FHESlS I RSI $4977%& This is to certify that the thesis entitled A HANDS-ON APPROACH, USING THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES, TO ENHANCE A WEATHER UNIT presented by BRANDI MARIE SCHMIDT has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of degree in Interdepartmental Physical Science Science // 4/{Z4W Major Professor's Signature 07 12/wlafi y y Date MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution ’— u ____, I LIBRARY Michigan State University p——u——--. PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. To AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 8/01 c:lCIFIC/DaloDuo.p65-p.15 A HANDS-ON APPROACH, USING THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES, TO ENHANCE AWEATHER UNIT By Brandi Marie Schmidt A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE College of Natural Science 2004 Abstract A HANDS-ON APPROACH, USING THE PHYSICAL SICNCE, TO ENHANCE A WEATHER UNIT By Brandi Marie Schmidt This research project is the development and implementation of a five-week weather unit in my Integrated Science 10 classroom. The first goal of my unit was to make the switch from a teacher-centered classroom to a student-centered classroom. I made this change by introducing new laboratories and activities as well as using demonstrations to enhance lecture information. The second goal was to emphasize the physical concepts of weather to enrich the science being taught. These new techniques were intended to increase student achievement in a unit that I felt was lacking in hands on activities and in depth science material. I implemented the new strategies while assessing student knowledge at the beginning of the unit, along the way, and through formal end assessments. The unit was successful based on an increase in student achievement compared between the pre-assessment and the post- assessment data. The unit was also shown to be successful based on a subjective student survey. Acknowledgements I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the following people: My students for their energy and dedication to my project. Thank you for continuously inspiring and motivating me to be the best teacher that I can. Dr. Merle Heidemann for always being there and always having answers. Your dedication to Science Education is very much appreciated. Margaret Iding, Linda Wolcott, and Becky Murthum for your dedication to the department and students. My husband, Andrew, for the emotional and academic support. Thank you for your patience, time, and never ending encouragement that has kept me going. iii Table of Contents I. Introduction ................................................................................... l A. Rationale .................................................................................. 1 B. Science Taught ............................................................................ 4 C. School Demographics ................................................................... 8 11. Implementation ............................................................................... 9 III. Evaluation .................................................................................. 19 IV. Discussion ................................................................................. 30 V. Appendix .................................................................................... 36 Appendix A — Assessments l. Pre-Test Assessment .......................................................... 36 2. Chapter One Assessment ...................................................... 39 3. Chapters Two and Three Assessment ........................................ 43 4. Student Survey ................................................................. 47 Appendix B - Laboratories 99999359?" The Oxygen Content of Air .................................................. 48 The Pressure’s On .............................................................. 51 Pressure or No Pressure ....................................................... 54 Measuring Relative Humidity ................................................ 55 Why is the Grass Wet at Night? .............................................. 56 Observing Convection ........................................................ 57 Conduction Lab ................................................................ 59 Appendix C — Demonstrations 1. Does Air Have Mass ........................................................... 61 2. Floating Cork .................................................................. 62 3. Pouring Air ...................................................................... 63 4. Newspaper Demonstration .................................................... 64 5. Thermal Inversion ................................... ' ........................... 65 6. Convection Fluid .............................................................. 66 Appendix D - Unit Student-Centered Enhancements iv 1. Weather Observation Chart ................................................... 67 2. Cloud Books ..................................................................... 68 3. Weather Graphing Activity ................................................... 69 Appendix E — Parent Consent Letter .................................................... 70 VI. References ................................................................................. 72 I. Introduction A. Rationale Since I began teaching, the Native American proverb; “Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I’ll understand.” has shadowed my thoughts in the development of lesson plans. When I began teaching Integrated Science 10 at Kearsley High School three years ago, I realized that the beginning-of-the-year weather unit strayed from this motto. I never pinpointed my dissatisfaction with the unit until I began my research project in the summer of 2003. As I pondered weaknesses in my teaching, I discovered some factors that led to my discomfort with the unit. In a teacher-centered classroom, students often sit passively while the teacher actively works at providing them with knowledge, whereas a leamer-focused classroom is characterized by students who are mentally engaged and actively participating in the act of learning (Thomason, 1998). My unit on meteorology was a teacher-centered unit. Students did not take an active role in their learning. Although many questions remain unresolved, countless educational researchers view learners as active participants in their learning and believe that the teacher’s role should be to facilitate leamers’ efforts to make meaning of their world. (J onassen, Beissner, & Yacci, 1993; Jonassen & Tessmer, 1996/97; Wittrock, 1974, 1991, 1992). Educators should act as coaches and facilitators rather than dispensers of knowledge (Schmidt, 2003). I made the switch from being a dispenser of knowledge in a teacher-centered classroom to a coach who facilitates student centered learning as they learn about the science of meteorology. After an extensive review of textbooks in science, general physics, optics and astronomy, Galili, Weizman, and Cohen (2004) testify to the fact that “sky” as a scientific notion, does not appear in the curriculum using these texts. The same was the case with the text and curriculum used at Kearsley High School, Science Interactions, Course 4. I felt the material lacked depth. Students should learn science by doing the work of scientists in an environment of collaboration and high expectations (Schmidt, 2003). The second goal of my study was to increase the depth of the weather unit by adding a more focused study of the physical science concepts behind weather. The Science Interactions, Course 4 text for Integrated Science 10 mentions the central concepts of pressure and heat transfer, but does not elaborate on the meaning of these topics. I wanted to set higher expectations for the science to be taught. As Project Atmosphere (1996) describes: In 285 BC the Egyptian King, Ptolemy, engaged the services of the well- known mathematician, Euclid, as his tutor. Afier considerable mental anguish, the King asked his teacher if he could provide an easier method of mastering the subject. Euclid uttered his now famous reply: “There is no royal road to geometry.” The moral of the above story also applies to meteorology: teaching it and learning about it are intellectually challenging. Throughout the years, countless numbers of teachers and students have echoed those same thoughts. I wanted to increase the study of the basic weather concepts but as described above, teaching and learning about meteorology can be intellectually challenging. Stated below is an example of the large role weather plays in our lives, but how few understand it. “Everybody talks about the weather...but few people understand it. Weather is far more than a few numbers and lines across a map of the USA. Clouds, for instance, are part of massive weather systems, not just window dressing for the sky. Rain is more than water falling from the sky. It’s the result of a complex chain of events, literally millions each second, happening inside clouds. Lightning is not only deadly, but it is also at the center of some of today’s most intricate scientific mysteries. Today we have immediate access to unprecedented amounts of weather information. We need some way to sort out what is important in the “highs” and “lows,” “Jet Streams” and “Dew Points” that we hear or read about every day.” (Williams, 1992) I want my students to understand that weather occurs around them every day of their lives. Even though providing this understanding may be difficult, I am up for the challenge to increase student awareness about the weather around them. “When students are engaged in an activity that reflects their personal experiences, it is easier to involve the basic principles to be developed in the inquiry unit” (Schmidt 2003). With the challenge at hand, I wished to enrich the curriculum but also make this challenge easier by focusing on a student-centered classroom. “We see nothing truly ‘till we understand it” (Stephens, 2003). I wanted my students to develop a true understanding of the objectives designed in the new unit and see and be aware of the weather around them. As stated above, I have two main rationales for my research. I want to shift to a student-centered classroom that is rich in physical science concepts. My research consisted of developing a set of lessons that include strategies to teach these science concepts, with the intent to increase student achievement. The National Training Laboratories in Bethel, Maine identifies seven levels of teaching and learning strategies with retention rates. Lower on the pyramid and therefore suggested as effective teaching strategies are demonstrations, discussion groups, practice by doing, and immediate use. “Although one would conclude that in order to focus on the highest retention rate at all times a teacher should use the Teach Others/ Immediate Use strategy, this is not the case. An effective teacher will use a variety of these strategies that fit each teaching situation, with more movement toward the lower levels of the pyramid. An effective teaching strategy will also incorporate a variety of these strategies in order to deliver instruction and to engage the student in the most effective approach to the highest retention rate possible” (Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock, 2001). I expected to obtain a higher retention rate by incorporating a variety of these strategies as outlined in the pyramid into my newly developed plans. The development of my lessons incorporated a variety of strategies that fit each teaching situation. “By emphasizing hands-on experimentation and small group collaborations, new curricula take advantage of early adolescents’ growing hunger for social interaction” (Raloff, 2001). I intended to emphasize the hands-on experimentation through the development and implementation of new labs in the weather unit. Good pedagogical practice indicates that the more connections students can make about a specific concept, the more likely the students are to internalize the concept (Smith, 2002). Additional new pedagogical practices included adding demonstrations to enrich lecture situations. The use of demonstrations is a viable technique to encourage the active and interactive processes inherent in inquiry-oriented science (Tabor and Anderson, 2003). If we are serious about educating every child, we must include every child in meaningful, engaged learning (Muir, 2001). I am serious about reaching and educating every student in my classroom. Along with my genuine interest in meteorology, my goals for this project became to improve the weather unit so students would become active learners while understanding the physical science that drive our weather. B. Science Taught Weather is the condition of Earth’s atmosphere at any particular place and time. Weather influences our everyday activities, our jobs, and our health and comfort. Few aspects of the physical environment influence our daily lives more than the phenomena of weather. The science concepts taught in this unit are intended to give the students a good understanding of the atmosphere around them to enhance an appreciation of our planet. The unit is divided into three main sections, an introduction to our atmosphere, elements of weather and heat transfer. Earth’s atmosphere is divided vertically into four layers on the basis of temperature. The bottom layer is known as the troposphere. The troposphere is the chief focus of meteorologists and where our weather occurs. Beyond the troposphere is the stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. The composition of our atmosphere is not constant, it varies from time to time and place to place. Two elements, nitrogen and oxygen, make up almost ninety-nine percent composition of our atmosphere. Argon and other trace elements account for the remaining percentage. Weather is divided into elements or physical factors. The factors of weather in my unit will be broken down to include; temperature, relative humidity, dew point, pressure, wind, and clouds. These elements are measured or observed by meteorologists to make forecasts. My lessons consisted of demonstrating the science behind each element and how to measure or observe each element of weather. The temperature of the air is taken to describe the weather and predict changes. A thermometer is used to measure temperature by making use of thermal expansion. When the temperature of a substance is increased, its molecules move faster and move farther apart. The liquid inside the thermometer expands more than the glass, causing the level of the liquid to rise. Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air. Relative humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air compared to the amount of water the air can hold at that temperature. Relative humidity is expressed as a percent and is calculated by: (amount of water vapor in the air) / (amount of water vapor the air can hold at that temperature) X 100%. Relative humidity indicates how near the air is to being saturated. A variety of instruments, called hygrometers, can be used to measure relative humidity. One example is a psychrometer, which consists of two identical thermometers mounted side-by-side. One thermometer is a dry-bulb and measures the temperature of the air. The wet-bulb, has a thin wick tied around the end. To use the psychrometer the cloth wick is saturated with water and a continuous current of air is passed over the wick. As a result, water evaporates from the wick and the temperature of the wet bulb drops. The amount of cooling that takes place is directly proportional to the dryness of the air. The drier the air, the greater the cooling. Therefore, the larger the difference between the wet and dry bulb temperatures, the lower the relative humidity; the smaller the difference, the higher the relative humidity. Another element of weather that is closely related to relative humidity is dew point. Dew point is the temperature at which air is cooled when it can hold no more water. The dew point is taken to predict dew, frost, or fog. Air exerts pressure. The pressure of the air is the weight of the air above. Air pressure is constant and from all directions. The average air pressure at sea level is about one kilogram per square centimeter, or 14.7 pounds per square inch. High pressure weather systems are usually associated with fair weather. Cooler, denser air aloft sinks and warms, and any clouds may evaporate. On the other hand, low pressure is associated with gray, cloudy skies and sometimes precipitation. Less dense air is being pushed up from the surface until it cools to its dew point. The water vapor in the air then condenses and forms clouds. A barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure. Changes in pressure cause our winds. Wind is nature’s way to balance inequalities in air pressure. Air flows from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure. Winds are described by the direction from which they come and their speed. An anemometer measures wind speed near the ground. A wind vane indicates the direction from which the wind is coming. Clouds form when water vapor in the air reaches its dew point and condense into water droplets. To meteorologists, clouds are clues to what is happening in the sky. Cloud types are grouped according to their location in our atmosphere. High clouds exist above six kilometers and include cirrus, cirrocumulus, and cirrostratus clouds. Middle clouds develop two kilometers above Earth’s surface but below six kilometers. Altocumulus, altostratus, and nimbostratus clouds are middle level clouds. Low level clouds are clouds below two kilometers and are stratocumulus, stratus, and cumulus. The final cloud type, cumulonimbus, extends through all ranges of the atmosphere. The sun drives our Earth’s weather. Energy is transferred through the vacuum of space by radiation. The solar energy that is received by Earth warms the surface and transfers energy to the air directly above. This method of heat transfer is conduction. Conduction of heat can take place within materials and between different materials that are in direct contact. Another method of heat transfer is convection. Convection is the transfer of energy within a fluid. Convection currents are formed in our atmosphere when warm, less dense air rises and cooler, denser air sinks. Convection currents form in our atmosphere and contribute to global distribution of heat. C. School Demographics Kearsley Community Schools is located in suburban Flint, Michigan, and is not part of its own town or city that coincides with the school. Students are pulled from the edges of three surrounding cities to make up the district. These Michigan cities are Burton, Davison, and Flint. The total enrollment for the district is 3,612 students, of which, 94.8% of the students are white, 2.3% are Hispanic, 1.7% are black, 0.6% are Asian, and 0.5% are Native American. The socioeconomic makeup of the community can be described as a blue-collar working class society. Kearsley High School houses the 9th through 12th grades. During the 2003-2004 school year there were 1,154 students. I implemented my project into three Integrated Science 10 classes. There were seventy-seven students in the three classes together that consented to have data used in the study. Seventy-six of the students were sophomores and one student was a junior repeating the class. Six of the students were special education students that are in inclusion science. Of the seventy-seven students in my study, thirty-three were males and forty-four were females. The classroom ethnic background of my sample students closely resembles the percentage of the school as a whole. 11. Implementation As shown in my rationale, I have two main goals of my research. My first goal is to switch from a teacher-centered classroom to a student-centered classroom. During my five-week research session on campus at Michigan State University in the summer of 2003, I tested and modified many new lessons, demonstrations, and hands on activities and selected those that would best fit into my new unit. Each of the new lessons will be explained below, but as a whole they were engaging activities which I modified. My second goal of the project is to make sure the objectives of each activity are rich in a physical science concept. Each new laboratory, demonstration, or activity was specifically picked to emphasize a concept that explains why weather happens. It is my expectation that the two goals together will paint a picture for students that will explain changes that occur in our atmosphere and what causes our weather. The unit developed during my summer research was approximately five weeks in length. For a complete outline of the main new lessons I developed to enhance the weather unit, see Figurel. Figure 1: Weekly Unit Flaming Chart and Big Ideas 9/5 Pre-Test* Topic: Is air matter? (3 demonstrations‘) 9/8 9/9 9/10 9/11 9/12 Topic: Pressure Topic: Lab: Oxygen in Lab: Pressure’s Thermometers and Lab: Measuring the Atmosphere“ -Pressure Bar" On* and Pressure Thermal Relative Humidity -Newspaper or No Pressure?* Expansion Demo“ Demo: Ring and hoop* Figure 1: Weekly Unit Planning Chart and Big Ideas, Continued 9/15 9/16 9/17 9/18 9/19 Labs: Dew Point Activity: Cloud Topic: Clouds Topic: Wind Chapter Review and Measuring Family Albums" Relative Humidity Cloud Power Video: Wind Point“ 9/22 9/23 9/24 9/25 9/26 Topic: Heat Chapter Topic: Prepare for Guest Speaker: Lab: Observing Transfer One Guest Speaker John McMurray* Convection“ Assessment with Video Thermal Inversion‘ and Convection F lurd Demonstrations' 9/29 9/30 10/1 10/2 10/3 Activity: Weather Activity: Weather Principal’s Data Data Graphing, NO SCHOOL Lab: Conduction“ Visit Graphing“ Continued Parent-Teacher Preparation 10/6 10/7 10/8 10/9 10/10 Activity: Reading Activity: Reading Weather Maps Weather Maps, Chapter Chapter 2 and 3 Continued Review Assessment * Indicates lessons that were new to the unit. After I selected the new lessons I wanted to incorporate into the weather unit, I created a pre-test (Appendix A-l ). Before starting the unit, the student’s prior knowledge was tested by this pre-test which also served as the initial data collection tool. The questions from the pre-test were then embedded into chapter assessments to measure student learning. The embedded questions served as the post-test to be compared to the initial pre-test assessment. Week One: Activities and Evaluation Many students had questions about the meaning of terms and concepts on the pre-test. This was good in a sense for my second goal, because the material was more 10 complex than what they were accustomed to. I asked the students to give the pre-test their best effort and informed them that it was not a graded assignment. Even though the test was not graded, students tried to answer all of the questions. The pre-test took approximately half the class. I used the second half of class to begin implementing the new material. I had students try to answer and justify the question, Is Air Matter?, in their journal. The students seemed to really be frustrated. First I gave them a test that was very difficult and secondly they have to write about and justify a concept they could not explain. I again reassured them that before they would know it, a great deal of new material would be learned in class. I encouraged the students to give it their best effort. I then performed a series of three demonstrations “Does Air Have Mass?” (Appendix C-l ), “Cork and Beaker” (Appendix C-2) and “Pouring Air” (Appendix C-3) to show that air is matter. It was hard for students to visualize the atmosphere around them being made up of particles of matter. The new lessons built on how the particles are moving and changing to create weather. The students developed hypotheses about each demonstration. “Does Air Have Mass” (Appendix C- 1) was a balloon balancing act that begins with two equal size balloons filled with an equal amount of air tied to a balance (wooden dowel). One of the balloons was popped and the balloons are no longer balanced. This offset demonstrates that air has mass. In the “Cork and Beaker” (Appendix 02) demonstration a dry cork floated in a container of water. A beaker was submerged into the water covering the area surrounding the cork, the air above the cork presses down on the water and beaker and the air takes up the space above the cork and water. “Pouring Air” (Appendix C-3) was a demonstration of pouring air from one beaker to another within an aquarium filled with water. This was a second demonstration 11 to show that air takes up space. After all three demonstrations ended, I had students revisit the initial journal entry. I had them answer the same question over again, “Is Air Matter? Why or why not.” to assess the student’s learning. The unit continued with the emphasis on the physical science characteristics of the atmosphere. The Oxygen Content of A ir Lab (Appendix B-l) directly met the main goals of the unit, by emphasizing a strong science concept while having many good qualities of an engaging laboratory experience. The lab seemed to be difficult for students. Part of this I attribute to lack of reading directions and not practicing proper lab technique. However, I did adjust some directions for my sixth hour (third group to do lab) and they seemed to have an easier time. Even though the lab had a large margin of error, two good points came out of the lab. For one, practicing proper lab techniques is always a benefit for students. Secondly, even though the margin of error was larger, the students still measured a percent oxygen lower than thirty percent. This number helps students to understand that oxygen does not make up the majority of gas in our atmosphere. While on campus researching in the summer of 2003, the physics department created a pressure bar for my classroom. The pressure bar is a one inch by one inch square column of metal that has a mass equivalent to the amount of pressure exerted on earth by air. As the pressure bar was passed around the room, students were amazed that the atmosphere is continually exerting that amount of pressure from above. I feel the pressure bar is an excellent visual for atmospheric pressure. A second demonstration I performed was the “Newspaper Demo” (Appendix C-4). 1 really did feel like a performer. Students loved watching the demonstration. They kept saying, “Do it again, do it again!” I also had several students that wanted to come up and try it for themselves. 12 I let a few students in each class take a turn at being the performer. I love the high level of excitement that has been created in my classroom. The next day, we continued with the topic of air pressure by performing two lab experiments that continue to emphasize that air does exert pressure. These two labs were “The Pressure is On” (Appendix B-2) and “Pressure or No Pressure?!” (Appendix B-3). I chose these labs because I feel they have a high element of surprise. Students were not expecting to be able to hold a cup of water in with a note card nor do they expect to stop a hole of draining water by tightening a cap. I watched students continuously repeating the labs as if they thought the results would change. The first of element of weather studied this week was temperature. We discussed what temperature means and how temperature is measured with a thermometer. A lot of students understand what a thermometer does, but few can explain how a thermometer works. I chose to emphasize the concept of thermal expansion in the study of temperature. I performed the ring and ball demonstration to show thermal expansion. At room temperature the metal ball can easily fit through the metal ring. As the ball’s temperature increases, the particles within the material expand, and this expansion can be shown when the ball will no longer fit into the hoop after being warmed. This concept can then be tied back to air as matter. Today, I also introduced the weather data collection assignment that will take place over the next four weeks. Students were given a Weather Data Collection Chart (Appendix D-l) to collect daily weather measurements. At the end of the four weeks of data collection, a graphing assignment will be incorporated to make comparisons in the changing weather that will hopefully occur. 13 Shifting to relative humidity, the students performed the mini—lab adapted from our text “Measuring Relative Humidity” (Appendix B-4). The students constructed their own psychrometers and we measured the relative humidity outside. This lab proved to be engaging because it was performed outside. The primary concept incorporated into the measuring relative humidity lab was the process of evaporation. We then related evaporation to cooling. This property can determine the amount of moisture in the atmosphere. The students compared their results to the Weather Channel readings. I felt it was a good experience for them to see how accurate their measurements were. Wegek Two: Activities and Evalm The “Dew Point Measurement Lab” (Appendix B-5) introduced the process of condensation. Students watched a tin filled with ice water to determine when condensation was taking place. The condensation that is formed showed when the air around the can became saturated and therefore reached the dew point. It was difficult for the students to watch for the formation of condensation. The students performed the lab once and then we had a discussion about what was occurring, then they performed the lab again. The second time around seemed to be more successful because the students knew what they were looking for this time. The study of clouds was the next element of weather introduced. I opened the class with the students looking out the window to observe cloud types. The physical science concept of condensation was extended from our dew point measurements into our study of cloud formation. Students were introduced to types of clouds and the weather associated with each type, using a newly developed activity, “A Cloud Family Album” (Appendix D2). The students were provided with resources and directions to develop 14 the cloud album. I felt this hands-on book assignment is a nice change of pace from all of the labs we have been doing. The students were able to showcase their individual creativity. The class then viewed a power point presentation on cloud types that I had developed during my summer research on MSU’s campus. We talked about the meaning behind each cloud type and the weather associated with each. The class moved outside and identified the cumulus and cirrus clouds in the sky. The students also began pointing out pictures they could find in each of the different clouds. The walk to observe different types of clouds was a nice relaxing, engaging end of the day activity. The Bill Nye video (PBS) about wind, even though a little elementary for high school students, offered good information and understandable demonstrations. The high school students are still kids at heart and they enjoy the silly remarks of Bill Nye. The discussion of wind brought together the concepts of the physical characteristics of air as matter and air having pressure. The topic of wind marked the end of the weather elements. I am very happy with the outcome of the unit at this point. Weejk Three: Activities mEvm The third week began with a formal assessment, Chapter One Assessment (Appendix A-2). Up to this point, a variety of tools have been used for daily assessment. Journal entries are one way to assess student learning on a daily basis. I used the journal entries as a way to make sure students were keeping up with new concepts introduced. I grade the journals on a pass/fail system. The end conclusion questions to activities are another form of assessment used. I also used review handouts from the text Science 15 Interaction, Course 4 as an assessment tool. The handouts are not a new portion of the unit. A meteorologist from WJRT TV12 came to talk to each of my three classes. In preparation of John McMurray’s visit, the television channel sent a Behind the Scenes video tour for the class to watch. The video provided a look at the weather studio’s technology and weather instruments. John was a wonderful speaker. He entertained the kids with his upbeat personality and wealth of knowledge. He reviewed the same material that we had just covered. He talked about how meteorologists take the measurements to make their forecasts. He also talked about his career and how to pursue a career in meteorology. His weather lecture also included information on heat transfer which was a great segue into the new chapter of the unit. Wegk Four: Activities and Evaluation A new lab activity for both convection and conduction was added to the unit and provided the students opportunities to observe the transfer of heat. These activities were one of the largest changes made to the old unit. Previously, the topics of heat transfer were mentioned, but their importance in weather was never discussed. Afier discussing radiation, the first method of heat transfer to observe in the lab was convection. The students performed the lab Observing Convection (Appendix B6). In the lab, students placed ice in the top and then the bottom of a test tube and heat the opposite end of the ice. Students observed the ice melt more quickly when it was located at the top of the test tube while heat was applied at the bottom compared to the ice being trapped at the bottom of the test tube and the tube being heated at the top. I then performed two demonstrations: Thermal Inversion (Appendix C-5) and Convection Fluid (Appendix C- 16 6). The thermal inversion demonstration showed how different temperature water related to each other depending on the location of the water. When the warmer water was in the bottom of a flask, it rose to the top and mixed with cooler water above it. If the water is colored red and blue, a color change to purple can be seen. While in the second portion of the demonstration, the flask of warmer water is placed above the cooler water and no mixing is observed, leaving the water blue and red. The convection fluid was warmed. The fluid contains had an iridescent property that flowed when warmed. The flowing motion created a pattern of convection currents. Together, the lab and two demonstrations showed the concept of convection currents on a small scale. The classroom activities were related to the process of convection and the formation of convections currents in our atmosphere. All of these convection activities held the interest of my students. The Conduction Lab (Appendix B-7) resulted in the production of ice cream via a heat transfer. Despite a few cold hands, the lab was very engaging and very rewarding in the end. The conduction lab was a big hit for all of the students. At the end of the four week segment, the students completed an assignment on their collection of weather observations. Students were assigned the culminating assignment (Appendix D-3) which engaged them in graphing their data. The second step of this assignment was for students to analyze their graphs and answer a few conclusion questions. Students had difficulty graphing their data. The graphing assignment was extended into the next day so I could help students get a good start on their graphs. In addition to seeing the trends in weather measurements, it is just important for students to 17 know how to construct accurate graphs from real time data particularly that they have collected themselves. Week Five: Activities and Emmtion The beginning of week five was weather mapping. I was disappointed because the mapping exercises were more rushed and compact than I would have liked. Students were given blank maps of the United States and different sets of data. I taught the students how to read station models, draw isobars, and locate fronts. A lot of the information was delivered in a teacher centered classroom format. Despite the rush to the finish, overall I am completely satisfied with how the new laboratories, demonstrations, and hands on activities fit into the unit. The end of the week was completed with the Chapter Two and Three Assessment (Appendix A-3). I also had the students complete a Student Survey (Appendix A4) to assess the unit. The results of this survey will be used as a qualitative analysis of student engagement and learning. 18 III. Evaluation Before I began teaching any of the new material for the unit, I administered a Pre- Test Assessment (Appendix A-l) to determine the students prior knowledge about weather. Built into the unit were two additional assessments, Chapter One Assessment (Appendix A-2) and Chapter Two and Three Assessments (Appendix Aa—3 ), that will collectively serve as the data tools for the Post-Assessment comparison and analysis. The Pre-Test Assessment (Appendix A-l), as stated, was designed to test the students prior knowledge of weather concepts. The test was comprised of thirteen questions related to the main new concepts my unit will implement. Most of the questions required a short answer of a particular weather concept. The same thirteen questions were embedded into the Post-Test Assessment tools. Data from all seventy- seven student participants were collected and compiled together. A comparison of the averages for all student participants for the Pre- and Post-Tests is shown in Table 1. Table l. Pre-and Post-Assessment Analysis Pro-Tests Post-Test Question # and Description (% correct) (o/o Comet) 1.) Is Air Matter? Explain why or why not. 1a. Yes 77% 99% 1b. Has Mass 9% 86% 1c. Takes Up Space 13% 92% 2.) Describe the Composition of Our Atmosphere 2a. Nitrogen 3 1% 71% 2b. Oxygen 57% 74% 20. Other/Trace 20% 30% 3.) List and Describe the three methods of Heat Transfer 3a. List Conduction 3% 100% 19 Question # and Description, Continued Prc-Tests Post-Test (% correct) (”/o Correct) 3b. List Convection 3% 100% 3c. List Radiation 5% 99% 3d. Describe Conduction 1% 88% 3e. Describe Convection 0% 71% 3f. Describe Radiation 3% 93% 4.) How does a thermometer work 4a. Thermal Expansion 0% 54% 4b. State Liquid Expanded 44% 70% 5.) Give an example that proves air exerts pressure 27% 68% 6. ) Compare weather of a high and low pressure system 6a. Low 10% 80% 6b. High 10% 80% 7.) Technology used to forecast weather 94% 100% 8.) On a weather map, city with highest anemometer reading 47% 85% 9. ) On a weather map, city with highest rain gauge reading 32% 69% 10.) Location of a wind vane on a weather map 30% 81% 11. ) Weather events experienced 11a. Last 24 hours 23% 73% 11b. Next 24 hours 47% 69% 12.) How are winds on a map different than global winds 4% 50% 13.) Describing weather instrument readings 13a. Rain Gauge 51% 65% 13b. Hygrometer 23% 30% 1 3c. Anemometer 27% 80% 1 3d. Thermometer 60% 89% 20 Figure 2 refers to the first question of the Pre-Test, Is Air Matter? Why or Why not? Most students could initially state that air is matter, but they could not explain why In the post-test, students not only stated air is matter but they could explain their answer. Figure 2 100% 80% 4‘ l/ 60% i , u Pie—Test 40% 1’ . Post-Test 20% “ 0% . / Figure 2: Percent correct to pre- and post-test Question 1 a, b, and c. This increase in student explanation in the Post-Test indicates that students developed a better understanding of air as matter. Figure 3 I: Pre-Test a Post-Test Figure 3: Percent correct to pre- and post-test Question 2a ,b, and c. Figure 3 describes the results of question two in the Pre-Test: Describe the composition of our atmosphere. It is interesting to see that initially the majority of students could only list oxygen. However, after the lessons, seventy-four percent of the students could not only describe our atmosphere being composed of oxygen, but now 21 seventy-one percent described nitrogen in our atmosphere. The trace element percentages remained low in both situations. Figure 4 100%.- ! _. 80% f" “"‘ 0 y’ __ .__1. 5*“ 60A” . DPre-Test o _ .4. _. 4°/° mPost-Testl 20%rT * W W ”‘ “——J 0% - vfi- . 1/ 03a. 03b. 03c. 03d. ose. oar. Figure 4 : Percent correct to pre- and post-test Question 3a-f Figure 4 describes the six parts of Pre-Test question number three: List and describe the three types of heat transfer. Questions three A, three B, and three C represent students listing the three types of heat transfer, conduction, convection, and radiation, respectively. Questions three D, three E, and three F represent student descriptions of the types of heat transfer. Three D refers to conduction, three E refers to convection, and three F refers to radiation. The Pre-Test data showed students had very little to no knowledge of the types of heat transfer. The percentages went up on average ninety-seven percent on post-evaluations. I attribute this large increase to the fact that we used the three terms in a variety of lessons. Students did not have any problems listing the terms. The description of the terms went up on average eighty-three percent. Students did not have the same case at describing each of the methods of heat transfer, but most succeeded. This data is shown in Figure 4. 22 Figure 5 100% 80% 4 50% {"1 — DPre-Te-st 40%? Em] 20%: 7 0% a ‘ Figure 5: Percent correct to pre- and post-test Question 4 a and b. Figure 5 shows the statistics on Question four, describe how a thermometer works. I was looking for two specific pieces in the student’s answers. For Part A, I wanted students to use the terms thermal expansion. For Part B, I was looking for an explanation including the process of the liquid or alcohol inside of the thermometer expanding without attaching a vocabulary term to the answer. As shown in the data in Figure 5, more students could describe the process without attaching the term thermal expansion to their answer. However, I am not surprised that the statistics came in low at naming thermal expansion. I only performed one demonstration illustrating the concept and we did not use the term much in discussion. Figure 6 100%, 80% 1 o i 60 4’ j n Pre-Test 40% E, El Post-Test 20% 23 Figure 6: Percent correct to pre- and post—test Question 5 and 6 a-b. Figure 6 refers to questions relating to pressure. Question 5 asked students to give an example of how air exerts pressure. Question 6 asks students to describe the weather associated with a high pressure system for Part A and a low pressure system for Part B. We did not spend a lot of time on pressure systems, but as shown in Figure 6 the students rate of correct responses increased. Figure 7 100% . 4'. 80%i' ,, .— 60%3 7, "fl g 4 luPre-Test I 40% " . in Post-Test; 20% L / 0% 4444-“ 4,____.4.__‘/" Q7 Figure 7: Percent correct to pre- and post-test Question 7. Figure 7 clearly shows students did not have any problems with question seven, naming a type of technology used in forecasting weather. I attribute the high percentage on the Pre-Test to students watching the local news. In Genesee County the local television meteorologists heavily market their forecasting techniques. For example, one local station emphasizes their Doppler Max 5000 while another emphasizes their Extreme Doppler technologies in forecasting. Many students made reference to the local television weather marketing names in their answers. 24 Figure 8 100% j 80% 60% 4 4 _ , n PreLTést 0 40 /° 4 Q Post-Test 20% , ‘ E i" 0% i , . Q8 09 010 Q11a.Q11b. Figure 8: Percent correct to pre- and post-test Questions 8,9, 10, I la, and 11b. Figure 8 represents the data collected for a series of four questions. The four questions were part of a cluster on identifying tools used to measure weather elements and map reading on the Pre- and Post-Tests. This part of the new unit did not get much instructional time. However, I am pleased with the consistent improvement students made despite the time constraints. Figure 9 S ”'_: magi El Post-Tesj Figure 9: Percent correct to pre- and post-test Question 12. Figure 9 refers to answers to question twelve. The pre- and post-test comparison statistics were not strong, but students did okay. Again, the material was not given adequate attention due to time constraints. 25 Figure 10 100%, 80% l 7 T 0 ‘ w v‘ r—‘ 60 A I D Pre-Test 40% CI Post-Test 20% l 7’ W; 0% a“- -- Q13a. Q13b. mac. Q13d.‘ Figure 10: Percent correct to pre- and post-test Question 13a-d. Figure 10 refers to another cluster of questions in which the students had to analyze weather information for a particular area and describe how particular weather instruments would read. Part A, Part C, and Part D show marked improvement. However, Part B remains low in both instances. Afier some time, I figured out that the question refers to the use of a hygrometer were the term psychrometer was used in instruction. In our studies we focused on the term psychrometer rather than hygrometer. I think if students would have had the term psychrometer in the question, the statistics would have been higher. At the conclusion of my data collection, I ran a paired t-test to see if the pre and post sets of data were significantly different. The results show that there is no probability that the null hypothesis should be accepted. Statistically, there is a real difference in the two sets of scores. The t-score is -26.6. The degree of freedom = 75 and the probability of the result is 0.000. In addition to objectively evaluating my unit, I gave the students a subjective survey (Appendix A-4) to determine their opinions on the new unit. Figures 11, 12, and 13 26 represent the student responses to the survey. I feel the subjective evaluation of my unit is most important. My overall goal was to engage students with hands on activities to foster learning. I can analyze all the assessment data, but when it comes down to it, I feel the student’s perspective on their learning is the most important. I want students to recognize their personal level of satisfaction with their learning. Figure 11 shows that most students felt they developed an understanding of the material. Seventy-nine percent felt they had a good understanding. Eighty-two percent of the students felt the demonstrations helped them understand and sixty-seven percent felt the laboratories contributed to their learning. A few students chose to comment on their understanding of the unit. A few Figure 11 - Understanding 100% 9’ 7 80% r“ F 60% r” ‘— 0 Overall 40% 4/ m Demos 20% ./’4 fl El Labs 0% 9 {.4 f (Tm/V agree neutral disagree comments include, “I think you made learning about the weather unit very understanding and pretty fun. I understood this section very well.” Another student commented, “I like doing the labs and hands on activities, they helped me understand so much better. Rather than just learning about it we actually go to see and touch it. That was cool.” 27 Figure 12 - Enjoyment 100% » 80% 60% . ' 40% 20% 0% . agree neutral disgree A main goal of mine was to incorporate engaging student activities. Eighty-two percent of the students enjoyed the demonstrations and seventy-six percent enjoyed the labs. One student commented, “I liked all the different ways we learned (labs, demos, John McMurray) and it wasn’t just memorizing a book. It made me relate weather to real life” Figure 13 - Satisfied Overall 100%. *E——_L4 80% 4 iiiiicww l 4 —_..--4.444 4, 60%: 40%I 7 ""******'*~ 4 4 EINeutral 20°“ at? 93; 0% _,,,.44L4.. .. 44.4.. -M—4A.WE/ To conclude the evaluation, Figure 13 rates the student’s overall satisfaction with the unit. Ninety-one percent of my students agreed being satisfied overall. I could not be happier with this piece of data. Additional student comments include: 0 “I really learned from this unit and it was fun. Hands on activities and demos help to learn and understand things more clearly.” 28 o “I think that you do a very good job of teaching us. I never really understood weather and what caused it until I learned it in this class. Now I understand how and why the weather we have occurs. I enjoy the demonstrations. They make the concept easier to understand.” 0 “I think the labs and demos brought the information to a simplistic level of learning.” 0 “I liked how many labs and demos you did because I’m a visual learner like most people are and it helps a lot. Plus it is fun.” One final student commented, “I liked the way you teach. You keep students focused and interested. I enjoy how you present and demonstrate information. I really liked the labs and I thought they were fun. I suggest you keep up whatever it is you’re doing.” I feel this statement sums up the evaluation of the unit. 29 IV. Discussion The goals of this unit were to implement new laboratories, demonstrations, and hands on activities that were engaging and emphasized the physical science concepts of weather. I wanted to make the shift from a teacher-centered classroom to a student- centered classroom that fostered student learning. I feel the goals of this unit were met for several reasons. The lesson planning and implementation shows the physical concepts were incorporated into the newly developed labs, demos, and activities. The Relative Humidity Lab, the Dew Point Lab, and the Heat Transfer Labs are examples of newly implemented lessons with an emphasis on physical science concepts. In previous years, The Relative Humidity Lab and the Dew Point Lab were measurement labs. In the new unit the concept of evaporation was incorporated into the process of measuring relative humidity. The additional explanation behind how relative humidity is measured enhances the laboratory exercise. The same is true for measuring dew point. Previously, dew point was measured and recorded but never fully explained. The new unit takes the activity a step farther and explains the concept of condensation. The addition of heat transfer activities and demonstrations included the concept of heat and the transfer of energy in the atmosphere. An increase of ninety-seven percent in students being able to identify conduction and convection in the post-test statistically shows the terms were learned. The concept of radiation increased ninety-four percent. The student’s ability to describe each type of heat transfer increased an average of eighty-six percent between the three types. All of these new lessons meet the two main goals of the unit, the implementation of new laboratories, demonstrations, and hands on activities that were engaging and emphasized the physical science concepts of weather. The implementation 30 focused on the physical science concepts and the subjective Student Survey (Appendix A-4) shows that in addition to academically improving, students were engaged and enjoyed the unit. I even had a grandparent thank me at parent teacher conferences for teaching her grandson how to make homemade ice cream. She was thrilled that he was so eager to come home and make a mess of her kitchen making ice cream on his own. In addition to engaging laboratories, I feel the addition of demonstration helped to increase student understanding of the material and the students enjoyed demonstrations more that laboratories (See Figure 12). The first day of the unit, I began with three demonstrations to Show that air is matter, “Does Air Have Mass?” (Appendix C-l ), “Cork and Beaker” (Appendix C-2) and “Pouring Air” (Appendix C-3). I initially asked the students to explain why air is matter. Only nine percent could describe air as having mass and thirteen percent stated air takes up space. I then did the demonstrations. The students were excited for each new demonstration and watched eagerly. It felt really good as a teacher to look out into the classroom and see each and every student’s eyes up in front focusing on the lesson. After completion of the demonstrations, I asked students to re- write their answers. This time I could tell the students understood what was going on. I walked around the room and assessed the new answers. Students were able to write explanations that they could not initially write before the demonstrations were performed. As a teacher, I feel one of the highlights of the unit was the new found excitement I had for testing the newly developed lessons. This excitement continued to grow as I met student excitement each and every day. Just as some of the students could not wait to meet the daily lesson, I could not wait to teach the new information and watch the student’s reactions. In addition to this new found energy, I attribute my attitude to being 31 fully prepared for the new unit. The five weeks of research on campus of Michigan State allowed me as a teacher to have resources and time available that is not always available during the school year. One of the best resources was other teachers that were around to help with lesson planning. Having input and insight from other science teachers was a tremendous help in selecting and modifying new activities for the weather unit. During the summer, I was also able to organize my lessons and I did not have the stress of lesson planning while teaching the new unit. I feel this mental attitude of the teacher plays a big role in leading to a positive classroom atmosphere for the student but that is an entirely different study in and of itself. While I was happy with the overall results with the unit, there are a few areas that need improvements. First of all, I would incorporate an activity for wind. I feel students had a good understanding that the air is made up of particles, but they did not have a chance to perform their own lab or watch a live demonstration on how our air moves. One area of lower achievement in the Post-Test data collection was for students to compare our local winds to global winds. I also need to devote more time for students to understand the differences between winds on a local scale versus winds on a global scale. Students had some difficulty with the Oxygen in the Atmosphere Lab. I think the difficulty stemmed from students not reading the directions ahead of time. I feel if students would have read the lab ahead of time and had an opportunity to ask questions, the lab would have run more smoothly. I made the first step to implement more in-depth labs, now I need to make the adjustments for the students to take the most away from the lab. This may include a more structured assignment to read the lab ahead of time or Pre- Lab discussions may also be helpful. 32 There was not much success with a couple of key vocabulary terms, particularly the concept of thermal expansion and the term hygrometer. I feel a student using key terms is important. Next time, I will make sure to use the terms along with an explanation of the meaning. The term hygrometer was not used at all. I only used the term Psychrometer. This mix-up leads to confusion in the Post-Test data question. I can use both of the terms in the future or make sure to place the proper term in the assessment piece. An additional change that needs to be made is an assessment on the time frame. Time ran short at the end of the unit. As a teacher you need to be flexible and need to be able to work within time constraints, but in the future I would try to add a few more days to the unit. I briefly covered station models, isobars, and fronts. Due to the time constraints, the mapping information was delivered in a teacher centered classroom format. The addition of a few more days could help this situation. Now that I have successfully implemented an enriched weather unit, I wish to take it a step farther. The students were able to gain an understanding of the physical science concepts of the elements of weather. Next, I want to develop the following unit on forecasting and mapping in the same fashion. This addition would allow students to take the newly acquired knowledge and piece it all together. This should lead to new connections of the main concepts behind weather. Also, using weather will only reinforce the material and lead to even greater retention. Overall, this unit proved to be successful in many ways. I feel the students were given several opportunities to experience a variety of hands-on activities that were rich in physical science concepts. The students were successful academically and satisfied with 33 the unit. The best evidence was observing the atmosphere of my classroom during the implementation of this unit. As Ben Franklin stated, “Some people are weather-wise, most are otherwise.” I feel that my students have made the switch from otherwise to weather-wise. 34 APPENDICES 35 Appendix A-l Weather Unit Name Pro-Test Integrated Science 10 Date 1. Is air matter? Explain why or why not? 2. Describe the composition of our atmosphere. 3. List and describe the three methods of heat transfer. 1. 4. How does a thermometer work? 5. Give an example that proves air exerts pressure on Earth. 6. Compare the weather associated with a high pressure system versus a low pressure system. 36 7. What type of technology is used to predict and forecast our local weather? Use the map below to answer the last seven questions.* 3°C Copper Her .1” 60C ’0 ”~, ,5.‘ .. . . Traverse C'. i ~: ‘ in ‘ .., ,.-_ . ....... 8. In which of the following cities in Michigan would an anemometer give the highest reading? A. Detroit B. Lansing C. Paradise D. Harrisville 9. According to the weather map, in which location would a rain gauge most likely have the highest measurements? A. Marion B. Marquette C. Copper Harbor D. Mackinaw City 37 10. In which location would the wind vane below appear? N E W S A. Paradise B. Saginaw C. Bessemer D. Traverse City 11. Describe the weather events that Saginaw most likely experienced in the last 24 hours and the weather Saginaw will experience in the next 24 hours. 12. How are the winds shown in the map different from global winds? 13. A flat region has a cold, dry climate. Which of the following observation could you expect to make? (Fill in the blanks with: high reading, low reading, or not enough information.) A. A rain gauge shows a B. A hygrometer shows a C. An anemometer shows a D. A thermometer shows a 38 Appendix A-2 ginger One Assessment Multiple Choice Directions: Choose the letter that BEST answers the questions or fills in the blank. Place the letter on your answer sheet. 1. A Cloud that is described as being “wispy” is a a. Cumulus Cloud 0. Stratus Cloud b. Cirrus Cloud (1. none of the above 2. A Cloud that is described as being indicative of precipitation is a a. Cumulus Cloud c. Nimbus Cloud b. Cirrus Cloud (1. none of the above 3. A Cloud that is sheet —like is a a. Cumulus Cloud 0. Stratus Cloud b. Cirrus Cloud (1. none of the above 4. Our weather occurs within this layer of our atmosphere. a. Therrnosphere c. Mesosphere b. Stratosphere d. Troposphere 5. Planes fly in this layer of the atmosphere to avoid clouds and turbulence. a. Therrnosphere c. Mesosphere b. Stratosphere d. Troposphere 6. The prefix Nimbo stands for a. mid level c. a and b b. precipitation d. neither a nor b 7. Within the troposphere a. temperature decreases c. a and b b. pressure decreases d. neither a nor b 39 8. Winds are named for a. how fast they blow c. the direction they are heading toward b. where they occur d. the direction they are coming from 9. Clouds are a result of a. Evaporation c. dew point being reached b. dust, smoke, and air pollution (I. High Relative Humidity 10. Determining Relative Humidity depends on a. condensation c. thermal expansion b. evaporation d. precipitation Fill in the Blfl Directions: Choose a word or phrase that best fills in the blank. Place your answer on your answer sheet. 11. The measure of how much moisture is in the atmosphere is 12. explains that molecules expand when they are warm and contract when they are cooled. 13. The is the temperature at which water vapor condenses. 14. are formed as a result of condensation. 15. is the weight of our atmosphere on Earth. 16. Mother Nature balances differences in pressure by 17. A is used to measure temperature. 18. In the oxygen lab the steel wool developed on the outer tips. 19. In the activity with the bottle with the hole in it, the water flowed out of the hole when the cap was 20. List four materials needed for measuring dew point. 40 Calculations Directions: Use the data and chart. below to correctly answer questions 25-28. One point will be given for your numerical answer and one point for the proper units. Relative Humidity Chart Alr Tem Minus Wet Bulb Tam In Celsius Air Tern 21. It is a nice day. The air temperature is 24°C and a wet bulb measures at 21°C. What is the relative humidity? 22. You have a glass of pop that is “sweating.” The temperature of your pop and the air surrounding the glass is 10°C. What is the dew point? 23. The air temperature is 14°C and a wet bulb measures at 6°C. What is the relative humidity? 24. It is 15°C outside and clouds are forming. What is the dew point? ' Chart taken from Meteorology Instructor’s Manual. 41 Short Answer/Constructed Response 25. 15 air matter? Explain why or why not. 26. Describe the composition of our atmosphere. 27. How does a thermometer work? 28. Give an example that proves air exerts pressure on Earth. 29. Compare the weather associated with a high pressure system and a low pressure system. 42 Appendix A-3 Chapter Two and Three Assessment 1. List and describe the three methods of heat transfer. Directions: Below are some examples of different situations where heat has been transferred. On the blank in front of each example please name the type of heat transfer happening in each situation. The sun warming your back on a summer day. Boiling potatoes for making mashed potatoes. Cooking bacon on a warm skillet. Cloud Formation Wind Warm farm soil. 10. ll. 12. The Earth warming the air a foot above the surface. Cooking/boiling macaroni for macaroni and cheese. Cold feet due to walking on a cold surface. 43 Use the station model below to answer questions 20-24. 75 966 70 13. What is the current temperature? a. 75 degrees b. 70 degrees c. 996 mb d. 996.6 mb 14. What is the Dew Point? a. 75 degrees b. 70 degrees c. 996 mb (1. 996.6 mb 15. What is the Barometric Pressure? a. 75 degrees b. 70 degrees c. 996 mb (1. 996.6 mb 16. What is the wind direction? North South East West 9‘.” 9"!” 44 17. What type of technology is used to predict and forecast our local weather? Use the map below to answer the last seven questions.* 3°C Copper Hor or" 6°C .( .. .. Traverse C , _ 's Ia ._ ”-1,-1.3 :" 18. In which of the following cities in Michigan would an anemometer give the highest reading? E. Detroit : F. Lansing G. Paradise H. Harrisville 19. According to the weather map, in which location would a rain gauge most likely have the highest measurements? A. Marion B. Marquette C. Copper Harbor D. Mackinaw City 45 20. In which location would the wind vane below appear? N W E S A. Paradise B. Saginaw C. Bessemer D. Traverse City 21. Describe the weather events that Saginaw most likely experienced in the last 24 hours and the weather Saginaw will experience in the next 24 hours. 22. How are the winds shown in the map different from global winds? 23. A flat region has a cold, dry climate. Which of the following observation could you expect to make? (Fill in the blanks with: high reading, low reading, or not enough information.) A. A rain gauge shows a B. A hygrometer shows a C. An anemometer shows a D. A thermometer shows a 46 Appendix A-4 Student Survey The following statements concern the effectiveness of the weather unit we just completed. Circle the appropriate number following each statement based on the scale below. 1 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 3 Neutral 4 Disagree 5 Strongly Disagree 1. Ifeel I have a good understanding about what 1 2 3 4 causes the weather around me. 2. Ienjoy watching demonstrations to learn about 1 2 3 4 science concepts. 3. The demonstrations performed helped me 1 2 3 4 understand how weather works. 4. Having to write a hypothesis and/or conclusion 1 2 3 4 about a demonstration made me think about what was happening. 5. I enjoy performing labs to learn about science 1 2 3 4 concepts. 6. The labs performed in this unit helped me 1 2 3 4 understand weather concepts. 7. Answering lab questions made me think. 1 2 3 4 8. I feel I developed an understanding for science 1 2 3 4 vocabulary words, rather than just memorizing definitions. 9. I enjoyed the variety of lessons in this unit. 1 2 3 4 10. This unit was presented in a clear and organized 1 2 3 4 manner. 11. I would give the weather unit a(n) A B C D 47 Appendix B-l The Oxygen Content of Air' Background Breathe in. Breathe Out. You perform this simple action thousands of times a day. What’s in the air you breathe? Air is actually a mixture of gases, one of which, oxygen, is necessary for survival. How much oxygen is in the air? How can you determine the composition of a mixture of colorless, odorless gases? In this Lab, you will determine the concentration of oxygen in air using the chemical reactivity of oxygen and the physical properties of gases. Materials 0.5g steel wool 100mL beaker 200mL beaker 60mL of vinegar/water solution Test tube forceps Procedure 1 Weigh out a 0.5g piece of steel wool. 2. Measure and record the total height of the test tube. 3. Fill a 200mL beaker with 175mL of water. 4. Obtain 60mL of the vinegar/water solution in your 100mL beaker. 5. Increase the surface area of the steel wool by pulling it apart. Soak the steel wool in the vinegar/water mixture for 1 minute, making sure all of the steel wool is under the surface of the solution. Use forceps to remove the steel wool from the solution and remove drops of solution that may be clinging to it by shaking it over the sink. Be careful not to spatter the vinegar. 6. Spread out the steel wool. Insert it into the bottom half of a 15-cm test tube. Use a stirring rod to help position the steel wool in the bottom half of the test tube. Quickly invert the test tube into the beaker of water and lean the tube against the side of the beaker. ' Adapted from Journal of Chemical Education, Vol. 78 No. 4 April 2001 48 7. 8. 10. 11. On the data sheet, record the initial height of the water in the test tube. After five minutes, move the test tube (MAKE SURE NOT TO LIFT THE TEST TUBE OUT OF THE WATER) so that the water level inside the test tube is equal to the water level inside the beaker. Measure (in cm) and record the height of the water in the test tube. Measure from the bottom of the test tube to the top of the water level in the test tube. Make sure your reading is as accurate as possible. Record the height on the data table and rest the test tube back on the bottom of the beaker again. Measure and record the height of the water in the test tube every five minutes using the procedure in step 8 until the water level stops changing. When the water level has stopped changing, remove the test tube from the beaker. Remove the steel wool from the test tube and place it on a piece of paper towel. Be careful not to stain your clothes. 12. Move to the data sheet and continue on with the observations, calculations, and conclusion. 49 DATA SHEET 0 Height of the test tube = cm 0 Water Level Table (in cm) Initial lSt 5 min 2nd 5min 3rd 5 min 4'11 5 min 5th 5 min Height 1. What change to the steel wool do you observe? 2. What do you hypothesize accounts for this change? 3. What happened to the water level in the test tube? What caused this? 4. Calculation of Oxygen Use the following formula to calculate the % of oxygen in our atmosphere. % of oxygen = final height of water X 100 in the air initial height of air 5. What did you observe that suggest a chemical reaction has taken place? 50 Appendix B-2 The Pressure’s On. Background Air has weight, yet we don’t feel it. The weight of the air on Earth’s surface produces air pressure. Because we have lived our whole live exposed to the weight of the atmosphere, we tend to be unaware of its effects. This activity will give you the opportunity to see that air pressure, caused by the weight of the atmosphere, can produce some unexpected results. Objective The objective of this activity is to investigate the effects of air pressure. Materials Sturdy paper cup, index card, straight pin, water, and sink Procedure Trial 1 1. Working over a sink or a catch basin, fill a cup to the rim with water. In the box marked “Trial 1 Prediction” suggest what will happen when you turn the cup over. Explain your prediction. 2. Turn the cup over. What happened? Trail 2 1. Fill the cup again. Cover it with the index card, and make sure that you have created a water seal around the rim of the cup, so no air can seep in. In the box marked “Trial 2 Prediction” suggest what will happen when you turn the cup over with the index card covering it. Explain your prediction. 2. While holding the index card on top of the cup, carefully turn the cup over. Hold the cup around the rim at the bottom so that the cup is not deformed (bent) and remove the hand holding the care. What happened? Trial 3 1. Slowly, turn the cup sideways, holding the edge of he card to keep it in place. Record your observation in the appropriate “Observation” box. Trial 4 1. Slowly turn the cup so that it is again upside down. Using the straight pin, carefully make a hole in the bottom of the cup and remove the pin. Record your observations. 2. Repeat the Trail 2 procedure, holding a finger over the hole in the bottom of the cup. Can you replicate the results from Trial 2? ‘ Adapted from Project Earth Science: METEOROLGY 51 Data Collection TRIAL l PREDICTONS TRIAL l OBSERVATIONS TRIAL 2 PREDICTIONS TRIAL 2 OBSERVATIONS TRIAL 3 OBSERVATIONS TRIAL 4 OBSERVATIONS 52 Questions/Conclusions 1. In Trial 1, what caused the water to fall out of the cup? 2. In Trials 2 and 3, what held the index card to the cup? 3. What prevented the water from falling out of the cup, as is had done it Trial 1? 4. Explain why the water and the index card fell from the cup in Trial 4 of the activity? 5. Based on your observations, in which direction(s) is air pressure being exerted? Draw a picture representing your explanation and explain the phenomenon of air pressure in your own words. 6. Try to explain why we usually do not feel pressure of the atmosphere around us. When do we feel air pressure? 53 Appendix B-3 Pressure or No Pressure Objective The objective of this activity is to observe air pressure. Materials Clear plastic bottle with a hole and lid, water, and sink Procedure 1. Find the hole in the clear bottle, cover the hole, and fill the bottle with water. 2. Remove your finger from the hole and observe what happens. Record your observations in the space below. 3. Cover the hole again and refill the bottle. 4. Remove your finger from the hole and now as you are observing the bottle, put the top on the bottle and secure the cap tightly. Record your observations in the space below. 5. Continue this process as many times as needed. 6. Answer the conclusion questions. Conclusion Questions 1. What difference did you witness between the two scenarios? 2. Explain what the cause behind this difference is. 54 Appendix B-4 Measuring Relative Humidity. By making and using a psychrometer and a special table of numbers, you can directly determine the relative humidity. Materials Thermometer, cotton ball, rubber band, container of room temperature water, small piece of cardboard Procedure 1. Obtain materials and find a work station outside on the sidewalk. 2. Hold the thermometer at shoulder height until it adjusts tot the air temperature in your location. 3. Record this temperature in the data section and call it the Dry Bulb Temperature. 4. Place a cotton ball over the thermometer bulb and secure it with the rubber band. Thoroughly wet the cotton ball with room temperature water. 5. Holding the thermometer in one hand, use the piece of cardboard to fan the bulb rapidly for one minute. Be careful not to hit the thermometer. 6. Record the temperature on the thermometer as the Wet Bulb Temperature. 7. Subtract the wet bulb temperature from the dry bulb temperature and record the results as the Temperature Difference. 8. Use the values in your data section and the relative humidity table in Appendix N to determine the relative humidity in your area. Data Dry Bulb Temperature = Wet Bulb Temperature = Temperature Difference = Conclusions 1. What is the relative humidity in your area today? 2. Would you expect the relative humidity tot be higher in the locker room or the library? Why? 3. Describe how your measurement compares to The Weather Channel’s measurement. What could account for this difference? ' Adapted form Science Interaction. Course 4 55 Appendix B-5 Why is the Grass Wet at Night?‘ Background Cool air hold less water vapor than warm air. At night, temperatures usually cool down. Use these two facts in this activity to produce some dew of your own. Materials Tin can, thermometer, ice, water at room temperature, glass stirring rod Procedure 1. Collect the materials. 2. Pour water into the can until it is half full. Gently lower the thermometer into the can and read the temperature. Do not let the thermometer rest on the bottom of the can. Record the initial temperature in the data section. 3. Slowly add crushed ice to the can and stir with the stirring rod. Don’t stir with the thermometer. When condensation appears on the sides of the can, stop, read, and record the final temperature. Data = Initial Temperature =Final Temperature Conclusion Questions 1. Where did the water on the outside of the can come from? 2. How does the addition of ice simulate the cooler air temperature at night? 3. Based on your findings, give an explanation for why grass becomes wet at night. ° Adapted from Science Interactions. Course 4 56 Appendix B-6 Observing Convection' Objective: To observe an example of heat transfer by the method of convection. Materials: Test tube Ice chips/cubes Steel wool Bunsen burner Test Tube Holders Procedure: 1.. Obtain materials. TRIAL 1 2. With a bit of steel wool, trap a small amount of ice at the bottom of a test tube nearly filled with cold water. 3. Hold the tube by the bottom with your bare hand and place the top in the flame of a Bunsen burner. See Figure 1. 4. Continue to hold the top of the test tube in the flame until the water begins to boil. At the time the water boils, carefully observe what is taking place inside the entire test tube. .U‘ TRIAL 2 6. Repeat the experiment, this time holding the test tube at the top by means of tongs and heat the water from below while the ice floats at the surface. (No steel wool will be used.) Continue to hold the test tube in the flame until the water begins to boil. At the time the water boils, carefully observe what is taking place inside the entire test tube 9. Clean up your workstation. 10. Answer the conclusion questions. 53°Fl ' Adapted from Conceptual Physics 57 LII CONCLUSIONS . For Trial 1, describe what happened at the top of the test tube and at the bottom of the test tube. . For Trial 2, describe what happened at the top of the test tube and at the bottom of the test tube. Explain what accounts for the different results in Trial 1 vs. Trial 2. How can convection play a part in the different results? . What role does convection play in our atmosphere? 58 Appendix B-7 Conduction Lab Objectives: 0 To observe a physical change due to heat transfer 0 To relate the heat transfer activity to heat transfer in our atmosphere Tips: 0 Bring gloves to cover your hands. (Clean socks work well, too!) 0 Bring a measuring cup from home that measures 'A and ‘/2 c servings. Materials: Recipe: (1) quart size bag 'A 0 sugar (1) gallon size bag '/2 0 milk 1c ice ‘/2 c creamer 2 spoons ‘4 tsp vanilla 3%: c rock salt 2 cups Procedure: 1. Carefully measure all of the ingredients on the recipe list and place them in the quart size bag. 2. Make sure all of the air is out of the quart bag and the bag is sealed tightly. 3. Using your hands, mix all of the ingredients very well. 4. Take the temperature of your solution and place this measurement in the data/conclusion section. Place a probe cover over the thermometer. Fill in the observation section labeled: BEGINNING Reseal your bag tightly without air. Place your quart bag into the gallon size bag. Inside the gallon bag, place 3/4 c rock salt. Now add 10 ice to the rock salt. 0. For 10 minutes, massage and flip your bag. (See teacher demo) ** The mixture needs to have continuous movement for the full 10 minutes, but mixing too hard will result in inaccurate results." 11. Take a final temperature of your solution and place this measurement in the data/conclusion section. 12. Fill in the observation section labeled: ENDING 13. Enjoy your resultsll 14. Answer the conclusion questions. 15. Turn in one set of data per group. Make sure all names are on the paper. “99°89.“ 59 DATA/CONCLUSIONS Initial Temperature = Ending Temperature = Initial Observations: Describe the texture and color of your initial solution Ending Observations: Describe the texture and color of your initial solution Questions 1. Was there a transfer of heat? If so, try to explain where and how this transfer took place. 2. Describe the changes in your solution that you observed. 60 Appendix C-l Teacher Demonstration: Does Air have Mass? Materials 2 balloons, string, meter stick, straight pin Procedure 1. Blow up 2 balloons to equal size and mass. 2. Attach and balance the balloons on each side of the meter stick. 3. Pop one of the balloons to watch the meter stick be offset and to prove that air does indeed have mass. 61 Appendix C-2 The Floating Cork. Problem Does air take up space? Materials 1000mL beaker 500mL water dry cork clear cup Procedure 1. Float a cork in a 1000mL beaker filled with 500ml of water. 2. Prove to students that the cork is dry and place it in the water to float. 3. Lower a clear drinking glass, mouth downward, over the cork. See diagram below. 4. Pose discussion questions to the students: a. Is the cork wet or dry? b. why is the cork dry? What happened? Conclusion Students will observe that the cork remains dry. The air in the cup will push down on the water, leaving air above the cork at all times. Students should see that this proves that air has pressure. ' Adapted from 700 Science Experiments for Everyone 62 Appendix 03 Pouring Air. Problem Does air take up space? Procedure 1. Secure an aquarium and fill it nearly full of water. 2. Lower a drinking glass, mouth downward into the aquarium. 3. With your other hand lower another glass into the aquarium. Let the glass fill with water by tilting its mouth upward. 4. Now hold the second glass above the first one mouth downward. 5. Slowly tilt the first glass to let the air escape slowly. Fill the second glass with air from the first glass. ' Adapted from 700 Science Experiments for Everyone 63 Appendix C-4 Newspaper Demonstration Objective Students will become aware of the air pressure all around them. Materials Full sheet of newspaper, long thin wooden stick (paint stirrer works well) Procedure 1. Hang the paint stirrer one quarter off the edge of a table. 2. Place the opened full sheet of newspaper over the paint stirrer. Make sure the newspaper is centered over the stick and covers the three quarters of the stirrer on the table. 3. With one quick blow (use may use your hand or a dowel rod), quickly hit the stick. Outcome If all goes well, you should break the one quarter of the paint stick off while the remaining three quarters is left untouched under the intact newspaper. 64 Appendix C-5 Thermal Inversion Demonstration Explanation In this activity, the phenomenon of thermal inversion will be modeled. Water will be used rather than air. Although a different fluid is being used, thermal inversion will still be able to be observed because water and air both flow in similar manners. Set-Up 1. Create a solution of warm red water by placing a few drops of red food coloring into a warm water bath. 2. Create a solution of cold blue water by placing a few drops of blue food coloring into a cool water bath. 3. Obtain four flasks all equal in size. Procedure 1. Fill two flasks with the warm red water. (As full as possible.) 2. Fill two flasks with the cold blue water. (As full as possible.) 3. Place a notecard over the top of one of the flasks filled with warm water (red) and invert the bottle over a flask full of cold water (blue). 4. Place a notecard over the top of the second flask filled with cold water (blue) and invert the bottle over the last warm water flask (red). 5. Have students hypothesize what will happen when the cards are removed. 6. Gently remove the card while hold the neck of the flasks together. 7. Have students make observations. Conclusion Questions 1. Describe the differences between what you saw in each setup. 2. Why did these differences occur? 3. Which set-up would best represent a normal atmospheric situation? Why? 65 Appendix C-6 Convection Fluid Demonstration Materials Convection Fluid was purchased through Carolina Biological Supply Company Food coloring if you wish to color the white fluid Hot plate 1000ml Beaker Procedure Place the Convection Fluid in a clear 1000ml beaker. Add food coloring if desired. Place the beaker on a hot plate. Heat the beaker very gently to create convection currents. PP’N?‘ Teacher Tips 1. You may ask the students to make observations before and alter the fluid is warmed. 2. The fluid will take approximately fifteen minutes to warm. I find it best to introduce the fluid and let it start warming while the class concentrates on something else while the fluid is warming. Or you may want to have the fluid warming as students come into the classroom. The “unknown” fluid is very intriguing to them . 66 Appendix D-l WEATHER DATA COLLECTION Directions: For a two-week period, collect each piece of weather data using television, the newspaper or the Internet. Make sure to include and use proper units. Try to use the same time of day if possible. . . .. . DIiW BAROMFII‘RIC WIND WIND D" I I ‘ I n 1M”) I W POINT SPIiIiD DIRECTION PRESSURE CLOUDS 67 Appendix D-2 Cloud Family Albums Every family needs a documented family album. It is your job to create a family album for clouds. Book Setup 1. 2. You will need three strips of paper that are 4 inches wide and eleven inches in length. (Cut one piece of paper in half the hotdog way and out another to share with a friend.) Stack the three strips of paper and fold in half. The result should resemble a booklet that is approximately 5.5 inches by 4 inches. P_age Requirements 1. .N .093? P9 P-P 9‘.” The first page should be a title page designed by you. Just make sure your family name is given credit. The next two pages should be informational pages about the formation of your family. Answer the following questions: What are clouds? How do clouds form? Why are clouds important to meteorologists? The remaining pages will be devoted to the individual family members. Give each member their own page that gives the reader the following information: Name of the cloud Height of the cloud Weather associated with the cloud Picture of the cloud Advice Have fun, be creative, but remember to not leave out any important information about each of the cloud types in your family. 68 Appendix D-3 Weather Data Graphing and Conclusions 1. Create line graphs for each of the following sets of data. A. Barometric Pressure B. Temperature C. Relative Humidity D. Dew Point Conclusion Questions 1. What trends do you see between barometric pressure and the actual weather record? 2. What type of front do you think came through around September 15‘”? 3. What type of front do you think cam through around September 17th? 4. What trends do you see between relative humidity and cloud coverage? 69 Appendix E A Hands-On approach, Using the Physical Sciences, to Enhance a Weather Unit July 22, 2003 Dear Students/Parents/Guardians, Welcome back to the new school year! For the past few years, I have been working on a Maters of Science degree through the Division of Science and Mathematics Education at Michigan State University. An important requirement for obtaining my Master’s Degree is to write and submit a thesis. This past summer I began writing by thesis. As part of my thesis research, I have redesigned the weather unit taught in the 10‘h grade Integrated Science class. I have developed and adapted new labs and activities that I feel will enhance the students’ understanding. This unit will begin on September 2, 2003 and last for approximately five weeks. To complete the thesis, I will be collecting data to assess the newly implemented unit. The data will consist of pre- and post-tests, student surveys, and student written responses from labs, homework, and assessments. With your permission, I would like to use this data in my thesis. At no time will the student’s name be attached to or within the paper. Your privacy will be protected to the maximum extent allowable by law. In addition to the above data collection, I also plan to take photographs of the students when we are doing various activities. These photos may be used to enhance my thesis defense. As above, no student’s name or individual data will be attached to these photographs. The requirement for the course will remain the same for all students whether their work is used in my thesis or not. At any time throughout the course, you may request that your student’s work not be included in the data analysis. There is no penalty for not giving consent or for revoking consent in the future. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this study via email bschmidt@mail.kearsley.k12.mi.us or by phone (810) 591-8000. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your rights as a study participant, or are dissatisfied at any time with any aspect of this study, you may contact anonymously, if you wish —Ashir Kumar, M.D., Chair of the University Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects (UCRIHS) by phone (517) 355-2180, by fax (517) 432-4503, or by email ucrish2msu.edu, or regular mail: 202 Olds Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824. Please read the permission statements on the attached consent form and check all that apply. It would be very helpful to me if the permission slips were returned no later than August 29, 2003. Thank you and I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter and completing the form. Sincerely, Mrs. Brandi Schmidt 70 A Hands-On approach, Using the Physical Sciences, to Enhance a Weather Unit PERMISSION STATEMENTS Please read each set of statements and check all that apply. Data Use: I voluntarily agree to participate in this study. Mrs. Schmidt will not use my son/daughter’s name in her thesis and all student data will remain confidential to the maximum extent allowable by law. I do not agree to participate in this study. There is no penalty for choosing to withhold my data. Photoggaph Use: I give Mrs. Schmidt permission to use my son/daughter’s photograph, taken during laboratory in the presentation of her thesis defense. I do not wish Mrs. Schmidt to use my son/daughter’s photograph in the presentation of here defense. Signatures: Student Name (Printed) Student Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date 71 References Avakian, R., etal. Science Interactions. Course 4. Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. 1996 Carson, D., Carlson, R., and Carpenter, C. Meteorolgylnatructors Manual. Educational Systems Associates, Inc. 1995. Galili, Igal, Ayelet Weizman, and Ariel Cohen. “The Sky as a Topic in Science Education.” Published at www.interscience.wiley.com. April, 2004 Hewitt, Paul. Conceptufi Physics ( 21nd Edition). Addison-Wesley. 1992. Jonassen, D.H., Beissner, K., and Yacci, A. “Structural kKnowledge: Techniques for Representing, Conveying, and Acquiring Structural Knowledge. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 1993. J onassen, DH, and M. Tessmer. “An Outcomes-Based Taxonomic Instructional Systems, Design, Evaluation, and Research.” T_raining3esearch Journal. 1996/1997. Marzano, R.J., D.J. Pickering, and J .E. Pollock. “Classroom instruction that works; Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement.” Alexander, VA: Association For Supervisions and Curriculum Development. 2001. Muir, Mike. “What Engages Underachieving Middle School Students in Learning?” Middle School Joumal; November, 2001. Ralof, Janet. “Where’s the Book?” Science News. March, 2001. Ritchie, Donn C. and Chris Volkl. “Effectiveness of Two Generative Learning Strategies in the Science Classroom.” School Science and Mathematics. February, 2000. Schmidt, Stan M. “Learning by Doing.” Science Scope. September, 2003. Smith, Bruce G. “Using Meteorological Examples to Teach Chemical Principles: Connections in the Air!” MSTA JoumaL. Winter, 2002. Smith, P.Sean and Brent A. Ford. Project Earth Science: Meteorology_. National Science Teachers Association. 1996. Sorbjan, Zbigniew. finds On Meteorology_. 1996. 72 Stephens, Graemeh. “The Useful Pursuit of Shadows.” American Scientist. September- October, 2003. Tabor, Richard and Steve Anderson. “Action Research: The Use of Demonstrations to Increase Achievement.” MSTA JoumaL. Fall, 2003 Thomason, Julia. “Learning Focused Instruction=Achievement.” Michigan Middle School Journal. Spring, 1998. UNESCO. 700 Science Experiments for Everyone. Doubleday and Company. 1962 Williams, Jack. The \fiather Book. Random House: New York. 1992. Wittrock, M.C. “ A Generative Model of Mathematics Learning.” J om] of Research in Mathematics Education. 1974. Wittrock, M.C. “Generative Teaching of Comprehension.” Elementary School Journal. 1991. Wittrock, MC. “Generative Learning Processes of the Brain.” Educational Psychologist. 1992. 73 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll