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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 2/05 c:/CIFIC/DateDue.indd-p. 15 A MODE-MATCHING APPROACH TO DETERMINE THE SHIELDING EFFECTIVENESS OF A DOUBLY—PERIODIC ARRAY OF APERTURES IN A THICK CONDUCTING SCREEN By Derik Clayton Love A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2004 ABSTRACT A MODE-MATCHING APPROACH TO DETERMINE THE SHIELDING EFFECTIVENESS OF A DOUBLY—PERIODIC ARRAY OF APERTURES IN A THICK CONDUCTING SCREEN By Derik Clayton Love The transmission of electromagnetic waves through apertures in a conducting screen is a problem that has been examined many times before. Several techniques have been used when the apertures are periodically arranged, and computational approaches have allowed for the analysis of complex aperture shapes. However, past literature is typically concerned with screens whose thickness is comparable to or smaller than the aperture dimensions (i.e. thin screens). Further, the usual focus is on transmission within a narrow band of frequencies. The shielding properties of planar, periodic structures have been considered in prior efforts. For a thick conducting screen of apertures, one approach for estimating the shielding effectiveness is to treat the screen as an array of cylindrical waveguides. This is referred to as the waveguide below cut—off principle. The result is dependent on the attenuation constant of the aperture and the aperture length. This technique is limited by the fact that it was developed to describe the attenuation of waves propagating in an opening whose length is at least five times its width. In addition, this approach is only relevant when the frequencies of interest are below the cut-off frequency of the dominant waveguide mode. This dissertation uses mode-matching to determine the shielding effectiveness of a doubly-periodic conducting screen of apertures whose thickness can be several times the aperture size. This is accomplished by modeling the screen as an array of cylin- drical waveguides. This study considers rectangular and circular apertures, and the fields within them are represented using waveguide modal fields. The reflected wave above the screen and the transmitted wave below the screen are found by applying Floquet’s Theorem, thereby exploiting the doubly-periodic nature of the screen of apertures. After enforcing boundary conditions and building a system of linear equa- tions, the system is then truncated to produce a matrix equation which is solved using standard techniques. The shielding effectiveness of the screen is determined by comparing the transmitted power to the incident power carried by a plane wave. It is clear that as the thickness of the screen increases, the transmitted power is greatly reduced at frequencies below the cut-off frequency of the dominant waveguide mode. However, increasing the thickness also increases the attenuation of the higher-order waveguide modes, leading to non-convergent solutions to the matrix equation. By selectively eliminating higher-order modes from consideration, meaningful solutions are found. Results also show the effect of increasing the number of Floquet modes, varying the incidence angle, and changing the incident plane wave polarization. The mode-matching results for rectangular apertures are very similar to data obtained by applying the waveguide below cut-off principle. However, the mode- matching approach can be used in cases where the frequencies of interest are above the cut-off frequncy of the dominant waveguide mode, when higher-order modes will begin to propagate. Comparisons are also made to previously published data using the mode-matching approach. The data curves are in strong agreement in each com- parison. However, it should be noted that the previously published data considers the principal Floquet mode as the only propagating mode. That approach is inconsistent with the definition of the propagation constant for Floquet waves. Experimental data using commercial-grade aluminum honeycomb is also presented as another compari- son for the mode-matching results. In each case, the curves are in good agreement in describing the transition from strong shield to weak shield. For my two boys, Andrew and Malcolm iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I want to begin by acknowledging all of the guidance and support that has been provided to me by various individuals during my graduate studies here at Michigan State. I have never felt less than a tremendous amount of pride in the support that I have received within the EM research group, within the ECE department, and across the campus. I also want to thank all of the family, friends, colleagues and others that encouraged me to pursue a doctorate in order to achieve my career goals. In fact, a portion of my degree should go to my wife Amena. I can’t imagine that I would have made it through this process without her supporting me in every way that she possibly could. Being a husband, father, and graduate student is busy work, but I could not have asked for a more supportive Spouse. To my guidance committee members, Dr. Edward Rothwell, Dr. Dennis Nyquist, Dr. Leo Kempel, and Dr. Byron Drachman, I want to thank you for doing just that: guiding me. I am looking forward to a long and productive career as a researcher and possibly as a teacher, and I know that my interest in both has been advanced by my experiences in your classrooms, office hour sessions, etc. Before arriving at MSU, I was told by a former co—worker that studying electromagnetics at Michigan State is special because of the people, and I completely agree. I also want to thank the faculty and staff of the ECE department, in particular Dr. Percy Pierre and Dr. Barbara O’Kelly. Their intial interest in me is what attracted me to MSU, and their constant pledge of financial and career development support is what kept me here and helped me through. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has been instrumental in my progress due to their financial support of my doctoral studies. Finally, I would like to recognize both Eric Pulley from Benecor, Inc. of Wichita, KS and Luke Young from Plascore, Inc. of Zeeland, MI. My experimental work could not have been done without them graciously agreeing to provide samples of aluminum honeycomb at little to no cost. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ................................. ix LIST OF FIGURES ................................ x CHAPTER 1 Introduction ..................................... 1 CHAPTER 2 Theoretical Formulation .............................. 4 2.1 Floquet Waves .............................. 4 2.2 Waveguide Fields ............................. 11 2.2.1 Modal Fields ........................... 11 2.2.2 Mode Emctions for Rectangular Waveguides .......... 16 2.2.3 Mode Functions for Circular Waveguides ............ 18 2.3 Enforcement of Boundary Conditions .................. 19 2.4 System of Linear Equations ....................... 21 2.5 Shielding Effectiveness .......................... 24 CHAPTER 3 Numerical Results ................................. 30 3.1 Rectangular Apertures .......................... 30 3.1.1 Calculations ............................ 30 Computing Slmn and 52m" ............... 30 Computing fpe and fph ................. 32 3 Computing Sp ...................... 34 Computing Plpmn, ngmn, lemn, and Qgpmn ..... 36 3.1.2 Discussion of Results ....................... 40 3.2 Circular Apertures ............................ 43 3.2.1 Calculations ............................ 44 Computing 51m" and ngn ............... 44 Computing fpe and fph ................. 46 Computing 5,, ...................... 48 Computing Plpmn, ngmn, lemn, and Qgpmn ..... 52 3.2.2 Discussion of Results ....................... 61 CHAPTER 4 Experimental Results ................................ 84 4.1 Setup .................................... 84 4.1.1 Sample Materials ......................... 84 4.1.2 Equipment ............................. 84 vii 4.2 Procedure ................................. 86 4.2.1 Low Frequency Measurements .................. 86 4.2.2 High Frequency Measurements .................. 86 4.3 Calculations ................................ 87 4.4 Discussion of Results ........................... 87 CHAPTER 5 Discussion of Mode Selection ........................... 94 CHAPTER 6 Conclusions ..................................... 109 APPENDIX A Derivation of 2-D Fourier Series Representation of a Periodic Function in Skewed Coordinates ..................................... 112 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................. 119 viii LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Number of modes used to calculate the curves in Figure 3.3. . . . 62 Table 3.2 Cutoff frequencies for modes of square apertures. ......... 62 ix Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4 Figure 3.5 Figure 3.6 Figure 3.7 Figure 3.8 Figure 3.9 Figure 3.10 Figure 3.11 Figure 3.12 Figure 3.13 Figure 3.14 LIST OF FIGURES Doubly-periodic conducting screen of apertures with general cross- sectional shape ............................. Unit cell for a doubly-periodic conducting screen of apertures with general cross-sectional shape. .................... Doubly-periodic conducting screen of apertures with rectangular cross-section. ............................. Unit cell for a doubly-periodic conducting screen of apertures with rectangular cross-section ........................ Comparison of transmission coefficient for screens of different thick- nesses for normally incident TM polarized plane wave. ...... Comparison of transmission coefficient versus frequency for various incidence angles when t=5.5 mm for TM polarized incident plane wave. ................................. Comparison of transmission coefficient versus frequency for various incidence angles when t=5.5 mm for TE polarized incident plane wave. ................................. Comparison at t=4.4 mm between using 882 Floquet modes vs. 1922 Floquet modes. ......................... Comparison at t=4.4 mm between using 60 waveguide modes vs. 2 waveguide modes ........................... Comparison at t=1.1 mm between mode-matching approach and waveguide below cutoff formula .................... Comparison at t=2.2 mm between mode-matching approach and waveguide below cutoff formula .................... Comparison at t=4.4 mm between mode-matching approach and waveguide below cutoff formula .................... Comparison at t=7.7 mm between mode-matching approach and waveguide below cutoff formula .................... Comparison at t=18.0 mm between mode-matching approach and waveguide below cutoff formula .................... Comparison at t=26.0 mm between mode-matching approach and waveguide below cutoff formula .................... Comparison at t=40.0 mm between mode-matching approach and waveguide below cutoff formula .................... 28 64 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Figure 3.15 Figure 3.16 Figure 3.17 Figure 3.18 Figure 3.19 Figure 3.20 Figure 3.21 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 4.3 Figure 4.4 Figure 4.5 Figure 5.1 Figure 5.2 Figure 5.3 Figure 5.4 Comparison between proposed mode-matching formulation and mode-matching results of Chen using 0, = 20° near transmission null (Wood’s anomaly). Assumes only (0,0) Floquet mode is pI‘Op— agating. ................................ Comparison between proposed mode-matching formulation and mode-matching results of Chen using 0,- = 80° near transmission null (Wood’s anomaly). Assumes only (0,0) Floquet mode is prop- agating. ................................ Comparison between proposed mode-matching formulation and mode-matching results from Widenberg et a1 using 6,- : 0° ..... Comparison between proposed mode-matching formulation and mode-matching results from Widenberg et a1 using 0,: = 30°. . . . Comparison between proposed mode-matching formulation and mode-matching results from Widenberg et a1 using 0,- = 60° near transmission null (Wood’s anomaly). Assumes only (0,0) Floquet mode is propagating .......................... Doubly-periodic conducting screen of apertures with circular cross- section. ................................ Hexagonal unit cell for a doubly-periodic conducting screen of aper- tures with circular cross-section .................... Equipment arrangement for taking low frequency measurements (2-18 GHz) .............................. Styrofoam board with window used to hold aluminum honeycomb samples. The dark grey region is covered with foil tape ....... Equipment arrangement for taking high frequency measurements (20—40 GHz) .............................. Comparison of numerical and experimental results for rectangular apertures ............................... Comparison of numerical and experimental results for hexagonal apertures ............................... Condition number versus frequency for several values of thickness when using 60 waveguide modes and 882 Floquet modes ...... Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=4.4 mm when varying the num- ber of waveguide modes used. .................... Plot of condition number for t=4.4 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used. ...................... Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=6.6 mm when varying the num- ber of waveguide modes used. .................... xi 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 90 91 93 97 98 100 Figure 5.5 Figure 5.6 Figure 5.7 Figure 5.8 Figure 5.9 Figure 5.10 Figure 5.11 Figure 5.12 Figure A.1 Figure A.2 Plot of condition number for t=6.6 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used. ...................... Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=7.7 mm when varying the num- ber of waveguide modes used. .................... Plot of condition number for t=7.7 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used. ...................... Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=8.8 mm when varying the num- ber of waveguide modes used. .................... Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=9.9 mm when varying the num- ber of waveguide modes used. .................... Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=18.0 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used ................... Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=26.0 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used ................... Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=40.0 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used ................... Doubly-periodic direct lattice .................... Alternate description of doubly-periodic lattice .......... xii 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 116 117 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The transmission of electromagnetic waves through apertures in a conducting screen is a problem that has been examined many times before [1H4]. Several techniques have been used when the apertures are periodically arranged [5]-[12], and computa- tional approaches have allowed for the analysis of complex aperture shapes [13]-[19]. However, past literature is typically concerned with screens whose thickness is com- parable to or smaller than the aperture dimensions (i.e. thin screens). Further, the usual focus is on transmission within a narrow band of frequencies. The shielding properties of planar, periodic structures have been considered in prior efforts [20]-[22]. For a thick conducting screen of apertures, one approach for estimating the shielding effectiveness is to treat the screen as an array of cylindrical waveguides. This is referred to as the waveguide below cut-off principle [23]. The result is dependent on the attenuation constant of the aperture and the aperture length. This technique is limited by the fact that it was deveIOped to describe the attenuation of waves propagating in an opening whose length is at least five times its width [24]. In addition, this approach is only relevant when the frequencies of interest are below the cut-off frequency of the dominant waveguide mode. This dissertation uses mode-matching to determine the shielding effectiveness of a doubly-periodic conducting screen of apertures whose thickness can be several times the aperture size. This is accomplished by modelling the screen as an array of cylin- drical waveguides. This study considers rectangular and circular apertures, and the fields within them are represented using waveguide modal fields. The reflected wave above the screen and the transmitted wave below the screen are found by applying Floquet’s Theorem, thereby exploiting the doubly-periodic nature of the screen of apertures. After enforcing boundary conditions and building a system of linear equa- tions, the system is then truncated to produce a matrix equation which is solved using standard techniques. The shielding effectiveness of the screen is determined by comparing the transmitted power to the incident power carried by a plane wave. It is clear that as the thickness of the screen increases, the transmitted power is greatly reduced at frequencies below the cut-off frequency of the dominant waveguide mode. However, increasing the thickness also increases the attenuation of the higher—order waveguide modes, leading to non-convergent solutions to the matrix equation. By selectively eliminating higher-order modes from consideration, meaningful solutions are found. Results also show the effect of increasing the number of Floquet modes, varying the incidence angle, and changing the incident plane wave polarization. The mode-matching results for rectangular apertures are very similar to data obtained by applying the waveguide below cut-off principle. However, the mode- matching approach can be used in cases where the frequencies of interest are above the cut-off frequncy of the dominant waveguide mode, when higher-order modes will begin to propagate. Comparisons are also made to previously published data using the mode-matching approach. The data curves are in strong agreement in each com- parison. However, it should be noted that the previously published data considers the principal Floquet mode as the only propagating mode. That approach is inconsistent with the definition of the prOpagation constant for Floquet waves. Experimental data using commercial-grade aluminum honeycomb is also presented as another compari- son for the mode-matching results. In each case, the curves are in good agreement in describing the transition from strong shield to weak shield. This dissertation describes all of the theoretical, numerical, and experimental investigations involved in this study. Chapter 2 outlines the theory, including deriva- tions of fields produced both by the Floquet waves and within the apertures. Also included is a detailed description of the enforcement of boundary conditions on the electric and magnetic fields, and a full explanation of how the boundary conditions were used to create a system of linear equations. Finally, the computation of shielding effectiveness will be shown. Chapter 3 outlines calculations and numerical results for both rectangular and circular apertures, including computation of the integral expres- sions that are described in Chapter 2. The experimental set-up and results are dis- cussed in Chapter 4. An open set-up using horn antennas and a network analyzer was used to conduct shielding measurements on samples of aluminum honeycomb. The results confirmed the general behavior versus frequency that was expected. Chapter 5 discusses the considerations that were made in order to obtain the numerical results in Chapter 3. This involves the truncation of the matrix equation in order to solve for the unknowns. Most important was the observation that as the thickness of the screen increased, the number of waveguide modes had to be reduced in order to get convergent solutions to the matrix equation. The remaining chapters include conclu- sions, references, and appendices for techniques that were critical to the development of the theory. Mode-matching applied to thin screens is not a new technique, and neither is com- puting and/or measuring shielding effectiveness. However, using mode-matching to determine the shielding effectiveness of thick screens across a wide range of frequen- cies is a new direction. To the author’s knowledge, the comparison of mode-matching numerical results to experimental data for aluminum honeycomb has not been done until now. Also, the use of styrofoam boards covered in foil tape to analyze the hon- eycomb samples is a new approach, but similar to using large metal plates with an aperture to analyze composite materials. CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL FORMULATION 2. 1 Floquet Waves The layout of a screen of apertures is shown in Figure 2.1. It is considered to be of infinite extent in the x and y directions and have thickness t in the z direction. The screen contains apertures that are arranged in a doubly-periodic fashion, with the first axis of periodicity being the x-axis and the second making an angle (150 with respect to the x-axis. From Figure 2.1, the screen has a periodicity of c along the x-axis and d along the skewed axis. By representing the screen as an array of cylindrical waveguides, each element of the array is represented by a cell and the center element is regarded as the unit cell. The unit cell (S) is composed of two regions, the aperture region (Q) and the conducting region (S —Q), as shown in Figure 2.2 (Note: Although the figure shows a rectangular unit cell, there are other possible choices for the unit cell geometry; the rectangular cell is used as an example to graphically indicate S and Q). A plane wave is incident on the screen with wave vector It:i = :izkj, + 9k; — 2kg, where k; = k1 sin 0,- cos (23,-, k; = k] sin 01‘ SlIl $15 k: 2 k1 cos 0,, k1: (AM/(M161), and 61 and #1 are the permittivity and permeability, respectively, in region I (z > 0). Similarly, 62 and #2 are the permittivity and permeability in region 11 (—t < z < 0), and 63 and ug are the permittivity and permeability in region 111 (z < —t). The azimuthal angle (1),: is measured from the positive x-axis toward the positive y-axis, while the zenith angle 9,- is measured from the positive z-axis toward the negative z-axis. If regions I, II, and III are assumed source-free, the fields in each region can be expressed using a TE/TM decomposition of the fields [25]. Furthermore, Hertzian potential functions can be used to determine the fields while still maintaining the wave nature of the solution [25]. The Hertzian potentials that are used are He(:r,y,z) = 2He(:r,y,z) (TMz Case), I'Ih(:z:,y, z) = 2Hh(a:,y, z) (TEz Case). Due to the longitudinal nature of the potentials, their satisfaction of the wave equa- tion simplifies to only requiring the scalar component to satisfy the scalar Helmholtz equation [25], or (V2 + k2)He,, = 0. The fields due to the potentials are 3H8 , 82 . . E = V; 62 + Z (a + k2) He 4']pr X VtI-Ih, (2.1) H 2 H = Vt%z—h' 'I' 2 (% + [62) H}, — jtdéé X VtIIe, (2.2) where A 3 Vt — V — 2E, k2 = w2uc, so that It? 2 w2ulel and kg = w2u3c3. Because of the doubly-periodic nature of the array of apertures and the plane wave excitation, the potentials in regions I and III must obey Floquet’s Theorem, such that Ileh(a:,y,z) = e—J'ke'e I e‘Jkei/nfha y,z 2). Using the results from Appendix A, HZ, can be expanded in a Fourier series such that Heh(x y,Z Z) = Z Hehmn(z j27rm ‘7“ L2” CSC ¢Oy + ‘7_ 272m COt $03]. 171, 712—“) Using this, He], can be rewritten as n.. — (2%" eseee— ——coteo + my m,n=—oo : Z I_I¢3hmn(z Z)6 _‘jam$e— jflmny (23) m, n——oo where 2 . a... = 7"” + k; (2.4) c 2 2m fimn— — 1:; csc 450 — —:— cot $0 + 19;, (2.5) and the indices m and n are the Floquet mode indices. Substituting Heh into the Helmholtz equation leads to 2 2 2 (V2 + mud, (3— + a_ + a_ + k2) He, 81:2 By? 82 2 oo 2 . . = Z (—a?,, - fimn + k2 + 823) Hehmn(z)e—]amxe—Jflm"y = 0. (2.6) If a function an(z) is defined such that 52 an(z) = (413,, — 63",, + k2 + 5—3) Hehmn(z), (2.6) can be rewritten as Z an(z e—jamxe—jflmny : 0. (2.7) m ,n—-oo The orthogonality of the exponentials can be used to simplify (2.7) by removing the infinite summations. This is done by multiplying (2.7) by another pair of exponential expressions and integrating over the unit cell region over which the Floquet waves are defined. This leads to [ejaaxejflaby [ Z an Z)8 ("jamxe—jfimny] d3 : O (2.8) S m, n=—oo Interchanging the order of summation and integration, (2.8) becomes 2 an(z )[f ej(aa — am):z:ej(fiab — 5mn)yd3] = 0, (2.9) m, 712-00 3 The orthogonality of the exponentials allows the integral in (2.9) to be evaluated such that /8j(aa _ am)$ej(flab “7 ,an)yds —__—_ Aséaméb‘na S where A, is the area of the unit cell, and 6 is the Kronecker delta function [26]. Rewriting (2.9) once more leads to As 2 (Sam6anmn(Z) : Asan(Z) : 0 m,n=—oo With A, being a constant and assumed not equal to zero, it follows that 2 an(z) 2 (“air _ 181277.11 + k2 + 1‘) Hehmn(3) = 0i 822 or 32 (F3711: + 6—22‘) Hehmn(z) = 0, (2.10) where F2 = k2 — a2 — 2 . The solution to the ordinary differential equation in (2.10) is Hehmfl(z) : Cl’g-Irmne-_‘7I‘Trmz + aghmne+JPmnzi which represents waves either propagating or evanescent in the +z and -z directions. The potential expression in (2.3) can now be rewritten as oo _. _. . 3) Ileh(:1:,y,z)= Z aghmne jamxe Jflmnye'I'JI-‘Snnz m,n=—oo when 2 < —t, and 0° —' _° _' (1) Heh($,y,2)= Z ajhmne Jamilie Jfimnye JanZ m,n=—oo when 2 > 0, where 12 2 2 2 Final = k1_ am _ Ian’ F92=%—a;—fi mn mn’ and k1 = CIA/(#161) and k3 = w‘/(,Ll.3€3) represent the wave number in regions I and + ehmn ehmn III, respectively. Also, the coefficients a and a represent the complex Floquet wave coefficients in regions I and III, respectively. Two observations are made here. The first is that the sign of FEM must be chosen such that §R{M} >0 and 3{M} <0 to ensure that propagating F loquet modes propagate away from the screen and evanes- cent Floquet waves in each region decay away from the screen. The second observation is that the potential expressions can be rewritten as 00 — — '1' -r + '1‘“) z Ugh: Z aehmne J "m 6 J m" (2.11) m,n=-oo when 2 < —t, and 00 — '1' -r — T“) z Ugh: Z agihmne J "m c J "m (2.12) m,n=—oo when 2 > 0, where Tmn = iam + gfimn and r = 5:2: + 32y + 22. The Floquet wave fields will be matched to fields within a waveguide whose lon- gitudinal axis is the z-axis, and thus only the transverse components of the electric and magnetic fields will be needed. The transverse electric field is taken from (2.1) as He . - Et 2 V??? + jwpz x th'lh, (2.13) while the transverse magnetic field is taken from (2.2) as all), Ht = Vt 52 — jwei x th'Ie. (2.14) With complete expressions for the Hertzian potentials in regions I and III, the electric and magnetic field expressions for both regions can be determined. Substituting (2.11) and (2.12) into (2.13) leads to the electric field, which is (1) (1) . . 00 quJngZe-]Tmn ' 1‘. E53) : Z: m,n:—oo (1) :FagfnnI‘gngn — wp(1)a$nn(rmn x 2) (3) Similarly, the magnetic field can be found by substituting (2.11) and (2.12) into (2.14), which leads to (1) (1) 00 (1) . (3) . H53) =2 Z $ahimnl‘rgl1'mn + wquagfimhmn x z) eTJanze_]Tm" ' r. m,n:—oo (3) In cases where signs, subscripts, and/or superscripts are stacked, the upper signs, subscripts and superscripts correspond to region I (z > 0), while the lower signs, subscripts and superscripts correspond to region III (2 < —t). Making some substi- tutions for constants and taking :2 x H t, the transverse electric and magnetic fields can be expressed as 00 Et = Z [:FAjfnn jinn _ AiitmnRIEnn 7 (2'15) 00 (1) (1) 2 x H. = 2: scAinYh‘3’Rl-f... + Ainw31Ri. , (2.16) where (1) 143:1"! : ainrgg T7117! V AS, :l: :l: / Ahmn : (up?) Cl’hmnTTnn A8, 3 (1) - (3) lerznn : 7A-mnlerrEn : R2mne:F]I-‘mnz3 83 Ri : (f-mn X ‘2)an : len32F‘7anza lmn 10 (1) <1) Ri : 1 e;jr§,?,lze—jrmn.r= Rmnezpjréilz, m" «A: 1 . R... = ”97m" "3 me len : (ff-mu X 2)Iimna (217) R2mn : 'f-mnanna (218) .. Tmn 7Imn : a Tmn Tmn : ITmnl = V 03,; + 53mm and the wave admittances are given by (3) _ (3) Y8 (1) ’ (3) mu (1) (1) (3) 1453’ _ m" . wM1) (3) 2.2 Waveguide Fields 2.2.1 Modal Fields To determine the fields within the screen, a modal expansion will be performed using Hertzian potentials. The Hertzian potentials used for this expansion are Hep(:c,y, z) = 2H8p(a:,y, 2) (TM, Case), th(:1:,y, z) = illhpcr, y, z) (TEZ Case), 11 where p is an index to represent a particular waveguide mode. Due to their longitu- dinal nature, these potentials must satisfy the scalar Helmholtz equation, or (V2 + k§)He,,p = 0, (2.19) where kg = (22222262, and 62 and #2 represent the permittivity and permeability, re- spectively, in the aperture regions within the screen (region II). The waveguide modal electric and magnetic fields in terms of the Hertzian potentials are 311,, 62 . . Ep = Vt 62 +2 g + kg Hep + JUJ/JQZ X Vtth1 (2.20) 2 Hp th L161:p+ 2(66— 2 +k2) th— jwfgi X VtHep- (2.21) The separation of variables technique can be used to express the solutions to (2.19) as [25] Hep : wrap“): y)e¥jkzz, Hm, = who, new”, where the mode functions ([26,, and 21),”, must satisfy vfwehp + kzweh, = 0, (2.22) and k3 = k3 — k3. (2.23) To complete the satisfaction of the Helmholtz equation, Z (2) = eszkzz satisfies 62Z 2 _ 07 +kZ—0. 12 As was the case with the Floquet wave derivation, the fields of interest within the waveguide are the fields transverse to the direction of wave travel, or the fields transverse to the longitudinal axis of the waveguide, which is the z-axis. Therefore, (2.20) and (2.21) can be used to obtain the transverse fields as 8H6 , A Etp 1' Vt 82p + mez X thhp) (2.24) an H,,, = v, a :1" — 32.2622 x thep. (2.25) For the TM, case, the potential Hep can be used in (2.24) and (2.25) to express the modal transverse field components as E, = acetpezfjkzz, (2.26) Htp : _}/ep(2 X etp)€:ijzZ, (2.27) where etp($a y) = jkzvtwepcra 3!), (2'28) and the complex wave admittance is A modal expansion of the total transverse electric field within the waveguide in terms of sinusoidal functions and complex coefficients AP and 3,, leads to E? = 21/1,, sin(kzz) + B,, cos(kzz)]Etp (2.29) p 13 where Etp _ 8t? a fpe fpe = fetp ' etp d3, (2.30) 9 and fpe is used to make the modal fields orthonormal. For a modal expansion of the transverse magnetic field (2 x H g), (2.26) and (2.27) can be used to reason that . T 8 A T chgEt 2 BER: x Ht ]. (2.31) This is accomplished by taking the cross product of 2 and H tp, and then taking a derivative with respect to 2 such that (796; (2 x Htp) = — (—Yep(2 x 2 x tp)e:‘tjkz ) = :lzjwfzethTjkzz : jWCQEtp. Substituting (2.29) into (2.31) leads to jwézEzw = jLUCQ Z[AP SinUCzZ) + Bp COS(kzz)]EtP p ,LUEQ . : ZJk—kz[Ap31n(kzz) + Bp COS(kzZ)]Etp p Z 1 .k2 - = — ZJ—kz[Ap sm(kzz) + Bp COS(kzZ)]Etp 772 p k2 a . = 5;[ZXHtTl 14 where 772 represents the intrinsic impedance in region II. The solution for 2 x H f is A T 1 .k2 . z x H, = —E ij—[Ap cos(kzz) — Bp Sln(kzZ)]Etp. (2.32) p Z For TE modes, a similar approach can be used to determine the fields. th can be used in (2.20) and (2.21) to express the modal transverse field components as Htp : ¥htpe¥jkzz, (2.33) E”, = z,,,(2 x htp)e:ijzz, (2.34) where htp($a y) :jkzvtwhp($ay)1 (235) and the complex wave impedance is The modal expansion for the total transverse electric field is E? = {[0, sin(kzz) + Dpcos(k.z))E,,, (2.36) p where _ th(2 X htp) Etp — a V fph fph = [th(2 X htp) ' th<£ x htp) d8, (2-37) {2 Cp and Dp are complex coefficients for the TB modes, and fp), is used to make the fields orthonormal. To obtain the magnetic field expansion, it can be shown using 15 (2.33) and (2.34) that 6 Jam (:2 x H?) = ——(E‘f). (2.38) 82 This is accomplished by taking the cross product of 2 and H tp, and then multiplying by jam such that jwpg (2 X Htp) Substituting (2.36) into (2.38) leads to 6 5; The solution for 2 x H tT is 2xH3‘ T E) t — (2 x (3.532)) raw/12¢ x h...) eszkzz 8 . 5; 2,10,, sm(kzz) + DP cos(kzz)]Etp Z kz[Cp cos(kzz) — DP sin(kzz)]Etp p jUJ/Lg (2 x HE). :—J— 2 kz[C'p cos(kzz) — Dp sin(kzz)]Etp Z kz[Cp cos(kzz) — DP sin(kzz)]Etp :1 :j—k—Z[Cp cos(kzz) — DP sin(kzZ)]Etp- (2-39) 772 p k2 2.2.2 Mode Functions for Rectangular Waveguides For the case involving rectangular apertures, the screen is modeled as an array of rectangular waveguides. Many textbooks have analyzed the rectangular waveguide, 16 including [25]-[27]. Some details of determining the mode functions are repeated here. Consider a rectangular aperture defined such that —% S a: S g and —g g y g g, and filled with a material with permittivity 62 and permeability [1.2. To properly represent the fields within the aperture, the mode functions $8,, and 1pm, must satisfy (2.22) and (2.23). In addition, each mode function must also satisfy the appropriate boundary condition. For TM modes, that is the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition, or $61) = wepctvy) : 0: 117,3] 6 P, where I‘ is the contour defining the boundary of the waveguide. Also, the index p refers to the pt” mode, whether it is a TM or TE mode. The well-known result is that 1126,, can be represented as ([28,, = sin [191C (:1: + 3)] sin [Icy (y + 3)] , (2.40) where and k§=k§—k§=k§+k§. Just to clarify, the index p refers to the 1)“ mode combination of the indices m and n for TM and TE modes. For TE modes the requirement is satisfaction of the homogeneous Neumann 17 boundary condition, or air/”1p _ at()pr _ an — an ($,y)—0, $,yEF, where n is the variable for the normal direction to I‘. The well-known result is that 112;”, can be represented as b 7,0,”, = cos [k3, (x + 3)] cos [Icy (y + 5)] , (2.41) where k. = M, m = 0,1,2,3,... a. kyzfl, n=0,1,2,3,... b and k§=k§—k§=k§+k§. Also, m and 72. cannot be simultaneously equal to zero for TB modes. 2.2.3 Mode Functions for Circular Waveguides For the case involving circular apertures, the screen is modeled as an array of circular waveguides. Many textbooks have analyzed the circular waveguide, including [28] [27]. Some details of determining the mode functions are repeated here. Consider a circular aperture defined such that 0 S r S a, and filled with a material with permittivity 62 and permeability [1.2. To properly represent the fields within the aperture, the mode functions 1126p and 1,12,”, must satisfy (2.22) and (2.23). In addition, each mode function must also satisfy the appropriate boundary condition. To satisfy the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition for TM modes, the well-known result 18 is to define 2128p as ([43,, 2 JC (X: 7*) [AC cos(c¢) + BC sin(cd>)], (2.42) where xcd is the d“ zero of the ct" order Bessel function of the first kind. Also, 42:43—14:43. kr : Xcd a To satisfy the homogeneous Neumann boundary condition for TB modes, the well-known result is to define whp as whp = JC (2%”) [AC cos(c¢) + BC sin(c¢)], (2.43) where x’cd is the d“ zero of the derivative of the ct" order Bessel function of the first kind. Also, kgmn : kg _ kgmn : kfmnz? kl : XIX! r a ° 2.3 Enforcement of Boundary Conditions In order to relate the Floquet wave and waveguide coefficients, boundary conditions are enforced at the upper and lower surfaces of the screen, which correspond to z = 0 and z = —t, respectively. This is accomplished by taking the transverse field expressions and equating them at the boundaries. Using (2.15), (2.29), and (2.36), the continuity of transverse electric field within the aperture region leads to hmn E; + ' {—21ijan — 4+ len] = ZGpEtp, r e o (2.44) m,n P 19 when 2 = 0 and _. _ (3) _ (3lt Z [AemnRzmne jrmnt _ Ahmanmne jrmn m,n = Z [—Fp sin(kzt) + G, cos(kzt)] Etp, r e 9 (2,45) 12 when 2 = —t. F], and G,p are used here to represent the waveguide coefficients for both TM and TE modes, given the similarity between (2.29) and (2.36). It is assumed that the transverse electric field outside of the aperture but within the unit cell will go to zero at z = -t due to the presence of a perfect electrical conductor in that space. The quantity E; represents the transverse electric field in the plane 2 = 0 due to the incident plane wave, and it is defined as E1: E3(§Iex + gey)e_jk0($ cos (bisin 0,- + ysin ¢,sin 61-), (2.46) where e...c and 8,, are used to describe the transverse field components and E3 is the incident electric field amplitude. Using (2.16), (2.32), and (2.39), the continuity of transverse magnetic field within the aperture region leads to 877171 2 x H; + Z [A+ 14.0%,,” + AhmnY(1)R1mn] = E [32312,] , r e o p 772 (2.47) when 2 = 0 and - (3) . (3) Z AemnY€(3) R2mne_Jant _ fimnYh(3)R1mn€_]ant =2 {—FP cos( (k t) + Gp sin(k t)] Etp, 1- E Q (2.48) p 20 when 2 = —t. The quantity 2 x H 2 represents the transverse part of the incident magnetic field in the plane 2 = 0, and it is defined as 2 x H: ___ (3)111 _ ihy)-§—ée—jk0(x cos (bisin 6.- + ysin (i). sin 6,), (2.49) 1 where hm and hy describe the transverse field components and 171 is the intrinsic impedance in region I. Also, up is defined such that .192 Up = Jig— for TM modes and .kz VP — J}; for TE modes. 2.4 System of Linear Equations The F loquet waves are orthogonal such that [len ' Rpm'n'ds : 611’6mm’6nn’a s and 6 is the Kronecker delta function [26]. Having enforced the boundary conditions, the orthogonality of the Floquet waves can be used on (2.44) and (2.45) to solve for the Floquet wave coefficients. Multiplying (2.44) by Rfmw and integrating over S gives Aim 2 [E1 - R'fmnds — 20,, [13,, - R‘fmnds. (2.50) s 1’ n Multiplying (2.44) by R‘Sm’n’ and integrating over S gives Ari-rm = /E: ' Rgmnds — Zap/EU) ° R’Emnds' (251) s P n 21 Multiplying (2.45) by Ring”, and integrating over S gives - 3 Ah—mn = ejrinzlt Z [Fp sin(kzt) — Gp cos(kzt)] lEtp - R’fmnds. (2.52) P n Multiplying (2.45) by R3“, and integrating over S gives - 3 24;," = ejrinllt 2 [—F,, sin(kzt) + Gp cos(kzt)] [Etp - Rgmnds. (2.53) p n The modal waveguide fields are orthogonal [28][29] such that [Etp ' EthdS = 6ppl. n In fact, they are orthonormal due to the normalization that is applied by (2.30) and (2.37). The waveguide field orthogonality can be used with (2.47) and (2.48) to obtain additional expressions involving the Floquet wave coefficients and waveguide coefficients. Multiplying (2.47) by Etp: and integrating over 9 gives — 2 / E.p-[A;tnnve<1>R2mn + Army/gnaw] ds = fiFp+/[2 x H§]-E.,,ds. (2.54) m,nQ 772 Q Multiplying (2.48) by Etpr and integrating over 9 gives emn ' 3 Z / e-JrlnlztEtp. [Afman’len —- A" Yengmn] ds m,nQ = ;£[Fp cos(kzt) + G,, Sin(kzt)l- (2-55) 2 Making some substitutions, (2.50)-(2.55) can be rewritten as Afil-mn : Slmn _ ZGPPIpmna (2.56) P 22 Ajr-nn : 32m?! _ Z GpP2pmm (2.57) P _ ‘ (3 Ahmn = ejrmilt 2le sin(kzt) — G'p cos(kzt)]P1pmn, (2.58) p _ __ jF(3)t _ . Aemn — e m" :1 PP sm(kzt) + G,D cos(kzt)]ngmn, (2.59) p U 77—:FP : — ZlA:mnYe(l)Q2pmn + AtmnYIfI)lemnl — Sp, (2-60) m,n _‘ (3) _ _ Z 6 erntlAhmnYh(3)Q1Pmn _ Aemn3/e(3)Q2Pmnl : glFP COSUCzt) + GP Sin(kzt)la 2 (2.61) where Slmn — fE; ' Rimnds, (2.62) S S2mn — /E; ' R2mndsa (2.63) S 5,, = /(2 x H;) Etpds, (2.64) 0 Plpmn — [Etp Rimnds, (2.65) 0 P2,"... _ f E.,, Rgmnds, (2.66) 0 lemn : [Etp ' lendsa (2.67) 0 Q2pmn : [Etp ' R2mnd3' (2.68) Eliminating the Floquet coefficients by substituting (2.56) and (2.57) into (2.60), and (2.58) and (2.59) into (2.61), and making some additional substitutions, leads to Fp — Z: Gil—{pi 1‘ jp, 23 (2.69) FPWPC + Gpwg — Z[F,~Tp,- — GiUpi] = 0, (2.70) where JP 2 —‘Sp — Z[Y;(1)S2an2pmn — Y/fl)Slan1pmnla m,n Kpi Z ZlYIEI)Plianlpmn + n(l)P2ian2pmnla m,n sz' Z Sin(kzt) Z[n(3)P2ian2pmn + Ye(l)Plian1pmn]a m,n Upi : cos(kzt) Z[Ye(3) P2ian2pmn + K(I)Plianlpmnla - 772 J =—J, :0 up? - 772 Kiz—Ki, :2 Vp :0 u Wcz—acos kzt, p 772 (P) s V - WP :2 l sm(kzt). 772 Expressions (2.69) and (2.70) can be used to construct a square matrix equation of the form Ax = b, where the unknowns are the waveguide coefficients. Once the waveguide coefficients are known, (2.56)-(2.59) can be used to compute the Floquet coefficients. 2.5 Shielding Effectiveness Shielding effectiveness is defined as the ratio of power carried by the Floquet waves in region III to the power carried by the incident plane wave in region I. Computing the power carried by the Floquet waves requires determining the power transmitted through the unit cell. This is computed by integrating the time-average Poynting vector, 1 , . P=S/§R(Ex H )-zds. (2.71) 24 Using vector identities and passing the dot product inside of the 3% expression, (2.71) can be rewritten in terms of the transverse components of the electric and magnetic fields, leading to =—/-2—32 (2 x H*))ds. (2.72) Recalling (2.15) and the complex conjugate of (2.16) for the fields in region 111 gives 00 Et 2 Z [Ac—mnR‘Z—mn — hman—mn] ’ m,n=—oo 0° (3) 3 z x H; = Z [— .4;qu prq + A;,,‘;Y‘ >*R.;;;,]. p,q=-oo Writing out the dot product in (2.72) gives A a: 00 —* It —* — 3 * Et ' (Z X Ht) 2 Z [AemnAepq- mn Rque( YB) + AhmnAhpq lmn Rlpqh ( ) m,,np,q=—oo (3)* — —* — —ar 3* Aemn Ahqu'Zmn Rlpqh _AhmnAepq 1mn R2pq}/e( ) ] ' (273) Substituting (2.73) into (2.72) leads to four integral expressions. The integrals can be evaluated using the orthogonality properties of the Floquet waves, giving . 3 _- 3* ' (3) _ 3)* [R2mn’ 7;.qu : eJPSane JFian/Rzmn , 13;?qu : (3]an Ze JIM“ nz5mp5nq, S lpq lpq ' 3 t 3) S/Rl—mn' 12““ d3_ — eijnz e_.7F$nh 2 f len' R“ d3_ — ejrmnze_j11(h*z6mp6nq, S (3) z __ _* _. (3)*z /R2mn ' Rlpqu— — ejI-‘mn 6 ijn zS/R2mn ' lpqd :0, S (3) z _ —¢ _ F _ F(3)*Z * _ / Rm, .122,qu _ 6] mu 6 J / R1,... - 122,,qu _ 0. S S 25 I l Equation (2.72) can now be rewritten to reflect transmitted power such that 00 . 1 * ‘ 3 _ 3 t Ptrans = —2§R Z (lA_ l2Ye(3)* + lAhmnIZYhm) )ejrgnZIZe ‘71“:an ' (274) emn m,n=-oo For prOpagating F loquet modes, F532 = k; — a?" — 6,2,", > 0, F312, is real and positive, while for evanescent Floquet modes, F53? 2 kg — a; — 5,2,," < 0, r513, is imaginary and negative. The Floquet wave admitttances Ye”) and Yhm are defined as (3) (.063 Ye (3) ’ mn Y<3> F533. h 01/13 and w, 63, and #3 are always real and positive. Therefore, for evanescent modes, Ye“) and Yhm are imaginary, so these modes provide no contribution to the series, and (2.74) can be rewritten as 1 _ _ Ptrans : _"2— [Z (lAemnl23/e(3) + lAhmnl2Yh(3))] a (275) m,n where m and n correspond to the indices of propagating modes. The power carried by the incident plane wave is determined by substituting (2.46) and (2.49) into (2.72), leading to Rnc : —/ 5 1‘2 / [(eyhx—erhy) 0 ds S 7h §R[E§- (2 x H;'*)] ds = — NIH NIH 26 _ —A3 COS 6i '2 E' . 2.76 2m 0 < > Shielding effectiveness (SE) is computed based on the ratio of transmitted power to incident power so that SE”; = ~1010g10 ( Prans ‘ ) . (2.77) Pine The transmission coefficient (T) is the negative of the shielding effectiveness in dB such that (2.78) Prans TdB = —SEdB = 1010g10 ( t ) . P inc 27 >'~<1 W m i r x Figure 2.1. Doubly-periodic conducting screen of apertures with general cross-sec- tional shape. 28 Figure 2.2. Unit cell for a doubly-periodic conducting screen of apertures with general cross-sectional shape. 29 CHAPTER 3 NUMERICAL RESULTS 3.1 Rectangular Apertures The layout of the screen for the rectangular aperture case is shown in Figure 3.1, where the skew angle of the array, (120, the x-periodicity c and the skewed periodicity d are shown. Figure 3.2 shows the unit cell, where the aperture dimensions are a and b, and the unit cell dimensions are u and v. 3.1.1 Calculations In order to compute the shielding effectiveness of a screen of rectangular apertures, a total of 14 integral calculations must be made. Four of them, (2.30), (2.37), (2.62), and (2.63), refer to TM or TE modes, or neither. By contrast, (2.64), (2.65), (2.66), (2.67), and (2.68) account for the other ten because each must be calculated for both TM and TE modes within the aperture. However, some similarities between the different formulas will lead to some redundancy in the calculations. Computing Slmn and 52".” Substituting (2.17) and (2.46) into (2.62) leads to Slmn 2 [E2 ' lends S 6:3,an — eyam E6 ”a?” + 6,2,", \/A—s X [fa-714160 cos at: sin 9. - am)e-J'y(ko sin r157 sin 97 — fimnlds S = (eff—3.11;?)é’i—EFGVG) <3“ 30 where sin [3:(ko cos ()5,- sin 0,- — am)] F = (:5) (k0 cos ab,- sin 0,- - am) ‘) __ sin [y(k0 sin ()5,- sin 0,- —- flmn)] G(y) _ (k0 sin ¢,— sin 0, — 577m) Equation (3.1) is true for all combinations of the Floquet mode indices m and 11 except for three. If m = n = 0, (2.62) becomes 51m, = 875” ‘ €me 133%. (3.2) 7013.. + [33,... If m = 0 only, (2.62) is expressed as Slmn : (63.6mm _ eyam) 2EOU’G (B) . (33) \/a3n+fifm W” 2 And if n = 0 and (150 = 90°, then (2.62) is found to be Slmn = (ezflmn _ eyam) 2EOUF (E) . (34) i/afnflfm WW 2 Using similar reasoning, substituting (2.18) and (2.46) into (2.63) leads to S2771" : /E: ' REmnds 3 exam + eyflmn E5 2 («aw/33,... ) W17 X [e—j$(ko cos d).- sin 0.- — am)e-J'y(ko sin ismlky(v+%>l wlkxnsflwslwéfll which is then substituted into (2.30) such that etp = jkz (ikr cos 0 '- 7 = —k§ / k: cos2 [km (m + g” sin2 ky (y + 3) ds 9 _ - 493/19: sin2 [km (a: + g)] cos2 16,, (y + %)l ds 0 . . = _kg (kg + kg) ”1” (3.9) 32 This result is found by using basic substitution to evaluate the integrals and discarding any terms that involve the sine of an integer multiple of 77, which is always zero. To evaluate fph, the normalization integral for TB modes in the aperture, (2.41) is substituted into (2.35), leading to th (73 X htp) : .719th? (fig?! cos [km (£13 + 3.)] Sin [kg (y + 3)] _ 32k: sin [km (a: + 3)] cos [kg (y + g”), which is then substituted into (2.37) such that fph : /Zh,,(2 x hip) - th(2 x htp)ds ' n = —w2,u2 / k: cos2 [km (a: + g)] sin2 ka (y + g) ds 9 .. —w2,u2 / k: sin2 [kgc (x + E» cos2 lky (y + g) ds L n . 99 4 . = —w2p2(k§+k3) (3.10) This result is also found by using basic substitution to evaluate the integrals and discarding any terms that involve the sine of an integer multiple of 7r, which is always zero. Equation (3.10) is valid for all TE modes in the aperture except for those involving either km 2 O or 19,, = 0. If k,D = 0, fph becomes f,,, = / th(2 x h,,,) - th(2 x h.,)ds Q -w2u2 / k: sin2 [16,, (y + 3)] ds 9 2ab 313' = —w2u2k (3.11) 33 If Icy = O, fp), becomes f,,. = / th(2 x h,,,) . th(2 x h,,,)ds fl : —w2p2/k: sin2 [k1, (a: + 3)] d3 9 = —w2u2k332§. (3.12) Computing Sp Using (2.26), (2.28), (2.40), and (2.49) in (2.64) and making some substitutions gives 53’“ = /(2 x H;') - Etpds Q . a b = Gogeuflevyy 3111 [km (a: + 5)] cos [Icy (y + 5)] ds _ “93$ ’0 y 9)] ' 9 Huge ey cos [km (a:+2 S111 [kg (y+2)] ds — GG(E)G 9-HH(9)H 9 (313) for TM modes, where Go = —]szO hxky, 771V fpe H0 2 Mhykx, 771\/f—pe _ —kxeu$$[1 — 2sin2(k$a:)] + kme‘umx v evyyu —— 2sin2(k y)] — v e—vyy G = y y y , 3.15 111(1)) : uxe [1 28m ($33)] uxe ’ (3.16) u§+k§ 34 —kyevyy[1 — 25in2(kyy)] + [rye—”31y 112(9) = 113+ k3 , (3.17) ux = —jko cos Q5,- sin 6,, (3.18) '03, = —jk0 sin (b,- sin 61'. (3.19) There are a couple of special situations that should be noted for making these cal- culations. If either um = 0 or k1, = 0, the effect on (3.14) and (3.16) can be found directly from those expressions. However, if um = km 2 0, (3.13) becomes 32’“ = —H0aH2 (g) . (3.20) Similarly, if vy 2 kg = O, (3.13) simplifies to a 33"“ = GOG1 (5) b. (3.21) The effect of either 12,, = 0 or kg = 0 can be found by directly evaluating (3.15) and (3.17). For TE modes, using (2.34), (2.35), (2.41), and (2.49) in (2.64) and making some substitutions gives 33E = [(2xH§)-E,,ds Q r . = —G0/eu1‘xevyy sin [km (:16 + g» cos kyn (y + g) ds 9 l . u :1: v y a - F b 1 —H0/e-Tey cos kat x+§ smkan y+-2- ds 9 . —GOG1 (g) 02 ('3‘) — HoHl (g) H2 (2;) , (3.22) where 0(5), 02(3)), H1(3:), H2(y), ux, and 2),, are defined by (3.14), (3.15), (3.16), 35 (3.17), (3.18), and (3.19) respectively, just as they were for the TM case. The change is in the definition of Go and H0, where Go = J——————"‘Z"”E°h.k., "Iprh 'kzZ .- H02] ”BO/2,3,, Tin/f7); for TB modes. Similar to the TM case, if um = km 2 0, (3.22) becomes b SEE Z —H0aH2 (é) . If 21,, 2 kg = 0, (3.22) simplifies to 5;”? = 43001 (521-) b. Computing Plpmn, ngmn, lemn, and Qgpmn (3.23) (3.24) In order to evaluate Plpmn, ngmn, lemn, and Qgpmn, the same computations that were carried out previously for SI, are repeated. In fact, the formulas to be shown will include the functions 01(23), G2(y), H1(:c), and H2(y), which are defined by (3.14), (3.15), (3.16), and (3.17), respectively. To calculate Plpmn for TM modes, substituting (2.4), (2.5), (2.17), (2.26), (2.28), and (2.40) into (2.65) gives 1pmn PTM = f E", ~R‘1'mnds Q . b , = —Go/eu1$evyy sin [km (:1: + 525)] cos ky (y + 2) n L .. +Ho/euxxevyy cos [k1, (a: + 3)] sin ky (y + 3)] n L- .1 36 d3 d3 = m(,).2(g)_..(g).(g) where jkzkyam G = , ° «Wig/a3 + 32,... ijkI/an H0 2 , mam + 3.2.... ”at : Jam, vy : jfimn- If u,c 2 km, 2 0, (3.25) becomes TM Plpmn = HoaH2 (g) . If 1),, = kg“ = 0, (3.25) simplifies to PTM 1pmn = —G001 (g) b. (3.26) (3.27) (3.23) (3.29) For TE modes, Plpmn is found by substituting (2.4), (2.5), (2.17), (2.34), (2.35), and (2.41) into (2.65), giving P575111 : [Etp ' Rimnds Q = GO/euflevyy sin [1:3, (as + g)] cos [kg (y + 3)] ds {2 u :1: v a - b +H0/e x e 313’ cos [km (:1: + 2)] sm [Icy (y + 5)] ds 0 = GOG1 (g) 02 (g) + HOH1 (g) H2 (3) , 37 (3.30) where j k2 ka: am Z hp \/—A3(/fph\/03n + 33.; H0 2 jkzkyflmnzhp «713/3». M. + 53,... If at = 16;; = 0, (3.30) becomes 0 b 1317,;an = HoaH2 (5) . (3.31) If 12,, 2 kg = 0, (3.30) simplifies to P55... = 0001 (g) b. (3.32) To calculate ngmn for TM modes, substituting (2.4), (2.5), (2.18), (2.26), (2.28), and (2.40) into (2.66) gives 1);):an : [Em ' Rgmnds n __ u a: v y - a b —— GO/e 3‘ e y sm [19,610+ -)] cos [kg (y+—)] ds 9 2 2 +H0/euxxevyy cos [kI (a: + g» sin [Icy (y + 3)] ds 0 = G001 (g) 02 (g) + mm (‘23) H2 ('3') , (3.33) where = jkzkyfimn V A3 V fpe a?" + (8721111, jkzkzam x/A—.(/f;(/a3n+ 3...’ 0 H0: 38 and (3.39) and (3.40) still apply. If um 2 .163C 2 0, (3.33) becomes 1327,34,, = Home!2 (g) . (3.34) If vy = Icy = O, (3.33) simplifies to P5X" = (1001 (g) b. (3.35) When calculating ngmn for TE modes, substituting (2.4), (2.5), (2.18), (2.27), (2.35), and (2.41) into (2.66) gives P” = / E,p . R’fmnds Q 2pmn = uxsz: v y - 9)] 9 Goa/e e 1’ sm [163(3) + 2 cos [16,, (31+ 2)] (18 +H0 / euxxevyy cos [3, (a: + g)] sin ]k, (y + 3)] ds 9 a b a b = 0001 (5) 02 (5) + HoHl (5) H2 (2) , (3.36) where G jkzkzamth 0 = a m" fph V (1727; + fig"; H0 : jkzkyfimnzhp mM(/a3n + 33.3 If um = km = 0, (3.30) becomes b 39 If vy = Icy = 0, (3.30) simplifies to P223, = GOG1 (g) b. (3.38) In order to compute lemn and Qgpmn for TM and TE modes, the formulas are almost identical to what has been shown for Plpmn and ngnm. The only difference is that (3.39) and (3.40) are defined such that um = —jam, (3.39) ’Uy : _jfimna (3.40) which are the complex conjugates of the versions used in computing Plpmn and ngm. Otherwise, the formulas and constants are exactly the same. 3.1.2 Discussion of Results Figure 3.3 shows a plot of transmission coefficient versus frequency, where each curve represents a different value of screen thickness. The transmission coefficient is the negative of the shielding effectiveness in dB. The aperture is square shaped with di- mensions a = b = 3.6 mm, while the unit cell is also square shaped with dimensions 11 = v = 3.6254 mm. The difference accounts for the thickness of the conducting region. These aperture dimensions were chosen because they are typical of the di- mensions of aluminum honeycomb, samples of which were used for an experimental comparison to the numerical data. The excitation is a normally incident plane wave with magnetic field perpendicular to the y — 2 plane, and the array of apertures is unskewed, i.e. (60 = 90°. Because the array is unskewed, the periodicity and the unit cell dimensions along each direction are the same, i.e. c = u and d = v. It is clear that increasing the thickness of the screen decreases the transmission of power through the screen at the lower frequencies. It is also important to note that once 40 the frequency reaches approximately 41 GHz, the shielding effectiveness approaches 0 dB irrespective of the screen thickness. This is expected given that the aperture size in this case is 3.6 mm, which corresponds to a cut-off frequency of 41.64 GHz for the dominant TElo and TE” modes of a square waveguide. For a normally incident plane wave with electric field perpendicular to the x— 2 plane, the results are virtually identical. To compute the curves in Figure 3.3, 882 Floquet modes were used. 60 waveguide modes (mode indices 3 5) were used to compute the curves for the 1.1 mm, 2.2 mm, and 4.4 mm curves. For the larger thickness values, the curves for the shield- ing effectiveness did not provide meaningful data when using 60 waveguide modes. The trends that were observed in increasing from 1.1 mm to 2.2 mm to 4.4 mm were not apparent. However, using less waveguide modes did produce useful results that showed a continuing trend toward better shielding performance at lower frequencies when thickness was increased. The reasoning behind the use of less waveguide modes for higher thickness values is explained in Chapter 5, including the techniques that were used to evaluate problems with high thickness values. The number of waveguide modes used to compute the other curves in Figure 3.3 are shown in Table 3.1. All 60 waveguide modes and their corresponding cut-off frequencies are shown in Table 3.2. Figure 3.4 shows the impact of changing the incidence angle 0,- for a TM-polarized, incident plane wave with a screen thickness of 5.5 mm. Results for 15° and 30° were computed, but are omitted due to their similarity to the 0° case. The dips in the higher frequency region are due to forced resonances that occur just prior to the onset of grating lobes. These points are known as Wood’s anomalies [5] [9], and they occur at the point in frequency where the separation between the apertures is about a wavelength. For the TE—polarized incident plane wave case, the curves in Figure 3.5 show more modest differences for the change in incidence angle. However, this case does indicate a downward shift in the resonant frequency as 6,- is increased, as was noted in [5]. Here, the resonant frequency is considered the point at which full 41 transmission is achieved. This is somewhat different from the T M-incidence case, where the increase in 0,- has no effect on the resonant frequency. Similar to the TM— incidence plot, results for 15° and 30° were omitted due to their similarity to the 0° case. In getting numerical results for the rectangular aperture case, the choice for the number of Floquet modes was (2 x 10 + 1)2 x 2 = 882, where each mode index (m and n) ranges from —10 to +10 and there are TM and TE sets of modes. This was the number of modes used in [19], and it represents the starting point for this study. Some consideration was given to the idea that using more Floquet modes, while more time-consuming for computations, might provide more accurate data. Figure 3.6 shows the comparison between using 882 Floquet modes and 1922 Floquet modes while holding the number of waveguide modes at 60. No appreciable difference was seen between the two cases when t=4.4 mm, and all curves were computed using 882 Floquet modes. A similar consideration was made with regard to the number of waveguide modes being used. Increasing the thickness beyond 6.6 mm prevents the use of 60 waveguide modes, but Figure 3.7 shows that just using the two dominant modes (TEm and TEm) 0f the square waveguide gives virtually the same curves as using 60 modes when t=4.4 mm. However, it should be noted that if the apertures were larger, higher-order modes would contribute at a lower point in frequency. Figure 3.8 - Figure 3.14 show comparisons between mode-matching results and data using the waveguide below cut-off formula at different thicknesses. The waveguide below cut-off formula for transmission coefficient is given by T,”3 = zolog10 (em) (3.41) f 2 a=wm,|(7€) —1. (3.42) 42 where The quantity d is the length of the aperture, and fc is the cut-off frequency of the dominant rectangular waveguide mode, which in this case is given by fc = 41.64 GHz. As the thickness of the screen is increased to five times the aperture width and larger, the agreement between the curves gets stronger. In fact, the waveguide below cutoff formula was developed to describe the attenuation of waves propagating in an opening whose length is at least five times its width [24]. The mode-matching approach is not limited to a certain ratio between aperture width and aperture length/screen thickness, making it more flexible for making shielding effectiveness calculations. In addition, the mode-matching approach can be used for frequencies above the cut-off frequency of the dominant waveguide mode. Figure 3.15 and Figure 3.16 show mode-matching results using the proposed ap- proach in comparison to past published results for mode-matching from [10]. Also, Figure 3.17, Figure 3.18, and Figure 3.19 compare results to published data from [19]. In each figure, both sets of data are very closely related. However, it should be noted that in [10] and [19], only the (m = 0,n = 0) Floquet mode was considered to be propagating. The curves are in very good agreement if that consideration is taken into account. However, if the frequencies of interest are high enough, other Floquet modes will become propagating and should therefore be included in the analysis [21][30]. In fact, the transmission nulls in Figure 3.15, Figure 3.16, and Figure 3.19 are due to the Wood’s anomaly mentioned earlier. And in each case, the next propagating Floquet mode occurs very close in frequency to the location of the Wood’s anomaly. 3.2 Circular Apertures The layout of the screen for the circular aperture case is shown in Figure 3.20, where the skew angle of the array, (150, the x-periodicity c and the skewed periodicity d are shown. Figure 3.21 shows the unit cell, where the circular aperture radius is a, and the hexagonal unit cell dimension is u. 43 3.2.1 Calculations In order to compute the shielding effectiveness of a screen of circular apertures, a total of 14 integral calculations must be made. Four of them, (2.30), (2.37), (2.62), and (2.63), refer to TM or TE modes, or neither. By contrast, (2.64), (2.65), (2.66), (2.67), and (2.68) account for the other ten because each must be calculated for both TM and TE modes within the aperture. In addition, due to the mode functions used for the circular aperture case, calculations must be done seperately for even and odd modes. However, some similarities between the different formulas will lead to some redundancy in the calculations. Computing Slmn and 82"", Substituting (2.17) and (2.46) into (2.62) leads to Slmn : [Ef fmnds S _ exfimn — eyam E6 «a; + (33.... Wis x fe—ijco cos ¢,- sin 6,- — am)e-jy(k0 sin ¢,sin 0,- — flmnlds s _ exflmn — eyam 4E5 " ( m ) m [F1(u) + F2(u)l (343) where _jp 2“ jp 2n F1(u) = e p 3’75 (ej(%+px)u_1) ———ep 3’72? (1_e—j(%—px)u), p, (7% + p.) M75 - pm) 3 44 —jp 2“ jp 2" ( ° ) F201): 8 p 3’73 (ej(%_px)u_1) ——§E_—:7—3—(1—e—j(%+pf)u), py (7% _ pm) py(\/§ + pm) (3 45) px 2 k0 cos ¢,—sin 6’, — am, 44 py 2 k0 sin (b,- sin 0,- — 5",". This result is obtained by forming linear equations for the unit cell boundaries and integrating over the limits. The equations are ( ) —1 2n yl :8 fix fl, ( )_ _L + _23 yz :1: fix fl, (1‘) — -1— _ 2— 313 «gm fl, ( ) —1 2H. y4 I \/§ «3, and F1(:c) and F2(2:) are expressed as 0 312(1) 171(27): /e_]p:rx [ / e_]pyydy] dx, _“ 311(17) u 314(3) F2(:r)= fe-Jpzar[ / e_]pyydy]d:r. 0 y3($) Equation (3.43) is true for almost all combinations of the Floquet mode indices. If m = n = 0, (3.43) becomes _ 62:,an — eyam i Slmn — ( m ) EO\/Z;' (346) If the mode indices are such that pg 2 Pxfi, (3.43) still applies with (3.44) and (3.45) simplifying to . 2u ' 2u F1(u)= e )(e]( +pm)u_1) '6 V3 py (% +pa: 45 2n ' 2a —pr75 _. p e-pr75 F2(u) = e p (e “7% + pflu — 1)+j—-——u. (3.48) p, (7% + pm) pg Using similar reasoning, substituting (2.18) and (2.46) into (2.63) leads to S2mn : [Ef ' Rgmnds S _ exam + eyfimn E}, «a; + 5,2,... «A. x [e—jsrUco cos qbisin 6, — am)e—jy(k0 sin qfi, sin 9,- — fimn)ds S exam + eyfimn _ ( 02 +_5_2 ):€A§8[F1(u)+F2(u)] (3-49) with F1(u) and F2(u) given by (3.44) and (3.45), respectively, for most Floquet mode index combinations. If m = n = 0, (3.49) becomes exam + e m, , 52m, = ( 2 31‘: )Em/As. (3.50) v am + 1617171 If the mode indices are such that pg 2 p3, J3, (3.49) still applies with (3.47) and (3.48) defining F1(u) and F2(u), respectively. Computing fm3 and fph To evaluate fpe, the normalization integral for TM modes in the aperture, (2.42) is substituted into (2.28), leading to a, = jk. (ragga?) cos(ca) — ¢3§Jc(krr) sin(c¢)) , (3.51) for even TM modes, and em = jkz (feréflcrr) sin(cq§) + 43;J6(kr7‘) cos(c¢)) , (3.52) 46 for odd TM modes. Substituting either (3.51) or (3.52) into (2.30) gives n : —kfk3 [[Jé(krr)]2[cos(c¢)]2ds — [9302/—12—[Jc(krr)]2[sin(c¢)]2ds Q Q T : —7rk§k3/T[J£(krr)]2dr — 7rk302/l[Jc(krr)]2dr, (3.53) 0 0 T - aslongascsdéO. Ifc=0, fpe = [em ' etp d8 0 V = 4.31.3 / [.1kade n = —2nk§k3 / r[J;(k.r)]2dr (3-54) 0 for even TM modes, and fpe = 0 for odd TM modes. The integrals in (3.53) and (3.54) can be computed in closed form, or they can be determined numerically. To evaluate fph, the normalization integral for TE modes in the aperture, (2.43) is substituted into (2.35), leading to 2,, (2 x h,,,) = 3'15.th (3k.Jg(k;r) cos(cqb) + 1=§J6(k;r) sin(c¢)) , (3.55) for even TE mdoes, and Z»... (23 x h,,,) = jkthp (3k.J;(k;r) sin(c¢) — achucy) cos(c¢)), (3.55) for odd TE modes. Substituting either (3.55) or (3.56) into (2.37) gives f,,, = / 2,,(2 x h,,) . th(2 x h,,)ds o 47 = —(kzk:.th)2[[J£(k;r)]2[cos(c¢)]2ds — c2(kthp)2/ :—2[Jc(k;r)]2[sin(c¢)]2ds :2 Q a = —7r(kzk;th)2/T[Jé(k;r)]2dr —- 7rc2(kthp)2/-71:[Jc(k;r)]2dr (3.57) 0 aslongascaé0.1fc=0, fph = [ZIP(2 X htp) - th(23 x htp)ds n —(k.k;zhp>2 / [J;(k;r)12ds fl = —7r(kzk;th)2 / r[J;(k;r)]2dr (3.58) for even TE modes, and fph = 0 for odd TE modes. The integrals in (3.57) and (3.58) can be computed in closed form, or they can be determined numerically. Computing 5,, Using (2.26), (2.28), (2.42), and (2.49) in (2.64) and making some substitutions gives 5,?“ = [(2 x H;‘) . Etpds Q a 21r = +G0/1‘Jé(krr) [/ cos(c¢)sin(¢)e_jkor sin 6,-cos(¢ _ (qufiJ dr 0 0 a 21r —G1/Jc(k,r) [/ sin(c¢)cos(¢)e—jkor sin 9,-cos(¢ _ ¢‘)d¢] dr 0 0 a 27r —02/7‘J£(krr) [/ cos(c¢)cos(d))e_jk0r sin 6,cos(q’> — ¢i)d¢] dr 0 0 a 27r —G3/Jc(krr) [/ sin(c¢>)sin(¢)e—jkor sin O‘COSW _ ¢i)d¢] dr 0 0 :- + [GOG4 — 0206) / rJ;(k,r)Jc,1(kor sin 0,)dr 0 — [0005 + 0207] / rJ;(k,r)Jc_1(k0r sin 0,)dr 0 48 — [0105 + G367] / Jc(k,r).]c+1(kor sin 0,)dr 0 — [GIG4 — G305] / Jc(k,.r)Jc_1(k0r sin 0,)d7‘ (3.59) o for even TM modes, and 53‘“ = [(2 x H;) - Etpds o a 21r = +GO/rJé(krr) [/ sin(c¢)sin(¢)e—jkor sin 0,cos((b — ¢i)d¢] dr 0 o a 21r +G1/Jc(k,r) [/ cos(c¢)cos(¢)e_jkor sin 0,cos(¢ _ ¢i)d¢:l dr 0 o a 21r —GgfrJ£(k,.r) [/ sin(c¢)cos(¢)e_jkor sin 6,-cos((b _ ¢i)d¢] dr 0 0 +G3 [6 Jc(krr) [7cos(cq5) sin(¢)e—jkor sin 0" COS<¢ _ ¢i)dq§] dr 0 o = — [COGS + 0204] [arJé(k,r)Jc+1(kor sin 0,)d7‘ o 'l' [GOG7 —' 0205] jTJé(kTT)Jc-1(k0T sin 9i)d7‘ 0 +[G1G5 + G3G4] [0 Jc(k,.'r)Jc+1(k0r sin 0,)dr . o + [GIG7 — 0305] / Jc(k,.r)Jc_1(korsin 6,)dr (3.60) 0 for odd TM modes, where jkzkrEf, GO : hm, 771V fpe GI = JkZCEO ha?) 01% 49 376.6235 Gz = h , 771V fpe y jkzcEf, G3 = h , 771V fpe y G4 = 7rj°+1 sin[(c +1)(,75,~], (3.61) G5 = m“ sin[(c — 1)¢,], (3.62) G6 = 7rj°+1cos[(c + 1)¢.-], (3.63) G, = 7rj°71cos[(c -— 1)(b,~]. (3.64) (3.59) and (3.60) are valid as long as c ¢ 0. If c = 0, SE“ = [(2 x H;) -Et,,ds o a 21r . . = +00 / rJ{,(k.r) ]/ sin(¢)e—Jko’"Sln 92C03<¢ ‘ ¢i)d¢] dr 0 0 a 27r -02/TJ6(k,-T) '/cos(¢>)e_]kor 81” 61°03“) _ 050MB] dr 0 o = j27r[Go sin (b,- — G2 cos 65,-] [TJ6(k,.r)J1(k0r sin 6,)dr (3.65) 0 for even TM modes, and S; M = 0 for odd TM modes. The integrals in (3.59), (3.60), and (3.65) must be determined numerically. For TE modes, using (2.34), (2.35), (2.43), and (2.49) in (2.64) and making some substitutions gives 5;“? = [(2ng).E,,,ds Q 27r = +00 / Jc(k,’,r) [ / sin(c¢) gamma—31““Sin 92' COW ‘ ¢ild¢ dr 0 0 50 a 27r +01/rJ£(k,'.r) [/ cos(c¢)cos(¢)e_jkor sin O‘COS(¢ — ¢i)d¢] dr 0 0 0 —Gg/a.]c(k:_r) [7sin(c¢)cos(¢)e—jkor sin 6,-cos(¢ _ ¢i)d¢] dr 0 +Gg/arJé(k;r) [7cos(cq§)sin(¢)e_jkor sin 0‘C05(¢ _ ¢i)d¢] dr 0 o + [G1G6 "l' G364]/0TJ£(I€TT)JC+1(IC0T sin 01)d7‘ 0 + [6'le — 0305]/arJé(krr)Jc_1(k0r sin 0,)dr o — [GOG6 + 020.] / Jc(k,r)JC+1(k0r sin 0,)dr 0 + [0007 — 0205] / Jc(k,r)Jc_1(k0rsin 6,)dr (3.66) 0 for even TE modes, and TE SP [(2 x H;') - Etpds Q a 21r —G0/rJé(k,.r) [/ cos(c¢)sin(¢)e_jkor sin O‘COSW — ¢i)dq§] dr 0 0 a 21r +G1/Jc(krr) [/ sin(c¢)cos(¢)e—jk0r sin 0,cos(¢ _ ¢i)d¢] dr 0 0 a 21r +G2/1'J,’,(k,r) [/ cos(c¢)cos(¢)e_jkor sin Q‘COSM — dado] dr 0 0 a 2n +03/Jc(krr) [/ sin(c¢)sin(¢)e_jkor sin 6,-cos(¢ — ¢‘)d¢] dr 0 o +[G'1G'4 — G3G6] [TJé(krr)Jc+1(k0r sin 0,)d7‘ o +[0105 + G307] / rJ;(k,r)J,_1(k0r sin 0,)dr 0 51 — [GOG4 — G2G6] / Jc(krr)Jc+1(kor sin 0,)d7‘ 0 + [0005 + G207] / Jc(k,r)Jc_1(k0r sin 6,)dr (3.67) 0 for odd TE modes, where _ jkthpCEa 771m _J'kthpkf-Eé — 771m _ jkthchf] — 771m = jkthpkiEii h 771m y, and G4,G5,G6, and G7 are defined by (3.61), (3.62), (3.63), and (3.64), respectively. GO hm) GI hr: 02 hy, G3 (3.66) and (3.67) are valid as long as c ¢ 0. If c = 0, s,” = [(2 x H;‘) . Etpds n a ‘21r 1, = +G1/rJé(k,'.r) /cos(¢)e_jkor sin 0,cos(¢ — (mdoj dr 0 -0 a. '21r +G3 / rJ,’,(/s;.r) / sin(¢)e—jk°TSin 92m“? — $066] dr 0 -0 a. = j27r[G'1 cos gb, + 03 Sin 65,-] /rJ6(k,'.r)J1(k0r sin 0,)dr (3.68) 0 for even TE modes, and SEE 2: 0 for odd TE modes. The integrals in (3.66), (3.67), and (3.68) must be determined numerically. Computing Plpmn, ngmn, CAM", and Qgpmn In order to evaluate Plpmn, P2pmm lemn, and Qgpmn, the same computations that were carried out previously for 8,, are repeated. 52 To calculate Plpmn for TM modes, using (2.4), (2.5), (2.17), (2.26), (2.28), and (2.42) in (2.65) gives P17131511: = [Em ' Rfmnds o a "21r '1 = +G2/rJé(krr) fcos(c¢)cos(¢>)ejr) COS(¢)ejTCmn COSW — an)d¢ ]/ sin(c¢) Sin(¢)ej7‘§mn 005015 — anldqil 0 . 21r 53 dr d7‘ —03/Jc(krr) [/ cos(c¢)sin(¢)ejr) cos(¢)ejr) sin(¢)ejr‘< >X 5- CL\‘ Figure 3.1. Doubly-periodic conducting screen of apertures with rectangular cross— section. 63 ‘ 11 > Figure 3.2. Unit cell for a doubly-periodic conducting screen of apertures with rec- tangular cross-section. 64 0 "'"”"”‘"""""""””"“'"”“”'°”““'””""“""'"""'"'”"”"_" $-20 .4.-----_-_- ‘_<““‘- A“::;'::‘::::25v"'-::::::::: ........ ". I, t.1'1m E ..-::::::;::== iii +1.2.2mm O ..:::::::2 5555 g .40 . .."-.----------:::,:::==' ............................. . '1 - -B-t-4.4rnm 5 ° +t-7.7mm C _. ‘ § -60 i» -------------------- . ------------------------------ x ,_8_8mm u .1223' E ”J; -e-t-9.9mm '80 - "-‘ ................................... - E --t-1B.0mm '— -l-—t-26.0mm -100 J ........................ --t-40.0mm '120 ‘r If I I 1 4‘ 0.0 10.0 20.0 30 O 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GHz) . Figure 3.3. Comparison of transmission coefficient for screens of different thicknesses for normally incident TM polarized plane wave. 65 20 —5 vb o 1 Transmission coefflclent (dB) I - —e- theta=0 degrees ] _’ —+— theta=45 degrees I -80 - ...................................................... +theta=60degrees -e- theta=75 degrees [ l -100 ~ ---------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------- [ '1 20 r I I J. 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (6"!) Figure 3.4. Comparison of transmission coefficient versus frequency for various inci— dence angles when t=5.5 mm for TM polarized incident plane wave. 66 20 o s ..................................................................................... g -20 . ............................................................................................. E .9 2 E .40 _. ........................................................................... 1: -§ .60 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “E + theta=0 degrees a -80 -. ____________________________________________________________ +theta=45 degrees ___________ '- +theta=60 degrees , +theta=75 degrees -100 - ............ . ........ , ................................................................. , _______ 420 . r . . 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GHz) Figure 3.5. Comparison of transmission coefficient versus frequency for various inci- dence angles when t=5.5 mm for TE polarized incident plane wave. 67 L ,"l I -9- 60 waveguide modes, 882 Floquet modes 1 l 1 -E- 60 waveguide modes, 1922 Floquet modes ‘ Transmlsslon (:00!!!ch (dB) .80 . -100 ~ -120 r v v - ' 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GHz) Figure 3.6. Comparison at t=4.4 mm between using 882 Floquet modes vs. 1922 Floquet modes. 68 20 -60 _ .'_ ______________________________ —B— 60 waveguide modes, 882 Floquet modes J ________ i —e— 2 waveguide modes, 882 Floquet modes J Transmission Coefficient (dB) -100 w --------------------- 7 ---------------------------- 7 ------------------------------------------- : -120 r x 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GI-12) Figure 3.7. Comparison at t=4.4 mm between using 60 waveguide modes vs. 2 waveguide modes. 69 8 E E .2 o 340 q_ ______ J +Results from mode matching c ' approach 2 3-50 «- E -a- Results from using "waveguide g -60 J ______________ - __________________________________ J below cutoff" formula ____________ E .— -7o -80 ~r -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i i i '90 r I T I i 0.0 10.0 20 0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GI-l2) Figure 3.8. Comparison at t=1.1 mm between mode-matching approach and waveguide below cutoff formula. 70 8 l 0" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" “MAuvmé -1O ---------------------------------- J a J :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':_?;7.—." J “EL-20 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- g o -30 4 . ,. _, _ ‘ g + Results from mode *7 o .40 fl ___________________________________________________ matching approach ' ,,,,,,,,,, r.- % _50 J _______________________________________________________ -a— Results from using _____________ .2 ”waveguide below cutoff" E formula J 5-60 -J+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .— -70 ,,,,,, -80 , -90 I . T 7 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GHz) Figure 3.9. Comparison at t=2.2 mm between mode-matching approach and waveguide below cutoff formula. 71 _I. o 0 _. .............................................................................................. -10 s ................................................................................................ i'n‘ a 3-20« -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- J E . g .1 . - - - l g -30 2 '40 q """""""""""""""""""""""""" + Results from mode if V .2 matching approach 3.: -50 - ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ .5, -a- Results from using - L t: -50 J ., .................................................... "waveguide below cutoff" % ............. J S tormula ' -70 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -80. ......... - .................................................................................. '90 1 —1 r r ‘J 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GHz) Figure 3.10. Comparison at t=4.4 mm between mode-matching approach and waveguide below cutoff formula. 72 o J ———————————————————————————————————————————— -10 _ .................................................................................... a B -20 ------------------------ E o -30 . ..................... r: 2 L -50 ,,-.-" memm -. —~~-——~~*~-~-~~~-- . ........ g '2 ___=:=::===J. + Results from mode 5 2 |c:::::::::::::::::::::== === . ,- ' matChfng appmaCh J E -60 'J" - -------------------------------------- l- . -70 fl ___________ ______________________________________________ -a-Results from using _ "waveguide below cutoff" formula -90 . . , , . 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GI-l2) Figure 3.11. Comparison at t=7.7 mm between mode-matching approach and waveguide below cutoff formula. 73 O J --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A -25 in E E -50 .............................................................................................. 2 2 E -75 J -------------------------------------------------------------- 5 -1oo «J ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ g . . +Results from mode ; g -125 J ' ' ----------------- matching approach ---------- f 8 l ""3““ ''''' '- -150 .J —a-Results from using .. "waveguide below cutoff" J formula -175 -J ................................................................................ ~. ................... -200 . T I r 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GHz) Figure 3.12. Comparison at t=18.0 mm between mode—matching approach and waveguide below cutoff formula. 74 o .. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— A -25 ------------------------------- J ------------------------------------------------------------------------ g ;+ Results from mode matching ‘5 -50., ,. _ .. ., __J approach % i—a- Results from using g '75 ‘ """""""""""""""" "waveguide below cutoff" """""""""""""""""" 0 formula .5 -100 -4 ..................................................................................................... .3 s -125 e r: S -150 ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------- -175 +~-«----o---—-----------~------- --- " ------------------------------------- '200 '_‘ ---::::: :::: r I I 1 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GI-l2) Figure 3.13. Comparison at t=26.0 mm between mode-matching approach and waveguide below cutoff formula. 75 0 a ........................................................................................ -25 ii 3 one -50 ........................................................................................................ 5 .. _W a g 75 + Results from mode 3 ' matching approach 0 .5 400 -- ------------------------- -a— Results from using ----------------- ' --------- 3 ”waveguide below cutoff" ‘ 5 125 - _________________________ formula ________________ c - E p. -150 a .......................................................................... _175 - ......................................... , ................... ,1 -200 , . 1 ‘ r ' 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GI-l2) Figure 3.14. Comparison at t=40.0 mm between mode-matching approach and waveguide below cutoff formula. 76 2,0 w Wm “WM- mg -m--- .0 o J iv o .43 O L Transmission coefficient (dB) sh O ........................................................ —theta=20 degrees —9— theta=20 degrees (Chen) .............................................. -3J0 ...................................................... -10.0 r If i r . J 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 Frequency (GHz) Figure 3.15. Comparison between proposed mode-matching formulation and mode— matching results of Chen using 0,- = 20° near transmission null (Wood’s anomaly). Assumes only (0,0) Floquet mode is propagating. 77 2.0 -. mm---“ fl 0.0 4.-----“ .--- ._--. -2.0 '4 -4.0 ~ —theta=80 d rees .5_0 - ............................................ eg 3 ............. -- -- o theta=80 degrees (Chen) Transmission coeiiicient (dB) -8.0 - ............................................................................ 7 '10.0 T i I 4 i T I 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 Frequency (GHz) Figure 3.16. Comparison between pr0posed mode-matching formulation and mode— matching results of Chen using 0,- : 80° near transmission null (Wood’s anomaly). Assumes only (0,0) Floquet mode is propagating. 78 —theta=0 degrees o theta=0 degrees (Widenberg) -6 . #__ Anfm____-_-_—_ Transmission coefficient (dB) '10 1rTIT Y 1 I : V: TT T rTI T i I I I r. T T T T l’ i i i T r' 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 Frequency (GI-i2) Figure 3.17. Comparison between proposed mode-matching formulation and mode— matching results from Widenberg et 3.1 using 0,- : 0°. 79 0 .. A C in B E -2 .9 0 1 g g 1 —iheta=30 degrees ; \ .2 j o theta=30 degrees (Widenberg) ‘ E .— -8 —4 -10 T T T A f T T T T - ' ‘ T T T T T 1 t T T T T F I v. T T T T T l T T T . , 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 10.0 Frequency (GHz) Figure 3.18. Comparison between proposed mode-matching formulation and mode— matching results from Widenberg et al using 0,- = 30°. 80 .4?__ —theta=60 degrees 0 iheta=60 degrees (Widenberg) / -6 «L . . —~< Transmission coefficient (dB) '10' i T T T T T T T T ; 1 - T T T T T T T T T 1 = , T T T l T T T T T T T ‘ T 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 Frequency (GHz) Figure 3.19. Comparison between proposed mode-matching formulation and mode— matching results from Widenberg et a1 using 0,- = 60° near transmission null (Wood’s anomaly). Assumes only (0,0) F loquet mode is prOpagating. 81 V X / \ Figure 3.20. Doubly-periodic conducting screen of apertures with circular cross-sec- tion. 82 Figure 3.21. Hexagonal unit cell for a doubly-periodic conducting screen of apertures with circular cross-section. 83 CHAPTER 4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 4.1 Setup 4.1 .1 Sample Materials As a means of comparing the numerical results with measured data, an experiment was set up in order to test the mode-matching approach against actual measure- ments to determine how well it can predict shielding performance [31]. Samples of commercial-grade aluminum honeycomb were used in the experiment. The honey- comb was available with rectangular apertures and hexagonal apertures. The rectan- gular aperture sample, which was supplied by Benecor, Inc. of Wichita, KS, is about 2 ft. in length and width, and approximately 1 / 2 inch in thickness. The apertures are square with about 1 / 4 inch in length and width. The hexagonal aperture sample, which was supplied by Plascore, Inc. of Zeeland, MI, is about 1 ft. in length and width while the thicknesses is approximately 13 / 16 in. The aperture cell size is about 3 / 4 in. The foil thickness for all of the samples is approximately 0.003 in. (3 mils). 4.1.2 Equipment An HP851OC Network Analyzer was used to perform frequency domain transmission measurements. For samples whose apertures have a dominant mode cut-off frequency in the range of 2—18 GHz, the Michigan State University arch range was used along with American Electronic Laboratories H-1498 horn antennas for transmitting and receiving. Figure 4.1 shows a sketch of the low frequency measurement set-up, in- cluding the arch range, the network analyzer, the antennas, and the sample being tested. The arch range, designed and built by the Georgia Tech Research Institute, is a metallic structure 20 ft. in diameter and 4 ft. high. The receiving and transmitting antennas are connected to the network analyzer using coaxial cables, and lenses are 84 used to collimate the transmit and receive beams. The sample was mounted into an empty window in a styrofoam board, and the rest of the board was covered with aluminum tape (see Figure 4.2 for a description). The board is 4 ft. high, 4 ft. wide, and 1 in. thick. This approach is similar to the one mentioned in [32] to measure the shielding effectiveness of composite material samples. Mounting the sample in a board allowed for reducing the effect of a large beam spot size at low frequencies. The board was then placed onto a styrofoam mount between the transmit and receive antennas. For samples whose apertures had a dominant mode cut-off frequency in the range of 20-40 GHz, a benchtop set-up was used to conduct the experiment. See Figure 4.3 for a sketch of the high frequency measurement set-up. The 8510C network analyzer was connected to two EMCO 3116 horn antennas with K-type connector cables. Just as with the arch range set-up, the samples were placed into windows in 4’ x 4’ x 1” styrofoam boards, and the rest of the board was covered with aluminum tape. A styrofoam mount was used to position the board containing the sample. The cables that were used with the high frequency horns were about 3 ft. long, so the transmit and receive antennas were about 2 ft. from each other, with the sample in the middle. For horn antennas to be operating in the far-zone, the wave must travel a distance larger than 2 = 2D2//\0, where D is the largest dimension of the antenna and A0 is the free—space wavelength at the frequency of interest. For the 2-18 GHz range, the distance 2D2//\0 ranges from 0.7 ft at 2 GHz to 6.34 ft at 18 GHz. The distance between the horn antenna and the sample is approximately 10 ft, so the far-zone requirement is achieved for the low-frequency case. For the 20-40 GHz range, the distance 2D2/A0 ranges from 4.8 ft at 20 GHz to 9.6 ft at 40 GHz. These values are both larger than the distance between the antennas and the sample, so the set-up does not meet the far-zone requirement. However, despite the fact that the horns are not in the far-zone, the agreement between numerical and experimental results is still 85 pretty good. 4.2 Procedure 4.2.1 Low Frequency Measurements For all measurements, a two-level calibration was conducted. The first level involved calibrating the network analyzer using the appropriate standards. For the low fre- quency measurements, the standards were applied to the ends of the 2.4 mm connec- tion cables. From the ends of the 2.4 mm connection cables, connector adapters were used to go from 2.4 mm to 3.5 mm to SMA. Coaxial cables with SMA connectors were used to link the 8510C with the transmit and receive antennas, both of which use SMA connectors. The second level of calibration involved taking two transmission measurements in addition to the sample measurement. The first is an empty mea- surement, which in this case is a measurement with the window in the board being empty (no sample). The second is a noise measurement, where a board of the same size as the one with the window is used to perform a transmission measurement. This board is completely covered with aluminum tape. The noise measurement includes the effects of diffraction of the transmitted wave around the edges of the measure- ment board. The use of the three measurements will be explained in the calculations section. 4.2.2 High Frequency Measurements For all measurements, a two-level calibration was conducted. The first level involved calibrating the network analyzer and cables using the appropriate standards. From the ends of the 2.4 mm connection cables, connector adapters were used to go from 2.4 mm to 3.5 mm to K. Cables with K-type connectors were used to link the 8510C with the transmit and receive antennas, both of which use K-type connectors. And due to the compatibility of 3.5 mm connectors and K-type connectors, 3.5 mm cali- bration standards were used to calibrate to the ends of the K-type connector cables. 86 As was the case with the low frequency experiment, the second level of calibration involved taking empty and noise measurements in addition to the sample measure- ment. 4.3 Calculations To determine the tranmission coefficient at a particular frequency, the three measure- ments that are used are Ssampge — Measured transmission S-parameter for sample in window, Sum-88 — Measured transmission S-parameter for blocking plate, Sammy — Measured transmission S-parameter for empty window, where 512 or 5'21 can be used depending on the set-up. Using those three values, the transmission coefficient is defined as Ssample — Snoise ng = —SEdB = 2010g10 (4.1) Sempty _ Snoise It should be noted that because of the use of S-parameter measurements in (4.1), 2010g10 is used instead of 1010g10 because S-parameters are analogous to voltage and current measurements. By contrast, (2.77) and (2.78) use IOlog10 because power quantities are involved. 4.4 Discussion of Results Figure 4.4 shows a comparison between numerical and experimental data for a screen of rectangular apertures (Benecor sample). The apertures are square shaped with a width of 1/4 in. (approximately 6 mm). The screen thickness is about 1/2 in. (approximately 13 mm). Overall, there is pretty good agreement in terms of the 87 transition from low transmission (below ~20 dB) to full transmission. This case, as with all others in this section, is for normal incidence. Figure 4.5 shows a comparison between numerical and experimental data for a screen of hexagonal apertures (Plascore sample). The apertures have a width of 3 / 4 in. (approximately 19 mm) between parallel sides. The screen thickness is about 13/ 16 in. (approximately 21 mm). Square apertures of the same width are used to model the hexagonal apeture sample, and the results are in good agreement with the measured data. It is anticipated that once results are available, the use of circular apertures may prove to be even closer to the measured result. It should also be noted that this data was obtained despite large losses in measured power due to attenuation in the coaxial cables. In both cases, the measured data goes above the 0 dB mark, which at first does not seem reasonable. However, the contribution to transmission due to diffraction around the edges of the screen could lead to that kind of behavior. In general, the measured and numerical data are in good agreement. It is also worth noting that in the context of a shielding application, where the frequency range of operation would be well below the point where full transmission occurs, the effects due to edge diffraction are not expected to be as significant. 88 Tranhsmitting Receiving orn <1 horn antenna antenna Lens Styrofoam board with window HP 851 00 Network Analyzer Figure 4.1. Equipment arrangement for taking low frequency measurements (2—18 GHz) 89 Figure 4.2. Styrofoam board with window used to hold aluminum honeycomb sam- ples. The dark grey region is covered with foil tape. 90 Transmitting Receiving horn T— horn antenna antenna Styrofoam board with window HP 85100 Network Analyzer Figure 4.3. Equipment arrangement for taking high frequency measurements (20—40 GHz) 91 20 —Benecor sample (numerical) 3 l -Benecor sample (measured) : l Transmission Coefficient (d8) r'o o '40 T T T 24.1 26.6 29.1 31.6 34.2 Frequency (6112) Figure 4.4. Comparison of numerical and experimental results for rectangular aper- tures 92 20 —Plascore sample (numerical) -20 . --------------------------- _— Plascore sample (measured) Transmission Coefficient (dB) -40 T 1* 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 Frequency (GHz) Figure 4.5. Comparison of numerical and experimental results for hexagonal apertures 93 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION OF MODE SELECTION One of the major obstacles in this research was determining why the shielding calcula- tion does not produce useful results for 60 waveguide modes when the screen thickness exceedes 6.6 mm. Originally, the matrix equation was solved using Gaussian Elim- ination [33]. When the convergence problems arose, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) [33] was used in order to determine if the increase in thickness caused the square matrix in the matrix equation to become badly conditioned. This was accom- plished by computing the condition number of the square matrix versus frequency for all of the thickness values of interest. According to [33], the matrix is badly condi- tioned once the condition number of the matrix exceeds the accuracy of the computer, which is about 1015. Figure 5.1 shows a plot of the condition number versus frequency for a variety of thickness values, where 60 waveguide modes and 882 Floquet modes were used in each case. There is no absolute threshold where having a condition number lower than that point leads to meaningful solutions. However, at the highest thickness values, the condition number is well past the values that produce useful results. Further, increasing the thickness of the screen does make the condition num- ber higher when using 60 waveguide modes. An attempt was made to use SVD in order to discard small singular values in order to improve matrix conditioning, but the solutions were not any better than before. To deal with the problem, the condi- tion number of the square matrix was reduced by considering less waveguide modes for very thick screens. Modes were removed in order of highest cut-off frequency. The concern was that a significant amount of accuracy would be lost by taking that approach. However, Figure 5.2 shows that for the case of the 4.4 mm thick screen, the use of 60 waveguide modes provides virtually the same result as the use of several 94 other combinations of waveguide modes, including using only the 2 dominant modes. This would seem to suggest that the use of 60 modes is unnecessary. However, it should be stated that the need to disregard higher-order modes arises from the fact that the increase in thickness attenuates those modes so severely that they need to be removed from consideration. Figure 5.3 shows that even with 60 waveguide modes, the condition number never exceeds 1015 for the 4.4 mm thickness case. As was stated before, 1015 appears to be a value such that if the condition number is well below that value, the shielding effectiveness calculations will converge. If the condition number far exceeds that value, the calculations generally do not converge. For the case of the 6.6 mm and 7.7 mm thick screens, a point should be made. Figure 5.4 indicates that the shielding effectiveness converges for all choices of number of waveguide modes used when the thickness is 6.6 mm. Also, Figure 5.6 shows that the shielding effectiveness results do not converge for the 7.7 mm case when using 60 or 40 waveguide modes, but they do converge for 30 or less. However, an interesting observation is that Figure 5.7 shows a condition number at or above 1020 for the 7.7 mm thickness when using 60 modes, while 40 modes leads to condition numbers between 1013 and 1015. Meanwhile, Figure 5.5 shows condition numbers of between 1016 and 1019 for the 6.6 mm thickness when using 60 modes. So, despite the fact that the 7.7 mm case with 40 modes has a lower condition number than the 6.6 mm case with 60 modes, the former does not produce practical data while the latter does. This reemphasizes the point that while the condition number does give some indication of how the thickness is affecting the solution of the matrix equation, an absolute point where having a lower or higher condition number guarantees a convergent result was not found. More examples of the effect of reducing the number of waveguide modes on the convergence of the shielding computation are shown in Figure 5.8 - Figure 5.12 for thicknesses of 8.8 mm, 9.9 mm, 18.0 mm, 26.0 mm, and 40.0 mm. The vertical scales 95 were adjusted to include the most information possible, but some curves were not included. For example, the 60 waveguide mode case for 9.9 mm thickness is not included in Figure 5.9 because it deviated too much from the curves shown in the figure. 96 1.0E+100 1.0E+90 ~ » 1.0E+80 4 1.0E+70 A Q ;¢;i‘.’1m‘a ‘ E +t=2.2mm g 1.0E+60 ‘ __t=44mm : g 1.0E+50 1 x—i=7.7mm E " +t=8.8mm g 1.0E+40 . +t=9.9mm O +t=18.0mm 1.0E+30 — ! :+t=26.0mm 1.0E+20 « W. :4. five—a; ‘- . +t=40.0mm k M 1.0E+10 ‘Qn... A 4""""'i-9-e-24.4.::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::: “““““““““““““““““““““““ “‘H‘W‘ """ 1.0E+00 I r . . 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GHz) Figure 5.1. Condition number versus frequency for several values of thickness when using 60 waveguide modes and 882 Floquet modes. 97 20 l 0 _ 3.20, E .2 . o . g + 60 waveguide modes 9 5 -60 4* ___________________________________________________________ +40 waveguide modes ___________ { g + 30 waveguide modes . a . 22wav demode ‘ 5'30 ______________________________________________________________ + egur S ___________ 1a '- +14 waveguide modes 100 -°- 6 waveguide modes + 2 waveguide modes '120 T r T r l 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GHz) Figure 5.2. Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=4.4 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used. 98 1.0E+25 l 1.0E+20 4 . :60 modes “g 1.0E+15 4 +40 modes 2 +30 modes 5 +22 modes 2 . + 14 modes ‘5’ 1.0E+10 - ‘ o 3 +6 modes M—ef—g2gmodes 1.0E+05 , 10E+00 4 ~‘:;:;_..__,,::::;::::==:::::::::: ----- - Y a 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GI-i2) Figure 5.3. Plot of condition number for t=4.4 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used. 99 20 0 .4 ............................................................................................ 3 -20 ~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E .2 . g E -40 .. - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- g 5 —a— 60 waveguide modes l g '60 d """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" + 40 waveguide modes """"" t E, —e— 30 waveguide modes 5 '80 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" + 22 waveguide modes """"""" + 14 waveguide modes ; -100~ ----------- + 6 waveguide modes 5 -e— 2 waveguide modes l ’1 20 : 1 r r J. 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GHz) Figure 5.4. Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=6.6 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used. 100 1 .OE+25 1.0E+20 1 ‘ ‘ " +60 modes +40 modes 1.0E+15 ~ +30 modes \\ -- 2 modes - AM ' +14 modes \N... vvvvv M + 6 modes 1.0E+10 .. ______________ -_ - - k “““““““““““““““““““““““ +2 modes 1.0E+05 \‘mhy ........ ........... ..................................... """'VVTTrr vvvvvvvvvvvvv Condition number 1 .0E+00 1W 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (Gt-i2) Figure 5.5. Plot of condition number for t=6.6 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used. 101 20 o _ .................................................................................................... E 8 E ..................................................................................................... E .2 .2 _____________________________________ E . . -a-60 waveguide modes 3 1 § -60 4-- 3:. E +40waveguide modes E9? __ i '. ‘ - , ‘ ‘ e . _ +30wavegu1de modes l a _ E g -30 ................................................................. +22 waveguide modes E. '- +14 waveguide modes _100 . __________ . ___________________________________________________________ E +6 waveguide modes . : +2 waveguide modes . '120 T T T T E 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GI-12) Figure 5.6. Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=7.7 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used. 102 1.0E+25 . - ,-- _ _v4 5;.- .4 {:3 .‘.'. ._.j.‘ u“.- _. _- q ..4 1‘ v Q . ":"- 1.0E+20 w».- .;_._,,._.,.:=.:.- ...~_- _-,- L- -- i-B— 60 modesi + 40 modes 1.05.45 «7 .. +30 modes E. """" l+14 modes 1.0E+10 k“ ____________________________________________________________ ‘4‘ ------------------- ...................................... ------------------------------ __________________________ Condition number '—+—6modes +2modesj 105105 “WE ,o.. I ‘~. ..... I ~ ‘.~. ...... .... ~ “.“-- -,_.. . . a 1 ._ . . .......... ........... ............. ~--.__ ......... - ‘_ .- ,- ~-.- -.- -0 _-- --._-::-u..._,--- .... 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GHz) 1.0E+00 Figure 5.7. Plot of condition number for t=7.7 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used. 103 O) O 4O -4 ........................................................................................................ A 20 ~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- m 3 "' 0 ‘ """""""""""""""""" ."'r~" n " -~ _:“ " n _ r" -. ., n " n 2,-. -' 5 :‘ r:, '1‘ .. c: ._ H L“ A .. __“u u h 5' 1.. ._ U u ".4 r n. E h o '3-1 r u u U L'J U U L”: ' H 3 -2o U a I 5 .40 q ................................................................................................... n g , . _____ .v .1 .5, -60 - ................................................... 4 +40 waveguide modes ? § + 30 waveguide modes I'- -80 ~ ------------------------------------------------------- f + 22 waveguide modes + 14 waveguide modes , -100 --------- - w ~ +6waveguidemodes 1 -e- 2 waveguide modes J; -120 Y r r 1 at 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GHz) Figure 5.8. Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=8.8 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used. 104 O) O i .i b 0 ji N O .__- O ....................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... is o -------- -i + 40 waveguide modes 5 + 30 waveguide modes :; Transmission Coefficient (dB) é: vb O O .30. --------------------------------------------------------- +22waveguidemodes;--~——---§ i +14 waveguide modes 400» -------------------------------------------------------------- +6waveguidemodes +2 waveguide modes 420 i . . r i 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GI-l2) Figure 5.9. Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=9.9 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used. 105 30 0 r a -30 . E .2 e -60 .. .............................................................................. g . - __ 5-90. we“ .................................... :3 E ‘ _ +12waveguide modes 3120 ~ g ----------------- + 10 waveguide modes .— ' V -x— 6 waveguide modes -150 ........... l .......................................... +4waveguidemodes f 7'7 -e- 2 waveguide modes -180 r r r . 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (GI-12) Figure 5.10. Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=18.0 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used. 106 30 7 i Transmission Coefficient (dB) 8 -120 ~ » . - _ ‘ ‘ .. .9. 6 waveguide Rimes -150 ._ 11‘. ~ 4‘ --------------- +4 waveguide modes - . —a— 2 waveguide modes -1eo . r .- — . . . . 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Frequency (3"!) Figure 5.11. Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=26.0 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used. 107 60 w‘fi ............................................................................................... a .......................................................... B E ‘ ............. - M .............................................. 0 I s i 8 . o ......................................................................... c .2 3 _E. -90 "i ........................................... m E -120 +4waveguide modes ...................................................... +2 waveguide modes -150 «i- ----------------------------------------------------------------- , -------------------------------- ’180 I —r‘ 1 r 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 ' 50.0 Frequency (GHz) Figure 5.12. Plot of shielding effectiveness for t=40.0 mm when varying the number of waveguide modes used. 108 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS A mode-matching approach for computing the shielding effectiveness of a doubly- periodic array of apertures in a thick conducting screen has been presented. The effect of choosing thicknesses much larger than the aperture is the expected result of lower transmission of power. Mode-matching has shown some agreement with the waveguide below cutoff formula and strong agreement with other published results using mode-matching. The technique does suffer from an inability to yield meaning- ful data when the thickness is increased to a point where inaccurate solutions are produced. The use of Singular Value Decomposition led to the conclusion that the condition number is well beyond the accuracy of the computer when the thickness is increased a great deal. To produce useful and accurate solutions, the number of waveguide modes included in the analysis is reduced, which also reduces the condition number. This dissertation considers mode-matching applied to apertures that are rectan- gular and circular in shape. Future work will consider hexagonal and other shapes for aperture arrays in thick screens. The shielding prediction is more flexible than the waveguide below cutoff approach, and the result is more exact. Other benefits include observance of the Wood’s anomaly, a strong reliance on the well-known prin- ciples of waveguide theory, and practical application to the prediction of shielding performance of aluminum honeycomb and other doubly-periodic structures. The measurements performed as part of this study were successful in confirming some of the results that were predicted numerically. Future work will be done in order to measure the effects of changing the incidence angle, predicting the occurrence and overall effect of the Wood’s anomaly, determining the impact of using smaller and 109 larger sample sizes, and using other measurement techniques. 110 APPENDICES 111 APPENDIX A DERIVATION OF 2-D FOURIER SERIES REPRESENTATION OF A PERIODIC FUNCTION IN SKEWED COORDINATES Following the method of [34], a Fourier Series expansion is applied to a periodic poten- tial function in a skewed coordinate system. Figure A.1 shows a lattice configuration with periodicity in two directions, one along the y-axis and the other along a direction at an angle 0 with respect to the y-axis. If r is defined as 1‘ =lld1+l2d2, where 11 and Z2 are integers, and d1 and d2 are vectors describing the direct lattice, the reciprocal lattice can be defined by the vectors b1 and b2, and they must obey bi'dk=6ik7 Z,k=1,2 or b1 .1. £12 and ()2 _L d1. Letting d1 = dull? + dlyga d2 = d2x5? + dzygi b1 :; b19353 + blyga b2 = b2xi + b2yga 112 and dlzr: dly D 2 row vectors, (A.1) (12:1: d2y blx b2: B 2 column vectors, (A2) bly b2y then DB = dlxbla: + dlybly dlzb2x + dlyb2y (A3) .. d2xblx + d2yb1y d2xb2x + d2yb2y _ d. -b. all . b2 . d2 - b. at - b2 1 0 0 1 Therefore, B = D“, and any point r in the x-y plane can be described using coordinates (51,62) such that 7‘ = 51611 + 52612 where 51 = 7'51, (AA) 52 = 7' ' b2- (A.5) A periodic function F (:r, y) in the direct lattice has the same value at the points r = (:12, y) and r’ = r +l1d1 +12d2, where ll and 12 are integers. The Fourier Series 113 Representation of F (x, y) in skewed coordinates is obtained by using F(x, y) = f (51, £2) = Z ewe—27W ("151 + "62), (A.6) where m and n are integers, cm" are the Fourier series coefficients, and f has a period of unity in (51,52) coordinates. Substituting (A.4) and (AS) into (A.6) leads to 17(3), y) = Z Cmne-27l'j[m(b1 ' 7') + ”(b2 ° 7)] (A7) 01‘ F($, y) = E: C e—27i'j[h - 1‘], where h = mbl ‘l' nbg. Since dxdy = deéldfg, where 3,; is the unit cell area, the Fourier coefficients cm are found using 1 ' . Cmn = ELF($,y)e+2m[h rldxdy. Using Figure A.2, which was adopted from [19], (A.1) can be rewritten as all 0 D = (A.8) d2 COS Q50 d2 SlIl Q50 Substituting the elements from (A.8) into (A.3) leads to 1 d1b1x+0= 1 =>blz = —, d1 (111)254—0201?be =0, . —1 d2 cos dob” + (12 SH] 460ny = 0 => bly = — cot Q50, d1 114 d2 COS ¢ong + (12 sin (250be = 1 fi b2y : d2 8111 (150 Rewriting b1 and b2 gives 1 - 1 b1 d—IIB — a: C01} Q5031, b - i csc (b 2 — d2 0y: and using those results in (A.3) leads to ' 1 DB 2 d1 0 3; d2 cos c150 d2 sin (150 all cot qio Ell; csc (150 F 1 0 O 1 L (A.7) can now be expressed as Fe, y) = z c...e-2vrjim + nu» - r>1 m,n : Z cmne—27rj [m ((%i — 31; cot 4303)) ~r) + n ((2%; csc $03)) -r) l 1 : Zcmne mn 115 —27rj [fin—2: — g; cot qioy + 5’; C80 (150.71] 1 — d—2 csc $0. 0 "< Figure A.1. Doubly-periodic direct lattice 116 ’X 4% ., a») Figure A.2. Alternate description of doubly-periodic lattice 117 BIBLIOGRAPHY 118 BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] G. F. Koch and K. S. 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