A STUDY OF INTER-DEVELOPMENTAL RELATIONSHIPS AMONG STANDING HEIGHT, SKELETAL AGE, AND MENTAL AGE FOR SIXTY-SIX BOYS SELECTED FROM THE HARVARD GROWTH DATA by Jean McKenney LePere AN ABSTRACT Submitted to the School for Advanced Graduate Studies of Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Foundations of Education 1958 Approved [M infigfi v—IT—‘v ' \ 2 JEAN MCKENNEY LePERE ABSTRACT The Problem It was the purpose of this investigation to analyze longitudinal data for sixty-six school age boys with respect to growth in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age. The cases were selected from the Third Harvard Growth Study which was inaugurated in 1922 in the Psycho-Educational Clinic of the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The data consisted of annual measurements in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age for the boys from approximately seven through seventeen years of age, and were representative of those taken from a normally distributed population. Specifically, the study attempted to determine (1) growth relationships among the three aspects of development with respect to beginning and end points of adolescent development; (2) other developmental relationships such as those inherent in growth constants of rate, incipiency, and maximum; and (3) correlative relationships of timing aspects of physical and mental growth of school-age boys. Methods and Procedure The determination of points of cycle break for each of the sixty-six cases in each developmental measurement was made by the utilization of normal probability paper. Using the points thus obtained, the Courtis technique for analysis of growth was then applied to each case to deter- mine cycle growth constants of rate, incipiency, and ‘flnm 3 JEAN McKENNEY LePERE ABSTRACT maximum. The use of the formula made it possible to reduce all variables to common maturation units known as isochrons, which could then be used to determine correlation coeffici- ents among the three aspects of development. Coefficients of correlation were obtained by the use of the Pearson r formula. Summary and Conclusions The Courtis technique, which utilizes the Gompertz equation, was found to describe growth patterns of the sixty-six boys in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age with better than ninety-five per cent efficiency. Correlation coefficients were computed among the cycle growth constants of maxima, rates, and incipiencies as well as times of occurrence of cycle break, time of ninety-nine per cent of achieved adult maturity, and per cents of development of first cycle maxima and adult maxima at the time of cycle break. Mean annual increments were also compared to determine the degree of relationship in patterns of growth in physical and mental aspects of development among the sixty-six boys. The pattern of growth for each of the boys was that of a two-cycle curve in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age, with the cycle breaks occurring between mean ages of ten and twelve years. u JEAN McKENNEY LePERE ABSTRACT Correlation coefficients between equation constants of rate, incipiency, and maximum were not statistically significant. Correlation coefficients between times at which cycle breaks occurred were positive but too low to be stated as reliably significant. Growth is so variable from one individual to another, and from cycle to cycle, that a comparison of equation con— stants within a given cycle (because they are dependent upon each other) does not provide a sufficient basis on which to compare growth relationships. Significant relationships between physical and mental aspects of growth of the boys were revealed when all equa- tion constants were analyzed as a composite whole. The correlation between all aspects of growth was positively significant when mean annual increments obtained from equation constants were compared. The use of a multi-cyclic regression equation for describing growth of the boys in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age predicted growth with good efficiency, provided a means of smoothing the growth curves and tended to reduce testing errors. The degree to which ethnic and cultural influences affected the growth patterns of the sixty—six boys was not known. However, for these sixty-six boys who lived in the 5 JEAN MCKENNEY LePERE ABSTRACT vicinity of Boston, patterns of growth in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age were significantly related as indicated above. Correlation coefficients between and among the mean annual increments of the sixty—six boys were much higher than those obtained in previous studies where growth aspects were analyzed on a cross-sectional basis. A STUDY OF INTER-DEVELOPMENTAL RELATIONSHIPS AMONG STANDING HEIGHT, SKELETAL AGE, AND MENTAL AGE FOR SIXTY-SIX BOYS SELECTED FROM THE HARVARD GROWTH DATA by Jean McKenney LePere A THESIS Submitted to the School for Advanced Graduate Studies of Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Foundations of Education 1958 51/91. ‘1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Grateful appreciation is extended to Dr. Cecil V. Millard under whose helpful guidance and assistance this study was undertaken. Further appreciation is expressed to Dr. Clyde Campbell, Dr. C. R. Hoffer, Dr. Leonard Luker, and Dr. Troy L. Stearns for their assistance in criticizing and editing the material. It is impossible to list the names of the many Michigan State University students who assisted in setting up the case books and who worked on the computation of the data. Grateful thanks is extended to these students. .. n.o I1“. \‘Qfi 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. THE PROBLEM AND DEFINITION OF TERMS USED . . l The problem. . . . Statement of the problem Statement of hypotheses. Secondary problems . . . . . Importance of the study. Limitations of the study Definition of terms Growth Development. . . . . . . . Growth curve . . . . . Growth cycle . . . . . . . . .‘ Organismic growth. Rate . . . . Incipiency . Maximum . Isochron. . . . . . . . . Growth constant \oxomkoooooooooooooxlxloxwwmmm Courtis technique. |._.I O II. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE H H Anthropometric studies H H Longitudinal data. iv CHAPTER PAGE Mental growth . . . . . . . . . . l6 Skeletal maturation . . . . . . . . 21 Growth analysis . . . . . . . . . 24 'III. PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 The data. . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Methodology. . . . . . . . . . . 41 Determination of cycles. . . . . . A2 The Courtis method . . . . . . . A5 Correlative techniques . . . . . . 63 IV. ANALYSIS OF THE DATA. . . . . . . . . 65 V. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND IMPLICATIONS. . . 95 Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . 96 Implications . . . . . . . . . . 97 BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 APPENDIX A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 APPENDIX B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 TABLE II. IV. VI. VII. VIII. IX. XI. LIST OF TABLES Computed and Critical X2 Values of Observed Measurements in Standing Height, Mental Age, and Skeletal Age of the Sixty-Six Boys at Age 8 . . . . Ethnic Origin and Socio-Economic Status of the Sixty-Six Boys . . . . . . . Observed Measurements and Computed Per Cents of Development in Standing Height, Mental Age and Skeletal Age for Case 343M . . Per Cents of Childhood Cycle Maximum for Measurements in Standing Height, Case 3A3M Computation of First Cycle Rate and Incipiency in Standing Height for Case 343M. Observed and Predicted Measurements in Standing Height, Case 343M, and Deviations of the Two Measurements. . . .. . . . Data for Isochronic Graph Sheet--Percentages of Total Development. Computation of Adolescent Cycle Rate and Incipiency . . . . . . . . Predicted Measurements for Childhood and Adolescent Cycles of Growth in Standing Height, Case 343M. . . . . . . Observed Means, Composite Predicted Means, Deviations, and Per Cent of Equation Error at Annual Intervals for Mean Standing Height Measurements of Sixty-Six Boys Observed Means, Composite Predicted Means, and Per Cent of Equation Error at Annual Intervals for Mean Skeletal Age Measure- ments of Sixty-Six Boys. PAGE 40 Al A3 54 56 59 61 62 69 69 vi TABLE PAGE XII. Observed Means, Composite Predicted Means, and Per Cent of Equation Error at Annual Intervals for Mean Mental Age Measurements of Sixty-Six Boys. . . . . . . . . 7O XIII. Average Composite Equation Errors from Observed Mean Scores and Per Cents of Efficiency of Equations for Standing Height, Skeletal Age, and Mental Age of Sixty-Six Boys. . . . . . . . . . 7O XIV. Average Annual Increments in Growth in Standing Height, Skeletal Age, and Mental Age for Sixty-Six Boys, Computed from Composite Equations of Growth Constants . 72 XV. Distribution of Errors of Equation Estimates for Sixty- -Six Boys in Standing Height Growth . . . . . . . 76 XVI. Distribution of Errors of Equation Estimates for Sixty-Six Boys in Skeletal Age Growth. 77 XVII. Distribution of Errors of Equation Estimates for Sixty-Six Boys in Mental Age Growth . 77 XVIII. Means, Standard Deviations, and Ranges of Rates of Development in Isochrons for Childhood Cycle and Adolescent Cycle of Growth for Sixty-Six Boys in Standing Height, Skeletal Age, and Mental Age . . 79 XIX. Means, Standard Deviations, and Ranges of Maximum Development of Childhood Cycle and Adolescent Cycle of Growth in Standing Height, Skeletal Age, and Mental Age for Sixty-Six Boys. . . . . . . . . 83 XX. Means, Standard Deviations, and Ranges of Incipiency in Isochrons of Childhood Cycle and Adolescent Cycle of Growth in Standing Height, Skeletal Age, and Mental Age for Sixty-Six Boys. . . . . . . 82 XXI. Means, Standard Deviations, and Ranges of Times of Cycle Break and Adult Maturity in Months of Sixty-Six Boys in Standing Height, Skeletal Age, and Mental Age . . . 83 TABLE XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. vii PAGE Per Cents of Development of Childhood Cycle Maxima and Adult Maxima of Achieved Growth at the Time of Cycle Break . . . 85 Correlation Coefficients Between Growth Constants of Equations for Standing Height, Skeletal Age, and Mental Age of Sixty-Six Boys . . . . . . . . . 86 Multiple Correlation Coefficients, Computed F Values and Critical F Values for Times of Cycle Break and er Cents of Adult Maturity at Time of Cycle Break . . 88 Rank—Difference Correlation Coefficients and Pearson r Correlation Coefficients for Mean Annual Increments in Standing Height, Skeletal Age, and Mental Age of Sixty—Six Boys . . . . . . 89 Multiple Correlations, Observed F Values and Critical F Values for Annual Growth Incremégts) in Standing Height, Skeletal Age, and Mental Age of Sixty-Six Boys . . . . . . . . . . 9O Correlation Coefficients of Mean Annual Observed Increments in Standing Height, Skeletal Age, and Mental Age of Sixty- Six Boys. . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Distribution of Declining Mental Age Scores at Annual Intervals . . . . . . . . 92 r L .£ 505.! dip. FIGURE 19. LIST OF FIGURES Variation in Rate of Individual Height Growth . . . . . . Composite Normal Probability Graph of Per Cents of Total Development in Standing Height, Skeletal Age, and Mental Age for Case 3A3M, Indicating Measurements within a Given Cycle of Growth. . . . . Semi- -Logarithmic Curve Showing Childhood Cycle Development in Standing Height, Case 343M . . . . . . Line of Best Fit for Per Cents of Development of Childhood Cycle in Standing Height, Case 343M . . . . . . . Semi-Logarithmic Curve of Second Cycle Residuals Obtained from First Cycle Equation Constants in Standing Height, Case 3A3M . . . . . . . Line of Best Fit for Per Cents of Development of Adolescent Cycle in Standing Height, Case 343M . . . . . . . . . . Graph of Per Cents of CompositeEquation Error for Standing Height, Skeletal Age, and Mental Age . . . . . . Standing Height--Curve of Equation Constants and Mean Measurements . . . . . . Skeletal Age--Curve of Equation Constants and Mean Measurements. . . . . . . . Mental Age—~Curve of Equation Constants and Mean Measurements. . . 33 AA 49 53 57 6O 71 73 7a 75 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND DEFINITION OF TERMS USED Testimony to the fact that man has long been seeking to discover the mysteries of growth among his own species is borne out in the voluminous literature to be found. Many of the early studies which dealt with aspects of growth in the human organism were cross-sectional in nature, and in their quest to find the "normal" person they actually obscured traits of growth within the individual.1 It is to Gueneau de Montbeillard‘e’3 that present day investigators are indebted for his pioneering work (1759-1776) in the individual method of analyzing growth data, which today has come to be known as the "longitudinal" method of studying human growth and development. Since Montbeillard's time, data collecting methods have improved vastly, new techniques of growth analysis have been continuously applied, and the lFranz Boas, "Observations on the Growth of Children," Science, LXXI (July, 1930), pp. 44-48. 2R. E. Scammon, "The First Scriatim Study of Human Growth," American Journal 9: Physical Anthropology, X, No. 3 (1927): P. 333. 3Count de Buffon, "Sur l'accroissement successif des enfants, Gueneau de Montbeillard mesure de 1759 a 1776," Oefivres Completes, Paris: Furne and Pie, 1873, Vol. III, 17 ~176. search for the answer to the nature of human growth has come more and more into a science of its own. I. THE PROBLEM Statement of the Problem It was the purpose of this investigation to analyze longitudinal data for sixty-six boys of school age with respect to growth in standing height, mental age, and skeletal age. The sixty-six cases were selected from the Third Harvard Growth Study which was inaugurated in 1922 in the Psycho-Educational Clinic of the Harvard Graduate School of Education.“ The major problem was to determine growth relationships in the three aspects of development with respect to beginning and end points of adolescent development. Statement of Hypotheses The statement of the major purpose led to the formu- lation of fknu' major hypotheses. The hypotheses were (I) that growth is multi-cyclic in nature, and that two major cycles of growth would be evident from the data which were analyzed, inasmuch as no data were available for the early childhood cycle; (2) that the use of suitable statistical tests would reveal positive correlative relationships among LHM. F. Dearborn, J. W. Rothney, and F. K. Shuttleworth, ’"Data on the Mental and Physical Growth of Childrenfl' Monogra hs of the Societ for Research in Child Development, III. 0. 1 T3387. pp I436? '0‘. 4)... the three aspects of development, i.e., standing height, mental age, and skeletal age; (3) that physical aspects of growth in the individual show relationships to the mental growth data; and (4) that the correlation among the three aspects of development at the time when the adolescent cycle of growth begins would be positively significant. Secondary Problems In the analysis of longitudinal data for the purpose of investigating related aspects of growth at beginning and end points of adolescent development, a number of pertinent secondary problems arose. Such problems, which may be regarded as essential to the investigation of the major problem, included (1) the selection of a suitable mathe- matical formula which would reduce the observed measurements to common units which could then be used for comparative purposes; (2) the consideration of other growth variables which may be compared in order to investigate growth rela- tionships, such as extra- and intra-growth relationships among the growth constants, represented by rates of growth within cycles of development, and beginning and end points of cycles; and (3) the consideration of ethnic and cultural influences upon growth and development. II. IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY The fundamental tenets which underly this study and influence its approach, its method, and its recommendation should be pointed out as having profound implications for those who are concerned with the nature of human growth and development and for education and learning. The need for such research and the value of the longitudinal approach to the study of human growth and development was recognized by Boas. He stated that: The general growth curve of man has long been known, but we have little evidence in regard to the growth of individuals who ultimately reach various statures. For this purpose it is necessary to follow the individ- ual growth from childhood to the adult stage. Some material of this kind has been collected but not 5 enough to give adequate insight into the phenomena. Adkins noted the importance of using results of longi- tudinal research for increased understanding of child growth and development when she stated that: Although the "wholeness" of each child, in its developmental aspects is best revealed by individual case studies, the fact remains that if no generali— zations can be extracted from such records they cannot6have the greatest of practical scientific value. Probably the first investigator to provide conclusive evidence to the effect that cross~sectional studies do not produce the same results as longitudinal studies was Stewart, whose pioneering efforts were reported in 1916.7 5Franz Boas "Studies in Growth," A Journal 9£_Human Biology, IV (1932), p. 307. "‘”‘"" "“"‘ 6Margaret M. Adkins, et al, "Physique, Personality and Scholarship," Mono a he of the Society for Research in Chiid-Development,“VTIIEII9H3TT'p. 5. 7S. F. Stewart, "Physical Growth and School Standing of Boys," Journal 2£_Educational Psychology, VII (1916), pp. 414-426. of. fp’l kl.._.;.9t . .x‘ .335... v I, 3.13. 2...». p... . 3.... . ..._.... r. . . . r ._ . . Subsequent investigations by other researchers have lent 8,9,10,11 This investi- substance to Stewart‘s findings. gation was designed with the purpose of providing another link in the chain of longitudinal investigations which have been cited as providing a more adequate basis on which to evaluate the growing organism as a dynamic whole. It is neither the process nor the cold facts of growth relation- ships which lend value to such a study, however, but rather the implications of the findings for increased understanding of the "whole" child. Courtis has made a significant statement in this regard: The most recent book on Educational Measurement (American Council on Education, 1951) in its 819 pages gives ample proof that measurement gets one nowhere in education; that the dry rot of meaningless juggling of statistical symbols has taken the place of critical thinking and productive experiment. In a society in which more and more emphasis is being placed upon the guidance of individuals for the utilization 8Ethel Abernethy, "Relationships Between Mental and Physical Growth, " Monogra hs of the Society for Research in Child Development, I, 1N0. (I936), pp. 66-70. 9H. Gray and T. G. Ayres, Growth-in Private School Children (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1931). loH. Gray and A. M. Walker, "Length and Weight " American Journal of Physical Anthropology, IV (1921), 23I-238. 11Arthur R. DeLong,'"The Relative Usefulness of Longi- tudinal and Cross-Sectional Data," Paper presented at a meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, March 26,1955. 128. A. Courtis, Toward a Science of Education (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Edwaras Eros. pp. of potential abilities to the highest possible degree, it seems essential that those who hold the responsibility for such guidance be apprised of all possible knowledge of the nature of growth of the individual in order to perform the task efficiently. With this purpose in mind this investi- gation was undertaken. III. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The greatest single limitation of a longitudinal study of this type lies in the fact that the collection of longi- tudinal data is necessarily so time consuming that often more precise methods of data collection are discovered before any analysis can take place. This is a weakness in the case of the skeletal age measurements. At the time that the Harvard Growth data were collected, the best available standards for the assessment of skeletal age were those which had been presented by Todd13 and which he later published in his Atlas_2£ Skeletal Maturation (Hand').ll‘L Until 1950, his Atlas and the radio-graphic standards of Flory15 were the only scales available for the assessment 13W. F. Dearborn, et a1, op. cit., p. 9. 14T. Wingate Todd, Atlas of Skeletal Maturation (Hand) (St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Company, l937)f’ 'I— 15Charles D. Flory, "Osseous Development in the Hand as an Index of Skeletal Development," Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, I, MOI—3 (1936). of the skeletal age of a child during the entire postnatal osseous stage as based upon sequence of appearance of the intermediate skeletal maturity indicators of bones.16 Since 1950, three additional standards have been published.17 A more detailed report of the study by Pyle as to the effect of the difference in standards in interpreting skeletal age ofinfants will be included in Chapter II of this thesis. It is sufficient to note here that current research has raised serious questions in reference to earlier studies dealing with the assessment of skeletal age. Time is a factor not only in the collection of the data, but also in the analysis of each case. Because of this, often too few cases are selected to make it possible to subject the data to parametric statistical analysis. It is for this reason that the Harvard Growth data represents probably the most complete set of longitudinal data on school age children which is currently available. IV. DEFINITION OF TERMS Growth The term growth, as used throughout this thesis, shall refer to a phase of the total development of the organism. 16s. Idell Pyle, "Effect of the Difference in Stan- dards in Interpreting Skeletal Age of Infants," Merrill- Palmer Quarterly, IV, No. 2 (Winter, 1958), p. 75. 17lbid. Development The term development will be used to describe the general organization of the individual and organismic change in the total organism. Growth Curve The growth curve for the individual represents the total pattern of development in a given trait or in total organismic structure. Growth Cycle A ggowth cycle is the representative growth curve for a given trait within a given developmental period. Organismic Growth The concept of organismic growth, as used in this paper, holds that the human individual is a biological organism whose growth takes place as a complex organismic whole and not as segmented parts. Rate Rate refers to the increment of growth in a particular aspect of development. It is variable from individual to individual and from one stage or cycle of development to another. Incipiency Incipiency represents the beginning point of growth in a given developmental aspect, within a given growth cycle. Maximum The term.maximum refers to the maturity point toward which an individual is growing in a given trait in a given cycle of growth. The term is also used to indicate the maturity points of total development of a given trait. Isochron Isochron is the name given to the lolog value of a per cent of total development in a given aspect of growth. A more detailed discussion of the isochron as a maturation unit will be presented in Chapter III, Section II, which deals with methodology. Growth Constant A ggowth constant represents a variable which charac- terizes the elements by which growth may be analyzed. The three constants involved in the Courtis technique, using the Gompertz equation, are: incipiency, rate, and maximum. Courtis Technique The Courtis technique is a method of growth analysis which was devised by S. A. Courtis18 and utilizes the Gompertz formula for describing a simplex growth curve. 18$. A. Courtis, "Maturation Units for the Measure- ment of Growth," School and Society, XXX (1929), pp. 683- 690. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Extensive research into the related aspects of various growth processes of the child has been reported in the research literature pertaining to child growth and develop- ment. Several authors have presented exhaustive reviews of 1,2,3,“ the literature at various times. Comprehensive bibliographies have also been compiled.5’6 Scammon noted 1Richard E. Scammon, "The Literature of the Growth and Physical Development of the Fetus, Infant, and Child: AuQuagtitative Summary," Anatomical Records (1927), pp. 2 1-2 7. 2Howard V. Meredith, "Physical Growth of White Children: A Review of American Research Prior to 1900," Monographs of the Society for Research 22 Child Development, I, No.2 (1936). 3Review of Educational Research. Vol. III (April,l933); Vol. VI (FebruEFy, 1936); V61. IX (February, 1939); Vol. X (Dec. 1941); Vol. XIV (Dec. 1944); Vol. XX (Dec. 1950); Vol. XXII (Dec. 1952); and Vol. XXVI (June, 1956). “Wilton M. Krogman, "The Physical Growth of Children: An Appraisal of Studies 1950-1955," Mono raphs of the Society for Research io;Chilo_Developmen , XX, SErIEI No. ‘66?“N67‘I"(1 55 . 5Children's Bureau of the United States Department of Labor, References on the Physical Growth and Development of the Normal Child, 1927, No. 179. 6Bird T. Baldwin, "Physical Growth of Children from Birth to Maturity," University'o£ Iowa Studies lo Child Welfare, I, No. 1 (19217. 11 that "the research literature pertaining to human physical growth is literally voluminous."7 The present review will, therefore, confine itself to a sampling of the studies per- tinent to the problem. Anthropometric Studies Much of the early anthropometric research was of a cross-sectional nature and revealed little information as to the individual nature of growth. Baldwin reports, how- ever, that, as early as 1700 Sir Joshua Reynolds called attention, in an address delivered before the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, to the differences in the measurements of the human form from childhood to adult life. But it was to M. Quetelet, who coined the word anthropometry, that credit should be given for t8€ first scientific study of physical growth in 1836. Longitudinal Data In 1873 Buffon9 reported the studies of Geneau de Montbeillard which were actually the first records of a longitudinal study as it is known today. In America, Dicksonlo is credited with having been the first person to collect anthropometric data on children. ..... 7R. E. Scammon, op. cit. 8Bird T. Baldwin, "Physical Growth and School Progress," Bulletin 10, United States Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C., 1941, p. 142. 9Buffon, op; cit. lOSamuel Henry Dickson, "Some Additional Statistics of Height and Weight," Charleston Medical Journal and Review, XIII, No. 4 (1858). 12 Although the data which he collected and reported in 1858 were analyzed cross-sectionally, it is of significance to describe here since it represented a pioneering effort in collection and analysis. The first American study employing the longitudinal method was that undertaken by the Harvard Medical School h.11 and reported by Bowditc In his 1872 report, he ex- hibited a diagram showing the rate of growth in height in the two sexes. The curves of growth in height and the abscisses gave the age in years and the ordinates in height in feet and inches. These curves represented the average measurements of thirteen girls and twelve boys. He reports that:- An examination of the curves shows the following facts: 1. Growth is most rapid during the early years of life. 2. During the first twelve years boys are from one to two inches taller than girls of the same age. 3. At about twelve and a half years of age girls begin to grow faster than boys and during the fourteenth year are about one inch taller than boys of the same age. 4. At fourteen and a half years of age boys again become taller, girls having at this period nearly completed their growth, while boys con- tinue to grow rapidly till nineteen years of age}2 This report represented the first of many later studies reported by Bowditch. In 1877 he reported a study, the pur- pose of which was "to determine the rate of growth of the 11H. P. Bowditch, "Comparative Rate of Growth in the Two Sexes," Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, X (1872), pp. 434-435. l2Ibid. _ l 3 human race under the conditions which Boston represents."l3 The subjects were 24,595 Boston school children of both sexes, aged five to nineteen years. Stature was measured without shoes, body weight in ordinary clothing was recorded, and the nationality of the parents as well as the birth place of the children was reported.lLL In a paper read at the thirty-second annual meeting of the American Medical Association in 1881,15 he indicated further research in his pioneering efforts to analyze growth longitudinally. At that time Bowditch presented a graph Showing the rate of growth of a girl between two and three years and the relationship between growth and disease.16 It was obvious that Bowditch recognized the value of longi- tudinal records in determining growth relationships when he said: It must not be supposed that loss of weight in a growing child is in every instance a percursor of actual disease. The weight of a healthy child is liable to oscillations within limits which have yet 13H. P. Bowditch, "The Growth of Children," Eighth Annual Report, Massachusetts State Board of Health (I877), 276. 59‘ lulbid. ” 15H. P. Bowditch, "The Relation Between Growth and Disease," Transactions of the American Medical Association, XXXII (1881), 371-377. 161mm , p. 375. 14 to be determined. It is only by systematic obser- vations on an extensive scale that the real impor- tance of this branch of preventive medicine can be ascertained.1 Following the example set by Bowditch, Peckham,l8 in 1881 reported a study of Milwaukee school children in which he pointed out similarities in rate of growth to Bowditch's findings, but pointed out differences which may have been due to environment and ethnic origin. In 1882 he reported body weight means for young children based on measurements of one hundred boys and one hundred twenty girls.19 An attempt to compare the rate of growth of normal and feeble-minded children was reported by Tarbell20 in 1883. In this report he concluded that growth of the two sexes of feeble-minded children follows a similar course to that of the two sexes of public school children except that the adolescent acceleration is delayed about two 17Ibid., p. 376. 18George W. Peckham, "The Growth of Children," Sixth Annual Report State Board of Health of Wisconsin (18811), pp. lxxiv-146. 19George W. Peckham, "Various Observations on Growth, Seventh Annual Report, State Board of Health of Wisconsin, PuElIc Document No I4 (I882 m) WJI88. 20G. G. Tarbell, "On the Height, Weight and Relative Rate of Growth of Normal and Feeble-Minded Children," Pro- ceedings of the Association of Medical Officers of American InSEitut tions of Idiotic and FeebleéMinded Persons, PhIlaael- phia, Pa.: LippIHEEEE‘(I8837, 188-189. 15 years.21 Thus, Tarbell, at this early date implied the relationship between patterns of physical and mental growth. It is significant that this first American study of the physical growth of feeble-minded children contributed its findings with the caution that they "may be proved to be erroneous by a larger number of observations."22 Several of the early studies noted the difference in patterns of growth in the two sexes, as well as evidence which pointed to the "adolescent spurt" which today's researchers recognize as the adolescent cycle of growthg3’24’25 Stephenson noted that, "the well-marked retardation of growth in the ninth and eleventh years is a fact to which attention has not previously been drawn, but will doubtless be found to have important clinical bearings."26 Bowditch noted that the growth curves showed marked differences between 2llbid., p. 188. 22Ibid.. p. 189. 23William Stephenson, "On the Rate of Growth in Children," Translated from International Medical Congress Ninth Session, Washington, III (1887). 446-452. 24H. P. Bowditch, "The Growth of Children, Studies by Galton's Method of Percentile Grades," Twenty-Second Annual Report, State Board of Health of Massachusetts,IPubliC Document No. 34 (189I7, 479-5227 25L. M. Greenwood, "Heights and Weights of Children," Twentieth Annual Re ort of the Board of Education of the XEnsas‘City PuEIio gcfiooI§,EKEnsaS'CiE§,7Missouri, 1890- 189I, Kansas CIty, Missouri:’Electric PrintIng Co., 1891. 26 Stephenson, op. cit., p. 452. l6 sexes at the adolescent period, but were found to be similar 27 for each measurement on a given sex. Greenwood found that for all groups studied, girls exceeded boys in both stature and weight at thirteen and fourteen years, further evidence of the "adolescent spurt."28 Another of the pioneers in studying growth longitud- inally was Franz Boas. In 1892, commenting on the value of longitudinal data for the study of physical and mental growth, he observed that: In order to carry out such a plan, it would be nec- essary to organize a bureau with sufficient clerical help to carry on the work. The questions underlying physical and mental growth are of fundamental impor- tance for hygiene and education, and we hope the time may not be far disgant when a work of this character can be undertaken. Mental Growth Thus the search for understanding growth of the human individual was launched, by pioneers who were primarily interested in anthropometric measurements. The turn of the century found psychologists and educators becoming more and more interested in the mental growth of the child, and in particular, the relationships of physical and mental traits. 27Bowditch, "The Growth of Children Studied by Galton's Method of Percentile Grades," op. cit. 28 Greenwood, op.'cit. 29Franz Boas, "Growth of Children," Science, XX:516 (1892), 351-352. _.__.__.__ 17 Conventional correlation techniques applied to mental and physical traits revealed positive but low relationships. Whipple, in 1914, reported that: The apparent correlation between height and mental ability raises an important question which reappears whenever we discuss the correlation between any physical trait, e.g., weight, strength, vital capacity, etc., and mental ability. The trend of evidence is to the effect that all such correlations, where found, are largely explicable as phenomena of growth, i.e., as correlations with relative maturity. . . . This makes intelligible the fact that, in general, the positiveness of all such correlations lessens with age, and that many of them, indeed, become difficult or impossible of demonstration in adults.30 Credited as the pioneer investigator of the relation- ships between intelligence of School children and indices of physical growth, however, was Porter,31 who in 1893, reported the first investigation of this sort. Baldwin,32 in 1914, described his work as the "first attempt to follow consecutively some groups of Children through the elementary and high School, either in physical growth and school standing or the relation of the two." 3OGuy Montrose Whiplle, Manual of Mental and Physical Tests, Part I (Baltimore: Warwick aha—York, 1914), p. 71. 31William Townsend Porter, "The Physical Basis of Precocity and Dullness," Transaotions of the Academy of Sci. of St. Louis, VI, NoiI7‘le93), IEIJIBI. 32Baldwin, "Physical Growth and School Progress," op; cit}, p. 7. 18 The first height-weight norms to receive general attention in this country were those published by Wood in 1910.33 As more research was undertaken, others began to realize the value of the longitudinal approach and pointed out limitations of cross-sectional studies. One of the first to recognize that the pattern Shown by averaging the growth of a group of children had little relationship to the pattern of individual growth was Stewart, who recorded some interesting conclusions in 1916.34 He pointed out that: 1. when we consider averages of groups of the same age, the group one year ahead of the normal grade averages both heavier and taller than the group of the normal grade. In some cases the group one year below the normal average both heavier and taller than the group of the normal grade. 2. When individual curves and correlations are con- sidered without reference to the size of the boy or to his stage of development, it is difficult to see any relation between physical growth and school standing. 3. When individual curves and correlations are con- sidered, together with the size of the body at fourteen years of age and his stage of development, the following are suggested: a. Heavy or tall boys of early development rank better than light boys of early or medium development. 33T. D. Wood, "Health Examination," Ninth Yearbook, National Society for'the’Study'of Education, IX, Part I (19107, 34-25. 3&8. F. Stewart, "Physical Growth and School Standing of Boys," Journal'of Educational Psychology, VII (1916), 426. 19 b. Light boys of late development rank better than light boys of early or medium develop- ment. Short boys of late development do not rank high. c. Boys of medium size or of medium period of development are hard to classify, though a majority of them appogr to be doing school work of medium rank. Attempts to correlate measurements of mental capacity with those of physical growth have been numerous. Abernethyes summarizes the studies by observing that the general con— clusion indicates that mental and physical measurements of children are to some extent positively related.36 In 1920, Professor Frank N. Freeman protested the~r~ customary identification of mental maturity with superiority in intellectual capacity and stated that the only means of distinguishing between the leval of capacity which the individual will ultimately reach and the rate of maturing of that capacity is through repeated measurements up to maturity.37 AS the search for relationships between mental and physical aspects of growth progressed, several investigators employed techniques which Showed the growth curves of 35Ibid. * 36Ethel Abernethy, "RelationshipsBetween Mental and Physical Growth," Monographs of the Sociepy for Research 2E Child Development, I, No. 7 (I9367, p. 1. 37Ibid., p. 2. *— 20 individuals in the two aspects of development and the rela- tionship of mental and physical growth as a function of the total organism.38’39’uo’ul Stolz and Stolz in presenting a detailed case history of one boy showed the relationship between physical and social development.“2 In 1955, Greenshields43 presented some interesting data which raised another serious question as to the reli- ability of I Q. test scores when other aspects of growth are not considered, and pointed out that "it is of necessity to know something of the individual's total develop- ment before adequate appraisal can be made in a specific area of growth."1m 38Bird T. Baldwin, "Relation Between Mental and Physical Growth," Journal of Educational Psychology, XIII (April, 1932), 193-293. '—_ 39Donald G. Paterson, Physique and Intellect (New York: The Century Co., 193OT. uoCharles D. Flory, "The Physical Growth of Mentally Deficient Boys," Monographs of the Society for Research $2 Child Development, I, No. 6‘TI936). 41W. F. Dearborn, J. W. M. Rothney, Predictipg the Child's Development (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Sci-Art Publishers, Harvard Square, 1941). 42H. R. Stolz and L. M. Stolz, Somatic Development 93 Adolescent Boys (New York: Macmillan Co., 19517. 43C. M Greenshields, "The Relationship Between Con- sistent I.Q.Scores, Decreasing I.Q.Scores, and Reading Scores Compared on a Developmental Basis" (unpublished M.A. thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 1955). qubid., p. 30. 21 Skeletal Maturation Numerous studies have also been presented in the analysis of skeletal maturation. Probably the most complete set of skeletal growth standards up until 1950, was that presented by Todd.LL5 He selected the hand and knee as points which are most stable as indices. An exact repro- duction of the original roentgenograms permits a direct comparison between the standards and the roentgenograms to be assessed. Many other studies have revealed the nature “5,47,48,49,50,5l,52 of skeletal growth. The very close "5T. Wingate Todd, Atlas op Skeletal Maturation (Hand) op. cit. "6H. D. Stuart, P. Hill, and C. Shaw, "Growth of Bone, Muscle, and Overlying Tissues as Revealed by Studies of Roentgenograms of the Leg Area," Mono ra hs of the Society for Research 12 Child Development, V, No.3 (I940),Serial 26. "7S. Idell Pyle and Camille Menino, "Observations on Estimating S eletal Age from the Todd and the Flory Bone Atlases," Child Development, X, No. 1 (March, 1939), 27-34. 48 W. M. Krogman, W. W. Greulick, D. Wechsler, and S. M. Wishik, "The Concept of Maturity from the Anatomical, Physiological, and Psychological Point of View," Child Development, XXI (1950), 25-60. "9Vernette S. Vickers Harding, "Time Schedule for the Appearance of Fusion of a Secondary Accessory Center of Ossification of the Calcaneous," Child Development, XXIII, No. 3 (1952), 181-184. 50Charles D. Flory, "Osseous Development of the Hand as an Index of Skeletal Development," op. cit. 51Psyche Cattell, "Preliminary Report on the Measure- ment of Ossification of the Hand and Wrist," Human Biology, VI (1934), 454-471. 22 relationship between skeletal and sexual maturity has been amply demonstrated.53’5"’55 Seils56 found, also, a slight relationship between skeletal maturity and motor performance. Bailey, using the Todd standards for skeletal age norms, concluded that: It appears that growth in size is closely related to the maturing of the skeleton. As a given skeletal age we may say that a child has achieved a given proportion of his eventual adult body dimensions. Consequently, mature size can be predicted with fair accuracy 15 a child's present size and skeletal age are known. 7 522Bird T. Baldwin, "Physical Growth of Children from Birth to Maturity," op. cit. 53W. W. Greulich, "The Rationale of Assessing the Developmental Status of Children from Roent enograms of the Hand and Wrist," Child Development, XX 1950), 33-34. 5"Katherine Simmons, "The Brush Foundation Study of Child Growth and Development II--Physica1 Growth and-Devel- opment," Mono raphs of the Society for Research $2 Child Development, X, SerIElIND. 37 (1944), l-87T 55Frank K. Shuttleworth, "Sexual Maturation and the Skeletal Growth of Girls Age Six to Nineteen," Monographs op the Society for Research pp Child Development, III, No. 5, Serial No. 18*(1938). 56Leroy Seils, "The Relationship Between Measures of Physical Growth and Gross Motor Performance of Primary Grade School Children," Research Quarterl of the American Association o3 Health, XXII (Ma , 1941), 244:260. 57Nancy Bayley, "Skeletal Maturing in Adolescense as as Basis for Determining Percentage of Completed Growth," Child Development, XIV, No. l (19 3), pp. 44-45. 23 These conclusions were further corroborated in a later study.58 In spite of the many scientific efforts to adequately assess the nature of skeletal maturity in the growing organism, much more research is still needed. In evaluating Skeletal X-rays as indicators of skeletal maturity, Bailey, in 1940, noted that: Little is known as yet concerning individual differ- ences in the pattern of Skeletal maturation. The prediction of individual maturing . . . must ait upon the further study of longitudinal data.5 She concluded that: All clinical norms now available for skeletal develop- ment have the same defect as mental age scales, in that they are dependent on chronological age. This forces the average curve of growth into a straight line, failing to g63tinguish the period of rapid and slow development. Since 1950, however, three additional standards for the assessment of Skeletal age have been published. They 58Nancy Bayley, "Size and Body Build of Adolescents in Relation to Rate of Skehatal Maturing," Child Development, XIV, No. 2 (1943), 47-89. 59Nancy Bayley, "Skeletal X-Rays as Indicators of Maturity," Journal o3 Consulting Psychology, IV (1940), 72. 6OIbid., pp. 70-71. 24 62 63 61 Speijer, and Mackay. are those of Greulich and Pyle, The different components of the scales of Todd, Flory, Greulich and Pyle, Speijer, and Mackay is pointed out by Pyle as being that of temporal spacing.6" On this point she writes: In 1939, differences in the temporal spacing of the osseous features in the Flory and Todd standard were analyzed according to assessments of the films of the Fels Research Institute Children who were less than Six years old. From that study and the present one it would seem necessary to include an analysis of the temporal spacing of the standards of reference used for population studies with the skeletal age assessments before conclusions about differences in calcification rates or skeletal ages of groups of children are made. Growth Analysis Many analytical and mathematical methods have been employed to determine the nature of growth. The multi- cyclic nature of the human growth curve is a phenomenon of 61W. W. Greulich and S. I. Pyle, Radiographic Atlas op Skeletal Development op the Hand and WrISt (Stanford, CalIPCrnia: StanPBrd’UniversityIPress, 1950). . 62B. Speijer, Betekenis En. Be aling Van 22 Skeletee- ftyd (Leiden, Holland: A. W} SIthogf's Uitgevers Moats- chappiJ, 1950). 63D H. Mackay, "Skeletal Development in the Hand: A Study of Development in East African Children," Trans- actions, Ro a1 Society op Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 36:I35 (199%). 648. Idell Pyle, "Effect of the Difference in Stan- dard's in Interpreting Skeletal Age of Infants," Merrill- Palmer Quarterly, IV, No. 2 (Winter, 1958), p. 8 . 65Ibid., p.87. ... 3. . t. 2., .6. .o. r. w... to 25 growth which has challenged investigators during this cen- tury. Davenport pointed out that there is at least more 66 than one cycle. One of the earliest presentations of the Cyclic pattern of growth was that of Scammon67 in 1927. Using Montbeillard's data, he indicated that the growth curve showed four phases. The theory that growth Shows a pattern of four phases was supported by Shuttleworth68 and he demonstrated very striking differences in growth patterns of early and late maturing girls in aspects of physical growth.69 the concept of a single cycle of growth was also 0 challenged by Wallis,7 Meredith,71 Gray,72 and Count.73 66C. B. Davenport, "Human Growth Curve,‘ loc. cit. 67R. E. Scammon, "The First Scriatim Study of Human Growth," op. cit. 68Frank K. Shuttleworth, "The Physical and Mental Growth of Girls and Boys Age Six to Nineteen in Relation to Age at Maximum Growth," Monogpaphs 23.222 Societ ‘pop Research pp Child Development, IV) No. 3 (1939). 69Frank K. Shuttleworth, "Sexual Maturation and the Physical Growth of Girls Age Six to Nineteen," Monographs of the Society for Research pp_Child Development, II, No. '5—(1937W 7ORuth Wallis, "How Children Grow," University_op Iowa Studies pp Child Welfare, V, No. l (1930). 71H. V. Meredith, "The Rhythm of Physical Growth," Univorsity op Iowa Studies pp_Child Welfare, XI (l935),l-l28. 72Horace Gray, "Individual Growth Rates from Birth to Maturity for Fifteen Physical Traits," Human Biology, XIII (1941). 306-333. 73Earl W. Count, "Growth Patterns of the Human Physi- que--An Approach to Kinetic Anthropometry," Human Biology, XV (1943), 1-32. 26 The nature of growth curves was described by Freeman and Flory in 1937: These curves severally and jointly show, first, a slight acceleration in pre-adolescence, second a moderate decline in rate of growth beginning in early adolescence, and third, a continuance with very little further decline in rate to the end of the adolescent period, or nineteen or twenty years. 74 A critical evaluation of current literature dealing with growth curves may be found by referring to Shock,75 Tanner?6 and Jensen.77 Several equations have been utilized with the purpose of determining the cycles of growth. These include those of Pearl and Reed,78 Huxley Frank N. Freeman and Charles D. Flory, "Growth in Intellectual Ability as Measured by Repeated Tests," Mono ra he of the Society for Research in Child Development, I , o. , SErial No. 9 (1937), 88. '7— 75Nathan S. Shock, "Growth Curves," in Handbook op Experimental Psychology, edited by S. S. Stevens ew York: Wiley and Sons, 1951), p. 336. 76J. M. Tanner, "Some Notes on the Reporting of Growth Data," Human Biology. XXIII (1951), 93-159. 77Kai Jensen, "Physical Growth," in Review op Edu- cational Research, XXII (December, 1952), 39I-420. 8 . 7 R. Pearl and L. J. Reed, "Skew Growth Curves,‘ proceedings of the National Academy of Science, XI (1925), 16-22. W 27 and Thissler,79 Jenss and Bayley,80’81 Davenport,82 Gray,83 84 and Courtis. Other methods have also been presented. Burgess presented a height chart using percentile curves in 1937.85 Norms of growth variability were utilized by 86,87,88,89 others. 79R. Huxley and S. Thissler, "Standardixation of Growth Formula," Nature, Vol. 137 (May 9, 1936), 780-781. 80R. M Jenss and N. Bayley, "A Mathematical Method for Studying Growth of a Child," Human Biology, IX (1937), 556- 563 81Nancy Bayley, "Predicting Height of Children," Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, 1955. 82C. B. Davenport,"Interpretation of Certain Infantile Growth Curves," Growth, I (December 1937), 279-283. 83Horace Gray "Individual Growth Rates," Human Biology, XIII (1941), 306- 333 Bus. A. Courtis, "Maturation Units for the Measure- ment of Growth," School and Society, XXX (1929), 683-690. 85M. A. Burgess, "The Construction of Two Height Charts," Journal of the American Statistical Association XXXII (193777-29of314. 86Meinhard Robinow, "The Variability of Weight and Height Increments from Birth to Six Years," Child Develop- ment, XIII, No. 2 (1942), 159-164. 87Read D. Tuddenham and Margaret M. Snyder, "Physical Growth of California Boys and Girls from Birth to Eighteen Years, " University of California Publications in Child Developmefit, I, ‘No. 2 (1954), I83- 364. 88K. Simmons and T. W. Todd, "Growth of Well Children: Analysis of Stature and Weight, Three Months to Thirteen Years," Growth, II (1938), 93-134. 28 One of the most widely known and used methods for plotting relationships of height and weight was that pre- sented by Wetzel.90 The method utilizes a "channelwise grid" sheet for plotting height and weight relationships in such a manner that normal growth should follow a straight line. This method has since been challenged as one which 91 truly describes normal growth by Garn who showed that channelwise progression is not common in girls, and that the grid construction does not fully correct for changes in 92 body form during growth and development. Krogman also concluded that: Height and weight alone (and hence the Grid) cannot substitute for basic skeletal age in assessing the maturation 8% the child in terms of "advanced" or "retarded." 89L. W. Sontag and E. L. Reynolds, "The Fels Composite Sheet: A Practical Method for Analyzing Growth Progress," Journal 23 Pediatrics, XXVI (1945), 327-335. 90Norman C. Wetzel, The Treatment of Growth Failure in Children (Cleveland: N. E. A. “Services, Inc. 1948), and The Motion of Growth--Theoretical Foundations," Growth, I (April 1937) “‘— 91 Stanley Marion Garn, "Individual and Group Deviations from 'Channelwise‘ Grid Progression in Girls," Child Develop- ment, XXIII, No. 3(September, 1952). 92W. M. Krogman, "A Handbook of the Measurement and Interpretation of Height and Weight in the Growing Child," Mono ra hs of the Society for Research in Child Develop- men fl, XIII, _No. 3, Serial No. 93 Ibid., p. 63. 29 A method of graphically plotting growth of children from one to nineteen years of age was devised by Bayer and 9" The chart showed the relation of the individual to Gray. the average of the group. Meredith95 devised a method of predicting stature through the use of T-scores. Another widely used method of growth analysis known as the "Organismic Age" was devised by Olson and Hughes.96 They developed growth ages in months for physical growth such as dental, carpal, height, weight, and grip. The average of such growth measurements was then plotted as the total "organismic age" of the growing child. Olson and Hughes pointed out the inefficiency of cross-sectional analyses of growth data as is indicated in Figure 1.97 If line A represents growth in height of one boy and line B represents growth in height of another individual, then the dotted line would represent the average for the two, 4 9 L. M Bayer and H. Gray, "Plotting of a Graphic Record of Growth for Children Aged One to Nineteen Years," American Journal of Diseases of Children, L (1935), 1408-17. 95H. v. Meredith, "The Prediction of Stature," Human Biology, VIII (1936), 279-283. ‘""""' 96W. C. Olson and Byron 0. Hughes, "Growth of the Child as,a Whole," in Barker, Kounin and Wright, Child Behavior and Development (New York: McGraw-Hill Book 50mpany,'T§43). 97W. C. Olson and Byron O. H hes, Manual for the Description of Growth in Age UnitS‘ Ann Arbor, Michigan: Uhiversity of7MichIgan Elementary School, 1950), p. 22. I. I {.01 .0 n (II- I It I. .\..\ .. i .4 4 II I will; 1)?)3‘3.‘ Z. AI v ‘ a(J «7 pr» n/ 1,. A‘d .(d ~ axe num< 81m « fiv- JIIIII) j Height Age 32 2O 17-. Figure l. 30 Average Height Growth B - l ‘J _L '4 j r T r 28 30 34 36 38 Age in Months Variation in Rate of Individual Height Growth 31 and does not truly represent growth in height of either boy. The "organismic age" method, they feel, holds real value for the field of education in that it represents a means of studying growth relationships longitudinally.98 Bloomers99 applied the "organismic age" concept to selected data and noted "some relatedness in rate of growth among various physical measures." He obtained a correlation coefficient of .57 between height age and weight age. The most serious criticism aimed at the organismic age theory was that of Tyler.100 He utilized Cattell's P-TechniquelOl to study the interrelatedness of growth among physical characteristics during adolescence, and concluded that there was no common factor of relatedness of growth in twelve areas. In a later article, however, he admits that: No doubt there are important relationships among growth of testesand certain aspects of growth or development of learning. These related character- istics are more likely to be in the realm of physical 98W. C. Olson, Child Development (Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1949), pp. 19-29. 99F. Bloomers, et al, "The OrganismicA e Concefi," Journal of Educational Psychology, XLVI (1955, 142 l 8. lOOFred T. Tyler, "Concepts of Organismic Growth--A Critigue," Journal of Educational Psychology, XLIV (1953), 321 3 2 101R. B. Cattell, "P- -Technique, A New Method for Analyzing the Structure of Personal Motivation," Trans- actions of the New York Academy of Science, XIV (11951), EgT§ET‘* ““““ 32 growth, and possibly in social and emotional learning than in academic learning . 02 The work of S. A. Courtis103 in presenting a formula for the analysis of maturation and the prediction of growth has represented one of the most valuable contributions to the field. In presenting his formula, he notes the efforts of Verhulst (1838), Mitscherlich (1909), Robertson (1913), Thurston (1919), Pearl and Reed (1920), Spillman (1924), and Brody (1926), each of whom had derived a mathematical formula for analysis of growth.104 The Courtis method is based on the Gompertz equation which was reported by Benjamin Gompertz in 1825.105 A detailed description of the Courtis method will be made in Chapter III of this thesis under Methodology. Courtis describes the Gompertz formula as being simple, subject to direct experimental verification of the meaning of the various constants; having rational, objective explan- ation; and one which represents a universal relationship lOQFred T. Tyler, "Organismic Growth: Sexual Maturity and Progress in Reading," Journal of Educational Psychology, XLVI (1955), 85-93. 1038. A. Courtis, "Maturation Units for the Measure- ment of Growth," op cit., p. 686. 1048. A. Courtis, Maturation Units and How to Use Them (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Edwards Bros., 1950), pp. 179-180. lO5Benjamin Gompertz, "0n the Nature of the Function Expressive of the Law of Human Mortality," Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London for theIYear 1825, Part I'CStTfiJames_PalI MalI:_W. Nicol, Prifiters to the Royal Society, CXV (1825), Ch. XXIV), pp. 513-585. 33 between the factors involved in all biologic maturations.106 His research substantiates this statement and points out 107,108, the multi-cyclic nature of growth by use of the formula. 109 Millard's use of the Courtis method has shown three 10 cycles of growth.1 In 1940 he presented a study which showed the extent to which the Gompertz function adequately describes growth.111 At that time he noted that: The conclusion must be made that the concept of norms needs revision. Evidence such as that shown in this study illustrates the injustice done many children by comparing their performances with so- called norms which so inadequately describe the true nature of growth. 106s. A. Courtis, loc. cit. 107s. A. Courtis, The Measurement of Growth (Ann Arbor: Michigan: Brumfield and Brumfield, 195277 1088. A. Courtis, "The Prediction of Growth," Journal .2: Educational Research, XXVI (1933), 481-492. 1098. A. Courtis, "Maturation as a Factor in Diagnosis," Thirty-Fourth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study §ZfEducation (1935), 1691187: llOCecil V. Millard, Child Growth and Development in the Elementary School Years (Boston: D. C. Heath and com:— pany;_I951), p.65. 111Cecil v. Millard, "The Nature and Character of Pre- Adolescent Growth in Reading Achievement," Child Development, XI, No. 2 (1940), 71-114. 112Ibid., p. 105. *— ‘0’! .5 1.1 . "o 34 An early evaluation by Winsor of the Gompertz curve as a growth curve has provided a valuable critique on the function. He reported that: The Compertz curve and the logistic possess similar qualities which make them useful for the empirical representation of growth phenomena. It does not appear that either curve has any substantial advantage over the other in range of phenomena which it will fit. Each curve has three arbitrary constants, which correspond essentially to the upper asymptote, the time origin, and the time unit or "rate constant;" . It has been found in practice that the logistic gives good fit on material showing an inflection midway between the asymptotes. No such extended ex- perience with the Gompertz curve is yet available, but it seems reasonable to expect that it will give good fits on material showing an inflection when about thirty-seven per cent of the total growth has been completed. Generalizations of both curves are possible, but here again there appears to be no reason to expect any marked differencein the additional freedom provided.11 The sort of extended experience with the use of the Gompertz curve to which Winsor referred has been reported by several researchers. Millardll" has shown the extent to which the Gompertz function adequately describes growth. Other studies which have contributed to the verification of the method are those by Nally,115 Kowitz,116 113C. P. Winsor, "The Gompertz Curve as a Growth Curve," Proceedings of the National Academygf Science, XVIII (1932): 7. 1140. V. Millard, o2.-cit. 115Thomas P. F. Nally, "The Relationship Between Achieved Growth in Height and the Beginning of Growth in Reading" (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan, 1953). 35 Rusch,ll7’118 Udoh,119 Greenshields,120 Holmgren,121 and Wolrerd.122 Meredith attempted to apply the Courtis method to test its usefulness on six cases ages seven to nine years, nine months, using three measures each.123 He made a critical evaluation of the Courtis "universal law" method of prediction of individual growth and reported that it is "considered unsuited to the prediction of individual growth in stature for white males between six and eleven 116Gerald T. Kowitz, "An Exploration into the Rela- tionship of Physical Growth Pattern and Classroom Behavior in Elementary School Children" (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan, 1954). 117Reuben R. Rusch, "The Relationship Between Growth in Height and Growth in Weight" (unpublished Master's thesis, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan, 1954). 118Reuben R. Rusch, "The Cyclic Pattern of Height Growth from Birth to Maturity" (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 1956). 119Ekanem (Benson) Akpan Udoh, "Relationship of Menarche to Achieved Growth in Height" (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 1955). 120C. M. Greenshields, OP- C??- 121Gordon E. Holmgren, "A Study of Relationship of Certain Developmental Measures to Maturity of Boys as In- dicated by Measures of Height" (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 1957). 122Gerald H. Wolferd, "An Evaluation of the Courtis Method in the Study of Growth Relationships" (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State Universit, East Lansing, Mich- igan, 1957)- 123B. V. Meredith, "The Rhythm of Physical Growth," op. cit. 36 '12" Nally and DeLong, however, reworked the Meredith years.‘ material, and found errors in the computations. From their analysis, it was their conclusion that "Courtis' law of growth is applicable for the prediction of growth in stature with an accuracy that is within rigorous scientific limits. ."125 In general, this conclusion was confirmed by Dearborn and Rothney.126 Thus, as the literature was reviewed, an atmosphere of critical analysis seemed to pervade. Krogman stated that "as one views the literature in this field in the past five years one is struck by an atmosphere of ferment and discontent."127 This atmosphere he noted, has engendered a positive rather than a negative attitude. . . . The work now going on, the con- structive criticism being levelled, all permit one to hope, and to expect, that 1955-1960, and there- after will see remarkablg reorientation and considerable progress.12 l2"Ibid., p. 120. 125Thomas P. F. Nally and A. R. DeLong, "An Appraisal of a Method of Predicting Growth," Child Development Labora- tor Publications, Series 11, No. 1, East Lansing, Michigan 1 52). 126w. F. Dearborn and J. w. M. Rothney, Predicting the Child's Development, op. cit., PP. 218-220. 127Wilton M. Krogman, "The Physical Growth of Children: An Appraisal of Studies 1950-1955," op. cit., p. iii. 128Ibid., p. 76. 37 He observed that "a major issue centers around the cross-sectional versus longitudinal, or serial, philoso- phies . . . [and] only from the second can we derive any idea of growth progress."129 It was with such a philosophical frame of reference, and with an earnest desire that a contribution could be made to the scientific approach to longitudinal growth studies, that the present study was undertaken. aaaaaaaaa CHAPTER III PROCEDURE The Data The cases selected for analysis in this study were sixty-six boys whose measurements were reported in the Harvard Growth Study which was inaugurated in the fall of 1922.1 Some thirty-five hundred children were included in the original study which was conducted by the Psycho- Educational Clinic of the Harvard Graduate School of Edu- cation. They represented a population of first grade school children who were entering school in three cities in the vicinity of Boston. Twelve annually repeated measurements were recorded for each subject. The measure- ments included standing height, body weight, sitting height, sternal height, iliac diameter, head length, head width, dental age, skeletal age, mental age, chest depth, and chest breadth. The completed measurements represent longitudinal data for 747 boys and 806 girls, from first grade through senior high school. 1W. F. Dearborn, J. W. Rothney, and F. K. Shuttleworth, "Data on the Mental and Physical Growth of Public School Children," Mono raphs of the Society for Research 13 Child Development, II%, No. l (1938). 39 In appraising the Harvard Study, Shuttleworth points out the classic nature of the data.2 He states that: It is the considered judgment of the writer that the materials of the Harvard Growth Study represent easily the finest collection of longitudinal records available for the study of physical growth during the adolescent period. Better data, in the sense of more data and longer records, will probably never be available. Better data, in the sense of half as many cases followed over as long a period together with either more measurements or more accurate measure- ments or more supplementary data, will not be available for gnalysis within a period of at least fifteen years. The sixty-six cases selected for this study represent a random sampling from the 1553 completed cases on whom measurements in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age measurements were available. A Chi-Square test of "Goodness of Fit" was used to test the sampling distribution of the measurements at age eight for the sixty-six cases. Table I gives the Computed values of Chi-Square for the sampling distribution as well as the critical value of Chi- Square at the ninety-five per cent level of confidence. Examination of the figures in Table I indicates that for all three measurements, the sampling distribution can be assumed to be that of one taken from a normally distributed population, at the ninety-five per cent level of confidence. 2Frank K. Shuttleworth, "The Physical and Mental Growth of Girls and Boys Age Six to Nineteen in Relation to Age at Maximum Growth, " Monographs of the Societ for Research in Child Development, IV, NB'.—37(11939) 3Ibid., p. 6. 40 TABLE I COMPUTED AND CRITICAL x2 VALUES OF OBSERVED MEASUREMENTS IN STANDING HEIGHT,MENTAL AGE, AND SKELETAL AGE OF THE SIXTY-SIX BOYS AT AGE 8 Measurement Computed X2 Critical X2 95 Standing Height 3.68 11.07 Mental Age 10.89 15.51 Skeletal Age 2.67 7.81 In the case of the distribution of observed measure- ments in standing height at age eight, for instance, it can be noted that an observered x2 = 11.07 would need to be obtained before the hyopthesis that the observed measure- ments were those taken from a normally distributed popul- ation could be rejected. The observed value of X2 = 3.68 led to the assumption of normal distribution at the ninety- five per cent confidence level, and represents a value well within the acceptable area. Further observation of Table I leads to the same assumption for all three aspects of development. The observed measurements for each case in standing height, mental age, and skeletal age, as well as the com- puted percentages of total development in each aspect of growth, ethnic origin and socio-economic status may be found in Appendix A of this thesis. Examination of this Al data revealed that the ethnic origin and the socio-economic status in regard to the occupation of the boys' fathers were distributed as indicated in Table II. TABLE II ETHNIC ORIGIN AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS OF THE SIXTY-SIX BOYS Ethnic Origin Frequencies Socio-Economic Frequencies Status* Jewish 2 I A North European 44 II 7 Mixed Stock 2 III 25 Italian 17 IV 18 Negro 1 V A Unknown 8 *I--Professional . II--Semi-professional, large business, important managerial III--Skilled labor, small business, small managerial IV--Semi-skilled labor V--Unskilled labor Methodology In order to analyze longitudinal growth data for the INIPpose of determining coorelative relationships among beginning points and end points of the adolescent cycle of IMIturation, it was necessary first of all to employ a Eillitable mathematical method for determining the multi— Cbflzlic nature of growth in the three developmental aspects Of‘ standing height, skeletal age, and mental age. This Saction will present the mathematical method which was 111Silized as well as the test used to determine the A2 efficiency of the method for prediction of growth in the three aspects, and correlative techniques which were employed. Determination of cycles. The determination of the number of cycles of growth which were present in the meas- urements for each of the sixty-six cases in each of the three developmental aspects (height, skeletal age, and mental age) was made by the utilization of normal probab— ility paper. To do this, each measurement was first reduced to a per cent of maximum development. The measure- ment taken as that representing maximum development in each case was the largest observed measurement in a particular aspect of growth. By way of example, the data for Case 343M is presented in Table III. The observed measurements and computed per cents of development in each developmental aspect for all of the sixty-six cases may be found in Appendix A of this thesis. Figure 2 shows the per cents of development in standing height, mental age, and skeletal age after they have been plotted on normal probability paper and deter- mined by the resulting 1ines of best fit through the plotted points. It can be noted that the lines of best fit in each of the three aspects of growth indicate a two cycle pattern of growth. OBSERVED MEASUREMENTS AND COMPUTED PER CENTS OF DEVELOPMENT IN STANDING HEIGHT, MENTAL AGE, AND SKELETAL AGE FOR CASE 343M TABLE III 43 Age Height % of % of % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 7.11 85.32 1160 68.96 81.90 36.25 78 34.36 8.07 96.84 1207 71.75 117.17 51.87 90 39.64 9.09 109.08 1273 75.68 121.14 53.63 102 44.93 10.08 120.96 1317 78.29 119.14 52.74 113 49.77 11.10 133.20 1363 81.03 146.52 64.86 126 55.50 12.08 144.96 1403 83.41 160.18 70.91 140 61.67 13.08 156.96 1441 85.67 160.80 71.18 151. 66.51 14.08 168.96 1491 88.64 174.02 77.04 167 73.56 15.07 180.84 1571 93.40 184.45 81.65 178 78.41 16.09 193.08 1641 97.56 207.56 91.88 198 87.22 17.09 205.08 1664 98.92 213.28 94.42 214 94.27 18.10 217.20 1682* 100.00 225.88* 100.00 227* 100.00 W *Represents the measurement taken as maximum for computation of per cents of development. b... 1.: B. \IQ 1.3.}..31... 3. . . . .. .q; .2... .._ r; .2” .. .l 5‘ k." Height 44 l J j \0 \O (I) \O l u)?” U1 ‘ + \O O ‘ x Q \ \ \. 4 i \1 CD 0 O 0 § O 588 Per Cent of Development 1 T L0 0 Figure 2. 8 10 l2 l4 l6 18 Age in Years Composite normal probability graph of per cents of total development in standing height, mental age, and skeletal age, for Case 343M, indicating measurements within a given cycle of growth. 45 The usage of normal probability paper for the deter- mination of points which lie within a given cycle is not a new idea. Cornell and Armstrongl‘L utilized the method with good success in determining end of childhood and beginning of adolescent cycles of growth. Their conclusions, after plotting the percentage of development in mental age for each individual at yearly intervals, was that the resulting lines consisted of a straight line between the ages of six or seven, usually up to a point varying for different in- dividuals from about age eleven to age fourteen or fifteen, followed by another straight line at a steeper slope toward maturity.5 Similar conclusions to those of Cornell and Armstrong were drawn from the observations of the probability lines in the present study. A more detailed report of the findings will be included in Chapter IV of this paper. The Courtis Method. After the measurements to be included in each of the two cycles of growth were deter- mined by use of the normal probability paper, the Courtis technique for analysis of growth was applied to determine_ (1) the maximum amount of development in each cycle of “E. L. Cornell and C. M. Armstrong, "Forms of Mental Growth Patterns Revealed by Reanalysis of the Harvard Growth Dgta,"4Child Development, XXVI, No. 3 (September 1955), 1 9-20 .7 51bid., pp. 173-175. 46 growth for a given developmental aspect; (2) the rate of growth in a given cycle; (3) the incipiency, or amount of growth at the beginning of a cycle; (4) the predicted growth at a given age within a cycle; and (5) the deviation of the observed score or measurement at a given age from the predicted score. A brief historical review of the development of the Courtis technique seems necessary at this point before a detailed explanation of the method is presented. The method was first presented by Courtis in 1929.6 He defined the method as a simplex growth equation and noted that the laws of growth, and the effect of any one factor upon growth, are most easily determined in simple situations, character- ized by (l) progress toward a defined maturity which takes place in (2) the immature organism of constant nature when it reacts to (3) constant nuture under (4) constant condi- 7 tions. He noted further that all simplex curves may be described by the formula y = kgcx which was deduced by Gompertz9 in 1825, from mortality statistics. Other 6S. A. Courtis, "Maturation Units for the Measurement of Growth, " School and Society, XXX (1929), 683-690. 7Ibid., p.685. 8Ibid., p. 686. 9Benjamin Gompertz, "0n the Nature of the Function Expressive of the Law of Human Mortality," Transactions of the Royal Society of London, for the Year 1825, Part I, Vol. 115, CHapter'24, pp. 513:585. 47 references to the Gompertz formula may be found in th as well as Croxton and Cowder.11 Prescot In the equation, g, c, and k represent three con- stants, x the time variable and y the measurement of growth at time x. The use of isochrons, or maturation units, reduces the exponential equation to a simple linear equation: Y1 = r1 t + sl where Y1, 81’ and r1 are the isochrons of y, g, and c; and t represent units of time.12 An isochron is defined as the time required for the ordinate at the point of inflection to increase to one-tenth of its own power of itself. It is one per cent of the total time required for the growth curve to change from development of 0.000,000,l89 per cent to a development of 99.90917 per cent, or (practically) from zero to complete maturity. Courtis has published a table which gives the percentages of the period of maturation corresponding to each tenth percentage of development.13 10R. D. Prescott, "Law of Growth in Forecasting Demand," Journal of the American Statistical Assn., XVII, No. 140 (TDEETT‘47I-H7g. 11 F. E. Croxton and D. J. Cowder, A lied General Statistics (New York: Prentice Hall,Inc., , pp.447-452. 128. A. Courtis, "Maturation Units for the Measurement of Growth," op. cit., p.686. 13S. A. Courtis, Natural Isochrons, Linear Maturation Units for Use in Computations Involving Measurements-2: Growth (Ann Arbor, Michigan: private publication). 48 He states that, "The use of isochrons, or time scores, reduces the complex phenomena of biologic growth to the simplicity of physical phenomena and makes possible the setting up of standards and comparable units of measurement in all biological fields."1“ In later writings, Courtis presented detailed explan- ations of the method which explain the technique for the analysis of growth.15’l6’l7’18 It was from these sources that the method was taken for use in the current study. The explanation of the use of the method in this study follows. After the points which were to be included in the childhood cycle of growth were determined by use of the normal probability paper, these measurements wens then plotted on semi-logarithmic paper in order to determine first-cycle maximum in each of the three aspects of growth for every one of the sixty-six cases. Figure 3 illustrates the resulting curve for the childhood cycle for Case 343M 148. A. Courtis, "Maturation Units for the Measure- ment of Growth," op. cit., p. 690. 158. A. Courtis, The Measurement of Growth (Ann Arbor: Brumfield and Brm PieIa, 1932).“ 16S. A. Courtis, "The Prediction of Growth, " Journal 23 Educational Research, XXVI (1933), 481- 492. ""“”“ 17S. A. Courtis, Toward a Science of Education (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Edwards Bros.,l 1951). 18S. A. Courtis, Maturation Units and How to Use Them (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Edwards Bros. , 1950). Height in Millimeters 49 “1600 l J l i1150 1100,‘ . . . . . . . I , I . 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 ' Age in Months Figure 3. Semi-logarithmic curve showing childhood cycle development in standing height, Case 343M. 50 in standing height. Courtis original method then selected three equally spaced points from the resulting curve, indi- cated by A, B, and C in Figure 3. The cycle maximum was then computed by the following formula, which is the Freedman Method For Computing Maximum of a growth cycle.19 A é B = a per cent = isochronic value = A1 B f C = a per cent = isochronic value = Bl C 5 B = a per cent (A/B) (C/B) = a per cent = isochronic value = Cl Maximum K = B 1 % B1 + Al — C1 ] where the notation % ] directs one to change the value obtained to a per cent before multiplying by B. In the present study, however, it was found that the maximum could be read graphically from the semi-logarithmic curve and the resultant maximum did not differ significantly from that which was computed by the formula. The next step in the process was the computation of the £232 of growth Ulisochrons within the cycle. Once the cycle maximum had been obtained, per cents of cycle maximum were computed for each measurement within the cycle. These per cents, which are presented in Table IV for childhood 19Devised by Seymour Freedman, a student of S. A. Courtis; reported in C. V. Millard, Problems of Pupil Growth and Development (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Edwards Brothers, Inc., 1948), p. 63. TABLE IV 51 PER CENTS 0F CHILDHOOD CYCLE MAXIMUM FOR MEASUREMENTS IN STANDING HEIGHT, CASE 343M Chronological Per Cent YearggeMos. Mg::::Z:gnt Maxgmum Mgiiifigoiélg68lfi.m. 7.11 85.32 1160 73.97 8.07 96.84 1207 76.97 9.09 109.08 1273 81.19 10.08 120.96 1317 83.99 11.10 133.20 1363 86.92 12.08 144.96 1403 89.47 13.08 156.96 1441 91.90 14.08 168.96 1491 95.08 1571 --- 15.07 180.84 52 cycle for Case 343M, were then plotted on an Isochronic Graph Sheet. The line of best fit for the points was then determined, and two arbitrary points were selected as indi- cated by X and Y on the line in Figure 4, which illustrates the line for the childhood cycle in standing height for Case 343M. The computation of cycle rate was then made by the following process: Age Y - Age X = age difference per cent of development at Y converted to isochronic value minus per cent of development at X converted to isochronic value = Isochronic difference Isochronic difference f age difference = rate of growth in isochrons for one month in a given cycle. After the two growth constants of maximum and rate had been obtained, the third constant, that of incipiency, or acquired growth at the beginning of the cycle, was com- puted. This was done by multiplying the computed rate times age Y, and subtracting the observed isochronic value at Age Y from the product to obtain the accrued growth at the beginning of the cycle which must be added into the equation. Table V presents the data for determination of rate and incipiency for Case 343M in standing height. When the three growth constants for the childhood cycle had been thus obtained they were substituted in the equation: Y = K g rt i i], where y = estimated growth,K = cycle maximum, r = rate; t = a given time; and i = incipiency. 53 Isochrons ma om mm m0 m8 mcucoz CH mEHB mo mpHED oqa oma one oaa 00H 4. _. . _, _, .zmem sumo .ocwaom wcaocsom a“ macho ooonoaano mo pcmerHm>oo mo mpcmo pom pom paw pmmn mo mafia om .: mgdwfim do: ' l .8 Arum AqIanem JO seBequeoJeg .‘.u.."a. t».-. . co .0 54 TABLEII COMPUTATION OF FIRST CYCLE RATE AND INCIPIENCY IN STANDING HEIGHT FOR CASE 343M Max. 1568 Rate Ages Per Cents Isoc. Is.Diff 5 Age Diff. 170 93 56.23 104 80 45.00 .1701 Diff. 66 Diff.ll.23 (A) (Rate) x Age (2) 17.69; (B) Isoc.Value at Age (2) 45.00 Diff. Between A and B 27.31; Sign + Equation: y = ._12§§__ °lZQl_ t.__i__ 27'311 max rate diff. (B-A) 55 The expression % ] directs one to change the isoch- ronic value thus obtained to a per cent of development before multiplying by the maximum. Substituting the com- puted values of childhood cycle constants in standing height for Case 343M, the resultant equation reads: y = 1 68 g .1701 t + 27.31] Table VI shows the ages at which measurements were taken, the observed measurements, predicted measurements, and deviation of the estimated measurements from the observed measurements in standing height for Case 343M. Examination of the table indicates that the negative values of the deviations increase in magnitude from age 156.96 months to age 217.20 months, the last observed measurement. These negative values were then plotted on semi-logarithmic paper in order to compute the maximum residual growth in the adolescent cycle. The same processes for obtaining the three cycle constants of maximum rate and incipiency as those described for the childhood cycle, were employed to obtain the residual elements of growth in the adolescent cycle. Figure 5 shows the adolescent cycle curve which resulted from the plotting of the residual negative deviations from the first cycle equation for standing height for Case 343M. From this, an adolescent cycle residual maximum of 166 milli- meters was obtained, and per cents of maximum development m TABLE VI OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEASUREMENTS IN STANDING HEIGHT, CASE 343M, AND DEVIATIONS OF THE TWO MEASUREMENTS 56 Age in Observed Predicted Months Measurement Measurement Difference 85.32 1160 1154.04 - 5.96 96.84 1207 1218.33 + 11.33 109.08 1273 1277.92 + 4.92 120.96 1317 1326.52 + 9.52 133.20 1363 1368.86 + 5.86 144.96 1403 1403.36 + 0.36 156.96 1441 1431.58 - 9.42 168.96 1491 1456.67 - 34.33 180.84 1571 1475.48 - 95.52 193.08 1641 1492.73 -l48.27 205.08 1664 1506.84 -157.16 217.20 1682 1517.82 -164.18 Deviations in millimeters 57 Figure 5. Semi-logarithmic curve of second cycle residuals obtained from first cycle equation constants in Standing Height, Case 343M. 200 * 180 r 160 T H O O 44 (I) O J O\ C) 1 40 4 20 m 0 ' l l I ”I l 'l l ‘l ‘l "'l ‘1 9 10 11 12 lg 14 '15 l6 l7 18 19 20 ge in Years 58 of adolescent cycle were computed as for the childhood cycles. These percentages, as shown in Table VII, were then plotted on an Isochronic graph sheet (see Figure 6) and two arbitrary points were selected from the line of best fit for the purpose of computing cycle rate and inci- piency. The equation constants for the adolescent cycle are shown in Table VIII. The resulting equation of resi— duals for the adolescent cycle in standing height for Case 343M was as follows: y = 166 % .9299 t - 131.66] Using this formula, the estimated second cycle residuals were then obtained and added to the estimates which were obtained from the first cycle equation. These results, as well as the deviations from the observed meas- urements may be found in Table IX. Total estimated maximum to which Case 343M was growing in Standing Height was obtained by the formula: K3 = Kl + K2, K 1568 + 166 = 1734 millimeters 3 where K3 = total maximum development in a given growth aspect; K1 = first cycle maximum, and K2 = second cycle maximum, representing a residual of K1‘ A complete listing of all cycle constants, average error of equations, time of cycle breaks and estimated time of adult maturity in each of the three aspects of growth (standing height, mental age, skeletal age), for each of TABLE VII DATA FOR ISOCHRONIC GRAPH SHEET--PERCENTAGES OF TOTAL DEVELOPMENT IN STANDING HEIGHT FOR CASE 343M 59 m =3: Maximum-~l66 mm. C.A. in Months Observed Measurement Per Cent of Maximum 168.96 180.84 193.08 205.08 217.20 34.33 i 95.52 148.27 157.16 164.18 20.68 57.54 89.31 94.67 98.90 3 60 Figure 6. Line of best fit for per cents of development of adolescent ‘ cycle in Standing Height, ~ Case 343M. 70 - ~98 . ~97 65 e 7 . ~96 J95 60 r 55 .. h . s~bo ‘3 g _ 50. * “7'85 H 0 U1 9 $580 “5 T 5 m 8 m o p 5 C U) 23- ‘ ' 9870 40 F 0.) D4 460 - 35 ~ -50 ' ~40 ‘ . 3Q — ~30 “’20 25 _ +10 2 . 20. r l..,.[ ........... ,1. ,4; . 1 ,H1.. ..lllq ,15.3. 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 230 240 Units of Time in Months 61 TABLE VIII COMPUTATION OF ADOLESCENT CYCLE RATE AND INCIPIENCY ¥t Max.166 Rate Ages Per cents ISOC. IS.Diff ; Age Diff. 205.08 94.67 59.04 168.96 20.68 25.45 .9299 Diff. 36.12 Diff.33.59 (A)(Rate) x Age (2) 157.11; (B) Isoc.Valve at Age (2) 25.45 Diff. Between A and B 131.66; Sign - Equation: y = .__199_ ._£%§Zi_ t - 131.66 max rate diff.(A-B) TABLE IX PREDICTED MEASUREMENTS FOR CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENT CYCLES 0F GROWTH IN STANDING HEIGHT, CASE 343M Age in Observed Predicted Months Measurement Measurements Kl + K2 Diff. K1 K2 85.32 1160 1154.04 -- 1154.04 - 5.96 96.84 1207 1218.33 -- 1218.33 +11 33 109.08 1273 1277.92 -- 1277.92 + 4.92 120.96 1317 1326.52 -- 1326.52 + 9.52 133.20 1363 1368.86 -- 1368.86 + 5.86 144 96 1403 1403.36 -- 1403.36 + .36 156.96 1441 1431.58 13.44 1445.02 + 4.02 168.96 1491 1456.67 42.66 1499.33 + 8.33 180.84 1571 1475.48 98.43 1573.91 + 2.01 193.08 1641 1492.73 140.43 1633.16 - 7.84 205.08 1664 1506.84 157.03 1663.87 - .13 211.20 1682 1517.82 163.34 1681.16 - .84 Average error of equation 5.09 63 the sixty-six boys included in this study may be found in Appendix B of this thesis. By substituting computed growth constant values in the equations thus obtained, it was possible to determine the age at which the childhood cycle had reached the point of maturity. This age represented the computed age of cycle break and is indicated at t2 in the tables in Appen- dix B. Age of reaching adult maturity was computed in the same manner and is reported as t for each aspect of growth 3 for all sixty-six individuals in Appendix B. Correlative techniques. The statistical method which was employed to obtain the various correlations which will be reported in Chapter IV of this thesis is known as the Pearson r.20 The partial correlations were obtained by the formula: r _ NZXY- (2x) (ZY) 21 xy \I[Nzx2 - (Z x)2] [NZY2 -: (2x)2] and will be referred to as the zero-order coefficient of correlation. First order partial correlations were obtained by the formula: 20Helen M. Walker and Joseph Lev, Statistical Infer- ence (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1953), p. 233. 211bid., p. 234. 64 The multiple correlation coefficient of any three factors was obtained by the formula: 2 _ 2 1 ‘13x.yz ‘ (l ' ny ) 2 (l - rxy.z ) A discussion of the various partial and multiple correlations which were computed from the data which was analyzed by the use of the Courtis technique as well as the findings which resulted from the computations will be reported in the chapter which follows. CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS OF THE DATA It is generally agreed that multiple relationships among the various aspects of human growth and development are best revealed through analysis of individual longi- tudinal data. In order to examine relationships among phenomena of growth in standing height, skeletal maturity, and mental maturity during the school life of the child, it was necessary to select what represented the best available data for that purpose. The Harvard Growth Data of the Third Study was selected as meeting this requirement. Sixty-six boys were selected for whom annual measurements in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age were available from the approximate time of entrance into the first grade of three public schools in the vicinity of Boston until their graduation from senior high school. The measurements covered the years from seven through seventeen. Measurements were available for only three of the boys before six years of age. Measurements at age six were available for thirty-four of the cases. For twenty of the sixty-six cases, measurements were available through eighteen years of age. In four of the cases measurements were recorded through nineteen years, and in one case the 66 recorded observations included the twentieth year. The annual measurements in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age for each of the sixty-six cases are to be found in Appendix A of this thesis. After the cases had been selected, it was then nec- essary to determine whether the sampling represented one which could be assumed to be that of a random sampling from a normally distributed parameter. The test used to determine the nature of the distribution of the observations in the three developmental aspects was the Chi-Square test of "goodness of fit." The results of this test indicated that the distribution of the observations in each of the three aspects of growth could be assumed to be that of one representative of a normally distributed population. Analysis of the data thus selected and tested with regard to the nature of the distribution, revealed some pertinent findings about the nature of physical and mental growth of school-age boys when such analysis was undertaken on an individual longitudinal basis. The utilization of the Courtis technique for the analysis revealed the multi- cycle nature of growth for each child in the three develop- mental aspects. It also made possible the observation of the individuality of growth in terms of times of cycle breaks, rates of growth within a cycle, beginning and end points of cyclic development, attained growth at the begin- ning of a cycle, and maxima toward which individuals were growing. 67 The cyclic nature of growth in the human organism is a phenomenon which has been recognized by many researchers whose studies were cited in Chapter II of this thesis. Earlier studies have also emphasized the fact that the study of grbwth relationships by the utilization of conventional cross—sectional techniques has tended to obscure the nature of individual growth patterns. The utilization of the Courtis technique made it possible to compute an individual growth curve from equation constants which revealed the .magnitude of growth from one age interval to the next, the points of cycle break, and provided a method for predicting adult maturity which was consistent with the observed measurements. The adequacy of the method for describing growth is revealed by the composite curvilinear regression line which was obtained from the average equation constants for the sixty-six cases for standing height, skeletal age, and mental age. The resultant composite equations were as follows: 1. Standing Height y = 1576 4.1778t + 26.96] + 197 %.8719t - 110.72] 2. Skeletal Age y = 158 %.2365t + 14.05] + 71 %.3433t - 26.85] 3. Mental Age y = 148 %.3l63t + 11.62] + 60 %.5476t - 55.82] 68 It was possible to compute the magnitude of the error of the equations by computing predicted scores at annual intervals and then determining the deviation of the mean predicted score from the mean observed score at each age interval. These data are presented in Tables X, XI, and XII. From the observed deviations, it was then possible to compute a per cent of error of the predicted score from the observed measurement. These per cents of error revealed the efficiency of the curve of constants for describing growth at yearly intervals, and also provided a means of determining a composite efficiency percentage representative of the compound equations for each of the sixty-six cases in the three aspects of development. The data in Table XIII indicates that the equation described growth with better than ninety-five per cent efficiency for all three aspects of development for the sixty-six cases. The mean per cent of error for the three equations was 2.2 per cent. Thus it may be stated that the equation obtained by the use of the Courtis technique for describing growth in developmental aspects of standing height, skeletal age, and mental age for the sixty-six boys was 97.8 per cent efficient. Figure 7 presents the percentages of error for each of the three composite equations in graphic form. From the graphic representation, it can be noted that the smallest 69 TABLE X OBSERVED MEANS, COMPOSITE PREDICTED MEANS, DEVIATIONS AND PER CENT 0F EQUATION ERROR AT ANNUAL INTERVALS FOR MEAN STANDING HEIGHT MEASUREMENTS OF SIXTY-SIX BOYS j: a Observed Predicted Per Cent Measurement Measurement Deviations of Age in in in in Equation Months Millimeters Millimeters Millimeters Error ] 89 1191.4 1183.5 - 7.9 .66 101 1247.5 1251.3 3.8 .30 113 1303.1 1308.0 7.9 .61 125 1352.8 1355.6 2.8 .20 137 1401.4 1394.8 - 6.6 .47 149 1454.7 1439.2 -15.5 1.06 161 1520.1 1526.1 6.1 .40 173 1590.8 1637.0 46.2 2.90 185 1649.2 1668.9 19.7 1.19 197 1687.2 1699.7 12.5 .74 209 1713.2 1717.8 4.5 .27 TABLE XI OBSERVED MEANS, COMPOSITE PREDICTED MEANS, AND PER CENT OF EQUATION ERROR AT ANNUAL INTERVALS FOR MEAN SKELETAL AGE MEASUREMENTS OF SIXTY-SIX BOYS vfi v fl Per Cent Observed Predicted of Age in Measurement Measurement Deviations Equation Months in Months in Months . in Months Error 89 84.03 86.58 2.55 3.03 101 96.39 100.49 4.10 4.25 113 108.77 112.49 3.72 3.42 125 120.89 123.56 3.27 2.70 137 132.81 135.09 2.28 1.71 149 145.51 148.81 3.30 2.26 161 158.15 163.57 5.42 3.43 173 171.06 178.27 7.21 4.21 185 184.43 190.97 6.54 3.54 197 197.16 201.28 4.12 2.09 209 208.75 209.12 0.37 0.18 fi‘v TABLE XII 70 OBSERVED MEANS, COMPOSITE PREDICTED MEANS, AND PER CENT OF EQUATION ERROR AT ANNUAL INTERVALS FOR MEAN MENTAL AGE MEASUREMENTS OF SIXTY-SIX BOYS Per Cent Observed Predicted of Age in Measurement Measurement Deviations Equation Months in Months in Months in Months Error 89 97.75 101.52 3.77 3.85 101 109.21 114.40 3.79 3.47 113 118.21 124.02 5.81 4.91 125 128.72 131.32 2.60 2.02 137 143.43 140.52 -2.91 2.03 149 157.37 152.88 -4.49 2.85 161 165.68 169.55 3.87 2.33 173 175.80 183.99 8.19 4.65 185 186.41 193.81 7.40 3.97 197 193.15 199.98 6.83 3.52 209 200.23 203.45 3.22 1.61 TABLE XIII AVERAGE COMPOSITE EQUATION ERRORS FROM OBSERVED MEAN SCORES AND PER CENTS OF EFFICIENCY OF EQUATIONS FOR STANDING HEIGHT, SKELETAL AGE, AND MENTAL AGE OF SIXTY-SIX BOYS Average Per Cent of Average Per Average Error Cent of Error of Composite of Efficiency Measurement Equation Equation of Equation Standing Height 12.1 mm. 0.80 99.20 Skeletal Age 3.89 mos. 2.80 97.20 Mental Age 4.81 mos. 3.20 96.80 71 -——- Standing Height -———— Skeletal Age __.__Mental age 5 a] . L1 0 o , .\\ E 4 4» . / \ , \\. . \q\\, 8 / \ \ p 3 .1 ' , I. . \ ' P 8 \ .>\' '\ \ O .— o O ’ ‘ ’ 2 ) -\// I ‘ $4 ' I \ \ 0 £1 ’ \ 1 ' ' \ u—(L ’0 I \\ o I, \\ I " ‘ \‘\.”.0\\ I’ll \: \\\ ~L ' i 1’ t i i Tr % 7 9 ll l2 14 16 18 Age in Years Figure 7. Graph of per cents of composite equation error for standing height, skeletal age, and mental age deviation of predicted scores from the observed scores in terms of percentages of deviation occurred at ages ten to twelve, the termination of the childhood cycle, and again at ages sixteen to seventeen years of age, the termination of the adolescent cycle. The greatest deviations occurred at ages eight to nine and again at ages fourteen and fif- teen years. These ages represent the periods of most rapid 72 growth within the two cycles, as well as periods when growth is most variable from individual to individual. The average annual increments in growth for the sixty-six boys which were computed from the equations are presented in Table XIV. TABLE XIV AVERAGE ANNUAL INCREMENTS IN GROWTH IN STANDING HEIGHT, SKELETAL AGE, AND MENTAL AGE FOR SIXTY- SIX BOYS, COMPUTED FROM COMPOSITE EQUATIONS OF GROWTH CONSTANTS 1 fig Average Annual Increment Age in Standing Height Skeletal Age Mental Age Years in Millimeters in Months in Months 7-- 8 70.92 14.69 14.21 8-- 9 59.89 12.85 11.10 9--10 52.00 11.13 8.03 10--1l 44.13 11.24 7.14 ll--l2 36.83 12.63 10.92 12--13 67.58 14.54 16.10* 13--14 96.14* 14.84* 15.73 14--15 69.93 13.78 11.86 15--l6 40.83 11.40 7.57 16--17 19.65 8.78 4.40 *Year of greatest average increment in growth a v w Figures 8, 9, and 10 show the fit of the composite curve of equation constants to mean observed measurements at annual intervals, and demonstrate the curvilinear regression line for the mean annual measurements in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age. 73 mnucoz Ca ow< oqm Omm OOm owa OOH 02H OOH OOH Ow OO 0: 0m 4. _. _. _. _. _, _. a 4. 75. ..4 LI *meOEOASmmoz new: one mucmpmcoo In coHOHSUM mo m>gSOnnunwfimm wcaocmum .m oeswfim maozo ucoomoaoo< mo wcaccfiwmm 12 statues: saute mo mm< mmmeo>¢ 4 .mucmEOQSmmmE om>pomno assess some 0:» 1e ucommpmmp mpoo 0:9.mDCMpmcoo COHDMSOO mo m>pzo some on» mpcmmmhmmp CEHH Ofiaom one* OOH com com OOOH OOHH coma OOMH 003a Coma Coma OONH coma saaqewIIIIw u: 44819H us 74 mnpcoz Ca mw< *mpcoEmpdmmoz cow: was museumsoo Omm 0mm 00m Owa oma OOH OOH oba Om 0w 0% om ..LH . _H a“ .H .E_ 1” fl_ _ H _1 _H .e. coaumsom mo o>LSOunom< Hmumame .m Gasman .1 1.. maozo ucoomoaov¢ mo wcaccfiwom 11 1T % mcucoe 3.50m n coapmgfipme padom go om< 14 4 .mucmEOLSmmoe om>pmmno Hmsccm some on» ucmmoemmp mpoo one .mpCdumcoo cofiuwsvo mo 0>hdo some on» mpcmmmpamh mafia Ofiaom 029* L .om 3 om .OOH ONH 03H 00H Owa 00m 0mm 03m suquow HI 98v IeneIeMS 75 mcpsoz EH mm< 03% 0mm 00W oma 00H 03H ONH OOH om 00 o: . q . _ _. _ _, _. _. _ H a. *mpcmEoesmmoz :80: Gem mucmpmcoo coaumsom mo m>p§onuow¢ amuse: .OH opswfim COfiOMMSOME vascd mo mm< oaoho ucmomoaov< mo wcficcmem .mucoEmLSmmoE oo>p0mno Hmdccm Emma one pammmpamp muoo one .medpmcoo Cofiumseo mo m>pzo some on» anaemopamp OCHH UHHOm 029* ON .ON L]. 702 Gama HOJH as ioma .1 £00m iomm _QN suquom uI 98v tequew 76 The distribution of individual equation errors is presented in Tables XV, XVI, and XVII. From these data it can be noted that 78.9 per cent of the cases‘fell within or below the range which included the mean average error for standing height. Sixty-five per cent of the cases fell within or below the range which included the mean average error for the skeletal age estimates, and fifty-nine per cent of the cases were included in this range in the case of the mental age estimate errors. Equation constants-for each of the sixty-six cases in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age are recorded in Appendix B of this thesis. TABLE XV DISTRIBUTION OF ERRORS OF EQUATION ESTIMATES FOR SIXTY-SIX BOYS IN STANDING HEIGHT GROWTH Range of Cumulative Deviations Number Per Cent Per Cent Percentile in Millimeters of Cases of Cases of Cases 0- 10 4.11-- 5.55 12 18.2 18.2 10- 20 5.56-- 6.99 17 25.8 44.0 20- 30 7.00-- 8.43 9 13.7 57.7 30- 40 8.44-- 9.87 14 21.2 78.9 40- 50 9.88--11.30 6 9.1 88.0 50- 6O 11.31--12.74 3 4.5 92.5 60- 70 12.75--14.18 2 3.0 95.5 70- 80 14.19--15.61 1 1.5 97.0 80- 90 15.62--17.05 1 1.5 98.5 90-100 17.06--18.48 1 1.5 100.0 % fl r TABLE XVI DISTRIBUTION OF ERRORS OF EQUATION ESTIMATES FOR SIXTY-SIX BOYS IN SKELETAL AGE GROWTH 77 _.:—:__v “l. Range of Cumulative Deviations Number Per Cent Per Cent Percentile in Months of Cases of Cases of Cases 0- 10 .83--1.35 10 15.2 15.2 10- 20 1.36-—l.87 24 36.1 51.3 20- 3O 1.88--2.39 9 13.7 65.0 30- 4O 2.40--2.92 8 12.2 77.2 40- 50 2.93--3.45 10 15.2 92.4 50- 6O 3.46--3.97 O 0.0 92.4 60- 7O 3.98--4.50 l 1.5 93.9 70- 8O 4.5l--5.02 1 1.5 95.4 80- 90 5.03--5.54 2 3.0 98.4 90-100 5.55-~6.07 1 1.5 100.0 TABLE XVII DISTRIBUTION OF ERRORS 0F EQUATION ESTIMATES FOR SIXTY-SIX BOYS IN MENTAL AGE m GROWTH m Range of Cumulative Deviations Number Per Cent Per Cent Percentile in Months of Cases of Cases of Cases 0- 10 2.40-- 3.54 4 6.0 6.0 10- 20 3.55-- 4.68 9 13.7 19.7 20- 30 4.69-- 5.82 15 22.7 42.4 30- 40 5.83-- 6.96 11 16.6 59.0 40- 50 6.97-- 8.10 12 18.2 77.2 50- 60 8.11—- 9.24 l 1.5 78.7 60- 70 9.25--10.38 9 13.7 92.4 70- 80 lO.39--11.52 3 4.6 97.0 80- 90 11.53--l2.66 0 0.0 97.0 90-100 12.67--13.80 2 3.0 100.0 )4 78 Tables XVIII to XXII indicate the mean, standard deviation and range for the various phenomena of cyclic growth of the sixty-six boys in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age. From these data, it was possible to observe individual variability in growth aspects in terms of the range represented within the various growth constants. Examination of Table XVIII reveals, for instance, that the range in rate of growth in isochrons during the childhood cycle of development was from .1209 to .2280 isochrons in standing height, with a standard deviation of .0265 isochrons. During the adolescent cycle of development, individ- ual variability in rate of growth appeared to be even more disperse than in the childhood cycle as is revealed by comparison of the standard deviations and ranges of isochronic values in Table XVIII. With respect to computed maximum development in each cycle of growth for the three developmental aspects, the variability of growth can again be noted. Inasmuch as second cycle maxima represent a residual value of childhood cycle maxima, it was not possible to determine the nature of the difference of variability in second cycle maxima from that of the childhood cycle. In Table XIX standing height maxima values are given in millimeters, while skeletal age and mental age are given in growth age equiva- lents in months. 79 mmmm.--oeem. mama. msem. mmes.--mose. memo. moam. owe amazes 4:08.--mmam. amen. mmem. mmae.--mama. mmmo. momm. owe Hmuoaoxm ome.a--omEm. Heed. deem. smmm.--moma. memo. mesa. unmao: mcHUCMDO owcmm QoHumH>OO use: owsmm coaumfi>ma new: ucothdmmoz Opmocmpm ULHUQMOm macho unmommaov< n: mmumm . . macho voocoHHnO in moumm mo¢ Amo mo mm&mm QmN mnmdB 80 wee--oa ms.wa 00.00 cam--HoH mo.om ms.mea cm< Houses woe--am mc.me mm.as mam--HHH ms.wfi mm.mma owe Hopcaoxm Hem--moH Os.am Hm.mma awed--mmmfi mm.me me.memfi scwaom weaosmpm owQOm . cofipma>om not: owcmm cofiumH>om com: ucoECQSmmoz osmocmom osmonmsm . macho pumommdoomo zoszez mo mmozem oze .szHeeH>mo omeozeem .mzemz XHX mqmmm £802 .mwcmm cofiumfi>mm use: pcmsmedmmoz cementum essencum mdomo P:mommaov¢lnmocmfimfiocH cacao.eoonoaaco--aoscadaosH mwom XHmIMENHm £02 mw¢ d¢82m2 92¢ «mo¢ M¢qum2m qBmOHmm O2H02¢Bm 2H 293020 20 mdowo B2mommuom¢ 02¢ mdowo QOOEQHHmo mo mzommoomH 2H NQZMHmHDZH mo mmc2¢m 02¢ .mZOHB¢H>mo Qm¢02¢8m am2¢m2 22 mum¢fi 83 mm.ammuuom.mma mo.em mo.mem mm.mmai-mm.mm Om.ma mm.mmH ow< . Hesse: Hm.mmmu-ma.mmm Hm.mm He.eom Hm.omfi--ew.am oo.mH om.mHH owe Hmecaoxm om.mmmunoH.mmH mm.mH 09.0mm mH.mOH--OH.mHH oe.m so.eea unmade wseosspm Dmem cofiumfi209 2802 mwcmm cofiumfi>09 G802 pcmEmHSmmoz cementum osmonmsm r seasons: 69:62 eo owe wee geezmz oze .moe qaemnmmm .emeHmm quozaem 602950oo xmmgm cacao soars as made 29 mwom meINBNHm mo mmezoz 2H WBHmDB¢2 B9D9¢ 92¢ 2¢mmm 99020 90 mmEHE mo mmoz¢m 92¢ quOHB¢H>M9 99¢92¢Bm «m2¢mz H22 mum¢B 84 Table XXII indicates the average per cents of child- hood development and of computed total development which the sixty-six boys had reached in each developmental aspect at the mean time of occurrence of cycle break. In standing height, for instance, the boys had attained a mean of 89.77 per cent of childhood cycle maximum at a mean age of 144.07 months. The range was from 85.7 per cent to 96.3 per cent. At the same time (144.07 months), they had reached a mean of 80.01 per cent of their computed adult height maturity, with a range from 74.11 to 88.49 per cent. The individual variability of growth can be further noted by examination of the data in Table XXII for skeletal age and mental age per cents of development. The major problem of this study was that of deter- mining the degree of relationship which existed among the timing aspects of growth for sixty—six boys in standing I height, skeletal age, and mental age. After it had been determined that the growth constants inherent in the equation could be assumed to be efficient at the ninety-five per cent level of confidence for describing growth of the boys, it was then possible to compute partial and multiple correlation coefficients in timing aspects among the three growth variables as well as other correlations which will be reported in the discussion which follows. Table XXIII reveals the computed partial correlations between the various growth constants. Examination of the 85 sa.mm--mm.om ea.m sm.oo m.mm--m.mm os.m oo.mm owe amuse: om.am-amm.om HH.O sm.om m.mm--m.oe ms.m om.me owe Hmsoacxm me.mm--aa.es em.m Ho.om m.om-ns.mw mm.H es.mw unmaom wsaosmpm emsmm cofipmfi>09 new: mwcmm cofiumfi>m9 new: 9208095mmoz opmpcmOm Opmvcmpm .sssaxnz 64:64 go some sod ¢2HX¢2 BQD9¢ 92¢ ¢2HN¢2 M9020 900299Hmo mo Bzmzmo9m>m9 mo mBzmo mmm ,.E:E«sz maozo ooocoafico Oo ucmo pom 2¢mmm 99020 90 mSHB 929 B¢ 293093 9m>mHmo¢ mo HHNX 99m¢B 86 TABLE XXIII CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN GROWTH CONSTANTS OF EQUATIONS FOR STANDING HEIGHT, SKELETAL AGE, AND MENTAL AGE OF SIXTY-SIX BOYS ##1— m mp.— rfi‘: r* I’* Height and Height and Skeletal Age Skeletal Age Mental Age and Mental Age Childhood Cycle Rate -.100 p .132 .018 Childhood CYCle Inc ipiency .044 .148 .066 Childhood CYCle Maximum .135 -.142 -.l63 Adolescent Cycle Rate -.006 -.086 -.025 AdOlescent CYCle Incipiency -.072 -.006 .035 Adolescent CyCle Ma-Ximum .185 .015 .136 Adult Maximum .000 .008 .000 Time of Cycle , I‘eak .153 .236 .357 Age of Adult aturity .187 -.089 -.O91 P9P Cent of Childhood Maximum .153 .160 -.009 Per Cent of Adult Maximum . .219 . g .126 .285 _ *r: Ngfixy-(ix) (sing V [Nzx2 - (Z x)2 ] [N2372 - (£Y)2] \film—H‘ffir 87 talile readily reveals that no correlation among the con- stealts can be assumed except in the case of time at which cycfile breaks occurred, and per cents of total development at iihat time. The correlations at the time of cycle break areejpositive but low. For N=66, the rejection region at the ninety—five per cent level is r 5 .204, if/= 0, and heruze the correlation between times of cycle break of height auui Inental maturity where r = .236 may be assumed to have a P081tive relationship. This was also true between skeletal age and mental age times of cycle break where r = .357. However, these values are so near the rejection region that it \NOUld be difficult to state the degree of relationship Witdlout some doubt as to its true efficiency. The same is true in the case of the per cents of total development at tkka ‘time of occurrence of cycle breaks, where the three Correlation coefficients were: rHeight, Skeletal .219 .126 rHeight, Mental rSkeletal, Mental = .286 The multiple correlation coefficient among the three ‘tilWES of occurrence of cycle breaks was RMoHS = .302. For 991‘ cents of total developmentat the time of cycle breaks, the multiple correlation coefficient was RM-HS = .138. An F test, stating the hypothesis that RMoHS = 0, was accepted at the ninety—five per cent level. Table XXIV gives the multiple correlation coefficients, the computed F values, 88 and critical values for F 95, when nl = 3 and n2 = 62. It was concluded that the hypothesis of no multiple rela- tionships among the three variables must be assumed at the ninety-five per cent level of confidence. TABLE XXIV MULTIPLE CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS, COMPUTED F VALUES AND CRITICAL F VALUES FOR TIMES OF CYCLE BREAK AND PER CENTS OF ADULT MATURITY AT TIME OF CYCLE BREAK w fl V a I] Computed Critical R . F Value F ' M HS ‘95(3.62) Time of Cycle Break .302 2.07 2.75 Per Cent of Adult Maturity at Time of Cycle Break .138 .40 2.75 .1..— From the correlation coefficients obtained by com- parison of the various constants inherent in the growth equations, it Seems that no relationships existed among the various growths for the sixty-six boys. The next step Was then to compare the mean annual increments at yearly intervals from age seven to seventeen as computed from the cornIDosite growth equations for standing height, skeletal age, and mental age, which were reported in Table IV. Rwilt-Difference correlation coefficients and Pearson r 89 zero-order correlation coefficients between the mean annual increments appear in Table XXV.1 Nor N=8, the critical rank—difference R.95 = .74.2 In this case, N=lO, and therefore it may be assumed that values of .867, .843, and .946 are positively significant values, and that they are significantly different from zero. TABLE XXV RANK-DIFFERENCE CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS AND PEARSON r CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS FOR MEAN ANNUAL INCREMENTS IN STANDING HEIGHT, SKELETAL AGE, AND MENTAL AGE OF SIXTY-SIX BOYS fl v rs* r He ight-Skeletal . 867 . 884 He ight-Mental . 843 - 862 Sl(eletal-Mental .946 .972 *rS =71 -62.'d2 N(N2-1) In the case of the correlations obtained by the for‘mula: NZXY - (2X) (éY) I’ = Xy VI [NI x2 - (£1021 [N272 - E1572] C 1By this method it is possible to compute a single OPPelation between two series of means. 2He1en M. Walker and Joseph Lev, Statistical Infer- $032 (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1953), p. 478. 90 critical r.95 = .550 for N-2 degrees of freedom = 8. Hence, the correlations of .884, .862, and .972 may be assumed to be highly significant correlations. The null hypothesis that / = 0 was rejected, and the hypothesis that/074 0 was assumed to be true on the basis of the F test which was applied to the multiple cor- relation of annual increments in growth as reported in Table XXVI. TABLE XXVI MULTIPLE CORRELATION, OBSERVED F VALUES AND CRITICAL F.95(3,6) VALUES FOR ANNUAL GROWTH INCREMENTS IN STANDING HEIGHT, SKELETAL AGE, AND MENTAL AGE OF SIXTY-SIX BOYS ‘ Observed Critical RM-HS F Value F.95(3’6) .862 5.78 4.76 The general conclusion, then, from these findings indicates that even though significant positive correlations eMist among the growth aspects of standing height, skeletal age, and mental age when mean annual increments are com— pa-1"ed, such relationships are not revealed by comparison of individual growth constants of rate, incipiency, maximum, t1l’l'ling aspects, or per cents of development. It was only when all constants were integrated as a composite whole that true growth relationships were revealed. That is to 91 sayfi, the low correlation coefficients which were obtained fox‘ each of the various equation constants were affected by 1:he fact that all other equation constants were in effkect immobilized. The multiple correlation of these consitants was revealed only when the weighting of all con- staxrts, that is their contribution to the whole, was inrfiluded in the computation of the multiple correlations. Stertistically speaking, the notion may be applied that the Ccnnpmted coefficient of correlation between two variables is Inisleading because there is little or no relation between them beyond what is induced by their common dependence on a tulixrd or upon several other variables. In this case, rate, in-cipiency, and maximum are dependent on each other, and the: wide individual variation between or among any of the thI’ee constants which contribute to the equation as a whole mag; be so disperse as to obscure true relationships. The next question which was raised as a result of the findings when annual increments from the composite growth eQILations were computed, was that of the relationships thueh may be revealed by simply averaging observed measure- merrts for each of the sixty-six cases at annual intervals. This was done, and the findings are reported in Table XXVII. Examination of the individual observed scores revealed that many of the mental age scores showed a decline from Orua testing period to the next as is shown by examination of ‘the data in Appendix A. Sixty—two of the sixty-six 92 cases showed a decline in mental age score from at least one annual measurement to the next. The distribution of declining scores at annual intervals appears in Table XXVIII. TABLE XXVII CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS 0F MEAN ANNUAL OBSERVED INCREMENTS IN STANDING HEIGHT, SKELETAL AGE, AND MENTAL AGE OF SIXTY-SIX BOYS ‘ 9V V —v I’HS I’RM rSM . 568 . 308 . 080 TABLE XXVIII DISTRIBUTION OF DECLINING MENTAL AGE SCORES AT ANNUAL INTERVALS* ‘ Yearly Age Interval Frequency of Declining Scores 7 -- 8 11 8 -- 9 16 9 --10 14 10 --11 6 11 --12 5 12 --13 16 13 --14 10 14 --15 15 15 --16 20 l6 --17 10 :‘Kk 1 - A 1 l fl B1 *The mental age scores represented here are Stanford- t net percentile equivalents of average mental age scores alien from two mental age tests administered at a given m1 ual interval. It would be of future interest to deter- he which tests were contributing to the declining mental Pre equivalents. See Walter F. Dearborn and J. W. Rothney, Apedictin the Child'ws Development (Cambridge, Mass.: Sci- m t'7EUEIIghers, 1941), pp. 136-139 for table of equivalent ental test percentiles. 93 From the table, it may be observed that the declining scores were evident at all age intervals. This fact rules out the hypothesis of faulty test scores at any one testing time. The greatest number of declining scores occurred at age fifteen to sixteen. Since the Stanford-Binet equivalents assess adult mental maturity at sixteen years, it is possible that this may have accounted in part for the larger frequency of declining scores at that point. These observations lend further support to former eVidence that a multiplicity of factors influence mental age scores. Further, inasmuch as mental age scores are dependent on chronological age, the average curve of growth tends to be directed toward a straight line, and fails to distinguish periods of rapid and slow development. Obviously, it would be expected that some growth in mental age would Occur from one annual measurement to the next, and the de- 9lines in mental age measurements among the boys would need to be explained by exterior factors such as health condi- tions, rapport between the examiner and the subject, and Val"iation in the tests used. The norms which were used in the Harvard Study to assGees skeletal age scores suffered from the same defect as the mental age scores. That is, inasmuch as skeletal age scores are dependent on chronological age, the growth Curve was directed toward a straight line and hence the eye1:10 nature of individual growth was obscured. r .e . 3‘58? 94 The computation of a growth equation by use of the Courtis method served the purpose of smoothing the growth curves. It produced a curvilinear line of best fit for the data and described the data with better than 97.5 per cent efficiency. Therefore, the correlation coefficients obtained from the comparison of mean annual increments from equation computations represent the relationships of the developmental aspectscn?standing height, skeletal age, and mental age after the growth curves have been smoothed and testing discrepancies have been reduced. It is possible that a higher degree of correlation among timing aspects may be found if integrated and non- integrated growers are selected out of the total group for analysis. That is, some children have what may be termed a high integration index in terms of time when cycle break occurs, while others show wide divergence in timing aspects from one growth variable to another. While it was not the purpose of this study to select out such individuals, but rather to study the group of sixty—six boys as a whole, it is recommended that such selection be made in future studies of this nature. CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND IMPLICATIONS The purpose of this investigation was to analyze longitudinal data for sixty-six boys in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age for the purpose of determining growth relationships between and among the physical and mental growth aspects. The sixty-six cases were selected from the Third Harvard Growth Study which was inaugurated in 1922 in the Psycho-Educational Clinic of the Harvard Graduate School of Education. A Chi-Square test of "goodness of fit" was applied to the distribution of scores in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age. From this test, it was assumed that the distribution of scores in all cases were representative of those of a random sampling drawn from a normal distri- bution. The Courtis technique which utilizes the Gompertz equation was employed to analyze the data, and was found to describe growth patterns with better than ninety-five per cent efficiency for all three developmental aspects. Correlation coefficients were computed among the growth constants of maxima, rates, and incipiencies as well as time of occurrence of cycle break, time of ninety- 96 nine per cent of achieved adult maturity, and per cents of development of first cycle maxima and adult maxima at the time of cycle break. Mean annual increments were also compared to determine the degree of relationships in patterns of growth in physical and mental aspects of devel- opment among the sixty-six boys. Conclusions The major conclusions which were drawn relative to growth relationships among developmental aspects of standing height, skeletal age, and mental age of the sixty-six boys were as follows: The pattern of growth for each of the boys was that of a two cycle curve in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age, with the cycle breaks occuring between mean ages of ten and twelve years. Correlations between equation constants were not statistically significant. Correlation coefficients between times at which cycle breaks occurred in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age were positive but too low to be stated as significant with any degree of assurance. Growth is so variable from one individual to the next, and from one cycle to another, that a comparison of equation constants, because they are dependent on each other, does not provide a sufficient basis on which to compare growth relationships. 97 The significant relationships between physical and mental aspects of growth were revealed when all equation constants were analyzed as a composite whole. The corre- lation between all aspects of growth was positively signi- ficant when mean annual increments obtained from equation constants were compared. The use of a multi-cyclic regression equation for describing human growth in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age predicts growth with good efficiency, pro- vides a means for smoothing the growth curves, and tends to reduce testing errors. The degree to which ethnic and cultural influences affected the growth patterns of the sixty—Six boys was not known. However, for these children who lived in the area of Boston, patterns of growth in standing height, skeletal age, and mental age were significantly related. Correlation coefficients between and among the mean annual increments of the sixty-six boys were much higher than those which have been obtained in previous studies where growth aspects were analyzed on a cross-sectional basis. Implications Several important implications for educators, psy- chologists, pediatricians, social workers, and others who deal with children emerged as a result of the major con- clusions of this study. 98 The evidence to the effect that growth in physical and mental aspects of development is multi-cyclic in nature emphasizes the need for recognition that children grow at different rates at various stages of development. Growth is variable from individual to individual, and hence no two individuals may be fitted into the same pattern of educational treatment in terms of stresses for learning at various ages. The wide divergence in times at which cycle breaks occur provides evidence to support this recommendation. Total patterns of growth in terms of annual incre- ment are significantly related, as was revealed by the correlation coefficients obtained for the standing height, skeletal age, and mental age annual composite equation increments of the sixty—six boys. From this finding, it is recommended that educators recognize that from a norm- ative point of view, small incremental gains in physical growth are generally accompanied by small incremental gains in mental growth; and that conversely greater increments in physical development are accompanied by increments of greater magnitude in mental development. On the basis of this study, total magnitude of mental ability bears no relationship to total magnitude of physical stature, as was revealed by the near zero or negative cor- relations between physical and mental maxima. Therefore, any precOnceived notions that tall people are dull and short people are smart or vice versa must be abandoned. 99 Inadequacies of mental test scores and mental testing situations shown in the study necessitate the analysis of growth on an individual longitudinal basis by the utili- zation of a suitable statistical technique which describes growth efficiently, and will tend to reduce errors in testing. 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Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 1957. d.‘ APPENDIX A 113 Key to Ethnic Origin and Socio-Economic Status fie. It (:12: '3. II III IV ETHNIC ORIGIN -- Jewish -- North European -- Mixed Stock —- Italian -- Negro -- Unknown SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS -- Professional -- Semi-professional, large business, important managerial -- Skilled labor, small business, small managerial -- Semi-skilled labor -- Unskilled labor -— Unknown .D 9": I111) .‘o~ ~ 0 2~o_v.nso..o« ... . .v. n. 114 CASE 4M. Ethnic Origin--J; Socio-Economic Status--IV Age Height % of % of % of YBars.. Mos.. .1n.mm.. .Dev,,.,MJA.... Dev.” S.A.. Dev. 6.23 74.76 1119 67.6 84.48 44.93 77 36.2 7.19 86.28 1172 70.8 114.75 61.05 85 39.9 8.19 98.28 1229 74.2 122.85 65.37 96 45.1 9.19 110.28 1277 77.1 112.69 59.85 108 50.7 10.21 122.52 1322 80.0 139.67 74.33 120 56.3 11 .20 134.40 1369 82.7 160.61 85.46 131 61.5 12. 19 146.28 1396 84.3 174.80 93.01 144 67.6 133.18 158.16 1433 86.5 166.07 88.36 157 73.7 14 . 18 170.16 1524 92.0 167.61 89.18 170 79.8 15. 18 182.16 1605 96.9 184.89 98.38 183 85.9 16. 22 194.64 1637 98.9 187.83 99.94 199 93.4 17 . 21 206.52 1656 100.0 187.93 100.00 213 100.0 EASE 15M. Ethnic Origin--NE; Socio-Economic Status IV w +— : ~.—.——.—.—— .Age Height % of % of % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 6.88 82.56 1242 70.4 71.82 37.37 84 37.0 7. 66 91.92 1282 72.7 91.00 47.35 96 42.3 8.73 104.76 1335 75.7 100.56 52.33 108 47.6 9. 69 116.28 —- -- 119.76 62.32 119 52.4 10. 72 128.64 -- -- 132.49 68.95 135 59.5 11 . 72 140.65 1500 85.1 132.20 69.16 150 66.1 1 ~ 69 152.28 1591 90.2 149.23 77.66 167 73.6 13 ~ 69 164.28 1685 95.6 172.49 89.76 185 81.5 1 - 66 175.92 1733 98.3 168.88 87.88 197 86.8 15 - 69 188.28 1749 99.2 180.74 94.06 208 91.6 15 - 68 200.16 1759 99.8 192.15 100.00 227 100.0 17 ~ 67 .09 227 100.0 212. 1763 100.0 186. —v _.__+ T— CASE 37M. Ethnic Origin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--III 115 Age Height 5 of % of 5 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A Dev. S.A. Dev. 6.59 79.08 1238 68.2 120 20 50.91 84 40.0 7.63 91.56 1303 71.8 128 18 54.29 96 45.7 8.58 120.96 1365 75.2 152 38 64.55 108 51.4 9. 61 115.32 1426 78.5 161.44 68.38 119 56.7 10 .58 126.96 1468 80.8 158.70 67.22 132 62.9 11 . 59 139.08 1533 84.4 190.53 80.71 144 68.6 12. 59 151.08 1578 86.9 216.04 91.51 150 71.4 13 . 56 162.72 1641 90.4 231.06 97.88 161 76.7 14 . 59 175.08 1728 95.2 236.35 100.00 174 82.9 15 . 57 186.84 1791 98.6 227.94 96.56 190 90.5 16. 57 198.84 1816 100.0 228.66 96.86 210 100.0 CASE, 56M. Ethnic origins-NE, Socio-Economic Status--III M 1 .Age Height % of % of % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 8. 30 99.60 -- -- 121.51 60.24 89 39.2 9- 32 111.84 1263 74.4 117.43 58.22 101 44.5 10 - 3 6 124.32 1322 77.9 121.83 60.40 114 50.2 11 . 32 135.84 1372 80.8 123.61 61.28 125 55.1 12 - 34 148.08 1428 84.1 155.48 77.08 143 62.99 1}; ~ 31 159.72 1506 88.7 175.69 87.10 157 69.16 1 - 32 171.84 1611 94.9 178.71 88.60 180 79.3 15 . 28 183.36 1668 98.2 201.69 100.00 192 84.6 1 ~ 33 195.96 1693 99.7 194.00 96.18 212 93.4 17 - 35 208.20 1698 100.0 197.79 98.06 0 227 100. 116 CASE 60M. Ethnic Origin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--IV fi— 7....— Age Height 96 of 76 of 76 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 7.16 85.92 1135 67.23 105.68 59.68 68 32. 7.96 95.52 1174 69.54 99.34 56.10 80 38. 9 .02 108.24 1223 72.45 100.66 56.84 92 43. 9.97 119.64 1277 75.65 106.47 60.13 105 50. 11 .00 132.00 1321 78.25 117.48 66.35 -- -- 11 .95 143.40 1361 80.62 139.09 78.55 130 61. 12.95 155.40 1413 83.70 139.86 78.99 144 68. 13.98 167.76 1457 86.31 132.53 74.85 156 74. 14 -94 179.28 1502 88.98 159.55 90.11 166 79. 15 . 97 191.64 1566 92.77 164.81 93.08 174 82. 16- 96 203.52 1659 98.28 177.06 100.00 187 89. 17 . 95 215.40 1688 100.00 174.47 98.53 210 100. OO\OOwO\KO OCH-‘4? CASE 68M. Ethnic Origin-~NE; Socio-Economic Status--111 M 11 - Age Height 96 of 0,! of 76 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 5- 81 81.72 1103 65.53 —- -- 78 36.3 7 .77 93.24 1150 68.33 97.90 45.35 89 41.4 8 . 68 105.36 1201 71.36 128.53 59.54 102 47.4 9 . '78 117.36 1241 73.73 143.17 66.32 115 53.5 10 . 79 129.48 1284 76.29 155.37 71.97 126 58.6 11 -78 141.36 1335 79.32 163.97 75.95 135 62.8 12077 153.24 1388 82.47 174.69 80.92 144 66.97 13-77 165.24 1440 85.56 188.37 87.26 157 73.0 1 .78 177.36 1528 90.79 202.19 93.66 172 80.0 12678 189.36 1624 96.49 215.87 100.00 185 86.0 1 ~77 201.24 1646 97.80 211.30 97.88 198 92.1 7 ~79 213.48 1683 100.00 194.26 89.06 215 100.0 117 CASE 69M. Ethnic Origin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--III 7 Age Height % of % of % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 7.51 90.12 1172 67.24 77.50 43.61 87 39. 9 8. 41 100.92 1230 70.56 86.79 48.84 97 45.4 9. 42 113.04 1293 74.18 97.21 54.71 111 50.9 10. 46 125.52 1346 77.22 110.45 62.16 122 55.9 11 .43 137.16 1388 79.63 133.04 74.87 134 61.5 12. 42 149.04 1441 82.67 141.58 79.68 147 67.4 13.43 161.16 1497 85.88 146.65 82.53 154 70.6 14. 39 172.68 1578 90.53 145.05 81.63 -- -- 15. 42 185.04 1671 95.86 153.58 86.43 181 83.0 16. 44 197.28 1709 98.04 165.71 93.26 192 88.1 17 . 42 209.04 1731 99.31 177.68 100.00 213 97.7 18 . 48 221.76 1743 100.00 176.83 99.52 218 100.0 W m 9§§E2_j§yfl. .Ethnic Origin-~M; Socio-Economic Status--III Age Height 96 of 96 of % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. g~09 85.08 -- -- 129.32 53.66 95 49.5 .08 96.96 1197 72.98 122.17 50.69 107 55.7 19- 12 109.44 1257 76.64 145.56 60.40 119 61.9 13- 10 121.20 1296 79.02 156.35 64.88 130 67.7 11- 09 133.08 1338 81.58 168.35 69.86 140 72.9 12-08 144.96 1377 83.96 179.75 74.59 148 77.1 12.07 156.84 1421 86.64 194.48 80.70 156 81.3 1 - 10 169.20 1466 89.39 208.96 86.71 162 84.4 12. 09 181.08 1541 93.96 220.01 91.30 172 89.6 17- 13 193.56 1613 98.35 230.34 95.58 182 94.8 - 09 205.08 1640 100.00 0 240.97 100.00 192 100. 118 1674 ’ .......... ...... CASE 82M. Ethnic 0r1gin--1t.; Socio-Economic Status--IV Age Height % of % of % of Years M08. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 6.77 81.24 1143 66.49 87.74 48.43 82 38.14 7.73 92.76 1183 68.81 102.04 56.32 94 43.72 8.75 105.00 1252 72.83 108.68 59.99 107 49.76 9.74 116.88 1298 75.50 107.53 59.35 120 55.81 10.76 129.12 1343 78.12 106.52 58.80 132 61.39 11 . 74 140.88 1382 80.39 133.13 73.49 143 66.51 12. 73 152.76 1431 83.24 147.41 81.37 156 72.55 13.74 164.88 1498 87.14 145.09 80.09 166 77.21 14. 73 176.76 1591 92.55 159.08 87.81 179 83.25 15.73 188.76 1662 96.68 168.00 92.74 191 88.83 16.74 200.88 1696 98.66 165.72 91.48 204 94.88 17.76 213.12 1719 100.00 181.15 100.00 215 100.00 CAEHE 83M. Ethnic Origin-~It.; Socio-Economic Status-~IV Age Height % of % of % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S A Dev. \ _ ..... . 6- 14 73.68 1126 67.3 73.68 49.34 -- -- - 06 96.72 1223 73.1 108.68 72.68 91 45.04 l9~OES 108.72 1272 76.0 86.43 ' 57.80 105 51.98 10-07 120.84 1325 79.2 100.30 67.07 116 57.42 11-0 132.60 1365 81.5 98.79 66.06 127 62.87 19-04 144.48 1413 84.4 114.86 76.81 139 68.81 13-04 156.48 1452 86.7 106.41 71.16 153 75.74 15-05 168.60 1527 91.2 114.65 76.67 166 82.17 16. 05 180.60 1609 96.1 129.13 86.35 179 88.61 17-CDES 192.72 1650 98.6 146.47 97.95 191 94.55 - O7 .0 149 53 100.00 202 100.00 119 CASE 94M. Ethnic Origin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--III ,——~ Age Height % of % of % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 7.78 93.36 1164 70.84 85.89 48.38 77 43.50 8. 58 102.96 1208 73.52 119.43 67.28 88 49.71 9. 59 115.08 1261 76.74 111.63 62.88 101 57.06 10. 62 127.44 1300 79.12 102.59 57.79 113 63.84 11 . 59 139.08 1331 81.01 114.74 64.63 124 70.05 12. 63 151.56 1375 83.68 136.40 76.84 135 76.27 13. 61 163.32 1417 86.24 139.64 78.66 148 83.61 14. 58 174.96 1450 88.25 150.47 84.76 152 85.87 15 . 62 187.44 1499 91.23 159.32 89.75 159 89.83 16. 60 199.20 1571 95.61 173.30 97.62 168 94.91 17 . 61 211.32 1643 100.00 177.51 100.00 177 100.00 ..... T £5§§L_212§Mn Ethnic Origin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--O .................... ..................... Age Height 76 of % of 96 of YeaIWS Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. \ 10-28 123.36 1305 76.79 92.52 45.61 —— -- 11.10 133.20 1387 78.89 139.86 68.96 137 60.35 12-18 146.16 1442 82.02 125.70 61.97 149 65.63 13-15 157.80 1480 84.18 127.03 62.63 161 70.92 1 -12 169.44 1525 86.74 147.41 72.68 173 76.21 12.1 4 181.68 1576 89.64 169.87 83 .75 179 78.85 1 ~12 193.44 1662 94.53 176.03 86.79 185 81.49 1,909 205.08 1722 97.95 178.42 87.97 192 84.58 1 -12 217.44 1742 99.08 173.95 85.76 212 93.39 28-1 2 229.44 1752 99. 65 182.50 89.98 226 99 .55 '1 2 241.44 1758 100 . 00 202.81 100 . 00 227 100 .00 120 CASE 119M. Ethnic Origin-~NE; Socio-Economic Status—~I. Age Height % of 3’6 of % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 7.06 84.72 1157 66.30 81.33 37.04 77 8.11 8 .03 96.36 1219 69.85 -- -- 90 4.55 9 .01 108.12 1274 73.00 132.45 60.32 101 50.00 10 .01 120.12 1314 75.30 134.53 61.26 113 55.94 11 . 01 132.12 1374 78.73 160.53 73.11 124 61.38 11 . 98 143.76 1423 81.54 171.79 78.23 136 67.32 13 . 00 156.00 1480 84.81 175.50 79.92 150 74.25 13 . 99 167.88 1550 88.82 177.95 81.04 161 79.70 15 - 00 180.00 1650 94.55 207.90 94.68 -— -- 15 . 98 191.76 1714 98.22 219.57 100.00 188 93.06 1 6. 99 203.88 1745 100.00 203.88 92.85 202 100.00 LASE 12 3M. Ethnic Origin--NE; Socio-Economic Status-~O Age Height % of 75 of % of Yeflr‘s Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. \ 1v - 1 - 7. 28 87.36 1178 68.64 78.62 42.64 91 40.01 - 07 96.84 1229 71.62 93.93 50.94 106 46.69 9- 13 109.56 1304 75.99 107.36 58.23 119 52.42 10- 08 120.96 1356 79.02 130.64 70.86 126 55.50 11~ 1 133.32 1406 81.92 130.65 70.86 -- -- 12- 0 144.96 1452 84.61 144.96 78.62 147 64.75 13~ 09 157.08 1511 88.05 157.08 85.20 156 68.72 1 -09 169.08 1587 92.48 165.70 89.87 164 72.24 15- 06 180.72 1660 96.73 178.91 97.04 177 77.97 1 ~C>SD 193 08 1691 98.54 173.77 94.25 195 85.90 g- 07 204.84 1707 99.47 184.36 100.00 216 95.15 ~ 07 216.84 1716 100.00 182.15 98.80 227 100.00 CASE 150M. Ethnic 0rigin--It.; 121 Socio-Economic Status--0 m .Age Height % of % of % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. .A. Dev. 5.1H2 65.04 1025 62.12 59.83 28.26 58 25.55 6.363 76.56 1095 66.36 73.49 34.71 -— —- 7.40 88.80 1160 70.30 84.80 40.06 77 33.92 8.4K) 100.80 1218 73.81 101.30 47.85 90 39.65 9.1K1 112.92 1270 76.96 130.42 61.61 107 47.13 10.40 124.80 1342 81.33 144.14 68.09 124 54.62 11.39 136.68 1435 86.96 155.13 73.28 144 63.43 12.39 148.68 1527 92.54 179.15 84.63 166 73.12 13.4() 160.80 1598 96.84 190.54 90.01 180 79 29 14. 38 172.56 1627 98.60 199.30 94.15 202 88.98 15. 39 184.68 1637 99.21 197.60 93.34 216 95.15 16.41. 196.92 1650 100.00 211.68 100.00 226 99.55 17.463 209.76 1644 99.13 -- -- 100 00 W- 227 Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--III WV 1 1 1 Age Height 96 of % of % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. .A. Dev. \1- _ . 3 - e 1 1 . , . . - 7~33 87.96 1146 70.09 106.43 47.36 77 34.84 -37 100.44 1202 73.51 120.53 53.63 89 40.27 18:38 112.56 1243 76.02 122.12 54.34 101 45.70 11-35 124.20 1283 78.47 137.86 61.34 113 51.13 12-39 136.68 1330 81.34 162.64 72.37 125 56.56 13°36 148.32 1380 84.40 171.30 76.27 138 62.44 1,-31 159.72 1452 88.80 184.47 82.08 156 70.58 15 - 31+ 172.08 1549 94 .74 197.03 87. 67 174 78.7 16'36 184.32 1603 98.04 210.12 93.50 190 85.9 17-311 196.08 1625 99.38 215.68 95.97 208 94.11 ~ 31* 208.08 1635 100.00 224. 00 72 100.00 221 100. figh— MLfgfi—W .. .. 4.3.9:... .1::... . x «.13 122 CASE 166M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--IV w v v v vv—v v v Age Height 96 0f % 0f 76 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 6.59 79.08 1140 65.55 —- -- 58 29.29 7.55 90.60 1199 68.94 101.47 45.87 72 36.36 8.56 102.72 1255 72.16 102.20 46.20 84 42.42 9.56 114.72 1300 74.75 10 .82 46.93 -- ~- 10.59 127.08 1350 77.63 12 .98 58.31 107 54.04 11.58 138.96 1398 80.39 129.92 58.73 118 59.59 12.56 150.72 1446 83.15 143.93 65.07 129 65.15 13.56 162.72 1489 85.62 170.85 77.24 142 71.71 14.56 174.72 1537 88.38 179.08 80.96 155 78.28 15.57 186.84 1614 92.81 183.10 82.78 169 85.35 16. 57 198.84 1697 97.58 201.11 90.92 182 91.91 17 . 59 211 . 08 1739 100 . 00 221.18 100 . 00 198 100 . 00 v w a a w CASE 203M. Ethnic 0rigin--It.; Socio-Economic Status-~III :-- '..'::: ’ ': Age Height % of % of 76 of Y'e’ars Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 5-96 83.52 1137 68.41 81.85 37.99 92 40.52 £3092 95.04 1183 71.17 110.25 51.18 104 45.81 ~ 94 107.28 1252 75 .33 119.08 55.28 118 51 .98 1834 119.28 1294 77.85 114.51 53.16 126 55.50 11 ~95 131.40 1342 80.74 137.97 64.05 134 59.03 12-94 143.28 1396 83.99 160.47 74.49 144 63.43 13-93 155.16 1446 87.00 172.23 79.95 161 70.92 ~93 167.16 1539 92.59 168.83 78.37 172 75.77 15 179.16 1613 97.05 209.62 97.31 186 81.93 1694 191.28 1641 98.73 202.76 94.13 202 88.98 ~94 203.28 1657 96.69 197.19 91.54 219 96.47 215.40 1662 100.00 215.40 100.00 227 100.00 fi V V V a 123 CASE 227M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio- Economic Status--II Age Height % 0f % 0f % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. .A. Dev. 6.08 72.96 1122 63.21 88.28 33.03 76 35.64 6.87 82.44 1180 66.47 103.87 38.87 88 41.31 7.94 95.28 1240 69.85 131.49 49.20 102 47.88 8.85 106.20 1292 72.78 124.25 46.49 114 53.52 9.91 118.92 1356 76.39 147.46 55.18 124 58.21 10.88 130.56 1411 79.49 147.53 55.20 134 62.91 11.89 142.68 1472 82.92 169.79 63.53 148 69.48 12.89 154.68 1526 85.97 193.35 72.35 160 75.11 13.86 166.32 1607 90.53 207.90 77.80 170 79.81 14.89 178.68 1698 95.65 237.64 88.93 182 85.44 15.87 190.44 1750 98.59 257.09 96.20 196 92.01 16 . 87 202. 44 1775 267 . 00 213 00 100.00 EESE 232M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--III M 1 Height % 0f % 0f % of Years Mos in mm. Dev. M.A Dev. .A. Dev. _\ 1‘ . . 5-93 71.16 -- -- 163.18 59.21 85 41.66 7.00 84.00 1302 72.98 152.04 55.17 97 47.54 -01 96.12 1361 76.28 150.91 54.76 111 54.41 10-05 108.60 1418 79.48 177.02 64.24 121 59.31 1102 120.24 1462 81.95 167.13 60.65 132 64.70 12-01 132.12 1507 84.47 183.65 66.64 144 70.58 12-02 144.24 1566 87.78 219.24 79.56 152 74.50 14'98 155.76 1610 90.24 195.32 70.88 160 78.43 15-01 168.12 1710 95.85 221.92 80.53 1g5 85.78 1 ~03 180.36 1755 98.37 248.90 90.32 1 7 91.66 17-01 192.12 1776 99.55 226.70 82.27 204 100 00 ~01 204.12 1784 100.00 275.56 100.00 -- - M m m: 3...- 9'.-‘ ‘3! I. r... ..~... . s ‘ .0” . .r. . on ., o. .. .r . ‘ o . _ . a It Illa ... A g. (I! I.t.P. . D 124 CASE 250M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--IV ..,i . ,.: .... M r—: fifim Age Height % 0f % 0f % of Years M08. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 7 71.64 1103 65.92 64.47 32.51 80 42.78 8 82.56 1160 69.33 99.07 49.95 90 48.12 9 94.68 1212 72.44 88.05 44.40 102 54.54 8.93 107.16 1260 75.31 122.16 61.60 114 60.96 9.90 118.80 1306 78.06 134.24 67.69 122 65.24 10.89 130.68 1354 80.93 143.74 72.48 132 70.58 11.90 142.92 1406 84.04 165.64 83.53 141 75.40 12.86 154.32 1440 86.07 175.92 88.71 152 81.28 13.89 166.68 1505 89.95 190.01 95.81 164 87.70 14.91 178.92 1599 95.57 186.07 93.83 174 93.04 15 .89 190.68 1673 100.00 198.30 100.00 187 100.00 \1 mm 0300\0 CASE 255M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--III —_ Age Height 95 0f % 0f % of Years M08. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 7.01 84.12 -- -- 80.75 37.76 72 31.71 8.08 96.96 1305 74.82 95.02 44.43 88 38.76 9-17 110.04 1368 78.44 -- -- 103 45.37 3143.13 121,56 1427 81.82 122.77 57.41 125 55.06 11.10 133.20 1494 85.66 135.86 63.53 144 63.43 19-09 145.08 1592 91.28 163.94 76.67 161 70.92 1131'10 157.20 1697 97.30 183.13 85.64 185 81.49 1 ~06 168.72 1716 98.39 192.34 89.95 198 87.22 12-09 181.08 1738 99.65 178.16 83.32 216 95.15 17-11 193.32 1739 99.71 191.38 89.50 222 97.79 18 - 10 205 . 20 1740 99 .77 207.25 96. 92 227 100 .00 ~ 09 217.08 1744 100 . 00 213.8 2 100 . 00 227 100 . 00 av V fi V V V 125 CASE 269M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--III Age Height % 0f % 0f % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. $3.163 97.92 1143 68.07 —- -- —- -- 9.cy7 108.84 1230 73.25 96.86 53.09 103 47.68 10.1;1 121.32 1288 76.71 106.76 58.51 115 53.24 11.:L2 133.44 1340 79.80 125.43 68.75 126 58.33 12.cx; 145.08 1383 82.37 139.27 76.33 139 64.35 13.CK9 157.08 1424 84.81 150.79 82.65 150 69.44 14.11) 169.20 1505 89.63 172.58 94.59 162 75.00 15.113 181.20 1596 95.05 148.58 81.44 179 82.87 16.11) 193.20 1652 98.39 156.49 85.77 192 88.89 17.142 205.44 1670 99.46 164.35 90.08 204 94.44 18.11) 217.20 1679 100 182.44 100.00 _¥ ——~ LASE 280M. W Height % in mm. 206.28 1201 1246 1306 1367 1427 1475 1543 1637 1702 1752 1776 1783 .00 216 fi fi fi Ethnic 0rig1n--N; Socio-Economic Status-~V 0f Dev. 67. 69. 73. 76 80 82 86 91 95 98 99 100. 35 88 ‘ -.. m % 0f % of Dev. S.A. Dev. V! *w ‘—“—‘. M.A. ,39.64 44.93 06 47 75 16 00 85 58 15 00 68. 92. 101. 101 99 118 131 126 127 134 142 162. 90 102 125 135 147 157 168 179 192 216 227 126 (”HEB 288M. Ethnic Origin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--III m 7 fi—t Age Height % 0f % 0f % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. .A. Dev. 6.94 83.28 1163 65.89 100.76 39.70 89 41.58 7.75 93.00 1211 68.61 140.43 55.34 102 47.66 8.79 105.48 1277 72.33 140.28 55.28 113 52.80 9.75 117.00 1335 75.63 120.51 47.49 125 58.41 10.78 129.36 1385 78.47 153.93 60.66 136 63.55 11.74 140.88 1444 81.81 167.64 66.06 146 68.22 12. 75 153.00 1491 84.47 177.48 69.94 156 72.89 13.75 165.00 1543 87.42 207.90 81.93 162 75.70 14.75 177.00 1623 91.95 235.41 92.77 173 80.84 15 .78 189.36 1709 96.82 253.74 100.00 185 86.44 16.75 201.00 1754 99.37 239.19 94.26 196 91.58 17 .75 213.00 1765 100.00 253.34 99.84 ¥ k CASE 319M. 214 100.00 Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--I Height % 0f % 0f % 0f Yeaxqg Mos in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. .A. Dev. \ , 3 - . . .. 7.10 85.20 -- -- 97.98 41.53 89 42.58 ~12 97.44 1332 72.66 147.13 62.37 103 49.27 lg-l6 109.92 1396 76.15 167.07 70.83 118 56.45 ll~11 121.32 1450 79.10 172.27 73.03 130 62.19 12- 14 133.68 1507 82.21 204.53 86.71 143 68.41 13-11 145.32 1583 86.36 193.27 81.93 156 74.63 14'13 157.56 1722 93.94 206.40 87.50 169 80.85 15 ~ 12 169.44 1791 97.70 210.10 89 .07 18 87.55 6' l 2 181 . 44 1821 99 . 34 235 . 87 100 . 00 19 94 . 72 - 14 193 . 68 1833 100 .00 220 .79 93 . 60 209 100 . 00 127 CASE 343M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status-~I mm ..... 1731 .82 234. .00 227 Age Height % 0f % 0f % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. .Dev. .A. Dev. 7.11 85.32 1160 68.96 81.90 36.25 78 34.36 8.07 96.84 1207 71.75 117.17 51.87 90 39.64 9.09 109.08 1273 75.68 121.14 53.63 102 44.93 10.08 120.96 1317 78.29 119.14 52.74 113 49.77 11.10 133.20 1363 81.03 146.52 64.86 126 55.50 12.08 144.96 1403 83.41 160.18 70.91 140 61.67 13.08 156.96 1441 85.67 160.80 71.18 151 66.51 14.08 168.96 1491 88.64 174.02 77.04 167 73.56 15.07 180.84 1571 93.40 184.45 81.65 178 78.41 16.09 193.08 1641 97.56 207.56 91.88 198 87.22 17.09 205.08 1664 98.92 213.28 94.42 214 94.27 18.10 217.20 1682 100.00 225.88 100 00 227 100.00 :— ~ 71 7+ 7 44'“: __CASE 350M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--III Age Height % 0f % 0f % of Years Mos in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. .A. Dev. \ fi fi *1 ’ - 7-91 94.92 -- -- 116.75 49.75 92 40.53 -92 107.04 1281 73.87 142.36 60.66 104. 45.81 1992 119.04 1344 77.50 136.89 58.33 119 52.42 10-93 131.16 1390 80.16 136.40 58.12 131 57.70 11-99 143.28 1446 83.39 156.17 66.55 144 63.43 1297 155.64 1533 88.40 174.43 74.33 160 70.48 12'96 167.52 1627 93.82 185.94 79.23 172 75.77 15-91 178.92 1680 96.88 191.44 81.58 186 81.93 16.96 191.52 1711 98.67 197.26 84.06 198 87.22 ”~94 203.28 1722 99.30 21 .44 90.95 212 93.39 8'94 215 28 1734 100.00 20 .82 88.98 217 95.59 :94 227 66 100 100.00 128 CAEHE 368M. Ethnic Origin--NE3 Socio-Economic Status-~III Age Height 76 of % of % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A Dev .A. Dev. 6. 64 79. 68 1142 69.54 71 .71 43. 64 70 40.46 7.€55 91.80 1198 72.95 88.12 53.63 -- -- 8.652 103.44 1264 76.97 96.19 58.54 90 52.02 9.!51 115.32 1325 80.69 -- -- 112 64.73 10.f51 127.32 1380 84.04 106.94 65.08 126 72.83 11.56 138.72 1426 86.84 135.94 82.73 132 76.30 12.56 150.72 1479 90.07 149.21 90.81 138 79.76 13.59 163.08 1515 92.26 146.77 89.32 149 86.12 14.59 175.08 1546 94.15 155.82 94.83 160 92.48 15.556 186.72 1583 96.40 164.31 100.00 167 96.53 16.56 198.72 160.96 97.96 1642 100 .00 .T'..'.’.ZfT L 173 100 .00 SESE 371M. Ethnic Origin--It.; Socio-Economic Status-~V 7.14 85.68 1080 67.62 83.12 46.19 74 32.59 8.05 96.60 1128 70.63 95.63 53.14 84 37.00 9-14 109.68 1187 74.32 107.50 59.74 101 44.49 10.10 121.20 1232 77.14 106.65 59.26 113 49.77 11.07 132.84 1280 80.15 112.88 62.73 127 55.94 $306 144.72 1333 83.46 115.76 64.33 144 63.43 lENC)? 156.84 1444 90.41 -- -- 161 70.92 1 ~03 168.36 1526 95.55 134.72 74.86 178 78.41 12'06 180.72 1572 98.43 160.82 89.37 196 76.34 1 ~08 192.96 1573 98.49 167.91 93.31 209 92.07 1883 204.96 1586 99.31 170.15 94.55 221 97.35 2::=::£;: 216. 84 1597 100 .00 179.94 100.00 227 100 . fl 129 CASE 372M. Ethnic 0rigin--It.; Socio-Economic Status-—O Age Height 76 0f % 0f % of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 8.54 102.5 1275 75.17 76.87 47.53 103 48.13 9.45 113.4 1320 77.83 137.21 84.84 118 55.14 10.54 126.5 1368 80.66 122.70 75.87 129 60.28 11.50 138.0 1409 83.07 138.00 85.33 142 66.35 12.47 149.6 1455 85.79 139.12 86.02 153 71.49 13.50 162.0 1497 88.26 150.66 93.16 164 76.63 14.49 137.9 1594 93.98 161.72 100.00 178 83.17 15.44 185.3 1655 97.58 155.65 96.24 190 88.78 l6.49 197.9 1684 99.29 154.36 95.44 203 94.85 17.51 210.1 1696 100.00 157.57 97.43 214 100.00 M —:=== m W Ethnic 0rigin--It.; Socio-Economic Status-~O \ iv v v v V V +— Age Height % 0f % of 96 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. \ V 9~O6 108.7 1134 73.54 92.39 52.62 88 38.76 9.97 119.6 1170 75.87 117.20 66.75 101 44.49 11-96 132.7 1217 78.92 116.77 66.51 114 50.22 12-02 144.2 1274 82.61 106.70 60.77 132 58.14 54:89 155.9 1341 86.96 120.04 68.37 148 65.19 1 ~02 168.2 1439 93.32 -- -- 162 71.36 15-00 180.0 1510 97.92 142.20 80.99 197 86.78 15-96 191.5 1517 98.37 143.62 81.80 210 92.78 lg-Ol 204.1 1537 99.67 155.11 88.35 221 92.51 1 -92 216.2 1540 99.87 170.79 97.28 227 97.35 9‘90 228.2 1542 100.00 175.56 100.00 227 100.00 m— 130 CASE 380M. Ethnic 0rigin--It.; Socio-Economic Status--IV Age Height 7 of 7 0f 7 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 6.17 74.0 1107 66.01 85.84 43.02 60 26.54 7.13 85.6 -- -- 94.16 47.19 71 31.41 8.15 97.8 1232 73.46 117.36 58.82 82 36.28 9.15 109.8 1282 76.44 122.97 61.63 93 41.15 10.16 121.9 1336 79.66 125.55 62.92 108 47.78 11.15 133.8 1396 83.24 137.81 69.07 136 60.17 12.14 145.7 1491 88.90 163.18 81.79 154 68.14 13.14 157.7 1580 94.21 171.89 86.15 167 73.89 14.15 169.9 1631 97.25 176.69 88.56 180 79.64 133.13 181.6 1657 98.80 188.86 94.66 200 88.49 :16.14 193.7 1665 99.28 199.51 100.00 216 95.57 17 .17 206.0 1672 99.70 197.76 99.12 218 96.46 163.23 218.8 1677 100.00 -- -- 226 100.00 a ' QikSE 402M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status-~III k _1 Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of Ykeeus Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 7'.30 87.6 -- -- 77.96 43.14 90 39.64 53.32 99.8 1237 72.63 105.78 58.54 104 45.81 59.36 112.3 1326 77.86 99.94 55.31 114 50.22 1:3.31 123.7 1373 80.62 110.09 60.92 125 55.06 l]..34 136.1 1418 83.26 121.12 67.03 139 61.23 122.31 147.7 1465 86.02 134.40 74.38 154 67.84 133.33 160.0 1573 92.36 168.00 92.97 168 74.00 114.32 171.8 1641 96.35 163.21 90.32 179 78.85 15. 29 183.5 1672 98.17 159.64 88.35 200 88.10 16. 32 195.8 1678 98.53 156.64 86.68 211 92.95 137.131 207.7 1689 99.17 180.69 100.00 227 100.00 153.30 219.6 1703 100.00 175.68 97.22 227 100.00 ‘ x 131 CASE 407M. Ethnic Origin--NE; Socio-Economic Status-~III Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of ‘Years M08. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 6.92 83.2 1281 71.12 86.52 38.75 94 41.40 7.72 92.6 1329 73.79 96.30 43.13 107 47.13 8.78 105.4 1403 77.90 109.61 49.10 120 52.86 9.73 116.8 1456 80.84 131.98 59.12 131 57.70 10.76 129.1 1513 84.00 142.01 63.61 144 63.43 11.73 140.8 1556 86.39 143.61 64.33 155 68.27 12.74 152.3 1620 89 95 166.00 74.36 166 73.12 13.74 164.9 1692 93.94 187.98 84.20 178 78.41 111.71 176.5 1758 97.61 197.68 88.5 191 84.13 15.74. 188.9 1783 99.00 198.34 88.85 202 88.98 163.72 200.6 1790 99.38 210.63 94.35 215 .94.70 '17'.72 212.6 1801 100.00 223.23 100.00 227 100.00 — la: 1 fl f EJBEEZ412M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--III Age Height 7 of 7 0f 7 of Years M08. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 7'-73 92.8 1308 71.67 72.38 44.26 74 32.59 83.53 102.4 1346 73.75 69.63 42.57 87 38.32 59.60 115.2 1405 76.98 78.34 47.90 99 43.61 13.56 126.7 1454 79.67 90.59 55.39 .114 50.22 11..59 139.1 1507 82.57 102.93 62.94 129 56.82 123.59 151.1 1562 85.58 102.75 62.83 147 64.75 133.54 162.5 1614 88.43 122.69 75.02 160 70.48 14.52 174.2 1695 92.87 130.65 79.89 173 76.20 151-53 186.4, 1772 97.09 135.14 82.63 192 84.57 165.54 198.5 1806 98.95 136.97 83.75 205 90.30 if7-558 211.0 1817 99.56 163.53 100.00 219 96.47 €3-535 222.6 1825 100.00 153.59 93.92 227 100.00 _. m 132 CASE 417M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--III I ‘v__ V4 Age Height 7 0f 7 of 7 0f Ybars Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 7.20 86.5 -- -- 102.94 53.57 80 44.20 8.22 98.6 1261 74.13 103.53 53.88 90 49.72 9.26 111.1 1311 77.07 120.44 63.68 101 55.80 10.22 122.6 1353 79.54 124.44 64.76 112 61.88 11.25 135.0 1398 82.18 145.80 75.88 125 69.06 12.21 146.5 1429 84.00 154.56 80.44 134 74.03 13.22 158.6 1472 86.53 166.53 86.67 145 80.11 111.22 170.6 1498 88.06 179.98 93.67 156 86.19 ;15.22 182.6 1546 90.88 174.38 90.75 162 89.50 165.24 194.9 1619 95.17 179.31 93.32 172 95.03 137.22 206.6 1701 100.00 192.14 100.00 181 100.00 CIXSE 442M. Ethnic 0rigin-~It.; Socio-Economic Status-~O : --5 4 ~ .._.L MW ——_Tr:======== Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of Ykears M08. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 1215 67.91 79.49 46.02 84 43.97 65.90 82.8 '7.87 94.4 1275 71.26 80.24 46.45 96 50.25 53.88 106.6 1337 74.73 80.35 49.99 109 57.06 $9.88 118.6 1394 77.92 84.80 49.09 121 63.34 1:0.89 130.7 1444 80.71 111.75 64.70 132 69.10 1:1.88 142.6 1502 83.95 121.92 70.58 143 74.86 122.87 154.4 1564 87.42 128.15 74.19 156 81.66 123.87 166.4 1647 92.06 122.30 70.80 168 87.95 114.88 178.6 1729 96.64 169.67 98.23 -- -- -155.86 190.3 1789 100.00 158.90 91.99 191 100.00 1 .93 203.2 -- -- 172.72 100.00 -- -- 133 CASE 444M. Ethnic 0rigin--It.; Socio-Economic StatuS--IV Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 0f Ybars Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 6.17 74.0 1180 66.36 59.20 28.81 77 35.81 7.00 84.0 1232 69.29 94.92 46.20 90 41.86 8.01 96.1 1300 73.11 87.93 42.80 102 47.44 9.04 108.5 1356 76.26 104.16 50.70 114 53.02 10.01 120.1 1402 78.85 109.89 5 .49 126 58.60 11.05 132.6 1463 82.28 116.69 56.80 137 63.72 12.02 144.2 1519 85.43 -- -- 152 70.59 :12.98 155.8 1581 88.92 142.50 69.36 164 76.27 111.00 168.0 1680 94.48 159.60 77.69 178 82.78 155.02 180.2 1743 98.03 205.43 100.00 192 89.29 165 01 192.1 1764 99.21 197.86 96.31 203 94.41 1T7.01 204.1 1778 100.00 189.81 92.39 215 100.00 CLASE 456M. Ethnic Origin-~It.; Socio-Economic Status--II _¥ Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 0f Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. “7.31 87.7 1217 70.30 85.06 52.01 89 46.84 €3.11 97.3 1258 72.67 88.54 54.14 101 53.15 59.12 109.4 1320 76.25 110.49 67.56 113 59.47 110.15 121.8 1379 79.66 110.83 67.77 125 65.78 141.13 133.6 1429 82.55 134.93 82.51 137 72.10 112.16 145.9 1472 85.03 140.06 85.64 150 78.94 1:3.14 157.7 1548 89.42 154.54 94.50 162 85.26 14.11 169.3 1657 95.72 154.06 94.20 175 92.10 155.14 181.7 1731 100.00 163.53 100.00 190 100.00 \ 134 CASE 460M. Ethnic 0rigin--It.; S0ci0-Econ0mic Status-~V Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 7.09 85.1 1036 68.65 -- -- 66 31.57 8.05 96.6 1077 71.37 -- -- 79 37.79 9.06 108.7 1118 74.08 84.78 59.16 90 43.05 10.06 120.7 1157 76.67 80.86 56.43 104 49.75 11.08 133.0 1198 79.39 105.07 73.32 118 56.45 12.05 144.6 1239 82.10 92.54 64.58 131 63.67 13.05 156.6 1300 86.14 103.35 72.12 144 68.89 14.06 168.7 1393 92.31 102.90 71.81 168 80.37 .15.06 180.7 1463 96.95 128.29 89.5 -- -- 115.06 192.7 1493 98.93 142.59 99.51 192 91.85 137.06 204.7 1509 100.00 143.29 100.00 209 100.00 CikSE 474M. Ethnic Origin-~It.; Socio-Economic StatuS--IV Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M. Dev. .A. Dev. (5.81 81.7 1069 65.22 87.41 44.97 77 36.66 "7.77 93.2 1109 67.66 108.11 55.62 89 42.38 23.78 105.4 1156 70.53 110.67 56.93 102 48.57 59.78 117.4 1215 74.13 122.09 62.81 115 54.76 1&0.80 129.6 1265 77.18 129.60 66.67 126 60.00 141.77 141.2 1315 80.23 145.43 74.82 138 65.71 122.77 153.2 1372 83.70 163.92 84.33 149 70.95 143.79 165.5 1436 87.61 162.19 83.44 161 76.67 114.77 177.2 1532 93.47 177.20 91.16 172 81.90 155.78 189.4 1603 97 80 183.71 94.51 184 87.62 1 6. 78 201.4 1622 99.63 191.33 98.43 198 94.28 17.80 213.6 1639 100.00 194.37 100.00 210 100 .00 135 CASE 478M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; S0cio-Econ0mic Status--IV Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. .A. Dev. 7.35 88.2 -- -- 127.00 55.99 89 ~ 39.20 8.37 100.4 1351 75.94 123.49 54.44 102 44.93 9.41 112.9 1397 78.52 111.77 49.27 114 50.21 10.37 124.4 1451 81.56 128.13 56.49 127 55.94 11.40 136.8 1494 83.97 151.84 66.94 142 62. 5 12.36 148.3 1543 86.73 169.06 74.53 154 67.84 13.39 160.7 1653 92.91 194.44 85.72 166 73.12 14.38 172.6 1730 97.24 219.20 96.64 179 78.85 15.37 184.4 1763 99.10 226.81 100.00 195 85.89 175.40 196.8 1778 99.94 222.38 98.04 215 94.70 1:7.37 208.4 1779 100.00 210.48 92.80 227 100.00 ClXSE 479M. Ethnic Origin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--IV Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7.0f Yfiaars Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. .A. Dev. 6142 77.0 1108 67.85 72.38 52.15 66 36.26 '7.23 86.8 1161 71.09 77.25 55.66 78 42.85 53.29 99.5 1215 74.40 81.59 58.79 90 49.44 59.24 110.9 1264 77.40 100.91 72.71 103 56.59 1:0.25 123.0 1317 80.64 -- -- 115 63.18 1~1.22 134.6 1352 82.79 99.60 71.77 127 69.77 .122.23 146.8 1391 85.18 110.10 79.33 139 76 36 1:3.23 158.8 1428 87.44 117.51 84.67 150 82.41 14.20 170.4 1476 90.38 121.80 92.09 -— -- fS.22 182.6 1543 94.48 138.77 100.00 -- —— 1.97 131.6 1317 84.20 147.39 69.99 108 61.71 1:1.92 143.0 1356 86.70 165.16 78.43 116 66.28 123.95 155.4 1398 89.38 170.16 80.81 125 71.42 133.91 166.9 1424 91.04 176.07 83.61 135 77.14 11+.93 179.2 1461 93.41 210.56 100.00 148 84.57 3155.92 191.0 1499 95.84 209.14 99.32 161' 92.00 16.92 203.0 1564 100.00 204.01 96.88 175 100.00 3 i 137 CASE 526M. Ethnic 0rigin--It.; Socio-Economic Status--V Age Height 7 0f 7 of 7 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 6.15 73.8 1078 65.73 77.49 41.09 69 35.02 1, 7.11 85.3 1133 69.08 85.30 45.23 80 40.60 1 8.11 97.3 1186 72.31 103.13 54.69 93 47.20 9.11 109.3 1246 75.97 99.46 52.74 106 53.80 10.13 121.6 1299 79.20 106.40 56.43 119 60.40 11.10 133.2 1352 82.43 123.87 65.69 130 65.98 12.10 145.2 1402 85.48 134.31 71.23 143 72.58 13.09 157.1 1481 90 30 153.17 81.23 160 81.21 14110 169.2 1575 96.03 164.97 87.49 175 88.83 :15.11 181.3 1619 98.71 188.55 100.00 186 94.41 3 1640 100.00 188.46 99.9 197 100.00 1 6.11 193. CLASE 530M. Ethnic Origin—-It.; Socio-Economic Status-~IV ¥ ¥ fl Age Height 7 of 7 0f 7 of Rhears Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 6183 82.0 1131 68.05 85.28 52.34 71 31.27 '7.62 91.4 1175 70.69 97.37 59.76 -- -- £3.70 104.4 1231 74.06 -- -- 100 44.05 59.64 115.7 1269 76.35 111.07 68.17 112 49.33 1&0.67 128.0 1321 79.48 120.32 73.84 123 54.18 131.62 139.4 1370 82 43 125.46 77.00 -- -- 3122.62 151.4 1423 85.61 125.66 77.12 -- -- 1:3.63 163.6 1488 89.53 140.69 86.34 156 68.72 14.61 175.3 1543 92.83 133.22 81.76 167 73.56 153.62 187.4 1604 96.51 157.41 96.61 180 79.29 16.64 199.7 1637 98.49 153.76 94.37 194 85.46 17.63 211.6 1662 100.00 162.93 100.00 209 92.07 1153.87 226.4 1661 99.93 160.74 98.65 227 100.00 138 CASE 534M. Ethnic 0rigin--M3 Socio—Economic Status--III Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of ‘Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 6.50 78.0 1129 66.96 75.66 34.70 76 34.08 7.30 87.6 1175 69.69 92.85 42.59 88 39.46 8. 35 100. 2 1234 73.19 107.21 49 . 18 104 46. 63 9.33 112.0 1283 76.-09 118.72 54.46 116 52.01 10.31 123.7 1328 78.76 129.88 59.58 130 58.29 11.34 136.1 1379 81.79 149.71 68.68 141 63.22 12.30 147.6 1449 85.94 172.69 79.22 156 69.95 1 3.33 160.0 1581 93.77 169.60 77.80 170 76.23 14.29 171.5 1649 97.80 188.65 86.54 182 81.61 15.31 183.7 1667 98.87 198.39 91.01 198 88.78 1 6.30 195.6 1682 99.76 191.68 87.93 206 92.37 17.30 207.6 1686 100.00 217.98 100.00 223 100.00 ELASE 542M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status-—II ‘ ‘ Age Height Shears Mos. in mm. 7 of Dev. S.A. 7 0f Dev. M.A. 7 0f Dev. 7.21 86.5 1123 66.60 94.28 41.61 71 31.27 8.02 96.2 1165 69.09 86.58 38.21 77 33.92 9.09 109.1 1217 72.18 118.91 52.48 89 39.20 10.04 120.5 1262 74.85 126.52 55.84 104 45.81 11.07 132.8 1315 77.99 134.12 59.19 120 52.86 12.06 144.7 1365 80.96 144.70 63.86 134 59.03 13.02 156.2 1465 86.89 149.95 66.18 153 67.40 14.05 168.6 1553 92.11 187.14 82.59 168 74.00 15 .01 180.1 1618 95.96 187.30 82.66 180 79.29 16.03 192.4 1651 97.92 198.17 87.46 196 86.34 17 . 02 204.2 1669 98.99 191.94 84 .71 208 91.62 18 .08 217.0 1682 99.76 206.24 91.02 219 96.47 19.27 213.2 57 llllllllllll a - . 100.00 227 100.00 139 EASE 574M. Ethnic 0rigin--It.; Socio-Economic Status--O Age Height 7 0f 7 of 7 of TYears Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A Dev. .A. Dev. 6.41 76.92 -- -- 110.76 44.64 90 44.11 '7.39 88.68 1338 74.04 144.54 58.25 101 49.50 63.45 101.40 1395 77.19 135.87 54.76 113 55.39 59.41 112.92 1446 80.02 156.95 63 25 125 61.27 :1:0.44 125.28 1504 83.23 184.16 74 22 136 66.66 1;1.40 136.80 1541 85.27 206.56 83.25 144 70 58 :122.39 148.68 1587 87.82 221.53 89 28 152 74.50 :124.41 172.92 1670 92.41 240.35 96 87 169 82.84 ILES.44 185.28 1709 94.57 231.60 93.34 179 87.74 1.6141 196.92 1772 98.06 248.11 100 00 190 93.13 .1f7.55 210.60 1807 100.00 231 66 93 36 204 100.00 EQASE 585M. Ethnic 0rigin-—NE; Socio-Economic Status--III Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 0f Shears M08. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. .A. Dev. '7.64 91.68 1237 70.16 134.76 56.65 78 40.62 53.46 101.52 1278 72.49 165.47 69.56 90 46.50 59.52 114.24 1342 76.12 143.94 60.50 102 53.12 lC>.51 126.12 1386 78.61 156.38 65.73 113 58.85 1:1.48 137.76 1436 81.45 184.59 77.59 125 65.10 122.51 150.12 1481 84.00 210.16 88.34 138 71.87 1 3.50 162.00 1529 86.72 205.74 86.48 149 77.50 114.45 173.40 1575 89.33 195.94 82.37 161 83.80 115.50 186.00 1656 93.93 232.50 97.73 184 95.83 i1éé'i2 198.24 1724 97.78 237.88 100.00 -- -- . 9 a 1763 100.00 222 .47 g 93 w .52 192 100 .00 140 CASE 599M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status-~III m 1.1:: J m Age Height 7 of 7 0f 7 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. ._v V w 1 7.24 86.88 1129 77.70 86.88 48.63 77 45.02 8.14 97.68 1171 80.59 97.68 54.68 89 52.04 9.15 109.80 1210 83.27 107.60 60.23 101 59.06 10.21 122.52 1248 85.89 107.82 60.35 112 65.49 11.16 133.92 1275 87.74 124.55 69.72 124 72.51 12.20 146.40 1318 90.70 140.54 78.67 135 78.94 13.17 158.04 1360 93.59 143.82 80.51 149 87.13 14.19 170.28 1397 96.14 154.95 86.74 —- -- 15.19 182.28 1453 100.00 178.63 100.00 171 100.00 CASE 620M. Ethnic 0rigin-—NE; Socio-Economic Status--III —' —v v a a v—VV W Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 7.11 85.32 -- -- 100.68 38.24 72 36.36 8.12 97.44 1245 73.36 112.06 42.56 84 42.42 9.12 109.44 1304 76.84 146.65 55.70 95 47.97 10.14 121.68 1349 79.49 161.83 61.46 108 54.54 11.13 133.56 1386 81.67 157.60 59.86 120 60.60 12.17 146.04 1429 84.20 229.28 87.08 132 66.66 13.15 157.80 1474 86.85 219.34 83.31 144 72.72 14.11 169.32 1514 89.21 225.20 85.53 155 78.28 15.15 181.80 1600 94.28 239.98 91.15 166 83.83 16.17 194.04 1660 97.81 260.01 98.76 180 90.90 17.14 205.68 1697 100.00 263.27 100.00 198 100.00 M1 -1, h 1 141 CASE 623M. Ethnic 0rigin-—NE; Socio-Economic Status--O w w— Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. i f 7.19 86.28 1212 68.24 -- -- 66 29.07 7.98 95.76 1267 71.34 88.09 44.90 79 34.80 9.05 108.60 1325 74.60 122.72 62.56 93 40.96 10.00 120.00 1388 78.15 117.60 59.95 106 46.69 11.03 132.36 1435 80.79 131.04 66.98 119 52.42 11.98 143.76 1495 84.17 142.32 72.56 133 58.59 12.98 155.76 1602 90.20 160.43 81.78 157 69.16 14.01 168.12 1703 95.88 154.67 78.85 176 77.53 14.97 179.64 1741 98.02 163.47 83.33 191 84.14 15.99 191.88 1755 98.81 168.85 86.08 207 91.18 17.99 215.88 1776 100.00 181.34 92.44 227 100.00 19.23 230.76 1768 99.54 196.15 100.00 227 100.00 m1 fij 1 7‘fi 11"— QASE 626M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio—Economic Status--III w 1— 1 1 Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 7.24 86.88 1129 67.76 -- -- -~ 8.05 96.60 1171 70.28 97.57 43.71 88 40.74 9.09 109.08 1236 74 18 136.35 61.08 101 46.75 10.07 120.84 1280 76.83 116.01 51.97 113 52.31 11.07 132.84 1334 80.07 164.72 73.79 126 58.33 12.06 144.72 1376 82.59 164.98 73.90 139 64.35 13.08 156.96 1432 85.95 167. 5 75.2 152 70. 7 14.03 168.36 1513 90.81 178. 6 79.9 166 76. 5 15.06 180.72 1592 95 55 177.11 79.34 179 82.87 16.08 192.96 1638 98.31 189.10 84.71 191 88.42 17.07 208.84 1657 99.45 210.93 94.49 204 94.44 18.06 216.72 1666 100.00 223.22 100.00 216 100.00 w—w 142 CASE 630M. Ethnic 0rigin—-NE; Socio—Economic Status--I m 1 Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 6.20 74.40 -- -- 77.37 30.35 71. 33.80 7.01 84.12 1214 68.85 96.73 37.95 86 40.95 8.06 96.72 1285 72.88 136.85 53.69 96 45.71 9.00 108.00 1334 75.66 148.50 58.26 108 51.42 10.30 120.36 1391 78.89 186.55 73.19 119 56.66 11.04 132.48 1443 81.84 192.09 75.37 132 62.85 12.01 144.12 1504 85.30 210.41 82.56 146 69.52 13.01 156.12 1582 89.73 226.37 88 82 161 76.66 13.98 167.76 1688 95.74 248.28 97.42 175 83.33 15.00 180.00 1735 98.41 232.20 91.11 190 90.47 15.99 191.88 1759 99.77 254.24 99.76 199 94.76 16.99 203.88 1763 100.00 254.85 100.00 210 100.00 mm: 1 1: - 1J1 Vfi‘ CASE 645M. Ethnic 0rigin--J; Socio-Economic Status—-III Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of Years M08. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 6.40 76.80 1118 65.95 95.23 39.02 77 60.62 7.36 88.32 1183 69.79 106.86 43.79 89 70.07 8.38 100.56 1239 73.09 128.71 52.74 102 80.31 9.38 112.56 1289 76.04 152.51 62.50 114 89.76 10.39 124.68 1339 78 99 174.55 71.53 127 100.00 11.38 136.56 1390 82.00 189.81 77.78 -- -- 12.39 148.68 1454 85.78 205.17 84.08 -- -- 13.36 160.32 1553 91.62 232.46 95.26 -- -- 14.37 172.44 1636 96.51 229.34 93.98 -- -- 15.35 184.20 1687 99.52 225.82 92.54 -- -- 16.37 196.44 1691 99.76 238.67 97.81 -- -- 17.38 208.56 1695 100.00 244.01 100 00 -- -- 143 CASE 648M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--II ‘ Age Height 7 0f 7 of 7 of Years M03. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 6.95 83.40 1168 69.19 100.91 42.29 77 41.17 7.76 93.12 1216 72.03 125.71 52.69 87 46.52 8.80 105.60 1275 75.53 140.44 58.86 101 54.01 9.75 117.00 1322 78.31 133.96 56.15 113 60.42 10.78 129.36 1371 81.22 178.51 74.82 125 66.84 11.75 141.00 1412 83.64 176.95 74.17 131 70.05 12.76 153.12 1457 86.31 195.99 82.15 139 74.33 13.76 165.12 1482 87.79 196.49 82.36 150 80.21 14.76 177.12 1526 90.40 218.74 91.69 156 83.42 15.78 189.36 1572 93.12 213.01 89.28 166 88.77 16.75 201.00 1630 96.56 234.16 98.15 179 95.72 17.75 213.00 1688 100.00 238.56 100.00 187 100.00 m 1 v m CASE 661M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status-~IV W :11 111 v 1 Age Height 7 of 7 0f 7 of Years M08. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. .45 77.40 1166 66.21 58.82 26.10 78 37.68 .26 87.12 1216 69.05 87.12 38.66 89 42.99 .31 99.72 1273 72.28 105.70 46.90 102 49.27 .28 111.36 1321 75.01 124.16 55.10 114 55.07 .31 123.72 1372 77.91 124.95 55.45 125 60.38 .26 135.12 1416 80.40 135.12 59.96 132 63.76 .25 147.00 1466 83.24 159.49 70.78 145 70.04 .27 159.24 1514 85 97 157.64 69.95 156 75.36 .24 170.88 1550 88.01 153.79 68.25 161 77.77 .26 183.12 1591 90.34 174.87 77.60 168 81.15 .26 195.12 1654 93.92 188.29 83.56 174 84.05 .26 207.12 1732 98.35 202.97 90.07 180 86.95 .50 222.00 1761 100.00 225.33 100.00 207 100.00 t—‘i—‘F—‘l—‘F—‘D—‘Hl—‘l—J CDNmU'l-P—‘UUMi-‘OKOOD‘IO 144 CASE 669M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status-~11 m 1 1 - w 1 Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of Years M08. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 6. 6 72.73 1201 67.39 58.90 29.19 77 33.92 6 5 82.20 1240 69.5 101.10 50.11 89 39.20 7. 1 94.92 1299 72.89 105.36 5 .22 101 44.49 8.87 106.44 1364 76.54 92.07 45.64 114 50.22 9.90 118.80 1420 79.68 114.04 56.53 125 55.06 10.90 130.80 1475 82.77 116.41 57.70 137 60.35 11.89 142.68 1543 86.58 133.40 66.12 151 66.51 12.87 154.44 1616 90.68 146.71 72.72 162 71.36 13.85 166.20 1710 95.95 156.22 77.44 180 79.29 14.87 178.44 1755 98.48 178.44 88.45 203 89.42 15.86 190.32 1755 98.48 201.73 100.00 215 94.71 16.86 202.32 1782 100.00 188.15 93.26 227 100.00 ifivfi—v *— +7 CASE 685M; Ethnic 0rigin--It.; Socic-Economic Status—~III —"""‘ w Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. V v v v v 6.39 76.68 1114 66.94 66.71 34.65 71 31.27 7.20 86.40 1171 70.37 82.08 42.63 83 36.56 8.25 99.00 1232 74 03 83.16 43.19 93 40.96 9.22 110.64 1276 76 68 98.46 51.14 111 48.89 10.25 123.00 1321 79.38 111.93 58 14 124 54.62 11.20 134.40 1363. 81.91 112.89 58.64 135 59.47 12.19 146.28 1420 85.33 122.87 63.82 -- 13.21 158.52 1475 88.64 144.25 74.93 159 70.04 14.18 170.16 1559 93.68 151.44 78.66 168 74.00 15.20 182.40 1619 97.29 147.74 76.74 180 79 29 16.21 194.40 1650 99.15 159.40 82.80 199 87.66 17.21 206.52 1652 99.27 175.54 91 18 221 97.35 18.44 221.28 1664 100.00 192.51 100.00 227 100.00 145 CASE 699M. Ethnic Origin--NE; Socio—Economic Status--IV Height 7 of v— fi fi— Age 7 0f 7 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. .A. Dev. 7.77 93.24 1285 71.38 93.24 48.68 89 39.20 8.76 105.12 1336 74.22 103.01 53.78 102 44.93 9.75 117.00 1393 77.38 122.85 64.14 113 49.77 10.74 128.88 1438 79.88 121.14 63.25 123 54.18 11.71 140.52 1491 82.83 115.22 60.16 132 58.14 12.10 152.40 1542 85.66 134.11 70.02 145 63.87 13.71 164.52 1618 89.88 138.19 72.15 156 68.72 14.67 176.04 1722 95.66 153.15 79.96 176 77.53 15.70 188.40 1763 97.94 165.79 86.56 192 84.58 16.70 200.40 1779 98.83 172.34 89.98 216 95.15 17.70 212.40 1794 99.66 176.29 92.04 227 100.00 .18.71 224.52 1800 100.00 170.63 89.09 227 100.00 :19.95 239.40 1800 100 00 191.52 100.00 227 100 00 (EASE 721M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio—Economic Status--IV Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of ‘Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M. Dev. .A. Dev. 7.78 93.36 1259 70.13 109.23 56.64 77 38.88 8.75 105.00 1302 72.53 126.00 65.33 90 45.45 9.74 116.88 1360 75.76 118.36 61.37 101 51.01 lC>.73 128.76 1414 78 77 135.20 70.10 114 57.57 11..70 140.40 1450 80.77 143.91 74.62 126 63.63 142.73 152.76 1490 83.00 169.56 87.92 139 70.20 153.71 164.52 1554 86.57 161.23 83.60 151 76.26 14.67 176.04 1637 91.19 161.96 83.98 162 81.81 155.72 188.64 1724 96.04 166.00 86.08 173 87.37 163 4 200.88 1769 98.55 192.84 100.00 185 93.43 17’ 75 213.00 1795 100.00 191 40 198 100.00 .70 . 99. 146 CASE 1801M. Ethnic 0rigin--NE; Socio-Economic Status--IV Age Height 7 of 7 of 7 of Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 7.49 89.88 —- -- 94.37 50.25 -- -- 8.50 102.00 1228 71.93 -- -- 90 40.54 9.51 114.12 1273 74.57 118.68 63.19 103 46.39 10.52 126.24 1315 77.03 122.45 65.20 117 52.70 11.51 138.12 1367 80.08 146.40 77.95 129 58.10 12.55 150.60 1407 82.42 161.14 85.80 139 62.61 13.52 162.21 1472 86.23 147.63 78 61 150 67.56 14.49 173.88 1565 91.68 158.23 84.25 163 73.42 15.53 186.36 1652 96.77 169.58 90.30 180 81.08 :16.56 198.72 1689 98.94 172.88 92.06 192 86.48 17.53 210.36 1707 100.00 185.11 98.57 211 95.04 :18.63 223.56 1699 99.53 187.79 100.00 222 100.00 (EASE 2848M. Ethnic 0rigin-—NE; Socio-Economic Status--II b Age Height 7 0f 7 0f 7 of 'Years Mos. in mm. Dev. M.A. Dev. S.A. Dev. 6.05 72.60 1106 62.73 87.84 40.22 62 31.95 6.83 81.96 1160 65.79 105.72 48.41 71 36.59 '7.90 94.80 1225 69.48 127.03 58.17 83 42.78 €3.86 106.32 1289 73.11 114.82 52.58 94 48.45 59.89 118.68 1339 75.95 145.97 66.84 106 54.63 lC>.98 131.76 1390 78.84 152.84 69.99 118 60.82 11.86 142.32 1433 81.28 162.24 74.29 130 67.01 122.86 154.32 1482 84.06 168.20 77.02 145 74.74 133.83 165.96 1545 87.63 187.53 85.87 156 80.41 14.86 178.32 1634 92.68 196.15 89.82 168 86.59 155.85 190.20 1716 97.33 214.92 98.42 181 93.29 163.85 202.20 1763 100.00 218.37 100 00 194 100.00 .................... APPENDIX B 148 CASE 4M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1410 156 174 r1 .2687 ..1713 .3654 11 24.23 20.76 6.19 K2 261 88 16 r2 .813 .2770 .7907 12 -102.29 -15.91 -97.36 t2 143.93 110.61 141.76 K3 1671 224 190 t3 18.3 27.65 18.27 .Average error of equation 9 .85 l .807 7.25 CASE 15M . Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 ; 1574 128 140 r1 '.1530 .4152 .4211 i1 31.92 4.34 -0.80 K2 253 102 49 r2 .8536 .3418 - .4000 12 -92.86 -20.39 -29.93 t2 126.04 102.75 111.65 K3 1827 230 189 t3 16.48 23.50 22.07 Average ' error of equation 8.72 2.59 . 4.40 '\ #:3- 7 J 1 I: x—~ #_ —-——" W 149 CASE 37M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1610 156 166 r1 .2211 .2300 .4077 i1 25.66 16.29 9.15 K2 243.6 96 77 22 ..945 .3370 .6873 12 -123.61 -30.33 -64.90 t2 146.3 133.70 115.85 K3 1853.6 252 243 t3 17.60 26.29 17.08 Average error of equation 11.01 2.85 5.49 CASE 56M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1514 144 127 r1 .2487 .2623 .4255 11 19.21 11.02 8.03 §K2 230.0 102 78 r2 .7693 .3650 .4358 12 ~92.62 -30.08 -33.44 t2 139.54 122.76 110.53 K3 1744 246 205 t3 18.26 24.22 20.93 AVerage erfiror of 6.44 1.759 5.878 a fi ~—v ggggation CASE 60M ‘—:— 1. Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1566 117 111 r1 .1457 .3423 .3450 11 28.77 7.00 18.00 K2 200 108 69 r2 .826 .2317 .3738 12 -111.62 -8.27 -25.71 t2 153.0 99.27 108.13 K3 1766 225 180 t3 18.93 30.31 22.67 Average error of equation 16.26 2.51 4.80 CASE 68M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1523 143 170 11 30.64 15.45 -3.67 K2 247.0 95 56 r2 .7036 .2848 .4437 i2 -85.56 -19.70 -4l.69 t2 146.91 120.89 127.16 K3 1770.0 238 226 t3 19.13 28.00 22.10 Average error of equation 10.24 6.07 4.76 x X i Vfi CASE 69M w Skeletal Age Mental Age Height K1 1612 159 150 rl .1759 .2310 .2279 i1 25.47 14.05 12.97 K2 188.3 72 35 re .8850 .2827 .8335 i2 -1l9.07 -19.93 -103.13 t2 151.18 122.60 141.40 K3 1800.3 231 ,185 t3 18.37 28.27 18.45 Average error of equation 6.35 2.748 7.16 CASE 81M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1525 154 180 r1 .1792 .2570 .3208 i1 26.73 15.27 10.80 K2 175.3 53 66 re .8958 .2132 .4233 i2 -125.20 -6.27 -37.12 t2 156.20 98.50 122.48 K3 1700.3 207 246 t3 18.71 32.15 22.27 Average eI‘ror of eCluation 5.24 2.18 3.203 W CASE 82M Mental Age Height Skeletal Age K1 1547 166 116 r1 .1665 .1911 .2750 11 28.19 17.82 23.07 K2 237.8 73 61 r2 .6053 .2972 .6900 12 -70 88 ~20.69 -79.20 t2 141.43 119.18 136.13 K3 1784.8 239 177 t3 20.22 27.11 18.74 Average error of e quation 6. 21 2. 25 6. 230 §;ASE 83M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1519 157 116 r1 .1722 .2382 .2344 i1 29.15 12.82 19.22 K2 212.5 68 36 r2 .7426 .3097 .5980 12_ —90.67 -22.15 -58.44 t2 141.93 119.08 122.35 K3 1731.5 225 152 t3 18.70 26.41 18.73 Average eI‘ror of equation 7.77 .83 7.590 153 CASE 94M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1528 157 135 r1 .1600 .2117 .2294 11 27.88 13.86 16.35 K2 208.2 31 52 12 -95.78 -31.86 -54.43 t2 161.5 126.46 137.08 K3 1736.2 188 187 t3 20.92 26.66 21.54 Average error of equation 9 . 39 l . 68 6.200 SLASE 108M w m 4. J- — Mental Age Height Skeletal Age K1 1653 184 127 r1 .1768 .1728 .3491 $1 2:503 19.23 20.;3 r: .5488 .3775 .4770 12 -71.62 -35.76 -43.41 t2 157.34 133.75 139.53 K3 1808.0 238 184 t3 22.41 24.67 20.86 Average error of equation 9.80 5.31 9.010 .2 Q0. ..v..:v.-. ’c d. 7. ‘ ~._o..~1_. . I . . . . . g P? T .oo. 51:: 154 CASE 119M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1605 157 182 r1 .1716 .1953 .3600 11 26.42 17.27 2.33 K2 221.9 70 50 re .8659 .2971 .4495 12 -1l7.08 -19.80 -42.13 t2 152.22 116.22 126.49 K3 1826.9 227 232 t3 18.58 26.87 21.9 Average error of equation 6.67 1.49 7.06 _§@SE 123M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1596 160 140 r1 .1877 .2423 .3207 i1 25.65 15.30 8.24 12 163 84 49 r2 1.063 .2616 .7041 12 -140.79 -18.29 -75.28 t2 146.30 126.22 127.83 K3 1759 244 189 t3 16.99 30.03 17.90 Average error of equation 5 . 18 5.16 4.06 155 CASE 150M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1492 200 168 r1 .1740 .1716 .1768 11 28.48 14.41 18.39 K2 226 60 60 r2 .9583 .3353 .7225 12 -98.51 -l7.57 -66.90 t2 118.16 96.33 112.98 K3 1718 260 228 t3 15.17 23.55 16.48 .Average error of equatinn 7.72 4.03 5.06 ggfiE 162M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1488 140 143 rl .1566 .2362 .3505 11 29.58 14.52 10.98 K2 230.7 108 85 r2 .7164 .2863 .3875 12 -82.65 -17.98 -26.37 t2 135.92 114.25 106.06 K3 1718.7 248 228 t3 19.12 27.35 22.02 Average error of equation 6.06 \ \ 1.69 3.20 CASE 166M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1596 138 135 r1 .1585 .2338 .2646 11 28.20 12.88 15.72 K2 219 93 75 re .9025 .2346 .4240 12 -131.14 -l2.24 -36.01 t2 161.62 114.96 119.66 K3 1804 231 210 t3 20.03 31.34 22.01 Average error of equation 8.78 1.53 7.71 CASE 203M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1531 154 153 r1 .1666 .2546 .2708 11 28.25 15.09 15.32 K2 189 90 67 re .785“ .3554 .5345 12 -91.42 . -30.02 -53.15 t2 135.15 125.91 126.99 K3 1720 244 220 t3 17.76 24.86 20.13 Average error of equation 7.57 2.69 7.75 157 CASE 227M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age Kl 1635 144 170 r1 .1608 .2700 .2650 21.8: 148?, ”£3 2 . r: 1.010 .2246 .5045 i2 ~132.32 -8.20 -50.05 t2 145.5 102.09 128.40 K3 1851.8 251 282 t3 17.18 31.24 20.82 Average error of equation 10.37 1.71 4.21 SQASE 232M ‘ i a ' 1 _ w w W Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1678 159 182 r1 .1804 .2235 .2961 11 12131 18.63 21.34 K . r: 1.395 .2512 .4178 12 -191.23 -11.12 -35.14 t2 1S7.64 102.91 119.36 K 1 39.1 229 279 t; 15.96 28.90 22.17 Average error of e quati on \ \ 6.15 2.09 10.05 158 CASE 250M_ Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1544 142 148 11 29.39 20.37 13.62 K2 240.6 64 57 r2 .6857 .2606 .6171 12 —82.89 -9.16 -53.03 t2 142.36 91.67 109.80 K3 1784.6 186 205 t3 19.30 27.23 17.42 .Average error of equation 10.14 1.46 5.80 CASE 255M r12. A...[.‘ - 3 9 . f. p, r. y] L :D .A “4.1””... 1.1:. A... .. ..V . 13.32.13). Iqw sf. .i 3’7yl'tl‘J-n' W {'1’ Height Skeletal Age Mental Age Kl 1627 182 149 r1 .2015 .1952 .2761 11 25.61 14.15 11.73 K2 177.6 62 72 r2 .8208 .5619 .4020 12 -84.04 -52.22 -31.23 t2 120.33 119.14 114.32 K3 1804.6 244 221 t3 16.24 19.01 22.23 IXVerage error of equation 9.50 3.18 7.23 \ V 159 CASE 269M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1546 172 155 r1 .2281 .2070 .2121 11 19.25 13.95 15.88 K2 178.0 62 43 r2 .8592 .3631 .4380 12 -116.21 -34.31 -36.68 t2 152.39 135.05 117.37 K3 1724.0 234 198 t3 18.64 25.32 21.44 Average error of equation 6.99 1.15 9.99 CASE 280M - , . Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1658 170 118 r1 .1823 .2237 .2100 11 26.98 17.50 22.68 K2 183.8 74 58 r2 .7854 .2658 .4683 12 -89.85 -16.57 -45.94 t2 133.0 117.75 129.55 K3 1841.8 244 176 t3 17.59 29.02 21.69 Average eI‘ror of 7.98 e quation \__ \ w—Y 3.29 9.79 160 CASE 288M _ , 2 . Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1629 168 170 r1 .1570 .2180 .2515 11 27.96 16.46 19.01 K2 224.3 54 100 r2 .8046 .3560 .7254 12 -106.05 -30.40 -87.02 t2 150.1 126.76 140.26 K3 1853.3 222 270 t3 18.85 24.90 18.73 Average error of equation 10.9 3.005 9.63 gm: 319M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1686 160 183 r1 .2095 .2761 .7723 11 24.01 11.73 -30.36 K2 207.6 72 67 r'2 1.251 .3450 .2440 12 -157.34 ~25.41 -9.80 t2 137.54 116.34 100.53 K3 1893.6 232 250 t3 15.54 24.49 29.30 Average error of equation 5 . 21 1 .039 6.00 CASE 343M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1568 210 164 r1 .1701 .1319 .2565 11 27.31 18.78 14.15 K2 166 60 73 r2 .9299 .4002 .4335 12 -131.66 -39.04 ~45.85 t2 157.42 134.35 139.74 K3 1734 270 237 t3 18.60 23.95 23.42 Average error of equation 5.09 2.76 5.87 CASE 350M m Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1604 188 158 r1 .2106 .1837 .3230 11 22.41 15.78 11.24 K2 169.6 57 55 r2 1.115 .3860 .5018 12 -145.86 -36.83 -49.59 t2 144.02 133.57 128.17 K3 1773.6 245 213 t3 16.58 24.36 20.85 Average error of 6.03 equation 4.11 ‘ 1.52 . {tr-3..» C ASE 368M 162 mm Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1552 142 106 r1 .2128 .1795 .5994 11 24.46 19.13 ~8.l7 K2 158.3 44 64 r2 .4811 .5028 .5725 12 -5o.91 -42.59 -55.35 t2 136.43 114.00 122.41 K3 1710.3 186 170 t3 21.98 19.65 19.12 Average error of equation 12.19 4.519 4.93 SQASE 371M :7 1L m Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age Kl 1464 182 117 r1 .1804 .2000 .4215 11 26.34 13.52 5.15 K2 194.6 61 65 re 1.162 .4621 .5885 12 -148.14 -44.69 -68.14 t2 140.10 128.58 140.81 K3 1658.6 243 182 t3 16.06 21.76 20.41 .Average error of 1.46 equation 9.57 2.40 - —— ‘fi _-——‘ mfifi‘ 163 CASE 372M; Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1557 165 145 r1 .2280 .2620 .2690 11 22.78 11.49 20.98 K2 168.5 67 25 r2 1.198 .4350 .9055 12 -168.90 -44.94 -132.49 t2 155.8 137.17 162.58 K3 1725.5 232 170 t3 17.31 23.17 19.18 Average error of equation 4.57 2.37 11.315 CASE 373M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1391 184 123 r1 .2167 .1837 .2520 11 21.47 12.48 16.80 K2 191.7 64 60 P2 .8331 .6041 .4588 12 -101.78 -66.62 -51.53 t2 139.85 134.66 144.42 K3 1582.7 248 183 t3 17.78 19.67 23.16 Average error of equation 8.71 3.46 4.76 -=========== .3 .3. ’9’... 5. 2.1 :3. .1... 1 . . 0:... "I 164 CASE 380M m Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1534 192 139 r1 .1794 .1539 .3284 11 27.78 16.72 12.89 K2 202.3 59 64 r2 .8531 .3630 .5838 12 -91.89 -20.58 ~63.04 t2 124.97 97.27 133.21 K3 1736.3 251 203 t3 16.39 22.17 19.84 .Average error of equation 6.30 3.47 6.28 , . . ' .' ' . CASE 402M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1597 150 130 r1 .2223 .2883 .3287 il 21.50 11.45 7.44 K2 139.7 83 61 r2 1.450 .4020 .4469 12 -196.12 -35.05 -40.23 t2 145.41 123.83 122.98 K3 1736.7 233 191 t3 15.64 23.02 21.67 Average error of equation 4.61 2.25 7.43 . ' ........ 2 ' ; a ,T ‘ ' ‘ ‘ Z ’ ' ‘ 165 CASE 407M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1691 150 150 r1 .2121 .3721 .2602 11 24.84 6.47 14.03 K2 143 98 80 r2 .9178 .2879 .5062 12 -114.68 -17.42 -46.99 t2 141.00 121.04 121.92 K3 1834 248 230 t3 17.31 27.04 20.25 IXverage eerror of eequation 6.88 2.29 5.18 _§@SE 412M1 Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1701 192 113 P1 .1684 .1775 .2764 11 27.26 14.15 10.98 K2 183 57 45 re .75“ .14280 .4421 12 -90.56 -42.60 -42.85 t2 139.64 133.94 130.24 K3 1884 249 158 t3 18.40 23.09 23.40 Average error of equation 8.62 2.04 5.03 § .4 - fl --1 166 CASE 417M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1585 168 160 r1 .1612 .1908 .3108 11 28.83 16.27 11.10 K2 205.6 35 36 22 .5887 .3657 .5796 i2 -72.74 -34.03 -61.15 t2 148.58 133.33 130.91 K3 1790.6 203 196 t3 21.05 25.07 19.72 Average error of equation 15.59 1.48 5.64 .... . ., 3 3 213 . ... _ CASE 442M Height Skeletal Age Mental Age K1 1646 159 130 r1 .1785 .2350 .3393 11 26.79 15.40 4.92 K2 231 .7 53 46 r2 .5890 .4030 .5014 12 ~62.27 -35.03 -47.78 t2 130.7 123.47 124.67 K3 1877.7 212 176 t3 19.55 22.96 20.57 Average error of equation 7.59 9.802 ‘ v—v i V- —' vef r— w w w *7 fl Vfiv w w fi—v CASE 444M Height Skeleta1 Age fi—v 1r- Mental Age K1 1636 136 121 r1 .1608 .2895 .3092 11 29.45 14.97 15.16 K2 206.3 96 96 re 1.445 .2910 .4981 12 -195.22 -l5.35 -50.45 t2 145.20 103.36 130.85 K3 1842.3 232 217 t3 15.63 26.16 21.15 Average error of equation 9.04 1.61 7.39 CASE'456M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age Kl 1591 155 148 r'1 ~1957 .2722 .2463 11 25.82 11.90 13.66 K2 232.4 60 27 r2 1.038 .3665 .5213 i2 ~137.14 -27.56 -44.21 t2 146.31 115.38 113.06 K3 1823.4 215 175 t3 17.11 23.54 19.21 Average error of 5.62 3.80 equation W ........ 1.317 4" 1 CASE 460M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1388 136 108 r1 .1570 .2883 .2735 11 28.36 8.56 11.92 K2 184.7 96 47 r2 1.004 .3345 .6439 12 -129.22 -26.78 -81.32 t2 143.37 124.09 149.16 K3 1572.7 232 155 t3 17.03 25.61 20.36 Average error of equation 6.33 3.119 5.23 CASE 474M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1508 154 130 r1 .1209 .2310 .5875 11 30.84 14.97 11.95 K2 235.8 84 65 22 .9755 .2479 .6993 12 -129.11 -14.42 -81.36 t2 147.45 117.58 137.40 K3 1743.8 238 195 t3 17.52 30.39 18.75 Average errorof equation ¥ 1361 1.66 ‘ 6.77 169 CASE 478M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age Kl 1637 518 131 11 26.92 14.40 14.46 K2 191 96 98 r2 1.265 .3304 .9454 12 -164.48 -26.27 -109.11 t2 141.66 124.09 130.99 K3 1828 254 229 t3 15.84 25.79 16.32 Average error of equation 5.33 2.57 9.49 CASE 479M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age Kl 1572 148 101 r1 .1500 .2371 .1934 11 29.25 13.76 25.81 K2 165.5 56 42 r2 .6423 .3300 .4833 12 —84.74 -22.68 -38.82 t2 154.86 113.36 110.80 K3 1737.5 204 143 t3 20.85 24.91 19.79 Average error of equation 12.17 0.83 3.13 0000000 f CASE 483M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1679 148 155 11 27.82 18.88 5.77 K2 214.6 60 68 22 .5792 .2619 .7572 12 -70.51 -11.50 -86.31 t2 147.16 100.15 133.43 K3 1893.6 208 223 t3 21.07 27.84 17.86 Average error of equation 9.12 1.49 9.73 CASE 488M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1512 111 174 r1 .1562 .4146 .2345 11 29.38 6.35 13.93 K2 120.6 88 51 r2 .3796 .2988 .4134 12 ~35.48 -21.58 -29.42 t2 132.30 121.51 106.79 K3 1632.6 199 225 t3 24.46 27.21 21.25 Average error of equation 7.27 1.20 . W—XX 13.007 W 171 7.08 CASE 526M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1506 158 116 r1 .1571 .2205 .2622 11 29.52 15.58 19.63 K2 208.9 56 84 r2 1.043 .3966 .3512 12 -125.75 ~3l.37 -21.73 t2 134.68 116.23 103.81 K3 1714.9 214 200 t3 16.11 22.56 23.19 Average error of equation 10.5 1.97 4.58 CASE 530M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1551 137 127 rl .1676 .3357 .3088 11 27.36 6.74 14.83 K2 178.0 94 37 re .570 2682 .7214 12 -63.43 -16.49 -85.12 t2 137.1 116.40 138.41 K3 1729 231 164 t3 20.38 28.74 18.61 Average error of equation 3.31 3.69 W 172 CASE 534M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1554 155 162 r1 .1730 .2553 .3323 11 27.66 13.49 1.65 K2 192.7 87 65 r2 1.436 .2940 .5300 12 -187.29 -18.25 -56.77 t2 140.68 112.17 134.90 K3 1746.7 242 225 t3 15.27 26.71 20.87 Average error of equation 6.08 1.41 13.80 CASE3542M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1501 _ 195 152 r1 .1781 .1747 .2769 i1 26.50 13.88 13.47 K2 232.2 48 66 re .7853 .4912 .3710 12 ~93.71 -51.60 ~32.20 t2 138.08 135.03 126.49 K3 1733.2 243 218 t3 18.00 21.65 24.30 Average error of equation 6.11 3.35 6.17 # 173 CASE 574M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1729 164 190 r1 .1608 .2227 .2678 11 29.49 17.85 15.62 K2 144.9 68 63 r2 .6819 .2262 .5314 12 -87.49 -11.43 -37.33 t2 149.90 115.64 97.96 K3 1873.9 232 253 t3 19.98 32.21 17.76 Average error of equation 14.07 1.63 4.85 CASE 585M‘ _‘ . . 7 7 77 777 Height 7 Sk7e17eta177Agve 77 7 Mental Ag7e K1 1645 168 187 rl .1785 .1805 .3790 11 25.72 16.22 7.02 K2 193.6 47 53 22 .7725 .3262 .5088 i2 -108.18 -23.93 -41.37 t2 159.1 118.51 110.25 K3 1838.6 315 240 t3 19.86 25.53 19.21 Average error of equation 6.69 0.83 10.37 V: a e3:*fi I m 9‘ 1m 4 1 If . q‘.f o. 00.4.9 9’. 4 ’9. .- 2 7.1.. o \: Cc 174 CASE 599M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1388 150 129 r1 .1831 .2264 .3310 11 29.86 14.12 10.48 K2 109 41 54 r2 .666 .5050 .5985 12 -72.09 -47.78 -89.52 t2 130.36 123.78 125.58 K3 1497 191 183 t3 18.52 20.42 19.05 Average error of equation 5.01 1.54 4.43 CASE 629M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1590 160 178 r1 .1667 .1905 .3842 11 28.17 16.04 1.89 K2 191.2 53 86 P2 .704 .3287 .7890 12 -94.23 -25.10 -11.01 t2 154.70 121.17 132.12 K3 1781.2 213 264 t3 20.15 25.63 17.48 Average error of equation 5.54 1.83 iJ-fi“, ‘—:A—— W 10.96 Vj fi wv Vifi 028E 623M a if 4 Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1629 132 157 r1 .2015 .3323 .2880 11 24.16 4.97 7.85 K2 190 102 41 re 1.095 .4042 .2770 12 -134.89 -34.46 -51.84 t2 136.63 121.69 92.92 K3 1819 234 198 t3 16.04 22.77 17.4 Average error of equation 8.13 1.14 7.77 CASE 626M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1538 160 178 r1 .1732 .2441 .3110 11 26.52 11.51 5.20 K2 186. l 75 55 P2 .9385 .2955 .4662 12 -123.47 -22.09 -30.35 t2 147.25 124.60 142.79 K3 1724.1 235 233 t3 17.71 27.66 22.85 Average error of 1.44 10 69 equation 5.31 W1 ’ . a . y CASE 630M —v vfiv—V— w Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1618 154 207 r1 .1847 .2309 .3200 11 26.93 15.69 6.57 K2 206 73 54 re 1.105 .3547 .4331 12 -141.35 -26.59 -23.21 t2 141.2 116.49 104.08 K3 '1824 227 261 t3 16.38 24.10 20.46 Average error of equation 9.96 1.70 5.17 CASE 645M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1542 143 210 r1 .1781 .2726 .2496 11 27.21 13.83 12.85 K2 225 61 41 r2 .8203 .3647 .3935 12 '95.15 -24.37 -106.24 t2 133.90 107.21 96.41 K3 1767 204 251 t3 17.38 22.93 21.01 Average error of equation 3.82 . O. 7 .93. j V v fi fi— 177 CASE 648M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1607 147 195 r1 .1650 .2540 .3119 11 27.09 13.00 9.44 K2 167.7 53 47 r2 .620 .3395 .8017 12 -85.83 -28.83 -65.83 t2 162.19 128.30 150.89 K3 1774.7 200 242 t3 21.75 25.73 18.94 Average error of equation 9.47 2.07 5.39 'QASE 661M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1638 151 159 P1 .1469 .2761 .2688 i1 29.27 12.28 11.82 K2 190.6 36 85 r2 .4844 3270 .5004 12 -6l.70 -2l.48 -39.35 t2 157.78 110.73 , 160.99 K3 1828.6 187 244 t3 23.68. 24.84 23.62 Average error of 18.48 5.61 equation a a > a - a CASE 669M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1661 166 126 r1 .1638 .2173 .2145 11 28.95 16.62 26.76 K2 194.7 79 58 r2 1.283 .3914 .4675 12 -164.12 -32.21 -25.46 t2 139.39 119.92 115.67 K3 1855.7 245 184 t3 15.59 23.04 20.5 Average error of equation 11.45 1.84 9.88 CASE 685M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1553 176 117 r1 .1665 .2050 .2870 11 28.19 15.22 14.48 K2 175.3 68 65 22 .9608 .2996 .3350 i2 -124.77 -25.53 -80.31 t2 145.10 134.37 119.97 K3 1728.3 244 182 t3 17.40 27.68 25.24 Average error of equation 3.16 42...; ‘ v 8 A... R‘L'O. '. O. ‘ . a 7 '3' xww nrm‘: CASE 699M T Height Skeletal Age Mental Age Kl 1661 158 129 r1 .1771 .2400 .3183 i1 27.04 13.13 10.47 K2 191.3 83 51 r2 .7125 .4208 .6575 12 -85.30 -43.88 -54.16 t2 140.39 139.28 144.54 K3 1852.3 241 180 t3 18.84 23.74 19.81 Average error of equation 9.16 2.43 4.77 CASE'721M‘ Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1655 172 148 r1 .1608 .2077 .3150 11 27.89 12.61 12.81 K2 213.2 46 50 P2 .7802 .3370 .5362 12 —104.62 -31.21 -64.56 t2 152.9 136.32 133.51 x3 1868.2 218 198 t3 19.29 26.51 20.23 Average error of equation 4.70 1.3999 3 7.53 I . 3.5111152 #1th “5' E“ fl ; 180 CASE 1801M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1553 167 150 11 26.43 8.53 18.17 K2 217.3 76 42 r2 .8746 .3993 .7065 i2 -116.93 ~45.53 -90.64 t2 150.53 150.91 149.16 K3 1770.3 243 192 t3 18.38 25.36 19.65 Average error of equation 5.89 1.375 5.93 CASE 2848M Height Skeleta1 Age Mental Age K1 1622 143 170 r1 .1583 .2235 .3060 i1 28.09 15.54 12.33 K2 232.7 75 51 r2 .8421 .3034 .9925 i2 —1l2.77 -20.15 -133.65 t2 151.40 114.96 149.50 K3 1854.7 218 221 t3 18.76 26.41 17.60 Average error of equation 7.28 1.236 3.94 m -11 _. a - 11..- -fi R {18531 U v.3 ‘03 V3. 4'5.“ . . w I ‘ . . “~fl— .... ‘ " ”1111111111111[111111111111111‘ES 5 3842