2°33 WNWIIIHIHIWIHHHIHIHIIHJIJIIIHIHWM T—I ,I _m (2 2 / ‘H/I’ LIBRARIES MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICH 48824-1048 This is to certify that the thesis entitled THE RECOVERY AND ANALYSIS OF MITOCHONDRIAL DNA FROM EXPLODED PIPE BOMBS presented by MICHAEL EVERETT GEHRING has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for the MS. degree in Forensic Science 7 a” Major Professor’s Signature / Z—// Z /C‘ 4/; I l ' Date MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution - .v--i-.-.-.~l..'. PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE FEB {1‘ 5 2008: 6/01 cJCIRC/DateDuepGS-sz ABSTRACT THE RECOVERY AND ANALYSIS OF MITOCHONDRIAL DNA FROM EXPLODED PIPE BOMBS By Michael Everett Gehring Explosives are involved in approximately 70% of terrorist incidents (Burke 2000). Current methods of investigation have difficulty forming physical links between suspects and explosive devices, and analysis of DNA left by the manufacturer may provide a better alternative for their identification. It has been previously demonstrated that nuclear DNA can be isolated from conflagrated pipe bombs (Bechaz et al. 2001; Esslinger et a]. 2004), but successful recovery and profiling was quite limited. The goal of this research was to determine the feasibility of recovering mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from conflagrated pipe bombs. Eighteen subjects were recruited to handle a total of thirty eight bombs. DNA was quantified using a quantitative PCR assay developed for this study, amplified using semi-nested PCR in several short fragments, and then sequenced. Based on the sequencing results, eighteen of the thirty eight samples could be assigned to a single donor and seven more were assignable to a subset of three possible donors, while 12 could not be assigned. In addition, sequence information from sixteen of the eighteen subjects was recovered from at least one of the two bombs handled. These results are promising, and demonstrate the value of mtDNA analysis for suspect identification under post-conflagration conditions. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my committee members for their time and patience in helping me through the process of writing this. In particular, to my advisor, Dr. David Foran: thank you for the endless hours of revisions and all of your help in working through experimental hurdles. Also, to Lt. Shawn Stallworth: thank you for your time, effort, and risk to life and limb in helping me to pursue this degree. I could not have done this without you. Finally, Dr. Christina DeJong: thank you for giving your time and effort to someone whom you had only just met. I would like to acknowledge my 18 volunteers for their time and chaffed hands. My appreciation goes out to Dr. Will Kopachik as well, who was gracious enough to allow me the use of his laboratory. I would also like to thank the Department of Homeland Security for their financial support. In particular, I would like to recognize Laura Marty at Oak Ridge Associated Universities, for her patience in getting me through the endless governmental red tape. And finally, my deepest gratitude to my family and friends, in particular Alicia Smith, who helped me through even the roughest of spots. Thank you for your patience and unwavering support. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ......... - ...................................................................... v LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................. vi INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1 Advances in Forensic Applications of DNA Analysis ......................... 1 Mitochondrial DNA Background .................................................... 2 DNA Quantification ....................................................................... 3 Quantitative PCR ...................................................................... 4 PCR Inhibition ....................................................................... 5 Nested PCR ............................................................................... 6 Study Aims ............................................................................... 6 MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................................. 8 Investigators ............................................................................... 8 Sample Decontamination and Preparation ............................................ 8 Bomb Fragmentation Analysis ................................................... 10 DNA Isolation and Purification .................................................... 10 QPCR Sample Quantification ............................ . ....................... 11 Sample Amplification and. Sequencing '. ......................................... 13 Statistical Analyses ..................................................................... 15 RESULTS ....................................................................................... 16 QPCR Sample Quantification ............................................................. 16 Bomb Fragmentation ..................................................................... 17 Correlation of Subject Traits and DNA Yield ................................. 18 QPCR Quantification of Inhibition ................................................... 18 Amplification of Samples Using Nested PCR ................................. 20 Correlation of QPCR Quantification and Nested PCR Amplification ......20 Sequencing and Donor Assignation ................................................... 22 DISCUSSION ........................................................................................ 24 MtDNA Recovery, Sequencing, and Contamination ................................. 24 QPCR Assay Performance ............................................................ 28 Considerations and Complications ................................................... 32 CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................. 34 APPENDICES .............................................................................. 35 REFERENCES .............................................................................. 39 iv LIST OF TABLES Summary of Sample Assignations and Contamination . . . .. .......................... 22 LIST OF FIGURES Cloning of the QPCR Assay Internal Control .................................................... 12 DNA Concentrations Reported by QPCR Assay .......................................... 16 Bomb Fragmentation .............................................................................. 17 Quantity of Recovered DNA Across Bomb Fragmentation Levels ........................ 18 The Effects of Inhibitors Present in a Sample Assayed by QPCR ........................ 19 The Amplification of Samples Using Semi-Nested PCR ................................. 20 The Correlation of QPCR Quantification and Standard PCR Amplification ............... 21 vi INTRODUCTION In recent years, terrorism has become a priority in the American awareness. In over 70% of terrorist incidents, explosives are used, most commonly in the form of improvised explosive devices (Burke 2000). Of these, approximately 43% are pipe bombs (AENRB Report 2004). These types of explosive devices are easy to construct out of readily available materials, and can be quite effective. Pipe bombs have been involved in a wide range of incidents, including use in the Olympic Park bombings in Atlanta and by the Unabomber, among others (Schweitzer and Dorsch 1998; Burke 2000). One of the major problems facing law enforcement agencies in addressing these incidents is that most explosive devices are left on a time delay and leave behind limited forensic evidence. It is therefore very difficult to determine possible suspects or link individuals to the device based on the physical evidence left at the scene. Currently, in order to provide a physical link between suspects and explosive devices, fragments of the devices are only examined for fingerprints, though this rarely yields any evidence (Stallworth personal communication). Advances in Forensic Applications for DNA Analysis With the advances made in forensic biology, analysis of DNA may offer a better approach to analyzing this kind of physical evidence. Brief contact between a person and object is enough to leave behind sufficient DNA for analysis and identification of that individual (Bechaz 2001; Migron et a1. 1998; Van Oorschot and Jones 1997). Further, there have been at least two studies into the use of short tandem repeats (STR3) in the analysis of improvised explosive device fragments (Bechaz 2001; Esslinger et al. 2004). In both studies, STRs were examined and had partial success, though the studies had limited sample sizes (5 and 20 samples, respectively). Out of these, only a single full nuclear DNA (nDNA) profile was generated, and several partial profiles. Two factors are likely to be primarily responsible for the degree of success in DNA recovery and analysis — the quantity of DNA on the object after conflagration, and the extent of resultant DNA degradation. The conflagration of an explosive device generates large amounts of heat. This can be both from the burning of the fuel, as well as from metal fatigue if a metal container is used. This heat could have a detrimental impact on the integrity of any DNA present. It is therefore likely that any DNA recovered would be highly fragmented. In addition, only a small number of cells are likely to be transferred from the limited contact between a person and the explosive device. Mitochondrial DNA Background Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis offers a promising alternative to examining nDNA markers. Because of its higher copy number, from hundreds to thousands of copies per cell, and higher resistance to degradation than nDNA (reviewed by Holland and Parsons 1999), mtDNA analysis may be a better approach for evidence exposed to such harsh conditions. For example, mtDNA can be extracted from hair, fingernails, or even ancient bone when nDNA cannot (reviewed in Merriwether et a1. 1994). In addition, because mtDNA is maternally inherited, a reference sample can be obtained from not only the suspect, but also any maternally related family member. The disadvantage of mtDNA analysis is the loss in individualizing power, though this may be offset by any gain in the reliability of obtaining results. The problem of DNA degradation that is likely to occur under the conditions of a bomb blast can also be addressed using mtDNA. Because it is analyzed using sequencing, small overlapping fragments can be used to construct a complete sequence. DNA Quantification Once a sample of DNA has been obtained from a piece of evidence, it is important to know how much DNA is available for analysis and whether any inhibitors are present that may interfere with the amplification process. Traditional forensic methods for quantifying DNA involve slot blots, relying on a probe hybridizing to the DNA and using a subsequent enzymatic reaction to estimate the quantity of DNA present. Such techniques are time consuming and have lower detection limits of around 60pg (Technical Bulletin http://www.promega.com). Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR), also known as real-time PCR, offers an alternative approach and is a convenient means to answer both questions. There have been numerous studies using QPCR to quantify mtDNA (Alonso et al. 2003; Chui et al. 2003; Gourlain et al. 2003; Richar et al. 2003; Steuerwald et a1. 2000; von Wurmb-Schwark et al. 2002). In all cases, QPCR assays showed a wide linear range (minimum of 5 orders of magnitude) of quantification and high sensitivity, often on the single copy level. There are several advantages to using QPCR, including the ability to target quantification to specific regions of DNA based on research needs, less processing time and space required, and objective measures of concentration values. Quantitative PCR QPCR works by detecting increases in amplified DNA product (the arnplicon) during the amplification process. In standard PCR, the amount of DNA produced bears little relationship to the starting amount of DNA, as a plateau exists when one or more reagents become limiting and amplification ceases. At lower concentrations of DNA, the rate of amplification proceeds in an exponential manner. During the exponential grth phase of amplification, samples pass a preset threshold of amplification rate. This value is taken as a sample’s critical threshold (C!) value, which is directly related to its starting DNA concentration. In order to assess the relationship between C, and starting concentration, DNA standards, samples of known concentration, are amplified at the same time as unknown samples. A standard curve is then derived from a dilution series of these standards by plotting the concentration of the standards versus their C. values. Detection of the amount of amplicon in a reaction can be done in one of two ways. Double stranded DNA in the reaction can do detected with a dye, such as Syber Green, which intercalates between the strands of DNA, causing the dye to fluoresce when excited. This fluorescence will increase in a linear relationship to the concentration of double stranded DNA in a sample. The second method of detection is a probe that can hybridize to a specific sequence in the amplicon. Depending on the nature of the probe, it may fluoresce only when hybridized to the amplicon or after degradation of the probe. This study used a Taqman probe for detection, which is a short length of DNA, typically between 18—27 base pairs (hp), with a fluorescent molecule at the 5’ end (a “reporter”) and a “quencher” molecule at the 3’ end. The reporter is excited throughout the amplification process. However, when the probe is intact, the reporter is in close ' n. proximity to the quencher, which absorbs any emissions from the reporter. When the amplicon is present, the probe hybridizes to it and is digested by the 5’ exonuclease activity of the polymerase, freeing both the reporter and quencher. This allows the fluorescence of the reporter to be detected by the QPCR instrument. Since the target level of fluorescence increases in a linear relationship to the concentration of the target amplicon, the starting concentration of DNA can be calculated using a standard curve. PCR Inhibition In many samples, especially those derived from forensic sources, contamination from inhibitors, such as blood and soil (Akane et al. 1994; Watson and Blackwell 2000), can be a major hindrance to the amplification process. Inhibition is especially problematic in QPCR, where different reaction kinetics between pristine standards and inhibited samples can lead to inaccurate quantification (Tichopad et al. 2000; Wilson 1997). Deacetylated bovine serum albumin (BSA) has been shown to relieve PCR inhibition resulting from a wide variety of inhibitors, both known and unknown (Kreader 1996) and may offer a solution to any inhibitors co-isolated with DNA. However, the problem remains of determining whether a lack of amplicon production is due to inhibition or insufficient template DNA. In some studies, this problem has been addressed using an internal control in a QPCR assay (Raggam et a1. 2002; Siebert and Larrick 1993). Internal controls are fragments of DNA added to each reaction, co- amplified with the sample, and detected using an alternate probe providing a positive control within a given reaction environment. Nested PCR Amplification of DNA from degraded samples for sequence or STR analysis can be extremely difficult (Bender et al. 2004). However, it has been shown that DNA which is degraded or has low copy number can be successfully amplified using nested PCR (Strom and Rechitsky 1998), a technique in which two successive rounds of PCR are used to amplify small amounts of DNA. In the first round, DNA is amplified under standard conditions. In the second round, the reaction is supplemented with product from the first round reaction, providing it with a template. This subsequent round utilizes primers that sit internal to the first round primers, meaning that only fragments amplified in the first round that contain the second round primer sites are amplified. This allows for a greater number of PCR cycles while eliminating non-specific amplification products, and serves as a powerful technique for amplifying very small copy number samples with relatively high fidelity. A related technique is semi-nested PCR, in which the second round of PCR uses one of the primers from the first round and a second primer internal to the first set. Study Aims The feasibility of using mtDNA sequencing in the identification of suspects from exploded pipe bomb fragments was examined in this study. Subjects handled pipe bomb components, which were subsequently assembled and detonated. DNA was isolated from swabs of the bomb fragments and quantified by QPCR assay. MtDNA was then amplified in several small fragments via semi-nested PCR and the sequence determined. Comparisons between these sequences and subject reference sequences were used to assign bombs to subjects. MATERIALS AND METHODS Investigators This study was carried out by three investigators, Michael Gehring (investigator l) and Amy Barber (investigator 3) of Michigan State University, and Lt. Shawn Stallworth (investigator 2) of the Michigan State Police bomb squad. Except where noted, investigator 1 performed all actions. Sample decontamination and preparation Each pipe bomb was assembled using a l-foot zinc-coated, galvanized steel pipe nipple of l-inch diameter, two l-inch diameter zinc-coated, galvanized steel end caps obtained locally, a length of safety fuse (2 or 4 feet), and a Thermolite Connector ignition cap (Ensign Bickford; Simsbury, CT). In order to sterilize them, all pipe components were soaked in a 10% bleach solution for 1 hour, rinsed with distilled water, and placed in a Spectrolinker XL-1500 UV Crosslinker (Spectronics Corporation; Westbury, NY) for 10 minutes, turning halfway through for complete exposure. The fuse and Thermolite Connector ignition cap were wiped down with a 10% bleach solution. Fuses were affixed via a hole drilled in one end cap and secured with hot glue. The internal portion of the fuse was stripped of its protective coating subsequent to gluing. Samples were sealed in paper bags and randomly selected by subjects. Eighteen subjects participated in this study, and a total of 51 bombs were prepared and detonated. For the samples used in the study, each subject handled 2 bombs, except for 1 subject who handled 3 and another who handled l, for a total of 38 pipe bombs. These were designated samples 9, 11—14, l7, and 20—51 and were used for all subsequent processing and analyses. Samples 1—8, 10, 15—16, and 18—19 were used for protocol optimization (Appendix A). Subjects removed the bomb components and handled them by screwing and unscrewing the end caps for a total of 30 seconds, as well as giving buccal swabs for DNA reference. Subjects also filled out a questionnaire regarding the condition of their hands, use of moisturizers, and time since washing. Procedures involving human subjects were approved by UCRIHS prior to recruitment and subjects signed consent forms before participation. Different sets of identifying numbers for samples and subjects were randomly assigned and the remainder of the experiment was performed blind. Immediately before detonation, investigator 2 filled samples 3/4 full with SR 4756 (IMR Powders; Shawnee Mission, KS), a single-base, smokeless gunpowder. Samples were detonated at the Lansing, MI Fire Fighter Training Facility smoke room. Fragments were collected by investigators l and 3 after each detonation and stored in paper bags at room temperature. No face protection was used during the first half of collections, though it was deemed advisable for health reasons to use particulate filter masks during the second half of collections. All visible fragments were collected in a sweep of the room to avoid cross—contamination between detonations. Although some fragments may have persisted in the room and been collected afler a subsequent detonation, it is unlikely that they would have been of sufficient size to be swabbed during processing. Gloves were worn for all procedures. Bomb fragmentation analysis Each bomb was assigned a fragmentation .score based on how intact it was. Scores included 4 levels, “low” for pipes with at least 75% of the pipe length intact, “medium” for 50—75% of the length intact, “high” for 25—50% intact, and “complete” for anything with less than 25% of the pipe length intact. DNA isolation and purification External bomb fragment surfaces still retaining their zinc coating were swabbed first with a sterile cotton swab moistened with lOOuL of digestion buffer (20mM Tris, SOmM EDTA, 0.1% SDS, pH 7.5), immediately followed by a dry cotton swab as per Sweet et al.’s (1997) double swab method. Bomb fragments were handled only by non-. swabbed sides. The ends of both swabs were then broken off and placed into a microfuge tube with 400uL of digestion buffer and 6uL of Proteinase K. Tubes were vortexed, centrifuged briefly, and incubated overnight at 56°C. Swab tips were then placed in spin baskets, centrifuged at 14,000 rpm for 5 minutes and discarded. Liquid spun out of the swab and any remaining from the incubation tube was combined and extracted using an equal volume of phenolzchloroformzisoamyl alcohol (25:24: 1 ), followed by an equal volume of chloroform. The aqueous layers were then transferred to Microcon YM-100 spin columns (Millipore; Billerica, MA) and centrifuged at 500 x g for 20 minutes. This was followed by 2 washes of 300uL TE (lOmM Tris, lmM EDTA, pH 7.5). Samples were resuspended in 20uL of TE and stored at -20°C. Gloves and protective clothing were worn during processing. Halfway through processing, contamination became a 10 concern and for the second half of samples processed, surgical masks were also used. Subject buccal swabs and sample DNAs were processed at this and all subsequent steps separately to prevent cross-contamination. QPCR sample quantification Samples were quantified with a novel QPCR assay. A 118bp region of mtDNA was amplified using the primers F16400 (5’-ACC-ATC-CTC-CGT-GAA-ATC-AA-3’) and H16498 (Shields and Kocher 1991) at 900nM each. H16498 is a universal mtDNA primer for vertebrates that anneals between the hyper-variable regions in the human mitochondrial genome. Reactions were carried outwith Taqman Universal PCR Master Mix (Roche; Branchburg, NJ) at a 1x concentration and deacetylated BSA at a final concentration of 0.5mg/ml. The amplification program consisted of a 10 minute uracil- DNA glycosylase denaturation step at 70°C, a 10 minute 95°C polymerase activation step, a 2 minute 95°C DNA denaturation step, followed by 50 cycles of a 15 second 95°C denaturation step and a 1 minute 60°C annealing and extension step. Quantification was accomplished via a PAM-labeled Taqman probe, mtDNA-PAM (5’-FAM-CCT-CGC- TCC-GGG-CCC-ATA-AC-TAMRA-3’) at 250uM. The assay also included an internal control which used the same primers to amplify a 118bp fragment of lambda phage DNA template and a lambda-specific probe for detection (see below for internal control construction). The internal control probe, mtDNA-1C (5’-VlC-CGA-GCG-TGT-TTA- TCG-GCT-ACA-TCG-TAMRA-B’) was at 250uM concentration and the internal control template was at 1.67fM (~1000 copies). All reactions contained 1 uL of template in a ll 25 uL total volume and were run in triplicate on an ABI 7700 alongside standards (see below). All samples were analyzed using ABI Prism SDS 2.1 software. The internal control was created by PCR amplifying a fragment of lambda DNA using the primers mtDNA-IC-F (5’-GGA-TTC-ACC-ATC-CTC-CGT-GAA-ATC-AAC-GCC- GGA-CTA-AGT-AGC-AAT-C-3’) and mtDNA-lC-R (5’-GAA-TTC-ACC-CTG-AAG- TAG-GAA-CCA-GAA-GCG-AAC-CAA-TCG-AGT-CAG-T-3’), which have sites complimentary to F16400 and H16498 and restriction enzyme sites in addition to the lambda phage complimentary sequences (Figure 1). This amplicon was purified on a Figure l. Cloning of the QPCR Assay Internal Control. TTIIITIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll pUC18 Iv / DilllllllllllllllllHllllllllHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillill A 78bp stretch of lambda DNA was amplified using 46bp primers which included lambda-complimentary sequence (black), F16400 or R16498 sequence (blue) and a restriction enzyme site (red). The resulting amplified product was restriction digested and ligated into pUC18. This figure is presented in color. Microcon YM-30 spin column, and cleaved with EcoRI and HindIII for 2 hours at 37°C, followed by enzyme denaturation for 10 minute at 70°C. A pUC18 plasmid was digested with the same restriction enzymes, and both the plasmid and amplicon were added to a ligation reaction containing T4 1i gase and its corresponding buffer and incubated overnight at 4°C. HBlOl chemically competent cells (Promega; Madison, WI) were transformed with the ligation reaction, plated with X-Gal and IPTC on LB-Ampicillin agar plates (SOug/ml Ampicillin), and grown overnight at 37°C. White colonies were 12 selected and screened for the insert by PCR using F 16400 and H16498. One positive colony was selected and sequenced to determine the fidelity of the insertion. Standards for the assay were created by amplifying an 864bp fragment of human mtDNA using the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory (AF DIL; http://www.afip.org/Departments/oafme/dna) primers F15989 and R285. This amplicon was purified with a Microcon YM-100 spin column as described above, and quantified with a DU 520 UV/V is Spectrophotometer (Beckman Coulter; Fullerton, CA). Dilutions of the amplicon were made with concentrations ranging from 8.784pg/uL to 0.8784ag/uL at 1 order of magnitude increments (corresponding to approximately 107 to 10 copies/uL, respectively). Standards were run without the internal control during optimization to assess the linear range of the assay. A series of lO-fold dilutions, from 100 to 105, of one of the samples of DNA isolated from a pipe bomb was also analyzed with QPCR to examine the effects of inhibition on C, values of the internal control. Samples were run in triplicate and parameters were as described above except no BSA was added to the reactions. Sample Amplification and Sequencing Three regions of each sample were amplified by semi-nested PCR. All primer sequences were obtained from AFDIL. The first half of hyper-variable region 1 (HV 1 ), denoted HVl-l, was amplified with primers F15989 and R16322, and used R16281 for semi-nested PCR. The second half of HVl (HVl-2) was amplified with F16144 and R16410, and used F 16190 for semi-nested PCR. Hyper-variable region 2 (HV2) was amplified using F82 and R484, and used F155 for semi-nested PCR. 13 Amplifications were performed with a 2 minute 94°C denaturation, followed by 38 cycles consisting of a 30 second 94°C denaturation step, a 1 minute 60°C annealing step, and a 1 minute 72°C extension step. Amplifications involving R484 used the above parameters, except substituting a 45°C annealing temperature. Reactions were carried out in 20uL volumes, using 0.5 uL of template, primers at 2uM, 0.5mg/ml deacetylated BSA, 2.5mM MgClz, 200uM dNTPs, and Taq polymerase at lU/reaction. SuL of the reaction was run on a 1.5% agarose gel and assigned a number, 0—3, based on band intensity, with 0 representing no band and 3 representing a high intensity band. A semi-nested reaction was carried out for any sample failing to amplify to a mid-intensity (denoted 2) band. Nested PCR was performed as above, using luL of the initial PCR reaction for template and 24 cycles. Reference samples were amplified with F15989 and R569, using the above parameters for 32 cycles. All PCR products were cleaned using Microcon-100 spin columns as described above and then sequenced using a CEQ DTCS Quick Start Kit (Beckman Coulter; Fullerton, CA) at a reaction volume of lOuL. The primers used for semi-nested PCR were also used for sequencing samples, while reference samples were sequenced with F15989, R16410, F15, and R569. PCR reagent blanks were run with each reaction. Sequencing reactions were purified according to the manufacturer’s protocol and analyzed on a CEQ 8000 Genetic Analyzer, as per the instrument protocol. Sample sequences for HVl used a capillary separation time of 45 minutes, while sample sequences for HV2 and all reference sequences were separated for 60 minutes. Sequences were aligned and proofread using BioEdit Sequence Alignment Editor (Hall 1999). Subjects’ complete mitochondrial sequence (haplotype) frequencies obtained from the buccal swabs were determined using the FBI mtDNA database (Monson et al. 2002). 14 Haplotypes were compared to the forensic portion of the database, and included all sequences covering at least the same window of bases, though due to differences in the number of bases sequenced for subjects, the number of individuals compared against in the database could vary. Statistical Analyses Statistical analyses were performed using R 1.9.1 statistical analysis software (httpzllx-x'ww.r-proicctore’) and all used a=0.05. The data were checked for normality and the quantities obtained from the QPCR assay were log transformed. The relationship of DNA quantity to bomb fragmentation was evaluated using a type II ANOVA because of the random error in both dependent and independent variables. A nested ANCOVAR was run to determine if hand washing time and moisturizer use influenced the quantity of DNA recovered. The analysis was restricted to non-contaminated samples, and an interaction term was not included in the model. Quantification of inhibition was evaluated with a linear regression model. Data from QPCR were averaged across replicates and dilution factors were log] 0 transformed. A logistic regression model was applied to the relationship between QPCR sample quantities, region amplified, and amplicon band intensity. Three models were applied to examine the probability reaching three different band intensities, given a quantity of DNA and region amplified. No interaction terms were included in these models. For a review of these statistical techniques, see Scheiner and Gurevitch (2001). 15 RESULTS QPCR sample quantification Sample replicates ranged in quantity from 184 copies/uL to 7770 copies/uL for samples with detectable levels of mtDNA, though 19 replicates yielded no detectable levels of mtDNA (Figure 2, Appendices B and C). The average quantity detected was 1287 copies/uL. Taking the average across replicates, samples ranged from 204 copies/uL to 6443 copies/uL, with 6 samples giving no detectable signal. The internal control amplified consistently in the samples that yielded no detectable mtDNA (Appendices 2B and 38). However, in 24 replicates, the internal control was not detected. The average quantity of mtDNA in these samples was 2835 copies/uL, and ranged from 577 to 7770 copies/uL. The assay showed a linear range of detection of 7 orders of magnitude when the internal control was not present but only 5. orders of magnitude when the internal control was included. In these cases, standards containing 102 or fewer copies/uL consistently failed to amplify but the internal control did amplify. In addition, the internal control consistently failed to amplify in standards containing 104 or more copies/uL. Figure 2. DNA Concentrations Reported by QPCR Assay 8 "i 3’ 3‘3 § 2 U — 93 - .. ... i Mi Illnim'n I I I fl 0 2000 4WD 5000 8000 Copies/UL Each bin represents quantities spanning a 100 copy/uL range. 16 Bomb fragmentation Fragmentation of the pipe bombs ranged from little fragmentation of the end caps to complete destruction of the pipe (Figure 3). Fragment sizes were collected as small as 2 millimeters. Higher levels of fragmentation resulted in less useable surface area due to abraded edges which could not be swabbed. Although the room was closed during detonation, in some instances the door or ceiling vent were blown open and fragments were propelled out of the confines of the room. These were discarded to prevent possible cross-contamination. The relationship between the level of bomb fragmentation and quantity of DNA recovered was examined, and though the overall model was not significant (p=0.06l76), individual levels were. Both “high” and “complete” levels of fragmentation were significantly different from low fragmentation in terms of quantity of DNA recovered, with effect sizes of -0.6235 (p=0.0117) and -0.5269 (p=0.0448), respectively (Figure 4). These results supported a trend of higher bomb fragmentation corresponding to lower recovered DNA amounts. Figure 3. Bomb Fragmentation Low Medium High Complete The fragmentation pattern of the bombs ranged widely, from very few fragments and the main body of the bomb mostly intact to completely fragmented. The scale is indicated by the checkered marker. with each square measuring 1 cm2. This figure is presented in color. Figure 4. Quantity of Recovered DNA Across Bomb Fragmentation Levels. as | .._._ i2- , 1 ~ - I l r. e l - - 33-4 Bomeragmcntation Boxes enclose the 1“ through the 3rd quartiles, with a line intersecting the box at the mean. Brackets indicate the 95% confidence interval of each grouping. Correlation of subject traits and DNA yield The time since washing of hands and the use of moisturizer had no statistically significant effect on the quantity of mtDNA isolated, as measured by QPCR. The interval since washing had an effect size of -0.097027 with a p = 0.2222, while the frequency of moisturizer use had an effect size of -0.l34809 with a p = 0.4188. No interaction between the terms was observed. QPCR quantification of inhibition Replicates of an undiluted bomb DNA sample failed to generate a signal when amplified without BSA, both for mtDNA and the internal control, despite previously having yielded a signal in the presence of BSA. Dilutions of the sample from 1:10 to 1:105 resulted in internal control signal, with decreasing control C. values associated with an increasing dilution factor (Figure 5A) but no mtDNA signal. A linear regression showed a statistically significant correlation between the log of the dilution factor of the 18 sample and the internal control C, value, with an effect size of-1.116 and p=0.0214 (Figure 5B). The model had an r-squared of 0.8189. Figure 5. The Effects of Inhibitors Present in a Sample Assayed by QPCR. 1000 EH 1.000 1.1X10 El 2? 1.000 1.000 1.11!) Cycle ('1— A Q 8 a G 3‘ O 5 s- Q_ o m I I I I U f f 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 logiddintion fiactor) A: Lines show the internal control Ct values for a sample without BSA amplified using sample dilution factors from 1 to 105 at 1:10 increments (green, yellow, red, and purple plots, respectively). The red line indicates the detection threshold. B: A regression plot of the log of dilution versus the CI value of the internal control. Amplification of samples using nested PCR Initial PCR amplification yielded sufficient product for sequencing from 15 of 38 samples for HVl -1, 5 of 38 samples for HVl-2, and insufficient product for sequencing in all samples for HV2. Semi-nested PCR of all samples with insufficient first-round amplicon produced sufficient product for sequencing in all cases (Figure 6). Figure 6. The Amplification of Samples Using Semi-Nested PCR. 1 st Round 1 I .r A 2nd Round 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 All first round products were assigned a value, 0-3, based on the appearance of band intensity, with a 0 being no band (e.g. sample 34), a 1 being a barely perceptible band (e.g. 42), a 2 being a mid-intensity band (e.g. sample 35) and a 3 being a strong band (eg. sample 33). Only samples classified as a 0 or 1 were amplified in a second round of semi-nested PCR. Correlation of QPCR quantification and nested PCR amplification There was a statistically significant correlation between the quantity of DNA as determined by QPCR and the probability of seeing bands of differing intensities from PCR amplification from the first round of nested PCR (Figure 7). The first correlation modeled the probability of seeing any band (high, medium, or low intensity) on a gel as a function of initial mtDNA concentration and had an r—squared of 0.2762. The effect size 20 Figure 7. The Correlation of QPCR Quantification and Standard PCR Amplification. ea 0 o o o e a o HOE" 3' S «a- ' O a 4* m D. s 34 5 54 b V... a: E ° _S' .5“ 3 ~ . E "1.. O 2 O o“ . . . . “i 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 logio(c0pies/uL) Data points are plotted by copy number and band intensity. Black points represent amplification products from region HVl-l while red points represent products from HVl-2. The black and red lines are the logistic regression curves of this analysis for HVl-l and HVl-2, respectively. Solid lines represent the probability of seeing any type of band as a function of copy number (note the log transform). Dashed lines represent the probability of seeing a mid or high intensity band versus seeing a light or no band as a function of copy number. The dotted lines represent the probability of seeing a high intensity band versus seeing anything else as a function of copy number. This figure is presented in color. of concentration was -2.7090 (p= 0.0001 17), and the region amplified had an effect size of -0.4785 (p= 0.400452). The second correlation modeled the probability of seeing a medium or high intensity band on a gel as a function of initial DNA concentration. The r- squared of this model was 0.2513, with concentration having an effect size of -2.7660 (p= 0.00130). In this model, the region amplified also had a statistically significant effect, with an effect size of 1.3675 (p= 0.02716). The final model was based on the probability of seeing only a high intensity band as a function of DNA starting concentration. The r- squared was 0.2397, and both concentration and region amplified were statistically significant with effect sizes of -2.6947 (p= 0.0141) and 1.8021 (p= 0.0431), respectively. 21 Interestingly, although the region HVl-l covered a span of 333bp, 67 bases longer than HVl-2, mid and high intensity bands were seen at lower concentrations of DNA (Figure 7), though there was no statistical difference for low intensity bands. Sequencing and donor assignation Eleven of the 18 subjects had haplotypes not present in the FBI mtDNA database, which had approximately 1900 sequences covering the same regions. Non-unique haplotypes ranged in frequency from 0.10—1.20%, with an average of 0.67% in the complete database. Frequencies were much higher when restricted to the subject’s racial group, ranging from 0.49%—7.84%, with an average of 4.27%. Of the 3 investigators, 2 had unique haplotypes, while the third had a frequency of 0.05% in the database (0.13% within racial group). Sequences were obtained for all bomb DNA samples, with an average read length of 256 bases for HVl (n=3 8) and 283 bases for HV2. (n=22) (Appendix D). Eighteen of the 38 samples were correctly assigned to a single donor, 7 were narrowed to groups of three donors due to shared haplotypes, and 12 were unable to be assigned due to contamination (Table 1). Table 1. Summary of sample assignations and contamination. Donor Number of Contamination Number of Assignation samples Percent Occurred samples Percent assignable to single donor 18 47.37% prior to detonation 2 5.26% assignable to subset of donors 7 18.42% during collection 2 5.26% not assignable 12 31.58% not assignable 14 36.84% incorrectly assigned 1 2.63% All percentages are based on a total of 38 samples. In all cases where an assignation was made to a subset of donors, only 3 donors matched the sample. 22 A single sample was assigned to the wrong subject. This sample showed contamination from investigator 1 and had substitutions and insertions consistent with a subject other than the donor, possibly indicating cross-contamination. Sequence information was recovered for 16 of the 18 subjects off of at least one bomb and 7 had sequence information recovered from both of their samples. Out of 38 samples, 18 showed some level of contamination (Appendix D). Fourteen of these samples showed a mixture of haplotypes, while 4 of them showed a single haplotype. Of these, 6 were assignable based on the clear presence of an investigator haplotype and a haplotype consistent with one of the possible donors. Of the 4 single haplotypes, 3 were consistent with one of the investigator haplotypes. In the majority of cases, the contamination could be attributed to one of the investigators, though in 5 cases, a unique haplotypes was observed. 23 DISCUSSION MtDNA recovery, sequencing, and contamination This study demonstrated that usable DNA could be recovered from pipe bomb fragments, even after being subjected to the extreme conditions of low-yield explosive conflagration. With an individualizing success rate of 47.37%, the use of mtDNA showed a much higher potential than the 5% success rate shown in an earlier analysis of STRs for the identificatioii of suspects (Esslinger et al 2004). These results are more compelling when considering the fact that 5 of the subjects had non-unique haplotypes within the group of subjects. The increase in success rate stems from at least three separate issues. The first, as discussed in the introduction, is the higher relative copy number of mtDNA than single copy STRs used in forensic analysis. Secondly, differential degradation may be increasing the relative copy number of mtDNA to nDNA. It is assumed that shed epithelial cells are being deposited on the bomb, and it has been shown for a wide variety of dead biologic material, including bone, fingernails, and hair, that mtDNA is more likely to be recovered from these materials (reviewed in Holland and Parsons 1999). Perhaps the more important difference is the ability of the investigator to elicit information from mtDNA by changing a variety of parameters that are not possible with STRs. Government and private laboratories currently rely on commercial kits for the analysis of STRs. This leaves the investigator little room for adjustment based on the nature of the sample. In degraded samples, larger loci are typically lost (Bender et al. 2004). Often, the only parameters that can be changed to compensate for this are the starting concentration of DNA used and sample injection time into the DNA analysis 24 instrument. In the sequencing of mtDNA, nested PCR and small overlapping fragment amplification for complete sequence construction can be used for degraded samples. The power of nested, or even semi-nested PCR, as was used in this study, was demonstrated by the clean amplification of samples which were originally unable to be seen on an agarose gel after 38 PCR cycles (Figure 6). Likewise, the power of amplifying shorter overlapping DNA fragments was demonstrated by the much higher success rate for sequencing similar total read lengths of HV 1 (256bp, n=3 8), which was amplified as two separate fragments, compared to HV2 (283bp, n=22), amplified as a single fragment. Taken together, these strategies illustrate the power of mtDNA analysis for samples taken from post-conflagration materials. Unfortunately, the power of discrimination is limited for mtDNA compared to nDNA, making this approach less robust for forensic applications. Probabilities of non- uniqueness for STRs can be put into the one in several trillion range because each locus assorts independently, meaning that one can multiply the probability of having a particular allele at each unlinked locus across all loci to determine the probability of having all of those alleles together. For example, if someone had alleles at two independent loci, each with a frequency of 10% in a given population or ethnic group, then the probability of randomly finding another person with both would be the product of the allele frequencies, 1%. The same is not true for mtDNA. Unique features in mtDNA are linked and therefore a haplotype is equivalent to a single, highly polymorphic locus. In addition, because mtDNA is directly inherited, all individuals related through maternal lineage will have identical haplotypes. This means that the probability of finding an identical haplotype is functionally determined by its frequency in a database 25 and can only be used to implicate a group of people sharing that haplotype (e. g. siblings), rather than an individual. Currently, the F BI’s mtDNA forensic database has less than 5,000 entries, which limits statements about frequency to about 1 in 5000, or 0.02%. It should be noted that even when sharing a haplotype, subjects varied in frequency in the database. This is due to the fact that they had different ranges of bases sequenced, causing more or fewer sequences to be included for comparison from the database, altering their frequency. In this study, 7 samples were assignable to one of two groups of 3 donors, 4 samples fiom one group and 3 samples from the other (Appendix D). All of these samples originated from 5 subjects, 3 shared one haplotype, and 2 shared another. One other subject had a single substitution difference from the group of 2 subjects sharing a haplotype which fell outside of the range of sequenced bases in samples. Had there been no contamination, 12 of the 38 samples could have been narrowed down to one of two groups of 3 donors each, but as it was, 5 of the samples originating from these 6 subjects were not assignable due to contamination. The second drawback to using mtDNA and approaches to dealing with low copy number samples is the high sensitivity and chance for contamination. In this study, 47% of the samples showed some type of contamination. Materials were decontaminated before subject contact, and investigators wore gloves for each procedure in the study. About halfway through bomb detonations, investigators began wearing particulate filter masks during collection and surgical masks for bomb fragment processing. Despite these precautions, samples still became contaminated from a variety of sources. There did not appear to be a difference in the amount of contamination observed between samples processed with and without masks. The most prevalent contamination (50% of 26 contamination, n=9) was from investigator 1, who decontaminated materials, collected and swabbed fragments, and ran all subsequent analyses. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine at which step the contamination occurred. However, during all amplification steps, no contamination was detected in reagent blanks. This suggests that contamination occurred during the bomb preparation stage, bomb fragment collection, swabbing, and/or DNA purification phases. Contamination occurred during bomb setup and fragment collection, as investigator 3’s contact with materials was limited to this period and accounted for 11% (n=2) of contaminated samples. More surprising was contamination from investigator 2 (11% of contamination, n=2), who only had contact with materials pre-conflagration when filling them with smokeless powder, placing them and lighting fuses, a period of time much less than either of the other investigators. In 28% (n=5) of contamination cases, no source for the contamination could be determined. This could indicate a failure of decontamination methods, transfer of contaminants at some point during construction, detonation, or processing, or some combination thereof. Possible sources include DNA present in the room where detonations were carried out, other bomb squad personnel on the scene, or persons that entered the lab in which samples were processed. This approach is very feasible in regards to detecting individuals coming into contact with explosives prior to detonation. In 2 of the 38 bombs, extremely limited contact while wearing latex gloves pre-conflagration was sufficient to deposit enough DNA to obtain a haplotype. However, attention must be paid to the care put into the handling of evidence and subsequent processing. Gloves alone are insufficient barriers to prevent contamination, as seen by contamination from investigator 2. As such, it would 27 be advisable to use facemasks and even disposable sleeves during collection, and all subsequent processing should be performed in a sterile isolation chamber. QPCR assay performance The QPRC assay for sample quantification performed well and was predictive of amplification success. As can be seen in Figure 6, QPCR concentrations correlated with the band visualization results from standard PCR. R-squared values were significant, but only accounted for about a quarter of the variation seen for gel band visualization. This could be due to a variety of factors, including pipetting error while setting up the PCR reactions, the subjective nature of the band intensity scoring, and the unknown relationship of PCR target size and amount of areas spanning that fragment remaining after degradation. Band intensity is a relative measure, not quantitative, and can be affected by a variety of factors, including staining intensity and sample loading variation, among others. Likewise, the QPCR assay, while yielding a value for mtDNA concentration, is really measuring the number of fragments that span the target 118bp sequence. While there is a correlation between amplification success and QPCR concentrations, it is impossible to make statements concerning the number of fragments spanning size regions other than 118bp. The assay measured a particular region of 118bp, which is not indicative of the concentration of other fragment sizes. However, in the course of this study all samples were subjected to equivalent environmental conditions, and while no statement is made concerning the actual concentrations of samples, it is assumed that degradation was fairly consistent among samples. Therefore the values obtained from the 28 QPCR assay can be used as relative measures of DNA concentration, independent of fragment size. In addition, QPCR is variable in its results, necessitating the need for replicates. Despite these confounding effects, the relationship between the QPCR and band visualization data was significant and consistent across regions, as would be expected for different estimations of the same sample concentration. It should also be noted that despite having sample concentrations, equal volumes of sample DNA were used in the nested PCR reactions. This was done to facilitate comparison between QPCR values and standard PCR results, as well as contributing to the validation of the QPCR assay. To this end, the QPCR assay did show a significant correlation to amplification success (Figure 7). Another interesting observation from this study was the relationship between the region of mtDNA amplified and the concentration needed for successful amplification. Although the region HVl-l covered a bigger region than HV1-2, mid and high intensity bands were seen at lower concentrations of DNA for HVl-l (Figure 6). These differences were statistically significant, though there was no significant difference between the two regions in the probability of at least a faint intensity band being present. This may be indicative of differing efficiencies of primer sets, in other words the different affinity of primers to bind to the template DNA under a particular set of conditions. These efficiencies can be altered because of base composition, mismatched bases, and PCR annealing temperature. Parameters for these amplifications were likely closer to the optimal conditions for the primers amplifying HV 1-1 than HV1-2, resulting in the better amplification success. It should be noted, however, that amplicon size is also a critical factor in the probability of success (Bender et al. 2004). No samples had visible bands for 29 the amplification of HV 2, the largest fragment amplified, during the first round of amplification, despite several showing strong bands for HVl-l and HVl-2. It is doubtful that primer efficiencies alone would have been responsible for that disparity in amplification success. This situation is more likely due to a combination of amplicon size and primer efficiency differences. The incorporation of the internal control into the QPCR assay was effective in establishing that sample amplification failure was not due to inhibition of the reaction. This information is useful both for establishing confidence in the concentration reported by the assay for a sample and the effectiveness of sample purification procedures. Unfortunately, the internal control introduced some complications into the assay. Because the internal control utilized the same primers as those used for mtDNA amplification, it is likely that whichever DNA was at the higher concentration out-competed the lower concentration DNA in primer binding, and therefore amplified preferentially when large differences in copy number between the internal control and target sequence existed. This could be seen in a number of ways. The internal control consistently failed to amplify in standards containing an order of magnitude or more target copies than the internal control, as it also failed to amplify in 24 of the pipe bomb samples containing higher concentrations of mtDNA. In addition, standards containing a tenth or less copies than the internal control failed to amplify. The minimum concentration of mtDNA reported by the assay was 180 copies/uL, a value close to the order of magnitude difference at which standards failed to amplify. Taken together, these data suggest that an order of magnitude difference between 2 target molecules is sufficient to suppress amplification of the less concentrated DNA. 30 The internal control did, however, prove useful in quantifying inhibition. Amplification of one sample without BSA showed a linear relationship between the log of the dilution factor (and therefore the relative concentration) of inhibitors and the Ct value of the internal control from the QPCR assay. This means that it may be possible to quantify the level of inhibition and calculate actual concentrations given the level of inhibition and concentration reported by a QPCR assay. While this method could not be utilized simultaneously with sample quantification in this study because of the competitive inhibition problem, retooling of the assay to amplify the internal control and sample with different primers would make this approach feasible. This opens up several possible avenues of study for the future. Currently, DNA concentrations fi'om amplification-based techniques do not take into account the influence of inhibition in the reaction. Even when an inhibition-relieving compound like BSA is used to lessen PCR inhibition, it is unknown what the reaction efficiency is, and therefore any measure of concentration is only an “effective” concentration, or equivalent concentration of DNA which, if amplified at full efficiency, would show the same characteristics as the sample in question. This is useful when the aim is determining concentration for use in a reaction, but effective concentration is much less useful for studies looking at total DNA recovered. The goal in a recovery study is to determine how much DNA can be extracted from a particular source. Effective concentrations only provide a measure of how much DNA can be amplified as influenced by the other materials co-isolated with the DNA, and are not reflective of the true concentration of DNA. The second generation assay could therefore be used in determining the effectiveness and limitations of various inhibition relievers, such as BSA or commercial enhancers, examining the relationship 31 between sample source and level of inhibition, or obtaining true concentrations, rather than effective concentrations, of samples and relating those values to sample type or source. Considerations and complications There were several factors explored in this study that could have affected the quantity of DNA recovered from bomb fragments, including characteristics of the subjects and of the bombs themselves. No relationship was found between the time since hand washing or use of moisturizer by subjects and the quantity of mtDNA reported by the QPCR assay. Intuitively, both of these factors should affect the number of epithelial cells that could be shed during contact with an object, but neither had a significant effect. There are at least two confounding factors in this analysis. The first was that it has been shown that some people are much more likely to deposit cells by casual contact than others (Alessandrini et al. 2003). It would be useful in future studies to assess the status of each subject to determine their likelihood of shedding cells and relate that to the quantities of DNA isolated from samples, however, this study did not take this variable into account. The second problem was the unbalanced nature of the data. Because subjects reported these parameters, certain conditions had large numbers of observations, such as daily use of moisturizer, while others had very few, such as occasional use of moisturizer. This greatly reduced the power of the analysis. Because this analysis was secondary to the main focus of the study, it was not deemed crucial to control these parameters. 32 The influence of the level of bomb fragmentation levels on mtDNA quantity recovered was also examined. Although the overall relationship of fragmentation to DNA recovered was not significant, the data showed a clear trend of increasing quantity of DNA recovered with decreasing bomb fragmentation (Figure 3). This trend is likely due to the quality of fragment surfaces. In highly fragmented bombs, the zinc coating was less likely to remain intact and fragments were more likely to have been abraded by contact with the detonation room walls. This resulted in less surface area for swabbing for more fragmented bombs. In addition, with smaller fragments, more of the surface was closer to an edge, which tended to be ragged and cracked, making it more difficult to swab the complete surface. 33 CONCLUSIONS The results of this study demonstrate the value of mtDNA analysis as a source of information under post-conflagration conditions. Not only were almost half the samples assignable to a single donor, but the vast majority of subjects left recoverable DNA, even after conflagration. This is a marked improvement over using nDNA markers. In addition, the QPCR assay can provide valuable information for sample quantification and inhibition, as well as be predictive of amplification success in standard PCR. Even with high levels of degradation, sequence analysis is possible with mtDNA utilizing nested PCR and sequence construction from multiple overlapping fragments. It is clear that this approach is extremely sensitive, not only for picking up sequence information, but also contamination. As such, extensive precautions to guard against the introduction of additional DNA into the evidence should be taken in future applications. Despite these complications the exclusion of large numbers of suspects, or even probable identification from a limited pool of suspects can be achieved using this mtDNA analysis approach. 34 APPENDIX A Fifty one bombs were handled, assembled and detonated. Samples from bombs l— 8, 10, 15—16, and 18—19 were used to test and optimize the procedures described in this study. Samples 1 and 2 were non-handled controls used to evaluate the decontamination procedure. Along with samples 6—8, they were processed as described in the methods and then purified with Wizard DNA Cleanup System (Promega; Madison, WI). These samples were then amplified (standard, not nested, PCR) and sequenced as described above. Samples 3—5 were spotted with Lambda DNA and used to evaluate the recovery potential of the swabbing technique for a known amount of starting DNA. These were processed as above and analyzed by gel electrophoresis using a 1% agarose gel. Samples 10, 15—16, and 18—19 were processed as above. Sample 19 was supplemented with positive control DNA and PCR amplified to determine the effects of sample inhibition. Samples 15—16, and 18 were amplified with varying concentrations of BSA. Sample 10 was used to examine the effects of amplicon size on amplification success. Samples 10, 15—16, and 18—19 were then amplified by nested PCR to optimize primer combinations, and, where successful, sequenced as described above. 35 APPENDIX B 1.000E-1 1000 lOOOE-I é lOOOE-Z < 10005-3 10005-4 1000E-5 1.0008-1 1000 lOOOE-l ai 1000 E-2 < 10005.: 1000154 1.000 E-5 LWE‘I .. . ....'_. 1'..1. .4.*.‘l;;::..:1'41._...’ti;.*i;:..:.;. 1.052 1015'] IOEH 1.0E05 10E46 IOEt'l QumlrtylcopresluL) QPCR quantification data for samples 9- 38 A. Amplification plot of mtDNA. The red line indicates the detection threshold B. Amplification plot of internal control C: Amplification plot of standards from 10 — 107 copies/u] (right to left). D: Standard curve generated from standards. Samples are indicated by a red “X” while standards are denoted by blue squares. This appendix is presented in color. 36 APPENDIX C 1.000EOI 1000 1.000E-1 .5 1.000 5.2 Q 10005.: 1.00054 , :, 1.000 E-5 0 I'mOEfl .:.:::;:i:,:.:::::::"" 17 IOEH 1052 105+; IOEM 105+: 105% 10547 Qimtrtyicoprw‘uL) QPCR quantification data for samples 39- 51. A. Amplification plot of mtDNA. The red line indicates the detection threshold. B: Amplification plot of internal control. C: Amplification plot of standards from 10 — 107 copies/u] (right to left). D: Standard curve generated from standards. Samples are indicated by a red “X” while standards are denoted by blue squares. This appendix is presented in color. 37 APPENDIX D was narrowed down to. Each was assigned a unique color, which was also used for sample assignation. 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