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Reid has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for the MS. degree in Zoologg MASK W Mdjor Professor’s Signature ‘ Cl NOVEMBER 2005 Date MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution t...—--o-o-.—-—._ -.-n-g-u-ney-o-o-o- ' tun-.1-0-- - -I-Q-.-.-.-I-.-.u-'-O-O-.-C-O-O—l-0-0“A- PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE i... 403 «8 [3.0192007 2/05 p:/ClRC/DaleDue.indd-p.1 BIOGEOCHEMICAL IMPACTS OF RESERVOIRS ON THE KALAMAZOO RIVER SYSTEM By Nicole J. Reid A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Zoology 2005 ABSTRACT BIOGEOCHEMICAL IMPACTS OF MAJOR RESERVOIRS ON THE KALAMAZOO RIVER By Nicole J. Reid The Kalamazoo River (Michigan, USA) has six run-of-the-river dams. The two hydropower reservoirs’ residence times vary from 2 up to 11 days during the year. The four decommissioned impoundments residence times vary from a quarter of day to 1.5 days during the year. Inflows and outflows for the two hydropower reservoirs were sampled weekly in order to quantify the roles of reservoirs as sinks or transformers for nutrients. Three longitudinal river surveys from Morrow Lake inflow to Lake Allegan outflow were conducted at varying discharges. Special emphasis was placed on above and below Plainwell, Otsego, Allegan City and Trowbridge decommissioned impoundments. Despite their spatial proximity, a Total Maximum Daily Load for phosphorus (P) was deemed necessary for Lake Allegan to control summer algal blooms, whereas Morrow Lake lacks nuisance summer algal blooms. Lake Allegan outflow waters exhibited potential silica and nitrogen limitation in the late summer while Morrow Lake did not, which may explain the undesirable algal blooms in Lake Allegan. The longer residence time allows phytoplankton to build up to undesirable levels within Lake Allegan, but not in Morrow Lake. High algal abundance was observed in the Lake Allegan inflow, which may have resulted from Morrow Lake’s algae transported downstream, or new algal biomass build-up as the river passed through semi-impounded reaches; the results reported here support the latter hypothesis. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank my advisor Steve Hamilton for his patience, understanding and guidance. My committee members of Pat Soranno, Elena Litchman and Dave Long were very supportive in providing feedback. David Weed, Hamilton lab manager, was instrumental in teaching me my laboratory methods and QA/QC procedures. David, thanks for letting me be second shadow. Your patience will not be forgotten. Academic support was essential in sharing ideas and understanding nutrient ratios with Spencer Hall, entering the world of algae with Elena Litchman and Tara Darcy-Hall, many Systat lessons and academic answers provided by Sarah Emery, and lab meetings shared with my labmate, Amy Burgin. Research information provided by many sources: William Schoelin from Consumer Energy, Jeanine Kilnge from STS Hydropower, Dean Baas, from MSU Land and Water, Scott Markham and Patricia Fenn from the Kalamazoo River Watershed Council, Sylvia Heaton from the MDEQ, Cynthia Rachol from the USGS and Bryon Lane from the MDEQ Dam Safety. Entertainment provided by the KBS community relieved all worries: Game nights, the beer garden at Bell’s, few movie nights, summer Barb-B-Ques, the many-many potlucks, and good chats with Heather Sahli , Lindsey Walters and Sara Parr. iii Lillian and Non'is Reid another voyage has ended, thanks for the many years of support and love. I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me (Phlip 4:13). iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................. vi LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................... vii CHAPTER 1 Abstract .................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3 Literature Review: Effects of impoundments on river hydrology, biogeochemistry and ecology ...................................................................... 4 Study Site ..................................................................................................... 9 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Lake Allegan ........................... 11 Objective and Hypothesis ...................................................................................... 13 Methods ................................................................................................................. 14 Results ................................................................................................................... 17 Climate and River Hydrology ................................................................... 17 Statistical predictors of algal growth in the reservoirs .............................. 17 Lake Allegan ............................................................................................. 19 Morrow Lake ............................................................................................. 26 Discussion .............................................................................................................. 32 Comparisons between reservoirs ............................................................... 33 The role of Silicon ..................................................................................... 37 Ratios of NzTP and Si:N as indicators of potential nutrients .................... 38 Implications for the TMDL ....................................................................... 38 Comparison of P forms above and below each reservoir .......................... 38 Literature Cited ...................................................................................................... 41 CHAPTER 2 Abstract ............................................................................................................... .117 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1 18 Study Site ................................................................................................. 120 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Lake Allegan ......................... 122 Objective and Hypothesis ........................................................................ 123 Methods ............................................................................................................... 124 Results ................................................................................................................. 126 Kalamazoo River longitudinal survey conducted at low discharge ........ 126 Kalamazoo River longitudinal survey conducted at medium discharge .127 Kalamazoo River longitudinal survey conducted at high discharge ....... 128 Morrow Lake Longitudinal Survey ........................................................ .129 Discussion ............................................................................................................ 131 Algal growth in the river ......................................................................... 132 Implications for the TMDL ..................................................................... 135 Literature Cited .................................................................................................... 136 LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER 1 Table 1. Morphometric features of Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan ................... 44 Table 2. Regression coefficients and p-value for residence time (RT) and/or outflow total phosphorus (TP) as predictors of outflow chlorophyll a for the spring and summer 2003 sampling period (15 weeks) .......................................... 45 Table 3. Regression coefficients and p-value for residence time (RT) and/or outflow total phosphorus (TP) as predictors of outflow chlorophyll a for the spring and summer 2004 sampling period (7 weeks) ............................................ 45 Table 4. . Regression coefficients and p-value for residence time (RT) and/or outflow total phosphorus (TP) as predictors of outflow chlorophyll a for the spring and summer 2003 and 2004 sampling period (22 weeks) .......................... 46 CHAPTER 2 Table l. Morphometric data: Hydropower reservoirs H and Decommissioned impoundments D .................................................................................................. 135 Table 2. Longitudinal river sampling location on the Kalamazoo River ............ 136 vi LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 1 Figure 1. Kalamazoo River and Watershed ........................................................... 47 Figure 2. Mean daily discharge below Morrow Lake (Comstock gauge) and above Lake Allegan (Trowbridge gauge). Data from the US. Geological Survey ......... 48 Figure 3. Hydraulic residence time for Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan. Sampling periods are marked along the abscissa ................................................................... 49 Figure 4. Mean air temperature 2003 and 2004. Data from Kellogg Biological Station’s Long Term Ecological Research site ..................................................... 50 Figure 5. Lake Allegan residence time (days) preceding each sampling date in, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ............................................................................................. 51 Figure 6. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow chlorophyll 0 concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ............................................................................................ 52 Figure 7. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow total soluble phosphorus concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. ................................................................... 53 Figure 8. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow total phosphorus concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. ........................................................................................... 54 Figure 9. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. ................................................................... 55 Figure 10. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow soluble organic phosphorus concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004 .................................................................... 56 Figure 11. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow ammonium concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. ............................................................................................ 57 Figure 12. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow nitrate concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. .......................................................................................... 58. Figure 13. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow silica concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. ............................................................................................ 59 Figure 14. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to total phosphorus (TP) ratio. Dashed lines show the thresholds of potential nitrogen limitation (DIN:TP less than 10) and phosphorus limitation (DIN:TP greater than 20), A) 2003 and B) 2004. ............................................................................................ 6O vii Figure 15. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow silica (Si) to dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) ratio. Dashed line shows the threshold of potential silica limitation (less than 1), A) 2003 and B) 2004. ............................................................................................ 61 Figure 16. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and Silica (Si) ratio versus inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to total phosphorus (TP) ratio. Nitrogen limitation is represented by the solid-line square, phosphorus limitation represented by dashed line, and silica limitation represented by dotted-dash line, A) 2003 and B) 2004. ............................................................................................ 62 Figure 17. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow temperatures, A) 2003 and B) 2004. ............................................................................................ 63 Figure 18. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow total suspended solids concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ............................................................................................. 64 Figure 19. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow oxygen concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ............................................................................................. 65 Figure 20. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow percent oxygen saturation, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ............................................................................................. 66 Figure 21. Lake Allegan diel cycle on 8-9 August 2003 ....................................... 67 Figure 22. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow pH, A) 2003 and B) 2004 .............. 68 Figure 23. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow calcium concentrations for 2003.... 69 Figure 24. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow alkalinity concentrations for 2003 .70 Figure 25. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow calcite saturation index for 2003.... 71 Figure 26. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow magnesium concentrations for 2003 ................................................................................................................ 72 Figure 27. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow sodium concentrations for 2003.... 73 Figure 28. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow potassium concentrations for 2003 74 Figure 29. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow chloride concentrations for 2003 75 Figure 30. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow sulfate concentrations for 2003.... 76 Figure 31. Lake Allegan vertical profile concentrations of total phosphorus (solid line) and chlorophyll a (dashed line). The inflow total phosphorus concentration for the day 44.8 ug/L and the inflow chlorophyll a concentration was 2.8 pg /L .77 viii Figure 32. Lake Allegan vertical profile concentrations of total soluble phosphorus (TSP) (solid line) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) (dashed line). The inflow total soluble phosphorus concentration for the day was 32 ug/L and the inflow soluble reactive phosphorus concentration was 18.2 ug/L ................ 78 Figure 33. Lake Allegan vertical profile concentrations for ammonium (solid line) and nitrate (dashed line). The inflow ammonium concentration on the sampling day was 16 pg N/L and the inflow nitrate concentration was 1320 pg N/L .................... 79 Figure 34. Lake Allegan vertical profile of temperature (solid line) and oxygen (dashed line). The inflow temperature for the day was 19.5 C and the inflow oxygen concentration was 9 mg/L ........................................................... 80 Figure 35. Lake Allegan vertical profile of conductance (solid line) and pH (dashed line). The inflow conductance for the day was 689 uS/cm and the inflow pH was 8.4 ................................................................................................ 81 Figure 36. Morrow Lake residence time (days) preceding each sampling date in, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ................................................................................................. 82 Figure 37. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow chlorophyll a concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ................................................................................................. 83 Figure 38. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow total soluble phosphorus concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ................................................................................................. 84 Figure 39. Morrow Lake and inflow and outflow total phosphorus concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ................................................................................................. 85 Figure 40. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ........................................................................ 86 Figure 41. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow soluble organic phosphorus concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ........................................................................ 87 Figure 42. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow ammonium concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ................................................................................................. 88 Figure 43. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow nitrate concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ................................................................................................. 89 Figure 44. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow silica concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ................................................................................................. 90 ix Figure 45. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to total phosphorus (TP) ratio. Dashed lines show the thresholds of potential nitrogen limitation (DIN :TP less than 10) and phosphorus limitation (DIN:TP greater than 20), A) 2003 and B) 2004 ............................................................................................. 91 Figure 46. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow silica (Si) to dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) ratio. Dashed line shows the threshold of potential silica limitation (less than 1), A) 2003 and B) 2004 ........................................................................ 92 Figure 47. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and Silica (Si) ratio versus inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to total phosphorus (TP) ratio. Nitrogen limitation is represented by the solid-line square, phosphorus limitation represented by dashed line, and silica limitation represented by dotted-dash line, A) 2003 and B) 2004 .................................................................................................. 93 Figure 48. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow temperatures, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ............................................................................................. 94 Figure 49. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow total suspended solids, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ............................................................................................ 95 Figure 50. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow oxygen concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ............................................................................................. 96 Figure 51. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow percent oxygen saturation concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004 .................................................................... 97 Figure 52. Morrow Lake oxygen and temperature diel cycle on 25-26 August 2003 ................................................................................................ 98 Figure 53. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow pH concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004 ............................................................................................. 99 Figure 54. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow calcium concentrations for 2003 ............................................................................................................... 100 Figure 55. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow alkalinity concentrations for 2003 ............................................................................................................... 101 Figure 56. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow calcite saturation index for 2003 ............................................................................................................... 102 Figure 57. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow magnesium concentrations for 2003 .............................................................................................................. . 103 Figure 58. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow sodium concentrations for 2003 ............................................................................................................... 104 Figure 59. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow potassium concentrations for 2003 ............................................................................................................... 105 Figure 60. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow chloride concentrations for 2003 ..................................................................................................................... 106 Figure 61. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow sulfate concentrations for 2003 ..................................................................................................................... 107 Figure 62. Lake Allegan vertical profile concentrations of total phosphorus (solid line) and chlorophyll a (dashed line). The inflow total phosphorus concentration for the day 44.5 pg/L and the inflow chlorophyll a concentration was 2.7 pg /L ................. 108 Figure 63. Lake Allegan vertical profile concentrations of total soluble phosphorus (TSP) (solid line) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) (dashed line). The inflow total soluble phosphorus concentration for the day was 31 pg/L and the inflow soluble reactive phosphorus concentration was 11.8 pg/L .................................................... 109 Figure 64. Lake Allegan vertical profile concentrations for ammonium (solid line) and nitrate (dashed line). The inflow ammonium concentration on the sampling day was 37.2 pg N/L and the inflow nitrate concentration was 777 pg N/L .................. 110 Figure 65. Lake Allegan vertical profile of temperature (solid line) and oxygen - (dashed line). The inflow temperature for the day was 23.1 C and the inflow oxygen concentration was 7.8 mg/L .......................................................................... 111 Figure 66. Lake Allegan vertical profile of conductance (solid line) and pH (dashed line). The inflow conductance for the day was 597 pS/cm and the inflow pH was 7.9 ...................................................................................................... 112 Figure 67. Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan mean phosphorus concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2003 ................................................................................................. 113 CHAPTER 2 Figure l. Kalamazoo River and Watershed ............................................................... 137 Figure 2. Mean daily discharge below Morrow Lake (Comstock gauge) and above Lake Allegan (Trowbridge gauge). The individual symbols represent survey sample days. Data from the US. Geological Survey ............................................................. 138 xi Figure 3. Longitudinal river survey of temperature and oxygen at low discharge (18 August 2003). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwelldam, Otsego darn, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam) .............................................................................................. 139 Figure 4. Longitudinal river survey of conductance and pH at low discharge (18 August 2003). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwelldam, Otsego dam, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam) ............................................................................................... 140 Figure 5. Longitudinal river survey of total phosphorus and chlorophyll a at low discharge (1 8 August 2003). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwelldam, Otsego dam, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam). The letters represent point sources discharges to the Kalamazoo River (A) Kalamazoo Waste Water Treatment Plant and (B) Menasha Paper Company .................................................................................................................... 141 Figure 6. Longitudinal river survey of temperature and oxygen at low discharge (3 September 2004). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwelldam, Otsego darn, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam) ............................................................................................... 142 Figure 7. Longitudinal river survey of condutance and pH at low discharge (3 September 2004). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwelldam, Otsego dam, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam) ..................................................................................................... 143 Figure 8. Longitudinal river survey of total phosphorus and chlorophyll a at low discharge (3 September 2004). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwelldam, Otsego dam, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam). The letters represent point sources discharges to the Kalamazoo River (A) Kalamazoo Waste Water Treatment Plant and (B) Menasha Paper Company .................................................................................................................... 144 Figure 9. Longitudinal river survey of temperature and oxygen at low discharge (2 July 2004). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwelldam, Otsego dam, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam) ............................................................................................... 145 xii Figure 10. Longitudinal river survey of conductance and pH at low discharge (2 July 2004). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwelldam, Otsego dam, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam) ............................................................................................... 146 Figure 11. Longitudinal river survey of total phosphorus and chlorophyll a at low discharge (2 July 2004). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwelldam, Otsego dam, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam). The letters represent point sources discharges to the Kalamazoo River (A) Kalamazoo Waste Water Treatment Plant and (B) Menasha Paper Company .................................................................................................................... 147 Figure 12. Longitudinal river survey of total phosphorus and chlorophyll (1 within Morrow Lake and downstream in the river (27 August 2004). The solid line box represents Morrow Lake ............................................................................................ 148 Figure 13. Longitudinal river survey of total phosphorus, total soluble phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus within Morrow Lake and downstream in the river (27 August 2004). The solid line box represents Morrow Lake ................................ 149 xiii Chapter 1. Analysis of changes in river water passing through two major reservoirs (Lake Allegan and Morrow Lake) Abstract The Kalamazoo River (Michigan, USA) has six run-of-river dams (four small decommissioned ones and two larger ones producing hydropower). The hydropower reservoirs’ residence times vary from 2 up to 11 days during the year. Lake Allegan has a longer maximum residence time of 11 days, compare to 7 days in Morrow Lake. Inflows and outflows for the two hydropower reservoirs were sampled weekly in order to quantify the roles of reservoirs as sinks or transformers for nutrients. Lake Allegan is hypereutrophic impoundment, located downstream of Morrow Lake, a eutrophic impoundment. No major tributary inputs exist between the reservoirs. Despite their spatial proximity, a Total Maximum Daily Load for phosphorus (P) was deemed necessary for Lake Allegan to control summer algal blooms, whereas Morrow Lake lacks nuisance summer algal blooms and has a more desirable fish community. During the summer, Lake Allegan inflow total phosphorus average 83 pg/L, while in Morrow Lake it averaged 54 pg/L. In both reservoirs there was a decline in soluble reactive phosphorus from, and an increase in particulate phosphorus from inflow to outflow. Nitrate decreased in both reservoirs during longer residence times, but to a higher degree in Morrow Lake as opposed to Lake Allegan, possibly due to benthic algal uptake. During the summer, the two reservoirs had decreases in the outflow calcium concentrations that affected alkalinity. Silica uptake during the summer was more marked and different timing in Lake Allegan than in Morrow Lake, and may have resulted in silica limitation of diatoms. Lake Allegan outflow waters exhibited potential silica and nitrogen limitation in the late summer while Morrow Lake did not, which may explain the undesirable algal blooms in Lake Allegan. The longer residence time allows phytoplankton to build up to undesirable levels within Lake Allegan, but not in Morrow Lake. Ammonium, phosphorus and silica are the main nutrients potentially regulating species composition, but concentrations of these nutrients remain above limiting levels for the most part. An internal ammonium source possibly favors non-N fixing algae and if so, reducing the total phosphorus concentration may not directly affect the harmful algal blooms. Introduction Globally 60% of the world’s rivers have been affected by dams and diversions (WCD 2000), and reservoirs are estimated to have a combined storage capacity of as much as 100,000 cubic kilometers (Chao 1991). Michigan has over 2,500 dams and of those 103 are hydroelectric dams that impact 49 river systems (www.michigan. gov). Irnpoundrnents yield many important benefits to society by providing flood control, hydroelectricity, and water storage for agriculture, industry, and municipalities (Vorosmarty 1997). However, dams have multiple effects that extend downstream. A few major environmental impacts of dams are (1) changes in downstream river hydrology, morphology, and water quality, (2) reduction of biodiversity, (3) increased habitat fragmentation, and (4) trapping of riverine sediment and nutrients (McCully 2001). This chapter will discuss the changes in river nutrients and major solutes as the water passes through two reservoirs on the same river and evaluate the potential for nutrient limitation of phytoplankton growth in the reservoirs. The inflow and outflow of each reservoir were sampled during spring and summer for two years. Summer was the most active period for algal grth because of the relatively long residence times reaching, 11 days for Lake Allegan and 7 days for Morrow Lake. I showed here that the DlNzTP molar ratio suggested potential N-limitation in both reservoirs, while silica limitation only occurred potentially in Lake Allegan. A phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load was established to control harmful algal in Lake Allegan. However, other nutrients such as internal ammonium production and silica depletion may also influence in Lake Allegan. Nevertheless, ultimately residence time controls the ability of phytoplankton to grow within Lake Allegan and nutrients are of secondary importance. Literature Review." Effects of impoundments on river hydrology, biogeochemistry and ecology Impoundments change the characteristics of a river from a fluvial environment to a more lacustrine environment, affecting physical, chemical and biological characteristics. Some of the main changes upon impoundment are increased water residence (also called retention time), sediment accumulation, nutrient transformations, and increased autochthonous primary production (Friedl and Wuest 2002). Longitudinal gradients in sedimentation, biological activity, and reservoir hydrology (residence time and water discharge) determine the fate of nutrients in a reservoir. A longitudinal gradient develops in a reservoir as a result of basin morphology and the reservoir inflows and outflow. Basins are generally narrow and elongate with the deepest part located at the dam. Reservoirs may receive little or no influence from the surrounding watershed, with the majority of inputs fi'om the inflowing river(s). Advective currents caused by the river inflow and outflow distribute nutrients and sediments within the reservoir. Reservoir longitudinal gradients commonly show three distinct zones: riverine, transition and lacustrine (Thornton 1980). At the upriver end, the riverine zone is a narrow, well-mixed entrance with decreasing velocity allowing coarse organic matter and sand to settle, forming a delta. Light penetration is relatively low, which limits primary production. Next, in the transition zone clays and silts settle and light penetration gradually increases. Finally, the lacustrine zone exhibits lacustrine characteristics with low sedimentation rates, and deeper light penetration promotes autochthonous primary production; thermal stratification may occur during the summer. Incoming river water forms a plunge point were the water does not mix immediately, but often sinks to a depth where its density is approximately similar to the reservoir water (Carmack 1979). From the plunge point, inflowing water may be integrated into reservoir waters as overflow, interflow or underflow currents (Ford 1990). Nutrients, organisms, and sediments travel within these currents and can be deposited within the reservoir. In an unstratified reservoir, outflow waters represent a composite from all depths, but in a stratified reservoir vertical mixing is inhibited and outflow waters are restricted to a particular stratum (Ford 1990). Most reservoirs discharge water through a subsurface outflow, which under stratified conditions leads to a restricted hypolimnion withdrawal zone, a deeper epilimnion, and increased heat storage (Ford 1999, Martin 1978). Hypolimnetic-discharge reservoirs tends to exhibit higher nutrient concentrations in outflowing waters compared to epilimnetic outflowing waters (Martin et a1. 1978). Changes in water elevation associated with dam operations can enhance nutrient exchange between littoral and pelagic zones. Sedimentation acts as nutrient sink in reservoirs, while sediment-water exchange of solutes can release nutrients in a reservoir. Most of the sedimentation typically occurs near the inflow with minimal sediment deposits at the dam. James et a1. (1987) noted significant losses of phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon in DeGray Lake inflow water resulting from sedimentation. Sediment accumulation varied depending on the season, with higher deposition during the spring compared to summer. However, sediment retention depends on water velocity and less may be retained if flushing rates are high (J ossette et a1. 1990). Clay and silt sedimentation in the transition and lacustrine zones removes associated trace metals and nutrients fiom the overlying waters. Anoxic conditions in the waters overlying sediments during summer stratification can cause the release of trace metals, phosphorus and ammonium from sediment into the overlying waters. Reservoir sediments can be either a net sink or source of nitrogen (Sherman 2001). Transition and lacustrine zones are the main zones of nutrient release from sediments in reservoirs; advective forces in the transition zone distribute released nutrients within the reservoir (Kennedy and Walker 1990). Reservoirs are divided into three classes based on residence time (Straskraba 1999). The first class is the through-flowing reservoir with residence times less than two weeks. The intermediate-residence time reservoir class has residence times between two weeks and one year. The long-residence time reservoir class has residence times greater than one year. Long residence time reservoirs behave much like a stratified lake. Nutrient availability is affected by reservoir residence time. Reservoirs with residence times greater than 120 days retain much of total phosphorus in inflowing waters, whereas at short residence times (less than 10 days) there may be no phosphorus retention due to the high flushing rates (Soballe 1987, Straskraba 1999). However, nitrogen retention is not affected as much by reservoir retention time, but more by reservoir morphology. More nitrogen is retained in shallow reservoirs where sediment-water interactions (including dentrification) have more influence on overlying waters, compared with deep reservoir systems (Howarth 1995, Straskraba 1999, Scheffer, 1998). Silica is replenished in short-residence time reservoirs by river inputs, whereas systems with long residence times serve as a sink for silica, especially when they have high nitrogen and phosphorus inputs (Conley, 1993). A shift from allochthonous to autochthonous energy sources supporting food webs is common in reservoir systems. Phytoplankton are able to flourish in reservoir systems with sufficiently long enough residence times due to constant inputs of riverine nutrients, increased light penetration and warming water temperatures. The longitudinal gradient establishes primary production in the lacustrine zone. Phytoplankton concentrations peak with a reduction in turbidity and velocity but where nutrient availability is still high (Gloss et a1. 1980, Kennedy et a1. 1982). During the summer, reservoirs usually increase in water temperature relative to inflowing river waters, promoting biological activity (Carmack 1979). Internal recycling of nutrients by phytoplankton partially controls the amount of nutrients available in a reservoir. J ossette et a1. (1990) concluded from a biogeochemical mass balance that 60% of phosphorus inputs either were lost by sedimentation or retained by algae, and that silica was deposited in reservoirs as a result of diatom uptake. Total nitrogen and phosphorus budgets in Sulejow Reservoir indicated that these nutrients were assimilated by phytoplankton (Galicka and Penczak 1989). Primary production affects calcium carbonate (C3CO3) formation in reservoirs by algae for growth, and by regulating dissolved carbon dioxide concentrations through photosynthesis. High algal photosynthetic rates, deplete dissolved CO; and raise pH; as a result, CaCO3 may precipitate in alkaline waters. Increased water temperature also contributes to CaCO3 supersaturation. CaCO3 precipitation decreases calcium and alkalinity concentrations (Schlesinger 1997) and can remove available phosphorus through sorption (Otsuki and Wetzel 1972, Bostrom et a1. 1988). Denitrification is a microbial respiratory process that reduces nitrate to nitrogen gas (N 2). Denitrification occurs in aquatic sediments under hypoxic or anoxic conditions, is favored by warm temperatures, and may be limited either by nitrate or labile organic carbon (Seitzinger 1988). A correlation exists between nitrogen inputs and nitrogen retention in reservoirs, yet nitrogen retention can depend on changes in residence time and water volume (sediment-water interaction) (Tomaszek and Koszelnik, 2003). Nitrate inputs via river flow into reservoirs form a longitudinal gradient with high nitrate concentrations at the riverine end and lower concentrations at the darn end; denitrification may increase towards the dam as temperatures increase and oxygen concentrations in water overlying the sediments decrease (Wall 2005). The highest denitrification rates occur at the end of the spring or summer when oxygen concentrations are lowest (Tomaszek and Czerwieniec 2003, Wall 2005). Nitrogen retention gradually declines in autumn (Tomaszek and Koszelnik, 2003, Wall 2005) reaching the lowest retention in the winter when low temperatures limit denitrification rates (Wall 2005). Rooted macrophytes and periphyton often have limited primary production in reservoirs due to turbidity and water level fluctuations. However, if water levels are stable with clear water, macrophyte communities can establish (Barko 1981), and smaller shallow reservoirs can support abundant periphyton grth as well. Submerged vegetation serves as habitat for fish and provides a surface for periphyton growth (Kimmel et. a1. 1990), and detrital inputs from vegetation represent a slow release nutrient source for the overlying waters (Miner 1974). Tropical and subtropical reservoirs often develop extensive stands of floating emergent plants (Thomas et a1. 1999). Light penetration, nutrients, substratum composition and stability impact benthic algal community development (Stevenson 1996). These same factors also affect nutrient uptake by benthic algae. Phytoplankton have more ready access to water column nutrients than benthic algae. However, benthic algae have another nutrient source beside the overlying waters; benthic algae utilize nutrients within and released from the sediments and benthic algae can thereby restrict nutrient movement from the sediments into overlying waters (Hasson 1988). Benthic algae can be favored by shallow waters and short residence times that restrict the growth of phytoplankton. Study Site The Kalamazoo River watershed is located in the southwestern Michigan, with a watershed area of approximately 5,231 kmz. The Kalamazoo River runs 260 km through 10 counties of variety of land uses (developed areas, farmland and forest including the Allegan State Game Area) (Figure 1). Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan are shallow and non-stratifying run-of-the-river impoundments located on the Kalamazoo River. The water discharged at the dam is essentially drawn from the entire water column, with a spillway to accommodate excess discharge. Water levels are kept constant behind the impoundment wall. Morrow Lake is located 69 km upstream of Lake Allegan, and there are no major tributary inputs between the impoundments, although groundwater inputs are substantial. The morphometric features of both reservoirs are listed in Table 1. Consumers Power Company created Morrow Lake in 1939 for the Bryce E. Morrow Power Plant in Comstock, Michigan. The plant was fireled by coal, which supplied energy to the boiler to produce steam. Morrow Lake’s water was pumped through condensers, which condensed hot steam from the boilers to hot water, which was then pumped back into boilers. The two electric generators were powered by steam turbines, which produced 35,000 kilowatts each. In 1969, the plant was converted to natural gas power, and in 1971 was rebuilt to use oil. Consumers Power closed Morrow Plant in July 1982 due to high operating costs and reduction in power consumption. STS Consultants Ltd. purchased about 1,400 acres surrounding Morrow Plant (excluding the building and equipment) to construct a new hydroelectric facility. The hydroelectric plant now generates about 1,000 kilowatts of electricity. Currently, Morrow Irnpoundment is owned by STS Hydropower and is not licensed by the Federal Energy Regulation Commission (FERC). 10 Calkins Dam was constructed by the city of Allegan from 1931-1936. The city’s municipal utility operated the darn from 1936 to 1968. In 1968, Consumers Energy purchased the dam and to date operates the dam. There are also several decommissioned hydropower dams and diversion dams for a mill race, all located between Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan. Chapter Two describes these dams in more detail. Total Maximum Daily Load ( T MDL) for Lake Allegan The United States Environmental Protection Agency conducted a National Eutrophication Survey in 1972 and classified Lake Allegan as hypereutrophic (U SEPA 1975). The source of Lake Allegan’s hypereutrophication was deemed to be phosphorus based on the well-documented tendency for other Michigan lakes to be phosphorus limited. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) monitored Lake Allegan from April through September of the years 1988, 1994, 1996 and 1997, and determined that total phosphorus concentrations in Lake Allegan averaged 96 pg/L and ranged from 69 to 125 pg/L (Heaton 2001). In 1998, Lake Allegan remained classified as hypereutrophic, exhibiting high nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations (67 pg/L), excessive turbidity (0.6 m Secchi depth), low dissolved oxygen, and an unbalanced fish community dominated by carp and channel catfish (87% community average) (Heaton 2001). In 1999, MDEQ developed a phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Lake Allegan. A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is an estimate of the total daily 11 input of a pollutant stressor (from point, non-point, and natural background sources) that may be allowed within a segment of receiving water without exceeding applicable water quality criteria. A reduction of total phosphorus in Lake Allegan should improve water quality conditions if it is indeed the main factor controlling algal growth. Morrow Lake, an impoundment located upstream, served as a reference in setting Lake Allegan TMDL parameter goals. Morrow Lake has morphometry similar to Lake Allegan, but with better water quality: no nuisance algae blooms, lower chlorophyll a (23 pg/L), higher transparency (Secchi depth average 1.0 m), a balanced non-carp-dominated fish community (39% carp and catfish by number), and 58 pg/L total phosphorus. Morrow Lake’s water quality characteristics were considered a realistic and desirable target Lake Allegan. Therefore, the Lake Allegan total phosphorus TMDL goal was set at 60 pg/L for the inflow in the expectation that Lake Allegan would become more like Morrow Lake with this lower phosphorus load. Considering their spatial proximity and the fact that Lake Allegan and Morrow Lake are both shallow lakes located on the Kalamazoo River without any major tributary inputs directly into or between them, the question arises as to why there are major differences in the total phosphorus concentration and in algal blooms and fish communities between the reservoirs. 12 Objective and Hypotheses The objective of this research was to conduct a comprehensive biogeochemical analysis of inflow and outflow waters of Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan. The analysis will help develop an understanding of the differences and similarities between Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan and to explain why only Lake Allegan has reported problems with excessive algal grth and poor water quality. I hypothesized that the following critical biogeochemical processes may alter elemental fluxes and influence algal growth in Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan: Residence time limits the time for algal growth within the reservoirs. Phosphorus forms change within the reservoirs by phytoplankton uptake/release and sediment/water exchanges. Algal uptake and denitrification remove nitrate within the reservoirs. Calcium carbonate precipitation decreases concentrations of calcium and alkalinity within the reservoir. Diatoms measurably reduce available silica concentrations during the spring. Nutrient ratios (N :P and Si:N) shift seasonally in the reservoirs during periods when residence time is long enough for biological uptake to impact concentrations, resulting in shifts in the potentially limiting nutrient for algal growth. 13 Methods Field Sampling The Lake Allegan inflow sampling location was the historical downtown bridge on Bridge Road, and the outflow site location is just below the Caulkins Dam on Lake Allegan Dam Road; both sites are located in Allegan County, Michigan. The Morrow Lake inflow sampling location was where E. Michigan Avenue crosses the Kalamazoo River in Galesburg; the outflow sampling location is Merrill Park in Comstock about 2 km below the dam. Morrow Lake is in Kalamazoo County, Michigan. In 2003, samples of inflow and outflow waters were collected in early spring (13 March 2003) and weekly during summer (14 May-19 August 2003). In 2004, inflow and outflow waters were sampled once during ice—cover in early spring (10 Feb 2004) and monthly during summer (26 May-20 September 2004). The right and left banks were sampled periodically for differences in nutrient concentrations, since the Morrow Lake outflow was sampled from left bank. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow waters and Morrow Lake inflow waters were sampled with a Van Dom Sampler and Morrow Lake outflow waters by an extendable hand-held dipper. Temperature, pH, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen were measured at each sampling site with a Hydrolab Sonde. One diel cycle of temperature, oxygen, pH and conductance was recorded with a YSI multiparameter sonde for Lake Allegan on 19-20 August 2003 and Morrow Lake on 23- 24 August 2003. In Lake Allegan the sonde sensor probe was suspended from the impoundment wall between two intake gates; in Morrow Lake the sonde was positioned in water of 0.7m depths off an island in the center. Both locations represent the surface 14 mixed layers, although persistent thermal stratification has not been documented in these reservoirs. In late summer 2004, vertical profiles were measured from a boat in each reservoir near the impoundment wall, at the deepest point. At that time when maximum vertical differences would have existed. Depths were determined with Hummingbird sonar depth finder. The Morrow Lake vertical profile was measured on 27 August 2004, taking 7 samples at l-meter depth intervals. The Lake Allegan vertical profile was measured on 20 September 2004, taking 10 samples at l-meter depth intervals. Secchi depths were recorded in each reservoir. Temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen were measured in each vertical profiles at l-meter intervals with the Hydrolab Sonde. Laboratory Analyses Water samples were filtered through 0.45pm membrane filters and refrigerated (nutrients, anions) or acidified with 8 N HNO3 (cations). Ammonium was analyzed colorimetrically by the phenylhypochlorite method (Aminot et a1 1997). Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) was measured colorimetrically by the acid molybdate method; silica was analyzed colorimetrically by the ammonium molybdate method (Wetzel and Likens 2001). Total soluble phosphorus (in filtered water) and total phosphorus (unfiltered water) were determined after persulfate digestion in a pressure steam sterilizer by colorimetric analysis of the resultant orthophosphate (V alderrama 1981, Langner and Hendrix 1982). The sterilizer was operated at 20 psi for two hours followed by a gradual cool down period. Standards included ATP to ensure efficient oxidation of organic matter. Reagent and water contributions to the analytical blank 15 were determined by varying the reagent amount and only the reagent contribution was subtracted from sample absorbances (this was also routinely done for ammonium analyses). Nitrate, sulfate, and chloride were measured with an ion chromatograph. Calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium were measured with a flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Alkalinity was determined by Gran titration with 0.3 N HCl. Sestonic chlorophyll a was filtered onto Type A/E glass fiber filters and frozen. The filters were later halved and one half was extracted with 95% ethanol, and chlorophyll a was measured by fluorometry (Welschmeyer 1994). Data from inflow and outflow waters were analyzed by linear and multiple regression using SYSTAT 9.0 Water residence time was calculated from USGS discharge records and reservoir volumes. For Morrow Lake the gauging station was Comstock and for Lake Allegan the gauging station was Trowbridge. Lake Allegan and Morrow Lake volume and area were recorded from critical infrastructure information provided by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The maximum depth was recorded from the vertical profiles. A time-integrated residence time was calculated as follows, to reflect short-term changes in river discharge. First, the daily residence time for each sampling day was calculated from the daily discharge and reservoir volume. Once the daily residence time was determined for that sampling day, I started with that sampling day and counted back the number of days equal to the residence time estimate. I then calculated the mean daily discharge residence time over that preceding interval. 16 Results Climate and River Hydrology Discharge varied throughout the season with the highest discharge during February through May and the lowest discharge during June through September. The river at Lake Allegan had higher discharge than at Morrow Lake (Figure 2). Discharge was higher overall in 2004 than in 2003. The mean annual discharge for March through September over 72 years (1931-2003) was 26.38 m3/sec. The mean for March through September 2003 was 20.6 m3/sec and for March through September 2004 it was 29.72 m3/sec. Residence times in the two reservoirs varied seasonally and were shorter during February through May than in June through August. Beginning in June residence times increased. Residence time varied inversely with discharge and thus was longer in 2003 than in 2004 (volumes of each reservoir were constant). Lake Allegan had a longer residence time than Morrow Lake (Figure 3). The climate of the region is humid and temperate. Air temperatures in 2003 and 2004 were low during January through April and started gradually increasing in May. The highest temperatures occurred in July and August (Figure 4). Statistical predictors of algal growth in the reservoirs Simple linear and multiple regression analyses were used to determine what factors predict algal growth. In 2003 (Table 2), residence time was a good predictor of algal grth in Morrow Lake (p <0.05) and Lake Allegan (p <0.05). Outflow total 17 phosphorus predicted algal grth only in Morrow Lake (p <0.05), and was not a significant predictor in Lake Allegan (p=0.061). However, combining the residence time and outflow total phosphorus yielded better prediction of algal grth in Morrow Lake (p <0.05) and Lake Allegan (p <0.05). In 2004, when residence times were shorter (Table 3), p-values were not significant for either of these factors predicting algal growth. Combining the 2003 and 2004 data (Table 4), residence time predicted algal growth in Morrow Lake (p <0.05) and Lake Allegan (p <0.05). Addition of the total phosphorus concentrations yielded a better prediction in Morrow Lake (R2 =0.62, p <0.05), but did not improve the prediction in Lake Allegan (R2 =0.37, p <0.05). 18 Lake Allegan The residence time of water in Lake Allegan was relatively long during March 2003, then became shorter as discharge increased in April and May. Beginning in July residence time gradually increased (Figure 5A). However, in 2004 the residence time did not increase seasonally, but remained short all summer (Figure SB). Residence time was longer in 2003 than in 2004, reflecting the discharge in those years. Chlorophyll a concentrations were variable during March and in early July 2003 and 2004, but were usually higher in the outflow. In July, there was a steady increase in the outflow chlorophyll a concentrations. Also in mid July the inflow chlorophyll a concentrations increased above the outflow, then declined sharply below the outflow (Figure 6A and 6B). Chapter 2 examines patterns in chlorophyll in the river between the two reservoirs and investigates the origin of the high chlorophyll concentrations in the Lake Allegan inflow waters. The outflow concentrations of total soluble phosphorus were usually lower than the inflow concentrations during April through July 2003and 2004. Starting in mid-July the inflow concentrations fluctuated (Figures 7A and 7B). The outflow concentrations of total phosphorus were usually lower than the inflow concentrations during April through mid July in 2003 and 2004, but in August outflow concentrations exceeded the inflow concentrations (Figures 8A and 8B). Soluble l9 reactive phosphorus concentrations in 2003 and 2004 remained low in the outflow, but fluctuated in the inflow (Figures 9A and 9B). Concentrations of soluble organic phosphorus (measured as the difference between total soluble phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus) were usually higher in the outflow than in the inflow. In July 2003, the inflow concentrations fell below detection (Figure 10A). In 2004, the outflow concentrations were usually higher than the inflow, but the inflow did not reach zero during the summer (Figure 10B). Ammonium concentrations were variable during March through July 2003. From July on there was an increase in the outflow ammonium concentrations relative to the inflow, peaking in August (figure 11A). However, March-June 2004 inflow and outflow concentrations were constant, there was a peak in outflow concentration in early July followed by a decline starting in late July (Figure 11B). Nitrate concentrations in the inflow and outflow were similar from March through May 2003, but after June there was a consistent decline in nitrate concentrations, almost reaching undetectable levels (< 15 pg N/L) at the outflow in late July through mid-August (figure 12A). The pattern was the similar in 2004, except that outflow concentration did not reach undetectable levels in July (Figure 12B). From March through August 2003, outflow concentrations of silica were lower than in the inflow. The first marked decline was in April 2003 followed by a second decline in July, and the outflow concentrations fell to nearly undetectable levels in late July 20 through mid August (Figure 13A). Outflow concentrations of silica declined in April and July 2004 (Figure 13B). The July 2004 outflow concentration decline was not as marked as it was in July 2003. Redfield ratio is based on Liebig’s law of the minimum, which states the smallest quantity of a nutrient relative to grth needs will become the limiting factor. The ratio for algal biomass is C:N:P = 106:16:l. In the case of diatoms Si:N = 1:1. From March through June 2003, ratios of available N:P (DIN:TP) indicated that the outflow waters shified from potential phosphorus limitation to potential co-limitation between nitrogen and phosphorus, while inflow waters remained potentially phosphorus limited(F i gure 14A). From July through August, the inflow remained potentially phosphorus limited, but the outflow became potentially nitrogen limited. The 2003 pattern was similar in 2004 except the outflow waters never show potential nitrogen limitation (Figure 14B). These ratios reflect potential nutrient limitation because in most samples the concentrations exceeded those known to be physiologically limiting to algal growth. In April 2003, diatom grth in both inflow and outflow waters was potentially silica limited (Figure 15A). Beginning in May, inflow and outflow waters shifted to potential nitrogen limitation, and in July inflow and outflow waters were potentially silica limited and shified back to potential nitrogen limitation during mid August. In contrast, the inflow waters were only potentially silica limited in April and remained potentially nitrogen limited for remaining months. The outflow pattern was similar in 2004 with potential silica limitation in June and August (Figure 15B). 21 In 2003, the inflow waters were mainly potentially phosphorus limited or silica- phosphorus limited, while the outflow waters were potentially phosphorus limited, co- limited between phosphorus and nitrogen, or silica-nitrogen limited (Figure 16A). In contrast, 2004 outflow waters were slightly potentially silica-nitrogen limited and there was no co-limitation between phosphorus and nitrogen. In 2003 and 2004, water temperatures were similar between the inflow and outflow from March through June, but starting in July temperatures gradually increased in the outflow compared with the inflow (Figures 17A and 17B). Transparency was not measured in this study. Secchi depth measured by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) from 1998-2003 averaged 0.68 m. The compensation point depth above which net algal photosynthesis could occur was thus approximately twice this, or 1.37 m. The mean depth of Lake Allegan is 1.80 m and the maximum depth is 7 m. Sufficient light to support algal growth could therefore penetrate 76 % of the water column. The total suspended solid concentrations were generally higher in the outflow than the inflow (Figures 18A and 18 B). There was no consistent difference in 2004. The particulate matter usually appeared to be mostly algal biomass. In 2003 and 2004, oxygen concentrations were usually higher in the outflow than in the inflow (Figures 19A and 19B). In 2003, The difference was greatest during May 22 through July (Figure 19A), when the outflow concentrations noticeably increased, but then in August the inflow and outflow concentrations were similar. The outflow was generally supersaturated, especially during June through mid July 2003, and the inflow remained undersaturated (Figure 20A). However, in 2004 the inflow and outflow were undersaturated from March through June, but in mid-July the outflow shifted to supersaturation and inflow generally remained undersaturated (Figure 203). Very high oxygen superatsauration occurred in the outflow on several dates during the summer, indicating intense algal photosynthesis. A diel cycle of temperature and dissolved oxygen was measured off the dam on 19-20 August 2003 (Figure 21A) at the depth of l m. A vertical profile taken at the beginning showed the water column to be well-mixed. Temperature and oxygen concentrations paralleled each other with the lowest values recorded in the early morning hours, and a gradual increase followed by a peak in the late aflemoon and a decline in the evening. The pH did not change consistently from inflow to outflow but the outflow pH was most often slightly elevated in comparison to inflow pH (Figure 22A). Inflow and outflow pH were similar from March through July 2004 including one sampling date when maximal pH was observed, corresponding with very high oxygen supersaturation (Figure 223). Calcium concentrations were lower in the outflow than in the inflow, and from mid- May through August 2003 there was a gradual decline in the outflow calcium 23 concentrations (Figure 23). Likewise, the alkalinity did not change until July 2003 after which a decline in the outflow was observed (Figure 24). The calcite saturation index suggested than calcite potentially precipitated in both the inflow and outflow waters, with calcite saturation in the outflow lower than in the inflow on most dates from June through August (Figure 25). The reduction in calcium and alkalinity support the conclusion from the calcite saturation index that calcite precipitated as water resided in Lake Allegan Magnesium (Figure 26), sodium (Figure 27), potassium (Figure 28), chloride (Figure 29), and sulfate (Figure 30) concentrations showed some changes detectably as water passed through Lake Allegan from March through August in both 2003, but these were not large and will not be dealt with in this study. Lake Allegan vertical profiles Lake Allegan had a well-mixed water column on one date in late summer when thermal stratification would have been maximal. Chlorophyll a and total phosphorus concentrations were high throughout the water column (Figure 31). Soluble reactive phosphorus and total soluble phosphorus concentrations were high at the surface, and then high declined throughout the water column (Figure 32). Ammonium and nitrate concentrations were increased slightly with depth in the water column (Figure 33). Concentrations of total soluble and soluble reactive phosphorus as well as ammonium in the reservoir were lower than in inflow waters. Temperatures were uniform from the 24 surface to bottom. Oxygen decreased below 2m (Figure 34). Conductance increased slightly and pH decreased slightly with depth in the water column (Figure 35). 25 Morrow Lake As in Lake Allegan, the residence time of water in Morrow Lake was long during March 2003, and shorter in April and May. Beginning in June residence time gradually increased (Figure 36A). However, in 2004 the residence time did not change seasonally, but remained low (Figure 36B). Residence time was longer in summer 2003 than in summer 2004. In 2003 and 2004, chlorophyll a concentrations in the Morrow Lake outflow were generally much higher than in the inflow (Figures 37A and 37B). In the Morrow Lake outflow, concentrations of total soluble phosphorus were usually lower than inflow concentrations during April through July 2003(Figure 38A). However, in 2004 the difference between inflow and was less consistent and a much higher outflow concentrations was recorded on one date in July (Figure 38B). The total phosphorus concentrations did not change much as water passed through Morrow Lake during March through June 2003, but then after July total phosphorus increased in the outflow relative to the inflow (Figure 39A). In 2004 outflow total phosphorus was lower in concentration on 5 of 7 sampling dates, but much higher on one date in July (Figure 39B). This contrasts with the net phosphorus loss observed in both years in Lake Allegan (Figure 8A). The soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations were consistently lower in the outflow than the inflow in 2003, especially in late summer (Figure 40A). On one date in July 2004 a different pattern was observed with 26 an increase in soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations in the outflow compared to the inflow (Figure 403); this peak in outflow concentrations corresponded with exceptionally high total and total soluble phosphorus concentrations. The soluble organic phosphorus concentrations did not change consistently from inflow to outflow in 2003 (Figure 41A). Starting in June 2003 the inflow and outflow concentrations gradually declined approaching zero in July. This pattern was not observed in 2004 when the outflow dissolved organic phosphorus concentrations were always higher than in the inflow (Figure 41B). Ammonium concentrations were variable but were most often lower in the outflow (Figures 42A and B). From mid July through August 2003 and 2004 there was a larger and more consistent decline in ammonium concentrations. This decline in ammonium contrasts with the increase in ammonium observed in Lake Allegan (Figure 11A). Nitrate concentrations did not change as water passed through Morrow Lake from March through May 2003, but after June there was a consistent decline in nitrate concentrations, reaching nearly zero at the outflow in late July-mid August (Figure 43A). The similar pattern was observed in 2004 except the outflow nitrate concentrations did not reach nearly zero in July and August (Figure 43B). Silica concentrations did not change from March through June in 2003 and 2004 (Figures 44A and 443). Starting in July 2003 (Figure 44A) there was a consistent decline in the silica outflow concentrations relative to the inflow. In contrast to 2003, in 27 2004 outflow concentrations of silica only slightly declined in late summer relative to inflow (Figure 44B). From March through July of 2003, ratios of available N:P (DIN:TP) indicated that inflow and outflow waters were both potentially phosphorus limited. From mid-July through August 2003 the inflow remained phosphorus limited but the outflow became potentially nitrogen limited (Figure 45A). The pattern was similar in 2004 except the outflow waters were only potentially phosphorus limited in early July and shifted back to potential co-limitation in August (Figure 45B). In March 2003 diatom growth in both the inflow and outflow waters was potentially silica-limited. Beginning in April, the inflow and outflow waters were potentially nitrogen limited (Figure 46A). In contrast, inflow and outflow. waters in 2004 did not showed potential silica limitation only nitrogen limitation (Figure 46B). In 2003 and 2004, Morrow Lake inflow and outflow waters were mainly potentially phosphorus limited or nitrogen limited (Figures 47A and B). This contrast with Lake Allegan where the waters were potentially silica-phosphorus limited and outflow waters were silica-nitrogen limited (Figure 16A). In 2003 and 2004, water temperatures did not vary from March through June, but starting in July the outflow temperatures increased compared with the inflow (Figures 48A and 483). 28 Transparency was not measured in this study. Secchi depth measured by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) from 1998-2003 averaged 0.97 m. The compensation point depth was thus approximately twice this, or 1.9 m. The mean depth of Morrow Lake is 1.66 m and the maximum depth is 5 m. Therefore, sufficient light to support algal could penetrate the entire water column. In 2003, outflow concentrations of total suspended solids were generally higher than the inflow concentrations (Figure 49A). However, in 2004 inflow concentrations were more often higher than in the outflow (Figure 49B). Oxygen concentrations in 2003 and 2004 were generally higher in the outflow than in the inflow, except early in the Spring (Figures 50A and 50B). Oxygen concentrations started gradually increasing in July 2003 (Figure 50A) and in May 2004 (figure SOB) relative to the inflow. Also in 2003 and 2004, the outflow waters were mainly supersaturated while the inflow waters were undersaturated (Figures 51A and 51B). A diel cycle of temperature and dissolved oxygen was measured on 23-24 August 2003 along the Indian mound island (located south of the DNR launch site) at the depth of 0.39 m. The surface waters were well-mixed. Temperature and oxygen concentrations parallel each other with the lowest values recorded in the early morning hours, a gradual increase followed by a peak in the late afiemoon and a decline in the evening (Figure 52). Oxygen was supersaturated throughout the diel cycle. 29 The outflow pH was almost always higher than inflow pH in 2003 and 2004 (Figures 53A and 53B), Starting in July 2003, pH gradually increased in the outflow relative to the inflow (Figure 53A). This contrasts with the decrease in outflow pH during the summer of 2003 in Lake Allegan (Figure 22A). Calcium concentrations did not change as the water passed through Morrow Lake from March through July 2003, but after mid-July there was a decline in the outflow concentrations relative to the inflow (Figure 54). Like calcium, alkalinity did not change until July 2003, after which there was a decline in the outflow (Figure 55). The saturation index suggested that calcite potentially precipitated in the inflow and outflow, with calcite supersaturation in the outflow higher than inflow starting in late May 2003 (Figure 56). In contrast, Lake Allegan had a higher calcite saturation index in the inflow (Figure 25). Magnesium (Figure 57), sodium (Figure 58) potassium (Figure 59), chloride (Figure 60), and sulfate (Figure 61) concentrations change little as water passed through Morrow Lake from March through August in 2003 and 2004. Morrow Pond Vertical Profile Morrow Lake had a well-mixed water column on one date in late summer when thermal stratification would have been maximal. Chlorophyll a and total phosphorus concentrations were high from the surface to the bottom but were lower than in Lake Allegan (Figure 62). Total soluble phosphorus concentrations were uniform throughout 30 the water column, while soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations were lower at the surface (Figure 63). Ammonium concentrations gradually increased with depth and nitrate concentrations decreased slightly with depth (Figure 64). Compared to the inflow concentrations, the vertical profiles showed considerable production of ammonium and some loss of soluble phosphorus. Temperatures were uniform throughout the water column. Oxygen started to decrease slightly at 5-meter depth (Figure 65). Conductance was uniform and pH decreased with depth in the water column (Figure 66) Comparison of P forms above and below each reservoir The mean concentration of phosphorus during the 2003 and 2004 sampling periods in Lake Allegan and Morrow Lake inflow and outflow waters are summarized in Figure 67 . Particulate phosphorus was calculated as the difference between total and total soluble phosphorus. Particulate phosphorus was the predominant form in all sites. In 2003 Morrow Lake usually increased in particulate phosphorus from the inflow to the outflow, compared with no change or decrease in Lake Allegan (Figure 67 A). Soluble reactive phosphorus decreased from inflow to outflow in both reservoirs. Soluble organic phosphorus changed less from inflow to outflow. However, in 2004 (Figure 67 B), Morrow Lake did not show as large of an increase in particulate phosphorus from inflow to outflow, and soluble reactive phosphorus did not change from the inflow to the outflow. Lake Allegan decreased in particulate phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus from the inflow to the outflow. 31 Discussion Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan are shallow, well-mixed (non-stratifying), eutrophic reservoirs, with short residence times (less than 11 days for both). Temperatures increased over the summer with the outflow temperature generally slightly warmer than inflow (Figures 17 and 48). Net oxygen production was apparent during the summer, and there is no evidence for persistent thermal stratification or anoxic bottom waters. In the 2004 season (March-September) discharge was higher, and in the 2003 season discharge was lower, than the 72-year annual season mean of 26.3 m3/sec at the Trowbridge gauge (above Lake Allegan) (Figure 2). Lake Allegan always had a higher discharge than Morrow Lake. Due to its larger volume, however, Lake Allegan had a longer residence time than Morrow Lake (Figure 3). My sampling period for both years spanned the typical seasonal variation in discharge and residence time (Figures 2 and 3). The nutrient concentrations of the Kalamazoo River make these reservoirs eutrophic by Midwestern United States lake standards. There are two substantial wastewater treatment plants that influence my sampling reach. The Battle Creek wastewater plant is 23 km upstream of the Morrow Lake inflow sampling location and the Kalamazoo wastewater treatment plant is 10 km downstream of the Morrow Lake outflow sampling location and 63 km above Lake Allegan. These effluents together with a number of industrial effluents that are discharged directly into the main channel likely explain the fairly high concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations in the river (Figures 9 and 40). 32 Comparisons between reservoirs During the two summers of sampling, Morrow Lake was a source, while Lake Allegan was a sink, for total phosphorus (Figure 67). In 2003 there consistently tended to be an increase in particulate phosphorus from the inflow to the outflow in Morrow Lake (Figure 67A). The highest total phosphorus concentrations occurred during summer and corresponded with the highest chlorophyll a concentrations. Lake Allegan was a sink for total phosphorus mainly during the summer when chlorophyll a concentrations were high, perhaps due to phytoplankton sedimentation. Referring to the regression statistics (Table 2), both residence time and total phosphorus are a significant predictors of algal growth in Morrow Lake. It is notable that more light reaches the bottom in Morrow Lake, which could promote the grth of benthic algae. Benthic algal mats uplifted from the bottom were observed during the summer and may be a major source of particulate phosphorus leaving Morrow Lake. During the spring and summer these benthic algal mats grow and once a maximum biomass is achieved, sloughing and lift off can occur (Stevenson 1996). Thus the apparent production of phosphorus in Morrow Lake could actually reflect seasonal uptake followed by release. Residence time was the only predictor of algal growth in Lake Allegan; total phosphorus was not significant. Lake Allegan’s residence time ranged from 3 to 11 days in 2003 (Figure 5A) and 3 to 8 days in 2004 (Figure 5B), depending directly on discharge, since the volume did not change. Chlorophyll a concentrations were the highest when residence time was the longest. The 2003 sampling season had higher chlorophyll a concentrations compared with 2004 probably because during 2003 33 discharge was lower and residence time was longer (Figures 6A and B). In 2004, the longest residence time in Lake Allegan was eight days, compared with 11 days in 2003. Residence times of around seven days or less limit phytoplankton production and species composition (Thornton 1980). Dickman’s 1969 study of Marion Lake concluded that short residence times (less than 2.5 days) greatly reduced phytoplankton by flushing them via an outlet. Morrow Lake’s residence time ranged from 2-7 days in 2003 (Figure 37A) and 2-5 days in 2004 (Figure 37B). Phytoplankton grth was thus likely to always be restricted by residence time. Compared to Lake Allegan, phytoplankton in Morrow Lake was more often flushed from the system before populations could accumulate. Benthic algal growth is not dependent upon residence time, but is controlled by light and nutrients. Since the phytoplankton is more often flushed from Morrow Lake perhaps, shading is prevented and more light is able to reach the lake bottom, allowing more benthic algal growth. In Lake Allegan phytoplankton may be the dominant form of algae, while in Morrow Lake benthic algae may be more important due to its shallower depth and higher flushing rate. In the summer when algal growth was the highest in both reservoirs, nutrient concentrations changed from the inflow to the outflow. Morrow Lake was a variable either a sink or source for ammonium while Lake Allegan produced ammonium at least in the summer. Nitrate concentrations declined by the outflow in both reservoirs during the summer. However, in Morrow Lake nitrate concentrations approached zero in late summer (Figure 43), while in Lake Allegan they did not fall as far (Figure 12). Morrow Lake’s very low summer nitrate concentrations may have resulted from benthic algal 34 uptake as well as denitrification. Lake Allegan’s ammonium source may be from sediment mineralization of organic nitrogen and its low nitrate concentrations may have resulted from phytoplankton uptake and well as denitrification. Nutrient ratios show that both reservoirs are potentially nitrogen and phosphorus limited during the summer, but there was a difference in the degree of limitation (Figures 14 and 45). The greater degree of potential nitrogen limitation in Morrow Lake could have been caused by ammonium and nitrate uptake by benthic algae. The Morrow Lake vertical profile showed that ammonium production was greatest at deeper depths (Figure 64). Benthic algae are able to take up nutrients directly from the sediments and from overlying water (Hasson 1988). At the same time in Lake Allegan the potential nitrogen limitation was not as extreme due to ammonium production within the reservoir. Ammonium is preferred over nitrate as a nitrogen source for phytoplankton (Reynolds 1984). Based on N:P ratios, nitrogen was never potentially limiting in the inflow waters of either reservoir, although it was potentially limiting in the outflow waters during late summer. Lake Allegan has an established phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load to control algal growth. The undesirable algal blooms reportedly occur during the summer when residence time is longer, and at that time nitrogen limitation may be as or more important than phosphorus limitation. These environmental conditions can promote N- fixing cyanobacteria (“blue-green algae”), which are able to survive in nitrogen limited systems. Cyanobacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen when dissolved inorganic nitrogen 35 concentrations are low, but phosphorus is available. Cyanobacteria take advantage of high phosphorus inputs through the ability to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere; (Schindler 1977). Eutrophic lakes tend to have low TNzTP ratios and are commonly dominated by N-fixing cyanobacteria (Downing 1992). Lake Allegan is classified as a hypereutrophic by USEPA and with average inflow total phosphorus concentrations of 84 pg/L in summer 2003 and 67 pg/L in summer 2004 (from my results). During the summer, Lake Allegan produced ammonium as indicated by higher concentrations in the outflow than in the inflow. The ammonium is a source of dissolved inorganic nitrogen for algae. The vertical profile did not show an ammonium increase at deeper depths, in contrast to Morrow Lake (Figure 33). I am not aware of any quantitative information on the composition of the phytoplankton in these reservoirs. Lake Allegan’s undesirable phytoplankton population could be composed of non N-fixing algae. Blomquist et. a1. (1994) hypothesized that dominance by non- nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria depends on the form in which the inorganic nitrogen source is present; when ammonium is present or internally recycled at sufficient rates, phytoplankton growth favors the development of non-nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria. N- fixing cyanobacteria dominate only when both epilimnetic and benthic dissolved inorganic sources are inadequate to meet the demand (F eber 2004). 36 The role of Silicon Silicon is another element that influences the nature and abundance of phytoplankton. In lakes, silicon concentrations are particularly important for spring diatom blooms. But how important is it for silicon to remain available throughout the summer? Silicon uptake varied in each reservoir with Lake Allegan having the earliest and most persistent silicon uptake, approaching depletion (Figure 13). However, in Morrow Lake outflow waters silicon depletion did not occur until late summer (Figure 44). In Morrow Lake potential limitation by silicon occurred only in April, presumably when benthic diatom blooms occurred (Figure 46). However, in Lake Allegan silicon limitation occurred twice, first in April with spring diatom blooms and again in July when there were increased chlorophyll a concentrations (Figure 15). Diatoms can be silicon- limited when the available Si:N ratio falls below 1:1 (Turner 2003). In July 2003 in Lake Allegan, the Si:N ratio fell below 1:1 at the same time the chlorophyll a concentration peaked. One assumption from the silicon depletion hypothesis is that an increase in nutrient loading causes an increase in phytoplankton production, especially in diatoms (Conley 1993). Diatom grth depends on the presence of dissolved silica. When dissolved silica concentrations become limiting relative to N and P availability, other types of algae that do not require dissolved silicon can dominate the phytoplankton community and decrease diatom abundance, and these other algae include noxious bloom-forming species (Turner 2003). 37 Ratios of N: T P and Si:N as indicators of potential nutrient limitation The NzTP and Si:N ratios are potential predictors of phytoplankton population shifts towards less desirable forms. By combining the two ratios one could predict which nutrients are potentially limiting in a system. Lake Allegan’s outflow waters showed potential limitation of algal growth by phosphorus, nitrogen or silicon/nitrogen (Figure 16). Morrow Lake’s outflow waters are potentially limited by only nitrogen or phosphorus (Figure 47). Morrow Lake’s outflow was never potentially silicon-nitrogen limited. Silica-nitrogen limitation leads cyanobacteria] dominance and hence to noxious phytoplankton development. Lake Allegan only showed potential silicon-nitrogen limitation during the summer (Figure 16). It is important to note that nutrients ratios only show the potential for limitation; concentrations may remain above limiting levels and this is often the case in the reservoirs under study here. Implications for the T MDL The Lake Allegan TMDL is based on the assumption that reducing point and non-point sources of phosphorus would impact the phytoplankton population and reduce hannful algal blooms. The TMDL goal for Lake Allegan is to attain a total phosphorus concentration of 60 pg/L in the inflowing river water. A main conclusion from this study is that Lake Allegan has a residence time that is marginally long enough to permit much algal growth. Nutrient concentrations within Lake Allegan are usually high enough to sustain high concentrations of phytoplankton, and phosphorus concentrations are not the most important factor regulating phytoplankton. Residence time is paramount in limiting phytoplankton biomass in Lake Allegan; nutrients are secondary 38 importance and P, N and Si are each potentially significant. The same conclusion applies to Morrow Lake, where the residence time is even shorter, remaining below the threshold for substantial accumulation of algal biomass for more of the summer. When residence time is long enough for significant algal growth, nutrients become potential limiting factors. The existing elevated total phosphorus concentrations cause the current low DlNzTP ratio, and by lowering the total phosphorus concentrations, the goal of the TMDL, Lake Allegan may shift toward greater phosphorus limitation. But this does not address the summertime ammonium production, which may be important as a nutrient supply along with total phosphorus for phytoplankton growth, and in turn may lead to silicon depletion. Ammonium and silicon could be important as total phosphorus for controlling Lake Allegan’s phytoplankton population. Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan are spatially separated reservoirs on the same river system. Morrow Lake is imperfect as a reference site to establish the Lake Allegan TMDL parameter goals. Morrow Lake’s residence time (less than 8 days) is not sufficient for phytoplankton populations to establish, and benthic algae may be more important due to shallower depth and greater light penetration. The nutrient ratios of Morrow Lake are different during the summer, favoring nitrogen and phosphorus limitation and never silica limitation. Ultimately, residence time is allowing phytoplankton to build up to undesirable levels within Lake Allegan, but not in Morrow Lake. Ammonium, phosphorus and silicon all potentially influence algal abundance and species composition. 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Regression coefficients and p-values for residence time (RT) and/or outflow total phosphorus (TP) as predictors of outflow chlorophyll a for the spring and summer 2003 sampling period (15 weeks). Morrow Lake Lake Allegan Outflow Outflow Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll a RT RT: 0.694 R2 = 0.428 p=0.20 p=0.111 Outflow TP R2 = 0152 R7 = 0.064 p = 0.387 p = 0.564 R2 = 0.705 R2 = 0.428 RT &TP p = 0.087 p = 0.327 Table 3. Regression coefficients and p-values for residence time (RT) and/or outflow total phosphorus (TP) as predictors of outflow chlorophyll a for the spring and summer 2004 sampling period (7 weeks). 45 Morrow Lake Lake Allegan Outflow Outflow Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll a RT R2 = 0. 533 R2 = 0. 602 p <0.01 p <0.01 18:0. 652 R2=0. 368 Outflow TP p<0.01 p<0.01 R2 = 0.767 R2 = 0.602 RT “P p <0.01 p <0.01 Table 4. Regression coefficients and p-values for residence time (RT) and/or outflow total phosphorus (TP) as predictors of outflow chlorophyll a for the combined spring and summer 2003 and 2004 sampling periods (22 weeks). 46 35.683 98 52M conga—av— ._ oSwE f fr (/ /J» 26:22 «r. 382.. w 0 .\ $.28: m e. r ... is: r/ {#5\ . \im -4} v \M . amazon WV 83:53. .u l: O a 5.2 I . «Mi .2: c 22.9.. x. . . .m. .. wast/w . 25. lass-8 M 35.5.. 3w _ n a.-. .te. it is. Ks. t. a. £350 47 taut-am fifiwBSO .m.D 05 Eon-L Sen .Aowsmm owctnspopb ammo—Z 8:5 gone 28 Aomsaw #008808 8?..— BoboE 323 09388 :32 .N oSME 8-80 882 L . h. moron mEEEwml. _ . _ . 7 z _ b 323 8.82 8-8“. 8-80 8-3.. 8.a< 8-8.. h L b p n o L omntnsobli xooquoo I H S; _ I} om O V I O (D r CD CD T O O F _ IONF .- o3. fiom: (see/cur) afireqosga lluea 48 8.80 r 8-9< 8.82 88.? 8.3 II _ 9.3 26:22 II M W. muotoa mEaEmm |-.ll_ 88838 on“ meow. 3&8:— on avowed wEEEmm dawn—2 834 98 8:3 38.82 no.“ 6:5 occupies 0258?»: .m ouzwi nonun— vobmu b no.8 P moan—- mcea< moan... o TN fi l N O 00 (O ‘- 1- r V ‘- .ow (slap) sum eouapgsaa 49 2% £98.83“ Enema—com Eu..- w:3 Meocfim EoEBBm wmozoM Bob Sea doom new Sam .5.“ 838388 be 802 .v ocnwE mafia 8-82 8-8m 8-3.. 8-8.2 8.85. 8-52. 8.52 8-8m 8-3.. 8.52 8.5.2 8-8.. h n n n n P P n n b - mFl aor- I ma ro now .9. row row (a) arnuadulel 50 Average residence time 2 .- 0 j , ‘5 '5 '5 Q9 Q96 (‘99 (965 (1965 065 065 065 065 065 00": 065 065 065 450 «\ '9‘ a a «.9 a” N99 {50 «0 \0 .9 a» «0 a; a“ -.\ 9'" ‘0 «,0 6 a «\" " a“ o-\" Sampling perlod 12- 10‘ 84 Average residence time c» 2+ yardage-era eyes-o“ «0' (390516 690' 59' $0 \0’ ,9!» &\Q (My 69" «\ «\N «(5 $5 6", Q\\ Sampling period '9“? Figure 5. Lake Allegan residence time (days) preceding each sampling date in, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 51 Chlorophyll a (pg/L) Chlorophyll a (,ugIL) 80W 70. 60' 50- 40- 30- 20- 10- Sampllng period ;--o-inflow—7l I ! -o-ouflogj T -,\ 3°“ 8 o) o“ '8} «\ 0‘" c“ d" o“ o“ a «\'<\\'\\'5\\"&® e? o“ o°“o°‘ o‘" o‘" «9"? 9N6 ”99 (03} 60> $6 Sampling period Figure 6. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow chlorophyll a concentrations, 2003 and B) 2004 52 Total Soluble Phosphorus (pg/L) Total soluble phosphorus (pglL) 4o- 35‘ 30- 25- 20- A -o- ’iSflBCv' - \ ‘,'°', , PEWQWJ 0°.) '5 Q a)“ a"? 40- 35‘ 30< 25- '» r5 r5 '5 '5 0.- Q Q Q Q Q Q o\ u} q} q) 6 \ ii" 59’ ‘°\ 6'" 8 6'9 '5 n.- n; n.- '5 Q Q Q Q Q n.) «\ \\ b) 9) ‘\ «\N «<5 <8" .50 65 NN <:>\ Sampling period i+inflow - i ‘0', , outflowj go“ $0 «>80 96" o 'lv 6 b- a“ 9'” 00b. 00b. $5. 0°“ § 6» «3“ 6’” s” x ‘o\ (00 g“ <5 ’\ go“ \"’ u «\ %\N “:09 «(‘9 «\N Sampling period Figure 7. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow total soluble phosphorus concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 53 Total Phosphorus (Mg/L) Total Phosphorus (,uglL) $49 120- 80- 60 - "ii—"mm - {-O-Outflow‘- 4o - * W * 8 * * 20‘ o I I I I I I I I I I I T "b '5 '5 '5 ’5 '5 '5 '5 '5 '5 '5 '5 '5 ’5 \o \o \0 so \0 o \o \o o \o \o \o \o \o «3" «9‘ 9““ s” 6" 49> 6°” 6‘“ «‘9 «V‘ «\“J‘ st“ «3'9 :5“ Sampling period 120 - i-o- inflow i , do 703mg”; 100‘ 80 < 60‘ 4o- 20‘ 0 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I b- Qor «9°? $0 (198‘ moe“ woo“ (too? ‘90 00“ my “99> (so «\ a a o q> a s {50 «\ ~\ ",0 s" 59' ‘3 a” 6 a“ « «V s“ Sampling period 0"“ o‘" {19 '19 \ x b) ‘8 «<5 <6" ‘8'" Figure 8. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow total phosphorus concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 54 40- A -o- inflow ‘ 30 ‘ 79:99.99!) 35-- 25s 20. 15' Soluble reactive phosphorus (pg/L) 25- 20‘ 15- 10- Soluble reactive phosphorus (pg/L) 5- 0 v (as s (as “as as 49°: as Mas s « s (a s as (as as $0 «\‘bsss‘ Sampling period Figure 9. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow concentrations soluble reactive phosphorus, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 55 30- 3 25- a 3 5 o 20- S o. 0 O E 15- 0 '2 § 0 10- 2 .g ,-- -- , 3 ‘-O-inflow ‘ ‘" 5‘ LTCZ'PUW‘PW, O I I I l I I 1' I I I I I 'b '5 '5 '5 'b "o ’5 ’b '5 '5 '5 '5 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 0 as"? «0° 89° s 99° (19° 59 99° 69 «0° $9 s9 s9 «<9 ss’is s”bs¢bs‘i«\‘ be 0" o“ o“ o“ o“ o“ a «5» *“ «<9 «9“ In“ a“ a? 6 Sampling period g\ Figure 1 1. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow ammonium concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 57 Nitrate (mg NIL) Nitrate (mg NIL) 3 A [lirifiozvfli 2.5- / ifl‘flqvfl 24 1.5-/ 1‘ O 0.5« . . ° . . 01...r....°°.vw..t 'b '5 0° we 0° 96‘" .96” so” {90" as” 06" é” 0° 065 so” a” .35" .136 No“ ,9)" 399 (0.99 6'" .99 {50’ .30 .9“ <2? N '5‘ '9 v) \ ‘3 \ «\ «\ 6'0 ‘8'" Sampling period 3. |+ififi3fi 2.5-J +ouflog} 2a 1.5- 1. 0.5- \/\ o I I I I I T I I ¥@@¢¢@¢@@¢®‘Nfl®‘®“x¢@ Sampling period Figure 12. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow nitrate concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 58 5 37mm] A i79109‘901‘0 5-1 A 4- =1 i7: 5! 15, 3- § ° 9:, 2. 1' o o I I I I I I I I I I I I I 965 065 065 055 055 065 365 oéb oQ?’ 065 055 055 95: 065 a,“ «0 o0 is” o” «.9 s30 90 of” «\"v «0 db 9,9 \0 «5950‘? new 66" i«\“«\’5s\‘%\¢o‘ Sampling period 6 B 5 .. A 4- .l h I!) U! E 3‘ II .2 in 2. {imam 1' l-z-MEMJ 0 l l l l I I I I I I l I l we eoeoeooe 49 «0° 00° $9 69 69 «30° <59 {59° «0° «9 9‘9 99° 69 o‘own‘nmfiéiée‘ic‘Wo‘qfi ‘ Sampling period Figure 13. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow silica concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 59 DlNzTP (molar ratio) DlNzTP (molar ratio) 120 - 11° ' A I-O-inflow q 100 - ' ‘IQZOBtfPlNl 90 a 80 i 70 + 60 i Sampling period 120 1 110 4 B rim; 100 a L—g—outflowj 90 ~ 80 4+ ‘90? 09' 00“ 00“ [19'0“ 0.0“ 0.559 49“ $9M 9,89 499$ @609 :Légcng «(596‘ 09¢ Sampling period Figure 14. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to total phosphorus (TP) ratio. Dashed lines show the thresholds of potential nitrogen limitation (DIN:TP less than 10) and phosphorus limitation ( DIN :TP greater than 20), A) 2003 and B) 2004. 60 Si:DIN (molar ratio) Si:DlN (molar ratio) 2.5 - {-0- inflow ? L-°-___29.tfl9_u9 Sampling period 2'51 21 .3 (Ii 1 A 4 05$ 0 U I U V U T V U I I 1 U c“ 0" e e“ a? e“ o“ $9 «50$ «0° $9 «30° «299 9’9 69°“ 90° 49 «0° £9 £9 «9‘5 9" i9 " oi” e a l «0 6 9}" e’5 o)" Sampling period Figure 15. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow silica (Si) to dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) ratio. Dashed line shows the threshold of potential silica limitation (less than 1), A) 2003 and B) 2004. 61 3‘7— i""'"'""""'""""""""""'""""_':_:"‘ | Oinflow : I o l ooutfiow I 4 A I FM" ' 2.5 I I I I I I a 2* r I E I ' a I o‘ : : ° 15 I 0 ' g | ‘ i E I o 0 o i g. I o o q I U) 11F I — - u r o - I — ————————————————————— — —-I 8 : . ' o 0.54 8 'I I o l | I . | I J o — ‘ _I_ -_ __ j r j I W —— —_ -—--___ U 0 1O 20 30 4O 50 60 7O 80 90 100 110 120 DIN:TP (molar ratio) 3' l"""‘""""""'"'"""""""""T ----- i I omflow I I ooutflow i I I . 2.5 B | I o l i I I A 21 C . O I o I l “‘5 ' 0 . l 5 : I o s I 515 b I _ i . l (E!) 1 I O l o : o I I o 0.5I : I . I l l 0 —- . r .—— . i - . r T- . . --'. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 DIN:TP (molar ratio) Figure 16. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and Silica (Si) ratio versus dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to total phosphorus (TP) ratio. Nitrogen limitation is represented by the solid-line square, phosphorus limitation represented by dashed line, and silica limitation represented by dotted-dashed line, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 62 deg. C 0 U I U I U I f fi I I V U U I "b ‘5 '5 ‘5 '5 '5 ‘5 ‘5 '5 '5 '5 ’5 ‘b '5 (90 «\Q 6° $Q $9 (90 69 $Q (9Q «\Q $0 $0 ‘99 I\\0 r9“ 50 a“ v.0 ‘3 «ii 6 e" I‘ «\" «<5 «3“ «ii a“ Sampling period 30- 25- 20- 15‘ deg.C 10‘ e“ N») 6 «case age ’\ e“ e h f iffifffififfifi VI b9 Sample period Figure 17. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow temperatures, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 63 50 - A +ow 4o - ‘:°-°I{tfl°wi 35 . 30 - 25 - 20‘ Total suspended solids (mgIL) I l v v I I l I l l I 0 0 0 '5 0 0 0 0 0 0 '5 0 0 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° ° (L 00 59 99 $1! (00 90 ,va «(iv \{1' 0" u” ‘0‘ oi” a e" 4‘ 0“ «9’ "b '5 Q Q Q Q Q .39 (1?? (‘0! It} 9} <2) Sampling period 50- B 45 « 40 < F" 7” ’ a 35 . i-O-Inflow i itoytflwg‘ Total suspended solids (mgIL) N U! 0 l I l I I r I v I I I I I v. u b. v. 9. 0° 0° 0°h 0°“ 0° 005. 0°“ 0°“ 0°“ 0° 0°“ 0° 0°“ 0°“ ,be «\W Q9 £14 ‘60 ,5]; (00 CD0 .50 «(to ,\\'Ir 5‘} $0 \{I’ e“ 00’ 0‘ ii” a a” \" 0‘ «9 «<5 \" e” 0}“ Sampling period Figure 18. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow total suspended solids concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. Oxygen (mg/L) Oxygen (me/L) 20* (firm—03;“! 18* £0:ny 16- 24 O 1 I T I I I U I U I I I V 0 0 I5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \0 0\ «\ 0\ s 0\ 6 0\ I9 «\ x u q) \ rs“ «.9 a“ 0 309966" «‘«i‘ébe‘ .3990 Samplingperiod 201 B 18- _.._L_____,, +inflow1 164 14- 12« 101 8d 5. 4d 2. o I V I I I I I I l I j I I 2909's" .966 %e «e «\ e 0 o> Sampling period Figure 19 Lake Allegan inflow and outflow oxygen concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 65 Percent saturation Percent saturation 250 - ‘ +inflow I; l L ,_'°; 1 01‘1“?! J 200 - o I I I I I I I I I I I T I "b "b ’5 '5 “J ‘b '5 "b "b "b '5 '5 ‘5 ‘b o\o\o§\oo\o\o%\o,\\o\\ob§o§¢o «$3 49 9'9 99’ 69’ a"? 6'" 6'9 4‘ e" «<5 e“ :6” \" Sampling period 250 - 3 {3336367} Leo-outflowI . 200 - O 150 - ° ' 100 a O O 50 . o I I I r I I I I I I I I I °‘ o“ «9‘5 ,9 e" .9 6" 69> 6 e" *‘ e" «<5 e“ e” \" Sampling period A) Figure 20. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow percent oxygen saturation, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 66 Oxygen (mgIL) 25 -- ”-O-oxygen’ [TM ‘7 30 204 ....o°+-29 _. . --29 15A . . °. -.." ‘Pza ‘ '.° °. «~28 10d \,. --27 -L27 5'- --26 «P26 0 1 : : : a r 25 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 8:00 PM 12:00 AM 4:00 AM 8:00 AM 12:00 PM Time Figure 21. Lake Allegan diel cycle on 8-9 August 2003. 67 deg. C pH 7 I I I I j' I I I I I I I fi \Q‘b \be \be o” 55 $65 (L eaobiqi o‘e'iu‘u’i'o‘e ’5 Q 6"} "b e '5 '5 '5 '5 '5 o o o o o o o o} *9 «\ \\ v) G N 6 ’\\ «N «9’ it)" 29’ e Sampling period 90 [:0- inflow—7i [10: outflow ' 7 T I o“ ,3 ’5‘ 9\ 5y $0» we @@®“®“®“°’®“\°‘\°‘®°‘ '3’ «0‘9 0'3 0"“ 69’ 0'9 e” e’s’ «‘5 «<3 0 Sampling period Figure 22. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow pH, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 68 Calcium (mglL) 90 80 704 604 50- 40- 30‘ 20s 104 ‘F-o- inflow i -0-outflow 1 I I j "J '5 '5 '5 ".9 \0 \° \° 0 \P I r I I I I I I '5 '5 '5 '5 '5 '5 ‘5 \Q \Q «\Q \\Q &Q 0 Q0 6\9 «<5 «\N «<5 %\ (‘6 (SN Sampling period Figure 23. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow calcium concentrations for 2003. 69 AlkalinitymquL) 6000 - 2000 « 3330377 I l 1000 . imfli O I I I T I I I II I I I T I “a ‘5 '5 "b ‘5 '5 ’b ‘5 ‘b “J ‘b ‘5 ‘b ‘5 \° 0° 0° 0° 0° ° \° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° 0"” 0° 0" 0° ‘0‘ 0°") 6” 0" °\ 0" 0° 0" 0° 0‘ Sampling period Figure 24. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow alkalinity concentrations for 2003. 70 Calcite saturation index 1.8- °-4 ‘ ?-°-._._M9_w; 0 . 2 ' 0 e o I I I I I j I I I T I I “J ‘5 '5 '5 ’5 "b ‘5 '5 '5 ‘5 ‘5 '5 '5 ’5 ($0 «\Q 6° $0 $0 0 6° $9 (90 «\Q Q0 $9 $0 \9 a)" 0" 0" 0'” ‘°\ 09> °\ 6" ’\\ :0" '0” ‘0‘ «0” 0)" Sampling period Figure 25. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow calcite saturation index for 2003 71 Magnesium (mglL) a) 30- Ewe-WW! mwj o r I I I '5 ‘5 '5 ’5 "b '5 \o 0 \o 0 0 o “'5 09 0"0 0°" 6% 0°“) I I I I I I I I ’b ‘b ‘b ’5 '5 '5 "b '5 \° \° \° \° \° \° \° \° 66" 6\9 «(b «('6 «(b\ 65“ Grub cb\'\'\ Sampling period Figure 26. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow magnesium concentrations for 2003. 72 Sodium (mg/L) 45 404 35* 304 25‘ 20- 154 10- 5d 0 ? +infiow E | | ', -O-outflow r “a o ,{0 \ <9 65 I I T I I r j ' r 1 *‘r I ' ’b '5 \ \° ° b-\ 0'!) Q“: '13" \ 0 e 0., 0 \° \° \° 63 0'9 “(5 «<6 «(5" Sampling period Figure 27. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow sodium concentrations for 2003 73 Potassium (mg/L) :4— inflow [-o-outflow: 1 . o I I I I I I I I I I I T I ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ’5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘90 «\0 $0 $0 $0 Q \Q 99 (90 «\Q Q0 $0 $0 \\Q ° 0° 0° 0° P‘ 0’9 0° 0" 0‘ 0° 0° 0" 0° 0" Sampling period Figure 28. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow potassium concentrations for 2003. 74 Chloride (mg/L) 100 90 80' 70-4 6% 50. 401 30-4 20- 10‘ l-O-i inflow 1 if .2300! ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 0 \0 o 0 0 0 \o \o .00 \o o ,0 I I I I I I I I I I I hi 0 0 0" 0 Sampling period Figure 29. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow chloride concentrations for 2003. 75 Sulfate (mglL) 801 401 30‘ 20“ T—a—TnioTi '_:'°'__9“_W’1V.f I r I I j I I ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0° 0N 0° ‘3‘ 0°» 6 0" 0‘ 0" 0° 0" 0° 0° Sampling period Figure 30. Lake Allegan inflow and outflow sulfate concentrations for 2003. 76 Total Phosphorus (,ug/I) O 25 50 75 0 l l /’ 1-— -\ ~ 2— ss- .C 5.4" (D o 5_ r 6*- \ 7...- 8 l l l J 0.0 10.6 21.2 31.8 42.4 53.0 Chlorophyll a (,ug/L) Figure 31. Lake Allegan vertical profile concentrations of total phosphorus (solid line) and chlorophyll a (dashed line). The inflow total phosphorus concentration for the day 44.8 ug/L was and the inflow chlorophyll a concentration was 2.8 ug/L. 77 TSP (,LLg/L) 0 10 20 30 0 l l 1— / ~ 2- 1’ / - E 3- f - .c —- ~ 0“ f 6— \ — 7:- - .. 8 l l l l 0 2 4 6 8 10 SRP (,ug/L) Figure 32. Lake Allegan vertical profile concentrations of total soluble phosphorus (TSP) (solid line) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) (dashed line). The inflow total soluble phosphorus concentration for the day was 32 ug/L and the inflow soluble reactive phosphorus concentration was] 8.2 ug/L. 78 Ammonium (,ug NIL) 0 30 6O 90 0 I \ 1r I _ 2P \ '— :e: s- \ - 'c .— —. a4 i o 5_ T _ 6* t r 7' ' ~ 8 l l 0 240 480 720 Nitrate (,ug N/L) Figure 33. Lake Allegan vertical profile concentrations of ammonium (solid line) and nitrate (dashed line). The inflow ammonium concentration on the sampling day was 16 ug N/L and the inflow nitrate concentration was 1320 pg N/L. 79 O 8 16 0 I f 1_ 2— E 3— .C a 4’ (D D 5- 6.... 7— e 8 l l O 5 10 15 Oxygen (mg/L) Figure 34. Lake Allegan vertical profile of temperature (solid line) and oxygen (dashed line). The inflow temperature for the day was 19.5 C and the inflow oxygen concentration was 9 mg/L. 80 Conductance (,uS/cm @ 25 C) 0 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 0 I I I I I m 1* / 2* / E 3* / 5 4_ § 5_ l 6_ 7 7— e 8 I I l 7.0 7.5 80 8.5 9.0 pl-l Figure 35. Lake Allegan vertical profile of conductance (solid line) and pH (dashed line). The inflow conductance for the day was 689 uS/cm and the inflow pH was 8.4. 81 Average residence time Sampling period Average residence time & o I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09°“ 0°° 40°? 09¢ 0°§ 0°" 0°° 0°° 0°° 0°° 0° 0" ‘5 0 3 \" "‘ '0" '0'” 0" " Sampling period Figure 36. Morrow Lake residence time (days) preceding each sampling date in, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 82 70- A Poi-infloiwil 60 - $910140?!» 50 3 1 B: 3 2 4o- 3. i e 30« 2 5 20« 10- O I I I I I I I I I I I I I 00000000000000 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 00000 <0\\\00\0 0‘ 0° 0° 0° 6‘ 0°“) 0 0°‘3 0‘5 08 0° 0° 0°" ° Samplingperiod 70- 60- hie-Inflow] Lfoumow; .. 50- .1 a, B 3 a 40- 3. S g 30< .0 5 20« 10- 0 I I I I l I I l I I I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ \ \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0° 0° 0" 0° ‘0 0°”> ‘3" 0“)“ “‘6 0° 0° 0° 0°Q’ 0‘ Sampling period Figure 37. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow chlorophyll a concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 83 90 - i-o-inflow“ I 8°' ‘:°,‘9“Ifl‘lwr 70- A 60- 50- Total soluble phosphorus (pg/L) o I v I l I I I I I r I I fit '5 '5 '5 '5 '5 ‘5 '5 '5 '5 '5 '5 '5 '5 o o o o o o o o o o o o q'\\ o\ qr) ‘b\ ,0) 30 <0 P} ’\\ ,{0 0 $0 \\ \ 00" I0 ‘5 0 0" ’\\ «\N ’\\ It)" ‘5\ 9" ‘5 Sampling period 90- 80 : 3:15.13; I ;-0-outflow ‘ 70 - 7* 7 , 7'" 60‘ 50- 40- Total soluble phosphorus (pg/L) 0 I 1 r v I I I I v v I (@QF '59“ <0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r5\ 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ 0" 0° 0" 0° 6“" 0°“ 0° 0°" 0"” 0°“ 0'" 0"k 0 Sampling period Figure 38. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow total soluble phosphorus concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 84 Total phosphorus (Hg/L) Total phosphorus (irgIL) 0) \0“\°°‘\°"\°°‘\°°‘°°‘\°”‘ 0<5 08 0° 0°“ 6°” 0'£13 0° 160 - ‘Ii-o-aniiciwfl1 14° ‘ Ito-Pump! 120 . 100 - 80 - 60- 0 I I I T l '5 '5 '5 Q - Q Q '5 '5 '5 o o o (50 ‘9) 66.3 065 «\be ° 0° ‘3 0 P.» '5 o o o\ 0 N 0'" b-\ «\ Sampling period 160 - (Poi-inflow I l ,0 LOE‘flQW.‘ 140 « 120 - 100 - 80- 60~ 40- 20- 0 I l I I I ©(\ Sampling Period A) 2003 and B) 2004. 85 '5 \° ,9 1 '5 50° 6\ °‘ 0“ 0‘" °‘ 0‘" \°°‘ \° 0 0 0° \ 0’ “<5 0" 0" 0" 0'3, $0? \\ q\\ \65 f Q5 '5 o (0 Figure 39. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow total phosphorus concentrations, 70- 60q 40- Soiuble reactive phosphorus (,ugIL) seessee o°o°o°o° o°o° ‘iv ‘io ‘lo 00° 0%“ 0'9 Q0 6.0 «(0 «(0° '5 {19° 0 55" 0° 0° Sampling period 70- 60-I 50‘ 40‘ 30‘ 20' Soluble reactive phosphorus (ugIL) 10‘ 0 u M033 008080808080 ¢@;'\0°“.0°\0°‘r 0 0 Sampling period Figure 40. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 86 8 1+ iii—030*} ‘0' -._ BEWQY‘J 8 L > Soluble organic phosphorus (,ugIL) B 8 8 ‘o" 8 5‘ —I o n Sampling period 801 B 70‘ 60 - F’"_ j—‘Q—"' i-O-Infiow I IMP-willow V. o I I I I I ‘ I ' I ' ' 000000000 00006.00 ‘lv :1, @ ($90 (566" $0 ”90$" 0‘80 6’0) 09;» 0'90 «(50 05$ «(90. $09, $09} $50 Sampling period 50: 40« 30- 20- Soluble organic phosphorus (,u,gIL) 10' Figure 41. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow soluble organic phosphorus concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 87 Ammonium (ug NIL) 120 - 7 7 , ,, A ;I+inflow ‘ -O-outflow‘ 100- "’"’”‘ Ammonium (,ug NIL) o l I I I I I I I I I I I ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 '5 '5 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 0°° 0°° 0°° 0°° (0’9Q 0°° 0°° 0°° 0°° 09 0°° 0°° 0°° \°° 0°0°0°0°°a0°60° 0‘ \°0°\°\° Sampling period 60- 50< 40- 30- 20- 10- o l I I I I I I I I I l I I bx D: 5 5 é,0 (90* '90 mg 0“ Q0 00 $00 .0" (90* 0° $00 $00 090 00000000000000 0°0°0° 0° 990° Qi0“ 00°0°0°0°0° Sampling period Figure 42. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow ammonium concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 88 Nitrate (mg NIL) Nitrate (mg NIL) ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 065 0 0 0 0 0 0° .,°0 90 0° 0 0 0 {1' 0 ° 090 0° 09 009608!» M000 0“; .9. $09®§ Samplingperiod 3. 25. :ihfidgj B -o—outflow1 2. 1.5- osJ A \ 0000000000000 09 0°00” 0M0 0°W0°¢i060° M00000 0 Q Sampling period Figure 43. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow nitrate concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 89 7 ‘ 1+ inflow, . A 59:9UEOEJ Silica (mg SiIL) 0 I I I I I I r I I I I I T '5 '5 'b ‘5 ‘5 '5 "5 '5 '5 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 0‘ 0° 0" 0° ‘3 0° 0 0" 0 0 Sampling period 7”,? ,, fl [-o—Inflow ‘ lfiwflpfll Silica (mg SiIL) o I ' I I I I l I I I V I fir 0 0 0°“ 0 0° 0° 0°“ 0°“ 0°“ 0°“ 0°“ 0 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° ° 0° 0° 0° 0° '\ 41. N “(1. ¢_,\ 6'03 6 6° \ «\N 0‘" 0“ 0“ r5\ b} ’\ '0 0 ~\ 0’5 0‘ 0° 0‘ Sampling period Figure 44. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow silica concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 90 9° ' “"’.*‘"‘*1 A '-O-|nflow ‘ 80 - :_-_0_- outflow J DlNzTP (molar ratio) a: o DlNzTP (molar ratio) Sampling period Figure 45. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to total phosphorus (TP) ratio. Dashed line shows the thresholds of potential nitrogen limitation (less than 10) and phosphorus limitation (greater than 20), in A) 2003 and B) 2004. 91 18 - 17 0 ,«ww.-. 16- lf-o-ini‘iow } 15 - ire-3910!! A 14 - 13 0 12 . 11 - 1o - Sl:DlN (molar ratio) to Sampling period 17 - 1 ‘_L___,____] g-o-inflow 16 d l {-0-outflow B Si:DiN (molar ratio) Sampling period Figure 46. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow silica (Si) to dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) molar ratio. Dashed line shows the threshold of potential silica limitation relative to nitrogen (less than 1), A) 2003 and B) 2004. 92 20 18 16 14 121 10 i 31 SlleN (molar ratio) O 201 191 181 171 161 151 141 131 121 111 101 Sl:DIN (molar ratio) [inflow 1 Lo outflow ‘1 0e i o co ’ O . Q. ' 0 e 9 09 I—hI—ol—l—o-e—l—l—o—lfil_o—orl 04% I — I h -— ' p_.___.__r___.___.__.____7m__ O—‘-‘ — -— ——_—- - - fl—wT———-T—'—_—k_*T—__f—fim'_——T_Ff—fi_—ffl "D 10 20 30 40 50 60 7O 80 90 100 DIN:P (molar ratio) r - :w-L- ------------------------- loinflow 1 {992091. CD 0 l | 1----.. L ! l !e L I I I .11. p b A O N O 03 O b 0 (II C O, O N O (D O 100 DiNzTP (molar ratio) Figure 47. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to Silica (Si) ratio versus dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to total phosphorus (TP) ratio. Potential Nitrogen limitation is represented by solid line square, phosphorus limitation represented by dashed line, and silica limitation represented by dotted-dashed line 93 deg C. deg. C 30- 251 201 (SIREN!) 15 - L'S'PFLWEVL‘ 1o - 5 . o . . . . . . . . . . . . 0365 4990 £90": £90 4&0 4965 0665 60°65 '\ @015 «(365 «0‘65 $590 0&5 $~¢Q15 Sampling period 30 - B FO—inflow i “(J-outwit! 25 1 r"‘ ’ 2011 0 F T I I I I '7 I ‘1' I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ 0 0 x 0 0‘ 0° 0N 0° 6 0°q> ‘3 0“ 1‘ 0° 0° 0‘ 0° 0‘ Sampling period Figure 48. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow temperatures, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 94 80 . ,____ __ 1+infiow ‘ 7o 0 ire-211m»! i Total suspended solids (mglL) 45 1 ($7017.? 7 4o - 35 - B 30 ‘ 25 " 201 1511 Total suspended solids (mglL) 10- 5c: O I . 0°0°0° 0‘" 0” 0000000000000 ‘59- {1, ‘11 1:) Sampling period Figure 49. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow total suspended solids concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 95 Oxygen (mg/L) OXYQGN (mglL) 000000000000 0‘9 0'9 0"°\ 0°‘)) 0) 03> $6 0“» «<9 0° 0°"\ 0'"; 16 . 901.1110} 1 59: 0,149va ‘1 0 I I I r I I I I I I I ‘F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\ '\\ 0\ 10 0\ '13 9} 0} '\\ \\ I) \ 0° 00’ I0" 10'" '°\ 90'" 6 0" K (“P '5 \° “<5 «\ 10'” 10" Sampling Period B 1’ 4:11.110?” '1 14 ‘ ire-outflow; 0 I I r I I '5 \Q q\'\ I fii ,0 0“ 0° 0‘ Sampling period Figure 50. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow oxygen concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 96 I i" “’_T_———j ‘-O- Inflow i {—03.203995 60- Percent saturation on o 40- 201 '5 0 0 0 '5 0 0 15 q, 05 .5 .5 ,5 0 °°° Q \°‘° \°°° 0‘90“ 0° 0° 0° 0° °° 0° 0° 0 N N “965 ‘56} N0 ”’9‘ ‘5?) \‘1' 66" \‘q «<5 0'3 «(5 90“ 6113’ 9\ Sampling period 160 - 14o « 120 - 100 11 Percent saturation on O 60 1- 4o - 20 - o 0...,,,"f1" $0“ (900“ $0“ £0 0°” 0 090 0°“ $0 «(50 «(30 «(5,0 $0 0 ,0 $0 Sample period Figure 51. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow percent oxygen saturation concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. 97 OXYgen (mglL) 25 23 - 27 ~ 26 L25 E. 0 24 5 ‘ b 1 - 23 o 1 4. .L : 1‘ 4. : ‘r 4 22 0009‘} (650$ 690$ '95.??? .506“ 6§°Q¢ $0§ 6,9"? 39$ {96‘} Time Figure 52. Morrow Lake oxygen and temperature diel cycle on 25-26 August 2003 98 A ‘-O- inflow . :0' OU‘IIQWL 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I ‘I 0 0 <9 ‘5 '5 '5 “J '5 '5 ‘5 '5 '5 '5 “J 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0° 0No 0° 0‘" 0°“) 6” 0“” *‘n’ 0‘“ 0° 0‘“ ‘5 ‘5 0° 0° 0° 0" Sampling period pH (D 1+ inflow . 1'0', Sling“ ‘ 7 I I I I I I I I I 0‘" N») b- \"J\°> (‘9‘ "5°0 '0 1\\ v0 0 \05‘ \0“ \0 0“ 0“ 0° 0° 9,1,0 6% 69> .000 6,9 ,\ 0 0 0’3 0° 0 ,0 \\0 0° 0 Sampling period Figure 53. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow pH concentrations, A) 2003 and B) 2004. Calcium (mglL) 80- 701 60¢ 50 -1 4o , 1330.60": i-O-outflow“J 30 -1 20 - 10- o I r r I U U U U V ‘I' I ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 \0 \0 \0 $0 0 0 \0 0 \0 ,\\0 ”(0 0° 09 0"0 0° 43° 0°?) 6‘6 0'3 «‘9 0° 0° 0" Sampling period Figure 54. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow calcium concentrations for 2003. 100 Alkalinity (,uoqIL) 6000 a 122.0% 2000+ 1000 - 0 T T T If l 1* 1 fl f ‘F *U I I ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 ‘5 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q «\ \ 10 \ \ \ 10 1\\ 0 0 \ 0 0"”; 0° 0" 0° 6% 0'9) 0° 0’35 4‘ 0‘ 0° " 0” 0" Sampling period Figure 55. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow alkalinity concentrations for 2003. 101 Calcite Saturation index 0.2 1 0.0 1 I V I r T 1 05° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 055 0°n” “(50° W60° «0°60 30° “0° 0° 0° ‘90 0° 00° 0“ 0“ 09° \‘9 £4” <9 (‘0' 0"“ 0‘ ‘6“ 0 10 10 10 “00" ‘0 ’\ 1\\ 0 10 10'" \ Sampling period Figure 56. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow calcite saturation index for 2003. 102 Magnesium (mglL) 30- iiinfloW—i 257 [m 20 - 15 4 10 - 5 . 0 1 j ' ' v u u u 1 , 1 j ' 'Sklgéb “9&6: $965 £190 6665 030(965 6665 6'96, «{9th «(663 «(5&ch 3&965 #1395 g\’\'\\65 Sampling period Figure 57. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow magnesium concentrations for 2003. 103 Sodium (mglL) 30- 25" 20- 10- i-O- inflow : i-O- outflowfli I f l I r f T U I I I I ‘b "b '5 '5 ‘b 'b 'b ‘5 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q (o\ q\ 0} ’\\ \\ ti 2} -\\ 6 6" «\ N <5 \" é” o)" '5 '5 ’5 '5 s is a q>° ’\ hp" 9} (00 I\\ t\ % Sampling period Figure 58. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow sodium concentrations for 2003. 104 Potassium (mglL) fixinflow ’1 J L—g—outflow, 24 11 0 I I I f I T I I I I I I j ‘5 ’b “J ‘5 "J "b '5 '5 '5 ‘5 '5 ‘5 ‘5 ’5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '5‘ ’\\ 0\ s 0‘ \ \ '5‘ ’\\ \\ b} 0\ \\ «9" a” a“ 9‘0 ‘3‘ '9 a” 6'9 «‘ «\“ «<5 a“ «b0 «5" Sampling period Figure 59. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow potassium concentrations for 2003. 105 Sulfate (mg/L) 80-1 70" 60. 50 1 é-o- inflow , 4M 229%?! 30 4 20 '- 10 'i 0 j I I I I I I I I I I I I '5 '5 '5 '5 '5 '5 ‘5 ’5 '5 '5 '5 '5 ’5 ”J <99 (£60 \60 (‘90 69 (£99 6° ’90 «(99 ’69 Q’QQ \&0 09 ($5 a .9 a a 6 a «\ «\ a 0 e Sampling period Figure 60. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow chloride concentrations for 2003. 106 Chloride (mglL) ._ lizmmr 9"! W"i¢-m4“3‘ ‘ 90! so F-o-annow'i « {:23wa 204 10‘ o I I I I I I I I I I I j I ‘b ‘5 '5 ’5 "b "b 'b ‘b ‘b "b "b ’b ‘5 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q ®«\0\&$q>¢a\0\r9«\~\9q>~\ «9“ a“ a“ a” ‘0‘ a“ a a“ «‘ «\" «<5 a“ a” a“ Sampling period Figure 61. Morrow Lake inflow and outflow sulfate concentrations for 2003. 107 Total Phosphorung/L) O0 25 5O 75 1 1- 1 - 2* /’ ‘ E 3*- / “i .c r _ a 4 \ D 5- ,\ _ 6' ’ " 7.. ~—4 8 l l 4 i 0.0 10.6 21.2 31.8 42.4 53.0 Chlorophyll a (,ug/L) Figure 62. Morrow Lake vertical profile concentrations of total phosphorus (solid line) and chlorophyll a (dashed line). The inflow total phosphorus concentration for the day was 44.5 ug/L and the inflow chlorophyll a concentration was 2.7 ug/L. 108 TSP (,ug/L) o 5 1o 15 20 25 l I 0 \I 1— > ~ 2— O :e:s- - .C ‘34” '\ \ D 5- )- / 6— -/ - 7.... _ 8 l l l i o 2 4 6 8 1o SRng/L) Figure 63. Morrow Lake vertical profile concentrations of total soluble phosphorus (TSP) (solid line) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) (dashed line) . The inflow total soluble phosphorus concentration for the day was 31 ug/L and the inflow soluble reactive phosphorus concentration was 11.8 ug/L. 109 Ammonium (,ug N/L) OO 30 60 90 i l 1..— 2— 5 s- .C 214" m D 5_. 6P 7....- . 8 i i o 240 480 720 Nitrate (Mg NIL) Figure 64. Morrow Lake vertical profile concentrations of ammonium (solid line) and nitrate (dashed line). The inflow ammonium concentration for the sampling day was 37.2 pg N/L and the inflow nitrate concentration was 777 pg N/L. 110 I [i 1" T 2’ I E 3' I 'c .— 54 7 D 5_ /. 6“ / 7_.— e 8 I i O 5 1O 15 Oxygen (mg/L) Figure 65. Lake Allegan vertical profile of temperature (solid line) and oxygen (dash line). The inflow temperature for the day was 23.1 C and the inflow oxygen concentration was 7.8 mg/L. 111 Conductance (,LLS/Ci‘n @ 25 C) 00 90 180 270 360 450 54%630 l I I i 7F I 1- /- i ~ 2- f 0 — E 3r 0 - z \ 45.4%- x _ (D D 5__ /. _. 5— / — 7.. ./ _ 8 i 1 i 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 pH Figure 66. Morrow Lake vertical profile of conductance (solid line) and pH (dashed line). The inflow conductance for the day was 597 p S/cm and the inflow pH was 7.9. 112 9°I 80 - A 60 d w ,_ _ ISoiubie I E 50i i Organic I 340 . Phosphorus I L ISoluble I 30 ‘ i Reactive ‘ Phosphorus 'e 20 . . EJParticuiate i l Phosphorus : 104 i- __ W _ o I I j I I 4‘ 4‘ 4‘ 4‘ o o o o 5 Os 5* Os ‘9 0 0° c x? ‘t- 09 0 4‘ \5’ \‘ 0° 0 4‘ V’ v)‘ 06 60 $° 0 § *0 o y 9° I B 80 . 70 . 60 u s so q EISoiubie Organic; 5 | Phosphorus . :i. 40 . I ‘ISolubie f 30 4 I Reactive l Phosphorus 'I 20 - i . 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The decommissioned impoundments residence times vary from a quarter of day to 1.5 days during the year. Three longitudinal river surveys from Morrow Lake inflow to Lake Allegan outflow were conducted at varying discharges. Special emphasis was placed on above and below Plainwell, Otsego, Allegan City and Trowbridge decommissioned impoundments. Despite their spatial proximity a Total Maximum Daily Load for phosphorus G3) was deemed necessary for Lake Allegan to control summer algal blooms. High algal abundance was observed in Lake Allegan inflow, which may have resulted from Morrow Lake’s algae transported downstream or algal biomass build-up as the river passed through semi-impounded reaches. The average river total phosphorus concentration was 79 ug/L during these surveys. Chlorophyll a concentrations declined below Morrow Lake by benthic filter feeders. The decommissioned impoundments greatly enhance algal biomass during low discharge below the Lake Allegan. The algal biomass would peak above and within Lake Allegan. The removal of some or all of those impoundments to restore a free-flowing river channel would seem likely to diminish the problem of excessive algal grth in Lake Allegan, converting the impounded reaches from a source to a sink of river phytoplankton. 117 Introduction The sources of phytoplankton in rivers are (l) periphyton sloughing due to physical disturbances or (2) a supplied source of phytoplankton from lakes, reservoirs or still waters. Compared with other aquatic systems, algal abundance counts (per unit total phosphorus) followed this sequences: rivers955 26332 £88,? 3:239: 25. .Aomsaw owetnaofirv ammo—14. 8R..— o>onm v5 Aownam xoosmEoUv 8:3 39:02 3209 owafimmv >38 522 .N 03E 3qu 00.80 vo-m:< #5435. Vernon. moraoo moi... mora< morcmw - P n b n L h D o O 4 O _ , e ? g... I} a 2 .. m. .M r 00 U m. 0 u. . 8 m 5 8 . 2: m. S a h . ow? “I «mammadn 3-33 4 _ . 9: 852.2 0 omntgobli .. om? xonEooll 137 @2963? use cos/E oonwfiafiv— A oBmE 83.3.. 0». \1 \CA ¢rV\\“/mt\c.w\~ Ema omomflo Ema $2526; 500 E0 cmmo=< [we sex/it... Ema __m>>c_m_n_ .L/\_m 3 cm on c» we om mm on 3 av mm on mm cm 2 2 m o I'lllrlll—III‘LIILQI-fildiP - F p P - .IJO __ ___. __ __ .___ ._ __ .___ ._ __ __._ ._ .m __ __._ __ _. ___._ u. u... _ r8 . _. . __ ___ _. \ m. _ _.__ __ w d __ _... ._ m __ ___. __ .mrw _ _ _ m _ _ .2 a 2 _ _ _ . i 4 _ _ .2 1 _ _ _ b _ _ ___ u. "_n_ __ .om _ _ ___ __ .___ _. \xe __ ____ __ . __ __u_ ._ mm i. .i.i_ T. 53010.. II 9:0th .om d e n 0 m illlllilli Figure 4. Longitudinal river survey of conductance and pH at low discharge (18 August 2003). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwell dam, Otsego darn, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City darn). 143 .,9 "I 89. L7 L--—----- -O- Conductance -O-pH 800 - I O O O o O O (O in v- (uiolsui) eoueronpuog fl 0 o (‘0 144 5 1001 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 510 0 River sampling distance (km) Figure 5. Longitudinal river survey of total phosphorus and chlorophyll a at low discharge (18 August 2003). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwell dam, Otsego dam, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam). The letters represent point source discharges to the Kalamazoo River (A) Kalamazoo Waste Water Treatment Plant and (B) Menasha Paper Company. 145 5- 50 -L45 (115m) 9 iiKudOJomo O In O in N N ‘- l I -P 10 5 d- l I +TP -O-Ch| a 120 n 100 - I I I O O O 00 (D V“ (116w) smoudsoua mar 20- 146 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 510 0 River sampling distance (km) Figure 6. Longitudinal river survey of temperature and oxygen at medium discharge (3 September 2004). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments G’lainwell dam, Otsego dam, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam). 147 :5: 00:50? 9.29:3 .531 om mm om mm on no cm on cm 9. cc mm on mm cu m? or (116w) uefilixo $3 com>xo iei cm L r QEOH IOI ied Oglli - . LII-II - p L b . - p - I (3) einreieduiel 148 Figure 7. Longitudinal river survey of conductance and pH at medium discharge (3 September 2004). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwell darn, Otsego dam, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam). 149 - 8.5 i -8 —c h-------—-----—-- r---- --—--——---—— L---- -0- Conductance -O-pk| \ I L r I j 0 O C O O O O O (D ID V of) (mo/sun) aouaonpuoo 8001 700 - 200 -‘ 150 100 - 04 15 20 25 3O 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 510 0 River sampling distance (km) Figure 8. Longitudinal river survey of total phosphorus and chlorophyll a at medium discharge (3 September 2004). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwell darn, Otsego dam, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam). The letters represent point source discharges to the Kalamazoo River (A) Kalamazoo Waste Water Treatment Plant and (B) Menasha Paper Company. 151 (116m) 9 IIMIdOJOIIO :5: 3:3»? GEE—cam 33¢ ommwowmnonmmoommommvovmmommmommror m o OIII[|_.IP.— - - 1'1..— p—d p p n p p n p O _ _ n _ _ _ ._ m... _ _ _ __ __ _ __ o... _ _ _ . _ row _ u _ _. u _ n x .0? cm _ u _ __ .. _ _ __ _ u _ _ . lldAW/l/Il _ _ . .. _ _ __ __ om _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. row mm.t _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ u _ _ _ __ ova. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ n _ __ _- '00? 9:7 rt. I. C 1 25.0. 3.10: 8: r8? (116w) smoudsoud new. 152 Figure 9. Longitudinal river survey of temperature and oxygen at high discharge (2 July 2004). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwell dam, Otsego dam, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam). 153 Es: 3:8»? 9:38am .35 ommmowmnonwooommommvovmmommmowmwor m o (116w) uefiflxo W Wk "H lll—llllrl—lr - .LI-Iblln - b n b F n _ _ _ _. _ _ _ N: __ u... __ __ .___ _. v: _. __._ _. .m __ ._._ __ __ ____ __ o: .. .___ __ . __ _.__ n. fiEL m: __ __. _ a __ ".3. \ m __ _ .Bm ._ . _ m _. . _ m u u m _ _ 95.70: ___ __ X4 .___ ._ ___. __ _.._ ._ lflém 154 Figure 10. Longitudinal river survey of conductance and pH at high discharge (2 July 2004). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwell dam, Otsego dam, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam). 155 p O h---- -----—--------- O O n I-- ---- ------------- - ----- ----—------- I- ------——------—--- h —------ ----------— l'l -O- Conductance r . I J \: 800 - 0-1 J: 3: c3 0 O 0 ID V (‘0 (we/an) eoumonpuoa 100- l I C O o o (O N 700 d 156 15 20 25 3O 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 510 0 River sampling distance (km) Figure 11. Longitudinal river survey of total phosphorus and chlorophyll a at high discharge (2 July 2004). The solid line boxes represent the active hydropower reservoirs (Morrow Lake and Lake Allegan) and dashed line boxes represent the decommissioned impoundments (Plainwell dam, Otsego darn, Trowbridge dam and Allegan City dam). The letters represent point sources to the Kalamazoo River (A) Kalamazoo Waste Water Treatment Plant and (B) Menasha Paper Company. 157 (116w) a Mudmomo Eb: 353»? @5355» 32¢ ommmommnonmmoommommwovmmommwommror m o Cull q nu. 1 a 1i la uuad - q u u u q C m4 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ OPE. _ — _ _ _ _ —_ ION . _ _ _ _ . _ _. _ . _ .0 _ _ filL mm; _ .o o _ _ _ _ .00 on. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ . _ _ _ __ u .8. . _ _ _ _ _ _. 8 _ - _ k ov. " . u _ _ __ o _ _ .m— __ .. or me: III! _I_ _I_ _I_ 1 <1 cm m20:0... n:.+ .omw (116w) smoudsoud 12:01 153 Figure 12. Longitudinal river survey of total phosphorus and chlorophyll a within Morrow Lake and downstream in the river (27 August 2004). The solid line box represents Morrow Lake. 159 (qdd) 9 "Madonna d) (D V N O ‘- v- \— v- ‘- w (0 V N O n l 1 I l l n l I I I I I I I I T 20 l r +TP -0- chla O ‘ dam outflow e river inflow 'r i i i i i I O O O O O o O O l\ (D to V 00 N P (qdd) smoqdosoqd legal 160 Figure 13. Longitudinal river survey of total phosphorus (TP), total soluble phosphorus (TSP), and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) within Morrow Lake and downstream in the river (27 August 2004). The solid line box represents Morrow Lake. 161 Qmwlil awHIOI .ov ION .om rov .0m .00 n_._.l.l Ion 'lld flu 162 urill;11111111131111)n