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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 6/01 cJCIFlC/DateDuopGS—p. 15 COMPARISON OF GASOLINES USING GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY/MASS SPECTROMETRY AND TARGET ION RESPONSE By Aisha Tamara Barnes A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Criminal Justice 2003 ABSTRACT COMPARISON OF GASOLINES USING GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY/MASS SPECTROMETRY AND TARGET ION RESPONSE By Aisha Tamara Barnes Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was used to compare gasoline samples obtained from different sources based on the difference in response of the ion detector to the target ions of certain components found in gasoline. Many suspected arson cases involve comparing an accelerant extracted from fire debris to an ignitable liquid found in a suspect’s possession to determine if it could have been used in the fire. These types of comparisons are currently based on pattern recognition and component identification and do not take into account the variation that exists in some commonly used accelerants such as gasoline. Fifty and seventy-five percent-evaporated gasoline samples were both found to contain similar ratios of certain components when compared to the same source gasoline unevaporated. This research proposes ratios to be used to determine if an unevaporated gasoline sample could have originated from the same source as an evaporated gasoline extract from fire debris. The results of the comparisons in this study demonstrate that for cases involving gasoline as the accelerant, that has been evaporated up to 50% and extracted from pine, it is possible to eliminate comparison samples as originating from the same source. The results of the 75% comparisons suggest it may be possible to apply the same type of comparison to cases involving 75% evaporated gasoline. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank those who have offered their time and resources to ensure this project was successful. First, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms of Rockville, MD must be acknowledged for the use of instrumentation, supplies, and chemicals used in this study. Ray Kuk and Julia Dolan of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms are deserving of specific gratitude for their ideas regarding the study, their guidance, and support. Also the author would like to thank Troy Ernst for his advice and assistance in the writing process, and Dr. Jay Siege] for his guidance and patience. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables List of Figures Chapter One: Introduction Background Information The Problem to be Studied Purpose of the Study Hypothesis Limitations Refining Gasoline from Crude Oil Chapter Two: Instrumentation Capillary Gas Chromatography Electron Ionization Mass Spectrometry Chapter Three: Forensic Methods of Accelerant Separation and Concentration from Fire Debris Headspace Sampling Solvent Extraction Static Adsorption/Elution Chapter Four: Development of Experiment Parameters Instrumental Conditions Sofiware Considerations Selection of an Extraction/Concentration Method Selection of Substrates Determination of Amount of Gasoline to Use Experimental Setup A. 50% Comparisons B. 75% Comparisons Comparison Mechanics Chapter Five: Results and Conclusions, Discussion, and Further Research Results and Conclusions A. 50% Comparisons B. 75% Comparisons Discussion and Further Research Appendices Appendix I: Data for 50% Comparisons iv vi viii '—'\OOO\)MNH 19 19 20 21 22 22 22 25 29 29 3O 31 31 32 35 35 36 37 4O 40 TABLE OF CONTENTS, continued Appendix II: Data for 75% Comparisons Appendix III: Demonstration of Comparison Ratios and Where They Lie on a Typical Chromatograrn Notes Bibliography 58 65 67 69 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Gasoline Information for 50% Comparisons (Left) and 75% (Right) 11 Table 4.1 Components Chosen by Software 22-24 Table 4.2 Example of How Similar Ratios Were Determined 33 Appendix Table 1.1 Values Obtained for Ratios 1-6 for Gasolines #1-16 (Neat=Unevaporated) 40 Appendix Table 1.2 Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #1 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat; Gas=Abbreviation for Gasoline 42 Appendix Table 1.3 Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #2 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat 45 Appendix Table 1.4 Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #3 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat 48 Appendix Table 1.5 Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #4 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat . 51 Appendix Table 1.6 Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #5 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat 54 Appendix Table 2.1 Value Obtained for Ratios 1-4 for Gasolines #01-10 (N eat=Unevaporated) 58 Appendix Table 2.2 Comparison of 75% Evaporated Gasoline #01 to Gasolines #01-10 Neat 59 Appendix Table 2.3 Comparison of 75% Evaporated Gasoline #02 to Gasolines #01-10 Neat 60 vi LIST OF TABLES, continued Appendix Table 2.4 Comparison of 75% Evaporated Gasoline #03 to Gasolines #01-10 Neat 62 Appendix Table 2.5 Comparison of 75% Evaporated Gasoline #04 to Gasolines #01-10 Neat 63 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer: Ion Source, Mass Analyzer, and Detector Appendix Figure 3.1 Ratios Used in 50% Comparisons Appendix Figure 3.2 Ratios Used in 75% Comparisons viii 17 65 66 Chapter One: Introduction In many suspected arson cases, the presence of an ignitable liquid may be detected in fire debris. Often times a comparison ignitable liquid, possibly found in a suspect's possession, is submitted to the testing laboratory to determine if it is of the same type as that found in the fire debris. The strongest associations fire debris chemists can make regarding the debris and ignitable liquid are based on pattern recognition and component identification through use of gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (GC/MS). Since gasoline is the accelerant in a large percentage of arson cases, more definitive methods of determining whether a suspected gasoline possibly originated from the same source as that found in the fire are necessary. It is widely known that different gasoline companies add patented performance markers to their gasoline that distinguish it from other gasoline, but that information is proprietary and the markers are present in only minute concentrations.l However, there are many other measurable ways in which gasoline produced by oil refineries can differ as a result of chemical conversion methods, treatment and reformulation processes, blending, and storage. Moreover, once a new shipment is sent out to a gasoline station, the newly refined gasoline is mixed with the residual gasoline still in the pumps, further lending to the possibility of distinguishing gasoline from different sources. Nevertheless, comparing gasoline found in debris to unevaporated gasoline is more complicated than analyzing gasoline alone. Fire debris does not contain an uncontaminated ignitable liquid, but rather many compounds that can contribute to (or interfere with) the chromatogram and make comparison to the same gasoline unevaporated very difficult. Materials such as synthetic carpets, found in debris from residential fires, produce pyrolysis products of the same type as some components normally found in the chromatogram of gasoline alone, such as ethylbenzene, m- and p- xylenes, and isopropylbenzene. Wood products such as pine are also commonly found in residential firesz, yet their pyrolysis products have retention times that do not interfere with those of gasoline, leaving many components of gasoline unadulterated and useful for comparison purposes. Research demonstrates that gasoline from different sources will vary in the abundance of its components when injected into the gas chromatograph (GC).3“1 Furthermore, by calculating ratios of sequential peak components in gasoline, differences can be detected. This study proposes a method of differentiating gasoline by comparing the ratios of certain components present in the headspace of unevaporated and evaporated gasoline to gasoline from different sources. The results of this study demonstrate it is possible to eliminate gasoline samples as originating from the same source and should not be used to suggest with certainty that two gasoline samples originated from the same source. In addition, the results indicate it is feasible to include a sample as a possible source of an evaporated gasoline sample. Background Information Previous work by Dale Mann demonstrated that by using capillary GC, the peak ratios and chromatograrns obtained from the C5 to C8 region of gasoline vary among different sources. 4 In his first paper he compared eight corresponding peak ratios by first overlaying relevant peaks to see if they were superimposable. Next, he did a quantitative comparison on non-superimposable peaks by dividing the peak area of the peaks of interest by reference compounds to get ratios such that gasoline from the same source yielded similar ratios. His second paper looked at difficulties in applying his comparison methods to cases involving gasoline headspace.5 He used his method to compare the headspace of unevaporated gasoline to that of gasoline up to 40% evaporated, using heated headspace as his sampling method. He noted that samples involving gasoline evaporated more than 40% resulted in a lack of enough usable peaks in the C5-C8 region of the chromatogram from GC. He also found that certain materials yielded pyrolysis products in the region of interest when a sample of fire debris headspace was injected, interfering with making gasoline headspace to fire debris headspace comparisons. Nevertheless, he established that comparing sequential peak ratios of the components in gasoline using GC is useful in discriminating gasoline samples through application of his method to case studies. Although fundamental to the comparison of gasoline, Mann’s methods had many limitations. Mann had not incorporated a mass spectrometer into his gasoline analysis scheme. With GC/MS, not only is the gasoline separated into its individual components, but the mass spectrometer allows for the examiner to identify and classify the individual hydrocarbons present in gasoline, moving away from simple pattern recognition and retention time as an indication of where individual components elute. Also, Mann did his ratio calculations by hand, which was very time consuming and increased the likelihood of human error. Therefore, he could not analyze a wider range of possible ratios available from the gasoline components. Many of these limitations were evaluated in the research done by Julia Dolan and Christopher Ritacco.6 They compared liquid gasoline from different sources using GC/MS with an autosampler and computer software to calculate sequential peak ratios based on target compound response. Using a Target Compound Program available from Hewlett Packard, peaks of interest and the relative abundanCe of their target ions were input based on parameters identified from a liquid gasoline standard. The relative abundance data was then imported into Microsoft Excel, which was set up to compute sequential peak ratios, standard deviation, and percent standard deviation of replicate runs of the same gasoline. They originally started outwith 87 possible ratios and narrowed the scope by eliminating ratios that remained similar among different gasolines, ratios that were not reproducible among replicate runs of the same gasoline, and ratios that did not reproducibly integrate or resolve among replicate runs. With this data, they were able to narrow their focus to 20 peak ratios that yielded distinguishable ratios among gasoline from different sources, yet remained similar among gasoline of the same source when compared to unevaporated, 25%, and 50% evaporated gasoline from the same source. The research of Dolan and Ritacco established that ratios used in the comparison of gasoline could be generated using components throughout the chromatogram of gasoline, not limited to the C5 to C8 region as proposed by Mann. This research is an ongoing project, and thus far they have been able to discriminate 44 different gasolines from various states in the US. through liquid-to-liquid comparisons (straight injections) evaporated up to 50%. This method has been validated and used by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) in cases involving liquid-to-liquid gasoline comparisons. The Problem to be Studied Regardless of the ability to differentiate liquid gasoline samples, some arson cases will involve the comparison of collected debris in a sealed paint can to an ignitable liquid believed to have been used in the fire. Currently, the most common way to analyze fire debris involves extracting a sample of the volatile material onto an adsorbent surface, which can be concentrated with a solvent and analyzed using GC/MS.7 This chromatogram is then compared to an injection of a comparison ignitable liquid (when available) or to the laboratory's standards of ignitable liquids. If the debris is found to contain gasoline through pattern and component recognition and the comparison liquid is determined to be gasoline, a relationship can be established between the two regardless of the possibility of different origins. These current methods do not take into account the variation that exists among gasoline. In this study, using GC/MS and the sequential peak ratio method developed by Dolan and Ritacco, the headspace of evaporated gasoline extracted from fire debris will be associated with the headspace of the same unevaporated gasoline. Higher evaporated gasoline (not extracted from debris) will be compared to unevaporated gasoline from the same source to test out the possibility of using these methods on highly evaporated gasoline. If these ratios are statistically similar, then they can be compared to different gasoline sets of unevaporated and evaporated samples such that gasoline from varying sources can be discriminated. Therefore, the research questions proposed are: does the headspace of gasoline from the same source unevaporated and 50% evaporated on debris contain statistically similar ratios of its components, and are these ratios different when the gasoline is from a different source? The same questions will be addressed using 75% evaporated gasoline without debris addition. In researching this question, the presence of the wood substrate will be analyzed to see if it complicates the association. Lastly, the comparison methods will be utilized to possibly exclude unevaporated gasoline samples as originating from the same source as an evaporated extract from fire debris (50% evaporated gasoline) or clean substrate (75% evaporated gasoline). Considering that there are four major methods of headspace sampling carried out by fire debris chemists before injection into GC/MS, a decision of which method yields the most reproducible data must first be established. In this study, headspace and static adsorption/elution methods are shown to be appropriate methods whereby adequate representation of the components in gasoline can be obtained for comparison using GC/MS. In order to answer the research questions, optimal sample size and operating conditions must be established to be able to analyze gasoline headspace using GC/MS. Furthermore, the sampling methods used must demonstrate highly reproducible ratios of the same components during replicate runs. Enough replicate runs must be run to display can to can variation of the same sample, sampling error, and reproducibility as a result of the method chosen. It is also necessary to deduce the best way to simulate fire debris. Moreover, a suitable substrate on which to put unevaporated gasoline that will not interfere in its analysis must be chosen. Subsequently, it must also be established that even with pyrolysis products present in the chromatogram, the ratios of the useful components in gasoline from the same source must remain Similar. Therefore, a material commonly found in arson cases that does not interfere with the comparison of useful components in gasoline headspace must be used. Moreover, the useful components in gasoline headspace must be determined and a mathematical analysis performed that demonstrates their utility for comparison purposes. All optimization parameters will be demonstrated on 50% evaporated gasoline. Upon confirmation that 50% evaporated gasoline can be associated to its unevaporated counterpart, 75% evaporated gasoline will be correlated to gasoline of the same source unevaporated and compared among different sources without the introduction of fire debris. This last step serves to exhibit the possibility that highly evaporated gasoline contains enough components that a useful comparison can be done. Purpose of the Study As mentioned, the ability to discriminate among gasoline sources even though evaporated and present in fire debris would be highly beneficial in cases where a comparison gasoline sample has been obtained. It can serve to rule out samples as originating from the same source as the gasoline found in the debris, or include a gasoline sample as a possible source. This research will prove very advantageous to the investigation of arson. Since this research was performed in conjunction with the BATF, it could result in the implementation of a new protocol in the analysis of arson evidence and possibly explosion cases. Lastly, this study offers instrument parameters, sampling methods, and a simple mathematical approach that can be successfully utilized to determine whether a sample of evaporated and unevaporated gasoline could have or could not have originated from the same source. Hypothesis Upon development of suitable sampling methods to use for 50% and 75% evaporated gasoline that yield reproducible results, it is expected that correlating 50% evaporated gasoline extracted from debris to the same source gasoline unevaporated is possible. Mann’s work demonstrated that such an association is possible using the headspace of gasoline up to 40% evaporated extracted from debris.4’5 Since he only looked at a limited part of the gasoline chromatogram, the 50% comparisons using peaks throughout the chromatogram should also work. Also, the debris type chosen for this study has been found not to interfere with components normally found in gasoline. Secondly, the research done by Dolan and Ritacco using liquid injections of gasoline demonstrated that liquid gasoline up to 50% evaporated could correctly be associated with the same source unevaporated gasoline, further lending confidence that the same association between such gasoline’s headspace is possible.‘5 None of the previous research was able to correctly relate gasoline evaporated up to 75% to the same unevaporated gasoline, and thus the decisions on the result of such tests are based upon the reproducibility of the sampling method. It is expected that the sampling method used on 50% evaporated gasoline will not work efficiently on 75% evaporated gasoline because there will be greater evaporative loss of the highly volatile components for higher evaporated gasoline. Therefore, using a method that is reproducible but still yields a sufficient amount of peaks for comparison purposes should result in an association between same source gasolines, especially considering that in this study, the 75% evaporated gasoline will not be extracted from debris (no interference). It is also expected that the peaks used for comparison purposes of the 50% evaporated gasoline will not all be the same peaks useful in linking 75% evaporated gasoline to unevaporated gasoline from the same source. This is because the chromatogram of 75% evaporated gasoline will have a higher concentration of hydrocarbons in the later eluting region and thus will be shifted to the right in comparison to that of 50% evaporated gasoline (see Appendix III). Limitations The burning process used to simulate fire debris was performed under a hood until each piece appeared charred. Since the burning took place under a hood, it was understood that some pyrolysis products would constantly be lost between burning and sealing the can the debris were placed in. This study uses gasoline undergoing controlled environmental evaporation up to 75% to represent evaporated gasoline in fires. This does not take into account the evaporative nature of gasoline if present in a real fire, which burns in an uncontrolled nature. Also, in a real fire, gasoline is evaporated mostly by burning and can be evaporated more than 90%.8 Another limitation is the available knowledge about the background of the gasoline used in the study. It is known from what station and city the gasoline was purchased, but the terminal from where the gasoline was picked up before it was deposited to particular stations is unknown. Consequently, it is not known whether a COrnparison is being attempted between gasoline that has come from the same production batch, refinery, or terminal. The substrate choice for the simulation of debris is another limitation in that the information from this study is only applicable to cases involving pine in the debris, or other softwoods that yield the same pyrolysis products. There are many other common debris types found in residential and commercial fires in addition to pine, which are not addressed in this study. Refining Gasoline from Crude Oil The ability to differentiate gasoline has its basis in the process that produces gasoline—the refinery of crude oil. Gasoline, a product derived from crude oil, is a mixture of volatile hydrocarbons composed of paraffins (alkanes), naphthenes (cycloalkanes), olefins (alkenes), and aromatics. Crude oil is naturally made material found in the ground that contains a mixture of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, metals, and salts. Since no two crude oils are exactly identical in composition and nature, variation exists between batches of gasoline produced from different crude oil. Furthermore, the refinery process varies among refineries, adding more variation to the final products that result from their processes.l Gasoline is produced in refineries and sent via pipeline or barge to various terminals in cities throughout the US. depending on where that particular refinery sends their gasoline. The gasoline used in this study was obtained from various cities in the State of Maryland along with a sample from Virginia and Pennsylvania (see Table 1.1). The refineries responsible for supplying gasoline to these states are located in Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Texas.9 10 Table 1.1 Gasoline Information for 50% Comparisons (Left) and 75% (Right) Station Name Station Name Gasoline and Octane Gasoline and Octane # Number Obtained From # Number Obtained From 1 Citgo 89 Randallstown, MD 1 Citgo 87 Wheaton, MD 2 Amoco 89 Wheaton, MD 2 Exxon 87 Rockville, MD 3 Sunoco 89 Wheaton, MD 3 Sunoco 89 Wheaton, MD 4 (m; 87 Glenwood, MD 4 Citgo 87 Manassas Park, VA 5 Exxon 89 Randallstown, MD 5 Exxtra Mart 87 Upper Marlboro, MD 6 Exxon 87 Rockville, MD 6 Mobil 87 Glenmont, MD 7 Exxtra Mart 87 Upper Marlboro, MD 7 Amoco 87 Randallstown, MD 8 Exxon 93 Gaithersburg, MD 8 Exxon 89 Randallstown, MD 9 Exxon 87 Bethesda, MD 9 Exxon 87 Gaitherserg, MD 10 Citgo 87 Manassas Park, VA 10 Exxon 93 Gaithersburg, MD 11 Amoco 87 Owings Mills, MD 12 Amoco 93 Harrisburg, PA 13 Exxon 87 Baltimore, MD 14 Mobil 87 Glenmont, MD 15 Amoco 87 Randallstown, MD 15 Amoco 87 Randallstown, MD 16 Exxon 87 Gaithersburg, MD The first process involved in refining crude oil into gasoline is a separation process in which crude oil is heated, vaporized, and partitioned according to boiling point.10 Through such processes as distillation (separation based on boiling point), crystallization (separation based on melting point and solubility), solvent extraction (aromatic compounds removed), adsorption (removal of heavier hydrocarbons), and absorption (purifies lighter hydrocarbons), the crude oil will separate into light, medium, and heavy fractions and be sent to different areas of the refinery for further processing. Because these separation processes vary among refineries, variation can be seen in Products like gasoline that result from a blending of these materials. Moreover, because the materials at this step are highly volatile, the low molecular weight components of 11 gasoline will contain majority of the differences when compared to gasoline produced by a different refinery. The next step involves a chemical conversion of the components. There are three major processes involved: cracking, polymerization/alkylation, and reforming.ll Cracking breaks large hydrocarbons into lighter ones and can involve the use of catalysts, hydrogen, and pressure to aid the breakdown process. For example, fluid catalytic cracking uses high temperature (up to 538° Celsius), low pressure, and a powdered catalyst to produce gasoline. Hydrocracking uses lower temperatures, higher pressure, hydrogen, and a catalyst to convert medium to heavy gas oils into gasoline and jet fuel.12 Polymerization and alkylation involve taking the byproducts of the cracking process and combining them to make gasoline. Polymerization refers to the combination of molecules to form higher molecular weight molecules. Alkylation results in production of high-octane hydrocarbons that are blended with gasoline to improve octane rating (reduce knocking) and involves combining olefins and paraffins. Octane rating refers to how much gasoline can be compressed before it causes knocking, gasoline ignited due to compression. '3 Reforming refers to the process of forming higher-octane hydrocarbons (mostly aromatics) by rearranging molecular structures. The higher octane number is a result of using higher reforming temperatures to convert paraffins to olefins. Dehydrocyclization, dehydrogenation, hydrocracking, and isomerization (all with the aid of hydrogenation- dehydrogenation catalysts) are the chemical processes occurring during reforming. Dehydrocyclization involves the removal of hydrogen (dehydrogenation) from straight- Chain paraffins to form rings in the hydrocarbon structure. Hydrocracking involves using 12 high pressure and temperature to break long chain paraffins into smaller chains in the presence of hydrogen. Isomerization is the conversion of straight-chain paraffins to branched chain paraffins. Isomerization is utilized to produCe some of the hydrocarbons used in the alkylation process. Isomerization also forms products that can be heated under high pressure to form products with a boiling point in the gasoline range.1 The next step involves treating the chemically processed fractions to remove impurities such as oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, water, dissolved metals, some alkenes, and inorganic salts. The use of drying agents removes water from the processed fractions. Sulfuric acid is used to remove alkenes, nitro and oxygenated compounds, tars, and asphalt if present. Most of the contaminating sulfur compounds are converted to hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans (R-SH) during the processing of crude oil to assist in their removal. There are numerous methods available to remove sulfur compounds and can involve the use of chemicals, catalysts, or adsorption onto materials."12 The next step involves blending the fractions to form different grades of gasoline. What to blend is based on specifications such as octane level, where the gas will be used, the season the gas is used (i.e. summer versus winter), vapor pressure ratings, and other Specifications as determined by the government. Lastly, performance additives and dyes are added, which can be used to distinguish the different types of gasoline from those of Other gasoline stations.1 13 WW Capillary Gas Chromatography Gas chromatography (GC) is used to separate complex mixtures into their individual components. The method relies on the principle of partition chromatography, which refers to the competition between the mobile phase and stationary phase for the substance to be separated, the analyte. In GC, the mobile phase is a gas and the stationary phase is a liquid adsorbed onto an inert solid inside a column. The separation takes place because the analyte partitions between the mobile and stationary phase to varying degrees such that constituents of the analyte that are weakly retained in the stationary phase will move quickly through the column.” The difference in mobility throughout the column results in a difference in times of the components of the analyte leaving the column and being detected. The time it takes for each component of the analyte to reach the detector upon the analyte being injected into the GC is called its retention time. The output of a GC is a chromatogram. It contains peaks, which represent the components of the analyte, their abundance, and their retention time. The instrument’s main components include an injection port, column, and detector. The sample is introduced to the GC at the injection port, where it must be Vaporized because, as mentioned previously, the mobile phase is a gas, and the analyte must also be a gas also to be carried through the column. The mobile phase therefore is a Carrier gas and thus must be chemically inactive so it does not react with the substance to be Separated. In this study, helium was used as the mobile phase. Because the analyte is VaDorized in the injection port, it must be set to a temperature slightly higher than the 14 boiling point of the least volatile component in the sample to ensure everything becomes volatile before entering the column. Depending on how much sample is necessary to be carried through the column and reach the detector, the injector port can be operated in split or splitless mode. In this study, Split mode was used to avoid flooding the column. Split mode only allows a portion of the analyte injected to enter the column while the rest is removed via a valve in the injection port. This mode is designated by a ratio input by the user. The splitless method allows all of the analyte to enter the column. The term capillary GC refers to the type of column used in the GC. Capillary columns have a small diameter and can have their walls covered with liquid stationary phase or a layer of support material and then stationary phase. Capillary columns are normally found wound into coils in the GC. The column Sits in an oven which can be programmed to increase in temperature over time. This is useful for instances in which the analyte is composed of components with a wide boiling point range, such as gasoline. Smaller components will vaporize at a lower temperature and consequently move through the column quicker compared to heavier components. Electron Ionization Mass Spectrometry The mass spectrometer (MS) is used as a detector for the GC. The components of the analyte that have been separated by GC will each pass into the MS to be detected and a mass spectrum will be generated for each component. The mass spectrum is a series of peaks representing the ionized molecule (in some cases) and fragmentations of it, plotted as relative abundance (y-axis) versus mass-to-charge ratio (x-axis). 15 The mass spectrometer is composed of an ionization source, mass analyzer, ion detector, and a computer to process the data. The ionization source, mass analyzer, and ion detector all must be housed in a low pressure environment to prevent the ionized fragments that are formed from colliding with other gas phase molecules on the way to the ion detector. In order for the analyte, that has been separated in the GC, to be detected, it must first be ionized (acquire a net electric charge). The ionization source in electron ionization is electrons coming from a heated filament, which are accelerated in a direction perpendicular to the inlet of the gas phase analyte. These high-energy electrons can pass close enough to the gaseous analyte molecules that they impart some of their energy, causing the gaseous analyte to become ionized. There is usually enough energy remaining from the interaction with the electrons that the ionized analyte molecule can lose more electrons or undergo fragmentation, which causes numerous peaks in the mass spectrum that can be interpreted to give structural information about the original molecule.15 The ionized analyte molecule and its fragments are then sorted on the basis of their mass-to-charge ratio by a quadrupole mass analyzer. The quadrupole mass analyzer is comprised of four parallel rods and focusing lenses which aim the ions toward the rods. 16 Figure 2.1 Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer: Ion Source, Mass Analyzer, and Detector.l5 There is frequency modulated current (VI-f) and a voltage of direct current (Vdc) being passed through the poles such that the two poles in the z-axis have a Vrf and Vdc signal that is 180° out of phase with the Vrf and Vdc signal in the x-axis.15 The potential at any point inside the quadrupole is constantly changing such that an ion within a desired mass range undergoes stable oscillations as it moves through the poles. When the voltages change between the quadrupoles, only ions with a mass that falls within the stability region can pass through the poles. Those ions outside the selected mass range will undergo unstable oscillations as a result of an increased force on the molecule, causing them to hit the quadrupoles as they attempt to pass through to the detector. Therefore, by changing the voltages passing through the rods, selected masses are allowed to pass through the quadrupoles and be detected. Once the ions pass through the poles they reach the ion detector. There are various types of detectors available, but in general, their goal is to transform the sorted ions into a usable signal. The detector used in this study was an electron multiplier. The electron multiplier works by first emitting secondary particles as a result of ions hitting a 17 curved plate known as a dynode. There are several dynodes in the electron multiplier and the secondary particles hit another dynode with enough energy causing electrons to be released. The electrons then hit a series of dynodes causing more and more electrons to be discharged. The amplification factor can reach up to 107 electrons produced each time a dynode is struck.ls In the end, numerous electrons are created, resulting in a computable current, whose signal is a representation of the ions leaving the quadrupole mass analyzer. An analog-to-digital converter changes the analog voltages into digital voltages that can be read by the computer and transformed into usable output. The computer will display a mass spectrum for each component that has entered the MS and usually contains a library of spectra to which to compare it for identification purposes. 18 Chapter Three: Forensic Methods of Accelerant Separation and W The detection of an ignitable liquid at a fire scene is a strong indicator for arson when the liquid is not normally found at the fire scene. If an accelerant was used, it is often highly evaporated by the time fire debris evidence is collected and must be extracted out of the debris for analysis. There are several methods available to fire debris chemists to separate and concentrate ignitable liquid residues from fire debris such as steam distillation, headspace sampling, solvent extraction, and static adsorption/elution. Each varies in preparation time, extraction efficiency for certain petroleum distillates, and use in the field. Therefore, extraction and separation methods must be dependent upon the type of accelerant suspected. One of the most common extraction techniques used on a variety of petroleum distillates due to its high sensitivity is the static adsorption/elution technique.7 Other techniques utilized by fire debris chemists that are less sensitive to a wide hydrocarbon range include headspace sampling and solvent extraction. Headspace sampling, solvent extraction, and static adsorption/elution are discussed below and were chosen for the study because they are commonly used techniques by the BATF. Headspace Sampling Headspace analysis requires that fire debris be contained within a sealed vessel for a sufficient amount of time such that a representative sampling of what is contained within the debris is in the vapor above the debris. Once this equilibrium is established, a sample of the headspace is removed and analyzed. This method tends to favor the low molecular weight, highly volatile components in the debris because they have a high 19 vapor pressure and vaporize readily. The high molecular weight components have a lower vapor pressure due to an increased strength of the intermolecular forces between the molecules comprising them and do not vaporize as easily.16 Headspace sampling is ideal in situations where a highly volatile accelerant, such as gasoline, is present and a high concentration of the low molecular weight components is sought. To look at some of the less volatile components of an accelerant in a fire debris sample, the vessel can be heated. Vapor pressure increases with temperature, so by heating the container the less volatile molecules become more energetic and can escape into the vapor phase easier. Nevertheless, both headspace and heated headspace methods Show a higher concentration of the low molecular weight, highly volatile components in the debris headspace, and thus should only be used when accelerants with a generally high vapor pressure are suspected. Moreover, both methods are non-destructive, allow for repeat analysis, have fairly reproducible results, and are commonly used screening techniques. Solvent Extraction Since all vapor concentration methods tend to under represent the less volatile, heavier components, solvent extraction is a useful technique when heavier petroleum ignitable liquids are involved. Solvent extraction is primarily used in instances when a nonporous sample has been collected to determine the presence of an accelerant. In solvent extraction, the debris is washed with a solvent such as pentane or carbon disulfide, and the solvent extract concentrated by evaporating to a small volume and analyzed by a chromatographic technique. Since solvent extraction can be destructive, the sample may not be useful for further analysis. Therefore, this method should be done last 20 in an analysis scheme and some of the original material should be preserved for other analytical techniques. A problem with solvent extraction is that other contaminants can also be extracted, interfering with pattern recognition of an ignitable liquid. Also, during the extract concentration step, some ignitable liquid can also evaporate. Nevertheless, solvent extraction extracts heavy and light components with the same efficiency so it is useful to differentiate between heavy petroleum distillates.l7 Static Adsorption/Elation Static adsorption/elution using activated charcoal is one of the most widely used separation techniques due to its increased sensitivity over the other methods, non- destructive nature, and ease of preparation. Activated charcoal is created by grinding up charcoal, washing it with carbon disulfide, and drying and activating (at 50° and 120° C) the charcoal under vacuum.7 Static adsorption/elution is a technique in which fire debris is sealed in an airtight container with an activated charcoal strip suspended from the lid. The container is then heated in an oven for a sufficient amount of time (from 4-24 hours). It is important not to overheat the container because the less volatile components tend to displace the more volatile components from the charcoal strip over time. The strip is then removed and washed with a solvent, usually carbon disulfide, and the solvent extract injected into the GC/MS. The typical chromatogram generated by this method will be shifted to the right compared to headspace sampling chromatograms due to more complete recovery of the heavy components. During incubation, replacement of high volatiles occurs by heavier, less volatile components over time, so incubation time can be varied depending on the results expected. ‘7 21 Chapter Four: Development of Experiment Parameters Instrumental Conditions All analyses were performed on an Agilent 6890 GC' coupled to a 5973 MS operated at 20/1 split ratio. The GC/MS was equipped with a 60m DB-l column with a .25mm internal diameter and 1pm film thickness. The oven temperature was programmed from 35°C for 2 minutes, followed by a temperature ramp of 5°C/minute to 110°C, then to 250°C at 12° C/minute. The scanning mode for the MS was 29 to 200 amu’s. The instrument also had an autosampler that could be used to automatically inject liquid samples. This was useful for solvent extraction and static adsorption/elution techniques in which solvent extracts needed to be analyzed. Software Considerations Once the instrument parameters were designed, software had to be employed that could identify components in gasoline so that ratios of components could be analyzed in the comparison. Hewlett Packard’s Chemstation Target Compound Program came with the GC/MS and was useful for this study. Since this project was performed in conjunction with the BATF, the software had already been designed to pick the following components that elute in the five to twenty-nine minute region of a typical gasoline chromatogram nm on a 60m column. Table 4.1 Components Chosen by Software Peak # Retention Time (min) Compound Name 1 5.10 isobutane 2 5.50 n-butane 3 5.62 butene 4 6.37 2-pentene 5 6.70 isopentane 6 6.98 1-pentene 7 7.27 n-pentane 8 7.62 (Z)-2-pentene 22 Peak # Retention Time min nd Name 9 7.78 10 8.23 11 8.77 12 9.04 13 9.23 14 9.72 15 9.91 16 10.33 n-hexane 17 10.47 2-hexene 18 10.51 19 10.67 20 10.78 21 11.00 22 11.38 23 12.19 24 12.69 25 12.86 26 13.25 27 13.62 28 13.81 isooctane 29 14.03 30 14.17 31 14.69 32 15.19 33 15.26 34 15.50 35 15.62 36 15.98 37 16.37 38 16.58 toluene 39 16.84 40 16.92 41 16.99 42 17.12 43 17.21 44 17.24 45 17.38 46 17.53 47 17.65 1-ethyl-3- 48 17.88 49 17.93 50 17.99 51 18.13 52 18.32 53 18.53 23 Peak # Retention Time min 54 20.01 55 20.27 56 21.82 57 22.55 58 22.70 59 25.39 60 25.86 61 25.92 62 26.30 63 26.49 64 27.08 65 27.98 66 28.68 67 28.93 To set up the software to pick these compounds, their name, retention time, and target ions were entered to be used for selection criteria. The target ions were the base peak for each component, and their abundance in the mass spectrum was normalized to 100 percent. In instances where more than one component in gasoline had the same base peak, the abundance data of other distinguishing peaks in the mass spectrum was entered into the program. With this information, as each sample was run through the program, data was generated containing the compound name, retention time of the compound, and the target response of the base peak. The target response refers to a number representative of the response generated by how many target ions are detected by the ion detector. It was found that a few changes had to be made to the program such as updating the retention times and entering in qualifier ions (other MS peaks in addition to the base peak) to ensure the correct peaks were chosen for purposes of this study. With the mass spectral information, the mass spectrum of each compound chosen was checked against a library of known mass spectra to ensure the peak chosen by the program was the correct gasoline component. Once this was established, the target ion responses were imported 24 into a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet that was designed to compute ratios of sequential components for three runs, average them, and determine standard deviation and percent standard deviation. This data was used to analyze replicate runs to ensure good reproducibility within a sample. Selection of an Extraction/Concentration Method Before any gasoline comparisons could be done, four common extraction methods used by the BATF were tested to determine which yielded the best reproducibility: headspace, heated headspace, solvent extraction, and static adsorption/elution. To do this, a sample of 89-octane gasoline from Citgo located in Randallstown, MD was used. First, an appropriate injection volume had to be established that would yield sufficient information for the headspace methods. Using a sample containing three drops of unevaporated gasoline on a Kimwipe and sealed in an airtight, quart-sized paint can, it was found that 2ml of headspace was an appropriate injection volume. Next, it had to be decided if the same syringe could be used for replicate runs of the same sample for manual headspace injections. Following a headspace injection of unevaporated gasoline, another injection consisting only of air was made using the same syringe. The resulting chromatogram displayed carryover, so a different syringe was used for every injection, except when a blank was performed; the same syringe used for a blank was then used for the first injection following it and then discarded. To evaluate the headspace technique, 50ul of unevaporated gasoline was placed on a Kimwipe inside a quart-sized paint can and immediately sealed. This was done three times such that there were three sealed cans containing SOul each of the same gasoline. A can containing only a Kimwipe was also sealed to see if the Kimwipe contributed any 25 chromatographic peaks. The cans were allowed to sit undisturbed for approximately 24 hours. Afier 24 hours, a hole was placed in the lid of the first can, covered with Scotch® tape, and three (2ml) headspace draws were injected into the'GC. This was repeated for the other two cans such that a total of nine injections (3 per can) had been done upon completion. One injection was made from the can that contained only a Kimwipe and it was found that the Kimwipe alone did not contribute to the chromatogram. The next method evaluated was heated headspace. The cans were prepared in the same manner as for the headspace at room temperature, but were placed in a 65° C oven for fifteen minutes prior to injection and the hole was placed in the lid and covered with tape prior to heating. For both headspace methods, blanks of room air were injected between triplicates. For solvent extraction, 50ul of gasoline was placed on a Kimwipe and sealed in a can as mentioned above, but after 24hrs, the Kimwipe was rinsed with 5ml of pentane in the can and the solution poured into a vial. A pentane blank consisting of pentane in a vial was included in the experiment to make sure the pentane was not contaminated. Also, a control involving pentane rinsed in a can and then poured into a vial was included to make sure the method itself was yielding accurate results. The sample vials, the blank, and the control were allowed to evaporate under the hood to approximately lml and were then run using the autosampler which was set up to make three injections per vial and one for the blank. Lastly, static adsorption/elution was performed using 25 ul of gasoline on a Kimwipe sealed in a can and allowed to sit overnight. A system blank of just a Kimwipe sealed in a can was included in the analysis. The following day, the lids from the four 26 cans (3 samples, 1 blank) were removed and a paper clip containing a 1cm long charcoal strip (Abrayco Lab Inc.) was suspended from each lid using a magnet placed on the outside of the lid. The cans containing the suspended charcoal strips were then placed in a 65° C oven for 16 hours. After 16 hours, the charcoal strips were removed and each placed in separate vials to which 250p] of carbon disulfide was added. The solvent extracts were then run in triplicate (except for the system blank) using the autosampler. The percent standard deviation of the ratios (nine runs) generated from each method was used to assess reproducibility. This was done by calculating the standard deviation and percent standard deviation of sequential ratios generated using only compounds eluting in the nine to twenty-nine minute region for each method with triplicate runs. This time region was chosen because it was found by the BATF to contain ratios of components that were reproducible and useful in liquid-to-liquid gasoline comparisons. Headspace and heated headspace had similar reproducibility and displayed all the peaks of interest based on the peak selection method (from 3-methylpentane to the methylnaphthalenes). Static adsorption/elution also had good reproducibility but lacked the first three peaks for which the program looks: 3-methylpentane, 2methyl-l-pentene, and n-hexane (present in 50% evaporated gasoline). Solvent extraction was found not to be useful because twenty of the thirty-four components being evaluated were absent from the chromatogram because they had presumably evaporated during the concentration step of the technique. Headspace and static adsorption/elution were further compared by introducing 50% evaporated gasoline spiked on debris to see if the presence of the wood substrate would interfere with reproducibility of the method. Gasoline 50% evaporated (SOul) was 27 placed on a piece of charred pine and sealed in a can and allowed to sit for 24 hours. Then headspace and static adsorption/elution techniques were used to extract the gasoline and the data was run through the Target Compound Program and ratios generated using the Excel worksheet. This was repeated using the same source gasoline unevaporated. The averages of the ratios from the unevaporated gasoline were compared to the 50% evaporated gasoline extract ratio averages using standard deviation and percent standard deviation. The headspace technique had lower percent standard deviations between the evaporated and unevaporated ratios compared to static adsorption/elution. Since static adsorption/elution yields a chromatogram shifted to the right compared to the headspace technique, it was found that for static adsorption/elution many of the early eluting components in gasoline were not reproducibly present. Therefore, for the 50% comparison part of the study, headspace was chosen because it picked up the early eluting components in the chromatogram and was the most reproducible regardless if the wood substrate was present. A similar comparison was done using 50ul of 75% evaporated and unevaporated gasoline from the same source placed on a Kimwipe and sealed in separate cans. The ratio averages obtained from both cans were compared using the headspace and static adsorption/elution methods. Since the chromatogram for 75% evaporated gasoline is shifted to the right compared to unevaporated gasoline (see Appendix 111), static adsorption/elution was an ideal method. Headspace was not useful for looking at components in 75% evaporated gasoline because the target response for the heavier components was very low to nonexistent. Moreover, 75% evaporated gasoline contains 28 an abundance of the heavier compounds compared to 50% evaporated gasoline, so static adsorption/elution was chosen for the 75% comparisons. Selection of Substrates Two substrate types were selected to compare for the simulation of fire debris: pine and nylon carpet. Both are common substrates found in fire scenes that ignitable liquids can be extracted from. The carpet used was obtained from a local carpet store and was cut into a 6cm x 6cm square. The pine was purchased from Home Depot in Rockville, MD and was cut into the same dimensions as the carpet. To simulate fire debris, both materials were burned on all sides under a hood with a 14.1L propane torch and then allowed to catch flame and dropped in a quart-sized paint can. After the substrates appeared charred, the lids were placed on the cans and sealed. After approximately 2 hours, a 2m] sample of each material’s headspace was run on GC/MS and the results evaluated with the Target Compound software. This process was repeated several times to see if the pyrolysis products were consistent from run to run. The pine was selected to be used in the debris experiments because its pyrolysis products did not interfere with the detection of gasoline (see Appendix IV) and were fairly consistent among each run. Determination of Amount of Gasoline to Use Once the instrument parameters were established, the extraction methods and substrate types evaluated, and comparison software optimized, a determination of an appropriate amount of gasoline to use for each part of the study had to be ascertained. Since 50p] of gasoline on Kimwipes gave decent abundance values in the determination of an extraction method, that amount was used for all samples consisting of unevaporated 29 gasoline on a Kimwipe for the 50% comparisons. For the 50% evaporated gasoline that was going to be placed on charred pine, 501.11 and lOOul amounts were compared by placing each on the charred pine in a can and sealing for 24 hours. After 24 hours, a sample of the headspace of each can was run and the abundance values compared. Both 50p] and IOOul gave strong abundances, but the can with IOOul placed on the pine gave stronger abundance values and was the amount chosen to use on all simulated debris. The comparison of the headspace of 75% evaporated gasoline on a Kimwipe to the headspace of unevaporated gasoline on a Kimwipe required a smaller amount of gasoline because static adsorption/elution is a more sensitive extraction technique. Amounts of Sul, lOul, and 20ul for both the 75% evaporated and unevaporated gasoline were evaluated. Using 10p] of evaporated and unevaporated gasoline gave sufficient abundance data such that a comparison could be made, and this volume was used for this part of the study. Experimental Setup The gasoline used for the experiment was collected from the pump of several gasoline stations and stored in Quorpack® 4oz bottles with Teflon®-lined lids to prevent evaporation. For each sample of gasoline collected, an aliquot was removed for the unevaporated samples and the rest was evaporated by 50% and 75% of the original volume underneath a hood. Gasoline from the same source refers to gasoline collected from the same station and derived from the same bottle for the study. Sixteen gasoline samples were used for the 50% comparisons and 10 gasoline samples were used for the 75% comparisons. 3O A. 50% Comparisons Three cans were set up for each gasoline sample so that nine runs total, three from each can, would be made for both the evaporated and unevaporated gasoline (six cans total per gasoline). This number of replicates was chosen so reproducibility and variation from can to can could be assessed and to provide enough replicate information such that outlying data could be discarded if necessary. To represent simulated fire debris where gasoline was used as an accelerant, first a 6x6cm piece of pine was charred and sealed in a paint can. Thirty minutes later, IOOul of 50% evaporated gasoline was injected through a hole (.64cm in diameter) in the lid and covered with tape. This was repeated with the two other cans, and all three cans were allowed to sit for 24 hours before headspace samples were run on GC/MS. Before any samples were injected and between each can, a blank (2ml of air) was run. Next, three cans containing one Kimwipe each were spiked with SOul of unevaporated gasoline from the same source as the 50% evaporated gasoline and immediately sealed. These cans were also allowed to sit 24 hours before any headspace samples were run on GC/MS. B. 75% Comparisons For this part of the study, only six runs per sample were done (four cans total per gasoline sample). The 50% comparisons demonstrated that two cans per sample were just as effective as three cans, so 10ul of 75% evaporated gasoline was placed on Kimwipes and sealed in two separate cans. This was repeated using 10p] of unevaporated gasoline from the same source. The four cans were allowed to sit for 24 hours and then a 1cm long charcoal strip was attached to a paper clip and suspended from the inside of the lids using 31 a magnet on the outside. All cans were then placed in a 65° C oven for 16 hours. A system blank containing a kimwipe and charcoal strip, but no gasoline, was included anytime cans were placed in the oven. The system blank demonstrated that, if properly sealed, no cross-contamination occurred between cans in the oven. Afier all cans were removed from the oven, they were allowed to cool for 30-45 minutes before the charcoal strips were removed and placed into separate glass autosampler vials using tweezers that were rinsed in carbon disulfide before touching each charcoal strip. To each vial, 250ul of carbon disulfide was added and the vials were run (three injections per vial) using the autosampler. Comparison Mechanics For each run, the data was run through the target compound program, which identified the peaks of interest, and provided retention time and the target response for all the compounds listed in Table 4.1. The target response information was copied into the Excel templates which were already set up to calculate sequential ratios, average them, and determine standard deviation. The process resulted in triplicate values for ratios, averages, and standard deviations per can for the 50% and 75% data. In selecting valuable ratios for comparison, the ratio must remain similar when gasoline is compared to gasoline from the same source but evaporated. In the 50% comparisons, unevaporated gasoline ratios were compared to the ratios obtained from the 50% evaporated gasoline extracted from charred pine. This was done for sixteen different gasoline sets. The same was done for the 75% evaporated gasoline and unevaporated gasoline from the same source using ten different gasoline samples. However, the 75% evaporated gasoline was not extracted from pine. To clarify, for each gasoline sample 32 there were two values: an average (from all runs) of each ratios’ values for evaporated and an average for the unevaporated gasoline ratio values. The average was of all the values obtained for a particular ratio after nine runs for the 50% comparisons and after six runs for the 75% comparisons. The standard deviation and percent standard deviation were calculated for each ratio and used to compare the unevaporated gasoline to the evaporated gasoline. Percent standard deviations less than five percent were considered similar. Table 4.2 Example of How Similar Ratios Were Determined Gasoline 1- Percent 75% Gasoline 1 Standard Standard Ratios Ratio evaporated unevaporated Average Deviation Deviation Similar? A 0.639 0.630 0.635 0.006 0.997 Yes B 0.133 0.136 0.134 0.003 1.881 Yes For all the ratios that had a less than five percent standard deviation when unevaporated gasoline averages were compared to evaporated averages, their reproducibility among the three runs per can was assessed. Random error is evident in every scientific measurement because there is some error in the reproducibility of the instrument used. Reproducibility was determined by how close the values for all runs of a sample were (see Appendix VH1). If, for a particular ratio, the values remained under five percent standard deviation when evaporated and unevaporated gasoline from the same source were compared and the ratio was reproducible within a sample, it was considered a useful ratio. Since a goal of the study was to be able to eliminate unevaporated gasolines as possible sources of a sample of evaporated gasoline, another comparison was performed. For all the ratios that were found to be reproducible and remain similar between 33 unevaporated and evaporated gasoline from the same source, the evaporated ratio averages from one gasoline were compared to all other unevaporated gasoline’s same ratio averages. The purpose of this comparison was to see if the standard deviations of the ratios considered useful were greater when the comparison involved a different source gasoline (see Appendix Table 1.2). If they were, the ratios were useful to discriminate among different gasolines. In this study, pattern recognition based on chromatograms was not used to compare the gasoline samples. 34 Chapter Five: Results and Conclusions, Discussion, and Further Research Results and Conclusions A. 50% Comparisons The sixteen gasolines used in the 50% comparisons were readily distinguished using the six ratios outlined in Appendix Figure 5.1. Ratio one corresponds to the target response of the target ion in methylcyclohexane: dimethylcyclopentane, ratio two to 2,4- dimethylhexane: 2,5-dimethylhexane, ratio three to 1,2,4-trimethylcyclopentane: 2,4- dimethylhexane, ratio four to 2,3,4-trimethylpentane: 1,2,4-trimethylcyclopentane, ratio five to dimethylcyclohexane: 1,2,4-trimethylcyclopentane, and ratio six to 1,4 dimethylcyclohexane: 1,2-dimethylcyclohexane. Furthermore, the headspace of unevaporated gasoline and 50% evaporated gasoline (extracted from debris) from the same source contain similar ratios of their components and these six ratios differ among gasoline from different sources. Appendix VI shows multiple comparisons of all sixteen gasolines for each of the six ratios and they clearly are different from one another when all six ratios are taken into account. It must be noted though that in order to have an effective comparison, all six ratios must be used. For example, gasolines #1 and #2 are very similar for all ratios except ratio four based upon the comparison graphs, which is very interesting considering they are from stations over 50 miles away from each other. Nevertheless, by comparing gasoline #1, 50% evaporated extract, to gasoline #2’s values for all ratios (Appendix Table 1.2), the percent standard deviations are all higher than a comparison of only gasoline #1 ’s values. For the comparison of gasoline #1, 50% evaporated to the same unevaporated gasoline, the values for ratios four and five were the highest standard deviations of all the ratios, but 35 still were under the five percent cut-off. It must also be noted that there are instances, where for one of the six ratios, two samples with different sources have a lower standard deviation than five percent when compared to two samples from the same source. However, most ratios will be significantly higher than five percent compared to two samples from the same source and thus all ratios must be considered when determining whether a sample can be eliminated as originating from the same source. Appendix Figures 6.7-6.12 demonstrate that when using the data from an evaporated gasoline sample and comparing it to all other gasolines unevaporated, only one unevaporated sample remains similar when compared among all ratios. This demonstrates that it is possible to rule out unevaporated samples as originating from the same source as a 50% evaporated sample. Pine was chosen for the substrate because the pyrolysis products produced (see Appendix IV) do not interfere with the compounds used in the comparison ratios. However, once the gasoline was added, it was not known whether the pine would absorb some of the gasoline, interfering with the reproducibility of the comparisons. Nevertheless, the data demonstrates the presence of the wood substrate does not interfere in the comparisons. The sources of five samples selected from the sixteen gasoline samples were correctly identified in a blind study. B. 75% Comparisons The ten gasolines used in this study were distinguished using the four ratios outlined in Appendix Figure 5.2. Ratio one corresponds to the target response of the target ion in 2,4-dimethylhexane: 2,5-dimethylhexane, ratio two to 1,2,4- trimethylcyclopentane: 2,4-dimethylhexane, ratio three to methylindane: 1,2,3,5- 36 tetramethylbenzene, and ratio four to l-methylnaphthalene: 2-methylnaphthalene. Ratios one and two correspond to ratios two and three of the 50% comparisons, indicating it may be possible to use those two ratios for cases involving gasoline up to 75% evaporated. In this study, 75% evaporated gasoline was found to contain similar values to the same unevaporated gasoline using the four ratios mentioned above and clean substrates (see Appendix VII). Appendix Figure 7.5 clearly demonstrates that all ten gasolines are different using the data obtained from the unevaporated gasoline samples for the four ratios. Addition of the data obtained using the 75% evaporated gasoline made it easy to eliminate unevaporated samples as originating from the same source as the 75% evaporated sample. Appendix Figures 7.6-7.9 compare 75% evaporated gasoline to all ten unevaporated gasolines for each ratio, and only gasoline from the same source show consistently similar data for all ratios. As mentioned previously, the comparison is only valid when all four ratios are used because as Appendix Tables 2.2-2.5 demonstrate, there are instances where, for a particular ratio, a sample from a different source may have a percent standard deviation under five percent. However, inspection of the percent standard deviation information for a comparison of unevaporated and 75% evaporated gasoline from the same source shows it will be the only comparison in which all ratios have a percent standard deviation under five percent. The sources of three samples selected from the ten gasoline samples were correctly identified in a blind study. Discussion and Further Research The reproducibility for the 75% values was very good as evidenced by the example of reproducibility shown in Appendix VIII. This is probably due to using the autosampler versus manual injections, which were used in the 50% comparisons. Using 37 an autosampler automates the process and removes inherent human error present when making manual injections. Also, because clean substrates were used in the 75% comparisons, addition of a complex substrate like wood may interfere with how good the reproducibility of the data is or the ability to do the comparisons at all. The 75% evaporated gasoline was not extracted from debris because it was only an attempt to see if such comparisons could be done on highly evaporated gasoline. Further research can examine what happens when 75% evaporated gasoline is extracted from debris. The method looks most promising for cases involving softwoods such as pine because its presence in debris does not interfere with the four ratios found to be useful for such a comparison. Also, because ratio three and four of the 75% comparisons involve compounds eluting in the late region of the chromatogram, attempts to do such a comparison using higher than 75% evaporated gasoline may prove feasible. . The results of the comparisons in this study demonstrate that for cases involving gasoline as an accelerant that has been evaporated up to 50% and extracted from pine, it is possible to eliminate gasoline comparisons as originating from the same source. The results of the 75% comparisons suggest it may be possible to apply the same type of comparison to cases involving 75% evaporated gasoline. Because there were two ratios that were applicable to both comparisons, it may be possible to use them in cases involving gasoline evaporated up to 75% and extracted from pine. The ability to carry out the comparisons using gasoline from a small distribution area is very beneficial. The samples used in this study were obtained from places that could possibly have received gasoline from the same refinery and/or production batch, or terminal. Because they were distinguished from one another, doing larger scale 38 comparisons involving gasoline from outside the distribution area of one another should result in even more levels of comparison and the ability to possibly classify gasoline. It was not known at the beginning of this research if this would be an attempt to distinguish gasolines that are not technically from different sources because specific distribution information was not available. Nevertheless, the fact that the gasoline samples were distinguished from one another suggests that even without such information, a comparison can still be made, lending more credibility to evidence of this type. Not knowing the distribution information may be the reason why only a few ratios were useful in the comparison, but the combination of new shipments of gasoline, storage conditions of the gasoline, and the gasoline residue still in the tank add to detecting the types of differences found in this study. In this study, all gasoline samples were collected in the summer and thus do not have as many light end components because they cause vapor lock in car engines. Future research should attempt to incorporate samples from winter as well, because winter gasoline has more light end compounds, and see how such changes affect the ratios useful for gasoline comparisons. Before application of this method to actual arson cases, a ‘controlled’ arson scenario should be carried out where a certain amount of gasoline is added to the pine and then burned until the desired evaporation state is obtained. The evaporation amount of the gasoline should then be determined and the components remaining identified to see if they change under combustion or what effect combustion has at all on using the specified ratios. If the comparison method is still found to be useful, it should then be applied to actual arson cases. 39 vaé Nome NmmN KEN wFN mmNN m can”. wand rmwd mooN NmmN NNvN mmvN m 03mm wmnér mvN.vF 53.3” N®N.®m Nu F .N oNF .N v Ozmm 2nd mde 02.0 mmwd Nnd mmnd m can”. mmod meo 30.0 30.0 8.0 womd N can”. vmom NONm mmd Nvmd mnmm mom.m _. 03mm .mflfi and: .mm>e «no: .mm>e «no: 3cm m 0.50qu a 05.0950 $3 a 0c=owa0 a 05.0m50 30m N 250099 N o:=owa0 owoN mmoN wwoé wwoé mmnd mknd 0 03mm 3mm m—Nd mmNV NmN.v $90 onwé m away. Nvd nwmd mum. 5. won. 3 med Em v 05mm Rind rmvd End 086 mwmd mwmd m 05mm Nkwd mnod and mud N550 and N 05mm warm meow oNvd mnvé N_.N.: m 5. Z. w ovum .mm>o «no: dye «no: .mm>o «we: {can u eczemamu @ 05—Oma0 .30.» m Orion—«0 m 25.300 {com v 057.550 v oc=oau0 mmod awkd EON :vN mNmN NmmN m can”. omNm mama.“ wwwN othN momN mmvN m 251 Nmm and medF none? mmmNr 0mm. 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Nmm.m mvmm med wad mmNe ané v 0:0”. mmvd Nomd Nwmd wand 90.0 thd m 2.0m mmwd mmwd mmmd 08.0 Pvmd mmmd N 30¢ 0.56 rm...“ mmrfi 3. 3 tvé Nam.“q w 050m. . «>0 «no: .mm>e «no: .mm>e .00: {com m... 05.0000 0.. 05.0000 $00 3 05.0000 0.. 05.0000 $00 2 05.0000 2 05.0000 3mm...” mm god 806 mmmN NnmN 0 020m. 3 3 vmmd mN.o mme NrmN mmmN m 0:0”. 50.9 m2. : 83 «SN 38 on; a mNNd mNNd mowd :90 mwvd mmvd m 030w. 3.0.? wvoé vmmd wNoe mwhd and N 0:01 m omwN Novd reed vnd 3.5m F 030m immm. «no: .mm>o «no: .mm>e ~00: $00 Nr 05.0000 NF 05.0000 $00.. 3 05.0000 5 05.0000 $00 0.. 05.0000 2 05.0000 41 Table 1.2 Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #1 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat; Gas=Abbreviation for Gasoline Standard %std dev = Gas 1 50% Gas 1 neat Averagi deviation (stdevlanfii 00 Ratio 1 4.047 3.904 3.976 0.101 2.543 Ratio 2 0.762 0.764 0.763 0.001 0.185 Ratio 3 0.304 0.307 0.306 0.002 0.694 Ratio 4 12.335 11.596 11.966 0.523 4.367 Ratio 5 2.606 2.458 2.532 0.105 4.133 Ratio 6 2.325 2.332 2.329 0.005 0.213 Standard Gas 1 50% Gas 2 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.047 4.665 4.356 0.437 10.032 Ratio 2 0.762 0.713 0.738 0.035 4.698 Ratio 3 0.304 0.282 0.293 0.016 5.309 Ratio 4 12.335 14.787 13.561 1.734 12.785 Ratio 5 2.606 2.779 2.693 0.122 4.543 Ratio 6 2.325 2.417 2.371 0.065 2.744 Standard Gas 1 50% Gas 3 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.047 7.756 5.902 2.623 44.441 Ratio 2 0.762 0.948 0.855 0.132 15.383 Ratio 3 0.304 0.336 0.320 0.023 7.071 Ratio 4 12.335 9.742 11.039 1.834 16.610 Ratio 5 2.606 5.339 3.973 1.933 48.648 Ratio 6 2.325 0.719 1.522 1.136 74.613 Standard Gas 1 50% Gas 4 neat Avegqe deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.047 11.313 7.680 5.138 66.899 Ratio 2 0.762 0.780 0.771 0.013 1.651 Ratio 3 0.304 0.389 0.347 0.060 17.346 Ratio 4 12.335 9.700 11.018 1.863 16.912 Ratio 5 2.606 6.538 4.572 2.780 60.812 Ratio 6 2.325 0.773 1.549 1.097 70.848 Standard Gas 1 50% Gas 5 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.047 6.475 5.261 1.717 32.634 Ratio 2 0.762 0.760 0.761 0.001 0.186 Ratio 3 0.304 0.336 0.320 0.023 7.071 Ratio 4 12.335 11.703 12.019 0.447 3.718 Ratio 5 2.606 4.292 3.449 1.192 34.566 Ratio 6 2.325 1.088 1.707 0.875 51.256 42 Table 1.2 Continued: Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #1 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat ea. 1 Gas 5 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.047 5.083 4.565 0.733 16.047 Ratio 2 0.762 0.673 0.718 0.063 8.771 Ratio 3 0.304 0.481 0.393 0.125 31.887 Ratio 4 12.335 8.987 10.661 2.367 22.206 Ratio 5 2.606 3.213 2.910 0.429 14.752 Ratio 6 2.325 2.039 2.182 0.202 9.268 Gas 1 Gas 7 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.047 5.369 4.708 0.935 19.855 Ratio 2 0.762 0.968 0.865 0.146 16.840 Ratio 3 0.304 0.733 0.519 0.303 58.505 Ratio 4 12.335 2.126 7.231 7.219 99.839 Ratio 5 2.606 2.435 2.521 0.121 4.797 Ratio 6 2.325 2.253 2.289 0.051 2.224 Gas 1 Gas 8 Standard 50% neat Averag deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.047 3.842 3.945 0.145 3.675 Ratio 2 0.762 0.634 0.698 0.091 12.967 Ratio 3 0.304 0.135 0.220 0.120 54.442 Ratio 4 12.335 36.262 24.299 16.919 , 69.630 Ratio 5 2.606 2.557 2.582 0.035 1.342 Ratio 6 2.325 2.747 2.536 0.298 11.767 Gas 1 Gas 9 Standard 50% neat Avegge deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.047 5.702 4.875 1.170 24.008 Ratio 2 0.762 0.653 0.708 0.077 10.894 Ratio 3 0.304 0.329 0.317 0.018 5.585 Ratio 4 12.335 14.245 13.290 1.351 10.162 Ratio 5 2.606 3.851 3.229 0.880 27.268 Ratio 6 2.325 1.867 2.096 0.324 15.451 Gas 1 Gas 10 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.047 3.714 3.881 0.235 6.068 Ratio 2 0.762 0.790 0.776 0.020 2.551 Jatio 3 0.304 0.489 0.397 0.131 32.992 Jatio 4 12.335 6.136 9.236 4.383 47.462 Jatio 5 2.606 2.359 2.483 0.175 7.035 Ratio 6 2.325 2.572 2.449 0.175 7.133 43 Table 1.2 Continued: Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #1 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat Gas 1 Gas 11 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.047 8.461 6.254 3.121 49.907 Ratio 2 0.762 1.021 0.892 0.183 20.543 Ratio 3 0.304 0.871 0.588 0.401 68.243 Ratio 4 12.335 2.482 7.409 6.967 94.042 Ratio 5 2.606 6.295 4.451 2.609 58.612 Ratio 6 2.325 0.689 1.507 1.157 76.764 Gas 1 Gas 12 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.047 2.896 3.472 0.814 23.445 Ratio 2 0.762 1.048 0.905 0.202 22.346 Ratio 3 0.304 0.228 0.266 0.054 20.203 Ratio 4 12.335 11.705 12.020 0.445 3.706 Ratio 5 2.606 3.994 3.300 0.981 29.741 Ratio 6 2.325 3.900 3.113 1.114 35.781 Gas 1 Gas 13 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.047 4.392 4.220 0.244 5.782 Ratio 2 0.762 0.953 0.858 0.135 15.750 Ratio 3 0.304 0.927 0.616 0.441 71.572 Ratio 4 12.335 1.217 6.776 7.862 - 116.021 Ratio 5 2.606 2.712 2.659 0.075 2.819 Ratio 6 2.325 1.593 1.959 0.518 26.422 Gas 1 Gas 14 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.047 4.114 4.081 0.047 1.161 Ratio 2 0.762 0.838 0.800 0.054 6.718 Ratio 3 0.304 0.388 0.346 0.059 17.167 Ratio 4 12.335 6.882 9.609 3.856 40.130 Ratio 5 2.606 2.521 2.564 0.060 2.345 Ratio 6 2.325 2.209 2.267 0.082 3.618 Gas 1 Gas 15 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.047 5.910 4.979 1.317 26.461 Jatio 2 0.762 0.899 0.831 0.097 1 1.664 Jatio 3 0.304 0.502 0.403 0.140 34.741 Ratio 4 12.335 5.545 8.940 4.801 53.705 iatio 5 2.606 3.459 3.033 0.603 19.890 Ratio 6 2.325 1.545 1.935 0.552 28.504 44 Table 1.2 Continued: Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #1 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat Gas 1 Gas 16 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.047 3.959 4.003 0.062 1.554 Ratio 2 0.762 0.670 0.716 0.065 9.086 Ratio 3 0.304 0.389 0.347 0.060 17.346 Ratio 4 12.335 11.983 12.159 0.249 2.047 Ratio 5 2.606 2.782 2.694 0.124 4.620 Ratio 6 2.325 2.989 2.657 0.470 17.671 Table 1.3 Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #2 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1 -1 6 Neat Gas 2 Gas 1 Standard 50% neat Avergge deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 3.904 4.345 0.623 14.339 Ratio 2 0.706 0.764 0.735 0.041 5.580 Ratio 3 0.286 0.307 0.297 0.015 5.008 Ratio 4 14.829 11.596 13.213 2.286 17.302 Ratio 5 2.888 2.458 2.673 0.304 11.375 Ratio 6 2.361 2.332 2.347 0.021 0.874 Gas 2 Gas 2 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 4.665 4.725 0.085 1.796 Ratio 2 0.706 0.713 0.710 0.005 0.698 Ratio 3 0.286 0.282 0.284 0.003 0.996 Ratio 4 14.829 14.787 14.808 0.030 0.201 Ratio 5 2.888 2.779 2.834 0.077 2.720 Ratio 6 2.361 2.417 2.389 0.040 1.658 Gas 2 Gas 3 Standard 50% neat Avera e deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 7.756 6.271 2.101 33.503 Ratio 2 0.706 0.948 0.827 0.171 20.692 Ratio 3 0.286 0.336 0.311 0.035 11.368 Ratio 4 14.829 9.742 12.286 3.597 29.279 Ratio 5 2.888 5.339 4.114 1.733 42.132 Ratio 6 2.361 0.719 1.540 1.161 75.394 Gas 2 Gas 4 Standard 50% neat Avera e deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 11.313 8.049 4.616 57.349 Ratio 2 0.706 0.780 0.743 0.052 7.043 Ratio 3 0.286 0.389 0.338 0.073 21.580 Ratio 4 14.829 9.700 12.265 3.627 29.571 Ratio 5 2.888 6.538 4.713 2.581 54.762 Ratio 6 2.361 0.773 1.567 1.123 71.658 45 Table 1.3 Continued: Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #2 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat Gas 2 Gas 5 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 6.475 5.630 1.195 21.226 Ratio 2 0.706 0.760 0.733 0.038 5.209 Ratio 3 0.286 0.336 0.311 0.035 11.368 Ratio 4 14.829 11.703 13.266 2.210 16.662 Ratio 5 2.888 4.292 3.590 0.993 27.654 Ratio 6 2.361 1.088 1.725 0.900 52.198 Gas 2 Gas 6 Standard 50% neat Avergge deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 5.083 4.934 0.211 4.271 Ratio 2 0.706 0.673 0.690 0.023 3.384 Ratio 3 0.286 0.481 0.384 0.138 35.955 Ratio 4 14.829 8.987 11.908 4.131 34.690 Ratio 5 2.888 3.213 3.051 0.230 7.534 Ratio 6 2.361 2.039 2.200 0.228 10.349 Gas 2 Gas 7 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 5.369 5.077 0.413 8.134 Ratio 2 0.706 0.968 ' 0.837 0.185 22.134 Ratio 3 0.286 0.733 0.510 0.316 62.037 Ratio 4 14.829 2.126 8.478 8.982 105.955 Ratio 5 2.888 2.435 2.662 0.320 12.035 Ratio 6 2.361 2.253 2.307 0.076 3.310 Gas 2 Gas 8 Standard 50% neat Avera e deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 3.842 4.314 0.667 15.458 Ratio 2 0.706 0.634 0.670 0.051 7.599 Ratio 3 0.286 0.135 0.211 0.107 50.724 Ratio 4 14.829 36.262 25.546 15.155 59.327 Ratio 5 2.888 2.557 2.723 0.234 8.597 Ratio 6 2.361 2.747 2.554 0.273 10.687 Gas 2 Gas 9 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 5.702 5.244 0.648 12.366 Ratio 2 0.706 0.653 0.680 0.037 5.515 Ratio 3 0.286 0.329 0.308 0.030 9.888 Ratio 4 14.829 14.245 14.537 0.413 2.841 Ratio 5 2.888 3.851 3.370 0.681 20.209 Ratio 6 2.361 1.867 2.114 0.349 16.524 46 Table 1.3 Continued: Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #2 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat Gas 2 Gas 10 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 3.714 4.250 0.757 17.821 Ratio 2 0.706 0.790 0.748 0.059 7.941 Ratio 3 0.286 0.489 0.388 0.144 37.043 Ratio 4 14.829 6.136 10.483 6.147 58.639 Ratio 5 2.888 2.359 2.624 0.374 14.258 Ratio 6 2.361 2.572 2.467 0.149 6.049 Gas 2 Gas 11 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 8.461 6.623 2.599 39.247 Ratio 2 0.706 1.021 0.864 0.223 25.795 Ratio 3 0.286 0.871 0.579 0.414 71.505 Ratio 4 14.829 2.482 8.656 8.731 100.868 Ratio 5 2.888 6.295 4.592 2.409 52.469 Ratio 6 2.361 0.689 1.525 1.182 77.527 Gas 2 Gas 12 Standard 50% neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 2.896 3.841 1.336 34.780 Ratio 2 0.706 1.048 0.877 0.242 27.575 Ratio 3 0.286 0.228 0.257 0.041 15.958 Ratio 4 14.829 11.705 13.267 2.209 16.650 Ratio 5 2.888 3.994 3.441 0.782 22.728 Ratio 6 2.361 3.900 3.131 1.088 34.762 Gas 2 Gas 13 Standard 50% neat Avera}; deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 4.392 4.589 0.278 6.056 Ratio 2 0.706 0.953 0.830 0.175 21.056 Ratio 3 0.286 0.927 0.607 0.453 74.733 Ratio 4 14.829 1.217 8.023 9.625 119.969 Ratio 5 2.888 2.712 2.800 0.124 4.445 Ratio 6 2.361 1.593 1.977 0.543 27.469 Gas 2 Gas 14 Standard 50% neat Avegge deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 4.114 4.450 0.474 10.663 Ratio 2 0.706 0.838 0.772 0.093 12.090 Ratio 3 0.286 0.388 0.337 0.072 21.402 Ratio 4 14.829 6.882 10.856 5.619 51.765 Ratio 5 2.888 2.521 2.705 0.260 9.595 Ratio 6 2.361 2.209 2.285 0.107 4.704 47 Table 1.3 Continued: Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #2 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat Gas 2 50% Gas 15 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 5.910 5.348 0.795 14.876 Ratio 2 0.706 0.899 0.803 0.136 17.006 Ratio 3 0.286 0.502 0.394 0.153 38.765 Ratio 4 14.829 5.545 10.187 6.565 64.443 Ratio 5 2.888 3.459 3.174 0.404 12.723 Ratio 6 2.361 1.545 1.953 0.577 29.544 Gas 2 50% Gas 16 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 4.785 3.959 4.372 0.584 13.359 Ratio 2 0.706 0.670 0.688 0.025 3.700 Ratio 3 0.286 0.389 0.338 0.073 21.580 Ratio 4 14.829 11.983 13.406 2.012 15.011 Ratio 5 2.888 2.782 2.835 0.075 2.644 Ratio 6 2.361 2.989 2.675 0.444 16.600 Table 1.4 Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #3 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat Gas 3 50% Gas 1 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 7.818 3.904 5.861 2.768 47.221 Ratio 2 0.926 0.764 0.845 0.115 ' 13.556 Ratio 3 0.329 0.307 0.318 0.016 4.892 Ratio 4 9.920 11.596 10.758 1.185 11.016 Ratio 5 5.256 2.458 3.857 1.978 51.296 Ratio 6 0.699 2.332 1.516 1.155 76.193 Gas 3 50% Gas 2 neat Avera 9 Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 7.818 4.665 6.242 2.230 35.721 Ratio 2 0.926 0.713 0.820 0.151 18.379 Ratio 3 0.329 0.282 0.306 0.033 10.879 Ratio 4 9.920 14.787 12.354 3.441 27.858 Ratio 5 5.256 2.779 4.018 1.752 43.597 Ratio 6 0.699 2.417 1.558 1.215 77.972 Gas 3 50% Gas 3 neat Avera e Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 7.818 7.756 7.787 0.044 0.563 Ratio 2 0.926 0.948 0.937 0.016 1.660 Ratio 3 0.329 0.336 0.333 0.005 1.489 Ratio 4 9.920 9.742 9.831 0.126 1.280 Ratio 5 5.256 5.339 5.298 0.059 1.108 Ratio 6 0.699 0.719 0.709 0.014 1.995 48 Table 1.4 Continued: Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #3 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat Standard Gas 3 50% Gas 4 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 7.818 11.313 9.566 2.471 25.836 Ratio 2 0.926 0.780 0.853 0.103 12.103 Ratio 3 0.329 0.389 0.359 0.042 11.818 Ratio 4 9.920 9.700 9.810 0.156 1.586 Ratio 5 5.256 6.538 5.897 0.907 15.372 Ratio 6 0.699 0.773 0.736 0.052 7.109 Standard Gas 3 50% Gas 5 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 7.818 6.475 7.147 0.950 13.288 Ratio 2 0.926 0.760 0.843 0.117 13.924 Ratio 3 0.329 0.336 0.333 0.005 1.489 Ratio 4 9.920 11.703 10.812 1.261 11.661 Ratio 5 5.256 4.292 4.774 0.682 14.278 Ratio 6 0.699 1.088 0.894 0.275 30.785 Standard Gas 3 50% Gas 6 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 7.818 5.083 6.451 1.934 29.981 Ratio 2 0.926 0.673 0.800 0.179 22.376 Ratio 3 0.329 0.481 0.405 0.107 26.538 Ratio 4 9.920 8.987 9.454 0.660 6.979 Ratio 5 5.256 3.213 4.235 1.445 34.115 Ratio 6 0.699 2.039 1.369 0.948 69.213 Standard Gas 3 50% Gas 7 neat Avera e deviation %std dev Ratio 1 7.818 5.369 6.594 1.732 26.264 Ratio 2 0.926 0.968 0.947 0.030 3.136 Ratio 3 0.329 0.733 0.531 0.286 53.799 Ratio 4 9.920 2.126 6.023 5.511 91.502 Ratio 5 5.256 2.435 3.846 1.995 51.872 Ratio 6 0.699 2.253 1.476 1.099 74.447 Standard Gas 3 50% Gas 8 neat Avera e deviation %std dev Ratio 1 7.818 3.842 5.830 2.811 48.224 Ratio 2 0.926 0.634 0.780 0.206 26.471 Ratio 3 0.329 0.135 0.232 0.137 59.129 Ratio 4 9.920 36.262 23.091 18.627 80.666 Ratio 5 5.256 2.557 3.907 1.908 48.854 Ratio 6 0.699 2.747 1.723 1.448 84.048 49 Table 1.4 Continued: Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #3 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat Standard Gas 3 50% Gas 9 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 7.818 5.702 6.760 1.496 22.134 Ratio 2 0.926 0.653 0.790 0.193 24.451 Ratio 3 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.000 0.000 Ratio 4 9.920 14.245 12.083 3.058 25.311 Ratio 5 5.256 3.851 4.554 0.993 21.818 Ratio 6 0.699 1.867 1.283 0.826 64.373 Standard Gas 3 50% Gas 10 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 7.818 ' 3.714 5.766 2.902 50.329 Ratio 2 0.926 0.790 0.858 0.096 11.208 Ratio 3 0.329 0.489 0.409 0.113 27.662 Ratio 4 9.920 6.136 8.028 2.676 33.329 Ratio 5 5.256 2.359 3.808 2.048 53.801 Ratio 6 0.699 2.572 1.636 1.324 80.979 Standard Gas 3 50% Gas 11 neat Averafi deviation %std dev Ratio 1 7.818 8.461 8.140 0.455 5.586 Ratio 2 0.926 1.021 0.974 0.067 6.900 Ratio 3 0.329 0.871 0.600 0.383 63.875 Ratio 4 9.920 2.482 6.201 5.259 84.816 Ratio 5 5.256 6.295 5.776 0.735 12.721 Ratio 6 0.699 0.689 0.694 0.007 1.019 Standard Gas 3 50% Gas 12 neat Averggg deviation %std dev Ratio 1 7.818 2.896 5.357 3.480 64.969 Ratio 2 0.926 1.048 0.987 0.086 8.740 Ratio 3 0.329 0.228 0.279 0.071 25.644 Ratio 4 9.920 11.705 10.813 1.262 11.673 Ratio 5 5.256 3.994 4.625 0.892 19.294 Ratio 6 0.699 3.900 2.300 2.263 98.432 Standard Gas 3 50% Gas 13 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratiot 7.818 4.392 6.105 2.423 39.681 Ratio 2 0.926 0.953 0.940 0.019 2.032 Ratio 3 0.329 0.927 0.628 0.423 67.333 Ratio 4 9.920 1.217 5.569 6.154 110.514 Ratio 5 5.256 2.712 3.984 1.799 45.153 Ratio 6 0.699 1.593 1.146 0.632 55.162 50 Table 1.4 Continued: Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #3 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1 -1 6 Neat Gas 3 50% Gas 14 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 7.818 4.114 5.966 2.619 43.901 Ratio 2 0.926 0.838 0.882 0.062 7.055 Ratio 3 0.329 0.388 0.359 0.042 11.637 Ratio 4 9.920 6.882 8.401 2.148 25.571 Ratio 5 5.256 2.521 3.889 1.934 49.735 Ratio 6 0.699 2.209 1.454 1.068 73.434 Gas 3 50% Gas 15 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 7.818 5.910 6.864 1.349 19.656 Ratio 2 0.926 0.899 0.913 0.019 2.092 Ratio 3 0.329 0.502 0.416 0.122 29.442 Ratio 4 9.920 5.545 7.733 3.094 40.008 Ratio 5 5.256 3.459 4.358 1.271 29.161 Ratio 6 0.699 1.545 1.122 0.598 53.317 Gas 3 50% Gas 16 neat Avergqg Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 7.818 3.959 5.889 2.729 46.340 Ratio 2 0.926 0.670 0.798 0.181 22.684 Ratio 3 0.329 0.389 0.359 0.042 11.818 Ratio 4 9.920 11.983 10.952 1.459 13.320 Ratio 5 5.256 2.782 4.019 1.749 43.528 Ratio 6 0.699 2.989 1.844 1.619 87.813 Table 1.5 Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #4 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1 -16 Neat Standard Gas 4 50% Gas 1 neat Avera e deviation %std dev Ratio 1 11.212 3.904 7.558 5.168 68.372 Ratio 2 0.772 0.764 0.768 0.006 0.737 Ratio 3 0.389 0.307 0.348 0.058 16.662 Ratio 4 9.825 11.596 10.711 1.252 11.692 Ratio 5 6.584 2.458 4.521 2.918 64.533 Ratio 6 0.765 2.332 1.549 1.108 71.555 Standard Gas 4 50% Gas 2 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 11.212 4.665 7.939 4.629 58.316 Ratio 2 0.772 0.713 0.743 0.042 5.619 Ratio 3 0.389 0.282 0.336 0.076 22.552 Ratio 4 9.825 14.787 12.306 3.509 28.512 Ratio 5 6.584 2.779 4.682 2.691 57.472 Ratio 6 0.765 2.417 1.591 1.168 73.422 51 Table 1.5 Continued: Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #4 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat Standard Gas 4 50% Gas 3 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 11.212 7.756 9.484 2.444 25.767 Ratio 2 0.772 0.948 0.860 0.124 14.471 Ratio 3 0.389 0.336 0.363 0.037 10.338 Ratio 4 9.825 9.742 9.784 0.059 0.600 Ratio 5 6.584 5.339 5.962 0.880 14.767 Ratio 6 0.765 0.719 0.742 0.033 4.384 Standard Gas 4 50% Gas 4 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio1 11.212 11.313 11.263 0.071 0.634 Ratio 2 0.772 0.780 0.776 0.006 0.729 Ratio 3 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.000 0.000 Ratio 4 9.825 9.700 ‘ 9.763 0.088 0.905 Ratio 5 6.584 6.538 6.561 0.033 0.496 Ratio 6 0.765 0.773 0.769 0.006 0.736 Standard Gas 4 50% Gas 5 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 11.212 6.475 8.844 3.350 37.876 Ratio 2 0.772 0.760 0.766 0.008 1.108 Ratio 3 0.389 0.336 0.363 0.037 10.338 Ratio 4 9.825 11.703 10.764 1.328 12.337 Ratio 5 6.584 4.292 5.438 1.621 29.803 Ratio 6 0.765 1.088 0.927 0.228 24.651 Standard Gas 4 50% Gas 6 neat Avegge deviation %std dev Ratio 1 11.212 5.083 8.148 4.334 53.192 Ratio 2 0.772 0.673 0.723 0.070 9.689 Ratio 3 0.389 0.481 0.435 0.065 14.955 Ratio 4 9.825 8.987 9.406 0.593 6.300 Ratio 5 6.584 3.213 4.899 2.384 48.661 Ratio 6 0.765 2.039 1.402 0.901 64.255 Standard Gas 4 50% Gas 7 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 11.212 5.369 8.291 4.132 49.836 Ratio 2 0.772 0.968 0.870 0.139 15.930 Ratio 3 0.389 0.733 0.561 0.243 43.359 Ratio 4 9.825 2.126 5.976 5.444 91.106 Ratio 5 6.584 2.435 4.510 2.934 65.058 Ratio 6 0.765 2.253 1.509 1.052 69.727 52 Table 1.5 Continued: Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #4 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat Gas 4 50% Gas 8 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 11.212 3.842 7.527 5.2.11 69.236 Ratio 2 0.772 0.634 0.703 0.098 13.881 Ratio 3 0.389 0.135 0.262 0.180 68.552 Ratio 4 9.825 36.262 23.044 18.694 81.124 Ratio 5 6.584 2.557 4.571 2.848 62.302 Ratio 6 0.765 2.747 1.756 1.401 79.811 Gas 4 50% Gas 9 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 1 1.212 5.702 8.457 3.896 46.070 Ratio 2 0.772 0.653 0.713 0.084 11.810 Ratio 3 0.389 0.329 0.359 0.042 11.818 Ratio 4 9.825 14.245 12.035 3.125 25.969 Ratio 5 6.584 3.851 5.218 1.933 37.039 Ratio 6 0.765 1.867 1.316 0.779 59.212 Gas 4 50% Gas 10 neat: Average Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 11.212 3.714 7.463 5.302 71.042 Ratio 2 0.772 0.790 0.781 0.013 1.630 Ratio 3 0.389 0.489 0.439 0.071 16.107 Ratio 4 9.825 6.136 7.981 2.609 32.686 Ratio 5 6.584 2.359 4.472 2.988 66.813 Ratio 6 0.765 2.572 1.669 1.278 76.580 Gas 4 50% Gas 11 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 11.212 8.461 9.837 1.945 19.776 Ratio 2 0.772 1.021 0.897 0.176 19.640 Ratio 3 0.389 0.871 0.630 0.341 54.099 Ratio 4 9.825 2.482 6.154 5.192 84.379 Ratio 5 6.584 6.295 6.440 0.204 3.173 Ratio 6 0.765 0.689 0.727 0.054 7.392 Gas 4 50% Gas 12 neat Avergagm Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 11.212 2.896 7.054 5.880 83.361 Ratio 2 0.772 1.048 0.910 0.195 21.446 Ratio 3 0.389 0.228 0.309 0.114 36.902 Ratio 4 9.825 11.705 10.765 1.329 12.349 Ratio 5 6.584 3.994 5.289 1.831 34.627 Ratio 6 0.765 3.900 2.333 2.217 95.039 53 Table 1.5 Continued: Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #4 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat Standard Gas 4 50% Gas 13 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 11.212 4.392 7.802 4.822 61.811 Ratio 2 0.772 0.953 0.863 0.128 14.839 Ratio 3 0.389 0.927 0.658 0.380 57.815 Ratio 4 9.825 1.217 5.521 6.087 110.248 Ratio 5 6.584 2.712 4.648 2.738 58.905 Ratio 6 0.765 1.593 1.179 0.585 49.659 Standard Gas 4 50% Gas 14 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 11.212 4.114 7.663 5.019 65.497 Ratio 2 0.772 0.838 0.805 0.047 5.797 Ratio 3 0.389 0.388 0.389 0.001 0.182 Ratio 4 9.825 6.882 8.354 2.081 24.912 Ratio 5 6.584 2.521 4.553 2.873 63.108 Ratio 6 0.765 2.209 1.487 1.021 68.666 Standard Gas 4 50% Gas 15 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 11.212 5.910 8.561 3.749 43.793 Ratio 2 0.772 0.899 0.836 0.090 10.748 Ratio 3 0.389 0.502 0.446 0.080 17.936 Ratio 4 9.825 5.545 7.685 3.026 39.381 Ratio 5 6.584 3.459 5.022 2.210 44.005 Ratio 6 0.765 1.545 1.155 0.552 47.753 Standard Gas 4 50% Gas 16 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 11.212 3.959 7.586 5.129 67.611 Ratio 2 0.772 0.670 0.721 0.072 10.003 Ratio 3 0.389 0.389 0.389 0.000 0.000 Ratio 4 9.825 11.983 10.904 1.526 13.994 Ratio 5 6.584 2.782 4.683 2.688 57.408 Ratio 6 0.765 2.989 1.877 1.573 83.783 Table 1.6 Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #5 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines # 1 ~ 16 Neat Standard Gas 5 50% Gas 1 neat Avera e deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 3.904 5.165 1.783 34.527 Ratio 2 0.761 0.764 0.763 0.002 0.278 Ratio 3 0.331 0.307 0.319 0.017 5.320 Ratio 4 11.673 11.596 11.635 0.054 0.468 Ratio 5 4.236 2.458 3.347 1.257 37.563 Ratio 6 1.068 2.332 1.700 0.894 52.575 54 Table 1.6 Continued: Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #5 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat Gas 5 50% Gas 2 neat AVfige Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 4.665 5.546 1.245 22.455 Ratio 2 0.761 0.713 0.737 0.034 4.605 Ratio 3 0.331 0.282 0.307 0.035 11.304 Ratio 4 11.673 14.787 13.230 2.202 16.643 Ratio 5 4.236 2.779 3.508 1.030 29.373 Ratio 6 1.068 2.417 1.743 0.954 54.742 Gas 5 50°/e Gas 3 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 7.756 7.091 0.940 13.263 Ratio 2 0.761 0.948 0.855 0.132 15.474 Ratio 3 0.331 0.336 0.334 0.004 1.060 Ratio 4 11.673 9.742 10.708 1.365 12.752 Ratio 5 4.236 5.339 4.788 0.780 16.291 Ratio 6 1.068 0.719 0.894 0.247 27.620 Gas 5 50% Gas 4 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 11.313 8.870 3.456 38.961 Ratio 2 0.761 0.780 0.771 0.013 1.744 Ratio 3 0.331 0.389 0.360 0.041 11.392 Ratio 4 11.673 9.700 10.687 1.395 13.055 Ratio 5 4.236 6.538 5.387 1.628 30.216 Ratio 6 1.068 0.773 0.921 0.209 22.661 Gas 5 50% Gas 5 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 6.475 6.451 0.035 0.537 Ratio 2 0.761 0.760 0.761 0.001 0.093 Ratio 3 0.331 0.336 0.334 0.004 1.060 Ratio 4 11.673 11.703 11.688 0.021 0.181 Ratio 5 4.236 4.292 4.264 0.040 0.929 Ratio 6 1.068 1.088 1.078 0.014 1.312 Gas 5 50% Gas 6 neat Averege Standard deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 5.083 5.755 0.950 16.503 Ratio 2 0.761 0.673 0.717 0.062 8.679 Ratio 3 0.331 0.481 0.406 0.106 26.125 Ratio 4 11.673 8.987 10.330 1.899 18.386 Ratio 5 4.236 3.213 3.725 0.723 19.422 Ratio 6 1.068 2.039 1.554 0.687 44.197 55 Table 1.6 Continued: Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #5 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat Standard Gas 5 50% Gas 7 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 5.369 5.898 0.747 12.673 Ratio 2 0.761 0.968 0.865 0.146 16.931 Ratio 3 0.331 0.733 0.532 0.284 53.432 Ratio 4 11.673 2.126 6.900 6.751 97.844 Ratio 5 4.236 2.435 3.336 1.273 38.180 Ratio 6 1.068 2.253 1.661 0.838 50.462 Standard Gas 5 50% Gas 8 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 3.842 5.134 1.827 35.589 Ratio 2 0.761 0.634 0.698 0.090 12.875 Ratio 3 0.331 0.135 0.233 0.139 59.482 Ratio 4 11.673 36.262 23.968 17.387 72.544 Ratio 5 4.236 2.557 3.397 1.187 34.955 Ratio 6 1.068 2.747 1.908 1.187 62.240 Standard Gas 5 50% Gas 9 neat Avera e deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 5.702 6.064 0.512 8.442 Ratio 2 0.761 0.653 0.707 0.076 10.802 Ratio 3 0.331 0.329 0.330 0.001 0.429 Ratio 4 11.673 14.245 12.959 1.819 14.034 Ratio 5 4.236 3.851 4.044 0.272 6.733 Ratio 6 1.068 1.867 1.468 0.565 38.499 Standard Gas 5 50% Gas 10 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 3.714 5.070 1.918 37.824 Ratio 2 0.761 0.790 0.776 0.021 2.644 Ratio 3 0.331 0.489 0.410 0.112 27.249 Ratio 4 11.673 6.136 8.905 3.915 43.969 Ratio 5 4.236 2.359 3.298 1.327 40.250 Ratio 6 1.068 2.572 1.820 1.063 58.433 Standard Gas 5 50% Gas 11 neat Averag deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 8.461 7.444 1.439 19.332 Ratio 2 0.761 1.021 0.891 0.184 20.634 Ratio 3 0.331 0.871 0.601 0.382 63.534 Ratio 4 11.673 2.482 7.078 6.499 91.826 Ratio 5 4.236 6.295 5.266 1.456 27.650 Ratio 6 1.068 0.689 0.879 0.268 30.506 56 Table 1.6 Continued: Comparison of 50% Evaporated Gasoline #5 (Debris Extract) to Gasolines #1-16 Neat Standard Gas 5 50% Gas 12 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 2.896 4.661 2.496 53.553 Ratio 2 0.761 1.048 0.905 0.203 22.437 Ratio 3 0.331 0.228 0.280 0.073 26.058 Ratio 4 11.673 11.705 11.689 0.023 0.194 Ratio 5 4.236 3.994 4.115 0.171 4.158 Ratio 6 1.068 3.900 2.484 2.003 80.617 Standard Gas 5 50% Gas 13 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 4.392 5.409 1.438 26.590 Ratio 2 0.761 0.953 0.857 0.136 15.842 Ratio 3 0.331 0.927 0.629 0.421 67.001 Ratio 4 11.673 1.217 6.445 7.394 114.717 Ratio 5 4.236 2.712 3.474 1.078 31.020 Ratio 6 1.068 1.593 1.331 0.371 27.902 Standard Gas 5 50% Gas 14 neat Averagg deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 4.114 5.270 1.635 31.021 Ratio 2 0.761 0.838 0.800 0.054 6.810 Ratio 3 0.331 0.388 0.360 0.040 11.211 Ratio 4 11.673 6.882 9.278 3.388 36.516 Ratio 5 4.236 2.521 3.379 1.213 35.894 Ratio 6 1.068 2.209 1.639 0.807 49.241 Standard Gas 5 50% Gas 15 neat Average deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 5.910 6.168 0.365 5.915 Ratio 2 0.761 0.899 0.830 0.098 11.757 Ratio 3 0.331 0.502 0.417 0.121 29.031 Ratio 4 1 1.673 5.545 8.609 4.333 50.333 Ratio 5 4.236 3.459 3.848 0.549 14.280 Ratio 6 1.068 1.545 1.307 0.337 25.816 Standard Gas 5 50% Gas 16 neat Averagg deviation %std dev Ratio 1 6.426 3.959 5.193 1.744 33.595 Ratio 2 0.761 0.670 0.716 0.064 8.993 Ratio 3 0.331 0.389 0.360 0.041 11.392 Ratio 4 11.673 11.983 11.828 0.219 1.853 Ratio 5 4.236 2.782 3.509 1.028 29.300 Ratio 6 1.068 2.989 2.029 1.358 66.963 57 0 34.0 0 3.0 v 000.0 050.0 0 00 _. .0 00 r .0 N 000.0 000.0 _. .m0>0 000.. a 20m $05 0r 05.0000 0.. 05.0000 00N.0 00N.0 30.0 034.0 N000 000.0 .4 N000 000.0 03.0 v3.0 N000 00v0 0 500.0 00v0 0N0.0 :00 000.0 .000 N 0000 500.0 005.0 005.0 000.0 000.0 .. a «00: .005 .00: .mm>0 «00: a» 20m. $05 00 05.0000 00 05.0000 $05 00 05.0000 00 05.0000 $05 50 05.0000 50 05.0000 30.0 034.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 00v.0 v 505.0 005.0 50Ne 50N.w 000.0 050.0 0 N000 500.0 055.0 505.0 N0v.0 00v.0 N Nv0.0 500.0 0.0.0 000 000.0 V050 r i...M>0 «00: .m0>0 “00: .0105 00: 0 2.0”. $05 00 05.0000 00 05.0000 $05 00 05.0000 00 05.0000 $05 00 05.0000 3 05.0000 0 5.4.0 0Nv0 00N.0 00N.0 00v.0 V0v0 .4 va0 N00 00.0 000.0 500.0 0.0.0 0 000.0 500.0 050.0 500.0 N000 000.0 N 5v00 000.0 500.0 000.0 N050 V550 r iimmfl .00: . 0>0 ~00: .0M>o .00: # 2.0m $05 00 05.0000 00 05.0000 $05 N0 05.0000 N0 05.0000 $05 P0 05.0000 00 05.0000 50065850320 2- as 65630 5 I 850 50 68500 25> 3 2.3 28.000800 $0 5 .8.“ Sam. A. 5002.0... 58 Table 2.2 Comparison of 75% Evaporated Gasoline #01 to Gasolines #01-10 Neat Gas 01 75% Gas 01 Standard %std Ratio # evap. neat Average deviation dev=(stdevlaeg.)'100 1 0.782 0.774 0.778 0.005 0.682 2 0.382 0.398 0.390 0.011 2.922 3 0.557 0.546 0.551 0.007 1.347 4 0.436 0.434 0.435 0.001 0.244 Gas 01 75% Gas 02 Standard Ratio # evap. neat Average deviation %std dev 1 0.774 0.669 0.721 0.074 10.298 2 0.398 0.497 0.447 0.070 15.731 3 0.546 0.858 0.702 0.221 31.489 4 0.434 0.293 0.363 0.100 27.545 Gas 01 75% Gas 03 Standard Ratio # evap. neat Average deviation %std dev 1 0.774 0.930 0.852 0.110 12.955 2 0.398 0.357 0.377 0.029 7.690 3 0.546 0.421 0.483 0.088 18.217 4 0.434 0.429 0.431 0.004 0.902 Gas 01 75% Gas 04 Standard Ratio # evap. neat Averag deviation %std dev 1 0.774 0.794 0.784 0.014 1.805 2 0.398 0.490 0.444 0.065 14.668 3 0.546 0.675 0.610 0.092 15.005 4 0.434 0.400 0.417 0.024 5.854 Gas 01 75% Gas 05 Standard Ratio # evap. neat Averege deviation %std dev 1 0.774 0.964 0.869 0.135 15.505 2 0.398 0.737 0.567 0.240 42.320 3 0.546 1.257 0.901 0.503 55.823 4 0.434 0.489 0.462 0.039 8.427 Gas 01 75% Gas 06 Standard Ratio # evap. neat Avergge deviation %std dev 1 0.774 0.837 0.805 0.045 5.534 2 0.398 0.387 0.392 0.008 1.984 3 0.546 0.706 0.626 0.113 18.087 4 0.434 0.449 0.442 0.011 2.402 Gas 01 75% Gas 07 Standard Ratio # evap. neat Average deviation %std dev 1 0.774 0.900 0.837 0.089 10.665 2 0.398 0.491 0.444 0.066 14.876 3 0.546 0.488 0.517 0.040 7.802 4 0.434 0.486 0.460 0.036 7.921 59 Table 2.2 Continued: Comparison of 75% Evaporated Gasoline #01 to Gasolines #01-10 Neat Gas 01 75% Gas 08 Standard Ratio # evap. neat Average deviation %std dev 1 0.774 0.760 0.767 0.010 1.243 2 0.398 0.341 0.369 0.040 10.844 3 0.546 0.444 0.495 0.072 14.491 4 0.434 0.443 0.438 0.006 1.403 Gas 01 75% Gas 09 Standard Ratio # evap. neat Average deviation %std dev 1 0.774 0.667 0.720 0.075 10.464 2 0.398 0.405 0.401 0.005 1.271 3 0.546 0.908 0.727 0.257 35.293 4 0.434 0.256 0.345 0.126 36.555 Gas 01 75% Gas 10 Standard Ratio # evap. neat Average deviation %std dev 1 0.774 0.630 0.702 0.101 14.447 2 0.398 0.136 0.267 0.185 69.211 3 0.546 0.576 0.561 0.022 3.863 4 0.434 0.418 0.426 0.012 2.730 Table 2.3 Comparison of 75% Evaporated Gasoline #02 to Gasolines #01-10 Neat Gas 02 75% Ratio # evap. Gas 01 neat Avegg Standard deviation %std dev 1 0.687 0.774 0.731 0.062 8.421 2 0.478 0.398 0.438 0.057 12.986 3 0.845 0.546 0.696 0.211 30.399 4 0.293 0.434 0.364 0.100 27.428 Gas 02 75% Ratio # evap. Gas 02 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev 1 0.687 0.669 0.678 0.013 1.930 2 0.478 0.497 0.488 0.013 2.756 3 0.845 0.858 0.852 0.009 1.080 4 0.293 0.293 0.293 0.000 0.121 Gas 02 75% Ratio # evap. Gas 03 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev 1 0.687 0.930 0.808 0.171 21.215 2 0.478 0.357 0.417 0.086 20.590 3 0.845 0.421 0.633 0.300 47.364 4 0.293 0.429 0.361 0.096 26.559 Ratio # Gas 02 75% evap. Gas 04 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev 1 0.687 0.794 0.740 0.075 10.173 2 0.478 0.490 0.484 0.008 1.681 3 0.845 0.675 0.760 0.120 15.817 4 0.293 0.400 0.346 0.075 21.749 6O Table 2.3 Continued: Comparison of 75% Evaporated Gasoline #02 to Gasolines #01-10 Neat Gas 02 75% Gas 05 Standard Ratio # evap. neat Average deviation %std dev 1 0.687 0.964 0.826 0.196 23.727 2 0.478 0.737 0.608 0.183 30.147 3 0.845 1.257 1.051 0.291 27.719 4 0.293 0.489 0.391 0.139 35.446 Gas 02 75% Gas 06 Standard Ratio # evap. neat Average deviation %std dev 1 0.687 0.837 0.762 0.106 13.878 2 0.478 0.387 0.432 0.065 14.968 3 0.845 0.706 0.775 0.099 12.724 4 0.293 0.449 0.371 0.110 29.733 Gas 02 75% Gas 07 Standard Ratio # evap. neat Avera e deviation %std dev 1 0.687 0.900 0.793 0.150 18.956 2 0.478 0.491 0.484 0.009 1.891 3 0.845 0.488 0.667 0.252 37.814 4 0.293 0.486 0.389 0.136 34.970 Gas 02 75% Gas 08 Standard Ratio # evap. neat Average deviation %std dev 1 0.687 0.760 0.724 0.052 7.137 2 0.478 0.341 0.409 0.097 23.681 3 0.845 0.444 0.645 0.283 43.981 4 0.293 0.443 0.368 0.106 28.776 Gas 02 75% Gas 09 Standard Ratio # evap. neat Averege deviation %std dev 1 0.687 0.667 0.677 0.014 2.097 2 0.478 0.405 0.441 0.052 11.742 3 0.845 0.908 0.877 0.045 5.106 4 0.293 0.256 0.274 0.026 9.608 Gas 02 75% Gas 10 Standard Ratio # evap. neat Average deviation %std dev 1 0.687 0.630 0.659 0.040 6.108 2 0.478 0.136 0.307 0.242 78.674 3 0.845 0.576 0.711 0.190 26.755 4 0.293 0.418 0.355 0.088 24.791 61 Table 2.4 Comparison of 75% Evaporated Gasoline #03 to Gasolines #01-10 Neat Ratio # Gas 03 75% Gas 01 neat Average Standard %std dev evap. deviation 1 0.947 0.774 0.861 0.122 14.216 2 0.343 0.398 0.370 0.039 10.529 3 0.421 0.546 0.484 0.088 18.281 4 0.418 0.434 0.426 0.011 2.656 Ratio # Gas 03 75% Gas 02 neat Average Standard %std dev evap. deviation 1 0.947 0.669 0.808 0.197 24.380 2 0.343 0.497 0.420 0.109 26.027 3 0.421 0.858 0.640 0.309 48.320 4 0.418 0.293 0.355 0.089 24.980 Ratio # Gas 03 75% Gas 03 neat Average Standard %std dev evap. deviation 1 0.947 0.930 0.938 0.012 1.319 2 0.343 0.357 0.350 0.010 2.832 3 0.421 0.421 0.421 0.000 0.000 4 0.418 0.429 0.423 0.007 1.754 Ratio # Gas 03 75% Gas 04 neat Average Standard %std dev evap. deviation 1 0.947 0.794 0.870 0.109 12.472 2 0.343 0.490 0.416 0.104 24.987 3 0.421 0.675 0.548 0.180 32.775 4 0.418 0.400 0.409 0.013 3.200 Ratio # Gas 03 75% Gas 05 neat Average Standard %std dev evap. deviation 1 0.947 0.964 0.956 0.012 1.258 2 0.343 0.737 0.540 0.279 51.682 3 0.421 1.257 0.839 0.591 70.458 4 0.418 0.489 0.454 0.050 11.070 Ratio # Gas 03 75% Gas 06 neat Average Standard %std dev evap. deviation 1 0.947 0.837 0.892 0.078 8.762 2 0.343 0.387 0.365 0.031 8.536 3 0.421 0.706 0.563 0.201 35.716 4 0.418 0.449 0.434 0.022 5.057 Ratio # Gas 03 75% Gas 07 neat Average Standard %std dev evap. deviation 1 0.947 0.900 0.923 0.033 3.624 2 0.343 0.491 0.417 0.105 25.190 3 0.421 0.488 0.455 0.048 10.489 4 0.418 0.486 0.452 0.048 10.566 62 Table 2.4 Continued: Comparison of 75% Evaporated Gasoline #03 to Gasolines #01-10 Neat Ratio # Gas 03 Gas 08 neat Average Standard %std dev 75% evap. deviation 1 0.947 0.760 0.854 0.132 15.490 2 0.343 0.341 0.342 0.001 0.335 3 0.421 0.444 0.433 0.016 3.776 4 0.418 0.443 0.430 0.017 4.058 Ratio # Gas 03 Gas 09 neat Average Standard %std dev 75% evap. deviation 1 0.947 0.667 0.807 0.198 24.542 2 0.343 0.405 0.374 0.044 11.774 3 0.421 0.908 0.665 0.345 51.843 4 0.418 0.256 0.337 0.115 34.065 Ratio # Gas 03 Gas 10 neat Average Standard %std dev 75% evep. deviation 1 0.947 0.630 0.789 0.224 28.415 2 0.343 0.136 0.239 0.146 60.915 3 0.421 0.576 0.499 0.110 22.003 4 0.418 0.418 0.418 0.000 0.074 Table 2.5 Comparison of 75% Evaporated Gasoline #04 to Gasolines #01-10 Neat Ratio # Gas 04 75% Gas 01 Average Standard %std dev evap. neat deviation 1 0.800 0.774 0.787 0.018 2.336 2 0.482 0.398 0.440 0.059 13.497 3 0.685 0.546 0.616 0.098 15.969 4 0.393 0.434 0.413 0.029 7.101 Ratio # Gas 04 75% Gas 02 Average Standard %std dev evap. neat deviation 1 0.800 0.669 0.734 0.093 12.664 2 0.482 0.497 0.489 0.011 2.240 3 0.685 0.858 0.772 0.122 15.856 4 0.393 0.293 0.343 0.071 20.645 Ratio # Gas 04 75% Gas 03 Average Standard %std dev egg. neat deviation 1 0.800 0.930 0.865 0.092 10.589 2 0.482 0.357 0.419 0.088 21.095 3 0.685 0.421 0.553 0.187 33.757 4 0.393 0.429 0.411 0.025 6.201 63 Table 2.5 Continued: Comparison of 75% Evaporated Gasoline #04 to Gasolines #01-10 Neat Ratio # Gas 04 75% evap. Gas 04 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev 1 0.800 0.794 0.797 0.005 0.577 2 0.482 0.490 0.486 0.006 1.165 3 0.685 0.675 0.680 0.007 1.040 4 0.393 0.400 0.396 0.005 1.250 Ratio # Gas 04 75% evap. Gas 05 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev 1 0.800 0.964 0.882 0.116 13.148 2 0.482 0.737 0.609 0.181 29.654 3 0.685 1.257 0.971 0.404 41.654 4 0.393 0.489 0.441 0.068 15.482 Ratio # Gas 04 75% evap. Gas 06 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev 1 0.800 0.837 0.818 0.026 3.154 2 0.482 0.387 0.434 0.067 15.478 3 0.685 0.706 0.695 0.014 2.085 4 0.393 0.449 0.421 0.040 9.495 Ratio # Gas 04 75% evap. Gas 07 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev 1 0.800 0.900 0.850 0.070 8.293 2 0.482 0.491 0.486 0.007 1.375 3 0.685 0.488 0.587 0.139 23.687 4 0.393 0.486 0.439 0.066 « 14.980 Ratio # Gas 04 75% evap. Gas 08 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev 1 0.800 0.760 0.780 0.028 3.624 2 0.482 0.341 0.411 0.099 24.182 3 0.685 0.444 0.565 0.170 30.173 4 0.393 0.443 0.418 0.035 8.500 Ratio # Gas 04 75% evap. Gas 09 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev 1 0.800 0.667 0.733 0.094 12.830 2 0.482 0.405 0.443 0.054 12.254 3 0.685 0.908 0.797 0.158 19.821 4 0.393 0.256 0.324 0.097 29.841 Ratio # Gas 04 75% evap. Gas 10 neat Average Standard deviation %std dev 1 0.800 0.630 0.715 0.120 16.799 2 0.482 0.136 0.309 0.244 79.029 3 0.685 0.576 0.631 0.077 12.207 4 0.393 0.418 0.405 0.018 4.375 .39. 68$ 00.0. 00.0. 00.5. 00.5. 00.0. 00.0. 00.0. H _ m C m. a 2 a N 9 u. . n 0 B S H D. rJiL B 0 ,. n. c. K 0 / v m .7 H IL M." 0 H I m 0 0. Z 38.000800 $00 5 .38.. 8.03. ..m 050.”. 8000908650 .029? 0 so 0.1. 52... 82.3 000 8.33. 08.000800 ..o 5505000809 H... 5002.93. 00.0. .. W _. 585: 800.0550. 65 35 25 00.0. . D ’ 00.0w 00.5N 00.0w 00.0N 00.0. b _ m 0 r1 H B m. m .7 v IL \ H m m u. 0 0 z Co 38.80800 $05 a. 033 moan”. N0 2%.... .0 j NE.— v-n=__—_ 109sz { 000.03 028055< 66 Notes Chapter One: Introduction 1 Speight, J .G. 1999. The Chemistry and Technology of Petroleum, 4’” ed. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2 Trimpe, MA. 1991. Turpentine in Arson Analysis. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 36(4): 1059-1073. 3 Friedman, A.J. 2002 Hydrocarbon Pattern Analyses: Elucidating Deeper Truths or Just Finding the Pope in the Pizza? Or the Sorcerers. . .And Their Apprentices. Presentation from the American Academy of Forensic Sciences Meeting in Atlanta, GA. 4 Mann, DC. 1987. Comparison of Automotive Gasolines Using Capillary Gas Chromatography I: Comparison Methodology. Journal of Forensic Sciences 32(3): 606-615. 5 Mann, DC. 1987. Comparison of Automotive Gasolines Using Capillary Gas Chromatography 11: Limitations of Automotive Gasoline Comparisons in Casework. Journal of Forensic Sciences 32(3): 616-628. 6 Dolan, J .A. and C. Ritacco. 2002. Gasoline Comparison by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Utilizing an Automated Approach to Data Analysis. Presentation from the American Academy of Forensic Sciences Meeting in” Atlanta, GA. 7 Smith, CB. and J. Macy. 1991. Methods of Fire Debris Preparation for Detection of Accelerants. Forensic Science Review. 3: 57-68. 8 Kuk, R. Fire Debris Chemist, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Personal Communications. 9 Klontz, Bill. Petroleum Products Supervisor, Exxon-Mobil. Personal Communications. ‘0 Thornton, J .I. and B. Fukayama. The Implications of Refining Operations to the Characterization and Analysis of Arson Accelerants: Part I Physical Separation. Arson Analysis Newsletter 3(3): 1-16. ” Thornton, J .I. and B. F ukayama. The Implications of Refining Operations to the Characterization and Analysis of Arson Accelerants: Part 11 Chemical Conversions, Treating Processes, and Subsidiary Processes. Arson Analysis Newsletter 3(3): 1- 16. '2 San Joaquin Geological Society. 2002. What is a Refinery? A Lesson in How to Make Gasoline. www.sjgs.com/refinery.html 67 Iu'lm ' ‘3 Freudenrich, C. 1998. How Oil Refining Works. http://www.howstuffworks.com/oil- refiningShtm. Chapter Two: Instrumentation l4 Skoog, D., F.J. Holler, and T. Nieman. 1998. Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 5m ed. Florida: Harcourt Brace & Co. ‘5 Hoffman, E. and V. Stroobant. 2002. Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications, 2"d ed. England: John Wiley & Sons. Chapter Three: Forensic Methods of Accelerant Separation and Concentration from Fire Debris 16 Atkins, P.W. 1989. General Chemistry. New York: Oxford University Press. 17 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2002. Standard test methods E 1386 and E 1412: West Conshohocken, PA. 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2002. Standard test methods E 1386 and E 1412: West Conshohocken, PA. - Atkins, P.W. 1989. General Chemistry. New York: Oxford University Press. Dolan, J .A. and C. Ritacco. 2002. Gasoline Comparison by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Utilizing an Automated Approach to Data Analysis. Presentation from the American Academy of Forensic Sciences Meeting in Atlanta, GA. F reudenrich, C. 1998. How Oil Refining Works. http://www.howstuffworks.com/oil- refiningShtm. Friedman, A.J. 2002 Hydrocarbon Pattern Analyses: Elucidating Deeper Truths or Just Finding the Pope in the Pizza? Or the Sorcerers. . .And Their Apprentices. Presentation from the American Academy of Forensic Sciences Meeting in Atlanta, GA. Hoffman, E. and V. Stroobant. 2002. Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications, 2"d ed. England: John Wiley & Sons. Klontz, Bill. Oil Chemist, Exxon-Mobil. Personal Communications. Kuk, R. Arson Chemist, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Personal Communications. Mann, DC. 1987. Comparison of Automotive Gasolines Using Capillary Gas Chromatography I: Comparison Methodology. Journal of Forensic Sciences 32(3): 606-615. Mann, DC. 1987. Comparison of Automotive Gasolines Using Capillary Gas Chromatography 11: Limitations of Automotive Gasoline Comparisons in Casework. Journal of Forensic Sciences 32(3): 616-628. San Joaquin Geological Society. 2002. What is a Refinery? A Lesson in How to Make Gasoline. www.sjgs.com/refinery.html Skoog, D., F .J . Holler, and T. Nieman. 1998. Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 5:}: ed. Florida: Harcourt Brace & Co. Smith, CB. and J. Macy. 1991. Methods of Fire Debris Preparation for Detection of Accelerants. Forensic Science Review. 3: 57-68. 69 Speight, J .G. 1999. The Chemistry and Technology of Petroleum, 4” ed. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. Thornton, J .I. and B. Fukayama. 1979. The Implications of Refining Operations to the Characterization and Analysis of Arson Accelerants: Part I Physical Separation. Arson Analysis Newsletter 3(2): 1-16. Thornton, J .I. and B. F ukayama. The Implications of Refining Operations to the Characterization and Analysis of Arson Accelerants: Part 11 Chemical Conversions, Treating Processes, and Subsidiary Processes. Arson Analysis Newsletter 3(3):1-16. Trimpe, MA. 1991. Turpentine in Arson Analysis. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 36(4): 1059-1073. 70 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII llllll’lllml/Will lllll’lllllllllll 3 1293 02469 2323