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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE Agmé‘zhfi 6/01 c;/CIRC/DateDue.p65-p.15 COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS OF PISTON RING WEAR AND OIL CONSUMPTION FOR AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE By Boon-Keat Chui A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Mechanical Engineering 2001 ABSTRACT COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS OF PISTON RING WEAR AND OIL CONSUMPTION FOR AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE By Boon-Keat Chui Improving the efficiency and reducing the exhaust gas emission have been the goals in the research of internal combustion engines. This thesis presents the fundamental theory in computational modeling of lubrication, piston ring wear and oil consumption in an engine, which play significant roles in influencing the efficiency and emission of the engine. This thesis also presents the predicted results of a study in which the relationship between the piston ring wear and the oil consumption of a 4.6L, V8 engine was analyzed. A computer program, the CASE system (Cylinder kit Analysis System for Engines), together with WEAR and OILCONSUME models were used to simulate the results for this thesis. The predicted results show that the engine load and speed affected the piston ring wear and the oil consumption significantly. The transient analysis of the piston ring wear show that the piston ring surface experienced high volume loss due to wear during the first 20 hours simulation and reached steady state value after that time period. The transient results of the oil consumption, which consists of oil vaporization and reverse flow through the upper ring gap, did not show significant variation during the 500 hours simulation. However, blow-by into the crankcase showed a significant increase during the 500 hours simulation under the effect of wear. To my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to my lovely wife, Gylin, to my grandmother, my parents and family, to all my friends. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my appreciation for my advisor, Dr. Harold Schock for his advice, guidance and encouragement toward my progress in completing this thesis. I am also thankful to Jan Chappell, Bobbie Slider, Xiaobing Liu, Stephen Yen, Mahmood Rahi, and all in the engine lab who helped me through the completion of my thesis. I would like to thank my wife, Gylin for her support, encouragement and prayer. Likewise, thanks to my close friends James and Karen Getz, Rex and Vangie Alocilja for their support and prayer. Without their support and encouragement, it would not have been possible for me to succeed in my Master degree program. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... viii LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... ix Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1 l . 1 Motivation .................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Literature Survey ......................................................................................... 3 1.3 Problem Statement ....................................................................................... 5 Chapter 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF PISTON RING PACK LUBRICATION ..................... 7 2. 1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 7 2.2 Formulating Oil Film Thickness ................................................................ 10 2.2.1 Oil Viscosity ................................................................................... 10 2.2.2 Oil Flow in Piston Ring Pack ........................................................ 13 2.2.3 Reynolds Equation for Ring Pack .................................................. 16 Chapter 3 FUNDAMENTALS OF PISTON RING WEAR ............................................. 20 3. 1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 20 3.2 Formulating Piston Ring Adhesive Wear .................................................. 22 3.2.] Surface Texture of Piston Ring ...................................................... 22 3.2.2 Wear Mechanism ............................................................................ 26 Chapter 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF OIL CONSUMPTION .............................................. 31 4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 3 l 4.2 Vaporization of Engine Oil from the Cylinder Liner ................................. 32 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4.3 Reverse Flow of Engine Oil through Top Compression Ring Gap ........... 37 4.3.1 Formulating Reverse Flow Equation ............................................. 40 4.4 Total Oil Consumption ............................................................................... 43 Chapter 5 SIMULATION ANALYSIS OF OIL CONSUMPTION AND PISTON RING WEAR IN A 4.6L,V8 ENGINE ............................................................................ 45 5. 1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 45 5.2 Integration of Different Computer Models ................................................ 46 5.3 Engine Specification of A 4.6L-8 Cylinder IC Engine .............................. 47 5.4 Simulation Results ..................................................................................... 48 5.5 Results and Discussions ............................................................................. 49 5.5.1 Cylinder Pressures ......................................................................... 49 5.5.2 Oil Film Thickness ......................................................................... 51 5.5.3 Average Blow-by ........................................................................... 55 5.5.4 Piston Ring Wear ........................................................................... 57 5.5.5 Oil Consumption .................................................... . ........................ 75 5.5.6 Oil Consumption and Gas Back Flow ........................................... 80 5.5.7 Oil Consumption and Average Gas Blow-by ................................. 83 5.5.8 Oil Consumption and Piston Ring Wear ........................................ 86 Chapter 6 SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 89 6. 1 Conclusions ................................................................................................ 89 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS 6.2 Recommendation ....................................................................................... 91 BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................................. 93 vii TABLE 2.] TABLE 2.2 TABLE 2.3 TABLE 2.4 TABLE 5.1 TABLE 5.2 LIST OF TABLES Regime of Piston Ring Lubrication ............................................................. 8 SAE Oil Viscosity ...................................................................................... 12 Vogel Constants for SAE Grades Oil ......................................................... 12 Boundary Conditions for Piston Ring Lubrication .................................... 18 Selected Simulation Cases ......................................................................... 46 Engine Data ............................................................................................... 47 viii FIGURE 1.1 FIGURE 2.1 FIGURE 2.2 FIGURE 2.3 FIGURE 2.4 FIGURE 2.5 FIGURE 2.6 FIGURE 2.7 FIGURE 2.8 FIGURE 3.1 FIGURE 3.2 FIGURE 3.3 FIGURE 3.4 FIGURE 3.5 FIGURE 3.6 FIGURE 3.7 FIGURE 3.8 FIGURE 4.1 FIGURE 4.2 FIGURE 4.3 FIGURE 4.4 FIGURE 4.5 LIST OF FIGURES Cylinder Kit Components of A Basic Engine .............................................. 6 Comparison of Major Categories of Friction Losses [ 9 ] ........................... 8 Compression Ring with Lubricating Oil Film ............................................ 9 Linear Velocity Distribution ...................................................................... 10 Nonlinear Velocity Distribution ................................................................. 11 Oil Flow Through a Rectangular Slot ........................................................ 13 Parabolic Velocity Distribution .................................................................. 15 Piston Ring Lubrication ............................................................................. 18 Forces Acting on a Piston Ring ................................................................. 19 Rubbing of Two Contact Surface Under Microscopic View ..................... 21 Surface Profile ........................................................................................... 23 Engineered Surface Profile ........................................................................ 24 Surface Representation Using Abbott Firestone Curve ............................. 25 Piston Ring Surface Profile ........................................................................ 25 Piston Ring Sliding on Cylinder Bore ....................................................... 26 Ring Section Contact with Cylinder Liner ................................................ 28 Discretized Piston Ring Surface ................................................................ 29 Oil Consumption Mechanism .................................................................... 31 Vaporization Process at Oil Film ............................................................... 35 Thermal Resistance Model for Oil Film .................................................... 36 Flow Through Piston Ring Gap ................................................................. 38 Different Flow in a Pipe System ................................................................ 39 FIGURE 4.6 Free-Body Diagram of A Cylinder Fluid ................................................... 41 FIGURE 5.1 Identification Numbering for Piston Ring ................................................. 48 FIGURE 5.2 Cylinder Pressure at Different Operating Conditions ................................ 49 FIGURE 5.3 Cylinder Pressure at 1600rpm .................................................................... 50 FIGURE 5.4 Cylinder Pressure at 3200rpm .................................................................... 50 FIGURE 5.5 Cylinder Pressure at 5000rpm .................................................................... 51 FIGURE 5.6 Predicted Oil Film Thickness (lst Cycle) .................................................. 52 FIGURE 5.7 Oil Film Development at 1600rpm 0.0 inch Manifold Vacuum ................ 53 FIGURE 5.8 Oil Film Development at 3200rpm 0.0 inch Manifold Vacuum ................ 54 FIGURE 5.9 Oil Film Development at 5000rpm 0.0 inch Manifold Vacuum ................ 54 FIGURE 5.10 Prediction of Average Blow-by (Hour 0.0) ................................................ 55 FIGURE 5.11 Prediction of Average Blow-by (Hour 500.0) ............................................ 56 FIGURE 5.12 Comparison of Average Blow-by Increase ................................................ 57 FIGURE 5.13 Wear at 1600rpm 0.0inch Manifold Vacuum(1st Simulation Cycle) ......... 58 FIGURE 5.14 Wear at 1600rpm 0.0inch Manifold Vacuum (After 500 hours) ................ 59 FIGURE 5.15 Wear at 1600rpm 12.0inch Manifold Vacuum(lst Simulation Cycle) ....... 60 FIGURE 5.16 Wear at 1600rpm 12.0inch Manifold Vacuum (After 500 hours) .............. 60 FIGURE 5.17 Wear at 1600rpm 20.0inch Manifold Vacuum(lst Simulation Cycle) ....... 61 FIGURE 5.18 Wear at 1600rpm 20.0inch Manifold Vacuum (After 500 hours) .............. 61 FIGURE 5.19 Wear at 3200rpm 0.0inch Manifold Vacuum( 1 st Simulation Cycle) ......... 62 FIGURE 5.20 Wear at 3200rpm 0.0inch Manifold Vacuum(Afier 500 hours) ................. 63 FIGURE 5.21 Wear at 3200rpm 12.0inch Manifold Vacuum(] st Simulation Cycle) ....... 63 FIGURE 5.22 Wear at 3200rpm 12.0inch Manifold Vacuum(Afier 500 hours) ............... 64 FIGURE 5.23 Wear at 3200rpm 20.0inch Manifold Vacuum(1st Simulation Cycle) ....... 64 FIGURE 5.24 Wear at 3200rpm 20.0inch Manifold Vacuum(After 500 hours) ............... 65 FIGURE 5.25 Wear at 5000rpm 0.0inch Manifold Vacuum(lst Simulation Cycle) ......... 65 FIGURE 5.26 Wear at 5000rpm 0.0inch Manifold Vacuum(After 500 hours) ................. 66 FIGURE 5.27 Wear at 5000rpm 12.0inch Manifold Vacuum(lst Simulation Cycle) ....... 66 FIGURE 5.28 Wear at 5000rpm 12.0inch Manifold Vacuum(After 500 hours) ............... 67 FIGURE 5.29 Wear Rate at 1600rpm ................................................................................ 70 FIGURE 5.30 Wear Rate at 3200rpm ................................................................................ 70 FIGURE 5.31 Wear Rate at 5000rpm ................................................................................ 71 FIGURE 5.32 Comparison of Steady State Wear Rate ..................................................... 71 FIGURE 5.33 Measured Wear Rate .................................................................................. 72 FIGURE 5.34 Ring Race Change at 1600rpm .................................................................. 73 FIGURE 5.35 Ring Face Change at 3200rpm ................................................................... 74 FIGURE 5.36 Ring Face Change at 5000rpm ................................................................... 75 FIGURE 5.37 Comparison of Time-average Oil Consumption over 500hrs Simulation .77 FIGURE 5.38 Estimated Oil Evaporation During One Cycle .......................................... 78 FIGURE 5.39 Total Oil Consumption Rate for Reverse Flow and Vaporization ............. 79 FIGURE 5.40 Oil Loss vs. Gas Backflow through lst Ring Gap (1) ................................ 81 FIGURE 5.41 Oil Loss vs. Gas Backflow through lst Ring Gap (II) ............................... 82 FIGURE 5.42 Oil Loss vs. Gas Blow-by (I) ..................................................................... 84 FIGURE 5.43 Oil Loss vs. Gas Blow-by (II) .................................................................... 85 FIGURE 5.44 Oil Loss vs. Wear Rate (1) .......................................................................... 87 FIGURE 5.45 Oil Loss vs. Wear Rate (11) ........................................................................ 88 xi Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Motivation The world energy shortage has motivated the automotive industry to produce engines that will be more efficient in the future. Petroleum, the main source of energy for today’s stereotypical engines will become very limited in a few decades; more energy- saving engines can prolong its usage. Another factor that motivates the engine research is the environmental pollution. Stricter emission regulations have been enforced on automobiles in order to preserve the quality of the environment, because they are considered to be a major contributor to pollution. The automotive industry has been searching for possible solutions. One approach is to design engines that can use alternative energy sources, such as bio-related fuel produced from crops. A second approach would be to invent another type of engine to replace the internal combustion engine, such as a fuel cell powered vehicle; while another approach is to increase the fuel efficiency of engines. With the two factors mentioned above, it is obvious that the criteria for designing engine should include fulfilling the requirement of high energy efficiency and low pollution level. In other words, engines should have low fuel consumption (high mileage per gallon of fuel) and low emission of toxic gases. Generally, energy efficiency and emission are determined by factors such as the friction level of an engine, the lubrication system and the energy conservation system of an engine. The main region that contributes to the engine friction and emission is the cylinder kit, which consists of pistons, rings, cylinder bores, connecting rods, bearings as shown in Figure 1.1. The cylinder kit of an engine is considered to be the power source of the engine because it is the region where chemical energy from fuel is transformed into kinetic energy that drives the whole automobile. When the fuel (chemical energy) is ignited in the combustion chamber, the explosive force from the burning fuel pushes the piston into a reciprocating motion (kinetic energy). The highly dynamic forces, during the reciprocating motion in the cylinder kit, often result in the wearing of contact surfaces due to friction. The contacting surfaces include the surfaces between the piston and piston rings, piston and cylinder bore, and piston rings and cylinder bore. In normal operating condition, friction and wear cut scratches in the metal surfaces mentioned above. This causes compression and power loss, and increased oil consumption. Understanding the physics within the cylinder kit system is crucial for automotive research. It is an important step toward inventing high efficiency engines. However, studying the physics of the engine cylinder kit system is a rather complicated process, because it involves the understanding of heat transfer, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and solid mechanics processes that occur during engine operation. With the advanced computer systems available for complicated calculation, the computational method is becoming a partial approach for engine simulation. Using this method, engineering equations, formulas, and correlations derived from theory and experiments can now be implemented into the computational models, which include analytical and numerical models. The engine cylinder kit system can also be modeled computationally. In this thesis, computer models of piston ring wear and oil consumption are studied. 1.2 Literature Survey Michigan State University Engine Research Laboratory(MSUERL) has been putting much effort in the research related to the piston ring wear and the oil consumption. Chung [1] in his Ph.D. dissertation, developed a piston ring wear model through the use of ring dynamics analysis based on several results of experimental efforts in order to study the ring loading effect on the piston ring wear. The simulation results, over the engine speed range between 1200rpm to 2100rpm, showed that higher engine speed operations had lower ring wear rate. Barkman [2] in his MS. thesis, performed experiment on the measurement of piston ring wear rate of a one-cylinder engine. His results showed that the piston ring wear rate decreased at a relatively high rate to a steady state value afier certain hours of operation. Pint [3] developed a mathematical model for the prediction of the tribological system in a simple internal combustion (IC) engine. He designed and developed a software module for the analysis of a three dimensional piston ring wear. His analysis related piston ring twist and piston tilt to the degree of wear in IC engines, under different operating conditions. For the oil consumption analysis, Ejakov [4] in his Ph.D dissertation, performed ring pack behavior and oil consumption modeling of IC engines. His results showed the importance of modeling ring twist in order to have a more accurate prediction of the piston ring behavior and oil consumption. Qualitative analysis and discussion on oil consumption were performed based on gas dynamic results. Research in the piston ring wear and the oil consumption was also performed by many researchers from other research institutes. Takashi Inoue et a1.[5] performed experimental measurement of transient oil consumption of an automotive engine. Their study showed that the reverse gas flow carries oil from engine crankcase to combustion chamber because of the high vacuum under engine-brake conditions. Min et a1.[6] experimentally studied the dynamic characteristics of an oil consumption relationship; between the instantaneous oil consumption and the location of the piston ring gap in IC engines. Their results showed a significant effect of piston rings rotation on oil consumption, under different operation conditions. Tian et a1.[7] developed a complete one-dimensional mixed lubrication model to predict oil film thickness and fiiction of the piston ring-pack. Their study found that the surface roughness has an important impact on oil transport across the piston ring pack into the region above TDC (Top Dead Center). The preliminary comparison showed good agreement between model predictions and the measurements for different engine oils. Wong et a1. [8] developed a model to estimate the oil vaporization from the cylinder liner as a contributing mechanism to engine oil consumption. They found that most (74%) of the oil vaporization occurred during intake and compression strokes. The researchers mentioned above have indeed contributed to a deeper understanding of oil consumption and wear that happen in IC engines. But, discussion and analysis on the relationship between oil consumption and piston ring wear were not performed in depth. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to extensively study the relationship between the two mechanisms (piston ring wear and oil consumption). 1.3 Problem Statement Piston ring wear and excessive oil consumption are common problems for an internal combustion engine as the engine gets older. Piston ring wear occurs on the contact surface of the piston rings and cylinder liner, after a certain amount of time of operation. The contact surface experiences high pressure and forces that cause deformation of the geometry and degrading of the quality of the surface material. The distorted surface affects the functionality of the piston rings, and results in energy loss. Because of wear, the piston rings not only lose their sealing power, which prevents gas flow through ring piston ring pack; but also lose their functionality to help in the formation of an oil film layer for lubrication purposes. The excessive oil flow rate through the ring pack and the formation of oil film thickness may be the determining factors for oil consumption. Ejakov’s [4] in research on oil consumption and ring pack behavior indicated a close relationship between the ring pack gas flow and oil film thickness, and the oil consumption. There are several mechanisms in oil consumption: oil loss through the vaporization process, and oil flow through piston ring gap during the high pressure gradient between the combustion chamber and piston second land. Other mechanisms such as oil consumption by oil mist and throw-off of liquid droplets, but they are not included in this analysis. The purpose of this thesis is to implement piston ring model and oil consumption model in the design and analysis of a 4.6L, V8 engine in order to study the relationship between piston ring wear and oil consumption. The design parameters of the 4.6L, V8 engine and its thermodynamic and heat transfer data are used in computer simulations of piston and ring dynamics as well as the prediction of wear and oil consumptions. The results are to be used to analyze the significance of one mechanism affecting another during engine operation. Top Compression R'ng Second Compression R'ng Oil Control Ring Ra'l Oil Control Ring Expatder FIGURE 1.] Cylinder Kit Components of A Basic Engine Chapter 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF PISTON RING PACK LUBRICATION 2.1 Introduction The lubrication system in an IC engine plays a major role in reducing the friction and enhancing the smoothness of operation. Without a good lubrication system, an IC engine will encounter problems such as excessive energy loss and short engine life. Friction losses directly affect the maximum brake torque and minimum brake specific fuel consumption. Often the difference in the friction losses distinguishes a good engine design from an average engine design [ 9 ]. Figure 2.1 shows the relative significance of different friction work in typical four- cylinder automotive engines (Spark-Ignition, SI) and diesel engines (Compressed- Ignition, CI) at different loads and speeds. The absolute value of the total friction work changes with load, and increases as speed increases. It is observed that fiiction loss in the cylinder kit (piston-crank) assembly is the major contributor to the total energy loss of engines. The major design factors that influence cylinder kit assembly friction are the following: ring width, ring face profile, ring tension, ring gap, liner temperature, ring land width and clearances, skirt geometry, and skirt-bore clearance. Usually, cylinder kit assembly fiiction is dominated by the piston ring friction. A typical compression ring is separated from the cylinder liner with a thin layer of oil, which acts as the cushion that reduces friction, as shown in Figure 2.2. Depending on the oil film thickness, there are three distinct regions of piston ring lubrication: boundary, mixed, and hydrodynamic as shown in Table 2.1. 2 3600mm __ 4.0baerep 175 1800 rpm . ' 2.0baerep 1.5 1800 rpm 125 . 6.0bar Bmep II. Mean Electve Pressue,bar '3: a P m 0.25 r FIGURE 2.1 Comparison of Major Categories of Friction Losses [ 9 ] TABLE 2.1 Regions of Piston Ring Lubrication Regime of Lubrication Condition Lubrication . Enough oil film between the surfaces, and Hydrodynanuc surface-to-surface contact does not occur Surface-to-surface contact occurs because Boundary oil film is not thick enough _ The intermediate region between Mixed . _ . hydrodynamic and boundary lubricatlon Lubricant Ix FIGURE 2.2 Compression Ring with Lubricating Oil Film There are models for the ring and oil film behavior to predict the ring dynamic and oil film formation. The Reynolds equation is used for oil film thickness model of hydrodynamic lubrication. For the practical case where the oil film thickness, h is much less than the ring width, the Navier-Stokes equations for the liquid film motion reduces to a Reynolds equation of the form: $03—10: —6 Upg—: + 121131: where: h oil film thickness pressure U velocity )1 dynamic viscosity of oil (2.1) Oil film thickness is determined by several factors: oil availability to the ring pack, lubricant properties, ring radial tension, gas pressure, ring funning face profiles, engine speed, liner temperature and surface texture. 2.2 Formulating Oil Film Thickness 2.2.1 Oil Viscosity Viscosity is a characteristic property of oil. Similar to modulus of an elastic solid material, it is used for the shear analysis of lubricants. Oil viscosity affects the formation of oil film thickness. Consider a lubricant film between a cylinder bore and a piston ring. Assume that the piston ring has a flat surface profile, as show in Figure 2.3. FIGURE 2.3 Linear Velocity Distribution When the piston ring moves with a velocity U relative to the cylinder bore, a thin layer of oil adheres to the bore such that the velocity of this layer is zero. Another layer of oil simultaneously adheres to the moving ring face and it has the velocity U. The first assumption to be made here is that the oil flows in parallel layers and there are no secondary irregular motions and fluctuations superimposed on the flow; secondly, it is assumed that the flow is laminar. According to the shear stress equation (2.2) isl‘i‘j where t shear stress F force required to maintain the flow A area of the ring face in contact with the oil 10 If it is assumed linear velocity distribution for the thin oil film, as shown in Figure 2.3, the rate of shearing strain of the oil, 7 will become bIQ r = (2.3) By definition, the dynamic viscosity of oil is the ratio of shearing stress to the rate of the shearing strain shearing stress ll = rate of shearing strain _ F/A_ 1: “ ‘ U/h— U/h Thus, the shear stress equation becomes => 1 = u-L-I (2.4) h For nonlinear velocity distribution as shown in Figure 2.4, the shear stress is t: 11% (2.5) Piston Ring FIGURE 2.4 Nonlinear Velocity Distribution 11 The SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) standard engine oil is commonly used by the majority of vehicles today. In the SAE standard, engine oil is separated into different grades according to the viscosity. Viscosity changes with temperature as indicated in Table 2.2. TABLE 2.2 SAE Oil Viscosity Oil Grade Temperature Viscosity(cP) 25 0C 41.45 SAE SW 100 0C 4.06 25 0C 229.47 SAE 20W 100 0C 10.50 25 0C 574.46 SAE 50 100 0C 17.99 The relationship between viscosity and temperature for the SAE grades of oil is assumed to follow the Vogel viscosity equation: ( ” ) temperature + c 11 = ae (2.6) where a, b, c are Vogel constants TABLE 2.3 Vogel Constants for SAE Grades Oil SAE Grade a b c 5W 0.05567 900.0 110.8 20W 0.02370 1361.0 123.3 50 0.01963 1518.0 122.6 12 2.2.2 Oil Flow in Piston Ring Pack Oil flow in the piston ring pack needs to be determined for the calculation of oil film thickness. Assume that oil flow in the piston and piston ring pack is similar to a viscous flow through a wide, rectangular slot, as shown in Figure 2.5. FIGURE 2.5 Oil Flow Through a Rectangular Slot Consider the slot where the width b is much bigger than the gap h so that we can neglect flow losses at the end; consider also that the length 6 is much bigger than the gap so that we can neglect losses at the entrance and the exit of the slot. It is a fair assumption 13 because the clearance between piston and piston rings, and cylinder wall is very small (in the order of 10'4 meter) in comparison to the perimeter of cylinder wall, which is about 100 times bigger in magnitude. The downward driving force for the flow is the pressure gradient between point A and point B: A p = P1 - P2 Using Newton’s Law, the force is Fd=2ybAp (2.7) If we assume a nonlinear velocity profile, the shear stress, I = u*(du/dy). Thus, the resisting upward force will become F” = 1: A = 2 f b “(du/dy) (2.8) Applying static equilibrium for the forces F d and F u will results in 2ybAp = -(21bu:—:) (2.9) 2) AP — —mydy — a'u Equation 2.9 has negative sign on the right hand side because of the negative velocity gradient where u decreases as y increases. Applying boundary conditions le“ u=0aty=i on the integration of Equation 2.9 results in 14 2 _ .Ai’. ’_’__ 2 u _ 2M[4 y] (2.10) The velocity from Equation 2.10 has a parabolic profile in y direction as shown in Figure 2.6. The maximum velocity at y = 0, is _ Aph2 umax — 8‘16 The average velocity is 2 Aph2 uave = §umax = W (2-11) With the velocity available, we can calculate the volume of flow, Q passes through the slot. Multiplying the average velocity with cross-sectional area, we get 3 _ Apbh _ 12M (2.12) Q FIGURE 2.6 Parabolic Velocity Distribution 15 2.2.3 Reynolds Equation for Ring Pack With the flow rate being determined, we can further derive the oil film thickness formula to obtain the Reynolds equation. The three-dimensional Reynolds equation has the following general form: £675?” + 3% (ZL 1”): — (rug—h — 6W3: + 12V (2.13) where oil pressure [.1 oil dynamic viscosity h oil film thickness U ring axial velocity W ring tangential velocity V = £311: ring radial velocity We can further simplify the Reynolds equation into two-dimensional form if we assume an axisymmetric case of the piston ring lubrication, as shown in Figure 2.7: “ax 8%[13—1’}: —6Ua—h+1 (2.14) Equation 2.14 is valid for piston ring lubrication for conditions: onegligible body forces onegligible fluid inertia oconstant lubricant pressure throughout the thickness of the oil film onewtonian fluid for the lubricant l6 - laminar flow ono slip at the boundaries The Reynolds equation will be in the form of Equation 2.1 when constant lubricant viscosity, u is assumed. a 33p _ _ ah ah Assuming non-deformable surfaces for both the ring and the liner, integrating Equation 2.1 yields - 6 U] 12 3h] AI B 215 P-‘ll 1+ “372+ 3+ (-) where: A, B integration constant 12 = Jédx 1,... jg; The integration constants A and B are found from the boundary conditions. Three typical boundary conditions for piston ring lubrication are given in Table 2.4. 17 TABLE 2.4 Boundary Conditions for Piston Ring Lubrication Position Sommerfeld Half-Sommerfeld Reynolds x=0 p=PI p=P1 p=P1 x = b/2 -- p = 0 -- x=b p=P2 -- p=P2,‘—’L’=o dx With defined boundary conditions, and a given piston ring face profile, the hydrodynamic pressure distribution can be determined from Equation 2.15. The hydrodynamic pressure force must be equated by another source of forces. The forces are fi'om the pressure force acting behind the ring and the tension of the ring. The hydrodynamic pressure force acting on the ring face is determined by integrating the FIGURE 2.7 Piston Ring Lubrication pressure, p(x) over the ring face: b P = I0p(x)dx l8 For equilibrium in the radial direction as show in Figure 2.8, the pressure force obtained from Equation 2.16 must be equal to the radial ring force, F R P = FR (2.17) Then, the minimum oil film thickness (hmin) will be determined by satisfying Equation 2.17. p(x) 444?“? 4; ,4. 4,..,.,::.:,, //////, 75/4,, 5,, .. .1 .g/ I //.44;, /1. . _. ., fix-2;. . ,7, I// . , v. /,-',". I" _ , /‘ .. ."- .. 'r . fab/)1 : under I inergv/gxygw ,. )4 . . ’// . x2" 2727/ "X = b Piston Ring mm .r'.“:<\ \"~.-.'- .-.\\“~,‘)§- : I .413: . (Elk \\\\\\ \ \:I;\H\‘QVV~: X ~\\\\\\\:‘ FIGURE 2.8 Forces Acting on a Piston Ring / l9 Chapter 3 FUNDAMENTALS OF PISTON RING WEAR 3.1 Introduction Cylinder kit components experience extreme mechanical stresses. These mechanical stresses are caused by high kinetic energy and momentum from piston dynamics, high temperature and pressure during combustion, and distortion of metal. A common problem that arising in this environment is wear, as a result of contacts of surface asperities between the rings and the cylinder wall. Therefore, the design of piston ring pack must satisfy the criteria set by durability and efficiency, despite of the severe conditions. The reciprocating motion of the piston and piston rings against the cylinder liner causes the wearing of the contact surfaces, as shown in Figure 3.1. Recalling that there are three regions of lubrication: boundary, mixed and hydrodynamic, we assume that piston ring wear only occurs in the regime of boundary and mixed lubricant where there is lack of lubricant that avoids surface-to-surface contact. Generally, wear is caused by the individual and combined effects of corrosion, adhesion, and abrasion. Corrosion occurs when acidic substances within the cylinder kit assembly, such as the products of combustion, attack metal surfaces. Those metal surfaces include the major component of the cylinder kit assembly, such as piston and ring. However, effective prevention has been discovered through the invention of chemical detergent oils that neutralize the corrosive acids and with proper control of the engine 20 temperature. This type of wear is difficult to model because the issue is more about the problem of chemical reaction. Hence, corrosive wear is assumed negligible in this thesis. FIGURE 3.1 Rubbing of Two Contact Surface Under Microscopic View Another type of wear is abrasion. Abrasive wear occurs when there are impurities present in the lubricating oil at the contact surfaces. The impurities can come from atmospheric dust, and from the metallic debris from corrosive and adhesive wear. When the impurities stay between two contact surfaces, such as the piston ring and cylinder liner, the ratio of asperity contact is increased. Abrasion can be eliminated by using air filtration, periodic oil changes and filtration in the oil system. This type of wear will not be included in this thesis. 21 The third type is adhesive wear. It mainly affects parts of the engine where there is metal-to-metal contact. The cylinder kit assembly experiences this type of wear when there is metal-to-metal contact between the piston, rings, and cylinder walls, and takes place. Adhesive wear is especially significant when the engine is at the beginning of operation and is cold because there is insufficient oil in the cylinder kit assembly. This type of wear is of the focus for this thesis. 3.2 Formulating Piston Ring Adhesive Wear 3.2.1 Surface Texture of Piston Ring Surface texture affects the wear rate of a surface. Surface texture can be vaguely identified with the roughness and smoothness of a surface. Surface texture representation can be very complex. A complete description of a surface involves many aspects: the amplitude (roughness and smoothness), the waviness (the pattern of surface roughness) and the density of surface asperities per unit surface area. Identifying a surface with only one aspect while neglecting the other will result in inaccurate surface representation. There are several methods for the representation of the surface texture. A common parameter representing a surface texture is Ten-points-height, R2. It is the average distance between the five highest peaks and the five deepest valleys of a surface within the sampling length. The formula for R2 is (Yp1+ Yp2+ Yp3+ Yp4+ Yp5)‘(Yv1 + Yv2+ Yv3+ er’r Yv3) R2: 5 (3.1) where: lg’s the height of the five highest peaks Y ’s the depth of the five lowest valleys V 22 Another commonly used parameter is the Roughness Average, Ra. Roughness average is the arithmetic average of the distance of the filtered or unfiltered roughness profile fiom its mean line, as shown in Figure 3.2. Mean L'ne FIGURE 3.2 Surface Profile The formula for roughness average is as following: Ra = 1% j: lh(x)ldx (3.2) Another commonly used parameter is the Root Mean Square Roughness Average, Rq. It is the root mean square of the distance of the filtered or unfiltered Roughness profile from its mean line, as shown in Figure 3.2. Rq is the standard deviation of the amplitude density distribution. The amplitude of this parameter is more sensitive to peaks and valleys compared to Ra. The formula for root mean square roughness average is as following: Rq = fl”; h2(x)dx (3,3) 0 23 Using Ra and Rq to represent a surface texture is sufficient, except when there are differences in the density of the real contact area. To illustrate this point, we can use two surfaces that have the same value of Ra and Rq, but have different surface texture. Figure 3.3 shows two different surfaces: surface 1 and surface 2. Height Average Reference Line Surface 1 Height Average Reference Line Surface 2 FIGURE 3.3 Engineered Surface Profile Applying Equation 3.2 and Equation 3.3 will give the same value of Ra and Rq, even though these two surfaces are different. To distinguish surface 1 from surface 2, another parameter is introduced: the Abbott Firestone Curve (AFC), which is also called the Bearing Ratio Curve. It is a graphical representation of the bearing ratio parameter, tp (length of bearing surface, expressed as a percentage of the assessment length of a surface specimen, at a depth below the highest peak or a selected distance from the average reference line) in relation to the profile level. The curve contains all the amplitude information of a surface profile. The AFC for surfaces 1 and 2 is shown in Figure 3.4. 24 Abbott-F1 restone Curve Proftifl1e Wright de‘. Average Reference Line in Surface 1 A 100% JI V w Profile Height der th Average Reference Line to 1oo%—>l' I Surface 2 FIGURE 3.4 Surface Representation Using Abbott Firestone Curve From the Abbott Firestone Curve, one can identify the difference between the two surfaces, where surface 1 has lower amplitude density than surface 2. In this thesis, we describe the piston ring surface in terms of R: and the Abbott Firestone Curve. The piston ring surface profile is assumed to be in the shape of cones with the peak angle, [3 of 45 degrees, as shown in Figure 3.5. Abbott-Firestone Curve ‘ D th ,a“ r¢.__':i1—Oo% FIGURE 3.5 Piston Ring Surface Profile 25 The surface of the cylinder liner needs to be modeled too. However, this step can be avoided by assuming that the interaction of two surfaces can be simplified as the interaction of one rough surface with a planar surface. The roughness value will become the combination of the two surfaces roughness. _ (3.4) Rz _ R2] + R22 where R2 the roughness of the combined surface profile R2, the roughness of surface one R22 the roughness of surface two 3.2.2 Wear Mechanism Consider a small section of piston ring sliding on cylinder bore as shown in Figure 3.6. FIGURE 3.6 Piston Ring Sliding on Cylinder Bore 26 The section of the piston ring is assumed to be very small such that the curvature effect of the piston ring in circumferential direction is negligible. The amount of worn volume from the piston ring surface is calculated using the following equation: 5 V = k g in (3.5) where 5V incremental volume loss from the contact surfaces 5s sliding distance of one surface with respect to another surface F the total load applied to the piston ring surface while it is sliding H combined hardness of the piston ring and cylinder liner k wear coefficient Equation 3.5 is only valid when the lubrication is not hydrodynamic. To model this, we can assume that the lubrication is not hydrodynamic when the oil film thickness between the piston ring and the cylinder liner is less than the combined roughness. In the regime of mixed or boundary lubrication, the entire load is assumed to be carried by the metal surface contact between the piston ring and cylinder liner, and the support by the oil film is neglected. To evaluate the total load that applies on the surface, consider that a piston ring pressed against the cylinder bore by forces such as ring tension and the pressure forces behind the piston ring. Assume that all the forces are transferred to the cylinder liner as a normal force. Using a solid mechanic analysis, pressing the ring against the cylinder bore will result in axial force distribution on the piston ring surface, as shown in Figure 3.7. 27 if! 4S4; ‘ 4~ , igCMmder {inner \‘. I L‘::‘ . k4} " V) _4 47, p» ~ ~4 rrna ' f Force.N _ 11%)") '1'.— .. ..§;Pistoww ‘ ';.j;f.Ring Section; 5 . To ‘ 4:; \x» \ ‘~ FIGURE 3.7 Ring Section Contact with Cylinder Liner Applying Newton Second Law, one can deduce that N = F, (3.6) where Fr = If(x)dx (3.7) In order to obtain f(x), the following assumptions are made: olinear elastic behavior of the piston ring material omodulus of elasticity of the cylinder liner is infinite odeformation is very small oshear stress on the piston ring is negligible compared to normal stress With the assumptions above, the determination of force distribution begins with the discretization of the piston ring surface into In slices with the same width as shown in Figure 3.8. These slices are assumed to be completely separated from each other since the normal stress is much higher than the shear stress. 28 Cylinder ~Liner : Normal ‘ Force,N FIGURE 3.8 Discretized Piston Ring Surface Using Hook’s law: where: AI cl = E 21. (3.8) AEI. E = T (3.9) l f: = 61. Al (3.10) the normal stress force at each slice the modulus of elasticity of piston ring the elastic deformation of the piston ring the deformation of the length of a slice 29 If the original length of a slice A the cross-sectional area of a slice In order to obtain the force for each slice, an arbitrary reference point is assigned to start the process of evaluating the total force. The process continues with the reference point being varied until the criteria of Equation 3.6 is met. The final value for the force of each slice will be used for the calculation of wear at each slice. 30 Chapter 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF OIL CONSUMPTION 4.1 Introduction . . <: Vaporization C C Reverse Oll Flow <72; Oil Supply a on Film Cylinder \ Liner Major Oil Path #- Minor Oil Path 4.1 Oil Consumption Mechanism Oil consumption is a phenomenon in which the engine oil escapes from the engine crank case into the environment. The engine oil consumption can occur through 31 various ways: oil leakage through the engine gasket, vaporization of oil from the oil film on the cylinder liner, flow of oil from the engine crank case to the combustion chamber through the piston ring gap, throw-off and blow-by. Oil consumption can be reduced primarily by a better design of the engine crank case sealing system to prevent oil leakage through engine gasket. However, to further reduce oil consumption, one must solve the problems of excessive oil loss through other methods. In this research, two contributors of oil consumption are the main focus: oil vaporization and reverse flow of engine oil through the piston ring endgap as shown in Figure 4.1. Oil vaporization is associated with the magnitude of the film thickness left on the cylinder bore. The engine oil, which vaporizes from the cylinder liner, diffuses into the cylinder gases and leaves the combustion chamber as either partially burned or unburned hydrocarbon. Hence, reducing the oil vaporization can reduce hydrocarbons in the exhaust gases, and further reduce overall engine emission. On the other hand, reverse flow of engine oil through the top piston ring endgap is associated with the pressure drop across the piston ring pack. The design of the piston and piston ring, as well as the configuration of piston ring endgaps, influence the oil flow into the combustion chamber. 4.2 Vaporization of Engine Oil from the Cylinder Liner A vaporization model is used here to predict the amount of oil loss due to heat and mass transfer. It is appropriate to use this model by assuming that the oil film left on the cylinder liner during the intake and exhaust strokes as a liquid surface, while the combustion gas is a gas flow above the surface as shown in Figure 4.2. Because of the 32 reciprocating motion of the piston ring with respect to the cylinder liner, the area of the cylinder liner exposed to the combustion gases is also changing. The volume of oil vaporized per crank angle, Vemp is evaluated using the equation below: A m”At V j = —— (4.1) €\ ap p0” where: A area of cylinder bore being exposed to combustion chamber as a function of crank angle m” evaporative mass flux At time interval between two successive crank angle poi, engine oil density The following assumptions must be made in order to use Equation 4.1: othe rate of oil vaporization is low to be considered a low mass transfer rate convection process othe change in the engine oil temperature is very small so that its density can be treated as constant othe temperature of the oil film does not exceed the engine oil boiling point so that the burning of oil does not occur othe engine oil is considered a single-species fluid for the simplification of the problem 33 empirical equations are where: D m evap g m mf Sh poi! Dh DC P vap P cylinder MW’s a,a',e ll m evap = gm mf Shpoith gm : ————D-—— C m _PP[ vapor )[MWZH] f cylinder MW 511- — a ReDd Sce evaporative massflux mass transfer coefficient mass fraction Sherwood number engine oil density binary diffussion coefficient hydraulic diameter instantaneous vapor pressure of oil instantaneous pressure of combustion gas molecular weight constants 34 The evaporative mass flux is derived from the mass convection theory where the (4.2) (4.3) (4.4) (4.5) (4.6) ReD Reynolds Number Sc Schmidt Number vai, arr krnematrc vrscosrty The vapor pressure of different grades of hydrocarbon can be obtained from the Handbook of Vapor Pressures and Heats of Vaporization of Hydrocarbons and Related Compounds [11]. The relationship between vapor pressure and surface temperature follow the Antoine equation: B longap = A — — C + Tsurface where A, B, C Antoine constants for engine oil Oil film Combustion Gasr-fLiquid , Chamber \ nte ace 1 I l // I:95‘$\ Pvapoil \ Gasflowll l: \ cylinder ~_ Bore I I I l i \ / // l i .\ I \ W‘ : \ y I ~' Piston: _ g, - : (\4‘.\: FIGURE 4.2 Vaporization Process at Oil Film 35 (4.7) With the Antoine equation, the only unknown variable needed to calculate the vapor pressure is the surface temperature of the oil film. Obtaining the surface temperature of the oil film is possible by using the thermal resistance model. Consider Figure 4.3. With the temperature of the combustion gas and liner known from measurement, we are able to deduce the net heat transfer across the oil film using T. , — T q“ = inf—8‘" (43) e Rtotal H 1 Rm, = R1 + R2 = [a + a (4.9) Since the net heat transfer across the oil film is the same as the heat transfer from Tliner t0 Isurjface’ thus Tliner _ Tsur ace 9. = q... = —R f (4.10) l :> Tsurface = Tliner _ R1 qnef (411) Oil FUR Combustion Chamber " p—H—> I 1 Cylinder : Bore q < ', 0 L . fl _« . hA I kA _ gas Tsurface T| ner Piston FIGURE 4.3 Thermal Resistance Model for Oil Film 36 We evaluate the amount of oil loss due to vaporization using Equation 4.1 to Equation 4.11. The results will be added with the amount of oil loss due to another method that will be discussed next. 4.3 Reverse Flow of Engine Oil through Top Compression Ring Gap Engine oil consumption can be caused by the reverse flow of the oil through the top compression piston ring, when pressure in the second land of the ring pack is higher than the pressure in the combustion chamber. To model this oil loss mechanism, one can apply the theory of laminar viscous flow in a channel or duct. As in Figure 4.4, we assume that the ring gap is a non-circular duct with the length of the ring width, R”, and it is completely filled with viscous engine oil. The flow of the engine oil through the ring gap may be a laminar flow or it may be a turbulent flow. Using the dimensionless parameter, Reynolds number, Re- the ratio of the inertia to viscous effects in the flow, we can determine the type of flow through the ring gap. The equation of Reynolds number is ReD = ¥ . (4.12) 37 Ring Endgap §I "I'm mpg commesgfii Ring Width “rm "fl \\\\ Edge FIGURE 4.4 Flow Through Piston Ring Gap In the piston ring pack, one can assume the viscous oil flow to be very slow, because the average cross sectional area for oil flow is relatively small (in the order of 10'7 meter square) and the viscous effects are dominant. Hence, a low Reynolds number flow is expected and we can categorized the type of flow as laminar for the oil flow through the piston ring end gap. Another factor that we need to consider is the effect of the entrance region. Including this factor into the calculation of oil flow will be complicated. Therefore, we 38 need to simplify the problem by assuming a fully developed flow. For this assumption to be valid, the dimension of ring gap and the ring width is important. Consider a pipe system as shown in Figure 4.5. The fluid typically enters the pipe with a nearly uniform velocity profile at section 1. As the fluid moves through the pipe, viscous effects cause it to be retarded by the pipe wall (the non-slip boundary condition.) Due to the boundary layer effects, which are caused by the viscous effects, the velocity profiles change with distance along the pipe. In the region where the velocity profiles are changing, it is called the entrance region. After the entrance region, the velocity profile remains constant and the flow is considered to be fully developed. In the fully developed region, viscous effects are of considerable importance. As with many other properties of pipe flow, the dimensionless entrance length, fe/D, correlates quite well with the Reynolds number. Typical entrance lengths are given by i b9 = 0.06 Re for laminar (4.13) E... R - LL F gig: eglon r 4 ully DevelopedJV—_. Boundary Layer D FIGURE 4.5 Different Flow in a Pipe System To simplify the modeling of the oil flow through the ring gap, we can assume that the effect of the entrance length is negligible, provided that the ratio of the ring width to 39 the hydraulic diameter of the ring gap channel satisfies Equation 4.13. This assumption is appropriate for a typical IC engine, since the ring gap is relatively small compared to the ring width. 4.3.1 Formulating Reverse Flow Equation Refer to Figure 4.4, the second land of the piston ring pack is labeled 2, while the combustion chamber is 1. When the pressure at 2 is higher than the presure at l, the pressure force will push the oil through the ring gap. For simplification in deriving the equation for flow, hydraulic diameter, D will be used for the ring gap cross section and the analysis is based on a circular pipe. _ 2 (endgapxedge) D — endgap + edge (4'14) Drawing the control volume and applying a fluid statics analysis to it as shown in Figure 4.6 yields (p1)1Ir2 — (p1 — Ap)1tr2 — (t)21tr€ = o (4.15) 3912 = 23 (4.16) f r where the acceleration is zero during fully developed flow when the velocity is constant. Equation 4.16 represents the basic balance in forces needed to drive each fluid particle along the channel in the ring gap with constant velocity. Since neither Ap nor 6 are . . . . 2 . . filnctrons of the radial coordlnate, r, it follows that -r—I must be mdependent of r. Hence, 1t can be concluded that 40 ‘11-} = Constant Applying the boundary conditions 1: : 0 at r = 0 and 1: = tw, wall shear stress at r = D/2 21 r =>t= w (4.17) D 12nr€ r—q—o p11tr'2 (p1-Ap)1rr2 x FIGURE 4.6 Free-Body Diagram of A Cylinder Fluid From Equation 4.16 and Equation 4.17, the pressure drop and wall shear stress are related by Ap 7);” (4.18) For laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid, the shear stress is proportional to the velocity gradient. In the notation associated with ring gap channel flow, the relationship is t = 41% (4.19) The negative sign is included to give 1: > 0 with a’u/a’r < 0 (the velocity decreases from the centerline of channel to the wall.) Neglecting the gravitational effect, Equation 41 4.16 and Equation 4.19 are the two governing laws for a fully developed laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid. Combining these two equations, we obtain (it: - _ &) dr — (21.16 r (4.20) and we integrate it to give the velocity profile jdu = —§%jrdr OI' __ All 2 — (41%} +Cl where C1 is a constant. Applying boundary condition where u = 0 at r = D/2, yields C1 = (146%?)02 u=(i:—:§)lI-eri The maximum velocity is the centerline velocity, Vc = ApD2/16uf. The flowrate can be obtained by integrating the velocity with the cross-sectional area Q = IudA = Iu(r)21rrdr (4.22) 42 2 Q = “08 VC (4.23) By definition, the average velocity is the flowrate divided by the cross-sectional area, V = Q/A, so that for this flow 2 2 _1tDVc4 _Vc_ApD Vave — 8 (RD‘?) '7 2 - 32“! (4.24) and 1tD4Ap Q = 1281.16 (4.25) Equation 4.25 represents the formula for fillly developed laminar flow of oil through the top compression ring gap where Q volume flow rate of oil through ring gap D hydraulic diameter of ring gap channel Ap pressure difference between the second land of ring pack and combustion chamber 11 viscosity of engine oil i ring width, the distance travelled by the oil flow 4.4 Total Oil Consumption Equation 4.1 and Equation 4.25 represent two formulas of the oil consumption mechanism: oil vaporization and reverse flow through ring gap. Adding the oil loss from 43 these two mechanisms allows the prediction of the total oil consumption during a specific time of engine operation. Total Oil Consumption 2 Oil + Oilrev (4.26) evap In this thesis, it is assumed that vaporization and reverse oil flow are the only two sources of oil loss. This assumption is made for the purpose that one can study the behavior of oil consumption under the influence of vaporization and reverse flow through ring gap. 44 Chapter 5 SIMULATION ANALYSIS OF OIL CONSUMPTION AND PISTON RING WEAR IN A 4.6L,V8 ENGINE 5.1 Introduction This chapter presents the results of a simulation analysis of the ring pack behavior, oil film thickness, oil consumption and ring wear, and focus mainly on the relationships among them. In this thesis, the developed computer programs, RING, TWIST, PISTON, WEAR and OILCONSUME were used in combination with an engine thermodynamic model, the Ford Motor Company General Engine Simulation (GESIM). RING, TWIST and PISTON are parts of the Cylinder kit Analysis System for Engines (CASE) while WEAR and OILCONSUME are programs developed to be implemented into the CASE. RING is a model used to predict groove and inter-ring gas pressure in a piston ring pack for reciprocating gasoline and diesel engines. It also predicts the oil film thickness between piston and cylinder bore, and piston ring and cylinder bore. This program requires the description of the engine intended to be studied. PISTON is a model used to predict the piston tilt per engine cycle. TWIST is a model used to predict the piston ring twist behavior. WEAR is a model used to compute the amount of worn volume from the first compression ring surface for a complete cycle and it can be integrated for specified time interval. OILCONSUME is a model used to compute the oil consumption caused by vaporization and reverse flow. The GESIM program is a computational tool used in the Ford ENGine SIMulation system (ENGSIM) to model in-cylinder processes in an IC engine. The simulation results 45 include in-cylinder flow, heat transfer, and pressure vs. crank angle during engine cycle. It accounts for heat transfer losses from the combustion chamber during intake, compression, expansion, and exhaust stroke for both burned and unburned gases during combustion. 5.2 Integration of Different Computer Models For this analysis, GESIM was used to generate simulation data of a 4.6L V8 IC engine. The data include in-cylinder pressure, in-cylinder temperature, bore temperature, piston temperature and in-cylinder heat convection coefficient. The engine description and the generated data were the input for RING, TWIST, PISTON, WEAR and OILCONSUME. Data of 011 film thickness, pressure load of compression ring, inter-ring gas pressure, ring twist and piston tilt were generated by RING, PISTON and TWIST. These data were input into WEAR and OILCONSUME. The results of simulation include blow-by, oil film thickness, oil consumption rate and wear rate. For this thesis, nine simulated cases were selected as shown in Table 5.1. TABLE 5.1 Selected Simulation Cases Case Operating Condition 1 1600rpm WOT (0.0 inches manifold vacuum) 1600rpm 50.0% Load (12.0 inches manifold vacuum) 1600rpm 16.67% Load (20.0 inches manifold vacuum) 3200rpm WOT (0.0 inches manifold vacuum) 3200rpm 50.0% Load (12.0 inches manifold vacuum) 3200rpm 16.67% Load (20.0 inches manifold vacuum) 5000rpm WOT (0.0 inches manifold vacuum) 5000rpm 50.0% Load (12.0 inches manifold vacuum) 5000rpm 16.67% Load (20.0 inches manifold vacuum) OOOVQMAUJN 46 5.3 Engine Specification of A 4.6L-8 Cylinder IC Engine The basic specification of the engine model used in this work is shown in Table 5.2. TABLE 5.2 Engine Data Parameter Specified Value Engine Speed 1600rpm, 3200rpm, 5000rpm Load 16.67%(20 ian), 50.0%(12 ian), WOT(0 ian) Bore diameter 90.4 mm Stroke 90.0 mm Connecting rod length 150.7 mm Connecting rod mass 577 g Number of rings Two compressron rings and one 3-p1ece 011 control ring Piston diameter 90.2 mm Piston height 56.4 mm Piston mass 356 g agate; Compression Ring 1.47 mm llzlifgrrlrlueigh'fop Compressron 3.83 mm Upper Compression Ring 10.6 g Mass Upper Compression Ring 24.0 N Tensron The top compression ring has been divided into 9000 elements as shown in Figure 5.1. Each element is identified with Segment ID and Slice ID for the calculation and analysis purpose. 47 U pper Compression Ring Slice I \J... 4.1m. \\ I” “—0 FIGURE 5.1 Identification Numbering for Piston Ring 5.4 Simulation Results The results presented here is separated into two parts: comparison of results at different operating conditions of the engine and comparison of the transient results. It is important for one to notice the trend of each individual result affecting each other under the same or different conditions as time increases. It needs to be emphasized here that only the upper compression ring is considered in the wear analysis. The upper compression ring is the focus because of the most severe environment it is exposed to compared to the second ring and the oil ring. 48 5.5 Results and Discussions 5.5.1 Cylinder Pressures The cylinder gas pressures versus engine crank angle for all simulated cases are shown in Figure 5.2. Comparing the cylinder pressures at 1600rpm (Figure 5.3), 3200rpm (Figure 5.4), and 5000rpm (Figure 5.5) indicated that the engine speed did not significantly affect the magnitude of the cylinder peak pressure. However, the engine load had significant effect on the peak pressure. Higher cylinder peak pressure was observed at higher engine load. For all three engine speeds, 1600rpm, 3200rpm and 5000rpm, the highest cylinder peak pressure was observed at 0.0 inch manifold vacuum (100% load), and the lowest at 20.0 inch manifold vacuum (16.67% load). The cylinder pressure peaked at about 365 degree crank angle, due to the fuel ignition during the power stroke. moo Cylinder Pressure d4.6L V8 10 En®e 6000 . ,_, 5000 - :1" as 4000 ~ Q g 3000 ~ 61' 2000 - 1000 0 CA deg 0 180 360 W 720 --¢--16m_mlnch ~~°~1Bm.12lnch ~.~ 1600.20hch - -x—32m_mhch -—-—3200_12lnch .. 3200mm WSWJJ Inch SMJZ hch ---- 5000.20 Inch FIGURE 5.2 Cylinder Pressure at Different Operating Conditions *Images in this thesis are presented in color 49 Cylinder Pressue of 4.6L VB 10 Engine 7000- Pressue(kPa) - - --' -- -« CA deg 0 180 360 5$ 720 - -<> - 1600_0 Inch - 4 - 1600_12 Inch . - 1600_20 Inch FIGURE 5.3 Cylinder Pressure at 1600rpm Cylinder Pressue of 4.6L V8 10 Engine 7000 r E i 6: CA deg 0 180 360 54) 720 - ~x — 3200_00 Inch - - - - 3200_12 hch ~ - 3200_20 Inch FIGURE 5.4 Cylinder Pressure at 3200rpm 50 Cylinder Pressure 01 4.6L V8 10 Engine 7000 ’ 6000 ~ 5000 - 4000 - 3000 - 2000 - 1000 - Pressure(kPa) CA deg 0 180 360 540 720 W 5000_00 Inch -—- 5000_12 Inch --— 5000_20 Inch FIGURE 5.5 Cylinder Pressure at 5000rpm 5.5.2 Oil Film Thickness The cylinder pressures influence the piston ring pack dynamics including the oil film formation. Using RING, the oil film thickness results were generated. The comparison of the predicted oil film thickness for different simulated cases (1600rpm 0.0 inch, 1600rpm 12.0 inch, 1600rpm 20.0 inch, 3200rpm 0.0 inch, 3200rpm 12.0 inch, 3200rpm 20.0 inch, 5000rpm 0.0 inch, 5000rpm 12.0 inch, 5000rpm 20.0 inch manifold vacuum) was shown in Figrre 5.6. The oil film reached its maximum value when the piston was approaching TDC. At a same engine load, the highest maximum oil film thickness was observed at 5000rpm, and the lowest at 1600rpm. On the other hand, at a same engine speed, the highest maximum oil film thickness was observed at 20.0 inch manifold vacuum, and the lowest maximum oil film was at 0.0 inch manifold vacuum. For this engine, with only the speed and the load varied, the minimum oil film thickness 51 values for all operating conditions were the same at about 1.40um. This result concluded that increasing the engine speed and reducing the engine load can increase the overall oil film thickness. In general, sufficient thickness of the oil film is necessary at high engine speed and high load to ensure efficient lubrication system. Oil Film Thickness Per En ine 0 tie 8.000E-03 ~ g I 7.000e-03 _ 6.000E-03 . 5.000503 - 4.000E-03 30005-03 .. 20005-03 1000503 000015400 1 . . CA deg 0 130 360 540 720 1800.00 inch - -- I - -1600_12 itch --— 10m.” itch Oiltilmhicknessmm --9-'50(Il.0.0'mch --¢--5000_121nch - 0- SOWJUMIWQ] FIGURE 5.6 Predicted Oil Film Thickness (lst Cycle) The transient analysis was performed for the oil film thickness. Comparing the transient results at 1600rpm 0.0 inch (Figure 5.7), 3200rpm 0.0 inch (Figure 5.8) and 5000rpm 0.0 inch manifold vacuum (Figure 5.9) showed that, over the simulation period of 500 hours, the oil film thickness varied at different degree in magnitude under different engine speeds and loads. The greatest change of the oil film formation was observed at the operating condition of 5000rpm 0.0 inch manifold vacuum in comparison with other cases. This is because under this condition, the piston ring face underwent the most severe deformation (discussed in the later section). However, the variation of oil film thickness 52 over the simulation period was small as shown in Figures 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9. This indicates that the oil film formation may not be sensitive to the worn piston ring face profile. This can be due to the limitation of the input data line in describing the piston ring face profile for RING program simulation. Note: The simulation using RING program predicted the ring collapse at the initial operating condition of 5000rpm 20 inch-manifold. Since the ring collapse phenomenon violates some assumptions in analysis, this operating condition was eliminated from simulations discussed in the following sections. 450503 _ Transient Change ofOll Film Thickness at 1600rpm10096 Load 4mem- 3505-03 - //\ 3.00 E03 l l It ,l \ 2.501503 -\ ' 2005-03 4 \ \ / 1.50503 4 IL____S I. ,1 1005-03 . 5005-04 4 0.00E+00 r l i 0 180 360 540 720 Oil film thickness (mm) CA deg —0hr -—300hr ——500hr FIGURE 5.7 Oil Film Development at 1600rpm 0.0 inch Manifold Vacuum 53 Oil flm h’ckness (mm) 5.30E-03 4 4.80E-03 -l 4.30E-03 - 3.80E-03 4 3.30E-03 - 2.80E-03 - 2.30E-03 ‘ 1.80E-03 - Transient Chance ofOil Film Thickness at 3200rom100% Load 1 .30 E-03 0 T T 540 ____l" , i 180 360 —0hr ——300hr —5(Ilhr 720 CAdeg FIGURE 5.8 Oil Film Development at 3200rpm 0.0 inch Manifold Vacuum OiFllm Thickness (mm) 7.30E-03 3 6.30 1503 ~ 5.30E-03 . 4.30E-03 - 3305-03 - 2.30E-03 ~ Transient Change 010“ Film Thickness a15000rpm100% Load -'.~ 1 .30 E03 0 540 —0hr -—300hr -—5mhr 720 CAdeg FIGURE 5.9 Oil Film Development at 5000rpm 0.0 inch Manifold Vacuum 54 5.5.3 Average Blow-by It is important to examine the blow-by of the engine under different operating conditions because the blow-by tells the effectiveness of the piston ring pack in controlling mass flow within the cylinder kit. RING was used to generate the blow-by results. Figure 5.10 shows the average blow-by obtained after the first cycle of simulation. The highest blow-by was observed at 5000rpm 0.0 inch manifold vacuum, where the engine experienced the highest speed and load. The lowest blow-by was observed at 1600rpm 20.0 inch manifold vacuum. This can conclude that increasing both the engine speed and the engine load will increase the blow-by proportionally. 2.000E-03 1 .500E-03 I .000E-03 5.000E-04 Average Blow-by (kgls) 5000rpm 3200rpm 1 600 rpm 0.000E+00 0.0 inch 12.0 inch Manifold Vacuum FIGURE 5.10 Prediction of Average Blow-by (Hour 0.0) 20 .0 inch In order to study the effect of the piston ring wear and the oil consumption on the blow-by, the average blow-by after 500 hours of simulation was obtained for all simulated cases, as shown in Figure 5.11. Comparing Figure 5.10 and Figure 5.11 showed a significant increase of blow-by over the 500 hours of simulation. The increase of the average blow-by ranged from 3.0% at 3200rpm 20.0 inch to 50.0% at 5000rpm 0.0 inch 55 manifold vacuum (Figure 5.12). The increase of the blow-by may depend on the degree of deformation experienced by the ring surface, as shown in Figure 5.34, Figure 5.35 and Figure 5.36. Generally, the functionality of the ring face relies on the piston ring face profile and the ring dimension. The wear caused the deformation on the ring face as well as the reduction of the ring width. This increased the inter-ring volume in which the blow- by was evaluated on. The transient wear analysis in the later part of this chapter showed that the piston ring underwent the most severe change under the operating condition of 5000rpm 0 inch manifold pressure, in which the maximum ring width was reduced by 14%. The 14% reduction of the maximum ring width had contributed to 50% increase in the inter-ring volume (groove and land volume) of upper compression ring, which was in proportion to the increase of blow-by. On the other hand, the reduction of the ring width was 0.8% under the condition of 3200rpm 20 inch manifold pressure, and it contributed to the 3.0% increase of the inter-ring volume of the upper compression ring, which was in proportion to the increase of blow-by. 20005-03 15035-03 iniolsoa ’ 5.003504 Average Blow-by(kgls) 5003mm 3200rpm 1600rpm 0.0IIIE+00 0.1] inch 12.0 inch 20.0 inch Manifold Vacuum FIGURE 5.11 Prediction of Average Blow-by (Hour 500.0) 56 1.; 2000503 Comparison of Blow-by at Hr. 0. 0 and Hr. 500.0 E” 10005—03 s .Q 5 1.200503 IHr00 g .Hr 500.0 8) 0.000504 :4 4 4.000504 0 W65» (0 fOperating ° 41> 'lv " (o 6‘ Q 6‘ Q {Q \Q 9% $90 §3 Conditions «g N6 " tbs tbs EFQ FIGURE 5.12 Comparison of Average Blow-by Increase 5.5.4 Piston Ring Wear WEAR was used to generate the distribution of wear on the piston ring surface, the transient change of the ring profile affected by the wear, and the wear rate over the period of simulation. Comparing the wear distribution at 1600rpm 0.0 inch manifold vacuum after the first cycle (Figure 5.13) and after 500 hours of simulation (Figure 5.14) yield two observations. First, the wear effect at the beginning of simulation (Figure 5.13) was observed to be concentrated around the center region of the piston ring (Slice ID 40 to 60) and at the thrust and anti-thrust side (Segment ID 23 and 68). After 500 hours of simulation (Figure 5.14), the wear effect distributed more evenly over the piston ring surface. 57 IDOE'OQ »~- I .300510 1600rpm 0 inch 130509 :3 8.00E-10 (Hour 0‘0) ' 135005.10. E 8.00E-10 ”E .g 8.00510 (34.00510. 0’ 6.00510 E 4mm0 E I2.00E-10- é 2.00E-10 88 4.00540 0.00E+00 59 <- locomo- v 1 2005.10 wmwv Sam amp ”meg 9 FIGURE 5.13 Wear at 1600rpm 0.0inch Manifold Vacuum(1st Simulation Cycle) Second, the magnitude of the maximum wear volume decreased (80%) over the 500 hours of simulation. When the piston ring surface underwent the deformation, greater area on the piston ring surface were experiencing the wear effect. With greater surface area against the reacting forces from the cylinder bore, less stress was experienced by each divided surface element on the piston ring (since stress is force divided by area). As a result, the magnitude of the maximum wear volume was observed to decrease. 58 ,. -~—-—». _-._. l8.0(E-10- 1.00509 I 1006-09 1600rpm flinch 8.00E-10 (Hour 500) I 135.005.10— l 8.005.111 1] 4.01510 6 006-10 Volume Loss (mmslcycle) I 2.00E-10- 4.00E-10 I0.00E400- SEQ ID 2.00510 . a 0 Slice ID 2 FIGURE 5.14 Wear at 1600rpm 0.0inch Manifold Vacuum (After 500 hours) Similar analysis was performed for lower engine loads at 1600rpm. Figures 5.15 and 5.16 are the wear distribution plots for 1600rpm 12 inch manifold vacuum, after the first cycle and after 500 hours of simulation respectively. Figures 5.17 and 5.18 are the plots for 1600rpm 20 inch manifold vacuum. Comparing the wear distribution plots of different engine loads at 1600rpm showed that the magnitude of the maximum wear volume decreased as the engine load decreased. The highest magnitude of wear volume was observed at 100% load and the lowest at 16.67% load. 59 I 7 .00E-10- 8 .00E-10 I 6 IKE-10- 7 012-10 I SHE-10- 6 005-10 I 4015-10- 5 .01E-10 El 3 .OE-10- 4.01E-10 D 2 .01E-10- 3 .0fE-10 I 1 .01E-10- 2.0(E-10 Volume Loss (mmatcycle) I 0.0E+00- 1 .0IE-10 FIGURE 5.15 Wear at 1600rpm 12.01nch Manifold Vacuum(lst Simulation Cycle) I 7006-10- _ : ONE-10 {a 1500rpm1 . ' “NE-1°- i‘ (Hour 500) ' ’ 71105-10 _ . ., Isms-10 " 6.01510 lune-10 Silt-10 D 3.11510 HIE-10 El HIE-10- “IE-10 I 1 III-10- 2 IKE-10 I 0.00800 1 .IIE-10 Volume Loss (mmalcycle) FIGURE 5.16 Wear at 1600rpm 12.0inch Manifold Vacuum (After 500 hours) 60 Volume Loss (mmalcycle) FIGURE 5.17 Wear at 1600rpm 20.0inch Manifold Vacuum(1st Simulation Cycle) Volume Loss (mm3loycle) FIGURE 5.18 Wear at 1600rpm 20.0inch Manifold Vacuum (After 500 hours) an o O r.“ _L o a J 1600rpm 20 inch - (Hour 0.0) [I 300E—10 ; ll; l ly'hlllgllll‘. l I. .V .‘u ,J-‘w ‘ — Wfi._ _1600rpm20lnch ’ I ' ' (Hour500) ' ‘9 ~- . 5 0 Slice ID 9 61 I “IE-10- SHE-10 El SEE-10- HIE-10 El ZOE-10- 3 .lIE-10 I 1 .OE-10- HIE-10 I 0.0%“!!- HIE-10 I “IE-10- SHE-10 D SHE-10- 4.00E-10 D 2.00E-10- 3.l'IE-10 I1.lI£-10- HIE-10 I 011E441)- 1 .EIE-10 Figures 5.19 and 5.20 are the wear distribution plots for 3200rpm 0.0 inch at two different time periods, after the first simulation cycle and afier 500 hours of simulation. Comparing with the lower load conditions such as 12.0 inch manifold vacuum (Figures 5.21 and 5.22) and 20 inch manifold vacuum (Figures 5.23 and 5.24) at the same engine speed of 3200rpm, similar trends as the wear results at 1600rpm were also observed. The wear distribution was initially concentrated at the middle range of the piston ring surface, and later distributed more evenly over the surface at lower magnitude. 1.20309 "”7”“ 11 l - . ,1 m? j “NE-0% 3200rpm flinch -; 1-205-09 if 1 00E-09 (Hour 00) loose-1o 3 1005419 U "E 800510 06.005.10- E sous-1o F; 6.00E-10 8 04.005.10- E 400510 sous-w 5' l2.ooE.1o ’9 200510 3 88 4005.10 0.00E+00 59 locomo- ‘— zoos—10 ‘_ 1 Slice lD °° E 839 '0 FIGURE 5.19 Wear at 3200rpm 0.0inch Manifold Vacuum(lst Simulation Cycle) 62 I1.ll.'E-09- 1.2(E~09 I BEE-10- 1 IKE-09 El HIE-10- HIE-10 D 4.00611} HIE-10 Volume Loss (mmalcycle) I ZINE-10- “IE-10 I 0.[IE+00- ZINE-10 8‘— ‘ 3 ID SlicelD °°§ 39 FIGURE 5.20 Wear at 3200rpm 0.0inch Manifold Vacuum(After 500 hours) I! 7 006-10- 8 HIE-10 I B DIE-10- HIE-10 I {LINE-10o SHE-10 I QUE-10- 5 .llE-10 Cl 311E40- 4.01510 El 2115-10- 3.01510 I 1 IKE-10- 2 III-10 I ODEeOO- 1 IKE-10 Volume Loss (mmalcycle) FIGURE 5.21 Wear at 3200rpm 12.0inch Manifold Vacuum(lst Simulation Cycle) 63 I [OE-10- 8.0(E-10 I 6.01E-10- ? 005.10 I 5.011510- 6 JIM-10 I “IE-10- 5 IKE-10 . ;. ,y mooeao w '~ . 4005.10 ozone—10. 3005.10 I 1 IKE-10 2 .0(E-10 loooem 389' '0 100510 I" ind-Flu I. l|,-. . Volume Loss (mm3lcycle) Slice ID FIGURE 5.22 Wear at 3200rpm 12.0inch Manifold Vacuum(After 500 hours) . ‘ lune-10 1.40E 10 ..-. , » ;. mos-1o g 1.20E-10 3200rpm 20 Inc , ' j l1.ooE-1o- U .' . _ ”In.” 1005-10 , , ”1:” E g y x ' . .11. g 8.00E 11 ;. ' . ‘ f . . ' woe-10 § 6.00E-11 — ; . " 5’ 3 name-11. _i - ‘ l -' ' 13' HIE-11 g 4.00E 11 . 2 ‘ .1 .. ‘1. D4005."— ; 2.00E-11 . ' 33 5005.11 0.00500 59 lame-11- " 30 4.ooE-11 85m 1 Ioooewo. “N ‘- Se ID ' Slice ID °° °° § 9 m‘" FIGURE 5.23 Wear at 3200rpm 20.0inch Manifold Vacuum(lst Simulation Cycle) _ ,-~ —-.__, I120E-10- xx” ' “MW—1 Hoe-lo . ‘* ' I1mE-10- - 1. . 120E“) 3200rpm 20inch , 0:. 20510 100510‘ (HourSDU) _‘ ,1 [ ‘ I800E-11- I ' * " '. * 1005.10 05,005.11. 8.00E-11 El 4.00E-11- 6.00E-11 Volume Loss (mm3lcycle) I 2 HIE-11- 4.00E-11 loooem N 1 2005.11 00 2,3 8 Say lD Slice lD FIGURE 5.24 Wear at 3200rpm 20.0inch Manifold Vacuum(After 500 hours) The wear analysis for the engine speed of 5000rpm also gave similar observations as discussed previously for 1600rpm and 3200 rpm. Figures 5.25 and 5.26 are the plots for 5000rpm 0.0 inch, and Figures 5.27 and 5.28 for 5000rpm 12 inch manifold pressure. .1206-09- 1405.09 l1mE-09- 1.2(6-09 Imam. " p __ 1.00509 110“} name-lo lllrl .slll' . ~- lame-10 ll ll- D 4006-10- 6 WG-10 Volume Loss (mmsfcycle) I HIE-10- 4.00E-10 Ioooeioo. 8 399 ‘0 2005-10 Slice ID 5 FIGURE 5.25 Wear at 5000rpm 0.0inch Manifold Vacuum(lst Simulation Cycle) 65 I1.20E-09- 1.40E-08 5000rpm0 inch , . , ,7 ,1 (HourSUU) .. . ‘ . .4 _- I100E-09- - - , .. 1205.09 l8.00E-10- 1005-09 [3 RUE-10- BIKE-10 U 4.00510- BIKE-10 Volume Loss (mm3lcycle) I 2.wE-10- “IE-10 N ‘_ loooem co 0) 8 Seg lD 200510 Slice ID FIGURE 5.26 Wear at 5000rpm 0.0inch Manifold Vacuum(After 500 hours) fr, -- ~_‘_wm________5_ mime-lo 8.00E-10 * ' {2:111 5000rpm12inch ‘ ' E 7.00E-10 (Hour00) ,. 7' ‘ . 7006.10 :3" 6,00E-10 ' , , ' 'zfilg‘ E 5.00E-10 ’ I4.tlE-10- g 400E10 .r m“ . l. - , ., . 03005.10 E 3.00E-10 ,1" ‘ l . 4005.10 % 2.00E-10 7V . . name-10 > 1 DOE-10 " H 88 3305-10 0.00E+00_ 59 I1.00E-10- 2005.10 “‘00 conF 1 Se ID IONS-00 Slice ID 00 m g g NOE-10 FIGURE 5.27 Wear at 5000rpm 12.0inch Manifold Vacuum(lst Simulation Cycle) 66 ‘- ~ ~——-~.. .__ _ l:li.ooE-1o- 7 8.00610 5000rpm 12 inch ! “305.10. 7.00510 (Hour 5o0) l 1,005.10 I5.00E-10- 8.00E-10 “005.10 5.00E-10 l:l3.ooe.1o 4.0(E-10 nilli'ifiJJll-Jilln H‘ l:l2.00E-10- acne-lo Volume Loss (mm3lcycle) I 1 00610- 2005-10 I 0.00800- 1 DOE-10 0 Slice ID 9 FIGURE 5.28 Wear at 5000rpm 12.0inch Manifold Vacuum(After 500 hours) In order to study the transient characteristic of the piston ring wear, simulation was performed over 500 hours of simulation period to obtain the piston ring wear rate. Since different locations on the piston ring surface have different wear effect, the elements on Segment ID of 45 (opposite the ring gap position) was selected for the wear rate to be obtained. The elements on Segment ID of 45 were the elements that experienced less effect from the piston tilt and ring twist so that the calculation of the wear rate would be more stable. The average wear rate taken from all slices of Segment ID of 45 were plotted in Figures 5.29 through 5.31 for different operating conditions. Figure 5.29 shows the wear rate at 1600rpm under different engine loads. It was observed that the wear rate of each operating condition decayed to their steady state values at different time periods. The wear rate of 1600rpm 0.0 inch manifold vacuum reached its steady state value afier about 100 hours, 1600rpm 12.0 inch manifold vacuum about 150 67 hours, and 1600rpm 20 inch manifold vacuum about 250 hours. In addition, it was observed that increasing the engine load increased the wear rate during steady state. During steady state, the highest wear rate (1.9e-4 mm/hr) was observed at 100% engine load (0.0 inch manifold vacuum), and the lowest (8.0e-5 mm/hr) at 16.67% engine load. At higher engine speeds, 3200rpm and 5000rpm, the wear rates under different engine loads were plotted in Figures 5.30 and 5.31 respectively. Comparing the wear rates of 3200rpm shown in Figure 5.30 showed that the wear rate of each engine load also decayed to their steady state values at different time periods. The settling time periods for 3200rpm 0.0 inch, 12.0 inch and 20 inch manifold pressure were about 30 hours, 60 hours and 100 hours respectively. F mm Figure 5.31, it was noticed that the settling time periods of the wear rate were 20 hours and 40 hours for 5000rpm 100% load and 50% load respectively. It is interesting to note that the wear rates at the lower loads of each engine speed stabilized at a level coincidentally lower than the other engine loads. The possible explanation is that at lower engine load, the combined stress experienced by the piston ring surface is low due to the low cylinder peak pressure (refer to Figure 5.2). The decrease of the wear rate can also be explained using the Abbott Firestone Curve in addition to the stress analysis discussed earlier in this section. Refer to the Abbott Firestone Curve shown in Figure 3.5 in Chapter 3. Under the wear effect, the peaks of the piston ring surface were reduced. This resulted in the increase of the bearing ratio. At the microscopic scale, the increase of the bearing ratio means more real contact surface exists 68 between the piston ring face and the cylinder liner. The increase of the real contact surface results in the reduction of stress (stress is force divided by area) because more surface asperities are bearing the contact force at the same time. The decrease of the stress will result in the decrease of the wear according to the wear formulation. The steady-state wear rates in Figure 5.29(1600rpm), Figure 5.30(3200rpm) and Figure 5.31(5000rpm) were compared (Figure 5.32) in order to draw an observation associating the wear rate to the engine speed and load. It was observed that during the steady state, increasing the engine load would result in the increase of the wear rate. However, increasing the engine speed would not ensure the increase of the wear rate, as shown in Figure 5.32. At the 16.67% load, rising the engine speed from 1600rpm to 3200rpm resulted in the reducing of the steady-state wear rate. This observation can be explained using the oil film thickness analysis. It was discussed previously that increasing the engine speed would increase the maximum oil film thickness. The increase of the maximum oil film thickness ensured the occurrence of hydrodynamic lubrication, which prevents wear. Based on this argument, it can be understood that the piston ring wear could be reduced by increasing the engine speed(low range of engine speed), for the same engine power output. This observation agrees with observation from Chung’s results[1], which showed the increase of wear rate when the engine speed increased from 1200rpm to 2100mm. 69 9.00000 E-04 8.00000 E°04 7.00000 E-04 6.00000 E-04 5.00000 E-04 4.00000 E-04 3.00000 E-04 Wear Rate (mmfhr) 1 .00000 E-04 ~ 0.00000E+00 1 .40000E-03 1 .20000E-03 1 .00000E-03 8.00000 E-04 6.00000 E-04 Wear Rate (mmfhr) 4.00000 E-04 2.00000E-04 0000605000 200000504 Wear Rate vs. Time *1600100 "- 1600l12 ' 1600120 Time (tr) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 FIGURE 5.29 Wear Rate at 1600rpm Wear Rate vs. Time .‘"H——_g.--_..--—+---—..-_—..--——..--—u—.-—— .... 4..-— «—.....4.._- 0 50100150200250300350400450500 FIGURE 5.30 Wear Rate at 3200rpm 70 500 Tme (hr) 4.00000E-03 -.,_. if7....V._.a._,._.fi_v_r_7 ”\___,_MM__;_#* 350000503 . Wear Rate vs. Time 3.00000E-03 . 2.50000E-03 2.00000E-03 1.500005-03 i 1.00000E-03 i. 500000504 > 0000005400 . . 1 - . - - - - Timemr) o 50100150200250300350400450500 FIGURE 5.31 Wear Rate at 5000rpm [MN 5000100 N...” 500011 2 Wear Rate (mmfhr) 0.0012 0 001 ‘ ' "Comparison of The Steady State Wear Rate. """" ooooo --------------------------------------------- -- 0.0006 --------------------------------------------- -- 00004 --------------------------------- -- - -- Wear Rate (mm/hr) 0.0002 -------------------------- ___ ___ ___ _- D N N s— h M— D D D O 2 2 N C) Q a: E D D D D D D to CD CD ‘— P CI D M— D D N ("J 5000f1 5000f0 ‘— 0'.) ('0 Operating Conditions FIGURE 5.32 Comparison of Steady State Wear Rate Experimental results from Barkman[2] showed a similar trend in the measured wear rate as displayed in Figure 5.33. The measurement of the piston ring wear rate was performed on a single cylinder engine using radiotracer-based wear diagnostic method. The wear rate decreased to a steady state value within 20 hours of simulation. A step input at the 25th hour of operation increased the wear rate quickly, but the wear rate returned to a steady state value within 10 hours. 71 5.00E-01 ~- 450501 at Measured Wear Rate vs. Run Time 4.00E-01 i 350601 ' Compression Ratio 300501 ’ Increase 2.50E-01 \L 2.00E-01 1.50E-01 1.00E-01 5.00E-02 - 0.00E+CIJ . ‘ . . Hours Run 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 FIGURE 5.33 Measured Wear Rate Wear Rate (mm/hr) Besides the wear distribution and the wear rate analyses, the effect of the wear on the piston ring face profile is also presented in this section. The following figures display the change of the cross-sectional ring face profile in 3-D(left) and 2-D(right) views for different simulated cases. The 45th segment of the piston ring was selected for this analysis. The 2-D plot shows the cross section of the piston ring profile at the 45th segment where the x-axis is the ring width and the y-axis the ring height. The legend of the 2-D plot contains the curves for the ring face profile at different time period during the simulation. The 3-D plot has the same description as the 2-D except with the time reference on the z-axis. The 2-D and 3-D views of the transient change of upper compression ring face profiles at 45th Segment ID are displayed in Figures 5.34 through 5.36. Figure 5.34 show how the ring face profile evolve over the period of simulation at 1600rpm. It was observed that higher engine load caused greater deformation on the piston ring profile. Indeed, this observation was already expected from the wear rate analysis presented in previous 72 section. It was also observed that the ring face profiles for all simulated cases changed from the original parabolic-shaped to linear taper-shaped. a Vac I ””0“; . g. "-‘_i .c - ;‘ 12 3'54 ‘ icoorpm 20 hell Mariana Vaccun 0 3.54 - Time [Hr] 3 44 L . a . o 20 40 ammo) so 1011 ——o ——10 so - - - 100 l3.t4—3.24 “243.34 153,343.44 n3.44-3.54 - - - 150 - - - 200 W 250 -. ' 1300 l3.54-3.64 ISM-3.74 “14.3.34 350 __ _ 400 _ . 450 _ _ 500 FIGURE 5.34 Ring Race Change at 1600rpm Figure 5.35 shows evolvement of the piston ring face profile at 3200rpm. Similar to the simulation at 1600rpm, as expected, the degree of deformation was directly affected by the engine load. The most severe deformation occurred at the 100% load, and the least 73 at 16.67% load. As discussed in the wear rate analysis, the least deformation was observed at 3200rpm 16.67% compared to all other simulated cases at different loads and speeds. 3W1? Inch W Vaccum SlicelD 20 40 60 80 100 —0 _10 _50 c - u ‘00 .3.1+3.24 “243.34 1:13.343.“ nan-3.54 . . . 150 . - - 200 .....-....250 300 .3543.“ .3543.“ l3.74-3.84 350 __ . 400 __ - 450 — - 500 FIGURE 5.35 Ring Face Change at 3200rpm Figure 5.36 shows the plots of the change of the piston ring profile at 5000rpm. As expected by the wear rate analysis, the most severe deformation occurred under the operating condition of 5000rpm 100% load in comparison with the simulated cases at 1600rpm (Figure 5.34) and 3200rpm (Figure 5.35). 74 Manifold Vaccum W W12 Inch Haniold Vaccum Slice") 0 20 ‘1 30 80 100 ——0 _10 50 - - - 1W I3.i4-3.24 .324334 U3.34—3.44 [33.44354 I3.54-3.54 - - - 150 . . . 2m “Meta-p.250 WM.” I3.64~3.74 I3.T4-3.84 350 ..- . m — . 450 ._ - 500 FIGURE 5.36 Ring Face Change at 5000rpm 5.5.5 Oil Consumption The oil consumption mechanisms evaluated in this thesis are the oil vaporization and the reverse oil flow. Figure 5.37 showed the time-average oil consumption components of different operating conditions. It was observed that increasing the engine speed and reducing the engine load could increase the total oil consumption. The highest total oil consumption rate was observed at the operating condition of 5000rpm 12 inch- manifold pressure, while the lowest value was at 1600rpm 0.0 inch-manifold pressure. 75 For oil vaporization, it was observed that its rate increased when the engine speed increased and the engine load decreased. This observation can be explained by using the oil film thickness analysis. Comparing the oil film thickness result (Figure 5.6) with the oil vaporization result (Figure 5.37), it was observed that the effect of the speed and load on both the oil vaporization and the oil film thickness was the same. Since the oil vaporization was evaluated using the oil film thickness, the increase of the maximum oil film thickness (resulted from the increase the speed and the decrease the load) resulted in the increase of the oil vaporization, as shown in Figure 5.37. For the reverse oil flow, it was observed that its rate decreased when the engine speed and the engine load increased. Comparing this results with the blow-by results gave an interesting observation: the effect of the engine speed and the engine load on the reverse oil flow is directly opposite from the effect on the blow-by (Figures 5.10, 5.11 and 5.12.) In contrast to the reverse oil flow, the blow-by increased when the engine speed and the engine load increased. The blow-by is the flow of combustion gas from the combustion chamber into the engine crankcase, and its direction is opposite from the reverse oil flow. At high blow-by state, there is high flow rate of combustion gas across the piston ring pack in the direction from the combustion chamber to the engine crank. This means that the net pressure gradient per cycle across the piston ring pack is negative for the calculation of the reverse oil flow. As a result, the reverse oil flow per cycle was reduced. Of the two oil consumption mechanisms studied, it was also observed that the oil vaporization was dominant at high speed (5000rpm) while the reverse oil flow was the 76 dominant oil loss component at low engine speed (1600rpm). The temperature data fi'om GESIM showed that the average operational temperature per cycle is directly proportional to both engine speed and load. The higher the speed and load, the higher the operational temperature. The oil vaporization mechanism dominated at high speed means that the heat and mass transfer process with a concurrent high oil film thickness was playing a more important role during high engine speed operation (higher operational temperature), compared to lower engine speed operation (lower operational temperature.) The reverse oil flow dominates as the oil vaporization rate is much lower for the low speed conditions. ._. (1025 - Oil Consumption E 0-02 ' lReverse Flow 2% 0,015 IVaporization .2 g 0.01 2 0.005 5 o is“ at?" at $133 as” Operating Conditions FIGURE 5.37Comparison of Time-average Oil Consumption over 500hrs Simulation Wong et al. [8] performed the oil vaporization analysis using a computer simulation. Comparing the oil vaporization result obtained in this thesis, shown in Figure 5.38, with the result from Wong et al. [8] showed a good agreement. As mentioned in Chapter 1, Wong et al. [8] found that most (74%) of the oil vaporization occurred during the intake and compression strokes. The oil vaporization result in Figure 5.38 shows that 77 there was high percentage of oil vaporization during the intake and compression strokes of an engine cycle. Figure 5.38 shows that the lowest percentage (58%) of the oil vaporization occurred during the intake and compression strokes under the operating condition of 1600rpm 0.0 inch manifold vacuum, and the highest percentage (85%) under the operating condition of 3200rpm 20 inch manifold vacuum. The high percentage of vaporization during the intake and compression strokes was caused by the low oil vapor pressure and high convective coefficients that encourage heat and mass transfer process during these two strokes compared to the power and exhaust strokes. 100.00 Oil Vaporization at Different Operating Conditions 0 E .6 §~ *" a.) g 8 60.00 If (% S /P‘/J > w— r’ L3 7.3 40 on ,1 a .9 o .,_ , l- 0 / g 20.00 .* 0.00 1 ' 1 CA (deg) 0 180 350 540 720 — 160mm —— 1600f12 1611390 —-—- 3200100 — 3200112 — 3203120 —— SOOOYOO — 5000112 FIGURE 5.38 Estimated Oil Vaporization During One Cycle Combining the reverse oil flow and oil vaporization gives the total oil consumption, as shown in Figure 5.39. The total oil consumption for all operating conditions underwent very small change over the period of simulation time. This observation was obtained since the transient results on the oil film thickness also 78 underwent small variation over the simulation period (refer to Figures 5.7 through 5.9). Moreover, the small effect of the worn ring surface on the overall ring pack pressure could also contribute to the small variation in the transient oil consumption results. Without including the wear effect on the piston ring tension, piston groove and cylinder bore, the ring pack pressure would not be significantly affected. As a result, the oil consumption rate, which is also evaluated using the ring pack pressure, did not have significant change over the simulation period. 2300001502 ”___-.-“ Total Oil Loss Rate for Reverse Flow E and Vaporization E 1.800%502 ’ % - g - f A 9 2 w— e? 130000502 - ~ 23 3 .. .. r I : 1‘ 8 E 8.0000(JE-03‘--— - - - A A ,2 V f 0 a Time (Hr) 3.00000E-03 ‘ 0 50100150200250300350400450503 —"—1600f00 ~"— 1600112 “fir" 1 600120 —"'"" 3200100 —-a— 3200112 —— 3200120 W 5000100 W 5000f1 2 FIGURE 5.39 Total Oil Consumption Rate for Reverse Flow and Vaporization 79 5.5.6 Oil Consumption and Gas Back Flow The relationship between the gas back flow and the oil consumption was also studied. The RING program was used to generate the gas back flow through the upper ring gap over 500 hours of simulation. The results of the oil consumption rate and the gas back flow for each simulated case were plotted in Figures 5.40 and 5.41. Figure 5.40 contains the plots of the oil consumption rate (using the lefi y-axis) and the back flow (using the right y-axis) for the first four cases: 1600rpm 0.0 inch, 1600rpm 12.0 inch, 1600rpm 20.0 inch and 3200rpm 0.0 inch manifold pressure. Figure 5.41 contains the plots for the other four cases: 3200rpm 12 inch, 3200rpm 20 inch, 5000rpm 0.0 inch and 5000rpm 12.0 inch manifold pressure. It was observed that a correlation existed between the gas back flow through the upper ring gap and the total oil consumption. The transient change of the oil consumption rate and of the gas back flow was similar. When there was an increase in the gas back flow, there was also an increase in the oil consumption rate over the same period of simulation and vice versa. This correlation can be understood since the pressure difference of the piston ring pack is a driving force for both mechanisms. In addition, the flow of both mechanism are along the same path in the same direction, from the engine crank case to the combustion chamber. Thus, both mechanism showed a similar trend over the simulation period. 80 32503 30 .1 28m 33 __O .1 8.53m 80 In San. 93.. __O 11 ea 2:: ca 2:: SOOQSMSNOOP on or o 08§088N89 on or o woman—2r . . . . - - mo.moom.¢ moms—an - - . . .li MQNOOOK lit-1": . all . I...I|.ll.| 9 8.3a? . «2.-.... . 8.38: 0 9 8.328 . 2.-. 8.303.. 0.... 0.... .. . .8 W m. 8.38.. . 2 . 8.38.. none m m. m. «932. N r .22 . 8.38 mm. W 0 M . . W s m. m . . 1 . . 0 % m338P . .8.m8v¢0% 0W83o~u .llllllllillil 8380m.w_ 8.38... . . 83%..» a 8.38.... . . 833.8 3 among «380... 88088 28.5.: soc. ad 20:58 :05 9 EEme .8 8.33m 8.0 .8 28m 83 __O ESQ-hr é iofiomm 80 .8 28m 88.. __0 858m 30 In 28m 83 __O .1 8.53m 80 .T 28m 83 __O .1 91V 3.5 3.: 35 888.089.820.888? 8 SnoovBmooNSFS 2 o 8 38 e - 8.390.. 8.38.? . . . . . 8.33.». tutu-i: 8.38 P . Til-4.5111101 . 8.383.. 9 8.38.. - .q . 8.3on 9 0 e at 0 e 2.]: "u S 1’. .I. J S . .6 ql m 0! n . A a . 6 —" Ha. «938. . . «93.8.».H0 9 838m . 838$".0 fie mm mo om W. W 8.38.. . . 8.388..w. 8 (W. 8388 . . 8.384% W 0 e I”... 1.. r > 1. a m 8.3:; . Til i t 0 o - 4 . 8.308.. a 8.38...“ - . 8.383. 8.38; 8.383 8.328 8.313. 29.52 5:. am £889 .8 3o§oam 80 .8 28m 83 __O 28:35 soc. ad 8989 .2 8.33m 80 .8 Bad 83 __O 81 FIGURE 5.40 Oil Loss vs. Gas Backflow through lst Ring Gap (I) 3.23m 30 .1 28m 38.. __O J. gocxoam 30 .1 28m 33 __O .1 3.: ESP 3.: 05:. 338388.80 o. o . 88388888. 8 o. o . 8.338 . . . . . . 4 «9393 8.38. . . - - . - . 8.38 . % 8.m§.~ . 339mm 0 0 8.38.. . . «938.. 0 3 ll m u ) e m n" “W ”8883 - . . nil-1114'. . 8.383 ”al. N W m. «38.... . T3... . 8.38.. no". w. 3 O S 3 S U S .u. mac-388 . Tiff-iii. «388.... W 8 0m.» 8.38.. . . «938.. W m h... w «I 0 l1 0 o .P o 8 r. 8.388 . - . 8330.3 8938.. «I 833.8 8.3838 . 8880.3 8.38.8 8.38.8 2852 so... no 2852 fig 8. 898mm 8 332m 8284 8 28m 80.. __O 8889 .8 332m 3823. .8 28m 83 =0 3265 @933... 28 83 __o l. .3265 8.33... 28m «.8... __o 1.. c; 25 e; 0e: 088388088. 8 o. 0 088388888. 8 o. o 8.388. . . . . . 8.38.. 8.388 . . . . - . ... 3338.3 t...l. .lill‘lll 8.38... . 1.73.111... . 8935.. 8938.8. . .---q 8883 e no I e ...I.- 6 I .m.’ 3 8.38.9 . 8933. p.l.. _ol 8 9 8.38.3 ...- . 8888.39". ..0. w 3 O 8 pm 8 .- 0 S I . . N s l . . . 3 0w. Swgo 363. Smacvqw .wa quOOOF r . 09m§¢wmuu In t. m In (x W 338.. . . 8308.. 8.388 .13 o a V o J. . 8883.3 89388 3338.. 8938.3 8.3303 FIGURE 5.42 Oil Loss vs. Gas Blow-by (I) 84 332m 08.813... 2.... 33 __o .- 3505 08.84... 28 33 __o ... 28:68 :05 0.0 8980.0. .8 03305 3284. .8 28m 83 __O 28:38 :05 N— 830on .8 332m 8884 .8 28m 83 __O c; 2...: 8M. 95. 0883080088. 8 0. 0 8083 8. 8 0. 8.w°8.0 . . . 4 3 NO.W§N.N “ohm 80.0. . . . q . 4 NO.“ OF”. P 9 8.38.. . . 8.30388 0 9 8.080... . L 8. 3.0.. D. \m N Nomogd . II n I I In . NOWONONN m m 33.} % mo.m80.0. .. T33 . NO.WN¢0.F any W em 0' 0 “w W E W S .u. m. 8.38.3 . \lzll. 8.3888 W 8 0m. 8880.0 . 8&8... % 8 (In... r8 It 0 o o o o o o o 19 8303.0 8 3 83303 a In 838.. . 4 8.38.. 8 8.38.0 8.3088 8388 8.m80.. 28:88 :05 m. 288.: 3058 £989.18 332m 08.8.4 .8 28¢ 83 __O .35on .8 332m 828... .8 38m 83 __O .3366 3884... 28m 83 __O .T 3.305 3984... Sam 83 __O .T CI“ 88:. 91v 3.5. 0883088800. 00 0. 0 808308888. 8 0. 0 8.38.0 J . . 8.338.. 8380... . . . . 8.3388 . 8.330.. D. 9 8388 . 8.38.. )m m... .H .1. % 1.1.134... w 1 . 8.38.. Wm MB 8.303.. . 8938.. WW I S S U. . 8.38. Wmm 0w. 89388 . . 8.3.0.. Mm. 838. a 83088 . . 893.0,. 8.38.. 8938.0 8938.. FIGURE 5.43 Oil Loss vs. Gas Blow-by (II) 85 5.5.8 Oil Consumption and Piston Ring Wear The transient results of the wear rate and the oil consumption rate for each simulated cases were plotted in Figures 5.44 and 5.45. The number of simulation cases for this analysis is the same as the previous two analyses. The purpose for this analysis was to study how the oil consumption changed with respect to the wear rate. First, it was observed that the oil consumption rate started to increase linearly when the wear rate was at steady state. Prior to steady state wear rate, the oil consumption rate increased non-linearly. Second, the transition point decreased as the engine speed increased. At 1600rpm conditions, the change of the oil consumption trend from nonlinear to linear was at about the 100th hour of simulation. At 5000rpm conditions, the transition point was at the 10th hour of operation. This primary investigation on the relationship between the piston ring wear and the oil consumption showed that the piston ring wear is indeed an important factor in the oil consumption, which was modeled using the oil vaporization and reverse oil flow. 86 0.00. .003... 0.0m 000.. __O .1 0.00. .025... 2.0 $3 __0 .. 20:00:. :0... on 80.08. .0. 0.0. .003 .8 20¢ 80.. __O 20:00... :0... ad 2.0.89 .0. 0.0. .002, .8 0.00. 000.. __O 0:. we: or: 9.5 8000000008 8. 00 0. 0 808000088. 00 0. 0 8.0800 .. - . - . -. . . . 8.300... 09380 . . . 8.00000 - - - - - -6.-. . . 8.3008 8.008.. 8.00000 3 0 M80800 . .. -...\\q. l D WW w W m, a ...-- L . 8.38.0 w W o . n . I o e ..\ Ill- Wm 8 3000 8.0800 0. «a. W M. 000800 . a o x 0% 8.00000 . 0900000 W% n... m. . 8.0080 W. % r. m. 8.300.. . . r. m. 8.00000 . 8.0900 . 8.30.0 830.0 8.0800 8.080.. 8.38.0 22:02 5:. 0.0 20.5... .35 m. 80.8% .0. 0.0. .002. .8 0.01 08.. __O 80.89 .0. 0.0. .003 .8 0.0¢ 000.. __0 0.0.0 .003... 0.00. 000._ __O 1.. 0.0. 50.5... 0.0m 003 __O .7 0:. as: or. 05:. 000000000800. 00 0. 0 000 090 com com oo. oo 0.. o 00+moood . . . . . a momovflv 8080.0 . . . . . . 8.3.0.. -11.... )‘I 000800 . .. . . 80800 M 00.00008 . 7.7.1-1.... 1. ., m M -... .J D \II by —I \II . 6 | . . H o 0. . . . e 1 Ma 00080 . . 8.008. 0 % Wm 0 0000 4 8 00000 Wm I. J S J m 00.082 . . 8.38.. W 00.0 0 0.. 00.0008 . 8.0800 W H r. m. t. m a n. 0.. 00.0080 . . 8.008.. 00.0800 . 8.3000 8 8.08.. 8.0 «00.. 00.0800 8.3000 FIGURE 5.44 Oil Loss vs. Wear Rate (1) 87 0.01.003... 2.0 33 __o .. 0.0& .003... 200 08.. __o .. 20.2.0... :05 0.0 0.0. .003 .8 0.0.0 003 __O or. 0...; 3.: 0E: 80 00080 0800. 00 0. 0 . 80 00008 0800. 00 0. 0 . 8080.0 . . - - 4 «9300.0 80800 . . . . . - . 8088 . M 80000.. . 80000.0 m. ) M00088 . . «9380.. m. m. \l! if... m! l w a . r - . m 1 w M 800008 . .. .. .0. 8008.0 00". W W 0.. 090800 . 8 380. Mm (I a u . I a . U S 0 m u . r . n . w Ww000800 80080WH 3000800 83000. a 1.... m0. . . 8 80000.0 . . 8008.0 8 000800 . . 800000 . 00¢ 000. n N0.m 0 hN. N 09w 000. —. N0.w 0000. v 20:00... :0... m. 20.60:. :05 om 0.06830. 0.0. .003 .8 0.0.... 0000 __O 80.0on .0. 0.0. .002. .8 00¢ 80.. __0 0.0.0 .003... 20¢ 80.. __O .1 0.0.... .085... 0.0.... 000.. __O .1 CT: 05:. QIH 08:. 000 000 80 08 00.. 00 0. 0 000 000 000 08 00. 00 0. 0 000 08.0 . . . . . 8.0 «00. . 00.0080 - . . . . . . 8.0 000.0 . . . . . - . O M M 8 0000 N w- .7... 8 0000 . .J m 00008.0 . 8 0000 .m H M J 8080.0 . 80000.. H o w m . 8.008.. m. w NM. 0 m w .. 8.300.. . W000”. r. a 8.3000 . 80000.. W H W m . e 0 m. r. m . m. 0908... . 80000.. a 8000.. N . . 800.0. 8.0 000. . 8.080. . 8.0 000.0 8.008. . 20.0.2. 5... 0. 80.8mm .0. 0.0. .002, .8 0.0.0 003 __O FIGURE 5.45 Oil Loss vs. Wear Rate (1]) 88 Chapter 6 SUMMARY 6.1 Conclusions In this work, models of piston ring wear and oil consumption were formulated and implemented in a computer model called the CASE system. With the CASE system, the computational design and analysis for a specific engine cylinder kit geometry could be performed. During the analysis presented here, source data from GESIM was developed for a 4.6L, V8 Ford engine and used as input to the CASE system; WEAR and OILCONSUME are the two subroutines, which were developed to be implemented in the CASE system. In addition to the wear and the oil consumption analyses, the oil film formation, the blow-by and the gas back flow through upper ring gap were also studied in this thesis since they are also important factors in the analysis of an engine performance. The engine oil consumption model, which included oil vaporization and reverse oil flow mechanisms, did not have significant change over 500 hours of simulation. Practically, the oil consumption would be expected to increase as the age of an engine increases. A significant increase in oil consumption was not observed in this study. This may be due to the fact that not all oil loss mechanisms were included in the simulation. Those oil loss mechanisms not included in this study are oil throw-off, oil carrying through blow-by, valve stem leakage and so on. These mechanisms are more difficult models in a realistic manner, but it will be necessary to include them into the oil 89 consumption model. Including these mechanisms into the oil consumption model should give a more complete and practical analysis on the oil consumption. For example, the RING generated blow-by results showed significant increase of blow-by over the simulation period. Generally, it is known that the blow-by influences the oil consumption. Therefore, implementing the mechanism of the oil carrying through blow-by would result in the increase of the oil consumption rate over a long time period of engine simulation. The piston ring wear results of this thesis showed consistency with Chung’s mathematical results[1], Barkman’s experimental results [2] and Pint’s simulation results [3]. High wear rate was observed at the beginning of the simulation and declined exponentially to a steady state value over the simulation period. In addition, the wear was observed to affect the region on the piston ring surface where there were high concentrating stress and influence of the ring twist and piston tilt. The piston ring region on the thrust and anti-thrust sides were observed having higher effect than other locations on the piston ring. This work also predicted the direct impact of the wear on the blow-by. It was observed that the blow-by increased accordingly to the reduction rate of the ring width. The reduction of the piston ring width due to wear contributed to the increase of the inter- ring volume. Because the inter-ring pressure is a function of the inter-ring volume, and the blow-by is evaluated from the inter-ring pressure, the increase of the inter-ring volume over the simulation period had resulted in the increase of the blow-by. The engine speed and the engine load were significant factors in affecting an engine performance related to the oil consumption, the piston ring wear, the oil film 90 formation, the gas back flow and the gas blow-by. It was found in this thesis that both speed and load affect the wear and oil consumption mechanism. This means that low speed did not guarantee low rates of wear and oil consumption, and vice versa. A proper combination of the engine speed and the engine load provides the minimum oil consumption and wear rates. For example, as discussed in Chapter 5, the operating condition of moderate speed(3200rpm) and low engine load (20 inch manifold vacuum) resulted in better oil film formation that kept the piston ring surface at lower wear rate than the condition at 1600rpm. High engine speed (5000rpm) had a high oil film thickness, but did not help in keeping low wear rate. 6.2 Recommendation Several recommendations were suggested for the future improvement in this research. 1. Reexamination of oil film thickness sensitivity to ring face profile. It was observed in the results that the oil film did not have obvious change even though the piston ring face profile had gone through a drastic change. The input parameter of the piston ring face profile should be increased so that a more complete and detailed description of the piston ring can be evaluated by the RING program. 2. Improvement of the wear model by accommodating more dimension of contacting surfaces. In this thesis, other than the piston ring face and cylinder wall interaction, no other surface interaction are included. The wear related surface-interaction between the piston groove and ring upper surface and bottom surfaces should be studied. Wear on cylinder bore also needs to be included because the hardness and toughness on this surface 91 is lower (sofier) than ring face. In addition, sensitivity studies of surface characteristic on the piston ring with respect to wear should be studied. 3. Improvement of the oil consumption model by accommodating other oil loss mechanisms such as blow-by, oil throw-off, oil burning on the cylinder wall and piston, and valve stem leakage. 4. Obtaining more accurate values for chemical data of engine oil species. Chemical data such as binary diffusion coefficient of two phases of oil vapor and combustion gas need to be obtained so that the oil evaporation model can be modeled more accurately. 92 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 Chung, Y. “Development and Analysis of A Fire Ring Wear Model for A Piston Engine”. Ph.D. dissertation, Michigan State University, 1992 2 Barkman, D.A. “An Evaluation of The Parameters Involved in Developing A Radiotracer Based Wear Diagnostics System”, M.S. thesis, Michigan State University, 1992 3 Pint, S., Schock, H.J., “Design and Development of a Soflware Module for Analysis of 3-D Piston Ring Wear.” SAE Paper 2000-01-0920 4 Ejakov, Mikhail A. “Ring Pack Behavior and Oil Consumption Modeling in IC Engines”. 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