A MODEL FQR THE DISTRIBUTION OF INDIVIDUALS BY SPECIES IN AN ENVIRONMENT Thesis for the Degree of Ph. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY John W. McCIoskey 1965 L! L [B R A R 1' Michigan Stat: University THESIS This is to certify that the thesis entitled I A MODEL FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF INDIVIDUALS BY SPECIES IN AN ENVIRONMENT presented by John W. McCloskey has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Major professowj Date 27‘? /Z /T (5 0—169 {)1 MSU LIBRARIES RETURNING MATERIALS: Piece in book drop to remove this checkout from your record. FINES wiII be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. ABSTRACT A MODEL FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF INDIVIDUALS BY SPECIES IN AN ENVIRONMENT by John W. McCloskey The problem considered in this thesis is that of developing a model for biological environments so that, for samples of individuals obtained from the environment, the number of species and the number of individuals in the respective species can be predicted, It is assumed that the number of individuals in the environment, as well as the num- ber of species, is countably infinite so that only in environments where these quantities are very large will the model be realistic. In Chapter 1 the model is developed and in Chapter 2 a procedure developed to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of the model using a sample of data already gathered from the environment. Since there are three parameters in the model the estimates are obtained from the John W. McCloskey simultaneous solution of three equations which is accomplished by means of an iterative Newton procedure. As a means of studying the behavior of the model a simulation procedure was developed in Chapter 4 which would choose a sample from the model for a given set of parameters. This procedure uses random variables having Binomial, Poisson, Hypergeometric, Truncated Poisson and Exponential distributions. Methods were thus developed in Chapter 3 to produce random variables with these specified distributions rapidly and with as few input random variables as possible. The fundamental technique used in obtain- ing these random variables is the acceptance-rejection technique introduced by von Neumann. Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 are devoted to the analysis of data that was taken from actual biological environments. The analysis is accomplished through procedures developed in the previous chapters and the Control Data 3600 computer used for the actual calcula- tions. Several FORTRAN 60 programs were used for these calculations which are tabulated in the appendix. '."IIDI'IDHAL8 FY 5230133 ‘m1di.-mflm‘ 7, A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Statistics ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my academic advisor, Professor Herman Rubin, for his many comments and suggestions in the course of the research. His willing- ness to discuss the problem and to exchange ideas in the early stages of the research was especially helpful. Also, the ideas expressed by Professor Philip Clark concerning the presentation of the simulated data were very helpful and greatly appreciated. I am also grateful to the Department of Statistics, Michigan State University, and the Office of Naval Research for their financial support during the writing of this thesis. ii 3 1 I i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Section 1: General Discussion of the Model. . . . . . . . 1 Section 2: Development of the Model . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Section 3: A Special Case of the Model. . . . . . . . . .10 Chapter 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Section 1: Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Parameters . .13 Chapter 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Section 1: Acceptance Rejection Procedures. . . . . . . .25 Section 2: Fitting Discrete Distributions nifltlarge Means. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Section 3: Procedures for Discrete Distributions with Small Means. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Chapter 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Section 1: Simulation of the Model. . . . . . . . . . . .42 Section 2: Simulation in the Special Case . . . . . . . .51 Chapter 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Section 1: Data Analysis. .52 Chapter 6 . -70 Section 1: Investigation of Species per Genus Data. . . .70 APPENDIX. .77 BIBLIOGRAPHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 iii fi LIST OF TABLES Macrolepedoptera Data . Theoretical Frequencies for Macrolepedoptera Data . Goodness of Fit Test. Simulated Test #1; a = 1, A = 40.2576 . Simulated Test #2; a = 1, A = 40.2576 . Simulated Test #3; a = 1, A = 40.2576 . Simulation with a = 1, A = 40.2576 for increasing N . Orthoptera Data . Simulation Test for Orthoptera Data . iv Page . 53 . 54 . 55 . 57 . 58 .‘59 62 . 75 76 T~lfiQnR€_thfi collection of all the individuals of a certain _ 55.Gnr_e§ample butterflies, present in an environment. Consider '*l_pp§rtition of the individuals into species designated by {31,sz,...} Vhflre the species are arbitrarily named 81,8 ,... and suppose the the number of species is very large and in shmpling from the environment there is assumed to be a strictly positive probability of finding a new species regardless of the number of species that have already been found. Also define a probability pi for each as species 3. such that 2 p. = l. ' 1 i=1 1 Consider now the task of choosing a sample of N individuals independently from the environment. Let these individuals be designated by II’IZ" "IV' the individuals are chosen according l to the restriction PEI. is from the species 3.] = p. for i = 1,2,- .N 1 J J j = 1,2,. After tne individuals are chosen from the environment the sample will contain say 3 species for which there are n1 species with one individual, n2 species with two individuals and in general “i sPecies with i individuals subject to the conditions N N Z n. = s and 2 i ni = N. i=1 1 i=1 ' Object of this report is to develop a model for natural ' V fi 2. Consider therefore the generalization of the probabilities pi where for each species si in the environment it is assumed there is an "intensity" xi proportional to pi. Let 2 = _;;xi where z is defined to be the total intensity of the environment. Define an intensity function f to be a non-negative integrable function on I0,60 with the property that (i) for any 6 > 0, f€f(x)dx = + m m w 0 and I f(x)dx < + m and (ii) I xf(x)dx < + m. eThe model can now be stgted as follows: Given an intensity function f for an environment, for any interval [a,b) with O < a < b E +m the number of species present with intensity X1.- in tge interval a 5 xi < b has a Poisson distribution with mean f f(x)dx and for disjoint intervals the number of species with intensities in the respective intervals have independent Poisson distributions. Condition (i) on f is made so that the expected number of species will be infinite and (ii) is made so that the total intensity will be almost surely finite. Let Ui be a random variable representing the number of individuals observed from species 51.- for i = 1,2,.... Suppose U1, 2,... to be independent Poisson random variables with means ksxi’ where ks is a positive constant and xi the intensity of the respective species. Define a sample to be an observation of the random vector U = (U1,U2,...) and define Ym = (number of Ui = m) for m = 1,2»-- The development which follows in this section is an attempt to give motivation for the actual development of the model in the next section. Thus, let X = (X1,X2,..-) be a set 0f intensities obtained from the process and define Z = f Xi and the species ‘.. 3. with intensity xi will be designated species si. Then x. PEI1 is from species sj] = 22-for j = 1,2,.... Let s: be the species of individual I1 and let V1 be the intensity of this species. Choose a second individual 12 randomly from the environment and examine its species. If it is different from 8:, let s; be its species and V2 the intensity of this species. 1 If however 12 is from the same species as I1 continue selecting individuals independently from the environment until one is found which has a different species than I1 and let the species * - of this individual be 32. Consider now the two random variables _ l _ 2 211 - Z“ and W2 —Z-V Theorem 1: Suppose that w1 and Wé are independent and identically distributed according to a distribution H on [0,1]. If 1 )\+1 0 ( E(w1) < 1, then define A such that E(w1) = It then follows that d H(u) = lCl—w)A-1dw. Proof: Let YI. for i = 1,2, be the proportion of individuals in the environmen: from the same species as individual II' The individuals 11 and 12 are chosen independently from the same environment so YI and YI are independent and identically 1 distributed. YI is defined as follows and wl with probability w1 2 (1—w1)w2 with probability (l-Wl). .“' —————----IIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Let the rth moment of H be pr. Then for r > 0 r _ r _ r gr 2041 ) - E“kJ Solv1ng for “r+l » r k r+l u- =u [1-E(-1)<>u] + r l r k=0 k k 1 + (_1)r+1 u r From this equation ”r+l is determined by p0,p1,...,ur unless r is even and pr = 1. If however pr=l for r > 0 the distribution is concentrated at one and all “k = 1. This distribution with uk= l for all k indicates that all individuals are from the same species which violates the assumption that the environment contain an infinite number of species. In order to determine the moments pr an equality must first be established. Thus 1 l r11 _1 IE (l-x)r+1 (1-x)A-1dx =2! 1:0 (-1)k xk(l-x)A dx r+l l k r+l k A-1 = Z (-1) x (l-x) dx k=0 Ck) g r+l r+l . k r+l k P+ a -1 [(+1 1" A = E (-1) k1 1112 REO ( ) k) I‘LL—LN k=0 (1‘5 raw-1+1) k+1+l) IIIIIIIIIiL. ____———-----IIIIIII Thus §HWC®MFA =lwfiflbonm(mNF H, k 144me i EAL l"(r+2+}\) - (-1)r+l (r+l)! EL 1 r+l+1 I‘( r+2+).) It is to be show now with the use of the above equation that 1 H = klr A+1 by induction. Obviously p. = ~ and assume 1‘ (k+1+x) 1 “1 RIF A+l ”k: I"(k+1+)\) for k= 0, 1,2,...r. From the recursion formula for “r+l _ rll‘ l+1 r k (r+l kJFgAH) “r+l ‘ mam) l 1 ‘ 1:0 ('1) k) 1“(k+1+>.) r+l I“ A+1 1+ (-1) r! T_Hr+l+l) KL r! F )\+1 1 _ _ + I g I"(k+1+>\) I: 1 ' r+1+A ( DH 1(r I) F r+2+?\ ] N 1+(-1)r+1 r! I‘ x+1 I"(r+l+)») r+l _ r+l gr+12 r! F A+l r! l" A+l [ r+1+}\ + ( I) r+1+K F—(T+% ] =l" k+l+K ( ) 1+ (-1)r+l r! ng+12 I“(r+1+A) _Sr+l!!l"g}\+12 =I"(r+2+7\) k-l Consider the rth moment of the distribution X(1-X) for 0 5 x5 1 J fi 0 otherwise 1 I xr 1(lcx)A-1dx = A F r+l F A = r1 F A+l . o I‘(r+1+l) I"(r+1+>.) This distribution has the desired moments and since its moment generating function exists in a neighborhood of zero dH(w) = A(l-w)A-1dw '. 6.1"; f(v-‘n if), fiiz halos-ant of the Mode! ' "W", be an, intensity function and . ‘ “‘1 . ‘ is“: ”39$ intensities snaps-avian section us i . . . let X = (xl.x§,x3....) obtained from the process described in ng f as the intensityfunction. Let z = 2 xi and let Z have density g. Define V1 to be a random ' i=1 X. variable such that P(V1 = xilx) = z—1 for i = 1,2,... and define Y 3 Z - V1. Lemma 1: If f is a continuous intensity function the joint density h of V1 and Y can be expressed in the form v1f(v1) h(v1,y) = W $00 The proof of this result was obtained by Professor Herman Rubin and is to be published in a paper by him. Make the substitution 2 = v1 + y so that v1f(v ) hv z(v1.2) = 2‘ g(z—v1). Now integrating with respect to 1’ V1 to obtain the density of the total intensity 2 z v1f(v1) g(z) =f h.V Z(v1,z)dv1 = I z‘gh—VIMV1 . 0 1’ 0 V1 Define W = Z— . Then hi‘,,z(w,z) = W = wzf(wz)g(z(l-w)). Theorem 2: If hw'z(w,z) = wzf(wz)g(z(1-w)) for 0 S w 5 1 and 0 < z < a and if [Ra/'20,) é :p(w) and assuming f and g to be twice differentiable then f(x) = c x-lekx for O < x < an and 8(2) = c'zfi'ekz for O < z < co . hw,z(""z’_ wz f(wz) (z(l-w)) PM“ hWis”) = *3— ' gm g(z = (90¢) “l’ , 103 w + log 2 + log f(wz) + log g(z(1-w)) = 108 @(2) + log 3(2) Let ¢1(wz) - log f(wz) and ¢2(2(1-W)) = log g(2(1-W)) thus log w + log 2 + W1(wz) + ¢2(z(1-w)) = log k u ¢i (u) = ku + H H ‘4‘1' (U) =k+; W1 (u) = ku + H log u + M f(u) = e¢l(u) = c uH eku Similarly 8(v) = e¢2(v) c c' vH' ekv Finding now the particular solution ‘. "-3-". _ w: E vs a l-w ' h by]. 3(2 H H esz c'z (1 -w)H' ekz(l-w) .WSCWZ ' H'CZH ekz l c wn+1 zH+l(1_w)H which implies that H - -1 yielding the final result f(u)-c u'leku . From the above analysis and in an effort to make the model as general as possible the form of the function f was decided to be -cx x Obviously A > O and due to the restrictions of the model c > 0 since £ f(x)dx a 0 as N a m because the total intensity of the largee species is almost surely finite. Also a 3 1 because if a < 1 *7 Ae‘c" A Ael'“ thenJ: f(x)dx = 1! dx 5 E —a dx = l-a < 0° controdicting the x restriction that the expected number of small species present be infinite. From the development in Chapter 2 it can easily be observed that the transformation x 4 Ax, c a c/A, ks 4 k8 /A, A a All In: preserves the model so that only a, k s/(k 8+6) and A/(k S+C) are identifiable. For this reason only the cases c = O and c - 1 need be considered. The general form of the function f was taken to be f(x) = xfor the work which immediately follows while in Chapter 6 X“ a generalized form of the case c = 0 is considered. I J V A \\ , 1 " 5'; 4‘ 3.5.5331. (has. 0: the Model Consider now a special case of the model developed in t I he -X gfevious section where f(x) = Ae -— . X Knowing 8(a) has the form H' -z g(l) = c's e and using the previously established equation for g(s), z v1f(v1) 8(8) = ghvl z(V1.z)dv1 =f -——;—-— g(z-v1)dv1° -v 2 —z+v H' l _1...' = I -——-—-—— c'(z-v ) e dv ‘ , O v12 1 1 -z z -z H'+l _ Ac'e H' _ Ac'e z - z {(z—vl) dvl - z(H'+l) ' This equation implies H' = A - 1 and since ” 1 1 I c' 2A- e_z dz = F(A), then c' = -—- 0 TCA)’ Therefore g(z) = f%X3 2A“1 e-z. For j = 1,2,... define Vj to be a random variable such that P(Vj = Xi I X) = 1 for all i except those i's for which xi = Vk for k = 1,2,...j-1. Let Vi wi = 1—1 — 2 V i=1 3 z xf(x) By repeated application of the formula g(z) = f— g(z -x)dx 1-1 0 which was zpreviously established 2-12 vj i=1 i f(v )2 vl v f(v ) v. f(v. ) 8(2) = zv—1--—1 -—2-——2- i—ll—gu-svmvi. ..~ - a (z-vl) 1—1 j-l j (1:1F.Yj) 1 i ll. i—l z z-v1 ztglvj - - v f(v) v f(v) v.f(v.) 1 = f I ... 1 1 2 2 ... 1 1 g(z- 2 v )dv ...dv o o o z (z-v ) 1—1 j=1 J 1 1 1 (z— 2 v.) i=1 3 , so the joint density for V1,V2, ...,Vi,Z where v0 = 0 becomes TE]. vjf(v1.) i h (v ,v ,...,v.,z)= g g(z—ZVJ. V1,V2,...,Vi,Z 1 2 l J=1 j‘l J=1 J z— E vk k=O -x Theorem 3: In an environment where f(x) = A? and _ 1 A-l —z . . . g(z) — m)z e and where Vi' wi,Z and the JOlnt denSLty V1,V2,...,Vi,z are defined as above, wi is distributed according to the distribution A—l * = _ , < 1. h (wi) A(1 wi) for 0 5 W1 _ Proof: For i i 3 the joint density 7' i i h (v ,v ,...,v.,z) = IT v f(v.) ] g(z- v.) V1,V2,...,Vi,Z 1 2 l l. i=1 J]_ J \ i=1 J (‘z— 2 v I) k=0 k i i - L 1 — 2 v )A-le_z — F(A) [ II; j—1 (2 ,=1 J “— <2- ): vk> k=0 1 l 1 1‘1 _2 V A_1 —Z A [ T‘- 1 (z— E v )A ( l — ) e . PM) J- 1‘1 j=1 1—1 2- E vk z— 2 v. k=0 J fi 12. Make the substitution Wi = 1_i so that z —2 V. i=1 3 Vl’VZ’""Vi_1wi:z(v1’""vi-lwi’z) = i i-l 1-1 A - f"‘ [ ll -} ] (Z - E V.)A 1 (l—w.)A-1e_z. (A) .=1 J 1 \ ,_ J l J C 2- Z V / J_1 k=0 k Integrating this density then i—2 z- E v. z j=l J hwi’z(wi,z) = % ... g hV (v ,...,v. ,w.,z)dv. 1’V2""Vi-l’wi’z 1 1-1 1 1- 1. .dv1 _ A A—l A-l -z — ffx3 z (l—wi) e . as * Integrating now with respect to 2, h (wi) = ghwi’z(wi,z)dz .é. A—l A—l -z F(A) (l—wi) z e u OL—na dz = A(l-wi)A—1. For i = 1,2, the same procedure is followed with simplification in the integration. "7.1.: mm Likelihood Estimates of Parameters all. “he general form of the intensity function has been established to be f(x) - -:2;- where A, a are parameters of the function. In any sample that is taken from the model the number of individuals in each species is assumed to be Poisson with mean proportional to the intensity of the species; that is the number of individuals in the sample from the 1th species is Poisson with mean ks xi where ks is defined to be the intensity of the sample. This parameter k8 is also to be estimated. Suppose now that data is available from this model and it is desired to estimate the above parameter. Let ym be the number of Species with m individuals in the sample, I the number of individuals and s the number of species. The ”following trivial equations are to hold 2 ym s and 2 m ym I. m=1 m=1 In accordance with the above notation the probability that there will be m individuals in the sample from a species with m X -k x intensity x is (k S!) e s and the expected number of species in m the sample with m individuals is m D k x as - - (ksx) ‘ksx f‘S—e s f(x)dx=zj)““‘xa’exTe dx 0 m Aka I‘gm-oH-l) (ks m-ar+1 1.111114% m’ (k3+1)m‘°*1= (k 81"“) ks+1rml ‘Eht total umber of species present in the sample has I aifltribution,the ym are independent and have a Poisson ‘ hflitbution with mean B 11‘" L) The density thus becomes °’ l l f(yl:Y2;y3,---;B;Tlfl) ‘ TT e m_m m=1 y ym where ym is as previously “I defined and Am = 311‘“ 11% the sample with :11 individuals. , the expected number of species in The logarithm of the density as a function of the three parameters ignoring constants becomes L = 2 - Wan—11+ Now simplifying the first term m§1 y m[log B+m log n+log F(mqr+l)- -logml]. Q Q mm m P m-a+l _ _ B may -x m§l - B“ m! _ m§1 m! g x e dx com m I a = f 21 - Bml xm qu e-xdx = -B g x'a e x (eTlx - l)dx 0m= From Bierens DeHaan [1] table #90 equation #6 -qx_ e-rx dx _ _ _ p_ p . g(e ) xP+1 - P P(1 p) (r q ) for p < l so Let P a o - 1. Then -B g ( e.(1'n)x - e x )xqa dx - -B 0,—1 I‘(2-a)<1-(1-n)"'1) = -31" (1.0,) [(1—n)°"1 - 1 J USing the above and simplifying the second term, the likelihood function thus becomes L(B,o,n) - _. - -BF(1-a)[(1-1])°"1-1 11+ 8 log B + I log 11+”. 8 1my logI‘(m-a+l)-;1ynlog ml It was found that in taking the derivative of the sham; j , 4 i 15. for T] near one and a near one. To eleviate this difficulty the substitution (l-n) = e.q was made. The likelihood function L(B,a,q) thus becomes L(B,U,Q) - - BT(1-a) [e-q(a-1)-l] + 8 log B +Ilog (l-e-q) Q as + mgl ym log T(m-a+1) - mglym 108 ml. Taking the derivatives with respect to these parameters -fl -q(°’-1) g LB‘aB"F(1'a)[e '1]+B -q L = g‘L = - B 1"(1-cr) (l-a) e'q("'1) + I L q q l-e-q 1_ = - B F(2-oz) e'qm'” + I eq-l and using the notation a 1 _§ WK) = alog I1(X) = my ax I’(X) so that 7 UK) = I1(X) WX) then La: % = BTU-a) “1-01) [e'q(°"1)-1J + qBF(lay) e-q(a-1) - Zlym W(m-a+1) m: In finding a solution for the equations La = Lq = LB= —O a Newton approximation in three variables was first attempted but abandoned since the matrix involved in using this method is almost Singular causing instability in the procedure. " a—————-----IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIII 16. Therefore the following modified Newton method in two variables was used: 1. Initial estimates &1 and al are given 2. Solve equation LB = 0 for B to get initial estimate bl 3. Step two makes LB(§1,q1,&1) = 0 so that C ° >=15 x-l set U = —;— in - x-l x(1-n) = l 1 x — (I-N) for 0 < n < 1 then 1 < x < ” thus °° 1 2 fl? = log x = log (l:fi) = - log (l-n). Using this and m=l m again making the substitution (l-n) = e-q Q L(B,1,q) = -Bq + E yIn [log B + m iog(1-e'q) + log 1"(m) - log ml]. m=l Taking the derivatives with respect to these parameters m L = -q + E y /B = -q + E B m=1 m B a ‘q L =-B+ 2y me_q=-B+I—1 q m=1 m l-e eq-1 s . In finding a solution LB = Lq = 0 make the substitution B = a into the second equation to get Which reduces to eq - l - E q = 0- To find a solution to this equation consider the following iterative procedure. Given an initial estimate <10 and Where qr k V fi 22. is the root of the equation x x qr - q0 + 1:;;:g;% - q0 + E?;) where x, a, b are to be determined as follows: qo LetA=-andA0=e -1-1q0 X ‘1 (1+— Set er-1-1qr=e°B(x) -1-A(qo+ )30. x B(x) Then q0 x ’ x B(x) [e e B(x) - l - Aqo - A B(x)] = 0. Expanding this equation and calling it Q(x) then 2 x3 X4 Q(x)= B(x)e q0[1+B(x)+m+ m-t m+....] -B(x) - 13(x)q0- ix 4 * q0 q0 x2 x3 x =B(X) AO+(e -l)x+e [m)+m+m)+.ml 1 Now expand the expressions Bk(x) <: 1+ax+bx into polynomials 1‘ 3 < 1 A) 2 ___—___ = a + a x + a x + a x + .. k2 k3 1+ax+bx k0 k1 = 1,2,3 the expansion After finding these polynomials for k then becomes Q(X) = 2 = B(X)A*o + (eqo- k)x + eq OE-xz (l - ax<+ (a2 - b)x + ...) I .. fi 23. +%x3 (1-2ax+ ...) +§x4 (1 + ....)J + ‘1o 2 3 1 1 +e x [3‘28] q * q 0 + B(x) A0 + (e 0- X)x + 23— x qox 4 +e “[271"+—(32 -b)]+.... Choose a and b such that the coefficient of x3 and x4 are zero. Thus and l a 1 2 E-§+§(a-b)—O 1-11.1443“, _> b 1_ 24 9 2 9 36 therefore q 1 e02 5 Q(x)= A0 (1 + 3x - —-x 2) + (eqO - A)x + —E— x + asx + . * q * * 5 =AO+(eCl O-l+—O)x+(—-3—O)x2 +615x +-- As an approximation to Q(x) = 0 set the equation * * qo 3 e(10 A 2 - -— --- —— x = 0 A0 + (e l + 3)x + ( 2 36) For the general quadratic and solve for x as follows: 0x2 + Bx + 6 = 0 h; 52 -4a6) -a-\Is-4aa Since B is positive in the neighborhood of qr the positive root is taken to obtain the root of the quadratic nearer zero and the last form is used in calculating x to avoid round off. The procedure for finding the root of the equation eq - l - Xq = 0 is as follows: 1. Make initial estimate q0 = log(l+k log 1) * . 2. Evaluate Ai = e 1 - l - lqi 3. Solve the equation* q. * * qii A1 +e1 fi)2=Ofrx Ai+(e - +3—)x (2 36x 0 . x 4. q. = q.+'———"‘—‘ 1+1 1 l l 2 1+3x'36x 5. Return to step 2 until desired accuracy is reached. The method was designed for rapid convergence and in fact it was found in actual compitation that five digit accuracy was obtained in only two iterations. USing q as found from the above procedure and from the original equations remembering that A = B for the case in question where Q = l the estimates obtained are A s A=€ and 25; lienerating Random Variables for the Simulation 731-1»: Adaptation Rejection Procedures W‘Zh the process of simulating the established model on the high:.speed computer it is necessary to generate random variables with certain specified distributions. Since the actual computa- tion is to be done on the computer and the procedures used many thousands of times it is necessary they be effecient and use the minimum of input random variables. With these goals in mind it i was decided that for discrete random variables an acceptance ' rejection procedure would be used. This method of generating random variables with Specified distributions is discussed by Rubin [5] and will be used in this problem in the following way: P(ni) —————— Q(ni) -§__ I l I l l I I l I I I I l I l I I I l l I I l I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I l I I I I I I I l I l I l l l I . e I O n1-1 n1 “1+1 n1+2 - D O .1 a. random variable with the distribution P(n 1.3 is ". Construct a frequency distribution Q(n i) which dominates n43... Obtain an observation from the distribution Q(n i) and decspt this observation x1 with probability P(xl) . If x1 is c'(Tl) rejected obtain a second observation from Q(n i) and repeat the process until an observation is accepted. If the first accepted observation is designated as xthen it has distribution P(ni ). This procedure is to be used for Binomial, Poisson and Hypergeometric distributions and in these cases the distribution Q(ni) will take the form of a uniform over the mode and discrete exponential over each tail with parameter a1 over the right tail and parameter a2 over the left tail. The parameters a and a 1 2 are determined by taking the ratio of two consecutive probabilities of the distribution P(ni) and it was determined that the most efficient place to calculate al and 02 was about /§—’standard deviations on either side of the mode of the distributions being considered. Thus let M = mode of distribution P(ni) Let N1=M+[/§op] and NzaM-[fiopj_1 . then determining 01 Q(Nl) = Q(Nl) .eal E P(Nl) Q 1 - -£L--- the observation is taken from the 1 T(l-e-al) right tail using the same procedure as in step 2. That is choose _ i J . . . . N0 - [- a11°g U12 where U12 is again uniform only this time let the observation be N = N1 - k + N0 and accept N with probability §{%% . 5) If at step 2,3 or 4,N is rejected obtain a new uniform U2 and repeat the process until an observation N is accepted. N will then be distributed according to the distribution P(ni). In steps 2,3,4 the acceptance rejection part of the procedure is handled in comparison with an exponential random variable E0 in the following way: Accept N if E0 2 - log %%%% = log Q(N) - log P(N) Where in the left tail log Q(N) = log P(N2 + 1) + (j ' N0) a2 in the right tail 10g Q(N) = log P(Nl) + (k - NO) a1 and in the uniform range 108 Q(N) = log P(M). This method of comparison is used so it is not necessary to calculate Q(M), Q(N2 + l) and Q(Nl) using instead already calculated quantities. llllllliiisns—-——-———e~ ‘ Wtfng Discrete Distributions with Large gleam 'k‘ Ebb'problsm at hand the Poisson, Binomial and Hypergso- iifric distributions are used. It is therefore necessary to =dstarmine the distribution Q(n 1) as developed in the previous section for these cases-but first it will be necessary to develop some machinery for the calculation of logirl which is necessary to.evaluate in all three of the above mentioned distributions when calculating log P(ni). , The first equation used is Stirling's asymptotic approxima- tion to nI. From this log n! = (n + 3) log n - n + k 108 2" + ¢(n) l 1 1 l "he” W“) ' '13:: ' 3—66n3 + 1260n5 ' l680n7 i Consider now the product 22:: I“(n+l) P(mg) a n! 1.3.5,__(2n_3)(2n_1) g 22,, IT F(2n+1). Taking the logarithm of both sides 95 log 1T + log I“(2n+1) - 2n log 2 + log P(mi) + 108 n1 and using the more general form of Stirling's equation log F(x+1) =- (XI-35) logx - x + 15 log 211 + - (ma) -m§0cm'"‘ +m§o #2 (warm 2 = 95108 21'T + (n+52) 108(n+%) - (M’s) - Watt) where m ‘1’(n+35) -m§0 Cm(n+%)-m (1-2'“‘>. Note that this function W is not the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function used in Chapter 2. Since the original equation for log n! was an asymptotic approximation, log n! and therefore Y(n+%) cannot be calculated in this way for small n. To find Y(n+%) for n = 0,1,...10 calculate Y(11 + %) = Y(ll.5) from the already developed formula and use a backwards recursion formula which is now to be derived. 103 n! = J5103 2TT + (n+3!) 10g (Mi) - (Ms) - ‘i’(n+35) Aslog 2n + (ma) log (1+ 51;) + (ma) log n - (ma) - Y -1 it follows that lyl < l. _=L".‘£

-3Y— Thus (L+x) 108(L+X) x l-y log 1-y l-y ' The evaluation of this expression will be broken into two cases First if A; < |y| < 1 then x (L+x) log(L+x) -x = (1+x) log(1+x) -(2+x) (2 + 2x - x) = xy + (L+x) [log(1+x) - 2y]. Secondly if lyl s % use the expansion 1+ 2 3 2 5 log<fi>=2y+3y +Ey + Thus (L+x) log(L+x) -x 2 = fix) 23 £5 - J— <1_y [2y+3y +5y + J l-y 2 =3L it}: 23 §5+§7+39+...] l-y+l-y[3y +5y 7y 9y 2 5 2 7 2 9 =xy+ (1+x) [%y3+§y +7y +'9'Y + ---J With these equations consider now the calculation of Q(ni) for desired distributions. 1) Poisson Distribution: let A be the parameter of the Poisson distribution. ms— 33. Then obviously M = [A] N1=M+[/§Y] N2=M-[/§A]-1 where in each case the bracket indicates the greatest integer contained in the bracket. Also Q(Nl) — a1 _ P(Nl) _ N1+ 1 Q(N1+l) ‘ e ’ P(N1+1) ' A so that 01 = log(N1+l) - log A Similarly Q(N2+1) _eaz = P(N2+l) = A Q(NZ) P(Nz) N2+1 so that 02 = log A - log (N2+l) , A“ -A and finally P(n) = ET e for n = 0,1,2;3:4:--- so logP(n) = -X + n log K - log n! = - A + n log A - (ms) log (me) + (mg) - A; log 2n + Vows). Make the substitution n = A + n. Then log P(n) = ->» + (Mme) IogA - (A+p+%) log(A+u+%) - (A+p+%) + 15 log21'r - ‘1’(>~+u+%) - a log K = -A[1 + if 3 1og[1 + #1 + MKS] - a 1og2nA + ‘Y(7\+u+»‘5) = -)~{[1 + £52] log [1 + 5:5] - iii-35} - $5 logZTrA + ‘I’()\+p+%). 2) Binomial Distribution: Let p,n be the parameters of the Binomial distribution then M = [(n+l)p] Nl-M+[/m] stM-Um] - 1 k 34. a N +1 or n-N andasbeforee1=l—i:£andez= __‘3..P_ n-Nl p N2+l l-p N +1 n-N = __ hp = 2 _ l-p so 01 log n-Nl + log p and 02 log N2+l log p and finally P(k) = 41—- pk(l-p)n-k for k = o l n k!(n-k)! ’ """ log P(k) = log n! + k log p + (n-k) log(l-p) -log k! - log(n-k)! . Using the derived formula for log x! then and the identity log n! = log(n+1)1 - log(n+l) log P(k) = (rt-+35) log(n+l) - (n+1) + % log 211 + cp(n+l) - [(k+%) log(k+%)- (k+%) + % logZW-Y(k+%)3 - [(n-k+%) log(n-k+%) - (n-k+%) + tlog 2n - Y(n-k*%)] + k log p + (n-k) log(l-p). Make the substitution k + 35 = (n+1)p+p into the above equation. 108 P(k) = (n+%) 108(n+1) - [(n+1)p+u] 108((n+1)P+u) - [(n+1)q-u] log((n+1)q-n)-+ [(n+1)p+n] 10g p + [(n+1)q-n] log q - l5 log 2n + cp(n+1) + ‘1’(k+15) + Y(n-k+%) - g log p - a 103 q = - [mum mm + (73517)] - [(n+1)p+u] Iogp - [(n+1)q-u] 10311 - (311351 - [(n+1)q-u] log(n+1)q + [(n+1)q-u] 108 q + [(n+1)p+u] log 9 + (n+1) log(n+1) - % log (n+1) 2npq + ¢(n+1) + Y(k+%) + Y(n-k+%) = - (n+1) p{[1+ inf—up] log(l + THE—17p) -(;f1—)p} _ (n+1)q {[1 - TEE—17¢” 108(1 ' (Tl-PETE.) - < (tr;1)q D} - % log(n+1)2npq + m(n+l) + Y(k+%) + Y(n-k+%) . 35. 3) Hypergeometric Distribution: Let D,N,n be the parameters of the distribution _ (m1 D+l “‘9" M - 1 T572] N = M‘+ anN-D)(N-n) . 1 m I) J Nz-(N 1) also 01 (Nr+l)(N-D- -n+N1+l) 02 (D-N2)(n-N2) e = and e = . (D- N 1) (n-N 1) (N2+1)(N-D~n+NZ+1) Consider now the probability D N-D _ Q(n-x) _ D! LN—D)! nlgN-nzl P(x) - -(D-x)!x! (n-x)!(n—D~n+x)! N! C(N’ n ’D) for x = O,l,...,D. =(D-x)! x! (n- x)! (N- D- n+x)! Expand the factorials using the established formula and make the substitution 1 Y = X'+ % - MO where M0 = (n;1+ 3+ Thus 103 x! = (we) log(wi) - (as) + 35 logzTr - Mme) = (MO+Y) log(MO+y) - (Md+y) + % log2n - Y(Md+y) =M 1 i’- 1 1+L)- 1— +ylogM -M +MologMO 01(+M0) °g( M0 MO] 0 o + % logZTT - “Moi-Y) log(n-x)! = (n-x-I-Jfi) log(n-x‘l-lg) + 5. log21'r - Yul-yes) - Y n+1-M - (n+l-MO-y) log(n+l-M0-y) - (n+l-MO-y)-+ % logZW ( 0 y) 36. = - - __1L_. ' ("+1 o) [(1 n+l-M0) mg” ' 31%) 'nfifi] " y 10g(“H“Mo) + (n+l-M0) log(IH-l-MO) - (n+1-MO) + $5 log21T - ‘Y(n+1-MO-y). Similarly as above loD-x!=DI-1-M[ -—1—— -—L- ‘ J 0 0 O - y log(D+l-M0) + (D+l-MO) log(D+l-MO) - (D+l-MO) + % logZfi - Y(D+1-MO'Y) and finally log(N-D-Mx)! = (N-D-n-I-MO) [(1 + W) log(l + W) 0 0 N-D-n+MO + y log(N D n+MO) + (N-D-n+MO) log(N-D-n+MO) - (N-D-n+MO) + % logZfl - Y(N-D-n+MO+y). Combining these equations * logP(x) = c (N, ,D) - M (1+ L) log(1+ L) - y- n (i M0 M0 M0] = z _ _L (n+1-Mb) [(1 - ;;{jfig) log(l ‘ “+I'MO) n+1-M0] 2 __ ._ _;2L__. (D+l-MO) [(1 - B;%ffi;) 108(1 ' D+1-MO) D+l-M0] _L_ - —X—— (N-D-MMO) [(1 431m) 108“ +N-D-n+MO) N-D-n+Mo] MO(N-D-n+MO) y 1° (n+l-MO) (D+1-MO)] + Y(M0+y) + ‘1’(n+l-M0-y) + ‘i’(D+l-MO-y) + ‘1’(N-D-n+MO+y). M (N-D-n+M ) ' 0 O = l h' h eliminates this A check Will show that (n+1'Mo)(D+1'M0) W 1C term from consideration. 37. Also for use in these acceptance rejection procedures the * constant term C (N,n,D) may be neglected since the procedure uses only the ratios of the probabilities of the reSpective points being considered. 38. Section 3: Procedures for Discrete Distributions with Small Means. The procedures in the previous section generate the desired random variable using a small number of uniform random variables but at the expense of considerable numerical calculations. When the mean of the distributions under consideration is small, proce- dures exist which use about the same number of uniform random variables but which are much less involved. Such procedures used in the simulation will now be considered. 1) Poisson: Let A be the mean of the Poisson distribution. Let EI,E2,E3,... be independent exponential random variables which are independent are obtained by the equation E = -log Ui where U i i uniform random variables. Let J be the integer such that J-l J E E. < x s 2 E1 i=1 1 i=1 J Then J-l has a Poisson distribution with mean X and igl Ei- X is independent exponential. This result can be shown by directly integrating the joint density of the Ei' 2) Truncated Poisson: This distribution is needed only in the small mean case and its use will be shown later. Let X be the mean of the distribution and as before let E1,E2,E3,... be exponential random variables. Let q be defined as the integer Such that qk < E1 f (q+l)X. Let J be the integer such that J-l J 2 E < (q+l)k f 2 Ei' i=1 1 i=1 39. Then J-l has a truncated Poisson distribution with mean A J and 217-1- (q+l))» is independent exponential. This result can i=11 also be shown by directly integrating the joint density of the Ei' 3) Binomial: Let N,p be the parameters of the Binomial distribution. Define a = -log (l-p) and let g = Na. Divide the interval (O,Na] into the N intervals I1 = ((i-l)a,fl1]. Let E1,E2,E3,... Consider the points i xi = jgl Ej for i = l,2,3,...,k-l where k is defined to be the first integer such that k = E E, > Na. *1. H. be independent exponential random variables. Let NB = Number of intervals Ii which contain a point xi. Then NB has a Binomial distribution with parameters N and p. This can be shown directly by integrating the joint density of the E,. J 4) Hypergeometric: Let N,D and n be the parameters of the distribution. Then N- (N-D)! P(x)= C—%%l>= (ID—L— (N __n—) IN! (N-D-n-i-x) ! (n-x)! * x [(N-D-n)! 1- *Kx (N-D)! CDCTEE') [Elmo-manna)! (jg—j ] =(NTD-n) ! (N-n) 1N! ___E___ * N-D-n+l where _£_*.= N D “n+1 and consequently P = L+ n N-D-n+l Let NIW B(D;p*) and accept N1 with probability 40. N n! (N-D-n) l < N-D-n+l 1 (N-D-nl-Nl)! (n-Nl)! n > ' * If N is rejected let N q'B(D,p ) and repeat the l 2 process. Let NH be the first accepted N Then NH has a Hyper- i' geometric distribution with parameters N,D,n. This procedure is used for small mean Hypergeometric and it is to be noted that for the case where x = 0,1 the acceptance probability is one so that the acceptance rejection part of the procedure is ignored when the Binomial random variable is zero or one. Consider now a simplification of the factor, _ n!(N-D-n)! N-D-n+l x R(x) zN-D-n+x)l(n-x)! < n >' Using the established formula for log x! log n! = log n+log(n-l)! = (n+%)log n - n + % 1082TT + ¢(n) log(n-X)! = (II-#35) log(n-x+%) - (n-x+%) + 3: 10g21T - Uri-#35) Combining these with x log n log n! - log(n-x) - x log n = - (n-x+%) log(l-‘§%fi) - (fit-35) + O,I f(x)dx =‘+ " so that the method must 0 be modified for small x. The modification and the method of determining a constant cs, which determines the intensity at which the modification will be made, will be shown later. -x The function f(x) = Ae cannot be integrated directly between x two arbitrary positive numbers so that the solution of the equation 1 E1 = I f(x)dx for x is obtained through an acceptance-rejection x1+ 1 r+l procedure. No such procedure was found that was effecient over the entire real line so that different procedures were used depend- ing upon the portion of the real line that was being considered. The following method for finding the intensities of the Species was used: 1. Set y = x-+ a log x 3.”; 91: g: so that l + x x dx 2. Let y0 = x0 =+OD and set i = 1, set k = l and set E0 = 0. 3. Set y: = xi_1 + a log xi_1 = yi_1 and in order to determine xi let y1 = xi-+ a log xi. xi-l y: y i Ae-y __x— dy Then I f(x)dx = I f(Y)‘;E§dY = I xH1 x. Y- yi 1 1 * 44. yi * 4. Set Ek = f Ae ydy .-. A(e‘Yi _ e’Yi) yi and solving for yi * -log (Ek + e i) + log A k-l -log (Ek + 1:; Ej) + log A yi k -log ( 2 E ) + log A. i=1 1 5. Solve the equation y1 = x1 + a log x1 for xi. x 6. Acce t x. with b b ' i p 1 pro a illtyxi+a 78) If x is rejected set * - ’ i yi — yi,1ncrease k by one and return to step #4 provided x1 > 3.0. b) If x1 is accepted increase k by one,increase i by one and return to step #3 provided x1 > 3.0. For intensities less than 3.0 a modification is made in the procedure to obtain a higher degree of effeciency in choosing the x * 8. Let xi equal the last intensity calculated in step #5. * *Let k1 k: xN1= xi * x* xi 1 Then I f(x)dx = flAe-XZ _ =xf1-A_e xCijxdx. xi xi fa Zad xi 20 * X. 1 9. Set Ek = 'I'A_ e-xdx and solving for x. x. a 1 1 2 k E E x1=-log[j—klj +e 1] A 2"“ 10. If xi 2 2.0 accept x1 With probability' ';>F° If x1 is i 45. * rejected increase k by one, set xi = xi, return to step #9. * f = I x1 is accepted increase k by one, set x1+1 xi, increase i by one, return to step #9. For the case xi < 2.0, x1 is rejected and the procedure again modified. * 11. Let x. = 2.0, increase k by one and set k = k. xi: 1 x* x* 2 i i 1 Then i f(x)dx a i A e-x e-ldx = IA 8-1 61-x dx. i 1 0' --1 xi CY x e x X? -a 12. Set Ek = i A x dx i e and solving for X1 1 (1 k l -O’ -0' e _- = - 2 15]] 1-01 . x1 [2 A j=k2 J l-xi 13. If xi‘z 1.0 accept xi with probability e . If xi is rejected increase k by one, set x: = xi, return to Step #12. If x1 is accepted increase k by one, set x:+1 = xi,increase i by one, return to step #12. If xi < 1.0, reject xi since the procedure breaks down at one. 6 AS was pointed out earlier, ‘f f(x)dx = a for e > 0 so 0 that procedures of the type used for large intensities are impractical for very small intensities. Note that when choosing a sample from the simulated environment the number of individuals in each species has a Poisson distribution with mean ksxi' Here k is unknown but it can be estimated and from this estimate a S method devised for choosing Species with small intensities which have a high probability of appearing in the sample while over- looking many which do not appear in the sample of N individuals. 46. The expected number of individuals is represented by the equation 1 . 1 1 1' -x i-l kaf(x)dx+ z kx =fk Ae dx 3 x + 2 k x 0 j=1 SJ 08 xa j=1 SJ 1 2 -1 l-a 1 gksUAx (l-xi-ilfmx-t- 2: x,].kiA(_1___L+_1_, 0 j=1 J 2'0 3-0 4(4-0) 1-1 2 ”=14. Setting this equal to N, the number of individuals to be taken from the simulated environment, the estimate of k is s R3 = N i 1 1 1 '1 A ___.- ___. ______. (Z-a 3-o/ + 4(4-a)) + 331*, Using this estimate of k3 continue finding the intensities of the Species in the simulated environment. 0.8 14. Set 88 = E;— , x1" = 1.0, increase k by one and set k3 = k. Then x* x? i 1 ‘f f(x)dx = ‘f -A— e-xdx. x1.- x. #1 x? 1 1A 15. = -- SetEk J” adx x1 x and solving for x, 1 k __1_ xi =[1 " (if!) [3'ng Ej]] 1.0 ' -x, 16. Accept x with probability e 1. If x1 is rejected, 1 increase k by one, set x: = x1 and return to step #15 i 2 es. If x1 is accepted, increase k by one, set x:+1 = x,, increase 1 by one and return to step #15 provided provided x x 2 i 6s' 47. For xi < as then the probability that a Species with intensity xi will have an individual present in the sample with power ks is e-k 3x1. Therefore instead of solving the equation 1 - x* 13k = f f(x)dx X. 1 for x1 and letting the number of individuals present inthe sample from this species be 111 where niQITruncated Poisson with parameter { 18x1 with probability 1 - e' Sxi 0 with probability e-ksxi an equivalent method for determining the individuals in the small species is to solve the equation * x1 =‘r ksxf(x)dx for X1 and let the number of individuals x1 present in the sample from this species be ni where n,m Truncated Poissonawith parameter 1 . l-e-ksxi { k x. with probability 8 1 -R Sxi ksxi-L+e Sxi 0 with prob. k x This modification has the effect of skipping over some Species which are in the environment but which do not appear in the sample. 17. Set N* = 1 and x = xi, k4 = k Xi x1 1 l a x . A A -x = . - - d f ksx f(x)dx =.f ksx ~75 e dx I ksA x e x x x x x i 1 i 48. x1 18. Set Ek =‘I ksA xl-adx and solving for X1 x i 1 (2'0) [jgk4Ej ] Z-a .. 4.2-0 - > 1 E 12A 8 -x 19. If x1 > 0 accept xi with probability e * If x1 is rejected, increase k by one, set xi = x1 and return * to step #18. If x1 is accepted, increase k by one, set x1+1 = xi, increase i by one and return to step #18. The procedure is continued until a negative intensity is reached. Let sN be the number of Species obtained. Consider now the problem of finding the sample of N individuals and let n1 for i = 1,2,...,sN be the number of individuals chosen from the Species with intensity xi. Thus n. is chosen from a Poisson distribution with 1 parameter ksxi for i = 1,2,...,N -l. n. chosen from a truncated Poisson distribution 1 - x . -e s i with parameter k x, with probability . , s 1 k x, A ”fisxi S 1 ksx,-1+e ' ‘ ' " 1 for i = N* ... s . 0 With probability ) , N s k x, N S 1 Let NT = i§l ni . If NT = N then the sample is as chosen. If NT > N then NT - N individuals must be independently rejected from the chosen sample. This is accomplished be means of the Hypergeometric distribution . I where the number to be eliminated in the first SPeCieS is “1 N -N,n which is distributed Hypergeometric With parameters NT’ T 1 th . . and in general the number to be eliminated in the k Spec1es 18 49. k-l n' which is distributed Hypergeometric with parameter N - Z n k k_1 1‘ i=1 i ’ NT-N-Z ni, nk. This is continued until all NT - N individuals i=1 have been eliminated. The number of individuals in each gpecies is n and E n: = N. n: = n - n; for i = 1,2,...,s i=1 i N If however NT‘< N then N - NT more individuals must be chosen from the model. fijflg . The factor two is added to make the N probability of fallingTshort again vary small since it is better Let Ak a 2k 3 s to over estimate ks. The intensity of the sample is now k; = k. + Ak so let n2 be the number of individuals that are to s s be added to the already selected Species where n? N Poisson (Aksxi) for i = 1,2,...,SN. Since some Species were skipped in the interval [0,x6) the possibility that some of these may now appear in the enlarged Sample must be considered. Let €* = Ei— . If 5* > x6 select the new Species using the method described in steps #17-19 replacing Rs by 4&8 and continue finding intensities until zero is reached. The number of individuals present in the sample from these Species is n? where If; N Truncated Poisson with parameter £1ka1 With 1 1 6-13ka1 probability -——Zfif;——' S i AA 0 with probability 8 i ' ' ber for i = SN + l,...,sfi where SN 13 now the num so that it is of species present. The intensity x6 is chosen 50. * very unlikely that e < x.e but if this should happen the situation can be corrected by decreasing the upper value of x6 from say-19;;§ s . .6 to p0881b1Y‘2E- and rerunning the experiment. s I SN 1 = 11 let NT i=1 ni If Ni = N - NT then no individuals need be deleted. If Ni > N-NT then Ni - N‘+ NT individuals must be eliminated from the Ni new individuals chosen. This is accomplished again using the Hypergeometric distribu- tion by letting ni be the number of individuals eliminated from the first species Where ni is distributed Hypergeometric with T’ Ni - N‘+ NT’ n? and for the kth species k-l ' k-l n; is Hypergeometric (Nf - i§l n2, Ni - Ni+ NT - i§1 Hi; nk)' parameters N' The number of individuals in the respective Species is then n? = n, + n; - n1 for i = 1,2,...,sN 1 1 l *= "- ' .=S +1 cons n1 n1 n1 for 1 N , , N S! N e E n? = N. wher i=1 1 If Ni < N - NT repeat the process for selecting new individuals from the Species. Because of the method for determining Aks however it is extremely unlikely that the adding of new individuals Will be necessary more than once. Chapter 4 Section 2: Simulation in the Special case. The simulation of the model for the Special case developed in Chapter 1 Section 3 is greatly simplified over the general case. In taking the sample of size N in this case consider the following procedure. Define W1 as before to be the proportion of individuals of the ith sampled Species present in the environ- ment neglecting the i-l Species already sampled. Choose w1“'h(w) = A(1-W)A-1 where A is a parameter of the model which is to be estimated. Choose mlm Binomial (N-l,w1) where 1111 represents the number of times that this Species repeats in selecting the remaining N-l individuals. Then n1 = m1-+ 1 represents the number of individuals from the first Species in the random sample of N individuals. Now choose w23'h(w) and again select m “'Binomial (N-n1-1,W2) and let 112 = m2-+ l. 2 i-l In general select wi“'h(WL select miB'Binomial (N- ZInJ-l,wi) J: and let n. = m.‘+ l. 1 1 Continue this process until a sample of N individuals has been chosen. 51. Chapter 5 Section 1: Data Analysis Using the procedures developed in the previous chapters a set of data will now be analized to indicate the fit of the model in an actual environment. The data used for this purpose was taken from Williams [4] and is reproduced in table 5.1. From the maximum likelihood methods developed in Chapter 2 an estimate of the parameters for this set of data was found to be 6: = 1.0000 21 = 40.453 13 = 392.7. Since & 8 l the estimation of the other two parameters reduces to the Special case Where a is set equal to one in the likelihood equations and an estimate of the other parameters obtained by the procedure developed in Chapter 2 Section 2. This maximum likeli- hood estimate was found to be 21 = 40.2576 13 = 387.2 According to the model each sample is such that the number of individuals in the sample from a species with intensity x is distributed Poisson with mean ksx. Using ks as an estimate 0f kS then, the expected number of Species in the sample with m individuals is ” c m -k x w A m -k x A -x k x) S Ae .(_s.2‘_). S d = (s e ——dx 1]; ml e f(x) x '(I). ‘111'1— x “ m .. 1+1». 1 i m AkS m-l -( s d _ S F m = m! g x e 3 x — m! ( l)m fc _ e S m l _ 40.2576 99743)m. - A ( Eé+l ) m — ‘m (° 52. 53. Table 5.1 Macrolepedoptera Data Observed captures of Macrolepedoptera in a light trap at Rothamstad Journal of Animal Ecology Volume 12-13, pp.45-46. Distribution of Species according to number of individuals present in the sample. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 35 ll 15 14 10 ll 5 6 4 4 10 2 2 5 2 4 3 3 3 3 4 20 l 3 3 l 3 l l 3 2 0 30 0 l 0 2 0 3 2 0 0 0 40 0 0 2 2 l 0 0 0 3 0 50 4 l l 2 0 0 l 2 O 3 also at 61,64,67,73,76(2),78,84,89,96,99,109,112,120,122,129, 135,141,148,149,151,154,177,181,187,190,199,211,221,226,235,239, 244,246,282,305,306,333,464,560,572,589,604,743,823,2349 TOTAL NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS 15,609 TOTAL NUMBER OF SPECIES 240 54. Table 5.2 Theoretical Frequencies for Macrolepedoptera Data Distribution of the expected number of Species present in the sample with parameters a = 1.0000, A = 40.2576, k8 = 387.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 40.15 20.03 13.31 9.96 7.96 6.61 5.64 4.93 4.37 3.92 10 3.55 3.25 2.99 2.77 2.58 2.41 2.26 2.13 2.02 1.91 20 1.81 1.73 1.65 1.58 1.51 1.45 1.39 1.34 1.29 1.24 30 1.20 1.16 1.12 1.08 1.05 1.02 .99 .96 .93 .91 40 .88 .86 .84 .81 .80 .78 .76 .74 .72 .71 50 .69 .68 .66 .65 .64 .62 .61 .60 .59 .57 also 61 - 70 5.14 151 - 200 7.31 71 - 85 6.34 201 - 300 8.57 86 -110 7.96 301 - 500 7.43 111 ~150 8.84 500 6.07 EXPECTED NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS 15,587.7 EXPECTED NUMBER OF SPECIES 239.99 # of individuals in Species °°\‘O‘U14>uN.-a 9-10 ll-12 13-14 15-16 l7-l9 20-22 23-25 26-30 31-36 37-45 46-55 56-70 71-85 86-110 111-150 151-200 201-300 301-500 500 -- 2 Goodness of Fit Test Observed 35 ll 15 14 10 ll 5 6 8 4 7 7 9 8 7 7 6 7 11 9 5 4 8 7 8 4 __7_ 240 X 095(24) = 36.42 55. Table 5.3 40. 20 13. 9. 7 6. 5 4 8 6 5 5 6 5 4 6 6. 7 7 8 6 7 8 7 8 7 6 239. Theoretical frequency Frequency 15 .03 31 96 .95 61 .64 .93 .29 .80 .77 .00 .40 .44 .71 .68 63 .98 .02 .18 .34 .96 .84 .31 .57 .43 .07 99 (f - f fth ob .66 4.07 .21 1.64 .53 2.91 .07 .23 .01 1.15 .26 .80 1.06 1.20 1.11 .02 .06 .12 2.26 .08 .28 1.97 .08 .01 .04 1.58 .14 22.55 th) 2 56. These values were calculated and are presented in table 5.2. It is interesting to note that in this Special case the expected number of Species present in the sample can be easly calculated by the formula °° -f I A - — A m‘ (kS +1)m m ks +1 N N .A<_N_>m m N+A ' For given values of N and A this can easily be tabulated and in particular compared with the data in table 5.7 for A = 40.2576. Distribution of species according to number of individuals Table 5.7 62. present in the sample with parameterscr= 1.0000, A = 40.2576 for increasing N N = 50 Number of Species = 28 1 3 4 5 9 10 0 15 8 2 1 O 0 0 0 N = 100 Number of Species = 41 . 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 0 20 8 3 2 5 l 0 2 0 0 N = 200 Number of species = 63 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 29 10 3 2 2 l 0 also at 12(2),21 N = 500 Number of Species = 94 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 31 19 8 9 4 1 5 2 0 10 3 1 l 0 1 0 0 O 2 20 0 2 l 1 0 0 0 0 0 also at 33,49 N = 1000 Number of species 119 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 32 19 12 10 6 8 2 3 l 2 10 2 2 l l l 2 l 0 20 0 0 l 0 1 l 0 1 also at 33,42,43,46,47,49,67,97 63. N = 2000 Number of Species = 143 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 36 14 9 10 7 10 5 5 4 2 10 1 3 5 0 l 1 0 l 20 1 l 1 1 O 2 0 3 also at 34,35,40,47,49,54,56,59,80,83,93,95,97,144,203 N = 3000 Number of Species = 165 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 43 16 ll 8 8 7 4 3 6 6 10 4 2 3 2 0 1 2 2 3 20 3 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 also at 39(2),41,42,44(2),47,50(2),52(2),67,79,80,81,92,124, 125,130,136,142,208,319 N = 4000 Number of Species = 176 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o 41 22 5 11 5 5 7 6 3 4 10 4 2 4 5 1 4 1 2 2 1 20 2 2 1 1 o 1 2 o 1 0 3o 2 2 o 2 o o o 1 1 o 40 o o o o o o o o 1 2 50 o o 1 o o o 1 0 0 0 also at 61,63,66,67,68,71,86,93,106,110,114,157,l61,l70,173, 190,295,434 64. N = 5000 Number of Species ' 190 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 O 43 28 5 8 5 5 7 3 5 5 10 6 0 5 3 5 1 2 2 2 0 20 2 2 3 2 1 0 0 2 O 2 30 0 O 3 3 0 1 0 l O 1 40 0 1 1 0 0 O 1 0 0 0 50 O 0 1 0 0 0 O 0 l 0 a136 at 61,64,65,71,74,79,82,88(2),89,98,ll8,130,133,138,l95, 200,212,227,237,378,529 N = 6000 Number of species = 198 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1o 0 4o 31 8 7 7 5 6 o 5 5 1o 2 5 5 2 1 4 7 1 1 o 20 1 o 3 2 3 1 o 1 1 1 3o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 40 o 2 3 o 1 o 1 o o o 50 o o 1 2 o 1 o o o 0 also at 70(2),77,81,87,91,93,96,101,107,120(2),142,149,150, 171,218,236,248,275,285,449,633 N = 7000 Number of Species = 200 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 35 29 9 8 11 2 7 4 1 5 1o 4 1 4 6 2 3 2 1 1 5 20 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 o 30 1 o 2 1 1 2 1 2 o 0 4o 0 2 o o 1 0 0 2 1 0 50 3 1 o o 0 1 0 1 0 1 also at 61,67,81,83,86,92,102,105,109(2),115,124,136,141,172, 173,175,197,256,277,288,332(2),531,742 65. N = 8000 Number of Species = 205 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 35 23 16 7 14 3 3 3 5 1 10 4 1 5 1 6 3 3 1 1 2 20 0 3 2 1 2 2 3 0 3 O 30 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 40 0 2 0 1 0 0 l 2 0 1 50 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 also at 61,64,66,67,72,75,94,95,97,108,111,116,122,123,129,149, 150,167,192,l95,204,227,284,314,325,382,393,600,860 N = 9000 Number of Species = 207 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 35 22 13 8 9 9 0 7 2 4 10 5 2 2 1 6 3 3 1 1 3 20 1 O 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 30 1 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 1 40 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 50 0 O 0 1 1 0 1 O 3 0 also at 61,64,65(2),68,71,72,77,81,84,99,105(2).118,120,121, 131,140,147,163,173,182,213,224,234,265,324,360,365,433,445, 676,961 66. N = 10,000 Number of Species = 210 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 32 25 13 7 9 6 4 6 5 4 10 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 20 2 2 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 4 3O 3 O 1 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 40 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 3 1 0 50 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 also at 61,62,65(2),71(2),72(2),74(2),76,80,86,88,93,112,113, 123,130,132,138,141,154,160,191,192,199,236,244,274,293,355,391, 397,479,492,751,1093 N = 11,000 Number of Species = 215 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1o 0 34 25 12 8 9 6 4 7 4 2 10 4 3 o 4 1 3 4 3 1 o 20 5 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 0 1 30 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 o 1 40 1 o o o 2 1 1 o o 1 50 1 1 2 o 1 1 o o 2 o also at 64,66,69,7o,71,77(3),79,80,81,85(2),95,96,105,121,126, 135,145,148,154,155,173,175,207,213(2),256,261,298,316,385,440, 442,529,533,335,1215 67. N = 12,000 Number of species = 220 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 37 23 12 8 7 11 2 6 5 2 10 3 4 2 2 1 2 2 6 1 1 20 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3O 1 0 1 0 1 2 2 1 0 3 40 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 50 0 2 0 1 O 1 1 1 O 2 also at 62,63,67,70,73,80,81,85(2),86(2),88,89,93,94,101,105, 121,128,144,148,157,162,169,171,187,l89,223,227,230,276,279,322, 348,423,474,484,575,592,916,1327 N = 13,000 Number of Species = 221 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o 38 20 10 11 7 9 5 1 9 2 10 1 2 5 4 1 2 2 2 2 3 20 1 1 o 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 3o 1 1 1 1 o o 1 0 3 1 40 o 1 1 o 2 2 o 1 1 o 50 1 1 o 1 1 0 o 1 2 1 also at 64(2),65,66,67,71,74,77,84,90,92(2),94,96,98,99,101, 102,106,114,13o,138,161,165,177,181,189,201,207,239,247,252, 305,311,342,374,452,515,518,628,646,989,1415 68. N = 14,000 Number of Species = 224 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1o 0 39 20 1o 10 8 8 5 2 8 5 10 1 2 1 3 2 3 4 1 2 3 20 1 1 2 o 1 1 1 2 2 0 3o 1 5 4 o o 1 o o 1 0 4o 0 1 3 o o 1 2 1 1 o 50 1 1 1 1 o o 1 1 1 o also at 62,63(2),64,69,70,71,72(2),78,84(2),90,96,97(2),99, 103,106(2),107,109,116,123,136,148,171,179,194,195,197,2o3,221, 223,258,269(2),333,339,400,477,556,559,679,684,1063,1528 N = 15,000 Number of Species = 230 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o 43 17 13 6 1o 9 5 4 4 5 1o 5 2 1 2 3 o 2 3 3 2 20 2 1 2 1 3 o o o 1 1 30‘ 2 2 2 3 5 o o 1 o 0 40 o 1 o 1 1 1 o o 3 2 50 o 1 1 o o 1 2 o o 1 also at 62,64,65,66,68(2),73,75(2),77,79,83,87(2),99,1o1,102, 103,106,108,111,115,117,119,123,133,144,164,184,190,205,206,213, 216,235,238,275,287,294,356,369,399,43o,508,588,602,728,741,1134, I 1647 69. N = 15,609 Number of species = 233 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 45 18 12 6 10 7 4 8 3 4 10 6 3 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 20 3 0 1 1 ' 2 2 2 0 1 0 30 2 1 3 1 4 1 3 0 1 0 40 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 50 4 0 2 O 0 1 1 1 1 0 also at 61,62,67,68,70(2),71,75,77,79,80(2),89,92(2), 102,104, 105,106,107,113,115,119,121,125(2),138,152,168,192,196,208,218, 223(2),248,249,286,301,305,375,384,410,451,531,616,630,762,768, 1186,1711. Chapter 6 Section 1: Investigation of Species per Genus Data In an effort to determine the different types of environments for which the model holds data from Williams[6] on Orth0ptera was investigated. It is realized that the data is in the form of Species per genus which is quite a different concept from the individuals per Species data that had previously been considered but this data seemed to Show some of the same properties as the other data and it was heped that this biological Situation could also be explained by the model. Applying therefore the methods of the previous chapters the maximum likelihood estimate of the parameters was A a=1. 1056 A=2 31.065 ks=16. 3 In comparing the actual data , reproduced in table 6.1, to the theoretical expected values obtained using the above estimates of the parameters it was determined that the model fit rather well for the small and moderate genera but that the theoretical values for the larger genera were too small. This conclusion was reinforced when three samples of 4112 species were taken using a=1.1056 and A=231.065 and it was found that the largest genus among the three samples con- tained only 80 Species, far below the number that was actually encountered. With this result in mind it was decided that an adequate fit might be obtained if the form of the function f(x) was altered to accommodate this new situation . It was decided that the term e"'x in the numerator made the function f(x) decrease too rapidly. For large intensities it was decided to try the form f(x)= "$5 where q is a parameter with the restriction ZSq2 Integrating and eliminating A from the two above equations the solution for q is seen to be 16g SPCI: 30,1») - log SPC[c,co) q = 2- log 30 - log c From the graph of q as a function of c for 50 2 2. Ix]: f(x) dx—IXimdx- Ix]: x3 x+a dx 5!: xi A . 3. Set Ek = I :{3 dx and SOIVIng for Xi xi .. A 1 xi " 2 ‘12—" \ >3 E3 l j=1 X’ 2 4. Accept xi with probability (Ii—2" . 5. If xi is rejected, set x: = xi, increase k by one, and return to step #3 provided Xi > _a___ If xi is accepted, increase k by /2-1. one, set x241 == xi, increase 1 by one and return to step #3 . a provided Xi > 2 _ 1 , is the point where the acceptance The point xi= f2-1 73. probability< :5?) is equal to one half so that it becomes desirable to modify the procedure at this point to increase the effeciency. 6. Set k1= k. Also 2" 9.‘ x1 x1 A :>2 d Ix]: f(X) dx =1 *fx1 x(x+a)2dx =f:* 2x _3{_x_ x+a x xi A 1 7. Set Ek='fx1‘§ -3dx and solving for xi 1 1i-[231r‘=\| Krl \)22 Ej+ 2 E. PM 3‘1 J 8. Accept xi with probability (ii)? 9. If xi is rejected, set xii: = xi, increase k by one, and return to step #7 provided xi > a. If xi is accepted, set x§+1= xi, increase k by one, increase i by one and return to step #7 provided xi > a, At the point x = a another modification is to be made to increase the effeciency. 10. Set k2=k, set le= x? x* X? x? A a 2 i 1 A — < >dx f f(x) dx=f , mde-fx. 2:52 x+a xi x* X1 11. Set Ek= f:i —-zdx and solving for Xi 1 , -gZL £131.13] x1=x~N1e 2 12. Accept xi with probability (xi-+3 > ' . > . k by one, increase i by one and return to step #11 provided x:L es 74. The constant e is determined similar to the procedure used s before. The expected sample Size is Q m Q A 1 k A g sx (X) x g ksx x(x+a)2dx ksA g (;:332 dx a . Setting this equal to N to obtain an estimate for kS * aN ks - 7r - S t N* ‘ * e = = = 14. 1. and k4 k, Xe xi. For the small intensities the modification which skips over some of the genera which do not appear in the sample is again employed. * * x* X. x145 lA xikSA f ksx f(x)dx=f ksx —--—2 =f -;S-2- (a x+a >2dx. xi X. “(3* )2d xi x* . i kSA 16. Set Ek = I -3- dx and solve for X1 x, a 1 2 k a x. = x. - -——- g E,. 1 8 RSA j'k4 :3. If x. is 1 and return to step #16. . a 17, If xi > 0, accept x],L with probabil1ty< x +a * rejected increase k by one, set xi - xi * - - . . — x, increase 1 b If x1.- 18 accepted,1ncrease k by one, set xi+1 1’ y one and return to step #16. If xi 5 Q reject x, and cease finding intensities. 1 In finding the number of Species in each genus for a particular sample employ the procedure described in Chapter 4. Using the above prodecure with A = 37,000 and a = 320 three samPles of 4112 genera were taken and the results shown in table 6.2 These results can be compared to the original data in table 6.1 to examine the fit of the model in this case. 75. Table 6.1 ORTHOPTERA OF WORLD Journal of Ecology Volume 32 page 18 Distribution of genera according to number of Species present 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 320 131 86 61 41 27 21 18 23 17 10 12 8 9 3 5 4 3 6 20 1 l 2 1 0 2 0 0 4 0 also at 31(2),34,35,36,38,41,43,51,54,58,72,75,103,202. TOTAL GENERA 826 TOTAL SPECIES 4112 Table 6.2 S IMULATED TEST 1 Distribution of genera according to number of Species present 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 317 134 86 49 37 24 26 22 7 12 10 10 8 8 7 1 5 3 3 0 20 1 5 4 1 5 2 1 1 also at 32,34,35,36,44(2),49,53,54,55,56(2),57,69,73,79,83,178. TOTAL GENERA 798 TOTAL SPECIES 4112 76. Table 6.2 SIMULATED TEST 2 Distribution of genera according to number of Species present 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 324 146 90 54 43 24 17 23 15 5 10 7 9 7 8 8 8 5 3 6 l 20 3 2 3 2 2 3 1 3 0 1 also at 32,34,35,36,39(2),41,45,49,52,53,74,79,153. TOTAL GENERA 837 TOTAL SPECIES 4112 SIMULATED TEST 3 Distribution of genera according to number of Species present 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 317 141 83 48 41 25 21 9 15 7 10 7 9 7 4 5 2 4 4 4 5 20 3 5 1 3 2 0 2 also at 33,37,42,46,48,50(2),56,57(2),217,354. TOTAL GENERA 790 TOTAL SPECIES 4112 APPENDIX Using the theory developed in the previous chapters, FORTRAN 60 programs have been developed to perform the indicated operations on the Control Data 3600 Computer. Program SPECIES l finds the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of the model using the methods discribed in Chapter 2 Section 1. Program SPECIES 2 finds the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of the model under the Special condition a = 1 using the methods discribed in Chapter 2 Section 1. Program SPECIES 3 is a simulation program to obtain a sample of size N from the model in the case a + 1 using the methods developed in Chapter 4 Section 1. When using the program to obtain a sample it was found that about 5000 individuals could be sampled in about 30 seconds on the CDC 3600 computer. Also note that if the sample size is doubled the estimated Simulation time increases only a few seconds due to the fact that a large percentage of the simulation time is used to obtain the intensities of the Species and the number of new Species decreases rapidly with increa81ng sample Size. Program.SPECIES 4 is a simulation program to obtain a sample of size N from the model in the case a = 1 using the procedure described in Chapter 4 Section 2. This program obtains a sample of 15,000 individuals in about 20 seconds on the CDC 3600 computer. Note that this procedure is much faster than SPECIES 3. This is explained by the fact that 77. 78. the simulation procedure is extremely simplified in the case where a = l. The four above mentioned programs are tabulated in the follow- ing pages with a brief explination to the right of the tabulated programs. Although these were not the only programs used in this investigation, they were the ones used to obtain the primary results. 79. A6-mvc .A8-_vc ueJOfl*~O+O-v\m>JOW#HOluuJOfltab>JOW#Oom~+OoDNQVv\.Oom¢0+F>JOW*.b>JOm+Oomofivvnfic mxmhmz<¢J0muF>JOm 0m OkOO .Oo~l.muhmw.\.AQ>JOW#.Oo~I.flvkmw.yuaxwlOouvumdkm mmoflmoflm AO>JOmlOo~.k~ OoM\m>JOmt.Oo«InflvhmwvluO>JOw “mvhwwlum>JOm Amo~u_..~vkmmvoflov dudk hDQZ~ Odma Au~._u_..”vuou..o.mun<» h3a2_ 04mm A—¥.~u_.._vaom.zo_mzwx~o a WM~UMQW ZQQOOQQ 00 am 1") 0-. N" O” 0‘ 80. 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COM 0‘ O N CO 0 (J 110. .l O m.o+x”x one m+4002u> own 4+m2nm24a40 mom 4+mm02u424a40 coo m2ux mmm mom.mnn.mmm .m2100. mom nom.mmm.mnm .MZImzou. .om mom..mm..no .AMOZImzou. omm zanpma ..54m4nuo.40:24a4n*>00004. .30.na+ou.m0+43)xna.14:411o..04>103114s42404>1u09r1 000 ....ma..ou.ma.xo..m0 4440 000 x1>ux .un ....ma.ou.m0.xo..m0 4440 oun m.o+xux o4n ..moa0.m3.4nz.m 4440 s4m .42404010..04>.\.z4040*>10.o+x01um3 0.) .moun.m3.4uz.m 4440 m4m .34040*>.\.24a40*>1m.o+xoum3 44m 4+a402u> m.n m2ux v.0 mos.m.n.m.m .mZIom. ..n m0:...n...m.a402101.m. 0.8 ZQDHMQ DLHwQ+AOo«IWOMQQ*E+mnoauw434140+uuoansws4m4a+400304.3nm0a0 oom .>l>u> hmn 4>+US4a4aum24a4u 0mm 4>+454U40u424040 mun ....ma.440.ma.>o..ma 4440 «mm xnwz4m401424a401>u> moo ....30.o3u.u0..54z40...mu 4440 won x1454W4nu454a40 «no ....nu.wjm.wn.USqI.\.>04) OSM .nmoaa.uoo40$.m 4440 mqn 4431.540400\.>1umo 44o .Nm0m0.43.402.m 4440 mom ..ouw240400\.>1um3 N40 ..mouu.moo4nz.m 4440 .40 .3\.>0N3 040 .Dux".> one >\HEnxm uz.eoouuom 02 M ZODPMQ .>*0.Nl.xroo.vuokot.X+Oo..+>*XHQOKQ 00M zaoema «on o.m0\>*m>*.o._m+~>..o.m.+m>*.o.o+m>*o.so00*.m*.x+o...+>*xunoaa non N**>um> Nmm num.mnn.uom 1 ..o 1.>oumm4ou_ .on .mxro.ww\xwx omm .moua.xo4us_m mzosooqnom 02w ZQDKMQ 113. ozm ZUDFMU MDZ.#ZOU 0m 10 ObOO ~+DZufiZ 034.014.007 AE0xm 4440 JOIum QUDZ S4m404140u34 .Edaquoo..000041uzdmda adaznada .Nh010024a zo~mzmz.0 ANz.23024m.02.24mqn.m402.2.0im 42.»30103m . 02m ZQDPMQ X\.00000004ao.o+mxm.owuomomomoo.ouz 114. .0m.W44 .040420 .oofm Com—z. .2404034 .moooosoo4zm .h40m04 .mmoom.M40w .220404 x>24x..on4 .....z. .4nooo4m 40.4.2w .m40044 4o+>24zozuol .voon44 4m+>24sozon4 .m..n44 ..+>z04 .uNy .4m._u4..4.>24s0 .4 ”04» 04mm .msosnosnhhsssooOOuvvozou .Mhoxoozqu.xmnoszqy zo.wzmx.o .N2.zoo2400044u24a mz.eooamom 02m zaohma x4a4ax.xoumo4uumz .N1.20024a.x.zmou.23 4440 .mp020024u zo.mzmz.o "N7. . 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