E’ERCEP'EEGN G? AWLITUEE WfiPEESSED SFEECB BY FEESONS EXEEEETEHG LO‘UB'NESS EECHETMR? Thais gar “to Degree a? pit. D. MECEESAN STATE UREVEBSETY Samuei Brit‘co‘a Burchféeicfi W70 LIBRARY Michigan State University {fit-.3913 This is to certify that the thesis entitled PERCEPTION OF AMPLITUDE COMPRESSED SPEECH BY PERSONS EXHIBITING LOUDNESS RECRUITMENT presented by Samuel Britton Burchfield has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph 0 Do degree in Audi 01 083' . i/7‘ _ /Mi’:’”mb /L»5 7 '1 ’1“ ”WV Major pr¢fessor Due 11-3-1970 0-169 Samuel Britten Burchfield Sseech discrimination Derformance of thirty-six subjects was compared for conditions of amplitude comnression and for no compression. These conditions were achieved with a nrototrne amelitude comnressor. The instrument had innut-to—outnut amplification ratios of two~to-one and three—to—one and it also functioned as a linear amplifier which was called one-to-one annlification. The thirty—six subjects, all of whom had unilateral sensorineural hearinq loss, were partitioned into partial or complete loudness recruitment brouns on the basis of their reseonse to a sneech noise alternate binaural loudness balanace (ABLE) test. Classification of subjects was carried out accordinq to two procedures. The "classical" nrocedure involved a comnarison of the maenitude of the sensation levels above threshold necessary to make the test sianals eouallv loud. The second system was based on intra-aural comparison of the loudness growth function. banuel Eritton Burchfield Snee h discrimination tests eanloyine monosyllabic CNC words were nresented at 2h d3 sensation level at the affected ear under each comnression condition. Eroad band maskins noise was routinely anblied at the contralateral ear. Statistical analyses of the data, partitioned by either method for defining recruitment, yielded similar results. Sneech discrimination scores were sienificantly hieher for the two~to-one and the three-to-one comuression than for the one-to-one and the benefit was OI the same order of masnitude for both recruitment groups. or A" ‘ “ hr -RLSSEU IITULE CCLI fi‘trv' T" mI‘f'fl a _J . 1! 31:3 [31.1. LUJ . fins v- {‘1 A-Jb’ H . 4 _nCRUITWEEUP By Samuel Britton Burchfield Submitted to I in aartial nichisan State University ,_ fulfillment of the no requirements for the deeree of DCCTCR CF FHIICSCFHY Denartment of Audioloey and _ Sneech Sciences 1970 CQConyriiht by SAhUEL BRITTCN BURGER ElD 1971 ii (-3: Com/right by SALUEL BRITTCN BURCHFIELD 1971 ii Please Note: Some pages have very light -type. Filmed as received. University Microfilms. my Wife Burch, gave us Christy iii ACILL“ .C'w'lE C—E ELLIS I would like to thank a number of individua s whoa guidance and assistance enabled the coneletion of thi study. The followina neonle are eratefully acknowledéed: q , o o ‘-, 0 . ‘ a, h. T- , ”T ath I. - r. Nillian mintelmann, chai men, and Jr. RGILOll U Cver, Dr. lco Deal, Dr. Bernice Borcman, and Dr. Oscar Tosi, committee members. Lr. iatrick Carter, Dr. Sanford Snyderman, Dr. E. n. in, and Dr. John Thomas (Ear, I, (3 la L 2 3 ¥ 9.) {E o. d o O 5.. 0.) LJ H (D U) ( Po 1—13 rs Nose, and Throat Associates Inc., Fort wavne) for (ssistance in obtaininq subjects. Dr. Judith Fre .nkmann and Dr. Bradley Lashbrook for their exnerimental and statistical guidance. Kr. Richard Brander and hr. Erwin Weiss (Eeltcne Electronics Co., Chicano) and tr. Donald Riggs for assistance with the instrumentation emnloyed. I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to Dr. Jud. ith r'anxmcnn for her interest and encouraQr-ment. The study was sunnorted in Dart by an American Steech and Hearind roundation Traineeshin \ hich vm s funded / ,V by grant No. T—oZ-lO7 from the lublic Health Services. 1‘! 1—1 TADLE CF CCNiEjTS (W L I («—4 C) e H ('1 O O O C O O O O O O O :eriormance Characteristics oi thlllUQ Controllinfi Devices . . . . . . . . In»ut-Luteut Relationshins . . . E'iI'LIC COLESEU Its a o o a a a c o a Zrobloms Associated Visa AuUliEIEG COE’E-I'E-.Ol I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111,175le 0 o o o o a o a o o I o o .rroeier1ahans EMUl rum.dmr‘ . . . . *Vcessive Noise Level . . . . . Effects of Amelitude Control on “nee Discriminati n . . . . . . . . . . . ftnlitrfie Control as a Sol Wion f r EOU’QOSS Recruitment . . . . . . . . ”2-1 11112.7"! 0 o o a o a o o o o o o o a EfILEL TAl IfiCCEZdLiE” . . . . . . . . Sinnjewztis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recruitment ;uantii ic ation . . . . . Seee,h Koise A313 Test , . , , . lntern.etation of the Sneech Hoi 1E- .3 LEGS-I; a o a c a o o a c o a Cal-"Q'ECII I thz’Bl‘lleF o a o o o a a o c o lhe ”eiss AAtli ude Comnressor . . . Innut-Cutnut Calibration . . . . hiss-Decav Transients . . . . . harrnonic Dis .ortion . . . . . . E‘OELSG Lexie]... a a o o o a o o I I Ere enaration 03 th e CNC Test Stimuli avnerinental lrocedures . . . . . . 1 urc Tone Threshold Tests . . . S eech Recention ir,sholu Tests V «'3 ‘ o (D. (D (i (r O ‘ k,. V ‘_. \\4\) Ln ' l ‘ \~P\ \J'EK \ “E I" O 11 H H E El\)) K— N. K- N " . -.\- ~7— -._ ‘40 LL) \A.) KJJ I‘) {‘3 {‘0 KJJ \0 CAR C\ {\‘I \‘E a I \ I .'J\ L: H 1—4 um an -;‘ In \_. K L '1 _:C*)C\I 1' Jim, .-‘ 1vnrv‘r) n bLL..; ...... y \fx-r r‘rw'} L-AI—‘D 14K 1... .LJ IE]. 111:.) Analvsis ? .5 'J I...) '3 I.) O ‘rj Sunnlerental :n Annlitude Comer. Summary of Discussion of Does ambl i D .33 \ fi 1 _’\ l 0 (v 0 Cr‘ (4. 3' C :7 CD 1—“ CL ('0 (D .3 O ears? . . . Is the arxnm seeech die or ‘the :8A ourrt C re cruitr cnt? Is the amoun seecch discr I A“ re tn» denies 0 Summary and Clin U) Lli.P1€117)’ . . Recruitment 1 17 Test . 7xtettuil val- TW‘ we. .1 V. SUPRARY, CCNCIL SICK S, SUTWQTV . . o o Conclusions . . Recc m cndations AV ...--.. I I I I I I I I 71777C-;- Al" IE’ L-T‘, “with -1.LJII.1JLD . e I I I I I I I q 2* 4- . clementati Anln moht .J .34 .L -1 A.) I I I I I I 1: _,_ - . .L.‘ :3. L; I: C ’37, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I if: \. . t I I I I I I I I I I ’ T“ n .A' tice 3_1ects . . . . . E”Cects f AAnlituee I I I I I I I I I I I O .p .1- . 1‘ _fl 1“ lysis 0. use allects o I 8-10fl . . . . . . . . Hesults . . . . . . sion 1m .rove tion in re ecruitin . . . . . nt of nrovemrt iAination related f t1 e loudn-ss . . . . . . . . . . . t f imnrovement in imination related to f the comnression? . . ical lnnlications . . I I I I I I I I I and the Sneech Noise iditv 3') l r- -‘ AJ 1...) l- I 11') I N J",- '11. . . . . . . . of the Fesults . on of Amnlitu I I I I I I I I 0 O I .A”D RECCTLEIfllnilCFS H) '1' ". . ! \J O l .1 I \E \ E13 UVKR I‘V‘n \] \1 CM CVJ‘. \3‘ \1 O ('1‘, C7": (‘0 Amped V“. \O Table face 1. 2*e and sex distributions of the two e::ficrj-vlenta.l (VFOLITFS I Q g o g g g I . g g g . 0 22A 2. EercentaAe distortion of the second and third h. aIAonics of the Weiss Cor1hre ssor for one—to- one, he -to- -one, and three-to-one 0031*“17‘8 8851.011 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [,5 3. Lean oercent correct discrimination scores for the Are-evner1rcnt1]_and host— —exnerinental tests for the partial and the complete recruitment srouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 h. Kean nerceht correct discrim1ha+10h scores for"the tfi11rt1nusix asl1iectxs :ior"the 'first, second, and third presentation orders for the one-, two—, and three- to- -one corrres110d conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 5. Sum“ rv of analysis of covari_ance comeazin, eeI: ormance of the two recruitment Wioues for one-, tmo—, an; thre 03- -to- ~one “Arlitll ,, cotili’renmlon I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CO e. Duncan's new. Aultinle rsnse test anolied to the c1rirrences between the three comeression I‘a'thS (P. = )6) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O 67 7. Summary of unweishted—means analysis of variance comnarins performance of Class I and Class II recruitment for the one-, two-, and three-to-one comeression ratios . . . . . . 7M 8. Beans, ranscs and standard deviations of eercent Wain in eech dis scrimination scores from the one-to— -one ratio to the two —to-one ratio, and from the one- -to- -one ratio to the three-to-one ratio (N = 36) . . . . . . . . . . 75 FiVure {\J awn oh racter1stics of 11V iter ano comnressors. (A-E—C) linea W1 anoliiier 1:1 ratio, (A 1-D) compressor 2:1 re 10, (A-E) comnressor 3:1 ratio, (A- B—b) 1L iter 3:1 ra tio, (P-E- 3) limiter 1:0 ratio (irom Carawe V and Carhert,1967, o. lh25) . . . . DVnamic r8 QVe reduction oroduced bV one- tc-one, two- to- -one, and th1i'ee- -to- one amnlitude comoression for sneech with a 30 d5 anc1m1-c Iane . . . . . . . . . . . . edian nure—tone thresholds for the test ar solid line) and the nontest ear dashed line) for both recruitment crouns. claritV, oan the air—conduction est olds a~e shown. The ranxes of esholos are shown for the test e2_ . . . r—4 H‘ c+ “If A (D O 0 Katie cis.Vram of the o “Ch-301s; t-rnate Bine ural loud css Bale fince :K'Cij.n"-r COLIiT‘uiPJYIt . O O Q Q C O O O O O . ch snec;1_1;m of the sneech n01sc n J . \' ‘» l . L I -' ‘QC" 0'1"“ C 0‘ :1-...:..’.. “LVKJI L)” (1410 o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o HVnothetical -xamn1es illustr¢1t1-n0 the traditional method for intreoreting results of the alternate binaurol loudness balance test (0: Vooo ear; X: boor ear) . . . . . . ,. .1- ' .-.~ .17- “'4 -- -x- ‘ n ' maulC die _ ram oi the bub tesc stixali l V V .A ,_ 'nvwf' .r- r: (.3.- ‘- Kill.» 2.1.19 0 o o I o o o o o o o I l;~1out-outnut iunctions of the V'd— c-meunel (ior a 1500 :2 siVna 1) for each corn r :cession V111 \O «“0 -\ J ‘11) KJ) A“ \ L1) 11 v- t L “recrencv DDDDD D or t Drocescln" Dvsvem “1e ‘l'Jq "'t3 u x/J” _/ . \ _‘ 4 q ", LTD-Lo-o e A , and bfl ee . ~ -u w. u m “. ‘3 '.. I .1. . .eaD CDDGCD leCIImlDaLlOH ' -\ \ '1 " f ’v I ‘ f.‘ Da1t141" 7OLD (1'5) 311 z“. , . / 1“ t ‘ J." ., I 0U. O \ u S ) 1 l O -1. ' 1T3. L l O 53 BS 0 I \Vel]_2‘S ,, . '-' 4. 4- eLDerlmeDLaI L L n. .1 Q l n . O ‘ N ‘3‘, 1'1- S'CO” ”2‘ {‘8 (35102310 bile of recrxu Lment (If) Div DinerimentDI ‘ ..' —A. 4‘. Loan ShQGJh d soriDiDDt twentv Clbss I (I's) an Cless II (II‘s) suhfieci coszetsiOD ratios es \ Dost- C’“QF'JOUTL_ tesis less recxtuflxmnrt than J H4 ' | wwwm 01'? ruitme at (I.) scores \VGIFF DeDQI‘ ‘ “Dell. t (Iow- 8101/1 o o o o o o D o u. C) ?-< The VA. DJWI'C“ ) (‘1‘ 1:3 c ’r r-H . ('1‘ (.4. D '\ 6+“ 0 2 0:5 .. 1. . sreecn D scores .1 subjects Le the s' the sneech noise 6 1or'Um>Di: e ”TV-€38. 3 78.11“. H. v I" 0-] \ record C \ 73“ 1"» ‘fv {N C‘ (‘1 q [ ' (,1. . I ‘_. \_.4 LV.‘ L . u ( \- o o o o o O O o In“ DDG .. r- .1-m (J.I\J \FC}" ‘1’“: (3 CO wwh-v’wmflw 071 (C) l \ , \Q) 0 O o 0 e10 . k 0 for t' a" -p " sco es 1 tie xteen for tDe I. I" ’1 as tDe Dle— “DD 7' . . 4— lass 1 DDmr seDus __..\. S .1.) O I O O O O O lk‘K we subjects 3t (hifih-Dain) ) by ihe aDDlitude I O C O C C O C C U A; ' {7: 1’1 L,(]l C) L) '\\‘ L...J L1- ADDeDD1: L1 L4 0 Id ?e of W O . .1- ' -r‘ 0111,34” (~43 N ‘4 (1‘ QDOHQGL, mi -L‘ LDC rds a ”3 ~ ~— 1 m11 '- 'L. , r" I - - I ‘ I A. ‘l'w'r'r‘ "‘I 0-- -5 1.14.; LL.) 0 ’t :1 G ‘3’ 2' 3 C] Q ,J ("F a (4‘ i...) u 9 »—‘ O fi 5 . ._) KW Edwin—S '1'}; nc Inger: U rum-r U .ingvv 33"011‘7‘. S ‘r ‘5- DT .L I l .L 0 Yr“ ‘1; o ". 1 .L— ‘ I} ~"' , \ c..... “f '._._l O Q‘\ The idea that amplitude compression can aid persons with loudness recruitment in their perception of speech is neither novel nor new. Huizing (1948, 1952) and Huizing and Reyntjes (1952) implied that speech discrimination was impaired by loudness recruitment because of increased sensitivity for differences in intensity and thereby normal loudness relationships among speech sounds are altered. Caraway (1964) and Caraway and Carhart (1967) conjectured that persons with recruitment, therefore, may not need as large a dynamic range as do normal listeners in order to take full advantage of speech signals. They hypothesized that speech with reduced dynamic range (i.e. amplitude compressed speech) would improve Speech discrimination in subjects exhibiting loudness recruitment. Their hypothesis was tested by comparing the discrimination scores for compressed speech in four groups of subjects whom they assumed to differ in their magnitude of loudness recruitment. The groups demonstrated only slight improvement for the compressed speech, and it was concluded that the technique offered no important advantage over linear amplification. .1 'he present study extends Caraway and Carhart's research by first operationally defining loudness recruit- ment and then testing their original hypothesis within this constraint. A necessary requirement for conducting the experiment was employment of a method for quantifying loudness recruitment. An alternate binaural loudness balancing technique, employing Speech noise signals, was devised for this quantification. Specification of the performance characteristics of the amplitude compression system was also of primary importance. Purpose of the Study This study sought basic information concerning the relationship between loudness recruitment and the discrimination of amplitude compressed speech. The purpose was to compare Speech discrimination performance of two groups that were heterogeneous with reSpect to degree of loudness recruitment. Speech Signals were presented at two levels of amplitude compression and also with no compression. The following questions were formulated to delimit the research: 1. Does amplitude compression improve Speech discrimination in persons who exhibit loudness recruitment? 2. IS the amount of improvement in Speech discrimination related to the amount of the loudness recruitment? 3. Is the amount of improvement in Speech discrimination related to the degree of the amplitude compression? Importance of the Study Design Specifications of hearing aids involve numerous compromises necessitated by the interaction of distortion produced by the aid and by the response characteristics of the patholosical ear. Appr0priate hearing aid design depends, or Should depend, on an understanding of these interactions. In reference to the relationship between the characteristics of amplitude limiting systems and hypoacusic speech discrimination, Lynn (1962) commented that the "scanty" evidence is contradictory and indicates the need for additional study. Furthermore, Caraway's research, which was conducted in 1964, is the first and only systematic, empirical investigation employing amplitude compression (as distinguished from amplitude limiting). The idea that amplitude compression can offer znecruiting ears special enhancement in their discrimination Of Speech signals has, therefore, received recognition but Onlqv'very limited study. In this context, recruitment has it never been quantified and many basic questions remain unanswered. Information obtained from the study is viewed as having possible application in increasing the hypoacusic's potential success in utilizing amplification. CHAT TER II BACKGROUND II‘JT‘CRI-LATICI‘J AND LITELATLR; HEVIE “J This chapter describes the pierformance Chara eter- istics of ampli tude controllins devices and summarizes their effects on Speech discrimination. Amplitude control as a solution for loudness recruitment is als odiscussed. ‘erformance Characteristics of L—l v 1., Amplitude Cont rollin; Devices (‘l "I Three important ieatures o: amplitude controllins devices are input- ~output relatiomi hips, time constants, and problems associated with the control. Input-Cutput Relationships. In linear amplifiers input-to-output intensity ratios remain essentially constant. For example, the output sound pressure will increase 10 dB if the input signal is increased 10 d3. moreover, this linear ra atio is maintained over most of the Operational range of the instrument, xcept at very hifih input levels. Input above this level is usually accompanied by marked distortion of the waveform of the output signal. Electrical engineers have sought linearity in eamplifiers for many applications. There are, however, expecific Situations which necessitate nonlinear amplifiers or'amplitude controlling devices (Appendix A). These devices KR O\ O restrict either the dynamic ranse or the peak output of amplified Signals via nonlinear input—to-output pressure ratios. They are used routinely in the recordina, transmission, and reception of audio signals, and recently they have been incorporated in hearing aids. Two types of amplitude controlling devices ar amplitude limiters and amplitude compressors (Langford- mith, 1952). Limiting amplifiers are linear for low- input signals; however, gain is reduced when the input exceeds a set value. All inputs above this critical level Show a fairly constant output. Compressors, operating on a somewhat different principle, are amplifiers with input- output ratios such that output pressure is inversely preportional with input Sisnal strength. Input—output functions for limiters, compressors, and linear amplifiers are Shown in Figure 1. In linear amplification (curve A-B—C), gain is constant over the entire input range. For each increment in the input Signal, an equal increment is observed in the output signal. This relationship yields a linear slope at an angle of 45 degrees. On the other hand, amplitude controlling systems Hso .hpflnsflo son .mezopa psosefl5poms neon mom «ocfla pogmcpv ado mosses ore was Aosfla pflfiomv mam snow opp new mpaommosre oCOPIQSSQ swamp; .m marten Amuv mesonsopm 000$ 000$ QOON oooa o — ,Ll _ '- 0 UN 0mm coca coo: ooom coca com 0mm _ . c . . 4. o: l - ‘1 u flog f 00 B TV. l .. Io, u Ci I4 J] I..' III C J 11 I Ion “Um . L J '0 00 AU j Q S T.. U. \1 (x. I low mum r , p I. l"/ I5. [om AHA r ’ (a ll.‘ I. I, I ' ) "’II 1. I.” filom T. ’ ’I I" U I- I “| 'I “‘l' I' I lu‘ I. In ’Iu‘ I.. I OH D 5..“ l 'O ssosw ogmacroo ssonc asseQSH Recruitment Duantification A necessary requirement for conducting the experiment was the develOpment of a method for quantifying loudness recruitment. Although Jerger and Harford (l960) and Jerger (1962) contended that the pure tone ABLB test is the most valid existing measure of loudness recruitment, results of this test are somewhat unwieldy. Attempts to relate recruitment to other variables have suffered because of the difficulty in quantifying recruitment by this pure tone procedure, e.s. Clemis and Carver (1967). An alternative procedure using Speech stimuli may offer some advantages. Harris et. al. (1952) stated that "The practical Significance of recruitment is largely in Speech reception" (0. 108). In an investigation of recruitment for speech, Q thi roup of investigators found their subjects could U) \ ’ (T readily make loudness matches for Speech in two ears of unequal ability and that the matches were as easy and precise as those for pure tones. It was also found that "recruitment for Speech followed a course parallel to that for pure tones and roughly intermediate among the curves of recruitment for pure tones in the Speech ranse" (1952. p. 132). Studying the effects of noise eXposure on loudness-balance and intelligibility, O'Neill (1954) used 29 Speech material for pre- and post-exposure loudness- balances. Mean values of the matches indicated that his normal hearing subjects were able to make accurate judgments with connected discourse serving as the stimulus. O'Neill concluded that,"Apparently speech (connected discourse) can serve as adequate stimulus material in loudness-balance matches" and that "there was little intra- or inter-individual variability in such judgments" (1954. p- 6). Specific rationale for employing speech noise for the ABLB test stimulus include the following: (1) literature reports that subjects can adequately balance Speech—type stimuli; (2) the close relationship between Speech noise and the dependent variable: and (3) because the Speech— type Signals are capable of demonstrating growth of the loudness function over a relatively broad auditory area. Speech Noise ABIB Test. Stimulus parameters and test procedures are Similar to those suggested for the pure tone ABLB by Jerger (1962). Identical Signals are presented to both ears alternately. The Signal was fixed at levels of 20, 40, and 60 dB above the good ear'S Speech reception threshold and the subject adjusted the intensity at the poor ear for each presentation level until the signals were judged equally loud in both ears. 30 The procedure for administering the test described here calls for fixed sensation levels in the good ear and variable intensity in the poor ear until the balance is achieved for each reSpective presentation level. Jerqer and Harford (1960) and Jerger (1962) recommended fixing the signal at sensation levels of 20 and 40 dB above the poor ear's threshold and varying the intensity at the good ear; however, they reported that either system yields the same results. Their rationale for these recommendations include standardization and clinical utility. With respect to the presentation levels, they suggested that "the 20 dB level sets at the question of recruitment near threshold and the #0 dB level is usually high enouqh to tell you whether recruitment is complete" and that "it is very seldom that you can go much hiaher than 40 dB above threshold on the bad ear anyway" (1962, p. 142). The decision to fix the three sensation levels at the good ear was governed by the desire to obtain information about the loudness function over a broad span of sensation levels. Because the magnitude of loudness recruitment is relative and varies as a function of stimulus presentation level, a procedure based on the good ear's threshold level Inay lead to somewhat different absolute results than those obtained by classical procedures. 31 Specific siinal parameters and procedures included the following: 1. Signals alternated automatically. 2. Signal duration was 500 msec. 3. Signal rise and decay time was 50 msec. M. The intensity was always fixed at the good ear and varied at the poor ear. Each subject controlled the intensity at his poor ear by a hand-held switch. 6. The intensity was fixed at sensation levels of 20, 40, and 60 dB at the good ear. An Allison 22B clinical audiometer was used to administer the test. In order to obtain a speech noise signal and the capability of alternating Signals to a subject's two ears, the test signals were recorded on magnetic tape and played-back on the audiometer's "stereo" magnetic tape recorder. The array of equipment shown in Figure 9 was utilized for recording the test stimuli. Grason-Stadler Grason-Stadler Ampex AG 901-3 ]______ 929-E 350-2 Noise ' Electronic Tape Generator Switch _‘ Recorder Figure Q. Schematic diasram of the Speech-Noise Alternate Einaural Loudness Balance recording equipment. The noise generator (Grason-Stadler 901—3) produced Speech noise which was transmitted to the electronic switch. The switch was adjusted at a 50% duty cycle, 50 msec rise and decay time, and a 1000 msec period. These adjustments resulted in brief bursts of the speech noise being transmitted (switched) alternately to the two separate channels of the Ampex Tape Recorder (AG 350-2). When the two channels of this recording procedure are transmitted separately to the left and right ears, the Signals are perceived as alternatinfi. Signal parameters were monitored with a Tektronics (564 B) Storage OscillOSCOpe. Two minute continuous segments of Speech noise were recorded at the beginning of each channel for calibration. Spectral analyses of these Signals are Shown in Figure 5. The curves Show that the frequency Spectrum of the recorded signals conforms to the long-term average Spectrum of Speech Signals (Denes and Pinson, 1966; also see Appendix A). Int:rpretation of Speech Noise ABlB Test. Three (3 1') possible outcomes of pure-tone AYES tests are "no recruitment”, "partial recruitment", and "complete recruitment". Figure 6 illustrates these hypothetical outcomes. The test Signal is initially fixed at a level of 20 dB above the good ear's threshold (01) and the alternating signal is turned on. Because the good ear is .nasshflw snow 0 ’3 j) J O O O \ r 3 000: . mama pawn 0; or—{ m \J r. H H O (Ll Q) .r‘; r. Cm C) (’3 4..) 4 HoCCQKQ air lllalnnunllllll aosoSQosh .m wedge oom 9mm lelllllllx OIIIIIIIIO ouuuu“u\.e x ION... IWHI fies- Um...- U. P. .7 10‘»: LL Spelt? C"? -uJU 3A .Asde goo: 4 “ado root .Qv kV new oocnans moosugoa HSQSCCHQ owdflhowam one we mpafimoa heapescogssfl podnet Hmcoawflprsp one wsflwdswmzaafl mefltacxe amow+eswoi>x .w cyztm; PcheHSSopm PQmEPHSMoox PeoseHSSop: meoaesOo Hmflppwm oz M (ow _ l/I/l/IV 0% .00 - d \ Mp Cw W Jr]! (fl .OU HG>QH Q As OaN dwtfixdmfiw / / .or . (Q Aw C om OH I; 35 normal in the illustration, sensation level and hearing level are the same; however, it Should be noted that sensation level is in reference to the individual's hearing status (See Appendix A Re: Hearing Level and Sensation Level). The subject adjusts the Sienal at his poor ear until he judges the signals were equally loud (X1). Next, the subject repeats the balancing in his poor ear for signals presented at MO dB and then at 60 dB. If the subject perceives Signals presented at equivalent sensation levels in each ear as equally loud, he is not exhibiting recruitment. This means that an increment of say 20 dB in the good ear is accompanied by a 20 dB increment in the poor ear to effect a loudness balance. On the other hand, partial or complete recruitment occurs when a smaller increment is needed for the balance. In fact, if.at the 60 dB sensation level, the subject adjusts the intensity at the poor ear eoual to the intensity at the sood ear (in equal hearing levels), his performance is labeled as "complete recruitment". Balances which occur between the "complete" and "no” recruitment responses are labeled "partial" recruitment. Jerger (1962) reports €1.10 dB "margin of error" for interpreting pure tone ABLB dat61. Presumably this error is related to dispersion of the loudness balances. Preliminary results in this eXDEBriment, with Speech signals, indicated that subjects 36 were able to balance the sianals within a much smaller range. Accordingly, the margin for interpreting the balance data of this study was reduced to 5 dB. The two groups of subjects used in this study conformed to the above specifications for partial and complete recruitment. That is, when the mean of balances was rounded to the nearest 5 dB, eighteen subjects exhibited partial recruitment and eighteen exhibited complete recruitment for the Speech noise Signals (loudness recruitment is defined in Appendix A). Speech materials Three Speech tests were required by the eXperiment: (1) determination of sensation levels for presentation of the compressed Speech; (2) measurements of discrimination performance under compressed Speech; and (3) pre-test and post-test to assess base level performance and time dependent influences. Speech reception thresholds, based on Spondee words, were used in determining the presentation levels .for the compressed Speech. Magnetic tape recordings of the CID Auditory Test W-l (Hirsh et. al., 1952) were recuarded by a male speaker (Dr. William F. Rintelmann) Witli General American dialect. The speaker monitored the leveal of the two syllable peams of each word at 0 dB VU metexr deflection (:’2 dB). List A, one of four lists 37 used in routine clinical testing at Michigan State University, was arbitrarily chosen as the stimulus material for the preliminary speech test. Northwestern University Auditory Test No. 6 (Tillman and Carhart, 1966) was used to assess Speech discrimination under the three compression ratios. This test has four lists of 50 monosyllabic, CNC words derived from lists deveIOped and revised by Lehiste and Peterson (1959 and 1962). The lists used in this study were recorded on magnetic tape by the same male Speaker who recorded the spondee material. Each word is preceded by the carrier phrase, "You will say . . .". In recording the words, the last word of the carrier phrase was monitored at 0 dB VU meter level and the test item was then said naturally. Because each subject was tested twice at each of the three compression ratios, a minimum of six different test lists was needed. Previous investigations with the N. U. Test No. 6 revealed that lists II and III yield equivalent scores (Rintelmann and Jetty, 1968). Therefore, these two lists were selected. Four additional lists needed for the experimental conditions were constructed 1Wipermutine the two original lists; two permutations of list: II A provided lists II B and II C and two permutations 0f Heist III A gave list III B and list III C. 38 Speech discrimination was measured at the beginning and again at the end of the experiment by a pre- and post- test. The pre-test acquainted the subjects with test conditions and provided a base level for assessing initial group differences. A comparison of pre- and post-test scores indicated the magnitude of practice and other time dependent effects. List I A of N. U. No. 6 was arbitrarily selected for these measures. Of the fifty CNC words that constitute this test, the first ten were recorded at one-to-one compression, the next fifteen words at two-to- one, and the remaining twenty-five words at three-to-one. The Weiss Amplitude Compressor Compression of the speech test material was achieved with an instrument deveIOped by Mr. Erwin Weiss of the Beltone Electronics Corporation of Chicago, Illinois. Operating characteristics and calibrating information were supplied by Mr. Richard Brander (1970). The compressor functions to: 1. Divide input signals into three bands: #00 Hz to 1000 Hz, 1000 Hz to ZOOOHZ, and 2000 Hz to 4000 Hz. 2. Provide symmetrical, nonlinear amplitude compression in each channel. \J) \O 3. Provide independent control of the desree of compression in each channel. A schematic diagram of the compressor is shown in Figure 7. Input-Output Calibration. The instrument was calibrated to the three compression ratios by adjusting the Specified amount of compression for each channel while maintaining equivalent gain in each channel. The capability of adjusting both the amount of compression and the amount of gain made available a wide array of conditions that could be achieved with the instrument. The controls of adjacent channels are not entirely independent, however. This is particularly true when there is high gain combined with a compression level and the filters do not cut off abruptly. In this situation attenuated signals are allowed to enter the wrong channel. Specific procedures used in adjusting the controls of the compressor to the three levels were as follows: 1. A Hewlett-Packard oscillator (QZOH-A) applied a l V (RKS), 1500 Hz sine wave to the input terminals of the compressor. A Beckman (6148) Electronic Timer assured correctness of the frequency output (E percentage error of 0.05%) before and after the experiment. The internal .mommmmeEoo weapflaesd meme; opp mo Edmumflp oamemzom .m mmsmflm “cease; mmmeao> .m Comm m phase 0 .w. gamma Ase oooeuooomv m Hmccaeo ‘ o , r emaeaaaee h. hmfiwflamfiw gm Coammmhano & Summ— . no.5 Use “em ooomloooav m Hmssmgo_ esp mcfixfla - , ecfieopflzm - , PSQCH «a soammosasoo .fi seem ANm oooaxooev H Hmcsmso #1 volume control of the compressor was adjusted to produce 1 V (RES). With all compression controls at zero, and with the 1500 Hz 1 V (HHS) input, the mid—channel (1000 Hz to 2000 Hz) was adjusted to produce 1 V (HMS) at the output terminals. With 700 Hz input (1 V HHS) the low-channel (400 Hz to 1000 Hz) gain was adjusted for output voltage of 1 V (HHS). Similarly, with 3000 Hz input 1 V (RES) the high channel (2000 Hz to 4000 Hz) gain was adjusted for 1 V (RES) output. With a 1500 Hz input signal, the mid-channel compression was adjusted until a 10 dB change in output level was produced by changing the input from 0 dB Re: 1 V (V) to -30 dB V. This was for the three-to-one compression ratio. For the two~to~one ratio the compression control was adjusted to give 15 dB output change for an input change from 0 dB V to -30 dB V. Obviously, during the one-to-one condition a 30 dB reduction in output resulted from an input change from 0 dB V to —30 dB V. For each respective condition (i.e., one-to-one, two-to—one, and three-to-one) step three above £92 was repeated with a 3000 Hz input signal with apprOpriate high-channel compression adjustment. 6. With 0 dB input, low channel (using a 700 Hz signal) and high channel (using a 3000 Hz signal) gain were adjusted until they were equivalent in overall gain with the mid-channel (i.e., the 1500 Hz signal) gain. 7. Steps number three to six above were repeated for each respective compression condition (i.e., one-to-one, two-to-one, and three-to-one) until the three were equivalent in gain and compression. Input-output relationships and the frequency response of the comp-essor were monitored by the above calibration procedures immediately before and after compressing the stimulus word lists. Additionally a calibration tape, consisting of two sections of recorded pure tones, was constructed to determine performance of the compressor during the actual processing of the words. Section one of the calibration tape was used to determine input-output relationships. It consisted of three tones near the center of the bands passed by the compressor channels (i.e., 700 Hz for the 400 to 1000 Hz channel, 1500 Hz for the 1000 Hz to 2000 Hz channel, and 3000 Hz for the 2000 Hz to 4000 Hz channel). In constructing 43 this part of the tape, a 1 V (RES), 700 Hz tone which produced 0 dB VU meter deflection was recorded for fifteen seconds. Next, the level of the input signal was reduced 10 dB. A signal of fifteen seconds was again recorded. In this manner, the input level of the signal was reduced in decrements of 10 dB until a 30 dB Span was covered. Similarly, 1500 Hz and 3000 Hz tones were recorded at 1 dB V and at decrements of 10 dB (i.e., -10, -20, and ~30 dB V). Eleven pure tones (i.e., 200 Hz, 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 700 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz, 3000 Hz, 4000 Hz, 6000 Hz, and 8000 Hz) constituted the second section of this tape. These tones were recorded at constant voltage 1 V (RES) and were used to determine the frequency response of the compressor when the speech stimuli were actually compressed. Rise-Decay Transients. Amplitude controlling devices usually need intervals of time to achieve and escape their control. These intervals are called attack and release times or constants. Typically, these constants are applied to circuits which use a control voltage to vary the gain of a linear amplifier. Since the Weiss Compressor Operated on non-linear components, its reaction times are best referred to as rise-decay transients (Caraway, 196Q). M4 Transients of the compressor were determined by observing its response to instantaneously initiated sinusoids. A tone burst generator (General Radio 1319) 'nitiated the signals applied to the compressor and externally trisfiered an oscillosc0pe (Tehtronics, 561) which allowed observation of the compressor's performance. Specifications reported by Caraway (1964) were adopted: The rise time was defined as the time required for a 90 percentaae completion of pain chanae from the instantaneous application of a signal to the compressed equilibrium value. The de ay time was the time required for the same percentaae of gain Change in the return of the compressed gain to its former value upon the instantaneous cessation of the input signal. The compressor had a rise time of 5.0 msec and a decay time of 2.5 msec. These values did not vary as a function of frequency or of the compression ratios. Harmonic Distortion. Energy measured in the first two overtones was utilized to estimate harmonic distortion (Caraway, 1964). For this measur ment, 1 V sinusoids with calibrated frequency were applied to the compressor at each ratio. The compressor was connected to a Bruel and Kjaer 2107 Frequency Analyzer which enabled measurement of the fundamental (h1)' the second harmonic (h2) and the third harmonic (h3). Percent distortion was calculated at each frequency by the formula: Percent. SJ/ 3 + h2 Distortion [1.5 Table II shows the distortion percentages. Table 2. Percentage distortion of the second and third harmonics of the Weiss Compressor for one-to-one, two-to- one, and three-to—one compression. Frequency (Hz) one-to-one two-to-one three—to-one 250 3.31 3.06 5.63 500 2.78 6.39 1.50 1000 2.78 9.79 6.03 2000 1.95 4.77 7.96 3000 3.32 2.50 2.70 0000 2.06 1.81 1.61 4.72 4.2: N Q Q Mean Distortion The distortion, although somewhat greater for the two-to-one and the three-to-one compression ratios, was not excessive. Noise Level. In order to obtain resting internal noise levels, the input of the compressor was terminated with a 600 ohm resistor and the output was terminated with a Bruel and Kjaer Voltmeter. Resting voltages were read under each compression ratio. Results of these measurements were -57.5 dB for the one-to-one ratio, -MM.0 dB for the two-to—one ratio, and —33.25 dB for the three-to-one ratio. Preparation of the CNC Test Stimuli A diagram of the equipment used in compressing the stimulus words is shown in Figure 8. Ampex AG [Voltmeter—l Ampex AG 500-2 ' j - 606-2 Tape fl‘leiss Compressor [-— Tape Recorder ‘ Recorder Figure 8. Schematic diagram of the CNC test stimuli recording apparatus. After gain and compression were adjusted, both the recorded calibration tape and the word lists were reproduced by an Ampex AG 500-2 magnetic tape recorder. Output voltage of the recorder was monitored by the voltmeter circuit of a Bruel and Kjaer 2603 KierOphone Amplifier. The previously recorded speech stimuli were then transmitted through the Weiss Compressor. The output of the compressor was connected to the input of a second tape recorder, an Ampex AG 606-2, which was used to capture the calibration tones and the actual stimulus materials for the study. Performance of the compressor during the processing and recording of the Speech was determined by the calibration tape. Input-output relationships of the instrument were determined at each ratio by recording the first series of tones after they had passed through the equipment array. Input-output functions of the mid-channel (1500 Hz), for each ratio, are shown in Figure 9. These Curves are very compatible with the values for beth the 1 Volt Re: dB in Cutput C l \J.) O Input-output function sisnal) for each compr compressed under one-- J (K), and three—to—one 1 ~10 Volt the mid—chanl. on ratio when ne compressio low- and high—channels (i.e., 700 Hz and 3000 Hz) which are presented in Appendix C. The second part of the calibration tape was also transmitted through the recording equipment under each ratio. Recall that this section consisted of eleven constant voltage (1 V, RES) pure tones. The purpose of these tones was to determine the frequency response of the processing and recording system under each ratio. Voltage levels of these tones, after being converted to relative dB values, are shown in Figure 10. These functions indicated that the frequency reSponse was essentially flat from #00 to @000 Hz for all three compression ratios. The research design specified a comparative analysis of the perception of speech with three degrees of dynamic range reduction achieved by one-to-one, two-to-one, and three-to-one comp ession. Specific procedures used in obtaining these conditions included the following: 1. Appropriate gain and compression controls of the compressor were adjusted to achieve the ratio to be recorded. {\3 o The 1500 Hz segment of the calibration tape was produced by the Amp x AG 500-2 Recorder. This signal was monitored at l V (RES), passed throuah the compressor for the ratio being recorded, and transmitted to the Ampex AG 606—2 l7” 0 1 [1.9 O ‘4'.) @000 I 3000 C) Fwy "'8 ‘ C\ —O O 1F“. O h-LF N m 0 W O in I r—4 ,4 I I Hf} (>091: (LG SSLIOe_UC)\J :83: , p 2000 (L) I O (D 3.4 C) I: £51 +3 +3 (0' in ”1, . V» men I L A F4; 7“ obs +3 U) 0) .5:- C. 03 O l C O :2‘ +J .,_; ' I!) O C] 31: (D 4-” O Q . }._,/'\ {A O v "C .‘C‘ C. «i0 .,., hi) (I) {L U'.‘ 'r-i Q) rCi 3-4 34 ,C: O E O O .3 C) 3.. C)- 03 C .{j 0 -2.) I O C:--{ +9 O I C) G) C. ’3 O C. . O M C (1) U: T) C) Q i: :3 >26 0 (1) C U) (D U) :5 o C H C} Ci. 5-; E; 1:14 0 O C: S40 (Liv Q) Q) 34 0 .C' :4 "4:1 O 'C 5-4 I "-1 O O :1. E; ~33 50 recorder used to capture the actual stimulus items. At this point the sifinal was used in adjusting the input record level at 0 VU meter eflection. The entire calibration tape was then produced by the AG 500-2 recorder, transmitted through the compressor, and recorded by the AG 606-2 recorder under each compression ratio. Next, magnetic tape recordings of the N. U. No. lists were produced by the Ampex AG 500—2 recorder. The 1000 Hz calibration tone at the beainning of each tape was adjusted to l V (RES) and applied to the compressor under the ratio being recorded. The compressor output was, in turn, used to adjust the record level of the AG 606-2 recorder to 0 dB VU meter deflection. Following these adjustments, all test lists were cepied under each compression ratio. The final recording procedure involved COpying list IA (N. U. No. 6) for use in the pre- and post-test. Following procedures outlined above, word one through ten of this list were copied with one-to-one compression. Words eleven through twenty—five with two-to-one 51 compression, and words twenty-six through fifty were copied with three-to-one compression. Experimental Procedures During a single test session, lasting approximately two hours, each subject undertook the following tests in the order given: 1. Bilateral pure—tone air- and bone-conduction threshold tests. 2. Bilateral Speech reception threshold tests. 3. Speech-n ise ABLB test. a. Speech discrimination experimental ire-test. 5. Speech discrimination experimental test lists. 6. Speech discrimination experimental post-test. The subjects sat in a single walled IAC booth having an ambient noise level of 54 dB (C scale) as measured with a 2203 Bruel and Kjaer sound level meter and an associated @132 condenser micrOphone. All test materials were presented to the subjects via an Allison clinical audiometer (22 B) and associated TDH—39-lOZ earphones mounted in NX—hl/AR cushions. Pure-Tone Threshold Tests. Air-conduction pure- tone thresholds were measured by the Revised Hughson— Westlake Ascending Technique described by Carhart and Jerqer (1959). a est frequencies were 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz, #000 Hz, and 8000 Hz. Bone-conduction thresholds were determined at octave intervals from 250—b000 Hz by the Hood Technique (1960) employing narrow band masking. The masking asent was produced by the Allison 22-3 audiometer and its accompanying narrow-band masking generator (Kodel 26). Analysis of this system indicated apprOpriate critical band widths. By applying the critical band data of *TJ letcher (lQMO) in the manner described by Sanders and Rintelmann (196k), the effective masking for a zero dB hearing level was determined at each band. Performance of the pure-tone air—conduction system i was cnecked on all days that subjects were teste . A C; Bruel and Kja,r sound level meter (2304) and an artificial ear (#152) were used for monitoring this system. A Beltone Artificial Mastoid (M5A) and voltmeter contained as an integral part of the Bruel and Kjaer 2107 Frequency Analyzer were used to check performance of the bone- conduction system. The calibration of these systems remained stable throujhout the time the study was being conducted. Speech Reception Threshold Tests. Reception thresholds for speech were measured with recorded Spondee words. The subjects listened to the recorded test list at a 53 24 dB SL to become familiar with the individual words (Tillman and Jerder, 1959). After this the followina instructions were read: You will now hear the same words aeain. At the beginnina they will be loud, however, eventually they will become very faint. Your task is to repeat as many of the words as you possibly can. Even though the word may be faint if you think you hear it, repeat it. Do you have any questions? Thresholds were measured by the method described by Tillman and Carhart (1966). Specific procedures used in obtaining these thresholds included the following: 1. Two test words were presented at a level approximately 30 dB above the suSpected SET. The intensity wis decreased in 10 dB steps With two words per level until no reseonse was obtained for either word. Next, the intensity was inc_eased 10 dB and pairs of words were presented in descending steps of 2 dB. This process was repeated until the subject either failed to reSpond or he reseonded incorrectly to at least five out of six consecutive test words. Speech threshold was that point where the subject last correctly identified both of th 51+ words at a level minus 1 dB for each correct response below this point. Broad-band thermal maskins was used during all speech testing at the impaired ear. Effective levels were computed and routinely applied to the good ear to shift the non-test ear to a hearing level 20 dB lower than the hearing level of the Speech signal of the impaired ear. This assured that the test speech sisnal did not cross- over to the non-test ear. The speech circuitry of the Allison audiometer was used to amplify and attenuate the electrical output of the audiometer's tape deck (Viking, Model 87) used to present all of the recorded Speech materials. This circuitry was calibrated so that zero hearing level was 22 dB above 0.0002 dyne/cmz. Speech noise was used for monitoring this system according to procedures outlined by Tillman, Johnson, and Olsen (1966). Monitoring procedures for the TDP-39 earphone include these steps: 1. The phone is coupled to the condenser microphone (Bruel and Kjaer, Type ulna) of the precision sound level meter (Bruel and Kjaer, 2304) by means of a standard 6-cc artificial ear (Bruel and Kjaer, #152). 2. The level of the Speech noise at a given attenuator settinr is adjusted until it produces kn ‘JT a deflection to zero on the VU meter with the sound level meter set on the linear scale. 3. The resulting output of the system was measured and the value is accepted as the intensity of the Spondee words at the same attenuator setting under the condition in which the peaks of the words also produced a deflection to zero on the VU meter of the audiometer. For example, with the attenuator set at 60 dB hearing level, the output of the artificial ear would be 82 dB SPL. Speech Noise ABIB Tes . The Speech noise ABLE test was administered next. The intensity of the speech noise was fixed at sensation levels of 20 dB, 40 dB, and 60 dB at the good ear. At each sensation level the subjects balanced the intensity of the Speech noise at their impaired ears by a hand-held switch. This switch controlled gain and attenuation at rates of 2 dB per second. Five loudness-balances, with alternating ascending and descending presentations, were obtained at each sensation level. Instructions given for the Speech noise AELB test were as follows: In this test you will hear noise alternating between your ears. The loudness of the noise will be fixed at your sood ear and your task is to adjust the loudness kn O\ of the noise in your impaired ear so that it is equally loud with the noise in your mood ear. To make the noise in your impaired ear softer press the button marked 'softer' and to make it louder press the button marked 'louder'. The loudness of the noise will not change unless you press one of the buttons. Allow some time for the noise to become louder or softer. Remember that you are to make the noises equally loud. Take all the time you need for this balancina and make them as precise as possible. Do you have any questions? For practice,1fluasubjects were required to make ascending and descending balances before the actual testing was initiated. Experimental Battery. This array consisted of eight Speech discrimination tests. These included two tests at each compression ratio and a pre- and post- experimental test. All tests were presented at the subject's impaired ear at 24 dB sensation level. Two aspects of the speech material Should be recalled. First, each compression ratio was represented in the pre- and post-eXperimental test. Second, for the three compression .ratios, the stimulus words were equated at their peak :powers and the long-term dynamic ranges below these levels ciiffered. The dynamic range of the uncompressed Speech, zibout 24 dB, was reduced to approximately 12 dB under two- txr—one compression and 8 dB under three-to-one. Each subject was assigned a sequence of the three connaression ratios. The Six possible orders of presentation 57 of the three compression ratios was used equally often. Next, two different test lists were randomly assigned to each of the compression ratios. A complete schedule was constructed by first counter—ordering the ratios, and then two test lists were assisned to each level. The following conditions were imposed on this assignment: (1) that one list from lists IIA-IIC and one list from IIIA-IIIC be used with each compression ratio; and (2) that the lists be used only once per subject. The eighteen subjects in each recruitment group were assigned to each of these predetermined programs. Immediately before the pre-experimental test was presented to the subjects, the following instructions were given: In this test you hear words preceded by the phrase "say the word . . .". The words will be sufficiently loud for you to hear them. Please repeat only the last word of the phrase. If you think you hear a word, but you are not sure, go ahead and repeat what you think it might be. Do you have any questions? Next, the subjects listened to the Six lists under the three compression conditions after which they heard the post-experimental test. The stimulus words were repeated orally and the experimenter recorded their responses on an answer Sheet. Each word counted two percentage points. Accordingly, the percentage of the fifty words correctly repeated was the discrimination score for that list. The two scores for each compression ratio were averased, thus providins the dependent vari bles Q.) of the study. $31ipihizii?\ Speech discrimination performance was assessed in thirty-six subjects for CNC words with two defirees of amplitude compression compared with no compression. Speech reception thresholds for CID W-l Spondee words were used in determining the presentation levels for the compressed Speech. Northwestern University Auditory Test No. 6 lists were used to assess Speech discr'mination under the three compression conditions. Speech discrimina— tion was also measured before and after the experiment by a pre- and post-experimental test. The subjects had unilateral sensorineural hearins loss with concomitant loudness recruitment in their affected, i.e. test, ear. Recruitment was quantified as either partial or complete by an ABLE technique that employed Speech noise Signals. Speech noise Signals were used because the literature indicates that subjects can adequately balance these signals, because of their (“(3 consanguinity with the dependent variable, and because 0 their electical nature in showing the loudness growth function over a relativelj broad auditorv area. 3 u \J‘K \O Amplitude compression was obtained with an instrument with input—output ratios of two-to—one and three-to-one. The system used also amplified linearly, a condition which was called one-to—onc amplitude compression. The compressor had 5.4 and 2.5 millisecond rise and decay transients. Averame percent distortion for the second and third harmonics was 2.77, 4.72, and 4.25 for the one-, two—, and three-to-one ratios respectively. The test battery included pure-tone air-and bone— conduction threshold tests, speech reception threshold tests, speech noise ABLE test, six eXperimental CNC discrimination lists, and pre- and post-experimental CNC discrimination tests. In the research battery, two test lists were presented under each compression ratio with the peak components equated at 24 dB sensation level for each condition. Pre- and post-experimental tests acquainted the subjects with the test conditions and provided a base level for assessing initial group differences. ReSponses of the subjects to the CNC words under the three compression conditions provided the dependent variables of the study. These were analyzed statistically to answer the experimental questions. The results, together with appropriate discussion, constitute the following chapter. CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ‘he purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between loudness recruitment and the perception of amplitude compressed speech. Thirty—six subjects with unilateral sensorineural hearing loss were divided into two equal groups of "partial" and "complete" recruitment on the basis of their performance on a Speech noise ABLE test. They were given (1) a pre-experimental test that included CNC words at three compression levels; (2) discrimination tests under conditions of compression and no compression; and (3) a post-experimental test which was a repeat of the pre-test. Results of the pre- and post—experimental tests were analyzed to determine practice and time dependent influences. The speech discrimination test scores for the three compression ratios were analyzed to answer the questions of interest which were as follows: 1. Does amplitude compression improve Speech discrimination in persons who exhibit loudness recruitment? 2. Is the amount of improvement in Speech discrimination related to the amount of the loudness recruitment? 60 61 3. Is the amount of improvement in Speech discrimination related to the dearee of compression? Analysis of Practice Effects. Fre- and post— experimental scores were compared to determine whether performance changed during the experiment. Analysis of difference scores (post-test minus the pre-test) revealed that the subjects in each group had sianificantly hifiher post-experimental scores than pre-experimental scores The mean pre- and post-experimental test scores are shown in Table 3. Table 3. Lean percent correct discrimination scores for the pre-exnerimental and the post—experimental tests for the partial and the complete recruitment froups. Recruitmentfi Group Pre-Test Post-Test Difference t Fartial 57.78 62.11 @033 3025** Complete 71.44 75.11 3.66 2.77* * p 0.05 “t p 0.0l Althoujh discrimination performance improved, the absolute marnitude of the rain was rather small. The fact that both the partial and the complete groups had similar improvement is supported by the mean rain values shown for each sroup. r ”"3 The question of change in “d (0 ,rxormance during the experimental test session, due to familiarity with the response set, was also studied. Recall that list II and list III of N. U. No. 6 were each permuted twice to provide the test lists. Although the order of words was changed, the same word sets were repeated for each compression ratio. The mean discrimination scores for each successive order (i.e., the first, second, and third presentations) were averaaed over all subjects. These averages are Shown in Table 4. Table 4. Nean percent correct discrimination scores for the thirty-six subjects for the first, second, and third presentation orders for the one-, two—, and three-to-one compression conditions. Compression Iresentation Crders Ratios First Second Third One-to—one 58.00 65.25 65.75 Two-to-one 73.83 71.17 76.17 Three-to-one 72.42 78.67 75.42 Combined 68.08 71.69 72.44 In obtaining the values shown in Table 4, each compression ratio was represented equally often in each position. For example, the ratios one—, two-, and three— to-one were each presented first to twelve subjects in each recruitment group. The difference between the first and third presentation averased 4.1 percent for the entire experimental pepulation. There was no systematic trend in performance within the three compression ratios from the first to the second to the third presentation orders; however mean performance was consistantly better for the third presentation than for the first. Analysis of Effects of Amplitude Compression. Fisure 11 shows the mean discrimination scores of the two experimental groups for the three compression ratios as well as the pre- and post-test scores. Both groups appear to benefit from the compression. The largest increase in performance occurs between the one-to-one and the two-to- one compression ratios. Oddly enough, the complete recruitment groups performance was superior throughout. Experimental group differences were significant at both the pre-experimental test (t of 2.29, 17 df) and the post-experimental test (t of 2.57, 17 df). Obviously, any comparison between the groups performance would be biased by the difference observed at the pre-test. Specifically, statistical tests of aroup differences must account for the influence in prior ability. A method is available for testing the Significance among means which have been influenced by such confounding variables. This procedure, analysis of covariance, adjusts the means for the effect f the confounding variable 0 90 4 o \ c0 4 . \ 70 C“"---0 Percent Correct Discrimination \‘P (:30 u l J l ' - C Pre— On ~to Two-to~ Three-to rost— Test one one one Test Fisure ll. lean sneech discrimination scores of the "Partial" ~Troun (1'8) and the "00m? ete" VTOUD (C'S) for the exocri- e on ratios as well as the nre— and poet— mental comnr ssi exnerimental tests. 65 (prior ability) and makes the necessary modifications in sampling error. The corrected sampling error is then used to test for the differences in the adjusted means (Downie and Heath, p. 186). The covariance analysis was used to determine whether there was (1) a main effect due to the two recruitment groups; (2) a main effect due to the three compression ratios; and (3) interaction betWeen the compression ratios and the recruitment groups. In addition to the ere-experimental test differences observed for the recruitment groups, the covariance analysis also was indicated by the pre-eXperimental test being correlated hifihly with the three compression ratios 0 F: (r values of 0.86, O.cc, and 0.84 for one-, two-, and three— to-one compression ratios reSpectively). The design fits a 2 X 3 fixed model, with repeated measures on the compression variable. Factor R represents the two recruitment aroups and factor C represents the three compression ratios. The covariate measure (the rre-exeerimental test score) for all criterion measures for factor C is constant for each subject. Accordingly, no adjustment is required for the main effect because of the compression factor (Winer, p. 614). Results of the analysis of covariance are summarized in Table 5. 00 Table 5. Summary of analysis of covariance comparine performance of the two recruitment sroups for one-, two-, and three-to-one amplitude compression. Source of Variance df NS E ratio R (adjusted) 1 228.76 1.M@ Subj. W. R (adjusted) 33 159.27 C 2 1584.45 37.80** RC 2 28.12 0.67 Residual 68 hl.9l ** p 0.01 There is no sienificant effect for recruitment, nor is there any evidence for an interaction between recruitment and the compression ratios. The analysis indicated that there is a sienificant main effect due to the compression ratios. The om ibus covariant analysis s not, however, provide specific information relative DJ 0 I l \ to the differences between the individual means. Rather, it only indicates whether or not a significant difference exists or does not exist for a particular factor. Therefore, in order to further evaluate the significance of the compression conditions the data were subjected to multiple comparisons using Duncan's New Fultiple Range Test (Edwards, p. 136-157). These results are shown in Table 6. This analysis reveals the following: (1) the two- t0~one mean was sianificantly different from the one-to-one mean; (2) the three-to-one mean was sienificantly different 67 Table 6. Duncan's new multiple range test applied to the differences between the three compression ratios. (N=36). Compression Ratios one-to-one two-to-one three-to-one Means 63.14 73.72 75.36 one-to-one 10.58%* l2.22** two-to-one 1-64 three-to—one **p 0.01 from the one—to-one mean; and (3) the two-to-one and the three-to-one means do not differ significantly. fl Supplemental Analysis of the Ezfects of mplitude Compression Careful inSpection of the speech noise balance data, which was used in grouping the subjects, revealed that the adopted system may not be the most suitable one for quantifyini loudness recruitment. Specif Ho O 90 H |._.l P. d- was observed that subjects who appeared to have comparable arowth in their loudness functions were classified not on the basis of their recruitment but on the basis of the magnitude of the interaural difference in their hearing levels. This is illustrated by the two balances shown in Figure 12. / i {J,\( c0 ~18 0 (threshold) 0 (thre. 10 20 30 11,0 50 60 Q__, 70 80 CO X 100 3 a ; u A ,._J old) Nix: N4 H b.) O Subject A Subject 3 "complete recruitment" "partial recruitment I 1 A318 balance data of two (I J m 0 O ;: l :5 O [J m m Fiaure 12. h experimental subjects. Recall that the points (Figure 12) for the hood ear (i.e., the 0's) are at 20 dB intervals in sensation level and the points for the poor ear (X's) are plotted as a mean of five equal loudness balances. As shown by the fisure, the suojects exhibit similar relative incremenns in judsed loudness (X1, X2, and X3) correspondins to the 20 dB, 40 dB, and 60 dB sensation levels presented in their aood ears. For example, the chanae i the poor ear from X1 to X2 is 5 dB in both cases as the sensation level changes from 20 to 40 dB sensation level in the good ear. Furthermore, both poor ear balances covered a range to X3). This indicates that the growth 0: O H) H U1 Q) m V: [.3 ,— -._, o ' _‘ -" o . o " 0"“- r ‘ 'nese suogects loudness functions lS very similar. Despite this fact, the orisinally adopted classification (S 0 J) '3 :3“ ”D 1 ) CO J H {D O D Q.) d‘ ’1‘. 3 P ’3 Hr 0 Z) H H~ 1.6 ”D t“ O 3 ,—*— aroups. This susfiested that an alternate system for catesorizins the subjects' loudness balance data mL ;:ht uncover some relationships be t en recruit~e nt and compression that were Mb cure d by the earlier classification system. The traditional system for classifvi-‘ loudness recruitment is contaminated, in some cases, by the masnitude of interaur 1 difference in hearins level. In order to circumvent this contamination, an index of ’1 ‘ ec L. itment (Ir ) \as deveIOped tha.t estimated the growth of the function in the impaired ear. To obtain the subject's Ir, the Frowth of loudness in the impaired ear 4. (i.e., X3- X1) is subtracted from the total ranse of U) ensation level presented at the mood ear (i.e., 40 dB). For the sense ation levels of this experiment, the Ir fornula can be stated: :: LL - - V II‘ .0 (X3 [Kl Ir scores can vary from a score of 0 for subjects who show no interaural difference in their loudness function growth to a score of 40 for those subjects who balance all the sensation levels presented at the good ear with a sinele level in their poor ear. In other words, subjects who show no recruitment receive a score of 0, while those who show more recruitment receive higher scores. Figure 12 provi dcs convenient data for illustrating 7O scoring procedures. Both subjects show loudness srowth ranqes of 15 dB in their impaired ear. These values subtracted from the 40 dB constant yield Ir scores of 25 for each subject. Similarly, I scores were computed for r all thirty-six subjects. The frequency distribution of these scores is shown in Figure 13. The histosram (Figure 13) shows that the subjects distribute themselves throushout the range of possible scores with approximately half above (n of 16) and half below (n of 20) an Ir score of 20. Accordingly, the subjects were rearouped into two new recruitment groups according to their Ir score for the Speech noise ABLE test. Subjects with Ir scores of 20 or less were assigned to Class I recruitment. Class II recruitment consisted of subjects who have Ir scores greater than 20. In other words, the two classes of recruitment fall on a continuum of 40 dB (re: growth in loudness) whereby Class I represents less recruitment than does Class II. The pre- and post—eXperimental tests and the experimental Speech discrimination data of the two new recruitment sroups were again compared to further investigate the relationship between recruitment and amplitude compression. Mean speech scores of the two groups are plotted in Fifiure l4. 1. 5 a d 1 7“} .3 "1 o .1 O O .r: _ Q 1.. S - U) - “H 0 d S—I _ (1) r9 Bu .:3_ d \ fi l d - l 71 Fisure 13. s recruitment (Ir) scores subjects. , , £1 nistoaram T the sneech nOise incex o: the thirty-Six experimental "\I i\) H 0:3 a" c 90 j d O 1------- mg- +J ~ s . “~qI G) CO d O a (D I I 1 1 I Pre- Cne-to- Two-to- Three—to— Eost- Test one one one Test “idnie lb. loan sneech discrimir” ion scorcs of the L ear Class I (I's) and the sic'een Class II (II's) subjects for the excerimental CO“1fcs ion ratios as well as the ore- and nest—evrerinental te3ts. (‘las s I renresents less recruitment the n Class II). 73 When classified by the Ir’ both sroups asain ap. w to benefit from the amplitude compression. The larses t gain in performance also occurred between the one—to-one and the two- to- -one ra atio. The groups did not differ at the pre—experimental test (t of 0.4M, 1? df) or at the post- experimental test (t of 0.M3, 1? df). In contrast to the original analysis the Class I group performance was slightly superior throughout. This is clearly evident when one compares Figures ll and In. This finding demonstrates the necessity for additional research concerning methods for quantifying the "amount" of loudness recruitment. An unweighted—means analysis of variance wa utilized to determine if statistically significant differences existed: (1) between Class I and Class II recruitment; (2) be ween the three compression ratios; or (3) among the classes and the compression ratios. A 3 f ixe ed model, with repeated measures on the compression factor was utilized. Factor E represents the two recruitment sroups or cla ms es. Factor C represents the three compression ratios. Results of the unweighted-means analysis are summarized in Table 7. Differences between the recruitment groups classified by their Ir were not significant at the 0.05 level (F of 0.43). Differences a~mong the compression 7/3 Table 7. Summary of unweishted-means analvsis of variance comparina performance of Class I and Class II recruitment for the one-, two—, and three-to—one compression ratios. Source of Variation SS df MS F R 140$}.9ZL I. 1>0<‘.019 0.193 Subj. w. R. 32520.80 3M 956.e9 __”___ C 3122.90 2 1561.b5 31.M4* RC 1.25 2 0.63 0.01 Residual 3372.84 6? h0.70 ____~_ T*:> 0.0]- ratios \ere found to be statistic ally si"nificant at tie o 01 level (*P of 31.bb) The sier ificant main ef: ect for the ceinr ession ratios was further evaluated by multiple comparisons usinm Duncan's New Iultiple an e Test (Edwards, pp. 136-157). This analysis yielded identical results with those presented in Table 6. call that the former analysis indicated that (l) the mean of the two-to-one compression was different from the one—to-one compression, (2) the th ree-to-one mean was sifinificantly different from the one-to-one mean, and (3) the three-to-one mean was not sisni ificantly diff rent from the two-to-one mean. Gain in speech di Cllm‘nc tion between the three ratios is shown in Table 8. 75 Table 8. Deans, ranees and standard deviations of percent gain in speech discrimination scores from the one-to-one ratio to the two-to-one ratio, and from the one-to—one ratio to the three-to-one ratio (N=36). Standard Gain Comparison Kean Deviation Range Cne-to-one to Two-to-one ratio 10.58 9.55 -3 to 32 One-to-one to Three-to-one ratio 12.22 11.56 --13 to 38 Discrimination improved significantly between the one-to—one and the two—to-one conditions and was also significantly better for the three-to-one condition when compared with the one-to-one condition. Summary of th Results (D An experimental battery consisting f (l) a speech discrimination pre-test, (2) discrimination tests under conditions of compression and no compression, and (3) a post-experimental discrimination test was administered to thirty-six subjects who exhibited loudness recruitment for a speech noise ABLE test. Two classification systems, based upon estimation of the magnitude of the 10 dness recruitment, were utilized for placing the subjects into experimental groups. The first system involved a comparison of the magnitude of the sensation levels above threshold 1 necessary to make the test signals equally loud. This is 76 the conventional method of quantifying recruitment according to Jerger (1962). The second system, an index of recruitment (Ir), was based on intra—aural comparison of the loudness function growth. The data were analyzed independently for both systems of classification. Results of these analyses were strikingly similar in that both indicated (1) no significant main effect for the recruitment factor, (2) a significant main effect for the compression ratios, and (3) no significant interaction between recruitment and the three compression ratios. Additional evaluation of the significant main effect for the compression ratios indicated that the two- to-one and the three-to-one ratios were significantly different from the one-to-one ratio but not significantly different from each other. Discussion of the Results Data concerning the discrimination of amplitude compressed speech by persons with loudness recruitment were provided by this study. Analysis of these data provided the basis for this section which will address, individually, the three experimental questions. 1. Does amplitude compression improve Speech H. d scrimination in recruiting ears? ‘0 q The evidence clearly indicated superior Speech discrimination for the two-to-one and the three-to-one compression conditions when compared with the one-to-one condition. Average performance of all subjects was 63.14 for the one-to-one condition, whereas it improved to 73.72 and 75.36 for the two-to-one and three-to-one conditions, reSpectively. These findings supported the experimental hypothesis that persons with loudness recruitment would be afforded Special benefit in their understanding of speech signals by amplitude compression. The observed gain in speech discrimination might lead to the arguement that it is the dynamic range rather than the sensation levels of the strong components which had the greater influence on the sensorineurals' Speech perception. Cr, stated differently, when the peak powers of amplitude compressed speech are equated, the individual components assume new relationships and these changes appear important for perception. This is a very attractive hypothesis, but only partially confirmed by the results of the present study. A definitive answer must await furthe evidence based on other approaches. For example, it should be known whether comparable results would ensue by equating the peak components of the speech signals at other presentation levels. ‘3 The improved speech discrimination in this study has not been observed previously. Barker (1953), lynn (1962), and Caraway (1964) have investigated hypoacusic perception of amplitude controlled speech. Contrary to the findings of this study, these three reported no systematic beneficial effects with amplitude controlled speech. The conflicting outcomes can perhaps be best explained by careful attention to differences in method of amplitude control and in the fidelity of the equipment. Parker (1953) and Lynn (1962) utilized a method of amplitude limitation for controlling their speech signals. The discrepancy between their results and those of this study might well be due to differences in the dynamic functioning of compressors and limiters. Caraway's (1964) research, however, involved amplitude compression using the same compressor that was utilized in this study. It is imperative, then, to determine a reasonable basis for the discrepancy between the results of this eXperiment and those obtained by Caraway. The most reasonable explanation can be found in the performance variation of the Weiss compressor during stimuli processing and recording during the two separate experiments. The compressor has been modified since it was used by Caraway. This modification provided more rapid roll-off of the frequency response below 400 Hz and above @000 Hz. \O Althouqh restricting the frequency response, these changes reduced noise and harmonic distortion. Performance differences are evident when one compares the percent harmonic distortion before and after the modifications. The averages of Caraway's percentage distortion measurements of the second and third harmonics were 4.93, 10.09, and 22.98 for the one-, two-, and three-to-one conditions reSpectively. Corresponding measures, after the modifications, were only 2.77, 4.72 and 4.25. An analysis of the compressor's performance by Caraway indicated severe harmonic distortion in the low frequencies with systematic decrements in the distortion in subsequently higher frequencies. Apparently, most of this distortion was eliminated by the modifications consisting in rapid low— frequency rejection. The commonly held opinion that speech discrimination suffers in the presence of harmonic distortion is documented by several research reports. Harris et. al., (1961): Jereer, (1967); and Kasten et. al., (1967) found positive relationships between speech understanding and harmonic distortion: Specifically, all observed Optimum discrimination under conditions of minimal distortion. Thus, eXplaining differences between the results of this study and Caraway's results on the basis of harmonic distortion differences appear warranted. 80 Rise-decay transients measured after the instrument modifications are Slightly longer than the values measured *3 F by Caraway. She measured rise and decay transients o' 1.5 and 1.0 msec. respectively. Corresponding values, after the modifications in the present study were 5.4 and 2.5 msec. These findings should be interpreted with considerable caution because they may have resulted as an artifact of measurement. Also in the event that they are real differences, their rather small magnitude would tend to limit any systematic effect on discrimination (Lynn, 1964). 2. is the amount of improvement in speech discrimination related to the amount of the loudness recruitment? This question asks whether increase in the intelligibility of compressed speech is related to the amount of loudness recruitment and does not concern absolute discrimination performance. The thirty-six subjects involved in the study gave evidence of loudness recruitment for a speech noise ABIB test. Data relative to their perception of three degrees of amplitude compressed speech were partitioned into two groups according to their amount of loudness recruitment. Actually, two systems were utilized for this partitioning. The first involved comparing sensation levels necessary to make the speech noise signals equally El loud. The second system compared, intra-aurally, the loudness function erowth. Neither of these methods for definina recruitme Mn“ offere ed evidence that amplitude compression he s a differential effect on the two recruitment Groups. Both the partial and complete O“roups showed similar amounts of Cain. The subjects who exhibited the most recruitment and the most gain (benefit) for the compression were studied in detail. Ir scores for the nine subjects who experienced the larsest and the smallest rain in Speech Mi crimination are shown in Fisure 15. The distribution of these scores, for both low— and .iph-eain subjects, covered a wide ranse and provide little evidence of a relationship between the amount of recruitment and gain from compression. A similar treatment of gain was obtained from subjects with clearly high and low Ir scores for the Speech noise ABLE test at the 40 d3 sensation level. Ir scores computed for all subjects at this presentation level revealed seven subjects with distinctly low Ir scores and ten with distinctly high Ir scores. The seven subjects xvith low Ir scores demonstrated average pain scores of 24.71 percent, whereas the ten high Ir subjects demonstrated comrmtible average gain of 20.30 percent. Again, the results definitely do not support the experimental 10— : low—Gain Subjects — 5d 4— - C”? - P O - C) Sub l UH }_.l 0 Ha \ft ‘8! \fig \gq:] Ol ”99? - a I l ‘v’ ‘\ 1| A. .gAAI ‘ / v Eish-Gain Subjects K.“ m- H O H UK N- O to J1 b) 0‘ Lo C) ‘corcs m J O (L) O O P o ('l KD }. a ”J W O ' 3 w \D O L}: E. r" s CD :3 (.1. A H H V LIN lflirnire 1J3. E cise index or rweczmiitxnen. *- p " : .'- . C CUDJCCLS . O Q l V _ e . nirii-rr in) zmud ‘ohe "“Wbllflfll 1 “"’ in 71r‘”ip fiNTWi“”11m “rvwavh’ a gnuei... ,u L; “Ox-"5 {tut 0" 1.4.22 .1.) _ _._- 11L, (1~.;. COM.‘ J_ 2 ..:.).LO.'. . F+ *4 J D c+ f 3 N O O” ('1‘ 0 D |- 0 O } I 3- (._'I PJ— n 3 hypothesis that compression would have a differential effect on the two recruitment groups. 3. Is the amount of improvement in speech discrimination related to the desiee of the compression? This question asks whether there is a systematic effect produced by the amount of amplitude compression. The subjects responded to speech discrimination tests delivered under three compression conditions. These were rather widely Spaced discrete points along a continuum of conditions which can be specified by their input—to—output ratios (in dB). linear amplification bounds the lower limit of the continuum and, as such, is specified by one- to—one compression. A two-to-one ratio represents moderate compression, whereas three-to-one is rather extreme compression. Data relative to the influence of the compression ratios indicated a significant main effect for the compression conditions. Subsequent analyses indicated that averafe performance for the two-to-one and the three- to—one ratios were significantly better than the one-to- one ratio but not different from each other. These findinss do not support the experimental question statins that the amount of improvement in speech understanding \vould be related to the amount of compression. The evidence does not suggest that compression did not enhance the subject's speech discrimination. Rather, it simply implies that no linear or systematic relationship was found between the amount of discrimination enhancement and the degree of compression. This relationship is evident by the amount of gain in discrimination realized from each compression condition. Average gain for all subjects between the one-to-one and the two-to-one ratios was 10.53 percent. However, the average improvement between the two-to-one and the three—to—one ratio was only 1.64 percent. In other words, the evidence indicates that the subjects were benefited about equally for the two- and three-to-one ratios. Range and standard deviation values of the gain scores (see Table 6, p. 67) indicate very large subject variability. Only three subjects failed to benefit from the two-to-one condition and only four failed to benefit from the three-to-one condition. Summary and Clinical Implications Spmmarv. Within the confines of the study, three tentative conclusions can be advanced. First, amplitude compression appears to enhance speech perception in persons Vmith loudness recruitment. Second, the amount of enhancement does not appear to be related to the degree of C I ‘J\ the recruitment; and third, neither does it seem to be related to the amount of compression. These findinfis have obvious implications; however, certain ther secondary findings emerged which may have important implications resardins our clinical management of hypoaeusis. Recruitment and the speech noise All: vest. here than sixty persons with unilateral sensorineural hearing lo s were examined in order to obtain the specified (0 experimental sample. failure in meeting the pure tone preliminary specifications was the predominant attrition factor. most of the subjects could adequately perform the loudness balances; however, many needed repeated instructions and encourarement. Two peeple were encountered who simply could not perform this task. Only two subjects failed to exhibit loudness recruitment for the speech noise sifnals. To check this findine, ABLE data for pure tone sifinals (i.e., 500 Hz, 1000 as, and 2000 Hz) were obtained for all subjects. The speech noise and the pure tone signals yielded compatible results. Recruitment was indicated by the speech noise in every case where it was indicated for a single pure tone or~2for any combination of the pure tones. The average Ir for-the three tones and the Ir for the Speech noise correlated at 0.MQ. “inally, the two signals used for ILLLB (pure tone and speech noise) yielded compatible CO O‘\ results in a small control sample (N of 6) of persons with conductive hearing loss. These findings have two important clinical implications. First, if the experimental sample is representative, one can expect some degree of loudness recruitment in practically all subjects with unilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Second, speech noise appears to be a good ABLB test signal. External Validity of the Results. Several factors prohibit generalizing the findings of this study to wearable amplification (i.e., hearing aids) utilizing amplitude compression. The CNC signals were used because they enabled quantification of the speech perception. vaiously, the dynamic range of these signals was not representative of everyday speech and the subjects listened in an artificially quiet environment. Koreover, the Weiss compression amplifier is an AC Operated desk—type instrument and, as such, cannot be worn on the body. Clinical Implementation of Amplitude Compression. People with sensorineural hearing loss generally exhibit loudness recruitment, and they discriminate speech better when it's amplitude dimension is compressed. Some few do not experience this benefit, whereas others exhibit dramatic improvement. Although the benefit of the copmmession cannot be predicted by the recruitment, simple clinical procedures could identify these people who potentially will be helped and could estimate the magnitude of the help. Since there is no relationship between the amount of benefit and the amount of compression, this identification could involve a simple comparison between discrimination for compressed and uncompressed Speech signals. People who are substantially helped should have great potential for success in utilizing amplification employing amplitude compression. CIA? T7313. V SJEYARY, COKCLUSICNS, AND RECCIKZTUATICNS Speech discrimination performance of thirty-six subjects was compared for conditions of amplitude compression and for no compression. These conditions were achieved with a prototype amplitude compressor built by Kr. Erwin Weiss and supplied by the Beltone Electronics Company. The instrument had in put- to- output amplification ratios of two-to—one and three—to-one, and it also functioned as a linear amplifier which was called one-to— D I one ampli ic ation. Th (D thirty-six subjects, all of whom had unilateral sensori neural heari ins lo oss, were partitioned into partial or complete loudness recruitment groups on the basis of their response to a Speech noise ABLE test. Cla sifi cation of subjects was carried out accordine to two procedures. The "classical" procedure involved a comparison of the magnitude of the sensation levels above threshold necessary to make the test signals equally loud. The second system was based on intra-aural comparison of the loudness function growth. {“0 Q-) c AU \0 CNC test material, under each compression condition, was presented at 24 dB sensation level at the effected ear. Broad band masking noise was routinely applied at '1) f the data, 0 inaly‘es U" the contralateral ear. Statistical partitioned by either method for defining recruitment, yielded similar results, namely: (1) no siinificant main effect for the recruitment factor; (2) a significant main effect for the compression ratios; and (3) no significant interaction between level of recruitment and three compression ratios. Additional evaluation of the significant main effect for the compression ratios indicated hat discrimination scores for the two-to~one and the hree-to—one ratios were significantly higher than the one-to—one ratio but not significantly different from each other. Conclusions Within the limitations of the experimental design of this study and the instrumentation employed, the following conclusions are warranted: l. Amplitude compression enhances speech discrimination in persons who have unilateral sensorineural hearing loss with concomitant loudness recruitment. \C) O 2. The amount of discrimination enhancement is not related to the magnitude of the loudness recruitment. 3. There is no relationship between the discrimin— ation enhancement and the maenitude of the amplitude compression (two-to—one versus three-to-one ratios). M. Speech noise signals can serve as adequate ABLE test stimuli. 5. loudness recruitment lS exhibited by most persons with unilateral sensorineural hearing 6. The omnibus aural rehabilitation process should include assessment of discrimination enhancement provided the hypoacusic by compression amplification. 7. lersons who demonstrate superior performance for controlled speech sirnals with compression amplification may have great potential success in utilizing individual amplification with ii ‘ o necommencations Although this study found that hypoacusics are ‘benefitted substantially by amplitude compression, many 91 questions remain to be answered. huch work needs to be done regarding discrimination of amplitude compressed speech in persons with cochlear problems. Since no attempt was made to classify and systematically study the etiology of the hearing loss, such an investigation should be undertaken. Discrimination of compressed Speech, like discrimination for distorted Speech per se, may be quite sensitive to the type of end—organ lesion. The effects of noise masking on understanding of compressed Speech in sensorineural subjects should be studied. Differential effects of various types of cochlear lesions in identifying noise masked compressed speech should be researched. Nultifactor studies should be designed to systematically investigate enhancement of speech perception in end-organ lesions. Such research should include Specification of the pathological ear's performance with respect to time and frequency parameters. Such research also should study psychological variables such as preference for compressed Speech versus enhancement in Speech understanding. 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J., Statist APTENDIX A GLCSSARY CF TERES GICSSARY CF TERLS mnlitude control involves restricting the lone- term dynamic ranee and the beak comnonents of amnlified sienals. Two devices for achieving this control, amplitude f4 3 U) compressors and amelitude limite , are Specified by the net effect they exert on sveech signals. Amnlitude Comnression: When the amnlitude 1 dimension of sneech is comnresseo, the dynamic ranfe between the stronger amolitudes and the weaker amplitudes is reduced reeardless of the level of the inout sifnal. Comoressors, then, have variable outnut aain which is inversely related to innut signal amplitude. They also reduce maximum Dower output, but this is of secondary imoortance to their Prime function of dynamic ranfie reduction. Awolitude liritinfl: Relationshins between the stronfier and the weaker amnlitudes are unchansed durin: low~innut levels when soeech is reproduced by a limiter. However, these instruments nerform similarly to comnressors for high-innut sianals. In other words, amnlitude limiters simnly restrict the maximum outnut of amnlified signals. Hearina Level: This is the ratio, exnressed in decibels, of the threshold of an ear at a specified frequency to a \O \ ID 100 standard reference zero level for euro-tone audiometers. lractica 11v it is the readins in fiecibe s, on a standard audioreter, that correstonds to the listener's hearins Ml shold (Davis and Silver"er, 1970, r. ”98). loudness Recruitment: Auditory recruitment, which was given its name in 192a by Dr. Edrund Fowler, Sr., is basically defined as an normally rabid increase in sensitivity to loudness the ntensity of a sound is raised above threshold 'Neill and Cyer, 1966, b. 132). A O L0 04 ? recruitment Classification: Two classification systems were used for rlacins the subjects into ex_oeri:ne ntal recruitment srouns. The first system placed the subjects into the traditional "martial" and "complete" recruitment cataeories by comnarina the maenitude of the sensation level above threshold necessary to ma} e test sirnals equally loud. The second sys 'em, an index of recrui.ment (Ir)' placed the subjects into ana alosous Class I and Class II srouns by intra-aural comnaris. on of the loudness function erowth. Sensation level: Sensa.tion level is "the pressure level of the sound in decibels above (or below) its threshold of audibility for the individual observer or for a snecified group of individuals" (Newby, n. 12). Sneech Noise: Soeech noise is noise which conforms to the long-time averaee sneech spectrum. This snectrum is derived by analyzins seements of runnins T" sneech in which every sound occurs many times. Lnersy }_n O }_J to levels in each part of the oectrum are measured and summe , separately, for the entire sequence. Finally, the Q; summe energy for each part of the Spectrum is slotted (Denes and Finson, 1963). AEIBNDIX B gesrcrsas CF THE GROUPS TC PRELIMINARY TESTING .MopoEOstm esp mo mPHEHH sssflxsfl mew Geomep one; mmmcoemem eEom mmsmoop UoPSQfioo so: csoge msuoa.om.mm mm.mm oaanma ma.mw * ow10a.sa.em ma.mm caflnom om.ms * oooa mmuo oo.om HH.em omumm ms. m Hw.mm osnm om.mm ma.em mcnmm ms.ms ee.ee coo: mmuo om.eH mm.mH mono: me.om mm.mm mmum om.ea mm.uH msnmm mm.em mm.sm ooom omum ow.mH ea.HH menmm om.m: oo.me omum sH.eH He.ma osnmm ms.mm am.em 00m mmno mm.sH ma.efl osnmz Om.sm om.ms mmnm we.eH mm.ma meuom om.mm emcmx Cc; see; macsm sea smog omssm Cs; smog owes; Ge; smog mm new Pmmecoz gem ewes Mam Pmeesom hem ewes mpufiw mamaqguo Fromm HaHBxm4 bsflpmem ososumsZH soawosesoo pfl< exp %0 otssm tee .ssflcea .ssea {tr e .l 103 ooumm osumm muses Ham me mm .mp me sfi mcaozmopge COHPDooop mooonm mmnoe mwusm steam 30.5: Ho.mm Emma -Aseaav shoe omH .op mo CH Amm ooom use .oooa .oomv meaosmopcP esmpm>s meow ease apomw MEIHw4uo mpomm H< ecosnessa mo mehssm use meme; ..Nm oooa ..Nm com m APPENDIX C CONPRESSOR INPUT-OUTPUT FUNCTIONS 1011'r Input-cutout Functions (in dB) of the Thr;e Contressor Channels when the CNC Words were Comnressed under Cnc—to— one, Two-to-one, and Three—to-one Ratios. Cne—to-one Comnression Ratio Freeuencies (Hz) level (in d?) 700 1500 3000 o o 0 0 ~10 -9.6 -9.u -9.0 —20 -19.M - 9.3 -18.7 -30 —2s.6 —¢3.7 -2s.3 O O \nfio {ECU l I HI .‘OknO I 0 WC I-"I JL.“ 0 O' I ._I N. . Heression Ratio (3 O ”3 Three-to—one -20 .. -3o _; I H O I Q "\J'. {\J O I (\3 K I \J) O 0 kn O l O k I \f‘ (“‘\ .é‘. db 0" E. 4:5,.“ I" 4H «aw «HHH H_H mHH QHHH H«m mHHH UHH H.m 4H ma