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Studies clearly show that many factors affect thermal inactivation of pathogens; however, water has not been previously isolated as an intrinsic or extrinsic factor. The objectives of this study were (1) to test the effects of meat moisture content/water activity on thermal inactivation of Salmonella in a sealed environment, (2) to test the effects of air humidity on thermal inactivation of Salmonella during convection heating, and (3) to demonstrate the inclusion of a water term into a secondary inactivation model. Ground turkey was inoculated with an 8-strain Salmonella cocktail and heated isothermally either in a waterbath or in air convection oven. Survivors were enumerated via serial dilutions and plated on Petrifilm®. The rate of thermal inactivation of Salmonella decreased with decreasing meat water activity; however, in the air convection oven, the same results were not observed for a corresponding decrease in relative humidity. In conclusion, the water effect lies in the intrinsic property of the meat (i.e., water activity), rather than the extrinsic process parameter (i.e., humidity), and should be accounted for in inactivation models used to validate commercial convection cooking systems. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank my major professor, Dr. Bradley Marks, for his constant support, guidance, and positive attitude during my time here at Michigan State University. I am truly blessed for having the opportunity to work for him. I would also like to thank my committee members, Dr. Al Booren and Dr. Elliot Ryser, for their useful insight. A big thanks to my lab group: Dr. Alicia Orta-Ramirez, Ms. Kerri L. Harris, Mr. Scott Millsap, Mr. Adam Watkins, and Mr. Sang Jeong. Also, thanks to my parents, Danny Burns and Jamie Burns, and brothers, Blake and Bradley, for their unconditional love and support. Finally, I would like to thank my husband, Chris Carlson, for making my short time, and long winters, in Michigan all worthwhile. I love you. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................. vii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................... viii ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................. x CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1 1.1 Background and justification ...................................................... 1 1.1.] F oodborne disease ................. ‘ ........................................ 1 1.1.2 The aflected industry ...................................................... 2 1.1.3 Regulatory trends .......................................................... 3 1.1.4 Scientific needs ............................................................. 4 1.2 Hypothesis and objectives ........................................................... 5 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................... 6 2.1 Salmonella .............................................................................. 6 2.2 Thermal inactivation modeling ................................................... 7 2. 2. 1 Primary models ............................................................ 8 2.2.2 Secondary models .......................................................... 9 2.3 Factors affecting thermal resistance ............................................. 11 2.3.1 Pathogen species and strains ............................................ 11 2.3.2 Inactivation media ........................................................ 11 2.3.3 Fat content ................................................................ 12 2.3.4 pH ........................................................................... 15 2.3.5 Salts and other common additives ..................................... 16 2.3.6 Water .............................. - ......................................... 1 7 Water activity ..................................................... 18 Humidity ......................................................... 20 CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................ 23 3.1 Overview .............................................................................. 23 3.2 Part 1 — Moisture effects-high range ............................................. 24 3.2.1 Inoculum .................................................................. 24 Bacterial strains .................................................. 24 Culture preparation ............................................. 25 3.2.2 Meat ........................................................................ 25 Ground turkey preparation ..................................... 25 Moisture content alteration ..................................... 26 3.2.3 Inoculation ................................................................ 27 3.2.4 Thermal inactivation ..................................................... 28 3.2.5 Enumeration ............................................................... 29 3.2.6 Statistics and modeling ................................................... 29 iv 3.3 Part 2 — Moisture effects-low range .............................................. 3O 3. 3.1 Inoculum .................................................................. 30 Bacterial strains ................................................. 30 Culture preparation ............................................. 30 3.3.2 Meat ........................................................................ 30 Ground turkey preparation and moisture content alteration .......................................................... 30 Decreasing the particle size .................................... 32 3.3.3 Inoculation ................................................................ 32 3.3.4 Thermal inactivation ..................................................... 33 3.3.5 Enumeration .............................................................. 34 3.3.6 Statistics and modeling .................................................. 34 3.4 Part 3 —Humidity effects34 3. 4.1 Inoculum .................................................................. 35 Bacterial strains .................................................. 35 Culture preparation ............................................. 35 3.4.2 Meat ........................................................................ 35 Ground turkey preparation ..................................... 35 3.4.3 Inoculation ................................................................ 35 3.4.4 Thermal inactivation ..................................................... 36 3.4.5 Enumeration .............................................................. 38 3.4.6 Statistics and modeling .................................................. 38 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................. 40 4.1 General background information ................................................ 40 4.1.1 Salmonella cocktail ...................................................... 40 4.1.2 Proximate composition .................................................. 41 4.1.3 Initial counts .............................................................. 43 Part 1 — Moisture effects-high range .................. . ....... 43 Part 2 — Moisture effects-low range ........................... 43 Part 3 — Humidity effects ....................................... 43 4.1.4 Inoculum distribution .................................................... 43 4.1.5 Thermal lag times ......................................................... 44 4.1.6 Additional test information for Part 1 .................................. 44 Changes during the experiment ............................... 44 Moisture content alteration ............................. ' ....... 45 4.1.7 Additional test information for Part 2 ................................ 45 Moisture content alteration .................................... 45 4.1.8 Additional test information for Part 3 ................................. 45 Moisture lost during heating ................................... 45 Oven adjustments ................................................ 45 4.2 Inactivation results .................................................................. 46 4.2.1 Part 1 — Moisture eflects-high range. . . .. ............................. 46 Data ............................................................... 46 Low fat .............................................. 46 High fat .............................................. 48 ANOVA .......................................................... 50 Raw data ............................................. 50 K values ............................................. 53 4.2.2 Part 2 - Moisture effects-low range ................................... 54 Data ............................................................... 54 ANOVA .......................................................... 55] Raw data ............................................. 55 K values ............................................. 56 Modeling ......................................................... 61 4.2.3 Part 3 — Humidity effects ................................................ 62 Data ............................................................... 62 ANOVA .......................................................... 63 Raw data ............................................. 63 K values ............................................. 66 4.2.4 Parts 1 and 2 combined .................................................. 67 Data ............................................................... 67 ANOVA .......................................................... 68 Raw data ....................... . ...................... 68 K values ............................................. 69 4.2.5 Parts 1 and 3 combined .................................................. 70 Data ............................................................... 70 ANOVA ........................................................... 71 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS ............................................................... 72 CHAPTER 6: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH.... . ........74 APPENDICES ...................................................................................... 76 APPENDIX A: Moisture lost during oven heating (Part 3) ......................... 77 APPENDIX B: Inactivation data (Part 1-3) ............................................ 81 APPENDIX C: Output from statistical analyses (Part 1-3) .......................... 85 APPENDIX D: Output from secondary modeling (Part 2) ........................ 102 APPENDIX E: Initial microbial counts (Part 2) ..................................... 105 REFERENCES ................................................................................... 106 vi LIST OF TABLES TABLE 2.] Effect of fat on thermal inactivation of vegetative cells ........................ 13 TABLE 3.1 Summary of experimental design ................................................. 24 TABLE 4.1 Salmonella counts ................................................................... 41 TABLE 4.2 Proximate composition of ground turkey ........................................ 42 TABLE 4.3 Oven settings for inactivation trials ............................................... 46 TABLE 4.4 P values from analyses of variance of the raw data in high fat and low fat ground turkey at varying moistures, fats, times, and temperatures ........................... 52 TABLE 4.5 P values from analyses of variance of the k values in high and low fat ground turkey at varying moistures, fats, times, and temperatures ........................... 54 TABLE 4.6 P values from analyses of variance of the raw data in low fat ground turkey at varying moistures, water activities, and times, at a sample temperature of 60 °C ...... 56 TABLE 4.7 P values from analyses of variance of the k values in low fat ground turkey at varying moistures, water activities, and times, at a sample temperature of 60 °C ...... 56 TABLE 4.8 k values (min'l) as a function of water activity ................................. 60 TABLE 4.9 Effect of the “water term " form on the root mean square error for a first- order, modified Arrhenius-type model ............................................................ 62 TABLE 4.10 P values from analyses of variance of the raw data in low and high fat ground turkey at varying relative humidities, at 60 °C ......................................... 64 TABLE 4.11 P values from analyses of variance of k values in low and high fat ground turkey at varying relative humidities, at 60 °C ................................................... 66 TABLE 4.12 P values from analyses of variance of the raw data in low fat ground turkey (raw vs. cooked) at similar moisture contents and water activities, and heated at 60 °C ................................................................................................... 69 TABLE 4.13 P values from analyses of variance of k values in low fat ground turkey (raw vs. cooked) at similar moisture contents and water activities, and heated at 60°C ................................................................................................... 7O vii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 3.] Meat samples rolled between two guides to achieve a uniform thickness.. .............. 24 FIGURE 3.2 Smokehouse operation schedule-temperature (0F) ........................... 31 FIGURE 3.3 Meat sample being spread to a uniform thickness onto a sterile screen. . .36 FIGURE 3.4 Meat sample entering the custom air convection oven ....................... 36 FIGURE 3.5 Sample in the heating chamber on a stand, which allows air to be blown across the top and bottom surface of the sample ................................................ 37 FIGURE 4.1 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in low fat ground turkey at 55 °C and three different moisture contents (72.3-76.3 0/0) ................................................. 47 FIGURE 4.2 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in low fat ground turkey at 60 0C and three different moisture contents (72.3 -7 6.3 %) ................................................. 47 FIGURE 4.3 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in low fat ground turkey at 65 °C and three different moisture contents (72.3-76.3 %) ................................................. 48 FIGURE 4.4 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in high fat ground turkey at 55 °C and three different moisture contents (64.5-68.5%) ................................................. 48 FIGURE 4.5 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in high fat ground turkey at 60 °C and three different moisture contents (64.5 -68.5 %) ................................................. 49 FIGURE 4.6 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in high fat ground turkey at 65 °C and three different moisture contents (64. 5 —68.5 0/0) ................................................. 49 FIGURE 4.7 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in low fat ground turkey at 60 °C and three diflerent moisture contents (3 7. 1 -72.5%) ................................................. 55 FIGURE 4.8 Comparison of k values as a function of water activity ...................... 60 FIGURE 4.9 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in low and high fat ground turkey at 60 °C and 90 and 96% relative humidity ......................................................... 63 FIGURE 4.10 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in low fat ground turkey at 60 °C in raw vs. cooked meat ................................................................................. 68 viii FIGURE 4.11 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in low fat ground turkey at 60 0C in waterbath vs. air convection oven ................................................................ 71 ix ANOVA AVG aw b(T) C0 to C4 CF U -dN/dt HF LF MC n(T) N(t)/No SD ABBREVIATIONS frequency factor (Arrhenius equation) slope of a line analyses of variance average water activity temperature dependent constant (Peleg and Cole, 1998) empirical coefficients without biological significance (Cerf et al., 1996) colony forming units rate of inactivation of viable cells activation energy high fat death rate (min'l) low fat moisture content number of surviving cells initial number of cells temperature dependent constants (Peleg and Cole, 1998) survival ratio universal gas constant standard deviation absolute temperature (K) temperature when the line was extrapolated to k=O (Zweitering et al., 1990) time xi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and justification In this section, four main points are emphasized. First, background information on Salmonella is presented. Then, the food industry, and more specifically the meat industry, is discussed. Thirdly, current changes in the federal regulations affecting the industry are addressed. Finally, the resulting scientific needs are described. 1.1.1 F oodborne disease Campylobacter, Salmonella, and Escherichia coli 0157:H7 are the most commonly recognized causes of foodbome illness in the US (CDC, 2001). Over 2000 Salmonella strains have been identified (Jay, 1996). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2001), there are 1.4 million cases of salmonellosis in the United States per year, and of these, approximately 40,000 are culture-confirmed cases that are reported to the CDC (CDC, 2000). People infected with Salmonella develop fever, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea (sometimes bloody), which occurs 12-72 h after exposure and usually lasts 4-7 days (CDC, 2000). Most people recover without treatment, although severe cases require hospitalization, and over 500 peOple die each year in the United States from acute salmonellosis (CDC, 2000). Additionally, cases of human salmonellosis impose a considerable economic burden on the economy. This responsibility falls upon the industry (retail and wholesale), the infected people, and their family (Roberts and Sockett, 1994). Turkey is one of the most common vectors for pathogens, and Salmonella is one _ of the most prevalent pathogens found in turkey. FSIS reported combined prevalence (small and large plants) of Salmonella from July 1999 to June 2000; broiler chicken was 9.9%, ground chicken was 14.4%, ground beef was 5.0%, and ground turkey was 30.0% (USDA-FSIS, 2000). Thermal processing is the main solution to eliminating bacteria in food products. Salmonellae are obviously sensitive to heat, but their sensitivity varies greatly. The composition of the heating menstrum has a strong influence on the thermal resistance of bacteria (Murphy et al., 2000). Occasionally, some salmonellae may survive standard food-processing techniques (Doyle and Mazzotta, 2000). This may result from outside factors that affect the thermal resistance. In addition, some strains of Salmonella are more heat resistant that others. Because of the various factors that affect thermal resistance, the need exists to evaluate inactivation in meat and not rely on data developed in model substrates. 1.1.2 The affected industry The food industry is generally considered the nation’s largest manufacturing sector and is one of the most stable. The meat and poultry industry contributes over $90 billion in annual sales to the US. Gross National Product (GNP) and is the largest component of the US. agriculture sector (AMI, 2000). The United States Department of Agriculture-Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA-FSIS) (2001) reported that there were 1,630 establishments producing ready-to-eat cooked or partially cooked meat and poultry product in 1997 with the value of shipments totaling over $28.2 billion for that year. Given consumer preferences for convenience, it is likely that the market for fully- cooked products will continue to grow. The focus of thermal processing is placed in three areas: 1) cooking methods in homes and commercial kitchens; 2) processing methods in plants producing fully cooked products; and 3) treatment of raw poultry (Doyle and Mazzotta, 2000). This thesis focuses on the processing methods in plants producing fully cooked products. 1.1.3 Regulatory trends Regulations are aimed to ensure that pathogens are destroyed and not present in food products. For whole muscle products, the regulatory paradigm has shifted from command-and-control regulations to performance standards (USDA-PSIS, 1999). Performance standards require that commercial establishments meet specific food safety objectives. USDA-FSIS has set regulations in Title 9 of the Code of Federal Regulations for meat and poultry. The regulation states that any thermal processing procedure must achieve 7.0- or 6.5-log10 reduction in Salmonella for whole-muscle poultry or beef, respectively. Processors are not held to specific endpoint temperatures; however, they must validate new or altered process schedules by “scientifically supportable means” (USDA-FSIS, 1999). A proposed regulation would extend these standards to all ready-to-eat products. This regulation allows either challenge studies (i.e., inoculation of real products with target organisms) or the use of models to document process lethality (USDA-F SIS, 2001). This regulation is advantageous because it allows flexibility in processing procedures. However, this creates a problem, because pathogens cannot be intentionally brought into processing facilities to conduct challenge studies. Furthermore, most models are based on microbial thermal death time studies performed in a laboratory and may not be valid for commercial processes. In regard to models, the regulation states, “The establishment will need to demonstrate the relationships between the lethality treatments and the specific characteristics of a product, such as physical and chemical properties. This demonstration could involve the use of heat transfer equations and should account for all variables that would affect lethality (e.g., size of product, humidity, density, thermal conductivity, specific heat, shape, product composition and strain of organism” (USDA- F SIS, 2001). 1.1.4 Scientific needs Studies clearly show that nearly “all variables,” including fat, salts, pH, and additives (Chapter 2), affect the thermal inactivation of bacteria,. However, no current inactivation model accounts for the effects of water (i.e., moisture content, water activity, or humidity) on microbial inactivation in meat products. Water affects the lethality of Salmonella in meat products, and more organisms generally survive in a dry environment. However, the specific cause of the effect is unknown. Further research is needed to determine whether the effect is best related to moisture content, water activity, or process humidity. This effect must be fully understood to accurately model process lethality for commercial systems. Incorporating accurate terms into a secondary model would improve model performance and usefulness. Therefore, due to the regulatory changes and economic importance of this industry, there is a need to directly test these water effects. 1.2 Hypothesis and objectives The hypothesis of this study was that the rate of thermal inactivation for Salmonella decreases with decreasing meat moisture content and/or process humidity. The objectives of this study were: (1) To test the effects of meat moisture content/water activity on thermal inactivation of Salmonella in a sealed environment, (2) To test the effects of air humidity on thermal inactivation of Salmonella during convection heating, and (3) To demonstrate the inclusion of a water term into a secondary inactivation model. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Salmonella Salmonellae are a small, gram-negative, non-spore forming rod shaped bacteria that cause foodbome gastroenteritis (Jay, 1996). They are widely distributed in nature and humans, with the intestinal tract of domestic livestock and wild animals being their primary habitat (Jay, 1996). salmonellae are excreted in feces, then transmitted to other living creatures in a variety of ways. The most common vectors associated with salmonellosis in humans are eggs, poultry, and meat products (Jay, 1996). The temperature range for growth of salmonellae is between 5.5 and 45°C (Ng et al., 1969). The temperature where the salmonellae begin to die and the maximum temperature for growth depend on the strain, growth phase, food composition, test media, other physical conditions, and competing microflora (Doyle and Mazzotta, 2000). The pH for optimum growth is between 6.6-8.2, with values greater than 9.0 and less than 4.0 being bactericidal (Jay, 1996). Regarding moisture, Salmonella growth inhibition in laboratory media (pH 7.0) has been reported at water activity values below 0.94 (Jay, 1996). Due to variations in these parameters, it is often difficult to compare data from experiments using different conditions. With only a few exceptions, most studies on pathogens in poultry were conducted with single strains. However, a ‘real’ process is not necessarily limited to one strain, because various pathogens may be concurrently encountered in products. Therefore, regulations require that data and/or models used to document compliance be based on a combination of Salmonella serotypes, referred to as a cocktail. The USDA does not specify the serotypes to be used, but says that any blend should include strains that have been implicated in foodbome outbreaks as well as strains that show fairly high heat resistance (USDA-F SIS, 1999). Different cocktails result in different model parameters; however, this problem could be eliminated if a universal cocktail were defined. 2.2 Thermal inactivation modeling Predictive microbial models are mathematical representations of the growth, survival, or inactivation of microbial populations. Such models can be used to describe the behavior of microorganisms under different physical or chemical conditions. As stated by Zwietering et a1. (1990), “these models allow the prediction of microbial safety or shelf life of products, the detection of critical parts of the production and distribution process, and the optimization of products and distribution chains.” To be of practical value, predictive microbial models must account for the effects of time and the various intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting the microbial response. Whiting and Buchanan (1993) classified microbial models into primary, secondary, and tertiary types. Primary models describe the response of the microorganism with time to a single set of conditions. Each population vs. time curve can be described by a set of specific values for each of the parameters in the model (Whiting and Buchanan, 1993). Secondary models describe the response of one or more parameters of a primary model to changes in one or more of the cultural conditions (Whiting and Buchanan, 1993). These models calculate the changes in primary model parameters with respect to changes in temperature, pH, water activities, etc. (Whiting and Buchanan, 1993). Tertiary models are computer programs that calculate microbial responses to varying conditions, compare the effects of the conditions, or contrast the behavior of several microorganisms (Whiting and Buchanan, 1993). Tertiary models make primary and secondary models “user- friendly.” 7 2.2.1 Primary model Several means are available to describe the relationship between microbial populations and time during thermal inactivation, including reaction kinetics analogies, simple D-values, and population-based models. Chick (1908) proposed the following model: N=Noe’k‘ (1) where N0=the initial number of cells, N=the number of surviving cells, t=exposure time, and k=death rate. The instantaneous rate of inactivation of viable cells is proportional to the number of viable cells present at that time (Chiruta et al., 1997). dN/dt=-kN (2) where (-dN/dt)=rate of inactivation of viable cells, N=the number of surviving cells, and t=time. According to this model, when bacteria are exposed to a constant temperature, microbial death occurs following the kinetics of first-order reactions. Taking the logarithm of equation (1) yields: ln(N/No)=-kt, (3) which is a log-linear equation with a slope of k, with k depending on factors such as temperature, pH, or water activity. The thermal reduction time, or “D-value,” describes the time dependence of bacterial destruction at a given condition. Similar to reaction kinetics analogies, D-values represent first-order, log-linear reduction models. The D-value is the time required to decrease a bacterial population by 90% at a given temperature. When the D-value increases, the culture becomes more heat resistant. From the equation above, the D—value can be calculated as (Chiruta et al., 1997): D=2.303/k (4) where k=inactivation rate constant from equations 1 and 2. This measurement is often used, but the variability among reported values is high, depending on the organism and conditions. Also, this method has been criticized, because it can be confusing or can obscure what should be simple mathematics of a first-order equation (Chiruta et al., 1997). However, because D has the dimension of time, it is often better understood (than k) in the food industry. An example of a population-based model, where a non-linear relationship occurs, is the Weibull distribution. Depending on the data, it can have a downward or upward concavity, a “shoulder,” or sigmoidal shape (Peleg and Cole, 1998). Population-based models assume that each cell in a bacterial population has a discrete resistance to thermal inactivation. If resistance follows a Weibull distribution, then the number of survivors can be modeled via the following model (Peleg and Cole, 1998): 10310[N(t)/No]='b(T)tn(T) (5) where N(t)/No=survival ratio, and b(T) and n(T) are temperature dependent constants. 2.2.2 Secondary models Various types of secondary models include Arrhenius, extended Arrhenius, and square-root. While these are just a few of the most common secondary models, many other secondary models (of various forms) exist that account for a variety of parameters. The effect of temperature on the rate of microbial inactivation is often described using the Arrhenius equation: k=A (5‘3”T (6) where A=frequency factor, Ea=activation energy, R=universal gas constant, and T=absolute temperature. However, this model only accounts for temperature, and it has been recognized for decades that other factors affect the death rate; however, few attempts have been made to develop multifactorial models. Reichart (1994) was the first to consider water activity in a semi-empirical model for thermal inactivation of E. coli. Shortly after, Cerf et a1. (1996) proposed another five- parameter, extended Arrhenius, model from the experimental data of Reichart (1994). The Cerf model extends Davey’s (1978) model, and includes other parameters. The Cerf et a1. (1996) model is as follows: ln(k)=C0+(C1/T)+C2pH+C3pH2+C4aw2 (7) where T=absolute temperature, and Co to C4 are empirical coefficients without direct biological significance. The square-root or Belehradek model is typically used for growth models, and is based on the linear relationship between the square-root of the grth rate and temperature (Zwietering et al., 1990). Biological zero, the value for temperature when the growth rate was extrapolated to zero, was introduced here. The simplest version of the model for temperatures below the optimum grth rate is: \lk=a(T-TO) (8) 10 where k is the growth rate or other rate term, such as the reciprocal of the lag time, To is j the temperature when the line is extrapolated to k=0, and a is the slope (Zweitering et al., 1990). 2.3 Factors affecting thermal resistance Variables affecting heat resistance of pathogens in meat include species, pH, fat content, salts, and other environmental factors (Jay, 1996). In addition, experimental approaches, serotypes, grth media, and enumerating procedures vary among laboratories, and this makes comparison difficult and causes data to be relevant only to the particular commodity tested (Skinner et al., 1994; Doyle et al., 2001; Doyle and Mazzotta, 2000). 2.3.1 Pathogen species and strains Heat resistance differences among species and strains exist (Doyle and Mazzotta, 2000); for the purpose of this literature review, various pathogens are examined. 2.3.2 Inactivation media Salmonella tends to be more thermally resistant in actual food products than in laboratory media (Murphy et al., 2002); moreover, food type also affects resistance (Ahmed et al., 1995; Murphy et al., 2002). Numerous studies show that bacteria are more resistant to heat when tested in food than in laboratory media (Doyle et al, 2001). Bacteria attached to muscle tissue are more heat resistant than bacteria suspended in liquid media (Murphy et al., 2002). Murphy et a1. (2000) compared D-values in meat to those in a semi-liquid medium and found that the D-values were higher in ground 11 chicken breast than in a peptone-agar solution at 55 to 70°C. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate Salmonella inactivation in meat and not rely on data (only) from model media. 2.3.3 Fat content Fat content influences the thermal resistance of microorganisms in meat; however, some inconsistencies have been observed. Some studies have shown higher D- values in high fat meat, while other studies'have shown the opposite (Table 2.1). However, in general, inconsistent trends between fat content and D-values have been reported in the literature. 12 TABLE 2.1 Effect of fat on thermal inactivation of vegetative cells. Organism Product Reference D-value (min) Temp (°C) Fat (7.) 70.41 50 6.37 55 3 turkey 0.55 60 115 50 9.69 55 11 E. coli 0157:H7 Ahmed et al., 0.58 60 1995 65.24 so 8.76 55 3 . 0.38 60 chicken 105.5 50 9.74 55 11 0.55 60 78.2 51.7 4.1 57.2 2 . Line et al., 0.3 62.8 E. CO/I O157.H7 beef 1991 115.5 51.7 p 5.3 57.2 30.5 0.5 62.8 423* 52 12.5’ 55 3 2.8' 57 E. coli 0157:H7 turkey 53:33: $337 32:5" :3 11* 55 2.4' 57 11 0.9* 60 81 .3* 51.7 Listeria 2.6 57.2 2 monocytogenes beef Falpggt1al., 7(1):. 2?: Scott A ' . 5.8 57.2 30.5 1.2 62.8 * An increased D-value was not observed with increased fat content. In some studies, D-values for pathogens were higher in high fat meat than in low fat meat. According to Line et al. (1991), D-values for E. coli 0157:H7 in beef increased in the heating range of 52 to 63°C as the fat content increased from 2.0 to 30.5%. Ahmed et al. (1995) used a single strain of E. coli 0157:H7 and found that as the fat content increased (3-30%) in different meat products (chicken, turkey, beef, and pork sausage), l3 the D—values increased. Fain et al. (1991) inoculated ground beef with Listeria monocytogenes and generally found that D-values increased as the fat content increased (2-30.5%); however, this did not hold true on one occasion. Ben-Embarek and Huss (1993) also reported higher D-values for L. monocytogenes in salmon than in cod and attributed the greater heat resistance in salmon to the higher fat content. Several explanations were given as to why D-values increased as the fat content increased. Ahmed et al. (1995) stated that the higher D-values were likely due to the decreased moisture content of the meat. They claimed that bacteria suspended in fat are more difficult to destroy than in aqueous medium, due to a reduction of water activity. Veeramuthu et al. (1998) observed higher D-values for S. Senftenberg in turkey containing increased levels of fat and attributed this finding to the effect of fat on water activity. However, other authors did not find fat content to be a significant factor. Kotrola and Conner (1997) did not see an increase in D-values for E. coli 0157:H7 as the fat content increased in ground turkey, with the opposite being observed. Kotrola and Conner (1997) reported D-values at 55°C ranging from 12.5 (3% fat) to 11 (11% fat) min at 60°C. J uneja and Eblen (2000) found that the D-values of an 8-strain Salmonella Typhimurium DT 104 cocktail in ground beef decreased with increasing fat content. Maurer (2001) observed that higher fat levels significantly affected the D-value of S. Senftenberg in turkey; however, no significant effect was observed with E. coli 0157:H7 in turkey or beef, or with a Salmonella cocktail in beef. Several explanations were given as to why D-values decreased as the fat content increased. Kotrola and Conner (1997) explained that finely grinding the meat and fat 14 together before heating could have affected the dispersal of the fat in the meat and allowed it to emulsify. This could, in turn, have increased the solubility of water in fat before the product was heated. Olson and Nottingham (1980) attributed not seeing an increase in D-values with increasing fat content to a protective effect in higher fat products. 2.3.4 pH The pH describes the hydrogen ion concentration [Hi], and is often recognized as one of the most important factors influencing the heat resistance of bacteria. Juneja and Eblen (1999) showed that as the pH decreased, the D-values for L. monocytogenes decreased. Abdul-Raouf et al. (1993) showed that E. coli 0157:H7 was less heat stable in acidified ground beef slurries, as compared to non-acidified slurries, with stability dependent on the type of acid used. Davey et al. (1995) found that pH significantly affected the thermal inactivation rate for E. coli. When experiments were performed in a test carrier liquid over a temperature range of 54 to 62°C, the influence of pH was most significant at the lower temperatures. Overall, D-values were highest at pH 7, and decreased as pH was reduced below 7. Chiruta et al. (1997) tested the effect of pH on the rate constant for thermal inactivation and generally found results consistent with Davey et al. (1995) for E. coli, L. monocytogenes, and P. fluorescens. Temperatures ranged from 52 to 62°C, with the effect most significant at the lower temperatures. However, Foster and Hall (1991) showed that S. Typhimurium could be induced to survive under more acidic conditions than expected. Also, Farber and Pagotto (1992) 15 demonstrated that HCl acidification actually increased thermal resistance of L. monocytogenes. 2.3.5 Salts and other common additives Salts, lactates, and phosphates are common additives in meat products. Primary functions of salt in meat products are: (1) to solubilize muscle proteins to assist in binding meat, moisture and fat; (2) to serve as a flavoring agent; and (3) to inhibit growth of foodbome pathogens (Pearson and Gillett, 1996). In most cases, salt appears to act as a protective agent, resulting in higher heat resistance, but this does not always hold true. Thermotolerance can be increased by incorporating salt or curing salt mixtures (Juneja and Eblen, 1999). Juneja and Eblen (1999) found that by adding NaCl, this protected L. monocytogenes against heat inactivation in beef gravy at 55 to 65°C. D- values increased 2- to 5-fold after curing salts were added to meat (J unej a and Eblen, 1999). Maurer et al. (2000) found that the D-values for Salmonella increased as the salt content increased from 0 to 2% in ground turkey. Additional studies have assessed various combinations of additives. Kotrola and Conner (1997) found that both sodium chloride and sodium lactate enhanced survival of E. coli 0157:H7 in cooked turkey meat as compared to meat without additives at 52 to 60°C, with the highest D-values (greatest survival) observed when three additives (sodium chloride, sodium lactate, and polyphosphate) were added to the turkey. The authors attributed this increase to the reduction of water activity caused by the additives binding water in the heating medium. 16 Other food additives, such as bacteriocins, EDTA, polyphosphates, hydrogen peroxide and the lactoperoxidase system, make Salmonella more heat sensitive (Doyle and Mazzotta, 2000). The effectiveness varies depending if the additive is in culture media or a complex food, because it may interact with fat and protein and thereby be less available to interact with bacterial cells (Doyle and Mazzotta, 2000). Goepfert et al. (1970) and Corry (1975) tested several solutes and found that heat resistance of bacteria varied widely with different solutes at the same water activities. Overall, sucrose had the greatest protective effect, compared to glycerol, glucose, polyethylene glycol (Goepfert et al., 1970) and glucose, fructose, sorbitol, and glycerol (Corry, 1975). Because solutes and other additives affect the thermal resistance of bacteria, tests should be run specific to the meat product and solute and/or additive of interest. 2.3.6 Water Water is essential for all living processes. Due to its chemical and physical properties, water is so unique that it is often considered one of the most important compounds on earth (Gailani and Fung, 1987). Water availability has an influence on the heat resistance of Salmonella in meat products. However, the specific cause of the effect is unknown. There are several ways to quantify water in a food system. Many studies have looked at meat moisture content or water activity (intrinsic parameters), and a few have looked at humidity (extrinsic parameter). This section will further investigate this issue. Throughout the literature, a common theme is seen regarding various other factors affecting thermal inactivation. Authors have often attributed the effects of other parameters (specifically fat and salt) to changes in water activity (Blankenship, 1978; 17 Ghazala et al., 1995; Kotrola and Conner, 1997; Shelef and Yang, 1991; and O’Donovan and Upton, 1999); however, others suggest that changes in water activity do not completely explain the effects of these other factors (O’Donovan and Upton, 1999). The present study includes tests specifically aimed at testing the impact of water activity on thermal inactivation without changing other factors. Water activity Water activity (aw) describes the amount of available water and is defined as: aW=Pi/Po (9) where Pia—vapor pressure of water in equilibrium with the material, and Po=vapor pressure of pure water at the same temperature (Gailani and Fung, 1987). Water activity controls the movement of water between a food product and the environment (Gailani and Fung, 1987). The range of water activity for high moisture foods is 0.9 to 1.0 (Gailani and F ung, 1987), with meats classified as high moisture foods. In general, as water activity decreases, thermal fesistance of pathogens increases. However, most studies have been performed in sugar solutions rather than in actual food systems. As discussed in section 2.3.2, resistance varies depending on the media used; therefore, it is crucial to perform the studies in actual food products. Goepfert et al. (1970) studied the effect of water activity in sucrose solutions (0.87-0.99), and found that heat resistance of Salmonella always increased as the water activity of the heating menstruum (0.75—0.99) decreased. Riemann (1960) also documented increased heat resistance with decreased water activity. Cerf et al. (1996) used Reichart’s (1994) experimental data for thermal inactivation of E. coli at both constant temperature (isothermic) and constantly varying 18 temperature (anisotherrnic). The tests were performed using laboratory media with glycerol added to distilled water to reach the targeted water activities (Reichart, 1994). The isothermic data encompassed the following conditions: 58°C, pH 3-9, and water activity 0928-0995. The anisotherrnic data contained the same parameters, except the temperature ranged between 52-63°C. Cerf et al. (1996) claimed that the additive, linear Arrhenius model accurately predicted the combined effect of sterilizing temperature, pH, and water activity on the thermal inactivation of E. coli. Cerf et al. (1996) suggested that these models could be extrapolated over a limited range of environmental values; however, sufficient published and independent data to test this were lacking. The isothermic model (58°C) was as follows: ln(k)s'l=-6.021-2.377pH+0.1994pH2+8.997aw2‘ (10) The anisothermic model was as follows: ln(k)s'l=86.49—0.3028*l0'5/T-0.5470pH+0.0494pH2+3.067aw2 (11) O’Donovan—Vaughan and Upton (1999) investigated the survival of Salmonella Typhimurium in four different carbohydrate solutions (glycerol, sucrose, glucose, and polyethylene glycol) at three different water activities (0.45, 0.70, and 0.90). They found that as the water activity of the solution was reduced, the heat resistance increased (55 and 65°C). Additionally, heat resistance depended on the nature of the solute used to reduce the water activity; sucrose gave the greatest protection. The conclusion was that the heat resistance depended on the solute used to reduce the water activity; however, this result was not entirely consistent in the data reported. 19 Humidity While water activity is the means to quantify the state of water in a food product, humidity is the means to quantify the water state in the environment. Nevertheless, only limited research has focused on evaluating the effects of process humidity on thermal inactivation of foodbome pathogens. Kirby and Davies (1990) evaluated humidity effects in a non-food system. Salmonella Typhimurium LT2 received dehydration treatment by being placed in an atmosphere controlled by a saturated salt solution of sodium bromide (BHD) (57% equilibrium relative humidity (ERH)) at 37°C for 48 h, with this dehydration treatment continued for up to 34 d (Kirby and Davies, 1990). After being heated at 135°C for 30 min, the thermal resistance of these dehydrated Salmonella cells were enhanced (Kirby and Davies, 1990). By increasing the length of the dehydration treatment, the initial count was reduced, but the shape of the curve was the same (triphasic death curve) (Kirby and Davies, 1990). In addition, populations remained relatively constant when heated at 100°C for 1 h (Kirby and Davies, 1990). Lethality of Salmonella during roasting of beef has been studied, and research showed that the death rate depends on both where the bacteria are located and the heating conditions (Goodfellow and Brown, 1978; Blankenship, 1978). Dry roasting of meat will kill Salmonella on the interior, but allow for survival on the surface (Blankenship, 1978; Blankenship, 1980; and Goodfellow and Brown, 1978). Goodfellow and Brown (1978) found viable Salmonella on the surface of the meat after reaching an internal temperature of 572°C in a dry environment with the oven at 107°C for 5.5 h. However, no survivors were present after reaching an internal temperature of 544°C in a wet environment 20 (steam injection) at 794°C for 30 min. In a different study with dry heat, Blankenship (1978) observed Salmonella survivors in meat that attained an internal temperature of 642°C. Blankenship et al. (1980) hypothesized that a possible explanation was that the surface and near the surface of the meat probably had a lower water activity (compared to the center part), due to drying and crust formation during cooking. Murphy et al. (2001c) studied thermal inactivation of Salmonella and Listeria in inoculated ground chicken patties (N0~107CFU/ g) under varying conditions in an air convection oven at an air temperature of 177°C. Thermal processing was conducted at wet bulb temperatures (humidity conditions) of 48 and 93°C, with the endpoint center temperature of the patties ranging from 65-75°C (Murphy et al., 2001c). Patties processed at a wet bulb temperature of 93°C (high humidity) in a wet environment showed no survivors. The patties processed at a wet bulb temperature of 48°C (low humidity) in a dry environment contained more than 100 CFU/ g (both Salmonella and Listeria) at the entire endpoint temperature range (Murphy et al., 20010). Therefore, bacterial survival was enhanced at a lower humidity. In a high humidity environment, the authors hypothesized that meat pores opened and the space was occupied with water vapor, which created a wet environment that enhanced for bacterial inactivation (Murphy et al., 2001c). In a low humidity environment, pores may have still opened, but the space would have been occupied with dry air, which would create a dry environment that was less effective in inactivating bacteria (Murphy et al., 2001c). In another study, Murphy et al. (2001b) evaluated thermal inactivation of Salmonella and Listeria in ground chicken patties processed in the same oven as the previously reported study (Murphy et al., 2001c). The air humidity was controlled by 21 steam injection into the oven (Murphy et al., 2001b). Microbial inactivation decreased with decreasing wet bulb temperature (39-98°C) (Murphy et al., 2001b). However, this trend could be caused by the moisture content and water activity of the meat decreasing during cooking, and not necessarily be a direct effect of wet bulb temperature (i.e., process humidity). Murphy et al. (2001a) also used laboratory-based inactivation models to calculate process lethality for chicken patties processed in an impingement oven (Murphy et al., 2000). The air temperature was 149°C, wet bulb temperature ranged from 39 to 98°C, and patty center temperature ranged from 55 to 80°C (Murphy et al., 2001a). The cooking conditions affected the time-temperature history of the patties; therefore, the cooking humidity affected predicted process lethality with a slight decrease in lethality seen at higher wet bulb temperatures (Murphy et al., 2001a). According to the authors, ' this occurred so that the same final product temperature could be reached; therefore, cooking time decreased with increasing wet bulb temperature (Murphy et al., 2001a). 22 CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 Overview This project was comprised of three different experiments (Table 3.1) involving isothermal inactivation trials. For simplicity, the different experiments will hereafter be referred to as Parts 1, 2, and 3. For Part 1, raw, ground, irradiated turkey breast was used. The moisture content was either increased or slightly decreased, and the samples were heated in a waterbath. However, after completing this experiment with a small range of moisture contents, moisture content did not appear to influence the thermal inactivation of Salmonella. Therefore, Part 2 consisted of a series of tests with a much wider moisture content range, using cooked ground turkey breast. For Part 3, the same meat was used as in Part 1, but the samples were heated in an air convection oven, with humidity as the primary factor, to determine if increasing the moisture in the environment affected the inactivation. See Appendix B for the details on treatment levels for every test in Parts 1, 2, and 3. 23 TABLE 3.1 Summary of experimental design. Part 1 (Moisture Effects-High Range) Temperature (°C) 55, 60, and 65 Moisture Content (°/o) 70.9-76.3 (LF) and 64.5-68.5 (HF) Fat Content (°/o) 1 and 13 Time (min) 5 durations @ependent on temperature) Part 2 (Moisture Effects-Low Range) Temperature LC) 60 iMoisture Content (°/o) 37.1, 54.4, and 72.5 Time (min) 0, 0.75, 1.5, 2.25, and 3 Fat (°/o) 2 ' Part 3 (Humidity Effects) Temperature (°C) 60 Relative Humidity (%) 90 and 96 Fat Content (%) 1 and 13 Timejmin) 0, 0.75, 1.5, 2.25, and 3 3.2 Part 1 — Moisture effects-high range The purpose of Part 1 was to test the effect of meat moisture content (over a small range) on the inactivation of Salmonella. in isothermal heating trials in a waterbath. 3.2.1 Inoculum Bacterial strains The inoculum consisted of eight Salmonella strains, obtained from Dr. V.K. Juneja (Agricultural Research Service, Eastern Regional Research Center, USDA-ARS, Philadelphia, PA). The strains were: S. Thompson FSIS 120 (chicken isolate), S. Enteriditis H3527 and H3502 (clinical isolates phage type 13A and 4, respectively), S. Typhimurium (DT104) H3380 (human isolate), S. Hadar MF 0404 (turkey isolate), S. Copenhagen 8457 (pork isolate), S. Montevideo FSIS 051 (beef isolate), and S. Heidelberg F5038BG1 (human isolate). Each strain was preserved at —80°C in a vial containing tryptic soy broth (TSB) (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI) with 10% glycerol. 24 Culture preparation To propagate the cultures, one loop of frozen culture was transferred to 9 ml of TSB in 20 ml culture tubes. The cultures were transferred daily in TSB (37°C, 18-24 h), with a minimum of two consecutive transfers before subsequent inoculation. Each inoculum was prepared from an 18-24 h (assumed log phase (Maurer, 2001)) culture. The eight strains were grown in separate culture tubes, and then equal volumes were combined prior to centrifugation to produce a cocktail with a target total concentration of 108 CFU/ml. Anew series of cultures from the frozen stock was initiated every week. On the day of each experiment, cultures were pelleted by centrifugation at 6,000 x g for 20 min at 4°C and resuspended in sterile 0.1% peptone water. The cultures were enumerated by plating in duplicate on Petrifi1m® aerobic count plates (3M, St. Paul, MN) and incubating at 37°C for 24-36 h. 3. 2.2 Meat Ground turkey preparation Skinless turkey breast meat was obtained from Michigan Turkey Producers, Inc. (Wyoming, MI) on the day of slaughter and transferred to the Michigan State University Meat Laboratory at 0°C. The muscle was immediately chopped in a bowl chopper (Hobart Mfg. Co., Model 841810, Troy, OH) until the temperature reached 13°C. The turkey fat was chopped separately and then mixed back into half of the previously ground turkey to create two lots, one with lower and one with higher fat content. Keeping the two fat lots separate, the turkey was double-bagged in polyethylene-laminated nylon pouches, vacuum packaged in approximately 100 g portions, and stored at -12°C. 25 The frozen meat was transported overnight on dry ice to Iowa State University and irradiated to >30 kGy to eliminate indigenous microflora. The frozen meat was transported back to Michigan State University on dry ice overnight. Samples of irradiated turkey were tested for sterility to ensure negligible background microflora by plating a 1:10 dilution in 0.1% peptone on Petrifilm® aerobic count plates. Proximate analysis was performed in triplicate from three sub-samples taken from each lot (i.e., low and high fat). Moisture, fat, and protein contents were determined by AOAC (1996) methods 991.36, 981.1, and 950.46B, respectively. To determine the pH, 10 g of ground‘turkey were added to 90 g of distilled water and homogenized using a Polytron homogenizer (Model PT 1035, Brinkman Instruments, Westbury, NJ) for 30 s at speed setting 3. Three samples of both fat levels were prepared, and duplicate measures were taken of each, using a combination electrode (Model 145, Coming, Medfield, MA). Twenty-four hours prior to performing each experiment, meat samples were thawed in a refrigerator at 4°C. Moisture content alteration The overall purpose of this experiment was to manipulate the moisture content of each sample before inoculation and thermal treatment, in the general range that might occur during thermal processing of a fresh product to a ready-to-eat state. For “native state” samples, no water was added or removed (other than that associated with the inoculum). For increased moisture samples, 0.1% sterile peptone was pipetted dropwise into the meat prior to inoculation. For decreased moisture samples, liquid was removed by centrifugation at 6,000-9,000 x g for 10-40 min at 4°C. Liquid was poured off the 26 samples, and samples were weighed to determine the amount of liquid. The centrifugation settings and time increments were varied in order to achieve the target moisture content. While centrifugation decreased the moisture content, the degree of reduction was fairly limited, because it was assumed that soluble proteins were also being extracted with the liquid. After the manipulations, the moisture content and water activity were determined for each sample using AOAC (1996) method 991.36 and an electronic water activity meter (accuracy is :0003) (Decagon Devices, Inc., Model 3TE, Pullman, WA), respectively. 3. 2.3 Inoculation The inoculum (~1 ml) was added dropwise, using aseptic procedures, to obtain a target concentration of 108 CFU/ g ground turkey. The inoculum added to the meat had a minimal effect on the moisture content (<0.2%). The meat was manually mixed (using sterile gloves) in a sterile bowl for 5 min to ensure even distribution of the inoculum. Uniform distribution was visually verified using green food dye (McCormick and Company, Inc., Hunt Valley, MD) in preliminary trials. Actual uniformity was verified by plating sub-samples of the inoculated meat (Chapter 4). For each sample to be heated, 1 g of inoculated meat was aseptically placed into a 5 x 25.5 cm polyethylene laminated nylon bag (Butcher and Packer Supply Co., Detroit, MI). The bags were screened to ensure negligible background microflora by mixing 9 ml of 0.1% peptone water in 10 random bags and plating on Petrifilm® aerobic count plates. The bags containing meat were subsequently rolled between two guides, using a large glass test tube, to a uniform thickness of <1 mm (Figure 3.1). This procedure was used for two primary reasons; 1) to transfer heat as quickly as possible, thereby minimizing 27 the thermal lag time and 2) to consequently produce more accurate thermal inactivation parameters (Orta-Ramirez and Smith, 2002). The bags were heat-sealed using a soldering iron, refrigerated at 4°C, and subjected to thermal treatment within 4 h. FIGURE 3.1 Meat samples rolled between two guides to achieve a uniform thickness. 3.2.4 Thermal inactivation The sealed bags were placed in a rack and completely submerged in a temperature-controlled waterbath (NESLAB Instruments, Inc., Newington, NH) set at 55.5, 60.5, or 655°C. The waterbath was set at 05°C above the treatment temperature to obtain an actual water temperature of 55, 60, or 65°C. The thermal lag time was defined as the time required for the meat temperature to reach within 0.5°C of the waterbath temperature. The lag time was determined by placing a T-type thermocouple in the geometric center of a sample, submerging the sample in the heated water, and logging the sample temperature with a DuaLogRTM thermocouple thermometer (Cole Parmer Instrument Company, Model # 01100-50, Vernon Hills, IL). The test was performed in triplicate, and a lag time of 8 s was 28 determined. The end of the thermal lag was defined as the initial test time for inactivation (“time zero”). Samples were removed at five specific time intervals for each test temperature, placed directly into an ice-water bath, and plated within 4 h. Samples at each moisture content were heated in three replicate batches at each temperature. Replicate batches were run on different days. 3.2.5 Enumeration After treatment, each sample was aseptically transferred to a sterile WhirlpakTM bag (18 oz, Nasco, Ft. Atkinson, WI) containing 9 ml of 0.1% sterile peptone water, and manually homogenized for l min. Appropriate dilutions were prepared in 0.1% peptone water, then 1 ml was pipetted onto Petrifilm® aerobic count plates. All samples were plated in duplicate and incubated at 37°C for 24-36 h before enumeration. The minimum detection level was 10 CFU/ g. 3.2.6 Statistics and modeling Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was run to evaluate ln(N/No) of the cocktail as a function of the main effects of meat temperature, time, moisture content, and fat content, and all two-term interactions. N is number of survivors at the end of treatment, and N0 is the initial inoculum. Linear regressions were run with the raw data to obtain k values from the slope of equation 3. Then an ANOVA was conducted to evaluate the k values of the cocktail as a function of the main effects of temperature, moisture content, fat content, and all two-terrn interactions. Statistical analyses were performed using J MP (version 4, copyright 2000-2001; SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC.) 29 3.3 Part 2 - Moisture effects-low range The purpose of Part 2 was to test the effect of meat moisture content (over a large range) on the inactivation of Salmonella in isothermal heating trials in a waterbath. In order to decrease the moisture content over a large range (as aseptically as possible), the meat was cooked/dried in a smokehouse. 3.3.1 Inoculum 3.3.1 . 1 Bacterial strains The same bacterial strains were used as described in Section Culture preparation The culture was prepared as described in Section 3. 3.2 Meat Ground turkey preparation and moisture content alteration Skinless turkey breast meat was obtained from Michigan Turkey Producers, Inc. (Wyoming, M1) on the day of slaughter and transferred to the Michigan State University Meat Laboratory at 0°C. The muscle was immediately chopped in a bowl chopper (Hobart Mfg. Co., Model 841810, Troy, OH) until the temperature reached 13°C. The turkey was stuffed into either permeable or impermeable casing, using a hand stuffer (VOGT9, KOCH, Kansas City, MO). The meat to be held at native state moisture content was stuffed in a non-permeable casing (Faserin #2, Teepak, Kansas City, MO) measuring 6.5,cm in diameter and 68.58 cm in length. The meat to be dried was stuffed into a permeable casing (Fiberous Securex #2, Teepak, Kansas City, MO) measuring 4.0 cm in diameter and 76.2 in cm length. 30 Meat was dried/cooked in a smoke house (CGI, Model A28-R0101, Cicero, IL), to decrease the moisture content and to minimize the microbes in the product. All samples were heated to an internal temperature of 739°C. Native state samples were removed when the internal temperature reached 739°C; whereas, samples for the two decreased moisture content levels remained in the smokehouse (at an internal temperature of ~5 7°C) until the desired targeted moisture contents were obtained (Figure 3.2). BumsRcasearch Batch Oven #2 — _ — - - I - Dry Bulb Temperature Wet Bulb Temperature Internal Tem-erature 180 \_i 170 . l 160 U i - l ‘31 i 150 1 iii 140 i ‘9 mg. I i ii “VA r' JA ka— \ 'I’yvma-flfpn-Rj \ ‘ (”x ' ‘‘‘‘‘ " ‘jfihlml V_-v——\\__fi 130 ' : ‘ “\AV‘ l L. I J \‘i-WW 4 ‘V V! x y '(N‘J‘ \‘H MC ‘Wfi/Vu five J m {. 120 if; I _ V v v 100 90 f f 80 70 Temperature at 60 12PM 1 Feb 12PM 2 Sat 12PM Jan 2002 Time FIGURE 3.2 Smokehouse operation schedule-temperature (°F). When the turkey was removed from the smokehouse, it was immediately chilled in a 2-3°C cooler, and placed in a polyethylene-laminated bag, vacuum packaged, and stored at 2-3°C for approximately 24 h. In an aseptic environment, the turkey was then 31 cut into approximately 20 g sub-samples, double packaged in polyethylene-laminated bags, vacuum-sealed, and stored at —12°C. Indigenous microbial levels in the turkey were determined by manually homogenizing a 1 g sample in 9 ml of 0.1% sterile peptone water for 1 min. Appropriate dilutions were made in 0.1% peptone water, after which 1 ml was pipetted onto a Petrifilm® aerobic count plate. All samples were plated in duplicate and incubated at 37°C for 24-36 h before enumeration. Proximate analysis was performed in triplicate from three sub-samples taken from each of the three lots. Moisture, fat, and protein contents were determined by AOAC (1996) methods 991.36, 981 .l, and 950.463, respectively. To determine the pH, 10 g of ground turkey were added to 90 g of distilled water and homogenized for 30 seconds using a Polytron homogenizer (Model PT 10/35, Brinkman Instruments, Westbury, NJ) at speed setting 3. Water activity was determined using an electronic water activity meter (Decagon Devices, Inc., Model 3TB, Pullman, WA). Each sample was thawed by placing in the refrigerator at 4°C for 4 h prior to performing the experiment. Decreasing the particle size Due to the low moisture content of the product, each sample was chopped aseptically in a high-speed grinder (Tekmar Company, Cincinnati, Ohio) to a particle size equivalent of powder. 3.3.3 Inoculation The inoculum (~1 ml) was added dropwise (minimally affecting the moisture content), using aseptic procedures, to obtain a target concentration of 108 CFU/g ground turkey. The meat was manually mixed in a sterile bowl for 5 min using a sterile spatula 32 to ensure even distribution of the inoculum. Even distribution was visually verified using food dye in preliminary trials. Actual uniformity was verified by plating sub-samples of the inoculated meat (Chapter 4). For each sample to be heated, 1 g of inoculated meat was aseptically placed into a 5 x 25.5 cm polyethylene laminated nylon bag (Butcher and Packer Supply Co., Detroit, MI). The bags were screened to ensure negligible background microflora by mixing 9 ml of 0.1% peptone water in 10 random bags and plating on Petrifilm® aerobic count plates. The bags containing meat were subsequently rolled between two guides, using a large glass test tube, to a uniform thickness of <1 mm (Figure 3.1). Again, this procedure was used for two primary reasons; 1) to transfer heat as quickly as possible, thereby minimizing the thermal lag time and 2) to consequently produce more accurate thermal inactivation parameters (Orta-Ramirez and Smith, 2002). The bags were heat-sealed using a soldering iron, refrigerated at 4°C, and subjected to thermal treatment within 1 h. 3. 3. 4 Thermal inactivation To prevent water from entering the bags (through possible leaks at the seal), the bags were sealed at the top, and the tops were held above the water line during treatment. The samples were placed in a rack that was completely submerged in a temperature- controlled waterbath (NESLAB Instruments, Inc., Newington, NH) set at 605°C, to obtain an actual water temperature of 60°C. The thermal lag time was defined as the time required for the meat temperature to reach within 0.5°C of the target temperature (60°C). To determine this time, a thermocouple was placed in the geometric center of a meat sample. The test was performed in triplicate, and a lag time was determined. The lag times were 15, 30, and 33 60 s, for moisture contents of 73, 55, and 37%, respectively. The end of the thermal lag was defined as the initial test time for inactivation (“time zero”). Samples were removed from the waterbath at five specific time intervals and placed directly into an ice-water bath, with the seals remaining above the ice-water line. Duplicate batches were run on different days. 3.3.5 Enumeration Within 1 h of treatment, each sample was aseptically transferred to a sterile WhirlpakTM bag containing 9 ml of 0.1% sterile peptone water, and manually homogenized for 1 min. Appropriate dilutions were made in 0.1% peptone water after which 1 ml was pipetted onto Petrifilm® aerobic count plates. The experiment was performed in duplicate, and all samples were plated in duplicate and incubated at 37°C for 24-36 h before enumeration. The minimum detection level was 10 CFU/ g. 3.3.6 Statistics and modeling Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was run to evaluate ln(N/No) of the cocktail as a function of the main effects of time, moisture content/water activity, and all two-term interactions. Linear regressions were run with the raw data to obtain k values from the slope of equation 3. Then an AN OVA was conducted to evaluate the k values of the cocktail as a function of the main effects of moisture content/water activity. Statistical analyses were performed using I MP (Version 4, copyright 2000-2001; SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NO). 3.4 Part 3 - Humidity effects The purpose of Part 3 was to test the effect of humidity on the inactivation of Salmonella in isothermal heating trials in an air convection oven. 34 3.4.1 Inoculum Bacterial strains The same bacterial strains were used as described in Section Culture preparation The culture was prepared as described in Section 3.4.2 Meat Ground turkey preparation The ground turkey was prepared as described in 3.4.3 Inoculation The inoculum (~l ml) was added dropwise (minimally affecting the moisture content), using aseptic procedures, to obtain a target concentration of 108 CFU/ g ground turkey. The meat was manually mixed in a sterile bowl for 5 min using sterile gloves to ensure even distribution of the inoculum. Even distribution was visually verified using food dye in preliminary trials. Actual uniformity was verified by plating sub—samples of the inoculated meat (Chapter 4). For each sample to be tested, 1 g of inoculated meat was aseptically spread onto an ~8 x 8 cm piece of sterile fiberglass screen (New York Co., Mt Wolf, PA) (Figure 3.3) to a uniform thickness of <1 mm. For sterility testing, tenscreens were placed in a sterile bag containing 9 ml of 0.1% peptone water with 0.1 ml plated on Petrifilm® aerobic count plates. 35 FIGURE 3.3 Meat sample being spread to a unifome thickness onto a sterile screen. 3.4.4 Thermal inactivation The samples were heated in a custom air convection oven at 60°C and 90 or 96% relative humidity (Figure 3.4). The oven was capable of producing dry bulb temperatures ranging from 25 to 200°C (: 1°C) and relative humidities ranging from 0 to 90% (i 1%) and 90 to 100% (:2%). The unique heating system consisted of a sample chamber connected to a mixing chamber, which supply an electronically controlled air/vapor mixture for a programmed sample exposure. FIGURE 3.4 Meat sample entering the custom air convection oven. 36 The oven contained 6 heat strips (350 watts each). Moisture was added from a steam generator that injected steam in short bursts until the desired humidity was reached. A centrifugal fan circulated air inside the heating chamber. The sample was placed in the heating chamber on a stand, so that air was blown across the top and bottom surfaces of the sample (Figure 3.5). fl 12“" "NEW’W‘ “W‘Wfi'fifl‘fl‘ ‘ . l M .‘lr' mum-z». . Hm“- Ahhitl m ' FIGURE 3.5 Sample in the heating chamber on a stand, which allows air to be blown across the top and bottom surface of the sample. In Parts 1 and 2, the thermal lag time was defined as the time required for the meat sample to reach within 0.5°C of the waterbath temperature. However, in Part 3, using the oven, the samples did not reach oven temperature, due to the effects of evaporative cooling, which limited the sample temperature to the oven wet bulb temperature. Therefore, the oven setting was adjusted (Chapter 4) to ensure that the samples reached the target temperature. The thermal lag time was defined as the time required for the meat temperature to reach within 0.5°C of the target temperature (60°C). To determine the lag time, a thin-wire thermocouple was woven in and out of the screen in the middle of the meat sample. The test was performed in triplicate, with the thermal 37 lag time determined to be 20 s. The end of the thermal lag was defined as the initial test time for inactivation (“time zero”). Samples were removed after five specific test durations, aseptically placed directly into sterile WhirlpakTM bags containing 9 ml of chilled 0.1% peptone water (4°C), and plated within 30 min. The samples were heated in two replicate batches at 60°C and 90 or 96% relative humidity. Each replicate batch occurred on a different day. The initial and final weights of each sample were recorded to determine the amount of moisture lost during heating (Chapter 4 and Appendix A). 3.4.5 Enumeration Each treated sample was aseptically placed in a WhirlpakIM bag and manually homogenized for 1 min with 9 ml of 0.1% sterile peptone water. Appropriate dilutions were made in O. 1% peptone water with 1 ml pipetted onto Petrifilm® aerobic count plates. The experiment Was performed in duplicate, and all samples were plated in duplicate and incubated at 37°C for 24-36 h before enumeration. The minimum detection level was 10 CFU/g. 3.4.6 Statistics and modeling Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was run to evaluate 1n(N/No) of the cocktail as a function of time, relative humidity, final moisture content, and fat, and all two-term interactions. Linear regressions were run with the raw data to obtain k values from the slope of equation 3. Then an ANOVA was conducted to evaluate the k values of the cocktail as a function of the main effects of relative humidity, final moisture content and fat, and all two-term interactions. 38 Statistical analyses were performed using JMP (version 4, copyright 2000-2001; SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC.) 39 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION As described in Chapter 3, this project was comprised of three parts. Section 4.1 will give some background information common to all three parts, related to the inoculum, proximate composition, initial counts, inoculum distribution, lag time, and then some background information pertinent for each specific part. Subsequent sections (4.2.1 to 4.2.4) focus on the inactivation results specific to each of the three respective parts, including graphs of the results, analyses of variance (both raw data and k values), and inactivation modeling. While much of the data obtained in this study appeared to be non-linear (e. g., Figure 4.9), the amount of data generated was insufficient to fit non-linear models. The results and conclusions of this work would most likely be unaffected by this; however, the precision and accuracy of the models would likely be affected. 4.1 General background information 4.1.1 Salmonella cocktail The inoculum culture for each strain was plated in duplicate (Table 4.1). The overall average, before mixing the cocktail, of all the strains was 1.40 x 109 CFU/ml in the inoculum. 40 TABLE 4.1 Salmonella counts. CFU/ml Strain ' ' Indrvrdual AVG reps S. Thompson 1 .13E+09 1 .17E+09 FSIS 120 1,205+09 S. Enteritidis 1.55E+09 1.64E+09 H3527 1.73E+09 S. Enteritidis 3.95E+09 3.93E+09 H3502 3.91 E+09 S. Typhimurium 1.22E+09 1.24E+09 H3380 1.25E+09 S. Hadar 8.50E+08 8.50E+08 MF60404 8.50E+08 S. Copenhagen \4.30E+08 5.35E+08 8457 6.40E+08 S. Montevideo 6.70E+08 8.05E+08 FSIS 051 9,405+03 S. Heidelberg 8.40E+08 1.04E+09 F50388G1 1235-1-09 4.1.2 Proximate composition 41 The proximate composition of meat used (Part 1-3) is listed in Table 4.2. Mm- -. - 5.0 3 Rd 0.8 a: in SS 3. v.25 8.0 me New o. 3. mm; in 8d 3 N to mod 5 mad «.8. 8.0 QR 5o 3 22m «232 So we owe 02 Rd 08 «so of a”. :9: n as... F :3 no So QR m3 0% mod 2 an. 26.. om u>< om m>< am u>< am m>< tad on». “no.2 :a E 532“. 3.. 23%: 3.. an. $815 hexeamxw zetwmomfieu Sefieaam N6. Hum—(H. 42 4.1.3 Initial counts Part l—Moisture effects-high range Samples of irradiated turkey were tested to ensure negligible background microflora by plating a 1:10 dilution in 0.1% peptone water on Petrifilm® aerobic count plates. All plate counts showed no growth. Part 2——Moisture effects-low range Samples of cooked turkey were tested for initial counts (immediately before inoculation) by plating a 1:10 dilution in 0.1% peptone water on Petrifihn® aerobic count plates. The average initial count was ~547.9 (SD=:1248.27) CF U/g (Appendix E). Compared to the amount of inoculum added into the ground turkey, the initial count was very small. Because non-selective Petrifilm® plates were used, it was not confirmed what specific bacteria were actually in the ground turkey prior to inoculation. However, only Salmonella-like colonies were observed and counted. Part 3-—Humidity effects The same meat was used as in Part 1 (See 4. 1. 4 Inoculum distribution Uniformity of inoculation was verified by plating unheated inoculated meat samples diluted in 0.1% peptone water on Petrifihn® aerobic count plates. Sub-samples were plated for all three parts to determine the uniformity of mixing. The means (:SD) of the unheated inoculated meat samples in Part 1, 2, and 3 were 7.9 (i027), 6.9 (10.51), and 7.8 (1:01 1) log(CFU/g), respectively. 43 The targeted total concentration was 108 CF U/ml. Raw ground turkey in Parts 1 and 3 was close to the targeted concentration; however, the cooked meat used in Part 2, was approximately 1 log lower than the targeted concentration, and also more variable. 4.1.5 Thermal lag times The thermal lag time was the time required for the meat temperature to reach within 0.5°C of the target temperature. The end of the thermal lag was the initial test time for inactivation (“time zero”). The thermal lag time for Part 1 and 3 were 8 and 20 s, respectively, whereas for Part 2, the thermal lag times for 73, 55, and 37% moisture content were 15, 30, and 60 s, respectively. A 4.1.6 Additional test information for Part 1 Changes during the experiment In Part 1 and 3, raw ground turkey was used. From the time the bag of meat was opened until the experiment was completed, some moisture was lost from the meat during processing. In order to evaluate this loss of moisture, 100 g of low fat ground turkey (native state) sat at room temperature (22°C) for 2.5 h. During that time, 2.47 g of moisture was lost. However, during actual inactivation trials, the meat was refrigerated in a covered vessel, whenever it was not being used, in order to minimize moisture loss. During the experiment, on any given day, meat inoculum levels fluctuated ~0.5 log(CFU/ g) from the time the experiment started until completion. However, all of the inactivation analyses were based on actual “time zero” counts for each specific test. 44 Moisture content alteration The moisture content ranged from 70.96 to 76.34% in the low fat ground turkey; the water activity ranged from 0.993 to 0.997. The moisture content ranged from 64.49 to 68.49% in the high fat ground turkey; the water activity ranged from 0.991 to 0.994. 4.1.7 Additional test information for Part 2 Moisture content alteration The moisture contents were 37.13, 54.37, and 72.51% in cooked ground turkey, with water activities of 0.95, 0.98, and 0.99, respectively. 4.1.8 Additional test information for Part 3 Moisture lost during heating Moisture lost during oven heating was determined by comparing the mass of the sample before and after heating (Appendix A). During heating, the samples lost an average of 0.0313 g (:0.10) of moisture per ~1 g of sample. For low fat ground turkey, the average final moisture content was 71.5% (_+_0.01). For high fat ground turkey, the average final moisture content was 62.4% (:008). Oven adjustments During convection heating, the wet bulb temperature of the air limited the temperature of the meat. Because the goal was to keep the sample temperature the constant for all treatments, the dry bulb temperature of the oven was adjusted to achieve equal wet bulb (and therefore sample) temperatures for each treatment (Table 4.3). These sample temperatures were verified by using a thin-wire thermocouple in preliminary tests (as described for determining the thermal lag time, Chapter 3). 45 TABLE 4.3 Oven settings for inactivation trials. Tdb (°C) RH (0/0) Tsample (°C) 62.3 90 , 60 60.6 96 60 4.2 Inactivation results The inactivation results are presented as: graphs of the average raw results, as analyses of variance (both raw data and k values), and as a secondary inactivation model. Sections are also included to compare results from Parts 1 (raw) and 2 (cooked) at the native state moisture content and to compare results from Part 1 (waterbath) to Part 3 (oven) 4. 2.1 Part 1 —— Moisture effects-high range Data Figures 4.1 to 4.6 depict the mean survivor data from all inactivation tests in Part 1 (Appendix B). The lines are linear regressions (with slope=k). The goodness of fit (R2) ranged from 0.05 to 0.99, with an average of 0.74 (:0.250). In Figures 4.2 and 4.5, the data fit the line well. In Figures 4.1, 4.4, and 4.6, the data vary and even show an increase in the number of survivors. In Figures 4.3, 4.4, and 4.6, the data exhibit “tailing.” Low fat: Figures 4.1 to 4.3 depict the mean survivor data for low fat ground turkey heated at 55, 60, and 65°C. 46 O 72.3% D 74.3% I 76.3% - - -Linear(72.3 %) — —Linear(74.3%) —Linear (76.3%) log (N/No) 0 20 40 60 80 Time (min) FIGURE 4.1 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in low fat ground turkey at 55 °C and three different moisture contents ( 72.3- 7 6.3%). OI— . 72.3% 3° :1 74.3% 2 I; o 76.3% .2 Linear (72.3%) — —Linear (74.3%) - - - Linear (76.3%) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Time (min) FIGURE 4.2 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in low fat ground turkey at 60 °C and three different moisture contents (72.3-76.3%). 47 I —L 2 O 72.3% 3 E1 74.3% E O 76.3% 2 -3 E - - - Linear (72.3%) "' .4 Linear (74.3%) —- -Linear(76.3%) I U! ch T f r 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 Time (min) 0 FIGURE 4.3 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in low fat ground turkey at 65 °C and three different moisture contents ( 72.3-7 6.3 %). High fat Figures 4.4 to 4.6 represent mean survivor data for high fat ground turkey heated at 55, 60, and 65°C. O 64.5% 3 D 66.5% g o 68.5% E Linear (64.5%) - - - Linear(66.5%) — —Linear (68.5%) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (min) FIGURE 4.4 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in high fat ground turkey at 55 °C and three different moisture contents (64.5 -68.5 %). 48 O 64.5% D 66.5% I 68.5% — -Linear (64.5%) Linear (66.5%) - - - Linear (68.5%) log NINo 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Time (min) FIGURE 4.5 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in high fat ground turkey at 60 °C and three different moisture contents (64.5-68.5%). o 64.5% 3- n 66.5% g o 68.5% 3 - - - Linear (64.5%) 9 Linear (66.5%) — —Linear(68.5%) -14 f 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Time (min) FIGURE 4.6 Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in high fat ground turkey at 65 °C and three different moisture contents (64.5 -68.5 %). Variability occurred in the high fat meat samples at 55 and 65°C and the low fat meat samples at 55°C. This variability could be caused because the fat may prevent the inoculum from mixing well into the meat, as compared to the low fat meat. Fat “pockets present in the high fat meat could have protective properties, as well. This could also 49 explain why an increase in CFU/ g was observed over time (Figure 4.4 at 66.5% MC and Figure 4.6 at 64.5% MC). However, this was not always true in the high fat meat heated at 60°C, since variability was small. Furthermore, this did not explain the variability in the low fat meat (Figure 4.1), and the increased CFU/ g in low fat meat (Figure 4.1 at 74.3% MC). While performing the trials in Part 2, it was noticed that moisture was leaking into the pouches during the waterbath heating treatment. For Part 2, the problem was corrected; however, it remains uncertain whether moisture was leaking into the pouches in Part 1. If so, it was not noticed because of the moist state of the meat (compared to the dry meat in Part 3), but the possibility cannot be eliminated. If water was actually leaking into some bags, this could account for the high variability. ANOVA Raw data For Part 1, the raw data were analyzed via analyses of variance (ANOVA) with both fat levels together (Table 4.4, column a), and then at the low (Table 4.4, column b) and high fat (Table 4.4, column c) levels independently. With all samples included, the AN OVA included time, temperature, moisture content, and fat content, and all two-term interactions (Table 4.4, column a). Time, temperature, moisture content, fat, and the time * temperature interaction were significantly related to Salmonella survival (0t=0.05). With only low fat samples included, the AN OVA included time, temperature, and moisture content, and all two-term interactions (Table 4.4, column b). Time and temperature, and. the time * temperature interaction were significantly related to Salmonella survival (or=0.0001); however, moisture content did not affect inactivation. 50 With only high fat samples included, the AN OVA included time, temperature, and moisture content, and all two-term interactions (Table 4.4, column c). Time, temperature, moisture content, and the time "' temperature interaction was significantly related to Salmonella survival (if (1:0.10). Moisture content ranged from 64.5 to 76.3% (~12% range), and the maximum moisture content of the high fat meat never exceeded the minimum moisture content of the low fat meat (MCHF-max F <.0001 F Ratio 2.3545 Prob > F <.0001 Max RSq 0.8018 Std Error 36.40635 0.365657 0.590094 0.131 121 0.092909 0.059006 0.009572 0.006179 0.041011 0.026229 0.02218 F Ratio 136.9493 139.6102 5.6800 8.4707 129.4278 0.0036 0.0315 0.0809 0.5914 0.2087 t Ratio 10.97 -11.70 -11.82 2.38 2.91 -11.38 0.06 0.18 0.28 0.77 0.46 Prob > F <.0001 <.0001 0.0177 0.0038 <.0001 0.9520 0.8592 0.7762 0.4424 0.6481 Prob>|t| <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.0177 0.0038 <.0001 0.9520 0.8592 0.7762 0.4424 0.6481 APPENDIX C, con’d #2 — Part 1 - Raw data (For Table 4.4, column b) Response In N/No Whole Model Summary of Fit RSquare 0.417101 RSquare Adj 0.401204 Root Mean Square Error 3.915196 Mean of Response -7. 17878 Observations (or Sum Wgts) 227 Analysis of Variance Source DF Sum of Squares Model 6 2413.1140 Error 220 3372.3277 C. Total 226 5785.4417 Lack Of Fit Source DF Sum of Squares Lack Of Fit 129 2736.1469 Pure Error 91 636.1808 Total Error 220 33723277 Parameter Estimates Term Intercept Time (min) Temp C MC % (Time (min)-l 1.9431)*(Temp C-60.7489) (Time (min)-11.9431)*(MC %-73.049) (Temp C-60.7489)*(MC %-73.049) Effect Tests Source Time (min) Temp C MC % Time (min)*Temp C Time (min)*MC % Temp C*MC % Nparm D Hp—‘p—‘p-‘y—np—n pdpnpdpnp—aflm Mean Square F Ratio 402.186 26.2373 15.329 Prob > F <.0001 Mean Square F Ratio 21.2104 3.0340 6.9910 Prob > F <.0001 Max RSq 0.8900 Estimate Std Error 471 .62286 57.51517 -3.857806 0.463262 -8. 126511 0.962308 0.2497615 0.168525 -0.64191 1 0.07979 0.0005812 0.011151 -0.049699 0.050796 Sum of Squares F Ratio 1063.0018 69.3469 1093,1682 71.3148 33.6688 2.1964 992.1099 64.7221 0.0416 0.0027 14.6739 0.9573 86 t Ratio 8.20 -8.33 -8.44 1.48 -8.05 0.05 -0.98 Prob > F <.0001 <.0001 0.1398 <.0001 0.9585 0.3289 Prob>|t| <.0001 . <.0001 <.0001 0.1398 <.0001 0.9585 0.3289 APPENDIX C, con’d #3 — Part 1 - Raw data (For Table 4.4, column c) Response In N/N 0 Summary of Fit RSquare RSquare Adj Root Mean Square Error Mean of Response Observations (or Sum Wgts) Analysis of Variance Source DF Model 6 Error 144 C. Total 150 Lack Of Fit Source DF Lack Of Fit 37 Pure Error 107 Total Error 144 Parameter Estimates Term Intercept Time (min) Temp C MC % 0.405 0.380208 4.049244 -6.4 1946 15 1 Sum of Squares 1607.1183 2361.0778 3968.1961 Sum of Squares 1053.8413 1307.2365 2361.0778 (Time (min)-6.60155)*(Temp 061.6887) (Time (min)-6.60155)*(MC %-65.8642) (Temp C-6l.6887)*(MC %-65.8642) Effect Tests Source Time (min) Temp C MC % Time (min)*Temp C Time (min)*MC % Temp C*MC % Nparrn D .‘p—ap—e—n—ep—‘T’ Mean Square F Ratio 267.853 16.3361 16.396 Prob > F <.0001 Mean Square F Ratio 28.4822 2.3313 12.2172 Prob > F 0.0004 Max RSq 0.6706 Estimate Std Error 287.42852 40.45771 -5.014653 0.592644 -5. 103426 0.606911 0.3706851 0.208294 -0.723031 0.087321 -0.005029 0.01837 0.1124595 0.069086 Sum of Squares F Ratio 1173.9288 71.5969 1 159.3687 70.7089 51.9283 3.1671 1124.1390 68.5602 1.2286 0.0749 43.4471 2.6498 87 t Ratio 7.10 -8.46 -8.41 1.78 -8.28 -0.27 1.63 Prob > F <.0001 <.0001 0.0772 <.0001 0.7847 0.1057 Prob>|t| <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.0772 <.0001 0.7847 0.1057 APPENDIX C, con’d #4 - Part 1 - k values (For Table 4.5, column a) Response R value Summary of Fit RSquare RSquare Adj Root Mean Square Error ' Mean of Response Observations (or Sum Wgts) Analysis of Variance Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Model 6 19371.800 3228.63 Error 80 10001.897 125.02 C. Total 86 29373.697 Lack Of Fit Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Lack OfFit 33 3161.181 95.793 Pure Error 47 6840.716 145.547 Total Error 80 10001 .897 Parameter Estimates Term Estimate Intercept -l43.586 Temp C 3.3322601 MC % -0.507665 Fat % -0.330035 (Temp C-60.8621)*(MC °/o-70.3188) 0.0631256 (Temp C-60.8621)*(Fat %-5.6161) -0.027434 (MC %-70.3188)*(Fat %-5.6161) 0.2709161 Effect Tests Source Nparrn DF Sum of Squares Temp C 1 1 17597.531 MC % 1 1 57.813 Fat % 1 1 48.565 Temp C*MC % l 1 14.933 Temp C*Fat % l 1 7.131 MC %*Fat % l 1 547.786 0.659495 0.633957 11.1814 16.18663 87 88 F Ratio 25.8242 Prob > F <.0001 F Ratio 0.6582 Prob > F 0.8954 Max RSq 0.7671 Std Error 58.91756 0.280872 0.746551 0.529535 0.182653 0.114869 0.129427 F Ratio 140.7535 0.4624 0.3884 0.1194 0.0570 4.3815 t Ratio -2.44 1 1.86 -0.68 -0.62 0.35 -0.24 2.09 Prob > F <.0001 0.4985 0.5349 0.7305 0.8119 0.0395 Prob>lt| 0.0170 <.0001 0.4985 0.5349 0.7305 0.81 19 0.0395 APPENDIX C, con’d #5 - Part 1 - k values (For Table 4.5, column b) Response R value Summary of Fit RSquare RSquare Adj Root Mean Square Error Mean of Response Observations (or Sum Wgts) Analysis of Variance Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Model 3 14752.730 4917.58 Error 50 7466.603 149.33 C. Total 53 22219.334 Lack Of Fit Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Lack Of Fit 27 2215.371] 82.051 Pure Error 23 5251.2324 228.314 Total Error 50 7466.6035 Parameter Estimates Term Estimate Intercept -67.831 1 1 Temp C 3.5752004 MC % -l.797851 (Temp C-60.6481)*(MC %-72.9859) -0.118713 Effect Tests Source Nparrn DF Sum of Squares Temp C l 1 13619.305 MC % l 1 446.143 Temp C*MC % 1 1 33.516 0.663959 0.643797 12.22015 17.77034 54 89 F Ratio 32.9305 Prob > F <.0001 F Ratio 0.3594 Prob > F 0.9941 Max RSq 0.7637 Std Error 79.2747 0.374369 1.040144 0.25058 F Ratio 91.2015 2.9876 0.2244 t Ratio -0.86 9.55 -1.73 -0.47 Prob > F <.0001 0.0901 0.6377 Prob>|t| 0.3963 <.0001 0.0901 0.6377 APPENDIX C, con’d #6 - Part 1 - k values (For Table 4.5, column c) Response k value Summary of Fit RSquare 0.658678 RSquare Adj 0.623369 Root Mean Square Error 8.944401 Mean of Response 13.5951 Observations (or Sum Wgts) 33 Analysis of Variance Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Model 3 4477.2288 1492.41 Error 29 2320.0672 80.00 C. Total 32 6797.2960 Lack Of Fit Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Lack Of Fit 5 730.5840 146.117 Pure Error 24 1589.4832 66.228 Total Error 29 2320.0672 Parameter Estimates Term Estimate Intercept -259.5 101 Temp C 2.8552049 MC % 1.4992956 (Temp C-61.2121)*(MC %-65.9545) 0.3789683 Effect Tests Source Nparrn DF Sum of Squares Temp C l l 4286.1626 MC % 1 1 193.2031 Temp C*MC % l 1 196.6433 90 F Ratio 18.6546 Prob > F <.0001 F Ratio 2.2063 Prob > F 0.0870 Max RSq 0.7662 Std Error 72.65463 0.39008 0.964787 0.241721 F Ratio 53.5755 2.4150 2.4580 tRatio -3.57 7.32 1.55 1.57 Prob > F <.0001 0.1310 0.1278 Prob>|t| 0.0013 <.0001 0.1310 0.1278 APPENDIX C, con’d #7 - Part 2 - Raw data (For Table 4.6, column a) Response In N/No Summary of Fit RSquare 0.950327 RSquare Adj 0.947666 Root Mean Square Error 0.769737 Mean of Response -3.97773 Observations (or Sum Wgts) 60 Analysis of Variance Source Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio Model 634.78981 211.597 357.1279 Error 33.17974 0.592 Prob > F C. Total 667.96955 <.0001 Lack Of Fit Source Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio Lack Of Fit 14.632414 1.33022 3.2274 Pure Error 18.547323 0.41216 Prob > F Total Error 33.179738 0.0026 Max RSq 0.9722 Parameter Estimates Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t| Intercept 5.8261487 0.413525 14.09 <.0001 Time (min.) -2.506345 0.093689 -26.75 <.0001 MC 01 10565 0.006878 -16.08 <.0001 (Time (min.)-1.5)*(MC-54.6679) -0.063971 0.006485 -9.87 <.0001 Effect Tests Source Nparrn DF Sum of Squares F Ratio Prob > F Time (min) 1 1 424.0191] 715.6497 <.0001 MC 1 1 153.11004 258.4156 <.0001 Time (min.)*MC 1 1 57.66066 97.3183 <.0001 91 APPENDIX C, con’d #8 — Part 2 — Raw data (For Table 4.6, column b) Response In N/No Summary of Fit RSquare RSquare Adj Root Mean Square Error Mean of Response Observations (or Sum Wgts) Analysis of Variance 0.95163 0.949039 0.759576 -3.97773 60 Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio Model 3 635.66002 21 1.887 367.2493 Error 56 32.30953 0.577 Prob > F C. Total 59 667.96955 <.0001 Lack Of Fit Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio Lack Of Fit 11 13.762207 1.25111 3.0355 Pure Error 45 18.547323 0.41216 Prob > F Total Error 56 32.309530 0.0041 Max RSq 0.9722 Parameter Estimates Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>lt| Intercept 81.27421 1 4.997822 16.26 <.0001 Time (min) -2.506345 0.092453 -27.11 <.0001 Aw -83.52486 5.11951 -16.32 <.0001 (Time (min.)-l .5)*(Aw-0.97567) 48.42232 4.82672 -10.03 <.0001 Effect Tests Source Nparrn DF Sum of Squares F Ratio Prob > F Time (min) 1 1 424.01911 734.9246 <.0001 Aw I 1 153.57389 266.1796 <.0001 Time (min.)*Aw 1 1 58.06702 100.6438 <.0001 92 APPENDIX C, con’d #9 - Part 2 - k values (For Table 4.7, column a) Response k value Summary of Fit RSquare 0.923759 RSquare Adj 0.904699 Root Mean Square Error 0.325197 Mean of Response 2.506333 Observations (or Sum Wgts) 6 Analysis of Variance Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio Model 1 5.1253581 5.12536 48.4654 Error 4 0.4230121 0.10575 Prob > F C. Total 5 5.5483701 0.0022 Lack Of Fit Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio Lack Of Fit 1 0.07819285 0.078193 0.6803 Pure Error 3 0.34481921 0.114940 Prob > F Total Error 4 0.42301206 0.4700 Max RSq 0.9379 Parameter Estimates Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t| Intercept -0.990789 0.519584 -1 .91 0.1292 mc 0.0639703 0.009189 6.96 0.0022 Effect Tests Source Nparrn DF Sum of Squares F Ratio Prob > F are 1 1 5.1253581 48.4654 0.0022 93 APPENDIX C, con’d #10 — Part 2 - k values (For Table 4.7, column b) Response k value Summary of Fit RSquare 0.930272 RSquare Adj 0.91284 Root Mean Square Error 0.310997 Mean of Response 2.506333 Observations (or Sum Wgts) Analysis of Variance 6 Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio Model 1 5.1614932 5.16149 53.3657 Error 4 0.3868769 0.09672 Prob > F C. Total 5 5.5483701 0.0019 Lack Of F it Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio Lack Of Fit 1 0.04205768 0.042058 0.3659 Pure Error 3 0.3448 1921 0.114940 Prob > F Total Error 4 0.38687689 0.5879 Max RSq 0.9379 Parameter Estimates Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>lt| Intercept -44.73762 6.468426 -6.92 0.0023 water act 48.422229 6.628473 7.31 0.0019 Effect Tests Source Nparrn DF Sum of Squares F Ratio Prob > F water act 1 1 5.1614932 53.3657 0.0019 94 APPENDIX C, con’d #11 - Part 3 — Raw data (F or Table 4.10, column a) Response In N/No Summary of Fit RSquare 0.856687 RSquare Adj 0.834294 Root Mean Square Error 1.767196 Mean of Response -6.13153 Observations (or Sum W gts) 75 Analysis of Variance Source DF Sum of Squares Model 10 1 194.7705 Error 64 199.8708 C. Total 74 13946413 Lack Of Fit Source DF Sum of Squares Lack Of Fit 63 199.86015 Pure Error 1 0.01060 Total Error 64 199.87076 Parameter Estimates Term Intercept Time (min) RH % final me % Fat % (Time (min)-l.53)*(RH %-92.8) (Time (min)-l.53)*(final me %-67.2343) (Time (min)-1.53)*(Fat %-7.13527) (RH %-92.8)*(final mc %-67.2343) (RH %-92.8)*(Fat %-7.13527) (Fat %-7.l3527)*(final me %-67.2343) Effect Tests Source Time (min) RH% final me % Fat % Time (min)*RH % Time (min)*frnal me % Time (min)*Fat % RH %*frnal me % RH %*Fat % Fat %‘final me % Z '0 ca .3. H##H_H-- “#thydydfl—‘de’n Mean Square t Ratio -3.34 -13.69 5.44 0.46 1.38 1.68 -0.99 -1.02 1.18 1.23 -0.94 Prob>lt| 0.0014 <.0001 <.0001 0.6459 0.1710 0.0982 0.3238 0.3119 0.2423 0.2234 0.3488 F Ratio 119.477 38.2574 3.123 Prob > F <.0001 Mean Square F Ratio 3.17238 299.2562 0.01060 Prob > F 0.0459 Max RSq 1.0000 Estimate Std Error -44.74747 13.38503 -3.465307 0.253064 0.3889134 0.071496 0.0818721 0.177325 0.1833283 0.132424 0.1524578 0.09085 -0.127683 0.128414 -0.099054 0.097182 0.0744757 0.06311 1 0.0594761 0.048376 -0.031204 0.033059 Sum of Squares F Ratio 585.58976 187.5099 92.40874 29.5899 0.66574 0.2132 5.98543 1.9166 8.79463 2.8161 3.08754 0.9887 3.24446 1.0389 4.34896 1.3926 4.72066 1.5116 2.78229 0.8909 95 Prob > F <.0001 <.0001 0.6459 0.1710 0.0982 0.3238 0.31 19 0.2423 0.2234 0.3488 APPENDIX C, con’d #12 — Part 3 - Raw data (For Table 4.10, column b) Response In N/No Summary of Fit RSquare RSquare Adj Root Mean Square Error Mean of Response Observations (or Sum Wgts) Analysis of Variance Source DF Model 6 Error 30 C. Total 36 Parameter Estimates Term Intercept Time (min) RH % final mc % (Time (min)-1.52027)*(RH %-92.7568) 0.835362 0.802435 2.062154 -6.84133 37 Sum of Squares 647.30535 127.57440 774.87975 (Time (min)-l.52027)*(final me %-71.6382) (RH %-92.7568)*(final me %-7l.6382) Effect Tests Source Time (min) RH % final mc % Time (rnin)*RH % Time (min)*final mc % RH %‘final mc % Nparrn ~——ep——n— D p—‘p—np—oudp—A—m Mean Square F Ratio 107.884 25.3697 4.252 Prob > F <.0001 Estimate Std Error -50.53718 23.71511 -3.480053 0.394869 0.3153437 0.126101 0.2589522 0.357111 0.3841554 0.184746 -0.830827 0.360285 0.406191 0.176535 Sum of Squares F Ratio 330.29953 77.6722 26.59345 6.2536 2.23601 0.5258 18.38672 4.3238 22.61361 5.3177 22.51338 5.2942 96 t Ratio -2.13 -8.81 2.50 0.73 2.08 -2.31 2.30 Prob > F <.0001 0.0181 0.4740 0.0462 0.0282 0.0285 Prob>|t| 0.0414 <.0001 0.0181 0.4740 0.0462 0.0282 0.0285 APPENDIX C, con’d #13 - Part 3 — Raw data (For Table 4.10, column c) Response In N/No Summary of Fit RSquare RSquare Adj Root Mean Square Error Mean of Response Observations (or Sum Wgts) Analysis of Variance 0.920269 0.904838 1.224489 -5.44041 38 Source DF Sum of Squares Model 6 536.48950 Error 31 46.48055 C. Total 37 582.97005 Lack Of Fit Source DF Sum of Squares Lack Of Fit 30 46.469949 Pure Error 1 0.010601 Total Error 31 46.480550 Parameter Estimates Term Intercept Time (min) RH % final mc % (Time (min)-1.53947)*(RH %-92.8421) (Time (min)-l .53947)*( final me %-62.9463) (RH %-92.8421)*(final me %-62.9463) Effect Tests Source Time (min) RH % final me % Time (min)*RH % Time (min)*final me % RH %‘final me % p—ep—Ap—‘p—ap—ep—a Nparm D y—‘y—dp—lp—‘p—dp—Im Mean Square F Ratio 89.4149 59.6349 1.4994 Prob > F <.0001 Mean Square F Ratio 1.54900 146.1196 0.01060 Prob > F 0.0654 Max RSq 1.0000 Estimate Std Error -24.31497 14.10394 -3.633116 0.316625 0.4177081 0.066414 -0.227224 0.195133 0.2277787 0.097777 0.0230355 0.105119 0.0653434 0.055137 Sum of Squares F Ratio 197.41326 131.6639 59.31084 39.5571 2.03309 1.3560 8.13693 5.4269 0.07200 0.0480 2.10582 1.4045 97 tRatio -1.72 -11.47 6.29 -1.16 2.33 0.22 1.19 Prob > F <.0001 <.0001 0.2531 0.0265 0.8280 0.2450 Prob>|t| 0.0947 <.0001 <.0001 0.2531 0.0265 0.8280 0.2450 APPENDIX C, con’d #14 - Part 3 — K values (For Table 4.11, column a) Response K value Summary of Fit RSquare RSquare Adj Root Mean Square Error Mean of Response Observations (or Sum Wgts) Analysis of Variance Source DF Model 3 Error 4 C. Total 7 Parameter Estimates Term Intercept RH % Fat Content (RH %-93)*(Fat Content-7.05575) Effect Tests Source RH % 1 Fat Content 1 RH %*Fat Content 1 0.567857 0.24375 0.375577 3.439588 8 Sum of Squares 0.7414294 0.5642320 1.3056614 Mean Square 0.247143 0.141058 Estimate 10.449669 -0.073 804 -0.020734 -0.009412 Sum of Squares 0.39218796 0. 12233931 0.22690216 98 F Ratio 1.7521 Prob > F 0.2947 Std Error 4.121517 0.044262 0.022264 0.007421 F Ratio 2.7803 0.8673 1.6086 t Ratio Prob>|t| 2.54 0.0643 -1.67 0.1708 -0.93 0.4044 -1.27 0.2735 Prob > F 0.1708 0.4044 0.2735 APPENDIX C, con’d #15 - Part 3 — K values (For Table 4.11, column b) Response K value Summary of Fit RSquare RSquare Adj Root Mean Square Error Mean of Response Observations (or Sum Wgts) Analysis of Variance Source DF Model 1 Error 2 C. Total 3 Parameter Estimates Term Estimate Intercept 5.20625 RH % -0.017667 Effect Tests Source Nparrn DF RH % 1 1 0.020163 -O.46976 0.522504 3.56325 4 Sum of Squares 0.01123600 0.54602165 0.55725765 Std Error 8.103031 0.087084 Mean Square 0.01 1236 0.273011 t Ratio 0.64 -0.20 Sum of Squares 0.01 123600 99 Prob>|t| 0.5864 0.8580 F Ratio 0.0412 F Ratio 0.0412 Prob > F 0.8580 Prob > F 0.8580 APPENDIX C, con’d #16 - Part 3 - K values (For Table 4.11, column c) Response K value Summary of Fit RSquare RSquare Adj Root Mean Square Error Mean of Response Observations (or Sum Wgts) Analysis of Variance Source DF Model 1 Error 2 C. Total 3 Parameter Estimates Term Estimate Intercept 15 .4005 RH % -0. 129942 Effect Tests Source Nparrn DF RH % 1 1 0.970913 0.95637 0.095421 3.315925 4 Sum of Squares 0.60785412 0.0182 1031 0.62606443 Std Error 1.479794 0.015903 Mean Square 0.607854 0.009105 t Ratio 10.41 -8.17 Sum of Squares 0.60785412 100 Prob>|ti 0.0091 0.0147 F Ratio 66.7594 F Ratio 66.7594 Prob > F 0.0147 Prob > F 0.0147 APPENDIX C, con’d #17 — Part 1 and 2 - Raw values (For Table 4.12) Response In N/No Summary of Fit RSquare 0.915669 RSquare Adj 0.910399 Root Mean Square Error 1.229352 Mean of Response -6.17514 Observations (or Sum W gts) 35 Analysis of Variance Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Model 2 525.11568 262.558 Error 32 48.36181 1.511 C. Total 34 573.47748 Lack Of Fit Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Lack Of Fit 7 34.037903 4.86256 Pure Error 25 14.323906 0.57296 Total Error 32 48.361809 Parameter Estimates Term Estimate Std Error Intercept -O.785543 0.361165 Time (min) -3.631953 0.195914 raw vs. cooked[cooked] 0.4083415 0.209952 Effect Tests Source Nparrn DF Sum of Squares Time (min) 1 l 519.39878 raw vs. cooked 1 1 5.71690 101 F Ratio 173.7290 Prob > F <.0001 F Ratio 8.4868 Prob > F <.0001 Max RSq 0.9750 tRatio -2.18 -18.54 1.94 F Ratio 343.6753 3.7828 Prob>lt| 0.0371 <.0001 0.0606 Prob > F <.0001 0.0606 APPENDIX D: Output from secondary modeling (Part 2) Part 2-raw model-nonlinear #1 - Water term = 1/aw Nonlinear fit Control panel Report Coverged in the gradient Criterion Current Stop limit Iteration 1 89 200 Shortening 0 15 Obj change 1.13E-10 1E-07 pmr change 3.82E-05 1E-07 Gradient 3.652 0.000001 Parameter Current value lock 3 2.0176 SSE 32.327 Ea 332479 N 60 bl -21.949 Confidence Limits Convergence Criterion 0.05 Solution SSE DFE MSE RMSE 32.327 58 0.557 0.747 Parameter Estimate ApproxStdErr a 2.02E+62 2.89E+62 Ea 332479 0 b1 -21.949 1.413 102 APPENDIX D, con'd #2 - Water term = aw Nonlinear fit Control panel Report Coverged in the gradient Criterion Current Stop limit Iteration 1 77 200 Shortening 0 1 5 Obj change 2.90E-08 1E-07 pmr change 0.000396 1E-O7 Gradient 9.44E—07 0.000001 Parameter Current value lock a 5.88E+42 Ea 332479 b1 23.04 Confidence Limits Convergence Criterion 0.05 Solution SSE DFE MSE 32.518 58 0.561 SSE RMSE 0.749 Parameter Estimate ApproxStdErr a 5.88E+42 8.59E+42 Ea 332479 0 b1 23.04 1.48 32.518 60 103 APPENDIX D, con'd #3 - Water term = aw+aw2 Nonlinear fit Control panel Report Coverged in the gradient Criterion Current Stop limit Iteration 47 200 Shortening 0 1 5 Obj change 6.58E+10 1E-07 pmr change 0.000136 lE-07 Gradient 2.19E-08 0.000001 Parameter Current value lock 3 4.49E+47 SSE Ea 332479 N b1 1 1.799 Confidence Limits Convergence Criterion 0.05 Solution SSE DF E MSE RMSE 32.64. 58 0.563 0.75 Parameter Estimate ApproxStdErr a 4.49E+47 3.32E+47 Ea 332479 0 b1 1 1.799 0.757 32.64 60 104 APPENDIX E: Initial microbial counts (Part 2) CFU/g 72.5% MC Plate 1 Plate 2 AVG Sample A 20 O 10 Sample B O 0 0 Sample A 550 360 455 Sample B 610 510 560 AVG 256.25 SD 293.297 CFU/g 54.4% MC Plate 1 Plate 2 AVG Sample A 20 0 10 Sample B 0 0 0 Sample A 4200 4600 4400 Sample B 620 1220 920 AVG 1332.5 SD 2090 CFU/g 37.1% MC Plate 1 Plate 2 AVG Sample A 20 80 50 Sample B 150 50 100 Sample A 50 4O 45 Sample B 40 10 25 AVG 55 SD 31.8852 OVERALL AVG 547.917 OVERALL SD 1248.27 105' REFERENCES 106 REFERENCES Abdul-Raouf U.M., Beuchat, LR, and Ammar, MS. 1993. 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