s. ‘ v.‘ '0 5— .N. m ' ‘1. n .‘ . ‘- N - ‘\ 'I i N . ~- ‘ _,‘. ‘5 a .._. 4 I ..‘l ' u ‘. I... 'I- ABSTRACT HIGH-FIELD MAGNETORESISTANCE OF AuGa, AuPb2 AND AuZPb By. Robert Bass High-field magnetoresistance (HFMR) measurements have been made on three intermetallic compounds, AuGa, Ausz, and Ausz, which belong to structural types not previously in- vestigated by HFMR techniques. The connectivity of the Fermi surface (FS) of AuPb and AuGa has been determined while the 2 FS topology of Ausz is still unresolved. All three compounds studied are compensated compounds in accordance with their even number of electrons per unit cell as calculated by assuming that Au contributes l electron/ atmm, Ga 3 electrons/atom, and Pb 4 electrons/atom to the con- and <101> directions in k-space. This model of the open FS is consis- tent with the experimentally determined open orbit direc- tions, <100>, <110>, <101>, <112> and <211>. Higher order oPellorbits are also observed. The [001] could not be ill a. ‘.I 'U Robert Bass investigated for open orbits due to experimental limitations. The topology of the open AuGa FS consists of a cylinder running in the [001]. Experimentally open orbits are observed in the [001] but not in the [100]. The [010] direction could not be investigated for open orbits. The topology of the Ausz FS deviates from that expected of a cubic system since the open orbit directions do not seem to lie along symmetry directions. More experimental re- sults are needed before the FS topology can be derived. The PS topology of AuGa cannot be explained by the nearly-free-electron (NFE) model constructed by the Harrison method. The NFE model for AuPb2 constructed for a few magnetic field directions gives results which are in agreement with the experimentally determined open orbit directions. The relatively high degree of crystalline perfection at- tained in the samples grown, as indicated by residual resistance ratios ranging from = 300 to z 600, should spur other experi- menters to investigate the FS of Ausz and AuPb2 by means of the de Haas van Alphen effect. HIGH-FIELD MAGNETORESISTANCE OF AuGa, AuPb2 AND Ausz By' Robert Bass A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Physics 1972 .4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Professor P. A. Schroeder for his advice, encouragement, and good nature during the course of this research. His constructive criticism of the first draft of this thesis is sincerely appreciated. I wish to thank Mr. Nick Rutter for skillfully machining the sample holder and Mr. Boyd Shumaker for his assistance in growing the AuPb2 samples. I am indebted to Dr. Gordon J. Edwards for the fine job he did in constructing the auxiliary equip- ment and housing needed to operate the superconducting mag- net. I also appreciate the guidance and knowledge he unself- ishly gave during his stay in the laboratory. Last, but cer- tainly not least, I would like to acknowledge the support and friendship of all the fine people who made my stay here a rewarding experience, the men of'the machine and electric shops, the secretaries, the professors in the solid state group and my fellow graduate students, especially Mr. Joseph Pernicone who was able to evoke a smile from me even when this research was going slowly and there was little joy in my heart. The financial support of the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. ii II. III. IV. VI. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CRYSTAL GROWTH THEORY OF HFMR Orbits Formal Transport Theory Compensation of Intermetallic Compounds The High Field Conductivity Tensor Open Orbits Physical Explanation of HFMR SAMPLE PREPARATION Crystal Growth AuGa NiGe and Others Ausz and Ausz RRR Measurements X-Ray Procedure EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Cryostat and Sample Holder Voltage Measurements Analyses of Tipping Arrangement RESULTS AuGa AuPb Aung CONCLUSIONS LIST OF REFERENCES APPENDIX A The Relaxation Approximation APPENDIX B The Superconducting Magnet iii Page 146 148 1L Table II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. XI. XII. LIST OF TABLES Metallic Intermetallic Compounds Previously Investigated Nearly Free Electron Model Applied to Intermetallic Compounds Band Structure Calculations Some CsCl Type Intermetallic Compounds Some Can Type Intermetallic Compounds Some CuAlz Type Intermetallic Compounds Some MnP Type Intermetallic Compounds Summary of High-Field Galvanomagnetic Properties of Metals RRR and Orientation of Samples AuGa Lattice Constants FS Parameters for AuGa Open Orbit Directions in AuPb2 iv Page 11 11 38 55 77 77 105 Figure l. 2. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. LIST OF FIGURES Phase diagram of Mg-Ag (From Hansen, Ref. 31) Phase diagram showing a compound having a maximum melting temperature at a non- stoichiometric concentration Phase diagram with excellent characteristics Various types of closed and open orbits (From Fawcett, Ref. 41) Model of open FS Phase diagram of Au-Ga (From Hansen, Ref. 31) Phase diagram of Au-Pb (From Hansen, Ref. 31) V(B) vs. B for (a) AuPb and (b) AuZPb samples 2 Sample Holder V(B) vs. B for AuZPbI (a) Rotation and tipping geometry and (b) stereographic projection of motion of B Non-transverse geometry Comparison of NiAs and AuGa structures. The lower diagrams are projections taken along the c axis in NiAs while the upper diagrams are taken along the a axis. The height of the atoms above the projection plane is given by the numbers beside the atoms. Dark spheres represent Ni(Au) atoms while light spheres represent As(Ga) atoms. V(B) vs. w for AuGaI V(B) vs. B for AuGaI Ap/po vs. w for AuGaI Stereographic projection of AuGaI Page 14 16 18 25 27 43 49 54 60 65 68 70 76 78 79 80 82 Figure 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Stereographic projection of AuGaII. X's designate position of sharp peaks. Ap/po vs. w for AuGaII V(B) vs. w for different values of ¢ for AuGaII Conventional cell of AuPb2 V(B) vs. w for various values of B for AuPbZI Ap/po vs. w for AuPbZI Ap/po vs. w for AuPb II 2 Ap/po vs. w for AuPbZIV Ap/po vs. w for AuPbZV Ap/po vs. w for AuPbZVI V(B) vs. w for various values of ¢ for AuPbZI Stereographic projection showing minima for AuPbZI Stereographic projection of HFMR results for (a) AuszII and (b) AuPbZIV Stereographic projection of HFMR results for (a) AuPbZV and (b) AuPbZVI Stereogram showing (a) open orbit directions (b) current directions, J, of samples and (c) planes corresponding to open orbit directions Real and reciprocal lattice cells of AuPb2 Brillouin zone of AuPb . Vectors correspond to directions in k-spage <110> cylinders generating <100> open orbits Conventional cell of AuZPb V(B) vs. w for various values of B for AuZPbI vi Page 82 83 84 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 100 101 102 103 107 109 110 112 115 116 -c 0“" :o‘“c a (-0 (IT A , vll| l‘ 1.. .A .‘u. Figure 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. V(B) vs. w for various values of B for AuPbII Ap/po vs. w for AuszI Ap/pO vs. w for AuZPbIIb Ap/po vs. w for (a) AuszIII and (b) AuszV Ap/po vs. w for AuZPbVI Ap/po vs. w for AuZPbVII V(B) vs. w for tip angles ¢5|16.S°| V(B) vs. w for tip angles ¢$|33°| V(B) vs. w for tip angles ¢$|66°| V(B) vs. w for various values of ¢ for (a) AuszIII and (b) AuszIb Stereographic projections of HFMR results for (a) AuszIb and (b) AuszIIb Stereographic projections of HFMR results for (a) Au2PbVI and (b) AuszVII V(B) vs. w for Au PbIIb for (a) ¢ = 0°, 11° and (b) ¢ = 22°, 7.5° Open orbit directions for four different cubic FS topologies (From Lifshitz and Perschanski, Ref. 40) vii Page 116 117 118 119 120 120 122 123 124 125 126 127 131 133 INTRODUCTION The study of the Fermi surface (FS) of metallic inter- metallic compounds began in 1961 with a paper by Thoren and Berlincourt on the de Haas-van Alphen effect (deA) in InBin) Since that time many compounds of various crystal structure have been investigated and Table I gives a listing of many of these compounds. The deA effect and high field magnetore- sistance (HFMR) are the most widely used experiments for study- ing the F8. The deA effect measures extremal areas of FS enclosed by the conduction electrons as they undergo periodic closed trajectories on the FS. If the electrons do not make closed orbits, that is, the electron does not return to its initial position on the FS, then the FS supports open orbits which can be investigated by HFMR. Thus the topology of the FS is determined by HFMR. The growth and preparation of samples to be used in deA and HFMR experiments is of crucial importance. First, single crystals must be grown and second, the crystals must be of suf— ficient perfection, as determined by the residual resistance ratio (RRR). The necessity of using single crystal speci- mens is obvious since the deA and HFMR effects measure the anisotrOpy of the FS and depend on the specific direction of the magnetic field with respect to the crystallographic axes. A polycrystalline sample would produce an averaging effect 1 Table I. Metallic Intermetallic Compounds Previously Investi- gated Crystal Compound Structure Crystal System Reference B'CuZn BZ (CsCl) Cubic 2,3 B'AuZn 2 B'Aan 4 B'PdIn 4 AuAl2 Cl (Can) Cubic 5,6 AuGaz 5,6 AuInz 5,6 Aqu2 C2 (FeS , Cubic 7 pyrites SiPz 8 MgCuz C15 Cubic 9 InBi BlO (PbO) Tetragonal 1 Man2 C14 Hexagonal 10 PtSn B8 (NiAs) Hexagonal 11 AuSn 12,13 PbSb l4 PdTe 14 AuGa B31 (MnP) Orthorhombic 15 which could easily obscure the anisotrOpy. The RRR, which is the ratio of the room temperature resistance divided by the resistance at 4.2°K, is a measure of the scattering of the conduction electrons by non-thermal processes at 4.20K. If the electrons are scattered before they make one complete orbit on the FS then little information is obtained about the FS. A high value of the RRR ensures that the electrons make many orbits if the FS is closed or pass through many cells if the FS is Open before colliding with scattering centers. Samples with a RRR of only 25 can be used for deA mea- surements(2) while a value of about 100 is generally needed for HFMR experiments if a field of 100 kilogauss (k6) is available. The need for more perfect specimens in HFMR ex- periments is due to the requirement that all the conduction electrons must be in the high field region, i.e., all the con- duction electrons must complete many orbits before being scat- tered while deA measurements can be made on small pieces of FS which contain a small fraction of the total number of con- duction electrons. The Nearly Free Electron model (NFE) is the first rea- sonable approximation used in interpreting the results of FS measurements. The success of the Pseudopotential Theory of W. A. Harrison‘lG) , and others in explaining the experimental results of FS studies of the simple metals supports the use of the NFE model for such metals. The NFE model has also been used to interpret the results for intermetallic compounds; such attempts have given mixed results. Table II gives a sum- mary of the success or failure of the NFE model applied to all intermetallic compounds studied by both deA and HFMR. From the theoretical standpoint, the most authoritative results obtained on the FS come from band structure calcula- tions. Such calculations have been done for most metallic, semi-metallic, and semiconducting elements. There have also been many calculations on semiconducting intermetallic com- pounds and a few calculations on metallic intermetallic com- pounds. Table III gives a partial list of the metallic com- pounds which have been done to date. The theorists are now able to attack crystal structures with as many as 8 atoms per primitive cell by first-principles methods such as the APW calculation done for the B-wolfram structure compound V3Ga(24). Pseudopotential calculations, using derived values, have been done on structures with as many as 12 atoms per unit cell (M92n2)(24). Thus, the more complicated crystal structures which contain many atoms per unit cell are now theoretically tractable and the experimentalists should provide the data necessary to check the theoretical results. Intermetallic compounds composed of the well understood metals, semimetals, and semiconductors, have been the first to be investigated. The elements which form this group are A1, Mg, Zn, Ga, Cd, In, Sn, Hg, Tl, Pb, Cu, Ag, Au, Ge, Si, Sb, Bi, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Pd, and Pt. The most common structures Table II. Nearly Free Electron Model Applied to Intermetallic Compounds Compound Crystal Structure Successfu1* AuGaz Cl (Can) Yes AuSn B8 (NiAs) Yes B'CuZn B2 (CsCl) Yes Aqu2 C2 (FeSz) NO *As a first qualitative explanation Table III. Band Structure Calculations Compound Type of Calculation* Reference B'CuZn K-R, APW, NLPP 17,18,19 B'Aan K-R 17 8 'PdIn LNPP, APW 19,20 B'NiAl APW 21 B'AuZn KKR 21 AuAlz APW 22 AuGa2 APW 22 AuInZ APW 22 AuSn APW 23 Man2 LPP 24 V3X(X=Si, Co, APW 25 Ga, Ge, As) *Abbreviations APW - Augmented Plane Wave KKR - Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker K-R - Kohn-Rostoker LPP - Local Pseudopotential NLPP- Non-Local Pseudopotential formed by these metals will be discussed next. The BZ(CsCl) structure is a very simple structure con- taining 2 atoms per unit cell. The space group is cubic Oi - Pm3m. Table IV is a list of some B2 compounds. Com- pounds with this structure are attractive for theoretical study due to the small number of atoms per unit cell. As noted in Table III, B'CuZn, B'NiAl, B'PdIn, and B'Aan have been in- vestigated by theoretical methods while only B'CuZn has been completely investigated experimentally. The HFMR work on CsCl structure compounds has not been done, with the excep- tion of B'CuZn, since crystals with sufficiently high values of RRR are very difficult to grow. The reason for this dif- ficulty will be discussed in the next chapter. The B3 (ZnS, zincblende) structure is also cubic with space group T5 — F43m and with 2 atoms per unit cell. Inter— metallic compounds like XSb, (X = In, Ga, A1), which have this structure are semiconductors and have been studied quite thoroughly both experimentally and theoretically. The PS of semiconducting compounds consists of small closed regions and HFMR would not give any new information about the FS. Intermetallic compounds which form the Cl(CaF2) structure have been rather extensively studied as can be seen in Tables 11 and III. The C1 structure is cubic with full cubic sym- metry 0: - Fm3m.and 3 atoms per unit cell. Table V is a list Of some compounds which have the CaFZ structure. The com- POunds AuIn2 and MgZPb have been studied by deA but not HFMR ' «a I. w. : Table IV. Some CsCl Type Intermetallic Compounds* LiAg Lng CuPd CuZn MgAg Aan Ang AuMg AuZn Aqu MgHg Mng NiAl TlBi PdIn NiGa AgCe ErIn Dth DyAu HoCu GdZn YZn GdMg *A. E. Dwight‘zs) reports that there are 169 intermetallic compounds with the CsCl structure, making this structure the second largest family of compounds. Table V. Some CaF2 Type Intermetallic Compounds AuGa2 MgZSi* AuAlZ Mnge* AuIn2 MgZSn* PtAl2 Mgsz+ PtSn2 PtInZ ScCuz Ir2P ¥ *semiconducting compound +semimetallic compound due to low values of RRR. PtA12 seems to be a good candidate for study as its phase diagram indicates that the compound should be growable. The remaining structures all have at least 4 atoms per unit cell. Of these, the 88(NiAs) structure with space group 06h - P63/mmc frequently occurs and is generally formed by the transition metals Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni alloyed with the metalloids 8, Se, Te, As, Sb, Bi and sometimes also Ge and Sn. One notable exception is AuSn. Pearson's(27) article on NiAs compounds and related structures is an ex- cellent reference for these interesting compounds. Four com- pounds have given deA oscillations: PbSb, PdTe, PtSn, and AuSn.(14) PtSn and AuSn have been rather thoroughly studied by deA while there is little information on the FS of PbSb and PdTe. Only AuSn has been studied by HFMR. Other com— pounds which seem promising for further study are NiSb, BiPt, PdSb, and PtSn. Compounds forming superlattices have been the source of much experimental and theoretical work. The L12(Cu3Au) struc— ture with cubic space group O1 - Pm3m and L10(CuAu), tetra- h gonal with space group D1 - P4/mmm both have 4 atoms per 4h unit cell. The F8 of these structures has not been ade- quately experimentally investigated due to the lack of use- able crystals, i.e., the RRR has not been higher than about 10. The Laves phases constitute the largest group of binary 10 compounds. There are three prototype structures based on magnesium: MgCuz (C15), which is cubic and has space group 0; - Fd3m, Man2(Cl4) which is hexagonal and belongs to space group Dgh - P63/mmc and MgNi2 (C36) which is hexagonal and has space group Dgh - P63/mmc. Only the MgCu2 structure con- tains 6 atoms per unit cell, the Man2 and MgNiz structures contain 12 atoms per unit cell. According to Nevitt<28), there are 223 binary Laves phases, 210 have a transition metal for at least one of the constituents, 152 have the MgCu2 type structure, 67 the Man2 type structure and only 4 the MgNiZ structures. Only MgCuz and Man2 have been stud- ied by deA and these compounds would be interesting to study by HFMR, provided of course that suitable crystals could be grown. The C16 (CuAlz) structure has 6 atoms per unit cell and its Space group is tetragonal D45 I4/mcm. There has been little experimental work done on these compounds aside from determining their superconducting properties.(29) Table VI gives some compounds which have the CuAlz structure. Phase diagrams of Pde2 and CuAlZ indicate that these compounds ndght be easy to grow (see Chapter II). The B31(MnP) structure has 8 atoms per unit cell and is orthorhombic with space group P-nma. The structure is a derivative of the B8(NiAs) structure. The deA work of Jan et al‘ls) on AuGa prompted us to study its HFMR. A list of compounds which have this structure is given in Table VII. 11 Table VI. Some CuA12 Type Intermetallic Compounds BFe2 Ger2 AgTh2 Sin2 Rth2 CoZr2 GaZrz Pdpbz CUSDZ MnSn2 AuPb2 CuTh2 Table VII. Some MnP Type Intermetallic Compounds AuGa PdSi PtSi NiGe IrGe PtGe PdGe PdSn CrP MnP FeP CoP CrAs MnAs FeAS CoAs Rth WP 12 Most of these compounds have suitable phase diagrams, especially NiGe and PdSi. I I . CRYSTAL GROWTH The most important consideration in crystal growth is the phase diagram. The phase diagram indicates the feasi- bility of producing single crystals with high value of RRR. However, phase diagrams given in the literature are not al- ways correct and errors in the diagrams can cause much dif- ficulty. It is not possible to tell if the cause of crys- tal growing failures is due to poor technique or incorrect phase diagram information. Figure l is the phase diagram of a typical B2(CsCl) structure, MgAg. The most important feature of this diagram is the large solubility of both Ag and Mg in MgAg as indi- cated by the width of the 8' region. If MgAg is grown from a melt which is not of exact stoichiometry, then the solid formed is a solution of either Ag or Mg in MgAg. The excess Mg or Ag will act as an ”impurity" scatter- ing center in a crystal of MgAg. Sellmyer‘30) developed an empirical formula to relate the RRR to the amount of impuri- ties in a sample. The formula was derived from data on AuSn but it should provide an order of magnitude estimate for other systems. 4 RRR~1_%,1515104 (1) 13 14 .mmm .cmmcmm Sonny m¢1m2 mo Emummflp mmmsm .H whamwm :m 2. 22323.: :3 5.. use: . 2 3. cm on 2. om cm 9. 3 ON 9 o n a .e cow . . . . . ~ . . Ca. 3.” S o and - 0°” ndo odw flow a w m.\ I x . (x a \T < 00? 3.: s .3 . x x .5 5!, ....v\ \ Sun: A: .. M _ can u n2. . Q m. 33 to a M \ 'd s a“ a .\ 1 com W. a nu .03 a . n H x .o 6 II 3.5 .. — . . . . n 2 III Mm\ v mm ndu I/LUMbrW111wunxw. eons 11 com acmo / H /1/ So 6 W {— endow . q . q . . . q . q a» m L _ 060. on 3 an ov an 3 cu m. o_. o w v ~ 3:33:33 hzuu «mm .5333 15 where I is the amount of impurity in parts per million. If a sample is made with 49.90 at .% Ag and 50.10 at .% Mg, then there would be .1 at .% excess Mg and I = 103 which would make RRR = 10. The importance of getting as close to exact stoichiometry is evident. The likelihood of growing B2 type intermetallic com- pounds with sufficiently high values of RRR is small. First, if the sample has an initial composition far from exact stoi- chiometry, say ~5 at .% off, then the crystal grown will have a composition differing from the stoichiometric composi- tion and the RRR will probably be low due to the "impurity" scattering mentioned above. Also, the rather large solid solubility of the constituents in the stoichiometric com- pound indicates that even compounds grown from stoichio- metric concentrations may not be ordered enough to produce samples with sufficiently high values of RRR. However, in Spite of these considerations, B'CuZn has been grown with RR =- 400.”) The necessity of having correct phase diagram informa— tion is seen in Figure ‘2, which is a phase diagram of a com- pound which has a maximum melting point which does not cor- respond with the stoichiometric compound composition. If a sample with composition 1 is grown, it would not form the solid AB upon solidification. If the sample had composition 2, the initially precipitated material would be AB but as the temperature drOpped the crystal would become richer in B. 16 TEMPERATURE A AB B ATOMIC % 8 Figure 2. Phase diagram showing a compound having a maximum melting temperature at a non-stoichiometric con— centration. 17 Two methods can be used to grow the stoichiometric com- pound AB. The melt's composition could contain a large excess of B and a pulling technique such as the Czochralski method could be used. Alternatively, a non-conservative method could be used if more precise stoichiometric control is desired. The compound whose phase diagram is shown in Figure 3 has the best possibility of yielding single crystal samples with good RRR. The important feature of this diagram is the vertical line at composition AB. Such a compound is congru- ently melting, i.e., the liquid and solid phase are in equil- ibrium at the stoichiometric composition AB at temperature Tm. Also, if the width of the line is small, say less than 10-3 at .%, then the RRR will not be limited by the solid solubility of A or B in AB. The initial metal which is used must be of high purity in order to produce crystals with high RRR. Using Equation 1, it is evident that "59" purity metal, i.e., 99999 at .% pure, could produce RRR of about 103 if the RRR only depended on impurity scattering. Thus, to begin with, the material must be at least "49" purity and usually "59" or "69" mater- ial is used if it is available. The cost of such high purity metal is an important boundary condition, especially in the case of Au, Pt, and Pd. Usually the sample must be melted and grown in a cru- cible. Both components of a binary alloy must not react 18 TEMPERATURE A AB ATOMIC % B Figure 3. Phase diagram with excellent characteristics. 2O (33) Of not be used since their vapor pressure is too high. course, a protective atmosphere of argon or some other non- reactive gas can be used to cut down the loss of material. However, even one atmosphere of pressure is not sufficient in some cases and the use of gases could introduce additional impurities. The growth of good single crystals, even the pure metals, is always an art. The problems involved are numerous. First, the temperature of the sample must be measured and con- trolled. Parameters such as growth rate and temperature gradient are instrumental in the process of growing good single crystals. There have been many books and papers writ- ten on crystal growth techniques, yet it still remains an art and each compound requires ingenuity. The ultimate test of the single crystal is its RRR. As the crystal is cooled to 4.20K, it may undergo a martensitic phase transformation as happens in B'AuZn(34). Such a phase change is thought to occur when the free energy of the crys- tal can be lowered by assuming a different structure. It is difficult to predict such a phase change and the direct ob— servation of the phase change requires a low temperature x-ray diffraction unit. A: '1. v‘ 5&6 III. THEORY OF HFMR Justi and Sheffers(35) in 1936 observed complicated anisotropy of the HFMR of several metals which was not ex— plained until the mid-fifties. Fundamental theoretical work was done by Kohler<36), Chambers(37), Lifshitz, Azbel, and . 9, 0 Kaganov(38) (LAX) and Lifshitz and Peschanskle(3 4 ). Fawcett(41) gives a comprehensive review of the theoretical and experimental work done on pure metals. Since the theo— retical derivations appear in the references just cited as well as in other sources, only a brief review of the assump- tions and derivations will be given. In the absence of an external electric field the motion of the conduction electrons in a metallic crystal is deter- mined by the applied magnetic and the periodic electric field due to the lattice. The periodic potential determines the shape of the FS and produces effects such as Bragg reflection. A geometric description of the motion of an electron in a. magnetic field can be obtained by assuming the electron is reflected by the Bragg planes just as in the case of x~rays being "reflected" by the planes of atoms. Suppose that an electronic state is characterized by a wave-number k and a band index n. Also, assume that the electron can be thought of as a wavepacket centered at a par- ticular value of k and that the electrons obey Fermi-Dirac 21 22 statistics. These quasi-particles experience a force F given by 613-:93 (2) "1| II and have a velocity 6 given by (3) > 1), the electrons make many orbits before being scattered. In calculating the con- ductivity, the average value of the velocity taken around the orbit is used. Assuming B is in the Z direction, it can be demonstrated that the conductivity in the xy plane goes to zero as B + w for closed orbits. The form of the conduc- tivity tensor in the case of closed orbits, assuming a12 # 0, is given by I 11 82 12 B 13 B‘ _ _ l L .1. ° ‘ a12 B a22 Bz a23 B (18) i -a l -a l a i 13 B 23 B 33 34 where the Onsager relationship oij(B) = 0.. (‘3) has been used and only the leading term in (%)n has been re- tained. The aij's are independent Of the magnitude of B. The resistivity tensor, which is the experimentally measured quantity, is obtained by inverting the conductivity tensor pij = co-factor oji/Iol Only the leading terms of lowest order in g in each co-factor of oij and I0] are retained in calculating the pij's. Case 1: Closed orbits nA # 0: uncompensated B0 b - b I 11 ean 13 I p = B0 ean b22 b23 (l9) bl3 b23 b33 where Q is the volume of a unit cell. The pxy term gives direct information concerning n The Hall coefficient RH(m) A. is defined as Lim pxy(B)-pxy(—B) Q RH(m) = B+m 23 = (he—uh)ec (20) and is independent Of the direction and magnitude of B. The other coefficients of the resistivity tensor cannot be eval- uated without a detailed knowledge of the shape of the FS and the collision Operator. 35 Case 2: Closed orbits nA = 0: compensated In a compensated compound, since n = 0, the coefficient A 1 . . l . of the fi term in Oxy ls zero and Oxy : gj-whlle the other terms remain the same. Thus I bllB blZB bl3BI _ 2 2 p - bIZB bZZB b23B (21) I -bl3B ~b23B b33 For a compensated metal, pxy does not give any direct informa- tion about the number of carriers. Open Orbits Suppose that one band of open orbits is present and that they run in the general direction of the x axis in k-space. The open orbit cannot be considered to be either electron or hole-like and thus a compensated metal no longer behaves as it does in the absence of open orbits. The Oxy component of the conductivity tensor will now contain a linear term in B-l. Since an uncompensated metal already has a term lin- ear in 8-1, the presence of Open orbits only changes the co- efficient Of Oxy and thus invalidates Equation (20) for RH(m). Open orbits also produce constant field-independent terms in o o and Ozy' The conductivity tensor becomes yy' YZ' 36 a11 a12 a13 I Bz 13 B I a _ ___1_2. ° ‘ B a22 a23 (22’ I _ al3 a a I B 32 33 Case 3: One set of Open orbits. Inverting Equation (22), p is given by b 32 b B b B I ll 12 13 I p = -blzB b22 b23 (23) "b13B b32 b33 I 'Case 4: Two bands of non-intersecting Open orbits in differ- ent directions. In this case all components of pij tend to a limit in- dependent Of the magnitude of B since all elements of oij tend to limits independent of B. Case 5: Singular field directions at symmetry axes. A singular field direction is defined as a crystal axis of higher than two-fold symmetry which is at the center of a region of aperiodic open orbits. The several bands of open orbits required by symmetry intersect to form closed orbits of opposite character to that of the surface. If B is along such a singular field direction recz 6/2 o = —- (V - A(p )dp ) (24) ..'. ,. L33: I “- r n n a C in! 'N r v‘ Ni U P: c i 4'. ch IL) 37 where 6 is the minimum thickness along B supporting Open or- bits Of Opposite character to that of the sheet, and A(pz) is the area of the section of the Brillouin zone for constant pz. Since there are no open orbits when B is parallel to a singular field direction, in both compensated and uncompen- sated metals the resistivity tensor is given by Equation (19) but the coefficient of the pxy term is changed from - ecn Q ec(nArAn) A to - where An equals the second term in Equation (24). The magnetoresistance is defined as p. . (B)"p. . (0) A9(B) = 11 ll (25) pm) piim) In Equation (22), the x-axis was deliberately chosen as the open orbit direction. Experimentally, one does not know a priori where the Open orbits lie and thus they will in general make an angle a with the x axis which is taken as the sample axis. In such a case the magnetoresistance would be given by 9335335 : C + ABZCOSZG (26) 0(0) where a is the angle between the Open orbit direction in k-space and the current direction J. The subscript trans means that J_L B. C and A are constants independent of the magnitude of B. Table VIII summarizes the important relationships which have been discussed in this section. .wommmlx RH coauomuflo NHQNO ammo sue: a mamas cm mcwxme m.d_mcmam men cw me o w .muflmcmo ucmRNso was: Rom UHONM owuuomam ..m.w + 38 med +3... eeeoesesee .m z m d I 3.352 .m. 2 SEE .> 3&8on 0.5 E2 7m». 1.35333 E2 s 8eo .3 Hcomuooho one a moo d Sm «m 2 m 2 a «moo «m 2 E ammo .HHH A: e u .3 pageaomag .m z m 2 @3583 .m 2 es. ease 3. .= e I 3 Ge 1 3e W». s e. emusmsomfiogs em 2 m G Ammugsasmv em 2 one come? :4 .H Ema OEMWWME v moss 238 cows RosamoomSOo m O 33m 35-033339 +20% ash a . a 2 use £98 .«O EB . .mamumz mo mmfluuwmoum ofluwcmmeocm>amw pamfimunwflm mo aumeesm .HHH> manna 39 Physical Explanation of HFMR Consider a metallic sample placed in a magnetic field B which is directed along the Z axis. Suppose the current axis, taken to be in the x-direction, is J.B. Assuming that the current Jx is kept constant, the boundary conditions are Jy=0 and Jz=0. Assuming Ez=0, JX is given by J=OE+0E (27) where Ex and By are related by O=0E+0E (28) For an uncompensated compound which has a FS supporting no open orbits, the conductivity tensor elements are given by _ -2 0xx - allB _ —2 Oyy — aZZB C, =1‘fli’ia- =—. xy QB yx in the high field limit. Thus solving for Equation (28) for E Y |e|cn E — ——9a A EXB Y 22 The transverse Hall field EY grows linearly with B and as B + w the angle between the current Jx and the total electric field ET = Ex + E approaches 90°. Thus the resistivity ap- Y preaches saturation. In terms of Equation (27) 40 a ezczn2 _ 11 A Jx - ( 2 fl 2 )EX B 9 a22 all and as B + m, —§—-+ 0 and pXX which is given by B Ex 0xx = 3— (29) x goes to a constant independent 0f the field B. For a compensated compound with no open orbits Oxx and oyy have the same form but Oxy ls glven by _ -2 Oxy — alZB Thus Ey tends to constant independent of B. In fact, since there are an equal number of electrons and holes, Ey will be very small if the mobilities of the carriers are similar and ET = Ex + By W111 be nearly parallel to Jx' Now JX decreases as B"2 as can be seen from Equation (27) _ all a21 J — (——— - -————)E x BZ a B2 x 22 and pxx' the MR, increases indefinitely as Bz. When open orbits are present, the situation changes drastically since the open orbit's current conduction is in- dependent of the magnitude of B in the high field limit. Sup- pose that there is a band of open orbits running in the x direction in k-space. In the high field region, these elec- trons are restricted to motion in the y-z plane in real space. Since Jy = 0 is still a boundary condition which must be satisfied, the electric field transverse to Jx' Ey, must an! V51 .0 .v.‘ DIV. Orfiv .0 J. (I. H Vb N (L: o. .v by. Q ”-57- "‘18-” '4 .‘~‘ v.‘ .Q ‘4 am; H t“ 41 approach zero - if Ey # 0, the current carried by the elec- trons on the open orbits would have to be annulled by elec- trons undergoing closed orbits. Such an occurrence is impos- sible since electrons on closed orbits are very poor conduct- ors in the high field region. Thus Ey 2 O and the MR goes as B2 for both uncompensated and compensated materials. When the open orbit direction in real space is parallel to the current Jx' the MR saturates. In an uncompensated ma- terial the transverse field By is not restricted to being zero since there are no open orbits parallel to it. Thus By 3 B and the MR saturates as it does when there are no open orbits. In a compensated compound since the open orbit electrons dominate the conductivity and they are independent of the mag- nitude of B, p saturates. In terms of Equation (27) since Oxx iS xx independent of B which immediately leads to px going to saturation as B + m. x If the current makes an angle a with the open orbit direc— tion in k-space, then l 2 2 p ~ B COS 01 XX and if e is the angle between the open orbit direction in real space and the current direction, 0 = 90 + a, then 2 . 2 pxx ~ B Sin 0 in the high field limit. IV . SAMPLE PREPARATION Crystal Growth 59.92 High purity Cominco Au, either 69's or 59's, and 69's Alcoa Ga were used to make the AuGa samples. The Au was etched in warm aqua regia, rinsed in distilled water and ethyl alcohol, and dried with a heat gun or at room temperature. The Ga was not etched but it was poured directly into a high purity alumina crucible from its plastic envelope after melt- ing had been accomplished with the aid of a heat gun. The empty crucible had been weighed before the Ga was poured into it and thus the amount of Ga could be determined. The re- quired amount of Au was added, usually measured so that the compound was stoichiometric. A Mettler balance which could be read to 0.001 grams, was used. The phase diagram of Au-Ga is shown in Figure 6 and from this figure it is evident that AuGa is a congruently melting compound which can be grown from either the slightly rich Ga or Au side. The alumina crucible was placed in a high purity graphite crucible. The graphite crucible and all other graphite cru- cibles and parts used in this research was then outgassed at about 1000°C and 10-4 mmHg. The graphite served as a susceptor for induction heating by a Lepel furnace. A protective atmos- phere of Ar was used to prevent evaporation. After melting 42 1200 1100 1000 900 000 q O O IEIPERITURE,’C O O O WEIGHT PER CENT GALLIUM 115 210 2 l 500 1063° 450 400 350 300 250 500 (An) ora 400 Be//’ 300 205° / zn°;: I 200 } l #7 l ‘wc : P : w 29.7° 0 I 0 20 30 40 50 60 100 A. Atoulc PER CENT GAUJUM Go Figure 6. Phase diagram of Au—Ga (From Hansen, Ref. 44 the metals and agitating the melt to ensure that it was thor- oughly mixed, the crucible was cooled to room temperature, inverted, and placed on top of a split graphite crucible. The split crucible had three rectangular slots of 1/16 square inch by 4 inches. The crucibles were then placed in a clean quartz or Vycor tube which was then evacuated to 10"4 mm Hg and filled with l/3 atmosphere of Ar. The tube was sealed off and placed in an induction coil which could be raised slowly around the sample tube by a speed reducing system of two sets of worm and worm gears connected to a Heller variable speed motor. After melting the sample into the lower crucible the coils were raised at about 1 inch per hour. The tempera- ture of the graphite was measured by an optical pyrometer. As the coils were raised the temperature at the bottom of the graphite crucible decreased since the coupling between the RF field and the lower part of the crucible decreased. Even- tually solidication began when the bottom of the sample reached its freezing point. As the coil continued to be raised, more of the lower part of the crucible cooled below the freezing point of the sample thus allowing the crystal to grow from the bottom up. Since the temperature of the sample could not be measured directly, an estimate of the actual temperature was made by placing some aluminum in a graphite crucible of geometry similar to those used to grow AuGa. Thermo-couples were placed in the aluminum and measured the temperature of the sample while the optical pyrometer was used to measure the temperature of the graphite crucible. The aluminum sample 45 was found to be about 40°C lower in temperature than the graphite. Thus the temperature of the graphite was initially kept at least 50°C above the melting point of the sample. The procedure just described produced two usable samples. Other attempts, using the same method, produced crystals with RRR ‘ 30. In an effort to produce large diameter crystals from which crystals with desired orientations could be cut, a vitreous graphite crucible with 3/8" i.d. was tried. The metals were melted in the vitreous graphite crucible and then the crucible was sealed in a Vycor tube under 1/3 atmosphere of argon. The sample was then lowered slowly through a re- sistance furnace which had a sharp temperature gradient. The slug had a RRR z 250, but was polycrystalline. In an- other attempt a horizontal Bridgeman method produced samples with RRR as high as 470 but this sample was not single. (15) Jan et al used samples grown by zone refining which had RRR=28 in their deA measurements. NiGe and Others NiGe was the next B31 type compound grown. Since molten Ni reacts with carbon, the split graphite crucibles could not be used. The compound was grown in an alumina crucible of 7/16" i.d. which was placed in a graphite susceptor. The sample was melted by induction heating and then a temperature gradient was moved along the enclosed sample by the coil raiser in a manner similar to that used in growing AuGa. The sample had a RRR = 30. A Vycor tube was then tried 46 as a crucible since a sample with a smaller diameter was de— sired. The compound was originally melted as in the first attempt. Then the slug was placed in a Vycor tube which was large enough at the top to accept the slug but which then narrowed to about l/8" in diameter. The tube was sealed under l/3 atmosphere of Ar and the slug melted down into the bottom part of the crucible. The sample was then melted by induction heating and the crystal grown as described pre- viously. The RF field of the induction heater caused stirring of the melt which was easily observable. The sample pro- duced in this manner had a RRR = 100 but was polycrystalline. Due to the success in growing Au Pb and AuPb the work 2 2’ on NiGe was discontinued. It seems that single crystals of NiGe with sufficient perfection can be grown. Placing the Vycor crucible inside a graphite susceptor to reduce the stirring of the melt might prevent the growth of stray crys- tals and should be tried in further growing attempts. One other B31 type compound, PdSi, was grown during this research. A graphite crucible was used to melt the metals although carbon is known to be soluble in both liquid Si and Pd. Despite this, a single crystal of PdSi was grown but no RRR was taken because the crystal cracked while being spark planed. Three other compounds, PtSn, CuAlz, and MgAg were grown during the course of this research. Since the deA work on PtSn (11) was complete and the results were inconclusive 47 regarding the number of electrons (8 or 10) per unit cell needed to explain the data, the HFMR might determine which number was correct. However, the crystals grown had RRR r 20 and were unsuitable for HFMR experiments. Four different attempts were made at growing PtSn before it was decided to try other compounds. The high cost of 59's Pt was a major consideration for termination of the work on PtSn. CuAlz, which is the prototype for the C16 structures was also grown. The initial melting and solidification of the compound caused a vitreous graphite crucible to break. This breakage was probably due to the difference in thermal expansion coefficients for Al and C, that of Al being about three times greater than that of C at 700°C. An alumina crucible was also tried but the sample could not be removed after solidification. The alumina crucible also cracked but was prevented from shattering by the graphite susceptor sur— rounding it. These problems could be overcome by being more careful in heating and cooling the melt or using other types of crucibles. However, since the Au—Pb compounds were being tried at the same time, the work on CuAl2 was discontinued when good samples of AuZPb and AuPb2 were grown. MgAg, a B2(CsCl) structure compound whose phase diagram is given in Figure l was also grown. Triple distilled Mg generously provided by Dow Chemical and 59's Ag were used. The Mg had a RRR of about 300. A graphite crucible was used to melt the metals and a single crystal of MgAg was grown with a RRR = 10. Due to the rather poor RRR of the initial Mg, 48 the difficulty of preventing evaporation of the Mg, and the phase diagram, this compound would be difficult to grow with better RRR. Agsz and Ausz The phase diagram for the Au-Pb system is shown in Fig- ure 7. Both Ausz and AuPb2 are peritectically formed com- pounds. The solid of composition Ausz is not in equilibrium with liquid of the same composition as can be seen from the phase diagram. Therefore, a peritectic compound must be grown from a non-stoichiometric melt. The region between 45 - 70 at.% Pb will produce cyrstals of Ausz while the re- gion between 72 - 84 at.% can be used to grow AuPbZ. The 69's Pb shot obtained from Cominco was etched in a 1:1 mixture of acetic acid and H202. The Pb was then placed in a vitreous graphite crucible. No rinse was used since the bright appearance of the etched metal quickly tarnished if it was placed in water. The Pb was heated to its melting point under vacuum and the slug produced was weighed. The desired amount of 59 Cominco Au which had been prepared in the same manner as for AuGa was placed in the crucible with the Pb. The mixture was heated under a pressure of 2/3 at— mosphere of Ar until all the Au had melted. The sample was cooled and then turned upside down and remelted to ensure that all the Au had melted. In making Ausz either a split graphite crucible similar to those used in making AuGa or a Vycor tube was used as a 49 VEIGHT PER CED" LEAD 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 00 90 J l l L J 1 l 1100 a. 1000 \ 0.1 900 \ 000 *— szb 0.00 § (0.05 \\ TEIPERAYURE,’C O 8 (0.04 3 ‘V S o ‘— ‘0 P02 4w° ‘\5¢3§fl 400 5' ** 2“h\\“\\‘\\ 3270 300 254° A A. - O vv~vvv O 200 fooooooLfi =4‘_ I I (~dm 100 o 10 20 30 40 so so 70 so so 100 An Atoulc PER can: LEAD Pb Figure 7. Phase diagram of Au~Pb (From Hansen, Ref. 31) 50 crucible. The slug of Au2Pb was placed in the split crucible and the crucible was put into a Vycor tube which was open at both ends. A brass water-cooled plug was inserted through the bottom end. This plug was used to make a larger tempera— ture gradient along the graphite crucible and to lessen the effect of any radial temperature gradients. A vacuum seal was made by a rubber "0" ring quick coupling. The other end of the tube was connected to a vacuum pumping port. The Vycor tube was evacuated to 10"4 mm Hg and then refilled with 1/3 atmosphere of Ar. The induction coils were raised along the sample by the coil raiser described previously. Samples made by this method had a maximum RRR = 170. Another method of preparation was tried with the hope of producing cyrstals with higher RRR. Vycor tubing was used as the crucible and a resistance heater was used instead of the induction furnace. The sample was sealed in the tube under 1/3 atmosphere of Ar and then dropped through the fur- nace which had two heaters separated vertically. The upper furnace was held at a temperature slightly higher than the compound's melting point while the lower portion was held at 200°C. The temperature of the upper furnace was regulated to about 1°C. The actual temperature of the sample was not measured but the temperature of the upper half of the furnace was set so that when the sample was completely removed from the furnace, it solidified within = 15 seconds. Once the upper furnace temperature was correctly set, the sample was lowered through the furnace at a rate of about 1/2" per hour. 51 This method produced a sample with RRR = 300. The Ausz samples were made by three different methods. All methods of preparation of the initial slug were the same as those for Ausz. The first method consisted of placing the slug in a split graphite crucible and then sealing the crucible in a Vycor tube. No chill plug was used. The RF induction coils were then raised along the sample. This method did not produce single crystals of AuPbZ. The poly— crystals were probably due to the rapid growth rate of the samples. Although the coils were moved slowly, the tempera- ture of the graphite remained fairly constant with the temp- erature gradient being about 5°C/inch. Thus the amount of time between the solidification of the bottom end of the sample and the top end was probably much less than the time required for the coil to traverse the entire sample. The temperature was measured with an IR Tronics infrared pyrometer which could measure temperature in the range 200 - 600°C. The first successful growth of AuPb2 was accomplished by using a Vycor tube as a crucible and lowering it through the two heater resistance furnace as described for Ausz. This method produced a long single crystal with RRR ~ 320. Inlother successful method consisted of using an optical zone refiner. (43) The AuPb2 sample was placed in a Vycor boat, seéiled in a Vycor tube under 1/3 atmosphere of Ar and heated untLil the entire sample was molten. The temperature was gralflually reduced in such a way that one end solidified first and the crystal grew in one direction. This method 52 produced a large single crystal with RRR ~ 300 from which 4 samples were cut. RRR Measurements The RRR was determined by measuring the resistance at room temperature and at liquid He temperature. A Hewlett- ‘ Packard Harrison 6284A D.C. Power Supply was used as a con- stant current source and a Keithley 147 Nanovolt Null De- tector was used to measure the voltage. The voltage and cur- rent leads were soldered to the samples with Rose's Alloy. The Au Pb and Ausz samples were superconducting at 2 4.2°K. Roberts(29) reports a transition temperature of 4.42°K for Ausz but does not report that AuZPb is superconducting. The highest valued RRR sample, AuZPbIIb, does show very small voltage difference in zero field but this value is 5 times lower than the value obtained by extrapolating the magnet- oresistance voltage to zero field. The Ausz and AuPb2 samples were placed in a dewar which was situated between the pole faces of a Harvey—Wells elec- tromagnet. A Bell 660 Model gaussmeter was used to measure the field. Since many samples were attached to the RRR Cryostat at the same time, the position of the individual Saumples in the magnetic field differed from sample to sample and the field read on the gaussmeter was not necessarily the; field at the sample. The RRR cryostat consisted of a cirflcuit board which had four sets of five voltage leads and four sets of current leads. The board was mounted on the 53 end of an epoxy rod. The positioning of the rod in the dewar and thus in the magnetic field was not very accurate, causing some additional error. The current was reversed in order to cancel out thermal voltages. The resistance was measured at five or more fields and a linear extrapolation was made to get the zero field resist- ance as is shown in Figure 8. In the case of the Ausz and AuPb2 samples, the RRR was taken of the initial slug as well as the individual samples cut from the larger slugs. The RRR increased with time and a similar effect occurred with the AuGa samples. The initial RRR of AuGaI was 130 and the RRR measured six months later was 170. The initial RRR of the AuZPb slug from which AuszIIb was cut was 240 and the RRR measured 300 nine months later. The increase in RRR is probably due to annealing of the samples at room temperature. Table IX lists the samples used, the RRR, and the cur- rent direction with respect to the major crystallographic axis. The RRR are accurate to about 10% and the error may be slightly higher for the Ausz samples due to the effect of alloying between the sample and the solder. This alloying effect is discussed in the section on voltage measurement. X-Ray Procedure The samples were cut by a spark erosion machine which used a .002 inch diameter molybdenum wire. The AuGa and Ausz samples were also spark planed using a Servomet spark 54 V(pV) . ./ I P x/ x/ 11: x/ 3 V/x/// ,‘ x/ZBL' /x/ ‘ / x / /" / X Ausz SAMPLES 2 .— x/ I /x// X/P/x 1:?" l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 8 IN KG 25 .. x .1- Ausz SAMPLES x x / .15 /X 20 _. / x x/“/ V(pV) ‘4 4 // // x X X / / ‘3 / / /" lb :1 IO_ i/ / X / / I/ /x + x -2 / 54x1 J 1 L l 1 l + 1 1 0 ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 B to sue) 1Figure 8. V(B) vs. B for (a) AuPb2 samples and (b) Ausz samples. 55 Table IX. RRR and Orientation of Samples Current Direction* RRR 8 ¢ 1 AuGaI 170 90 0 90 AuGaII 190 90 57 33 AuPbZI 480 86 54 27 AuszII 330 78 42 37 AuszIV 430 57 75 29 AuszV 400 81 77 18 AuPbZVI 600 32 81 61 AuszIb 165 31 60 86 AuZPbIIb 380 31 66 71 AuszIII 140 28 62 9o Au2PbV 130 31 61 83 AuszVI 175 23 78 71 AuZPbVII 175 14 79 79 * 6 is the angle between [100] and current direction 3. 6 is angle between [010] and 3. w is angle between [001] and 3. 56 cutter. The AuPb2 samples could not be planed since even on the finest setting enough heat was generated to melt the sur- face layer making X-raying impossible. Since the wire spark cutter produced uneven cuts, it was necessary to improve the surface of the AuPb2 samples before X-ray pictures could be taken. The best method would have been to chemically etch the surface. However, it is very difficult to find etchants which will uniformly polish both constituents of a binary compound (especially Au com- pounds). There is a genuine need for references on chemi- cal and electrochemical etchants which could be used for in- termetallic compounds. After failing to find an etchant, mechanical polishing was tried with success. Jeweler's rouge was used with a solvent like ethyl alcohol. The polish was applied with a cotton swave. About 10 to 15 minutes of polishing was neces- sary to produce a suitable surface for X-raying. A Noreleo X-ray unit was used with a Polaroid camera and collimator. Initially only a Cu tube was available. The radiation from this tube was not sufficient at all wave- lengths of interest and the X-ray pictures did not contain enough spots for easy identification. After a W tube was ob- tained, the Laue pictures improved greatly and the identifica- tion of symmetry axes was possible. The voltage.setting on the W tube was very important-- especially in the case of the Au-Pb samples. The setting of 20 RV and 20 ma for about 45 minutes produced usable pictures 57 whereas higher KV settings produced fogged pictures which hid most of the Laue spots, even at shorter exposure times. In order to check if the samples were single crystals, the following procedure was followed. One side of the sample was mechanically polished and then X-rayed at the top and bot- tom. If the two Laue photographs were identical, the opposite side was polished and X—rayed in the same manner. If all four photographs were consistent, then the sample was considered to be a single crystal. A Laue X-ray photograph of the current axis of the sam- ples was difficult to obtain. The small cross—sectional area of the samples was difficult to polish and thus the surface could not be prepared well enough for good quality Laue photo- graphs. The current directions were determined by stereo- graphic projections of the Laue photographs taken of the sides of the crystals as described above. Since the crystal structures studied in this investi- gation were of a relatively complicated nature, it was neces- sary to check the crystal orientations with a GE diffracto- meter. The diffractometer was absolutely necessary in the case of AuGa where the lattice constant in the 100 direction differs by only 2% from that in the 001 direction. In order to determine what the orientation of the two AuGa samples was, the fact that the 011 reflection is allowed while the 110 reflection is extinct in first order was used. The diffractometer was also very useful in confirming the orientation of the Ausz and AuPb2 samples when a symmetry 58 axis was far from the normal to the polished side of the crystal. V . EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Cryostat and Sample Holder The D.C. method was used to determine the field depend- ence of the magnetoresistance as well as its angular de- pendence. A constant d.c. current of 1 ampere is passed through the sample and the voltage across the sample is mea- sured as a function of the magnitude of the magnetic field or its direction with respect to the crystal axis. The constant current source was a Hewlett Packard 6263B DC Power Supply which is stable to 3 ma in the constant cur- rent mode. The voltage across the sample was measured by a Keithley 147 Nanovolt Null Detector. The output from the Keithley 147 was recorded on one axis of a Moseley 2D—2 x-Y Recorder as a function of the magnetic field or rotation angle which were plotted on the other axis. A Hewlett- Packard 7004B x-Y Recorder replaced the Moseley later in the research. Figure 9 is a diagram of the sample holder which is a modification of the one described by D. J. Sellmyer(44). The crystal could be rotated about two perpendicular axes thus allowing the magnetic field to be positioned in any desired direction with respect to the crystal axis. Rota- tion of the worm gear about the BB' axis is measured by the 59 60 COUNTER- RING RETAINING SCREW ' WEIGHT \$ GUIDE WORM DRIVE 6 EAR SCREW-IN PIVOTS SPIRAL DRIVE GEAR \» 0.. Figure 9. Sample holder. 61 tip angle ¢ while rotation about the AA' axis is measured by the angle 0. The sample holder was machined from standard Delrin 500 rod. This material is easily machinable, inex- pensive and held up well under recycling between room and He temperatures. The sample, of approximate dimensions l/l6" x 1/16" x 7/16" was glued to an insert with a mixture of Duco cement and acetone and the insert was then pressed into the worm gear. Two screws position the insert and prevent it from rotating. The worm gear was held in place by a brass screw and Delrin washer. These precautions are necessary since the worm gear has a tendency to leave the plane of rotation when rotated counter-clockwise. The worm was held in place by a stainless steel retaining ring which was screwed into the Delrin. The retaining ring was held in place by a small brass set screw. The worm had a rectangular protrusion which could be engaged by a rod with a slotted end when the sample holder was in the w = 0 position only. Each revolution of the worm rotated the worm gear by 5.54° (360/65). The rod had to be withdrawn when a rotation plot was made. A spiral gear arrangement provided continuous angular motion for the rotation plots. The gear had a slotted groove on tap into which a rod with a screwdriver end was inserted. The rod was coupled by spur gears to a Hurst CA synchronous motor which was also coupled to a ten—turn Hellipot potenti- ometer with a linear tolerance of 1.50%. The voltage across 62 the potentiometer was thus directly proportional to the angle of rotation. Each revolution of the drive rod produced a ro- tation of 6°. One degree of rotation corresponds to 3.76 mV on the potentiometer. Due to backlash in the gears, the repro- ducibility of the angular rotation was about 4°. However, if data was taken with the tip angle reset each time, the re- producibility was better than 2°. A complete rotation of 180° was generally done in 5 minutes. A brass cylinder was used as a counterweight in order to prevent the lead wires from getting tangled in the gears as the barrel was rewound. The brass cylinder was restricted from random motion by a stainless steel tube press fitted into the top of the sample holder. Voltage Measurements Voltage and current leads were soldered to the samples using Stay Clean Flux and Rose's Alloy solder which is 50% Bi, 25% Pb and 25% Sn and melts at 96°C. The leads were made from #40 Nyclad insulated copper wire. The leads were then soldered to pins on a circuit board which was mounted on the cryostat just above the magnet. During the experiment, these connections were always immersed in liquid He which pre- vented thermal voltages due to the soldering. The external voltageleads to the circuit board were carefully shielded and brought out to an aluminum mini-box where they were soldered to a Au plated low thermal switch with Kester Soldering Flux #1544 and low thermal solder #SW4337. The 63 input cable of the Keithley 147 was soldered to the switch with the same solder. The current leads from the circuit board were #24 Poly-thermalized insulated copper wire. The current leads were soldered to a banana plug inside a mini- box mounted on top of the cryostat. The two voltage leads as well as the current leads sol- dered to the sample were tightly twisted together to minimize the pick up voltage generated as the sample holder rotated in the magnetic field. This voltage was measured by turning off the current and measuring the voltage across the sample as it rotated in a magnetic field of 98 kG. Four different samples were measured in this way and the pick up voltage varied in a monotonic way, the total variation being 1.5 uV for the worst case. In one case spikes were observed which apparently were due to non-uniform motion of the spiral gear, that is, the gear was probably sticking between teeth. In any case, this voltage did not cause any problems since the magnetoresistance voltage was generally at least 20 uV and the pick up voltage varied by only 1/2 uV at the most in an interval of one revolution of the spiral gear. The alloying effect of the Rose's Alloy solder used in connecting the probes was negligible for the AuGa samples. The solder could easily be removed with a razor blade leaving no observable alloying effect. However, the solder did alloy with the AuPb2 and Ausz samples. The AuPb2 samples did not show any measurable results due to alloying with the solder but the Ausz samples did. 64 The probe effect manifested itself when the magnetic field was swept up or down in a field interval containing 14.6 kG. Figure 10 shows the voltage across the sample as the magnetic field is swept. The abrupt change in voltage, and thus resistance, which occurs at 14.6 kG was observed in all AuZPb samples. However, the change in resistance was much greater in those samples which had the lower RRR. In order to determine if this effect was caused by the solder, a sample which had shown the effect was spark planed until no trace of the solder remained. A pair of phospher—bronze clips were pressed onto the sample and served as voltage probes. No abrupt voltage change was observed as the field was swept from 6 to 20 k6. Thus the abrupt resistance change is due to alloying between the Ausz samples and the Rose's Alloy solder. The alloy formed around the solder blobs is probably a superconducting alloy which alters the current flow through the crystal at low fields. Once a high enough field (>14.6 kG) is reached, the alloy goes normal and its effect ceases since a four probe system is used and the voltage leads draw a very small current. The Keithley 147 has an input re- sistance of 1x106 ohms while the sample resistance is on the 4 ohms at 4.2°K. In the field region used to order of 2x10" study the FS of Au2Pb (> 80 kG) the alloying effect should be oflittle consequence. In order to eliminate unwanted voltages from the mag- netoresistance probes which are caused by thermal voltages 65 Vdm 35m .Hnmcsa mom ‘I or .m> Amv> .OH messes Qm Hffq W" (6'8 )A '(GIA 66 and probe misalignment, the following sets of voltages should be taken( 30) , _ l _ _ - vMR - I [V(+I,+B)+V(+I, B) V( I,+B) (30) - V(-II-B)] The sample holder was designed to rotate a full 360° in order to allow the field to be positioned in both the +B and -B directions. The current could also be reversed. The complete procedure of measuring V was done on AuGa I, AuPb2 VI, MR AuZPb VI and Au2Pb 11b. The AuGa and AuPb2 samples showed no unexpected results and a measurement of V(+I,+B) was taken to be equal to VMR' and these will be discussed in a later section. For AuZPb IIb some anomalies occurred The field dependence of the HFMR as expressed by the co- efficient m is defined by Ap/po = aBm (31) Since Ap/po = V(31BYIO) where V(B) is the value of the voltage at the field B; the voltage V(B) was taken at two different fields and m was calculated by V(B1)-V(0) V(le-V(0) B1 109 “8—2- log (32) The V(B) was read from the x-Y recorder trace. When the Keithley 147 was on the 30 uV range, the X-Y recorder signal could be read to ~ .08 uV, on the 100 pV it could be read to 67 ~ .25 uV, and on the .3 mV range it could be read to ~ .8 8V. Thus the error incurred by reading V(B) from the X-Y recorder trace was less than the fluctuations caused by the rotation of the sample holder. Assuming that the magnitude of B is accurage to 15%, the value of m is probably accurate to ~ 20% when V(B) is be— tween 15-30 uV, ~ 13% when V(B) is 30-100 uV, and ~ 11% when V(B) is 100-300 uV. The higher error for the lower vol- tages is due to the pick up voltage generated as the sample rotates in the magnetic field. Analyses of Tipping Arrangement Figure 11a shows the voltage probe positions and the direction of the magnetic field with respect to the crystal as the sample is rotated. The rotation of the crystal clock- wise about the y" axis (4) can also be represented by a rota- tion of the magnetic field counter-clockwise about y" with the crystal remaining fixed. The same interpretation can be ap- plied to rotations about the x" axis (w). The magnetore- sistance probes are numbered 1 and 2 and are separated ~l/8" while the other four probes are used for Hall voltage measure- ments. Figure llb shows a stereographic projection of the motion of the magnetic field with respect to the crystal. The resistivity tensor is given by Equation (21) when there are no open orbits and is repeated below 68 .m mo cofluoE mo :0wuomnoum ownmmumomwmum Any one muumEomm madame» one coflumuom 3v . A3 Ha madman 69 c 2 c 2 c I bllB bl2B bl3BI _ c 2 c 2 c p (closed) — blzB bzzB b23B (21) I _ C _ C c I bl3B b23B b33 When there are open orbits in the X2 direction in k-space and thus in the X1 direction in real space, the resistivity tensor is given by 0 O 0 o 0 I bllB b123 b13BI (0 en) = -b° 13° b0 B.L b0 B (33) p P 12 22 23 o o o I Lbl3B l"23B b33 Now the effect on the resistivity tensor of tipping the crys- tal from the transverse (3.L.B) geometry will be considered. Figure 12 shows the non-transverse geometry, i.e., B is not.L 3. The coordinate systems shown are related in the fol- lowing way. The S(X1,X2,X3) system is the initial coordinate system. When y and B = 0, the current direction 3 is along X1. The S(Xi,Xé,X5) coordinate system is obtained from S(X1,X2,X3) by a rotation of y about the X3 axis and S"(Xi,X§,X§), which is fixed to the crystal, is obtained from S'(Xi,Xi,X5) by a rotation of 8 about X'. The Xi axis is the current direction which makes an angle 8 with the X1 axis and an angle 8 with the Xi axis. The rotation matrices for rotations about the x X2, and 1! X3 axes are 7O Figure 12. Non-transverse geometry. 71 I 1 0 0 I I cos c 0 -sin 6‘ Rx1 = 0 cos s sin e sz = 0 1 0 I 0 -sin 5 cos eI I sin e 0 cos eI I cos a sin e 0 I RX3 = -sin t cos a 0 I o o l I where e is the angle of rotation taken to be positive in the counter-clockwise direction. The voltage is measured in the sample's coordinate sys- tem, S"(Xi,X3,X§) and can be related to the resistivity ten- sors given for the S(X1,X2,X3) system, Equations (21) and (33). The transformation is given by p" = RXI(B)RX (Y) RX (Y)qu(8) 2 3 Q 3 2 The measured MR is given by the p componentof the resis- N 11 tivity tensor n 2 2 2 . . p11 pllcos 8cos y+p12cos BCOSYSlny+plBCOSBSlnBCOSy 2 O 2 I 2 a o + pZICOS 8c05yslny+p22cos BSln y+p23c05851n851ny O o 0 O 2 + p3lcosBSInBcosY+p32c05831n831ny+p33s1n B. If B is tipped infinitesimally away from the X3 axis in any direction except in the XZX3 plane, then the open orbit in the x1 direction is missed while y and 8 remain the same to a first approximation.‘ Thus as B goes from a direction which produces open orbits to a direction which does not, the 72 MR voltage as measured by p11 will change. The values of 6i1 for both cases, keeping terms in the highest power of B only are, 2 u _ 2 2 C C . C .2 p11(closed) — B cos B{bllcos y+2b12c05yslny+b2251n y} n 2 2 . 2 p11(open) = B balcos BSln y The ratio of the two values of 011 gives, n O -2 pll(open) biflfln y ~ ~ pil(closed) bc(c03y+siny)2 if the magnitude of the bEj' 3, represented by the symbol be, are approximately the same. By sweeping B through a region of open orbits, a dip in the MR is expected if baasinzy¢bc(cos y + siny)2 or a peak is expected if 2 o . . 2 b‘asln y>bc(cos y + slny) . We, as well as other investigators(13'45) , have en- countered both types of behavior. However, when 8 becomes large, the dip can be washed out due to the dominance of the longitudinal magnetoresistance which saturates in all cases. The angles of rotation of the sample holder do not cor- respond exactly to y or 8. However, with the help of some geometry the relationship between the angles is seen to be COSB = (cosz¢coszxp+sin21p)1/2 siny = tan¢sinw cose = cosBcosK 73 The rotation plots are taken for different values of 6. The position of the magnetic field corresponding to sharp minima and maxima are plotted on a stereogram as is the ori- entation of the crystallographic axes of the sample. Usu- ally the sample axis (current axis) did not correspond to a major symmetry axis. The minima corresponding to a partic- ular open orbit direction are connected and form a plane in k space. The direction of the normal to this plane is the open orbit direction in k or reciprocal space. For compen- sated compounds, several samples with different current directions are needed to ensure that all open orbit directions are obtained. If the angle between the open orbit direc- tion in k-space and the current direction is small the open orbit can easily be missed. The orientation of the samples with respect to the mag- netic field direction could not be directly determined. Usually the sample was X-rayed while mounted on the worm gear which was then placed on a goniometer. Thus errors of ~5° in the orientation of the sample are likely. The exact orientation was determined by fitting the planes formed by the sharp minima with the approximate orientation obtained from the Laue X-ray photographs. VI. RESULTS AuGa AuGa has the B31 (MnP) structure which is orthorhombic with space group ana and 8 atoms per unit cell. The B31 structure is a derivative of the 38(NiAs) structure and Figure 13 shows how the two structures are related. The lattice constants(15) for AuGa are given in Table X. Note that the a and c axes differ by only 2%. Figure 14 shows a plot of V(B) versus w for AuGaI at fixed magnetic field B = 82 kG. The letters designate specific field directions. Figure 15 shows curves for V(B) versus B for the specified values of w. The plots show the interval between 22 to 82 kG. Note that curve b in Figure 15 is a very slowly increasing function while curves a and c- are beginning to show a quadratic field dependence at higher fields. Since the time required to sweep the field from 0 to 82 k6 is about 40 minutes, this method of determining the field dependence of the HFMR was not used for economic rea- sons. Also, the positioning of the magnetic field with re- spect to some particular direction in the crystal was diffi- cult and could only be determined to ~4°. Figure 16 shows how the field dependence of the HFMR was determined. The rotation plots were taken at two different fields, 99 kc and 88 k6 with tip angle 6 = 0. By assuming 74 Figure 13. 75 Comparison of NiAs and AuGa structures. The lower diagrams are projections taken along the c axis in NiAs while the upper diagrams are taken along the a axis. The height of the atoms abowa the projection plane is given by the numbers beside the atoms. Dark spheres represent Ni(Au) atoms while light spheres represent As(Ga) atoma 76 ~16 o .6 she 2.0 77 Table X. AuGa Lattice Constants (from Jan et al(15)) Room Temperature Liquid He Temperature (4.2°K) a 6.260 A 6.196 A b 3.464 3.488 c 6.396 6.354 Table XI. FS Parameters for AuGa Reciprocal lattice vectors °-l a* = 1.014 A 5* = 1.801 1'1 c* = 0.9889 2‘1 Fermi Energy E _. Fermi Radius kf = 1.511 8‘1 Volume Brillouin Zone °-3 V = 1.806 A Structure factors of zero value hOO: h = 2n+l 0k0: k k=2n+1 002: 1 2n+l 0km: k+2 = 2n+1 hkO: h = 2n+1 78 A060 1' 90- ‘ B=82kG l I 4 0 90 l8 9 IN DEGREES 0 Figure 14. V(B) vs. 0 for AuGaI. .Hmosa now m .m> ime> .mH mussan 79 5me mm .8 1 o L 2.318; I\I11111\11 1. I|I\II‘I I 1 M a \ . mm . In A 1. m. A A o n o J on H 00:4 80 0 .mesm new a .m> Q\oa mummomo z. 9 cm. om q oxmonm oxmmum unnzwadl .mH musmwm m AV— m. 1.0 .‘AV om mm“ .on 81 that %£'= aBm, the exponent m was determined at various values of w. 0The value of m > 1 for all field directions except when B is in the [001] where %3 saturates. By tipping the crystal, i.e., ¢ # 0, the posigion of the sharp minimum could be followed and it occurred when B was in the (001). Figure 17 is a stereographic projection of AuGaI showing the major crystallographic planes and directions. The data shown in Figure 16 was taken with the sample rotated by 90° from its position in Figure 14. Assuming that Au contributes one electron per atom and Ga 3 electrons per atom, then AuGa has 16 nearly free elec- trons per unit cell and AuGa should behave like a compen- sated compound. This is seen to be the case since m > 1 for most directions of the magnetic field. The saturation of the magnetoresistance when B is in the (001) is due to open orbits in the [001] since %3 2 aBzcosza when open orbits oc- cur and a, the angle betwee: the current direction [010] and open orbit direction in k-space, is 90°. The small dip when E is in (100) will be discussed after data for AuGaII is given. Figure 19 shows two rotation plots at different fields, 99 kc and 88 k6, for AuGaII which has current direction ~33° from [001]. The value of m is greater than 1 for all field directions with maximum value of 1.8. The interesting fea- tures of this data are the small peak when B is in (001) and the small dip when B is in (100). Figure 20 shows rotation plots of AuGaII for various tip angles with the magnitude of B remaining constant. A AuGa I DID IOOII '00 OOI 3. (100) J Figure 17. Stereographic projection of AuGaI. AuGa ]I OH) ' ~ J Figure 18. Stereographic projection of AuGaII. X's designate position of sharp peaks. 3C) 83 AuGaII B=99KG B=89KG m=l.2 l0 —- 5 - 1 I- 1 A 11 O 90 IBO ‘I’ IN DEGREES Figure 19. Ap/po vs. 0 for AuGaII. 84 AuGaJI B=7Z7kG TIP ANGLE e 30 6 E; 3 z: :> O E EE -6 t: -9 a: -30 fig .1 "’ KDFA/ § 1" O 90 I80 8 IN DEGREES Figure 20. V(B) vs. 6 for different values of 6 for AuGaII. 85 stereographic projection which shows the positions of the small (x's) peaks for rotation plots at different tip angles is given in Figure 18. The peaks occur when B is in the (001) and they are due to open orbits in the [001]. Referring back to page 72 where a discussion of the tipping arrangement is given, when hZIFinZY > bc(cosY + siny)2 such a peak can occur. The slight dip which occurs when B is in (100) for both AuGaI and II is probably due to a small number of electrons making open orbits due to magnetic breakdown. In both samples, the current direction makes an angle of 90° with respect to the [100] direction and thus the magnetoresistance should saturate if there are a significant number of open orbits. Since no saturation occurs, there are not a large number of open orbits excited. In addition, the dip is not observed until high fields are reached and the depth increases as the field increases; both effects suggest magnetic breakdown leading to a small number of open orbits. AuGa is thus seen to be a compensated compound whose FS supports open orbits in the [001]. The open orbits extend for a complete 180° angular region. Other high symmetry directions such as [100], [110], and [101] do not support open orbits and the [010] direction could not be checked for open orbits because a = 0 for AuGaI and a = 57° for AuGaII. A sample with current direction of about 90° from [010] would be needed to check for open orbits in the [010]. A Harrison construction was done to determine if the NFE model agreed with the observed topology of the FS. A 86 computer programI46) written by J. Longo for Cl(CaF2) struc- tures was adapted for AuGa. The program plots the intersec- tion of the Fermi spheres which are centered on reciprocal lattice points with planes perpendicular to some specified field direction. By varying the height and direction of the planes, the FS can be determined. A NFE model was used with 16 electron per unit cell which gave a kf of 1.5 110 A’l. The lattice parameters used were those determined by Jan‘ls) at liquid He temperature. Planes perpendicular to [100] and [001] were taken at .1 A-1 in- tervals. The height of the unit cell in these directions is about 1.00 A-l. Table XI contains some important FS para- meters for AuGa. The F8 in both directions is quite similar since the lat- tice constants differ by only 2%. The first three bands are completely occupied in these directions and there is F8 in the 4th through 12th bands. The 4th, 5th, and 6th bands are comprised of small hole-like regions while the 7th band has large hole-like orbits. The 10th and 11th are electron-like and there is a very small electron-like region for the 12th band. The 8th and 9th bands are electron sheets and contain the open orbit regions. For B||[001] and B||[100] open orbits run in the [100] and [001] respectively for at least half of the Brillouin zone volume. Thus, the open orbits in the [001] are consistent with the experimental topology but the [100] directed open orbits are not. The Harrison construction just discussed was done assuming 87 a single zone scheme. However, the B31 structure has glide planes and screw axes which introduce structure factors of zero value. The structure factor in x—ray diffraction is a geometric factor which depends on the positions of the atoms in the unit cell of the crystal. The structure factor S is given by S(hk2) = g fjexp[-2ni(ujh+vjk+wj2)] (34) where fj corresponds to the scattering power of the jth atom which is located at position [uvw] in the unit cell and hkl are the Miller indices. The amplitude of the scattered x-rays is proportional to S*S. Thus, if S = 0, there is no reflec- tion from the (hkz) plane. This is a very common occurrence in x-ray diffraction. The potential energy of an electron in a periodic crys- tal can be written V(E) = Z va1E-E) 2 where E is a lattice vector and Va(r-E) is the potential about an individual atomic site. Since V(E+E) = V(E) V(r) can be written as a Fourier series V(E) = Z VelG°r G where __ _ - -i?§-E - VG - 9 I V(r)e dr 88 G is a reciprocal lattice vector. In the case of a lattice with a basis v 12-1—6) (35) where b is a vector from the origin of a unit cell to the atomic positions. The Fourier component V is obtained by G inverting Equation (35) 1 — — — -ia.; .- VG = 5 X Z I Va(r—2—b)e dr 2 b (36) = ‘é-E vG N f Va(r)e drsG where SG is the structure factor and is given by -1§.S SG = X e (37) 6 This structure factor is proportional to the structure factor for x-ray diffraction and both terms result from the atomic positions within the unit cell. As an electron approaches a Bragg plane in the recipro- cal lattice it will be reflected if there is an energy gap across the plane. The energy gap is proportional to VG' G is zero, VG is also zero and the electron doesn't undergo Bragg reflection. Such a condition leads to multiple Thus, if S zone Schemes if the structure factor is equal to zero across an entire plane comprising a boundary of a Brillouin zone. The electrons cross the boundary as though it wasn't there since the energy difference across the plane is zero. 89 Structure factors of zero value do not ensure that the energy gap across a Bragg plane is zero since spin-orbit coupling and other relativistic effects can break the de- generacy in energy, especiably in the case of heavy metals. The most notable example of this is the work of Falicov and Cohen‘47) who were able to explain the magnetoresistance data taken on Mg and Zn by calculating the energy gap across the (0001) plane of the Brillouin zone due to spin-orbit coupling. Advanced group theory can give some information in the case of spin-orbit coupling. One can in principle determine whether or not a degeneracy is broken by spin-orbit coupling. However, the magnitude of the energy difference, if there is a difference, between bands cannot be calculated by group theoretical methods. Double groups are used and in the case of non-symmorphic space groups the application of the theory is not trivial. Magnetic breakdown (MB) can cause a Brillouin zone to go from a single zone at low fields to a double zone at high fields since the electrons may have a high probability of crossing the Bragg plane if the gap is small and the magnetic field is large. The probability of an electron making such an interband transition is where Bc is the critical field for magnetic breakdown and is given by K ezch Bc = —EHEE—— f nan in; 5U- p: «G 90 where K is a numerical factor of order unity, 69 is the band gap, mH is the cyclotron mass and ef is the Fermi energy. In a field of B I 100 kG there is appreciable magnetic break- 9 down if Eg ~ 0.1 eV (assuming cf 2 10 eV). Thus MB is a complicating factor. In the case of AuGa there are seven wavevectors which have zero structure factor in the first octant and magni- tude less than or nearly equal to 2 kf. They are [100], [010], [001], [110], [012], [300], and [003]. A Harrison construc- tion was made assuming a double zone scheme in either the [100] or [010] direction. The open orbits remained for both the [100] and [001]. Thus a double zone scheme does not ex- plain the data. It is possible that some combination of zero value structure factors gives a FS which has the correct topology but such a combination is very difficult to hypo- thesize and the Brillouin zone in such a case would be quite complicated. To summarize, the FS of AuGa as constructed by the Har- rison method assuming a NFE model with 16 electrons per unit cell does not give the correct topology of the experimentally determined FS. A double zone scheme assuming that the energy gap across the (010) or (001) is zero, also does not conform to the topology. Thus, the NFE model does not seem to work. ‘Ian.et al(15) were also not able to fit their deA data to a NFE model . 91 AuPb2 AuPb has the C16 (CuAlz) structure which is body cen- 2 tered tetragonal with space group Dig —I 4/mmm. The unit cell contains 6 atoms and Figure 21 shows the conventional cell of AuPb which contains 12 atoms. The lattice con- 2 (29) at room temperature are a = 7.325 A and c = 5.655 A stants which makes c/a = 0.772. Figure 22 shows how the magnitude and definition of the transverse magnetoresistance voltage across the sample changes with the strength of the magnetic field. The upper most curve was taken with the Keithley 147 on the 10 uV range while the remaining curves were taken on the 30 “V range. As the field increases and more of the electrons enter the high field re- gion, the sharpness of the dips increases as does the height of the maxima. The signals are much easier to interpret in the high field (~80 - 100 kG) range and these graphs show the advantage of using such fields. Figure 23 to Figure 27 show the field dependence of the transverse (¢ = 0) MR at various values of w. The quantity m is calculated from %B-= aBm. The value of m is seen to be greater than 1 for mgst field directions and these directions are general directions, i.e., not parallel to a major crys- tal axis or direction and not in a major crystallographic plane. Also, the sharp dips, as will be explained later, occur when B is in a major crystallographic plane. Such be- havior of the MR means that AuPb is a compensated compound 2 92 1 cell of Ausz. iona Convent Figure 21. 93 0x 0x 0x 0x .HNQmflfl. HOW m MO m®5dm> wSOHHm> HON sum Em 2% F 3:. 2: H Nam; mmmmwmo 2. cm. a, } .T .m> 33> .mm musmflm b? p (8)/\ SUN“ AthHllBHV 94 AuszI 2 5 — :4 fl1i:6 / W\\ 20 — \\ {x 1"“, m= l4 1' I I k mzlfl}f\\ ‘ We 99KG ’/ I | 5 J\ //\ fl . . \ [5P I\ )2, \ ‘ \v I \W “' k \‘ . ‘fl 8 (II/V I0 I K m=l0 m=o.7"‘ I "Fl-0 B=89KG m= -O.9 5 _ I.— l l o 90 I80 41 IN DEGREES figure 23. Ap/po vs. 0 for AuPbZI. IFigure 24. Ap/po VS. 95 W l _ 90 IP IN DEGREES for AuPbZII. ISO 96 AP 8 5 .- )— F' | _. l J 0 90 IBO ‘PIN DEGREES Figure 25. Ap/po vs. w for AuPbZIV. '3 Figure 26. S. Ap/oo V . 1 m= |.3 m=l.5 m= LB B‘BBKG m3“ m=l.0 AuszI i r— t I I 0 90 I80 WIN DEGREES w for AuPbZV. 98 % 25 - ml=l.4 =l.4 m=l.4 In m=l.6 ‘ /\E\ l/‘A ”FHA News“; 2° AN \ (\V m=l.3 I 5— M\ m= I21 8= 3: KG m=l.0 L2 m=|.2 0 m=|.| 5 .— | J j I o 90 |80 w IN DEGREES Figure 27. Ap/po vs. up for AuPb VI. 2 99 which has a FS which supports open orbits. In order to determine the directions of the open orbits, the samples were tipped with respect to their initial trans- verse positions through various angles (¢) as was explained previously. A stereographic projection was used to plot the position of the minima as the sample was tipped and then ro- tated through 180°. Figure 28 shows the MR data for various tip angles. The negative sign for the tip angle ¢ means that the magnetic field moves clockwise with respect to the sample. Figure 29 is a stereographic projection of all the minima observed for .AuszI. The dash lines show the motion of the magnetic field with respect to the crystal axis. The small x's are tflle position of the minima. The appropriate minima are con— ruected together to form a plane and the direction of the open cxrbit in k-space is found normal to that plane. Figures 30 and 31 show the stereographic projections for tile other four crystals. The dashed lines have been omitted e)tcept for the ¢ = 0° and 90° lines. The position of the dips 1111 the Figures 23 to 27 can be followed in these stereographic E>1§ojections with the following changes: for AuszII, AuszIV arid AuszV start at the right hand side of the figure, 180° f1:0mBo and go toward Bo along the ¢ = 0 line. For AuszI and 1\11Pb2VI the starting point is 30' which is the usual manner of Epilotting the data. The reasons for the exception is that the (iiata shown in Figures 24, 25, 26 was taken with the samples rt\Qunted 180° from the position used in taking data for the stereo- Slraphic projections, Figures 28 and 29. V(B) ARBITRARY UNITS V(B) ARBITRARY UNITS Figure 28. 100 8-99 kG TIP ANGLE ..L_ o 3pV .35. T -30- -24° 0 9b I80 YIN DEGREES (a) AUPDZ I B-99 kG ._L 3!” "Roman "'1" -72° r -a4- I 0 910 I80 YIN DEGREES (b) V(B) vs. w for various values of ¢ for AuPbZI. 101 Figure 29. Stereographic projection showing minima for AuPb I. 2 102 dun u a. __.-__-;__e_I, fimn\ '.(IIOI O 0 ._____. .Vnn mm (b) Figure 30. Stereographic projection of HFMR results for (a) AuPbZII and (b) AuszIV. 103 AUPDZY Figure 31. Stereographic projection of HFMR results for (a) AuPbZV and (b) AuPbZVI. 104 The directions of the open orbits are indicated by $ on the stereograms. The symbol (xxx) indicates a broad min- imum. Table XII summarizes the directions of the open orbits found in the five samples. Note that there are many open orbit directions and that some open orbits are seen in some samples but not others. The reason for this is the cosza factor in the HFMR which may obscure open orbits in compen- sated materials unless a is close to 90°. However, some open orbits still show up when a is as small as 45°, see column 2 of Table XII. The major directions supporting open orbits are the <100>, <101>, <110>, <112> and <211>. The [001] could not be adequately tested for open orbits since a was generally too small, the largest value being 60° for AuPb VI. A ster- 2 eographic projection showing the major open orbit directions, their corresponding planes, and the current directions Of the samples tested is shown in Figure 32. The <100>, <112>, <211>, and <101> open orbits occur whenever B is anywhere in the corresponding planes. The <110> open orbits could not be entirely tested to see if the open orbits result when B was at any position in the {110}. There was a dip in the MR for B in the {110} up until 20° from [001] but experimental limitation prohibited investigation of the remaining 20°. The Bravais lattice of AuPb2 is body centered tetragonal and a primitive cell can be generated by the following vectors, 105 Table XII. Open Orbit Direction in Ausz Angle Between Current and Direction* Open Orbit Direction Sample [100] 80 I [I12] 54 [112] 63 [5111 as [021] 84 [441] 65 [100] 78 II [011] 87 [2111' 83 [302] 57 [010] 75 IV [100] 81 [110] 73 [110] 86 [121] 78 I511] 56 [130] 77 [100] 75 v [110] 77 [011] 73 [ial] 66 [211] 86 Table XII (cont'd.) 106 Angle Between Current and Direction* Open Orbit Direction Sample [010] 83 VI [110] 60 [011] 73 E“; [01I] 59 t [112] 86 E [112] 45 *Direction in reciprocal or k—space. 107 / ll20 ’ Oll ‘0 OT Figure 32. Stereogram showing (a) open orbit directions, (b) current directions, J, of samples and (c) planes corresponding to open orbit directions. 108 E1 = g (i + j) + g-E E2 = %'(i + j) - g-k E3=§({-5)-§IE The reciprocal lattice vectors are 1 R1 = -2n I; + g) §2=21r (§i+%) fi3=§1(-i+5) The reciprocal lattice is also body centered tetragonal but the square base of the reciprocal lattice is rotated by 45° about the c axis; Figure 33 shows the situation. The Brillouin zone is constructed by taking the recipro- cal lattice vectors and bisecting them with planes. The faces of the zone are formed by the planes which are closest to the origin in the direction under consideration. Figure 34 shows the Brillouin zone for AuPbZ. Note that the <110> and <101> in the reciprocal lattice are perpendicular to the zone faces but the <100> and <001> are not. The maximum height of the zone in the [001] is .8873:1 as compared to 1.111 A-1 which is §* and thus reciprocal space is filled by placing the zones next to each other in the <110> in the KxKy plane but shifted from each other when stacked in the K2 direction. In constructing a topological model for the open orbits using cylinders which have their axes along the open orbit 109 REAL SPACE RECIPROCAL SPACE r v- a) "xa. . o ~e’ \y i . 3:1 622:” 6:361; 95 7T WT t a :1- k— 20"'--II_L Jé Figure 33. Real and reciprocal lattice cells of AuPbZ. 110 Figure 34. Brillouin zone of AuPb . Vectors correspond to directions in k—space. 111 direction, it is evident that the cylinder axes should be per- pendicular to the Brillouin zone faces. This ensures that the open orbits are periodic and continue uninterrupted in- definitely when viewed in the periodically repeated zone scheme. The obvious choice of cylinder directions consistent with the experimentally determined FS topology are the <110> and <101>. There can be no cylinders in other directions which are perpendicular to zone faces. The maximum possible diameter of the cylinder was calcu- lated to be .97 A-1 for the <110> cylinders. The <100> open orbits can be generated by the <110> cylinders. If B is taken to be in the (100), the planes J.B cut the <110> cylin- der making an angle of 45° with the <110>. If the diameter of the cylinders is large enough, there will be no gap of unfilled space as one goes from the intersection of one cylin- der with the plane J.B to the other intersection and thus a band of open orbits is generated in the [100], see Figure 35. The <112> open orbits can be generated by the <101> cylinders. If the electron first moves along the [101] cylinder and then changes to a [011] cylinder in the next zone and then back to the [101] cylinder and so on, the net motion is in the [112]. The <21l> open orbits can be produced by alternate use of the <110> and <101> cylinders. A check was made to see if the NFE model gave results consistent with the experimentally determined FS topology. The Harrison construction program mentioned previously was worked out for AuPb2 using the room temperature lattice 112 LL .~ ..........H..M.«.......¢....u. (5' I? r ’9 b..'. b so... Mourns Moor .., floor ”'4' ”04' ”'4. 4.».267493054, C” 4.20745” S'hilf'lbfihfflh OOI _. O 0 II Em DI OR 0 <110> cylinders generating <100> open orbits. Figure 35. 113 parameters and assuming 18 electrons per unit cell. 1A single zone scheme was used although there are glide planes and screw axes for this structure which mean many zero valued structure factors. The results obtained by the construction were consistent with the experimental data. For B parallel to [110] open in orbits running in the [110] were found in the tenth band for z = o to z = .15 A'l. Also, for B 55° from [110] but still in the (110), open orbits were found in the tenth band run- ning in the [110]. For B in (010) and perpendicular to the [101], open orbits were found in the ninth band from Z = .3 to z = .45 8.1. AuPb2 cannot yet be said to be NFE-like since these re- sults were only for a few field directions. However, the results are encouraging and once the deA measurements are obtained, the NFE model can be tested thoroughly. To summarize: AuPb2 is a compensated compound in accord- ance with its even number of electrons per unit cell. The F5 is open, supporting open orbits in the <100>, <110>, <101>, <112>, <211> and other higher order planes. The Brillouin zone geometry allows cylinders of open orbits in the <110> and <101> and these cylinders seem capable of explaining the occurrence of all the major open orbits observed. The NFE model constructed in a few high symmetry directions is con- sistent with the <110> and <101> directed open orbits. 114 Ausz Ausz has the C15 (MgCuz) structure which is face cen- tered cubic with space group 0; — Fd3m. There are 6 atoms per unit cell. Figure 36 shows the conventional cell with 24 atoms. The lattice constant is 27.93 A as reported by Hansen.(3l) There has been some controversy about the stability and crys- (31) tal structure of Ausz. Hansen states that data concern- ing the cold working of Ausz "indicates that Ausz is un- stable below some unknown temperature." Our Laue x-ray photo- graphs taken after the crystals have been cycled between room temperature and 4.2°K are identical. Also, photographs of the same samples taken many months apart are identical al- though the surface of the samples tarnish after a couple of days and must be repolished in order to obtain good photo- graphs. Figures 37 and 38 show how the MR signal increases with the magnitude of the magnetic field B for two of the samples tested. The top curve in Figure 37 (B = 21.7 kG) was taken with the Keithley 147 on the 30 uV range while the other data was taken on the 100 uV range. Figures 39 to 43 show plots of the HFMR for the remaining samples tested and give the value of the coefficient m at various points. The data, especially the data for Au PbIIb which has the highest RRR, indicate that 2 the FS of Ausz supports open orbits. The fact that the FS supports open orbits is most clear- ly demonstrated by Figure 40. The field dependence of the 115 Conventional cell of Ausz. Figure 36. 116 AoZPb I W 2L7 k6 W 44.8% (D E: Z 3 )- tfi 70.0kG a: t: 92 96.0 k6 'd E >' O 90 |80 9 IN DEGREES Figure 37. V(B) vs. w for various values of B for AuszI AuZPb'JI :2 2 8L5 RG 2) ). fi 66JkG a: |— a V 5 3"” ,. ‘T" 47.6 RG 9 V :> o 90 ' l80 v IN DEGREES Figure 38. V(B) vs. w for various values of n for AuszII. 117 Ausz Ib 2 O '- m=l.0 '1 m=I 2 m=l.2 =99KG I 5 B=88KG V / A P / T _~. m= 0.8 mJOoG "1-0.9 m= 0.6 5 .- l .. l l O 90 l80 WIN DEGREES Figure 39. lip/po vs. up for AuszI. 118 AuszIEb A P m= L4 ‘4‘)... ‘ nn=l£1 m=l.3 B=99 KG /s=a4 nn=<3£5 f m=0.6 ' 1 1 O 9 0 ISO 4' IN DEGREES Figure 40. Ap/po vs. w for AuszIIb. 119 ? m- 0'9 m= 0.7 9 90 IBO * m DEGREES (a) B-99KG AP "- l _. AfifEII — m-LO for all directions 5 _ ' _ 1 I O 90 ISO 9 IN DEGREES (b) Figure 41. Ap/po vs. w for (a) AuszIII and (b) AuZPbV. 5. 120 AuszIE nwL3 2()t: UFK3 — "FL3 - /\ \ B=99KG l 5 - I— \\ B=B7KG [Lg — \I 3 F \V l O In=KJ 5 I I - I l O 90 I80 4' IN DEGREES Figure 42. Ap/po vs. w for AuszVI. AthbIDII m=I.3 m=|3 20 I' . : /‘ B=99KG - tn=L2 \ ' / s-G7KG ‘- . .5; p. \ R \ / I J , 46E. i fl/~\ Kkj/ ~13: / ' ‘ , IO -U U :\j rn=LO m=Q8 _ I- m-O.5 5 : m=0.6 I b I L O 90 ISO W IN DEGREES Figure 43. Ap/po vs. w for AuZPbVII. ‘E‘ 121 HFMR has values ranging from m = 1.5 to m = 0. Such an oc- currence can only be explained by the presence of open orbits. If the compound is compensated, the field dependence of the HFMR should approach 2 and m will 2 0 only if there are open orbits present. On the other hand, if Ausz is uncompen- sated, m should saturate for a general field direction and approach the value 2 when B is in a direction producing open orbits. Thus, whatever the state of compensation, Ausz has .1 I I. O a FS which supports open orbits. In order to determine the directions of the open orbits, the crystals were tipped through various angles ¢ and the positions of the minima plotted on a stereographic projec- tion. Figures 44 to 46 show the data for the Au PbIIb sample 2 and Figure 47 shows some data for AuszIb and Au PbIII while 2 Figures 48 and 49 show the stereographic projections. The symbols used in the stereographic projections are similar to those used for the AuPb2 samples. The X's desig- nate minima,j§( designates an open orbit direction, and the planes which connect the minima are drawn with dash lines. The principle directions and planes are drawn with solid lines and are taken from the Laue x-ray photographs. There was no way of aligning the Laue photographs with some charac- teristic minima as was done for the AuPb2 samples. Looking at the stereographic projections, it is evident that the minima lie on planes but the planes do not corres- pond to the major crystallographic planes, {100}, {110}, 122 AuszIIb 8-85 KG /f\\ l/P\ E%§E \ fl“ WI / fi I 1 I “ 4&5 ./ .‘f/é \|‘\\ I W E 1]) AM, \ \Il-ll' éhj—nao v: \V/\ 'J/ \j- 5.5 g n—[E‘QH'I‘ I: i’ \ INN T):— g / "”71". "J/ I/ :4. I] .‘ o r—zERo o 1 1 o «r lav + (a) A bIIb 33.6 /A\ ’f\ A AEELE J \ / \ [VV\ / :f'a5 ‘ p I l/ I / U V p/ d m VA I: r: : ' C / ' T g 2ER0I6L1/\\\\' \I / \ ' E 'IJ J I ‘V,’ V E I {I I / \ g ZERD n/- I/ ‘J \j 55 - ZERO 55‘ 1 L o- «r uGo-, (b) Figure 44. V(B) vs. w for tip angles ¢$|16.5°|. ‘Figure 45. 123 W81 ARBITRMY UNITS 2 3 *IE F AuszIIb ANGLE n- ZER U x/ I V(B) ARBITMRY UNIT 8 tZERO 22' o. I J L33. QM“ J 90' (b) M‘f :ZEBQZZ 1 1— 0° 90° IOO' w (a) A bIb 3 “6 Tm ¢ v ,1 m A W \/ g: V T 1 mo' v V(B) vs. w for tip angles ¢5|33°|. Figure 46. V(B) 124 AuZPbIL'b 3:87 KG TIP ANGLE m .— i 55. D E \j/\/ 4 E O 5 § . .' > t-z R055° W 66' UV ZERO 66’ 1 1 0‘ 90° IBO' 1! (a) h Au PbIIb a-a7xe TIP /\ J Wf‘N/VJ / ‘9" -44' m: Q9. A \A/xf/ \U A .5 -385- U W _.: p—ZERO44 A?” WIARBITRARY UNITS m... L. "$0.... o- 90° ' (b ) vs. w for tip angles ¢$|66°|. 125 AflfiapbjIE B=IOO kG TIP A‘GGLE a. I? .2 - 'z' 3 > no ° ‘3: ~. E 65 25° tr 4 a so ° 5 .J— IOpV T D 90 ISO YIN DEGREES (a) Ausz Ib B-IOO kG m ANGLE IOZV m r.- z D ). D: <1 G: .— _ tr 4 90"” I80 ‘1’ IN DEGREES (13) Figure 47. V(B) vs. w for various values of ¢ for (a) AuszIII and (b) AuszIb. 1.— 128 , and <112>. Thus the open orbit directions do not lie along the symmetry axes in the crystal as would be expected. Faced with such a development, the positions of the maxima were plotted since if the compound was uncompensated the open orbits would be manifested by maxima rather than minima. Two such attempts, for AuszIIb and AuZPbVII gave worse results than plotting the minima. The data obtained by tipping the crystal is thus hard to . WGTW’ understand. However, the sharpness of the dips observed in 5' the AuZPbIIb sample strongly indicates that AuZPb is a com- pensated compound. Sharp dips can only be observed in an uncompensated compound when B is in a singular field direction. Such directions are the <100>, , and possibly <110> for a cubic structure. The sharp dips are observed in direc- tions other than those just given and Au2Pb must be compensated. The stereographic projections do show some consistent patterns. The direction of the open orbit lies on a plane which is formed by minima associated with another open orbit. Most of the open orbit directions lie close to 90° from the current direction but their directions seem to be random al- though AuZPbIIb seems to have an open orbit in the and <100>. One systematic trend not shown on the stereographic pro- jections can be seen from the raw data. Figure 47a which shows the MR signal for AuszIII at various D, shows the dis- appearance of a minima as the tip angle increases. Figure 45b and Figure 46b also show minima which get rather shallow 129 compared to the minima at tip angles on either side. Such behavior, one or more deep minima which gets very shallow for certain tip angles but is relatively deep for other tip angles, has been observed for all of the crystals which have been studied by the tip method (AuszV was not studied) ex- cept for AuszII - not to be confused with AuszIIb which is a different sample. However, the positiOn of this shallow dip varies from sample to sample. There are some very puzzling anomalies aside from the open orbit directions. The HFMR of AuszII is shown in Figure 38 for ¢ = 0. This sample was also measured for var- ious other angles of ¢, although the data is not shown. The data for all tip angles was lacking in the characteristic four minima pattern of the other samples. This crystal, AuszII, and AuZPbIIb were cut from the same sample. The initial sample was approximately 1/8" in diameter and 4" in length. Both samples were cut with the current axis approx- imately parallel to the sample axis. The difference between the current directions of the two samples should not be more than 5°. However, the HFMR is drastically different. A small difference in current directions can produce results which differ markedly (SnI45) is an example), yet it is dif- ficult to understand why this type of behavior occurs in Ausz. Another sample showing anomalous behavior is AuZPbV. Figure 41b shows the HFMR for ¢ = 0. This data also shows little anisotropy. The RRR of AuZPbV is not much different ‘n-nmwveaaawmur 130 from that of AuszIII, yet AuszIII shows characteristics of the other samples. No data was taken for AuZPbV at other values of ¢. In order to check that the sample holder was operating properly and that the voltage probes were aligned properly, rotation plots were taken with w going from 0 to ~270°. Such plots were taken on all three compounds studied. The data for the AuGa and AuPb2 (not shown) samples had the fol- mar-HEN lowing characteristics. The dips were observed to be sepa- rated by l80° i 2° as is expected. The magnitude of the sig- nal sometimes was observed to vary by about 10% for two posi— tions separated by 180°. This behavior indicates that the sample holder rotates about its AA' axis (see Figure 9)_L B. The difference in magnitude of the voltage signal is probably due to a slight difference in the magnitude of the field at the two positions or to probe misalignment. For the AuZPbIIb sample, Figures 50a and 50b show fea- tures which are unique. For ¢ = 0, the small dip seen in the first maximum is not repeated when w is 180° away. For ¢ = 11°, the entire appearance of the first peak is quite dif- ferent from its appearance 180° away. For ¢ = 37.5°, the dips and peaks are periodic in 180°. For ¢ = 22°, the first dip is fairly well reproduced 180° away, while the three dips at ~¢ = 115° are slightly distorted at w = 290°. The data for the sample indicates that Ausz is extraordinarily sensitive to the position of B, more so than either the AuGa or AuPb2 samples. V(B) ARBITRARY UNITS 0° 45° 90° 135° l80° 225° 270° VB) ARBITRARY UNITS l l l _1 l I o 1 o y 0‘ 45° 90° |35° I80" 225 270 9 (b) Figure 50. V(B) vs. I for AuszIIb for (a) ¢ = 0°, 11° and (b) ¢ = 22°, 37.5°. 132 The cause of such anomalous behavior can only be of a speculative nature at this time. The validation of the fol- lowing explanation requires additional data on samples with current directions of high symmetry. 1. In Figures 51a to 51d, the stereograms showing open orbit directions for four different cubic FS topologies are I given. The darkened regions are field directions giving rise E: to aperiodic open orbits and the planes connecting these re- 5‘ gions are field directions which produce periodic open orbits. f« The undarkened areas are thus regions which support no open orbits, the so-called general field directions. These dia- (40) grams are taken from the paper by Lifshitz and Peschanski . Although J. T. Longo (46) has pointed out that the analyses underlying these diagrams is not of general validity, the dia- grams do illustrate points which are of general validity and these points are the ones which will be discussed. First, open orbits are produced when E lies in a high symmetry plane or when B is near a high symmetry axis. How- ever, if the diameter of the cylinders which serve as the model for calculating the open orbit directions is varied, the area of the darkened regions will vary. Figure 51d shows a diagram where almost 3/4 of the field directions produce open orbits. By varying the diameters of the cylinders, the other diagrams could also be made to have greater open orbit producing regions. Now, in a compensated material Ap/po ~ B2 cosza where a 133 (b) (a) nt cubic FS topologies. and Peschanski, Ref. 40). (c) it directions for four differe (From Lifshitz 51. Open Figure 134 is the angle between the open orbit direction in k—space and the current direction. In a region where there are aperiodic open orbits, the direction of the open orbit is determined by the line of intersection of the plane.1.B with the plane perpendicular to the symmetry direction about which the aper- iodic region is formed. Since a will not in general be equal to 90°, the open orbit may be difficult to pick out in a com- pensated compound since both open and closed orbits will have a B2 dependence. As the regions supporting open orbits increase, as in Figure 51d, the difficulty of identifying two dimensional open orbit areas increases. It is not generally difficult to identify periodic open orbit directions, the lines or planes in Figure 50, but as the two dimensional regions increase in area, the one dimen- sional regions decrease and extend over a smaller angular region. If there are no aperiodic open orbit regions, the periodic open orbits will generally exist for the entire 180° angular region. However, when aperiodic open orbits exist, the angular region for periodic open orbits which connect two aperiodic regions can be as small as 10° as in Figure 50d. Thus even periodic open orbits can be difficult to identify when the extent of the aperiodic open orbit region is large. Thus, a possible explanation of the data on AuZPb is that the FS of Ausz is such that there are very large areas of aperiodic open orbits formed which make the identification of the open orbit directions difficult. 2. A second possibility is the charge wave theory of 135 Overhauser which was proposed to explain anomalies in the HFMR of potassium.(48) This theory has evoked mixed reactions and it is still on relatively uncertain ground. Briefly, the theory assumes that a charge density wave of wave vector 6, (JQI > 2kf) exists and that 5 can be oriented by an ex- ternal magnetic field. Since |Q| > Zkf, the charge density periodicity does not change the connectivity of the FS. How— ever, additional energy gaps appear due to beat or heterodyne periods arising from the interaction of the charge-density and lattice periods. These additional energy gaps are produced primarily at k vectors which satisfy the equation i=2"§hk2 : Q where éhkl is a reciprocal lattice vector. Since these addi- tional energy gaps depend on the orientation of 5, which in turn depends on the external magnetic field direction, the trajectories which the electrons follow will not only depend on the FS but will also depend on the orientation of the mag- netic field. The charge density wave theory could thus explain the non-symmetry direction for the open orbits as well as the fact that no two experimentally determined open orbit direc- tions coincided with each other. 3. Magnetic breakdown (MB) can produce many strange ef- fects. Electrons undergoing closed orbits can form open tra- jectories because of MB and vice versa. The quantity which is usually most affected by MB is the field dependence of the HFMR. No dramatic changes of field dependence have 136 been observed, but magnetic breakdown manifests itself in so many subtle ways that it cannot be ruled out as a contributing factor to the present problems. The prediction of what ef- fects MB may produce when the Fermi surface is unknown is extremely difficult. 4. It is possible that the HFMR depends drastically on the composition of the samples. Since Ausz is a peritectic alloy, the composition of the initial samples varied over a region of ~10 at.%. Also, as the crystals were being grown, concentration gradients were undoubtedly produced along the length of the samples. Thus, if the width of the line at composition Ausz in the phase diagram is of finite size, say 1 or 2 at.%, and varies with temperature, the concentra- tions of the various samples used could have been different. Now, one must show how this difference in composition can alter the HFMR. One possible effect is the following. Suppose that the FS of AuZPb just misses making contact with a Brillouin zone face. If, by altering the composition of the compound, more electrons per atom can be introduced, as would happen if Pb atoms replaced some Au atoms, then the FS could be made to touch the zone face and thus produce open orbits. Thus, the FS would be either open or closed depending on the concentra- tion of the samples. However, such an argument does not ex- plain the non-symmetry directions for the open orbits since the Brillouin zone faces are perpendicular to symmetry axes and thus the open orbit directions should be in symmetry 137 directions. 5. There is a finite possibility that the crystal struc- ture of AuZPb is not cubic at 4.2°K. A martensitic transfor- mation could occur at low temperature and the resulting crys- tal structure could be a non-cubic structure. The HFMR data depends on the geometry of the lattice and thus the data would not show cubic symmetry. There are two facts which seem to indicate that a mar- tensitic transformation does not occur. First, the AuZPb samples have a relatively high RRR indicative of high crystal- line perfection. A phase change would probably produce poly- crystals and grain boundaries in the sample and these imper- fections would lower the RRR appreciably. Secondly, since the Laue photographs are identical after recycling between room and liquid He temperature, the phase change would also have to produce crystals which have the same orientation as the initial samples. Such occurrences seem unlikely. 6. There is a possibility that the data is an arti- fact of the measurement procedure. Since the solder used to attach the voltage leads does alloy with the sample, the HFMR data may be an indication of probe effects. The possibility cannot be entirely ruled out, but the similarities in the data for different samples would seem to make it an unlikely ex- planation. To summarize, Ausz is a compensated compound and its FS supports open orbits. The direction of the open orbit do not 138 seem to run in symmetry directions which is at variance from the expected behavior. There are some consistencies in the data but there are also anomalies. Some possible explana- tions have been proposed and evaluated, but the verification of these ideas requires more experimental work. VII. CONCLUSIONS The F5 topology of three compounds, AuGa, AuPb2 and AuZPb, has been studied by HFMR. Each compound represents a crystal structure which has previously not been investigated if‘1 by HFMR. Since most intermetallic compounds have an even ~ number of atoms per unit cell, the compounds will most like- ly be compensated. The three compounds studied in this re— search were found to be compensated and the experimental pro- cedures and techniques used in this research should serve as a guide to further study of compensated compounds. The F8 topology of AuGa cannot be explained by a NFE model assuming Au contributes l electron/atom and Ga 3 electrons/atom. There are open orbits in the [001] but no open orbits in the [100], even though the lattice constant differs by only 2% for the two directions. The NFE model gives open orbits in both directions which is at variance with the experimentally determined directions. A double zone scheme was also tried but again the NFE model did not give results consistent with the experimental findings. The F8 of AuGa is thus not NFE-like. It is possible that the FS touches the Brillouin zone face in the [001] but not in the [100]. The necks in the [001] direction could pro- duce the open orbits Observed while their absence in the [100] would explain the fact that there are no open orbits in the 139 140 [100]. The distortion of the F8 from the NFE sphere would be similar to the neck distortion observed in the noble metals Au, Ag, and Cu. Another explanation for the non-NFE like behavior is that there is chemical binding effects not taken into account by the NFE model. The F5 topology of Ausz has been investigated in some depth with the [001] being the only major crystallographic direction not able to be tested for open orbits. Open orbits were found in the <100>, <110>, <101>, <112>, and <211> in k-space as well as some other higher order directions. A model of the Ausz open FS is proposed which consists of cylinders running in the <110> and <101> in k-space. This model seems capable of explaining all the major open orbit directions. The Harrison construction was performed for a few magnetic field directions; 18 electrons per unit cell were assumed. The results of the construction are in agreement with the experimentally observed <110> and <101> open orbits. Thus the FS of AuPb2 may be explained in terms of the NFE model, however, more work is needed before the NFE model can be verified. The Ausz results are difficult to interpret. The open orbit directions appear to be along non-symmetry directions which is different from the expected behavior. Possible ex- planations for these peculiar results are proposed. The high degree of crystalline perfection attained in the Ausz and AuPb2 samples makes them attractive candidates for study by the deA method. The results of the deA yw.* - n. i. 141 measurements would detenmine whether AuPb2 is NFE like. Also, these measurements could clear up the anomalous behavior ob- served in Ausz. LIST OF REFERENCES 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. LIST OF REFERENCES A. C. Thorsen and T. G. Berlincourt, Nature, London 192, 959 (1961). 53, 2357 (1964). I J.-P. Jan, W. B. Pearson, and M. Springford, Can. J. Phys. 1. D. J. Sellmyer, J. Ahn, and J.-P. Jan, Phys. Rev. 161, h 618 (1967). J.-P. Jan, W. B. Pearson, and Y. Saito, Proc. Roy. Soc. A297, 275 (1967). J.-P. Jan, W. B. Pearson, Y. Saito, M. Srpingford, and I. M. Templeton, Phil. Magn. 12, 1271 (1965). J. T. Longo, P. A. Schroeder, and D. J. Sellmyer, Phys. Rev. 182, 658 (1969). J. Ahn and D. J. Sellmyer, Phys. Rev. B 1, 1273 (1970). S. M. Marcus and D. C. Donohue, Phys. Rev. 183, 668 (1969). D. L. 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In using this approximation it is assumed that if the distribution function f differs from the equilibrium Fermi function f0, then it will decay exponentially in time to £0. The Boltzman equation can then be solved for J and the solution is given by E(u) = ate-GUIu eau'v(u')du' where 1 1 a = lelBT - wchH The conductivity tensor becomes 2 mn 2n w Oij “I3 87 I ”CIIO (oviw'kzh’jh‘ I1 )9 dudu }dkz which is the Shockley tube integral. This integral is appli- cable in both high and low fields. In high fields where 146 147 wct >> 1 and the periodicity of the electron orbits allows for simplication, the coefficients of the conductivity tensor can be calculated if the velocity of the electrons in k—space as well as the variation of the relaxation 1(a) is known at each point on the electron orbits. V APPENDIX B The Superconducting Magnet A RCA Type SM2830 superconducting magnet which is capable of reaching 103 kG was used to produce the magnetic field. The magnet is made from Nb3Sn superconducting rib- bons and the magnet has a usable bore of slightly greater than 1.5". The magnet could be swept at a rate of 2A/min up to 72A and then at a rate of 1A/min up to 89A, the maximum current rating. The magnetic field was measured by a magneto-resistive coil which is permanently wound on the bore in the center of the magnet. The magnetoresistor was calibrated by Dr. G. J. Edwards and Dr. P. A. Schroeder using NMR measurements on H1, F19 and A127. DHvA measurements on potassium provided field profiles. The position of the maximum magnetic field was found to be within 0.1" from the geometric center of the magnet at 98 kG. All measurements indicate that the field at the center of the magnet is axial. The symmetry of the field in the radial direction was also checked by C. K. Chiang and found to be symmetric to within experimental error. As a final check, the HFMR cryostat was rotated by 120°, and 240°, about the axis of the magnet. The HFMR of the AuPbZI sample was 148 mmrmlw 149 taken with w varying from 0° to 200° for all three direc- tions. The three plots were identical, showing sharp dips at exactly the same value of w. Thus the magnetic field has very little asymmetry at the center of the magnet. I" :2. -II If MTIIINIEIIIJ‘IEI[[IITIIIIJLIIIIIII”