the ground surface. 168 rDNA T-RFLP We were able to identify up to 39 terminal fragments per T-RFLP profile of Oyster sediment bacterial communities. On average, Hha I and Msp I digestions produced more bands per profile (20 and 21, respectively), than did Rsa I (16). See Table l for a list of the number of terminal fragments in each Hha I T-RFLP profile. 43 Table 1 Total number of terminal fragments detected in Hha I bacterial T-RFLP profiles from Oyster, Virginia number of South Oyster sediment terminal fragments S0 B2 (5 m) 21 SO T2 (4 m) 18 SO T2 (6 m) 15 SO S14 (5 m) 16 SO S14 (6 m) 23 SO S10 (4 m) 16 SO M3 (6 m) ' 8 Narrow channel sediment, primer set NC B2 (6 m), 8F/1392R 29 NC 518 (6 m), 8F/1392R 18 NC S18 (8 m), 8F/1392R 25 NC M3 (6 m), 8F/1392R 20 NC B2 (6 m), 8F/1525R 22 NC 818 (6 m), 8F/1525R 39 NC S18 (8 m), 8F/1525R 13 NC M3 (6 m), 8F/1525R 14 44 Within the SOFA samples we can identify five profiles which are highly similar. Each of the eight terminal fragments present in the SO M3 (6 m) profile are present among the fragments in four other profiles: SO B2 (5 m), S0 814 (5 m), SO T2 (4 m) and SO T2 (6 m). The Msp I and Rsa l digestions of these samples also display a high degree of similarity (data not shown). Profiles SO T2 (6 m) and S0 814 (5 m) are also highly analogous (93% identical fragments). Overall, each of the south Oyster profiles showed no less than 40% identity with any of the other profiles. Within the narrow channel samples, we note that the NC M3 (6 m) profiles are markedly divergent from the other profiles. The 27F/1525R NC M3 (6 m) profile, in particular, has a maximum of 28% similarity with other narrow channel profiles. There was a degree of similarity between the SOFA and NCFA community profiles. Terminal restriction fragments common to both sites included: Hha I 206 bp, 369 bp, 567 bp, and 573 bp, Msp I 494 bp, Rsa I 119 bp and 475 bp. Profiles from the two sites shared as many as 50% of the same fragments. Phylogenetic analysis The phylogenetic diversity of the bacterial community in the narrow channel study site was determined through the analysis of three clone libraries of 16S ribosomal RNA genes. Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the focus area and the points from which sediment was extracted for use in the clone study. Bulk DNA was extracted from aseptically-collected sediment samples and primers specific for bacterial l6S sequences were employed to amplify the sequences of interest. In order to select unique 16S clones for sequencing, 130 clones were screened using ARDRA (10). The number of unique ARDRA patterns from each library was quite high: 26 out of 40 screened in the NC 818 (6 m) library (65%), 39 / 45 in the NC 818 (8 m) library (87%), 45 and 31 / 35 in the NC B2 (8 m) library (89%). There was a degree of overlap between libraries, and we were able to discern 89 different ARDRA patterns among the 120 clones screened. We sequenced 15 clones from NC 818 (6 m), 4 clones from NC S18 (8 m), and 12 clones from NC BZ (8 m). Table 2 lists the phylogenetic affiliations of the narrow channel focus area clones as determined using the Arb software package with the RDP II 8.0 database and lists the closest 168 sequence match in the GenBank database as determined by a BLAST search. Figure 2 (a-e) is a series of maximum likelihood dendrograms depicting the phylogenetic placement of 18 of these SSU rDNA clones. . There are a number of clones that may be representatives of novel phylogenetic divisions. Two clones, in particular, cluster together but fail to show a distinct association with any known phylogenetic group (Figure 2e). These clones are apparently deeply rooted in the bacterial tree and in Figure 2e they are shown in the context of other deeply rooted genera and several later-diverging species. We will refer to these clones as “NCFA group I”. None of the cloned sequences in this study are identical to known species or previously discovered sequences. DISCUSSION Many studies of bacterial communities in uncontaminated subsurface environments have failed to evaluate the phylogenetic diversity of these communities as they have been limited by the bottleneck of cultivation, which prevents detection of species that resist isolation. This can be a significant limitation when one considers that 90-99% of environmental species may be uncultivable (3 9) and that this number may be 46 . .nl 1 l\ Ila illit- ll|||| at: guild! uticlt:lfirv ghv ~.h-—h Nun‘s p...v.._ Kara-79:32.7. .fQ»— -~.-.h U sup—.5 tyne uCQnCUU-ll 9.. 7v: :7... v~>€A~ N av~r~ Enh. «we 82 288 88888 55888: 2688 5% 6+0 E m S <52 m8 , w . 80.2 a 82:82 258 :88 96 E m : <82 :95 Rm 38.288822 58888: 358 :88 0+0 E m 2 <52 . V , q . V . ,_ 9.9m E one? 2380 E: 888.8 888085 82 .8588... 8588823 m m <82 . , . w, x 658883. \ 888082 g Rm 8.88 88880 5588823 \ 888882 m w <82 _ , , 530883588, . . ; . . . , w . . . ., mwm 33 898006»: 19523:: , «EEBOEHE \ 8838.92 m A. «EUZ mmm N218; 82888 52888: a58888.5 m m N 85.62 RN 8-2.8. 825888 8888: 588888 8 m 2.62 . , w . w . . on w . w , . . cg -2835 8:588 5.2383 6_.88.8885 8 m v <52 .88 . . . 2.85 :58 . 88m at. 286 h a . .m <82 28 o mange «:88 882. a Now 8:23 _ 8880882 .88 . 8 w 3:62 q .2825. . , ., . j _ , 8. 8882...... s... 8838 _ as a as, I ,e . 882.22: . ; a ._ . .82 6.86m 033.8 £2550 «memo—o 838% w 283233. 48835 69 oc/no 00/80 0:20 o a S 25w 8 880 Pd J J .52 8 . . _ 6 Q (600 @o. 33.5 $55: 820 E Eaten 42% .«o 3:08:80 EEwHS .8820 E was £50m 3520 38.8: 05 88m $0538 m2 32803 no 258083 owoaowoanm N 035. 47 A‘vru::..~:»v. V» N wv~a-~.~. 5N 03208303048. M0:0..030:3< 00300:: m mm N E 4202 8». 5 020 888083 83088: , 88882 0 : <32 3:050:38 0:38 _ 3530308 0:8w 3330308 Nam . . . “.2 0:30.82 .xcmm 833832 833052 m 02 <202 N000 , 8.: 288 8588 :8 588.85 8888.2 \ 8.338883 0 m 2 <32 . 0:833 33.: 3020:0302 R: 3 8888882 .820 888582: .0 +0 E m E <32 , , , . 0:833 mm: 3:308 0830.35 3:308 08385.2. $00 mgomfiofi 0830.593 3 2 «£02 . . . . . 62392 880 0+0 5 . . .. . . , 1 88m 028.8 0.5300 380.0 3383 w 33333 .3330 60v /..o 0:20 and 05 S 0338 3000—0 0U 0U 9Joo 8: 988800 N 2.8.: 48 «~0Lv3Cm0C.v. v» .H .lififi 2 0:08 <202 : w 34502 q 8 2 :88 <32 : Om <32 :0 m M3080m Hmuomvm . Sm 0:08 0% 0008880800882 00:30:: m mm <202 omm EC 33020 082088 00880:: m mm (£02 3 583: 9 5280808: 8808: m R <32 mum cowlflm 0:08 =3 083380 00880:: m cm «£02 30 Emmi. 0:08 008.803 m mm «£02 30883 000 8808:8080 ”000082008020 00880:: m 0m «£02 08083 08380: :005 00883 N00 8808:8080 00000308020 00880:: m mm Desulfomonile tiedjei N CF A clone 6 5 —— Geobacter metallireducens Desulfovibrio africanus Desulforhabdus amnigenus Azorhizobium caulinodans 0.10 Figure 2 a-e Maximum likelihood dendrograms of bacterial 16S sequences obtained from the narrow channel focus area in Oyster, Virginia. Divisions are listed out side the brackets for panels b through d and subdivisions are listed in panel a (Proteobacteria). Optimality criteria used in bootstrap analysis of the sequences were: maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and neighbor joining. Bifurcations supported (bootstrap values >7 5%) by one optimality criteria but are only marginally supported (SO-75%) or not supported (<50%) by the other criteria are indicated with open circles. Bifurcations supported by two or three of the criteria are indicated with closed circles. The number of characters in each analysis and the range of the mask (E. coli numbering) were as follows: a) 330 characters, bases 216-484, b) 443 characters. bases 134-602, c) 332 characters, bases 116-527, (1) 432 characters, bases 134-537, and e) 1165 characters, bases 92-1390. 50 Figure 2 b N CFA clone 16 r—E‘ Nitrospira mascoviensis Nitrospira marina J —<> é“ Thermodesulfovibrio TGL-LSI NCFA clone 15 Leptospirillum/ Leptospirillum ferrooxidans Nirrospira Thermodesulfovibrio islandicus Magnetobacterium bavaricum Sulfalobus solfataricus 0.10 51 Figure 2 c Rhodococcus rhodochrous ' £orynebacterium jeikeium Nocardia brasiliensi Mycobacterium mageritense Nocardioides simplex Streptomyces coelicolor r‘ NCFA clone 13 frirthrobacter psychrolactophilus Arthrobacter oxydans Propionibacterium granulosum Gram Positive Geodermatophilus obscurus bacteria Frankia (strain Dryas) cidothermus cellulolyticus NCFA clone 12 NCFA clone 11 NCFA clone 10 Rubrobacter radiotolerans ubrobacter xylanophilus Escherichia coli 0.10 52 ' re 2 d _. Flgu NCFA clone 9 clone C002, AF013515 (soil) I clone MC27, X68466 (soil) Acidobacterium capsulatum —l_c10ne MC22, X68463 (soil) NCFA clone 8 F ibrobacter/ 3 ECF A clone 7 Acidobacteria clone OCS146, AF001653 (marine) l £clone SAR406, U34043' (marine) F ibrobacter succinogenes WCHBl-Ol, AF050597 (aquifer) Escherichia coli “'— 0.10 53 Figure 2e EHydrogenobacter thermophilus Aquifex pyrophilus Q Deinococcus radiophilus Thermus thermophilus NCFA clone 30 l— ENCFA clone 31 V— Verrucomicrobium spinosum [—_C Prosthecobacter vanneervenii ' Planctomyces limnophilus E Chlorobium limicola Chlorobium vibrioforme 4 Spirochaeta smaragdmae Nocardioides plantarum Propionibacterium acnes Streptomyces armeniacus Lactobacillus reuteri Staphylococcus saccharolyticus F usobacterium nucleatum Syntrophobacter pfennigii Geobacter metallireducens H elicobacter pylori Bradyrhizobium japonicum FBurkholderia glathei Escherichia coli 0.10 54 F ervidobacterium gondwanense J I Geotoga subterranea Thermotoga maritima Thermotogales _‘—— Thermomicrobium roseum Chloroflexus aurantiacus _J Planctomyces group Aquifex Green nonsulfur bacteria NCFA group I Coprothermobacter proteolyticus C. proteolyticus group Prosthecobacter Green sulfur Spirochetes bacteria High GC Gram positive Low GC ‘ Gram positive F usobacteria Proteobacteria Piper ol‘gotrg Cfl‘vliCT; metabc indepe: newt. 91 a1 biO‘an fikfi~c lheSe berm higher in low-carbon environments because of the unsuitability of traditional media for oligotrophic species. Furthermore, while certain isolates can be derived from a given environmental sample, they are not necessarily representative of the phylogenetic, metabolic, or physiological types that dominate that environment. Using cultivation- independent techniques avoids this ‘bottleneck’ in detecting the dominant members of a microbial community. In this study, we examined 12 sediments from a pristine aquifer using the culture- independent methods T-RFLP and 16S rDNA cloning and sequencing. One strength of T—RFLP analysis lies in its use in quantifying the microbial diversity in a given sample. Although it is impossible to extrapolate an exact measure of community diversity from T- RFLP profiles (42), it is possible to use T-RFLP to compare diversity between two or more samples. T-RFLP employing the bacterial-specific primer 27F and the restriction enzyme Hha I has been performed on samples from a number of environments. Soil typically presents 60-80 unique phylotypes (29). Clement et al (13) found between 30 and 39 fragments in clean and petroleum-contaminated sand from a coastal oil field. Liu et al. (25) detected 21 fragments in activated sludge, 33 fragments in a glucose-fed bioreactor, 36 fragments in the termite gut, and 33 fragments in trichloroethylene and jet- fiiel-contaminated aquifer sediment taken from the unsaturated capillary fringe. T-RFLP profiles of the pristine aquifer sand from Oyster reveal fewer phylotypes than most of these previously studied environments. In the narrow channel focus area we detected between 13 and 39 phylotypes in the Hha I digestion, and profiles fi'om the south Oyster focus area reveal between 8 and 23 phylotypes. 55 In comparison to soil (29), contaminated aquifer sediment (25), and the contaminated sand tested by Clement et al. (13), the microbial communities from the pristine aquifer at the Oyster study sites are relatively low in diversity. Lower diversity is consistent with the relatively lower nutrient and organic carbon concentrations in Oyster aquifer sediment. The greater the range of potential carbon sources, the greater the number of specialist populations aimed at exploiting them (12). Water-saturated aquifer sediment is also a less complex microbial environment than soil, sand, or unsaturated sediment. Unsaturated particles bear innumerable different microniches where moisture, nutrients, and dissolved gas concentrations can vary widely across small distances. Water saturation creates a bridge between sediment particles, diminishing gradients of nutrients and gases and allowing microbes to move more freely. The result is a more consistent microbial environment in the interstitial space, fewer microniches for specialized organisms, and possibly a lower microbial diversity. It can be argued that the water-saturated environment in Oyster aquifer sediment is less complex than the environments tested previously with T-RFLP, and that this is one reason for the lower diversity we detected there. It is apparent from an inspection of the data that there was a degree of similarity between narrow channel and south Oyster T-RFLP profiles, indicating that although the geochemistry was difl’erent at the two sites, the microbial communities may have had some populations in common. T-RFLP profiles from the SOFA and the NCFA were generated using the same amount of DNA and had comparable amounts of total fluorescence per profile, allowing comparisons to be drawn between the two data sets. The two sites shared as many as 50% of the same fragments in the Hha I digestion and S6 had a comparable number of fragments in each profile, suggesting that many of the same populations may be found at both sites. This was surprising in light of the fact that the two sites had very different concentrations of oxygen and organic carbon. The two sites are within the Wachapreague formation, however, and share the same overlying soil type (14). It is reasonable to expect that sediment origin and soil nutrients have a determining effect on aquifer microbial community structure, and we believe that the sinrilarity we observe in the profiles may be due to one or both of these factors. It appears that the primer set used to amplify the 168 genes for T-RFLP may be an important determinant of the resulting community profile. Two different reverse primers, 1392R and 1525R, were used on identical DNA templates from the NCFA in order to study the effect of the reverse primer on T-RFLP results. For comparing profiles generated by the two primer sets we considered only those fragments that exceeded 150 fluorescence units in height as peaks below this threshold may not be consistently detectable in replicate profiles. Figure 3 is a comparison of T-RFLP profiles from NC B2 (6 m) and NC M3 (6 m) sediment generated using these primers and the restriction enzyme Hha I. We observe a significant effect in the NC B2 profiles: both the presence and intensity of certain terminal fragments are affected. The NC B2 (6 m) profile generated using 1392R is missing two fragments that are present in the 1525R profile: 95 and 384 bp and the 1525 profile is apparently missing fi'agment 477 bp. The NC M3 (6 m) profiles, however, are more comparable and we detected all fiagments of over 150 fluorescence units in both profiles. It is difficult to assess the relative specificity of the two primers since most sequences in the RPDH database lack sequence information beyond base 1400, but it was noted that of the 947 matches to primer 1525R, 910 of these 57 110 220 330 440 I 550 400 s 200 a O 400 200 i 400C 2 200 0 MW 400 d j 200 o A L A L l A I __ /\. th Figure 3 Differences between T-RFLP profiles generated using two different reverse primers. In comparing the profiles of template NC BZ (6 m) created with primer set (a) 27F/1392R and (b) 27F/1525R, we see the appearance and dissappearance of three significant peaks. The profiles of NC M3 (6 m) created using the same two primer sets (0) 27F/1392R and (d) 27F/1525R are more comparable and all significant peaks are found inboth profiles. 58 also matched the primer 1392R, suggesting that the two primers have similar specificities. In light of the differences between 1392R and 1525R profiles, it is clear that carefirl consideration should be given to the selection of a reverse primer for T-RFLP analysis. In the interest of making meaningfirl comparisons between profiles, the same reverse primer should be used in all reactions. Cloned 16S sequences from the Oyster narrow channel site represent six major bacterial divisions (Figure 2a-e), and 28 out of 31 sequence types are sufficiently divergent (<97% similar to known species) to constitute new taxa. A number of sequences fall within the B, y, and 6 Proteobacteria (Figure 2a). Other clones were affiliated with the division Leptospirillum / Nitrospira (Figure 2b), the Gram positive bacteria (Figure 2c), and the division Fibrobacter / Acidobacteria (Figure 2d). In addition, we have detected ten sequence types (Table 2) which exhibited relatedness values of less than 0.573 when compared to sequences in the RDP 11 version 8.0 database and relatedness scores less than 557 when compared to sequences in GenBank using the BLAST tool at the NCBI website (1). These sequences may represent novel divisions as they fail to show a distinct relationship to any of the known divisions. One group of unidentified clones, NCFA group I, was of particular interest as analysis of the 16S sequence places them among the groups previously identified as deeply rooted in the bacterial phylogenetic tree. The ARDRA pattern displayed by these clones was found in all libraries (Table 3). Among the clones analyzed using ARDRA, we uncovered four with this fragment pattern in the B2 (8 meters) library, three in the NC 818 (6 meters) library, and five in the NC S18 (8 meters library). We have explored the 59 Table 3. Presence/absence of deeply branching clone terminal restriction fragments in TRFLP profiles from the narrow channel study site Restriction enzyme Frangent (bp) B2 (8 m) S18 (6 m) S18 (8 m) M3 (6 m) Hha I 61 (Type II) + + + - Msp I 515 (Type I) + + + - Msp I 150 (Type II) + + + - Rsa I 498 (Type I, II) + + + - 6O diversity of this group in a firrther investigation using a 16S primer set to clone NCFA group I sequences from narrow channel sediment DNA (see chapter 3). There was a degree of redundancy in the narrow channel clone libraries. Among the 120 clones examined with ARDRA, we observed 31 restriction fragment patterns that appear in the libraries more than once. For example, the restriction pattern for the undefined clone NCFA 21 was found in all three libraries, the pattern belonging to the “T78” clone type was found in both the NC 818 (6 meters) and the NC S18 (8 meters) libraries, and the pattern belonging to NCF A group I was found in all three libraries. Redundancy in the clone libraries was not unexpected. The geochemistry of the narrow channel study site was more or less consistent across all sampled boreholes (21). Furthermore, similarity analysis of T-RFLP profiles from the site indicates that the sampled microbial communities are markedly similar. There are also several ARDRA patterns and clones that appear to be limited to a single clone library. It is possible that these clones are, in fact, present in each of the other libraries, but were not among the 120 clones screened or the 52 clones sequenced. Phylogenetic data is not always a reliable indicator of the metabolism or physiology of a given organism (2), but some bacterial divisions and genera possess a consistent metabolic profile that can be extrapolated to clones found in a given environment. In the narrow channel clone libraries, three out of the 31 clone types have relationships with divisions and genera of this kind, and therefore we may speculate about their role in the environment. Clone 13 is closely related to the Hi G+C gram positive genera Arthrobacter (Figure 2c) and is 98% similar to Arthrobacter oxidans. Arthrobacter is a common soil bacterium which has proven to be resistant to desiccation 61 and starvation. Many Arthrobacter species have been found previous studies of the saturated subsurface (8, 15) and it is thought to be an important group in this environment because of the broad substrate range observed in many Arthrobacter isolates and the high numbers of these bacteria observed in the studies conducted by Balkwill et al. (8), and Crocker et al. (15). Clones 18 and 19 from the S18 (8 meters) library are phylogenetically placed within the Pseudomonas group of the y Proteobacteria, and are most closely related to P. stutzeri and P. azotoformans. Pseudomonas strains have been isolated from subsurface environments previously (8) and are best known for their strictly respiratory metabolism and their broad range of carbon substrates. Clones 7, 8, and 9 from the B2 (8 m) library group phylogenetically with the Acidobacteria of the Fibrobacter / Acidobacter division. To date, there exists only a single cultivated representative of the Acidobacteria, but the phylogenetic diversity of this group is on a par with that of other bacterial divisions (22). Acidobacterial sequences have previously been found in environments ranging from soil to hot spring mats to lake water (9, 43) and so little is currently known about this group that speculation about their ' role in the aquifer community is impossible. NCFA clones 15 and 16 fall within the division Leptospirillum / Nitrospira which has a few cultivated species but mostly consists of rRNA sequences derived from a range of different environments. Known members of this group include Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, a lithotrophic, acidophilic species implicated in the evolution of acid mine drainage, and Nitrospira moscoviensis and Nitrospira marina, both nitrite-oxidizers. The relatively high nitrate concentration in this formation (3.8 — 7.1 mg N/l) (21) may be linked to the presence of these Nitrospira-like bacteria. 62 Previous cultivation-independent studies of microbial communities from uncontaminated subsurface formations provide a counterpoint to this work. Chandler et al. (1997, 1998) developed clone libraries from sediment extracted from a deep formation at the Hanford site in Washington state. As in the current study, they found clone types related to Pseudomonas and Arthrobacter but they also uncovered sequences related to Bacillus, Micrococcus, Nocardioides, Clavibacter, Comamonas, Erythromicrobium, and Burkholderia. In another investigation of a deep formation, Fry et al. (18) used an rRNA hybridization approach to characterize the bacterial community. They found the sediment communities to be largely bacterial (64.4-92%) with a portion of that group comprised of gram positive species (7.6 — 11.7%). Studies of shallow subsurface formations are perhaps more relevant to the current work. Shi et al. (37) used rRNA hybridization techniques to study the community from a shallow, sandy aquifer in Wisconsin. Like Fry et al. (18) they found the community from pristine sediment to be largely bacterial (Archaeal and Eukaryal signals were not detectable). As in our study, Shi et al. found the B and y Proteobacteria to form a substantial part of the community (43%), that sulfate-reducing genera comprise 15-18%, and that high G+C gram positive bacteria comprise 5-10% of the community. Unlike our study, in which we failed to uncover or Proteobacteria] clones, Shi et al. found the or Proteobacteria to comprise 35% of the community. It is unknown why our clone library (and those of Chandler et al. (10, 11)) failed to contain a single or proteobacterial sequence, while it seemed to be such a significant group in another shallow, sandy, aerobic aquifer. One explanation may lie in a key difference between the two environments: organic matter concentrations. The 63 organic carbon concentration at the narrow channel site was 1 ppm while organic matter concentrations in the Wisconsin sediment ranged from 2,000 to 32,000 ppm. The same forward primer, 27F, was used to amplify bacterial 16S genes for T- RFLP and for cloning. Hence, one should be able to predict the terminal restriction fragment length of a given clone from the sequence of the cloned 16S genes. The terminal restriction fragments for NCF A group I was determined in silica and we were able to discern the terminal fragment that correlated with this group in each of the profiles from the narrow channel study site except NC M3 (Table 3). A clone library was generated from NC M3 DNA, and 40 clones were screened by ARDRA in the same manner described for the other sediments. None of the NC M3 clones possessed the NCFA group I signature ARDRA profiles (data not shown). However, we were unable to detect the terminal fragments of other NCFA clones in the T-RFLP profiles. This may be due to a number of factors. Firstly, many of the cloned sequences lacked 'a restriction site in the 400 bases of sequence available for analysis, so we were unable to match these with terminal fragments in the T-RFLP profiles. If the original, pre-digestion sequence held a restriction site between bases 400 and 600 it would be detected with T-RFLP. Secondly, it is possible that the labeled forward primer, 27F*, has an effect on the PCR, causing a biased reaction that, while providing a reproducible profile of the community, does not provide the same product that amplification with the unlabeled primer does. The microbial communities of the saturated subsurface play an integral role in the firnctioning of aquatic ecosystems, but to date the composition of these communities has been studied in only a limited number of investigations. We have found that the diversity if the microbial communities in a shallow aquifer was significantly lower than that 64 observed in soil, a fact that may be attributable to the comparative dearth of organic carbon in aquifer sediment or to a lower habitat complexity. Furthermore, differences in the geochemistry between our two sampling sites do not entirely eliminate the community-level similarities that may have arisen from the common origin of the sediments. So, while flow in shallow aquifers is affected by precipitation events, the microbial communities may remain stable. 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Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T- RFLP): an emerging method for characterizing diversity among homologous populations of amplification products. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2(3):323-7. McCarthy, C. M., and L. Murray. 1996. Viability and metabolic features of bacteria indigenous to a contaminated deep aquifer. Microbial Ecology. 32(3):305-321. Nishino, S. F., J. C. Spain, L. A. Belcher, and C. D. Litchfield. 1992. Chlorobenzene degradation by bacteria isolated from contaminated groundwater. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 58(5): 1719-1726. Olsen, G. J., D. J. Lane, S. J. Giovannoni, N. R. Pace, and D. A. Stahl. 1986. Microbial ecology and evolution: a ribosomal RNA approach. Annu Rev Microbiol. 40:337-65. Pace, N. R. S., D.A.; Lane, D.J.; Olsen, G.J. 1986. The analysis of natural microbial populations by ribosomal RNA sequences. Adv. Microb. Ecol. 9:Jan- 55. Pedersen, K., J. Arlinger, S. Ekendahl, and L. 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Survey of microbial populations in buried-valley aquifer sediments from northeastern Kansas (USA). Ground Water. 28(3):369-377. Staley, J. T., and A. Konopka. 1985. Measurement of in situ activities of nonphotosynthetic microorganisms in aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Annu Rev Microbiol. 39:321-46. Strunk, 0., and W. Ludwig. 1997. ARB: Software for phylogenetic analysis. Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany. Suflita, G. D. M. a. J. M. 1985. Microbial metabolism of chlorophenolic compounds in ground water aquifers. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 4:751-758. Tiedje, J. M., S. Asuming—Brempong, K. Nusslein, T. L. Marsh, and S. J. Flynn. 1999. Opening the black box of soil microbial diversity. Applied Soil Ecology. 13:109-122. 68 43. 44. Wise, M., G., J. V. McArthur, and J. Shimkets Lawrence. 1997. Bacterial diversity of a Carolina bay as determined by 16S rRNA gene analysis: Confirmation of novel taxa. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 63(4):]505-1514. Zhou, J., M. A. Bruns, and J. M. Tiedje. 1996. DNA recovery from soils of diverse composition. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 62(2):316-322. 69 CHAPTER 3 DETECTION OF A NOVEL, DEEPLY-BRANCHIN G GROUP OF BACTERIA IN PRISTINE AQUIFER SEDIMEN T INTRODUCTION Efforts to reveal microbial diversity have been greatly aided by the advent of cultivation-independent methods of community analysis. By circumventing the cultivation step, which can prevent the detection of >99% of microbes (1), molecular methods have afforded insight into the distribution of the recognized species of bacteria and archaea and have revealed previously undetected microbial diversity in multiple environments (5). The 16S gene, in particular, has been a useful tool in identifying the distribution of organisms which resist cultivation. There are currently 36 accepted bacterial phylogenetic divisions, wherein a division is defined as a related group of 168 sequences which show no specific relation to any other branch in the bacterial phylogenetic tree (5). Of these, 13 are represented solely by 16S rRNA sequences and lack cultivated representatives (5). Most divisions, including the Acidobacteria, Nitrospira, Verrucomicrobia, and the Planctomycetes, contain one or more cultivated strains but are largely composed of cloned sequences from environmental DNA. The 16S sequence diversity within these divisions is comparable to that observed in the more established divisions in which many strains have been cultivated and characterized (5). The discovery of new sequences and new divisions by cultivation-independent methods continues to illustrate that the breadth of the bacterial tree is not limited to the cultivated species on hand, and that much of the phylogenetic 7O (and therefore metabolic and physiological) diversity of the microbial world has yet to be illuminated. We have identified a novel group of 16S sequences in aquifer sediment fiom a study site in Oyster, Virginia. Using bacterial-specific primers, we amplified bacterial l6S sequences fi’om whole community DNA and cloned the resulting sequences (see Chapter 2). This group is composed of two distinct types of clones which together comprise roughly 13% of all clones in three bacterial clone libraries. These sequences, referred to as NCFA group I, fail to show a specific relationship to any of the established bacterial divisions. Furthermore, they appear to be deeply-rooted in the bacterial phylogenetic tree, suggesting that NCF A group I may have diverged from rest of the divisions at an early point in the evolution of the kingdom. The divisions at the root of the bacterial tree, including Aquifex, 771ermotogales, and F ervidobacterium, consist of thermophilic species (3). It has been found that bacteria closely related to thermophiles may abound in mesophilic environments (10), but mesophilic relations to thermophiles are not well represented in the literature. The detection of deeply-branching phylogenetic diversity in a mesophilic environment such as the Oyster aquifer can serve to expand our understanding of the root of the bacterial tree. In order to elucidate the diversity of NCFA group I, we designed a primer set that specifically targets these 16S sequences and used it to construct clone libraries from several sediment samples taken from the Oyster site. The clone libraries revealed a tight cluster of deeply-branching phylotypes from points broadly dispersed across the study site. 71 MATERIALS AND METHODS Sample collection Samples were aseptically collected from the narrow channel focus area (NCFA) in Oyster, Virginia in October 1998 and August 2000. Cores were placed in plastic liners, divided, placed in gamma-irradiated polypropylene tubes, and held at 4° C for seven days, after which they were stored at -80°C. Sediment samples were collected from 6.5 — 8.0 meters below the ground surface. Figure l is a diagram of the site and sampling points. DNA extraction DNA was extracted from sediment samples with a Soil DNA Kit Mega Prep (MoBio) according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using 10 g of sediment for each extraction. To concentrate the final solution, 0.04 volumes of 5 M NaCl and 2 volumes of ethanol was added and the mixture was centrifuged at 9,000 x g for 30 minutes. The pellet was dried and resuspended in 50 ul of water and stored at -20°C until needed. Primer design A 16S rRNA primer was designed to specifically target the group of interest using the probe design firnction in the Arb genetic data environment software (12). The primer was compared against the sequences in the RDP database version 8 using the probe match firnction through the RDP website (http://www.cme.msu.edu/RDP/cgis/probe match.cgj?su=SSU) to ensure specificity. The target-specific primer was designated 984R (5’ - ATC CAG CAT GTC AAA CCC TG-33. Cloning of 168 rRNA genes Ten sediments were used for cloning experiments: S18 (6 m below the surface), S9 (6 m), M3 (6 m), and B2 (8 m) sediments were collected in October 1998. oouz (6 m), ODU2 (7 m), ODU3 (5 m), ODU3 (6 m), ODU4 (6 m), and 72 .' , " . g . NA", "6“. ' a . . «a. ' .. . . x: " {‘3’ M 7.33"} “A5109; :22") "’f I“ ’ ; . '3? . -’- ~ .r m” 5.7.:1'5‘ r. ._ i 40'. . .. ”3.: » _-._'.,' --T.'~:...a'...'.-".~ '97". . .47. _ 3.. ‘w'*‘ -: - -..: ”"1’41‘?-<~‘~4§’-‘5 5} .. --. .'” " . . .‘ .. “'0'. jg...‘ .‘.-...- 7 ' :'I" ‘ ‘ .3“ g " fl /‘ {-0.}. .'. ‘ '. '-ac . ‘ ' - fl: . "’ ' ' 29"," ~22. ' - w“. . ‘ .' ' ..'.. ‘I\‘.“ . - >0 .'.‘..'.. A, an ....:.-..;...- _ . . . . . ' N {55¢ "t A». '..-' . ‘ ...I ._ . . _. : . I...“ _. . .v _ . ’ .'.'. La ' .' ' . .'. . " '. x . _ . . ': {' ._ . _ _ .. . . . I ‘ u u .‘ . 'I . . .. , , . . ) Narrow Channel Focus Area (N CFA) . O 2 4 ——-—— ODU4 Scale in meters . Q . .NCM3 NC B2 NC S18 ODU3 . Hydrological flow gradient oouz > Figure 1 Map of Oyster, Virginia, indicating the location of the narrow channel focus area and the relative positions of sampling points within the site. 73 ODU4 (7 m) were collected in August 2000. Bacterial 16$ ribosomal genes were amplified from bulk DNA in triplicate 100 ul reactions that contained 1X PCR buffer (Perkin Elmer), 5 mM MgC12, 0.2 mM of each dNTP, 0.2 mM of each primer, 8 ng bovine serum albumin per 111, 30 ng template DNA, and 0.02 U of AmpliTaq (Perkin Elmer) per ul. To target bacterial 168, the forward primer 27F, which is specific for bacteria (5’-AGA GTT TGA TCC TGG CTC AG-3’) (6) and the universal primer 1392R (5’-ACG GGC GGT GTG TRC-3’) (8) were used. The triplicate reactions were combined and purified using a Wizard® PCR Prep (Promega) according to the manufacturer’s instructions and DNA was eluted in a final volume of 50 ul. The purified PCR products were used as the template for nested PCR reactions using the NCFA group I specific primer set. NCFA group I sequences in the bacterial 16S rDNA were amplified under the same conditions as those described for amplifying the bacterial l6S rDNA except that 50 ng template DNA was used per reaction. Triplicate reactions were combined for cloning into the vector. The PCR products were cloned using a TOPO TA Cloning Kit (Invitrogen Corp.) in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Plasmid DNA was extracted and purified with a Qiagen Mini Plasmid-prep kit (Qiagen). Screening of 168 clones by ARDRA The plasmid inserts of all clones were amplified using the PCR conditions described for cloning, with 30 ng of purified plasmid DNA template per 25 ul reaction. Five ul of rDNA PCR products were digested with 10 U of the 4-base specific restriction enzyme Cfo I in 1X NEB buffer (New England Biolabs) in a final volume of 15 111 for 3 hrs and 30 min at 37°C. Digested DNA fragments were 74 separated by agarose (3.5% agarose) electrophoresis and visualized by staining with ethidium bromide and illumination on a UV transilluminator. Restriction fragment lengths were estimated by comparison with molecular weight standards which ranged from eight to 587 bp (DNA molecular weight marker V2, Roche Molecular Biochemicals), and clones with unique patterns were selected for partial sequencing. Sequencing of rDNA clones Plasmid inserts from selected rDNA clones were amplified by the PCR using the same conditions described above for cloning. Amplified rDNA inserts were purified by using Wizard® PCR purification columns (Promega) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Sequencing was performed using the ABI Prism BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Reaction Kit and an ABI Prism 377 DNA sequencer (PE Applied Biosystems) according to the manufacturer’s directions. The primer 27F was used for sequencing six clones and four of these were selected for sequencing with the primer 984R. Phylogenetic analyses All sequenced clones were checked for chimeric sequences using the Ribosomal Database Project II CHECK_CHIMERA version 2.7 (7). Two chimeras were detected among the clones and were eliminated from analysis. Sequences were aligned against close relatives in the Ribosomal Database Project release 8.0, and percent similarity to previously cloned NCFA I sequences was determined. For analysis of sequenced clones, a mask was generated which excluded all ambiguous positions. Dendrograms were generated using the maximum likelihood algorithm (F astDNAML) in the Arb genetic data environment package (12). The robustness of dendrogram topologies was tested by bootstrap resampling of trees using evolutionary distance (beta 75 version 4.0b6 of PAUP*, written by David Swofl‘ord; distance algorithm) with settings selected by execution of the dataset with ModelTest (9). RESULTS Description of the Study Site The site is located in the village of Oyster, Virginia, on the Delmarva Peninsula. The aquifer is currently the focus of a study on bacterial transport by the US. Department of Energy’s Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation Research Program. The aquifer is a shallow, unconfined, sandy formation (4). The narrow channel focus area (N CFA) lies to the south-southwest of the village of Oyster (Fig. 1). The water in this part of the formation is oxic (5.5 mg 02/1) and low in organic carbon (1000 ppb) (4). The water table lies 1.5 to 2.0 meters below the ground surface (4)- Phylogenetic analyses The NCFA group I-specific primer 984R did not match any other bacterial or archaeal 16S sequences in the RDP 11 database (version 8) (7). Using the 27F/984R primer pair we were able to amplify NCFA group I 168 sequences from eight of the 10 168 DNA samples tested. A separate clone library was developed from each of these PCR products. We isolated 18 clones from each library and analyzed each of these clones with ARDRA, wherein we detected six different ARDRA patterns. A representative of each type was sequenced with a single pass using the primer 27F. Two of the ARDRA types (for which we had only one representative) proved to be chimeric and were eliminated from further analysis. One representative of each of the other four ARDRA types was sequenced using both the 27F primer and 984R, providing over 970 bases of sequence for each of the clones. From prior work with a bacterial primer set (see 76 Chapter 2), we have 400-500 bases of nucleotide sequence of eight NCFA group I clones and 1400 bases of sequence from five NCF A group I clones. In the former study (see Chapter 2), we detected two distinct types of NCFA group I sequences using the bacterial primer set. Types 1 and 2 are reproducibly monophyletic and are 91% identical in 16S sequence. In the bacterial clone libraries, type 1 sequences were found only in the B2 (6 m) library and type 2 sequences were found in both the S18 (6 m) library and in the S18 (8 m) library. In the present study, we were able to recover type 1 sequences from all of our clone libraries that were created using the NCFA group I-specific primer set (27F/984R). We did not detect type 2 sequences in these clone libraries. 1 NCF A group I sequences group deeply within the bacterial phylogenetic tree, showing a degree of relatedness to Coprothermobacter. Figure 2 is a maximum likelihood dendrogram of type 1 and type 2 sequences in the context of selected bacterial l6S sequences. Bootstrap analysis with the methods of neighbor joining (100 replicates), maximum parsimony (100 replicates), and maximum likelihood (25 replicates) was used to determine the reproducibility of the branchings. Bifurcations that were supported by two or three of these methods (>75% of bootstrap resampling) are indicated with a closed circle. Open circles indicate branchings which were supported by one method. DISCUSSION Diversity of a deeply-branching group of bacteria We have identified two closely related 16$ rDNA sequences in aquifer sediment which branch deeply within the 77 0.1 L— E Escherichia coli F ervidobacterium gondwanense ‘ I Geotoga subterranea Thermotoga maritima — . EHydrogenobacter thermophilus Aquifex pyrophilus —L—Thermus thermophilus Thermotogales Aquifex Deinococcus radiophilus Thermomicrobium roseum ENCFA clone 31 ‘ Chloroflexus aurantiacus Green nonsulfur bacteria N CFA clone 30 N CFA group I 1— Coprothermobacter proteolyticus C. proteolyticus group Verrucomicrobium spinosum Prosthecobacter €— Prosthecobacter vanneervenii Planctomyces limnophilus Planctomyces group E Chlorobium limicola Green sulfur Chlorobium vibrioforme bacteria Spirochaeta smaragdinae Spirochetes Nocardioides plantarum —‘ High GC Propionibacterium acnes Gram positive Streptomyces armeniacus _ {Lactobacillus reuteri LOW GC Staphylococcus saccharolyticus _ Gram P035171“? F usobacterium nucleatum Fusobacteria S yntrophobacter pfennigii —‘ Geobacter metallireducens Helicobacter pylori Proteo bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum Burkholderia glathei O ' Figure 2 Maximum likelihood dendrogram of NCFA group I 16S sequences obtained from the narrow channel focus area in Oyster, Virginia. Divisions are listed outside the brackets. Optimality criteria used in bootstrap analysis of the sequences were: maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and neighbor joining. Bifurcations supported (bootstrap values >75%) by one optimality criteria but are only marginally supported (SO-75%) or not supported (<50%) by the other criteria are indicated with open circles. Bifurcations supported by two or three of the criteria are indicated with closed circles. There were 1165 characters included in the analysis and the range of the mask (E. coli numbering) covered bases 92- l 390. 78 bacterial phylogenetic tree. They are closely related (91% identical) and reproducibly monophyletic. We first discovered this group among the sequences in bacterial clone libraries (see Chapter 2), where we found type 1 clones in the B2 (6 m) library and type 2 sequences in the S18 (6 m) and the S18 (8 m) libraries. We were unable to recover either type of clone from a library that we created using DNA from sample borehole M3 (6 m). Here, we report the development and application of a 16S rDNA primer set which was specifically designed to ampify these sequences in DNA extracted from sediment at the site. We were unable to amplify these sequences in bulk DNA directly extracted from Oyster sediment, but through a nested PCR approach we were able to amplify the target sequences in 16S rDNA from eight of 10 sediments taken from the site. These samples included 818 (6 m), S9 (6 m), M3 (6 m), B2 (8 m), ODU2 (6 m), ODU2 (7 m), ODU3 (5 m), and ODU3 (6 m). We were unable to amplify DNA from the samples taken from borehole ODU4. According to our phylogenetic analysis, NCF A group I sequences diverged from the bacterial tree early in the history of the kingdom. The species at the base of the bacterial phylogenetic tree are of interest as their characteristics may point toward the nature of the ancestor of all bacteria and toward the nature of the universal ancestor. Unfortunately, initial attempts to acquire this organism in culture have been unsuccessful (data not shown), so the metabolism of NCFA group I bacteria remains unknown. We do have an understanding, however, of the environment where these sequences are found, which can point toward certain characteristics that the group are likely to possess. Groundwater in the aquifer at the narrow channel site is aerobic, so dominant microbial groups at the site are likely to respire aerobically or ferrnentatively. Furthermore, the 79 average temperature at the site is 17°C, so NCFA group I is most certainly a mesophile. It has been argued that because the currently known species at the root of the bacterial tree are largely thermophilic, the bacterial ancestor was likely a therrnophile (2). NCFA group I may constitute the earliest mesophiles in the bacterial kingdom, as there are currently no mesophilic isolates in the divisions at the base of the phylogenetic tree: Aquifex, Thermodesulfobacteria, C oprothermobacter, and Yhermotogales. If other, non- thermophilic organisms are found to root deeply in the bacterial tree, lines of reasoning on the nature of the bacterial ancestor may have to be modified. It is interesting to note that while NCFA group I sequences were not among the clones in the bacterial clone library for sediment from borehole M3 (6 m), we were able to amplify these sequences from M3 (6 m) DNA using the specific primer set. It is possible that this group was present in low numbers in the M3 (6 m) sediment and that its 168 sequence was not amplified and / or cloned in sufficient numbers because the community DNA was dominated by other species. This scenario is plausible, as the terminal 168 restriction fi'agment that corresponds to this group was not detected in M3 (6 m) bacterial T-RFLP profiles while it was detected in both B2 (6 m) and S18 (6 m) and $18 (8 m) profiles (see Chapter 2). We were unable to amplify NCFA group I sequences in DNA extracted from sediments ODU4 (6 m) and ODU4 (7 m), suggesting that this group is not present at this sampling location or that it may have been present in numbers too low to detect. It was expected that amplification of bacterial 16S DNA with the NCFA group I specific primer set would allow us to uncover further diversity within this group. This was not the case; we were only able to find type 1 sequences among the 144 clones 80 analyzed. Even in sediment samples in which we previously identified only type 2 sequences ($18 (6 m) and S18 (8 m)), we detected only type 1 clones. The clone-specific primer 984R is an exact match for both type 1 and type 2 sequences and should have amplified type 2 sequences present in the reactions. In an effort to avoid the bias caused by chance amplification artifacts, we carried out three separate amplifications of each template and then combined them before use in the cloning steps, but despite this step, we only recovered type 1 sequences fi'om each sediment. Concerns have been raised over the validity of unique sequences detected in the cloning of environmental DNA. Speksnijder et al. (1 l) have shown that clusters of unique, closely related rRNA sequences may be introduced in a PCR by errors cause by the polymerase. Errors include microvariations fiom the original sequence and chimeric assemblies fi'om two or more sequences. We find it unlikely that NCF A group 1 sequences are artifacts of the amplification process. We were able to extract NCFA group I sequences in 11 separate clone libraries (three bacterial libraries and eight NCFA- specific libraries) which were developed using 11 different polymerase chain reactions. Rather, we propose that NCFA group I sequences represent a widespread population at the narrow channel focus area and, as such, they likely play a role in biogeochemical cycling at the site. Future work to isolate these sequences from other subsurface sites in Oyster or from other environmental media may prove usefiil in establishing the distribution and importance of this group. 81 .) L’J 10. ll. 12. REFERENCES Amann, R. L, W. Ludwig, and K. H. Schleifer. 1995. Phylogenetic identification and in situ detection of individual microbial cells without cultivation. Microbiol-Rev. 59(1): 143-69. Burggraf, S., G. J. Olsen, K. O. Stetter, and R. Woese Carl. 1992. A phylogenetic analysis of Aquifex pyrophilus. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 15(3):352-356. Giovannoni, S. J., M. S. Rappé, D. Gordon, E. Urbach, and K. G. Field. 1996. Ribosomal RNA and the evolution of bacterial diversity, p. pp63-85. In P. S. D.McL. Roberts, G. Alderson, and M. Collins, Eds (ed), Evolution of Microbial Life. Cambridge University Press. Golder-Associates. 1998. Field Sampling Plan, Aerobic flow-cell installation, narrow channel focus area, South Oyster Site, Oyster, Virginia, Hugenholtz, P., M. Goebel Brett, and R. Pace Norman. 1998. Impact of culture-independent studies on the emerging phylogenetic view of bacterial diversity. Journal of Bacteriology. Sept. 180(18):4765-4774. Lane, D. J. 1991. l6S/23S rRNA sequencing, p. 115-175. In E. S. a. M. Goodfellow (ed.), Nucleic acid techniques in bacterial systematics. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, NY. Maidak, B. L., J. R. Cole, T. G. Lilburn, C. T. J. Parker , P. R. Saxman, J. M. Stredwick, G. M. Garrity, B. Li, G. J. Olsen, S. Pramanik, T. M. Schmidt, and J. M. Tiedje. 2000. The RDP (Ribosomal Database Project) continues. Nucleic Acids Res. 28: 173-174. Olsen, G. J., D. J. Lane, S. J. Giovannoni, N. R. Pace, and D. A. Stahl. 1986. Microbial ecology and evolution: a ribosomal RNA approach. Annu Rev Microbiol. 40:337-65. Posada, D., and K. A. Crandall. 1998. MODELTEST: testing the model of DNA substitution. Bioinformatics. l4((9)):817-81 8. Schouten, S., E. C. Hopmans, R. D. Pancost, J. Damste, and S. Sinninghe. 2000. Widespread occurrence of structurally diverse tetraether membrane lipids: Evidence for the ubiquitous presence of low-temperature relatives of hypertherrnophiles. Proceedings-of-the-National-Academy-of-Sciences-of-the- United-States-of-America. [print] December 19, 2000;. 97(26):l4421-14426. Speksnijder, A. G., G. A. Kowalchuk, S. De Jong, E. Kline, J. R. Stephen, and H. J. Laanbroek. 2001. Microvariation artifacts introduced by PCR and cloning of closely related 16S rRNA gene sequences. Appl Environ Microbiol(67):469-472. Strunk, O., and W. Ludwig. 1997. ARB: Software for phylogenetic analysis. Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany. 82 CHAPTER 4 A MOLECULAR COMPARISON OF MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES IN PRISTINE AND TETRACHLOROETHYLENE-CONTAMINATED AQUIFER SEDIMEN T INTRODUCTION Chemical contamination of groundwater is a serious, ongoing problem in the United States, where it is estimated that 40% of the population relies on municipally supplied groundwater and 40 million people draw their household water from private wells (3). In the last 20 years, it has been observed that the microbial communities within these formations are capable of transforming many of these substances through intrinsic bioremediation (3 9), that is, without the addition of exogenous nutrients or organisms. Substances including crude oil (8), polyaromatic hydrocarbons (31), landfill leachate (30), trichloroethylene (TCE) (20), dichloroethylene (DCE) (21), and vinyl chloride (VC) (9) have been shown to be degraded by aquifer microbial communities either in situ or in microcosms. Intrinsic bioremediation of these and other compounds is a feasible option for the treatment of many sites, and its success is well documented (10, 14, 15, 45). Contamination by tetrachloroethylene, or PCE, because of its relatively high density and recalcitrance in aerobic surface sediments, is a particular problem in groundwater ecosystems. Sources from Air Force bases to chemical companies to dry cleaning establishments have been implicated in PCE release and, once released, surface contamination moves rapidly to the underlying groundwater. The US. Environmental Protection Agency has determined that of the 992 sites currently listed on the National Priority List, 344 of them have been found to have contaminated the underlying 83 groundwater with PCE (1). It has been shown that PCE is dechlorinated either partially or completely by isolates and consortia derived from environmental samples, and intrinsic bioremediation is a promising mode of remediation for contamination at a number of sites (10, 15). The aquifer at the Bachman Road site, located in Oscoda, Michigan, is contaminated with PCE released from a dry cleaning establishment. Studies indicate that the indigenous microbial community at the site is responsible for a measured decrease in PCE in the groundwater observed over a 14-year period (2). Bacteria capable of coupling the dehalogenation of chlorinated hydrocarbons to respiration, or reductive dehalogenators, have been isolated from sediments at the site and are thought to carry out the intrinsic remediation observed there. Due to the demonstrated potential of intrinsic bioremediation in treating groundwater at contaminated sites, an increasing amount of work is being done to better understand the microbial communities responsible for these chemical transformations. However, because of the difficulty in aseptic collection of subsurface sediment, the microbial communities in aquifers have been little studied until recently (12). Furthermore, the communities responsible for intrinsic bioremediation in the contaminated subsurface are better understood for their functional attributes (compounds degraded, rate of transformation, limiting nutrient, etc.) than for their species-level composition. In an effort to further our knowledge of both subsurface communities and of the communities involved in intrinsic bioremediation, we have undertaken a molecular comparison of the microbial communities in clean and contaminated aquifer sediment from the Bachman Road site. We have compared the bacterial communities in the two 84 types of sediments using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) to uncover broad differences in community diversity. We also developed and compared bacterial 16S rDNA clone libraries from both pristine and contaminated sediment, and phylogenetically identified 35 of these clones. Both of these analyses have been directed toward gaining a better understanding of the key differences between communities exposed to contamination and those removed from the source and between a community engaged in active reductive dechlorination of PCB and a community unexposed to the contaminant. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sample collection The study site is located in Oscoda, Michigan, on the shore of Lake Huron. A single intact core was aseptically collected from each sampling point in May, 1998. Sample site 4 was located in pristine sediment upstream of the plume and sample sites 1, 2, and 3 were located within the center of the plume. Cores were extracted from 11 to 19 feet below the surface, divided into two-foot segments and homogenized. The core segments used in these experiments were: 11 - 13 ft (4A, lAt, 2At, and 3At) and 17 - 19 ft (4D, le, 2Bb, and 3Bb). Samples were then divided into acid-washed glass jars . and held at 4° C for one week, then transferred to gamma-irradiated polypropylene tubes and held at -80°C until use. DNA extraction Microbial community DNA for use in T-RFLP and cloning experiments was extracted from sediment samples by a protocol described by Zhou et al. (47) with modifications. Briefly, 15 ml extraction buffer and proteinase K (final concentration 0.04 mg/ml) was added to 15 g of sediment, and the mixture was incubated 85 at 37°C for 30 minutes. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution was added for a final concentration of 18 mg/ml, and the mixture was incubated at 65°C for 2 hours, followed by three cycles of freezing in a dry ice and ethanol bath and thawing in a 65°C water bath. The supernatant was collected and the pellet was washed twice with extraction buffer and SDS and the washes and supernatant were combined. This liquid was extracted twice with chloroform and isoamyl alcohol (24:1 vol/vol) and the aqueous phases were combined. Nucleic acid was precipitated by the addition of 0.6 volume of isopropanol, then resuspended in water and precipitated by the addition of 2 volumes of ethanol. The pellet was resuspended in modified TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCL, 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 8) and used in polymerase chain reactions. DNA for real-time PCR reactions was extracted from sediment samples with a Soil DNA Kit Mega Prep (MoBio) according to the manufacturer’s instructions, with 10 g of sediment in each extraction. DNA in the final elution volume was precipitated by the addition of 0.04 volumes 5 M NaCl and two volumes of ethanol. The solution was stored at -20°C overnight. Community DNA was pelleted by centrifugation at 10,000xg for 30 min. The pellet was dried, resuspended in 50 ul of water, and stored at -20°C until needed. 16S rDNA T-RFLP For T-RFLP experiments, DNA was extracted from duplicate samples of sediment 1At, 2At, 2Bb, and 4A. Bacterial 16S ribosomal genes were amplified from bulk DNA in reaction mixtures that contained 1X PCR buffer (Perkin Elmer), 2 mM MgC12, 0.2 mM of each dNTP, 0.2 mM of the reverse primer, 0.5 mM of the forward primer, 8 ng bovine serum albumin per ul, approximately 0.08 ng/ul of template DNA, and 0.02 U of AmpliTaq (Perkin Elmer) per ul. 86 The bacterial-specific forward primer 27F (5’-AGA GTT TGA TCC TGG CTC AG—3’) (27) was used for all amplifications of bacterial 16S genes and was labeled at the 5’ end with the phosphoramidite dye S-hexachlorofluorescein (“hex-labeled”) *(Operon Technologies, Inc.) The reverse primer used in bacterial amplifications was the universal primer 1392R (5’-ACG GGC GGT GTG TRC-3’) (35). The primers used to amplify archaeal 16S genes in DNA samples were 21F (5’-TTC CGG TTG ATC CYG CCG GA-3’) (6) and 915R (5’-GTG CTC CCC CGC CAA TTC CT-3’) (5), both of which are specific for archaea. Reaction mixtures were incubated in a GeneAmp 2400 PCR System thermal cycler (Perkin Elmer) at 94°C for 3 minutes, followed by 35 cycles at 94°C for 45 seconds, 60°C for 30 seconds, and 72°C for 90 seconds and a final extension step of 72°C for 10 minutes. Triplicate reaction mixtures for each duplicate extraction were combined and purified using Wizard“) PCR purification columns (Promega) and eluted with a final volume of 50 ul of modified TE buffer (0.1 mM EDTA, IOmM Tris, pH 8.0). For restriction digests, 200 ng of purified bacterial PCR product were digested with 15 U of HhaI, MspI, or RsaI (BMB) and 200 ng of archaeal products were digested with 15 U of Hae HI, Hha I, or Rsa I (BMB) at 37°C for 3.5 hours. The lengths of the terminal restriction fragments from the amplified rDNA products were determined using an ABI Prism 377 DNA sequencer and ABI software (PE Applied Biosystems) as described by Liu et al. (28). TRFLP analyses T-RFLP profiles were analyzed using GeneScan 3.1 software (PE Applied Biosystems). For enumerating the restriction fragments in each profile, a 87 Ill; lllCi' m: and re»; COT: do: 1113.". Plas Sm 111‘. 1': l fluorescence intensity threshold was set at 50 so that only peaks above this intensity were included in further analysis. Fragments shorter than 30 base pairs (bp) or larger than 600 bp were excluded from analysis in order to eliminate primer artifacts and to avoid the problems associated with identifying the length of large fragments. Only peaks present in both replicate profiles were used for further analysis, and identical peaks were taken to be those within 0.5 bp size of one another. The Hha 1 profiles were compared using the T- RFLP Profile Analysis tool available through the Ribosomal Database website (http://wwwcmemsu.edulRDP/ggis/trflp.cgflsu=SSU), which determines the percent similarity between two or more profiles. The number of peaks present in both profiles was divided by the number of peaks in the profile with fewer peaks. Cloning of bacterial 16S rRNA genes Two sediments from the Bachman road site were used for cloning experiments: 4D, which was taken up gradient of the plume, and 1Bb, which came from within the contaminant plume. Bacterial 16S ribosomal genes were amplified from bulk DNA in reactions that contained 1X PCR buffer (Perkin Elmer), 5 mM MgC12, 1 mM dNTPs, 0.2 mM of each primer, 8 ng bovine serum albumin per ul, and 0.02 U of AmpliTaq (Perkin Elmer) per ul. The forward primer was 27F and the reverse primer was 1392R. The amount of template in each amplification and the cycling conditions were the same as those used for T-RFLP reactions. The PCR products were cloned using a TOPO TA Cloning Kit (Invitrogen Corp.) in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Plasmid DNA was extracted and purified with a Qiagen Mini Plasmid-prep kit (Qiagen). Screening of rDNA clones by ARDRA The plasmid inserts of 40 clones from each library were amplified using the PCR conditions described for cloning, with roughly 30 88 111‘ usi pm as ng of purified plasmid DNA template per 25 ul reaction. Five ul of rDNA PCR products were digested with 10 U of the 4-base specific restriction enzyme Cfo I in 1X NEB buffer (New England Biolabs) in a final volume of 15 ul for 3 hrs and 30 min at 37°C. Digested DNA fragments were separated by acrylamide gel ( 10% acrylamide) electrophoresis and visualized by silver staining. Restriction fragment lengths were estimated by comparison with molecular weight standards which ranged from eight to 587 bp (DNA molecular weight marker V2, Roche Molecular Biochemicals), and plasmids with unique patterns were selected for partial sequencing of the rDNA insert. Sequencing of rDNA clones Plasmid inserts from selected rDNA clones were amplified using the same conditions described above for cloning. Amplified rDNA inserts were purified by using Ultrafree MC Millipore 30,000 NMWL filter units (Millipore) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Sequencing was performed using the ABI Prism BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Reaction Kit and an ABI Prism 377 DNA sequencer (PE Applied Biosystems) according to the manufacturer’s directions. Primers for sequencing included 27F, 355E (5’-ACT CCT ACG GGR SGC AGC-3’) (5) and 536R (36). Forty-two clones were partially sequenced using 27F and five clones that were of particular phylogenetic interest were fully sequenced. Phylogenetic analyses All sequenced clones were checked for chimeric sequences using the Ribosomal Database Project II CHECK_CHIMERA version 2.7 (32). One chimera . was detected among the sequences and eliminated from fiirther analysis. Sequences were aligned against close relatives in the Ribosomal Database Project release 8.0 using the Arb sofiware package (41), and percent similarity to known isolates and previously cloned sequences was determined. For phylogenetic analysis of sequenced clones, a 89 mask was generated which excluded all positions with alignment gaps or character uncertainty. RESULTS Description of the study site The study site is located in the town of Oscoda, Michigan and the aquifer at the site is a sandy, unconfined formation which has been contaminated with tetrachloroethylene (PCE) released from a dry cleaning establishment periodically over a number of years. Flow within the aquifer is directed eastward toward Lake Huron, and the hydraulic conductivity of the sediments ranges fi'om 10 to 50 ft/day (2). It has been determined in previous studies that microorganisms are responsible for a sustained degradation of PCE observed at the site (2). In the center of the plume, hydrogen and redox data indicate that a gradient of conditions exists which favors halorespiring organisms at shallow and intermediate depths (nine to 16 feet below the surface) and sulfate reducers and methanogens in deeper regions (16 to 20 feet below the surface) (2). Up gradient of the plume the aquifer is aerobic and oligotrophic. Profiles of microbial communities in clean and contaminated sediment Profiles of the bacterial communities in clean and contaminated aquifer sediment revealed a marked difference in the number of detectable phylotypes in each location. For example, in digestions with the enzyme Hha I, uncontaminated sediment yielded 5 reproducible terminal fragments and contaminated sediment 2Bb yielded 8 fragments, 2At yielded 12 fragments, and lAt yielded 26 fragments. The number of ribotype bands in the uncontaminated profiles was compared to the numbers observed in the contaminated profiles using a Student’s unpaired t-test. The results indicate that the two data sets are 90 significantly different, that is, there is a 0.026 probability that the two data sets were generated by chance from the same original data set. The bacterial profiles were compared on the basis of common peaks using the online analysis tool provided by the Ribosomal Database Project II (RDP H) available at http://wwwcmemsu.edu/RDP/gis/trflp.cgi?su=SSU. In comparing the Hha 1 profiles fi'om clean and contaminated sediment with the RPD II T-RFLP analysis tool, the number of terminal fragments present in both profiles was divided by the number of fragments in the profile with the fewest bands. This analysis revealed that all or most of the peaks present in the uncontaminated profile are present among the fragments in the contaminated profiles. For example, each of the five terminal fragments observed in the Hha I uncontaminated community profile (37, 206, 370, 567, and 569 bp) are present in the 1At and 2At profiles (Figure l), and four of the five were observed in the 2Bb profile. Certain of these terminal fi'agments that were common to both pristine and contaminated sediment were detected in all of the community profiles: the 495 bp fragment in the Msp I profiles and the 476 bp fragment in the Km I profiles. By the RDP similarity measure, the community of sediment sample 1At was 83% similar to 2At and 75% similar to 2Bb and the profile of 2At was 75% similar to ZBb. Comparable similarities were observed in the Msp I and Rsa I digestions (data not shown). F ragrnents present in each of the three contaminated profiles but absent from the uncontaminated profile were: Hha I fragments 95,381, and 548 bp, Msp I fragments 149, 528, and 530 bp, and Rsa I fragments 57, 459, and 496 bp. Using the archaeal-specific primer set, we amplified archaeal 16S genes in DNA extracted fiom contaminated sediment, but we were unable to amplify archaeal sequences 91 400 200 400 200 110 220 330 440 5?0 Figure l A comparison of bacterial community T-RFLP profiles from contaminated (top - 1At) and pristine (bottom - 4A) aquifer sediment. In this comparison, each of the five terminal fragments detected in the pristine sediment is also detected among the fragments in the contaminated sediment profile. 92 in DNA from uncontaminated sediment. We were able to detect between 10 and 11 terminal restriction fragments in each of the Hae III T-RFLP profiles, between eight and 12 in the Hha profiles, and four to seven in the Rsa I profiles. The Hoe 111 archaeal profiles of sediments 1At, 2At, and 3At were 91% identical in each pair-wise comparison (which were carried out as described for the bacterial profiles). These profiles were markedly different from the 2Bb profile, which had 40%, 50%, and 50% identical fragments, respectively. The TAP-T-RFLP utility available at the RDP 11 website http://www.cme.msu.edu/RDP/html/analyses.html was used to identify the archaeal terminal restriction. fragments in the Bachman profiles which correspond to known organisms. The profiles of 1At, 2At, and 3At displayed terminal fragments (Hha I 69 and 71, Msp I 196, Rsa I 608 bp) that match those of Methanococcus vanellii (Hha I 69, Msp I 194, Rsa I 606 bp) and M. voltae (Hha I 71, Msp I 196, Rsa I 608 bp). The profile of sediment 2Bb presented fragments (Hha I 242, Msp I 327, Rsa I 262 bp) that match those predicted for M. themolithotrophicus and M. aeolicus (Hha I 242, Msp I 327, Rsa I 263 bp). However, the other terminal fragments detected in the archaeal profiles did not match the sequences in the RDP II database. Bacterial diversity in clean and contaminated aquifer sediment The bacterial diversity in both contaminated and uncontaminated sediment at the Bachman Road site was evaluated by analyzing 16S rDNA clone libraries from sediments 1Bb and 4D, respectively. Bulk DNA was extracted from aseptically-collected sediment samples and the 16S genes therein were amplified using bacterial specific primers. These genes were then cloned and 38 clones from each library were analyzed by ARDRA. There was no overlap between the two libraries as measured by ARDRA: none of the ARDRA patterns 93 were detected in both libraries. Among the 38 clones from uncontaminated sediment we detected 24 distinct ARDRA patterns (63% uniqueness) and in the clone library from contaminated sediment we detected 25 distinct patterns (66% uniqueness). Fifteen clones from pristine sediment and 20 clones from the contaminated sediment were selected for single-pass sequencing. The sequences were aligned to the 16S sequences in the RDP 11 Version 8.0 with the Arb auto align function. Alignments were refined by visual inspection. Figure 2 ad depicts five maximum likelihood dendrograms in which clones from clean and PCE-contaminated sediment are depicted. Figure 2 a depicts the B and y Proteobacteria clones from the site, Figure 2 b depicts the 6 Proteobacteria clones, and Figure 2 c depicts the Green nonsulfixr bacterial clones and the clone related to the putative division OPBBO. Figure 2 (1 depicts the clones that are most closely related to the A cidobacteria and the division Leptospirillum/Nitrospira. Table 1 lists the Bachman site 168 clones, organized phylogenetically, their phylogenetic afiiliations in the RDP H database and their nearest neighbor in the GenBank database as determined by a BLAST search. Only one clone from the Bachman site showed a high degree of similarity (>97%) to a previously discovered 16S sequence in the RDP H database: clone 1Bbl was 97% similar to the clone WCHBl-67 (GenBank accession #: AF050536) which was first discovered at the Wurtsmith Air Force base by Dojka et al. (18). Clone sequences were digested in silico to determine whether the restriction fiagments of these clones could be identified among the bands in the corresponding T- RFLP profiles. Temrinal restriction fragments consistent with those estimated for 5 Proteobacteria] clones 1Bb 2, 1Bb 4, 1Bb 11, and 1Bb 35 (HhaI 94 i2, Msp I 69 :2, 94 1213' 2 a Bachman clone 4D 18—- {13th clone 4D 11 Bachman clone 4D 2 Hydrogenophaga flava Rhodoferaxfermentans B Janthinobacterium lividum Nitrosomonas marina Burkholderia brasilensis Ralstonia eutropha Thiocapsa roseopersicina a: fihromatium okenii 'y J 1_Achromatium oxaliferum achman clone 4D 3 Campylobacter hominis 0.10 Figure 2 a-d Maximum likelihood dendrograms of bacterial 16S sequences obtained from the Bachman Road site in Oscoda, Michigan. Divisions are listed out side the brackets in panels d and c (clone group OPB80, and Green non-sulfur) and subdivisions are listed in panels a (Proteobacteria), b (Proteobacteria), and c (clone group T78). Optimality criteria used in bootstrap analysis of the sequences were: maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and neighbor joining. Bifurcations supported (bootstrap values >75 %) by one optimality criteria but are only marginally supported (SO-75%) or not supported (<50%) by the other criteria are indicated with open circles. Bifurcations supported by two or three of the criteria are indicated with closed circles. The number of characters in each analysis and the range of the mask (E. coli numbering) were as follows: a) 436 characters, bases 113-600, b) 285 characters, bases 111-422, c) 414 characters, bases 98-537, and d) 350 characters, bases 134-537. 95 Fig. 2 b 0.10 Bachman clone 4D 27 7 Bachman clone 1Bb 4—_ Bachman clone 18b 11 Bachman clone 1Bb 35 yntrophus gentianae Syntrophus buswellii _, Bachman clone 1Bb 2 Desulfobacca acetoxidans Bachman clone 1Bb 1 — Desulfacinum infernum Bachman clone 4D 20 ___Bachman clone 1Bb 14 -— Bacillus subtilis Bachman clone 1Bb 26 achman clone 1Bb 10 Bdellovibrio Bachman clone 1Bb 24 stolpii clone BAO7, UEU81641 (anaero. digestor) Bdellovibrio stolpii ~———Bachman clone 1Bb 18 Desulfuromonas acetoxidans F Desulfobulbus rhabdoformis AE'Desulfobulbus propiom'cus Desulfobulbus clone WCHBl-67, AF050536 (W urtsmith aquifer) group group Syntrophus group propionicus 96 Fig. 2 C achman clone 1Bb 38 —‘ achman clone 1Bb 31 clone OPBSO, AF027092 (hot spring) Clone group clone SJA-l7 l, M00950] (bioreactor) OPB8O achman clone 1Bb 19 clone SJ A-176, AJOO9504 (bioreactor) Bachman clone 1Bb 27 _ — i [— Bachman clone 4D 24 Bachman clone 1Bb 25 clone GCA112, AF154100 Clone group Green non-sulfur Bachman clone 1Bb 37 T78 bacteria clone SJA-15, AJOO9453 (bior :actor) ) Thermus thermophilus "C Chloroflexus aggregans Azospirillum brasilense 0.10 97 Fig. 2 d Acrdobacterzum capsulatum clone MC22 X68463 (soil) clone TRB82, AF047646 (pyrite) Bachman clone 1Bb 30 clone SJA-149, AJ009495 (bioreactor) clone RB 30, Z95720 (soil) clone GFPl, AF 130858 (hot spring) Bachman clone 4D 16 Bachman clone 4D 9 Bachman clone 4D 32 Bachman clone 4D 1 Bachman clone 1Bb 5 Thermodesulfovibrio islandicus leptospirillumferrooxidans Nitrospira moscoviensis Azorhizobium caulinodans 0.10 98 Acidobacteria Leptospirillum / Nitrospira Table l Phylogenetic affiliations of 16S rDNA clones from the Bachman Road site and BLAST search results Clone Division / subdivision 4D 18 BProteobacteria 4D 11 BProteobacteria 4D 2 BProteobacteria 4D 3 y Proteobacteria le 26 6 Proteobacteria , Bdellovibrio stolpii group le 10 6 Proteobacteria , Bdellovibrio stolpii group le 24 6 Proteobacteria , Bdellovibrio . stolpii group 1Bb 18 6 Proteobacteria 1Bb 4 6 Proteobacteria, S yntrophus group . . ’ 1Bb 11 6 Proteobacteria, Syntrophus . group * , 1Bb 3 5 6 Proteobacteria, S yntrophus group , 1Bb 2 6 Proteobacteria 1Bb ’1 6 Proteobacteria , Desulfobulbus propionicus group 4D 27 6 Proteobacteria 4D 20 6 Proteobacteria 18b 14 , 6 Proteobacteria le 3’8 ’ Clone group OPB80 1Bb 31 Clone group OPB80 1Bb l9 Clone group OPBSO ’ Closest GenBank relative Rhizosphere soil bacteria M252688 Rhizosphere soil bacteria AJ252688 Lake sediment clone AF320923 Rhizosphere soil bacteria A123 2812 Marine sediment clone AF3 54153 Marine sediment clone AF 3 541 53 Trichlorobenzene consortium M 009448 Methanogenic consortium AF254402 Coal tar waste groundwater AF 3 5 1220 ’ Marine sediment clone AF 35 1238 Coal tar waste groundwater AF 35 1238 Desulfobacca acetoxidans AF 00267 1 p ., WCHBl-67 Wurtsmith aquifer clone AF050536 Agricultural soil bacterium A80252620 F erromanganous micronodule clone , AF 293008 ’ Coal tar waste groundwater AF351231 . j Trichlorobenzene consortium AJOO9504 Trichlorobenzene consortium AJOO9504 . , Trichlorobenzene consortiumAJOO9501 99 Score 643 814 954 512 683 701 344 388 1271 738 2313 1456 1863 772 486 738 655 662 377 Table 2 (Continued) Clone Division / subdivision Closest GenBank relative Score 1Bb 27 Clone group OPBSO Trichlorobenzene consortium 500 . AJOO949O 4D 24 Green non-sulfur , Clone group River sediment clone AF 141416 592 T78 1Bb 25 Green non-sulfilr , Clone group Benzene consortium clone 648 T78 AF 029149.] le 37 Green non-sulfur , Clone group Trichlorobenzene consortium 671 T78 AJOO9453 13b 30 Fibrobacter / Acidobacteria, Soil clone AF 010095 370 Acidobacteria group 4D 16 Fibrobacter /Acidobacteria, Soil clone Z95 732 759 Acidobacteria, Clone group RB4O 4D 9 Fibrobacter / Acidobacter, Agricultural soil bacterium 978 Acidobacteria, Env. Clone AJ252654 MB1228 group 4D 1 Fibrobacter /Acidobacteria, PCB-contaminated soil clone 569 Acidobacteria group A] 292585 4D 32 Fibrobacter /Acidobacteria, PCB-contaminated soil clone 648 Acidobacteria group AJ 292585 18b 5 Leptospirillum / Nitrospira Lake sediment clone AF 320959S1 785 4D 38 Undefined Deep subsurface clone AF 005747 442 1Bb 3 Undefined Desulfovibrio sp. "Bendigo A" 327 AF131324 1Bb 28 Undefined Grassland soil AF0783 79 266 le 6 Undefined Aerotherrnobacter marianas 240 AB011495 4D 30 ’ Undefined Aquatic clone AF 3 17743 901 4D 12 Undefined Uranium waste clone M296569 422 13b 33 Undefined Unidentified therrnophile AJ131537 336 100 164 :2, 511 i2, and Rsa I 57 i2 bp) were detected among the bands in profiles of communities from contaminated sediment (Hha I 95 bp, Msp 67, 164, 512, and Rsa I 57). These clones were limited to the library created from contaminated sediment DNA and their signature restriction fragment sizes were not detected in the T-RFLP profile from pristine sediment. We were unable to consistently detect (i.e. in all digestions) the restriction fragments of clones from pristine sediment in the T-RF LP profiles. DISCUSSION T-RFLP was used to generate replicated profiles of the bacterial communities in three contaminated sediments and one pristine sediment from the Bachman Road site. The number of ribotypes detected was consistently higher in contaminated sediment than in sediment taken upstream of the PCE plume. Ribotype diversity detected by T-RFLP may be used to derive an estimate of absolute bacterial diversity in a sample, or to determine the relative diversity among a group of samples (3 3). The detection of greater numbers of terminal fragments in contaminated sediment profiles is an indication that a relatively higher bacterial diversity exists in PCE-contaminated sediment at the Bachman Road site. The effect of chemical contamination on the diversity of bacterial communities has yet to be clearly resolved (42). In most cases, the influence of contamination appears to be due either to the toxicity of the material (11, 26, 37), to the utility of the contaminant as a nutrient or carbon source (13), or to a combination of these effects (17, 25) but in any case, the detailed effects of either type of contaminant are not predictable. There are indications that PCE and its degradation products may be toxic to bacterial 101 populations (4), but despite its potential toxicity, certain species are capable of linking dechlorination of PCB and TCE to energy conservation (34). Active microbial dechlorination of PCB has been detected at the Bachman site, and is the dominant terminal electron-accepting process in sediment at shallow and intermediate depths in the aquifer (as determined by measuring geochemical conditions) (2). Furthermore, PCE dumped at the Bachman site likely contained the co-contaminants usually present in spent dry cleaning PCE (2) including lipids, waxes, hydrocarbon solvents, detergents, and starch which may serve as carbon sources for the microbial community. Hence, it is possible that both toxicity and nutrient effects may influence diversity patterns at the Bachman Road site. The increase in ribotype diversity could, then, be due in part to the co-contaminant carbon sources present in the waste PCE, as they may serve to boost the numbers of formerly small heterotrophic populations and have the overall effect of increasing the observed genetic diversity. PCE, too, could have affected diversity by serving as an electron acceptor for reductively dechlorinating populations which were present in only small numbers in pristine sediment. The new advantage gained by these populations would foresee ably increase their numbers and render them detectable with T-RFLP. The compounds that both heterotrophs and dechlorinators release can, in turn, serves as nutrients for other populations, creating ripples down the food chain. Most of the ribotypes observed in the profile of the uncontaminated sediment community at the Bachman site were detected among the ribotypes found in the contaminated sediment, an observation which may be explained in two ways. Populations which were dominant in the Bachman sediment prior to exposure to PCE may have persisted in the altered environment where they either carried out their normal 102 metabolic fiinctions or adjusted their functions to suit the new nutrients and carbon sources. While the number of bacteria in these populations remained steady, the numbers of bacteria belonging to other groups that are capable of exploiting the new resources may have expanded. This is consistent with the fact that the nutrients and carbon sources present in the groundwater are not displaced by infiltrating PCB and co-contaminants but, rather, are supplemented by these additional sources. Alternatively, some or all of the dominant groups in pristine sediment may have been sensitive to the toxic effects of PCB and either ceased metabolism or died while smaller populations and invading species increased in numbers. Unfortunately, it is impossible to distinguish between these two hypotheses, since one drawback of the direct extraction of DNA is that dead and inactive populations may be detected (22), as their DNA is extracted and amplified along with that of active, viable cells. Whereas the T-RF LP profiles from clean and contaminated sediment convey a degree of overlap between the two communities, the clone libraries are clearly very distinct. Among the 49 ARDRA patterns identified, no patterns common to both libraries were detected, suggesting a significant shift in the community structure. Considering the differences in geochemical conditions between the sediments 4D and 1Bb, namely difi’erences in oxygen saturation, available carbon, and PCB concentrations, this is not an unexpected result. This contrast was reflected in the phylogenetic groups identified among the clones from the site. For example, we were able to detect one 7 and three B Proteobacteria] clones in the uncontaminated sediment, but these groups were not represented among the clones from contaminated sediment. Furthermore, we detected a number of sequences which are closely related to 6 Proteobacteria in both of the clone 103 libraries, but only sequences from the contaminated sediment library grouped with known sulfate reducers and anaerobic syntrophs. Clone 1Bb 1 was identical to the 16S sequence of a sulfate reducing isolate, STP23 (AJOO6620), discovered in the sediment of an oligotrophic lake (3 8). The isolate is capable of using hydrogen, acetate, formate, propionate, pyruvate, lactate, succinate, and ethanol as electron donors and sulfate, sulfite, and thiosulfate as electron donors. This species may be of particular significance in environments undergoing intrinsic bioremediation, as a nearly identical (97%) 16S sequence was also derived from the methanogenic zone of a contaminated aquifer less than five miles away at the Wurtsmith Air Force Base (18). (We have explored a method to evaluate the numbers of this species in sediment from the site; see Chapter 5.) Sequences related to the 6 Proteobacteria genus Syntrophus have also been identified in the clone library fi'om contaminated sediment. Below, we will discuss the role that syntrophs may play in the cycling of carbon at the Bachman site. While the differences between the clone libraries from clean and contaminated aquifer sediment may reflect a real divergence between the two sites, it is also possible that our sampling of these diverse communities was too modest to detect the presence of a significant overlap. The similarity of the T-RFLP profiles from the two sites is consistent with this possibility. Five of the Bachman clones, one from contaminated sediment and four from pristine sediment, were shown to have a reproducible phylogenetic affiliation with the proposed division Acidobacteria and were 80-85% identical to Acidobacterium capsulalum. Many representative sequences of this division have been identified in various environments from marine sediment (46) to volcanic cinders and soil (7), and it is thought to play a role in many communities. Unfortunately, there is only one cultivated 104 representative to represent this group so the unifying points of metabolism among these organisms are unknown and we cannot extrapolate the characteristics of the Acidobacteria-related populations at the Bachman site. Clone sequences related to both Clone Group T78 (within the division Green-non sulfur bacteria) and Clone Group OPB80 sequences were likewise found in both libraries. Originally isolated from activated sludge (40), Clone Group T78 has representatives from a hot spring (24), an anaerobic bioreactor (44), and lake ice (23). Clone Group OPB80 sequences come from equally diverse environments (24, 44). As in the case of Acidobacterium-related clones, no unifying metabolism has been identified for this group, so it is impossible to make estimates of the processes that these species carry out in the Bachman aquifer. Using archaeal-specific primers, we were able to amplify archaeal 16S genes in bulk DNA extracted from sediment within the plume, but we were unable to amplify archaeal sequences in DNA from uncontaminated sediment. This suggests that archaea were either present in very low abundance or absent altogether from the aerobic, oligotrophic sediment upstream of the plume. Contaminated sediments, on the other hand, are anoxic and have elevated organic carbon concentrations. Indeed, archaea are expected to dominate the microbial community in deeper sediments, as geochemical data indicates that methanogenesis and ’sulfate reduction are the dominant terminal electron accepting processes in this zone of the aquifer (2). Analysis of archaeal T-RFLP profiles suggests that Methanococcus species or a closely related but hitherto unidentified genera may be an important group at the site. Methanococcus isolates identified to date have 105 A—n-l been found to utilize hydrogen and formate as electron donors and to generate methane strictly by autotrophic means, that is, through uptake of C02 and not acetate. It is interesting to note the rift between archaeal T-RFLP profiles fi'om shallower sediments 1At, 2At, and 3At (ll — 13 ft) and the profile from the deeper sediment 2Bb (17 - 19 fl). Geochemical measurements at the site indicated that conditions favoring reductive dehalogenators predominate in the zone where 1At, 2At, and 3At were taken while sulfate-reducing to methanogenic conditions predominate where 2Bb was drawn (2). We were able to detect archaea, presumably methanogens, in the shallow sediments dominated by reductive dehalogenators, however, T-RFLP profiles of archaea show that these archaeal populations are different from those seen in the deeper sediments where methanogenesis has a stronger influence. Knowing the phylogenetic affiliations of certain Bachman clones allows us to speculate about the cycling of nutrients within the deeper regions of the plume. The presence of sequences closely related to the genera Syntrophus is a particularly intriguing point, indicating that interspecies hydrogen or organic acid transfer may be an important process. Syntrophus-related species in the plume likely metabolize organic acids, producing acetate and C02 as well as H2 which can be taken up and used as a valuable electron donor by other species. Both geochemical indicators and the presence of 6 Proteobacteria] clones which are closely related to known sulfate-reducers indicate that sulfate reducers are present in this sediment as well. The sulfate-reducing isolates most closely related to our clones, Desulfobacterium (13b 2) and STP23 (le 1), are known to use hydrogen and simple acids as electron donors and they may be coupled via transfer of these compounds to the Syntr0phus-related species at the site. Furthermore, 106 T-RFLP profiles of the archaeal community indicate that Methanococcus or a related species may be present in the contaminated sediments. The geochemical indicators at the site favor the presence of methanogens as well. Methanococcus and methanogenic mixed cultures isolated from other contaminated aquifers (8) are known to carry out autotrophic methanogenesis from C02 and H2 or other electron donors. Thus, if autotrophic methanogenesis is the dominant type of methanogenesis at the site, then H2 and C02 produced by Syntrophus-related species can be taken up by these archaea. Alternatively, if the methanogens at the site are acetoclastic they may use the acetate provided by the Syntrophus—related species to drive methane production, leaving H2 to the sulfate- reducers. Hence, depending on which type of methanogen is dominant at the site, methanogens may have been competing with sulfate reducers for H2 (autotrophs) or acetate (acetoclasts). In their investigation of the bacterial and archaeal communities at the nearby Wurtsmith AFB site, Dojka et a1. (18) likewise discovered Syntrophus-related clones and uncovered archaeal clones closely related to known acetoclastic isolates. The authors proposed that the two groups interacted via transfer of acetate and rejected the hypothesis that autotrophic methanogens were involved in the process. The authors cite previous work in mesophilic and psychrophilic environments indicating that acetoclastic methanogenesis dominates at temperatures below 20°C and in these cases available hydrogen is taken up by homoacetogens. We do find it unlikely, however, that CO2 and H2 are funneled to homoacetogenic populations in the Bachman aquifer, as we were unable to identify sequences related to known homoacetogens in our clone library. Further, and it has been shown that homoacetogens are at a thermodynamic disadvantage 107 and are hence incapable of out competing methanogens and sulfate reducers for H2 except in a limited number of cases (16). Furthermore, it should be noted that whatever organisms were the recipients of interspecies transfer of organic acids and hydrogen, they may have been involved in the dechlorination of PCB to TCE, cDCE, VC, and ethene which has been detected in this sediment. Reductive dehalogenators have been isolated from the Bachman Road site, where they are thought to be the dominant organisms carrying out these transformations (2). In microcosm studies using sediment from the site, it has been found that the activity of these processes is limited by electron donors, namely lactate for the conversion of PCB to cDCE and H2 for the conversion of cDCE to ethene (2). It is possible that Syntrophus- related species provide the necessary hydrogen for reductive dehalogenators to carry out the transformation of cDCE to ethene. While reductive dehalogenators are at a thermodynamic advantage over sulfate reducers and methanogens in scavenging H2 and should out compete these organisms, reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes has been observed in methanogenic mixed cultures (4, 19, 43) and this activity may not be due to the activity of methanogenic populations (29). So, if reductive dehalogenators were involved in syntrophy in the deeper sediments of the Bachman site, they likely scavenged H2 from Syntrophus-related species while sulfate reducers and acetoclastic methanogens competed for syntrophically-produced acetate. In summary, T-RFLP analyses of the bacterial communities in sediment from the Bachman Road site revealed a distinct increase in phylogenetic diversity with the onset of contamination by PCE and co-contarninants, an effect which was likely brought about by higher concentrations of organic carbon available in the contaminated sediments. 108 Furthermore, we detected all or most of the terminal restriction fragments from the uncontaminated sediment profiles among the terminal fragments in the contaminated profiles, indicating that either the dominant populations in clean sediment persisted with the onset of contamination or that the limitations of the method permitted the extraction and detection of dead and inactive populations. In contrast, the clone libraries did not reveal an overlap between the two communities, but instead suggested that a significant shift in the microbial community structure took place with the onset of contamination. Overall, both results point to a dramatic change in the composition of the microbial community and it is possible that any overlap that may exist between the two sites was not detected in our relatively small clone libraries. Finally, the discovery of 16S rDNA genes within the plume that are closely related to the genus Syntrophus indicated that other species in the sediments may have been involved in the syntrophic exchange of hydrogen, C02, and acetate. It is possible, in such a scenario, that reductive dehalogenators were the beneficiaries of interspecies hydrogen transfer, allowing the dechlorination of cDCE to ethene. If this is the case, then efforts to ameliorate contamination at the Bachman site and others may be served by providing Syntrophus species with small organic acids required for the production of hydrogen for reductive dehalogenators. 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Intrinsic bioremediation, the remediation of chemical contamination in the environment by the indigenous microflora, is becoming a widely-used alternative for the treatment of such sites (IO-12, 46, 48). Gaining a better understanding of the abundance and distribution of microbial species that are active in these remediation processes affords researchers with another tool to evaluate the potential effectiveness of the indigenous community. Methods currently used for the purpose of detecting microbial populations of interest, including rRNA hybridization analysis, microscopy, cultivation, and quantitative PCR, each have their own individual set of advantages and limitations. The emerging method of real-time PCR offers another approach to detecting and quantifying microbial populations. First developed by Higuchi et a1 (25), the method entails tracking the amplification of a target sequence in a polymerase chain reaction. The increasing number of target sequences may be signaled through the release of an intragenic fluorescent probe or through the use of a non-specific fluorescent nucleic acid 114 dye. The initial number of targets in the reaction can be extrapolated through comparing the evolution of the fluorescent signal with known standards. Real-time PCR has been used to quantify a range of DNA sequences, including nitrite reductase (22), glycoprotein D of human immunodefficiency virus (25), meningococcal-specific genes IS1 106 , ctrA, and siaD (23), and large (28) and small subunit rRNA (13, 28, 38, 43, 47). A prior study of the microbial communities in sediment from the Bachman Road site, a tetrachlorothylene (PCE) -contaminated aquifer in Oscoda, Michigan which is undergoing intrinsic bioremediation, has uncovered the 16S sequence of a bacterium closely related to sulfate-reducing species of the 6 Proteobacteria (see Chapter 4). Indeed, an identical 165 sequence has since been found in a sulfate-reducing isolate from lake sediment (41), confirming the presumed metabolism of this organism. In our examination of the community in contaminated aquifer sediment, we found this sequence to comprise 26% of the 16S sequences in our bacterial clone library. In a separate study, a nearly identical 16S sequence was discovered in an aquifer at the former Wurtsmith Air Force base, approximately five miles away from our study site (15). There is evidence that intrinsic bioremediation is active in the Wurtsmith aquifer, which is contaminated with hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents, including PCE. The discovery of this clone at two sites undergoing intrinsic bioremediation suggested that this organism might play a role, either directly or indirectly, in the treatment of these sites. As the process of cloning can introduce biases into the analysis of microbial communities (27, 44), we were incapable of judging the true representation of the organism 1Bb1 in sediment at the Bachman and Wurtsmith sites from the composition of the clone libraries. In this study, we designed a species-specific 16S rDNA primer set to 115 detect and quantify lel in sediment from the Bachman and Wurtsmith sites through real-time PCR. Furthermore, using kingdom-specific primers, we were able to measure the numbers of bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryal SSU rRNA genes in these samples and in sediment from a pristine aquifer, activated sludge, and bioreactor fluid. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sample collection The Bachman Road site is located in Oscoda, Michigan, on the shore of Lake Huron. A single intact core was aseptically collected fiom each point where injection and extraction wells were installed in August, 2000. Two injection wells (north and south) and one extraction well were installed and the cores from these points were named accordingly: IW-N, IW-S, and EW. Sampling points were arrange in a triangle: IW-N and IW-S were six feet apart, arranged perpendicularly to the hydrologic flow. Sample point EW was located 10 feet down gradient from the midpoint between the injection wells. Cores were extracted from 11 to 19 fl below the surface, divided into two-foot segments and homogenized. Samples were then divided into acid-washed glass jars and held at 4° C for one week, then transferred to gamma-irradiated polypropylene tubes and held at -80°C until use. The core segments used in these experiments were: IW-N11-13 ft,EW11 - 13 fi,IW-N17-l9ft,IW-S 17—l9ft,andEW17-19fi. Samples ML3 (15.5-17.5 ft) and ML3 (23.5-27.5 ft) from the Wurtsmith site were aseptically collected in November, 1999 in the manner described by Dojka et al. (15) from a point less than 10 fi downgradient of the extraction point used in that study. Sediment from Oyster, Virginia, ODU4 8.8-8.9 m was extracted in August 2000 as described in Chapter 2. Bioreactor sample LS1 was extracted from the bioreactor 116 described by Fernandez et al. (19) in September, 1999 and stored at -80° C until use. The activated sludge sample was extracted from the benchtop reactor described by Marsh et al. (32) and stored at -80° C until use. DNA extraction DNA was extracted from sediment samples with a Soil DNA Kit Mega Prep (MoBio) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. We used 10 g of sediment in each extraction except in the case of the two Oyster sediment samples where we used 15 g. DNA in the final elution volume was precipitated by the addition of 0.04 volumes 5 M NaCl and two volumes of ethanol. The solution was stored at -20°C overnight. Community DNA was pelleted by centrifugation at 10,000xg for 30 min. The pellet was dried, resuspended in 50 ul of water, and reprecipitated using 0.04 volumes of 5M NaCl and two volumes of ethanol. Again, the pellet was dried, resuspended in 50 ul of water, and stored at 4°C. In order to examine the reproducibility of the method two sediment samples were selected for replication: two 10 g samples were extracted for sediments IW-N (11 — 13 ft) and IW-S (l7 — 19 ft). DNA was extracted from bioreactor and activated sludge samples with a Soil DNA Isolation Kit (MoBio) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Bioreactor and activated sludge DNA was stored at 4° C until use. In order to examine reproducibility in the non-sediment samples, a single aliquot of bioreactor material was divided into two separate samples prior to extraction and analysis: 1.5 ml of bioreactor fluid was pelleted, resuspended in 200 ul of water and divided. The same division was carried out with the activated sludge sample, wherein a single pellet of 0.25 g was resuspended in 200 ul and divided. 117 Primer design The primer pairs for real-time PCR are listed in Table 1. Primers were selected to Optimize base pairing with target sequences, achieve a Tm close to 60° C, and minimize amplicon length. The 1Bb1-specific primer 712R was designed using the probe design function in the Arb software package (42). Real-time PCR The amplification of target sequences during the PCR was detected using the 7700 Sequence Detector (PE Applied Biosystems) to monitor the increase in fluorescence caused by the binding of SYBR Green dye (PE Applied Biosystems) to strands of double-stranded nucleic acid. The fluorescence of SYBR Green was normalized by comparison with an internal fluorescent reference dye, 6-carboxy-X- rhodamine. The threshold value, determined by the operator, is the fluorescent intensity at which the increase in fluorescence in the reactions is approximately log-linear. The CT, or threshold cycle, is the cycle at which the normalized fluorescence in the reaction tube exceeds the threshold value. The CT was measured and compared to the CT values in the standard curve to determine the number of targets in a given reaction. All optimization steps were carried out in a final volume of 25 ul and all sample and standard reactions were 50 ul. Each PCR reaction contained 1X SYBR Green PCR Master Mix (SYBR Green I Dye, AmpliTaq Gold® DNA Polymerase, dNTPs with dUTP, passive reference dye 6-carboxy-X-rhodamine, magnesium, and PCR buffer) (PE Applied Biosystems). The concentration of each primer was Optimized separately and the following concentrations were used: 1108F 300 nM; 1132Rb 300 nM; 967F 50 nM; 1132Ra 50 nM; 348F 300 nM; 552R 50 nM; 569F 300 nM; 694R SOnM. Standard DNA and sample DNA was diluted in water containing 1 ng/ul lambda phage DNA (New England BioLabs) as a carrier to prevent DNA loss to surfaces. MicroAmp optical tubes 118 been a: 23% 88885058520 $8 E . N2 839.. 58080650500 3% cesarzmz 8% 5:203 an 82% 8005080005230 man as ”.8 we? 2 65085605003 .33 $35 $3... $5 w: 22 _ 6058588563 3am _ 5 5 $33 053006000855. ”see 3352 as 2: 7m: 2 00585000580 3&2 a E 3 mg 732 650505580502... ”so: Beam 855%» Gnu fiwfi: action 5th SEE mo €33 coconmm 0:8: c255 zoom—95 Mom 083-32 com «can harm ~ 033. 119 and caps were used (PE Applied Biosystems). The PCR cycling conditions were as follows: 10 min at 95°C followed by 40 cycles of 155 at 95°C and l min at 60°C. A set of standard reactions with known numbers of target SSU rRNA genes was run simultaneously with every set of sample reactions to generate a standard curve. Samples were diluted to a final concentration of 1:100, 1:200, 1:400, and 1:800 in reactions with bacterial, eukaryal, and 1Bbl-specific primers and 1:200, 1:400, 1:800, and 121600 in reactions with archaeal primers. The only exception was the activated sludge DNA which was diluted to a final concentration of 111000, 122000, and 124000 for reactions with eukaryal primers. Each template dilution was run in triplicate. By comparison to the standard curve, the number of targets per reaction was determined and linear regression analysis (Excel, Microsofl) was used to extrapolate these 12 values to determine the target number in the undiluted sample. Controls The DNA of the following species was used as positive control template and in the generation of standard curves: Escherichia coli (bacterial primers), Methanococcus jannaschii (archaeal primers), and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (eukaryal primers). For the primer set specific for the cloned 168 sequence lel, the standard template was plasmid pCRG2.1-TOPO (Invitrogen) with the cloned le1 insert. To test for specificity, bacterial, archaeal, and clone lel-specific primer sets were compared to the species available in the RDP 11 database (version 8) (30). Primers used to amplify eukaryotic sequences were compared to the sequences in the Arb database (release December 1998). In order to test whether the presence of high concentrations of non-target template affected specific amplification, a series of control reactions were carried out. For each 120 primer pair, a set of reactions containing a range of concentrations of standard template was spiked with 0.004 ng/ul of DNA extracted from non-target species. The following non-target templates were used: M. jannaschii (bacterial primers) and E. coli (archaeal, eukaryal, and lel-specific primers). Standard templates are listed above, and the concentrations of standard templates in these reactions were as follows: 2.3 X 10'5 to 3.0 X 10'3 ng-ul'1 (bacterial primers), 3.1 X 10.5 to 4.0 X 10’3 ng-ul'l (archae primers), 1.6 x10" to 2.1 x 1023 ng-ur‘ (eukaryal primers), and 1.6 x 10'9 to 2.7 x 1025 ng-ur‘ (1Bb1-specific primers). To further test the sensitivity of the primers to non-target template, these templates were tested, in the absence of target template, in a series of control reactions. The concentrations of non-target templates were as follows: 4.0 X 10'4 to 4.0 ng-ul‘l (bacterial primers) and 3.0 X 10" to 3.0 ng°ul'l (archae, eukaryal, and 1Bb1-specific primers). RESULTS Description of the study site The study site is located in the town of Oscoda, Michigan. The aquifer at the site is a sandy, unconfined formation contaminated with tetrachloroethylene (PCE) released from a dry cleaning establishment. Flow within the aquifer is eastward toward Lake Huron. It has been determined in previous studies that microorganisms were responsible for a sustained degradation of PCE observed at the site. In the center of the plume, hydrogen and redox data indicate that a gradient of conditions exists which favors halorespiring organisms at shallow and intermediate depths (eight to 12 feet below the surface) and sulfate reducers and methanogens in deeper regions (16 to 19 feet below the surface) (2). 121 Several samples were used as controls for this study, including sediment from the Wurtsmith Air Force base, sediment from Oyster, Virginia, activated sludge, and methanogenic bioreactor fluid. A bacterial 16S clone which was 97% identical to lel was identified at the Wurtsmith Air Force base site in a prior study (15). Samples from this site were selected in order to test for the relative abundance of clone 1Bbl in this sediment. Sediment from Oyster, Virginia was selected as representative of a pristine aquifer community. Activated sludge was selected to provide a sample known to contain high numbers of microeukaryotes. Bioreactor fluid was selected to provide a well- characterized microbial community of archaea and bacteria. Primer specificity All primer sets were found to be highly specific for their target groups. Out of 15208 bacterial sequences in the database, the bacterial primer 1108F matched 10,658 and primer 1132R-b matched 9,731. Neither bacterial primer matched any archaeal sequences in the database. Out of 1,173 archaeal sequences in the database, the archaeal primer 967F matched 703 and primer 1132R-a matched 197. Neither archaeal primer matched any of the bacterial sequences in the database. The clone specific reverse primer matched 23 bacterial sequences in the database, namely Ihermus, Desulfocapsa, Desulfobacterium, and Desulfofiistis species and several unidentified clones. The forward primer used in conjunction with the clone-specific primer is universal and matched 10,895 of the bacterial and archaeal sequences in the database. As the RDP database did not contain eukaryal sequences, the eukaryal primers were compared to sequences in the Arb database (release December, 1998). The forward primer 348F matched 2,144 out of 32,270 eukaryal sequences in the database. The universal reverse primer matched 13,905 sequences in the database, 2,527 of which were 122 eukaryal. PE Biosystems (35) recommends that for real-time PCR applications the last five bases at the 3’ end of the primers should have no more than two G and/or C bases. Further, the protocols recommend avoiding runs of identical nucleotides. In designing primers for the SSU rRNA gene it was necessary to violate these recommendations. In control reactions to test for the effect of non-target DNA template on the amplification of target template, a high concentration of non-target DNA (0.004 ng/ul) was added to reactions with variable concentrations of target template. The archaeal and eukaryal-specific primer pairs were found to be insensitive to the presence of 0.004 ng/ul of E. coli DNA in all reactions. The 1Bbl-specific primer set was sensitive to the presence 0.004 ng/ul of E. coli DNA when the number of 1Bb1 16S genes in the reaction was less than 60. This effect was deemed unimportant in the application at hand, as 60 targets per reaction was outside our reliable detection limits. The bacterial primer set was sensitive to the presence of 0.004 ng/ul M. jannaschii DNA only when bacterial template was less than 0.0004 ng/ul (30,000 bacterial 16S genes). Again, this effect was considered to be insignificant in the current investigation: working backwards from the numbers of targets detected in our sample reactions, most reactions held significantly more than 0.0004 ng/ul bacterial DNA, and at lower bacterial DNA concentrations archaeal DNA was equally dilute. Furthermore, for sample reactions in which the bacterial template concentration was below this threshold value, reactions with 2 X and 4X as much sample template showed a linear relationship (R2 > 0.9) in regression analysis to the dilute sample. Hence, as sample DNA was diluted, archaeal DNA did not compete with bacterial DNA as the amplification template. 123 In testing our primer pairs against variable concentrations of non-target template DNA in the absence of target template, archaeal, eukaryal, and 1Bb1-specific primer sets were found to be insensitive to the presence of non-target template at concentrations at or below 0.3 ng/ul. The bacterial primer set amplified non-target M jannaschii DNA at all concentrations tested (4.0 X 10“‘ to 4.0 ng-ul”). However, in light of the fact that the primer set was insensitive to non-target template when bacterial DNA was present in concentrations greater than 0.0004 ng/ul, this effect was deemed irrelevant. Detection Limits In the absence of template, reactions of each primer pair (except the archaeal primers) were found to result in non-specific amplification, most likely a primer- dimer phenomenon. The CT of these reactions was substantially greater than that of the lowest set of standards. In order to score a given group as “detected” in a sample, the CT of all of the 12 data points for that sample must have exceeded this background level. In addition, the response in the calculated concentration of targets in these reactions must have displayed a linear response to template dilution in order for the tested group to be determined as “detected”. A linear response was defined as an R2 value greater than 0.9 in a linear regression plot of the calculated concentrations of each of the 12 data points. Quantification Limits In order to accurately quantify the number of 16S targets in a given sample, at least half of the data points must lie within the quantifiable range of the standard curve. The quantifiable range was between 2,000 and 250,000 targets per reaction for the bacterial primer set, between 2,000 and 250,000 for the archaeal primer set, between 15,000 and 1,000,000 for the eukaryal primer set, and between 250 and 250,000 for the lel-specific primer set. The number of 18S genes in the genome of S. cerevisiae, which was used as a template for the eukaryote standard curve, varies 124 between 100 to 200 c0pies per genome (1). Hence, by comparison to the standard curves we were able to estimate the number of 188 targets in a given sample to within a factor of two. For each set of unknown reactions, a set of known standard reactions was assembled and used to define a standard curve. Figure 1 illustrates four of these standard curves. The fluorescence thresholds used to analyze the data were set to 0.02 for the amplifications with bacterial primers, 0.015 for the archaeal primer set, 0.01 for the eukaryal primer set, and 0.011 for the 1Bb1-specific primer set. Quantification of bacterial, archaeal, eukaryal, and lel SSU genes The numbers of bacterial, archaeal, eukaryal, and lel SSU genes detected in each sample and the standard errors of each calculation are listed in Table 2. The percent of the total calculated number of targets of SSU genes from archaeal, bacterial, and eukaryal sources is also reported. We were able to identify clone 1Bb1 in five out of seven sediment samples from the Bachman site and in both of the Wurtsmith sediment samples. Furthermore, bacterial 168 genes were detected in all samples, archaeal 16S was detected in all sediment samples and in both replicates of bioreactor fluid, and eukaryal 18S genes were detected in saturated Wurtsmith sediment and in the activated sludge samples. In aquifer sediment, bacterial 16S genes ranged from 2.02 X 106 to 1.72 X 107 168 genes per gram of sediment, archaeal measurements ranged from 1.20 X 105 to 4.94 X 107 genes per gram of sediment, and we measured 1.51 X 108 eukaryal 18S genes per gram of sediment in Wurtsmith sediment ML3 (23.5 — 27.5 it). In Bachman samples, the 125 8&8 88m 33.2% 3% .8 8:52 8+wé 8+m€ 3+m... mo+m€ No+mé 5+mé 8+w.w . . . . . 9 u/Im/ t Bantam 9 N H / 8 /W .8 .R M mm 8&8 88» <5: :8 co 88:2 8+m... 82m; 3.5.? 8.7m; p h ON / a m/ N W commonam / mm o / em m.. 0 / mm M. 4/ em up .. R m on 8 (13) 91°40 P10113911”. .3828». 8823b macaw ceramic 33:83 33:2: 23 comm £235 058%; am: one—o 5; £85on pawn—am 05 $296 w ESE 98 .maougoc RES—:0 ofi fiofiow 0 $53 .9858: 335% House“ on... $2ro a 3:3 abate ommooamétfioan firs genome 33:86.. weave a 38m .83 MUm cumin»: “2835 8 com: 823 Havana we fl onE 8&8 88» <72. 3mm .6 8.82 8+moo. w 8+woo€ 3&8. F . t mm / 8 85° u N7“ mm /H 1. mm 0 - vm mm on 3&8 85m «.ch Dmm do 8952 8+w€ mo+mé ¢o+m€ 8+mé . . t I 9 / mr / om . ../li a 88 o i am / N K m 1. mm A. . en mm (to) arofio 91011591111. (13) 91°50 proqwru 126 - - - $3 .2 x RN ‘ 02 x of a 8% m< 882m .3 - - - $3 ..2 x a: 82 x 8: 28m m< 882m .8< $28 82, x a: m.2 x88 . . $02 “2 x 3.8 82 x 83. a 8323 88885 888.3 82 x 8.x he x E 0%.: LNS x SN 82 x 8N 23:3 88885 .58 Sta 8555 <75 .33 SEQ 8955 <75 «Es—am Emma 0.9—Em .3 .x. FEE—Sm _= \ 8035. .3 ..\e FEE—Sm _= \ flow—ah. :5 m: x 8.8 m2 x o: x :28 x2.“ x 82 x 58 As awéevbao 858 . $3 a: x Nam 82 x 38 :3 x :.~ 82 x mg a EN. 03 32 £882.25 $38 n2 x :8 \[2 x «3 xx? x m3 h2x m: E 02. on: 32 58553 088.9” 82 x 3.8. 82 x m2 0838 x E.“ 82 x 8N E 2 .53m 558m «03¢ _ 82 x 3m 82 x 89m _ :88 x 3% 82 x o: E 2 - 5 3m 5883 x xx: ”2 x 9% n2 x 3.8 $38 x Ga 82 x 8a a com? 2 -532 58.88 . $8.2 82 x a: 82 x w: _ $.88 x 82 82 x Ea . 13:: E - 5 mi: 8.583 $68 .82 x mam 82 x w: gnaw x «3 82 x o: E 2 432.2: .8583 $8.? 82 XS: 82 x 03 , 38.8 x :5 .82 x 8a a 8&3 2 - :sta 5885 $8.8m ”2 x 3m 82 x mi 888.2 x 38 82 x 83 _ .8318 2 - 52-2: 5:288 .83 .Shm 2.2568 :38 SEE 0353 Ewto 0.956 .8 ex. 235% w \ 8.8» m3 .8 .\.. 2.65% w \ 8.8” me— .3292 3.58.5 .8883 8: mu? .3on 2: :2: 8:865 ..-.. m 98 335525 8: :5 29:8 8 E 388% 803 80538 SE :2: 83385 398% ..+.. 23. 835368 we 35 8m Bron—2 & 88038 macaw mg 3.883 .8 598:: 33 05 8 couzntuaoo “5ch 2t. .2953 cozm a 8m 3883 macaw Dmm :33 05 8 3:55:00 803:3 some 35 macaw Dmm .«o 83th 2.: mm L88 mo 8\9. 3088388 some ,«o 8:0 €3.88 2: 98 A8383 owvém 8883qu 98 888828 <75 388on 288% mo 3 hog 8 Ame—9:3 “890 can amen—cum 5:888:26 52:68 83:3 mo 8an 8a flows“ Dmm Em: vac—o can fibuxso 4828a .3588 no 838:: 2:. N 038. 127 :58 “S x 03 A“A: x 84 a com m< omega .3 £68 n2 x m: we x w: 5an m< omuam .8< - . - = dam EA 88885 - . - H and 5A 3838mm :38 Sta 8955 <2: 9385 ENE. 0.9—Em ..o .x. FEE—Sm _= \ 8935. - - - - . - As 3 - we :50 9:0 + + + 9&3 “2 x mom ”2 x a; 8 3m. 28 32 £§§B + + + - - - 8 wt- 3: 32 $553 $3 "2 x m3 m2 x 3.9 - . - 8 2 -526 5853 $3 NS x O? ,2 x a: - - 8 2 - 53m 5853 - . - - - = gm 8 2 - 5 mi: $853 + + + - . - H com 8 2 - 5 TE 5555 «one "2 x 8.0 ,2 x of - . - a 2 -5245 5:205 - - .. - - = and a 2 - :v 2.5 5858 + + + - . - H 9.x G 2 - 5 2-2: .5853 mop-0W mw— kahuna afloEm—VOm =39“ nob-H 235:5» o-QEam £me o-Qaam .83 ..c .x. Env.—Sm w \ 85» m3 .3 .x. Eat—Sum w \ 85» mm— EE 25.9 REE; 302388 N 25 128 16S gene of our target organism, lel, ranged from 9.64 X 103 to 1.66 X 104 genes per gram of sediment. S. cerevisiae DNA was used for building the standard curve with the eukaryotic primer set, and the number of 188 genes in S. cerevisiae is thought to vary between 200 and 400 copies per genome (l). The numbers of eukaryal 188 genes listed in Table 2 are conservative estimates based on the assumption that S. cerevisiae carried 200 188 genes per genome. Less conservative estimates may be calculated by increasing these values by a factor of two. DISCUSSION Real-time PCR has been shown to be a sensitive, precise method for quantifying target nucleotide sequences in both clinical and environmental samples (9, 22, 25, 26, 28, 38, 47). Through the use of four kingdom- and species-specific primer sets, we have used real-time PCR to detect and quantify the 16S rRNA genes in DNA extracted from environmental microbial communities. Each of the primer sets was found to be highly specific for the target group and we were able to detect and quantify as few as 2,000 bacterial, 2,000 archaeal, 8,000 eukaryal, and 250 SSU rRNA genes from the clone 1Bb] per reaction. In order to employ real-time PCR accurately, we validated three aspects of the method: specificity, sensitivity, and reproducibility. The primer pairs used in this study were found to be highly specific for their target groups. Furthermore, real—time PCR exhibited sensitivity to even very low concentrations of target sequences: reactions were sensitive to the presence of as few as 250 rRNA genes per tube. Finally, we evaluated the reproducibility of the method from one DNA extraction replicate to another. We 129 extracted" and analyzed replicate sediment samples lW-N (1 1-13 it) I and II and 1W-S (17-l9 ft) I and II, replicate bioreactor samples I and II, and replicate activated sludge samples I and H. In general, a more reproducible detection of absolute numbers of bacteria and archaea was observed in replicate sediment samples (replicate samples were within 4-46% different) than in replicate activated sludge and bioreactor samples (replicate samples within 11 and 86% different) which were derived from a single cell pellet. However, in terms of the representation of bacterial and archaeal 16S calculated for a given sample, the bioreactor replicates were more consistent (1-8% difference) than the replicate sediment samples (7-26% difference). Replicate sediment samples did not agree in the detection of clone sequence lel, suggesting that sediment heterogeneity, even within replicate samples from the same core, can affect the detection of small populations. The primary focus of this study was the detection and quantitation of our target of interest, cloned l6S sequence 1Bbl, in sediment from the contaminated aquifer at the Bachman site. We were able to detect this sequence in five of the seven Bachman sediments tested and in both Wurtsmith sediments (Table 2). Clone lel was not detected in any of the samples from the aquifer in Oyster, Virginia, the bioreactor, or activated sludge. Although this clone comprised 26% of a bacterial clone library derived from contaminated sediment at the Bachman site (see Chapter 4), we determined that it only comprised up to 0.6% of the total bacterial 168 in Bachman sediment. This discrepancy may have been caused by a bias in the PCR reaction used to amplify 16$ for cloning (for a review of these considerations, see reference (44)) or to bias in the cloning 130 process, including toxicity of vector inserts to the transformed host, or the choice of cloning kit (27). The discovery that the organism of interest, lel, constitutes less than 1% of the bacterial community at the Bachman site does not preclude its importance in the natural attenuation detected at the site. It is possible that the relative contribution of lel to the activity of the microbial community is disproportional to the number of 16S genes detected in the sediments. In one scenario, a high number of dead or inactive cells that contribute their 16S genes in the extraction of DNA from a sample could reduce the comparative importance of this species. It is possible that lel is directly involved in reductive dechlorination at the site, as sulfate-reducing isolates and mixed cultures have been found to reductively dechlorinate chlorinated ethenes (5, 20, 34). Further work with the isolate most closely related to this strain, STP23 (41), may help to define the processes that it undertakes at the Bachman site. Bacterial 168 genes in Bachman sediment ranged from 2.02 X 106 to 3.70 X 106 per gram of sediment, archaeal 168 genes ranged from 9.37 X 105 to 3.66 X 106 per gram, and eukaryal 188 genes were not detected. Bacterial 16S genes outnumbered archaeal genes in these samples: the relative proportion of bacterial 16S genes to the total number of sequences detected ranged from 50.3% to 70.4% (Figure 2). In Wurtsmith sediment samples, bacterial 16S genes ranged from 2.22 X 106 to 1.72 X 107 per gram of sediment, archaeal 16S ranged from 5.38 X 106 to 4.94 X 107 genes per gram, and eukaryal 18S was determined to be 1.14 X 108 per gram in the deeper, saturated sediment. Eukaryal 18S genes dominated the numbers of rDNA detected in the saturated Wurtsmith sediment: they comprised 93.7% of the total SSU genes detected (Figure 2). 131 .8383. owes. H0308a 2: a Ha.W a E I 0va SSH 2028... stew-:23 5 2:8 080880 33 m2 RES—5m .E Had-Wm VDQO 0388 5 H0 mow-8:08 owes—m 0033800 8: .3 5:30 5 080800 80: 33 mm: H8202 .095 0802 5‘ £28223 Hugo-H 05 3 H8800 080588000 a 28 .86 e895 2: 80.2 88508 83:3 00:85 .83 HaEHHBNm 8: 80¢ Haofivom H0503 wouecgacoo-mom .20: 530805 .0352 080388 80¢ <75 E c8088. 80% 56% .Ho 8098:: :38 8 800m 54% Dmm R5030 05 4008.80 €583.80 80:35:00 03228 8i. N oHHHmE _me 35%-"HE m2 H322... l 8: Haeeoamfi Xbo— .Xéo H 38:82 Hm-H HH 88:32 Hm-H H angina m< HH 88:32 3. He 0.» - ”.8 :50 E n:- 2: SE 3H 3.“ - was 32 \. - x... \ ..Nxfifihmkfl H 28:82 E 2 - H: 2- 3H HH eagaom E 2 - H: 2- 3H 8 2 - H-c 2- 3H H 28:82 8 2 - :H WBH HH 28:82 8 S - E 35H 8 2 - H: 3m J|___l L__1Ll €2-th 3m 1 20808on owes—m c80>to< «COEmUOv. heum>c HHHoEEom fiHEthHB 80868 sac-£00m 132 In pristine, aerobic aquifer sediment from Oyster, Virginia, the number of bacterial 16S far outstripped that of archaeal 16S. We measured 3.81 X 106 bacterial 168 genes and 1.2 X 105 archaeal 16S genes per gram of sediment, so bacterial 168 genes represented 98.3% of all those detected (Figure 2). Direct cell counts at the Oyster site have measured approximately 107 cells per gram of sediment (21), and the relative numbers of bacterial and archaeal rRNA genes measure in this study suggests that the vast majority of theses cells are bacterial. DNA extracted from bioreactor fluid held between 1.20 X 106 and 2.06 X 106 bacterial 16S genes and between 6.56 X 106 and 1.22 X 107 archaeal 16S genes per ul. Hence, archaeal 16S comprised roughly 85% of the total SSU genes detected in bioreactor fluid. Direct cell counts indicate that the bioreactor holds roughly 1010 cells/ml (16). The large discrepancy between cell counts and rRNA genes indicates that the DNA extraction of the bioreactor cell pellet may have been inefficient, resulting in the loss of genomic DNA during the process. DNA extracted from activated sludge held between 1.5 x 105 and 1.36 x 106 copies ofbacterial 16S and 1.21 x 109 to 3.37 x 108 eukaryal 18S genes per ul, so eukaryotes represented over 99% of the total SSU genes detected (Figure 2). In our measurements of SSU rRNA genes, replicate bioreactor and activated sludge samples varied by as much as 86% and replicate sediment samples varied by as much as 46%. In light of this, it is advisable when using real-time PCR to detect and quantify kingdom-level groups or small populations to thoroughly homogenize environmental samples and to use replicate samples for extraction and analysis. 133 The relative numbers of prokaryotic rRNA genes detected in DNA from aquifer sediment samples are consistent with the relative textures of these samples. Each of the sediment samples was examined and their relative textures were visually compared to the others in terms of relative texture (data not shown). The finest, sandiest textured sediments, ODU4 (8.8 — 8.9 m) and ML3 (15.5 - 17.5 ft), yielded the highest numbers of bacterial 16S, and the sediment samples with the coarsest texture, the Bachman sediments, yielded the lowest numbers. Although the number of bacterial 16S targets in the Oyster sediment sample ODU4 (8.8 — 8.9 m) was high, the organic carbon concentration in Oyster sediment, 1,000 ppb (21), was lower than that measured in sediment from either Bachman (as high as 2,400 ppb TCE alone (2)) or Wurtsmith (as high as 13,650 ppm (15)). These facts suggest that for our samples, the texture of a given sediment was a greater determinant of bacterial density than organic carbon concentration. The ratios of archaeal 16S genes to bacterial 16S genes measured in sediment from the Bachman site and the Wurtsmith site and in biomass fiom the methanogenic bioreactor were higher than ratios of rRNA derived fiom hybridization data. At the Wurtsmith site, rRNA hybridization analysis has shown that archaeal rRNA comprises between 1.2 and 1.6% of the total rRNA in unsaturated sediment and between 0.9 and 9.5% of the total in saturated sediment (48). Hybridization analysis of the community in the methanogenic bioreactor has revealed that archaeal rRN A comprises up to 25% of the total (16), and work on other methanogenic bioreactors has revealed similar ratios of bacterial to archaeal rRNA (39). Of the combined numbers of archaeal and bacterial genes detected, we observed percentages of archaeal 16S DNA to be 70.8 to 74.2% in 134 Wurtsmith aquifer sediment and 84.5 to 85.6% in the bioreactor. We have confirmed these data by re-examining the concentration of DNA in reactions used to generate the standard curve, verifying that the standard curve was calibrated correctly (data not shown). We also ruled out the possibility that bacterial DNA affected amplification with archaeal primers by assembling artificial community DNA samples, in which E. coli and M. jannaschii DNA were combined in three different ratios. We were able to measure the relative contribution of bacterial and archaeal 16S targets to within 8% of the correct value (data not shown). Taking this line of investigation a step further, we developed control reactions with archaeal primers, varying concentrations of archaeal template, and 4.0 X 10'3 ng/ul bacterial DNA. Amplification of archaeal 16S was not affected by the presence of bacterial template. Furthermore, we verified that, in the absence of archaeal template, the presence of bacterial template in reactions with archaeal primers did not result in a false-positive amplification: we detected amplification greater than that seen in no-template controls only when the amount of bacterial DNA in the reaction exceeded . 0.3 ng/ul. We estimated, from the number of bacterial and archaeal targets measured in our samples, that there was a maximum of 0.1 ng/ul of total template DNA in our reactions, which is well below this limit. Having validated the method of quantifying archaeal 16S using real-time PCR, we consider our data on archaeal 16S targets in aquifer sediment and bioreactor DNA to be accurate. There are a number of possible explanations for the high archaeal:bacterial rDNA ratios in Wurtsmith sediment and bioreactor samples measured in this study. Firstly, differential cell retention times for bacteria and methanogenic archaea in the LS1 bioreactor may have affected these analyses. In the bioreactor, F420 fluorescent cells, 135 presumably methanogens, frequently formed aggregates. The cell retention time of inactive methanogens (with low rRN A content and ambient DNA content) in aggregates may have been affected by the differences in settling properties, leading to overrepresentation of archaeal cells in samples taken from the reactor. This would explain why high amounts of bacterial rRNA, which indicates metabolic activity, were detected in hybridization analysis, while the scales tipped in favor of archaea in the analysis of rDNA. The most likely explanation for the disparity between rRNA content and rDNA content, however, lies in the possibility that archaea maintain a higher rDNAerN A ratio than bacteria. Studies of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius and M. jannaschii have shown that, because of a characteristically eukaryal cell cycle, these species carry between 2 and 5 genome equivalents during stationary phase (6, 8, 31, 36). E. coli carries, on average, one genome equivalent during stationary phase (17). If relatively small populations of archaea in the Wurtsmith sediments and in the methanogenic bioreactor maintained multiple genome equivalents while bacterial cells maintained a single equivalent, comparisons of rDNA from these environments would be skewed in favor of the archaea. More study of the archaeal cell cycle may confirm that the maintenance of multiple chromosomes during stationary phase is ubiquitous among the archaea, as the machinery of cell division observed in S. acidocaldarius and M. jannaschii are thought to be shared by all members of the kingdom Archaea (7). Ifthis is the case, then researchers using DNA-based comparisons, like real-time PCR, of archaeal and bacterial populations will have to address the relationship between activity and genome equivalents in members of these two kingdoms. 136 The detection of eukaryal 16S sequences in activated sludge DNA was expected, as municipal wastewater treatment sludge is known to harbor high numbers of diverse microeukaryotes (32). Eukaryal 16S genes were also detected in saturated sediment from the Wurtsmith site. Again, this is not an unexpected result, as previous work using rRNA hybridization has shown that eukaryal sequences comprise from 1.1 to 4.4% of the total detected SSU rRNA in sediment from 7.5 m below the surface (48). In the same study, rRNA from shallower, unsaturated sediment, was found to be 5% eukaryal. However, we did not detect eukaryal sequences in the unsaturated sediment from the Wurtsmith site, possibly due to temporal heterogeneity at the site. The detection of eukaryotes in saturated sediment and their absence in unsaturated sediment is contrary to the trend noted by Madsen et al. (29), who measured higher numbers of culturable protists in unsaturated sediment than in saturated sediment from the same contaminated aquifer. They conclude from prior work (18) that the higher protozoan numbers in the unsaturated sediment indicate faster bacterial grth rates. If higher protozoan counts do signify faster bacterial growth, then growth rates may be higher in the saturated sediment at Wurtsmith than in the unsaturated sediment. The numbers of eukaryotic 188 genes listed in Table 2 are conservative estimates based on the assumption that the DNA standard template, S. cerevisiae, yields 200 18S genes per genome (15 Mb). However, the number of 18S genes in the yeast genome may be as high as 400 (1). If this is the case, the number of 188 genes detected in our samples may be twice that reported in Table 2. In future work with real-time PCR, the eukaryal-specific primer set could be used to more precisely quantify these targets in a given sample through the development of a standard template for which the number of 137 SSU targets per ng of DNA is known. Since the number of 188 cperons per genome can vary in eukaryotes, eukaryal 188 target sequence may have to be inserted into a cloning vector in order to develop a reliable standard template. Where detected, the number of eukaryal 18S genes far exceeds that of bacterial and archaeal 16S genes (Table 2). In the activated sludge samples, eukaryal 18S comprises 99.7 to 99.9% of all SSU genes detected. In activated sludge, protozoa number about 5,000 per ml or 5% of the total dry weight (40). Further, seventy percent of protozoa in activated sludge are ciliates (14), a group which has been found to yield as many as 9,000 SSU genes per cell (45). Bacteria have been found to number as high as 1010 per ml in activated sludge. Assuming that eukaryotes maintain 9,000 copies of the rRNA operon and bacteria maintain approximately 5 copies, and using the observation. that 99.8 of the detected SSU genes are eukaryal, these data translate into approximately four bacteria for every eukaryote. This is a distinct underestimate of measured ratios of bacterial to eukaryal organisms in activated sludge (1010:5000), a discrepancy which may be due to errors in the aforementioned assumptions or difl‘erential DNA extraction efficiency from bacterial and eukaryal cells. In any event, eukarya are important members of the microbial community in activated sludge but the differences in rRNA copy number between bacteria and eukarya make population comparisons problematic. In Wurtsmith sample ML3 (23.5 - 27.5 ft) eukaryal 188 genes comprise 95.2% of all SSU genes detected. In the aforementioned study of saturated Wurtsmith sediment communities, eukaryal rRNA was determined to represent from 1.1 to 4.4% of the total detected SSU rRNA (48). The differences in rDNA and rRNA representation in the 138 larger community suggests that the relative contributions of eukaryotic 188 rDNA and rRNA to total community pools are significantly different. The use of a species-specific primer set in real-time PCR appears to hold a great deal of promise for the detection and quantitation of microbial species of interest. Even in conjunction with a universally-specific SSU primer, using the 1Bb1 primer set we were able to quantify as few as 250 16S targets per reaction. Future work with species and group-specific primer sets in real-time PCR could avoid some of the limitations of rRNA hybridization analysis while achieving quantitation of a species or genus of interest. For example, real-time PCR does not require handling of RNA, which can be unstable and is easily degraded, or radioactively-labeled probes, which can be of concern to individual or environmental health. However the potential for a disparity between the number rRNA genes per cell and the activity of that organism may complicate conclusions about the contribution of a species to the functioning of the whole community drawn from real-time PCR data. Further work in comparing real-time PCR with SSU rRNA and real-time PCR with a single-copy gene may help to correct for some of this potential for error. Another area for exploration lies in combining reverse- transcription PCR and real-time PCR, wherein SSU rRNA would be extracted from an environmental sample and amplified by reverse transcriptase in a real-time PCR reaction. 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It is becoming clear, however, considering the sheer size of the terrestrial subsurface, subsurface microbes likely play a substantial role in global cycling of bioactive elements. Furthermore, the ecological connectivity of groundwater with surface systems means that the subsurface is not an isolated area, but instead has significant impacts on macro-ecological systems. And the human demands on subsurface water are substantial: we pump 77 billion gallons of groundwater per day in the US alone. So, the subsurface and groundwater in particular are key underpinnings of global nutrient cycles, ecosystem health, and human water requirements, and microbes are largely responsible for the chemical properties of these resources. Understanding the communities and the roles of individual populations within them will help us to manage groundwater resources and to better understand the role of the terrestrial subsurface in global nutrient cycling. In an effort to firrther our understanding of subsurface microbial communities, the microbial diversity in aquifer sediment from two different sites was described using molecular, 16S rRNA-based approaches. The first site was a pristine, shallow, aerobic formation in Oyster, Virginia. The narrow channel focus area, or NCFA, is currently the focus of a Department of Energy — Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation study in bacterial transport, and has been extensively characterized for this effort. The aquifer is 144 an unconfined formation consisting of unconsolidated to weakly ceinented, medium- to fine-grained sand and pebbly sand. These sediments are, in decreasing order of abundance: quartz, feldspar, clay, and iron and aluminum hydroxides, with the smaller sized quarts particles encrusted with clay and hydroxide coatings (3). Dissolved oxygen was measured at 5.5 mg/L and determined to be consistent across the study site, organic carbon was determined to be 1000 ppb, and the groundwater pH was 6.1(1). The second study site was a tetrachloroethylene (PCE)-contaminated aquifer in Oscoda, Michigan referred to as the Bachman Road site. The Bachman aquifer is a similar formation to that in Oyster, Virginia: it is a shallow, sandy formation, composed of unconsolidated, medium-grained glacial sand. Within the plume, dissolved oxygen concentrations range from 1.8 mg/L 8 ft below ground level to 0.2 mg/L at 19 feet, and redox potentials range from —151 to —247 respectively. The concentration of organic carbon has not been measured in these sediments, but PCE alone has been found to reach as high as 10,000 ppb and within our sampling area the concentration of cis- dichloroethylene (cis-DCE) was determined to reach as high as 3,600 ppb (2). Measurements of groundwater pH within the plume range between 5.8 to 7.6 (2). , The bacterial communities at both sites were assessed using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (T-RFLP). While analysis did reveal diverse communities at both sites, with Oyster communities presenting as many as 39 terminal restriction fragments in the Hha I digestion and Bachman contaminated sediment presenting as many as 26 and uncontaminated sediment presenting 5 terminal fragments, these communities appear to be less diverse than soil bacterial communities. Soil bacterial communities present between 60 and 80 terminal fragments when analyzed 145 using T-RFLP with the same primers and restriction enzyme. This suggests that the properties that the Oyster and Bachman sediments share that surface soils do not, most significantly water saturation and low concentrations of recalcitrant organic carbon, are strong determinants of bacterial diversity. Further work to relate indices of bacterial diversity to environmental heterogeneity and to concentration and complexity of organic carbon would prove valuable in better understanding these observations. Furthermore, the phylogenetic identities of members of the bacterial communities at both sites were determined using 16S cloning and sequencing. Both sites exhibited previously unknown bacterial diversity: ten clones from Oyster and seven clones from Bachman failed to show a specific relationship to any of the known bacterial divisions. The subsurface is a relatively new environment for study, so it is not surprising that molecular microbiological techniques should reveal novel groups. While there was no overlap between the 16S sequences detected at Bachman and Oyster, three divisions were detected in clone libraries fi'om both sites: Acidobacteria, Leptospirillum/Nitrospira, and the Proteobacteria. It could be that the characteristics the two sites share, including relatively low organic carbon concentrations, absence of light energy, low nutrient concentrations, water saturation, and low seasonal temperature fluctuations are driving these similarities. The only isolated representative of the division Acidobacteria, Acidobacterium capsulatum, is an acidophilic chemoorganotroph. Acidobacteria-related sequences have been identified in many environments, including soil, subsurface sediment, and marine sediment. The diversity of these sequences suggests that the division Acidobacteria is likely quite a metabolically diverse group, but the lack of isolates from more 146 representative environments is limiting. Representatives of the division Leptospirillum/Nitrospira have not previously been identified in the subsurface. Isolates from three genera compose this division: Leptospirillum, Nitrospira, and Ihermodesulfovibrio. Leptospirillum isolates are Chemolithotrophic sulfirr or iron oxidizers from acid mine drainage. Nitrospira are chemolithoautotrophic, oxidizing nitrite for energy, and Ihermodesulfovibrio is a thermophilic sulfate-reducer. It is not known what roles the members of the divisions Acidobacteria and Leptospirillum/Nitrospira play in the subsurface, but fiirther work to isolate members of these groups from subsurface sediment may help to better understand their functions. Isolates and 16S sequences of the division Proteobacteria, on the other hand, have been identified in most studies of subsurface bacterial communities and appear to be ubiquitous in these environments. There are innumerable isolates of this metabolically diverse division, but the sequences fiom Bachman and Oyster suggest that our knowledge about the diversity of the Proteobacteria is not complete, as most of these sequences failed to show relationships to any of the known genera. Again, more work to isolate novel Proteobacteria from subsurface sediment could help in our understanding of the activity of these species at Bachman and Oyster. Sampling at the Oyster and Bachman sites may be seen as inadequate in light of the potential for sediment variation across very small distances to affect microbial abundance (4) and presumably community structure. Ideally, numerous cores from a particular sampling point (in a meter square area, for example) would be gathered and analyzed equally, but this is simply not feasible in the case of most subsurface investigations. Regardless, I find it unlikely that selective sampling of any environment 147 as complex as an aquifer will reveal the entirety of microbial diversity of that site. With the tools currently available to researchers, we have no choice but to extract and analyze a limited number of samples from and extrapolate those results appropriately. The discovery of previously unidentified 16S sequences and sequences belonging to divisions about which we still know very little is an indication that a great deal of research remains to be carried out to characterize the microbial communities of the saturated subsurface. Further work should be focused on isolating and characterizing these organisms and defining their distribution in other subsurface environments using molecular techniques. 148 REFERENCES U.S. Department of Energy. 1998. South Oyster Science Plan; Field Experimentation in Bacterial Transport; NABIR Acceleration Program Element, Office of Energy Research, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division. Adriaens, P., L. Abriola, M. Barcelona, B. Fathepure, K. Hayes, J. Tiedje, P. Kurt, F. Loffler, and E. Petrovskis. 1998. Application of surfactant-enhanced aquifer remediation (SEAR) and enhanced halorespiration technologies at the Bachman Road residential wells site, Oscoda, MI., A proposal submitted to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. Dong, H., T. C. Onstott, M. F. DeFlaun, M. E. Fuller, S. H. Streger, R. K. Rithmel, and B. J. Mailloux. Transport of adhesion deficient bacteria in heterogeneous porous media: relative dominance of physical vs. chemical control on bacterial transport. Environmental Science and Technology (submitted for publication). . Zhang, C., V. Palumbo Anthony, J. Phelps Tommy, J. Beauchamp John, J. Brockman Fred, J. Murray Chris, S. Parsons Brian, and J. P. Swift Donald. 1998. Grain size and depth constraints on microbial variability in coastal plain subsurface sediments. Geomicrobiology Journal. July Sept. 15(3): 171-185. 149 APPENDIX A CULTIVATION TECHNIQUES USED TO ISOLATE N CFA GROUP I BACTERIA INTRODUCTION A unique group of 16S sequences was identified at the Narrow Channel focus area at a study site in Oyster, Virginia, and was designated NCF A group I (see Chapters 2 and 3). Cultivation experiments were designed and implemented in an attempt to obtain these organisms in culture, but were unsuccessful. These experiments are described here. Briefly, aliquots of sediment from two depths within the same borehole were serially diluted in minimal media with added sulfate, thiosulfate, nitrate, peptone, and yeast extract. Replicate dilutions were held at 10° C under three different gaseous conditions: anaerobic, microaerophilic with hydrogen, and rrricroaerophilic without hydrogen. Cultures were periodically checked for the development of NCFA group I by whole cell PCR of an aliquot of culture using primers specific for the target organisms. Media was created by adding ingredients to water in order listed in Table 1 then making up to the final volume. Table 2 lists the ingredients of the trace metals solution used in the media. The mixture was boiled on a hot plate and cooled in an ice tub under a flow of nitrogen gas. Under nitrogen, 18 ml of media was transferred to individual Balsch tubes and sealed with rubber stoppers and aluminum crimp tops. The tubes were cooled and 90 ul of 10% dithiothreitol (DTT) solution was added to the tubes to be used for anaerobic cultures and rrricroaerophilic cultures under hydrogen. The tubes were autoclaved for 45 minutes. 150 Table 1 Media used for cultivation of NCF A group I. (Quantities are in units of g per L). Store metals solution at 4 degrees C. NaCl MgC12-6H20 KH2PO4 K2HPO4 NH4Cl KC] CaC12-2HZO Yeast extract Peptone Agar Na2SO4 KNO3 Na2S203-5H20 Resazurine Trace metals solution 0.05 0.5 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.3 0.015 0.1 0.1 0.142 0.05 0.25 0.001 1 ml Table 2 Trace metals solution for grth media. (Quantities are in units of g per L) Nitrotriacetic acid PH 6.5 then add in order, dissolving each one: F eCl3-3H20 MnC12-4H20 CoC12-6H20 ZnCl2 CuC12-2H20 H3BO4 NaCl Na2SeO3-5H20 NiC12-6HZO Na2Wo4-2H20 12.8 1.35 0.1 0.024 0.1 0.025 0.01 1 0.026 0.12 0.033 Two sediment samples were used for inoculation, both of which were recovered from the site in August, 2000: ODU2 7.7-7.8 m and ODU2 6-7 m. Media was inoculated in the anaerobic hood (90% nitrogen and 10% hydrogen atmosphere), keeping the media and sediment on ice as temperatures exceeded 37° C inside. Approximately 2 grams of sediment was added to the first tube in the series (1:10 dilution wzv), and the tube was capped and mixed by shaking. The mixture was allowed to settle for 10 seconds, then 2 ml was transferred to the next tube in the series. The dilution series was carried out eight times for a total of nine tubes. Each sediment was used as inoculum for three replicate dilution series. The replicate series destined for anaerobic conditions was recapped in the hood and handled anaerobically for all subsequent sampling. The replicate series destined for microaerophilic conditions with hydrogen were loosely capped with culture tube caps (not rubber stoppers) and transferred to gas pack jars with Campy Pak Plus nricroaerophilic envelopes (Becton Dickinson Microbiology Systems) which provided a nricroaerophilic environment with hydrogen and carbon dioxide. The microaerophilic replicate series was loosely capped with culture tube caps. All replicate series were placed at 10° C in the dark. Cultures were sampled in the anaerobic hood every other day as they grew turbid, up to 18 days afier inoculation. Two depths of each culture were sampled (1 cm fi'om the meniscus and 1 cm from the bottom) using sterile Pasteur pipettes and 1.25 ul was used for each of two PCR screening reactions using (1) the NCFA group l-specific primer set (see Chapter 3) and (2) bacterial primers 27F and 1392R. The amplification conditions, 152 including cycle parameters and reagent concentrations are identical to those outlined in Chapter 2 for bacterial 16S cloning. 153 APPENDIX B T-RFLP DATA FROM CHAPTERS 2 AND 4 Table 1 Chapter 3 data. SOUTH OYSTER FOCUS AREA SEDIMENT SEDIMENT B2 (5 m) Hha I Peak area 32.73 536 33.9 1260 35.64 361 38.99 1858 39.98 1595 41.57 3140 48.88 2037 60.43 876 66.07 7207 181.14 935 182.11 302 182.92 467 183.57 1297 187.37 580 187.97 690 189.34 822 206.2 31812 370.75 1797 567.63 3358 568.83 3923 574.52 1007 SEDIMENT M3 (6 m) Hha I Terminal Fragment Peak area 33.92 2493 Msp I Terminal Fragment 32.75 33.91 38.98 39.96 41.54 48.81 125.9 141.98 143.8 172.97 177.18 197.19 234.71 431.87 433.76 440.56 477.37 492.09 494.02 Msp I Terminal Fragment 34.11 154 Peak area 333 951 1369 1496 2098 151 7732 1556 3163 3879 1478 346 636 10567 37121 1733 8082 3043 31662 Peak area 1881 Rsa I Terminal Peak Fragment area 32.97 377 34.12 945 39.15 1406 40.12 1367 41.68 1917 79.99 281 82.08 3849 109.63 404 110.71 399 116.81 5058 119.55 30299 475.34 38551 482.51 2094 489.17 492 492.06 1207 492.7 1146 Rsa I Terminal Peak Fragment area 33.92 1338 Table 1 (cont’d) 39.16 1741 39.95 1825 41.52 2978 48.94 324 65.61 618 206.38 7413 569.07 9922 SEDIMENT S10 (5 m) Fragment Peak area 34.11 3780 35.65 787 37.98 1926 39.16 2454 39.95 2961 41.52 5007 48.94 591 50.7 1513 65.99 2064 67.72 1637 196.93 27974 225.15 3378 227.3 6353 234.61 9779 372.07 2000 569.67 1231 39.95 41.52 48.94 140.02 433.14 435.02 493.99 495.58 Msp I Terminal Fragment 32.97 34.12 37.2 39.15 40.12 41.49 48.88 125.92 133.43 152.36 154.35 174.43 186.3 293.87 492.56 495.75 500.38 517.27 155 2610 2050 215 375 600 4649 5126 14597 Peak area 443 1956 352 1505 1732 2522 187 158 1459 609 15683 1512 584 4411 2521 1991 4023 1147 38.97 1022 39.95 1290 41.52 1540 117.61 381 119.7 5274 430.7 1043 431.48 1479 472.02 523 476.4 2632 477.75 2219 Rsa I Terminal Peak Fragment area 32.97 343 33.93 1463 39.15 1621 39.93 1283 41.49 2087 117.78 439 464.27 4241 467.61 319 476.18 26912 Table 1 (cont’d) SEDIMENT $14 (5 m) Hha I 32.94 33.91 38.98 39.96 41.54 48.81 65.74 77.28 202.37 203.46 206.58 210.19 368.76 370.59 566.59 569.01 SEDIMENT $18 (6 m) 32.56 33.91 37 37.99 39.17 39.96 41.54 49.01 89.84 Terminal Fragment Peak area 393 1377 1667 1512 2494 984 3966 980 781 983 29426 678 834 2187 3991 14108 Terminal Fragment Peak area 507 751 384 541 1202 1251 3056 332 1753 Msp I Terminal Fragment 32.96 34.11 39.16 40.14 41.52 126.07 138.35 140.16 142.13 432.34 434.23 459.1 460.86 477.64 492.08 494 494.95 600.2 Msp 1 Terminal Fragment 33.92 39.16 39.95 41.52 84.73 86.25 88.9 126 140.35 156 Peak area 422 1331 1870 1756 1992 3408 846 2200 531 2391 7721 758 2392 1006 19866 29789 36754 2536 Peak area 205 583 756 1 107 960 1968 1690 1616 678 RsaI 32.96 34.11 39.16 39.95 41.52 100.83 117.61 119.54 430.55 471.85 Terminal Peak Fragment area 287 1236 1704 1493 1695 571 3153 9311 4964 4996 475.89 46424 RsaI Terminal Peak F ragrnent area 31.99 33.92 38.97 39.95 41.52 67.92 89.28 116.8 518 435 918 1086 1310 745 717 3815 119.5410041 Table 1 (cont’d) 157 121.06 446 142.16 780 126.81 900 122.54 721 156.39 327 127.79 538 123.52 1364 158.56 489 292.17 951 150.74 2227 443.03 350 307.31 2629 164.43 371 446.19 1202 476.63 6897 165.44 964 449.21 1855 482.22 3710 206.06 19491 450.64 1363 206.85 25477 451.59 778 370.85 1059 452.23 811 374.2 520 453.02 672 543.3 1112 454.45 1560 566.14 4448 455.73 1489 569.07 20229 456.85 889 574.43 3728 457.48 867 458.28 3179 484.38 1069 493.36 9910 494.47 16520 495.59 48757 515.74 625 517.31 1226 600.12 4484 SEDIMENTT2(4 m) HhaI MspI RsaI Terminal Terminal Peak Terminal Fragment Peak area Fragment Peak area Fragment area 32.75 396 33.91 838 31.82 359 33.91 655 38.98 1235 32.78 372 37.2 350 39.96 1170 33.93 407 38.96 1559 41.54 1580 39.13 1322 39.94 1817 67.67 1784 39.9 1500 41.5 2969 88.7 435 41.45 2010 48.72 5370 98.15 1991 81.8 1943 65.6 "2831 100.07 1096 89.24 1211 120.26 3483 100.83 1090 101.04 1061 175.56 817 103.62 1340 109.72 2288 Table 1 (cont’d) 158 206.32 33716 104.72 699 110.71 2416 369.66 12317 105.26 786 111.68 2834 374.08 2944 106.7 646 11612216 375.77 878 107.77 1319 118.8232803 397 1108 110.87 1531 170.56 3452 567.43 4881 112.1 750 171.64 3155 569.15 18831 113.16 872 427.14 4511 577.49 522 114.21 1078 475.05 31411 120.7 566 124.92 212 126.06 6920 127.37 3867 172.81 1262 432.22 23210 433.79 28376 443.91 1464 477.37 5117 490.48 677 492.4 5008 493.53 5929 495.45 28178 600.25 1764 SEDIMENTT2(6 m) I-IhaI Mspl RsaI Terminal Terminal Peak Terminal Fragment Peak area Fragment Peak area Fragment area 33.91 2763 33.92 2570 33.92 1779 39.17 3036 39.16 2051 38.97 1644 40.16 2360 39.95 2078 39.95 1671 41.54 5005 41.52 3165 41.32 2137 48.81 243 67.72 401 117.46 3176 65.74 4150 138.42 360 119.57 6737 67.86 388 140.23 1638 430.55 5499 77.28 849 142.37 663 472.02 1971 202.56 346 434.23 2246 473.37 2798 203.65 1558 459.1 544 476.57 4117 Table 1 (cont’d) 206.32 8304 460.86 1725 368.75 542 492.4 10229 369.82 984 493.36 9765 566.56 2603 495.59 23181 568.98 14926 600.36 606 NARROW CHANNEL FOCUS AREA SEDIMENT 159 SEDIMENT B2 (8 m) Hha I Primer set 8F-1392R Primer set 8F-1525R Terminal Terminal fragment Peak area fragment Peak area 39.27 1311 30.33 9983 40.22 305 40.22 475 41.98 1127 41.82 1417 64.16 928 64.16 1747 69.59 441 92.72 2233 87.14 355 95.21 1032 92.72 3510 102.94 484 94.51 482 105.72 5621 103.2 3225 205.39 6079 105.53 994 206.91 3347 107.36 596 210.1 848 108.7 773 211.91 687 120.38 961 219.18 2084 121.55 521 220.59 1301 128.56 358 313.51 1378 136.16 1261 365.77 7154 138.51 485 379.34 2673 141.14 1024 382.62 756 205.36 1292 384.76 2317 207.03 763 487.75 3966 219.18 750 573.72 3075 365.78 819 581.14 819 373.14 1162 Table 1 (cont’d) 375.27 378.83 474.5 476.76 487.57 574.17 Msp I Primer set 8F-1392R 1088 8222 3220 5737 4538 1231 Terminal fragment Peak area 39.27 67.99 70.38 86.98 103.41 105.41 106.33 107.38 108.71 120.35 121.51 129.93 136.05 138.38 139.84 141.01 161.09 163.45 175.02 180.31 206.69 225.63 282.78 289.66 478.2 488.54 1191 1047 1606 563 2800 372 473 597 761 871 464 2178 1207 378 2425 1040 4021 2927 426 478 427 734 576 456 927 975 31.16 69.68 86.89 129.99 139.9 143.4 144.13 148.22 161.05 162.66 163.97 171.85 180.17 186.13 205.52 225.46 282.66 289.65 292.6 297.22 474.29 479.08 488.84 495.48 499.08 505.04 160 Primer set 8F-1525R Terminal fi'agment Peak area 11259 504 3625 1389 1792 596 1147 1522 699 679 486 475 1647 1023 480 5176 5351 956 2541 2941 1423 674 392 7409 754 1253 Table 1 (cont’d) RsaI Primer set 8F-1392R 495.48 513.82 519.56 574.16 2639 3872 4851 1785 Terminal fragment Peak area 34.16 39.27 40.7 56.66 63.2 68.79 69.43 86.02 103.41 105.41 106.33 107.38 109 120.19 136 141.09 243.28 455.59 458.08 460.1 478.74 484.29 488.32 489.5 497.08 502.9 2203 878 1047 429 501 633 655 458 3263 276 550 680 1414 731 1344 840 2877 1502 3961 8185 4668 1492 307 1407 13878 6893 515.11 521.42 534.09 40.29 85.94 243.38 418.06 450.82 455.2 468.23 477.85 484.11 485.67 489.65 490.47 498.18 161 2292 650 395 Primer set 8F—1525R Terminal fragment Peak area 1097 2887 1843 946 1714 9893 2060 10305 3621 2392 5685 16611 5531 Table l (cont’d) SEDIMENT 818 (6 m) Hha I Primer set 8F-1392R 37.91 38.73 40.52 61.39 68.73 86.66 92.53 103.33 211.9 370.15 375.68 379.1 389.12 402.45 487.73 550.11 570.14 573.74 Terminal fragment Peak area 345 494 1257 450 411 387 494 1566 1975 691 739 2046 959 2709 2133 575 579 2183 68.47 69.27 96.04 107.36 114.02 124.6 129.99 132.18 137.13 139.76 142.38 143.99 145.59 148.22 149.67 151.42 162.66 163.68 177.74 186 282.63 285.71 293.46 294.72 300.2 305.25 469.29 471.13 471.89 472.39 473.02 477.62 162 Primer set 8F-1525R Terminal fragment Peak area 657 940 1204 830 606 661 359 483 493 1854 4767 782 3385 827 416 880 813 760 421 1619 3688 1120 1136 3804 690 4696 807 681 361 377 919 883 Table l (cont’d) 163 485.2 482 491.58 3673 495.22 4159 507.41 1448 509.11 386 511.7 902 527.56 1243 589.32 1258 Msp I Primer set 8F-1392R Primer set 8F-1525R Terminal Terminal fragment Peak area fragment Peak area 39.27 350 40.22 773 69.43 392 41.82 1979 70.22 715 62.24 262 87.14 808 79 1191 88.89 431 79.96 458 98.58 356 92.72 730 103.41 1281 95.38 1182 139.7 1561 105.72 407 142.33 981 154.14 578 145.4 979 184.14 512 147.74 407 211.8 10271 149.35 1456 223.6 4543 163.74 681 227.46 1379 305.51 591 230.27 2562 428.21 804 302.95 829 489.03 797 311.26 538 495.92 1687 313.52 2523 499.51 1116 363.79 675 514.3 978 365.89 4330 520.65 1511 370.09 462 528.62 1107 371.64 589 376.01 1816 378.13 781 382.67 1439 Table l (cont’d) 384.95 597 402.19 11289 410.04 643 487.73 3401 534.55 1739 573.88 3937 164 Rsa I Primer set 8F-1392R Primer set 8F-1525R Terminal Terminal fragment Peak area fragment Peak area 34.32 523 41.02 1230 39.43 233 84.59 1231 40.86 528 86.02 2660 69.43 863 180.74 2211 86.02 1102 297.8 634 103.41 1754 418.38 467 105.41 540 437.48 2407 437.13 408 446.52 1228 449.98 1093 457.39 11823 458.09 3006 461.62 7231 461.94 1266 466.67 524 469.69 889 470.68 3984 471.31 528 473.39 1164 479.65 1980 474.41 625 481.62 2676 475.77 682 485.56 1683 479.33 3074 491.89 763 482.89 2502 493.15 880 484.75 1352 497.26 4305 485.6 1140 502.81 5433 486.78 2397 488.48 934 491.73 5665 492.99 9888 498.18 1304 499.91 2670 Table l (cont’d) 502.74 609 517.18 661 SEDIMENT S18 (8 m) Hha I Primer set 8F-1392R Primer set 8F-1525R Terminal Terminal fragment Peak area fragment Peak area 39.11 486 69.74 406 40.06 439 96.24 326 41.82 1059 124.44 497 62.24 707 139.75 707 69.43 265 142.38 2026 86.98 920 145.6 1103 92.72 702 185.86 662 103.2 2242 282.52 537 114.87 478 294.71 822 117.9 405 305.38 816 123.18 400 491.28 8601 124.06 681 495.4 1740 137.39 648 527.51 622 151.9 433 169.36 885 206.86 556 212.01 1583 225.77 511 370.13 797 379.06 1522 380.77 476 389.21 847 402.52 2089 488.06 1854 573.96 2869 165 Table 1 (cont’d) Primer set 8F-1525R Terminal fragment Peak area 40.22 459 41.82 1056 79 600 95.38 336 211.87 3515 216.08 562 221.43 444 223.44 1962 230.28 763 313.32 665 365.96 668 382.67 641 402.54 5061 410.02 583 487.12 1726 572.71 4911 Msp I Primer set 8F-l392R Terminal fragment Peak area 39.27 392 64.64 305 69.43 239 70.38 553 87.14 786 88.89 397 103.41 1815 114.76 694 123.95 494 136.29 463 137.16 658 139.64 1357 142.26 677 145.32 897 149.41 1249 151.6 853 163.76 460 169.35 614 468.61 573 489.02 739 495.76 4636 499.66 913 514.73 722 520.73 995 529.14 707 Rsa I Primer set 8F -1392R Terminal fragment Peak area 34. 16 1825 39.27 356 40.7 412 Primer set 8F-1525R Terminal fragment Peak area 40.45 753 84.48 445 85.94 855 166 Table l (cont’d) 56.82 228 63.2 860 64.16 281 67.03 350 69.43 504 85.86 696 103.36 1349 117.89 393 190.74 386 458.86 1726 462.87 577 479.56 531 480.37 826 482.16 1747 486.73 1298 497.96 2285 504.21 3302 SEDIMENT M3 (6 m) Hha I Primer set 8F-1392R Terminal fragment Peak area 39.27 337 69.59 452 86.98 324 103.36 1117 107.51 686 204.18 1887 206.53 16851 234.12 1155 369.72 10465 469.53 1286 470.48 537 471.12 668 471.92 561 180.88 433.2 437.76 456.37 458.09 462.46 466.53 470.66 478.91 483.21 484.37 487.18 488.34 493.31 498.05 499.94 31.16 204.2 206.55 234.24 362.53 369.93 470.48 471.12 472.08 473.53 475.45 476.58 515.49 167 1087 1456 818 508 6597 2016 424 1170 5683 1175 915 1196 1666 8095 856 763 Primer set 8F-1525R Terminal fragment Peak area 8097 2830 31473 1450 611 11955 1614 439 1011 1122 571 330 1004 Table 1 (cont’d) 472.89 893 474.01 463 475.62 1045 515.01 515 515.65 312 516.78 876 566.8 118058 Msp I Primer set 8F-1392R Terminal fragment Peak area 31.16 11215 39.84 373 69.84 488 87.21 308 103.24 1166 107.36 773 206.42 1284 369.18 858 420.99 2389 421.89 694 423.41 2374 493.84 152150 Rsa I Primer set 8F-1392R Terminal fragment Peak area 34.32 1630 38.63 200 39.43 276 43.26 530 63.36 394 69.59 425 103.36 765 107.36 754 119.79 2910 566.94 158.92 206.56 419.24 420.74 422.41 430.16 493.86 119.81 329.02 397.66 399.48 401 433.17 469.24 476.12 651.4 168 115605 Primer set 8F-1525R Terminal fragment Peak area 604 877 2198 1073 1453 630 167712 Primer set 8F-1525R Terminal fragment Peak area 4655 974 5742 1691 3466 47840 445 ' 66974 6278 Table 1 (cont’d) 395.19 396.53 397.57 398.32 398.91 400.26 403.24 433.36 475.77 1978 1836 854 700 1361 2177 726 22555 63608 169 Table 2 Chapter 4 bacterial T-RFLP data 170 SEDIMENT 1At Hha I After eliminating Data from 4/10 Data from 4/27 inconsistent peaks Terminal Peak Terminal Peak fragment area fragment area Terminal fragment 36.81 764 37 1386 37 38.14 290 58.18 445 58.18 57.91 300 59.85 398 59.85 59.62 275 95.14 2971 95.14 95.03 2656 97.01 473 98.48 98.62 479 98.48 636 155.84 155 1294 111.28 417 197.9 197.49 825 155.84 1711 201.42 201.33 3975 197.9 751 204.53 204.27 750 199.07 562 206.46 205.82 1574 201.42 4789 215.45 215.27 578 204.53 1232 218.94 218.94 1631 206.46 1743 232.84 233 2509 208.39 689 369.78 370.1 1592 215.45 751 374.41 373.97 599 218.94 2379 375.56 376.14 506 232.84 4412 380.78 381.12 4935 364.02 605 539.79 539.61 710 368.2 537 540.75 540.99 1013 369.78 2619 542.65 542.71 830 374.41 1134 544.57 544.27 1264 375.56 1552 548.42 546.7 304 377.59 1004 565.19 548.44 1739 379.48 2985 569.17 565.22 841 380.78 6001 581.07 567.19 756 406.8 703 585.65 569.16 1938 415.2 481 571.5 1347 539.79 2472 580.94 1815 540.75 2670 584.98 793 542.65 997 585.9 1071 544.57 3302 548.42 4334 Table 2 (cont’d) Data from 4/10 34.33 34.33 75.17 77.64 93.24 149.35 155.66 157.83 161.86 163.54 165.73 172.8 207.25 230.96 448.35 450.15 463.68 466.17 Peak area 3813 4219 518 393 635 630 1044 1231 628 1880 689 654 1256 546 2232 835 1071 1172 554.07 824 556.02 2011 560.26 1546 561.9 705 565.19 2587 569. 17 7632 574 555 575.01 347 576.85 1346 581.07 4862 585.65 4047 590.78 1704 599.42 544 Data from 4/27 Terminal Peak fragment area 75.84 496 93.1 518 134.16 472 149.32 471 156. 16 1105 158.23 1489 161.9 779 163.82 1855 165.9 880 170.55 388 172.93 649 206.22 520 207.56 904 229.18 410 285.53 410 286.46 470 288.43 926 376.58 429 171 After eliminating inconsistent peaks Terminal fragment 75.84 93.1 149.32 156.16 158.23 161.9 163.82 165.9 172.93 448.48 450.29 463.91 466.19 481.85 482.97 491.97 495.76 505.44 Table 2 (cont’d) 481.62 482.87 490.84 492.34 494.17 496.17 505.81 507.64 512.44 514.09 519.54 520.86 521.69 522.51 523.5 524.98 527.12 527.78 529.59 532.22 534.03 568.91 Data from 4/10 33.38 34.14 34.33 56.8 121.94 131.64 514 1033 655 1469 1579 3018 1909 2762 2228 3940 1362 1157 792 801 1193 1635 356 782 861 804 656 999 Peak area 1045 2653 4219 440 526 560 437.82 448.48 450.29 463.91 466.19 481.85 482.97 490.15 491.97 493.64 495.76 505.44 507.26 512.25 513.76 520.87 522.54 523.6 527.98 529.8 532.22 534.03 569.24 570.9 56.89 122.1 130.43 131.69 298.9 421.23 577 3242 830 1361 1364 873 1094 936 1885 1794 4103 2589 3204 2979 4077 3131 2075 2780 1326 1358 1099 698 1802 858 Data from 4/27 Terminal Peak fragment area 595 827 308 830 892 628 172 507.26 512.25 513.76 520.87 522.54 523.6 527.98 529.8 532.22 534.03 569.24 After eliminating inconsistent peaks Terminal fragment 56.89 122.1 131.69 446.11 451.71 453.07 Table 2 (cont’d) 445.83 451.71 453.01 454.33 459.58 460.74 464.7 473.37 476.91 478.51 489.12 496.32 502.47 SEDINIENT 2At Data from 4/10 36.62 59.86 69.97 81.55 95 143.23 144.05, 205.58 209 211.19 211.98 287.63 370.09 379.7 504 1746 667 1837 1186 998 1049 2001 1569 5441 2377 4727 553 Peak area 1403 1495 599 403 2019 372 472 2064 1127 452 598 2686 4679 4066 428.68 446.11 451.71 453.07 454.14 459.46 460.98 464.64 466.17 466.78 473.07 476.63 478.73 489.04 495.93 502.3 .36.81 56.61 57.73 59.96 62.19 72.72 82.42 94.96 97.21 98.51 101.05 176.18 204.08 206.01 665 941 2973 1250 2857 2112 1593 1531 350 765 3250 2875 8997 3468 7416 1357 Data from 4/27 Terminal Peak fragment area 23 82 402 621 2806 763 345 923 4799 396 410 474 776 586 3 626 173 454.14 459.46 460.98 464.64 473.07 476.63 478.73 489.04 495.93 502.3 After eliminating inconsistent peaks Terminal fragment 36.81 59.96 94.96 204.08 206.01 209.29 211.69 369.79 381.23 548.71 568.95 585.43 Table 2 (cont’d) 381.72 3744 548.85 4139 567.32 5288 569.311368 582.8 756 585.2 1744 Msp I Data from 4/10 Terminal Peak fragment area 65.34 582 127.91 689 131.15 1402 209.29 958 211.69 1079 341.57 930 369.79 6924 375.57 1154 379.05 6091 381.23 4245 406.67 431 407.25 490 484.25 759 538.84 2273 541.69 1058 543.91 860 548.71 8494 552.9 958 555.66 648 556.31 401 557.28 385 558.59 833 560.55 872 565.48 5393 568.95 26683 576.97 479 578.48 715 579.83 571 585.43 5995 589.18 715 590.73 375 596.25 622 Data from 4/27 Terminal Peak fragment area 33.11 610 42.88 313 65.16 620 174 After eliminating inconsistent peaks Terminal fragment 65.16 128.28 131.59 Table 2 (cont’d) 149.18 162.53 207.88 209.75 288.12 432.3 466.01 494.01 891 1088 938 803 858 788 1423 7080 496.01 10282 502.82 513.1 528.11 529.26 598.26 600.15 Data from 4/10 33.38 54.12 56.8 130.09 430.54 459.89 460.89 474.61 1430 5351 1469 1413 738 1583 Peak area 544 260 270 426 1496 1806 1382 3550 476.91 13210 128.28 131.59 149.61 150.88 162.93 165.16 207.7 288.44 290.41 431.77 438.95 465.88 493.65 495.62 501.23 502.29 511.38 513.34 515.46 528 529.81 599.06 600.8 33.11 56.98 284.44 430.34 459.46 460.99 474.53 476.47 480.66 491 1275 506 397 1 151 541 323 1004 445 968 471 1003 9200 12666 637 2003 952 3459 1380 1922 1572 669 1683 Data from 4/27 Terminal Peak fragment area 335 525 578 3098 2249 2410 5253 13815 1915 175 149.61 162.93 207.7 288.44 431.77 465.88 495.62 502.29 513.34 528 529.81 600.8 After eliminating inconsistent peaks Terminal fragment 33.11 56.98 430.34 459.46 460.99 474.53 476.47 484.21 496.38 Table 2 (cont’d) After eliminating inconsistent peaks Terminal fragment 484.34 719 484.21 1112 496.66 4619 494.86 2902 498.15 2039 496.38 4502 501.24 678 SEDIMENTZBb HhaI Data from 4/10 Data from 4/27 Terminal Peak Terminal Peak fragment area fragment area 36.04 1725 35.16 1152 60.24 625 37 3995 62.17 299 55.77 312 91.23 573 56.7 334 95.36 1391 57.81 444 205.74 1099 59.85 1840 207.44 416 61.89 1229 287.79 1710 82.43 934 370.08 1930 86.6 613 373.17 246 91.3 1663 373.79 584 94.95 4230 377.51 1375 101.02 461 380.46 2387 143.21 331 381.86 1690 175.37 629 548.85 1439 176.13 1177 550.43 752 182.67 940 567.15 1456 206.11 3145 569.31 6839 208.96 1179 357.44 1850 359.81 660 362.29 547 363.01 844 369.64 6851 375.14 1302 376.87 3732 379.48 3913 176 61 .89 91.3 94.95 206.11 369.64 380.5 548.71 569. 12 Table 2 (cont’d) 380.5 5738 403.43 654 415.22 741 540.58 3869 543.91 1013 548.71 7291 554.85 311 556.14 568 559.4 942 561.04 551 563.34 836 565.31 2106 569.12 16391 574.95 655 576.63 247 577.81 697 581.69 1543 584.23 2458 587.3 1530 589.35 392 590.21 517 591.59 256 592.62 432 594.17 515 MspI Data from 4/10 Data from 4/27 Terminal Peak Terminal Peak fragment area fragment area 34.14 5938 64.73 300 43.12 242 65.84 661 65.07 708 93.1 297 93.05 272 . 139.68 818 139.3 698 149.32 656 149.18 765 151.23 1510 150.84 1005 158.87 330 159.51 799 160.3 673 177 Consistent peaks Terminal fragment 64.73 93.1 139.68 149.32 151.23 174.79 207.65 217.12 Table 2 (cont’d) 161.86 163.54 174.56 207.97 210.02 217.16 491.84 494 1193 697 450 1158 626 885 1021 5568 496.01 11580 502.33 503.5 509.98 512.14 514.13 516.29 519.44 521.76 523.25 525.07 528.06 529.88 598.58 600.66 31 Data from 4/10 54.12 56.8 126.25 166.04 430.45 519 442 681 2227 3252 3993 961 967 490 375 1090 1940 807 1390 Peak area 375 806 447 967 2161 432.7 1003 445.5 2419 162.38 164.3 174.79 176.33 207.65 208.99 217.12 465.87 491.82 493.8 495.62 500.47 502.6 509.87 512.13 514.25 516.37 519.69 521.66 523.47 525.13 528.15 529.81 598.87 600.61 56.98 166.04 424.61 430.43 445.59 448.3 449.36 1447 742 585 507 600 919 1019 869 1289 7094 11803 1212 1418 1047 2873 4345 4283 1447 1234 670 616 1934 2377 881 2509 Data from 4/27 Terminal Peak fragment area 651 850 572 2621 331 1 420 464 178 491.82 493.8 495.62 502.6 509.87 512. 13 514.25 516.37 519.69 521.66 523.47 525.13 528.15 529.81 598.87 600.61 Consistent peaks Terrrrinal fragment 56.98 166.04 430.43 445.59 451.17 451.77 452.83 Table 2 (cont’d) 447.13 450.72 451.87 452.85 455.47 456.95 459.58 464.37 467.35 470.53 474.43 1938 782 748 1002 1431 502 4295 765 1083 793 2903 476.91 16521 493.98 496.14 501.44 22 1786 7830 2565 SEDIMEN T 4A Hha I Data from 4/10 Terminal Peak fragment area 37 40.08 41.04 56.39 69.79 205.58 287.46 369.89 567.19 604 454 716 339 524 3964 2430 2742 4785 569.36 22244 451 . 17 451.77 452.83 455.4 456.77 459.65 463.75 464.82 467.25 471.28 474.65 476.57 483.77 493.8 495.77 499.42 501.09 37 205.98 369.77 538.98 549.15 567.18 568.99 579.32 584.72 588.8 589.49 923 613 1042 1193 498 3754 348 468 1010 419 3158 16152 800 2428 7000 1084 2358 Data from 4/27 Terminal Peak fragment area 773 7695 6867 715 626 6140 36653 579 539 317 459 179 455.4 456.77 459.65 464.82 467.25 474.65 476.57 493.8 495.77 501.09 Consistent peaks Terminal fragment 37 205.98 369.77 567.18 568.99 Table 2 (cont’d) Msp I Data from 4/10 Terminal fragment 40.09 41.05 207.97 209.99 491.84 493.84 496.01 598.53 600.61 Rsa I Data from 4/10 Terminal fiagment 33.38 40.09 126.5 430.56 474.43 Peak area 729 951 499 684 455 7042 21256 796 1291 Peak area 1751 3 19 504 4792 2048 Data from 4/27 Terminal Peak fragment area 32.92 705 207.61 771 209.56 856 461.9 312 491.82 983 493.5 19572 495.47 48311 541.04 334 542.15 668 545.33 879 547.09 484 549.97 519 551.26 493 552.7 520 576.84 512 584.93 686 589.69 417 591.39 445 593.45 569 594.31 239 595.51 562 598.62 2829 600.52 3639 Data from 4/27 Terminal Peak fragment area 126.58 638 421.02 592 430.46 19894 474.53 5718 476.63 47428 180 Consistent peaks Terminal fragment 207.61 209.56 491.82 493.5 495.47 598.62 600.52 Consistent peaks Terminal fragment 126.58 430.46 474.53 476.63 476.91 15222 488.71 499.45 500.97 584.98 589.72 543 430 492 1036 434 181 Table 3 Chapter 4 Archaeal T-RFLP data SEDIMENT 1At Hae III Hha I Terminal Terminal fragment Peak area fragment 69.23 1937 60.15 70.7 702 62.19 175.56 675 90.03 207.8 2298 175.56 208.99 6359 195.23 214.4 19069 224.11 240.69 19001 327.83 246.13 1864 338.14 272.52 1958 357.9 298.9 699 359.52 317.46 2716 SEDIMENT 2At Hae III Hha I Terminal Terminal fragment Peak area fi'agment 69.46 377 62.08 70.74 1093 88.77 175.56 830 89.86 208.99 1918 175.56 214.55 18797 196.14 240.27 30076 327.68 245.96 1923 338.74 272.36 2627 358.78 298.76 2265 311.15 558 317.17 1456 Peak area 608 7258 1985 459 5898 712 22176 7577 2502 6201 Peak area 15787 563 1224 1041 719 14024 9229 9970 182 RsaI Terminal fragment 40.78 78.43 80.25 241.71 262.15 294.96 RsaI Terminal fragment 40.59 242.55 262.35 263.67 295.09 Peak area 2230 2272 716 2598 7115 6954 Peak area 3276 7278 1545 1049 9036 Table 3 (cont’d) SEDIMENT 2Bb 38.12 191.34 209.89 214.4 240 242.15 246.37 311.1 316.96 SEDIMENT 3At 38.14 69.41 70.7 175.25 208.99 214.55 240.41 245.97 272.49 298.87 317.71 Peak area 627 8522 1267 45307 6221 2873 670 827 1529 Peak area 537 1139 778 698 5855 10713 36801 1996 2211 1302 1087 Hha I Terminal fragment 38.13 52.04 60.23 62.26 76.05 196.29 327.31 333.13 338.48 358.64 Hha I Terminal fragment 38.13 62.08 88.77 89.86 175.56 195.95 224.29 327.69 333.35 339 359.09 362.72 Peak area 1444 399 557 4191 766 897 48106 9991 4972 2394 Peak area 574 15397 828 3920 721 471 2502 17300 588 1287 15655 665 183 Rsa I Terminal fragment 40.78 91.12 242.4 258.21 262.24 295.28 297.1 RsaI Terminal fragment 40.78 242.55 262.35 295.11 Peak area 17001 429 3482 8992 7100 1326 1 151 Peak area 3509 773 2295 15264 APPENDIX C Merry S. Riley, Vaughn S. Cooper, Richard E. Lenski, Larry J. Forney, and Terence L. Marsh Rapid phenotypic change and diversification of a soil bacterium during 1000 generations of experimental evolution. Microbiology 2001 147: 995-1006. 184 Microbiology (2001), 147, 995-1006 Printed in Great Britain Rapid phenotypic change and diversification of a soil bacterium during 1000 generations of experimental evolution Merry S. Riley,"2 Vaughn 5. Cooper,‘ Richard E. Lenski,‘ Larry J. Forney‘ and Terence L. Marsh‘-3 Author for correspondence: Terence L. Marsh. Tel: +1 517 432 1365. Fax: +1 517 432 3770. e-mail: marsht@pilot.msu.edu 1.2-3 Center for Microbial Ecology‘, Department of Crop and Soil Science2 and Department of Microbiology’, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824. USA ‘ Department of Biology, University of ldaho. Moscow, ID 83844, USA Evolutionary pathways open to even relatively simple organisms. such as bacteria. may lead to complex and unpredictable phenotypic changes. both adaptive and non-adaptive. The evolutionary pathways taken by 18 populations of Ralstonia strain W041 while they evolved in defined . environments for 1000 generations were examined. Twelve populations evolved in liquid media. while six others evolved on agar surfaces. Phenotypic analyses of these derived populations Identified some changes that were consistent across all populations and others that differed among them. The evolved populations all exhibited morphological changes in their cell envelopes. including reductions of the capsule in each population and reduced prostheca-like surface structures in most populations. Mean cell length increased in most populations (in one case by more than fourfold), although a few populations evolved shorter cells. Carbon utilization profiles were variable among the evolved populations, but two distinct patterns were correlated with genetic markers introduced at the outset of the experiment. Fatty acid methyl ester composition was less variable across populations, but distinct patterns were correlated with the two physical environments. All 18 populations evolved greatly increased sensitivity to bile salts, and all but one had increased adhesion to sand; both patterns consistent with changes in the outer envelope. This phenotypic diversity contrasts with the fairly uniform increases in competitive fitness observed in all populations. This diversity may represent a set of equally probable adaptive solutions to the selective environment: it may also arise from the chance fixation of non-adaptive mutations that hitchhiked with a more limited set of beneficial mutations. Keywords: Ralstonia, phenotypic radiation, diversity, mutation INTRODUCTION Micro-organisms have proven useful for studying the mechanisms and consequences of evolution. By virtue of their small size, fast growth rates and comparatively simple genetic systems, questions that could not be addressed with macro-fauna can be answered in a robust and statistical manner with micro-organisms (Helling et al., 1987; Dykhuizen, 1990, 1993; Lenski 86 Travisano, 1994; Lenski et al., 1998; Rainey 8c Travisano, 1998). Moreover, because of the resilience of some micro- Abbrevlatlons: FAME, fatty acid methyl ester; SEM. scanning electron microscopy; TEM, transmission electron microscopy. organisms to cryogenic preservation, a detailed his- torical record of an evolving population can be preserved and used comparatively in the dissection of evolutionary processes (Lenski 8c Travisano, 1994). Our present work extends previous investigations of the experimental evolution of a soil bacterium (Korona et al., 1994; Korona, 1996; Nakatsu et al., 1998). The original intent of this work was to extend investigations performed on domesticated Escherichia coli to a recently isolated undomesticated soil bacterium. In addition, two different environmental conditions were used as selective regimes during the propagation of lines derived from this isolate for 1000 generations. Twelve replicate populations were maintained in a liquid shake 0002-4335 0 2001 SGM 185 M. S. RILEY and OTHERS ask and six populations were cultivated on agar. The former provided a mass-action environment that is highly homogeneous throughout, while the latter pro- vided a structured environment with complex gradients of nutrients as well as metabolites produced by the bacteria themselves. The soil bacterium used as the ancestral founder of all these populations is strain TFD41, which was identi ed as a Ralstonia species based on its 16S rRNA sequence (Nakatsu et al., 1998). Previous work described a substantial increase in competitive tness of all 18 evolved populations, measured relative to the common ancestor in the experimental environments (Korona et al., 1994). Variations in colony morphology were noted (Korona et al., 1994), as were certain genome changes, both chromosomal and plasmid encoded (Nakatsu et al., 1998» In this paper, we extend these observations with a systematic examination of cell morphology, substrate utilization, bile salts sensitivity, adhesion properties and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis of the evolved papulations and their ancestor. Our objectives were to identify common phenotypic motifs that may indicate parallel genetic adaptations, as well as differences among populations within and between the two selective regimes. The notion of an adaptive landscape (Wright, 1932, 1988) suggests that a population of organisms may have many potential evolutionary solutions to a selective challenge. It seems reasonable, too, that the diversity of potential solutions would be correlated with the com- plexity of the selective environment. Consistent with this postulate is the observation that variation in colony morphology was greater amongst the populations evolved on solid media than those evolved in liquid (Korona et al., 1994; Korona, 1996). METHODS Strains and media. Strain TFD41 was originally isolated from soil based on its ability to grow on 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate (Tonso er al., 1995). The isolation of streptomycin and nalidixic acid resistant mutants of TFD41 and the maintenance of 18 replicate populations for 1000 generations have been described previously (Korona er al., 1994). The ancestor, antibiotic resistant mutants and isolates from generation 1000 of the evolved populations were maintained at —80 °C in glycerol stocks. Cultures derived from frozen stocks were maintained on plates for no longer than 2 weeks. Cells were routinely grown on either nutrient agar or RZA agar at 30 °C unless otherwise indicated. Microscopy. Light microscopy was performed on a Zeiss Axioskop microscope. Cells were taken from freshly streaked nutrient agar plates that had been incubated at 30°C for 48 72 h. The presence of outer capsule material was detected with an India ink stain (Doetsch, 1981) and representative micrographs were made at 1000x magni cation with an oil immersion lens (Zeiss). Cells were evaluated for the presence of capsule as well as cell shape and mean length. Images were captured Son Kodak TMAX Im. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed on cells grown on nutrient agar plates as described for light mi- croscopy. The cells were xed in 4 °/o glutaraldehyde, mounted on polylysine-coated coverslips, dehydrated in an ethanol series (2.5%, 50 %, 7S % and 95%), critical-point dried and sputter coated with gold. At each step the cells were treated as gently as possible so as to preserve the integrity of the outer cellular architecture. The mounted cells were viewed on a JEOL scanning electron microscope at several different magni cations. Images were captured and stored elec- tronically. At least ten elds, at approximately 2500x magni cation, were viewed for each lineage to obtain a representative sample of morphology. Cell length of well- isolated cells was measured from end to end, excluding surface appendages. The mean cell length was calculated from a minimum of25 cells in a minimum of two elds. The mean cell length of an evolved population was deemed to depart signi cantly from that of the ancestor if there was no overlap between the respective meansi twice the standard error. Transmission electron microscopy was performed on the ancestor and three evolved populations. The cells were grown as described above for light microscopy, scraped from the agar plate and pelleted by centrifugation. The pellets were resuspended in a 4% agar solution and allowed to solidify. The agar was diced into lmrna squares then xed in 2% glutaraldehyde buffered with 100 mM sodium cacodylate (pH 7'2) for 2 h. The xed cubes were washed three times in 100 mM sodium cacodylate buffer (pH 72), post- xed in 1% osmium tetroxide for 1'5 h and then washed four times in deionized water. The specimens were dehydrated in a graded acetone series and in ltrated in a graded Quetol resin series and embedded. Preparations were stained with uranyl acetate/ lead citrate. All preparation steps were conducted at room temperature. Scanning and transmission electron micro- scopies were performed at the Michigan State University Center for Electron Optics. BIOLOG assays. Carbon utilization pro les of the ancestor and evolved populations were determined using BIOLOG GN plates and the protocol provided by the vendor (modi ed to accommodate a Ralstonia sp.). Brie y, an aliquot of an overnight culture grown on 1/ 3x Trypticase soy broth was transferred to fresh media and cells were grown at 30 °C in a reciprocating shaker to mid-exponential phase. Cells were harvested by centrifugation and resuspended in 0145 M NaCl to an of 0D,,o 1'0. One lineage, L16, had anomalously low cell density at an OD,” of 10 and therefore was adjusted to OD”. 20. Cells were then starved for 15 min at room temperature prior to the inoculation of the microtitre plates with 150 pl cell suspension per well. Each strain was tested in duplicate. The plates were incubated at 30 °C and the OD,” measured using a Bio-Kinetics microtitre plate reader (model EL 312E, Bio- Tek Instruments) every 2h for a total of 8 h. Plates were vigorously shaken prior to each reading and the ODm was corrected for the zero substrate control well. Some substrates had a variable response where one of the replicates was unambiguously positive (005,, > 0-1 after zero substrate correction) and the other borderline. These substrates are indicated (see Fig. 3). Analysis of BlOLOG data. BIOLOG optical density (OD) readings from the plate reader were imported into a database and fed into a Microsoft Visual Basic-Excel program that approximated the area under the growth curve for each of the 9S substrates for each genotype replicate. Following the general method of Guckert et al. (1996), the program calculates a trapezoidal area that approximates the result of tting and integrating each individual growth curve. This curve area approach collapses several values from a grOWth curve into a single value and integrates several properties (e.g. duration of lag, growrh rate, yield). Individual values for each substrate, 186 Rapid phenotypic evolution --» Fig. 1. Light and scanning electron micro- scopy of the ancestor, Ralstonia strain TFD41, and several evolved lines. (a) Light micro- graph of ancestor. (b) Light micrograph of evolved L1. d) Scanning electron micrographs of ancestor. (e-h) Scanning electron micrographs of evolved lines L6 L12, L16 and L18. Bars, area , were subjected to a hierarchical cluster analysis (SYSTAT, v. 7.0, SPSS) to determine which we refer to as catabolic the relationships tween the ancestors and thee eov v lineages based on their patterns of carbon source utilization. The area data were expressed on a continuous numeric scale, and therefore normalized Euclidean distances were calculated for our clustering analysis. Ward 3 linkage meth oda(W rd, 1963) was applied to adjust for covariance and to focus on mean values within clusters. Other linkage methods were also tested and none gave substantially different cluster patterns (data not shown). The source codes for the above procedures are available by request from the author (V. S. C. at cooperva@pilot.msu.edu). Bile salts MIC. Overnight cultures grown on 1/3x TSB were diluted 1:100 into fresh broth containing a range of bile salts (Difco) concentrations (01 g g "). The cultures were incubated at 30 °C and scored for growth at 24, 48 and 72 h. Any increase In turbidity above the initial OD was scored as a positive. All evolved populations were tested In duplicate, and no differences were detected between these rep itca es. Adhesion. The adhesion assay was based on the retention of bacterial cells in a saturated sand matrix supported in a column and has been described previously (DeFlaun er al., 1990). Brie y, A+N minimal medium (Wyndham, 1986) supplemented with 30 mM L-aspartic acid (AN.asp) as the sole carbon source was inoculated with the ancestor or an evolved population from a fresh nutrient agar plate and grown overnight at 30 °C In a reciprocating shaken? Prior screening indicated that the ancestor and all 18 evolved lineages could utilize L—aspartic acid. The culture was diluted into es AN- asp and grown to late-exponential phase. The cells were harvested by centrifugation, resuspended In phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and adjusted by dilution with PBS to an OD". of 05 06 (1 cm light path). Bio-Rad Econocolumns (5 x 1-5 cm inner diameter) were packed with 11 g ~50 +70 mesh sand (Sigma S-9887) and rinsed with approximately 15 ml PBS. The cell suspension (3-5 ml) was pipetted gently onto the column, an entire pore volume was allowed to pass into the matrix (3'5 ml void volume) and then ow was stopped. The loaded column was incubated undisturbed at room temperature for 1 h to allow cells to bind to the matrix. The column was then eluted with 14 ml PBS, collected In four fractions. The fraction of cells eluted was determined spect rophotometrically In a 1c mpat length quartz cuvette (Hewlett Packard 8452A Diode Array Spectrophotometer) and the fraction of cells bound to the column was calculated as fraction bund = l—total OD 187 M. S. RILEY and OTHERS Table 1. Morphological characteristics of the evolved populations Minimal medium with 2,4.dichlorophenoxyacetate as the carbon source was used for selection (see Methods). Strain' Selection Colony Light SEM typct microscowt Cell surface Mean cell length 2(SE) ll (nuns Ancestor Soil + C-i- P+ + + + Capsule 1'95 014 L1, Str Liquid - C- P- Smooth 1'8 0'12 L2, Nal Liquid - C- P- Smooth 2'95! 059 L3, Str Liquid j: C— P- Smooth 5'64! 0'92 L4, Nal Liquid + C- P+ j: Capsule 1'39! 009 L5, Sn Liquid + C— P+ Smooth 4-08! 068 L6, Nal Liquid - C- P— Smooth 1'46! 013 L7, Str Liquid — C- P- Smooth 3'44! 052 L8, Nal Liquid - C- P- iCapsuIe 3'21! 0'46 L9, Str Liquid - C— P— Smooth 5'19! 0'81 L10, Nal Liquid - C- P- j: Capsule 3'59! 075 L11, Str Liquid - C- P- Smooth 3'23! 047 L12, Nal Liquid - C- P— Smooth 1'88 0'16 L13, Str Agar + C— P+ j: Capsule 4'53! 064 L14, Nal Agar — C- P- j: Capsule, blebs 1'97 034 L15, Str Agar i C— P— :t Capsule 1'51! 0'08 L16, Nal Agar - C- P- Smooth 9'14! 273 L17, Str Agar - C- P- Smooth 4'08! 07 L18, Nal Agar j: C—- P+ Smooth, blebs 1'93 207 ’Str, streptomycin resistant; Nal, nalidixic acid resistant. 1' + , Highly mucoid; :t , intermediate mucoid; -, non-mucoidal. # C+ , detectable capsule with India ink; C- , capsule not detectable with India ink; P-i- + , prostheca-like appendages present in greater than 75% of cells; P+, prostheca-Iike appendages present in less than 25% of cells; P , prostheca-like appendages absent. SMean of at least 25 cells from a minimum of two SEM elds; a total of ten elds of each population were viewed. ll Standard error (SE) -= standard deviation/(Vii). ! Statistically different from the ancestor. --r eluted/total OD loaded. All populations were tested in triplicate. FAME analysis. This was conducted on a subset of the derived lineages (L1, L5, L6, L8, L9, L11, L12, L16, L17 and L18), the original ancestor as well as the Str" and Nal "derivatives of the ancestor. Strains were streaked from —80 °C stocks onto l/3x Trypticase soy agar, incubated at 30 °C and harvested after 2 d by scraping the plates with a sterile spatula directly into dry-heat-sterilized glass culture tubes. The resulting cell pellet was stored at —80 °C until assayed. Each sample was extracted and run in triplicate as described previously by Sasser (1997). FAME analysis was performed on a Hewlett Packard 5890 series 11 gas chromatograph equipped with a FID detector. A Hewlett Packard Ultra2 column (cross-linked 5 °/o phenyl methyl silicone) of 25 cm x 022 mm with 033 um Im thickness was used with ultra—high purity hydrogen as the carrier gas at 50 ml min'1 using a 50:1 split ratio. The initial temperature, 170 °C, was ramped to 270 °C at a rate of 5 °C min". The column was baked for 2 min at 300 °C after each run. The injector and detector temperatures were maintained at 250 °C and 300 °C, respectively. FAME data were analysed with the Sherlock MIDI system and the Dend rogram program (MIDI). The former identi es the closest microbial relative based on the fatty acid pro les, while the latter compares the lineages based on a clustering analysis using unweighted pair- group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA). RESULTS Microscopy One of the rst phenotypic changes noted in the evolved populations was colony morphology (Korona et al., 1994). Because these differences were suggestive of changes in capsule production, the cell morphology of the ancestor and evolved populations was systematically assessed using both light and electron microscopy. Fig. 1 (a) shows the cell morphology of the ancestor visualized with a capsule counter-stain (India ink). Cells of the ancestral strains were heavily encapsulated, as evidenced by the light-bright halo surrounding the cells. In addition, very long prostheca-like appendages were present on most cells. All of the evolved populations showed a substantial reduction in encapsulation as judged by light microscopy. Four lineages (L4, L5, L13 and L18) showed some indication of prostheca-like appendages but the length of the appendages and the 188 Rapid phenotypic evolution Fig. 2. Transmission electron mlcrographs of the ancestor and two evolved lines, L16 and L18. (a, b) Ancestor. (c) Evolved line L16. (d) Evolved line L18. Bars. 1 pm. number of cells with appendages were considerably less than for the ancestor. Several lineages had cells that were consistently longer than the ancestor. Cells from population L18 are shown in Fig. 1(b). L18 is an example not only of the lack of encapsulation but also of the occasional presence of vestigial prosthecae. Light-bright blebs were occasionally seen associated with the cell surface or with a prostheca-like appendage, as can be seen in this photomicrograph. The compiled data are presented in Table 1. Scanning electron micrographs of the ancestor and four evolved populations are also shown in Fig. 1. he ancestor (Fig. 1c and d) presented a complex contoured surface with clear indications of heavy encapsulation as well as prostheca-like appendages. The appendages were not as long as those observed using light microscopy, perhaps due to the more rigorous preparative steps required by SEM. SEM micrographs of evolved popu- lations L6, L12, L16 and L18 are shown in Fig. 1(e h). These lineages do not display evidence of encapsulation. Cells from the evolved populations L12 and L18 do not Vary signi cantly in length from the ancestor (Table 1). L16 was remarkable in that its mean cell length was 4'7 times the mean length of the ancestor and occasional cells of 20 25 um length were observed. Frequently, one terminus of the rod-shaped cell had greater light and electron opacity than the other. L18 showed evidence of vestigial prostheca-like appendages, some evidence of capsule material, and the unusual light-bright blebs mentioned above. L6 is one of three lineages that was signi cantly shorter than the ancestor. Eight of the 12 lineages evolved in liquid and three of six evolved on agar had signi cant increases in mean cell length, ranging from 1'5 to 4'7 times that of the ancestor. No signi cant differences between the original ancestor and the streptomycin or nalidixic acid resistant mutants were detected with microscopy. Table 1 gives the mean cell lengths for all of the lineages based on SEM. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was per- formed to con rrn the differences in morphology be- tween the ancestor and two lineages, and these images are shown in Fig. 2. As viewed with TEM, L16 and L18 (Fig. 2c and d, respectively) had internal cellular details similar to those seen in the ancestor (Fig. 2a and b), including structures consistent with poly-fiehydroxy- butyrate storage granules. The TEM images also con- rm the integrity of the cytoplasm throughout the length of the unusually long cells of L16. BIOLOG To monitor changes in the catabolic breadth of the replicate lines, BIOLOG GN plates testing the ability to metabolize 95 different carbon sources were used. The salient features of the BIOLOG data (Fig. 3) are as follows. First, the ancestor was capable of utilizing 43 49 of the 95 substrates in the BIOLOG GN plates in a pattern consistent with the type strain description of Ralstonia eutropba (formerly Alcaligenes eutropbus; Krieg 6c Holt, 1984). Second, no two derived genotypes had the same pattern of carbon utilization. Third, the greatest range of utilization patterns appeared amongst the populations evolved on agar. Fourth, while there was tremendous phenotypic variation among the evolved populations, there was one discernible pattern detected among the lineages evolved in liquid as described below. The results of hierarchical cluster analysis on the BIOLOG data using all 18 lineages evolved either in liquid or on solid media are presented in Fig. 4. Note that the antibiotic resistance marker determines the primary grouping for the lineages evolved on liquid. Lineages founded with the streptomycin-resistant an- cestor (L1, L3, L5, L7, L9 and L11) group with the original ancestor and the two antibiotic resistant variants whereas those founded with the nalidixic acid resistant strain (L2, L4, L6, L8, L10 and L12) group separately. No such ancestor-dependent clustering is seen among the lineages evolved on agar. This marker effect was examined statistically by two t-tests: one which divided all evolved populations based on their antibiotic marker state, and another which only divided 189 M. S. RILEY and OTHERS -lactic acid -phenylalanine -pmline Fly. 3. For legend see facing page. 190 Rapid phenotypic evolution ANC-Str" L13 ANC L14 L17 ANC-NalR 7 i I i I I 0.0 ol1 0-2 0-3 0-4 05 0'6 Distance Fig. 4. Clustering based on catabolic profiles of the 18 evolved lines, their two proximate ancestors that differ in antibiotic resistance markers (ANC- Str“ and ANC—Nal"), and the original Ra [stun/a strain TFDM (ANC). The tree was constructed aby hierarchical cluster analysis based on the meth odon (1963), adjusted for covariance, using SYSTAT v. 7. 01. See Tablaer 1 for strain identification. ANC indicates the original Ralstonia strain TFD41, while ANC- Str" and ANC- Nal" denote antibiotic resistance marker variants thereo . ~18 .. 15 3:: £10 3 8 2 6 a 4 2 °gegzsnsassssezeezeeee (z‘ol JJ-JIJJ—l—ul—lJ 33' Liquid ' SolId ' << Lineage Fig. 5. MIC of bile salts. Each strain was tested' In duplicate. The MIC was defined as the concentration at which no detectable increase in turbidity was 0 served after 5d at 30 °C. ANC indicates the original Ralstonia strain TFD41, while ANC-Str" an nd ANC-N “denote antibiotic resistance marker variants thereof liquid-evolved populations. We found that Nal“ popu- lations had diminished breadth in carbon source utilization compared to the Str“ populations, but the a 1-0 3 ..30-8 0: 8'50'6 h-.. EEO-4 h o-zi i i II. M i 3%23333335339251‘33‘329 (zwl _l_l_ll_l_l_J—J_J_JJ 'Ui . . I . “2’2 LIqmd Solid << Lineage Fly. 6. Adhesion of ancestor and derived genotypes to a sand substra et. Ce lls grown on L-aspa rtic acid were incubated In the sand matrix for 1 h. Following elution, the fraction of cells no attached to the sand was determined spectrophotometrically and the fraction retained was calculated by subtr traction. All assays were rformed In triplicate. Erro or barsin dicate standard deviation ANC indicates the original Ralstonia strain TFD41 while ANC- Str" and ANC-Naln denote antibiotic resistance marker variants thereof. difference was only clearly signi cant among the liquid- evolved populations (all evolved lines, 1 =1-91, d.f. = 16, P =0'074; liquid evolved only, I =3'59, d.f. = P =0005 ; both two-tailed tests). MIC of bile salts ln Gram-negative bacteria, changes to the outer en- velope can alter sensitivity to antibiotics and detergents. To determine if any of the evolved populations changed in this respect, the MIC of bile salts was determined (Fig. 5). The ancestor and its antibiotic-resistant mutants were able to grow in media with bile salts concentrations above 16g 1". In contrast, all 18 evolved populations were substantially more sensitive, with growth inhi- bition observed at concentrations be ow 6 g l'I in all cases. Adhesion The ancestors and evolved populations displayed very different adhesion properties (Fig. 6). All of the evolved strains, with one exception (L5), had high affinity for the sand matrix, which retained more than 50 °/o of the cells applied to the column. The ancestral strains, on the other hand, did not adhere strongly to the sand, with about 80% of the cells loaded onto the column passing through the sand matrix. L5, the only exception among the evolved populations, behaved like the ancestor in that 80 °/o of cells applied to the column were recovered in the effluent. Fly. 3. Carbon utilization patterns of the ancestor, Str" and Nal" mutants thereof, and the 18 evolved lines after 1000 generations. Black cells indicate the carbon source was consistently metabolized; grey cells indicate variability inth catabolism of the particular carbon source across replicate BIOLOG plates. Carbon sources were sorted first by overall mean (mean performance of all lineages on a particular substrate), in descending order, and the n by coefficient of variation (the standard deviation divided by the overall mean), in descending order. The total number of carbon sources used by each strain is showno bottom row, includin ng both consistently positive and variable carbon sources. The rirers neth lines that evolved In liquid media are grouped by their ancestral antibiotic resistance ma 191 M. S. RILEY and OTHERS ANC-Nal"-c L16-a ANC-Nal'I-b L16-b ANC—a ANC-c ANC-b L17-a L17-c L17-b L18-a L18-c L18-b ANC-StrR-a ANC-Str"-b ANC—Str’Lc ANC-NaIR-a L16-c L1 1-b L1 1-a L1 1 -c L6-a L6-b LS-c LB-b LB-a 1.8-c L12-b L9-b L1 Z-a L12-c L9-c LS-b Ll-b Ll-a L1-c L9-a L54 L5~c Solid media Liquid wiwww 2-15 6* 10-77 150. v v v r vvvvvvvvvvvv Euclldian Distance Fly. 7. Cluster analysis of FAME data from the ancestral strains and ten evolved lineages. L1. L5, L6, L8. L9, L11 and L12 evolved in liquid medium, whereas L16, L17 and L18 evolved on agar. Each strain was tested in triplicate (denoted a, b and c). ANC indicates the original Ralstonia strain TFD41, while ANC-Str" and ANC—Nal' denote antibiotic resistance marker variants thereof. FAME analysis FAME analysis of the ancestors and a subset of ten evolved lineages consistently revealed nine peaks cor- responding to fatty acids 14:0, 14:0 3-OH/16:1 iso 1, 16:1 w7c/15 iso 2-OH, 16:0, 17:0 cyclo, 16:0 2-OI-l, 18:1 w9c/a212t/w7c, 18:0 and 18:1 Z-OH. Note that in this nomenclature a slash indicates that two or more fatty acids co-elute under these conditions and they are indistinguishable from one another. MIDI analysis indicated that all lineages resemble Pseudomonas pickettii or Burkholderia cepacia most closely among those organisms in the database. A cluster analysis of these data placed the ancestral strains and the lineages evolved on solid medium together in one group that was distinct from the lineages evolved in liquid (Fig. 7). The reproducibility of this major division is quite high, as indicated by the frequent clustering of the three replicates for each population. Only the Nal" parental type showed variability in this regard. The distin- guishing features in the FAME pro les that account for the clustering were the relative areas of three peaks that correspond to between three and six fatty acids. The 18 :1m7c/m9t/m2t peak was dominant in the liquid- medium derived lineages, whereas 16 :1co7c/15 iso 2- 0H and 16:0 were the dominant peaks in the ancestor and in those lineages evolved on agar. DISCUSSION After 1000 generations of evolution of Ralstonia strain TFD41 in two different selective environments, we observed several different patterns of phenotypic evol- ution, depending on the particular trait: (1) changes common to most or all derived lines, indicating par- allelism; (2) changes that were speci c to the particular selective environment; (3) changes that depended upon which particular antibiotic-resistant variant of the ancestor was used as the founder, indicating historical contingency; and (4) changes that appeared more stochastic and led to phenotypic diversity among the evolved populations. Morphological changes in the outer cell envelope occurred in all 18 evolved lineages, including reductions in the capsule (Table 1), increased sensitivity to bile salts (Fig. 5), and with one exception, increased cell adhesion to a sand matrix (Fig. 6). A genomic change also occurred in all of the evolved lineages, including a deletion of a genomic region detected by the loss of a REP-PCR fragment (Nakatsu er al., 1998); it will be interesting to determine whether these parallel genetic and phenotypic changes are related to one another. Changes that were speci c to the particular selective environment were evident in the FAME pro les (Fig. 7), as well as the observation that competitive tness was more variable among the agar-evolved lineages than among the liquid-evolved populations (Korona at al., 1994). Evidence for historical contingency was found in the carbon utilization patterns, which grouped the liquid-evolved populations as a function of the antibiotic-resistance marker borne by their immediate ancestors (Fig. 4). Finally, substantial phenotypic di- versity of cell morphology and carbon utilization patterns was observed across all of the evolved popu- lations, irrespective of differences in their selective environments or parental genotype. For example, L16 and L18 were both evolved on agar, and both were founded by the NatlR parental strain. L18 remained similar in mean cell length (Table 1) and carbon utilization pro le (Fig. 3) to the ancestor, whereas L16 has increased almost ve-fold in mean length and has a substantially narrowed catabolic pro le. 192 Rapid phenotypic evolution In broad outline, but not in detail, this mixture of parallel and divergent patterns is similar to that seen in a long-term evolution experiment with 12 replicate populations of E. coli, each propagated in a de ned glucose medium for thousands of generations (Lenski, 1995; Lenski et al., 1998). In that study, all the lines improved in tness to a similar degree when in com- petition against their ancestor in the glucose medium (Lenski 8c Travisano, 1994). However when the competitiveness of derived lines was tested against the ancestor on different substrates, their performance was much more variable, which implies a diversity of underlying physiological changes (Travisano 8c Lenski, 1996). All 12 lines also increased their mean cell volume, but the degree to which volume increased and the resulting cell shape were variable (Lenski 8C Mongold, 2000). Substantial differences among the lines in genomic mutation rates also arose, as several lines evolved defects in methyl-directed mismatch repair (Sniegowski et al., 1997) while other lines exhibited bursts of activity of certain IS elements (Papadopoulos et al., 1999). How- ever, unlike the present study with Ralstonia, in which resistance mutations used as genetic markers in the ancestor in uenced the path of subsequent evolution, none of the differences among E. coli lines was strongly affected by the arabinose-utilization marker that was used to discriminate between those lines. Also, the main long-term E. coli experiment used only a single selective environment; however, when new lines derived from these original populations evolved in different thermal regimes, there emerged systematic differences among them (Lenski, 1995; Mongold et al., 1996). In considering the many changes to Ralstonia that have accrued over 1000 generations, it is worthwhile to consider in some detail the observed alterations to the outer envelope. The outer envelope is the rst part of the cell to interact with the external environment, serving both as a barrier to unwanted factors (viruses, anti- biotics, etc.) and as a conduit for essential resources. Components of the outer envelope may therefore be the most sensitive and responsive cellular constituents to the selective environment. As Parke et al. (2000) put it: The cell surface is where the rubber hits the road in bacterial evolution. The components of the outer envelope in uence shape, chemical resistance, adhesion and metabolic properties of cells, and indeed all these properties were substantially altered during 1000 generations of evolution in Ralstonia strain TFD41. However, the underlying genetic and physiological bases of these changes are not yet sufficiently understood to interpret unambiguously the selective advantages con- ferred by these traits, either in the laboratory experiment or in nature. In the following paragraphs, we discuss some possible adaptive scenarios. Morphological changes Both light and electron microscopy clearly show that all the evolved populations have changed from the ancestral morphology in terms of the cell-surface architecture and, in many cases, cell length (Table 1). Most popu- lations have lost all prostheca-like appendages and all experienced either partial or complete loss of their capsule. Variation in capsule production in bacteria is not uncommon (Roberts, 1996; see also Fletcher, 1996; Whit eld 8c Valvano, 1993) and has been cited as an induced response that may confer an advantage in appropriate environments. In E. coli, for example, the expression of capsule material is increased when cells are subjected to an arid environment, thereby providing protection against desiccation (Ophir 8C Glutnick, 1994). The cell surface also determines adhesive proper- ties of the cell. A capsule can promote or prevent adhesion depending upon the relative chemistries of the capsule and substratum. Various extracellular polymers, including polysaccharides, that promote adhesion have been identi ed (Roberts,1996). Onestudy identi ed two types of extracellular polymers in the same organism: one that promotes attachment and the other that promotes detachment (Wrangstadh et al., 1990). Non- adhesive variants of Pseudomonas uorescens that possess a capsule have also been described (Williams 8C Fletcher, 1996). Simoni et al. (1998) speculate that heterogeneity within bacterial populations expressed at the level of the outer envelope can in uence their transport in groundwater aquifers. Among the evolved populations of Ralstonia in this study all but one showed a substantial increase in adhesion to a sand matrix in comparison to the ancestor. Inasmuch as all of the evolved populations show reduced encapsulation, the capsule of the ancestral soil-dwelling Ralstonia strain must have served some function other than providing a matrix for adhesion to silicates. Another possible bene t for capsule-bearing strains is resistance to anti-bacterial compounds (Nikaido, 1996). Consistent with this possi- bility is the observation that, in a selective environment lacking such compounds, all 18 populations evolved increased sensitivity to bile salts (Fig. 5). Hence, in Ralstonia, the primary bene t of the capsule in the soil environment may be protection against chemicals and desiccation rather than adhesion to soil particles. Perhaps the most striking phenotypic changes were in the mean cell length: 14 of 18 evolved lines showed signi cant changes in cell length. Of the 12 liquid- derived populations, eight are signi cantly longer than the ancestor and two are shorter. The six lines evolved on agar also include both shorter (one of six) and longer (three of six) morphologies, including lineage L16 that increased its mean length almost vefold. The unusually long cells of this population were not caused by incomplete septation, as TEM clearly showed a normal cytoplasm (Fig. 2). Changes in cell length have been correlated with survival strategies including, for example, the avoidance of predation in the case of long laments (Hahn et al., 1999; jiirgens et al., 1999), but it is unclear what factors promoted such conspicuous changes in this study. The fact that some lineages evolved greater cell length and others became smaller, while all showed substantial improvements in com- petitive tness (Korona et al., 1994), suggests that cell 193 M. S. RILEY and OTHERS length was not itself a direct target of selection in these experiments. Biochemical changes Mechanisms for recognition and transport of nutrients also have essential components in the cell envel0pe. Mutations that alter either speci c transport complexes or their supporting structural matrix could change carbon utilization patterns. For example, in E. coli at least 90 genes are required for biosynthesis of the outer membrane and capsule which in turn provides structural scaffolding for the products of at least 37 genes encoding integral outer-membrane proteins (see for example the E. coli genome database at http ://mbgd.genome.ad.jp). If the absence of capsule is a selected phenotype, as suggested by the loss of capsule in all lineages, then any mutation in the biosynthetic pathways of outer envelope synthesis might contribute the loss of capsule and the resulting increase in tness. Given the structural and biochemical complexity of the outer envelope, a number of possible genotypic pathways leading to loss of the capsule exist. The complex and variable carbon utilization pro les of the evolved populations are consistent with this scenario. Several populations have much narrower pro les than their ancestors, including all the lines founded from the N a1“ ancestor and evolved in liquid as well as two lines evolved on agar surfaces (L15 and L16), whereas another surface-evolved line (L14) has a much broader pro le than its ancestor (Fig. 3). The capsule has been viewed as a molecular sieve that can in uence the accessibility of a substrate to the cell (Nikaido, 1996). Given the diverse and complex changes in morphology and surface architecture (Fig. 1 and Table 1), it is easy to imagine that carbon utilization patterns would be somehow affected, but difficult to discern any simple association between these classes of data. We did detect the acquisition of catabolic activity (Fig. 3). In particular the ability to metabolize Tween 40 was detected in several lineages. It seems likely that the loss of the copious capsule produced by the ancestor permitted increased access of some carbon sources to existing metabolic capabilities of the cell (Nikaido, 1996). Indeed, the loss of capsule may facilitate the assimilation of the substrate 2,4-dichlorophenoxy- acetate on which the replicate lines were evolved. There is, however, one striking pattern in the carbon utilization pro les. In particular, a signi cant clustering was detected amongst the 12 liquid-evolved populations (Fig. 4), in which the two dominant clusters derive from the two different antibiotic-resistant ancestors that were each used to found half of the evolving lines (Korona et al., 1994). In particular, all of the liquid-evolved populations that were founded with the Nal“ ancestor had much narrower catabolic pro les than did those founded by the Strn ancestor (Fig. 3). It is important to emphasize that this narrower pro le was not directly attributable to the mutation that conferred Nal“, because the Nal" ancestor had a catabolic breadth comparable to the common ancestor. Moreover, this association with the founding ancestor was not seen with the agar-evolved lines. Interestingly, all six of the lines that were initially Nal“ and evolved in liquid reverted to sensitivity to nalidixic acid during the evolution experiment, whereas all three surface-evolved lines retained the Nal“ phenotype (Korona et al., 1994). These data collectively indicate that the initial resistance marker in uenced subsequent evolution in the liquid environment, although the reasons for this remain speculative. In E. coli, I‘vlalfl phenotypes can be produced by mutations in the gyrB locus that encodes DNA gyrase (Yamagishi et al., 1986) as well as by mutations in other loci that cause reduced permeability of the outer membrane (Hrebenda et al., 1985). If the nalidixic acid resistance of the ancestral strain was expressed at the level of the cell envelope, then a subsequent evolutionary change in this structure (of the sort observed in the evolved lines) could negate the phenotypic expression of the resistance mutation. FAME analysis indicated that the liquid-evolved lineages changed from the ancestral composition, whereas the surface-evolved lines have not (Fig. 7). In particular, all six of the liquid-evolved lines that were tested had changes in the relative amounts of three elution peaks, corresponding to three to six co-eluting fatty acids, compared to the ancestors and the three tested lineages that had evolved on solid media. While these patterns are consistent,"it is not obvious how these alterations relate functionally to the two different selective regimes, except perhaps to note that the greater deviation of the liquid-evolved populations from the ancestral state suggests that this regime was more different from the natural environment than was the surface regime. It is also interesting to point out that a Euclidean distance of 10 in the FAME analysis has been proposed as an indication of species-level differences (MIDI). By this standard, the liquid-evolved lineages have evolved into a new species in only 1000 generations. This interpretation is unreasonable, and so one might be tempted to suggest that the experimental populations became contaminated by some other species, but this possibility is rejected by molecular genetic analyses that show all the evolved lines, from both liquid and surface regimes, to be derived from ancestral TFD41 (Nakatsu et al., 1998). In our view, the idea that such differences in FAME composition re ect species-level differences is evidently awed, at least as a general proposition. Concluding remarks Considering all of the phenotypic traits together, we nd remarkable both the extent of change from the ancestral condition and the diversity among the derived lines. It is tempting to suggest that all this diversity represents different adaptive solutions achieved by each line in response to the selective environment. An alternative explanation is that a substantial fraction of the pheno- typic diversity was the result of non-adaptive genotypic 194 I? Rapid phenotypic evolution changes that spread by hitchhiking (linkage) with bene cial mutations. To the extent that the selective environment was stressful and thereby mutagenic to the bacteria, this explanation becomes more likely, as the opportunity for neutral and even deleterious mutations to hitchhike becomes greater the higher the genomic mutation rate. It has been shown that some Ralstonia strains undergo substantial stress-induced changes in their genomes, including deletions and rearrangements (Taghavi et al., 1997), and similar kinds of events were seen in this evolution experiment with strain TFD41 (N akatsu et al., 1998). Indeed, recent evidence indicates that Ralstonia strain TFD41 undergoes deletions similar to those found in the evolved lines when subjected to certain stresses, and these deletions occur at high frequency (T. L. Marsh, unpublished data), so that they could spread by hitchhiking. We do not know whether batch culture (including lag and stationary phases, as well as growth) on 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate repre- sented a comparable stress, but it is certainly possible that stress-induced genotypic changes contributed to the phenotypic diversity observed (Finkel 8c Kolter, 1999). 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