THE GENUS 0F CARTES'ANI PRODUCTS OF GRAPHS Thesis for the Degree of Ph. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY ARTHUR THOMAS WHITE II 1969 This is to certify that the thesis entitled THE GENUS OF CARTESIAN PRODUCTS OF GRAPHS presented by Arthur Thomas White II has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D. degree inmics £%.7ZM'W Major professor Date July 25, 1969 0-169 3 Michigan State you? Unive- Sit)’ —\ - assume av. 7 1; none a sous- ' ‘% nut-nay mum-c . ABSTRACT THE GENUS OF CARTESIAN PRODUCTS OF GRAPES By Arthur Thomas White II A graph G is said to have genus n if G can be imbedded in a compact orientable 2-manifold of genus n, where n is minimal. In 1968 Ringel and Youngs completed the determination of the genus of the complete graph on p vertices, and by doing so solved the long- standing Heawood map-coloring problem. There are very few other families of graphs for which the genus is known. The main purpose of this thesis is to determine the genus for several infinite families of graphs. The general method is to establish a lower bound for the genus of a given graph, usually by using a form of the Euler formula, and then to construct an imbedding of the graph that attains the lower bound. The construction often employs Edmonds' permutation technique. The structure of the cartesian product of two graphs suggests, in certain cases, a form that the desired construction might take. The first three chapters of this thesis introduce the subject, define basic terms and notation, and survey known results concerning genus problems in graph theory. In Chapter 4 upper and lower bounds for the genus of the cartesian product G sz in terms of the genera 1 of G1 and G2 are developed, and asymptotic results are established for the cases where G1 and G2 are both regular complete k-partite graphs. Arthur Thomas White II In Chapter 5 some general results are presented in connection with the genus of cartesian products of bipartite graphs. The techniques developed here are applied in Chapters 6 and 7, which contain some of the main results of this thesis. In Chapter 6 the genus of the cartesian product of the complete bipartite graph K2m,2m with itself is computed to be Y(K2m,2m¥K2m,2m) = l + 8m2(m-l). As an extension of this result, let (S) = . . (s) Q1 Ks,s and recur81vely define Qn it is shown that y(Q§S)) = l + 2n-33n(ns-4), for 3 even and n any = Q(S)xK for n 2 2. Then n-l 3,3 1 or 3 and n 2 2. natural number, or for 3 Repeated cartesian products of certain cycles and paths are taken in Chapter 7, and the corresponding genus formulae are developed. For example, with G = C and G for n 2 2, where mi 2 2 1 2m n " Gn-lxc2m 1 n n_2 n for i = 1, ..,n, it is shown that: v(Gn) = 1 + 2 (n-2) H mi. i=1 Complete tripartite graphs are investigated in Chapter 8, and it is shown that y(Kp q r) 2 (p-Zléq+r-2€} , where p 2 q 2 r, and that equality holds if q+r s 6. It is also shown that - Lam-22 (n- 1) ) - 2 Y O and [x] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x. The Heawood map-coloring conjecture was that equality always holds. In 1968 Ringel and Youngs [21] settled this long-standing conjecture in the affirmative by establishing an equivalent formula- tion in terms of the genus of the complete graph Kp with p vertices. To see the connection between these two problems, note that the dual of an imbedding of K.p on the surface of a sphere with v handles is a map in which each of the p countries shares a border with each of the other countries, so that x(SY) 2 p. Despite the intuitive appeal of the concept of the genus of a graph and its application to coloring problems such as those mentioned 1 above, there are very few non-trivial families of graphs for which the genus is known. The main purpose of this thesis is to extend the number of these families for which the genus is precisely determined. Definitions of terms which are basic to the study of genus problems in graph theory are given in Chapter 2, together with much of the notation that will be employed. In Chapter 3 a brief survey of known results on the genus of graphs is presented. Several elementary results are presented in Chapter 4, particularly those pertaining to the genus of cartesian products of graphs. Upper and lower bounds are established for the genus of the cartesian product Gle2 in terms of the genera of G and G . 1 2 Asymptotic results are developed for the cases where G1 and G2 are both regular complete k-partite graphs. In Chapter 5 some general results concerning the genus of cartesian products of bipartite graphs are presented. In Chapters 6 and 7 some of the main results of this thesis are developed. In Chapter 6 the genus of cartesian products of complete bipartite graphs is studied. The genera of cartesian products of cycles and paths are treated in Chapter 7. For several infinite families of graphs in each of these chapters, the genus is completely determined. In Chapter 8 the genus of the complete tripartite graph Kp,q,r is investigated. A lower bound is established, and it is shown that the lower bound is attained for some Special cases involving infinite families of complete tripartite graphs. CHAPTER 2 DEFINITIONS AND NOTATION In this chapter we define some of the terms which are fundamental to the study of genus problems in graph theory. We also present some of the notation that will be employed throughout this thesis. A gggph G is a set of vertices V(G) and a set E(G) of un- ordered pairs of vertices called gdggs. If the elements of E(G) are ordered pairs, G is called a directed graph. For vertices a and b in V(G), (a,b) represents the corresponding edge (if present) in E(G). If G is a directed graph, [a,b] denotes an edge directed from vertex a to vertex b. (This notation conforms to that employed by Youngs [27].) An edge of the type (a,a) is called a 1222. If any edge (a,b) appears more than once in E(G), G is said to be a multigraph. The graph G is called finite if V(G) and E(G) are both finite. In this thesis, unless otherwise stated, all graphs are assumed to be finite, connected, undirected, and without loops or multiple edges. The degree of a vertex is the number of edges to which the vertex belongs. The graph H is called a subgraph of the graph G if V(H) C V(G) and E(H) C E(G). The complement Glof a graph G is a graph having V(G) = V(G) and exactly those edges which are missing in G. The first Betti number (or Betti numbeg) for a graph G is defined to be E(G) = E - V +-1, where E and V denote the number of edges and vertices of C respectively. This number is also 3 frequently called the cyclomatic number of G. Additional terms from graph theory may be found in Harary [9]. For topological terms, one may consult Dugundji [5], Massey [13], and Spanier [22]. A graph may be thought of as a collection of vertices, some pairs of which are related to one another. It is when we attempt to give a geometric realization to a graph that we encounter imbedding problems. Any finite graph can be realized in Euclidean 3-space, but the situation becomes more involved if we insist that the imbedding occur in a 2-manifold. The graph G is said to be imbedded in the 2-manifold M if the geometric realization of G as a one-dimensional simplicial complex is homeomorphic to a subSpace of M. Equivalently, if G is a graph where V(G) = {v1,...,vn] and E(G) = {e1,...,em], an imbedding gf g1 M’is a subspace C(M) of M such that 604) = u vim u u ejcm. where (i) v1(M),...,vn(M) are n distinct points of M. (ii) e1(M),...,em(M) are m mutually disjoint open arcs in M. (iii) ej(M) n vi(M) = ¢, i = l,...,n; j = 1,...,m. (iv) if e = ( . v. ,v, ) then the Open arc e,(M) has v (M) J J1 32 J 11 and v. (M) as end points; k = l,...,m. 2 In the above definition, an arc in M is a homeomorphic image of the closed unit interval; an open arc is an are less its two end points, the images of O and 1. In the remainder of this thesis, we consider only compact, orientable 2-manifolds. We designate such a manifold by the term "surface". If a graph G is imbedded in a surface M of genus n but cannot be imbedded in any surface of lower genus, the imbedding is called minimal, and the BEERE.2£.EEE gggph_is defined to be n; we write v(G) = n. If V(G) = O, we say that G is planar. Given an imbedding of a graph G in a surface M, each component of the complement of G in M is called a fag; of the imbedding. If a face is homeomorphic to the open unit disk, it is said to be a 272311. If every face in an imbedding is a 2-cell, we say that we have a gfcell imbedding. The total number of faces for an imbedding is designated by F. For a 2-cell imbedding, Fi denotes the number of i-sided faces, and vi denotes the number of vertices of degree i. The imbedding is maximal if no other imbedding of the same graph has more faces. The vertices and edges of G which belong to the boundary of a given face are said to belong to the face itself. Given two graphs G1 and G2, the cartesian product Gle2 has for its vertex set V(Glez) = {[u1,u2]: u1 e V(Gl), uz e V(G2)} and for its edge set E(GlXGZ) = {([u1,u2], [v1,v2]): u1 v1 and (u2,v2) E E(GZ)’ V 2 2 and (u1,v1) E E(G1)}o OI'U It is often convenient to regard Gle as being constructed by re- 2 placiJng each vertex of G with an entire copy of G1, and then joining 2 each ¢:orreSponding pair of vertices in two copies of C1 by an edge in exactlly those cases for which the corresponding edge was present in G2- 6 2 the complete gpaph of order p and is denoted by KP. The complete The graph with p vertices and all(p) possible edges is called bipartite SEEEE Kp,q is the complement of the disjoint union of Kp and Kq. Similarly, the complete tripartite graph KP: ,r is the complement of the disjoint union of RP, Kq, and Kr' A 21213 of length n, denoted by Cn’ is a connected regular graph having n vertices of degree two. A pa£h_of length n, denoted by Pn’ is the graph Cn with one edge removed. The least integer greater than or equal to x is written as {XI- CHAPTER 3 A SURVEY OF KNOWN RESULTS In this chapter the known results concerning imbedding prob- lems in graph theory are surveyed, and the established formulae giving genera of graphs are listed. The 2-manifolds in which a given graph may be imbedded are understood to be compact orientable 2-manifolds. Such manifolds have been completely classified [13]. Classification Theorem. Compact orientable 2-manifolds are homeomorphic to Spheres or to Spheres with handles. For brevity, we refer to compact orientable 2-man1folds as surfaces. The genus Y of a surface may be regarded as the number of handles present. If the genus of a graph G is zero, the graph may be imbedded in the surface of a sphere, and is said to be planar. To see that such a graph may also be imbedded in the plane, take any point in the interior of any face of an imbedding of G in the sphere as the north pole and perform a stereographic projection of the sphere onto the plane. The image of G is a copy of G, now imbedded in the plane, with the image of the face con- taining the north pole forming the exterior region. In this manner graphs representing the five regular polyhedra, for example, may be pictured in the plane. The familiar Euler polyhedral formula has the following important generalization: 7 Theorem 2f Euler. Let F be the number of faces into which a Surface of genus v is separated by a 2-ce11 imbedding of a graph G, where V and E are the number of vertices and edges of C respectively. Then F+V=E+2(1-v). It is important to remember that we are assuming that G is finite, connected, undirected, and has no loops or multiple edges. The Euler formula is particularly useful in obtaining lower bounds for the genera of graphs. Another useful result, due to Youngs [27], is Stated next. Characterization Theorem. An imbedding of a graph G is minimal if and only if it is a maximal 2-ce11 imbedding. A major Significance of this result is that it establishes the applicability of the Euler formula to any minimal imbedding. A trivial consequence of Youngs' theorem is that any imbedding of a graph in the plane must be a 2-cell imbedding. That not all imbeddings in surfaces of higher genus are 2-cell imbeddings is evident from Figure 3.1, which shows a planar graph G imbedded in the torus, or Sphere with one handle. >7 ll a d ’I (1) b e (1) a (2) d (1) C f (1) >; b c e f G Figure 3.1 A planar graph imbedded in the torus. This imbedding has two faces, one of which (face number (2)) is a cylinder, and hence is not a 2-ce11. The imbedding is not minimal. Not only is the Euler theorem not applicable here, but indeed the formula does not hold. As another consequence of Youngs' theorem, we have the following: if a graph G is imbedded in a surface M of genus h in such a manner that not all the faces are 2-cells, then v(G) s h - 1. Using his characterization theorem, Youngs also shows that if G has a triangular imbedding (one in which every face has three Sides; i.e. F = F3), then this imbedding must be minimal. The following theorem of Battle, Harary, Kodama, and Youngs [2] is also helpful in establishing lower bounds for the genera of certain graphs: Theorem. If G is a connected graph having k blocks B "’Bk’ then 1" k V(G) = 2 V(Bi)° Furthermore, in any minimal imbedding of G, i=1 F = l - k +- E F , where F and F denote the number of faces G i=1 Bi G B for G and for Bi respectively. An important corollary to the above theorem is that the genus of a disconnected graph is the sum of the genera of its components. The following celebrated theorem of Kuratowski [12] completely characterizes planar graphs: Theorem. A graph G is planar if and only if C does not contain a subgraph isomorphic, to within vertices of degree two, to either K5 or K3’3. 10 No such characterization of toroidal graphs (those of genus one) is as yet known. Only recently has it been shown (by Vollmer- haus [24]) that the class of exceptional graphs (corresponding to KS and K3,3 in Kuratowski's theorem) is finite for any sphere with a prescribed number of handles. It is convenient to represent imbeddings of a graph G in the following manner. Suppose a connected graph G has n vertices; we write V(G) = {1,...,n}. Let V(i) = {k : (i,k) e E(G)]. Let pi:V(i) a V(i) be a cyclic permutation of V(i) of length ni = |V(i)|, where i = 1,...,n. The following theorem of Edmonds [7] (see also Youngs [27]) indicates the correspondence between 2-cell imbeddings and choices of the pi. Theorem. Each choice (p1,...,pn) determines a 2-ce11 imbedding C(M) of G in a compact orientable 2-manifold M, such that there is an orientation on M which induces a cyclic ordering of the edges (i,k) at i in which the immediate successor to (i,k) is (i,pi(k)), i = 1,...,n. In fact, given (p1,--.,pn), there is an algorithm which produces the determined imbedding. Conversely, given a 2-ce11 imbedding C(M) in a compact orientable 2-manifold M with a given orientation, there is a corresponding (p1,...,pn) determin- ing that imbedding. Now, let D = [[a,b] : (a,b) E E(G)], and define P:D a D by: P([a,b]) = [b,pb(a)]. Then P is a permutation on the set D of directed edges of G (where each edge of G is associated with two oppositely-directed directed edges), and the orbits under P 11 determine the faces of the corresponding imbedding. This result is extremely useful, as will be seen throughout this thesis. It then follows that the orientable genus of any connected graph C may be effectively computed, by selecting, from the n Il(n i=1 number of orbits, and hence determines the genus of the graph. i-l)! possible permutations P, one which gives the maximal Since a minimal imbedding must be a 2-cell imbedding, it corresponds to some P; then by Youngs' characterization theorem, F will be maximal for this minimal imbedding. The obvious difficulty arising is that of selecting a suitable permutation P from the vast number of possible permutations. AS an illustration of these concepts, we consider an imbedding of the complete graph K in the surface S , as shown in Figure 3.2. 5 2 Here, V(KS) = {1,2,3,4,5} f [2,3,4,5] , i = 1 {1,3,4,5} , i = 2 V(i) = {1,2,4,5} , i = 3 {1,2,3,5} , i = a {1,2,3,4} , i = 5 n(i) = 4, i = 1,2,3,4,5 The vertex permutations are seen to be: p1: ( 132: ( p3: ( ( p5; (1‘23334) 12 (3) (2) "\ I (2) p (2) Ea CD @319). Figure 3.2 A 2-ce11 imbedding of K5 in S . Figure 3.3 Non-intersecting edges on a handle. 13 This imbedding is a 2-cell imbedding, as guaranteed by Edmond's theorem, but it is not a minimal imbedding. In the imbedding, as shown in Figure 3.2, the two handles are only indicated at their intersections with the surface of the sphere, which may be thought of as curving around to meet itself in the exterior face, (3). Handle <:), for instance, meets the Sphere in two places, as indicated. The "missing" portion of the handle extends outward from the plane of the page. In general, care must be taken so that a handle carrying three or more edges reverses the order of entrance of these edges onto the handle from one end to the other, as Shown in Figure 3.3. This insures that the edges do not inter- sect on the handle. Returning to the imbedding of K5 given above, we find that the orbits under P determine the faces of the imbedding, as required. There are three faces, two being 5-sided and one lO-sided. Note that, in face (2), each vertex of K is repeated and the boundary is 5 not a Simple closed curve. (1) [1,2], [2,3], [3,4], [4,5], [5,1] (2) [1,3], [3,2], [2,4], [4,3], [3,5], [5,4], [4,1], [1,5], [5,2], [2,1] (3) [1,4], [4,2], [2,5], [5,3], [3,1] 111 general, for an orbit of length k beginning with directed edge k n n-l ‘[a,b], we mmst have P ([a,b]) = [a,b], where P = P(P ). For 5 example, for the first orbit above, since P ([1,2]) = P([5,1]) = [1,2] ,*we have an orbit of length 5, corresponding to a S-sided face. EaCh edge of G appears as two directed edges in D, so that the SLnn of the orbit lengths is 2E. .This correSponds to the 14 trivial formula 2E = .231Fi° Since the above imbedding of K5 is 2-cell, we may verifylfhe Euler formula F +-V = E + 2(1 - v), where v = 2 is the genus of the surface, and not the genus of K5. Note that if the surface had been given the opposite orientation, with the same permutations pi, the imbedding would have been the mirror image of that pictured in Figure 3.2. An orbit will henceforth be represented in the abridged form 1-2-3-4-5, instead of by the more cumbersome notation [1,2], [2,3], [3,4], [4,5], [5,1]. Note that when we write 1-2-3-4-5 for an orbit of length five, it is implied that p5(4) = l and p1(5) = 2. For completeness, we next list the known genus formulae. The BfEEEE-Qn is defined as follows: let Q1 = K2, and for n 2 2, recursively define Qn = Qn_1xK2. In 1955, Ringel [16] Showed that V(Qn) = 1 + 2n-3(n-4), for n 2 2. Every face in a minimal imbedding for Qn is a quadrilateral. This formula was also established independently by Beineke and Harary [4] in 1965. In 1963, Auslander, Brown, and Youngs [1] produced a family of graphs Gn for which v(Gn) = n. A graph G is said to be pfirreducible if v(G) = n, but for any x E E(G), with Gx the graph obtained by removing edge x from G, v(Gx) < n. In his doctoral thesis, Duke [6] Showed that the graph Gn of Auslander, Brown, and Youngs is n-irreducible, for n 2 2. Duke also conjectured that, for any minimal imbedding of a graph G, F 2 2v(G) + 1. This conjecture is valid for all genus formulae developed or listed in this thesis. In 1965 Ringel [18] showed that v(Kp q) = {Craft-ll} , where 9 all faces in the minimal imbeddings produced are quadrilateral with ‘0 at most one exception. Ringel and Youngs [21] settled the Heawood 15 map-coloring conjecture in the affirmative in 1968, by showing that V(Kp) = LE‘3]2(P-4l} . Here, all faces in a minimal imbedding are triangular, with at most five exceptions. The proof is quite complicated, employing various techniques such as the theory of current graphs (see Gustin [8]) and also vortex theory (see Youngs [25]), depending upon the residue of p modulo 12. (See also Mayer [14].) Ringel and Youngs [20] have recently shown that Y O edges. Then v(M) = y(M1) + yflMz) + (n-l). adding n tubes ti Proof: Since the graphs G are minimally imbedded, the Euler i -F,i=l,2, formula applies, and we have 2v(Mi) = 2 - Vi +Ei i where, in this context, V1 and F1 give the number of vertices and faces respectively for the minimal imbedding of graph 61' But the new imbedding in M is also a 2-cell imbedding; hence zvm) 2-v +E -FM M M n n 2 - (V1+V2) + (E1+E2 +- z ei) -(F1+F2-2n +- 2 ei) i=1 i=1 2v(M1) + 2v(M2) - 2 + 2n. Therefore, y(M) = v(M1) +-v(M2) + (n-l). 23 Corollary 4.6. Let G be the graph representing the 1-skeleton of the surface M described above. Then v(G) S v(G1) +-v(G2) + (n-l). Proof: v(G) s v(M) v(M1) + YCMZ) + (n'l) = m1) + «62> + . Theorem 4.7. Let the graphs Gi be minimally imbedded in surfaces Mi respectively, 1 = 1,...,n. Let H be a graph of order n, such that vertex i is associated with surface Mi, and having m edges. Let m tubes ti’ 1 = 1,...,m be attached between the surfacesMi in correspondence with the edges of H, with no two tubes attached within the same face, where we are assuming that F1 is at least as large as the degree of vertex i. Let tube ti carry ei > O edges, so as to form an imbedding of a new graph G in the new surface M. n Then v(G) s v(M) = 2 v(Gi) + 5(H), where B(H) is the Betti number i=1 of the graph H. Proof: We have Vi + F1 = Ei + 2(1 - v(Gi)), i = 1,...,n; and n n m V+F=E+2(1-'Y(M))- ButV= 2V..E= E.+ 2e..and ._ 1 ._ 1 ._ 1 n m 1-1 1-1 1-1 F = 2 F. - 2m +' 2 e,. Therefore, i=11 i=11 n n m n m 2 v.+ g F. -2m-+ ze.= 2E.+ 2e.+2(1-¥(M))- . . 1 ._. 1 . 1 , 1 . 1 1=l 1-1 1=l i=1 1=1 It follows that n n WM) = Z v(Gi) + (m - n + 1) = z v(Gi) +501). i=1 i=1 It is clear that v(G) s v(M). In Theorem 4.7, corresponding to each edge in H two surfaces were joined by a single tube. If each "join" had been made instead 24 by several tubes running between the appropriate two surfaces, the total effect upon the genus of the resulting surface could be computed by combining Theorems 4.5 and 4.7 in the obvious manner. In this case, we say that each "join" is made by a "bundle" of tubes. We next consider the problem mentioned earlier of estimating v(Gle2) in terms of v(Gl) and V(GZ). A graph is said to be ‘l-factorable if it has a spanning subgraph which is regular of degree one. Given the graphs Gi’ i = 1,2, with Vi vertices, Ei edges, genera v(Gi), and l-factorable subgraphs H maximal with i respect to order, of order 2hi respectively, let 1 — V1Y(G2) + V(Gl) 2 " Vzlwl) + V(Gz) M1 = V1(v(G2) - 1) + 131(v2 - r12) + 1 and M2 - vzmcl) - 1) + 22(v1 - hl) + 1. We can now state the following theorem: Theorem 4.8. The genus of the cartesian product Gle2 is bounded by: Max (m1,m2) S v(G1xG2) S min (M1,M2). Proof: (1) Consider V disjoint copies of G each with 2, copies of vertex 1 vertex set [1,...,V2}. Add edges connecting the V1 1 so as totform a copy of G The resulting graph H is a subgraph 1. of Gle2, and the block decomposition of H may be partitioned into blocks of G and V copies of each block of G The theorem of l 1 Battle, Harary, Kodama, and Youngs then applies, to give v(H) = 2. V1v(G2) + v(G1) = m1. Clearly v(H) S v(G1xG2), as H is a subgraph of Gle2. Interchanging the roles of G1 and G2, recalling that 25 Gle2 = G xGl, we see also that m S v(Gle2), and the left-hand 2 2 inequality of the theorem has been verified. (ii) An imbedding (probably not minimal) of Gle2 may always be constructed as follows: replace each vertex of G1 with a copy of G2, minimally imbedded, and then make the required joins between copies. Consider each join as a bundle of tubes, and count the contribution of these bundles to the genus. By Theorem 4.7, this is just 3(G1) = E1 - V1 +-l. Now we must count the contribution to the genus of each bundle individually. Assuming all V copies 1 of G are minimally imbedded in surfaces of like orientation, we 2 can run no more than two edges over a given tube attached to correSponding faces in two copies, so that these edges do not intersect. If H is a l-factorable subgraph of G2, maximal with 2 respect to order, of order 2h h tubes will suffice for these 2’ 2 2h2 vertices. We can then join the remaining (V2 - 2h2) vertices of G to their counterparts in a second copy over (V2 - 2h2) 2 additional tubes, each carrying one edge. By Theorem 4.5, the contribution to the genus of this bundle is h2 +'V2 - 2h2 - l - V2 - h2 - 1. But there are El such bundles in all. Hence, IA «((0le Vlv(GZ) + E1 - v + 1 + 1::le - h2 - 1) 2) l V1(v(G2) - 1) + E1(V2 - 112) + 1 = M1. Interchanging the roles of G1 and G2 again, we see that v(Gle2) S M2, and the right-hand inequality of the theorem holds also. 26 The bounds in Theorem 4.8 are in general not sharp. The above proof assumes very little about the structure of the graph G1. For a particular C it may be possible to sharpen the 1, upper bound considerably, by orienting the surfaces containing copies of G2 more expeditiously, so that some or all of the tubes added in the construction can be used to carry more than two edges. We now turn our attention to the graphs KmeD, and attempt to sharpen the upper bound for v(Kmen) as stated in Theorem 4.8. In the approach that follows, we employ the concepts of line graph and clique graph. The line graph L(G) of a given graph G has as its vertex set the edges of G, and two vertices in L(G) are adjacent if and only if the corresponding edges in G are adjacent. The clique graph C(G) has as its vertex set the cliques of G, where a cligue is a complete subgraph of G contained in no larger complete subgraph; and two vertices of C(G) are adjacent if and only if the corresponding cliques in G intersect. It is well-known that L(Km,n) = Kmen [15], and this indicates a connection with the question at hand. The following theorem gives a relationship between clique graphs and line graphs, in certain cases. Theorem 4.9. Let G be a graph with no triangles or vertices of degree less than two. Then the graph C(L(G)) is isomorphic to G. 2522;: Let u E V(G), with degree d(u) = n 2 2. Then in L(G) there is a complete subgraph K: associated with u. We claim that K: is a clique in L(G). For suppose to the contrary that there is a vertex x in L(G) adjacent to all n vertices of K2, giving (n+1) distinct and mutually adjacent vertices in L(G). Then in G the edge x has an end vertex in common with each of the n edges 27 associated with the vertices of K2. Since G has no triangles, and n 2 2, the edge x must have u as one end vertex. Now, the other end vertex of x is not one of the first n vertices, Since these are (n+1) distinct vertices in L(G). But then d(u) 2 n + l, a contradiction. Hence, K: is a clique in L(G). Now, in C(L(G)), K: is replaced by a vertex, say vu. We are ready to set up the isomorphism required by the theorem; define e: V(G) a V(C(L(G))) by 9(u) = vu. The remarks above show that e is well-defined. That 9 is onto follows from the observation that {K:(u): u é V(G)] includes every clique of L(G). To see this, note that: (i) every vertex in L(G) is contained in some (in fact, exactly two) Kd(u)' d in L(G) can arise from a triangle in G, since G has no triangles; (ii) Every edge in L(G) is in exactly one Ku(u). (iii) No triangle hence every triangle in L(G) arises from a K configuration in G 1,3 u (iv) Any n-clique Kn in L(G), d(u)' n 2 4, contains a triangle, and hence, by (iii), this triangle is and hence is in exactly one K u . . . in some K ° but a fourth vertex 1n Kn 15 adjacent to all three d(u), vertices in the triangle, and hence the edge in G this vertex represents has u as an end vertex; that is, this fourth vertex is u u ’ . ' d h t 1n Kd(u) It follows that Kn is a subgraph of Kd(u) an ence mus equal K3(u), since both are cliques. So, 9 is an onto mapping. It now follows that e is one-to-one, since the sets V(G), {Kd(u): u 6 V(G)}, the set of all cliques of L(G), and V(C(L(G))) all have the same cardinality. We have only to Show that adjacency is preserved. Suppose (u,w) E E(G); then (u,w) E V(L(G)) and hence (u,w) E Ku d(u) O K:(w)' It follows that (vu, vw) e E(C(L(G))). 28 Conversely, let (vu, vw) E E(C(L(G))), so that in L(G) there is a d u and the other end vertex w; that is, (u,w) E E(G). This completes u w vertex x E K K . Then x is an ed e in G with one end vertex (u) ‘1 d (w) g the proof. Corollary 4.10. Let G be a graph with no triangles or vertices of degree less than two. Then C(G) = L(G) and C[C(G)] is isomorphic to G. Egggf: If G has no triangles or isolated vertices, then the cliques of G are precisely the edges of G. Hence C(G) = L(G). Now, since C(L(G)) is isomorphic to G, we have that C[C(G)] is isomorphic to G. Corollapy 4.11. If m and n are 2 2, then C(Kmen) is isomorphic to K . m,n Proof: C(Kmen) = C(L(Km n)), wh1ch 1s 1somorph1c to Km n’ D 9 since K has no odd cycles, and in particular no triangles. m,n We can now improve the upper bound of Theorem 4.8, for the graphs Kmen. Recall that the Betti number of the graph Km n is given by B(Km n) = mn - (m + n) + 1. Theorem 4.12. The genus of Kmen is bounded above by: v(KmXKn) S nv(Km) + mvt'Kn) + MK!n n)~ 9 Proof: Every vertex in Kmen belongs to exactly two cliques. The graph Kmen has m n-cliques and n m-cliques, giving a total of 2mn vertices, each of which is counted twice. Since C(Kmeh) is isomorphic to Km n’ the (m +-n) cliques of Kmen correspond to the D 29 vertices of Km,n' This viewpoint motivates much of what follows. Note also that each edge of 1(men is in exactly one clique. We now form the graph G* from Kme.n by Splitting each vertex of Km‘xKn into two new vertices. One of these new vertices has exactly those adjacencies in G* that it had within one of the two cliques it belonged to in Kmen; the second corresponding new vertex has those adjacencies that it had within the second clique it belonged to in Kmen. The graph G* has the same number of edges as Kmeh, but twice as many vertices. We write V(G*) = {Vij: i = 1,...,mn; j = 1,2]. Also, 6* consists exactly of m n-cliques and n m-cliques, now all mutually disjoint. Hence, by the theorem of Battle, Harary, Kodama, and Youngs, v(G*) = nv(Km) + my(Kn). Consider G* to be imbedded, not on one surface of genus v(G*), but on (n+m) surfaces, in the obvious manner. We now regain Kmen, imbedded in one surface constructed from these (n+m) surfaces. Instead of attaching these surfaces by tubes as in the proof of Theorem 4.8, we extend the method of Battle, Harary, Kodama, and Youngs. For each i, i = 1,...,mn, we identify v11 with v12 as follows. Corresponding to vertex V1 in Kmen, we now have vertices v , contained in cliques G i] minimally imbedded 13 in surfaces Mij’ j = 1,2 respectively. Take an open 2-cell cij in M. with simple closed boundary curve Jij such that 13 = o . o O a O o O 4.4. (Cij U Jij) n Gij vij The Situation lS pictured 1n F1gure v11 v12 Figure 4.4 Identifying two vertices. 3O Ident1fy J of (Mil - C11) w1th J12 of 0&12 - 012) so that vil 2. This gives a surface Mi = (Mil-C11) U (MiZ-Ciz), il identifies with vi with a 2-cell imbedding of cliques G1 and G12, sharing vertex vi. 1 We make the required mn such identifications, to regain the graph KmXK.n from G*. Since each identification corresponds to adding a required edge in C(Kmeh), which is isomorphic to Km,n (where we are regarding the (m+n) surfaces we started with as the vertices of Km n), this complete process has the effect of increasing the genus ’ of G* by exactly B(Km n). Hence we have 1(men imbedded in a surface of genus nv(Km) + mv(Kn) + B(Km n), and the inequality of the theorem is established. The upper bound still may not be sharp, but it can be used to give the following asymptotic result: 1+ Theorem 4.13. For n 2 m e, where e > O, and n tending to infinity, v(Kmen) t mv(Kn). Proof: Combining Theorems 4.8 and 4.12, we have: max (mv(Kn) + V(Km), nv(Km) +-v(Kn)) S v(Kmen) S nv(Km) + mv(Kn) + 3(Km ). ,n Divide through by mv(Kn), and recall that V(Kn) = Kn'3ién-4) . 1 v(Kmen) Taking the limit as n a m, we have max(l, -) S lim S 1, m new ml s VIN/(CZ) + V2Y(G1) + BOTH,” This upper bound may be Sharper than that of Theorem 4.8, as in the case of stK5; or it may not be as sharp, as in the case of K3 3xK3 3. We can use the upper bound of Theorem 4.15 to obtain an 9 9 asymptotic expression for the genus of the cartesian product of two regular complete k-partite graphs. Denote the regular complete k-partite graph w1th ks vert1ces by Kk(s)” with KS = KS also (1) denoted by K1(s)' 1+ Theorem 4.16. For n 2 m e, where s > O, and n tending to infinity, Y 0, nv( ) o s 11m.———EESEZT n—m m (KR (n) S lim n(k2m2 - 7km + 24) = 0. n4» m(k(k~l)n2 - 6kn + 12) The other limits involved are easily evaluated, and we have max (1,l-) S lim V(Kk(m)XKk(nl) S 1, 11....» km Y = 1. new km V(Kk(n) CHAPTER 5 THE GENUS OF CARTESIAN PRODUCTS OF BIPARTITE GRAPHS One method for obtaining the genus of a graph is to calculate a lower bound for the genus and then to construct an imbedding for which the lower bound is actually attained. The structure of the cartesian product Gle2 suggests a construction in which the graph G1 is minimally imbedded in V2 surfaces are joined together as prescribed by the graph G disjoint surfaces, and then these 2. For each edge in G2, the two corresponding surfaces are joined by a bundle of tubes which carry edges between all V corresponding 1 vertices in these two copies of G The challenge is to make these 1. joins using the fewest possible tubes. AS noted following Theorem 4.3, an efficient use of a tube results in each new face intersecting the tube being a quadrilateral. This suggests that we Should seek quadrilateral imbeddings of a graph; that is, imbeddings in which every face is a quadrilateral. In the proof of Theorem 4.3, we gave the two surfaces we were joining by a tube opposite orientations. It would be convenient if every time we wished to join two surfaces with a bundle of tubes, the two surfaces had opposite orientations. Then every tube attached to two copies of the same face of the same minimal imbedding of G1 in the two surfaces can carry an edge for every corresponding pair of vertices in the two faces. This construction would be an improvement on that employed in Theorem 4.8, where no tube carried more than two edges. This construction is possible provided that 34 35 G has no odd cycles; that is, provided that G is bipartite. Then 2 2 the V2 surfaces with their minimal imbeddings of G1 can be oriented in accordance with the vertex set partition of V(Gz). It is then clear that any join which must be made, corresponding to an edge of 62’ will be between surfaces of opposite orientation, as desired. If we further require G to be bipartite, then G xG is bipartite, l 2 as proved in Theorem 5.1 below, and a quadrilateral imbedding will 1 be minimal. To establish this, we prove the following two theorems. Theorem 5.1. The cartesian product of two bipartite graphs is bipartite. Proof: Equivalently, we Show that if neither G1 nor G2 contains an odd cycle, then (:le2 cannot contain an odd cycle. So, consider a cycle of length m in G xG2; then h edges of the 1 cycle are taken from one or more copies of G O S h S m; and 19 (m-h) edges join corresponding vertices of two copies of G1, corresponding to edges in G2. Superimpose the V2 copies of G1 onto one copy of the graph G1. The (m-h) edges above disappear, and the h edges now form a cycle in G1. Since G1 has no odd cycles, h is even. Similarly, by superimposing the V copies of 1 G2 onto one copy of the graph G2, we see that (m-h) is even. Hence m is even. Let the graphsGi, i = 1,2,... be bipartite, and define the . Then graph Hn as follows: H and recursively Hn = H 1 = G1’ n-1XGn Hn = Glezx...xGn, and the following corollary of Theorem 5.1 is established by a routine application of mathematical induction: 36 Corollary 5.2. The graph Hn is bipartite. Theorem 5.3. A quadrilateral imbedding of a bipartite graph'is a minimal imbedding. Proof: A bipartite graph has no odd cycles, and in particular no 3-cycles. Hence in any imbedding, F3 = 0. Recall that 2E 2 iFi’ with F = 2 F1’ and that a 2-cell imbedding of a graph is 123 123 minimal when F is maximal, by the characterization theorem of Youngs. Then if F = F 4 for a bipartite graph, the imbedding must be minimal. The next theorem has frequent applications in Chapters 6 and 7. Theorem 5.4. If a bipartite graph G with V vertices and E edges has a quadrilateral imbedding, then y(G) = 1 +-E- - %. Proof: By Theorem 5.3, the imbedding is minimal, and hence is a 2-cell imbedding. The Euler-type formula - _ .1 . (1) we) - 1 +32 <1-4>p2m+33"’9p4m_1 ( :2: 82m) p2m+2’p2m+4"°°’p4m: The following lemma is used to compute the genus of K2m,2mXK2m,2m: Lemma 6.1. For the imbedding of K m 2m given above, the set of 2 38 39 2m2 quadrilateral faces may be partitioned into 2m subsets of m faces each so that each subset of m faces contains all 4m vertices of the graph. 2:22;: We write out the orbits (each corresponding to a quadrilateral face) determined by the permutation P as defined by the permutations pi, 1 S i S 4m (see Chapter 3), given above: (2g-1)-(2h-l)-2g-(2h~2), l S g S m; m+l.< h S 2m (2g-1)-(2h-1)-2g-4m, 1 S g S m; h = m+l 2j-(2k-1)-(2j+l)-2k, m+l S k S 2m, 1 S j < m 2j-(2k-l)-l-2k, m+1 s k s 2m, j = m. We now assign these 2m2 faces to parts of the partition. For fixed 1, the m faces of part (21-1) are determined by selecting h = m + g + i, with l S g S m, where we reduce (g + i) modulo m and write m instead of O. The m faces of part 21 are determined by taking k = m_+ j + i, with 1 S j S m, where we reduce (j + i) modulo m and again write m instead of O. Letting i run between 1 and m, we obtain 2m sets of m faces each, the sets being mutually disjoint by the manner in which they were selected. Furthermore, each set of m faces contains all 4m vertices of the graph sz 2m' 9 We are now in a position to prove the following theorem: Theorem 6.2. The genus of KS,SXKS,S is g1ven by Y + l] + 2c, - m, E”) + m m m :3 1. 2 5-{2(§— - 1) (2— - 1) + 2(m1 + m2 - 3)] 2111mm _ 12_ 13_ 23 2123 2 2 2 Furthermore, consider the set of faces obtained by taking, from each tube joining faces designated by (2), every second face. These faces are mutually vertex-disjoint, and contain all mlmzm3 vertices of H3. Now, form a second set of faces consisting of the remaining faces on the tubes joining faces designated by (2). These faces are also mutually vertex-disjoint, and contain all mlmzm3 vertices of H3. Moreover, the two sets of faces we have selected are clearly disjoint. Therefore, 8(3) is true. Now we assume S(n) to be true, and establish S(n+l), for n 2 3. Given the graph Hn+ , we give the m copies of H minimal imbeddings n+1 n as described by S(n), with orientation as determined by the vertex set partition of Pm . It is clear that we can make the required n+1 (mn+1 - 1) joins so as to obtain a quadrilateral imbedding for Hn+1° Wehmm (n+1) _ (n) . (n) E - mn+1E + (mn+l 1)V = m, (nM(n)— Mm)n z —) + (mn - 1)M(“) n+1 m i= -1 1 +1 = (n+1)M(n+l) Mm +1)“: . "1. i=1 i 52 (n+1) = m F(n) A1 so, F n+1 + AF, where AF = (mn+1 - 1)<§M(“))(2). where mn+1 - l is the number of joins, %M(n) is the number of tubes per join, and there is a net increase in F of two for each tube. We have (n+1) _ (n) (n) n 1_ (n+1) (n) F — mn+1(%M ’ i“ 2 ) +'%M ' %M i=1 mi _ gn+12 (n+1) ;M(n+1)“+1 1 — 2 M - 2 121 E; . To complete the verification of S(n+l), we must find two disjoint (n+1) M w 1 o a o v sets of -—4_—— mutually vertex-diSJOint quadrilateral faces each, ' ' (n+1) v both sets containing all M vertices of Hn+l' We have two cases to consider: Case i . If m is even we choose opposite faces on each n+1 tube of alternate joins to form one set, and the remaining faces on the same tubes to form the second set, as indicated in Figure 7.1. Figure 7.1 Selecting faces for mn+1 even. Case (ii). If mn+1 is odd, we make our selection as indicated in Figure 7.2, using at each end copy of Hn the remaining set of %M(n) mutually vertex-disjoint quadrilaterals. As in Figure 7.1, an arrow at a join indicates that opposite faces on each tube of the join have been selected. Figure 7.2 Selecting faces for mn+1 odd. 53 We have shown that S(n+l) follows from S(n), and hence that S(n) holds for all n 2 3. It only remains to compute the genus of H . But by Theorem 5.4, n _ l (n) (n>“i_ _ (n) V(Hn) - 1 + 4(nM - M .§.m ) %M 1-1 1 (n) n 1 - 1 + (n - 2 - 2 ——). i=lmi Since the operation of taking the cartesian product is commutative, Theorem 7.4 can be applied if any three or more of the m1 are even. Elementary probability considerations show that this n2 + n+2 2n+1 For n > 5, this probability will be less than one half. fails to happen in only of the possible cases, for fixed n. For the special case where m1 = m, i — 1,...,n, for m even, we have: . , (m) . . (U0 _ Corollary 7.5. The genus of the graph Hn is given by y(Hn ) - n-l l + m (mn - 2m - n), for m any even positive integer. 4 (2) n Futhermore, if m = 2 in the above formula, H is the n-cube, since P2 = K2, and we have the familiar result: -3 Corollary 7.6. v(Qn) = 1 + 2n (n-4). We have now generalized the genus of the n-cube in three different directions: in Theorem 6.7, regarding K1 1 as K2; in Theorem 7.1, regarding C4 as KZXK2 to obtain the genus of the 2n-cube, and in Theorem 7.4, regarding P2 as K2. We have thus far studied the genus of cartesian products of bipartite graphs and in particular of complete bipartite graphs, 54 even cycles, and paths. The techniques we have developed can also be applied to cartesian products of certain combinations of these graphs. The following theorems are a sample of results in this direction. The proofs, being similar to those already given, are omitted. Theorem 7.7. The genus of the graph KZXPZmXCZn is given by: v(K2xP2me2n) = l + n(m-l), for n 2 2. Theorem 7.8. The genus of the graph KZXP2 MXCZ xK4 4 is given by: v(K2me xC xK = 1 + 8n(5m-l), for n 2 2. 2n 4,4) Theorem 7.9. The genus of the graph C2 me2 nXK4 4 is given by: = l l , d . v(02me2nxK4,4) + 6mn. for m 2 2 an n 2 2 CHAPTER 8 THE GENUS OF COMPLETE TRIPARTITE GRAPHS Since the genus has been determined for the complete graphs KP and for the complete bipartite graphs Kp,q’ it seems appropriate to investigate next the genus of the complete tripartite graphs This problem appears to be very difficult, and in this Kp.q.r' chapter we will be content to establish a lower bound for Y 2{ 4 } . Proof: Consider any minimal imbedding of Kp q r in a surface 3 3 M. By the removal of all edges of type I from this imbedding, we obtain an imbedding of K in the same surface M. Hence V(K ) = film) 2 V(Kp q+r) = {(1)-22941-21} , by Ringel's formula P:Q:r for the genus of complete bipartite graphs. Much of the remainder of this chapter is devoted to showing that equality holds in Theorem 8.1 when q + r s 6, and we conjecture that it holds for all complete tripartite graphs. Conjecture. Y 6 remain open. To show that equality holds when q +'r s 6, it is sufficient to construct an imbedding of K in a surface of genus P,Q:r {?p-2)£q+r-2%} , so that Y(q+r-2i} _ (p-2)(q+r-2> 4 4 , with all other faces being quadri- lateral, for then v(Kp q r) s {%p-21§q+r-2) . In particular, if (p-2)£q+r-21 F3 = 2qr and F is an integer, we seek a 2-cell imbedding with 4 = F - F3. This search utilizes Edmond's permutation technique, which produces only 2-cell imbeddings. Before proceeding with this plan, let us state the following corollary of Theorem 8.4, which is not employed in the remainder of this chapter, but is of interest in its own right, since it indicates that a minimal imbedding of Kp q r cannot in general be triangular. Corollaryi8.5. A minimal imbedding of Kp r is triangular if and A. only if p = q = r. Proof: (i) Ringel and Youngs have shown that v(Kp p p) = LP'I;(E'2), with F = F3. 59 (ii) Suppose Kp q has a triangular imbedding. This 3 3 imbedding is therefore minimal, by a result of Youngs, and hence is a 2-ce11 imbedding. Then F = F3 = 2qr, since F3 edge of type 1 lies in exactly two triangular faces for this s 2qr; and each imbedding, so that F3 2 2qr also. Then, by Theorems 8.1 and 8.4, = (13-2) (q+r-2) V(K 4 p q r Now, from the Euler formula, 3 9 2qr = F -v + E + 2(1-v) -(p+q+r) + (M + pr + qr) + 2 - %(p-2)(q+r-2). so that pq + pr = 2qr. Since p 2 q 2 r, then pq 2 qr and pr 2 qr. It follows that pq = qr = pr, and p = q = r. We have established the preliminary results needed to show that y(K ) = (P-2)£(q+r-gl P:Q:r the nine case—S: (Cur) = (1,1); (2.1); (3,1), (2,2); (4,1), (3,2); , when 2 s q + r s 6. We treat (5,1), (4,2), and (3,3) in the theorems that follow. We first note that if q = r = l, the graph is planar and the genus formula clearly holds; see Figure 8.1. In this case, F = 2, F - l, 3 4:? and F = F3 + F4. Euler's formula is satisfied, with v = 0. Figure 8.1 An imbedding of K in the plane. 12.1.1 The remaining cases are more involved and are handled by the use of Edmonds' permutation technique, discussed in Chapter 3. 60 Theorem 8. 6. The genus of the graph K {}L-i}, for p 2 2. Proof: By Theorem 8.1, v(K is given by V(K p,2,l p,2,l) = p 2 1) 2 2&3- . We show that v(Kp 2 1) —:{‘L‘:—} by exhibiting, for each p =5 2 (mod 4), an appropriate imbedding. The result will then follow, since if p0= 2 (mod 4) and m = pO , pO -1, pO -2, or pO -3, then V(Km,2,1) p0 -2 _ s y(Kp 2 1) ${—-— }= (){T 23.3 0, we claim that Y 68 p11: (63134353233) p1,: (> p13’p153°°'3pp+5: (13336353432) 914.p16..--.pp+6= ( Theorem 8.12. The genus of the graph K is given by y(K p,4,2) = p,4,2 p-2, for p 2 4. .. ‘nggf: Here we distinguish three cases. The imbeddings in the first two of these cases are derived from those of Theorem 8.11, deleting edge (1,4) and adding edges (4,2), (4,3), (4,5), and (4,6) within appropriate faces. Case (i); p odd: p1: (p+6,p+5,...,12,11;6,10,5,9,8,3,7,2) p2: (1,7,10,4,9,8;11,12,...,p+5,p+6) (1,8,9,11,4,10;13,12;15,14;...;p+6,p+5;7) (9,2,10,3,11;p+6,p+5,...,l3,12;5,7,6,8) p5: (l,lO,7,4;12,13,...,p+5,p+6;ll,8,9) p6: (l,ll,9,8,4,7;p+5,p+6;p+3,p+4;...;12,13;10) p7,...,pp+6: as in Theorem 8.11, for p odd. Case (ii); p even; p 2 6: p1: (p+6,p+5,...,12,11;6,10,5,9,8,3,7,2) p2: (1,7,4,9,11,10,8;12,13,...,p+5,p+6) (1,8,10,4,12,11,9;13,14,...,p+5,p+6;7) (9,2,7,5;14,13;l6,15;...;p+6,p+5;ll,12,3,10,6,8) p5: (1,10,11;p+5,p+6;p+3,p+4;...;13,l4;4,7,12,8,9) 69 p6: (1,11,12,7;p+6,p+5,...,14,13;9,8,4,10) p7,...,pp+6: as in Theorem 8.11, for p even. Case (iii); p = 4: p1: (,4.7.3) p6: (,7> p2: (,6.8> p7: ( p3: (103137393238) p8: (43135333236) p4: (> p9: (,2.3) p5: (8,1,9,7,2,10) p10: (6,1,3,5,2,4) Theorem 8.13. The genus of the graph Kp,3,3 is given by v(Kp,3,3) = p-2, for p 2 3. Egggf; Here we treat four cases. The imbeddings in the first two of these cases are derived from those of Theorem 8.11, deleting edges (1,3) and (1,5), and adding edges (i,2), (i,4), and (i,6), for i = 3,5. Case (i); p odd, p 2 5: p1: (p+6,p+5,...,12,ll;6,10,9,4,8,7,2) p2: (1,7,5,10,9,3,8;ll,12,...,p+5,p+6) (8,2,9,6,11,4,10;13,12;15,14;...;p+6,p+5;7) (1,9,10,3,11;p+6,p+5,...,l3,12;5,7,8) p5: (10,2,7,4;12,13,...,p+5,p+6;ll,8,6,9) p6: (1,11,3,9,5,8,7;p+5,p+6;p+3,p+4;...;12,13;10) ... : .11, dd. p7, ’pp+6 as in Theorem 8 for p o 70 Case (ii); p even, p 2 6: p1: (p+6,p+5,...,12,ll;6,10,9,4,8,7,2) p2: (1,7,9,11,5,10,3,8;12,13,...,p+5,p+6) p3: (8,2,10,4,12,6,11,9313,14,...,p+5,p+6;7) (1,9,7,5;l4,13;16,15;...;p+6,p+5;11,12,3,10,8) p5: (10,2,11;p+5,p+6;p+3,p+4;...;13,14;4,7,6,12,8,9) p6: (l,ll,3,12,5,7;p+6,p+5,...,14,13;9,8,10) p7,...,pp+6: as in Theorem 8.11, for p even. Case (iii); p = 3: v(K3 3 3) = l, by the result of Ringel and 3 3 Youngs. Case (iv); p = 4: p1: (10,6,9,5,8,4,7) p6: (9,1,10,2,7,3,8) p2: (7,6,10,4,9,8,5) p7: (1,4,3,6,2,5) p3: (5,9,8,6,7,4,10) p8: (4,1,5,2,6,3) p4: (7,1,8,9,2,10,3) p9: (5,1,6,2,4,3) p5: (8,1,9,3,10,7,2) p10: (6,1,5,3,4,2) We now combine Theorems 8.6 through 8.13 into one theorem: Theorem 8.14. The genus of the graph Kp q r is given by v(K ) = 3 3 p3q3r {39-22(Q+T'2{} , where p 2 q-2 r and q+r s 6. We have conjectured that the above result holds for all values of q+r. It is likely that the case q+r = 7 could be handled as above, and then q+r = 8, and so on; but some more general approach would seem to be desirable. 71 As a result of Theorem 8.14, we can make the following observation: Theorem 8.15. In any minimal imbedding of Kp r’ for q+r s 6, :Q: every handle carries at least one edge of type II or of type 111. Proof: Assume to the contrary that there is a handle of this ip-Z)éq+T-22 Removing all type I edges in the imbedding, we obtain an imbedding surface of genus which carries only edges of type I. t of the graph KP q+f on the same surface. But the handle that 3 formerly carried only edges of type I now contains no part of the p q+r’ and hence the face of the new imbedding containing 3 this handle is not a 2-cell. This imbedding of K graph K p q+r’ then, is 3 not minimal, so that v(Kp q+r) < {?P-2)éq+r'2{} , contradicting Ringel's formula for the genus of complete bipartite graphs. We conclude this chapter with one further result concerning the genus of complete tripartite graphs: Theorem 8.16. The genus of the graph Km n,n,n is given by V(Kmn ) = (mm-2) (n- 1) 2 anan , for all natural numbers m and n. Proof: It suffices to produce an imbedding of K for --- mn,n,n which F3 = 2n2 and F4 = F - F3. We start with the following imbedding of Kmn 2n (which differs from Ringel's imbedding for the 3 2 -2 -1 same graph, unless n = 2), having F = F4 = mn and y = (mn )(n 2: {2n+l,...,2n+mn} , i = 1,...,2n V(i) = {1,...,2n} , i = 2n+l,...,2n+mn 72 p1,p3,...,p2n_1: (2n+l,2n+2,...,2n+mn) p2,p4,...,p2n: (2n+mn,2n+mn-l,...,2n+l) p2n+i: (1,21,3,21-2,5,2i-4,7,...,2n-l,2i+2), i = 1,...,mn; where arithmetic is modulo 2n, and we write 2n instead of 0. The orbits(faces) are: (2j-1)-(2n+i)-(21-2j+2)-(2n+i-l), for j = 1,...,n; i = 2,...,mn (2j-l)-(2n+i)-(2i-2j+2)-(2n+mn), for j = 1,...,n; i = 1, where the third entry only, in each of the above representations of orbits, is reduced modulo 2n, with 2n being written instead of 0. We now add edges (2j-1,2k), j = 1,...,n and k = 1,...,n, through the faces determined by i = k + j - 1 respectively. These 2 are precisely the n edges of type I needed to convert the graph mn,2n to the graph Kmn,n,n' Each such edge destroys one quadri- lateral face and creates two triangular faces, so that K mn,n,n 2 is imbedded with F = 2n2 and F = F - F = mn - n2. This is 3 4 3 the desired imbedding. B IB LIOGRAPHY 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. BIBLIOGRAPHY L. Auslander, T. A. Brown, and J. W. T. Youngs. The Imbedding of Graphs in Manifolds. J. Math. Mech. 12 (1963), 629-634. J. Battle, F. Harary, Y. Kodama, and J. W. T. Youngs. Additivity of the Genus of a Graph. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. p8 (1962), 565-568. M. Behzad and G. Chartrand. An Introduction to the Theorygof Graphs. (to appear) L. W. Beineke and F. Harary. The Genus of the n-cube. Can. J. Math. 11 (1965), 494-496. J. Dugundji. Topology. Allyn and Bacon, Boston (1965). R. Duke. Minimal Imbeddings and Open Mappings of Graphs in Manifolds. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Virginia (1965). J. Edmonds. A Combinatorial Representation for Polyhedral Surfaces. 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