SIMILARITY RULES EN MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMl-CS BASED ON MULTl-FLUID THEORY Thesis far the Degree of Ph. D. MICHlGAN STATE UNlVERSlTY Joab Jacob Blech T964 [HESIS This is to certify that the thesis entitled SIMILARITY RULES IN MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS BASED ON MULTI-FLUID THEORY. presented b9 Joab J. Blech has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D. degree in M. E. Major @rolessor Date Mg 9 /d: /ffi7/4 0-169 % Z 1». %W04eé‘ HERA R Y Michigan State - University ABSTRACT SIMILARITY RULES IN MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS BASED ON MULTI-FLUID THEORY by Joab Jacob Blech In the present work similarity rules are derived in magnetohydrodynamics, in the physical Space, based on a multi-fluid theory. The basic hypothesis of the multi-fluid theory is that the fluid consists of a number of fluid components, each with its own intrinsic properties (such as molecular mass, charge, etc.). Each of the Species is assumed to be inviscid and non-heat conducting. The postulated fundamental equations for each fluid component are: equation of state, first law of thermodynamics, conservation of mass and conservation of momentum. In addition two Maxwell's vector equations, describing the electromagnetic field, are inserted into the system of equations. The flow is assumed to be multi-diabatic, i.e., there is injection of momentum as well as energy (heat) by means of sources from outside into the various fluid components. We assume a steady flow which depends only on two spatial coordinates; but in the present multi-fluid theory such a flow is not a two-dimensional flow in the usual sense. The velocity, the electric and the magnetic fields have three components. After a reduction of the number of fundamental equations is made, the system of Joab Jacob Blech equations is linearized, i.e., it is assumed that a first order small perturbation theory describes adequately the flow field. In the present case of MHD a mere linearization of the system of equations seems to be insufficient for obtaining similarity rules. An additional procedure, i.e., some sort of a smoothing process, is applied in which a crite- rion for neglecting very small terms is introduced, thus leading to a simplified system of equations which governs the flow. A correlation between this simplified system of equations of the compressible flow and correSponding systems of equations of the incompressible flow is estab- lished for the case of aligned fields, in which the velocity and the magnetic fields in the undisturbed stream are parallel, and for the ease of crossed fields, where the velocity and the magnetic fields in the undisturbed stream are perpendicular. Pressure coefficients for the indivi- dual Species and for the gross fluid are calculated and correlated. AS a Special numerical case, a fully ionized plasma is considered and the ion pressure coefficient is plotted vs. the ion free stream Mach number for various orientations of the magnetic field. SIMILARITY RULES IN MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS BASED ON MULTI-FLUID THEORY BY Joab Jacob Blech A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Mechanical Engineering 1964 1 F} 7 III- L“. " ’I‘O NEOMI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author is greatly indebted to Dr. M. Z. v. Krzywoblocki and wishes to express his appreciation for the guidance he has received throughout the writing of this work. He also wishes to thank Dr. G. H. Martin, Dr. G. E. Mass and Dr. C. P. Wells for serving on his guidance committee. ii CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 LI ST OF FIGURES 0 o o o o o o o e o o e 0 LI ST OF APPENDICES O O 0 O O O O O O O 0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER I. 1. OF FLOWS O O O O O O O O O O Fundamental Concepts . FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS AND CLASSIFICATION 2. Fundamental Equations of the Gasdynamic subsyStem o o o o o o o o o o o 3. Charge and Current Equations, Ohm's Law . . . 4. Fundamental Electromagnetic Equations . . . . 5. The Final System of Fundamental Equations . . CHAPTER II. QUASI-THREE-DIMENSIONAL STEADY FLOW . . 1. The Governing System of Equations . . . 2. Quasi-Stream -Function and Potential Equations 3. Generalized Bernoulli and Crocco Equations . 4. The Final Quasi-Three-Dimensional System . . 5. Incompressible Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . o Non-DimenSIOnaliza‘bion o o o o o o o o o o o 7. Linearization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER III. SIMILARITI CF FLOWS . . . . . . . . . 1 Approximate Governing System of Equations . . 2. Correlation of Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Pressure Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Application 0 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o REFMENOES O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O 0 iii Page iv vi LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Correlation for the s-th fluid component quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Table 2. Correlation for the w-th fluid component quantities O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O 0 87 iv Fig. Fig. Fig. 1. 2. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. LIST OF FIGURES Streamline geometry . . . . . . Ion pressure coefficient for H2 2,—‘o7500000000000 Ion pressure coefficient for H3 H:=-.50...o....... Ign pressure coefficient for R: oo=-’25"”"""° Ion pressure coefficient for H; E: = 0.00 and H; = 1.00 . . . . .75, .50, .25, -1000, Page 50 99 100 101 102 LIST OF APPENDICES Page APPENDIX.A. Some Remarks on the Functions Bs . . . 10} vi INTRODUCTION In the past, many formulas for the similarity relations between incompressible and compressible fluids in an isentr0pic gas flow, were derived. A collection of such rules in the physical Space is given in (8). The Kérmén- Tsien technique which employs the hodograph method can be found, for example, in (7, pp. 336-340). Similarly, some attempts to derive similarity rules in diabatic flow, i.e., a flow with heat addition by means of sources, were made (4). In recent years there has been a tendency to derive various similarity rules in magnetohydrodynamics. From various attempts in the past we may quote and discuss briefly the following: (i) v. Krzywoblocki and Nutant (5) derive a similarity rule for an inviscid, non-heat conducting, diabatic flow which takes place in an electromagnetic field, with excess electric charge equal to zero, following the technique of Kérmén-Tsien in the hodograph plane and assuming a simpli- fied pressure-density-entrOpy relation. Although a similarity rule is derived, the disadvantage of this procedure is that equations of the electromagnetic nature are not trans- formed into the hodograph plane. The electric and magnetic fields are treated as known functions. Moreover, the 1 2 correlation of correSponding coefficients in both stream- function equations of the compressible and incompressible flow requires that there be a certain relation between the vorticity distributions of both flows. A Special relation is also imposed on the Jacobians of the trans- formations in the physical Spaces. (ii) McCune and Ressler (6) treat the two-dimensional steady case of a highly electrically conducting, inviscid, non-heat conducting, isentr0pic flow passing over a thin body. A single partial differential equation for the current field is used to study the flow. This differential equation is derived from the linearized fundamental system of equations of the hydrodynamic and electromagnetic nature. The discussion is separated into three main cases, depending on the orientation of the externally applied magnetic field: The case of aligned fields, where the magnetic field is parallel to the velocity field of the uniform undisturbed flow, the case of the crossed fields where the magnetic field is perpendicular to the free stream velocity, and the case of an arbitrary field angle. In each case, procedures are deve10ped for the solutions of the magnetoaerodynamic problems involved and the compressibility effects can be studied through the solutions. In the works mentioned previously the ionized gas is treated as a single fluid. It was pointed out in (2) that if one seeks a single fluid magnetohydrodynamic formulation in which the current density is considered 3 as an unknown, a counting of variables and equations shows the necessity of an additional vector equation which is usually taken as the generalized Ohm's law. The influence of gasdynamic effects on the electric current density has been completely neglected. One way to improve the descrip- tion of the mechanism which governs the electric current density is to use multi-fluid theory. In this formulation the fluid is assumed to consist of several fluid components, each with its own intrinsic pr0perties (such as molecular mass, charge, etc.) and with its own thermodynamic state variables. Conservation equations from the macroscopic point of view are then postulated for each fluid component. There is no necessity for Ohm's law Since the electric current density is defined by means of the velocities and charge densities of the various Species, and the former are governed by the conservation equations of the indivi- dual fluid components. Thus the effect of the various forces on the electric current density through the velocity vectors and momentum equations can now be treated exactly from the macroscopic point of view. The main purpose of the present work is to derive Simi- larity rules, avoiding the pitfalls appearing in the works of previous authors. A multi-fluid theory was employed. Each fluid component was assumed to be inviscid and non- heat conducting. In Chapter I, section 1, the dependent variables and a list of the fundamental equations are introduced. In section 2, equations of state, first law of thermodynamics, conservation of mass and of momentum for each fluid component were postulated and the passage from the Species equations to a gross fluid formulation is discussed. In order to obtain correct momentum and energy equations for the gross fluid, it was assumed that the fluid component flows may be multi-diabatic, i.e., there may be injection of momentum, as well as energy (heat) by means of sources from outside into the various Species. Equations of state and for the internal energy of each component are allowed to deviate from perfect gas equations, so that it is possible to derive perfect gas equations of state and for the internal energy of the gross fluid. Various results pertaining to the charge and current equations and to Ohm's law, which were obtained in (1, 2) are summarized in section 3. The fundamental electromagnetic equations, i.e., Maxwell's equations, are introduced in section 4, and following (9) two possible formulations of the final system of equations are given in section 5. In Chapter II, section 1, a steady three-dimensional flow which depends only on two Spatial coordinates is assumed. In the multi-fluid theory, one cannot assume that such a flow is two~dimensional in the usual sense. The velocity and the magnetic field have three components which have to be calculated from the fundamental equations. The electric field component in the third direction is shown, from the fundamental equations, to be a constant. The electromagnetic system of equations is further reduced into two differential Equations for prOperly chosen functions, the spatial derivatives of which give us the remaining two components of the electric and magnetic fields. In section 2, the single quasi-stream function* and potential equations for each Species are derived. Those functions are associated only with two velocity components. The third velocity component is governed by the momentum equation in the correSponding direction. Generalized Crocco and Bernoulli equations are derived in section 3. In section 4, a summary of the governing system of equations is given. The quasi-stream function and potential equations for the incompressible flow are given in section 5, and the final system for the incompressible flow is discussed. Section 6 merely introduces a nonmdimensionalization of the various quantities and equations of the flow, after which a lineari- zation procedure is carried out in section 7, i.e., it is assumed that a first order small perturbation theory describes the flow field. In Chapter III an analogy between the compressible and incompressible flow is obtained. For this analogy it is necessary to simplify further the linearized system of governing equations. Thus in section 1, following a criterion similar to the one given in (11), very small terms are neglected in the linearized system of equations. Certain pairs of coefficients in the linearized quasi-stream function * A three-dimensional steady flow has actually two stream functions (3). 6 equations are approximated by their weighted mean. In section 2, a correlation between the simplified linear system of equations of the compressible flow and correSponding systems of equations of the incompressible flow is established by means of linear transformations of the coordinates and of pr0perly chosen relations between corresponding quantities of both flows. It is necessary here to distinguish between the two separate cases of aligned fields and of crossed fields. Finally, in section 3, pressure coefficients for the individual Species and for the gross fluid are calculated in both flows and the relation between them is given. A Special case is chosen in section 4, and the cOmpressible pressure coefficient is plotted vs. the free stream Mach number with the externally applied magnetic field components as parameters. In ordinary isentr0pic irrotational flow it is sufficient to linearize the equations in the physical Space in order to obtain similarity rules. In a rotational flow of such a character, some additional assumptions must be made to take care of the vorticity effects. It seems that in the present case of MHD the procedure known from the classical gas dynamics is absolutely insufficient for obtaining reasonable similarity rules. The additional procedure which is applied in the present work is some sort of a smoothing process after linearization which is actually equivalent to neglecting some terms of smaller order, and taking mean values. It seems as if this procedure can be 7 considered as a first approximation in a chain of a successive approximation process as applied to the similarity rules. Higher approximations are then obtained from a more accurate system of equations of the flow and the results of the first approximation. In the present work only the first approxi- mation is considered. CHAPTER I FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS AND CLASSIFICATION OF FLOWS I.1. Fundamental Concepts We consider the plasma, on the base of a continuous medium, as a mixture of n fluid components, each with its own intrinsic properties (such as molecular mass, charge, etc.) and each with its own thermodynamic state variables. From a macroscoPic point of view, the following quantities are sought: T5 = temperature of the s-th species; p5 2 pressure of the S-th Species; P, : density of the S-th Species; u: = i-th component of the velocity field of the sath Species; T : temperature of the gross fluid; p : pressure of the gross fluid; P = density of the gross fluid; u = i-th component of the velocity field of the gross fluid; = i-th component of the electric field; H‘ = i-th component of the magnetic field; where s=1,2,...,n and i:1,2, or 3. Counting the unknowns 8 9 we get 6n+6 quantities to be determined*. The following gas—dynamics equations are postulated for each fluid component: Equation of state, first law of thermodynamics, equation of continuity and equation of momentum. In addition, two Maxwell's vector equations, describing the electromagnetic field, are inserted into the system of equations. Counting the equations we get 6n+6 relations. I.2. Fundamental equations of the Gasdynamic Subsystem The following relations are postulated for each of the fluid components, assuming that each component behaves like an inviscid, non-heat conducting fluid: Equation of state: TasrRSPS—E}, (1.201) where R5 is the gas coefficient of the s-th component. The density, fl;, is assumed to be given by: Patna), . (1.2.2) * The quantities T, p, p, u; depend on T5, p5, P,, u; and, therefore, will not be counted. 10 where m6 is the molecular mass of the S-th component and 1; is its number density. First law of thermodynamics in a form: dQ5= dU5+ 1osd((o;‘), (1.2.3) where dQ5 is the energy addition per unit mass into the s-th component and U6 is its internal energy per unit mass. With the aid of Eq. (I.2.1), Eq. (1.2.3) can also be written in the well-known form: ()1 Q.= dI, - 0:11.10, , (1.2.4) where I5 is given by: [5: Us +R5Ts. (1.2.5) Equation of continuity*: %%*afi'fi((0.u’§)’ 6., (1.2.6) where Cg is the mass source, per unit volume, of the s-th component. From the conservation of mass it follows that: :5; 0, (1.2.7) 9'1 * Summation convention is used for repeated tensorial indices but not for subscripts distinguishing between the fluid components. 11 which implies that there is no addition of mass from out» side. Equation of momentum is postulated (1, p. 8, Eq. (1)): - Xi} 6 ° 8 ' ‘ _ 9.) 4" / 4’ 8 s fi(@su::)+ SEARS“; Uzi) "'fi€+ Fe + OSZS- ax} , (I.2.8) where i=1,2, or 3 and F; is the i-th component of the body force acting on the s-th Species. This force may be written as: a z a : F5 : F s + Fee + F09 , (1.2.9) where Ffi;is the i-th component of the non-electromagnetic body force such as gravitation force, etc., F; is the i-th component of the electromagnetic force and Fé is the i-th component of the interaction force, i.e., the force on the s-th component due to all the other kinds of Species in the fluid. By Newton's third law of motion, we have: Z F0: “‘2 0; (121,2.3). (1.2.10) S=i i 6525 is a momentum source associated with the mass source 6%. Following (1, p. 9) we require that: n L ;6925=O; (i=1,2.3). (1.2.11) if X5 is a momentum transfer tensor, associated with the s-th 12 fluid component, the significance of which will be explained later. Next, we derive an energy equation analogous to the one given in (1, p. 8, Eq. (1)). Assuming that QS is a differentiable function, then from Eq. (1.2.4): 8 g a 5 —i , . 835’ aid: —[05 %% 9 (3319293)» (I.2.12) 3 31-5 ‘1- ()5 985 : at ~ (05 $4? (I.2.13) Multiplying Eq. (1.2.8) by u: and using Eqs. (1.2.1), (1.2.5), (I.2.6), (1.2.12), (1.2.13) we get after a few manipulations: a - x“ Edge-[0505) + g—fl(ésuas .(95{ SJ“: 'FFSUé) = 111;}T5t-(L; fi'f i ' A. +55( I5 QS-Z u": LL: U’SZ»), (I.2.14) where 85 is given by: g. = é—patéui ”110.11.. (1.2.15) Equation (1.2.14) is the energy equation, analogous to the one obtained in (1). Define the following gross fluid variables: 11. P: :1 (a, , (1.2.16) 13 (0,11: , (1.2.17) 11 (“A ' F‘= Mg SM: FT; 1 (1.2.18) 1 (D 11 . ' _ .. ’11) ~' - . -- XL3= 10131.1( -P8L3 +;(X? will; 11: +1056”), (1.2.19) , . 11 . 1 m S = Ii- Pw' LL” +i0U = ; (“é“(OSLL: Us + P5115): 5:? SS (1.2.20) PQFFEMPQLLUPMFA 37,(eu5+p111)+11 7171' + 91 +;[11§F;— 9—— ———(e, 113+ +1.11) +§TWPQ +3—;(P.Q.ui)— 143+ (I o z: 1153—)“ 6, ,- ,——11:;_:11 +;11 )] (1221) where 6&6 is the Kronecker delta. The diffusion velocities, U1 5! are defined by: 1 1 1 if, = 11,5 - 11 . (1.2.22) It is evident from Eqs. (1.2.16), (1.2.17), (1.2.22) that: I", . 2P5”; =0 . (1.2.23) The pressure, p, is defined in (1, p. 9) to be* : * The pressure dealt with in this work is the gas- dynamic ressure. The radiation pressure is neglected (see 9’ p. 12 Q 1,4 FE::PS MP u‘ , (1.2.24) Another possible definition is (9, p. 10): @2105. (1.2.25) We will ad0pt the latter proposition for the pressure. Using Eqs. (1.2.11), (1.2.16), (1.2.17). (1.2.18), (1.2.22), (1.2.23), (1.2.25) in Eqs. (1.2.19) to (1.2.21) it can be shown that: - 7" , _ X)A =:1(X:1+P,1IJUJ), (1.2.26) [DU = 2(F5US + 71(051}: U2): (1'2'27) +17; 2:) ‘37, (55,0 5U, 5,55% (1.2.28) Adding each of the individual Eqs. (1.2.6), (1.2.8), (1.2.14) over s, and making use of Eqs. (1.2.7), (1.2.11), (I.2.16) to (1.2.21), (1.2.25) we obtain: fiflpui) = O , (1.2.29) - 1~ *fi 397(3011‘) 1- ”1311“” 111) 3311.1 ‘1— 3:, , (1.2.30) a—at—(é -PQ) wefifia 118 -P()115‘ +1111?) =~ 7% =H1 F “Lia—F". (1.2.31) Equations (1.2.29), (1.2.30), (1.2.31) are the continuity, momentum and energy equations for the gross fluid. In the equations of the single plasma components we introduced terms representing momentum and energy flux into the s-th.component from outside ( LX721 -@—(FSQS)+ 3X3 1 81 +38X3()DS OSLL 1135)) . The inclusion of these terms made it possible to obtain correct momentum and energy equations for the gross fluid. A correct continuity equation for the gross fluid was obtained by the requirement that the density of the gross fluid be equal to the sum of the densities of the component fluids, and that the mass flux in the gross fluid be equal to the sum of the mass fluxes of the component fluids. We will define a "perfect gross fluid flow" as one for which Eulerian formulation is obeyed, i.e., as in our case,.XTLEO , due to nonmexistence of'a momentum transfer into the gross fluid. A perfect gross fluid flow will be called ”adiabatic" or "diabatic", depending on whether Q does or does not vanish. In a diabatic fluid flow we assumed that the energy is added into the particle with no viscosity and heat conductivity present; similarly, in our case of perfect .‘ 16 gross fluid flow, we observe, by inSpection of Eqs. (1.2.26), (1.2.28), that in general there exists an injection or subtraction of momentum and energy into a particle (X: 9&0, 054:0 ), hence the Species flow is diabatic not only in an energy sense, but also in a momentum sense. We, therefore, propose the name "multi-diabatio flow" for this model which is more general than the diabatic flow. From Eq. (1.2.26) we get in the case of a perfect gross fluid flow: ’11 X(>< +1.11, U1) =0 . (1.2.32) 5:1 Q One way to satisfy Eq. (1.2.32) is by choosing )(5 in the form: x‘1—-- 1 s _ P6115113 - (IE-2.33) In the case of an adiabatic perfect gross fluid flow the left-hand side of Eq. (1.2.28) vanishes, and therefore: :[UJ F.f——,1—,—,( +10: 111) +3t (1.0.)+9fi((D.Q.11§)— vii—X—s+ds(l Q.- uéué+U§Zl)+ 9111 ”111—111(1)”; 11.3)] = O . (1.2.34) 17 One way to satisfy Eq. (1.2.34) is by choosing QS such that: % fiat-(PSQS)+ 330 (P Q LL ) _U5 151F1383A86 U1 P2527511) U51 99%? L (r '\ " 9(Ie_Q5 — ”El-us 1’15 +1}: 2:1 -._ ucégfl . (1.2.52) 5:1 The symbol m is referred to as the mean mass of a particle in the gross fluid. In order that Eq. (1.2.50) be a perfect gas equation of state it is necessary that R be a constant. We observe, from Eqs. (1.2.51), (1.2.52) that the condition W20 is not sufficient to make R a constant since the mean mass of a particle in the gross fluid, m, given by Eq. (1.2.52) is, in general, not a constant. If one assumes however that m = constant (and W;O), then the gross fluid has a perfect gas equation of state. Next, a specifying equation for each fluid component 21 is derived. Introduce the entrOpy per unit mass of the s-th Species, 55, by means of the following relation: T5615, = 310, . (1.2.53) It is assumed that the Specific internal energy of the s-th component is given by: U,=C,,,(1+1\,)T5 , (1.2.54) where A5 is a function which represents the deviation of the Specific internal energy of the S-th component from a perfect gas Specific internal energy, i.e., the imper- fections of the gas. 0,5 is the heat capacity of the s-th fluid component at constant volume if it would have been a perfect gas, and will be assumed to be a constant. Inserting Eqs. (1.2.53). (1.2.54) into Eq. (1.2.3), deviding the resulting equation by TS and using Eq. (1.2.47) furnishes: (1.35: C15“. 1A5) .1—5-1 de + Cvs dAS-RPS(1+WS)P:deO (I.2.55) Integrating Eq. (1.2.55) from a zero subscript initial state to some and state gives after the elimination of the logarithms by means of eXponential functions: T5 T5: = 65(51553; Ks-i WHSJSSJCJH , (1.2.56) 22 where Gs , K5 are given by: G: 2x1019(A.-/\..) - (0A.? 012T. + (112110114): 4111.1, (1.2.57) K.=1+R..C;i. (1.2.58) Using Eq. (1.2.47) in Eq. (1.2.56) we get: 1156.))? 54315.1.) (1.2.59) where the function 05 is given by: C5 = 13.053355(1+1315)“11/1/21.)—1 Gs 9X10(“SSOC;:) . (1.2.60) Eq. (1.2.59) is the Specifying equation (generalized pre- ssure-density-entrOpy relation) for the S-th fluid component. Similarly, we introduce the specific entrapy, S , and internal energy, [1, for the gross fluid by the relations: T115 = (10, (1.2.61) U=C.(1+A)T, (1.2.62) where A, c1, have a similar meaning for the gross fluid as A5 , c,s have for a fluid component. 23 It can be shown, by similar operations which were performed to obtain Eq. (1.2.59) and with the additional assumption m = constant, that: 1P= CPKW181111) (1.2.63) where: C: PoPJK “HA/X11110)—1 G W(—So CV1) , (1.2.64) 6 = WRMVAO) ‘LAT—1 dT + {19910141504115} ’ (1.2.55) K= 111121.03. (1.2.66) Equation (1.2.63) is the Specifying equation for the gross fluid*. It may be worthwhile to notice that the n+1 functions A, A1 ’ A2 , coo , A“. are related. by Eq. (I02027), remodelled with the use of Eqs. (1.2.54), (I.2.62): PCvU (1):ij— 5:1: PMCv51H1—1'A “Mg—ENJUSI']. (I.2.67) One cannot assume, in general, that: AEA,EA,E...‘=‘AREO, (1.2.68) * 1n the case where the mass m is assumed to be a 24 Since we would get one more relation between.P, T, PS, TS, v; , thus overSpecifying our system of equations. If, however, one assumes that Eq. (1.2.68) is true, then the gross fluid as well as all the component fluids have perfect gas specific internal energies. Next, we calculate the value of (93%,)55 . Using Eq. (1.2.47) in differential form and Eq. (1.2.58) in Eq. (1.2.55) we get, after rearranging: (3.6}: (11A,)d55: dp.—K.psf.i(’11(\1,)()?gt 111(1 W) (iv/gr +1111) 1).)1111. (1.2. 69) where N5 is given by: N. = (Ks-1M1;1 (W.-A,)(1+A,)-i. (1.2.70) Assuming ()5 and 5. independent, also assuming that 10., As, Ws , are, possibly, functions of R5and some other variables independent of P5, we get, equating coefficients of dPS in Eq. (1.2.69) and rearranging: s O (065)2 = (11%:35) = K5131” (1 N.+) p.13—P;103(1+w.)(14A,)-1]S (1.2.71) Similarly, assuming m = constant,f)and S as independent variables and p, A, W as functions off1and, possibly, of variable, we can decompose it into two parts: m = mean constant + variable perturbation. This will give us in the final Eqs. (1.2. 63) to (1.2.65) an additional term which will represent a deviation from their present forms. 25 some more variables, independent of P , we have: 2 9 _ 1 _ (06) 43%)5-7Kpp‘(i+N)+yloflf(13(1*W)(1+/)HS, (1.2.72) where N is given by: N =(K—1)K‘1(W—A)(1+A). (1.2.73) I.3. Charge and Current Equations, Ohm's Law Following (1, pp. 11, 12) we derive a charge and a current equation. Let P%,be the charge density of the smth fluid component, given by: PBS: 6595 , (I0301) where es is the charge of a particle of the smth Species. From Eqs. (1.2.2), (1.3.1) we have: 11.51.11. ; 21:263st (1.3.2) Assuming 55: consonant, we have, multiplying Eq. (I.2.6) by'#;and making use of Eq. (1.3.2): $51,711:): 6515. (”'3’ 26 Equation (1.3.3) is the equation of conservation of electrical charge for the s-th fluid component. Requiring that there be no input of electric charge sources from outside into the fluid, we have: 71. Z 6.). =0. (1.3.4) S=i The gross fluid excess charge density, Fe, is given ’71. foe=ZPes , (1113.5) 5:1 and the electrical current density, J), is given by: i. 'n. J. 1'. 1‘. J =;pe.u, = J, +1111 , (1.3.6) where J; is given by, using Eqs. (1.2.22), (1.3.5): ‘ _ 1 Ju — [0957}, . (10307) J‘ is the current observed in a fixed system of coordinates while J: is the current observed as ”moving with the gross fluid". The term (mu‘ is called the convection current. Adding the individual Eqs. (1.3.3) over s and using Eqs. (1.3.4), (1.3.5). (1.3.6) leads to the equation of conservation of electrical charge of the gross fluid: 27 _%%,h§E(Jg)g(). (1.3.8) It may be worthwhile to notice that in the case of a fully ionized plasma (n = 2), Eqs. (1.2.7), (1.3.4) lead to the immediate conclusion: @E@EO. (LEW which means that there is no mass interchange between the fluids. Multiplying Eq. (1.2.8) by 55 and using Eq. (1.3.2), we get the individual current equations: .99T(Pesuvs)+3x1(resusug+5e,:x8):"J53—§1+65E+556,,:.Z (I.3.10) The total current equation is obtained by summing the individual Eqs. (1.3.8) over s and making use of Eq. (1.3.6): J‘ + 251(11uiuth?‘216105813);HF : “523- ”'3'”) Multiplying Eq. (1.2.40) by Eksgji, summing the resulting equations over s, subtracting the resulting equations from Eq. {1.3-11). and using Eqs. (I.3.22). (1.3.5) to (1.3.8). gives, after some Operations: 234+ +:[§éfi([°.,v:vf)) + ((3%;- + E95304} JJ) + 5:1 28 +2 [16%(135813 + X5] ' p.10": gag-(1081 + X”) = {17.11: 22:11-11:11". 7...... S=i Either Eq. (1.3.11) or Eq. (1.3.12) are the gross fluid current equations (1, p. 12). Next we state some results pertaining to Ohm's law. For a more complete discussion, the reader is referred to (2). It was shown in (2) that a generalized Ohm's law is contained in the difference momentum equation, (1.2.41), as a certain limiting case. If we assume that all terms in the difference momentum equatiOn can be neglected compared to electromagnetic and interaction forces, then Eq. (1.2.41), reduces to*: (a: S 15‘): , (1.3.13) where the force, 1; , is given by, according to Eq. (1.2.9): F; =-):és~+ F15 . (1.3.14) The electromagnetic force, figs , is given by: * Vector notation is used in the following derivation. 29 F652P25( +Jsxg), (103-15) where § is the magnetic flux density. The interaction force, fim , is assumed to have the form: F05 = Z 0651(E+__U’5) ) (I03016)' +4 where kg are assumed to be constants. Substituting Eq. (1.3.14) into Eq. (1.2.18) and making use of Eqs. (1.2.10), (1.3.5), (1.3.6) and (1.3.15) we get: —’D _. F 1091:, ijfi+§oeuxfi, (1.3.17) Inserting Eqs. (1.3.14) to (1.3.17) into Eq. (1.3.13), eliminating'fis by means of Eq. (1.2.22), we have: (PPes-Pspe) Eu, +(Pfe9175 *stu)x_B’ " _:[oms+(175-fi) =0 ; s =1,2,...,n, (1.3.18) where E, is given by: —.§ Eu. = E + leB . (1.3.19) If we consider P5, P85, 1),, , E, 0&3, as given, Eq. (1.3.18) is a system of n algebraic linear equations for the velocities is (also contained implicitly in 30 TL 3., = :Pesfis ). It is shown in (2) that I, can be written 5:1 in the form: Ju=aEw+ (1E.XB+C(E.,XB)XE, (1.3.20) where a,b and c, obtainable from the solution of the system (1.3.18), are scalar functions of 95, (k5, my and B. Equation (1.3.20), if inverted, yields: ---I- —.—§- Eu = R11 Ju. +3 waB + (R11-Ri)B—Z(iIXE)X—é, (1.3.21) where R" , R, and 5 can be written explicitly in terms of a, b and c, as follows: 12.. = w ; 5 = 11114131212821",- R, = 1.. .Bl)[(.-.13+)2+ 1:132)“ ; 1:11.: ; 1 "511114152131“ ; c11111—111311]. 1...... For the case of the fully ionized plasma (n : 2), Eq. (1.3.21) becomes (See 2): Eu = 641]& + gJux—E , (L123) where §,<5 are given by: 31 5 =’( 1111” 1121312111212 3 $011 (1.1232111? +302‘)'2 , (1.3.24) and Nzxazdu . The inversion of Eq. (1.3.23) can be put in the form: * * J. = 6E... 1‘ 6‘16” + ngzfi-E’i -§(6*2 72139-1;th , (1.3.25) where E:, , E; are given by: ‘IF -—.—0- E1=( ~E.)B" ;E1=B'ZE1(E.1B); 15.51113. (1.3.26) By inspection of Eq. (1.3.23) one is tempted to call 15 the electrical conductivity and EnixB , the "Hall effect". When the Hall effect is negligible, Eq. (1.3.23) reduces. to the generalized Ohm's law: _. —. —+ Ju=6Ew =6’-+ 1122M: 2.11:2:1, 1......) 2E3 , 9E3 . :E2 at“ aleO, 9x1: , 6?-ERT:O, (II0106) 3H3 __ 1. :H3 _ 2. 8111 8H1 _. 3 3x2..J’ , ax1""J , 81?"”Y""J. ’ (11.1.7) 1 where XS, (i:1,2,3), is defined by the equation: 1‘. 31-11 3X12 X5 : “9‘15 *' -a—:X;ZE . (110108) From the first two Eqs. (11.1.6) it follows that: E3 2 constant (11.1.9) TO determine H3, the first two Eqs. (11.1.7) are used. From Eq. (1.3.8) we have: _.....---.2. (II01010) which, together with the first two Eqs. (11.1.7) is a necessary and sufficient condition that -J2dx‘+J‘dxz be the total differential of the function H3: 38 dH3= JWLW-—J2dx'. (11d.11) Eq. (11.1.11), when integrated from a 0 subscripted initial point to some end point along an arbitrary path gives: H3=HZ +(O(J4dx2—J20(X‘). (11.1.12) It should be noticed that the first two Eqs. (11.1.6) determine E3 only, and the first two Eqs. (11.1.7) determine H3 alone. By having four equations determining only two unknowns our system of equations becomes underspecified, i.e., the number of unknowns exceeds the number Of equations, unless two additional equations can be supplied to the system. We note that the two electro- magnetic equations (1.4.6), (1.4.8) which were derived from Maxwell's equations (1.4.1), (1.4.2) cannot be derived from those equations after one putsiéz 0 there. In our case we will take them into account, thus making our total system Of equations Specified by having the two additional equations, using Eqs. (1.4.3). (1.4.4): 59F(/1EH1) + 99x2 ‘ 331‘ -1 3 5 3 +105 (652. "Xs) - 1.5)} (11.2.27) Inserting the correSponding components of Eq. (11.2.26) into Eq. (11.2.25), using Eqs. (1.3.2), (11.1.15). (11.1.17), (11.2.23) and dividing the result- ing equation by (agfi leads to the final form of the quasi-potential equation: [1-(uiocg‘)][m%z .312] (1:11: (11. (25%,— 2,51%) 111+ 1111313 11% 11‘ 1123—11: 1111—15 1 (1 (1)1 11:1: 1:11-11:11) +p;‘[e.Zi -Xi-6s(%¥?+ 32)] ii}. (11.2.28) 11.3. Generalized Bernoulli and Crocco Equations Eqs. (11.1.1) to (11.1.4) combined with Eq. (1.2.12), and written in vector form, give: 48 :VQS_VIS+(D:FS+YS’ (11:03.1) 9—5:— —9 where the components 1: ,(j: 1, 2 ,3), of the vector Ys are given by Eq. (11.2.6), and the operator j%'operating on an s-subscripted quantity denotes: d._u13 I429:“ af—-' us‘ir + u.3yi us ‘V . (11.3.2) Let the position vector of a particle of the s-th fluid component be denoted by 5;, then the velocity of this particle, fig, is given by: .1 i1 u5= 11$ . (11.5.3) Taking the vector dot product of Eq. (11.3.1) by 3;, using Eqs. (1.3.2), (11.2.26), (11.3.2), (11.5.3), multiplying the resulting equation by dt and integrating along a streamline of the s-th fluid component from a zero sub- scripted state to some end state, we have: 1411.) 1 £111) “311: 11. 11.11. H, (11.3.1) where Hso is given by: 1450= %'(u.Jz-*J.O (11.5.5) (11.3.4) is the generalized Bernoulli equation. 49 From Eqs. (1.2.70), (I.2.71), (II.2.11) to (11.2.13) we have: 15(065)—2 = (i’rP_.)(1<.—i)'i , (11.3.6) where P5 is given by: 4 P. ={ (1 + W.)(1+A.)“ + (1.11.111): 11111111111} -1 . (11.3.7) Inserting Eq. (11.3.6) into Eq. (11.3.4) we have: 21111.):+(11.)2(1+P.)(K.-1)11011-1101311 101.11% 11..., (11.3.8) where H50 is given by: _ 1 _ H50- 7(uvso)z +(MSO)Z(1+PSO)(KS-1)1e (11.3.9) Eq. (11.3.8) is another form of the generalized Bernoulli equation. Let.A,be a streamline of the s-th fluid component which intersects the x1 -x‘ plane at the point A,.(x;., xf. , 0). this streamline satisfies the equation of differential type: dxé:dx::dx2=u::u;:u: , (11.3.10) Let drs be an arc element of A. and let dr; be an element 50 of arc length taken along the curve C which is the pro- Jection of A? on the x’-x‘ plane. We note, from Eqs. (11.2.4), (11.3.10) that Q is a qg = constant curve. 3 X ( 35(1; ,X: 91: ) / a:xz Val 2WJ A.(x,‘ .x; .0) '(h= constant Fig. 1. Streamline Geometry Let 35(x;, xi, 1:) be some end point on flu, and let A5(x;, xi, 0) be the projection of B6 on the x*-x‘plane. Let F, be any vector function defined in the three-dimen- sional space and depending on the coordinates (1‘, 1‘) only, i.e., for a pair (2‘, x2), )1, is the same for any x”. Denote the two unit vectors, tangential and normal to the F; curve, in the x‘-x2plane, by §,, h. respectively, and let E be a unit vector in the x’direction. The{ components of jg in the above mentioned directions are 51 denoted by (fig, [Q3 /Q), and the components of the velocity vector 1, in those directions are (3,, 0, ug). Using Eq. (11.3.3), the relation as = £3: and the fact that all functions depend only on the (x‘-x2) coordinates, we have: 8. _. 1 B. 1 g __1 g _ (A... /1.,-d16 =)Aso(/"$'u5)us M's: 5:;(fle Us)“ 0111, (11.3.11) and V( )1: f5 ”9) ‘ V( 5:11. "1191110119411. 1191131.» A, +3—31T.[):‘:(fu) ujaLFJfiS =:(/1 [1: uifl;‘)§s.§%—S[A3fg 1141111111.. (11. 3. 12) Subtracting VHWJ] from both sides of Eq. (11.3.1), using Eqs. (1.3.2), (11.2.26), (11.3.4) and the identity for steady flow: % - V [%(LL5)2] = 5341:, we get: 1135111”. = —VH..+ VQ..-).v( (05011;) — v( (1.11;) + As As +YS+5$[E+/18(115Xg)] -. (II-3.13) Substituting for E in Eq. (11.3.13) the expression quEéfi which can be obtained when using Eq. (11.1.15), noting that (DV'VI'dfiWl-vlo, using Eqs. (11.1.9). (11.3.11) where -> AC 1”; is taken to be equal to k, and using Eq. (11.3.12) where 15 is substituted for }C, we get in Eq. (11.3.13): 52 wsxu5= -VH.,.,+VQ.. +3571). 1.133 V“ 1121:1112) — P50 1311:1131 — 3%:[10115-111'1y1q1. + 1:15 + 131+ Q +3.E3’2 +),/141151111). (11.3.14) It may be worthwhile to notice that the zero subscripted functions are constant along streamlines and, in addition, are not functions of x3, thus, zero subscripted functions are constant on the cylindrical surfaces qg:= constant. The component of Eq. (11.3.14) in the direction he is: 3" _ 3 fl; = __9____Hso+ 9050 _ 3 3-4 ’ (.05 LL LLS 971:5 9714+ 9715 ((55—1971: 65 5——E 597—1;(gou's “’6 dr‘ Q - .3972“ (25.115) a: 1111].. Y:+36/118(E5x-H)n , ”(11.3.15) where (fi‘x flit is the component of 15x E in the fis direction. Solving Eq. (11.3.15) for a@ we have: GT, 9% 59h 1.34:1 3—H» 10—» 5—1-). 111111-11) 1 Gus _94—71.[),(Yfla;)a: (1,1411 +Y:+ mix/fl 5,111+) ”12111—3. (11.3.16) Q Transforming from ( R, n.) variables to ( R, Q,) variables, we have, using Eqs. (11.2.4), (11.2.8) and the relations: ’J_X_ __ ‘4. 9X:_ 1- -1. 911, 11:11,, 11.. 9 ‘ ._ 9 SE: 9 5 3X1 _ — — 9%5— 9 9n. + 9x2 9115‘Psuvs- (II.3.17) Using EQ- (11.3.17) we have: _1_= 3 ,9 s =- — _3__ 3715 atysfi P9u53(+)5 0 (II03018) Eq. (II.3.16) becomes, using Eq. (11.3.18): (1):: Psi-fig};— +d'Q:o ”3%-fiE393—q1Uu2-Hdr) [W° 112:1] 1115-11“ s 1s/4e1fisx9)“]* 2112 +LL: 94);}. (II03019) Eqs. (11.3.16), (11.3.19) are two possible forms of the generalized Grocco equation. Transformong from (F;, n,) variables to (x‘, 1‘) variables, we have, using Eqs. (II.2.4), (II.2.8): z 5 _9_=’3X£_’3_ + _9_'X =P5'1E‘1(§-(£—L+ 33%???) (II.3.20) 3%: 9n. QX‘ 971,371 QX‘ 31111111 and for the component ”2 of an arbitrary vector,/'l',: = "riflfit/«i * $33), ”I'M” where f1,‘, f: are the components of /15, in the directions 1 , x reSpectively. Using Eqs. (11.1.17), (11.2. 4), 54 (11.3.20), (11.3.21) in Eq. (11.3.19) we get: 2 a»: = 12(— 33‘ 353: + 21-33?) ‘31313‘2 333133-31?" fa 33x3“ uiujdf‘s) - 5%33WY5'L335'1dF53+ Y1- ‘35fe3FQIHB%+ ”2%; W) 3x31}. (11.3.22) Eq. (11.3.22) is the form of the generalized Crocco equation which will be used in the present work. 11.4. The Final Quasi-Three-Dimensional System There are two ways in which the governing system of equations can be formulated, depending on whether one chooses the quasi-stream-function or the quasi-potential function as the unknown to be solved for. In the present work, the.first formulation is given and dealt with. The quasi-stream function equation, (11.2.7), becomes, using Eq. (11.3.22) and rearranging terms: —(u:oc; H633?- Zu: 31:04; 973%}: [1.3 (ugwgflgafigfi [.Psa;1(.g_31:° + 2%) + :;3%3%)3£7330331-B5)3 + +1131 >111 >31 1 3—3: ~31- M 33 331» 55 335 1313-333 1211:3331 13:31-33“ 3 3 L"1"‘1333113113311311313+“ H333- -3o;‘6523133;‘Xi)333 3 (13.4.1) Multiplying Eq. (11.1.4) by 1-Bs and using Eqs. (1.3.2), (II.1.1), (II.1.17), (II.2.3), (II.2.4), (II.2.26), we get: 13 33— 33 13: 33113 31313 1313 +33’Bs)[6s3Z:‘LL:)‘X:] . 1 (11.4.2) Eq. (11.1.12) becomes, using Eqs. (1.3.2), (1.3.6), . -6 l 3 6 lo (11.2.3), (11.2.4) and the relation dqg-fik—dx +34%]; . =H:+;313o33—B53-1033" (11.4.3) It may be worthwhile to notice that in the case of a fully ionized plasma (n22, Egao) Eq. (11.4.3) can be integrated and one gets: 2 3 +33 1 ; 353333.333). (13.4.4) Using Eqs. (1.3.2), (1.3.5) in Eq. (11.1.16) we get: Gzn + 32" - _ (9x82 (9x11): __ E 12 x5 P5 . (11:04.5) Eq. (11.1.18) becomes, using Eqs. (1.3.2), (1.3.6): 31 31 _ W #41 563?“ ggsfguz. (11.4.6) Eqs. (1.2.1), (1.2.59), (11.3.4), (11.4.1), (11.4.2), (11.4.4), (11.4.5), (11.4.6), are considered as a system of 5n+3 equations for the 5n+3 unknowns 1,, p., p.,(%, u: , H3, 3, f. 11.5. Incompressible Flow We distinguish between the following two cases of incompressible flows: (a) Gross fluid is incompressible (P = constant). In this case the component fluids' densities, P5, need not be constant, only their sum is a constant, since P=Z;Ps. (b) Each fluid component is incompressible ( Rs: constant; 6 = 1,2,...,n). In this case the gross fluid is incomp- ressible. In the present work only case (b) is considered. To derive a quasi-stream function equation for this type of flow we start from Eq. (II.2.21)*, and using Eqs. * Note that .1 is not a constant in the incompressible flow due to existence of mass sources or sinks, de, in this type of flow. 57 (11.2.3), (11.2.4) and the conditioneqzconstant, we have: 2 z T337337 3. $33, = 13.3»: + ;3‘§333‘33133‘333'B133 (11.5.1) Equation (11.5.1) is the quasi-stream function equation for the incompressible flow. w: will be calculated from the generalized Crocco equation which was derived in Section 3. The quasi-potential equation is obtained from Eq. (11.1.1), using the condition P5:constant and Eq. (11.2.23): 925 l 35 s "‘1 33333113331 1131 » 111-1" where gs is calculated through Eq. (11.2.24) and one of the forms of the generalized Crocco equation which was given before. In the single fluid formulation it is possible to obtain the stream function equation and the potential equation for the incompressible flow, from the stream function equation and the potential equation for the compressible flow, by setting the velocity of sound in each of those equations to becw. this result carries on to the present type of flow, for if we set czs=°° (s=1,2,...n) in Eqs. (11.2.27), (11.2.28) we obtain Eqs. (11.5.1), (11.5.2) reSpectively. When a formulation with the quasi-stream function 58 as an unknown is chosen, in addition to the quasi-stream function equation, (11.5.1), one has to consider in the incompressible flow Eqs. (11.4.2), (11.4.3), (11.4.5), (11.4.6), and n Bernoulli's equations, with the accompany- ing condition. R5: constant. In order that the system of equations for the incompressible flow be Specified, there is a need for n additional equations. Those must be supplied by means of n given relations between the pressures, p5, and the temperatures, T5, for each fluid component, given, for example, in the form of the equations: f5(p5,T9) = o; s:1,2,...,n. (11.5.3) Note that Eq. (11.4.5) in the present case contains a known constant on the right hand side, thus, if prOper boundary conditions are given for n, this equation "decouples" from the system of equations and one may solve Eq. (11.4.5) for q first, and use the result in the quasi- stream function equation where n appears. 11.6. Non-dimensionalization We introduce the following non-dimensional quantities, denoted by the symbol N: 59 x‘=x"L; ns=%$L; F.=F.L, (11.6.1) i NC - 2 u5=u5 u‘fo"o ;u'5=u'$u’$¢, (II0602) 5.31.1; H‘=1"1‘H., (11....) $115.1. ; Ei=EiEoo , (11.6.4) _ 1’! P9: FSPS‘”; Ps=fisP5~(usw>2 ; T5:LT_$T500; P5=P5P5m , (11.6.5) cps-1).)..u..l_; « ; 3.4321»... (11....) Q5: 65 (wavy. ; HS = HSoo(|/LSoo)2 , . (II°6‘7) a): = C3: IJ.,.,.L.1 , (11.6.8) 65 ' gs Paco use» L1 3 X: =X: £35000;is [—4 ; i. "’ ' “’4'. - Zs =Z: usao; Y:= Y5 )Dsm(u’$m)2 Li, (11.6.9) ~ 1 w L z 4 .=o¢.w.. ; L. = L, (u...) L , (II.6.10) where Ts"° , F5” p5,, , u... , H, , Em , 065,, L are some standard temperatures, densities, pressures, velocities, magnetic and electric fields, velocities of sound and length reapectively. Using Eqs. (11.6.1) to (11.6.10) in Eqs. (11.4.1), 60 (11.4.2), (11.4.3). (11.4.5), (11.4.6) we get: [1111:3211 .)1—,1g.- 21:1: (52; 11..)23—31‘13. + *[1 (113533 ”Mtg-)7 = 1.11.)“(—%:—flj 93215:) . +E:(2%)(23’15H13U- 9))"(55:Maw)2((K.-1)(1+1+..'W)(1+A)909x; 1‘ ~ g3 11: — 3. 1:1” 1-11.1113 1.131111% 3,. - "-55%- :;2) + (1‘B5)[55( 3—332) ’32.] , (11.6.12) (‘13 =11: + Z R... 1011-13.)“ 111. , (II.6.13) 2N ‘ " ~ 2 31 a V )1 = 4: RMR; RC: (0.; ‘7 =W+ % , (11.6.14) 70 V2? = :Rmsfifii , (11.6.15) $1 where M5”, Rms, RHS, RC5, RE., are given by: 61 VLm= u.~AQ:, (Mach number) (11.6.16) R7115: 6.»...11...L HZ, (1312311133: 33:16:30 (11.6.17) Raf 112(1):»)2 (>2: L125. , (33151116230 pressure (11.6.18) R1) ,..1....)2, 1:111:13) 1......) - _ -1 -1 -1 (electrical field R55 ‘ [ac/(e LLsoa oo , parameter) (II.6.20) REng'EsE‘: E:, (11.6.21) where c is the velocity of light, and E: are the components of the standard electric field vector, 1;. Using Eq. (11.1.9) we choose E3 = E: . The correSponding incompressible equations to Eqs. (11.6.11) to (11.6.15) are obtained by setting H5, = 0, Fs=:1 in those equations. 11.7. Linearization We shall treat the problem of flow under uniformly applied electric and magnetic fields such that a first order small perturbation theory is sufficient to describe the flow field in the neighbourhood of the origin of the disturbances in question. 62 The velocity vector of each one of the fluid compo- nents is assumed to have the following components: I 1 , 11. =u.‘.+ 11., ; ué=u:. . 112w; , (11.7.1) where uéw is the velocity of the undisturbed uniform flow of the s-th fluid component and ug+ (121,2,3) are the perturbed x‘ components of the velocity reSpectively. 4 We assume u; »u., . The externally applied magnetic field has the following components: .1 H as H: = constant ; (121,2,3). (11.7.2) Hence the resultant magnetic field has the components: H‘ = H: + H; ; H;:» H; . (11.7.3) Similarly we have for the electric field*: E = E, + E? ; slaw E; . (11.7.4) We also assume: (as = P5w+ Pep ; P5» >> Pep. (II-705) * From Eq. (11.1.9) we have E; = 0. 63 Eqs. (11.7.1), (11.7.3), (11.7.4), (11.7.5), written in non-dimensional form, become, using Eqs. (11.6.2) to (11.6.5): 8; = 1 + 61+ ; 8; = 8;? ; a; = as, , (11.7.6) 8‘ = E; + fig ; EL 2 E; + E; , (11.7.7) (‘0'. = 1+ (5.1., (11.7.8) Ni Ni “’4'. where 3;? , (LT’ fig, EP' H”, Em, are given by: fig: 11111911; ; ' (11.7.9) 8; = Hgnj ; 8; = Egnj , (11.7.10) E: = HLHj ; E; = 8:8: . (11.7.11) The function j can be Split into the form: fl = Nii‘ + fiiiz + fl, , (11.7.12) where 9!", represents the perturbation part for the electric field components in the (x‘, x2) plane. Using Eqs. (11.1.15). (11.6.1), (11.6.4), (11.7.4), (11.7.7), (11.7.8), (11.7.11), (11.7.12) we get: E; : 34L; (431,2), (1107013) In a similar manner we split g : §= “H:§‘+H:5(‘ “g1. , (11.7.14) and get, using Eqs. (11.1.17), (11.6.1), (11.6.3), (II.7.3), (II.7.7), (II.7.10), (II.7.11), (II.7.14): H1 “—39 ; Hz: 1:?— (11.7.15) 1 9x2 1“ ax‘ . We will assume conservation of mass of each fluid component in the undisturbed stream, i.e., no mass sources or sinks ( 6;.2 O and, therefore, BS, = o). If we choose the non-dimensional quasi-stream function,(Ps. in the form: (PS: §z+q35P , (1107016) we get, using Eqs. (11.2.3), (11.2.4), (11.6.1), (11.6.2), (11.6.5). (11.6.6), (11.7.1), (11.7.6), (11.7.8), (II.7.16): %% : -(1'B$)a:1 3 %%p = (1‘ B.)(a:p*(5.,)'Bs, (11.7.17) It may be assumed, since we are dealing with a first order small perturbation system, that the non-dimensional mass source of the s-th fluid component, 3}, is small at 65 least to the first order. It can be shown* that Bs is of the same order as 3;. Thus, neglecting second order terms in Eq. (11.7.17). we have: N N 5 ~ Gs "’ ~ 111,. =-u:,; _‘Lr -1151? *Psr'B$° (11.7.18) 9X‘ 9X‘ In order that the electromagnetic forces, fin, , be small at least to the first order we assume that those forces vanish in the undisturbed stream. Using Eq. (11.2.26) we have: -. Em+/)e(EsmxHao)= O . (11.7.19) The components of the velocity vectors in the undisturbed stream are (us; , O, O). The three component equations of Eq. (11.7.19) are, therefore: i_ , 2_ 1 a. 3__ 1 a Eco—0) E00-fleu'$¢o GD, Ew‘ f'eu'fw‘l‘L) S:1,2,...,n. (1107.20) It follows from the last two equations given in Eq. (11.7.20) that either: ESEHSEEEEHEO, (11.7.21) 01‘: * Using Eq. (A.4) which is derived in Appendix A. 66 uioo : ul‘” 2 °°° :: undo: 1100 9 (II.7.22) i.e., the velocities of the n fluid components in the undisturbed stream are equal. Summarizing, from Eqs. (11.7.20) to (11.7.22) we have one of the following two possible cases: .0 (a) 11 = 112,, = 0.0 : um): um ; E: = O ; E: : renal-13 E: : -/uumH: . (II-7.23) (1107024) m 8m” m ’11: s w m 0 O (b) 1:15 13.21:, In the present work the case (a) is dealt with. Using Eqs. (11.7.11), (11.7.23) in Eqs. (11.6.19), (11.6.20) we get: RE HUM) (H32) FH‘Miffi; Rgf‘Hi.‘ (11.7.25) We assume that the equations of state and of the internal energy of each one of the n fluid components follow perfect gas laws in the undisturbed stream, i.e., Wags A955 0. We also assume, since we are dealing with a first order small perturbation system, that W5, A5 , are small quantities, at least to the first order, throughout the disturbed flow field. Similarly, it is 85...... that X.‘.. -_-. o, and that X,‘, 2.2’.‘ (1=1.2.3). L93; 67 (3:1,2), are small quantities, at least to the first order. Inserting Eqs. (11.2.6), (11.3.9), (11.7.1) into Eq. (11.3.8) and using Eqs. (11.6.1), (11.6.2), (11.6.4), (11.6.7), (11.6.9), (11.6.10) we get: é—(asfy + 11:? + (325 Mew)2(i+P5)(Ks‘ 9-1 _ 55 = =(Msw)TZ(Ks-i)fii, (11.7.26) where T15? , 5, are given by: (11.1.1 = ZWQV , (11.7.27) 3:61 i=(m1i5fiRwfigsL: 1811162211356”.+:.(Z:-11.)11.1. (11.7.28) Note that P5 , which is given in Eq. (11.3.7). vanishes in the undisturbed stream, since W. , is do. Solving Eq. (11.7.26) for ((32.12 we have: —i (52:)-2=(11P5)(1+(Ks-1)(M5..)2 [59.11; —:-(\ 1169?} . (11.7.29) We assume that (Ks-1)(M,.,)2Ti;1, , %(K_., -1)(M5,,)2(u51,)<<1, thus neglecting them in Eq. (11.7.29) we get: (-5) -2 (1 +P5()[1+(Ks 1)(Me..2.)5]1. (11.7.30) Furthermore, we will approximate 13.5 , 55 by chosen 68 constant mean values 155 , 55 reSpectively, thus having in Eq. (H.730): (1.): +- (1111+11.111111211“ = 10151111- 1:17.11 ’ Using Eqs. (1.3.2), (1.3.6). (11.1.17). (11.2.3). (11.2.4), (11.6.5). (II.6.6), (11.6.16) to (11.6.18), (11.6.20), (11.6.21), (11.7.1), (11.7.5) to (11.7.8). (11.7.11), (11.7.12), (11.7.14), (11.7.16), (11.7.17), (11.7.23), (11.7.25) in Eqs. (11.6.11) to (11.6.15), noting that Q5“, H5“ are universally constants, i.e., ‘%%? E €§ETEE , neglecting second and higher order terms, assuming ii? is small at least to the first order, 33}: fig, and making the following changes in notation: E‘ = x, £1: y,LP ZP‘jsr q);,u:1,=ws,H;:-.Hz, fir'n , ff‘f, (5.15 0. , 5,: a.,Zézzsx,z§=z%,23=z,,,x,=x,,, "L x; = 11%,, 11;: x,,, ’0’, = 0,, 1.5 = 1.5,, '11; = 1.3, we get*: F;%%+%;% FeeRm-iRHS‘g‘P HR... H.111 “msR ngflifih} +(1.211.111H.+R..R,$R.a(1-F;)%§r+11., ' 1......) 3—1" R..R,g1é+,,11-11 1.11.135, +R..R,,;B, + * In order that the equations which were derived above comply with the linearized case, the 0 subscripted state is taken at the undisturbed stream, 1. e., the subscripts 0 and1n are assumed to be equivalent. 69 wig—X”, (11.7.33) H; 2: RMQV, +£(1-BJ1113]; 3?} = :Rm+%%, (11.7.34) qu= : RngfiR: 11...), (11.7.35) V’f =:me,, (II.7.36) where F5”, RH: , G6 are given by: Pem‘j- (~6 HMsoo) , (13.7.37) RH ‘ 5=RH:H.: ='/(. ”H... ~ .103. (LL... , (II.7.38) G.=-35§-{13.R+..R+.-B {— X.,) 1. S [a.(z.- 1)- -X.x] dx} (1'P$°°)[(Kd)(1*ws)(1*As)-igas L53} (”'7'”) In the incompressible case thC). (r:1,2,...,n). Taking the derivative of Eq. (II.7.35) once with respect to x and then with reSpect to y, and commuting differen- tiation signs we have: V2(%:H =0 ; Vz(%‘) =0 . (11.7.40) Assuming that the perturbed electric field, E;, vanishes at large distances from the origin of disturbances, we 7o obtain, using Eqs. (11.7.10), (11.7.13). 35%}: 0 at large distances. Using this result and Eq. (11.7.40) we have: 9 _ 9 9% ‘ a} " 0 everywhere, (11.7.41) i.e., in the incompressible case, the perturbed electric field vanishes identically everywhere. We assume in the compressible case, that the right hand side of Eq. (11.7.35) 18 approximately a constant and, therefore, the same result is obtained for this case. CHAPTER III SIMILKRITY OF FLOWS III.1. Approximate Governing System of Equations To obtain similarity rules we apply, additionally to the linearization, a procedure which could be called an equalization of the order of terms, i.e., we will further simplify the governing system of equations neglecting very small terms. Let m“ = min.(m¢) and assume furthermore that*: 4 mdm,<<1; r:1,2,...,n; r #66; e,6 #0 . (III.1.1) In addition we assume: RQZRE; 029.12le << 1, (111.1.2) where 63, is obtained by using Eqs. (11.6.17), (11.6.18) in Eq. (III.1.2): * Thecx-th fluid component may be the electron fluid. , 71 72 Qg=e..(p..,.m5: e“)? . (111.1.3) $L,is called the plasma frequency of the w-th Species*. Assuming that the number density of each fluid component at w is the same, we have, using Eqs. (11.6.17). (11.6.18), (11.7.38): 1Kmfl¥<;:‘= 3+6: ; ‘{H*¥{::=qn47fl: § ‘ RHiRH:=%¢m:H; :5 (“1.2.35 +=1.2.....%). (111.1.11) Taking the derivative of Eq. (11.7.36) with reSpect to x, substituting Eq. (11.7.33) into the resulting 2 equation, dividing by RMRH‘, using Eq. (111.1.4), commuting the Operators V2 and £1 and rearranging, we get: .1311}; V‘fiH ‘ (251‘ )2 (6f 63 mm?) = = Z { e: e;zm,m:[H;H3—e% " (1:11:19? * H: H:B+] + + 61. e: meH‘ (61.21} ‘X+2)} . (III.1.5) Neglecting small terms in Eq. (111.1.5). following the assumptions made in Eqs. (111.1.1), (111.1.2), we have: * Similar assumptions to the ones above can be found in (10, 11). L—H: H: 7.1 — H: H1111— - H: H.111.- —Z 9.9.: meH‘(61Z12-Xn). (III.1.6) Inserting Eq. (111.1.6) into Eq. (11.7.33). using Eq. (11.7.38) and rearranging furnishes: LU. =RmeRH:(%§(Di-%§i()—)+RWSRH:(%%-%)+RMSR1fi-(9BTB) Tb _ e5 ejmwm: Z(:e+(6+Z+z‘Xn)] + 65Z52 —X52 . (III.1.7) Taking the derivative of Eq. (11.7.32) with respect to x, substituting Eq. (111.1.7) into the resulting equation and dividing by , we have, using Eq. (111.1.4): RniRK-‘(Ps «ab—qu+ ”(33352): szmeseéH: H: 7n.m:Rmi Hug—3% [3.2. esemeHZ'mimf {Hm H:( (3x‘1%%)+ +H1H.1(%§(1-%1) H.:-H.1.(R —R.) -— .111. :1. e 1.(.z. 1.)) R1.R.:(.1z.- x.))— - _ .. 61 ~e.e;: .1. mgH1H1 :.R.: ...(S,w.11)+ P9 TD - _ - - 693 + 5100 6.18.: ma‘mSile-w H: 2 (e1. 3);) + tq 74 -3 R“ LG: 1m. H. ex . (111.1.8) Neglecting small terms in Eq. (111.1.8), following the assumption made in Eq. (111.1.2) we have: .1. R1. 1: e: H; H: 111: .121) H:H.:1(%?(1 - 3.131% «111111111118 +H.:H;1(R.-R.) - _ Rx“ R11: ;[E—r €;1(6+Zu-X12)]+ R711:R1):(6-121‘.tmx:11+z)}9 '11 + :90 8.8’imxm?R.1.R.:;(e.%%) = O . (III.1.9) For sfiw, Eq. (111.1.9) becomes, neglecting small terms in view of Eq. (111.1.1): '7). 291%:01 (111.1.10) 1+1 or, using Eqs. (11.6.17), (11.7.34), (111.1.10) we get: 1x (111.1.11) LHl‘O, and since 32:0 in the undisturbed stream we conclude that: H2 2 O everywhere. (111.1.12) 75 For Szw, using Eq. (111.1.10) in Eq. (111.1.9) we get: ; e+(6+Z1-2 _X‘hi‘) = ew(6fi6Zw2.-Xw2). (III.1.13) Inserting Eq. (111.1.13) into Eqs. (III.1.6), (III.1.7) we have: 3 H211)- H: H: 131- H; H.113. — R;R..:(6.. Z... Xi), (111.1.14) 33—1 =RR. R(—311.-—3—3+ MM (131 331) +R..R.(B. -.+B) +6eZsz“Xs. for s #06 + w. = o . (111.1.15) , (11.7.32) becomes, using Eqs. (11.7.41), (111.1.12): 2 924’s + 82w5_ Fees 9x3— 38,” FstmeRméQ— 93.5 F:me9RH: we ”RmsRH: $6" 111. (ix) + 6.. (111.1.16) Eqs. (111.1.14) to (111.1.16) will be considered as a system of equations governing approximately the n- component fluid flow. The equations of this system can be solved separately by solving first Eq. (111.1.16) for Q3, after which Eq. (111.1.14) is solved for .§, and Eqs. (111.1.15). (111.1.16) can be solved for ig,(#. (six). 76 111.2. Correlation of Flows The system of equations governing approximately the compressible flow of an n-component fluid will be correlated to n systems of equations governing approximately the incompressible flow of a correSponding n-component fluid. By correlation it is meant that there will be derived simple relations between correSponding functions of the compressible and those of the incom- pressible flow° This procedure can serve, then, as a first approximation in the correlation of the more general system of Eqs. (11.7.32) to (11.7.36). Having this first approximation one can try to derive, by an itterative procedure, a higher order correlation, using the system of Eqs. (11.7.32) to (11.7.36). The equations for the x-th fluid component and each of the s-th fluid components separately are coupled together and will be taken as one system when compared to the incompressible flow. We will denote functions and coordinates in the incompressible flow by primes. The equations for the s-th and w~th fluid components in the incompressible flow are, from Eqs. (11.7.39): (111.7.39). (III.1.15), (111.1.16), (here is {35: = 1, (an: :1): RT 91 , 91; ' 2 5’ 7 ' $5 + 3—39;— =Rm9RHi 13%— - R7115 Rt): 7H,; - wgdx)+G§, (11:.2.1) 1.11m .431 133,912-11 Mg— 1.31) +.:R;.R (B B2) 1622;. *X... , (111.2.2) 17.1—1thme WM) 0 = 11: R..R,;.R;- 6:2.» X5; 1ti5.[6;(z.;—1)-X;H+}; ww- n+1-2+) 1; The equations for Hg, y; have both Laplacian Operators on the left hand side. If we want to correlate the equations for 4k,(%, of the compressible flow to the corresponding equations in the incompressible flow by means of a linear transformation between the (x, y) and the (x’, y') coordinates we have to introduce one further approximation by introducing a weighted mean value Ffi.: 2. F9m=ESP52mf(i-ES)P¢ZOO; 05 Eséi, (111.2.5) where e; is a weight factor, the value of which must be known. We approximate in Eqs. (11.7.39). (III.1.15), (111.1.16) for the s-th and the w-th fluid components 1 the ’85: and the a. by F9: , and get: 78 (113111—913 W162R.R,.1.1g (5.:R..R.,.;6 — —R,.R,,.1g-(L6.Bx) + 6., (III.2.6) 1—1—1=R-R (111— 111) RR .(21 2—‘(1)+R,.R.;(B.-B.)+ +6.Z..-X.., (111.2.7) (1.2%(w 1.3117: R.,R,,;11— ,3 6., (In...) 6.=— —1——B1 1.. :R..R, R (a: (:.Z.,—X,,)+-.1g( (1.12.1)- -X..] d1}1(1-pf.)[(R.-1)(11W.)(Mlgm L 11:]; (=1 (5,1) (111.2.9) We correlate the system of Eqs. (111.2.6) to (111.2.9) with the system of Eqs. (111.2.1) to (III.2.4). Introduce the following linear transformation: X = x; 3: {55003, (III.2.10) and assume that the dependent variables in the two flows are related by: Lys=a.(y;; ngéws’; (p.=a.((1.’, (111.2.11) where as, b5, a06 are constants which will be determined. Using Eqs. (111.2.10), (111.2.11) in Eqs. (111.2.6) 79 to (111.2.9) we have: —)g)(7- gig: stR’MSRH 33% HartlfiRmRH :21. m6 '1 asfimeRH; gig-(Lu; dx’) ’1 01':ng G. , (111.2.12) '1. 9w; - a z 3 :6 _ _ 3 :5 3 0,6 37'— : I351 RmRH; (as—3%: _ 0... 33") + (36" flsiRmRHg(053% - ad???) + (.1R,.R,;(B.-B.)+B:(s.z.—X.), (In...) 34:11: .11: = .-.R,..R 16+ afi”i.(111.2.11) a: F; = " 0,; {35: 95T§f+a+ m-RH2B1- — a: (6+Zt3-X113) + 1a: F111‘3H7H~[11(Z11” 1) ~X..] dx’} 1 + .1 . 2 . 0.,F...(i-P..)[(K.-1)(1+W+)(1 A.) 33 L13]; ($5.06). (111.2.15) In order to correlate Eqs. (111.2.12) to (111.2.15) with Eqs. (111.2.1) to (111.2.4) we require the following relations to exist: (.1: R..RH;=R.;.R;; ; a.(}.“R..RH;=RQ.RQ;, (III.2.16) (1.0: :RnsRHfRésRfi; ; a.(r;‘RmsRH;‘-'R(5Rfi; , (111.2.17) FmRmsRH: =R:«+R;: ; P; 0:: 6,»: 6;, (111.2.18) 80 RMRH;(B;B»)=RJSRJ;(BQ‘BL)3€‘(6SZSIX,.)=6§Z;-X;2, (mm) where r = s,w . In addition we require that the curve r; be transformed into the curve r2, i.e., projected streamlines in the compressible flow transform into projected streamlines in the incompressible flow. This leads to the so-called "streamline analogy" (8, pp. 180, 181), which requires that Qg be transformed in the same way as y, thus, using Eqs. (IIIo2.10), (III.2.11) we have: _-1 I a5= Pan. (111.2.20) From either the second Eq. (III.2.16) or the second Eq. (III.2.17) we get: a¢=a5. (III.2.21) From Eq. (III.2.16) we have: 35a? '1 unless RmsRH:E RJSRfii'é-O. (III.2.22) From Eq. (III.2.17) it can be seen that; ’f’s 0: = Fem unless R'msRH: E szsRég 50. (III.2.23) Since the first Eqs. (III.2.22), (III.2.23) are conflict- ing each other we will limit our correlation to the 81 following two Special cases: 1 H130.(R R E 2 2 SQ) 3 4__ Case (a): Hana a” , ms H: RmRH: , sas ‘Fem- (III-234) Case (b): H:5H:’EO$ (RmsRHfRn:3R;leD),”Quiet-‘1. (111.2.25) Using Eq. (111.2.20) in Eqs. (111.2.24), (III.2.25) we have: bs = 1 in case (a) ; bs :‘E1 in case (b). (III.2.26) Q We assume the following relations: rmfimL; e,= e; (haw); u, = LLL; _ ’ Ye,“ 9:. ; L‘ L . (111.2.27) Thus, in order that the relations in the first Eqs. (III.2.18) be established, we assume, using Eqs. (II.6.17), (II.6.18), (III.2.27): Fecal—i: = 030’, (III.2.28) and, in order that Eqs. (III.2.16), (111.2.17) be satis- fied we choose, using Eqs. (II.6.17), (11.6.18), (III.2.27): Hi=H:’ ; Hi= Hi, . (III.2.29) 82 To satisfy the second Eq. (III.2.18) we assume, using Eqs. (111.2.4), (111.2.15), the first Eq. (111.2.18), and Eq. (III.2.20): B1,:B; ; 61.: 6a;- ; 6rZ+x= 4:21;; Fsmng'fx= &;Z;3; X-Hs'X-Lx , stX+3=X;3; Féfli—p&)[(K+-1)U*W+)U*A5i'§§i‘ bdrm (1'=6,o¢). (III.2.30) The eXpression on the left hand side of the last Eq. (III.2.30) is assumed to be negligibly small since 1 - [5,: = 1 - 1 + Wham)" : (3'64‘."11I¢.,,)2 is assumed to be a small quantity. The first Eq. (III.2.19) is automatically satisfied when using Eqs. (III.2.17), (III.2.24) and the first Eq. (III.2.30). In order satisfy the second Eq. (111.2.19), we assume, using Eq. (III.2.26)3 65252: 6,, 25,2; Xsfx; in case (a), (III.2.31) Feuéazsfézge; stX53=X;z in case (b). (111.2.32) Denoting the nonndimensional perturbation velocities in the y direction by v;, we have, using Eqs. (III.7.18), (III.2.1o), (III.2.11), (111.2.20), (111.2.21): 83 Emu: W 3 (FM). (111.2.33) A summary of the relations between correSponding quantities of the compressible and the incompressible flow, when the s-th fluid component is correlated, is given below in a table form: Table 1. Correlation for the s-th fluid component quantities Compressible Incompressible 1n+,e+,u,,ys,H:,H:,H: mksémhyéfiffifififi 3' L 2. 3 U __ ’ 31 ) Ego=0)Eoo,E°o’L ”:0,P6p:, on,L 9», 15,13“ «5+, eZu, {231113, psi: vi, 3,1,5; 42,1, 6,2,, X“, X? {3; 6,32,; , Xi, , (5;: Xé, Case (a): 1175,6152”,st 715;, 65’ Z532L ,Xs; Case (b): 2J5, 532551,st F’s: w; , P526;25;3;Xs; where r:s,x . For the correlation of the weth fluid component we consider Eq. (111.1016) for s:x combined with the second Eq. (III.1.15). We also consider Eq. (III.1.14). Introducing the linear transformation: X =.1 ; ‘fr-1m‘1, (111.2.34) and assuming; (For: 0.x 05%); a = (III.2.35) where a“, b are constants which will be determined, we get, using Eqs. (11.7.41), (III.1.15), (III.2.34), (111.2.35), in Eqs. (11.7.39), (III.1.14), (III.1.16) for s:%: 32; jig—Jr 9.312%: waRmeH: jx-gfi— — a: Patina (III.2.36) Cari; Goo = " a: Fa;oo QB +0.0, RW‘RH :ocB " 0.1%ng Xx3)+ + 1:,” fijgexzw- 11 - xxx] 11+} + +aZP+i[(-1(i 1111111131?“ 1411, arm-371 %§+—=‘a PH: Higg— 3x7 a.(3“H:H;‘ €35?- -1 11:11: 13,- 1111,: .311 (Hz... 11,) (mass) Requiring a streamline analogy we have: a,=-P;, (111.2.39) 85 In order to correlate Eqs. (III.2.36) to (III.2.39) twith the correSponding equations for the incompressible :flow we will require the following relations to exist, ‘using Eq. (III.2.39): ) PmRmRH; = meR;: 7. F2126“: G; (111.2.40) £4ng H: H: = HZ’H’: ;1}’11,113.23Hm‘Hi’=HI;1 , (111.2.41 ) Yi‘Rfii incl“ m3 Hfi6Z,,;5‘RmRH “X; ,, (111.2.42 We assume the following relations: 41mm; e,=e;; 11m=u;; »m=11;; 15L); meH2- H5; Hot=H.:,; H:=H:, (111,2,43) From the last three Eqs. (III.2.43) we have: = 11:01 1+ F;Z(1+p§m)( H:’ 11:12] $- , (mg...) In order that Eq. (III.2.41) be completely satisfied we use Eqs. (III.2.43), (III.2.44) and choose: ’6: PM.“ [3;oo(1-P “X: H?) J 2:. (III.2.45) 86 The first Eq. (III.2.40) is satisfied by the assump- tions made in the first six Eqs.(III.2.43). In order that the second Eq. (III.2.40) be satisfied we assume, using Eq. (III.2.37) and the first Eq. (111.2.40): 8.553.; 6,261; daze“: 6.1ZL.; meéwagz 6::Zia. 3 Xxx: XLx; Pume3r-Xo:3,; -i 2 ‘1_Q£ Paco(i-wa)[(Kw’i)(1_+w¢)(1+/A\oo) 33% +L“8]%D, (III/2.46) From Eq. (II.6.17), (II.6.18), (III.2.44), (III.2.45) we have: 11mm; 11;: ,1: =9... (111.2.47) Using Eq. (III.2.47) in Eq. (III.2.42) we have: 606206} = (3;; 60:20:} ; X062 = Pecfa-oxcc; . (11102-48) Summarizing the correlations of the w-th fluid component in a table form: 87 Table 2. Correlation for the math fluid component quantities Compressible Incompressible H1 2 }+3 , 1 1 1 U H2, 4. 3’ mw’ew,uw’yw) 00, w, m, mw)ew,u/ijw, m) m ’ “U U, E:=O,E:, 3,1. E;’=o,{1;:E:,E:',1_' z 3’ ’— J 1+: 1:1:11111112111111» 1111+ Bead“ 6¢Zxx,6oon3 Bl)é.:,6.:Zo:x ,F;: 612023, 6.42012 ,XoLX7Xp¢8’Xo(3: Fiodzaiz, Xéx,F>;toXo2%, [371: a; III.3. Pressure Coefficients In this section we invalidate the changes in notation which were introduced for the perturbed quantities in Chapter II, Section 7. The s-th Species' pressure coefficient is defined by: _ -i —2 Cfs- 2(T35-10500) boo H1500 . (III0301) Bernoulli's Eq. (11.3.4) becomes, using Eqs. (11.3.5), (11.6.2), (11.6.4). (11.6.5), (11.6.7), (II.6.9), (II.6.17), (11.6.18), (11.6.20), (11.7.1) 88 (11.7.4) to (11.7.11). (11.7.23), (11.7.25). (11.7.28), neglecting second order terms and using the result 3-: constant which was obtained in Chapter II, Section 7: CLJP+IsLL7§-5s= Imuif , (111.3.2) where: 15”.: = Cf5(1+Ds)Ts LL: ; mu: :CPSTS LL: , (IIIo3o3) :1.=1.+1.+1..+i.; 1.5100111; ; :1.» 11.11.: (”11+ ; N a d _. N3 ”L . . ~ Ali-D N 5. Ni fies—RWSRng Herdsx , 354’s [64215 1>+Xs]d«x . (III.3.4) 1*.” 11 Note that D50.55 0 since each of the fluid components follows perfect gas laws in the undisturbed stream. From Eqs. (1.2.70), (1.2.71) and the relations A...,w..§o we also have: (055.)2" K510500119; . (111.3.5) -1 Using the relations 13500505: =R1osTSoo , RPs=C1os"Cve, Ks: Cps Cite , we have: (04,.)2 = c,.(1<.—1)T.. (111.3.6) Using Eqs. (II.6.16), (111.3.5). (III.3.6) in Eq. (111.3.3) 89 we get: [.1113 = (1+D.)(1<.—1)‘1(M..)’2 T. T: ; Law: = (Ks-1)-1(M.a)-2 . (111.3.7) Inserting Eq. (III.3.7) into Eq. (III.3.2) and solving for T,T,;,1 furni she 5: T5 T5: =(1+Ds)-i[1+ (Ks‘i )(Msw)2 (56 -,u+:f>] (III.3.8) We introduce the following approximations: LRJ: 0LT.“R.LT;‘0)T. ; )mst.‘dP.“Ws)w(5:dP., (111.3.9) where K6, W5 are some mean values representing A9, W, in those integrals. Using Eq. (111.3.9) in Eq. (1.2.57) we have: 6. =(T. Tsj-A) (p.p;-)"‘"”ws W¢P(_As). (111.3.10) Inserting Eq. (III.3.10) into Eq. (I.2.56), making use - _ ‘ A of the relation Pepei=PsTj5a§ TSooTSt1+w5) which is obtained from the equation of state, and solving for P5 3ywe get: p.319 =(T. T..‘)K‘HK‘Q (H) )W‘) “R 1W.) mp(‘A.+c?.AS.), (111.3.11) 90 where 55,A5, are given by: — ~ _- De= K:[/A\5+ ‘1)Ws] ; A85: 85— 8500 . (III.3.12) Inserting Eq. (III.3.8) into Eq. (III.3.11) gives: 10510;: = { (1+D)-1[1+ (Ks‘1)(M5w)2(js - Eli-9]] Ke(K,-i)'1(1+fis)(1+WS)-i . 111/1W111...s11m1+11+111+1 . 1......) We make the following approximations by eXpanding the power and eXponential expressions in Eq. (III.3.13), neglecting higher than first order terms and using Eqs. (1.2.53). (11.6.71. (11.6.16), (111.3.4), (III.3.6) and the relation K.=c..c;¢. : WW: (“D-+111" ~1- . .. 1+1, 1......) [111511115115 11.11““5 MMMI 1.1115111. 31...), (III 315) (”Meme defied-1K.111+WJ1111+(K.—i)“A.- "c..(1<.—1))T:0)0.” 110151;)11‘1 K.(M..o)3e.(111.3.16) Inserting Eqs. (III.3.14) to (III.6.16) into Eq. (III.3.13). neglecting higher than first order terms and using Eq. (II.2.13) and the first Eq. (III.3.4) we get: 91 13510;: =1+ K51Msm1213esz. + 5. ’11:..1. (111.3.17) Dividing Eq. (III.3.1) by f5, and using Eqs. (II.6.16), (III.3.5), (III.3.17) leads to: 61.5,: 21111910523111 K: Mgi=2135f iflriiQ. (111.3.18) Eliminating Tgmtin Eq. (III.3.11) by means of the equation of state, using the relation £05930: 1 +156? and Eqs. (III.3.12), (III.3.16), neglecting higher than first order terms gives: 136 Pa: x 1+ 1453551” +WS—AS + K5(K5‘i)11v1$oo)2 354. . (III.3. 19) Using Eqs. (111.3.4), (111.3.17) in Eq. (111.3.19) and solving for fi$ we get: 152111501 (6— m. .. —u:.1- K21w.—/\.1. (111.3...) ”‘61 Inserting Eq. (III.3.20) into Eq. (11.7.18) we get: 2 :- =1715m)2 “1):?+(M500>2($5-K565i>-K:(W5’A$>— B5. (III-3021) where 9‘50.» is given by: (25m)z=1-11\’15m1a, (111.3.22) 92 In the incompressible case, the corresponding Bernoulli equation to Eq. (III.3.2) is: i ’ - - _ 9 ‘4. : us,» +10; pg; uéf 35’: “pm $5“. us? (III.3.23) where 5; is given by: 3;: 552+ 5525+ 5’»; j52=-RmsRH {Lo d1~fl§ G 553- RMRH juggdx 35’4=J[2’g(2§’—1)+X:’]d§‘. (1113.24) at” The pressure coefficients in the incompressible flow are given by the following relation, using Eq. (111.3.23): C’- Him-105;) Lal‘ulf =ZHQ-flif’). (mm-5.25) P5— In the incompressible case the Eq. (11.7.18) becomes: gals? _ N1, , $2403“ LL51D “B5 . (III.3.26) From Eqs. (111.2.10), (III.2.11), the first Eq. (III.2.30), (III.3.21), (III.3.26) we have: B15110 = 9:5: I115}, _ (7‘2: Macy-(35‘ K5351)+ K_i25i(w5flA5)° (III ° 3'27) 93 From Eqs. (III.2.1o), (111.2.11), (111.2.17), (III.2.18), (III.2.20), (111.2.24), (111.2.30), (III.3.4), (III.3.24) we have: 5’2=(F5w>2j52; 15;:j53 ; js,q:j54 . (111.3.28) Combining Eqs. (III.3.4), (111.3.18), (111.3.24), (111.3.25), (III.3.27), (III.3.28) we get, after a few manipulations: Ct“ (fiswszr’s +2 (ASH-[1- (Poi RmRHgfldez + Q +(Ks’1)[i'( (7mm) JL d0:- K;L(W5’As)}, (III .3.29) The pressure coefficient for the gross fluid is defined by: -i -2 [fab-10mm“, LL00. (III.3.30) It can be shown, using Eqs. (1.2.25), the first Eq. (II.7.23), (111.3.1), (III.3.3o), that: Cf: Z?” «:93? fZ’m-J (W “C105 (111.3.31) 521 6=L where nm is given by: 7!. nm=zfm+, (III.3.32) 'f‘hi 94 Similarly, in the incompressible case, we have: 3 1" i — v y )1 Cr- gush: m)Crs, (IIIJJS) where nn' is given by: TL ‘n’m’= Z’M. (1115.34) From Eqs. (111.3.29), (111.3.31), (III.3.33) and the first Eq. (III.2.27), we have: '3‘: C; Z m;(n"m’){ 2;: Cf; + z sin-(pm RngJou + 5‘1 F‘ ”MKS 1)—[1 (25.0) JfionLQm dJSW mAJJJ (III.3.35) Adding and subtracting aij', to Eq. (III.3.35) and making use of Eq. (111.3.33) we get: C1: : CJJHW‘CJJ :m;JC,:5[1-h:x)2]+ +—2[[1(ps)‘gJRmRHfide +( (-—Ksi)[i (AssHJQols " K;1(W5‘Ae)JJJJ (111.3.36) , where (’Ag)z is given by: (%:)2=i-(Mm)z , (111.3.37) 1' II {III 1.1. III in. 95 and (mg)2 is the gross fluid free stream Mach number. In the case s:w, we replace J2“ by “w in all the formulas. III.4. Application Eq. (III.3.29) is applied to the calculation of the pressure coefficients, Cfs, in a fully ionized plasma consisting of electrons and singly charged ions (hydro- gen ions). The subscript 1 refers to the values for ions and the subscript e refers to the values for electrons. We assume W;EA;EW¢EAQ§ O . (and, therefore, using Eq. (11.3.7). P: =1“ R 5 Pei“ fi. 5 O ). Furthermore, we make the assumption: PdQ‘V’ PidOfiJoedQe, (III.4.1) which becomes, approximating 9gp, by their values in the undisturbed stream, using Eqs. (1.2.2), (I.2.16) and neglecting me in comparison to m; : dQ=th (III.4.2) Following (5) we split dQ into the form: otQ=oLQ + (quoéufid’r. (III-“'3’ Il.ul.|ll Ill-II" 1- III. I|.1:r I 96 vniere d5 is all the heat injected from outside into the ggross fluid except the Joule heat, (J)‘°’(J)