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I ILIIIII’III(HIU.II .III. .III HIIIIIIIII I .IIII In.l mar-3:3 . t“ .{q-'~1~.Y'..Aiza W1.»- This is to certify that the thesis entitled ADAPTIVE SAMPLING FOR ENHANCED PERFORMANCE OF AN ION DETECTION SYSTEM FOR A TRIPLE QUADRUPOLE MASS SPECTROMETER presented by Robert Stanley Matthews has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for MS degree in EE Major professor 0-7639 we: 25¢ per day per Item RETURNING LIBRARY MATERIALS: Place In book return to remove charge from circulation records ADAPTIVE SAMPLING FOR ENHANCED PERFORMANCE OF AN ION DETECTION SYSTEM FOR A TRIPLE QUADRUPOLE MASS SPECTROMETER By Robert Stanley Matthews A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Electrical Engineering and System Science 1982 ABSTRACT ADAPTIVE SAMPLING FOR ENHANCED PERFORMANCE OF AN ION DETECTION SYSTEM FOR A TRIPLE QUADRUPOLE MASS SPECTROMETER By Robert Stanley Matthews Detection and tabulation of mass-selected ions are the primary means of data acquisition for mass spectrometers. Previous detection systems have been limited in dynamic range. or in data throughput. so that inefficient and limited use of the ion information resulted. Analysis of the statistical properties of randomly arriving ions and the use of state-of-the-art technologies have led to the development of an enhanced ion detection system (IDS)' for a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (TQMS). An adaptive sampling technique maximizes data throughput without distorting relative error or limiting dynamic range. This microprocessor-based system measures flux rates from 100 to 109 ions per second up to a maximum relative error of 12; sampling periods are reduced to their statistically defined minimums. Preliminary tests have validated the correctness of the IDS design along with its capability for on-line customized operation through the use of powerful and flexible high-level software. To my wife and parents *** ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS *** I would like to thank Dr. Chris Enke for his support and for his contributions relative to the conceptualization and refinement of the project design. Thanks are also extended to the entire Mass Spectrometry Research Group for their assistance. especially to Mr. Bruce Newcome and Mr. Carl Myerholtz for their insights related to hardware and software development. Special thanks are extended to Dr. Dave Fisher for his aid in the development of this manuscript. as well as for his support and guidance throughout my academic career. Also. I wish to express my appreciation to Mr. Ron Kraus for providing the fine artwork of this manuscript. This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research and by the National Institute of Health. iii *** TABLE OF CONTENTS *** P38e LIST OF FIGURES vi I. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Mass Spectrometry Overview 2 1.2 Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (TQMS) 3 1.3 Ion Detection System (IDS) 7 1.4 Thesis Organization 9 II. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 10 2.1 Input Characteristics 10 2.1.1 Dynamic Range 11 2.1.2 Acquisition Speed and Sampling Precision 13 2.2 Control and Interfacing 16 2.3 Other Considerations 19 2.3.1 Outputs 19 2.3.2 Noise ' 20 2.3.3 Physical Deployment 20 2.3.4 Stability and Reliability 21 2.3.5 Cost 21 III. HARDWARE 22 3.1 Hardware Overview 22 3.2 Detection Unit (DU) 24 3.2.1 Dual-Mode Channeltron 26 3.2.2 Support Circuitry 28 3.2.3 Housing 31 3.3 Processing Unit (PH) 32 3.3.1 Pulse Channel Circuitry 32 3.3.2 Analog Channel Overview 36 3.3.3 Current-to-Voltage Converter 37 3.3.4 Integration Circuit 39 3.3.5 A/D Converter 43 3.3.6 System Timer/Counter (STC) 44 3.3.7 Analog Control Outputs 47 3.3.8 PU Support Logic 48 3.3.9 Miscellaneous Circuitry 51 3.4 Control Unit (CU) 52 3.4.1 Central Processing Unit 53 3.4.2 Memory 53 3.4.3 Block Selects (Address Decoding) 55 3.4.4 Dual USARTs 55 3.4.5 Interrupt Controller 56 3.4.6 CU-PU Interface 56 3.4.7 Multi-Micro Interface 57 IV. SOFTUARE 4.1 Languages 4.1.1 FORTH 4.1.2 8085 Assembly Language 4.1.3 Structure 4.2 Command Classifications 4.2.1 Elementary Functions 2 Data Processing 3 Calibration 4 High-Speed Control 5 Standard Control 6 r 1 2 Development ic Representation Internal Representations I/O Representations C uua NNNNN ##2###P& V. EVALUATION 5.1 Sampling Simulation 5.2 Processing Unit (PU) Performance 5.2.1 C/V Converter 2 Integration Circuit 3 A/D Converter 4 STC 5 Other PU Circuits rol Unit (CU) Performance 1 Software .2 Hardware eral Observations .1 Noise Immunity .2 Stability and Reliability .3 Usability 5.3 t 2 2 2 2 n 3 3 n 4 4 4 UUIUQUUOMMUUI 0000000000. VI. SUMMARY 6.1 Achievement Of Goals 6.2 Further Improvements 6.3 Conclusions APPENDICES A. Processing Unit (PU) Calculations B. IDS Command Glossary C. Firmware Source Code BIBLIOGRAPHY *** LIST OF FIGURES *** Typical Mass Spectrometer Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (TQMS) Sample spectra Relationship between ion flux. integration period. and error TQMS Automated Control Struture Ion Detection System (IDS) block diagram Detection Unit (DU) block diagram Dual-Mode Channeltron Characteristics Control circuit for Detection Unit (DU) Processing Unit (PU) block diagram Pulse Channel Circuitry Analog Channel block diagram Current-to-Voltage (C/V) Converter Circuit Integrator Circuit A/D Converter Circuit System Timer/Counter (STC) configuration PU Support Logic --- Local Decoding Circuit PU Support Logic --- Control Circuit Control Unit (CU) block diagram IDS Memory Map vi page 15 18 23 25 27 29 33 34 38 4O 42 45 46 49 50 54 62 Coordinating Program structure Data Processing Command example Data formats Simulation program C/V Converter and Integrator Circuit performance vii page 63 67 75 79 80 *** CHAPTER 1 --- INTRODUCTION *** The use of microprocessor-based instrumentation. such as by the Mass Spectrometry Research Group at Michigan State University. has become the basis for the continuing development of several advanced spectroscopy techniques. The flexibility. speed. and overall cost-performance benefits offered by microprocessor-based instrumentation in real-time control and data acquisition applications are central to the successful development of one such technique: Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry. This thesis describes the conceptualization and implementation of a portion of the instrumentation for the Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (TQMS) at MSU: a microprocessor-based Ion Detection System. . The Ion Detection System (IDS) performs the key function of data acquisition for the TQMS using an adaptive sampling technique for enhanced performance. The remainder of this chapter provides brief descriptions of mass spectrometry. the TQMS. the purpose of the IDS. and an outline of the subsequent chapters on the IDS development and realization. 1.1 MASS SPECTROMETRY OVERVIEW In order to derive information describing the chemical composition of a substance. chemists may employ one or more of a variety of analytical techniques. Spectroscopy is one such class of techniques; spectra relating various atomic and molecular properties of a substance are used in classifying the substance. Of all the spectroscopic techniques available to an analytic chemist. mass spectrometry is one of the most versatile because of the wide range of information it can provide [1]. "The analysis of a substance by mass spectrometry involves the conversion of a sample into atomic or molecular ions and subsequent separation of these ions on the basis of their mass-to-charge ratio by magnetic or electrostatic means. Projected ions are selected according to their mass characteristics and are recorded as a function of abundance; the resulting spectrum is characteristic of the original sample” [2]. ”Modern mass .spectrometers are constructed from elements which approach the state-of-the-art in vacuum systems. magnetic and electrostatic field generation. precision machining. solid-state electronics. and computerized data acquisition and processing. These instruments find applications in studies as diverse as biomolecules. petrochemicals. pharmacology. geochemistry. forensic chemistry. and the environment" [2]. A mass spectrometer can be viewed as composed of four major components: the ion source and its associated inlet. the mass analyzer. the vacuum system. and the ion detector. Figure 1.1 depicts a typical mass spectrometer and its major components [3]. The following section describes the TQMS (first developed at MSU) and provides further insight into the functioning of a mass spectrometer. 1.2 TRIPLE QUADRUPOLE MASS SPECTROMETER (TQMS) The TQMS (Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer) was originally developed for analytical applications by Yost and Enke during the late 1970's [4]. Figure 1.2 depicts the TQMS. Since contamination of the sample or of the generated ions would result in an erroneous characterization. special consideration is given to the design of the operating environment of the TQMS. Central to this design is the enclosure of the components within a tightly controlled vacuum (10-7 torr). Also. since large electrostatic potentials across relatively small dimensions are required. vacuum failure could result in destructive arcing. As a result. vacuum system design is critical. A sample is converted to atomic or molecular ions within the ion source. These ions are extracted and focused by electrostatic potentials into a beam which is directed toward the mass analyzer section. Ian Source To Vacuum . Ian Couector Analyzer Tube Figure 1.1 Typical Mass Spectrometer [3] T: Amman; wouaaouuommm was: mach—sundae mamwua N.~ munwwm 29.8me ZOFUmgmm 20:04am ¢o\+ ZO_._.Uw._wm ZO_._.fl ---H.....H.....b F P4 r 5 ”nnnflme......mm...u. son. F / .............. c \r $549.53.). 15.4.... mmSz mums—<10 ”UH...“— mmSz womDOm wJUrrmdn. 0430 2053.50 930 0430 20. The mass analyzer section of the TQMS distinguishes it from other types of mass spectrometers. The first quadrupole mass filter separates the incoming ion beam such that all ions of a selected mass value (amu) are passed into the quad collision chamber; ions of all other masses are filtered out. This filtering is achieved through the interaction of DC and RF electrostatic fields supplied through the quadrupoles with the mass-charge ratio of the incoming ion beam [5]. In the quad collision chamber. an inert gas is introduced such that the incoming ions fragment upon collision with the inert gas molecules. A quadrupole is used as the collision chamber to provide continued focusing of the ion beam. This collision chamber provides an added dimension in analysis by enabling characterization of substances which are composed of large. complex molecules. A final quadrupole mass filter separates the incoming ion fragments for detection of ion abundance (as a function of mass) by the ion detector. Most modern mass spectrometers employ an electron multiplier to perform the ion detection. The energy of the incident ions upon the first part of the multiplier's dynode chain is converted into secondary electrons. which upon subsequent collisions with the dynodes generate increasing 7 numbers of electrons. Gains up to 10 are routinely obtained (the multiplier acts as a charge amplifier. with each incoming ion representing one unit of charge). For ion flux determinations. the multiplier's output is encoded, in the time domain as current pulses. or if the incident ion rate is faster than the response time of the multiplier. as an analog current. The TQMS was originally equipped with a standard ChanneltronTEtype of electron multiplier .[6]. Though the standard ChanneltronTMperformed acceptably. it presented obstacles towards the full potential realization of the TQMS. 1.3 ION DETECTION SYSTEM (IDS) The ion abundance. or more accurately the ion flux. incident upon the detector is correlated with the pass values of the mass filters to generate the characterization spectra; a sample spectra is given in Figure 1.3. The absolute ion flux is a function of several parameters of the TQMS and of the input sample; as a result. the absolute flux may range over many orders of magnitude. Since electron multipliers are physically limited in their dynamic range. active controls are evoked over detector operation to position this limited range “window" over the absolute range of the data. This creates added difficulties for detection system design and spectrometer operation. the details of which are discussed in Chapter 2. A need to maximize range. accuracy. efficiency. proficiency. and simplicity of TQMS operation provides a auuoomo aaaamm m.~ auawfim ?se mm<2 _-r. ._ .. ._,. .. _..h=._ r. . riflTL1F41+iiJAFLIILTAEFflIJJ“*LflquiqulJAfirlI O r m .onm omN Ohm OPN om— Ohw cap on. OPP om on on on _ ._ .n .. ._ ._ .L TL .. a. ._ ._ r. i: 1 4 . a; , _. __ -.— g. A _ x _ , 7 m ' HONVGNHHV 3M1V138 continuing impetus for the TQMS operators/ designers to subject the instrument to a variety of component enhancements utilizing state-of-the-art technologies. Current major enhancement projects include the development of microprocessor-based control and data acquisition systems (the TQMS Multi-Micro System [7]). and an on-line computerized data processing and storage system. These objectives spurred the development of an enhanced ion detection system capable of operation within a sophisticated control environment. 1.4 THESIS OUTLINE This thesis describes the IDS from its conceptualization to its realization. Chapter 2 explores in detail the set of design constraints imposed upon the IDS design. emphasizing the statistical considerations which form the basis for an adaptive sampling algorithm. Chapters 3 and 4 describe the specifics of the chosen implementation; Chapter 3 concentrates on the electronic and mechanical hardware. while Chapter 4 discusses the microprocessor software structure and programs. Chapter 5 evaluates the IDS performance. and Chapter 6 offers a general summary. Appendices are included which provide information on hardware and software pertinent to an IDS user. *** CHAPTER 2 --- DESIGN REQUIREMENTS *** The main function of the IDS is to detect ions directed toward its input and relay the number of ions per second (ion flux) detected to the TQMS data processing/storage system in an appropriate format. The TQMS user also requires very rapid data collection with minimum error and with minimal manual user interaction. In order to maximize these attributes. the design of the IDS is carefully correlated to a large number of TQMS operating parameters. The physical and statistical characteristics of the input sample(s) and its various ionic representations. the limitations of the mass spectrometer and its supporting instrumentation. and the interface to the TQMS control and data processing systems are all prime considerations in the IDS design. These factors in combination with the ever-present considerations of environment. reliability. cast. and simplicity of use are weighed against each other in establishing design requirements implementable with available technology. The following sections develop the key IDS design criteria. 2.1 INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Performance of the IDS is fundamentally limited by factors characteristic of the ion input: analysis of the 10 11 interrelation of these factors provides the insight required for development of an "optimal“ detection system. The three most critical factors are the dynamic range. the acquisition speed. and the sampling error. 2.1.1 Dynamic Range Theoretically. information useable for spectra generation resides in ion flux levels ranging from the infinitesimal to the infinite. In reality. ion flux is limited on the low end by noise produced by the TQMS in the form of stray ions and on the high end by the saturation of sensitive source and detection components. These limitations are common to all types of mass spectrometers. Some mass spectrometer applications require as little as two decades of dynamic range. Standard detection apparatus can provide up to four decades of range. sufficient for a majority of present applications. Since a sample is characterized not by the absolute. but rather by the relative ion flux per mass point. adjustments in source emission and/or detector sensitivity can provide expansion of the dynamic range beyond the limitations of the detector. Without going into details. this method results in degradation of calibration accuracy and system throughput. The TQMS is presently designed to limit noise ions to 1 ips (ions per second). thus defining the low end of the 12 dynamic range (a 2:1 signal-to-noise ratio is acceptable in same analysis modes). Incident ion rates of 1 billion ips will saturate nearly all commercially available electron ° to 109 multipliers. Thus an absolute dynamic range of 10 ips is established. At low ion flux levels (typically less than 106 ips). the response time of an electron multiplier is sufficient to permit pulse counting. provided the multiplier is operated at near its maximum gain (typically 107). Analog current measurement of the multiplier output is used when pulse overlap occurs for flux levels above 106 ips; in this case. the gain is reduced to prevent saturation. Gain is achieved through the application of large voltages across highly resistive dynodes. Most present detection systems have opted to use only one type of output. reducing control and hardware requirements at the expense of limiting spectrometer performance. Those that opt for pulse counting reduce data throughput since high flux rates (which are quickly measured by analog techniques) require down-scaling and a corresponding increased sampling period. Stictly analog detection systems cannot accurately detect the tiny currents produced at low flux levels: increasing the emission rate of the ion source is often restricted due to the limited amounts of available sample. Thus the design of an optimal 13 detection system requires hardware capable of processing both pulse and analog signals. 2.1.2 Acquisition Speed and Sampling Precision Because the data acquired (ion flux) by the IDS is based upon the occurrence of random events (ions detected). there is a strict dependency between the time taken to acquire a single piece of data and its resulting relative precision. One characteristic is improved at the expense of the other. The basic argument goes as follows: Statistical laws predict the magnitude of deviations about an average value. i.e.. white noise variation about a ”DC” signal such as the "average" ion count [8.9]. The standard deviation for a random count is: so = W Similarly. for a count rate (ion flux): 513' = (COUNT / TIME)% = m The percent relative standard deviation is defined as the ”typical” (within one standard deviation) error: rol-— zzanon = : (VFLUX / FLUX) x 1001 = 2 (max)- x 1002 This inverse relationship between the flux and the error defines the fundamental limits of data acquisition 14 parameters. For example. as the number of ions counted over a fixed interval increases. the error decreases (and vice versa). Suppose that ions are being detected over a 1 second interval. If 100 ions are detected. then: NI— zznnon = i (100i x 1002 = 10: Suppose 1.000.000 ions are detected; then. I 'T ZERROR = t (1.000.000) x 1002 = 0.12. Conversely. specification of the allowable error determines the minimum number of counted ions required for a given precision: -2 MINIMUM COUNT = (ZERROR / 1001) = (10000: / ZERROR) For example. if the error (precision) is specified as 12. MINIMUM COUNT = (100002 / 12 ) = 10000 counts Thus counting can be terminated upon satisfaction of the minimum requirement. Summarizing. for a fixed counting interval the error varies inversely with the count rate (ion flux). Similarly. setting of the acceptable error limit permits minimization of the sampling period relative to the flux. This intricate relationship between data parameters is shown graphically in Figure 2.1. uouuo can .voauom aofiuouwaunfi .xogu nod nooauon manuaomumuom SlfldlflO 381dd 15 ~.~ unawfim Awacscu cooc_. Amuczoo CCHV SlfldlflO SOHVNV c. co— u_c_ INC— : G~ I m m J. 1. nu T¢o_ X “H o w o- .l m a a 0 u D. SK: ( he. me— C— m 16 In order to characterize large molecules. the TQMS is designed to scan samples from 1 amu to 1000 amu. Resolution of 10 parts per amu is sufficient to accurately define an ion flux peak; thus the entire domain of mass values is subdivided into 10000 portions. The total number of ions emitted is a function of the amount of available sample and the source ionization efficiency. In cases where there are only a limited amount of ions available for filtering and detection. correspondingly quick scanning modes require very fast detection (error considerations are secondary) over a selected mass domain. With the present source. the worst case specification requires a complete scan of the entire mass domain in one second; this sets the maximum acquisition rate at 10 kHz. Spectra with peaks defined to within 11 relative precision uniquely characterize a sample. In many types of TQMS analysis. such precision is not required. A detection system designed to sample adaptively permits the user to "trade-off" precision versus speed. since these two parameters. are inversely related. The graph of Figure 2.1 clearly establishes operating points for the IDS. 2.2 CONTROL AND INTERFACING Since data acquisition requires a great deal of flexibility on the part of the IDS in response to user 17 necessitated. A microprocessor-based control scheme compatible with the TQMS Multi-Micro control structure is chosen. A block diagram of the entire TQMS automated control and data processing structure is given in Figure 2.2 [10]. Data reduction. storage. analysis. and color graphics are handled by the DEC L81 11/23 minicomputer. independent of ongoing operations of the TQMS. The operation of the TQMS is controlled by the user through the Multi-Micro structure. The option to call upon a variety of pre-programmed operating modes. or to design customized operations is made available to the user. Operating parameters are supplied directly by the user or by the system through default. In Figure 2.2 the IDS is represented as a single slave-microprocessor block (other slaves control the mass analyzer. vacuum. source. user interface. and other miscellaneous functions). Firmware to control the functions of the IDS exists in local memory. These functions are coordinated by software downloaded from the Multi-Micro System. This permits the user to configure the operating parameters for data acquisition without becoming involved in the time-consuming specifics related to programming the IDS; also. the IDS is relieved of storing all software except that critical to its real-time operation. Additional memory is included for temporary storage of data before transmission to the minicomputer. Also. for calibrating. 1.8 Hod“ ounusuum gouuaoo wouaaou=< mace N.~ auswfim AmZOhv :mhuiozbommm wm<4m u><4m m><4m _ A w 1 A — _ mzm zmpm>m Omo_2u_~4:z 32— x memmmuomn0m0_z . mxm_o acmmmoozmomo_z ac~maonu ao~w 2.5V 5 25. 2.5a C6 . 2 frag .‘ .“ -zc.z 3532-29: 85836.: > 82+ > omn- > 8:. a. 32.61% .. 8:39... «£58 . «258 . r 8:58 .oEo .oEo .28 0.83 26 Support circuitry and specialized housing comprise the remainder of the DU. Detailed discussion on the DU hardware follows. . TM 3.2.1 Dual-Mode Channeltron A ChanneltronTMis an electron-multiplying device which is constructed with a single continuous dynode (this type of multiplier is more stable and reliable than discrete dynode types). Depending on the input ion flux and the gain setting. a pulse or analog current is output. Standard ChanneltronsTM provide a single output; processing circuitry must multiplex this output if both pulse and analog techniques are required. Gain adjustments are required to expand the dynamic range beyond 103 ips. The Dual-Mode Channeltron?M provides distinct output channels for pulse and analog currents. This Channeltron:M requires an extra power supply (see Figure 3.2) to provide gain for a separate high-gain section. but no voltage ranging is required for either gain section in order to achieve full dynamic range. As a result. the limiting factor in IDS data acquisition speed and range is no longer the electron multiplier. For brevity. the Dual-Mode ChanneltronTM is henceforth referred to as the ”Channeltron”. Specifications on Channeltron performance are given in Figure 3.3. For ion flux levels up to 106 ips. pulse outputs are valid. Above 2'7 nufiu mowummuoaoauunu aouuaocumao ovozufiooa incoo.m\.cc_. xzau zc. o. (c. o. o o. .c. o. o. c_ c. c, 0.. c. at. h_ we A1.. e. .4 N. _ _ . _ _ . u . _ “ 1.~.-o_ . _ _ _ n . _ 225mm .1, . . z._+ N . goal—.200 I—hw>Wd :*.= cohm3 =3: .luIIVl—U I 23: A IF c o_c03 cmoanam :a some 1" m wm0_>u0 KO EDDU<> W ..<2m..:.xm 55mm x ©0363 ‘4 mmzoc_zu w mo 126.: ct E v zo z._momc a a<.»zmzmnm_o mam>_mo o 45 thmwh—ED 30 pair of high-voltage switches are needed to quickly cut-off (or turn-on) the supply voltages to the Channeltron. These switches are isolated from their control inputs. since high-voltage or large-current feedback through these inputs could damage other portions of the IDS: apto-isolators are incorporated as preventions. Several inputs are used to control the DU high-voltage switches. Feedback of the analog output of the Channeltron. in the form of scaled voltages. is used to detect and protect against Channeltron saturation. Two such inputs. signifying low-gain and high-gain section saturation. are supplied via the PU (Processing Unit): a Channeltron output current of 10 nA is the high-gain section cut-off level. and a current of .5 uA is the overall cut-off threshold. Voltage levels of l V and 5 V. respectively. represent these thresholds. These voltages are fed to comparators (with hysterises) which test them against reference voltages (see Figure 3.4). When input "H“ exceeds 1 V. a +350 V signal is applied to the protection. grid input of the high-gain section. When input "H" drops below 0.9 V. the protection grid input is returned to ground. permitting electrons to enter the high-gain section. Comparator "L“. which controls application of the -l400 V and +1900 V used to provide Channeltron gain. is referenced to 5 V. If input ”L” exceeds 5 V. the gain voltage inputs of the Channeltron are brought to ground. shutting down the Channeltron operation. 31 A command from the TQMS user is required to reactivate the Channeltron. Other control inputs come from the CU (Control Unit) and from manual switches. The on/off state of the high-voltages are controlled through these inputs for purposes of restart. calibration. or testing. Manual. CU. and feedback control signals are all required to be "OK" before the Channeltron will operate. The DU also supplies two differentially driven outputs which signal the state of the high-voltage switches. These signals inform the other IDS units which channel(s) of the DU. if either. is providing valid output. All support circuitry inputs and outputs are appropriately buffered. 3.2.3 Housing The Channeltron is mounted inside the TQMS vacuum chamber. Channeltron inputs and outputs are fed through the back-flange of the TQMS to the the remainder of the IDS. The back-flange is specially constructed to permit passage of electrical signals and supplies via BNC. MHV. and SHV connectors. thus permitting simple interface to external circuitry. The DU support circuitry is housed in a grounded metal box which acts as shielding. Logic circuits are mounted on a printed circuit board and are physically and electrically isolated from the high-voltage switches. 32 3.3 PROCESSING UNIT Conversion of the raw analog and pulse currents. supplied by the Channeltron. into data which represent the input ion flux is the primary function of the PU. This data may be in one of several forms depending on the nature of the experiment being performed. These forms are described in detail through the remainder of this section. Two distinct channels (corresponding to the two types of input supplied to the PU by the Channeltron) form the main body of the PU; they are referred to as the pulse channel and the analog channel. Each channel converts its corresponding type of input into data or control signals required by the IDS. A block diagram of the PU is given in Figure 3.5. Details of the PU design follow. 3.3.1 Pulse Channel Circuitry Diagrams for the pulse channel are given in Figure 3.6. The pulse channel is composed of an amplifier. a discriminator. and a counter. A commercial pulse-amplifier-discriminator. built by Galileo Corp. especially for Channeltron pulse detection. met the design requirements exactly. This device. the PAD-400 [14]. is capable of resolving non-random Channeltron output pulses at rates up to 8 MHz. According to statistics associated with the counting of random events. the resolving time of the 33 30. .22: 40...:200 20~E\0._. asymmflv zoofia Aamv amu: wcmmuoooum m.m ouowwm 5.45 I , 4m22<10 ”5.5."; III‘ makkm ll 39:28 W 0. 00.. .Eouuzm an. : (CE I , guzzling 00._ 20mh4m22<10 so 20mm 35 counter and the maximum average count rate determine the probability of missing a count due to pulse overlap [15]. The probability. P(n). that n pulses occur within the resolving time. td. of a pulse counter is given by the Poisson distribution: P(n) = [(R*td)n/n!] * exp(-R*td) where R is the average pulse rate. The probability of two or more pulses occurring within the counter resolving time is: P(2+) = 1 - P(O) ’ P(l) It is desirable that average pulse rates up to 1 MHz be counted to within 11 relative precision (this provides an operational overlap of both channels. necessary for on-line calibration). Application of the above equation shows that a 7 MHz (non-random) counter is the required minimum to insure 12 precision. In order to record up to 106 counts. the pulse counter also requires sufficient width (minimum of 20 bits). Reduction of both speed and width requirements can be attained through the addition of pre-scaling circuitry. The counter used in the pulse channel design is part of the programmable multi-counter IC from AMD. the Am9513 36 System Timer/Counter (STC) [16]. A 32-bit counter within the STC is designated as the pulse counter: the counter operates up to a 7 MHz non-random rate. This IC is also used by both channels for timing purposes: a separate discussion on the (STC) is reserved for a later section. 3.3.2 Analog Channel Overview The analog channel design requires some type of analog-to-digital conversion: input currents ranging from -10 -6 5 9 10 to 10 A represent the ion flux range from 10 to 10 ips (see Figure 2.1). Though the Channeltron of the DU is not an exact linear amplifier. a linear model is sufficient for the purpose of analog channel design and descriptions. The non-linearity factors are accounted for in down-line CU or TQMS data processing systems. As mentioned in the section on the DU (Detection Unit). control voltages representing Channeltron saturation are required by the DU. A direct feedback of the information contained in the analog input current is supplied from the PU; the circuitry which generates the control voltages is considered as part of the analog channel. From analysis of the design constraints. the following conclusions are drawn relative to the analog channel design: First. the time required to collect a single piece of data (an ion flux level) is dependent upon the flux level and the acceptable error in the data (see Figure 2.1). The IDS must 37 wait for a sufficient number of ions to be detected before the ions per second value is valid; the acquistion throughput is limited by the data itself. Secondly. since the quality of the data may be traded off in favor of fast acquisition (or vice-versa). programmable control of the analog (and pulse) channel is required for IDS optimization. A block diagram of the analog channel is shown in Figure 3.7. After initial conversion to a voltage. the analog input is directed along three routes. Route one takes the analog signal to a monolithic A/D converter which provides direct conversion of the input. The second route leads to a programmable integrator which. in conjunction with a timer. supplies an integration time representative of the input signal. This time is correlated with other integrator parameters to determine the ion flux. The final route leads to a pair of op-amps which feedback the analog level to the DU comparators to control the Channeltron. The details and the reasoning behind the configuration of the analog channel are explored in the following sections. 3.3.3 Current-to-Voltage Converter Current input to the analog channel will range from ~10 -7 approximately 10 to 5x10 A. In order to facilitate subsequent analog processing. a current-to-valtage conversion is required. A standard op-amp circuit is used. The converter is set to provide an output range from 1 mV to .38 0.004 Pmommsm :Q 20mu\0h 00zoo o\< \l/K _ mmz_» p_=om.o mamm0 ._._Dom_0 :0:w:I: AOthOO 30 Oh ceazoo ZO¢P4MZZIOh :0 20mm Ihzwmmao _ \l/ll\ 39 5 V. Since even slight bias currents and offset voltages would be catastrophic to the functioning of this circuit. special components and construction are required. Although an instrumentation type of op-amp could accurately provide the required output. all presently lack the slew rate necessary for high-speed IDS operation. A chopper-stabilized op-amp. the ICL7650 from Intersil [17]. is selected because of its low bias. low offset. virtually nill drift. low power consumption. good slew rate. and low cost. The disadvantages in using the 7650 are not significant. but must be compensated for in the remainder of the analog channel design. Operating voltages are limited to :8 V. extra capacitors are required for the chopper. slight output noise is generated by the chopper action. and output impedance is approximately 1R3 . Also. a capacitor across the feedback network is required to insure stability. The op-amp inputs are surrounded by a guard ring to prevent current leakage from the supply pins. Also. since the feedback resistor is of a very large value (10M0). the resistor's body is enclosed in a separate shield in order to reduce noise pick-up. Figure 3.8 gives the circuit. 3.3.4 Integrator Circuit The voltage output of the C/V converter is proportional to the analog current output of the Channeltron. which is in 40 P.30m_0 av m0hzoo < c\< 0H * om©>00_ awoouwo umuuo>oo0 A>\0V ammu~o>aounucouuoo m:_. 02—. I A 0m0540_ --4" wmv hflr \ll ¢ ozsoao 6 ._<20_m HZmamDO om<20 /(\ F 040.1m <_ (lo eco :0 20mm 41 turn proportional to the ion flux. By applying the technique of single-slope integration. the flux level can be calculated from the time required to integrate this voltage to a reference value. Figure 3.9 shows the integrator circuit. An alternative way of conceptualizing the operation of this circuitry is as follows: the Channeltron. the C/V converter. and the input resistor of the integrator form an ion-to-charge converter (assume that this converter is perfectly linear and has zero response time): the current input to the summing node of the integrator is a collection of discrete charge packets. each equivalent to a single ion. The feedback capacitor of the integrator acts as a charge counter whose output is a linearly proportional voltage. As shown in Section 2.1.2. for a specified sampling error only a minimum number of ions (or charge packets) need be counted; this "count“ is divided by the total time of integration to determine the ion flux. A comparator signals a completed integration when the capacitor (charge counter) voltage has reached a reference voltage representative of the required minimum count. As a result. data acquisition proceeds in an asynchronous manner. maximizing throughput. Maximum integration times may also be programmed for cases where throughput requirements outweigh those of accurate sampling of all data. A connection of the integrator output to an lI2 959.50 o\< as _> USS ._.=o._.5mMA 3P: 2 8 III 2“ goon Va >m+ <3 13.255 as tall scam}; 38¢ 88.. [1...le I I. [it I an. 20mm a2. a3. + A 0905400 2% 0.00. N_« xcm N71 x00— ¢)\(3<. awnouwo nououwouou a.m shaman 2:. E... 88.. I I I I 59.2% q J P. :2: + . AH*u_ 0 So. “ .mlmIlISo .alm one . :38 s." < I 4% J\.0 0 > N; 6.8 F I I I L 2 amexm>zoo >\o :oza .3 82 q! I I I I. J\()&/\qlm4\hr . com . :3: i . “I . 38.. . IAV . . .JoSotam I I I I L @3039, 2.. =9: ¢m>~an o<~ezmzmamaa magma a mm>umumm A~¢0\x030.—._0~_ :9...— ® " mm 43 A/D converter is provided for evaluation of partially integrated data samples. Precision components are required. An ICL7650 is used for the integrator's op-amp. Low leakage SPST analog switches. one-half of a D6211 [18]. are used. A polystyrene capacitor minimizes dielectric retention and leakage currents. A unity-gain inverter buffers the integrator output to prevent voltage droOp. Positive-feedback provides hysteresis for the comparator. A variable voltage reference is supplied by a D/A converter so that the CU (Control Unit) may adjust the analog "count" limit according to the programmed maximum error. Timing is performed by the STC (Am9513 timer/counter. see Section 3.3.6). The integrator provides the added advantage of a low-pass filter. since input signals above 10RHz (the maximum data collection rate) are considered to be noise. Calculations to determine the values of the components associated with this circuitry are given in Appendix A. Means for calculating the ion flux from the integration time are undertaken in Section 4.2.3. 3.3.5 A/D Converter In some types of acquisition modes. speedy data collection is of priority. regardless of the extra error induced by the limited "counting” of random events (ion inputs). Direct. measurement of the C/V converter output 44 voltage is a solution where even partial integrations are too slow. A 12-bit monolithic A/D converter. the AD574 [l9]. performs this function. In order to provide measurement of both the C/V converter and the integrator output. these voltages are multiplexed to the A/D input; the CU supplies convert and read strobes and controls the multiplexer. Tri-state drivers buffer the output. The complete A/D circuit is shown in Figure 3.10. An A/D conversion is also triggered upon completion of an integration: this allows the CU to perform a calibration between the reference and integrator voltages. if desired. Also. CU monitoring of the C/V converter output is useful in noise studies and in IDS development. 3.3.6 System Timer/Counter (STC) The Am9513 System Timer/Counter (STC) times the integration periods for both analog and pulse channels. and also counts pulses for the pulse channel. Five individually programmable 16-bit counters are contained in it. These registers may be concatenated and can use a variety of gates. sources. active logic inputs. and be operated in a variety of modes. Figure 3.11 shows an abridged block diagram of the STC internal structure as configured for this application. A 32-bit register is used for integration timing; a second 45 00_ao m»=ou ax< o~.m ouowwm Emu: a; xmn a: xen— j"; 14 i0 mmOJU mm x ——N®o* l6 wm01_0 .m 46 aowuouamwmooo Aowmv nouono0\uoafie aouwhm -.m shaman wIIIII.:III.:f.IIII..II.:.IIIIJ . . _ _ . u . _ _ , . p) , a — .I . ic_c .mmpm_cma .miwmm o, _ awummmo oomezoo m:m 3 30:35.0 05.020: x awaouao woweooon Hooog II: owwoa uuoamom am N~.n shaman n: r. IlomE .:.: 00:43. «in o.§> IIIII <91 <0) (\I <0) m m<<< 1.x 9) 00 ROM IDS COMMANDS ._.i’ J o O 3 0 “ SCRATCH PAD I 1/0 BUFFER I R... COORDINATING PROGRAMS DATA ‘L_. J 4000 h I I ' I I | AUX . DATA I RAM ' I I I 8000 n CHIP ‘F‘L/ OTHER BLOCK SELECTS SELECTS BFOO PU SUPPORT BFOF PU CONTROL STROBES LOGIC Figure 4.1 IDS Memory Map 63 0H3005Huw amumoum wafiuoomvuooo O O O zo_»_z_umo oz froguanir‘ 68 testing and development phases with external- measuring devices to establish absolute hardware operation points. The latter is required in the on-line accurate sampling of an ion input. Examples are as follows: "OCOMPCHECR" . a calibration command. compares the reference input of a comparator to the value of the integrator output which triggered it. The binary value latched into the D/A converter (the comparator reference source) is subtracted from the value read by the A/D converter immediately upon comparator triggering (the A/D automatically performs a conversion anytime the comparator fires). If the result is not equal to the calculated hysteresis of the comparator. an error is signalled. Corrections may be implemented via IDS offsetting of the D/A input. hardware adjustment of an appropriate trimpot. or through software compensation of acquired data values. A range of ion flux levels. between 10 and 10 . provides both pulse and analog current outputs from the Channeltron. By supplying a known ion input to the IDS within this range. "0CHANLDIFF" finds the difference between the ion flux levels calculated from data obtained by each channel. Calibration commands are defined primarily in terms of elementary function and low-level data processing commands. Calibration commands are found in the definitions of 69 standard control. high-level data processing. and development commands. 4.2.4 High-Speed Control Commands For those data acquisition modes where speed is of the essence. a class of "high-speed control commands" are available. These commands simply alter the "vocabulary” and then execute the assembly code contained within their definitions. An example is the ”IMAXSCAN" command. This command instructs the IDS to wait no longer than 100us to collect a single value. The IDS waits for a signal from the TQMS status port to begin integration. Upon receipt of the "start" signal. integration is begun. The timer. which has been set to a maximum of 100us. counts until either the comparator triggers (unlikely) or time expires (a TC signal is generated by the STC). Depending on the input operands to this command. the C/V output. the integrator output. or the timer value is immediately stored. and a "next" signal is sent to the TQMS status port. This procedure cantinues for a pre-defined number of acquisitions. Note that at this rate of data collection. no data from the pulse channel is usable (see Figure 2.1). A standard scan proceedure is highly similar to the above example. except that more operations may be executed between acquisitions since extra time is allotted. In fact. 70 most high-speed control commands have a "dual" in a standard control command: but the converse is not true. The Command Glossary notes the duals of these commands. High-speed commands are usually contained in the definitions of high-level. standard control commands. 4.2.5 Standard Control Commands ”Standard control commands” act as the "executive" for the IDS. Sequencing of elementary functions. chaining of data and calibration commands. calling of high-speed routines. programming of references and the STC. I/O communications. and many other operations are executed through standard control commands. An example of a standard control command is "$ECYCLE". The programming of the STC requires a sequential writing to it of mode. load. and hold register information for each of its five l6-bit counters. By loading the proper code to these registers. counters l and 2 are concatenated as a 32-bit timer. counters 3 and 4 are concantenated as a 32-bit pulse counter. and counter 5 is an event counter. “$ECYCLE" takes time limit values (stored in variables by a data processing command). and programming code (stored in firmware Iconstants“). and performs the correct sequence of write operations to the STC. The definitions for this class of commands are composed of all other command types. ”Standard control commands" 71 typically compose the majority of commands in a coordinating program. 4.2.6 Development Commands Development of the IDS is a highly interactive process. It begins with the individual assembly and electrical testing of various modules. These modules are then assembled into the 3 main units of the IDS. Upon demonstration that the CU is electrically and logically operative. EPROMs with standard FORTH code are burned (by another computer) and installed in the CU memory. Interactive 'development of customized FORTH code on a terminal connected to the CU USART is facilitated. since the standard FORTH code includes an interpreter. All IDS commands are developed in this manner. The debugged commands are retained on a floppy disk (which is connected through the second USART): these commands are eventually compiled and burnt into EPROM. The structure of the FORTH language is extremely conducive to development in this manner. A set of commands which are useful development aids. but are not required in the Operational IDS are classified as "development commands". To aid future testing and maintainance. these commands are also compiled into the CU firmware. Conversion into ASCII output formats for terminal display. looping of strobe signals. and other testing 72 utilities are included among the development commands. Usage of these commands by the IDS while in the Multi-Micro environment is permitted. but is not particularly useful. 4.3 NUMERIC REPRESENTATION The standard FORTH words provide only for integer arithmetic. Through proper scaling of control and data parameters. computational and representational errors are avoided. The following sections describe both the internal numeric representations used by the IDS and the representations of parameters and data transmitted through IDS I/O. 4.3.1 Internal Representations Standard FORTH arithmetic words include provisions for the use of 16 and 32-bit operands. Since the largest number range the IDS deals with is 109. 32 bits is sufficient for IDS programming. For data processing commands which multiply or divide 32 bit numbers. there are standard FORTH words which generate partial products 48 bits in length. In order to facilitate integer arithmetic. representations which do not require fractions are used. Examples are as follows: voltage in millivolts (mV) current in picoamperes (pA) time in microseconds (us) ion flux in ions/second (ips). 73 According to the calculations of Chapter 2. none of these values ever exceed 109. Fractional portions are not required since usuable IDS parameters and data is at least 100 times greater than a fundemental unit. thus providing sufficient resolution (100:1) over all values. Rounding errors are avoided primarily because errors of up to 12 (in general) are tolerable. Non-linearities associated with data representing real physical parameters may or may not be taken into consideration. depending on the specific data processing command which is utilized: this distinction is made in the glossary. 4.3.2 I/O Representations Integer format I/O to system and develOpment terminals often unnecessarily burdens the user. Standard FORTH words provide a solution to this problem: string-to-number and number-to-string conversion words are included in firmware. These words convert an integer to an ASCII string. which can be printed in fractional format at the terminal; an ASCII character representing the radix point is inserted into the appropriate position in the string. Integer formats of parameters with large ranges of values consume a great deal of memory space (4 bytes per 32-bit number) compared to a floating point format (8 bits of mantissa and .5 bits of exponent provide sufficient resolution and range for the IDS). Data processing commands 74 which convert an integer to a floating point format are included in the IDS firmware. A shift and count routine is used to perform this function. In cases where high-speed data collection and outputting are being executed. such floating point formating cannot be done' because these operations slow down the data acquisition process. Some data formats include tag bits with these bits indicating which PU channel. or which A/D input. generated that specific piece of data. This type of tagging is most appropriate for high-speed operations or for hardware calibration. Figure 4.4 depicts the integer and floating point formats; the sequencing of bytes in memory is a characteristic of the 8085 and FORTH structures. 75 I N23-'N16 I I HIGHER MEMORY 32-BIT INTEGER FORMAT 8-BIT MANTISSA ”15 N8 S-BIT S-BIT I BIASED EXPONENT TAG FIELD N7 N0 HIGHER MEMORY 16-BIT FLOATING POINT FORMAT Figure 4.4 Data formats *** CHAPTER 5 --- EVALUATION *** The Ion Detection System (IDS) is presently in final development stages. Full-scale testing and evaluation require interfacing of the IDS into the TQMS/Multi-Micro- System environment. with known ion inputs and their spectra providing benchmarks for complete IDS evaluation. This interfacing will require a significant amount of time. since the Multi-Micro System is yet to be fully developed and tested. Because of the impracticality of full-scale IDS testing in light of current user demands upon the TQMS. and because several adjustments are still required to the IDS (as described later in this chapter). evaluations in this chapter are limited to those from a ”bench" environment. Since operation of the Detection Unit (DU) ‘can only be achieved inside of the TQMS vacuum. only the Processing Unit (PU) and the Control Unit (CU) are evaluated here. This chapter begins with a description of a typical sampling operation. Simulation of this operation is facilitated by the use of a picoampere source in place of the DU (Channeltron) analog output. Following sections highlight the performance of critical circuits; their responses under under sampling simulation are particularly stressed. A final section discusses IDS performance from an overall perspective. 76 77 5.1 SAMPLING SIMULATION The IDS is required to collect up to a maximum of 10000 samples during a single scanning operation (the term "sample" refers to the collection of a single data value correspOnding to the ion flux). Programming of the number of samples to be acquired. the data precision. and the maximum sampling time is normally done by the Multi-Micro System through the loading of a coordinating program (see Chapter 4) into the IDS memory. For bench-testing purposes. the IDS is interfaced to a terminal through which a user supplies commands to the on-board FORTH interpreter. IDS hardware and firmware are responsible for measuring and storing (locally) data values. Once instructed to sample. the IDS normally requires no further interaction with external systems during the sampling period. By simulating this sampling operation. all primary circuit functions can be monitored both through terminal outputs and by external test apparatus. Since the DU is unavailable for simulation. a picoampere source is substituted for the analog current output of the Channeltron. No simulation of the pulse channel is performed on the bench. since the major component of this channel is a commercially-built module which is specifically designed to operate in conjuction with a Channeltron output. The sequence of IDS commands and parameters. the 78 coordinating program. used to perform this simulation is given in Figure 5.1; the develOpment system terminal substitutes for the Multi-Micro System. After initialization. the IDS sends a prompt to the development system terminal. signaling that it is ready to sample. After the picoampere input is set. a command from the terminal initiates a sampling. The IDS returns the C/V converter output voltage. the integrator output voltage. and the integration time to the terminal (instead of an array in memory). These values are logged: the voltage values are compared with externally measured values. and the integration times are plotted to determine linearity in comparison with measured input voltages. This procedure is performed over the entire range of analog inputs. Several of these simulations are performed. [and their results are compared. The variance from ideal expected values is attributed to various circuits: these deviations are discussed in conjunction with their contributing circuits in the next several sections. Figure 5.2 shows several plots of the collected data. 5.2 PROCESSING UNIT (PU) PERFORMANCE The C/V converter. the integrator. the A/D converter. and the STC (timer/counter) are the key circuits within the analog channel responsible for the precise measurement of DU output currents and conversion into digital data. The T79 SSCAN I PROCESS INPUT PARAMETERS I CONFIGURE HARDWARE START INTEGRATION YES, WAIT IF NOT YES, WAIT IF NOT ANALOG CHANNEL pULSE ON? I I RETR I EVE RETR I EVE INTEGRATION PULSE TIME COUNT I ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL DATA DATA PROCESSING PROCESSING I I STORE DATA STORE DATA IN ARRAY IN ARRAY I Figure 5.1 Simulation program 80 10¢. 11!- ? 6 1: 1+- 10.06xIO S < > / .OOI-I- / 10-10 I0”9 10‘8 IO”7 10'6 IA (amperes) I 100 #- IO".. ? ‘E 10-2.. c U c LG *‘ 10'3. IO'4.. I . I 4. 4. .001 .01 .I 1 10 V (volTs) A Figure 5.2 C/V Converter and Integrator Circuit performance 81 following sections individually examine the performance of each of these circuits in regard to the simulations. 5.2.1 C/V Converter Since the C/V Converter must convert currents ranging from 10 pA to .5 uA into voltages ranging from 1 mV to 5 V. small amplitude noise may easily corrupt the signal.. The integrator circuit filters a significant amount of mid- and high-frequency noise. but offsets or drifts greater than 12 in the C/V output distort the data by an equivalent amount. This degree of error exceeds design criteria. Interference noise. in the presence of 60 Hz from lab sources. must also be guarded against admission to the integrator input. Measurements with a DVH and an oscilliscope are performed without the analog board housed in its shielded box (which is presently under construction). As seen in Figure 5.2. C/V output values for low input currents are somewhat offset from the ideal. Specifications for the ICL7650 op-amp show bias currents of 10 pA maximum. not enough to be responsible for the error. Evidence points to the picoampere source as uncalibrated; measurements with an electrometer should validate this conclusion. Interference noise poses a greater problem: sources include 60-cycle. digital generated rf. and the Op-amp itself as a result of its chopping action. Oscilliscope measurements show noise up to 50 mV (p'p); data returned by the A/D substantiate 82 this. This noise level is significantly reduced from the 100 mV (p-p). which was observed in the circuit before shielding was added to the feedback resistor. Enclosure of the entire circuit board in a shielded housing should further reduce this noise. 5.2.2 Integrator Circuit Three sub-cicuits comprise the integrator circuit: the op-smp integrator. the comparator. and the BIA reference. Evaluations of these sub-circuits are given indiVidually as follows: The op-amp integrator exhibits a constant offset (0.62) from its calculated slope of integration: this offset falls easily within the range of allowable component (capacitor and resistor) tolerance error. Also. at low input voltages the integrator output resembles a staircase. This may be the result of the noisy input signal. or the chopping action of the integrator op-amp. Further investigation is required. Enclosure within a shielded box. or capacitive loading of the input may reduce this effect. No oscillations of the comparator's output are observed at even the slowest threshold crossings. Incorrect triggering of the comparator does occur at slow ramp inputs as a result of the associated staircase effect of the integrator. This provides an explanation for the increasing variation of integration times in conjuction with the 83 increasing amplitude of the staircase steps. Also. since the 50 mV (p-p) noise common to the entire board is also observed in the comparator input signals. premature triggering of the comparator results. This premature triggering produces integration times which taper away from expected values as the input voltages decrease (see Figure 5.2). It is unlikely that this type of error is the result of circuit leakage currents. unless manufacturer's specifications for components are incorrect. The D/A converter provides a 0 to 10 V reference ranging in 256 steps (8-bit converter): the analog reference may vary from the desired value by 119.5 mV. At low reference settings (the reference value represents the minimum-required “analog count". see section 3.3.4). a significant error may result. This error may be compensated for in software by performing a "OCOMPCHECK" operation (the determination of the actual comparator triggering point) and adjusting collected data values appropriately. 5.2.3 A/D Converter The 12-bit A/D converter provides a resolution of 1:4096: since a O-to-lO V range is used. precision to 11.22 mV is achieved. Since the outputs of the C/V converter and the integrator never exceed 5 V. a 2x gain is applied to the analog signal as it is driven off the analog board to the D" board. where the A/D converter resides. This makes use 84 of the full A/D input range (10 V). Lower level signals have increased resolution. while all signals are measured with increased noise margins. The data generated by the A/D exhibit variations which are partially attributable to simple twisted-pair connection between boards in the development stage (to be replaced with coaxial cables). Also. since input levels are relatively stable over the integration period. no sample-and-hold circuit is included. 5.2.4 STC (System Timer/Counter) The STC (System Timer/Counter) timer is gated by the same signal which controls the integrator input switch. The time counted by the timer is designed to be exactly equal to the period from which the integration switch was thrown. to the time when the comparator triggers (assuming the timer has not reached its preset maximum limit). Switch delays and jitters contribute insignificant errors. even over minimal integration periods. 5.2.5 Other PU Circuits All other PU circuits. the support logic. the analog control circuit. and the tranceivers of the PU-CU interface function according to specification. Gating delay times within the logic circuits never add to create a switching 85 delay (such as with the integrator circuit switches) which could distort the integration time by more than 0.21. far less than the 11 allowable. 5.3 CONTROL UNIT (CU) PERFORMANCE The following sections present evaluations of the Control Unit (00). highlighting software and CU-PU interfacing aspects. 5.3.1 Software The FORTH-based software facilitates many on-line innovations in the programming of the IDS. The commands listed in the glossary are the basic building blocks for the development of customized acquisition modes in IDS Operations. FORTH is extremely valuable as a system-debugging aid. Since commands are developed interactively on the IDS. and since FORTH lends itself well to the establishment of high-level routines. software development is accomplished in an extremely short period of time. The present set of IDS commands is sufficient for the performance of all basic Operations. "High-speed-control commands” (assembly routines) are yet to be written. as they require is closer interaction with the Multi-Micro System. Other command classes also have room for further development 86 in conjunction with the evolving definition of on-line IDS requirements. 5.3.2 Hardware The use of a memory-mapped control structure is an effective means of actuating IDS functions. Simple interfacing and programming requirements facilitated debugging and development. The Dual USART's also provide the additional Option of sending data to a storage device outside of the Multi-Micro System. The Interrupt Controller's full capabilities are untapped (the IDS only uses 2 interrupts): a simpler interrupt structure may have been used. but with limited expansion capability and elongated development time. CU-PU interface limitations on the number of control lines are successfully circumvented by the use of the interface-enable proceedure and local power-on reset circuitry for the PU. All other CU circuits function according to specifications. 5.4 General Observations The following general observations on IDS performance address the secondary design criteria established in Chapter 2. They include noise immunity. stability and reliability. usability. and cost. 87 5.4.1 Noise Immunity As previously demonstrated. the analog circuitry (in its present state) Of the IDS is easily corrupted by noise at low input levels. Even upon construction of final IDS housing. additional adjustments may still be required to insure sufficient guarding against unwanted disturbances. If noise problems still persist. data processing techniques may be employed to compensate for errors. This would be viable. since those inputs which are most affected (low-level signals) require significantly greater integration times. Slow-downs to perform software compensation are negligble compared to integration periods. High-speed data collection only detects high-level signals. which are sufficiently immune to noise. 5.4.2 Stability and Reliability PU circuit op-amps which provide high-gains require capacitors across their feedback resistors in order to suppress oscillation. Also. if the CMOS Op-amps (ICL 7650's) are overdriven. latch-up may occur: protection is provided by zener diodes across feedback paths. Several components require hardware compensation Of offsets via trimpots. After initial calibration. most components exhibit stable Operation. The differential analog receivers tend to drift significantly with 88 temperature. Calibration after an appropriate warm-up period compensates effectively. 5.4.3 Usability The IDS exhibits all the required properties associated with flexibility and user friendliness in operation. The FORTH software provides the framework for this. The tailoring of IDS command mnemonics to resemble the functions which they actuate. facilitates development of user dexterity with the IDS. From a hardware standpoint. all boards and units connect simply via ribbon cable. coaxial cable. and twisted pair wires. These cables/wires are terminated using standard connectors. *** CHAPTER 6 --- SUMMARY *** This final chapter provides a general summary of the Ion Detection System (IDS) design goals. implementation. and performance. Further improvements are suggested. and a conclusion relative to the IDS's value to the Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer's (TQMS) Multi-Micro System is provided. 6.1 ACHIEVEMENT OF GOALS The major goal in undertaking development of the IDS was to create a detection system which operates with optimal efficiency and detection capability. This translates to providing a detector with a dynamic range of 109. and which uses the minimally required integration period (as prescribed by the acceptable error) to acquire a data sample. Combination of a detector of this capability with a Multi-Micro control structure will result in greatly enhanced performance of the Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer. The expansion of dynamic range is to be achieved through the use of a newly developed ChanneltronTM(electron multiplier) in conjunction with appropriate signal-processing electronics (both pulse counting and analog single-slope integration techniques are used). 89 90 Testing of the dynamic range capability is still under way. Preliminary results indicate that noise problems. which induce errors greater than 12 to relative precision. exist at low analog signal levels (which provide information about 5 and 109 ion flux levels between 10 ips). Eventual housing of sensitive circuits in a shielded environment should solve this problem. Pulse current detection circuitry (for flux levels less than 106) is yet untested. The control of asynchronous data acquisition (according to the statistical relationship between the incidence of random ions and the error involved in counting them) is fully himplemented and successfully exploits the throughput advantages in this type Of scheme. Fundamental firmware which directs hardware operations has been developed and debugged. Further software develOpments to customize Operations and to Operate within the Multi-Micro environment may be simply developed using the firmware command kernels (written in FORTH). Circuitry which performs analog integration exhibits some premature and variant integration time outputs. Although not critical. these variations create errors in excess of 12. These have been attributed to a defective. specialized IC and to noise problems which permeate the entire board. Again. appropriate shielding measures are being undertaken. 91 Secondary design goals of stability and reliability. usability. data structures. noise immunity. and cost minimization are only general guidelines in the IDS design. Although evaluations will have to wait until the IDS is operational within the Multi-Micro System. precautions were taken to minimize unwanted effects. 6.2 FURTHER IMPROVEMENTS Assuming that the prescribed analog circuit adjustments fail to resolve the dynamic range problems. several alternatives exist. One is the replacement of the ICL7650 op-amps with more expensive instrumentation amplifiers. even with the reduced slew rates. New developments in IC technology may possibly provide suitable circuits. Another alternative is the redesign of the analog circuit board to provide increased shielding of individual. critical components. A more complex and costly scheme would involve the use Of multiple amplification. integration. and A/D converter stages to segment the analog range portion: various combinations of these circuits could be employed. Also. the use of a dual-slope integration technique could enhance integration precision. Any further improvements from a design consideration standpoint would first require fundamental improvements in the design of the TQMS itself before increased precision would be meaningful. or increased throughput 'could be 92 realized (throughput is statistically limited for a given flux range). The present IDS hardware supplies all necessary circuitry. even for auto- calibration. that is meaningful for this application. Software enhancements are dependent on the type of acquisitions which may be required. Since FORTH provides more than sufficient flexibility. most software improvements could be made in the development of assembly-coded routines (for high-speed data acquisition). or in the areas of user communications (which would aid the inexperienced user). 6.3 CONCLUSIONS An ion detection system for a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. optimally suited for Operation within a multi-micro control structure and for data acquisition in the most expedious manner. has been successfully developed. Fundamental to the success Of the IDS design is its basis upon the statistical characteristics of the measured quantity (ions). permitting adaptive data sampling for enhanced performance. Although some problems have been identified in preliminary test phases. continuing development is resolving these difficulties. Expectations are that the Ion Detection System (IDS) will provide a greatly enhanced data acquisition capability for the TQMS. *** APPENDICES *** *** APPENDIX A --- PROCESSING UNIT (PU) CALCULATIONS *** The parameter and component values used in the Processing Unit (PU) were calculated as follows: Defined limits of 5x108 for the maximum ion flux. IFLme and 12 for the minimum "typical" error (Section 2.1.2). emu! specify the minimum integration time (Figure 2.1) to be 20 us. To insure 12 accuracy of the timer. lOO non-random counts. Ctmm! must count the time. Thus a SMHz source is supplied to the timer. This is generalized as: ftmr = IFLme * e'mn where e'Inn = emn / 1002 and ftmr = timer source frequency. Thus any flux rate can be calculated: IFLX = ftmr / (e'2 * Ct) timer counts elapsed during integration period. where Ct and e' programmed "typical" error for the sample. This error is achieved by integrating until the required amount of ions has been detected (Section 2.1.2). For the pulse channel. flux determination simply requires counting the discrete current pulses to a 93 94 set number (related to the error) while simultaneously timing the integration (counting) period. The analog channel operates in an analogous manner. As described in Section 3.3.4. analog input current can be thought Of as chained "charge packets“ proportional to the ion flux. A capacitor "counts“ this charge to a set voltage while this integration. period is timed; this set (or reference) voltage is similarly a function of the programmed error. e' (i.e.. charge proportional to 10000 detected ions must be "counted” to achieve 11 accuracy). The integrator capacitor output voltage is: Since the maximum “analog count" occurs for the minimum error setting. 12. the corresponding reference voltage will also be at its maximum. To comply with electrical requirements. this value is chosen to be 5 V. This voltage will represent 10000 ion counts. provided we select proper capacitor and charge amplification components. (Note that linearity is assumed: in reality this is not quite accurate. but software compensates for this.) Lower settings of the reference voltage achieve lesser "counts“ (thus greater errors). 95 The component values are calculated as follows. With VA = integrator input (C/V output). RI = integrator input resistor. and: then: where tintis the integration time. Figure 2.1 shows that for the maximum flux measured to 11. a 20 us integration time is required. Also. an input current. IA = .5 uA. is supplied at this flux level (assuming linearity. see Figure 3.3). Since: and: then: RF / (RI * c1) vI / (tintir IA) -6 -7 S / (20x10 * 5x10 ) 5x1011 3‘1 The resistor and capacitor values are chosen to optimize operation against effects of leakage. biases. Offsets. 96 loading. and noise. over the entire input current range. Practical values chosen are: u n F 10 no N II I 20 R9 *** APPENDIX B --- COMMAND GLOSSARY *** FORTH, inc. Page 1 9 JAN 1982 polyFORTH GLOSSARY WORD VOCABULARY BLOCK STACK ENTERED IACOUNT DETECTOR 55 O-i 25 FEB 1982 Variable: The value which is read out of the timer is stored here (32-bit). IADCELL DETECTOR 50 O-l 25 FEB 1982 Variable: Holds the combined M88 and LSB of the A/D, right- Justified (12 bits in a 16 bit cell). IAOVOLTS DETECTOR 50 0-i 25 FEB 1982 Variable: Holds a value of the A/D in a decimal, weighted format. ICLOCK DETECTOR 47 O-i 25 FEB 1982 Constant: STC clock frequency. ICMR DETECTOR 52 O-i 25 FEB 1982 Constant array: Values define mode register values to be loaded (in STC). ICOUNTMAX DETECTOR 47 0-1 25 FEB 1982 Variable: Holds the timer count-limit, proportional to "IMAXTIHE". IECOUNT DETECTOR 55 O-i 25 FEB 1982 Variable: The value which is read out of the event counter is stored here (lO-bit). IERSOUINV DETECTOR 47 0-1 25 FEB 1982 Variable: Holds the calculated value of the scaled, inverse-squared-error. IHLR DETECTOR 52 O-i 25 FEB 1982 Constant array: Values define hold register values to be loaded (in STC). ilGCOUNT DETECTOR 47 O-l 25 FEB 1982 Variable: Holds the calculated elapsed counts of integration. ilGTIME DETECTOR 47 O-i 25 FEB 1982 Variable: Holds the calculated elapsed time of integration (in microseconds). IMAXTIME DETECTOR 47 0-1 25 FEB 1982 Variable: Holds the programmed time-limit for integration (in microseconds). IMINERROR DETECTOR 47 O-i 25 FEB 1982 Variable: Holds the programmed error value, an integer between i and 100 representing the percent relative standard deviation. {PCOUNT DETECTOR 55 0-1 25 FEB 1982 Variable: The value which is read out of the pulse counter is stored here (32-bit). IVLSB DETECTOR 50 O-l 25 FEB 1982 Constant: Represents the value of the A/D least significant bit, .0024414 V (iZ-blt A/D Over 0-10 V range). Value is scaled for use in integer arithmetic. SASTORE DETECTOR 55 4-0 25 FEB 1982 Stores the bytes read from the timer into a variable. Performs the sequencing required to represent the bytes as a FORTH 32-bit number. SBYTER DETECTOR 53 i-O 25 FEB 1982 Loads the LSB followed by the M58 into an STC register. Used within the "SECYCLE" routine. SCV? DETECTOR 58 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Connect, convert, and print the value of the C/V converter output (via the A/D). SECYCLE DETECTOR 54 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Supervises the loading of the STC registers during an initialization. The master-mode register bit which permits auto-incrementing of the data-pointer must be active in order to perform an "element cycle" (see STC data sheet). SEMIN? DETECTOR 58 0-0 25 FEB i982 Prints the error-limit value. SERRORSET DETECTOR 48 i-O 25 FEB 1982 Interprets the top stack value to represent the error-limit setting for integrations (in integer S). Converts this into a scaled, inverse-squared-error value (convenient for later calculations). Stores both values into variables. $ESTORE DETECTOR 55 2-0 25 FEB 1982 Stores the bytes read from the event counter into a variable. Performs sequencing of the bytes in order to represent a FORTH iO-bit number. SEVENTER DETECTOR 54 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Leads the event counter (55) registers: presently not in use. SFILER DETECTOR 56 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Coordinates the storing of stack values, representing the hold register values, into the proper variables. SHCYCLE DETECTOR 56 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Coordinates the "hold cycle" operation of the STC (reading -the hold registers) and the storing of these values into variables. The master mode register bit which permits auto- lncrementlng must be active for ”hold-cycling". SHODER DETECTOR 53 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Loads the hold registers of the STC. Used within the ”SECYCLE' routine. SIGCOUNT DETECTOR 49 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Calculates the elapsed integration count by subtracting the post-integration timer value from the pre-integration timer value (the count-limit). Stores this result in a variable. Note: the timer operates in a count-down mode. SIGTIME DETECTOR 49 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Converts the elapsed integration count value into elapsed integration time (in microseconds). Stores result in a variable. SlNT-TIHE? DETECTOR 58 O-O 25 FEB 1982 Calculates and prints the integration time (in microseconds). SINT? DETECTOR 58 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Connect, convert, and print the value of the integrator output (via the A/D). SLODER DETECTOR 53 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Leads the load registers of the STC. Used within the ”SECYCLE' routine. SMODER DETECTOR 55 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Leads the mode registers of the STC. Used within the "$ECYCLE' routine. SPSTORE DETECTOR 55 4-0 25 FEB 1982 Stores the bytes read from the pulse counter into a variable. Performs the sequencing required to represent the bytes as a FORTH 32-bit number. SREADER DETECTOR 56 1-0 25 FEB i982 Sequentially reads all hold registers (the counter outputs providing a ”save" command was issued to the STC) onto the stack. SRESET-STC DETECTOR 54 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Performs a software reset of the STC. STiMESET DETECTOR 48 l-O 25 FEB 1982 interprets the top stack value to represent the time-limit setting for integrations (in microseconds). Converts this value to a count-limit and stores both values into variables. STMAX? DETECTOR 58 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Prints the time-limit value. .5 DETECTOR 51 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Prints out the contents of the stack non-destructively. ADCNVRT DETECTOR 46 0-0 25 FEB 1982 initiates A/D conversion (25 us maximum conversion time). ADLSB DETECTOR 45 O-i 25 FEB i982 Reads A/D LSB (and monitor port) and places value on the stack. ADMSB DETECTOR 45 O-i 25 FEB 1982 Reads A/D MSB output and places value on the stack. ADOUT? DETECTOR 57 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Prints the binary output of the A/D converter value stored in ”IADCELL'. ADSTART DETECTOR 44 O-i 25 FEB 1982 Constant: Address to start A/D conversion. ADVOLTS? DETECTOR 57 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Prints the formatted decimal value of the A/D converter value stored in "IADVOLTS". ADWEIGHT DETECTOR 50 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Reads and formats the A/D output bytes into a single cell (16 bit format, right-Justified). AMPOUT DETECTOR 45 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Connects C/V output to A/D input via input MUX. BINARY BTOV CLOAD CNTRLPORT DALOAD DASTART DATAPORT DLOAD DONEACKN DREAD iGRATER iHOLD INTGOUT lRESET IRPTOFF iSET ISTART LSBLATCH MPORT? DETECTOR 51 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Changes the system number base to 2. DETECTOR 50 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Converts the binary value of the A/D output into a decimal, weighted format. DETECTOR 46 1-0 25 FEB 1982 Top stack value is loaded into the STC control port. DETECTOR 44 0-1 25 FEB 1982 Constant: Address to STC control/status port. DETECTOR 46 i-O 25 FEB 1982 Top stack value is latched into D/A and the D/A output follows accordingly. DETECTOR 44 0-i 25 FEB 1982 Constant: Address to load D/A. DETECTOR 44 O-i 25 FEB 1982 Constant: Address to STC data port. DETECTOR 46 i-O 25 FEB 1982 Top stack value is loaded into the STC data port. DETECTOR 46 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Resets "integration-done" interrupt flip-flop. DETECTOR 46 O-i 25 FEB 1982 A data register value is read from the STC data port and placed on the stack. The setting of the data pointer selects the specific output register; the data pointer is programmed via the control port. DETECTOR 44 O-l 25 FEB 1982 Constant: Address to switch integrator output thru the A/D input MUX. DETECTOR 45 O-O 25 FEB 1982 Disconnects C/V output from integrator input, i.e holds integrator output voltage. DETECTOR 45 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Connects integrator output to A/D input via input MUX. DETECTOR 45 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Zeros integrator output, i.e. integrator reset. DETECTOR 44 0-1 25 FEB 1982 Constant: Address to acknowledge interrupt. DETECTOR 45 0-0 25 FEB i982 Allows integrator to charge (unzeros). DETECTOR 45 O-O 25 FEB 1982 Connects C/V output to integrator input, i.e. starts integration. DETECTOR 44 O-i 25 FEB 1982 Constant: Address to read A/D LSB and monitor port. DETECTOR 57 0-0 25 FEB 1982 inputs and prints the bits of the 4-bit monitor port. MSBLATCH PREAMP SBCLOSE SSOPEN S4CLOSE S4OPEN SREAD SWRESET SWSTART UD. DETECTOR 44 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Constant: Address to read A/D MSB. DETECTOR 44 0-1 25 FEB 1982 Constant: Address to switch C/V converter output thru the A/D input MUX. DETECTOR 44 0-1 25 FEB 1982 Constant: Address to close Switch 3. DETECTOR 44 0-1 25 FEB 1982 Constant: Address to open Switch 3. DETECTOR 44 0-1 25 FEB 1982 Constant: Address to close Switch 4. DETECTOR 44 0-1 25 FEB 1982 Constant: Address to open Switch 4. DETECTOR 46 0-1 25 FEB 1982 Status register value is read from STC control/status port and placed on the stack. DETECTOR 45 0-0 25 FEB 1982 Resets all switches: Si Open, 82 close, 55 close, 54 Open. The integrator is held zeroed with its input disconnected and with its output connected to the A/D input. DETECTOR 44 0-1 25 FEB 1982 Constant: Address to switch reset. DETECTOR 51 1-0 25 FEB 1982 Prints out the top stack value (if a 32-bit number) in an unsigned format. *** APPENDIX C --- SOURCE CODE *** L 44 38 Block Number: OOVO‘GPUMHO Block Number: LP: 44 ( PU ADDRESS MAP---CHIP SELECTS ) HEX DFSO CONSTANT LSBLATCH DFSI CONSTANT MSBLATCH BF82 CONSTANT S4OPEN BESS CONSTANT SSCLOSE DFS4 CONSTANT SUSTART BFSS CONSTANT IGRATER BFSb CONSTANT SSOPEN BFB7 CONSTANT PREAMP BFOS CONSTANT DASTART BF89 CONSTANT ADSTART BFSA CONSTANT IRPTOFF BFSB CONSTANT S4CLOSE BFSE CONSTANT DATAPORT BFSF CONSTANT CNTRLPORT DECIMAL 45 O ( ELMENTARY HARDWARE COMMANDS ) 1 2 AMPOUT PREAMP CC DROP l ( CONNECTS PRE-AMP TO A/D INPUT. 3 SHITCH 1 CLOSED. SNITCH 2 OPEN ) 4 INTGOUT IORATER CQ DROP : ( CONNECTS INTEGRATER TO A/D 5 INPUT. SNITCH 2 CLOSED. SNITCH 1 OPEN ) 6 IRESET SSCLOSE C! DROP l ( ZEROS INTEGRATER OUTPUT ) 7 ISET SSOPEN CC DROP 5 ( FLOATS INTERGRATER OUTPUT ) 8 ISTART O S4CLOSE C! i ( CONNECTS PRE-AMP TO INTEGRATER ) 9 IHOLD S4OPEN CD DROP : ( DISCONNECTS PRE-AMP FROM INTORTR ) 10 SNRESET SNSTART CO DROP i ( RESETS ALL SNITCHES TO POWER-UP 11 STATE. SWITCHES 1 AND 4 OPEN. SNITCHES 2 AND 3 CLOSED ) 12 ADMSB MSBLATCH CO 5 ( A/D OUTPUT. DOII-DO4 ---> STACK ) 13 ADLSB LSBLATCH ce 5 ( A/D OUTPUT AND MONITOR REGISTER. 14 DOS-DOO.M3-MO ---> STACK ) 15 Block Number: 46 O ( ELEMENTARY HARDWARE COMMANDS ) 1 2 ADCNVRT O ADSTART C! 5 ( INITIATES A/D CONVERSION ) 3 DALOAD DASTART C! i ( STACK ---) DI7-DIO. SETS D/A ) 4 DONEACKN O IRPTOFF C! 5 ( RESETS DONE INTERRUPT ) 5 CLOAD CNTRLPORT C! ; ( STACK ---> STC CONTROL PORT ) 8 DLOAD DATAPORT C! 2 ( STACK ---> STC DATA PORT ) 7 SREAD CNTRLPORT CE 5 ( STC STATUS REGISTER ---> STACK ) S DREAD DATAPORT CO 5 ( STC DATA PORT ---> STACK ) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Block Number: 47 O ( DATA PROCESSING VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS) 1 2 DECIMAL 3 4 ( STC clock Frequency ) 5 5.000.000 2CONSTANT «CLOCK 6 7 ( Data parameter variables 1 B VARIABLE #MINERROR 9 VARIABLE .ERSGUINV 10 VARIABLE “MAXTIME 2 ALLOT 11 VARIABLE #COUNTMAX 2 ALLOT 12 VARIABLE #IOCOUNT 2 ALLOT 13 VARIABLE “IOTIME 2 ALLOT 14 Block Number: 48 O ( PARAMETER SETTING ) 1 2 DECIMAL 3 4 ( Convert time-limit into count-limit ) 5 STIMESET 2DUP OMAXTIME 2! “CLOCK 1000 M/ 1000 M*/ 6 #COUNTMAX 2! 5 7 B ( Convert error-limit into inverse-error-squared ) 9 sERRORSET DUP “MINERROR ! DUP * 10000 SNAP / 10 *ERSGINV ! 5 11 12 13 14 15 Block Number: 49 0 ( PARAMETER CALCULATIONS ) 1 2 DECIMAL 3 4 ( Calculate elapsed counts during integration period ) 5 SIGCOUNT *COUNTMAX 2Q “ACOUNT 2Q D- 6 QIGCOUNT 2! 5 7 8 ( Convert elapsed counts to elapsed time in us i 9 SIOTIME CIOCOUNT 2O 1 RCLOCK 1000 M/ 1000 / Mil 10 “IGTIME 2! 5 11 12 13 14 15 Block Number: 50 O ( A/D RELATED ) 1 2 DECIMAL 3 4 ( A/D LSB Volts I .0024414 Volts ) 5 24414 CONSTANT HVLSB 6 7 ( A/D variables ) 8 VARIABLE HADCELL 9 VARIABLE fiADVOLTS 10 11 ( Format A/D bqtes into single cell ) 12 : ADNEICHT ADMSB 16 * ADLSB 16 I + RADCELL ! 5 13 14 ( Multiple A/D binarq output x LSB value ) 18 : BTOV RVLSB OADCELL 0 Me 10000 M/ #ADVOLTS ! 5 Block Number: 51 O ( UTILITIES ) 1 2 HEX 3 4 ( Non-destructive stack printout ) 5 : .8 CR ’8 SO 0 2 - DO I Q . -2 +LOOP 5 6 7 ( Set base to binary ) 8 BINARY 2 BASE ! 5 9 10 ( Print unsigned 32-bit number from stack ) 11 : UD. <4 48 4) TYPE 5 12 13 14 Number: 52 STC REGISTERS' ASSIGNMENTS ) ’J 0 n as: A Counters 1 and 2 are concatenated as a single 32-bit counter. as are counters 3 and 45 counter 5 is used as an event counter. Counters 1-4 are programmed in operating mode “B" with active low gate. SMHz source. and active low TC. Counter 5 is programmed in operating mode "A" with TC inactive. output low. ) OQVOUIJ-LJRJHOCD HEX 10 11 ( Mode registers' assignments: ) 12 CREATE OCMR BBOS . BOOB . BBOO . 8005 . OBOO . 13 14 ( Hold registers’ assignments: ) 15 CREATE RHLR 0 . 0. or. 0 . 0 . Block Number: 53 ( STC INITIALIZATION ) HEX ( Load LSB followed bu MSB into the STC registers ) : SBYTER DUP ce DLOAD 1+ CC DLOAD 5 ( Load “mode" register with Firmware values ) ' SMODER I' 2 * HCMR + OBYTER 5 OOVO‘UIPUIUHO 10 ( Load “load" register with programmable count-limit values ) 11 OLODER I’ 2 MOD IF “COUNTMAX OBYTER 12 ELSE HCOUNTMAX 2+ OBYTER THEN 5 13 14 ( Load "hold“ register with Firmware values ) 15 : SHODER I' 2 * OHLR + CBYTER 5 Block Number: 54 O ( STC INITIALIZATION ) 1 2 HEX 3 4 ( Event counter loader. presently not in use i 5 SEVENTER 10 DROP 5 6 7 ( Software reset STC ) S - SRESET-STC FF CLOAD 5F CLOAD 5 9 10 ( Initialize STC by performing element cucle ) 11 : SECYCLE 01 CLOAD 4 0 DO SMODER SLODER OHODER LOOP 12 SEVENTER 5 13 14 15 Block Number: 55 0 ( STC READING ) 1 2 HEX 3 4 ( STC Counter output variables ) 5 VARIABLE “ECOUNT ( Event count ) 6 VARIABLE QPCOUNT 2 ALLOT ( Pulse count ) 7 VARIABLE “ACOUNT 2 ALLOT ( Timer-analog count ) 8 9 ( Store counter outputs. on stack. into memorg ) 10 : SESTORE 0 1 DO I 2 MOD RECOUNT + C! -1 +LOOP 5 11 : SASTORE 2 5 DO I 4 MOD QACOUNT + C! -1 +LOOP 5 12 : SPSTORE 2 5 DO I 4 MOD #PCOUNT + C! -1 +LOOP 5 13 ( Butes on stack are sequenced into FORTH-compatible 14 representations For 16- and 32-bit numbers ) Block Number: 56 0 ( STC READING ) 1 2 HEX 3 4 ( Execute “hold“ cucle. put all values on the stack ) 5 ' SREADER 19 CLOAD A 0 DO DREAD LOOP 5 6 7 ( File the values from the stack into memorg ) 8 SPILER OESTORE SPSTORE SASTORE 5 9 10 < Read and store “hold" register values ) 11 : $HCYCLE SREADER SFILER 5 12 13 14 15 Block Number: 57 0 ( I/O ) 1 2 DECIMAL 3 4 ( Print the binaru A/D output value 1 5 ' ADOUT? BASE c ADNEIGHT RADCELL Q BINARY 0 (t 12 O 6 DO 6 LOOP 0) TYPE ." (ADll-ADO) " BASE ! 5 7 8 ( Print the decimal A/D output value ) 9 ADVOLTS? BASE Q BTOV “ADVOLTS Q DECIMAL 0 <0 4 4 O 10 46 HOLD 4 4) TYPE SPACE ." V " BASE ! 5 11 12 ( Print the monitor port status. in bits ) 13 : MPORT? BASE Q ADLSB 16 MOD BINARY 14 . .“ (MS-M0) " BASE ! 5 15 Block Number: 58 0 ( I/O 3 1 2 DECIMAL 3 4 ( Print the time-limit or error-limit setting ) 5 STMAX? *MAXTIME 2Q UD. ." us “ 5 6 SEMIN? CMINERROR C . .“ Z “ 5 7 B ( Print the elapsed integration time ) 9 SINT-TIME? SIGTIME *IGTIME 2e UD. ." us " 5 10 11 ( Connect. convert. and print the C/V or integrator output ) 12 : SCV? AMPOUT ADCNVRT ADVOLTS? 5 13 : SINT? INTGOUT ADCNVRT ADVOLTS? . 14 5. 10. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY *** Porter. C.J.. Benson J.H.. Ast T.. "The Modern Mass Spectrometer --- A Complete Chemical Laboratory". Organic Mass Spectrometry. Vol. 16. No. 3. 1981. Ligon. W.V.. "Molecular Analysis by Mass Spectrometry“. Science. Vol. 205. 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