63583 6F FRUS’E‘RATEGN AS IT PLE‘LA'YES 'E‘G ”ESE RUMEEE 0F- REINFGEQEB TRIALS z‘T’E‘tEGE 1’8? FRUSTRAFEVE E‘EOHREWAEEE finest: face fin an?“ 0:5 535. D. IifiCfifGM‘e’ STATE UNEVEREET‘I Deibert S. McE-‘i’emy, Jr. {973 Missw LIBRARY Michigan State University This is to certify that the thesis entitled Odor of Frustration as it Relates to the Number of Reinforced Trials prior to Frustrative Nonreward presented by Delbert S. HcHenry, Jr. has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph. D- degree in 72? 'zéfiwy/ Date 7/25/13 0-7 639 ___r -. "—A ——..~-. ABSTRACT ODOR OF FRUSTRATION AS IT RELATES TO THE NUMBER OF REINFORCED TRIALS PRIOR TO FROSTRATIVE NONREHARD By Delbert S. HcHsnry, Jr. While a nuaber of studies have demonstrated that rodents secrete an odoroue substance as a function of frustrative non- reward, little is known about the response properties of odor emission. The purpose of the present study is four-fold: (l) (2) (3) (4) To deternins if the concentration of odor-of-fruetration is syeteeaticelly related to the nuaber of reinforced trials preceding frustrative nonreward. To deteraine if the odor concentration on the second trial of frustrative nonreward is greater than that elit- ted following the first exposure to frustrative nonreward. To deternine if the paper covering the floor under the odorant anieal acts as a depository for the odorous sub- stance. To determine the pherononel reaction of e aale albino rat detecting the odor of a nonfrustratad eale conspecific. To this end, g; froa five odorant groups were placed, in- dividually, into the center chaebsr of a three-chanbered box for six trials per day over nine consecutive days. The{§s of each group received a pre-deternined nueber of nonreinforced Delbert S. HcHenry, Jr. trials (0, 18, 36, 48, 54), with the remainder of the 54 trials (54, 36, 18, 6, O) reinforcing approach toward the food cup. Frustrative nonreward followed the final rein- forced trial of day nine. The existence of odor of frustration, and its concen- tration, was measured in terms of the latency of a naive de- tector'g to leave one of the end chambers and enter the odor- ized center chamber. Latency of the detector to leave this odorized area was also used as an index of odor concentra- tion, since previous studies had shown that conspecifics find odor of frustration mildly aversive. It was found that: (l) Odorant groups differed in latency to approach the food cup on day nine. This was interpreted in terms of dif- ferences in level of “food expectation”. (2) Amount of urine excreted by the odorants following frus- trative nonreward was directly related to the number of reinforced trials prior to frustrative nonreward. This was interpreted as showing differences in level of frus- tration following frustrative nonreward. (3) Latency of the detector g; to enter, then leave the odor- ized center chamber was not systematically related to the number of reinforced trials the odorant‘gs received prior to frustrative nonreward. (4) Rate detecting odor of a nonfrustratad male conspecific tend to approach faster and escape slower than rats de- tecting odor of a clean chamber. Delbert S. HcHenry, Jr. (5) Exhausting the odorized air of the center chamber fol- lowing frustrative nonreward, but prior to detector testing, yielded a non-significant tendency to approach more slowly, and leave faster than detector g; of the control group. (6) Detectors were slower to enter but faster to leave an area infused with odor-of-frustration secreted as a function of the second trial of frustrative nonreward, relative to detectors receiving odor-of-fruetration from odorants receiving their first trial of frustrative non- reward. Discrspant findings between comparable studies were dis- cussed in terms of procedural differences. An improved method- ology based on the findings of the present study was proposed. And a brief summary of phenomena related to odor-of-frustration was given. ODOR OF FRUSTRATION AS IT RELATES TO THE NUMBER OF REINFORCED TRIALS PRIOR TO FRUSTRATIVE NONREHARD By '- . M1 Delbert S? HcHenry, Jr. A THESIS Submitted to Hichigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Psychology 1973 LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . o . o o o o o o o o o o . o . HETHDD o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o SUbjBCt. o o o o o o s o o o o o o o o o o o Applrltus o o o o o o o s o o o o o o o o o PICCUduro o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o RESULTS o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o DISCUSSION o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o A DISCUSSION OF RELATED TOPICS o o o o Strain Differences in Odor Sensitivity. . Possible Secretory Glands Associated With Oder of Frustration and the Role of Urine in OdIr .f Fruatrlti.n Secretiln o o o o o o s Odor of Frustration as One Instance of a General Stress Odor . . BIBLIOGRAPHY . ii Page iii iv 33 36 3B Table 1. LIST OF TABLES Page Day nine acquisition performance f.r f.Ur .d.r.nt ngUpI o o o o o o o o o o o 20 Trial one means and standard deviations of odor chamber approach, escape, and the difference score (approach - escape) for .ight dCtBCt.r group... o o o o o o o o o o o 23 Trial two means and standard deviations of odor chamber approach and escape for eight detector groups . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Latency to approach the food cup as a function of acquisition day . . . . . . . . . . 19 2. Estimated quantity of urine for five odorant groups, with measures taken after frustrative nonreward . . . . . . . . . . 21 iv INTRODUCTION A number of investigations have provided evidence for the existence of odors secreted by an individual rodent as a function of operations designed to produce frustration, i.e., nonreinforcoment in a situation previously associated with reinforcement. In general these demonstrations have taken one of two forms. First, it has been shown that a nonfrustratad con- spscific makes an immediate and characteristic response upon receipt of an odor associated with frustrative non- reward. Hhsn an odor elicits a characteristic response from o conspocific it is termed a pheromone (Korlson & Luschsr, 1959). A second type of supportive evidence has come from those studies which report that experimental ani- mals can use the odor produced by a frustrated conspecific as d cue for the solution of a discrimination learning prob- lem. For example, Harrison & Ludvigeon (1970) successfully trained female albino rats to choose a food baited goal box in a T-maze conditional discrimination problem when using odor-of-frustrotion as a cue. Forty-sight So were separ- ated into four groups of twelve g; each. The first group (NC) received odor-of-frustrated-conspocific versus odor-of- clsan paper. A second group (RN) received odor-of-fruotrated 1 2 conspecific versus odor-of-rewarded conspecific. And a third group (RC) received odor-of—rewarded conepecific versus odor- of—clean paper. The fourth group received only odor-of-clean paper as a control for non-experimental discriminative cues such as odor of food pellets emanating from the baited goal box. Odor-ofwreward and odor-of—frustration were presumed to be secreted or excreted by a food deprived odorant animal placed at the choice point of the T-mazs. The presentation of food to the odorant animal was intended to elicit odor- of reward, while frustrative nonreward was intended to elicit odor-of-frustration. The above chance performance of the NC and RN groups was interpreted by Morrison and Ludvigeon as showing a cue function for odor-of-frustrotion. However, the use of compound cues in this study makes the evidence equivocal. For example, the NC group could have learned the T-more problem using the species-specific scent of the in- dividual odorant animals. Several spontaneous alternation studies have shown that rats tend to avoid an area infused with their own scent (c.f., Schultz & Tapp, 1972) but to approach on area containing the scent of other conspecifics (Reiff, 1956). Bower & Alexander (1967) found that mice could distinguish between odors as- sociated with two conspecifics in a Y-maze discrimination problem. Archer (1968) showed that odor of a strange male mouse caused an increase in aggressive behavior between male cage mates. Taken together, these studies support the pos- sibility that 'odor-of-frustration' might better be labelled 'odor-of-frustrated-rat' with the characteristic scent of the 3 odorant conspecific contributing to stimulus control of the choice behavior of the indicator animal in the Harrison and Ludvigeon study. A similar problem arises in determining the nature of the cue controlling the choice responses of the second in- dicator group. Recall that this group received adar-of—a frustrated rat versus adar-af-a-rsinforced rat. Uhils Har- rison & Ludvigeon interpret the successful performance of this group in terms of cue control by odor-af—frustratian an alternative explanation is possible. Southhall & Lang (1969) showed that rate could use the odor from a single pel- let as a cue to solve a T-maze discrimination problem. It seems possible that group two of the Harrison and Ludvigeon study (the RN group) solved the conditional discrimination problem using odor of food or food particles rather than ador-of—frustration. In spite of the evidence cited above, Harrison and Ludvigeon found that the RC group receiving odor- of a reinforced conspecific versus odor-of-clesn paper did not choose the baited goal box significantly above chance. It is not clear whether the discrepancy in findings is due to methodological differences in studies or an odor insensi- tivity by the §s of the RC group. Using essentially the some apparatus and design, HcHonry (unpublished research) was un- able to replicate the Harrison and Ludvigeon findings when the characteristic scent of rat was common to the two cue values of the successive conditional discrimination, i.e.. adar-of-frustrated rot versus ador-of-a nonfrustratad rat. In general, the use of a learned response confounds the learning process with the relationship between the odor of frustration and the unconditioned response to that odor. Under certain circumstances it may be impossible to deter- mine whethor the topography of a learned odor indicator re- sponse is due to learning variables or detection of the odor. For example, a number of studies have used the “double alternation" learning paradigm in providing evidence for the existence of an odor associated with non-receipt of an ”ex- poctsd' reward (Ludvigson.& Sytsma, 1967: Ludvigson, 1969). Typically this procedure involves the double alternation of reward (R) and non-reward (N) in an RRNN pattern of successive events in the goal box of a straight alley. 'A second char- acteristic of these studies is that homogeneous goal box .events are arranged such that each g’in a squad receives a given ordinally numbered trial before any g receives the next trial, and the goal box event of a given trial is the some for each,§. A number of studies have shown that rats need an external cue to learn this pattern (Bloom & Capoldi, 1961), with learning manifested by significantly slower running speeds on non-reinforced triale relative to running speeds on rein- forced trials. Ludvigeon & Sytsmo (1967) have shown that when the above conditions are met, i.e., double alternation paradigm with homogeneous goal box events, rats show patterned running in the area of the goal box. Seaga, Ludvigeon & Rsmley (1970) have implicated an odor cue from the preceding conspecific by showing that anaemic rats do not show patterned running under the double alternation condition. An unambiguous interpretation of the outcome of these studies is that rats give off a substance which perseverates after the frustrated animal is removed, and that the presence of this substance is associated with one type of behavior by the detecting animal, and a different type of behavior in its absence. Unfortunately, this type of study reveals nothing about the relationshipbetwsen odor emission, odor—of-fruetra- tion and the response or class of responses made by a con- specific detecting odor-of-fruetration. Both pheromonal prop- erties and the cue prOperties of odor-of-frustration would be expected to elicit responses incompatible with approach toward the goal box, so that increased running time in the presence of the odor is not an unambiguous demonstration of the aversive properties of the odor when using this paradigm. Rather than imposing a learned indicator response (dis- crimination paradigm) upon the odor detector, a number of in- vestigators have used designs showing the interaction between learned responses and responses elicited by odor of frustra- tion. HcHoee & Ludvigeon (1966), for example, trained on ex- perimental groupto run in two discriminably different alleys, one of which was associated with a small magnitude of reward (s- alley) and the other associated with a large magnitude of reward (s+ alley). HcHoee and Ludvigeon found that the control group which received an intermediate but equal amount of food in each alley ran slower in the s- alloy than in the s+ alley. Presumably this effect was due to an odor given off by the experimental animals in the a? alley. A related effect has been demonstrated by Hasserman & 6 Jensen (1969) which they term the ”pseudo-extinction effect”. Essentially this refers to the finding that “continuously re- warded rats show a decrease in running speed on a runway recently traversed by other rats undergoing experimental ex- tinction” (p. 1307). This decrease in running speed was con- fined to the goal area where odor-of-frustration would pre- sumably be strongest. Since §a running speed did not decrease on those trials where the preceding odorant animal was rein- forced it is unlikely'that the effect was due to the character- istic scent of the conspecific. Evidence supporting the existence of an odor associated with non-receipt of an ”expected” reward also comes from a study carried out by Hellgren, Fouts & Hartin (1973). Hater deprived odorant rats received twenty-four continuously rein- forced trials in the center compartment of a three-chambered box. They then received a series of trials of non-reinforce- ment in the same center compartment. Hhen detector g; were placed in the start.box (one of the and chambers) and per- mitted entrance into the odorized center chamber their latency to enter the odor laden center chamber was significantly longer than detector‘gs exposed to odor of a nonfrustratad rat. La- tency to leave the center chamber by "escaping'' to one of the end chambers was significantly shorter for those detectors ex- posed to odor-of-frustrotion, relative to the performance of those detectors receiving the scent of a nonfrustratad con- specific. To date, the study of odor of frustration has been limited to demonstrations of its existence. Determining the response 7 characteristics of odor emission as it relates to the oper- ation of frustrative nonreward has been hampered by the need to use an indicator response of a conspecific receiving odor- of-frustration. Host responses can be measured using devices that relate to the response in a known way, e.g.. clocks and counters. Unfortunately, odor-af-frustration cannot yet be measured using a mechanical device which gives a one-to-one relation between a dial reading and some value of a response parameter. The only "device“ which is sensitive to odor of frustration is another rat which makes an unconditioned re- sponse upon detection of the odor. Unlike the clocks and counters, it is not known how changes in.the indicator re- sponse relate to changes in some characteristic of odor emis- sion. An incidental finding of the previously cited study by Seago,‘3t.{gl. (1970) points to a possible indicator response, namely, latency to approach an area infused with odor-of-frus- tration, which may be sensitive to graded changes in the con- centration of the odor.. Recall that four groups of rats were tested in a straight alley using a double alternation paradigm. The g; of two groups were made anaemic as a consequence of olfactory bulb removal; the rebaining two groups were tested intact, and presumably were macrosomatic. The normal go showed patterned running as expected while the anaemic animals didn't. But of particular.intersetwas the additional finding that the magnitude of patterning (difference between latency to enter the goal box on reward versus nonreward trials) was a function of the number of preceding g; on a given trial, i.s.. the § run seventh showed stronger patterning than ths‘g run second. Such a finding suggests that either: (1) odor of frustration accumulated as successive g; were tested on a given trial and that latency to approach an area infused with this odor is a function of the odor concentration, i.e.. a pheromone effect, or (2) a greater concentration of the odor provided a more‘oasily detected cue signaling nonreinforcs— ment in the goal box area, or (3) perhaps both of those factors were operating in additive fashion. In any case it is clear that the indicator response was sensitive to the concentration of the odor. This finding may permit a study of the response properties of odor emission, especially as it relates in par- allel fashion to the traditional response measures indicative of a frustration effect, s.g., running speed in alloy two of a double-alley apparatus (Amsel L Rousoell, 1952) or bar press amplitude (Notterman & Hintr, 1965). Amsel (1950) has proposed that the magnitude of the frust- ration effect of “invigorating responses which follow (frus- trative nonreward)" depends upon the strength of the antic- ipation of reward, r - sg (Spence, 1956). The strength of 9 r - sq, in turn, is determined by such factors as magnitude a: reward, and number of reinforced trials. Peckham & Amsol (1967) has confirmed that the frustration effect is influenced by reward magnitude, and a number of studies have found that number of reinforced trials prior to frustrative nonreward is positively related to the strength of the frustration affect (Hug, 1970: Stimmell L Adams, 1969: Yslon, 1969). Yelen (1969) trained three groups of rats in a double alley apparatus constructed such that the goal box of alley one also functioned as the start box for alley two. Each group of rats was given 12, 36, or 60 trials with a 97 mg. Noyes food pellet consistently available in both goal boxes. The gs of all three groups were then shifted to a 501 rein- forcement schedule for goal box one, with goal box two baited on all trials. The magnitude of the frustration effect, as manifested by significantly faster alley two running speeds following goal box one nonreinforcemont versus goal box one reinforcement, was directly related to the number of prior reinforced trials. The frustration effect was largest for .ths 60 reinforced-trials-group, second largest for the 36 roinferced-trials-group, and smallest for the 12 reinforced- trials-group. In summary, a number of studies have demonstrated the existence of an odor associated with frustrative nonreward, and the time has come to begin a study of the response char- acteristics of odor emission. Yelen (1969) has shown that the response of running following frustrative nonreward is influenced by the number of reinforced trials preceding frus- trative nonreward. Ths.purposo of the present study was to determine the extent to which odor-ef-frustratien is similarly influenced by this variable. Odor concentration was measured in terms of the latency of an odor detecting‘g to approach an area infused with odor-of-frustratien emitted by an odor- ant animal receiving different numbers of prior reinforced trials. Since Seaga,:gt.‘gl. (1970) showed that approach latency is sensitive to sdor-ef—frustration concentration, .e , .. - J ".l v. v.1-v'... . s, a —. - v a I- A- - vo'h . . I s a n. L... ,., . ”em \ On - .I-‘ 4 s ’P u N ‘- a‘ l . g.- v'eggfil" .'. I ’s>':4 . low ( ' I \a at, I ”A ‘4 (soul."' '1. (‘11 D \ v '. 'e ‘ " f ‘ . r: ‘ J: O A o - Q. < l I g - J ‘. e O . , . . t. ' ‘ 1«‘l [ '«u . -§‘ : tlz ' u". f 0-: d :70” -. .1 - . l 0 . , 't I ) r* 'r f .,n g. :‘.f 2' .‘ l 7‘ 5 .. :‘ ”wm‘mj . i".:‘ I rl._ "'_ Q 0-1) .1.':l?‘[w emu. J O -\ | , ;:II: T -3E3' VI] 111‘: CURL" J J No A. .4 .7. a ‘, » m- ‘, _. .. '1. l L .1 ‘ . l aq\/ .11 n IT 5", :‘l. -' x *«n.~' 1 1.1- . . .i F, .,.. . . c I T 7‘ "'tn, .e [d l' -V ..- _ D 0' Ll'. O“ ‘f \ ‘l. “l. 'Ll l( _ " VI- r‘ v B .4 t 10 the function relating latency of approach by odor detecting go to number of prior reinforced trials of the odorant group should give an indication of odor concentration as it relates to the number of prior reinforced trials. METHOD Subjects: One hundred and eight male, albino rats (Spraguo-Dawley strain) served so So. Each‘g was experimentally naive, and was 95 to 105 days old at the beginning of experimentation. Upon arrival at the laboratory each rat was housed individ- ually in an 0' X 10' metal cage, and provided with 32 libitum food and water for a five day period. At the completion of this period each.§ was reduced to approximately 005 of its free feeding weight by imposing a 10 gram per-day deprivation schedule. Apparatus: ‘ The testing apparatus consisted of a three-chambered box, with each chamber measuring 11' X 7%” X 0' high. Adjoining chambers were constructed of +' clear plexiglas, and were separated by 7%” X 0' high guillotine doors, also constructed of clear plexiglas. Each chamber was covered by a hinged, plexiglas lid measuring 11' X 0'. Strips of water proof butch- er paper ovorlayed with absorbent Scott towsling covered the floor of the apparatus. Clean paper could be pulled from paper .rolls located at one end of the apparatus through a slot located at the base of one and of the chamber: paper soiled with urine and boli could be pulled from the apparatus through a slot 11 located at the other end of the apparatus. Forty-five mg. Noyes food pellets were delivered down a i" (0.0.) rigid plastic tube into a plastic food dish with a removable, clear plastic top. The food dish, measuring 1' X 2', was located in the center chamber. and was attached to one of the side walls. Latency of response measures for the detector So were taken by using microswitches attached to the guillotine doors and one photo-relay located 4%" inside the center cham- ber, with a second photo-relay 4}” inside the "goal box". Each microswitch and photo-relay was part of the timing cir- cuitry programmed through 20 v. electro-mechanical components. Two clocks, capable of resolving .01 seconds provided measures of response latency. Odor laden air was removed from the chamber by using two 20 v. blowers. A 1 5/8“ rubber hose connected the input port of one blower to the 1 5/0" exhaust hole cut in the end wall of the goal chamber. A similar blower and hose arrangement provided room air into the chamber through a 1 5/0' hole cut in the start box and wall. Procedure: The 108 So were randomly divided into five groups of odor emitters and eight groups of odor detectors. The size, treat- ment and function of each of the thirteen groups was as follows:1 (1) A group of eight detector.rats received odor of a clean (center) chamber in order to provide reference data for 1At the end of the description for each group is a code enclosed in parentheses. This coderwill be used as a group label, and is intended as a mnemonic device to help the reader recall the.function and treatment assigned each group. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 12 group three. (D-OCC) refers to Detector - Odor of Clean Chamber. A group of four nonfrustratad odorant So was placed in the center chamber in order to provide a scent character- istic of a nonfrustratad male rat. (0-0 R) refers to Odsrant - O Reinforcement in the center chamber. A group of eight detector rats received odor of a non- frustratad conspecific so as to provide data on the characteristic response elicited by odor of a nonfrus- tratad male; and secondly, these gs provided “reference data” for the detectors which received odor of a frus- troted male rat. (D-O R) refers to Detector - receiving odor associated with 0 Reinforcement. A group of eight odorant animals received 40 nonreinforced trials, followed by 6 reinforced trials, and finally frus- trative nonreward. (0—6 R) refers to Odorant - 6 Rain- forcements in the center chamber. A group of eight detector rats received odor-of-frus- tration from the So of group four. (D-6 R) refers to Detector - receiving odor associated with 6 Reinforcements. A group of eight odorant §s received 36 nonreinforced trials, followed by 10 reinforced trials prior to frus- trative nonreward. (0410 R) refers to Odorant - 10 re- inforcements in the center chamber. A group of sight detector rats received odor-of-frustra- tion from thelgs of group six. (D-lB R) refers to De- tector - receiving odor associated with 10 Reinforcements. A group of eight odorant §s received 18 nonreinforced (9) (10) (ll) (12) 13 trials followed by 36 reinforced trials prior to frus- trative nonreward.n (0-36 R) refers to Odorant - 36 Re- .inforcements in the center chamber. A group of sight detector rats received odor-of-frue— tration from the go of group eight. (0-36 R) refers to Detector - receiving odor associated with 36 Reinforced trials. A group of sixteen odorant So received 54 reinforced trials and O nonreinforced trials prior to frustrative nonreward. Eight go of this group received a single trial of frustrative nonreward. (0-54 R-F1) refers to Odorant - receiving 54 reinforced trials in the center chamber followed by 1 trial-of Frustrative nonreward. A second group of eight go received a second trial of frustrative nonreward four minutes following following the first trial of frustrative nonreward. Those So are coded (0-54 R-Fz). A group of eight detector rats received odor-of-frue- tration hypothetically emanating from the paper covering the floor at the time that eight of the So from group ten received frustrative nonreward, i.s., the odorized air of the center chamber was exhausted following frus- trative nonreward, leaving only the paper as.a.eeurce of. odor-of—frustration. (D—54 R-E) refers to Detector - receiving 54 reinforced trials in the center chamber - with the odorized air Exhausted following frustrative nonreward. A group of eight detector rats received odor-of- 14 frustration following the first nonreinforced trial of the remaining eight rats of group ten. The center cham- ber was not doodorized (i.s., the air wasn't exhausted) following frustrative nonreward. (0-54 R-Fl) refers to Detector - receiving the odor associated with 54 Rain- forced trials in the center chamber and - one trial of Frustrative nonreward. (13) A second group of eight detector rats received odor of frustration following the second nonreinforced trial of the second set of group ten rate. This group is coded (0-54 R-FZ). One week following the onset of the deprivation schedule a randomly determined odorant S was removed from the colony room and carried to the cubicle containing the test apparatus. Each odorant‘§_rsceived six massed trials per day. with all nonrewarded trials (as specified above for each odorant group) administered prior to the presentation of the reinforced trials. This procedure allowed equivalence between groups for handling, exposure to the apparatus, deprivation level at the time of the nonreinforced test trial (trial seven of day nine), and number of trials on the final test day. A On all nonreinforced trials that preceded reinforced trials on odorant §,was placed in the center chamber with the . guillotine doors lowered, for a 45 second period. Food was not presented and a clean food cup (one without the odor of Noyes food pellets emanating from it) was covered with a plastic lid. At the completion of the trial §,was removed from the center chamber to the home cage for a 15 second 15 inter-trial invsrval. §,was then returned to the center cham- ber for trial two. Trials two through six were identical to that described for trial one. Reinforced trials were identical to nonreinforced trials with the obvious exception that ten 45 mg. Noyes food pellets were delivered, all at once, down the +' tube into the plastic food cup for Se consumption. The odorant S was placed into the center chamber "facing away from" the food cup at a point as far away from the food cup as possible. Using a stop watch, measures of the time to approach the food cup were taken in an effort to get an independent measure of the development of ”expectation" (as a function of the number of reinforced trials). During separate training sessions on days one through nine the odor-detoctor'gs were placed into the start box (one of the end chambers) for a one minute period in an effort to make the indicator response (latency to approach the odor laden center chamber) loss under the control of stimuli as- sociated with the start box in subsequent test trials, and more under the control of the independent variable (the hypo- thetical differences in odor concentration in the center chamber). For the training that occurred on day nine, and for the odor-of-frustration test trial, the 108.§s were grouped into eight squads of fourteen Se each. Because there were only four So providing odor-of-a-nonfrustratod male rat, group (0-0 R), these g; were assigned to two squads. As such each g of this group provided odor to two different detectors, 16 each in a different squad. The purpose of grouping §s into squads was to control for temporal variations in factors which may affect olfactory sensitivity of the detectors (e.g., humid- ity) and short term deprivation of the odorants. The odor of frustration test trial followed the sixth trial of day nine. The odorant §.was removed from the cham- ber following consumption of the pellets; the chamber was cleaned by replacing the paper floor covering, exchanging the food-odorized-feeding cup with a Clean one covered with the plastic lid, and exhausting the odorized air from the chamber. The odorant‘g was returned to the center chamber and ten 45 mg. Noyes food pellets were delivered into the closed food cup. One implication of this procedure which should be made explicit is that food pellets were present in the closed food cup at the time that 211 detector gs were tested. At the end of sixty seconds the odorant §,was removed from the center chamber, and a count of the number and approximate size of the urine spots on the paper covering the floor was taken. Thirty seconds after removal of the odorant §_a naive detector § (i.e., one which had never recoived°food in the test chamber, had not experienced the odor of another rat in the test cham- ber, and had not explored any part of the test chamber except the start box) was placed into the start box. Five seconds later the guillotine door separating the start box from the center chamber was raised and than lowered as the detector‘g entered the center compartment. Simultaneous with the lowering of the first door, the second guillotine door separating the ”goal box” from the center chamber was raised to allow the 17 detector §,to escape from the area infused with the various odors (e.g., a clean center chamber, frustration, and the characteristic scent of a nonfrustratad conspecific). If the detector Sbfailed to enter the center chamber after two minutes he was removed from the apparatus and his latency to enter the center chamber was recorded as two minutes. Center chamber escape latencies were similarly recorded. Each detector §,was returned to the start box following one of four inter-trial intervals (15 seconds, 45 seconds, ninty seconds, and five minutes) for a re-exposure to the some odor conditions prevailing during trial one. Trial two was carried out in a manner identical to trial one. Following the second trial for each detector the oppor- atus was cleaned by ”pulling“ clean paper into the apparatus, replacing the food cup, and wiping the inside surface of the walls with a damp Scott towel. The odorized air of the chamber was removed by activating the blowers for thirty seconds. RESULTS Latencios to approach the baited food cup by the odorant ,gs were recorded, and are summarized in Figure l for those So which received nine days of reinforcement (Group (0-54 R-F1) and Group (0-54 R-F2)). The initial portion of the function shows a precipitous drop in latency to approach the food cup between day one and day three, with the attainment of a relatively stable asymptote by the third block of six trials. The.accurocy of this de- scription is supported statistically by a between-days LATENCY TO APPROACH THE FOOD CUP (Total no. of sec. in 6 trials) 300 250 200 150 100 50 1B 1 I l L 1 l I I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ACQUISITION DAY Figure 1. Latency to approach the food cup as a function of acquisition day. BI I I I I I I l l e 8 T 8 a I5 E S I YAO l/IOITIBIUOOA s as qua boo? ed: dosciqqa oi yonstaJ .1 erupid .vsb noiiieiupos is national 005 053 003 051 00! 08 (ioiol UO' or see gu 9 mole) I'VlEl/ICA .LO VbbBOVCH .LHE LOOD Cflb 19 comparison of the performance of groups (0-54 R-F1) and (O- 54 R-Fz); (F .. 31.93, df .. 15,120, P (.001. The 93;; mg comparison (Tukey B test) showed significant drops in latency between days one and two and days two and three only; P<< .05. A between-groups comparison of the day nine performance of those odorant gs receiving one, three, six, or nine days of reinforcement yielded an (F . 5.81, df . 3,31, P< .01.) A‘gggt hag comparison showed significant differences in day nine performance between group (0-6 R) and the remaining three groups (0-18 R), (0-36 R), and (0-54 R). A non-significant difference was obtained between group (0-54 R) and groups (0-10 R) and (0-36 R). The means and standard deviations for the day nine performance of the four groups are presented in Table 1. It is frequently assumed that urination is an emotional consequence of the presentation of an aversive stimulus (e.g., Donny & Ratner, 1970). Figure 2 suggests that the amount of urination was systematically related to the number of rain- forced trials prior to frustrative nonreward. Since it was impossible to measure the area of the urine spot with a ruler, because to do so would require lifting the lid on the center chamber and disrupting the odorized area prior to testing the detector S, an estimate of the area of the spot was made in terms of (or compared to) the area covered by a half-dollar (assigned anarbitrary value of five), a quarter (4), a nickle (3), a dime (2), and a spot smaller than a dime (1). Because of the large number of zoro's (non-urinators) and the extreme amount of variability of urine scores, the differences in 20 Table 1. Day nine acquisition per- formance for four odorant groups. ODORANTS x(ssc.) S. D. 0-6 R 126.00 90.50 0-18 R 32.75 17.14 0-36 R 42.75 49.01 0-54 R 23.50 12.20 I! i‘. 1 .14 I 131..” Pl F -I I $ O I\L —1I 1... INE r all.) W 3. “60301111111111?! OF UR f LA.- «.0 as 3 is“ al- 03 '3 la. er‘ ~. “'I _/ 1 04 on I C. - I N \l (I 50 C) f-b 21 "ESTIMAT o-oev 0-6:: we R‘ omen o-s4n ODORANT GROUP "Figurs 2. Estimated quantity of urine for five odorant groups, with meas- "-ures taken after frustrative nonreward. . . "—- fl I - -. - . é. ’7 IS Fl 456-0 REE-0 R 81-0 Fl 8-0 RO-O cIUOFIE) Tl/IAFIOCIO In? enixu 1s yiiinaup botamlieB -easm diiw ,equozp inszobo evil aviiszieurl 13316 neflad eeiu .b1swsinon .S stupid 05 CS 08 3| 0| EBLIWV1ED OnVI/llllA 0h new”; 22 amount of urine excreted was not significantly different be- tween groups: (H a 5.96, df - 4, P:>».05). By assuming that group (D-O R) represents the expected number of nonfrustratad go which would urinate in the center chamber in a one minute period it is possible to compare, via the chi-square statistic, the number of Se urinating in the nonfrustratad control group to the number of go urinating in ‘each of the remaining four frustration groups. The chi-square value for groups (0-6 R), (0-18 R), and (0-54 R-Fl) was iden- tical and equalled 6.25, P < .02. For group (0-36 R) the chi- square value equalled 12.25, P<: .001. Despite the large differences in “expectation” as mani- fested by the day nine acquisition performance of the odorant groups, and apparent differences in level of frustration, as manifested by differences in magnitude of urination between groups, the performance differences beteeen detector groups was neither significant nor systematically related to the number of reinforCed trials prior to frustrative nonreward of the odorant _S_p; approach (F s 0.74, df :- 4,35, P) .05); escape (F e 0.90, df = 4,35, P:> .05); the difference score, approach- escape (F a 1.15, df . 4,35, P) .05). Table 2 gives the means and standard deviations for the detector groups. A comparison of performance differences was made between group (D-54 R'Fl) which received the odor elicited as a func- tion of the first frustration trial given group (0-54 R-FZ), and group (D-54 R-Fz), which received odor-ef-fruetration elicited as a function of the second frustration trial ad- ministered to group (0-54 R-FZ): approach (T e 1.23, df a 14 23 Table 2. Trial one means and standard deviations of odor chamber approach, escape, and the difference score (approach - escape) for eight detector groups. DETECTORS MEASURE X(..c.) S. D. approach 47.36 39.90 D-OCC escape 23.30 40.40 difference 23.99 47.61 approach 21.34 13.37 0-0 R escape 44.46 46.05 difference -23.10 41.30 approach 23.07 15.59 D-6 R escape 20.07 32.24 difference 17.75 54.07 approach 16.32 13.24 D-lB R escape 29.11 35.03 difference -12.75 30.25 approach 30.71 31.11 D-36 R escape 34.62 30.70 difference -3.91 46.06 approach 17.16 14.75 D-54 R-F1 escape 54.60 45.37 difference -22.31 30.33 approach 29.45 23.92 0-54 R-Fz ..C.P. 35.43 27o‘0 difference -5.97 14.49 approach 30.33 16.52 D-54 R-E escape 34.27 27.99 difference -3.96 20.92 24 Table 3. Trial two means and standard deviations of odor chamber approach and escape for eight detector groups. DETECTORS MEASURE x(sec.) S. 0. D-OCC approach 22.79 27.21 escape 43.20 51.14 D-O R approach 10.24 22.56 escape 36.60 42.10 D-6 R approach 16.44 14.95 escape 23.01 32.29 'D-10 R approach 5.90 6.70 escape 54.04 55.77 D-36 R approach 16.94 10.79 escape 45.00 45.97 D-54 R-F1 approach 16.01 16.00 escape 33.97 39.71 D-54 R-Fz approach 24.11 30.46 escape 51.99 57.16 D-54 R-E approach 20.97 25.77 . escape 52.05 56.17 IOI.II1 .1 (III- Iill'l l m”...— .. --—.--—~ -....—._ .q...._.... .—- - 25 P) .05): escape (T :- l.00, P) .05). In order to determine if the paper covering the floor under the frustrated rat was a source of odor-of-frustration a comparison was made between group (D-54 R-E) and group (D- 54 R-Fl); approach (T a 1.60, df - l4, P:> .05) and escape (T - 1.00, df . 14, P;> .05). In order to determine the pheromonal reaction to odor of a nonfrustratad male conspecific a comparison was made be- tween group (D-OCC) and group (D-O R); approach (T - 1.75, df is 14, P< .05): escaps.(T :- 0.97, .df - 14, P >.05); and the difference score, approach - escape (T - 2.11, df - l4, p< .05). Essentially the same set of analyses were made an the trial two performance of the various detector groups. Since none of the analyses yielded statistically significant values only the means and standard deviations are presented. These may be seen in Table 3. DISCUSSION The finding that detector gs exposed to the character- istic scent of a conspecific have a faster latency to approach an area containing that odor, and a slower latency to leave that area, relative to detectors exposed to the odor of a clean chamber, supports the findings of Roiff (1956), and Hollgren, Fouts, & Hartin (1973). The failure to demonstrate an odor-of-frustration effect, however, is contrary to the outcome of those studies which report increased latencies to enter an area presumably infused 26 with odor-sf-frustration (Collerain & Ludvigson, 1972; HcHsss A Ludvigson, 1966; Mellgren, Fouts, & Martin, 1973; Hasserman L Jensen, 1969). Such a discrepancy in results forces one to make a detailed examination of seemingly trivial procedural differences which may be responsible for the different out- comes of comparable studies. Since the Hellgren, gt. 2;. (1973) methodology provides the closest approximation to the methods of the present study, it should be easiest to ferret out the relevant differences by a comparison of these two studies. First, there are a number of particulars which the studies have in common. Both studies used male, albino rats of the Sprague-Dowley strain. In both studies So were approximately 100 days old. The ap- paratus of each study consisted of a three-chambered box, with each chamber separated by a guillotine door, and the floor of both apparatuses was covered by removable paper. Each chamber of the Hellgron box was 15” X 5+" rather than the 11” X 7}” chambers used in the present study. Most importantly, in both studies the latency to enter the odorized chamber was measured from the time the guillotine door was raised until § broke a photsboam located approximately 4" into the center chamber (4' exactly for Mollgren, 4}" in the present study). There are a number of procedural details which differ for the two studies, some of which can be ignored based on the findings of other studies. For example, Hellgren used .5 cc of water as reinforcement, but most studies have used Noyes pellets to obtain an odor-of-frustration effect. 27 Unlike the present study, the detectors of the Hellgren study were exposed to the experimental apparatus on the test trial only. It might be suggested that odor-of-frustration potent- iates an initial fear of a novel apparatus, a fear which might be absent in the present study since detector gs received nine one-minute exposures to the start box. Other studies, how- ever, havo obtained a detector aversion to the odorized area after the detectors had received considerable pro-experimental exposure to the to-be-odorized area (HcHose & Ludvigeon, 1966; Hasssrman & Jensen, 1969). There are two procedural differences which may be re- sponsible for the discrepant findings. First, Hellgren ad- ministered 12 trials of frustrative nonreward, at the rate of three trials per day, with each detector receiving the hypothetical sdor-of-frustration during each trial. Since Hellgren combined his data over trials it is impossible to determine if the odor affect developed after the first trial of frustrative nonreward. If this were the case it could ac- count for the discrepant findings. The fact that both Hellgren and the present study obtained essentially the same pheromonal effect when studying the detector reaction to odor of a non- frustratad male conspecific (i.e., the odor elicits a rapid approach and lengthy exploration of the area) suggests that the differences in performance between the detectors receiving odor-sf-frustration in tho twocstudies are due to differences in the number of frustration trials given. Detector group (D-54 R-Fz) was included in the present study to provide data relevant to this point. Hhile a comparison of groups (D-54 R-Fl) 20 and (D-54 R-Fz) did not yield a significant T value, an in- spection of Table 2 shows that group (D-54 R-Fz), which re- ceived the odor-af-fruotration from the second nonreinforced trial of group (0-54 R-Fz), had a longer latency to enter the odorized center chamber and a shorter latency to leave this area relative to group (D-54 R-F1) which received odor-of- frustration from the first trial of frustrative nonreward of group (0-54 R-Fz) odorants. Such a finding would be consist- ent with studies using other measures of frustration. Ansel A Roussell (1952), for example, observed an increase in run- ning speed in alloy two of a double alley apparatus over the first five trials of frustrative nonreward. Tortsra (1973) found that panel pressing amplitude increased over the first 11 trials of frustrative nonreward, and then leveled off to form a stable asymptote. A second difference between the Hellgren, 35, 51. (1973) study and the present investigation concerns the manner in which an odor detector could ”escape" from the odorized cen- ter chamber. Hellgren permitted escape either by re-ontering the start box gr the opposite and box; the present investigat- ion permittod entrance only into the end chamber opposite the start box. The So could not escape back into the start box once the guillotine door was lowered. There are two obser- vation which were made that are relevant to this methodological difference. First, it was observed that a large number of detectors, once having entered the center chamber, would make a vigorous effort to re-sntsr the start box. For example, if the animal's tail extended back into the start box, thus 29 preventing complete closure of the guillotine door, the animal would attempt to pry the door open with his nose. Such a strat- egy obviously complicates an interpretation of the escape latencies of the detectors. But more importantly, a number of detectors were able to ”break” the photobsam located 4%” inside the center chamber, without making a complete entry into the center chamber, and thus preventing closure of the guillotine door separating the start box from the center cham- ber. When this happened the detector was able to rs-enter the start box, and thus make an escape response, the latency of which could not be measured. While only three So made this form of escape, all go had a potential for this pattern of responding, and procedural changes should be made in future studies to control for this possibility. The use of photo- beams as "movement sensors" also had the undesirable conse-‘ quence of contributing to the ”within-groups-variobility', since some §s actively explored the light source while others tended to avoid the area of increased illumination. A second factor in the present study which appeared to contribute to the large variability within groups was the type of reaction elicited by the raising of the guillotine doors, on event which the detectors did not experience during the pro-teat exposures to the start box. For same So lifting the guillotine door appeared to be the salient event responsible for a short latency lungs foreword into the center chamber: for other.§o door raising caused freezing. Either form of reaction would undoubtedly mask any effects of odor-of-frus- tration. 30 There are a number of potential remedies for reducing the within groups variability and making the dependent var- iable less under the control of stimuli associated with arbi- trary procedural considerations and more under the control of the independent variable. Rather than using a randomized groups design it might be better to use a randomized blocks design (Edwards, 1960), where each detector §Iwithin a given group would be matched with a single g from each of the other comparison groups on the basis of latency to enter the non- odorized center chamber during a pro-toot trial. A second possible improvement would be to use a hinged or tilt floor in a two-chambered apparatus, rather than photo- relays in a three-chambered box. Essentially a tilt floor is a floor mounted on a fulcrum so as to allow a small amount of vertical movement (e.g., 1/16”) at the two ends of the floor as the weight of the rat shifts from one side of the pivot point to the other. Deflection of the floor would be the mechanical event responsible for closure of an electrical relay integrated into the response timing circuitry. Such a device has been used successfully in a number of studies of odor effects in rodents (e.g., Doty, 1971), and would have the advantage of eliminating the need to use photobsams. The use of a two-chambered box would simplify an interpretation of the escape latencies, since‘g would not have an option of escape routes, and would not be engaged in a highly probable, but ineffectual means of escaping, namely, attempting to es- cape under the closed guillotine door separating the start box from the odorized center chamber. While a tight fitting 31 guillotine door could be used as a partition to restrict the hypothetical odor-of-frustration to the center chamber during the twenty to thirty seconds between odor emission and testing of the detector, the results of the present study suggest that it would be best to raise the guillotine door just prior to placement of the detector into the start box. A concern with the possibility of immediate odor diffusion into the start box is probably unwarranted since the double alternation studies (e.g., Ludvigeon & Sytsma, 1967) and the Waessrman & Jensen (1969) study of the pseudo-extinction effect show that the odor is detected immediately in front of, or within the first half of, the goal box. The odor had not diffused in detectable strengths, into the middle portion of the alley, even with an inter-trial interval of several seconds. Certainly there are too many studies reporting a de- tector aversion to odor of frustration to justify labelling the effect a ”phantom phenomena". Implementation of the sug- gested improvements in the methodology of the present invest- igation may well facilitate the study of the response pro- parties of odor emission. A DISCUSSION OF RELATED TOPICS There are three topics which are of indirect concern to the present study, and which will be discussed briefly in an effort to provide the reader with a summary statement regard- ing: (1) strain differences in odor sensitivity, (2) the sec- retory glands of rodents which may be responsible for the production of the odorous material, and the role of urine as 32 a medium possibly containing the odorous substance, and (3) other experimental operations producing aversive odors. Strain Differences in Odor Sensitivity: Early clinical studies of albinism in humans (e.g., Ogle, 1070) suggested that a lack of pigmentation is associated with anaemia, or at least, a weakened sensitivity to olfactory stim- ulation. Young (1957) has suggested a physiological basis for this presumed relationship by claiming that the pale yellow or dark brown pigment of the olfactory epithelium is necessary for olfactory sensitivity. Briggs & Duncan (1961) have car- ried the argument one step further by suggesting that caroten- oids are responsible for the coloration of the olfactory epi- thelium and are the chemical reactants of the olfactory recep- tors rssponsible for the conversion of chemical energy to elec- trical energy. Houlton (1960) carried out an odor discrimination study comparing the olfactory sensitivity of male black Norway rats to male albino rats. More specifically, n-hexyl alcohol was placed in one of two drinking bottles available to‘g at all times, the position of the bottles was changes periodically, with the drinking spout of one bottle connected to electric shock. The other spout was not connected to electric shock. Olfactory sensitivity was determined by reducing the con- centration of tho odorant in the water bottle until there was no significant deviation from a chance drinking score of 50% (an equal amount taken from each bottle). The results showed that pigmented rats were superior at 35 days, but ro- tosting So at 160 days resulted in superior performance (i.e., 33 a lower threshold) by the albino rats. Jennings & Keefer (1969) have also failed to find differences in olfactory sen- sitivity between male albino rats and headed males of the Long-Evans variety. More recently, Houlton (1962) has provided a critical review of the physiological and biochemical evidence relating the pigmentation of the olfactory epithelium to beta-carotene and these two factors, in turn, to olfactory sensitivity. Chromatographic evidence indicates that beta-carotene is not part of the chemical complex responsible for the pigmentation of the olfactory epithelium, and that the concentration of beta-carotene is not related to olfactory sensitivity in dif- ferent species. Possible Secretor Glands Associated with Odor-of-Frustration end the Role of Urine in Odor-sf-Frustration Secretion: The specific secretory Gland (or glands) responsible for the production of the olfactory material associated with frus- trative nonreward has not been determined. There are two prob- able reasons for this failure. First, members of the phylo- genetic ordor Rodontia, e.g.. fig; and Rattus, possess an extra- ordinary numbor of secretory glands and a variety of behaviors associated with the use of those glands. Ssbacoous glands are located over most of the surface of the body of rats (Mantegna, 1963). The preputial gland is located near the urethra, and since both the amount and chemical composition of the secret- ions of the preputial gland are affected by adrenal activity (Lesher, Lorincz, & Rothman, 1954) it would be a prime candidate for investigation. Hus also possesses secretory glands on the 34 sales of the feet (Tembrock, 1960) the output from which pro- vides odor trails which conspecifics can detect. The second reason so little is known about the physio- logical basis of odor-sf-fruatration is that even the most sophisticated methods of chemical analysis (e.g., gas-liquid chromatography) are ineffectual in the study of the odor molecules and their sources. Presumably this is because such a minute amount of the substance is involved (Valonta A Rigby, 1968). There has been considerable discussion regarding the role of urine as it relates to odor of frustration (Schultz A Tapp, 1973; Deutsch, 1970). A number of studies (e.g.. Wasserman A Jensen, 1969) including the present investigation have found a strong relationship between frustrative nonreward and quan- tity of urine output. Other studies, however, have found an odor-of-fruetration effect in the absence of observable urine spots (e.g.. Morrison A Ludvigson, 1970). Collerain A Lud- vigeon (reported in Reyniorse, in press) have attempted to resolve this inconsistency by suggesting that extremely small amounts of urine may be excreted, which might be detected under ultra-violet light but not under white light. Efforts assoc- iated with the present study to replicate this finding using a Sylvania lamp (FOTBS.1BLB) discharging ultra-violet light were not successful. Urine spots on the Scott towsling were no more visible under ultra-violet light than they were under white light. The ultra-violet portion of the electromagnetic spectrum ranges from about 0 millimicrons to 300 millimicrons, and since Reyniorse (in press) doesn't report the discharge 35 wavelength used by Collerain A Ludvigeon it is possible that urine does fluoresce under some ultra-violet wavelength not used in the present study. While the means of depositing the odorsus substance has not been determined it is probable that the substance is secreted on to the surface upon which the odorant animal treads. Brill (1967) was able to transfer the paper odorized by the presence of a nonfrustratad rat to a separate apparatus and still get the odor effect of spontaneous alternation, i.s., a tendency for a nonfrustratad rat to avoid his own odor trail. Carr, Hartorano A Krames (1970) were able to show that male mice preferred an area containing sawdust odorized by a non- stressed male mouse to sawdust which absorbed the odors do- posited by a mouse recently defeated in an agonistic bout with a dominant conspecific. The purpose of including group (D-54 R-E) was to determine if the odorized paper covering the floor of the center chamber was sufficient to produce an odor-of- frustration effect.. As reported in the results section a comparison of both the approach and escape performance of groups (D-54 R-E) and (D-54 R-Fl) yielded non-significant dif- ferences. Surprisingly, the mean approach latency of group (D-54 R-E) was longer than both groups (D-54 R-Fl) and (D-O R). Speculation is possible, (e.g., exhausting the odorized air for group (D-54 R-E) eliminated the approach-eliciting compon- ent of the characteristic scent of the odorant, but did not disturb the source of the odor-of-frustration located on the odorized paper) but serious consideration of the implications of this finding should await the demonstration of reliable 36 group differences as a function of this manipulation. Odor of Frustration as One Instance of a General Stress Odor: The use of the term oder-of-frustration is meant to imply nothing more than the fact that frustrative nonreward of an "odorant" §,is associated with behavioral changes in a detector S placed in the area previously occupied by the frustrated conspecific. A number of theorists have suggested that frus- trative nonreward is an aversive event in the same way that the presentation of shock is aversive (e.g., Wagner, 1969), and that odor-of-frustration is really an odor-of-atress pro- duced by a number of aversive events (Harrison A Ludvigeon, 1970). A comparison of the behavioral outcomes of exposure to odors produced by frustrative nonreward and physical stress tend to provide indirect support for this proposition. Valenta A Rigby (1960) were able to demonstrate that male albino rate could distinguish between the odor-of-shock stress and the odor-of-an-unstressed conspecific. This ability was manifested by an increased latency to bar press to stress odor when that odor was associated with a bar press-punishment contingency. Evidence was presented in the introduction that odor-of-frustration could also provide a cue function (Hor- rison A Ludvigeon, 1970). The unconditioned responses to odor-of-shock stress and odor-of-frustration are very similar. A number of studies have demonstrated that rodents tend to avoid an area where a conspecific has been previously stressed (Hullsr-Velten, 1966; Rottman A Snowdon, 1972) or to have an increased latency to enter that area (Courtney, Reid, A Wooden, 1960). Evidence 37 has been presented that odor-of-frustration produces a similar reaction (Collerain A Ludvigson, 1972; Wasserman A Jensen, 1969; Hellgren, Fouts A Martin, 1973). 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