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SAGINAW BAY SUCKERS: THEIR DYNAMICS AND POTENTIAL FOR INCREASED UTILIZATION By Douglas Wayne Kononen A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Fisheries and Wildlife 1981 ABSTRACT SACINAw BAY SUCKERS: THEIR DYNAMICS AND POTENTIAL FOR INCREASED UTILIZATION By Douglas Wayne Kononen Yield potential estimates from underutilized Great Lakes fish stocks are lacking for most species. This investigation was undertaken to determine potential limits on the commercial exploitation of white suckers (Catostomus commersoni) in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Principal data sources included historical fishery catch and effort data along with biological data on the size, sex and age composition of the commercial catch. Fish of different sizes and sexes were sampled for analyses of PCB's and DDT. Commercial fishery cost and revenue data were incorporated into a logistic surplus production model function and used in a rudimentary bioeconomic analysis of the fishery. Approximately 1,000,000 pounds of white suckers were harvested annually from Saginaw Bay during the first half of the 20th century. Current harvest levels range from 100,000 to 150,000 pounds per year. Catch-effort analyses indicate a general pattern of decreased exploitation and increased abundance of Saginaw Bay suckers since the early 1950's. Cautious interpretation of catch-effort data indicates that Douglas Wayne Kononen landings could be increased by as much as 500% without danger of stock overexploitation. Surplus production model estimates Of mean exploitable population biomass approximate 4,000,000 pounds. Bio- economic analysis indicates that an ex-vessel price increase of $0.05/1b would generate a short term economic rent of about $11,000 to the commercial fishery. Contaminant analySes indicate that the mean levels of PCB's (0.05 pmn) and EDDT (0.015 ppm) in Saginaw Bay white sucker fillets are well below the FDA'S 5 ppm tolerance limit for these compounds. Adult white suckers experience low annual growth rates (from 1 to 2 cm in total length), high annual survival rates, £3 (from 0.59 to 0.72) and long life spans (up to 19+ years old). Females grow faster and larger and, on the average, live longer than males. The Beverton-Holt dynamic pool model, incorporating a linear age-weight relationship, was used to estimate the equilibrium yield per recruit at different rates of fishing. Optimal utilization of this fishery, in terms of maximizing yield per recruit, can only occur with a six to ten-fold increase in the rate of fishing. The current absence of profitable markets for suckers render immediate increases in the rate of exploitation unlikely. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This endeavor was made possible through the efforts of several individuals and organizations. I wish to express special thanks to my wife, Laureen, for her understanding advice, moral support and perserverance throughout the tenure of this project. Dr. Niles R. Kevern suggested this problem and provided direction and logistical support. The BayPort Fish Company, BayPort, Michigan, furnished invaluable commercial fishery data and commercial catch samples. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources supplied historical fishery data and a much needed microtome for fish aging studies. Cynthia Merrill, from Michigan State University's Department of Food Science, conducted the pesticide analyses. Additional thanks go to the members of my dissertation committee: Drs. Darrell L. King; Milton H. Steinmueller; Daniel R. Talhelm and William W. Taylor. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii I. Introduction A. Background. . . . . . . . . . 1 B. Purpose of this InveStigation . . . . . . 8 C. Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 II. Saginaw Bay A. The Physical Setting. . . . .. . . . . . 13 B. Limnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 C. The Fishery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 III. Catch and Effort Data Analysis A. Introduction. . . . . 21 B. The Basic Theory of Catch and Effort Data Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 C. The Leslie Model. . . . . . 27 D. Sources of Commercial Fishery Catch and Effort Data . . . . . . . . . 29 E. The Saginaw Bay Sucker Fishery. . . . . . 32 1. Background . . . 32 2. The Sucker Fishery, I929 to 1956. . . 35 3. The Sucker Fishery, 1960 to 1979.. . 51 IV. Fishery Bioeconomics A Introduction. . . . . 67 B. The Logistic Surplus Production Model . . 69 C Application of the Logistic Surplus Production Model. . . . . 75 D. Saginaw Bay Sucker Fishery Economics. . . 82 E Discussion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 V. PCB's and DDT in Saginaw Bay Suckers A. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 B. Sampling Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . 100 iii C. Analytical Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . 100 D. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 VI. Saginaw Bay Sucker Population Dynamics A. Introduction. . . . 105 B. A Brief Review of White Sucker Biology. . 106 C. Saginaw Bay White Sucker Characteristics. 108 1. Fall 1979 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 2. Spring 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 3. Summer 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 A. Fall 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 5. Spring 1981 . . . . . 133 6. Composite Length- Frequency Distributions 139 7. White Sucker Fecundity. . . . . . . . 139 8. Miscellaneous Observations. . . . . . 142 9. Adult White Sucker Survival . . . . . 1A3 D. Estimation Of Yield From a Given Recruitment . . . . . . . . 1A8 E. Estimating Mortality Rates of Pre-recruits 155 VII. Summary and Recommendations A. Recapitulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16A B. Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 C. Critique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Appendix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiv iv Table 11-1 III-1 III-2 III-3 III-fl III-5 III-6 III-7 III-8 III-9 IV-1 IV-2 IV-3 V-1 VI-l VI—2 LIST OF TABLES Saginaw Bay Physicochemical Data. Saginaw Bay Commercial Sucker Production (1929-1956). Saginaw Bay Sucker Fishery Summary Statistics (1929-1956). Catchability and Mean Biomass Estimates (1929-1945). Catchability and Mean Biomass Estimates (19u6-1956)0 o o o o o o o o Saginaw Bay Commercial Sucker Production (1960-1979). Saginaw Bay Sucker Fishery Summary Statistics (1960-1979) Saginaw Bay Monthly Catch and Effort Data (1960-1967). . . . . . . Catchability and Mean Biomass Estimates (1960-1967). Saginaw Bay Monthly Catch and Effort Data (1968-1979) . . . . . . Surplus Production Model Results Cost and Revenue Data. Average and Marginal Cost Data PCB's and ZDDT in Saginaw Bay Suckers. Fall 1979 Summary Statistics Spring 1980 Summary Statistics Page 18 39 HO 47 49 52 53 56 58 60 78 85 87 101 109 117 VI-3 VI-4 VI-S VI-6 Summer 1980 Summary Statistics. Fall 1980 Summary Statistics. Spring 1981 Summary Statistics. Female Age-Specific Fecundity and Survival Rates. 124 128 134 159 Figure II-l III-1 III-2 III-3 III-4 III-5 III-6 IV-4 VI-l VI-2 VI-3 VI-4 LIST OF FIGURES Saginaw Bay. Lake Huron Statistical Catch Districts. . . . . . . . . . Participation in the Lake Huron Commercial Fishery (U.S. Waters, Saginaw Bay Commercial Sucker Production (1929-1956). Saginaw Bay Sucker Abundance (1929-1956). Saginaw Bay Commercial Sucker Production (1960-1979). . . Saginaw Bay Sucker Abundance (1960-1979). 0 o Logistic Surplus Production Model (1930-1955). . . . Logistic Surplus Production Model (1968-1978). . . . Average and Marginal Cost of the Saginaw Bay Commercial Sucker Fishery, 1979. . . . . . . Cost and Revenue in Terms of Effort. Fall 1979 Length- Frequency Distributions. . . . . Fall 1979 Relative Condition Factors Fall 1979 Length-Age Relationships Spring 1980 Length- Frequency Distributions. . vii Page 14 33 37 41 42 54 55 81 83 88 92 110 113 116 119 VI-5 Spring 1980 Relative Condition Factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 VI-6 Spring 1980 Length-Age Relationships. . . . 122 VI-7 Summer 1980 Length- Frequency Distributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 VI-8 Summer 1980 Relative Condition Factors . . . 127 VI-9 Fall 1980 Length-Frequency Distributions . . 129 VI-lO Fall 1980 Relative Condition Factors . . . . 131 VI-ll Fall 1980 Length-Age Relationships. . . . . . 132 VI-12 Spring 1981 Length-Frequency Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 VI-l3 Spring 1981 Relative Condition Factors. . . . 137 VI-14 Spring 1981 Female Length-Age Relationship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 VI-15 Composite Length-Frequency Distributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 VI-16 Combined Fall 1979 and Fall 1980 Catch Curve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 VI-l7 Combined Spring 1980 and Spring 1981 Catch Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 VI-l8 Equilibrium Yield Per Recruit at Different Rates of Fishing . . . . . . . . . . 154 viii CHAPTER I Introduction A. Background The Laurentian Great Lakes contain abundant populations of such commercially underutilized fish as carp (Cyprinus carpio), suckers (Catostomus and Moxostoma spp.), alewives (Alosa pseudoharengus) and rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax). The principal reason that these and other so-called rough fish species are underutilized is the absence of dependable and profitable markets for rough fish. Changes in the species composition of the Great Lakes fisheries have had a dramatic negative impact on the size and scope Of commercial fishing Operations. The survival of the remaining commercial fishery hinges, in part, on the development of abundant stocks of heretofore underutilized fish. Estimates of the yield potential from latent or underutilized Great Lake fish stocks are lacking for most species. This investigation was undertaken to determine potential limits on the commercial exploitation of suckers in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. The species composition of the Great Lakes fisheries has changed markedly over the past forty to fifty years. Formerly plentiful stocks of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), lake herring (Coregonus artedii), walleye (Stizostedion vitreum), lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) and burbot (Lota lota) have been supplanted by abundant stocks of alewives, rainbow smelt, carp and other so-called rough fish species. Commercial overfishing” the introduction and proliferation of such exotic species as the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) and alewife, environmental enrichment and pollution have combined to help bring about this transformation in species composition. Documentation and interpretation Of the changes which have occurred in the Great Lakes fisheries during the last four tolfive decades are provided by: Hile and Buettner (1959); Buettner (1968); Smith (1968); Berst and Spangler (1973); Smith (1973); Regier (1973) and Christie (1974). The virtual elimination of commercially exploitable stocks of lake trout, lake whitefish and lake herring in many areas of the Great lakes has contributed to a substantial reduction in the size and scope of Michigan's Great Lakes commercial fishery over the past twenty to thirty years. Scott (1974) reports a decrease in the number of Michigan commercial fishing licensees from approximately 900 in 1963 to about 660 in 1967. After 1970, according to Borgeson (1972), state-imposed restrictions on gear and entry reduced the total number of Michigan Great Lakes commercial fishermen by an additional 50%. At present, Michigan licenses from 100 to 150 commercial fishermen, exclusive of non-licensed Native American fishermen (Asa Wright, personal communication). The Michigan Department of Natural Resource's management objectives for Michigan's Great Lakes commercial. fishery include restricting new entries and encouraging the exit of marginal fishing operations. The efficient and equitable allocation of Great Lakes fishery resources between sport and commercial fishermen is a complex social, political, economic and biological problem with no immediate satisfactory solution. The principal thrust Of Great Lakes fisheries management is currently oriented toward a large, fairly recently established sport fishery for introduced salmonids. Suspicions, real or otherwise, that the commercial fishery poses a threat to the survival Of highly prized artificially maintained sport fish stocks have resulted in widespread misunderstandings and feelings of animosity between sport and commercial fishermen. State licensed commercial fishermen are prohibited from using gill nets for capturing fish and must return all designated sport fish (e.g. lake trout, Pacific salmon, walleye pike) and 'undersized commercial species (e.g. lake whitefish, yellow perch, Perca flavescens) to the water in an unharmed condition. The entrapment gear used by non-Indian commercial operators allows for selective exploitation1of Great Lakes fishery resources without causing significant damage to the sport fishery. At present, regulations prohibiting the use of gill nets do not extend to non- A licensed Native American commercial fishermen Operating in Michigan's Great Lakes waters. The unregulated use of gill nets poses a potentially severe threat to the sport fishery, exacerbating the problems of efficient and equitable resource management. Annual fish production within the Great Lakes represents a large potential source of high quality protein for consumers in the United States and Canada. Only a small proportion of this production finds its way into the marketplace due to the reduced size of current commercial fishery operations and the relative paucity of profitable markets for underutilized rough fish species. The existence of abundant potentially exploitable populations of underutilized fish (e.g. carp, alewives, suckers and smelt) in Michigan's Great Lakes waters is documented by Hile and Buettner (1959), Borgeson (1972), Galloway and Kevern (1976) and Rybicki (1979). With the exception of such local enterprises as the lake whitefish fishery of Northern Lake Michigan, the traditional Great Lakes commercial fishery, which had been based largely upon lake trout, lake whitefish and lake herring, has all but disappeared. The survival of the remaining commercial fishery hinges upon the reestablishment of a viable coregonid fishery and the enhanced development of fisheries for underutilized species. According to Frick (1965), if the Great Lakes the mouth of the Saginaw River while chironomids and amphipods dominated the benthos in the middle and outer portions of the bay, respectively. Pronounced decreases in Observed numbers of burrowing mayflies (Hexagenia spp.) occurred after the mid—1950's. C. The Fishery According to Beeton, et a1, (1967), Saginaw Bay supported a prosperous recreational fishery during the first half of the 20th century and also produced about 40% of the U.S. commercial catch from Lake Huron although it '18 Table II-L Saginaw Bay Physicochemical Data Parameter Value Source Climate type maritime Eshenroder (1977) latitude (°N) 43° 50' avg. max. temp. (0C) July 28.6o January 0.1O annual precipitation 76.6 cm growing season 218 days Drainage basin 2 area 21000 km Freedman (1974) human population 1940 0.6 million 1970 1.2 million Effluent streams mean discharge 3 8 largest streams 115 m3/s Freedman (1974) Saginaw River 96 m /s Morphometry length 83 km Beeton, et a1, width at mouth 42 km2 (1967) total area 2960 km mean depth inner bay 4.6 m outer bay 15.6 m maximum depth inner bay 14.0 m outer bay 40.5 m 3 ‘ volume 27 km flushing rate 186 days Chemistry specific conductance inner bay 469 umhos Beeton, et a1, outer bay 253 umhos (1967) Saginaw River mouth 800 pmhos Lake Huron proper 174 umhos alkalinity inner bay 110-125 ppm CaCO3 outer bay 90-110 ppm CaCO pH 3 June 7.8-8.1 July 8.4 phosphorus (total) inner bay 0.041 ppm outer bay 0.018 ppm 19 constituted only 5% of the total area of Lake Huron's U.S. waters. During this period the commercial fishery depended upon abundant stocks of lake herring, walleye pike, yellow perch and lake whitefish. Of these species, only yellow perch are currently taken in appreciable quantities by commercial fishermen. The most widely distributed species of fish within Saginaw Bay, according to Carr (1962), are alewives, rainbow smelt, yellow perch and white suckers. Approximately 74 species of fish are known to occur in the bay. At present, Saginaw Bay commercial fishermen rely upon harvests of channel catfish for the major portion of their incomes. Carp, yellow perch, sheepshead (Aplodinotus gigggiegg), quillback, (Carpiodes cyprinus) and lake whitefish are the other principal commercially harvested species. Saginaw Bay is a productive, enriched body of water which supports a thriving recreational fishery and a small, declining commercial fishery. The vast potential of this body of water for fish production was heavily exploited during the latter portion of the 19th century and up through the first half of the 20th century. Changes in the species composition of the fishery have markedly diminished the commercial utilization of the bay's fish producing capability. The future of the commercial fishery hinges upon carefully regulated efforts to capitalize upon the bay's productivity through increased exploitation of underutilized species. Management goals for Saginaw Bay's 20 latent fisheries should consist of a mixture of biological, economic and social objectives designed to enhance the productive capacity of existing stocks and the region's economic and social well-being. Prior to formulation of an underutilized fishery management policy, we need to know the fishery yield potential. Chapter III is concerned with this problem. CHAPTER III Catch and Effort Data Analysis A. Introduction The distribution and abundance of commercially exploited fish populations depend upon a set of n genetically regulated physiological and behavioral rate variables, rk(t), k = 1,...,n, which determine a population's ability to respond to changes in environment (biotdx: and abiotic) and level and pattern of exploitation. Some examples of these rate variables, rk(t), are: age, size and sex specific growth and mortality; age and size specific fecundity; recruitment; immigration and emigration. The study Of fish population dynamics includes Obtaining reasonably accurate measurements of these variables and relating this information to past, present and projected future levels of population abundance. Much of the data used to determine the dynamics of commercially exploited fish populations is acquired from: mark and recapture studies; samples obtained from research vessel surveys and commercial landings; and commercial fishery catch and effort records. The acquisition of biological data constitutes the most costly portion of any fish population dynamics 21 22 investigation. Most studies of the dynamics of commercially exploited fish populations depend, therefore, to a large extent, upon the information contained in the records of total landed catch, C and nominal effort, f provided at t’ t’ little cost by the commercial fishery. With reliable catch and effort statistics, estimates of relative population abundance can be inferred from the ratio of total catch, Ct’ to total effort, ft' The accuracy of population abundance estimates calculated from catch per unit effort analyses depends, among other things, upon the degree to which records of: (1) total landed catch, C reflect actual t, catch and (2) nominal effort, f reflect actual fishing- t 7 induced mortality. B. The Basic Theory of Catch and Effort Data Analyses The change in stock biomass due to mortality during the time interval, At, is given by, III-l dB(t)/dt -[M(t) + F(t)] B(t), where: B(t) = stock biomass at time t M(t) = instantaneous rate of natural mortality F(t) = instantaneous rate of fishing mortality. In practice, M(t), the instantaneous rate of mortality attributable to all factors other than fishing (e.g. predation, disease, parasitism, senescence, etc.) and F(t), the instantaneous rate of mortality attributable to the effects of fishing, are regarded as constants during the time interval, At. This is a lumped parameter model which assumes that each unit of biomass within the exploitable 23 portion of a given population is subject to the same rates <3f mortality, M(t) and Fit), during a given time interval,A t. The solution to equation III-l when M(t) and F(t) are constant during time, at, is given by, e-(M + F)At, III-2 Bt = BO where: B - stock biomass at tO ED cf l I - stock biomass at t. The exponential expressiOn in equation III-2 is the probability (S) that a unit of biomass in the portion of the population which is vulnerable to exploitation will survive to the end of the time interva1,A t, or III—3 S = e-(M + F)At. Conversely, the probability (A) that a unitcfi‘biomass hi the exploitable portion of the population will succumb to the forces of mortality during time, At, is III-4 A = 1 - S = 1 - e‘(M * F)At. The proportion of total removals due to fishing during time, At, is given by, - III-5 u = FA/(M + F), where u is referred to as the rate of exploitation. Theoretically, total removals due to fishing (i.e. total <3atch Ct) during time, At” equal the rate of exploitation, u, multiplied by the size Of the stock present at the beginning of the time interval or, III-6 C : UB t = FABO/(M + F) : F(l - S)BO/(M + F) -(M + F)At O FEl - e lBo/(M + F). 24 Now, in accordance with equation III-2, we know that stock biomass decreases exponentially during time, At. By integrating equation III-2 with respect to time we obtain an estimate of mean stock biomass during time,At, 1- _ -(M + F)At III-7 Bt - B011 - e 1 Substituting equation III-7 into equation III-6 leads to the /(M + F). following expression for total catch, Ct’ during time, At, III-8 Ct = uBO = EEt. F, the instantaneous rate of fishing mortality, is usually assumed to be directly proportional to the amount of nominal fishing effort, ft’ applied to the fishery during time, At, III-9 F : qft' The proportionality constant, q, in equation III-9 is referred to as the catchability constant or the probability that a given unit of'fish biomass within the exploited portion of a population will be captured by a unit of nominal fishing effort, f, during time, At. The units of q are in terms of f'1. A production function is a mapping which relates a set of identifiable, measurable inputs (e.g. land, labor, capital, management) to a corresponding set of identifiable, measurable outputs (i.e. goods or services). Perhaps the simplest model of a fishery production function is given by the following equation, III- 10 Ct : Q(ft,‘3't), In this equation, total catch, Ct’ during the time interval,A t, is hypothesized to be a functhmucfi‘the total amount of 25 runninal effort exerted by the fishery, ft’ and the average size of the exploitable portion of the population, 5,. In economic analyses of commercially exploited fisheries, the function, Q(ft:§t), is sometimes represented in the following form (Clark, 1976). III-ll Ct = q(rt)a(E,)b, where q is the catchability constant and a and b are positive constants. The well-known assumption that the ratio of catch per unit effort, Ct/ft’ is directly proportional to the mean size of the vulnerable portion of the population present during the period when fishing takes place, B is described t’ by Beverton and Holt (1957). This assumption leads to the following formulation of equation III-ll, III-12 Ct = q(ft)(E¥), where the constants a and b in equation III-11 are both set equal to one. Equation III-l2 is also derived by substituting equation III-9 into equation III-8. A more general form Of‘a fishery production function, Q(ft{§£), is given by, III-l3 Ct = Q(ft’§t) = th(ft)a(Ft)b, where catchability, q, is a time varying function and x, a and b are positive constants. The analytical difficulties involved in estimating the parameters of equation III-13 are formidable, so most catch and effort data analyses use equation III-12 to describe the short term production function of a commercially exploited fishery. Equation III- 26 12 represents the catch, Ct’ obtained during time, At, by applying ft units of effort to the fishery. Long term fishery production functions incorporate specific assumptions about stock biomass growth (e.g. logistic growth models) to help describe the assumed long term equilibrium relationships between and among catch, C effort, f and t’ t’ stock biomass, B An example and discussion of a long term to fishery production function is contained in Chapter IV. Nominal effort, f measured in terms of standardized 1;! gear lifts or sets, is not a unidimensional measure of effective fishing mortality, F, as may be erroneously inferred from equation III-9. Nominal effort, ft’ is a function of several variables, each of which plays an important role in determining the effective rate of fishing mortality exerted upon an exploited population during time, t. For example, ft can be represented by, III-l4 ft = f(g1,...,gm). Some of these variables, g i = 1,...,m, are: size, i! capacity and power of the fishing vessels; knowledge and experience of the crews; selectivity of the fishing gear; and per unit harvest costs and prices. The enumeration and quantification of these effort variables, g along with the i! determination of their exact relationship to effective fishing effort, F, would involve an exceedingly complex form of economic input analysis, the scope of which is probably not justified by the value of most fisheries. Equation III- 14 indicates that the assumption of a constant effective 27 fishing mortality rate, F, may be unrealistic for long time periods. The potential difficulties and costs associated with a multi-dimensional analysis of fishing effort lead most fisheries investigators to conditionally accept the assumption that nominal effort, f is a reliable measure Of t’ effective fishing mortality, F(t). This assumption will be adopted for the purpose of the present analysis. In addition to the assumption of constant catchability, q, some additional assumptions upon which equation III-l2 is based are: (l) instantaneous fishing and natural mortalities occur uniformly throughout the year and from year to year; (2) fish in the exploitable portion of the population are uniformly distributed throughout the area of exploitation and (3) individual fishing vessels and units of fishing gear are distributed so they are not in direct physical competition with one another. Mean exploitable population size, Bt’ the time interval covered by available catch, C present during t’ and nominal effort, f data can be calculated from equation t! III-l2 provided a reasonably reliable estimate of catchability, q, can be obtained. C. The Leslie Model If a population is fished until enough fish are removed to significantly reduce the catch per unit effort ratio, Ct/ft’ then estimates of catchability, q, and initial population size, 80’ can be Obtained from the following relationship between catch per unit effbrt and cumulative 28 catch, K (of. Seber, 1973, and Ricker, 1975). t III-15 Ct/ft = th. The population, B present during the period covered by t! available catch and effort data can be equated to the initial population, 30’ minus the cumulative catch, Kt’ or III-l6 Bt 2 BO - Kt' By substituting equation III-16 into equation III-15 we get, III-17 Ct/ft : q(BO - Kt) : qBO - th. Equation III-17 indicates a negative linear relationship between catch per unit effort, Ct/ft’ and cumulative catch, I( ‘with slope, -q, and y-intercept, qBO. This model was t’ first introduced by Leslie and Davis (1939) and subsequently modified by Braaten (1969). The reliability of this method of determining catchability, q, and initial population abundance, B0 depends upon the following assumptions: (1) the population is closed with respect to recruitment, natural mortality and migrations, or equivalently, these processes are in equilibrium; (2) catchability, q, is constant for all sizes of fish appearing in the catch throughout the time period covered by available catch and effort data; (3) catch and effort records are completely reliable; (4) fishing effort is randomly distributed throughout the range of the population; (5) individual units of fishing effort are independent; (6) the entire catch or most of the catch is captured by the same type of fishing gear and (7) there is no variation in catching efficiency between and among the various units of fishing gear employed 29 by the fishery. The range and severity of the above restrictions greatly reduce the applicability of the Leslie method to commercial fishery population dynamics studies. Despite these severe limitations, however, the Leslie and other similar methods of population enumeration can be used to obtain rough estimates of catchability and mean population size for those fisheries in which: (1) catchability, q, is reasonably constant; (2) catch and effort records are fairly reliable and (3) the fishery is~ dominated by a single, uniform type of fishing gear. D. Sources of Commercial Fishery Catch and Effort Data Since 1929, Michigan's Great Lakes commercial fishermen have been required to submit detailed monthly reports to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources describing, on a daily basis, the total landed weight of each species harvested along with the total number of units of effort employed by each type of fishing gear. A comprehensive description of the current Great Lakes commercial fishery catch and effort data reporting system is provided by Hile (1962). According to Hile and Buettner (1959), about 70% of the total Saginaw Bay sucker landings from 1929 to 1956 were Obtained with shallow trap nets (i.e. trap nets fishing in. water less than 20 feet in depth). During the period from 1960 to 1979, approximately 90% of all commercially landed suckers from Saginaw Bay were captured by shallow trap nets. After the commercial use of gill nets was banned in the 30 early 1970's, the Saginaw Bay commercial fishery for all species has been exploited almost exclusively by means of shallow trap nets. One unit of nominal effort for this gear corresponds to one net lift. A uniform analysis of catch and effort data requires that all nominal effort from all types of gear (if more than one type of gear is employed) be standardized against a specific gear (usually the gear which consistently captures more fish than any other type of gear). Prior to analysis of Saginaw Bay sucker fishery catch and effort data, all reported effort was standardized against the shallow trap net as follows, III-18 f = (Ct)(fS)/(CS), where: f total (standardized) effort t Ct = total catch from all types of gear f3 = total number of units of standard effort (i.e. total number of shallow trap net lifts) CS = total catch obtained with the standard gear. No single gear utilized by any given fishery is likely to be entirely non-selective with respect to the size, sex or age composition of a particular exploited population. Therefore, when obtaining fish samples from the commercial catch for purposes of size, sex and age composition analyses, sampling effort should be stratified, if posSible, according to the various types of gear used to capture the species under investigation. Calculations of catch indices, 31 population estimates, growth rates and mortality rates can be biased if all fish sampling is restricted to a single size selective gear. According to Patriarche (1968), stationary trapping devices are usually selective with respect to the species and sizes of fish they capture and retain. Latta (1959) found the vulnerability of white suckers to trap net capture increased with increasing fish size, however, Laarman and Ryckman (1980) reported that trap net size selectivity was not evident for this same species. Patriarche (1968), observing that good estimates of population dynamics parameters can be systematically biased if certain species exhibit strong tendencies to escape confinement, found that 28% of the total number of white suckers initially captured had escaped from experimental trap nets within 48 hours. The tendency of suckers to escape from trap net confinement is corroborated by Saginaw Bay commercial fishermen, who observe that the absence of suckers in a given trap net's catch often indicates the presence of a hole in the net. Captured suckers work so persistently in exploring possible openings in the trap nets' pot end (i.e. confinement area) mesh that they often abrade away the papillose flesh of their snouts and lips. This phenomenon of snout abrasion is particularly evident in suckers obtained from trap nets which have been set for prolonged periods (e.g. more than 5 ' days) between lifts. Since the Saginaw Bay sucker fishery is prosecuted 32 almost exclusively by means of shallow trap nets, any size selective bias for suckers inherent to this gear plus any marked tendency for these fish to escape confinement could significantly bias estimates of population parameters calculated from trap net samples. Determination of possible size selectivity or escape tendencies could be assessed via limited mark and recapture studies. In the absence of such information, the assumption must be made that estimates of growth and mortality rates obtained from samples of the trap net catch are representative only of that portion of the stock which is most vulnerable to trap net capture and confinement. Saginaw Bay commercial sucker fishery yearly catch and effort data for the period from 1929 to 1956 were obtained from the monograph by Hile and Buettner (1959). Monthly catch and effort report summaries for the period from 1960 to 1979 were obtained from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources' Fisheries Division, Lansing, Michigan. E. The Saginaw Bay Sucker Fishery 1. Background. For purposes of commercial fishery catch and effort data reporting, the area designated as Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron Statistical District MH-4 (Figure III-1), extends into a wedge-shaped region of Lake Huron proper (Smith, et a1, 1961). The adjacent open-lake waters of Lake Huron were included in the Saginaw Bay district, according to Hile (1962), to separate the whitefish grounds off the mouth of 33 l. Bodevcr I. x; I . ' pg; -. CHEW I 03-1.. ‘ l \. .. ,-"Lonol t.‘~ ,. \\W.' " Fitz-«Noint‘a 63-3 - .—" ~ Covet. Mom?! \'\ 9' 33.2 x‘ W tau-2 . 001-: o, . ~WL WM ‘1 ‘ti 3:. ”.3515" s *‘P' ............. .\\ - 00-4 ‘Afl 1 E tau-3 \ 0'"! t . '5 \ 7 Anson. ................. l urn-4 ‘. . o’ l: -------- new: m '-'°" um \ LAKE HURON IA " ‘ OH ----------- DISTRICT aouuoam 5" C RlcmouoanLE ------- , -""’ — "‘” summon» aouuouu moo! I! ........ Gamma m I no so co [0 Statute Mun ‘ m" mm Figure III-l. Lake Huron Statistical Catch Districts (from Smith, et a1, 1961) 34 the bay ownn the more northerly grounds of the Oscoda area and the southerly grounds of the Harbor Beach region. Almost no suckers are taken from the deep waters of this wedge-shaped region, therefore, reported catch and effort 2 area of statistics correspond almost exactly to the 2960 km Saginaw Bay described by Beeton, et a1, (1967). Multi-species fisheries present a perplexing set of problems to any investigator studying the population dynamics of a particular species' population within such fisheries. The Saginaw Bay trap net fishery is a relatively non-selective harvester of an assemblage of different species including: channel catfish; yellow perch; carp; suckers; lake whitefish; sheepshead (Aplodinotusggrunniens); quillback (Carpiodes cyprinus); black crappies (Pomoxis nigromaculatus); white bass (Morone chrysops) and others. The fishery has some ability to target on desired species (e.g. yellow perch and lake whitefish) during specific times Of the year. At present suckers represent an incidental catch and are not specifically sought by commercial fishermen. The species composition of the commercial catch varies according to the seasons. For example, lake whitefish, yellow perch and suckers are most available Us the fishery in the early spring and late fall whereas carp, sheepshead and quillback are most available during the warm summer months. Availability, as used here, is a term which" refers to that portion of a given stock which is actually vulnerable to a fishery during a particular time. If a 35 species' vulnerability to the fishery varies during different times of the year (e.g. due to temperature-induced behavioral movements), then changes in relative abundance indices (e.g. Ct/ft) from season to season within a given year are probably unreliable indicators of changing population abundance. In such instances only yearly relative abundance indices are likely to be of any value in assessing population abundance. A particularly vexing problem associated with the analysis of Saginaw Bay sucker fishery catch and effort data is that, due to the poor market for these fish, reported landings are usually a subset of the actual catch. The reliability of catch per unit effort indices calculated from such data is questionable unless it can be assumed that a reasonably constant proportion of the actual catch is landed throughout the fishing season from year to year. With such problems in mind, we will cautiously proceed with an analysis Of Saginaw Bay commercial sucker fishery catch and effort data. 2. The Sucker Fishery, 1929 to 1956 An excellent description of the Saginaw Bay commercial fishery for all major species harvested during the period from 1929 to 1956 is provided by Hile and Buettner (1959). Up until the mid-1940's, the principal species harvested by the fishery were lake herring, walleye, suckers, carp and yellow perch. Changes in the species composition of the Saginaw Bay fishery paralleled similar changes which occurred throughout the Great Lakes since the early 1940's. 36 Declining abundances of highly valued species (e.g. lake herring and walleye) contributed to corresponding reductions in the size of the commercial fishery'(cfu Figure III-2). From the group of highly prized species harvested in abundant quantities during the early part of the 20th century, only yellow perch were caught in commercially significant amounts by the mid-1950's. Increased abundances of carp, channel catfish and suckers were observed after the mid-1940's, however, these species remained underutilized due to the absence of sufficiently profitable markets. For the Great Lakes fisheries, according to Hile (1962), the period from 1929 to 1943 is regarded as the so- called base or reference period of abundance for all commercially harvested species. During this time, the abundances Of the principal commercially harvested species populations were considered relatively stable. An index of relative abundance for a given species can be calculated by dividing each year's catch per unit effort ratio, Ct/ft,'by the base period's mean catch per unit effort for that species in a particular catch district. The resulting abundance index, when multiplied by the amount of nominal effort, ft’ expended during a given year, provides a measure of the expected catch for that year (i.e. the catch that would result if the abundance of the current year's stock 37 IOO 1- ' 1000 801 < 800 60 - 1 600 Total Total Vessels Fishermen (—) (--) 40+ ~ 400 20- . 200 C 1 1 L l l O 60 64 68 72 76 Year Figure III-2. Participation in the Lake Huron Commercial Fishery (U.S. Waters, 1960-1976). 38 were equal to the abundance of the stock during the base period). The assumption of constant catchability, q, is implicit in this particular measure of relative abundance. The years from 1929 to 1956 can be divided into two separate periods, one of lower abundance, from 1929 to 1945, and one of higher abundance, from 1946 to 1956. Table III- 1, Table 111-2, and Figure III-3 contain summaries of catch, Ct’ effort, ft’ for these years. The mean catch per unit effort from 1929 and catch per unit effort, Ct/ft, statistics to 1943 (i.e. the base period of abundance) was approximately 27.7 pounds of suckers per shallow trap net lift. Figure III-4 depicts the abundance of Saginaw Bay suckers as a percentage of mean 1929 to 1943 catch per unit effort. A period of slightly decreasing relative abundance from 1929 to 1945 is followed by a period of steadily increasing relative abundance from 1946 to 1956. Equation III-12 can be rewritten as, III-19 Ct = dfitrt = b(ft), which suggests that a simple linear regression of total catch, C versus nominal effort, f forced through the t’ t’ origin will yield an estimate (i.e. the slope parameter, b) of mean biomass, E multiplied by catchability, q. The t, 'regression Of'Ct on ft for the 1929 to 1945 period resulted in the following, - - .2- III-20 Ct . b(ft) - 26.9(ft), r - 0.97. If an independent estimate of catchability, q, could be .101186; r/(qK) = .003739; q = 2.3 x 10‘7 AU '1 II K = 117,662,000 pounds; fMSY = r/(2q) = 220,000 lifts MSY = rK/4 = 2,976,000 pounds 2 2 _ 2 Ce - qK(ft) - q K/r(ft ) - 27°0623(ft) - .00006151(ft ) Ct/ft : a - b(ft) : 28.2137 - .00004521(ft) f = a/(2b) : 312,000 lifts; MSY : a2/(4b) : 4,402,000 MSY pounds E, = 962,000 pounds; 7; = 36,300 lifts 1946-1955 Ct/ft : a - b(ft) : 58,3428 - .000075513(ft) fMSY : a/(2b) = 38,600 lifts; MSY = a2/(4b) = 1,127,000 pounds E, = 900,000 pounds; f, = 22,000 lifts 1930-1955 _ 2 AUt - r(Ut) - r/(qK)(Ut ) - q(Ct) r = .092137; r/(qK) = .000961; q : 1.5 x 10‘6 K : 63,917,000 pounds; fMSY = r/(2q) : 30,700 lifts MSY : rK/4 : 1,472,000 pounds _ 2 2 _ 2 Ce - qK(ft) - q K/r(ft ) - 95.8762(ft) - .00156087(ft ) Ct/ft : a - b(ft) : 54.4734 - .00071726 (ft) fMSY = a/(2b) = 38,000 lifts; MSY = a2/(4b) = 1,034,000 ‘ pounds C, : 938,000 pounds; ft : 31,000 lifts 79 Table IV-l (cont.) 1968-1978 2 AUt _ r(Ut) - r/(qK)(Ut ) - q(Ct) r = .313292; r/(qK) = .001112; q = 7.2 x 10‘5 K = 3,913,000 pounds; f = r/(2q) = 2,200 lifts MSY MSY = rK/4 = 306,000 pounds c = qK(ft) — q2K/r(ft2) = 281.7374(ft) - .06474821(ft2) ct/ft = a — b(ft) = 47.7471 - .00404820(ft) fMSY = a/(2b) = 5,900 lifts; MSY = a2/(4b) = 141,000 pounds E; = 123,000 pounds;‘?£ = 3,800 lifts 80 with observed mean catch, Ct’ and mean effort, ft’ during this period. Figure IV-1 depicts the equilibrium relationship between catch and effort generated by application of equation IV-21. Also shown in Figure IV-1 is the short term production function obtained by applying equation III-19 to this time series of catch and effort data. The surplus production model appears to be a reasonable approximation of the relationship between catch and effort data from 1930 to 1955. From this evidence, one could infer that the Saginaw Bay commercial sucker fishery was in a state of equilibrium during this period. If this calculated relationship reflects potential stock dynamics, then an upper bound (from the standpoint of MSY) for annual sucker harvest from Saginaw Bay is approximately 1,000,000 pounds. 4. 1961 to 1967 Both estimation procedures failed to generate parameter estimates with the expected signs. Realistically, this period is represented by too few data points to warrant the application of surplus production modeling techniques. 5. 1968 to 1978 Both estimation procedures yielded parameter estimates with the expected signs. The estimates of fMSY and MSY obtained from both methods are within the neighborhood of observed mean catch, Ct’ and mean effort, ft. 81 32 l2 36 . 3| 34 , 4—0, = 29.”, '54 33 IO- . ‘36 . 37 43 . 45 4| ’ . 8- as 35 Conn 39 44 (lo5 lbs) . 42 6. 54.473414, - 0.00071726f? 4 . 2 l. O J L 1 1 1_ o lo 20 30 4o 50 Efflxi ' (lo3 lifts) Figure IV-l. LogiStic Surplus Production Model (1930-1955) . 82 Interpretation of these results is complicated by the fact that this period is represented by relatively few data points. Figure IV-2 depicts the relationship between catch and effort data generated by the multiple regression linearization procedure» Also shown in Figure IV-2 is the short term production function obtained by applying equation 'III-19 to these catch.and effort data. Three observations can be made about the relationship portrayed in Figure IV-2: (1) the fishery was not in equilibrium; (2) the fishery was overexploited; or (3) the logistic surplus production model is an inappropriate descriptor of stock dynamics for this period. 6. 1961 to 1978 Both estimation procedures failed to generate parameter estimates with the expected signs. D. Saginaw Bay Sucker Fishery Economics The preceding analysis of catch and effort data via the logistic surplus production model is an attempt to determine a workable production function which can be used in an economic analysis of the fishery. This section describes a simple bioeconomic fishery management model based upon the logistic surplus production model. The following economic analysis is patterned after the presentations by Fullenbaum and Bell (1974) and Anderson (1977). This analysis depends upon a reasonably accurate determination of the cost and revenue curves for the Saginaw Bay commercial sucker fishery. Cost and revenue data for 1979 were obtained from 83 304 e—c, = 23l.7374t, - 0.0647482le 20 . Catch , (104 lbs) 6' 73 74 ° l0 . 7" o l l l l J 0 IO 20 30 4o 50 Effort (lo2 lifts) Figure IV-2. Logistic Surplus Production Model (1968—1978). 84 an eastern Saginaw Bay commercial fishery operation which encompassed two full time fishing vessels. Table IV-2 contains a description of a typical Saginaw Bay commercial fishery operation for the year, 1979. The total costs of $88,639 represent the operating cost exclusive of operator labor for the two fishing vessels. This operation must earn at least this amount plus a moderate return to the operators' labor and capital or, in the long run, it will be forced to cease fishing. Since this operation fishes 6O trap nets, the average opportunity cost of a trap net is ($88,639/60 nets) or approximately $1,477. During 1979, each vessel was fished an averagelof 175 days. Approximately 3 nets were lifted per boat day. An estimate of the total amount of nominal fishing effort, f produced by this operation is: t’ 2 boats x 175 days fished/boat x 3 lifts/day fished : 1050 lifts. An estimated yearly average of 17.5 lifts per trap net is obtained by dividing 1050 lifts by 60 nets. The average cost per net lift is ($1,477/17.5 lifts) or approximately $84. In 1979, suckers comprised about 6% of the total landings (in pounds) of this operation. Assuming that the cost of landing a given species is directly proportional to its percentage composition in the total landed catch, the cost of one trap net lift for suckers isffiflltimes .06 or about $5.04. The total cost of fishing for suckers can be expressed as a function of nominal fishing effort, ft: 85 Table IV-2 Cost and Revenue Data Description: 2-40 ft. steel-hulled trap net boats; 190 h.p. engines; 60 nylon trap nets (6 ft. and 10 ft.); power spools; net pullers; ship to shore radios; total est. market value: $70,000. 1979 Production (2 boats) Species Total Lbs. Avg. Price/Lb. Total Return ($) ($) Catfish 115851 0.50 57925.50 Carp 58162 0.10 5816.20 Quillback 38150 0.15 5722.50 Sheepshead 33158 0.15 4973.70 Perch 22547 0.55 12400.85 Suckers 17655 0.05 882.75 Whitefish 10296 0.90 9266.40 Other Spp. 5000 0.30 1500.00 -Totals 300819 Lbs. $98487.90 Variable costs crewshare; net materials and repair; vessel maint. and repair; fuel and oil; ice; boxes; misc. $41365.00 Fixed costs depreciation; license fees; mortgages; utilities; insurance; misc. $47274.00 Total costs $88639.00 898487.90 -a6_32_09 Returntm>labor, management and investment $ 9848.90 86 IV-24 TC : $5.04(ft). In section C of this chapter we obtained the following estimate of sustainable yield in terum of nominal fishing effort for the 1968 to 1978 period: IV-25 ct = 281.7374(ft) - .06474821(ft2). This relationship was used to describe the dynamics of the Saginaw Bay sucker fishery during 1979. .Average cost in terms of’physical yield is calculated by dividing equation IV-24 by equation IV-25; IV-26 AC : $5.04/(281.7374 - .06474821ft). If we solve equation IV-25 for effort, ft, by means of the quadratic equation, we obtain: IV-27 ft: {-281.737 1 (79375.9626 - .259oct)‘/2)/(-.1295). If we substitute equation IV-24 into equation IV-26 we «obtain an expression for average cost in terms of physical yield: IV-28 At = $10.08/(281.7374 s (79375.9626 - .259oct)‘/2). By substituting equation IV-27 into equation IV-24 and differentiating the result with respect to Ct we obtain the following expression for marginal cost in terms of physical yield: 1v-29 MC : $5.04/(79375.9626 - .259oct)1/2. Table IV-3 and Figure IV—3 show the relationship ‘between total physical yield, Ct’ and average and marginal costs per pound. As the amount of effort applied to the fishery increases, total physical yield eventually falls lflnile average cost per pound increases since more money is 87 Table IV-3 Average and Marginal Cost Data Total Catch Nominal Effort Average Cost Marginal Cost (lbs) (trap net lifts) per Pound per Pound ($) ($) 66400 250 .019 .020 124700 500 .020 .023 174900 750 .022 .027 217000 1000 .023 .033 251000 1250 .025 .042 277000 1500 .027 .058 294700 1750 .030 .091 304500 2000 .033 .223 306500* 2176 .036 infinity 306100 2250 .037 299700 2500 .042 - 285100 2750 .049 - 262500 3000 .058 - 231700 3250 .071 - 192900 3500 .091 _ 146000 3750 .129 - 91000 4000 .222 - 27900 4250 .769 - * MSY 88 CL304 0.20 « Con '($/Ib) Marginal Cost 0 O '0‘ .mmnnerfl I OJDO ' L ‘ L O IOOOOO 200000 300000 400000 Quantity (lbs) Figure IV-3. Average and Marginal Cost of the Saginaw Bay Commercial Sucker Fishery, 1979. 89 spent to obtain less yield (Anderson, 1977). We know from the theory of open access fishery economics that the open access equilibrium or zero economic rent point will occur when the demand curve for suckers intersects the average cost curve. Due to the relative unimportance of the current Great Lakes sucker fishery, adequate information is not available to estimate a reliable sucker demand curve. In such instances, according to Anderson (1977), a simple fixed price model can be used in place of an explicitly derived demand curve. According to data obtained from the Michigan Deparment of Natural Resources' Fisheries Division, the ex-vessel pricewof suckers from Michigan waters of Lake Huron has remained relatively constant at about $0.05 Per pound over the past twenty years. The fixed price of $0.05 Per pound will be used in all subsequent bioeconomic calculations concerning the Saginaw Bay commercial sucker fishery. The P = $0.05 line intersects the average cost curve shown in Figure IV-3 on its backward bending portion where approximate fishery yield is 282,500 pounds. Substituting this figure into equation IV-27 we find that this corresponds to an effcrt level of approximately 2,800 trap net lifts. This is very close to the 1979 observed level of 2,590 trap net lifts. The expected fishery yield (i.e. 282,500 pounds), however, is more than two and one half times the reported catch of approximately 108JMM1pounds. Conversations with commercial fishermen indicate that only 9O one-fourth to one-third of the current sucker catch is landed due to the lack of profitable markets for these fish. If the reported 1979 sucker landings for Saginaw Bay represented approximately one—third of the actual catch, then anl estimate of the 1979 total catch is approximately 3 x 108,000 pounds or 324,000 pounds. This figure is very close to the above estimated equilibrium catch of 282,500 pounds. Maximum economic yield (MEY) occurs at the intersection of the P = $0.05 line with the marginal cost curve shown in Figure IV-3. According to Figure IV-3, MEY occurs when yield is approximately 267,000 pounds. Substituting into equation IV-27 we find that this corresponds to an effort level of approximately 1,400 trap net lifts. The total economic yield at this point is the difference between the selling price (i.e. $0.05/lb) and the average cost (i.e. $0.03/1b) multiplied by the total yield or about $5,340. The total revenue curve for the 1979 Saginaw Bay commercial sucker fishery is obtained by multiplying equation IV-25 by $0.05: IV-3O TR .05(281.737ft - .06474821ft2) 14.0869ft - .00323741ft2. Recall equation IV-24: IV-24 TC : 5.04(ft). Open access equilibrium occurs at the level of effort where total revenue, TR, equals total cost, TC. Equating equations IV—24 and IV-3O and solving for effort, ft, we 91 find that open access equilibrium occurs when total fishery effort equals approximately 2,800 trap net lifts. Figure IV-4 depicts the relationship between total revenue and total cost. Maximum economic yield occurs at that effort level where the slope of the total revenue curve equals the slope of the total cost curve. Differentiating equation IV- 30 with respect to effort, f and setting the result equal t? to 5.04, we find that maximum economic yield occurs when effort equals about 1,400 trap net lifts. Substituting this effort level into equations IV-24 and IV-3O and subtracting equation IV-24 from equation IV-30 yields a maximum economic rent estimate of approximately $6,320. E. Discussion The preceding abbreviated bioeconomic analysis of the Saginaw Bay commercial sucker fishery is fraught with complications. Recall the multispecies nature of the Saginaw Bay commercial fishery. Any analysis of a single exploited population within a multispecies fishery is contingent upon a number of sweeping assumptions. The assumptions of biological equilibrium conditions, essential to bioeconomic analyses, refer not only to the exploited population of interest, but also to its total environment. The components of an exploited population's environment include: the genetic composition of the population's gene pool; the physical environment; the biological elements of the ecosystem and the commercial fishery. The interactions between an exploited population and its environment 92 <-TC = 5.04t, l5; lo- 6057/ Revenue 003 3) 5 4 TR = l4.0869t, - 0.0032374”? : O . i l L 0 I0 20 30 4o Effort (lo2 lifts) Figure IV-4. Cost and Revenue in Terms of Effort. 93 determine the aggregate dynamic characteristics of that. stock. Bioeconomic analyses of exploited fisheries are often conducted with limited information. Armed only with commercial fishery catch, effort, cost and revenue data plus certain broad generalizations concerning aggregate population biomass growth (e.g. logistic growth), biologists and economists routinely construct simple lumped parameter fishery management models. While such models may reasonably describe the dynamics of single species fisheries in non- fluctuating environments, they almost certainly fail to explain the complex dynamics of multispecies fisheries. Multispecies fisheries require complex methods of analysis. Unfortunately, techniques for biological and economic analyses of multispecies fisheries are poorly developed (cf. Clark, 1976 and Anderson, 1977). Most efforts to obtain dynamic biological and economic information from multispecies fisheries involve attempts to determine sustainable yield curves for each species within such fisheries (c.f. Walter and Hogman's (1971) study of the Green Bay, Lake Michigan fishery). Frequently, the catch and effort data from one or more exploited species fail to fit the analytical model (e.g. surplus production model) used to describe the fishery. In such cases, independent estimates of MSY and allowable effort obtained by other means are necessary to avoid gaping holes in the analysis. In some instances, individual sustained yield curves calculated for different exploited stocks arehave a tendency to linger in the spawning streams. As was observed in the Fall 1979 sample, females are larger than males which, in turn, are larger than immatures. Comparison of the length and weight statistics contained thables VI—l and VI-2 reveals that the Spring 1980 fish are larger than the Fall 1979 fish. This could be due to springtime concentrations of large spawning individuals. 0n 4-9-80, none of the 15 males or 21 females sampled had spawned. 0n 4-26-80, none of the 16 males but 12 of the 28 females sampled had spawned. By 5-3-80, 12 of the 15 males and all 92 of the females sampled had spawned. From 60.0 50.0 It (cm) 40.0 30 .0 60.0 50.0 It (cm) 40.0 30.0 116 Females 7: = 30.5930 (405)“978 r2 = 0.99 Males ’rT. = 31.2644 (AGEYI422 - . . (2: 0.95 , 2+ 4+ 6+ 8+ I0+ I2+ I4+ AGE (years) Figure VI-3. Fall 1979 Length—Age Relationships. 117 Table VI-2 Spring 1980 Summary Statistics Sample Size (n) T1 (cm) TL (cm) sTL (cm) TL range (cm) WGT (g) SWGT(g) ‘WGT range (3) 15 r" SK 1‘ Kr range WGT : a(TL)b a b 2 Statistic Immatures Males Females 41 9 95 206 36.4 40.5 47.4 36.7 40.2 47.3 2.589 3.634 3.563 29.1- 32.6- 37.7- 42.6 46.5 55.1 530 670 1045 92.783 152.437 207.171 255- 400- 620- 720 1000 1730 0.98 0.98 1.02 0.068 0.089 0.103 0.86- 0.78- 0.80- 1.14 1.18 1.34 0.060 0.132 (0.161 2.516 2.305 2.274 0.88 0.85 0.77 l" 118 these observations, it appears that Saginaw Bay white suckers spawn during the latter week of April and the early portion of May. Figure VI-4 shows the length-frequency distributions of immature, male and female white suckers. Note that the largest Fall 1979 length class for females (i.e., from 44.0- 45.9 cm) has moved into the 46.0-47.9 cm length class, which represents the largest springtime female length class. Weight-length relationships for immatures,nmfles and females are shown at the bottom of Table VI-2. The Spring 1980 population weight-length regression (which includes all 343 fish from the composite sample) is, v1-5 Ln WGT = -2.9235 + 2.5545 LnTL; r2 = 0.86. Mean total length (TL) and mean relative condition (3}) of unspent females were 44.6 cm and 1.14, respectively. The unspent female (n = 41) weight-length regression is, v1-6 Ln WGT = -2.5745 + 2.4964 LnTL; r2 : 0.92. Mean total length (TL) and mean relative condition (E;) of spent females were 47.9 cm and 0.99, respectively. The spent female (n = 165) weight-length regression is, v1-7 Ln WGT = 3.1285 + 2.6031 LnTL; r2 = 0.83. Analysis of covariance reveals a significant difference (p<.01) between the lepes of the unspent and spent female weight-length regressions. This is reflected by the difference between unspent and spent femalermun1relative condition factors. 60 40 20 60 40 20 20 119 annhs n = 206 r—fir— . _. TL=47.4cm '1 Nhhs n==95 T',_ = 40.5cm fil—T ,__. Immatures 'n=4l 1.7— TL = 36.4cm ==E_‘ R 25.0 29.0 33.0 37.0 41.0 45.0 49.0 53.0 57.0 Length Class Midpoint (cm) Figure VI—A. Spring 1980 Length-Frequency Distributions. 120 Mean total length (TL) and mean relative condition (5;) of unspent males were 38.3 cm'and 1.05, respectively. The unspent male (n = 35) weight-length regression is, VI-8 Ln WGT = -3.1170 + 2.6200 LnTL; r2 = 0.92. Mean total length (TL) and mean relative condition (5;) of spent males were 41.3 cm and 0.94 respectively. The spent male (n : 60) weight-length regression is, VI-9 Ln WGT = .2.6311 + 2.4600 Ln TL; r2 = 0.86. Analysis of covariance indicates no significant difference (p):: .05) between the slopes of the unspent and spent male weight-length regressions. Figure VI-5 depicts mean relative condition, fr, as a function of length for males and females. Males and females exhibit a similar E; pattern for length classes marked by the 39.0 cm to 47.0 cm midpoints. Appendix Tables A4, A5 and A6 describe the size-age characteristics of the Spring 1980 age subsample (n = 313). All of the 41 immature fish were aged as were all but one of the 95 males. Females were aged until the length coefficient of variation for each age class approached a value of approximately 0.05. The female age subsample (n = 178) demonstrated a progressive increase in mean total length (T1) with age. The male age subsample (n: 94), however, exhibited a more irregular size-age relationship, similar to that represented by the Fall 1979 male age subsample. Figure VI-6 depicts the Spring 1980 male and female length-age relationships. 121 I.20- Females (—— —) Mobs( ) |.|0q Kr 1.003 CANT 0.80 25.0 29.0 33.0 37.0 41.0 45.0 49.0 53.0 57.0 Length Class Midpoint (on) Note. Nuttbenhpwthuuntertothewgthdmlneaehlangthdan Figure VI-S. Spring 1980 Relative Condition Factors. 122 60 .0- 5000‘“I 71: (cm) Famous 40.04 1'7. = 32.5910(AGE)'|658 r2 = 0.98 3043' 4 4* 60.0‘ 50.0‘ It (cm) 40.04 I ' I Males fl: = 31.8536 (Aoer'm r2: 0.82 30.0 A A 1 A 1 1 3 5 7 9 ll 13 AGE (year) Figure VI—6. Spring 1980 Length-Age Relationships. 123. The vertical lines are approximate 95% confidence limits about the mean total length (T?) at each age. The male length-age relationship was calculated by omitting age 13 due to the small sample size (n = 2) representative of this age. The Kr - age relationships listed in Appendix Tables A4 through A6 indicate that the younger age classes (iue. from 3-7 years old) were in better condition than the older age classes. 3. Summer 1980 During the Summer 1980 fishing season (June through August) two samples consisting of 31 immature, 71 male and '71 female white suckers were obtained. Table VI-3 contains summary statistics for the composite sample. Once again, the previously observed size relationship among immatures, male and females is maintained. The fish from the summer sample, however, are considerably smaller than fish from the Fall 1979 and Spring 1980 samples (c.f. Tables VI-l and VI- 2). Figure VI-7 shows the length-frequency distributions of immature, male and female white suckers. The diminished sizes of these summer immature, male and female fish may reflect the fact that larger white suckers move offshore into deeper, colder waters during the summer months where they are less available to the commercial fishery (which operates in relatively shallow waters during this time). ‘Weight-length relationships for immatures, males and females are shown at the bottom of Table VI-3. The Summer 124 Table VI—3 Summer 1980 Summary Statistics Sample size (n) l TL (cm) TL (cm) STL (cm) TL range (cm) Ill-5'1" (g) SWOT (3) WGT range (g) ‘E 1" SK 1" Kr range WGT : a(TL)b a b r2 Statistics Immatures Males Females 31 71 71 30.5 35.3 38.9 30.4 35.4 39.8 3.351 2.605 4.662 24.3- 29.0- 30.8- 39.2 42.5 55.8 300 450 650 95.567 96.536 219.909 145- .240- 310- 580 .755 1380 1.00 1.00 1.04 0.135 0.087 0.105 0.42- 0.82- 0.77- 1.22 1.18 1.33 0.065 0.043 0.047 2.458 2.593 2.578 0.72 0.83 0.90 Number 125' 60‘ Females 404 n = 71 1 TL = 38.9 cm _, 0 , 50' Males n = 7| 404 . TL = 35.3 cm 20- fi—1 0 =1 “ 'j—L Immatures 20- 'n = 3| __.[—— TL = 30.5cm o ‘ l 25.0 29.0 33.0 37.0 4|.0 45.0 49.0 53.0 57.0 Length Class Midpoint (cm) Figure VI-7. Summer 1980 Length-Frequency Distributions. 126 1980 population weight-length regression (which includes all 173 fish from the composite sample) is, VI-10 Ln WGT = -3.6797 + 2.7429 LnTL; r2 : 0.92. Analysis of covariance reveals no significant difference (p = .05) between the slopes of the male and female weight- length regressions. Figure VI-8 depicts mean relative condition, E; , as a function of length for males and females. No obvious trends in K; are evident. Appendix Tables A7, A8 and A9 describe the size-age characteristics of the Summer 1980 age subsample. Fin rays were not Collected during the second of two summer sampling periods (which accounts for the poor age class representation for both males and females). Length-age relationships were not calculated for the summer subsample due to this inadequate age distribution. 4. Fall 1980 During the Fall 1980 fishing season (September through November) five samples consisting of 76 immature, 113 male and 153 female white suckers were obtained. Table VI-4 contains summary statistics for the composite sample. The size statistics calculated from this sample are similar to the Fall 1979 size statistics (c.f. Table VI-1). Figure VI-9 shows the length-frequency distributions of immature, male and female white suckers. The Fall 1979 sample (Figure VI-1) indicated that the dominant male size class was from 36.0 -37.9 cm. Figure VI-9 shows the 127 1.20“ Females (-——) Mahs( ) LIO‘ Kr 1.00- 0.90. 0.80 25.0 29.0 33.0 370 41.0 45.0 49.0 53.0 57.0 Length Class Midpoint (cm) mmmma letttothemmberothclmlneodllutgthclw. Figure VI-8. Summer 1980 Relative Condition Factors. 128 Table VI-u Fall 1980 Summary Statistics Statistic Immatures flalgg Females Sample size (n) 76 113 153 Ti (cm) 33.2 39.2 43.7 ¥i (cm) 32.6 39.6 40.0 STL (cm) 4.179 3.367 4.288 TL range (cm) 23.4- 32.6- 34.6- 40.“ 50.8 53.1 W's—f (g) 365 6115 920 SWGT (3) 124.396 199.493 254.190 WGT range (g) 125- 350- 460- 635 1230 1580 fir 0.96 0.99 1.02 SKr 0.076 0.099 0.097 K range 0.65- 0.68- 0.75- 1.12 1.30 1.35 WGT = a(TL)b a 0.017 0.077 0.033 b 2.85” 2.u51 2.701 r2 0.96 0.83 0.89 129 60- . Females 40‘ n = I53 'l"L = 43.7crn 201 0 E 66. g Males Z 401 n = ”3 I TL = 39.2 cm 7— o a We; 20* "—11—7 'n = 76 __ __ —“ TL= 33.20tn O I ‘ _—L= 25.0 29.0 33.0 37.0 4|.O 45.0 49.0 53.0 57.0 Length Class Mldpolnt (cm) Figure VI-9. Fall 1980 Length-Frequency Distributions. 130 dominant Fall 1980 male size class to be from 38.0-39.9 cm. This could reflect the movement of a dominant year class through the fishery. The bottom portion of Table VI-Ll shows the calculated weight-length relationships for immatures, males and females. Analysis of covariance indicates no significant difference (p = .05) between slopes of the Fall 1979 female and Fall 1980 female weight-length regressions. Comparison of the slopes of the Fall 1979 male and Fall 1980 male weight-length regressions reveals a significant (p = .05) difference. The Fall 1980 population weight-length regression (which includes all 3142 fish from the composite sample) is given by, v1—11 Ln WGT = -u.u351 + 2.9629 LnTL; r2 = 0.96. Analysis of covariance revealed no significant difference (p: .05) between the slopes of the male and female weight- length regressions. Figure VI-lO depicts mean relative condition, K}, as a function of length for males and females. Figure VI-lO shows that K; decreases with increasing length for both males and females. Appendix Tables A10, A11 and A12 describe the size-age characteristics of the Fall 1980 age subsample (n : 3H1). Figure VI-A‘lriepicts the Fall 1980 male and female length- age relationships. The vertical lines are approximate 95% confidence limits about the mean total lengths (T1) at each age. Analysis of covariance reveals no significant 131 l.20- Females (—--) Mahs( ) IJO- Kr l.00~ O o 90" ‘0» 0.80 25.0 29.0 33.0 37.0 4|.0 45.0 49.0 53.0 57.0 Length Class Midpoint (cm) Nam MmbusmpaumuunnhrNMMmuunr«humunhhemmhmmhalm Figure VI—lO. Fall 1980 Relative Condition Factors. 132 60.0« 50.01 it (cm) Females 4°°°‘ TL = 3|.2447lAeEr'885 r2 = 0.97 30.0 ' . * . ‘ 60.0 7: (cm) 7 ’1 40.03 ,_ ._ Mans TL = 3|.5594lAGE)"3°° r2: 0.95 30.0 I ‘ l L g ‘ 1 2+ 4+ 6+ 8+ 10+ l2+ 14+ AGE (years) Figure Vl-ll. Fall 1980 Length—Age Relationships 133 differences (p = .05) between the slopes or elevations of the Fall 1979 male and Fall 1980 male length—age regressions. Similarly, analysis of covariance reveals no significant differences (p = .05) between the slopes or elevations of the Fall 1979 female and Fall 1980 female length-age regressions. The Er - age relationships for both males and females (Appendix Tables A10 and A11) indicate that the younger fish are generally in better condition than the older fish. 5. Spring 1981 During April 1981 two samples, consisting of 12 immature, 33 male and 106 female white suckers were obtained. Table VI-5 contains summary statistics for the composite sample. This sample was obtained to provide additional information about spring spawning periods and female size-fecundity relationships. Meaningful comparisons between Spring 1980 and Spring 1981 summary statistics are difficult due to the limited scope of the Spring 1981 sampling program. On ”-8-81, none of the 21 males or 22 females sampled had spawned. on 4-24-81, 6 of the 12 males and 77 of the 84 females had spawned. These observations parallel similar trends noted during the Spring 1980 season. Saginaw Bay white sucker spawning occurs_during the latter portion of April and the early part of May. Females return to the bay before males (as is reflected by the Spring 1980 and 1981 sample sex composition). 134 Table VI-5 Spring 1981 Summary Statistics Sample size (n) 1 TL (cm) Tl (cm) sTL (cm) TL range (cm) WET (g) chr (g) WGT range (g) '1? r r K range r WGT : a(TL)b a b 2 Statistics Immatures flalgs Females 12 33 106 34.4 38.0 46.9 34.8 38.7 45.2 1.H80 3.72” H.668 32.8- 30.9- 39.1- 38.1 47.fl 55.7 #40 595 925 53.165 139.760 251.562 345- 330 400 570 975 1850 0.97 0.99 1.03 0.087 0.088 0.099 0.85- 0.73- 0.83- 1.18 1.18 1.31 0.376 0.174 0.077 1.990 2.221 2.460 O.A9 0.86 0.88 r 135 Figure VI-12 shows the length-frequency distribution of immatures, males and females. The 46.0-47.9 cm length class is the dominant female length class (as was also the case during the preceding spring). Figure VI-13 depicts mean relative condition, Er’ as a function of length for males and females. Relative condition is optimal for both sexes at an intermediate size, after which it experiences a progressive decline. The Spring 1981 population weight-length regression (which includes all 151 fish in the composite sample) is, VI-12 Ln WGT = -3.0070 + 2.5721 LnTL; r2 = 0.93. Analysis of covariance reveals no significant difference (p: .05) between the slopes of the spent and unspent female weight-length regressions. No significant differences (p: .05) were indicated between the slopes or elevations of Spring 1980 and Spring 1981 spent female weight-length regressions. Similarly, no significant differences were indicated between the slopes or elevations offhndng 1980 and Spring 1981 unspent female weight-length regressions. Appendix Tables A13, A14 and A15 contain immature, male and female size-age statistics. Figure VI-l4 depicts the Spring 1981 female length-age relationship. The vertical lines are approximately 95% confidence limits about the mean total lengths at each age. A length-age regression was not calculated for Spring 1981 males due to the small sample 136 60- Females 40. I11 = l06 TL = 46.9 cm 204 o r—r— “ ‘1... L g 601 :1 Males z 40. n = 33 +1. = 33.0 cm 20- 0 Immatures 2m 0 = 12 +1.: 34.4 cm 0 Fr; 25.0 29.0 33.0 37.0 41.0 45.0 49.0 53.0 57.0 Length Class Midpoint (cm) Figure VI-12. Spring 1981 Length—Frequency Distributions. XI 1'37 1.20‘ Females (—--) Males ( 1 1.10“ 1.004 (6) 0.901 0.80 25.0 29.0 33.0 37.0 41.0 45.0 49.0 53.0 57.0 Length Class Midpoint (cm) Note. Whparsnthssss rst‘srtothsm'nbsrdhdvmalshsaohlongthcloss. Figure VI-lB. Spring 1981 Relative Condition Factors. 138 60.04 50001 TL (om) Pandas .. — .1961 40.0. A 11. = 29.8138 (AGE) 12 = 0.94 .L 30.0 . . . . . . 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 AGE (years) Figure VI—lh. Spring 1981 Female Length-Age Relationship. 139 size represented by this sex. Analysis of covariance 'revealed no significant differences (p = .05) between the slopes or elevations of Spring 1980 and Spring 1981 female length-age regressions. 6. Composite Length-Frequency Distributions Figure VI-15 represents the composite female, male and immature length-frequency distributions obtained by combining all samples (n :.1803) obtained during this investigation. This figure depicts the size selective scope of the Saginaw Bay trap net fishery for white suckers. 7. White Sucker Fecundity The size-fecundity relationship fer Saginaw Bay white suckers was determined as follows. Ovaries from 45 ripe females sampled during April 1980 and 1981 were removed and weighed to the nearest 5 grams. The ovaries from 13 of these ripe females were placed in glass jars and transported in ice to the laboratory. In the laboratory, a subsample of 50 eggs from each of the 13 ovaries was weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg on a Mettler single pan analytical balance, with the result divided by 50 to obtain an estimate of mean egg weight. The resulting 13 mean egg weight estimates ranged from 3.6 to 5.3 mg and averaged 4.5 mg. An estimate of the total number of eggs produced by each female was obtained by dividing the total ovary-egg complex weight (in grams) by 4.5 mg. The following size-fecundity regression was calculated, Number 1110 150‘ Females —1 n = 894 '20- TL = 45.7 cm 80" r.._.1—1_— 404 ~ “'1 O ?L— _1 160' "" Malgs . ‘1— n = 704 1204 . ‘ '1 TL = 37.7 cm 80- . F—_ 40' "—— Immatures 40- __' n = 205 __. ‘ —-4"‘ TL= 33.70111 25.0 29.0 33.0 37.0 41.0 45.0 49.0 53.0 57.0 Length Class Midpoint (cm) Figure VI—l5. Composite Length—Frequency Distributions. 141 VI-13 m = a(TL)b, where: m = total number of eggs TL = total length (cm). The fecundity-size relationship for the combined sample of 45 ripe females sampled during April 1980 and 1981 is, v1-14 Ln m = -0.0195 + 2.7355 LnTL; r2 = 0.49. Fecundity computations obtained by applying equation VI-14 overestimate actual fecundity since the fraction of the total ovary-egg complex which is ovary is not subtracted from the total ovary-egg weight in the estimation process. This positive bias in estimating fecundity is not considered important for current descriptive purposes since more than 90% of the total ovary-egg weight consists of eggs. The ovary-egg mass of the above 45 ripe females averaged approximately 14.9% of the total female weight and ranged from 9.8-20.5% of the total weight. In contrast, the testes-sperm mass of 22 ripe males sampled during April 1981 averaged 5.7% of the ’total male body weight, ranging from 3.7-9.1% of the total weight. The reproductive investment of female white suckers is considerably greater than that of males and is consistent with similar observations made by Lalancette (1975) in his investigation of white suckers in a 12.3 hectare Quebec lake. 142 8. Miscellaneous Observations Previous investigations of white suckers in Lake Huron (i.e. Hall and Elliott, 1954 and Cable, 1967) indicated that the sea lamprey was an important factor regulating the size composition of white sucker populations. The current study found 11 (Nit of 894 sampled females bore noticeable lamprey wound scars. All but 1 of these scarred females were greater than or equal to 45.0 cm in total length. Only 1 out of the 704 males sampled bore a noticeable lamprey scar. The sea lamprey does not appear to play a major role as a predator of Saginaw Bay white suckers.unless it kills the vast majority of the individuals it attacks. A number of large fish of both sexes were afflicted with a severe degenerative fungal-like disease of the anal or caudal fins. Several larger fish collected during the fall and spring seasons had parasitic roundworms embedded in their paired fins. A few individuals contained massive abdominal tumors which constituted up to 20% of their total body weight. The maximum observed ages for females and males were 17+ and 19+ years old, respectively. Aging of individuals greater than 13+ or 14 years old was very difficult since fin ray annuli formed during later years were extremely close together and often undiscernible. Food habit studies of Saginaw bay white suckers were precluded in this study by the fact that most samples, although well-preserved on ice, were more than 24 hours old. 143 A rapid degeneration of the digestive tract contents occurred within 24 hours after the fish were captured. Those digestive tracts observed contained large amounts of detritus and plant material and, especially in the fall, were often engorged with amphipods. Perhaps the most notable aspect of’Saginaw Bay white sucker biology, as inferred from samples obtained during the course of the present investigation, is the marked difference between male and female growth patterns as evidenced by the. weight-length and length-age regressions. Analysis of. covariance reveals no significant differences (p: .05) between slopes or elevations of the Fall 1979, spring 1980 or Fall 1980 male length-age regressions. Covariance analysis indicates no significant differences (p: .05) between slopes of the Fall 1979, Spring 1980, Fall 1980 or Spring 1981 female length-age regressions. The tR), the original number of recruits, R, is reduced to, VI-18 Rt = Re'Z(t ' ta), instantaneous mortality rate where Z = total (i.e. M + F). The mean number of individuals from a given year class present during a given time period is obtained by integrating equation VI-18 with respect to time, t=tmz(t _ VI-1 N = R - 9 t t=tre attained. The catch in numbers from a year class after tR)dt, where tm = maximum age recruitment is obtained by multiplying the instantaneous rate of fishing mortality, F, times equation VI-19. By multiplying equation VI-18 by an expression for weight as a function of age and integrating with respect to time we obtain an expresSion for the sum of the yearly mean biomass of all fish in a year class, for all the years that it contributes to the fishery, __ t=tm VI-20 B = J/’ (WGT)tRe‘Z(t‘tR) dt, t=tr 150 where WGTt = weight as a function of age. The total yield in weight, Ct’ from a year class after recruitment is obtained by multiplying the instantaneous rate of fishing mortality, F, times equation VI-20, t=tm _ -Z(t-t ) VI-21 Ct - F tztéWGT)tRe R To avoid specificiation of‘a recruitment function dt. (which is usually much more complex than that implied by equation VI-l7) equation VI-21 is often divided by R, which results in an expression for average yield per recruit, Ct/R, as a function of fishing mortality rate, F, t=tm -Z(t - t VI-22 Ct/R = E/:;tr (WGT)t e R) dt. Equation VI-22 is referred to as the Beverton-Holt dynamic pool model and was introduced by Beverton and Holt (1957). iIf an investigator has information concerning: age at recruitment; maximum attainable age; instantaneous rate of natural mortality, M; and the relationship between weight and age, then equation VI-22 can be used to calculate the effects of different rates of fishing on the average yield per recruit. A given fishery can then be managed so as to produce a specified optimal yield per recruit by adjusting the rate of fishing, F. Of course, if the relationship between spawning stock size and subsequent number of recruits is known, then equation VI-21 can be used to estimate the effects of different rates of fishing on the total yield from the fishery. When using either equation VI-21 or equation VI-22 to calculate equilibrium yield or yield per recruit, it is not 151 necessary to know the form of the growth function prior to the age of recruitment. All that is necessary is to find a function which describes weight as a function of age from t = tR to t : tm. The historical development and use of the dynamic pool model assumed that fish growth was described by 3 Von Bertalanffy-type growth equation, which assumes asymptotic growth in length. There is no 3 priori reason to assume that the pattern of growth demonstrated by any given fish population is necessarily asymptotic. A better growth equation, which is directly applicable to the population under investigation, can often be obtained by relating the observed sizes of fish to their corresponding ages via some form of linear functional relationship. This is the suggestion put forward by Roff (1980) who advocates abandoning the use of the Von Bertalanffy growth function in fisheries applications. Weight at age data for ages 2+ through >13+:fi%m1the Fall 1979 samples were used to determine a linear weight-age relationship for both males and females. Fish greater than 13+ years old demonstrated very little growth, therefore they were pooled with the age 13+ fish. For the purposes of these and other size-age calculations, fish aged as n+ were designated as age n.5 (i.e. a fish aged 3+ was treated as though it were age 3.5, etc.). The following simple linear regression model was used to describe the relationship between mean weight and age for both males and females, v1-23 Wfi’ = a + b (AGE). 152 The female weight-age relationship is given by, VI-24 RE? = 426.3141 + 81.3462(AGE); r2 = 0.99. The male weight-age relationship is given by, VI-25 WET = 475.6294 + 38.6713(AGE); r2 = 0.87. By substituting equation VI-23 into equation VI-22 we get: . t=tm VI-26 Ct/R = F~//’ (a +bt)e-(F * ”)(t ’ tR) dt. t=tr where t = AGE. Integration of equation VI-26 results in, aF VI-27 Ct/R = :XTZWU [e (F + M)(tm tR) - 1] m [true [e'(F + M)(tm - t + -(F + M)(tm - tR) - t + R] R) - 1]. As mentioned previously, growth (in terms of length and weight) is negligible for both males and females after about age 13+. Therefore, for the purposes of the present analysis, tm = 13+ (i.e. 13.5 years) for both sexes. Catch curve analyses indicate that adult white sucker survival, S, ranges from 0.59 to 0.72. If all mortality were attributable to natural factors, then these annual survival rates would indicate that instantaneous natural mortality, M, ranges from about 0.329 to 0.528. The results of Chapter III indicate that the current rate of fishing, F, is small (i.e. less than 0.1), implying that most of the Saginaw Bay adult white sucker mortality is probably attributable to natural causes. Assume a constant natural mortality rate of 0.4 for both males and females. The weight-age regression parameters, a and b, are obtained directly from equations EB ‘VI-24 and VI-25 for females and males, respectively. Catch curve analyses show that, although.significant numbers of fish of age 2+ in the fall and of age 3 in the spring are captured by the fishery, full recruitment does not occur until fish are about age 3+ (fer fall fish) and age 4 (for spring fish). We now have all of the parameters necessary to estimate equilibrium yield per recruit via equation VI- 27. Figure VI-18 depicts equilibrium yield per recruit for 1nales and females at different rates of fishing, F, for two possible ages of recruitment, tR = 2.5 and tR = 3.5. The yield per recruit for females is higher than that for males at all levels of fishing, F, reflecting the differences between male and female growth rates. Optimal utilization of Saginaw Bay white suckers (in terms of maximization of equilibrium yield per recruit) under the conditions implied by Figure VI-18 should occur at rates of fishing, F, ranging from 0.6 to 1.2. This would involve a substantial increase in nominal fishing effort, f from current levels, t’ which are on the order of‘3,000 shallow trap net lifts per year. The equilibrium yield per recruit curves shown in Figure VI-18 indicate that, at present rates of fishing (i.e. F less than or equal to 0.10), the potential productivity of Saginaw Bay sucker stocks is greatly underutilized. Recall the relationship between rate of fishing, F, and nominal effort, ft’ III-9 F : qf where q : catchability. t, 154 '6004 2.0 Femams__ Mobs 400' culR (a) 200-1 0 Females —'— 600-1 Mahs #— 400~ C? IR (0) M = 0.4 t = 315 200- R 1 =13.5 0' . A 1* i 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 Rate of Fishing (F) Figure VI—18. Equilibrium Yield Per Different Rates of Fishing. Recruit at 35 If catchability remains constant, then F can only increase 141th increasing nominal effort, ft' If the current rate of fishing, F is approximately 0.1, then a six-fold expansion in nominal effort, ft’ would be necessary to raise the rate of fishing to.0.6. It is doubtful that the present commercial fishery has the capability to expand its effort by the amount necessary to attain optimal utilization of the sucker fishery. E. Estimating Mortality Rates of Pre-recruits One of the most important aspects of population dynamics research is the determination of age-specific rates of survival. Representative sampling (e.g. of the commercial catch) of’the adult portion of a population enables an investigator to obtain post-recruit survival estimates via catch curve analyses. Unfortunately, difficulties and costs associated with sampling yoUnger life stages usually preclude direct survival rate estimation of pre-recruit age classes. Perhaps the most fundamental problem facing fisheries managers and investigators is the determination of the spawning stock - recruit relationship (i.e. the so-called recruitment curve). Knowledge about the recruitment process helps fisheries managers exert more precise control over the fisheries relegated to their stewardship. Compensatory recruitment mechanisms, if properly delineated, describe potential fluctuations in year class strength. Knowledge about year class strength enables fisheries managers to 156 adjust the rates of fishing, F, to take advantage of .exceptionally strong year classes or to protect the fishery during a series of poor recruitment years. Recruitment curve delineation depends upon knowledge of pre-recruitment survival rates, particularly of the age 0 year class. Vaughan and Saila (1976) describe an indirect method for determining age 0 survival rates via application of the Leslie Matrix. This method depends upon the following assumptions: (1) mortality rates are constant over time; (2) fishing mortality is zero for the age10 year class; (i.e. the population age structure is stable); and (3) the population is in equilibrium (i.e. is neither growing nor declining in size). Any one element of’the Leslie Matrix can be indirectly determined if the remaining age-specific fecundity and survival relationships are known. The assumption of an equilibrium population implies that the dominant eigenvalue of the Leslie Matrix is equal to 1. Let Fx be the number of females born in the interval, t to t + 1, per female of age x to x + 1 at time t who will be alive in the 0th age class at time t + 1 or, VI-28 F = S m x x x+1’ .where: SX : the probability that an individual reaching age x will survive to age x + 1 x+1 the number of females born per female of age x + 1. Define the Leslie Matrix as follows, 157 F0 F1 F2 ° Fk-2 Fk—1 S0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 S1 0 O 0 .E= 0 O 32 . . . 0 0 _0 0 0 . . . Sk_2 0 _j Define the population state vector, N(t) as follows: no(t) n1(t) .———h M(t): nk_1(t)' L where nx(t) equals the number of individuals (females) of age x at time t. The population state vector at time t + 1 is, VI-29 NZt+1> : Equation VI—29 is a special case of the following first 2L A c1. - >. order linear homogeneous difference equation, VI-30 KT?) :.gtNCO). The dominant positive eigenvalue, R, of L.is obtained by solving, v1-31 |;-BI|= 0, where ;_= the identity matrix. A scalar R is called an eigenvalue of'L_if there exists a non-zero vector i such that, v1-32 g? = R3. 158 If R =:‘l (i.e. the p0pulation is in equilibrium) age 0 survival rate, 80’ is determined from, VI-33 [4:11 = 0, or VI-34 s0 = (1 - FO)/(F1 + S1F2 + $15293 + . . . + S1 . . 'Sk-2Fk _ 1). Table VI-6 contains the basic data necessay for constructing a Leslie Matr'ix for female Saginaw Bay white suckers. Analysis of covariance indicates nosflgmificantdifferences (p = .05) between slopes of the Fall 1979, Spring 1980,or Fall 1981 female total length-age regressions. The length at age column in Table VI-6 is derived by pooling the Fall 1979,3pring 1980, Fall 1980 and Spring 1981 female length- age regressions which results in, v1-35 TL = 31.1073(AGE)‘1862. Catch curve analysis of the combined Fall 1979 and Fall 1980 age samples indicates that annual survival rate, S, from age 3+ to age 7+ is about 0.72 and from age 10+ to age 16+ is approximately 0.66. These survival rate estimates were used as guidelines for the age-specific survival rates listed in Table VI-6 for ages 3+ to 13+. Since survival rates of pre- recruits are almost certainly less than adult survival rates, estimates of age 1 and 2 survival are S : 0.30 and S = 0.50, respectively. Recall the size-fecundity relationship described by equation VI-14. 2.7355. v1-14 mx .9807(TL) Assuming a 1-1 sex ratio (i.e. the number of male and female eggs produced are equal) the size-fecundity relationship 159 Table VI-6 Female Age-Specific Fecundity and Survival Rates Age TL(cm) SX mx 0 0 1 0.30 0 2 0.50 0 3 0.70 0 4 40.3 0.70 12073 5 42.0 0.70 13518 6 43.4 0.70 14786 7 44.7 0.70 16030 8 45.8 0.65 17132 9 46.8 0.65 18175 10 47.8 0.65 19257 11 48.6 0.60 20151 12 49.4 0.60 21072 13+ 50.2 0.00 22018 160 shown in Table VI-6 is given by, 2.7355 VI-36 mx c (.5) x .9807(TL) The Leslie Matrix constructed from the data contained in Table VI-6 is a 13 x 13 square matrix. Age 0 survival rate is obtained by application of equation VI-35 to the Table VI-6 data, VI-37 s0 = (1 - 0)/(4816.08) = 2.076 x 10‘”. According to equation VI-37, approximately 2 females out of 10,000 fertilized eggs survive the first year of life. The preceding Leslie Matrix calculations assume that Saginaw Bay female white suckers first spawn at age 4. The weakest links in the age-specific survival and fecundity data listed in Table VI-6 are the estimates of age 1 and age 2 annual survival rates, for which no concrete data could be obtained. In Chapter IV, application of the logistic surplus production model to commercial fishery catch and effort data from 1968 to 1978 resulted in an estimated carrying capacity of approximately 3,913,000 lbs (i.e. 1,779,000 kg). This is an estimate of the total catchable biomass of white suckers in Saginaw Bay. The percentages of the combined weight of all the samples obtained during this study as immatures, males and females were 5.85%, 31.52% and 62.63%, respectively. If we multiply these percentages by 1,779,000 kg, we obtain rough estimates of the total weight of catchable immatures, males and females (i.e. 104,072 kg immatures; 560,741 kg males; 1,114,188 kg females). The 161 mean weights of immatures, males and females obtained during this investigation were 395 g, 620 g and 970 g, respectively. By dividing total weight estimates of catchable immatures, males and females by mean individual weights, we obtain estimates of the total numbers of catchable immatures, males and females (i.e. 263,000 immatures; 904,000 males; 1,149,000 females). Assume, for the present purposes, that white suckers are catchable once they reach age 2. Also assume that age 13 is the maximum attainable age. The total number of exploitable females is given by, 13 VI-38 M(t) = .22ni(t), where ni(t) = no. in age class i. 1: Now, the absolute numbfr of females in age class i is, 1.... VI-39 ni(t) = nO jIEO Sj’ where Sj = prob. of survival from age 5 to age t-+1. Substituting equation VI-39 into equatipg V1738 we obtain, . l: v1-40 N(t) = 1,3 (n if s.) =n 2 II 3.. ._ 0 '-0 3 01:2 j=0 J Solving equationJVfL40 fog no we get, . 13 i-l v1-41 no = N(t)/( X IIs.). i=2 3:0 J With the estimate of age 0 survival obtained from equation VI-37 coupled with the annual survival rate estimates listed in Table VI-6 we obtain the following value for the denominator of equation VI-41, 13 i—l 2 II S. : 0.0001622982943. i: 2 J=O J The numerator for equation VI-41 is our previous estimate of to total number of catchable females (i.e. 1,149,000). 162 Dividing 1,149,000 by 0.0001622982943 we obtain an estimate of the total number of female eggs produced (i.e. '7,079,557,000). Assuming a 1-1 sex ratio, the total number «of eggs produced would equal about 14,159,114,000. If the .average female (TL = 44.8 cm) produces .9807(44.8)2‘7355 = 32,300 eggs, then the total number of'spawning females is approximately 438,000. Jensen (1974) describes a Leslie Matrix approach to fishery yield estimation as follows, .as t...) VI-42 C = Efll‘ 11(0) , t where: ‘0; = total catch (harvest) vector F = a diagonal k x k matrix with age-specific rates of fiShing on the diagonal and zeroes elsewhere W = a diagonal k x k matrix with age-specific weights on the diagonal and zeroes elsewhere L_= the Leslie Matrix ._.. N(O) = the initial population state vector. Equation VI-42 and similar discrete time population harvest models could be useful predictors of future harvest levels'from age-specific rates of fishing, Fi, provided a reliable estimate of the population state variable, M(B3, is available. The present investigation obtained a rough estimate of the age class distributions of males and females greater than or equal to 2+ years old. The contribution of 2+ year old fish to these age class distributions is underestimated since fish are not fully recruited into the 163 fishery until they reach age 3+. Indirect estimates of the size of age class 0 depend upon the assumption of an equilibrium population. Insufficient data is available to substantiate this assumption although it seems reasonable as a first approximation, in light of the absence of information to the contrary. No estimates of the size of age class 1 are available. In short, the lack of a reliable measure of the Saginaw Bay white sucker population state variable, N( ), precludes meaningful application of equation VI-42. CHAPTER VII Summary and Recommendations A. Recapitulation This investigation was undertaken to determine potential limits on the commercial exploitation of Saginaw Bay suckers. Three species of suckers (i.e. white, longnose and redhorse suckers) occur commonly in the waters of Saginaw Bay. The white sucker dominates the species composition of the commercial sucker catch, accounting for more than 90% of all landings. Accordingly, the major portion of this study involved deterndning the population dynamics of Saginaw Bay white suckers. Population dynamics data (e.g. catch and effort records, age and growth information) were considered representative of a single homogeneous stock of fish. This may be a rather sweeping assumption, considering the large area (2960 km2) of Saginaw Bay and the observations by Olson and Scidmore (1963) and Coble (1967), which indicate that white suckers typically exhibit little in the way of long range movements. Refer to Figure II-l which shows at least 10 tributary streams and rivers emptying into Saginaw Bay. Each of these tributaries may accommodate the spring spawning run of a distinct stock of white suckers. For present purposes, 16h 165 however, it is assumed that available data reflect the average characteristics of several possible white sucker stocks. The description and analysis of commercial fishery catch and effort data is central to this investigation's study of white sucker population dynamics. Chapter III contains an in-depth analysis of Saginaw Bay sucker fishery data from 1929-1956 and from 1960-1979. In general, these data reflect decreasing rates of exploitation and increasing levels of abundance of Saginaw Bay sucker stocks. Current annual sucker harvests approximate 100,000-150,000 pounds, which is about an order of magnitude less than historical maximum harvest levels. The analysis of recent (1960-1979) catch and effort data is complicated by the fact that, in recent years, only a fraction (i.e. from one-fourth to one- third) of the actual catch has been landed, reflecting the absence of a remunerative market for Great Lakes suckers. A cautious interpretation of these data indicates that up to 500,000 pounds of suckers could be harvested annually without overexploiting the stocks. Chapter IV contains a simple bioeconomic analysis of the current Saginaw Bay commercial sucker fishery. The logistic surplus production model is used as the production function for this analysis. The reliability of this production function may be questioned since it was derived for a period of time (1968-1978) represented by relatively few data points. A similar production function, representing a 166. longer time frame (1930-1955) was not used since it was assumed these earlier data no longer describe current fishery dynamics. According to this analysis, an ex-vessel price increase from $0.05/lb to $0.10/lb would generate a short term economic rent of approximately $11,000 to the commercial fishery. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Great Lakes fish marketed for human consumption may contain no more than 5 ppm PCB's and no more than 5 ppm EDDT (i.e. DDT and its analogs, DDD and DDE). Chapter V summarizes the results of PCB and XDDT analyses on samples of 25 white suckers obtained from the Fall 1979 and Spring 1980 .commercial landings. These analyses indicate that the mean levels of PCB's (0.05 ppm) and XDDT (0.015 ppm) in the edible fish (fillets) of Saginaw Bay white suckers are well below the FDA tolerance limits for these compounds. These results are encouraging with respect to future development of the Saginaw Bay sucker fishery since they indicate that organic chemical contaminants should not be limiting factors to enhanced sucker utilization. One of the primary objectives of this investigation was the establishment of a preliminary data base regarding: the size, age and sex composition and age-specific growth and mortality rates of Saginaw Bay white sucker stocks. This information is presented in Chapter VI and constitutes, perhaps, the most important aspect of this study. Adult white suckers in Saginaw Bay experience low growth rates 167 (from 1-2 cm in total length per year), high annual survival rates, S (from 0.59 to 0.72) and long life Spans (up to 19+ jyear old). Females grow faster and larger and, on the average, live longer than males. These characteristics are diagnostic of an underexploited fishery. An increased rate of fishing, F, should result in increased growth rates as the stocks compensate for increased mortality rates. Increased levels of exploitation should change the age and size composition of the stocks as older and larger individuals are removed from the fishery. In Chapter VI, a modification of the Beverton-Holt dynamic pool model was used to estimate the equilibrium yield per recruit at different rates of fishing, F. In this model, the age-weight relationship was described by a simple linear function, which allowed for a simple closed form solution of the dynamic pool equation without the assumption of a Von Bertalanffy-type growth fomn. This analysis indicates that optimal utilization (in terms of maximum yield per recruit) of the Saginaw Bay sucker fishery can only occur with a comparatively large increase in the rate of fishing (i.e. from 6 to 10 times current levels). The Saginaw Bay sucker fishery is a greatly underexploited resource. Current harvest levels could probably be safely increased by as much as 500% without risk of overexploitation. Increased sucker utilization, however, depends upon establishment of dependable and profitable markets for suckers and sucker products. M% B. Recommendations Future investigations of the dynamics of Saginaw Bay suckers stocks should include a comprehensive mark and recapture study to obtain estimates of population size and information about fish movements and distribution within the ‘bay. Catchseffort methods of population size estimation as used in Chapter III are not the most reliable means of determining the magnitude of the population state variable 4.55. In Chapter VI, a Leslie Matrix approach to yield estimation (Jensen, 1974) was suggested, but was not utilized due to the lack of a reliable estimate oflr15. This could prove to be a fruitful approach in future investigations of the dynamics of Saginaw Bay sucker stocks. This investigation concentrated on white sucker population dynamics. Future studies should include efforts to obtain population dynamics information about the other commercially harvested sucker species, longnose and redhorse suckers. This information is needed to help insure the ‘rational exploitation of’all sucker species within Saginaw Bay. Management of the Saginaw Bay sucker fishery solely by means of commercial fishery catch and effort statistics should be avoided, if possible, since these data are not entirely reliable. Catch-effort data analyses depend upon the assumption of equilibrium conditions with respect to the various factors influencing population growth. In the short term, fishery expansion upsets these equilibrium conditions, 169 thereby destroying the predictive utility of the catch per unit effort ratio, Ct/ft’ at least until the fishery reaches a new equilibrium. Increased development of this fishery should be monitored by a spring and fall commercial catch sampling program designed to ascertain the size, age and sex distribution of the exploited populations. Information obtained from such sampling efforts could be used to monitor ‘the response of the sucker stocks to changing rates of fishing, F. For example, marked shifts in stock size or age composition toward smaller sizes and younger ages could indicate overfishing, in which cases appropriate controls on fishing effort could be instituted. The difficulties associated with the economic analysis of a single species fishery within the framework of a multi- species fishery are discussed in Chapter IV. Additional economic information (e.g. costs and revenues associated with harvesting all commercially utilized species) would be helpful. This information would be used to place the developing sucker fishery in its proper perspective relative to the entire fishery. Periodic assessments of the levels of potentially harmful environmental contaminants should be undertaken to insure continuing compliance with applicable governmental tolerance limits. Such efforts should probably be conducted every second or third year, funding permitted. Management expenditures incurred to monitor the size, age and sex composition of Saginaw Bay sucker stocks should 170 be relatively minor, particularly if similar information on other exploited species (e.g. yellow perch, channel catfish, lake whitefish) is concurrently obtained. C. Critique Often, when analyzing dynamic ecological and economic systems, 1“? presuppose the existence of more or less stable equilibria around which the behavior of these systems is centered. All of the analyses of Saginaw Bay white sucker population dynamics contained in this report assume the existence of equilibrium conditions. In light of available information, we have no way of knowing whether or not such assumptions are justified. APPENDICES Table A1 Fall 1979 Female Size-Age Statistics Age n TL(cm) STL(°m) TL range(cm) 2+ 20 37.3 1.443 35.0 - 41.7 3+ 12 39.4 2.003 36.5 - 42.6 4+ 10 40.4 2.334 37.2 - 44.0 5+ 7 42.7 1.718 39.8 - 44.4 6+ 12 43.9 2.139 38.8 - 47.8 7+ 4 45.8 2.765 42.5 - 49.0 8+ 7 46.0 1.049 44.8 - 48.0 9+ 8 47.0 2.047 44.3 - 50.5 10+ 9 49.5 0.866 48.4 - 50.7 11+ 11 49.8 3.281 44.6 - 54.5 12+ 10 50.7 2.057 47.3 - 53.3 313+ 10 51.7 2.017 48.6 - 55.6 Age n WGT(g) SWGT(g) WGT range(g) 2+ 20 590 84.722 450 - 830 3+' 12 715 111.017 570 - 910 4+ 10 780 151.416 550 - 995 5+ 7 905 105.503 720 - 1010 6+ 12 960 151.130 590 - 1220 7+ 4 1095 95.656 970 - 1195 8+ 7 1115 104.100 995 - 1260 9+ 8 1150 142.422 925 - 1385 10+ 9 1305 181.311 1045 - 1550 11+ 11 1370 271.605 970 - 1700 12+ 10 1435 200.042 1125 - 1795 213+ 10 1505 136.541 1260 - 1795 Age n Kr SKr Kr range 2+ 20 0.98 0.096 0.75 - 1.21 3+ 12 1.02 0.067 0.93 - 1.17 4+ 10 1.03 0.102 0.92 - 1.26 5+ 7 1.03 0.050 0.95 - 1.10 6+ 12 1.01 0.067 0.88 - 1.09 7+ 4 1.04 0.081 0.94 - 1.12 8+ 7 1.04 0.069 0.95 - 1.15 9+ 8 1.01 0.125 0.81 - 1.23 10+ 9 0.99 0.119 0.82 - 1.16 11+ 11 1.02 0.107 0.80 - 1.21 12+ 10 1.02 0.087 0.94 - 1.22 £fl3+ 10 1.02 0.070 0.88 - 1.11 ix_ 0 momO—IQOOU') 3031-” TABLE A2 Fall 1979 Male Size-Age Statistics _ I Age n TL(cm) sTL(cm) TL range(cm) TL(cm) 2+ 34 35.6 1.863 32.0 - 40.5 35.7 3+ 17 37.6 3.110 34.4 - 48.5 37.7 4+ 7 39.3 1.670 37.4 - 42.4 38.8 5+ 5 39.9 2.066 37.5 - 42.2 40.8 6+ 5 40.0 2.064 38.0 - 43.0 39.6 7+ 5 41.1 1.199 39.7 - 42.0 41.8 8+ 5 41.0 1.598 39.4 - 43.5 40.5 9+ 6 43.7 1.819 41.5 - 46.2 43.8 10+ 6 44.7 0.857 43.5 - 45.6 44.9 11+ 5 44.6 1.903 42.5 - 47.6 44.0 12+ 2 42.9 42.5 - 43.2 213+ 7 45.2 1.649 43.8 - 47.8 44.4 Age n WGT(g) SWGT(g) WGT range(g) 2+ 34 520 80.597 375 - 740 3+ 17 570 67.064 450 - 655 4+ 7 660 75.986 600 - 815 5+ 5 720 126.125 545 - 840 6+ 5 725 158.493 485 - 900 7+ 5 800 81.670 690 - 870 8+ 5 805 82.417 730 - 910 9+ 6 935 148.683 790 -1180 10+ 6 915 93.113 810 -1030 11+ 5 965 75.033 860 ~1060 12+ 2 845 825 - 860 213+ 7 960 123.741 820 -1190 Age n Kr SKr Kr range 2+ 34 0.97 0.058 0.82 - 1.07 3+ 17 0.93 0.115 0.51 - 1.01 4+ 7 0.94 0.044 0.90 - 1.04 5+ 5 0.98 0.067 0.89 - 1.07 6+ 5 0.98 0.121 0.76 - 1.05 7+ 5 1.02 0.031 0.96 - 1.04 8+ 5 1.03 0.043 0.99 - 1.09 9+ 6 1.01 0.114 0.79 - 1.10 10+ 6 0.92 0.071 0.83 - 1.01 11+ 5 0.99 0.112 0.79 - 1.06 12+ 2 0.96 0.95 - 0.96 213+ 7 0.94 0.079 0.84 - 1.04 Age 1+ 2+ 3+ Age 1+ 2+ 3+ Age 1+ 2+ 3+ Table A3 Fall 1979 Immature Size-Age Statistics T1(cm) 28.5 33.5 35.7 WGT(g) 265 430 500 sTL(cm) TL range(cm) 1.634 25.7 - 30.8 1.903 30.8 - 37.0 31409 " 36.5 SWGT(3) WGT range(g) 57.641 170 - 350 80.668 315 - 570 455 - 545 SKr Kr range 0.100 0.76 - 1.06 0.110 0.81 - 1.35 0.90 - 0.96 xi TL(cm) 28.5 33.0 Table A4 Spring 1980 Female Size-Age Statistics 1 TL(cm) xii Age n TL(cm) STL(°m) TL range(cm) 3 9 39.5 1.218 37.7 - 41.6 39.1 4 6 39.9 1.256 38.0 - 41.5 40.1 5 11 43.1 2.787 38.9 - 48.5 43.0 6 7 44.6 1.172 42.5 - 45.7 44.3 7 3 45.3 0.723 44.5 - 45.8 45.7 8 17 45.4 2.814 40.6 - 50.4 45.0 9 21 46.5 1.821 43.3 - 50.8 46. 10 18 47.6 1.768 44.3 - 50.2 47.3 11 27 48.2 2.154 42.9 - 52.0 47.7 12 17 49.0 1.813 45.1 - 51.7 49.3 l3 14 50.4 1.924 47.3 - 54.4 50.5 .14 28 50.5 2.306 46.7 - 55.1 50.6 Age n WGT(g) SWGT(8) WGT range(g) 3 9 705 ' 65.865 620 - 830 4 6 745 58.195 640 - 820 5 11 895 162.500 720 - 1140 6 7 945 172.354 740 - 1200 7 3 980 169.730 830 - 1165 8 17 915 160.438 685 - 1300 9 21 940 130.512 720 - 1230 10 18 1050 135.916 820 - 1360 ll 27 1070 144.571 850 - 1500 l2 17 1160 125.716 1010 - 1470 l3 14 1220 155.599 1060 - 1630 >14 28 1240 200.988 865 - 1730 Age n r SKr Kr range 3 9 1.09 0.093 0.93 - 1.22 4 6 1.12 0.073 1.04 - 1.21 5 11 1.10 0.118 0.93 - 1.26 6 7 1.08 0.175 0.87 - 1.28 7 3 1.07 0.176 0.89 - 1.24 8 17 0.99 0.079 0.80 - 1.09 9 21 0.96 0.060 0.87 - 1.04 10 18 1.01 0.083 0.91 - 1.21 11 27 1.00 0.101 0.84 - 1.34 l2 17 1.02 0.078 0.90 - 1.19 13 14 1.01 0.083 0.83 - 1.13 234 28 1.02 0.124 0.87 - 1.34 Table A5 Spring 1980 Male Size-Age Statistics Age n TL(cm) sTL(cm) TL range(cm) 3 29 36.3 1.789 32.6 - 39.8 4 8 37.3 1.441 35.2 — 39.6 5 5 41.6 1.369 40.1 - 43.5 6 4 38.1 0.854 37.0 - 39.0 7 6 41.3 0.967 39.8 - 42.8 8 4 42.5 2.347 39.5 - 44.5 9 6 140.8 00937 3907 - ”202 10 12 43.3 2.322 40.0 - 46.5 11 6 43.1 1.479 41.5 - 45.2 12 5 44.2 1.440 42.7 - 45.8 13 2 46.2 45.8 - 46.5 214 7 44.4 1.419 42.0 - 46.0 Age n WGT(g) SWGT(8) WGT range(g) 3 29 530 80.017 420 - 740 4 8 575 102.913 470 - 750 5 5 700 76.518 600 - 780 6 4 600 53.600 530 - 660 7 6 690 79.587 635 - 840 8 4 820 149.129 635 - 1000 9 6 675 69.839 600 - 790 10 12 770 139.069 595 - 1000 ll 6 755 118.677 640 - 985 12 5 790 ' 109.396 625 - 900 13 2 950 940 — 960 214 7 860 95.250 700 - 960 Age n Kr SKr Kr range 3 29 1.01 0.081 0.84 - 1.16 4 8 1.02 0.126 0.78 - 1.16 5 5 0.95 0.083 '0.84 - 1.08 6 4 1.01 0.056 0.97 - 1.09 7 6 0.95 0.067 0.88 - 1.06 8 4 1.05 0.095 0.95 - 1.14 9 6 0.96 0.074 0.89 - 1.07 10 12 0.94 0.101 0.75 - 1.07 11 6 0.93 0.086 0.86 - 1.08 12 5 0.91 0.091 0.79 - 1.01 13 2 0.99 0.96 - 1.02 214 7 0.97 0.053 0.90 - 1.06 xiii I TL(cm) 36. 37. 41. 41. 43. 40. 42. 42. 44. 44. U1 WONO‘OWWOHN A A on NOJ‘JWN on NO-DUON «maroon: :3 NNNCDN NNNCDN Spring 1980 Immature Size-Age Statistics Ti(cm) 3 36.7 3 36.2 n WET(g) 3.7 6.4 1.7 395 525 530 535 695 ‘E Ol—‘I—‘OO .91 .97 .01 .03 .94 Table A6 STL(°m) 2.407 2.307 SWGT(g) 83.826 90.501 SKr 0.068 0.070 xiv TL range(cm) 35.5 3 1.9 29.1 3 3 u WGT range(g) OI—‘OOO 4.2 4.9 0.7 340 255 450 480 670 K r .91 .86 .89 .02 .92 range .92 .14 .09 .04 .96 40.3 40.7 37.5 6 42. 450 690 695 590 720 cahuahao I TL(cm) 36.6 35.9 Age \ONOU'l-I‘JUON Iv 00H > GO 0 H I—‘QNO‘WJL'WN zl3 .‘3 WNI-‘UOI-‘N-t-QH 3 WNI—‘WHN-fi'fll—J :3 WNI—‘WE—‘N-ZNH Table A7 Summer 1980 Female Size-Age Statistics OHHHHu—JHHH 71(cm) 33. 37. 39. 42. 42. 42. 43. 47. 52. WET(g) ONENUTUTJL’UTUUO 420 550 655 825 805 730 840 1125 1185 K r .15 .06 .09 .11 .10 .00 .10 .13 .90 8 6 24 9 19 S 0 OOO sTL(cm) 1.900 1.239 2.480 2.339 3.601 SWGT(3) 6.674 2.099 1.451 0.875 7.547 Kr .103 .032 .180 .038 .122 XV TL range(cm) 34.0 - 40.8 38.0 - 40.5 39.1 - 46.5 3908 - ”309 46.8 - 48.0 48.7 - 55.8 WGT range(g) 410 - 690 600 - 710 570 - 1220 630 - 805 1055 - 1190 985 - 1380 Kr range 0.85 - 1.29 1.04 - 1.11 0.89 - 1.33 0.96 - 1.03 1.10 - 1.16 0.77 - 1.01 l TL(cm) .=un» pus—q .1: LA) 0 o o o (I) 0400 Table A8 Summer 1980 Male Size-Age Statistics Age n TL(cm) STL(°m) TL range(cm) TL(cm) 2 7 31.9 1.490 30.0 - 33.9 31.7 3 35 35.2 1.713 29.0 - 37.9 35.0 ’4 2 3900 38.6 - 39.” 5 3 39.5 1.217 38.7 - 40.9 38.9 7 1 40.0 9 2 41.0 39.5 - 42.5 11 1 41.0 Age n WGT(g) SWGT(3) WGT range(g) 2 7 360 45.539 300 - 420 3 35 445 80.844 240 - 620 u 2 580 565 - 595 5 3 625 132.571 490 - 755 7 1 580 9 2 630 580 - 680 11 1 650 ' Age n Kr SKr Kr range 2 7 1.08 0.036 1.04 - 1.14 3 35 1.01 0.101 0.84 - 1.22 4 2 1.00 5 3 1.04 0.150 0.87 - 1.15 7 1 0.94 9 2 0.95 0.93 - 0.97 11 1 0.98 xvi Age Age WM Age DUN Table A9 Summer 1980 Immature Size-Age Statistics n TL(cm) STL(°m) TL range(cm) 21 29.3 3.055 24.3 - 39.2 2 37.0 36.7 - 37.2 n 957(g) SWGT(g) WGT range(g) 21 ' 260 65.938 145 - 385 2 540 495 - 580 n Er SKr Kr range 21 0.98 0.150 0.45 - 1.22 2 1.08 0.97 - 1.18 xvii I TL(cm) 29.0 Table A10 Fall 1980 Female Size-Age Statistics I TL(cm) Age n TL(cm) sTL(cm) TL range(cm) 2+ 4 36.7 1.555 34.6 - 38.0 37.0 3+ 37 39.9 1.596 36.2 - 43.0 40.0 4+ 24 40.9 2.137 36.7 - 45.8 41.1 5+ 21 44.2 1.762 38.9 - 46.4 44.5 6+ 8 44.7 2.340 41.7 - 49.2 43.8 7+ 9 45.1 2.398 40.1 - 48.7 45.5 8+ 8 46.8 1.962 43.6 - 50.4 46.7 9+ 10 49.0 1.623 46.5 - 51.2 49.4 10+ 12 48.8 2.093 45.9 - 52.8 48.8 11+ 9 48.2 1.869 45.4 - 51.4 47.9 12+ 4 49.7 1.593 47.4 - 51.0 50.1 213+ 6 51.5 1.375 49.4 - 53.1 51.9 Age n WGT(g) SWGT(g) WGT range(g) 2+ 4 545 99.875 460 - 685 3+ 37 680 89.570 530 - 845 4+ 24 755 133.274 530 - 1070 5+ 21 935 130.274 650 - 1140 6+ 8 965 141.911 740 - 1210 7+ 9 955 134.508 775 - 1150 8+ 8 1085 172,730 885 - 1310 9+ 10 1270 179.679 1010 - 1580 10+ 12 1160 151.544 870 - 1350 11+ 9 1185 128.916 1000 — 1360 12+ 4 1165 179.141 1000 - 1410 213+ 6 1310 192.319 1040 - 1510 Age n Kr SKr Kr range 2+ 4 1.04 0.108 0.95 - 1.19 3+ 37 1.02 0.068 0.90 - 1.18 4+ 24 1.05 0.064 0.90 - 1.19 5+ 21 1.03 0.097 0.82 - 1.22 6+ 8 1.04 0.068 0.94 - 1.11 7+ 9 1.00 0.077 0.92 - 1.15 8+ 8 1.02 0.169 0.78 - 1.35 9+ 10 1.04 0.127 0.84 - 1.17 10+ 12 0.96 0.120 0.78 - 1.18 11+ 9 1.02 0.104 0.90 - 1.17 12+ 4 0.91 0.080 0.84 - 1.02 213+ 6 0.92 0.140 0.75 - 1.14 xviii Age 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+ 11+ 12+ 213+ Age 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+ 11+ 12+ 213+ Age 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+ 11+ 12+ 213+ n I—‘ N l-‘ w HO‘O) CDU'ILAJO‘SNCDUT :3 LA)!"-I CDN H (DU'ILAJCh-PNICDUTI—‘O‘ :3 oomwozfioom TL(cm) 35. 37. 38. no. no. 41. 141. 112. 1:3. 112. 43. us. tNI—‘OP—‘P—‘NNWWUTO ma) 455 565 620 720 610 685 760 755 765 765 790 850 .00 .01 .06 .06 .89 .94 .02 .95 .93 .97 .91 .87 OOOOOI—‘OOHI—‘l—‘l—J Table A11 sTL(cm) OOOOOOOOOOOO NUOONNNI-‘NI-‘Ol-‘H .310 .313 .756 .082 .124 .134 .073 .072 .025 .126 .127 .083 .055 xix 32.5 3u.u 37.1 37.9 38.0 39.3 38.4 39.2 39.8 41.2 no.5 n2.2 350 440 585 650 390 605 600 620 705 660 550 700 K r 000000000000 \0 0" oc>tho+Jo+4Hr4H+4 H N Fall 1980 Male Size-Age Statistics TL range(cm) 37. 40. 39. 42. 43. 43. 46. 44. 46. 43. 49. 50. GDU'II-‘OWOOUUQDzOU'I WGT range(g) 620 690 645 850 700 790 970 840 820 920 1230 1120 Age 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ Age 1+ 2+ 3+ 7+ Age 1+ 2+ 3+ 7+ n 22 45 22 45 Table A12 Fall 1980 Immature Size-Age Statistics ' {£7 TL(cm) 27.4 34.2 37.1 38.0 WETXg) 215 415 500 405 STL(°m) 2.536 2.154 3.071 SWGT(3) 59.978 77.029 118.864 SKr 0.049 0.066 0.086 XX I TL range(cm) TL(cm) 23.4 - 33.1 27.0 29.0 - 3809 34.0 32.4 - 40.4 37.8 36.2 - 39.7 WGT range(cm) 125 - 345 265 - 635 355 - 645 385 - 425 Kr range 0.86 - 1.06 0.81 - 1.13 0.80 - 1.04 0.65 - 0.77 Table A13 Spring 1981 Female SiZe-Age Statistics ._ l Age n TL(cm) STL(°m) TL range(cm) TL(cm) 3 3 36.0 2.074 34.1 - 38.2 35.6 4 28 40.1 1.667 36.0 - 43.0 40.1 5 4 40.0 2.319 37.8 - 42.7 39.8 6 3 44.3 1.617 42.6 - 45.8 44.6 7 1 43.5 8 5 43.8 1.404 ' 41.5 - 44.7 44.7 9 5 46.9 1.404 45.3 - 48.1 47.7 10 6 47.7 1.550 45.9 - 49.6 47.7 11 11 47.0 1.863 44.6 — 51.0 47.0 12 12 47.7 2.298 45.7 - 52.3 46.7 13 11 48.5 1.577 46.5 - 51.5 48.3 214 17 50.6 2.944 46.5 - 55.7 51.1 Age n WGT(g) SWGT(g) WGT range(g) 3 3 460 62.517 400 - 525 4 28 710 105.457 470 - 930 5 4 660 127.435 490 - 795 6 3 890 62.517 820 - 935 7 1 740 8 5 790 75.614 675 - 865 9 5 950 81.056 860 - 1040 10 6 960 117.757 830 - 1090 11 11 960 137.647 770 - 1170 12 12 1045 153.669 910 - 1340 13 11 1075 114.342 890 - 1310 214 17 1245 255.615 930 - 1850 Age n Kr SKr Kr range 3 3 0.94 0.121 0.84 - 1.07 4 28 1.09 0.096 0.93 - 1.26 5 4 1.01 0.106 0.88 - 1.13 6 3 1.06 0.145 0.96 - 1.23 7 1 0.92 8 5 0.97 0.025 0.95 - 1.01 9 5 0.97 0.026 0.93 - 1.00 10 6 0.94 0.040 0.90 - 1.00 11 11 0.97 0.070 0.86 - 1.12 12 12 1.02 0.102 0.92 - 1.31 13 11 1.01 0.075 0.89 - 1.11 314 17 1.04 0.084 0.87 - 1.26 xxi Table A14 Spring 1981 Male Size-Age Statistics _ I Age n TL(cm) STL(°m) TL range(cm) TL(cm) 2 1 30.9 3 6 35.2 0.668 34.7 - 36.5 35.0 4 12 37.0 1.221 35.0 - 39.1 5 1 38.4 6 2 41.7 40.8 - 42.6 8 1 40.7 9 3 41.0 1.079 40.2 - 42.2 40.5 11 2 42.5 41.0 - 44.0 12 1 44.7 13 1 45.5 214 1 47.4 Age n WGT(g) SWGT(g) WGT range(g) 2 1 330 3 6 480 36.560 440 - 540 4 12 535 50.142 435 - 640 5 1 610 - 6 2 750 600 - 900 8 1 685 9 3 605 106.888 485 - 690 11 2 735 720 - 750 12 1 690 13 1 795 214 1 975 Age n Kr SKr Kr range 2 1 0.99 3 6 1.03 0.047 0.97 - 1.09 4 12 1.01 0.059 0.91 - 1.12 5 1 1.05 6 2 1.03 0.88 - 1.18 8 1 1.01 9 3 0.87 0.127 0.73 - 0.96 11 2 0.98 0.91 - 1.05 12 1 0.80 13 1 0.88 214 1 0.97 xxii Age Age Age Table A15- Spring 1981 Immature Size-Age Statistics n TL(cm) STL(cm) TL range(cm) 12 34.8 1.480 32.8 - 38.1 n WGT(g) SWGT(8) WGT range(g) 12 440 53.165 390 - 570 n 1;, SKr Kr range 12 0.97 0.087 0.85 - 1.04 xxiii I TL(cm) 34.6 REFERENCES REFERENCES Anderson, A.M. 1973. 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