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H .U : . 5.... 57.12.12. u... .. || This is to certify that the thesis entitled EFFECTS OF TERMINAL DROUGHT STRESS 0N BLACK BEANS presented by Mark Aar on Frahm has been accepted towards fummnen t of the requirements for J's/’41:; 1.?an and Genet-leg. ve Action/Equal Opportunity Institution MS U is an Affi'mmi ' ——~ - v-rfi ' "N TZERARY Michigan State University “.1 PLACE IN REI‘URN BOX to remove this checkout from your record, TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE L 6/01 cJClRC/DateDue.p65.p. 15 EFFECTS or TERMINAL DROUGHT STRESS ON BLACK BEANS By Mark Aaron Frahm A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Plant Breeding and Genetics Program - Department of Crop and Soil Sciences 2002 ABSTRACT EFFECTS OF TERMINAL DROUGHT STRESS ON BLACK BEANS By Mark Aaron Frahm Terminal drought stress severely restricts bean production in Honduras during the dry season, known as “1a Postrera”. Genetic improvement of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) provides a means to assist farmers in production areas affected by drought. The objectives of this study were to i) identify drought resistant genotypes in two black bean Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL) populations, ii) evaluate bean root characteristics for their ability to predict yield performance under stress, and iii) CValuate the effectiveness ofRAPD markers previously associated to drought resistance in pinto bean. Two black bean populations segregating for drought resistance were evamated for yield under moisture stress (Yd) and non-stress (Yp) conditions in Zamorano, Honduras. Sixteen RILs out-yielded all checks and parents and were identified as drought resistant based on the geometric mean (GM) of the two treatments. Adaptation of resiStam and susceptible RILs was tested in Michigan. Despite the low drought stress in Michigan in 2001 , GM was moderately correlated between locations, r = O.63*. Root length and root architecture were calculated using a pouch method and the erthionM pro gram. Fine roots and fi’actal dimension were negatively correlated to Yd, r = ‘0- 1 3*, whereas taproots were positiVely correlated to Yp, r = 0.19". Markers, F06970 and 103 explained 5 % of the variation in Yp in both populations. Root traits l 130’ Combined with markers accounted for more variation than any one trait alone, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to convey my gratitude towards Dr. James D. Kelly for serving as my major advisor. I appreciate his patience and understanding as I completed this thesis. His knowledge of plant breeding and common bean is astounding and noteworthy. I will remember him as the epitome of the plant breeder, who can practically apply his depth of scientific understanding and who is passionate for his Crop- I would also like to thank Dr. Foster for taking time out to talk amid the busy schedules of our lives. Special thanks also go to Dr. Iezzoni who provided insight to plant breeding and genetics in the classroom and for her patience in the conclusion of this research. AS a part of my committee, both served valuable roles in my academic growth. To the bean lab, Jerry Taylor, Norm Blakely and Shitaye MOTges, thank you so much for your help and our time spent together. I would personally like to thank Dr. Rosas and PIF for their support in Honduras. Never before have I planted a bean field by hand or had the opportunities to 16am. A SPecial thanks to Maria Bravo, Luwbia Aranda, Aracely Castro, Aaron Ortiz and Roberto Romero for their friendship and kindness to the lone gringo in Honduras. Lastly, I would like to thank God, my friends and my family for their love and encouragement throughout this season of my life. I am very grateful for you and am eXCited to discover how our relationships will grow as I begin a new season. Thank you. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. vi LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................ ix KEY OF ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................. x INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... l MATERIALS AND METHODS ....................................................................................... 19 Field Study ............................................................................................................. 19 Parents and Pedigrees. ............................................................................... 19 Population Development ............................................................................ 20 Saginaw, MI 2000 ...................................................................................... 20 Zamorano, Honduras 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 Montcalm, M12001 ................................................................................... 23 Root Protocol. ........................................................................................................ 24 Marker Protocol ..................................................................................................... 25 DNA Extraction ......................................................................................... 25 PCR Protocol ............................................................................................. 26 Electrophoresis ........................................................................................... 26 Statistical Analysis ................................................................................................. 26 RESULTS .......................................................................................................................... 29 Field Study ............................................................................................... 29 Root Study ........................................................................................................... :51 Marker Study ................................................................................................... Multiple Regression Analysis ............................................................................ :2 DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................... Yield """""""" 59 Root Study .......... 59 Root Length ............................................................................................................... 66 Root Architecture ..................................................................................................... 2; Molecular Marker572 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................ 74 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 76 APPENDIX A: DATA TABLES FROM DROUGHT EXPERIMENTS IN MICHIGAN AND HONDURAS ............................................................................................................ 85 iv APPENDIX B: INTROGRESSION OF ROOT ROT RESISTANCE F ROM MIDDLE AMERICAN LANDRACE BEAN TO CULTIVATED ANDEAN BEAN GENOTYPES .................................................................................................................. 103 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 104 MATERIALS AND METHODS ..................................................................................... 106 Backcross #1 ........................................................................................................ 106 Backcross #2 ........................................................................................................ 106 DNA Preparation ................................................................................................. 107 PCR Protocol ....................................................................................................... 107 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...................................................................................... 108 Backcross Study ................................................................................................... 108 RAPD Analysis .................................................................................................... 109 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 114 APPENDIX C: PRESENCE OF SCAR MARKERS LINKED T O RESISTANCE FOR COMMON BACTERIAL BLIGHT IN POPULATION L91 ......................................... 115 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1 16 MATERIALS AND METHODS ..................................................................................... 117 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...................................................................................... 118 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 121 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Analysis of variance for the RILs at the F 3,5 generation in the L88 and L91 populations for yield and 100 seed weight at Saginaw, MI 2000 ...................................... 31 Table 2. Analysis of variance for 83 genotypes of population L88 in stress and non-stress treatments from Honduras 2001 ......................................................................................... 34 Table 3. Analysis of variance for 71 genotypes of population L91 in stress and non-stress treatments from Honduras 2001 ......................................................................................... 35 Table 4. Yield (Yd or Yp), Biomass (BM), and 100 seed weight (100 sw) of the sixteen RILs selected as highest and lowest yielding based on Geometric Mean (GM) in population L88 grown under moisture stress and non-stress in Honduras 2001 ............... 38 Table 5. Yield (Yd or Yp), Biomass (BM), and 100 seed weight (100 sw) of the fifteen RILs selected as highest and lowest yielding based on Geometric Mean (GM) in population L91 grown under moisture stress and non-stress in Honduras 2001 ............... 39 Table 6. Resistant (16) and susceptible (15) RILs with geometric mean (GM), drought susceptibility index (D81) and harvest index (HI) under stress and non-stress conditions, days to maturity (DTM) under the stress treatment and height under the stress and non- stress treatments in Honduras, 2001 .................................................................................. 40 Table 7. Analysis of variance for 36 genotypes grown under stress and non-stress treatments in Montcalm, MI 2001 ..................................................................................... 41 Table 8. Yield under stress (Yd) and non-stress (Yp) and 100 seed weight for sixteen genotypes ranked by Geometric Mean (GM) in population L88 grown in Montcalm, MI 2001 under stress and non-stress treatments ..................................................................... 42 Table 9. Yield under stress (Yd) and non-stress (Yp) and 100 seed weight for fifteen genotypes ranked by Geometric Mean (GM) in population L91 grown in Montcalm, MI 2001 under stress and non—stress treatments ...................................................................... 43 Table 10. Correlation between yield, biomass, 100 seed weight (100 sw), plant stand at harvest and disease incidence (DI) at 45 and 75 days after planting in the moisture stress and non-stress treatments for L88 and L91 RILS in Honduras, 2001 ................................ 47 Table 11. Correlations between yield-based traits including 100 seed weight (100 sw) and harvest index (HI) and agronomic traits including desirability score (DS) in L88 (below diagonal) and L91 (above diagonal) in Honduras 2001 ..................................................... 48 vi Table 12. Selected genotypes and means compared for their disease incidence (DI), plant stand at harvest, yield under stress (Yd), yield under non-stress (Yp), and geometric mean (GM) of moisture treatments grown in Honduras, 2001 .................................................... 50 Table 13. Analysis of Variance for the 81 RILS in population L88 for Total root length, Fractal Dimension, and root length according to 10 different diameter widths (A-J) ....... 52 Table 14. Correlation values between root characteristics and yields in the Saginaw 2000 and Honduras (Hon) 2001 experiments for the 81 RILS of population L88 ...................... 53 Table 15. Mean values of total root length, fractal dimension, fine roots (A-C) and taproots (H-J) of drought resistant and drought susceptible RILS and parents of population L88 obtained by the root pouch method .......................................................... 54 Table 16. Presence/absence of RAPD markers in six bean genotypes .............................. 56 Table 17. Coefficients of determination (R2) accounting for the variation in yield under drought (Yd), yield under non-stress (Y p) and geometric mean (GM) for two RAPD markers ............................................................................................................................... 56 Table 18. Coefficient of determination (R2) selection method for yield under stress in Honduras evaluating fractal dimension, root classes B (0.5-1.0 mm) and I (4.0-4.5 mm), and RAPD marker F06970 (F06) ......................................................................................... 58 Table 19. Coefficient of determination (R2) selection method for yield under non-stress in Honduras evaluating fractal dimension, root classes B (0.5-1.0 mm) and I (40-45 mm), and RAPD marker F06970 (F 06) ......................................................................................... 58 Table A1. Yield, rank and 100 seed weight for the 150 RILS in Saginaw, MI 2000 ......... 86 Table A2. Field data for 160 genotypes from drought treatment in Honduras 2001 ......... 88 Table A3. Field data for 160 genotypes from non-stress treatment in Honduras 2001 ..... 92 Table A4. Yield under stress (Yd), yield under non-stress (Yp), and geometric mean (GM) of 160 genotypes adjusted for plant stand by covariate analysis for the Honduras experiment 2001 ................................................................................................................. 96 Table A5. Field data of 36 genotypes under drought stress at Montcalm, MI 2001 .......... 98 Table A6. Field data of 36 genotypes under non-stress at Montcalm, MI 2001 ................ 99 Table A7. Mean values of Fractal Dimension, total root length, fine roots (A-C) and taproots (H-J) for the 81 RILS of population L88 ............................................................ 100 vii Table A8. Presence/absence of RAPDs associated with drought resistance in T-3016 (T), Sierra (S), B98311 (B), Raven (R), N98122 (N), Huron (H), VAX 5 (V) and TLP 19 (P) ..................................................................................................................................... 102 Table Bl. Morphological characteristics of BC,Fl cranberry and kidney plants ........... 111 Table BZ: Summary of seed increase methods ............................................................... 112 Table B3: Commercial varieties and breeding lines crossed with BC IFl individuals ..... 112 Table B4: Presence or absence of RAPD markers present in Negro San Luis (NSL), Redhawk and C97407 compared to the check varieties, FR266 and Montcalm ............. 113 Table C1. Presence/absence of the SAP6 and SU91 SCAR markers for 69 RILS in population L91 ................................................................................................................. 119 Table C2. Marker and agronomic characteristics of eleven genotypes possessing both SCAR markers along with the parents ............................................................................. 120 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Frequency Distributions for yield using the adjusted means from each population in Saginaw, M12000. The drought resistant parent, B98311, is indicated by (B) ...................................................................................................................................... 30 Figure 2. Frequency Distributions for yield under stress (Yd) and non-stress (Y p) using the adjusted means from each RIL from population L88 in Honduras. Mean yield of the parents, B98311 (B) and TLP 19 (T) are noted ................................................................. 32 Figure 3. Frequency Distributions for yield under stress (Yd) and non-stress (Y p) using the adjusted means from each RIL from population L91 in Honduras. Mean yield of the parents, B98311 (B) and VAX 5 (V) are noted ................................................................. 33 Figure 4. Frequency Distribution of 150 RILs showing selection of resistant (R) and susceptible (S) lines based on geometric mean. Parents VAX 5 (V), TLP 19 (T), and B98311 (B) are included .................................................................................................... 36 Figure 5. Regression analysis of Resistant and Susceptible RILs for Geometric Mean across the Honduran and Montcalm, MI locations.......... .................................................. 44 Figure 6. Regression of Selected RILS for yield under stress among the Honduran and Montcalm, MI locations ..................................................................................................... 45 Figure 7. Regression of selected RILs for yield under non-stress conditions within the Honduran and Montcalm, MI locations ............................................................................. 46 Figure 8. Field incidence of Macrophomina phaseolina compared to yield under stress in 160 genotypes grown in Honduras in 2001 ....................................................................... 50 Figure 9. Representations of herringbone (A) and dichotomous (B) topologies ............... 52 Figure B1. Diagram of inheritance of dwarf lethal genes D11 and D12 from the initial cross to the BC,Fl ...................................................................................................................... 110 Figure B2. Diagram of the inheritance of morphological markers between kidney and black bean parents ............................................................................................................ 110 ix 100 sw AN OVA ASB BGMV cb CBB CIAT cM CRD CV dap DI DII DS DSI F sp GCA GM HI LG LSD MAS masl MI NSL PCR PIF PM ppi QTL Ra RAPD RCBD RIL Rp KEY OF ABBREVIATIONS Carbon Isotope Discrimination [(Ra/Rp-1)] 100 Seed Weight Altitude Arithmetic Mean Analysis of Variance Ashy Stem Blight Bean Golden Mosaic Virus Centibars Common Bacterial Blight International Center for Tropical Agriculture Centi-Morgan Completely Randomized Design Coefficient of Variation days after planting Disease Intensity Drought Intensity Index [l-(Xd/Xp)] Desirability Score Drought Susceptibility Index [(1-(Yd/Yp))/DII)] F usarium solani pv. phaseoli General Combining Ability Geometric Mean Harvest Index Linkage Group Least Significant Difference Marker Assisted Selection Meters Above Sea Level Michigan Negro San Luis Polymerase Chain Reaction Exterior Path Length Programa de Invéstigaciones en Frij 0] Physiological Maturity pre-plant incorporation Quantitative Trait Loci Pearson Correlation Coefficient Coefficient of Determination Ratio of Carbon in the Atmosphere Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA Randomized Complete Block Design Recombinant Inbred Line Ratio of Carbon in the Plant SCA SCAR SSD Xd Yd Yp Specific Combining Ability Sequence Characterized Amplified Region Single Seed Descent Mean yield under moisture stress conditions Mean yield under non-stress conditions Yield under moisture stress conditions Yield under non-stress conditions xi INTRODUCTION Drought is the second major constraint after disease to negatively affect yield of common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L. Approximately 60 % of the bean crop in the developing world is produced under drought stress (Graham and Ranalli, 1997). An example of bean production under stress occurs in the lowland tropical areas of Central America. In Honduras, the bimodal pattern of rainfall permits two seasons of crop production. The first season, la Primera, is known as the rainy season because 54 % of the annual rainfall occurs (Cotty et al., 2001). Following 1a Primera (May-Aug), less frequent rainfall and diminishing soil moisture create the terminal drought stress in the second production season known as, 1a Postrera (Sept-Dec.) The short life-cycle of common bean makes it an ideal crop to grow at the end of la Primera. More than 60 % of the area cultivated to bean in Honduras is planted in la Postrera under a relay system after corn (Zea mays) has reached physiological maturity or after the corn has been harvested (Rosas et al., 1991). The bean production area in Honduras increases three-fold during 1a Postrera despite an overall yield reduction of 50 % due to terminal drought (Cotty et al., 2001). Since adequate irrigation schemes are unrealistic due to socio-economic constraints, genetic improvement for drought resistance offers a long-term improvement of bean productivity under drought stress in Honduras. The genetic improvement of drought resistance in common bean has been previously documented (Acosta-Gallegos and Shibata, 1989; Acosta-Gallegos and Adams, 1991; White et al., 1994a; Singh, 1995; Schneider et al., 1997b; Abebe et al., 1998; Ramirez-Vallejo and Kelly, 1998; Rosales-Sema et al., 2000; Teran and Singh, 1 2002). Drought resistance can be compared to the evolutionary success of plant adaptation. Plant adaptation is defined as the relative ability of plants to survive and produce more biomass and progeny (seed) compared with other plants growing in the same environment (Hall, 1993). Drought resistance is based on relative yield of a genotype compared with other genotypes subjected to the same drought and where drought escape is not a major factor (Hall, 1993). Yield in common bean has been reduced by 58 % due to water stress (Acosta-Gallegos and Adams, 1991). Each yield component, pods per plant, seeds per pod and seed weight per 100 seeds, has shown varying negative responses to water stress (Acosta-Gallegos and Shibata, 1989; Acosta- Gallegos and Adams, 1991; Ramirez-Vallejo and Kelly, 1998). Pods per plant is the one yield component most affected by water stress (r = 0.56; Acosta-Gallegos and Adams, 1991). Seeds per pod and 100 seed weight are reduced by water stress but to a lesser extent than pods per plant. Yield is measured under moisture stress (Yd) and non-stress conditions (Yp) to calculate drought resistance of individual genotypes. Non-stress conditions maintained by irrigation reveal the yield potential (Yp) of genotypes. Both yield variables are commonly combined in different equations to identify genotypes stable across diverse environmental conditions. The measurement of drought resistance in common bean has been a topic of discussion among breeders for many years. Yield differential (Yp-Yd) was commonly used as a selection criterion for drought resistance, yet it was shown to be counterproductive due to the likelihood of selecting a low yielding genotype with a relatively small yield differential due to drought (Samper, 1984). Arithmetic mean of stress and non-stress treatments (AM = (Y p+Yd)/2) was suggested as selection criteria, 2 based on theoretical experiments (Rosielle and Hamblin, 1981). However, selection for drought resistance based on AM could be confounded due to genotypes with high yield potential and low yield under stress. The variation in yield potential between genotypes can be determined by the drought susceptibility index (DSI) (Fischer and Maurer, 1978). DSI is a dimensionless slope calculated from the following formula: DSI = (1-(Yd/Yp))/DII where D11 is the drought intensity index of the experiment. D11 is calculated by DII = 1-(Xd/Xp), Xd and Xp being the mean yield of the drought and irrigated treatments, respectively. Since the D11 of the experiment is considered, individual genotypes can be compared across locations using DSI. Geometric mean, GM = (Y p*Yd)"’, was introduced as a calculation that takes into account yield data from both treatments and represented an actual yield measurement of the genotype. Geometric mean differs from arithmetic mean by moderating inflated or diminished means resulting from extreme values between treatments. Four different selection criteria including yield differential, AM, DSI and GM were compared for their potential to evaluate drought resistance in common bean genotypes (Samper and Adams, 1985). Twenty-two bean genotypes of diverse origin were ranked according to each criterion. Genotypes were ranked similarly based on yield differential and DSI. Rankings based on AM and GM were similar, yet genotypic rankings based on GM were drastically different than DSI rankings. A possible explanation is that the D81 identified low-yielding genotypes that could tolerate drought well, whereas GM better reflected the actual yield potential of the genotype. The most effective approach in selection for drought resistance in common bean is based on 3 sequential selection for high GM yield, followed by high Yd yield, low to moderate D81 and harvest index (HI) values (Schneider et al., 1997b; Ramirez-Vallejo and Kelly, 1998). The genetic makeup of populations created for drought resistance is an important factor to consider. Interracial populations have been suggested as the most effective way to combine high yield with drought resistance among different races of common bean (Singh et al., 1991; Singh, 1995; Teran and Singh, 2002). Genotypes from the Durango race showed higher yields, larger seed weights and earlier maturity than genotypes from the Jalisco race (Teran and Singh, 2002). Durango genotypes have an indeterminate type IH growth habit and a life cycle less than 120 days while Jalisco genotypes exhibit a climbing type IV growth habit and a life cycle greater than 150 days. For these reasons, the Durango race is preferred by breeders in interracial crosses to the Mesoamerican race to improve drought resistance. Interspecific hybridizations between common bean and tepary bean (Phaseolus acutzfolius A. Gray) have also been suggested to improve drought resistance since tepary bean has exhibited high levels of drought tolerance (Thomas et al., 1983; Rosas et al., 1991). Obtaining viable offspring from interspecific crosses is impossible without embryo rescue. Over 1500 plants were generated in a P. vulgaris x P. acutz'folius hybridization where embryo rescue was employed (Mejia-Jimenez et al., 1994). Recurrent and congruity backcrossing was implemented to overcome any incompatibility barriers. Tepary beans, highly resistant to common bacterial blight, were successfully introgressed into common bean germplasm (Singh and Munoz, 1999), yet the impact of interspecific hybridizations to enhance common bean germplasm for drought resistance has been limited. Breeding for drought resistance is more difficult due to the quantitative nature of inheritance. Expression of quantitative traits result from independent segregation of many genes that have small effects and are more affected by environmental variation (Paterson et al., 1990). Drought resistance exhibits continuous variation and heritability estimates have generally been low. Reported values for heritability of drought resistance in common bean range from 0.09 to 0.80 (White et al., 1994a; Singh, 1995; Schneider et al., 1997b; Ramirez-Vallejo and Kelly, 1998). The wide range of heritabilities results from differences in genetic variability among populations and different intensities of stress. General combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were calculated for yield under drought stress from a nine bean diallel grown in tropical mid- elevation regions (altitude 800-1600m) and semi-arid highlands (1700-2400m) (White et al., 1994a). GCA for yield was consistently significant and larger than SCA in both environments. These results suggested the importance of additive gene effects for yield and 100 seed weight of bean grown under stress. Parental genotypes adapted to both environments were used in the diallel crosses. At the highland location in Durango, Mexico, parental genotypes adapted to the mid-elevation environment showed negative GCA values while all highland genotypes were positive. Reciprocal results occurred in the mid-elevation location where mid-elevation parents showed positive GCA values while highland parents had negative GCA values. These location effects underscore the importance of identifying the target environment before choosing parents to improve drought resistance in common bean. The expression of drought resistance or the adaptation to stress is more clearly illustrated when individual genotypes are compared between locations. Two RIL 5 populations of the Durango race were evaluated for drought resistance under two locations in Michigan, two locations in Zacatecas, Mexico and three in Durango, Mexico (Schneider et al., 1997b). Yield calculations were made using data from all seven locations (Schneider et al., 1997b) and from the three locations in Durango (Rosales-Sema etal., 2000). Different RILS ranked in the top five based on GM for each experiment. These differences can be explained by the limited ability of the Durango race to adapt to different environments and the evasive nature of drought resistance. Drought stress occurs in two contrasting moisture environments (intermittent and terminal) of the semiarid tropics (Ludlow and Muchow, 1990). Intermittent drought is due to climatic patterns of sporadic rainfall that causes intervals of drought. The nature of this rainfall is unpredictable and leads to marginal yields in potentially valuable land. This rainfall pattern is chronic and endemic to the semiarid highlands (1800 masl) of Mexico (Singh, 1995). Terminal drought occurs when plants suffer from a lack of water only at later stages of grth or when crops are planted in a dry season. This farming practice predisposes the crop to a terminal drought in two very important phases of its life cycle; flowering and pod-fill. Terminal drought characteristically occurs in lowland tropical areas when the bean crop is planted at the end of the rainy season. Different growth habits in common bean offer unique adaptive advantages to the different types of drought. The type 11 growth habit is characterized by an indeterminate, upright plant structure with reduced branching angle whereas the type III habit is typical of an indeterminate prostrate sprawling plant structure (Brothers and Kelly, 1993). The desired grth habit for resistance to intermittent drought in the Mexican highlands is a type III plant. The prostrate canopy has an opportunistic growth pattern when moisture is 6 available which helps retain moisture in the soil by shading whereas erect growth habits allow soil moisture to be lost during hot and windy days. Type III genotypes can be planted at lower densities to reduce inter-plant competition since they have a sprawling superficial root system that is able to utilize soil moisture in a wider zone than deeper, narrow taproots of type II growth habit. The type 111 growth habit also produces many root meristcms and basal roots to access soil moisture in a wider superficial zone (Lynch and van Beem, 1993). In the terminal drought environment, a deep penetrating root is needed to maintain relative water content in the bean plant during the ever-intensifying dry period. The ideal growth habit for this stress would be a type II. A striking feature of this growth habit is its deep penetrating root system. The root system of the type 11 grth habit has a herringbone structure which characteristically goes deep into the soil profile to extract moisture (Lynch and van Beem, 1993). The erect architecture of the type II shoot allows continued transpiration to be sustained by deep penetrating roots, so that the plant can deliver an acceptable yield under terminal drought. Root architecture is associated to shoot architecture. Shoot height was used as a selection criterion to predict root depth in soybean (Glycine max) (Mayaki et al., 1976). Water stressed and non-stressed treatments were used to measure differences in shoot height and root depth in the field. Root depth was correlated to shoot height (R2 = 0.99) (Mayaki et al., 1976). The root depthzshoot height ratio was 2:1 from six node stage to pod fill stage in stressed plots. In non-stressed plots, the 2:1 ratio decreased to 1.4:] during pod initiation. This research offered a quick and non-destructive method of predicting rooting depth in the field. Although root growth has been correlated to yield 7 under drought stress, its use as an efficient screening technique in common bean has been limited, due to the cumbersome nature of measurements. The intensity of the moisture stress can be detrimental to most physiological functions. Nitrogen fixation has been studied under differing degrees of drought stress (Acosta-Gallegos, 1988; Foster et al., 1995). In an experiment where DII = 0.41, N partitioning from the leaf to the seed in common bean was not impaired (Foster et al., 1995). N-remobilization was severely affected by a more severe stress, DII = 0.92, and has been suggested as an important drought adaptation strategy under moderate or intermittent moisture deficits (Foster et al., 1995). N partitioned to seed also decreased with terminal drought in other leguminous species (Chapman and Muchow, 1985). Above-ground biomass is one physiological trait that correlates well to yield under water stress, (r = 0.79), despite the severity of moisture stress (Acosta-Gallegos, 1988). Since it accounts for the total nutrients fixed in vegetative grth and seed production, increased biomass is often associated with late maturity in common bean. Harvest index (HI = plot yield/ biomass) accounts for the efficiency of plant partitioning the nutrients to seed production. HI must be combined with biomass when selecting for performance under stress. Three mechanisms that plants use to respond to water stress are escape, avoidance and tolerance (Ludlow, 1989). Desert annuals and short season, annual crops use the escape mechanism during water stress. In Honduras, landraces such as Cuarentefio, Cincuentefio and Chingo that reach maturity within 65 days are planted by farmers to escape drought (Rosas et al., 1991). Although earliness is popular among farmers, the trait is negatively correlated to yield. Drought resistance must combine avoidance and/or 8 tolerance mechanisms but not escape mechanisms (Fischer and Maurer, 1978). Breeding lines with improved yield potential under non-stress must be combined with avoidance and tolerance traits to increase drought resistance. The mechanisms of avoidance and tolerance are not mutually exclusive in all drought resistant traits but their definitions are unique. Plants that avoid drought must do so because they have tissues that are sensitive to dehydration (Ludlow, 1989). These plants respond to drought stress by maximizing water uptake and minimizing water loss. Drought tolerant plants are insensitive to dehydration (Ludlow, 1989). They are characterized as having a high osmotic adjustment. Since different mechanisms operate in plants, numerous physiological mechanisms have been evaluated as screening techniques for yield under drought stress. Drought tolerance mechanisms involving leaf gas exchange affected by water stress were studied in common bean (F arquhar et al., 1989; Ehleringer et al., 1990; White et al., 1990; Ehleringer et al., 1991; White et al., 1994b). Carbon isotope discrimination (A) was used as an indicator of water use efficiency and adaptation to water deficits in common bean (White et al., 1994b). Carbon isotope discrimination is defined as A = (Ra/Rp-l) where Ra and Rp are the 13C/ 12C ratios of carbon in the atmosphere and plant, respectively (White et al., 1990). A is directly proportional to the intercellular CO2 concentration. With this measurement, higher photosynthetic rates can be derived from higher A values. The A measurement has only been significantly correlated to biomass and not to yield. Although A is unsuitable as a screening technique for yield under drought stress, it could be used to identify different adaptation mechanisms present in common bean (White et al., 1994b). Roots are recognized as playing an important role in drought avoidance in common bean. Greater root growth supports yield in common bean through drought avoidance by extracting more soil moisture at greater depths. Roots of drought resistant bean genotypes reach greater depths than those in non-stress soils and were hypothesized to be an important drought avoidance mechanism (Sponchiado etal., 1989). The root and shoot characteristics of common bean genotypes under water stress were compared for their association to yield under drought stress in fertile and acidic soils (White and Castillo, 1989; White and Castillo, 1992). Root and shoot genotypes of drought resistant and susceptible genotypes were combined through grafting. The resulting plants were transplanted to the field for evaluation under drought conditions. When the root of drought resistant genotype, BAT 477, was grafted onto the shoots of BAT 477 and drought susceptible genotype BAT 1224, the plants yielded 600 and 840 kg/ha, respectively under drought stress. In the reciprocal graft using BAT 1224 as the root genotype, the shoots of BAT 477 and BAT 1224 yielded 160 and 30 kg/ha respectively, compared with the normal yields (700 and 40 kg/ha) of BAT 477 and BAT 1224 grown under water stress. This data suggests that the bean root genotype is more important in drought resistance than the shoot genotype. In both, fertile and acidic soils, the root genotype had a large and significant effect on yield while the shoot genotype had no effect. The root systems of four food legumes were compared for their response to drought (Pandey et al., 1984c). Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) with the most extensive root system when compared to the other three legumes, showed greater yield (Pandey et al., 1984a) and cooler canopy temperatures (Pandey et al., 1984b) under water stress suggesting the important role that roots play in drought tolerance. 10 Root reaction of plants to water stress affects stomatal response. In wheat and sunflower, roots that detect the soil drying consequently sent a message to the leaves, which induces the. stomates to close (Gollan et al., 1986). This signal was reproduced and shown to be related to the metabolism of cytokinins (Schulze, 1986). In common bean, roots under moisture-stressed conditions produced a signal that was transported to the leaves causing a continuous decline in stomatal conductance (Aguirre-Medina et al., 1998). Shoot responses to moisture stress detected by roots is also observed as paraheliotropic leaf movements in common bean (Kao et al., 1994). This paraheliotropic movement of the shoot decreases the incidence of solar radiation and ultimately minimizes water loss. Screening techniques for drought resistance are important since improving cr0ps in tropical environments by selecting solely on grain yield is problematic because of the variability in amount and annual distribution of rainfall (Ludlow and Muchow, 1990). Breeding for high yield would be more efficient if traits correlated to yield under water stress were identified and could be used in selection. Screening techniques for drought resistance would be valuable to plant breeders to reduce variety development time and resource expenditures. Many physiological measurements have been suggested as an indirect screen for yield in early generations following hybridization. These traits including 100 seed weight, leaf area of primary leaves, stem and total dry weight as well as hypocotyl diameter have been significantly correlated to seed yield in bean (Acosta-Diaz, 1998). The response of leaf angles to sunlight was suggested as a valuable trait for selection in drought environments due to its correlation in water use efficiency of the plant (Kao et al., 1994). ll Although, these physiological measurements indirectly relate to drought tolerance, their application as a screening technique can be laborious and time-consuming. The most recent method in which traits are being indirectly selected is based on molecular markers linked to the trait of interest. As a screening technique, molecular markers can be used to screen large numbers of individuals in a relatively short amount of time. Molecular markers have been associated with qualitative and quantitative traits in common bean (Kelly et al., 2002, in review). Markers linked to single genes for disease resistance in anthracnose (Young and Kelly, 1996), bean common mosaic virus (Haley et al., 1994), bean golden mosaic virus (Urrea et al., 1996), and bean rust (Miklas et al., 1993) have been developed. Markers have been useful in the identification of single genes masked by epistatic effects and the building of gene pyramids in common bean (Kelly et al., 1995). Breeders unable to phenotypically screen for disease resistance can use markers as a selection criterion. Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) allows selection of traits in early generations. With MAS, breeders can reduce the number of breeding lines depending on the presence of the marker and few individuals need to be screened to identify superior genotypes. Quantitative traits linked to a simply inherited genetic marker were first observed in common bean with the co-segregation of seed size and seed coat color (Sax, 1923). More recently markers associated to quantitative trait loci (QTL) in common bean have been identified for resistance to ashy stem blight (Miklas et al., 1998), common bacterial blight (Nodari et al., 1993), BGMV (Miklas et al., 1996), web blight (Jung et al., 1996), white mold (Miklas et al., 2001), root rot (Schneider et al., 2001), and drought (Schneider et al., 1997a). Success of QTL analysis has centered on the identification of a few major 12 loci controlling quantitative trait expression. The discovery of major QTLs explaining large percentages of genetic variation of quantitative traits has encouraged the use of MAS. The effectiveness of MAS for quantitative traits is inversely proportional to the heritability of the trait being selected (Lande and Thompson, 1990). Markers for QTLs associated with drought resistance have been detected in common bean (Schneider et al., 1997a), rice (Oryza sativa) (Champoux et al., 1995), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) (Kebede et al., 2001), soybean (Specht et al., 2001), maize (Ribaut et al., 1997), and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) (Teulat et al., 1998). In soybean, a major QTL accounted for 33 to 38 % of the phenotypic variation in yield under various irrigation regimes (Specht et al., 2001). In common bean, RAPD markers associated with drought resistance were identified and used in MAS (Schneider et al., 1997a). Seventy polymorphic primers were screened across two RIL populations. Nine linkage groups were identified in one population and ten in the other. A linkage group fiom each population was significantly associated with Yd, Yp and/or GM. One linkage group explained 8-14 % of the genetic variation combined across all locations while the other explained 10-16 %. These linkage groups were used in MAS. Yield under stress among genotypes selected by MAS in one population was improved by 10 g/m2 despite a severe drought stress (DII = 0.76) imposed in Michigan. When these same genotypes were grown in two Mexican locations, significant differences were not detected between drought resistant and susceptible genotypes. Only significant differences were detected for the second population in the Mexican locations. MAS was more effective than conventional selection in one of the populations where heritability estimates for yield were lower (Schneider et al., 1997b). 13 Recently, researchers have used molecular markers to identify and characterize root morphology traits in rice (Champoux et al., 1995; Lilley et al., 1996; Zheng et al., 2000). Drought resistance is an important trait for rice breeders as 40 % of the area planted to rice worldwide experiences water stress. Subsistence farmers grow rice without irrigation in lowland and highland environments. Root traits perform an important mechanism in avoiding drought in rice. Researchers generated a mapping population to study drought resistance in rice by crossing a japom'ca cultivar, Moroberekan, to an indica cultivar, C039 (Champoux et al., 1995). Moroberekan is a drought resistant cultivar grown in the highlands and is known to possess a deep, thick root system. C039 is a lowland cultivar susceptible to drought with a shallow root system yet possessing high dehydration tolerance traits. Root thickness, root/shoot ratio and root dry weight per tiller were recorded for 203 RILs in 3 different greenhouse experiments. Plant response to drought stress was recorded visually by the degree of leaf rolling. This drought avoidance trait was associated with three root traits mapped to various locations on 10 different chromosomes. Most of the QTL identified for root characteristics clustered around chromosomal regions conferring drought avoidance. Markers associated with these root traits would facilitate selection for otherwise hard-to-score root traits. The linkage map was used as a basis to add additional drought-related traits in subsequent studies (Lilley et al., 1996). Osmotic adjustment at 70 % relative water content and lethal osmotic potential which are characterized as drought tolerant traits were added (Lilley et al., 1996). Three of the five QT L associated with drought tolerance were mapped to the same chromosomal regions as were the root traits. Since the drought tolerance and drought avoidance traits were inherited from separate parents the drought tolerant traits were negatively associated l4 with the root traits that aid in drought avoidance. Linked markers should facilitate the process of breaking the negative linkage between the avoidance and tolerance traits. Technological advances have improved our understanding of roots. Historically, the line intersect method provided the first easy way to estimate the total root length in plants (Newman, 1966). The excised root is placed in an area with randomly spaced lines. For each root sample only the number (N) of intersections between root and the straight lines is recorded. The total length of the straight lines (H) and the observing area (A) remain constant among experiments. The proposed equation of R = 1rNA(2H)", allows a fast estimation of root length. The line intersect method can be used to measure 3.43 meters of root in 24 minutes with a coefficient of variation of 4.3 % while direct measurement took 67 minutes (Newman, 1966). This method was later revised to replace the randomly oriented lines with a grid and a length conversion factor for A and H (Tennant, 1975). The next advance was to study the root system in viva. All previous methods involved excavation of roots from the soil. In Georgia, an underground laboratory called a Rhizotron was built (Box, 1996). Angled glass acted as the ceiling of this laboratory. Roots would grow next to the glass and the roots could be monitored as they grew (Taylor et al., 1970). The initial investment is too high for the data collected using Rhizotron technology. This level of technology benefitted the development of the understanding of root physiology. It is unlikely that information generated through the Rhizotron technology will aid in breeding since large numbers of genotypes need to be evaluated. Mini-rhizotrons were developed with the aid of miniature cameras. A glass tube penetrating the ground at an angle intersects the roots. A miniature video camera can 15 traverse the length of the tube and record the grth of the roots at different depths. In a drought stress experiment in com, a mini-rhizotron showed that a short-term drought resulted in root losses near the soil surface and large increases in deep root growth (Box et al., 1989). Root grth over time and root morphology characteristics are measured in viva. Root images are stored in a video format for a computer analysis. The first computer program used to analyze root images was the DOS-based Delta- T Scan (Harris and Campbell, 1989). The program was used to measure root length, projected area and average diameter. Although the commands and print-out are difficult to understand, the program allowed the recording of more measurements in a shorter time. A window-based program, WinRhionM, also measures multiple factors and has easy to use commands and an easy to understand print-out of the analysis. Roots are scanned into the computer and a digital image of the root is used to measure length based on pixel size. Resolution to distinguish root parts is very fine and a color analysis can be conducted to separate root parts based on color differences. Roots discolored by disease infection can be separated from healthy roots in WinRhionM. Length separated by diameter and root morphology characteristics such as topological indices and fractal dimension can also be measured. Topology is a method of mathematically describing the root system’s branching structure. Root systems are, in large part, trivalent branching structures meaning that each node or vertex has three branches or links (Fitter, 1996). The number of links in a system can be separated into exterior links which end in a meristem and intemal links which join other links. The magnitude of any individual link is the number of exterior links it serves. Other measurements such as the length of links, branching angle, distribution of branches l6 and relative diameter can describe the system in further detail. Plants with equal magnitude can vary in branching structure from herringbone at one extreme to dichotomous to the other (Figure 9). These branching patterns can be quantified using two parameters, altitude (a), and the exterior path length (p6). Altitude is the number of links in the longest path connecting an exterior link to a base link. Exterior path length is the sum of the number of links in all such paths. In common bean, a type 11 grth habit exhibits a herringbone structure while a type I plant tends to have a dichotomous root structure (Lynch and van Beem, 1993). Root growth and architecture may be associated with genotypic adaptation to water stress. Four different grth habits of common bean and three different root parts (taproot, taproot laterals, and basal roots) were evaluated for grth rates, dry weight and final root length (Lynch and van Beem, 1993). The taproot lengths were similar in all genotypes. No genetic differences were observed in specific root length (length/weight). Significant genotypic differences were observed in root branching patterns. The number of apical meristems was highest in type III than type I growth habits. Topological indices differed significantly between type II (heningbone) and type I (dichotomous). This research supports an association between root and shoot architecture. Topology and number of meristcms were very descriptive of grth habit and root architecture. Root length, dry weight and fractal analysis were equal in usefulness. The utility of fractal dimension as a selection criterion requires further study in bean. Fractal analysis has been related to plant root systems (Tatsumi et al., 1989). Various objects in nature such as clouds, mountains, coastlines and trees have been described by fractal geometry (Mandelbrot, 1977). The intricacy of shape of the root 17 systems is characterized by the slope of each line as an estimate of the fractal dimension, D. Methods to quantify root morphology, such as topology and fractal dimension have been developed but have not been widely applied. Numerous methods have been used to collect bean root data. Field (Y an et al., 1995), pouch (McMichael et al., 1985; Yabba, 2001), split-root (Snapp et al., 1995; Aguirre-Medina et al., 1998), hydroponic (Gabelrnan et al., 1986; Checkai et al., 1987) and soil-filled PVC tube (Yabba, 2001) mediums have been used to collect root samples. For breeding purposes, a quick and efficient method of collection and analysis is desired. Soil-less mediums are less laborious and time consuming. The roots are free from soil or debris so that measurement is fast and efficient. The objectives of this study was i) to identify drought resistant genotypes from two black bean RIL populations grown under moisture stress and non-stress conditions in Central and North America and ii) to evaluate root characteristics and previously reported RAPD markers associated with drought resistance for their ability to predict yield under stress in the two RIL populations. 18 MATERIALS AND METHODS Field Study Parents and Pedigrees Three black bean genotypes were crossed to produce two RIL populations segregating for drought resistance. The drought resistant genotype, B98311, was originally derived from a cross between drought resistant breeding line, T-3016 and the Michigan cultivar, Raven. T-3016 is a non-commercial Durango race breeding line previously identified as the most drought resistant genotype based on GM from a cross of Sierra/AC1028 (Schneider et al., 1997b). T-3016 was previously evaluated for root length (Y abba and Foster, 1997) and RAPD markers associated with drought resistance (Schneider et al., 1997a). Raven is an early-season black bean with resistance to anthracnose and Bean Common Mosaic Virus (Kelly et al., 1994). During the 1998 drought in Michigan, B98311 was selected as the highest yielding genotype under stress (Kolkman and Kelly, 1999). TLP 19 was developed for tolerance to low phosphorous at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Phosphorus-efficient bean genotypes respond to phosphorus stress by developing a shallow root system (Liao et al., 2001). The contrasting root architecture of B98311 and TLP 19 was considered in parental selection to create genotypes with different root systems which could aid in drought resistance. Under terminal drought stress in Mexico, TLP 19 has shown resistance to Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid., the causal fungus of ashy stem blight (ASB), a disease that is prevalent under water stress conditions (Mayek-Pérez et al., 2001a; Mayek-Pérez et al., 19 2001b). The third genotype, VAX 5, was developed at CIAT from an interspecific hybridization of common and tepary bean and selected for resistance to common bacterial blight (CBB) (Xanthomonas campestris) (Singh and Munoz, 1999). TLP 19 and VAX 5 were selected as parents for their adaptation to lowland-tropical conditions and good combining ability with B98311, adapted to temperate conditions. Additional traits such as commercial seed type, growth habit and disease resistance were considered in the selection of parents in order to hasten the utilization of any beneficial black genotypes resulting from this work in the Latin American/Caribbean region. Population Develogment The original crosses made in 1998 were B9831 l/T LP 19 and B9831 1N AX 5 which generated populations L88 and L91 respectively. In September 1999, single pods from each F2 plant were harvested in both populations. F3 seed was advanced to the F4 generation using single seed descent (SSD). Single pods were harvested from F 3 plants and the SSD process was repeated. The last single plant selection was made in the F3 generation so that seed planted in the greenhouse was at the F3.4 generation. Seed from each F3.4 genotype was harvested in bulk. This F3.5 seed was planted in Saginaw, MI in 2000 to increase the amount of seed and F3.6 seed was shipped to Honduras for testing in 2001. A total of 81 RILs in L88 and 69 RILs in L91 population were produced for testing. Saginaw. M12000 20 A randomimd complete block design of 160 genotypes was planted with 3 replications 0“ Julie 9‘“, 2000 at the Bean and 363‘ Palm in Saginaw Michigan (43 °41'N 8 4°08' W, 183m), The 150 (69 + 81) RILS and ten checks were space-p1amed in single - cludg rows of 20 seeds each. The ten checks 1n d he?“ “\cfigan cultivars Black Jack, \orr 9 a g \‘Ni th drought resistant breeding lines . Atpl . B98311, N98122, T—3016 and V8025 antlng, BlackhaWk, Jaguar, Phantom and '11:), 280 . . . . b and 116)“ t kg/ha of fertilizer 27 .7 .0 plus 4 0/0 Mn and 1 % Zn were applied as 3 o the Se ed. Th - Mis‘eguay (fi 6 80119136 at the Bean and ' inaw, MI is a He, ' Beet Farm in Sag mIXed (calcer 0‘13), mesic Aerie contra lled b a . Endoaquept5)- Weeds were y Dre-plant mCOIPOI'ation (ppr') of 5 L/ha 10 1"“ Emam EP ( TC). Potato leaf~hoppers were controlled , . on ' by a2.5 L/ha application of Cyg (dunethoate) at 25 and 33 days after planting (dap). Frontier (dimethenamid) afid ' at Benlate (benomyl) was apphed a rate of 3.6 kg/ha and ChMp (copper hydroxi de) at 5 mm on 35 and 46 939 to control fungal and bacterial diseases. Plant stand was reco d d r e along with seed weight, percent moisture and 100 seed weight, Zamorano Honduras 2001 «t On January 23 , 2001, 150 RILS, 3 parents and 7 Checks were Planted by hand in Zamorano, Honduras (14°00‘ N, 87 002' W, 800m) in conaboration with PrOgrama de Investigaciones en Frijol (PIF). The seven checks included No PIF breeding lines (Tio Canela—‘75 and BAP 9510-77), two Mexican genotypes (Tacama and V8025) and three drought resistant genotypes (BAT 477, Rio Tibagi and SEA 5). This experiment was designed as a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications per moisture treatment. Plots were 5.0m long and 0.70m wide. One-hundred seedS were planted in 21 each row and were thinned to S 0 plants for uniform Stands. Rows Were 11,71 Bdforfwrow irrigation. Weeds were control led by hand when needed. The type ofsoil was a sandy-103m isohyperthefinlc ”101110 Ustlfluvent. At planting, one application 0173 0 20:0 was applied 25 days after planting (clap) at the rate 65 kg/ha. Fertilizer 20:20:20 was applied at 300 L /b a before flowering at 37 dap- TWO applications OfEndosulfan (endosul . fan) Were applied at 18 and 32 dap at 1-5 LA“ to comm] Whlte fly (BeniSia T abacz‘). The fungicide Saprol (triforin) was applied 45 dap at 1.5 L/ha in order to control MaCmphomjna Agfimicm which indudes Streptomycm and ”pp“ sulfate was applied 55 dap at 0.7 kg/ha to 00““01 CBB. A second insecticide, Basudin With the active ingredient, Diazinon’ was applied at 28 dap at 1 L/ha to control com rootworm beetles (D’f’bmtica Sp) ‘ u as lanuary through April is the dry season in Honduras. The moi Stur- e , . , Stressed plots received 269 mn of rainfall and overhead 1mgatron and also 3 i t ‘ . Iona] Warnings by irrigation along with 7 furrow irrigatlons. Tenslometers Were inStalled to Verhead furrow irrigation. The non-stressed plots received 261 mm of rain moisture. Readings above 60 cb signal that the soil is too dry and Plams ag@ 6 damaged by the water loss. Readings around 20 signify good moisture an being optimal plant growth. Two weeks before flowering, they recorded 53 centibars ( stressed plots and 22 ch in the non—stressed PlOtS- TWO weeks after the fiFSt flowe . stressed plots were experiencing 68 cb of soil suction while the non-stressed plors experienced 21 ch. AdeQuate moisture stress was recorded by soil moisture teStS and differences in yield between treatments- 22 field 110165 desirability score (198) Phomina Phaseolina incidence at 45 and 75 dap and plant stand. DeSirabiH Macro Only 30 plants were harvested per row to record yield. Agrghom' ‘ rc b efore harvest included days to flower, height, lodging, taken - 1), SCOI-e erall rating from one to nlne 0f plant aI‘Chitecture, number of pods, amount is an CV of disease uniformity in maturity and uniforrnity of plants within the plot_ Yield, biomass Percent moisture and 100 Seed weight were recorded at harvest. Yield data was used to calculate GM HI, DSI and D11 for the experiment. Montcalm MI 2001 Using the geometric mean yield “the genotypes grow: in Honduras as the selection criteria, the top and bottom 10 % Of 150 RILS were selected for resting in Michigan. Although, RILS from population L38 tended to yield higher than L91 in Honduras. mequal number from 630'“ P0Pulation was represented in the selections. From population L88 , eleven resistant and five susceptible RILs were ected and from population L9l , five resistant and ten susceptlble RILS were selected (Tam cultivars, Phantom and T-39 and the three parents were inCIUded to Complg § 3). Local 6x6 Square Lattice experimental design, WhiCh W88 Planted at the Montcal V a 36 envy, . ReSe Station (43 040' N 85 020! W, 244m) on Junel6‘h, 2001. The $0.11 type IS a Mes arch h d ) W ed ride sandy . - \fic Fra iort o s . ater stress and n loam (coarse-loamy, mixed, 1118819 A g on‘stres sed plots were irrigated by overhead spIaYeTS- Irrigated 91°“ received 38 mm more water than stressed plots. An early drought began seven days 3““ 9‘3““ng Where 1essthan 5.1 of rain fell during the next 30 dayS- Herbicides, Treflan (trifluralin) at 2.5 L/ha and Dual (metOIOChlor) at 5 L/ha, were applied ppi to control weeds. At 27 clap, 1.25 L/ha Reflex 23 (fomeSafen) Was also applied. Weeds were pulled by hand when 113 eded, A1) a of 280 K91“ 0f 19119119 fertilizer was applied as a band at planting. An adwti:::afion kg/ha OfN Was applied 33 dap- CYgon (dimethome) Was applied to control p0tato 1e 4 hoppers (Ernpoasca fabea) at 2 1 dap. Agronomic field notes taken before harvestin 1a f days to flower, height, lodging and DS. Seed weight 0 Uded 3 Percent moisture and 100 Seed weight was recorded at harvest. Root Protoco 1 The pouch method was used to collect root data (Yabba, 2001). Twenty to thirty seeds were genn inated in the germination chamber- each genotype Were transferred ‘0 p°“°hes- A POUCII consisted or: a 25 .4 mm 35 .6 cm clear plastic bag with 2 1 .0 cm x 37.6 cm germination paper film-(1% - The to P of the gemnnationpap er is folded into a trough and a hole is Cut so that . 0t 15 . , the grovn ng hypoc y have aplace to rest while the root adjusts. The Pouch ls stapled to piece of 14 pl}r cardboard. The pouch is then placed Verticauy in to 111 X . a $10“ . . . Q within a growth chamber. Growth chamber condltlons Included a 23 /20 0 Wooden bOX temperature and a 15 hr photoperiod. Each sample (pouch) received 360\10 day/Inght Hoagland’s solution throughout the 14 day gron PefiOd- 0 m1 of At the end of this period the shoot was excised from the root. The r0 0 t w removed from the pouch and Put in“) a 0'1 g/L staining solution containing Methyl 1.01 Afier a 24 hour period of staining, the root was transferred to a 30 Cm x 20 cm Plexl- lasset. plate. Root laterals were separated using tweezers in order ‘0 minimize overlapping of roots. Root samples Were scanned into a digital image usmg \Nh‘RhiZoTM 4.lOb (Rogent 24 instruments lire, 2000) N 1 4 days afier trariSplanting, the averag «3 mm2 “If 03 area- A resol ' . ”Sm-3’ was 0. mm root per 5 a "no“ 0f 300 dpi and the art 03 Olnatic tin-es l o ' 01d WinRhionM were used- Usrng the Batch Analysis, all samples in one fbr . 1 replication We tea ' . r measured for the mOTPhOIOg traits and fractal dlmension. ROOtS were star 6 ed in . - M2 . pak bags (4 ounce) contammg 5 0 ml water and staining solution ”1‘ R0“ char aCtefiStics such as total root length, root length ace d 0‘ ing to diamet er and fractal dimension were recorded. WinRhionM "lea-Sums length a CCOrdin . . arid . . g to p1xel srze area covered. Root length according to root diameter Was det crinkled b ° y usmg ten different root diameter rangos (NJ), each differing by 0 5 mm ' - The procedure to determine fractal dimension for root systems was 311mm . 89)‘ tinged (T . t al., t9 , atsurm 6 A large square frame of a side 1 was placed Over e _ objec di‘” 1; then th ed into (llr)2 squares of side r. The number N(r) 0f the quare ’ (ied the object were cOLmted, and log N(r) was plotted against 10 r. Us that intersec . . . _ g . at small values of r, a stra1ght11ne wrth negative 310p e, . D _by measurlng N(r) interpretation is that the object is fractal and D is the {7an % Obtained, the since . . <2 , dImenSlOIli s D ’ ) log N(r) =-D 10g r +10g K where K is a constant, whence N(r) °< r '0 Note that at one extreme, for objects like straight lineS D become other extreme, for plane-filling curves, D is 2. S , and at the Marker Protocol DNA Extraction Leaf tissue from each F324 RIL, check and parental genetype was harvested’ lyophilized and ground. Lyophilized and ground tissue was allocated into 100 ml sam 1e and DNA was attracted following the mini-prep procedure (Afanatd0r et al., 1993). The s 25 . 8m] - . DNA GODCentranon of “on p 13 was quantified using a fluoronn eter (H Defer TKOI 00, Hoefer Scientific, 531‘ FranClSCo, CA)’ This Stock sample was diluted to a 101) g/ml working solution for amphficatl on by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR protocol The modified PCR procedure (Haley 8t al., 1 994) was used to amplify DNA . be associated with drought resistanc . aners reported to e (Schneider et al., 19973) were used. The DNA was mpfified “Slug a Perkin E11113]- Cetus DNA Thermal CYCIer 480 (Perkin Elmer, Cetus, Norwalk, CT) With the followr'ng QYcles: 1 min at 94°C, 1 min at 35°C, 2 min at 72°C for 3 Gyms; ‘0 sec at 94°C, 20 sec at 40°C 2 min at 12°C ‘0‘ 34 cycles; 5 min at ‘72 °C; unlimited time at 4°C, We Approximately 20 ul 0f amPlified DNA was separated by e 1e . Chophoresls on a l .4°/o agarose gel containing ethidium bromide 002 ug/ml, 40 mM Trj S~a . Q EDTA. DNA was fluoresced by ultra-Violet llght and recorded by phomg} §fate and lmM s1:212 Statistical Analysis Analysis ofvariance (ANOV A) was calculated for each experiment. e 2000 field experiment at S aginaW, data was analyzed as a randomized complete block des' Ign (RCBD) using PROC GLM with the number “hemmed plan‘s Per 910‘ as the com- an (S AS Institute Inc., 2000). In the Honduras 2001 experiment, the StI‘ess and non‘stl‘ess treatments were analyzed as mo CRDs. AN OVA was calculated for each treatrnem With 26 harvested plants per plot as the covanant. Each population was anaIyZed separate 1% Means, LSD values and CV values were ealelflated afier being adjusted RIL. for the co""1”th Yield means for individual 8 of the stress treatment were used With th . tr 3 e COITeSPOnding yield means of the non-stress e tment to calculate GM and DSL DH was calenlat ed using the overal 1 mean yields 0 f each treminent, In the Montcalm 2001 experiment, data from 36 genotYDes Were analyzed ' usmg a 6x6 square lattice deSign' ANOVA was calcmated for eaCh treatmenr M - 1d LSD ' can YIC 9 and CV values were calculated for each treatment. Even thOllgh the DH 1 w GM was was 0 a calculated among genOtypeS- Regression analysis W as Condua ed to compare yield trends . 2 s between locations for the 31 SeleCtEd RILS. The R Values Within corresponding figure were calculated by the regression function Within Micros”? EXcel ations were CortCl made using PROC CORR (SAS Institute Inc., 2000) betWeen yield biomass, \00 seed wastinrmstane disease incidence (DI) f“ Macrophominaph Q38 1. t 45 and 75 0 ma 3 clap. Correlations were also made among yield, biomass, 100 see ‘ eight ° DS . (13 8 i0 flowering ,height, lodging, days to maturity, and PM. Y Root measurements of RILS in POPUIation L88 were analyZed usin P for mean, LSD.and CV values. Total root length, length according to (H311‘ ROC GLM tel. C . . . . 1 fractal dimension were correlated to Yd, Yp and GM usmg 81mple hnear re ass and rate 111C 2000). Both simple and multiple linear regression were used to associate molecul (PROC REG) and correlation (PROC CORR) methOdS 0f analysis (SAS Insn. marker values to yield-based traits. The degree of aSSOCia‘ion between traits was r 0 rted by the Pearson coefficient values (I) and the Coeffic‘em OfDetennination (R2). Multiple regression analysis Was used to determine the best model of root and molecular marker 27 at that exua'med t“ ' C h‘ghest amoun t of variation for ' yield und er' Str 685 an 0’ I1 017-5?! 658 conditi 0115' 28 RESULTS Field Study Three field CXPefiments Were conducted over W0 years and three locations to study me genetics of drought resiStance in two black bean populations L88 and L91. 30th Populations showed marked differences 1n the firm field test in Saginaw, MI in 2000. A seed increase was needed to meet the requirement of having Sufficient seed for stress and non-stress treatIIlentS in Honduras. Sp ace-planting allowed each plant to grow without competition. Therefore the yield results 5' om Saginaw may be inflated, but evaluations of yield potential and Comparisons between pOpulations Wer e performed, Significant genotypic differences existed in bath p op” Iations for yide and 100 seed weight (100 5w) grown in sagmaw (Table 1) Mean yield in L88 was “We” hi gher ($.05) man the mean yield in L91, suggesting that L88 has a greater View potential. Yiekl for individual RILS in L88 ranged from 2257 to <1 926 kg/i1a (Figure 1). The range oi yield for L91 RILS represented lower yield potenti a] and ranged from 1868 {C 4323 kglha. Mean 100 sw for L88 was 23.0 g Whereas 100 sw Was 4-9g i I 1). Overall, the RILS in L88 produced a larger number of seeds Whereas q‘ ‘7 L91 (Tab 6 had larger seed size. This relationship is supported by differences in seed ‘S RILS in L9] 1263 1) parents as VAX 5 is larger than TLP 19. Yield potential (Yp) and the ability to yield under moisture stress (Yd) were . tested in non-stress and stress treatments at Zamorano, Honduras 111 2001. The DH f0r the Honduras experiment was 0.82 and the D81 Of individual genotypes ranged from 0-52 to 1.20 Conditions W1 thin the tropical climate, SUCh as hlgh temperatures, short day length 29 8 RILS Frequency Distribution of L8 Saginaw, MI Frequency 2600 3000 3400 3800 4200 4600 5000 Yield (kglha) Frequency Distribution of L91 RILs 5 Saginaw , MI 2 20 1 g 15 i 9 a ‘f a. '-. e - IL .. ggi 'L ‘ i’” i ' .. . : n i 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400 Yield (kglha) v Figure 1 . Frequency Distributions for yield using the adjusted me in Saginaw, MI 2000. The drought resistant parent, B98311, is ind-1° ftorn each POPUIatiOH §lted by (B)- 30 W Table 1. Malysis of variaIICe for the RILS at the F ulatiot‘léior yield and 100 seed weight at Saginaw, 3:5 generation in tbe L88 and L9! M1 2000. L91 PBL/f fl— L88 Source A DF MS F 1- OF MS ____————-'"" est Grand Me an 3512 3042 LSD (0.05) 1 056 977 cv 19 20 Replication 2 837809 1.94 2 1 191759 3'26:.. Genotype 80 898733 2.09"" 58 759650 2'08 Stand 1 9923410 23,03We 1 17782870 48.58“** Error 1 59 430847 135 366035 100 Seed weight (g) ‘00 Seed weight i9) Grand Mean 23 0 24 9 LSD (0.05) 1'6 1'9 CV 48 ' Replication 2 ' m- 4.8 G 19.9 20.8 2 3.3 2,7 enotype 80 9 4 9 aura ”in St :1 ' ' 68 14.5 10.2 a“ 1 0 6 0 6 E ' ‘ 1 0.1 0'1 x ' 135 1930/ *P<.05; **P<.01; '*'P< - 001- **“P< 0001 and low soil fertility , considerably decreased Yp com ared ' comparisons among most genetic traits COUId b3 conducted F o requenc d . ' ' f . tn ons 0 mean yields Showed the trends toward moisture Stress and n Y 15 but] on‘SlTess - Condl tions (F igur e 2). Distribution of yield was skewed With only 15 RILS yield' mg above 4 S y1€1dS for L88 RILS ranged from 77 to 842 kg/Ila in the stress treatm Q kg/ha. M6211 ent ( ‘ overall mean of 317 kgfha. In the non-stress treatment, mean yields in ‘h lgure 2) with an p0pulation ranged from 1441 to 2922 kg/ha With an overall mean of 206: Same frequency distribution of RILs for Yp appears to resemble a normal Ga 1.(g/ha. The Significant differences were recorded among genotypes for Yield in USSIan curve. but not in the non-stress treatment (Table 2). the stress treatment, The frecmency distribution in L91 followed a similar Pattern t . The hiStogr am Showing Yd in L91 was also skewed, yet only three R: L88. (Flgure 3). 31 Le yielded above Frequency Distribution for Yd in L88, ZamoranO N O Frequency '4 -—l C>5(160)) 22557 Rio leagi 335(31) 372 ° 1 145 70(120 ' SEAS 393 (30) W 683 18.7 1957 38 Mean 699 269 1 933 27 2 3 1098 NA 1434 0.7 BSD (005) 37:3, 41 6.9 30 24 NA ‘ included. 1 Values 0 hecks and LSD values are . I Rankingsfgzrggsenfheses), mean, LSD and CV values are denved from 160 genotypes. 39 Table 6. Resistant (16) and susceptible (15) RILS with geometric the“ (GM), drought susceptibility index (D81) and harvest index (HI) under stress and 110n_Sa—ess 6011;101:1115, days to maturity (DTM) under the stress treatment and height and er the stress an no stress trejgments in Honduras, 2001. 40 s Non-stress Resistant Stress Non-stress 0:5938 5; a: t H 8'. ht M GM 9% H' H' days cm cm ‘ kg/ha 82 46 43 L88-63 1473 0.80 0.35 0.58 82 45 45 L88-74 1362 0.34 0.28 0.53 83 42 47 L88-30 1328 0.78 0.43 0.56 83 39 45 L88-69 1286 0.85 0.36 0.54 81 40 44 L88-13 1285 0.96 0.25 0.54 81 38 L88-66 1205 0.93 0.36 0.56 82 43 it; 1.88-19 1126 0.87 0.32 0.53 82 45 0.19 0.50 45 L88-3 1 082 0.84 82 43 L91-3o 1073 0.82 0.32 0.52 82 45 (31-25 1064 0.91 020 0°58 48 45 L88-61 1050 0.91 0-32 0-55 81 38 43 L88 31 1048 0 75 0-33 0'58 82 43 ‘ ' . 83 40 L88-59 1033 0.95 0.22 0 51 46 52 L91-3 1023 0.97 0.29 0. 55 81 40 53 L91-59 1016 0.91 0.26 0.48 82 52 491-10 1004 0.95 0.24 0- 56 82 49 49 Mean 1153 0.88 0.30 0- 54 M03 Zr Susce tible ‘ Stress Non-stress M _ M - k /ha a s L88-37 377 1 .01 0.23 0.41 a; 32‘ cm L88-4 551 1.07 0.12 0-50 82 37 47 L88-64 457 1,1 1 0.09 0.48 83 30 44 L91-37 402 1,14 0.04 0.53 33 36 44 L91-22 392 1_14 0.05 0.55 82 37 51 46 L88-1 8 368 1.1 1 0.05 0.44 83 42 L88-2 364 1 _ 1 3 0 .08 0.42 82 34 5 1 L91-49 315 1,11 0.08 0.47 83 38 45 L91-52 293 1,14 0.05 0.44 83 39 :97 L91~41 232 1.15 0.06 0.46 81 37 45 L91-53 1.15 0.02 0.45 82 36 ”1‘68 1236) 1.17 0.01 0.48 82 37 fig L91-13 115 1.1 8 0.00 0.49 83 39 47 L91-19 64 1_13 0.00 0.42 84 42 53 L91-69 60 1_13 A 0.00 0.30 g1 41 51 fl Mean 31 1 1f}? 0.06 0.46 82.6 37 .4 47 .2 Table 7 - Analysis of variance for 36 genotypes grown under stress and non—stress treatments in Montcalm, MI 2001. J Stress 4 Wress * Source OF M5 F Test MS F has; Yield (kg/ha) 3006 Grand Mean 2950 965 LSD (0.05) 808 19.5 CV 16.7 ”.1 249.8 9.11 *v-u Replication 2 2334.3 121-19 1 05.3 3.34“, Genotype 35 68.8 3-57". 131.4 4 79..., Block 1 5 62 3.22m 27.4 ' * Error 55 19.3 [M l 100 Seed We‘g (9 Grand Mean 29.3 28-7 LSD (005) 2.1 22 CV 4.3 4.7 Replication 2 21.8 1352"" 8'4 4 54* Genotype 35 21.1 1343"" 20's 1138*" Block 1 5 2.2 1-36 3-4 1.86 Error 55 1.6 fl ' *P<.05', **P<.01 ; ***P<.OO1 conditions. VA} 5 might be better adapted to stress conditions yet I k th ' 1d I’Ot‘mfial ac e yie to remain competitive under non-stress conditionS- The Bl Selected RILS, parents and local CheCkS were evaluat d f drought e or resistance in Montcalm, M1 in 200 1. Late rainfall during the Season all(“Wed for genotypes to negate the effects of the early drought stress in Montcalm, The DH for th e Montcalm experiment was extremely low at 0.02. Treatment means were not signific antIy diff erent and only v ari ed by 56 kg/ha (Table 7). Mean yield under stress ranged fi‘om 19 26 to 40 1 s kg/ha 3111011 g the 36 genotypes. In the non-stress treatment, mean yield ranged fr 0m 1682 ‘0 4340 kg/ha. Significant genotypic differences were Present among stress and no n-Stl‘ess conditions for yield and 100 sw. Coefficients of variation for yield were moderately low 16.7 and 19.5 0/0, for stress and non-stress treatments respectively and low LSD Values allowed the separation of high and low yielding genotypes within both populations. 41 Table 8. Yield under stress (Yd) and non-stress (Yp) and 1 00 seed - . Weight (100 SW) for sixteen genotypes ranked by Geometric Mean (GM) 1n P0pulatio 17 Lgsgrovm 1'” - trnents . Montcalm, MI 2001 under stress and non 3:28;: 11634 T Non-Str‘leos; Geno e 4M T 100 SW Y" 5'” A kg/ha kg/ha g kg/ha Q RlLs 3590 (5) 29.5 L88-69 3849 (2): 4015 (1) 28-3 4318 (2) 25.8 L88-63 3596 (3) 2995 (16) 25-5 3365 (12) 26.1 L88-30 3398 (9) 3432 (8) 25-9 3342 (13) 26.6 L88-6 1 3387 (10) 3432 (9) 27-2 3443 (10) 29 0 L88-59 3341 (11) 3241 (13) 28-9 ' L88-74 3241 (15) 2838 (21) 27 .2 31%; ll: 27.0 L88-66 3333 (12) 3488 (5) 26 -3 3398 ) 24-9 L88-19 3284 (13) 3174 (14) 23 -9 2 (11) 28.3 L8831 2910 (19) 2894 (20) 27 .3 927 (22) 26.3 L88-37 3191 (17) 3376(10) 3“ .3 3017(19) 30.4 L88-64 2901 (20) 2759 (23) 28 .6 3051 (18) 27.4 L88-2 2845 23 2703 (26) 29 -3 2 L88-13 2748 ((26; 2748 (24) 28 .9 2323 (20) 26.8 L88-3 2393 (30) 2322 (31) 30 .4 24 (24) 27.3 L88-4 2389 (31 ) 2355 (30) 3% '3 243; fig; 33; L88-18 2075 35 . - f 2001 (34) 1929 33 2&4 Parents 8 B983“ 3495 (6) 3903(2) 2 -6 TLP 19 A 3466 (7) 28.0 3129 15) 27-5 was) 3589 ((6) 26_4 Checks T 39 3533 4 3544(4) 23-8 Phantom 3494 :7; 3466 (6) 26.5 33:: (g) 24.8 26.3 Mean 903 2950 29.3 LSD (0.05) 2 808 2.1 3226 28.7 cv 16.7 4.3 19.5 2.2 3; Values of parents are included. 4.7 Rankings (in parenthesis), mean, LSD and CV values are derived from 6 genotypes 42 Table 9 - Yield under stress (Yd) and non-stress (Yp) and 1 OO seed . . Wag/1f (100 SW) for fifteen genotypes ranked by Geometric Mean (GM) 1n p0pulat1017 L91 grown m MontcaM, M12001 under stress and non-stress treatments To Stress YNon-str 19033 SW Genotype GM Yd 100 sw kg”; 9 fi kg/ha kg/ha 9 RlLs 4340 (1) 29.9 L91-1 o 4056 (1 )x 3791 (3) 31.7 3970(3) 33,0 L91-3O 3480 (8) 3051 (15) 33.8 3118 (16) 316 L91—49 3244 (14) 3376 (11) 32-9 3073 (17) 27 1 L91-3 3210 (16) 3353 (12) 29-9 3533 (7) 31'9 L91-25 3038 (1a) 2613 (28) 32-8 - L91-22 2875 (22) 2781 (22) 29 .1 23;: (21) 28.8 L91-52 2814 (24) 2905 (19) 3 1 .1 2 (26) 30.9 L91-41 2731 (27) 2714 (25) 29.3 748 (25) 27,1 L91-53 2765 (25) 2938 (17) 265 2602 (28) 26.1 L91-68 2888 (21) 2927 (18) 27-5 2349 (23) 27.6 L91-13 2611 28 2501 (29) 33.2 L91-59 2401 ((29; 2636 (27) 30.6 $173 (27) 27.0 L91-37 2026 (33) 2288 (32) 30.7 17 (32) 30.3 L91-19 1900 (35) 2131 (33) 35.6 94 (34) 30.4 L91-69 1801 (36) 1829436) 344 1694 (35) 36-3 1682 36 33.8 Parents 28 898311 3495 5 3903 (2) -6 VAXS A 2244(3)2 2097 34 27.4 3129 (15) 27-5 W Checks T 39 3533 4 3544(4) 23-8 Phantom 34947; 3466(6) 26.6 33:: (g) 24.3 26. Mean 2908 2950 m LSD (0,05) 808 2.1 965 28. 7 CV 16.7 4.3 1 9.5 2.2 l Values of parents are included- 4.7 I Ranki 43 n gs (in parentheSiS), mean, LSD and CV values are derived from 36g e”O‘B’pes. mansion of Geometric Man In SCI-curd all-s botluun Honduras and mama-n 4500 "°°° E3151 317:2) ‘ , . 3500 M -— r = 0:6.3, . - ' .. g 30001 E” ........ § "" 2500 9% ‘ ‘ El : . o is r: 0 20* $2000 I T ‘5‘. 1500 r = 0.55* 1000 ---- unmoununed) 500 "Uneat (Resistant) , ‘ " -Unear (Susceptible) 0 fl 4 4.1— r . 0 200 400 600 800 1000 12m Geometric Im- a WM) 1400 1600 Hondums F191“? 5- chl'ession analysis of Resistant and Susceptible . Mean across the Honduran and Montcalm, MI locations. RILS for Geometric Comparisons between P0P“13ti°ns’ individual genotypes and checks were performed (Tables 8 and 9). RILS from L88 yielded ‘0 % more than L9 1 RILS b d 386 01] GM. Means for 100 sw in L91 were 10 % larger than in L88. These Teen] ‘3 Were COHSiStent with previous results, but must be considered with the informal.” tha t tWo- thirds of the resistant RILS were from L88 while two-thirds of the susceptibze RILS canl from L9 1 , Comparisons of the selected RILS between locations was performed by regression analysis. Yield data obtained in Montcalm was used to validate the results obtained in Honduras. Geometric mean was moderately correlated between locations, r = 0'6? (Figure 5)- This Value is supported by the higher 60116130011 of suscepfible genotypes in 44 Regression of Yield under Stress In Selected RIL: batman Honduras and Michigan 4500 4000 3500 a. B """"""""" a / r=o45* "Lflrflfi aooo - .................. E] 5 m ' EBB . 3 w a 1 r=0.56* 1000 500 o . 0 100 200 30° ‘°° 500 50° “clam-u) m": Figure 6. Regression of Selected RILS for yield under Stress d Montcalm, NH locations. among the Honduran an GM (r = 055*) and Yd (r = O 56*) regression analyses (Fi ' e 5)- Resistan gm tgcnotypes autilises. All genotypes were moderately correlated in the non-stress treatments (r = O 5 ‘ 2 '9 (Fi gure Resistant and susceptible genotypes were weakly correlated in the non-shes 7) ‘ . s "cannen ts h = 015*; r = 007*) (Figure 7). Agronomic traits may have contributed to yield in a positive or negativ (Tables 1 O and 1 1). Biomass had a significant impact on yield in stress and DOD-stress treatments. One hundred seed weight had a larger impact on yield and biomass in the stress treatment than in the non—stress treatment. In the stress treaunem, plant stand was positively associated with yield and biomass, but was negatively associated Wi‘h inc'ldence 45 vi “09'0““! at Yield under Nan-stress In 80th an... between Honduras and Michigan 5000 A 4500 ~ 4000 - 3500 « as 3000 5 e v :1. . 0 2500 . ' g. 3 2000 m E Q E a 9*» Resistant 1500 t s r = 0.07" _ . . . W 100° 'U'W (Combined) 500 ~ ‘ 'UI'IUHSmcoptlbte) o .f ° 500 1000 1500 2000 “old Who) Honduras Figure 7. Regression of selected RILS for yield under non-Stress conditions within the Honduran and Montcalm, Ml locations. OfMacrOphomina phaseolina at 45 311d 75 d3? Disease inCidence was 11 . egatIVer associated with yield, biomass, 100 sw and stand in both populations Within the Stress treatment- The negative association of D1 to stand also affected yield and bio mass. Yield and biomass in L88 were closely associated and were aSSOCiated . with Plant stand than in L91 (Table 10). Yet, 1 00 sw has a stronger association to yield and biom ass in L91 rather than L88. Seed size in L91 is greater than L88, but did not show Significant differences (Tables 4 and 5). plant stand was affected more by D1 in L88 (1' = '0-41****) than in L91 (r = 0.33“"). At 7 5 (hp, Yd was more negatively affected by D‘ in L88 0 = -0.36****) than in L9 1 (r = -0 30““). 46 Table 10. Correlation between yield, biomass, 100 seed weight (100 sw), plant stand at harvest and disease incidence (DI) at 45 and 75 days after planting in the moisture stress and non-stress treatments for L88 and L91 RILs in Honduras, 2001. Pop L88 Stress Yield Biomfis 100 sw Sfind DI 45 Yield - - - - - Biomass 0.61 "“ - - - - 100 sw 0.31 ““ 0.35"" - - - Stand 0.33”“ 0.46"” 0.12 — - DI 45 -0.23” -0.28"* -0.01 -0.27“" - DI 75 036““ -0.48*”* -0.16* -0.41“** 0.58“” Non-sires Yield Biomass 100 sw Stand DI 45 Yield - - - - - Biomass 0.91““ - - - - 100 SW 014* 0.20“ - - - Stand 0.05 0.03 -0.09 - - DI 45 016* -0.18* 0.07 -0.23" - DI 75 -0.18“ -0.24***" -0.02 -% 0.81"” Pop L91 Stress Yield Biomass 100 sw Stand DI 45 Yield - - - - - Biomass 0.53"” - - - - 100 sw 0.37"” 0.45"“ - - - Stand 0.21 *"' 0.40“” 0.1 1 - - DI 45 -0.25"* -0.32"m -0.07 -0.26“ - DI 75 -0.30“** -0.48“*" -0.05 -0.33***' 0.53”” Non-stres Yield Biomass 100 sw M DI 45 Yield - - - - - Biomass 0.86"“ - - - - 100 sw -0.07 0.11 - - - Stand 0.05 0.10 -0.08 - - DI 45 -0.14 -0.15 0.05 - ' DI 75 -0.20** -0.24“" -0.09 -0.07 0.81““ 'P<.05; *‘P<.01?WP<.001; “**P<-0001 Yield under stress was potentially compromised in Honduras due to a severe infestation of; ASB caused by Macrophomina phaseolina. The D1 of ASB was characterized by 99 % of the stress plots having at least one dead plant compared to 50% in the non-stress treatment. DI values ranged from 0.05 to 0.54 across the 160 genotypes grown under stress (Figure 8). In population L88 and L91, a negative correlation was observed between plant stand and DI at 75 dap (r = -O.41**** and r = -O.33****). In the non-stress treatment, no correlations existed between plant stand and DI at 75 dap. 47 Table 11 Correlations between yield-based traits including 1 00 Seed weight (100 sw) and harvest Index (H1) and agronomic traits including desirability score (DS) in L88 (below diagonal! and L91 (above dia agonal) m Honduras 2001. gLe§S__ Yield Biomass 100 sw HI Flowerin Hei ht Yield — 0.53"“ 0.37“" 0.78"“ -0.32“" 0.53"" Biomass 0.61“" — 0.45““ ns ns 0.53"" 100 SW 0.31 ““ 0.35"" - ns ns 0.37“" HI 0.77“" ns 0.14‘ - -0.39*“" 0.29"" Flowering -0.16* ns ns -0.29“' - ns Height 0.49"" 0.62"" 0.27"“ 0 18“ ns - Lodging 025*" 0.26““ 0.31“" 0.17' ns 0.20" Maturity -o_14' ns ns -0. 25“" 0.29“" ns 03 0.78"“ 0 46““ 0.21" 0.72"“ -0.22* 0.42“" Biomass .. 0.86"" ns 0.64“" -0.19* 0.29"“ Biomass 0-9 1 "“ - ns 0.19" ns 0.39"“ 100 SW 0. 1 4' 0.20“ - -0.32“" 0.31““ 0.28““ HI 0-42"“ ns ns - -0.38*“* ns Flowering n 5 ns 0.29“" -022" - 0.33"“ Height 0 . 33“... 0'46gnwt 0.22.01 _o_19fi* 0.32.1111. _ Lodging 0 .30""" 0.37"" ns ns ns 0.19" Maturity ns 0 18“ 0.65““ -0.18“ 0.49"“ 0. 29“" DS ns 0.29"" ns -0. 26““ “S .P< 05 tiP< ‘01 ".P<. 001; t'iiP< ooons1 0 .36‘.i‘ . 0‘69ttifi B\OmaS$ O .38...‘ n5 0_51cn\u 1 00 sw 0 .26“ ns ns HI 0.18‘ -0 22“ 0.56““ Flowering ns 0 .42.... 0.27.. Height 0.38"" ns 0.48"" Lodging - ns 0.29.”... Maturity -0.14" - _0.15. ___05 0.16' -0.14* - Non-stres Lod in Maturi 08 Yield 0.50"" -0.14* 0.20“ Biomass 047“" ns n s 1 00 SW -0.18" 0.61“" -0.26""* Hi 0.29.1”: '0.30"“ 0.25,", Flowering n5 047.... 0.32... Height ns 0.28"" -0.16’ Lodging _ -0'30'lmn: ns Maturity -0.1 71v- _ 4137“" DS -0 49h" *P<. 05 ‘*F’< .;o1 "*P<. 001; n"""P< 000‘ 48 Disease incidence data revealed a greater resistance to ASB in L91 than in L88, derived from the ASB resistant parent, TLP 19. Population L88 had a 6 % higher DI than L91 yet averaged 113 kg/ha more in yield (Table 12). Population and parental means were not significantly different (p<0.05). In the moisture stress and non-stress treatments, B98311 yielded more, yet had a two-fold higher D1 in comparison to the two other parents. TLP 19 and VAX 5 had moderately low DI values at 0.15 and 0.20. Two RILs, L9] -45 and L88-76, had the lowest D1 in each population, Whereas two other RILS, L91- 30 and L88-69 that were selected as drought resistant based on GM had moderately 10W DI values. Correlations between agronomic data and yield can assist breeders in designing plant phenotypes that thrive under moisture stress. Harvest index (HI) was highly significant and strongly associated with yield in both populations in each treatment. The moderate associations of height and lodging to yield and biomass suggest that tall plant that lodge positively influence yield and biomass. Desirability score was highly associated with yield and moderately associated with biomass in the stress treatment, but not in the non—stress treatment. In the non-stress treatment, 100 sw was highly associated with days to maturity. Days to maturity was negatively associated to yield in both populations and treatments except for L88 in the non-stress treatment. Height was positively associated to DS in the stress treatment and negatively associated to DS in the non-stress treatment. Individual agronomic traits did not associate strongly enough with yield under stress to support indirect selection, so direct selection based on yield is required in breeding for drought resistance in common bean. 49 I L88 RlLs 0 L91 RlLs x Checks and Parents _.___# L88 Mean - - - - L91 Mean 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 Disease Incidence / Figure 8. Field incidence of Macrophomina phaseolina compared to yield under stress in 160 genotypes grown in Honduras in 2001. Table 12. Selected genotypes and means compared for their disease incidence (DI), plant stand at harvest, yield under stress (Yd), yield under non-stress (Yp), and geometric mean (GM) of moisture treatmentigrown in Honduras, 2001. Genoype DI Stand Yd Yp GM °/o —— kg/ha —— L91-45 0.05 (1 )1“ 97 266 2468 810 L88-76 0.09 (4) 90 363 1862 822 V8025 0.13 (13) 93 210 1783 612 L91-30 0.13 (15) 90 599 1922 1073 SEA 5 0.14 (20) 77 524 1521 893 Tlo Canela 75 0.1 4 (22) 90 218 1657 602 TLP 19 0.1 5 (24) 100 169 2399 637 L88-69 0 . 1 6 (31 ) 90 680 2432 1 286 VAX 5 0.20 (61 ) 90 249 1765 663 Rio Tibagi 0.23 (75) 90 372 2108 886 BAT 477 0.24 (88) 90 400 1536 784 EAP 9510-77 0.29 (120) 90 232 21 12 699 Tacana 0.30 (125) 93 213 2097 667 __B_98311 0.42 (154) 90 375 241 1 951 . Mean. L88 0.27 320 2057 791 Mean, L9 1 0.21 207 1858 591 :17 Ranking based on DI for 160 gen0types. 50 Root Study Root traits were expected to differ due to associated differences in growth habit between the parents. TLP 19 has a type HI grth habit while B98311 and VAX 5 exhibit a type H habit. At nine days after transplanting (dat), the root system of TLP 19 was significantly smaller than either B98311 or VAX 5. Due to root length differences between B98311 and TLP 19 and the lack of differences between B98311 and VAX 5, only the root characteristics of population L88 were studied. The root characteristics measured in were total root length, length according to diameter class and fractal dimension. Significant genotypic differences were found for total root length and fractal dimension in L88 (Table 13). Within the ten root length diameter classes, the two classes for each extreme, A and B; I and I, showed significant genotypic differences while classes C through G did not. The ten different root diameter classes previously reported in common bean (Y abba, 2001) were grouped into fine (A-C), intermediate (D-G), and taproots (H-J). Fine roots described length for roots with 0-1.50 mm in diameter. Intermediate roots were classified as having diameters 1.51-3.50 m. Taproot length is characterized as having a diameter greater than 3.51 mm. The extreme classes had low CV values whereas the intermediate classes had CV values that exceeded 100 %. The correlations of root characteristics to yield data showed unexpected results. Beans having a high Yd were expected to have a deep taproot. The fine roots, which accounted for 99 % of the total root length, correlated to Yd and GM in Honduras whereas taproot length correlated to Yp (Table 14). The negative associations of the fine roots in class B suggest that as root length with a diameter of 0.50 mm to 1.00 mm decrease, yield 51 Table 13. Analysis of Variance for the 81 RILS in population L88 for Total root length, Fractal Dimension, and root length according to 10 different diameter widths (A-J). Source l genotype 77 295173 Total Root Length F Test 1 .62“ MS MS 0.0029 Fractal Dimension F Test 1 .44‘ block 3 3135560 17.20"“ 0.0746 36.91“" error 162 182248 0.002 Fine Roots At 8 C Source i MS F Test MS F Test MS F Test genotype 77 149161 1.79“ 21685 1.43’ 701 1.18 block 3 1980019 23.73““ 270907 17.88““ 28355 47.87"“ error 162 83422 1 51 53 592 Intermediate Roots D E F G Source i MS F Test MS F Test MS F Test MS F Test genotype 77 68 1.11 14 1.00 2 1.08 0.36 1.21 block 3 4977 81.29““ 851 58.52“" 135 66.45““ 17.00 57.29“" error 162 61 15 2 0.30 Tag Roots H I J Source _D_F_ MS F Test MS F Test MS F Test genotype 77 0.12 0.99 0.05 1.48‘ 1.59 150* block 3 3.75 30.50“” 0.44 11.66"" 5.98 5.64“ error 162 0.12 0.04 1.06 'P<.05; **P<.01; ***P<.001; ““P<.0001 1 Root diameter classes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J are 0-0.5, 0.5-1.0, 1.0-1.5, 1.5-2.0, 2.0- 2.5, 2.5-3.0, 3.0-3.5, 3.5-4.0, 4.0-4.5, and greater than 4.5 mm, respectively. (A) N \ / / /\ / / \ Figure 9. Representations of herringbone (A) and dichotomous (B) topologies. 52 Table 14. Correlation values between root characteristics and yields in the Saginaw 2000 and Honduras (Hon) 2001 egeriments for the 81 R_ILs of opulation L88. Total Root Length Fractal Dimensign_ Hon Yd ns -0.13' Hon Yp ns ns Hon GM ns ns Saginaw ns ns Fine roots All: __3— __§___ Hon Yd ns -0.12t ns Hon Yp ns ns ns Hon GM ns 0191 "5 Saginaw ns 0.1 11 "5 Intermediate Roots D __E__ _F—. _G_ Hon Yd ns ns ns ns Hon Yp ns ns ns ns Hon GM ns ns ns ns Saginaw ns ns ns ns Tap roots H | J Hon Yd ns ns ns Hon Yp ns 0.19“ ns Hon GM ns ns ns figinaw ns ns ns 1' P<.10, *P<.05; **P<.01; ns - non-significant 1 Root diameter classes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J are 0-0.5, 0.5-1.0, 1.0-1.5, 1.5-2.0, 2.0- 2.5, 2.5-3.0, 3.0-3.5, 3.5-4.0, 4.0-4.5, and greater than 4.5 mm, respectively. will increase. The I class, which is representative of taproots, was positively associated to Yp in Honduras (r = 0.19“). Fractal dimension which measures root architecture was significantly correlated to Yd in Honduras (r = -0. 13*). Significant differences were observed for the top and bottom five genotypes in total root length, fi'actal dimension and each root diameter class. The mean values of drought resistant and susceptible genotypes corresponded to the correlation values for each measurement. Drought resistant genotypes had less root length than drought susceptible genotypes in every root trait category except the I class (4.0-4.5 m) (Table 15). Fractal dimension was also a lower value in drought resistant genotypes. The opposite effect was observed in the parents, in that, B98311 was greater than TLP 19 in every root length measurement and fractal dimension. Only in the 53 Table 15. Mean values of total root length, fractal dimension, fine roots (A-C) and taproots (H-J) of drought resistant and drought susceptible RILS and parents of population L88 obtained by the root pouch method. genogge Total Fractal A1 5 C H I J mm ------ mm ------ ------- mm ------ Drought Resistant L88-30 2106 1 .52 1506 529 55 0.02 0.26 3.54 L88-63 2054 1.47 1645 366 32 0.28 0.10 2.95 L88-74 2019 1 .47 1 560 409 36 0.12 0.00 3.45 L88-13 1928 1.47 1464 413 38 0.15 0.13 3.51 _L88-69 153g 1 .46 1 163 330 29 0.31 0.08 LE Mean 1928 1.48 1468 410 38 0.18 0.11 3.12 Drought Susceptible L88-64 2368 1.56 1648 614 79 0.25 0.04 4.17 L88-37 21 19 1 .53 1566 483 57 0.21 0.07 3.35 L88-18 2056 1 .50 1562 441 42 0.26 0.08 2.41 L88-02 2007 1 .49 1564 392 37 0.20 0.09 3.29 _LB8-04 1948 1.50 1391 504 41 0.33 0.16 3.09 Mean 2100 1 .52 1546 487 51 0.25 0.09 3.26 Parents and Ranges 89831 1 2295 1 .53 1660 547 62 0.32 0.19 3.56 TLP 19 1618 1.48 1174 391 40 0.16 0.06 2.52 Maximum 2660 1 .61 1965 732 123 1 .13 0.55 4.72 Minimum 1285 1.44 908 329 24 0.04 0.01 1.77 Mean: 1959 1.50 1415 475 51 0.26 0.16 3.07 LSD (0.05) 688 0.07 466 198 39 0.57 0.31 1.66 CV 22 2.99 20 26 47 133.54 119.64 33.58 1' Root diameter classes A, B, C, H, I, J are 005, 0.5-1.0, l.0-1.5, 3.5-4.0, 4.0-4.5, and greater than 4.5 mm, respectively. I 83 genotypes are included in the calculations of mean, LSD and CV values. I class (4.0-4.5 mm) did B98311 and TLP 19 correspond to the correlation values observed among the RILS. A lower fractal dimension correlated to yield under drought stress, yet the drought resistant parent, B98311, had a greater fractal dimension and Yd than the susceptible parent, TLP 19. Significant differences between the parents were observed only in the A class (0-0.5 mm) category. Although the resistant and susceptible genotypes were not significantly different in the B and I root classes and fractal dimension , the correlation values indicate that these root characteristics are important in the yield performance of beans grown under drought stress in the lowland tropics. 54 Marker Study Molecular markers previously associated with drought resistance in pinto bean (Schneider et al., 1997a) were tested across both black bean populations. Only 40 of the 70 reported RAPD markers (Table A8) were tested for polymorphisms between T-3016 and Raven, the parents of B983 1 1. The 40 RAPD markers selected for testing represented those that were significantly associated with GM in a previous study (Schneider et al., 1997a). Nine of the 40 RAPD markers tested were polymorphic between T-3016 and Raven suggesting that B98311 had the same marker phenotype as T-3016. Three of these markers were present on linkage group (LG) 4, while the other six were unlinked or on a LG with low association to performance under stress (Table A8). Of the nine reported LGs, only two (4 and 9) significantly associated with GM in a combined analysis across five locations (Schneider et al., 1997a). Markers on LG 9 were monomorphic between the parents, whereas markers on LG 4 were polymorphic (Table 16). RAPD primers 1706970, 103”30 and A16850 from LG 4 were screened across both populations. The lack of clear amplification of A16850 made the marker unscoreable. F 06970 and I03”30 were 100 % linked in population L88 while 3 recombinants existed in population L91. In L88, both primers were significantly associated with yield potential (R2 = 0.05*) (Table 17). In multiple regression analysis, 103ll 30 accounted for 5 % of the variation (R2 =0.05; p<0.10) in population L91. 55 Table 16. Preseice/abgence of RAPD markers in six bean genotypes LGt RAflDt T-3016 Sierrg 898311 _R_ayen VAX 5 TL 9 A318650 + + + + + H1959, 4 v01”, F0697o A165,,o I03“... 1 LG - Linkage Group IRAPD markers were previously associated to drought resistance in one pinto bean population (Schneider et al., 19973). i w —L ‘D + + -...+i ++++. +++II Table 17. Coefficients of determination (R2) accounting for the variation in yield under drought (Yd), yield under non-stress (Yp) and geometric mean (GM) for two RAPD markers. L88 L91 F06m '031139 F0691n '031130 Yd 0 0 0.03 0.03 Yp 0.05" 0.05’ 0.05 0.051 GM 0 0 0.03 0.03 T P<.10, *P<.05 Multiple Regression Analysis For population L88, fractal dimension, root classes B and I and primer F06970 were combined in a multiple regression analysis to identify which combination would explain the greatest variation for performance under drought. Root class I (4.0-4.5 mm) explained 12.7 % of the variation alone for Yp in Honduras (Table 19). A larger percentage, 16 %, of the variation was explained when additional measurements of fiactal dimension, root class B (0.5-10. mm) and primer F06970 were included. Statistically, the best model has the highest adjusted R2 value or the lowest C(p) value. Including primer F06970 with the I class increased the R2 value by 2 %. This same effect occurred to a greater extent in the multiple regression analysis for Yd in Honduras. Alone, fractal dimension and F06970 explained 3.5 and 3.1 % of the variation respectively, but together they explained 7.6 % of the variation (Table 18). This two-variable model also had the highest adjusted R2 value 56 and the lowest C(p) value. Using the four variables together in one model explained 8.8 % of the variation in Yd. The combination of root characteristics and marker values explained a larger amount of the variation than any single variable. '57 Table 18. Coefficient of determination (R2) selection method for yield under stress in Honduras evaluating fractal dimension, root classes B (0.5-1.0 mm) and I (4.0-4.5 mm), and RAPD marker F06970 (F 06). Number in Adjusted Model R-Sguare R-Sguare C(g) MSE Varia_bles in Model 1 0.035 0.0228 3.41 14 3099.921 fractal 1 0.0314 0.0191 3.71 3111.433 F06 1 0.0297 0.0174 3.8552 3117.032 B 1 0.0001 -0.0125 6.316; 3211.906 I 2 0.0762 0.0525 1.9752 3005.5 fractal F06 2 0.0727 0.0489 2.2693 3016.98 B F06 2 0.0427 0.0182 4.7647 3114.414 fractal l 2 0.0386 0.0139 5.1141 3128.058 B I 2 0.035 0.0103 5.4067 3139.48 fractal B 2 0.0316 0.0068 5.6926 3150.645 I F06 3 0.0859 0.0503 3.1685 3012.624 fractal I F06 3 0.0851 0.0494 3.2365 3015.314 B l F06 3 0.0765 0.0405 3.9558 3043.764 fractal B F06 3 0.0431 0.0058 6.7394 4153.861 fractal B I 4 0.0879 0.0399 5 3045.512 fractal B I F06 Table 19. Coefficient of determination (R2) selection method for yield under non-stress in Honduras evaluating fractal dimension, root classes B (0.5-1 .0 mm) and I (4045 mm), 58 and RAPD marker F069m (FO6). Number in Adjusted . Model R-Sguare R-Sguare C(g) MSE Variables in Model 1 0.1273 0.1163 2.0153 9974.918 l 1 0.0166 0.0042 12.0397 1 1240 F06 1 0.013 0.0005 12.3658 11282 fractal 1 0.012 -0.0005 12.4587 1 1293 B 2 0.1424 0.1204 2.6537 9928.709 I F06 2 0.1362 0.114 3.2161 10001 B l 2 0.1313 0.109 3.6562 10057 fractal I 2 0.0263 0.0013 13.1658 1 1273 fractal F06 2 0.0247 -0.0003 13.3061 11291 B F06 2 0.0131 -0.0122 14.3601 11425 frac_tal B 3 0.1562 0.1233 3.4011 9895.425 B I F06 3 0.1489 0.1157 4.0659 9981.525 fractal I F06 3 0.1394 0.1059 4.9188 10092 fractal B I 3 0.0263 -0.0116 15.1636 11419 fractal B F06 4 0.1606 0.1165 5 9972.991 fractal B I F06 DISCUSSION Yield The main objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of two RIL populations under terminal drought stress and non-stress conditions in the lowland tropics of Central America. The lowland tropics of Honduras provide appropriate conditions to evaluate terminal drought. By identifying genotypes resistant to terminal drought, breeding programs located in Honduras and other Central American countries will be able to use these genotypes to improve local varieties for performance under drought. RILs selected as drought resistant out-performed all local checks, drought resistant checks and the drought resistant parent based on GM (Tables 4, 5 and 6). Likewise, drought susceptible RILS performed well below all checks and parents. The stability of the drought resistant RILS was evaluated across locations with different intensities of drought stress. An experiment that included the resistant and susceptible genotypes selected in Honduras was conducted in Montcalm county, Michigan under moisture stress and non- stress conditions. Despite the absence of a significant drought stress in Montcalm in 2001, GM values across treatments were moderately correlated between experiments in Honduras and Montcalm (Figure 5). Drought resistant genotypes selected in Honduras were among the highest yielding genotypes while drought susceptible genotypes were among the lowest yielding in Montcalm (Tables 8 and 9). The Honduran field experiment in the lowland tropics experienced a severe terminal drought stress, DII = 0.82. This stress was more severe than previous experiments conducted with beans under rain-fed conditions in the Mexican highlands 59 (D1 in‘.‘ erg cm W be (DII = 0.49; Schneider et al., 1997b) and under rain shelter controlled, drought treatments in Michigan (DII = 0.63; Ramirez-Vallejo and Kelly, 1998). Lowland tropical areas can experience decreasing soil moisture and increasing temperatures, both of which contributed to the substantial reduction in Yd in Honduras. Resistant and susceptible RILS were identified among the populations based on yield in relation to the parents. B98311 was selected as the drought resistant parent because it was the highest yielding genotype in drought experiments conducted in Michigan in 1998 (Kolkrnan and Kelly, 1999). TLP 19 and VAX 5 were selected for adaptation to lowland tropics without prior knowledge of their response to drought stress. TLP 19 and VAX 5 yielded 50 and 30 % less than B98311 under stress. The corresponding population means of each parent did not follow the same relationship. Even though TLP 19 had a lower yield mean under stress than VAX 5, the corresponding population L88 mean was greater than the population mean of L91 where VAX 5 was the parent (Tables 4 and 5). Population L91 had a lower mean yield than its drought susceptible parent, VAX 5. Many of the RILs in L91 in the drought stress treatment had high biomass but low seed yield. This relationship was displayed by RIL L91-69, which under stress, ranked last in yield, but first in biomass (Table 15). Under stress, this RIL remained longer in a vegetative stage and began to flower late into the period of stress producing a low yield as a result of low HI (Table 6). Many RILS flowered late in population L91 in Honduras and exhibited low H1. The biomass means between populations differed by 15 kg/ha whereas the yield means differed by 106 kg/ha. Harvest index under stress for populations L88 and L91 was low, 0.19 and 0.13, respectively, yet 60 the RILs in population L88 were more efficient in partitioning nutrients to the seed than those in population L91. Biomass has been suggested as an indirect selection criterion for Yd since it is highly correlated with biomass (Acosta-Gallegos, 1988). This correlation is logical in that high yielding genotypes need to fix greater biomass to partition to the seed. Yet, selection for biomass can indirectly increase days to maturity. In populations L88 and L91, biomass was moderately correlated with Yd (r = 0.61"" and r = 0.53”“) and highly correlated with Yp (r = 0.91"“ and r = 0.86""), respectively (Table 10). These values are greater than the correlation between Yd and Yp in each population. Therefore, under severe stress, biomass would be a better indirect measurement of Yd than Yp. For temperate climates less affected by drought like Michigan, selection for biomass would be counter- productive since days to maturity would increase. In Michigan, HI would be a better selection criteria for Yd. HI and biomass should always be used together when selecting for performance under stress, so that plants with high biomass and low reproductive efficiency are not selected. Growth habit in common bean has also been associated with Yd. Indeterminate genotypes are more suitable than determinate genotypes for production in semi-arid areas (Samper, 1984; Acosta-Gallegos and Adams, 1991). Indeterminate genotypes exhibit early vigorous establishment and accumulate a greater biomass with the ability to transfer assimilates to the seed (Samper, 1984; Acosta-Gallegos and Adams, 1991). All three parents in this study were indeterminate, yet they exhibited different types of indeterminancy. B98311 and VAX 5 have a type II, short vine, erect grth habit while TLP 19 has a type IH, prostrate vine. Comparisons between type II and type III 61 indeterminacy for drought resistance were not made in this study. Population L88 segregated for growth habit whereas population L91 exhibited only type 11 growth habit. The range of growth habits present in L88 might have given individual genotypes an opportunistic edge over the type II individuals in population L91. Therefore, a strict adherence to type II growth habit may not be beneficial in selecting for drought resistance in Central America. The field experiment in Montcalm, Michigan was conducted to validate the Honduran results. The resistant and susceptible RILS selected in Honduras experienced minimum drought stress in Michigan and consequently the effect of stress could not be evaluated at a second location. Despite the lack of drought in Michigan, relationships of yield between Honduras and Montcalm were compared using regression analysis. The strongest correlation for Yd was shown within the susceptible genotypes. The negative affects of late flowering and inability to partition nutrients to the seed were also detrimental to yield in Michigan. Resistant genotypes showed a higher correlation between locations than susceptible genotypes for Yp (Figure 7). The moderate correlations of Yd (r = 0.45’), Yp (r = 0.52*), and GM (r = 0.63") supported the adaptability of selected RILs to temperate conditions and the consistent performance between locations. Selection under drought conditions in Honduras was successful in identifying high and low yielding RILs that expressed similar potential in the Michigan environment. In Honduras, a high CV was recorded due to high experimental error resulting from genetic susceptibility of RILs to diseases such as ASB in the stress treatment and the higher environmental variation. The high CV in our experiment was considerably higher 62 than previously published studies of bean grown under drought stress (Schneider et al., 1997b). The experimental design used in Honduras was a CRD which accounts for less of the total error than a RCBD or lattice designs that better control environmental variation. Plant stand was reduced and consequently, yield due to ASB infestation under stress conditions only. The mean yield reduction due to stress was 85 and 89 % for populations L88 and L91, respectively. In breeding for resistance to terminal drought stress, ASB resistance among genotypes must be considered. Although variation was high within the drought stress treatment, the 150 RILS in the non-stress treatment can be directly compared between locations. The top yielding genotypes in Honduras were poor performers in non-replicated trials in Saginaw, Michigan in 2000. The lack of consistent performance between these locations can relate to adaptation of the genotypes, environmental differences and different planting populations. All plots were adjusted by plant stand using covariate analysis, so that valid comparisons could be made. One genotype, L88-69, had consistent high yield in all locations and treatments. Bean genotypes that yield well under stress do not always yield well under non- stress. A strong relationship between Yd and Yp was not reported in previous experiments (Ramirez-Vallejo, 1992). Different mechanisms within the plant contribute to high Yd and Yp. A breeding strategy for drought resistance should combine in a genotype both high Yd and high Yp (Schneider et al., 1997b). This strategy would be more effective in population L88. B98311 yielded above average under drought (375 kg/ha) in Honduras while TLP 19 (169 kg/ha) yielded below the mean. TLP 19 was a poor yielding genotype under stress in Honduras, but was equivalent to B98311 in Yp in Honduras. TLP 19 out- 63 yield seve Mir yielded B98311 in Montcalm, Michigan by 13 %. This parental combination resulted in several progeny L88-63 and L88-69 with superior yield in each treatment in Honduras and Michigan (Tables 4 and 5). The parent of population L91, VAX 5, was derived from tepary bean which is known to be drought tolerant (Thomas et al., 1983). Genes from tepary bean present in VAX 5 could have aided in tolerance to stress. VAX 5 produced a moderate Yd, yet poor combining ability for performance with B98311 was observed that could have resulted from the tepary ancestry. Both populations belong to common bean race, Mesoarnerica in the Middle American gene pool. Gerrnplasm from race Mesoarnerica is recognized as a source of yield genes for stressed or non-stressed environments in Central America (White et al., 1994a). The two other races of common bean in the Middle American gene pool are Durango and Jalisco. These races have been exclusively screened for additional drought resistant genes (Singh, 1995; Teran and Singh, 2002). Durango race cultivars have shown a higher yield under drought stress than J alisco race cultivars (Teran and Singh, 2002). Moderate success in breeding for drought resistance has been achieved in the Durango race (Acosta-Gallegos and Adams, 1991; Schneider et al., 1997b), which could result from its limited adaptation. Mesoamerican genotypes have a broader adaptation than Durango genotypes. Both races could endure drought periods by different mechanisms. Interracial crosses of Durango and Mesoamerican genotypes may provide a strategy to improve drought resistance by combining different adaptation and yield performance traits from both races. 64 Mesoamerican genotypes deriving their drought resistance from Durango varieties could have an advantage in complementation of drought resistance from both races. B98311 from race Mesoarnerica was derived from a drought resistant Durango genotype, T-3016 which is a non-commercial, Durango race genotype previously identified as the most drought resistant genotype based on GM from a cross of Sierra/AC1028 (Schneider et al., 1997b). Drought resistance was transferred from the Durango genotype to the Mesoamerican genotype as the other Mesoamerican parent, Raven, demonstrated no drought resistance. The most drought resistant RILS in both populations, L88-63 and L91- 30, exceeded the yield of previously recognized drought resistant genotypes BAT 477, V8025 and Rio Tibagi by 40 and 17 %, respectively. Mesoamerican drought resistant genotypes BAT477, V8025 and Rio Tibagi have shown moderate Yd and high Yp (White et al., 1994a). The stability of performance under stress for the drought resistant RILs will be determined across additional locations and years. A Mesoamerican genotype with complimentary drought resistance genes from a Durango genotype might have a greater impact on drought-prone areas than either a Mesoamerican or Durango genotype. The goal in breeding for drought resistance in common bean was to combine mechanisms of drought tolerance and avoidance into a broadly-adapted genotype that produced high yields under stress and non-stress conditions. The resistant mechanisms of avoidance and tolerance are so integrated that separation is not always possible. Improving drought resistance will require combining plant traits known to be beneficial in performance under stress. In traditional breeding, selection based on GM across treatments accounts for all traits contributing to yield without distinguishing between drought resistance mechanisms. If avoidance traits could be combined with tolerance 65 traits, drought resistance could be improved in common bean. Traits such as growth habit, root architecture, osmotic adjustment, or indirect selection using linked molecular markers could be useful in population development for drought resistance in common bean. Root Study The hypothesis that deep-penetrating roots contribute to drought resistance in common bean was tested. Separate field experiments have supported this hypothesis (Sponchiado et al., 1989; White and Castillo, 1989; White and Castillo, 1992). Since only a small numbers of genotypes have been compared and BAT 477 was mainly used in associating drought resistance to roOting depth, new studies were deemed necessary. The pouch method was used to ascertain whether seedling root growth correlated to field performance. Genetic differences in root systems can be measured in early stages of development of common bean (less than 20 dap) . The pouch method was designed to study root vascular systems (McMichael et al., 1985) and was modified to study drought resistance in bean (Yabba, 2001). It was also used to study plant response to phosphorus availability (Liao et al., 2001). Genotypes responding in a phosphorus-efficient manner allocated roots to shallow soil horizons during phosphorus stress. Inefficient genotypes would continue to grow deeper. These differences in root length for phosphorus accumulation substantiate an investigation of root length correlations to drought stress. One disadvantage of the pouch study is that it yields a two-dimensional root. Although not representative of natural conditions where roots can grow in three- dimensional directions, it makes digital scanning easier. Digital root images from the pouches were used to measure root length and root architecture. Computer analysis using 66 WinRhionM increases root measurement efficiency so that more tedious measurements can be performed in a shorter time and with less error. Root length and root architecture were measured in population L88 in which the parents contrasted in root length (Table 15). Root architecture among RILS did correlate with yield performance under stress, whereas total root length did not (Table 14). Using fractal dimension to describe root architecture, drought resistant genotypes exhibited a root structure equipped for deep soil-water extraction while drought susceptible genotypes did not possess the same root architecture. This relationship was not observed among the parents. The drought resistant parent, B98311, exhibited a highly branched root system unlike the deep taproot structure considered to be important in terminal drought conditions (Sponchiado et al., 1989). Additional drought resistant genes unrelated to root structure must be present in B98311 to account for its yield performance under stress. Root Length The measurement of root length for the whole root system and for specific diameter classes provides usefirl information into root components. Ten different root classes based on root diameter and used in previous root studies (Yabba, 2001) were measured to provide a better understanding of root architecture in different bean genotypes. Root components were primarily classified into four classes: adventitious, basal, tap and lateral roots (Stoffella et al., 1979). The acquisition of root data through WinRhionM in the present study did not measure root length based on these root components, but on different components that have the same diameter. Even though 67 correlations can not be made to individual root components, the diameter of root segments will govern its importance and use in water accumulation. Results were ascertained based on the assumption that root diameters will continue to expand such that the large diameters will always be larger than the small diameters. Therefore, root classes of small diameters (0-1 .5 mm) represent fine roots and large diameters (>3.5mm) represent taproots. Taproots positively correlated to Yp and fine roots negatively correlated to Yd (Table 14). The correlation with taproots were opposite than expected as taproots were expected to associate with Yd. This data showed that short fine root length supports yield performance under stress conditions and long taproots contribute to yield potential. Roots that are longer at a greater diameter have more potential to transport increased volumes of water from the soil. Potentially these roots would continue to increase in grth so that the root genotype is representative of a deep and large-width taproot. Large taproots are able to keep the shoot well supplied with water. The I class (4045 mm), representing the taproots, was significantly correlated .with Yp, r = 0.19"""r (Table 14). Since the parents showed the same relationship as the drought resistant and susceptible RILs in the I class, this taproot measurement is suggested as a selection criterion for Yp. Fine roots were negatively correlated to yield performance under stress. Greater fine root length would be detrimental to performance under stress. Although fine roots, measured at the 0.5-1 .0 mm diameter, negatively correlated to Yd in Honduras, they positively correlated to yield in Saginaw, Michigan. Since the plots in Saginaw were space-planted, individual plants grew without competition nor water stress. More fine 68 roots allow a more extensive exploration of the soil which would logically account for more yield at this location. This conclusion was supported by a previous study in which root characteristics were studied in drought resistant and susceptible bean genotypes (Yabba, 2001). Eight genotypes were compared in the pouch method under non-stress and water stressed treatments induced by abcisic acid. Drought resistant genotypes had less fine root length than drought susceptible genotypes suggesting that fine roots did not impart resistance to drought (Yabba, 2001). Total root length of these eight genotypes averaged at 1899 mm (Yabba, 2001). The RILs of population L88 had a slightly larger total root length of 1959 mm. The larger root length can be attributed to the root length of B9831 1. This breeding line was derived from Michigan germplasm whereas the eight other genotypes were mainly derived from Latin America (Yabba, 2001). The range of total root length was also greater in pOpulation L88 than among the eight genotypes. In population L88 mean values ranged from 1230 to 2694 compared to 1530 to 2350 mm from the eight tested genotypes (Yabba, 2001). Greater variation was recorded in population of L88, which encourages the use of populations segregating for root characteristics. However, the differences among individual genotypes for total root length were not significant enough to be used as an indirect selection criterion. Root Architecture Fractal dimension was first described to mathematically explain complex objects of nature (Mandelbrot, 1977). Recently in common bean, fractal dimension has been used to describe root architecture which aids in drought avoidance (Lynch and van Beem, 1993; 69 Niel des €85 l9 Nielsen et al., 1997). Fractal dimension is promising as a selection criterion because it describes root branching patterns independently of root size (Fitter et al., 1988). It is also easy to measure and is a single number amenable to mass screening (Lynch and van Beem, 1993) In a breeding program, screening methods cannot be time consuming nor laborious as large numbers of individuals need to be evaluated. The pouch method and WinRhionM computer analysis make data collection for fractal dimension relatively easy while the digital root image provides a permanent record. The WinRhionM program has simplified a difficult mathematical calculation. Complete root systems must be measured and need to be in a two-dimensional format. This orientation is not representative of the root system growth in situ. In order to fully exploit the genetic variation of root architecture, root measurement technology must consider three-dimensional models (Lynch and van Beem, 1993). Measurement of fractal dimension for roots grown in a narrow space or excavated and flattened prior to analysis may be problematic (Nielsen et al., 1997). Three- dimensional root structures can be measured in trench excavations by marking the root intersections on the exposed planes of soil. This method is not suitable for screening large numbers of individuals. Currently, screening for root characteristics in a breeding program is only possible with two-dimensional representations of roots. Fractal dimension is always reported in values between one and two. Roots exhibiting a deep penetrating taproot or herringbone structure (Figure 9) should have a low fractal dimension, less than 1.50 whereas, highly branching roots exhibiting a dicotymous structure should have a high fractal dimension greater than 1.50. This derivation was 70 supported in a study (Lynch and van Beem, 1993), where root systems from short, bush type I bean plants had a larger fractal dimension than climbing type IV plants with a long taproot and fewer root meristcms. The range of fractal dimension in the 81 RILS of population L88 ranged from 1.41 to 1.65 with a mean of 1.50. This range is similar to the reported fractal dimension of other leguminous species, peanut (1.56), garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) (1.57) (Tatsumi et al., 1989), and common bean (1.33 to 1.59) (Lynch and van Beem, 1993). The top five drought resistant RILs had a mean fractal dimension of 1.48 whereas mean fractal dimension of the corresponding five susceptible RILs was 1.52. The resistant RILs were not significantly different than the susceptible RILS for fractal dimension. The negative correlations (r = 0.13*) of fiactal dimension to Yd indicates that as fractal dimension gets smaller, Yd increases. Fractal dimension did not adequately separate drought resistant genotypes from susceptible genotypes. Since only field data under stress was available from one location, results are tentative. Root characteristics associated with drought resistance allow breeders to combine root traits with tolerance traits and to select genotypes with specific root characteristics for drought resistance. Detailed root measurements can help explain the plant’s response to drought stress. Avoidance and tolerance traits could be separately identified and combined to improve drought resistance in common bean. Since the fractal dimensions of B98311 and TLP 19 do not correlate with drought resistant and drought susceptible RILs, fiactal dimension as a technique for selecting parents is not suggested. Out of the three root characteristics that correlated to yield performance under stress only the I class (4.0-4.5 mm) reflected the parental values. 71 The tecl 19 CE tl Therefore, selection for the larger taproot (1 class) is suggested as an indirect screening technique for selecting parents of fiiture drought resistant populations. Molecular markers RAPD markers previously associated with drought resistance (Schneider et al., 1997a) were tested for their usefulness in this study. Two linkage groups (4 and 9) which explained more than 10 % in yield variation under drought stress in pinto bean populations were analyzed in the two black bean populations L88 and L91 (Table A8). Only one of these LGs was polymorphic between three parents. RAPD markers associated with drought resistance in common bean were previously used in MAS (Schneider et al., 1997a). Nine LGs were present in the one population. Although two LGs (4 and 9) explained over 10 % in the combined analysis across seven locations, only LG 9 with two flanking markers was used in MAS. A 3 % gain in Yd was obtained in one pinto population using the four markers as selection criteria. The markers were inefficient in previous studies because Yd was a moderately heritable trait in one pinto population being tested (Schneider et al., 1997a). The most resistant genotype, T-3016 from one pinto population, was a parent of B98311. Most markers linked to drought resistance in T-3016 were not passed on to B98311, except for three of four markers on LG 4 (Table A8). Linkage group 4 explained 12 % of the variation in Yd and GM across seven locations (Schneider et al., 1997a). Only two markers from LG 4 were tested in populations L88 and L91 since the other two markers were either not scoreable (A16850) or monomorphic between parents (V 01330)- The two markers, F06970 and 103,130, explained 5 % of the variation in Yp in populations 72 L88 ior 1 CM V3 it L88 and were tightly linked with no cross-overs. Every RIL that showed a band presence for F06970 also showed a presence in 1031 130 and vice versa, whereas they were mapped 8 cM apart in a previous study (Schneider et al., 1997a). The linkage relationship of F 06970 and 1031130 in population L88 and the extent of variation explained suggest that a QTL was transferred to the L88 population from T-3016 through the resistant parent, B98311. Further research is needed to validate the continued usefulness of these markers in MAS for drought resistance and locate the markers on the bean core map (Freyre et al., 1998). Regression analysis was conducted to determine the best variables to use for indirect selection for Yd. Root characteristics and molecular markers associated with yield potential, explained 9 % of the variation of Yd and 16 % of the variation in Yp. The reliability of screening techniques is necessary for plant breeders to consistently select for the desired trait. Since drought resistance is a quantitative trait, indirect selection using plant attributes or molecular markers will vary according to the environmental conditions. Selection criterion must be highly associated to drought resistance across multiple locations to substantiate its potential in breeding for drought resistance in common bean. 73 110 p6 UT. iii CONCLUSIONS Terminal drought stress negatively affected bean productivity in the lowland tropics. Transgressive segregation for yield was shown by 15 % of the RILS that out- performed the three parents and seven checks. Drought resistant RILs yielded 700 kg/ha under stress and 2500 kg/ha under non-stress conditions in Honduras. In Montcalm, Michigan, drought resistant genotypes yielded up to 4000 kg/ha in minimal drought stress conditions preventing confirmation of drought resistance. Broad adaptation and performance of genotypes under stress across different environments could not be evaluated. Drought resistance results are based on one location and will be confirmed. However, the drought resistant genotypes show great potential for increasing yields of common bean in Honduras and Michigan. Breeding programs can incorporate yield and drought resistance traits from the black bean RILs into locally adapted material with commercially acceptable seed types. Areas of the Latin American/Carribean region where common bean is planted into dry season will benefit the most. Further testing in different locations will identify the zone of adaptation for the drought resistant RILs. 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Line entry Yield Rank 100 sw Line entry Yield Rank 100 sw kg/ha kg/ha L88-1 1 3847 21 26.5 L91-1 82 3106 32 24.5 L88-2 2 3048 62 24.3 L91-2 83 3272 24 26.3 L88-3 3 3295 52 23.5 L91-3 84 2006 67 23.4 L88-4 4 3923 16 22.8 L91-4 85 2867 46 28.3 L88-5 5 3171 59 22.4 L91-5 86 3541 10 26.4 L88-6 6 2981 66 23.0 L91-6 87 3186 27 24.5 L88-7 7 3662 35 25.6 L91-7 88 3285 23 28.0 L88-8 8 3529 41 22.2 L91-8 89 3444 14 25.2 L88-9 9 3249 56 21.5 L91-9 90 2926 45 24.5 L88-10 10 4583 3 21.7 L91-10 91 3303 21 24.1 L88-11 11 2491 80 20.0 L91-11 92 2046 66 20.7 L88-12 12 3281 54 23.6 L91-12 93 3142 29 26.7 L88-13 13 3418 49 24.0 L91-13 94 2930 44 25.6 L88-14 14 4540 4 24.8 L91-14 95 2208 65 25.4 L88-1 5 1 5 3588 39 23.4 L91-15 96 3337 19 26.8 L88-16 16 3840 22 23.3 L91-16 97 3594 9 29.6 L88-17 17 3483 44 23.7 L91-17 98 3699 7 24.8 L88-18 18 2644 78 22.5 L91-18 99 3139 30 24.7 L88-19 19 3644 37 22.6 L91-19 100 3865 5 26.2 L88-20 20 3951 15 21.5 L91-20 101 2813 49 26.4 L88-21 21 4926 1 25.4 L91-21 102 2393 61 23.2 L88-22 22 3459 45 23.3 L91-22 103 3074 33 23.7 L88-23 23 4071 13 24.1 L91-23 104 3163 28 22.5 L88-24 24 3649 36 23.4 L91-24 105 2422 60 24.3 L88-25 25 3012 63 20.7 L91-25 106 2538 58 28.8 L88-26 26 2863 71 21.3 L91-26 107 4042 3 26.6 L88-27 27 2257 81 19.0 L91-27 108 2628 56 22.5 L88-28 28 3663 34 21.9 L91-28 109 2219 64 21.3 L88-29 29 4159 9 25.4 L91-29 1 10 2951 43 22.5 L88-30 30 3485 43 22.1 L91-30 1 1 1 3488 13 28.8 L88-31 31 2694 76 21.5 L91-31 112 3505 11 23.7 L88-32 32 2671 77 23.8 L91 -32 1 1 3 3022 39 28.7 L88-33 33 2928 70 24.0 L91-33 114 3977 4 27.1 L88-34 34 3139 60 25.2 L91-34 1 1 5 2757 52 21 .3 L88-35 35 4621 2 22.6 L91-35 116 2670 54 25.8 L88-36 36 3788 25 24.1 L91-36 117 2991 42 26.8 L88-37 37 41 15 12 25.1 L91-37 1 18 2866 47 26.2 L88-38 38 3887 20 20.6 L91-38 119 2630 55 23.4 L88-39 39 3327 51 20.3 L91-39 120 3839 6 25.5 L88-40 40 2566 79 19.7 L91-40 121 3233 25 25.4 L88-41 41 3721 30 24.9 L91-41 122 3405 17 24.2 L88-42 42 3458 46 23.3 L91-42 123 1922 68 21.2 L88-43 43 4140 10 24.3 L91-43 124 3133 31 25.8 L88-44 44 3002 64 1 8.9 L91 -44 125 2242 63 23.8 L88-45 45 2713 74 22.0 L91-45 126 3050 35 22.1 86 Table A1. Continued. Line entry Yield fink 100 sw Line entry Yield Rank 100 sw kg/ha g kg/ha g L88-46 46 4161 8 24.8 L91-46 127 3012 40 25.1 L88-47 47 2735 73 23.8 L91-47 128 3001 41 24 .4 L88-48 48 4367 6 24 .0 L91 -48 1 29 3291 22 24 .4 L88-49 49 3785 26 21.5 L91-49 130 4109 2 26.4 L88-50 50 3546 40 22.0 L91-50 131 3492 12 23.9 L88-51 51 2949 68 24.3 L91-51 132 3643 8 25.6 L88-52 52 3223 58 23.6 L91 -52 1 33 3429 16 22.9 L88-53 53 3907 1 7 26.0 L91-53 134 2564 57 22 .0 L88-54 54‘ 3779 27 25.8 L91-54 135 2261 62 19.3 L88-55 55 3450 47 22 .4 L91 -55 136 2757 51 24.1 L88-56 56 3517 42 20 .4 L91 -56 137 2814 48 25.4 L88-57 57 3241 57 22 .9 L91 -57 1 38 3022 38 28 .9 L88-58 58 2856 72 21 .8 L91-58 139 3217 26 25.0 L88-59 59 3968 14 23 .1 L91 ~59 140 3054 34 25.7 L88-60 60 3896 1 9 22 .9 L91 -60 141 3322 20 24.7 L88-61 61 2995 65 21 .8 L91-61 142 3026 37 25.0 L88-62 62 3441 48 23 .0 L91 -62 143 3040 36 21 .3 L88-63 63 3813 23 21 .8 L91 -63 144 4323 1 28.9 L88-64 64 3066 61 22.3 L91 -64 145 2459 59 24.4 L88-65 65 3293 53 25.8 L91-65 146 2779 50 21 .6 L88-66 66 3793 24 21 .7 L91 -66 147 2728 53 21 .9 L88-67 67 2963 67 19.6 L91-67 148 3440 15 28.9 L88-68 68 4277 7 23.2 L91-68 149 1868 69 22.4 L88-69 69 3697 33 24.8 L91 -69 1 50 3396 1 8 26.0 L88-70 70 2949 69 21 .7 L88-71 71 3603 38 23.4 L88-72 72 3738 28 20.7 L88-73 73 2706 75 21 .3 L88-74 74 3250 55 21 .8 L88-75 75 4453 5 25.2 L88-76 76 3389 50 25.3 L88-77 77 3720 31 23.3 L88-78 78 3724 29 25.5 L88-79 79 3902 1 8 23.8 L88-80 80 371 3 32 22 .3 L88-81 81 41 gs 1 1 fi26.8 87 Table A2. F reld data for 160 genotypes from drought treatment in_ Honduras 2001. Line Flori tht Lodg Matr DS PM Mac Mac Stnd Yield Pct 100 Bio HI 45d 75d moist sw mass d cm d d g/mz m2 L88-1 42 43 2 84 3 73 6 13 28 39.3 - 17.6 510.3 0.08 L88-2 42 34 2 82 2 71 5 21 30 21.2 - 16.9 198.5 0.12 L88-3 43 45 2 82 4 73 2 9 30 128.5 12.3 19.5 633.1 0.17 L88-4 42 37 2 82 2 72 2 19 25 23.8 - 19.6 302.4 0.07 L88-5 41 40 3 81 4 70 2 11 27 79.8 - 15.8 396.9 0.20 L88-6 41 41 1 82 5 71 6 12 28 79.1 10.2 18.5 396.9 0.23 L88-7 42 37 3 82 3 74 4 12 30 60.2 - 19.3 472.5 0.14 L88-8 42 38 2 82 3 73 1 19 26 46.2 - 16.5 321.3 0.13 L88-9 45 35 2 82 2 75 7 27 24 31.1 - 17.4 179.6 0.15 L88-10 42 34 2 82 4 72 10 14 29 71.2 - 17.4 302.4 0.24 L88-11 40 38 1 80 4 70 7 16 26 63.7 11.5 17.8 264.6 0.22 L88-12 43 45 2 84 2 76 3 11 30 22.3 - 16.8 368.5 0.07 L88-13 42 40 2 81 3 72 0 12 29 121.6 11.3 19.0 472.5 0.25 L88-14 42 43 2 82 3 74 4 9 31 43.9 - 18.4 406.3 0.14 L88-15 42 38 2 82 3 71 4 15 26 53.0 - 18.7 378.0 0.15 L88-16 42 36 3 82 5 71 7 8 30 89.4 - 18.3 387.4 0.22 L88-17 41 39 2 81 4 70 1 13 29 99.4 - 19.1 302.4 0.33 L88-18 43 42 1 83 2 75 4 19 25 7.4 - - 368.5 0.04 L88-19 41 43 2 82 4 74 5 11 27 117.3 - 19.2 378.0 0.31 L88-20 41 39 2 80 3 70 1 16 27 67.2 - 14.8 387.4 0.21 L88-21 44 37 2 82 3 73 1 8 28 37.5 - 18.9 585.9 0.07 L88-22 41 46 2 81 3 71 1 15 27 52.9 - 16.0 321.3 0.17 L88-23 42 32 1 81 3 72 3 11 28 36.1 - 15.2 207.9 0.17 L88-24 42 43 2 82 2 74 1 19 27 48.9 - 19.0 368.5 0.13 L88-25 42 44 2 81 4 72 6 14 30 85.2 11.5 18.6 434.7 0.16 L88-26 43 36 2 83 2 75 1 13 29 55.5 12.1 15.4 321.3 0.14 L88-27 42 41 2 82 4 73 1 12 30 80.4 - 15.7 340.2 0.27 L88-28 42 41 2 83 3 75 5 15 27 46.4 - 17.6 264.6 0.18 L88-29 42 35 2 83 3 73 6 18 26 48.9 - 17.6 226.8 0.19 L88-30 42 42 1 83 5 72 0 11 26 156.2 11.6 18.3 378.0 0.36 L88-31 41 43 2 82 5 72 2 10 29 135.4 11.6 18.9 406.3 0.33 L88-32 42 41 1 82 3 72 5 16 30 60.2 - 20.1 340.2 0.17 L88-33 42 40 2 82 3 71 11 16 22 58.1 - 17.2 311.8 0.18 L88-34 41 37 2 83 2 75 3 14 22 44.4 11.7 19.2 359.1 0.10 L88-35 41 38 1 81 3 72 1 10 30 61.6 - 18.1 283.5 0.22 L88-36 42 35 2 82 4 73 4 12 30 43.6 - 18.2 274.0 0.15 L88-37 43 36 2 82 2 72 4 16 24 34.4 - 21.0 207.9 0.14 L88-38 42 40 2 81 3 72 7 20 29 54.3 - 17.9 236.3 0.23 L88-39 42 37 2 82 3 72 3 13 29 47.3 - 15.8 255.2 0.17 L88-40 42 36 1 83 3 71 6 15 24 53.3 - 17.2 311.8 0.14 L88-41 43 44 2 84 2 74 3 12 28 46.0 - 19.9 368.5 0.12 L88-42 42 44 2 82 3 75 1 10 29 68.4 - 17.8 500.8 0.13 L88-43 43 31 2 82 2 73 5 11 26 33.5 - 19.6 302.4 0.08 L88-44 42 43 1 83 3 72 1 10 30 74.2 11.6 17.5 567.0 0.15 L88-45 41 38 2 82 3 71 6 17 30 39.5 - 16.3 283.5 0.15 00 00 Table A2. Continued. Line Flor tht Lodg Mair 08 PM Mac Mac Stnd Yield Pct 100 Bio HI 45d 75d moist sw mass d cm d d glm’ g glm2 L88-46 41 36 1 82 3 72 3 22 27 33.2 - 17.2 217.4 0.14 L88-47 42 39 2 82 2 73 3 9 30 56.4 - 17.9 472.5 0.11 L88-48 42 39 2 82 3 72 3 13 28 32.4 - 17.8 292.9 0.12 L88-49 42 41 2 83 3 74 6 12 30 76.7 - 18.5 491.4 0.16 L88-50 40 42 2 80 4 70 1 12 30 104.0 - 17.4 368.5 0.28 L88-51 41 37 2 80 5 70 2 14 30 92.2 - 19.0 321.3 0.28 L88-52 43 39 2 83 2 74 2 18 29 32.2 - 18.2 349.6 0.09 L88-53 41 36 2 82 3 70 2 8 30 79.2 11.8 19.9 340.2 0.23 L88-54 44 43 2 83 3 73 3 14 30 56.5 - 19.1 415.8 0.16 L88-55 41 35 2 82 3 71 4 13 30 42.8 - 17.7 283.5 0.14 L88-56 40 36 2 80 4 71 1 21 26 76.9 - 18.6 236.3 0.32 L88-57 42 34 1 82 3 72 5 14 30 35.4 - 16.3 255.2 0.14 L88-58 40 36 2 82 5 73 3 14 30 107.4 - 18.2 311.8 0.33 L88-59 42 46 2 83 4 74 1 11 30 100.6 11.6 19.9 444.1 0.23 L88-60 41 36 2 81 3 72 0 11 28 55.0 11.3 17.2 396.9 0.12 L88-61 41 38 2 81 6 72 4 12 30 111.6 - 17.1 330.7 0.33 L88-62 41 40 2 82 2 71 2 17 30 44.2 - 17.2 311.8 0.15 L88-63 41 46 2 82 5 72 3 12 30 181.8 19.9 16.7 500.8 0.34 L88-64 40 30 1 83 2 74 6 11 27 18.4 - - 255.1 0.07 L88-65 42 40 2 82 3 73 5 16 26 46.7 - 19.7 255.1 0.20 L88-66 39 38 2 81 5 71 2 10 30 122.8 - 18.3 330.7 0.38 L88-67. 42 39 2 82 2 73 2 15 26 41.9 - 14.5 207.9 0.21 L88-68 41 39 2 82 3 71 8 15 30 90.9 - 20.9 302.4 0.29 L88-69 42 39 2 83 4 73 2 8 27 138.5 12.7 17.5 396.9 0.28 L88-70 40 40 2 82 4 72 3 10 30 73.5 - 18.0 453.6 0.17 L88-71 41 41 2 83 3 74 2 16 30 53.3 - 15.9 255.2 0.20 L88-72 42 41 2 81 4 71 5 14 30 70.9 - 17.9 425.2 0.16 L88-73 42 33 2 80 3 72 0 11 25 44.9 11.2 18.3 311.8 0.15 L88-74 41 45 2 82 4 69 0 10 30 160.3 12.7 16.9 548.1 0.28 L88-75 42 45 2 82 4 73 1 13 30 84.8 - 19.7 472.5 0.19 L88-76 42 40 3 82 4 73 1 4 30 81.3 - 20.0 415.8 0.20 L88-77 42 34 2 84 3 74 14 17 24 50.0 - 16.6 217.4 0.20 L88-78 41 41 2 83 3 72 0 12 30 64.7 - 19.0 463.0 0.13 L88-79 43 40 2 82 4 75 6 13 30 62.9 - 19.0 349.6 0.17 L88-80 41 35 2 82 3 69 6 18 25 63.6 - 20.0 217.4 0.25 L88-81 42 40 2 81 3 70 1 10 29 56.9 - 16.2 349.6 0.17 L91-1 41 40 2 80 3 69 3 10 29 36.0 - 18.0 207.9 0.17 L91-2 44 43 2 82 3 74 2 7 30 21.1 - 19.5 368.5 0.06 L91-3 41 40 2 81 3 71 1 12 28 91.1 11.2 20.3 311.8 0.23 L91-4 41 42 3 82 2 72 4 18 29 38.7 - 22.7 330.7 0.09 L91-5 41 36 1 82 1 74 9 26 19 25.2 - 20.3 141.8 0.15 L91-6 42 46 2 82 3 73 2 7 30 43.4 - 19.1 321.3 0.15 \91-7 40 43 3 82 3 72 0 6 30 81.5 - 22.9 453.6 0.18 L91-8 43 43 2 83 2 73 4 10 27 17.3 - 19.9 283.5 0.07 L91-9 42 41 2 83 2 74 2 13 30 39.8 - 24.0 255.1 0.14 00 \O Table A2. Continued. Line Flor tht Lodg Matr o"s""'PM Mac Mac Stnd Yield Sci 100 Ea HI 45d 75d moist sw mass d cm d d g/m2 9 g/m’ L91-10 42 48 2 82 3 73 2 1o 30 98.1 12.8 21.3 396.9 0.23 L91-11 43 43 2 82 2 72 1 17 28 36.2 - 17.2 217.4 0.15 L91-12 42 37 2 83 2 73 2 9 24 22.7 - 17.9 160.7 0.13 L91-13 43 39 2 83 2 74 1 7 33 13.9 - - 368.5 0.04 L91-14 48 43 2 83 3 72 o 7 28 21.9 - 20.2 415.8 0.06 L91-15 45 44 3 82 3 73 4 9 29 82.5 - 20.9 538.6 0.12 L91-16 44 42 2 83 3 75 1 7 30 57.3 - 21.4 425.2 0.14 L91-17 42 44 2 83 4 73 1 8 29 32.9 - 19.0 396.9 0.08 L91-18 41 43 1 79 3 70 4 8 30 80.8 - 17.9 283.5 0.21 L91-19 47 42 2 84 2 75 3 8 30 5.8 - - 408.3 0.01 L91-20 42 47 2 83 3 75 1 8 33 50.4 - 23.0 510.3 0.10 L91-21 42 43 2 82 3 73 2 8 27 50.0 11.6 19.1 349.8 0.11 L91-22 41 37 1 82 2 73 1 14 27 13.4 - 18.1 311.8 0.04 L91-23 45 51 2 85 2 74 1 7 30 41.9 - 21.4 510.3 0.08 L91-24 43 39 2 83 3 72 3 12 27 35.4 - 20.8 408.3 0.09 L91-25 41 48 2 82 4 70 o 5 30 113.0 10.8 19.7 529.2 0.23 L91-26 41 41 3 82 3 71 3 8 28 78.0 - 21.0 415.8 0.17 L91-27 41 39 2 81 3 71 0 12 22 38.8 - 18.8 189.0 0.19 L91-28 44 48 2 83 3 75 1 2 30 35.9 11.3 20.3 340.2 0.20 L91-29 4o 48 3 82 4 71 0 7 27 79.1 - 19.6 349.6 0.23 L91-30 42 43 2 82 4 73 1 7 30 130.7 - 24.7 387.4 0.33 L91-31 43 42 2 82 3 73 3 15 28 42.1 - 18.9 302.4 0.12 L91-32 42 39 2 82 2 72 1 21 29 14.2 - - 245.7 0.06 L91-33 41 50 2 81 3 71 2 8 30 82.3 10.5 20.0 453.8 0.18 L91-34 42 44 1 81 3 72 3 14 30 40.3 - 17.8 284.8 0.18 1.9135 41 37 2 82 2 72 1 8 30 48.5 10.5 17.2 292.9 0.14 L91-36 43 34 2 83 3 73 5 9 28 27.5 - 20.8 245.7 0.10 L91-37 44 38 2 83 2 75 1 7 27 10.9 - - 388.5 0.05 L91-38 42 38 2 82 4 73 4 18 30 57.8 - 18.6 284.8 0.22 L91-39 43 41 2 82 2 74 0 9 28 27.9 - 19.8 264.6 0.09 L91-40 42 42 2 83 3 72 3 12 30 80.0 12.1 19.2 359.1 0.15 1.9141 42 37 2 81 3 71 5 20 29 12.8 - 17.7 170.1 0.08 1.9142 42 44 2 82 3 72 1 4 30 37.9 - 17.5 491.4 0.08 L91-43 42 4o 2 83 3 72 1 1o 30 58.3 - 19.7 406.3 0.14 1.9144 48 48 2 83 3 75 1 8 30 34.9 - 17.3 434.7 0.09 L91-45 41 47 2 81 3 71 o 2 30 80.9 10.8 17.3 453.6 0.14 L91-46 44 45 2 81 3 72 1 8 30 88.9 - 24.5 538.8 0.14 L91-47 4o 38 1 80 2 70 2 7 30 43.4 - 16.3 274.0 0.18 L91-48 43 48 2 82 3 71 0 11 28 88.1 12.9 21.2 500.8 0.13 L91-49 45 38 2 83 3 73 2 14 27 12.5 - - 217.4 0.06 L91-50 40 39 2 83 3 72 2 15 29 44.1 - 18.5 228.8 0.20 L91-51 41 48 3 81 3 72 1 7 30 58.8 - 24.4 302.4 0.19 L91-52 47 45 2 83 2 75 1 1o 27 8.6 - 18.2 238.3 0.04 L91-53 43 41 2 82 3 74 1 4 30 14.5 - - 387.4 0.03 L91-54 4o 33 2 82 4 72 1 9 30 19.3 - 27.8 217.4 0.09 1.355 43 45 2 83 4; 73 1 10 28 52.9 10.2 23.5 349.8 0.1; 90 Table A2. Continued. Line L91-56 L91-57 L91-58 L91-59 L91-60 L91-61 L91-62 L91-63 L91-64 L91-65 L91-66 L91-67 L91-68 L91-69 Tacana V8025 Tio Canela 898311 VAX 5 TLP 19 BAT 477 Rio Tibagi EAP 9510-77 LEE 5 Flor tht Lodg Matr o' s'"P"M Mac Mac Stnd Yield ict 100 818 Hi 450 75d moist sw mass d cm d dL g/mz m2 42 48 2 82 3 71 1 19 30 68.0 - 20.8 396.9 0.17 42 39 2 84 2 75 0 14 25 18.0 - 20.5 349.6 0.06 42 41 3 80 3 71 2 11 30 30.8 - 20.6 340.2 0.10 41 49 2 82 3 72 2 11 30 107.0 12.2 19.7 396.9 0.21 42 43 2 83 3 72 2 14 29 35.6 - 19.6 283.5 0.13 42 38 2 82 2 74 0 14 30 37.9 - 20.2 321.3 0.13 42 45 2 82 3 74 2 9 24 69.7 - 21.8 425.2 0.12 42 37 1 83 2 72 7 22 30 29.3 - 20.4 283.5 0.09 42 44 2 81 3 71 5 8 29 49.2 - 17.6 378.0 0.12 45 39 2 83 3 75 2 5 30 23.2 - 22.8 349.6 0.07 43 43 2 82 3 74 0 7 30 31.9 - 19.0 330.7 0.10 43 41 2 83 3 73 2 10 28 29.6 - 18.7 396.9 0.07 44 37 2 82 2 74 0 5 30 8.7 - - 359.1 0.02 47 41 2 84 2 75 2 11 30 4.5 - - 576.4 0.01 42 36 2 84 2 73 8 15 25 34.1 - 15.4 378.0 0.10 42 3O 3 81 3 72 2 6 30 49.1 - 16.8 292.9 0.18 40 33 2 80 3 71 1 7 30 49.9 - 17.6 387.4 0.14 41 47 2 80 3 69 3 21 26 71.4 11.8 17.8 368.5 0.19 41 39 2 81 3 72 2 10 27 48.0 - 21.8 349.6 0.15 45 35 2 84 3 76 1 7 30 40.6 - 18.5 396.9 0.10 41 33 3 80 2 71 0 12 26 76.7 - 19.7 557.5 0.10 41 43 2 82 3 72 2 11 26 69.8 - 16.1 699.3 0.11 41 29 2 82 3 72 4 15 26 41.2 - 19.4 359.1 0.11 35 37 2 72 4 65 1 7 27 104.8 - 20.8 264.6 0.40 1' Flor - days to flowering, tht - Height, Lodg - Lodg‘ing (1-5), Matr - days to maturity, DS - Desirability Score (1-9), PM - Physiological maturity, Mac 45d - Macrophorrrina incidence at 45 days, Mac 75d - Macrophomina incidence at 75 days, Stnd - Stand, Pct moist - percent moisture, 100 sw - 100 seed weight, HI - Harvest Index 91 Table A3. Field data for 160 genotype es fiom non- -stre_ss treatment in Honduras 2001. Line Flori tht Lodg Matr 08 PM Mac Mac Stnd Yield Pct 100 Bio HI 45d 75d moist sw mass d cm d d g/m2 lm2 L88-1 43 45 3 84 3 75 1 1 30 304.1 7.5 20.1 604.8 0.50 L88-2 41 45 3 82 3 73 2 2 29 360.5 8.2 19.4 869.4 0.44 L88-3 42 45 4 82 3 75 1 0 30 423.0 7.8 18.7 850.5 0.49 L88-4 42 44 4 81 3 72 1 2 30 379.9 8.5 18.2 756.0 0.50 L88-5 41 44 4 83 3 72 2 2 30 453.4 8.0 18.7 822.1 0.55 L88-6 42 46 4 86 4 78 4 4 25 487.4 8.7 20.3 907.2 0.53 L88-7 42 41 3 82 4 76 0 3 30 342.4 7.6 20.0 699.3 0.49 L88-8 42 44 4 83 4 74 1 2 30 461.3 7.2 20.2 859.9 0.53 L88-9 44 44 3 85 4 77 0 2 30 382.4 8.1 18.7 812.7 0.47 L88-10 42 41 3 80 4 73 0 1 30 385.2 7.2 17.8 756.0 0.51 L88-11 41 42 3 79 5 70 1 1 30 437.2 8.3 16.8 746.5 0.59 L88-12 44 48 4 85 3 79 1 1 30 528.7 7.7 19.8 973.3 0.54 L88-13 42 44 4 82 5 75 0 1 30 615.2 7.4 19.6 1143.4 0.54 L88-14 43 51 3 85 3 78 0 2 30 373.2 10.1 20.3 812.7 0.45 L88-15 41 42 5 79 2 71 0 1 30 395.5 8.0 18.4 680.4 0.62 L88-16 41 44 4 81 4 71 3 2 30 351.8 8.8 20.0 670.9 0.52 L88-17 43 44 3 83 4 75 0 1 30 414.3 8.3 17.1 841.0 0.49 L88-18 44 51 3 85 2 78 0 3 30 316.8 7.1 21.6 718.2 0.43 L88-19 43 46 3 84 4 77 0 0 30 461.0 8.1 20.4 859.9 0.53 L88-20 42 45 3 83 4 72 1 2 30 431.0 8.2 17.4 812.7 0.53 L88-21 44 46 4 85 3 78 0 1 30 348.0 8.4 21.7 954.4 0.37 L88-22 42 48 3 81 4 72 0 0 30 413.8 8.0 17.1 859.9 0.48 L88-23 41 48 3 79 4 74 1 1 30 369.9 7.5 18.1 718.2 0.51 L88-24 41 48 3 83 3 77 0 2 30 447.2 7.2 19.4 850.5 0.53 L88-25 42 45 3 81 4 72 2 2 30 428.7 7.9 17.8 793.8 0.55 L88-26 42 46 3 82 5 76 0 0 30 454.5 8.3 17.6 888.3 0.51 L88-27 41 40 3 82 5 74 0 1 30 411.4 8.3 16.5 784.3 0.52 L88-28 41 50 4 83 3 76 1 0 30 496.0 7.8 16.9 963.9 0.51 L88-29 42 48 3 81 5 73 1 1 30 446.7 8.0 17.4 850.5 0.52 L88-30 42 47 3 83 6 75 0 1 30 476.7 7.5 18.4 850.5 0.56 L88-31 42 40 3 81 5 75 0 0 30 364.7 7.6 18.8 623.7 0.58 L88-32 42 41 3 82 4 74 1 2 30 452.4 8.6 19.9 841.0 0.54 L88-33 41 44 3 82 5 74 4 6 30 389.0 7.9 19.1 803.2 0.50 L88-34 42 45 3 82 4 77 1 0 30 466.4 8.4 21.7 916.6 0.51 L88-35 41 43 3 80 4 74 1 1 30 417.2 7.3 18.1 765.4 0.55 L88-36 42 44 3 85 5 74 4 3 30 351.2 7.9 19.0 756.0 0.47 L88-37 44 47 3 84 3 76 1 2 30 313.6 7.1 21.8 756.0 0.42 L88-38 41 45 3 81 3 73 2 3 30 317.4 8.8 18.6 576.4 0.56 L88-39 42 44 3 81 4 75 1 1 30 499.4 8.7 16.1 926.1 0.53 L88-40 42 46 3 82 4 74 1 1 30 395.2 7.6 16.4 812.7 0.48 L88-41 43 50 3 82 4 75 0 2 30 413.8 7.6 21.0 774.9 0.53 L88-42 42 45 4 83 4 76 3 3 28 415.1 8.1 19.7 803.2 0.50 L88-43 44 48 3 82 4 74 0 0 30 525.5 7.8 19.9 982.8 0.53 L88-44 42 47 2 83 6 76 0 1 30 510.4 9.0 16.2 935.5 0.54 L88-45 40 44 3 81 5 71 3 5 30 353.1 7.7 19.5 708.7 0.50 92 Table A3. Continued. Line W tht Lodg Matr 05' PM Mac Mac Stnd Yieldect 100 1310 HI 45d 75d moist sw mass <1 cm (I d gfin2 m2 L88-46 42 48 3 82 4 73 1 2 30 429.3 8.5 18.7 916.6 0.47 L88-47 42 44 4 82 3 75 o o 30 492.3 8.3 19.9 907.2 0.54 L88-48 42 48 3 81 4 72 4 3 30 424.2 7.3 20.3 841.0 0.51 L88-49 43 45 3 83 4 78 o o 30 385.8 7.1 20.5 727.8 0.53 L88-50 41 43 3 81 8 72 1 4 30 442.8 7.6 19.8 737.10.80 L88-51 4o 39 3 81 5 72 2 5 30 441.5 7.4 20.1 784.3 0.57 L88-52 43 49 4 85 3 78 o 0 30 402.3 7.8 19.7 878.8 0.46 L88-53 43 40 4 84 2 74 5 8 30 370.9 7.1 22.8 737.10.49 L88-54 43 50 4 87 3 77 0 0 30 803.8 8.9 21211245054 L88-55 41 51 3 80 4 72 1 1 30 522.3 8.0 20410017052 L88-56 41 43 4 81 4 78 1 1 30 481.9 8.1 17.3 889.4 0.56 L88-57 42 48 4 83 4 75 3 4 30 541.4 8.4 18.3 982.8 0.55 L88-58 41 42 2 81 5 73 1 4 27 338.4 9.4 17.8 823.7 0.55 L88-59 42 52 4 84 3 78 1 0 30 493.8 7.4 18.1 973.3 0.51 L88-60 42 48 4 83 3 77 0 3 30 545.3 8.0 21210017054 L88-61 42 43 3 82 5 74 3 3 30 457.9 7.9 18.2 831.8 0.54 L88-62 42 48 4 81 3 72 0 o 30 401.1 6.4 20.2 869.4 0.46 L88-63 41 43 3 81 8 74 0 2 30 542.5 8.0 17.8 926.10.59 L88-64 41 44 3 82 4 74 1 1 30 389.9 8.2 18.7 803.2 0.48 L88-65 42 43 4 82 4 77 5 5 30 383.8 8.5 18.3 784.3 0.49 L88-66 40 43 3 82 5 72 1 5 30 545.2 8.4 17.4 983.9 0.57 L88-67 42 44 2 80 4 74 2 3 30 399.3 10.1 15.7 785.4 0.52 L88-68 42 45 4 80 4 72 o o 30 440.2 7.9 17.9 897.7 0.49 L88-69 41 45 3 80 5 75 1 1 30 512.2 7.9 18.2 945.0 0.55 L88-70 41 44 3 83 4 75 o 1 30 448.0 8.3 19.1 850.5 0.52 L88-71 42 51 3 84 4 78 2 1 30 438.3 8.3 17.1 869.4 0.51 L88-72 42 39 4 82 4 71 1 2 30 402.5 7.9 18.3 784.3 0.51 L88-73 41 42 4 83 3 74 o 2 30 411.7 8.2 18.9 841.0 0.49 L88-74 42 45 4 82 3 73 0 0 30 528.3 8.0 17.9 992.2 0.54 L88-75 42 48 3 82 4 75 2 4 30 394.7 8.2 18.5 822.10.48 L88-76 42 43 3 80 4 74 2 2 30 392.6 7.7 20.3 718.2 0.55 L88-77 42 42 3 80 5 73 o o 30 383.7 7.7 18.4 881.5 0.57 L88-78 42 43 4 83 4 74 0 1 30 532.9 8.7 21.7 973.3 0.54 L88-79 42 47 4 82 3 74 3 3 30 425.8 8.1 18.8 831.6 0.51 L88-80 41 44 3 81 3 71 o 0 30 412.8 7.5 19.1 803.2 0.51 L88-81 42 45 3 81 5 73 1 1 30 384.8 7.3 17.0 880.4 0.53 L91-1 41 44 4 79 4 71 o o 30 480.0 7.8 18.5 841.0 0.56 L91-2 48 53 3 85 3 78 2 2 30 321.3 8.7 23.1 870.9 0.48 L91-3 42 53 3 80 5 72 o o 30 508.8 8.5 18.9 926.10.55 1.914 42 45 3 83 3 74 1 1 30 371.8 9.0 22.5 774.9 0.47 L91-5 42 42 2 85 3 77 1 2 30 349.7 8.3 21.3 852.0 0.53 L91-6 41 48 3 81 4 73 2 1 30 459.2 8.5 20.9 831.8 0.55 L91-7 41 47 3 82 4 72 0 o 30 535.3 7.1 24.5 973.3 0.55 L91-8 43 45 3 83 3 77 1 4 30 339.3 9.0 24.0 623.7 0.54 L91-9 43 53 3 83 3 78 0 1 30 442.9 8.0 23.2 831.6 0.53 \O U) Table A3. Continued. Line Flor tht Lodg Matr o's' PM Mac Mac 51nd Yield Pct 100 8‘10 HI 45d 75d moist sw mass d c_n_1 d d g/m2 /m2 L91-10 42 - 49 3 88 3 75 1 1 30 474.1 9.3 22.8 850.5 0.55 L91-11 41 47 3 79 5 72 0 o 30 402.8 8.2 18.2 737.10.54 L91-12 42 48 3 82 3 78 1 1 30 419.0 7.3 22.5 793.8 0.54 L91-13 43 47 3 81 4 74 2 1 30 391.8 7.4 20.9 793.8 0.49 L91-14 43 45 3 84 4 74 o 2 30 258.3 7.9 21.0 889.8 0.38 L91—15 44 48 3 85 3 74 1 1 30 343.8 7.6 22.7 774.9 0.44 L91-16 44 43 3 84 3 78 3 3 30 338.9 7.2 23.9 708.7 0.47 L91-17 43 48 4 83 3 75 0 1 30 414.8 8.0 20.2 841.0 0.49 L91-18 41 44 3 82 5 73 2 3 25 421.5 8.6 19.8 784.3 0.54 L91-19 47 53 2 86 3 78 4 3 30 322.4 11.1 28.8 765.4 0.41 L91-20 42 44 3 82 4 78 1 1 30 352.4 19.6 24.2 737.1048 L91-21 43 48 3 84 3 78 0 1 30 438.6 7.8 20.5 888.3 0.49 L91-22 42 48 3 85 3 75 1 2 30 408.5 10.0 21.3 746.5 0.52 L91-23 45 51 3 85 4 77 2 1 30 490.0 8.1 22.41020.60.48 L91-24 43 45 2 85 4 75 0 1 30 305.0 8.8 19.9 842.8 0.48 L91-25 42 48 4 84 3 72 3 2 30 484.0 7.9 24.2 803.2 0.58 L91-26 41 45 4 80 5 73 o 2 30 472.7 7.9 21.2 831.6 0.56 L91-27 43 45 3 80 4 72 0 o 30 413.9 8.7 19.9 748.5 0.55 L91-28 43 47 3 88 3 79 0 1 30 307.5 7.9 19.7 633.10.48 L91-29 41 43 3 84 4 71 o o 30 371.6 8.0 19.1 670.9 0.55 L91-30 42 48 2 83 3 74 1 1 29 399.1 8.8 23.6 774.9 0.51 L91-31 43 48 3 81 3 74 1 2 30 328.8 10.1 20.8 623.7 0.51 L91-32 42 5o 3 85 3 76 1 o 30 429.1 7.8 22.3 897.7 0.49 L91-33 42 47 3 83 4 72 2 1 30 544.9 8.3 23.1 992.2 0.55 L91-34 41 48 2 81 5 73 2 2 30 419.8 8.5 18.1 737.10.57 L91-35 41 39 3 85 3 73 o o 30 377.5 7.8 20.7 727.8 0.52 L91-38 42 44 3 83 4 74 1 1 30 315.8 8.8 24.2 727.6 0.43 L91-37 44 51 4 88 3 78 0 o 30 440.9 9.3 22.8 831.6 0.53 L91-38 43 45 2 82 5 75 1 3 30 316.3 7.2 19.7 633.10.50 L91-39 41 49 3 83 2 75 0 0 30 369.8 8.8 21.5 746.5 0.50 L91-40 43 48 3 83 3 74 1 1 30 336.1 9.2 20.0 670.9 0.50 L91-41 42 45 3 84 4 72 1 1 30 356.5 8.8 21.2 774.9 0.48 L91-42 42 42 3 83 4 74 1 2 30 350.9 9.6 18.8 870.9 0.52 L91-43 43 44 3 83 4 73 1 1 30 522.7 7.7 21.4 983.9 0.54 L91-44 43 45 3 84 3 78 0 0 30 402.8 7.7 21.2 803.2 0.50 L91-45 42 48 3 83 5 73 1 1 30 519.7 9.3 19.3 926.10.56 1.9146 42 50 3 86 3 74 0 1 30 427.4 10.0 24.9 859.9 0.49 L91-47 41 47 2 82 4 72 o 1 30 353.8 8.2 18.9 670.9 0.51 L9148 42 48 3 85 3 74 o 1 30 297.9 8.6 21.9 670.9 0.42 L91-49 43 47 3 84 3 78 0 0 30 284.2 8.4 22.7 557.5 0.47 L91-50 41 42 3 81 4 74 1 2 30 338.7 7.6 20.4 633.10.54 L91-51 42 45 3 84 3 74 2 2 30 429.8 8.5 23.0 793.8 0.53 L91-52 45 51 4 82 2 78 1 1 30 332.1 7.7 19.9 756.0 0.43 L91-53 44 49 2 88 3 78 4 3 30 293.5 7.8 21.0 642.6 0.48 L91-54 42 37 3 82 3 73 2 3 30 296.8 9.5 18.2 557.5 0.52 L91-55 43 47 3 84 3 75 2 1 30 384.4 7.5 22.6 784.3 0.49 94 Table A3. Continued. Line Flor tht Lodg Matr DS_PM Mac MacJStnd Yield Pct 100 Bio HI 45d 75d moist sw mass (1 cm d 0 gm? /m2 L91-56 42 48 3 81 3 73 o 0 30 537.8 8.2 23.1 935.5 0.57 L91-57 42 47 3 82 4 74 1 0 30 449.4 8.0 24.5 907.2 0.49 L91-58 44 48 3 87 3 77 0 0 30 341.2 11.3 23.8 822.10.40 L91-59 43 52 3 84 3 78 o o 30 448.1 11.2 20.9 935.5 0.46 L91-60 41 45 3 82 3 74 0 0 30 340.0 8.2 18.8 803.2 0.42 L91-61 42 45 3 80 4 73 0 1 30 397.3 8.3 18.9 758.0 0.53 L91-62 44 50 3 83 4 78 o 0 30 358.2 8.7 21.4 737.10.48 L91-63 40 44 3 84 5 74 1 0 30 318.6 8.6 22.5 680.4 0.48 L91-64 42 43 4 83 3 73 1 0 30 448.8 7.2 17.4 869.4 0.52 L91-65 44 45 3 88 3 78 0 0 30 238.8 8.4 22.5 578.4 0.41 L91-66 44 43 3 84 3 76 0 1 30 402.8 8.1 21.1 793.8 0.50 L91-67 43 48 3 84 3 74 4 4 30 460.0 9.5 20.5 935.5 0.49 L91-68 44 48 3 83 4 78 0 0 30 377.9 8.1 20.5 784.3 0.48 L91-69 44 51 3 87 3 79 0 1 30 323.8 12.1 26.71086.70.31 Tacana 43 45 3 83 4 74 0 0 30 441.8 9.1 18.9 841.0 0.51 V8025 42 48 4 80 3 73 0 2 30 376.0 7.8 17.3 680.4 0.58 Tio Canela 41 42 4 82 3 75 0 1 30 349.4 8.6 20.2 812.7 0.43 898311 41 48 3 83 5 73 2 1 30 507.9 6.9 18.9 897.7 0.56 VAX5 41 48 3 85 4 75 o 3 30 372.3 9.2 22.4 765.4 0.47 TLP19 45 44 3 87 4 80 3 3 28 493.1 7.5 19.8 954.4 0.51 BAT477 41 39 3 85 3 74 1 2 22 278.1 9.8 19.7 519.7 0.40 Rio Tibagi 42 49 3 84 5 75 0 0 22 397.8 7.8 16.7 737.10.54 EAP 40 33 3 80 4 75 0 3 27 428.8 10.8 22.8 727.8 0.57 9510-77 SEAS 34 39 2 82 5 89 7 5 28 308.7 11.0 25.5 595.3 0.53 T Flor - days to flowering, tht - Height, Lodg - Lodging (1-5), Matr - days to maturity, DS - Desirability Score (1-9), PM - Physiological maturity, Mac 45d - Macrophomina incidence at 45 days, Mac 75d - Macrophomina incidence at 75 days, Stnd - Stand, Pct moist - percent moisture, 100 sw - 100 seed weight, HI - Harvest Index 95 Table A4. Yield under stress (Yd), yield under non-stress (Yp), and geometric mean (GM) of 160 genotypes adjusted for plant stand by covariate analysis for the Honduras experiment 2001. Line Efiry Yd Yp GM Line Evy Yd Yp G_M— k a k a k lha k a k a k a L88-1 1 193 1441 527 L91-1 82 167 2279 617 L88-2 2 77 1729 364 L91-2 83 77 1523 342 L88-3 3 583 2007 1082 L91-3 84 435 2406 1023 L88-4 4 168 1 802 551 L91 -4 85 1 75 1 763 556 L88-5 5 400 2152 928 L91-5 86 264 1658 661 L88-6 6 382 2468 971 L91-6 87 183 2179 631 L88-7 7 263 1623 653 L91-7 88 364 2542 962 L88-8 8 250 2189 740 L91-8 89 108 1609 416 L88-9 9 213 1814 621 L91-9 90 166 2102 590 L88-10 10 335 1827 782 L91-10 91 448 2250 1004 L88-11 11 343 2075 844 L91-11 92 178 1910 583 L88-12 12 82 2510 454 L91-12 93 168 1988 578 L88-13 13 565 2922 1285 L91-13 94 -7 1857 1 15 L88-14 14 170 1770 549 L91-14 95 105 1213 357 L88-1 5 1 5 287 1 876 734 L91-1 5 96 289 1629 686 L88-16 16 402 1668 818 L91-16 97 249 1597 631 L88-1 7 1 7 459 1 966 950 L91 -17 98 142 1968 529 L88-18 18 90 1501 368 L91-18 99 270 2144 760 L88-19 19 579 2188 1126 L91-19 100 3 1528 64 L88-20 20 345 2045 840 L91-20 101 167 1671 528 L88-21 21 184 1650 551 L91-21 102 263 2072 739 L88-22 22 272 1963 731 L91-22 103 79 1938 392 L88-23 23 177 1 754 558 L91-23 104 175 2326 639 L88-24 24 248 2122 726 L91-24 105 184 1445 516 L88-25 25 382 2034 881 L91-25 106 514 2202 1064 L88-26 26 255 2157 742 L91-26 107 368 2244 908 L88-27 27 359 1952 837 L91-27 108 269 1964 726 L88-28 28 241 2355 754 L91-28 109 147 1457 463 L88-29 29 268 2120 754 L91-29 110 402 1762 842 L88-30 30 779 2263 1328 L91-30 111 599 1922 1073 L88-31 31 636 1730 1048 L91-31 112 211 1549 572 L88-32 32 263 2147 751 L91-32 113 64 2036 360 L88-33 33 371 1845 827 L91-33 114 368 2587 976 L88-34 34 311 2214 829 L91-34 115 168 1992 579 L88-35 35 270 1979 730 L91-35 1 16 207 1 791 609 L88-36 36 183 1665 553 L91-36 117 171 1497 506 L88-37 37 224 1486 577 L91-37 1 18 77 2092 402 L88-38 38 250 1 504 613 L91-38 1 19 251 1499 614 L88-39 39 221 2371 724 L91-39 120 143 1754 501 L88-40 40 324 1875 779 L91-40 121 262 1593 646 L88-41 41 225 1963 664 L91-41 122 47 1690 282 L88-42 42 317 2037 803 L91-42 123 157 1664 510 L88-43 43 195 2495 697 L91-43 124 253 2482 793 L88-44 44 334 2423 900 L91-44 125 142 1911 522 L88-45 45 164 1674 524 L91-451 126 266 2468 810 96 Table A4. Cofintinued. _ Line Entry Yd Yp GM L88-51 51 41 5 2095 933 L91 -51 1 32 246 2039 708 L88-52 52 144 1909 525 L91 -52 1 33 56 1 574 298 L88-53 53 353 1 759 788 L91 -53 1 34 45 1391 250 L88-54 54 245 2868 838 L91-54 135 68 1406 309 L88-55 55 1 80 2480 668 L91 -55 1 36 258 1823 685 L88-56 56 406 2287 964 L91 -56 1 37 300 2553 875 L88-57 57 145 2571 610 L91-57 138 131 2133 528 L88-58 58 487 1681 905 L91-58 139 123 1617 445 L88-59 59 455 2344 1 033 L91 -59 140 486 21 26 1 01 6 L88-60 60 263 2590 825 L91—60 141 156 1612 501 L88-61 61 507 2173 1050 L91-61 142 157 1885 543 L88-62 62 1 87 1 903 596 L91 -62 143 397 1698 821 L88-63 63 842 2576 1473 L91-63 144 1 1 5 1 510 417 L88-64 64 1 1 3 1 849 457 L91 -64 145 225 2129 692 L88-65 65 258 1819 685 L91-65 146 86 1 130 312 L88-66 66 561 2589 1205 L91-66 147 1 28 1 91 1 494 L88-67 67 235 1894 667 L91-67 148 142 2183 556 L88-68 68 409 2089 924 L91-68 149 1 7 1 792 1 76 L88-69 69 680 2432 1286 L91 -69L 1 50 -2 1 534 60 L88-70 70 326 21 1 7 831 Tacana 1 51 21 3 2097 667 L88-71 71 230 2080 692 V8025 1 52 21 0 1 783 612 L88-72 72 314 1 91 0 774 Tio Canela 1 53 21 8 1 657 602 L88-73 73 264 1953 718 89831 1 154 375 241 1 951 L88-74 74 740 2508 1362 VAX 5 1 55 249 1765 663 L88—751 75 380 1872 843 TLP 19 1 56 1 69 2399 637 L88-76 76 363 1862 822 BAT 477 1 57 400 1 536 784 L88-77 77 298 1 820 737 Rio Tibagi 1 58 372 2108 886 L88-78 78 284 2530 848 EAP 1 59 232 21 12 699 951 0-77 L88-79 79 280 2021 753 SEA 5 1 60 524 1 521 893 L88-80 80 348 1959 825 _LB8-81 81 gm 1730 879 97 Table A5. Field data of 36 genotypes under drought stress at Montcalm, MI 2001. Line Tantry Yield 100 swt Er matr lodg hght F J d d gm 25.5 45.2 97.7 3.0 39.7 3.6 27.2 44.0 102.7 3.7 36.4 3.7 28.9 44.8 98.0 3.0 34.7 4.7 26.9 46.2 106.7 3.0 41.4 4.0 28.3 42.9 104.7 3.0 38.3 4.1 26.3 41.6 97.0 3.0 35.1 3.7 30.4 46.8 107.0 3.0 38.9 3.6 28.9 45.1 104.7 3.7 38.8 3.9 32.8 44.6 107.7 2.7 41.3 4.5 33.8 45.7 100.0 2.7 44.2 4.0 27.2 44.0 102.0 2.7 39.3 4.0 28.9 45.5 105.7 3.7 40.3 3.7 27.3 43.8 94.7 2.7 42.2 4.6 30.6 46.0 104.7 3.0 40.2 4.6 31.7 44.6 104.7 3.0 42.6 3.9 29.9 45.1 98.3 2.7 42.8 4.8 23.8 45.5 101.7 4.0 30.7 2.6 28.6 44.1 107.0 2.7 43.3 5.0 28.0 44.7 107.0 3.3 35.4 3.0 27.4 45.3 95.7 2.3 42.5 4.8 26.6 46.9 108.0 2.7 46.5 4.7 31.3 45.8 106.7 3.3 35.6 2.7 29.6 44.8 108.0 4.0 34.6 2.2 29.3 44.9 105.0 4.0 32.1 3.7 28.6 45.1 104.0 3.7 37.9 2.9 29.1 44.5 99.7 4.0 35.3 2.5 33.2 45.2 108.7 3.7 36.8 2.7 30.7 46.9 106.0 3.3 36.6 2.9 29.3 44.9 105.7 3.0 42.8 3.1 26.5 44.7 103.7 3.0 38.7 3.6 27.5 45.8 97.7 2.7 46.6 4.7 32.9 46.1 103.0 3.7 38.6 3.0 31.1 45.1 95.7 3.0 38.7 4.8 27.8 46.7 108.7 3.7 46.0 1.7 . 35.6 48.7 112.7 3.7 41.3 1.7 L91-69 36 17.2 34.4 47.0 107.7 3.0 41.6 2.0 T 100 sw - 100 seed weight, flor - days to flowering, matr - days to maturity, lodg - lodging (1-5), hght - height and DS - desirability score (1-9) 98 Table A6. F_ield data of 36 genotypes under non-stress at Montcalm, MI 2001. Line Entry Yield 100 sw’r flor matr lodg hght DS cwt/acre g d d cm L88-63 1 38.5 25.8 45.0 103.5 3.3 40.1 3.4 L88-74 2 33.0 27.0 44.3 108.8 3.4 39.7 2.9 L88-13 3 24.5 27.3 44.4 97.9 3.5 39.8 3.0 L88-30 4 30.0 26.1 44.6 107.6 3.8 44.1 3.6 L88-69 5 32.9 29.5 43.7 107.0 3.2 43.6 2.9 L88-66 6 28.4 24.9 43.0 101.3 3.0 37.3 3.3 L88-3 7 22.0 30.1 47.0 110.9 3.2 43.1 2.1 L88-19 8 30.3 28.3 44.0 109.6 3.3 37.9 3.2 L91-25 9 31.5 31.9 43.7 107.5 3.2 41.2 3.4 L91-30 10 35.4 33.0 44.6 105.0 3.3 44.2 3.0 L88-61 11 29.8 26.6 43.1 104.6 3.1 42.4 3.6 L88-59 12 30.7 29.0 45.0 107.7 3.8 37.3 2.9 L88-31 13 26.1 26.3 44.3 96.2 3.1 42.9 2.5 L91-59 14 19.5 30.3 47.0 109.4 3.2 45.4 3.4 L91-10 15 38.7 29.9 45.7 109.3 3.0 42.4 4.2 L91-3 16 27.4 27.1 45.7 101.3 2.4 46.0 4.6 |81066 17 31.4 24.8 45.4 109.8 4.0 36.6 2.1 898311 18 27.9 27.5 44.0 107.8 2.9 44.6 3.1 TLP 19 19 32.0 26.4 45.3 107.5 3.2 42.4 3.2 VAX 5 20 21.4 26.9 45.1 97.0 2.7 45.5 3.3 B95204 21 31.4 26.3 46.3 107.4 2.3 44.2 5.0 L88-37 22 26.9 30.4 45.6 105.9 3.4 38.8 2.9 L88-4 23 21.6 29.9 46.0 111.3 4.1 39.0 2.2 L88-2 24 26.7 26.8 43.4 108.6 3.7 36.4 2.7 L88-64 25 27.2 27.4 44.0 110.5 3.6 37.7 2.1 L91-22 26 26.5 28.8 44.4 109.0 3.6 39.6 2.0 L91-13 27 24.3 31.3 45.6 108.8 3.4 38.5 2.4 L91-37 28 16.0 30.4 46.7 112.8 3.8 41.9 2.4 L91-41 29 24.5 27.1 45.7 109.6 3.1 42.0 2.9 L91-53 30 23.2 26.1 45.7 107.0 3.4 39.1 2.8 L91-68 31 25.4 27.6 46.3 105.4 2.3 49.2 4.1 L91-49 32 27.8 31.6 46.3 107.0 3.7 39.3 3.5 L91-52 33 24.3 30.9 46.0 106.6 3.8 38.0 2.0 L88-18 34 17.2 28.4 47.0 117.5 4.5 46.4 1.6 L91-19 35 15.1 36.3 48.3 113.9 4.2 42.4 1.4 L91-69 36 15.0 33.8 46.3 111.5 3.9 43.4 2.0 ‘r 100 sw - 100 seed weight, flor - days to flowering, matr - days to maturity, lodg - lodging (1-5), hght - height and DS - desirability score (1-9) 99 Table A7. Mean values of Fractal Dimension, total root length, fine roots (A-C) and ta roots - for the 81 RILS of population L88. Line Fractal TotalTRoot AT 8" "—c H I J Dimension Len th mm mm mm mm mm mm L88-1 1 .53 2455.57 1854.07 521.04 58.39 0.19 0.13 3.61 L88-2 1 .49 2007.44 1563.84 392.08 37.31 0.20 0.09 3.29 L88-3 1 .52 2212.16 1633.82 496.22 60.73 0.43 0.1 1 2.76 L88-4 1 .50 1947.68 1391 .05 503.58 41 .34 0.33 0.16 3.09 L88-5 1 .48 1899.39 1471 .23 380.29 36.55 0.15 0.04 2.69 L88-6 1.51 2185.40 1653.08 472.95 46.02 0.12 0.09 2.30 L88-7 1 .42 1271 .89 914.79 331 .65 20.60 0.13 0.08 1 .95 L88-8 1.52 1876.98 1338.21 458.98 55.97 0.15 0.22 2.64 L88-9 1 .55 1970.53 1340.70 503.64 83.74 0.92 0.15 2.30 L88-10 1.51 2396.09 1887.57 444.67 48.55 0.07 0.17 2.87 L88-11 1.45 1711.56 1357.87 315.11 28.45 0.10 0.13 2.15 L88-12 1 .46 1972.86 1579.40 358.10 26.26 0.09 0.16 2.67 L88-13 1.47 1927.67 1463.76 413.17 38.34 0.15 0.13 3.51 L88~14 1.51 1998.46 1417.98 516.58 51.30 0.05 0.18 3.13 L88-15 1.49 1767.68 1223.30 494.38 39.55 0.33 0.12 3.18 L88-16 1.49 1919.91 1425.55 430.37 49.10 0.19 0.08 3.06 L88-17 1 .48 1703.16 131 1 .29 339.99 38.76 0.20 0.20 2.67 L88-18 1 .50 2056.45 1561 .53 441 .47 42.38 0.26 0.08 2.41 L88-19 1.51 1834.76 1284.52 485.45 52.37 0.14 0.17 2.50 L88-20 1 .52 2065.64 1480.86 510.47 59.37 0.52 0.13 2.86 L88-21 1.49 1940.02 1394.31 491.68 43.81 0.10 0.06 2.58 L88-22 1.50 2073.12 1517.26 500.21 42.85 0.13 0.05 4.51 L88-23 1.54 2398.38 1710.68 615.65 56.83 0.22 0.23 3.28 L88-24 1.46 1716.39 1241.52 431.61 33.62 0.04 0.11 3.21 L88-25 1.47 1316.23 922.90 353.02 32.44 0.16 0.18 2.19 L88-26 1.48 1719.07 1182.08 483.59 43.07 0.13 0.08 2.66 L88-27 1 .52 1638.26 1 160.32 397.33 57.34 0.59 0.00 2.56 L88-28 1 .53 2271.56 1621 .88 572.69 62.31 0.08 0.22 2.68 L88-29 1.51 2200.98 1558.71 578.17 50.80 0.17 0.24 3.24 L88-30 1.52 2105.69 1506.48 529.22 54.99 0.02 0.26 3.54 L88-31 1.50 2139.44 1599.37 473.33 48.35 0.14 0.31 3.66 L88-32 1 .57 2373.22 1659.38 592.89 83.36 0.54 0.32 2.87 L88-33 1 .50 2001 .49 1476.10 478.29 36.86 0.30 0.30 3.27 L88-34 1.47 1366.42 997.94 336.13 26.24 0.09 0.16 1.54 L88-35 1.52 2384.38 1730.78 575.34 58.57 0.17 0.14 3.82 L88-36 1 .46 1538.65 1041 .41 449.87 36.44 0.32 0.34 2.72 L88-37 1.53 2119.42 1565.76 482.71 57.1 1 0.21 0.07 3.35 L88-38 1 .50 1965.69 1420.34 500.34 35.23 0.27 0.16 2.45 L88-39 1.49 1786.83 1283.44 449.15 43.56 0.17 0.05 2.45 L88-40 1 .60 2423.41 1539.43 705.47 1 13.00 0.81 0.56 3.30 L88-41 1.55 2109.80 1500.17 518.63 70.38 0.41 0.08 3.13 L88-42 1.54 2213.90 1570.30 550.31 72.55 0.07 0.17 3.21 L88-43 1 .49 1554.04 1095.50 402.06 42.32 0.10 0.21 3.39 L88-44 1.46 1450.88 1034.19 380.83 28.64 0.15 0.18 1.91 L88-45 1 .51 1732.21 1252.49 420.01 46.44 0.32 0.22 2.18 100 Table A7. Continued. Line Fractal Totfimt AT 8 C H l J Dimension Len th mm mm mm mm mm mm L88-46 1 .50 1995.22 1452.22 485.73 46.35 0.28 0.26 2.49 L88-47 1.51 2506.79 1949.99 496.44 44.63 0.16 0.12 4.89 L88-48 1.55 2245.70 1585.05 576.18 64.98 0.13 0.05 4.59 L88-49 1.45 1252.36 882.84 339.38 23.70 0.30 0.17 1.65 L88-50 1 .45 1372.76 974.05 368.06 24.75 0.07 0.03 1 .81 L88-51 1.50 2364.49 1849.15 456.56 42.81 0.26 0.13 2.95 L88-52 1.50 1803.74 1322.38 427.06 42.26 0.18 0.10 3.16 L88-53 1 .54 2171 .95 1507.55 578.22 65.40 0.23 0.03 3.59 L88-54 1 .59 2375.49 1421 .89 720.48 138.1 1 2.13 1.20 4.83 L88-55 1 .52 1939.71 1371.82 497.38 53.28 0.07 0.12 3.83 L88-56 1 .51 1835.58 1337.55 425.94 56.86 0.10 0.23 3.42 L88-57 1.50 1804.26 1282.39 453.78 53.46 0.16 0.09 3.15 L88-58 1.45 1770.94 131 1.95 421.33 29.73 0.24 0.07 2.88 L88-59 1 .60 2369.07 1495.41 693.40 1 19.46 0.86 0.34 3.85 L88-60 1.50 1987.14 1407.94 519.93 46.82 0.10 0.01 3.93 L8851 1.49 2128.10 1641.02 427.71 44.60 0.35 0.10 3.29 L88-62 1 .44 1421 .27 1030.18 361 .12 23.28 0.07 0.26 2.66 L88-63 1 .47 2053.61 1644.52 365.70 32.35 0.28 0.10 2.95 L88-64 1.56 2367.52 1648.38 614.17 78.64 0.25 0.04 4.17 L88-65 1 .45 1666.80 1206.45 421.87 29.64 0.34 0.04 2.61 L88-66 1 .45 1355.56 960.30 352.16 35.33 0.04 0.09 2.19 L88-67 1.60 2519.12 1715.64 660.12 96.69 0.62 0.28 3.93 L88-68 1 .54 2694.40 2080.43 533.31 60.04 0.16 0.00 4.22 L88-69 1.46 1531.77 1 163.28 330.08 29.23 0.31 0.08 2.16 L88-70 1 .43 1456.09 997.63 419.92 30.43 0.21 0.32 2.1 1 L88-71 1 .45 1566.58 1 152.80 377.83 29.55 0.07 0.24 1 .95 L88-72 1 .44 1229.69 859.99 332.48 28.53 0.30 0.09 2.26 L88-73 1 .53 2385.51 1790.29 509.82 61 .67 0.08 0.08 3.91 L88-74 1 .47 2019.02 1 560.40 409.47 36.38 0.12 0.00 3.45 L88-75 1 .65 3122.16 2050.44 862.90 137.70 0.88 0.20 4.59 L88-76 1 .49 1570.25 1096.46 423.28 39.30 0.05 0.13 3.58 L88-77 1.53 1984.24 1421.91 478.41 65.57 0.06 0.25 3.56 L88-78 1 .51 1887.86 1392.12 426.98 55.85 0.18 0.05 3.99 L88-79 1 .61 2403.66 1556.08 676.27 108.40 0.87 0.25 4.71 L88-80 1.51 1832.25 1319.99 453.87 45.41 0.19 0.05 2.54 L88-81 1.48 1971.53 1451.65 468.34 40.65 0.17 0.22 3.22 1' Root diameter classes A, B, C, H, I, J are O-O.5, O.5-1.0, 1.0-1.5, 3.5-4.0, 4.0-4.5, and greater than 4.5 mm, respectively. 101 Table A8. Presence/absence of RAPDs associated with drought resistance in T- 3016 (T), Sierra(S), B98311 (B), Raven (R), N98122 (19, Huron (H), VAX 5g!) and TLP 19 (PPL LGRAPD P unlinkedTSBRNHV 9 H19 960 - + - - - - - - A09. 860 AB18.650 + + + + + + + A16.1220 v01.830 - + - - - - A18.800 - + + - F06.970 + - + - - - - A18.1400 A16.850 + - + - - - - 1:01.520 + + - - 103.1130 + - + - - - - F10.1000 A08.510 - + - - + + 604.330 - + + - 1:05.440 - + - - - - 608.1240 l18.1400 - + - - - - 608.720 H03.1060 609.1070 + + + + l03.870 - + - - - - - H01 R16.1180 + - + + + + H12.523 - - + + H02.760 H18.520 114.770 + - + + + + H18.710 + + - - "'_002.101o + + - - + - 1.07.900 203.1010 M05 606.400 - + - - - N03 201.780 - + - - - - 006.970 G11.500 + - + + ‘1' 4' T01 AB18.600 + - + + + + + T16 1.12.420 003 119.840 003 605.620 + - + - + + 010.1600 - + - - P03.700 w20.3oo A09.600 + + + + + + + wzo.1300 - - - - 610.550 - + + + + + + x01.850 + + + - T18.550 + - + + x03.850 + + + - L08.1090 N09.860 + - + + + SL-1 A09.500 A04.560 + + + 12101000 - + - + - + X11680 + + + + 006.900 X18980 + + + + A603.570 A08.78o + + - + 103.830 - + - - - 208.750 110.500 110.950 A07.740 + + + + + + AB14.450 R11.540 602.1010 204.580 + - + + - - H08.490 + - + + + + 102 1 LG - Linkage groups identified in a previous study (Schneider et al., 1997a). APPENDIX B INT ROGRESSION OF ROOT ROT RESISTANCE FROM MIDDLE AMERICAN LANDRACE BEAN TO CULTIVATED ANDEAN BEAN GENOTYPES 103 INTRODUCTION Large-seeded dry beans (SS-65 grams per 100 seeds) are highly susceptible to root rot, F usarium solam' pv. phaseoli (F sp). Irrigation increases production and provides suitable conditions for F sp to proliferate. Relatively, no resistant sources can be found among large-seeded kidney and cranberry beans in the Andean gene pool. Resistance to root rot in small-seeded genotypes in the Middle American gene pool behaves as a quantitative trait (Schneider et al., 2001). Due to intrinsic genetic differences, the transference of quantitative traits across gene pools of common bean is a difficult task (Kelly, 1988). A major barrier for gene exchange across gene pools is the phenomenon of dwarf lethality. Andean germplasm is characterized as possessing dl,d1,D12D12 genes, whereas Middle American germplasm possess D1,D1,d12d12 genes for dwarf lethality. The D11 and D12 genes are differentially expressed in bean roots and shoots, respectively (Shii etal., 1981). When both loci are dominant, lethal and sub-lethal phenotypes occur (Shii et al., 1980). The symptoms of dwarf lethality are stunted growth, chlorosis, crippled leaf formation and plant death (Shii et al., 1980). The restricted root growth experienced by dwarf lethal Fl hybrids between two gene pools has been overcome by hormonal treatment (Beaver, 1992). The inbred backcross method can be used to introgress the quantitative traits from the wild source to elite cultivars of bean (Bliss, 1993). Afier the initial cross is made, Fl plants are crossed back to the recurrent parent. The favorable genes of the recurrent parent are recovered more quickly when the recurrent parent is used as the female. When a suitable number of backcrosses have been made, the lines are advanced to near 104 homozygosity by single seed descent without selection. The desired quantitative trait can be evaluated among the progeny lines in the F4 or later generations in common bean. Advanced backcross QTL analysis is a method that combines QTL analysis with the inbred backcross method (Tanksley and Nelson, 1996). Mapping of QTLs is delayed until the BC2 or BC3 generation. RAPD markers conferring root rot resistance have already been discovered in bean populations (Schneider et al., 2001). These markers could be used to check for QTL presence in the inbred backcross populations developed in the project. An additional backcross to the recurrent parent, inter-mating between sister lines or crossing to other genotypes that acquired root rot resistance from a different source could be facilitated through MAS to develop a superior variety with improved levels of root rot resistance. In this project, a source of root rot resistance was identified in the Mexican landrace, Negro San Luis (NSL). It is a small-seeded black bean from the Middle American gene pool. Its lack of adaptation in temperate latitudes make it difficult to obtain viable offspring when crossed to Andean genotypes. Parental crosses were made between the Middle American source of resistance, NSL, and the elite Michigan Andean lines, Redhawk (dark red kidney) and C97407 (cranberry). This project was initiated in order to introgress root rot resistance genes into the large-seeded bean class. 105 MATERIALS AND METHODS Backcross #1 NSL was crossed to Redhawk and C97407. Since crosses between gene pools is known to produce dwarf lethals a modified protocol (Beaver, 1992) was implemented on October 4‘“, 1999. Three F, seeds from each cross were planted, one seed per pot. F, seed was planted 2 cm deep in a shallow 4 cm soil. Significantly less root growth develops in F, since it produces deleterious effects for the plant (Shii et al., 1981). The stem grew unusually long. Soil and Hormex, 1000 ppm Indol 3-Butyric Acid was added to encourage adventitious root growth in the F, hybrids. A shorter day length was required to induce flowering. Two large trash cans were placed on top of each other to create the dark period. Three pots were placed inside the trash cans and the brims were sealed with duct tape to prevent any light from entering. A photoperiod of 14 hours of darkness was kept in order to induce flowering. Recurrent parents were planted at different time intervals to ensure that viable crosses would be made. All crosses were made without emasculation. All F, progeny from a cross between gene pools are expected to be dwarf lethals showing semi-lethality (Figure B1). Backcross #2 In January 2000, 24 BC,F, individuals were planted at three seeds per pot. Parental material and eleven genotypes consisting of commercial varieties and breeding lines was planted along with the BC,F , seeds. BC,F , plants that resembled recurrent parent phenotypes were preferentially crossed to the recurrent parent. Morphological information was recorded to ensure a cross-fertilization was made (Table B1). 106 DNA Preparation Leaf tissue from NSL, Redhawk and C97407 was collected and ground into a powder using liquid Nitrogen. DNA samples were extracted according to the mini-prep method (Afanador et al., 1993). The DNA concentration of each sample was quantified using a fluorometer (Hoefer TKOlOO, Hoefer Scientific, San Francisco, CA). This stock sample was diluted to a 10 ng/ml working solution for amplification by PCR. PCR Protocol The fragment size of the RAPD markers associated to root rot resistance (Schneider et al., 2001) varied from 2000 base pairs to 800 base pairs. Gibco enzyme was used for RAPD fragments greater than 1200 base pairs while the Stoffel enzyme was used for fragments less than 1200 bp. Each RAPD primer was ran across NSL, Redhawk and C97407. PCR reactions were performed only for primers that were present in the lab. Samples were separated by electrophoresis on a 1.4% agarose gel. 107 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Backcross Study Flowering occurred in seven days after the short day length treatment began. Within 14 days, all F,s were flowering. A total of 22 successful cross-fertilizations were made in the BCl generation. From the successful crosses, 50% of the BC,F,s were expected to be dwarf lethals (Figure B1) and the actual percentage was 42%. A concern of backcrossing is that seed might have resulted fi'orn self-fertilization. Growth habit and flower color were used as morphological markers to identify cross- fertilizations in the BC ,F,s (Table B1). NSL has two characteristics that are fixed at homozygosity and dominant in nature; indeterminancy (GG) and purple flowers (FF) (Figure BZ). The other parents, Redhawk and C97407, are homozygous recessive in both loci (ggff) and show a determinate grth habit. Redhawk has white flowers while C97407 has pink flowers due to epistatic interactions. All of the F,s (GgFt) expressed indeterrninancy and purple flowers. Cotyledon color was also recorded, yet didn’t provide full proof that a cross was made. Only five plants from two different pods were determined to be self-pollinations from a total of 62 BC,F, seeds from 24 pods that were planted. The other 22 pods were confirmed to be crosses due to plant characteristics of indeterrninancy, purple flower color or dwarf lethality. Variation in RNB 1-8 (Table B1) was recorded by a determinate plant, an indeterminate plant and a dwarf lethal plant all coming from the same pod. One BC,F , individual, RNB 1-9, yielded only one seed. This seed grew into a determinate plant with white flowers. It was thought to be a self until its seed was examined. The BC,F2 seed from RNB 1-9 was smaller than the seed of the recurrent parent, Redhawk, 108 having blunt ends and a darker seed color. Based on these seed characteristics, RNB 1-9 was determined to be a cross. Two projects were developed in the second backcrossing scheme (Table B2). The genetics project continued using the recurrent parents, Redhawk and C97407, to create BCZF, individuals. A second project was devised to introgress the root rot genes from BC,F, plants into other commercial kidney and cranberry seed types. BC,F, plants were crossed into eleven diverse large seeded elite lines (Table B3). An average of ten individual plants were planted for each of the 680 BCZF4 line. RAPD Analysis Molecular markers conferring root rot resistance were screened on the parents (Schneider et al., 2001). Only 11 of the 16 RAPD markers (Schneider et al., 2001) associated to root rot resistance were tested. Polymorphisms between NSL and the two susceptible parents, Redhawk and C97407 were expected to show the same absence/presence as FR266 and Montcalm, the parents used to discover the markers associated to root rot resistance. Six RAPDs showed identical marker phenotypes as in FR266 and Montcalm (Table B4). RAPD markers P7700 and G6, ,00 were previously mapped to chromosome BZ on the bean core linkage map and were shown to encompass the PvPRZ locus (Schneider et al., 2001). The PR proteins translated fiom this locus were suggested to aid in root rot resistance. These markers can be used in the current populations to identify potentially resistant lines. Advanced Backcross QTL analysis can also be initiated to further characterize and identify durable QTL for root rot resistance in Andean bean germplasm. 109 Parents: Redhawk dl,dl,Dlle2 xflNegro San Luis D1,D1,d12d12 F,: Redhawk x Dl,dl,Dlzdl2 (used as pollen parent) BC,F,: (possible genotypes) dl,dl,D12Dl2 - Healthy dl,dl, Dlzdl2 - Healthy Dl,dl,D12dl2 - Semi-lethal Dl,dl,D12Dl2 - Semi-lethal Figure B 1. Diagram of inheritance of dwarf lethal genes D1, and D12 from the initial cross to the BC,F,. Parents: Redhawk ggff x Negro San Luis GGFF F,: Redhawk x GgFf BC,F,: (possible genotypes) ggff Determinate, White ggFf Deterrninate, Purple Ggff Indeterminate, White GgF f Indeterminate, Purple Figure 82. Diagram of the inheritance of morphological markers between kidney and black bean parents. 110 Table B1. Morphological characteristics of BC lFl cranberry and kidney plants. Cranberry Cotyledon flower determinate indeterminate dwarf total Results! color lethals plants CNB 2-‘l green purple 3 0 0 3 cross CNB 2-2 green - 0 0 3 3 cross CNB 2-3 green pink 2 1 0 3 cross CNB 2-4 purple purple 0 2 0 2 cross CNB 3-1 green pink 0 2 0 2 cross CNB 3-2 purple pink 0 2 1 3 cross CNB 3-3 purple purple 1 2 0 3 cross CNB 3-4 green - 2 0 0 2 self CNB 3-5 purple purple 0 2 0 2 cross RNB 1-1 green - 0 0 3 3 cross Kidney fiCotyledon flower determinate indeterminate dwarf total W color lethals plants RNB 1-2 purple white 1 2 0 3 cross RNB 1-3 green white 0 1 2 3 cross RN B 1-4 green - 0 0 3 3 cross RNB 1-5 green - 0 1 2 3 cross RNB 1-6 green - 1 1 1 3 cross RNB 1-7 green - 0 0 1 1 cross RNB 1-8 purple white 2 1 1 3 cross RNB 1-9 green white 1 0 0 1 cross RNB 1 -10 purple - 0 0 3 3 cross RNB 2-1 purple white 2 1 2 3 cross RNB 2-2 purple purple 2 0 1 3 cross and white RNB 2-3 green white 3 0 0 3 self RNB 3-1 green - 0 1 cross RNB 3-2 green pugple g 0 3 cross 111 Table B2: Summary of seed increase methods. Season Summer 2000 F all 2000 Spring 2001 Summer 2001 Genetics and Commercial Projects BC,F, seed planted for increase in Montcahn. Harvested by plant. BCZF2 seed increased in Greenhouse BC2F3 seed increased in Greenhouse. Harvested one plant per pot Over 680 BC,F ,. 4 lines pplanted in Montcalm Table B3: Commercial varieties and breeding lines crossed with BC,F, individuals. Variety Name Chardonnay Chinook 2000 Red Kanner Montcalm K99968 K99973 K99974 K99983 Hooter T. Hort 199134 Seed Type Light Red Kidney Light Red Kidney Light Red Kidney Dark Red Kidney White Kidney White Kidney White Kidney White Kidney Cranberry Cranberry Cranberry 112 Table B4: Presence or absence of RAPD markers present in Negro San Luis (N SL), Redhawk and C97407 compared to the check varieties, FR266 and Montcahn. .l_.G’r RAPD FR266 Montcalm NSL Redhgwk C97407 2 P7.700 - + P101600 - + 66.1100 - + - + 4. I +++. +++1 3 l18.1800 l18.1700 5 A62.800 @7900 6 G3.800| + I l 63.2000 P9.1550 4 Y11.600 01g00 7 58.500 V3.1100 1 LG = Linkage Group I RAPD markers previously identified (Schneider et al., 2001). '+++++i l +I++ 11 i+l+ + + I 4. I I 113 REFERENCES Beaver, J. S. 1992. A simple method for producing seed from hybrid dwarfs derived from crosses between Middle American and Andean gene pools. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 35: 28-29. Bliss, F. A. 1993. Breeding common bean for improved biological nitrogen fixation. Plant and Soil 152271-79. Kelly, J. D. 1988. The impact of the dwarf lethal (D1) genes on bean breeding programs at MSU. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 31: 192-193. Schneider, K. A., K. F. Grafton and J. D. Kelly. 2001. QTL analysis of resistance to fusarium root rot in bean. Crop Science 41 (2): 535-542. Shii, C. T., M. C. Mok and D. W. S. Mok. 1980. Expression of developmental abnormalities in hybrids of Phaseolus vulgaris L. The Journal of Heredity 71: 218-222. Shii, C. T., M. C. Mok and D. W. S. Mok. 1981. Developmental controls of morphological mutants of Phaseolus vulgaris L.: Differential expression of mutant loci in plant organs. Developmental Genetics 2: 279-290. Tanksley, S. D. and J. C. Nelson. 1996. Advanced backcross QTL analysis: A method for the simultaneous discovery and transfer of valuable QTLs from unadapted germplasm into elite breeding lines. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 92: 191- 203. 114 APPENDIX C PRESENCE OF TWO SCAR MARKERS LINKED TO RESISTANCE FOR COMMON BACTERIAL BLIGHT IN POPULATION L91 115 INTRODUCTION Common bacterial blight (CBB), caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Smith) Dye., is a serious seed-borne disease endemic to common bean production in Michigan and The only effective means of control is by planting disease-free seed. Development of genetic resistance to CBB will combat the negative impact on bean production in Michigan. Quantitative trait loci regions conferring resistance to CBB have been identified and localized on the bean core map (Miklas et al., 2000). SCAR markers tightly linked to QTLs on bean linkage groups, BS and B10, have been developed. The SAP6 marker from common bean is located on linkage group B10, whereas SU91 on B8 has tepary bean ancestry. These markers can be used to screen for CBB resistance in breeding programs where phenotypic screening for CBB is not routinely used. VAX 5, parent of population L91, has been bred with pyramided CBB resistance and carries both SCAR markers (Singh and Munoz, 1999). SCAR markers linked to QTL for resistance to CBB were tested in population L91 to identify RILs possessing CBB resistance. 116 MATERIALS AND METHODS DNA was extracted from leaf tissue of each F 3,4 RIL and parental genotype was harvested, lyophilized and granulated. Lyophilized and granulated tissue was allocated into 100 ml samples and DNA was extracted following the mini-prep procedure (Afanador et al., 1993). The DNA concentration of each sample was quantified using a fluorometer (Hoefer TKOIOO, Hoefer Scientific, San Francisco, CA). This stock sample was diluted to a 10 ng/ml working solution for amplification by PCR. SCAR protocol for one reaction in PCR, totaling 30.0111 was as follows: 17.85 111 H20, 3001 10X Buffer (Gibco), 2.25 111 MgC12 (Gibco), 0.601.11dNTP mix, 0.30111 Gibco Taq Polymerase, 3.0111 10 ng/ul Primer mix, 3.0111 10 ng/ul DNA Template. The dNTP mix consisted of 10111 of lOOmM of each dinucleotide (4) diluted in 60111 H20. The primer mix included 10 ng/ul for the forward and reverse primers added in a 1:1 mixture. This protocol was modified so that both markers could be amplified in the same PCR reaction. This multiplexing step consists of halving the primer mix so that in each reaction 1.5111 of SAP6 and 1.5111 of SU91 were added to make the standard 3.0111 of primer mix. SAP6 and SU91 were multiplexed in the following therrnocycler regime: 34 cycles of 10s at 94°C, 40s at 57°C, and 2 min at 72°C followed by one cycle of 5 min at 72°C. Samples were ran by electrophoresis on a 1.4% agarose gel and viewed by ultra- violet fluorescence. SAP6 and SU91 have fragment sizes of 820 and 700 bp respectively. 117 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION VAX 5 was crossed to B98311, to generate population L91. Among the 69 RILS from population L91, only 11 had both SCAR markers (Table C1). Some bands varied in brightness of the flourescense. This could be explained by the collection of the DNA samples. Tissue from three plants of each line was collected. Variation for the SCAR marker might exist between plants in the F3,4 generation such that one two or three plants may or may not have had the markers. Field data from Saginaw 2000 and SCAR marker data were compiled for evaluation and selection of the elite eleven lines (Table C2). Two lines, L91-47 and L91- 45, were selected based on the presence of both SCAR markers, the band intensity and agronomic characteristics. Each was used into the crossing program with other elite black lines. Segregation for seed brightness occurred in the L91 population. B98311 has a dull seed coat while VAX 5 has a shiny seed coat. Further selection for dull seed coat was made in L91-45 because it segregated for seed coat appearance. Resistance to CBB has not been confirmed in selected lines through direct field or greenhouse screening. Marker technology has allowed indirect selection for CBB resistance as the MSU Bean Breeding Program is not routinely testing for resistance directly in the greenhouse or field. 118 Table C1. Presence/absence of the SAP6 and SU91 SCAR markers for 69 RILs in population L91. RIL ‘ SAP6 SU91 RIL ‘ SAP6 SU91 L91 - 1 - - L91 - 40 + - L91 - 2 - + L91 - 41 - - L91 - 3 + - L91 - 42 + + L91 - 4 - - L91 - 43 + - L91 - 5 + - L91 - 44 - + L91 - 6 + + L91 - 45 + + L91 - 7 + - L91 - 46 + - L91 - 8 - + L91 - 47 + + L91 - 9 + 4' L91 - 48 + - L91 - 10 + - L91 - 49 - - L91 - 11 - - L91 - 50 + - L91 - 12 - - L91 - 51 + - L91 - 13 - - L91 - 52 - - L91 - 14 + - L91 - 53 - - L91 - 15 - + L91 - 54 - *- L91 - 16 - - L91 - 55 + - L91 - 17 - - L91 - 56 - - L91 - 18 + - L91 - 57 - - L91 - 19 - - L91 - 58 - - L91 - 20 + - L91 - 59 + + L91 - 21 - - L91 - 60 - + L91 - 22 + + L91 - 61 - - L91 - 23 - + L91 - 62 - - L91 - 24 + - L91 - 63 + - L91 - 25 + - L91 - 64 - - L91 - 26 + - L91 - 65 + - L91 - 27 + - L91 - 66 + + L91 - 28 - + L91 - 67 - - L91 - 29 + - L91 - 68 + + L91 - 30 + - L91 - 69 - + L91 - 31 - - L91 - 32 + - L91 - 33 - - L91 - 34 + + L91 - 35 + *- L91 - 36 - - L91 - 37 + - L91 - 38 - - L91 - 39 - - 119 Table C2. Marker and agronomic characteristics of eleven genotypes possessing both SCAR markers along with the parents. finotype Intensity Intensity flor’r hght lodg matr IDS Seed of SAP6 of SU91 d cm 9 brilliance L91-6 21 1 52 49 2 103 3 Dull L91-9 3 2 51 50 2 102 4 Shiny L91-22 2 2 50 33 3 99 3 Dull L91-34 2 1 51 45 3 102 3 Shiny L91-35 2 1 49 42 2 102 3 Dull L91-42 4 4 50 52 2 102 5 Shiny L91-45 4 4 ~ 52 59 3 104 3 Mixed L91-47 4 4 51 44 2 99 5 Dull L91-59 3 2 54 49 3 106 3 Shiny L91-66 5 5 53 44 3 107 3 Shiny L91-68 4 3 53 46 2 105 3 Shiny VAX 5 5 5 - 53 2 1 10 5 Shiny @9831 1 0 0 51 45 3 103 3 Dull T flor - days to flowering, hght - height, lodg - lodging (1-5), matr - days to maturity, DS - desirability score (1-9). I F lourescense of band is characterized by 1 = very faint to 5 = very bright and 0 = no amplification. 120 REFERENCES Afanador, L., S. D. Haley and J. D. Kelly. 1993. Adoption of a "mini-prep" DNA extraction method for RAPD marker analysis in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 36: 10-11. Miklas, P. N., J. B. Smith, R. Riley, K. F. Grafton, S. Singh, C. Jung and D. P. Coyne. 2000. Marker-assisted breeding for pyramided resistance to common bacterial blight in common bean. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 43: 39-40. Singh, S. P. and C. G. Munoz. 1999. Resistance to common bacterial blight among Phaseolus species and common bean improvement. Crop Science 39: 80-89. 121 111111111111111.11111