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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE F t- ‘ \ s. 6/01 cJCIRC/DateDue.p65~p.15 THE GENETIC CONTROL OF SELF-INCOMPATIBHJTY IN SWEET AND SOUR CHERRY By Nathanael R. Hauck A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Plant Breeding & Genetics Program; Department of Horticulture 2004 ABSTRACT THE GENETIC CONTROL OF SELF-INCOMPATIBILITY IN SWEET AND SOUR CHERRY By Nathanael R. Hauck Gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) is a common mechanism for preventing inbreeding in flowering plants. Typically, GSI in diploid species breaks down due to polyploidy resulting in self-compatible (SC) tetraploid species. The diploid sweet cherry and the tetraploid sour cherry represent an exception, as sour cherry individuals can be either self-incompatible (SI) or SC. SI is undesirable for cultivation due to the inefficiencies of growing pollinator varieties and the reliance on bees to ensure adequate cross-pollination. Therefore, sour cherry breeders should develop SC selections. Without an understanding of the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry, breeders are not able to predict the 81 or SC phenotype of seedlings prior to the production of flowers, which typically occurs 3-5 years after planting. The availability of molecular markers to predict the SI or SC phenotype of a seedling could save valuable field space and evaluation time. The goal of this dissertation was to determine the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry. To do this, it was first necessary to determine which S-haplotypes exist in sweet cherry, one of the progenitors of sour cherry. RFLP analyses were used to determine the banding profiles for 14 sweet cherry S-haplotypes. Sour cherry was then found to contain six of these sweet cherry S-haplotypes (S 1, S4, S6, S9, S12 and S13) in addition to six unique S-haplotypes (S66, S6,", S0, Sb, S4 and Se). Using inter-specific crosses between sweet and sour cherry and self-pollinations of sour cherry, four of the six shared S-haplotypes (S 1, S4, S6, and S9) and one of the unique S—haplotypes (Sb) were shown to be firnctional and capable of accomplishing S-haplotype-specific rejection of pollen. The other S-haplotypes in sour cherry (S13, 56c, S6,”, S0, Sd, and Se) were shown to be non-functional and incapable of initiating S-haplotype-specific rejection of pollen. Finally, a hypothesis regarding the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry was developed through the analysis of S-haplotype segregation in 794 progeny from six sour cherry self-populations and 15 inter-specific crosses between sweet and sour cherry. SI and SC predictions were verified using additional self-pollination and crossing experiments. The data suggests that the partial breakdown of SI in sour cherry is due to the accumulation of non-functional S-haplotypes that are incapable of S-haplotype- specific rejection of pollen, rather than due to the competition between pollen-S products in heteroallelic pollen, which is commonly observed in the Solanaceae. The implications of these findings on sour cherry breeding and on our knowledge of GSI are discussed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to send a special thanks to my committee members, Amy Iezzoni, Jim Hancock, Mitch McGrath, Steve van Nocker, and Pam Green, for their guidance and valuable suggestions throughout the years. No doubt, these suggestions have greatly improved the quality of my research and dissertation. Amy has provided me with a wonderfirl research project, has let me help in the writing or review of numerous manuscripts and grant proposals, has introduced me to the value of collaboration and has been a tremendous mentor, overall. Jim’s humor and ability to make me think deeply about plant evolution not only made my stay at MSU more enjoyable, but also inspired me to have a great interest in polyploid genome evolution. The numerous suggestions from Mitch and Steve, both in and out of committee meetings, have been invaluable. I would also like to thank most of the past and current members of the Iezzoni and Hancock labs, especially Audrey Sebolt, Jim Olmstead, Chris Owens, Renate Karle, Pete Callow, Cholani Weebadde and Chrislyn Drake. Each of them has made my stay at MSU more interesting and contributed to the success of my project. This project would also not be possible if not for the help of Ryutaro Tao from Kyoto University, and two of his students Hisayo Yamane and Kazuo Ikeda. They have taught me a lot about science and the Japanese culture. In addition, I must thank Barb Sears and Jim Hancock for giving me the opportunity to participate in their undergraduate genetics class and for helping me evolve as a teacher. In addition, Barb’s advice and feedback over the past three years while iv serving as my teaching mentor has been invaluable. The numerous discussions about teaching with Barb and Jim, as well as with Cholani Weebadde and Veronica Vallejo, have been helpful. I appreciate all of the support of my parents who instilled in me a desire to learn and, somehow, an interest in plant genetics. A special thanks to my wife, Paula, who has always supported and helped me when necessary. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................. viii LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................. x CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................... 3 The Origin of Sour cherry ..................................................................... 4 The Genomic Structure of Cherry ............................................................ 4 Prevalence of Self-Incompatibility .......................................................... 5 Gametophytic Self-Incompatibility in Sweet Cherry ...................................... 6 The Mechanism of the RNase-Based Gametophytic Self-Incompatibility System....6 Proposed Mechanisms for the Breakdown of Gametophytic SI .......................... 9 REFERENCES ................................................................................... 13 CHAPTER 2: REVISITING THE S—ALLELE NOMENCLATURE IN SWEET CHERRY (PRUN US A WUM) USING RFLP PROFILES .................. 19 ABSTRACT ...................................................................................... 20 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 21 MATERIALS AND METHODS .............................................................. 23 Plant Material ................................................................................ 23 DNA Isolation ................................................................................ 24 Genomic DNA Blot Analysis ............................................................. 24 PCR-amplification of S-alleles ......................................................... 24 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................... 25 REFERENCES ................................................................................... 41 CHAPTER 3: SELF-COMPATIBILITY AND INCOMPATIBILITY IN TETRAPLOID SOUR CHERRY (PRUNUS CERASUS L.) .................................. 44 ABSTRACT ...................................................................................... 45 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 46 MATERIALS AND METHODS .............................................................. 49 Plant Material ................................................................................ 49 Analysis of Pollen Tubes Grth ......................................................... 50 cDNA Cloning of S-RNases ............................................................... 51 DNA isolation and Southern analyses from the parents and progeny in the linkage mapping population ................................................................... 52 Inheritance and linkage analysis .......................................................... 53 RESULTS ........................................................................................ 54 Pollen tube growth studies of sour cherry and sweet cherry interspecific crosses.54 vi cDNA cloning from ‘RS’ .................................................................. 54 Inheritance and linkage analysis of the S-RNases in the ‘RS’ x ‘EB’ mapping population ............................................................................... 56 SI and SC phenotypes of progeny from the ‘RS’ x ‘EB’ mapping population... . .63 DISCUSSION .................................................................................... 63 REFERENCES .................................................................................. 68 CHAPTER 4: GENETIC CONTROL OF SELF-INCOMPATIBILITY AND SELF- COMPATIBILITY IN TETRAPLOII) SOUR CHERRY (PRUNUS CERASUS L.) ..................................................................... 73 ABSTRACT ...................................................................................... 74 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 75 MATERIALS AND METHODS .............................................................. 78 Plant material ................................................................................ 78 Field crosses and self-pollinations ........................................................ 80 DNA isolation ............................................................................... 80 PCR amplification of S-RNases ........................................................... 83 S-genotype or S-phenotype determination for hypothesis testing ..................... 83 Analysis of pollen tube growth for hypothesis testing ................................. 85 RESULTS ........................................................................................ 86 Inter-specific crosses ........................................................................ 86 Sour cherry self-populations ............................................................... 99 Hypothesis verification .................................................................... 102 DISCUSSION ................................................................................... 105 REFERENCES ................................................................................. 116 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS, GENERAL DISCUSSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH ....................................................................... 120 CONCLUSIONS AND GENERAL DISCUSSION ....................................... 121 Impact on sour cherry breeding ........................................................... 123 Implications for understanding the effect of polyploidy on GSI ..................... 125 FUTURE RESEARCH ........................................................................ 128 REFERENCES .................................................................................. 131 APPENDIX A: DNA EXTRACTION PROTOCOL FOR CHERRY SEED .............. 134 APPENDIX B: COLLECTION OF SELF-INCOMPATIBILITY DATA AND SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATIONS OF OB SERVED S-HAPLOTYPE SEGREGATION DATA ...................................................... 136 vii Table 2.1: Table 2.2: Table 2.3: Table 3.1: Table 3.2: Table 3.3: Table 4.1: Table 4.2: Table 4.3: Table 4.4: Table 4.5: LIST OF TABLES Sizes of DNA restriction fragments for sweet cherry S—alleles used in this study ..................................................................................... 29 S—allele genotypes of 17 sweet cherry cultivars used in this study .............. 30 S-genotypes for five Washington State University and Michigan sweet cherry selections ................................................................................ 37 Cross-compatibility results for pollination of sour cherry styles with sweet cherry pollen based on examination of pollen tube grth in styles 72 hours after pollination ........................................................................ 55 Cross-compatibility results for pollination of sweet cherry cultivars with sour cherry pollen based on examination of pollen tube growth in styles 72 hours afier pollination ........................................................................ 55 RFLP segregation of S-RNase alleles in the ‘RS’ x ‘EB’ mapping population .............................................................................. 61 Sweet and sour cherry cultivars, with their proposed S-haplotypes, used in this study ..................................................................................... 79 Reciprocal inter-specific crosses between sour cherry and sweet cherry used to investigate the functionality of the S4, S6, and Sg-haplotypes from sour cherry .............................................................................................................. 81 Sour cherry self-populations analyzed to determine the functionality of the 513', Sq, Sb, 5.; and Se-haplotypes ..................................................... 82 DNA sequences, annealing temperature, and references for S-RNase genotyping PCR primers used in this study ........................................ 84 Segregation of S-haplotypes and S-genotypes/phenotypes in triploid progeny from sweet cherry x sour cherry reciprocal crosses to test the functionality of the S4, S6 and Sg-hapltoypes in sour cherry ......................................... 87 viii Table 4.6: Sour cherry self-pollinations to test the functionality of S 13 ', Sa, Sb, Sc, Sd and Se ....................................................................................... 100 Table 4.7: The S-genotype, SI or SC predictions based on the S-genotype, and the SI or SC phenotype of 92 sour cherry selections used to test the validity of the hypothesis for the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry ................ 106 Table B. 1: The self-pollination of 60 sour cherry selections to test the validity of the hypothesis for the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry. Predictions were based on the knowledge of the S-genotypes of each tree ................. 137 Table B.2: Thirteen sour cherry crosses used to test the validity of the hypothesis for the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry. The compatibility or incompatibility of each cross was predicted based on the S-genotype of the parents .................................................................................. 140 Table B3: The S-genotype and SI or SC phenotype for 81 progeny in the Rheinische Schattenmorelle (RS) x Erdi B6term6 (EB) population ......................... 141 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: Genomic DNA blot analysis of 22 sweet cherry cultivars ....................... 26 Figure 2.2: PCR analysis of S-alleles from sweet cherry ....................................... 32 Figure 3.1 Amino acid sequence alignment of four S-RNases from ‘RS’, Sc, Sb, Sc and S6, two from ‘EB’, S0 and S4, (Y arnane et a1. 2001) and the sweet cherry S4- and S6-RNases .......................................................................... 57 Figure 3.2 Genomic blot analysis of ‘RS’, ‘EB’ and eleven progeny ....................... 59 Figure 3.3 Genetic map for the sour cherry linkage group 6 obtained with the ‘RS’ x ‘EB’ mapping population showing the location of the Sb-RNases (Sb) ........ 62 Figure B. 1: Graphic explanation of the expected S-genotypes and SI or SC phenotypes of progeny in the Rheinische Schattenmorelle (RS) x Erdi B6terrn6 (EB) population shown in Table A3 ..................................................... 144 Figure B.2: Schematic representation of the reciprocal inter-specific crosses between sweet and sour cherry analyzed in Chapter 4 ..................................... 145 Figure B.3: Summary of the S-haplotypes in Rheinische Schattenmorelle ................ 149 Figure B.4: Summary of the S-haplotypes in Erdi Béterrnéi ................................. 150 Figure B.5: Summary of the S—haplotypes in Cigany 59 ..................................... 151 Figure B.6: Summary of the S-haplotypes in Surefire ........................................ 152 Figure B.7: Summary of the S—haplotypes in Montmorency ................................. 153 Figure B.8: Summary of the S—haplotypes in Ujfehértoi Fi'utds ............................. 154 CHAPTER 1 LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction Gametophytic self-incompatibility (SI) is a genetic mechanism that promotes out- crossing in many flowering plants (de Nettancourt 1977). SI is controlled by a single multi-allelic locus, called the S-locus, which is hypothesized to contain at least two genes involved in determining the specificity of the SI interaction between the pollen tubes and styles. The grth of pollen tubes is arrested within the style if the pollen and style contain the same specificity alleles. Sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) is an allotetraploid species produced by the hybridization of the diploid sweet cherry (P. avium L.) and the tetraploid ground cherry (P. fiuticosa Pall.) (Olden and Nybom, 1968). Whereas sweet cherry has a classic gametophytic SI system, sour cherry segregates for SI and self-compatibility (SC) (Lech and Tylus, 1983; Redalen 1984). The presence of SI sour cherry selections is unusual, since SI typically breaks down as a result of polyploidy (Livermore and Johnstone 1940; Crane and Lewis 1942; Stout and Chandler 1942; Brewbaker 1954; Pandey 1968). The reason for the partial breakdown of SI in sour cherry is unknown. In the Solanaceae, which has a similar gametophytic SI system, the breakdown of SI is apparently caused by the competition of pollen-S products in heteroallelic pollen, i.e. pollen containing two different pollen-S products. For growers, SI sour cherry trees require mixed plantings with pollinator cultivars in their orchard and the use of bees to ensure proper cross pollination and fruit set. The need to use valuable orchard space for pollinators and the reliance on bees for adequate fruit set compel growers to desire SC cultivars rather than SI ones. Thus, sour cherry breeders are interested in breeding SC trees. Without markers for SC, the breeder may have to wait three to five years after making a cross to determine if the tree is 81 or SC. Therefore, the development of molecular markers for SC would facilitate sour cherry breeding and reduce the number of seedlings that a breeder would need to keep. However, without knowledge of the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry, it is impossible to develop molecular markers that could be used to screen for SC seedlings. The ultimate goal of this research was to determine the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry to facilitate marker development. To reach this goal, it was first necessary to test the hypothesis that gametophytic S1 in sour cherry involves the stylar S- RNase as the style specificity component. This involved the determination of the S- haplotypes in sour cherry and the relationship of these S—haplotypes to those in sweet cherry. With these S-haplotypes defined, it was then possible to systematically conduct genetic and genomic investigations of these S-haplotypes by themselves or in combination. Finally, a hypothesis for the genetic control of SI and SC was developed and verified in self-pollination and crossing experiments. Literature Review This literature review will focus on the genetic structure of sour cherry, the mechanism of gametophytic self-incompatibility (SI), and the proposed mechanisms for the breakdown of gametophytic SI. The Origin of Sour Cherry Sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) is an allotetraploid that was produced by the hybridization of the diploid sweet cherry (P. avium) and the tetraploid ground cherry (P. fiuticosa) (Olden and Nybom, 1968). This hybridization likely occurred multiple times and in both directions, i.e. sweet cherry x ground cherry and ground cherry x sweet cherry, as evidenced by the presence of both avium-type and fruticosa-type cytoplasm in sour cherry (Brettin et al., 2000). The fi'uticosa-type cytoplasm is most prevalent but the avium-type cytoplasm has been detected in some selections, such as Cigany 59. The recurrent formation was aided by the overlapping distribution of sweet cherry and ground cherry in Eastern Europe. The Genomic Structure of Cherry The genome size of sweet cherry is small (2C = 0.7pg; 338 Mb), approximately double the size of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome (Arumuganathan and Earle, 1991). The relatively small amount of repetitive DNA sequences in the Prunus genome made it relatively easy for Prunus geneticists to identify a putative pollen-S gene (Lai et al., 2002; Entani et al., 2003; Ushijima et al., 2003). Researchers working with more traditional model systems such as tomato, petunia and tobacco were overwhelmed by the highly repetitive nature of the Solanaceous S-locus (Coleman and Kao, 1992). However, the inability to transform Prunus species makes it impossible to conduct the necessary gain- of-function and loss-of-firnction transformation experiments to prove that a putative gene is the true pollen-S gene. The first genetic map of sour cherry, consisting of RFLP markers, was published in 1998 (Wang et al., 1998). Although sour cherry is an allotetraploid that predominately exhibits disomic inheritance, it also exhibits a low frequency of tetrasomic inheritance (~5%) (Beaver et al. 1993) and quadrivalent pairing characteristic of an autotetraploid (Wang et al., 1998). Prevalence of Self-Incompatibility Self-incompatibility is one of the most prevalent mechanisms that prevents inbreeding and promotes out crossing. Although many forms of SI exist, the S-RNase- based gametophytic SI found in Prunus and the Solanaceae is one of the most widespread and economically important. Phylogenetic analysis of the S-RNase gene suggests that the S-RNase—based gametophytic SI systems found in the Solanaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Rosaceae most likely share a common origin (Igic and Kohn, 2001). The most recent common ancestor of these three distantly related plant families is the ancestor to approximately 75 percent of all dicot families. Gametophytic SI exists in many Prunus species, including several diploid species such as sweet cherry (Crane and Lawrence, 1929; Crane and Brown, 193 7; Way, 1967), almond (P. dulcis: Socias i Company et al., 1976), Japanese apricot (P. mume) and plum (P. domestica: Crane and Lawrence, 1929). A majority of the tetraploid sour cherry individuals are SC; however, SI types can be found in the center of diversity (Lech and Tylus, 1983; Redalen 1984). In addition, SI progeny can arise from crossing involving two SC sour cherry selections (Lansari and Iezzoni, 1990). Gametophytic Self-Incompatibility in Sweet Cherry Early classification of S—haplotypes and incompatibility groups was done solely via crossing experiments, which led to the identification of six S-haplotypes and 13 incompatibility groups (Mathews and Dow, 1969). Since the initial discovery that the stylar product of the S-locus in sweet cherry is an S-RNase (Boskovic' and Tobutt, 1996) the pace of S-haplotype classification and discovery has accelerated. Isoenzyme gels (Boskovié and Tobutt, 2001), PCR profiles (Sonneveld et al., 2001; Wiersma et al., 2001; Choi et al., 2002; Sonneveld et al., 2003), RFLP analyses (Tao et al., 1999) and cDNA sequences (Tao et al., 1999; Wiersma et al., 2001) have been used to describe a total of 17 S-haplotypes. The Mechanism of the RNase-Based Gametophytic Self-Incompatibility System Gametophytic SI is controlled by a single multi-allelic locus, called the S-locus, which is hypothesized to contain at least two genes involved in determining the specificity of the SI interaction between pollen tubes and styles (de Nettancourt, 1977). Because of the presence of multiple genes within the S—locus, the term “haplotype” has been used to describe variants of the S-locus whereas the term “allele” describes variant of a given polymorphic gene at the S-locus (McCubbin and Kao, 2000). The growth of pollen tubes is arrested within the style if the pollen tube has a pollen-S product in common with either of the two S-RNases in the style. The stylar component of gametophytic SI is a ribonuclease, called S-RNase, which was first discovered in the Solanaceae (Anderson, 1986; McClure et al., 1989), followed by the Rosaceae (Sassa et al., 1993) and Scrophulaliaceae (Xue et al., 1996). These S-RNases are expressed in the transmitting tract of styles and cause the degradation of incompatible pollen tubes. S-RNases enter the pollen tubes of both compatible and incompatible pollen (Luu et al., 2000) but only degrade rRNA of incompatible pollen (McClure et al., 1990). Whether the S-RNase is activated in incompatible pollen tubes or inactivated in compatible pollen tubes is unknown, although the recent discovery that the pollen-S gene is an F-box gene (see below) suggests that the S-RNase in compatible pollen tubes is quickly degraded by the ubiquitin/proteasome proteolytic pathway (U shijima et al., 2003). Gain-of-firnction and loss-of-function experiments have shown that S-RNase is necessary and sufficient for a style’s ability to reject pollen (Lee et al., 1994; Murfett et al., 1994). In addition, mutation analyses have shown that RNase firnction is necessary for the rejection of self-pollen (Huang et al., 1994) The S-RNase gene is composed of five conserved regions and two or one hypervariable regions in the Solanaceae (Ioerger et al., 1991) and Rosaceae (U shijima et al., 1998), respectively. HVa and HVb, the two hypervariable regions in Solanaceous S- RNases, are exposed on the surface of the S-RNase protein (Ida et al., 2001) and under positive selection (Ishimizu et al., 1998), suggesting that they are likely the determinants of S-RNase specificity and may interact directly with the pollen-S product. Matton et al. (1997) provided functional evidence by changing the specificity of an S-RNase simply by swapping the HVa and HVb domains with those from a different S-RNase allele. Rosaceous S-RNases only have a single hypervariable region (RHV), which corresponds to the HVa from the Solanaceous S-RNases (U shijima et al., 1998). The S-RNase gene in all Solanaceous and Rosaceous species, including Malus species and Pyrus species but not Prunus species, contains a single intron (Igic and Kohn, 2001). The S-RNase gene from Prunus species contains a second intron near the 5' end of the gene. The lengths of these introns vary greatly between S-haplotypes, making them very useful for S-RNase genotyping (Tao et al., 1999; Wiersma et al., 2001). The pollen component of gametophytic SI has, until recently, remained elusive. Recently, several candidate genes have been hypothesized to be the pollen-S gene. In each case, the candidate gene is a pollen-specific F-box gene that is located in the S- locus. The first report of an F-box gene, named S-locus F-box gene (SLF), was from Antirrhinum (Lai et al., 2002), which was later demonstrated to interact with the S—RNase in a haplotype-specific manner (Qiao et al., 2004). Similar SLF genes were isolated from Prunus mume (Entani et al., 2003). A different F -box gene, named S-haplotype-specific F-box gene (SFB), was isolated from P. dulcis (U shijima et al., 2003) and showed higher levels of polymorphism. Transformation is not possible in these species, making it impossible to conduct the necessary gain-of-function and loss-of-function transformation experiments to prove that one of these F-box genes is the true pollen-S gene. However, correlation of mutations in the SFB with a loss-of-function of the pollen-S product has provided strong evidence that SFB is the pollen-S gene (see “Proposed Mechanisms for the Breakdown of gametophytic SI ”; Ushijima et al., 2004). More recently, an F-box gene from Petunia (PiSLF) was shown via transformation to be sufficient for controlling the S-haplotype specific interaction with the style indicating that it is the pollen-S gene (Sijacic et al., 2004). The finding that the pollen-determinant is an F-box protein suggests a possible mechanism for the interaction between the S-RNase and the pollen-S product. F-box proteins are components of SCF complexes, which regulate protein degradation in the ubiquitin / proteasome proteolytic pathway (Deshaies, 1999). The F-box protein acts as a protein receptor for the SCF, allowing the polyubiquitination and eventual degradation of the protein by the 26S proteasome. Thus, SFB might form a complex with SCF that polyubiquitinates all non-self S-RNases, thus causing their destruction. SFB might interact with its cognate S—RNase in a different manner to prevent polyubiquitination and allow it to remain active (Ushijima et al., 2003). SFB is composed of many conserved residues, including a conserved region in the N-terminus that makes up the F-box motif, two variable regions, and two hypervariable regions, HVa and HVb (Ikeda et al., 2004). It is likely that the two hypervariable regions play a role in the S-haplotype-specific interaction with cognate S-RNases. Proposed Mechanisms for the Breakdown of Gametophytic SI SI is believed to be the ancestral state in as many as 75 percent of dicot families (Igic and Kohn, 2001). However, SI is not observed in all of these species, suggesting the repeated breakdown of SI to create SC individuals, populations or species. There are four main ways in which 81 can breakdown. These four mechanisms are described below. One way in which SC can arise in SI plants is through the mutation of the S- RNase, the pistil determinant of the haplotype-specific rejection of pollen. These mutations may either disrupt the fimction or the expression of the S-RNase in the styles. Huang et al. (1994) were able to construct mutant S-RNase genes containing amino acid substitutions at the RNase active sites. These mutations prevented function of the S- RNase. Similar mutations in the wild would make the S-RNase non-functional, thus resulting in the inability to reject pollen containing the cognate pollen-S product. Yamane et al. (2003) reported the presence of a ~26OO bp insertion in the putative promoter region of the sour cherry San-RNase. This insertion prevented expression of the San-RNase in styles; however, it had no effect on the expression or fimction of the pollen- S gene. Both of these types of mutations specifically disrupt the ability of a style to recognize and degrade self-pollen. Pollen containing the S6m-haplotype could still be rejected by styles containing a functional S6-RNase. Alternately, mutations could occur in the pollen-S gene, thus making it incapable of eliciting an SI reaction. Ushijima et al. (2004) reported structural mutations in SFB, the putative pollen-S gene, of two pollen-part mutants (PPMs) from Prunus. A four base pair deletion upstream from HVa and HVb in the S4v pollen-part mutant in sweet cherry caused a frame-shift that results in defective SFB transcripts that lack the HVa and HVb. A 6.8 kb insertion upstream from the HVa and HVb of the SfSFB in P. mume caused a truncated SFB transcript which lacks the HVa and HVb regions. These mutations result in a loss of pollen-S gene function; however, the S-RNase remains functional and capable of rejecting pollen containing a corresponding functional pollen-S gene. Interestingly, despite the identification of several PPMs through mutant screens, no PPMs caused by either the loss of expression of the pollen-S gene or the expression of a mutant pollen-S gene have been observed in the Solanaceae (Pandey 1967; van Gastel and de Nettancourt, 1975; Golz et al., 1999; Golz et al., 2000). Instead, all identified PPMs were caused by 10 the duplication of the pollen-S gene (see “fourth class of mutations” for more details). This suggests that the loss of a functional pollen-S product does not cause a breakdown in SI in the Solanaceae. The previous two mechanisms involve mutations of the S-locus linked specificity components of the SI reaction. However, mutations may occur in genes located outside of the S-locus and result in SC. McClure et a1. (1999) detected a small asparagine—rich protein, named HT, which is critical for the SI reaction, although it is not involved in the initial interaction between the S-RNase and the pollen-S product. They report that diminished expression of the HT gene is correlated with the breakdown of SI. Mutations in “modifier genes”, such as HT, can cause the disruption of the interaction between the S-RNase and pollen-S product of all S-haplotypes rather than just the loss-of-function of a single S—haplotype. A fourth class of mutations that can cause the breakdown of SI is the duplication of the pollen-S gene. Two common mechanisms for the duplication of the pollen-S gene are the creation of centric fragments containing the S-locus (Brewbaker and Nataraj an, 1960) and the increase in ploidy level. Crane and Lawrence (1931) were the first to associate an increase in ploidy level with a conversion from S1 to SC while working with sweet cherry. Later, similar observations were made in Pyrus communis (Crane and Thomas, 1939), Solanum (Livermore and Johnstone, 1940), Petunia (Stout and Chandler, 1941), Nicotiana alata (Pandey 1968), and Lycopersicon peruvianum (de Nettancourt et al., 1974). It was also observed that the breakdown was unilateral in the Solanaceous plants, meaning that tetraploid styles maintained their ability to reject pollen from diploid plants but pollen from tetraploid plants could not be rejected by diploid or tetraploid 11 styles (Livermore and Johnstone, 1940; Stout and Chandler, 1941; Crane and Lewis, 1942; Pandey, 1968; de Nettancourt et al., 1974; Chawla et al., 1997). Stout and Chandler (1942) observed that this breakdown in polyploids occurred in heterozygous plants but not homozygous ones, suggesting that the breakdown only occurs in heteroallelic pollen. Lewis (1943) obtained similar results with Oenothera tetraploids and suggested that a competition between different pollen-S products within a single pollen tube causes the breakdown of SI in heteroallelic pollen but there is no competition between S-RNases in styles. More recent experiments involving Petunia hybrida support the hypothesis that heteroallelic pollen, but not pollen containing multiple copies of the same pollen-S gene, loses its SI phenotype (Entani et al., 1999). The breakdown of SI in heteroallelic pollen in the Solanaceae is so well accepted that transformation experiments were recently designed to take advantage of this phenomenon to confirm that PiSLF is the actual pollen-S gene (Sijacic et al., 2004). 12 References Anderson MA, Cornish EC, Mau S-l, Williams EG, Hoggart R, Atkinson A, Bonig L, Grego B, Simpson R, Roche PJ, Haley JD, Penschow JD, Niall HD, Tregear GW, Coghlan JP, Crawford RJ, Clarke AE (1986) Cloning of cDNA for a stylar glycoprotein associated with expression of self-incompatibility in Nicotiana alata. Nature 321:38-44. Arumuganathan K, Earle ED (1991) Nuclear DNA content of some important plant species. Plant Mol Biol Rep 91208-218. Beaver JA, Iezzoni AF (1993) Allozyme inheritance in tetraploid sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.). J Am Soc Hort Sci 118:873-877. Boskovié R, Tobutt KR (1996) Correlation of stylar ribonuclease zymograms with incompatibility alleles in sweet cherry. Euphytica 90:245-250. 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Plant Cell 8:805-814. 17 Yamane H, Ikeda K, Hauck NR Iezzoni AF, Tao R (2003) Self-incompatibility (S) locus region of the mutated S6-haplotype of sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) contains a functional pollen S allele and a non-functional pistil S allele. J Exper Bot 54:243 1- 2437. 18 CHAPTER 2 REVISITING THE S-ALLELE NOMENCLATURE IN SWEET CHERRY (PRUNUS A VIUM) USING RFLP PROFILES I9 Abstract Correct assignment of self-incompatibility alleles (S-alleles) in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) is important to assure fruit set in field plantings and breeding crosses. Until recently, only six S-alleles had been assigned. With the determination that the stylar product of the S-locus is a ribonuclease (RN ase) and subsequent cloning of the S-RNases, it has been possible to use isoenzyme and DNA analysis to genotype S-alleles. As a result, numerous additional S-alleles have been identified; however, since different groups used different strategies for genotype analysis and different cultivars, the nomenclature contained inconsistencies and redundancies. In this study restriction fragment-length polymorphism (RF LP) profiles are presented using HindIII, EcoRI, DraI, or XbaI restriction digests of the S-alleles present in 22 sweet cherry cultivars which were chosen based upon their unique S-allele designations and/or their importance to the United States sweet cherry breeding community. Twelve previously published alleles (S 1, S 2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S9, S10, S11, 512, and 513) could be differentiated by their RFLP profiles for each of the four restriction enzymes. Two new putative S-alleles, both found in ‘NY1625’, are reported, bringing the total to 14 differentiable alleles. We propose the adoption of a standard nomenclature in which the sweet cherry cultivars ‘Hedelfingen’ and ‘Burlat’ are S 3S5 and S 3S9, respectively. Fragment sizes for each S- allele/restriction enzyme combination are presented for reference in firture S-allele discovery projects. 20 Introduction Self-incompatibility (SI) is a common mechanism in flowering plants that prevents self-fertilization and promotes out-crossing (de Nettancourt, 1977). In gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI), SI is determined by a single, multi-allelic locus, called the S-locus in which the compatibility of a cross is determined by the haploid genome of the pollen and the diploid genome of the pistil. In GSI, pollen tube growth is arrested if the pollen tube has a S-allele in common with one of the two S-alleles in the style. The S-locus is composed of multiple genes, one of which is an RNase (S-RNase) that is expressed only in the pistil. A second gene that is hypothesized to be expressed specifically in the pollen has yet to be determined from any GSI species. Sweet cherry (Prunus avium) fertilization is controlled by a GSI system and therefore, knowledge of the S-allele composition of a tree is crucial for compatible pollination and fruit set. Knight (1969) named six S-alleles (S 1, S 2, S 3, S4, S 5, and S6) and categorized the cultivars into 13 compatibility groups and a Group 0, which included cultivars that were SI but able to pollinate cultivars in all the other groups. As is the case with other reported GSI systems, the stylar S-allele component in 81 members of the Rosaceae family is an S-RNase (Boskovic and Tobutt, 1996; Broothaerts et al., 1995; Burgos et al., 1998; Ishimizu et al., 1996; Sassa et al., 1992; Sassa et al., 1996; Tao et al., 1997; Tao et al., 1999; Tomimoto et al., 1996; Ushijima et al., 1998; Yamane et al., 1999). In sweet cherry, RNase isoenzymes (Boskovic et al., 1997) and cDNA sequences (Tao et al., 1999) have been associated with the stylar S-allele RNases. 21 Sour cherry (P. cerasus L.), which is a hybrid tetraploid species between sweet cherry and ground cherry (P. fiuticosa Pall), consists of self-compatible and self- incompatible individuals; however, unlike sweet cherry, control of SI in sour cherry is unknown. Our long term goal is to determine the genetic control of SI in sour cherry (Yamane et al., 2001). We hypothesize that a similar RNase stylar component is present in sour cherry and that sweet and sour cherry may share common S-alleles. However, before embarking upon S-allele discovery in sour cherry, we needed to have a clear definition of the S-alleles that had been identified in sweet cherry. A review of the sweet cherry S-allele literature revealed that potentially similar sweet cherry S-alleles had been assigned differing nomenclature (Boskovic and Tobutt, 1996; Boskovic et al., 1997; Choi et al., 2000; Knight, 1969; Schmidt and Timmann, 1997; Schmidt et al., 1999; Tao et al., 1999; Tehrani and Lay, 1991; Wiersma et al., 2001; Yamane et al., 2000). The confirsion seems to originate from the initial incorrect classification of ‘Hedelfingen’ and ‘Burlat’ into Group VII with the assigned S-alleles, S4S5 (Knight, 1969). Since ‘Hedelfingen’ and ‘Burlat’ are cross compatible, they should have not been assigned to the same group. Tehrani and Lay (1991) recognized the S- allele misclassification of ‘Hedelfingen’ and assigned it to Group 0. Boskovic et al. (1997) proposed that ‘Hedelfingen’ contains the S 3- and S 5-alleles. Crosses done in Germany confirmed that ‘Hedelfinger’ (‘Hedelfingen’) was S 3S 5 while ‘Burlat’ was determined to contain neither S4 nor S 5 (Schmidt and Timmann, 1997). ‘Burlat’ was assigned the S-alleles (S 3Sx) where S. represented a novel S-allele (Schmidt et al., 1999). In this manuscript we propose the adoption of the S 3S 5 nomenclature for ‘Hedelfingen’ as proposed by Boskovic et al. (1997), Schmidt and Timmann (1997) and Schmidt et a1. 22 (1999). Therefore the objective of this research was to use restriction fragment-length polymorphisms (RF LPs) to characterize 12 sweet cherry S-alleles that had been published previously, as well as to characterize two unique S-alleles, and to propose the adoption of a standard nomenclature for these S-alleles. In addition, the S-genotypes of five new cultivars important to the United States sweet cherry breeding community are reported. Fragment sizes for each S-allele/restriction enzyme combination are also presented so this information can be used as a reference in future S-allele discovery projects. Materials and Methods Plant material Young leaf tissue was collected from 22 sweet cherry cultivars in the spring. Leaves of ‘Napoleon’, ‘Cavalier’ and ‘Gold’ were collected at the Michigan State University Northwest Horticultural Research Station, Traverse City, Mich. Leaves of ‘Charger’, ‘Gaucher’, ‘Inge’, and ‘Orleans 171’ were kindly provided by K. Tobutt (East Malling, United Kingdom). Leaves of ‘Early Rivers’, ‘Burlat’, ‘Schneiders’, ‘Seneca’, ‘Valera’, ‘Hedelfingen’, ‘Nadino’, ‘NY1625’, and ‘Guigne d'Annonay’ were kindly provided by C. Choi and R. L Andersen (Geneva, NY). Leaves of ‘Noble’ were kindly provided by B. Lay (Vineland, Ontario, Canada). Leaves of ‘Chelan’, ‘Tieton’, PMR-l, and PC-8007-2 were kindly provided by G. Lang (Prosser, Wash). Leaves of ‘Mona’ (DPRU 2046) were obtained from the US. Department of Agriculture National Clonal Repository, Davis, Calif. Where possible, the leaf material was placed immediately on 23 dry ice. All frozen and fresh leaf material was lyophilized and stored at —20 °C until needed for DNA isolation. DNA isolation Total DNA was isolated from young leaves using the CTAB method described by Stockinger et al. (1996). Genomic DNA blot analysis Six micrograms of DNA was digested with either HindIII, EcoRI, DraI, or Xbal (Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals, Indianapolis, Ind.), run on 0.9 % agarose gel for 36 h at 30 V, and transferred to a nylon membrane (Hybond-N+, Amersham, Piscataway, NJ.) according to Wang et al. (1998). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified fragments of the S6-RNase cDNA from sweet cherry (Tao et al., 1999) were used as the probe. Probes were radiolabelled with 32P-dCTP (DuPont, Boston) using the random primer hexamer-priming method described by Feinberg and Vogelstein (1983). After hybridization at 60 °C for 16 h and high stringency washes (2 X 30 min with 2X SSC and 1% SDS followed by 2 X 30 min with 0.2X SSC and 0.5% SDS at 60 °C), bound radioactivity resulting fi'om hybridizations was detected with X-ray film. PCR amplification of S-alleles PCR was performed on the sweet cherry cultivars using two primer pairs: 81-19 (5' CCA CCG ACC AAC TGC AGA GT 3') / SI-20 (5' TGG TAC GAT TGA AGC GT 3'), and 81-31 (5' STT STT GST TTT GCT TTC TTC 3') / SI-32 (5' CAT AGG CCA 24 TGR ATG GTG 3') which were designed by Wiersma et al. (2001). The PCR conditions were identical to those used by Wiersma et a]. (2001). PCR reactions were run in a DNA Thermal Cycler 480 (Perkin Elmer, Norwalk, Conn), the resulting PCR mixtures were run on 0.9% agarose gels, and the DNA bands were visualized by ethidium bromide staining. Results and Discussion Twenty-two sweet cherry cultivars were analyzed by RFLP analyses using HindIII, EcoRI, Dral, or XbaI restriction digestions (Figure 2.1). The four RFLP analyses gave consistent results, and it was possible to distinguish 14 different putative S- alleles with each of the four restriction enzymes (Table 2.1). The S-genotypes of ‘Early Rivers’ (S 1S2), ‘Napoleon’ (S 3S4) and ‘Gold’ (S 3S6) have not been questioned in the literature since first published (Knight, 1969) (Table 2.2). The RFLP fragment sizes for the S1, S2, S 3, S4, and S6 alleles following HindIII and EcoRI digests agree with those of Tao et al. (1999) with only slight variations due to enhanced resolution since in the present study the fragments were separated for a longer period of time on the agarose gel. In the HindIII digest, this enabled S1 to be distinguished from S 3 while S 2, S4, and S6 were distinguished from one another, and in the EcoRI digest, this enabled S1 to be distinguished from S4. Each of these five S-alleles exhibits just one fragment with the exception of the S4- and S 2- alleles, which exhibit two fragments following HindIII and DraI digests, respectively (Table 2.1, Figure 2.1). 25 Figure 2.1. Genomic DNA blot analysis of 22 sweet cherry cultivars. Six micrograms of Genomic DNA was digested by (A) HindIII, (B) DraI, (C) EcoRI, or (D) XbaI blotted to membrane and hybridized to the cDNA encoding S6-RNase. Lambda/HindIII marker was used for size determination. (a) 'Early Rivers' (S 1S2), (b) ‘Napoleon’ (S 3S4), (c) ‘Burlat’ (S 359), (d) ‘Gold’ (S 3S6), (e) ‘Charger’ (S 1S7) (f) ‘Gaucher’ (S 355), (g) ‘Inge’ (S459), (h) ‘Orleans 171’ (S109, 1), (i) ‘Schneider’ (S3512), (j) ‘Mona’ (S 3S9), (k) ‘Seneca’ (S1S5), (I) ‘Valera’ (S 155), (m) ‘Hedelfingen’ (S 355), (n) ‘Nadino (S 3S 5) (o) ‘NY1625’ (SuSv), (p) ‘Guigne d'Annonay’ (S257), (q) ‘Chelan’ (S 3S9), (r) ‘Tieton’ (S 3S9) (s) ‘PMR-l’ (S4S9), (t) ‘8007-2’ (S4S9), (u) ‘Cavalier’ (S2S3), and (v) ‘Noble’ (S6813). 26 A HindIII k l m no abcdefghij ~23 . —2.0 B DraI abcdefghij klmnopqrstuv 27 C EcoRI abcdefghjklmnopqrstu \ . 28 Table 2.1 Sizes of DNA restriction fragments for sweet cherry S—alleles used in this study Size (kb) S-allele HindIII EcoRl DraI XbaI 1 8.7 1.5 2.5 13.0 2 5.6 4.4 0.8, 1.0 2.6 3 8.8 13.1 2.3 20.0 3 ‘Gaucher’ z 8.8 13.1 2.3 20.0 4 5.6, 6.1 1.8 1.8 8.8 5 9.4 3.5 5.3 6.8 6 5.8 11.0 3.5 5.5 7 3.5, 5.8, 8.7 3.3, 6.0 0.8, 3.45 21.0 9 3.1 7.9 0.9 0.0, 16.0, 18.0 9 ‘Burlat’ y 3.1, 4.0 7.9 06", 0.9, 1.2 15.0 10 or 11x 3.5, 5.8, 6.4, 6.6, 12.1 3.3, 5.0, 5.5 0.8, 1.6, 3.5 9.4, 13.0, 21.0 12 12.1 - 1.5, 1.9 16.0 13 4.6, 6.5 - 4,4 - u or vw 2.5, 6.4 4.8 1.6, 2.7 - ‘ This S-allele in ‘Gaucher’ was originally thought to be a unique S-allele (S3) (Boskovic et al. 1997). y This S-allele in ‘Burlat’ was originally thought to be a unique S-allele (Sx) (Schmidt et al,1999) " These are the two S-alleles in ‘Orleans 171’. Restriction fragments for S10 and S 1 1 were grouped together because it could not be determined which fragments corresponded to each S-allele. w These are the two putative unique S-alleles in ‘NY1625’. Restriction fragments for S“ and S. were grouped together because it could not be determined which fragments corresponded to each S-allele. 29 Table 2.2 S-allele genotypes of 17 sweet cherry cultivars used in this study. Cultivar S-allele genotype Other published nomenclature ‘Early Rivers’ 1,2 2 ‘Napoleon’ 3,4 2 ‘Hedelfingen’ 3,5 3”“ 4,5 2 ; 3,x w ; 3,15 V ‘Nadino’ 3,5 " 3,x “’ ‘Seneca’ 1,5 1,x w ‘Valera’ 1,5 "“ 1,x w; 1,15 V ‘Gold’ 3,6 ‘ ‘Charger’ 1,7 ‘ ‘Guigne d’Annonay’ 2,7 s 2,2 w ‘Gaucher’ 3,5 3 5,8 ‘ ‘Inge’ 4,9 ‘ ‘Orleans 171’ 10,11 ‘ ‘Schneiders’ 3,12 5 3,13 V ; 3,y w ‘Burlat’ 3,9 ’ 3,x " ; 4,5 2 ; 3,5 w’” ‘Mona’ 3,9 2,14 " ‘Noble’ 6,13 s 6,? v , 1,6 w . ‘NY1625’ u,v 4,x w 7‘ Knight (1969). y Boskovic and Tobutt (1996). " Schmidt et al. (1999). “' Choi et al. (2000). " Wiersma et al. (2001). “ Way (1968) ‘Boskovié et al. (1997). ’ Boskovic and Tobutt (2001). ' Tao et al. (1999). 30 As reported by Boskovic et al. (1997), ‘Charger’ (S 1S 7) and ‘Inge’ (S459) each exhibit one new S-allele. These alleles, called S 7 and S9, displayed from one to three unique fragments per allele following Southern hybridization (Table 2.1, Figure 2.1). PCR of the S7 allele using the primer pair SIl9/S120 did not amplify any fragment; whereas, a fragment of 425 base pairs (bp) (similar to the S 2, S9, and $12 alleles) was amplified when using the primers SI31/SI32 (Figure 2.2). S9 produced one 745 bp amplification product and two fragments of 425 bp (similar to 52, S7, and S12 alleles) and 615 bp, respectively, when amplified with SIl9/S120 and 8131/8132. The presence of two unique S-alleles in ‘Orleans 171’ (S MS 1 1) also agrees with that of Boskovic et al. (1997). RFLP analysis of ‘Orleans 171’ produced either three or five fragments, depending on what restriction enzyme was used (Table 2.1, Figure 2.1) and the fragment patterns did not match that of any known S—alleles. It could not be determined which RF LP fragments represent the S10 versus the S11 alleles since differential cultivars, such as S3510 and S 3S 1 1 are not available. Neither S10 nor S11 could be amplified using either of the PCR primer pairs, SIl9/S120 or S13 1/SI32 (Figure 2.2). These results support the conclusion that ‘Orleans 171’ contains two unique S-alleles. ‘Noble’ was initially assigned the S-alleles S 1 and S6 (Choi et al., 2000), but was later found to contain 56 and a unique S-allele, which was temporarily named S 2 (W iersma et al., 2001). Restriction digestion of ‘Noble’ with either HindHI or DraI produced fi'agments that did not match any found in other cultivars (Table 2.1, Figure 2.1). Boskovic and Tobutt (2001) named this allele S13. In order to remain consistent with the European nomenclature, we suggest retaining the genotype of $6513 for ‘Noble’. 31 A 3119—3120 abcdefghijk B SI31—SI32 abcdefg hijk Figure 2.2. PCR analysis of S—alleles from sweet cherry. Genomic DNA was PCR amplified using two primer sets: (A) SIl9/20 and (B) SI31/32. A 123 bp DNA ladder was used for size determination. (a) ‘Early Rivers’ (S 1S2), (b) ‘Napoleon’ (S 3S4), (c) ‘Burlat’ (S 3S9), ((1) ‘Gold’ (S 3S6), (e) ‘Charger’ (S 1S7) (f) ‘Gaucher’ (S 3S 5), (g) ‘Inge’ (S4Sg), (h) ‘Orleans 171’ ($103“), (i) ‘Schneider’ (S3512), (j) ‘Mona’ (S 3S9), and (k) ‘Hedelfingen’ (5355). 32 The S-genotypes of the other cultivars in Table 2.2 have been more difficult to determine and much of this difficulty can be traced to the initial misclassification of ‘Hedelfingen’ and ‘Burlat’ (Knight, 1969). All authors agree that ‘Hedelfingen’ and ‘Nadino’ have a S 3 allele and that ‘Seneca’ and ‘Valera’ have an S 1 allele. It is the second common allele present in these four selections that has been assigned conflicting nomenclature. Choi et al. (2000) called this allele 5... Wiersma et al. (2001) have named this ‘Hedelfingen’ allele S15. Both groups of researchers called the ‘Burlat’ allele S 5. However, both Boskovic et al. (1997) and Schmidt et al. (1999) called the allele in ‘Hedelfingen’ S5 prior to either of these publications. Therefore, we recommend that S 5 be adopted as the standard nomenclature for the allele present in ‘Hedelfingen’ and also in ‘Nadino’, ‘Seneca’, ‘Valera’, and ‘Gaucher’ (Table 2.2). This S5 allele exhibited just one fragment when digested with any of the four restriction enzymes (Table 2.1, Figure 2.1). The unique S-allele present in ‘Burlat’ that was called S5 (Choi et al., 2000; Tao et al., 1999; Wiersma et al., 2001) and S. (Schmidt et al., 1999) should be renamed. Recently, this S-allele has been sequenced, and found to have an identical sequence to the S9 allele found in ‘Inge’ (T. Sonneveld, personal communication). Therefore, we propose the S-allele nomenclature for ‘Burlat’ be S 3S9. The RFLP profiles of the S9 allele in ‘Burlat’ are similar to the profiles of the S9 allele from ‘Inge’ following digestion with HindIH, EcoRI, and DraI with the only differences being the presence of extra faint bands in the ‘Burlat’ allele when digested with HindIII or DraI (Table 2.1, Figure 2.1). This can be explained by differential length of exposure or differing amounts of DNA in the digestion reaction. However, the profiles of the S9 alleles in ‘Burlat’ and ‘Inge’ are 33 significantly different after digestion with XbaI. This presents a shortcoming of RFLP analysis for S-allele genotyping. If the restriction enzyme cut site(s) resulting in the polymorphism(s) are not within the S-RNase, but instead are located in the regions flanking the S-RNase, it is possible that identical S-alleles could exhibit different RFLP fragments. ‘Mona’ used in this research has the same genotype as ‘Burlat’ (S3S9) (Figures 2.1 and 2.2). This contradicts the finding by Wiersma et a1. (2001) that the S-genotype of ‘Mona’ is S2S14. The probable explanation is that the ‘Mona’ trees from which the leaves were collected for each study (the USDA Clonal Repository, Davis, Calif. and Vineland, Ontario, Canada, respectively) were not the same cultivar. These conflicting results reinforce the importance of not only knowing the purported cultivar, but also the source in case identities are mistaken across locations. Using PCR data, Choi et al. (2000) determined that ‘Guigne d’Annonay’ contained an allele that differed from any previously reported S-allele and thus named it S2. The HindIII, EcoRI, DraI, and XbaI RFLP analyses all suggest that the S, allele in ‘Guigne d'Annonay’ is the same as the S7 allele in ‘Charger’ (compare lanes e and p on Figure 2.1). Therefore, we propose that the actual S-genotype of ‘Guigne d'Annonay’ should be S 2S 7 (Table 2.2). Similarly, Yamane et al. (2000) used RFLP analyses and S- RNase patterns on 2D-PAGE to discover a novel S-allele in the cultivar, Hinode (syn. Early Purple). Based on their RFLP patterns after digestion with EcoRI or HindIII restriction enzymes, this novel S-allele also appears to be S7. ‘Schneiders’ has been reported to contain an additional unique S-allele, named Sy by Choi et a]. (2000), 513 by Wiersma et al. (2001), and S12 by Boskovic and Tobutt 34 (2001). In order to remain consistent with the European nomenclature, we suggest retaining the genotype of S 3S 1 2 for ‘Schneiders’. S12 exhibited two fragments following DraI digest and one fragment following HindIII and XbaI digests (Table 2.1). Boskovic et al. (1997) presented the RNase isoenzyme patterns for five new S- alleles: S7, Sg, Sg, S10, and S11. Whereas our RFLP and PCR analyses support the conclusion that S7, S9, S10, and S11 are unique S-alleles, these analyses did not provide evidence that S8, which is supposedly present in ‘Gaucher’, is truly a new S—allele. None of the four restriction digests were able to detect a difference between S 3 and S8 (Table 2.1, Figure 2.1). PCR amplification using the primer pairs 8119/8120 and SI31/SI32 was also unable to differentiate between S3 and S3 (Figure 2.2). Both the S 3 and S3 alleles produced a fragment of 825 or 300 bp when amplified with SIl9/ S120 or S13 l/SI32, respectively. Recent cloning and sequencing of the Sg allele has shown that the sequence for the S 3 and S3 RNases are identical (Sonneveld et al., 2001). Therefore, the S-allele designation for ‘Gaucher’ should be S 3S5 rather than S 5S8. The RF LP patterns from the HindIII, EcoRI, and DraI RFLP analyses suggest that the selection ‘NY1625’ contains two S-alleles represented by one fi'agment each that are not found in any other cultivar (lane “0” in Figure 2.1A, B and C; Table 2.1). PCR amplification of ‘NY1625’ using the primer pair SIl9/ S120 confirms the presence of at least one unique S-allele in ‘NY1625’ as a single 670 bp fragment (data not presented) was produced, which is different from all known S-alleles. However, using PCR, Choi et al. (2000) reported that the S-genotype for this selection was 5er (S455, using the proposed nomenclature), which would be expected given the parentage of ‘NY1625’ (‘Hedelfingen’ S 3S 5 x ‘Emperor Frances’ S 354) (Choi, 1999). It is possible that the DNA 35 sample contained some polysaccharide that altered the efficiency of the restriction digests and PCR amplifications. However, it is also likely that the DNA used in these RFLP analyses was mistakenly not collected from ‘NY1625’. We propose that these two S- alleles be temporarily named Su and S. until crossing data confirms that they are indeed unique S-alleles. Table 2.3 shows the S—genotypes of four new selections from Washington State University and a new cultivar from Michigan. Both ‘Chelan’ and ‘Tieton’ are S 359, while PMR-l and PC-8007-2 are S4Sg. Choi et al. (2000) reported that the S-genotype of ‘Chelan’ is identical to that of ‘Burlat’, which agrees with the RFLP data. The other three cultivars/selections have not been genotyped previously. PMR-l has been confirmed to be SI (G. Lang, personal communication), thus, this breeding line must contain S; as opposed to the fertile S-allele, S4'. The pedigree of PC-8007-2 suggests that it contains the S4, allele; however, crossing data suggests that it is SI. These conflicting results make it currently impossible to determine if PC-8007-2 contains S4 or S4,. Currently, there are no molecular methods to differentiate between S4 and S41. Therefore, more crossing data are needed to determine if PC-8007—2 is SI or SC. The genotype of ‘Cavalier’ is S 2S 3. The pedigrees for each of these new cultivars confirm the S-genotypes determined by RFLP and listed in Table 2.3. PCR has been used by several researchers to differentiate between S-alleles. Tao et al. (1999) was able to differentiate between six S-alleles using two primer sets. Likewise, Wiersma et a]. (2001) could distinguish nine S-alleles using two primer sets, with the aid of restriction digestions of the PCR-amplified products. However, these 36 Table 2.3. S-genotypes for five Washington State University and Michigan sweet cherry selections. Selection S-allele genotype ‘Chelan’ 3,9 ‘Tieton’ 3,9 PMR-I 4,9 PC-8007-2 4,9 ‘Cavalier’ 2,3 37 studies did not examine all known S-alleles. In the current study, additional S—alleles were examined. Some of the new S-alleles produced amplification fragments that were the same size as those produced by previously studied S—alleles. For example, the S13 1/SI32 primer pair could not distinguish between S2, S7, S9, and S 2 2 (Figure 2.2). In addition, neither primer set could amplify S10 or S“. It is possible that restriction digestion of the PCR products would allow for differentiation between S2, S 7, S9, and S12; however, the digestions would be of no use to identify S10 and S 2 2, since they are both null alleles. As more S-alleles are discovered, the number of null alleles and confounding alleles is likely to increase. Nonetheless, PCR is still a useful tool for obtaining quick confirmation of what S-alleles are in the progeny of a cross between known parents. In addition, once new S-alleles are discovered and cloned, allele-specific primers could be produced which would allow differentiation of all S-alleles by PCR for genotyping projects. However, for S-allele discovery projects, a more powerful method for differentiating between S-alleles is needed. The potential of RFLP for discovery and identification of new S-alleles has been demonstrated by the fact that all S-alleles can be distinguished based on their unique banding patterns after digestion with any of the four restriction enzymes used in the present study. However, when interpreting RFLP data, it must be taken into consideration that the S-allele probe is hybridizing to fragments that include regions flanking the S-RNase. Ifthe flanking regions of two identical S-RNases differ for their restriction enzyme cut sites, it is possible that different RFLP profiles may be observed in the cultivars even though the S-alleles are not unique, leading to the incorrect assumption that a new S-allele has been discovered. 38 Correct identification of S-allele genotype is critical for determining pollen compatibilities for field plantings and breeding crosses. Less than 5 years ago, the presence of only six S-alleles had been reported in sweet cherry (Boskovic and Tobutt, 1996; Schmidt and Timmann, 1997). Since the stylar component of the S-locus in sweet cherry is believed to be an S-RNase, new methods are available to discover new S-alleles and S-allele discovery has proceeded at a rapid pace. It would not be surprising if many more unique S-alleles exist in natural populations of sweet cherry, since other plant species having a GSI system have been reported to have a very large number of S-alleles. For example, 37 and 39 different S-alleles were reported for evening primrose (Oenothera organensis Munz) (Emerson, 193 9) and white clover (T rifolium repens L.) (Atwood, 1944), respectively. The first six S-alleles from sweet cherry were discovered using crossing data. Since then, all of the subsequent S-alleles have been identified using molecular techniques. However, proper verification that each S-allele is unique requires crossing data. Unfortunately, as the number of unique S-alleles in sweet cherry increases, it becomes more cumbersome to perform all of the necessary diallele crosses. As a result, it is important to have available a molecular technique that can differentiate reliably between all unique S-alleles. Perhaps the most accurate method to verify the uniqueness of S-alleles, besides crossing, is to compare the amino acid sequences of each S-allele. However, sequences have not been reported for all known S-RNases. The complete amino acid sequences of S1 (AB028153), S2 (AJ298311), S3 (AB010306), S4 (AB028154), and S6 (AB010305) can be found on GenBank (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/). Until all amino acid sequences are reported, we propose 39 the use of RFLP analysis to investigate the uniqueness of an S-allele. For this to be effective, it is necessary that the RFLP patterns for new S-alleles be published for comparison. For example, Table 2.1 presents the fragment sizes for each of the S-alleles as determined by RF LP analysis with HindIII, EcoRI, DraI, or XbaI restriction enzymes. When a putative new S-allele is discovered, the researcher can compare its fragment sizes with those presented in Table 2.1 to determine if the S-allele is likely a new allele, or if it matches an already existing S-allele. The alternative to comparing data with that presented in this table is to include all known S—alleles as controls, but as the number of unique S-alleles increases, this will get more cumbersome. This strategy of comparing RFLP fragments with fragments produced for known S-alleles in sweet cherry was used to propose five new S-alleles in sour cherry (Yamane et al., 2001). 40 References Atwood S (1944) Oppositional alleles in natural populations of Trifolium repens. Genetics 29:428-435. 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Yamane H, Tao R, Sugiura A (1999) Identification and cDNA cloning for S-RNases in self-incompatible Japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lindl. cv. Sordum). Plant Biotechnol 16:389-396. Yamane H, Tao R Sugiura A, Hauck NR Iezzoni AF (2001) Identification and characterization of S-RNases in tetraploid sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.). J Amer Soc Hort Sci126z661-667. 43 CHAPTER 3 SELF-COMPATIBILITY AND INCOMPATIBILITY IN TETRAPLOID SOUR CHERRY (PRUNUS CERASUS L.) 44 Abstract Gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) typically “breaks down” due to polyploidy in many Solanaceous species, resulting in self-compatible (SC) tetraploid individuals. However, sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.), a tetraploid species resulting from hybridization of the diploid sweet cherry (P. avium L.) and the tetraploid ground cherry (P. fruticosa Pall.), is an exception, consisting of both self-incompatible (SI) and SC individuals. Since sweet cherry exhibits GSI with 13 S-ribonucleases (S-RNases) identified as the stylar S-locus product, the objectives were to compare sweet and sour cherry S-allele firnction, S-RNase sequences and linkage map location as initial steps towards understanding the genetic basis of SI and SC in sour cherry. S-RNases from two sour cherry cultivars that were the parents of a linkage mapping population were cloned and sequenced. The sequences of two S-RNases were identical to those of sweet cherry S-RNases, whereas three other S-RNases had unique sequences. One of the S-RNases mapped to the Prunus linkage group 6, similar to its location in sweet cherry and almond, whereas two other S-RNases were linked to each other but were unlinked to any other markers. Interspecific crosses between sweet and sour cherry demonstrated that gametophytic SI exists in sour cherry and that the recognition of common S-alleles has been maintained in spite of polyploidization. It is hypothesized that self-compatibility in sour cherry is caused by the existence of non-functional S-RNases and pollen S-genes that may have arisen from natural mutations. 45 Introduction Self-incompatibility (SI) is a common evolutionary strategy used by flowering plants to prevent self-fertilization and promote out-crossing (de Nettancourt 1977). In gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI), S1 is determined by a highly multi-allelic locus, called the S-locus, in which the compatibility of a cross is determined by the haploid genome of the pollen and the diploid genome of the pistil. In GSI, pollen tube growth is arrested if the pollen tube has an S-allele in common with one of the two S-alleles in the style. The S-locus has been classically described as a complex containing multi-allelic genes expressed by the pollen and style and tight linkage between these components. Because of the presence of at least two multi-allelic genes, the term “haplotype” has been used to describe variants of the S-locus and the term “allele” to describe variants of a given polymorphic gene at the S-locus (McCubbin and Kao 2000). In the Solanaceae and the Rosaceae, the gene controlling the pistil’s self-incompatibility response is a ribonuclease (S-RNase) which is expressed only in the pistil (McClure et al. 1989; Sassa et al. 1992; Lee et al. 1994; Murfett et al. 1994; Broothaerts et al. 1995; Boskovic and Tobutt 1996; Ishimizu et al. 1996; Sassa et al. 1996; Tomimoto et al. 1996; Tao et a1. 1997; Burgos et al. 1998; Ushijima et al. 1998; Tao et al. 1999; Yamane et al. 1999). A second gene that is hypothesized to be expressed specifically in the pollen has yet to be determined from any GSI species. Additional modifier genes have also been demonstrated to be required for normal SI function (McClure 1999). G81 present in diploid species has been observed to ‘break down’ due to polyploidy with the tetraploid relatives frequently self-compatible (SC) (Livermore and 46 Johnstone 1940; Stout and Chandler 1942; Crane and Lewis 1942; Brewbaker 1954; Pandy 1968; de Nettancourt et al. 1974; Ueda and Akimoto 2001). To explain this phenomenon, Lewis (1947) proposed that pollen containing two different S-loci loses its SI phenotype resulting in SC polyploid individuals. Evidence obtained from recent research in Solanaceous species supports this theory (Chawla et al. 1997; Entani et al. 1999; Golz et al. 1999; Luu et al. 2001). In contrast, the GSI diploid sweet cherry (Prunus avium L., 2n=2x=16) and the tetraploid sour cherry (P. cerasus L., 2n=4x=3 2) represent a natural diploid — tetraploid series where the tetraploid individuals can be either S1 or SC. Sweet cherry and the tetraploid ground cherry (P. fruticosa Pall, 2n=4x=32) are believed to be the parental species that gave rise to sour cheny multiple times via unreduced gametes from sweet cherry (Olden and Nybom 1968; Iezzoni and Hancock 1984; Brettin et al. 2000). Although the vast majority of sour cherry cultivars are SC, numerous SI cultivars exist in Eastern Europe, the center of diversity (Lech and Tylus 1983; Redalen 1984a, 1984b; Lansari and Iezzoni 1990; Iezzoni et al. 1990). However, the SI phenotype is not limited to landrace cultivars as S1 sour cherry selections can result from crosses between two SC sour cherry parents (Lansari and Iezzoni 1990). For example, a sour cherry linkage mapping population generated by crossing two SC sour cherry cultivars, ‘Rheinische Schattenmorelle’ (RS) x ‘Erdi B6term6’ (EB), segregates for SI and SC (Wang et al. 1998). Since any successful new sour cherry cultivar would have to be SC to avoid the production problems associated with providing pollinator trees, our goal was to determine the genetic basis of SI and SC in sour cherry to increase the likelihood of obtaining SC progeny in our sour cherry breeding program. 47 Sweet cherry exhibits classical gametophytic self-incompatibility with 13 S- RNases identified and validated in crossing experiments (Matthews and Dow 1969; Boskovic and Tobutt, 1996; Choi et al. 2000; Boskovic and Tobutt 2001; Hauck et al., 2001; Wiersma et al. 2001). In contrast, there is only one study of SI in sour cherry that takes advantage of the ability to determine putative S-RNase genotypes. Yamane et al. (2001) recently cloned two S-RNases from ‘EB’; one matched the S4-RNase previously cloned from sweet cherry and the second S-RNase was a novel S-RNase not previously identified in sweet cherry. RFLP and PCR analysis of S-RNase alleles in a set of sour cherry cultivars identified an additional four S-RNases that are presumably identical to previously identified sweet cherry S-RNases and an additional three putative novel S- RNases. The ‘RS’ and ‘EB’ mapping parents had the putative S-RNase designations, SaSbSch and SaSrng, respectively. Yamane et al. (2001) further compared the S-RNase allele composition of six SI with seven SC selections and found that all SI selections, similar to the SC selections, contained three or four different putative S-RNase alleles. This suggests that heteroallelic pollen alone may be insufficient to cause SC in tetraploid sour cherry. Due to the evolutionary relatedness of sweet and sour cherry, and the potentially on—going gene flow between the two species, it is not surprising that S-RNases presumably identical to those found in sweet cherry were identified in sour cherry (Yamane et al. 2001). We further investigated 81 and SC in sour cherry by taking advantage of the potential commonalities between these two species. The inheritance and linkage map locations of the putative S-RNases fi'om ‘RS’ and ‘EB’ could also be determined and compared with information from other Prunus species. In sweet cheny 48 and almond (Prunus dulcis), the S-locus has been mapped to the end of the Prunus linkage Group 6 (Ballester et al. 1998; K. Tobutt, pers. comm.) Our objectives were: (1) to determine if the S-alleles that appeared to be common between sweet and sour cherry exhibited the expected recognition reactions in the styles by making inter-specific crosses, (2) to determine the amino acid sequences of the S- RNases in ‘EB’ and ‘RS’ and compare them with previously sequenced sweet cherry S- RNases, and (3) to determine the sour cherry linkage map locations for the S-RNase loci. Materials and Methods Plant material The two SI sour cherry cultivars ‘Crisana’ and ‘Tschemokorka’ were chosen for pollination with sweet cherry cultivars based on previous examination of their S-RNase profiles using PCR and RFLP analyses (Yamane et al. 2001). ‘Crisana’ contains three different S-RNases, one of which is presumably present in double dose. Two of the S- RNases produce RFLP and PCR fragment profiles identical to the S 2- and S4-alleles in sweet cherry. The third S-RNase is not similar to any sweet cherry S-RNase, and is called Sd. ‘Tschernokorka’ also contains three different S—RNases, only one of which is identical to a sweet cherry S-RNase (S9). The other two S-RNases are named S0 and Sc. The three sweet cherry cultivars used were ‘Schmidt’ (S2S4), ‘Rainier’ (S 1S4) and ‘Sato Nishiki’ (S 3S6). ‘Crisana’, ‘Tschernokorka’, and ‘Schmidt’ are maintained at MSU’s Clarksville Horticultural Experimental Station (CHES), Clarksville, Mich. ‘Rainier’ is 49 maintained at the North West Horticultural Research Station, Traverse City, Mich, while ‘Sato Nishiki’ pollen was collected from trees growing at the Experimental Farm of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, dried and frozen at -—20 C. All pollen samples were tested to verify pollen viability prior to the crossing experiments as described by Brewbaker and Kwack (1963). A pseudo-testcross mapping population consisting of 85 progeny from the cross between two sour cherry cultivars, ‘Rheinische Schattenmorelle’ (‘RS’) x ‘Erdi B6term6’ (‘EB’) (Wang et al. 1998) was maintained at CI-IES. Analysis of pollen tube growth Eight inter-specific crosses were performed and pollen tube growth was observed to determine whether the crosses were compatible or incompatible. Styles from each of the sour cherry cultivars (‘Crisana’ and ‘Tschernokorka’) were pollinated with pollen from the sweet cherry cultivars, ‘Sato Nishiki’ or ‘Rainier’. Styles from the sweet cherry cultivars (‘Rainier’ and ‘Schmidt’) were pollinated with ‘Crisana’ and ‘Tschernokorka’ pollen. Pollination tests were performed as described by Lansari and Iezzoni (1990) with slight modifications. Pollen from newly opened flowers was collected from each of the pollen parents. Pollen was dried for 24 h. For each of the stylar parents, a branch with flowers at the balloon stage was brought into the laboratory and twenty flowers were emasculated. All other flowers were removed. Ten emasculated flowers were hand pollinated when receptive (24 h after emasculation) with each of the pollen sources. The pollinated pistils were collected 72 h after pollination, placed in fixing solution [(1 chloroform : 3 (95%) ethanol : 1 glacial acetic acid) (v/v)] for 24 h, transferred into 100% 50 ethanol, and stored at 4 °C until used for observation. The pistils were washed thoroughly under running tap water, incubated in 10 N NaOH for 5 to 6 h to soften the tissues, and soaked in 0.1 % aniline blue solution with 33 mM K3PO4 for 1 h to fluorescently stain the pollen tubes. Pollen tubes were observed by ultraviolet fluorescent microscopy (BX60, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). To determine whether the 77 flowering progeny of the ‘RS’ x ‘EB’ mapping population progeny were S1 or SC, in vitro pollination tests were performed as described above. Styles from each of the progeny were pollinated with either self-pollen or with pollen from a collection of several unrelated sour cherry cultivars (out-cross pollen). cDNA Cloning of S-RNases Total RNA was isolated from ‘RS’ styles as described by Tao et al. (1999). One microgram of total RNA was used for first strand cDNA synthesis by SUPER SCRIPT 11 RT (Life Technologies, MD) with an Adp-dT primer (5’- CGACGTTGTAAAACGACGGCCAGTTTTTTTTTTT'ITTTT -3’) that consisted of M13-20 sequence primer and oligo (dT)16 (Tao et al. 1999). Pru-T2 primer (5’- TS'ITSTTGSTTTTGCTTTCTTC -3’) (Tao et al. 1999) derived from the cDNA sequence corresponding to the signal peptide sequence of S-RNases of sweet cherry was used in 3’ rapid amplification of cDNA ends (3’ RACE) with M13-20 primer as the adapter primer. PCR was performed using a program of 30 cycles at 94 °C for 30 sec, 56 °C for 30 sec, and 72 °C for 1 min with an initial denaturing of 94 °C for 3 min and a final extension of 72 °C for 7 min. The PCR reaction mixture contained 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.3), 50 mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgC12, 200 11M each of dNTPs, 400 nM each of primers, 51 template cDNA equivalent to the amount synthesized from 0.1 ug of the total RNA, and 1 U of Ex Taq polymerase (TaKaRa Shuzo Co, Shiga, Japan) in a 50 uL reaction volume. The PCR products were subcloned into the T-A cloning vector (pGEM-T Easy Vector System; Promega, Madison, Wisc.). DNA was sequenced using the Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems, Tokyo, Japan) and the ABI PRISMTM 310 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, Tokyo, Japan). The deduced amino acid sequences of four different cDNAs from ‘RS’ obtained in this study and two different cDNAs from ‘EB’ (Yamane et al. 2001) were aligned using Clustal X (Thompson et a1. 1997) DNA isolation and Southern analyses from the parents and progeny in the linkage mapping population Young, unfolded leaves were collected from the parents and the progeny, placed on dry ice, stored at -80 C overnight and then lyophilized for 48 h. DNA was isolated using the CTAB method described by Stockinger et al. (1996). ‘EB’, ‘RS’, and the linkage mapping progeny were evaluated using Southern blotting following HindIII digest which had previously been demonstrated to differentiate all the ‘EB’ and ‘RS’ S- RNases (Yamane et al. 2001). Six pg of DNA for both parents and 85 progeny was digested with HindIII (Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals, Indianapolis), run on a 0.9 % agarose gel for 36 h at 30 V, and transferred to a nylon membrane (Hybond-N+, Amersham) according to Wang et al. (1998). PCR amplified fragments of the S6-RNase cDNA from sweet cherry (Tao et al., 1999) were used as the probe. Probes were radiolabelled with 32P-dCTP 52 (DuPont, Boston) using the random primer hexamer-priming method described by Feinberg and Vogelstein (1983). After hybridization at 60°C for 16 hours and high stringency washes (2 X 30 min with 2 X SSC and 1 % SDS followed by 2 x 30 min with 0.2 X SSC and 0.5 % SDS at 60 °C), radioactive signal was detected on X-ray films. Inheritance and linkage analysis Segregation of the S-alleles that were present in one parent but absent in the other parent, were tested for their fit to the expected 1:1 (presencezabsence) ratio. So which was present in both parents was tested for its fit to a 3 :1 (presencezabsence) ratio. The most informative markers for linkage mapping from a pseudo-testcross mapping population are single dose restriction fragments (SDRF) that differ between both parents and segregate l : 1 (presence : absence) (Wu et al. 1992). Therefore, S- alleles which differed between both parents and fit a 1:1 ratio at the 5% level were combined with the existing marker segregation data previously used to construct the ‘RS’ x ‘EB’ linkage map (Wang et al. 1998). Linkage analysis was done with JoinMap V2.0 (Stam 1993) using a minimum LOD score of 3 .0. Distances are presented in centi-Morgans calculated by the Kosambi function. 53 Results Pollen tube growth studies of sour cherry and sweet cherry interspecific crosses ‘Sato Nishiki’ (S 3S6) pollen was able to grow the full length of both ‘Crisana’ (S 1S4Sd) and ‘Tschernokorka’ (SgSaSc) styles (Table 3.1). ‘Rainier’ (S 1S4) pollen was able to grow the full length of the ‘Tschernokorka’ styles (Table 3.1). However, ‘Rainier’ pollen tube growth was arrested half way down the ‘Crisana’ styles (Table 3.1) and swelling was observed at the pollen tube tips. This suggests that the S 2- and S4-RNases from ‘Crisana’ were able to recognize and inhibit the S 1- and Sr-pollen from ‘Rainier’. ‘Tschernokorka’ pollen grew the full length of both ‘Rainier’ and ‘Schmidt’ (S2S4) styles (Table 3.2). ‘Crisana’ pollen was also able to grow the full length of ‘Schmidt’ styles; however, ‘Crisana’ pollen was arrested halfway down the ‘Rainier’ styles (Table 3.2). This suggests that the S 2- and S4-RNases from ‘Rainier’ were able to recognize and degrade the 2x pollen tubes from ‘Crisana’ that would either be heteroallelic or homoallelic for the S 1-, S4- and/or Sd-pollen S-alleles. cDNA cloning from ‘RS’ 3’ RACE cDNA clones encoding four S-RNases that had previously been determined to be in ‘RS’, S0, S1,, Sc and S6, were cloned and sequenced. Two of the three unique S-RNases fiom ‘EB’, S0 and S4, had previously been cloned and sequenced (Yamane et al. 2001). A cDNA for the S6,", the third S-allele postulated to be in ‘EB’, could not be identified (Yamane et al. 2001). However, this allele was suspected to be functionally similar to the S6-allele due to complete identity between the S6 sweet cherry 54 Table 3.1 Cross-compatibility results for pollination of sour cherry styles with sweet cherry pollen based on examination of pollen tube growth in styles 72 hours after pollination Style parent Pollen parent (S-allele genotype) (S-RNases)’ ‘Rainier’ (S 1S4) ‘Sato Nishiki’ (S 3S6) ‘Crisana’ (S 1S4Sd) Incompatible Compatible ‘Tschernokorka’ (SgSaSc) Compatible Compatible ’ Three different S-RNases have been identified in each parent. At this time, it is not known which of the three S-RNases is present in two COpies. Table 3.2 Cross-compatibility results for pollination of sweet cherry cultivars with sour cherry pollen based on examination of pollen tube growth in styles 72 hours after pollination Style parent Pollen parent (S-RNases)a (S-allele genotype) ‘Crisana’ (S 2S4Sd) ‘Tschernokorka’ (SgSaSc) ‘Rainier’ (S2S4) Incompatible Compatible ‘Schmidt’ (S2S4) Compatible Compatible ‘ Three different S-RNases have been identified in each parent. At this time, it is not known which of the three S-RNases is present in two copies 55 sequence and the sequence amplified from ‘EB’ using the Pru-C2 and PCE-R primers that span the two hyper-variable regions present in the Prunus S-RNases (Tao et al. 1999; Yamane et al. 2001). The amino acid alignment of the four S-RNases from ‘RS’ with the two S-RNases from ‘EB’ is presented along with the amino acid sequences of the sweet cherry S4 and S6 sequences (Genbank sequence accessions AB028154 and ABOlO305, respectively) (Figure 3.1). The partial amino acid sequence of the S,- RNase from ‘RS’ was identical to the sequence of the Sa-RNase from ‘EB’ determined previously (Y amane et al., 2001) (Figure 3.1). The deduced amino acid sequences from the Sb- and Sc-cDNA clones contained the two active domains shared by other T2/S- RNases and the five regions that are conserved among rosaceous S-RNases. In addition, seven cysteine residues and an N-glycosylation site conserved among other rosaceous S-RNases were present in the amino acid sequences of the Sb- and Sc-RNases. However, the sequences of the cDNAs encoding the Sb- and Sc-RNases were not identical to the DNA sequences of any known S-RNases, suggesting that they encode novel S-RNases. The novel S2,- and Sc-RNases share 63 to 80 % identity with other sweet cherry S- RNases, within the range of amino acid sequence identity observed among Prunus S- RNases. These results indicated that four different kinds of S-RNases, corresponding to the four S-alleles in the genome of ‘RS’, are present in the style of ‘RS’. Inheritance and linkage analysis of the S-RNases in the ‘RS’ x ‘EB’ mapping population The S-RNase RFLP profiles following HindIH digestion for ‘RS’ and ‘EB’ agreed with the previous report (Yamane et al. 2001). ‘RS’ exhibited four fragments of 6.4 kb, 5.8 kb, 5.1 kb, and 4.6 kb which correspond to the S-RNases, Sq, S6, S2, and Sc, respectively (Figure 3.2). The four fragments exhibited by ‘EB’ correspond to the three S-RNases S6", (9 kb), S, (6.4 kb) and S4 (6.1 kb and 5.6 kb) (Figure 3.2). Partial genomic sequences of the ‘RS’ and ‘EB’ derived S6- and San-RNases, respectively, were identical 56 Figure 3.1 Amino acid sequence alignment of four S-RNases from ‘RS’, Sa, Sb, Sc and S6, two from ‘EB’, S0 and S4, (Yamane et al. 2001) and the sweet cherry S4- and S6- RNases. The alignment was generated by CLUSTAL X (Thompson et a1. 1997). Gaps are marked by dashes. The five conserved regions, C1, C2, C3, RC4 and C5 (U shijima et al. 1998) are marked with solid boxes, and the hypervariable region, RHV (U shijima et al. 1998), reported in rosaceous S-RNases is marked with a dotted box. Conserved amino acid residues are designated by asterisks under the sequences. 57 PC-Sb-RS PC-Sc-RS Pa-SG-RS PC-Sa-RS PC-Sa—EB Pa-S4-EB PA-SS PA-S4 PC-Sb—RS PC—Sc-RS PL-SS-RS PC-Sa-RS PC-Sa-EB PA-S4-EB Pl-SS PA-S4 PC-Sb—RS PC-Sc—RS PA-SG-RS PC-Sa—RS PC-Sa-EB PA-S4-EB Pl-SS PA-S4 PC-Sb-RS PC-Sc-RS PA-SG—RS PC-Sa-RS PC-Sa-EB PA—SQ—EB PA-SG PA-S4 PC-Sb-Rs PC-Sc-RS PL-SB—Rs PC-Sa-RS PC-Sa-EB PA-SQ—EB PA-SS PA-S4 (31 1 __________________ rcrxnsrsrdsrvrrorvoovpTTTCILRKK- 1 __________________ Lcrrnsr--GSYVYFQFVQQUPPTTCRLSSK- 1 ------------------- LCFIHSNF—GSYVYFQFVQQUPPTNCRVRIKR 1 __________________ LcrrnerDGSYDYFQFVQQUPPATCSLSRT- 1 HVTLKSSLAFLVLAFALFLCFIHSTGDGSYDYFQFVQQUPPATCSLSRT- 1 HAILKSTLLFLVLAFAFFICYVHSS--GSYDYFQFVQQUPPTNCRVRNK- 1 HAHLKSSPLFLVLAFLFFLCFIHSN--GSYVYFQFVQQUPPTNCRVRIKR 1 HAILKSTLAFLVLAFAFFICYVHSS--GSYDYFQFVQQUPPTNCRVRNK- * it it: tittttttt * C2 “"3113." ..... 51 -CSQPRPLQI| 'S YSNPTRPSNCIGiQFNFTKVYPHHRflKLKR 51 PSHQHRPFQ" '-NYSNPRKPSNCNCSQFDDRKVYPDLRSPLKR 51 PCSSPRPLQ FTIHGLUP‘NYSNPRHPSNCTGPDF-KRILSPQLRSKLQT 51 PCYKPRPPQI'TIHGLUP~NYSNPKRPSNCRGSFFDSRKVYPQLRLNLKI 51 PCYKPRPPQ'ITIHGLU'~NYSNPKRPSNCRGSEFDSRKVYPQLRLNLKI 51 PCTKPRPLQ FTIHGL"= YSNPRHPSKCTGSLFNFRKVYPQLRSPLKI ' r ' r 51 PCSSPRPLQIITIHGL"~ SNPRHPSNCTGfioF-KRILSPQLRSKLQT 51 PCTKPRPLE VTIHGL"4NYSNPRHPSKCTGSEENIBEEXEgkfigbLKI it 8 titttttttttttt it i t t t t t (33 101 AUPDVESGND 101 SUPDVEGGND 101 SUPDVESGND 101 SUPNVKSGND 101 SUPNVKSGND 101 SUPDVESGND AHURS QTLNQFQYFERSHDHWHS AHUHS QTLNQHQYFERSDEHUNS EHUNS IS 101 SUPDVESGND 101 SUPDVESGND it t AHUHS IS tttt tit tttttt ft it t *3 I fit tttttf 151 151 LKNASIV 151 LKNLSIV 151 LKKAQIV 151 LKKAQIV 151 LKNLSIV ATQKUSYSDIVAPIKAATKRTPLLRCKQD ____________ AKQRUKYSDIVSPIKGATGRTPLLRCKRDPA ---------- PTQTUKYSDIVAPIKALTKRTPLLRCKQD ____________ ATRTUKYSDILSPIKAATNTTPILRCKPDPAQSKSQPSQPK ATRTUKYSDILSPIKAATNTTPILRCKPDPAQSKSQPSQPK ATKNUTYSDIVSPIKRATKRTPLLRCKYD ____________ 151 151 TQTUKYSDIVAPIKAATKRTPLLRCKQD ............ ATKNUTYSDIVSPIKRATKRTPLLRCKYD ____________ t ttti fit it t 31*? t (35 QLLHLHEVVFC EYNALKQIDCNRTSACGNQQTISFQ LLH--EVVFC YNALKQIDCNRTAGCKNQRAISFQ LH—-EVVFCYEYNALKQIDCNRTSGCQNQPAISFQ QLLH--EVVFCYDYHAKKQIDCNRT-GCLN-KDISFQ QLLH--EVVFCYDYHLKKQIDCNRT-GCLN-KDISFQ QLLH--EVVFCYEYDALKQIDCNGTAGCPNQKVISFQ 201 --KK 201 --TN 201 --KN 201 SPQK 201 SPQK 201 --KS 201 --KN 201 --KS YEYNALKQIDCNRTSGCQNQPAISFQ YEYDALKQIDCNGTAGCPNQKVISFQ it? tttttt * t titttt t t 3 fit? 58 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 RSEB Figure 3.2 Genomic blot analysis of ‘RS’, ‘EB’ and eleven progeny. Six micrograms of genomic DNA were digested by HindIII and hybridized to the cDNA encoding the S6- RNase. 59 suggesting that they are the same S-RNases and that the RFLP polymorphism occurs outside the S-RNase coding region (Yamane et al. 2001). S-RNase segregation in 85 progeny fiom the ‘RS’ x ‘EB’ mapping population was determined (Table 3.3). Segregation of the S-alleles that were present in the maternal parent, ‘RS’, but absent in the paternal parent, ‘EB’, (Sb, Sc, and S6) fit the expected 1:1 ratio (Table 3.3, Figure 3.2). Segregation of the Sa-allele, which was present in both ‘RS’ and ‘EB’, fit a 3:1 ratio, which was expected if the S-RNase was present in only one dose in each parent and there was no pollen selection. Segregation for the S4-allele which was present in ‘EB’ and absent in ‘RS’ did not fit a 1:1 ratio which would be expected if the S4-allele was only present in a single dose. However, segregation of S4 in ‘EB’ fit a 5:1 ratio suggesting that there are two S4-alleles exhibiting tetrasomic inheritance and therefore the ‘EB’ S-RNase genotype is presumed to be ngS4SrSa. The S6", in ‘EB’ that could be distinguished from the Sg-allele in ‘RS’ by RFLP analysis following HindIII digest (Figure 3.2) was not present in any of the progeny. The three S-RNase alleles that fit a 1:1 segregation ratio, Sb, Sc and S6, all from the maternal parent, RS, were used for linkage analysis. The Sb-allele mapped to ‘RS’ linkage group 6 of the framework map constructed by Wang et a1. (1998) (Figure 3.3). The ‘RS’ linkage group 6 consisted of 17 markers spanning 34.4 cM and the Sb-locus mapped 4.5 cM from the marker placed at one end of this linkage group. The other two S- alleles, S6 and Sc, were linked to each other at a distance of 23.2 cM and unlinked to any other previously identified markers. When the progeny SI and SC phenotypes were entered as data in the linkage map analysis, the SI and SC phenotypes did not segregate 60 Table 3.3 RFLP segregation of S-RNase alleles in the ‘RS’ x ‘EB’ mapping population I S-allele RS EB Expected Presence: absence x2 value ratio ratio in progeny y S, + + 3 :1 69 : 15 2.29 Sb + - 1 :1 34 : 51 3.4 Sc + - 1:1 46 : 37 0.98 S; - + 1:1 77: 8 56.0 ** 5:1" 3.25 S6 + - 1:1 45 : 40 0.29 S6", - + 1:1 0 : 85 85.0 ** ** denotes significance at the 0.001 level 2 The S-genotypes of ‘RS’ and ‘EB’ were provisionally determined to be SaS’bSoSg and SaS4S6m, respectively, by Yamane et al. (2001) y Only the data for those progeny that could be unambiguously scored for each S-allele was included " 5:1 is the expected segregation ratio for an allele that is present in two copies which exhibits tetrasomic inheritance 61 j— EFllD -r- Sb 45 4.2 ---- B46101: 3.2 15 21] ---— EFlSZb CPM104 CPMfl9a 3.6 m— CPMZJC '"r- EFl62a 1.? 2.3 2.5 "" EF1761 --— CPMZBd 7.2 -'- EF176j 1'?-[-CPMZJd Figure 3.3 Genetic map for the sour cherry linkage group 6 obtained with the ‘RS’ x ‘EB’ mapping population showing the location of the Sb-RNases (Sb). The framework map was created by Wang et al. (1998). Markers shown on the right are identified by the probe followed by a letter (i.e., a, b, c, etc.) when more than one marker is generated from a single probe. 62 with any markers suggesting that SI and SC in sour cherry is controlled by segregation at more than one locus. SI and SC phenotypes of progeny from the ‘RS’ x ‘EB’ mapping population Both self- and outcross-pollen grew the firll length of ‘RS’ and ‘EB’ styles during pollen tube grth studies, confirming that both cultivars are SC. The S1 or SC phenotype for 65 of the 85 individuals in the mapping population could also be determined. Thirty-nine progeny were determined to be SC, while 26 were SI. Nine other trees had died before their phenotype could be determined. Six trees produced no functional pollen during either of the two pollination seasons, and were thus concluded to be male sterile. Low fertility among the remaining six progeny caused ambiguous S1 or SC phenotype results, thus no phenotype could be assigned. When the SI and SC phenotypes were compared with the RFLP S-RNase patterns detected for the 65 progeny tested for both traits, the presence/absence of one or more S- RNase fragment(s) was not associated with either S1 or SC. In addition, certain S-allele genotypes segregated for SI and SC phenotype. Discussion Inter-specific crosses between sweet and sour cherry demonstrate that gametophytic self- incompatibility exists in sour cherry and that the recognition of common S-alleles has been maintained in spite of polyploidization. The results from the reciprocal crosses of 63 ‘Crisana’ (S1S4Sd) and ‘Rainier’ (S 2 S4) indicate that the S1- and S4-stylar and pollen components in the two selections are functionally similar. The incompatible reaction in the cross ‘Crisana’ (S 1S4Sd) x ‘Rainier’ (S 1S4) can be explained by the recognition of the ‘Rainier’ S 1- and S4-pollen S-genes by the ‘Crisana’ S 2- and S4-RNases, respectively. However, an explanation for the incompatibility of the reciprocal cross, ‘Rainier’ x ‘Crisana’, is less straightforward. Since it is expected that like most sour cherry cultivars, ‘Crisana’ exhibits occasional inter-genomic pairing (Murawski and Endlich 1962) six types of pollen would be possible: heteroallelic (i.e. S2S4, SISd, S4Sd) and homoallelic (S 1S 2, SS, Sde) depending on which allele is in double dose. The relative frequencies of these pollen types would also be dependent on dosage and pairing configuration. However, without confirming the precise pollen genotypes and the firnctional activity of the different S-haplotypes it is premature to speculate on the mechanism of pollen recognition and inhibition. The results from the cross ‘RS’ x ‘EB’ suggest that only one S-allele match between the style and pollen is necessary to render diploid pollen incompatible. In the cross, the genotypes of ‘RS’ and ‘EB’ were determined to be SaSbScSC; and SaS4S4S6m, respectively. In the progeny, it was possible to follow the inheritance of the ‘RS’-derived S6-allele and the ‘EB’-derived San-allele because these two alleles could be differentiated by RFLP analysis following HindIH digestion. Since ‘EB’ only has one S6m-allele, all the pollen containing S6", are expected to be heteroallelic. However, in this cross no progeny individuals contained the ‘EB’-derived San-allele. This observation is in contrast to results from several Solanaceous species where heteroallelic pollen loses its SI phenotype (Livermore and Johnstone 1940; Stout and Chandler 1942; Crane and Lewis 1942; 64 Brewbaker 1954; Pandy 1968; de Nettancourt et al. 1974; Chawla et al. 1997; Entani et al. 1999; Golz et al. 1999; Luu et al. 2001) The previously reported inability to identify any Sg-RNase associated protein or cDNA in ‘EB’ (Yamane et al. 2001) suggests that the San-RNase is not firnctionally active in the ‘EB’ style. The segregation data suggests however, that the ‘EB’ derived San-pollen component is firnctional and is inhibited by the ‘RS’ S6-RNase. It would therefore be postulated that in the reciprocal cross, ‘EB’ x ‘RS’, both the ‘RS’- and ‘EB’- derived S6-alleles should be inherited by a portion of the progeny. Given the putative S-genotype of ‘EB’ (SaS4S4S6m) and the inability of pollen containing the San-allele to successfully fertilize ‘RS’, all progeny should inherit at least one copy of the S4-allele fi'om the ‘EB’ parent. However, eight of the 85 progeny that were genotyped for their S-RNase alleles did not contain an S4-RNase. One possible explanation is that the San-allele region of ‘EB’ that contains the pollen S and S-RNase genes has been translocated leaving an S-null allele. Therefore, these eight progeny that do not contain an S4-RNase would have obtained Sa- and S-null alleles from the ‘EB’ parent. These plants consisted of both SC and SI types. Both linkage mapping parents, ‘RS’ and ‘EB’, have one Sa-RNase allele. Progeny segregation for this allele (3: 1, presentzabsent) suggested that both parental copies of the Sa-allele were inherited by the progeny. This result would be expected if heteroallelic pollen from ‘EB’ carrying the Sa-allele and another S-allele were SC. However, data from the progeny did not support this hypothesis. Sixteen progeny were obtained that, like both parents, contained only one copy of the Sa-allele. Since five of these 16 progeny were SI, heteroallelic pollen with just one S0 is not sufficient by itself to cause 65 the plant to be SC. In the sour cherry cross, the ability of pollen with an Sa-allele to grow down a style containing an Sa-RNase may be possible if at least one of the Sa-alleles is non-functional due to a mutation in either the S-RNase or pollen S-gene coupled with the presence of a second non-functional S-allele in either the style or pollen. Whereas the current study provided additional evidence of S-RNase segregation in sour cherry, the actual cause of SC versus S1 in sour cherry was not determined. For example, no S-RNase(s) have been found to co-segregate with SC in the ‘RS’ x ‘EB’ population, as has been found in some SC mutants (Tao et al. 2000), so it is unlikely that a single S-RNase mutation is responsible for causing self-compatibility. One possible mechanism for the existence of SC in sour cherry is the existence of mutations in the S- RNase or pollen S-gene of a number of S-alleles. Therefore the identification of the pollen S-gene(s) in sour cherry is likely to be crucial to the understanding of SC and 81 in sour cherry. In addition, certain progeny with similar S-haplotypes differed with respect to their SI or SC phenotypes. This suggests that modifier genes may have a role in modulating the interaction between the S-pollen protein and the S-RNase. Modifier genes have been demonstrated to be required for normal SI firnction in Nicotiana (McClure et al. 1999). Along with the crossing studies described above, amino acid matches of the sweet cherry and sour cherry S4- and S6-alleles, indicate that the alleles that were suspected to be in common between these two species are identical. This is additional evidence that gametophytic SI occurs in sour cherry and that it is regulated by a similar mechanism as found in other gametophytic SI species in which a stylar S-RNase interacts with a pollen- specific molecule to regulate the SI or SC response. 66 Since sour cherry is an allotetraploid, it is likely that the two S-loci would map to homoeologous linkage groups. The Sb-RNase mapped to the expected position on Prunus linkage group 6 indicating that this linkage relationship is maintained among sour cherry, sweet cherry and almond. The two other S-RNases, Sc and S6, mapped together on what might represent a new homoeologous linkage group 6 that had previously been undetected by Wang et al. (1998) due to low marker density on the sour cherry map. However, Sc and S6 would have been expected to map to the same location and it is not clear why they are separated by over 20 cM. Selection for or against certain S-alleles or other alleles in the S-locus region could have occurred. In addition meiotic irregularities prevalent in sour cherry can complicate linkage analysis. Although sour cherry is an allotetraploid predominately exhibiting disomic inheritance, it also exhibits tetrasomic inheritance (Beaver et al. 1993) and quadrivalent pairing characteristic of an autotetraploid (Wang 1998). For example, all twenty of the ‘EB’ metaphase I pollen mother cells (PMC) examined had some non-bivalent pairing with at least one quadrivalent per PMC. Therefore the tetrasomic inheritance exhibited by the ‘EB’ S4- alleles is not unexpected. However, it is also possible that the Sc —S6 linkage result is caused by an actual change in the physical location of the S-locus. This is not unprecedented since a translocation has been confirmed in almond between Prunus linkage groups 4 and 6 (P. Arus, pers. comm). 67 References Ballester J, Boskovic R Battle 1, Arus P, Vargus F, de Vicente MC (1998) Location of the self-incompatibility gene on the almond linkage map. Plant Breeding 117:69-72. Beaver J A, Iezzoni AF (1993) Allozyme inheritance in tetraploid sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.). J Amer Soc Hort Sci 118:873-877. Boskovic R Tobutt KR (1996) Correlation of stylar ribonuclease zymograms with incompatibility alleles in sweet cherry. Euphytica 90:245-250. Boskovic R Tobutt KR (2001) Genotyping cherry cultivars assigned to incompatibility groups, by analyzing stylar ribonucleases. Theor Appl Genet 103 :47 5-485. 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J Amer Soc Hort Sci 126:661-667. 72 CHAPTER 4 GENETIC CONTROL OF SELF-INCOMPATIBILITY AND SELF-COMPATIBILITY IN TETRAPLOID SOUR CHERRY (PR UNUs CERASUS L.) 73 Abstract Gametophytic self-incompatibility (S1) in diploid species generally breaks down due to polyploidy, resulting in self-compatible (SC) tetraploid species. The diploid sweet cherry and the tetraploid sour cherry represent an exception, as sour cherry individuals can be either S1 or SC. To investigate the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry, the segregation of S-haplotypes in a total of 794 progeny from six sour cherry self- populations and 15 inter-specific crosses between sweet and sour cherry involving six SC sour cherry selections were analyzed. Results indicate that the breakdown of S1 in Prunus is caused by the accumulation of non-functional S-haplotypes that are incapable of S-haplotype-specific rejection of pollen, rather than due to the competition between pollen-S products in heteroallelic pollen, as commonly observed in the Solanaceae. In total, four firlly firnctional S-haplotypes and six non-functional S-haplotypes were discovered in these six sour cherry selections. A hypothesis regarding the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry was developed and verified in self-pollination and crossing experiments. The implications of these findings on sour cherry breeding and on our knowledge of gametophytic SI are discussed. 74 Introduction Gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) is a common mechanism for promoting out-crossing in flowering plants (de Nettancourt, 1977). In GSI, self-incompatibility (S1) is determined by a single, multi-allelic locus, called the S-locus, in which the compatibility of a cross is determined by the haploid genome of the pollen and the diploid genome of the pistil. Pollen tube grth is arrested if the pollen tube has an S- allele in common with one of the two S-alleles in the style. The S—locus contains a minimum of two genes, one controlling the style-specificity and the other the pollen- specificity of the SI reaction. The stylar-determinant is an RNase (S-RNase) (Anderson, 1986; McClure et al., 1989), which is specifically expressed in the pistil and specifically degrades rRNA of incompatible pollen (McClure et al., 1990). The identity of the pollen- S gene remains unconfirmed; however, S-locus linked F-box genes have been proposed to be the pollen-S gene in Anthirrinum (SLF; Lai et al., 2002), Prunus mume (SLF; Entani et al. 2003) and P. dulcis (SFB; Ushijima et al. 2003). The inability to transform these species precludes the necessary transformation experiments to verify that one of these F- box genes is the pollen-S gene. Transformation experiments involving a recently discovered S-locus F-box gene in Petunia inflata (PiSLF) suggests that it is the pollen-S gene in the Solanaceae (Sijacic et al., 2004). The S-RNase gene from the Solanaceae and the Rosaceae are thought to be orthologous (Igic and Kohn, 2001). However, several differences between Prunus and other Rosaceous and Solanaceous species have been reported. The S-RNase gene of Prunus contains two introns, whereas the S-RNase for all other Rosaceous and 75 Solanaceous species contains only one (Igic and Kohn, 2001). Second, the putative pollen-S F-box genes isolated from Antirrhinum (Lai et al., 2002) and Prunus (Entani et al., 2003; Ushijima et al., 2003) do not appear to be orthologous. Third, screens for pollen-part mutants (PPMs) in the Solanaceae have failed to reveal a PPM caused by the mutation of the pollen-S gene (Pandey 1967; van Gastel and de Nettancourt, 1975; Golz et al., 1999; Golz et al., 2000). Instead, all PPMs have included duplications of the pollen-S gene, suggesting that a deletion or knock out of the pollen-S gene is lethal. However, two PPMs, S; from sweet cherry and Sf from P. mume, that were caused by the knock out of pollen-S function have been characterized in Prunus (U shijima et al., 2004). Together, these findings suggest that the identity and/or firnction of the pollen-S gene may differ in Prunus and the Solanaceae. GSI typically breaks down as a result of polyploidy (Crane and Lawrence, 1931; Crane and Thomas, 1939; Livermore and Johnstone, 1940; Stout and Chandler, 1941; Pandey 1968; de Nettancourt et al., 1974). It is hypothesized that the competition between multiple different pollen-S products in a single pollen grain eliminates the ability of the pollen to initiate an SI reaction, allowing these heteroallelic pollen grains to successfully grow through styles despite the presence of their cognate S-RNases (Stout and Chandler, 1942; Lewis 1943; Chawla et al., 1997; Entani et al., 1999). However, a recent comparison of ploidy level and the presence of self-compatibility (SC) among angiosperrns indicates that there is no association between ploidy level and SC (Mable 2004). The frequency of SI and SC species was not significantly different for diploids and tetraploid species. 76 Sweet cherry (P. avium) is a diploid species that has a classical RNase-based GSI system (Boskovic and Tobutt, 1996) with 17 identified S-haplotypes (Mathews and Dow, 1969; Tao et al., 1999; Boskovic and Tobutt, 2001; Hauck et al., 2001; Sonneveld et al., 2001; Wiersma et al., 2001; Choi et al., 2002; Sonneveld et al., 2003; Iezzoni et al., 200x; Wunsch and Horrnaza, 2004). Sweet cherry is one of the progenitor species of the allotetraploid sour cherry (P. cerasus). Sour cherry also contains a GSI system characterized by the premature cessation of incompatible pollen tube growth in the styles (Lansari and Iezzoni, 1990; Yamane et al., 2001). In addition, reciprocal inter-specific crosses between sweet and sour cherry indicate that sour cherry has retained its ability to reject pollen in an S-haplotype-specific manner (Hauck et al., 2002). However, a partial breakdown of SI has occurred in sour cherry, resulting in the existence of both SC and S1 types (Lech and Tylus, 1983; Redalen, 1984; Lansari and Iezzoni, 1990). The genetic cause of the partial breakdown of S1 in sour cherry is unknown. It remains to be seen whether sour cherry pollen that contains two different pollen-S products loses its SI phenotype, as in the Solanaceae, or whether a different mechanism causes the observed partial breakdown of SI in sour cherry. A second possible mechanism for the breakdown of S1 is that mutations in a modifier gene, such as the HT gene from Nicotiana (McClure et al., 1999), causes the breakdown of S1 in sour cherry, as suggested by progeny from a cross between Rheinische Schattenmorelle (RS) and Erdi B6term6 (EB) that contain the same S-RNase phenotype but segregate for SI and SC (Hauck et al., 2002). A third possibility is that mutations in one or both of the specificity components, S-RNase or pollen-S, have accumulated and the inability of these non-firnctional S-haplotypes to carry out S-haplotype specific rejection causes the partial 77 breakdown of S1 in sour cherry. One such non-functional sour cherry S-haplotype, S6,", has been characterized and found to have a firlly functional pollen-S gene that was identical to that of the S6 haplotype of sweet cherry. The S-RNase of the San-haplotype, however, was non-firnctional due to the insertion of a 2.6 kb fragment upstream from the Sg-RNase gene, which eliminated gene expression (Yamane et al., 2003). A more in depth genetic characterization of S-haplotypes is necessary to differentiate between these three possibilities. The ultimate goal of this research was to determine the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry. In this study, systematic genetic analyses of previously defined S- haplotypes were conducted using both inter-specific crosses between sweet and sour cherry and sour cherry self-populations. Finally, a hypothesis was developed for the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry and verified using self-pollination and crossing experiments. Implications of the findings on the evolution and the effects of polyploidy on GSI are discussed. Materials and Methods Plant material All sweet and sour cherry cultivars, along with their proposed S-haplotypes, used in this study are listed in Table 4.1. The sour cherry S-haplotype nomenclature proposed by Yamane et al. (2001) is used in this paper, with the S4, S6 and Sta-haplotypes representing RFLP profiles identical to S-haplotypes in sweet cherry, and Sa, Sb, S4, and 78 Table 4.1: Sweet and sour cherry cultivars used in this study, with their proposed S- haplotypes Cultivar 81 or SC S-haplotype‘ Sweet Cherry Chelan SI S 3S9 Emperor Francis (EF) SI S 3S4 Gold . SI S3S6 Regina SI S 1S 3 Schmidt SI S 254 Sour Cherry Cigany 59 SC SaSg/SaSb Erdi B6term6 (EB) sc Srs6/Sasx " Montmorency SC 56.313'/S0Sx b" Rheinische Schattenmorelle (RS) SC S6SI3'/ SaSb ‘ Surefire SC S4513/ San b" Ujfehértoi fi'utds (UF) SC s.s./ Sds, " ‘ Sour cherry is an allotetraploid. The homologous pairing of S-haplotypes are designated. Homologous pairing was determined based on observed segregation of S- haplotypes in this study. b In those sour cherry cultivars where only three S-haplotypes could be identified, 5,, is used to denote either a null allele or the double dosage of one of the other S-haplotypes. cS 2 3' was previously named Sc (Yamane et al., 2001). Alignment of the predicted amino acid sequence of the S13-RNase from sweet cherry (GenBank accession number: A] 63 5276) and Sc from sour cherry (Hauck et al., 2002) indicates that these two S- RNases are identical. 79 Se having unique RFLP banding profiles. The previously reported Sc has been renamed S13' due to identical amino acid sequences of the sweet cherry S13-RNase (GenBank accession number: A] 63 5276) and the Sc-RNase (Hauck et al., 2002). The “"’ indicates a hypothesized pollen-part mutation. The trees are located either at the Michigan State University Clarksville Horticultural Experimental Station (CHES), Clarksville, Mich. or the MSU Northwest Research Station (NWRS), Traverse City, Mich. Field crosses and self-pollinations The inter-specific crosses and self-pollinations that were analyzed in this study are listed in Tables 4.2 and 4.3, respectively. Anthers were collected from flowers in the late balloon stage, allowed to dry at room temperature overnight, and either used immediately or stored in glass vials at -20°C with a desiccant. One day prior to bloom, about 200 flowers per cross were emasculated. The next morning, the dried anthers were crushed with glass rods and applied directly to the stigmas. Immediately following fruit ripening, the seed were harvested, cleaned from the surrounding fruit, and stored at -20°C until used for DNA isolation. DNA isolation DNA isolation fiom leaves of parents: Young, unfolded leaves of firlly-grown trees were placed on dry ice immediately following collection, stored at -80°C overnight and then lyophilized for 48 h. DNA isolation was performed using the CTAB method described by Stockinger et al. (1996). DNA isolation fiom seed: Seed fiom the crosses were harvested shortly after ripening and stored at -20°C. The testa was removed to allow DNA extraction from the embryo and cotyledons. The embryo and cotyledons were crushed using liquid nitrogen and 80 Table 4.2: Reciprocal inter-specific crosses between sour cherry and sweet cherry used to investigate the functionality of the S4, S6 and Sg—haplotypes from sour cherry. Parents used in cross S-haplotype No. of grogeny analyzed Sour cherry Sweet cherry tested sour x sweet sweet x sour Cigany 59 (SdoSQSaSb) Gold (S 3S6) S6 36 40 Cigany 59 (SchcS'aSb) Chelan (S 3S9) S9 7 0 ‘ EB (S4S6mSan) BF (S354) S4 10 20 EB (S4S6mSan) Gold (S3S6) S6 33 14 Montmorency (S6Sj3'San) Gold (S 3S6) S6 55 15 RS (S6SI3'SaSb) Gold (S 3S6) S6 31 13 Surefire (S4S23'S0Sx) EF (S 3S4) S4 30 3 7 UP (5.519.539 Schmidt (525.) s. 45 o " UF ( BF (S354) S. o b 36 " Chelan was not used as the maternal parent. Thus, the functionality of the pollen-S 9 gene from Cigany 59 could not be tested. b Different sweet cherry testers were used for the reciprocal crosses with UF. 8] Table 4.3: Sour cherry self-populations analyzed to determine the functionality of the 513', S2,, S2,, S2 and Se-haplotypes. Cultivar self-pollinated No. of progeny analyzed Cigany 59 37 Erdi B6term6 8 Montmorency 135 Rheinische Schattenmorelle 54 Surefire 36 Ujfehértoi firrtos 102 82 mixed in a buffer consisting of 150 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 20 mM EDTA, 800 mM NaCl, 0.25% SDS, 1% B-mercaptoethanol and 1% CTAB. The DNA was purified by two chloroform extractions and precipitated using isopropanol. See Appendix A for complete protocol. PCR amplification of S-RNases The primer combination, Pru-C2 and PCE-R which hybridized to conserved regions flanking the second highly variable intron of the S-RNase gene, were initially used to amplify the sweet and sour cherry S-haplotypes simultaneously (Yamane et al., 2001). This primer set did not reliably amplify S2 or S13, so S-allele specific primers were used to amplify these S-haplotypes (S2: Sonneveld et al., 2001; S13: Sonneveld et al., 2003). Pru-C2 and PCE-R also did not distinguish between S9 and Sb, so S-haplotype specific primers were used for crosses that contain both of these S-haplotypes (S9: Sonneveld et al., 2003). Sb-specific primers did not exist and were designed from previously obtained cDNA sequences (Hauck et al., 2002). Table 4.4 shows the sequences and annealing temperatures for all PCR primers used in this study. A similar PCR temperature profile, other than the annealing temperature, was used for all PCR reactions: an initial denaturing step (94°C, 2.5 min) followed by 35 cycles of 94°C (30 sec), X°C (30 sec), 72°C, (90 sec) and a final elongation step (72°C, 5 min). S-genotype or S-phenotype determination for hypothesis testing Six micrograms of DNA from 93 sour cherry selections chosen for S1 or SC evaluation was digested with HindIII (Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals, 83 Table 4.4: DNA sequences, annealing temperature, and references for S-RNase genotyping PCR primers used in this study. Primer Sequence Annealing Reference‘I (5 '-3 ') Temp. (°C) PruC2 CTA TGG CCA AGT AAT TAT TCA AAC C 56 T PCE-R TGT TTG TTC CAT TCG CYT TCC C Y PaSZ-F TAC TTC GAG CGA TCC CAA A 50 PaSZ-R AAG TGC AAT CGT TCA TTT G S PaS9-F TT TGT TAC GTT ATG AGC AGC AG 62 R PaS9-R ATG AAA CAA TAC ATA CCA CTT TGC TA R PaSl3-F CA ATG GGT CGC AAT TTG ACG A 66 R PaSl3-R GGA GGA GGT GGA TTC GAA CAC TTG R Pch-F CAC CTG CAT ACT TCG CAA GA 66 Pch-R TGC TGC TTT AAT GGG TGC TA ‘ T (Tao et al., 1999); Y (Yamane et al., 2001); S (Sonneveld et al., 2001); R (Sonneveld et al., 2003) 84 Indianapolis), resolved on a 0.9 % agarose gel for 36 h at 30 V, and transferred to a nylon membrane (Hybond-N+, Amersham) according to Wang et al. (1998). PCR amplified fragments of the S6-RNase cDNA from sweet cherry (Tao et al., 1999) were used as the probe. This probe has been shown to cross-hybridize with all sweet and sour cherry S- RNases (Tao et al., 1999; Yamane et al., 2001; Hauck et al., 2002). Probes were radiolabelled with 32P-dCTP (DuPont, Boston) using the random primer hexamer-priming method described by Feinberg and Vogelstein (1983). After hybridization at 60°C for 16 hours and high stringency washes (2 X 30 min with 2 X SSC and 1 % SDS followed by 2 X 30 min with 0.2 X SSC and 0.5 % SDS at 60 °C), radioactive signal was detected on X- ray films using a Kodak RP X-OMAT processor. Analysis of pollen tube growth for hypothesis testing The 93 sour cherry selections were tested for S1 or SC by observing pollen tube growth in self-pollinated styles. Pollination tests were performed as described by Lansari and Iezzoni (1990) with slight modifications. Pollen fi'om newly opened flowers was collected and dried for at least 24 h. Twenty flowers at the balloon stage were emasculated. Ten emasculated flowers were hand pollinated with self-pollen when receptive (24 h after emasculation) and ten flowers were pollinated with a mixture of pollen from ten random sour cherry selections (“bulk pollen”). The pollinated pistils were collected 72 h after pollination, placed in fixing solution [(1 chloroform: 3 (95%) ethanol: 1 glacial acetic acid) (v/v)] for 24 h, transferred into 100% ethanol, and stored at 4 °C until used for observation. The pistils were washed thoroughly in tap water, incubated in 10 N NaOH for 4 h to soften the tissues, and soaked in 0.1 % aniline blue solution with 85 33 mM K3PO4 (pH 8.5) for 45 min to stain the pollen tubes. Pollen tubes were observed by ultraviolet fluorescent microscopy (BX60, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). Results Inter-specific crosses Reciprocal inter-specific crosses between sweet and sour cherry were designed to take advantage of their shared S-haplotypes to systematically test the functionality of the sour cherry S4, S6 and Sty-haplotypes. The sweet cherry testers were Schmidt or Emperor Francis (EF) (S4), Gold (S6) and Chelan (S9). The segregation of every S-haplotype in each of the inter-specific populations is summarized in Table 4.5. The segregation data that is most critical for dissecting the genetic control of S1 in sour cherry is described below. Schematic representations of these crosses can be found in the Appendix (Figure 3.2). Surefire x Emperor Francis (EF): All 30 progeny contained the S 3-haplotype; thus all progeny resulted from fertilization of Surefire by EF pollen that contained the S 3- haplotype. This indicates that pollen containing the S4 pollen-S products were recognized and destroyed in a S-haplotype-specific manner by a functional S4-RNase in Surefire styles. 86 - 0 char - o Rama. oo._ 8.0 emf : aw - o aha. Soodv mém 03H 3 EM. 5 Rama. m .13. 88.9 c: an: 3 E .236 ”as been 2 .23. "no So $2 2 a. on £23. 5 3623. 2 62% and 3d Sam 2 a. 605 3:858 @3085 888% 29: 323305 a 0833 2x0 038 0A0 5 .300. Amiga. 0 .3. 00.0 00.0 00 Z a. 605 0005300 330005 080.0% 038 525305 0 020000 2% 0:02 0250 0:8 0m§0_m3.w 000200030 \ 00950000 .02 0333a 30 002030 0080me 080.0% 208 50000000 .20 .0: 0:0 000%. 00303000 0020.03.04 €00,105 8:300 :5. a 004.00 0.00 0 9 .w u m 00.. 00.0 0.0. .0 00 m 00.. 00.0 0.0. E .0 and 0... EN. .H. .20. mad on. Snow .0 - o 0% 2.0 cod Snow .0. 0.0 3 00.000 .5 00000 €00.00 - - 0” _ 0 0; m00.20.000.01.va000,000A0...000»0 .0 00 .0000v 0.00 000 2 00 A05 003.56 E00085 888% 0.08 5.3305 0 000000 $3.0 0.000 025 0.000 0§00.m0~...w 00950000 .0 Z 0.0.0000. EU 002030 08000me 000080m 0.08 000000000 ..0 .00 000 0090... 00.00m00w00 0930.00.30 00400 0.00 000.020 0,0. 0000.005— oo. cod in .H. 0,0. mad NY. mum .H. 0% 2.0 and on. .H. 00% 3.0 00.0 Num .0 - o 0.0 mad «0.. mum .H. 0,0 5000000. x: 006,000 - - 0s 0”. .5 00000 x00 300,000 0 m0 000 E .0 0s 8 00 005 000.0008 .3000000m 000080w 0.08 5:38.000. 0 0.8000 2ng 0.000 0208 0.000 0mN00.m0....w 00020000 .07. 0.3.0000. 0.0 002030 000000xm 000080w 0.08 000000000 .00 .00 000 009.9 00.00m02wo0 0900.00.70 00.0.00 00.25 0 00.0.0030. 00 0.00.0 - o 0.00% 030.0 8.0 S H mm .H. 0,0 - o 0.00% N00. .0 8d 0. “mm .0. 0w - o 00.00% 880 NM. wumm .H. 0,0 .00 00.000 M.0. 000000 0 o 0.000 £80 0.0 E ”00 00 91 (Continued) 00.0 00.0 muuon .H. 00. 0.0 mm. mm.- .H. .20. 0.0000 0020. 000m .0 .. 0 00. 00.0 00.0 0NU0N . H . 00. .0 000000 .6 00.000 .00 . - - 0.00 0.. .0 0.0.2000. .0 0 000.000 000.0000. 00 .0. SS? 0.00 000 .H. 00. 005 00.50.00 .00000000m 00.080& 0.08 00.300000. 0 0.0000 2.0.. 0000 0003.0 0.00 0300.00.70. 009000000 \ 00900000 .07. 0.0.0000. 0.0 002030 00.000xm. 0000800 0.08 .000000000 00 .00 000 009C. 000000000 09.8.0000. % 0.00 0 00.0.20. 0.0.. 000205.000. - 0 00.. 00.0 0.0 .H. 00. - 0 00.0.0. 00.. 00.0 0.0 .H. 00. - 0 0000. 0000.0 .... 0:0. .H. .20. - 0 000.0% 0.0 00:0 0.0 .H .0 00.0.00 .0. 0 0.0.0. 00.. 00.0 0.0 .H. 00 .0 0.0.000. 0 0.0.0. 00.. 00.0 00 Z .0. 005 000.0008 .00000000m 00.080... 0.08 00.530... 0 020000 2.0.0 0.000 02.0w 0.00. 0%.00000. 00900000 .0 7. 0.0.0000. 0.0 002030 00.00.00". 00.080w 0.08 5.0000000 00 .0: 000 009.... 00.00w0m00 0900.00.00. 0.00.050. .0.. 0000.528 0 00.00.. 0.00 (Continued) 00.88.00,. .00.0>...08 00.0000 00...? 00800080000 00002080.. 800.. 00030.00...” 03. ..0 00.80.0800 0000 2.. 800000.00 00.080w 002. ... 0.00.08 00.00.. 0000800.. .00.0>...08 800.0028 000w00000 .0... 00 0. 0002.0 000m . 0800 0. 000.0 00.8.0000 ..080 2.. 00.. 800000 0. .0000 00B 0080.. 00.800000 00.0> 2. .0 0 .8. 00 ..m. 000.200....0 800.800.7000 0 00.. 0082.000 0..00 0 0. .0.. 00.. 00.00. 003 00..0w00w00 2.. 0080.000 .. $00000 . 800000. .v .300 0.w0.0 0 0. 800000” 080.800. 0 00.. 0082.00 0.80 000000.800 0 0. .0.. 00.. 00.00. .00... 00B 0030.02.00 ..00m a 0.2.0 ..00 0 00 000.0 0.0.000 0. 0 80000000 00....0 008 0% 00.08.0000 5000.. 2.. 0.000.000 0. .0000 0. a... 8000...... .00.. 00... 0030.. 0>0.. 00...? 0000. 0002.0 0000 000... 00 h. 0 0.2.0 ..00 0 ..0 00000000. 0... 00 00.08.0000. 00 ..0 00000.. 0.000.. 2.. 00....0 we..00000000 a... 5.3 00.000000. 0. 0300000.... 2.. .000w000. 2.. 0. 00808.. 0003 8000...... 03. 0.00 .. 0.0.0000 02.3 00.000000 0. 00.0.0000?” 2. ... a - 0 .00... - 0 .0000. 00.0 00.0 0.0 E .0. - 0 00.0% «00.0 0.0 ..0. ... .20. 0. 00.0.00. . .0.... 00.0 03. ..0 .0. ..00 0 .20.... 00.0 00.0 0.0 .0 0.0. 0.. .0.. 20.0.0. ..0. .0.. 0 .0.. :0 00.. 00.0 0.0 2 00. 005 .0..000000m 00.080W0.08 34.300000. 0 0000.00 2.0.. 0.80 03.0.. 0.80 0930.02.00 000300000. \ 02.0.0000 .07. 0.0.0000. EU 0020000 00800.00... 00.080w 0.08 .0..0000000 ..0 .00 .000 02...... 00..0M00W00 250.000.... caveman. 0.0.. 0000008802 0 30.0.... 0.000 93 Emperor Francis (EF) x Surefire: Both the S 3- and S4-haplotypes segregated 1 present: 1 absent in the 37 progeny, and no progeny inherited both the S 3 and S4-haplotypes. These findings indicate that Surefire pollen containing the fimctional S4 pollen-S product was rejected in a S-haplotype-specific manner by the S4-RNase in the EF styles. The S13~ haplotype was present in nearly all progeny because it normally pairs with the S4- haplotype during meiosis I. Since S4-containing pollen is specifically rejected, all successful pollen will contain its homolog, S 1 3', unless tetrasomic inheritance occurred to allow the creation of 5on pollen. Ulfehérto'ifiirtos (UF) x Schmidt: All 45 progeny contained the S 2-haplotype, and therefore all progeny resulted from fertilization of UF by Schmidt pollen that contained the S 2-haplotype. This indicates that pollen containing the S4 pollen-S product were recognized and destroyed in a S-haplotype-specific manner by a functional S4-RNase in UF styles. Emperor Francis (EF) x Ulfehérto'ifi‘irtos (UF): Both the S 3- and S4-haplotypes segregated 1 present: 1 absent in the 36 progeny, and no progeny inherited both S 3 and S4-haplotypes. These findings indicate that UF pollen containing the fimctional S4 pollen-S product was rejected in a S-haplotype—specific manner by the S4-RNase in the EF styles. The Se-haplotype was present in nearly all progeny because it normally pairs with the S4-haplotype during meiosis I. Since S4-containing pollen is specifically rejected, all successful pollen will contain its homolog, Se, unless tetrasomic inheritance occurred to allow the creation of 5de pollen. 94 Erdi Bo'termo" (EB) x Emperor Francis (EF): All ten progeny contained the S 3-haplotype, thus all progeny resulted from fertilization of EB by EF pollen that contained the S 3- haplotype. This indicates that pollen containing the S4 pollen-S product were recognized and destroyed in a S-haplotype-specific manner by a fiJnctional S4-RNase in EB styles. The cDNA sequence of the S4-RNase from EB was previously shown to be identical to the S4-RNase of sweet cherry (Hauck et al., 2002), thus the finding that they are functionally identical is not surprising. Emperor Francis (EF) x Erdi Bo'termo" (EB): Both the S 3- and S4-haplotypes segregated 1 present: 1 absent in the 20 progeny, and no progeny inherited both the S 3 and S4- haplotypes. These findings indicate that EB pollen containing the functional S4 pollen-S product was rejected in a S-haplotype-specific manner by the S4-RNase in the EF styles. The San-haplotype was present in nearly all progeny because it normally pairs with the S4-haplotype during meiosis I. Since S4-containing pollen is specifically rejected, all successfill pollen will contain its homolog, S6,", unless tetrasomic inheritance occurred to allow the creation of San pollen. Erdi Bo'termo" (EB) x Gold: The S 3-haplotype segregated 1 present: 1 absent in the 33 progeny. The S‘s-haplotype segregated 3 present: 1 absent. These findings indicate that all Gold pollen, regardless of whether they contain S 3 or Sg, are capable of fertilizing EB. Gold contains a functional pollen-S6 gene; therefore, the inability of EB to reject S6 pollen indicates that the S6m-RNase of EB is not firnctional. This is consistent with the 95 previous characterization of the San-haplotype (Yamane et al., 2003). The San-haplotype contains an insertion of approximately 2600 bp in the promoter region of the S-RNase, which prevented its expression. Gold x Erdi Bo'termo" (EB): Both the S3- and S6-haplotypes segregated 1 present: 1 absent in the 14 progeny, and no progeny inherited both the S 3 and Sd-haplotypes. These findings indicate that EB pollen containing the functional S6", pollen-S product was rejected in a S-haplotype-specific manner by the Sg—RNase in the Gold styles. This is consistent with the previous characterization of the S6m-haplotype (Yamane et al., 2003). Whereas the San-RNase was not expressed, the expression pattern and DNA sequence of the San-SFB was identical to the S6-SFB. The S4-haplotype was present in nearly all progeny because it normally pairs with the San-haplotype during meiosis I. Since S6",- containing pollen is specifically rejected, all successful pollen will contain its homolog, S4, unless tetrasomic inheritance occurred to allow the creation of $an pollen. Cigany 59 x Gold: The Sg-haplotype segregated 1 present: 1 absent in the 36 progeny, and the Sg-haplotype segregated 3 present: 1 absent. Both of these findings indicate that all Gold pollen, regardless of whether they contain S 3 or S6, are capable of fertilizing Cigany 59. Gold contains a functional pollen-S6 gene; therefore, the inability of Cigany 59 to reject 56 pollen indicates that the S6c-RNase of Cigany 59, similar to the S6m-RNase of BB, is not firnctional. 96 Gold x Cigany 59: Both the S 3- and S‘s-haplotypes segregated 1 present: 1 absent in the 40 progeny, and no progeny inherited both the S 3 and Sg—haplotypes. These findings indicate that Cigany 59 pollen containing the firnctional 56c pollen-S product was rejected in a S- haplotype-specific manner by the S6-RNase in the Gold styles. The Sg-haplotype was present in nearly all progeny because it normally pairs with the Sex-haplotype during meiosis I. Since S6c-containing pollen is specifically rejected, all successful pollen will contain its homolog, S9, unless tetrasomic inheritance occurred to allow the creation of SaSb pollen. Cigany 59 x Chelan: All seven progeny contained the S 3—haplotype, and therefore all progeny resulted from fertilization of Cigany 59 by Chelan pollen that contained the S 3 pollen-S product. Thus, pollen containing the 59 pollen-S product were recognized and destroyed in a S-haplotype-specific manner by a functional Sp-RNase in Cigany 59 styles. Rheinische Schattenmorelle (RS) x Gold: All 31 progeny contained the S 3-haplotype, and therefore all progeny resulted from fertilization of RS by Gold pollen that contained the S 3-haplotype. Pollen containing the S6 pollen-S product were recognized and destroyed in a S-haplotype-specific manner by a functional S6-RNase in RS styles. The cDNA sequence of the S6-RNase from RS was previously shown to be identical to the S6-RNase of sweet cherry (Hauck et al., 2002), thus the finding that they are fimctionally identical is not surprising. 97 Gold x Rheinische Schattenmorelle (RS): Both the S 3- and S6-haplotypes segregated 1 present: 1 absent in the 13 progeny, and no progeny inherited both S 3 and Sg-haplotypes. These findings indicate that RS pollen containing the functional S6 pollen-S product was rejected in a S-haplotype—specific manner by the SyRNase in the Gold styles. The S13~ haplotype was present in all progeny because it normally pairs with the S6-haplotype during meiosis I. Since S‘s-containing pollen is specifically rejected, all successful pollen will contain its homolog, S13: unless tetrasomic inheritance occurred to allow the creation of SaSb pollen. Montmorency x Gold: All 55 progeny contained the S 3-haplotype, and therefore all progeny resulted from fertilization of Montmorency by Gold pollen that contained the S 3- haplotype. Thus, pollen containing the S6 pollen-S product were recognized and destroyed in a S-haplotype-specific manner by a functional Sg-RNase in Montmorency styles. Gold x Montmorency: Both the S3- and S6-haplotypes segregated 1 present: 1 absent in the 15 progeny, and no progeny inherited both S 3 and S6-haplotypes. These findings indicate that Montmorency pollen containing the functional S6 pollen-S product was specifically rejected in a S-haplotype-specific manner by the S6-RNase in the Gold styles. The S 1 3~haplotype was present in nearly all progeny because it normally pairs with the Sg-haplotype during meiosis I. Since Sg-containing pollen is specifically rejected, all successful pollen will contain its homolog, S13; unless tetrasomic inheritance occurred to allow the creation of $an pollen. 98 Sour cherry self-populations The segregation of S-haplotypes in sour cherry self-populations was analyzed to determine the functionality of S-haplotypes for which no sweet cherry tester was available (S13, 50, Sb, S4 and Se). The segregation of every S-haplotype in each of the self-populations is summarized in Table 4.6. The segregation data that is most critical for dissecting the genetic control of SI in sour cherry is described below. Rheinische Schattenmorelle (RS) self-population: Following self-pollination of RS, 54 progeny were genotyped to determine the segregation of the four S-haplotypes in RS. The segregation of the S6- and Sb-haplotypes fit 1 present: 1 absent ratios, indicating the presence of functional S-haplotypes in single copies. Pollen containing either of these functional pollen-S products was likely rejected in a S-haplotype-specific manner by the cognate functional S-RNases in RS styles. Both the Sa-and S13~haplotypes were present in each of the 54 progeny, indicating that only pollen containing both So and 513' were capable of self-fertilization. The S0 and 513' pollen-S products were not recognized and degraded in a S-haplotype-specific manner by the S0 and S13' RNases, respectively. A schematic representation of this self-pollination can be found in the Appendix (Figure B.3). Erdi Bo"termo" (EB) self-population: Following self-pollination of EB, eight progeny were genotyped to determine the segregation of the three detectable S-haplotypes in BB. The S4-haplotype segregated 1 present: 1 absent, indicating it is functional and present in a 99 Table 4.6: Sour cherry self-pollinations to test the filnctionality of S13 ., S0, S1,, S, S; and Se. Rheinische Schattenmorelle (S6 S13’Sgfl self-pollinated S-haplotype segregation Progeny phenotypes obtained Expected Observed Chi Progeny No. S-haplotym: ratio ‘ ratio square Probability Phenotype observed 'S6 1:1 28:26 0.02 0.89 S6 S13 -San 20 513- 1:1 54:0 52.0 <0.0001 S13-SaSbe 15 120 5420 - - S13'SanSx 11 Sa 1:1 54:0 52.0 <0.0001 S6S13'SaSb 8 1:0 54:0 - - Sb 1:1 23:31 0.91 0.34 Erdi Botermo (S3993!) self-pollinated S-haplotype segregation Progeny phenotypes obtained Expected Observed Chi Progeny No. S-haplotype ratio a ratio square Probability Phenotype observed S4 121 424 0.13 0.72 S4S6mSan 4 S6," 1 10 810 - - S6mSanSx 4 So 1:1 8:0 6.13 0.01 1:0 8:0 - - (guy 59 (SgtggSng) self-pollinated S-haplotype segregation Progeny phenotypes obtained Expected Observed Chi Progeny No. S-haplotype ratio ‘ ratio square Probability Phenotype observed Sac l :0 37:0 - - SaSaSbe 14 S9 1:1 ’ 14:23 1.73 0.19 S6oS9SaSb 9 Sa 1:1 37:0 35.0 <0.000l S6cSanSx 9 1:0 37:0 - - 56,599an 5 Sb 1:1 23:14 1.73 0.19 Surefire (S4 S1385!) self-pollinated S-haplotype segregation Progeny phenotypes obtained Expected Observed Chi Progeny No. S-haplotype ratio ‘ ratio square Probability Phenotype observed S4 1:1 21:15 0.69 0.41 S, S13'San 21 Sa 1:1 36:0 34.0 <0.0001 S13'SaSpr 15 1:0 36:0 - - S13. 1:1 36:0 34.0 <0.0001 1:0 36:0 - - 100 (Continued) Montmorency (S6 S13'S.S,") self-pollinated S-haglotype segregation Progeny phenotypes obtained Expected Observed Chi Progeny No. S-haplotype ratio a ratio square Probability Phenotype observed So 1 :1 72:63 0.47 0.49 56513 '5an 67 Sa 1:1 131:4 117.6 <0.0001 S13’SanSx 60 1:0 131:4 - - S6SI3'SxSx 3 513' 1:1 131:4 117.6 <0.0001 S6SaSpS'x 2 1 :0 13 l :4 - - SanSnS'x 2 513 '5»?an 1 Ilfl'ehértoi fiirtiis (S3995!) self-pollinated S-ha lotype segregation Progeny phenotypes obtained Expected. Observed Chi Progeny No. S-haplotype ratio ' ratio square Probability Phenotype observed S4 1:1 60:42 2.83 0.09 S¢SdSeSx 57 S4 1:1 98:4 84.8 <0.0001 SdSeSxSx 41 1:0 98:4 - - S4SeSxSx 3 Se 1: 1 102:0 100.0 <0.0001 SeSxSxSx 1 1:0 102:0 - - “ Each S-haplotype was first tested for fit to a segregation ratio expected for a functional S-haplotype present in a single copy (1 present: 1 absent). Ifrejected, the segregation was tested for fit to a ratio expected for a non-filnctional S-haplotype (1 :0). b For those sour cherry trees which have fewer than four different S-haplotypes, SC is used to designate the fourth S-haplotype. Sx may either represent a S-haplotype in double dose or a null allele. 101 single copy. Pollen containing the fiinctional pollen-S4 product was likely rejected in a S- haplotype-specific manner by the firnctional S4-RNase in EB styles. Both the S6,,,- and Sa-haplotypes were present in each of the eight progeny, indicating that only pollen containing both S6", and S, were capable of self-fertilization. The S6", and Sa pollen-S products were not recognized and degraded in a S-haplotype—specific manner by the S6", and Sa RNases, respectively. A schematic representation of this self-pollination can be found in the Appendix (Figure B.4). Cigany 59 self-population: Following self-pollination of Cigany 59, 37 progeny were genotyped to determine the segregation of the four detectable S-haplotypes in Cigany 59. The segregation of the S9- and Sb-haplotypes fit 1 present: 1 absent ratios, indicating the presence of filnctional S-haplotypes in single copies. Pollen containing either of these functional pollen-S products was likely rejected in a S-haplotype—specific manner by the cognate functional S-RNases in Cigany 59 styles. Both the Swand Sa-haplotypes were present in each of the 37 progeny, indicating that only pollen containing both S6c and S, are capable of self-fertilization. The Sgc and Sa pollen-S products were not recognized and degraded in a S-haplotype-specific manner by the S60 and Sa RNases, respectively. A schematic representation of this self-pollination can be found in the Appendix (Figure 13.5). Surefire self-population: Following self-pollination of Surefire, 36 progeny were genotyped to determine the segregation of the three detectable S-haplotypes in Surefire. The S4-haplotype segregated 1 present: 1 absent, indicating it is functional and present in 102 a single copy. Pollen containing the functional pollen S4- product was likely rejected in a S-haplotype-specific manner by the functional S4-RNases in Surefire styles. Both the Sa- and S 1 3~haplotypes were present in each of the 36 progeny, indicating that only pollen containing both 5,, and S13' are capable of self-fertilization. The S0 and S13' pollen-S products were not recognized and degraded in a S-haplotype-specific manner by the S0 and S13o RNases, respectively. A schematic representation of this self-pollination can be found in the Appendix (Figure B.6). Montmorency self-population: Following self-pollination of Montmorency, 135 progeny were genotyped to determine the segregation of the three detectable S-haplotypes in Montmorency. The S6-haplotype segregated 1 present: 1 absent, indicating it is functional and present in a single copy. Pollen containing the functional pollen Sa- product was likely rejected in a S—haplotype-specific manner by the firnctional S6-RNases in Montmorency styles. Both the Sa- and S 1 3~haplotypes segregated 131 present: 4 absent. The majority of progeny inherited both So and S13, indicating that the S0 and S13' pollen-S products could not be recognized and degraded in an S-haplotype-specific manner by the S0 and S13' RNases, respectively. However, four progeny were the result of fertilization by pollen containing S0 and S,, and another four progeny were the result of fertilization by pollen containing S13' and Sx, suggesting that the Sx-haplotype is also non- functional, but possibly linked to a gene that is deleterious for pollen growth, thus making pollen tubes containing 5,; less competitive. A schematic representation of this self- pollination can be found in the Appendix (Figure B7). 103 Ulfehérto'iffirtos (UF) self-population: Following self—pollination of UF, 102 progeny were genotyped to determine the segregation of the three detectable S-haplotypes in UF. The S4-haplotype segregated 1 present: 1 absent, indicating it is fimctional and present in a single copy. Pollen containing the fimctional pollen S4- product was likely rejected in a S-haplotype-specific manner by the filnctional S4-RNases in UF styles. The Se-haplotype was present in each of the 102 progeny whereas Sd segregated 98 present: 4 absent. The majority of progeny inherited both S4 and Se, indicating that the 5,; and Se pollen-S products could not be recognized and degraded in an S-haplotype-specific manner by the 5.; and Se RNases, respectively. However, four progeny were the result of fertilization by pollen containing Se and Sx, suggesting that the Sx-haplotype is also non-functional, but possibly linked to a gene that is deleterious for pollen growth, thus making pollen tubes containing Sx less competitive. A schematic representation of this self-pollination can be found in the Appendix (Figure B.8). Hypothesis verification These genetic analyses led to the formation of a hypothesis for the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry, stating that a match between a fimctional pollen-S product in the pollen and a firnctional S-RNase in the style will result in rejection of the pollen. Pollen rejection will occur whether there are one or two fiinctional matches. However, if there are no functional matches, the pollen will not be rejected. To test this hypothesis, the SI or SC phenotypes of 92 sour cheny selections was determined via observation of pollen tube growth down self-pollinated styles and compared with predictions based on 104 their S-genotypes. The results are summarized in Table 4.7. Ninety-one of the 92 predictions were accurate. The one inaccurate prediction has not been replicated. Discussion The segregation of S—haplotypes in various inter-specific crosses and self- populations was analyzed to determine the fimctionality of the S-haplotypes in six SC sour cherry selections in order to gain information on the cause of the partial breakdown of 81 in this tetraploid species. The data suggest that functional and non-functional S- haplotypes are present in each of the examined SC trees. A hypothesis explaining the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry was developed and verified through crossing experiments. The implications of these findings are discussed below. Three of the S-haplotypes, S4, 86 and Sg, were fully functional and identical to S- haplotypes found in sweet cherry, as initially hypothesized based on RFLP banding patterns (Yamane et al., 2001). However, the definitive proof that they are identical is that they can carry out S-haplotype-specific rejection in crosses with trees containing the same S-haplotype. Observation of pollen tube grth in reciprocal inter-specific crosses between Crisana (S 1S4Sd) and Rainier (S 1S4) suggested that the S 1 and S4-haplotypes were fully functional and identical to the sweet cherry counterparts (Hauck et al., 2002). The observation of S-haplotype segregation in inter-specific crosses and self-pollinations presented in the current study confirmed that these three S-haplotypes were functional and identical to the sweet cheny counterparts. 105 Table 4.7 : The S-genotype, SI or SC predictions based on the S—genotype, and the SI or SC phenotype of 92 sour cherry selections used to test the validity of the hypothesis for the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry. Progeny Parents ‘ No. of SI/ SC SI/SC S-genotype Individuals prediction phenotype S13'SanSe UF x Sure 8 SC SC S13vS,,S.,SJr UF x Sure 4 SC SC S13'SanSx UF x Sure 2 SC SC S¢S13'San UF x Sure 10 SC SC 5513.505. UF x Sure 3 so so S4S13'San UF x Sure 2 SC SC S13'SaSeSx UF x RS 1 SC SC S13'SdSeSx UF x RS 4 SC SC 565136an UF x RS 2 SC SC S13'SbSdSe UF x RS 1 SC SC 54563be UF x RS 1 SI SI S4S6SbSd UF x RS 3 SI SI SanSan UF x Mont 1 SC SC S13'SarSdSJIC UF x Mont 1 SC SC SeSdSeSx UF x Mont 3 SC 2 SC, 1 SI S4SgSaSe UF x Mont 1 SC SC $66813de UF x Mont 1 SC SC 5455an UP x Mont 2 SI SI 545135051, RS x BB 4 SC SC $45135an RS x EB 17 SC SC S4S6Sl3’Sa RS x BB 8 SC SC S4S6SaSb RS x EB 5 SI SI 54565be RS x BB 8 SI SI ‘ UF = Ujfehértoi fiirtos; Sure = Surefire; RS = Rheinische Schattenmorelle; Mont = Montmorency; EB = Erdi B6term6 106 The segregation of the Sb-haplotype in the RS and Cigany 59 self-populations indicate that it is also a fully functional allele that can carry out S—haplotype specific rejection. Although, to date, we have not found an identical S-haplotype in sweet cherry, it is possible that the Sb-haplotype does exist in wild sweet cherry gerrnplasm. Alternately, it is possible that this S-haplotype was inherited from the other parent of the allotetraploid sour cherry, P. fruticosa. There has not been an in depth investigation of SI in P. fiuticosa, making it currently impossible to know whether the Sb-haplotype is originally from sweet cherry or P. fruticosa. A third possibility is that this S-haplotype was formed more recently in sour cherry, and does not exist in either of the progenitor species. Each of the six SC selections included in this study contain at least one functional S-haplotype that is capable of carrying out S-haplotype—specific rejection of pollen. RS contains both S6 and Sb, Cigany 59 contains Sg and Sb, EB contains S4, Surefire contains S4, UF contains S4 and Montmorency contains S6. This implies that each of these selections contains all the necessary machinery for initiating and carrying out an SI reaction. Thus, the breakdown of SI in these plants was not due to a mutation of one of these components, but instead must have been caused by a mutation in one of the S- haplotype specificity components, either the S-RNase or the pollen-S. In addition, RS (S6 and S), Cigany 59 (S9 and Sb), and EB (S4 and S6,") contain two S-haplotypes with firnctional pollen-S genes. Thus, it would be expected that each of these three SC selections would produce some pollen that contains two fimctional pollen- S genes. If the breakdown of SI in sour cherry were caused by the competition of pollen- S products in heteroallelic pollen, then these pollen types would be able to successfully 107 fertilize any styles, including those containing the counterpart S-RNases. However, in each case, these S-haplotypes were never inherited by progeny via pollen in these crosses. For instance, when RS was used to pollinate Gold styles, none of the progeny inherited the S6 haplotype from RS. This result indicates that pollen containing S6 was specifically rejected in Gold styles, regardless of whether there was only one functional pollen-S product (either $6.90 or S; 513') or two functional pollen-S products (S6Sb). Two hypotheses that could defend the competitive interaction theory are that either gametes containing S6 and Sb never form due to the pairing of chromosomes during meiosis or these gametes are not viable due to the linkage of one of these S-haplotypes to a deleterious gene. However, in the reciprocal cross in which Gold was used to pollinate RS, 8 out of 31 progeny inherited the S6 and Sb from RS. Approximately one quarter of the progeny inherited this S-haplotype combination from RS, which would be expected assuming strict disomic inheritance of alleles that are on homoeologous chromosomes. Thus, gametes containing this combination of S-haplotypes occur at a high frequency. The fact that no RS pollen containing the S6-haplotype was inherited in the Gold x RS cross suggests that heteroallelic pollen retains its ability to trigger an SI reaction and that SI does not breakdown in sour cherry due to a competition between pollen-S products in heteroallelic pollen. Since the breakdown of SI in sour cheny is not caused by competition between pollen-S products within a pollen tube or by mutations in non-haplotype-specific modifier genes, an alternate explanation for the observed breakdown is necessary. The data suggests that the breakdown of SI in sour cherry is due to the accumulation of non- functional S-haplotypes that have lost the fiinction of at least one of the S-haplotype 108 specificity components, S-RNase or pollen-S. Several S-haplotypes, specifically S60, S6,”, S13, Sa, S1, and Se, all appear to be non-functional. None of these S-haplotypes is capable of initiating an SI reaction, even if a corresponding S-haplotype was also present in the stylar parent. In the case of S6,» and S6,", it was possible to use reciprocal crosses with Gold, which is known to contain a fully functional Syhaplotype, to determine if the S-RNase and/or the pollen-S gene were non-fiinctional. As summarized in Table 4.5, when Gold was the maternal parent and either Cigany 59 or EB was the paternal parent, none of the progeny inherited a gamete containing either S6c or S6", from Cigany 59 or EB, respectively. This result suggests that the Sg—RNase in the Gold styles was able to specifically reject pollen containing either the S6c- or San-haplotype. Thus the pollen-S product must be functional and capable of triggering the SI reaction in both of these van'ants of the S6-haplotype. When Cigany 59 or EB was pollinated with Gold pollen, the S 3-haplotype segregated 1:1 whereas the SSC and S6m-haplotypes each segregated 3: 1. This result suggests that pollen containing either S 3 or S; was able to grow through Cigany 59 or EB styles. Gold contains a functional pollen-S6 gene, so the ability of S6 pollen to successfirlly pollinate Cigany 59 or EB must be due to the S6c- and San-RNase genes being non-functional. Yamane et a1. (2003) characterized the S6m-haplotype from EB and discovered that the S6m-RNase is not expressed in BB styles, probably because of a 2600 bp insertion in the putative promoter region of the ng-RNase gene. The sequence and expression of the ng-SFB was identical to that of the S6-SFB from sweet cherry. Similar sequence and expression analyses of the S6c-haplotype from Cigany 59 are underway. 109 It should also be possible to determine if the S-RNase or pollen-S gene is non- functional in the S13~haplotype, since a functional counterpart exists in sweet cherry; however, appropriate crosses were not made due to the lack of availability of a S13 sweet cherry tester. Tobutt et al. (2004) reported that the sour cherry selections Marasca Piemonte, Marasca Savena and Morello Dutch, which all contain S6 and S13, reject pollen from the sweet cherry Noble (56.313). This suggests that the 513 from these sour cherry selections contain a functional S13-RNase that is similar to the S13 from sweet cherry. The reciprocal cross, however, was not reported. These results make it likely that S13' contains a functional S13-RNase but a non-firnctional pollen-S13 gene. Molecular analysis of the S 1 3~haplotype is underway. Since functional versions of the S0, S; and Se-haplotypes are not known in sweet cherry, self-pollinations were used to conclude that each of these S-haplotypes were non- functional. An example of how this data is interpreted is as follows. The S-genotype of RS is S6 S13'SaSb. In the self-progeny, both the S6 and Sb haplotypes segregate 1: 1, whereas every progeny inherited both the So and S13'haplotypes. RS styles are hypothesized to contain firnctional S6- and Sb-RNases; however, the presence of functional Sa- or S 1 3~RNases has not been confirmed. Since sour cheny is a segmental allopolyploid capable of occasional multivalent formation (Wang et al., 1998), six pollen types are possible from RS: S650, S6Sb, S6 513', SaSb, S0 513', and Sb S132 Both the S6 and Sb pollen-S products are functional; however, the presence of a functional pollen-S product for So and S13' is not known. It is hypothesized that either the S-RNase or pollen-S gene for each of these two non-firnctional S-haplotypes is mutated, preventing specific rejection of these S-haplotypes. Since the S6- and Sb-haplotypes are functional, any 110 pollen containing one or both of these S-haplotypes will be recognized and destroyed by the S6- or Sb-RNases in the styles, respectively. Any pollen that does not contain either S6 or Sb will not be recognized. Thus, all self-progeny should, and did, inherit the Sa- and S 1 3~haplotypes fiom pollen. Similar analyses were done for the S4- and Se-haplotypes. Whereas the self-pollinations allowed the conclusion that S0, S4 and S. are all non- functional S-haplotypes, it would be necessary to find a functional counterpart to these S- haplotypes, either in sweet or sour cherry, before conclusions can be drawn as to whether mutations in the S-RNase or pollen-S gene cause a loss-of-function. Since functional versions of the S,,, S4 and Se-haplotypes are currently undiscovered in sweet cherry, inter- specific crosses could not be used to determine whether the S-RNase and/or the pollen-S gene was non-functional. However, the cDNA and N-terminal amino acid sequences were reported for the Sa-RNase (Yamane et al., 2001; Hauck et al., 2002), suggesting that this protein is made. Although the filnctionality of the Sa-RNase is unknown, the fact that it is expressed suggests-that the loss-of-function of the Sa-haplotype may be due to mutations in the pollen-S gene. We are currently in the process of cloning and sequencing the S-RNase and SFB genes, as well as their promoters, for the 50, S4 and Se- haplotypes to look for mutations. In addition, expression analyses will be conducted for both genes in each of these S-haplotypes. These types of molecular characterizations, similar to those done for the San-haplotype (Yamane et al., 2003), should tell us which of the genes has been mutated in each of these non-functional S-haplotypes. In this study, two selections, Cigany 59 and EB, contain non-functional S6- haplotypes composed of a functional pollen-S gene and a non-functional S—RNase gene. Existing evidence suggests that these mutations were caused by independent events. 111 First, RFLP analysis following digestion with HindIII and probing with an S-RNase probe revealed different banding patterns for Sgc and 56m (Yamane et al, 2001). The fragment corresponding to S6,- was similar in size to that of the fiinctional S6-haplotype from sweet cherry (approximately 5.8 kb), whereas the S6", fragment was approximately 9 kb. Thus, it is likely that the loss-of-function is not caused by a large insertion, but rather a smaller insertion, deletion or a base substitution. In addition, PCR primers designed to amplify the 2600 bp insertion in the San-RNase promoter (Yamane et al., 2003) do not amplify a band in Cigany 59 (data not shown). The occurrence of two independent mutations in the Sg—RNase gene in sour cherry could imply the presence of a mutational “hot spot”. It is interesting to note that the distance between the Sg-RNase and Sg-SFB is only approximately 300 bp (Yamane et al., 2003), compared to other S-haplotypes that may have intergenic spaces as great as 40 kb (K. Ikeda, unpublished). In four of the six sour cherry studies examined, only three S-haplotypes could be distinguished. In addition, the segregation data suggested that each of these S-haplotypes was present in a single copy. Thus, the fourth S-haplotype in these selections is hypothesized to be a null allele (Snuu), consisting of a large deletion that included the S- RNase. The deletion of the S-RNase is consistent with the presence of only three fragments on a Southern upon hybridization with an S-RNase probe. Sm,” is expected to be non-functional due, at least, to the absence of a fiinctional S-RNase. However, it is unknown whether the deletion includes the pollen-S gene. The presence of a functional pollen-S gene would allow pollen containing the Snuu to be rejected by styles containing a cognate functional S—RNase, if one exists. 112 The ability of heteroallelic sour cherry pollen to trigger an SI reaction suggests that the identity of the pollen-S gene and/or the mechanism of SI in the Solanaceae may differ from that in Prunus, despite the belief that the S-RNase in the Solanaceae and Rosaceae are orthologous (Igic and Kohn, 2001) and the recent discovery that an F-box gene may be the pollen determinant in both the Solanaceae and Prunus (Entani et al., 2003; Ushijima et al., 2003; Sijacic et al., 2004). However, initial comparison of the different F-box genes suggests that they are not orthologous. In all species studied to date, multiple F -box genes are linked to the S-RNase; thus, it is possible that Prunus and the Solanaceae recruited different F-box genes (SFB vs PiSLF) to act as the pollen-S gene. An additional difference between gametophytic S1 in Prunus and the Solanaceae is that, despite the identification of several PPMs through mutant screens, no PPMs caused by either the loss of expression of the pollen-S gene or the expression of a mutant pollen- S gene have been observed in the Solanaceae (Pandey 1967 ; van Gastel and de Nettancourt, 1975; Golz et al., 1999; Golz et al., 2000). Instead, all identified Solanaceous PPMs were caused by the duplication of the pollen-S gene. In comparison, at least two PPMs in Prunus, S4v from sweet cherry and Sf from P. mume (U shijima et al., 2004) have been caused by mutation of the pollen-S gene. These findings suggest that the identity and function of the pollen-S gene may differ between the Solanaceae and Prunus. F urtherrnore, competitive interaction between pollen-S products is thought to cause a breakdown of SI in other Rosaceous genera, such as Malus and Pyrus (R. Tao, pers. comm). Therefore, it is possible that not only does the identity and function of the pollen-S gene differ between the Solanaceae and Prunus, but also between Prunus and other Rosaceous genera. 113 The data presented in this research indicate that the cause of the partial breakdown of SI in sour cherry is due to the accumulation of non-functional S-haplotypes that contain mutations in one or both of the S-haplotype-specificity components, S-RNase or pollen-S, rather than competitive interaction between pollen S-products or due to mutations in a modifier gene. Therefore, our current hypothesis for the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry is that a match between a functional pollen-S product in the pollen and a functional S-RNase in the style will result in rejection of the pollen. Pollen rejection will occur whether there are one or two functional matches. However, if there are no functional matches, the pollen will not be rejected. To test the validity of this hypothesis, the SI or SC phenotypes of 92 sour cherry selections was determined via observation of pollen tube grth in self-pollinated styles and compared with predictions based on their S-genotypes. Of these 92 predictions, 91 were accurate. The one incorrect prediction was for a selection that had the S-genotype S 1 3'SdSan. The presence of at least two non-firnctional S—haplotypes in this selection would make this tree SC, according to the hypothesis. The reason for the incorrect prediction is unclear and is currently being investigated. However, this result has not been replicated and the most likely explanation is that the genotyping and phenotyping were mistakenly conducted for different trees. This experiment will be replicated in the Spring of 2005. Previously, the segregation of S-haplotypes and the SI or SC phenotype among progeny in a cross between RS and EB was reported (Hauck et al., 2002). At the time, we could not explain the observed segregation. However, with our current understanding of the firnctionality of the S-haplotypes in these two parents and our hypothesis 114 explaining the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry, we can now explain the observed segregation. All progeny that contained at least two non-fimctional S- haplotypes were SC, whereas all progeny that contained fewer than two non-functional S- haplotypes were SI. See Table B3 and Figure B] for a complete list of progeny S- genotypes and SI or SC phenotypes. The elucidation of the genetic control of SI and its breakdown in sour cherry has implications on our understanding of gametophytic SI and the effects of polyploidy on gametophytic SI, as discussed above, as well as on sour cherry breeding. Growers demand SC sour cherry cultivars due to inefficiencies related to growing SI cultivars, such as a reliance on bees for fiuit set and the need to grow pollinator varieties in the orchard. 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Yamane H, Ikeda K, Hauck NR, Iezzoni AF, Tao R (2003) Self-incompatibility (S) locus region of the mutated S6-haplotype of sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) contains a functional pollen S allele and a non-functional pistil 8 allele. J Exper Bot 54:243]- 243 7. 119 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS, GENERAL DISCUSSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH 120 Conclusions and General Discussion The goal of the presented research was to determine the genetic control of self- incompatibility (SI) and self-compatibility (SC) in sour cherry. To accomplish this goal, it was first necessary to become familiar with the S-haplotypes that exist in sweet cherry, one of the progenitor species of sour cherry. RF LP analyses were used to determine the S-haplotype constitution of 22 sweet cherry selections. In total, the RFLP banding patterns were described for 14 different S-RNase alleles. Several new sweet cherry S- haplotypes have since been reported [S 14: Wiersma et al., (2001); S16: Sonneveld et al., (2003); S23, S24, S25: Wunsch and Horrnaza (2004)]. As new S-haplotypes are reported, it will be possible to compare them with the sour cherry S-haplotypes to see if they are identical. RFLP analyses were then conducted for a diverse set of 12 sour cheny selections to determine which S-haplotypes exist in sour cherry (Yamane et al., 2001). A total of 11 different S-haplotypes were identified using two different restriction enzymes. Of these, S1, S4, S6, S9 (called 5,.) and S 1 2 (called 813) had identical banding patterns to S-haplotypes in sweet cherry, whereas S6,”, Sa, Sb, 5,, S; and Se had unique banding patterns. Whether the S-haplotypes that appeared to be in common were functionally similar remained unknown until reciprocal inter-specific crosses with sweet cherry were analyzed in this study (discussed later). Since the release of this paper, the Sc has been renamed S13! due to a report that several sour cherry trees contained the S13-RNase protein (Tobutt et al., 2003) and the S-RNase amino acid sequences for Sc and 513 were identical. However, the 513' haplotype appears to be a non-fianctional version of S13, probably due to a mutation in 121 the pollen-S gene. In addition, the Se-haplotype is most likely a mutated version of S1, containing a functional S 1-RNase and a non-firnctional pollen-S; gene. This conclusion is based on the segregation of the S 1, S3 and Se, -haplotypes in reciprocal crosses with the sweet cherry Regina (S 1S 3) and the ability to amplify a fragment from S, that is identical to S1 using S j-RNase allele specific primers and S-RNase consensus primers. Observations of pollen tube growth in inter-specific crosses involving the sour cherry Crisana (S 1S4Sde) and the sweet cheny Rainier (S 1S4) provided the first evidence that the S1 and S4-haplotypes in sour cherry, as identified by RFLP, were fully fiinctional and identical to the S1 and S4 haplotypes in sweet cherry. The incompatibility of Crisana pollen with Rainier styles also provided the first evidence that the breakdown of SI in heteroallelic pollen observed in Solanaceous species does not occur in sour cherry, since Crisana should be able to produce some pollen containing two functional pollen-S products but is SI. If the competition between pollen-S products in heteroallelic pollen causes a breakdown of SI in Prunus, then Crisana should be SC. Finally, the segregation of S-haplotypes in various inter-specific crosses and self- populations established that sour cherry is composed of a mixture of firnctional (S 1, S4, S6, S9, and S) and non-firnctional (S66, S6,", S13; Sa, 54, and Se) S-haplotypes. In addition, all sour cherry selections tested were capable of carrying out S-haplotype-specific rejection, indicating that the breakdown of SI in sour cherry was not caused by mutations in the machinery necessary to carryout an SI reaction, but rather in the specificity components, either the S-RNase or the pollen-S gene, themselves. The possibility that competitive interaction between pollen S-products causes the breakdown of SI in sour cheny was eliminated because of the overwhelming evidence against this hypothesis in the 122 segregation data. Instead, the genetic cause of SC in sour cherry is the accumulation of non-functional S-haplotypes that are incapable of triggering or initiating an SI reaction. Taken together, the data support the “one-allele match” hypothesis. This hypothesis states that the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry is based solely on which S-haplotypes are present. Any time there is a match between a functional pollen-S product in the pollen and a functional S-RNase in the style, the pollen will be rejected. Pollen rejection will occur whether the pollen is homoallelic or heteroallelic and whether there are one or two functional matches. However, if there are no functional matches, the pollen will not be rejected. These findings not only further our understanding of the genetic control of S1 in sour cherry, they should aid sour cheny breeders and increase our knowledge of how polyploidy affects GSI. These impacts are discussed in more detail below. Impact on sour cherry breeding In order for growers to obtain fruit from an SI variety, pollinator trees must be inter-planted with the variety of interest and bees must be released to ensure proper cross- pollination. These problems associated with growing SI trees make SC cultivars highly desirable. Thus, breeders must select for SC trees in addition to improved fruit quality, tree quality and resistance traits. Currently, breeders must wait three to five years before flowers are available to test for SC. If the selection process could be done earlier, the breeder could eliminate all SI material, saving space in their orchard and evaluation time for seedlings that are SC. Until now, the genetic cause of SC was unknown, making it impossible to use molecular markers to predict the SI or SC phenotype of a seedling. 123 Now that the genetic cause of SC is known, breeders can look for trees that contain at least two of the identified non-functional S-haplotypes. Any seedling that contains fewer than two non-functional S-haplotypes will be SI. With this information, breeders can select for SC material immediately after germination of the seedling. In addition, a breeder can select parents that maximize the chances of obtaining SC progeny. For example, the pollination of a tree of S-genotype S4SaSng (which is SI) with pollen from a tree that is S4SaSaSc would result in 100% SC seedlings, since the only successful pollen would be SaSc, thus all progeny would also contain these two non-functional S- haplotypes. Alternately, a cross between two SC trees, S1S4SoSd and SgSaSaSe, would result in a mixture of SI and SC progeny. Without understanding the genetic basis of SI and SC, the breeder might assume that the cross between two SC parents would result in more SC progeny than the cross between the SI and SC parent. Chapter 4 presented the results from SI or SC phenotypic predictions for 92 trees from the MSU Clarksville Horticultural Research Station (CHES) based on their S- genotypes or S-phenotypes. In total, accurate predictions were made for 91 of the 92 trees. The one incorrect prediction was for a progeny from a cross between Ujfehértoi fiirtos (UF) and Montmorency that had the S-genotype This tree contains at least three non-firnctional S-haplotypes and should be SC, according to the “one-allele match” hypothesis. The cause of the inaccurate prediction is currently being investigated; however, it is very likely that this discrepancy was caused by lab error. For example, it is possible that the S-genotyping and SI/SC phenotyping were mistakenly conducted on different plants. However, a success rate of 91 out of 92 verifies the effectiveness of screening seedlings for SC types. In addition, the compatibility of 13 124 crosses between trees located at CI-IES (Table B.2) were predicted. In this case, 100% of the predictions were accurate. One potential problem is if “new” germplasm is used for crosses. All the research presented in this dissertation is based on the investigation of the S-haplotypes that are present in 12 sour cherry selections. These 12 selections obviously do not contain every S-haplotype that exists in sour cherry. Thus, the use of other sour cheny germplasm could introduce new S-haplotypes. The firnctionality of these S-haplotypes is unknown, making the prediction of S1 or SC difficult. Table B.1 includes nine progeny of trees that have never been studied [111 18(12) and Erdi Jubileum]. Six progeny were from a cross between UP and HI 18(12), which was found to have a new S-haplotype, named Sf. Three addition progeny were from a cross between Montmorency and Erdi Jubileum, which also contained a new S-haplotype, named Sg. For two progeny from these crosses [27 9(12) and 27 8(5 8)], correct phenotype predictions could only be made if the Sf and S3 were assumed to be non-functional. The other seven progeny fiom these crosses could be predicted without any assumptions since they contained more than two non-functional S- haplotypes, regardless of whether or not the Sf and S8 are firnctional. In conclusion, breeders can accurately use markers to predict the SI or SC phenotype of seedlings as long as there is knowledge of the S-haplotypes that exist in the seedling. Novel S- haplotypes could be problematic for accurate SI or SC phenotype prediction of seedlings. Implications for understanding the efl'ect of polyploidy on GSI Since the first observations of SC tetraploid plants in the 1930’s (Crane and Lawrence, 1931), researchers have thought that GSI breaks down in response to an 125 increase in ploidy level. It was later hypothesized that the presence of two pollen-S products in a single pollen tube results in a competition and a loss of SI phenotype (Lewis, 1943). Recent experiments with Petunia verified that heteroallelic pollen loses its SI phenotype (Entani et al., 1999). In fact, Sijacic et al. (2004) took advantage of the competitive interaction phenomenon to prove that a recently cloned gene, PiSLF, was the long sought-after pollen-S gene in Petunia inflata. Stebbins (1950) predicted that SC is more common in polyploids because SC is necessary for the establishment of an otherwise reproductively isolated plant (Stebbins, 1950; Miller and Veneble, 2000) and because polyploids can tolerate selfing due to less inbreeding depression (Lande and Schemske, 1985). Husband and Schemske (1997) provided evidence that the frequency of SC is higher in tetraploids than in diploids. However, a more recent comparison of ploidy level and the SI or SC phenotype of species among angiosperrns led to the conclusion that the frequencies are not significantly different (Mable, 2004). These findings suggest that self-fertility is not a prerequisite for the establishment of a polyploid, as previously suggested by Stebbins (1950) The results from the current study suggest that polyploidy itself does not directly cause SC in sour cherry, but instead can have an indirect effect on SI. The presence of six natural non-functional S-haplotypes in a set of 12 sour cherry selections is surprisingly high compared to the diploid sweet cherry, which carries no known natural non-flinctional S-haplotype. This suggests that the S-locus may be less stable in polyploids than in diploids. Whether the loss-of-function occurred immediately after polyploid formation due to an increase in transposition and other genome rearrangements 126 often seen in newly formed polyploids (Song et al., 1995; Shaked et al., 2001; Ozkan et al., 2001) or if it is by on-going loss-of-function mutations is unclear; however, the evidence suggests that the S-locus is less stable. Although the loss of GSI appears to be directly caused by the increase in ploidy in the Solanaceae, the loss of GSI may not always be directly caused by polyploidy, as evidenced by the current study of sour cherry. In the Solanaceae, SI breaks down in response to the competitive interaction between pollen-S products in heteroallelic pollen. This phenomenon does not occur in Prunus, suggesting that the identity of the pollen-S gene and/or the GSI mechanism may differ between the Solanaceae and Prunus. This observed difference between the Solanaceae and Prunus was unexpected, given that phylogenetic analyses of the S-RNase gene suggest a common origin of the gene in the Solanaceae and Prunus, with the only major difference being the S-RNase gene from Prunus contains two introns while the S- RNase gene from all other Rosaceous species and all Solanaceous species contain only one (Igic and Kohn, 2001). Similar phylogenetic analyses for the pollen-S gene have not been conducted. Initial comparison of the putative pollen-S gene from Prunus (SFB: Ushijima et al., 2003) and from Antirrhinum (SFL: Lai et al., 2002) suggests that they are not orthologous. Interestingly, no pollen-part mutant (PPM) caused by the mutation of the pollen-S gene has been identified in the Solanaceae (Pandey 1967; van Gastel and de Nettancourt, 197 5; Golz et al., 1999; Golz et al., 2000). Instead, all identified PPMs in the Solanaceae were caused by the duplication of the pollen-S gene. In comparison, at least two PPMs in Prunus, Sr from sweet cherry and Sf in P. mume (U shijima et al., 2004) have been caused 127 ’71 by mutation of the pollen-S gene. These findings suggest that the identity and function of the pollen-S gene may differ between the Solanaceae and Prunus. Thus, it is possible that the Solanaceae and Prunus use a homologous style-deterrninant (S-RNase) but recruited different genes to act as the pollen-detenninant (SFB vs SLF) in GSI. Alternately, the breakdown of GSI due to competitive interaction between pollen- S products might be more likely in autotetraploids than in allotetraploids. The studies in the Solanaceae have mainly focused on artificially induced polyploids caused by the addition of colchicine, whereas sour cherry is a natural allotetraploid species. It is possible that the physical nature of autopolyploids and allopolyploids is the cause of the observed difference in heteroallelic pollen. For example, it is possible that pollen-S gene products from the different genomes of an allotetraploid do not interact and are not capable of competition, whereas the pollen-S gene products from within the same genome of an autotetraploids are capable of interacting and competing with one another. Future Research The presented research successfully determined the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry. However, several other questions have emerged during the past few years. Presented below is a list of questions that should be addressed and experiments that should be conducted to help answer those questions. 128 1. What is the molecular basis for the loss-of-fiinction of each of the non-functional sour cherry S-haplotypes (S60, S13, S0, S4 and Se)? The following experiments will allow the detection of mutations in either the coding region or regulatory region of the genes from each non-fimctional S-haplotype. This is similar to the work done to characterize the loss-of-function mutation observed in the San-haplotype from sour cherry (Y amane et al., 2003) and S4~haplotype and S,- haplotypes fi'om sweet cherry and Japanese apricot, respectively (U shijima et al., 2004) 1a: Determine the cDNA sequence of each S-RNase 1.b: Isolate genomic clones containing SFB and determine the DNA sequence of SFB. l.c: Use RT-PCR to determine whether each S-RNase or SFB is expressed in styles or pollen, respectively. 1.d: For those genes that are not expressed, sequence the promoter region to determine the cause of the observed loss of expression. 2. Are P. fiuticosa individuals SI or SC and what S-haplotypes exist in P. fiuticosa? The existence of GSI in sweet cherry and sour cherry is well documented; however, the existence of GSI in P. fruticosa, the other progenitor of sour cherry, has not been documented. In addition, several sour cherry S-haplotypes have not been found in 129 sweet cherry and it is possible that they originate from P. fiuticosa. A complete understanding of SI and its partial breakdown to SC in sour cheny depends on an understanding of SI in P. fruticosa. The following set of experiments will give initial insights on SI in P. fruticosa. 2A: Determine the SI or SC phenotype of a set of P. fiuticosa selections from a diverse range of geographic locations. 2B: Use RFLP analyses to determine what S-haplotypes exist in this diverse set of P. fiuticosa germplasm. 2C: Obtain cDNA sequences for S-RNases from P. fruticosa selections. Compare the S-RNase sequences with those from sour cherry. 130 References Crane MB, Lawrence WJC (1931) Sterility and incompatibility in diploid and polyploidy fruits. J Genet 28:287-299. 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Wunsch A, Hormaza II (2004) Cloning and characterization of genomic DNA sequences of four self-incompatibility alleles in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.). Theor Appl Genet 1082299-305. Yamane H, Tao R, Sugiura A, Hauck NR, Iezzoni AF (2001) Identification and characterization of S-RNases in tetraploid sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.). J Am Soc Hort Sci 126:661-667. 132 Appendices 133 APPENDIX A DNA EXTRACTION PROTOCOL FOR CHERRY SEED 134 DNA extraction from cherry seed 1. Use hammer to break hard seed coat. Take off papery coating around cotyledons 2. Split apart the cotyledons (not necessary, but makes it easier to crush) 3. Grind in liquid nitrogen. Try to prevent tissue from “jumping out” of the mortar when crushing by covering the mortar with your hand 4. Quickly add 750ul of extraction buffer and transfer to 15m] orange cap tube. Add an additional 7 SOul buffer to the mortar and then transfer it to the same 15ml tube. Extraction Buffer Final concentration Starting [] For 10 seed 200 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) l M 3.6 ml 200 mM NaCl 5 M 720 ul 25 mM EDTA .5 M 900 ul .5% SDS 20% 450 ul H20 12.3 ml 5. Add 1.5ml of CTAB solution to each 15 ml tube CTAB buffer solution Final concentration Starting [] For 10 seed 2% CTAB 5% 7.2 ml 100 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) 1 M 1.8 ml 20 mM EDTA .5 M 720 ul 1.4 M NaCl 5 M 5.04 ml 2% BME 360 ul H20 2.88 ml 6. Invert a couple times and incubate 10 minutes at room temp 7. Add 3 ml chloroform2isoamyl alcohol (24:1). 8. Centrifuge 6500 rpm in for 10 min and transfer supernatant to new tubes 9. If any white chunks are in this supernatant after transferring it to the new tube, re- centrifiige for an additional 10 minutes and transfer supernatant to new tube. Keep repeating until there are no more white chunks. 10. Add 2/3 volume of isopropanol (about 1.6 mls) and incubate at room temp for 10 min to precipitate DNA 11. Centrifuge at 6,500 rpm for 10 min. If there is no pellet, try re-centrifirging in the tabletop centrifuge for a couple additional minutes. Remove supernatant. Careful not to lose the little pellet 12. Wash DNA pellet with 70% ethanol, air dry, resuspend in about 40 ul TE, and add 1 ul RNase (10mg/ml) 135 APPENDIX B COLLECTION OF SELF-INCOMPATIBILITY DATA AND SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATIONS OF OB SERVED S-HAPLOTYPE SEGREGATION DATA 136 Table B.l: The self-pollination of 60 sour cherry selections to test the validity of the hypothesis for the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry. Predictions were based on the knowledge of the S-genotypes of each tree. fi I Plant Maternal Paternal S-genotype SI/SC SI/SC ID Parent ° Parent ° prediction phenotype 27 2(17) UF Surefire S13'SanS, SC SC 27 2(3 7) UP Surefire S13'SanSe SC SC 27 2(58) UF Surefire S13'SanSe SC SC 27 3(1) UF Surefire S13SanS, SC SC 27 3(24) UF Surefire S13'SanSe SC SC 27 3(42) UF Surefire S 1 3'SanSe SC SC 27 3(63) UF Surefire SquanS, SC SC 27 4(43) UF Surefire S13'SanSe SC SC 27 2(45) UF Surefire S4S;3vSaSe SC SC 27 3(16) UF Surefire S4S13vSaSe SC SC 27 3(65) UF Surefire 54513505, SC SC 27 2(61) UF Surefire S4Sz3'San SC SC 27 3(20) UF Surefire $45138an SC SC 27 2(23) UF Surefire S13'SaSeSx SC SC 27 2(32) UF Surefire S13-SaSeSx SC SC 27 2(43) UF Surefire S13vSaSan SC SC 27 3(46) UF Surefire S13'SaSeSx SC SC 27 3(48) UF Surefire S13'SanSx SC SC 27 4(10) UF Surefire S13vSanSx SC SC 27 2(24) UF Surefire S4S13'S0Sx SC SC 27 2(48) UF Surefire S4S13vSan SC SC 27 2(51) UF Surefire $45138an SC SC 27 2(57) UF Surefire 545136an SC SC 27 2(65) UF Surefire S4513'San SC SC 27 3(2) UF Surefire $5138an SC SC 137 (Continued) Plant Maternal Paternal S-genotype SI/SC SI/SC 11) Parent ° Parent ° prediction phenotype 27 3(28) UF Surefire S4SI3'San SC SC 27 3(41) UF Surefire S4SI3'San SC SC 27 4(7) UF Surefire S4S13vSan SC SC 27 4(31) UF Surefire S4S13'San SC SC 27 13(32) UF RS Sl3'SaSeSx SC SC 27 13(51) UF RS S13'SdSeSx SC SC 27 13(59) UF RS S13’SdSeSx SC SC 27 13(65) UF RS S13'SdSeSx SC SC 27e 2(27) UF RS $136.65.. SC sc 27 13(45) UF RS S6SI3’SeSx SC SC 27 13(56) UF RS $65138an SC SC 27 13(57) UF RS 545135.251; SC SC 27e 2(28) UF RS S13vaSdSe SC SC 27 13(37) UF RS SzSaS'bSd SI SI 27 13(42) UF RS S4SoS'bSd SI SI 27 13(61) UF RS Sdasbsd SI SI 27 13(36) UF RS S4S6Sbe SI SI 27 9(12) UF [[1 18(12) S4SI3vSfo“ SC SC 27 9(14) UF III 18(12) Susasesx SC SC 27 9( 15) UP HI 18(12) SI3'SdSeSfa SC SC 27 9(23) UP 1111 18(12) S13'SdSeSfa SC SC 27 9(25) UP 1111 18(12) S4S13'Sde" SC SC 27 9(27) UP 111 18(12) S13’SdSeSfa SC SC 27 8(58) Mont Jubileum $5,585.." sc sc 27 8(59) Mont Jubileum Sagas,” so so 27 8(62) Mont Jubileum 51360925,, SC SC 27 12(51) UF Mont SanSeSx SC SC 27 23(19) UF Mont $13805de SC SC 138 (Continued) Plant Maternal Paternal S-genotype SI/SC SI/SC ID Parent Parent prediction phenotype 27 23(29) UF Mont SI3'Sa‘SeSx SC SC 27 23(35) UF Mont 513543an SC SC 27 12(54) UF Mont SI3"SdSeSx SC SI 27 12(50) UF Mont S4S6SoSe SC SC 27 23(22) UF Mont S4SxSI3'Sd SC SC 27 23(16) UF Mont S4S6San SI SI 27 23(42) UF Mont S4S6San SI SI “ Sf represents a unique S-haplotype in III 18(12). The functionality of Sf is unknown. b Sg represents a unique S-haplotype in Jubileum. The functionality of S8 is unknown. ° UF = Ujfehértoi fiirtos; RS = Rheinische Schattenmorelle; Mont = Montmorency 139 Table B.2: Thirteen sour cheny crosses used to test the validity of the hypothesis for the genetic control of SI and SC in sour cherry. The compatibility or incompatibility of each cross was predicted based on the S-genotype of the parents. Maternal Parent Paternal Parent Compatible (C) or Incompatible (I) Plant 1]) S-genotype Plant ID S-genotype Prediction Phenotype 25 2(22) S4SsSbe 27 2(24) $45135an C C 27 2(24) SxSaSLSx 25 2(22) S4S6Sbe C C 25 2(22) S4S6Sbe 27 2(65) 543136an C C 27 2(65) $45135an 25 2(22) S4S6Sbe C C 25 3(35) S4S6Sasb 27 2(24) $45138an C C 27 2(24) $491365; 25 3(35) S4S6SaSb C C 25 3(35) S4SoS'aSb 27 2(65) S4S13vSan C C 27 2(65) S4Sr3'San 25 3(3 5) S4S6SaSb C C 25 3(4) 545135an 27 13(61) S4S6Sbe C C 27 13(61) $4565be 25 3(4) S13'SaS4Sx C C 27 13(61) 54.365be 25 3(28) $4565be I I 27 13(45) 56313'SeSx 25 3(28) $565be C C 27 13(57) S4SaSI3'Se 25 3(28) SbS4S6Sx C C 140 Table B.3: The S-genotype and SI or SC phenotype for 81 progeny in the Rheinische Schattenmorelle (RS) x Erdi B6term6 (EB) population. SI/SC SI/SC Plant 11) S-genotype Prediction ‘ Phenotype b 25 2(7) S4S6Son SI or SC SI 25 2(15) 5456505.. SI or SC SC 25 2(23) 54363an SI or SC SI 25 2(36) S4S6San SI or SC SI 25 2(38) 54565an SI or SC - 25 2(44) S4S6San SI or SC SC 25 2(50) S4SaS'an SI or SC SI 25 2(52) $4553an SI or SC SC 25 2(62) S4S6S.S. 81 or SC SI 25 2(65) $4565an SI or SC SI 25 3(07) 54568an SI or SC - 25 3(21) SrsaSaS. SI or SC SC 25 3(34) S4S6San SI or SC SC 25 2(3) $45.5 ,. SI or SC SC 25 2(17) 54505be SI or SC SI 25 2(39) 565.5 ,. SC - 25 2(53) SaganSx SC SI ° 25 3(29) S6S.S.Sx SC SC 25 2(33) SaSbeSx SC - 25 2(40) SaSbS,Sx SC - 25 2(28) SlySaSbe SC - 25 2(18) S4SI3'SaSb SC SC 25 2(32) StsntSaSb SC SC 25 2(46) $45,365, SC - 25 2(58) $45,319.51, SC SC 25 3(02) 55138.5, SC - 25 3(06) $45,555,, SC - 25 3(08) S4SI3'SaSb SC SC 25 2(16) 5,375.55. SC SC 25 2(8) 545135an SC SC 25 2(10) $45135an SC SC 25 2(12) $45,555,. SC SC 141 SI/SC SI/SC Plant ID S-genotype Prediction ‘ Phenotype b 25 2(14) 545135an SC - 25 2(20) $45135an SC - 25 2(25) S4S 1319an SC - 25 2(29) S45 1319an SC SC 25 2(3 5) 545135an SC SC 25 2(43) 545136an SC SC 25 2(47) S4SI3'Son SC SC 25 2(48) S4SI3'San SC SC 25 2(51) S4Sl3'San SC SC 25 2(55) $45135an SC SC 25 2(66) $451353an SC SC 25 3(04) $419138an SC SC 25 3(09) $45135an SC SC 25 3(14) $45135an SC SC 25 3(16) $45135an SC SC 25 3(31) $451319an SC SC 25 3(37) $451353an SC SC 25 2(05) 545651315}; SC SC 25 2(11) 5456513152; SC SC 25 2(49) 545651313}. SC SC 25 2(56) S4S6Sl3'Sa SC SC 25 2(63) 545651315}: SC SC 25 3(03) S4Sogz3'Sa SC SC 25 3(05) 545681315}: SC SC 25 3(20) 545551350 SC SC 25 2(30) S6SI3'San SC - 25 2(06) $456805}, SI SI 25 2(37) S4S6SaSb SI SI 25 2(42) 545650.31, SI SI 25 300) 54565051, SI - 25 3(32) S4S6SaSb SI SI 25 3(35) S4S6SaSb SI SI 25 2(13) S4S6Sbe SI SI 25 2(22) 54565be SI SI 25 2(41) 545(99be SI SI 25 2(45) $4565be SI SI 142 SI/SC Plant 1]) S-genotype Prediction ‘ Phenotype b SI/SC 25 2(54) 54565be SI SI 25 2(60) 54565be SI SI 25 2(64) S4S§Sbe SI SI 25 3(25) S4SoSbe SI - 25 3(28) S4S6Sbe SI SI 25 2(2) 545135be SI - 25 2(59) S4SJ3'Sbe SI SI 25 3(13) 545135be SI SC 0 25 3(1 8) 5451319be SI - 25 3(22) $45135be SI SI 25 2(19) 545651355: SI SC c 25 2(27) $455135}: SI SI 25 3(24) 545651351: SI - “ See Figure 3.1 for explanation of how the S1 or SC predictions were made b The SI or SC phenotype was determined through observation of pollen tube grth down self-pollinated styles. “-“ denotes individuals for which the SI or SC phenotype could not be determined. ° The S1 or SC phenotypes of these three individuals were incorrectly predicted. 143 Chromosome pairing in RS S6 Sa S 13' Sb Possible RS Gametes Chromosome pairing in EB Punnett Square 5., So S 6m Sx Possible EB Gametes Note: Pollen containing S6," are incompatible with RS styles EB gametes S483 S48)! Sasx S6Sa S4S6SaSa S4S6San S6SoSan sc sr sc S6815 S4SoSaSb 5455be SoSbSan SI SI SI RS 313's. S4SI3'SaSa $45135an SI3'SaSan gametes SC SC SC Sl3’Sb 545135051; 545135be $135155an sc sr so 56313' S4SoSJ3'Sa S4S6SI3’Sx S6SI3'Son sc sr sc Sash 54525me 545(15be SaSaSbe so sr sc Note: When progeny were S-genotyped, it was not possible to determine dosage. Thus, S4S6SaSa appeared the same as S4S6San Figure B.l: Graphic explanation of the expected S-genotypes and SI or SC phenotypes of progeny in the Rheinische Schattenmorelle (RS) x Erdi B6term6 (EB) population shown in Table B3. 144 Figure B.2: Schematic representation of the reciprocal inter-specific crosses between sweet and sour cherry analyzed in Chapter 4. All possible pollen types are shown on the stigma. Pollen tube growth either stops half-way down the style (if the pollen tube encounters a cognate S-RNase that is functional) or grows to the bottom of the pistil and fertilizes an egg (if the pollen tube does not encounter its functional cognate S-RNase). The only S-RNases shown in the styles are those that match an S-haplotype in the pollen. The non- functional S6,,, and S6c-RNases from EB and Cigany 59, respectively, are denoted by large X’s through the S-RNase. EF = Emperor Francis; UF = Ujfehértoi fiirtos; EB = Erdi Boterrné; RS = Rheinische Schattenmorelle; Mont = Montmorency. 145 Surefire (S4SJ3'San) x EF (S 3S4) Concl: Surefire SrRNase is fimctional UF ($290.95.) x Schmidt (5254) $63 S4-RNase Concl: UF SrRNase is functional EB (S4S6mSan) X BF (S3S4) Concl: EB SrRNase is functional EF (S354) X Surefire (S4Sj3'San) Concl: Surefire pollen-S4 gene is functional EF (5354) X UF (S4Sa‘SeSx) @@&@@® S4-RNase Concl: UF pollen-S4 gene is functional EF (S 3S4) x EB (S4SgnSan) WIS Concl: EB pollen-S4 gene is functional 146 (Continued) EB (3456,35,) x Gold (S356) Gold (S356) x EB (5456,55,) are S 6MXN386 Concl: EB San-RNase is not functional Concl: EB pollen-Sc... gene is functional Cigany 59 (S6chSaSb) x Gold (S 3S6) Gold (S 3S6) x Cigany 59 (SngS'QSb) cats Sac-Xrlase Concl: Cigany 59 Sac-RNase is not functional C0001: Cigany 59 pollen-Sac gene is functional Cigany 59 (SachS'oSb) x Chelan (S 3S9) Concl: Cigany 59 Sg-RNase is fimctional 147 RS (55136051,) X GOId (S 356) $63 Sa-RNaS —. Concl: RS So-RNase is functional Mont ($68138an) X GOId (S 3S6) Concl: Mont So-RNase is functional (Continued) GOld (S 355) X RS (S631 38051,) W) I Concl: RS pollen-S6 gene is functional GOId (S355) X Mont (19681350515) Concl: Mont pollen-$6 gene is functional 148 Rheinische Schattenmorelle (SJ, 3.1931,) Functionality of S-haplogpes S6 Functional Chromosome Pairing $13: Non-Functional. Probably 36 Se pollen-part mutant Sa Non-Functional. Probably 813' 8" pollen-part mutant Sb Functional Fragment sizes of S-RNases Gamete an” S a S S 36 313' 8. Sb 56S S13 b . Hindlll 5.8 kb 4.6 kb 6.4 kb 5.1 kb 65” 6513' Xbal 5.5 kb 9.4 kb 2.4 kb 5 kb 31350 Sash Pruc2lPCE 300 bp 620 bp 730 bp 550 bp . Requires multivalent formation Self-Pollination a. I Imam f Sa-RNase? Sa-RNase S13v-RNase . Sb-RNase Figure B.3: Summary of the S-haplotypes in Rheinische Schattenmorelle 149 Functionality of S-haplotxpes Erdi BOtermo (Sagams'a) S4 Functional S6»: in promoter So Non-Functional. S-RNase mutant. 2600 bp insertion Non-Functional. Probably pollen-part mutant Fragr_nent sizes of S-RNases S4 86m 8. Hindlll 5.6 + 6.1 kb 9kb 6.4 kb Xbal 8.8 kb 5.5 kb 2.4 kb Pruc2/PCE 850 bp 300 bp 730 bp ®c Self-Pollination £92®® 4% \ S4-RNase Figure B.4: Summary of the S-haplotypes in Erdi B6term6 150 W 84 8; 86m Sx W S4Sa S 6me S4Sx S4S6m W S6mSa San W ' Requires multivalent formation Sa-RNase? Cigfiny 59 (S6cS9SaSb) Functionality of S-haplogpes S6c Non-Functional. S-RNase Q_—_ghromosome Pamn mutant 866 S. S9 Functional Sa Non-Functional. Probably ' S9 Sb pollen-part mutant Sb Functional Frament sizes of S-RNases w S a S 86c $9 $3 Sb WWW WSb . H d1“ 31 + :36ch S6cS9 in 5.8 kb ' 6.4 kb 5.1 kb , 4.0 kb S980 SaSb Xbal 5.5 kb 15 kb 2.4 kb 5 kb . . . Requires multivalent Prch/PCE 300 bp 550 bp 730 bp 550 bp formation Self-Pollination @1. I Iaaw f- Sb-RNase Sg-RNase S.-RNase? Figure B.5: Summary of the S-haplotypes in Cigany 59 151 Surefire (S4SI3Sa) Functionality of S-haplogpes . Chrom400some Pairing S4 Functional 513' Non-Functional. Probably 8“ 8‘ pollen-part mutant . 313' Sx Sa Non-Functional. Probably pollen-part mutant Fragment sizes of S-RNases Gamete types S a S 'Sx S4 813. s. ‘S ’3 . . 5 6 + S4Sx S4SI3’ Hindlll 6 1 kb 4.6 kb 6.4 kb , . SI3’Sa San Xbal 8.8 kb 9.4 kb 2.4 kb . . . Pruc2lPCE 850 bp 620 bp 730 bp If‘sr‘lggztf‘umvalent Self-Pollination @. I x®xfi® ? S.—RNase? S4-RNase 813' -RNase Figure B.6: Summary of the S-haplotypes in Surefire 152 Montmorency (SoSJ13Sx) Functionali of halo So Functional Chromosome Pairing 513' Non-Functional. Probably 85 Sa pollen-part mutant 5 - 313' Sx Non-Functional. Probably pollen-part mutant Fragment sizes 9f S-RNases Gamete types S a S 'Sx 86 813' Se 6S 13 * Hindlll 5.8 kb 4.6 kb 6.4 kb 563* 56513' Xbal 5.5 kb 9.4 kb 2.4 kb S136. Sasx ' Pruc2/PCE 300 bp 620 bp 730 bp - Requires multivalent formation Self-P llination 9a; 2951®A®® Note: S. appears to be capable of self-fertilization, but pollen containing the pollen Sx-product might be less competitive Sa'RN as 3 Ss-RNase S13o-RNase? Figure B.7: Summary of the S-haplotypes in Montmorency 153 Ujfehértoi filrtlis (aspen) Functionality of S-haplogpes 4 Functional Chromosome Pairing Sd Non-Functional. Possibly S4 Sd similar to Sa 8 8 Se Non-Functional. Pollen- e x part mutant of S 1 Fragment sizes of S-RNases Gamete types S S x S4 3.. s. ‘S" ‘S . S4Sx S4Se Hindlll 5'6”” 6.2 kb 9.6 kb 6.1 kb S dSe S d5} " Xbal 8.8 kb 2.4 kb ? kb . 1 a1 Requires mu tiv ent Pruc2/PCE 850 bp 730 bp 620 bp formation Self-Pollination Note: S, appears to be capable of self-fertilization, but pollen Sd-RNas = S4-RNase Se-RNase? containing the pollen Sx-product may be less competitive Figure B.8: Summary of the S-haplotypes in Ujfehértéi fiirtos 154 LIBRARIES luljr’ulllllljjlllflfllfliflifllm HI! 4060 ll