UBRARY Michigan State University PLACE IN RETURN Box to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 3:92 19% 2005 O 1 Mm‘wmm. MAR 0 5 2008 511167 6/01 cleIRC/DatoDuopss-p. 1 5 A SELF-STRUCTURING ANTENNA PROTOTYPE By Bradley Thomas Perry A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Electrical and Computer Engineering 2002 ABSTRACT A SELF-STRUCTURING ANTENNA PROTOTYPE By Bradley Thomas Perry This thesis presents a class of antennas, called self-structuring antennas, from an experimental perspective. The self-structuring antenna (SSA) is a concept that involves creating a wideband antenna that can automatically adjust its electrical shape in response to changes in its electromagnetic environment. This is done through the use of simple on / off switches employing binary search algorithms to find optimal configurations for the antenna. Topics covered include a general overview of the self-structuring antenna to famil- iarize the reader with the concepts. A brief history of the SSA and some practical uses are also covered. Next, a prototype SSA is discussed. This includes the building and testing of the antenna, including the application of a genetic algorithm (GA) to the control of the prototype. Testing of this prototype for UHF and VHF television reception follows, providing a proof of concept for both the SSA and GA. Once the general framework of the self-structuring antenna has been laid down through the above work, consideration is given to the occurrence of switch malfunc- tions. Switch failures and their consequences are considered for single switches, as well as groups of switches. Finally, conclusions drawn from this research are discussed. For My Family iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Throughout the course of this research, there have been many people who have helped me to keep my sanity. Thanks to everyone who helped me out along the way. First, I would like to thank my professors who helped me to find my way through graduate work. Thanks to Dr. Edward Rothwell for being my major professor and teacher, to Dr. Lee Kempel for helping me to decide to keep on the educational track, and Dr. Dennis Nyquist for the instruction and example. Thanks to friend and mentor, Dr Mike Havrilla, for taking time to teach me things that I would not have learned otherwise. Your dedication to EM is nothing short of admirable. I would also like to thank friend and fellow graduate student Tony Lambert for his help in C++ programming for the switch failure analysis presented in this thesis. Without your help I wouldn’t have been able to complete this analysis in such an efficient manner. Thanks is also in order for Dr. Christopher Coleman for help with ETEX and for the style file that made my life easier while writing this thesis. Many thanks to Professor Percy Pierre for supporting my studies through the graduate office fellowship. Additional thanks are in order for Dr. Lou Nagy and Dr. Mark Krage of Delphi Research Labs for their support of SSA research at MSU. Most of all I would like to thank my wife Beckie and the rest of my family for their support through all of my studies. Your constant recognition and encouragement is greatly appreciated. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ................................. vii LIST OF FIGURES ................................ viii KEY TO SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................. x CHAPTER 1 Introduction ..................................... 1 CHAPTER 2 Self-Structuring Antenna Concepts and Ideas .................. 2 2.1 Origination of the Self-Structuring Antenna .............. 2 2.2 Overview of the Self-Structuring Antenna System ........... 3 2.2.1 Self-Structuring Antenna Skeleton ................ 4 2.2.2 Control of the Self-Structuring Antenna ............ 4 2.3 Practical Applications of Self-Structuring Antennas .......... 5 CHAPTER 3 30 Switch Prototype Construction ......................... 8 3.1 Layout of the Self-Structuring Antenna ................. 8 3.1.1 Antenna Board .......................... 9 3.1.2 Control Board ........................... 9 3.1.3 Production of the SSA Prototype ................ 10 3.2 Functionality Testing of the Self-Structuring Antenna ......... 10 3.2.1 Control Board Testing ...................... 10 3.2.2 Antenna Skeleton Testing .................... 11 CHAPTER 4 Genetic Algorithm for the Self-Structuring Antenna ............... 20 4.1 Genetic Algorithm Concepts ....................... 20 4.1.1 General Concepts ......................... 20 Initialization ...................... 21 Preselection ....................... 21 Selection ........................ 22 Crossover and Mutation ................ 22 4.1.2 Specialization to the Self-Structuring Antenna ......... 23 4.2 Television Measurements ......................... 24 4.2.1 Testing Environment ....................... 25 4.2.2 UHF Test Results ......................... 26 4.2.3 VHF Test Results ......................... 27 4.3 Conclusions ................................ 28 CHAPTER 5 Switch Failure Analysis .............................. 39 5.1 Testing Environment and Procedure ................... 39 5.2 Single Switch Failures ........................... 40 5.2.1 Minimal Degradation under Single Switch Failures ....... 41 5.2.2 Intermediate Degradation under Single Switch Failure ..... 42 5.2.3 Large Degradation under Single Switch Failure ......... 42 5.3 Multiple Switch Failures ......................... 43 5.3.1 Minimal Degradation under Multiple Switch Failures ..... 44 5.3.2 Intermediate Degradation under Multiple Switch Failures . . . 45 5.3.3 Large Degradation under Multiple Switch Failures ....... 45 5.4 Conclusions ................................ 46 CHAPTER 6 Conclusions ..................................... 64 APPENDIX A MT—BASIC Code: Genetic Algorithm for the Self-Structuring Antenna . . . . 67 APPENDIX B BASIC Code: Network Analyzer Control ..................... 75 APPENDIX C BASIC Code: SSA Control for Switch Failure Analysis ............. 91 APPENDIX D CPLD Code: Control Algorithm for the Resetting of Latching Relays ..... 93 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................. 96 vi LIST OF TABLES Table 5.1 Multiple Failures ........................... 44 vii Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4 Figure 3.5 Figure 3.6 Figure 3.7 Figure 3.8 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 4.3 Figure 4.4 Figure 4.5 Figure 4.6 Figure 4.7 Figure 4.8 Figure 4.9 Figure 4.10 Figure 5.1 Figure 5.2 Figure 5.3 Figure 5.4 Figure 5.5 Figure 5.6 Figure 5.7 Figure 5.8 Figure 5.9 LIST OF FIGURES Self-Structuring Antenna System (Reprinted with permission [1]) A Typical Self-Structuring Antenna Skeleton ............ Antenna Board Schematic ...................... Control Board Schematic ....................... Self-Structuring Antenna Skeleton .................. Antenna Board Layout ........................ Control Board Layout ........................ Completed Control Board ...................... Completed 30—switch Self-Structuring Antenna ........... Control Board Test Circuit Schematic ............... Test Setup with horizontal placement of the SSA. ......... Test Setup with vertical placement of the SSA. .......... Television Reception at a Fitness of 0.5. .............. Television Reception at a Fitness of 0.8. .............. Television Reception at a Fitness of 0.9. .............. Television Reception at a Fitness of 1.0. .............. UHF Test Results with Horizontal Placement of the SSA. UHF Test Results with Vertical Placement of the SSA. ...... VHF Test Results with Horizontal Placement of the SSA. VHF Test Results with Vertical Placement of the SSA. ...... Laboratory Test Setup ......................... Self Structuring Antenna Template .................. Regions of the SSA Exhibiting Different Levels of Degradation un- der Single Switch Failures ....................... Single Failure of Switch 1. ...................... Single Failure of Switch 2. ...................... Single Failure of Switch 3. ...................... Single Failure of Switch 4. ...................... Single Failure of Switch 5. ...................... Single Failure of Switch 6. ...................... viii 6 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 47 48 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 Figure 5.10 Figure 5.11 Figure 5.12 Figure 5.13 Figure 5.14 Figure 5.15 Figure 5.16 Figure 5.17 Figure 5.18 Figure 5.19 Figure 5.20 Figure 5.21 Figure 5.22 Figure 5.23 Figure 5.24 Figure 5.25 Figure 5.26 Figure 5.27 Figure 5.28 Figure 5.29 Figure 5.30 Figure 5.31 Single Failure of Switch 7. ...................... 53 Single Failure of Switch 8. ...................... 53 Single Failure of Switch 9. ...................... 54 Single Failure of Switch 10. ..................... 54 Single Failure of Switch 11. ..................... 55 Single Failure of Switch 12. ..................... 55 Single Failure of Switch 13. ..................... 56 Single Failure of Switch 14. ..................... 56 Single Failure of Switch 15. ..................... 57 Single Failure of Switch 16. ..................... 57 Single Failure of Switch 17. ..................... 58 Single Failure of Switch 18. ..................... 58 Single Failure of Switch 19. ..................... 59 Single Failure of Switch 20. ..................... 59 Single Failure of Switch 21. ..................... 60 Single Failure of Switch 22. ..................... 60 Single Failure of Switch 23. ..................... 61 Single Failure of Switch 24. ..................... 61 Multiple Failures Showing Minimal Degradation .......... 62 Multiple Failures Showing Intermediate Degradation ....... 62 Large Degradation due to One Switch under Multiple Failures . . 63 Large Degradation due to Two Switches under Multiple Failures . 63 KEY TO SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS AGC: Automatic Gain Control CPLD: Complex Programmable Logic Device EA: Evolutionary Algorithm GA: Genetic Algorithm PCB: Printed Circuit Board SSA: Self-Structuring Antenna SWR: Standing Wave Ratio UHF: Ultra High Frequency VHF: Very High Frequency CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This thesis introduces and investigates a new class of antennas called “Self-Structuring Antennas” or SSAs. The SSA is a new concept developed by Dr Edward Rothwell at Michigan State University. These antennas are designed to change their electrical shapes in response to changes in their electromagnetic environment. This opens the door for many uses of the SSA, especially in mobile applications, where the electromagnetic environment is constantly shifting. An overview of Self-Structuring Antennas is given in Chapter 2, including a de- scription and basic operation of the SSA. Also included in this chapter is a brief history of the SSA and some possible applications of the technology. Chapter 3 covers the construction and operational testing of the first printed circuit SSA built at Michigan State University. The use of Genetic Algorithms, or GAs, for control of the SSA is covered in Chapter 4. Also included is testing done using the prototype SSA. This testing served as a proof of concept for the use of GAS in control of the SSA and has important implications for future control through evolutionary algorithms. With applications in mobile communications, where replacement of switches may be difficult, it is important to understand how the SSA will respond when a switch, or group of switches, malfunctions. For this reason, a study of the effects of switch failures on the performance of the SSA was conducted. The results of this study are the subject of Chapter 5. Chapter 6 serves as a conclusion to this thesis. Contributions to this research are discussed, along with future work needed to further the understanding of this new technology. CHAPTER 2 SELF-STRUCTURING ANTENNA CONCEPTS AND IDEAS Traditional antennas face many unseen challenges when placed in their end applica- tion. This is especially evident in automobile applications where rapid changes in a car’s direction and the addition of aftermarket products can greatly affect perfor- mance of the antenna. Primarily this is due to the fixed geometrical configurations of traditional antennas. These antennas require costly measurement and testing in order to perform well in a particular environment. The result is an antenna that requires substantial engineering costs for a design that is very specific in application and whose performance can degrade substantially due to changes in environment. From these limitations, the self—structuring antenna has evolved. The self—structuring antenna is a concept that involves creating a wideband an- tenna that can automatically adjust its electrical shape in response to changes in its electromagnetic environment. A brief history of the SSA is given in Section 2.1. Concepts behind the Operation of the SSA are the subject of Section 2.2. Finally, some practical applications of the SSA are given in Section 2.3. 2.1 Origination of the Self-Structuring Antenna The self-structuring antenna was invented by Dr. Edward Rothwell at Michigan State University in 1997. Several prototypes were constructed and testing showed that the SSA had promising characteristics. Following these experiments, Dr. Rothwell applied for a US. patent with the aid of Michigan State University. US. patent number 6,175,723 was issued to Michigan State University in January of 2001. [1] Research on the SSA began to accelerate in 1998-1999 when Dr. John Ross began intensive numerical simulations. Dr. Christopher Coleman began research on the SSA in 1999, culminating in a Ph.D. dissertation in 2002 [1]. Delphi Research Labs got involved in SSA research in 2000 and began funding the research at Michigan State in 2001. The first conference papers were presented at the 2000 IEEE AP-S / URSI conference in Salt Lake City, Utah [2],[3]. A paper on this subject has also been accepted for publication by the IEEE Antennas and Propagations magazine [4]. The author became involved in SSA research as an undergraduate through an electrical engineering capstone project in the fall of 2000. Subsequently, he continued research on the SSA as a graduate student of Dr. Rothwell. Several more conference papers regarding the SSA were presented at the 2001 IEEE AP-S / URSI conference in Boston, Massachusetts [5],[6], as well as at the 2002 IEEE AP-S / URSI conference in San Antonio, Texas [7],]8]. Research on the self-structuring antenna continues at Michigan State University, John Ross and Associates, and Delphi Research Labs. 2.2 Overview of the Self-Structuring Antenna System The self-structuring antenna system consists of several components. These include hardware and software used to control the states of the antenna, as well as the an- tenna itself. Each component plays an important role in the overall performance of the SSA. Figure 2.1 shows a general block diagram of the SSA system. The main components of the SSA are shown, including the antenna skeleton, or template, a receiver, and a microprocessor based controller. This diagram represents the mini— mal components necessary for the SSA to work as intended. Occasionally, additional control or measurement hardware is added when necessary. The following sections discuss the components of the SSA in greater detail. Section 2.2.1 discusses the SSA template, focusing on the current versions of the SSA that have been constructed using printed circuit boards (PCBs). Microcontrollers, computers, and PCB control boards employing field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have been used in controlling various versions of the SSA. The different control methods for the SSA are the subject of Section 2.2.2. 2.2.1 Self-Structuring Antenna Skeleton The self-structuring antenna skeleton, or template, is the primary structure for re- ceiving or transmitting electromagnetic energy in the SSA system. The SSA skeleton consists of radiating elements, switches, a feed network, and headers for connection to the control hardware. In general, the radiating elements can be wires, patches, or other radiating bodies interconnected by controllable switches [1]. The printed circuit SSAs built during this research have used traces on the top side of a PCB as their intended radiating elements. Figure 2.2 is the top of a typical SSA skeleton showing the radiating elements, as well as other hardware. The antenna lines on the SSA are interconnected using electromagnetic relays, which are shown as rectangles in Figure 2.2. Control of the relays is accomplished through connections made to the headers located on the antenna skeleton. The wiring between the relays and control network are routed on the bottom side of the SSA template. Each SSA built in this manner also required the use of driver hardware to supply the current necessary for switching of the relays. In some cases the drivers were located on the SSA skeleton, in others they were located on a separate control board. Further discussion is left for Section 2.2.2. Finally, the feed networks for the printed circuit SSAs built to date have consisted of standard 4:1 wideband television baluns. These have been used as the feed network because the applications of the current SSAs are to mobile television reception [5]. The end application for future generations of the SSA will need to be considered in designing feed networks. 2.2.2 Control of the Self-Structuring Antenna A microprocessor in the form of a microcontroller or computer is used to control the self-structuring antenna. In each case a receiver is employed to measure the perfor- mance of the SSA in a given configuration. The information attained by the receiver can be in the form of signal strength, input impedance, or any other appropriate measurable quantity [1]. This information is then used by the microprocessor to make decisions on the future states of the SSA. The decision making process gener- ally employs the use of a smart algorithm, such as a genetic algorithm as discussed in Chapter 4. Specific details on one control system used for the SSA can be found in Section 3.1.2. 2.3 Practical Applications of Self-Structuring Antennas Current research activity on the self-structuring antenna is focused on an application to mobile communications. Particularly, the research reported in this thesis focuses on television reception in a changing environment, with application to automobiles. Other practical applications to mobile communications include multitasking antennas to do the jobs that currently require multiple antennas in automobiles, as well as adaptable antennas for cellular phones and hand-held radios. The applications to which the self-structuring antenna may be applied are numer- ous, many of which probably haven’t even been conceived. This is the beauty of the SSA — the engineering costs of design are low, while the opportunities for use are high. A " SSA / riz control lines template 3 J pmvlllwl [l “ line(s) RECEIVER > MICRO- PROCESSOR Figure 2.1. Self-Structuring Antenna System (Reprinted with permission [1]) Switches Antenna Elements \I \‘ \1 \\ \\ t l \‘ [:5 [i la a C33 [:3 El :fi ' fie =3 [:33 ., g E g [Tm—l g 33:] m if] / eat-:1 a] e: ] .: \\ / Microprocessor Relay Driver Interface Hardware Antenna Feed Figure 2.2. A Typical Self-Structuring Antenna Skeleton CHAPTER 3 3O SWITCH PROTOTYPE CONSTRUCTION Design and testing of the self—structuring antenna in printed circuit board (PCB) form began with a 30 switch prototype. This board, along with subsequent ver- sions of the antenna were created using ORCAD Capture and Layout software (www.0rcad.com). They were then manufactured through Advanced Circuits Cor- poration (www.4pcb.com). The creation of circuit schematics and board layouts for the self-structuring antenna are covered in Section 3.1 along with production of the SSA prototype. Section 3.2 covers the functional testing of the first printed circuit board SSA. 3.1 Layout of the Self-Structuring Antenna Layout and construction of the self-structuring antenna began with printed circuit board layouts created through the use of ORCAD Capture and Layout software. The circuit schematics for the antenna and control board were created using the Capture software; these are included as Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2, respectively. Once the circuits were laid out using ORCAD Capture, netlists were created to tell the computer how components should be connected. Next, footprints were created for the various components to be placed on the circuit board. Footprints are a representation of the connection of components to the circuit board and are used in connecting the traces of the PCB. Finally, the components were placed in their positions within the Layout software. Details regarding the layout and schematics of the antenna and control boards for the 30 switch prototype are the subject of Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2. Section 3.1.3 explains the production process for the self-structuring antenna prototype. 3. 1.1 Antenna Board The antenna skeleton laid out for this prototype includes 30 electromechanical relays, connections for a television balun, and several headers, as shown in Figure 3.3. Driver and control hardware were placed on a separate circuit board as described in the next section. Placement of the relays on this version of the SSA included some relays to section off large portions of the board and some to create antenna elements of various shapes and sizes. It is important to note that when sections of the board are cut off from the feed structure, they still can play a part in reception through coupling. In other words, even though a portion of the board is cut off from the rest, it is still present and still effects the performance of the antenna. Also coupling into the antenna and effecting the performance are the control lines that are routed on the backside of the PCB. Studies as to the effect of the presence of the control lines on reception have not been considered; it is only noted that they will in fact play some role. ”The completed antenna board layout for the 30 switch SSA is included as Figure 3.4. 3.1.2 Control Board The 30 switch SSA prototype required the use of a control board in order to reset the latching relays used in the design. Included on this board are two complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs) used to invert the control signals and reset the relays, as well as drivers needed to provide current for turning the relays on and off. The code used to program the CPLDS has been included as Appendix D. As in the case of the antenna board, the control board was laid out using ORCAD Capture and imported into ORCAD Layout for routing of traces on the PCB. The completed circuit board layout is shown in Figure 3.5. 3.1.3 Production of the SSA Prototype Once the antenna and control board layouts were completed, the printed circuit boards needed to be fabricated and components needed to be attached. The control board was fabricated at Michigan State University through the ECE Shop. This was done using the Quick Circuit T-Tech Prototyping Machine, which etches the traces onto a double sided copper board. Once the etching of the board was complete, components were attached through hand soldering. The completed control board is shown in Figure 3.6. The antenna board was fabricated through Advanced Circuits Corporation (www.4pcb.com) because of their ability to remove excess c0pper from the PCB. This was necessary for proper operation of the antenna. Again, once the board was etched the components were attached through hand soldering. The completed an- tenna board is shown in Figure 3.7. 3.2 Functionality Testing of the Self-Structuring Antenna Once the SSA prototype was built, it was important to verify that it would work as expected. This was done in various stages, first through testing of the control board for proper functionality, then through testing of the entire system. Testing of the control board is covered in Section 3.2.1. Testing of the entire system, with emphasis on functionality of the antenna skeleton, is left for Section 3.2.2. 3.2.1 Control Board Testing Testing of the control board included the construction of/a test circuit to verify prOper functionality. The test circuit was built on a protoboard using LEDs and 25052 resistors, chosen to match the resistance of the relays used on the antenna board. A schematic of this test circuit is included as Figure 3.8. Headers identical to those placed on the antenna board were connected to the protoboard and LEDs and resistors were wired in series to simulate the switching of the relays. Signals 10 were applied to the control lines to turn the LEDs on and off. This testing proved successful and the control board worked as expected. 3.2.2 Antenna Skeleton Testing Testing of the antenna skeleton was a matter of connecting the entire SSA system together, as explained in Chapter 2. Once the system was connected together, signals were sent to the antenna skeleton to turn on certain relays that were subsequently checked for functionality using a digital multimeter. Once all of the relays had been checked, the SSA prototype was ready to be tested in an application. This was done using a genetic algorithm and tests were run to measure the SSA’s performance for the reception of UHF and VHF television signals. The genetic algorithm and its testing are the subjects of Chapter 4. 11 O (D 'F‘ “HI- — l I Figure 3.1. Antenna Board Schematic 12 mum r Figure 3.2. Control Board Schematic 13 Antenna Elements Sw1tcl\ies / \ \ "m H E 13“ / \. .- 4.2:: [:z] .— __. l l— —-'r:::r-— 2E3]: .. .——-—— :42] * m“— [:5 l’::i'.:iE I . a f “‘77—" I-— ;Q :22] [me __ “"ile- AJZEL ___-_1 A I E” “‘ E:— i:::1 1.. l— 1 as: [2:] 2,... _ '22' L. in] 22 22:1 , ____. gi- 2:2]— 2 IE . i T ._.. 1:] L-\ /“ ‘\ Antenna Feed Control Interface Figure 3.3. Self-Structuring Antenna Skeleton 14 Figure 3.4. Antenna Board Layout 15 Figure 3.5. Control Board Layout 16 Figure 3.6. Completed Control Board 17 Figure 3.7. Completed 30—switch Self-Structuring Antenna 3383$23589933939939883883 “B a .- n. 9:22!9£§23R&fi&&flfi§888 Figure 3.8. Control Board Test Circuit Schematic 19 CHAPTER 4 GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR THE SSA The self-structuring antenna prototypes built during this project consist of 24—30 electromagnetic relays used to control restructuring of the antenna skeleton. With 11 relays, the number of electrical configurations available to the antenna is 2", which is between 1.67 x 107 and 1.07 x 109 combinations. Due to the large number of configurations available to the self-structuring antenna, the use of a search algorithm to handle the choice of configurations becomes essential. The use of simple on/off switches in the design of the self-structuring antenna makes a binary search algorithm, such as a genetic algorithm, well suited for this task. The genetic algorithm used to control the SSA is included as Appendix A. 4.1 Genetic Algorithm Concepts Evolutionary algorithms, such as the genetic algorithm, use principles modeled after nature to find a best fit solution to a given problem. This section will discuss the principles behind the genetic algorithm, as well as application and specialization to the self-structuring antenna. 4.1.1 General Concepts Genetic Algorithms, or GA’s, consist primarily of three components modeled after the natural selection process: preselection, selection, and crossover or breeding. In addition to these processes, the makeup of individuals comprising the p0pulation needs to be specified. These individuals, commonly known as chromosomes, are built from a string of ones and zeros. In the case of the self-structuring antenna, the bit- string that makes up the chromosomes represents the states of the switches, ones being switches in the ‘on’ position and zeros in the ‘off’ position. Each of the above 20 components play an important role in the functionality of the algorithm and will be covered in more detail in the following subsections. Initialization The first step in the use of a GA is creation of an original population of chromosomes. The preferable method of filling this population is through a random process. The original population was filled in a random manner in the case of the SSA. Once this original population has been created, the GA is ready to be initiated. Preselection The preselection process involves choosing which individuals in a given population will be allowed to breed in creating the next generation. The genetic algorithm for the SSA uses the voltage present at the input to the automatic gain control (AGC) of the television to evaluate the fitness of a given configuration. Consequently, individuals in the population with the highest levels of fitness contribute more to the next pOpulation than those with lower fitness levels. In other words, the strongest individuals are allowed to breed more than other individuals in order to produce better offspring. The fitness function used in the GA for the SSA was defined as 0.4 4.1 (’U — 0246002 - 0.4 ( ) f(v) = where 12,480; is the ideal voltage at the input to the AGC of the television based on measurements made using a dipole antenna attached to the television. 2) is the measured voltage at the input to the AGC using the self-structuring antenna in a given configuration. The above fitness function was chosen to give a value of unity for what was determined to be a perfect picture on the television, while a value of 0.9 represented a good picture. The value of the fitness function was then used to fill a breeding pool based on the relative fitness of an individual compared to the average fitness of the population. If the population fails to fill the breeding pool completely, 21 random selection is used to bring the number of individuals up to the size of the pepulation. This completes the preselection process and the selection process begins. Selection The selection process involves randomly choosing chromosome pairs from the breeding pool created in the preselection process to breed, or crossover, in order to create the next generation of combinations. This process is accomplished through stochastic remainder sampling without replacement, allowing all members of the breeding pool to create offspring [9]. Throughout this process, individuals are randomly selected from the breeding pool to form a mating pair. Once an individual has been chosen to be one half of a mating pair, that individual is removed from the breeding pool and the pool size decreases. The process is repeated until there are no members left in the breeding pool, having all been paired off for the crossover, or breeding, process. Crossover and Mutation The breeding process consists of mating pairs chosen in the selection process under- going a crossover operation. This operation consists of two parents being split at a random location along the chromosome, and recombining with a probability of Pm”. A common value chosen for PM” is in the range of 0.6-0.8; the chosen value for the SSA’s GA was 0.7. This means that the split chromosomes will recombine with each other 70% of the time, giving offspring chromosomes made up of some information from one parent and some from the other. The rest of the time the chromosomes will not crossover, giving offspring identical to the parents. Once this process is complete, there is a new population, identical in size to the original, with offspring made up of the parents of the previous generation. After the breeding process, the new population is subjected to a mutation process in which single bits can be randomly changed with a probability of Pmut. The common practice is a choice of Pmut = f where K is the population size. This was the chosen 22 value of Pm“, for the SSA. Once this mutation process is complete, the new population takes the place of the old and the algorithm is repeated, starting with the preselection process. 4.1.2 Specialization to the Self-Structuring Antenna Several modifications were made to the standard genetic algorithm in order to speed convergence of the population to a global maximum. The first of these specializations was the use of a selective linear scaling of the fitness given by [9] ~ F = aF + b (4.2) where F is the fitness of a given configuration and FM = Favg. If the maximum fitness, Fm”, was less than 1.5 times the average fitness, Fm, then no scaling was done. This was the case of having no individuals dominating the population. When a given configuration appeared to dominate the population, scaling was performed to give Fm“ = cmuthavg, where cm,“ is the scaling factor desired for the best population member. In order to fulfill the above relations, a and b were chosen as (Cmult — 1)Favg = 4. a Fmax — Favg ( 3) b = (1 — a)Fa,,g (4.4) If Fmin = aFm;n + b < 0, then a and b were recomputed such that Fmin = O and Fwy = Favg . Relations which give this behavior are Favg = —.———— 4.5 a Favg — Fmin ( ) b = —aFm,n (4.6) 23 Scaling the fitness of the population in this manner helped to avoid having the pop- ulation driven to a local maximum, rather than a global one. The second specialization of the GA to the self-structuring antenna was the ad- dition of a limited amount of elitism, or survival of the fittest, which insured that the best states were not lost due to crossover or mutation. This addition gave more favorable results, since the best states from several generations were able to produce offspring in subsequent generations. Another feature of the genetic algorithm that is unique to the SSA is the use of a single bit-string to make up a full chromosome. Generally, a genetic algorithm uses several bit-strings pieced together to make up a chromosome, allowing only changes in a few of the variables during crossover. Having only one variable to optimize, that being the configuration of the antenna skeleton, the GA for the SSA is inherently simpler, providing for a faster convergence. The modifications made to the standard GA allow for better performance in the intended application. 4.2 Television Measurements Measurements were made on the 30-switch self-structuring antenna prototype using a genetic algorithm for control of switch states. The relays on the antenna tem- plate were controlled using a Multitrax microcontroller board (Control Technology, www.controltrax.com). This board, based on the Hitachi HD64180 microcontroller, has 48 lines of digital I/ O, 8 channels of 10-bit A/ D conversion, 64kB of RAM and 32kB of EPROM memory, and a ROM-based multitasking BASIC run—time compiler (MT-BASIC). The digital I/O lines could not supply enough current to drive the relays directly, so they were used in conjunction with 74AC541N driver ICs. The genetic algorithm was written using MT—Basic and has been included as Appendix A. The purpose of measurements made using the 30—switch prototype with genetic algorithm control described below were for proof of concept. This testing shows the 24 self-structuring antenna’s ability to adapt itself in order to find optimum reception in a given environment through the implementation of a genetic algorithm. Section 4.2.1 describes the environment under which testing took place. Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 give results of testing done for channels in the UHF and VHF bands. Specifically, channel 23 (524-530 MHz) was used for UHF testing, while channel 10 (192-198 MHz) was used for VHF testing. 4.2.1 Testing Environment Testing performed on the 30—switch SSA prototype took place outside of the Engi- neering Research Complex on the campus of Michigan State University. The antenna was placed on top of the television used for testing. Figure 4.1 shows the test setup for the SSA placed horizontally atop the television, while Figure 4.2 displays a ver- tical orientation. In both cases, the television was placed on a wooden table along with power supplies, a computer and monitor, a control board, and the microcon- troller. The computer was used to collect data as tests were run, and to provide an interface to the microcontroller. The use of latching relays made the control board containing drivers and logic hardware necessary, since the relays needed to be released after each combination and required large amounts of current for switching. For more information on the control board, see Section 3.1.2. A baseline for what cbnstitutes a good received signal was provided through the use of a standard television dipole antenna, or “rabbit ears”, using the voltage present at the automatic gain control of the television. This voltage was then used to set the ideal voltage in the objective function within the genetic algorithm as mentioned in 4.1. Using this function we were able to quantify how clear the television picture would be when placed in a given configuration and consequently choose the best parent configurations for the next generation. The testing performed here included looking at two local channels, one in the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) band and one in the Very High Frequency band (VHF). For 25 UHF testing channel 23 (524—530 MHz) was used and for VHF, channel 10 (192-198 MHz) was used. In both cases, tests were run using both a vertical and horizontal orientation for the SSA, as mentioned earlier. The results were then compared to improvements seen with a typical genetic algorithm. For a typical GA the average value of the fitness increases in a fairly smooth fashion, then saturates at a steady value. Evolution in maximum fitness for a typical GA often proceeds in “punctuated equilibria”, with sudden improvements interspersed between periods in which fitness remains relatively unchanged [10]. To get an idea of what a good signal is, consider Figure 4.3, giving a fitness of 0.5. This figure shows what is considered to be a bad picture. The television has ‘snow’ on the screen and is generally an unpleasant viewing experience. An improvement is seen in Figure 4.4, where the fitness is 0.8 and the ‘snow’ has decreased. The best pictures are seen between 0.9 and 1.0, shown in Figure 4.5 and Figure 4.6. These pictures are crisp and free of ‘snow’, which is what one wants to see when watching television. Further detail on this testing is given in the following sections. 4.2.2 UHF Test Results Testing was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the SSA and its genetic al- gorithm control for the frequency band known as Ultra High Frequency, or UHF. Experiments were performed for both a horizontal and vertical orientations of the SSA. Results for the horizontal orientation are given in Figure 4.7. Comparing these results to the typical case described above, the genetic algorithm, as well as the SSA perform as desired. Specifically, there is a fairly smooth increase in the average fit- ness of the pOpulation to a fitness of about 0.7, while the maximum fitness increases quickly to a steady value of about 0.9 and up. Note that there are variations in the maximum fitness with generation, suggesting that the best configuration is changing from generation to generation. This is a result of the fitness scaling explained above. 26 The results for UHF testing using a horizontal orientation were the most promising, telling us several things. First, the orientation of the antenna skeleton is important. This was to be expected, since most US. television stations broadcast using a hori- zontal polarization, with the exception of some VHF stations who broadcast with a circular polarization. Second, the SSA is of a good dimension to receive signals at around 500 MHz. At this frequency, the dimensions of the SSA used in testing are about 0.8/\ by 0.53A, where A is the wavelength of the received signal. Vertical orientation test results are given in Figure 4.8. These results reinforce the conclusion given above, that the orientation of the SSA is important. Looking at Figure 4.8, one can see that the performance of the SSA is generally random in average, maximum, and minimum fitness. The performance is also of a generally worse quality than in the horizontal case, with average values around 0.5-0.6 and maximum values of 0.7-0.9. The ineffectiveness of the GA here is due to the lack of good combinations with the SSA oriented vertically. 4.2.3 VHF Test Results Testing for the VHF band show that the SSA template used for these experiments was too small to effectively receive the signals in this frequency range. The size of the antenna at around 195 MHz is about 0.3A by 0.2A. The fitness levels seen in VHF testing were generally lower, giving steady state values averaging about 0.5 for horizontal orientation, with around 0.75 fitness levels for maximum values, as seen in Figure 4.9. Figure 4.10 shows that vertical orientation again gives decreased performance, with average fitness levels around 0.4 and maximum fitness levels around 0.6. The lower fitness levels seen in the vertical case, as well as the slightly more random features, lead one to believe that the levels seen in the VHF case are indeed due to the size of the antenna and not necessarily due to a circular polarization of the received signal. 27 4.3 Conclusions The use of a genetic algorithm and the testing done here provides a proof of concept for the self-structuring antenna. It shows us that the antenna is capable of delivering good performance under certain conditions. Specifically, it shows that the current template design is effective for UHF television reception under a horizontal orientation. This testing gives some insight into the necessary orientation and size of the antenna. As seen in the VHF testing, the antenna is currently undersized for the frequency band in which it is expected to perform. These are all considerations that need to be taken into account for future antenna templates in order to create an antenna that is both diverse and effective. 28 Figure 4.1. Test Setup with horizontal placement of the SSA. 29 Figure 4.2. Test Setup with vertical placement of the SSA. 30 ”’ . 2222.22 «1'» l. ' 5 'r .EMHUNMTW .‘313. l E . — I m W _. "A. '1‘. was... pm”... . . . Figure 4.3. Television Reception at a Fitness of 0.5. 31 ..‘!,.,;l, , ' . . inl .\;.\'.\‘.. ‘ -. ‘2‘ 1., .25 . f 3 3. . f. i Figure 4.4. Television Reception at a Fitness of 0.8. 32 U3 .' \j \ yxll“ “fl" [m -\\l lr'flutt A . » .‘ . _ «‘n’l -‘ . DCQ’H" ’4“ ‘ W} uh\ttoll‘\\‘t “K‘ ' . Figure 4.5. Television Reception at a Fitness of 0.9. 33 Figure 4.6. Television Reception at a Fitness of 1.0. 34 — Minimum Fitness -0- Average Fitness -0- Maximum Fitness I 0.8 0.7 0.2 0.1 I 12 14 16 18 20 8 1O Generation Number Figure 4.7. UHF Test Results with Horizontal Placement of the SSA. 35 0.9 I .0 —L I l — Minimum Fitness -0- Average Fitness -0- Maximum Fitness o l l 1 l O 5 10 15 20 Generation Number 25 30 35 Figure 4.8. UHF Test Results with Vertical Placement of the SSA. 36 Fitness — Minimum Fitness -0- Average Fitness -0- Maximum Fitness 1 r . . . . . 0.9 ~ ., 0.8 - .. 0.7 r“ a 0.6 r - 0.5 r . 0.4 - . 0.3 - - 0.2 - 3 W 0.1 - q 00 5 110 1L5 210 215 310 35 Generation Number Figure 4.9. VHF Test Results with Horizontal Placement of the SSA. 37 0.9 0.8 0.2 0.1 — Minimum Fitness -0- Average Fitness -0- Maximum Fitness Generation Number F - 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Figure 4.10. VHF Test Results with Vertical Placement of the SSA. 38 CHAPTER 5 V SWITCH FAILURE ANALYSIS Many times antennas are subject to harsh environmental conditions, where their physical degradation, alteration, or misuse results in decreased electrical performance. Self-Structuring Antennas should be designed to operate under these difficult condi- tions and respond to changes both in their environment and in their own physical structure without loss of effectiveness. Since these antennas are to be used in many consumer applicati ns where replacement and repair may be difficult, it is important to consider the effect of switch failure on the performance of the antenna. The successful oper ion of the SSA is dependant on the large number of available states in which the anten a performs acceptably. .It is important that the antenna template is designed in such a way that the failure of a switch, or a group of switches, causes only minimal degradation in the performance of the antenna. That is, the per- formance of the antenna does not fall below an acceptable level under switch failure. For this reason, a study of the effect of switch failure on the SSA was performed. Section 5.1 gives an overview of test procedures and the environment in which the switch failure analysis was conducted. Results of single switch failures and their consequences are covered in Section 5.2. Multiple switch failures are the topic of Section 5.3. 5.1 Testing Environment and Procedure Experiments were performed to measure the standing wave ratio (SWR) of the Self- Structuring Antenna using the HP-8510 Network Analyzer. Figure 5.1 shows the environment under which switch failure was analyzed. It can be seen in Figure 5.1 that the antenna was placed horizontally atop a styrofoam pedestal. The antenna switches were controlled using a FlashTrax microcontroller board which was placed on 39 a neighboring pedestal. This board, based on the Hitachi HD64180 microcontroller, has 24 lines of digital I/O, 8 channels of 10—bit A/ D conversion, 64k of flash RAM memory, and a ROM-based optimized BASIC interpreter. The antenna feed was connected to the network analyzer through a standard 4:1 wideband television balun. Measured standing wave ratios for each switch combination were logged on a nearby computer for future analysis. The BASIC code used to control the network analyzer is included in Appendix B. The BASIC code used by the microcontroller to set the antenna states is given in Appendix C. The procedure for testing the SSA involved sending 10000 random states to the antenna and measuring the resulting standing wave ratio. The switch combinations sent to the antenna were statistically random and were consistent throughout the experiments. That is, the states were sent to the SSA from a file of 10000 random numbers that remained the same for all tests. This procedure was carried out for operating frequencies in the range of 50 to 450 MHz, taken in 50 MHz steps. The results of this testing were analyzed using a C++ program called switchcpp. This program was used to compare the SWR measurements for failures of individual switches as well as groups of switches. A baseline was established for comparison using all 10000 switch combinations when no switches failed. The resultant figures are explained in Sections 5.2 and 5.3. 5.2 Single Switch Failures In order to get a fundamental understanding of the consequences of a switch failure, the malfunctioning of a single switch is considered. A switch failure occurs when any switch on the antenna template is permanently placed in either an “on” or “off” position. To quantify the effect of a failed switch, the following function was defined: frac( f) — N“ (5.1) _ NAS 40 where N05 is the number of good states defined as those switch combinations which give SWR S 2.0, and N AS is the number of available states. Available states are defined as switch combinations that the antenna is still able to be placed into. With this function, switches which give minimal, intermediate, or large degradation in the performance of the antenna are placed into groups. It should be noted that the number of available states is roughly cut in half with each switch failure. Therefore, a switch failure reduces the total number of good states and causes a degradation in performance, although its effect may be minimal. Figure 5.2 shows the location of switches on the antenna template. 5.2.1 Minimal Degradation under Single Switch Failures Switches that exhibit minimal degradation in SSA performance under failure are those that only cause the efficiency of the control algorithm to deteriorate. The algorithm’s ability to find good states depends on the large number of available good states. That is, the more total good states available to the algorithm, the faster it can optimize the population. This means that when the total number of states is cut in half the algorithm becomes less efficient, even if the number of good states is also cut in half. Switch failures showing minimal degradation represent the case of the number of good states being cut in half when the total number of states is also cut in half. For this case, the frac(f) function remains unchanged from the fully functional case over the entire frequency band (50 to 450 MHz). Switches that exhibit this behavior are generally located away from the antenna feed, controlling larger sections of the antenna template. These switches are numbers 1 (Figure 5.4), 3 (Figure 5.6), 5 (Figure 5.8), 7 (Figure 5.10), 10 (Figure 5.13), 11 (Figure 5.14), 15 (Figure 5.18), 19 (Figure 5.22), 21 (Figure 5.24), and 23 (Figure 5.26) in Figure 5.2. The figures listed above show cases in which the frac(f) function follows the baseline case, regardless of whether a switch fails in the “on” or “off” position. Figures showing this behavior represent switch failures causing minimal degradation. 41 5.2.2 Intermediate Degradation under Single Switch Failure Switches exhibiting intermediate levels of performance degradation involve a dete- rioration in the efficiency of the control algorithm, as well as small changes in the frac(f) function for discrete frequencies. Switch 8 (Figure 5.11) is an example of a switch failure which causes intermediate levels of degradation. Figure 5.11 shows a noticeable change in the frac(f) function at both 200 and 400 MHz. This behavior also occurs in switches 9 (Figure 5.12), 12 (Figure 5.15), and 17 (Figure 5.20) at dif- fering frequencies in each case. It is interesting to note that these switches lie in the area of the board bounding minimal and large degradation areas, as shown in Figure 5.3. These switches show better behavior than those which control shorter elements, but worse behavior than those controlling longer ones. This suggests a relationship between the electrical length of the antenna elements and the performance of the SSA under switch failure. N o conclusions have been drawn as to why certain switches in this group show changes in performance at differing frequencies. 5.2.3 Large Degradation under Single Switch Failure Switches which show large levels of change in performance lower the efficiency of the algorithm, as well as changing the frac(f) function large amounts at various frequen- cies. Figure 5.5 shows a very pronounced case of this type of failure. This figure represents a failure of switch 2 of Figure 5.2. It can be seen in this figure that the performance of the antenna is changed dramatically when switch 2 fails. At low fre- quencies there is a vast degradation in performance if the switch fails in the “on” position, while performance seems to improve when the switch fails “off”. The op- posite is true at higher frequencies. It is the unpredictability of the state in which a switch may fail, as well as the wideband application of the SSA, that causes this type of switch failure to be unacceptable. Other switches which cause large perfor- mance changes are 4 (Figure 5.7), 6 (Figure 5.9), 13 (Figure 5.16), 14 (Figure 5.17), 42 16 (Figure 5.19), 18 (Figure 5.21), 20 (Figure 5.23), 22 (Figure 5.25), and 24 (Figure 5.27). Note that all of these switches lie close to the antenna feed and control the configuration of short antenna elements, again suggesting a link between electrical length and performance. It should be emphasized that failures showing large performance degradation are unacceptable to the design of the SSA template, since they lower the total number of good states in an unpredictable fashion. These failures need to be accounted for through redundancy in the layout of the SSA template in order to avoid complete failure of the antenna in its end application. 5.3 Multiple Switch Failures In order to obtain a better understanding of the effects of switch failure, the possibility of multiple failures was explored. Multiple failures are ones in which more than one switch gets permanently placed in either the “on” or “off” position. This means that there are four possible ways in which a given pair of switches can fail. This can be seen in Figure 5.28, with both switches failing on, both failing off, switch 7 failing on and 11 off, and finally switch 7 off and 11 on. Also included in this and the rest of the Figures in this section is the control case of no switch failures. With four ways in which a pair of switches can fail, and 24 total switches, 1044 possible failures exist. These failures were grouped into the following categories, shown in Table 5.1: minimal degradation , intermediate degradation, large degradation due to one switch, and large degradation due to both switches. Figure 5.28 shows an example of switches exhibiting minimal degradation in antenna performance. Figure 5.29 is an example of intermediate levels of degradation, while Figure 5.30 and Figure 5.31 are examples of large degradation due to one and both switches, respectively. These examples are representative of each type of performance degradation seen during multiple switch failure analysis. 43 Minimal Change Intermediate Change Large Change '0 .2 'E u. .r: o 2: 3 a) u c o .2 1 = Minimal change infraction of good states 2 = Intermediate change in fraction of good states 3 = Large change due to single switch failure only 4 = Table 5.1. Multiple Failures 5.3.1 Minimal Degradation under Multiple Switch Failures Minimal degradation is regarded as having no appreciable change in the frac(f) func- tion over the entire frequency band (50—450 MHz), as defined in Section 5.2. With multiple switches failing, combinations which showed this property were primarily those in which both switches showed minimal degradation under single switch failure. This held true for most combinations of switches behaving in this fashion, although some combinations did result in intermediate amounts of degradation when one or 44 more of the switches were near the minimal-intermediate boundary shown in Figure 5.3. 5.3.2 Intermediate Degradation under Multiple Switch Failures Intermediate degradation involves similar behavior to the above case, with some slight deviations at discrete frequencies. Figure 5.29 shows this behavior for switch com- binations involving switches 7 and 12. Note that individually, one of these switches was in the minimal degradation group, while the other was in the intermediate group. This tends to be the case for multiple switch failures resulting in intermediate lev- els of degradation, although in some cases a large change was noted when switches were near the boundaries of minimal-intermediate, or intermediate-large change under single switch failures, as shown in Figure 5.3. 5.3.3 Large Degradation under Multiple Switch Failures Switch combinations that involved large degradation in performance of the SSA were split into two groups in order to get a better understanding of the interaction between switches. Combinations that exhibited large change independent of one of the failing switches made up one group, while those that varied greatly due to both switches made up a second group. Figure 5.30 shows a switch combination that belongs to the first group. We can see that a large degradation occurs, but it is independent of the position of one of the switches, specifically switch 22. In contrast, Figure 5.31 shows a combination that belongs to the second group. In this case, the degradation that occurs is dependent on both of the switches failing. The last group represents the worst possible case in terms of switch failures. The design of the SSA template needs to be reconsidered in order to avoid failures of this type, since they are unpredictable in their consequences. Generally, switch combinations that produced large amounts of degradation in- dependent of one switch involved both a switch showing minimal degradation, and 45 one showing large degradation under single failures. This is what one might expect to happen. Multiple failures that caused the largest amounts of performance degra- dation due to both switches were also predictable. These were switches which caused large amounts of degradation under single failures. Figure 5.31 is an example of this second case, involving switches 22(Figure 5.25) and 24(Figure 5.27). 5.4 Conclusions The current SSA template has various shortcomings that can be readily seen through this switch failure analysis. First, at low frequencies, the antenna does not perform well. This is true when no switches fail, due to the relatively small size of the template in comparison to a wavelength at low frequency. In addition, switches controlling short antenna elements cause a considerable loss in performance of the antenna under both single and multiple failure, especially at higher frequencies. This results from a lack of redundancy for the shorter antenna elements, i.e., longer elements can be built from shorter ones, but the inverse is not true. Realization of these shortcomings can be used in future generations of template layouts in order to create a more robust design that will withstand failure of one or more switches. 46 Figure 5.1. Laboratory Test Setup. 47 is . a ’ 22 it E E ii ~22 a [3 Bit . E if! .. I}: rm E3 Wm 22 mt? :5 Figure 5.2. Self Structuring Antenna Template. 48 fl 1! ’ fl Minimal Change d ‘5 23 11 2:: 6:5 7 u t: Large Change Q: E5 Intermediate 2 E23 lino-«”33 Change 1 E I Q E E Figure 5.3. Regions of the SSA Exhibiting Different Levels of Degradation under Single Switch Failures. 49 0.5 0.45 0.5 0.45 0.35 0.3 E 0.25 0.2 0.05 1 1 l l I. A l 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 Frequency Figure 5.4. Single Failure of Switch 1. — No Failures -9- SW1 on --N— SW1 oft 450 l 1 l l l 1 l — No Failures -e- SW2 on + SW2 oft 50 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 Frequency Figure 5.5. Single Failure of Switch 2. 50 450 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 3: 0.25 0.2 0.1 0.05 L l l l L l l 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 Frequency Figure 5.6. Single Failure of Switch 3. — No Failures -e— SW3 on + SW3 off 450 1 l 1 l — No Failures —e— SW4 on + SW4 oft 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 Frequency Figure 5.7. Single Failure of Switch 4. 51 450 0.5 0.45 r- 0.4 r- 0.3 *- § 0.25 0.2 l- T 0.15 '- 1 1 1 1 —— No Failures -e— SW5 on -N— SW5 off 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 Frequency Figure 5.8. Single Failure of Switch 5. 450 0.5 0.4 *- 0.35 ’- 0.3 ’- 0.2 *- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 — No Failures —6- SW6 on -- SW6 on "V 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 Frequency Figure 5.9. Single Failure of Switch 6. 52 450 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 g 0.25 0.2 — No Failures —e— SW7 on + SW7 off J. 1 1 1 1 1 100 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.10. Single Failure of Switch 7. 0.5 0.45 0.35 E 0.25 * — No Failures -e— SW8 on -— SW8 off l 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.11. Single Failure of Switch 8. 53 0-5 V I 1' I’ 1 Ti f _ No Failures -6- SW9 on 0 45 _ q + SW9 off 0.4 - - 0.35 - .. 0.3 § 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 50 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.12. Single Failure of Switch 9. 0.5 U I I V I I I NO Failutaa -e- SW10 on O 45 _ _ —~— SW10 off 0.4 _ - 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 250 Frequency 0 50 1 00 1 50 200 300 350 400 Figure 5.13. Single Failure of Switch 10. 54 450 005 I I I ' U ' ' — No Failures —-e— SW11 on —N— SW11 off 0.45 ~ . 0.4 - « I 1 1 1 L 1 o L 50 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.14. Single Failure of Switch 11. 0.5 I T I I I I I No Failufes -9- SW12 on -N- SW12 off 0.45 b 1 0.4 r- a 1 1 1 O ‘ 1 1 l 50 1 OO 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.15. Single Failure of Switch 12. 55 0.5 I I I f T r I — No Failures -6— SW13 on 0.4 - -* G ’ 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 50 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.16. Single Failure of Switch 13. 0'5 ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ — No Failures -e— SW14 on O 45 _ . -N- SW14 off 0.4 ~ ~ J 1 1 1 1 1 1 o" v 50 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.17. Single Failure of Switch 14. 56 — No Failures -e— SW15 on + SW15 off 0.45 r- .. 0.4 - -[ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O 50 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.18. Single Failure of Switch 15. 0.5 I I I I I I M — No Failures -e— SW16 on + SW16 oft 0.45 '- _. o 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 50 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.19. Single Failure of Switch 16. 57 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 E 0.25 0.2 150 1 200 1 250 Frequency 1 300 350 400 Figure 5.20. Single Failure of Switch 17. —— No Failures -e- SW17 on -N— SW17 off 150 200 250 Frequency 1 300 350 400 Figure 5.21. Single Failure of Switch 18. — No Failures -e— SW1 6 on -u— SW1 6 off 450 0.5 I I fl I I I 17 — No Failures -e— SW19 on 0 45 _ q -— SW19 oft 0.4 f -* O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.22. Single Failure of Switch 19. 0:5 r I I I I I I No Failures -e— SW20 on 0.4 t- ‘ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.23. Single Failure of Switch 20. 59 0.5 0.45 ~ 0.4 ~ 0.35 - 0.3 F E 0.25 - 0.2 *- 1 1 1 l 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 Frequency Figure 5.24. Single Failure of Switch 21. — No Failures -e- SW21 on + SW21 oft 450 0.5 0.45 '- 0.4 *- irac .0 to 0: I h 1 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 Frequency Figure 5.25. Single Failure of Switch 22. 60 — No Failures -e- SW22 on —- SW22 oft 450 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 g 0.25 0.2 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 g 0.25 0.2 — No Failures —e— SW23 on + SW23 oft 1 1 M 1_ 1 1 100 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.26. Single Failure of Switch 23. — No Failures -e— SW24 on + SW24 oft 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.27. Single Failure of Switch 24. 61 0'5 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' — No Failures -e— SW7andSW1 1on O 45 - q + SW70nSW1 1ott ' —i— SW7oflSW1 1on + SW7andSW1 1011 0.4 - ~ 0.35 - ., o 1 #1 1 1 1 1 1 50 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.28. Multiple Failures Showing Minimal Degradation 0.5 I I T I I j I — No Failures —e— SW7andSW120n O 45 ,_ _ -— SW70nSW12oft ' —4— SW‘IoftSW120n + SW73ndSW120fl 0.4 - - O . 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 50 1 OO 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.29. Multiple Failures Showing Intermediate Degradation 62 0.5 I I I I I I I . — No Failures -e— SW228ndSW230n O 45 _ j + SW220nSW23011 ‘ —i— SW2zottSW230n + SW22andSW230fl‘ 0.4 - .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 6 50 1 OO 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.30. Large Degradation due to One Switch under Multiple Failures 0'5 ' T ' I I T I — No Failures -e- SW22andSW24on 045 F _ + SW220nSW24oft ' -+— SW2201‘tSW24on + SW22andSW24otf 1 50 1 00 1 50 200 250 300 350 400 450 Frequency Figure 5.31. Large Degradation due to Two Switches under Multiple Failures 63 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS This thesis has presented an experimental perspective of a new class of antennas known as self-structuring antennas, or SSAs. General concepts regarding the SSA system, design, and testing process were covered. Several conclusions can be drawn from the research done in constructing this thesis. First, a prototype SSA was constructed using a printed circuit board for the skeleton of the system. This prototype was built and tested, providing some insight into the operation of the SSA. Specifically, the conclusions that were drawn from this prototype were the necessity of consideration of orientation and size in the design of the SSA. These factors are to be used in the design of future generations of the self-structuring antenna. Also, the use of a genetic algorithm as an efficient control for the SSA was shown using this prototype. This has implications in the use of smart algorithms for control of the SSA in future applications, giving reason to test the effectiveness of other algorithms, such as ant colony optimization or simulated anneafing. Switch failure analysis performed during this research shone some light on several shortcomings of the SSA. First, the relatively small size of the self-structuring antenna prototypes figured directly into the results of testing at low frequencies. It was shown that the antenna performed poorly at these frequencies with or without switch failure. In addition, testing showed that switches controlling short antenna elements created a substantial degradation in performance under switch failure, especially at high frequencies. A conclusion drawn from this was that the antenna did not have the necessary redundancy to counteract the failure of a switch controlling a short antenna element. Perhaps more clearly, short elements can build longer ones, but the inverse 64 is not true. The shortcomings in the SSA designs that were exposed during this research give some insight into how future generations should be built. These allow the designer to take into account the application of the self-structuring antenna in deciding the necessary orientation and size of the template. One can also take into account the need for redundancy in the short antenna elements on a given template. All of these conclusions can be put together to create a good framework from which future SSA templates can be constructed. 65 APPENDICES 66 IXPWWETIEHDCIA MT-BASIC CODE: GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR THE SELF-STRUCTURIN G ANTENNA 5 ’This program works as the genetic algorithm for control of the SSA 6 ’Authors: Brad Perry and Dr. Ed Rothwell, Michigan State University 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33 34 35 50 51 52 53 54 STRING FULL$(32), F1$(30), F$, MSB$, LSB$, MSB2$, LSB2$ STRING BXS, Q$, MATE1$C30), MATE2$(30), XX$(30) STRING 0LDPOP$C30,30), NEWPOP$(30,30), 0FF1$<30), 0FF2$(30) STRING A$(30), A1$(30), A2$(30), B$<30) STRING Bl$(30), B2$(30), C$(30), D$(30) STRING MX$(30), TEMP$(30), MUT$, MAX$<30), BREEDPL$(30,60) INTEGER LS2B, MS2B, MSlB, LS1B INTEGER STRINT, 00, SUN, GEN, II INTEGER ISEED, N, M, X, Y, ZX, ZZ, IRND, 11, I2 INTEGER PDPSIZ, I, J, K, IMUT, AA, BB, JJ, KK, PP, P1, P REAL SEED, XRND, TFIT, TMAX REAL RDG, VOLTS, CH(10), CC, V1 REAL FIT(30), OBJ, CMULT, DELTA, AF, BF, HH REAL PCRDSS, PMUT, FRAC(30), RR REAL SUMFIT, FMIN, FMAX, AVG, EE REAL GODDFIT POPSIZ = 30 ’BE SURE TO CHANGE SIZE OF STRING TO MATCH PCROSS = 0.7: PMUT = 1./POPSIZ CH(1) = 3.05 ’CHANNEL ARRAY TO BE USED WITH KEYPAD GEN = 1 CMULT = 1.5: GODDFIT = 0.9 1020 ’This is the seed for a random number generator 1021 SEED = .45342 1022 DEF XRNDz’Randomly generates a number between 0 and 1 67 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1027 1028 1040 1041 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1200 1220 1221 1222 1224 1225 1226 1227 1230 1231 1232 1234 1235 1236 SEED = SEED * 997. : ISEED = SEED : SEED = SEED - ISEED XRND = SEED FNEND DEF IRND(I1,I2): ’Randomly selects an integer between I1 and I2 IRND = I1 + XRND * (I2 - 11 +1) FNEND ’This function converts a binary string ’to an equivalent 8-bit integer DEF STRINT(BX$) 00 = 128: SUM = 0 FOR X= 1 T0 8 Q$ = MID$(BX$,X,1) IF GS = "1" THEN SUM = SUM + 00 00 = 00/2 NEXT X STRINT = SUM FNEND ’The next two functions perform crossover of two chromosomes DEF C$ (A$,B$) IF N = 30 THEN C$ = A$:GOT0 1226 IF N = 0 THEN C$ = A$:GOT0 1226 A1$ = MID$(A$,1,N) 82$ = MID$CB$,N+1,M) C$ = CONCAT$(A1$,B2$) FNEND DEF D$ (A$.B$) IF N = 30 THEN D$ = B$zGOT0 1236 IF N = 0 THEN D$ = B$:GOT0 1236 A2$ = MID$(A$.N+1.M) 81$ 8 MID$(B$,1,N) DS = CDNCAT$(81$,A2$) 68 1237 1240 1241 1242 1243 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1275 1280 1285 1290 1400 1415 1416 1417 1500 1505 1515 2999 3000 3100 3101 3103 3110 FNEND DEF OBJ(V1) CC = CH(1) OBJ = 0.4 / ((V1-CC)*(V1-CC)+0.4) FNEND ’ *************************************************** ’Initializing the population FOR I = 1 T0 PDPSIZ NEWPOP$(I) = "" FOR J = 1 T0 30 IF XRND < 0.5 THEN NEWPOP$(I) = CONCAT$(NEWPOP$(I),"0"): GOTD 1270 NEWPOP$(I) = CONCAT$ MS2B = STRINT(MSB2$) MSlB = STRINT(MSB$) ’The following commands reset and set ’relays based on above integers OUT 177, PEEK(ADR(LSIB)) OUT 178, PEEK(ADR(LS2B)) OUT 193, PEEK(ADR(MS2B)) OUT 194, PEEK(ADR(MSlB)) ’The following commands send information to the LCD display DEVICE 6 OUTLCD 192 PRINT " "; OUTLCD 192 PRINT "JSB "; OUTLCD 196 70 4230 PRINT PEEK(ADR(LSIB)); 4233 OUTLCD 199 4234 PRINT " J5C "; 4235 OUTLCD 204 4240 PRINT PEEK(ADR(LS2B)); 4243 OUTLCD 207 4244 PRINT " J7B "; 4245 OUTLCD 212 4250 PRINT PEEK(ADR(MS2B)); 4253 OUTLCD 215 4254 PRINT " J70 "; 4255 OUTLCD 220 4260 PRINT PEEKCADR(MSlB)); 4270 OUTLCD 222 4271 PRINT " "; 4272 FIT(Y) = OBJCVOLTS) 4275 TMAX = 0 4276 TFIT = 0BJ(VOLTS) 4277 OUTLCD 128 4278 PRINT TFIT; 4279 IF TFIT > TMAX THEN TMAX = TFIT 4280 IF TFIT >= GODDFIT THEN GOTO 4276 4281 FIT(Y) = TMAX 4380 IF Y = PDPSIZ THEN GOSUB 5000 4381 IF Y = PDPSIZ THEN GOSUB 5300 4900 OUTLCD 154 4910 PRINT " ";Y;" "; 4999 NEXT Y 5000 ’Subroutine that performs preselection, selection and crossover 5002 ’****************************************************** 5003 ’COMPUTE AND DISPLAY STATISTICS 5004 SUMFIT = FIT(1) 5005 FMIN = FIT(1) 5006 FMAX = FIT(1) 5007 MAX$ = 0LDPOP$(1) 71 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5020 5021 5025 5030 5035 5040 5050 5060 5070 5080 5085 5090 5098 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104 5105 5106 5107 5108 5109 5110 5111 5112 FOR JJ = 2 TO 30 EE = FIT(JJ) SUMFIT = SUMFIT + EE IF EE > FMAX THEN FMAX IF EE < FMIN THEN FMIN NEXT JJ AVG = SUMFIT/30. START 3 EE: MAX$ = OLDPOP$(JJ) EE ’FITNESS SCALING ALGORITHM IF FMAX < 1.5 * AVG THEN GOTO 5100 DELTA = FMAX - AVG: IF DELTA <= 0.0 THEN DELTA AF (CMULT - 1.0)* AVG / DELTA BF (1.0 - AF)* AVG HH AF * FMIN + BF IF HH > 0.0 THEN GOTO 5080 DELTA = AVG - FMIN: IF DELTA <= 0.0 THEN DELTA AF = AVG / DELTA: BF = -AF * FMIN FOR II = 1 TO POPSIZ FIT(II) = AF* FITCII) + BF IF FIT(II) <= 0.0 THEN FITCII) = 0.00001 NEXT II 0.00001 0.00001 ’BEGIN PRESELECTION KK = 0 FOR P = 1 TO POPSIZ IF FIT(P) >= (1.2*AVG) THEN FITCP) = 2. * FIT(P) RR = FIT(P) / AVG : PP = RR FRAC(P) = RR - PP IF PP <= 0 THEN GOTO 5109 FOR P1 = 1 TO PP: KK = KK + 1 BREEDPL$ = OLDPOP$(P): NEXT P1 NEXT P P = 0 IF KK >= POPSIZ THEN GOTO 5190 P = P + 1: IF P > POPSIZ THEN P = 1 72 5113 IF FRACCP) < 0 THEN GOTO 5111 5114 IF XRND > FRAC(P) THEN GOTO 5111 5115 KK = KK + 1 : BREEDPL$CKK) = OLDPOP$(P) 5116 FRAC(P) FRAC(P) - 1. 5117 GOTO 5111 5150 ’END PRESELECTION 5180 ’BEGIN SELECTION AND CROSSOVER 5190 FOR AA = 1 TO (POPSIZ/2) 5191 N IRND(1,30) 5192 M 30 - N 5193 ZX = IRND(1,POPSIZ) 5194 MATE1$ = BREEDPL$(ZX) 5195 BREEDPL$(ZX) = BREEDPL$(POPSIZ) 5196 POPSIZ = POPSIZ - 1 5197 22 = IRND(1,POPSIZ) 5198 MATE2$ = BREEDPL$(ZZ) 5199 BREEDPL$(ZZ) = BREEDPL$(POPSIZ) 5200 POPSIZ = POPSIZ - 1 5205 IF XRND > PCROSS THEN OFF1$ = MATEIS: OFF2$ = MATE2$z GOTO 5250 5215 OFF1$ = C$(MATE1$,MATE2$) 5216 OFF2$ = D$(MATE1$,MATE2$) 5250 NEWPOP$ PMUT THEN GOTO 5395 IMUT = IRND (1,30) IF MID$(MX$,IMUT,1) = "0" THEN MUT$ = "1": GOTO 5350 MUT$ = "0" IF IMUT 1 THEN MX$ = CONCAT$(MUT$,MID$(MX$,2,29)):GOTO 5390 IF IMUT 3O THEN MX$ = CONCAT$(MID$(MX$,1,29),MUT$):GOTO 5390 TEMP$ = CONCAT$(MID$(MX$,1,IMUT-1),MUT$) MX$ = CONCAT$(TEMP$,MID$(MX$,IMUT+1,30-IMUT)) OLDPOP$(BB) = MX$ OUTLCD 138 PRINT " "; OUTLCD 138 PRINT "Mutate: ";IMUT; NEXT BB Y = 0 RETURN EXIT ’Task 3 outputs statistics computed in task 2 TASK 3 PRINT "GENERATION #: ";GEN; " FMIN: ";FMIN PRINT " FMAX: ";FMAX;" AVG= ";AVG CANCEL 3 EXIT 74 IXFH?EEVEHD(]B BASIC CODE: NETWORK ANALYZER CONTROL Professional BASIC code for controlling the HP 8510C network analyzer via HPIB, and for communicating with the FlashTrax controller via serial connection. Sets all 24 switches to random states as determined by random number read from file listr.txt. Program: SSA_ED2.BAS DECLARE SUB RunTest (isc&, device&) DECLARE SUB Calibrate (isc&, device&) DECLARE SUB ErrorTrap(device&) DECLARE SUB FreqList (isc&, device&) DECLARE SUB GetInfo () DECLARE SUB greeting () DECLARE SUB hp85108etup (isc&, device&) DECLARE SUB init (isc&, device&) DECLARE SUB Ioouts(device&, cmd\$) DECLARE SUB MeasImpedance (isc&, device&, real.Z!, im.Z!) DECLARE SUB MeasSWR (isc&, device&, swr!) DECLARE SUB ReadyToMeasure (isc&, device&) DECLARE SUB SpecifyParameters (isc&, device&) DECLARE SUB waithere (t!) DECLARE SUB randm () COMMON SHARED isc&, device& COMMON SHARED F COMMON SHARED nstatesZ COMMON SHARED twait COMMON SHARED rowZ, col% COMMON SHARED mach, maer, maxv% ’for download data REM SINCLUDE: ’bigsetup’ ’ This program performs automated measurements of ’ self-structuring antenna ’ using randomly-generated states. ’ The measurements are performed using an HP 8510 Network Analyzer. 75 ’ Version of 15 September 2001 ’ HP 8510 measurement implementation written by Chris Coleman from ’ HP 8720 measurement routines ’ HP 8720 initialization and error checking subroutines written ’ by John E. Ross III (taken from nam3.bas) ’ Modification for use with FlashTrax controller (www.multitrax.com) ’ by Ed Rothwell REM Num% = RegisterFonts%("TMSRB.FON") REM NumX = LoadFont%("N1/N2/N3/N4/N5/N6") OPEN "debug.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #10 twait = .03 ’ row% and col% are variables used by the DrawSSA and DrasSSAGrid ’ subroutines. row% = 4 col% = 1 ’ Define the address of the HPIB interface (isc&) and ’ the HP 8510 (device&) isc& = 7 device& = isc& * 100 + 16 ’ These variables are used for downloading data via HPIB maxc% = 10 maxr% = 20 maxv% = 4096 ’ ----- Start here ------- ’set up serial communications with controller OPEN "com2:2400,n,8,1,cd0,dsO,cs0,op0,rs,rb2048" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 76 CALL greeting CALL GetInfo CALL hp85108etup(isc&, device&) CALL RunTest(isc&, devicek) ’ Put the HP8510 into continual measurement mode when completed ’ cmd$ = "cont;" ’ CALL Ioouts(device&, cmd$): CALL ErrorTrap(device&) CLOSE #1 CLOSE #10 CLS END SUB Calibrate (isc&, device&) CLS PRINT "Calibration Options for HP 8510 Network Analyzer:" PRINT " 0: Recall calibration from register 5 (default)" PRINT " 1: Fully manual calibration using front panel" INPUT "Choice: "; caltype$ SELECT CASE caltype$ CASE "", "O" PRINT "Recalling calibration coefficients from register 5" cmd$ = "reca5;" CALL Ioouts(device&, cmd$): CALL ErrorTrap(device&) CASE "1" PRINT PRINT PRINT PRINT "Press LOCAL on HP 8510, calibrate $11 1-port," PRINT "and press any key when finished" WHILE INKEY$ = "" 77 WEND END SELECT CLS PRINT "Calibration complete." INPUT "Save coefficients to register 5? (Y/N) (default=N): " INPUT calcoef$ SELECT CASE calcoef$ CASE II II , Ilnll , "N" CASE llyll’ "Y" ’ Save the result in register 5. cmd$ = "save5;" CALL Ioouts(device&, cmd$): CALL ErrorTrap(device&) END SELECT END SUB SUB ErrorTrap (device&) ’ This subroutine checks for errors ’ Check for BASIC or HPIB errors GOSUB errorhp ’ Check for 8510C errors by checking status of 8510C Error que chkque: ’ Read the status byte of the 8510C analyzer using the serial poll. CALL iospoll(device&, statZ): GOSUB errorhp 78 LOCATE 23, 5: PRINT "ERROR ... STATUS = "; statX; SLEEP (1) ’ If bit three of the status byte is set, ’ read the error queue summary list. IF (statZ MOD 16) > 7 THEN ’ Tell 8510C to send out oldest error message in queue. cmd$ = "outperro;" CALL Ioouts(device&, cmd$): GOSUB errorhp ’ Receive error messages. length% = 50 errdata$ = SPACE$(length%) CALL ioenters(device&, errdata$, lengch, actualZ): GOSUB errorhp ’ Extract the error number from the string read in. errnum% = VAL(LEFT$(errdata$, 5)) ’ Initialize the string counter to begin after the error number. 1% = 9 ’ Initialize the error message string. errid$ = "" ’ Extract the error message from the string one character at a time. DO UNTIL MID$(errdata$, 1%, 1) = CHR$(34) errid$ = errid$ + MID$(errdata$, i2, 1) i'/.=i'/.+1 79 LOOP ’ Display error message on status line. LOCATE 23, 5: PRINT "HP 85100 ERROR "; errnumZ; ": "; errid$; ’ Beep to warn operator. BEEP ’ Pause and then recheck status byte. SLEEP 1 GOTO chkque END IF errorhp: IF PCIB.ERR <> NOERR THEN ERROR PCIB.BASERR END SUB SUB FreqList (isc&, device&) cmd$ = "editlist;" CALL Ioouts(device&, cmd$): CALL ErrorTrap(device&) cmd$ = "sadd;" CALL Ioouts(device&, cmd$): CALL ErrorTrap(device&) singlefreq! = F * 1! cmd$ = "cwfreq" + LTRIM$(STR$(singlefreq!) + "MHz") + ";" CALL Ioouts(device&, cmd$): CALL ErrorTrap(device&) cmd$ = "sdon;" CALL Ioouts(device&, cmdS): CALL ErrorTrap(device&) cmd$ = "lisfreq" 80 CALL Ioouts(device&, cmd$): CALL ErrorTrap(device&) cmd$ = "sseg1;" CALL Ioouts(device&, cmd$): CALL ErrorTrap(device&) END SUB SUB GetInfo CLS INPUT "Enter frequency (MHz) to be investigated"; F INPUT "Enter number of antenna states to check"; nstates% END SUB SUB greeting CLS PRINT "Welcome to the automated self-structuring antenna testing system" PRINT PRINT "Press any key to continue" WHILE INKEYS = "" WEND END SUB SUB hp85108etup (isc&, device&) CLS PRINT "Initializing HP 8510 Network Analyzer" PRINT PRINT CALL init(isc&, device&) 81 PRINT "Got past Init. Press any key to continue" WHILE INKEY$ = "" WEND CALL SpecifyParameters NOERR THEN ERROR PCIB.BASERR IF status% = 0 THEN GOTO checkstat CALL iospoll(dev&, responseZ) IF PCIB.ERR <> NOERR THEN ERROR PCIB.BASERR IF (responseZ AND 68) <> 68 THEN GOTO checkstat END SUB SUB waithere (t) ’Pauses the program for t seconds ’ t can be less than 1 t1 = TIMER WHILE TIMER - t1 < t WEND END SUB 90 1XPU?EHNI)IXL(3 BASIC CODE: SSA CONTROL FOR SWITCH FAILURE ANALYSIS Program: swrprog2.txt 200 GOSUB 5000 210 GOSUB 5100 220 GOSUB 5200 300 LPRINT"SSA SWR Measurement Program" 400 GOSUB 5100 401 IF ABUFFER<8 THEN GOTO 401 402 p1=0:k=1:for i=1 to 8 403 p=aread:If p=1 then p1=p1+k 404 k=k*2:next i 405 IF ABUFFER<8 THEN GOTO 405 406 p2=0:k=1:for i=1 to 8 407 p=aread:If p=1 then p2=p2+k 408 k=k*2:next i 409 IF ABUFFER<8 THEN GOTO 409 410 p3=0:k=1:for i=1 to 8 411 p=aread:If p=1 then p3=p3+k 412 k=k*2:next i 420 ’Set i/o pins 422 OUT 192,P1:OUT 193,P2:OUT 194,P3 425 GOSUB 5050 426 LPRINT " Bl=";P1;" B2=";P2;" 83=";P3 440 GOTO 400 500 END 5000 ’Initialize LCD display 5010 OUT 224,56:OUT 224,56 5020 OUT 224,6:OUT 224,12 5030 RETURN 5050 ’Clear LCD display 5060 OUT 224,1 5070 RETURN 5100 ’Initialize auxilliary com port 5110 ACONFIG 2N81 91 5120 RETURN 5200 ’Initialize i/o pins and set all pins low 5210 OUT 195,128 5211 OUT 193,0:OUT 192,0:OUT 194,0 5220 RETURN 92 'x JAFHPEHWEHD(13 CPLD CODE: CONTROL ALGORITHM FOR THE RESETTING OF ILAEFCHJINHSIRJELADYS Program for the resetting of latching relays used on the SSA control board. Written in VHDL by Matt Freel as a part of an ECE capstone design. entity rectrl is port( a: in std_logic; b: in std_logic; s: in std_logic; 01: out std_logic; 02: out std_logic); end rectrl; architecture rectrl_behave of rectrl is begin ol<=(s and a)or(not s and b); O2<=(not s and a)or s and b); end rectrl_behave; entity cont is port( i: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 to 15); 01: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 to 15); 02: out STD_LOGIC VECTOR (1 to 15); s: in STD_LOGIC ); end cont; architechture cont_arch of cont is component rectrl is port ( a: in std_logic; b: in std_logic; s: in std_logic; oi: out std_logic; 02: out std_logic); end component; 93 signal zero: std_logic; begin r1: r2: r3: r4: r5: r6: r7: r8: r9: rectrl rectrl rectrl rectrl rectrl rectrl rectrl rectrl rectrl port port port port port port port port port r10: r11: r12: r13: r14: r15: end c rectrl port rectrl port rectrl port rectrl port rectrl port rectrl port ont-arch; map(i(1), map(i(2), map(i(3), map(i(4). map(i(5), map(i(6), map(i(7), map(i(8), map(i(9), zero, zero, 0 zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, U zero, zero, mmmmmmmmm b map(i(10), zero, map(i(11), zero, map(i(12). map(i(13). map(i(14), map(i(15). zero, zero, zero, zero, 01(1). 01(2). 01(3), 01(4), 01(5). 01(6). 01(7), 01(8), 01(9). 94 02(1)); 02(2)); 02(3)); 02(4)); 02(5)); 02(6)); 02(7)); 02(8)); 02(9)); 01(10), 01(11). 01(12), 01(13), 01(14), 01(15), o2(10)); o2(11)); o2(12)): o2(13)); 02(14)); 02(15)); BIBLIOGRAPHY 95 BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] CM. 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New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. 97 [l]]]]]][][]][W