, 1..» . ... 7-.7. .-.~ GM 3: ma =53:me ‘ mmm EA £0 EC'riEE‘c E FR V8 7 L I R CHARACTEREZATEOR BY MEANS OF 5 i EAE AM? THE .L‘i‘f’Sifififi .IGELLA 5 “mm mm ”mm spemawacTcMs-m D. mass for my am» we? was, Hem-6W flaw mam ; m hWOMOfi' w fi’ham; am ' .I urn"- 1&3»? W9 .1.um¢...,.m. guwmwxus; :5, Mafia. Lrfluz .1! ih...»r..h?.l.:.n a l?! T H 5518 6-1 This is to certify that the thesis entitled Fiological Activity of the Lipids From Escherichia Coli and Shigella Dysenteriae and their Characterization by ”eans of Infrare Spectro- photometry presented by Thomas R. ifeblett has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph. D. degree in Elicrobiology Date I'ay 17, 1957 0-169 BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF THE LI PI 05 F ROM ESCTIIER IC H ILA ( OLI. A ND SH IGELLA DYS ENTER I’AE AND THE I. R CHARACTER I ZATI ON BY MEANS OF I. X F RA RED SPECTROPHOTOMETRY I); THOMAS RANDOLPH, NEBLETT A TIIES IS SLJISMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF ADVANCED GRADUATE STUDIES OF MICHIGAN STATE LNIVERSITY OF AC‘rRICIJLTURE AND APPLIED SC IENCE IN- PARTIAL FLLFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY AND PUBLIC HEALTH 1957 Wax-'5‘? C” 455:? ABSTRACT The lipids from two enteric gram negatix‘e organisms, Escherichia coli , considered to be non-pathogenic, and Shifiella d3senteriae, an intestinal pathogen, were extracted and injected intraperitoneally into laborator} mice in an effort to learn if they possessed stimulatory activity for the. reticulo-endothelial system. [3} use of radioactive colloidal chromium phosphate and colloidal carbon preparations as: indicators of the rate of phagoc5tosis of particulate matter from active circula- tion it was found that the lipids from S. (llsent‘eriae possessed marked power to stimulate phagocyt‘i c actix it)‘ to hyperfunction, while those of E. coli and its sub-fractions did similarly to a lesser degree. Partial characterization of the sub-fractions from E. col'i indicated that certain of them. exhibited characteris- tics of phospholipids, since themost‘ active fractions possessed an absorption band in the infrared region not shared by less active ones. The same band was observed in a known phosphatide, and it was. tentatively identified as that produced b} the phosphorous-containing group found in phosphat ide structures . AC K N OW LE DG E ME NTS Few pieces of graduate level scientific investiga- tion have ever been accomplished without close practical, and academic supervision, or without collaboration, advice, and assistance of persons allied elsewhere with the field or within scientific disciplines other than the investigator's own. Such collaboration and assistance from sources other than those of Michigan State University have contributed toward, and made possible the bulk of this paper. The author wishes gratefully to acknowledge the pro— vision of equipment, materials, guidance, and devotion of personal time by the Director and staff of the New England Institute for Medical Research, Ridgef‘ield, Connecticut. John H. Heller, M. D., as Executive Director made it possible for the author to undertake this work as a part of an investigative program at the New England institute in the role of Pro-Doctoral Research Fellow. The author was under the direct supervision and personal guidance of A. K. Bicknell, Ph. D., Chief of Di\ision of Microbiology, and recei\ed guidance and technical assistance from R. Turner, Ph. D., Director of Laboratories; J. Blizzard, Ph. D., of ‘ Nuclear Physics, and R. Meier, M. D., of Physiology, were responsible for the supervision of isotope handling and counting in the phagocytic velocity measurements. D. A. Boroff, Ph. D., provided the author with large quantities of lyophilized Stlmella dysenterizg: cells. The infrared spectra of lipid fractions which are included in this work were obtained through the courtesy of the Perkin-Elmer Instrument (‘orporat ion of Norwalk, Connecticut, and the direct efforts of Mrs. H. Sternglantz of the Perkin-Elmer demonstration laboratory. W. L. Mal lmann, Ph. D., Professor of Microbiology and Public Health, Michigan State University, was the author's major professor and directed all aspects of the work on the trniversity campus. Dr. Mallmann's cooperation and willingness toward such an endeavor made it possible for the author to avail himself of the opportunity offered in the Pre—Doctoral Fellowship. Dr. Mallmann further aided the author with encouragement and the philosophy that a major provision in the course of a graduate training program \ is the proper environment in which to work. iv \ITA THOMAS RANDOLPH NEBLETT CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Final Examination: May 17, 1957 Dissertation: BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF THE LIPIDS FROM ESCHERICHIA COLI AND SHIGELLA DYSENTERIAE AND THEIR CHARACTERIZATION BY MEANS OF INFRARED SPECTROPHOTOMETRY. Outline of Studies: Majn I‘ Subj C(‘ t‘: Mi (,‘l‘nb'lifl. (fig) Minor Subjects: Biological Chemistry, Physical Chemistry" I3ir4§raifl1i(111 I tenra: Born: June LL, 1928, Lexington, Kentucky High School: Thomas M. Cool ey' High School, De troi t , Michigan Graduated June, 1937 _ Undergraduate Studies: Michigan State College, B. A. 1931 I University of Louisville, 1951—1952 Wayne University, 1952-1953 Graduate Studies: Wayne University, 1953-195u, M. S. 1955 Major Professor: A. K. Bieknell, Ph. D. Thesis Title: A CHEMICAL AND BACTERIOLOGICAL’TNVESTI— GATION OF SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE AND ITS EFFECT ON THE GROWTH AND ISOLA- TION OF COLIFORM ORGAN I SMS . Michigan State Uni\ersity, 195u-1957, Ph. D. 1957 Major Professor: W. L. Mallmann, Ph. D. Fellowship: Pre—Doetoral Research Fellow, New England Institute for Medical iReseaiwfli, Ridgefield, Connecticut, 1955-1936. Affiliations: Society of American Bacteriologists The Society of Sigma Xi TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . INTI-{ODL'C-T [ON AND H I STOR I (A L REV I EW METHODS AND PROCEDURE . . . (ul t i \ at .i on of Organisms; and Fractionation . . . . Measurement of Phagocy tic Velocit Characterization of Lipids RESUIATS o o o o o o o o o 0 Figure l . ELAPS ED TIME . Control Escherichia col i Figure 2 . ELAPSED TI MP. . Control Shigella Lipid Figure '3 . E LAPSED TIME . Control Fraction 'I\ . Figure. LI. PLOT or P12 ACTIVITY OF 5 LAMBDA BLOOD SAMPLES PLOT OF P32 ACTIVIT\ OF 5 LAMBDA BLOOD PLOT OF P'32 ACTIVITY OF 5 LAMBDA BLOOD SAMPLES Lipid I N C PM SAMP LES I N C" PM OF 5 LAMILBDA BLOOD SAMPLES LLAPSED T I Mb . Con trol. Fraction I I . Figure '3 . . . . . . . Extraction . . . . . . ies o . . o . . . . . . . IN C' PM PLOT OF P32 ACTIVITY IN CPM \S' S \S'. ‘ S PLOT OF OPTICAL DENSITY OF CARBON FROM 20 LAMISDA BLOOD SAMPLES vs. ELAPSED TIME. Control Shiggl lg; lipid V Page 19 19 2'4 '30 'i '3 'iLI '36 77 Figure 6 . Figure 7 . Figure 8 . Tabl e Tabl e l . Infrared PLOT OF OPTICAL DENSITY OF CARBON FROM 20 LAMBDA BLOOD SAMPLES vs. ELAPSED TIME. Control E. coli l.i_p'id . . . . . . . . . . PLOT OF OPTICAL DENSITY OF CARBON FROM 20 LAMBDA BLOOD SAMPLES vs. EIAPSED TIME. Control Fraction IV . . . . . . . . . . PLOT OF OPTICAL DENSITY OF CARBON FROM 20 LAMBDA BLOOD SAMPLES vs. ELAPSED TIME. Control Fraction II . . . . . . . . . . MEAN T/2 viLULs FOR THE VARIOUS LIPID FRACTIONS . . . . . . . . . ABSORPTION BANDS OF FRACTIONS COMMON TO ’\ KNOWN C'EPIIALIN PHOSPHATIDE. . Spectra . C(lIJIIa].j.II o o o o o o o o o o o o FI‘aC‘tloll [\i o o o o o o o o o o 0 Fraction I I . . . . . . . . . . . Fraction V I I . . . . . . ~. . . . . Fraction III . . . . . . . . . . . ,Fra ct ion \9 . . . . . . . . I. . . Fract .i. on I . . . . . . . . . . . F ra ct ion \' I I I . . . . . . . . . . . Fraction ”IX . . . . . . . . . . . Fraction VI . . . . . . . . . . . Page '38 39 U0 LII DISCUSSION S I I MMARX . (”-ONCLL'S ION BIBLIOGRAPHY VIII IN’I‘RODIITION AND HISTORICAL RE\ IEW The primary topic of this paper is a description of the physiological elfects of cell—free bacterial lipid extracts and their partial characteiization by physical Ineans. The author explains the actionol~ UH? total ex- tracteuule, FMW)tOIn-IJTW‘ Iipitlifl)tairunl flinn Escluu ichia coli and Shigella dysenteriae, and the lipid sub-fractions OI3taIJ10(I II onI E. C()II. llies(‘ uwnrc> Itiurmi t() st.inuilat1> tlIe rate of phagocytosis of a negathely charged colloidal particle from the circulating blood of laboratory mice. Infrared spectrophotometric analysis has been carried out IIptHl ea<fl1 cu” tIIOS(‘ SIH)SI£in(W?S 1J1 OITIPI‘ to (lOHHHfiStIEfitO the uniqueness.of each. The data are presented in this paper to illustrate Uiat thc‘.res[n)ns(\ of tJIe rW‘ti(WIIo-cuulot|u>lial :systtun as indicated by" an elexation of phagocytic velocity of tracer particles withiri<flJXWIHating blood is rdiyiificantly stimulated by administration of lipids Irom the non- pathogenic Escherichia coli and by the total lipid from the enteric pathogen, Shigella dysenteriae. The antigenicity of lipids has been almost uniyersaily negated among bacteriologists and .immunologists. The stimulation of antibody production is commonly accepted as the criterion of antigenicity; howe\er, particular 2 attle arKlIneaslnffl)Ie in tin? laboréitory, \dIile arI(‘le\atth opstniic iruhax arulzan inciwuased IYitO (H‘ifiiago(y%4nsis alt“ two ()thers (ihasely related whi()l their ltxiation within the body. The system included reticulum cells of U10 spleen in the pulp and malphigian bodies, and those of tJie lynnfilatixz glaruks arKl lynnfiioit tissvu‘. [t Ellso jiv- cluded the endothelial cells which line the lymph sinuses (3f lymph glaIKhs, sinusoidal ifltnxi capillarirwatif the liver, bone maiixnv, supraxwwurl glands aruliaituitary glawul. The lvuprW‘ cell:e ol‘ U10 l_iver‘vyerr‘(les(uxibed.ahs beirw; thc‘rnost act ive (if tJres(\. liie sywstenizils() incliuled U10 annocdxiid wandering macrophages and the mononuclear cells found in the splenic pulp and occasionally in the blood of intes— tinal organs. Since the introduction of the concept of the reticulo-endothelial system several decades ago a nearly ccnitiruiolhs effkgrt luas lnéen {Hit lkrrtliluy nuwlicai arul 6 luioltggical irnwxstigattnws to stiuiy arKlanaSlUW? its [inn tions. lfiy turnisvu‘enu‘nt:s ()f th(‘ a(‘tiv.iti(‘s of‘ tlie raysateni, i-ts normalcy and integral function may be ascertained. Measure- xnents of tlu‘ functions (d‘ U10 sy+dan have presrwnxxi special difficulties because the component parts are spread (lifflesely/ tln‘oiqfliovit tJle l)ody arui Initt.le (win lve 'learnned through organ extirpation. Removal of a lung or liver usually resulted in death or gross abnormality of a labora- tory animal; removal of the spleen alone gave little .infornuation alxnrt the finu tions (H‘;])repaiwnl for iJiJectirn1_in a snuspen— sion of 0.4 percent acacia solution. Animals were given l.u mg per kg of body weight. All particles greater than one micron in size were removed by selective centrifugation of the preparation. The rate of removal from the blood was determined by performing gravimetric analyses on successively drawn 10 ml samples. All injected material disappeared from “no blood within l8 minutes. Of the total particulate matter injected 90 percent went to the lung, iiver, and spleen; l0 pelwwnit werH. to varitnus of otlwu~ bod) (Hiyans. llu‘inan— \ ganese dioxide was recoverable from these sites quantita- tiv<1ly \vitliin {in INJUF fol lowii1g iiijcu‘ti(n1. Di inkcn“ c(iiuxilhfi wrnit unlintv to tlu‘ li\TU‘. 'Hiey ailso [M)int(wi out that the phagocytic effect was the same if an inert materiai such as manganese dioxide were used or if a protein sub- stance wwnww SUhSiiiJliOd. Cappell (27,28) did extensive work using vital dyes, and he included. studies of phagocvltic uptake of these materials within animal systems. He used dves such as trvixan l)lu(\, liiJiitmi caiwniru‘, (W)Hg() rebl, ath a liost. of otluars. No zatt< iii fl{§ wi.thii1 tile ziniinali sy5§ arul ctnutitixjns vvhi<fl1 aC(W3lOI£ltO ()r Jw‘tairt it its progress have been investigated by numerous workers. Ponder (Ill) found that phagocytosis is favored by a decrease in the surface energy of the cell or particle and an increase in the surface energy of the particle about to become phagocytosed. if the expression -- (SE particle) -(Sh cell particle) has a value greater (SE cell) than l.0, tlun1 phagocytix~ ingestitni is favored. 'Hiis was thc~ bafivis lkir a [wiper l)y [Harry (1?) in vfliicll svnifacc> activr>zuyfiits were linuui to favcn‘ U10 in leJW) ingesti(n1 of bacteria by human neutrophiles. Surface active agents decrease the surface energy of the cell and phagocytosis is tlurs erflmnficed. lierryrzand acssocijites (mn1tendxwt that bacteria are more readily ingested in the presence of serum because ol an increase in their surface energy and a drufreascs in tluat ol‘ the rN‘UtllnfililKF. A.ru3t dcwxreasc> in free energy was tin‘iwwuilttdescribed when bacteria were phagocy tosed. Gasselin (58) using radioactive colloidal gold I98 described the removal of Au by rabbit peritoneal cavity macrophages in vitro as taking place in two stages. The gold colloid particles were reversibly adsorbed onto the InacIIJpha{y‘ cel I sulliice. flngcwetiorltif tin? stuffatw‘ botfiKl particle into the cell became irreversible. The rate at which these two processes occurred was proportional to the amount (H” colloiCtauLsorbed.t4) the cell :nirface wlflxfli could be in turn related to the-concentration in the extra- cellular fluid by the adsorption isotherm. The only limit which was noted was that imposed by the theoretical adsorption capacity of the external surface of the macro- phage. Tn Gasselin's experiments less than one percent of the total surface was ever covered at any one time. He described no limit to the capacity of the macrophages to Continue the reaction. At 37 C and pH 7.H, two to 20 percent of the adsorbed gold particles were ingested with- in one minute. Waddell, et al. (ITQ) noted the localization of fats-dyed with Sudan .1:\ and Sudan Blaclx I”. in the spleens and livers of laboratory animals (rats). llowev er, when the RF. activity was blocked by excessive administration of carbon black, trypan blue, or lithium carmine, the fats did not localize as before. However, they continued to disappear from the bloodstream at the same rate as in un- treated animals. Examination revealed concentrations of the colored fats in the hepatic parenchy-ma and splenic pulp. According to Heller (73) the reticulo-endothel.ial system has several v ital roles including p1 oduction of antibodies, phagocytosis of negatively charged particles, and intermediary metabolism of fats. Because of the vital nature of this system a substance or condition which can elevate the system to a state of hy/perfunction is to be Considered of the utmost importance. The number of such l3 substances or conditixnrs is, up to this period, linutcwh TWICW‘OfXJrf‘, ziny’ ncwr rétilnlllatl)Fy inal.erfial:s liax e 23 [H1i(“10 hnpordinice. hlotz (88) stated that fat administered intraven- ously to rabbits was filtered out by lung capillary beds. Fats given intravenously‘tended to form emboli which stimulated IUT)|if0f8titN1()r endothelial (walls having ‘phagocyli(‘zactivity qun1 thenh ine vas sq)lcu~n, acircnial glanrwls, arul arteries was stimulated by administration of cholesterin (c‘hcllerrte11)l) . .Dtu‘infg plulgtufyttisi s ()f (Wiol(‘st(7riii fiat there was an associated proliferative response which tended t() dirst()rt tlua v(‘ss(‘l lunufin. The cytotoxic sera produced by Hogomoletz (2i, lOl,‘l26) have a pronounced elevating effect on the reticulo-endothelial system in ver; minute quantities. lhfil lei 's wv>rlv (‘itt‘d pi'ev ignis ly ilfid,ie€lt(‘d tluit cliol irie .is (wapai)le (3f irroru)uru*ed. HtiJnHiéitltln (if INlQ§flJC§ tic‘ Icwspcnis(>, and (kfl)riell i (3U) (108(W‘ih0d lJle activ ity ol liistanihie as i)0]lfighfiiJHilEile* stiinulzttOIy . llie l‘OSfN)ns(‘ ol‘ th(\ sysstehi can also be depressed by various means. Whole body irradia- ti(n1 (37) and.£uhnh1istratitni(fl‘(Wirtisone (7o) aux? capable ()f stud] elW‘ect¢s. i Ideas of looking toward cell-free products of bacdxaria aiw‘ not rhuv witli resrxnjt to ifliysi(rlogirzil activ ity. foley (1%) successfully treated cases of malignancy with l u {Drepaliltions ()f the t1>xins liwnn Stiwuptoctuwuis ergssipeléitis. fln<~ludtul auuing thf‘rsUC(W‘Ssldlll)' trfuatecl casw‘s \V0l(‘ sevt‘ral, of reticulum cell saicoma of bone. Not until late in the (%)HIW%O ()f (tile) 's \VOllx “zis i t 11‘a|_i1(wl_tliat orué of‘ illO efltw ts (>f irriectixuns ()f stmdv toxilis ths an (‘l0\£iii(nl of the leticulo—endothelial system and phagocytic activity. 1W1e littrratlrre (W)ntE\lHlJIfi rw‘ptn’ts ()f (tiley'ss “wirk is too extid~; exl.ra<‘tedl frtnn a liatluggcw1ic l‘ist(‘ria monocytogenes can elicit certain of the responses charac— teristically observed in infections caused by this organism. Their MFA (monocy te producing agent) was a chloroform extract of protein-free total cell lipids. When inJected with sodium lauryl sulfate as an emulsifying agent, the MPA Wiveri rcu icwrirug tlve vvoiivs ()f lfiogyanu)l(»tz £1n(l (t)l0}' one must be aware that their publications in this country l121\ (‘ 511‘()v1s~(*(l (‘()l15 i the ritudy of methods of reticulo-endothelial stimulation caused monocytosis which persisted in rabbits for 20 days or longer. Animals immunized against typhoid and staphylococcus toxins gave higher titers during monocyto- sis than did controls. This was the type of situation observed by these workers during actual. infections by the organism. Girard and Murray reported the MFA to be non- toxic and non-antigenic. Stanley (122) preceded Girard and Murray with an MFA substance, but he reported that the MPA was probably bound to a polysaccharide within the cell. When the poly- saccharide was precipitated independently of the MPA it was found not to have the same monocyte stimulating capacity as the lipids. Stanley later reported that lipids from Aspergil lus fumigatii and Listeria monocytogenes when mixed with lecithin greatly augmented the antibody production to Salmonella typhimurium when all substances were inJO(‘t(‘(i simultaneously (l23). The pigment complex, v‘iolacein, obtained by ethanol. extraction of (hromobacterium violaceum, has been used also to stimulate the rate of phagocytic velocity in Laboratory mice. (tnpubl ished data from the New England 'l‘nstitute for Medical Research). This substance has been shown to possess infra-red absorption bands which are identical to certain of those found in bacterial lipid preparations. The lipids of. certain bacteria have been extracted, isolated, and characterized by several workers, but none lo seem to have used them directly as agents to experimentally StlJmJiatC‘.fOtl(Wllu-OrKh)thOliiil activ ity. Nicolle and Allilaire (IO3) grew entel ic bacteria in large (unmitities and stlwhtwl their 'lipids. hfluu1 grown on ix>hato agal'zit 37 ( for 2leunrrs they'ith3rted tlu‘ colon bacillus as having 9 to lo percent total extractable lipid. They seem to have been the first to report phospholipids from this group of organisms. Dawson (38) grew E. coli on a peptone~meat extract medium and. reported a lipid content of u to 3 percent on the basis of cell dry weight. .Addition ol‘(nué‘percent glyl to the nuwihun resulted in an increase to 8 percent lipid. Eklustein and SovH(\ U46) reported tlu‘ lipids of IL. («)li to l)e (fliarélctcu‘izcwl by low .iodll10 Iiunu3er>s arwl by having fatty acids more saturated than oleic acid. When organisms were grown on a medium containing a small quantity (if alaniru‘ Urey welr\anlnd to Imux‘za greatly‘tflevat(wt rate of phospholipid synthesis. The phosphatide was reduced to a very low amount when cysteine was substituted for alanine. 'Hie itxline rnnM>er ltn" total lipiths was 235.6, udrile tluat fol~ fatty acid fraction was 37.4. The saponification number was 2th. Negative reactions were obtained for the [.ielnrrmarur-Bulwflialrl arul Salliowsdti t€v as; a lxasis lku“ sepaifltion. Dawson, (39) and Lea, et al. (9i) described tech- niques for chromatographic separations of phospholipids. Lea and his associates used silicated papers as an aid to luettcn‘ selmrratiinfis, zand. U10}Iila\(‘ repinfted EllHOiiHKi of fractixnuation tluwaugh a (irhunn usiru; a fifu‘tion (willector which would tend to eliminate error and loss through separa- tion by routine chemical means. The characterization and identification of complex nuileciiles l‘roni b3(ft0fiii arul e\xan (if win>le («\ils lunxe lM‘en successfully undertaken by se\eral jn\estigators. Le\ine et al. (96) applied the infra-red spectrophotometric method for the identification of glycogen within whole bacterial cells, while Shirk and Greathouse (119) did essentially the sanu\ Uiing [YH‘zn determmruition CH” Uie prcwunice of lxutterial cellulose. Stevenson and Bolduan (l25) were among those losing tln> infiir—red fVDGCtldun [in' the i r)r(‘s(‘r1c(‘ ()f tlie s()lv'erit without mechanical rupture for about I20 hours. E. coli was grown on a chemical I} defined medium containing the following per liter: Natl ................ 3.0 gm KZHPOL, ......'......... l.O gm (NH )ZHPoh ........... l.O gm MgS h ................ [.0 gm glucose............... 2.0 gm glycerol.............. 2.0 ml These constituents were incorporated into agar or titilized as l hiuid nuwlium as (humund qulHITYi. Petrd.fvilly' l21y(\re(t ov<fir the extracted l iquid. Shaking and agitation had to be zavoixled iM‘CaIDSO (if tlua prcusen%til le(l (liltiriifornn arul trianlerrrcwl t() a \Matxwig|£1ss fol‘ evzlporzltitni router r1itiwngtu1. 'tt was tinten l”) in IQ nH (3f anhydiinbs ethyl (‘HIOI arul Uien transferred to a tared glass vial. The ether was removed under a reduced atmosphere of nitrogen, and the sample was 'lzil)(* l it‘Ci l:r‘£1(‘ t i()Il :[ . ' ’fhc> siu3er11atiant liiniitl ccnitCILniiig lit)id.zan(l s()lv(3nt 22 was (wHMcentratCKi by vacwunn disti llatitni to a v hscous liipiid vfliich was dissuflvtul in 25 HH ()f re—distiJthl(diloroforniznul transferred to a small separatory funnel. To the funnel was auidcwi 2 31ml (if Eibfit)lut(‘ etluanol , arxl it. wa+; al lowcwi t() stanfid lin' 2U lunirs {it 4 it) 7 (. TWt) laycnws wer1\ visilvle ats the end tfl‘ this ixwriod. 'Hie TUHTU‘ layer “mus carefvulyxel lcwl l:ra(‘tii)n .[l, arul tlie rual.ei\ial s()Ii(l at. —225 ( “11s lal)el lel1():s'1)l1£1 t (‘ according to the method of Jones (lOO). Phosphorous :32 in tlie foiwn ()f (ii-uso “(is zndcled- t() ari eicarbonate soliditni,:nmi an excess of (Wuxnnic 25 nitrate was added. The precipitate which formed was insol- uble in cold water; but it was soluble in hot water, acids, and bases. .[t was washed and centrifuged twice in cold water and dried at llO C. After drying it was heated at 600 C for l2 hours in an electric furnace. The amorphous product which resulted was insoluble in aqua regia, strong acids, and alkali. The precipitate was transferred to a heavy-walled glass-stoppered flask half full of glass beads and rotated for l2 hours with one to two ml of isotonic glucose per mg of material. This procedure gave a particle size of approximately one micron, and the predmninating charge was negative.‘ The radioactivity of an accurately measured a'liquant was determined by evaporation under an infra-red heat lamp and counting under a Geiger tube. Di-- lutj4)ns intci gliuwuse vverc‘inad(\ ac(W)rdiruj t()'radi(nactiw ity level. This preparation was insoluble in tissue fluids. Injections were made via the caudal vein, and the experimenter cut the tip of the tail. exactly 30 seconds following injection of the last bit of colloid. Five - -6 . lambda (3 x l0 liter) blood. samples were drawn by means of micro-pipettes each '30 seconds for a period of three minutes. These blood samples were quickly blown onto filter paper planchets and their radioactivity was determined under the Geiger tube of anhlvB (Sweden) automatic Robot Scaler. (ontrol animals received only the radioactive colloid except in the case of the sample containing sesame oil. 26 A 13lot ()f izulioa first sample was diluted and lysed in 0.l percent sodium carbonate solution such that its optical density read on a Coleman Jr. spectrophotometer at ()00 mmu was not greater than l.O. Lysed control blood was used as a standard for setting the instrument. Other samples drawn successively were given parallel dilution, and the optical density was plotted against time in minutes. in each of the procedures a minimum of 6 animals was used for each of the fractions tested. Six controls were used for establishment of normal T 2 value. "In many cases more animals were used because of the difficulties eXpericnced in making caudal. vein injections without damage to the vessel wall. Animals were kept in restraint by means of a specially constructed tubular cage which per- mitted only the tail to protrude- over an illuminated slit for in‘ject ion. The carbon used was obtained from National Midland Company of lvatonah, New York, and it was prepared and stabilized in gelatin solution according to the methods of Menaceriaf, et al. (lb). The particle size was claimed by the manufacturer to average 0.3 micron. 28 (haracterization of Lipids 'Hie irilia—iiwl siijtra. incltuled iii this [yaper'vvere inadc~ini a Ikuivin—Fdiner numlel 2l Chnuble luumn recwnmling iiifra- l‘Cd sq)ectiwn)hottnnet(>r at the INirkirr-ElHMUf plEUlt ill N01wu3lk, (inn1ecticwit. Spuw tra wruwa run l1)r Pa(dl fractiini at (W‘ll spacings of 0.] mm and 25 microns respectively. The thinner films gave greater detail than was observed .in spectra ob- tained at the larger spacing. This was especially true in the case of several of the fractions which were much more ()})E1(lllf‘ tlizlri titli(‘i‘s . Only‘ the erW‘tra ol‘ Hie istHzated {dru‘tions uxuw‘ (H)taiiied. Thirs was: by aulvi(w\ of‘ the igersuni s(%1nniiu§ tluw spectra. Tlu1(q)hiion was (Mdkuxwl that, bOFalhK‘()f Uie nature of the mixture present in the whole cell lipid extracts, any :spectiwnn lernore an ti\c> than the total extract from E. coli, while both the total ex— tract (Wmllsifi(%1.in soditun lauryl rulllate arr>rmrre active than the rest of the fractions. Emulsification with the surface acti\e agent seems to ha\e reduced the acti\ity of the extract from E. coli. ExanflJuition ol‘ U10 imifra-rwwl SpOCtlYl re\(%1ls a small and somewhat weak absorption band ranging from 2700 cm- to 2830 cm—l e\ ident in Fractions II, III, ]:\, and \II. This band is also present on the spectrum of . . -| -l . commercial cephalin at 2720 cm .((m is l .) Waxthanol ini\tlHT‘, and 0 .7(3 l)y tliO ii‘i'igfiiti or] i n 'btifl‘ei‘e(i (‘el l()s()l\(‘. 'llu\ ina‘jol' })(> r t i.()ri 1'(‘a1<‘ ttacl 1)t):s i t i,\ (‘I yr t t) l)()l l1 r1i Iiliy (l: i.11 l‘(‘€1{{(‘li t 2111ci tl1(‘ phosphomolybdic acid-stannous chltudxh‘ test. Impurities were exident. Fractions III and \II both gate data similar t () t ll(‘ za_l)()\ (‘ . ( ()liflll(‘ l‘(‘i :1 l (‘f‘IDliEl l i_11 ~s li()\V(‘(i {111 I? l‘ \‘El lllt“ ()l‘ ().79 iJ1 chl(rrof(nin-nu‘tharu)l, i)ut ,it nfl{§rat(w1 \eiy' pUtH ly and gaxe incOnclus'n e results in the buffered cellosohe mixture. It reacted positixely to ninhydrin reagent. '3? F if: U RE I PLOT OF P32 ACTlVlTY lN 5 LAMBDA BLOOD SAMPLES VS. ELAPSED TIME F Control T/2 *4 1.2 min. 2000 '-°. Tota] E. coli extract T/2 s 0.80 min. 1000 p. ‘2‘ ‘3. > i'.‘ E {\I 0". Q-i 100 r l l ‘I 0 1 * 2 3 ELAPSED TIME TN [\Ith TBS 27CH) cm"I it) 28330 (WM—l exiclerH. iii FIYJCli1)nS :EI, TlIli, I\ , and VII. This band .is also present on the spectrum of . "l -l commercial cephalin at 2720 cm .((m is l J Waxeiength in microns The less actixe fractitnb<er. 'fhe datrl in Talfl(~ff[ reveal that line actiu1 frac- ticnfis fi(;ni R. ctili liay e inoi e l)a1uls iri cinnnu)n \vitJl tilO S[)0(‘l1WJHl ol‘ a 1tn(nvn (ferflial iri tluln z1ny of‘ tlie ()tllei‘ fxiact.icn1s. Seven bands are shared with the cephalin spectrum: H230 cm_J, 2900 cm_l, 2700 cm_l, I770 cm-l, IUOO cm_l, 1070 cm-l, and -l . 72C) cni . Ari exted in tilat lirac‘tiorl iI (hoes . . . -l [NJi exlni>nt an alhflifplltni band Ell 720 (m1 . FraX‘tiorl TI lmui arllif \altu> of ().9l in (41l011)fornr- HH‘lhfliH)l, 23nd ().8(> in l)ufl1*1ed (‘ell(>sol\13. fit imwlcttwl 1)osi ti\(‘ly ii) a {filosifiionuilylxlic Elviti-SlEHWHOths cliloiixie tt‘st. A spot which migrated poorly and diffusely indicated the [Jrescnfice ()f iinptu'iti(‘s. Fra(‘tiori I\ \vas {Krund to §;i\e EU] Rf \alue of 0.80 by the chloroform-methanol mixture, and ().7C> by th(\ ilw'igal.iori in lnnflirreCl cel los()l\(‘. 'Hie Inakhyr yyrrrl.i()r1 r e21(~t<‘cl 1)t)s it ix e lyr it) l)()tl1 i1i11liycli Ii] r(\ag{(\rit aiicl tllO phosphomolybdic acid-stannous chloride test. Impurities were exident. Fractions III and \II both gate data similar t() tlie al)()\(\. (i)nun(‘r(~i:1l (‘eralunl i11 ,sli(nvcui a11 lif‘ \’a llie ()f 0.79 in chloroform-methanol , but it migrated \ery poorly and ga\e inconclusi\e results in the buffered cellosolte mixture. It reacted positiyely to ninhydrin reagent. '3 '% F l’ G U RE [ PLOT OF P32 ACTIViTY 1N 5 LAMBDA BLOOD SAMPLES \s ELAPSED TIME Control T/Z 3‘4 1.2 min. 2000 -; Total E. coli extract T/2 * 0.80 min, 1000 _ >— E: > E E N C" a. 100 r— l I ~1 o 1 2 3 ELAPSED TIME IN MlNLTES 2000 1000 P12 ACTIVITY 100 '% 14 \ FIGURE 2 PLOT or P'32 ACTIVITY IN CPU or 5 LAMHDA BLOOD SAMPLES \S. hLAPShD TIME PJA\PSFA)‘TI\H§ p— (‘ontrol T/2 7-“ 1.2 min. Total Shigella lipid T/2 - 0.65 min. b l- l _ I 2 W lN WlNLTES OPTICAL DENS [TY 27 FIGURE 5 PLOT OF OPTICAL DhNSlTY or CARBON FROM 20 LAMBDA BLOOD SAMPLES vs. ELAPSED TIME, Control T/2 * 51.9 min. ’ Shigella lipid T/2 r 22.0 min. 0 o o O l l l 20 no 60 2OOO 1000 P72 ACTlVITY 100 16 FIGURE u PLOT OF P72 ACTIVITY IN CPM OF 5 LAMHOA BLOOD SAMPLES \s. l: LAPSED T I Mb. (ontrol T/2 ' 1.2 min. - Fraction II T/2 m 0.78 min. p — O O O b P O l l O 2 3 ELAPSED TIME IN MINLTES DENS lTY OPT l' (' /\ l, '3 9 r I (It, R P, 7 PLOT or OPTrCAL DhNSlT\ or CARBON FROM 20 LAMBDK BLOOD SAMPLES \‘s. hLAPSED Tle Control T/Z '3 {31.9 min. Fraction lV T/2 3 25.h min. O l 1 no 60 Ul DhNSlT\ OPTICAL #0 1“ [GURE 8 PLOT OF OPTICAL DENSIT\ OF (”\RHON FROM 20 LAMBDAI BLOOD SAMPLES \s. hLAPShD Tth Control T/2 T 5|.9 min. ‘ . l , ~ , , . Fraction II T/z." 28.2 min. MO 60 DhNSlT\ OPTlCAL F lGUR la. 8 PLOT OF OPTlCAL DENSITY OF CARBON FROM 20 LAMBDA BLOOD SAMPLES rs. LLAPSLD Tth Control T/2 * 51.9 min. Fraction ll T/2 : 28.2 min. no 60 141 977;... ...:: CqNN ...:: wdlo ...:...qu :_~,;.fl,_.:m ~ ..38 1...... 3.4%. N II. C: Nndo >_ .2... 7.1:“; J ...: fiwN .: ...: wqu __ 12.. 7.2.; dS ...: filiow. .: ...:. Ofldq 7.5.. ./m ...:; la radish. J: ...:. 0.4.4. I: m... _O.Q mam 2. 7.5.. .7... ...:; lump 45.3% 41...: w.Nm. 11...... no.0 mqm ._.. ._....5:aj lql: ...E Oaflfl dZ ...: mOlO __> .23.. TQM—n— .....E N.Om. 1...: mo.o :—; ...:? mlwm .......: No.0 .2 .2... 7:9... #1... E OWNS J. ..E 0040 _ ddm 71.5.. «...:. film... 4.. ...: meO A— ..C ...:afilm Mi. ___> :C.. 7.5.: l 1...... qujl .:,..:. mole l x. ..OHTZVT. 1...... quJ 4: ...: _al_ _.,. 1.: .93.... 3:: fig: J. ...: —. _. T... ...:; _...c a..::1...m J. ...: mt—m q: ...: N._ 4d,. ...dlv .2:.me zoiz<. mwddzz..e m e_m_a N». szTfirvfz...‘ 2 7&1. .r....O_x<> ...::t :0; IFS/f) N\.,__. 2(2? 'C-\l3LI3 I l M2 AISSORPTION HANDS OI“ FRACTIONS (OMMON TO .1\ KNOWN (bPIIALI V PIIOSPIIATI IJI‘. —] --1 -] -l —l (cphalin 3210 cm 3710 cm 2900 cm 2700 cm 1210 cm ‘Fraction l l;) (-l (+) I-) (—l F‘ract ion [1* LT) (-) Cl”) (+) (“31 Fractipu lll"= is) t-) (4) 1+1 J-PL‘ Fract ion IV"" (7) L—L (’31 (I) i!) __ FractltNI V it) til, ._t+l., i—) (+) Fraetlcnl VI (T) .t-) it) t-) LiL Fracti(nl Vllk ~_L{) (-) (+) (+) L?) Fraction \2' 1 I I (..) (+1 1+) hi 1+; .Fractlxnl IX (ll, Lil (ii. *_ L:l_, (TJ._' —l ' —1 —l -l (ephalin Lfik0,cm 1400 cm lO7QLLm, 720 cm FractiOn l til (+) (-l Li) Fraction II” l-) (ii Lt) .isl. Fractiou_lll”‘ t-I (+J (bl Lil, Isract uln I\‘ "'"' t-) I '1) (‘7‘) (:L Fractign_fi .Lrl (+1. Lrl (+1 Fraction,\l .Lrl, (41_ l-) 0+) Fraction \II* i4 (4-) (+1 (4.-) Fraction VIII (+1. til t-) {-1 Fraction IX Dial, (+) I-) t—) *Drun)tes Durst actl\¢‘ Fractirnns (+v) I:nli<~at.e+< I)alld III (‘onrn(nl \vit h c<‘plu11 III (-I 1|Hll(%1t()fi I)a1HI lH)t sIHaTW\d xvitIT (ufiplulllll ITEM 0. number In cm. _1 I S the reciprocal of wave] engt h in mi c rons . Q3 Infrared Spectra On the following pages are infrared Spectra of the fractions listed in order of decreas- ing biological activit}. These spectra were obtained on a Perkin—Elmer model 2] recording spectropho'tmeter with ce] ]. spacingS as indicated. M U 3. 72CLL...E : m S...w..cd.c>m.s m EH .. A to . ahead 2: mo : ..i. amp—QC b - d 3H NH $.27TO.2 :_ S.m._o.mc>w3 mzmomflm :Chc.2 mm >s :ceaoahm Ll C) ...H 2. £336 ac>m3 \O ®:_odnm _r_ :35. ...E m N ..CAaCGLA Cl d .r... N— 127... ..2 OH :_.. S. ...:... .Hc .ZmB m.._...cw;m ._ _ .2 28.7. «E m N :3 .. ,. Lag; ’48 7.27.92). 2. 2.3.... _c>d3 w m... .3157“ I. 23,... ..S m. N 2: .. ...mhh 4? « J ‘ u 0 N— 12399 :2. O. 2.x..0 7. 2a.; m c .w: .. LmLJ. 2 ......L :2. rm. ::_.Lagn .1. N. 1.277;: OH 2.. S . 3.... T. 253 ..L.._..,.c:m _ 22.7. ...E m. :3_. drvw.~,v_ N N ,3] a. my [ZSLL :4 0.. 5.3.... 7.2.3: ...:...Odlm ___> 23.9 _. E m N ..C .. .. Oman. ‘l pl. 1......12 iii... .91....» ...:...LGQJ. 23.7....2 .N ‘ A. ...:. «,3»... .._ N G 3 ,3 I N 1.2.7... ..2 O— :— S . 3.... T. 3.3 ...:—9611 ......,._.E .N c \l __/ I... ...5... C J. N D'ILS( t SSION The results obtained ie\eal that the tendency _-t.()wz.1r(t ele\ation oI‘ [:)l1a{’;ocyt.ic \elocity by each ol‘ the I‘ia(tions ran paral lel whether the determination was made by means of the carbon technique or by using colloidal radioacthe chromium phosphate as an indicator. The stimulation brought about by Fractions l\ and [I was {greater than that ol‘ the total lipid l‘rori It. coli, while other fractions, although l‘airly stimulatory, were less so than the total extract. The reason to: this is not known. The stimulatory power or the lipid extract I‘rom S. dysenteriae was noticeably greater than that From the other enteri c organism. One could per- haps ini‘ei some relationship between the degree ol‘ stimula- tion oI‘ phagocytic acti\ i ty/ and the pathogenicity. It. coli is regarded as non-patlurgeni c to mildly pathogenic, with some few strains being rather \ irulent, especially in infants. The Shiga bacillus is usually regarded with a {great deal oI respect so tar as .i.t.s.capac.ity’ to cause .in- testinal disorders is concerned. No e'\ idence has been presented to support such an inference, but it is an interesting point ol‘ consideration which more complete experimentation in a similar \ei.n with other enter ic pathogens and null—[)3tIlUngHs‘ may either tend to conl‘irm or negate. II‘ such a relationship were to hold we might ha\e Sh Vt some idea as to what the mechanisms l'or phagocytic procession are. The data gained by comparison of inl‘ra-red spectra indicate that the most actixe Fractions From E... coli ha\e a band at 2700 cm-' which is not present in other I‘ractions. All other Fractions were less acti\e and did not possess this band. 'lhis particular band, though weak, may hold some l‘acto'r responsible For the difference in actir lty. It may be presumed with some \alidity that this is the al)sorp-- tion due to the phosphate group within the phosphatide structure. Bellamy (IN) reports absorption or the phosphate group in cephalin at 2700 cm-I. The method ol‘ separation ol‘ the I‘ractions does not permit one to make any statement on the homogeneity of the preparations other than they are components partially separated from the total lipid extra(t. it was the opinion ol‘ the Perkin-Elmer spectroscopists that all of these lrartions were mixtures of at least two or more components. Due to the presence ol‘ mixtures and the masking and shifting: ol‘ absorption in the inl‘ra-ied region there may exist a reason [or the weak bands obserr ed at 2700 cur-l. 'l‘he inl‘ra-red ,spectrophotometer .is based in its I‘unction upon the response of‘ a molecule to- interaction with radiant energy in the particular -'portioi'i Or the spectrum between 2 microns and I”) to l8 microns. The dil‘l‘erent mole— cular \ ibrations and rotational changes ol‘ the molecule taking place absorb energy and ghe identity to ind i.\_idua| molecules. In order to arcurately make qualitathe identi- l'ical ion ol' molecular structure the compound under scrutiny must be a pure one. This was not the case with the lipid A fl‘i.t( t ions . Phosphol ipids , especially ‘ephal ins , tend to complex aiiiol‘ig’; themsel\es and with other molecules, and they present unique difficulties of separation. The use of the infra-red spertrophotometer in this work was not for qualitathe identification of these materials. Rather, .its use was intended to ser\ e much the same lunction as that ol' the in\ estiga tors who used it for characterization of whole bacterial cells and complex substances within the cell such as cellulose and glycogen. The purpose in this work was to gain an idea ol the characteristics which tended to make. one fraction distinct from another, and .if possible, to show absorption band differences and relationships among them. .'Indi\ idual groups or’radicles, such as the phosphate oi phosphoryl of phosphatides will tend to exert their ab- sorptix e influences in the region of the spectrum below 7 microns (Ill/30 cm-I), whi Ie the \ ibrations of whole molecules tend to exert their characteristic influences in the longer wruelengths. (omplex and large molecules tend to be \ery sluggish and good response to the infra-red beam .is not achim ed in the longer waxelengths. This is especially true it contaminating substances are present. For this reason, particular attention has been gix en to the bands in the shorter regions of the spectrum, although the bands beyond 7 microns ha\e been tabulated for their similarities of characteristics. The reticulo-endothelial system functions as a main bulwark for defense of the animal mey, and. one of its primary functions is that of phagocytosis of foreign matter twithin the \ascular system. PJust exactly why the system responds by supplying increased numbers of wandering macrophages to localized lesions and general, systemic in- fections alike is not known. One explanation found largely in. textbooks, which offers partial clarifiration -is that of chemotaxis. llowe\ er, discrepancies exist which are not irrade entirely clear by the theory of chemotaxis. it does not explain the simultaneous propensity of sessile macro- phages lor .remo\a| of material from the \ascular stream; neither does it gire any indication why the phagocytes tend to engulf inert, insoluble substances, such as radiocol— loids and, carbon particles known to haxe no chemical by— produr ts or secretions comparable to bacteria and poly— morphonuclear cells. Because the increased actiyity of phagocytosis is extremely important any substance not harmful or non—toxic to the host which can stimulate phago— cy-tic acti\ity has tremendous importance. An understanding of the stimulation and depression of phagocytic response is fundannei'ital in the host-'pathogen relationship in infection. The monocyte is one of the reticulo--en(lothelial cells, of particular importance because it has the lunction of phagocytosis. Tompkins (l28, l29) has reported that phospholipids stimulate an increase in numbers of monocytes in circulation and, that monocytes are phagocytic toward such lipid moieties and metabolize them. If the fractions which ha\e been shown to possess the highest actix ity as described herein can, be conclusixely identified as parts of the cell phospholipid complex, a partial explanation of the mechanism of phagocytic stimulation may be at hand. Such a partial solution seems to fit in well with the theory of chemotaX’is. Lipids hax e been considered as haptens by immunolo- gists. According: to the concept held, they are thought to combine with substances already forle within the system to produce antibodies. ’l‘he data presented. in this paper support the contention that lipids ha\e the acti\ ity necessary to fulfill at least one of the criteria prescribed for an antigen: they stimulate phagocytic Velocity to hyperfunct ion. Said stimulation is without the presence of a li\ inf; bacterial cell. lf the theory of chemotaxis were to be accepted as applicable to the results described her e, one might tend to {gather that the responsible factorts) were coming from the cell of the. pathogen rather than being; liberated by the tissue at the site of an infection or lesion. Except for the fact that the lipids used in this series of experiments vir‘r (‘ (1(lnri rri s tr‘r‘r‘cl i_r1t rzir)r‘r i t()rrr\;1l l y , tlrr‘ tilt‘()l‘i (\s ili\ r)| \ (NJ in chomotaxis might well apply. Early attempts at infirect ion ()f tlre l i[)i(l iritr11\ errorrs ly nret. \vi.tlr li tt lr\ ,iur‘cr‘srs, sr) rro data ha\e been gathered. for comparatixe stimulator} rates of the fractions introduced by the two routes. Thus, if chemo- tzrxi¢s i s (le[)erchw1t ur)or1 a. sricr et_irn1 ()f rnr\tal)ol ic by -r)rrulru t irr tlre \ZIscrrlar‘ str eaur frn‘ st.imrrlat()ry (\ffcw t rqporr phanto- cytosis and attractiinrr>frnobile macrophages, little (‘rirrs i<1(\r art i()i1 ( arr] l)(> {ti \ (\rr i.t for~ {1})r)l’ir‘:1l)i l i t y lrr‘r (x. Arn/ agrnit wirich (THW stinnrlat(\ retirwrlo-(nulotlu‘lial [11nr‘tirni Li) a ruarixecl degrer1 luls [dotr‘nt.ial as; a tlu‘rai)errti(‘ agent with a number of possible applications. Many of the })er+u)ns (lerr)ted to rw‘searwdr (n1 tlu~ ret icrHr)-erulotlu‘lial 'syst(nn recrqniize tlurt tlu‘ furu tions (if tlu‘ systrwn are essfflitial ly tlu‘ sanu> whether~ it ln‘ a (Vlso (if ruw)pltustir‘ disease or a microbial infection. The system is thought to hate a limiting acti\ity upon neoplastic cells, and in r“ x [)(‘i‘ irrrr\rr t ar l t rrrnr) l‘-i)(‘El r i rig: {111 i nrer l s: :1 r)r r) l i.l‘(\r'21 t i.r)ri () l‘ I] i r; t i.()- (y tes, aunt kru)fer <%\lls of tlu‘ |i\(u , and rubleni(‘lrypertrmufl1y lr£1\ (‘ i)(‘(‘li (l(‘~4(‘r‘ il)(‘r1.. ESrrr‘lr ril)s<(‘r \ (“(l ii,i s:t.()| r>g§i (‘ })lr(‘rir)nr(‘rrrl may perhaps be interpreted. as the manifestation of a physiological defense mechanism on the part of the host. One of the possible applications of a reticulo-endothelial stinuflzating zqyfint, sruir as tlre bactru ial lir)id, (inrld lu\ its rrse zis :1 clnnuotlu‘raru\uti<‘ agu‘nt .in tlre tr eatrnent, of neoplastic disease. Further dexelopment of such a ()0 possibility would require a {treat deal of refined experi— mentation, but the basic principle outlined in this work might serxe as a beginning); point. The author has a great deallof interest in intesti- gations of cell-free extracts. Progress has been made in past years in the areas of general, rrrorphological , and taxonomic microbiology, and newer problems are being \ isualized e\ my day. Many of these, including certain ones of pathogenesis and immunity, lie within the scope of fundziunental cell chemistry and physiology. lSy' cell chemistry is meant the investigations of reactions and phenomena which are related to products obtained from the li_\ in“; cell. The isolation and study of enzyme acti\ities and kinetics tall in this category; the knowledge of cell enterotoxins and certain metabolic identities ha\e been arr ixed at by in— \estigation of these products apart from the cell. The research upon cell lipids in other than analytical fashion represents another form of effort del\ inp; into the complexi- ties of the cell. The disciplines of biological and physical chemistry are \ery closely related. to microbiolrugy at this le\el, and microbiologists could do \ery little without knowledge of them. Trnestigatfion of cell products represents a newer approach to study of rrricrobiologi ‘al probi ems. Findings from cell extract research indicate that certain cell products can be used to artificially induce phenorrrena which t)t ha\ e been normally associated with the presence of a micro- 0' {’jani sm. The .‘lPA substance of Ci rard and Mur r a)’ ) and Stanley is an example . The mono cy tos is produced by admi n is- tration of the total cell lipi'd contents is the same as that produced by an infection of Listeria monocytogenes. The .w cel l. lipid Work began as a source of this paper is perhaps. another such example. tse of bacterial cell products as described here may also ha\ e introduced a new concept of therapy where the tissues are stimulated to greater anti- bacterial actitity as compared with the use of an antibiotic agent to combat the organism. While such study of cell-free products may represent a departure from classical microbiological procedures, its methods may possess shortcomings which could ser\ e t'o offset some of its positi\e attributes. Any treatment of cells, regardless of tissue identity, which is disintegrath e in its action creates gross abnorrrralities from which only data ol questionable reliability may be obtained. The irnestigator may not be certain that he is reco\ er ing the desired fraction \ intact in a technique which utilizes blendors, homogenixers, or colloid mills. Doctor Erwin (hargaff of (olumbia tni- \ersity enlarged this point at length while conducting a series of lectures in fundamental cell chemistry. He expressed an opinion that any resemblance to the original state after such drastic means of fraction separation was entirely a matter of chance, and that the milder the treat- ment the more likely the in\est_igator was to obtain a re- co\ered product near its nati\e state.' The author has tried to make this clear in the section describing methods of extraction as a reason for carrying out passi\e extrac— tions .in preference to more \ iolent treatment. Future work upon bacterial lipids would- necessitate much more refined and extensi\ e techniques than employed in this .in\ estigation. For example, a major problem ,in biochemical work with lipids is their oxygen ability. lla‘ndtingirf all stages of the extraction and. separation procedures in an inert atmosphere would greatly enhance accuracy, \alidity, and reproducibilit‘y. Tlt was not possible to protect all stages of the work from oxidatire changes either at the New England 'l'nstitute or at the lnixersity‘ because of limitations of materials and space. Fractionation of'crude lipid by column chroma- tography using a fraction collector would seem to be superior to the method of precipitation by chemical agents. The loss incurred in handling and repeated transfers would thus be. minimized, and the accuracy of analytical determinations would. tlnrs be enhanced. This should. be particularly empha— sized .in future work, because it will be extremely impor tant- to identity the fractions more precisely than was done here. liy use of the column and fraction collecting technique one can obtain cur\ es by p'lottirg sample \olume, recorery time, or sample number against the percentage of a giren component sub‘iect to analysis. These curres show maxima, and by obser\ ing such maxima one can determine which of the frtac— tions collected, or what \olume of eluat‘e contains the greatest percentage; thus, one could determine where the greatest concentration of phosphorous was, similarly for nitrogen, etc. A major handicap throughout the entire inxestigation was that of insufficient lipid with which to work. Large quantities of cells were required to pro’\ ide sufficient extracts, and the time required for arcumulation ol such large quantities was the predominant prohibitire factor. Growth of cells in small quantities presented problems of storage until sufficient amounts were accumulated. Lyophilization in tissue containers seemed the best method, and it seems doubtful if l'uture procedures would offer a great deal of impro\ement. Separation of large quantities of cells without a super-centrifuge is almost impossible. The decision to use 0.2 ml as .inJection dose of lipid. was an arbitrary one which resulted in the expenditure of (Her a milliliter of a lipid fraction with only () or 7 anirrrals. The size of a minimal stimulatory dose should be determined as a part of future work. There is a distinct l possibility that less lipid than was used in this series of experiments would demonstrate the same degree of actir i ty and yet enable experimentation to be carried on with {greater consenation of the acti\'e substance. ()Li ‘\i) (a \ r)l zrrrzi t i t)il () r (‘()Hl[) l(‘ t (\ ll)”[)() tl lt‘ssi rs zr~s ti) t l1(‘ lll(‘( l rcrrr i ‘4lll () l‘ l i r) i (l ~< t i lllll l :r t i i) ii lizr s» l)(‘ (\rr () l l‘(‘ r (\(I ll (‘1 (r . 'l llt‘ tlrs(‘ ol~ l:r l)t‘l l (\(l f‘r‘zrr‘ t i t)l]f\ irr l tll Ill (\ \V() rl\ riii {glr t l)(‘ i) f l)(‘rr(\ f i t i rr {iii i rrr (‘rs t i {:51 t i irrr () l t liifi lll(‘(‘llLtll irsiii. ( ii I t i rirr t i (rrr ()i l)z1<‘ t (‘l i :1 (iii lll(‘(l izr (‘()Iii :r irr i rr{j l (r(| i ()i >$. \i tr‘rq§(‘n l 3 irr‘ rflrirsiihirrirrrs 'i2 wwrrrlcl lil\i~ly l)(‘ t ll(‘ i -ir t () [)(rrs () l‘ (‘l l() i ('(‘ . ( :1 r l)() ii l 1+ vvir til (I })(‘ r l121 [)rs [)r t) \ i (l t‘ i ii f‘()l‘lll{tt i (>11 () l‘ t lit‘ l ()(‘Et | i 7.z1 t i ()rr () l‘ l‘r (1(‘ t i irrrrs () tl 1(‘1 t lizrrr phospholipids, but it would also present certain problems of counting technique not inherent with the use of the tither' isotrn)es. In expanded future work in\esligation of possibility () f r'(‘l zit i irrr~4lri r) l)c~t\V(a(~rr [3;] tlrirggi‘rri ('i t y irf‘ tllt‘ l>L1(‘t c-r iiirn zlrril st.inurlati)ry' ac‘tix ity' ol‘ ilrs l ipiil l ra(~ti(nrs ripinr [fliagurcy tic‘ ,,.. ‘ ‘ d” \ (a l L)(‘-i t yr rslri) lll (l l)(\ <‘(311:s i (l(‘ r (‘(l i nr})(‘ r‘zl t i \ (‘ . 1\:s >4 t £1 t (‘(l (\zrr‘ | i.(‘i* , t lrf‘ (la) til [)r‘(\-(‘rr t(‘tl li(‘l‘(‘ >+(‘(‘rrr t t) i lltl i (‘51 t (\ e1 r‘(‘ l;) t i.t)ll (lt‘[)(‘ri< l‘r :1 c‘ t i ()Il s l‘ l‘()lli ><(\ \ (N [‘11 l organisrrrs representing pathogens and non—pathogens Would be necessary. S t M i\'l/'\ R V 'rhe lipid»; from two enteric. {gram negrg'at i\e organisms" Escherichia coli, considered to he. non-pathogonic, and Shigellu dysonteriae, an intestinal pathogen, were e\tracted'zlnd injected intraperit()ir<\al..,l).’ into lahonatoi‘y mice in an effort to learn if they possessed stimulatory acti\ity for the reticulo—eudothelial system. l3)! use of radioactix‘e coll o I'dal chromium phosphate and colloidal ca‘rhon suspensions as indicators of the rate of phagocytosis of particulate matter from actixe circula— tion it was found that the lipids from S, dysenteriae Pfisfls‘t‘ss’t‘d marked power to stimulate phagocytic act'iVity to hyperfunction, while those of E. coli and the sub—fractions did similarly to a lesser degree. 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