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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 6/01 CJCIRG/DmODUO.965-p.15 SUPPORTING MULTICAST IN SCALABLE QOS FRAMEWORKS By Baijian Yang A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Computer Science and Engineering Michigan State University 2002 ABSTRACT SUPPORTING MULTICAST IN SCALABLE oos FRAMEWORKS By Baijian Yang Advances in the areas of QoS and multicasting have necessitated the need of integration of these two important features of Internet. Integration of multicasting and scalable QoS frameworks, such as DiffServ and MPLS, is promising since the underlying QoS support may reduce the complexity to locate a QoS-satisfied multicast tree. In this dissertation, we first identified the problems of provision- ing lP multicasting in DiffServ domain, and proposed an efficient DiffServ-Aware Multicasting (DAM) scheme. Next, we have investigated the issues of supporting IP multicast with MPLS-TE. The Edge Router Multicast (ERM) scheme we pro- posed solved most of the perceived problems without noticeably losing the benefit of multicast. Finally, as the trend of multicast is now moving to the upper layer, we propose a tree-building protocol — Incremental Insertion Algorithm (IIA) to build a cost-efficient overlay multicast tree for DiffServ domains. The performance analy- sis and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed schemes provide a good balance among several performance metric. In summary, the approach of build- ing multicast tree on top of the existing 003 frameworks is scalable as well as practical. mm. Firrsl and harshest Ian wryngWbmmu ”m. or his omtlnuous support and hob mammalian-3*“ fl guidance helped me momma many mu m “m haveteken mmmm mmmhfimnfii directly mated through discusalomwithhim. _ . . _ fr lamaBovzryathonvyoo-advlmbnADMHEmmfi metrsnuendousmlp. Spedalhnlrstome. WM~~WN andinsplnngcommnta. lmflflwbthMbO'” twocomittee mmbam Dr Mauw m, vicar. MMhfi encowagement and valuabie suggestion. Manydnwcdbegueshawmmm fwha "a thank Mangplnq Chen Fugui Wang Jlen U. N ”CUM ”MM: ACKNOWLEDGMENT First and foremost, I am very grateful to my advisor, Dr. Prasant Mohapatra, for his continuous support and help on all aspects from technical to material. His guidance helped me overcome many technical obstacles which otherwise would have taken much more efforts. Some solutions presented in this proposal was directly motivated through discussions with him. I am also very grateful to my co-advisor Dr. Abdol H. Esfahanian, who offered me tremendous help. Special thanks to Prof. Lionel Ni for his valuable advice and inspiring comments. I would also like to express my gratitude to the other two committee members, Dr. Matt W. Mutka, and Dr. Zhenfang Zhou for their encouragement and valuable suggestions. Many of my colleagues have contributions to my dissertation. I would like to thank Xiangping Chen, Fugui Wang, Jian Li, and Zhi Li for their helpful discussions. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES 1 |\) 0:» INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 Motivation ................................. Basic Concepts .............................. 1.2.1 IP Multicast ............................ 1.2.2 Overlay Multicast ......................... 1.2.3 008 Techniques ......................... 1.2.4 Differentiated Services (DiffServ) ............... 1.2.5 Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) ............ Research Goals ............................. RELATED WORK 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 QoS-aware-route-based Multicast ................... Provisioning Multicasting in DiffServ Domains ............ 2.2.1 NRS Problems .......................... 2.2.2 Marking Problem ......................... Supporting IP Multicast in MPLS Domains .............. Supporting Overlay Multicast in DiffServ Domains .......... DIFFSERV AWARE MULTICASTING (DAM) 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 DiffServ and Multicast Model ...................... Weighted Traffic Conditioning (WTC) Model .............. Receiver-Initiated Marking (RIM) Scheme ............... Heterogeneous DSCP Encapsulation (HDE) ............. DiffServ Aware Multicasting (DAM) technique ............. Implementation Issues .......................... 3.6.1 WTC ................................ 3.6.2 Marking .............................. Performance Analysis .......................... 3.7.1 Qualitative Analysis ....................... VIII 26 28 30 32 33 40 40 42 43 43 A 01 0) 3.7.2 Quantitative Analysis ....................... 3.7.3 Simulations Results ....................... 3.8 Summary ................................. EDGE ROUTER MULTICASTING WITH MPLS-TE 4.1 Basics of Edge Router Multicasting in MPLS (ERM) ......... 4.1 .1 Motivations ............................ 4.1.2 ERM Basics ........................... 4.2 Extension to ERM Routing ....................... 4.2.1 Basic Characteristics ...................... 4.2.2 ERM2 Illustration ........................ 4.3 Performance Analysis .......................... 4.3.1 Relative Tree Cost ........................ 4.3.2 Link Stress ............................ 4.3.3 Relative Delay .......................... 4.4 Summary ................................. SUPPORTING OVERLAY MULTICAST IN DIFFSERV DOMAINS 5.1 Network Models and Design Issues .................. 5.1.1 DiffServ Architecture and Its Features ............. 5.1.2 Design Issues .......................... 5.1.3 Performance Metrics ....................... 5.2 Group Management and Incremental Insertion Protocol ....... 5.21 Group Management Overview ................. 5.2.2 Incremental Insertion Algorithm (IIA) .............. 5.2.3 Partition Repair .......................... 5.3 Simulations Results ........................... 5.3.1 Tree Cost ............................. 5.3.2 Link Changes ........................... 5.3.3 Accumulative Relative Delay Penalties (RDP) ......... 5.4 Summary ................................. CONCLUDING REMARKS 6.1 Conclusions ................................ 6.2 Future Research ............................. vi 44 49 53 55 55 55 57 59 60 61 63 65 67 67 69 72 72 72 73 74 75 76 77 80 81 82 83 85 88 89 89 90 BIBLIOGRAPHY vii 91 LIST OF TABLES 3.1 An Example of Multicast Flow Weight Look-up Table .......... 41 3.2 Notations. ................................ 45 4.1 Edge Probability of Selected Flat Random Graph Models. ...... 64 5.1 Statistic of 100 Runs (100 member, Waxman2 mode) ........ 82 viii LIST OF FIGURES 1.1 Illustration of Unicast, IP Multicast and Overlay Multicast ....... 1.2 MPLS Illustration ............................. 2.1 Illustration of the NRS-Problem ...................... 2.2 Illustration of the Unfairness Marking Problem. ............ 3.1 DiffServ Multicasting Model ........................ 3.2 Counting A Multicast Flow As Multiple Unicast Flows. ........ 3.3 Illustration of Heterogeneous DSCP Encapsulation .......... 3.4 Three Cases of Joining Multicast Tree in A DiffServ Domain. 3.5 Logical View of Traffic Conditioner with WTC Component. ...... 3.6 Token Bucket Marking Implementation at the Edge Routers ..... 3.7 Performance of EF at A DiffServ Edge Router (a=0.1,b=2). ..... 3.8 Average BB Signaling of DAM. ..................... 3.9 Relative BB Signaling Cost of DAM. .................. 3.10 Network Topology of the Simulation. .................. 3.11 EF Multicast Results ............................ 3.12 AF Multicast Results ............................ 3.13 AF Fairness Results ........................... 4.1 ERMP Illustration ............................. 4.2 Multicast Routing Table at An Edge LSRs ............... 4.3 ERMP2 Join Example .......................... 4.4 State Machine of ERMP2 Edge Routers ................ 4.5 Relative Tree Cost, Locality Model ................... 4.6 Relative Tree Cost, Waxman1 Model ................. 4.7 Relative Tree Cost, Waxman2 Model ................. 4.8 Link Stress, Locality Model ....................... 4.9 Link Stress, Waxman1 Model ...................... 4.10 Link Stress, Waxman2 Model ...................... 4.11 Relative Delay, Locality Model ..................... 4.12 Relative Delay, Waxman1 Model .................... 4.13 Relative Delay, Waxman2 Model .................... 5.1 Logical View of Tree Topology for (S,G) ................ 5.2 Illustration of Leaf-join and Insertion .................. 5.3 On-line Mode and Off-line Mode Repair ................ 5 10 16 20 26 29 34 35 41 42 48 49 50 51 52 53 56 58 62 63 65 66 68 69 70 70 71 78 81 5.4 Tree Cost Comparison, Locality Model ................. 83 5.5 Tree Cost Comparison, Waxman1 Model ............... 84 5.6 Tree Cost Comparison, Waxman2 Model ............... 84 5.7 Link Changes, Locality Model ..................... 85 5.8 Link Changes, Waxman1 Model .................... 86 5.9 Link Changes, Waxman2 Model .................... 86 5.10 Relative Delay Penalties, Locality Model ................ 87 5.11 Relative Delay Penalties, Waxman1 Model .............. 87 5.12 Relative Delay Penalties, Waxman2 Model .............. 88 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Motivation The next generation Internet needs the support of two important aspects in addition to all the features of the current generation Internet. These aspects are: additional capacity and the support for Quality of Service (QoS). Demand for extra capacity is compelled by the trend that the capacity of the current generation Internet is likely to get outgrown by the bandwidth-consuming network traffic such as transmission of continuous media, interactive games, and the evolving peer-to-peer information sharing applications. The issue of QoS support is aggressively driven by the evolv- ing applications, and the transformation of Internet into a commercial application environment. The current version of Internet Protocol (IP) only offers 'best-effort’ service. As a consequence, crucial applications find themselves contending for limited resources without any priority. Simply increasing the network capacity through advanced technology may not be the best solution. Historically, the users have always managed to consume the entire system capacity soon after it was enlarged [1]. Multicasting techniques [2, 12, 13] are designed for networking applications working in group communication pattern. They can reduce the bandwidth consumption and relieve the network stress at the source of data by sharing network resources. Therefore, multicasting is one of the attractive solutions for the capacity shortage problem. The notation of Quality-of-Service (008) has been proposed to define a col- lection of technologies, which allow network applications to request and receive a predictable or guaranteed service in terms of throughput capacity (bandwidth), propagation latency (delay), latency variations (jitter), loss rate, etc.. The 008 techniques do not create any additional bandwidth. Rather, they manage network resources based on the requirements of the applications and networking manage- ment policies. To enable QoS support, the cooperation of the all network layers from bottom-to-top is required in addition to all the network elements from end-to- end. Due to their extra overheads of building and maintaining the delivery trees, mul- ticasting techniques are most suitable for the bandwidth consuming applications which work in group communication models, such as video/audio conferences, distant education, and information dissemination. These applications usually need 008 support. Thus multicasting techniques are often associated with QoS prob- lems. Therefore, schemes that provision 008 in multicasting techniques should be proposed and studied. In this dissertation, we are particularly interested in study- ing how to support multicasting in scalable QoS frameworks, such as DiffServ[14] and MPLS-TE [40]. 1.2 Basic Concepts 1.2.1 IP Multicast IP multicast is an extension to the standard IP network layer protocol [3]. It provides an efficient mechanism for one-to-many or many-to—many communication. That is, only one copy of a multicast message will be transmitted over any link in the network, and the replication of the message will be made only where paths diverge at a router. Fundamentally, IP multicast can be characterized as a receiver-based host group model. To be able to receive datagram from a specific multicast group, which can be identified by a unique IP address, a host must explicitly send a join message to the multicast capable routers to which it is directly attached. From networking point of view, three issues need to be addressed to support IP multicast. MulticastAddress: IP multicast uses class D Internet Protocol address, which begins with ’1110’ and ranges from 224.000 to Each IP multicast group must acquire a class D IP address as the group identity be- fore transmitting packets. Host Group Management: The native IP multicast allows a host to join/leave a multicast group freely. Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) was proposed to manage the multicast group memberships. One multicast router per subnet periodically sends an IGMP query message to the local hosts to get updated group memberships information. Multicast Delivery Tree: The most efficient way to forward multicast pack- ets is to build and maintain a multicast delivery tree along the networks that multicast group members span. In IP multicast, this task is handled by the multicast routing protocols. Based on the group density, there are two types of IP multicast routing proto- cols: Dense Mode (DM) and Sparse Mode (SM). DM multicast protocols include DVMRP [53], MOSPF [54] and PIM-DM [56]. In DM, multicast tree is traffic driven. The delivery tree will only be built once the multicast packets flow into the network. Due to the high group density, these types of routing protocols normally adopt flood/prune techniques to set up delivery trees. SM multicast protocols consist of CBT [55], PIM-SM [57] and etc. Unlike DM, SM multicast delivery tree is control driven. The tree structure is usually built prior to the arrival of multicast traffic by explicit joining to the Rendezvous Point (RP). IP multicast routing protocols can also be classified into source-based tree and group-shared tree in terms of the tree structure. The former intends to build a delivery tree for each multicast source, while the latter tempts to set up a single shared tree for a specific multicast group. In spite of the fact that group-shared tree approach scales better, it may not be applicable to DM multicast because a feasible tree may not exist when users have QoS requirements. 1 .2.2 Overlay Multicast Although it has been widely accepted that the network layer is the appropriate place to efficiently support multicast services, the deployment of IP multicast still advances in a slow pace even after a decade of efforts. A number of reasons can explain this situation. First, IP multicast requires routers to maintain per group state, which is fundamentally at odds with the conventional stateless internet in- frastructure, where intelligence is pushed to the end systems at the edge of the 4 networks to keep core nodes simple, fast, and stateless. Due to this architectural conflict, costly upgrades are necessary to enable multicast in the routers. Second, IP multicast routing look-up entries are hard to be aggregated. Traditional unicast IP addresses not only reveal the identities of the end systems, but also imply their ’location' information from their network and sub-network IDs. However, A multi- cast IP address is only associated with a certain multicast group whose members could scatter arbitrarily and dynamically in the networks. Third, limited lP multicast address space also hinders its deployment. It suggests that IP multicast addresses must be assigned cautiously to avoid naming conflicts. Furthermore, lP multicast lacks flow control and authentification mechanisms, which further slow down its process of being commercially deployed. To get around the inherent difficulties involved in deploying IP multicast, an al- ternative solution which is termed as overlay multicasting or end-system multicast- ing has attracted a lot of attentions. The overlay multicasting approach assumes no multicasting support in the network layer, and constructs a multicast delivery tree in the application layer. An intuitive comparison of IP multicast, multiple unicast and overlay multicast is illustrated in Figure 1.1. A B A A B «v,- «2 4 x 4» >3 1o—(é(3 2 E_10;(F(3 )3 1043C 0 \g c D g \3 Multiple Unicast IP multicast Overlay Multicast Figure 1.1: Illustration of Unicast, IP Multicast and Overlay Multicast In Figure 1.1, host A is the sender while host B, C and D are receivers. Node E and F refer routers. For traditional unicast scheme, three identical copies of the data will be sent from A to B, C and D respectively. While using IP multicast approach, only one copy of data presents on each on-tree link, i.e. A -. E —. C, E —+ F —» D , and F—-> B. In Overlay multicast scenario, multicast tree is built at the application layer. Sender A sends two identical copies to C and D. Upon receiving, D makes a copy and fonrvards it to B through link D —> F —> B. If we ignore the network layer and the application layer overheads and let the number on each link denote link cost, then the total cost of IP multicast and overlay multicast are 22 and 27, respectively, while that of unicast is 38. The advantages of overlay multicast includes easier deployment, better scala- bility and support of higher layer functionalities, such as security and congestion control. On the other hand, it is less efficient in terms of network resource usages and leads to a longer transmission delay. 1.2.3 008 Techniques Generally, 008 can be achieved by four methods listed below: 1. Reservation. The basic idea of this approach is to reserve network resources before using them. The most popular protocol that has adopted this approach is the Reservation Protocol (RSVP) [19] proposed by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Essentially, RSVP is a signaling protocol which carries the bandwidth reservation along the data path predetermined by the network N routing protocol. It passes the reservation request to all network components in the traffic flow path. To meet the requirement of QoS end-to-end, each hop along the path must grant the reservation and allocate the requested bandwidth. RSVP needs to maintain the correct state information. This is achieved by periodically refreshing the reservation state among a node and its RSVP neighbors. RSVP was originally designed for multicast traffic, but it can also be used for unicast traffic. The major drawback of RSVP is its poor scalability, since the network has to maintain soft-state information for each micro-flow. Recently, RSVP has been modified and extended in several ways to mitigate the scaling problems. For instance, RSVP has been extended to reserve resources for aggregation of flows. There are also several proposals to reduce the overhead of soft-state maintenance [4] . Priority. Priority-based approach classifies the traffic into different classes with each class of traffic encountering different fonivarding treatment. For instance, at each router, higher priority traffic has less queuing delay and drop ratio than lower priority traffic does. By more aggressively sacrificing the 008 of less important network flows, mission critical flows can thus be protected when network congestion occurs. Priority based approach is scal- able because traffic is aggregated and classified. It often works together with dynamic queuing mechanisms like Random Early Detection (RED) [31] to manipulate queuing behaviors of each priority of traffic aggregation. Differ- entiated Services (DiffServ) [14] described in Section 1.2.4 is a good example (A) h of such approach. . 008 Routing. In 003 routing, a network is usually represented as a weighted diagraph G=(V,E), where V denotes the set of nodes and E denotes the set of links. Each link is associated with the current status of the network. The 008 routing approach amounts to finding the best path (unicast case) or tree (multicast case) with respect to certain QoS constraints. Unlike the two pre- viously mentioned methods which are independent of the routing protocols, QoS routing approaches will determine a feasible path. In order to better uti- lize network resources while satisfying the QoS requirements, the resulting path located by QoS-routing approach is normally different from the conven- tional shortest path. The primary concern of this approach is the computa- tional complexity. As summarized in [18], most of the optimization problems for QoS-aware multicast routing are NP-complete. . Internet Traffic Engineering. Internet traffic engineering is concerned with the issues of performance evaluation and performance optimization of op- erational IP networks [5]. Unlike QoS routing mentioned above, the goal of traffic engineering is a global optimization problem rather than a per-flow optimization problem. By aggregating traffic flows, overriding the conven- tional routing, and performing constraints based routing, traffic engineering approach can be used to provide a globally optimized QoS scheme without losing scalability. It should be noted that the four approaches described above are not exclusive. In practice, all or some of them can be integrated together to provide better perfor- mance. 1.2.4 Differentiated Services (DiffServ) In DiffServ model, flows entering a network are classified and conditioned at the boundaries of the network and assigned to a set of behavioral aggregates. Each traffic aggregate can be recognized by a DiffServ Code Point (DSCP), which is encoded in the packet header (such as in the TOS bytes in IPv4 header). Within the core of the network, packets are forwarded based on the per hop behaviors (PHBs) associated with the DSCP. A DiffServ domain is defined as a contiguous set of DiffServ-aware nodes with a common service provisioning policy and a set of PHB groups implemented at each node. In order to support differentiated services, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) must be set up between the DiffServ domains and their clients. SLA basically specifies a negotiated service profile between two adjacent DiffServ domains. The resource allocation is taken care of by dedicated nodes in the domain, termed as Bandwidth Brokers (BBs). Current proposal of DiffServ has two basic classes of PHBs: Assured Forwarding (AF) and Expedited Fonrvarding (EF). AF assigns out-of-profile (more than the SLA) traffic a high drop probability and it is used to support assured services in which the customers are likely to get the negotiated SLA without any hard guarantees. In the absence of network congestion, the nodes can use network resources beyond their pre- negotiated values. EF exercises a strict admission control and drops all out-of- 9 profile traffic. Since EF guarantees a minimum service rate and has the highest priority, it is used to support premium services. In summary, DiffServ facilitates scalability by eliminating the hop-by-hop signaling and avoiding per micro-flow or per customer state maintenance within the core routers. 1.2.5 Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) The fundamental idea of Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) [36] involves as- signing short, fixed length labels to the packets at the ingress point of the network. In ATM environment, the label is encoded in the VCINPI field. In IP network, a 32-bit ’shim’ header is inserted between the network layer header and the data link layer header. When forwarding packets inside of an MPLS cloud, the MPLS capa- ble router, termed as Label Switching Router (LSR) only examines the label rather than the IP header. Figure 1.2: MPLS Illustration As depicted in Figure 1.2, when a packet from a non-MPLS domain arrives to a MPLS domain, an MPLS header will be generated and inserted at the ingress LSR based on the IP header in the packet and local routing information. Within the MPLS domain, the LSR examines the incoming label, looks up the fonrvarding 10 table, and replaces it with an outgoing label. Then the packet is switched to the next LSR. Before a packet leaves the MPLS domain, the header is removed. The path between the ingress LSR and egress LSR is called Label Switching Path (LSP), which can be set up using Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) [37], or RSVP [38] etc. MPLS enriches the classical routing functionality by separating the forwarding components and path controlling components. It allows packets to be fonrvarded along a pre-configured LSP other than the conventional shortest path, thus pro- vides a means for traffic engineering (MPLS-TE) [40]. Adopting online or off-line optimization algorithms, MPLS-TE can maximize operational network performance and balance traffic load. Moreover, working together with RSVP or DiffServ, MPLS- TE also provides a scalable QoS scheme. Typically, the procedures of MPLS-TE can be described as following: o LSPs are pre-established between each ingress and egress node pair. o Packets are classified into different Forwarding Equivalent Classes (FECs) when arriving at an ingress node. a FECs are then grouped into traffic trunks, which are defined as routable ob- jects placed inside of an LSP [42]. o Finally, traffic trunks are mapped to LSPs which can satisfy their 008 require- ments with optimized network performance. Two primary problems of MPLS-TE are layout design and flow assignment. It would be efficient to run off-line algorithms if we had a priori knowledge about traffic 11 demands and patterns. But such assumption is not valid in practice. Some online algorithms have been proposed to address LSPs layouts and flow assignments for unicast traffic [41, 43, 44]. However, Up till now, no algorithms have been published for traffic engineering multicast flows in MPLS domain. 1 .3 Research Goals Provisioning QoS and multicast services are both challenging yet promising prob- lems. In reality, the primary concerns of each technique are scalability and ease of implementation. When combining both of them and designing integrated schemes to provide 008 support for multicasting, our goal is to propose scalable, flexible and practical solutions to avoid further complicating the problems. The strategy we take is to support multicast service on t0p of the existing scalable QoS frameworks, such as DiffServ and MPLS Traffic Engineering. Specifically, the research goals of this dissertation are listed below: o Provisioning IP multicast in DiffServ domains. 0 Providing QoS solutions for supporting IP multicast by MPLS traffic engineer- ing. a Supporting overlay multicast in DiffServ domains. The rest of dissertation is organized as follows. In Chapter 2, problems and related works in this area will be presented. Proposed solutions are illustrated and analyzed from Chapter 3 through Chapter 5, with each chapter focusing on one 12 sub-problem as itemized above. Finally, the concluding remarks are presented in Chapter 6. CHAPTER 2 RELATED WORK 2.1 QoS-aware-route-based Multicast Conventional IP multicast routing protocols like PlM-SM try to build the delivery tree solely based on network topology and group member distribution. While QoS requirements are not considered and traditional IP networks can only provide ’best- effort’ service, such multicast routing protocols can only end up with schemes that are 008 incapable. A number of protocols had been proposed [7, 8] to establish a multicast tree which satisfies the QoS constraints, and is optimized with minimum cost. However, such approaches are not practical in the internet environment. First, they incur high computational overhead. Second, they require maintenance of the global network state. Finally, they cannot handle dynamic multicast group membership. The Span- ning Join Protocol [9] proposed later overcomes the previously listed drawbacks, but it relies on flooding to find a feasible tree branch. Thus Spanning Join Protocol will pose excessive communication overhead on the network. QoSMIC [16] and QMRP [17] are two major modifications to the Spanning Join Protocol. By using parallel searching, either local/global or multiple paths, they limited the message overhead while maximizing the chances to locate a feasible multicast branch. Although these schemes can find efficient QoS-aware routes for multicasting, they are not sufficient for provisioning 008. The path search, if succeeds, can only guarantee that the resulting path meets the QoS requirements when there is no congestion. 008 services such as RSVP must be supported to maintain this 008 satisfied path. Further, lack of global QoS support makes QoS-aware-route-based schemes inefficient. Consider an example where a host makes a request with a 008 requirement q1. Assuming that a path is found and the host joins the multicast tree at node n. If the upstream links of node n can only provide service lower than q1, then an end- to-end QoS requirement at level q1 cannot be guaranteed and the path searching will turn out to be wasted. 2.2 Provisioning Multicasting In DiffServ Domains The strength of this scheme is that it separates 008 issues from multicast routing. That is, multicast delivery trees are built and maintained by normal multicast pro- tocol without going through a complicated QoS path searching process. The 008 is provided by the underlying DiffServ architecture. Since DiffServ is a scalable approach, it is desirable to incorporate it with multicast to provide 008 enabled multicast. 2.2.1 NRS Problems In the context of DiffServ, network resources are consumed based on the pre- negotiated SLA. However, in DiffServ-aware multicasting environment, it is pos- sible that the actual resources consumed exceed the pre-negotiated SLA. This problem is denoted as Neglected Reserved Sub-tree (NRS) problem [21]. It vio- lates the SLAs and adversely affects any existing traffic flows. Basically, there are two types of NRS problems. (b) — Exisiting Multicast flow with Reservation ------ New Multicast flow without Reservation Figure 2.1: Illustration of the NRS-Problem. Case 1: Figure 2.1(a) shows a multicast tree originating from source S and destined to R1 and R2. The branching point is at the egress node ER3 of Diff- Serv domain A. Assume that the existing multicast flow has subscribed the service level L. The border routers are equipped with meters and they normally do traffic conditioning to ensure that the traffic going to the downstream DiffServ domain B conform to the SLA between two domains. In the case where R2 joins the multicast group at ER1, the extra traffic generated between ER3 and ER’1 by this new mul- ticast traffic for R2 may exceed the service L that domain B has subscribed from 16 domain A. Thus if the SLA is not renegotiated, the over-subscribed packets with service L will be dropped randomly without discriminating between the flows. The consequence is that both unicast and multicast traffic with service L are adversely affected. Case 2: As shown in Figure 2.1(b), R2 joins the multicast group at CR1. The branching point is the interior core node CR1 in DiffServ domain A. Since traffic meters are normally not available in core routers of a DiffServ domain, the extra traffic in DiffServ domain A will consume more than that was subscribed. In other words, the extra multicast traffic may ’steal' the traffic quota from lower service levels on the output link. NRS problem can be solved by assigning a Lower than Best Effort (LBE) PHB to the newly branched multicast traffic [22]. In this approach, the resources and processing of existing traffic are protected while maintaining the simplicity of the DiffServ model. In order to get higher level of services, the joining node has to explicitly negotiate with the BBs. Upon succeeding, the B85 will reconfigure the routers accordingly. In the LBE approach, the network management entities do not have correct information about the amount of traffic an individual DiffServ domain has served because the traffic counters are located only at the ingress routers. That is, a multi- cast flow with service better than best-effort will be counted only once even if it has been replicated and branched multiple times within a domain. This scheme, there- fore, is not attractive to ISPs. Moreover, every receiver with QoS requirements can only get the lowest level of services even though the available network resources 17 are sufficient. This of course is not desirable for the users. 2.2.2 Marking Problem In the DiffServ network, packets are marked as ’ln’ or ’Out' based on the profile negotiated through the SLA. In unicast communication, the marking of the packets is usually done on the aggregate basis of bandwidth requirements. As DiffServ is uni-directional, the current marking scheme is normally sender-based, which do not consider the QoS requirements of the receivers. However, such a marking would not be adequate in multicast communications. Packet marking in DiffServ multicasting environment differs from that of the unicast case in the following three aspects: 1. IP multicast works in a group communication mode and receivers in a mul- ticast group may have different QoS requirements. When multicast packets are duplicated in a router, every outgoing branch may be marked differently. It also implies that the marking should be based on the requirements and the capabilities of the receivers. 2. Group membership in multicast operation is dynamic. When a new host joins a multicast group, a new branch may be generated. From the discussions in Section 2.2.1, simply coping the DSCP code from existing branch may lead to SLA violations. 0) . When heterogeneous marking are allowed in a DiffServ domain, statically marking the lower level of service subtree after admission control will bring 18 A in the issue of unfairness between multicast flows and unicast flows. Con- sider the scenario in Figure 2.2, a multicast flow enters a DiffServ Domain at ingress router E1, and is destined to E3 and E2 requesting EF and AF 1 respectively. Assuming that at the incoming interface of E1, 80 percent of the AF 1 packets are in profile and marked with lower dropping probability DSCPAF11, while the remaining AF 1 packets are marked with higher drop- ping probability DSCP AF 12. Further assume that network congestion only happens on the link from core router CR to edge router E2. Then only keep- ing a static AF 11 DSCP in the multicast branching node CR is not sufficient, because the new subtree originates from the core router is escaped from traffic conditioning. In this example, unicast AF 1 class packets traveling from E1 to E2 will be dropped more severely than that of multicast packets, since 20 percent of the unicast AF 1 packets are marked with higher dropping prob- ability AF 12 but all the AF 1 multicast packets are granted AF 11 DSCP after admission control. It depicted that unfairness exists between multicast flows and unicast flows if the marking mechanism is not handled properly. In Chapter 3, we have proposed a fair marking scheme which accommodates heterogeneous QoS requirements of the receivers without violating the SLAs. 2.3 Supporting IP Multicast In MPLS Domains MPLS is standardized by IETF and is expected to be implemented in the near future. It is thus important to address the issues of supporting lP multicast in MPLS 19 A 08 Domain Multlcast Flow to £2 and E3 fi fi fi fl UI'IIOCS! AF1 80% AF11 Flows to E2 20% AF12 80% AF11 20% AF12 Figure 2.2: Illustration of the Unfairness Marking Problem. domains. Furthermore, MPLS traffic engineering has the potential to provide 008 for IP multicast. While MPLS offers a great flexibility in packet forwarding, it does not enrich the functionality of native IP multicast routing. On the contrary, problems arise when layer 3 multicast trees are mapped onto layer 2 LSPs. Thus a number of issues need to be addressed, such as flood and prune, source/shared trees, uni/bi- directional trees, and encapsulated multicast [45]. Specifically, when we leverage the power of MPLS traffic engineering to support QoS-aware multicasting, we may encounter a series of difficulties generalized as follows. 0 LSP design. The multicast tree structure requires establishing point-to-multipoint LSPs or even multipoint-to—multipoint LSPs. In current MPLS architecture, only point-to-point LSP has been addressed. MPLS does not exclude other type of LSPs, but no mechanism has been standardized for this purpose. In fact, to the author’s knowledge, so far only multipoint-to—point LSP [47] has been studied and proposed to save label space. Moreover, dynamic multi- 2O cast group membership indicates that multicast associated LSPs are volatile and will result in tremendous signaling overhead and over-consumed labels. How to design an efficient multicast-enabled LSPs layout still perplexes re- searchers. Traffic Aggregation. In the context of MPLS, as mentioned in Section 1 .2.5, traffic is aggregated and mapped to LSPs at the entrance of the network to achieve scalability. This feature will hardly be applied to multicast traffic. To handle this situation, one needs to invent algorithms, which can aggre- gate unicast flows with multicast flows as well as aggregate multiple multicast flows. Unfortunately, current studies on the aggregatability of multicast [48] are limited to the fonNarding state of each router rather than an LSP consist- ing of an order of routers/switches. Coexistence of Layer 2 and Layer 3 fomrarding in core LSRs. There are two situations where layer 2 incoming labels alone cannot determine the outgo- ing labels. One is due to switch-over from a shared tree to a source based tree. In this situation, it might happen that certain on-tree routers are on both trees and have both fonivarding state (*,G) and (S,G) for the same destination address G. The other situation is when labels are not assigned appropriately. Supposing a multicast flow is mapped to the same label as some unicast flows, then at the branching node of the multicast tree, the label will be split. In both of the cases, it mandates that such LSRs to examine the layer 3 header as well as the layer 2 label. This requirement is at odds with current 21 MPLS standard, where it only demands edge LSRs be capable of layer 3 forwarding. General issues of supporting native IP multicast in MPLS are identified and dis- cussed in [45], such as mixture of L2 and L3 fonrvarding, label distribution, and LSP setup trigger mode. It proposed a framework of IP multicast in MPLS. However, it did not address issues with regard to traffic engineering multicast in MPLS domain, and did not propose any aggregatable label assignment schemes. The proposed Edge Router Multicasting (ERM) scheme, which is described in Section 4.1, elimi- nates most of the problems mentioned in [45]. Logically, supporting ERM in MPLS can be conceived as label switching multiple simultaneous unicast flows. Problems of traffic aggregation and label assignment can thus be reduced to the problems of unicast cases. An MPLS Multicast Tree (MMT) scheme was introduced in [46] to remove mul- ticast fonNarding state in non-branching nodes by dynamically setting up LSP tun- nels between upstream branching nodes and downstream branching nodes. Like ERM, MMT can dramatically reduces fonrvarding states. However, MMT still needs to set up and update LSPs between edge LSRs and core LSRs (if some core LSRs are branching nodes of multicast trees). The consequence is that, core LSRs have to support coexisted L2/L3 forwarding schemes. Note that, normally LSPs are built between edge LSRs. LSPs produced by MMT may not necessarily be able to ag- gregate with other unicast LSPs. Whereas In ERM, it is not necessary to set up any LSPs between edge LSRs and core LSRs. Thus ERM can make multicast traf- 22 fic completely aggregatable with unicast traffic. Another difference between MMT and ERM is that multicast tree is centrally calculated in MMT, while basic ERM is fully distributed, and the extension to ERM is partially distributed. Some end-host based multicasting approaches, such as [49, 33], can also avoid the problems described in Section 1.2.5. Instead of building a multicast tree on the network layer, [49, 33] set up a shared tree/mesh on the application layer only among active member hosts. While end-host multicasting offers an easy and gen- eral implementation of multipoint communication, it has limitations in terms of scal- ability and QoS support due to a complicated group management and the absence of network layer support. In contrast, the proposed ERM model is an alternative network layer multicasting which is designed to provide 008 with MPLS traffic en- gineering. 2.4 Supporting Overlay Multicast In DiffServ Domains Provisioning 008 in overlay multicasting is helpful for several reasons. First, typical multicast applications, such as video or audio conferencing, distant learning, re- quire multimedia data stream transportation, and have certain bandwidth, delay or jitter requirements. Second, we argue that 008 provisioning in overlay multicasting is not merely an added-on service which only improves the quality of multicasting traffic. Rather, it helps to maintain a more stable overlay multicast delivery tree. For example, due to the dynamic changes of network conditions and group member- ship, previously proposed self-organized overlay multicast protocols [61, 64] use 23 adaptive mechanisms to re-construct delivery trees by periodically evaluating the cost, delay, and available bandwidth of the links among active and hosts. If the underlying networks have certain QoS support to guarantee or assure traffic on every on-tree multicast link, then such an overlay tree structure will be much less sensitive to the changes in network conditions. Ideally, with the help of network layer 008 support, overlay multicast trees only need to change when there are changes in group membership or node/link failures. In this context, many band- width or delay probing packets could be eliminated and the maintenance of overlay trees could be simplified. Two fundamental solutions for supporting network layer 008 are Integrated Ser- vices (lntServ) [58] and Differentiated Services (DiffServ) [59]. In this dissertation, we focus on DiffServ architecture because of its scalability and ease of deployment. However, the proposed tree building algorithm could also be applied to IntServ. Narada [61]. Narada is an end system multicast scheme proposed in CMU. It is an elegant practical self-organized mesh first approach. Narada can be considered as a general solution for providing application layer multicasting. Since we assume guaranteed services at the network layer, Narada does not perform very well in such situation, as indicated in the simulation results in Section 5.3. Switch Tree Protocol[65]. It is a family of tree first protocols, whose switch-any approach bears some similarities with our on-line mode Incremental Join Protocol. The major difference is that it is a self-organizing approach which takes a longer time to produce a stable tree structure and needs loop avoidance mechanism. Overcast[64]. The Overcast approach is optimized for bandwidth. The Up/Down 24 self-organizing protocol they proposed is scalable and has been commercialized. The limitation of their approach is that It does not apply to the multicast applica- tions that have time constraints such as video/audio conferencing. It should be noted that when network resource (bandwidth) are sufficient, overcast would yield a concatenated unicast tree. 25 CHAPTER 3 DIFFSERV AWARE MULTICASTING (DAM) In this chapter, we propose a scheme for multicasting in differentiated service do- mains. The proposal has three key features: weighted traffic conditioning, receiver initiated multicasting, and heterogeneous DSCP encapsulation. Details are pre- sented in the coming sections. 3.1 DiffServ and Multicast Model Figure 3.1 shows two DiffServ domains A and B, serving a multicast message originating from node S and destined to nodes R1, R2 and R3. The assumptions for the network are as follows: a Each core router is directly connected with edge routers or other core routers. The core routers can be multicast capable or incapable. In this dissertation, we only focus on the case where core routers are capable of multicasting. However, the framework proposed in this dissertation can be easily extended DSA DSB Figure 3.1: DiffServ Multicasting Model. 26 to the situations where not all core routers are multicast capable. 0 Each domain is both multicast and DiffServ capable. That is, we do not con- sider the case in which intermediate domains are incapable of either multicast or DiffServ. Later we indicate how our scheme can be adapted for domains that are not DiffServ capable. o For core-based multicast protocol, the root of the tree (core in CBT, RP in PIM) is either located at the edge of the DiffServ Domain or functioned as edge routers. Given the network model as described above, for each edge router, the total amount of traffic that flows into domain i is denoted as FI,-, and total amount of traffic leaving domain i is denoted as F0,. The capacity of upstream links and downstream links of router iare denoted as Cl,- and CO,- respectively. Using the flow conservation property, the unicast flow equation of this model is: 2F],- = ZFO,,where F1.- S 00,-,FI, 5 CI,- (3.1) In other words, for unicast traffic, if capacity constraints are met and if no pack- ets are dropped, the amount of input traffic to each DiffServ domain equals to the amount of output traffic of that domain. However, equation 3.1 does not hold for multicast cases since additional traffic may be generated within a DiffServ domain, which violates the SLA discussed in Section 2.2.1. We propose a DiffServ-Aware Multicasting (DAM) technique, which is com- posed of three novel components: Weighted Traffic Conditioning (WTC) model, 27 Receiver-Initiated Marking (RIM) scheme, and Heterogeneous DSCP Encapsula- tion (HDE). In the next four sections, we outline the components and the algo- rithm for DAM in detail. The WTC model aims to maintain the negotiated SLAs in DiffServ multicasting environment, and the RIM scheme is proposed primarily to accommodate heterogeneous QoS requirements of the receivers in multicast groups, while HDE provides a means to ensure the fairness among multicast flows and non-multicast flows. 3.2 Weighted Traffic Conditioning (WT C) Model To motivate the proposed model, we first itemize the causes of the NRS problem. _L . Equation 3.1 is not satisfied in DiffServ multicasting environment. N . BBs are unaware of the multicast traffic replications. . By default, the DSCP as well as data will be copied at the branching point of 00 the multicast delivery tree. A . Traffic conditioning in DiffServ is normally performed at the ingress of the domain on a per-aggregation basis. The fundamental idea of WTC is to count the admitted multicast traffic as mul- tiple unicast traffic while conditioning the traffic aggregate at the edge routers. This approach (discussed later in detail) is different from some of the unicast based multicasting schemes, such as [23], where one multicast flow is replaced by multi- ple unicast flows and each intermediate multicast receiver acts as a proxy server 28 Multicast Flow Figure 3.2: Counting A Multicast Flow As Multiple Unicast Flows. by sending multiple unicast flows to its downstream receivers. In our approach, however, it is not necessary to convert a multicast flow into multiple unicast flows (meanwhile it can also be applied to the unicast based multicast techniques). The counting is done only on a logical basis. Thus, the WTC model retains the band- width saving feature of multicasting. The WTC scheme can be illustrated by the example shown in Figure 3.2. If one multicast flow with Premium Service enters domain A and is replicated twice within this domain, the amount of that flow should be counted three times as much as the original amount at the boundary of the domain. With this approach, there will not be any SLA violations since the amount of traffic counted at the ingress point of a DiffServ domain equals to the actual amount of traffic flowing out of that domain. It must also be noted here that the proposed counting approach overestimates the bandwidth requirements within each domain for each of the multicast flows. However, such overestimation helps maintaining the SLAs. The major goal of WTC is to keep the integrity of Equation 3.1 while it con- forms to the fundamental idea of DiffServ and IP multicasting. Another reason 29 for introducing WTC to the DiffServ is because of the pricing schemes. Currently proposed pricing schemes in DiffServ networks [24] have not taken multicast du- plication into consideration. Without an appropriate traffic metering scheme, they cannot be expanded in the context of DiffServ multicasting. The proposed WTC approach inherently facilitates the pricing structure. 3.3 Receiver-Initiated Marking (RIM) Scheme lnherently QoS-aware multicasting is a receiver-based approach. Receivers join and leave at their own will and many have heterogeneous QoS needs. In the context of DiffServ-aware multicasting, packets should be marked according to receivers’ QoS requirements. This concept is quite different from the popular Diff~ Serv model which is unidirectional (usually sender-based) in nature. The proposed RIM scheme, on the other hand, allows receivers to initiate marking process. As we do not want to lose the scalability of DiffServ framework, we first classify QoS requirements of each new receiver into four levels, as enumerated below. _L . It has no QoS requirements. 2. It requests for whatever is the highest level of the available 008 at the node where the new member joins. 0) . It explicitly specifies a 008 requirement that is lower than or equals to the highest available 008 at the node where it joins. A . It explicitly specifies a OoS requirement that is higher than the available 008 30 at the node where it joins. Among these four types, level 1 and level 2 define relative QoS requirements, Le, a new receiver only needs to indicate whether it has QoS requirements or not when it seeks to join a multicast group. If a receiver specifies QoS requirements explicitly, it indicates that the receiver wants absolute QoS requirements, which can be further classified as level 3 and level 4. Different levels of QoS requirements demand the packet marking scheme to appropriately handle them. To meet end- to-end QoS requirements, packet marking should be done in a consistent manner. In other words, a multicast sub-tree should be grafted at a node where its upper stream is marked at a level equal to or higher than the markings of the sub-tree. The basic rules of this RIM scheme are described as follows, where DSCP ’DEFAULT’ can be either BE or LBE. a Level 1: Mark the new branch as DEFAULT. 0 Level 2: If the highest available 008 is DEFAULT, do the same as in the case of level 1. Othen~ise signal network management entities (e.g. BB or the ingress router) for admission control. If successful, copy the 'highest' available DSCP at the joining node, othenivise, mark it as DEFAULT. 0 Level 3: Signal network management entities for admission control. If suc- cessful, update the WTC look-up table, and mark the new branch with a DSCP that corresponds to the best available 003, otherwise, mark it as DE- FAULT. 31 0 Level 4: Traverse retracing path toward the root of the multicast tree until an on-tree node having a DSCP equal to or higher than the requested QoS requirement is found. Signal network management entities for admission control. If successful, mark the new branch with a DSCP that corresponds to the best available 008 and remark intermediate path with this new DSCP. If unsuccessful, either try to select a new path or simply mark it as DEFAULT. The admission control mentioned above includes authentication, authorization and allocation. Since there are a number schemes proposed for SLAs renego- tiation and the BB implementation [25, 30, 32], the actual resource allocation schemes could be different. The RIM and WTC we proposed are independent of these implementation variations. 3.4 Heterogeneous DSCP Encapsulation (HDE) To solve the unfairness problem described in Section 2.2.2, we propose to insert edge marking information in the packet header. In HDE, when a multicast flow en- ters a DiffServ domain and is supposed to be branched with heterogeneous QoS requirements at a core router, the markings for each of these branches are encap- sulated in the packet header at the ingress router of the domain. Thus the traffic conditioning done at the edge routers will be equally applicable to all the multicast branches that will egress out of the DiffServ domains with different QoS require- ments. Therefore all of these branches encounter the same traffic conditioning as that of any existing unicast message. As the number of branchings within any Diff- 32 Serv domain is not expected to be too big (or a limit could be imposed), the HDE scheme will not pose significant overheads in terms of the header length. Further- more, we need to capture the markings of only the heterogeneous AF traffic. The out-of-profile EF traffic will get dropped at the ingress router. Consider Figure 3.3 as an example. A multicast flow enters a DiffServ domain at edge router E1 . One branch leaves through E4 is marked as EF, another branch that flows out from E3 is marked as AF 1, and the last branch exiting from E2 is marked as AF2. Suppose at E1, this flow is marked AF 12 for AF 1 class, and AF21 for AF2 class. This information will be inserted in the packet. When this packet is duplicated at the branching node CR, the DSCP stored in CR indicates the class of service, and the actual DSCP code should be either copied or calculated from the information stored in the header. In our example, the branch from CR to E3 belongs to class AF 1, and ingress AF 1 marking for this packet is AF 12, thus this branch will be marked as AF 12. For the same reason, the branch from CR to E2 will be marked as AF21. 3.5 DiffServ Aware Multicasting (DAM) technique In this section, we introduce our solution which embraces the three components presented in Section 3.2, Section 3.3, and Section 3.4. The proposed DAM technique is not a simply combination of every compo- nent. Instead, it is an optimization of three components. For example, as we can see from Section 3.2 that the WTC scheme demands edge routers to maintain 33 lngress Marking A Multicast low A 03 Domain Figure 3.3: Illustration of Heterogeneous DSCP Encapsulation and update flow-specific information. The load of updating WTC look-up table is reduced in DAM by taking receivers’ QoS requirements into account. In DAM, re- ceivers’ QoS requirements will be piggybacked on the multicast JOIN packet. If a receiver requests no QoS requirements at all or the network fails to allocate the requested resources, the new branch will be marked as DEFAULT. Under such cir- cumstances, it is not necessary to update the WTC look-up table. The weighted multicast flow traffic conditioning is required only when the new branch needs to be marked higher than the DEFAULT. So for the rest of this section, we only consider QoS requirements at levels 2, 3 and 4 (as defined earlier in Section 3.3). When a receiver wants to join a multicast group, the existing multicast delivery tree may or may not exist in its DiffServ domain. There may be three possibilities that need to be taken care of, as shown in Figure 3.4. The ’join router’ in the New Receiver Case 1: Join at the egress point of 08 domain, no need to signal AC 3. ACA“\ New Receiver Case 2: Join at the interior point or lngress point of a DS domain. need to signal Local Domain AC 1.REOUEST ER New Receiver Case 3: Join to the other 08 domain, need to signal AC In that domain. and may trigger Inter-domain BB signaling ........... New Join Flow — Existing Multicast Flow Figure 3.4: Three Cases of Joining Multicast Tree in A DiffServ Domain. discussion refers to the nearest on-tree node whose highest DSCP is either higher than or equal to the receivers’ QoS requirements. J 0 Case 1: Join at the egress node of the DiffServ Domain. In this scenario, the first hop of the receiver, which is also the egress point of the DiffServ domain, is already in the multicast delivery tree. Without further ado, the new receiver can join directly. The extra traffic generated on the output link by the multicast replication will not affect other hosts, subnets or domains. There- fore, it is the responsibility of Subnet Bandwidth Manager (SBM) or hosts to ensure that their QoS requirements do not exceed what they subscribed to in conformance with the SLA. Therefore, the Admission Controller (AC) will not be signaled and the multicast flow weight will not be updated. Case 2: Join at the ingress or interior node of the same DiffServ Domain. When the edge routers get a ’JOIN’ message and find out that they are not in the multicast delivery tree, they will then forward this JOIN request back toward a root of the multicast tree. When the request finally reaches a join point, which could be either an ingress node or an interior node of the same DiffServ domain, multicast flow weight may need to be updated at the WTC look-up table. The procedures that should be followed can be enumerated as follows: . Mark the new branch as DEFAULT. If the branching router is a core router, it sends a REQUEST message to the upstream ER in its domain. 36 . ER sends an Admission Control Request (ACR) [25] to the BB similar to the case when a unicast flow wants to send packets to this DiffServ domain. . Upon receiving ACR, the AC validates the request based on the SLA and resource availability. The AC will then send Admission Control Answer (ACA) message to the requesting ER. The ACR message will be positive if it is successful, othenrvise it will be negative. . If the response from the AC is positive, the ER marks this new branch with the DSCP that corresponds to the best available 008 and sends an UPDATE message to the downstream routers in the path from this edge router down to the new receiver. Case 3: Join at another DiffServ Domain. In this case, the JOIN message will be fonrvarded to other DiffServ domains. Basically, routers in the joining DiffServ domain will perform the same actions as those described in case 2. Only difference is that all the downstream inter-domain ingress routers along the new path should also update their WTC look-up table. For the cases of ’LEAVE’ or ’PRUNE’, similar strategy is adopted with minor differences, such as decreasing the counter or removing the entry rather than in- creasing or generating the corresponding elements. The DAM algorithms of multicast ’JOIN’ with QoS requirements are formalized in Algorithms 1 and 2. And DSCP field generation for multiple outgoing interfaces with heterogeneous QoS requirements is described in Algorithm 3. 37 Algorithm 1 DAM at Core Router i If received_DAM message = JOIN (Lip, qos, G) then lfz' is on-tree node of G then dscp +— DEFAULT create a routing entry R(in, out, G, dscp) forward REQUEST(r_z'p, qos, G) to upstream else send J OI N (rip, qos, G) end If else If receivedDAM message = REQUESTU‘J’p, qos, G) then reverse fonlvard REQUEST(r.ip, qos, G) else If received_DAM message = U PDATE(r_ip, newdscp, G) then R.dscp «— newdscp unicast U PDATE(r_ip, newdscp, G) to downstream node else discard receivedDAM message end If As shown in Algorithm 1, core routers only perform simple tasks like setting up new routing entry and passing messages. This design conforms to the basic concept of DiffServ architecture since it keeps core routers simple and fast. The complexity of DAM is pushed to the ERs as illustrated in Algorithm 2. The major tasks of ERs are updating their WTC look-up tables and signaling BBs in their do- main. Algorithm 3 outlines a DSCP generation procedure when multicast packets are duplicated at the interior branching nodes. All the algorithms are independent of the multicast routing protocol, which makes DAM a flexible approach for imple- mentation. 38 Algorithm 2 DAM at Edge Router j If received_DAM message = J OI N (nip, qos, G) then if j is on-tree node of G then dscp «— DEFAULT create a routing entry R(z‘n, out, G, dscp) If qos > (the highest dscp of G at j) then fonrvard REQUEST(r.ip, qos, G) to upstream else If Lip and Rout in the same subnet then R.dscp <— mapping(qos) else send ACR(r_ip, j, qos, G) to local BB end If and If else send JOIN(r_ip, qos, G) and If else If receiverLDAM message = REQUESTO‘J’p, qos, G) then If qos >(the highest dscp of G at 3‘) then forward REQUEST(r-ip, qos, G) to upstream else send RAR(7‘-ip, j, qos, G) to the local BB and If else If receivecLDAM message = UPDATE (rip, newdscp, G) then If R.in from other DiffServ Domain then update WTC table end f newdscp +— mapping(R.z'n, newdscp) Rdscp 4— newdscp If m'p and j not in same subnet then unicast U PDATE(7‘_ip, newdscp, G) to downstream node end f else If receivedDAM message = ACA(r_ip, newdscp, G) then If ACA = positive then If Rm from other DiffServ Domain then update WTC table and If R.dscp «— newdscp unicast U PDATE(r_ip, newdscp, G) to downstream node else discard received.DAM message and If else discard received_DAM message and If 39 Algorithm 3 DSCP Generation in DAM Fonlvarding for every multicast 01' f do dscp «— oif.dscp for every dscp in the packet’s hdhe do If packet.dscp.class = dscp.class then dscp «— packetdscp end If end for end for 3.6 Implementation Issues In this section, we describe the implementation details of the proposed DAM tech- nique. 3.6.1 WTC In order to perform weighted traffic conditioning, ERs should maintain a look-up table and they should be informed of the number of replications of each multicast flow. The look-up table should contain the following fields: multicast group ID, DSCP and number of replications. The architecture of traffic conditioners at the edge routers should be thus changed to facilitate weighted multicast metering, as illustrated in Figure 3.5. When packets enter the edge router, they will enter either unicast classifier component or multicast classifier component based on their destination address. In the unicast case, the traffic conditioning structure remain unchanged. If a multicast flow f enters a domain, given that its destination IP address is a class D address, it goes to the multicast classifier unit and then checks the look-up table for the weight. As shown in the example of Table 3.1, the look-up results indicate that this flow has 40 Weight y LOOK'UP . Meter Table Multica Multicast Packets Classifier Shaper/ Unicas Unicast Marker Droper a Packets Classifier Figure 3.5: Logical View of Traffic Conditioner with WTC Component. Destination Address DSCP Weight EF 1 AF 1 3 AF2 2 IP of flow f D1 w1 IP of flow f D2 w2 Table 3.1: An Example of Multicast Flow Weight Look-up Table. two DSCP codes: D1 and DZ, with their weights M and w2, respectively. It means that the flow has w1+1 branches marked as 01 and w2+1 branches marked as DZ leaving this domain. Thus packets of flow f should be shaped and conditioned based on weight look-up results. The other entries in the table correspond to AF and EF packets as indicated. 41 Weighted Lookup Table . EF Class Welgm Token Bucket EF wt 1 AF "2 l Token = Token - w1 jfi—T Genearate ¥——>| Mark as EF [1 ~ HDE and A multicast forward it Packet ~—~———s AF Tok - n B cket Token = Token - w2 I:— Have w2 Y DropP _ Get EF drop tokens? T = Low ' into N ‘9'” III-h Send DropP * I roped DropP = High Y Do Nothing Figure 3.6: Token Bucket Marking Implementation at the Edge Routers 3.6.2 Marking Figure 3.6 illustrates a token bucket implementation scheme of DAM marking at the edge routers. For simplicity, we assume that the DiffServ domain supports two classes of fonrvarding schemes, EF and AF, respectively. Further, we assume that each packet consumes one token. To facilitate the receiver initiated marking scheme, every multicast-capable router needs to have one more DSCP field setup for the multicast flow. This extra field was also suggested in [21]. 42 3.7 Performance Analysis We provide both qualitative and quantitative performance evaluations of the pro- posed multicasting approach through analyses and simulations. 3.7.1, Qualitative Analysis In this section, the proposed DAM technique will be evaluated qualitatively using the following performance matrices: scalability, flexibility, feasibility, and complexity. e Scalability. DAM is scalable because it is built on top of the DiffServ model by pushing the complexity to the edges of the networks. Compared to the tra- ditional DiffServ approach, DAM adds only one extra overhead, which is the multicast flow weight look-up tables maintained at the edge routers. However, this overhead is not significant and it will not adversely affect its scalability since the WTC look-up table is used only during traffic classification at the ingress point of the DiffServ domain. This WTC look-up table keeps per-flow per-DSCP records, which can be viewed as a variant of unicast Multi-Field (MF) classification [26]. After multicast weighted traffic conditioning is done, traffic can be aggregated without discriminating whether they are multicast traffic or not. In terms of traffic treatment, DAM is a per-aggregation based scheme rather than a per-flow based scheme. e Flexibility. By its design, DAM is independent of the underlying routing proto- col. Therefore, it can work in heterogeneous networking environments. This 43 routing independent feature also allows the coexistence of DAM with QoS- enabled multicast routing techniques like layered multicasting, multi-channel multicasting, multi-path multicasting and multiple-unicast multicasting. Fur- ther, DAM is isolated from the implementation details of BB architecture, so any changes made in the evolving BB design will have little impact on it. e Feasibility. DAM is implemented in such a way that it requires routers to make only slight modifications. Every DiffServ capable router should add a ’DSCP' field in the forwarding table. For DiffServ edge routers, it needs to modify DiffServ traffic classifier and maintain WTC look-up tables. However, these changes are unavoidable to support correct traffic metering and pricing scheme in DiffServ multicasting. Also, DAM can be easily adapted to the situations where core routers are not multicast capable by implementing only Algorithm 2 at edge routers. . Complexity. DAM adopts simple algorithms at both edge routers and core routers. The major overhead of these algorithms is performing weighted traf- fic conditioning at edge routers. In DAM, 008 is provided by the underly- ing DiffServ architecture. It avoids the complicated procedures of searching QoS-satisfied paths. 3.7.2 Quantitative Analysis In DiffServ architecture, senders or receivers are not directly attached to the core routers, so multicasting can save bandwidth only when a core router is the bottle- 44 T input EF traffic amount at an edge router in a DiffServ domain TC maximum EF Input capacity of an edge router a ratio of EF multicast traffic over total EF traffic at an edge router b average duplication times within a DiffServ domain N number of DiffServ domains that a multicast tree spans Pa probability of having sufficient resources in a DiffServ domain Pm probability of having a branch marked higher than or equal to requested 008 in a DiffServ domain Table 3.2: Notations. neck, which is the case in actual networking environments. The analysis in this section assumes that after traffic conditioning at the edge routers, core routers still may get congested. The quantitative analysis mainly focus on EF UDP traffic within a single DiffServ domain. Other results are shown in Section 3.7.3. Notations used in this section are listed in Table 3.2. 1. Amount of EF Output vs. Input at the DiffServ edge router: The following equations show the relationship between the amount of EF input and actual EF output from a DiffServ domain for a multicast operation. T (1+a*b)*T, where(1+aaizb)>lTc (1+a*b)*T, where TSTc TNormaI = (1+a*b)*Tc whereT>Tc 45 120r- A WTC '- - . - . ”nurture-u -»- Normal g f . Output (percentage of capacity) 8 DR 0 20 40 60 80 100 Input (percentage of capacity) Figure 3.7: Performance of EF at A DiffServ Edge Router (a=0.1,b=2). For the Normal DiffServ multicasting, multicast flows marked as EF are du- plicated in the domain. Therefore, the actual amount of outgoing traffic will be (1 + a a: b) >1: T, rather than T. However, the edge routers are unaware of the actual traffic amount. They only drop packets when T exceeds their capacity. For the proposed WTC scheme, packets will be dropped based on actual accounting of outgoing EF traffic. That is, packets will be dropped when (1 + a :1: b) at T is greater than Tc. The numerical results are plotted in Figure 3.7. It shows that WI'C approach fully conforms to the SLAs since the actual output does not exceed its EF input capacity. But the normal multicast DiffServ method violates the SLA. 2. Message overhead DAM is associated with three types of signaling messages: non-AC/BB signal- 46 ing, AC signaling, and BB signaling. The first type of messages includes ’JOIN’, ’REQUEST’ and ’UPDATE’. It can be observed from Algorithms 1 and 2 that the number of these non-AC/BB signaling is a linear function of the number of DiffServ domains that a multicast tree spans. AC signaling is required in DAM for avoiding NRS problems. Logically, each new branch of a multicast flow requires one round of signaling. The last type of messages is related to BB. In DiffServ architecture, BBs will be signaled for every SLA negotiation or resource allocation request. For any approach based on DiffServ, it is essential to reduce the BB signaling overhead. So we focus on quantifying BB signaling overhead in this part. Current Q-bone BB design adopts a ’nailed up’ model [25]. B83 will stop signal- ing the next domain if the negotiation between two intermediate domains produce a negative result. Thus the signaling will be stopped at the ith (except the first and last) domain when previous 1' — 1 domains have sufficient resources and the ith domain does not. Assuming P, is uniformly distributed, the Average BB Signaling Number (ABSN) for a unicast EF flow crossing N DiffServ domains is given by 2 + 2(N —1)P,j"—1 ABSN (N, Pa) = +2 2.131(P2“(1 - Pa)(z'-1)). For DAM, BB signaling starts from the join domain instead of the domain in which the multicast tree root locates. The join domain is the one which has a branch marked higher than or equal to the requested QoS and is the nearest to the new receiver. So the average of BB signaling can be described by 47 i T TV I I I i 20 ,. . . .. g. .. —e— Pm=0 13 ~ . -~ Pm=0.3 v Pm=0.7 16 . j —v— ng1.0 14 - 12 _ z 5'3 10 ~ 8 +- 6 ,— 4" : 4...~—~ .3 T I, l 0 I g I i I 1 I i . 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Probability of having sufficient resources in a DiffServ Domain (Pa) Figure 3.8: Average BB Signaling of DAM. 2P... + (1 — Pm)N-1ABSN(N, Pa) ABSNDAM = + 29;;1(P,,,ABSN(1, P,)(1 — Pm)“1). We further define the Relative BB Signaling Cost (RBSC) as: RBSC ___ ABSN(N,Pa) ABSNDAM Figure 3.8 shows ABSN with varying Pa and R... We observe that ABSNDAM decreases when P, decreases, which means that when network resources become scarce, the BBs are less likely to be signaled. This feature reduces the message overhead of the network when congestion happens. Figure 3.8 also shows that ABSNDAM increases when Pm decreases. In the worst case, when Pm equals to 0, the ABSN is the same as the unicast case. Figure 3.9 depicts the variation of RBSC with respect to Pm and Pa, which indicates that the relative BB signaling cost drops when Pm increases. The BB signaling overhead analysis reveals two 48 I I T T I . c e e 3 a c c a c g + Pm=0.3 08 -~ Pm=0.7 ‘ ‘ —v— Pm=1.0 .‘g‘ . 00.6» ‘ l (I) . m t: 0.4- x . _ 4 0.2- , . c a i 0 l 1 1 l l l l l l 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Probability of having sufficient resources in a DiffServ Domain (Pa) Figure 3.9: Relative BB Signaling Cost of DAM. features of DAM. First, BBs will not be over-burdened when congestion occurs. Second, the relative BB signaling cost is less than or equal to the unicast case. 3.7.3 Simulations Results We have implemented the normal DiffServ multicasting, and DAM on the NS sim- ulator [27]. The goal of the simulations is to evaluate the above approaches by comparing their packets transmission ratios, as defined the ratio of the number of packets transmitted over the total number of packets. This study focuses on a sin- gle DiffServ domain. In the simulation, we assume that multicast traffic is based on UDP. For each scenario, unicast UDP and TCP traffic are studied. The network topology of the simulation is illustrated in Figure 3.10. The bandwidth of each link is 10Mb. Consider that $1 is delivering multicast packets at a rate of 1Mb per sec- 49 Figure 3.10: Network Topology of the Simulation. ond through ER1, CR and ER3 to a multicast receiver R1. Host R2 wants to join the multicast group. Existing unicast traffic flow aggregations are: ER1 to ER4 - 4Mb BE; ER3 to ER4 - 2Mb EF; and ER2 to ER4 - 6Mb AF. If the multicast flow is EF traffic and the maximum rate of EF traffic which are allowed to enter the domain at ER1 is 2Mb, then DAM produces the same results as the normal DiffServ approach. EF traffic has the highest priority level, and no . packets are dropped unless the amount of EF traffic exceeds the link capacity. Thus for the EF multicast flow, we mainly study its impact on other traffic classes, such as AF traffic and BE traffic. Figure 3.11 illustrated the EF traffic simulation results. For AF class traffic in this domain, we have studied both UDP traffic and TCP traffic. Both results indicate that normal DiffServ multicasting noticeably reduces the packet transmission ratio of BE traffic, while DAM approach has little impact on the existing traffic. The results agree with the quantitative analysis we performed in Section 3.7.2. If the multicast flow belongs to AF traffic and the maximum rate of AF traffic that is allowed to enter the domain at the edge router ER1 is 5Mb, then a part of the AF 50 UDP TCP [:1 before join 1: before join - After join - Normal - Alter jorn — Normal - After ‘oin - DAM - Alter 'oin — DAM Q i .0 i Packets Transmission ratio 0 .0 Packets Transmission ratio 0 .0 Figure 3.11: EF Multicast Results. traffic will be marked down to BE if DAM technique is adopted. The simulation results of AF multicast traffic are shown in Figure 3.12. When the existing AF traffic is UDP based, the normal DiffServ multicasting approach produces better results for new AF multicast flow at the cost of severely dropping BE traffic, while DAM forms a compromise between the new multicast traffic and the existing BE flows. The packet transmission ratio of the multicast flow is about 0.9 in DAM without any significant impact on the BE traffic. When other AF traffic belongs to TCP, the results demonstrate the same trends except that unicast TCP AF traffic remains unchanged in terms of packet transmission ratio. This behavior is due to the TCP congestion control mechanism. Both EF and AF simulations indicate that WTC is necessary when applying per-aggregation-based resource management schemes in DiffServ domains. SLA 51 UDP TCP - Normal - Normal - DAM - DAM Packet Transmission Ratio M—AF Other AF BE M—AF Other AF BE Figure 3.12: AF Multicast Results. violation problems can be avoided in DAM without per-flow resource management approaches like RSVP. As discussed in Section 3.4, HDE approach is adopted in DAM to improve fair- ness. For the same network topology, we assume one EF multicast flow which originates from ER1 is remarked to AF at CR for a sub-tree through ER4. Com- parisons have been made with unicast AF flows traveling through ER1 to ER4 to study packets transmission ratio. Traffic distribution on link CR to ER4 is: 2Mb EF, 1Mb AF multicast, 6Mb unicast AF and 6Mb unicast BE. Figure 3.13 clearly illus- trates that the multicast AF traffic presents nearly the same performance as that of unicast UDP AF traffic when HDE is used. For unicast TCP AF traffic case, around 10% of the multicast AF packets are dropped with HDE, while nearly no multicast AF packets get dropped without HDE. Packet transmission ratio is not affected for 52 UDP TCP [:1 mcastAF I: mcast AF - other AF - other AF - BE - BE o co 7 .0 on . Packet Transomission Ratio 2» . .0 A Packet Transgiission Ratio in .0 A no HDE no HDE Figure 3.13: AF Fairness Results TCP AF traffic. But the average transmission rate decreases about 4 percent with HDE. Both the results show HDE scheme ensures fairness between AF multicast flows and AF unicast flows. In short, DAM technique avoids the SLA violation problem and unfairness issue introduced in DiffServ multicasting environments. 3.8 Summary In this chapter, we proposed a DiffServ-Aware Multicasting (DAM) technique to pro- vide 008 in multicasting. In DAM, the NRS problem is solved by Weighted Traffic Conditioning (WTC) at the edge routers, and the heterogeneity in DOS require- ments of the receivers are handled by Receiver-Initiated Marking (RIM). Fairness is achieved with Heterogeneous DSCP Encapsulation (HDE). DAM protocol can 53 be easily integrated with the existing DiffServ model for the Internet. It is scalable and also independent of the routing protocol. Hence it is possible to incorporate it with other QoS-related approaches, such as MPLS [28], RLM [29], and QMRP [17] to further boost its performance. Through analyses and simulations, we have shown that DAM conforms to the SLAs between DiffServ domains while requiring a simple and scalable resource managements scheme. 54 CHAPTER 4 EDGE ROUTER MULTICASTING WITH MPLS-TE Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) is evolving as an efficient approach for packet forwarding in the internet. In this chapter, we describe an approach for QoS-aware multicasting in MPLS. To get around the difficulties mentioned in Sec- tion 2.3, we have proposed an edge routers multicasting scheme, as described in Section 4.1 and Section 4.2. 4.1 Basics of Edge Router Multicasting In MPLS (ERM) 4.1.1 Motivations We assume that in MPLS domains, multicast group members are directly attached to edge LSRs, and core LSRs are only connected with other LSRs. The proposed edge router multicasting scheme tries to construct a multicast tree whose branch- ing points are only located at edge LSRs. As shown in Figure 4.1, edge LSRs ER1, ER2, ER3 and ER4 are active members of a multicast group. Figure 4.1.a depicts the multicast tree produced by conventional IP multicast routing protocols. The branching nodes are core LSRs CR1, CR2 and CR3. In ERM, a multicast tree branches at edge LSRs ER1 and ER4, and is connected by pre-established LSPs, namely LSPI, LSP2, and LSP3, respectively, as shown in Figure 4.1.b. By limiting the branching points only at the edges, conceptually, ERM converts a multicast flow into multiple quasi unicast flows on the network layer in each MPLS domain. Compared to native IP multicasting, ERM scheme has distinct advantages 55 ER2 ER2 ER4 a) Native IP multicast Tree b) ERMP tree over MPLS tunnels Figure 4.1: ERMP Illustration that are itemized below: 1. Simplifies LSP setup. Since the diverging nodes of the tree only locate at edge LSRs, there is no need to create and maintain point-to-multipolnt or multipoint-to-multipoint LSPs. Instead, a tree can be decomposed and mapped to multiple point-to-point LSPs. 2. Makes multicast flows aggregatable. Each branch of a multicast flow can be aggregated with other unicast flows which share the same ingress and egress LSRs. Thus the scalability of MPLS traffic engineering will not be compromised. 3. Relaxes the requirements on core routers. One of the reasons that IP multi- cast is not widely implemented is because many core routers in the backbone are not multicast ready [39]. As the core routers are usually carrying out criti- cal missions, they are unlikely to be upgraded off-line in the near future. Edge router multicasting approach can be designed in such a way that it poses little or no multicasting restrictions on core routers. 4. Requires no encapsulation to setup multicast tunnels. When a multicast 56 router communicates with its multicast peers through non-multicast routers, a typical solution is manually building tunnels by lP-in-IP encapsulation. That is, a whole lP header is inserted in the packet leaving from the upstream peer and then it is removed at the downstream peer. While in MPLS environment, LSPs can be directly used as multicast tunnels if multicast peers are edge routers. 4.1.2 ERM Basics ERM consists of three fundamental components: edge router multicast routing, multicast LSPs mapping, and edge router multicast forwarding. Edge Router Multicast Routing We focus on intra-domain routing scheme since inter-domain routing protocols like MSDP/MBGP [50, 51] and BGMP [52] allow each autonomous system having its own multicast implementation. For ERM, different multicast routing algorithms need to be developed to construct ERM trees. We first present a simple solution by slightly modifying existing lP multicast routing protocols. In Section 4.2, a Steiner tree-based heuristic routing algorithms will be discussed in detail. For sparse mode lP multicasting like PlM-SM, and CBT [57, 55], multicast trees are constructed by explicit join. To extend these routing schemes for edge router multicasting, the following two steps need to be adopted. 0 Select edge routers as the core or Rendezvous Point (RP) of the tree. 57 5...... 6...... .232:th 233.":Efl‘; 1 63.42791 2 63.1 .385 18.2.3688 242.1178 2 63.15928 Figure 4.2: Multicast Routing Table at An Edge LSRs 0 Allow a sub-tree to join only at the edge routers. For dense mode protocols, such as DVMRP, MOSPF and PlM-DM [53, 54, 56], multicast delivery trees are built by flood and prune. To support ERM, the process should be changed to ’flood and acknowledgment’. Each edge router should inform its upstream peer explicitly whether it has any active members on its outgoing interfaces. Each edge router should also keep the multicast state, and record its next downstream edge routers, if any. Reverse path forwarding algorithms can still be employed to limit the impact of flood. In both modes, core LSRs are involved in building multicast trees, but they do not need to keep the multicast state. ERM routing table at edge LSRs should record its downstream peers in addition to downstream outgoing interfaces. For example, in Figure 4.2, for multicast state (,, the outgoing interface is 1 and 2, with downstream edge peer 63.42791 and respec- tively. 58 Multicast LSPs Mapping After the multicast routing process, each edge LSR has the knowledge about its downstream peers. A multicast flow can thus be mapped onto multiple LSPs based on downstream destination addresses of an edge LSR and QoS requirements of the flow as if there are multiple unicast flows destined to downstream peers. In Figure 4.2, a multicast flow from to will be mapped onto two unicast LSPs destined to 63.42791 and respectively. Edge Router Multicast Forwarding When multicast packets need to be forwarded in the ERM protocol, edge LSRs need to duplicate packets based on their routing table, and assign corresponding MPLS labels. Core LSRs do not have to duplicate any packets. The forwarding decisions can be made by simply examining the incoming labels. In fact, core LSRs do not have to distinguish whether a label is associated with multicasting or not, because in ERM, they only have one outgoing interface for each incoming packet. 4.2 Extension to ERM Routing The multicast routing approach described in Section 4.1 is easy to implement, and it requires only minor modifications in the current multicasting protocols. However, it still demands core routers participate in the multicast routing process. In MPLS- TE, we assume that the network resource usage and availability is either available 59 from centralized management nodes or from each edge LSRs. Thus an ERM based Steiner heuristic tree can be constructed without the involvement of core LSRs, which leads to an extended version of the ERM protocol, termed as ERM2 in this dissertation. 4.2.1 Basic Characteristics e Source-based Tree. EMR2 constructs a multicast tree per source for the con- sideration of implementation issues. Source-based tree has an advantages over core-based tree in address allocation, since each source can freely pick any address and create a unique (S,G) state. Moreover, core-based tree are typically shared among each group member, which also requires the support of bi-directional tree. Bi-directional LSPs are still under investigation in the current MPLS architecture. . Explicit Join. We avoid using flood-and-prune approach for the following rea- sons. First, the density of a multicast group is likely to be sparse compared to the size of internet. Explicit join would be more efficient in such scenario. Second, flood and prune are traffic driven, not control driven. When a multi- cast flow arrives at the edge of a network, it needs to set up a tree first, only after which the flow assignment algorithms can be executed to map the flow onto an LSP. This will increase the latency for the delivery of the first very packet. 60 e Centralized Control We proposed a dedicated node called ”Multicast Man- ager” (MM) in ERM2. The role of MM is different with that of ”core” or ”RP” in CBT or PIM. MM is not designated to be the root of a delivery tree. Rather, it functions like a DNS server, and is responsible for group membership man- agement in an MPLS domain. It keeps a record of current active on-tree edge routers and returns a list of candidates to a new receiver. The mer- its of centralized control includes easy implementation and simplified routing algorithms. e Protocol Independence. In view of heterogeneous nature of internet, ERM2 is designed to be independent of unicast routing protocols. Thus it can be implemented on top of distance vector protocol as well as link state protocol. 4.2.2 ERM2 Illustration The ”Join” process in ERMP2 can be illustrated by the example depicted in Figure 4.3, where edge router E1 ,E2,E4, and E7 are on-tree routers of multicast group G. Suppose edge router E5 wants to join group G. The routing procedure is enumer- ated as follows. 1. Edge router E5 sends a QUERY message to MM. 2. MM returns an ANSWER message with a list of candidates to E5. In this example, the candidates are S, E1, E2, E4, and E7. 3. Based on its own routing table, or resource availability, E5 picks the best the candidate, say E4, as the join point. 61 DU) E3 r'“: — Multicast Tree LSP — — — Multicast Nontree LSP ————> Messages Figure 4.3: ERMP2 Join Example 4. E5 sends a JOIN message to E4 and E4 create an outgoing entry for state (S,G). 5. If successful, E4 informs MM that E5 is now an active on-tree edge router through an ADD message. 6. MM inserts E5 in the active member list. An edge node will leave a multicast tree when two condition are met. First, it detects that there is no active member directly attached to it by Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) report. Second, it does not have any downstream peer. The leaving node will send a SUBTRACT message to the MM to update the member list, and a PRUNE message to its upstream peer. The state machine of edge routers is shown in Figure 4.4. 62 Edge Router Join On-Tree Leaf Edge Router Prune Local Local Local Local Join Prune Prune Join Edge Router Pmne On-Tree Transit Non-Tree dge Router Join Figure 4.4: State Machine of ERMP2 Edge Routers 4.3 Performance Analysis Edge router multicasting scheme will not create a fully optimized multicast delivery tree. Identical packets could be transmitted on the same out-going link. We have conducted a series of simulations to compare tree cost, link stress, and relative delay of following protocols(algorithms): Distance Vector Multicast Routing Proto- coI(DVMRP), ERM, ERM2 and Minimum Spanning Tree. The results demonstrated that edge router multicast scheme, especially when ERM2 routing is employed, will not noticeably compromise the benefits of native lP multicast. Network topology and group density are two major factors which affect perfor- mance of multicast routing protocols. A variety of flat random graphs [60] have been proposed to model networks in aim to reflect realistic network topologies. All the variations randomly distribute vertices in a plane and add an edge between 63 Model Edge Probability Waxman1 ae‘d/W) Waxman2 ae-rand(0.L)/(BL) a ifd< Lxradz'us Locality fl ideLxradz’us Table 4.1: Edge Probability of Selected Flat Random Graph Models. each pair of vertices with certain probabilistic parameters. We have chosen three commonly used random graph models in our study, namely Waxman1, Waxman2, and locality. The edge distribution functions are summarized in Table 4.1 In Table 1, 0 < a, p g 1, d is the Euclidean distance between two vertices, and L is the maximum distance between any two vertices. lntuitively, locality model has the richest short distance connectivity in three models, while Waxman1 generate less long distance edges than Waxman2. For each model, we use GIT network topology generator produced 1024 nodes flat network. Among them 300 out of 1024 nodes are randomly selected as the edge routers. The simulation results are collected and tabulated by recording per- formance metrics in different topology by increasing group members from 5 to 300. For ERM2 routing, we assume each edge router picks the node with least cost path as the join point. Q + DVMRP 09- 9' 0 ERM I +00000 A ERM2 0 - OPT 0.8" ‘1 100000 00 - . - ++ *+ O 0000000 2" + + 00000 0.7"; +++ - ~ » 000: :3 o o o . T 9 1+, _ 3 00o g 0.6” e +++ , - . ' . . , , , g . .‘ g :2 . ++++++++ ' . 5..“ 0.5: 5 - . - +.+_ 4., . g g 9 ++++ +++fi+++++++++++++++++++h O.4~ - , 0.3- 0.2F 0.1 I 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Number of members Figure 4.5: Relative Tree Cost, Locality Model 4.3.1 Relative Tree Cost Relative tree cost is defined as the ratio of tree cost over the sum of unicast path cost. Figure 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7 show the comparison of relative tree costs. In the figures, OPT refers to optimal results produced by Minimum Spanning Tree algo- rithm. For all the topologies, ERM yields worst relative tree cost, while ERM2 incurs less cost than DVMRP and even demonstrates near-optimal performance. These results prove that edge router multicast scheme may not necessary leads to very high tree cost. As a matter of fact, with careful design, it could be more efficient than least-cost unicast path tree built by protocols like DVMRP. Another interesting observation inferred made from Figures 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7 is that the widely accepted multicast protocols like DVMRP only save half of the link cost when all the edge nodes join a multicast tree. 65 Relative Cost Relative Cost 0.9 :- --+-r~ DVMRP -o-- ERM ' ~A~ ERM2 ' 0 50 100 150 200 Number of members Figure 4.6: Relative Tree Cost, Waxman1 Model 1 Q r T r I fl 0.9 ,_ .0 000000000090 . . . . , - A+6 . eeeee.'ooo°o . , ‘ e 0'8 L’. —**+ W.C.O.. 1.. q +++ °e 00009 ' ' + ++ ~ - - 07:21: ' 1*”. ' I 1 it ‘~ 1‘ ‘ ._ A +++++++ *A . V ++++++++++ o 5 _ ",A 7 g, . ++++f++++++++++fi. . 'QA . . +. . DVMRP ,4 . -~o~ ERM 0.4 - - 54a ~A - ERM2 « 'e A . . . .'*.:AAA 0 OPT 0.3 ” T’s ‘ ‘ ....... 4 O...” N AAAAAAA . .“.‘...”.l. AAAAAAAAAAAAA 0.2 ~ . » - , - . ,t ”'"fmumeml o 1 1 l l l l 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Number of members Figure 4.7: Relative Tree Cost, Waxman2 Model 66 4.3.2 Link Stress Stressed link refers to those links which have multiple identical packets on the outgoing interface. The number of the identical packets is denoted as link stress. For native multicast protocols, link stress is always equals to one. For unicast, source node link stress equals to the total number of on tree node numbers in a domain. Combining tree cost results presented above, the most important feature of multicast may be releasing link stress, rather than saving bandwidth. The ERM protocol could introduce stressed link. Results of link stress are plotted in Figure 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10. ERM and ERM2 both have average link stress between 2 to 3, and the ratio of stressed link are both less than 20 percent. However, the maximum link stress of ERM is much higher than ERM2. In the worst cast, the maximum link stress is as high as nearly 40. Link stress performance can be easily improved by adding maximum link stress restrictions. The side effect of this restriction would produce worse results for other performance metrics like tree cost and relative delay. 4.3.3 Relative Delay Relative delay is defined as the ratio of multicast end-to-end delay over unicast end-to-end delay. DVMRP and ERM protocol lead to shortest path source-based trees, thus their relative delay amounts to 1. So, this performance metric is only significant for Minimum Spanning Tree approach and ERM2. Figures 4.1 1 4.12 and 4.13 illustrate relative delay results. In all the topologies, and for both average and 67 ERM 3° ~+ - stressed ratio --o-- average stress . A ~ max stress 25_ . , _ ...... fl . m M A 20» 4“ A g A g A (015} A l ‘25 i :1 a: m 10- ‘m M A m 5. m ' ‘ 4m .................. 0‘ . .; .. ....... o 100 2“) 3m) Number of members Link Stress 4w; 3.5- . g -' 3»mmmmmmfi 2.5 2 I - +~ stressed ratio 1'5"» "0" average stress ‘ . ~ A“ max stress 1 .. 0.5 : 0‘22‘2..3......2...1',_. .........31..........2'3122222 100 200 300 ERM2 Number of members Figure 4.8: Link Stress, Locality Model ERM 45 4 f --+~ stressed ratio --0 ~ average stress 40 ~A~ max stress j ‘ A ‘ W 30- , “A“ m 8 .. , 3 2 25 an: 63 an x. _ _ m . _ 4 5 2° , g 15* £9 '1 .9 10» “A5. 0L 0 100 200 300 Numberofmembers ERM2 7 fl 6- MA 5.. . . m. 8 4"W‘ g s ‘0 E X I 5 3-4' + ~ stressed ratio 0,. average stress A- max stress °o Number of members Figure 4.9: Link Stress, Waxman1 Model 68 ERM 20 r A + stressed ratio 18 0 average stress . . A . max stress 35* 5 1 16' 3 m 14r M f A . . a) 12’ “ 1 g; 2'5? i. ‘ q 3 2 0 mini (75 10- m- <75 2;. . . ' - ‘ . 8’ m A 1.51? , - + stressed ratio 6 ~ -' ~ . ~ 0 - average stress A 1 A max stress < 0.5 '~ ........................ Number of members Number of members Figure 4.10: Link Stress, Waxman2 Model maximum value, the performance of ERM2 stays closely to the Minimum Spanning Tree results. The relative delay ranges from 1 to 1.4. These results convince that ERM2 routing would not affect the relative delay. Furthermore, for ERM technique, the average relative delay is not sensitive to topology changes. Rather, it tends to be less when group size increases. And the maximum relative delay is not sensitive to both topology changes as well as group size changes. 4.4 Summary In this chapter, we have proposed an edge router multicasting approach in MPLS traffic engineering environment. ERM converts design of point-to-multipoint LSP setup to a multiple point-to-point LSP problems, and make multicast traffic suitable 69 Average Maximum 1.26 .r g 1.4 . . ..+. ERM2 -‘+~ ERM2 f . . ._ .. 1.2419. °. OPT 1.351 ..°,, OPT ,. 6: 1.22";‘ W W q 1.3“ m ' <9 ’ § 1.18"- '1* W m : I . . . .. . g 1.16» , m”: 5 76 all»: z I ,. 3' f .4 1.14. 21 :T W (Ill) 4 1.12% 1.1» 1 1.08 r . 1 'L . 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 Number of members Number of members Figure 4.11: Relative Delay, Locality Model Average Maximum 1.4 . 1.4 . 1 --+~ ERM2 ~-+~- ERM2 + W> 1.3~;*mg~w , . 1 13W' .+' g.1.25-} ~ - - . £1.25-5-~m . 1 E 1.2 g; .. - - 1 1.2% o A; % I, " t'l.°/.n,.- H ' ' . . E 1.15 ~- 1.155 5 ~ -"' "" 1.1 1,1 m f . . 1; t t 1; 4 A I 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 Number of members Number of members Figure 4.12: Relative Delay, Waxman1 Model 70 Average 1.34 . T ~+~ ERM2 1'32}: '0' OPT +4? ; 1.3r€'+é_ : + g . 41’ 5.128. 4"“; 81.26»; + 0 i O +. £1.24»: 9 r.“ g $00 3:” 1.18:7- b 1.16» 1.14 . 0 100 200 Number of members Maximum 1.4 , , 9 -+~ ERM2 1.35» '°" Om 1.3- «III; 1" 1 .. 5125-3 — .6 1 r3 3 . 1.2fl‘ 1 s C115: 0 1.1%“? ' - 1.0513 1 1 L 0 100 200 300 Number of members Figure 4.13: Relative Delay, Waxman2 Model for aggregation. In the ERM protocols, the multicast trees branch only at the edge routers and use the MPLS tunnels set up by the core routers. In addition, the proposed approach does not loses the strength of native lP multicast. The imple- mentation of the ERM protocol in incrementally deployable as it does not requires any changes in the core routers. Simulation results show that the proposed ERM2 has near optimized tree cost, low link stress, and incurs low delay. 71 CHAPTER 5 SUPPORTING OVERLAY MULTICAST IN DIFFSERV DOMAINS In this chapter, we focus on 008 provisioning for multicasting using application layer protocols. Specifically, we address the issues associated with overlay multi- casting in DiffServ domains. 5.1 Network Models and Design Issues DiffServ architecture offers a number of features that will affect the design of over- lay multicasting. 5.1.1 DiffServ Architecture and Its Features When designing a scheme to support overlay multicasting in DiffServ domains, we should be aware of the following characteristics of DiffServ: e SLAs. As mentioned above, there is no service guarantee for out-of-profile traffic. The fanout of each end host should be bounded by its maximum amount of traffic specified in SLAs, which is less than the actual available network bandwidth. As and when necessary, SLAs can be renegotiated. e Signaling overheads. ln DiffServ domains, dedicated nodes, termed as Band- width Brokers (BBs), are responsible for any intra-domain and inter-domain resource management. According to current QBone BB design[68], end hosts need to request 883 for resource allocation to ensure that SLAs are 72 not violated and sufficient resources are available along the path. It implies that every link change in the overlay multicast tree may initiate a BB signaling. 0 Uni-direction. DiffServ only provides 008 for one way traffic. In order to get a bi-directional DiffServ link, both participants should signal their 883 for resource allocation. Because the actual SLAs and network utilization could vary, such bi-directional links could fail. Thus, constructing a shared tree in DiffServ may not be feasible. 5.1.2 Design Issues We assume the underlying network can provide either premium service of DiffServ or guaranteed service of lntServ. The overview of design issues follows. 0 Changes in tree topology. Since every change of the tree topology would lead to BB signaling, the tree-building algorithms should construct a tree in a way such that it could avoid extensive topology changes when group members or network condition changes. 0 Source specific tree. Since DiffServ is uni-directional, we prefer to construct per-sender-based multicast trees. 0 Direct tree construction. There are two distinct approaches to construct over- lay trees. One approach is to first set up a richer connected graph, termed as mesh. A tree is then constructed using DVMRP like routing protocol. Mesh first approach is good for constructing shared trees and is suitable when the 73 underlying networks performance or reliability is undesirable. But it would be harder to detect mesh partitions, and resulting tree topology may changes dramatically from time to time. For the above considerations, we have chosen the other scheme, i.e. to build the tree directly. Sub-optimized for tree cost. We favor minimal or sub-minimal tree-cost. Sav- ing overall network resources is one of the major strengths of multicast. How- ever, fully optimized schemes, such as Minimum Spanning Tree, are less likely to be implemented in practice, and would produce a deeper tree with longer latency. Incremental join at proper place. Most overlay multicast protocols are self- organizing. It is a desirable feature when there are no service guarantees and no signaling overheads associated with the changes in the tree topology. In this chapter, we present an approach that tries to insert a new member at the appropriate place of the tree, while considering the SLAs as well as the overheads associated with topology changes. 5.1.3 Performance Metrics In summary, the solution we are seeking should yield fewer tree topology changes and have a good balance between overall tree cost and individual latency. In this chapter, we use the following performance metrics to evaluate different ap- proaches: 0 Tree Cost. Tree cost is defined as the sum of the link costs. If we ignore 74 the network layer and application layer overheads, this metric reflects the efficiency of system resource usage. 0 Link Changes. The notation of link changes refers to the number of different links between the original tree and the new trees built after new members join. In DiffServ overlay multicasting environment, link changes incur overheads associated with BB signaling. . Relative Delay Penalty (RDP). RDP is denoted as the ratio of overlay multi- cast delay to the unicast shortest-path delay. This metric is defined from the perspective of each host. 5.2 Group Management and Incremental Insertion Protocol To support overlay multicasting in DiffServ domain, there could be two approaches. One is to make 008 provisioning totally independent of tree construction algo- rithms. That is, after the tree is constructed, each member host then signals the edge router for appropriate packet marking. However, it may happen that by then some of the nodes have consumed all of the resources specified in their SLAs. The marker would then mark the multicast packets as out-of-profile. Unless the SLAs are renegotiated successfully, the 008 guarantee on certain branches would be compromised, and the unfairness among each multicast member would be aggra- vated. Thus we adopt another approach by taking each members available SLAs into account while building the tree. 75 5.2.1 Group Management Overview In order to achieve better scalability, we propose a two-level hierarchical scheme which includes inter-domain and intra-domain group management. Logically, a tree topology for a cross-domain multicast group G with sender S, denoted as (S,G), is shown in Figure 5.1. At inter-domain level, each domain except the source do- main is assumed to have exactly one link connected with its parent domain through which the multicast tree is formed. There may or may not be other links connecting the domains, but are not used for multicasting. For example, link RA3 —+ R81 is the cross-domain link which hooks up domain B with its parent domain A. In the source domain, sender is the domain multicast root. In other domains, the node respon- sible for receiving inter-domain traffic is denoted as the domain multicast root. In Figure 5.1, the domain multicast root for (S,G) at domain A, B, C and D are S, RBt, RC1 and R01, respectively. It should be noted that the term domain refers to the actual DiffServ domain as defined by IETF. We do not propose the dynamic clus- tering approach suggested in [66, 67], because in DiffServ, inter-domain resources could be far more scare and its resource management is much more complicated. It the nodes from different DiffServ domains self-organize to form a cluster as the basic tree building block, then the resource management within each cluster would be complex. In this chapter, we focus on studying intra-domain group management and tree construction techniques. We further assume that certain bootstrap mechanisms exist such that any node j wants to join a group (S,G) could obtain the address of 76 Domaln B Domaln D Domaln A RA1 Tree lntoat RD2 R01 R03 R04 NIL 15 2 Parent Children fanout R03 Domain c Figure 5.1: Logical View of Tree Topology for (S,G) multicast root in its domain, and from which it could get a full list of active members in the domain. 5.2.2 Incremental Insertion Algorithm (IIA) We have proposed an Incremental Insertion Algorithm for building overlay multicast trees in a DiffServ Domain by constructing the multicast tree incrementally. Thus simultaneous joins should be serialized and then be processed one by one. This serialization could be accomplished by maintaining a queue at a dedicated node such as domain multicast root. As depicted in Figure 5.1, each active member in the multicast tree should maintain its parent node, cost to its parent, children nodes and the number of its children (denoted as fanout in this chapter). When node j wants to join a multicast group (S,G), it will first evaluate its cost to all the active members in the domain and then calculate the cost gain for two cases. One case is to attach itself to node 77 i.parent i.parent i.parent 10 \8 10 8 (a) (b) (c) Figure 5.2: Illustration of Leaf-join and Insertion z‘ and become a new leaf in the tree, which is denoted as leaf-join. The other case is called insertion, that is inserting node j between node i and and 1’s parent node. For instance, in Figure 5.2.a, node j is evaluating its cost gain toward node 2'. Leaf- join would produce a new tree structure as shown in Figure 5.2.b, and Figure 5.2.0 depicted the new tree structure if node j is inserted between 2' and i.parent. If numbers in the figure denote costs of the links, the cost gain for leaf-join will be 4, while insertion would be 2. Since insertion cost less, node j will evaluate cost gain toward node 2' as 2, with an operation insertion. After node 3' goes through all the active members, it will join to the node having minimum cost gain with the corresponding operation. The formal presentation of the algorithm is described in Algorithm 4. One of the problems associated with ”A is that it may increase the join latency. We have defined a non-QoS working mode to allow a new member to receive multicast traffic as quick as possible by joining a random node in the tree. The new member will leave non-QoS mode after it finishes processing Algorithm 4. 78 Algorithm 4 Incremental Insertion Algorithm at Node j Require: j.cost2parent 1— oo,j.parent 1— NIL,j.child +— NIL,j.fantout 4— 0 {For Off- line mode only} for every active member 1' do If i.fanout < FANOUT and j.cost2parent > cost(i,j) then j.cost2parent +— cost(i, j) j.parent 1— 2' mode «— leaf_j02'n end If If i.fanout < FANOUT and i.parent.fanout < FANOUT then insertCost +— (cost(j, i) + cost(i.parent, j) - i.cost2parent) If insertC’ost < j.cost2parent then j.cost2parent ._ insertCost j.parent 1— i.parent j.child 1— 2' mode 1— insertion end If and If and for add 3' as a new child of j.parent j.parent.fanout + + If mode = insertion then remove j.chz’ld from j.parent j.parent.faout — - add j.chz'ld as a new child of j j. f anout + + and if 79 5.2.3 Partition Repalr There are two situations that would create tree partition problem: member leaves and link/node failures. In both cases, the tree should be re-constructed. If we assuming single site failure, it could be detected if every node periodically ’ping’ its parent. Member leaving can be also handled in the same way. But it would be quicker if we let the leaving node send a message to its children to trigger re-building process. We have proposed both on-line mode and off-line mode of repairing processes. The former aims at fast re-pairing, but would generate a tree with worse perfor- mance. The later process could produce a tree with better performance, but is only suitable when there is no multicast traffic on the flight. Both repairing algorithms are straightforward. For example, in Figure 5.3a, node 2' leaves tree T. In on-line mode, i’s children Cl and C2 will execute a slightly modified "A by considering Cl and CZ as two nodes wanting to join tree T. The only modification is that when a node join as on-line repairing mode, it should not go through the initialization part. A possible on-line repairing result is shown in Figure 5.3.b. We can see that on- line mode repairing would not change the trees rooted at i’s direct children Cl and C2, and only require 2 link changes in the example. On the other hand, in off-line mode, all the descendants of node 2' will be treated as new requesting nodes and will carry out Algorithm 4 one by one. Such repairing algorithms could produce a quite different tree structure shown in Figure 5.3.0, where the trees originally rooted at Cl and C2 are not retained. 80 C121 C11 Cl C2 C2 C22 011012 021 022 011 01 021 022 012 01 021 0121 (a) (b) (C) Figure 5.3: On-line Mode and Off-line Mode Repair 5.3 Simulations Results In our simulation, we use delay as the metric of link cost. Three types of network topologies, i.e. Waxman1, Waxman2, and Locality model, are created by using GIT network topology generator [60], Each type of network has 100 random graphs, and each graph consists of 1024 node, with cost distributed in a 100x100 plane. For every graph, we randomly pick a non-tree node and vary the group size from 2 to 100. The maximum fanout of any member is set to 6. The proposed scheme is compared to Narada tree [61, 62], minimum-cost tree, and the minimum-leaf join tree. In the implementation of Narada, we use 0.75 as the threshold of utility gains for link addition, and choose 0.25 as the lower bound of consensus cost to drop a link. After each member joins, we allow Narada tree to stabilize before processing the next new member. The performance metrics we used is described in Section 5.1.3 Because the re- sults are similar for all three different type of networks, we only present the detailed results of Waxman2 topology model in Table 5.1, which summarizes the statistic of 81 Table 5.1: Statistic of 100 Runs (100 member, Waxman2 mode) Narada Leaf-Join llA OPT Tree Cost(ave) 3605.76 1919.52 1716.34 1540.72 Tree Cost(max) 4251 2114 1898 1382 Tree Cost(min) 2915 1681 1534 1723 Tree Cost(std) 24.01 8.82 8.27 7.44 Link Changes (ave) 665.80 99 165.96 295.77 Link Changes(max) 1155 99 192 371 Link Changes(min) 331 99 138 236 Link Changes(std) 19.69 0 0.99 2.7 RDP(ave) 2.55 2.56 2.43 3.26 RDP(50th percentile) 1.92 2.09 2.11 2.77 RDP(95th percentile) 4.66 4.71 4.34 6.58 RDP(worst case) 33.0 23.20 13.55 18.75 the results. The average results of all the topologies are plotted from Figure 5.4 to Figure 5.12. 5.3.1 Tree Cost Narada performs poorly for tree cost because it produces a tree in a DVMRP fash- ion, which is not optimized for overall cost. Another reason is that the mesh that Narada constructs is on a shared-tree basis. So the quality of the mesh may not be good for a source-specific tree. In Figures and 5.6, Narada’s tree cost is more than two times of that of the optimal case. As expected, minimum-cost leaf-join is worse than "A approach. lntuitively, "A can be conceived as another 82 4000 I T T n T I T l I -o- Narada _ 7 V 0 -A- Leaf-Join ' ~ , e’ 3500' ~- Incremental Insertion ' ' ‘ ' ' 0’ ‘ —0~ OPT ' ' ' p’ a * ,0' . 300°- , .' . , . . _ _ 4 , ’9 a a 0-0 .0’ 8 .0’ O 2500~ , ,er , ~ 0 8 o’_ h I" 2000 ' d’o’ ‘ w l or ,A < D A’& ,.— O -. a, 0'8, ‘0 ’0’ uA’k 'r"" 8’98, A’ a’ 8 B. 1WD ’y 'A’ 2“"6, a’ .. fl A" «:5— 9’ Ar :63 a ,d Aéafia a Ate 500" ‘ 7 I Q, a“ , I , , O l J l l l 1 l l l 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 7O 80 90 100 Number of members Figure 5.4: Tree Cost Comparison, Locality Model optimization on top of leaf-join because it considers both leaf-join and insertion. The results show that the average tree cost of HA is roughly 10% more than the optimal case, whereas that of average tree-cost of minimum-cost leaf-join is around 20% to 30% more the optimal case. 5.3.2 Link Changes It is clear from Figures 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9 that both Narada and the optimal tree cause extensive link changes. It is not a surprise since both of them do not consider link change as an optimization objective. Narada is even worse than the optimal tree in our results. One reason for this behavior is that the mesh is always changing, which makes the corresponding tree topology change more aggressively. Another reason is probably because of the threshold value we chose in the simulation, which may not be good enough. Minimum-cost leaf-join demonstrate the best performance in 83 Average Tree Cost Average Tree Cost 900 j T l' l T T l l l ~0- Narada ’ . - . 0 300. -A- Leaf-Join .. , . . . . 4 . e" —— Incremental Insertion , ' 9’ —o- OPT ’ - ,o’ 700,. . : f/G . .+ ’e e . D,’ d 000 fl ,0 e 500' e’ ' ‘ A}: D’ A A “A, ’ A . If , j 7 ,A- 2,, r " 400 p’ A #3“ t “'7 ' a 30' a A: a . A, ~, .0 I ’3 43 soo-v 0’ , "A-" we -- - . A ’0’ 8’ 9’ a ’9’” 8 ’0’ 9’ £3529 ’0’ . 20°F 9’ $4?” . 5&3, 100- . £00 - - q I. I 0 l L 1 1 l l 1 L L 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Number of members Figure 5.5: Tree Cost Comparison, Waxman1 Model 4000 I T I T T I 7 T T -o- Narada . ,0 SEOUL , -A- Leaf—Join , ‘ . . - —-- Incremental Insertion . . e ’G "D' OPT _ ' ' . 0’ . . If 3000- "a - ,e ’e _ D . 2500 ’0, ,or [e 2000r ’0 , 15 D ,A’ A’ .0’ Ads A A, .. a 1500.. Id XA’A";.."a,o.-ll ’0 A" r” ,3 I A’ , ’ B 4C] 0 ,A' r "’ a 7 1000- . . 9’ ' x2315 ’ 4 a wager , ,A' :o' - #A’ A gofia 500,. . )5 flog? _ M" I . , . . o 1 l l l l 1 1 1 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Number of members Figure 5.6: Tree Cost Comparison, Waxman2 Model 84 700 fi fi j ~0- Narada ~A— Leaf-Join fi’ 600L --- lncrementallnsertlon . . ~ 9" 'D' OPT 01 9’ g 500- 9’ 2’ 0’ w ’, .c , ,9 0 400- '9 ‘ x 0’ C x 3 ‘,9 o 300» 7" « s , D -l 5 p’ ”a o’ a > 200» ’ a" ‘ < ,0 8-3 A 0 . 3,0' “J’s” a, 343’ ' ,r", 1% : ., ’0’ ,Or‘a:.;-"" , . .‘ AA¥A"H“ G ’0’8 d” , ‘ __ A‘A' ‘- 1 ’0’ ‘ AF. . * 0 939-” A_¢-;—A' ‘TA' 1%”: M» t“ " , _‘:_'I¥ ’ 1 n n 0102030405000708090100 Number of members Figure 5.7: Link Changes, Locality Model terms of this metric. The average link changes is in fact equal to n - 1 for Minimum- cost leaf-join, where n is the total number of members. Although llA causes nearly two times as many as that of minimum-cost leaf-join, it is still a linear function of group members (n) with the upper bound as 3n — 3. 5.3.3 Accumulative Relatlve Delay Penalties (RDP) Optimal-cost tree incurs the lowest RDP as shown in Figures 5.10, 5.11, 5.12 and Table 5.1. Narada has slightly less average RDPs than "A up to the 80th percentile. But its average is a little higher than that of IIA. Moreover, its worst case RDP is much larger. The possible explanation lies in Narada’s shared mesh, which implies that shared delay optimized tree may not be fully optimized from each sender’s perspective. Results also indicate that the "A has better performance than minimum-cost leaf-join for all workload conditions. 85 Average Link Changes Average Link Changes WV l V l | l 1 l I I —o— Nara 0 —A- Leaf—Join 0’ ~-- Incremental Insertion ’ _ 50° -5» OPT [‘5 ,d o 400 p’ _ ,0“ ,d “/5 a,” 300 ‘ Id, ’3 In] 5 1G £1, 0 ,B’ / B 200 ,0 ,a ’0' - ’e a o a "r . 9’ D’ ..a ' "v 9’ la"7 ,.- - ’7' ' _ 100 )5 a ’D’ -.— ' "’ - A- a—A' "A A it 48’ " 4M A-s " Q ’ —-— ' " -1} 4"" is $15 A‘A' A c . ‘§g a.1 J I I I I | 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 7O 80 90 100 Number of members Figure 5.8: Link Changes, Waxman1 Model 7% l I l V I V l V l J: D/ 600 10’ 4 I e I ’0 500 Q “ I o I [a 400 a - I a I (a 300 e ,2: z a /e I! 4D’ 9’6 a ”a, a 200 x 43’ ‘ o a"? D’ B ,D’ ‘.‘ o -r ‘ Id £1,343, '_'-.—"’ 10° e/dgra’w ~"""' A-A— A-A’ A'A'A“> a’ a ..—"" A—Ar A’“’ 9: — ,5, A—A- {‘2 A-ér “k ‘ c .- ‘f'g -l t l 1 1 L 1 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Number of members Figure 5.9: Link Changes, Waxman2 Model 86 100'” . ’ "_'W .31 x, 0i " 23’ D’ 90,. . I, a, - Olfip’. 80.. . a . _ 3: fit If g 7°" ' ‘ o2“ xv ‘ g j <5; 0 Q 60“ .#4 a 4 D. p d o 5,. w. _ .o/ it . 3 Pd“ 0 g A ‘ a E 40" 0f ‘ " § g2}? ,: _ ,’ )1 -A- Leaf-Join 20"" 'Q'F'“ " -- lncrementallnsertion " ‘ flu L “D- OPT 1obyrl.a . . . . , . ._ -r of 1 1 I 1 2 4 8 16 Relative Delay Penalties (logz scale) Figure 5.10: Relative Delay Penalties, Locality Model 1Wb‘ l T l m. 0 8°" C» § 70» £5 ,, Q .> 50* E a 4.. 3 20.. H ’7, I‘I’. .1 ,H -'-ln:'llll'ltallllll1lcn . ., (I ’91! - —D- OPT ' r’ . . 01 2 4 a 16 Relative Delay Penalties (logz scale) Figure 5.11: Relative Delay Penalties, Waxman1 Model 87 l U V 100' " ’ .‘W'fl‘ ,ffi’"',a” 90- A, )3” '1 fl 0: 80F . [at , pf . 53’ 3" id" (5 C 70" d‘ “ P "‘ 5 ed a: m 60- d 1 d - 9‘; g; ”R 3 50" ed a d s .,. ,. E 40' ¢,. . 3 9‘ g 30- ala / - #69! P -o- Narada 9 '3 -A- Leaf-Join 20' “9‘" if --— Incrementallnsertion * w“; /a ‘0’ OPT ' 1o~-¢/£,‘. - 1 ~ ~ . "’ “8' . o J d 2 4 a 16 Relative Delay Penalties (logZ scale) Figure 5.12: Relative Delay Penalties, Waxman2 Model 5.4 Summary In this chapter, we have proposed an heuristic algorithm named Incremental In- sertion to construct source-specific multicast overlay tree for DiffServ domains. The algorithm determines an appropriate location for inserting a new joining node while considering the QoS constraints. With the network 008 support, it is eas- ier to build and maintain QoS-aware overlay trees. The simulation results depict that the proposed scheme has a balanced performance for various performance metrics analyzed in this chapter. 88 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUDING REMARKS 6.1 Conclusions The core stateless architecture of internet is the gaining momentum of its fast grow- ing. While it is not difficult to come up with a perfect per-flow QoS proposal or an efficient multicast protocol in a small area network, significant efforts are still in de- mand to make them scalable. The problem gets more complicated for developing a scalable framework to provision QoS for multicast service. As scalability is the primary concern of the problem, the solution we are seeking should be simple, aggregatable and practical. To this end, we have suggested building multicast on top of the scalable QoS frameworks, specifically DiffServ and MPLS Traffic Engineering. The advantages of our approach including reduced computational complexity, layered structure and simplified implementation. Throughout the dissertation, the idea of ’edge-based’ is gradually evolved. In DAM, we count multicast flows as multiple unicast flows at the edge of a DiffServ domain. Next, in ERM, we only grant edge routers the ability to be multicasting capable. Finally, we propose a tree-building algorithm IIA and apply to the recently proposed overlay multicast schemes. This trend clearly reflects how our goal, scal- able multicast QoS proposals, are achieved. Trade-offs have to be made when designing each scheme. The major per- formance metrics that we concern are overall cost, link stress, relative delay and protocol overheads. While native IP multicast techniques can produce the best 89 results in overall cost, link stress as well as relative delay, their state-full design imposes tremendous overheads on the networks and makes them unable to scale well. On the other hand, although having great potential to be scalable, stateless multicast or core stateless multicast cannot be as efficient as IP multicast. There- fore, the key question is to provide stateless, aggregatable multicast techniques with performance close to IP multicast. We conduct a series of studies, which in- clude DAM, ERM and IIA. Our results indicate that our proposals have achieved a balanced performance. 6.2 Future Research The paradigms proposed in this dissertation is scalable from 008 point of view, because the multicast traffic in our designs are aggregatable. However, in terms of multicast group organization and management, the research is mainly focused on infra-domain cases. Further research should be conducted to build well-performed, scalable inter-domain multicast on top of DiffServ or MPLS-TE. Another interesting work that could be done to is to compare three proposals presented in this dissertation. 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