T’riE PATH SHECKEPSG MEYEGEE APPLiEfl '3'0 WHERE FAEJL? M‘éALYSES 0F SWiTCHii‘éS CEfiCfiE"S a: ‘7’, ' a‘ &' :l‘ o u . wSSéitfiuOfi fan. me messes 9% 9:1. 3. EéiEHEGéifi SEE Lf‘i‘eififiiw EYE E’Zi‘sfifi CHEN- 2:378 LI 8 1‘? .-‘ El ’ hlichignn State University This is to certify that the thesis entitled THE PATH CHECKING PETHOD APPLIED TO MULTIPLE FAULT ANALYSIS OF SWITCHING CIRCUITS presented by Tze Tzong Chen has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D. degree in Computer Science Major professor Date Dec; 7% 1976 0-7639 J 800K BINDERY lNE. ‘: LIBRARY amnms m‘NIlfiifimmin mi- ‘ " magma av " a: fill“ & SUNS' m1 ABSTRACT THE PATH CHECKING METHOD APPLIED TO MULTIPLE FAULT ANALYSIS OF SWITCHING CIRCUITS BY Tze Tzong Chen In this thesis, the path checking method is pre- sented for the fault detection and diagnosis of switching circuits, both combinational and sequential. In the case of sequential circuits, signal flows in the circuits and their relevance to the state diagram can be exposed by this method which further facilitate the fault analysis. Using this method, every path of the switching circuit is checked for its ability to pass both signals, 0 and l. The same approach is applied to both combinational and sequential circuits, with the sequential circuits treated as an extension of the combinational circuits. Thus, for sequential circuits, the fault analysis is con- ducted at the circuit level rather than at the state diagram level. The only restriction imposed on the types of cir- cuits that are considered is that every path of the cir- cuits be sensitizible. Although the EXCLUSIVE OR logical gate is excluded from this study, its exclusion is mainly Tze Tzong Chen for the purpose of a straightforward presentation of the path checking method, rather than any theoretical diffi- culties involved. Thus the method can easily be extended to include this gate. Based on this method, four algorithms are presented for fault detection and fault diagnosis of combinational and sequential circuits. For both cases, combinational and sequential, the results obtained from the fault detection algorithms are used as a basis for the fault diagnosis algorithms. The diagnosis process will proceed down to the level of equivalent faults. However, the diagnosis pro- cess can terminate at any stage if the level of diagnosis is satisfactory. The path checking method, as presented in this thesis, can be extended to cover switching circuits which include unsensitizible as well as partially sensitizible paths, i.e., circuits containing redundant circuitry. The extended method will then be applicable to most switching circuits, including LSI circuits, that are encountered in current fault analysis studies. THE PATH CHECKING METHOD APPLIED TO MULTIPLE FAULT ANALYSIS OF SWITCHING CIRCUITS BY Tze Tzong Chen A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Computer Science 1976 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to Dr. Carl V. Page, the chairman of my guidance committee, for his guidance and encourage- ment during the course of this thesis. My thanks also go to Dr. Richard J. Reid, Dr. Richard C. Dubes, the late Dr. Leo Katz, Dr. Weinberg Bernhard, Dr. Christie G. Enke, and to Dr. Morteza A. Rahimi for serving on my guidance committee and for reviewing this work. I wish to express my thanks to the Division of Engineering Research for their financial support during the early stage of the writing of this thesis. Finally, I am deeply indebted to my parents for their patience and encouragement. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION AND THE STATE OF THE ART . . II. 1.1 Definition of Reliable Computing . . Forms and Causes of Hardware Failure in Digital Systems . . . . Examples of Logical Faults . . . . . Strategies to Circumvent Hardware Failure in Digital Systems . . . . Hid H 94» n: 1.4.1 Preventive Type Approaches . . 1.4.2 Corrective Type Approaches . . 1.5 Contribution and Organization of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . SWITCHING CIRCUITS AND THEIR FAULT ANALYS I S C C C . O C C O C C O I O O O O 2.1 Mathematical Models for Switching Circuits . . . . . . . . . . 2. 2 Logical Faults of Switching Circuits 2. 3 Methods of Test Generation for Combinational Circuits . . . . . . Truth Table Method . . . . Path Sensitizing Method . The D-Algorithm . . . . . Poage' 3 Method . . . . . Boolean Difference Method . . Chang' s CGEM Method . . . . . GUI-IBWNH NNNNNN wwwuww 2.4 Methods of Test Generation for Sequential Circuits . . . . . . . . iii Page vi vii UWNH o 0‘ ll 14 14 20 22 23 23 27 35 38 41 CHAPTER Page 2.4.1 Poage's Method . . . . . . . . . . 42 2.4.2 Other Methods of Fault Detection of Sequential Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 III. FAULT DETECTION AND DIAGNOSIS OF COM- BINATIONAL CIRCUITS BY THE PATH CHECKING METHOD 0 O O O O O O O O O O C C C C C O O O 4 8 3.1 Some Network Properties of Com- binational Circuits . . . . . . . . . 49 3.2 Path Sensitization of Combinational Circuits O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I 53 3. 2.1 Sensitizing a Path . . . . . . . 54 3. 2. 2 Unsensitizible Paths of Com- binational Circuits . . . . . . 55 3.2.3 Maximal, Non-Maximal and True Sensitization . . . . . . . 59 .3 Faults of Combinational Circuits . . . . 69 4 Fault Detection of Combinational Circuits O O O O O O O O I O O O O O O 75 UN 0 3.4.1 The Path Sensitization Table and Maximal Compatible Sets . . 77 3.4.2 The Path Checking Fault Detection Algorithm . . . . . . 87 3.4.3 An Example . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 3.5 Fault Diagnosis of Combinational Circuits O O I O O O O O C O O O O O O 99 3.5.1 The Diagnosis Approach . . . . . . 99 3.5.2 The Path Checking Fault Diagnosis Algorithm . . . . . . 109 3.5.3 An Example . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 3.6 Characteristics of the Method as Applied to Combinational Circuits . . . 116 IV. FAULT DETECTION AND DIAGNOSIS OF SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS BY THE PATH CHECKING METHOD 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O 119 4.1 Some Network PrOperties of Sequential Circuits . . . . . . . . . ._. . . . . 121 4.2 Path and Path Sequence Sensitization of Sequential Circuits . . . . . . . . 128 iv CHAPTER #05 o o be») 4.6 4.2.1 Sensitizing a Path and a Path Sequence . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 Unsensitizible Paths in Sequential Circuits . . . . . 4.2.3 Maximal and True Sensitization of Path Sequences . . . . . . Faults of Sequential Circuits . . . . . Positioning the Sequential Circuits in a Desired, Known State . . . . . . Fault Detection of Sequential Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5.1 The Path Sequence Sensitization . . . . . . . . 4.5.2 The Path Sequence Checking Fault Detection Algorithm 4.5.3 An Example . . . . . . . . . . . Fault Diagnosis of Sequential Circuits 4.6.1 The Diagnosis Approach . . . . . 4.6.2 The Path Sequence Checking Fault Diagnosis Algorithm . . 4.6.3 An Example . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Characteristics of the Method as Applied to Sequential Circuits . . . V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE WORK 0 O O C O C O O O C O O O O O O O C O 5 O 1 conCIuSionS O O O O O I O O O O O O O O 5.2 BIBLIOGRAPHY Suggestions for Future Work . . . . . . Page 128 132 136 142 144 150 151 162 166 179 180 186 190 196 198 198 199 202 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 2.1. The flow table of the machine of Figure 2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.2. Single propagation D-cubes of the com- binational circuit of Figure 2.5 . . . . . . 31 2.3. Flow tables for good and faulty circuits for example of Poage's method . . . . . . . . 44 2.4. Product tables for example of Poage's method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 3.1. The PST for Example 3.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 4.1. The PSST for Example 4.5 . . . . . . . . . . . 157 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1. An open diode in an AND circuit . . . . . . . . 4 1.2. A transistor-diode OR circuit . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1. A basic model for combinational circuits . . . 15 2.2. A basic model for sequential circuits . . . . . 16 2.3. A Mealy type state diagram . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.4. Decision elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.5. A combinational circuit for the path sensitizing method . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.6. An OR gate and its singular cover and prOpagation D—cubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.7. A combinational circuit for Chang's me thOd O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 3 9 2.8. A sequential circuit for Poage's methOd I I O O O O O O O O O O I O O O O O O 4 3 3.1. Examples of paths, subpaths, subcircuits, partial circuits, and constituent circuits of a combinational circuit , , , , , 53 3.2. A simple combinational circuit with fan-out reconvergence . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 3.3. Examples of maximally sensitized and non-maximally sensitized paths . . . . . . . 65 3.4. Examples of truly sensitized paths . . . . . . 68 3.5. Examples of multiple and equivalent fau1ts O O O O O O O O O O O I I O O O O O O 76 3.6. A combinational circuit with fan-out reconvergence for Example 3.5 . . . . . . . . 80 vii 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 5.1. Graphical representation of the diagnosis process . . . . . . . . . . . A sequential circuit for Example 4.1 . . A sequential circuit containing partially unsensitizible path sequences . . . . . A sequential circuit with all paths sensitizible . . . . . . . . . . . . . A sequential circuit for Example 4.4 . . A sequential circuit for Example 4.5 . . Partially sensitizible paths result from concatenating circuits C and C to form an integrated CircuI£ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 viii Page 110 126 133 137 149 154 201 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION AND THE STATE OF THE ART Digital computers are increasingly being relied upon as an integral part in the day-to-day operations of various sectors of modern societies. The speed and effi- ciency of computers in processing massive amounts of infor- mation have found their applications in almost any branch of modern life, from government agencies to private indus- tries, from weather predictions to patient diagnosis, from research laboratories to factory assembly lines. A more sophisticated application of computers is found in the field of system monitoring and control where computers are programmed to perform a task independently. A few examples of these might be highway and urban traffic control, satellite flight control, and factory production line control. With the increasing reliance on digital systems, the problems of their reliability have become a topic of practical concern and have developed to be an area of academic interest. In addition, the current trend toward higher speed, more complexity, and more miniaturization in digital systems introduces more stringent requirements on 1 reliability standards. The significance of the reliability of digital systems is self-evident and needs no further justification. 1.1 Definition of Reliable Computing Various definitions [31] have been proposed for the term "reliability" of computers. Even though their phrasings are quite different, they all agree in the more generic sense. A typical definition is given here as "the ability to perform its functions correctly and on schedule even in the presence of errors." In the definition, the emphasis on "on schedule" and "in the presence of error" should not be overlooked. "On schedule" introduces the timing factor which is critical for accurate computing, especially in real-time computing. The presence of errors in a digital system is allowed provided it does not affect the system's ability to perform its functions correctly. This provides for the possibility of introducing additional hardware to enhance the levels of reliability of computing. The definition of reliability given is very general and ambiguous and hence some specific measures of reliability are desirable to allow for practical analysis of reli- ability problems. Some of the commonly used reliability parameters are lifetime and mean time between average failure-rate. 1.2 Forms and Causes of Hardware Failure in Digital Systems Errors in the digital system hardware result from a variety of causes. The following causes are responsible for most of the circuit faults in the system [31]. a. External environmental interference such as heat and humidity. b. Internal environmental interference such as noise. c. Inappropriate design or construction. d. Aging and deterioration of hardware with time. The circuit faults resulting from these causes can take on various forms. However, the type of faults which are most widely studied and are also the concern of this thesis are called "logical faults." These are the faults which affect the intended logical behavior of circuits. These faults might be permanent or intermittent. Physical failures such as an opened or closed circuit in a com- ponent, or a broken wire in connections, or erroneous design or construction might cause permanent faults. On the other hand, noise interference, close design tolerances, aging and deterioration of components are some causes of inter- mittent faults. 1.3 Examples of Logical Faults The following are typical examples of hardware failure which are represented by logical stuck—at type faults. Example 1.1 Figure 1.1 shows a diode AND circuit and its logical representation. The output at y will register 1 volt whenever both inputs x1 and x2 have a voltage of 1 volt simultaneously. However, if the diode at x1 is open, the output would be at 1 volt whenever input x2 is at 1 volt. This situation is equivalent to xl sticking at 1 volt, or logically xl sticking at 1 if positive logic is assumed. +V X ope s-a-l -1 4-Y -———-l r‘—] 1V 0V x2 I‘ _J__ ___—‘ ‘— A —_~ ._- Fig. l.1.--An open diode in an AND circuit. Example 1.2 Consider a transistor-diode OR circuit in Figure 1.2. In this circuit, returning the base voltage to -VB wilJ.reverse biase the emitter-base and collector-base junctions and the two diodes and the output voltage VCE -V B +Vo I $3 J \r H mx A H 24 H o a a a ma m il ex H H H mm . Sm I . . o a q mx 0H NH D\\\ o o O m _ Z 66 sensitize at least one critical sensitizing path passing E for each non-maximally assigned strictly sensitizing sub- circuit. Definition 3.12 Given 1: pS/{(C1, p1); (C2, P2); ...3 (Cn. pn)} and a set of input vectors I, where each pi, liiin, is a critical sensitizing path with respect to the strictly sensitizing subcircuit Ci with the critical sensitizing value E, p is said to be s-maximally sensitized of first order with 1, within I if each pi is E-maximally sensitized with some i' e I. Similarly p is s-maximally sensitized of second order if each pi is either E- maximally sensitized or E-maximally sensitized of first order within I. And p is s-maximally sensitized of nth order if each pi is either E-maximally sensitized of (n-l)th order or less. With the above definitions, true sensitization of a path can be conveniently defined as follows. Definition 3.13 A path p is said to be s—truly sensitized with an input vector 1, within a set of input vectors I if there exists a number n such that p is s-maximally sensitized of nth order with 1, within I. 67 Example 3.3 To illustrate these definitions, consider the circuit of Figure 3.3 with two of the input vectors i1 shown in Figure 3.3 and i2 in Figure 3.4. Paths p6 and p8 (see example 3.2) are l-non-maximally sensitized in Figure 3.3 with the critical sensitizing path p3 = x2, e11, e16, e19, 2. But p3 again is O—non-maximally sensitized in Figure 3.4 with the critical sensitizing path p1 = x1, 818' z. Finally pl is maximally sensitized in Figure 3.3. Thus p6, p8 and p3 are all truly sensitized within i1 and 12. The question of whether the search for true sen- sitization will always end with positive results will have to be answered during path sensitization. In the case of combinational circuits in which every path is sensitizible, the answer is yes. Because otherwise such circuits con- taining faults on the paths not truly sensitizible only would be still proved fault-free. But it can be proved that if a combinational circuit has every path sensitizible, then at least one fault is detectable if it contains at least one fault. Theorem 3.5 In a combinational circuit with every path sen- sitizible, every s-non-maximally sensitizible path is s- truly sensitizible. 68 .msumm Omuwuwmcmm masuu mo mOHmEOXMII.v.m .mHm o ado ma mm a m [ fix I H O . H mm a em _ o I no mo_ H Sm AVAIL o Ham Nx 0 HR cam o 69 Proof: First of all, if a combinational circuit with every path sensitizible, then at least one fault is detectable if it contains at least one fault. Otherwise it would mean that the reduced circuit resulting from the original circuit with the faults is equivalent to the original circuit. This in turn would imply that there were redundant edges in the original combinational circuit. However, a combinational circuit with every path sensi- tizible is free of redundant edges. Now if there existed a path which was not s-truly sensitizible, then each of its critical sensitizing path would not be E-truly sensitizible and so on. Thus there would exist a set of paths such that for each of the set, there would be nothing to depend on in its s'-sensitization for some 3'. Hence its s'-sensitization cannot be guaran- teed. Because of this, there could exist a set of faults on this set alone in the whole circuit which would be undetectable. This is in clear contradiction to the sen- sitizibility assumption. Q.E.D. 3.3 Faults of Combinational Circuits In this section, faults in the combinational cir— cuit will be analyzed and interpreted in terms of path checking. Faults interact in the combinational circuit to form undetectable faults, multiple faults and equivalent faults. These phenomena will also be studied from the viewpoint of path checking. It appears that the total 70 fault structure of the switching circuit can be clearly interpreted through this viewpoint. Faults propagate as do signals. A fault f: e s-a-s with e feeding a gate G is said to be sensitizing to G if s is sensitizing to G, it is dominant to G if s is dominant to G. Thus faults will propagate through gates to which they are dominant and stop at gates where they are sen- sitizing. A fault is a O-type fault on a path p if it would cause the trailing edge of p to assume 0 when sen- sitized and l-type otherwise. So if a path is checked, then, being able to pass both signals, it is free of stuck- at faults. Theorem 3.6 If a path is actually sensitized and tested to pass both signals, it is free of stuck—at faults iff it is checked. Proof: Given a path passing both signals, and suppose there are some stuck-at faults on it. Consider the fault closest to the trailing edge. Since the path is sensitized, the fault will appear at the trailing edge regardless Of the signal applied to the leading edge con- tracting to the assumption. Thus the path is free of stuck-at faults. Conversely, if the path is free of stuck— at faults, then since it is guaranteed to be sensitized, it should pass both signals. Q.E.D. 71 If every path of a combinational circuit is indi- vidually determined for its ability in passing both signals, then all the detectable faults in the circuit can be located down to equivalent faults. This will be discussed in the diagnosis process later. Faults interact to form detect- able, undetectable, single, multiple and equivalent faults within a given fault picture. Definition 3.14 A fault picture is the set of all faults verified and detectable that occur at any given stage of fault analysis of a combinational circuit under test. A single fault is a fault which is by itself detectable and can be exactly located. An s-type single fault will occur at the output edge of an s-type maximal faulty subcircuit. Definition 3.15 A subcircuit Ci of a combinational circuit C is an s-type faulty subcircuit if every path of C containing a subpath of C1 is such that either it is E-unsensitizible within the given fault picture (due to other faults) or that the E signal cannot propagate through it. C1 is an s-type maximal faulty subcircuit if there does not exist another s-type faulty subcircuit which includes Ci. The following theorem finds the locations of single faults. 72 Theorem 3.7 A fault of a combinational circuit C is an s-type single fault iff it occurs at the output edge of an s-type maximal faulty subcircuit Ci with which there exists at least a path of C containing a subpath of C1 which is E- sensitizible. Proof: Consider an s-type fault f on some edge ei which is the output edge of a subcircuit Ci' Since ei sticks at the s-type fault, so every path of C containing a subpath of Ci must be either E-non-sensitizible or E- sensitizible but cannot pass the signal E. Since f is detectable, then at least one such path p is E-sensitizible. Also there exists at least a path p' of C containing the subpath between f and the trailing edge of p such that p' passes E. Hence f doesn't propagate down to p'. On the other hand, given Ci’ since ei cannot assume the E type signal whenever it is E- sensitized, it sticks at the s-type fault. And since it is E-sensitizible along p, its stick- ing at the s-type fault is detectable. Q.E.D. When every path containing a subpath of an s-type maximal faulty subcircuit is E-non-sensitizible, within a given fault picture, then the fault at the output edge of the subcircuit is undetectable. This is due to the fact that faults occur on all the critical sensitizing paths of every path along which the fault in question is being E- sensitized. This phenomenon causes undetectable faults, 73 multiple faults and equivalent faults during the diagnosis process and will be called fault interaction. A multiple fault consists of a set of individual faults which are detectable only as a group. Definition 3.16 A multiple fault is a set of faults such that these faults are detectable only as a set. First consider undetectable faults not within a maximal faulty subcircuit. These faults will be called uncovered undetectable faults. Faults within a maximal faulty subcircuit are not detectable and are not of con— cern. These faults also occur at the output edges of the maximal faulty subcircuits. But in this case, not a path containing a subpath of the maximal faulty subcircuits is E-sensitizible. Theorem 3.8 A fault of a combinational circuit C is an s-type uncovered undetectable fault iff it occurs at the output edge of an s-type maximal faulty subcircuit Ci with which every path of C containing a subpath of Ci is E- unsensitizible. Proof: Let f be an s—type uncovered undetectable fault which occurs on some edge ei which is the output edge of some subcircuit Ci' Since f does not propagate down along some path which contains it, Ci must be maximal. And 74 since not one path containing a subpath of C1 is E- sensitizible, f is not detectable. On the other hand, given Ci and the fact that every path of C containing a subpath of Ci is E-non-sensitizible, then every s-type fault in Ci is undetectable which is equivalent to ei sticking at the s-type fault which is undetectable. Q.E.D. Uncovered undetectable faults might interact among themselves to form multiple faults. An uncovered unde- tectable fault by itself (without other uncovered unde- tectable faults) is undetectable. However, such a fault, say of s-type, might become detectable if at least one path containing a subpath of its s-type maximal faulty subcir- cuit becomes E-sensitizible and hence the fault in question becomes E-sensitized along the path. This will occur if some other uncovered undetectable faults propagate down along the corresponding sensitizing paths, due to another faults, to provide the correct sensitizing values. In other words, an uncovered undetectable fault becomes sensitized with other uncovered undetectable faults. If a set of such uncovered undetectable faults are mutually sensitizing, then they form a multiple fault. Notice that each individual fault cannot be individually sensitized. Theorem 3.9 A multiple fault f is formed from a set of mutually sensitizing uncovered undetectable faults. 75 Proof: Since each individual fault of f is unde- tectable, and detectable as a set, it must be an uncovered undetectable fault. And since it is undetectable without the other individual faults of f, it must be sensitized with the rest of f. Q.E.D. Finally, addition or removal of undetectable faults, both covered or uncovered but uninteracting, from a given set of faults can create an equivalent set of faults. This is obvious since the added or removed faults are undetect- able, no input vector will detect the change. Example 3.4 Consider the circuit of Figure 3.5 in which f1, 3, f7 and f11 are detectable faults. Given these faults, 18 and f9 are each by itself undetectable and are detect— able together. Also f f f 17 is undetectable. Addition of it to {f7, £11} results in z2 s-a-l. Thus {f7, £11} 15 equivalent to fzz: 22 s-a-l. 3.4 Fault Detection of Combinational Circuits In this section, the design of detection tests for combinational circuits based on the path checking method is discussed and an algorithm for forming such tests is presented. The main purpose of a detection test is to determine whether a circuit is fault-free or faulty, but not to locate the faults which is the objective of a diag- nosis process. However, one of the characteristics of the 76 .muasmu unmam>wsvm can mamwuass mo moamawxmtu.m.m .mwm N N 545 mam Astana .ma mo h HIMIm m i; bun HNQ CFHU aHIMIm stHv D . cam mun a. {hills 2. ma » m m as Alarm Ham claim an x m «x cam NH mam a mo Astana .amo 77 path checking method is that the results of a detection test will indicate the approximate areas of faults of a combinational circuit if it is determined to be faulty. Thus the results of a detection test will be used for the diagnosis algorithm discussed in the next section. The basic principle behind the path checking method is to make certain that every path can pass both signal values 0 and l in order to prove that it is fault-free. That principle is used here in synthesizing detection tests. But since the presence of faults can prevent actual sensitization, hence the detection tests should be designed such that every path of the combinational circuit is s- maximally sensitized or, if impossible, s-truly sensitized to ensure its actual sensitization. It will be proved later in the section that a combinational circuit is fault- free iff every path of it is checked. 3.4.1 The Path Sensitization Table and Maximal Compatible Sets The main point in designing detection tests for a combinational circuit is that each of the input vectors used in the tests should s-maximally sensitize the paths being sensitized with the input vector. For those paths not s-maximally sensitizible, then their s-true sensitization will be required within the input vectors included in the tests. Such an input vector is called a maximal compatible input vector or mci. For a given 78 combinational circuit, a set of mci's can be found from which the detection tests will be formed. Such a set is called the maximal compatible set, MCS, of the combina- tional circuit and it will be shown to be unique for a given combinational circuit. The MCS is built from the path sensitization table, PST. The PST is a table which includes all the input vectors sensitizing the paths of a combinational circuit. The Construction of the PST Consider a multiple-output combinational circuit with fan-out reconvergence C with ni input edges, nO output edges and a total of ne edges including input and output edges with each edge uniquely labelled. Fan-out edges succeeding the fan-out points are differently labelled. Let there be np paths. P = {pi; liiinp} The PST consists of input vectors sensitizing every path of P and is built as follows: 1. There are ne columns corresponding to the ne edges of C. 2. For every path p, there are two rows to test p pass 0 and l denoted by p0, pl respectively. 3. For any given row corresponding to some p passing 1 (0 or 1) pl, assign the corresponding sensitizing 79 values to edges incident on p and i to edges on p with even parity and I to edges on p with odd parity between the edges and the trailing edge of p. 4. Enter signal values to edges which can be deter- mined through fan-outs and NOT gates, from edges already assigned values. Also the input edges to OR gates whose output edges having been assigned 0 and the input edges to AND gates whose output edges having been assigned 1 can also be deter- mined. 5. Rows correSponding to the same constituent circuit are grouped together (for convenience). Except for the arrangement of the rows within it, the PST thus formed is unique. Notice that only those edges on the paths, incident on the paths and edges related to them are assigned values. Example 3.5 Consider a 7-input 2-output combinational circuit C, as in Figure 3.6, with a total of 23 edges and 10 paths. P = {pi; 131110} where p2 = “2' 98' e18' 80 .m.m wamemxm “Om monomuo>coomu HOOIOMw sues aesouwo Hmsowuocwneoo «11.0.m .mwm .N A Hialm m Sm _ _ omm m 0-.-. mm x [Q] : Ham Humum me ..i um 36 m m l _ 31‘“ 19' There are two constituent circuits Cz and C22 1 each consisting of five paths. CZ]. = {p1, p2! p3! p4! p5} C22 = {P6I p7I p8! ng P10} The PST will be a table of 20 rows, 2 for each path, and 23 columns corresponding to the 23 edges of C. The table is shown in Table 3.1. Each row is labelled p? indicating path pi is sensitized to pass x. Three types of entries have been assigned values; all other entries still remain blank. Those entries on the path sensitized are assigned values according to their parities. For example, x1, e and z of p 0 assume 0 so that p is sensitized to pass 18 1 1 l 0. The second type are those which are incident on the Table 3.1.--The PST for Example 3.5. 82 810 11 e12 e13 14 e15 16 17 e18 19 20 21 21 0 pl 0 1 O 1 pl 1 1 1 0 92 0 1 0 1 pz 1 1 1 0 p3 o o 1 o 1 o o 1 p3 1 1 1 1 1 0 p4 1 1 o o 1 o 0 p41 o o 1 1 1 1 1 0 ps 0 1 o o 1 o 1 1 95 1 o 96 o o o 1 1 o 96 0 p70 o o 1 1 1 o o o 0 p71 1 1 o 1 1 1 o 1 0 98° 1 1 o o o o 1 o 0 p81 1 1 o 1 1 1 o 1 0 99° 1 1 o o o o 1 p o o o 1 o 1 9 p10° o o o 1 o o p 1 o o o 1 o 1 10 1 83 path; these entries should assume the corresponding sen- sitizing values. For p1, there are e8 and e19 assuming 0 and 1 respectively to sensitize p1. The third type are those entries whose values can now be determined through and e will of course assume the same 2 9 value as e8 and are so assigned. fan-outs. For p2, x The Forming of the MCS The PST lists the minimum requirements for the paths to pass the signals. A set of the rows of the PST might be compatible to each other and thus can be combined to form a new row and the individual paths are then simul- taneously sensitized to pass the signals. Definition 3.17 A set of rows of the PST are compatible to one another if there are no contradictory entries on the same column (i.e., 0 and 1 not on the same column). A maximal compatible set of rows is a compatible set such that it is not a subset of another compatible set. A maximal com- patible row is formed by combining all the rows of a maximal compatible set of rows through intersecting the entries of the same column (the intersection of x and blank is x). The first step in forming the MCS is to form the maximal compatible rows for each constituent circuit of C. For example, continuing with the preceding example, pl0 84 and p20 can be combined to form a maximal compatible row 1 l . for Czl and p9 and p10 can be comb1ned for C22. _ o o v11 ' {pl ' pz } (OIOIIIIIIOIOIIIIIIIIloll-lilo!) 1 1 25 ' {p9 ' p10 } <: l (IIIlolollllllIlolollolllllolllll)‘ Each of the maximal compatible rows vi represents a set of paths simultaneously sensitized. Hence vi repre- sents some partial circuit Pi being sensitized to pass some 5. The blank entries of vi represent the strictly sensi- tizing subcircuits Ci's incident on Pi and they will be maximally assigned, if possible. In the second step, the blank entries are free to assume any values except for those entries on fan-out paths. For entries not on fan-out subpaths within each Ci’ assign the same type of signal values as the output edges ei of C1' Then all related entries which can be determined thus far through fan-outs, NOT gates, output edges of OR gates assuming 0 and output edges of AND gates assuming 1, are thus determined. Fan-out entries are finally assigned. Each fan-out will assume all the values without causing contradiction of assignments, i.e., both 0 and 1 if possible. In this step all the entries of vi corresponding to the constituent circuit Czi will be determined. Thus, for example, vll and v25 become V (OlolllolllIololololllIlolllolllllol)I 11 v25 = (IIlolololllIlololllolollolllIlolllll)0 In the final step, all the maximal compatible rows are again combined to form maximal compatible rows for the entire circuit C. Those entries undetermined thus far are unrelated in even maximal sensitization and are free to assume any values. Their corresponding input edges are assigned, say 0 and thus all the entries are determined. The rows now obtained are maximal compatible input vectors and the whole set is the MCS. For example, combining v 11' v25 one finds the mci 14 = {V11' V25} = (X1' X2' x3' x4' x5' x6' x7) (0,0,1,0,0,0,1). A mci is non-maximally assigned if its partial circuit is not maximally sensitized. With each mci non- maximally assigned, those paths not maximally sensitized need a set of critical sensitizing paths passing the corresponding critical sensitizing values for the paths to be truly sensitized. is For the example, the dependence set of i4 0 . o 1 14- pl . 92 /{pS }. 86 Thus every s-maximally sensitizible path of C can be thus sensitized with an input vector of the MCS.' Also every s-truly sensitizible path of C is thus sensitized with an input vector of C and within the MCS. Theorem 3.10 Every s-maximally sensitizible path is s-maximally sensitized with some input vector of the MCS. Proof: Let piS be s-maximally sensitizible in the combinational circuit C. Then in being sensitized to pass 5, every strictly sensitizing subcircuit Ci incident on p can be E-maximally assigned. Since this is possible, it is done in forming the MCS. Q.E.D. Theorem 3.11 Every s-non-maximally sensitizible path is s-truly sensitizible within the MCS. Proof: Let PiS not s-maximally sensitizible in the combinational circuit C. Then pi is s-truly sensitizible within all the input vectors of C. Thus there exists a set of input vectors with the corresponding sensitizing values that pi depends on. Further every path pj of the set is s'-maximally sensitizible with the corresponding critical sensitizing value 5'. Now, from Theorem 3.10, pj is s'-maximally sensitized with some input vector of the MCS. Hence pi is s-truly sensitized within the MCS. Q.E.D. The set MCS thus formed is unique. 87 Theorem 3.12 The MCS is unique. Proof: First all the steps are performed in a definite sequence. Second, for each step, the entries are assigned definite values except for fan-out assignments in the final step. But here fan-outs are assigned all pos- sible non-contradicting values. Also maximal compatibili- zation should produce unique results. Q.E.D. 3.4.2 The Path Checking Fault Detection Algorithm The Path Checking Fault Detection Algorithm can now be conveniently formulated. Given a combinational circuit C with the set of paths P = {pi; 1:1:np}, a fault detection algorithm to detect the presence of faults in C is formulated as follows. Step A. Form the MCS for C. Step B. Form the detection tests T for C. A detection test t e T is formed in the following way. 1. It consists of mci's of the MCS. 2. Every p: is included in t for liiinp, s = 0 and l. 3. Every p: is either s-maximally sensitized or s-truly sensitized within t. 4. It is not a subset of another test. 88 Step C. Apply a t e T to C. If every path is checked, then C is fault-free, otherwise it is faulty. The validity of the algorithm is proved in the following theorems. First the existence of a detection test is proved. Theorem 3.13 There exists at least a detection test t as defined in the algorithm. Proof: The only point that needs be pointed out is that if a path p is s-truly sensitizible only, then it depends on a set of paths which is each s'-maximally sensitizible for some 3'. Since every s'-maximally sen- sitizible path is s'-maximally sensitized in the MCS, hence p is s-truly sensitizible within the MCS. Q.E.D. The validity of a test is proved next. Theorem 3.14 A multiple-output combinational circuit is fault- free iff a detection test detects no faults. It is faulty iff the detection test detects the presence of faults. Proof: If the circuit is fault-free, then certainly the test will not detect any faults. On the other hand, if the test detects no faults, then since every path is actually sensitized, maximally or truly, it is guaranteed to be checked, the existence of faults would have been detected at the output edges contradicting to the given 89 results. In the other case, if the circuit is faulty, then those faults on paths s-maximally sensitized are guaranteed to be detected. For those faults on paths 5- truly sensitized, then faults on the critical sensitizing paths may create multiple faults. However, there exists a set of paths s'-maximally sensitized upon which the paths in question depend. Faults on the set are detected. If the set is fault-free then faults on s-truly sensitized paths are detected. If the test detects the existence of faults, the circuit cannot be fault-free, because a fault- free circuit will have every path pass both signals. Q.E.D. The results of a detection test serve two important functions in addition to detecting the existence of faults. First, they indicate the approximate areas of faults. The partial circuits s-maximally sensitized and found to be fault—free are guaranteed to be free of E type faults. And the E type faults are only to be found in other parts of the circuit. Also the partial circuits s-maximally sensi- tized and found to be faulty are the areas where some of the E type faults occur. Second, the results serve as the basis for the diagnosis process. 3.4.3 An Example Example 3.6 Continue with the preceding examples with the com- binational circuit C of Figure 3.6. The maximal compatible 90 rows for the constituent circuits Cz and C22 are formed 1 as follows in the first step. MCR = {MCR1, MCRZ} MCR1 = {V11' V12' V13' v14' V15' V16} MCR2 = {V21' V22' V23' v24' V25} _ o o V11 - {Pl I P2 } (0'0!IIIIlololllllllllolllllol) _ o o v12 ‘ {P3 ' ps } = (IOIOIOIIIIOIOIOIOIlIIIOIIIlIOIIIOI) _ o o v13 ' {p4 ' p5 } (IllolllllIllllllllolllolI'llolllol) l _ 1 V14 ‘ {Pl ' p5 } = (lIOIlIIIIIOIOIIIIIIOIIIlIlIIIlI) _ 1 l v15 ‘ {92 ' ps } = (OIlIlIIIIIlIlIIIIIIOIIIlIlIIIlI) v = { l l 1} 16 p2 I P3 I 94 = (OlllolollllllllololllI’ll!Illllllll) 91 v = { o o o 21 p6 ' p7 ' p9 } = (IllololllllllololllllllI010]!IOIOIIO) v = { o o o} 22 p6 ' p8 ' p10 = (IllllolololI'llllololollolllllololI0) 1} < ll 23 {96 = (I'llllIIIII'IIIIOIIIIlIOIIl) v = { 1 1} 24 p7 ' P8 = (II'llollllllllllolllllIllolllllolll) v = { l 1} 25 p9 ' p1o (IIIIololllllIllolollolllllolllll) In the second step, the blank entries of each of the maximal compatible rows belonging to the same constituent circuit are assigned the corresponding sensitizing values according to their parities. Some of these entries may have two possible assignments. The results are as follows. vll = (0,0,1,0,,,,0,0,0,0,1,,,0,,,0,1,,,0,) v12 = (1,0,0,0,,,,0,0,0,0,l,,,O,,,1,0,,,0,) vl3 = (l,l,0,1,,,,1,1,1,1,0,,,O,,,l,0,,,0,) v (l,O,1,1,,,,0,0,1,1,0,,,O,,,1,l,,,l,) 92 v15 = (0,1,1,1,,,,1,1,1,1,o,,,o,,,1,1,,,1.) v16 — (0,1,o,o,,,,1,1,o,o,1,,,1,,,1,1,,,1,) v21 = (,,,o,o,1,1,,,o,o,1,1,1,,o,o,,,o,o,,0) v22 = (,,,1,o,o,o,,,1,1,o,o,o,,o,1,,,o,o,,0) v231 = (,,,o,1,o,o,,,o,o,1,o,o,,o,1,,,1,o,,1) v232 - (,,,o,1,1,o,,,o,o,1,1,1,,o,o,,,1,o,,1) v24 (,,,1,o,1,o,,,1,1,o,1,1,,1,o,,,1,o,,1) v25 = (,,,o,o,o,1,,,o,o,1,o,o,,o,1,,,o,1,,1) Notice that with v23, there are two possible assign- ments for x6. In the third step, performing the maximal com- patibility Operation on the set of maximal compatible rows obtained in the second step results in the set of maximal compatible input vectors MCS, for C. MCS = {ij; 15j318} i = {v v } = {p 0 p 0 p 0 p 1 11' 21 1 ' 2 ' 6 ' 7 (OIOIlIOIOIlIl) = (11! 12I . _ _ o o 1 l2 ’ {V11' V231} ‘ {p1 ' p2 ' p6 } (0,0,1,0,l,0,0) = {v . v } = {p 0. p 0. p 1: p 13 24 4 5 7 8 ={V;V}={P1IPIIPOIPOIP 14 22 l 5 6 8 10 93 { 0 v v }= {p 0 p p 1} 11' 232 l ' 2 ' 6 ( _ o o 1 1 {V11' V25} ‘ {91 ' p2 ' p9 ' p10 } (0,0,1,0,0,0,1) o o . p9 } {v v } = {p O p 0 p O p 12' 21 3 ' 5 ' 6 ' 7 (lloyoropoplpl) _ o o 1 {V12' V231} ‘ {P3 ' p5 ' p6 } (1,0,0,0,1:0.0) o 1 , p6 } _ o {VlZ' V232} ’ {p3 ' p5 (1,0,o,o,1,1,0) {V12' V25} = {p30' p50' p91' 9101} (1,0,o,o,o,o,1) {V13' V22} = {940' p50, p60’ p80' 9100} (1,1,o,1,o,o,0) 1} (1,1,o,1,o,1,0) 0} (1,0,1.1.0,0,0) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 For 94 _ 1 1 1 1 V14I V24} ‘ {P1 I P5 I p7 I p8 } = { = (lIoIlIlIOIlIO) {V I V } = {P 1I P l! P OI P or p 0} 15 22 2 5 6 8 10 = (OIlIlIlIOIOIO) 1 1 . p8 } = {v v } = {p 1 p 1 p 15' 24 2 ' 5 ' 7 = (OIlIlIlIOIlIO) l 1 l 0 0 0 = (0,1,0,0,0,1,1) —{v v}={p1 1 pl 1} 16’ 231 2 ' p3 ' 4 ' p6 = (0,1,0,0,l,0,0) _ 1 l 1 1 {V16' V232} ’ {92 ' p3 ' P4 ' p6 } = (OIlIOIOIlIlIo) _ _ 1 l l 1 1 - {V16I V25} ‘ {P2 I P3 I 94 I p9 I P10 } = (0,1,0,0,0,0,l) those mci's not maximally assigned, their dependence sets are as follows. 112 12: o o 1 p1 . p2 /{p5 } o o 1 pl . p2 /{p5 } 95 . 1 o 12' p6 /{Plo } o o 1 3. pl . p2 /{p5 } 3‘ Pal/{P70} . o o 1 14. pl . p2 /{p5 } . o o 1 15. p3 . p5 /{p1 } o o 1 6' p3 ' Ps /{91 } . 1 o 16' p6 /{P1o } . 0 0 1 17- p3 . p5 /{pl } 9 l o 17. p6 /{p7 } . o o 1 18. p3 . p5 /{pl } 1 1 o 13‘ p2 ' 95 /{P4 } . 1 1 o 114' 92 ' P5 /{P4 } . 1 o 116' p6 /{P1o } 17‘ pal/{p70} In forming the detection tests, the dependence sets can be excluded from consideration in this example. 0 Notice that, of the sets, p51 depends on p4 which is 0- maximally sensitized and is included in every test. All 96 the others, p100, p70, p11, p40, p7O are all maximally sensitized and each included in every test. It seems a tedious task to form the tests, but a little observation will reduce it to a simple one. For example, p10 and p20 appear only in il, 12, i3, and i4, so every test should include one of these four mci's. And also p91, p101 appear in i4, i8 and 118’ so one of the three mci's should be in every test, etc. Working along this line, one should find it easy to form a test. Although more tests can be formed, there are 12 tests each consisting of 5 mci's that are most economical in terms of test size. Define this set as Te' one has Te = {ti; 131512}, 1 '5' i6' i9' i12' i4}' t2 = {15' 18' 19' 112' 12}' t3 = {16’ 115' 19' 112' 14}' t4 = {16' 118' 19' 112' 11}' t5 = {18’ i15' i9' i12' iz}' t6 = {i8’ 116' 19' 112' 11}' t = {i 5’ 16' 18' 97 t9 = {16’ 115' 110' 111' i4}' t10 = {16' 118' 110' 111' 11}' t11 = {18' 115' 110' 111' 12}' t12 = {18’ 116' 110' 111' 11}° Consider the set of faults F on the circuit in Figure 3.6, s-a-l, S-a-O I Of the set F, f is made undetectable by f and f f 9 l 5’ fll reduce Cz2 to p8 and p9 which 15 equivalent to 22 7' s-a-l. Let t = t1. Applying t1 to C, the output vectors obtained are as follows: 05 = (0:1) = (le 22)! 0 (1'1)! 16 = 98 09 = (0(1)! 012 = (Oil)! 04 = (0,1). Thus the results of the test reflect the following detections: i detects {p6, p7, p9} s-a-l, 5 19 detects {p6, p8, p10} s-a-l, 112 detects {p1, p5} s-a-O. Notice that the partial circuit in each case is s- maximally sensitized and thus its detection is ensured. Also the partial circuit is faulty in at least one path, but not necessarily all the paths due to the fact that all the paths are simultaneously sensitized. The partial circuits s-maximally sensitized and found to be fault-free are 116: {p2, p3, p4} pass 1, i9: {p4, p5} pass 0, 112: {p7, p8} pass 1, 14: {p9, p10} pass 1. Being s-maximally sensitized, these parts of the circuit are sured to be free of the types of faults being suspected. Other detections involve s-non-maximal 99 sensitization and cannot be readily interpreted, but will be treated in the diagnosis process. Thus the results indicate the approximate areas of faults in the circuit as well as serve as the basis for the diagnosis process. 3.5 Fault Diagnosis of Combinational Circuits In this section the approach to locate faults in the combinational circuit by determining the ability of every path of the circuit in passing the signals is dis- cussed. Using this approach, an algorithm is developed to locate all the detectable faults in the circuit based on the results of a detection test. Even though different detection results might be obtained from different tests used, the diagnosis process based on the different results should always locate the same set of faults except possibly for equivalent faults. 3.5.1 The Diagnosis Approach A detection test as designed in the previous section does not individually check every path of a combina- tional circuit in passing both signals. But rather a set of compatible paths are simultaneously checked for a certain type of faults using a maximal compatible input vector; Faults thus detected might not occur on every path 0f therset. Thus a diagnosis process is needed to actually locate the faults within the set. However, the results of 100 a detection test do indicate the approximate areas where both types of faults will occur. The responsibilities of a diagnosis process are then to locate all the faults within these areas. These areas include all the paths each of which is suspected of not being able to pass some signal 3. Thus every path of these areas has to be tested to pass the corresponding signal s if it is s-sensitizible within the existing fault picture. If it is not 5- sensitizible, then it has to be tested for the possibility of being part of some multiple fault. If every path of these areas is thus tested, then all the faults of the combinational circuit can be located down to equivalent faults. A path is said to be suspected of sticking at s if it has not been proved to pass the signal 3. Or, simply it is a suspected path. Theorem 3.15 If every s-sensitizible suspected path of a com- binational circuit is tested to pass 5, and every 3- unsensitizible suspected path is tested for possible E-type multiple faults, the faults of the combinational circuit will be located down to equivalent faults. Proof: First an s-unsensitizible suspected path which does not include any multiple faults can be con- sidered as either sticking at g or as being able to pass 5 because of the fact it is not s-sensitizible within the given fault picture. After every s-sensitizible suspected 101 path has been tested to pass 5, and every s-unsensitizible suspected path has been tested for s-type multiple faults, the remaining s-unsensitizible paths can then be assigned as either sticking at s or passing 8. Hence every path is thus determined for its ability to pass both signals. All the maximal faulty subcircuits can then be identified and all the single faults are thus located. Multiple faults are of course identified during the process. Thus every type of faults is included in the process of testing every individual path. Different sets of the equivalent faults can result from the different assignments given to the s- unsensitizible paths. Q.E.D. Location of Single Faults Locating single faults is equivalent to identifying maximal faulty subcircuits. To do this, a set of input vectors must be found which detects a maximal faulty sub- circuit. A set of paths Pi of a combinational circuit is said to define a subcircuit Ci if Pi totally forms Ci except for the subpath between the output edge of C1 and the common trailing edge of Pi' The following theorem expresses the characteristics of a set of input vectors which detect a maximal faulty subcircuit. 102 Theorem 3.16 Given a maximal subcircuit Ci defined by a set of paths Pi with at least one p 5 Pi which is s-sensitizible within the existing fault picture, for a set of input vectors I to determine Ci as faulty of s-type, it must test for the failure of the signal s in propagating through every s-sensitizible path p. Proof: If Ci is faulty of s-type, then every p 6 Pi which is s-sensitizible cannot pass 5. Thus 5 cannot propagate even through one path of P. Since there exists at least one s-sensitizible path, I can be found. Q.E.D. The formation of such a set of input vectors is defined as follows. Definition 3.18 Given a maximal subcircuit Ci with the output edge ei and defined by a set of paths Pi with the trailing edge zi, Ci is suspected of being faulty of s—type. A fault sensitizing vector I for Ci' or 9i sensitizing vector is a set of input vectors which is composed as follows. 1. The subpath between ei and zi is sensitized by every i e I. Using part of C1 in the sensitization should be avoided if possible. 2. Every fan-out of different parities of C1 should be assigned all the different possible non- contradicting signal values resulting in several different input vectors for I. 103 3. The rest of Ci is s-maximally assigned. For example, given the fault f x s-a-l in l' 1 Figure 3.4, for the fault £17: el7 s-a-O, a C17 sensi- tizing set would include two input vectors I = {(d, l, l, 1, l), (d, 1, 1, 0, 1)}. Notice that d can assume any value because of f1 and x4 is assigned both values due to the fan-out of different parities. It is not hard to see that such a set of input vectors will detect a maximal faulty subcircuit. The main point is that the subcircuit is applied with all possible input vectors to cause its output edge to assume the signal value 5 in order to disprove its sticking at E. If at least one input vector of I causes the corresponding output edge to assume 3, then Ci is not faulty of s-type and the smaller subcircuits within Ci faulty of the same type will have to be tested similarly. Location of Multiple Faults and Multiple Paths After every s-sensitizible path of the combina- tional circuit has been determined in passing both signals, those paths which are s-unsensitizible given the proved faults can be combined in locating multiple faults. Since multiple faults are formed through the mutual sensitization of a set of uncovered undetectable faults, input vectors must be formed which cause these undetectable faults to propagate and meet at some gate where they 104 mutually sensitize one another. For this to happen, the faults must all be sensitizing to the gate at which they meet and each is sensitized to propagate through the gate. A multiple fault occurs only on a set of paths called a multiple path. Definition 3.19 An s—sensitizible multiplegpath is a set of paths Pi' each of which is to be tested to pass 5, pi, and it has the following characteristics. 1. Every pj 8 Pi is s-unsensitizible, 2. There exists a set of logical gates G on Pi such that at least two paths of Pi meet at each 9 e G. Further the set G is such that the s-type signal propagating through paths of Pi is dominant to G, 3. Pi is s-sensitizible, i.e., every pj 8 Pi is s- sensitizible except for those sensitizing edges belonging to other paths of Pi' These edges will assume the dominant value 5, and feed the logical gates of G, 4. No subset of Pi has the above characteristics. The following theorem finds the locations of multiple faults. Theorem 3.17 An s-type multiple fault occurs only on an s- sensitizible multiple path Pi' 105 Proof: Let Pi be the set on which f occurs. Since f is multiple and of s-type, so each p 6 Pi is s- unsensitizible. In order for £1, fj e f to sensitize each other, 5 must be sensitizing to the gate g s G where the corresponding two paths Pi and Pj of Pi meet. Hence s is dominant to 9. Also in order for f to be sensitized, Pi must be s-sensitizible. Finally since f should not include another multiple fault, hence Pi should not include another multiple path. Q.E.D. During the diagnosis process, it should not be too complicated in identifying multiple paths. Because usually multiple paths are formed from fan-out paths due to the fact that unsensitizibility is caused by fan—outs. x s-a-O and f : e 1‘ 1 12 s-a-l in Figure 3.4, the two paths p2 = x2, For example with the faults f 12 810' e18' z and p3 = e e 2 become a multiple path and 19' £18: e18 s-a-l and £11: ell A multiple fault sensitizing input vector which s-sensitizes x2' 911' 16' s-a-l become a multiple fault. the multiple path Pi will then detect the multiple fault f. Sensitization Involving Unsensitizible Critical Sensitizing Paths During the diagnosis process, it might occur that unsensitizible critical sensitizing paths have to be used in the sensitization of a suspected path. Being unsen- sitizible in passing the critical sensitizing values, 106 these critical sensitizing paths are not known to be able to provide the critical sensitizing values. However, it can be shown that the path to be s-sensitized for detecting s-type detectable faults on it can be considered as s- sensitizible by assuming that all the critical sensitizing paths are capable of providing the necessary critical sensitizing values even though they cannot be tested to pass the critical sensitizing values with the existing fault picture. This is proved in the following theorem. Theorem 3.18 Given a path p to be s-sensitized and a set of critical sensitizing paths Pu = {pi; i = l, ..., n} with the critical sensitizing values {si; i = l, ..., n} where si = 0 or 1. Each pi is si-unsensitizible. Further let pS/{pil, p32, ..., pin} and p is s-unsensitizible if any pi e Pu is not used as a critical sensitizing path. Then p is s-sensitizible and hence the s—type faults on it are detectable iff every pi E Pu is capable of providing the corresponding critical sensitizing value. Proof: If pi e Pu passes 81' then p is s-sensitized as the critical sensitizing values are provided. If the s-type faults on p are detectable, then p is s-sensitized which implies every pi provides the necessary critical sensitizing value otherwise p becomes s-unsensitizible because pS/{pil, p32, ..., pin} and every pii is needed. Q.E.D. 107 Thus p is s-sensitizible only by assuming every unsensitizible critical sensitizing path as capable of providing the critical sensitizing value. Outlines of the Diagnosis Process In addition to actually determining the suspected paths to be faulty or fault—free, some of the suspected paths can be indirectly determined through the determina- tion of other related suspected paths. A suspected path is said to be confirmed if it is proved to be faulty of the suspected faults. It is said to be disproved if it is proved to be free of the suspected faults. It is determined if it is either confirmed or disproved. Suspected paths can be determined with fault sen- sitizing vectors. For suspected paths to be indirectly determined, the following operation is defined. The indirect determination of suspected paths includes 1. If a set of paths was s-maximally sensitized and found faulty of s-type, then if all paths of the set except one are disproved of s-type faults, the remaining path is indirectly confirmed faulty of s-type. 2. If a set of paths was s-non—maximally sensitized and found faulty of E-type, then if all paths of the set except one are disproved of s-type faults and the dependence set is proved able to pass the 108 critical sensitizing values, the remaining path is indirectly confirmed faulty of s—type. 3. If a set of paths was s-non-maximally sensitized and found free of s-type faults, then if its dependence set is proved able to pass the critical sensitizing values, the set is indirectly disproved faulty of s-type. 4. If a subcircuit was s-sensitized and found faulty of s-type, then if all of its dependence sets are proved able to pass the critical sensitizing values, the set of paths defining the subcircuit is indirectly confirmed faulty of s-type. According to their capabilities in passing the signals, the paths of the combinational circuit can be divided into four sets during the fault diagnosis process. They are the disproved or good set PG' the confirmed or bad set P the suspected set PS and the unsensitizible set BI P A diagnosis process is then to establish the set of u. faults F by completely establishing the set PB. This is done in the following steps. 1. Reduce P to null by determining and assigning 8 every p: 6 PS to one of the other three path sets. 2. Find faulty multiple paths from PU and include them in PB. 3. Assign every p: e PU which remains to either PG or PB without creating any new faults for the circuit. And finally 109 4. Establish F from PB. The process can be graphically represented as in Figure 3.7. 3.5.2 The Path Checking Fault Diagnosis Algorithm The basis of the diagnosis algorithm is derived from the results of a detection test. It consists of the P P and P as obtained in the following four sets P B' U S G' way. Given a combinational circuit C with the set of paths P and tested with a detection test t, the basis of the diagnosis algorithm is formed as follows. 1. Include every pi e P as p: in PG if pi is s- maximally sensitized with some i s t which detects no suspected faults. 2. Include every pi e P as p: in PG which is indirectly disproved of sticking at s. 3. Include every pi e P as p: in PB which is indirectly confirmed of sticking at E. 4. Include every pi e P as p: in PU which is s— unsensitizible with the results of the first three steps. 5. Include the remaining paths of P as p: in P for the appropriate s. Given a no-output combinational circuit C with the set of paths P and no constituent circuits Czi' liiinor and tested with a fault detection test t. C is faulty 110 A A / "U c: Step 1 1 Step 2 Step 3 O .I O O Step 4 Fig. 3.7.--Graphical representation process. 4 w of the diagnosis with the resulting diagnosis basis B = {P 111 G' PB' PU' PS}' A fault diagnosis algorithm to locate all the detectable single and multiple faults, the set of faults F, is pre- sented A. as follows. For each C2 of C, find a set of s-sensitizible i paths P: e P which, except for the s- S unsensitizible subpaths of a subcircuit Ci' define Ci' If no such P: exists, then find such a set P: which depends on P for critical sensitizing U paths. Notice that s = 0 or 1. Form a set of Ci-sensitizing input vectors Ii for each Ci' Form a set of maximal compatible vectors IC from the sets Ii's formed in B. The undetermined entries in each i 5 IC can be arbitrarily assigned. Apply IC to C. If Ci is known to be s-sensitized with Ic' then if Ci is found faulty of s-type move P: to P or if Ci is found free of s-type BI faults and Ci is defined by one path only, move P: to P Otherwise mark Ci as tested. GI Move every p: from PS to either PG or PB if it is thus indirectly determined. Move p: to PU if p is caused s-unsensitizible within the existing fault picture. Repeat A through E until all maximal faulty sub- circuits have been tested. A subcircuit previously 112 tested should not be chosen in Step A. Move the remaining PS to PU. G. Test every s-sensitizible multiple path P: e PU for multiple faults. If multiple faults are detected, remove P: from PU and include it in PB. H. Remove any one P: e PU to either PG or PB. 1. Remove every p: e PU to either PG or PE if it is thus indirectly determined. J. Repeat H and I until PU is reduced to null. K. For every P: = {p:; lfijini} in PB defining a maximal faulty subcircuit Ci of s-type, with the output edge ei include fi: ei s-a-s in F. If fi propagates down some path and stops at ej assuming the signal value 5', then instead of fi' include f.: ej s—a-s' in F. In this case fi is equivalent 3 to fj' Remove P: from PB. Since even one pS can define a maximal faulty subcircuit, so P is thus B reduced to null. The validity and convergence of the algorithm is proved in the following theorem. Theorem 3.19 The path checking fault diagnosis algorithm will locate all the detectable single and multiple faults of a combinational circuit C in a finite number of steps. Proof: Every s-sensitizible path ps 8 P is S included in either PG or PB only if it is so determined. 113 Otherwise it is always included into P And every 3— U. sensitizible multiple path P: s PU is included in PB if it is thus identified. Hence the remaining pi's e PU are 5- unsensitizible and thus their assignments as done in the algorithm do not introduce additional faults and thus do not affect the original fault picture. So every path of C is being determined for its sensitizibility, including sensitizibility through faults providing the sensitizing values (multiple paths), all the faults, single and multi- ple, can be thus identified. Since in identifying maximal faulty subcircuits, the algorithm moves from the outputs of the circuit towards the inputs of the circuit and each maximal faulty subcircuit is tested at most once, the algorithm will terminate in a finite number of steps. Q.E.D. 3.5.3 An Example Example 3.7 Continuing with the results of Example 3.6, one finds the basis as 1}, P={11100111 G p2 ' p3 ' p4 ' P4 ' ps ' p7 ' Pa ' p9 ' p10 _ 0 0 0 l l 0 0 0 0 PS ’ {pl I P2 I p3 I pl I p5 I p6 I P7 I p8 I p9 I 0 1} p10 I p6 I 114 To apply the algorithm, there are six maximal faulty subcircuits from P as follows, S o _ o o . . P18 - {pl , p2 }, defining C18’ "U II 0 . . 3 {p3 }, defining C9, {p11}, defining C "U ll 1' '6 ll 1 . . 5 {p5 }, defining C3, 0 _ o o o o 022 — {p6 . p7 . Pa . p9 . P10 } and {p61}, defining C "U ll 5. . 0 0 l 0 l 1 1 For C21, Since {p1 , p2 }/{p5 }, {p3 }/{p1 }, {p1 }/{p5 }, and {p51}/{p40}, so {p51} should be chosen first because p40 e P . The maximal faulty subcircuit for C22 is 022. G The C3-sensitizing input vector to test p5l is I = {i l }= (OIOIlIlIII)° 19 For C22, the 0-type sensitizing set is I2 = {120' 121}' 120 = (IIIOIOIOI0)I i21 (...0,0,1.0)- Since they are not compatible, the blank entries can be arbitrarily assigned. Applying the sensitizing input 115 vectors to C, one finds both P5 and C22 faulty. That is p5 cannot pass 1 and every path of C22 fails to pass 0. The updated basis becomes P : unchanged, G P5 = {P10' P20' p30' Pil}' PB = {p51’ 960' 980' p90, p100}, PU = {p61}. where p6 becomes l-unsensitizible due to {p61}/{p70; P100}' 0: the set p5, {p10, p20}/{p51}, {p11}/{p51}, so these two subcircuits also become O-unsensitizible and 1- unsensitizible respectively. But since {p30}/{p11}, so p1 can be assumed to be capable of providing the critical sensitizing value 1. The 0-type P3-sensitizing vector is then I3 = {izz} = (1,0,0’0"')o Applying 122 to C, one gets 21 = 0 detecting no faults. Thus p3 also becomes O—unsensitizible and PS is to be all included in PU. 0 0 0 1 1 PU = {P1 I P2 I P3 I p1 I p6 } From this, the following O-sensitizible multiple paths are formed. 116 Pm1 = {91' 92} The input vector iml = (0,0,0,1,..) testing P31 detecting no multiple faults. The same input vector also tests p32 for multiple faults. Thus PU is unchanged. Different assignments for PU will result in different sets of equivalent faults. For C22, it is clear that C22 sticks at 1 which is equivalent to {f5, f7, fll}. If one includes PU in PG, only detectable fault which is equivalent to {f1, f9, f3, then pS failing to pass 1, i.e., f3, will be the £5}. 3.6 Characteristics of the Method as Applied to Combinational Circuits In reviewing and comparing the path checking method, as it is applied to combinational circuits, to the other methods included in Chapter II, the following character- istics concerning this method are observed. First, the main differences between this method and the other methods are that in this method no assump— tions about the existence of certain faults are made in developing the tests, and that every path of the combina- tional circuit is guaranteed to be sensitized if possible ‘with the tests formed from this method. For example, Roth's Inethod [35] assumes the existence of some certain faults in order to formulate tests for that faults. Chang's 117 method, even though employing, in effect, path sensitiza- tion, does not require that the paths be maximally sensi- tized when possible. While, with the path checking method, every path of the combinational circuit is either maximally sensitized or truly sensitized to achieve actual sensiti- zation. Second, as a result of the emphasis on actual sensitization, every test from this method carries detection as well as diagnosis information and the detection test serves partial diagnosis functions. Third, during the fault detection and diagnosis process with this method, the approximate faulty areas of the circuit are clearly defined at each stage of the pro- cess. This will prove very useful in fault analysis of integrated circuits. Fourth, this method can be extended to cover com- binational circuits which include EXCLUSIVE OR gates. Since every signal value is sensitizing to these gates, to actually sensitize a path containing such gates, every edge feeding such a gate and incident on the path should assume the same signal value, in the sensitization of this path, throughout a detection test. Thus the maximal compatibility procedures have to be modified to achieve 'this requirement. Fifth, this method can be extended to cover com- binational circuits which include redundant circuitry. By 118 employing the concept of "multiple paths" as presented in this chapter, unsensitizible and partially sensitizible paths in such circuits can be incorporated into the path checking method. Finally, the path checking method can also be applied to sequential circuits as will be discussed in the next chapter. CHAPTER IV FAULT DETECTION AND DIAGNOSIS OF SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS BY THE PATH CHECKING METHOD From the path point of view, the fault analysis of sequential circuits can be regarded as an extension of the fault analysis of combinational circuits. This is evident if one treats the feedback lines of a sequential circuit as "connectors" of the paths found in the combinational portion of the sequential circuit. Thus instead of paths, the analysis will involve sequences of paths with each path sequence beginning with a circuit input edge and ending with a circuit output edge. The main approach used in the analysis is to study the combinational portion of the sequential circuit. To do this, every path of the "embedded" combinational circuit should be included in some path sequence checked in order for the path to be checked. Thus the path sequences of a sequential circuit covered in a fault analysis should cover all the paths of its com- binational portion. Further, fault detection and diagnosis of sequential circuits involve a more complicated process 119 120 as well as some additional considerations that are unique to sequential circuits. One of the requirements that confronts the fault detection and diagnosis of sequential circuits is "syn- chronization" of the feedback lines. Synchronization pro- vides the necessary control over the feedback signals so as to correctly sensitize the path sequences of the cir- cuits. Another requirement before a fault analysis is undertaken is to guide the sequential circuits to some known state. This initial procedure is necessary in order to correctly interpret the test results and to accurately detect and locate the faults in the circuits. This chapter is devoted to the fault analysis of sequential circuits. As in the previous chapter, the analysis is divided into two parts: fault detection and fault diagnosis. In addition to the synchronization requirement, the limitations placed on the types of cir- cuits, faults and logical elements of sequential circuits considered are identical to that of combinational circuits. In this case, every path should be embedded in at least one s-sensitizible path sequence. Also faults on feedback lines are included in this case. The basic concepts and approaches from the com- binational case are adopted and extended from the "path" viewpoint to the "path sequence" viewpoint to apply to 121 sequential circuits. Most of the nomenclature from the previous case is also adopted with the like modifications. 4.1 Some Network Properties of Sequential Circuits Just as a combinational circuit can be viewed as a set of interconnected paths, a sequential circuit can be considered as a set of interconnected path sequences. From this vieWpoint, the logical behavior of the sequential circuit can thus be interpreted in terms of signal propa- gation within this set. It is along this approach that the fault analysis of the sequential circuit proceeds. In this section, a brief discussion of some of the network properties from such a viewpoint is presented. A sequential circuit with all its feedback lines disconnected reduces to a combinational circuit. The com- binational circuit thus obtained has all of the network properties as discussed in Chapter III. The combinational circuit obtained from disconnect- ing all of the feedback lines of a sequential circuit will be called the associated combinational circuit of the sequential circuit. With all of its feedback lines mathe- matically disconnected, it becomes clear that all the given stuck-at type faults of a sequential circuit can be com— pletely translated into faults of its associated combina- tional circuit. Hence the logical starting point in fault 122 analyzing a sequential circuit is to check every path of its associated combinational circuit. When the terminology defined in Chapter III for combinational circuits is used in this chapter in connection with a sequential circuit, it will he meant to refer to its associated combinational circuit. Thus a path of a sequential circuit will be used to mean a path of its associated combinational circuit. Consider a sequential circuit C with n input edges x1, liijn, m output edges, zj, lijim, g state input edges (present state variables), yk, likiq, q state output edges (next state variables), y'k, likiq, and the set of n P paths P = pi; liiinp , a path sequence and a subpath seguence of C are defined as follows. Definition 4.1 A path sequence ps = 21, £2, ..., 2p, of C is a sequence of paths of C such that 1. l the leading path, contains an input edge of 1: C as its leading edge, 2. 2 , the trailing path, contains an output edge of C as its trailing edge, and 3. li and £i+l' a state output edge y' of C as its trailing edge liiip-l, are such that 2i contains and £i+l contains the state input edge y, which is connected to y' through a feedback line, as its leading edge. 123 A subpath seguence psS of C is a section of a path sequence ps such that psS includes either the leading edge or the trailing edge of ps or a middle section of ps. Thus a path sequence of a sequential circuit is a sequence of paths which starts with an input edge and ends with an output edge of the circuit, with the paths in between connected by feedback lines. A path sequence thus defined needs not be of finite length. To check a path of a sequential circuit, it must be embedded in a path sequence so that it can be tested to pass signals which propagate from the input edges, through the paths, to the output edges of the circuit. Theorem 4.1 For every path of a sequential circuit, there exists at least one path sequence which contains it. Proof: A path which is not part of any path sequence is either not accessible from the inputs of the sequential circuit or signals passing through it will never reach the outputs of the sequential circuit. Hence such a path serves no logical functions at all and thus need not be considered as part of the circuit. Q.E.D. Analogous to the combinational case, partial cir- cuits and constituent circuits can also be defined on sequential circuits. 124 Definition 4.2 A partial circuit of a sequential circuit C con- sists of a set of path sequences of C which share a cir— cuit output edge of C as their common trailing edge of their trailing paths. Definition 4.3 A constituent circuit of C consists of the set of all path sequences which share a circuit output edge as their common trailing edge of their trailing paths. For a path p of a sequential circuit, there can be infinite number of path sequences which contain it, con- sidering the fact that there may exist a path within the path sequence which can be infinitely repeated within the sequence. Thus, of the set of all possible path sequences which contain p, there exists a subset which is of interest in checking p. Such a subset is called the set of minimal path sequences of p. Definition 4.4 A minimal path sequence ps of a path p of a sequen- tial circuit C is a path sequence which satisfies these two conditions. 1. It contains p. 2. It cannot qualify as a path sequence if any path(s) are deleted from it. 125 The set of minimal path seguences of p is the set of path sequences consisting of all the minimal path sequences of p. Examples of these definitions are illustrated in the following example. Example 4.1 For the sequential circuit C of Figure 4.1, there are nine paths. P = {pi; p1 = x1. x1, p2 = X1' p3 = X2' X2, P4 = X3I P5 = Y4: Y4I P6 = Y4: Y4: 131:9} e e or 7' 14’ e I e 14' Y 4 7. e8' 913' Y's 14' 1 914' Y'4 elO' e14' e9' e10' 814' 15' e9' 911' 11' 15' 126 f s-a-OI e 2 x2 2 A $ 14 fig 1 x 3 e3 I e10 Y 4 y4 e9 y5 : e11 e z e 15 2 Y6 [:>c>—f s-a-O 12 . Y 5 e f 13 _ - 4 l:>[: ‘_, f6 s a l 1 >_—_———T s-a- 11 1.3 ’E# Y's f5 f*‘” Fig. 4.l.--A sequential circuit for Example 4.1. The set The set The set 127 p7 = Ys' e9' 910' e14' 21 or I Ys' e9' e10' e14' Y 4 P8 = Ys' e9' 911' e15' 22 or I Ys' e9' e11' 915' Y 5 Y6' 912' e5' Y's of minimal path sequences PS9 of p9 is PS9 = {p591, p892}. P391 = P2: P9: ps92 = p4' p9’ of minimal path sequences P88 of p8 is P88 = {9581' ps82' ps83' P584}' p881 = P1: P6: P8: P582 = P2: P9: P8: ps83 = p3' p6' p8' ps84 = p4' p9' p8' of minimal path sequences PS6 of p6 is P56 = {ps61' pS62' pS63' P564}' 128 9361 = 91' 96. P362 = P2: P9: P7: P6! p863 = p2! p6! P364 = P4: ng P7, p60 9, PS Thus, PS and PS can be combined to form a partial 8' 6 circuit. A subpath sequence psS = p2, y6 can be formed from p391 and consists of a leading section of p391. 4.2 Path and Path Sequence Sensitization of Sequential Circuits As was stated earlier in this chapter, the fault analysis of sequential circuits is in essence an extension of the fault analysis of combinational circuits; whereas one was concerned with path checking in the former case, he has to deal with path sequence checking in the latter. As a matter of fact, it can be said that the analyst is confronted with the same problems in both cases except that the problems are formulated either in terms of paths or path sequences. 4.2.1 Sensitizing a Path and a Path Sequence In order for a path of a sequential circuit to be checked, it must be embedded in a path sequence and the path sequence must be sensitized to pass the signals. If 129 a path sequence consists of more than one path, then the signals have to prOpagate through its sequence of paths to reach an output edge of the circuit from an input edge of the circuit. To do this an initial state and a series of input vectors to the circuit have to be found so that the path sequence is sensitized all the way to pass its testing signals. The point thus becomes clear that the feedback lines of the sequential circuit have to be synchronized to ensure this requirement. Definition 4.5 A path sequence ps = pl, p2, ..., pn of a sequential circuit C is sensitized with a sequence of input vectors, is = il, i2, ..., in, applied to C starting from state s1, if p1, p2, ..., pn are sequentially sensitized with the input-state vectors (i1, 51), (12, $2), ..., (in' sn), where si = T (Si-1' 1i_l), 2:13p. The definitions for signal propagation through a path sequence, a path sequence passing an s-type signal, a path sequence tested to pass 3, pss, and a path sequence checked would be similarly defined as a path in Chapter III. The only difference is that, in this case, one deals with a set of paths in a sequential order. Also a path sequence being s-sensitizible or s-unsensitizible are similarly defined. 130 The main point that one is concerned with, however, is that a path of a sequential circuit must be sensitizible in order for it to be checked. Definition 4.6 A path p of a sequential circuit is sensitized if it is embedded in a path sequence ps which is sensitized. p passes an s-type signal if ps passes an s-type signal. p is tested to pass 5 if ps is tested to pass 8. p is tested if ps is tested to pass both signals and checked if ps passes both signals. A path of a sequential circuit being s-sensitizible, s-unsensitizible, sensitizible or partially sensitizible are defined as in Chapter III but based on the above definition. The set of minimal path sequences of a path p needs not contain all the s-sensitizible path sequences that one has to consider in checking p. A minimal path sequence of p may be s-unsensitizible. In this case, it can be, but not necessarily, expanded by inserting paths in it to make it s-sensitizible. The resulting s-sensitizible path sequences will be called expanded minimal path sequences and will take the place of the original minimal path sequence. For example, the minimal path sequence p581 = p1, p6, p8 of p8 in Example 4.1 is not 1-sensitizible. This is because in l-sensitizing p1, then p6 becomes 131 l—unsensitizible. Thus one can insert p5 into ps81 . . , = . . _ . . . resulting in ps 81 pl, p5, p6, p8 which is 1 senSitizible. The set of path sequences of p and the set of path sequences of C that are all one has to consider in fault analysis of C are defined as follows. Definition 4.7 The set ofgpath sequences of a path p of a sequen- tial circuit C is a set of path sequences PS which is formed as follows. 1. Include the set of minimal path sequences of p in PS. 2. If ps 6 P8 is s-unsensitizible (s = 0 or 1), include its s-sensitizible expanded minimal path sequences in PS. 3. If, after step 2 is done for all minimal path sequences, ps 6 PS is unsensitizible, delete ps from PS. The set of path sequences of C is the union of the sets of path sequences of all the paths of C. The following theorem shows the value of the set of path sequences of C. Theorem 4.2 The set of path sequences PS of a sequential cir- cuit C consists of all the s-sensitizible path sequences of minimal length (no portions can be deleted). 132 Proof: From Definition 4.7, it is clear that every s-sensitizible path sequence of minimal length is included in PS. Also every ps 8 PS is s-sensitizible for some 8 as required by the definition. Q.E.D. For the remaining portion of this chapter, whenever a path sequence is referred, it will belong to the set of path sequences of the sequential circuit. As with combinational circuits, the reconvergence of path sequences can cause some paths of a sequential circuit to be partially sensitizible or completely unsen- sitizible. This can happen even though the associated combinational circuit has all its paths sensitizible. 4.2.2 Unsensitizible Paths in Sequential Circuits If a path of a sequential circuit is s- unsensitizible, then there is at least one edge on the path at which an s-type fault is undetectable. These edges thus represent redundancy. Consider, for example, the sequential circuit in Figure 4.2. In this circuit, every path sequence con- taining the path p7 = y4, e10, e12, y'4 cannot be sen- sitized to pass 0. This is because whenever p7 is sensi- tized to pass 0, the other fan-out path p6 = y4, e9, e z 11' is also sensitized to pass 0 which in turn causes y3 to assume 0 preventing the succeeding path p6 of the path sequence being considered from being sensitized. Thus the 133 N .mmoamsvom sand manwufiuflmcmmcs madmwuumm mcfisflmucoo uwsouwo Hmfiusosvmm <11.m.v .mwm 4 Q NH Ha 134 edge e , which is found on p7 only, sticking at 1 is unde- 10 tectable. In this case, the fan-outs on the edge y4 recon- verge, after the feedback lines, at the logical element G1. As with the combination case, a sequential circuit with all paths sensitizible can be derived from any given sequential circuit containing partially sensitizible or unsensitizible paths. A path of a sequential circuit is s-sensitizible if it can be embedded in at least one s- sensitizible path sequence. It is s-unsensitizible if no such path sequences can be found. The following theorems are useful in determining if a sequential circuit has all its paths sensitizible. Theorem 4.3 A sequential circuit C will have all of its paths sensitizible iff for every path pi of C, there exist at least two path sequences psj, psk (they can be the same path sequence), of the set of path sequences PSi of pi such that psj is s-sensitizible and psk is s-sensitizible. Proof: If C has all its paths sensitizible, then psj and psk can be found. Since PSi contains all the s- sensitizible and s-sensitizible path sequences containing p1 hence psj and psk are included in PSi. On the other hand, if not one ps a PS1 is s-sensitizible or E- sensitizible, then clearly pi is not sensitizible. Q.E.D. The elimination of partially sensitizible and unsensitizible paths will not alter the logical behavior 135 of the sequential circuit. This is proved in the following theorem. Theorem 4.4 For every sequential circuit in which not every path is sensitizible, there exists a sequential circuit with all paths sensitizible which realizes the same logical behavior. Proof: The proof is similar to that of Theorem 3.2. Given a sequential circuit C1 with partially or unsensi- tizible paths, another sequential circuit C2 with all paths sensitizible will be built from C by removing all 1 paths which are s-unsensitizible (s = 0 or 1). Since Cl contains s-unsensitizible paths, find a path pi such that all paths of its set of path sequences PSi are 3- unsensitizible. The rest of the proof is similar to that of Theorem 3.2 if one focuses his attention on the associ- ated combinational circuit of C1. Q.E.D. For example, the path p7 of the circuit C of Figure 4.2 is O-unsensitizible. The set of path sequences PS7 of p7 includes ps71 = 92' 97' p6' P372 = p4! P7I p6' both being O-unsensitizible where ._ I 92 ‘ x1' e6' 912' Y 4' P4 = x2' e8' Y'4' P6 ‘ Y4' e9' 911' z' I P7 ‘ Y4' 910' 812' Y 4- Of p7, the edge e10 is not shared by any other paths of C. Thus e10 s-a-l is undetectable. Removing both e and the 10 resulting redundant gate G2 from C results in C2 with all paths sensitizible as shown in Figure 4.3. 4.2.3 Maximal and True Sensitization of Path Sequences The sensitization of a path sequence is defined in terms of the sensitization of its consisting paths. Thus the maximal and true sensitization of a path sequence will be expressed in a similar way. However, in defining the maximal and true sensitization of a path sequence, one must consider, in addition to path-wise maximal sensiti- zation, the maximal sensitization of the whole path sequence which in turn, requires the maximal assignment of all the strictly sensitizing sequential subcircuits. For example, to sensitize ps = p4, p6 of the cir- cuit of Figure 4.3, the sensitizing edge y3 must assume 1 in sensitizing p6, which in turn implies the sequential subcircuit Cy3 must be l-maximally assigned, along with 137 X e 1 5 f X e _—__f\ e 2 7 433/ 10 T2 e 9 Y 3 11‘ G ____. 1 ' Y4 e6 A A I x1' 65' e10' z °r “1' 65' e10' Y 3 '0 F: H 'U n: u x1' e6' Y'4 p3 ‘ x2' e7' 610’ z °r x2' e7' 910' y'3 P4 = x2' e3' Y'4 95 = y3' e9' e10' z °r y3' e9' elO' y'3 p6 ‘ Y4' e9' 610' z °r Y4' e9' e10' y'3 i = (OIO) = (xlIx2)I 11 = (0'1)! i2 (1'0)! 13 (lIl) so = (0,0) = (Y3IY4)I 31 = (011)! 32 ‘ (1'0)! 33 (III) Fig. 4.3.—-A sequential circuit with all paths sensitizible. 138 the sensitization of p4, in order for ps to be maximally sensitized. Definition 4.8 Given a path sequence ps = pl, p2, ..., pn of a sequential circuit C, sensitized with a sequence of input- state vectors to C, is = v1, v2, ..., vn, a sequential subcircuit Ce, with the output edge e incident on pi, lsisn, consists of a set of subpath sequences and/or sections of path sequences all with the common trailing edge e. The sequential subcircuit is formed as follows, starting from e proceeding towards the leading edges of the consisting subpath sequences or sections of path sequences. 1. Include the subcircuit with the output edge e, of the associated combinational circuit of C, in Ce' 2. If Ce includes a state input edge y, then Ce should be extended to cover the constituent cir- cuit Cy, of the associated combinational circuit. 3. Repeat 2 to correspond to pi_1, pi_2, ... p2, p1. Thus for the example above, the incident sequential subcircuit Cy3 incident on p4, in the sensitization of ps is CY3 = {pll Y3; p3! Y3; pSI Y3; p6! Y3}’ 139 The maximal assignment of a sequential subcircuit will be similarly defined as a subcircuit in a combina- tional circuit. With this, the maximal sensitization of a path sequence can be readily defined. Definition 4.9 A path sequence ps = pl, p2, ..., pn is s-maximally sensitized, if every pi, lsispn is s-maximally sensitized and every strictly sensitizing sequential subcircuit is E- maximally assigned. It is s—maximally sensitizible if this is possible. It is maximally sensitizible if it is possible for both values of s. If a path sequence is to be s-sensitized, but is not s-maximally sensitizible, then, as in the combinational case, s-true sensitization should be sought instead. In this situation, as in the combinational case, at least one subpath sequence for every s-non-maximally assigned sen- sitizing sequential subcircuit must be included in some s-maximally sensitizible path sequence in order to attain s-true sensitization for the path sequence in question. Such a path sequence is called a critical sensitizing path sequence, with s as its critical sensitizing value, as in the combinational case. In this way, the s-sensitization of a path sequence ps, is said to depend on its critical sensitizing path sequences, psi, ps., etc., being able to 3 pass their corresponding critical sensitizing values, 31’ 140 Sj' ..., in order for ps to be actually sensitized to pass 3. This is expressed in notation as follows. . . s 51 . sj . is. ps /{(Ci' psi ), (Cj, psj ), ....}, where is is the sequence of input-state vectors used to sensitize ps to pass 3, C1 is the non-maximally assigned sensitizing sequential subcircuit corresponding to pi, etc. If confusion will not thus occur, isJ Ci and C. will be omitted. If a path sequence ps is defined to be s-maximally sensitized of nth order with a sequence of input-state vectors, is! within a set of sequences of input-state vectors, IS, as in Definition 3.12, the s-true sensiti- zation of ps can be defined as follows. Definition 4.10 A path sequence ps is said to be s-truly sensitized with a sequence of input-state vectors is! and within a set of sequences of input-state vectors IS, if there exists a number n such that ps is s-maximally sensitized of nth order with is, and within IS. Example 4.2 The circuit C of Figure 4.3 will be used to illus- trate these definitions. The path sequence ps4 = p4, p6 is l-maximally sensitized with isI = i3, 10 applied to C in state s3. The path sequence ps2 = p2, p6 is not 141 l-maximally sensitized with is.2 = 10, 10 applied to C in state 53 since the sequential subcircuit Cy3 is not 1- maximally assigned. The critical sensitizing path sequence section is p5, y3 or p6, y3 with the critical sensitizing value of l. The path sequence ps52 = p3, p5 is l-maximally sensitized withis52 = '1, 10 applied to C in so. Thus with ps4, p552 l-maximally sensitized, ps2 is l-truly sensitized with isz and within (i3, 53), (i0, 33), (i1, so), (io, 53), with which ps4 and p352 are l-maximally sensitized respectively. The maximal and true sensitization of a path of a sequential circuit are defined in terms of its embedding path sequence. Definition 4.11 A path p of a sequential circuit is s-maximally sensitizible if at least one path of its set of path sequences PS is s-maximally sensitizible, otherwise it is s-non-maximally sensitizible. If p is s-non-maximally sensitizible, then it is s-truly sensitizible if at least one path of PS is s-truly sensitizible. The question of s-true sensitizibility of the s-non-maximally sensitizible paths of a sequential circuit also arises in connection with its fault analysis. As in the combinational case, every s-non-maximally sensitizible path is s-truly sensi- tizible. 142 Theorem 4.5 In a sequential circuit with every path sensi- tizible, every s-non-maximally sensitizible path is s- truly sensitizible. Proof: The proof is similar to that of Theorem 3.5. If there existed a path which was not s-truly sensitizible, then since none of its set of path sequences is s-maximally sensitizible, there could exist a set of undetectable faults in contradiction to the assumption that every path of the circuit is sensitizible. And the assumption causes at least one detectable fault if the circuit is faulty. Q.E.D. 4.3 Faults of Sequential Circuits Faults in sequential circuits will be analyzed and interpreted, as in combinational circuits, in terms of path sequence checking. Thus by determining the ability of the path sequences in passing both signals, faults in the sequential circuit can be detected down to equivalent faults. The basic approach used in studying faults of a sequential circuit is the same as that used for a combina- tional circuit, with the path sequences taking the place of paths. If a path sequence is actually sensitized and tested to pass both signals, it is free of stuck-at faults iff it is checked. The proof for this would be similar to that of Theorem 3.6 and is thus omitted. 143 The same types of faults, undetectable, single, multiple and equivalent faults, are also found in a sequential circuit. In addition, faults may occur on feedback lines. The definitions for Section 3.3 will also apply in this section with "paths" replaced by "path sequences" and "a combinational circuit" by "a sequential circuit." If a set of subpath sequences defines an s-type maximal faulty sequential subcircuit, then an s-type fault will occur at the output edge of such a subcircuit. Similar to Theorem 3.7, an s-type fault in a sequential circuit is single iff it occurs at the output edge of an s-type maximal faulty sequential subcircuit. The proof would be analogous. If an s-type maximal faulty sequential subcircuit has every subpath sequence s-unsensitizible, i.e., not one path sequence including it is s-sensitizible, then the s— type fault at its output edge is undetectable. Such unde- tectable faults might form multiple faults as in a com- binational circuit. Thus all the faults in a sequential circuit are identified, in the same way as in a combinational circuit, within the context of the set of path sequences selected for a test to cover all the paths of the sequential circuit. The following example will illustrate the different types of faults. 144 Example 4.3 Consider the sequential circuit of Figure 4.1. The fault f6:y'6 s-a-l will be a single fault caused by the two subpath sequences x1, e8, e13, y'6 and x3, y'6 sticking f f all 7’ 2' 12 :y'S s-a-l, will not be detectable because at 0 and 1 respectively. With the faults f s-a-O, then f5 y'4 cannot assume the sensitizing value 1 due to the fan- out at e9. Similarly, f4:y'4 s-a-l will not be detectable in the presence of f7, f2 and £12. However, f4 amd f5 collectively form a detectable multiple fault in the f and f . presence of f 2 12 7’ 4.4 Positioning the Sequential Circuits in a DesiredL_Known State Given a sequential circuit under test in a random and unknown state, it must first be initialized to some desirable and known state before a detection or diagnosis experiment can be performed on it. The positioning of the circuit in the desired state means applying a selected input sequence and observing the corresponding output sequence to ensure that the circuit has been correctly positioned. This section is devoted to designing such input sequences and additional procedures that are neces- sary to position the sequential circuit under test at some desirable and known state. The positioning procedure consists of two steps; the first step drives the circuit from some unknown state 145 to any known state from which the second step drives the circuit to a desirable state according to the state dia- gram of the circuit. Before one attempts to design a method of obtaining the positioning input sequences a couple of observations will be made. First, if the circuit under test is actu- ally faulty, then it might be possible that no input sequences will ever drive the circuit to the desired state. This, of course, will be indicated by the absence of the correct corresponding output sequences expected. In this case, the circuit in effect has been detected faulty. Second, if the circuit is initially in a state from which the desired state is unaccessible even though the circuit is fault-free, it is impossible then to drive the circuit to the desired state. For such circuits, fault detection and diagnosis are clearly confined to those states acces- sible from the starting state the circuit was in at the time of test. The basic idea used in the designing of the posi- tioning input sequences for the first step is to assign signal values to the state variables of the circuit, or, if impossible for some of the state variables, to find out the signal values they assume throughout this step. Thus the signal values of all the state variables, and thus the current state of the circuit are determined at the end of the application of such an input sequence. In order for 146 this to be possible, the state variables of the circuit should each be observable at the output edges. A state variable is observable at the output edges if there exists at least an input sequence such that, through the application of the input sequence, a subpath sequence starting with the state input edge of the state variable and ending with a circuit output edge is sensitized. It can be proved that every state variable of a sequential circuit is observable if every path of the sequential circuit is sensitizible. This is because unob- servable state variables will in no way contribute to the logical behavior of the circuit and hence are redundant. In addition to being observable, a state variable may also be controllable, which makes it possible for some signal value to be assigned to the state variable from the input edges of the circuit. A state variable is control- issis from the input edges if there exists at least an input sequence such that through the application of the input sequence, a subpath sequence starting with a circuit input edge and ending in the state input edge of the state variable is sensitized. Thus a state variable being con- trollable provides part of the logical function of intro- ducing some of the applied signal values to the memory of the circuit. Through the controllability and observability of its state variables, a sequential circuit can be 147 positioned in a known state regardless of the original state it assumed before the application of a positioning input sequence. The positioning input sequences, however, will be determined during the positioning process. Theorem 4.6 For every sequential circuit with all paths sen- sitizible, there exists at least one input sequence which drives the circuit to a known state from an unknown state. Proof: First, since all paths of the circuit are sensitizible, all state variables of the circuit are observable. Also at least one of the state variables is also controllable. Otherwise the circuit could not be sequential. Hence every state variable of the circuit will either be controlled or observed during the application of a selected input sequence which can be determined during the positioning process. Since the number of state vari- ables is finite, the signal values on all the state vari- ables can be determined with an input sequence of finite length. And thus at the end of the application of such an input sequence, the state of the circuit is known. Q.E.D. Design of Positioning Input Sequences A positioning input sequence consists of two parts, the known—state part and the desired-state part. To design the known-state part, first assign the signal variable si to the state variable yi for all the 148 state variables. Then whenever the value of yi is known, it is assigned to 51’ Then for every state variable not controllable, find the input sequence which causes it observable and assign the value to its signal variable. After all the state variable not controllable have thus been determined, the remaining undetermined variable can easily be determined since they are controllable. The known—state part will then consist of such input sequences. The desired—state part is then calculated from the state diagram of the circuit. The following example will help illustrate the procedure. Example 4.4 Consider the circuit C of Figure 4.4 with two state variables yl and y2. Clearly y2 is controllable while y1 is not. Because for all the possible assignments to x and Y2' the next state variable y'1 is still a function of yl. Thus there is no way to assign a signal value to yl. However, y1 is observable when y2 has a signal value of 1. Thus an input sequence of is = 1,1 will sensitize the path p = y1, ea, eb, 2. And at the end of is, 2 will have the signal value y1 assumed at the previous state of the cir- cuit. From this one can calculate the previous state, and thus the current state of the circuit. 149 .4.4 mamamxm mom aflsouflo Hanucmsvmm <1:.v.q .mwm AV Y AV v _1_1 NAI v! 150 4.5 Fault Detection of Sequential Circuits In this section, the design of detection tests and an algorithm for conducting the fault detection of sequen- tial circuits are presented. The results of such a detection test can be used for fault diagnosis as will be discussed in the next section. A faulty sequential circuit may also be detected, apart from a detection test, through the positioning pro- cedure to initialize the circuit in a starting state, when the expected output sequences are not obtained as a response to the positioning input sequences applied. In this'case the same diagnosis algorithm will also be used to locate the faults. The basic approach in designing and fault detecting a sequential circuit is to check every path of the sequen- tial circuit. This means that for every path of the sequen- tial circuit, there should be included in the test at least two path sequences (they may be the same) which contain the path and one of which is sensitized to pass 1 and the other sensitized to pass 0. Every path sequence should be either s-maximally sensitized or s-truly sensitized within the test. Another aspect in designing a detection test, that is unique to sequential circuits is the sequencing of the individual input-state vectors to form testing input sequences. This is necessary to provide for the 151 consistency of the present next state serving as the next current state throughout the testing sequences. 4.5.1 The Path Sequence Sensitization Table and Maximal Compatible Sets The whole procedure used in forming the Path Sequence Sensitization Table, PSST, and the MCS for a sequential circuit is similar to that of a combinational circuit; the main difference is that, instead of the paths, one is working with the path sequences of the sequential circuit. The MCS, from which a detection test is formed, is built from the PSST. The PSST is a table which includes all the path sequences of the sequential circuit. The Construction of the PSST Consider a sequential circuit C with ni input edges, nS state input edges, nO output edges and nS state output edges. The edges of C, including fan-out edges, are uniquely labelled. Let there be a total of ne edges which include the circuit input edges, the state input edges, the circuit output edges, the state output edges and the remaining edges of C. Let PS be the set of path sequences of C. } PS = {psi; lilinps The PSST consists of input-state vectors (input vector concatenated with state vector) each of which 152 sensitizes one or more paths of C. The PSST is formed as follows. 1. There are ne columns corresponding to the ne edges of C. For every path sequence ps E PS, there are two sets of rows to test ps pass 0 and l, denoted by ps0 and ps1 respectively. For a given set of rows corresponding to psis, assign the corresponding sensitizing values to edges incident on ps, 3 to edges on ps with even parity, E to edges on ps with odd parity between the edges and the trailing edge of ps. Enter signal values to edges which can be deter- mined through fan-outs, NOT gates and feedback lines. The input edges to OR gates whose output edges assuming 0 and the input edges to AND gates whose output edges assuming 1 can also be deter- mined. Except for the arrangement of the rows within it, the PSST thus formed is unique. The only edges assigned values on the PSST are those on the path sequences, those incident on the path sequences and those whose values are thus determined from the first two types of edges. An example illustrates the procedure. Example 4.5 153 Consider the sequential circuit C of Figure 4.5 with four circuit input edges, two circuit output edges and three state variable edges. edges and 15 paths. p1 X1' e14' 917' 21 p2 X1' 914' Y's p3 Xz' e8' 914' e17' 2 p4 X2' ea' e14' Y's 95 x2' e9' e15' e18' 2 p6 X2' 99' e15' y'7 p7 X3' e10' e15' 918' pa X3' e10' e15' Y 7 p9 X3' Y's p10 = x4' e16' 22 p11 7 Y5' 311' 912' e16' p12 = Ys' 811' e13' 21 p13 = Ye' e11' 912' e16' p14 = Ye' 911' 913' 21 There are a total of 23 154 f s-a-O x 1 ea x2————J» e9 6 I f J 10 €10 y! 1 x s-a-O 6 3 v f s-a-O 4 612 e y5 ell 13 I’D Y6 y-, y, Y' ‘--- 5 L ‘L 7 1* . Y 5 A 4 Z: ~4~ 4— Fig. 4.5.--The sequential circuit for Example 4.5. follows. The PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS 155 y7' 22 sets of path sequences of the paths are as = {psl} = p1 = {9521' p522} p821 = 92' p11 pS22 = p2' p12 = {ps3} = p3 = {9541' 9342} ps41 = p4' p11 ps42 = p4' p12 = {p85} = p5 = {p56} ps6 = p6' p15 = {ps7} = p7 = {p58} p88 = p8' p15 156 P89 = {9591' p592} pS91 = p9' p13 ps92 = p9' p14 PS10 = {9510} = p1o PS11 = {9321' 9341} PS12 = {9322' 9542} PSl3 = {p591} PSl4 = {p592} PS15 = {p56, p58} Thus there are a total of 13 path sequences, PS {psll p321! p522! ps3! p841! p842! p55! p36 p37' pSB' 9391' 9592' pSlO}' The PSST will be a table of 26 sets of rows, two sets for each path sequence passing both 0 and l, and 23 columns corresponding to the 23 edges of C. It is shown in Table 4.1. The Forming of the MCS The process used in forming the MCS from the PSST is somewhat different from that of the combinational case. This is due to the fact that within the same constituent Table 4.1.-'Tho PSST tor Ext-pl. 4.5. 1.55'7 I I 751% ’7 ‘1d'11 e12"13 .14.ISI.16°17‘.18]Y r01‘"? 0 0 901(5) 11 111101101011 1 1 9.1191) 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s° 1 0 1 o 921 1 0 1 1 o (p2.pn) 011 o 0 o 0 1 pin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (lep11) 111 1 1 1 1 0 pa” 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 (p°p°) 011 o 0 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 2'12 1 9-22 [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (132.912) 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ”30(1230) 11 1 1101101011 1 1 9.3“:3) 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ° 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 1 9'41 o (p‘ . 911 ) o 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 p.“ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (p‘.pu) 111 1 1 1 1 0 pg“, 1 o 1 o 1 0 1 1 (° °) 011 0 o 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 pa“ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (p‘.p12) 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 p.5°(p5) 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 o 1 o 1 o o 1 1 pas (ps) 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 o p. 0 0 o 0 0 6 (p6 . 915 ) 0 0 0 O 0 1 1 p06 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 (126.1215) 101 0 o 0 1 p370 (p70) 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 O 1 0 1 0 0 ”71(5) 11 111111 11111 p.80 0 o o o 0 0 (128.915) 00 0 o 0 1 1 p08 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 9191 o 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 p.91 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 p.92 0 1 1 1 0 0 (1:94:14) 10 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 p.92 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (129.54) 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 pom (p10) 1 0 o 0 o [2010(910) 1 o 0 o 1 158 circuit, there are path sequences of different lengths (number of paths). In forming the maximal compatible rows for the constituent circuits, only rows of the same order will be combined to form maximal compatible rows. Given a path sequence ps = pl, p2, ..., pn, the row pis; lsisn, will be called of (n - i + l)th order. Another point that needs attention is that in assigning signal values to the path sequences, the state input edge and state output edge of the same state variable should assume the same signal value at all times to ensure consistency of signal assign- ments for the path sequences. The first step in forming the MCS is to form the MCS for each of the constitient circuits. To do this, the rows of the first order of the path sequences belonging to the same constituent circuit are first considered in form- ing maximal compatible rows. Then if a set of path sequences PS whose rows of ith order form some maximal compatible row, the rows of (i + l)th order of PS only will be used further in forming maximal compatible rows. In this way, the path sequences of the same constituent circuit are considered in forming the MCS starting from the trailing paths working towards the leading paths. For example, for the constituent circuit C21 1 l l l 1 (Example 4.5) the rows pl (ps1 ), p7 (ps7 ), p14 1 l l l l (ps92 ), p12 (ps22 ) and p12 (ps42 ) of the PSST form a maximal compatible row (l,0,l,,l,l,l) = (x1, x2, x3, x4, 159 l and ps7 are of length l and p522, ps42 and p592 are of length 2. Thus 1 l y5, y6, y7). Of the path sequences, ps the rows p21 (pszzl), p4 (ps4zl) and p9 (psgzl) of 2nd order can only be considered further for forming maximal compatible rows. Of the three rows, p2l (pszzl) and p91 (psgzl) form a maximal compatible row (1,0,1,,,,) and p41 l (psgzl) form another maximal compatible (ps4zl) and pg row (0,1,1,,,,). In the second step, on the maximal compatible rows, the entries corresponding to the sequential subcircuits incident on the path sequences being sensitized are assigned values. These sequential subcircuits are assigned values as was done in the combinational case: maximally assigned if possible. For example, of the path sequences previously con- have all the entries corresponding to sidered, ps and ps 1 7 C21 assigned in the maximal compatible row (l,0,l,,l,l,l). For ps and ps with the rows (l,0,l,,,,), (l,0,l,,l,l,l), 22 92 all the sensitizing sequential subcircuits have also been assigned values. The sequential subcircuit incident on p2 (p322) is the subpath x2, e8 which has been assigned in (l,0,l,,,,). The sequential subcircuits incident on p12 (p522) are the subpath sequence x3, y'6, y6, the sequential subcircuits C817 and Cel8' The subpath sequence has been aSSigned Wlth (l,0,l,,,,) and Ce17 and Ce18 have been completely assigned with (l,0,l,,l,l,l). 160 Since it takes a sequence of maximal compatible rows to sensitize a path sequence of length larger than one, such a sequence will be called a maximal compatible row sequence. It should also be pointed out that a row as referred to here actually is an incompletely defined input-state vector. In the third step, all the maximal compatible row sequences will be used to form maximal compatible row sequences for the entire circuit. However, in doing so, two considerations need to be made. First, it is neces- sary to form input-state vector sequences from the row sequences later in designing the tests. So the state variable components of the row sequences which have not been assigned values should be left free to assume all possible values in order to make concatenations of row sequences possible. Second, in order to require every individual row perform detection in a test, row sequences of equal lengths only will be used in forming maximal com- patible row sequences in this step. The state variable components then will be assigned the value x, which is compatible to itself only. In the final step, the remaining entries in the maximal compatible row sequences are arbitrarily assigned values as they don't affect the sensitization of the path sequences. Or their assignments can be delayed until the input-state vectors are being formed later. 161 The set of input-state vector sequences thus obtained is the MCS. The following theorems prove that the MCS is all that one needs in forming the detection tests. First the s-maximal sensitization of s-maximally sensi- tizible path sequences with the MCS is proved. Theorem 4.7 Every s-maximally sensitizible path sequence is s-maximally sensitized with some input—state vector sequence from the MCS. Proof: First, every s-sensitizible path sequence is included in the PSST. Given ps s-maximally sensitizible with an input-state vector sequence is. Thus with is, every strictly sensitizing sequential subcircuit is maxi- mally assigned. Now in forming the MCS from the PSST, the strictly sensitizing sequential subcircuits of ps are assigned values in the second step. In that step every sensitizing sequential subcircuits are maximally assigned if possible. Hence since ps is found in the PSST, is will be found in the MCS. Q.E.D. The next theorem proves the s-true sensitization of s-non-maximally sensitizible path sequences within the MCS. 162 Theorem 4.8 Every s-non-maximally sensitizible path sequence is s—truly sensitizible within the input-state vector sequences that can be formed from the MCS. Proof: First, every s-non-maximally sensitizible path sequence ps is s-truly sensitizible with some is_ within all the possible vector sequences to the sequential circuit. That means all the critical sensitizing path sequences of ps found in is are either s'-maximally sensi- tizible or indirectly s'-maximally sensitizible. In other words, ps depends on a set of path sequences which are s'- maximally sensitizible for some values of 3'. But the set are s'-maximally sensitized within the MCS from Theorem 4.7. Q.E.D. 4.5.2 The Path Sequence Checking Fault Detection Algorithm The Path Sequence Checking Fault Detection Algo- rithm can now be formulated. One problem of fault detection of a sequential circuit that was not found in the fault detection of a combinational circuit is the necessity to ensure the prOper starting state of the sequential circuit before a test is applied. Thus it will be assumed that the actual starting state of the sequential circuit can be known so as to guarantee that the correct starting state is obtained before a test is applied. 163 Given a sequential circuit C with the set of paths P {pi; lilinp}, a fault detection algorithm to detect the presence of faults is formulated as follows. Step A. Step B. Form the MCS for C. Form the detection tests T for C. A detection test t e T is formed as follows. 1. Select a set of path sequences PS such that t, every path of C is included in the set. Find a set of input-state vector sequences, IS from the MCS such that every psis, t! ps 8 PS 5 = 0 and l, is s-maximally sensitized t, with some is 8 IS or s—truly sensitized with t! is, within ISt' The set ISt is not a subset of another IS't that can be formed in step 2. Form an input sequence with the set Ist' placing maximally assigned input-state vector sequences (i.e., they s-maximally sensitize their corresponding path sequences) at the beginning portion of the sequence, if possible. Appropriately assign values to entries with x in the input sequence so that the current and next state variables have the same signal 164 values. Arbitrarily assign values to the remaining entries. Step C. Position C to some starting state 50 so that a test t e T is applicable to C. If C is detected faulty during the positioning to the starting state, as found from the incorrect output vectors, the presence of faults have been detected, and there is no need to proceed in the algorithm. Step D. Apply a t e T to C. If every path is checked, then C is fault-free, otherwise it is faulty. The validity of the algorithm is proved in the following theorems. Theorem 4.9 There exists at least a detection test as defined in the algorithm. Proof: As was shown previously, one can find a set of input-state vector sequences as defined in 2 of Step B. Thus a test can always be found. The state variable com- ponents of the input-state vector sequences have been allowed to assume any values and hence a sequence of input- state vector sequences can be designed. Q.E.D. Theorem 4.10 A sequential circuit (with all paths sensitizible) is fault-free iff a detection test, as described in the Path Sequence Checking Fault Detection Algorithm, detects 165 no faults. It is faulty iff the detection test detects the presence of faults. Proof: Since every path of the circuit is included in the test, thus the whole circuit including the feedback lines are included in the test. If the circuit C is fault- free, then certainly the detection test t will detect no faults. If t detects no faults, then those path sequence s-maximally sensitized are free of s-type faults. Then those path sequences s—truly sensitized in turn are free of s-type faults because all of their critical sensitizing path sequences are s-maximally sensitized. And since the starting state is guaranteed to be correct, hence C is fault-free. On the other hand, if C is faulty, then since the starting state is correct, t will detect faults, otherwise C would be fault-free. If t detects the presence of faults, then faults will occur on some path sequences s-maximally sensitized or s-truly sensitized or both. Otherwise, with the correct starting state, the output vector sequence produced would not reflect detection of faults on s-maximally sensitized path sequences, and thus also would not reflect detection on s—truly sensitized path sequences. Q.E.D. 166 4.5.3 An Example Example 4.6 The circuit C in Figure 4.5 will be used in the example. The PSST is shown in Table 4.1. The first step in forming the MCS is to form the maximal compatible rows for both constituent circuits C21 and C22. MCR = {MCR1, MCRZ} For Czl’ the rows of first order are used to form the following maximal compatible rows. 0 o . p3 } V11 = {pl = (OIOIlIIlIlI) 0 0 0 0 } v12 = {p12 (ps22 ). p12 (ps42 ) = (IIIIOIlIlIIIIOIOIOIlIlIIlIlIlIIlIOI) _ o o = (lIOIOIIlIlI) _ o v14 ' {P14 } = (IIIIIIOIIIIIOIOIOIlIlIIlIlIlIIllol) _ 1 1 1 l l l 1 V15 - {pl I p7 I p12 (p322 )I P12 (p542 )I p14 } = (lIOIlIIlIlIl) 167 1 1} v = {p l p l p 1 (ps 1) p (ps 1) P 16 3 ' 5 ' 12 22 ’ 12 42 ’ 14 (Olllolllllll) 0 0 and p542 The rows of second order corresponding to p522 of v12 are combined to form 0 _ o o o v17 — {p2 (ps22 ). p4 (ps42 )} (010111!!!)- For v14, there is only one row of second order _ 0 0 V18 ‘ {99 (9392 )} = (IIOIIII)o For v15, two maximal compatible rows can be formed. _ 1 1 1 1 V19 - {p4 (ps42 ). p9 (ps92 )} = (OrlIlIIII) _ 1 1 1 1 v110 — {p2 (ps22 ). p9 (ps92 )} (IIOIIIIII) Similarly for V16' there are two maximal compatible rows. 1 1 } _ 1 1 viii ‘ {P4 (9542 )' p9 ‘ps92 ’ (Oil-Ill!!!) v19 168 1 1 1 } _ 1 V112 ' {92 (9322 )' p9 (9592 ) = V110 So for C the maximal compatible rows formed in the 21' first step are MCR1 = {V11' V12' v13' v14' V15' V16' V17' v18' v19' V110}' For C22, the maximal compatible rows formed from the first order rows are _ o o o o o v21 ‘ {P11 (9321 " p11 (p541 )' p10 } I = (IIIOIOIlIl) I 0 0 0 }' _ o v22 {p15 (ps6 ). p15 (ps8 ) =(III1IIOIO)I 0}. v ={p 0(ps 0) p 23 13 91 ' 10 = (IIIOIlIOIl) I 1 1 1 1 1 (ps42 ). p15 } I (ps 1) p (ps 1) p 21 ' 11 8 ' 13 v24 = {p11 = (III0I1I1I1)I 1 1} (ps 1) p 6 ' 10 < II I 25 {915 (III1I1I0I1)I 26 The maximal rows are as 27 28 29 210 V211 v212 213 169 1 1} l I (,,.l.,l.l)- compatible rows formed from the second order follows. _ o o o o _ {p2 (P521 )I P4 (9541 )} = (OIOIlIIII) _ 0 0 0 O — {p6 (ps6 ). Pa (988 )} = (IOIOIIII) _ 0 0 — {p9 (P591 )} = (IlIOIIII) _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 - {p2 (ps21 ). pg (988 ). p9 (p89l )} = (1I0I1IIII) 1 1 = {94 (ps411). p9 (p8911)} = (oIlIlIIII) 1 l } = {96 (986 ) = (IlIOIIII) 1 _ 1 — {98 (ps81 )} = (IoIlIIII) 170 Thus for C , 22 MCR = { 2 V21' v22' V23' v24' v25' v26' V V 27' 28' v29' V210' V211' V212' V213}' In the second step in forming the MCS, every sensitizing sequential subcircuits are assigned values maximally, if possible. For example, notice that p392 being 0-sensitized With isgz = V18' V14 has the senSitiZing sequential sub- circuit C and the sensitizing subcircuit C and C y5 e17 e To max1mally aSSign Cy5' vl8 becomes 18' V (lIlIoIIII)I 18 = and v becomes 14 V (IIIIlIOIlIIIIOIOIOIlIlIIlIlllIIlIOI)°‘ 14 = To max1mally aSSign Ce17 and Ce18’ vl4 becomes v14 = (l,l,1,,1,0,1). The other maximal compatible rows can be similarly further defined as follows. V12 = (l,1,l,,0,l,1) v22 = (,,,l,l,0,0) v26 = (,,,l,0,l,l) v28 = (1,0,0,,,,) 171 V29 = (lllIOIIII) V212 = (1I1I0IIII) V213 = (OIOIIIIII) In the third step in forming the MCS, assign x to the state variable components, y5' y6, y7, which have not yet been assigned, in every row. And then forming maximal compatible row sequences from the row sequences of equal lengths found in the second step, one gets the following input-state vector sequences. 0 - _ _ 0 is — {v11} — {pl , p3 } (OIOIllllllIX) . _ o o o ——2 ’ {V17' V12' V27' V21} ' {9522 ' ps42 ' ps21 ' I'" U) I s 0 0} P 41 ' p10 (0.0.1,,XIXIX). (1,1,1.0,0,1.1) ° _ _ 0 0 £§3 - {V13} — {P5 I P7 } (lIOIoIIlIlIX) . _ _ o o 1&4 — {V28' v22} - {ps6 , p38 } = (lIOIOIIXIXIX)I (IIIlIlIOIO) is 18 is is is is ——10 1&11 = { ={ 172 0 0 0} {V18’ V14' v29' V23} = {9592 ' ps91 ' p10 (1.1.0..X.X.x). _ o {v23} — {p10 } (Illollloll) _ o {v21} — {p10 } (IIIOIOIlIl) { s 1 s 1 1 P 8 I P 91 I pl I p7 (1.0.1..X.X.x). { 1 1 V110' Vis' V210' V24} = {9322 (1,1,1,0,1,0,1) 1 1} (1,0,1,0,1,1,1) _ 1 v210' v24' V112' V16} ‘ {9522 ' ps92 ' l 1 1} (1.0.1..X.X.x). 1 1 V19' V15' V211' V24} = {9542 (OIlIOIOIIIlII) 1 1 1 p841 I P391 I p1 I p7 } (0.1.1..x,X.x). (1,0,1,0,1,1,1 ”211' ”24' V111' V16} = {9541 1 1 1 1 9842 . 9892 . p3 . 95 } (ollllIIXIXIX)I (0,1,0,0,1,1,1 S l S l I p 92 I p 21 I 1 S l I P 92 I ) 1 s 1 I p 91 I ) 173 - _ _ 1 1 1212 " {V15} ’ {pl ' P7 } = (lIOIlIIlIlIl) - _ _ 1 1 = (OIlIOIllIlIl) is = {v _ o 1 1 -—14 18’ V14' V212' V25} ‘ {9592 ' pS6 ' p1o } (lplIOIIXIXIX). (1,1,1,1,1,0,1) is = {v v v v } = {ps 0 ps 0 ——15 17’ 22' 213' 26 22 ' 42 ’ 1 1 p58 ' ps10 } (OIOIlIIXIXIX)I (lllllIlIOIlIl) 1} £316 {V25} = {p10 (IIIlIlIOIl) . 1 LE17 = {V26} = {P10 } (,rylroylpl) In the final step, the remaining entries can be assigned any values. However, it would be preferable to delay the assignments until the test sequence is to be formed in order to form maximal compatible input—state vector sequences at that time. 174 For those path sequences not s-maximally sensitized with the input-state vector sequences, their dependence sets are listed in the following. Step B, sets of 0 1} . . o 1, 1 1 iii' Pi ' p3 /{p7 ' ps22 or ps42 or ps92 0 0 . o 1 i§2° pS21 ' pS41 ' p10 /{Pss } . . o o 1, 1 1 1 £53' ps ' p7 /{Pi ' ps22 °r ps42 °r ps92 } . o o 1 $§4° pS6 ' p58 /{Pio } 0 . o 1 £55' ps91 ' p10 /{Pse } is ° p 0/{ps 1- ps 0} -—6° 10 6 ' 91 . . o 1, o o is7. p10 /{ps8 , psz1 or p341 } i£114: 9101/{95910} i315‘ p101/{95210 °r 95410} i316‘ piol/{psgio} i§17‘ p101/{95210 °r 95410} This concludes the construction of the MCS. In the detection tests are designed. There are two path sequences each cover all the paths of C. P51 = {931. p522, ps3. p541. pss. pss. ps7. p88. 9591' 9392' 9310} 175 P32 = {981. p821. ps3. p842. p85. ps6. ps7. 988. 9591' 9592' 9510} To cover PS there are two sets of input-state 1! vector sequences from the MCS that can be formed, each of which qualifies to form an input sequence. Isl = {151. E2: 1.8.3. g4. 15.5. 1_58. 1511. 1_Sl4} IS2 = {-1—31' 52' gr 1—“?'-4' 1215. Lg9' Qio' 1—5-14} To cover PS the same two sets are also formed. Thus IS 2' 1 and 182 are the only sets of input-state vector sequences for consideration in the synthesis of input sequences. To form an input sequence from IS the state vari- ll ables can now be assigned values. Since all psis are not s-maximally sensitized with 1&4: it will be placed at the end of the input sequences. If one forms an input sequence as t1 = 32' 335' 3—5-8' iS-ii' 9314' 334' then the state variables can be assigned as follows and thereby is and is3 can be eliminated from t, since they 1 form maximal compatible vectors with is and is4 respec- tively. is = (oIoIlIIlIlI1)I (llllllolollll) is = (1I1I0II1I1I1)I (lllIllollloll) 176 _i_s_8 = (llolllllllll)l (lIOIlIOIlIlIl) isll = (0,1,1,,1,1,1), (0,1,0,0,1,1,1) £14 = (1I1I0II1I0I1)I (lllllllllloll) E4 = (lIOIoIIlI1I1)I (IIIlIlIOIO) The remaining entries can assume any values since they do not serve any purposes in the test. Let all assume zeros. Let the sets of inputs, states and outputs of C be assigned as follows. 10 = (OIOIOIO) = (XII x2! X3I X4) i1 = (Olololl) 115 = (l,l,l,l) So = (0,010) = (YSI YGI Y7) U) l (0.0.1) (1,1.1) (I! II 177 00 = (0,0) = (21, 22) 01 = (0,1) 02 = (1,0) 03 = (1,1) Then the input—state vector sequences can be expressed in terms of inputs and states of the circuit as follows. ——8 10' 7' 10' 7 i—§11 = i6' S7' i4' S7 £314 = 112' S5' 115' S5 £§4 = 13' S7' 11' 54 Similarly from 182' t2 is formed as t2 = E2' E5' E9' lg10' E141' $34 with i_89 = (1I0I1I0I1I1I1)I (0I1I0I0I1I1I1)I £10 = (0I1I1I0I1I0I1)I (1I0I1I0I1I1I1)I -_1_S_141 = (1I1I0I0I1I1I1)I (1I1I1I1I1I0I1)I 178 or in terms of inputs and states. £59 = 110' S7' 14' S7' £510 = 16' 55' 110' S7' $§141 = 112' S7' 115' 55' In Step C, the circuit should be positioned in s7 for either test. Since every state variable is controllable from the input variables, an input of i14 or i15 alone should guide C to $7. In step D, applying the test sequence to C and observing its output vector sequence thus produced constitute a detection test. Let the set of faults be F occurring on C, in Figure 4.5 where f }I f10' 4 s-a-0, flo: elo s-a-O and f4: x4 s-a-O. The output vector sequences obtained, 0, under a :fiault-free condition and o (F) with F, as well as the state Sequence obtained with F, s (F) are listed as follows. 179 Stl S7 s3 s7 85 S7 87 S7 S7 s5 S5 s7 s4 s0 115t1 115 12 114 112 114 110 110 16 14 112 115 18 l1 ot1 1 01 00 03 oo 03 03 03 01 00 01 01 001 ! St1(F) 5 s7 52 s7 s5 s7 52 s2 s7 35 35 37 80 s i z ; °t1(F) °1 lo °3 °o °1 °o °o °3 °o °o °1 °o§ The results of the detection test clearly indicate the presence of faults. For example, the first discrepancy of output vectors was detected with the application of is8 = 110, 37, 110' s7 which resulted in the output vector sequence of 01’ 00 from the fault F, instead of 03, 03 under a fault-free situation. The results can be further analyzed to serve as a basis for a diagnosis procedure. This is discussed in the next section. 4.6 Fault Disgnosis of Sequential Circuits The basic approach in the fault diagnosis of sequential circuits is the same as that of combinational circuits: to determine the ability of the paths of the sequential circuit in passing both signals. The diagnosis process, however, is more complicated due to the necessity of positioning the state variables when detecting input- state vector sequences are to be applied to the circuit. 180 An algorithm is presented in this section to locate all the detectable faults in the circuit. As in the combina- tional case, different sets of equivalent faults can be obtained from different assignments of s-unsensitizible path sequences. 4.6.1 The Diagnosis Approach The process of checking the paths of the sequential circuit involves identifying maximal faulty subcircuits of the associated combinational circuit for single faults. After this step, multiple faults can then be located by checking multiple path sequences. Location of Single Faults The method of identifying maximal faulty subcir— cuits in a sequential circuit is more complicated than that of the combinational case. In determining a suspected maximal faulty subcircuit, every path of the subcircuit which has not been determined in its ability to pass the corresponding signal should be tested to pass that signal. Given a detectable s-type maximal faulty subcircuit within a given fault picture, there exists at least a path of the subcircuit which is s-sensitizible; i.e., the path can be embedded in an s-sensitizible path sequence. To confirm the maximal faulty subcircuit, then, every 5- sensitizible path of the subcircuit must be shown to fail 181 to pass 3. The proof is similar to Theorem 3.16 and is omitted. The following definition describes the formation of input-state vector sequences to sensitize a maximal faulty subcircuit. Definition 4.12 Given an s-type suspected maximal faulty subcir- cuit Ci defined by a set of paths Pi with ei as the output edge of Ci' A set of Ci-sensitizing input-state vector sequences is formed as follows: 1. For every path p. 3 within the given fault picture, find all the s- 6 Pi which is s-sensitizible sensitizible path sequences containing pj. Then find the input-state vector sequences each of which causes the s-type signal to prOpagate between the leading edges and ei of the path sequences and the s-type signal is sensitized between ei and the trailing edges of the path sequences. 2. Form maximal compatible input-state vector sequences ISi from the input-state vector sequences found in l for all s-sensitizible paths of Pi' 3. Find input-state vector sequences to drive the sequential circuit to the desired starting states of 131. The following theorem proves the existence and validity of the input-state vector sequences, as found in 182 Definition 4.12, in sensitizing the maximal faulty subcir- cuits. Theorem 4.11 A set of Ci-sensitizing input-state vector sequences as defined in Definition 4.12 exists and will s—sensitize Ci, suspected faulty of s-type. Proof: Since Ci is s-sensitizible within the given fault picture, hence there exists at least a path sequence containing pj 8 Pi which is s-sensitizible on the subpath sequence between ei and its trailing edge. Hence an input- state vector sequence exists which can s-sensitize the path sequence as described. Now since ISi contains all such input-state vector sequences s-sensitizing all the s- sensitizible path sequences defining Ci' hence ISi will detect Ci' Also for every s-sensitizible path sequence psj defining Ci' the circuit can be driven to a starting state for‘isj e ISi to s-sensitize psj, otherwise psj would be s-unsensitizible. Q.E.D. Example 4 . 7 To illustrate Definition 4.12 consider the circuit C of Figure 4.3 with Ce9 suspected of s-a-O. For y3, the path sequences W111 be either p551 = pl, p5 or p352 (see Example 4.2). This is because if e5 and e7 both s-a—O, then Ce9 s-a-O is not detectable. Similarly for y4, the path sequences will be ps2 and ps If the fault picture 4. 183 being e s-a-O, then the input sequence (,1,,), (0,0,l,l) 5 will l-sensitize Ce If e s-a-0, 9 52 4' 7 then the input sequence (l,l,,), (0,0,l,l) will also 1- along ps and ps senSitize Ce9 along pss1 and ps4. In this example, no initial positioning input sequences are needed. Location of Multiple Faults The situation in which multiple faults in a sequential circuit are detected is similar to that of a combinational circuit; the difference being that the paths containing the detectable multiple faults must be embedded in multiple path sequences for the multiple faults to be detected. Definition 4.13 An s-sensitizible multiple path sequence is a set of path sequences Psi, each psj e PSi is to be tested to pass 3, and it has the following characteristics. 1. Each psj e PSi is by itself s-unsensitizible. 2. There exists a set of gates G on PSi such that the s-type signal propagating on path sequences of PSi is dominant to every 9 e G. 3. PSi is s-sensitizible, i.e., every psj e PSi is s-sensitizible except for those incident edges belonging to other path sequences of PSi' These edges are feeding gates of G and will assume the dominant value 3 in the s-sensitization of psj. 184 4. No subset of PSi has the above characteristics. Thus, as in a combinational circuit, multiple faults will occur on multiple path sequences in a sequen- tial circuit. The proof is similar to that of Theorem 3.17 and will not be repeated. Sensitization Involving UnsensitiEibIe Critical Sensitizing Paths In the s-sensitization of a path sequence involving unsensitizible paths to provide the necessary sensitizing values, the unsensitizible sensitizing paths can be assumed to be capable of providing the right sensitizing values. This was proved in Theorem 3.18. Outline of the Diagnosis Process As in the combinational case, the diagnosis process seeks to establish the fault set F starting from the results of a detection test. Based on the detection results, the P P P can be formed. A diagnosis G’ B' U' S process will then reduce PU and PS to null and thus will four sets P completely establish PG and PB' From PB the set of faults F, or its equivalent, will be located. However, there is one situation in the diagnosis process of a sequential circuit which was not found in the combinational case. If a sequential circuit was found faulty during the initial state positioning for a detection test, then a detection test was never applied to it. 185 Thus, in this case, the most one can do is to, based on the output vector sequences obtained from the positioning input sequences, assign maximal faulty subcircuits to the output edges of the sequential circuit. And the set PS will include all the pi8 or psiS and the other three sets will be null as the starting basis of the diagnosis pro- cess. A suspected path or path sequence can also be indirectly determined as follows. 1. If a set of path sequences was s-maximally sensitized and found faulty of s-type, then if all path sequences of the set except one are disproved of s-type faults, the remaining path sequence is indirectly confirmed faulty of s-type. 2. If a set of path sequences was s-non-maximally sensitized and found faulty of E—type, then if all path sequences of the set except one are disproved of s-type faults and the dependence set is proved able to pass the critical sensitizing values, the remaining path sequence is indirectly confirmed faulty of s-type. 3. If a set of path sequences was s-non-maximally sensitized and found free of s-type faults, then if its dependence set is proved able to pass the critical sensitizing values, the set is indirectly disproved faulty of s-type. 186 4. If all paths of a path sequence that can contain s-type faults were disproved faulty of s-type, the path sequence is indirectly disproved faulty of s-type. 5. If a path sequence was confirmed faulty of E— type, then if all of its paths except one are dis- proved faulty of s-type, the remaining path is confirmed faulty of s-type. 6. If a sequential subcircuit was s-sensitized and found faulty of s-type, then if all of its depend- ence sets are proved able to pass the critical sensitizing values, the set of path sequences defining the sequential subcircuit is indirectly confirmed faulty of s-type. The graphical representation of the diagnosis process for a combinational circuit in Figure 3.7 also describes the diagnosis process of a sequential circuit. 4.6.2 The Path Sequence Checking Fault Diagnosis Algorithm The diagnosis algorithm proceeds with the basis B = {PG' P P , PS} obtained from the results of a B' U detection test. Given a sequential circuit C with the set of paths P and tested with a detection test t which covers the set of path sequence PS. The basis B is formed as follows. 187 1. For every path sequence psi 8 PS s-maximally sensitized with some is e t which detects no E- type faults on psi, include psiS in PG. 2. For every path sequence psi 8 PS which is indirectly disproved of sticking at E, include psiS in PG. 3. For every path sequence psi 6 PS which is indirectly confirmed of sticking at 5, include 3 . psi in PB. 4. Include every path sequence psi 6 PS as psi5 6 PU if it becomes s-unsensitizible within the fault picture established thus far. 5. Include the remaining path sequences as psis in PS for the appropriate 3. If C was found faulty, during an initial state positioning process, include every path sequence psi 6 PS as psis, for both values of s, in PS. The other sets of B are null. Given a sequential circuit C with the set of paths P. It is found faulty either in the application of an initial state positioning input sequence or from a detection test t which covers the set of path sequences PS. The P resulting basis established is B = {PG’ P PS}. A B' U' fault diagnosis algorithm to locate all the detectable single and multiple faults, F, is presented as follows. A. Find a set of s-sensitizible path sequences PsiS 5 PS which, except for the s-unsensitizible paths of 188 a maximal faulty subcircuit Ci’ defines Ci' If no such PSiS exists, then find such a set which depends on P for critical sensitizing paths. U Notice that s = 0 or 1. Form a set of Ci-sensitizing input-state vector sequences ISi. Apply ISi to C. If Ci is known to be s-sensitized with ISi’ then if Ci is found faulty of s-type, 8 move PSi to P or if Ci is found free of s-type BI faults and Ci is defined by one path sequence only, move PSiS to P Otherwise mark Ci as tested. G. s . . Move every psi 8 PS to either PG or PB if psi is thus indirectly determined. Also move psis to PU if it becomes s-unsensitizible within the existing fault picture. Repeat A through D until all maximal faulty sub- circuits have been tested. A maximal faulty sub- circuit tested should not be chosen in step A. Move the remaining psiS 8 PS to PU. Test every s-sensitizible multiple path sequence PSiS e PU for multiple faults. If multiple faults are detected, move PsiS to PB. . S . Ass1gn any psi 6 PU to either PG or PB. 3 . . . . Remove psi e PU to either PG or PB if it is thus indirectly determined. Repeat G through H until PU is reduced to null. 189 J. For every PsiS 6 PB which defines a maximal sub- circuit Ci faulty of §-type, with the output edge ei, include fi: ei s-a-s in F. If fi propagates down some path and stops at ej assuming the signal value 5', then include fj: ej s-a-s', instead of fi' in F. Remove Psis from PB. Repeat this until PB is reduced to null. The validity and convergence of the algorithm is proved in the next theorem. Theorem 4.12 The path sequence checking fault diagnosis algorithm for the sequential circuit will locate all the detectable single and multiple faults of the circuit in a finite number of steps. Proof: A fault in a sequential circuit is detect- able if it can be sensitized to an output edge of the circuit within the given fault picture. The rest of the proof is similar to that of Theorem 3.19; the only differ- ence is that one works with the path sequences which cover all the paths of the circuit in this case, rather than the paths of the circuit. Q.E.D. 190 4.6.3 An Example Example 4.8 Continue with the results obtained from the detection test in Example 4.6, one finds the following basis, P = {ps 0 ps 0 ps 0 ps 1 ps 1 p 1 G 22 ' 42 ' 92 ' 41 ' 91 ’ 3 ’ l ps92 }' where ps 0 and ps 0 are determined from is ps 0 22 42 ——2' 92 . l l . l 1 from 1.5 and ps41 , p591 from isll, p3 from ps42 , and l 1 p392 from p59l , _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P — {p1 I P3 I p341 I ps I ps6 I p7 I p58 I S o o 1 S 1 1 S 1 1 p 91 ' p10 ' p1 ' P 22 ' p5 ' P 6 ' p7 ' l 1 p88 I p10 } I PB=PU=g. Since ezl and e22 are free of faults, the maximal faulty sequential subcircuits are found as follows. 0 _ 0 O . . Pl7 — {pl , p3 } defining C17 0 _ 0 0 . . P18 — {p5 , p7 } defining C18 0 0 0 0 _ 0 . . PSl6 — {p10 , ps41 , p52l , p591 } defining C16 0 0 _ o . . PS7 - {ps6 , p38 } defining C7 191 1 1 1 . . 1 {p1 , p52l , p322 } defining C1 PS 1 _ 1 1 . . PS9 — {p5 , p56 } defining C9 1 — 1 1 O . PS10 - {p7 , p58 } defining C10 1 _ 1 O C To start the diagnosis procedure from the outputs of the circuit, C will be determined first. The fault- 17 sensitizing input-state vector sequence for C17 is £318 (lllIlIIII)I (OIOIlIIlIlI1)’ = V181' V182! . . . 0 0 1 With isl8. pl , p3 /{p7 }. The output vector sequence obtained from the application of is to C is 18 018 = (I)! (0I1)I which indicates no detection of faults. Hence the basis is not updated. For C18’ the input-state vector sequence and the resulting output sequence are $§19 = Vl8l' (1'°'°"1'1'1) = V181' V19' . o o 1 1§19o 95 1 p7 /{p1 }. 019 = (I)I (OI-1)- 192 Again no faults are detected and the basis is not updated due to the undetermination of p11. For C16’ there are two fault-sensitizing input- state vector sequences, 1&20 (1.1.0....). (,,,o,1,o,l) = v201' V202' is ° 0 s 0 s 0/{ s 1} .—-2° P10 ' P 41 ' P 21 P 8 I 0 . . o 1 iizo' P10 ' P591 /{P36 }° The input-state vector sequence is2 was used in the detection test. The output vector sequence from is20 is 020 = (I)! (I0). No faults are detected and again the basis is not updated. For C7, the fault-sensitizing vector sequence and the resulting output vector sequence are ifi (lIOIOIIII)I (IIIlIlIOIO) 21 = = V211' v212 1}, . o 0 i521' PS6 ' P38 /{P10 021 = (I)! (I0)- Again no faults are detected and the basis is not updated. For C1, the fault-sensitizing vector sequence and the output vector sequence are 193 _j-_S_22 = V181! (1I0I1II1I1I1)I (1I1I1I0I1I1I1)' V181' V221' V222' 022 = (I)I (Oll)I (0'0). Hence the results indicate that p522 s-a-O is confirmed. This in turn indirectly confirms p1 s-a-O. Because of p1 s-a-O, p5, p7 become 0-unsensitizible. Also p7 becomes l-unsensitizible. This also in turn makes p1 and p3 0- unsensitizible. Thus the basis is updated as follows. PG: unchanged _ o 1 Ps - {ps41 . 936 . p53 . p891 . p10 . p5 . 936 . s 1 1} P 8 I P10 1 l B {p1 ' ps22 } "U II { 0 0 l 0 0} U p5Ip7lp7Ipllp3 P is The fault sensitizing vector sequence for C10 (III1I1I1I1)I i§23 V181' V221' = V181' V221' ”23' The resulting output vector sequence is 023 = (I)! (011)! (OIO)° . . l 1 . . Since is23. p58 /{p10 }, so the baSis is unchanged. 194 For C9, the fault-sensitizing vector sequence is is = 24 v181I (lllIoII1I1I1)I (III1I1I0I1)I = V181' V241' V242° The output vector sequence obtained is 024 = (I)I (1'1)! (I0) which indicates no detection of faults on p5 and detection of faults on p36. But since p5 is l-maximally sensitized with i§24, so p5 passing 1 is confirmed. Which in turn indirectly confirms ps6 passing 1. Also indirect determination finds psglo, p100 a . . . 1 . PG which in turn finds p10 8 PB. Again ps6 and ps8 become 0-unsensitizible, p38 becomes l-unsensitizible due to p101 5 PB. And ps41 becomes O-unsensitizible because of p581 8 PU. Hence the basis is updated as follows. P = { s O s 0 s 0 s 1 s 1 l G P 22 ' P 42 ' P 92 ' P 41 ' P 91 ' P3 ' 1 l l 0 0 p592 I ps I p56 I p591 I P10 } { l s 1 1} B P1 ' P 22 ' P10 'O II _ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 PU _ {ps I p7 I pl I p3 I p7 I ps6 I p88 I p841 p381} Of the set PU, the following multiple path sequences can be formed. 195 PSml — {p3, p5} Psz = {ps4l, ps6} The fault sensitizing input-state vector sequence testing 0 . PSml is i§m1 = V181' (°'°'°"1'1'1) = V181' Vmi' The resulting output vector sequence is Oml = (I)! (OI)- Thus no multiple faults are detected. For PSmZ' the fault-sensitizing input-state vector sequence testing Pszo and the resulting output vector sequence are ismz = (OIoIlIIII)I (OIOIlIO) = vm21l Vm22I (I), (.0). 0m2 Also no multiple faults are detected. Now different assignments of elements of PU to either PG or P will result in equivalent sets of faults. B If one assigns pl0 6 PB, then p30 6 PB is determined. Because of these assignments, p5 and p7 become 0-sensitizible and p7 becomes 1-sensitizible and hence p50, p7O a PG, p l e P are obtained. And no multiple faults are created. 7 B 0 Also if one assigns p360 8 PB' then p58 6 PB is deter- mined. Also p5410 e P results because of p380 6 P G B' 196 Finally p581 can be randomly assigned since p58 is still l-unsensitizible. Let p581 5 PB. Hence the basis result- ing from these assignments looks as follows. P = { s 0 s 0 s 0 s 1 s 1 l G P 22 I P 42 I P 92 I P 41 I P 91 I P3 I 1 1 1 o o o 0 P592 I PS I P56 I P391 I P10 I PS I P7 I 0 P541 } { 1 S 1 1 0 0 l S 0 B Pl I P 22 I P10 I Pl I P3 I P7 I P 6 I "U ll 0 1 ps8 , p58 } The set of faults obtained from PG is FT = {fl' flO’ f4, £17, £7}: where £17: el7 s-a—l, f7: e7 s-a-l. Since both f7 and £17 of F, hence both sets of faults, F are not detectable in the presence T and F, are equivalent. 4.7 Characteristics of the Method as Applied to Sequential Circuits The observations of Section 3.6 regarding the path checking method as applied to combinational circuits similarly apply to sequential circuits. In addition to these observations, the following further observations can 197 be made of the path checking method as applied to sequen- tial circuits. First, the fault analysis proceeds at the circuit level, rather than at the state diagram level. Thus one does not have to be concerned with the various character— istics of the sequential machine, i.e., state accessibility, equivalency of states, etc. Second, this method is general enough to cover a wide range of sequential circuits. The only condition is that every path of the circuit under test is sensitizible. If the method as presented in this thesis is extended to cover sequential circuits containing redundant circuitry, then the method will be applicable to practically all types of sequential circuits found in current fault analysis studies. CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE WORK 5.1 Conclusions This thesis presents a method to detect and locate stuck-at type logical faults in switching circuits by checking every path of the circuits for its ability to pass both signals. The method approaches both combinational and sequential circuits from the same "path" viewpoint, with the sequential circuit considered as an extension of the combinational circuit. Based on the path checking approach, two detection algorithms are developed for the generation of detection tests for combinational and sequential circuits. The results of a detection test can then be used as a basis for the fault diagnosis algorithms. The checking of maximal faulty subcircuits is the basic approach used in developing the two fault diagnosis algorithms for combinational and sequential circuits. The fault diagnosis process is more involved than the fault detection process because of its dependence on the current fault pictures as found throughout the process. However, the fault diagnosis algorithms can 198 199 terminate at any point during the diagnosis process if the corresponding degree of fault diagnosis is satisfactory. Since the detection process is straightforward, the detection algorithms can be easily implemented. The implementation of the diagnosis algorithms, however, is more complicated due to the dependence of the diagnosis algorithms on the current fault picture. The method serves as a starting point for fault analysis of sequential circuits at the circuit level. The various difficulties and the resulting restrictions encountered during the development of the method are dis- cussed as follows for further research. 5.2 Suggestions for Future Work One obvious extension of the method that needs further research is to allow unsensitizible and partially sensitizible paths in the switching circuits considered. This extension allows, in effect, redundant circuitry to be added to the circuits and thus covers most types of switching circuits that are found in current fault analysis studies. Unsensitizible and partially sensitizible paths were encountered during the diagnosis process as a result of other faults in the circuit. The difficulties of sen- sitizing these paths were solved, in this thesis, by treating these paths as multiple paths. Thus, it seems that the concept of "multiple paths" is one approach to check the redundant parts of the switching circuits. 200 The EXCLUSIVE OR gates were excluded from conside- ration in this thesis not because of any unsolved diffi- culties with them, but because of the need for extra attention to paths containing them. A path going through an EXCLUSIVE OR gate is always sensitized, at the gate, regardless of the signal value on the other input edge of the gate. Thus it is necessary for the other input edge of the EXCLUSIVE OR gate to assume the same signal value, throughout the computation of a test, in order for the path in question to be validly sensitized. This will hence modify the procedures for designing the tests as presented in the thesis. Further studies need to be done on the various relations and interpretations of the various character- istics at the sequential machine level in terms of the path structure at the circuit level. For example, equiva- lence of states in a sequential machine can be interpreted in terms of path sensitization in its realized circuits. Finally, more research needs to be done to adopt this method to integrated circuits. When individual com- ponent circuits are combined to form integrated circuits, unsensitizible or partially sensitizible paths may be created in the integrated circuits even though all the individual component circuits contain sensitizible paths only, as shown in Figure 5.1. In the figure the paths P1 = la! eCI eel zI P2 = 1b, ed, ef’ Z are l- 201 CI C11 Fig. 5.l.--Partially sensitizible paths result from con- catenating circuits C and C to form an inte- . . I II grated Circuit. unsensitizible. The multiple path approach might be used to solve this problem. Also it might be interesting to investigate the methods to combine individual detection tests for the component circuits to form "integrated tests" for the resulting integrated circuits. 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