INFLUENCE QF WERiENT-ELEMERT SUPPLY ON LEAF cam-931mm AND GROWTH OF HEGHBUSH awmm (VACCEREUM coamaosum L.) WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO IMPORTANCE OF smmm DATE 0N LEAF AND FRUIF commune»: OF HELD GROWN BLUEBERRIES Thesis for Hm Degree of DH. D. MECEKGAH STATE UNIVERSITY Harry James Amling 1958 FHESIS This is to certify that the thesis entitled INFLUENCE OF NUTRIENT-ELEMENT SUPPLY ON LEAF COMP$ITION AND GROWTH OF HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY (VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM L.) WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO IMPCRTANCE OF SAMPLING DATE ON LEAF AND FRUIT COMPCBITION OF FIELD GROWN BLUEB ES presente 9 Harry James Amling has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Doctor's degree in Horticulture / . ’_ ," ,~./// ‘ (‘11-.- fl ’ ' (“£1 ’I’é"“’ 7”)" [1/2 7/ // Major professor Date November 17, 1958 INFLUENCE OF NUTRIENT -ELEMENT SUPPLY ON LEAF COMPOSITION AND GROWTH OF HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY (VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM L.) WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO IMPORTANCE OF SAMPLING DATE ON LEAF AND FRUIT COMPOSITION OF FIELD GROWN BLUEBERRIES By HARRY JAMES AMLING AN ABSTRACT Submitted to the School for Advanced Graduate Studies of Michigan Approved / ’ .‘ f 7» /' \ L..z--C-c 6 ii ”9;! _/r ‘ . Z' J State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Horticulture 1958 /‘ HARRY JAMES AMLING ABSTRACT - 1 One- and two-year-old rooted cuttings of the highbush blueberry Vaccinium cogmbosum L. , were grown in quartz sand and in vermiculite under varied levels of ten nutrient elements. Leaf analyses and plant re- sponse to treatment in terms of foliar expression, root development and growth were recorded and discussed. In addition, leaf and fruit samples were collected biweekly in the summer of 1957 to ascertain seasonal in- fluence on leaf and fruit composition. Commercial blueberry fields were also surveyed for nutritional disorders. Leaf analyses, photographic and descriptive records were collected of the nutritional disorders observed. In sand culture the leaf content of N, P, K, Mg, Ca, B and Mn increased as the supply of the element increased. Iron and copper increased in the leaf only when a high external supply existed. With vermiculite only, K and B increased in the leaf as the supply of the element increased. Mn, Fe and. Cu leaf levels increased only when solutions containing high levels of the elements were used. Numerous nutrient interrelations became apparent when the concen- tration of particular nutrient elements in solution were varied. The more prominent relationships are as follows: (1) As the supply of nitrogen increased, all elements except phosphorus decreased in the leaf. (2) A shortage or ex- cess of phosphorus decreased the nitrogen level in the leaf. (3) As the supply of potassium or magnesium increased from 0 ppm to 30 ppm or 24 ppm, HARRY JAMES AMLING ABSTRACT - 2 respectively, the antagonistic influence of potassium on the uptake of magnes- ium was equal in severity to the reciptoval antagonism exerted by magnesium on potassium uptake. With further increases in the supply of these two ele- ments, the antagonistic influence of potassium on magnesium uptake was less severe than the reciprocal antagonism of magnesium on potassium uptake. (4) Iron showed a strong antagonistic influence on the uptake of manganese. Manganese did not exhibit a reciprocal relationship on iron. (5) A low level of any one of the major elements in solution resulted in a high manganese leaf level. (6) A low level of calcium in solution promoted the accumulation of the heavy metal nutrient-elements, magnesium and potassium in the leaf. (7) The potassium level in the leaf increased with increased supply of boron. Characteristic leaf pigmentation of N, P and Mg deficiencies appeared sooner and were more conspicuous under high amounts of solar radiation. Un- der low amounts, these same symptoms faded, or in the case of magnesium deficiency, developed completely different characteristics. A shortage of any one of the nutrient elements, except nitrogen and phosphorus, and an excess of all nutrient elements, except phosphorus, were associated with the occurrence of a chlorosis or necrosis, or both. There appeared to be an increased requirement for most major nutrient elements, except potassium, as the amount of solar radiation increased. Cor- respondingly, there was an increased requirement for potassmm when the HARRY JAMES AMLING ABSTRACT - 3 amount of solar radiation decreased. Under low solar radiation the high potassium treatment induced the greatest amount of growth, while under high solar radiation the high phosphorus treatment resulted in the greatest amount of growth. Low nitrogen levels in solution stimulated root growth, while high N, B, Mn, Fe and Zn and low Ca, B, Mn solution levels noticeably reduced in root development. The high phosphorus treatment induced the most desirable : root system. Blueberry plants were found to grow well in agricultural vermiculite if supplied with nitrogen and phosphorus. Plants growing in vermiculite showed noticeable reductions in growth when supplied with potassium or iron. Definite seasonal trends existed for all nutrient elements in the leaves except boron. ~N, K, P, Cu decreased, while Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn and Zn increased in varying degrees as the season progressed. The biweekly leaf sampling study also indicated that the greatest consistency in the leaf content of all nutrient elements occurred during the three week period prior to, and including, the first week in which 35 percent of the crop could be harvested. Considerably more manganese was found in leaves of the Jersey variety than in leaves of the Rubel variety. Foliar symptoms of magnesium deficiency Were associated with a much higher medial leaf content of magnesium with RUb61 than with Jersey. This was interpreted to mean that Rubel has a higher HARRY LINES Al. L scream: for r.“ .2 ; cf K and X, and 1.x.t ; finer than avenge . 1i nutrzt-x'. Trre were, hum w. risen element 5. tests period prxor : 9‘59percent;P - Ci1'24 percent: at: Ecreased sigmfisa: The nutrm. agesofN’ P, Mg an HARRY JAMES AMLING ABSTRACT - 4 requirement for magnesium than Jersey. Rubel fruit contained higher amounts of K and N, and lower amounts of Ca and Mn than did Jersey fruit. Rubel fruit showed lower keeping quality than Jersey when N and K were higher, and Ca lower than average. All nutrient elements in the fruit declined with increased maturity. There were, however, considerable differences in the magnitude of decline between elements. The percent decrease of these elements during the six weeks period prior to harvest were as follows: Mn - 73 percent; B - 61 percent; Ca — 59 percent; P - 55 percent; N - 54 percent; Mg - 41 percent; Fe — 29 percent; Cu - 24 percent; and K - 20 percent. During the harvest period N, K and Ca decreased significantly. The nutritional disorder survey indicated the existence in 1957 of short- ages of N, P, Mg and Ca, and excesses of N, K and Mn in commercial fields. SFLUENCE 0F NLTRI GROWTH OF HICHBCS SEEM. REFEREXL A.\D FRUIT C Q summed to the 3.? State Unit-n in pa rm INFLUENCE OF NUT RIENT-ELEMENT SUPPLY ON LEAF COMPOSITION AND GROWTH OF HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY (VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM L.) WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO IMPORTANCE OF SAMPLING DATE ON LEAF AND FRUIT COMPOSITION OF FIELD GROWN BLUEBERRIES By HARRY JAMES AMLING A THESIS Submitted to the School for Advanced Graduate Studies of Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Horticulture 1958 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his sin -ere appreciation to Dr. A. L. Kenworthy for his generous help, encouragement and guidance throughout the investigation. Grateful acknowledgement is expressed to Dr. H. B. Tukey Sr. , for his inspiration; to Dr. H. K. Bell for his valuable advice and constructive criticism of the manuscript; to Dr. E. J. Benne and Mr. S. T. Bass, and staff, for carrying out the chemical analyses of the leaf and fruit samples; and to Dr. F. Davis for his editing of the manuscript. The author is grateful to Mr. John Nelson for his enthusiastic encour- agement and help; to the Michigan Blueberry Growers Association for provid- ing the financial assistance; and to those particular growers of the association who donated time, labor and crop to make possible the investigation. An expression of immeasurable gratitude is given to the author's wife, Jeanne, for her continuous encouragement, assistance and sacrifices. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION...................... 1 REVIEWOFLITERATURE..... . 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Experiment I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Experiment II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Experiment III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Experiment IV . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 RESULTS 22 Experiments land 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Leaf Nutrient-Element Composition . . . . . . . 24 Foliar Symptoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Plant Growth . . . . . . . A. . . . . . . . . . . 36 Root Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Vermiculite as a Growing Media . . . . . . . . . 44 Experimentlll.................... 46 Leaf Nutrient Element Composition. . . . . . . . 47 Foliar Symptoms . ..... . . . . . . . . . . 52 PlantGrowth.................. 55 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONT'D Page Experiment IV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Seasonal Influence on Leaf Composition . . . . 58 Seasonal Influence on Fruit Composition . . . . 61 Nutritional Disorder Survey . . . . . . . . . . 62 a, DISCUSSION....................... 66 I SUMMARY 84 ‘T LITERATURECITED.................. 89 APPENDIX 92 INTRODUCTION The highbush blueberry Yaccinium corymbosum L. differs from most other fruit crops by requiring an acid soil of high water-holding capa— city. The availability of many nutrient-elements in such soils would be considered in short or in excess supply for most fruit crops. The adapta- bility of the blueberry to these soil conditions suggests that it differs funda- mentally from other fruit crops in nutritional requirements. The most reliable tool at present for diagnosing the nutritional status of woody plants is plant analyses. Its use, however, depends largely on a thorough understanding of the factors influencing plant composition. At present, little information is available on the factors influencing the leaf and fruit composition of the highbush blueberry. The purpose of this investigation of the highbush blueberry was to evaluate the influence of nutrient-element shortages and excesses on leaf composition and growth, and to gain a better understanding of the seasonal changes in leaf and fruit composition. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Doehlert and Shive (1936) published one of the earliest reports in which sand culture techniques were employed to evaluate the nutrient require- ments of the highbush blueberry. They studied the growth responses of the Rubel highbush blueberry in sand culture under varied amounts of monopotas- sium phosphate, calcium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate. Although unable to segregate the influence of individual nutrients, their data showed that the best yield and tip growth was obtained from using solutions low in monopotassium phosphate and high in nitrogen which were supplied with boric acid and manganese sulfate. The authors suggested that the blue— berry requirement for magnesium was slight and excesses of it may retard growth processes. They further implied that nitrate nitrogen was superior to ammonia- cal nitrogen. Kramer and Schroder (1942) reported a study on the effects of nutrient deficiencies, superimposed peat, and growth substances on rooted cuttings of the Cabot blueberry grown in sand culture. The authors used the nutrient solu- tion proposed by Doehlert and Shive. Modifications of this nutrient solution were used to obtain solutions deficient in N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, S. Mn and B. In the superimposed peat-on-sand cultures, no symptoms of calcium, iron or sulfur deficiency were observed during the course of the experiment, and symptoms of boron deficiency were late in appearing. In straight sand cul- tures, iron deficiency sumptoms, also, were late in developing. With these exceptions, deficiency symptoms appeared after treatment initiation in both cultures in the following chronological order: N, K, S. Ca, B, Mg, P, Fe and Mn. However, no chemical analyses were included in this paper to support the authors' contentions of having developed specific nutrient deficiency symp- toms. Fresh weight measurements indicated that only -N treatments resulted in significantly lower root weights, while -B, —P, -S, as well as -\l treatments, resulted in a significantly reduced top weight when compared to the check treatment. The authors were of the opinion that the severe reduction in growth caused by anion deficiencies reflected a relatively high requirement for anion nutrients and a low requirement for cation nutrients. Kramer and Schrader (1945) presented data which showed that the hydrogen ion concentration of blueberry leaf sap was much greater than in Other plant species; that young leaves had a lower pH than the more mature 1eaves; and that the isoelectric point of the water soluble proteins in blueberry leaves was on the basic side of the plant sap pH. They also found that deficiencies of P, K, Mg, Ca, Fe and B raised the pH and N deficiency lowered the pH of the leaf sap. These results were m.-. interpreted to mean that a raise in the pH of leaf sap toward its isoelectric point was indicative of senescence or the occurrence of disease or injury. They further postulated that the soluble proteins may act amphoterically as cations, thus balancing the presence of excessive anions, which could re- sult from plants growing in soils low in calcium and other exchangeable bases. Minton, Hagler and Brightwell (1951) grew the rabbiteye blueberry by sand culture methods and reported that deficiency symptoms of N, P, K, Mg, Ca and S were similar to those reported by Kramer and Schrader (1942). Leaf analyses data presented by the authors substantiated the occurrence of these deficiencies. Significantly higher levels of P, K, Ca, Mg and S over that of the check nutrient solution were obtained in the leaves when nitrogen was lacking in the nutrient solution. Nutrient solutions lacking calcium in- creased significantly the nitrogen and sulfur content of the leaves, while solutions lacking magnesium decreased the calcium content and increased the sulfur content of leaves. The concept that the sensitivity of the highbush blueberry to soil pH may be correlated with nutrient availability was stimulated by the report of Bailey (1936). He described a chlorosis of tip leaves which could be corrected by ammonium sulfate applications. White (1936) had attributed a similar Chlorosis in gardenias to the use of nitrate nitrogen. He readily corrected the disorder with ammonium sulfate, and to a lesser degree with iron in- r1Oculations. Bailey and Everson (1937) obtained a slight response with iron sul- fate sprays and iron citrate injections in an attempt to correct the blueberry leaf chlorosis reported in 1936. Soil tests indicated lower ferrous iron levels under chlorotic plants than under non-chlorotic plants. Lime appli- cations were found to induce the chlorosis. These workers concluded that a lack of soluble iron induced by too high a pH was responsible for the chlorosis. According to Bailey (1940) the inducement of chlorosis by lime appli- : cations could be lessened by incorporating peat into the soil. Stene (1939) found that the effects of pH on highbush blueberry growth was greatly influenced by rooting medium and by the manner in which nutrients were added. Plants grown in sand-oak leaf mold where, the pH was maintained at 3. 5, 5. 2 and 7. 0, showed no significant differences when supplied frequently with nutrient solution. Plants receiving dry fertilizer grew better at pH 3. 5 and S. 2 than at pH 7. O. The author implied that these results threw doubt on generally accepted ideas that blueberries require a distinctly acid soil; that Under certain conditions, where plant nutrients are available in adequate am Ounts throughout the growing period, the highbush blueberry would tolerate higher pH ranges than previously conceived. Merrill (1939) and Harmer (1944) found lime applications beneficial to grOWth of blueberries in soils of pH 4. 0 or lower. Harmer, in addition, recOrded considerable decrease in growth if the pH was raised with lime 6. applications to above 5. 2. No mention, however, was made in this report of inducing leaf chlorosis as was achieved by Bailey and Everson (1937). The author suggested that poor growth of blueberries in high pH soils may be the result of decreased manganese and possible boron availability due to large amounts of availaole calcium and magnesium. He also inferred that nitrates may exert an inhibiting effect. Data presented by Cain (1952) indicated that the lack of ammoniacal nitrogen may be responsible for the appearance of iron deficiency chlorosis on highbush blueberry plants growing in relatively high pH soils. He was able to induce this chlorosis on plants grown in sand culture by substituting equivalent amounts of nitrogen in the form of calcium nitrate for ammonium nitrate in a complete nutrient solution in which the pH was maintained below 5. 5. The chlorosis appeared only when complete substitution of the ammonium nitrate was achieved. Cain maintained that this chlorosis was not necessarily related to soil PH or to the calcium and iron leaf content. He found that under field condi- tions blueberry plants grown in soil-sawdust mix at pH 7. 0 made excellent STOWth and showed little chlorosis, if supplied with ammoniacal nitrogen. HOWever, plants supplied with nitrate nitrogen developed severe chlorosis and Suffered from nitrogen deficiency. Leaf analysis of chlorotic leaves ShoWed, in some cases, lower calcium and a higher iron content than in non- Chlorotic leaves. ‘1 AM~3 Cain (1954) reported that chlorotic leaves contained a greater total amount of basic cations (Ca, Mg, K) on a dry weight basis than did non—chlorotic leaves. Correspondingly, he obtained higher pH values on expressed cell sap from chlorotic leaves than from non-chlorotic leaves. By injecting various materials into chlorotic shoots, Cain found that those materials which acidi- fied the chlorotic tissue also caused a greening of that tissue. Although in- jections of basic materials did not induce a chlorosis in green tissue, heavy metal injections did. Cain concluded that the pattern of chlorosis caused by iron deficiency, nitrate nitrogen, calcareous soils, and heavy metal injections were visually indistinguishable. In comparing nitrate nitrogen with ammoniacal nitrogen, Cain indi- cated that the latter was more readily absorbed and utilized. In addition, he observed that nitrate nitrogen had a detrimental effect on linear growth even When equivalent amounts of ammoniacal nitrogen were present in solutions being compared. Subsequent work by Cain (1955) indicated that the amino acid content 0f chlorotic leaves was higher than in non-chlorotic leave-s and increased with the Severity of the chlorosis. This increase could be attributed primarily to a“ increase in the basic amino acid arginine. Correcting the chlorotic condi- tion With Fe EDTA resulted in a sharp decrease in the total amino acid con- tent- Ninety percent of this decrease could be attributed to a disappearance ‘J of arginine. Cain suggested that some metabolic process, which controlled the reversible conversion of soluble nitrogen compounds into protein, was interfered with in chlorotic leaves regardless of the condition inducing the chlorosis. The use of leaf analysis as a tool in determining the nutritional status of field grown highbush blueberries was stimulated by the identification of magnesium deficiency in Massachusetts (1949) and New Jersey (1950) blue- berry fields. Bailey, Smith, and Weatherby (1949) were unable to relate typical magnesium deficiency symptoms with lower leaf contents of magnesium. They were unable to increase the leaf content of magnesium with soil applications of magnesium sulfate applied the previous year. Leaf analyses did indicate that as the season progressed, calcium increased, phosphorus decreased, and magnesium and potassium varied inconsistently. Blueberry leaves, in com- parison to apple leaves, had similar nitrogen levels, but much lower phos- phorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium levels. They interpreted the low levels of basic cations as supporting evidence for the theory of Kramer and SChrader (1942) that the blueberry had low cation requirements. The low PhOSphorus level was considered to be indicative of a low requirement of this element, as was suggested by Doehlert and Shive (1936). The authors realized, hoWever, that the apparent low phosphorus requirement conflicted with the conception of high anion requirements put forth by Kramer and Schrader (1945). They inferred that anions, other than phosphorus, may fulfill this requirement. Mikkelsen and Doehlert (1950) used leaf analyses to substantiate their diagnosis of magnesium deficiency in New Jersey blueberry fields. Leaf samples collected from plots treated the previous season with magnesium sulfate or dolomitic lime had higher levels of magnesium. This increase in magnesium leaf content corresponded with a disappearance of the magnesium deficiency symptom. These workers also found that no equivalent reciprocal replacement of potassium or calcium accompanied the increased magnesium level. On the contrary, they found that leaves accumulated more potassium, magnesium, and calcium when magnesium fertilizers were applied. Phosphorus, iron, and manganese levels in the leaves were unaltered by magnesium applications. Seasonal influences on leaf composition were apparent in the data presented. Calcium, magnesium, and potassium levels increased and phosphorus levels decreased as the season progressed. Bailey and Drake (1954) continued the study of magnesium deficiency and found leaf magnesium to increase in both treated and untreated plots as a result of dry seasons. This increase was sufficient on untreated plots to greatly reduce the leaf expression of the deficiency. They reported that Epsom salts raised the leaf magnesium content more rapidly and to a higher level than dld dolomitic limestone when both materials were applied at rates providing IO. equivalent amounts of MgO. This increase in leaf magnesium content reached its maximum level three years after treatment, and then leveled off. Appli- cations of magnesium were found to have no effect on potassium, calcium and nitrogen content of leaves, regardless of the carrier used. Nitrogen, calcium and potassium were found to increase as the season progressed. Studies by Popenoe (1952) on seasonal trends of the major nutrient ele- ment levels in Rancocus highbush blueberry leaves indicated similar responses as found by Bailey 2:91: (1949) and Mikkelsen and Doehlert (1950). However, his data showed reversed trends for calcium, phosphorus and magnesium from one year to the next. He theorized that the ratio of potassium to magnesium needed to create a deficient magnesium condition in Rancocus was lower than in other varieties of blueberries. In analyzing mature fruit, he found the potas- sium content to be higher than the potassium level in leaves sampled at the same time. Ballinger (1957) concluded, upon completing a survey on the nutritional status of Michigan blueberry plantings, that soil moisture was one of the more important factors influencing growth and production. He found, in addition, that when calcium occupied more than eight percent of the soil cation exchange capa- CitY» poor growth could be expected. Leaf analyses indicated that nitrogen was the most limiting factor on soils having less than eight percent calcium satura- tion of the exchange capacity. An increase in leaf nitrogen content was corre- ll. lated with an increase in yield, up to an apparent optimul level of 2. 10 per- cent nitrogen. Although few instances of magnesium deficiency were found, he found some indications that the magnesium content of the leaves was directly related to yield. He suggested, in conclusion, that soil cation ex- change determinations be coupled with leaf analyses for determination of the nutritional status of the highbush blueberry. 12. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The program of experimentation was carried out from September, 1956 to November, 1957 as four separate experiments. Experiment Iwas conducted primarily to study the influence of high and low levels of N, P, K, Mg and Ca on growth and leaf composition. It represented, in addition, an effort to evaluate various means of growing the highbush blueberry in sand culture for future studies. Experiment 11 repeated the nutritional study of the initial experiment under conditions found to be more favorable for growth. Experiment III was a study of the influence of high and low levels of B. Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn on growth and leaf composition. Experiment IV was a study of seasonal changes in leaf and fruit com- position of field-grown highbush blueberries. In conjunction with this study. commercial blueberry fields were also surveyed for nutritional disorders. in“ 1 1.3. Experiment I One-year-old rooted cuttings of the highbush blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum, variety Jersey, were used. These plants were removed from peat-filled propagation frames in late September of 1956. The leaves were removed, the plants then repacked in moist peat, and held in cold storage at 32 degrees F during October, and at 40 degrees F thereafter. During the first week of January, the plants were removed from cold storage and the roots washed free of peat. The plants were then sorted into eight groups on the basis of uniformity of size and root development. Plants within a group were designated as a replication. Differences between groups were thereby confounded into replications. Seven-inch clay pots, coated interiorly with asphaltum paint, were used as containers. Drainage, in all cases, was provided by placing a two- inch watchglass over the drainage opening in the bottom of each pot. Coarse quartz sand (No. 7 Warsaw quarts) was used as the rooting medium. The eight replications were arranged on two greenhouse benches, four replications Per bench. Two finer grades of sand (No. l silica sand and No. 4 Warsaw quarts) were used as an addition to each replication, so as to observe the effect of particle size on plant growth. The nutrient solution designated as the check treatment was derived from solutions used by Kramer and Schrader (1942), Min’ton St 31; (1951), and l4. Cain (1952). Appendix Table 1 shows the modification of this check solution used to formulate the minus series of treatments initiated at the time of plant- ing. Plants designated to receive the plus series of treatmeits were supplied with check solution until February 17. Appendix Table 2 shows the formu- lation of the plus series of treatments and changes considered necessary in the check and minus series of treatments. One pint of nutrient solution was applied every third day. Supplementary watering was used on the intervening days as necessary. Plants grown in finer grades of sand received the check solution. As the experiment progressed, additional solution changes (Appendix Tables 3 and 4) were made to achieve more desirable results. C. P. chemicals and distilled or de-ionized water were used at all times in the preparation of the solutions. To augment the short day lengths existing from January to May, supple- mentary lighting was used to provide a 16-hour day length. Fluorescent lighting was placed over one bench, and incandescent lighting over the second bench. The fluorescent lighting proved inadequate and was replaced by incandescent 1ighting. With the advent of warmer weather, a cheese cloth shade was placed OVGI‘ both benches during the second week in May. Supplementary lighting was discontinued at this time. During the period June 27-28, the plants were transferred to the Horti- CllltIII'e farm. Nitrogen deficiency symptoms appeared on all plants, except 15. those receiving the high level of nitrogen. To counteract this, the nitrogen concentration of the solutions was doubled. The plants were placed in a newly constructed camouflage net shade house on July 9. At this time the nitrogen level of the solutions was decreased to the original concentration used. Also, at this time, de-ionized water was substituted for distilled water. At certain times, due to inclement weather, nutrient solutions were not applied. At no time, however, were two consecutive feedings missed. During the third week of September, all the leaves from each plant were collected and total shoot length measurements recorded. The shoots and the original cutting stem were then removed and the roots separated from the sand by utilizing a forty mesh screen. After being oven-dried at 150 degrees F, dry weight measurements were recorded for all plant parts. Because of a depressing growth interaction effect between fluorescent lighting and certain treatments, the leaves, after grinding, were composited by Combining a replication originally under fluorescent lighting with one orig- inally under incandescent lighting. When at all possible, equivalent propor- tions of each replication were used. This procedure provided four leaf samples per treatment, each having sufficient tissue for analyses of ten elements. The leaf samples were analyzed in the Agricultural Chemistry labora- tories. Total nitrogen was determined by use of the standard Kjeldahl method and potassium by use of the flame photometer. Magnesium, calcium, boron, l6. phosphorus, manganese, iron, copper and zinc were determined spectro- graphically. Experiment Il Two-year-old Jersey highbush blueberry plants, grown one season in the cutting bed and one season in the nursery row, were used. The plants were pruned back to one or two vigorous shoots. The roots were washed free of soil and organic matter. The plants were then weighed and sorted into five groups on the basis of root development and shoot number. Four of the groups were used as replications in a sand culture experiment. The remaining group was planted in vermiculite". The plants were planted in 12—inch clay pots coated on the interior with asphaltum paint. A four-inch watchglass was placed over the drainage Opening, the lower third of each pot filled with coarse quartz sand (No. 7 Warsaw quartz) prior to planting in a semi-fine sand (No. 4 Warsaw quartz). The two grades of sand were used, because semi-fine sand, although superior ‘0 COarser sand, retained excessive moisture at the bottom of the pot. To avoid having the fibrous roots fold into a compact mass during planting, the roots were first dispersed in distilled water previously added "‘ ‘ ~ . - — - — — — — _ _ — - IMeffium textured agricultural vermiculite distributed by the Zonolite Company, Chlcago, Illinois, under the trade name of Terra-lite. semi-fine sand to cover the roots. The pot was then drained and filled to capacity with additional semi—fine sand. This planting procedure was used, also, in planting the plants in ver- miculite. Due to the coarseness of the vermiculite, these plants were planted at a much deeper level than those planted in sand. This provided additional plant support and prevented dessication of the unestablished roots. The plants, after planting, were placed on four greenhouse benches shaded with cheesecloth. Within each replication, treatments were assigned at random. The treatments, shown in Table II, were initiated one day after planting. One quart of nutrient solution was added every third day, and sup- plementary watering was provided on the intervening days as necessary. During the first week of June, the vermiculite group was moved from the greenhouse to a site sheltered from the wind but not from other environ- mental influences. Due to the change of environmental conditions, apparent nitrogen deficiency symptoms appeared on all plants, except those receiving the high level of nitrogen. Late 1', these plants were transferred to the Horticulture farm with plants of Experiments 1 and 11. Until the third week of September, Experiment II was conducted simul- taneously with, and in similar manner as Experiment I. ExPeriment 11 plants, including the vermiculite group, were returned to the greenhouse during the third week of September, to obtain greater growth 18. differences between treatments and more distinct foliage disorders. The experiment was terminated on November 1. The procedure of termination was identical with that for Experiment 1. Experiment III One-year-old rooted Jersey highbush blueberry cuttings, similar to those utilized in Experiment I, were used. . These plants, however, were left in the cutting frame and transferred into the greenhouse during the third week of September to prevent the plants from going into dormancy. During the third week of December, the plants were removed from the cutting frame, the roots washed free of peat, and each plant weighed and label- ed accordingly. The plants were then sorted into three groups on a basis of t0p growth and root development. These three groups were then divided into six replications. The differences between groups were confounded with repli- cation. The plants were planted in the same manner as described for Experi- ment 1. For the first two weeks after planting, the plants received only 3 nitro- gen solution. By the end of this period the plants showed leaf colorations indi- cative of plants going into dormancy. During the first week of January the leaves were stripped off, the plants removed from pots and placed into poly- ethylene bags. These plants were then kept in cold storage at 40 degrees F until the last week of June. 19. Upon removal from cold storage, the plants were replanted in two- gallon glazed porcelain crocks. The interior of these crocks had been pre- viously coated with silicone spray to seal off existing cracks. The drainage opening was covered with a two-inch watchglass. The planting procedure was identical to that used in Experiment 11. Four of the replications were planted in sand; the remaining two replications were planted in vermiculite. Within each of the six replications, treatments were denoted at random. After plant- ing, the plants were transferred to the shade house at the Horticulture Farm. To provide high and low treatment levels of boron, manganese, iron, copper and zinc, modifications of the minor element solution, originated by Hoagland, were added to the check solution used in Experiments I and II. The plants were returned to the greenhouse during the third week of September. Day lengths of 16 hours were imposed by supplementary incan- descent lighting. The experiment was terminated on November 16 and 17, and the leaves, shoots, and original cutting pieces were removed for dry weight measurements. During the period November 18 to 28, the roots — one repli- cation at a time - were washed free of sand and vermiculite for dry weight measurements. The leaves were analyzed as in Experiments 1 and II. Sand and vermiculite replications were treated separately in the statis- tical evaluation of the data. 20. Experiment IV Leaf samples were collected biweekly in 1957 from June 15 to September 5 from nine field plots considered to be free of any nutrient disorder. From adjacent plots fruit samples were also taken at the same time. Each plot was composed of five to ten bushes. Five plots were of the Rubel variety, the remaining four were of the Jersey variety. The location of these plots provided excellent representation of the more important blue- berry production areas in western Michigan. Each leaf sample consisted of leaves taken from all sides of the parti- cular plot sampled. Only those leaves from the middle of terminal and strong growing lateral shoots, which were expected to become fruitful the following year, were used. A survey of the fruitfulness of these shoots, as shown by the presence of fruit buds in September, indicated all to be fruitful. Yield records were also obtained from these plots. Until the first picking by the grower, fruit samples were obtained by removing the berries from the apical portion of fruit clusters terminating. Preferably vigorous shoots of the previous season. No cluster was sampled twice. After the first picking an attempt was made to collect a representative sample of the berries left on the bush. Commercial fields, in addition, were surveyed for apparent nutrient disorders. Representative samples of leaves showing these disorders were collected, 21. All leaves were washed in a distilled water solution of Dreft“ and rinsed with distilled water. They were then oven-dried at 150 degrees F. The fruit samples were not washed. The procedure for analysis of both fruit and leaf samples followed that described for Experiment I. The calcium level in the blueberry fruit was below that which could be determined accurately on the spectrograph. Because of this, the calcium content of the fruit was determined by using a Versenate method, as pre- sented in the Appendix. ‘ ~ .- — ——-—_ —————— Trade name for a mild detergent. 22. RESULTS Experiments I and 11: Influence of N, P, K, Mg and Ca Levels in Solution Growth in Experiment I, at least initially, occurred in a series of distinct flushes- -each flush being terminated by a phenomenon in which the terminal bud aborted. This appeared to be the same "periodic bud abortion" reported by Kramer and Schrader (1942). As the experiment continued, the interval of time between flushes became progressively less. In addition, by late May, the tip bud aborting phenomenon ceased to occur. In May and June shoot growth, arising from the basal portions of exist- ing shoots and from the original stem, developed under most treatments. The vigor of these shoots was dependent upon the particular treatment imposed. Growth response to treatment, particularly to that of the low and high Potassium treatments, differed according to the environment. Early in the exPerirnent under low light intensity, 0 ppm potassium in solution was not ehOUgh to sustain blueberry plant life, so small amounts of potassium (24 ppm) were added. At the same time an additional 58 ppm potassium was added to all but the low and high potassium treatment solutions. This is shown in Appendix Table 2. The 292 ppm potassium in solution, initially used as the high potassium treatment, appeared as the optimum treatment by the end 0f February. By the middle of April, however, the reverse was true. Ad- 23. justments as indicated in Appendix Table 3 were then made. About the first of May it became readily noticeable that half strength solutions resulted in more growth. Subsequently, additional changes in solu- tions were made, as depicted in Appendix Table 4. Plants used in Experiment 11 grew vigorously after planting and did not show the distinct flush pattern of growth observed in Experiment I. No permanent solution changes had to be made in the course of this experiment. Leaf analyses of the two experiments indicated that a considerably lower leaf content of all nutrient-elements, except iron, was present in Experiment I than in Experiment II. LEAF NUTRIENT ELEMENT COMPOSITION A8 INFLUENCE!) BY THE NITROGEN LEVEL IN SOLUTION EXPERIMENT I PERCENT DRY WEIG'IT PPM DRY WEIGHT IO 30 50 .70 90 HO I30,£>O 250 20 60 100 A I25 225 3 v 4P7r I IV I v I E z a ............. 9 2 I: ‘ § 8 a 0 § ‘ ° W NITROGEN LEVEL 3 V* 2' PPM x\\\\\V 4 0,. .3255 :5. 1...... ;.;:;.;.; ,-:-:- " M Significantly amount: mmumsss "rot I35 ”0'“th WeatS'loAaotIV. PERCENT DRY WEIGHT .IO .30 .50 7O .90 HO \\\\\\\_\_\\\\\M Sanieronfly different: from chock"! 5% Hiatl'l. from high N mm A of 5%AA otl'k EXPERIMENT]! PP U DRY WEIGHT l 30 150 2.50 u . s E ................. 5 § I: i .3. . O a :x~ Q In . ------------- 4 I“ ._ _ NITROGEN LEVEL 3 c“ 5,5,," NITROGEN LEVEL g V 2| PPM 4 2| PPM c. W .05 pp" -(checl) 2,, ;.; I05 PPM -(choell :,...;.;. 525 PPM m =25 525 PPM fl Slonlflcontiy different: Significantly different: mmuasasnmm tromchecktots‘l. non-a mmNmtIMMAotSV.Aaotl'/. fmhithmtmntsotsxanutl’I-s Figure 1 24. Leaf Nutrient-Element Composition Influence of the Nitrogen Level in Solution (See Figure 1) Experiment I When the nitrogen level in solution was raised from 21 ppm to 525 ppm the leaf content of nitrogen increased from 1. 83 to 2. 80 percent, and phosphorus from . 20 to . 24 percent. Subsequently, magnesium decreased from . 38 to . 29 percent, calcium from . 60 to . 51 percent, boron from 275 to 182 ppm, and man- ganese from 118 to 45 ppm. Iron, copper, and zinc leaf contents also decreased, but not significantly. Plants receiving 105 ppm and 525 ppm nitrogen in solution were signifi- cantly lower in potassium content (. 654 and . 770 percent) than those receiving 21 ppm nitrogen (. 865 percent K). Experiment II As the nitrogen supply (21-105-525 ppm) increased, significant increases in leaf content of nitrogen (l. 71 to 2. 60 percent) were obtained. Potassium, how- ever, decreased from 1. 022 to . 826 percent. The manganese leaf level (339 ppm) induced by the high nitrogen treatment, was significantly higher than that occur- ring under the check treatment (159 ppm) and low nitrogen treatment (205 ppm). Both the high and low nitrogen treatments resulted in significantly lower leaf Phosphorus (. 24 percent) than did the check treatment (. 29 percent). \ Magnesium, calcium, copper and zinc decreased, but not significantly, as “ltrogen supply increased. Boron and iron levels showed non-significant variations. LEAF COMPOSITION LEAF COMPOSITION LEAF NUTRIENT ELEMENT COMPOSITION AS INFLUENCED BY THE PHOSPHORUS LEVEL IN SOLUTION EXPERIMENT I PERCENT DRY WEIGHT PPM DRY WEIGHT IO 30 SO 7'0 90 IJO ISO/L60 250 2\:0\\ 60 100 A I25 225 325 a“ l i a I . 2 Mn 1 Q : :7; s\\\\\\\\.\\_\\\\\\\\\\\* 8 F0: 3 O 0 Mg Cu - PHOSPHORUS LEVEL 5 mm LEVEL In 0 ....... PPM- .. o.......m Co 30 ...... PPM -(cneck) 2" ~:- 30 ...... PPM -(enocl) ‘ ‘ l50 ...... PPM m 35: 150.. .PPM m SugnIlIcontly different Significantly diffnnnlt from checkalrat5°k u at W. from cMcitotS'I. ##OII'I. from mng P lrootmntaol5°k AA otl'l. from high P EXPERIMENT]! PERCENT DRY WEIGHT PPM DRY WEIGHT IO 30 50 7O 90 I I0 I 30 AI 50 2 50 20 60 IOO I25 225 325 I V I v v v v v v v ‘lh—y—y—r— PHOSPHORUS LEVEL PHOSPHORUS LEVEL ...... PPM O . .PP I so ...... PPM [meme 2,, 30. PPM -(cnockl I50 ...... PPM 11:3 I50 ...... SanIlIcanIIy dillevenl San-liconlly different: from check * at 5% *all 01 |'/. Item check It of 5% it of l‘l. lvom mm P treatment A at 5% AA at W. from high P motmnt A at 5% AA otlfib Figure 2 Influence of the Phosphorus Level in Solution (See Figure 2) Experiment I When the phosphorus level in solution was increased (0-30-150 ppm). the phosphorus level in the leaf increased from . 15 percent to . 22 percent to . 28 percent. High and low phosphorus levels resulted in larger amounts of potassium (. 728 and . 703 percent) than found for the check (. 654 percent). Conversely, these same treatments resulted in lower amounts of nitrogen (2. 11 and 2. 06 percent) than that induced by the check (2. 30 percent). 0 ppm phosphorus in solution significantly increased the manganese level (103 ppm) in the leaf over that level (55 and 62 ppm) found in plants re- ceiving 30 and 150 ppm phosphorus. The iron level (350 ppm) in the leaves of plants under the high phos— phorus treatment was the highest obtained in this experiment under any treat- ment. The magnesium, calcium, boron, copper and zinc levels in the leaf were not appreciably altered by changes in concentration of phosphorus in solution. Experiment 11 Raising the content of phosphorus in solution (0-30-150 ppm) increased the leaf content of phosphorus (. 13 to . 41 percent), calcium (. 56 to . 65 per- cent), and boron (150 to 310 ppm), but lowered the manganese content (230 to 127 ppm). 26. Nitrogen leaf contents were decreased from 2. 46 percent in the check to 2. 28 percent by the low phosphorus treatment, and 2. 19 percent by the high phosphorus treatment. These results were in accord with that found in Experi- ment I, however, the differences were not significant in Experiment II. Contrary to results obtained in Experiment I, 30 ppm phosphorus re— sulted in a higher potassium leaf content (. 956 percent) than did 0 ppm or 150 ppm phosphorus (. 783 and . 769 percent K, respectively). Magnesium leaf levels were influenced in similar fashion, but differences were not sig- nificant. Varying the phosphorus level in solution had little influence on iron, copper and zinc leaf levels. LEAF WTRIENT ELEMENT COMPOSITDN AS INFLUE'KID BY THE POTASSIUM LEVEL IN SOLUTION EXPERIKNT I PERCENT DRY WEIGIT 3:2:szs:s:;:;:::s:2: POTASSIUM LEVEL 0 . . . . . . PPM LEAF COMPOSITION c. 30 ..... PPM -(chock) 4'12; PPM E SW” mm: W m: MMPQSSS InoH'b Mendtmsx ttotlfi homhIVIKWAMS'kAAoII‘YA MWKWACS'LAAOII'L WHEN”! PERCENT DRY WEIGHT PPM DRY WEIGHT .Io 30 .50 ,70 90 ”,0 tag/[50 250 -I "°_ POTASSIUM LEVEL 0 ...... PPM 30 ..... PPM -(cmu) , I50 ..... PPM m SWIcoMIy different: Significantly dflfomt: "unmitasxnoim fromchcktotfflb ttd MIMI-K WAatSfiSAAmI'l. fmhighKMoImtAotlrbAAmW. Figure 3 Influence of the Potassium Level in Solution (See Figure 3) Experiment I By increasing the potassium level in solution (0—30-150 ppm), an in— crease of potassium (. 481 to I. 11 percent) coupled with decreases of magnesium (. 41 to . 31 percent), calcium (. 47 to .42 percent), and manganese (71 to 51 ppm) _ was obtained in the leaf. Boron and copper levels in the leaf were lower under the check treat- ment than under the high and low potassium treatments. Nitrogen, phosphorus, iron and zinc levels in the leaf showed little change under varying levels of potassium in solution. Experiment II Potassium, magnesium and manganese leaf levels responded in similar fashion to Experiment I under the same treatment. As the potassium concen- tration in solution increased, the leaf content of potassium was raised signi- ficantly from . 576 to l. 335 percent, while magnesium dropped from . 49 to . 42 percent, and manganese from 205 to 156 ppm. However, the influence upon magnesium and manganese was not significant. Nitrogen leaf content showed a decreasing, but not significant, trend (2. 65 to 2. 46 to 2. 39) as the potassium supply was increased. The remaining nutrient-elements showed erratic or slight changes under the three levels of potassium in solution. LEAF COMPOSITION LEAF COMPOSITION LEAF NUTRIENT ELEMENT COMPOSITION AS INFLUENCED BY THE MAGNESIUM LEVEL IN SOLUTION EXPERIAQ'NT I PERCENT DRY WEIGHT PPM DRY WEIGHT IO 30 ,50 7O 90 MO \2\§0 20 63 I00 n," I25 2% 325 u. a \\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\‘\\\\\\\\\\\‘.\‘§\_\\\\\\\\NA 2 E In i O o w '- MAGNESIUM LEVEL 3 0 PPM 4 \ m c, -. 24 PPM -(choctl) .;.; PPM munch) ................ I22 PPM fl 31 - Significantly dittoranti Significantly dIffanntt Ivomchcclitmws tit-otl'lA Imehaattats'b ##atI'b fromhithgtnatmaMaotS'IAAAatl'I. fmhithoMMadSfiAActli EXPERIMENT]! PERCENT DRY WEIGHT PPM DRY WEIGHT IO 30 50 TO 90 HO ISO I50 250 T I TH \\\\\\.\\\\\\\\\X\\\ \\\\\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\x\\: 2 Q ’: § ....... x O U MAGNESIUM LEVEL ‘3 MAGNESIUM LEVEL 0 PPM ~‘ \ 0 PPM 24 PPM -(check) Zn .;. 24 PPM .(choct) I22 PPM m 5:123 * '22 PP“ - Significantly different. SanIflcanIIy different: IvomchecktotbfiLMtotIfib framchecktatb‘l. Mtotl'l. mmhiqhwlmIMMA015./0AAOII% from higthmatmantAotbfib AAatl‘VA Figure 4 28. Influence of the Magnesium Level in Solution (See Figure 4) Experiment I An increase in the concentration of magnesium (0-24-122 ppm) in solu- tion increased magnesium (. 25 to . 42 percent) and decreased phosphorus (. 23 to . 20 percent), potassium (. 776 to . 663 percent), and boron (282 to 196 ppm) levels in the leaf. The high magnesium treatment promoted a non-significant increase in the copper level (48 ppm) in the leaf over that of the check (34 ppm). Differences in leaf contents of nitrogen, calcium, manganese, iron and zinc were variable and not significant. Experiment II With an increase in the magnesium content (0-24-122 ppm) in solution, magnesium proportionately increased from . 36 to . 59 percent in the leaf. Sub- sequently, decreases of potassium (1. 054 to . 802), boron (382 to 211 ppm), man- ganese (232 to 134 ppm), and iron (238 to 178) also occurred. The reduction in leaf boron, however, was not significant. Phosphorus and zinc levels in the leaf were lowest with the check treat— ment and increased with either increasing or decreasing levels of magnesium in solution. The copper level in the leaf was increased from 32 ppm in the check to 42 ppm in the high magnesium treatment. This response was similar to that obtained in Experiment I, however, it still was not a significant response. Nitrogen and calcium leaf levels were influenced only slightly by varying the magnesium concentration in solution. LEAF NUTRIENT ELEMENT COMPOSITION AS INFLUENOED BY THE CALOIW LEVEL IN SOLUTION EXPERIKNTI PERCENT DRY WEIG‘IT PPM DRY WEIGHT .IO .30 .50 .70 90 I10 I30.l.50 250 20 60 I00 ,. IZS 225 325 \\\:¥: . : CALCIUM LEVEL \\\\\\ chum CALCIUM LEVEL \ 0....PPM CO ;.-.:.; ................ . -.; 40..PPM -(cnect) 2032' 40... PPM -(dt0ctl . ..PPM a 3:3. 200..PPM fl Siqifloontly diftennti SIonIerantty difhrent: MMIUSVA itatlfi frunchecttatS’l. tint”. MWCOWAUD%AAOH% from NgtiCotnottnentAOIS'kAA otl’l. PPM DRY WEIGHT "a: 2 g P?- , . . § ,, ....... , .. .....‘ WWW \\\\\\\\s: “I “q 4 2; CALCIUM LEVEL 5 LEVEL 0....PPM 4 ~ ..PPM 40. . . PPM -(ctiecII) 2.. ;.;. co. . .PPM -Imt . .. 200..PPM 53 200..PPM - SIonificantIy different: Significantly different: Mctueckeatsx an aim Iromchecltats‘l. "ems from tIIinCatreatmentA at5%AAatI'l. tram nigh Ca treatment A at 5% AA atlfib Figure 5 29. Influence of the Calcium Level in Solution (See Figure 5) Experiment I The influence of the calcium level in solution on leaf composition was negligible with all nutrient elements, except potassium and iron. The 0 ppm calcium treatment resulted in a potassium level (. 775 percent) significantly above that induced by the check treatment (. 654 percent). As the calcium content increased in solution from 0 to 200 ppm, the iron content of the leaf decreased from 295 ppm to 248 ppm. This decrease was not significant. Experiment II Increasing the calcium concentration in solution from 0 ppm to 200 ppm decreased potassium (. 992 to . 931 percent), magnesium (. 59 to . 48 percent), manganese (391 to 202 ppm), iron (263 to 153 ppm), copper (53 to 31 ppm), and zinc (13 to lOlppm), in the leaf. Of these elements, only potas- sium was not significantly lowered. The calcium leaf content showed some indication of increasing with an increase in the calcium supply. This increase, however, was not significant. 30. Foliar Symptoms The expression and rapidity of appearance of foliar symptoms depended to a large extent on solar radiation. Figure 6 shows the biweekly average solar radiation for the experimental period. Characteristic leaf pegrnentation due to nitrogen, phosphorus, and magnesium deficiencies appeared sooner and were more conspicuous under high solar radiation. Under low solar radiation as encountered in late winter, under shading, or in the fall months, these same symptoms faded or developed completely different characteristics, as was the case with magnesium deficiency. Descriptions of the various symptoms induced by the ten treatments used, are as follows: Nitrogen deficiency: Under the prevailing low solar radiation avail- able in the initial stages of Experiment I, the low nitrogen treatment, which Originally contained 56 ppm nitrogen, provided sufficient nitrogen to maintain 0Ptirnum growth. To induce foliar symptoms of nitrogen deficiency, the nitrogen leVel in solution was reduced to 21 ppm. With the advent of increased solar radiation, coupled with the use of only 21 ppm nitrogen in solution, deficiency Symptoms rapidly developed. In Experiment II, nitrogen deficiency symptoms appeared within two Weeks after treatment initiation. The symptoms were further intensified when the plants were moved out of doors into full sunlight. The symptoms of nitrogen Figure 6 Solar radiation available to blueberry plants used in the pot culture studies conducted in 1957. The shading imposed by the shade house decreased the available solar radiation by 67 percent. Data used to compile this chart are presented in Appendix Table 18’“. *Solar radiation data received through the courtesy of Mrs. Cottom. Hydrologic Research Project, U. S. D. A. , Soil Conservation Service. v. o u N w i m u a .w o n E U s o . H G". O U u in a .m mm 4w em 6 NW N NE m... u . P i 1. F n Am . u Mm . a .m M mm m... A Nd. . .mm . «L M R" M To me . 0' 8. 50 E F . . . . . . . mu m . . c 0 0 0 O 0 0 5 5 5 o 5 n w 5 m 4 W 3 3 2 2 m m v ~20 tum mmE04¢Z 50]. Pl. [:1 D L.S.D. for M9 . Phosphorus } .00 ’3‘, Blue 0. forl P l . l J I5 29 I2 26 9 22 5 JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT. LEAF SAMPLING DATE Figure 34 Figure 35 Seasonal influence on leaf content of Mn, Fe, 3. Cu and Zn (parts per million of dry weight). PARTS PER MILLION 340" Seasonol influence on leaf content of .. Mn.Fe,B,0u, and Zn-ports per million of dry weight 300 1% 260 220 I80 - L _ / ' ‘ sss ”o" use. for Fe _ Iron I00 [ Tol- J - PI. 50 .. Boron a ' L.S.D. for a [J 30% 20]- Copper use for Cu ’3 '3 / T“— IO " \ .. Zinc/ 9% | L.s.o for Zn [1 o l l l l l LJ I5 29 I2 26 9 22 5 JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT. LEAF SAMPLING DATE Figure 35 appeared that leaf levels of this element were affected more by soil mois‘ ture than by seasonal effects. During dry periods manganese decreased to as low as 207 ppm, and increased to as high as 341 ppm in wet periods. This was particularly true with the Jersey variety of blueberry, which ac- cumulated far greater amounts of manganese in the leaf than did the Rubel variety. A comparison between the manganese leaf content of these two varieties is presented in Table I. The leaf content of iron, with the exception of the June 30 sampling, increased gradually from 1.28 ppm on June 15 to 177 ppm on August 22. Boron leaf levels varied significantly during the season, bUt showed no explainable trends. The leaf content of boron was considerably higher, regardless of date or variety, than that found in previous years on the same plots (Appendix Table 23). Copper levels in the leaf decreased slightly as the season progressed. A high of 15 ppm copper was obtained in leaves sampled June 15 and a low of 12 ppm was obtained on September 5. The decrease, although small, was significant. The zinc content of blueberry leaves increased from 9 ppm on June 15 to 13 ppm on July 26. Subsequently, it decreased to a final level of 7 ppm on September 5. TABLE I 60. Nutrient Element Composition of Blueberry Leaves as Influenced by Variety - Percent Dry Weight I r‘fi Leaf Composition Variety N P K Mg Ca B Mn Fe Cu Zn Rubel 2. 30 .17 . 546 . 25 . 45 . 0064 . 0210 . 0152 . 0014 . 0010 Jersey 2. 23 . 18 . 562 . 26 . 49 . 0053 . 0342 . 0153 . 0014 . 0010 N. S. N. S. N. S. N. S. N. S. N. S. *"‘ N. S. N. S. N. S. WJersey significantly higher at the 1 percent level of significance. 61. Seasonal Influence on Fruit Composition Although the concentrations of all nutrient elements declined as the fruit matured, considerable differences in the magnitude of decline existed between elements. Data pertaining to this survey are present in Figures 36 and 37, Table II, and Appendix Table 17. Greatest decline of all elements occurred from June 15 to July 26 (Figures 36 and 37). July 26 marked the beginning of the harvest period, after which fruit composition showed only slight changes in composition. The most rapid decline during this period was registered by the manganese level which decreased 73 percent. Slightly less rapid declines prevailed for boron (61 percent), calcium (59 percent), phosphorus (55 per- cent) and nitrogen (54 percent). Magnesium decreased moderately, while slow declines were evident for iron (29 percent), copper (24 percent), and potassium (20 percent). These decreases were all significant. From July 26 to August 22, slow declines were apparent for all ele- ments, except iron and copper. During this period, iron levels showed significant, but unexplainable fluctuation, whereas copper levels remained steady. Samples collected on August 22 and September 5 consisted only of mature fruit and showed no change in nutrient composition except for potas- sium. Potassium showed a definite, but nonsignificant, increase from August 22 to September 5. Figure 36 Seasonal influence on fruit content of N, P, K, Mg and Ca (percent of dry weight). ligand PERCENT DRY WEIGHT 2.20 200 P l.80 - 1.60 - L40 - I20— LOC- .60 - .30 .20 - Seosonol influence on fruit content of N, P, K, Mg, 0nd Co — percent of dry weight °/. 5% L.S.D. for N H Potassium/ ‘ 5% m L.S.D for K D 57. '7' PhO’phOfus LS.D. TOT co D U 50,. LSD. for P U .IO ’MOQDOSIUIII .00 L.S.D. for Mg 5.3% '3 l I I l JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT, FRUIT SAMPLING DATE Figure 36 Figure 37 Seasonal influence on fruit content of Mn, Cu, Fe and B (parts per million of dry weight). PARTS PER MILLION I30 - l20 Seosonol influence on fruit content of % Mn,Cu,Fe, and B — ports per million ' no _ of dry weight PI 5% l 0 : IOO r Mongonese g 90 - LS D for Mn 80 l- L L 70 - 60 - its 595 5° " [l L.S.D. for Fe Iron 40 r 30 20 I'L sss L.S.D. for B '0 /Copper * sss ~— U L.S.D. for Cu O l 1 1 l 1 4 I5 29 I2 26 9 22 5 JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT. FRUIT SAMPLING DATE Figure 37 62. Variety, in addition to date of sampling, exerted considerable influ- ence on fruit composition. There were higher levels of potassium and nitrOc gen and lower levels of calcium, magnesium, and manganese in Rubel fruit than in Jersey fruit. This is shown in Table 11. Nutritional Disorder Survey The environmental conditions that promoted the vigorous growth of blueberry plantings in 1957 may have stimulated the occurrence of nutrient disorders other than magnesium deficiency. Foliar symptoms ascertained to be the result of nutrient disorders are illustrated in Figures 38 to 42. Chemical analyses of leaf and fruit samples associated with the particular nutritional are presented in Appendix Table 20. Magnesium deficieng: This disorder was the most prevalent nutrient disorder observed in 1957. Noticeable differences in the foliar ex- pressions of the deficiency existed between varieties Rancocus, Rubel and Jersey. These differences are illustrated in Figure 38. (Coupled with these foliar differences were noticeable distinctions in the degree of susceptibility of these varieties to magensium deficiency. In plantings known to be low in magnesium, Rancocus was found to be most severely affected, Rubel less so, and only in a few cases did Jersey exhibit foliar symptom s. 63. TABLE II Nutrient Element Composition of Blueberry Fruit as Influenced by Variety — Percent Dry Weight 1 ‘- 4 Nutrient Element Composition Variety N P K Mg Ca B Mn Fe Cu Rubel l. 36 .14 . 731 . 061 .123 . 0021 . 0036 . 0038 . 0007 Jersey 1. 29 . 14 . 664 . 069 . 174 . 0021 . 0075 . 0039 . 0008 N. S. N. S. *"‘ N. S. "‘ N. S. ”“3 N. S. N. S. “Jersey variety significantly different in fruit composition from Rubel variety. Figure 38 Top left - Magnesium deficency symptoms on the Rubel variety of blueberry. Chemical analyses of the normal medial leaves (BL 54) and basal leaves (BL 56) exhibit- ing symptoms of the same shoots are presented in Appendix Table 20. Top right — Magnesium deficiency on partially shaded leaves of the Jersey variety of blueberry. Chemical analyses of these leaves (BL 132) are given in Appendix Table 20. Bottom left — Magnesium deficiency symptoms on blueberry bushes of the Rancocus variety that were interplanted with the Rubel bushes described above. Bottom right - Extreme case of magnesium deficiency on Pemberton blueberry bushes. 64. The expression of magnesium deficiency on the Jersey variety also differed according to shoot vigor. These differences are presented in Figure 39. As previously noted in greenhouse studies, the foliar expression of magnesium was altered by the amount of solar radiation received by the leaf prior to the appearance of the symptom. As shown in Figure 39, the change from red to yellow to necrotic areas correspond to the amount of shade im- posed on these leaves by their position on the shoot which arose from the center of the bush. Figure 39 illustrates the effect of extreme shade. Chemical analyses of green leaves (BL 130). red leaves (BL 131) and yellow and necrotic leaves (BL 132) are presented in Appendix Table 20. With leaves low in phosphorus (. 12 percent) and low in magnesium (. 07 percent), the expression of magnesium deficiency was considerably different but still recognizable as such. Figure 39 shows this complex con- dition. Temporary flooding effects: In fields flooded more than five to seven days by late spring and early summer rains, foliar patterns, illustrated in Figure 40, were observed. Leaf analyses of these leaves indicated extremely low nitrogen and phosphorus (BL 55). Manganese toxicity: Jersey plants grown in excessively wet areas developed foliar symptoms which, on the basis of leaf analyses (BL 153), Figure 39 Top left - Magnesium deficiency on leaves taken from a slow growing shoot arising from within the bush. Top right - Magnesium deficiency on leaves taken from a rapidly growing sucker shoot arising from the base of the plant. Bottom left - Magnesium deficiency on shaded basal leaves of shoots arising from within the bush. Bottom right - Magnesium deficiency symptoms complicated by phosphorus deficiency. appeared to be the result of excessive accumulations of manganese. Figure 41 shows this phenomenon. Phosphorus deficiency: Symptoms closely resembling phosphorus deficiency as developed in pot culture were observed in a four-year-old planting on virgin ground in the Fruitport area (Figure 40). Leaf analyses (BL 58) of these leaves indicated a phosphorus content of . 12 percent. General fertilizer toxicity on light soils: In one field the apical por- tion of the leaf blade showed an interveinal chlorosis (Figure 41). As the condition increased in severity, dark brown necrosis developed on the leaf margin. The symptom appeared initially on basal leaves and progressed acropetally. Toxicity symptoms of the basic cations developed in pot culture bore a resemblance to these field symptoms. Chemical analyses of these leaves (BL 61) registered a nitrogen content of 3. 62 percent and a potassium content of l. 79 percent, which was much above the average values. Potassium accumulation in tip leaves: The accumulation of potassium in tip leaves resulted in an interveinal chlorosis. This accumulation appar— ently can be stimulated by more than one factor. In several fields, terminal leaves of shoots growing under dense shade exhibited the chlorosis illustrated in Figure 41. The potassium content of these leaves (BL 82) registered 1. 28 percent, while exposed tip leaves (BL 81) on the same plants registered . 313 percent. Potassium accumulation in tip leaves also was found to take place when an apparent shortage of calcium existed. An illustration is presented in Figure 42. Figure 40 Top left - Leaf showing phosphorus deficiency. Top right - Young plant exhibiting phosphorus deficiency symptoms. Leaf analyses presented in Appendix Table 20 as sample BL 80-57. Bottom left - Note acute petiole angle that was apparently associated with phosphorus deficiency. Bottom right - Leaf symptoms induced by temporary flood- ing. Leaf analyses indicate low nitrogen and phos- phorus. Leaf analyses presented in Appendix Table 20 as sample BL 55-57. Figure 41 Top left - Apparent manganese toxicity resulting from prolonged exposure to excess soil moisture. Leaf composition presented as sample BL 50 in Appendix Table 20. Top right - Apparent toxicity resulting from over fertili- zation on a dry sandy planting site. Leaf composition given as sample Bl 61-57 in Appendix Table 20. Bottom - Interveinal net chlorosis apparently resulting from the accumulation of basic cations in tip leaves subjected to extreme shade. Chemical composition given in Appendix Table 20. See sample BL 82-57. Figure 42 Sensitivity of the Rubel Highbush Blueberry to Apparent Excessive Fertilization when grown in a soil of low pH. Top left - Bushes appeared excessively vigorous. Analyses of medial leaves from these bushes are presented as sample Bl 58 of Appendix Table 20. Soil tests indicated a ph of 3. 5 (Ballinger 1957, personal correspondence). Top right - Considerable tip dieback or previous season‘s Middle Middle Bottom terminal shoot growth was apparent. left - Excessive lateral shoot growth was stimulated by dieback of the previous season’s shoot tips. right - Light yellowish-green tip leaves showed a faint net chlorosis. Scorching of the apical portion of the leaf blade was evident in many cases. Leaf analyses of these tip leaves are given as BL 84 in Appendix Table 20. ~ Poor keeping quality fruit on right taken from bushes described above. Illustration represents state of fruit 72 hours after harvest. Chemical analyses of poor keeping quality fruit (BF 64) and good keeping quality of fruit (BF 70) are presented in Appendix Table 20. Good keeping quality fruit taken from bushes growing in soil of pH 4. 7 (Ballinger 1957, personal corres- pondence). 66. DISCUSSION Only small differences in leaf composition of N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Cu, and Zn, under a given set of environmental conditions, may separate that level which can be considered deficient from that which is in excess. This narrow range appears to reflect the stringent nutritional requirements char- acteristic of the blueberry. The leaf content of manganese, boron and iron, however, does not fall into a narrow concentration range. The leaf levels of these elements appeared to be proportional to the external supply. This was clearly illus- trated for manganese and boron in Experiment III. Plants deficient in boron registered 54 ppm boron in the leaf. In the same experiment, a six fold increase in leaf content of boron induced no apparent toxicity symptoms, while a ten fold increase proved toxic. Manganese appeared toxic when leaf concentrations were double that found in check leaves. Whereas, an iron Content of 162 ppm in leaves was associated with excellent growth, plants having an iron leaf content of 227 ppm were stunted. As to how low an iron leaf content may be before a shortage of iron exists was indicated by Cain (1954). He associated iron deficiency with a leaf content of 60 ppm iron or less with the Jersey variety in sand culture. Although foliar analyses may be used successfully as a measure of determining the nutritional status of the highbush blueberry, the existence of only a narrow nutrient composition range between that which would be con- sidered normal and that indicative of a shortage or excess necessitates a high degree of care in the collection and analyses of leaf samples. Differences of intensity and balance in leaf composition and growth due to treatment between Experiments I and II may reflect the cumulative effects of difference in age of plant, influence of sand medium on vigor, and the environmental conditions associated with each experiment. Of all these influences, however, light may have exerted the greatest effect. This asser- tion is based on the apparent sensitivity of the blueberry to light as indicated by its response to quality of light and amount of solar radiation in these studies, and by the definite day length required by the blueberry, as shown by Perlmutter and Darrow (1942). The sensitivity of the blueberry to light was apparent in the concurrent studies in several ways. Early in Experiment I, under the same fluorescent lighting, which was adequate for good strawberry growth, blueberry plants failed to grow. A change to incandescent lighting resulted in a marked growth response. The occurrence of foliar deficiency symptoms of nitrogen and phos- phorus and the characteristic expression of magnesium deficiency also showed marked dependence on the amount of solar radiation received. Growth response to varied levels of potassium, in addition, were apparently altered by the pre- vailing amount of solar radiation. These particular plant responses to light may indicate that there is an increased requirement for most nutrient ele- ments, except potassium, as the amount of solar radiation increases. Corres- pondingly, there is an increased requirement for potassium when the amount of solar radiation decreases. The need of changing the nutrient-element bal- ance in solution with changes in solar radiation to maintain a suitable nutrient— element balance in the plant was over emphasized by Proebsting and Kenworthy (1954). These workers inferred that the plant's requirement for nitrogen de- creased with decrease in solar radiation. The light conditions that existed during the period in which Experi- ments I and II were conducted differed widely. In Experiment I, in contrast to Experiment 11, most of the growth occurred under low light periods. In addi- tion, extreme shade prevailed for an extended period of time prior to leaf sampling. Therefore, the results obtained in Experiment I may reflect the nutritional requirements of the blueberry under low light intensity, such as would be found in propagating beds and houses, while Experiment [I probably reflects the nutritional requirements of field grown plants. In sand culture the leaf content of all nutrient elements, except iron and copper, increased as the supply of the element increased. Iron and copper only increased when the external concentration was extremely high. With the vermiculite medium only potassium and boron increased in the leaf as the external concentration of these elements increased. Substan- tial increases over that found in check leaves were achieved also for manganese. 69. iron, and copper when solutions containing the high level of these elements was used. The lower intensity of nutrient elements in leaves from plants growing in vermiculite and the greater disruption in these leaves of the nutrient~element balance due to treatment in Experiment III probably was due to dilution because of the increased growth of plants in this medium as compared to those plants in sand. The influence of the nitrogen level in solution on leaf composition, as determined in Experiments I and 11 suggests that if a lower than optimum level of another nutrient-element is available to the blueberry plant, the addition of nitrogen may induce a deficiency of that nutrient-element. Reuther, Embleton and Jones (1958) in reviewing the literature, found this to be generally true in most fruit crops, particularly in regard to phosphorus, potassium, boron, zinc and copper. Phosphorus shortage, as well as phosphorus excess, decreased the nitrogen level in the leaf. The influence of excess phosphorus on reducing the nitrogen level in the leaf has been reported by Brown (1945) on peach. Most reports on fruit crops, however, either indicate no effect on nitrogen or an increase in nitrogen in the leaf when phosphorus is in excess supply. When the supply of potassium or magnesium was increased from 0 ppm to 30 ppm or 24 ppm, respectively, the antagonistic influence of potassium 70. on the uptake of magnesium was equal in severity to the reciprocal antagonism exerted by magnesium on potassium uptake. A further increase in supply of these two elements, however, indi— cated that the antagonistic influence of potassium on magnesium uptake was less severe than the reciprocal antagonism of magnesium on potassium uptake. These results were only achieved in Experiment 11. In Experiment 1 high levels of magnesium showed no antagonism toward the leaf content of potas- sium. In the same experiment, high levels of potassium induced only a 10 percent decrease of magnesium in the leaf below that found in the check leaves. These findings are contrary to what has been found in other fruit crops. Cain (1951), Shear, Crane and Meyers (1951), Lagasse and Drosdoff (1948) and others have all stressed the marked antagonism of potassium on reducing the leaf content of magnesium. Foliar symptoms of magnesium deficiency were not induced by the 150 ppm potassium treatment. This prevailed even though the leaf content of potassium in these leaves was considerably higher than in the leaves of the 0 ppm magnesium treated plants, and sufficiently high enough to cause mar- ginal scorching of the basal leaves. This indicated that the critical level of magnesium in blueberry leaves below which foliar expressions of magnesium deficiency will develop may be independent of the potassium concentration in the leaf. Thus, a blueberry plant provided with sufficient magnesium to maintain the leaf content of magnesium above this critical level may not exhibit symptoms when supplied with an excess of potassium. These findings are not in accord with the conception put forth by Shear, Crane and Meyers (1946) that magnesium deficiency may be the re- sult of potassium excess. Granted that high levels of potassium are associated with magnesium deficiency, the content of magnesium, however, must be below a critical level for the expression of magnesium deficiency to appear. The 0 ppm calcium treatment in Experiments I and II promoted the accumulation of heavy metals, magnesium, and potassium in the leaf. A sim- ilar balance of nutrient elements occurred in leaves taken from field plants growing in soil of pH 3. 5 and thought to be calcium deficient (BL58 - Appendix Table The reduction in growth, development of foliar patterns on both basal and tip leaves, and the tendency toward rosetting that characterized these plants receiving 0 ppm calcium may not have been due entirely to an actual calcium shortage. It is conceivable that these responses of the plant resulted from the toxic accumulation and subsequent antagonisms of those elements that were accumulated readily in the leaf as a result of the low calcium treat- ment. The influence of the low pH of the 0 ppm calcium can not be segregated from that of the 0 ppm level of calcium in this study. In the field, however, low calcium is associated generally with soils having a pH below 4. 0. The potassium-boron relationship observed in Experiment III does not reflect the findings of other investigators with other plants. Reeve and Shive (1944) demonstrated that when the boron supply was increased from a deficient level of . 001 ppm up to . 1 ppm, there was an increase in potassium in tomato leaves. An additional increase, however, up to 5 ppm boron resulted in a definite decrease in leaf content of potassium. The depression of potassium leaf levels by excess boron supply has also been found by Hernandez and Childers (1956) on peach and by Bergman (1957) on grape. It is theoretically conceivable that at the pH of 4. 0 to 4. 2 maintained in Experiment III, a disruption of the potassium-boron relationship as found in leaves of plants adapted to a higher pH could occur. This disruption may further be intensified by the ease in which the blueberry apparently absorbed monovalent cations, such as potassium. The difference in the leaf levels of manganese between Experiment I and 11 may be attributed to differences in light intensity that prevailed during each experiment. This contention is supported by the investigations of McCool (1935), which indicated that manganese toxicity and corresponding leaf levels of manganese decreased with decreasing light intensity. Morris and Pierre (1947) implied that this interaction of light and manganese leaf concentration may have influenced in similar fashion their results on the effects of manganese toxicity on Lespedeza. These workers also observed that manganese toxicity symptoms were 73. less pronounced at a high iron level than at lower iron levels. Subsequently, they found that this was due to an antagonistic relationship of iron on the up- take of manganese. This same antagonism of iron on the uptake of manganese was found in Experiment [[1, particularly in plants grown in vermiculite. The reverse relationship of manganese impeding the uptake of iron was not apparent in Experiment III. In Experiment 11, however, the general increase in leaf content of manganese was accompanied by a decrease in the leaf content of iron below that found in Experiment I. This implies that the possibility of manganese impeding the uptake of iron as proposed by Somers and Shive (1942) may occur, depending upon environmental conditions. It is also noteworthy that a high manganese leaf content was associated with a deficient level of every major nutrient element. The significance of this phenomenon cannot be explained at present. The high copper level in solution did not inhibit root or top growth in Experiment 111, although copper is usually more available at a low pH. This lack of toxicity may be explained by the fact that copper did not increase appre- ciably in the leaves with increased copper supply. Smith and Specht (1953). however, demonstrated with orange trees that lethal quantities of copper will be absorbed by the roots, but will not be transported to the leaf. Smith (1956) reported that in addition to copper, high levels of man- ganese and zinc in solution also supressed root development without appreciably 74. altering the above ground portions of orange trees. In this present study on blueberry plants, however, solutions high in manganese, zinc and iron de- pressed both top and root growth to a considerable extent. Magnesium levels in the blueberry leaf decreased with increasing or decreasing supply of the heavy metal nutrient elements studied. Similar de- creases in the magnesium level of orange trees was achieved by Smith (1956) using high levels of copper, zinc and manganese. The antagonistic effects of high iron on the accumulation of magnesium in the leaf has not been reported for other crops. A reciprocal antagonistic relationship of magnesium on the leaf content of boron, iron and manganese was apparent in Experiment 11. The seasonal leaf sampling survey showed that the greatest consistency in the leaf content of all nutrient elements occurred during the three week period prior to and including the first week in which 35 percent of the crop could be harvested. This period of the season, therefore, may be considered as the optimum time to collect blueberry leaf samples, if an accurate diagnosis of the nutritional status of a blueberry plant is to be made. Variety differences, in respect to leaf composition and nutrient re- quirement of manganese and magnesium should be taken into consideration when evaluating the nutritional status of the blueberry by foliar analyses. As indicated in the results, considerably more manganese may be found in the leaves of the Jersey variety than in the Rubel variety. This same ‘J CJl phenomenon was evident upon re-evaluation of data collected by Ballinger (1957, unpublished data) in 1955 and 1956. This is presented in Table III. The inability of the Rubel variety to accumulate as much manganese as the Jersey variety on a given site may explain why Rubel is more adapted to fertile soils of greater moisture content than is Jersey. Blueberry bushes of the Jersey variety planted in the wetter portions of blueberry fields showed foliar disorders and shoot dieback in 1957 that were later associated with high manganese leaf levels. Correspondingly, no Rubel bushes were found that showed evidence of manganese toxicity even though planted in close proximity to the Jersey variety. ' Although manganese toxicity has not been previously reported affect- ing blueberries, it has been shown by many workers as a limiting factor in the production of such crops as potatoes (Berger and Gerloff, 1948), tobacco (Bortner, 1935), Lespedeza (Morris and Pierre, 1948) on acid soils. Field leaf samples of 1957 also indicated that with the Rubel variety magnesium deficiency may be associated with a much higher leaf level of mag- nesium than with the Jersey variety. Hence, it may be assumed that the Rubel variety has a greater requirement for magnesium. Similar differences in magnesium requirements between varieties have also been found in celery (Pope and Munger, 1951). Chemical analyses of blueberry leaves, sampled as described in the methods of Experiment IV, can be expected to indicate low or high levels of a particular nutrient, if a shortage or excess exists for that nutrient. It will not, however, show these conditions in the same magnitude nor will it show associated nutrient interrelationships to the same extent as would analyses of the tip or basal leaves that are exhibiting the particular symptom. Medial leaves, for example, on a shoot whose basal leaves are exhib- iting magnesium deficiency symptoms, will indicate upon analyses a shortage of magnesium. The potassium content of these medial leaves, however, will not be abnormally high. Yet, analyses of the basal leaves will show an extreme shortage of magnesium accompanied by a definite excess of potassium. Hence, the identification of questionable nutrient disorders may be enhanced greatly if analyses of affected leaves could be compared to a corres- ponding tip or basal leaf standard composition range. Further research along these lines should provide valuable information. Tentative standard leaf composition values, as established by a survey reported by Ballinger (1957) do not reflect necessarily optimum levels of nutri- ents. They represent the average nutrient-element composition of leaves col- lected from bushes in plots of high productivity. The fact that two of nine plots. which were designated as free of nutrient disorders, exhibiting magnesium deficiency symptoms in 1957, illustrate the fallacy of considering leaf composi- tion values obtained by survey methods as the optimum. ‘1 ‘J Based upon the occurrence of magnesium deficiency in the field and results of this study, the suggested standard values have been reassigned. A tentative standard range for the nutrient-elements in the leaf is proposed. This range is presented in Table IV. Plants, whose leaf composition compares favorably to this range of nutrients, may be expected to be of good vigor and to be productive, providing, however, that proper climatic conditions and cultural practices prevail. The magnesium deficiency condition that existed in many blueberry plantings in 1957 probably was the cumulative effect of a number of influential factors, such as greater soil moisture, generally low magnesium supply, and an increased availability of nitrogen as manifested by higher nitrogen leaf levels. The antagonistic influence of potassium, which would ordinarily be suspected as a causative agent in magnesium deficiency conditions, probably exerted only a minor influence in 1957. This assertion is made on the basis that the leaf level of potassium was lower in seven of nine standard plots in 1957 than in the two years previous (see Appendix Table 19). This decrease in leaf potassium levels appeared even in plots showing magnesium deficiency. The two plots in which potassium did increase showed also the highest nitrogen levels. A relationship similar to that found in Ex- periments I and II. TABLE IV Tentative Standard Range for Optimum Blueberry Leaf Composition (Per- cent Dry Weight) as Compared to the Tentative Standards Established by Ballinger (1957) Percent Composition Nutrient Standard Range Standard Established by Ballinger Nitrogen 1. 95 - 2.15 l. 98 Phosphorus . 15 - ? 0.16 Potassium . 450 - . 550 0. 527 Magnesium 25 - . 30 0. 28 Calcium . 50 - 80 0. 74 Boron . 0050 - . 0150 0. 0049 Manganese . 0050 - . 0350 0. 0168 Iron . 0070 - . 0200 0. 0150 Copper . 0010 - . 0020 0. 0015 Zinc . 0008 - . 0020 0. 0020 The antagonistic relationship between an increasing nitrogen supply and leaf content of magnesium was illustrated in Experiments I and II. This same relationship appeared in the field. A planting showing mild to moderate magnesium deficiency, was given supplemental ammonium sulfate (one-quarter pound per bush) during the early part of July 1957. Within two to three weeks most of the planting appeared as illustrated by Figure 38. Although the foliar expressions of magnesium deficiency have been previously described by Bailey etal: (1947) and Miklzelson and Doehlert (1947), and Kramer and Schrader (1942) for the highbush blueberry, the relationship between light and the development of these symptoms as observed in the present studies has not been reported. The differences between varieties in nutrient-element composition of fruit (Table 11) may be related to the generally observed differences between varieties in keeping quality. The Rubel fruit, which accumulated more nitrogen and potassium and less calcium, magnesium and manganese than the Jersey fruit, often has poorer keeping quality. The keeping quality of Rubel appeared to be reduced if nitrogen and potassium were higher and calcium lower than average. In re-evaluating the data collected by Ballinger in 1956, similar varietal differences in fruit composition were noted. This is presented in Table III. TABLE III Nutrient Element Composition of Blueberry Leaves and Fruit as Influenced by Variety - Percent Dry Weight (Re-evaluation of Unpublished Data Collected by W. E. Ballinger in 1956) Nutrient Element Composition Variety N P K Mg Ca B Mn Fe Cu Zn Leaf Rubel 1.73 .14 .480 .22 . 62 . 0037 .0102 .0127 .0018 .0017 Jersey 1.71 .14 .479 .23 .72 .0034 .0195 .0152 .0017 .0021 N. S N. S. N. S. N. S N. S. N. S N. S N. S Em Rubel 613 074 531 . 037 . 32 . 0070 . 0011 . 0023 . 0005 Jersey . 532 062 445 . 037 . 31 . 0069 . 0019 . 0025 . 0005 ‘ N. S ‘ N. S. N. S. N. S. " N. S. N. S. or ““‘Jersey variety significantly different in fruit composition from Rubel variety. 81. Leaf composition did not reflect the significant varietal difference found in fruit composition in respect to potassium and calcium. It did, how- ever, reflect the greater manganese content of the Jersey fruit. Consequently, leaf analyses should be accompanied by fruit analyses if nutrient disorders involving fruit are to be accurately diagnosed. The foliar symptoms associated with shortages of particular nutrient elements in the current study differed in several respects to that reported by Minton, Hagler and Brightwell (1951) for the rabbiteye blueberry, and by Kramer and Schrader (1942) for the highbush blueberry. In both of these re- ports potassium deficiency developed as an interveinal chlorosis on young leaves and was accompanied by a severe necrosis of older leaves. In the current study, foliar symptoms of potassium deficiency were confined to a slight submarginal necrosis on older leaves. These symptoms did not appear until five months after treatment initiation, and then only in Experiment I. These workers also reported that foliar symptoms of phosphorus deficiency were slow to appear. The time of appearance of foliar symptoms of phos— phorus shortage in the current study depended on the amount of solar radiation received. This probably was an indirect relationship with carbohydrate accum- ulation in these leaves. This relationship was not considered in the previous studies. Kramer and Schrader (1942) observed that terminal leaves of boron 82. deficient plants were misshapen. This condition was not observed in Experi- ment III. The lack of misshapen leaves, however, may represent a difference in severity of boron deficiency. A shortage of any one of the nutrient elements, except nitrogen and phosphorus, and an excess of any one of the nutrient elements, except phos- phorus, in the current pot and field studies was associated with the occurrence of a chlorosis or a necrosis, or both. In light of the reports of Kramer and Schrader (1945) and Cain (1952, 1954, 1955), these results suggest that any disturbance of the metabolic processes within the blueberry leaf that causes the cell sap to have a higher pH value will be manifested by the appearance of a chlorosis or necrosis. The patterns of this chlorosis or necrosis will depend on the particular element or elements that cause the nutrient disorder. Excess potassium accumulations may occur in both tip and basal leaves. Potassium appeared to accumulate in tip leaves when these leaves were subjected to extreme shade, or when calcium was in short supply. The accumulation of potassium in basal leaves occurred when magnesium was in short supply, or when excessive N-P-K fertilizers were applied. These ac- cumulations may be explained on the basis that a shortage of an antagonizer exists at the time of accumulation of potassium in these leaves. Based on the appearance of deficiency symptoms, calcium may assume this role in tip leaves while magnesium may assume it in basal leaves. A shortage of either one of 83. these elements may result in an accumulation of potassium in those leaves affected most severely by the shortage. It appears, however, that calcium cannot substitute for magnesium and vice versa in this antagonistic function in the blueberry plant. This explanation is in accord with some of the ideas expressed by Cain (1951) to the effect. that the accumulation of basic cations in the leaves of such plants as the apple are the result of a shortage of an antagonizer. Cain, however, contended that basic cations could substitute for each other in this function. 84. SUMMARY One- and two-year-old rooted cuttings of the highbush blueberry Vac- cinium corymbosum L. were grown in quartz sand and in vermiculite under varied levels of ten nutrient elements. Leaf analysis and plant response to treatment in terms of foliar expressions, root development and growth were re- corded and discussed. In addition, leaf and fruit samples were collected biweekly in the summer of 1957 to ascertain seasonal influences on leaf and fruit composition. Commercial blueberry fields were also surveyed for nutritional disorders. Leaf analyses, photographic and descriptive records were collected of the nutritional disorders observed. In sand culture the leaf content of N, P, K, Mg, Ca, B and Mn in- creased as the supply of the element increased. Iron and copper increased in the leaf only when a high external supply existed. With the vermiculite rooting media only potassium and boron increased in the leaf as the supply of the element increased. Manganese, iron and copper leaf levels increased substantially only when solutions containing high levels of these elements were used. In varying the concentration of particular nutrient elements in solu- tion, numerous nutrient interrelations became apparent. Some of these re- lationships are as follows: 1. As the supply of nitrogen increased, all elements except phosphorus decreased in the leaf. 2. A shortage or excess of phosphorus decreased the nitrogen level in the leaf. 3. As the supply of potassium or magnesium increased from 0 ppm to 30 ppm or 24 ppm, respectively, the antagonistic influence of potassium on the uptake of magnesium was equal in severity to the reciprocal antagonism exerted by magnesium on potassium uptake. With further increases in the supply of these two elements, the antagonistic influence of potassium on mag- nesium uptake was less severe than the reciprocal antagonism of magnesium on potassium uptake. 4. Iron showed a strong antagonistic influence on the uptake of man- ganese. Manganese did not exhibit a reciprocal relationship on iron. 5. A low level of any one of the major elements in solution resulted in a high manganese leaf level. 6. A low level of calcium in solution promoted the accumulation of the heavy metal nutrient-elements, magnesium and potassium in the leaf. 7. The potassium level in the leaf increased wit11 increased supply of boron. The expression and rapidity of appearance of foliar symptoms depended to a large extent on solar radiation. Characteristic leaf pigmentation of N, P and Mg deficiencies appeared sooner and were more conspicuous under high amounts of solar radiation. Under low amounts, these same symptoms faded, or in the case of magnesium deficiency, developed completely different characteristics. 86. A shortage of any one of the nutrient elements, except nitrogen and phosphorus, and an excess of all nutrient elements, except phosphorus, were associated with the occurrence of a chlorosis or necrosis, or both. It was sug- gested that any disturbance of the metabolic processes within the blueberry leaf that increases the cell sap pH value will be manifested by the appearance of a chlorosis or necrosis. Growth response to treatment differed according to available solar radiation. There appeared to be an increased requirement for most major nutrient elements, except potassium, as the amount of solar radiation increased. Correspondingly, there was an increased requirement for potassium when the amount of solar radiation decreased. Under low solar radiation the high potas- sium treatment induced the greatest amount of growth, while under high solar radiation the high phosphorus treatment stimulated the greatest amount of growth. Root systems were found to be more indicative of a deficiency or toxicity than were foliar symptoms in sand culture. Low nitrogen levels in solution stimulated root growth, while high N, B, Mn, Fe and Zn and low Ca, B, Mn solution levels noticeably reduced root development. The high phos- phorus treatment induced the most desirable root system. Blueberry plants were found to grow extremely well in vermiculite if supplied with nitrogen and phosphorus. Plants growing in vermiculite showed 87. noticeable reductions in growth when supplied with potassium or iron. Definite seasonal trends existed for all nutrient elements in the leaves except boron. Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and copper decreased, while magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese and zinc increased in varying degrees as the season progressed. Late in the season potassium increased and zinc decreased in the leaf. . - The biweekly leaf sampling study indicated that the greatest consist- ency in the leaf content of all nutrient elements occurred during the three week period prior to, and including, the first week in which 35 percent of the crop could be harvested. Marked varietal differences were apparent in respect to leaf and fruit composition and nutrient requirements. Considerably more manganese was generally found in the leaves of theJersey variety than in leaves of the Rubel variety. Subsequently, the Jersey variety was found to accumulate toxic amounts of manganese, while the Rubel variety did not, even though both were grown on the same or on similar excessive wet sites. Foliar symptoms of magnesium \ deficiency were associated with a much higher medial leaf content of magnes- ium with Rubel than with Jersey. This was interpreted to mean that Rubel has a higher requirement for magnesium than Jersey. Rubel fruit usually con- tained higher levels of potassium and lower levels of calcium than did Jersey fruit. These differences in fruit composition were associated with differences I. llin.fl v . l t 1 lflfitvyl 1 il’l: I O.‘ 1‘ I ‘Vxll: l in keeping quality. Rubel fruit showed lower keeping quality than Jersey when nitrogen and potassium were higher and calcium lower than average. Although the concentration of all nutrient elements in the fruit de- clined with increased maturity, considerable differences in the magnitude of decline existed between elements. The percent decrease of these elements during the six week period prior to harvest was as follows: manganese - 73 percent; boron - 61 percent; calcium - 59 percent; phosphorus - 55 percent; nitrogen - 54 percent; magnesium - 41 percent; iron — 29 percent; copper - 24 percent; and potassium - 20 percent. Slow declines of all nutrient elements except iron and copper occurred during the harvest period. ‘ The nutritional disorder survey indicated the existence in 1957 of shortages of nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, excesses of nitrogen, potassium and manganese in commercial blueberry fields. 89. LITERATURE CITED Bailey, J. S. 1936. A chlorosis of cultivated blueberries. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 34: 395-396. Bailey, J. S., and J. N. Everson. 1937. Further observations ona chlorosis: of the cultivated blueberry. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 35: 495-496. Bailey, J. S. 1941. The effect of lime applications on the growth of cultivated blueberry plants. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 38: 465-467. Bailey, J. S., C. T. Smith, and R. T. Weatherby. 1949. The nutritional status of the cultivated blueberry as revealed by leaf analysis. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 54:205-208. Bailey, J. S., and M. Drake. 1934. 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Potassium-boron and calcium-boron re- lationships in plant nutrition. Proc. Soil Sci. Soc. 47: 1-14. Reuther, W., T. W. Embleton, and W. W. Jones. 1958. Mineral nutrition of tree crops. Ann. Rev. Plant Phys. 9: 175-206. Shear, C. B., H. L. Crane, and A. T. Meyers. 1946. Nutrient-element balance: A fundamental concept in plant nutrition. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 47: 239-248. Smith, P. F., and A. W. Specht. 1953. Heavy-metal nutrition and iron chlorosis of citrus seedlings. Plant Phys. 28: 371-382. Smith, P. F. 1956. Effects of high levels of copper, zinc and manganese on tree growth and fruiting of Valencia orange in sand culture. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 67: 202-209. Somers, I. I., and J. W. Shive. 1942. The iron-manganese relationship in plant metabolism. Plant Phys. 17: 582-602. Stene, A. E. 1939. Some observations on blueberry nutrition based on greenhouse culture. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 36: 620-622. APPENDIX 92. Smog .: reason :E: 5539.. goose soc/E who? mEoEEob min mince» 9 cmumswfimop 3:me .comobE Ema mm EcoEUUm cw neEmEoo soc—doe E328 $52.13.. .0 .v E In “mice. 9 mcociom :m 5 new: Bow 03315.... .ScoEEob :w E :oUmuEeEoo 6 E9256 58:35 9 cocgorn ME- 8 bacon Eon oCoEooExI: o of of of of of soy Nxmomzmoso a. o a. a. 2. as as: flow: 0 o o :_ o o O: aomms s: s: o o s: s 2 0c 2. t. o o t. S. Q son :9 o o o o o c av 3.93”: mm o o o o o 9: mommmowzz on em om em om cm as 652 oi oi o: o: o oi 9: .338- :32- or m- z- .326 AEQQV....:0C:_om EmEEoC. Ho :oEmanoU EoCEZ @2395 EoCEZ coma 32895 «$2 .2 xumzunom 3 m. >Hmsci Eob comb :otflom EoEEouF we cogmoquU EeEoELEoCEZ a same 523% oozfiEoomE no.3 on: .n: .383 .38 Btu .mEm—a Bomb 28229... M- Le mmoi mooEEoo Eo>oum oo copes mm? Eswmmmooa Ema v.93... .coZmozoEm one seam mom: or >.n cooflaou mm; was @523, ofimmooxo .5953 2x8 pea/Pa NomINU¢IZE. .mEoEEob :m E :onquEoo _U Ewomcoo 53:85 3 95:30,» «D. 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In 5853:: 8 $53307. mU+ can 2+ .32- .vT d- 5 30m: 20m 3.32:9... .mocmEommfi :m E ~03: 93023 ocmomcou 53:me 3 202303.. mu. 5 umm: Eon 0:03? llll |.|‘ r I“ o .3 m .o N .3 N .3 o .3 o .o o .3 o .3 o .3 o .3 o .3 3a 8:38 of o o o o o o o o o o 88 3830 o3 o3 o3 o3 o3 o o3 o3 o3 o3 o3 A38 NAmooINoomo 3N NS 3m 3m 3m 3N o 3m 3m 3m 3m as: 3ome oo om. om: oo oo oo oo o oo oo oo 0: 383M om oo -oo on on oo oo oo o oo oo no 383.: o o o o2 o o o o o o o Q o o o mm o o o o o o o o/o 3ooNE3zzo moo moo moo mm mom. moo woo woo m2 3.. moo 9: 3893sz 30+ ms: 3:. 3+ 2+ .30- 92. m- o- z - .626 I 52:53 mcowoiom 508:...qu “0 20282350 EEHSZ vmzaazm 353 32 595 EQCSZ $3 .0. >32 H933 nowD macros—om EmEowmhF Mo :OEmOQEoU EmEm_m-o:mCo:Z 3 Rome 5333.. .223 3.523 We 35:63:... E N .3 3 o .3 Ha nmESEmE :93. A3 333.3 52893. 003 E EmEEmaxm E zomcu 0:... «o :35 ow 30:52 28:203.. 085 Mo :oBBanou EmEBoLcmES: .5732... E . mo . mo . mo . me. a mo. mo. mo . mo . mo . ad £ch .8 . m 8 . No . No . 8. o 8 . mo. 8 . No. 98 385 m m 3 m m m m o m. m 6E 83. 355.33% m. m. m. mg m. m. m. m. o m: om. E36 3852 m. m: m. w. mg m. m. m. m. O on. a: 38m: :N+ 5+ 9.: 52+ m: cN- 5. mm- 52- m- 33.26 8:33. 3.3.358 mcofiiom EmEHmmHF uo :oEmanoU 32.332 com: 32:55 E2222 L: EoEEmaxm E nomD mcosgom EmEumoHP mo :oEmanoU EmEBmLcmCunz m. .338. 3.68.53. Appendix Table 6 Leaf Composition of Blueberry Plants in Experiment I as Influenced by Various Levels of N, P, K, Mg and Ca Treat- Nutrient Content - Percent Dry Weight m nt e N P K Mg Ca B Mn Fe Cu Zn CK 2. 30 . 22 . 654 . 35 . 46 . 0207 . 0055 . 0281 . 0034 . 0012 -N l. 83 . 20 . 866 . 38 . 60 . 0275 . 01.18 . 0289 . 0053 . 0014 +N 2. 80 . 24 . 770 . 29 . 51 . 0182 . 0045 . 0229 . 0036 . 0008 -P 2.11 .15 . 728 . 34 . 49 . 0187 . 0103 . 0293 . 0039 . 0009 +P 2. 06 . 28 . 703 . 32 . 51 . 0174 . 0062 . 0356 . 0035 . 0011 -K 2. 29 .21 .481 .41 .47 .0284 .0072 . 0289 .0049 . 0010 +K 2.23 .23 1.110 . 31 .42 .0293 .0051 . 0291 .0053 .0012 -Mg 2. 39 . 23 . 776 . 25 . 43 . 0282 . 0059 . 0305 . 0039 . 0010 +Mg 2. 31 . 20 . 663 . 42 . 44 . 0196 . 0058 . 0307 . 0048 . 0009 -Ca 2. 20 . 21 . 775 . 33 . 45 . 0236 . 0053 . 0295 . 0040 . 0009 +Ca 2. 28 . 20 . 673 . 32 . 45 . 0221 . 0055 . 0248 . 0037 . 0011 L. S. D. 5% . 20 . 03 . 065 . 05 . 09 . 0082 . 0013 N. S. N. S. N. S. 1% .27 .04 .088 .06 N.S. N.S. .0017 N.S. N.S. N.S. Appendix Table 7 Growth Measurements of Blueberry Plants in Experiment I as Influenced by Various Levels of N, P, K, Mg and Ca Treat- Dry Weight (gm 8) 3:310': h ment Leaf Shoot Stem Top Root Total gt (mm) CK 5. 34 2. 60 2. 47 10. 41 3. 51 13.91 1136 -N 1. 97 1. 55 2.37 5. 89 4. 01 9. 90 640 +N 1. 83 .91 2. 04 4. 77 1. 22 6. 00 838 -P 2. 64 1. 10 2. 64 6. 37 2. 92 9. 29 622 +P 5. 35 2. 83 2. 53 10. 71 3. 98 14. 69 1406 -1< 6.19 3. 34 3. 31 12. 84 4. 76 17. 60 1315 +1< 7. 72 4. 15 3. 08 14. 94 5. 36 20. 31 1539 -Mg 7. 38 3. 41 2. 78 13. 57 4. 37 17.93 1714 +Mg 5. 94 2. 84 2. 54 11.32 4. 00 15. 32 1331 -Ca 4.53 2. 87 2. 81 10. 20 3. 97 14.17 1118 +Ca 5. 27 2. 65 2. 88 10. 80 3. 75 14.54 1299 1.. s. D. 5%2. 40 1.18 .66 3. 62 1. 41 4. 95 285 1% 3.18 1.55 NS 4.80 1.86 6.56 377 Appendix Table 8 Leaf Composition of Blueberry Plants in Experiment II as Influenced by Various Levels of N, P, K, Mg and Ca Treat- Nutrient Content - Percent Dry Weight ment N P K Mg Ca B Mn Fe Cu Zn CK 2. 46 . 29 . 956 . 45 . 58 . 0274 . 0159 . 0179 . 0032 . 0009 -N 1.71 .24 1.022 .45 .75 .0241 .0205 .0225 .0031 .0013 +N 2. 60 . 24 . 826 . 38 . 55 . 0238 . 0339 . 0196 . 0023 . 0009 -P 2. 28 .13 . 783 . 39 . 56 . 0150 . 0230 . 0193 . 0026 . 0011 +P 2.19 .41 .769 .37 .65 .0310 .0127 .0218 .0028 .0009 -K 2. 65 . 28 . 576 . 49 . 63 . 0250 . 0205 . 0185 . 0030 . 0012 +K 2. 39 . 27 1. 335 . 42 . 63 . 0244 . 0156 . 0212 . 0042 . 0010 -Mg 2. 57 . 42 l. 054 . 36 . 62 . 0382 . 0232 . 0238 . 0032 . 0011 +Mg 2.64 .23 . 802 . 59 . 68 .0211 . 0134 .0178 .0041 .0012 ~Ca 2. 53 . 30 . 992 . 59 . 55 . 0328 . 0391 . 0263 . 0053 . 0013 +Ca 2. 47 . 29 . 931 . 48 . 73 . 0296 . 0202 . 0153 . 0031 . 0010 L. S. D. 5% . 31 . 04 .142 . O9 .10 N. S. . 0092 . 0055 . 0015 . 0003 1% .41 .05 .191 .12 .14 N.S. .0124 N.S. N.S. N.S. Appendix Table 9 Growth Measurements of Blueberry Plants in Experiment 11 as Influenced by Various Levels of N, P, K, Mg and Ca Treat- Dry Weight (gms) Shoot ment Leaf Shoot Stem Top Root Total Accumu- Length lation (mm) CK 10.44 5.50 7.48 23.42 13.11 36. 53 16.13 2111 -N 7. 55 4. 84 8. 12 20. 51 16. 35 36. 86 19. 56 1420 +N 3.11 1. 30 5. 99 10. 64 5. 99 15. 46 . 48 1271 -P 6. 21 3.17 7. 21 16. 59 10. 40 26. 99 9. 92 1293 +P 15. 22 9. 41 9. 19 33. 64 ' 13. 46 47. 28 30. 69 2795 -I( 9. 90 4. 29 7. 81 22. 00 9. 95 31. 95 14. 37 2137 +K 9. 84 4. 51 7. 08 21. 43 10. 76 32. 20 I4. 62 1997 -Mg 8.83 4.77 7.61 18.70 10.26 28.81 11.29 2061 +Mg 11. 23 5. 37 7. 40 24. 00 10. 93 34. 93 17. 78 2307 -Ca 3. 77 2. 01 6. 48 12. 26 7. 99 20. 25 3. 40 805 +Ca 8. 06 4. 08 7. 81 19. 95 10. 01 29. 96 12. 46 1880 L. .S. D. 5% 3, 77 N. S N. S. 6. 94 3. 86 10. 17 9. 72 808 1% 5, 08 N. S. N. S. 9. 36 5. 20 13. 70 13. 10 1089 Appendix Table 10 Leaf Composition of Blueberry Plants in Experiment 11 Grown in Vermiculite and Subjected to Various Levels of N, P, K, Mg and Ca Nutrient Content - Percent Dry Weight Treat- ment N P K Mg Ca B Mn Fe Cu zn -N 1.59 .17 .778 .37 .70 .0241 .0229 .0222 .0021 .0007 CK 2.44 .20 .881 .33 .55 .0155 .0172 .0393 .0017 .0011 +N 2.41 .21 .11 .23 .37* .0051 .0352 .0231 .0013 .0008 -1> 2.36 .16 .860 .30 .54 .0212 .0235 .0314 .0019 .0012 CK 2.44 .20 .881 .33 .55 .0155 .0172 .0393 .0017 .0011 +P 2.25 .20 .955 .28 .59 .0314 .0203 .0139 .0028 .0011 -1< 2.46 .19 .819 .33 .61 .0202 .0164 .0347 .0017 .0013 CK 2.44 .20 .881 .33 .55 .0155 .0172 .0393 .0017 .0011 +1< 2.41 .18 .13 .26 .54 .0200 .0226 .0250 .0021 .0006 ~Mg 2.52 .19 .851 .31 .473 .0286 .0219 .0282 .0016 .0007 CK 2.44 .20 .881 .33 .55 .0155 .0172 .0393 .0017 .0011 +Mg 2.31 .17 .885 .34 .72 .0081 .0175 .0195 .0016 .0014 C4 2.53 .19 .09 .36 .46"‘ .0257 .0223 .0357 .0015 .0009 CK 2.44 .20 .881 .33 .55 .0155 .0172 .0393 .0017 .0011 +Ca 2.28 .20 .894 .30 .56 .0150 .0231 .0511 .0019 .0012 "Obtained by extending the standard curve: hence, the values should be re- garded as relative rather than absolute. ‘ Appendix Table 1 1 Growth of Blueberry Plants In Experiment 11 Grown in Vermiculite when Subjected to Various Levels of N, P, K, Mg and Ca Growth Measurements Treat- m ents Top Growth Root Growth Dry Weight Ac— Shoot Growth (gms) (gm 3) cumulation (gm s) (mm) —N 22. 95 10. 91 19. 08 2005 CK 70. 19 17. 44 70. 16 4592 +N 52. 22 16. 64 54. 68 3014 -P 23. 45 8. 50 21. 74 1650 CK 70.19 17. 44 70.16 4592 +P 48. 49 14. 58 50. 60 3058 -K 85. 08 21. 65 95. 39 5054 CK 70. 19 17. 44 70. 16 4592 +K 71. 00 16. 03 74. 56 3049 -Mg 66. 07 14. 55 68.15 4967 CK 70. 19 17. 44 70. 16 4592 +Mg 59. 57 12. 18 60. 41 3008 -Ca 66. 70 19. 89 72. 41 281.8 CK 70. 19 17. 44 70. 16 ' 4592 +Ca 68. 57 I7. 78 73. 88 5424 Appendix Table 12 Leaf Composition of Blueberry Plants in Experiment III Grown in Sand and Subjected to Various Levels of B, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn __-— i r :- I 4 Nutrient Content - Percent Dry Weight Treat- ment N P K Mg Ca B Mn Fe Cu CK 2. 78 . 31 .710 .40 .52 .0199 .0092 .0160 .0024 -B 2. 77 . 30 .619 .35 .51 .0054 .0082 .0216 .0022 +B 2. 47 .32 .906 . 42 .53 .0500 .0100 . 0195 .0019 -Mn 2. 60 . 31 . 710 .38 .50 .0208 .0065 .0193 .0021 +Mn 2. 73 . 32 .662 . 30 .50 . 0225 .0182 .0167 . 0022 -Fe 3. 02 .29 .693 . 36 . 53 .0271 .0070 .0162 .0023 +Fe 2. 62 . 32 . 622 . 28 . 50 .0215 .0043 .0227 .0026 —Cu 2. 85 . 30 .688 . 36 .54 .0224 .0084 .0183 .0020 +Cu 2. 64 . 29 .675 . 35 .50 .0239 .0097 .0214 .0025 ~Zn 2. 67 . 30 .671 . 33 . 52 .0181 .0070 .0158 .0020 +zn 2. 83 . 31 . 656 . 30 . 50 .0248 .0068 . 0158 . 0022 L. s. D. 5% N. s. N. s. .082 .07 N. s. .0051 .0042 .0056 N. s. 1% N. s. N. s. .110 N. s. N. s. .0068 .0056 N. s. N. s. Appendix Table 13 Growth Measurements of Blueberry Plants in Experiment III Grown in Sand and Subjected to Various Levels of B, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn Dry Weight (gm s) Treatment Top Root Total Accumulation CK 9.18 2. 98 12.15 4. 78 -B 7 49 1. 71 9 19 4 09 +8 8 87 l 99 10 86 4 48 -Mn 8 82 1.86 10 68 4 58 +Mn 7. 03 l. 77 8. 80 4. 05 -Fe 8. 39 2. 40 10. 79 5. 55 +Fe 7. 97 2. 02 9. 99 4. 60 -Cu 8.68 2.17 10.85 5.18 +Cu 9.30 2. 59 11.89 6.50 -Zn 8. 93 2. 23 11.16 6. 20 +Zn 8.19 I. 59 9. 78 4. 53 L. S. D. N. S. N. S. N. S. N. S. Appendix Table 14 Leaf Composition of Blueberry Plants in Experiment III Grown in Vermiculite and Subjected to Various Levels of B, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn L Nutrient Content - Percent Dry Weight Treat- ment N P K Mg Ca B Mn Fe Cu CK 2. 76 . 23 .780 .30 .57 .0170 .0209 .0147 . 0016 -B 2. 79 .25 .688 . 32 . 54 .0052 .0236 .0190 .0014 +8 2. 33 . 23 .911 . 32 . 61 . 0500 . 0170 .0192 . 0016 -Mn 3.07 .25 .813 .29 .56 .0200 .0210 .0199 .0018 +Mn 2. 78 . 25 .768 . 31 .50 . 0162 . 0280 .0200 .0015 -Fe 3. 02 .24 .800 . 31 . 53 .0306 .0274 . 0162 . 0017 +Fe 2. 82 . 30 .803 . 25 .50 . 0235 .0067 .0291 . 0017 -Cu 2.70 .24 I .714 .35 .60 .0119 .0265 .0202 .0016 +Cu 2. 99 .24 .734 . 31 .50 . 0241 .0182 .0190 .0019 -Zn 2. 83 . 25 .830 . 32 52 . 0257 .0343 .0184 . 0017 +Zn 3. 29 . 25 . 768 . 31 . 50 .0189 .0254 . 0183 . 0018 L. s. D. 5% N.S .02 .109 N.S NS .0108 .0138 .0045 N.S 1% N. s. .03 N.S N.S N.S .0153 N.S. .0065 N.S. Appendix Table 15 Growth Measurements of Blueberry Plants in Experiment III Grown in Vermiculite and Subjected to Various Levels of B, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn Dry Weight (gm s) Treatment Top Root Total Accumulation CK 20. 61 3. 31 23. 92 21. 08 -B 1.6. 01 2.14 18.16 14. 82 +3 17.59 2.16 19.75 16.41 -Mn 14. 77 1. 79 16. 75 13. 73 +Mn 8. 00 1. 01 9. 00 6.16 -Fe 26. 72 4. 39 31.10 28. 26 +Fe 6. 94 . 78 7. 72 4. 88 -Cu 15.82 2. 44 18.25 15.41 +Cu 20. 82 3. 33 24.15 21. 31 -Zn 16. 90 2. 92 I9. 82 16. 98 +Zn 8. 66 1. 35 10. 01 7.17 L. S. D. N. S. N. S. N. S N. S. Appendix Table 16 Nutrient-Element Composition of Blueberry Leaves Collected Biweekly from june 15 to September 5 - Percent Dry Weight“ Sampling Date L. S. D. Element June June July July Aug. Aug. Sept. 5% 1% ‘ 15 30 12 26 9 22 5 N 2.86 2.47 2.17 2. 20 2.21 2.02 .96 .11 .14 P .21 .20 .16 .16 .16 .17 .17 .01 .02 K .712 .626 . 546 . 507 .486 .476 . 514 . 037 .048 Mg . 19 .21 .22 .24 .27 .33 .31 .02 .03 Ca .39 .38 .39 .47 .49 .53 .60 .06 .08 B . 0065 . 0056 . 0046 . 0062 . 0053 . 0067 . 0063 . 0015 . 0019 Mn . 0208 . 0341 . 0211 . 0257 . 0271 . 0253 . 0341 . 0072 . 0095 Fe .0128 .0168 .0126 .0147 .0154 . 0177 .0168 .0026 . 0035 Cu . 0015 . 0014 . 0013 . 0014 . 0014 . 0013 . 0012 . 0001 . 0002 Zn . 0009 . 0009 . 0011 . 0013 . 0013 . 0008 . 0007 . 0003 . 0004 *Each value represents the mean of nine plots, four of which were of the jersey variety and five of the Rubel variety. Appendix Table 17 Nutrient-Element Composition of Blueberry Fruit Sampled Biweekly Through- out the Growing Season - Percent Dry Weight“ Element Sampling Date - L. S. D. June June July July Aug. Aug. Sept. 5% 1% 15 30 12 26 9 22 5 N 2.27 1.76 1.55 1.06 1.03 .78' .78 .17 .22 P .25 .18 .15 .11 .11 .09 .08 .06 N.S. K . 873 . 776 . 734 . 690 . 665 . 561 . 609 . 049 . 005 Mg . 096 . 085 . 074 . 057 . 057 . 041 . 040 . 007 . 010 Ca .295 .216 .187 .123 .107 .045 .046 .046 .061 B . 0039 . 0030 . 0023 . 0016 . 0016 . 0010 . 0010 . 0004 . 0005 Mn . 0125 . 0081 . 0061 . 0034 . 0030 . 0022 . 0022 . 0029 . 0039 Fe . 0040 . 0043 . 0037 . 0029 . 0046 . 0034 . 0038 . 0008 . 0011 Cu . 0009 . 0009 . 0007 . 0007 . 0007 . 0007 . 0006 . 0002 N. S. *Each value represents the mean of nine plots, four of which were of the Jersey variety and five of the Rubel variety. Appendix Table 18 Weekly Average of Phyrheliometer Readings of Solar and Sky Radiation in 1957 (Radiation in Gr. -Cal. per cm2 of Horizontal Surface) Week Ending Radiation Week Ending Radiation February 4 182. 3 July 1 493. l 11 167. 0 8 509. 8 18 258. 2 15 558. 9 25 218. 6 22 625. 0 March 4 318. 6 29 625. 0 11 319. 5 Aug. 5 598. 0 18 382. 9 12 594. 0 25 368. 0 19 520. 0 April 1 326. 3 26 463. 8 8 187. 6 . Sept. 2 266. 0 15 417. 9 9 335. 8 22 306. 8 16 296. 0 29 392. 9 23 ' 319. 0 May 6 643. 2 30 475. 2 13 384. 2 Oct. 7 412. 2 20 271. 2 14 314. 0 27 422. 1 21 206. 0 June 3 620. 8 28 147. 6 10 593. 7 Nov. 4 146. 7 17 553. 2 11 170. 0 24 607. 1 18 89. 0 Appendix Table 19 Comparison of the Nutrient-Element Content of Blueberry Leaves Sampled Three Years in Succession from Nine Field Plots During the Same Physiological Growth Period (Date Pertaining to the Years 1955 and 1956 Reported by Ballinger, 1957). Nutrient Content - Percent Dry Weight Plot Year N P K Mg Ca B Mn Fe Cu Zn 14 1955 2.11 .17 . 558 . 33 . 77 121 186 190 20 27 1956 1.85 .10 .539 . 17 .59 64 172 130 18 17 1957 2. 27 .16 . 532 . 23 . 44 80 452 209 16 15 17 1955 2. 20 .15 . 520 . 30 . 69 46 88 180 10 22 1956 1.97 .13 .440 .23 .57 31 143 140 18 15 1957 2.30 .15 .544 .26 .65 55 153 143 17 15 18 1955 1. 98 .19 . 636 . 39 . 59 69 139 140 11 29 1956 1. 81 . 14 . 590 . 26 . 57 42 120 130 18 12 1957 2.26 .17 .520 .28 .42 93 153 130 14 15 19 1955 1. 94 . 20 . 559 . 46 . 78 44 176 200 8 21 1956 1.68 .14 .552 .25 .50 27 180 120 16 14 1957 2.12 .16 .518 .27 .44 63 211 157 16 10 35 1955 2. 25 .19 . 522 . 28 . 74 38 117 200 11 22 1956 1.85 .14 560 . 18 .65 22 8O 90 12 21 1957 2.04 .15 .518 .19 .44 36 107 141 12 13 41 1955 2.18 . 15 .511 .27 .65 45 245 160 9 22 1956 1.91 .15 .551 .19 .95 32 167 110 6 19 1957 1. 97 .15 .511 .20 .51 41 174 128 12 14 44 1955 2.19 .16 . 491 . 30 . 70 68 275 180 11 20 1956 1. 81 .13 504 . 25 l. 29 43 305 150 20 28 1957 2.14 .18 .416 .25 .61 60 478 141 15 15 49 1955 2.16 . 15 . 467 . 27 . 55 46 133 150 13 20 1956 1. 92 . 17 . 494 . 27 . 94 45 116 160 28 8 1957 2.27 . 16 .460 .25 .40 62 152 139 16 9 51 1955 2.16 . 20 . 528 . 33 . 57 6.1 206 180 12 15 1956 1.74 .13 .458 .25 1.13 41 169 130 23 20 1957 2. 47 . 18 . 547 . 25 . 35 64 430 135 12 11 Appendix Table 20 Nutrient~Element Composition of Leaves and Fruit Collected from Commercial Blueberry Plantings Surveyed for Nutritional Disorders in 1957 Sample Date of Nutrient Content - Percent DrLWeight NO- Sampling N P K Mg Ca B Mn Fe Cu Zn BL24 Julyll 1.99 17 .544 .19 .38 .0038 .0183 .0115 .0011.0006 BL53 Julyll 2.61 .21 -866 .19 .38 .0048 .0411 .0191 .0013 .0012 81.54 July11 2.15 .16 .636 .18 .36 .0046 .0137 .0116 .0014 .0009 BL 55 Julyll 1.04 .14 .514 .16 .37 .0046 .0167 .0175 .0012 .0006 BL 56 July11 2.21 .16 .766 .11 .36 .0068 .0553 .0200 .0015 .0011 BL 58 Aug. 9 2.04 .17 .558 .35 .33 .0052 .0210 .0195 .0026 .0012 81. 61 Aug. 9 3.62 .15 1.79 .13 .62 .0036 .0920 .0420 .0040 .0011 BL 80 Aug. 21 2.03 .12 .669 .16 .59 .0021 .0249 .0352 .0016 .0013 81. 83 Aug.21 2.62 .12 1.76 .07 .53 .0018 .0299 .0178 .0016 .0006 BL 84 Aug. 18 2.08 .22 .872 .20 .38 .0017 .0030 .0124 .0015 .0005 BL130 Aug. 23 2.02 .15 .538 .13 .47 .0021 .0146 .0177 .0017 .0007 BL131 Aug. 23 1.77 .14 1.11 .06 .47 .0016 .0083 .0166 .0019 .0008 BL132 Aug. 23 2.22 .17 1.32 .06 .56 .0016 .0126 .0219 .0019 .0009 BF 64 Aug. 18 .969.09 .750 .043 .052 .0008 .0025 .0034 .0004 BF 70 July 29 .681.07 .478 .039 .105 .0008 .0015 .0019 .0007 81. 81 Aug. 21 1.64 .16 .313 .28 .55 .0030 .0069 .0277 .0015 .0009 BL 82 Aug. 21 2.32.18 1.280 .30 .52 .0074 .0243 .0294 .0032 .0011 The determination of calcium in fruit by a combination of the EDTA ("Versenate") method and spectrographic determination of magnesium. Information collected and written up by Gerhard Bunemann, M. S. U. , March 1958. modified by the present author for blueberry fruit. Introduction The complexometric titration is based upon the property of EDTA (Ethy- lene diamine tetraacetic acid) to complex selectively the ions of Calcium and Magnesium. The amount of divalent ions present in one gram of dry matter is found by dissolving the ash in acid solution and subsequently titrating at a buffered pH of 10. 0 to 10. 5. At first the EDTA complexes all the calcium ions present, and then all the magnesium ions, and finally the magnesium which is part of the in- dicator. This exchange of the Mg from the indicator for Na from the EDTA causes the color change of the indicator from pink or purple to pure blue. The titration must be carried to an endpoint which does not retain the slightest purple tinge. Practice on both standards and fruit samples may be necessary. The calcium value is obtained by subtracting the meq MgH from the total meq cations. Method Materials: 1. EDTA ("Versenate" or "Versene") = Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (disodium-dihydrogen salt): 2 g in 1 liter H 0 (approx. ). 2. Indicator: Mix 0. 5 g. Eriochrome Black T (Ba er, F. 241) with 4. 5 g. Hydroxylamine - HCl (NI-120R. HCl) and dissolve in 120 m1 ethanol. Make up new solution at least every four weeks. 3. Calcium oxalate standard. Dry 1 g of Ca-ox overnight at 80’C, and then store in a desiccator. Dissolve in H 0, with the addi- tion of approx. 10 ml HCl (1:1) and approx. 5 ml HN 3 (conc.) and make up to 500 ml in volumetric flask. This standard contains 3. 12 mg or . 1557 meq Ca in 5 ml solution. At the time of titration for standardization of the EDTA add 1 mg (= . 0822 meq) of Mg” to the 5 ml aliquot of the Ca solution, giving . 1557 meq Ca +. 0822 meg of Mg . 2379 meq of Ca + Mg in Standard * (as MgClz solution, calculate amount according to normality of solution). Calculate the equivalence of the EDTA solution from the number of mi EDTA used to titrate the above mixture as a pH of 10. 0 - 10. S; e. g. ave. 21. 94 ml EDTA used: . 2379 W Diehl _e_t 31; suggest adding the Mg to the standard EDTA solution. In work with fruit samples, which always contain some Mg, the method des- cribed above seems simpler and therefore more adequate. meq = . 0109 meq cations per ml of EDTA. Note: Always add water to make a total volume of approx. 125 m1 before adding the buffer. Indicator degenerates in water, titrate quickly. 4. Buffer: Dissolve 135 g of C. P. Ammonium Chloride in 1140 ml conc. NH4OH and dilute to 2000 ml with distilled and de-ionized water. This buffer solution can be expected to give a pH of 10. 5 or higher. 5. Magnetic stirring equipment. Let the stirrer run fast enough to produce a whirlpool of 1-2 inch depth. This will ease the accurate observation of the color change. 6. Fluorescent light and background against which the color change can be observed conveniently. Procedure Ash 1 g of carefully dried and ground fruit sample in a small porcelain crucible at 550° overnight. Transfer the ash into a 250 ml beaker. Rinse crucible quantitatively with 0. 5 m1 1:1 HCl into the beaker and wash quantitatively with distilled and deionized water. Add about 100-125 ml distilled and deionized water. Then add sufficient ammonium buffer solution to bring the pH up to 10. 0- 10. l (10 ml buffer should do). Make sure the water is added before the buffer to avoid undesirable precipitations. Use about 6 drops of Eriochrome Black T indicator and titrate quickly, to reach clear blue endpoint exactly like the one achieved on the standard solution. Run two parallel samples and check agree- ment. The detection of the endpoint is difficult and one should practice on the standard solutions before attempting to run any actual fruit samples. Calculation examples: . 0109 (meq/ml) x 6. 6 (ml used) = . 0719 meq Mg + Ca . 0719 - . 0452 (meq Mg, spectrograph determination) = . 0267 meq Ca . 0267 meq Ca x 20. 04 = . 5150 mg Ca in l g dry wt. 2 . 052% Ca in fruit sample. Modification by present author: To obtain meq of Ca + Mg, the number of ml of EDTA used was plotted graphically against a standard concentra- tion gradient. Special considerations: Interferences may be expected from any divalent ions; therefore, the quality of the distilled water is of utmost importance. The metal ions which might interfere with the endpoint, are present in the fruit in such small amounts that they may be neglected in the calculation. This method is also suitable to determine the Ca + Mg in immature fruit samples. Because of the higher concentration of these elements as well as of interfering substances, and because of the possibility of precipitations it is advisable to reduce the weighed amount to . 250 g in order to work with the same concentration of EDTA as in the determination of mature fruit contents. ifr..':' :04.“'n;..~q ml 4.! ‘21s. (I— 11.81....1 41.1.1; 01.4.1