LIBRARY Michigan State University This is to certify that the thesis entitled 3 An Overset Adaptive Cartesian/Prism Grid Method for Moving Boundary Problems presented by Ravishekar Kannan has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for the MS. degree in Mechanical Engineering m , Wajor Professor’s Signature 05-05-05 Date MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 2/05 c:/ClRC/Date0ue.indd-p.15 An Overset Adaptive Cartesian/Prism Grid Method for Moving Boundary Problems By Ravishekar Kannan A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Mechanical Engineering 2005 ABSTRACT An Overset Adaptive Cartesian/Prism Grid Method for Moving Boundary Flow Problems By Ravishekar Kannan The use of overset grids in CFD started more than two decades ago and has achieved tremendous success in handling complex geometries. In particular, overset grids have the advantage of avoiding grid re-meshing when dealing with moving boundary flow problems. Traditionally the overset grid approach named the chimera approach was mainly used for structured grids to simplify the grid generation process. In this report, two particular unstructured grids are advocated for moving boundary flow simulation, i.e., the use of overset adaptive Cartesian/prism grids. An algorithm using the algebraic grid generation process was developed to construct semi-structured prism grids are around solid walls. These body titted prism grids then overlap a single adaptive Cartesian background grid. With the adaptive Cartesian grid, the mesh resolution of the prism grid near the outer boundary can easily match that of the oversetting Cartesian grid cells. For a moving grid, it is necessary to readapt the Cartesian grid frequently. The overset adaptive Cartesian/prism grid method is tested for both steady and unsteady flow computations at a variety of Reynolds numbers. It is demonstrated that moving boundary flow computations can be carried out with minimum user interferences. Copyright © by RAVISHEKAR KANNAN 2005 To my Family iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Z. J. Wang, for introducing me to the research arena and for his constant support and his relentless motivation during this endeavor. It was due to him that I could surmount the various obstacles in my path. Without his perpetual encouragement, this project would have lagged by eons. This work was funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Grant Number FA9550-04—1-0053). I am grateful to the Technical Monitor Dr. Fariba Fahroo for her support during the last two years. I would like to thank my committee members Dr. Farhad Jaberi and Dr. Andre Benard for their valuable time and for their constructive comments and suggestions. I would also like to thank the scholars in the CFD lab at MSU and my close friends for their invaluable help during the course of my research. This research could not have been successful without the basic knowledge of heat transfer, fluids and computing. 1 am thankful to my undergraduate faculty in Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM), India and the graduate faculty in MSU for strengthening my foundation. Last but definitely not the least, I thank my family for their help and continuous support throughout my career. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................... VIII LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... IX NOMENCLATURE ........................................................................... XI CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1 Overview ........................................................................................ 1 Objectives of the present study ........................................................... 3 Organization of the thesis ................................................................. 4 CHAPTER 2 ELEMENTS OF GRID GENERATION ...................................................... 6 The prism grid generation scheme ...................................................... 6 Obtaining the marching vectors .......................................................... 6 Marching step based on the Curvature .................................................. 9 Mean filter smoothing algorithm ....................................................... 10 Checking for intersections ............................................................... 1 1 Checking for overlaps .................................................................... 13 The adaptive Cartesian grid generation scheme .................................. 15 Automated hole cutting and donor cell identification ................................ 15 CHAPTER 3 NUMERICAL METHOD .................................................................. 20 Finite volume method for dynamic gndsZO Determining the viscous flux21 The Geometric Conservation Law ..................................................... 23 Time integration algorithm ............................................................... 24 Boundary conditions ....................................................................... 26 Limiting time step based on frequency of Grid adaptation .............................................................................. 28 The Spalart-Allmaras model ............................................................ 29 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS .................................................................. 31 Viscous flow over a stationary sphere31 Flow at low Reynolds number .......................................................... 32 vi Flow at high Reynolds number ......................................................... 35 Inviscid flow over a moving sphere .................................................. 39 Viscous flow over a moving sphere ................................................. 41 Prolate spheroid undergoing a pitch-up maneuver in a laminar fluid ........................................................................... 43 Wing-Pylon-Store problem ............................................................. 46 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................... 48 Plans for the future ........................................................................ 49 BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................. 51 vii 4.1 LIST OF TABLES Data on Drag and Separation angle; Experimental Results from Achenbach42 and Schlichting”, DES results fromConstantinescu.°. viii ..37 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 LIST OF FIGURES Two Dimensional Concave and Convex models ...................................... 9 An example of a prism with no intersections ......................................... 12 An example of an overlap ............................................................... 13 Schematic of Hole-Cutting .............................................................. 16 Example of an overset Cartesian/Prism grid for the store configuration. . . . . . l 8 Example of an overset Cartesian/Prism grid for the missile configuration ....... 18 Example of an overset Cartesian/Prism grid for the F-16 aircraft configuration ..................................................................... 19 Example of an overset Cartesian/Prism grid for the wing-pylon-store configuration .......................................................... 19 Regular Cartesian grid stencils for gradient computation at face (i+l)/2 ......... 21 Schematic of viscous flux computation at a face ..................................... 22 Coarse and Fine Grids Used for Flow over a Sphere at Re = 118 .................. 32 Velocity vector plot showing the separation region at Re = 118 ................... 33 Entropy distribution depicting the vortex pair seen at x/D = 2 for Re = 800 ............................................................................... 34 Static Pressure Coefficient at Two Different Reynolds Numbers .................. 34 Skin Friction Coefficients at Two Different Reynolds Numbers ................... 34 Comparison of Static Pressure Coefficients at Reynolds Number = 1.1e6 ............................................................... 36 Comparison of Skin Friction Coefficient at Reynolds Number = 1.1e6 ............................................................... 37 The velocity vectors denoting the Q vortex plots at x/D = 0.65 and 1 at a Reynolds number of 1.1e6 .................................... 38 ix 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 Computational grids at two different times for the moving sphere problem .................................................................. 39 Pressure distributions at two different times for the moving sphere problem .............................................................. 40 Comparison of pressure distributions for a moving sphere in quiescent air (a) and flow around a stationary sphere (b) ........................ 40 Static pressure Coefficient obtained for inviscid flow over a sphere using the moving boundary method ......................................... 41 Drag force of a sphere in inviscid flow (Obtained using moving boundary method) .................................... 41 Static pressure Coefficient obtained for laminar flow over a sphere (Re = 118) ................................................................. 42 Skin Friction Coefficient of a sphere in laminar flow (Re = 118) .................. 42 Cp distribution at x/L = 0.11 at 10 and 20 Degrees angle of attack ................ 44 Cp distribution at x/L = 0.43 at 10 and 20 Degrees angle of attack ................ 44 Cf distribution at x/L = 0.11 at 10 and 20 Degrees angle of attack ................ 45 Cf distribution at x/L = 0.43 at 10 and 20 Degrees angle of attack ................ 46 Hole boundary generated in the adaptive Cartesian grid ............................ 47 Overset adaptive Cartesian/prism grid for the wing-pylon-store case ............. 47 Computed pressure distribution for the wing-pylon-store case ..................... 47 NOMENCLATURE Area of the triangle j Skin fiiction coefficient, TW / (0.5 pU 3, ) Static Pressure Recovery Coefficient Drag Coefficient Streamwise distance from the center of the sphere Diameter of the sphere Inviscid flux vector Viscous flux vector Marching vector at a node i. Maximum angle between the marching vector and the face normals of its node-manifold Area weighted normal vector of a triangle Vector of conserved variables Position vector Position vector of the centroid of triangle j Reynolds number Grid velocity Surface normal grid velocity component Volume of control volume 1' Surface normal of the triangle j xi INTRODUCTION A. Overview The use of unstructured grids in computational fluid dynamics (CF D) has become widespread during the last two decades due to their ability to discretize arbitrarily complex geometries and the flexibility in supporting solution-based grid adaptations to enhance the solution accuracy and efficiency."7 In the early days of unstructured grid development, triangular/tetrahedral grids were employed primarily in dealing with complex geometries. Recently, mixed or hybrid grids including many different cell types have gained popularity because of the improved efficiency and accuracy over pure tetrahedral grids. For example, hybrid prism/tetrahedral grids,8 mixed grids including tetrahedral/prism/pyramid/hexahedral cells,9 and adaptive Cartesian grid methods""17 have been used in many applications with complex configurations. In addition, solution algorithms for computing steady flows on unstructured and hybrid grids have evolved to a high degree of sophistication. The state-of-the-art spatial discretization algorithm is probably the second-order Godunov-type finite volume method.18 For time integration, explicit algorithms such as multi-stage Runge-Kutta schemes are the easiest to implement. Convergence acceleration techniques such as local time-stepping and implicit residual smoothingl have also been employed in this context. However, for large-scale problems and especially for the solution of viscous 19-25 turbulent flows, implicit schemes are required to speed up the convergence rate. The success demonstrated by unstructured grids for steady flow problems has prompted their applications to unsteady moving boundary flow problems. For a moving boundary flow problem, the computational grids must move with the moving boundaries. The most straightforward approach is to deform the computational grid locally using a spring-analogy type algorithm to follow the motion of the moving boundaries.”5 The approach is very efficient because it does not require solution interpolation. A disadvantage of the approach is that the grid integrity can be destroyed by large motions or shear-type of boundary motions. To remedy this drawback, local re-meshing can be applied whenever the grid becomes too skewed. With local re-meshing, solution interpolations from the old to the new grid become necessary. The hybrid approach of combining grid deformation with grid local re-meshing seems to be the state-of-the-art in handling moving boundary problems, and has been used successfully for a variety of applications.27 "7 Another powerful approach for moving boundary flow problems is the overset Chimera grid method.28 Originally, the Chimera grid method was used to simplify domain decomposition for complex geometries using structured grids. The method is particularly useful for moving boundary flow simulations since grid re-meshing can be avoided.29 However, frequent hole-cutting and donor cell searching may be necessary to facilitate communications between the moving Chimera grids. With continuous improvement over the last one and half decades, the Chimera grid method has achieved tremendous success in handling very complex moving boundary flow problems. More recently, in order to further simplify the grid generation process, unstructured grids are also used in a Chimera grid system for moving boundary flow computations, making the approach even more flexible in handling complex geometries.30 In this report, we advocate the use of an overset adaptive Cartesian/prism grid method for moving boundary flow computations. The method combines the advantage of adaptive Cartesian/prism grid in geometry flexibility with that of Chimera approach in tackling moving boundary flow without grid re-meshing. There are several reasons why an adaptive Cartesian grid is used for moving boundary problems: 1. Cartesian cells are more efficient in filling space given a certain length scale than triangular/tetrahedral cells. It is well known that it takes 2 right triangles to fill a square(i.e. in 2D) and 12 tetrahedra (though not regular) to fill a cube 2. Searching operations can be performed very efficiently with the Octree data structure. A brute force searching operation consumes time that is of the order of n2. Using a clever implementation of the Octtree based data structure, the time consumed can be made of the order of nlogn. 3. Solution based and geometry-based grid adaptations are straightforward to carry out. It is well known that the solution-based adaptation using the magnitude of the gradients can be carried out easily for a Cartesian grid B. Objectives of the Present Study 3.] To develop a robust prism grid generator. This prism grid generator must be capable of generating good body fitted grids for most real life geometries in an optimal fashion. These body-fitted prism grids are meant to resolve viscous boundary layers. B.2 To generate a stationary background adaptive Cartesian grid. The adaptive Cartesian grid is generated to cover the outer domain and to serve as the background grid for bridging the “gaps” between the prism grids. B.3 An algorithm to generate holes in the adaptive Cartesian grid to facilitate the data communication. The prism grids are used to generate holes in the adaptive Cartesian grid for data communication. If the bodies move, the prism grids move with the bodies, while the Cartesian grid remains stationary. B.4 Automate the creation of new holes and identification of new donor cells. After a few (tens of) time steps, new holes are cut out of the Cartesian grids, and new donor cells are also identified. Solution fields are interpolated from the old Cartesian grid to the new grid using cell-wise linear reconstruction. C. Organization Of The Thesis The report is organized as follows. In chapter 2, the overset adaptive Cartesian/prism grid generation approach will be presented, together with illustration examples. Chapter 3 gives a brief overview about the solver, boundary conditions and the closure models for turbulence equations. In chapter 4, several steady and unsteady moving boundary problems are computed. Grid refinement studies are performed to ensure the computational solutions are grid independent. Computational results are compared with experimental data and other simulations whenever possible. Finally conclusions from this study are summarized in chapter 5. ELEMENTS OF GRID GENERATION A. THE PRISM GRID GENERATION SCHEME Since we do not address geometry modeling issues in this report, it is assumed that watertight surface grids are already generated with other packages, and serve as inputs to the present Cartesian/prism grid generator. The generation of prismatic grids follows the basic idea of many similar approaches, i.e., through surface extrusion in the approximate surface normal direction?"33 Even after many years of development, we are still searching for a “fool-proof” prism grid generator, which is capable of handling arbitrarily complex surface shapes. The current algorithm is still not “fool-proof”, and we plan to continuously improve its robustness and efficiency. It does borrow many ideas already developed, and an idea to determine the optimum direction for a given surface grid node seems to be new, and is implemented. The steps employed to generate the prism grid is outlined next. A.l Obtaining the Marching Vectors This is the quintessential aspect of prism grid generation. Kallinderis3| defined the term node-manifold as the list of faces confining the node to be marched. Common sense tells us that the marching vector at any node should not make an angle greater than 90° with the face normals of its manifold. If the above criterion is violated, the tip of the marching vector is not visible from all the faces of the manifold. This results in intersections of the surfaces and causing the flow solver to deliver unrealistic results. So the paramount objective here is to ensure that the marching vectors satisfy the visibility criterion. The secondary objective is to impose orthogonality. Strict orthogonality can be achieved if the marching vectors are identical to the outer normal. For the above scenario, the maximum of the angles between the marching vector at a node and the face normals of its node-manifold is obtained. This angle, 0m, needs to be as small as possible (if 6m = O, the marching vector is perpendicular to its node-manifold). The optimal orientation for the marching vector can be obtained iteratively. An angle based weighting is used to obtain the initial guess for the marching vector. According to this, the marching vector M,- at the node i is given by ZB-n. Mi :—216 J (2.1) 1' Where Oj is the angle subtended by the triangle j at the node i, n, is the surface normal of the triangle j and the summation is from 1 to the number of triangles containing the nodei. The marching vector is then refined locally to reduce the maximum of the angles it makes with the face normals of its node-manifold. An optimal orientation for the marching vectors needs to be obtained in order to fulfill the paramount objective i.e. ensuring visibility. In many real life geometries, the angle based weighting scheme yields a marching vector that is invisible from some of the nodes in its node-manifold. Examples of the above include the trailing edge of an airfoil, the tip of the nose and the tail of a store and in the nacelles of airerafts. The algorithm for obtaining the optimal marching vector is discussed below. For each marching vector Mi, a set of vectors {S} which make a small angle 5 (about 1°) with M,- is obtained. For each of the vectors in the above set, the maximum of the angles made with the face normals of the node-manifold in consideration is obtained. Thus a set of maximum angles is obtained. The minimum value in the above set is determined. If the minimum value is smaller than emax of M,, then the vector associated with the minimum value is the new marching vector M;. This process is repeated till the marching vector remains the same. An inverse distance based smoothing given by Kallinderis was used to further smooth the marching vectors. This was done to decrease the possibility of intersections. Accordingly, M. 20-097} M, =aM, + j 'j , (2.2) 1 Z— ,- dij Where a = 1- cos (6mm), node j is a neighboring node of node i, (1,; is the distance between node i and node j. The summation is from 1 to number of neighbors of i. In other words, the orientation of the marching vectors which make a large angle 6",“, i.e. the critical angles are affected to a minimal extent. A.2 Marching Step Based on the Curvature Once the marching vectors are generated, the nodes need to be positioned at the next layer. One of the many traits of a good body conforming grid is that the curvature of the front needs to decrease fi'om one layer to the next layer. It would be unwise to maintain a constant layer thickness at all nodes in a particular layer. It could be figured intuitively that the marching vectors at concave nodes need to be marched faster and the marching vectors at the convex nodes need to be marched slower. The ratio of the marching steps between 2 adjacent nodes needs to lie between 0.5 and 2.0. The above is carried out to ensure smooth transition. The average thickness increases exponentially with increasing layers. The average thickness is the marching step when the front in consideration is a planar surface i.e. the marching vector at a node is the same as any of the face normals of its manifold. C C O A B A B CONVEX CONCAVE Figure 2.1 Two Dimensional Concave and Convex models A new scheme was devised to estimate the surface curvature. For better understanding, let us start with a 2 dimensional model. Figure 2.1 depicts the marching vectors for a two dimensional case. 0C is the un-smoothed marching vector in figure 2.1. For the convex case, the angle between OC and 0A is greater then 90°. Similarly the angle between OC and OB is greater then 90°. For the concave case, the angle between OC and 0A is less than 90°. Similarly the angle between OC and OB is less than 90°. This idea can be extended to three dimensions. In the three dimensional case, the angles between the un-smoothed marching vector and the edges connecting the node in consideration are determined. If each of the above angles is greater than 90°, the surface is convex. If each of the above angles is lesser than 90°, the surface is concave. In reality some saddle points occur. For such a scenario, the average of the angles between the un-smoothed marching vector and the edges connecting the node in consideration is determined. If this average is greater than 90°, the surface is treated as a convex surface else it is treated as a concave surface. A.3 Mean Filter Smoothing Algorithm The algorithm discussed till now is not totally perfect. As per the algorithm, the nodes in the concave region get closer with advancing layers. This results in the triangles becoming increasingly obtuse with advancing layers and hence causing intersections between the marching vectors. In order to circumvent the above, smoothing of the nodes in the new layer is to be done so as the even the spacing between the nodes. The most obvious choice for a smoothing operator was the Laplacian Smoothing operator. This smoothing operator did not work out very well especially at concave regions. After doing some literature survey, a new type of smoothing (Called Mean filtering) which works well in the concave regime was obtained. This filter34 is 10 employed to smooth the nodes in the current layer. Each iteration of this filter consists of the following steps a. For each triangle i, compute the area weighted averaging normal: ZAjnj m ,. =-—’——. (2.3) 2 A1 1' b. Normalize the averaged normals; c. For each mesh vertex, perform the following vertex updating procedure: C ZAj 4.2 * 10° ). The current simulations were performed using a single processor. Thus it is virtually impossible to get a solution in a ‘finite’ time using a RANS/LES based turbulence model. Hence simulating the motion in a laminar flow was a good alternative. The cp and cf distributions were obtained and are shown in a reference frame attached to the spheroid and aligned with the body axes. Figures 4.16 and 4.17 show the Cp distributions at x/L of 0.11 and 0.43 plotted as a function of azimuthal angle ¢(¢ = 0 corresponds to the windward symmetry plane). The match between the fine (380000 cells) and the coarse (260000 cells) grids is not up to the mark at 10° angle of attack. The transients are still in action at an angle of attack of 10°. Hence an extremely fine grid is necessary to resolve the high pressure gradients arising from these transients. 43 As expected, the cp at ¢=0 increases with the angle of attack. 1 I I I I r I Coarse Grid, 10 Deg ’ g . Fine Grid, 10 Deg ‘ o_5 _ 2“ 0 Coarse Grid, 20 Deg A Fine Grid, 20 Deg Q. _ - _ o — {2133‘ _ . :3... g___, -0.5 1 l x 1 1 0 60 120 180 Angle in Degrees Figure 4.16 Cp distribution at x/L = 0.11 at 10 and 20 Degrees angle of attack 0.4 . , . , . \ I Coarse Grid, 10 Deg— 0'2 _ . 9 Fine Grid, 10 Deg ‘ 0 Coarse Grid, 20 Deg ~=:.,~.’\ . Fine Grid, 20 Deg O. O Q 0 r ‘51 - —0.2 — FER-‘5 _ _ Q.‘ _o_4 1 L 1 l 1 0 60 120 180 Angle in Degrees Figure 4.17 Cp distribution at x/L = 0.43 at 10 and 20 Degrees angle of attack The C; distributions are plotted in the figure 4.18 and 4.19. As the cf does not change sign, it can be concluded that separation has not occurred at the above-mentioned locations. In addition, the cf at x/L = 0.11 is much higher than the cf at x/L = 0.43. Hence the velocity gradients at x/L = 0.11 are higher than the velocity gradients at x/L = 0.43. However, the grid density is nearly the same at x/L = 0.11 and x/L = 0.43. Hence, the quality of the solution at x/L =0.43 is better than the quality at x/L = 0.11. This can be seen from the cf plots. The match between the fine and the coarse grids is not up to the mark at x/L = 0.11 (due to the high gradients). In contrast, the cf obtained from the fine and the coarse grids are in good accord at x/L = 0.43. 7 v 1 I Coars r1 , eg ~ I Fine Grid, 10 Deg A 6.5 _ 9 Coarse Grid, 20 D694 3:) 6 ; AMA A Fine Grid, 20 Deg _ A 9... 0 ‘ E’ _ ‘ A O ‘ .$ ‘ g55 — ;,‘» ‘Mlgfimz. 7 . - a ' ' "i r" J 5 _ ‘ ‘- E's-i 0 _ 2.2g - 4 5 — ” “— 4 h 1 I 1 1 l _ 0 60 120 180 Angle in Degrees Figure 4.18 Cf distribution at x/L = 0.11 at 10 and 20 Degrees angle of attack 45 4 i ' T _ 1% :2”; I — a“ ‘9’ A 3.5 5...".amw “ a, _ - m to". E" 3 — 2: MFG] a ‘ ’2 “ . 2-5 r - Coarse grid. 10 Deg ’5, i .5 ' . Fine Grid, 10 Deg M11 2 — o Coarse grid, 20 Deg 7 - A Fine Grid, 20 Deg “ 1.5 ' ‘ ‘ 1 L 0 60 120 180 Angle in Degrees Figure 4.19 Cf distribution at x/L = 0.43 at 10 and 20 Degrees angle of attack E. WING-PYLON-STORE PROBLEM As a final demonstration case, steady inviscid subsonic flow at Mach = 0.2 over a relatively complex geometry — wing-pylon-store was computed. This steady flow is simulated as a first step towards computing the store separation problem. The computational grid is shown in Figure 4.21. The Chimera holes generated in the Cartesian grid by the prism grids are shown in Figure 4.20. The pressure distribution is shown in Figure 4.22. Detailed comparison with moving body experimental data will be carried out the future. 46 - rrzt‘ gray-U} “7"”. .’ at- 3 .4...+....‘. .IIJZIIIA Iii”; ‘ 1,434 "7”.” ". ... ‘ .3. “lugawaejflufiuu “ 34 ,4 v ’.1'2’Iih.‘ ‘ N..." rtfut etc-'4' “I ‘ MW , ..1 J 14.11%,7wyrfiu ‘ H wing-pylon-store case Figure 4.22 Computed pressure distribution for the wing-pylon-store case 47 the CONCLUSIONS In the present study, an overset adaptive Cartesian/prism grid method has been developed to simulate moving boundary flow problems. The method combines the advantage of adaptive Cartesian/prism grid in geometry flexibility with that of Chimera approach in tackling moving boundary flow without grid remeshing. Advantages of the method include: 1. Cartesian cells are more efficient in filling space given a certain length scale than triangular/tetrahedral cells 2. Searching operations can be performed very efficiently with the Octree data structure 3. Solution based and geometry-based grid adaptations are straightforward to carry out. The grid generator and overset flow solver are then tested for several steady and unsteady flow problems with stationary and moving bodies. The GCL has been satisfied with arbitrary grid motions. To test the accuracy of the overset interface algorithm, steady flows around a sphere at various Reynolds number were computed and compared with experimental data and other computations. There is very good agreement between the present computation and other data. More specifically, I. A stationary vortex ring was formed behind the sphere at Reynolds numbers lesser than 400. For Reynolds numbers between 400 and 1000, a vortex pair loop was observed in the wake region. 48 2. At a Reynolds number of 800, cf changes sign three times. This is due to initial separation of the boundary layer, followed by the reattachment of the boundary layer and the separation, which occurs for the second time. 3. At a Reynolds number of 1.1e6, a Q shaped vortex ending in a pair of spiral points was observed. These vortices are aligned in a direction, which produces lateral forces, which are non-zero in the mean. Once again the cf increases after separation due to turbulent mixing of momentum. However the peak value of cfis still negative as the effect of adverse pressure gradient dominates over the turbulent mixing. The grid generator and flow solver have been coupled successfully to tackle a moving boundary flow problem with reasonable computational results. The results obtained by using the moving body flow solver were identical to the well-known results for a translating sphere in a laminar (and in inviscid) fluid. The moving body flow solver was also equipped to tackle a rotating degree of freedom. A rotating prolate in laminar flow was attempted. The cp and cfprofiles looked realistic. A. PLANS FOR THE FUTURE A.1 Parallelize the code. The current solver was implemented on a single processor. It is virtually impossible to run a moving body simulation involving more than a couple of million cells using one processor. In addition, the turbulent moving body problems require additional 49 computational time for solving the equations of closure and for resolving the laminar sub-layer. Hence the need for parallization of the code. A.2 Further validation and demonstration with a high Reynolds number store-separation problem Store separation problem is probably the ultimate test for a moving boundary solver. This problem involves unsteady flow that experiences huge separation. In addition, this problem requires lots of computational time and resources. A.3 Enable solution based grid adaptation Solution based grid adaptation is straightforward when the grids are Cartesian grids. Solution based adaptation is unnecessary for prism grids as their grid density is much higher than the Cartesian grids. 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