'1 l #441 ABSTRACT AN INVESTIGATION OF CHILDREN'S LEARNING OF SOME CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES WHICH ENABLE TED! TO PERFORM EXAMPLES OF ADDITION OF COMMON FRACTIONS by Marjorie Pickering This study investigated the order in which children learned some concepts and principles which enabled them to perform examples of addition of common fractions. To delineate the concepts and principles, a hierarchy was developed which.had as its base the understanding of operations with whole numbers and as its apex the performance of the example 3 3/10 + 2 5/6. Two classes were instructed in the concepts of fractions and tested at regular intervals. One of the classes used commercial materials and was instructed as a group with.every- one working on the same material at the same time (Treatment A). The other class used a specially developed set of materials which maximized individ- ual work and allowed some free choice of the order in which.certain of the principles were studied (Treatment B). The test results were analysed to determine invariances in the order in which students Marjorie Pickering developed an understanding of the concepts and prin- ciples of the hierarchy. The data was examined for patterns of learning, the relative performances of the two classes were compared, and contrasts in the two methods were reported. The main criterion for determining order were eight surveys, each containing 26 examples, one for each concept or principle of the hierarchy. The items from the surveys were considered in pairs (a,b). For each class the number of students who performed a on an earlier survey than b, who per- formed b on an earlier survey than a, and who performed a and b simultaneously were tabulated. This tabulation was analyzed and where applicable an order a< b or b< a was established. The results for each class were compiled into a projected hierarchy. Comparison of the two hierarchies indicated that with the exception of the concepts of least common multiple and the principle of multiplication of fractions all of the orders under Treatment B also applied under Treatment A. It appeared that pre- scribing the order of instruction has a direct effect upon the order of learning. More students seemed to have an understanding of the partition and the rational number interpretation of fraction if the partition interpretation was taught first Marjorie Pickering and drill provided. More students seemed to have an understanding of the addition of fractions having the same denominators if they approached addition through.the rational number interpretation of frac- tion using concrete aids than if they approached addition through the partition interpretation. The average pretest-posttest gain of students who understood the partition interpretation of frac- tion at the time of the pretest was greater than the class average. Several students individual histories showed that they performed only examples which.had easy algorithms involving whole numbers. An under- standing of equivalent fractions was acquired under Treatment A without an understanding of multiplica- tion of fractions or of fractional names for one. An understanding of mixed numeral seemed to aid in the understanding of fractional names for one. Although the difference in gains was not statistically significant, students receiving Treat- ment B showed greater gains in performance and better retention than students who used the textbook materials. Informal observation in later mathematics lessons seemed to indicate that the students who had received Treatment B were more enthusiastic than students who had received Treatment A. It is feasible to employ a method of Marjorie Pickering individualized instruction to a study of fractions. The use of concrete aids manipulated by students appears to promote better understanding of the process of addition of fractions and more enthusiasm on the part of the students. AN INVESTIGATION OF CHILDREN '8 LEARNING OF SOME CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES WHICH ENABLE THEM TO PERFORM EXAMPLES OF ADDITION OF COMMON FRACTIONS B; ‘ '{1-r}“‘;"}/‘ Mar jorie( fPickering A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Education 1968 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page DOCTORAL COHHITTEE............................. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................ v LIST OF TABLES................................. vi Chapter I. GHERAI‘ PROBLEHOOOOOOOO00.000.00.00... 1 Historical Bases for the Study..... 2 Fractions and Rational Numbers..... 6 Design of the Study................ 7 Purposes of this Study............. 8 II. BACKGROUND FOR FRACTIONS.............. 10 The Concept of Fraction............ lO Interpretations of Fractions....... 15 The Partition Interpretation.... 16 Fractions as Operators.......... 16 The Division Interpretation..... 17 The Element of a Mathematical System.Interpretation........... 18 III. HEATED LITERATUMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO... 20 Methods of Teaching................ 20 Histories of Class Performance..... 22 The Collection and Analysis of Data for the Early Elementary Grades.... 2h The Collection and Analysis of Data for L‘t.’ Grad..OOOOOOOOO0.0.0.0... 25 IV. RESEARCH DESIGN AND DESCRIPTIVE DNTA.. 29 Development of the Hierarchy....... 29 Construction of the Tests and Revision of the Hierarchy.,........ 30 The Materials, Treatment A......... 31 Outline of Haterials, Treatment ‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0000.... 36 The Materials, Treatment B......... 37 Outline of Materials, Treatment hl 3......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The Population Sample.............. uz Initial Characteristics......... ha Teaching the Units................. us Daily Report‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOO.COO. 1"? The Intermediate Testing........ RB Some General Classroom Observa- tion.‘ 55 smryOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000.0000... 58 H yen. - - — . - 9.. - 3 ~- O "" O -.a . a. s s I ’ ' O O . . . r e e 0 v 0 e t 0 e s ' ' O I O Q m C . ‘ TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter V. ANALYSIS OF DAT-A00...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Resu1ts or Initial TeStingeeeeeeeeee The Survey TeStseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoee The Order Of Performance....oo...... The Order of Performance Under Treatment Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee The Order of Performance Under Treatment Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee VI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS................ Summary of the Investigation..... Findings and Conclusions............ HYPOth881S leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Findingseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee CODClUSiOnseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Hyp0th881332eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Findingseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ConCIUSIOnSeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Hypothesis BeeeeeeeeeeeeeeOOOeeeo FindingSeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee COHClUSionSeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee HYPOLhGSiS 4eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee FindingSeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee CODClUSiOnSeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Limitations of This Study........ Suggestions for Further Research.... APPEBIDIX A.OOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... APPENDIX BOO...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO APPENDIX C.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... BIBLIOGRAPHYOOOOOOOOOO.0......OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO iii Page 130 139 Doctoral Committee Dr. John Wagner, Chairman Dr. Calhoun Collier Dr. W. Eugene Deskins Dr. William Fitzgerald Dr. Robert W. Houston iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The writer wishes to express her thanks to John Vaughn, Curriculum Director of East Lansing Public Schools and to Mrs. Margaret Love, Mrs. Catherine Ferree,and their students without whose kind cooperation this investigation would have been impossible. Gratitude is also due to the many members of the staff at Michigan State University and the many persons involved in mathematics education whose support has meant so much to the writer in the completion of this study. The writer wishes especially to express her heartfelt appreciation to Dr. John Wagner for his confidence, kindness, forbearance and guidance throughout the construction of this thesis; and to her three children for their patience when this project claimed all available time. Table II III IV VI VII VIII IX XI XII XIII XIV LIST OF TABLES Concepts and Mistaken Concepts of Fractions Displayed in Early Elementary GradeSOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.00.. Hierarchy of Principles and Concepts Necessary for Addition of Fractions.. The Hierarchy, By Example From Survey TeStOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. The Correspondence of Materials to the HierarChy, Treatment Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Summary Of Initial TeStSeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Summary Of Survey TBStSeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee The Order in Which Examples Were Performed, Treatment A............... The Order in Which Examples were Performed, Treatment Beeeeeeeeeeeeeee Analysis of the Skills With Fractions, Pretest, Posttest, and Retention Test by Approach Treatment........... Number of Students Performing g on an Earlier Survey Test than b, Treatment AOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Number of Students Performing g on the Same Survey as b, Treatment A........ Number of Students Performing §_on an Earlier Survey Test than b, Treatment BOOOOOOOOOOOCOOCOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOIOOOO Number of Students Performing g_on the Same Survey as b, Treatment B........ Probabilities That g Will Occur Before b by Chance in the Quantities TabLIIated by Table Xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee vi Page 26 32 33 44 46 49 SO 62 66 67 68 69 Table XV LIST OF TABLES Probabilities That Q Would Occur Before b by Chance in the Quantities Tabulated by Table XII............... Percent of Students Performing Each Example by Percent and Number........ Projected Hierarchy Under Treatment B, By ExampleOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOO Projected Hierarchy Under Treatment A, By Exampleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee vii Page 70 72 79 CHAPTER I General Problem The general question "What mathematics do children need to learn?" has no commonly accepted answer. There is almost unanimous agreement that every child should be taught to add common fractions. The purpose of this paper is to investigate children's learning of some concepts and principles which enable them to perform examples of addition of common frac- tions. A search of the literature concerned with fractions reveals a conspicuous absence of detailed studies that report the actual learning history of pupils during the period of time in which learning is taking place. Studies tend to base their conclu- sions on a pair of tests. a pretest and a posttest, (Howard, 1950; Aftreth, 1958; Fincher, 1963; Pigge, 1964)1, or on posttests alone (Morton, 1924;, Hayes, 1927; Brueckner, 1928; Polkinghorn, 1935; Guiler, 1945). A history of learning would be expected to show variations in the rate at which pupils learn, variations in the accomplishments of learners at different stages during the learning process, variation 1Names and dates in parenthesis refer to listings in the bibliography. in the total amount of learning, variation in the manner in which learning takes place, and variation in the nature of the difficulties which pupils encounter during learning (Edwards, 1932). Further, such a study should provide a variety of learning experiences so that any invariances displayed are not solely the result of the use of a single set of materials. In studies of this type investigators have generally ignored the field of fractions. Historical Bases for the Study Early educational research on the addition of fractions seems to reflect the prevailing psy- chology of the time in which it was conducted. With the emphasis on "drill" during the mental discipline era of the early twentieth century a profusion of error-analysis studies were made. If the causes of the errors were detected, it was thought, drill of the proper type could be provided and the errors could be eliminated (Hayes, 1927, p. 130). The re- sults of these studies, however, indicated that a great many of the errors in addition were due to a lack of understanding of processes with fractions (Brueckner, 1928; Searle 1927; Morton, 1924). In a later study Sebold (1947, p. 71) reports that Although approximately two thirds of the pupils in grades five to seven who were interviewed could add simple similar and unlike fractions, most of them relied on 3 mechanical procedures which they had acquired. Very few could tell why unlike fractions had to be changed to similar ones before adding. "That is how I learned it," was the common response to the question, "Why do you change these fractions to fractions having a common denominator?" One consistent conclusion from error studies is that the subjects tested showed "incompetency" in addition of fractions (Guiler, 1945a; Guiler, 1945b; Sebold, 1947). None of the error studies, however, yielded information concerning those students who do become competent. In the transition to "social" arithmetic in the late 1920's, 1930's, and the early 1940's, emphasis turned to instruction with only those com- mon fractions which were socially useful (Wilson and Dalrymple, 1937). Social utility was again argued by Johnson (1956) who indicated that since adult usage favors decimals, only the most common of the common fractions should be taught and that the place value principle should be extended at an earlier age to include decimal fractions which are inherently easier. During this same period of time leaders in mathematics education such as William A. Brownell and C. L. Thiele promoted the idea that more "meaning" must occur in the teaching of arithmetic (Brownell, 1935; Thiele, 1941). Investigations have shown that students performed arithmetic computations signifi- cantly better when specific efforts were made to assist the pupil in understanding (Steele, 1940; Reward, 1947; Pigge, 1964). Howard showed that the use of concrete materials in develOping meaning significantly improved the performance level. Pigge‘s study showed that a combination devoting 50% or 75% of the time to developmental-meaningful activities enabled the pupils to perform significantly better than did pupils who had been exposed only 25% of the class time to developmental-meaningful activities with the remainder in each case being devoted to a drill. Textbook changes seemed to reflect both the social utility arguments and the plea for the incor- poration of more "meaning". Dooley (1950) reports that research resulted in the elimination of awkward, unrealistic fractions as well as the increased utilization of illustrations as visual aids. Just as the aforementioned studies of the first half of this century reflect the psychology and philosophy of that time, so must a study done today reflect those of the present time. Some of todays thinking is indicated by the following: One thing we can all be quite certain of: Wherever in the vast realm of human learn- ing we wish to look for individual differences, we surely will find them. ...Arthur Jensen (1967, p. 117) At the present time it seems fair to say that we know considerably more about learning, its varieties and conditions, than we did ten years ago. But we do not know much more about individual differences in learning than we did thirty years ago. ...Robert M. Gagne (1967, p. xi) Approaches to teaching can be better de- signed only when we better understand how people learn mathematics. ...E. Glenadine Gibb (1968, p. 434) At the turn of the century, the treatments became less axiomatic, and presentations were geared to what was believed to be a child 8 level of understanding. This theory caused a "low" as far as axiomatic insights into arithmetic were concerned, and the sit- uation existed for a period of at least fifty years. Since the mid-fifties, however, textbook presentations have been based on the axiomatic understanding of the structure of the number system. eee818ter A. Me Sibilia (1959’ P0 207) Instead of reporting the problems of the groups of students who have not learned to add frac- tions, this study will report on the successes of those individuals who are learning to add fractions. Instead of emphasizing drill as a technique for pro- moting learning, it will emphasize pattern and definition as a technique for discovering the proces- ses involved in addition of fractions. Instead of considering the social utility of the material being learned, it will consider the overall structure of number systems. Instead of looking only at grouped data on a pretest and/or posttests, it will look at the progress made by individuals at regular intervals during the learning process. Fractions and Rational Numbers Although some texts define a fraction to be a name for a rational number, there is a growing tendency to allow a fraction to be a number as well (Hill, 1967). In this study the latter definition will be used. (1) A fraction is an ordered pair of natural numbers a and b which is usually named by the symbol "a/b". Two fractions a/b and c/d are said to be equivalent if a x d = c x b. (2) A rational number is a class of ordered pairs of integers. The ordered pairs are written in the form m/n, with the restric- tion that "n" is never 0.2 When an ordered pair for which m and n are both positive inte- gers is chosen from the set to represent the rational number, we call this ordered pair a fraction. When two fractions are equivalent, they represent the same rational number. A more complete development of the concept of fractions is given in Chapter II. 2Peterson and Hashisaki, Theory of Arithmetic Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 9 5, p. 172. Design of the Study By analyzing the processes involved in the addition of fractions, a list of concepts and prin- ciples deemed necessary for the performance of an example was established. These principles were arranged in a logical hierarchy with the goal repre- sented by the example 3 3/10 + 2 5/6. The individual elements of the hierarchy were likewise represented in mathematical terms so that a measure of pupil understanding could be made. This was the first component of the study. The second component was the development of achievement and diagnostic instruments to measure the student's achievement of the concepts and prin- ciples of the hierarchy. One test form was designated to be used as a pretest and a posttest. Five other forms were designated to be used at regular intervals between the pre and posttests. A seventh form was designated to be used as a retention test two months after the learning period. The third component of this investigation was the materials. One set of materials A, con- sisted of the last two chapters of the Addison-Wesley Fourth Grade textboooksB, pencils and paper. The 3Eicholz, et a1., Elementary School Mathe- matics, Book 4, Addison-Wesley Publishing 00., Inc., Reading, Massachusetts, 196%. second set of materials B, were units specially prepared for this experiment. These materials began witha.number line approach to rational numbers and permitted students to find the sums of fractions using concrete aids after two days of instruction. The last component of this investigation was two classes of fourth graders; the classes being chosen at random from all fourth grades at 7 elemen- tary schools in the East Lansing Public Schools. One of these classes, A, was assigned the commercial materials and instructed as a total group with every- one in the class working on the same material at the same time. The other class, B, which was not as far along in the textbook material as the first class, was assigned the second set of materials which max- imized individual work and also allowed some free choice of the order in which certain of the principles were studied. Both of the classes were conducted by the writer for the 20 day period of the investi- gation. Purposes of this Study The purposes of this study were (1) to develop an instructional unit on the addition of fractions which is designed for individual instruc- tion, (2) to compare the effectiveness of this unit with that of a standard textbook unit on the same material presented on a class basis, and (3) to determine invariances in the order in which students develop an understanding of the principles involved in adding fractions. The primary hypothesis related to these purposes was: (1) The order in which items from the hierarchy are mastered does not differ from one class to the other. Three secondary hypothesis were also con- sidered: (2) The order in which items from the hierarchy are mastered supports the logical order as indicated on the hierarchy. (3) Students using the experimental mater- ial will make no greater change in performance than students who used the textbook material. (4) Students who already understand some basic concepts of fractions can progress further in the hierarchy than those who do not. CHAPTER II BACKGROUND FOR FRACTIONS The Concept of Fraqggu; Contemporary literature exhibits a variety of interpretations of fraction and related concepts. Peterson and Hashisaki (1965) describe four interpretations of fraction with Hill (1967) and Fehr (1968) offering a fifth. Botts (1968) explains three uses of the word "fraction" extending the list of two offered by SMSG (1962). Still others (Brumfiel, et. a1, 1961) equate "fraction" to "rational number" in certain circumstances. To appreciate the full scape of the concept of fraction, each of these points of view needs to be considered. Landau (1960) defined a fraction, developed the fraction as an element of a mathematical system, and then defined a rational number in terms of frac- tions. Key steps in his exposition are Definition 7: By a fraction 2} (read "xl over x2") x 2 is meant the pair of natural numbers x1, x2 (in this order). Definition 8: x1 y1 “N..— x2 y2 (nu to be read "equivalent") if xlye = ylx2 ° 10 ll , X1 yl w u Definition 13. By __H*__. (+ to be read plus ) x2 y2 x y + y x is meant the fraction 1 2 1 2 o x2V2 x1 y1 It is called the sum of ___ and ___, x2 y2 or the fraction obtained by the addition of y X _1’ to _£ . Definition 16: By a rational number, we mean the set of fractions which are equivalent to some fixed fraction. Definition 17: X = Y (z to be read "equals") if the two sets consist of the same fractions. Otherwise, x g Y (£ to be read "is not equal to"). Let X and Y be integers, say X = x and Y = y. Then by Theorem 114, the rational number E determined by Definitions 26 and 27 stands for the class to which the fraction % (in the earlier sense) belongs. Along with the above key definitions Landau proves theorems displaying the rules that apply to fractions under the operations of addition and mul- tiplication. Fractions, the operations defined on fractions, and the rules governing these Operations form a mathematical system. Are fractions in this context numbers? 13 Botts (1968) makes a distinction between fraction as a number and fraction as a pair of numbers. In regards to the latter he writes (p. 218) Now here we may be sure that we are not speaking of fractions as numbers, for the numbers 3/2 and 6/4 are the same, and that is what we assert when we write 3 2: 6/4. In this usage the term "fraction applies to something whose essential feature is a pair of numbers, a numerator and a denominator.... Such a numerator-denominator pair does, to be sure, define or determine a number in a conven- tional way, namely the number that results from dividing the numerator by the denominator. But the fraction, in this usage, is really the numerator-denominator pair, not the number we get by dividing. Hence, two interpretations of fraction are suggested: fraction as an element of a mathematical system vs. a fraction as a quotient. However, what is the nature of the number that is obtained by dividing? Some authors would call this number a frac- tion as well. Gibb, et. al, (1959. p. 29) wrote Fractions were invented to deal with parts of things and to make division always possible. The authors of SMSG (1962) chose to use fractional number when they were talking about the number, although later in the unit the term fraction was used, relying on the context to make clear what was meant. Fouch and Nichols (1959, p.334) explain Thus, a fractional numeral is a symbol naming a fractional number. We use the phrase "fractional number" to be synonymous with l4 "rational number". Since in common usage the word "fraction" is used to refer to a number, we may abbreviate and also use "fraction" to be synonymous with "fractional number" or "rational number". Other authors use the desirability of a system to be closed under division or to have a root of the equation nx = m to motivate the axiomatic development of the rational numbers. Sibilia (1959, p. 161) summarizes A modern approach to the study of fractions is based on the axiomatic construction of the rational number system. This provides an inter- pretation of fractions as elements of the rational number system. The definition of fraction as a name for a rational number is one which cannot go unnoticed. SMSG (1962) defined fraction to be a numeral. As such it had a numerator and a denominator. Landau (1960, p. 42) used the same symbol x/y to refer both to the rational number and to the fraction which belongs to the rational number. In one sense, he was using a fraction from the set to represent the rational number. The symbol for a fraction is a pair of numerals (Gibb, et. a1, 1959. p. 29). Since the same symbol can be thought of as naming a rational number, the symbol and the fraction are often con- fused (of. Mueller, 1961). 15 In summary the word "fraction" is used to denote many different ideas: (1) An ordered pair of natural numbers as an element of a mathematical system. (Landau, 1960, p. 19). (2) An ordered pair of numerals which name a rational number (Mueller, p. 196) or a frac- tion (in the sense of (1) above) (Gibb, 1959, p. 29). (3) A rational number. (Fouch and Nichols, 1958. Do 334). In this study, the context will dictate in which way the word "fraction" is used. Interpretations of Fractions Several interpretations of fractions are common in the elementary school. In contemporary textbooks (Cf. Eicholz, 1964; SMSG, 1962) fraction as a partition is generally developed first. Equiv- alent fractions are defined as those which name the same partition. Although some texts (Brueckner, et. a1, 1963, p. 316) discuss addition in terms of partitions, others introduce rational numbers and develOp addition in terms of the number line. (Eicholz, et. al, 1964, p. 222). For each set of equivalent fractions, think of one rational number and one point on the number line. Any fraction from a set of equiv- alent fractions can be used to name the rational number for that set. 16 The Partition Interpretation In a fraction a/b, the denominator, b, tells the number of equal parts an object or set is to be divided into and the numerator, a, tells the number of the parts which are to be considered. This inter- pretation is used in answering questions such as the following: What part of this circle is shaded? (Ana. 6/16 0r 3/8)e Shade 3/4 of the squareSe What is another fraction which tells the part of the total number of squares you have shaded? (Ans. 6/8). Historically, fractions owe their creation to the transition from counting to measuring. (Gibb, et. a1., 1959. p. 29). As a measure "2/3" may be conceived of as (1) naming the number property of a set of_2 elements each of which is 1/3 of some unit. Fractiong as Operators Although somewhat similar to the interpre- tation of fraction as a partition, the numerator and the denominator are considered in the opposite order. For the fraction a/b, the a is a stretcher (it mag- nifies a quantity a-times) and b is a shrinker which 17 has the inverse effect to b. (Fehr, 1968). A fraction as an operator is used extensively in the UICSM Materials. (Braunfeld and Wolfe, 1966; Braunfeld, et. a1., 1967). Example: Find 2/3 of 12. The 2 operates on 12, doubling its value. Nexg the 3 operates on 24, shrinking it to . A line segment 12 units long would be used to represent 12. The Division Interpretation A fraction a/b indicates the quotient a f b. This interpretation is used in answering questions such as the following: Find 15/3 (Ans. 5) What is 3 {- 2 7 (Ans. 1 1/2 or 3/2). The Ratio Inteppretation Ratio denotes a relative comparison of quan- tities and as such is a pair’of numbers. (Van Engen, 1960) calls such comparisons of quantities rate pairs and cautions that the addition of rate pairs does not follow the usual fraction rules. Fbr this reason he does not call a rate pair a fraction. He writes It is now apparent why fractions and rate pairs (usually called ratios) are often con- fused. Both have in common the following prOperties: a. The test for equivalence; b. Membership in only one equivalent set. Here the similarity ends. Pairs of numbers used as fractions can be added according to the 18 usual rules of arithmetic, but pairs of numbers used as a rate pair are not added according to the usual arithmetic rules. Bidwell (1966). however, points out that if we consider fractions to be added as those which represent a ratio of disjoint sets to a given set C, then the sum of the fractions will be the ratio of the union of the disjoint sets to the given set. A A U B B At a + b C .9 0 Old Some examples that can be performed using the ratio interpretation are (Johnson, 1948) What part of 27 is 9? Ans. For each unit in 9, there are 3 units in 27, hence 9 is 1/3 of 27. Find 1/4 of 24. Ans. We need to find a cardinal number such that each element in its set can be made to correspond to 4 elements of a set of 24. Since 6 x 4 = 24, the answer is 6. The Element‘g§_a Mathematical_§ystem Interpretation By a number system is meant a pgp of numbers, Operations defined on the numbers in the set, and pplgg governing these operations. (Peterson and Hashisaki, 1967, p. 74.) The system of fractions 19 consists of the set of fractions with binary Operations + and X possessing the properties Closure for + and . + and x are commutative. + and ‘X are associative. There exist identities for + and for X . Fer every element of the set there exists an additive inverse and a multiplicative inverse (with the exception of O). X distributes over +. The conditions for equivalence of fractions. Order. Several formal developments of fraction and of rational number are given by Hill (1967). CHAPTER III RELATED LITERATURE The literature provides few results which have direct bearing on this study. Related inves- tigations fall into three general categories: the comparison of methods by which students learn, the histories of class performance during the learning process, and the collection and analysis of data at specified times during the learning process. Methods of Teaching In an investigation comparing two methods of teaching Lankford and Pattishall (1956) found a significant difference in favor of an experimental method with two important features: (a) Ideas and rules of arithmetic are developed inductively through pupil partici- pation. (b) Pupils are encouraged to learn arithmetic thoughtfully and ppdepepdgnp_1. To this end we encourage mental arithmetic and varied approaches. In an initial pilot study they had found (1956, p. 3) that many pupils had learned very little from the conventional teaching of arithmetic other than a list of processes which were apparently used in a highly mechanical manner with little thinking and often still getting incorrect answers. Another impression received during the pilot study was the unexpected indication that the bright pupils 20 21 interviewed followed both literally and uniformly the conventional algorisms in arithmetic as did the pupils with lower ability. Regarding this impression Lankford and Pattishall wrote (p. 25) They get more correct answers because their memories were better and they were more careful workers. Their attention spans were also longer than those of the dull pupils. There was little indication in these interviews held prior to the experiment that bright pupils learn from conventional teaching to do arithmetic more independently, with more originality, or more thought than do duller pupils. Lankford and Pattishall concluded (p. 67) Perhaps the most important fact demonstrated by this study is that it is a sound procedure to allow pupils to use as much freedom and explor- ation as they require to understand fully working with fractions. Using a pretest, a posttest, and a retention test, Fincher (1963) found that the use of programmed materials is more effective than the use of conven- tional textbook approach in the teaching Of addition and subtraction of fractions and no less effective than the conventional method for recall after a four- week interval. In comparing learning by drill to learning with extensive use of audio-visual aids and consid- erable emphasis being placed on meaning (Howard, 1950, p. 29), no significant results were found in computation with fractions at the end of the initial learning period. HOwever, when the same students were tested the following September, the results 22 favored those who had made use of audio-visuals (either part or all of the time). Souder (1943, p. 134) found that the use Of the diagnostic readiness test for instructional purposes differentially affects the learning of pupils. In a study to determine the extent to which the identification and correction of errors in sets of examples in addition and subtraction of fractions affected learning, no statistically significant dif- ferences were found to favor either the experimental or the control group. (Aftreth, 1958). Anderson (1966) found no significant differ- ence in teaching either of two procedures for the addition of fractions: that of setting up rows of equivalent fractions or that of factoring the denom- inators. Histories of Class Performance In 1932, Edwards investigated how students differ in learning about fractions. Using a plan of instruction which allowed each student to move step by step through the same materials at his own rate. he found large differences in the amount of progress made during identical periods of time. Pupils who ranked high in general arithmetical ability and mental ability required less attention from the teacher and attained a more complete mastery of the 23 processes taught. In attempting to develop a regression equation from which to predict student success, he found the equations little better than a guess. Students in his study developed some ability to solve problems upon which no previous instruction or drill was given. In another sequence of units designed for individual instruction, Brooks (1937) confirmed that there are very great individual differences in the time needed by pupils for the completion of a unit of learning. He studied the workbooks of the individual students as well as the pretest-posttest analysis. He found that units presented different degrees of difficulty to different students but that certain units of work were more difficult than others to the group as a whole. In the individual scores no pupil showed a steady and consistent gain from unit to unit of learning and none high in the early units drOpped off greatly at the end. The data pro- vided by Brooks is by units or by class. He did not study the question of sequencing problems for indi- vidual students. Each student follows the same pre-designed curriculum and no data is given indica- ting which Of the concepts or principles of each unit are attained. 24 The Colle_ction__and Analysis of Data f9; the Early Elementarngrades In investigations by Gunderson (1958) and by Gunderson and Gunderson (1957), it was found that seven year Old children are interested in, like to, and are able to work with fractions when teaching is done without use of the fraction symbols and with the use of manipulative materials. The problems solved by seven-year-olds (1958, p. 237) involved addition of fractions, subtraction of fractions, and fractional equivalents. Both studies concluded that there is a need for a long acquain- tance period between the child's first introduction to fractions and the time he is expected to work with fractions using algorithms and symbols. By means of a single interview, each of 266 children from the kindergarten, first, second, and third grades were tested to discover when, what, and how concepts of fractions are acquired naturally by children (Polkinghorne, 1935). It was found that the acquisition of concepts without formal teaching is a continual process and a direct result of experience with fractions in daily living. Kinder- garten and first grade children showed understanding of unit fractions only. In grades two and three other proper fractions, improper fractions, and the identification of fractions were known. No evidence 25 was displayed for an understanding of equivalent fractions. Preliminary to her investigation,Sebold (see next paragraph) found indications that concepts of fractions were known by some of the students prior to formal teaching. She also found several miscon- ceptions (See Table I, page 26). The Collection and Analysis of Data for Later Grades Sebold (1946) used individual testing or interviews, group testing, and individual instruction in efforts to discover the mental processes through the development of which pupils arrive at an under- standing of the basic concepts in fractions. She concluded that (p. 79) There is no uniformity in learning among the children. Not all children in a given grade are at the same level of learning in respect to all the concepts. Not every child is at the same stage in respect to all concepts, nor do all children traverse the same series of stages preliminary to final, meaningful understanding. In general, the learning of the basic concepts in fractions progresses through the following levels of understanding: (a) No knowledge of the concept. (b) Erroneous ideas of the concept. (0) Confusion of the concept with others, expecially with those which have been only partially learned. But in the confused ideas there is often an element of correctness. (d) Partially correct but vague ideas. (e) Knowledge that an incorrect pre- sentation or illustration of the concept is not true. 26 TABLE I CONCEPTS AND MISTAKEN CONCEPTS OF FRACTIONS DISPLAYED IN EARLY ELEMENTARY GRADES First and Second Grades Third Grade Fourth Grade Concept Displayed Name a few fractions Recognize the fractional parts of figures or objects which have been divided Unequal divisions of figures cannot be designated as fractional parts (1/ 4 of pupils) Name the fractional part of a figure that was equally divided Finds fractional parts of groups of figures with respect to unit and other proper fractions (1/ 3 of pupils) Understands the above (Far less than 1/3 of pupils) One half >one fourth (60% of upils) Can add 1 2 + 1/2 Fraction is one or more of the equal parts of a group and of a number. Find fractional parts of /gg)ups (357 o>f plO. ) 1 3 1 6,1 2> 16, Nil/47 1/2, 2/3> 1/3, Add a few fractions. Mistaken Concepts Displayed Any part of a figure is one half or some other fraction. Name the fractional part according to the number of parts into which the figure was divided, irrespective of equal or unequal divisions. 1/6>1/3, 1/671/2 The word fraction connotes "one- half" (50% of pupils in third and fourth grades) * Based on data given by Sebold (1946, pp. 26-28). 27 (f) Recourse to the visualization of a previously acquired model with descriptive phrases explaining it. (g) Memorized information on the concept with or without understanding. (h Partial understanding . (1 Full understanding. In an analysis, by means of class tests, of children's mental processes in multiplying frac- tions in the fifth grade, Collier (1922) found that the child‘s mental processes related to whole numbers and not to fractions. Knight and Setzafandt (1926) studied the problem of the extent to which training in the addi- tion of fractions involving the denominators 2,3,6,8,10,12,16 and 24 transfers to the ability to handle the addition of fractions in which the numbers 3,5,7,9,l4,15,16,21,28 and 30 are used as denominators. A substantial amount of transfer was shown to occur. Hayes (1927) found that the same type of errors tend to appear with the same relative fre- quency throughout the grades. Gundlach (1936) observed that there is great variation in the ability of individuals within each grade for each of the four Operations in fractions. He found a great variation in the ability in fractions between pupils within each group representing a different level of capacity but that the ability of those in a group of greatest capacity is less variable than those in the group of least capacity. In addition he computed that the 28 curves of growth in ability in the operations with fractions for the three levels of capacity are similar to the curve of the entire group, the dif- ference being in level of performance. 13 m: There appears to be little difference in the patterns of development followed by the more able student as compared to the less able. Meaning- ful materials on an individual basis and materials using concrete aids have met with relative success but other differential approaches have had little effect. Learning, as measured by existing testing devices and evidenced by grouped data, appears to progress smoothly rather than.in.an irregular fashion producing sharp changes when new concepts or principles are encountered. CHAPTER IV RESEARCH DESIGN AND DESCRIPTIVE DATA Development of the Hierarchy Lists of concepts and skills related to the addition of fractions (Cf. Becker, 1940; Sebold, 1947; Howard, 1948, p.24) have been compiled. These, however, were designed to include the entire spectrum of possibilities rather than simply those necessary for the attainment of a particular objec- tive. Gagne (1965) offers a totally different approach in develOping a hierarchy: As described previously ( ...) the method employed was to ask the question of the final task, 'What would the learner have to know how to do in order to attain this final performance when given only instructions?’ In this case, the question applied to the final task yielded the identification of five subordinate know- ledges. When applied in turn to these subordinate classes of tasks, and then success- ively to the additional tasks so identified, the analysis yieldeda hierarchy of subordinate knowledges,.. ..., each successive step in the analysis yielded one or more subordinate knowledge entities that are progressively simpler and more general as one proceeds downward in the hierarchy. The basic set of hypotheses gener- ated by his 'knowledge structure' is the following: (1) the attainment of each entity of knowledge (measureable in each case as a particular performance) is dependent upon posi- tive transfer of training from the next lower subordinate knowledge connected to it by an arrow; and (2) such transfer requires the high recallability of all the next lower subordinate knowledges (connected to it by arrows). 29 30 The ultimate goal set in this experiment was the principle of adding fractions, i.e. 2 5/6 + 3 3/10. The attainment of this goal is dependent upon first learning some other principles such as the associative and commutative properties of addition, the definition 3 3/1o = 3 + 3/10, the principle of adding two fractions when they have the same denominators, etc. These principles in turn depend upon knowing the concepts of 3/10, 1/10, 5/6, l/6, 2, 3, etc. The logical organization of knowledge so developed was represented in a hier- archy of principles and concepts. Since there are many interpretations of fraction, the three considered most appr0priate for fourth grade were included, relying on later testing to determine which of these are prerequisites to addition. Fractions as ratios or operators were not included since interviews conducted by the writer with fifth graders who could perform the indicated final task have shown that the fifth graders did not understand these two interpretations. Hence, they could not be prerequisite knowledge. Construction of the Tests and Revision of the Hierarchy Using the hierarchy, several exercises were constructed to test each item. Six fourth graders from the Wardcliff School, Okemos Public 31 Schools were asked to work the exercises as best each could and the results were recorded. Trial materials were developed and the six fourth graders were given instruction with fractions using these materials and being tutored by the writer during five one hour periods. At the close of instruction, each was asked to again work the exercises. On the basis of the testing and instruction experience, two items were found to have been overlooked in the original development of the hierarchy and other rela- tionships between items were discovered. The hierarchy was revised resulting in that shown in Table II, page 32. The revision included no deletions from the original but did include a reorganization of the order of items and the inclusion of the two additional items. For each item on the revised hierarchy, one exercise was chosen (See Table III, page 33 ). These were composed to form the final survey test which was used for both pretest and posttest (See Appendix A). Exercises similar to those on the final test were written for each of the other six test required. The trial materials were redeveloped in their final form (See Appendix B). The Materials, Treatment A The materials for Group A consist of the Addison-Wesley Fourth Grade Text (196%), pencil and 32 TABLE II HIERARCHY OF PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS NECESSARY FOR ADDITION OF FRACTIONS h < noisy: < 33:3: 58:50 _ < can?! 38800 .33 . luluunl a+ 333.5 83.. 5.! 655qu o n— 50 was 8 $5395 mcozumau as “.32 a} .~> N 2:. a)” A? .010 + 5510 II .D + o d N D Tun _ 8x...“ u {a an} n S} _ _o as a u a: . fl 7 n . 3.31 “hum—«cued; 5580.5 haul—cum Bonanza no. 802 Easesaoo 2358-3. W + U 5.8% anon—oi , T. _ _ 2k§2§+om8>+om§>+ :3“ w 8}» + m. w 32...“ + 83 + m m £5. + 23 + 3 m a}. + s + as . am as a + o5. a 33 TABLE III THE HIERARCHY, BY EXAMPLE FROM SURVEY TEST . \_:_ .F—fifi— r L— - 7 F“ x 1.9: Will-bum 34 paper. Although some paper folding was used for demonstrations at two different occasions, no manipulative aids were employed by the students. The text made liberal use of diagrams and illustra- tions. The students were asked to respond orally to some pages and in written form to others. All pages which pertained to sections of the hierarchy were used. A few pages on the formal definition of equivalent fractions were omitted as well as pages unrelated to fractions.4 An outline of the topics studied in the order in which they occured follows. Table IV illustrates how the materials related to the hierarchy, the labels correspond to the topics in the outline. “Pages were assigned in this order: 240-255, 257. 258, 262, 263, 265, 269 (B parts), 282, 283, 285-289, 328 (Set 42), 295 - 2%é , 298, 299. 278, 300-3245 306, 310, 311. Extra 29 , 292, 297. 328 Set 3 . 35 TABLE IV CORRESPONDENCE OF MATERIALS TO THE HIERARCHY, TREATMENT A 36 Outline of Material, Treatment A I. A II. A QHCUQHJWU Ow Fractions Partition interpretation of fractions (3/4, 2/7, 4/6, etc.) Fractions as pairs of numbers Fractions of rectangles A fraction a/b means a of b EQUAL parts Fractions of segments Fractions comparing a part of a set with the whole set Fractions and parts of an object Sets of equivalent fractions (partitions) Sets of equivalent fractions (patterns) Fractions with numerator ) or = to the denom- inator Fractions with zero numerators Review Rational Numbers Rational numbers as sets of equivalent fractions 1. Think of one rational number 2. One point on the number line Practice with the concept in A Equivalent fractions name the same rational number Inequalities Rational numbers greater than one Addition of fractions using the number line Fractions which name whole numbers Nuxed numerals Addition of fractions using parts of wholes Review 37 The Materials,_Treatment E Before developing the materials for Group B, the current literature on teaching and learning was surveyed. Educational psychologists were consulted. A fourth grade class at the Warddmff School in Okemos, Michigan was observed and tested to determine their understanding of fractions, as well as their general mathematics background. The units were tested in sequential order with a group of 6 children, revised, and put into final form for use in the exper- imental situation. Jerome Bruner and Helen Kenney (1965, p. 51) described an experiment in representation and math- ematics learning in which eight year old children were given instruction in various mathematical acti- vities: Each child had available a series of graded problem cards to go through at his own pace. ...the problem sequences were designed to pro- vide, first, an appreciation of mathematical ideas through concrete constructions using materials of various kinds for these construc- tions. From these, the child was encouraged to form perceptual images of the mathematical idea in terms of the forms that had been con- structed. The child was then further encouraged to develop or adopt a notation to describe his construction... A second experiment was also described in this paper (p. 57) in which a group of 10 nine-year- olds were instructed in the elements of group theory. Again the approach was one in which the children 38 first worked with physical manuevers and later deVeloped notation and ability to work with the symbols. In the concluding paragraph of this paper Bruner and Kenney (p. 59) wrote: We would suggest that learning mathematics may be viewed as a microcosm of intellectual development. It begins with instrumental acti- vity, a kind of definition of things by doing. Such Operations become represented and summar- ized in the form of particular images. Finally, and with the help of a symbolic notation that remains invariant across transformations in imagery, the learner comes to grasp the formal or abstract properties of the things he is dealing with. But while, once abstraction is achieved, the learner becomes free in a certain measure of the surface appearance of things, he nonetheless continues to rely upon the stock of imagery he has built en route to abstract mastery. It is this stock of imagery that per- mits him to work at the level of heuristic, through convenient and non-rigorous, means of exploring problems and relating them to problems already mastered. It is in accord with the above lines of thinking that set E of materials on the addition of fractions developed. The instrument in this case is an expanded concept of the number line in which students in the early elementary grades are, in general, very familiar. A unit of measure was repre- sented both by a rectangle (in the materials provided this is a rectangle 1%" x 10%") considered to be 1 unit in length and by a point on the number line that distance from zero. Rectangles 1 unit in length were divided into fractional parts of the unit. The 39 children were to learn how the pieces could be constructed and used by constructing and using them. The standard fractional notation is used and the process of adding fractions is interpreted as the summing of lengths of rectangles. Students were to be encouraged to discover the algorithms for finding equivalent fractions and for adding fractions so that the concrete materials would be gradually neg- lected. This section of the materials was designed to be used for approximately five days of activity: two days for orientation to the materials and con- struction of them in groups of two and three days for manipulation with them on an individual basis. The instructions were provided on 4 groups of 5 X 8 cards (19 in all) and the exercises for practice on four 8 X 10 dittoed sheets upon which the answers could be written. The first five days of activity were to provide the active stage. For the iconic state, 8 sequences leading to generalizations about the abstract processes with fractions were developed. Any of the eight could be chosen to be worked at any time during this stage and each was expected to require from 1 to 3 instruc- tional periods for completion. The regularly given tests provided an opportunity to develop at the symbolic level. The tests also served as a challenge to stimulate the discovery by the student of algorithms for solution; 40 the concrete materials provided verification of a correct solution. No algorithms were provided. 41 Outline of Materials, Treatment B I. NQH 00 II. Construction and manipulation of concrete aids Construction of number lines with whole number designation Construction of number lines with fraction designations (i's and fi's) Agreement to use 1 unit equal to the lengths provided (10%") Construction of a number line to the a reed upon scale (l/2's, 1/3's, 1/4's, 1/6'8§ Construction of rectangles of 1, 2, and 3 units of length Construction of rectangles of lengths a fraction of 1 unit (1/2'3, 1/3'3 1/4'3, l/6's, l/7's, l/l4's) Finding different names for the same sized rectangles (Equivalent fractions) Finding I name for a rectangle equal to the sum of two rectangles (Addition of fractions) Names for lengths greater than 1 unit (Definition 1 1/6) Comparison of lengths of rectangles Practice materials Sequences for development of generalizations Common multiples and least common multiples Equivalent fractions (By partitions) Names for 1. Equivalent fractions (by multiplication) 2. Equivalent fractions (by number line) Adding using equivalent fractions Interpretation of fraction as an indicated division Unit fractions using partitions Other fractions using partitions The associative and commutative properties 42 The Popplation Samplg The population sample was drawn from the East Lansing Public Schools, East Lansing, Michigan. It is a system of about 5048 students in grades kindergarten through twelve, contiguous to Lansing, and composed mostly of well-educated middle class residentsa The two classes of fourth graders used in this study were chosen at random from seven elementary schools and 12 fourth grade classes. One of the classes was assigned the com- mercial materials (Treatment A) and the other class was assigned the experimental materials (Treatment B). The choice was conditioned by the fact that one group (A) had been accustomed to traditional methods of teacher controlled instruction, whereas the second of the classes had been introduced to individual work two weeks prior to the initiation of the scheduled instruction period. Both classes were conducted by the writer during the period of the experiment. In each of the groups there were a few students who had skipped either part or all of the third grade arithmetic and/or part of the fourth grade work. These students had not yet developed skill in the multiplication of whole numbers. In Group A, the majority of the class had completed the fourth grade work on multiplication and were working with a section on approximation which 43 precedes work in long division. This group, with the exception of those four who had been moved ahead, displayed mastery of multiplication with whole numbers less than ten. In Group B, however, the majority of the students had not yet mastered the multiplication facts. This might have served to hinder their discovery of patterns in working with fraction which depended on this knowledge. Although these students had been working on the same textbook as Group A, they had notprogressed as far. Fourth graders were chosen for the experi- ment because it was felt that these students had limited instruction in fractions. In the planned curriculum for the East Lansing Schools, a unit of fractions first appears in the last quarter of the fourth grade. Initial Characteristics Initial characteristics of each student were obtained from three different sources. These measurements were his score on the mathematics sec- tion of the Sequential Tests of Educational Progress, a 26 item test on basic number facts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and his score on the pretest. The initial data is presented in Table V. 44 TABLE V SUMMARY OF INITIAL TESTS Treatment Test Number Mean Standard Received Tested Deviation A STEP 1/68 22 249.6 9.4 Number Facts 22 21.1 5.4 Pretest 22 3.6 2.4 B STEP 5/68 22 249.8 11.4 Number Facts 22 20.9 4.8 Pretest 22 1.6 1.3 45 Teaching the Units On February 1, 1968, the two regular teachers administered the pretest to their classes. Over the next five weeks, for 20 sessions, the writer conducted the two classes, administering the posttest during the twentieth session. The retention tests were given the last week in May, 1968 and each regular teacher said that she had not assigned any work with fractions in the interim. The results of the tests appear in Table VI, page 46. The lessons for Group B were restricted to 50-55 minute periods daily; the lessons for Group A averaged 55 minutes in length. Both the regular teachers and the writer were available to answer any questions the students had during the mathematics period. Each day in Group A, the written work from the previous day was returned and discussed, some oral drill on material in the text was conducted, the new material was introduced and oral responses solicited for discussion questions, and a written assignment was made and supervised. In Group B, two students worked together to construct the concrete materials, then each worked individually through the practice sheets using the concrete aids. The student was allowed to proceed to some other section of the hierarchy according to his choice and the availability of material. Each 46 TABLE VI SUMMARY OF SURVEY TESTS Treatment Pretest Posttest Retention Received Mean Mean Mean A 3.55 12.86 10.55 B 1.64 12.14 11.41 Respective Standard Deviations A 2.42 4.23 4.88 B 1.26 6.56 5.92 Total Number Pretest- Posttest of Exercises Posttest Retention Test Performed, Gain, Gain, Mean Mean Mean A 15.41 9.32 -l.85 B 15e41 lOeSO -0073 Respective Standard Deviations A 4.17 3.47 3.42 B 6.64 6.13 3044 47 student had as his goals, the completion of the short units and trying to acquire enough concepts and principles to be able to perform the examples on the surveys when given. No direct teaching of how to do addition examples abstractly was provided. Daily Reports In Class A, daily reports of class pro- cedure and material studied were prepared by the teacher. Time allowed for the lesson, times of testing, and other pertinent observations were recorded. Three sample reports for each group are included in Appendix C. In Class B with each student operating individually daily reports of general procedures being followed, time allowed for the lessons, times of testing, and other pertinent observations were recorded. In addition a chart was kept on which a record was kept of the date on which each student finished a section of the work. A second blank was filled when the teacher felt that the work had been understood by the student, i.e. if the answers were 90% correct or if, upon questioning the student displayed understanding. The Intgrmediate Testing In addition to the pretest, posttest, reten- tion tests, and the daily class records, alternate forms of the pretest were administered regularly 48 beginning the sixth day. As each type of example was performed correctly it was eliminated from future tests for that individual. Students in both classes were thus motivated to discover how those he had not yet solved could be achieved. Tables VII, VIIa, VIII and VIIIa show the order in which each individual student performed the exercises, the numbers used correspond to those numbers of boxes on the hierarchy. Some Individual Higtgrigg In this section two students from each class who performed few examples on the pretest are chosen for a more thorough analysis. Of students receiving Treatment A, C2 is an interesting example. 02 was to be a third grader but was instead placed in the fourth grade class because she was exceptionally able. Her background in multiplication and division were particularly weak. On the pretest l, 7 were accomplished. After the instruction on the partition interpretation of frac- tion 2 and 16 were mastered. Next 12b, then 11 because of their relationship to whole numbers. After discussions on equivalent fractions 10a was performed, then 12a. On the posttest she was able to project to 5, 6, 10b, 15 and 19. Other students weak in multiplication in the class performed the same examples, some adding 24 to the list or 8 (Cf. M4, L2, 49 HH mOH 0H.m.m s H H mH.m0H aH.o QOH .pmH.amH.m.m m.>.H mm emH. HH.m m mH.an m.a.H Hm m. m mmH.o.m.m an.aOH pH s.H m um mm. Hm. mH. mH.pmH m om.¢H.e.m .eH.m0H.m m m.m .mH. amH. nOH .s.m.H z mH an.amH H e.m m.s.o mH.mH.HH mOH m.m.H z m HH.m m mH.s.H m ma HH.m mOH mH.m s.n.H s 0H HH.n 90H.m m w .pmH.m.m.s.H we QOH.a0H.m.m m.H pH > a m HH mOH mH pmH.amH.s.H NH an.amH.m.m.m 90H.mOH.m 0H.F.H HH w 20H.m.m m .mH.HH.moH m a.H mm m pH m.s.H a an H HH .amH.m0H.m mH.m.m.m m.s.H a mH.an.an qH.m.s.m mOH nOH.m.m HH.a.m.m.H mm mOH pmH.mmH.H n mH.o.m.m m.QOH.>.H H HH eOH 0H.an.mmH.m 90H.m.s.H Wm m 0H.H QOH.s H eOH HH an mH.m s.H mo o.m s 0H H Ho m mOH oH an.mmH.s.H H PmumHm > .HgHHHm >H unmafism HHH mozsm HH 5253 H hmidm Pomospm a Hzmaaamma .nmamoamma mama mmHazflHm mam: 2H $58 a; HH> amea QOH.e.m am.mH.mH.an.amH ma mm.Hm.om.mH.eH.HH.m.m am.mm.¢ Hm . a a . WOH OH mH m am mm om HOH mH mH HH sH e m MH.HH mz nm.om.¢H.m 90H Hz mH.mH an.mmH.m0H ma em.mH.eH.p0H.m.m mH.amH ma mm.mH.m0H am.om.mH.mH.aH.amH Ha HH.mH.m.m mH.pmH.mmH ma QOH am.mH.mH H m mH.MH.HH.m sm.mH HH Hm am.om.mH.s HH.mH.pmH.mmH ms mH.m0H.m HH Ha m» a nom.m mHHmH a a a ...mm a m mH.mH.e mm m m mH.mH.pmH.mmH.HH.m Mo mH.mH.HOH.m.m mmH o HH.m aH.an mH Ho HH.em.aH.m m.m a nOHpnopom HHH> mm>nsm HH> hmbhsm H> mo>Hsm pnocdpm HomssHpsoov 4 92834.29 .neamommmm mmmz mmgmfldxm mOHmS 2H mmnmo mma wHH> mgmda 1 5 :wm. mm Hm.om.HmH.mmH.m .HH. mH.mHa noH.m.m.a.m.m H.H ma am.aH.a.m mH. mH.mmH. HOH mH.HmH.mneanH HH we . awash . . NH .0 .mH.aH.m0H.a.m.m s.H m mH.mH HOH. m ;o. .H a HH em.Hm.mH.s.m mH.mH. eH .HOH.w.m HwH.amH a.H.H H mH.an.mmH mH e.H o mH.mH m.>.m H 2 pH Hw.wme sauna. HH. m.m om.mH.mH.HOH.m.m .HmH.mmH.HH.e.H : H H HmH mmH HOHm a H H mm.Hm.om. mH. «H mH.mH.m .HmH.mmH.HOH.eoH mH.m.m.m.m.m.a s.H a mH.HmH.mmH.e m.H as mH.HmH.mmH m mH.H .noH.mH.m.s.m.m a mH.mH.mOH HmH.amH.m.e”mnm H we . mH mH mOH a H as mH HOH a m H H em.mm.Hm.mH.sH.mH .eH.HmH.mmH.m.e HOH.a0H m.m.m H 0H.» mH mH mH.an.amH mH.m m >.H H mH.sH.HmH om.a.m em.mH.mmH.m.m HOH.m0H.mH.m m.e.H HH mH.HmH.amH mH e.m H mm mH a an.emH H HH HH mH.an.amH.m s.H a pmopon >H mm>nsm HHH mo>H5m HH mm>HSm H mm>nsm Paocspm m azgadae .Qaaommmm MESS magxm mOHmz zH mango Ems HHH> MAflHB 52 eOH ma mm.Hm.om.m.m NH m H sm.mm.mH.mH H om.m.m m .eH.HmH.mmH.mOH.H H m HH m.m.H.HmH.mmH.m0H Hm HH.m HmH.mmH.mom H m 0H HOH.m o o.m z HH.a0H m a oH.m H HH HH.HH HH mH ma mm.om.aH Hm.a.m m H em om.sH m mH mm.Hm.HH .HH.m.a.m.m He m.m an.mmH.m a m mH m.HmH.mmH mH NH 0 HH om.n NH eOH sm.om.HH aH.m.m H mm HH sm.eH.m HOH.m mH.m mm m mH.mH Hm mH.n.m mH.HH a fioavflmpmm HHHH mm>H3m HH> hm>Hsm H> Hm>Hsm > Hm>Hsm psmcspm ll AcossHpsoov m eagedmme .nggmmm mmm: mmqmzdxm mOHmS zH_mmmmo mus wHHH> amda 53 Cl, etc.). Several of the students who were better prepared at the onset performed the same examples on the pretest (Cf. H, N1, and N2). Another student who was able in multiplica- tion made stronger gains under treatment A. $2 began with the ability to do some basic whole number Oper- ations (l, 7, 8). After the introduction of and practice with the partition interpretation of fraction, 2, 5, 10a, 12a, 12b, and 16 were added to the list. As his understanding was strengthened with practice, 6 and 14, then 4, 15, and 24 were incorporated into his rapport. But it was not until after the addition of fractions was discussed that he was able to incor- porate the firm conceptual background into the process of addition so that he performed 3, 9, ll, l7, 19, 20, 21, and 23 on the posttest which he had not per- formed previously. Fourteen other students in the class also performed their first addition of fractions after brief discussion prior to Survey VI with 5 more accomplishing these after classroom practice had been provided. Of students receiving Treatment B patterns are not as easy to find. Surges are much more common as are lack of further progress. J2 worked steadily and consistently throughout the period of experimen- tation. Performing only example 1 on the pretest, she showed greater strength with whole numbers on 54 Survey II (7, 8) and with some familiarity with frac- tions (5, 6) she was able to also do 12a, and 12b. By Survey III she was able to accomplish as much as many under Treatment A completed in the entire exper- imental period, adding 10b, 15 and 19. After 2 surveys showing no progress, she developed the partition inter- pretation of fractions (2) and the division interpretation (3, 4) and was able to again begin building (9,14,17, 20,24). J2 was still growing in her understanding of fractions a week after the retention test when she joyously showed the teacher that she had figured out how to do examples which she had found in a more ad- vanced arithmetic book and which were similar to example 22. Other students also made steady gains and 1’ T2)’ Several made expecially rapid gains at the beginning retained well on the retention test (M1, P, T but either lost interest or had reached a point that they needed actual instruction and practice in the algorithms for addition rather than in the concepts (Of. 3, K, Mg). E had a very difficult time understanding the concept of fraction in any of its manifestations. Her development shows that each thing she did related the fraction work back to an algorithm regarding whole numbers. 1, 8, 7, her first successes were whole number operations. 3, 10b, 15, 12a, 12b, 19 were 55 performed by relating to the whole numbers involved and to a pattern she discovered in them. It was not until Survey V that some fraction concept began to develop (16) and this was retained. 5 and 16 were both performed on the retention test. Others, too, seemed to have trouble with the concept of fraction. B2, N, J3, R still had not developed them for the retention test. Some had so much trouble developing them that they retained little else. (B1, J1, L). Some General Classroom Observations The two classroom presentations place in direct confrontation two distinctly different methods: that of teaching the class as a whole and that of providing individual instruction. Of the two, teaching the class as a whole from a standard textbook is by far the less taxing on the teacher's time. A diffi- culty with discipline can occur when several students finish their written work ahead of the others and need to be directed to some individual project while the others finish. The faster students can be en- couraged to look beyond the present work by setting a long range goal for them (as was done by giving the inventories fairly often so that they could be applying what they had learned to discovering how to solve future problems) or by providing additional problems of the challenge variety which help them to discover 56 principles relating to what is likely to come up in the near future. On the whole, however, the faster students are bored with the in-class explanations and the classroom drill which is essential to push the slower student along with the rest. This time, for the more able student, might be better spent in some other way. The individual instruction method demands extra time of the classroom teacher both in prepara- tion of the materials (which are not available commercially) and in the burden of correcting many diversified types of papers each day. Without the convenience of oral drill, more work is done on paper, and the faster students turn in work at a much higher rate than they would under the classroom plan. However, after an initial organizational period, the students do keep busy during the entire time pre- scribed for arithmetic and often request extra time. The individual plan attempts to provide the administrative machinery whereby the pupil is per- mitted to learn at his own rate, to receive help from the teacher only when he needs it, and only upon his own individual difficulties. In this study an additional contrast was provided since extensive practice on the examples em- ploying the concepts and principles studied was provided in the classroom group, but little practice 57 was provided to those receiving Treatment B. If the unit itself were to be used as an instructional tool, many exercise sets should be developed to provide practice with each concept and skill which was devel- oped in any particular unit. Developing the concept or principle does not of itself insure being able to use it again later. It is thought that using the concepts or principles after developing them will facilitate their later use and their application to the next level of difficulty. Contrast in enthusiasm of the two groups was very noticeable. Those students in group A who were academically minded, i.e. who verbalized that they thought it was fun to learn, were mildly pleased to see the experimental teacher at the time she made a return visit. The girl who make the lowest scores, on the other hand, made a point to complain with some support from others who did not like being pushed to accomplish a great deal of work. In group B, however, students jumped out of their seats and asked if the experimental teacher could come back and teach for a few days. Even when threatened with even harder work than ever before, they agreed that they would do it. This group had continued working as individuals using their textbooks after the experiment had been completed. After the conclusion of the experimental 58 period and after some time had passed, the teacher of those students receiving Treatment B reported that her students were solving their exercises in division by writing the remainders as fractions rather than simply R. __, This transfer indicates some degree of understanding of fraction concepts beyond that nor- mally encountered in a fourth grade class. Summary In an effort to present the analysis of data in a comprehensive fashion this chapter first statis- tically compared the two treatments for resulting level of performance and statistically analyzed the order in which the concepts and principles were under- stood. Some individual histories which demonstrated certain patterns were described and some contrasts of the two methods of teaching were described. Some conclusions which may be drawn from this analysis are presented in Chapter V. CHAPTER V ANALYSIS OF DATA Introduction The data are analysed both with regard to order and with regard to performance for each of the approaches: (A) use of calmercial materials, and (3) use of experimental materials. In addition, individual progress and support for the hierarchy are considered. To test the comparability of the two treat- ments, previous achievement (STEP) and level of performance (Pretest) are analysed. Then, Statis- tical significance of the change in performance (Pretest-Posttest) is measured using the t-test. The main criteria for the determining order were Surveys (I-VIII) . The items frcm: each of the Surveys were considered in pairs (_a_,_b_) . For each class the number of students who performed 5 on an earlier survey than _b_, who performed 2 on an earlier survey than a, and who performed _s‘ and p simultan— eously were tabulated. This tabulation was analyzed using the binomial test and where applicable an ordering ; < p or p < _s; was established. The results for each class were compiled into a projected hier- archy. . At the end of this chapter observations are made, leading into the summary, conclusions, and S9 60 recommendations presented in Chapter VI. Results of Ipigial Testing Level of arithmetic achievement as measured by the Sequential Test of Educational Progress, Mathematics, was used as an independent variable to judge whether or not there were significantdiffer- ences in the mathematical ability of the two groups. Approach A had a mean achievement of 249.60: approach B had a mean achievement of 249.77. The difference was less than 1 point and a t-test showed a nonsigni- ficant t = ;95 with 3g degrees of freedom. However, since the STEP was given to Group A in January and to Group B in May, the lack of significant difference indicates only that Group B did notachieve signifi- cantly better than Group A. Both of the means fall above the average school means quoted in the STEP Manual for Fall testing of the fifth grade. On the test of 26 number facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication of single digit numbers and division by single digit numbers, Group A per- formed more accurately than Group B. With means of 21.10 (A) and 20.82 (B), this difference was not significant (t = .002). The Survey of Skills in Fractions was used as a pretest and a posttest as the critical measure of the effect of a particular treatment on the two groups. The next section analyzes the two adminis- 61 trations of this test. The Survey Tests The main criteria for measuring performance was the Survey Test, administered as a pretest, a posttest, and a retention test. Table IX, page 62 reports the analysis of these tests. Using the t—test with 42 degrees of freedom, no significant differences were found except on the pretest. The pretest indicates that the students receiving Treatment A had a lead on the students receiving Treatment B at the beginning of the study although this lead was completely eliminated by the time the retention test was administered. Pretest- Retention test results showed the mean of individual net gain to be 9.77 in Group B and 7.35 in Group A although 2 persons in Group A did not take the reten- tion test. The data is not sufficient for conclusion that the net gain of students receiving Treatment B was significantly greater than that of Group A although data indicates that greater gains were made. On all 3 tests, Pretest, Posttest,and Reten- tion Test the variance of scores under Treatment B were 1/5-3/4 again as great as the variance of scores under Treatment A. 62 TABLE IX ANALYSIS OF THE SURVEY OF SKILLS WITH FRACTIONS, PRETEST, POSTTEST, AND RETENTION TEST BY APPROACH TREATMENT _— Analysis by t-test Group N Mean SD t p A 22 3.55 2.4 Pretest 3.03 .005 B 22 1.64 1.3 A 22 12.86 4.2 Posttest .04 NS B 22 12.14 6.6 Retention A 22 10.55 4.9 Test .05 NS B 22 11.41 5.9 Pre-POSt A 22 9e32 3e5 Gain .71 NS B 22 10.50 6.1 POSt- A 20 -1e85 Bea Retention 1.06 NS B 22 -e73 Bea Total Problems A 22 15.41 4.6 Mastered .00 NS by Each B 22 15.41 6.6 Individual The Ordgg of Performance The hypothesis, Hi, to be tested is that the order predicted by the task analysis diagram is indeed the order in which each student performed each task; i.e. if.g precedes p.0n the diagram, that the student would perform example a prior to performing example .b. The null hypothesis, HO would indicate that there was no difference between the probability (p1) of performing example.g first and p,second and the probability (p2) of performing p,first and.g second. Hl implies that pl< p2. The binomial test was chosen because the data was in two discrete categories and the design for each class was of the one-sample type. Since under the null hypothesis there was no reason to think that a.should be learned prior to h" P = Q = A. The significance level chosen was 6‘ = .001. N, the number of cases, is the number of persons performing example g,prior to example h, plus the number of persons performing example p_prior to example '3, plus the number of persons performing a.and p_both satisfactorily for the first time on the same test. x The sampling distribution given by 2:61) PIQN"1 was :0 obtained from Siegel, Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, Table D, p. 250. For probabilities that g,would occur by chance in the 64 tabulated relationship to b_of less than .001, the conclusion is that the learning of 2.13 prerequisite to the learning of b, The region of rejection of HO consisted of values of x (where x : the number of subjects who performed example h.prior to example a) which are so small that the probability associated with their occurence under H0 is equal to or less than = .001. Since the direction of the differ- ence was predicted in advance, the region of rejection is one-tailed. Table X to XIII, pp. 65-68 give the tabulations of the number of students performing g,and p.0n the same survey test and items and the tabulations of the number of students per- forming §.on an earlier survey than 2, These tabulations are given separately for students under Treatment A and under Treatment B. Tables XIV and XV, pp. 69-70, give the probabilities that the items would be performed as tabulated under the null hypothesis, H O The Order of Performance Under_Treatment B Table XV, p. 70 gives the probabilities that g,would occur before h_in the quantities tabulated by Table XII, p. 67. In the event that the probabil- ity is less than or equal to .001 the conclusion is that g,is prerequisite to h. Since examples 1 and 7 are in general pre- requisite to all other examples, and since neither JNNHHHHHJHHH HHNH H a H HHH NANNY: AN /maN em N: H HNH .HHHH HN / c o o o o o NN HHH/HHH Hm mH H HMH HHHH HN N m m m L [H .l.. HHNH 8 NH HH k2 NH H H H N N HHH m H Lalem. N mm N H N/ H N H o H H H HN 0N HN 0N HN oH HN HN/ON HN HN HH H 9H NH NH 0N OH N NH HH HN 8 H H H mwrpwhtrbwbm H H/ HNH. Nab mlohemmfl: mH NoHonoHo :oHH :NHb eN NH H A H N H H H/ H H o EH 9H 3 ON $8 338 HHH 38/ mi: HH HHoH N HHH oHoNfi a HNH NH H N H NH 3 8 8 HNH NH 0N H/eH NH omH N HeH mON 2. «NH NHoHHNmHaHHHHNoH HHmmoH m N/ HH aonHHHNmHHNHH HH NHfimeHmabeH HhmmeH m. M%/m._. elmlmlwhwlw NHIMH an 13.0 f L N» Vm 0 I'm: wwmlmbmbwa Nme HNN HHbWth 0H NH H HH 2 HH 3 3 NH NH 3 NH HH mH HH :H/Hd/H. NmHaHaH NH NH H N NN HN NN HN NN oN NN NN 1: oN NN NN NH 3 8 NH 8 8 H / oN NN HN NN N a NHMWHNoNHNHHMNMN WHIMWHN N am“ a NNHbHHHHNmMW b- Ho 0 N 8 m a n m N m oaNHoHaHNHoHHHmoHAHHHNN NNm/N H NN HN NN HN NN NH NN NN H NH NN NN a NH H H HH 8 b HH NH HN aH/ N NN HN NN HN NN HN NN NN H 8 NN NN 0H NH HN NH HN HN NH N 8 8 NN HN NN/ H (kl NH e o H e oN o N HN HN oH : oN oN HN bH oN H oH NN HN oN N NH NN NN Haaes AN HN NNHwONWH NH NH 3 HH H HNH a_.N.HtH|H. 3H: 3H m N H e m 44.4.11 a < HEN: .m 55. Sun. ENS magmas 5 no N. ofifioamma SEEN.» .3 amazon N Manda. TABLE XI NUMBER OF STUDENTS PERFORMING a ON THE SAME SURVEY AS Q, TREATMENT A J l l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10a 10b 11 12a 12b 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 23 5 66 m H mm mm mm HHH HH m H H m H HHH Hm n mm Hm H H How ¢ H HH m H mma qHH HN #mmommH mHH H HH HNH MHH mm qumH NNH HH HHH H H Hm HHH HH HM¢NHN HHH H mm ¢Hmm Hm H H H M Hmwflwm N¢¢ s H HH m HHHH¢OMOm HM¢H n m HH HMH Hm HN NHHH NH #NHHM H MMH m HHHM a HH¢MM o H H NNgQHHMHmN mm H H H mmMHmommmmnHmpmnmmmwaonmd OSHNNHHHHHHHNNNNN H HH Hugo» on» nouaoauua me. ill Ln HHHOOHHOO N04? 1 N0 \0 \OHHNOH4'NO t‘ NN MN MH OH H H H MH H H OH H HH N H H O HH H H O O O O O O O O m ¢ O H O m O NH m H H H NH O H m N #H HN m n NH N . O N H o N H H O OH OH OH #H OH O m MH 0 m HN ON OH H NN O O OH O MH OH N H H H H HH H H o o In. H HN H N H HH EN W a O N N O O OH OH N N nH O O m OH O m ¢ ¢ HH m m m N H m ¢ H H m H H O N NH OH #H O m #H OH O O OH O HN NN NN NH mH HN NN mH OH OH OH O mH #H N N OH mH O N MH N O OH mH m m OH OH 4 m #H O m NH OH ¢ O O NH m m OH N O OH MH m m O OH O O NH 4 N OH OH O O mH ON O O OH N ON NN NN mH ON NN NN NH OH OH ON OH OH NH OH OH «H MH nNH wNH HH QOH moan A wpm n O O O mmm H pom n ma om » H HH Amm OH OH O HH OH HN w H NH moama¢ H #H NH O N NH O N N Eo¢mo NH mH O N N on m H m H m MH HH O H ¢ moaqmn Snammu mH OH O H OH ON NN H O NH Sammuo N m ¢ N N H H H O O H O H H m N N H MH éH MH.HH H H H H NH nH NH O N «H OH mH NH N N m é m mm #H NH HH H MH Rn MH mm H O N m OH HH O N 4 ¢ ¢ m N H H HHHH MH ON OH ON ON OH m m m O O N HH m m H ¢ N ¢ H N ¢ O H NH H H OH N H H m q n N Hp nH HH O O NH HN N O NH NN M H I cn4r+ HNNN OH HH mH NN mH OH NH mH ON NN me 4N MN NN HN mH NH OH mH #H ANA NNH IHH noa (t5 0 (“mow-l HNMQ’ LOW) (U m azmzampm magma 5 20 a afizmammm BESS mo 35,82 HHN mflmda TABLE XIII SAME SURVEY AS 2, TREATMENT—B NUMBER OF STUDHTS PERFORMING I ON THE b 1 2 3 u S 6 7 8 9 10a 10b 11 12a 12b 13 1h 15 16 17 19 20 21 23 68 O N HH In: :Hd-d’ H HHH N O OO 41' Fir-{Him :Ld’N .d‘ M-d' OMMNHM :m N: :NH: NN Omm NNNm mm d—d’MMN—d't-IMO NN NNHMNSH N HM-d' 1% 6.0 C OOHN NMJMONQO‘HHHH O m: gm;- :mmO NHHNm H MHNNM H .d‘NHHHNdl-n \ONN NJNOO‘ H LAO—3H OMS—3m mgmH Nmzdm H HHHHHH mNm xoMmNN MNNH MNNMM N Flu-4H ..‘d'NHH N‘Lndm MNNMN mm H H NMMH NNH r-l mmm N HM :NNN Nmmmm mNam-O (Ugh-IMO NMOHHMMNHM N H MfiMONQOOHMfi H HHHHHNNN 69 oo oo cc po cm oo oo po mwvguco acauwwwcmHWcoc macawvcw mxcupm mm xguco coma mwvoumgg o. NN co co co Pm co oo oo om mp oo Po Po oo ._o mo co co mm -_o mm mp mm mp co mm mm up No oo -Fo _o oo -Po mp co em m_ -.o em O_ mo oo -_o -Fo oo ._o so 00 -Po ON -Fo NO NO mp 00 m_ oo mp oo cc «— mp mm co co Po oo -—o am oo _o mm -_o mm -_c amp mp co co _o oo -Fo mm oo _o mm -Fo mm VmNF _o mm mo No HP No co No mm oo oo oo mm _o co, oo oo oo mop No No om m mm co oP oF oo mm Nm oo oo No .0 w oo oo -Fo oo -_o oo as we _o ._o oo NO ON .90 -Po -Po co mm N5 me -_o -_o Po N mp co co NH oo Po co cm _H O we oo Po oo oo —o oo mm we __ m mm oo mm oo we co e mm co co co co co Nu F_ m -Po oo _o oo ._o -_o _N 00 mp mm -_o N oo oo oo oo -po oo 00 No .—o co co mo me _o Lpo -Fo oo _o No me -_o _ -po -_o h mm mm Hm om mp OH NH OH mp op mp nm— mNH Hp pop mop m m n O m e m N — a HHx NAmm.m mmommm mauuo ogzoz.m NNH4Hmx m4mHx m4mm omN<42mm.m mmommm mzouo 44H3.m N , = , or (.in the space provided so that the following statements will be true 1 1 4 6 r a 3 7 a f 2 6 %__3’ 7__; ?__E 1 g .1. 2 2 2 2____ 3___€ 3____7 '3? ‘3" * Find a fraction which will name the same number as %+% %+% 1 2 2 7*? 8+3 5‘. 1 3. 2. 7+7 7*? * 41* 4t 1 2 1 3+3 2+3 M 1 2 4 3+2 6+6 4(- * ‘N' 2 2 2 3+3 3+5 2 .‘i 9. 2 7*? 7+7 1 1 1 1 1 1 §+§+§ 3+§+§ / CHI/10 7 Practice Sheet 2 108 Place the sign > , .-: , or < in the space provided, so that the following statements will be true. Find 1 2 NIH NIH 2 K' 8 _it _1_ 3 UIH NIH own his cvo ;_ 6 2___'1'4' .2. 3 A 2 13. 3 21 a fraction which names the same number as l. 2 2 6 1 2 3+3 1 .1. 3+6 2 I4 1 2 7+1? 1 1 7+1? +E 2 E' KIM NIH Egox $1" NIH Ova are one '17? Nun 109 Practice Sheet 3 Place the sign , = or in the space provided so that the following statements will be true. % .‘l l 2 1 3 l3 7 1 6 2 i I 6 3 3 1 7 l 1 6 16 6% 1 I 1 it- 'I' it 2 2- _ 7+7‘ 1+6- 3 5.- l- 7*7-_____ 1*5‘___ 2 1 _ 3+3: 2+;. 2 2.- 1. .1.- 3“'3"’ 23*3‘ #- * i- 2 1.. .2. 1.. 17”27-___ 33"3-____ 1 2 2 l- 3g+46:——_ 33+3_-_- 1 1 2.. ll 3 + 7 3|: 5 2 + 4’- 2+9= M: 110 Find another name for Practice Sheet 4 ._ 1.4 : : 2 170 1.2 : + + + z ._ 1 1.2 1.3 1.7 1.2 56 1”. l 1 2 3 2 + + + a. a. 8— 1.2 2.3 6.7 56 : 3 6 1 3 — _ _ : _ 1m ._ a. 1.. .. _. 2 .. 1.4 1.4 1.6 1 + 1.3 + + + 1.7 + = 1.2 1.3 1.2 3 1.2 7? ._ = : = a. 2.3 5.6 3.7 1.. 1.3 + + + + _ _ _ ".41_ _ _ 1.2 1.3 2.3 1.4 l l 2 : : .. .. : .. 2.4 2.6 7.”... 1.7 3.6 2 111 Box A Card 1 Do the work from this card on a separate sheet of paper. 1. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Multiply 10 by 1. Multiply 10 by 2. Multiply 10 by 3, by 4. Ybur answers are called multiples of 10. List seven multiples of 10. Do you notice anything special about all multiples of 10? Multiply 4 by l. Mu1tiply 4 by 2. Multiply 4 by 3, by 4. Ybur answers are multiples of . List seven multiples of 4. Do you notice anything special about all multiples of ? Look at your answers to exercises 2 and 5 above. Are there any answers in 2 that are also in 5? Are there any numbers that are multiples of 10 that are also multiples of 4? List two. Multiply 6 by 1. Multiply 6 by 2, by 3, by 4. Your answers are called multiples of 6. List seven multiples of 6. Are there any multiples of 6 that are also mul- tiples of 4? List 3 of them. List seven multiples.of 3. Are there any multiples of 3 that are also mul- tiples of 6? List three of them. Are there any multiples of 3 that are also multiples of 4? List three of them. Find a number which is a multiple of 3, 4, and 6. 112 Box A Card 2 Do the work from this card on a separate sheet of paper. 1. List 6 multiples of 8. 11:,8X2: 8x5=,8x6=). 2. List 8 multiples of 6. (6 x l = , 6 x'2 = , 6 x 3 = , 6 x 4 = , etc.) 8x3: ,8X4:, 3. Can you find two numbers that are multiples of both 6 and 8? 4. What is the least number that is a multiple of both 6 and 8? This is called the least common multiple of 6 and 8. 5. list 8 multiples of 2. ‘6. List 8 multiples of 3. 7. What numbers are multiples of both 2 and 32 8. What is the least common multiple of 2 and 3? 9. List 6 multiples of 7. 10. What numbers are multiples of both 2 and 7? 11. What is the least common multiple of 2 and 7? 12. What is the least common multiple of 3 and 7? Complete the chart showing the least common multiple of each of the pairs of numbers. 1.9.m. 2 _3, 17 4 5 8 2 _g A- 3 6 3 6 7 __ 21 7 56 __ 4 28 4 6 13 o 8 8 24 8 113 Box A Card 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is the least common What is the least common What is the least common Do you see a pattern? What is the lpp§p_common What is the lgppp common What is the M common Does the pattern noticed Can you describe how you common multiple of three and 9 as an example. multiple multiple multiple multiple multiple multiple of 2 of 2 of 3 of 4 of 6 of 4 and and and and and and in 4 still hold? 3? 7? 7? 6? 8? 8? would find the least Use 4, 6, numbers? Have the teacher check your chart from card 2 and problem 9 on this page. 114 Pack A Card 1 2 1. Take a large sheet of paper. (Notebook size is O.K.) Fold it in half. Fbld it in half again. Open the sheet. The folds should divide it into 4 equally sized parts. Label each part i. Shade 3 of the parts grey with your pencil. What fraction of the whole sheet is shaded? 2. Fbld the sheet back into the fourths. Fold it once more. How many pieces is the sheet folded into now? Haw many of these are shaded? What fraction of the whole sheet is shaded? (Open up the sheet and check.) 3. Was the same part of the sheet shaded for both questions 1 and 2? We say 3/4 and 6/8 are equivalent fractions because they name the same part of the whole sheet. BX :6 4X :8 4. How can we obtain 6/8 as an equivalent fraction to 3/4? When 3 parts of the 4 parts are shaded, we make each part into ? pieces. 115 Pack A Card 2 1. 2. 3. 5. 2 Take a large sheet of paper folded into 4 parts with 3 of the 4 parts shaded. What fraction of the whole sheet is shaded? With a dark pencil or ballpoint, draw lines dividing each of the four parts into 3 pieces. How many pieces do you have all together? How many of them are shaded? What fraction of the whole sheet is shaded? 0n card 1 we found that 3/4 and 6/8 were equivalent fractions. What is another fraction equivalent to 3/4? 3x =9 4X :12 How can we find 9/12 as an equivalent fraction to 3/4? 116 Pack A2 Card 3 1. On cards 1 and 2 we found that the fractions 3/4, 6/8, and 9/12 were equivalent. %= i—x-é i%=2—3§-% Nl'x H 6 ’8' £3. 0 2. Is 12/16 equivalent to 3/4? 24:24 # 3. Name some other fractions equivalent to 3/4. , , and ______ . 4. Find 3 more fractions for this set. {3/4,6/8,9/12,12/16,15/2o,18/21,_,__,__,...} . 5. Find 3 fractions equivalent to 3. 6. Find 3 fractions equivalent to 1/3. 7. Find 3 fractions equivalent to 2/3. Box 117 B Card 1 Materials: Cuisenaire rods: 6 white (W), 3 red (R), 2 lightgreen (G), 2 purple (P), 2 yellow (Y) and l darkgreen (D). 1. Take 5 whites (W) and place them in a row. Which one rod is the same length as these 5 whites? Complete the following: W x 5 = . 2. How many whites (W) end to end is the same length as l lightgreen (G)? Fill in E’x __= G. 3. Fill in the blanks: R x 3 = __, R x __ = P, Git—:13, GX3:G+G+G:_+G. Box B Card 2 1. Take 1 white (W). Complete the following: WX1=__O 2. Take 1 purple (F). Complete the following: PX1::___. 3. If any color could be filled into the box, what is [::]x 1 ? 4. let the darkgreen (D) be 2. How long then is the lightgreen (G)? How long then is the W? How long then is the R? 5. Complete the following: 2 x l = __, l x l = __, 1/3 x l : __, 2/3 x 1 : ___. Box B Card 3 1. If the white is 1/3, how long is the red (R)? How long is the lightgreen? 2. In problem 1 you probably said red was 1 3 + l 3 or 2/3. = w + w + w. So G = 1/3 + 1 3 + 1 3. Did you call lightgreen 3/3 or did you call it 1? Is 1 = 3/3 ? D Q. D E; 3. Complete the following: 1 = E: l = 5; l = 3, l : lO. 2 a 1 3 4. Fill in the blanks: 1 x 1 = 3 x 1 = 3 x I': 3. 2 2 2X0 6 1X1:§XB=2X3=6:1. 118 Box B Card 4 1. How many 1/2 does it take to make 1? How many l/3 does it take to make 1? 1 ::E!; 1 : 9?; l x l : E!x = 2 6 2 3 6 bflo 2. Fill in the blanks: lxlzgxd: DXA:8:O 2 ‘E 2“E‘E Islxlzl? 3. Find 1/2 of l. X12D l. 2 01' X1: Ig:O. DOeSlz2 7 2 i I l. 2 2 1 2’ EEEEE—‘\\) (a) Into how many parts iz’ is each figure divided? (b) How many of these parts are shaded? (c) Write a fraction to represent the shaded area of 98011.. (d) Does 1/2 = 2/4? (e) Find some other names for 1/2. Box B Card 5 119 Box B Card 6 1. On card 5 we found that: 1 2 6 1+ . §=z=fi=e=§ Complete the following: 1.1. -1 E' V 5-2X1-2X2:E l-l. ..l- 2- 2'2XO“2X3'5 15:1: 1:; --- 2 2 x 2 x 6 _ 1.; ..l i- 2 _ 2 x 1 - 2 xzala 3 Notice: 2 = 2 x 1 : 3.x 2.: 3 3 3 2 Find: 2 _ a _ g. E!— 3‘3XO‘3xD‘ 01¢- \olm 120 Pack B Card 1 2 Materials: A numberline having 1/2's, 1/3's, 1/A's, l/6's, l/7's, 1/14's, 1/21's, l/l2's. 2 1. Look at the number line. What are some other fractions that name the same number as l/2? List these. What are some other fractions that name the same number as 1/3? List these. What are some other fractions that name the same number as 2/3? List these. Can you find a pattern? Pack B Card 2 2 1. Try your pattern on these fractions. %-= 3'; i=-‘2=1‘§ Check your answers with the number line. Does your pattern work? 2. If your pattern did not work, see if you can find another pattern. Try your pattern on these fractions: 1;: .1..- 01—- Cg-— 7 13" 7 - 2T ' 7 - II" 7 ~ 21 Check your answers with the number line. Does your pattern work? Pack B2 Card 3 l. Add:3_+g_ 7 7 2. Did you find %’+ 2.: 3,? What do the fractions 2 and g.have in common? 7 7 3. Complete the statement: When two fractions have a common , you can add the numbers by 4+g—itg——o 7' 7 “ 7 ~ 7 4. Can you add 1/2 + l/3 by adding the numerators? Why not? 121 Pack B Card 4 2 1. 1,: CI. ;___C>. ;,+ 1,_ :1+ 0 _ [3 +<3 : A , 2 6" 3 7 6 ' 2 3 - 6 6" "6" " 6 2. (1) above shows how 1/2 and 1/3 might be added. Try this same method with 1/2 + 1/7. 1:0 .1... 2 15’ 7 ’ IE 3. Add 1 + 1 . Add 1 + 1 3 6” E 6 4. Do problem 3 again using 6 and 12 as denominators. PaCk B2 Card 5 1. Find at least 6 other names for 1/2, 1/3, 1/7. 1/2: : : : : = . 1/3:_-=__-:—-=__:_—:__0 1/7:____::____:___:___:____:____. 2. If you were going to add 1/3 and 1/2, what denom- inators could you choose? 3. If you were going to add 1/3 and 1/7, what denom- inators could you use? Add these. 4. If you were going to add 2/3 and l 7, what denom- inators would you use? What is 2 3 + 1/7? Pack B2 Card 6 Going backwards: I 1 l 1. Fill in the blanks. 5 + 6': 6'+ g-z 6" Can you find another name for 4/6 which has a smaller' denominator? 2. Find other names for each of these with smaller denominators: (Use the number line.) 4 , l2 , 14 6’1‘% 12: at 3. Check your pattern on these exercises: 10 _ _ , 1 _,. 8 .._.. 2.- II 7 21 7 ’ 12 ‘ 3 ’ ‘ 2 Box C Card 1 C? Definition: When we writetz we are indicating the quotient when U is divided evenly by A . Example: 21 is another name for 9, and 6 is another 2 name for 3. 1. Tell what whole number is named by the following: 13. 5 7 9 9 ‘6'8 7 2. List two or three fractions which name the same number as: 4, 7, 9, ll, 1 . Box C Card 2 1. Divide 9 sticks between 2 peOple in your group. How many whole sticks may each have? How many are left over? If we wanted to divide this between the 2 people how might we do it? 2. 9 3 2 = R 1 or 2 = 4%. Why do you think ° 2 we write % to mean 1 stick divided between 2 people? __1 —¥ u _ — ..— — __— — Box C Card 3 1. Divide l9 sticks between 3 people. How many whole sticks will each one receive? How many sticks must be broken to make this come out even? Into how many pieces should this be broken? 2. Fill in the blanks: 123 Box C Card 4 1. Divide l7 sticks between 2 peOple. Write the problem mathematically. 2. Repeat the same process for 22 sticks divided between 2 people. Divide l7 sticks between 4 people. Divide 26 sticks between 5 people. Divide 37 sticks between 6 pe0ple. (It is dif- ficult to break sticks into these small parts. Maybe)you can write the answer without breaking them. Box C Card 5 1. Divide l4 sticks between 4 people. Can you do this by only breaking two sticks? 2. Divide 2l sticks between 6 people. Can you do this by only breaking 3 sticks? Can you do this by making only 2 breaks? Box C Card 6 Answers to cards 1-5 Card 13liz-j; 56:8; @227; 2:1 -5 7 9 9 Lizflzézlgzlézggzg‘lt 1 2 3 T 5 '6' 48:8,8:1,Z:1 77 6 7 Card3:1=3+%=3%; 19§3=6R1;12=6+1/3=61/3 2 3 ; 1%,: 4%; %g = 5 Card 5: l4 : 32 (Put 3 sticks on each pile. There are 2 left over. Break each of these in 3.) 21 f 6 = 3 R3. 21 = 3 + s = 3%. 17 124 WOrksheet D1 John has a candy bar. He wants to divide it with Bill so that each will have an equal amount. How big a piece should each one have? You can probably answer this question easily. (The answer is i, one half.) But have you thought about what the fraction 2 means? In the example of this problem 2 is the name of each part when one thing is divided into two equal parts. If the rectangle shown below represents one whole, what part repre- sents 2? You should answer, "The shaded part". I W Beside each of the figures below is a fraction. Shade the part of the whole figure which repre- sents that fractional part of the figure. emu "K owe UTIH 01H Hf 125 Beside each of the figures below write the fraction which represents which fractional part of the figure is shaded. / 126 Worksheet D2 John has a candy bar. He wants to divide it with Bill so that he will have twice as much as Bill. He decided that if he divided it into three pieces and gives Bill only only one piece, he will then haVe two pieces or twice as much as Bill. How big a piece of the whole candy bar does each one have? Since the candy bar was diveded into three pieces, each piece is 1/3 (one-third) of the entire candy bar. Bill has one of these pieces so Bill has 1/3 (one-third) of the bar. John has two of these pieces so John has 1/3 + 1/3 or two-thirds of the candy bar. "Two thirds" can be written "2/3". %%%%%% 1 The above rectangle is separated into three parts of the same size and two of these parts are shaded. In terms of the size of the whole figure as a unit, what number tells the size of the shaded part of this figure? (Answer 2/3 or two-thirds). How are the 2 and 3 in the fraction 2/3 related to the rec- tangle shown? (The 3 tells the number of parts of the same size into which the figure is separated, and the 2 tells the number of arts of this size in the shaded part of the figure.§ Answer each of these three questions about the fol- lowing figures: (3) Into how many parts of the same size is the figure separated? (b) How many parts of this size are shaded? (c) What fractional part of the whole is shaded? sea-II W 323“ 127 Werksheet D2 Beside each of the figures below is a fraction. Shade the part of the whole figure which repre- sents that fractional part of the figure. OS A HI 3 \/ Write the fraction: two thirds one tenth three fourths seven eighths Challenge questions: 1. Is 1/2 of two different things the same? 2. In figures of the same size and shape, which fractional part is bigger? (e.g 1/2 1/3. 1/4 1/5. or 1/2. 2/3. 3/4 85/8). 3. How does three fourths differ from three fours? 4. In how many ways can a figure be divided into fractional parts, e. g. 1/4‘ 3 ? 128 Box B Card 1 1. In the kit you are provided (cuisenaire rods, 2 of each color) let W 2 white, R : red, G = light green, P : purple, Y = yellow, D : dark green, 2. Make a train by putting end to end a lightgreen (G) for the engine and a red (R) for the caboose. We can name this train G + R (with G first). 3. Make a second train by putting end to end a red for the engine and a lightgreen for the caboose. We can name this train R + G (with R first). 4. Are these two trains the same length? We can write this by saying G + R : R + G. Box E Card 2 1. Make a train by puttin first the yellow (Y) and then the purple (P . Make a second train by putting first a purple (P) and then a yellow (17). Is Y+P=P+Y? 20 IS G+D=D+G? 3. Can you find two rods for which the length is different when the order is changed? 4. If we say the lightgreen (G) is 1 unit long, how long is the dark green (D) rod? Is 1 + 2 = 2 + 1? How long is W + R? Is W + R.: R + W? 129 Box E Card 3 1. 2. The switchman is hooking up some longer trains. First he hooks the lightgreen (G) engine onto the yellow (Y) passenger car. Then he hooks on the red (R) caboose. He has the train (G+Y)+R. The "( )" show that these two were hooked together first. Make the train (G+Y)+R. Make the train G+(Y+R). In this train you should hook the yellow and red together first with the red at the end. Then the lightgreen engine should be hooked on afterwards. Are the two trains different because they were hooked together in a different order? Is (G+Y)+R = G+(Y+R) ? Box B Card 4 1. Make the train (G+D)+E. Then make the train D+(E+G). Are these trains the same length? If light green (G) is 1 unit long, how long is the dark green? How long is the blue? Find (1+2)+3. Then find 2+(3+1). Does (1+2)+3 = 2+(3+1) ? Find 4+(7+11)+2. Then find (4+11)+(7+2). Did you get 2 different answers? Why or why not? APPENDIX C Group A Lesson 3 February 8, 1968 Time - 55 minutes The papers were returned at the beginning of the period. Exercises 2, 3 and h were discussed, p. 2&3 with.the correct answers written on the board. The words numerator and denominator were introduced. The discussion exercises at the bottom.of the page were discussed using this socabulary. The discussion exercises on page Zhh were answered in class. The top of page 2A6 was discussed in class. The new assignment was given and instruc- tions were given as to how to set up the homework paper. The assignment was page 2&5 (1-10) and pass 246 (1-3). The challenge proble-.was solved on the board by dividing the 6 circles into 3 groups and shading those circles in 2 of the groups. A new challenge problem was given. 04. 04 (>4 O4 (>4 <>