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Masoud Sadjadi A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Computer Science and Engineering 2004 ABSTRACT TRANSPARENT SHAPING OF EXISTING SOFTWARE To SUPPORT PERVASIVE AND AUTONOMIC COMPUTING By S. Masoud Sadjadi As the computing and communication infrastructure continues to expand and diversify, the need for adaptability in software is growing. Adaptability is especially important to pervasive computing, which promises anywhere, anytime access to data and computing resources. The need for adaptation in pervasive computing applications is particularly evi- dent at the “wireless edge” of the Internet, where software in mobile devices must balance several conflicting concerns, including quality-of-service, security, fault-tolerance, and en- ergy consumption. We say that an application is adaptable if it can change its behavior dynamically (at run time). Developing and maintaining adaptable software are nontrivial tasks, however. Even more challenging is to enhance existing programs so that they execute effectively in new, dynamic environments. We propose a new programming model called transparent shaping, which supports dy- namic adaptation in existing programs. The key insight in transparent shaping is the syn- ergy resulting from the integration of four key fundamental technologies: aspect-oriented programming to enable separation of concerns at development time, behavioral reflection to enable software reconfiguration at run time, component-based design to enable indepen- dent development and deployment of adaptive code, and adaptive middleware to hide the adaptive behavior from the functional code. The major contributions of this dissertation can be summarized as follows. First, we assess the effectiveness and expressiveness of language support in develop- ing adaptable components separately from the functional code. In a case study, we use the Adaptive Java language to design and evaluate a component called MetaSocket, whose behavior and structure can be adapted at run time in response to external stimuli. We demonstrate how MetaSockets can be used to support adaptation in mobile computing en- vironments. Second, we investigate how to enhance existing application code transparently in or- der to support dynamic adaptation. We propose transparent reflective aspect programming (TRAP), a development model that enables partial behavioral reflection in existing object- oriented programs. The reflection model provided enables separation of crosscutting con- cerns at run time with minimal overhead. Third, we demonstrate the use of existing adaptive middleware frameworks to support transparent shaping of distributed applications. As a proof of concept, we propose the ACT framework, which enables new behavior to be added dynamically (and transparently) to running CORBA applications. We demonstrate how ACT can support both adaptation in pervasive computing contexts and interoperability with other middleware frameworks. Fourth, we assess the potential role of transparent shaping beyond the domain of a sin- gle program, specifically to support application integration. We propose several alternative architectures that can be used to integrate heterogeneous applications, while the interoper- ation is transparent with respect to the applications and distribution middleware. © Copyn’ght by S. MASOUD SADJADI 2004 To my lovely wife, Leila, and my dear son, Parsa. Thank you for being patient with me! ACKNOWLEDGMENTSl My advisor and guidance committee chairperson, Dr. Philip K. McKinley, supervised this work and guided me through this research area. I would like to express my thanks to him for his invaluable advice and the unlimited time he spent to correct my mistakes. Other mem- bers of my guidance committee, Dr. Betty H.C. Cheng, Dr. R. E. Kurt Stirewalt, and Dr. Hayder Radha, were always available for all my questions. I would like to thank them for their help and contributions to this work. I am grateful to my colleagues in the Software En- gineering and Network Systems Laboratory and in the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Michigan State University for the insightful discussions we had during the course of this research. Especially, I am very thankful to Dr. Laura K. Dillon, Dr. Abdol- Hossein Esfahanian, Khashayar Rohanimanesh, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, Eric Kasten, Zhinan Zhou, Farshad Samimi, Zhenxiao Yang, Jesse Sowell, Udiyan Padmanabhan, and Laura Campbell. Last but not least, I would like to thank my family: my wife, Leila, who encouraged me to start this PhD program; my son, Parsa, who motivated me to graduate; my dear uncles, Ali Sajadi and Hossein Saj adi, who supported me all along; and my parents, Ahmad Sadj adi and Fakhrol-Molook Modarresi, who have always been there for me. 1This work has been supported in part by the US. Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research under Grant No. N00014-01-1-0744, and in part by National Science Foundation grants CCR-9912407, BIA-0000433, BIA-0130724, and ITR-0313 142. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES 1 Introduction 2 Background and Related Work 2.1 Traditional Middleware ....................... 2.2 Key Supporting Techniques for Adaptation ............ 2.2.1 Computational Reflection .................... 2.2.2 Component-B ased Design .................... 2.2.3 Aspect-Oriented Programming .................. 2.2.4 Software Design Patterns ..................... 2.3 A Taxonomy of Adaptive Middleware ............... 2.3.1 Middleware Layer ........................ 2.3.2 Middleware Access Type ..................... 2.3.3 Middleware Composition Time .................. 2.4 Adaptive Middleware Examples .................. 2.4.1 ACE, TAO, and Relatives ..................... 2.4.2 DynamicTAO and UIC ...................... 2.4.3 QuO ................................ 2.4.4 Open ORB and Cousins ..................... 2.4.5 Infopipes and Squirrel ...................... 2.5 Toward Transparent Shaping .................... 3 Designing Adaptable Components 3.1 Adaptive Java Background ..................... 3.2 MetaSocket Design and Implementation .............. 3.2.1 Internal Architecture and Operation ............... 3.2.2 Syntax of Absorption and Metafication ............. 3.3 Case Study: Adapting an Audio Streaming Application ............. 3.3.1 ASA Architecture and Operation ................. 3.3.2 Filter Components ........................ 3.4 Performance Evaluation ....................... 3.4.1 Adapting to Simulated Packet Loss ............... 3.4.2 Adapting to Real Packet Loss . . . . L ............. 3.5 Related Work ............................ 3 6 Summary .............................. 4 Transparent Shaping of Object-Oriented Programs 4.1 Background ............................. 4.1.1 Behavioral Reflection and Java .................. 4.1.2 Aspect-Oriented Programming and Java ............. vii ....... x 1 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 18 20 22 24 25 27 29 31 33 34 35 37 39 4O 43 45 46 ....... 49 53 53 55 57 59 61 63 63 ....... 63 4.2 TRAP/J Operation ................................ 64 4.2.1 Overview .................................... 64 4.2.2 TRAP/J Run-Time Model ........................... 65 4.3 Case Study: Transparent Shaping of ASA .................... 69 4.3.1 Example Application .............................. 69 4.3.2 Making ASA Adapt-Ready ........................... 70 4.3.3 Adapting to Loss Rate ............................. 75 4.3.4 Balancing QoS and Energy Consumption ................... 76 4.4 Related Work ................................... 78 4 5 Summary ..................................... 81 5 'II'ansparent Shaping of CORBA Programs 83 5. I Background .................................... 85 5.1.1 CORBA ..................................... 85 5.1.2 CORBA Portable Request Interceptors ..................... 87 5.2 ACT Architecture and Operation ......................... 88 5.2.1 ACT Core Components ............................. 89 5.2.2 Interaction among ACT Components ..................... 92 5.3 Generic Proxy ................................... 94 5.3.1 Architecture ................................... 94 5.3.2 Operation .................................... 95 5.4 ACT lJ Implementation .............................. 95 5.5 Case Study: Transparent Self Optimization ................... 97 5.5.1 The Example Application and Experimental Environment .......... 98 5.5.2 Self-Management and Self-Optimization ................... 99 5.6 Case Study: Coupling ACT and QuO ....................... 102 5.6.1 QuO Background ................................ 103 5.6.2 Dynamic Weaving of Qoskets Using ACT ................... 105 5.6.3 Example: Supporting Unanticipated Adaptation ................ 105 5.6.4 Experimental Results .............................. 107 5.7 Related Work ................................... 1 11 5.8 Summary ..................................... l 14 6 Transparent Application Integration 115 6.1 Web Services Background ............................ 116 6.2 Transparent Shaping and Application Integration ................ 119 6.2.1 Alternative Architectures for Application Integration ............. 119 6.2.2 The Role of Web Services in Application Integration ............. 122 6.3 Case Study: Integrating Two Existing Applications ............... 123 6.3.1 The Image Retrieval Application ........................ 124 6.3.2 The Sample Grabber Application ....................... 126 6.3.3 Application Integration Strategy ........................ 128 6.3.4 Exposing the Frame Grabber Application as a Web Service .......... 129 6.3.5 Transparent Shaping of the Image Retrieval Client Program ......... 135 6.4 Related Work ................................... 138 viii 6.5 Summary ..................................... 142 7 Conclusions 144 7. 1 Contributions ................................... 144 7.2 Achievements ................................... 147 7.3 Future Work .................................... 148 APPENDICES 152 A 'ITansparent Integration of Heterogeneous Distributed Applications 153 A.l A Stock Quote Web Service ........................... 153 A2 Transparent Integration of Java RMI Applications and Web Services ...... 156 A.2.l Enabling Java RMI Client Applications to Use Web Services ......... 156 A22 Exposing Java RMI Server Applications as Web Services ........... 162 A3 Transparent Integration of CORBA Applications and Web Services ....... 164 A31 Enabling CORBA Client Applications to Use Web Services ......... 164 A.3.2 Exposing CORBA Server Applications as Web Services ........... 167 A4 Transparent Integration of .NET Remoting Applications and Web Services . . . 168 A41 Enabling .NET Client Applications to use Web Services ........... 171 A.4.2 Exposing .NET Server Applications as Web Services ............. 172 BIBLIOGRAPHY 174 ix 1.1 LIST OF FIGURES A transparent shaping design tree illustrating a family of adaptable pro- grams produced from an existing program, which is the root of this tree. Children of the root are adapt-ready programs. Other descendants are adaptable programs. ............................. 5 2.1 Relationship between meta-level objects and base-level objects ........ 13 2.2 Component-based design enables static composition and dynamic recom- position ..................................... 15 2.3 Conceptual representation of aspect-weaving. (Adapted from [1].) ..... 17 2.4 Middleware services decomposed into four layers, defined by Schmidt [2]. . 19 2.5 Incorporating middleware using integration method .............. 20 2.6 Incorporating middleware using interception method. ............ 21 2.7 Middleware type according to the time of incorporating adaptive behavior. . 23 2.8 State of research in developing adaptable software using adaptive middleware. 25 2.9 ACE architecture [3]. ............................. 26 2.10 TAO architecture [4]. ............................. 27 2.11 DynamicTAO reified structure [5]. ...................... 28 2.12 The UIC personalities [6]. .......................... 29 2.13 QuO architecture [7]. ............................. 30 2.14 Open ORB reflection model [5]. ....................... 32 2.15 Open binding in Open ORB [8]. ....................... 32 2.16 Squirrel: dynamic Shipping of a smart proxy [9] ................ 33 2.17 Alternative places to insert hooks for transparent shaping ........... 34 3.1 Separation of concerns using MetaSockets. ................. 36 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 MetaSocket absorption and metafication: (a) Java MulticastSocket as the base-level class; (b) SendMSocket as the base-level component; (c) MetaSendMSocket, a filter-oriented meta-level component .......... 40 MetaSocket internal architecture: (a) MetaSendMSocket, a send-only metamorphic multicast socket; (b) MetaRecvMSocket, a receive-only metamorphic multicast socket. ........................ 41 Excerpted code for SendMSocket. ...................... 44 Excerpted code for MetaSendMSocket. ................... 45 Example of separation of concerns using MetaSockets. ........... 46 Physical experimental configuration ...................... 46 Interaction among components in the Audio Streaming Application. . . . . 48 Operation of block erasure code. ....................... 50 Design of forward error correction filters. .................. 51 Design of packet loss monitoring filters. ................... 52 MetaSocket performance in an environment with real packet loss. ..... 55 MetaSocket performance in an environment with real packet loss. ..... 57 TRAP/J operation at compile time ....................... 65 TRAP/J run-time support ............................ 66 A simplified run-time class graph. ...................... 67 TRAP layered run-time model ......................... 68 Audio streaming in a wireless LAN. ..................... 69 Adaptation strategy ............................... 70 Excerpted code for the Sender class ...................... 71 Excerpted generated aspect code ........................ 72 Excerpted generated wrapper code ....................... 73 Excerpted generated metaobject code. .................... 75 xi 4.11 4.12 4.13 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 The effect of using FEC filters to adapt ASA to high loss rates on a wireless network ..................................... 76 MetaSocket packet loss behavior with dynamic FEC filter insertion and removal ..................................... 77 Trace of energy consumption during experiment using a software measure- ment technique. ................................ 78 ACT as a template that can be instantiated in different programming lan- guages and can be used to enhance existing adaptive CORBA frameworks. . 84 CORBA architecture [10]. .......................... 86 A simple CORBA application with request interceptors. .......... 88 ACT configuration in the context of a simple CORBA application. ..... 89 ACT core components interacting with the rest of the system ......... 90 Request/reply sequence in the client side of an ACT-ready application. . . . 92 Incorporating generic proxy in the ACT core. ................ 96 Interceptor Registration Console ....................... 97 Rule Management Console .......................... 97 The configuration of the access points used in the experiment. ....... 99 An image from the experiment ......................... 100 Automatic Adaptation Console ......................... 101 Maintaining the application frame rate using automatic adaptation ...... 102 A simplified depiction of the QuO architecture. ............... 104 Coupling ACT and QuO. ........................... 106 Round-trip delay in ACT lQuO application. ................. 107 Code for the contract of the new qosket written in CDL ............ 107 Excerpted code for the wrapper of the new qosket written in ASL. ..... 108 Sample image of a monitored instructional laboratory ............. 108 xii 5.20 Screen capture of a 252 KB version of images displayed in the ACT lQuO application. .................................. 109 5.21 Screen capture of a 19 KB version of images displayed in the ACT/QuO application. .................................. 1 10 5.22 Dynamic adaptation in a ACT lQuO hybrid application. ........... 111 6.1 A simplified service-oriented architecture ................... 117 6.2 SOAP message structure ............................ 118 6.3 Hosting translator components inside a bridge program ............ 120 6.4 Hosting the translator components inside the requester program. ...... 121 6.5 Hosting the translator components inside the provider program ........ 122 6.6 Alternative requester—side architectures for application integration through Web services. ................................. 123 6.7 Alternative provider—side architectures for application integration through Web services. ................................. 124 6.8 Two combinations out of four possible combinations resulting from com- bining Figures 6.6(a) and 6.6(b) and Figures 6.7(a) and 6.7(b). ....... 125 6.9 A screen dump of the client program GUI showing an aerial photograph of the Sarasota bay. ............................... 126 6.10 A screen dump of the sample grabber application GUI. The left panel shows a preview of the live video captured from a video camera and the right panel shows a still image grabbed using the “Grab” toolbar button. ........ 127 6.11 The filter graph of the .NET frame grabber application taken by the GraphEdit tool. ................................ 127 6.12 Excerpted code for the Shape program that hosts both the .NET server and frame grabber assemblies. .......................... 130 6.13 Direct modifications to the .NET frame grabber application source code. . . 131 6.14 Shape ...................................... 133 xiii 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 7.1 7.2 7.3 A.l A2 A3 A.4 A5 A6 A.7 A8 The excerpted WSDL description of the sample grabber Web service. . . . 134 Excerpted code for the condition and action classes for shaping the CORBA image retrieval client program using the ACT framework ........... 136 Excerpted code for the Web service translator component defined as a proxy object in the ACT framework. ..................... 137 The slide show IDL file. ........................... 138 Two screen dumps of the CORBA image retrieval client program GUI. One before the application integration and the other after the integration. . . . . 138 Achievements of this dissertation viewed as a whole. ............ 147 Expanding the set of existing programs supported by transparent shaping. . 149 Future work on adaptation coordination .................... 150 A SOAP request example. .......................... 154 A SOAP response example ........................... 154 WSDL for net.xmethods.services.stockquote.StockQuote ........... 155 A stock quote application developed in Java RMI ............... 157 Excerpted code of the aspect generated by TRAP/J to shape the Java RMI client application ................................ 158 Excerpted code of the reflective classes generated by TRAP/J to shape the Java RMI client application. ......................... 159 Excerpted code of the delegate and proxy classes. .............. 161 Excerpted code of the proxy class that adds fault-tolerance to the Java RMI client application by using a Web Service if the Java RMI server is not available. ................................... 162 A9 Excerpted code of the Web service ....................... 163 A. 10 The stock quote interface defined in IDL. .................. 164 A. 11 Implementation of the stock quote server program in CORBA. ....... 165 xiv A. 12 Implementation of the stock quote client program in CORBA. ....... 166 A.13 Excerpted code of the rule used in the client program ............. 167 A.14 Excerpted code of the proxy used in the client program ............ 168 A.15 Excerpted code of the stock quote object in the .NET remoting application. 169 A.16 Excerpted code of the server program in the .NET remoting application. . . 169 A.17 Excerpted code of the client program in the .NET remoting program. . . . . 170 A.18 Excerpted code of the translator component that is hosted inside a bridge program ..................................... 171 A.19 A screen dump of the Add Web Service GUI of VisualStudio .NET that adds the reference to the XMethods Web service to a .NET project ...... 172 A20 Excerpted code for the Web service written in ASP.NET and hosted inside the IIS Web server. .............................. 173 XV Chapter 1 Introduction As the computing and communication infrastructure continues to expand and diversify, the need for adaptability in software cannot be overstated. Adaptability is especially im- portant to pervasive computing, which promises anywhere, anytime access to data and computing resources with few limitations and disruptions [1 1—15]. Pervasive computing is becoming a reality by a convergence of the recent advances in electronic technologies, es- pecially wireless communication, and the growth of the Internet. The need for adaptability in pervasive computing is particularly evident at the “wireless edge” of the Internet, where software in mobile devices must balance conflicting concerns such as quality-of-service (Q08) and energy consumption in responding to variability of conditions (e.g., wireless network loss rate). Adaptability is also important to autonomic computing, which promises self-managed and long-running systems that require only limited human guidance [16—19]. Autonomic computing supports systems such as financial networks, transportation systems, and water and power systems, which must continue to operate correctly during exceptional situations. Such systems require adaptation in order to survive hardware component fail- ures, network outages, software faults, and security attacks. Developing and maintaining adaptable software are nontrivial tasks. We say a software application is adaptable if it can change its behavior dynamically (at run time) as a response to transient changes in its execution environment (e. g., to address dynamic network condi- tions) or to permanent changes in its requirements (e. g., to upgrade long-running mission- critical systems). An adaptable application comprises fimctional code, which implements the business logic of the application and supports its imperative behavior, and adaptive code, which implements the adaptation logic of the application and supports its adaptive behavior. The difficulty of developing and maintaining adaptable applications comes from the nature of the adaptive code, which tends to crosscut the functional code. Example crosscutting concerns include QoS, mobility, fault tolerance, recovery, security, self au- diting, and energy consumption. Even more challenging than developing new adaptable applications is enhancing existing applications, such that they execute effectively in new, dynamic environments not envisioned during their design and development. For example, many non-adaptive applications are being ported to mobile computing environments where they require dynamic adaptation. Separation of concerns [20—22] enables the separate development of the functional code from the adaptive code of an application. This separation simplifies development and maintenance, while promoting software reuse. Separation of concerns has become an important principle in software engineering [23], and many development techniques apply it to some degree. Examples include domain-specific languages, generative pro- gramnring, generic programming, constraint languages, feature-oriented development, and aspect-oriented programming [24]. Presently, the most widely used approach appears to be aspect-oriented programming (AOP) [1, 25, 26]. While object-oriented programming abstracts out commonalities among classes in an inheritance tree, crosscutting concerns are scattered among different classes, complicating the development and maintenance of applications. AOP enables these concerns to be isolated from the rest of the application. However, in traditional AOP the adaptive code is tangled with the functional code during compilation. To support adaptable software, the programmer needs a way to maintain this separation at run time. A One way to support separation of concerns at run time is through the use of behavioral reflection [27—29]. According to Maes [30], behavioral or computational reflection refers to the ability of a program to reason about, and possibly alter, its own behavior. Behav- ioral reflection enables a system to “open up” its implementation details at run time [31]. A reflective system has a self representation, which deals with the computational aspects (implementation) of the system, and is causally connected to the system, meaning that any modifications either to the system or to its representation are reflected in the other. Since the self representation of a reflective system is not tangled with the system, if we incorporate the crosscutting concerns associated with the system as part of its self representation, then the resulting code at run time is not tangled and can be reconfigured dynamically. When combined with AOP, behavioral reflection enables dynamic weaving of cross-cutting con- cerns into an application at run time [27, 32]. However, mechanisms are needed to enable the dynamic loading and unloading of adaptive code during execution. Software components are software units that can be independently developed, deployed, and composed by third parties [33]. Well-defined interface specifications supported in component-based design enable adaptive code to be developed independently from the functional code, and potentially by different parties, using the interface as a contract. Component-based design supports two types of composition. In static composition, a de- veloper can combine several components at compile time to produce an application. In dynamic composition, the developer can add, remove, or reconfigure components within an application at runtime. By enabling the assembly of off-the-shelf components from dif- ferent vendors, component-based design promotes software reuse. When combined with behavioral reflection, component-based design enables a “plug-and-play” capability for adaptive code to be incorporated with functional code at run time that facilitates develop- ment and maintenance of adaptable software. Finally, in many cases it is desirable to hide the adaptive behavior from the appli- cation using middleware. Traditionally, middleware is intended to mask the distribution of resources across a network and hide differences among computing platforms and net- works [34—36]. As observed by several researchers [37—45], however, middleware is also a natural place to incorporate the adaptation required for many different crosscutting con- cerns. Adaptive middleware enables dynamic reconfiguration of middleware services while an application is running, adjusting the nriddleware behavior to environmental changes dy- nanrically. This dissertation proposes a new programming model, called transparent shaping, which supports the design and development of adaptable programs from existing pro- grams without the need to modify the existing programs source code directly. The key insight in transparent shaping is the synergy resulting from the integration of four key fun- damental technologies: aspect-oriented programming to enable separation of concerns at development time, behavioral reflection to enable software reconfiguration at run time, component-based design to enable independent development and deployment of adaptive code, and adaptive middleware to encapsulate the adaptive code inside middleware. Adaptable programs derived from an existing program share the business logic of the existing program and differ only in their adaptive behavior. Because of such commonality, instead of developing each adaptable program individually, transparent shaping provides a model to produce a family of adaptable programs from an existing program. A program family [46] is a set of programs whose extensive commonalities justify the expensive effort required to study them as a whole rather than individually. An adaptable program produced by transparent shaping comprises the original program code, which is fixed during the program execution, and an adaptive code, which can be re- placed with another adaptive code dynamically. Replacing one adaptive code with another adaptive code converts an adaptable program into another adaptable program in the corre- sponding family. This conversion is possible, since the adaptive code is not tangled into the functional code. We use the term composer to refer to the entity that performs this conversion. The composer might be a human — a software developer or an administrator in- teracting with a running program through a graphical user interface — or a piece of software - a dynamic aspect weaver, a component loader, a runtime system, or a metaobject. As illustrated in Figure 1.1, transparent shaping produces adaptable programs in two steps. In the first step, an adapt-ready program is produced at compile, startup, or load time using static transformation techniques. An adapt-ready program is a program whose behavior can be adapted at run time by a composer inserting or removing adaptive code at certain points in the execution path of the program, called sensitive joinpoints. To support such functionality, in the first step, transparent shaping weaves generic interceptors, called hooks, at the sensitive joinpoints, which may reside inside the program code itself or inside its supporting middleware. Example techniques for implementing hooks include aspects at compile time, CORBA portable interceptors [47] at Startup time, and byte-code rewrit- ing [48] at load time. In the second step, the hooks in the adapt-ready program are used by the composer to convert the adapt-ready program into an adaptable program, as need arises. Adapt-ready programs derived from the same existing program are different in their corresponding sensitive joinpoints and hooks. X1 r X0 Tr X2 First Step: (adapt-ready program) (existing program) (adapt-ready program) at compile, startup, 0f load time X3 X 4 X5 X6 X7 > Second Step: I at run time X8 X9 9 [X working program 1 design decision I reversible design decision subfamily boundary J Figure 1.1: A transparent shaping design tree illustrating a family of adaptable programs produced from an existing program, which is the root of this tree. Children of the root are adapt-ready programs. Other descendants are adaptable programs. As an example, let us consider an existing distributed program (X0) originally devel- oped for a wired and secured network. To enable this program to run efficiently in a mobile computing environment, transparent shaping can be used to produce an adapt-ready ver- sion of this program (X 1), which has hooks intercepting all the remote interactions (first step). At run time, if the system detects a low quality wireless connection, the composer can insert adaptive code for tolerating long periods of disconnection into the adapt-ready program (producing X4 from X1). Later, if the user enters an insecure wireless network, the composer can insert adaptive code for encryption/decryption of the remote interactions into the program (producing X3 from X4). Finally, when the user returns to an area with a secure and reliable wireless connection, the composer can remove the adaptive code for both security and connection-management to avoid unnecessary performance overhead re- sulted from the adaptive code (producing X 4 from X 8 and X1 from X 4). Thesis Statement. Transparent shaping provides a programming model for producing adaptable programs from existing programs. Transparent shaping enables reuse of exist- ing programs in new environments even though the specific characteristics of such new environments were not anticipated during the original design of the existing programs. The major contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows. 1. We assessed the effectiveness and expressiveness of language support in developing adaptable components separately from the functional code. Previously, our group developed Adaptive Java [49], an extension to Java that contains constructs to sup- port dynamic recomposition. We used Adaptive Java to investigate the process of developing adaptable components [50-54]. Specifically, we designed and evaluated a component called MetaSocket, whose behavior and structure can be adapted at run time in response to external stimuli (e.g., wireless channel conditions). Our study shows the use of new constructs in development of adaptable components improves both expressiveness and effectiveness of the adaptive code. 2. We developed a technique to enhance existing application code transparently in order to support dynamic adaptation. We proposed transparent reflective aspect program- rrring (TRAP), which enables partial behavioral reflection in existing object-oriented programs [55, 56]. The reflection model provided enables separation of crosscut- ting concerns at run time with minimal overhead. A prototype of TRAP for Java, called TRAP/J, was developed and used to evaluate TRAP in practice. Results of a case study Show the improvement in the execution of an existing application in a mobile computing environment, while the dynamic adaptation is transparent to the application code. 3. We developed an technique to use of adaptive nriddleware to support transparent shaping of distributed applications. As a proof of concept, we proposed the ACT framework, which enables new behavior to be added dynamically (and transparently) to running CORBA applications [57, 58]. In addition, we demonstrated how ACT enables interoperation among otherwise incompatible adaptive CORBA frameworks. The results of evaluating the ACT framework show the overhead introduced by ACT is negligible, while the adaptation provided is highly flexible. 4. To assess the potential role of transparent shaping beyond the domain of a single program, we developed a technique that uses transparent shaping to support appli- cation integration. We proposed several alternative architectures that can be used to integrate heterogeneous applications, where the interoperation is transparent with respect to the applications and distribution middleware. As a proof of concept, we used the proposed architectures to provide transparent interoperation in heteroge- neous applications developed in Java RMI, CORBA, and .NET Remoting. A case study demonstrates the use of transparent shaping in integration of two existing ap- plications. The remainder of this dissertation is organized as follows. Chapter 2 provides a back- ground on middleware and adaptation techniques, then introduces a taxonomy of adaptive middleware, and classifies several representative adaptive middleware projects. Chapter 3 introduces MetaSockets. This chapter provides a background on Adaptive Java, describes the internal architecture of MetaSockets, and finally evaluates MetaSockets in a number of case studies. Chapter 4 introduces TRAP and TRAP/J, and shows how TRAP/J can en- able existing Java applications to support dynamic adaptation without the need to directly modify their source code. Chapter 5 presents ACT. This chapter provides a background on CORBA and its portable request interceptors, describes the ACI‘ internal architecture, and provides two case studies through which we demonstrate the use of ACT to enhance existing CORBA applications with new adaptive code at run time transparently. Chapter 6 demonstrates the use of transparent shaping in application integration and provides a case study where two existing heterogeneous applications are integrated. Finally, Chapter 7 offers conclusions and discusses future research directions. Chapter 2 Background and Related Work Developing distributed applications is a difficult task due to three major problems: the com- plexity of programming interprocess communication, the need to support services across heterogeneous platforms, and the need to adapt to changing conditions. Traditional middle- ware (such as CORBA, DCOM, and Java RMI) addresses the first two problems to some extent through the use of a “black-box” approach (e.g., encapsulation in object-oriented programming). However, traditional middleware is limited in its ability to support adap- tation. To address all three problems, adaptive middleware has evolved from traditional middleware. In addition to the object-oriented programming paradigm, adaptive mid- dleware employs several other key technologies including computational reflection [30], component-based design [33], aspect-oriented programming [1], and software design pat- terns [59]. Since the transparent shaping programming model benefits from results in adaptive rrriddleware research, in this chapter we review the work in this area. Section 2.1 pro- vides a background on traditional middleware. Section 2.2 describes four key supporting techniques used in the development of adaptive middleware. Section 2.3 proposes a three- dimensional taxonomy that categorizes different adaptive rrriddleware approaches, and de- scribes and compares examples of each. Finally, Section 2.5 discusses different approaches to transparent shaping. 2.1 'ITaditional Middleware Middleware is connectivity software that encapsulates a set of services residing above the network operating system layer and below the user application layer, effectively the session and presentation layers of the ISO 081 reference model [35]. Middleware facilitates the communication and coordination of application components that are potentially distributed across several networked hosts. Moreover, nriddleware provides application developers with high-level programming abstractions, for example, use of remote objects instead of socket programming [36]. In this manner, middleware can hide interprocess communica- tion, mask the heterogeneity of the underlying systems (hardware devices, operating sys- tems, and network protocols), and facilitate the use of multiple programming languages at the application level. Middleware can also be considered as a “glue” that enables integra- tion of different legacy applications [34]. Various paradigms [34, 35] have been used in the development of rrriddleware. Em- merich [35] provides a frequently referenced taxonomy of middleware, which classifies ap— proaches according to four programming—language abstractions used for interaction among distributed software components. Transactional middleware [60—62] supports distributed transactions among processes running on distributed hosts. Message-oriented middle- ware [63,64] facilitates asynchronous message exchange between clients and servers using the message-queue programming abstraction [35]. Procedural middleware [65,66] extends the procedure call in procedural programming languages to include remote procedure calls (RPC), where the body of the procedure resides on a remote host and can be called the same way as a local procedure. Finally, object-oriented middleware [67—69] is based on both the object-oriented programming paradigm and the RPC architecture. It provides the abstraction of a remote object, whose methods can be invoked as if the object were in the same address space as its client. 10 Since most research in adaptive middleware is based on the object-oriented paradigm, we focus on that type in more detail. Basically, object-oriented middleware separates object interfaces, which comprise a set of functionally related methods, from their implementa- tions, which define how objects should respond to messages received from remote objects. Object-oriented middleware also provides a local representation for each remote object, and hides the interprocess communication between a remote object and its local represen- tation. The three major examples of object-oriented middleware are CORBA [67], Java RMI [68], and DCOM/.NET [69, 70]. We review each in turn. The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) [47] is a distributed object framework proposed by the Object Management Group (OMG). CORBA supports dis- tributed object-oriented computing across heterogeneous hardware devices, operating sys- tems, network protocols, and programming languages. The Object Request Broker (ORB) allows objects to interact transparently with other objects (located locally or remotely). To use a remote object, a client first acquires a reference, called an interoperable object refer- ence (IOR), using either a static file containing the IOR or a CORBA naming service [47]. Next, the client invokes methods on this reference as if the object was located in the client address space. The Interface Definition Language (IDL) is a language for defining CORBA interfaces. An IDL compiler generates the code for stubs and skeletons automatically. A stub represents a remote object in the client address space and a skeleton represents a client in the remote address space. Stubs and skeletons marshal and unmarshal requests and re- sponses to enable object interactions over a network. Java remote method invocation (Java RMI) [68] was proposed by JavaSoft to support the development of distributed Java-based applications. Java RMI supports distributed computing across heterogeneous hardware devices and operating systems using the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Unlike CORBA, which is language independent, Java RMI sup- ports only the Java language. Instead of CORBA marshalling and unmarshalling, Java RMI uses object serialization, which preserves the type of the objects being serialized. The reg- ll istry in Java RMI is similar to a CORBA naming service, which resolves a symbolic name to an actual remote object reference. A server object registers itself with the registry, where a client object can look up the remote object address. Java RMI can dynamically load the class bytecode of an object that is passed between remote objects using Java reflection. The Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) [69] was proposed by Microsoft as a distributed extension to the Component Object Model (COM) [71]. Similar to CORBA, DCOM supports heterogeneous programming languages, but unlike CORBA and Java RMI, DCOM supports only Windows-based platforms. The DCOM object proxy and ob- ject stub are the equivalent to the CORBA stub and skeleton, respectively. Unlike CORBA and Java RMI, DCOM supports neither multiple inheritance nor exceptions at the IDL level. However, with regard to inheritance, DCOM supports multiple interfaces using a binary standard Similar to the CH vtable [69]. DCOM also supports dynamic invocation using the Dispatch interface [69]. The .NET remoting platform [70, 72] is the follow- on to DCOM. For more detailed comparisons of CORBA, Java RMI, and DCOM/.NET remoting, please refer to [36, 70, 72—74]. 2.2 Key Supporting Techniques for Adaptation In addition to the foundation provided by the design and use of traditional middleware plat- forms, numerous advances in programming paradigms [1, 23, 30, 33, 59, 75—81] have also contributed to the emergence of adaptive middleware. Although many important contribu- tions have been made in this area [23, 76—81], a review of the literature shows that four paradigms, in addition to object-oriented paradigm, play key roles in supporting adaptive middleware: computational reflection [30], component-based design [33], aspect—oriented programming [1], and software design patterns [59, 75]. 12 2.2.1 Computational Reflection Computational reflection [30,82] refers to the ability of a program to reason about, and pos- sibly alter, its own behavior. Reflection enables a system to “open up” its implementation details for such analysis without compromising portability or revealing the unnecessary parts [31]. In other words, reflection exposes a system implementation at a level of abstrac- tion that hides unnecessary details, but still enables changes to the system behavior [30,82]. As depicted in Figure 2.1, a reflective system (represented as base-level objects) has a self representation (represented as meta-level objects) that is causally connected to the system, meaning that any modifications either to the system or to its representation are reflected in the other [83]. The base-level part of a system deals with the “normal” (functional) aspects of the system, whereas the meta-level part deals with the computation (implementation) aspects of the system. A meta-object protocol (MOP) is a meta-level interface that enables “systematic” (as opposed to ad hoc) inspection and modification of the base-level objects. Me-ta Level Objects Meta-Object Protocols Meta Level <19 @919 \ grave», Base-Level Objects Figure 2.1: Relationship between meta-level objects and base-level objects. Base Leve Computational reflection has been studied for several years in the context of program- nring languages [30, 82, 84—87] and operating systems [88—90]. Recently, reflection has also been studied in nriddleware, where it enables adapting the behavior of a distributed application by modifying the nriddleware implementation. Reflective middleware is often concerned with adapting non-functional aspects of distributed applications including QoS, performance, security, fault tolerance, and energy management. Section 2.4 describes sev- eral examples of reflective middleware platforms [6, 37, 38, 53, 91—95]. 13 We also note that several reflective programming languages [49, 96—98] have been pro- posed recently to support development of distributed systems and reflective middleware. MetaJava [96] extends Java reflection with behavioral reflection that enables modifying the behavior of the Java RMI package at run time (e. g., encrypting requests before trans- rrritting them over a network). Program Control Logic (PCL) [97] provides a programming framework that enables programmers to design, develop, and optimize the performance of adaptive distributed applications [97]. A source-to-source compiler is provided, which in- puts meta code specified in a language very close to C++ and Java (PCLC and PCLJ respec- tively) and outputs a program source in C++ or Java that is then compiled and linked with the base program. Adaptive Java [49] is an extension to Java that introduces new language constructs to support behavioral reflection. In its behavioral reflective meta-model archi- tecture, Adaptive Java separates monitoring the behavior (introspection) from changing the behavior (intercession), using “refractive” and “transmutative” meta methods, respectively. Iguana/J [98] extends the Java Virtual Machine to intercept method invocation, object cre- ation, and field read and write at run time. Iguana/J can adapt the intercepted operations by loading new code dynamically. These and other reflective languages [30, 82, 84—87] are likely to facilitate the development of adaptive middleware and distributed applications. 2.2.2 Component-Based Design Software components are software units that can be independently developed, deployed, and composed by third parties [33]. Components are self-contained: components clearly specify what they require and what they provide. Component-based design (CBD) sup- ports the large scale reuse of software by enabling assembly of “commodity-off-the-shelf” (COTS) components from a variety of vendors [36]. The independent deployment of com- ponents enables late composition (also referred to as late binding), which is essential for adaptive systems. Late composition provides coupling of two compatible components at run time through a well-defined interface. A system developed using CBD is an amalgam l4 of components that can be reorganized easily. Figure 2.2(a) depicts a static composition approach, in which four components are com- bined at compile time to produce an application. Of particular importance to dynamic recomposition is binding time. Late, or dynamic, binding supports coupling of compat- ible service clients and providers through well-defined interfaces at run time. As shown in Figure 2.2(b), new components can be bound to an application at run time. Moreover, object-oriented languages use indirect interfaces, primarily as a means to support inheri- tance and polymorphism [33]. Effectively, method calls are redirected to the appropriate method implementation. This level of indirection when coupled with dynamic class loading and late binding, helps to support dynamic adaptation. Compile Time Compile Time Run Time (a) Static composition. (b) Static composition and dynamic recomposition. Figure 2.2: Component-based design enables static composition and dynamic recomposi- tion. When applied to middleWare, CBD provides a flexible and extensible system that can be reconfigured by upgrading each individual component at maintenance time (and possibly at run time) [6, 45, 53, 91,93,99, 100]. Specifically, a middleware can be customized to specific application domains, through the integration Of domain-specific components, and can evolve using third-party components. Moreover, component-based middleware can be dynamically adapted to its environment using late composition. Examples of major component-based middleware solutions are DCOM [69] (discussed earlier), EJB [101], and CCM [102]. Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) [101] is a middleware component model for Java proposed by Sun Microsystems that enables Java developers to use off-the-shelf 15 Java components, or beans. Since EJB is built on top of Java technology, EJB components can only be implemented using the Java language, however. The EJB component model supports adaptation by automatically supporting services such as transactions and security for distributed applications. The CORBA Component Model (CCM) [102] is a distributed component model proposed by OMG that can be considered as a cross-platform, cross- language superset of EJB. CCM supports adaptation by enabling injection of adaptive code into component containers (i. e., the component themselves remain intact). 2.2.3 Aspect-Oriented Programming The third major software development paradigm used in adaptive middleware is aspect— oriented programming (AOP). Kiczales et a1. [I] realized that complex programs are com- posed of different interleaved cross—cutting concerns (properties or areas of interest such as QoS, energy consumption, fault tolerance, and security). While object-oriented program- ming abstracts out commonalities among classes in an inheritance tree, cross-cutting con- cerns are still scattered among different classes, complicating the development and main— tenance of applications. As depicted in Figure 2.3, AOP enables separation of crosscutting concerns during development of the software. Specifically, the code implementing such crosscutting concerns of the system, called aspects, are developed separately from other parts of the system. In AOP, locations in the program where aspect code can be woven, called pointcuts, are typically identified during development. Later, for example during compilation, an aspect weaver can be used to weave different aspects of the program to- gether to form a program with new behavior. AOP proponents argue that disentangling crosscutting concerns leads to simpler development, maintenance, and evolution of soft- ware [1,22]. Examples of AOP approaches include Aspch [103], Hyper/J [104], DemeterJ (DJ) [105], JAC [106], Kava [107], PROSE [32], and Composition Filters [78]. These benefits are important to adaptive middleware. AOP enables factorization and separation of cross-cutting concerns from the middleware core [108], which promotes reuse l6 Business Logic Aspects .§ Development i7 Time \ Aspect Weaver _ A, :5, Compile Woven Code a; Run “—1:- ‘ié Time Figure 2.3: Conceptual representation of aspect-weaving. (Adapted from [1].) of cross-cutting code and facilitates adaptation. Using AOP, customized versions of mid- dleware can be generated for application-specific domains. Yang et al. [109] and David et a1. [27] both provide a two-step approach to dynamic weaving of aspects, in the con- text of adaptive middleware, using a static AOP weaver during compile time and reflection during run time. PROSE [32] is an extension to the standard JVM that supports dynamic weaving of aspects into Java programs. Weaving instructions are defined using the JVM debug interface (JVMDI). Other aspect-oriented middleware projects [28, 42, 53, 110, 111] are described in detail in Section 2.4. 2.2.4 Software Design Patterns Sofiware design patterns [59, 75] provide a way to reuse the software designs that have been successfully used for several years. The goal of software design patterns is to create a common vocabulary for communicating insight and experience about recurring problems and their known “refined” solutions [59]. It is very costly, time consurrring, and error-prone to independently rediscover and rein- vent solutions to middleware challenges. Schmidt and colleagues [75] have identified a 17 relatively concise set of patterns that enables developing adaptive nriddleware. For exam- ple, the virtual component pattern [112], used in TAO [44] and ZEN [45], enables adapting a distributed application to the memory constraints of embedded devices by providing a small nriddleware footprint including only a minimum core and a set of “virtual” compo- nents, whose code can be dynamically loaded on demand. Numerous adaptive middleware projects [6, 37,42,44, 45, 53, 93, 99,110,113,114] benefit from the use of adaptive design patterns, as discussed in Section 2.4. 2.3 A Taxonomy of Adaptive Middleware Since the Transparent Shaping spans several related concepts in the design of adaptive mid- dleware, we recognized the need to organize the extensive work in this area. Therefore, we have developed a three-dimensional taxonomy, comprising middleware layer, middleware access type, and middleware composition time dimensions, for classifying adaptive mid- dleware projects. The first dimension was introduced by Schmidt [2], while the second and third are proposed by the author. 2.3.1 Middleware Layer Schmidt [2] decomposes rrriddleware services into four layers: host-infrastructure, distri- bution, common, and domain-specific services. Figure 2.4 illustrates these layers. Host-infrastructure middleware resides directly atop the operating system kernel and network protocols and provides a higher-level application programming interface (API) than the ones provided by different operating systems and hides the heterogeneity of hard- ware platforms, operating systems and, to some extent, network protocols. This middle- ware layer provides generic services to the upper rrriddleware layers by encapsulating func- tionality that would otherwise require many tedious, error-prone, and non-portable codes, such as socket programming and thread communication primitives. ACE [113] and Java network package are examples of middleware in this layer. 18 Applications Domain-Specific mddeware Services Common mddleware Services Distribution Middleware Host-Infrastructure Middleware Operating Systems and Protocols Hardware Devices Figure 2.4: Middleware services decomposed into four layers, defined by Schmidt [2]. Distribution middleware resides atop the host-infrastructure services layer and provides a high-level programming abstraction, such as remote method invocation, to its users. To a great extent, this layer hides the distribution of resources over a network. Using ser- vices provided in distribution services layer, application developers do not need to deal with details of network programming (e. g., socket programming), which is a difficult task. CORBA [67], Java RMI [68], and DCOM/.NET [69], discussed earlier, are examples of standard APIs specified in this layer. Common-middleware services reside atop the distribution layer and support distributed applications with non-functional concerns such as quality of service, fault tolerance, se- curity, load balancing, event propagation, logging, persistence, real-time scheduling, and transactions. The high-level services provided in this layer can be reused in many different applications and are not limited to only a specific domain of applications. QuO [42] is an example of middleware projects in this layer. Finally, domain-specific middleware resides atop the common services layer and is tai- lored to a specific class of distributed applications. Unlike the common-services layer, the high-level services in this layer can be reused only for a specific domain. Boeing Bold Stroke [115] component-based framework is an example of a proprietary middleware project in this layer. 19 ‘ "7.4" 2.3.2 Middleware Access Type Studying several middleware projects, we recognized that there are two main methods to incorporating rrriddleware services into distributed applications: integration and intercep- tion. We refer to the corresponding middleware services as integrated and intercepting middleware, respectively. In the integration method, a client of a middleware service interacts with the service by sending request messages to the middleware service explicitly. In other words, the client is aware of the services provided by the middleware or the client is programmed against the middleware API. A client can be an application program or another middleware service stacked on top of this middleware service. Figure 2.5 shows an application using middle- ware services by sending request messages to the rrriddleware explicitly. Typically, middle- ware services adhere to a standard defined in different layers of middleware. CORBA [47] is an example of such a Standard in the distribution services layer. TAO [44] and Dynam- icTAO [37] are examples of adaptive middleware frameworks that adhere to the CORBA standard (i. e. , they are CORBA compatible) and provide adaptive real-time services. Using the integrated middleware method, we can develop adaptive rrriddleware that hides details of its adaptive behavior from its users. Application Integrated Middleware Services Operating System [l Flow of Service Request% Figure 2.5: Incorporating middleware using integration method. In the interception method, a client application may benefit from the services provided by a middleware service transparently. To provide transparency, an intercepting middle- 20 ware service must capture and handle service request messages originally targeted to either another rrriddleware service or to an operating system service. Among other actions that an intercepting service may perform as a response to an intercepted request, it may reply to the request or it may modify the original request and allow the original target service to reply to the modified request. Figure 2.6(a) illustrates a middleware service intercepting a service request from an application to an operating system. Figure 2.6(b) illustrates a middleware service intercepting a service request from an application to another middleware service. IRL [116] is an example of an intercepting middleware service that provides fault-tolerant CORBA service transparently to the CORBA applications and CORBA implementations. One advantage of interception over the integration method for incorporating adaptive be- havior to distributed applications is that the interception method promotes separation of concerns; i.e., non-functional concerns can be developed separately from functional con- cerns. One disadvantage of interception over the integration method is the overhead that the interception method introduce as a result of extra levels of indirection. Application Application Intercepting Middleware Services Intercepting Middleware Services 1 Integrated Middleware Services Operating System Operating System [C;:3 Interceptor! Service Recluests] E:;:3 Intercepted Service Requwm] (a) (b) Figure 2.6: Incorporating middleware using interception method. 21 2.3.3 Middleware Composition Time As illustrated in Figure 2.7, the lifetime of nriddleware services can be divided into devel- opment time, compile time, startup (or load) time, and run time. Adaptive behavior can be incorporated into middleware at any of these four times. If a rrriddleware approach allows adaptive behavior to be incorporated into the middleware services at development, compile, or startup time, we call it static middleware; and if the incorporation of adaptive behavior can continue to run time, we call it dynamic nriddleware. As illustrated in Figure 2.7, depending on the time adaptive behavior is incorporated into middleware, we identified three classes of static middleware: hardwired, customiz- able, and configurable middleware. If adaptive code is tangled to the code for middleware services during development time, the middleware is called hardwired middleware. Elec- tra [117] is an example of hardwired rrriddleware that incorporates the adaptive code for fault tolerance into its CORBA compliant rrriddleware services. If adaptive behavior is in- corporated into rrriddleware services during compile (or link) time, so that a developer can generate customized versions of the middleware services, we call it customizable middle- ware. Please note that the adaptable version is generated in response to the changes realized after the application development time, but before application startup and run time. For example, EmbeddedJava [118] minimizes the footprint of embedded applications during the application compile time. Other examples include approaches that benefit from static weaving of aspects [1] into application source code, compiler flags [45], and precompiler directives [45]. If the incorporation of adaptive behavior into middleware services starts either at development or compile time and ends at startup time, we call it configurable middleware. Typically, the interception facilities are integrated with the functional code at development time (e. g., QuO [42]). Alternatively, the interception facilities can be woven into the functional code at compile time(e.g., using Aspch [103]) or at startup time (e. g., using a configuration file in ORBacus [l 19] or a command line argument in J acORB [120]). Eternal [121], IRL [116], and Rocks [122] are among examples of configurable evolution 22 approaches. Middleware Type A Mutable 1} Dynamic Tunable l Middleware Configurable l l ' Static Customizable l I , Middleware Hardwired I l 1 l l y I l l | Develop. Time Compile Time Startup Time Run Time Middleware Lifetime Hardwired Middleware: Tunable Middleware: - Electra TAO ZEN, CIAO, - Totem - DynamicTAO. UIC, OpenCORBA . Horus Configurable Middleware: . A CE. Hades, I . Elemal, IRL, FTS, TAO-LB . - SIS . Rocks and Racks - Fleeret . - l ana/J, MelaXa, G arena, R'a , Customizable Middleware: ' OI’OIX. ORBacus, JacORB 9” “ 1 V3 - gibrfanaVEmbedded Java I Quo Mutable Middleware: I l , M . Ensemble Open ORB Open 00 Figure 2.7: Middleware type according to the time of incorporating adaptive behavior. As illustrated in Figure 2.7, depending on the starting time that adaptive behavior is incorporated into rrriddleware, we identified two classes of dynamic middleware: tunable and mutable nriddleware. If a middleware allows adaptive behavior to be incorporated into rrriddleware services starting at development, compile, or startup time and continuing to run time, we call it mutable middleware. Hence, the process of making a program adaptable can be continued while it is being used. Typically, the interception facilities are integrated with the functional code either at development time (e.g., TAO [44]) or at compile time (e.g., OpenCORBA [92]) or at startup time (e.g., Eternal [121]) and using computational reflection and dynamic code loading adaptive code is integrated with the functional code dynamically. In tunable middleware, the middleware core services remain intact during the incorporation of adaptive behavior. Hence, mutable nriddleware in general is capable of evolving an application to something completely different and unexpected, but tunable middleware limits the evolution to only the adaptive code and not the middleware core ser- 23 vices. In other words, in mutable middleware there are no rrriddleware core services. Tun- able middleware enables fine-tuning of an application in response to the dynamic changes that can be realized only after the application is started. Examples of tunable nriddleware include the “two-phase” adaptation approaches employed by David et. a1 [27] and Yang et. al [109], the component configurator pattern [75] used in DynamicTAO [37], and the virtual component pattern [112] used in TAO [44] and ZEN [45]. Examples of techniques used for dynamic middleware include reflection [38], late composition of components [45], and dynamic weaving of aspects [28,109]. OpenORB [38], also discussed in Section 2.4, is an example of mutable (but not tunable) middleware. 2.4 Adaptive Middleware Examples Developing adaptable software using adaptive middleware frameworks is an active research area. We summarize the state of this research in Figure 2.8. We note that this figure is not exhaustive and only representative projects are included. This figure shows where we place each project with respect to the middleware layers. The figure also shows what access type is supported by each project (either integration or interception). In the following discussion, we focus on those projects that are most directly related to our work. A survey of other adaptive middleware projects can be found in [123]. Before beginning our classification of adaptive middleware projects, we should emphasize that a given project may provide services categorized in more than one middleware layer. In such cases, we placed the project in the layer that matches the primary functionality of the nriddleware project. If a middleware project supports more than one composition time, we say that the project provides a hybrid adaptation. Finally, when related, details of how supporting paradigms used in each project are discussed and compared to other projects. 24 Socket Socket Java Socket Java RMI CORB BBS QuO OpenORB I App. App. App. App. App. App. App. App. ”pm” 883 Domain-Specific Services ,. ............. 1 . E IRL/FT SIT AO-LB : QuO Common Services a ""1 """"" 1“" >3 2 cone».- TAO/DynamicTAO/Orbix/ZEN OpenORB] "3 Java Rm ORBaws/JacORB/SquineVOpenCorbal... OpenCOM ”mm 3““ g l'°""i'""| ’ l"" "-1 . . Home/Isis/ Java Network Java Network i . ifififfi Ensernblel... Packa Package L Eff?- _j ACE Host-infra. Services 1 Linux Linux OS 08 Linux OS 08 OS Operating System r l Flow of Service Requests L _ V _.3 Intercepted Service Requestsj E Figure 2.8: State of research in developing adaptable software using adaptive middleware. 2.4.1 ACE, TAO, and Relatives The distributed object computing (DOC) group has conducted several adaptive middle- ware projects including ACE [113], TAO [44], CIAO [99], TAO-LB [114], and ZEN [45]. Schmidt’s Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE) [113, 124] is one of the earliest middleware projects. ACE is a real-time object-oriented communication framework writ- ten in C++. ACE employs software design patterns to support distributed applications with efficiency and predictability, including low latency for delay-sensitive applications, high performance for bandwidth-intensive applications, and predictability for real-time applica- tions. Figure 2.9 illustrates the key components in the ACE framework. The OS Adap- tation Layer resides directly atop the native operating system APIS, providing a platform- independent API. Hence, we place ACE in the host-infrastructure layer. ACE components can be dynamically updated using the service configurator pattern [75] and C++ dynamic binding feature. Therefore, we consider ACE as tunable (but not mutable) middleware because the ACE core remains intact during the tuning process. We consider ACE as an in- tegrated middleware because a client of this middleware, for example TAO, must explicitly 25 send request messages to this middleware. FRAAEWORKS PROCESS/ Time 0S Amnarrorv . '- g NAMED g sneer! Pm I0 COMP COMMUNI CATI ON VIRTUAL MEMORY SUBSYS'I'EM SUBSYSTDI mm POSDK AM) sz SERWGS Figure 2.9: ACE architecture [3]. Schmidt et a1. [44] extended their ACE work to create the ACE ORB (TAO), a CORBA compliant real-time ORB built atop the ACE components, as shown in Figure 2.10. TAO enhances the standard CORBA event service to provide real-time event dispatching and scheduling required by real-time applications such as avionics, telecommunications and network management systems. Earlier versions of TAO employ the strategy design pat- tern [59] to encapsulate different aspects of the ORB internals, such as HOP pluggable protocols, concurrency, request demultiplexing, scheduling, and connection management. A configuration file is used to specify the strategies used to implement these aspects during startup time. TAO parses the configuration file and loads the required strategies. There- fore, we consider TAO as configurable middleware. Recent versions of TAO decomposes the CH- implementation of TAO into several core ORB components that can be dynami- cally loaded on demand using the virtual component pattern [112]. Therefore, we consider recent versions of TAO as tunable middleware. TAO naturally resides in the distribution layer because it is a CORBA compliant ORB. Similar to ACE, a client of TAO requires to send request messages to used the services provided by TAO. Thus, we consider TAO as an integrated middleware. 26 The Component-Integrated ACE ORB (CIAO) [99], ZEN [45], and TAO load balanc- ing (TAO-LB) [114] are follow-on rrriddleware projects by the DOC group. CIAO is the TAO implementation of CORBA Component Model (CCM) [47]. ZEN is the TAO imple- mentation in Java and Real-Time Java [125] that provides a micro-ORB architecture. ZEN identifies several major ORB services, such as object adapters and transport protocols, that can be moved out of the micro-ORB kernel. The virtual component pattern [112] is em- ployed to make each service dynamically pluggable. Similar to TAO, CIAO and ZEN are both also considered as integrated nriddleware. Finally, TAO-LB adds load balancing to TAO [44] transparently from the application code. We consider TAO-LB as an intercepting middleware because it uses the CORBA portable request interceptors to intercept requests messages originally targeted to TAO. In up :1 IENT on; operationO owner I m out up + return value (SERVANT) <———o IDL v 0” [RI-m. TIME ‘ IDL ' ORB Rim-11m: owner ._ a”; we? OS KERNEL ACE coworvms REAL-"ME V° i sunsvsrm HIGH—517m) NETWORK INTEZFACE Figure 2.10: TAO architecture [4]. 2.4.2 DynamicTAO and UIC Researchers at the University of Illinois have developed several adaptive middleware plat- forms [6, 37, 93, 100]. Ken et a1. [37] adopted earlier version of TAO [44], which itself is considered as configurable middleware, and built a dynamically adaptive version of TAO 27 called DynamicTAO using computational reflection. To provide real-time services, Dy- namicTAO uses the Dynamic Soft Real~Time Scheduler (DSRT) [126] that provides QoS guarantees to applications with soft real-time requirements. Reflection in DynamicTAO is achieved using the service configurator pattern [75], which enables configuration and im- plementation decisions about the ORB services to be deferred until run time. Figure 2.11 illustrates the DynamicTAO reified structure. The DomainConfigurator, TAOConfigurator, and ServantConfigurator are all realizations of service configurator pattern in Dynamic- TAO. A service configurator in DyanichAO exports the DynamicConfigurator interface, which is a CORBA IDL interface, defined also as the MOP for inspecting, adapting, load- ing, and unloading “component implementations” dynamically. Component implementa- tions are organized in categories representing different aspects of the TAO ORB packaged as dynamically loadable libraries that can be linked to the ORB at run time. We consider DynamicTAO as tunable middleware. Similar to TAO, DynamicTAO is also considered as an integrated middleware. [Servanthonfigurator] Servant2ConfiguratorJ ConcurrencyStrateg SchedulingStrategy {TAOConfiguratorJJ SecurityStrategy MonitoringStrategy iiil [ DomainConfigurator ] Figure 2.11: DynamicTAO reified structure [5]. Universal Interoperable Core (UIC) [6] is the successor of LegORB [93] both devel- oped at UIUC. UIC, in addition to the small footprint provided in LegORB, can adopt one or more personalities such as CORBA, Java RMI, and DCOM for interoperability pur- 28 poses. Figure 2.12 illustrates the interaction between the UIC core and its personalities. UIC personalities can be either customized statically during the application compile time, or tuned dynamically using late composition of components during run time. UIC mini- mum ORB core runs uninterruptedly while ORB strategies and servants are dynamically updated. We consider UIC as both customizable and repeatedly-tunable rrriddleware. A UIC client-side ORB for PalmOS can be as small as 16KB. UIC exploits customizable adaptation for the rare and expensive changes during compile time, and exploits tunable adaptation for the frequent and inexpensive changes during run time. Using UIC, the same server objects can interoperate with different personalities without modifying their imple- mentations. UIC naturally resides at the distribution layer. Similar to DynamicTAO, UIC is also considered as an integrated middleware. UIC Abstract Core Specialization Specialization ORBA/J av ’ I Personality Multi-personality Figure 2.12: The UIC personalities [6]. 2.4.3 QuO Researchers at BBN Technologies have developed an adaptive framework for CORBA and Java RMI applications that supports QoS using aspect-oriented programming paradigm. QuO [42] provides a high-level QoS abstraction at the common-services layer. Figure 2.13 illustrates QuO components residing between the application and distribution ORB. QuO wraps CORBA stubs and skeletons using functional delegates. As illustrated in Figure 2.13, 29 the delegate intercepts outgoing requests and incoming replies. The delegate consults the “contract,” using the premethod and postmethod methods. The contract is part of the QuO kernel that is aware of acceptable QoS regions and adapts the application behavior by modifying requests and replies according to the current system status monitored by system condition objects. QuO provides a quality description language (QDL) to write contracts that specifies QoS regions. The quogen utility can be used to translate these contracts to high-level languages such as C-i-i- and Java. In addition, QuO provides an aspect-oriented structure description language (ASL) that enables developers to write generic or application-specific aspects. Later, the quogen utility can be used to generate delegates from CORBA ob- ject interfaces written in IDL, aspects written in ASL, and contracts written in QDL. We consider QuO as customizable middleware because. QuO adapts an application during the application compile time using the quogen utility. The delegates in QuO are similar to the statically shipped smart proxies in Squirrel [127] (described later). However, delegates can also wrap skeletons on the server side whereas smart proxies are only at the client Side. To use services provided by QuO, a client requires to send request messages to the QuO framework explicitly. Thus, we consider QuO as an integrated rrriddleware. Application (C++ orJava) s at client expectation if __ I ———————————————— "I FDmllecfizd l QuO Runfinc System and : 0 83 I (C-H- orJava) | Kernel (Java) - - : premethod— | Contact 83'9"“ 1 po stmethod— Cor-lifirm Giants : i r i i ‘l ' I - ORB set object expectation I system event Figure 2.13: QuO architecture [7]. 30 2.4.4 Open ORB and Cousins Researchers at Lancaster University have conducted several projects in multimedia nriddle- ware [38, 83,128,129]. Blair et al. [83] have investigated the middleware implementation for mobile multimedia applications which can be dynamically adapted in response to the environmental changes in the context of Adapt project. In the Open ORB project [38], the successor of the Adapt project, Blair et a1. continued their investigation studying the role of computational reflection in middleware. More recently, Blair et al. [128] designed Open ORB v2 that adds a component-based design framework to the Open ORB reflec- tive framework. OpenCOM [129] is the implementation of Open ORB v2, designed for Microsoft COM systems. All above mentioned projects are greatly influenced by the ITU- T/ISO RM-ODP [130], a meta standard for multimedia applications. Unlike TAO [44] and DynamicTAO [37], none of Adapt, Open ORB, and Open ORB v2 projects are CORBA compliant. Open ORB uses reflection to provide dynamic adaptation. The implementation of the Open ORB current reflective architecture is based on the reflection model illustrated in Figure 2.14. Open ORB categorizes reflection into structural and behavioral reflection [5], a distinction first introduced in [131]. Structural reflection is the ability of a system to inspect and modify its internal architecture, and behavioral reflection is the ability of a system to inspect and modify its computation. Structural reflection is modeled by the “architecture” and “interface” meta-models, and the behavioral reflection is modeled by the “interception” and “resources” meta-models. The architecture meta-model provides access to an object using its object graph. The interface meta-model provides access to the methods, associated attributes, and inheritance structure of each interface of an object. The interception meta- model provides interception hooks for each interface of an object including message arrival, dispatching, marshalling and unmarshalling interception hooks. The resources meta-model provides access to available resources per address space and enables resource reservation. Unlike DynamicTAO [37] that uses reflection mainly to implement the service configurator 31 pattern, Open ORB provides an ORB wide reflection. Therefore, we consider Open ORB as mutable middleware. Similar to TAO, Open ORB is also considered as an integrated middleware. Architecture Interface Interception Resource meta-object meta-object meta-object meta-ob'ect (per addregspace) " -- .- ,r/ ,- Base-lev Figure 2.14: Open ORB reflection model [5]. Open ORB supports stream-oriented applications using “explicit binding,” as opposed to the implicit binding provided in CORBA. In explicit binding, remote objects are bound explicitly by a programmer. Figure 2.15 illustrates the result of an explicit binding in a live video application, which represents the end-to-end conrmunication path. Using the Open ORB reflection meta-model (in this case only architecture meta-model), an MPEG encoder can be replaced by an H.263 encoder that uses much lower bandwidth adapting the application to situation that network bandwidth available is decreasing at run time. Control interfaces [RTPz Real-time transport protocol] l RTP Binding MPEG “I RT MPEG encoder l.\i_@ UDP/IP Binding @J‘l @ fi_ An MPEG video Inserting a delay buffer object to Delay encoder replacement. counteract the effects of jitter. buffer Figure 2.15: Open binding in Open ORB [8]. 32 2.4.5 Infopipes and Squirrel Infopipes [132], a subproject of Squirrel [127], is a middleware platform for information flow, which is a joint work by University of Kaiserslautem and Oregon Graduate Institute (OGI) base of the Infopipe abstraction [133] jointly introduced with GorgiaTech as part of the Infosphere projects. The designers argue that CORBA stubs and skeletons generated from IDL interfaces follow a standard protocol (marshalling and unmarshalling) that is not suitable for multimedia applications with different QoS requirements. To solve this prob- lem, Squirrel introduces smart proxies [9], which are service-specific stubs that include adaptive code. A smart proxy for a specific application can be developed and shipped to the client program statically (during compile time) or dynamically (during run time). Fig- ure 2.16 illustrates dynamic smart proxy shipping in a live video application. We consider Squirrel at the distribution layer because, similar to CORBA stubs, Squirrel uses smart proxies to hide the interprocess communication details from application developers. We consider Squirrel as both tunable and mutable middleware because of its ability to stati- cally and dynamically load smart proxies. The tuning in Squirrel can only occur once at the remote object binding time and the configuration set at the binding time cannot be re- configured later at run time. For a CORBA object to benefit from the services provided by Squirrel, the object requires to send request messages to Squirrel explicitly. Thus, we consider Squirrel as an integrated middleware. Server Smart Proxy Client _, ,. Pedback I mama Shipping Smart Proxy Smart Proxy Figure 2.16: Squirrel: dynamic shipping of a smart proxy [9]. 33 2.5 Toward Transparent Shaping The transparent shaping programming model is intended to support production, mainte- nance, and dynamic reconfiguration of adaptable program families, transparently to their corresponding existing programs. Depending on where the hooks are incorporated in- side an existing program during the first step of the shaping process, we identify three approaches to transparent shaping. As illustrated in Figure 2.17, hooks can be incorporated inside an application program itself, inside its supporting middleware, or inside the system platform (network protocols and operating system). Client Program Server Program Application 1 Interaction \ Layer “WWW/7 ‘ r R Provider ______C_Qmpmenl Commnent Middleware Layer System é f Platform N ”0'3 , R process boundaries) [0 Program component ——-> Flow of service request 0 Hook ] Figure 2.17: Alternative places to insert hooks for transparent Shaping. In this dissertation, we investigate the first two approaches, where the hooks are in- corporated either inside the application or inside adaptive middleware. For the former, we propose solutions that weave the hooks inside existing programs using either language ex- tensions or aspect-oriented programming, as described in Chapters 3 and 4, respectively. For the latter, we propose techniques that leverage adaptive middleware mechanisms, such as CORBA portable interceptors [47], as described in Chapter 5. Finally, in Chapter 6, we demonstrate how the combination of these approaches can be used to support a higher level of adaptation, namely, integration of otherwise incompatible applications. 34 Chapter 3 Designing Adaptable Components In transparent shaping, the adaptive code, which implements the adaptive behavior, must be separately developed from the functional code, which implements the business logic of'an application. In addition, the adaptive code must be reconfigurable at run time. In an earlier study, our group designed a composable proxy [134] in Java that enables mobile Internet users to collaborate via heterogeneous devices and network connections. This approach is based on detachable Java I/O streams, which enable proxy filters and transcoders to be dynamically inserted, removed, and reordered on a given data stream. Using this adapt- able component, proxy services can be reconfigured dynamically. Although the result- ing system performed well, our experience in this study showed that developing adaptive code in object-oriented languages such as Java, which does not provide facilities to design adaptable components, is difficult and error-prone. Also, in some cases we observed that separation of adaptive code from functional code is almost impossible. In this chapter, we explore the effectiveness and expressiveness of language support in designing adaptable components. Previously, our group developed Adaptive Java [49], which extends Java with new constructs and keywords to facilitate the design of adaptable components. Adaptive Java adds behavioral reflection [30] to Java’s structural reflection, enabling dynamic reconfiguration of software components. Using Adaptive Java behavioral 35 reflection facilities, we designed and implemented an adaptable nriddleware component called a MetaSocket. A MetaSocket is an adaptable communication component created from existing Java socket classes, but its structure and behavior can be adapted at run time in response to external stimuli such as dynamic wireless channel conditions. Although the socket abstraction is relatively low-level (host-infrastructure services layer), its ubiquity in distributed applications, as well as in middleware platforms, makes it a good place to begin our studies. A key concept in the MetaSocket model is that adaptive functionality related to com- munication streams, possibly tangled throughout application code, is extracted and placed in the MetaSocket layer. Application modules and higher-level nriddleware layers can in- voke traditional socket operations using MetaSockets, while the MetaSockets themselves can adapt (or be adapted) to changes in the environment. This separation of concerns, de- picted in Figure 3.1, leads to code that is easier to maintain and evolve to incorporate new adaptive functionality. Adaptive Code K -1/ — Application Code "-7 Application Code .5- “3 / High-Level Middleware High- -Level Middleware _ _: :_ 7 ' :- E MetaSockets " 5 ' JVM JVM Operating System Operating System Figure 3.1: Separation of concerns using MetaSockets. This chapter describes the internal architecture and the operation of MetaSockets and presents a case study in the use of MetaSockets to support audio streaming over wireless channels. The case study, in which iPAQ handheld computers are used as audio “com- municators,” illustrates how MetaSockets interact with other adaptive components, such as decision makers and event mediators, to realize run-time adaptability in real-time com- 36 munication services. The main contribution of this work is to Show the effectiveness of programming language support in the development of adaptable software and, through the case study, to reveal several subtle design issues that need to be addressed in the design of such software. The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 3.1 provides background information on the Adaptive Java programming language. In Section 3.2, we describe the design and implementation of a MetaSocket variation that is based on the Java Multicast- Socket class. Section 3.3 discusses a case study in the use of MetaSockets that supports adaptive error control on wireless audio channels. Section 3.4 presents results of experi- ments that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods in adapting to dynamic changes in packet loss rate. Section 3.5 discusses related work, and Section 3.6 summarizes this chapter. 3.1 Adaptive Java Background Adaptive Java [49] is an extension to Java that adds behavioral reflection to Java’s struc- tural reflection, by introducing new language constructs. These constructs are rooted in computational reflection [30, 82], which refers to the ability of a computational process to reason about (and possibly alter) its own behavior. A key issue that arises in the application of reflection to middleware platforms is the degree to which the system should be able to change its own behavior. A completely open implementation implies that an application can be recomposed entirely at run-time. In the extreme, all the default components of the system can be destroyed and new ones instantiated, such that the goal of the base—level computation is changed (A spreadsheet can be recomposed as a video player!). On the other hand, limiting adaptability also limits the ability of the system to survive adverse situations. The basic building blocks used in an Adaptive Java program are components, which in this context can be equated to adaptable classes. The key programming concept in Adaptive 37 Java is to provide three separate component interfaces: one for performing normal impera- tive operations on the object (computation), one for observing internal behavior (introspec- tion), and one for changing internal behavior (intercession). Operations in the computation dimension are referred to as invocations. Operations in the introspection dimension are called refractions; they offer a partial view of internal structure and behavior, but are not allowed to change the state or behavior of the component. Operations in the intercession dimension are called transmutations; they are used to modify the computational behavior of the component. An existing Java class can be converted into an adaptable component in two steps. In the first step, a base-level Adaptive Java component is constructed from the Java class through an operation called absorption, which uses the absorbs keyword. As part of the absorption procedure, mutable methods called invocations are created on the base-level component to expose the functionality of the absorbed class. Invocations are mutable in the sense that they can be added to and removed from existing components at run time using meta-level transmutations. In the second step, metafication enables the creation of refractions and transmutations that operate on the base component. Meta components are defined using the metafy keyword. The meta-level can also be given a meta-level (meta- meta-level), which can be used to refract and transmute the meta—level. In theory, this reification of meta-levels for other meta—levels could continue indefinitely [30]. Example code is provided in Section 3.2.2. Adaptive Java [49] is implemented using CUP [135], a parser generator for Java. CUP takes the grammar productions for the Adaptive Java extensions and generates an LALR parser, called ajc, which performs a source-to-source conversion of Adaptive Java code into Java code. Semantic routines were added to this parser such that the generated Java code could then be compiled using a standard Java compiler. 38 3.2 MetaSocket Design and Implementation In this section we describe the architecture and operation of MetaSockets. Our discussion is limited to particular types of MetaSockets designed to enhance the quality of service for multicast communication streams. However, the MetaSocket model is general: MetaSock- ets can also be used for unicast communication and can be tailored to provide adaptive functionality in other cross-cutting concerns, such as security, energy consumption, and fault tolerance. Figure 3.2 shows the absorption of a Java MulticastSocket base-level class by a SendM- Socket base-level component, and the metafication of this component to a MetaSendM- Socket meta-level component. Figure 3.2(a) depicts a Java MulticastSocket class and a subset of its public methods: receive(), send(), close(), joinGroup(), and leaveGroup(). Fig- ure 3.2(b) shows a SendMSocket component, which is designed to be used as a send-only multicast socket. The SendMSocket component absorbs the Java MulticastSocket class and implements send() and close() invocations that can be used by other components. Other methods of the base-level class are occluded. A link between an invocation and a method indicates a dependency. For example, the send() invocation depends on the send() method, because its implementation calls that method. Figure 3.2(c) shows a MetaSendMSocket component, which metafies an instance of the SendMSocket component and provides a refraction, getStatus(), and two transmutations, insertFilter() and removeFilterO. The use and operation of these primitives will be explained shortly. In a similar manner, a receive-only MetaSocket can be created for use on the receiving side of a communication channel. The FlecvMSocket base-level component absorbs a Java MulticastSocket class. In addition to the receive() and close() invocations, this component also provides joinGroupO and leaveGroup() invocations, which are needed for joining and leaving an IP multicast group. All these invocations depend on their respective counter- parts in the Java MulticastSocket class. The MetaRecvMSocket metafies an instance of RecvMSocket component and provides the same refractions and transmutations as does the 39 Q replaced invocation O transmutation Q base-class method 0 base-level invocation A refraction J insertFilter() receiveo send send sendo 0 _ 0 . close() @ .’ . - . +get$tatuso l lgintOUPO close 0 close() eave rou p0 removeFilterO (a) (b) (C) Figure 3.2: MetaSocket absorption and metafication: (a) Java MulticastSocket as the base- level class; (b) SendMSocket as the base-level component; (c) MetaSendMSocket, a filter- oriented meta-level component. MetaSendMSocket component. The code for MetaSendMSocket and MetaFiecvMSocket can be loaded at run time, using the Java Class class and Java reflection package. This dynamic loading of adaptive code enables Adaptive Java applications to adapt to unantici- pated changes at run time. 3.2.1 Internal Architecture and Operation Figure 3.3 illustrates the internal architecture of both a MetaSendMSocket and a MetaFlecvMSocket, as configured in our study. In this metafication, packets are passed through a pipeline of Filter components, each of which processes the packet. Example filter services include: auditing traffic and usage patterns, transcoding data streams into lower-bandwidth versions, scanning for viruses, and implementing forward error correc- tion (FEC) to make data streams more resilient to packet loss. In some cases, such as auditing, a filter can act alone on either the sending or the receiving side of the channel. In other cases, such as FEC, modification of the packet stream introduced by a filter on the sender must be reversed by a peer filter on the receiver. In our implementation, when a packet is processed by a filter, an application-level header is prepended to the packet. On the receiver, these headers identify the processing order and filters required to reverse the transformations applied by the sender. 40 A getStatus() v euIIedId JGilL-l euiledid rant-I \ joinGroupO 0'0590 ’ joinGroupo i °'°s°0 leaveGroup() close() insertFilter() insertFilter() removeFilter() removeFilter() (a) 4m .— invocation FP: tirstPacketBufler Flrr: Filter - ., dependency [4— refraction LP: IasIPacketButter SS: SendMSocket _> packet flow direction D— transmutation MT: MetaSocketThread Rs: RecvMSockel i thread Figure 3.3: MetaSocket internal architecture: (a) MetaSendMSocket, a send-only meta- morphic multicast socket; (b) MetaRecvMSocket, a receive-only metamorphic multicast socket. Packet Buffers. The set of Filter components configured in a MetaSocket pipeline ex- change packets via a set of PacketBuffer components. Each filter uses a source and destina- tion packet buffer. Since a packet buffer may be used by multiple threads, its invocations, including get() and put(), are defined as synchronized. All filters in the filter pipeline, execute concurrently, where each filter retrieves a packet from its source packet buffer, pro- cesses it, and places it into its destination packet buffer. The destination packet buffer of a filter in the pipeline is either the source packet buffer of the next filter or lastPacketBuffer. Inserting and Removing Filters. The transmutations insertFilter() and removeFilter() are used to change the filter configuration, and the getStatus() refraction is used to read the cur- rent configuration. The insertFilter() transmutation consists of three operations. First, it sets the source packet buffer of the next filter in the pipeline to the new filter’s destination packet buffer. Next, it sets the new filter’s source packet buffer to the destination packet buffer of 41 the previous filter in the pipeline. Finally, it starts the new filter. The removeFilter() trans- mutation also consists of three operations. First, it stops the filter that should be removed. Next, it flushes all the packets out of the filter’s destination packet buffer and destroys the filter. Finally, it removes the filter from the pipeline and sets the source packet buffer of the next filter to the destination packet buffer of the previous filter in the pipeline. The getStatus() returns a list of filters IDs currently configured in the pipeline. Sender Operation. Let us consider the sender, as shown in Figure 3.3(a). At the time of metafication, a SendMSocket component is encapsulated by the MetaSendMSocket com- ponent. Among other actions, the send() invocation of SendMSocket is replaced by a new send() invocation defined by the meta-level component. After metafication, any call to the base-level send() invocation is delegated to the meta-level send() invocation. This invoca- tion adds a terminator header to the datagram packet it receives, which identifies packets that are ready for delivery to the application by the receiver. Next, the meta-level send() invocation stores this packet in firstPacketBuffer (the first packet buffer of the pipeline). Initially, both firstPacketBuffer and lastPacketBuffer refer to the same packet buffer. While lastPacketBuffer may change as new filters are inserted, always pointing to the last packet buffer in the pipeline, firstPacketBuffer remains fixed. When SendMSocket is metafied by MetaSendMSocket, a thread is created and assigned to the SendMSocket send() invo- cation. This thread loops, retrieving a packet from lastPacketBuffer, creating a datagram packet, and passing it to the original base-level send() invocation, which in turn transmits the packet to the multicast group using the send() method of the underlying MulticastSocket base class. Receiver Operation. On the receiver, as shown in Figure 3.3(b), a MetaRecvMSocket encapsulates a base-level RecvMSocket component. The receiver can be added to the mul- ticast group, either before or after metafication, by calling its joinGroupO invocation. Once metafied, a thread is assigned to the RecvMSocket receive() invocation. The thread loops 42 continuously, calling receive() and placing the returned packet in firstPacketBuffer. The order of filters on the receiver is the mirror image of that on the sender with function in- verted. Each filter in the pipeline processes a packet from its source packet buffer and places it in its destination packet buffer. Similar to the send() invocation on the sender, metafication replaces the base-level receive() invocation with the meta-level receive() in- vocation defined by MetaRecvMSocket. Instead of calling the RecvMSocket receive() in— vocation, the MetaRecvMSocket receive() invocation retrieves packets directly from last- PacketBuffer. Before returning the packet to the caller, however, the receive() invocation checks the packet’s MetaSocket header. If a terminator header is found at the beginning of the packet, then receive() removes this header and returns the original packet to the caller. Otherwise, additional filter processing needs to be performed on the packet before deliv- ering it to the application. In this case, receive() generates a FilterMismatchEvent event containing the packet and the position of the required Filter in the filter pipeline. (Every Filter at the receiving side performs a similar task and compares the filter ID of the next packet to its ID.) This event is sent to the EventMediator, a singleton component in each addresss space that decouples event generators from event listeners [136]. The receive() invocation waits until the event has been handled, meaning that the needed filter has been inserted in the pipeline using the insertFilter() transmutation. Additional details on event handling are discussed in the next section. 3.2.2 Syntax of Absorption and Metafication Figure 3.4 shows simplified Adaptive Java code for the SendMSocket component. A con- structor is defined for this component that creates a new MulticastSocket and sets it as the base-level object for this component (lines 4 to 6). Please note that the base-level object is treated as a secret of the base-level component. A component that uses the SendMSocket component does not necessarily need to know anything about the underlying Multicast- Socket or its interface. Two invocations, send() and close() are defined, but they simply 43 call their associated methods from the base object (lines 8 to 12). The code for RecvM- Socket is similar. Once defined, SendMSocket and FlecvMSocket can be used via their invocations. public component SendMSocket absorbs java.net.MulticastSocket { /" constructor */ public SendMSocket(...) { setBase(new MulticastSocket(...));} /" invocations */ public invocation void send(...) { 1 0 base.send(...); } 1 1 public invocation void close() { 12 base.close(); } 13 } \OQJQQUIIbUJNi-J Figure 3.4: Excerpted code for SendMSocket. The metafication of these base—level components can be defined at development time or later, at run time. Simplified code for MetaSendMSocket is shown in Figure 3.5. At any point during the execution of the application, a running SendMSocket component can be metafied by calling its constructor (lines 3 to 5). The instance of SendMSocket passed to the constructor of this meta-component is designated as the base-level component. As described earlier, in addition to refractions and transmutations, an invocation, send(), is re- defined in this meta-level component (lines 7 to 9). Defining an invocation at the meta-level is used to replace an invocation of the base-level component. In this example, the new in- vocation does not call the Java MulticastSocket send() method. Instead, it places the packet in firstPacketBuffer defined as a private field of this meta-component (line 23). Another pri- vate field, filterPipeline, is an instance of java . uti l . Vector and keeps track of all the filters currently configured in the MetaSendMSocket (line 22). The refraction getStatus() returns a byte array containing the IDS of these filters (lines 11 to 13). The transmutations insertFilter() and removeFilter() are used to insert and remove filters at specified positions in the filter pipeline (lines 15 to 19). The code for MetaFiecvMSocket is Similar to that 44 of MetaSendMSocket. In this case, however, the receive() invocation is redefined in the meta-level. In the new definition of this invocation, a packet from the lastPacketBuffer , if available, is delivered to the caller. 1 public component MetaSendMSocket metafy SendMSocket { 2 3 l“ constructor */ 4 public MetaSendMSocket(SendMSocket s) { 5 setBase(s); } 6 7 /‘ replacing the SendMSocket.send() */ 8 public invocation void send(...) {... 9 iirstPacketBuffer.put(packet); ...} 1 O 1 1 /" refractions */ 12 public refraction bytefl getStatus() { 1 3 return tilterPipeline.getStatus(); } 1 5 /" transmutations */ 1 6 public transmutation void insertFilter(int pos, Filter f) {... 17 filterPipeline.add(pos, f); ...} 1 8 public transmutation Filter removeFilter(int pos) {... 1 9 return filterPipeline.remove(pos); } 2 1 /' private fields */ 2 2 private Vector filterPipeline = new Vector(); 2 3 PacketBufier firstPacketBuffer = new PacketBuffero; 24 } Figure 3.5: Excerpted code for MetaSendMSocket. 3.3 Case Study: Adapting an Audio Streaming Applica- tion The Java MulticastSocket class is used in many distributed applications. The MetaSockets described in the previous section provide the same imperative functionality to applica- tions and can be used in place of regular Java sockets. In this section, we use an example Adaptive Java application to demonstrate how MetaSockets can further provide adaptive functionality by interacting with other supporting components, such as decision makers and event mediators. A key concept in this approach is that the adaptive functionality, whether it be related to quality-of-service, fault tolerance, or security, is not tangled with 45 the application code. Rather, the “base” application code uses only invocations provided by MetaSockets, while the code that manipulates the behavior of MetaSockets is localized. This separation of concerns, depicted in Figure 3.6, leads to code that is easier to maintain and evolve to incorporate new adaptive functionality. In the following example, we use MetaSockets to support adaptable quality-of-service by reacting to changes in the quality of the wireless channel. Figure 3.6: Example of separation of concerns using MetaSockets. 3.3.1 ASA Architecture and Operation In this study, we modified an audio streaming application (ASA) to use MetaSockets in- stead of regular Java sockets, and we added components to manage the adaptive behavior. We then experimented with ASA by streaming live audio from a desktop workstation to multiple iPAQ handheld computers over an 802.11b wireless local area network (WLAN). The experimental configuration is depicted in Figure 3.7. ,' if. ( ))\ f‘: l 1? AUGIOStI‘oam («..-%m”” 4%. . ;, '7 fig ‘3‘ N ~ ~~-_ Wired Access Wireless Sender Point Receivers Figure 3.7: Physical experimental configuration. The ASA code comprises two main parts. On the sending station, the Recorder uses 46 the javax. sound package to read live audio data from a system’s microphone. The audio encoding uses a single channel with 8-bit samples. The Recorder multicasts this data to the receivers via a wireless access point using the send() invocation of a MetaSocket. Each packet contains 128 bytes, or 16 milliseconds of audio data; relatively small packets are necessary to reduce jitter and minimize losses. On each receiving station, the Player receives the audio data using the receive() invocation of a MetaSocket and plays the data using the javax . sound package. Figure 3.8 illustrates the major parts of the receiving Side of the ASA; the sending side has a similar structure. Please note that we introduce new notations to distinguish the type of interactions among components (One for invocations and another for refrac- tions and/or transmutations). Most of the receiving system executes on an iPAQ handheld computer, but one program, called 3 Trader, executes on a desktop workstation. The two systems communicate over the WLAN. In Adaptive Java, each address space comprises one or more components, each of which in turn may comprise several interacting compo- nents. The program running on the iPAQ in Figure 3.8 comprises five main components: a Player, a DecisionMaker, an EventMediator, a ComponentLoader, and a MetaRecvM- Socket. The MetaRecvMSocket contains several components that together implement the filter pipeline. As indicated, some of these components are metafied and therefore offer refractive and transmutative interfaces, whereas others are simple base-level components that offer only invocations to other components. The flow of events among components, via an EventMediator, is also shown. A DecisionMaker (DM) is an optional subcomponent within any Adaptive Java com- ponent. According to a set of rules applied to the current situation, a DM controls all of the nonfunctional behavior of the subcomponents of its container component. DMs are arranged hierarchically, such that a given DM inherits rules from a higher-level DM and might provide rules to lower-level DMs. (In our simple example application, the main component on the iPAQ contains a single DM.) Depending on its rules and the current sit- 47 Decision Event Mediator (EM) {amt '1 w Wired Network Wireless Network E] p- lnvocation LP: lastPacketBuffer AL: RechppLossDetector ---> Dependency \ fi Refand Trans. PB. PaCkeIBUIIer FD. FECDGCOdeI' _,> Event propagation ' Thread FP: firstPacketBuffer NL: RechetLossDetector __. Reflection ‘ - RS,=-RecvM§9-9ket --MT= MetaSocketThread- .- J Figure 3.8: Interaction among components in the Audio Streaming Application. uation, a DM might decide to metafy or change the configuration of an existing component by invoking transmutations of the component. A transmutation might simply set the value of an internal variable, or might involve the insertion or removal of a subcomponent (such as a filter, in our example). In the insertion case, the DM contacts the ComponentLoader (CL) and requests the needed component. The CL is unique to an address space. If the CL does not find the component in its cache, it sends a request to a component Trader, which may reside on another computing system. The Trader returns a component im- plementation corresponding to a syntactic or semantic component request. In our current implementation, we use simple identifiers to search for components. Eventually, the CL uses the java . lang . ClassLoader to load this implementation, creates an instance of this class, and returns it to the local DM. The ability to dynamically load components is 48 especially important for mobile devices, where resources might be limited and overhead should be minimized. Components can interact directly via invocations, refractions and transmutations. To support asynchronous interactions, we implemented an event service. An EventMediator (EM) decouples event generators from event listeners [136]. The ASA sender and receiver each contain a single EM that handles all events in the respective program. A listener regis- ters its interest in an event by calling the EM’s registerlnterest() invocation. When an event is detected by a component, it calls the notify() invocation of the EM. The EM records the event and subsequently alerts all listeners by calling their notify() invocations. To complete the earlier discussion on missing filters, let us consider the situation in which the thread in the receive() meta-level invocation detects that another filter needs to be configured in the pipeline. A FilterMismatchEvent event is sent to the EM, which forwards it to the DM. The DM decides to insert a new filter based on information carried by the event and the pipeline status retrieved using the getStatus() refraction. The DM requests the CL to load the missing filter, after which the DM inserts it at the proper location in the pipeline. 3.3.2 Filter Components In this case study, we used two types of filters in MetaSockets. The first type provides forward error correction (FEC) encoding and decoding functionality. The second type is used to monitor packet loss conditions and to forward events of interest to the DM. In turn, the DM may decide to insert, remove, or modify an FEC filter. FEC is widely used in wireless networks, where factors such as signal strength, inter- ference, and antennae alignment produce dynamic and location-dependent packet losses. In current wireless LANs, these problems affect multicast connections more than unicast connections, since the 802.11b MAC layer does not provide link-level acknowledgements for multicast frames. FEC can be used to improve reliability by introducing redundancy into the data channel. Our filters use (n, k) block erasure codes [137]. As shown in Fig- 49 ure 3.9, k source packets are converted into a group of n encoded packets, such that any h of the n encoded packets can be used to reconstruct the k source packets [137]. These codes are ideal for wireless multicasting, since a single set of parity packets can correct different packet losses among receivers. ENCODED RECENED DATA DATA HECONSTRUCTED DATA i D: . . Lu l; D I: f: C) f : 0 ‘ . z ;' . LU - Figure 3.9: Operation of block erasure code. The FECEncoder and FECDecoder components are extended from the Filter compo- nent and use a Java FEC package . The FECEncoder runs on the sender. This component retrieves k packets from its source packet buffer, generates n — k parity packets, and places the original It packets plus the n. — k parity packets into its destination packet buffer. The FECDecoder runs at the receiving side and retrieves up to k packets from its source packet buffer, decodes them if possible, and places the recovered original It packets in its desti- nation packet buffer. Any unneeded parity packets are simply dropped. If fewer than k out of the n packets arrive, for a given FEC group, then the FECDecoder retrieves any data packets and places them into its destination packet buffer. The MetaFECEncoder and MetaFECDecoder, shown in Figure 3.10, metafy the FECEncoder and F ECDecoder com- ponents, respectively. Each provides a getNK() refraction and setNK() transmutation, which are used at run time to read and set the values of n and k. If a packet arrives with a dif- ferent n or k value than is expected, the MetaFECDecoder fires a FECMismatchNKEvent event. In response, the DM uses setNK() transmutation and adjusts the values for k and n appropriately. The second type of filter used in our case study monitors events related to packet loss 50 getSrcPacketBufferO FilterMismatchEvent getSrcPacketBuiferO getDstPacketBufferO FECMismatchNKEvent geletPacketBuiferO getNK() getNK() start() ® start() stop0 setSrcPacketBuffero 5t°P0 setSrcPacketBulferO setDstPacketBuffero setDstPacketBufferO setNK() setNK() (a) MetaFECEncoder (b) MetaFECDecoder K]— refraction FE: FECEncoder - -> dependency transmutation FD: FECDecoder —> event invocation 7 thread Figure 3.10: Design of forward error correction filters. rate and reports these to the DM. We developed two sets of filters. The SendNetLossDe- tector and RechetLossDetector filters monitor the raw loss rate of the wireless channel. The SendAppLossDetector and RechppLossDetector filters monitor the packet loss rate as observed by the application, which may be lower than the raw packet loss rate due to the use of FEC. The metafied versions of these filters is shown in Figure 3.11. In our ex- periments, SendAppLossDetector is used as the first filter on the sender side, and Flechp- pLossDetector is used as the last filter on the receiver. Conversely, SendNetLossDetector is the last filter on the sender, and RechetLossDetector is the first filter on the receiver. The sender’s filters simply prepare packets by prepending a header containing the identifier of the corresponding peer filter on the receiver. Each filter on the receiver uses sequence numbers to calculate the packet loss rate over a specified window in the packet stream and stores this information in a vector. Metafying these components provides refractions and transmutations to read the current loss rate and to set or change upper and lower thresholds with respect to the loss rate. The sender’s DM (the global DM) and the receiver’s DM (the local DM) work together and use a simple set of rules to make decisions about the use of filters and changes in their behavior. If the loss rate observed by the application rises above a specified threshold, then the global DM can decide to insert an FEC filter in the pipeline or modify the (n, k) pa- 51 getSrcPacketBuiiero getDstPacketBuftero setSrcPacketBufiero setDstPacketBufiero (a) MetaSendNetLossDetector ‘ getSrcPacketBufferO getDstPacketBufiero FilterMismatchEvent UnAcceptedLossFlateEvent FilterMismatchEvent AcceptedLossRateEvent ‘ getSrcPacketButtero getDstPacketBuiiero getLossVectoro setSrcPacketBuliero setDstPacketBufiero . setlnformo resell.ossVeclor0 setLowerBoundo starto stopo (b) MetaRechelossDetector A getSrcPacketBufferO getDstPacketBuifero getl.ossVector0 start :38 stopg setSrcPacketButiero " setDstPacketBufiero tl t 9 setSrcPacketBuiiero 3868625029,”er setDstPacketBuffero setUpperBound() (c) MetaSendAppLossDetector (d) MetaRechppLossDetector I4_. refraction SN. SendNetLossDetector - .’ dependency - RN: RechetLossDetector transmutation ... event % invocation SA: SendAppLossDetector ' thread RA: RechppLossDetector Figure 3.11: Design of packet loss monitoring filters. rameters of an existing FEC filter. On the other hand, if the raw packet loss rate on the channel drops below a lower threshold, then the level of redundancy may be decreased, or the FEC filter may be removed entirely. To realize this behavior, the local DM uses the setUpperBound() and setLowerBound() transmutations of the metafied filters. The local DM also configures the MetaFtechppLossDetector to generate an UnacceptableLossRa- teEvent if the observed loss rate rises too high, by calling the setlnform(true) transmutation. When this event fires, the global DM will eventually take action and attempt to reduce the observed loss rate by inserting an FEC filter or changing the parameters of an existing FEC filter. After firing such an event, the local DM calls setlnform(false) for the MetaRec- vAppLossDetector to suppress further events from this filter. At this time, the local DM 52 also calls setlnform(true) for the MetaFlechetLossDetector, so that an AcceptableLoss- RateEvent will fire if the network loss rate returns to a satisfactory level. When this event fires, depending on its rules, the global DM can decide to reduce the n-to-k ratio or to re— move the FEC filter entirely. As in the first case, the local DM also calls setlnform(false) for the MetaRechetLossDetector to suppress further events. Any time a filter is inserted or removed on the sender, a FilterMismatchEvent will eventually fire on the receiver, causing the filter pipeline at the receiver to be adjusted accordingly. 3.4 Performance Evaluation To evaluate the effect of MetaSockets on the performance of audio streaming, we conducted several experiments using ASA. First, we report the effect of using MetaSockets in an environment with simulated packet loss, followed by results with real packet loss on a mobile computing testbed. 3.4.1 Adapting to Simulated Packet Loss One well-known difficulty in conducting experimental research in wireless environments is the ability to reproduce results, given the highly dynamic nature of the medium [138]. In this set of tests, we created artificial losses by dropping packets in software according to a predefined loss function. In this way, we are able to compare the effects of different parameter settings on the behavior of MetaSockets. In this experiment, the Recorder program is configured to record 8000 samples per sec- ond of live audio, using a single channel at 8 bits per sample. Samples are collected into 128-byte packets packets, that is, each packet contains 16 milliseconds of audio data. We used (8, 4) FEC filters. The upper threshold for the RechppLossDetector to generate an UnAcceptableLossRateEvent is 30%, and the lower threshold for the RechetLossDetec- tor to generate an AcceptableLossFtateEvent is 10%. Figure 3.12 plots packet loss as observed by the two loss monitoring filters on the re- 53 ceiver. The Network Packet Loss curve experiences two periods of high packet loss. The Application Packet Loss curve shows the effect of dynamic insertion and removal of the FEC filter, according to the rules described in Section 3.3.2. When the program begins exe- cution, the sender inserts a SendAppLossDetector filter into its MetaSocket, which quickly causes the receiver to insert the corresponding RechppLossDetector. At packet set 8 (meaning the 800th packet), the FlechppLossDetectcr filter detects that the loss rate has passed the upper threshold. The filter fires an UnAcceptableLossRateEvent, causing the local DM to request an FEC filter. The global DM decides, based on its set of rules, to insert two filters, an FECEncoder filter with default parameters n = 8 and k = 4, and a SendNetLossDetector filter, at the second and third positions in the MetaSendMSocket filter pipeline, respectively. When packets containing the headers of the two new filters be— gin arriving at the receiver, the RechppLossDetector detects a packet header that does not match its own identifier. Therefore, it fires a FilterMismatchEvent at two different times, one for each new packet type. These events result in the insertion of a FlechetLossDetec- for filter and a FECDecoder filter at the first and second positions in the MetaRecvMSocket filter pipeline, respectively. As shown in Figure 3.12, the (8,4) FEC code is very effective in reducing the packet loss rate as observed by the application from packet set 8 to packet set 45. At packet set 45, the RechetLossDetector detects that the loss rate has dipped below the 10% lower threshold, so it fires an AcceptableLossRateEvent. In response, the local DM sends a request to the global DM to remove the FEC filter. The DM complies, since under low- loss conditions, the 100% overhead of an (8,4) FEC code simply wastes bandwidth. It also removes the SendNetLossDetector filter in order to minimize data stream processing under favorable conditions. The arrival of packets without the two headers produces two FilterMismatchEvent events at the receiving side, and the peer filters are removed. As a result, the loss rate experienced by the application is again the same as the network loss rate. At packet set 60, the FEC filter is again inserted, due to high loss rate, and it is later 54 Network Packet Loss vs. Application Packet Loss 0| 0 -I- Network Packet Loss Application Packet Loss (A) & Sh 0| 0 0| 0 O 8 Packet Loss Rate (percentage) -~ to 0| 0| .5 O "m“.‘l’taRSSSSSv SBBaR’RSBSB Packet Set (100 packets per set) Figure 3.12: MetaSocket performance in an environment with real packet loss. removed at packet set 80. Considering Figure 3.12 as a whole, we see that the loss rate observed by the application is very low, with the exception of two brief spikes. In order to minimize overhead, FEC is applied only when necessary. This example illustrates how Adaptive Java components can interact at run time to recompose the system in response to changing conditions. While a task such as FEC filter management can be implemented in an ad hoc manner, run-time metafication in Adaptive Java enables such concerns to be added to the system after it is already deployed and executing. 3.4.2 Adapting to Real Packet Loss Figure 3.13 provides a trace of an experiment, with real packet losses, that demonstrates how MetaSockets adapt to loss rates due to user motion. One user sits at a desktop worksta- tion in our research lab and speaks, while another listens on an iPAQ as he moves about an adjacent hallway. The loss rate is very high while the user is moving. In this particular test, the iPAQ user stood outside the lab for approximately 30 seconds, walked up and down 55 the hall for another 90 seconds, then stood relatively still for another 30 seconds. The up- per threshold for the RechppLossDetector to generate an UnAcceptabieLossRateEvent is 10%, and the lower threshold for the RechetLossDetector to generate an AcceptableLoss- RateEvent is 1%. Figure 3.13 plots the packet loss as observed by the two loss monitoring filters on the receiver iPAQ. When the program begins execution, the sending process in- serts a SendAppLossDetector filter into its MetaSocket, which quickly causes the receiver to insert the corresponding FlechppLossDetector. AS shown in the Figure 3.13, the loss rate is low at the beginning of the test, then increases quickly when the user starts walking. The RechppLossDetector filter detects that the loss rate has passed the upper threshold of 10% and fires an UnAcceptableLossRateEvent. The DM decides, based on its set of mics, to insert two filters, an FECEncoder filter with default parameters (n = 20 and k = 4 in this particular test), and a SendNetLossDetector filter. When packets containing the head- ers of the two new filters begin aniving at the receiver, the RechppLossDetector detects a packet header that does not match its own identifier. It fires a FilterMismatchEvent at two different times, one for each new packet type. These events result in the insertion of a FlechetLossDetector filter and a FECDecoder filter in the opposite order as at the sender. As shown in Figure 3.13, the (20, 4) FEC code is effective in reducing the packet loss rate as observed by the application. The average loss rate in the absence of FEC filters is about 16%, while in the presence of FEC filters the loss rate is improved to 3.5%. Near packet 15,200 the RechetLossDetector detects that the loss rate has dipped below the 1% lower threshold, so it fires an AcceptableLossRateEvent. In response, the local DM sends a request to the global DM to remove the FEC filter. The DM complies, since under low-loss conditions, the high overhead of an (20, 4) FEC code simply wastes bandwidth and energy. It also removes the SendNetLossDetector filter in order to minimize data stream processing under favorable conditions. The arrival of packets without the two headers produces two FilterMismatchEvent events at the receiving side, and the peer filters are removed. As a result, the loss rate experienced by the application is again the same as the network loss 56 Network Packet Loss vs. Application Packet Loss 0101 001 . + Network Loss Rate Application Loss Rang worst: 001001 20 Packet Loss Rate (Percentage) M (II Packet Set (100 packets per set) Figure 3.13: MetaSocket performance in an environment with real packet loss. rate for the remainder of the experiment. 3.5 Related Work In this section, we identify and discuss three categories of projects related to Adaptive Java and MetaSockets. The first category includes middleware projects that support adaptive behavior in Java programs by extending the Java Virtual Machine. Examples include Iguana/J [98], Meta Java [96], JDrums [139], Guarana on Java [140], PROSE [32], and R-Java [141]. A ma- jor benefit of implementing adaptation in this way is that the execution of virtually any bytecode instruction can be intercepted within a customized JVM. In contrast, only mes- sages originally targeted for Java sockets can be intercepted and adapted dynamically using MetaSockets. However, some researchers have noted that fine-grained interception at the JVM level can produce significant performance overhead. For example, according to [98], the time for common operations such as creating new objects can be increased by an order of magnitude. Another advantage of JVM-supported adaptation is that it is usually trans- 57 parent to the target Java program (no code modification required). On the other hand, using a custom JVM tends to limit portability. Since our implementation of Adaptive Java uses source-to-source compilation, MetaSockets can execute atop any standard JVM. Moreover, to address the transparency issue, we developed a generator framework, called TRAP/J, which enables adaptable components such as MetaSockets to be woven into existing Java programs without modifying the application source code. TRAP/J is introduced in the next chapter. The second category includes projects that use aspect-oriented prograrnrrring [1] to weave adaptive code into functional code. Although many projects in the AOP commu- nity address compile-time weaving [103], a growing number of projects focus on run-time composition [27, 32, 48, 107, 109, 142—147]. By defining a reflection-based component model, Adaptive Java also supports run-time reconfiguration. A related concept is compo- sition filters [78], which provide a mechanism for disentangling the cross-cutting concerns of a software system. This system declares filters that intercept messages received and sent by objects. As such, messages can be massaged and checked before they are delivered to an object, separating aspects, such as security authentication or bounds checking, from the ob- jects that send and receive these messages. Adaptive Java’s approach to composition using encapsulation could be used to instantiate a message filtering design where components are extended and invocations added such that a call to an invocation would be filtered through subsequent encapsulation layers. However, such a design would not have the source code expressiveness provided by the declarative specification language in composition filters. The third category of related work includes projects that, like Adaptive Java, extend the Java syntax and provide new constructs to allow developers to write adaptable applica- tions more expressively. Examples include Open Java [148], FRIENDS [94], PCL [97], R- Java [141], and Handi-Wrap [149]. Open Java provides an approach supporting customized compilers that define new compile-time MOPS [150]. For example, to support writing ex- pressive programs that use a set of design patterns, Open Java enables a developer to build 58 a customized compiler that understands the new syntax. The PCL project [97] also focuses ' on language support for run-time adaptability. Our concept of “wrapping” classes with base components is Similar to the use of Adaptors used in PCL. However, modification of the base class in PCL appears to be limited to changing variable values, whereas Adaptive Java transmutations can modify arbitrary structures or subcomponents. Moreover, by com- bining encapsulation with metafication, Adaptive Java can be used to realize adaptations in multiple meta-levels. 3.6 Summary As a step toward transparent shaping, in this chapter we studied the effectiveness of new programming language constructs and keywords to separate development of adaptive code from functional code. We used Adaptive Java to develop an adaptable component, called the MetaSocket, which can be used in existing socket-based Java applications. MetaSockets can be reconfigured dynamically in response to external stimuli through the use of a filter pipeline. The filter pipeline allows insertion and removal of filters dynamically. Since the core MetaSocket code remains intact during the tuning process, we classify them as repeatedly-tunable rrriddleware (the corresponding taxonomy is introduced in Section 2). The filters in MetaSockets can be developed by third parties and can be independent of the functional code of an application. In other words, MetaSockets provide transparency with respect to adaptive code. The code for MetaSockets is compiled by the Adaptive Java compiler, which is a source-to-source compiler, so the resulting Java program can be compiled by the standard Java compilers and run by the standard JVM. In a case study, we used MetaSockets to support run time adaptation in iPAQ handheld computers used as audio “communicators.” We described in detail how adaptive behavior is implemented and how MetaSockets interact with other adaptive components, including decision makers and event mediators. Results from experiments on a mobile computing testbed demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods in responding to dynamic wireless 59 channel conditions. While this chapter demonstrated the application of MetaSocket to a specific communication service, we emphasize that the Adaptive Java mechanisms are general: any component in the system can be metafied and adapted at run time. Referring back to the transparent Shaping programming model, introduced in Chapter 1 and illustrated in Figure 1.1, Adaptive Java can be used to produce an adaptable program family from an existing Java program. For example, if we start with an existing socket- based Java program, first we can produce an adapt-ready version of this program by mod- ifying all lines in the program that create an instance of any Java socket classes, and then compiling the program using the Adaptive Java compiler. Next, at run time we can insert and remove filters in the adapt-ready program to produce other members of this adaptable program family. Although MetaSockets proved to be useful in supporting dynamic adaptation, our Study of them revealed the following two issues. First, to incorporate a MetaSocket into an exist- ing program, we need to modify the program source code directly, which is not desirable. Second, once the existing program is modified to use a MetaSocket instead of a Java socket, dynamic adaptation is only possible within the MetaSocket (e.g., through the insertion and removal of filters). In other words, we cannot replace one version of a MetaSocket with another more appropriate version of the MetaSocket at run time. We address these issues in the next chapter. 60 Chapter 4 Transparent Shaping of Object-Oriented Programs In this part of our study, we developed an extension of transparent shaping that can be used to support dynamic adaptation in existing programs developed in class-based, object- oriented programming languages. We call this programming model Transparent Reflective Aspect Programming (TRAP). Unlike Adaptive Java [49], TRAP does not require any direct modifications to the existing programs. As an extension of transparent shaping, TRAP provide a programming model to pro- duce a family of adaptable programs from an existing program. To enable a developer to balance the flexibility of dynamic adaptation and the performance of adaptable programs, TRAP employs a two-step approach to dynamic adaptation. Specifically, TRAP enables the developer to select, at compile time, a subset of classes in the existing program to be reflective at run time. We say a class is reflective at run time if its behavior (e. g., the imple- mentation of its methods) can be inspected and modified dynamically. Many class-based, object-oriented languages such as Java and C-H- do not support such reflective classes at run time. Therefore, programs developed in these programming languages are required to be modified to accommodate dynamic reflection facilities. To eliminate the need for direct modifications to an existing program, TRAP uses compile- and load-time program transformation techniques (e. g., compile-time aspect weaving [103], compile-time meta-object protocols [84, 148], and load-time meta-object 61 protocols [48,147]). Software generator tools produce an adapt-ready version of the pro- gram augmented with the required hooks. The hooks provide the reflective facilities for the selected classes required for dynamic adaptation. As the adapt-ready program executes, new behavior can be introduced to the program by insertion and removal of adaptive code via interfaces to the reflective classes. Extensive use of behavioral reflection in adaptable programs incurs unnecessary over- head and in extreme cases every message sent to an object must be intercepted and possibly redirected [98]. To avoid this problem, TRAP enables a developer to select what should be reflective (called spatial selection [151]) at compile time and when the reflection should be active (called temporal selection [151]) at run time. To validate these ideas, we developed TRAP/J, a prototype instantiation of TRAP for Java programs. In this chapter, we focus on the operation of TRAP/J and describe the de- tails of the techniques used to generate adapt-ready programs from existing Java programs, as well as their corresponding subfamily of adaptable programs. In earlier work [109], our group showed how to use aspect-oriented programming to selectively introduce behavioral reflection into an existing program. However, the reflection used there is ad hoc in that the developer must invent the reflective mechanisms and supporting infrastructure for adapta- tion, and must create an aspect that weaves this infrastructure into an existing program. In contrast, TRAP/J employs a systematic approach to dynamic adaptation. TRAP/J generates the required reflective infrastructure and weaves it into an existing program automatically. The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 4.1 presents background information. Section 4.2 describes the operation of TRAP/J. Section 4.3 presents a case study, where we used TRAP/J to augment an existing audio-streaming application with adaptive behavior, enabling it to operate more effectively across wireless networks. Sec- tion 4.4 categorizes related research projects, which address dynamic adaptation in dis- tributed applications, and discusses how TRAP relates to them. Finally, Section 4.5 sum- marizes this chapter. 62 4.1 Background Many approaches to developing adaptable software, including TRAP/J, use behavioral re- flection, aspect-oriented programming, or a combination of both. In this section, we explain how these technologies are supported in Java. 4.1.1 Behavioral Reflection and Java Unfortunately, Java by itself does not support behavioral reflection. Java supports a structural reflection through its java.reflect package and the java.1ang.Class class [152]. The Java reflection facilities enable inspection of a Java program (e.g., to determine the class of a given object, and the methods and fields of that class) as well as to perform limited operations (e.g., to get and set an object’s field value and to invoke one of its methods using the method name provided as a string of charac- ters) at run time. Moreover, the forName () static method of the java. 1ang.C1ass allows dynamic class loading in Java programs. Although Java supports structural reflection, it does not support behavioral reflection [30]. TRAP/J and several other projects [27, 49, 98, 107, 109,140,141, 148,149, 151,153, 154], discussed in Section 4.4, provide behavioral reflection in Java programs. 4.1.2 Aspect-Oriented Programming and Java Aspect] [103], used in TRAP/J, is a widely used AOP extension to Java. An aspect in As- pectJ is a class-like language element, which is used to modularize a crosscutting concern. An aspect has two parts: advice and pointcut. Advice is an implementation of a crosscut- ting concern and a pointcut is a set of joinpoints, where the advice is woven. A joinpoint is an identifiable point in the execution path of an application, such as a method call or an access to a field. At compile time, a number of such aspects can be selected to be woven into a Java program using the Aspect] compiler, called aspect weaver, to produce a modi- fied version of the program. As described next, TRAP/J uses AspectJ to augment existing 63 Java programs with the necessary “hooks” to produce adapt-ready versions of the existing programs. 4.2 TRAP/J Operation TRAP/J is an instance of TRAP in Java. To augment an existing Java program with the re- quired hooks, TRAP/J uses the compile-time aspect weaving facilities provided in AspectJ. TRAP/J leverages Java structural reflection to support dynamic adaptation. 4.2.1 Overview TRAP/J operates in two phases. The first phase takes place at compile time, when TRAP/J converts an existing Java program into an adapt-ready program. Figure 4.1 shows a high- level representation of TRAP/J operation at compile time. The application source code is compiled using the Java compiler (javac), and the compiled classes and a file containing a list of class names are input to an Aspect Generator and a Reflective Class Generator. For each class name in the list, these generators produce one aspect, one wrapper-level class, and one meta-level class. Next, the generated aspects and reflective classes, along with the original application source code, are passed to the AspectJ compiler (ajc), which weaves the generated and original source code together to produce an adapt-ready application. The second phase occurs at run time. New behavior can be introduced to the adapt-ready appli- cation using the wrapper- and meta-level classes (henceforth referred to as the adaptation infrastructure). Figure 4.2 illustrates the interaction among the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the administrative consoles (GUI). First, the adapt-ready application is loaded by the JVM. At the time each metaobject is instantiated, it registers itself with the Java rmiregistry using a unique ID. Next, if an adaptation is required, the composer dynamically adds new code to the adapt-ready application at run time, using Java RMI to interact with the metaobjects. As part of the behavioral reflection provided in the adaptation infrastructure, a meta-object 64 Data Flow Figure 4.1: TRAP/J operation at compile time. protocol (MOP) is supported in TRAP/J that allows interception and reification of method invocations targeted to objects of the classes selected at compile time to be adaptable. 4.2.2 TRAP/J Run-Time Model To illustrate the operation of TRAP/J, let us consider a simple application comprising two classes, Service and Client, and three objects, (client, 31, and 32). Figure 4.3 depicts a simple run-time class graph for this application that is compliant with the run-time archi- tecture of most class—based object-oriented languages. The class library contains Service and Client classes, and the heap contains client, 81, and 52 objects. The “instantiates” re- lationship among objects and their classes are shown using dashed arrows, and the “uses” relationships among objects are depicted with solid arrows. 65 Java Virtual Machine (java) J A A TRAP Interactive interactive Administrative Administrative Consoles Consoles £ —> Data Flow -- -) Control Flow ] Figure 4.2: TRAP/J run-time support. Figure 4.4 illustrates a layered run-time class graph model for this application. Please note that the base-level layer depicted in Figure 4.4 is equivalent to the class graph illus- trated in Figure 4.3. For simplicity, only the “uses” relationships are represented in Fig- ure 4.4. The wrapper level contains the generated wrapper classes for the selected subset of base-level classes and their corresponding instances. The base-level client objects use these wrapper-level instances instead of base-level service objects. As shown, 81 and 82 no longer refer to objects of the type Service, but instead refer to objects of type Service- Wrapper class. The meta level contains the generated meta-level classes corresponding to each selected base—level class and their corresponding instances. Each wrapper class has exactly one associated meta-level class, and associated with each wrapper object can be at most one metaobject. Please note that the behavior of each object in response to each message is dynamically programmable, using the generic method execution MOP provided in TRAP/J. Finally, the delegate level contains adaptive code that can dynamically override base- level methods that are wrapped by the wrapper classes. Adaptive code is introduced into 66 Class Library ® Client Class client *u—a—n-q—a—x —————— -- 1. ‘I i’_ :ii i +— @ [u ~> instantiates ] -——> uses Service Class s1 32 Figure 4.3: A simplified run-time class graph. TRAP/J using delegate classes. A delegate class can contain implementation for an arbi- trary collection of base-level methods of the wrapped classes, enabling the localization of a cross-cutting concem in a delegate class. A composer can program metaobjects dynam- ically to redirect messages destined originally to base-level methods to their correspond- ing implementations in delegate classes. Each metaobject can use one or more delegate instances, enabling different cross-cutting concerns to be handled by different delegate instances. Moreover, delegates can be shared among different metaobjects, effectively pro- viding a means to support dynamic aspects. For example, let us assume that we want to adapt the behavior of a socket object (in- stantiated from a Java socket class such as the Java.net.MulticastSocket class) in an existing Java program at run time. First, at compile time, we use TRAP/J generators to generate the wrapper and metaobject classes associated with the socket class. Next, at run time, a com- poser can program the metaobject associated with the socket object to support dynamic reconfiguration. Programming the metaobject can be done by introducing a delegate class to the metaobject at run time. The metaobject then loads the delegate class, instantiates an object of the delegate class, intercepts all subsequent messages originally targeted to the socket object, and forwards the intercepted messages to the delegate object. Let us as- sume that the delegate object provides a new implementation for the send( . . . ) method 67 Class Library Heap Delegate Level NewCode Meta Level /,./'WrapperLeI/’él_“~.\ ' -CIass ‘\ Wrapper ,, Level ,‘T -—’ Base Level ,\ ,\ \. \_ Afi-fieahcaflon X removed ] Figure 4.4: TRAP layered run-time model. of the socket class. In this case, all subsequent messages to the send( . . . ) method are handled by the delegate object and the other messages are handled by the original socket object. Alternatively, the delegate object could modify the intercepted messages and then forward them back to the socket object, resulting in a new behavior. TRAP/J allows the composer to remove delegates at runtime, bringing the object behavior back to its original implementation. Thus, TRAP/J is a non-invasive [155] approach to dynamic adaptation. 68 4.3 Case Study: Transparent Shaping of ASA To demonstrate how TRAP/J can be used to produce adaptable programs from an existing program without the need to modify the existing program source code directly, we use the same example application used in the previous Chapter. For completeness, a brief description of ASA and our adaptation strategy is provided. 4.3.1 Example Application ASA, introduced in Section 3.3.1, is an audio streaming application designed to stream interactive audio from a microphone at one network node to multiple receiving nodes. The original application was developed for wired networks. Our goal is to adapt this application to wireless environments, where the packet loss rate is dynamic and location dependent. In this case study, we configured the experiments in an ad hoc wireless network as illustrated in Figure 4.5. A laptop workstation transmits an audio stream to multiple wire- less iPAQs over an 802.1 lb (1 leps) ad hoc wireless local area network (WLAN). Please note that unlike in wired networks, in wireless networks factors such as signal strength, in- terference, and antenna alignment produce dynamic and location-dependent packet losses. In current WLANs, these problems affect multicast connections more than unicast con- nections, since the 802.11b MAC layer does not provide link-level acknowledgements for multicast frames. Receiver Sender ... Receiver Ad-Hoc Wireless Network Figure 4.5: Audio streaming in a wireless LAN. 69 Figure 4.6 illustrates the strategy we used to enable ASA to adapt to variable channel conditions in wireless networks. This is the same strategy as the one used in Section 3.4. However, we used TRAP/J to modify ASA transparently such that it uses MetaSockets in- stead of Java multicast sockets. The particular MetaSocket adaptation used here is the dy- narrric insertion and removal of forward-error correction (FEC) filters [137]. Specifically, an FEC encoder filter can be inserted and removed dynamically at the sending MetaSocket, in synchronization with an FEC decoder being inserted and removed at each receiving MetaSocket. Use of FEC under high packet loss conditions reduces the packet loss rate as observed by the application. Under low packet loss conditions, however, FEC should be removed so as not to waste bandwidth on redundant data. Sendeq Base Level [Receiver 1234 ] Trapped rapped . ‘ FEC " Socket] Meta Level [Socket [Decoder Java Socket Java.net package Socket JVMn on WindowsXP Java V'm‘a' Macmne FamiliarLinux , V Wireless Network - ‘ z [ ——) Audio Packet Path ——>x Packet Lost ] Figure 4.6: Adaptation strategy. 4.3.2 Making ASA Adapt-Ready Figure 4.7 shows excerpted code for the original Sender class. The main method creates a new instance of the Sender class and calls its run method. The run method first creates an 70 instance of AudioRecorder and MulticastSocket and assigns them to the instance variables, er and ms, respectively. The multicast socket (ms) is used to send the audio datagram packets to the receiver applications. Next, the run method executes an infinite loop that, for each iteration, reads live audio data and transmits the data via the mulitcast socket. public class Sender l 2 3 AudioRecorder ar; 4 MulticastSocket ms; 5 public void run() 6 { ... 7 ar = new AudioRecorder(. . . ); 8 ms = new MulticastSocket(); 9 byte[] but: new byte[500]; 1 0 Datagram Packet packetToSend = 1 1 new Datagram Packet(buf, butlength, 12 target.address, target_port); 13 while (lEndOfStream) 14 { 15 ar.read(buf, O. 500); 16 ms.send(packetToSend); 17 }/l and while 1 8 } 19 }/l and Sander Figure 4.7: Excerpted code for the Sender class. Compile-Time Actions. The Sender.java file and a file containing only the java.net- .MulticastSocket class name are input to the TRAP/J aspect and reflective generators. The TRAP/J class generators produce one aspect file, named AbsorbingMulticastSocketaj (for base level), and two reflective classes, named WrapperLevel.MulticastSocket.java (wrap- per level) and MetaLevel.MulticastSocket.java (meta level). Next, the generated files and the original application code are compiled using the Aspect] compiler (ajc) to produce the adapt-ready program. We note that if ajc could accept .class files instead of .java files, then we would not even need the original source code in order to make the application adapt-ready. 71 Generated Aspect. The aspect generated by TRAP/J defines an initialization pointcut and the corresponding around advice for each public constructor of the MulticastSocket class. An around advice causes an instance of the generated wrapper class, instead of an instance of MulticastSocket, to serve the sender. Figure 4.8 shows excerpted code for the generated Absorbing-MulticastSocket aspect. This figure shows the “initialization” pointcut (lines 3-4) and its corresponding advice (lines 6-11) for the MulticastSocket constructor used in the Sender class. Referring back to the layered class graph in Fig- ure 4.4, the sender (client) uses an instance of the wrapper class instead of the base class. In addition to handling public constructors, TRAP/J also defines a pointcut and an around advice to intercept all public final and public static methods. 1 public aspect Absorbing-MulticastSocket 2 3 pointcut MulticastSocket() : 4 call(iava.net.MulticastSocket.new()) && ... ; 5 6 java.netMulticastSocket around() 7 throws java.net.SocketException 8 : MulticastSocket() 9 1 0 return new WrapperLeveLMulticastSocketO; 1 1 } 1 2 13 pointcut MulticastSocket-int(int p0): 14 call(java.net.MulticastSocket.new(int)) 1 5 && args(p0) && . . . ; 1 6 17 // Pointcuts and advices around the final public methods 1 8 pointcut getClass(WrapperLevel_MulticastSocket 19 targetObj): 2 O . . . ; 21 } Figure 4.8: Excerpted generated aspect code. Generated Wrapper-Level Class. Figure 4.9 shows excerpted code for the Wrapper- Level-Mu|ticastSocket class, the generated wrapper class for the MulticastSocket. This wrapper class extends the MulticastSocket class. All the public constructors are over- 72 ridden by passing the parameters to the super class (base-level class) (lines 4-6). Also, all the public instance methods are overridden (lines 8-29). public class WrapperLevel-MulticastSocket extends MulticastSocket implements WrapperLevelJnterface { // Overriding the base-level constructors. public WrapperLevel-MulticastSocket() throws SocketException { super(); } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // Overriding the base-level methods. 9 public void send(java.net.DatagramPacket p0) 1 0 throws IOException { 1 1 if(meta0bject == null) 12 { super.send(p0); return; } 1 3 . . . 14 Class[J paramType = new Class[1]; 1 5 paramType[O] = java.net.DatagramPacket.class; 1 6 Method method = WrapperLevel-MulticastSocket. 17 class.getDeclaredMethod(“send", paramType); 1 9 Object[] tempArgs = new Object[1]; 2 O tempArgs[O] = pO; 2 1 ChangeableBoolean isReplyReady = 2 2 new ChangeableBoolean(talse); 2 3 2 4 try { 2 5 metaObject.invokeMetaMethod 2 6 (method, tempArgs, . . . ); 27 } catch (java.io.lOException e) { throw 9; } 2 8 catch (MetaMethodlsNotAvailable e) {} 2 9 } Figure 4.9: Excerpted generated wrapper code. To better explain how the generated code works, we walk through the details of how the send method is overridden, as shown in Figure 4.9. The generated send method first checks if the metaObject variable, referring to the metaobject corresponding to this wrapper-level object, is null (lines 11-12). If so, then the base-level (super) method is called, as if the base- level method had been invoked directly by another object, such as an instance of sender. Otherwise, a message containing the context information is dynamically created using Java reflection and passed to the metaobject (metaObject) (lines 14-28). It might be the case that a metaobject may need to call one or more of the base-level methods. To support such 73 cases, which we suspect might be very common, the wrapper-level class provides access to the base-level methods through the special wrapper-level methods whose names match the base-level method names, but with an “Orig.” prefix. Generated Meta-Level Class. Figure 4.10 shows excerpted code for MetaLeveLMulti- castSocket, the generated meta-level class for MulticastSocket. This class keeps an in— stance variable, delegates, which is of type Vector and refers to all the delegate objects associated with a metaobject that implements one or more of the base-level methods. To support dynamic adaptation of the static methods, a meta-level class provides the stat- icDelegates instance variable and its corresponding insertion and removal methods (not shown). Delegate classes introduce new code to applications at run time by overriding a collection of base-level methods selected from one or more of the adaptable base-level classes. An adaptable base-level class has corresponding wrapper— and meta-level classes, generated by TRAP/J at compile time. metaobjects can be programmed dynamically by inserting or removing delegate objects at run time. To enable a user to change the behavior of a metaobject dynamically, the meta-level class implements the DelegateManagement interface, which in turn extends the Java RMI Remote interface (lines 5-10). A composer can remotely “program” a metaobject through Java RMI. The insertDelegate and remove- Delegate methods are developed for this purpose. The meta-object protocol developed for meta-level classes defines only one method, invokeMetaMethod, which first checks if any delegate is associated with this metaobject (lines 12-22). If not, then a MetaMethodlsNotAvailable exception is thrown, which eventu- ally causes the wrapper method to call the base-level method as described before. Alterna- tively, if one or more delegates is available, then the first delegate that overrides the method is selected, a new method on the delegate is created using Java reflection, and the method is invoked. 74 public class MetaLeveLMulticastSocket extends UnicastRemoteObject implements MetaLevelJntertace,DelegateManagement{ public synchronized void insertDelegate (int i, String delegateClassName) throws RemoteException { ...} public synchronized void removeDelegate(int i) 1 0 throws RemoteException { ...} 1 2 3 4 5 private Vector delegates = new Vector(); 6 7 8 9 12 public synchronized Object invokeMetaMethod 13 (Method method, Objectfl args, 1 4 ChangeableBoolean isReplyReady) throws Throwable{ 1 5 // Finding a delegate that implements this method 1 6 . . . 17 if(ldelegateFound) // No meta-level method available 1 8 throw new MetaMethodIsNotAvailableO; 19 else 2 0 return newMethod.invoke(delegates.get(i-1), 2 1 tempArgs); 2 2 } Figure 4.10: Excerpted generated metaobject code. 4.3.3 Adapting to Loss Rate To evaluate the TRAP/J-enhanced audio application, we conducted two sets of experiments similar to those in the previous chapter. The configuration use in these sets of experiments are illustrated in Figure 4.5. In the first sets of experiments, a user holding a receiving iPAQ is walking within the wireless cell, receiving and playing a live audio stream. Figure 4.11 shows a sample of the results. For the first 120 seconds, the program has no FEC capability. At 120 seconds, the user walks away from the sender and enters an area with loss rate around 30%. The adaptable application detects the high loss rate and inserts a (4,2) FEC filter, which greatly reduces the packet loss rate as observed by the application, and improves the quality of the audio as heard by the user. At 240 seconds, the user approaches the sender, where the network loss rate is again low. The adaptable application detects the improved transmis- sion and removes the FEC filters, avoiding the waste of bandwidth with redundant packets. 75 Again at 360 seconds, the user walks away from the sender, resulting in the insertion of FEC filters. This experiment demonstrates the utility of TRAP/J to transparently and auto- matically enhance an existing application with new adaptive behavior. Loss Rate Status + Network Loss Rate + Loss Rate Loss Rate (%) 5 65 125 185 245 305 365 425 Time to the experiment in seconds (Samples per 5 seconds) Figure 4.11: The effect of using FEC filters to adapt ASA to high loss rates on a wireless network. 4.3.4 Balancing QoS and Energy Consumption In the second set of experiments, we used two MetaSocket filters, SendNetLossDetector and RechetLossDetector, which cooperate to monitor the raw loss rate of the wireless channel. Similarly, the SendAppLossDetector and RechppLossDetector filters are used to monitor the packet loss rate as observed by the application, which may be lower than the raw packet loss rate due to the use of FEC. At present, a simple state machine is used by a decision maker (DM) component to govern changes in filter configuration. For example, if the loss rate observed by the application rises above a specified threshold, then the DM decides to insert an FEC filter in the pipeline. In case an FEC filter is already present in the pipeline, DM decides to modify the (n, 1:) parameters of the FEC filter to increase improve QoS. On the other hand, if the raw packet loss rate on the channel drOps below a lower 76 threshold, then the level of redundancy is decreased by modifying the parameters of the FEC filter, or in case the FEC filter is not required anymore, DM removes the FEC filter entirely. Figure 4.12 shows a trace of an experiment using the ASA described earlier, running in ad hoc mode. A stationary user speaks into a laptop microphone, while another user listens on an iPAQ as he changes his location in the wireless cell from time to time. In this particular test, the iPAQ user remains in a low packet loss area for approximately 30 minutes, moves to a high packet loss area for another 40 minutes, moves back to the low packet loss location for another 30 minutes, then reenters the high packet loss location. He remains there until the iPAQ’s external battery drains and the network is disconnected. Loss Rate Status + Network Loss Rate --— Loss Rate Loss Rate (96) FN VVID NOQQ PNNMVIDCO Total Battery Life Time (minutes) Figure 4.12: MetaSocket packet loss behavior with dynamic FEC filter insertion and re- moval. In this experiment, the upper threshold for the RechppLossDetector to generate an Un— AcceptableLossRateEvent is 20%, and the lower threshold for the RechetLossDetector to generate an AcceptableLossRateEvent is 5%. As shown in Figure 4.12, the FEC (4, 2) code is effective in reducing the packet loss rate as observed by the application. Figure 4.13 77 plots the remaining battery capacity as measured during the above experiment and that for a non-adaptive trace. The adaptive version extends the battery lifetime by approximately 27 minutes. Battery Usage Status ‘ 1400 , g... - ~ — l E -o- Non-Adaptive Software (FEC is always 0n) . .5 1000 -_ w _ i 3. + Adaptwe Software , g \ : fi II: O .E .5 E a: .. '2 92 see was; s g g 5 at 5‘5 :3 “g? Total Battery His Time (minutes) Figure 4.13: Trace of energy consumption during experiment using a software measure- ment technique. 4.4 Related Work Like TRAP/J, many approaches to constructing adaptable programs involve intercepting interactions among objects in functional code, and redirecting them to adaptive code. We identify three categories of related work. The first category includes approaches that extend middleware to support adaptive be- havior. Since the traditional role of middleware is to hide resource distribution and platform heterogeneity from the business logic of applications, it is a logical place to put adaptive behavior related to other cross-cutting concerns, such as quality-of-service, energy man- agement, fault tolerance, and security [6, 37, 44, 45, 92, 99, 113, 114, 116, 117, 119, 121, 122,127,156—158]. In addition to providing transparency to the functional code, some ap- 78 proaches provide transparency to the distribution middleware code as well. For example, IRL [116] and FT S [156,159] use CORBA portable interceptors [47] to intercept CORBA messages transparently, and Eternal [121] intercepts calls to the TCP layer using the Linux /proc file system. Adaptive middleware approaches provide an effective means to support adaptability, but they are applicable only to programs that are written for a specific middle- ware platform such as CORBA, Java RMI, or DCOM/.NET. We discuss approaches in this category in more details in the next chapter. The second category provides such transparency by extending Java virtual machines with facilities to intercept and redirect interactions in the functional code 1. Exam- ples of extensions to Java virtual machines (JVMs) include PROSE [32], Iguana/J [98], metaXa [153], Guarana [140], and R-Java [141]. These projects employ a variety of techniques. For example, Guarana extends the Kaffe open source JVM [160], whereas PROSE and Iguana/J extend the standard JVM using command-line parameters (e.g., -Xbootclasspath and various HotSpot options) to introduce their specific JIT compil- ers to the JVM and to disable the Java HotSpot option. Guarana and Iguana/J employ meta-object protocols to provide dynamic adaptation to existing Java programs, whereas PROSE employs a dynamic aspect weaving technique for this purpose, without modify- ing the program and WM source code. In general, approaches in this category are very flexible with respect to dynamic reconfiguration, in that new code can be introduced to the application at run time. Iguana/J supports unanticipated adaptation at run time by allow- ing new MOPs to be associated with classes and objects of a running application, without the need for any pre- or post-processing of the application code at compile or load time. However, while these solutions provide transparency with respect to the application source code, extensions to the JVM may reduce their portability. Finally, the third category includes approaches that transparently augment the applica- 1According to the taxonomy of adaptive middleware introduced in Chapter 2, we consider JVM as host- infrastructure middleware. However, for their specific characteristics, here we consider extensions to JVM in a separate category than the middleware extensions category. 79 tion code itself with facilities for interception and redirection. Example projects include OpenJava [148], FRIENDS [94], PCL [97], AspectJ [103], Composition Filters [78], AR- CAD [27], Hyper/J [104], DemeterJ (DJ) [105], JAC [106], Reflex [151], Kava [107], Dalang [161], Javassist [147], and JOIE [48]. Most of these systems are designed to work in two phases. In the first phase, interception hooks are woven into the application code at either compile time, using a pre- or post-processor, or at load time, using a specialized class loader. For example, AspectJ enables aspect weaving at compile time. In contrast, Reflex and Kava use bytecode rewriting at load time to support transparent generation of adaptable programs. In the second phase, intercepted operations are forwarded to adaptive code using reflection. TRAP/J belongs to this last category and employs a two-phase approach to adapta- tion. TRAP/J is completely transparent with respect to the original application source code and does not require an extended JVM. By supporting compile-time selection of classes for possible later adaptation, TRAP/J enables the developer to balance flexibility and effi- ciency. Reflex [151] also address this issue by allowing a meta-level architect to select an application-specific MOP that best fits the application requirements. A default MOP can be used when an application-specific MOP is not needed. TRAP/J complements Reflex by providing a generic MOP that could serve as the default MOP. TRAP/J is most similar to ARCAD [27], which also provides a two-phase approach to dynamic adaptation. AR- CAD also uses AspectJ at compile time and behavioral reflection at run time. However, the partial behavioral reflection [151] provided in TRAP/J is more fine-grained than that of ARCAD. Specifically, TRAP/J supports method invocation reflection, enabling an arbi- trary subset of an object’s methods to be selected for interception and reification; ARCAD does not support such fine-grained reflection. The ability of TRAP/J to avoid unnecessary reifications is due to its multi-layer architecture. 80 4.5 Summary In this chapter, we introduced TRAP, which is a language-based approach to transparent shaping. TRAP enables production of adaptable program families from existing programs developed in class-based, object-oriented programming languages. We described the de- sign and operation of TRAP/J, which is an instance of TRAP in Java. TRAP/J enables dynamic reconfiguration of Java applications without the need to modify the application source code directly and without extending the JVM. TRAP/J operates in two phases. At compile time, TRAP/J produces an adapt-ready version of an existing Java program. Later at run time, TRAP/J enables adding new behavior to the adapt-ready program dynamically through insertion and removal of delegates into the adapt-ready program. As such, other members of the adaptable program family associated with the adapt-ready program can be produced dynamically. A case study in a wireless network environment was used to demonstrate the operation and effectiveness of TRAP/J. In TRAP/J, an adaptation hook is realized by a pair of wrapper and meta classes asso- ciated with a class in an existing Java program, and adaptive code is realized by delegates, which can modify the behavior of the class by overriding the implementation of its meth- ods. We developed a delegate using a MetaSocket, which in its turn supports dynamic adaptation through insertion and removal of filters. As a result, unlike the approach in the previous chapter, at run time, a MetaSocket can be replaced with a more appropriate one, if required. Although TRAP/J is not an adaptive middleware, it can be used to weave adaptive middleware components (e.g., MetaSockets) into distributed applications. Therefore, we classify it according to the taxonomy introduced in Section 2. First, TRAP/J operates in the application layer because it is a language-based approach that can be used to transform existing application code. Second, TRAP/J can be used to transparently weave adaptive middleware services into applications, so it supports an intercepting technique for access- ing middleware services. Finally, TRAP/J supports tunable adaptation since the original 81 application code remains intact during run time. As part of our future studies, we plan to develop TRAP/C++ and TRAP/C# to provide dynamic adaptation in existing C++- and C# programs, respectively. 82 Chapter 5 Transparent Shaping of CORBA Programs Although TRAP is transparent to application code, the adaptation behavior is still wo- ven into the application, which must be recompiled. Implementing transparent shap— ing in middleware can produce even greater transparency. As observed by several re- searchers [6, 28, 37—45, 91, 92, 99, 113, 114, 116, 117, 119, 121, 122, 127, 156—158, 162], middleware is a natural place to incorporate adaptive behavior and to hide unanticipated conditions from existing distributed applications. In this part of our study, we investi- gate enhancements to CORBA ORBs to support dynamic reconfiguration of rrriddleware services transparently both to the application and middleware code. Moreover, we ad- dress interoperation among otherwise incompatible adaptive middleware frameworks (e. g., QuO [42] and Open ORB [38]) to enable existing programs to benefit from more than one adaptive framework. The result of this study is a middleware-based extension of transpar- ent shaping, which supports dynamic adaptation in existing CORBA applications. We call this programming model the Adaptive CORBA Template (ACT). As an extension of transparent shaping, ACT can be used to produce an adapt-ready version of an existing CORBA program by introducing a hook, which intercepts all CORBA remote interactions, into the program at compile time. To do so, ACT uses CORBA portable interceptors [47], supported in CORBA compliant ORBs (described later). Portable interceptors can be incorporated into a CORBA program at startup time 83 using a command-line parameter. Later at run time, these hooks can be used to insert adap- tive code into the adapt-ready program, which in turn can adapt the requests, replies, and exceptions passing through the ORBs. In this manner, ACT enables run-time improve— ments to the program in response to unanticipated changes in its execution environment, effectively producing other members of the adaptable program family dynamically. We refer to ACT as a template, because it is independent of programming languages and CORBA ORB implementations. As depicted in Figure 5.1, ACT can be instantiated in a programming language, such as Java and C++, that supports dynamic code loading and is supported by CORBA. Moreover, ACT can be used to extend existing adaptive CORBA frameworks such as QuO [42]. To evaluate the performance and functionality of ACT, we constructed a prototype of ACT in Java, called ACT/J. ACT /J supports unanticipated adaptation for crosscutting concerns such as QoS and system-resource management. Our experimental results show that the overhead introduced by the ACT I] infrastructure is neg- ligible, while the adaptations offered are highly flexible. Ada otive CORBA Tern ulate instantiates 4"": ,u '7 3: :Z'J' ,c’VI', ’ T" .L':.,’ , w ACT/J ACT/C++ ’ ‘ 7 ACT/QuO Figure 5.1: ACT as a template that can be instantiated in different programming languages and can be used to enhance existing adaptive CORBA frameworks. The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 5.1 provides a back— ground on CORBA portable interceptors. Section 5.2 describes the ACT architecture. Sec— tion 5.3 introduces the generic proxy, which facilitates transparent development of adaptive 84 code with respect to application code. Section 5.4 introduces ACT/J and its operation. Sec- tion 5.5 describes a case study, where we used the generic proxy in ACT /J to implement transparent self-optimization in an existing CORBA application, enabling it to accommo- date changing conditions of a wireless network infrastructure. Section 5.6 describes an- other case study, where we coupled ACT and QuO, called ACT/QuO, as an example of how ACT enables integration of different middleware frameworks. Section 5.7 categorizes research projects and discusses how ACI‘ relates to other approaches. Finally, Section 5.8 summarizes the chapter. 5.1 Background In this section, we provide a background on CORBA and review CORBA portable inter- ceptors as defined by OMG [47]. Although we have briefly introduce CORBA in Section 2, here we introduce it again with more details for completeness. 5.1.1 CORBA The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) [47] is a distributed object framework proposed by the Object Management Group (OMG). CORBA supports dis- tributed object-oriented computing across heterogeneous hardware devices, operating sys- tems, network protocols, and programming languages. Figure 5.2 illustrates the CORBA components described as follows. The Object Request Broker (ORB), the core of CORBA, allows objects to interact transparently with other objects (located locally or remotely). A CORBA object is represented by its interface, is identified by its reference, and is realized in an object-oriented program as a local object called the servant. The client of a CORBA object first acquires a reference to the CORBA object using either an interoperable object reference (IOR) file or a CORBA naming service [47]. Next, the client calls methods on this reference as if the object were located in the client address space. The Interface Defi- nition Language (IDL) is a language for defining CORBA interfaces. An IDL compiler is 85 used to automatically generate the code for stubs and skeletons. An IDL stub represents a servant locally in the client address space and an IDL skeleton represents a client locally in the servant address space. IDL stubs and skeletons marshal and unmarshal requests and responses to enable object interactions over a network. INTERFACE IDL rmanou REPosrrortv comm REPosrrorw in up GIOP/IIOP 0 STANDARD INTERFACE O STANDARD LANGUAGE MAPPING . ORB-SPECIFIC INTERFACE Osrtumm morocot Figure 5.2: CORBA architecture [10]. The dynamic invocation interface (DII) enables clients to directly access the underlying request mechanisms at run time to generate dynamic requests to objects, whose type (inter- face) were not known at the time the client program was compiled. The interface repository provides the type information that a client needs to dynamically create a request. The dy- namic skeleton interface (DSI) enables an ORB to deliver requests to a servant, which does not have compile-time knowledge of the type of the object it supports (e. g., a gateway object may not know the type of the target objects to which it is forwarding requests). The im- plementation repository enables late deployment of CORBA objects. The implementation repository receives the first request targeted to a CORBA object, looks up the object meta information in its database, activates the object, and forwards the request “permanently” to the target object. Permanent forwarding, in contrast to transient forwarding, also causes au- tomatic forwarding of all future requests from the same client and to the same target object directly from the client ORB. The object adapter activates servants and dispatches requests to them. The ORB interface provides access to standard ORB services, such as resolving 86 the CORBA initial services such as the CORBA naming service. The general inter-ORB protocol (GIOP) is a standard for inter-ORB communication, which enables interoperabil- ity among different CORBA-compliant ORBs. The Internet inter-ORB protocol (IIOP) is a specific mapping of the GIOP specification developed to use the TCP/IP protocol stack. 5.1.2 CORBA Portable Request Interceptors CORBA Portable Request Interceptors provide a transparent mechanism to intercept mes- sages (reified requests, replies, and exceptions) inside the ORBs of a CORBA application. According to the specification, a request interceptor is considered as part of an ORB and must be registered with the ORB at its initialization time (notably, a request interceptor cannot be registered with the ORB at run time). Figure 5.3 shows the flow of a CORBA request/reply sequence with interceptors present in a typical CORBA application. This ap- plication comprises two autonomous programs hosted on two computers connected by a network. Let us assume that the client has a valid CORBA reference to the CORBA object realized by the servant. The client’s request to the servant is first received by the stub, which represents the CORBA object at the client side. The stub marshals the request and sends it to the client ORB, where the request is intercepted by the client request intercep- tor. The interceptor can inspect requests, create new requests, and raise exceptions. For example, the ForwardRequest exception can be used to forward a particular request to a difl’erent CORBA object. However, to ensure portability, interceptors are not allowed to reply to intercepted requests or to modify the parameters [47]. This restriction limits the ability of request interceptors alone to adapt the behavior of CORBA applications. Continuing the example, let us assume that the client-request interceptor in Figure 5 .3 simply passes the request unmodified. In this case the client ORB sends the request to the server ORB, where it is intercepted by the server-request interceptor. Again, let us assume that the request is passed unmodified, in which case it is delivered to the servant by way of a skeleton, which unmarshals the request. The servant replies to the request, by way of 87 Client Server Client Applications Servant Domain-Services Common-Services Distribution . Client-Request Interceptor Server-Request Interceptor Host-Infrastructure Platform —> request flow - - -> reply flow Figure 5.3: A simple CORBA application with request interceptors. the server ORB, where the reply also is intercepted. Eventually, the reply will be received by the client ORB and is intercepted by the client-request interceptor before it reaches the client. As we shall discuss in Section 5, the generic interceptors in ACT are in fact CORBA portable interceptors. The interceptors provide “hooks” into the interaction between clients and servants. Moreover, they use the ForwardRequest exception to deliver requests to a proxy, a CORBA object that is not prohibited from replying to or modifying the request. 5.2 ACT Architecture and Operation . ACT is intended to support the construction and enhancement of adaptive CORBA frame- works. ACT enables CORBA applications to support unanticipated adaptation at run time without the need to modify, recompile, and relink the application source code. We intro- duce ACT by defining its core components and by describing their interaction with the rest of the system. 88 5.2.1 ACT Core Components Figure 5.4 shows the flow of a request/reply sequence in a simple CORBA application us- ing ACT. For clarity, details such as stubs and skeletons are not shown. ACT comprises two main components: a generic interceptor and an ACT core. A generic interceptor is a specialized request interceptor that is registered with the ORB of a CORBA application at startup time. The client generic interceptor intercepts all outgoing requests and incoming replies (or exceptions) and forwards them to its ACT core. Similarly, the server generic interceptor intercepts all the incoming requests and outgoing replies (or exceptions) and forwards them to its ACT core. A CORBA application is called adapt-ready if a generic interceptor is registered with all its ORBs at startup time. If, in addition to the generic inter- ceptors, all the ACT core components are also loaded into the application, the application is called ACT-ready. Making the application ACT-ready can be done either at startup time or at run time. Client Server Applications ' ' Common-Services Distribution i . . ' i—v request flow -—-> reply ilow Glzgenencmterceptor i Figure 5.4: ACT configuration in the context of a simple CORBA application. Figure 5.5 shows the flow of a request/reply sequence intercepted by the client ACT 89 core. The components of the core include dynamic interceptors, a proxy, a decision maker, and an event mediator. Each component is described in turn. A to/from the common-services middleware j—p request flow - - -> reply flow 1 Figure 5.5: ACT core components interacting with the rest of the system. Dynamic Interceptors. According to the CORBA specification [47], a request intercep- tor is required to be registered with an ORB at the ORB initialization time. The ACT core enables registration of request interceptors after the ORB initialization time (at run time) by publishing a CORBA interceptor-registration service. Such request interceptors are called dynamic interceptors. Dynamic interceptors can be unregistered with the ORB at run time also. In contrast, a request interceptor that is registered with the ORB at startup time is called a static interceptor and cannot be unregistered with the ORB during run time. We note that the code developed for a static interceptor and that for a dynamic interceptor can be identical, the difference being the time at which they are registered. In ACT, only generic interceptors are static. A rule-based interceptor is a particular type of dynamic interceptor that uses a set of rules to direct the operations on intercepted requests. The rules can be inserted, removed, and modified at run time. A rule consists of two objects: a condition and an action. To 90 determine whether a rule matches a request, a rule-based interceptor consults its condition object. Once a match is found, the interceptor sends the request to the action object of the rule. Since it is part of a CORBA portable interceptor, the action object cannot itself reply to the request or modify the request parameters [47]. The action object can, however, send new requests, record statistics, or raise a ForwardRequest exception, causing the request to be forwarded to another CORBA object such as a proxy. Proxies. A proxy is a surrogate for a CORBA object that provides the same set of methods as the CORBA object. Unlike a request interceptor, a proxy is not prohibited from replying to intercepted requests. A proxy can reply to the intercepted request by sending a new request (possibly with modified arguments) to either the target object or to another object. Alternatively, a proxy can reply to the intercepted requests using local data (e.g., cached replies). Decision Makers. A decision maker assists proxies in replying to intercepted requests as depicted in Figure 5 .5. A decision maker receives requests from a proxy and, similar to a rule-based interceptor, uses a set of rules to direct the operation on the intercepted requests. However, unlike a rule-based interceptor, a decision maker is not prohibited from replying to the requests. Event Mediators. An event mediator is a CORBA object that decouples event generators from event listeners using a publish/subscribe approach. We adopted this concept from the work by Bacon et al. [136]. An event mediator publishes a listener service, enabling registration of CORBA objects as event listeners. The event mediator is informed of events through a notification service. An event mediator forwards a copy of a new event to all listeners that have registered interest in this type of event. 91 5.2.2 Interaction among ACT Components To describe the interactions among the ACT components, we provide a detailed sequence diagram [163] in Figure 5.6. The diagram shows the flow of a request/reply sequence in an ACT-ready application. The configuration shown in Figures 5.4 and 5.5 is used as the basis for this particular sequence diagram. Here, we consider only the activities on the client side and, for clarity, stubs and skeletons are not shown. Client Client ORB Client GI Client FlBl Proxy 0M EM Server ORB / ....\ Glzgeneric interceptor DM:decisionmaker —+ request message i RBI: rule-based interceptor EM: event mediator <- ----- retum message (replyorexception) i Figure 5.6: Request/reply sequence in the client side of an ACT-ready application. First, the request from the client to the servant is forwarded to the proxy (messages #1 to #11). After the request is received by the client ORB (#1), it is intercepted by the client generic interceptor (#2), where it is forwarded to the client rule-based interceptor 92 (#3). The client rule-based interceptor checks its active rules. In this scenario, we assume it finds a rule that matches the request. The rule raises a ForwardRequest exception, which is passed to the client generic interceptor (#4) and then to the client ORB (#5), where the request target is changed to the proxy (#6). Before the new request is sent to the proxy, it is intercepted again by the client generic and rule-based interceptors (#7 and #8), but this time no exception is raised (#9 and #10), and the calls simply return. The proxy receives the request (#11). Next, the proxy processes the request and forwards it to the servant (messages #12 to #21). The proxy consults the decision maker (#12), where an event may be raised to handle an unknown situation (#13 and #14). The decision maker may adapt the client application by modifying the request parameters, sending new requests to other objects, or directing the proxy to reply to the request (e. g., using cached replies). We assume that in this scenario, the decision maker modifies the request parameters and directs the proxy to send the modified request to the servant (#15) via the client ORB (#16). The modified request is also intercepted by the client generic and rule-based interceptors (#17 and #18) but again no exception is raised (#19 and #20). Therefore, the modified request is sent to the server ORB (#21). The reverse sequence of actions occurs at the server application (not shown) and the reply to the modified request is returned to the client ORB (#22). The reply is intercepted by the client generic and rule-based interceptors (#23 and #24), where no exception is raised (#25 and #26). The reply is sent back to the proxy (#27), where it is forwarded to the decision maker (#28) for possible modifications and possible event raising (#29, #30, and #31). Finally, using the reply from the servant and the direction given by the decision maker, the proxy replies to the client’s request (#32). The reply is intercepted by the client generic and rule-based interceptors (#33 and #34). Again no exception is raised (#35 and #36), and the client ORB sends the reply back to the client (#37). 93 The extensive redirecting of messages in ACT raises the issue of performance overhead. We deem such overhead as necessary to provide flexibility and transparency. Moreover, our experimental results, described in Section 5.6, indicate that the overhead is actually quite small. 5.3 Generic Proxy To enable dynamic weaving of adaptive functionality that is common to multiple appli- cations, ACT needs to intercept and adapt CORBA requests, replies, and exceptions in a manner independent of the semantics (the application logic) and syntax (the CORBA inter- faces defined in the application) of specific applications. 5.3.1 Architecture The generic proxy is a particular CORBA object that is able to receive any CORBA re- quest (hence the label “generic”). To determine how to handle a particular request, the generic proxy accesses the CORBA interface repository [47], which provides all the IDL descriptions for CORBA requests. The repository executes as a separate process and is usually accessed through the ORB. Most CORBA ORBs provide a configuration file or support a command-line argument that allows the user to introduce the interface repository to the application ORB. Providing IDL information to the generic proxy in this manner im- plies no need to modify or recompile the application source code. The interface repository, however, requires access to the CORBA IDL files used in the application. In default operation, the generic proxy intercepts CORBA requests, acquires the re- quest specifications from a CORBA interface repository, creates similar CORBA requests and sends them to the original targets, and forwards replies from those targets back to the original clients. A generic proxy also publishes a CORBA service that can be used to register a decision maker. 94 5.3.2 Operation Figure 5.7 illustrates the sequence of a request/reply in the ACT core, which contains a rule-based interceptor, a generic proxy, and a rule-based decision maker. First, a request from the client application is intercepted by the rule-based interceptor, which checks its rules for possible matches. A default rule, initially inserted in its knowledge base, directs the rule-based interceptor to raise a ForwardRequest exception, which results in its for- warding the request to the generic proxy. When the generic proxy receives the request, it acquires the request interface definition via the application ORB, which in turn retrieves the information from the interface repository. The proxy creates a new request and forwards it to the rule-based decision maker. The rule-based decision maker checks its knowledge base for possible matches to the request. Depending on the implementation of the rules, the decision maker may return either a modified request to the generic proxy or a reply to the request. If the decision maker returns the request (or a modified request), the generic proxy will continue its operation by invoking the request. If the reply to the request is re- turned by the decision maker, the proxy replies to the original request using the reply from the decision maker. The generic proxy uses the CORBA dynamic skeleton interface (D81) [47] to receive any type of request. The generic proxy and the rule-based decision maker use the CORBA dynamic invocation interface (DH) [47] to create and invoke a new request dynamically. 5.4 ACT/J Implementation We have developed an instance of ACT in Java, called ACT/J, to evaluate ACT in practice. ACT /J was tested over ORBacus [119], a CORBA-compliant ORB distributed by IONA Technologies. ORBacus [119], like JacORB [120], TAO [44], and many other CORBA ORBs, supports CORBA portable interceptors [47], the only requirement for using ACT. To make a CORBA application ACT-ready at the application startup time, we need to resolve the following bootstrapping issues. First, we need to register a generic interceptor 95 to/trom the common-services middleware \ Rule-Based Decision Maker 1 —————-——-—-——————-——-r-> infra. middleware ' V r V to/Irom the host- k Client Process J \ IR Process ) L—b request flow - — + reply flow <—> Interface definition exchange IFl: Interface Repository ] Figure 5.7: Incorporating generic proxy in the ACT core. with the application ORB. Like many other ORBs, ORBacus [119] uses a configuration file that enables an administrator to register a CORBA portable interceptor with the application ORB. J acORB [120] and TAO [44] use a similar approach. Second, since the components in the ACT core are also CORBA objects, they require an ORB to support their operation (registration of services, and so on). Therefore, we need either to obtain a reference to the application ORB for this purpose, or to create a new ORB. ORBacus does provide such a reference, although the CORBA specification does not support this feature. To implement ACT /J over an ORB that does not provide such a reference, we simply create a new ORB, although its use introduces additional overhead. To test the operation of ACT/J, we developed two administrative consoles: the Inter- ceptor Registration Console and the Rule Management Console. Please note that in this 96 study the composer is assumed to be a human, who performs dynamic adaptation using the administrative consoles. Figure 5.8 shows the Interceptor Registration Console, which enables a user to manually register a dynamic interceptor. This console first obtains a generic interceptor name from the user and checks if the generic interceptor is registered with the CORBA naming service. Next, the user can register a dynamic interceptor with the generic interceptor. Figure 5.9 shows the Rule Management Console, which allows a user to manually insert rules into rule-based interceptors. , ...;f,-_._:_.\._.-..._.».I._. ..'. :I_’.’-.-. .,.-' ‘* Enter the generic interceptor name [SIIdeClient.GcnericRequestlnterceptorljI Check I ' Enter an Interceptor class name. [Edamsu.cse.sens.act.interceptor.Rule8asedRequestlnterceptor]l Insert I Figure 5.8: Interceptor Registration Console L fi-- ‘— WW _ -‘.~..__. #71..L.w_v._..___afi- 7. 1 .-,-,,LL- ,_ ,1, 1 17,, . ”71,, ,_.,,, , , n3 ' were” “Herrera -' if“ - "~~b¢,~ rr‘r 1 .r I. I I‘ ‘ "‘:‘ ‘ r I ' i . ‘ - q. .1“ . ‘ ~.'=-‘ '_ 9 (III. ‘ ufit’iu Managementflonsote, ,. . . .. = _ __ I_ I ,. ., g . _ . I _._ . SE]. Enter the mienbased Interceptor name ISIIdeClientRuleBaseljl connect | Rule t’ldltion Class ' Iedu.msu.c5e.sens.act.proxy.DynamicConditionAction.ForwardAllRequestsZReliabIcProxy_Conditicl Action Cl as s: ledu.rnsu.cse.s’ens.ac't.proxy.10ynamicCondltionActlon.FoMardAllRequests2ReliableProxyActionj Insert H remove Figure 5.9: Rule Management Console 5.5 Case Study: Transparent Self Optimization To evaluate the effectiveness of ACT /J to support self-management in existing CORBA applications, without modifying the application code, we conducted a case study in which self-optimization is enabled in an existing application. Additional experiments involving IP handoff, are described in an accompanying technical report [164]. We begin with a brief 97 overview of the application and the experimental environment, followed by the description of the experiment. The experiment shows how ACT I] could be used to support autonomic computing in either a generic or application-specific manner. 5.5.1 The Example Application and Experimental Environment For the application, we adopted an existing distributed image retrieval application devel- oped by BBN Technologies [165]. The application has two parts, a client that requests and displays images, and a server that stores the images and replies to requests for them. In this study, we treat the application as though it were used for surveillance, with a mobile user executing the client code on a laptop and monitoring a physical facility through con- tinuous still images from multiple camera sources. For the experiment described later in this section, we executed the server on a desktop computer connected to a 100 Mbps wired network and the client on a laptop computer connected to a three-cell 802.11b wireless network. Both the desktop and laptop systems are running the Linux operating system. Figure 5.10 shows the physical configuration of the three access points used in the experiment. (The wireless cells are drawn as circles for simplicity — the actual cell shapes are irregular, due to the physical construction of the building and orientation of antennas.) AP—l and AP-3 provide lleps connections, whereas AP-2 provides only 2Mbps. The desktop running the server application is close to AP-l. AP-l and AP-2 are managed by our Computer Science and Engineering Department, whereas AP-3 is managed by the College of Engineering. This difference implies that the IP address assigned to the client laptop needs to change as the user moves from a CSE wireless cell to a College cell. Figure 5.11 shows an example image from the experiment. The server provides four different versions of each image, varying in size and quality. Typical comparative file sizes are 90KB, 25KB, 14KB, and 4KB. 98 Figure 5.10: The configuration of the access points used in the experiment. 5.5.2 Self-Management and Self-Optimization To investigate how ACT/J can support self-management, we developed an application- specific rule that maintains the frame rate of the application by controlling the image size or inserting inter-frame delays dynamically. The original image retrieval application op- erates in a default mode, which retrieves and plays images as fast as possible. ACT/J enables a developer to weave the mle into the application at run-time, thereby providing new functionality (frame rate control) transparently with respect to the application. The self-optimization rule maintains the frame rate of the application in the presence of dy- namic changes to the wireless network loss rate, the network (wired/wireless) traffic, and CPU availability. Figure 5.12 shows the Automatic Adaptation Console, which diplays the application status and also enables the user to user to enter quality-of-service preferences. As shown in this figure, the rule uses several parameters to decide on when and how to adapt the appli- cation in order to maintain the frame rate. These parameters have default values as shown in the figure, but can be modified at run time by the user. The Average Frame Rate 99 Figure 5.11: An image from the experiment. Period indicates the period during which the average frame rate should be calculated to be considered for adaptation. The Stabilizing Period specifies the amount of time that the rule should wait until the last adaptation stabilizes; also if a sudden change occurs in the environment such as hand-off from one wireless cell to another one, the system should wait for this period before it decides on the stability of the system. The rule detects a stable situation using the Acceptable Rate Deviation; when the frame rate deviation goes below this value, the system is considered stable. Similarly, the rule detects an unstable situation, if the instantaneous frame rate deviation goes beyond the Unacceptable Rate Deviation value. The rule also maintains a history of the round-trip delay associated with each request in each wireless cell. Using this history and the above parameters, the rule can decide to maintain the frame rate either by increasing/decreasing the inter-frame delay or by changing the request to ask for a different version of the image with smaller/larger size. The default behavior of the rule is to display images that are as large as possible, given the constraints of the environment. Figure 5 .13 shows a trace demonstrating automatic adaptation of the application in the following scenario. In this experiment, the user has selected a desired frame rate of 2 frames per second, as shown in Figure 5.12. For the first 60 seconds of the experiment, 100 -mup- .Luwo‘rdriw. .-,—-.-u-.-...-.‘ ---. --~--I'II-I - v-LJ,dI.-—‘I ... -..-.. ..J... .. ( .... x. “1...... 9.1"“. ...... ._..... . ‘.-...‘.h .v.-.~o..-.~.- .. .. ... . .. t. . . .. . .. ... .. .1. - C] Small Image E] UnProcessed Inter-Frame Delay 325 W émllli'setziorldfsfl Desired Frame Rate ; {42.0000} plel'seconcl1 Average Frame Rate Period . IOOOOOOS 000] mllltsecpnds Average Frame Rate ‘ 3,?f-iéji If Tits:S-fié’ffiéi’li'fiii5.Efifféébf.-.} mmm Frame Rate ; 3.133.959.1393? reset '9?.1‘7'If94319iififill?.093 Stablltzmg Period loooooos] [seconds Acceptable Rate Dewatlon [0.6] Unacceptable Rate Dew-anon . [1.0% lnsrant FramevRate Deviation 0199999995 WI :lééféiéiiiéifiifiififi:L; Figure 5.12: Automatic Adaptation Console. the user stays close to the location A (Figure 5.10). The rule detects that the desired frame rate is lower than the maximum possible frame rate, based on observed round-trip times. Hence, it inserts an inter-frame delay of approximately 200 milliseconds to maintain the frame rate at about 2 frames per second. At point 120 seconds, the user starts walking from location A to location B for 60 seconds. The automatic adaptation rule maintains the frame rate by decreasing the inter-frame delay during this period. At point 180 seconds, the user begins walking from location B to location C and back again, returning to location B at 360 seconds. During this period, because the AP-2 access point provides 2Mbps, the automatic adaptation rule detects that the current frame rate is lower than that desired. It first removes the inter-frame delay, but the frame rate does not reach to 2 frames per second. Therefore, it reduces the quality of the image by asking for a smaller image size. Now the frame increases beyond that desired, so the automatic adaptation rule inserts an inter-frame delay 101 of 400 milliseconds to maintain the frame rate at 2 frames per second. Although there is some oscillation, the rate stabilizes by time 360 seconds. At this point, the user continues walking from location B to location A, prompting the rule to reverse the actions. First the inter-frame delay is increased to maintain the frame rate, followed by an increase in image size. In this manner, the rule brings the application back to its original behavior. Again, because the current frame rate is higher that expected, an inter-frame delay of about 200 milliseconds is inserted to maintain the frame rate at 2 frames per second. Frame Rate Using Automatic Adaptation 3.5 ,5 xxx .2 lx-u- - -x- All \lx-n x--- ----- - - UWRIUV uyuyu I“ 1.5 L v 1 l- Frame Rate 0 60 120100 240300360420 430 540 Time in seconds Figure 5.13: Maintaining the application frame rate using automatic adaptation. This result is promising and demonstrates that it is possible to add self-management behavior to an application transparently to the application code. Moreover, the use of a generic proxy enables self-optimization functionality, both application-independent and application-specific, to be added to the application, even at run time. 5.6 Case Study: Coupling ACT and QuO To investigate the integration of ACT with an existing CORBA framework, we combined ACT/J with the Quality Objects (QuO) framework [42], developed by BBN Technologies 102 and released under an open-source license. QuO is a powerful adaptive framework that sup- ports dynamic adaptability in CORBA and Java RMI applications. ACT and QuO can work together in two major ways. First, ACT enables legacy CORBA applications to incorporate and benefit from QuO functionality, without modifying the source code of the application (indeed, even if the the source code is unavailable). Such a need may arise if the application is to be executed in an environment where conditions might be quite different than origi- nally planned. Second, combining QuO and ACT enables weaving of adaptive code into distributed applications at both compile time and run time; we describe a specific example later in this section. We begin a brief overview of QuO, for completeness, followed by a discussion of how ACT and QuO interact and a description of an experiment in which they were combined to enhance an extant application. 5.6.1 QuO Background QuO employs aspect-oriented programming [1] to separate the non-functional (systematic) aspects from the functional aspects of an application. Figure 5.14 illustrates a very simple QuO application. The client wrapper (or delegate) is the main point of contact between the client and the QuO core. The client wrapper is generated from a program written in the aspect-oriented structural description language (ASL) [7]. The QuO core comprises a contract and several system conditions. A contract is written in the contract-description language (CDL) [7] and defines acceptable regions of operation. System conditions can be considered as software “sensors” that record values representing the state of the execution environment. QuO combines the code for the QuO core and the code for wrapper into a package called a qosket. Using an aspect weaver called quogen, QuO weaves a qosket into an application at compile time. As shown in Figure 5.14, a request from the client is first received by the client wrapper. In a typical CORBA application, a client has a reference to a CORBA object stub. In QuO, however, the application developer explicitly creates the client wrapper, which wraps the 103 Client Server Applications Common-Services —9 request flow —-+ reply flow SCszsytem conditions Figure 5.14: A simplified depiction of the QuO architecture. stub (not shown). The client wrapper consults the contract in the client QuO core. The contract evaluates the current acceptable region of operation according to the details of the request and the status of the system as monitored by the system-condition objects. Once the current region of operation is identified, the actions specified in the contract are carried out. These actions might include returning a cached reply to the client, sending a request different than the original, forwarding the request with modified parameters, or redirecting the request to another CORBA object. If the reply is not generated locally, the request (or a modified request) is passed to the client ORB. The request is then sent to the server side of the application, where the reverse sequence of actions occurs. The reply generated by the servant, possibly modified by the server QuO core, will eventually reach the client ORB, where it is passed to the client wrapper. The client wrapper consults the client QuO core again for possible modifications and, finally, returns the reply to the client. 104 5.6.2 Dynamic Weaving of Qoskets Using ACT Combining ACT with QuO enables transparent weaving of new qoskets into applications at run time. We identify three types of applications that may benefit from such a capability. First, dependable applications are required to operate continuously without interruption; code for handling newly discovered faults can be added to these applications as they ex- ecute. Second, embedded applications are required to provide very small footprints; a minimal adaptive core can be compiled with the application, and optional adaptive code can be swapped in and out as needed during run time. Third, the source code for some legacy CORBA applications may be unavailable, or modifying the source code may be un- desirable. Such applications can be adapted transparently using ACT and QuO, without modifying or even recompiling the application source code. Figure 5.15 shows a request/reply sequence in a simple CORBA application using both QuO and ACT. The client and server generic interceptors are registered with the client and server ORBs, respectively, at startup time. To weave a new qosket into the application at run time, a new rule can be inserted in the client rule-based interceptor. The new rule can direct the rule-based interceptor to load the code for a proxy and a decision maker. The proxy in this case is simply a modified QuO wrapper, and the decision maker is exactly the contract defined in the new qosket. The rule then intercepts all incoming and outgoing requests/replies and forwards them to the proxy, where they are processed as if the qosket had been woven in to the application at compile time. 5.6.3 Example: Supporting Unanticipated Adaptation To evaluate the performance and functionality of the hybrid ACT lQuO architecture de- scribed above, we used it to insert new adaptive functionality into the image retrieval appli- cation (introduced before) at run time. This application supports several different types of qoskets, which can be woven into the application at startup time. A particular qosket called “UserAdapt” enables a user to modify the application interactively by directing it to retrieve 105 Client Server Applications Common-Services Distribution r l —-> request flow - - -> reply flow GI: generic interceptor Figure 5.15: Coupling ACT and QuO. different versions of the images. For example, selecting small instead of large versions of images can be used to reduce bandwidth consumption and delay. First, we incorporated ACT/J into this application by introducing generic interceptors. To do so, we started the application with a command-line parameter directing it to an OR- Bacus configuration file defining how to load, create and register a generic interceptor with the application ORB. At this point the application is adapt-ready. Figure 5.16 compares the round-trip delay for retrieving images of varying size, using both the original application and the adapt-ready version. As shown, this overhead is negligible. Next, we developed a new qosket called UserAdaptFrameRate to weave to the applica- tion at run time using ACT /J . This qosket enables the user to interactively control the rate at which images are retrieved. Figure 5.17 and 5.18 show the code that define the contract (in CDL) and the wrapper (in ADL) for the new qosket, respectively. We defined three regions of operations Fast, Normal, and Slow in the contract, enabling the user to control the frame rate, for example, to conserve bandwidth. As illustrated in Figure 5.18, this control is accomplished by inserting appropriate delays. For the Fast region, we did not Round-Trip Delay in seconds 12 l s 10 j a / '5 0,8 *Base Application 0 'o / g. 56 +ACT—Enabled Application ? 8 / E "’4 3 o / CE 2 O I ‘? I I I I I I I I I x b- e e u e e rs Image Size in KB Figure 5.16: Round-trip delay in ACT lQuO application. insert any delay, but for the Normal and Slow regions, we inserted 50 and 100 milliseconds frame-interval delays, respectively. We used the quogen utility to compile the new qosket. contract UserAdaptFrameRate ( syscond quo::ValueSC quo.sc::ValueSClmpl userFrameRate) region Normal (userFrameRate == 1) {} region Slow (userFrameRate == 0) {} l 2 3 4 region Fast (userFrameFlate == 2) {} 5 6 7 }, Figure 5.17: Code for the contract of the new qosket written in CDL. 5.6.4 Experimental Results To demonstrate the interaction between ACT and QuO, we ran an experiment that involves both static and dynamic weaving of qoskets into this application. The experiment is in- tended to represent run-time upgrading of a surveillance system (implemented using the image retrieval application) to add a new feature that controls the frame rate. Figure 5.19 shows a sample image from a camera in an instructional laboratory. 107 l behavior UserAdaptFrameRate () 2 3 void slide::SlideShow::read(in long gifNumber, 4 out string size, out octetArray but) 5 { 6 before METHODCALL 7 { 8 region Fast {} 9 region Normal { Thread.sleep(50 ); } 10 region Slow { Thread.sleep(100); } 11 } 12 } 13 } Figure 5.19: Sample image of a monitored instructional laboratory. We executed the server on a desktop computer connected to a 100 Mbps wired network and the client on a laptop computer connected to an lleps 802.11b wireless network; both systems are running the Linux operating system. At startup the “UserAdapt” qosket is woven into the application by specifying the wrapper class as a command-line parameter. Later, at run time, we used our Interceptor Registration Console to weave the “UserAdapt- FrameFlate” qosket into the application. Figures 5.20 and 5.21 show screen dumps of the application as it displays large and small versions of an image, respectively. Figure 5 .22 shows a trace of the rate at which frames are displayed at the client applica- tion. During the experiment, a user modifies the application as follows. When application 108 - X ._——-— anthem-arm merumnnl 3mm bbneuo Mutual. ram hen queer-morn Figure 5.20: Screen capture of a 252 KB version of images displayed in the ACT/QuO application. starts, large versions of frames (the default option) are retrieved from the server as fast as possible. The size of these images, combined with the limited bandwidth of the wireless network, produces a frame rate of approximately 2 images per second for the first 30 sec- onds of this experiment. At this point, the user selects the small-images option by way of the GUI in the “UserAdapt” qosket, thereby increasing the frame rate to approximately 14 images per second. At 60 seconds into the experiment, the user dynamically weaves the UserAdaptFrame- Rate qosket into the application, using the interactive administration utilities described in Section 5.4. Figure 5.22 shows a short, downward spike in the frame rate caused by the delay for weaving the new qosket. We consider such a one-time delay to be acceptable for this type of application. Immediately after the qosket is inserted, an interactive console is Flow of service request <—-> A2A lnteractitfl Figure 6.1: A simplified service-oriented architecture. In the case of Web services, the middleware is composed of two layers: a SOAP mes- saging layer governed by a WSDL layer (described below). Web services are software programs delivered over the Internet that are accessible by other programs using the ser- vice descriptor of the Web service defined in WSDL and through the SOAP messaging protocol. 1We use the terms “provider program” and “requester program” instead of the terms “provider agent” and “requester agent” used in [174] to avoid the confusion with agents in agent-based systems and to provide consistency with the terms used in the other chapters of this dissertation. 2The example programs provided in this chapter are all developed in object-oriented languages. For simplicity, the terms component and object have been used interchangeably. However, this does not imply that a service-oriented system must be either implemented using object-oriented languages or designed using an object—oriented paradigm. 117 SOAP. SOAP [176] is an XML-based messaging protocol independent of specific plat- forms, programming languages, middleware technologies, and transport protocols. SOAP messages are used for interactions among Web service providers and requesters. Unlike object-oriented middleware such as CORBA, which requires an object-oriented model of interaction, SOAP provides a simple message exchange among interacting parties. As a re- sult, SOAP can be used as a layer of abstraction on top of other middleware technologies; essentially providing a “middleware for middleware.” A SOAP message is an XML document with one element, called an envelope, and two children elements, called header and body. The contents of header and body elements are arbitrary XML. Figure 6.2 shows the structure of a SOAP message. The header is an op- tional element, whereas the body is not optional and there must be exactly one body defined in each SOAP message. To provide the developers with the convenience of a procedure- call abstraction, a pair of related SOAP messages can be used to realize a request and its corresponding response. SOAP messaging is asynchronous, that is, after sending a request message, the service requester will not be blocked waiting for the response message to arrive. For more information about details of SOAP messages, please refer to [176—178]. - - - «l- Body contents in defined in arbitrary XML. —> - \OCDQQU'lrbUJNH Figure 6.2: SOAP message structure. WSDL. Web Services Description Language (WSDL) [175,179] is an XML-based lan- guage for describing valid message exchanges among service requesters and providers. The SOAP messaging protocol provides only basic communication and does not describe 118 what pattern of message exchanges are required to be followed by service requesters and providers to perform a successful interaction. WSDL addresses this issue by describing an interface to a Web service and providing the convenience of remote procedure calls (or even more complicated interactions such as back-and-forth interactions). For more information about details of WSDL, please refer to [175, 178,179]. 6.2 Transparent Shaping and Application Integration Several different approaches have been employed in the literature to integrate applica- tions [180]. Regardless of what approaches are being employed, to integrate two het- erogeneous applications, essentially we need to translate the syntax and semantics of the two applications during execution. In the rest of this section, we first introduce alternative architectures for application integration and describe how transparent shaping can be used to provide transparent application integration. Next, we discuss the role of Web services in the process of application integration. 6.2.1 Alternative Architectures for Application Integration Depending on where the translation is performed (e. g., inside the requester program, inside the provider program, or inside a separate program), we distinguish three approaches to application integration as follows. Hosting translator components inside a bridge program. An intuitive approach to in- tegrate two applications is to use a bridge program, which sits between the two programs, intercepts all the interactions, and translates the interactions from one application semantic and syntax to the other. The architecture for this approach is illustrated in Figure 6.3. The bridge program hosts a translator component, which encapsulates the logic for translation. A translator component plays the role of a provider component for the requester compo- nent, as well as the role of a requester component for the provider component. We note that 119 a translation may involve more than one requester and provider components and it may not be as simple as a one-to-one mapping of requester and provider components. Requester Program Bridge Program Provider Program ; APP'WO" 4 4 r . I _""L_ Q 7/ 7/2/4 System Platform Networlr Network WV [ SQ Program components ® Translator component —* Flow of service request <—> A2A Interaction] Figure 6.3: Hosting translator components inside a bridge program. Using this architecture is beneficial for the following reasons. First, hosting translator components inside a separate process (the bridge program) does not require modifications ~ to the requester and provider programs. Second, a bridge program can host several transla- tor components, where each translator component may provide translation to one or more requester and provider programs. Third, the localization of translator components in one location (the bridge program) simplifies the maintenance of application integration. For ex- ample, security policies can be applied in the bridge program once, which will be effective to all the translator components hosted by the bridge. The main disadvantage of this architecture is the overhead imposed to the interactions because of one extra level of process-to-process redirection (in case the bridge program is located on the same machine as the requester and/or provider programs) or machine- to-machine redirection (in case the bridge program is located on a separate machine). The single-point-of-failure and the bottleneck problem are other disadvantages of this approach. Hosting Translator Components inside the Requester Program. To avoid the over- head of the extra level of process-to-process or machine—to-machine redirection imposed by the previous architecture, the translator component could instead be hosted inside the requester program, as illustrated in Figure 6.4. However, transparent interception and redi- 120 rection of interactions to the translator component in this approach are not as simple as in the previous approach. Requester Program Provider Program as?" P f; 7 ‘i/ ”“633?“ s , //e/////. System Platform Networir [SQ Programcomponents ®Translat0rconponent —’ Flowotservicerequest <—> A2AInteraction] Figure 6.4: Hosting the translator components inside the requester program. Transparent shaping can be used to provide a transparent application integration by transparently augmenting existing applications with books intercepting and redirecting the interactions to adaptive code, which implements the translator. The hooks can be inserted into the application code using a language-based approach such as TRAP or inserted into the supporting middleware using a middleware-based approach such as ACT. Hosting 'II'anslator Components inside the Provider Program. Figure 6.5 shows the architecture of heterogeneous application integration where the provider program hosts the translator. Hosting a translator component inside a provider program is beneficial if several requester programs use the same translator. Instead of modifying all requester programs to host the translator, only the provider program can be modified for this purpose. However, if the translation process is CPU-intensive, this approach may not scale well with the number of requester programs. As in the previous approach, transparent shaping can be used to host the translator components inside the provider program in a non-invasive manner. However, depending on the specific middleware technologies and the programming languages used to develop requester and provider programs, also depending on the tools available in transparent shap- ing, it might be easier to host translator components inside the requester program than 121 Requester Program Provider Program Application Layer Middleware Layer k [ ®® Program comments ® Translator corrponent —> Flowotservice request H A2Alnteraction ] A ‘ ‘ r / \/ A // Figure 6.5: Hosting the translator components inside the provider program. inside the provider program. For example, let us assume that we want to integrate a re- quester program developed in Java and a provider program developed in C++. Since the tools currently provided in transparent shaping, namely, TRAP/J and ACT I] , support only Java programs, we can only shape the requester program transparently. 6.2.2 The Role of Web Services in Application Integration Providing direct translations for N heterogeneous middleware technologies requires N 2 translators to cover all possible application integrations. Using a common language reduces the number of translators from N 2 to N, assuming that one side of the interaction, either requester or provider program, always uses the common language. Web services provide one such language. Figure 6.6(a) and 6.6(b) show two architectures enabling a requester program to use a Web service by hosting the translator component either inside a requester-side bridge or inside the requester program, respectively. Similarly, Figure 6.7(a) and 6.7(b) show two architectures enabling a provider program to be exposed as a Web service by hosting the translator component either inside a provider-side bridge or inside the provider program, respectively. To integrate requester and provider programs, none of which is a Web ser- vice requester or provider, we can use a combination of architectures in Figures 6.6(a) and 6.6(b) and Figures 6.7(a) and 6.7(b). Out of the four possible combinations, Fig- ure 6.8(a) and 6.8(b) illustrate only two of them. These two architectures enable integration 122 of two heterogeneous applications through Web services by hosting the translator compo- nents either inside requester— and provider-side bridge programs or inside the requester and provider programs, respectively. Web Service Provider (a) Using a requester-side bridge. Web Service Provider (b) Shaping the requester. [ so Program comments G) Translatorcomponent —’ Flowolservicerequest ‘—> A2Alnteraction] Figure 6.6: Alternative requester-side architectures for application integration through Web services. Many existing distributed applications have been developed in heterogeneous platforms such as Java RM] [68], CORBA [47], and .NET [70]. Appendix A provides a complete solution for transparent integration of such heterogeneous applications using transparent shaping and Web services in the course of a simple stock quote example. 6.3 Case Study: Integrating Two Existing Applications To show how transparent shaping can be used to integrate existing applications transpar- ently, in this section we integrate an existing CORBA application with an existing .NET 123 Web Service Provider-Side Provider (a) Using a provider-side bridge. Web Service Provider (b) Shaping the provider. [0% Program components (D Translatoreomponent --' Flowol service request <—-> A2AInteraction] Figure 6.7: Alternative provider-side architectures for application integration through Web servrces. application through Web services. The architecture that we use for this integration is the one illustrated in Figure 6.8(b), where the Web service translators are hosted inside the requester and provider programs. In the remainder of this section, we first introduce each of the two applications briefly. Next, we describe our strategy for how to shape each ap- plication to interoperate with Web services. Finally, we describe the details of the shaping process. 6.3.1 The Image Retrieval Application The first application is a distributed image retrieval application developed by BBN Tech- nologies distributed with the QuO framework [42]. We previously introduced and used this application in Chapter 5. The application is a CORBA application developed in Java. It 124 Provider-Side Provider (a) Using requester- and provider-side bridges. Requester Provider (b) Shaping both the requester and provider. [CG Program components «XE Translatorcomponenl —’ Flowolservice request H A2Alnteraction] Figure 6.8: Two combinations out of four possible combinations resulting from combining Figures 6.6(a) and 6.6(b) and Figures 6.7(a) and 6.7(b). has two parts, a client program (called SlideClient) that requests and displays images, and a server program (called SlideService) that stores images and replies to the client program requests. The image retrieval application by itself can benefit from the QuO framework, which supports several adaptive behaviors. However, in this study we disabled the QuO frame- work and used the application only as a CORBA application. A screen dump of the client program GUI is depicted in Figure 6.9, which shows an aerial photograph retrieved from the server program. The client program continuously sends requests to the server program asking for images. After each request is replied, the retrieved image is displayed. 125 Figure 6.9: A screen dump of the client program GUI showing an aerial photograph of the Sarasota bay. 6.3.2 The Sample Grabber Application The second application is a sample grabber application (called SampleGrabberNET) that is part of the DirectShow.NET framework developed by NETMasters. This applica- tion is a .NET application written in C# and is freely available at the Code Project web site (URL: http: / /www.codeproj ect.com/). It uses the interfaces provided in the DirectShow . NET framework to interoperate with DirectShow. DirectShow [181] is a standard Microsoft Win32 API that can be used from a Windows application to interact with compliant movie and video devices installed on a Windows computer. DirectShow is developed as COM components [71] and can be used through COM programming in a Visual C-H- program. The DirectShow . NET framework by NET- Master enables a convenient use of DirectShow in C#. All the DirectShow interfaces writ- ten in IDL is rewritten in C# that are compliant with the DirectShow documents for Visual C++ provided by Microsoft. Figure 6.10 shows a screen dump of the frame grabber application GUI. On the left side of the GUI, a preview panel shows a live video stream captured from a video camera 3NETMaster is an active member of the Code Project. The Code Project (URL: http: / /www. — codeproj ect‘. . com/ ) is a place for a large number of free C++, C# and .NET articles, code snippets, discussions, and news on the Internet. It organizes the papers and programs developed by its members and provides them freely to be used or improved by others. 126 installed on a Windows XP machine. On the right side, an image panel shows a bitmap image grabbed from the camera using the “Grab” toolbar button. ' Maple (deciliter lei .HH _ 1- X Figure 6.10: A screen dump of the sample grabber application GUI. The left panel shows a preview of the live video captured from a video camera and the right panel shows a still image grabbed using the “Grab” toolbar button. Similar to other DirectShow applications, the frame grabber application first builds a filter graph and then controls the filter graph and responds to the events fired in the graph. The filter graph for the sample grabber application is illustrated in Figure 6.11. Basically, a filter graph is a directed graph of filters, which are the basic building blocks of DirectShow applications and generally perform a single operation on a multimedia stream. For example, a filter may read multimedia files, capture video from a video capture device, encode or decode a particular stream format (e.g., MPEG-1 video), or send data to a graphics or a sound card. Figure 6.11: The filter graph of the .NET frame grabber application taken by the GraphEdit tool. 127 The filter graph first captures a live video stream from a video capture device using the Ds .NET Video Capture Device filter. Next, it makes two copies of the video stream using the Smart: Tee filter and decompresses them using two AVI Decompressor filters. Finally, it provides a preview of the video stream using the Video Renderer filter and enables frame grabbing using the Ds .NET Grabber filter. Once the “Grab” button is pressed, the request is handled by grabbing a frame using the Ds .NET Grabber filter. GraphEdit [181] is one of the standard tools distributed with Microsoft DirectShow. Using GraphEdit, we can discover the graph used in a DirectShow application while it is running without the need to look into the application source code. Figure 6.11 shows the the filter graph of the sample grabber application that is obtained by the GraphEdit tool. 6.3.3 Application Integration Strategy Our goal is to enable the client program in the CORBA image retrieval application to re- trieve live images from the .NET frame grabber application. To make this possible, we need to shape both applications to interoperate with each other. As described in Section 6.2, there are several architectures that we can choose for this application integration. Also, as described in Sections A2, A3, and AA, there are several solutions to implement each architecture. Among the architectures, we selected the one illustrated in Figure 6.8(b), which is the result of combining the architectures illustrated in Figures 6.6(b) and 6.7(b). This architec- ture provides an application integration through the use of Web services, where the Web services translator components are hosted inside the requester and provider programs. The .NET frame grabber application plays the role of a provider program and must be exposed as a frame grabber Web service. On the other side, the client program of the image retrieval application plays the role of a requester program and must be shaped to use the frame grabber Web service. In the rest of this section, first we describe how transparent shaping is used to expose 128 the frame grabber application as a Web service. Next, we describe how the image retrieval client program is shaped to use this Web service. 6.3.4 Exposing the Frame Grabber Application as a Web Service As explained in Section A.4.2, we have two solutions to expose a .NET server program as a Web service using the architecture in Figure 6.7(b). The first solution uses an IIS Web server to host the translator and provider components, while the second solution uses the .NET server program itself as a Web service. The latter solution is better than the former, if the none of the types to be exposed by the .NET server program is a .NET specific types [182,183]. Since we do not need to use any of the .NET specific types to expose the frame grabber application as a Web service, we pick the second solution. However, the frame grabber application is a .NET standalone application (as opposed to a .NET remoting application). Therefore, no .NET remoting service is exposed by the frame grabber application itself. So, we first need to shape the .NET frame grabber applica- tion to become a .NET remoting application and then use it as a Web service. As we do not have a C# version of the TRAP generator framework, we cannot do this part transparently from the application source code. We note that when the TRAP/C# becomes available, this part can be done automatically (i.e., there will be no need to directly modify the source code of the .NET frame grabber application). Our goal is to minimize the modifications to the frame grabber application source code. Therefore, we only put a hook inside the application and put the rest of the code regarding making the application as a .NET remoting application in a separate program. These two programs are loaded inside another program, called Shape . exe, which is listed in Fig- ure 6.12 (lines 1 to 14). The modified .NET frame grabber program is inside the Sample— GrabberNET . exe assembly“, the .NET remoting code is inside the DotNETServer . exe assembly, and the configuration file for the Shape . exe is inside the Shape. exe . conf ig ‘A .NET assembly is simply a .NET executable file (i.e., a .EXE file) or a .NET library file (i.e.,a .DLL file). 129 file. The excerpted code for the Shape . exe . config configuration file is listed in Fig- ure 6.12 (lines 16 to 23). 1 // The host application defined in Shapes 2 public class Shape { 3 static private string configFilename, dotN ETServer, sampleGrabberN ET; 4 public static void Main(string [] args) { 5 if (args.Length != 3) return; 6 configFilename = args[0]; dotNETServer = args[1]; sampleGrabberNET = args[2]; 7 try { 8 RemotingConfiguration.Configure(configFilename); 9 AppDomain ad = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; 10 ad.ExecuteAssembly(dotNEl'Server); 11 ad.ExecuteAssembly(sampleGrabberNEl'); 12 } catch(Exception e) {} 13 String keyState = “"; keyState = Console.ReadLine(); 14 } 1 5 1 6 // The configuration file defined in Shape.exe.config 17 «configuration» «system.runtime.remoting» «application name="Server"» 18 «service» 1 9 «wellknown mode=”Singleton” type="SampleGrabberWebService. 2 0 SampleGrabberObject, SampleGrabberObject" objectUri=”SampleGrabberObject" /» 2 1 «lservice» 22 «channels» «channel port=”9000" ref="http" /» «lchannels» 23 «lapplication» «lsystem.runtime.remoting» «/configuration» Figure 6.12: Excerpted code for the Shape program that hosts both the .NET server and frame grabber assemblies. The command line that we use to run the provider program is the following: Shape. — exe Shape . exe . conf ig DotNETServer . exe SampleGrabberNET . exe. As listed in Figure 6.12, first, the configuration file is parsed and the instructions are followed (line 8), which provides flexibility to configure the Shape program at startup time as discussed before. Next, the DotNETServer . exe and the SampleGrabberNET . exe are executed using the .NET reflection facilities (lines 10 and 11). . To put a hook inside the SampleGrabberNET. exe assembly, we added one public method to the frame grabber application that basically grabs a new frame and returns it as a bitmap image. Figure 6.13 lists all the code that we directly added to the sample grabber application (the added code is in italic). The book is the publ ic Image grab- 130 Sample.WovenCode () method inside the MainForm class (lines 8 to 16). Basically, this method calls the toolBarButtonClickl) method (line 11) to grab a frame. By using the codetoolBarButtonClickO method to grab a frame, we make the calls to the hook method appear to the original application as if the user has clicked on the “Grab” button. 1 // The MainFormcs file used in the SampleGrabberNET.exe program 2 using System. Threading; 3 namespace SampleGrabberNET { 4 public class MainForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form, ISampleGrabberCB { 5 private object lockObject = new Object(); 6 private Image image = null; 7 private Bitmap bmp = null; 8 public Image grabSample. WovenCode() { 9 lock(lock0bject) { 1 0 image = null; 1 1 toolBar.ButtonCIick(this, new ToolBarButtonC/ickEventArgs(tooIBarBtnGrab)); 1 2 if ( image == null) try { Monitor: Wait(lock0bject); } catch ( . . . ) { . . . } 13 Monitor. Pulse(lock0bject); l 4 1 5 return bmp; 16 } 1 7 1 8 void OnCaptureDone() { . . . 19 lock(lock0bject){ 2 0 Image a = bmp; bmp = new Bitmap(b); 2 1 if( o != null ) o.Dispose(); 22 MonitonPulseflockObject); 23 } 24 } 2 5 2 6 static private MainForm instance = null; 2 7 static public MainForm getlnstance() { 2 8 if (instance == null) instance = new MainForm(); 29 return instance; 3 0 } 3 1 [STAThread] static void Main() { 3 2 // Application. Ftun(new MainForm()); 3 3 Application. Flun(getlnstance()); 34 }} Figure 6.13: Direct modifications to the .NET frame grabber application source code. Unfortunately, implementing the hook was not as easy as we expected. Grabbing a frame in a DirectShow application is done through the use of a filter graph, which works asynchronously with respect to the thread executing the DirectShow application [181]. In 131 other words, the thread that asks for a frame does not block until the frame is grabbed and returned by the filter graph. Instead, the filter graph will send an event to the application when the frame is ready to be returned. The event is handled in the original program in- side the OnCaptureDone method. To ensure that the thread calling the hook method is notified when the frame is ready, we used a lock object kept in the lockObj ect variable (line 5). The calling thread waits on the lock object (line 12) until the OnCaptureDone () method is called as a result of frame being ready. The lock object is pulsed inside the OnCaptureDone () method to notify the calling thread that the frame is ready to be re- turned (line 22). Finally, we need to enable the code inside the DotNETServer . exe assembly to be able to get a hold of the hook inside the SampleGrabberNET. exe assembly. For this purpose, we made the MainFrame class as a singleton class [59] (lines 26 to 30 and 32 to 33). In this way, the instance of the Ma inForm class inside the SampleGrabberNET . exe will be accessible to the code inside the DotNETServer . exe. Figure 6.14 shows the excerpted code of the SampleGrabberObj ect class defined in the SampleGrabberObj ect . cs file and used in the Do tNETServer . exe program. First, the .NET reflection facilities is used to get a hold of the book, which is the public Image grabSampleJNovenCode () method (lines 3 to 10). Specifically, the ( getInstanceO) method of the MainForm singleton class is used to get a reference to the singleton ob- ject of this class, which is kept in the mf variable (line 8). The mf variable is used to get a reference to the book, which is kept in the mi variable (line 9). Next, the public short: [] GrabFrame( int; nQuality ) method is defined (lines 11 to 22), which is the method that is exposed by the DotNETServer . exe pro- gram that can be used from a .NET client application or a Web service requester program (described next). This method first calls the hook method, which gets a live frame from the camera and returns a Bitmap image (lines 12 to 13). Next, it converts the Bitmap image to a jpeg image using the nQuality (lines 14 to 20). nQuality can vary from O 132 1 // The SampleGrabberObjech file used in the DotNETServer.exe program 2 public class SampleGrabberObject : MarshalByFlefObject { 3 private Methodlnto mi; private Object mt = null; 4 public SampleGrabberObject() { 5 AppDomain ad = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; 6 Assembly [] assemblies = ad.GetAssemblies(); 7 // Finding the main form using the .NET reflection facilities (not shown). 8 mt = mainForm.InvokeMember(”getInstance”, .. .); 9 mi = mf.GetType().GetMethodC'grabSample.WovenCode”); 10 } 11 public shortl] GrabFrame( int nQuality ) { 12 object [] parameters = new Object[O]; 13 Bitmap bitmap = (bitmap)mi.lnvoke( mf, parameters); 14 lmageCodeclnto mylmageCodeclnfo = GetEncoderlnfo(”image/Jpeg”); 15 EncoderParameters encps = new EncoderParameters( 1 ); 1 6 EncoderParameter encp = new EncoderParameter( Encoder.Quality, (long)nQuaIity); 17 encps.Param[0] = encp; 18 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); 19 bitmap.Save( ms, mylmageCodeclnfo, encps ); 20 ms.Close(); 2 1 return converyByteArrayZShortArray( ms.ToArray() ); 22 } 23 } Figure 6.14: Shape. to 100, where nQuality=100 means to compress the image with 100% quality. Finally, it converts the byte [1 data to the short [ ]' for compatibility reasons (unsignedByte defined in the XML schema data types is not interpreted in the same way in the C# and Java languages) and returns the image (line 21). Now that the provider program is ready to run, we need to generate the Web service de- scription of our provider program (to be used in the shaping of the CORBA client program). We used the SOAPsuds . exe utility with the —sd1 option that generates a WSDL schema file. The excerpted WSDL description is listed in Figure 6.15. This WSDL describes an abstract application-level service description (interface) to the Web service (lines 3 to 16) as well as a concrete protocol-dependent details of how to access the service (lines 18 to 33). The abstract description part (lines 3 to 16) describes the interface to the Web service using the message elements (lines 3 to 8), which defines what type of messages can be sent 133 toooqoxmlwai—r «?xm| version=‘1.0’ encoding=‘UTF-8’?>- «definitions name=‘SampleGrabberObject’ ...>— «types» ... «/types> «message name=‘SampleGrabberObject.GrabFramelnput’» «part name=‘nQuality’ type=‘xsd:int’/>— «/message>— «message name=‘SampleGrabberObject.GrabFrameOutput’>- «part name=‘return’ type=‘nsZ:ArrayOtShort’/> «/message> «portType name=‘SampIeGrabberObjectPortType’>— «operation name=‘GrabFrame' parameterOrder=‘nQuality’> «input name=‘GrabFrameRequest' message=‘tns:SampleGrabberObject.GrabFramelnput’/>- «output name=‘GrabFrameResponse’ message=tnszSampleGrabberObject.GrabFrameOutput’/> «loperation» «lportType>— «binding name=‘SampleGrabberObjectBinding’ type=‘tns:SampleGrabberObjectPortType’> «soap:binding style=‘rpc’ transport=‘http://schemas.xmIsoap.org/soap/http’/> ... «operation name=‘GrabFrame’> «soapzoperation soapAction=‘. . . ’/> . .. «input name=‘GrabFrameFlequest’>— «soap:body . . ./> «finput» «output name=‘GrabFrameFiesponse’>— «soap:body .../> «loutput» «/operation> «binding» «service name=‘SampleGrabberObjectService’» «port name=‘SampleGrabberObjectPort’ binding=‘tns:SampleGrabberObjectBinding’» «soapzaddress location: ‘httpzllhaydn.cse.msu.eduz9000/Server/SampleGrabberObject'l> «/port>- «lservice» «/definitions> Figure 6.15: The excerpted WSDL description of the sample grabber Web service. to and received from the Web service, and the port'I‘ype element (lines 9 to 16), which defines all the operations that are supported by the Web service. The GrabFrame operation (lines 10 to 15) defines the valid message exchange pattern supported by the Web service. The concrete description part (lines 18 to 33) complements the abstract part using the binding element (lines 18 to 26), which basically describes how a given interaction is performed over what specific transport protocol, and the service element (lines 28 to 33) that describes where to access the service. The how part describes how marshaling and 134 unmarshaling is performed using the operation element inside the binding element (lines 21 to 25). The what part is described in line 20 using the transport attribute. The where part is described using the port element (lines 29 to 32). 6.3.5 Transparent Shaping of the Image Retrieval Client Program According to our strategy, we follow the architecture illustrated in Figure 6.6(b) to shape the CORBA client program to interoperate with the .NET frame grabber program that is exposed as a Web service provider program. As described in Section A.2, we have two solutions that can be used to host the translator component inside the CORBA client pro- grams. Among the two solutions, we picked the first solution, where we use the ACT framework (introduced in Chapter 5) to host a proxy object that plays the role of the Web service translator for the client program. To intercept and redirect the CORBA requests, first, we make the client program adapt- ready by running the program using two extra command-line parameters: java client ORBconfig file: client. cfg.5 Next, we insert a new rule to the rule-based decision maker of the ACT core that intercepts all the CORBA requests. Figure 6.16 lists the excerpted code of the condition and action classes of the rule. The condition part of the rule is defined in the SlideService_Condtion. java file (lines 1 to 8) that returns true always to make all the intercepted CORBA request to be forwarded to the action part of the rule. The action part of the rule is defined in the SlideServiceAction. java file (lines 10 to 25). In the constructor of the Slide- Service_Action class (lines 12 to 17), an instance of the translator component (defined in the SlideService_C1ientLocalProxy. java file, which is described next) is cre- ated. Once the rule is inserted, all CORBA requests will be reified by the CORBA ORB and will eventually be intercepted by the process ( ) method of the SlideServiceAction 5For details of how ACT works, please refer to Chapter 5. 135 1 // The condition class defined in SlideService-Condtion.java 2 public class SlideService-Condition extends lnBandDMCondition { 3 public SlideService_Condition(ActiveFlule activeRule, ORB orb) { super(. . . ); } 4 public boolean check(org.omg.CORBA.Object targetObj, FulllnterlaceDescription 5 fulllntDesc, ServerFiequest serverFiequest. Request request) { 6 return true; 7 } 8 } 9 1 0 // The action class defined in SlideServiceActionJava 1 1 public class SlideService.Action extends edu.msu.cse.sens.act.dm.lnBandDMAction { 12 public SlideService_Action(ActiveRule activeRule, org.omg.COFlBA.ORB orb) { 13 super(activeRule, orb); 14 SIideService-ClientLocalProxy slideService-ClientLocalProxy = 1 5 new SIideService-ClientLocalProxy(orb); 16 // publishing the SlideService-ClientLocalProxy CORBA object in the naming service } 1 8 public boolean process(org.omg.COFlBA.Object targetObj, FulllnterfaceDescription 19 fulllntDesc, ServerRequest serverRequest, Request request) { 2 0 request = createReq(slideService-ClientLocalProxy, serverRequest, fulllntDesc, opNum); 2 1 request.invoke(); 22 org.omg.CORBA.Any res_any = request.result().value(); 2 3 serverFiequest.set_result(res.any); 24 return true; Figure 6.16: Excerpted code for the condition and action classes for shaping the CORBA image retrieval client program using the ACT framework. class (lines 18 to 25). The process () method creates another CORBA request similar to the one intercepted, except that its target object is s1ideService_C1ientLocalProxy. The SlideService_ClientLocalProxy class is defined in the Slide- Service.C1ientLoca1Proxy. java file that is listed in Figure 6.17. First, a reference to the SampleGrabberObj ect Web service is obtained (lines 4 to 13). We used the Java WSDP framework to generate the stub class corresponding to the Web service using the WSDL file listed in Figure 6.15. Next, all calls to the original CORBA object are forwarded to the Web service (lines 14 to 27). Figure 6.18 lists the IDL description used in the original of the CORBA image retrieval application. The SlideShow interface defines six methods (lines 4 to 9). As listed in Figure 6.17 (lines 21 to 26), all the read* () methods defined in the IDL file are mapped 136 // The proxy defined in SlideService.CllentImcalProxy.java public class SlideService_ClientLocalProxy extends SlideShowPOA implements Serializable, SlideShowOperations { private SampleGrabberObjectPortType sampleGrabberObject = null; public SlideService-ClientLocalProxy(ORB orb) { ... string endpoint = ”http://haydn.cse.msu.edu:9000/Server/SampleGrabberObject”; try { Stub stub = (Stub)(new SampleGrabberObjectService-lmpl(). getSampleGrabberObjectPortO); 1 0 stub._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINTADDRESSPROPERTY, endpoint); 11 sampleGrabberObject = (SampleGrabberObjectPortType)stub; 12 } catch (Exception ex) {. . .} \OCDQONUWPUNH } 14 private bytefl grabFrame( int nQuality ) { 15 byte [] frameByteArray = null; shortfl frameShortArray = null; 1 6 try { frameShortArray = sampleGrabberObject.GrabFrame( nQuality ); } 17 catch(Exception e) {. . .} 1 8 frameByteArray = convertShortArrayZByteArray( frameShortArray ); 19 return frameByteArray; 2 0 . . . 2 1 public void readBig(int gifNum, StringHolder sizeHolder, octetArrayHolder pixHolder) { 22 pixHolder.value = grabFrame( 75 ); sizeHolder.value = ”big”; 2 3 } . . . 2 4 public void readSmall(int gifNum, StringHolder sizeHolder, octetArrayHolder pixHolder) { 2 5 pixHolder.value = grabFrame( 25 ); sizeHolder.value = ”small”; 2 6 } . . . 2 7 public int getNumberOfGist { return -1; } 2 8 } Figure 6.17: Excerpted code for the Web service translator component defined as a proxy object in the ACT framework. to the GrabFrame () method of the Web service exposed by the provider program. The getNumberOfGi fs ( ) method simply returns -1 (line 27) to indicate that the images being retrieved are live images (as opposed to being retrieved from a number of stored images at the server side). Figure 6.19 depicts two screen dumps of the GUI of the CORBA image retrieval pro- gram. Figure 6.19(a) depicts the client application while it is using the CORBA server application, where the image shows a stored aerial image. Figure 6.19(b) depicts the client application after it has been shaped dynamically to use the frame grabber Web service, where the captured image shows a live picture of a user from the camera installed at the machine running the provider program. 137 // The slide show interface defined in SlideShow.idl module com { module bbn { module quo { module examples { module bette { interface SlideShow { void readSmall ( in long gifNumber, out string size, out octetArray but ); void readSmallProcessed ( in long gifNumber, out string size, out octetArray buf ); void readBig ( in long gifNumber, out string size, out octetArray buf ); void readBigProcessed ( in long gifNumber, out string size. out octetArray but ); void read ( in long gifNumber, out string size. out octetArray buf ); long getNumberOfGifs ( ); }: l: }: }: }; l—‘OkDmQG‘lU'lrwaH l—‘H Figure 6.18: The slide show IDL file. sumac-n (a) Before integration. (b) After integration. Figure 6.19: TWO screen dumps of the CORBA image retrieval client program GUI. One before the application integration and the other after the integration. 6.4 Related Work In this section, we categorize several research projects, standard specifications, and com- mercial products that support application integration. Based on the transparency and flex— ibility of the adaptation mechanisms used to support application integration, we identify three categories as follows. First Category. In the first category, we consider approaches that provide transparency with respect to either an existing provider program or an existing requester program, but not both. To provide transparency to provider or requester programs, approaches in this 138 category typically use either the architecture illustrated in Figure 6.4 or in Figure 6.5, re- spectively. However, please note that the existence of translator components is not trans- parent to the programs hosting the translators. Therefore, the programs hosting translator components are required to be either developed from scratch or modified directly by a developer. Examples of research projects in this category include the Automated Interface Code Generator (AIAG) [184], the Cal-Aggie Wrap-O-Matic project (CAWOM) [185], and the World Wide Web Factory (W4F) [186]. AIAG [184] supports application integration by providing an interface wrapper model, which enables developers to treat distributed ob- jects as local objects. AIAG is an automatic wrapper generator built on top of JavaSpaces. AIAG can be used to generate the required glue code to be used in client programs. CA- WOM [185] provides a tool that generates wrappers enabling command-line systems to be accessed by client programs developed in CORBA. This approach provides transparency for existing command-line systems. Examples of the use of CAWOM include wrapping the JDB debugger, which enables distributed debugging, and wrapping the Appache Web server, which enables remote administration. Finally, W4F [186] is a Java toolkit that gen- erates wrapper for Web resources. This toolkit provides a mapping mechanism for Java and )GVIL. Microsoft Vrsual Studio .NET [187] and IBM WebSphere Studio Application Devel- oper [188] are among numerous commercial development environments that also fall in this category. Visual Studio .NET provides a set of visual tools enabling developers to in- tegrate existing .NET programs with Web services. One example of such visual tools is the Add Web Reference GUI introduced in Section A.4 (see Figure A. 19), which generates the proxy required to interoperate with Web services. Similarly, WebSphere provides a set of visual tools enabling a developer to transform existing components (e. g., Java beans, EJB beans, and SQL statements) into Web services. In addition to the development environments and visual tools, a number of command- 139 line tools are also supported by Sun Microsystems and Microsoft to enable fast application integration by generating the required glue code. For example, Sun Microsystems Java Web Services Developer Pack (Java WSDP) [189], which is a free toolkit for develop- ing Web services, provides command-line tools such as wscompile .bat, which can be used to generate stubs and skeletons from WSDL files. Microsoft also provides a set of command-line tools including soapsuds . exe, which generates a WSDL file from a .NET assembly file (and vice versa), and wsdl . exe, which generates code for Web service re- quester and provider programs from WSDL files, XSD schemas, and .discomap discovery documents. Examples of the use of these tools have been provided in Sections A2, A3, A.4, and 6.3. Second Category. In the second category, we consider approaches that provide trans- parency with respect to both the provider and requester programs. Approaches in this category typically use the architectures illustrated in Figures 6.3, where a bridge program is used to host the translator components. Although such approaches provide transparency with respect to both requester and provider programs, they suffer from extra overhead im- posed by one more level of process-to-process or machine-to-machine redirection. In ad- dition, if only one bridge is used for integrating several programs, then the approaches in this category may also suffer from the single-point-of-failure and performance bottleneck problems. However, as described before, we note that localizing the translator components in one process has several advantages, among which the ease of maintenance is the most notable one. Examples of standard specifications and commercial products in this category include SCOAP [190], CORBA Web services [191], Soap2Corba [171, 192], IONA Artix [193], and Apache Web Services Invocation Framework (W SIF) [194]. Typically, the goal in these approaches is to provide an automatic translation mechanism. In general, unless the automatic translation guarantees both syntax and semantic translations, such approaches 140 may fail their purpose [173]. As an analogy, translating a conversation from English to French using a word-by-word translation approach, although may make sense in some few examples, but it generally fails the purpose. The reason behind such failure is that the se- mantics of application interactions are not captured only in the interface descriptions (e. g., CORBA IDL and Web services WSDL). By translating just the syntax of CORBA IDL to WSDL for example, we cannot guarantee the semantic of heterogeneous applications are translated also. For example, an object reference in CORBA cannot be mapped to a Web service ad- dress, because such addressing isinot provided in Web services. In addition, consider exception and faults implemented in different ways in different middleware technologies cannot be easily translated to one another. Some proposals such as WS-Addressing [195], WSDL 2.0 [175], WS-Events [196], WS-Eventing [197], and WS-Notification [198] are examples of attempts to address these issues. Soap2Corba [192] provides a partial so- lution to representing a CORBA object references for Web services by translating object references to Web service “contexts” that are managed in a bridge between CORBA and web services applications. IONA Artix [193] and Apache Web Services Invocation Frame- work (W SIF) [194] provide a mud-middleware approach to application integration through multi-middleware routing and switching [173]. These two projects benefit from the WSDL abstractions and binding extensions and maximize the possibilities of integration. Finally, an example of research projects in this category is the on-the-fly wrapping of Web services [199]. In this project, Web services are wrapped to be used by Java programs developed in J ini [200]. Jini is a service-based framework originally developed to support integration of devices as services. The wrapping process is facilitated by the WSDLZ Java and WSDL2Jini generator tools, which generate the glue code part of the bridge program and the translator component. Please note that a developer is required to complete the code for the bridge and to make sure the semantics of translations are correct. Using the Jini lookup service, the bridge publishes the wrapped Web service as a Jini service, which can 141 be used transparently by Jini client programs. Third Category. We consider transparent shaping in a third category. Similar to the ap- proaches in the second category, transparent shaping provides transparency to provider and requester programs, and in addition, provides flexibility with respect to where the translator components are hosted. Transparent shaping provides alternative solutions to application integration as illustrated in Figures 6.3, 6.4, or 6.5. As discussed before, depending on the application needs and the integration requirements, one of these three architectures may be more appropriate. Transparent shaping benefits from the techniques provided in the first two categories and is considered as a complementary approach to the former approaches. We have shown how transparent shaping benefits from the techniques provided by the first category in Sections A2, A3, A.4, and 6.3. We plan to employ the automatic translation techniques provided by the approaches in the second category in our future work. 6.5 Summary In this chapter, we have demonstrated how transparent shaping can be used to facilitate transparent application integration. Using TRAP/J and ACT I] , we provided alternative so- lutions to integrate heterogeneous applications. A case study was described, in which we used transparent shaping to integrate two existing applications, one of them was developed in CORBA and the other in .NET platform. Finally, we classified the approaches to appli- cation integration and discussed how transparent shaping relates to them. For our future work, we plan to extend the tools supporting transparent shaping and use the automatic translation techniques provided by other approaches to application integration. Specifi- cally, for the former, our group is currently developing an implementation of TRAP for C++, and we plan to develop an implementation for C#. For the the latter, we plan to use Artix [193] as a supporting tool in transparent shaping. We note that several challenges remain in the domain of transparent application inte- 142 gration, including automatic translation of the semantics of heterogeneous applications and automatic discovery of appropriate Web services. The ever increasing maturity of business standards, which have been supporting the automated interactions in business-to-business application integration over the past 20 years, addresses these issues to some extent [172]. Examples of some electronic businesses based on Web services include ebXML, Roset- taNet, UCCNet, and XMethods. Also, the automatic service locating, which is one of the goals of Web services, has been specified in the Universal Description, Discovery, and In- tegration (UDDI) [201] specification. UDDI is a Web service for registering other Web services descriptions. 143 Chapter 7 Conclusions Transparent shaping supports reuse of existing programs in new, dynamic environments even though the specific characteristics of such new environments were not anticipated during the original design of the programs. In particular, many popular programs, not de- signed to be adaptable, are being ported to dynamic environments. Transparent shaping enables dynamic adaptation in such programs and promotes coarse-grained reuse of soft- ware. In the rest of this chapter, we summarize our specific contributions and achievements, and discuss the future work. 7 .1 Contributions This dissertation produced four main contributions. We first summarize the contributions, and then discuss our achievements as a whole. 1. Assessment of language support in dynamic adaptation. In the first part of our study, we assessed how appropriate programming language constructs can facilitate the de- velopment of adaptable programs. We used Adaptive Java, which extends Java with behav- ioral reflection, to design a component called MetaSocket, whose behavior and structure can be adapted at run time in response to external stimuli (e.g., wireless channel condi- 144 tions). We evaluated the use of MetaSockets in a case study, where we provided dynamic adaptation in an audio streaming application. In this case study, the adaptation hooks were realized by the MetaSocket infrastructure and adaptive code was realized by filters in MetaSockets. Although MetaSockets proved to be useful in supporting dynamic adaptation, our study of them revealed the following two issues. First, to incorporate a MetaSocket into an exist- ing program, we need to modify the program source code directly, which is not desirable. Second, once the existing program is modified to use a MetaSocket instead of a Java socket, dynamic adaptation is only possible within the MetaSocket (e. g., through the insertion and removal of filters). In other words, we cannot replace one version of a MetaSocket with another more appropriate version of the MetaSocket at run time. 2. Transparent, dynamic adaptation in object-oriented programs. In the second part of our study, we designed an extension of transparent shaping called Transparent Reflec- tive Aspect Programming (TRAP), which supports dynamic adaptation in existing object- oriented programs transparently. A prototype of TRAP for Java, called TRAP/J, was de- veloped and used to evaluate the TRAP concept. TRAP/J employs the structural reflection provided in Java and the aspect weaver provided in AspectJ [103] to support partial behav- ioral reflection [151] in existing Java programs. TRAP/J first generates wrapper and meta classes and weaves them into an existing program at compile time to generate an adapt- ready version of the program. Next, the adapt-ready program can be adapted at run time by insertion and removal of delegates. In TRAP/J, a hook is realized by a pair of wrapper and meta classes associated with a class in the existing Java program, and adaptive code is realized by delegates, which can modify the behavior of the class by overriding the implementation of its methods. We developed a delegate using a MetaSocket, which in its turn supports dynamic adapta- tion through insertion and removal of filters. As a result, at run time, a MetaSocket can 145 be replaced with a more appropriate one, if required. Results of this study showed the improvement in the execution of the audio streaming application in a mobile computing environment, while the adaptation is completely transparent to the application code. 3. Transparent, dynamic adaptation in CORBA programs. In the third part of our study, we designed and evaluated another extension of transparent shaping, called the Adaptive CORBA Template (ACT), which supports dynamic adaptation in existing CORBA programs transparently. ACT implements interception and redirection inside the supporting middleware instead of the program code itself. In addition, ACT enables inter- operation among otherwise incompatible adaptive CORBA frameworks. We developed an instance of ACT in Java, called ACT/J, to evaluate ACT in prac- tice. In case studies, we showed the overhead introduced by ACT I] is negligible, while the adaptation provided is highly flexible. Specifically, we used ACT I] to enable an existing image retrieval program, originally designed for wired network, to continue working cor- rectly in a mobile computing environment, where network may become disconnected and reconnected at any point in the execution of the program. In ACT, hooks are realized by a generic CORBA portable interceptor and adaptive code is realized by rule-based dynamic interceptors and their corresponding rules. 4. Transparent application integration. Finally, in the last part of our study, we as- sessed the potential role of transparent shaping beyond the scope of a single program. We demonstrated how transparent shaping can be used to support application integration. We proposed several alternative architectures and showed how transparent shaping can sup- port interoperability, via Web service, for Java RMI, CORBA, and .NET applications. A case study demonstrated the use of transparent shaping in integration of an image retrieval application developed in CORBA and a frame grabber application developed in .NET. 146 7 .2 Achievements Figure 7.1 summarizes the achievements of this dissertation as a whole and shows how the contributions discussed above are related to one another. Transparent shaping is pro- posed as a new programming model, which supports dynamic adaptation in existing pro- grams. Two instances of transparent shaping are provided: TRAP and ACT. TRAP employs a language-based approach and augments the existing programs with partial behavioral reflection using transformers at compile time. In contrast, ACT employs a middleware- based approach and augments the supporting middleware with a generic interceptor using CORBA portable interceptors. Prototype implementations of TRAP and ACT are provided in Java (TRAP/J and ACT I] , respectively). (Model .............................. I Transparent Shaping I l J { Programming Model < Instances .......................... I TRAP j I ACT I J l kPrototypes. ........................ I TRAP/J I I ACT/J I i. L riiooirs ........................................... I Wrappers a. Melaobjects I I Generic Interceptors I Coarse-Gained ..I Delegates: :letaSoctals I I Proxies: Grimm: Proxy I Core Assets % Adaptive Code Fine-Grained ...... IFillers: FEC, Encryph'm/Doc, mission/mo] I Rules: Com. mm lnleaationJ t ........ I ........ r o ' o \Existing Applications ........................ I Aud'o Streaming App. JI Image Retrieval App. IFm Grabber App. I l fi 1 f ....... t .............. "e ...... ................. ‘ Crosscutting Concerns ........................................... [cos II Security“ QoSvs.EnergyMan. IIseiiManagementiOptinizaionIIApp.iniegrationI I—e extends ----+ provides ~-—--> uses —-—-9 isappliedto ----* supports] Figure 7.1: Achievements of this dissertation viewed as a whole. TRAP/J and ACT I] are two concrete instances of transparent shaping, which can be used in the development of adaptable software several core assets supporting such product lines are developed. The core artifacts have been developed, including examples of hooks, adaptive code, and existing programs. The hooks in TRAP/J are pairs of wrappers and 147 meta classes, which are generated by TRAP/J generators automatically. In ACT/J, there is only one hook, which is the generic portable interceptor. The generic portable interceptor was developed once and can be reused in any CORBA program. Adaptive code in TRAP/J is realized by developing delegates. A reusable delegate using MetaSockets and filters is provided. A generic proxy was developed for ACT /J that can be used in any existing CORBA applications. The generic proxy can receive any CORBA request and can adapt it using adaptive code realized by rules. Other reusable adaptive code (e.g., filters, delegates, and rules) can be developed incrementally during the life time of a product line. We have used TRAP/J and ACT I] to support dynamic adaptation in three existing ap- plications, namely, an audio streaming application previously developed in our group [53], an image retrieval application developed by BBN [42], and a frame grabber application de- veloped by NETMaster and distributed by Code Project [202]. We conducted several case studies using these applications, where we addressed a number of crosscutting concerns including QoS, security, energy consumption, self-management, and application integra- tion. Our results have been well received by the community through publications in several conferences and workshops. We look forward to continuing these investigations and fur- ther contributing to the understanding of the important, yet still emerging, area of dynamic adaptation to support pervasive and autonomic computing. 7 .3 Future Work The work presented in this dissertation opens a door to several future research directions. In the rest of this chapter, we discuss five directions of future work, which complement this dissertation. Expanding the set of supported existing programs. The set of existing programs sup- ported by transparent shaping can be greatly expanded. Figure 7 .2 shows the areas where we plan to work in near future. To support existing programs developed in C++ and C# pro- 148 gramming languages, TRAP/C-H- and TRAP/C# need to be developed. In fact, members of our group have already started implementing the TRAP/C++ using compile-time meta- object protocols supported by Open C-H- [84], instead of a compile-time aspect weaver used in TRAP/J. Also, to support CORBA programs developed using C++ ORBs, we plan to develop ACT /C-H-. (Model .............................. I TranspareIlt Shaping I Programming Model 4 instances .......................... I TRIAP IF ACT II riot I Prototypes ........................ FRAI:IC++I finitj Imam.“ ACTION I I ACT/J II iridium I rt... .......................................... l ignite; r 2.2.; JL rm I Coarse-Gained I Delegates. ilintrtttSotitotsJI Proxies: GenericProxy II imminent I CoreAssets< AdaptiveCode ’ I L j Fine-Grained ...... | film: rec. Emmi/nee, corny-em II nus: Conn. MamgelrnantApp. integration‘I KExisting Applications I Audio ginning] I ;doo—smningApp. IIlugeRetmneva-l-Ap—p.-II-F;n—e;mbberhpp. I Crosscutting Concerns ........................................... | cos-I Iii I:s:5il0mymn. IIwMJOpir-mfiniélmp;ml I——+ extends ----+ provides -—-—-> uses _._., isoppitodto —---~ smportsI Figure 7.2: Expanding the set of existing programs supported by transparent shaping. Transparent shaping can be instantiated using techniques other than those used in TRAP and ACT. In a related research project, called the Kernel Middleware eXchange (KMX), our group is investigating the use of iptables [203], which are a means of intercepting and redirecting network packets passing through an Operating system kernel. A case study was conducted using a video streaming application previously developed in our group [204]. Originally, this application was developed as an adaptable program, which is capable of compensating the packet loss of a one-hop wireless network. In a preliminary study, our group adapted the flow of a video stream over a multi-hop wireless ad hoc network by in- tercepting and adapting the flow inside the intermediary nodes, which were used as routers. Using iptables as kemel-level hooks and transient proxies as adaptive code running inside 149 the intermediate nodes, we showed how the flow of a video stream can be adapted inside the network completely transparent from the application code. This research project is still ongoing and we plan to implement a complete instance of transparent shaping to support dynamic adaptation of multimedia streams in existing distributed, multimedia programs. Coordinating the behavior of adaptable programs. Designing distributed systems that can adapt to their environments requires not only adaptation of individual components, but coordinated adaptation across system layers and across platforms [6, 205—208]. Our work can be complemented by studies in the design of an adaptation coordinator to or- chestrate the adaptation provided by adaptive components that address overlapping or even conflicting concerns (e. g., preserving both QoS and energy in handheld devices). Different components are likely to have been developed by different parties, and the developer must be able to integrate separately-designed adaptive mechanisms such that they cooperate to meet the needs of the application. One problem is that many of the adaptive software solu- tions proposed for different layers have been developed independently, and even solutions within the same layer are often not compatible. As illustrated in Figure 7.3, tools and methods are needed to enable developers to integrate the operation of adaptive components across layers of a single system and among different systems. Client Program Server Program Application Interaction ; . Layer R Provider Middleware (Inter-Process’ Cross-Layer Layer Adaptatlon Adaptation 0;ng {Nam -—""i em 7 w R process boundaries 2 [0 Program component -—’ Flow of service request 0 Hook 9 Flow of Control/Monitor] Figure 7.3: Future work on adaptation coordination. 150 Providing safe adaptation in adaptable programs. During the adaptation process, tech- niques are needed to ensure that the system continues to execute in an acceptable, or safe manner. Although transparent shaping enables dynamic insertion and removal of adaptive code, it does not guarantee a safe adaptation. For example, adaptive code may encap- sulate part of the state of a running program and removing it without care may result in loss of state and unacceptable behavior by the running program. Our group and others are currently investigating this problem using a variety of methods, including dependency analysis [209-213] and explicit management of state information [214]. Providing security in adaptable programs. Security deals with protecting an adaptable program from malicious entities. An important issue is how to prevent the adaptation mech- anisms from being exploited by a would-be attacker. In addition to verifying the sources of inserted components, the core of an adaptive software system must be extremely well protected from attackers. For example, the confidentiality and authenticity of messages related to adaptation must be ensured through strong encryption. The current prototypes of transparent shaping contain little support for preventing malicious entities from misusing the adaptation facilities. We plan to provide such support in the future versions of TRAP/J and ACT/J. Constructing product lines for adaptable software. Product line software engineer- ing [215—218] provides a disciplined methodology to produce program families. Trans- parent shaping can be used to construct software product lines specialized for “mass cus- tomization” [217] of existing programs to new environments. We plan to investigate de- sign of reactive product lines (as opposed to proactive), where the product lines start from existing programs. The core assets of such product lines comprises existing programs, adaptation hooks, and adaptive code. 151 APPENDICES 152 Appendix A Transparent Integration of Heterogeneous Distributed Applications To show how transparent shaping and Web services can be used to integrate heterogeneous distributed applications, in this appendix we demonstrate transparent integration of applica- tions developed in Java RMI [68], CORBA [47], and .NET [70] using a simple stock quote example. First, in Section A.1, we introduce a stock quote Web service. Next, in Sec- tions A2, A3, and A.4, we use transparent shaping to integrate Web services with Java RMI, CORBA, and .NET applications, respectively. Specifically, for each of these three platforms, we show how a client program can be transparently shaped to use a Web Service (using architectures illustrated in Figures 6.6(a) and 6.6(b)) and how a server program can be exposed as a Web Service (using architectures illustrated in Figures 6.7(a) and 6.7(b)).l As discussed in Section 6.2, once two applications interoperate with Web services, then they are able to interOperate with each other via Web services. A.1 A Stock Quote Web Service Throughout this appendix, we use a stock quote Web service provided by XMethods (URL: http://www.xmethods.netl). This Web service, named net.xmethods.services.- 1Please note that the terms client and server programs are used equivalently with the terms requester and provider programs, respectively. Similarly, the terms client and server objects are equivalent to the terms requester and provider objects, and to the terms requester and provider components, respectively. 153 stockquote . StockQuote, provides stock quotes with 20 minutes of delay. The inter- face to this Web service is defined with the following method: if loat getQuote (string symbol) . Figure A.l shows a SOAP request representing the getQuote( ‘ ‘Microsoft") method call. We note that this SOAP message does not have a header element. The method call is defined in the body element (lines 4 to 6). Similarly, Figure A.2 shows a SOAP response representing the float result = -1. The actual reply is defined in the body element (lines 4 to 6). «?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8” ?>- «soasznvelope xmlns:n=“urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes” . . . >- «soap:Body . . . >- «n:getQuote>— «symbol xsi:type=“xs:string”>Microsoft«/symbol> «/n:getOuote> «lsoap:Body> «/soap:Envelope> mQONU'IibUONl-J Figure A.1: A SOAP request example. «?xml version=“1.0" encoding=“UTF-8” ?> «soasznvelope xmlns:n=“urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes” . . . > «soap:Body>- «nzgetOuoteFlesponse > «Result xsi:type=“xsd:float”>-1.0«/Ftesult> «/n:getOuoteFiesponse> «lsoap:Body> «/soap:Envelope> QOU'liwal-J Figure A2: A SOAP response example. Figure A.3 shows the corresponding WSDL of this Web service (available at ht tp : / / - services . xmethods . net/ soap/urn : methods-delayed-quotes . wsdl). This WSDL describes an abstract application-level service description (interface) to the Web service (lines 4 to 16) as well as concrete protocol-dependent details of how to access the service (lines 18 to 39). 154 The abstract description part (lines 4 to 16) describes the interface to the Web service using the message elements (lines 4 to 9), which defines what type of messages can be sent to and received from the Web service, and the portType element (lines 11 to 16), which defines all the operations supported by the Web service. The getQuote operation (lines 12 to 15) defines the valid message exchange pattern supported by the Web service. The SOAP messages in Figures A.1 and A2 are examples of the input and output messages, 1 «?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8” ?» 2 «definitions name=“net.xmethods.services.stockquote.StockOuote” . . . » 3 4 «message name=“getOuoteResponsel”» 5 «part name=“Flesult” type=“xsd:float" /» 6 «lmessage» 7 «message name=“getQuoteFtequest1”» 8 «part name=“symbol” type=“xsd:string" /» 9 «/message» 1 0 1 1 «portType name=“net.xmethods.services.stockquote.StockOuotePortType”» 12 «operation name=“getQuote” parameterOrder=“symbol”» 1 3 «input message=“tns:getQuoteRequestl " /» 14 «output message=“tns:getQuoteResponse1"/» 15 «loperation» 1 6 «/portType» 1 7 1 8 «binding name=“net.xmethods.services.stockquote.StockQuoteBinding” 1 9 type="tns:net.xmethods.services.stockquote.StockQuotePortType”» 2 O «soap:binding style=“rpc” transport=“http://schemas.xmIsoap.org/soap/http" /» 2 1 «operation name=“getOuote”» 2 2 «soap:operation soapAction=“urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes#getOuote" /» 2 3 «input» 2 4 «soap:body use=“encoded” namespace=“urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes” 2 S encodingStyle=“http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" /» 2 6 «finput» 27 «output» 2 8 «soap:body use=“encoded” namespace=“urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes” 2 9 encodingStyle=“http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encodingl' /» 3 0 «/output» 3 1 «loperation» 32 «/binding» 3 3 3 4 «service name=“net.xmethods.services.stockquote.StockQuoteService”» 3 5 . «port name=“net.xmethods.services.stockquote.StockQuotePort” 3 6 binding=“tns:net.xmethods.services.stockquote.StockQuoteBinding”» 3 7 «soapzaddress location=“http://targethost:9090/soap” /» 3 8 «/port» 3 9 «lservice» 4 0 «ldefinitions» Figure A.3: WSDL for net.xmethods.services.stockquote.StockQuote. 155 respectively, in the operation description. The concrete description part (lines 18 to 39) complements the abstract part using the binding and service element. The binding element describes how a given interaction is performed over what specific transport protocol (lines 18 to 32). The service element describes where to access the service (lines 34 to 39). The how part describes how mar- shaling and unmarshaling is performed using the operation element inside the binding element (lines 21 to 31). The what part is described in line 20 using the transport at- tribute. The where part is described using the port element (lines 35 to 38). A.2 Transparent Integration of Java RMI Applications and Web Services Typically, a Java RMI application is composed of a client and server programs. Figure A.4 lists excerpted code for a client/server stock quote application devel- oped in Java RM]. The code in this figure shows the contents of three files: the StockQuoteInterface . java file (lines 1 to 4) defines the interface to a stock quote remote object, the StockQuoteServer . java file (lines 5 to 20) defines the server pro- gram that hosts a stock quote remote object, and finally the StockQuoteClient . java file (lines 22 to 33) defines the client program that uses the stock quote service provided by the remote object. In the rest of this section, we show how the client and server pro- grams can be transparently shaped to interoperate with Web service requester and provider programs, respectively. A.2.1 Enabling Java RMI Client Applications to Use Web Services In this part, we use the architectures illustrated in Figures 6.6(a) and 6.6(b) to enable the Java RMI client program to use the delayed stock quote Web service developed by XMeth- ods (URL: ht tp: / /www. xmethods .net/) introduced in Section 6.1. First, let us discuss the architecture in Figure 6.6(b), where the Web service provider 156 KoQOU'lih-WNH 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 // The interface defined in StockQuotelnterface.java public interface StockQuotelnterface extends Remote { public float getQuote(String symbol) throws RemoteException; // The server application defined in StockQuoteServer.java public class StockQuoteServer extends UnicastFlemoteObject { implements StockQuotelnterface { ... public float getQuote(String symbol) throws RemoteException { if (symbol.equalslgnoreCase(“Microsoft")) return 1; else if (symbol.equalslgnoreCase( “lBM”)) return 2; else return -1; public static void main(String args[]) { try { StockQuotelnterface obj = new StockQuoteServerO; Naming.rebind(“StockQuoteServer", obj); } catch (Exception e) {. . .} } } // The client application defined in StockQuoteClientjava public class StockQuoteClient { public static void main(String[] args) { try { StockQuotelnterface stockQuote = (StockQuotelnterface)Naming.lookup(args[0]); while (true) { System.out.println(“Stock quote for IBM is: ” + stockQuote.getOuote(“lBM”)); Th read.sleep(1 000); } catch (Exception e) {. . .} } } is the XMethods Web server and the requester program is our Java RMI client application. We used the TRAP/J generator framework introduced in Chapter 4 to shape the Java RMI client program to host a translator, and for the translator to be able to intercept, translate, Figure A.4: A stock quote application developed in Java RMI. and forward all the Java RMI requests to the XMethods Web service. Looking more closely to the Java RMI client program shown in Figure A.4 (lines 22 to 33), we can see that a reference to the remote object is obtained through a call to the lookup () static method of the java . rmi .Naming class (line 26). Using TRAP/J, we make the java. rmi .Naming class adaptable so that we can overwrite the implementation 157 of its lookup ( ) method transparently. Next, we provide a specific implementation for the lookup () method. Instead of its normal operation (that is contacting a Java RMI registry to find the reference to the remote object), it instantiates a translator object and returns a reference to the translator object to the client program. Figures A5 and A6 show the excerpted code for the files generated by TRAP/J gener- ators as a result of making the java. rmi .Naming class adaptable. The generated aspect is defined in the AbsorbingNamingej . java file (Figure A.5) that defines a pointcut to the calls to the lookup () method of the java . rmi .Naming class (lines 3 to 4). The around advice calls the lookup () static method of the wrapper-level class associated with the Naming class instead of the lookup ( ) method of the Naming class (lines 5 to 8). 1 // Generated aspect defined in Absorbing_Naming.aj.java 2 public aspect Absorbing-Naming_aj { 3 pointcut lookup_String(String p0) : 4 call(public static Remote lookup(String)) && ...; 5 Remote around(String p0) throws ..., RemoteException 6 : lookup-String(p0) { 7 return (Remote)WrapperLevel-Naming.lookup(pO); 8 } 9 } Figure A.5: Excerpted code of the aspect generated by TRAP/J to shape the Java RMI client application. The generated wrapper-level class is defined in the WrapperLeveLNaming . java file (Figure A.6, lines 1 to 19). It basically reifies calls to the lookup () method (lines 4 to 9) and forwards the reified method calls to the invokeMetaMethod() method of the static meta-class (staticMetaClass) associated with the wrapper class (lines 11 to 13). In case the reply to a method call is not provided by the staticMetaClass class, the lookup ( ) method of the java. rmi .Naming class is called (lines 14 to 16). Finally, the reply is returned (line 17). The generated meta-level class is defined in the MetaLeveLNameing. java class (Figure A.6, lines 21 to 29). The static part of this class instantiates a meta-level class 158 // Generated wrapper-level class defined in WrapperLevel.NamingJava public class WrapperLevel.Naming implements WrapperLevelJnterface { ... public static Remote lookup(String p0) throws ...{ Class[] paramType = new Class[1]; paramType[O] = String.class; Method method = null; try { method = WrapperLevel.Naming.class.getMethod(“lookup”, paramType); } catch (Exception e) {. . .} Objectfl tempArgs = new Object[1]; tempArgs[0] = p0; ChangeableBoolean isReplyReady = new ChangeableBoolean(false); 10 Remote retVar = null; 11 try { retVar = (Remote) MetaLeveLNaming.staticMetaClass. 12 invokeMetaMethod(method, tempArgs, isReplyReady); 13 } catch (Exception e) {. . .} 14 if(lisReplyReady.booleanValueO) { 15 retVar = (Remote)Naming.lookup(pO); 16 } 17 return retVar; 18 } ... 19 } \OQOUJDWNH 2 1 // Generated meta-level class defined in MetaLeveLNameingJava 22 public class MetaLeveLNaming extends UnicastRemoteObject 23 implements MetaLeveLlnterface, DelegateManagement { 24 public synchronized Object invokeMetaMethod( 25 Method method,Object[] args,ChangeableBoolean isReplyReady) throws ...{ ...} 2 6 static public MetaLevel-Naming staticMetaClass; 27 static { try { staticMetaClass = new MetaLevel_Naming();} catch (Exception e) {} } 28 private MetaLeveLNamingO throws RemoteException { ...} 29 } Figure A.6: Excerpted code of the reflective classes generated by TRAP/J to shape the Java RMI client application. (staticMetaClass) associated with the wrapper-level class using its private construc- tor (lines 26 to 28). This class provides the invokeMetaMethod() method that forward reified method calls to delegates that overwrite the corresponding method implementation. Compiling the generated code listed in Figures A5 and A6 together with the Java RMI Client program using the AspectJ [103] compiler, an adapt-ready version of the client pro- gram is created. This adapt-ready program is adapted at startup time using a configuration file. The configuration file instructs the adapt-ready program to insert a delegate to the staticMetaClass. The delegate provides the new implementation for the lookup () method. 159 Figure A.7 shows excerpted code of the delegate class defined in the DelegateNamingJookup . java file (lines 1 to 6) and the translator component defined in the StockQuoteProxy. java file (lines 8 to 25). The DelegateNamingJookup class simply provides a new implementation for the lookup () method that return an instance of the StockQuoteProxy instead of using the Java RMI registry to find a refer- ence to the Java RMI remote object (lines 3 to 5). The StockQuoteProxy class provides an implementation of the translator component that for the Java RMI client program plays the role of a Java RMI remote object and for the XMethods delayed stock quote Web service plays the role of a requester object. A reference to the delayed stock quote Web service (stockQuoteWebService) is obtained using the WSDL available at URL: http: / /services . xmethods . net/soap/urn : methods-delayed-quotes .wsdl (listed in Figure A3) and the Java Web Services Developer Pack (Java WSDP) version 1.4 (lines 11 to 20). The implementation of the getQuote () method (lines 21 to 24) simply returns the result from the call to the getQuote () of the XMethods stock quote Web service. Because the stock quote example is very simple and because the XMethods stock quote Web service provides a similar service as that of our Java RMI remote object, the code for translation is very simple. As can be seen from the excerpted code for the StockQuoteProxy class, the developer did not need to provide any semantic transla- tion. However, the code for translation, no matter how complicated, can be encapsulated in the StockQuoteProxy class. A more complicated example of application integration is provided in Section 6.3. To make this application integration a bit more interesting, we listed an alternative code for the translator class in Figure A.8. Basically, this implementation provides a fault- tolerance service for the Java RMI client program. It keeps a reference to the original Java RMI remote object (origStockQuoteServer line 4 and lines 8 to 11) as well as a reference to the XMethods stock quote Web service (stockQuoteWebService line 6 160 // The proxy defined in StockQuoteProxy.java public class StockQuoteProxy extends UnicastRemoteObject 10 implements StockQuotelnterface { 1 1 private NetXmethodsServicesStockquoteStockQuotePortType stockQuoteWebService; 12 public StockQuoteProxy(String p0) throws RemoteException { super(); 1 // The delegate defined in DelegateNamingJookupJava 2 public class Delegate-Naming-lookup implements DelegateJnterface { 3 public static Remote lookup(String p0, ChangeableBooleanisReplyReady) throws . . .{ 4 return new StockQuoteProxy(pO); 5 } 6 } 7 8 9 1 3 try { 14 Stub stub = (Stub)(new NetXmethodsServicesStockquoteStockQuoteService-lmpl(). 1 5 getNetXmethodsServicesStockquoteStockOuotePort()); 1 6 stub._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINTADDRESSPROPERTY, 17 ”"); 1 8 stockQuoteWebService=(NetXmethodsServicesStockquoteStockOuotePortType)stub; 19 } catch (Exception ex) {. . .} 2 0 2 1 public float getQuote(String symbol) throws RemoteException { 22 try { return stockQuoteWebService.getQuote(symbol); } 2 3 catch (Exception e) {. . . } 24 } 25 } Figure A.7: Excerpted code of the delegate and proxy classes. and lines 12 to 18). The getQuote () implementation is now fault-tolerant (lines 20 to 30). By default, the translator object first tries the original Java RMI remote object (line 22). In case this remote object fails to respond (e. g., the network connection is temporarily disconnected, or the remote object, or for some reason it has crashed), the XMethods Web service is used (line 24). The translator component prefers to use the Java RMI remote object for the next calls (lines 25 to 27), because the Java RMI remote object imposes less delay than the XMethods Web service. Alternatively, we can integrate the Java RMI client program with the XMethods delayed stock quote Web service using the other approach illustrated in Figure 6.6(a), where the translator component is hosted inside a bridge program. The code for the proxy component would be the same as the proxy class listed in Figures A.7 or A8, except that it would have a main () method that instantiates and registers the proxy class as that of the Java RN11 161 \OCDQONU'Iiwal-J // The proxy defined in StockQuoteProxy.java public class StockQuoteProxy extends UnicastRemoteObject implements StockQuotelnterface { private StockQuotelnterface origStockQuoteServer; private String StockQuoteServerName; private NetXmethodsServicesStockquoteStockOuotePortType stockQuoteWebService; public StockQuoteProxy(String p0) throws RemoteException { super(); StockQuoteServerName = p0; try { origStockQuoteServer = (StockQuotelnterface) Naming.lookup(StockOuoteServerName); } catch (Exception e) {. . .} try { Stub stub = (Stub)(new NetXmethodsServicesStockquoteStockQuoteServiceJmpl(). getNetXmethodsServicesStockquoteStockQuotePortO); stub.-setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINTADDRESSPROPERTY, ”http:/l64.1 24.1 40.30:9090/soap”); stockQuoteWebService=(NetXmethodsServicesStockquoteStockOuotePortType)stub; } catch (Exception ex) {. . .} public float getQuote(String symbol) throws RemoteException { float retVal = -1; try { retVal = origStockQuoteServer.getQuote(symbol); } catch (Exception e) { retVal = stockOuoteWebService.getQuote(symbol); try { origStockQuoteServer = (StockQuotelnterface) Naming.lookup(StockOuoteServerName); } catch (Exception el) {} } return retVal; } Figure A.8: Excerpted code of the proxy class that adds fault-tolerance to the Java RMI client application by using a Web Service if the Java RMI server is not available. server program (similar to the code in Figure A.4 lines 14 to 19). For brevity, we do not list the code for this approach. A.2.2 Exposing Java RMI Server Applications as Web Services In this part, we show how the Java RMI server program (listed in Figure A.4, lines 6 to 20) can be exposed as a Web service using the architectures illustrated in Figures 6.7(a) and 6.7(b). First, let us discuss the architecture in Figure 6.7(a), where we use a Web server as a server-side bridge program to host the translator component. For the Web server, we use the 162 Tomcat Web server from Apache Software Foundation redistributed with the Java WSDP version 1.4 ( URL: http: / /java . sun . com/webservices/jwsdp/ index . j sp). Figure A.9 lists the excerpted code for the translator component that we de- veloped and deployed on a Tomcat Web server. The interface is defined in the StockQuoteWS Interface . j ava file (lines 1 to 4) and the Web service is defined in the StockQuotews . java file (lines 6 to 18). Basically, the Web service obtains a reference to the Java RMI remote object (lines 8 to 13) and implements the getQuote ( ) method by forwarding the calls to the Java RMI remote object (lines 14 to 17). 1 // The Web service interface defined in StockQuoteWSInterface.java 2 public interface StockQuoteWSlnterface extends Remote { 3 public float getQuote(String symbol) throws RemoteException; 4 5 6 // The Web service implementation defined in StockQuoteWS.java 7 public class StockQuoteWS implements StockQuoteWSlnterface { 8 static StockQuotelnterface stockQuoteRMlServer; 9 static { 10 try { stockQuoteRMlServer = (StockQuotelnterface) 1 1 Naming.Iookup(“//localhost/StockOuoteServer”); } 12 catch (Exception e) { ...} 1 3 } 14 public float getQuote(String symbol) { 15 try {return stockQuoteRMlServer.getQuote(symbol);} 1 6 catch (Exception e) { return -1;} 17 } 18 } Figure A.9: Excerpted code of the Web service. Alternatively, as illustrated in Figure 6.7(b), we can host the translator program in- side the Java RMI server program. For this approach, we can use TRAP/J to overwrite the implementation of the rebind () method of the java. rmi . Naming class. When the rebind ( ) method is called (Figure A.4 line 17), the new implementation of the rebind ( ) method (provided in a delegate class) that instantiates a proxy object. The proxy object keeps a reference to the original Java RMI remote object and exposes itself as a Web ser- vice. When a requester program sends a message to the Web service (the proxy object), it 163 simply forwards the request to the original Java RMI remote object, which is a local object for the proxy object, and replies to the getQuote ( ) SOAP messages using the result form the Java RMI object. A.3 Transparent Integration of CORBA Applications and Web Services Similar to Java RMI applications, a typical CORBA application is composed of a client and server programs. Figures A.10, A.11, and A.12 list the excerpted code for a simple implementation of the stock quote application in CORBA: the stock quote in- terface is defined in the StockQuotelnterface.idl file, the server code is de- fined in the StockQuoteServer.java file, and the client code is defined in the StockQuoteClient .java file. In the rest of this section, we show how the client and server programs were transparently shaped to interoperate with Web service requester and provider programs. 1 // The stock quote interface defined in StockQuotelnterface.idl 2 module edu { module msu { module cse { module sens { module StockQuote{ 3 interface StockQuotelnterface { float getQuote(in string symbol); } 4 }; }; }; }; }; Figure A. 10: The stock quote interface defined in IDL. A.3.1 Enabling CORBA Client Applications to Use Web Services We use the architectures illustrated in Figures 6.6(a) and 6.6(b) to enable the CORBA client application to use the delayed Quote Web service. First, we use the architecture in Figure 6.6(b), where the translator component is hosted inside the client program, to make the CORBA client program interoperate with the XMeth- ods delayed stock quote Web service. Before describing the code listed in Figures A.13 and A.14, let us take a closer look at the client program listed in Figure A.12. First, a 164 1 // The stock quote server implemented in CORBA defined in StockQuoteServer.java 2 public class StockQuoteServer extends StockQuotelnterfacePOA { 3 public float getQuote(String symbol) { ...} 4 public static void main(String[] args) { 5 try { 6 ORB orb = ORB.init( args, null ); 7 POA poa = POAHelper.narrow( orb.resolvejnitial-references( ”RootPOA” )); 8 poa.the-POAManager().activate(); 9 StockQuoteServer server = new StockQuoteServerO; 10 org.omg.CORBA.Object obj = poa.servant.to.reference( server); 1 1 PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( args[ 0 ] )); 12 pw.print|n( orb.object.to_string( obj )); pw.flush(); pw.close(); 13 orb.run(); 14 } catch( Exception e) {. . .} 15 } 16 } Figure A.11: Implementation of the stock quote server program in CORBA. reference to the CORBA object (server defined in line 3) is obtained in the constructor of the StockQuoteClient class using the IOR file provided to the client program as a com- mand line parameter (lines 5 to 12). Next, this reference is used to call the getQuote () method on the CORBA object hosted in the server program (lines 16 to 18). To intercept and redirect the CORBA requests, first, we make the client pro- gram adapt-ready by running the program using extra command-line parameters: java StockQuoteClient ORBconfig file:StockQuoteClient. cfg.2 Next, the devel- oper inserts a new rule to the rule-based decision maker of the ACT core that intercepts all the CORBA requests using GUI tools. Figures A. 13 and A.14 list the excerpted code that we developed to make the CORBA program interoperate with the XMethods Web service. The condition part of the rule is defined in the StockQuote..Condtion. java file (Figure A.13, lines 1 to 8), which basically returns true always to make all the intercepted CORBA requests to be for- warded to the action part of the rule. The action part of the rule is defined in the StockQuoteActionjava file (lines 10 to 25). In the constructor of the (Stock- 2For details of how ACT works, please refer to Chapter 5. 165 // The stock quote client implemented in CORBA defined in StockQuoteClientjava public class StockQuoteClient { StockQuotelnterface server; public StockQuoteClient(String args[]) { try { ORB orb = ORB.init( args, null ); String iorFileName = args[0]; File f = new File( iorFileName ); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( f )); org.omg.CORBA.Object obj = orb.string.to_object( br.readLine() ); 1 0 br.close(); DmQONUIbWNl-t 1 1 server = StockQuotelnterfaceHelper.narrow( obj ); 12 } catch( Exception ex) {. . .} 1 3 14 public static void main( String args[] ) { 1 5 StockQuoteClient client = new StockQuoteClient(args); 1 6 try { 17 while (true) { System.out.println(. . . + client.server.getQuote(“lBM”)); ... } 18 } catch( Exception ex) {. . .} 19 } 2 0 } Figure A. 12: Implementation of the stock quote client program in CORBA. QuoteAction) class (Figure A.13, lines 12 to 17), an instance of the translator compo- nent (defined in the StockQuote_C1ientLocalProxy . java file listed in Figure A.14) is created. Once the rule is inserted, all CORBA requests will be reified by the CORBA ORB and will eventually be intercepted by the process () method of the StockQuoteAction class (lines 18 to 25). The process () method creates another CORBA request similar to the one intercepted, except that the target object of the request is stockQuote.Client- Local Proxy, which is an instance of the StockQuote_C1ientLocalProxy class, in- stead of the original CORBA object. The process () method replies the original request using the reply returned from the stockQuote_Cl ientLocalProxy. The translator component is defined in the StockQuote_C1ientLoca1 Proxy. java file. First, a reference to the XMethods Web service is obtained using the Java WSDP framework (Figure A.14, lines 5 to 11). Next, all calls to the getQuote () method are forwarded to the XMethods Web service (lines 14 to 15). 166 l // The condition class defined in StockQuote.Condtion.java 2 public class StockQuote-Condition extends lnBandDMCondition { 3 public StockOuote-Condition(ActiveRule activeRule, ORB orb) { super(activeRule, orb); } 4 public boolean check(org.omg.CORBA.Object targetObj, FulllnterfaceDescription 5 fulllntDesc, ServerRequest serverRequest, Request request) { 6 return true; 7 } 8 } 9 1 0 // The action class defined in StockQuoteActionJava 11 public class StockQuoteAction extends edu.msu.cse.sens.act.dm.lnBandDMAction { 12 public StockOuote_Action(ActiveRule activeRule, org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb) { 13 super(activeRule, orb); 14 StockQuote-ClientLocalProxy stockQuote_ClientLocalProxy = 1 5 new StockQuote-ClientLocalProxy(orb); 1 6 // publishing the StockQuote_ClientLocalProxy CORBA object in the naming service } 1 8 public boolean process(org.omg.CORBA.Object targetObj, F ulllnterfaceDescription 19 fulllntDesc, ServerRequest serverRequest, Request request) { 2 0 request = createReq(stockQuote.ClientLocalProxy, serverRequest, fulllntDesc, opNum); 2 l request.invoke(); 22 org.omg.CORBA.Any res.any = request.result().value(); 23 serverRequest.set_result(res_any); 24 return true; Figure A. 13: Excerpted code of the rule used in the client program. A.3.2 Exposing CORBA Server Applications as Web Services We propose three solutions to expose CORBA server applications as Web services. The first two solutions use the architecture in Figure 6.7(b) and the last one uses the architecture in Figure 6.7(a). First, we can use TRAP/J to host the translator component inside the CORBA server application. This approach is possible only if the CORBA application is written in Java. However, when other implementations of TRAP, such as TRAP/C++ and TRAP/C#, are available, we can use this approach for CORBA applications written in C++ and C#. respectively. Second, we can use ACT to host the translator component inside the CORBA server application. Third, we can use the architecture illustrated in Figure 6.7(a), where a server-side bridge hosts the translator component. Because those solutions involve straightforward modifications to code described earlier, we do not list the corresponding 167 1 // The stock quote proxy defined in StockQuote_ClientLocalProxy.java 2 public class StockQuote-ClientLocalProxy extends StockQuotePOA 3 implements Serializable, StockQuoteOperations { 4 public StockQuote_ClientLocalProxy(ORB orb) { ... 5 try { 6 Stub stub = (Stub)(new NetXmethodsServicesStockquoteStockQuoteServiceJmpl(). 7 getNetXmethodsServicesStockquoteStockQuotePorto); 8 stub..setPropertyOavaxxml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINTADDRESSPROPERTY, 9 ”http:/l64.124.140.30z9090/soap”); 1 0 stockQ uoteWebService=(NetXmethodsServicesStockquoteStockOuotePortType)stub; 11 } catch (Exception ex) {. . .} 12 } 13 public float getQuote(String symbol) throws RemoteException { 14 try { return stockQuoteWebService.getOuote(symbol); } 1 5 catch (Exception e) {. . . } 16 } 17 } Figure A. 14: Excerpted code of the proxy used in the client program. code. A.4 Transparent Integration of .NET Remoting Applica- tions and Web Services Microsoft .NET [70] is a collection of software technologies intended to support integration of small, discrete applications as well as larger applications over the Internet. Similar to Java RMI and CORBA applications, a typical .NET remoting application is composed of client and server programs. In .NET remoting, unlike CORBA there is no need to define the interface of a CORBA object in an IDL file, and unlike Java RMI there is no need to define the interface of a remote object separately from its implementation. Figures A.15, A.16, and A.17 list excerpted code for a client/server stock quote ap- plication developed in C#. The StockQuoteObj ect . cs file defines both the interface and implementation of the remote objects of type StockQuoteObj ect. The Stock- QuoteServer . cs file defines the server program that follows the instructions listed in its configuration file. The StockQuoteServer . exe . config file defines the configuration of the server program. It instructs the server program to define its name as “StockQuote- 168 Server” (Figure A.16, line 10) and to listen to the port number 9000 that may receive ht tp requests (line 15). If a SOAP message is received that refers to the StockQuoteObj ect service (lines 11 to 14), then the server program instantiates an object of type Stock- Quote . StockQuoteObj ect (available in the StockQuoteObj ect . dll library file) for the message and forwards the message to the object.3 ONU'liwaH // The stock quote object defined in StockQuoteObjectcs public class StockQuoteObject : MarshalByRefObject { public float getQuote(string symbol) { if (symbol.Equals(“Microsoft")) return 1; ... Figure A. 15: Excerpted code of the stock quote object in the .NET remoting application. \OCDQONU'IibUJNH // The stock quote server defined in StockQuoteServer.cs class StockQuoteServer { [STAThread] static void Main(stringfl args) { RemotingConfiguration.Configure(“StockOuoteServer.exe.config”); String keyState = “"; keyState = Console.ReadLine(); } } // The stock quote server configuration defined in StockQuoteServer.exe.conflg «configuration» «system.runtime.remoting» «application name=“StockQuoteServer’» «service» «wellknown mode="Sing|eCall" type=“StockOuote.StockQuoteObject, StockQuoteObject" objectUri=“StockOuoteObject.soap” /» «lservice» «channels» «channel port=“9000" ref=“http” /» «lchannels» «lapplication» «lsystem.runtime.remoting» «lconfiguration» Figure A. 16: Excerpted code of the server program in the .NET remoting application. The StockQuoteClient . cs file (listed in Figure A.17) defines the client program. The client program first follows the configuration provided in its configuration file (line 4). Next, it creates an instance of the StockQuoteObj ect class (line 5). Finally, it uses 3Please note that the mode: " SingleCal l " attribute in the configuration file aiigure A.16, line 12) instructs the server program to instantiate a separate object for each arriving message. Alternatively, if the mode = " S ingl eton " attribute is used, only one singleton object will be created for all arriving messages. 169 1 // The stock quote client defined in StockQuoteClineLcs 2 class StockQuoteClient { 3 [STAThread] static void Main(stringfl args) { 4 RemotingConfiguration.Configure(“StockOuoteClient.exe.config”); 5 StockQuoteObject server = new StockQuoteObject(); 6 while (true) { 7 Console.WriteLine(“Stock quote for IBM is: ” + server.getOuote(“lBM”)); 8 Thread.Sleep(1000); 9 } 10 } 11 } 12 1 3 // The stock quote client configuration defined in StockQuoteCflenLexeconfig 14 «configuration» «system.runtime.remoting» «application name=“StockOuoteClient”» 15 «client» 1 6 «wellknown type=“StockQuote.StockQuoteObject, StockQuoteObject” 17 url=“http:l/haydn.cse.msu.edu:9000/StockQuoteServer/StockOuoteObject.soap” /» 18 «/client» 19 «lapplication» «lsystem.runtime.remoting» «lconfiguration» Figure A.17: Excerpted code of the client program in the .NET remoting program. the .NET remote object (lines 6 to 9). The StockQuoteClient . exe . config file (lines 13 to 19) defines the configuration of the client program. This configuration file instructs the client program to define its name as “StockQuoteClient” (line 14) and to register the StockQuote . StockQuoteObj ect type as a remote object. The effect of this registra- tion is that whenever the client program instantiates a new object of type StockQuote . - StockQuoteObj ect (such as line 5), the instance is not created locally. Instead, a proxy is automatically created that represents the .NET remote object as a local object. Whenever a call to the object is made (such as line 7), the call is forwarded to the service resid- ing at the “http: / /haydn . cse . msu . edu: 9 00 O /StockQuoteServer/StockQuote— Object . soap” URL (line 17). Eventually, the call will be received by the server program, where an instance of type StockQuote . StockQuoteObj ect is created to respond to the request. 170 A.4.1 Enabling .NET Client Applications to use Web Services In this part, we show how the architectures illustrated in Figures 6.6(a) and 6.6(b) can be used to enable the .NET client program to use the XMethods Web service. First, we use the architecture in Figure 6.6(a), where a bridge program hosts the trans- lator component. Figure A.18 lists the excerpted code for the translator component de- fined in the StockQutonbj ect . cs file. First, a reference to the XMethods Web service (webService) is obtained (lines 4 to 6 ). Next, calls to the getQuote () method are for- warded to the webService (lines 7 to 9). The code for the bridge program that hosts this translator component is the same as the one for the server program listed in Figure A.16. 1 // The stock quote proxy defined in StockQutonbjectcs 2 public class StockQuoteObject: MarshalByRefObject { 3 private netxmethodsservicesstockquoteStockOuoteService webService; 4 public StockQuoteObjectO { 5 webService = new netxmethodsservicesstockquoteStockOuoteServiceO; 6 . 7 public float getQuote(string symbol) { 8 return webService.getQuote(symbol); 9 } 10 } Figure A.18: Excerpted code of the translator component that is hosted inside a bridge program. The netxmethodsservicesstockquoteStockQuoteService type, representing the XMethods Web service, is available to the translator program by creating the cor- responding proxy class using either the wsdl . exe utility from Microsoft or the Add Web Reference facility in the VisualStudio .NET. All the plumbing and marshal- ing are hidden in the generated Web service proxy and the translator program sim- ply uses the netxmethodsservicesstockquoteStockQuoteService type. Fig- ure A.19 shows a screen dump of the Add Web Reference GUI that we used to make available the web reference to the http: //services.xmethods.net/soap/urn:- methods-delayed-quotes .wsdl WSDL definition for the XNIethods Web service. 171 Omevismd ;i are It . . ll , Web services fund at this LRL: net.xmethods.servrces.stockquote.StockQuoteServrce 15...... rm Description IWWW” Documentation I l net.xmethods.services.stockquote.StockQuote web service “Wm m: Methods Remaining - getQuote() mum. Camel I s , ' ' ' ' -- ‘ t I Nb 4| Figure A.19: A screen dump of the Add Web Service GUI of VrsualStudio .NET that adds the reference to the XMethods Web service to a .NET project. Alternatively, we could use the architecture illustrated in Figure 6.6(b), where the trans- lator component is hosted inside the client program. However, because this example is developed in C# and we do not have the C# version of TRAP yet, currently the alternative solution is not available. A.4.2 Exposing .NET Server Applications as Web Services A .NET server can be used directly as a Web service, if the types exposed by the .NET server are all supported in XML schema type system“. The types that can be used in a .NET remoting application are much richer than the restricted types supported in Web services [182,183]. If a .NET specific type such as System.Data .DataSet is exposed by a .NET server program, then it cannot be used as a Web service directly. As our .NET server program does not expose such .NET specific types, it can be used directly as a Web service. To enable a Web requester program to use this service, a developer can use the SOAPsuds . exe utility from Microsoft with the -sdl option to generate the WSDL schema of the .NET service. This WSDL schema can be used by Web service requester 4The XML schema type system specifies all the types that are allowed to be used in a Web service. 172 programs to interoperate with the .NET server program. If a .NET specific type is used in a .NET server program, then the corresponding WSDL schema will have some extra elements, which are not standard and may not be understood by other Web services tools. In case a .NET server cannot be used directly as a Web service, we can expose it as a Web service using the architecture illustrated in Figure 6.7(b), where the translator component is hosted inside the provider program. We use the US Web server from Mi- crosoft (http: / /www . microsoft . com/WindowsServer2 003 / iis /default .mspx) distributed with Windows XP as the provider program. We use the ASRNET technology to host the provider component inside the IIS Web server (for this example the provider component is an instance of the StockQuoteObj ect class listed in Figure A.18). The excerpted code for the Web service is listed in Figure A.20. First, the Web service creates an instance of the StockQuoteObj ect and stores it in the origServer variable (lines 3 to 6). Next, it forwards calls to the getQuote ( ) method to the origServer. // The translator program defined in StockQuoteWebService.cs. public class StockQuoteWebService : System.Web.Services.WebService { StockQuoteObject origServer; public StockQuoteWebServiceO { origServer = new StockQuoteObject(); } [WebMethod (EnableSession=true)] public float getQuote(string symbol) { origServer.getQuote(symbol); } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 } 1 1 Figure A.20: Excerpted code for the Web service written in ASRNET and hosted inside the IIS Web server. 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