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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 6/01 cJCIFlC/DatoDuepGS-ots DIETARY PROTEIN REQUIREMENT OF MATURE, MODERATELY EXERCISED HORSES By Carissa Lee Wickens A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Animal Science 2003 ABSTRACT DIETARY PROTEIN REQUIREMENT OF MATURE, MODERATELY EXERCISED HORSES By Carissa Lee Wickens There is a dearth of empirical evidence demonstrating the degree to which exercise increases dietary protein requirement of the horse relative to maintenance. Knowledge of protein digestibility in diets fed to exercising horses is also essential to meet the protein need of the animal. The objectives of this research were first, to estimate dietary crude protein (CP) requirement using nitrogen (N) retention, serum urea- N, and serum amino acid (AA) concentration as response criteria for moderately exercised horses, and second, to determine apparent fecal N and AA digestibility of five hayzconcentrate mix diets fed to horses performing moderate exercise. Five mature Arabian geldings were used in a 5 x 5 Latin Square design. Nitrogen retention, basal and post-feeding/exercise serum urea-N and serum AA results indicated that high (1016 g CP per d) and very high (1 129 g CP per (1) protein diets exceeded CP requirement and that very low (677 g CP per (1) and low (790 g CP per d) protein diets provided sufficient amount of protein for a horse subjected to moderate exercise. Apparent fecal N and AA digestibility increased linearly (P0'05) and was positive in horses fed VL and L diets. Post-feeding/exercising serum urea-N increased in horses fed H compared to Control and was not different (P=0-43) compared to VH. For a majority of the indispensable AA, post-feeding/exercise serum concentration only differed (P<0-05) from Control in horses fed the VL protein diet. These results indicate that H and VH protein diets exceeded CP requirement and that the 24 VL and L protein diets provided sufficient amount of protein for a horse subjected to moderate exercise. Key Words: Horse, Exercise, Protein, Nitrogen balance, Blood urea nitrogen Introduction There is a paucity of information on protein requirement of the exercising horse. In the current NRC (1989), protein requirement for a horse performing moderate work is based on a crude protein (CP) to digestible energy ratio estimated for the mature horse at maintenance, resulting in protein requirement being 15 times higher than that of maintenance. Protein catabolism comprises up to only 15% of energy production during exercise, and protein is a relatively inefficient source of energy compared to that of carbohydrate and fat (Lawrence, 1990). Moreover, feeding protein in excess of NRC (1989) recommendations is a common practice in the horse industry (Hiney and Potter, 1996), but positive benefits associated with dietary protein supplementation have not been documented in the horse (Lawrence, 1994). Thus, it is questionable whether the relationship between dietary requirement for protein and energy is similar between exercising and non-exercising horses. Excessive protein intakes are associated with increased water demands, increased plasma urea concentration, higher energy costs associated with nitrogen (N) excretion, and increased ammonia emission in barns (Meyer, 1987). In a study conducted by Freeman et al. (1988), N retention increased in horses exposed to increasing workloads and fed increasing levels of dietary protein and energy, indicating that exercise may increase the need for protein. However, to date, no empirical studies have been designed to estimate CP requirement in response to graded levels of dietary CP intake, thus the extent to which exercise increases dietary protein 25 requirement relative to maintenance remains unclear. We hypothesized that moderate exercise in horses increases protein requirement below that recommended by NRC (1989). The objective was to estimate dietary protein requirement using N retention, serum urea-N, and sertun AA concentration as response criteria in horses exposed to the same workload and fed graded levels of CP. Materials and Methods Animals. experimental design, and diets Five mature Arabian geldings with an initial body weight of 473-3 i 164 kg were selected and kept on clover-grass mix pasture during a pre-experiment exercise and standardization period. Following conditioning, horses were randomly assigned to five dietary treatments in a 5 x 5 Latin square design. Horses were housed individually in box stalls (3'0 x 3-7 m) with free access to water. All horses consumed mixed grass hay containing 10% CP (as fed basis) at 1% of their BW. Five diet concentrates were formulated to achieve varying levels of crude protein intake. Ingredient and nutrient composition of the concentrate diets are provided in Table l. A Control diet concentrate was first formulated to meet NRC (1989) daily protein requirement estimate for moderate exercise. A very low (VL) and a low (L) diet concentrate was formulated to provide 25% and 125% lower protein respectively, relative to Control, and a high (H) and very high (VH) diet concentrate was formulated to provide 125% and 25% higher protein respectively. relative to Control. Thus, total diet, i.e., hay plus concentrate, was fed to provide 677, 790, 903, 1016, and 1129 g CP daily corresponding to the very low (VL), low (L), Control, high (H), and very high (VH) protein diet, respectively. The level of protein intake in the VL, L, Control, H, and VH protein diets corresponded to a CP to 26 digestible energy (DE) ratio of 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 g CP to 1 Meal DE, respectively. To achieve a VL protein diet, com was used as the primary feed ingredient. Protein concentration of the diet concentrates was increased by altering the com to oat ratio and through the addition of soybean meal. Molasses was included in the concentrate mix as a binder. Diet concentrates varied slightly in DE content and were fed to achieve the desired protein intake levels. This resulted in minor energy deficiencies, thus corn oil was top-dressed in small amounts to assure NRC (1989) energy requirement for moderate exercise was met for each horse. Vitamin-mineral mix was top-dressed once daily to provide NRC (1989) recommended levels of Ca, P, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Se. Meals were fed twice daily at 0700 and 1600. Acclimation of horses to treatment diets consisted of feeding mixed grass hay at 1-2-1-5 % of each horse’s BW and gradually introducing the Control diet concentrate during the last week of conditioning. ' Exercise Protocol Prior to the start of the experiment, horses were subjected to a 6-week standardization period. During the initial week, horses were trotted daily for 6 consecutive d on a mechanical walker (Free Flow Equineciser, Centaur Horse. Walkers, Mira Loma, CA) at a speed of 3-6 m per sec for 10 min. Thereafter, workload was increased each week by 10 min increments until horses were trotting 60 min per d. During the experimental period, horses were exercised bi-directionally on the walker at the trot at approximately 3-6 111 per sec, 60min per (1, 6 (1 per week. Exercise was performed in the morning 2 h post-feeding. Heart rate (HR) monitors were used to assess work load and to verify that pre-experiment fitness levels, based on resting and working HR measured at the end of the standardization period, were maintained. Body weights 27 and body condition scores (BCS) were recorded every two weeks. Body condition score was assessed according to NRC (1989) guidelines. This study was approved by Michigan State University All University Committee on Animal Use and Care. Sample collection The study consisted of five collection periods. Each period was 14 d in length and consisted of a 10-d diet adaptation followed by a 4-d total fecal and urine collection. Feces and urine were collected using gelding collection harnesses (Equisan Marketing, Melbourne, Australia) and emptied every 5 h or more frequently as needed. At each emptying, all feces were bagged and approximately 10% of the total urine volume was sampled. Feces and urine were immediately stored at -20°C. At the end of each collection period, daily fecal samples were thawed, pooled, weighed and homogenized using a 136-kg mechanical mixer. Sub samples were collected (~500 g) and frozen at -20°C. Daily urine samples were pooled, mixed, and a sample of pooled urine stored at -20°C. During exercise, harnesses were removed. Horses did not urinate during this time. If horses defecated, care was taken to collect and weigh the fecal matter. This fecal matter was then discarded. Blood samples (20 mL) were drawn from each horse via jugular venipuncture on d 3 and 4 of the collection period. Blood samples were drawn prior to the moming meal (15 h post-feeding) to obtain basal metabolite values. Basal values were obtained to represent long-term metabolism. Horses were fed following blood collection and exercised 2 h later. An additional blood sample was obtained within 10-20 min of 28 completion of exercise. Blood samples were centrifuged (Beckman, GS-6KR Centrifuge, Fullerton, CA) at 3000 rpm for 15 min at 4°C and serum and plasma stored at -20°C. Sample Analysis For chemical analysis, fecal samples were freeze-dried (VirTis model 25-SRC, VirTis Co., Gardiner, NY). Fecal and feed samples (hay and concentrate) were finely ground using a cyclone mill (Foss Cyclotec sample mill 1093, Hoganas, Sweden) with a 1-mm mesh screen. Nitrogen concentration in feces, urine and feed was determined using an automated N analyzer (Leco FP-2000, Leco Co., St. Joseph, MI; AOAC No. 9903). Dry matter of feed was determined following a 24-h drying period at 80°C using a drying oven (Fisher Isotemp, Fisher Scientific, Hanover Park, IL). Amino acid analysis was performed on feed samples using the Pico-Tag method (Waters Co., Milford, MA) following a 24-h acid hydrolysis in 6N HCl at 113°C and 121 mm Hg. Norleucine was used as an internal standard. Samples were derivatized with phenylisothiocyanate and analyzed by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) (Alliance 2690, Waters Co., . Milford, MA) fitted with a 30-cm Pico-Tag column (Waters Co., Milford, MA). Amino acid analysis was performed on basal and post-feeding/exercise serum samples using the Pico-Tag method (Waters Co., Milford, MA). Briefly, protein was first precipitated by mixing 200 11L serum with 1 mL Trifluoroacetic acidzmethanol (1:10) and centrifuging (eppendorf centrifuge 5417R, Brinkmann Instruments, Westbury, NY) at 7000 rpm for 15 min at 4°C. The supernatant (155 11L) was removed and norleucine (125 mM) added as an internal standard. This was followed by evaporation to dryness at 37°C with a centrifuge evaporator (HETO Vacuum Concentration System, ATR, Laurel, MD). Samples were derivatized with phenylisothiocyanate and analyzed by HPLC (Waters Co., 29 Milford, MA) fitted with a 30-cm Pico-Tag column (Waters Co., Milford, MA). Digestible lysine intake was calculated from the apparent fecal lysine digestibility coefficient determined by Wickens et al. (unpublished). Urea-N analysis was performed on serum samples using a commercially available colorimetric assay (procedure no. 640-A, Sigma, St. Louis, MO). Absorbance was read at 570 nm using a spectrophotometer (Beckman, DU 7400, Schaumburg, IL). For urinary creatinine analysis, urine samples were diluted 1:10 and creatinine determined using a commercially available colorimetric assay (procedure no. 555, Sigma, St. Louis, MO). Absorbance was read at 500 nm using a spectrophotometer (Beckman, DU 7400, Schaumburg, IL). Urinary orotic acid was analyzed using a procedure adopted from Adachi et a1. (1963). Briefly, urine was acidified to pH 2-3 and 1 mL urine was added to 2 mL citric acid-potassium citrate buffer (02 M) and 05 mL saturated bromine water. Samples stood for l min at room temperature followed by the addition of 1 mL ascorbic acid (5%). Samples were then placed in a warm water bath (40°C) for 5 min, followed by the addition of 2 mL p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (25%). Samples were then kept in the warm water bath for 10 additional min, cooled under running water and the absorbance read at 480 nm using a spectrophotometer (Beckman, DU 7400, Schaumburg, IL). Statistical Analysis Data were subjected to ANOVA using the PROC MIXED procedure of SAS (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC). Effects of horse, period, and diet were included in all statistical models. Horse was treated as a random effect. Differences between all pair- wise comparisons were evaluated using the Tukey-Kramer test (Younger, 1998). 30 Relationships between dietary CP intake and N balance parameters, serum amino acid concentration, serum urea-N concentration, urinary creatinine concentration, and urinary orotic acid concentration were determined using contrast (linear and quadratic) comparisons with orthogonal polynomials. Coefficients used for contrasts were based on the calculated CP intake of 677, 790, 903, 1016, and 1129 g per d. Statistical significance was based on an experiment-wise type-I error rate of 0-05. Regression analysis was performed using the GLM procedure of SAS (SAS Inst, Inc., Cary, NC) to determine the nature of the relationship between total and digestible lysine intake and N retention. Using the PROC UNIVARIATE procedure of SAS (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC), total and digestible lysine intake versus N retention data were determined to be normally distributed with homogeneous variance. Results Horse performance data Horse performance data including body weight, BCS, resting and working HR, as affected by period, are shown in Table 2. There was no effect of diet (P>0'05) on body weight, BCS, resting or working HR. Pre-experiment body weight was not different (P>0-05) compared to that in period 1. Body weight was higher (P<0-05) in period 5 compared to period 1, but was not different when compared to that in periods 2, 3, and 4. Pre-experiment BCS was not different (P>0-05) compared to that in period 1. Body condition score increased (P<0'05) from period 1 to 2, and there was no difference (P>0-05) in BCS between periods 2, 3, 4, and 5. There was no difference (P>0-05) in resting or working HR across periods, and HR throughout the trial did not change (P>0'05) with respect to HR taken at the end of the standardization period. 31 Nitrogen balance Nitrogen intake, losses, and retention data, as affected by dietary CP level are presented in Table 3. Nitrogen intake, fecal N excretion, urinary volume, urinary N excretion, and N retention increased linearly (P<0-05) as daily CP intake increased. A quadratic relationship between these parameters and dietary CP intake was not found (P>0'05). Compared to Control, fecal N was not different (P>O-05) in horses fed VL, L, H and VH protein diets. Fecal N was higher (P<0-05) in horses fed the VH protein diet compared to that in horses fed the VL diet. Compared to Control, urinary volume was not different in horses fed VL, L, H, and VH protein diets. However, urinary volume was. higher (P<0-05) in horses fed VH compared to that in horses fed VL. Compared to Control, there was no difference in urinary N excretion in horses fed L or H protein diets. Urinary N was higher (P<0105) in horses fed VH and lower (P<0-05) in horses fed VL compared to that in horses fed Control. Compared to Control, there was no difference in N retention in horses fed the VL (P=0-23) and L (P=0-80) protein diets. Compared to Control, N retention increased (P<0-05) in horses fed H and was not different (P=1-0) compared to VH. There was no quadratic relationship (P>0-05) between N retention and increasing dietary CP intake. Relationship between N retention and daily total and digestible lysine intake is presented in figure 4 and 5, respectively. Nitrogen retention increased linearly (P<0-05) as daily total and digestible lysine intake increased. There was no quadratic relationship (P>0-05) between N retention and increasing total or digestible lysine intake. 32 Serum urea nitrogen, creatinine, and orotic acid Basal and post-feeding/exercise serum urea-N, arginine, citrulline, omithine, and glutamine concentration as affected by dietary CP level are presented in figures 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, respectively. Basal and post-feeding/exercise serum urea-N concentration increased linearly (P<0-001) as dietary CP intake increased. Post-feeding/exercise serum urea-N in horses fed VL tended to differ (P<0-06) compared to that in horses fed the L protein diet but did not differ between horses fed L and Control (P=0-23). Post- feeding/exercise serum urea-N increased (P<0-05) in horses fed VH and H protein diets versus VL, L, or Control diets. Basal serum arginine, citrulline, and omithine concentration were not different (P>0-05) among dietary treatments. A quadratic relationship (P<0-05) was found between dietary CP and post-feeding/exercise serum arginine concentration. Post-feeding/exercise serum arginine concentration increased (P<0-05) as dietary C P intake increased, and reached plateau in horses fed the Control diet. Post-feeding/exercise serum citrulline, omithine, and glutamine concentration increased linearly (P<0-05) as dietary CP intake increased. Urinary creatinine, urinary orotic acid, and orotic acid-to creatinine ratio data are - presented in Table 4. Urinary creatinine and orotic acid concentration were not affected (P>0-05) by dietary CP intake. Daily urinary orotic acid output increased linearly (P<0-05) with increasing daily CP intake. Orotic acid to creatinine ratio was not different . (P<0'05) between dietary treatments. There was no quadratic relationship (P>0-05) between CP intake and the above parameters. 33 Serum amino acid concentration Basal serum indispensable AA concentration data, as affected by dietary CP level are presented in Table 5. For a majority of the indispensable AA, basal serum concentration did not differ G’>0-05) among dietary treatments. Serum isoleucine and valine concentration increased linearly (P<0‘05) as dietary CP intake increased. Post- exercise serum indispensable AA concentration data are presented in Table 6. Post- feeding/exercise serum concentration of all indispensable AA increased linearly (P<0-05) as dietary CP intake increased. For a majority of the indispensable AA, post- feeding/exercise serum concentration only differed (P<0105) from Control in horses fed the VL protein diet. A quadratic relationship (P<0~05) was found for serum total sulfur AA (TSAA) concentration. Total sulfur AA concentration increased (P<0-05) as CP intake increased, and reached plateau in horses fed the Control diet. Discussion The current NRC (1989) crude protein (CP) requirement estimate for the moderately exercised horse is derived from a CP to digestible energy (DE) ratio of 40 g to 1 Meal determined for the mature horse at maintenance. Consequently, dietary CP recommendation for the moderately exercised horse is 15 fold the recommended dietary CP requirement for maintenance. We raised the question whether this ratio can also be applied for the exercising horse. In this study, N retention, serum urea-N, and serum AA concentration were used as response criteria to estimate protein requirement of Arabian horses exposed to the same workload and fed varying levels of CP. Freeman et a1. (1988) showed that N retention increased in exercising horses exposed to increasing workloads and fed increasing level of dietary protein and energy. 34 In our study, in horses performing the same level of exercise, N retention increased as dietary CP increased. Nitrogen retention ranged from 21 -0 g per (1 in horses fed the VL protein diet up to 430 g per d in horses fed VH. Gibbs et a1. (1988) observed positive N retention of 311 g per d in mature ponies at maintenance consuming alfalfa hay (18-1% CP). Similarly, in a study conducted by Slade et a1. (1970), positive N retention as great as 20 g per (1 was found in mature horses at maintenance consuming between 800 and 900 g CP per d. We had hypothesized protein requirement for moderate exercise to be lower than that of NRC (1989). Surprisingly, N retention increased and was seemingly maximized in horses fed 1016 g CP per (1, corresponding to a protein level of 125% above that recommended by NRC (1989). Indeed, a linear rather than quadratic response between N intake and retention was obtained, which precluded estimating protein requirement using broken point analysis as performed by Dourmad and Etienne (2002). Considering the difference in protein quality between the lower and higher protein diets, the relationship between total or digestible lysine intake and N retention was examined and found also to be linear. Jackson (1999) has reported that at higher intakes of protein, measured N retention is consistently positive and suggested» this to be an artifact inherent to N balance studies. Nitrogen retention at higher protein intake may be overestimated due to an overestimation of N intake and underestimation of N losses (Jackson, 1999). However, N retention has been used successfully to determine protein requirement in other species including humans and swine (Rose, 1957.; Hegsted, 1976; Young and Scrimshaw, 1978; King et al., 1993; Dourmad and Etienne, 2002; Otto et al., 2003). In the current study, careful attention was given to collection and measurements of orts and waste materials consistently across treatments. Estimated N losses during the 60-min 35 work bout were 6, 5, 6, 6, and 7 g per day for the VL, L, Control, H, and VH protein diets, respectively. While this overestimated our N retention value, this overestimation was uniform across treatments. Other reasons for overestimation of protein requirement estimated from N balance studies include unmeasured N losses in sweat, skin desquarnation, and moderate day to day changes in N metabolism (Hegsted, 1963; Young and Scrimshaw, 1978; Garlick etal., 1999). In our study, urine and fecal collection was performed over a 4-d period, thus accounting for possible daily fluctuations in N metabolism. The extent to which N loss in sweat in particular and skin desquamation contribute to the overall N losses in horses has not been addressed. In humans, N losses associated with sweat and skin desquamation represents a small contribution to the overall N losses (Jackson, 1999). Miller-Graber et al. (1991a) reported that in exercising Quarter Horse mares fed a high protein (185%) diet, urea-N excretion in sweat increased. Nitrogen losses in sweat were not accounted for in our study, and it is possible that sweat may have been an important route of N excretion at higher protein intake thus resulting in an overestimation of protein requirement. Blood urea-N has been used successfully to determine protein and amino acid requirements of the lactating sow (Coma et al., 1996). In this study, we have also measured blood urea-N as a response criterion to estimate protein requirement. Basal and post-feeding/exercise serum urea-N increased as daily CP intake increased indicating that N retention was overestimated at higher protein intake. Our serum urea-N results are in agreement with those obtained by Miller and Lawrence (.1988). In their study, feeding a diet containing high protein concentration (185% CF) to exercising Quarter Horse mares increased plasma urea-N, indicating that protein intake was in excess of protein 36 requirement (Miller and Lawrence, 1988). In the current study, the fact that senun urea- N response to dietary CP intake was linear rather than exponential further indicates that an additional route of N excretion, possibly via sweat or salvage by the hind gut contributed to N losses at higher protein intake. In non-exercising humans consuming 74 g protein per (1, 40% of urea produced was salvaged via colonic microflora activity (Danielsen and Jackson, 1992). Due to the high dependence on hind gut fermentation in the horse, it is possible that substantial amounts of urea are utilized by the microbial population. Sermn concentration of arginine, the direct precursor of urea, was maximized in horses fed the Control diet. Miller-Graber et al. (1991a) have suggested that in horses consuming a high protein diet, urea cycle capacity in the liver may be exceeded. However, in this study neither urinary orotic acid concentration nor orotic acid to creatinine ratio changed with CP intake, and both citrulline and omithine concentration _/ increased with increasing CP intake. Excretion of orotic acid and the orotic acid to creatine ratio have been used to evaluate urea cycle activity in exercising horses (Miller- Graber et al., 1991a; Miller-Graber et al., 1991b). Increased excretion of urinary orotic acid has been observed in humans and rats as indicative of impaired urea cycle activity (Fico et al., 1984; Reyes et al., 1994). In the current study, because urinary orotic acid concentration remained similar across dietary treatments, it is unlikely that the enzymatic capacity of the urea cycle was exceeded in horses consuming the high protein diets. Rather, the fact that urea increased despite a plateau in serum arginine concentration may have resulted from an increase in hepatic arginase activity in horses fed protein level 37 above requirement. Thus, arginine may be an important indicator of protein status in the horse. Glutamine may be an important route for N excretion in mammals (Remesy et al., 1997), but has not been studied in horses. In this study, while basal serum glutamine concentration decreased linearly with increasing CP intake, post-feeding/exercise concentration increased linearly, indicating a reliance on glutamine for removal of N at higher protein intake. Plasma free AA concentration has been used extensively in many species to . evaluate dietary protein quality and indispensable AA requirement (Richardson et al., 1965; Young et al., 1971; Marchini et al., 1993). Although studies have been conducted in horses to investigate the effect of exercise on plasma free AA concentration (Russell et al., 1986; Poso et al., 1991; Trottier et al., 2002), no empirical studies have been conducted to address the response of circulating indispensable AA to graded levels of dietary CP intake in the exercised horse. In the current study, serum AA concentration was used as a response criterion to estimate CP requirement in horses fed varying levels of CP and exposed to moderate exercise. Except for histidine, post-feeding/exercise serum concentration for all indispensable AA increased as dietary protein intake increased. Mean serum concentration for the majority of indispensable AA, in particular lysine, was higher in horses fed the Control diet compared to that in horses fed the VL diet, indicating that these AA were in excess of requirement when fed in the Control diet. The fact that response in N retention to increased CP intake was linear rather than quadratic could be the result of compensatory increase in N retention in horses fed from a low to higher protein diets as suggested by Slade et al. (1970). Increased lean body mass 38 or protein synthesis may explain in part the observed increase in N retention. Horse performance and level of condition remained consistent throughout the experiment. There were no differences (P>0-05) in body composition based on muscle mass calculated from 24-h urinary creatinine excretion (Appendix D) across dietary treatments or periods. However, from period 1 to period 5, there was a numerical increase in muscle mass of 368 kg. This response parallels the observed increase in protein accretion of 131 and 269 g per d in horses fed the VL and VH protein diets, respectively. This represents lean tissue accretion of 188 and 384 g per d in horses fed the VL and VH protein diets, respectively. In conclusion, while horses fed protein levels below that of NRC (1989) maintained a positive N balance, N retention increased when horses were fed protein above that of NRC (1989). Although feeding protein at 125% above NRC (1989) level was necessary to achieve maximal N retention, this may not be indicative of requirement. The blood urea-N (BUN) results challenge the N retention response as both long and short term changes in BUN concentration indicated that protein intake was in excess of requirement, when fed above NRC (1989). In addition to the BUN results, serum AA concentrations were also elevated, thus casting doubt on the validity of the N retention response. Arginine concentration plateaued in horses fed NRC (1989) recommended protein level and may be an indicator of protein status in the horse. We had hypothesized that protein requirement for the moderately exercised horse to be less than that of NRC (1989). Our results indicate that protein requirement estimated from a ratio of 30 or 35 g CP to 1 Meal DE is sufficient to meet the protein need for moderate exercise. 39 Table 1. Ingredient and nutrient composition of concentrate diets (as-fed basis) Diett VL L Control H VH Ingredients Com, yellow, (%) 94-0 50-0 40-0 34-0 28-0 Oats, (%) 0-0 44-0 48-0 46-0 44-0 Soybean meal, (%) 0-0 0-0 6-0 14-0 22-0 Molasses, (%) 6-0 6-0 6-0 6-0 6-0 Vitamin-mineral mix: + + + + + Trace mineralized salt§ + + + + + Corn 011' + + + + + Nutrients Calculated Digestible energy, (kcal/kg) 3330-0 3100-0 3080-0 3090-0 3100-0 Crude protein, (%) 8-62 10-43 12-90 1589 18-88 Lysine, (%) 0-24 0-30 0-47 0-70 0-92 Analyzed Dry matter, (%) 89-32 90-12 91-10 91-50 91-78 Gross energy, (kcal/kg) 3939-7 4069-3 41 l 19 4161 -0 4166-2 Crude protein, (%) 8-48 9-67 11-83 15-88 18-57 Acid detergent fibre, (%) 3-85 5-51 6-71 6-28 6-94 Neutral detergent fibre. (%) 7-48 15-05 17-55 15-97 16-41 Amino Acids Indispensable Arginine 0-41 0-58 0-78 1-12 137 Histidine 0-20 0-24 0-29 0-49 0-62 Isoleucine 0-30 0-36 0-47 0-69 0-83 Leucine 108 0-99 l-l 1 1-42 161 Lysine 0-17 0-25 0-40 0-71 0-93 Phenylalanine 0-36 0-43 0-53 0-77 0-92 Phenylalanine + Tyrosine 0-62 0-74 0-92 1-30 155 Threonine 0-24 0-28 0-35 0-48 0-59 Valine 0-39 0-48 0-59 0-82 0-97 Dispensable Alanine 0-64 0-62 0-68 0-85 0-95 Aspartate 0-66 0-84 1 ~13 1-69 2-08 40 Table 1. Continued Glutamate 1-80 2-13 2-54 3-29 3-80 Glycine 0-26 0-37 0-45 0-66 0-80 Proline 0-81 0-74 0-86 1-07 1-20 Serine 0-39 0-47 0-57 0-78 0-92 Tyrosine 0-26 0-31 0-38 0-53 0-63 ' VL. L. Control, H and VH diets correspond to 677, 790, 903, 1016 and 1129 g of crude protein intake per day, respectively. ‘Vitamin-mineral mix was top-dressed at 28 g per day to provide 15000 1U Vitamin A, 3125 IU Vitamin D3, 375 IU Vitamin E, 4480 mg Ca, 4480 mg P and 0-84 mg Se. §Trace mineralized salt was fed free choice in block form. I Value of corn oil top dressed daily to meet NRC (1989) recommended digestible energy requirement for moderate exercise varied based on body weight of horse and averaged 609, 375, 259, 351, and 305 g for VL, L, Control, H, and VH protein diets respectively. 41 Table 2. Horse performance data (Least squares mean values with standard errors) Item Mean SEM Body Weight. (kg) Pre-experimentl 473 -3 16-4 Period 1 477-6” 17-5 Period 2 41115-4'b 17-5 Period 3 488-4” 17-5 Period 4 490-2” 17-5 Period 5 491 -4' 17-5 Body Condition Score Pro-experiment 6-3 0-4 Period 1 ‘ 6-5" 04 Period 2 ' 7-1' 04 Period 3 7-1' 0-4 Period 4 7-0‘ 0-4 Period 5 7-0' 0-4 Resting Heart Rate. (bpm) Pre-experiment 35-2 2-0 Period 1 330a 12 Period 2 32-4' 1-2 Period 3 32-9'I 13 Period 4 31-8‘I 1-2 Period 5 32-8a 1-2 Working Heart Rate, (bpm) Pre-experiment 88-0 20 Period 1 87-2‘ 2-6 Period 2 90-4‘ 2-6 Period 3 90-7'I 28 Period 4 86-6‘I 26 Period 5 89-8' 2-6 ‘b Least squares mean values within a column with unlike superscript letters differ (P<0-05). 42 .835 z\ 2 room 1 8.55 z n Esemowa z e .2 Room I 8.35 2 n mundane Z 82:» .395QO Z \ 3582 Z n 5:353 Z__ . Z $5.5 I Z Boo.”— 1 835 Z n 53:22 2.0. Emma not—o owed:— a .ancEwB 8: n mZe Save . .Amoévmv gowns €032 atomcomzm 85:: £3, 38 a £53, 829 :35 86:3 ammo; oases mz .. em .36 em .26 em eons mm 29$ one. .3“ oh .ngemoms 2 m2 m2 3 .Mem we at 3 RS mm ._ .3. we .62 Ge .__eoee~=e= 2 m2 .. 3 .er 3. Ed. 3. swam E no.2 3. so: EB .seoeeee 2 mz _. 2. R3 2. :92 me some 3 Bose 2. ES 63 .z beet: mz .. S .3 3 ac.» 3 ab.» 2 a: 3 .3 5.: case, been: mz .. E .93 3 23m 3 exam 3. ewes. E. as. GE .2 zoom m2 m2 so RE 2 .eem so :3 we 3% so Ram 3°C .azo aood mz .. _.o .3 5 a3 3 .33 _.o .2 S .3 GEO .aseeeo 2o 38d .mz .. em .32 3 some. 3 as; 3 some 3 .32 355 2 23620 aoe: 2mm :82 2mm :82 2mm :82 2% 5oz 2% :82 so: o=_e>-d Que :> $15 = $15 328 :15 i_ fins .5 85 £80518 m_o>o_ wavy; pom mowco: E coca—E :03me .m 035. Quote “:85: :2: 5:5 82? :88 modes—om 38d 43 .omcogme 2863: n O .3532 30:: n 4:. .86 3980 now v n a” .EmoEcw_m 8: u m2 .. .8.on . Amoévmv 3&6 20:2 Broaden—am 82:: 5:5 38 a 55:5 83:; SEE $3.5m “moor— e... m2 m2 3 .ed 3 .3. .2 .3 mm .2: em .2. Amanda .aoeeaeofioe 285 m2 .. Ne ease .3 RE 3 ease 2 some 3 .48 Esme: .eae ones 555 m2 m2 3 .3 we .3 we .3 we .3 we .3 Esme .23 288 $55 m2 m2 so .E as .3 3 .2 E .3 do .3 8E .uossaeo Ede: m2 .m2 eom .92: com .43 e. _ N .32 e. _ m .58 gm has 33.5 .aoseeeoa E55 0 a 2mm :82 2mm :32 2mm :82 2mm :82 2%. as: so: so2e>d $15 :> Gus : $15 328 :15 .— Gus .3 Quota €3.83 5:: $25, :86 8523581: 55 one. oEEEEo 8 Bus ozone use .28 ozone ESE: 655233 ESE: :o 8% Lo Hootm .v «Earp. 44 .0233. 88:53 N 0 6309.2 80:: n A“ .Emoc_:w_m 8: n m Z ,7. .moévm . Amoévmv 3&6 floun— Etofloasm BEE. 5:.» 38 m 55:: mun—g :88 88:3 384 0...... 45 mZ _. m.» .mim m.» 3.2: mg 1.9: Wm 30.3.— m.w 33— 25m> m2 m2 Em L .m: Nam .wé: Em $1.: ob .04”: Nam .N.wo_ :wfiofibh m2 m2 0. m 9.5.0” o. m no.3. o. m .190» Z. fiv. _ w c. m 333 05:00:: m2 m2 m.m .m.mm_ m.m Kum: m.m 3&2 6m L .NQ m.m 3mg 0585C. + 055—330;; m2 m2 m1 boo cg .obm o; 3.3 \L .cam 04 .36 2:55.985. m2 m2 2 .m. _ m I .v.oM Z 1&5 N; am. _ m I 3.3. 0:556 + 2:538: m2 m2 5o .98 he .m.mm 5o .65 wé L .8 6o .m.om 25.2522 m2 m2 3. .wdm oé .wdv ml. .93 Vm L.mm 3. .93 25.3 _. m2 oh .obm— ah 3.5: oh fifimfl vb .13: oh 2.va— 2:254 m2 .. _.m .03 Tm 52% _.m .93 N...” 3T3 _.m .93 052563 .mZ .. w.~ 2.00m w.m .9; w.m améo 9m 2%.? w.m 3.3 2:255 oEanamGE 38m 3>oE=V .28 05:3 Baum O 4 2mm :82 2mm :82 2mm :82 2mm :82 2mm 582 Eu: $2.3-.. Gus :> Gus : Gus .828 :1: 4 Gus 4> H05 A283 2353... :05 .23 82? :88 88:9, 38.: coup—Evocg Eon oEEm 0335365 530m .33 so 86 .3 Hook—m .m 03:. 00:280.. 0.8626 n 0 60.830. 80:: n x: .Eachwi 8.. n mZ + .89.. . .Amoévmv 8&6 20:0. 3:00.003 005.... 53> 30. 8 £53. m028> 80:. 88:9. .804 a...“ mZ * MK. uoénm M; an. _ mm .3. .o.mmm We. no.2.— w.w the. 0E8> mZ ._ o... kawm. o.w bem— o.w .992 9w puma: o.w inc: 8:003»; m2 .. ms .93“. m... fivém. m... 2.93. c.» .33 was 1.00 05.505 m2 _. ”l. .93: vs 6.3.. .1. 2.0.2.. 2. 2...?— v.\. 0:...” _ 058.0: + 058828;; m2 ... fim no.3. Nam ._.m> PM .1 .I. oé Exxon Nam uvdm 058835.72 ... ... 0.. ”W? o. LEV 0.. .w.mv w. a. .wm o.— ..n.mm 050.30 + 05.82.02 m2 .. m. Laom m. “Tum m. “I...“ 2 853 m. n.o.Om 05.83.02 m2 _. mb 5.8. mb .860 mb 2.93 m... 2.0.8 We gogmm 0:803 m2 .. ob. 8.9: o.o. .53.. 9o. .33.. can. .mém. o.o_ €5.02 050:0: m2 _. m.m .~.mo Wm L .3 Wm 2.5.3 0.0 .3? Wm .93 050328. .mZ _., me 3.. 2 me aWe: we La: oh .mho. me F.o.oo_ 0528.: 0385.86... 008808-88 3>0E3 .208 05:8 88.0w 0 x. 2mm .802 2mm .802 2mm .802 2Mm .802 2mm .802 E0: .0333. Gus :> an... 2 Gus .8200 2N5 0 Gus .> 35 88550.50 208 05:8 0380:0365 E300 0m_0.0x0\m:6000-.mom :0 00:0 .«o 800%. 6 030,—. 3.9.8 08988 :05 .33 0.02.; 808 008:3 080‘: 46 Figure 4. Relationship between daily total lysine intake and nitrogen retention. Response between daily lysine intake and nitrogen retention was linear and described by Y = 0-734x + 4763 (r2 = 0-42; PO-05). 51 Urea nitrogen, mgIdL N N N O .L Q .L O) .3 .5 .3 N .5 O . Basal O Post-feedinglexercise 677 790 903 1016 Dietary crude protein, gld 52 1129 Figure 7a. Effect of dietary crude protein intake on basal and post-feeding/exercise serum arginine concentration. Dietary crude protein level of 677, 790, 903, 1016, 1129 g CP per (1 corresponds to VL, L, Control, H, and VH protein diets, respectively. Closed (0) and opened (O) circle indicates basal and post-feeding/exercise serum arginine concentration, respectively. Linear and quadratic response between dietary crude protein intake and basal serum arginine concentration was not significant (P>0°05). Linear and quadratic response between dietary crude protein intake and post-feeding/exercise serum arginine concentration was significant (PO'05). Linear response between dietary crude protein and post-feeding/exercise serum citrulline concentration was significant (PO-05). 55 Figure 9. Effect of dietary crude protein intake on basal and post-feeding/exercise serum omithine concentration. Dietary crude protein level of 677, 790, 903, 1016, 1129 g CP per (1 corresponds to VL, L, Control, H, and VH protein diets, respectively. Closed (0) and opened (0) circle indicates basal and post-feeding/exercise serum omithine concentration, respectively. Linear and quadratic response between dietary crude protein intake and basal serum omithine concentration was not significant (P>O-05). Linear response between dietary crude protein and post-feeding/exercise serum omithine concentration was significant (P<0-05). Quadratic response for post-feeding/exercise serum omithine concentration was not significant (P>0-05). 57 Ornithine, umollL 80 70 60 50 4O 30 O Post-feedinglexercise 677 790 903 1 016 Dietary crude protein, gld 58 1129 Figure 10. Effect of dietary crude protein intake on basal and post-feeding/exercise serum glutamine concentration. Dietary crude protein level of 677, 790, 903, 1016, 1129 g CP per (1 corresponds to VL, L, Control, H, and VH protein diets, respectively. Closed (0) and opened (O) circle indicates basal and post-feeding/exercise serum glutamine concentration, respectively. Linear response between dietary crude protein intake and basal and post-feeding/exercise serum glutamine was significant (PO-05). 59 Glutamine, umollL 400 350 300 250 200 150 Q Basal o Post-feedinglexercise 677 790 903 1016 1 129 Dietary crude protein, gld 6O LITERATURE CITED 61 Literature Cited Adachi T, Tanimura A, & Asahina M (1963) A colorimetric determination of orotic acid. J Vitaminol 9, 217-226. Coma J, Zimmerman DR, & Carrion D (1996) Lysine requirement of the lactating sow determined by using plasma urea nitrogen as a rapid response criterion. J Anim Sci 74, 1056-1061. Danielsen M & Jackson AA (1992) Limits of adaptation to a diet low in protein in normal man: urea kinetics. Clin Sci 83, 103-108. Dourmad JY & Etienne M (2002) Dietary lysine and threonine requirements of the pregnant sow estimated by nitrogen balance. J Anim Sci 80, 2144-2150. F ico ME, Motyl T, & Milner JA (1984) Species Comparison of the influence of ammonia on orotic acid and urea biosynthesis in liver. 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Horses were randomly assigned to l of 5 dietary treatments. Each period consisted of a 10-day diet adaptation followed by a 4-day total urine and fecal collection. All horses consumed mixed grass hay containing 10% crude protein (CP) at 1% of their body weight. Total diet (hay plus concentrate) was formulated to provide 677, 790, 903, 1016, and 1129 g CP daily corresponding to a very low (VL), low (L), Control, high (H) and very high (V H) protein diet respectively. Diets were composed of corn, oat, and SBM in varying proportions. Apparent fecal N and AA digestibility increased linearly (PO-OS) in horses fed L, H, and VH. Apparent fecal lysine digestibility was not different (P>0-05) in horses fed VL and L compared to that in horses fed Control and was higher (P<0-05) in horses fed H and VH. Inclusion of SBM to the Control, H, and VH protein diet concentrates resulted in higher protein quality and contributed to the increase in apparent fecal N and AA digestibility. Key words: Horse, protein, amino acid, digestibility 66 Introduction The current NRC (1989) protein requirement estimate for the exercising horse is derived from a crude protein (CP) to digestible energy (DE) ratio of 40 g to 1 Meal estimated for the horse at maintenance. This ratio was determined from horses consuming a forage diet with a protein digestibility of 46%. Several studies have reported protein digestibility to be higher than 46%. In ponies fed Coastal Bermuda grass, low-protein alfalfa, or high-protein alfalfa hay, Gibbs et al. (1988) reported total tract N digestibility of 57, 66, and 74%, respectively. Similarly, Slade et al. (1970), Hintz et a1. (1971), and Glade (1984) have provided estimates of protein digestibility of diets fed to horses and ponies at maintenance ranging from 35 up to 798%. However, ingredients used in diets tested in earlier studies (Slade et al., 1970; Reitnour and Treece, 1971; Glade, 1984) are not representative of those routinely fed to horses. Exercising horses are commonly fed a mixed ration consisting of increased level of concentrate relative to forage in order to meet the increased energy demands associated with physical activity. The concentrate portion is typically composed of ingredients of higher protein quality than that found in most forages. Thus, it is expected that protein digestion of a diet formulated for the exercising horse will be higher than that reported by the current NRC (1989). Moreover, protein digestibility of diets fed to exercising horses has not been determined. The objective of this study was to determine apparent fecal N and AA digestibility of five hayzconcentrate mix diets fed to horses performing moderate exercise. We hypothesized that apparent N digestibility would be higher than values reported in NRC (1989) and that inclusion of soy bean meal (SBM) increases apparent N and AA digestibility. 67 Materials and Methods Animals, experimental design, and diets As part of a N balance study conducted to estimate the protein requirement of the moderately exercised horse (Wickens et al., unpublished), five mature Arabian geldings with an initial body weight of 473-3 :1: 16-4 kg were randomly assigned to five dietary treatments in a 5 x 5 Latin square design. Horses were housed individually in box stalls (3-0 x 3-7 m) with free access to water. All horses consumed mixed grass hay containing 10% CP (as fed basis) at 1% of their BW. Five diet concentrates were formulated to achieve varying levels of crude protein intake. Ingredient and nutrient composition of the concentrate diets are provided in Table 7. A Control diet concentrate was first formulated to meet NRC (1989) daily protein requirement estimate for moderate exercise. A very low (VL) and a low (L) diet concentrate was formulated to provide 25% and 12-5% lower protein respectively, relative to Control, and a high (H) and very high (VH) diet concentrate was formulated to provide 126% and 25% higher protein respectively, relative to Control. Thus, total diet (hay plus concentrate) was formulated and fed to provide 677, 790, 903, 1016, and 1129 g CP daily corresponding to the very low (VL), low (L), Control, high (H), and very high (VH) protein diet, respectively. To achieve a very low protein diet, corn was used as the primary ingredient. Protein concentrations of the diet concentrates were increased by altering the corn to oat ratio and through the addition of soybean meal to the Control, H, and VH protein concentrates. Molasses was included in the concentrate mix as a binder. Diet concentrates varied slightly in DE content and were fed to achieve the desired protein levels. This resulted in minor energy deficiencies, thus corn oil was top-dressed in small amounts to assure NRC (1989) energy 68 requirement for moderate exercise was met for each horse. Vitamin-mineral mix was top-dressed once daily to provide NRC (1989) recommended levels of Ca, P, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Se. Meals were fed twice daily at 0700 and 1600. Forage to concentrate ratios of the total diet (hay plus concentrate) are shown in Table 8. This study was approved by Michigan State University All University Committee on Animal Use and Care. Sample collection The study consisted of five collection periods. Each period was 14 d in length and consisted of a 10-d diet adaptation followed by a 4-d total fecal and urine collection. Feces and urine were collected using gelding collection harnesses (Equisan Marketing, Melbourne, Australia) and emptied every 5 h or more frequently as needed. At each emptying, all feces were bagged, and immediately stored at -20°C. At the end of each collection period, daily fecal samples were thawed, pooled, weighed, and homogenized using a 136-kg mechanical mixer. Sub samples were collected (~500 g) and frozen at -20°C for N and AA analysis. Sample Analysis For chemical analysis, fecal samples were freeze-dried (VirTis model 25-SRC, VirTis Co., Gardiner, NY). Feed and fecal samples were finely ground using a cyclone mill (Foss Cyclotec sample mill 1093, Hoganas, Sweden) with a l-mm mesh screen. Nitrogen content in feed and feces was determined using an automated N analyzer (Leco FP-ZOOO, Leco Co., St. Joseph, MI; AOAC No. 990-3). Dry matter of feed was determined following a 24-h drying period at 80°C using a drying oven (Fisher Isotemp, Fisher Scientific, Hanover Park, IL). Amino acid analysis was performed on feed and 69 ‘3‘... '— fecal samples using the Pico-Tag method (Waters Co., Milford, MA) following a 24-h acid hydrolysis in 6N HCl at 113°C and 121 mm Hg. Norleucine was used as an internal standard. Samples were derivatized with phenylisothiocyanate and analyzed by high pressure liquid chromatography (Alliance 2690, Waters Co., Milford, MA) fitted with a 30-cm Pico-Tag column (Waters Co., Milford, MA). Calculations Apparent fecal N digestibility (AND) and AA digestibility (AAD) was calculated in the following manner: AND = (N,— Nf)/ N, AAD = (AA, -— AA,)/ AA, where N, and AA, are the total N and AA intake, and Nfand Man the total N and AA losses in feces. Statistical Analysis Data were subjected to ANOVA using the PROC MIXED procedure of SAS (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC). Effects of horse, period, and diet were included in the statistical model. Horse was treated as a random effect. Differences between all pair- wise comparisons were evaluated using the Tukey-Kramer test (Younger, 1998). Relationships between dietary CP intake and N and AA digestibility were determined using contrast (linear and quadratic) comparisons with orthogonal polynomials. Coefficients used for contrasts were based on the calculated CP intake of 677, 790, 903, 1016, and 1129 g per d. Statistical significance was based on an experiment-wise type-I error rate of 0-05. Regression equations for apparent fecal CP, N, and AA digestibility were calculated using the PROC REG procedure of SAS (SAS Inst, Inc., Cary, NC). 70 Results and Discussion The forage to concentrate ratio for each diet is shown in Table 8. Ratios ranged from 53:47 forage to concentrate to 63:37 forage to concentrate. These ratios correspond to those currently recommended by the NRC (1989) for horses performing moderate work. Apparent fecal N digestibility data, as affected by dietary CP intake are presented in Table 9. Nitrogen digestibility increased linearly (P<0'001) as daily CP intake increased. Slade et al. (1970) found similar results with increases in dietary CP in horses fed at maintenance. Compared to Control, N digestibility was not different (P>O-05) in 4: horses fed L, H and VH protein diets. Nitrogen digestibility was lower (P mz .. 0.0 .0: 00 .0: 0.0 .800 00 .88 00 .08 8.82.: mz .. .0 .0? .0 e0: .0 a... . 0 00 z. .8 .0 .08 ”08.88.5880 m2 _. 00 .08 00 .000 00 .08 00 .08 00 .08 8.8.. m2 .. 0. .08 0. e0: 0. 20.2 0. :03. 0. 100 8.80.. m2 _. .0 .000 00 a. . . 0 00 3.08 00 20.8 00 .08 8.80.8. mz _. 0. .00.. 0. :08 0. 30.00 .0 2.02 0. .0 .0 8.8m... 02 .. 0. .08 3 008 0. s0... 0. 208 0. .80 8.50:. 0300:0006... Eon OEE< .mz ._ 00 .08 00 .08 00 2.0.8 0.0 30 .8 00 .08 88.8.2 08880 885 .28 88,. 20m 882 20m 88,. .200 88.. 20m 82>. 88>-.. are :> an... : 3.1.5 .8800 .85 .. Gus ..> .05 8.0.00 08.0.88 :05 5.3 002.; 80:. 0.08.50 800,: 2008.. .306 8800:0898 .0 5.358%“. 28 05:8 0.8 =0wo.._: E0893 .0 038... .5355? 8: n m2 . .89.. . .Amo.ov$ 5&6 28.2 6:889; BEE. 53. 3o. 0 55.3 mo:_a> :02: 8:33 831. 0...... 88.8.5 .0 2...... 80 Table 10. Parameter estimates for crude protein, nitrogen and indispensable amino acid digestibilities Parameter Bo P Value B. P Value R2 CP, (%Y 385 an... .. an... .880 0N5 .. Gus 0> 0.0 30:0 0.00080 0.05 5.3 002.; :00... 00.9.00 3.00.: 00000000000 200 00.0.0 0380036 80.00 .800 :0 00:0 .00 800E 0 8.82.3. ’1 ' 0000000. 000.0000 M 0 0000000. 0000.. n 4“ 00000.00... .00 u 02 . .00.0v.. . .A00.0vn.v 000.00 0.000. 00.003003 00.20.. 003 30.. 0 0.003 m00.0> 0000.. 00.00.00. 0000.. 0...... 0000.000 m 0.00250. 92 93 07. .. 0.0 .00.. 0.0 .0..0. 0.0 .0000 0.0 2.0.00 0.0 .000 00.00.00 02 _. 0.. .000 0.. ....00 0.. .0.00 .0 £0.00 0.. .000 05.00.. mZ _. 0.0. .0000 0.0. .0000. 0.0. H00.000 0.0. n.. .000 0.0. .0000 05.00 07. _. 0.0 ..00. 0.0 .000. 0.0 .0.00. 0.0 .0.00. 0.0 .0.00. 00:0... 02 .. 0.0 .000 0.0 A..0.00 0.0 .0000 0.0 €0.00 00 .000 02 02 0.00 .0000 0.00 .0000 0.00 .0.00 0.00 .0000 0.00 .0.00 0500.0 02 02 0.0 .0.00 0.0 .000 0.0 .000 0.0 .0. .0 0.0 .000 0.00.0020 mZ _. 0.0. .0.000 0.0. .0000 0.0. .0000 0.0. .0000 0.0. .0.0.0 00.80.05 . 02 0.0 .00 0.0 .00 0.0 .00 0.0 2.0.0 0.0 0.00 00.00000 mZ _. 0.0 .0.00. 0.0 .000. 0.0 .0.00. 0.0 n0000 00 .0.00 05:00.0 07. 07. 0.0 .00 0.0 .00 0.0 .00 0.0 .00 0.0 .. .0 0.00.0000. mz .. 0.0 .000. 0.0 .000. 0.0 .000. .... .000. 0.0 .000. 00.00.0000. 02 .02 0.0. .0.0.0 0.0. .0000. 0.0. .0.0.0 0.0. ....0. 0.0. .0.0.0. 00.00.< 030000000. .00.. 300.00. .0.00 00.50 50.00 0 .. 3.0.0 000.>. 2mm 0002 2mm 0002 2mm 000$. 2mm 000.2 0.2.3... an... 0> an... 0 an... .8050 0.”... 0 an... .> 00.0. 3.000 0.00003 ..05 5.3 m00.0> 0000. 00.00.00 .000... 00000000000 0.00 00.50 030000005 0.0.00 0m.0.00$00.000..-0..00 00 .0... .0 .00....m. U 0..—0009.0. 0000000. 050.000.. H 0 0000000. .000: u A. ..000....0w.0 .00 n 02. .000VA. . .A0o0v... .00..... 0.000. .0..00.00:0 00....5 5.3 30. 0 0.5.3 00:.0> 0000. 00.00.00 .0004 2... 000.5000 U 0.000000. 94 Appendix D Effect of diet and period on calculated muscle mass, kgf (Least squares mean values with their standard errors) Item Mean SEM Diet VL 155-9' 193 L 167-4' 21'] Control 1997' 21-1 H 1446' 19-3 VH 167-4' 193 Period 1 146-4‘| 193 2 1610' 21°] 3 171-7‘ 2H 4 172-8'I 19-3 5 183-2' 193 ' Least squares mean values within a column with unlike superscripts differ (P