SOME HYDROXY DERIVATIVES 0F CHLORDDIPHENYLMETHANE THESIS FOR THE DEGREE OF M, S. Philip Stanley Chen 1930 _ 2004 am CM5 h; l l'. uv up, I m... } S 02:53 mm SKY DER PIA ’1' IVES 0F armor: on Izvzzrzzmm "2sz 1:: A Thesis Submitted to the Fe malty of the autumn State College of Agriculture and Applied Science . 1n mrtnl fulfillment. of the requirements for the Demo of Easter of Science by Philip Stanley Chen Acknowledgment To Dr. R. C. Huston. the author expresses his thanks for generous aid and kindly guidance in accomplishing this work. 331617 r . :w .. 4’! . I . .bw - .: ' P fag “a; _:9~\mi"‘ g:— E; ““5? haEYN .. V. .- .', s: 331;. 4") fan». ’1 ‘.‘ 5: mi ,3"? ‘14 1.: ’3 Lei; xi 3*; r9 {5 5“ .55} “W" E Bag: {3? E“: Page I. Introduction 1 1!. Historian). 1. The Work of Cloison 2 2. Aluminum Chloride .a‘ Condensing Agent 9 3. Bonzylation of Phenols 11 4. The Work of Huston 13 III. The Problem Defined 17 IV. Experimental 1. Condensation by the Unison Method 1. Propamtion of 2-hydroxy-2‘cchlorodiphenfl» netrxano 18 2. Preparation of 2-hydroxy-5,5,2'-triohloro- diphenylnethnno ' 21. 3. Preparation of 2- ohlorobonzylphenylethor 23 4. Propontion of z-chlorobonzyl-z,t-diohloro- phonylethor 25 B. Condensation by the Huston Method 1- Preparation of bhydroxy-Zbchlorodiphenylo Bethune 27 2. Preporation of bhydrom~5,5.2'-triohloro- diphanylmethnno 31 c. Eotoritication :53 V. Sun 34 '1. Scheme of Condensation 35 I. Introduction In this thesis, two menods of condensing phenols with ortho chlorobenxyl chloride are described. By the Chisen method, the phenols were first mde to form a sodium salt which was suspended in a suitable medium and then treated with the benzyl chloride..According to former investigations, this method gives only the or he substituted carbon compounds or the ethers, depending upon the nature of the medium used. By the flueton method, the condensation was effected by the cttslytic action of anhydrous aluminum chloride. The products formed were generally the pars substituted compounds, a small per cent of the ortho derivatives being also formed in some cases. Both these methods are discussed in detail in the historical part or this thesis. II. Historical _l. The work of Claison Clsisen (Ber.. 20,646) in 1887 published his first serious contribution to the theory of the scetoacetio ester synthesis. Kc explained the methauism of the process as follows: W on: _- / t. on c { sausage ...._. Ciis-C-OC2H5 3. \0C2}{5 \OC-glis no. 2:: Giza-cfcogns I 01-13-00- 002215 ...._.. mayhem-002125 002115 I 20221531: The formation of an addition product as indicated above was proved by the fact that benzyl benzoete unites with sodium nethylate and sothyl'benzoate with sodiun‘ben- zylste to form the some addition product which can be isolated. /0;Ie c 1': .43) I CITVOIIa ---c5n — -ocz1 as C -'E - [O C It 013a -—->C fl -C-OC H Uskocng,’ 77 05 \ocfiz" Then sodioacetoecetic ester is allowed to react with slkyl halides, the alkyl radical of the latter replaces the Intel in the ester..An intermediate addition product is {cried previous to the elimination of sodium halide. The metheniel of the substitution is represented by the following equation: can u 93a H onyc==c-co xi / 1—2'}: ..._.... c113.g—g;cocr. 9 1.1 _....., Guys-gown That the substituent elkyl radi a1 attaches to the carbon instead of to the oxygen was explained by the theory on enol-keto teutomeriem. As soon as the sodium is removed from the eodioecetoecetic ester by acidifying he derivative, acetoecetic ester is liberated in the enol form, but it rtpidly’changes until 90 per cent of the enoi is changed to the keto form. The equilibrium between the two forms, however, any be disturbed and one foam may be changed to the other according to the nature of the reagent used. If a reagent is used that acts only with the enol form, the keto form is gradually changed to the enol by the shifting of the hydrogen ttom from carbon to oxygen. On the other hand, if a reagent that removes the Rate is added, the shirt occurs in the Oppo- site direction. There are other factors besides the nature of the reagent, that determine the shift from one form to the other. The enol-keto tnutomorien wan also found in many other organic compounds and reactians. For inetence,when benzyl chloride is condensed with phenol, the resulting product may be phenyl benzyl other, benzyl phenol, or both, detending upon various factors as will be discussed in later sections. 0:1 0:23 a] He -—-—‘> (:) I % H2 Olfa CIT-.201 ,1 .__.__, I-éaCl / O-o—ozfichx Phenyl benzyl other 0.1 'C“2 Q or Eenzyl phenol Claisen states that while the ether is the product one would expect to be formed, the benzyl phenol formed is the reeult of "anomalous metal substitution", or, as be otherwise expresses it, the result of ring slkylation. To explain the formation of the carbon deivetive, thnee differnont views have been advanced and were discussed by X. Von tuners, G. Yegener, end Th. nan: (Chem. Zentr.. I, 2&47-8, 192:), namely: (1) ”The initial fornstion of adoition products with subsefluent splitting. 92) ”The initial formation of normal oxygen derivatives with rearrangement of these into carbon derivatives. (3) “The separation of the metal as metalic halide, formation of free alkyl and enol rudicals, -o:om of chloziue.1n the -moIecfil§? Sample ~ -- ' :3 C1 tie-tn." 55 Cl cellos .2170 "‘“'15.85' "”'"" 15.22 216~w0~0 - 16.04VWNM ”m«w~15.22 Theé>5 g. of the compound wee chlorinated. The pure crystals‘x‘n'élted at 86.5-87.5": which checks with the melting point of the precinct prepared by condensing 2,6—dichloro- phenol oi h chlorobenzyl chloride, as described below. Thero- tore, the chlorinated product must be 4-hydrozy-3,5,2'-tr1- chlorodlphenylme thane : 01 01 02120011 I 012 __..... OCHZ Q 01 1 30 OH 31 2. Preparation of 4—hydroxy- 3,5.2'otr1chlorod1pheny1methano The procedure used uae'almilor to the one described above. The following amounts were used: Chlorobenzyl chloride 50 g. 2,6—dlchlorophenol 54 3. Aluminum chloride 21 g. Petroleum other 200 cc. Second fractionation gave the following results at a mu. Below 110° Phenol 51 g. 110-160° mostly phenol 19 " loo—200° 27 " zoo-220° 3.5 ' Residue 51 ' The fraction loo-200° one pressed between filter papers and recrystallized from 113mm. 15 3. of white needles molt- 1113 at 86.5-87.5° one obtained. From the method of preparation this compound must be 4~hydroxy-5,5,2'-trlchlorophonylmethanez c 01 01 «z: 01 1 on on 2 {Q on ........ 0 2Q). 1 A Parr Bomb deter-mimtion for chlorine mvo the following results: (2 C. ~ .I3_, ”’1 Sample 23 c1 detn. 5'2; 01 oalo. 0./ No“; ‘13 .2025 36.7? :57 .01 (20 . 5/ 7 02072 56.84 57.01 7/. S L} 32 The theoretical per cent of chlorine wee calculated for three atoms of chlorine and the experimental result bears out this statement. c. Esterifioation The benzoyl derivatives of (l) 2-hydroxy~2’-chloro— diphenylnstlnne, (2) 4-hydroxy-2'-¢hlorodiphenylmothano. (3) 8-hydroxy-3,5.8'-trichlorodiphenylmsthane. and (i) hhydroxy- 3, 6,2'-trichlorodlphenylmethane were prepared by dissolving 2 g. of the phenols in 5 cc. of pyridine and adding calculated amount of benzoyl chloride. The following esters indicate the compounds respectively formed: (1) {:90112 9 b. p- 173-1760 co at 2.5 mm. 1 donOgC) m. p. 64.5-65.5" ’ ,/ (2) (s) 1 c1 10ml m. p. 81-822" CO G) 1 ( <30! C) m. p. ee—e7° 0 34 ‘V. Summary 1. The tailoring compounds were prepared and identified: a. 2-hydroxy-2'-chlorodiphenylmethane. b . 4-hydroxy- 2'- chlorodiphonylme them . c. 2-hydroxy-3,5.2’-trichlorodipnenylmethane. d. 4-hydroxy-3,5.2’-trichlorodiphenylmethane. e. Bonzoyl derivatives of the above compounds. f. 2-chlorobonzylphenylethor. g. 2-chlorobenzy1-2,4-diohlor0phonylether. 2. In the aluminum chloride condensations both the ortho and the pore compounds were formed, the bulk of Which one the para. 3. When the following compounds were chlorinated. chlorine was found to take the 3,5 (meta) position to the connecting carbon in the ring containing the hydroxyl: Cl 0H ““20 Cl c1101: Some Hydroxy Derivahves of Chloro Diphcnyl Meihane l CficmOw , ‘ \ C.” mp. 68-69. 6* 5900 | Cf>w©°3© ' a . . 64.5-65.5' C>w<:><' '"P " 0* 0? "up GI 62 6| “<3" ‘2 0’6. x k": 0" 9C H (:00 ‘ 80 c1 . wzC) —~—~ wC> cu Cl Cl Imp. 59.5-60.5. m.p. 8| ' 82' *CI; C! ' OH I ngHsCOCI ~ .. szQ ————~ CBC s‘ . 0 G 0 hp. I46 -|5| 3 nun. I 3 : ' h P' I‘D-I76. 2.5mm. 9 hp. HI- I45. 2.5 mm GO Cl 0 Cl 0 (”599/4 p. 56- 57’ C' ' n /’J// Quad» / i CI mp. ass-575’ Vb “'3‘ 3y Phi'ip 5cm ‘3 :4. KI/fi ' ' I r4. ., ‘ -----‘-~?.'~_"g .Icoc 0&1; . V ”I: Tn'ae a. v, _ _.,. 7-7:“ ,1 I ta h“"”"‘~ I*J‘oo .- At . 4 P -..‘."-a".:"" . I‘ ' ......_ .IIH, . .uI. . n. ,. 3 .fl ., 2.: .fi. ...:.:.. 3.3mm... I ran“ u.i.~¢n thrive. a..~ C TC. (.Lr. 1.1;“. fl 31¢. 2.. A riflil | litti) 4 .0 III JI.|iIlll a u. .laizlztli; It“.