127 187 THS GROWTH OF PEAS IN WATER CULTURE UNDER VARIOUS LIGHT EXPOSURES THESIS FUR THE DEGREE UF PH. D. Orman E. Street 1932 UM IDEA IIDII$ . W M; :=r/ GROWTH OF PEAS IN WATER CULTURE UNDER VARIOUS LIGHT EIPOSURES by Oman E. street A THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science. 1938 Department of Botany East Lansing. Michigan THLbla \- CROWTH 0T P"S I” ”3?”? CURTEPT U39 3 V.»'\I€I< 7’8 LIE??? 'DCPOE‘U' "CS 1. Carbohydrate-nitrogen Relationships Urmnn E. Street(1) Connecticut irricnlture Txneriment Station . Introduction A voluzinous literature has grown up on the subject f the balance between the organic constituents in plants. The greater part of the evidence has supported the hypotheses advanced by Kraus and Kraybill (13), but not all the results have substantiated their views. The tendency has been to employ radical treatments, especially as regards control of nitrogen supply, conclusions being advanced on comparisons between a very low and a very much higher level of nitrate nitroqen in the culture medium. Such wide differences of treatment were perhtps necessary in order to prove or eisprove the soundness of the primary hypothesis. However, in the present work, it was considered advisable t0 keep the nitrogen snnply within the same order (1) The writer is inéebted to Fr. H. ?. Fibbnrd, iichiqnn State College, for patient guidance flaring the course of the experiments. He is further indebted to ?r. H. F. Clements, tnshington State College, for suggestions in the planning of the work, and to Dr. P. J. Anderson for permission to complete the necessary analytical work in the laboratory of the Tobacco Sub-station, Connecticut Agricultural fixperiment Station. 1.0381,. 53 of magnitude in all cultures. The employment of differential water cultures of the same total osmotic concentration permitted this control, as well as that of the other nutrient materials. as use of several light exposures was a necessary complement to this study, in View of the well- eetabliehed effect of light duration on growth and reproduction. -3- Historical The literature on water cultures has been thoroughly reviewed by a number of writers, among others by Tottingham (26), Chive (22), Hoagland (10) and Hibbard (C) and (9). In view of the divergence of theme under which workers have published, it hardly seems necessary to I enlarge on the renoral literature. A great variety of salt combinations have been develOped, but the simplest and the one most widely used at tie present tine is that of Chive (23). It has been shown by rcfiargue (16), Sommor and Lipman (24), Brenchley (3), haze (18) and »others that plants require very small amounts of variOus elements. The requirements for such elements as aluminum, zinc, chlorine, manganese, silicon, iodine, boron and perhaps others are so small that they are usually supnlied by im- purities in the chemicals used, or by dissolution from containers. This very interesting phase of plant nutrition was touched upon only incidentally in the present work. ' The exhaustive studies of Garner and Allard (5), (6), (7), on light effects in plants have been extended by Nightingale (19), (20), taxinov (17), icClelland (l5), Tincker (25), an} 'anser (27). i recent publication of Arthur, Guthrie and flawell (1) summarizes the greater part of this work. The last named authors also attempted to control other climatic factors, such as moisture, temperature, -4. carbon dioxide concentration of the air, as well as the intensity, quality and duration of light. The general- ization that an increase of light period brings about an increase in carbohydrate content and a decrease in nitrogen content is so well established by different workers with various plants that it barely needs repetition. Elan of 'Xperinent The eXperimerts of Clements (4), reported in 1928, were perferned in the same laboratory as the present a some of his &) work, and it was with a view toward testis conclusions that the following experiments were initiated. Fe used the triangular system of Tottingham (26) and Shiva (23), growing single cultures or 40 plants in three gallon creeks. his nest important conclusion was that the supply of potassium has a very marked influence on nitrogen as- similation, at least under longer light exposures. In order to test this finding, it was decided to use the same salt combination, KH2P04,Ca(N03)2, and “$804, and grow duplicate cultures in selected culture solutions. The following were chosen as being representative of different portions of the trianfile, as well as giving different com- binations of potassium and nitrogen, under the conditions recommended by Livingston (14). Table 1 0 Differential Culture Solutions, Type 1 Osmotic Concentration, 1 atm. Solution molecular Prepcrtions Partial Volume molecular Eunber P ortions KH2904 Ca(§03)2 P3804, KH2P04 Cs s03)2 NgSO4 1-1-6 1 1 6 .0027 .0027 .0161 1-6-1 1 6 1 .0020 .0122 .0020 2-2-4 2 2 4 .0049 .0049 .0099 3-3—2 3 5 2 .0068 . ” .0045 5-1-2 5 1 2 .0123 .0024 .0049 -6- In addition to the salts employed above, small amounts of iron, manganese and boron were added to the culture solutions. Preliminary tests showed that 2.2-4.0 p.p.m. iron in ferric tartrate, 0.66-2.0 p.p.m. boron in boric'scid, and 0.55-2.0 p.p.m. manganese in manganous chloride were the Optima, and the lower amounts were used in subsequent experiments. The culture solutions were cianged once a week. Transpiration losses tore made up by the addition of distilled water during the latter part of the growing period. The cultures were aerated for a period of two hears every day. Light exoosures of ten, thirteen and seventeen hours were chosen as representing the range of light period under which normal growth might be expected. The longer periods were in part artificial light, the ten cultures of each group being arranged under a battery of lights suspended five feet shows the greenhouse benches and supplying 2000 watts at 110 volts. heasurcments of light intensity were not made, as the duration of light has been found by Garner ct a1 (7) to be tte most signi- ficant factor, provided the intensity is not too law. However, comparison of illumination per unit area, as used in these'experinonts, with that encloyed by Arthur et s1 (1) would indicate that the intensity was Quite high. -7- to water screens hots on the lights and the plants were available, but the heating effect was not noticeable. As the plnnts grow teller, the lights were raised. The 10 hour plants received only solar light, altered, of course, by the glass of the greenhouse. These cultures were grown in large wooden boxes which were fitted with light tight covers and ventiltted by a shutter arrangement similar to that employed in photo- graohio dark rooms. The period of illurinetion of these cultures was 8 A. 3. to 6 P. H. The 13 hour plents were protected from the artificial lirht source of the 17 hour plants by curtains of fine weave, block centric cloth. These curtains were drawn around the bench at the end of the 13 hour period and withdrawn early in tTe morning. Knott's Excelsior field pens, obtained from the richignn State Perm Bureau, Lansing, Richigen, were used throughout tle experiments. They were found to be an excellent type for this work, having a sturdy growth habit and flo erin; freely. Before being placed in the germinstor the seeds were sterilized in 1-250 formalin for 20 minutes, washed in tap water and soaked for a few hours. They'sere then placed between layers of moist peper towelling in a large galvanized iron pen. After about three days a uniform lot of tie more vigorous -8- seedlings with reefs .eusuring owe inch in length was selected For the experiment. 5% so selectel sccfillngs were fitted into perforated corFs eec“ o? :Hich hcl? five plants. The three gallon culture jars were fitted with perforated aluminum covers, each of which held.eight corks, mckinf a total of 40 plonts cor culture. In the first two series, the seedlings which were damaged in handling were replaced during the first few days of the exceriment. In the final series a number of extra corks were precared and allowed to remain in con- tact with tap water until the experiment had progressed about two fieye when replace ent of corks not having a corplete stand was rude. By the latter technique, a sareuhet more uniform stand was obtcinod. The chemical analyses refs in connection with this work rere only on the torn and pods and were as follows: filtrate nitrogen, total nitrogen not including nitrates, single sugars, sucrose, starch and heal-cellulose. Physical measure ents includefi top length in cent netera, green weight of top: (anfl pods when found), dry weight of t0p8, roots and pods. Chemical 1'56 “10:13 In order to ottein coaperetlv results, the Che icel rethofis for carbohydrates and total nitrofien not including nitrates (organic n‘trcgen) were the same as those reported 1y Clonencc (4). 111 samples for carbo- hydrate finvlrres “crc yrcscrred in alcohol to Which a smell qu"ntity of ammonium hydroxi e the adjed to neutralize plant acids. A laboratory exferinent with ripe tomato pulp stowed tret this base wee Koch preferable to calcium cerbonnte cswecislly when the letter wee used in excess of requirements to neutralize plant acids. The fieverdn method for nitrate nitrogen was tried rut gave such unreliable results that it was soon discarded. The impossibility'of preventing the breakdown of the simpler nitrogenous compounds such as amino-acids.and anidea,end tre consequent high results, renders the method eerthless for plant material. The rodificstion of the Gilbert method by Foltz and Larson (11) gave very good results. 311 figures resorted are on a drybweirht basis. -10- ino Hr Arontsl Iiesults Series I wss started on Lurch 13, 1328 snfl ran until ray 14, 1928, a period of’nine weeks. Blossom. spoearefl unfier 17 hour light three weeks after trans- planting of the seedlings. Both the louver light periods ;roduced pods sbunclsntly and at the tLie of harvest the #73 *5 05s core beginning to ripew. The rt 11 Lt plants blossorod t0wsrd the end of the yeriod, but developed only a very few )ods. Control of the t qweratir; in tle greens house was not difficult durinr tines months, eni ulture conditions were goncrully sntisfectory. It was necessary to use "Lemon Oil Spray” to control rod solders in the greenhom1 e and to give the cyanide treatment for white flies and aphids. The plants were not at any time seriously affected by tiese inso cts. Series II ran from Jrne 13,1928to Tulv 31,1928 a period of seven weeks. Due to tie h finer air temperature in the greenhouse nt this time, tre plants matured more rapidly, and the unifcrxity of plants in a single CL zltzlre was not as sntisfnctor.. The light inton sit ;<: was 9150 hiyhor at this lotcr time, and tFis appcrcntly hqfl some offocc on the are th in Lcirbt on? carbohyfirsto content of the pls‘. ts In Series III it was forfied to ligit the experi- ment to 10 and 13 hour ligt‘ pcriods, to have trcotnsnts in -11- ‘ mate tn? exteriment when the plants j—h triplicate anfl to term were ve3etatlvelv develoy ad but had not set fruit. The cultures were start ad “. 714, 1929 and ran until June 12, 199.9, a geriod of fox? weeks. *t this season of the year, the days were long enoufh to qn1t the use 0’ artificial light for any pfirt of the 15 hour period. The average tap length v.an USHfl 313 3reztost in the solutions supplying the highest preportion of nitrates, indicating the greater tendency for vegetative growth with a pore liberal S’pply 0f nitr'tes he dry vci3ht of tops ».-9 Imi.hest with hi13h nitrntca in fin o:_un1 number 0” 5ronos but no t 1.n trJu Sfififl cultures in ovary case. In order to establish the relative value of the various treatments in dry weiwkt profinctinn, the totnl dry weight per plant, exclusive of_pods, was re- duced to a ratio, Malin3 the beat treatrent in each group as unity. TPcse t1os are 31vnn in the last column of tables 2, 3, uffl 4. ' -12- Table 2 PHYSICAL E'LRASURTT?3'YZT~ITS OF PETS- GY‘EO"?! IN T‘.‘.’.’f‘T~‘."-..’ CULTURE. Serial 1. M't- P8P plant in 33:9. pr (2) - :7 he atment ( 1) Ave . 1201) length ‘5 'e 131': t in centimeters Top. Roots Pods Ratio 17 hours light 1-1-6 ' 52. 5 o o 1860 o 6390 O 90 1-6-1 52.5 1.0865 .2774 .7719 1.00 5-1-2 4700 .7649 .1904 .5500 .70 3-3-2 51.6 .0184 .2755 .6210 .87 2-2-4 45.5 .6216 .1559 .5206 .57 13 hours livht 1-1-6 50.8 .7886 .1555 .4051 .70 1-6-1 50.6 .8404 .1817 .3264 .76 5-1-2 49.9 .9025 .2549 .5704 .85 3.3.2 5309 .9300 .3826 :04515 .98 2-2-4- 50.8 1.0812 .2527 .5277 1.00 10 hours 11 ht 1-1-6 39.0 .45 .1058 .67 1-6-1 45.6 .7007 .1561 1.00 5-1-2 53.5 .4195 .1066 .62 5-5.2 40.8 .4984 .1429 .76 2-2-4 41.5 .4402 .1506 .71 (1) Culture solution, Shivo's 1.00 atmosohere. lat figure KHz(PO4), 2nd figure Ca(N03)2, 3rd fi3ure $3834. (2) Dry weight: of taps and roots, but not of pods, were commuted to a ratio by giving the highest weight in the group the value of 1.00, and refiucing others to decimal arts of this value. '7' Table 5 PIPISIC-‘L 1'77157‘13777‘ 3378 O? P7335 GHQ"?! If} 17.17772 CUL’JiMT-f. Series II Ave. dr3;wt. per lent in 3mg Dry(2) Treatment(1) Avo. top length Veight in centimeters T0ps Roots Pods Ratio 17 hours light 1-1.6 30.5 o .0962 .1854 .71 1-6-1 38.8 .9160 .1456 .2703 1.00 5-1-2 36.3 .7541 .1328 .2105 .83 3-3-2 39.7 .8785 .1297 .1171 .94 2-2-4 34.4 .7158 .0979 .1248 .76 13 hours 11"ht 1-1-6 33.8 .5183 .0824 .0578 .75 1-6-1 42.0 .7092 .0806 .1000 1.00 3.3.2 3609 .6142 00:98 .1153 08 2-2-4 31.0 .4919 . 792 .0828 .77 10 hours light 1-1-6 21.8 . .0337 .81 1.6.1. 24 o 2 0 2296 o 0400 o 70 5-1-2 24.3 .2604 .0527 .79 3-3-2 25.3 .3313 .0624 1.00 2-2-4 23.5 .2233 .0467 .38 (1) Culture solution, Shivo's 1.00 atmosphere. lst f13*“e KH2(PO4), 2nd figure Ca(fi03)2, 3rd figure 33304. (2) Dry weights of taps and roots, but not of pods, were computed to a ratio by giving the highest weight in the group tho'valuo of 1.00, and reducing others to decimal parts of this value. Treatment(1) Ave. hfwnIf‘l" 7 1-1-6 1-6-1 5-1-2 3-3-2 2-2-4 1-1-6 1-6-1 5-1-2 3-3-2 2-2-4 1-6-1 was 3-3-2 was oeconfi host reuniting three trcntc weighted average of these ratios '89 98.9% as effio From these rrtios it can ~ on $13!), dry'voig-t. (1) (2) C1‘1‘npn solar?- 1hr, KH3(?O4), ?'Y.19‘h11?-'1~’...‘...Trflo I ‘ 1 - o.-.'~. I --4 ‘.a -14- Series III Ave. d5: wt. uer giant in 329 to; lenqth in centimeters 24.6 32.4 000° 3 0.6 05. 24.3 25.7 20.5 2.8 24.? test in :13 Both of these 13 the Tape ‘13 hours linht 10 hours ‘73756 .5852 .0275 .3526 .3327 livbt 3n:: :0 Iii-“’1‘: .2509 .2758 .2760 .2500 5:71-35:58 that Shive' s 1.;0 Pt..swuoie. .-1"01 solutwi 9.- ~~n av. -“ I 0.141.; Root- .0830 .1012 .0936 .0939 .0785 o 0504 .0722 .0624 .0657 .0614 lbt f1 2nd figure Ca(flOs)2, 3rd rib “e “3304. n :1 9.). CF". '... {317(2) Weight - Ratio .89 1.00 .86 .92 .84 .92 1.00 .86 .98 .80 soon that solution -113 solution a . The :onts were all iictinctlv inf orior. a O iont an solutionJ-Gnl in profiuction of solutions are the highest in f-II‘O Irv woivhts of tor a and roots, but not of pods, wo*o m~uut9d to a ratio by giving the h best height in the 3roup the value of 1.00, and re .ucin" others to deoinial parts of “19 anf8 -1:i- achum nitrate of those c¢,loye&. Solution 5-1-2, with . .s .- ,.,'v-‘ ‘I' 1-.‘ ." fill " _§‘ 1. ' g in 23233221”, Ioauucu 22.9% of L33 wry 232 1-6-1 CPeflt ant, afiile 1-1-8 and 2-2-4, bo*h Iigh in o ._ . .' . .I magnusmum, each yvondcod 83.2?. 2320? L~V .1“ O a engloyod, a LIQL sunglg 0. calcium nItP2te has thn Most favorable f0? vo3etativo growth. V Results of car ohydrato anal"ses 'f Series I, taps, are shown in Table 5. The term "tepc", as us.d in (I? L... 5'-» L. to paper, inclnTos t(25, petioles, and leaves, and do ’3 CD (7 not include pods. It uws not 3022EL10 to separate ‘ 1:110 aerial paints and seems 3:1,-..12 .4359 met-3h f:~3‘ analy- eis. £1.11 0.» ‘ool 3dr: fuss {.20 co 13:3in to (1% luccse 1.253.113 Funson and Talker's table (2). ' The f13u3;5 p:(:sontcd 13?, are tic average of tie implicate culturcs, 21th duplisfte deter inltions of each sample. TYus cash afitry represents the average aralysis of a groan of 20 plants. ’9 an 216 to Interpret1tSr-n of the results, the rrfio systefi was again 9 yloysd. fintios \cre cuznuted upon the total sugars (sum of the eigwle sugars anfl sucrose), total non-sugars (sum of starch and homicellulose) and total carbohydrates. I1 t3.29 302198, tie cu ture solutions supplying 8 ”135 pronort103 4” .93m1311" afiljflnto rare he most efficient in 3r030t133 tVO elaborat‘on of sugars. This was *r13 31 n11 1 j‘t cwwonuwcs, tbe ovly iiscropancy It I -. In (‘1 li" ~ ~~q ~x- -.. . -‘ ‘ l'“. r“ bet“: in ti. Q~u"{ axa,*.v-t n .7 1013 11h-t. 0L 5-1-2, 111:7} ‘I’ :“r‘fi"1;-?;‘s.:".-y-;",’z-.'-":._ mat 9‘18 ..{‘fin,1”1’.'~.’7 {1.6 the rrrfiacluw rfiovn, “Lila fin saluticn rift 3n calcium nitrate .0 263 917? 70 par 0*rt 9? ‘1fh in G?11 FHfVTQ an PFC 1-1-6 trrfi+ nfit. Tn f”? fC?fi"t1?n r? refin sfrrlfi or"t .<‘.~. I .0 ' ‘6‘“ ,.-, IR .& _- 7 ’ . F an o n - «‘I ‘ 1 car 1‘.3S, 4‘9 cat :“fic -,1L sn»v.1 n fins ;.*wr *7 be $1? ‘ffh we??? Z.) ‘- q a - A a .' 0. ,‘ 1. . x 117*: vast eat. 1H.) 1". "1. mt (id-"“1553- tcrély 1cufi 5% all 1111? a: figures ’ka nvhrcze 3f the mnygcf f5» 91] 14:%t firtwarts 31r¢¢fi it in th? fo“e. Pclnt’WW 1-fi-], war Pj‘in tF1 111$? efficient, tPilfi the rrvrcslvw tract 221$ K??G cansistcntly road. Tfi n 2???? 1? tbs totfi1 c1"bCF73rfit€S, *Fo rost 5*1?V?fi* 3.???r-10n 31 111 low 341“1 flan+nut 1n q<1nf101 -J 1-3-1, f3 “a? 31;? E! 1::wfl gP4"%€in‘3y 1“ 71f“rfi 1. {In ?“'* "“1““ 1* wnfi ”10991““V +0 select scrb are snlt and o-' “5'-— - ...‘- il|m-- n.-_\.-.‘-_,...J a I Orr-“.119. H19 ‘Cf7-".7f‘.t:“.'~f1“t8 to as to chm? the fivefla‘clma with re? act to t“nt salt. The finenht of Ca(fi021o in two 1. ' H culfiuhe ?01“t10fi3 flecrc"scs Frnr loft +0 fiijht.) Pncqnso of fVG snfiérficvfltv of 1k? T“”*‘P*TV fficnfrrnfs {W the .. t + r“""ht1?n of evihrs ”“i tPC pofisw um r:1t.erts ifi the trarsfnrfifi+icw a? Pvfdhs 1yto rfifiugw:npg’ fp~ twg Cg¢qrs wow» n‘ow? cqnt137 n?” ciiv 1% “uflfifnihifig a Fifh total ‘f‘“(\ L: A- ‘_ _ 'r.’ (‘ $‘f‘fl~‘ ,«4. ..2 1‘. 3 .TO‘-.'f‘.“ . -... u.- .,.,, yr, -.'p 1 '0 V" Qrs“.\ ~ I w . 1 ' , , l-b . I . erl ‘ A I ‘ ~ . .‘ h. .— h n _ .. I - 1 . -. §’ '.~ .. .. ‘- .'. ‘. ‘J - ' L. ‘ - -.' -‘J .1: N .L1., 1 ..l - 1n r11 -. n . 3 - t. a. 1, '1.: $13-. 0 T1*?i! 1. } .0 , :’1STVI 17" . 5‘1- *K1‘”f131‘1‘ a. . ' . 6????“tr‘rzt’ffirz 1*: t‘ 1 ‘ (“Chm “W‘hfg'nnrtr‘! this urn... ‘- -/ ‘4 L \- 1 -L4 , . ' s m ,, .L. ~-‘- .._ Pa‘qn‘ -. Al‘. ' ‘1‘ ~~". “ “1-1. 4 \ , ".‘ \ . Q’ ‘ '0“ any ~ 4 V‘.""". ‘- ’ I. x- :.-A.'. 1 1M (3'7 '4 y - L' L. ' 1‘9: 9 1. ‘-'-' " van} 3‘ f1.” 1 v. Ant” r3‘sr11,')r.‘n ‘, :--1- ”Y‘I.. f. |:"\ n"“.‘.- 61‘ .f‘ s" n4-.\nr~ 'v‘cng I. .. “'2'". ‘, ‘-._. q. ‘_ -lg) '.. ' ‘-.I .- .‘ .' -. .' I- «I! .o ‘-'.'L~. ..)~., .k-..’ Ctr, . I" H w ' (x . ~ '5‘ f‘ ’1 ~ \ f“ ~ ~ 0- -"_ '5‘- ‘9‘ "v -. ' +21 ‘ " 8 "r\ P ' o‘ q I“ '5"? d. .4. ‘- 0 - ‘v _ , . q I. i !. .o— ~- ~ J u . ' \ . - . a, . a...‘ ; J. x a S ’ y - fl 0- . ‘ V I n .9 v‘ .- H “‘W] ., ‘5 ' t 1h H" 1 9"" "-- -\~"\°"-'|’-"- ' ‘°"- N -‘o‘ .‘ A In .- 1 r: 1“ M. n.‘- C 14. J ‘ vi" Jo-“ * U ‘ \' n I '2 LI . ‘ ' ) .' - £ ’9, ‘. . . "v" ( ‘ C ‘~ ."1 -- v... i ' O A x - ‘ Q. Q ‘ . A“ )2 ‘. Q r1-1_--V\(.tcs in ‘Q’i': '9‘1..9 " ‘r‘?'I/\‘ ‘ Viaaiifi I; Of ? 4 ‘ gt: 3 {3‘0 '.~ . . . -' ' . ¢ .5. ‘3 1 - ,-V _ L2, £‘f‘“ "“1"”. ‘5‘“ “5",?“ 05 \‘(a T '\1~‘~1v~ fl ‘31 t! {L ‘1 (3 J“\ n L (5.x Q-s1'\ “fi“‘~"-fil‘ *r‘ :V f.‘f" k V' " V . . ,' "\I \ '. --v.. o In. ' I) .J I: ' - l‘.‘ ,_ kt“J J i. I -5 , ‘3 1y I n» x'.- I-.- -,1... “A. , . . . . ‘4‘. .9 _, .. ~13 a a- ¢“fi‘ . ,0 ’1 *ct1'7111« d£110 f * -11*53. ‘ *Y*? 30 '-. \ ‘ u. a 1“- . ‘. . ~ ’- m. -\‘ u '3 wt ‘1 " -,' c ‘u a ‘ -. c .. g' - t ?. ‘."_ - f... l \ \‘\r~.£ ._A‘,,?Lr 3 1.30.: p1,“. 5". \_1 ’r f,“ 3"". ‘ (‘u‘t I f1‘ " ‘18, 5-" . -. 9 ..A .1 , '9 l. .. a I“ \- ""'3. (h ’5 “ M‘ "f ‘ f‘ NC, 1? ”M ‘An 1.1 [0.1 -', '-.- u .s. S x' 1'.) Cf s! D") L 3‘ 1 11.1.- 1 if 1? :vlfig‘f f““ *‘1 w’vk C‘f~€ *”q* r111 rnai?11 PfT~cts VC?1§ L;fcrd.§fln,cu i3: 3 :brcthfl. I; it "Vif 'pgarcr? frr~ “15v" 1 t?» ftp Frfi'ffiznfi'19 333?t Lwrtff¢*‘"13t bfr“11”1crat f1u30fi“ 1“ r‘vc.+w=.--4~m~-- Mn » m1 1mm? m nr“-".,*»‘-'~v~*"‘-"‘r~ n+re~vw'*s m . __ ‘L .p . g.‘, I .‘1 s l 4 . ‘,. ' .a .k. ‘ L ~.'~ ~ ’ ‘,_ a - . ~ - ' .-~: 3 .. . ..1 ,r “b ' ~Q| the ylant. ”his is {a {5?60‘P1t . fin ..v . 21‘.” 0t a1 3 - .. ," J»? (‘3 (on \ (f’ i. \ (1}, Cnflnor ct n1 (7), DV‘ fi, ova 1”), ‘1 ,, .w,. r“ ‘ r. ‘u ‘ -'~ . 1‘.’ u Q. W ‘- I. O. 7" ~‘I ‘ '. ' Jab1e u L130 fitcsnrts t,: rwrsw.3 0; 02.1110 and found in 118 ”ark, Run rn+irolv to +19 differcxce in -1293- mom. 00¢. man. can. mom. ammo mam. who. mfib. Noe. nod. mum. moa. mmH. 00H. ax 1 . newoppac some ouchuaz mw.¢ QO.H 00.9 ¢v.¢ om. mn.m mo.¢ so. no.9 bw.¢ a . mm.m ou.v ow. Hmom Hm.n cm. Hooaa mm.» mm. n¢.ad moon co.H whomd ow.n Mm. bn.oa Hm.n mo. mo.m hm.n OO.H aroma mw.n om. m¢.nd «now am. o¢.na an.» on. ww.m ba.n we. ab.ua & oaumn, a mug: mcuwzmpncnnao oeHGMpo Hanan an“ _ ”PLUG 00.” an.» mm.o rm” ,mmnm ab”: 1.11 mm...“ ”a .8 mu. m No.5 uxzfia apron 0H ow. «n.m an.m pm. wm.a ¢n.m oo.H wa.m om.n mp” monw bbua mm a _ mm m untaa mason ma oo.H om.w mu. be. mo.¢ wo.c mm. bw.¢ 15.9 vb. mm.m ; 8.4: 030$. s. uxcufl mhfios pa oapmp m m nn¢mnm omOHaH ado IHoanoL noun a H moupow m 18 mm. mm. mm. ab. oo.d OO.H mm- am. an. mo. Ofluwh mfimmiw and unoweowua mpqmnhmoum. chow Om.n bmofi moom whom Hmom bmon mm 3.100. CC C ovon om.n O¢.s mm.¢ >>.H o..w A.» 1 .J.’ MAP... whom Nmufi Hmom a... W. omom He.n mm.n no.» mo.m $5.» awow bbom H&.fl mHon 3.0 t. .u Q. “flezoo .. I VONQN minim «Iain Humid Olfitfl «swim mvnln NOHIm HtmvH QDHIH wimcm «In!» minim Hum!“ thUH mnawzm uncfiumoua Hanna «moposm oanfiam ... firm", : \ —*“‘— 1 1; l 9 TOPS We‘- 3 _ L 6 a It) 69 \\ '1‘, . k: k I: __ __ __ __ .—-—-1 i /// I / < IN 61/. f -\T 4 < 1‘ E filial” "‘~’:‘/‘ g 3‘1" 2-5-4 I‘I~6 £12 a;- | _____ 5E9_&——-'\£!§H ORGANIC NIT/(06 EN v4“ n T ,1. x "f“ if: 17-6 ' .5 r}.- 1"! CULTURE SOLUTIONS uwfi "3 . 1. n -P‘ __ 3 .‘-‘:" ... C _. ‘,‘ nitrorun canL mt w? toys a; r ,135 L. -93- anlyticn' 3:, 3333. The 311: V1133 5? t1“ ufitfl on nitrate nitréian 333 to 1w€fcxt3 +¥e reserve sgpyly £1 :53 glfint, C'rQ onfi QECQQ *FQ anQQt it is SEIQ to elisQT“?c. It 18 erQrQllv inc“ 11313? WQ’QQ S"Q?+ 11“%t Q3fi91tiens T”Q Cthtnt of erQnic nit?3 :n 113 catively ihCQnsfls‘onf with 13a sufiply of nitrogen in tlQ unflium. -?13* firfiro 1 it 313*1 13 aan Httcfl t . {n t‘Q longer light flurfit'sns tkefic was 2313 fiimunttion cf orjanic nitragen as tfic sunnly of nifritos became lirfited, but this is u“rwly worb t“Qn tlo 11 its 3? r: lov111rtnl ex rev. TZ‘Q 11:11.1: 7"“1PQN n so!» 8 to be t‘ 0 rent 1"“mortant factor in ”rtQ“"'fifnj +3Q 11331 Cf Qifvngcn assimithion. The? is n3 afiifinmca L? Q corralrfin.1 bc‘.:cn uotnsnium - v .3 ,., -,. 1. $1-. , a aggrlv an; ,rgqnic 1tP? on syngma,-n. than? 17 haurs nnfi 13 qurs lifihf in tFis series. This title is of firtcrcst hocnnne it she":s tYn high Invel of o~~bn“"a”n+o ogn‘n t in t c pQrtl" “wtnre f“"’t tut it fails to 613310¢0 nnv cchir Qrt relot ions‘flps rith treat- ront. Lnr3 3 in solution 1-6-1 has tEQ 10 est total CQrbohydrntes in 13 hour light, Thila Pflgh potassium leads in longer lizht. It is evident trat tho con: ent of organic n1tro~on is not affected by nutrient treatment or 7177“!) OKf>~*-s:;‘.1?0. A .-\Q*.—-2'Qf~r”‘. -' J-.. tJ.~4 r1, {‘1‘ "-51! T 7'0 G r W‘ ' V' 1' I’ur r» .—. ‘ r - ‘h Xi." - .r, 4.. .:- 1 its Series I Percontara on Qrg wnifht basis it 1' :nic .. T'--£.. CLL- u‘Jl Trentfiont Sugars Sucrose Starch collu- Carbohy- Hitrogen 1-1-6 1—3~1 5-1-2 '1' ‘9, O \""L-Q 2-2—4 1-1—6 1-6-1 5-1-2 SoE-Q 2-0-4 6.13 P ($8 5.41 .1... 1 5.63 1 J (1'! .‘J‘L. my; :5 C34 0 o o o O 7.4 (38 QC)? ") Kl . . J - lose (hflEfCE 3'7 3 “His .1 1 7"1‘.‘ Q—QQn! . {20.5 3.06 \ “ 9n r". a F .IJ‘.) I .(jz’ I. 4C3 ( '7 18.2.?0 8.31 3.88 h ' ' 110‘ 35.60 3.01 1 5.95 8.?3 $3.43 . 0.18 11.88 3.51 11.04- 9. 10.?Q v "r O) 0 <0 ”’3 .d (‘3 E") P») "J O C q ( ‘ .9. 0 ‘l r, (.x . ' O 3 rv-j “‘0 k“. a... {H P L 'a 4) 1"). ‘ 'to :5 .1... 5.95 3.26 9.78 24.32 2.95 7.64 7.11 ..HO £8.00 7.34 10.07 5.07 7.53 29.67 5.62 13.13 2.79 10.3 32.30 3.19 Vitrate filtrogon .010 .021 .006 .017 .005 .010 .088 .014 .070 .027 ~235- SE/z’ /f5 I ml nu k P005 ./ Q 34‘— _.LLGIIT ./ it .________.l.—0-Mfi——-" - _ . x . Q 573" 0‘54? \. § “my \ 0 1.3V \ 30" ./ - E’ / \‘\ *5 28 / 1 “ / ZO- ' / 14— ; 5-: 3?: 2+4 I-ré 2 I. '3 Q t S 2 z < p: | \ ’1! )r‘ z‘f" '7-6 MOLg'cuLAR PROPORTION3 OFKfiqu’cq(yM..4 MISO+ IN CULTURE 50LUTION3 211,11- : {3. ”LIL .‘ :1".- fftff Q1 1‘.:,"‘f*r‘t-;, nitr0“Qn contvnt of po‘s in kcrios I. Peries II wss n repeQition of Series I, as far as tko cvtliwe of the exveriant w“? concernefi. “0 analyses of 9033 were rude. Starch 2nd bani-celluloses were analyzed separately, but are rowovted tQQetFOr Qs acid-bv1”01yzab1e CQranyertes. The avnrnfe contnnt of starch 33° very low, and did not justify sopQrate mention. The results QPQ fivcn in tabla 7 nvd ftfvrc 3. 'The genervl level of chEQPVFQQfQ nccurnlnfjon 1n t313 series vns QFove that of $33103 T. ‘Q rentfoned previovPly, this won nnrrnws a rcannne to t*c Pifbor nir ternmrwfnwes in the freenhouse. In this series, tbnre wry 31% Q clenr disfinction between the levcls of cnrbo- hyérqte acnnwlefinn {Q Wong and intermedinte liffit, the temfithtwre factnr QQQQrQQ*1v overnbndowfihé tfle Jfifht efrfict. Tkn effect 3? hirh thncstum on tfie arount of auvnrs faund was stfiilnr to tht in Caries I, 91tho only treatment 1-1-6 was able to vaintnfin a co“sistcnt1v h1~h level, trnntwpnts 9—9-4 Qnfl 3-?-2, tfie qutcr {Q QQQtinular, beinf so-QWFQ+ errrftn except in 8”Qrt 11-37. In +his seriQe fhe bféh notQQr‘nm PU1*W?O “Q? Q1? Q3 efficient as tke h*7h nn101UQ in wrofiucfton o“ fi”“"9. 0%3 3¥"“ level of nun-sufiors in ffimg'unfngainm «HITIWVNQ *9 0? Qvifie“t corrolnr? of tfie 10w snfnr OQntent, a. pgfiva trfifislocntion must haVn occurred. OCvo b.¢. Hmno new. Ham. woo. woo. ego. mwa. woo. nco. arm. mco. .CH. 030. .~\ _ u Cwmowpac cumkafiz flwwo¢ oov bmo.¢ Habcw mwmow Hum.» mH>.w obb.n mmb.m bwm.n flowow bmmo. HVCoE bmwon HbOoh J. _. Comowwdu o «Smyrg u an. m \ a O N. om. cooa boo 0m. 0“ mm. Haw. um. OO.~ L... no :1th cm.m omofia Nm“.\r.fi rm..H Hm.oa awobfi cuo§m DWOPH 39.nfi roan 0“ Pfl -; “on' I b1. ‘3‘”:1‘531‘ HV’V‘P’JH o o o o o Flfirfi he fry; .c an. ma.a wb. mm.n oo.a oa.m ... m.wob .3. w. WOOD-I ufi. Hm uh~L£ OH on. OHob om. Huocd Cm. .u.am uo.a wr.mfi wim. .bu.m unmafl mp¢ca 6H >w. Hnwto ..mw” Ohio 00 wrwob arm. MK. 00 3.).fi IHMHMEI “Ay. #H m9.» LI EH n.«~c.. a yrwuw . ....~.Hn. .w¢~onv.. Na” .. :3 0. HM mafihou E..:H....,.U ”w. n...“ b cancfi mm. om.fi mp. mm. am. or. hm. av. av. Good 05. mm. mm. mm. oo.H oauup .3 -. nrnfirum flange (~1r|\ . 3 O m§§¢m , ;._H.- C); .‘U f. ‘ . ‘ 0C a r\.. JUOL 0ng . 3 ... T P.» .9... In...» .I.. an.» 0g.¢ mv.m ov.w mu.u moon muom mmon meow ma.m mu.o nvow mp.oa ¢a.oa as odrnfimu thou v'i I 02 I L ’- I 9. H H U? P. L“ "H ! ucofiuaohh -96 I” 22.— F 20- .INI. ~1- m k ‘K k Q x t ago/4 3: ‘C Q ~‘-‘ ,’ ““‘ ” 4 w ~~~- \ \ I E \s,, ,” E \\2@7~ /’ \ ’_ 9r b-I 3,31 2 114 ,1, £41 c x- -_ 7..——"" .___\‘ ~-§~““---._____§_QO_O_R_T ______ J-‘PJL ...... ~‘ z ‘ «u 45?- Q: ° l ¥ “ «L § i “Mflgg._u§_¢r_. \. 2 "-~ M‘. \.fi.1£’. \_\.\ 2 i < 35,—”. ED . W L '2: . . ’ ° \/ ‘33-: {‘11 1"" r?‘ :41' MULLKU‘AR CQWQJ‘ cal 50‘ IV C ULTURC 50LUI'IONS ” ‘ h, H T v" ' - :"" . .\ r u £Cg‘t11'r-I. .3. ,_,' r; U; 1""...ik . ". \_) .1. n‘tvdfcfi nonthnf 0? this €n nwi’s TI. -26.. fovnfl in {Fe fittest wé'tcs€nr t‘r‘f“crf Y of tha fibree 31?”? fr"°‘ant$ 've rvcrcgefl. [0 av"? it is hurdly Pare to conclude that this is a fixnd rcl¢fion, as f?" cvlfnrns varitfl Widely in tfiiu resinct. *0 or? treot ant was "rantlv SUfi€r10T in total cnrbofiyfirnfe acnuwnlntioh, fll.hn in rent led in +“3s rnswcct in low: and 15tar:afiiuto lith. ' T‘o V"r7 htmh ‘9?00fi+'3?3 fmrvi'di+ all {Pfifllfi?it? f9h‘ed to reek nfi? effbct" and f0 nu+r1h“fq. The nitr~~nfi flfitq.é*d¢e€ nl~36t no fiffcvtncos tfif”9““ hwtribvf fvn“f“fihfis a? “'* 13”“t ”"r*fion. 'ho lirht effect. mar 34, was flmfllfi fi¥stlmctly 9V~:n. In +1.9 9'} {yo-f7 scn‘VnS {f- ~-n.. "(‘01 ‘0.“ LO 57.0w, the :1 “fr nhlv uhfll +‘“ ?‘v"* F13°:' C D‘fiv 1c‘, ’n Aria? to fird 1f the diffmrrficne Gaul” ’” Cbavrv'd 13f””3 the n ._ ‘J plnnfs were mature. T* was also dncfficd f0 11312 *‘e l’fht dur°**on9 f0 30 find 17 haurs, fig fk~ frow‘rr Jfl?frve”uad had Fann Thuvfl bafwhnn fbéce fiwr"finn9. Tfli.l’é"tn cultdres, involvififi **“ fro tb PP 190 filfinfc uh’cv at" are arigfition. were v"9”, ’“P*“°4 “V *'“ dvrlfrrfn 041+“Trc 7n 5““ fnr or series. Ffifilvticnl rcsul*s “w tha series are jrdSOhted 1n Tqbln 8, and a "wafhlc ”ehfioso*+h+16“ 9* *‘”U“? 4. Tn tbia table, +70 cnlnmn "vcifi-“vfirolvz"“1” carbohvdrvtcs" u¢7- represents 'M‘fi" 05-0 ’1T“fllj“fl’f"l] s-tcgfi, 7'10 nt‘ewft bnin’: made I ' . 'L ’ ‘5 ~‘~. ,- \ d! to Si‘f’W 1".0 <3 -‘N'TL‘. .1“ "“9 l..." to fiafuritv. '3th 10 Lavrs lizht, thfi final level was rrro fi~wrlfi thét fauna in Series I. “*0 Eirkfirt level 9? sv*“” 939“W"l‘*ifin $¢3 found rfit? treaf’ert 2-2-4, 9: an vverafe 0? Moth 11v“? dvr'*tans. ¢fifié+mnn+ 1-1_5 was “rficnfiuquer low in fhefla fr"c‘30ns. vkllc *Vn Vifh pfifir**Wfl +rnnfwnvt wnv var? ?nod in fife :?cwt 11~E+. VFC 3’2? trontfinht “or nroin cmiducivo to nor-sugar fnvmntlon *n t’fls corinn, Pltho rfit runnr1or to traa'w-rsnt 2-63-4. ._'I"~‘;~:.~f_§ tfiwafi tylfs‘t “"f'F “Ivory: W153i“) 1509f 1n tot/‘1 73“.?!»er '17-?”2‘ ‘ 4'05; . 'T‘m cm”: 33+. 0*“ nft’ff'wr‘fic 2'".'.".T"f‘.""f '- ' .16 ""0 72'1”}‘08t in finch cdve 1% tFe Pf~h rfi"finvinu tv‘atrn“t. ”‘“ d’f9or- , ‘ . - - Q . ‘ 1 -‘ a .1 IF. nvncs .nrq a“)? Q ?Qr ‘ufirrefifhs 0- n «aficzfit 9:4 0?? Fir-(77" 11"??er 6"“ 0' find. T50 17-4411; bfpec’i “T". “7:? 'J'ivel of ”Y‘OfC’Y" 91.".b0'!’“1t*"h‘fl09 firfl‘icog‘filg n? “VIC“. #539 gf-wme of 7%? f“. 9 I. 'nh nf tho rovvlts o; t“¢ce stuflies and n anveiflprqtion of nvornwe rotics, shows that 9 tho vulturn nolvt‘flns wi"“t fie rvvvnd fiw fella s with ‘- reswect to nwnnwnflnn OP 9“""”fi3 1-1-5, 9‘2‘4: 3’3‘29 Hum. mo;.v mm. aw.» no. an.m oo.H bu._ um.w «I.nm mam. He;.¢ ab. vm.u Mb. ¢v.v ow. 70.0 65.9 ms nu :mfl. mwh.w oo.a rm.w 30.. 3;.0 we. 4%.. no.2 mcaaw bmv. wn;.m om. bH.a la. b:.@ wk. ~m.. Mm.m asuod .mu. 30L.m or. am.b nth. .Lmrhw by. ro.0 a .w moaua 43 :54? m f .f’ C) H cn.. mnw.¢ me. am.“ an. m..w ab. ,fi.o 33.x var.m QWH. m¢n.¢ OCoH w3.uH O on O-.W OC.H 5N.O Hmox Nlilm Jud. #Hucfl N9. 90.; 3m. 0.0w b5. buoo Guam Nifllm .....Cm.um.vu mm" Mow bk... ma”. .w h« 0 M. .09 ON 0 7.9.08 ”Nam. H--." 3&0. Hana-V .5. HOTU v.0. h... 2.3. Q. .. 3.....00 .03.... 0!.ld R M Odwdh T ovumh x 0wwwh ; R r.nuwu demo ma; anvamwhgop mmwfi wmznnamu mn~95w om god“ m than pgofi comb .9..m cw: up. am.u Hausa nan. p. pm»ngw.u< Hywow ¢_cewu w: {a “w. h. C3. NH H m.........H,..o..é - .1 arm? “5...... a . BM.....W.._ZCO m edpma -5”!— 5: C I, . .5: r I L 12*- ..— c- 4 T , OPC/ < t .«l‘m Q X '/ '\’4‘7‘£ ,4 L x ./ >::\ t.: I". / /’ O / /?:1 ;\\ ‘ ‘ _.. //- I I m . x/Vio IGIW‘,‘ " m 8%.“ / ' I, \3 i < \“\‘ ’l’ }, U ““N” [4% 3.5L; Zli‘ i —’—'-(. 7, 47 ~'/ 2 o {J-a" ‘~“‘~~-,_ .y 1 / “\‘\3\ 2 H “-“~~ s 2/ N 2 sh “‘4’- R x" '< 0 ‘-~-.’ 2%“. .\ »\. '1".—"" H - oi ‘~h‘—“Ammflfl€4mrgJ¥9i' 4H 313-1. l-f’4- _® - .H MOLECULAR PROPORTIONS 0F Kit/36., C.L‘.'I”..,. : IN CULTURE SOLUT ; 'r'f. :“1v-nrm 1". inundw 97".“‘1'i‘f1 car‘?"3‘"“°“~t‘3 and nitrogen con..nt o f twpa .n Caries 111. ‘Z'f‘. 3—4 A 5-1-?. 1-8-1. Tfiie 1rflicf‘c: *h't.fVe hr0*0rt1¢n 0* r3”- re??"~ Pul&?rfe in f”o n"1ture sclwficv, EV‘Icvfied P? +Fe thififl fir??? 1n aflch :rfiuw, Fe'rs rarfiiflefqfile Telnf101 t? snjnr cawfpnt. The treatment F175 in calcivn 2*trnte v33 P’+”9? cor319t¢*flr low in fhnac frccf‘énn, firila b1"h vnfassfinm occuyficd 3n 1ntnv~edl~fa wrritfcfi. "1+h refficnt to finlysrchqrifies. EV“ f0110*137 I rQ“‘1fig seéws ‘19t1L19fi: 5-1-2. I-'—l, 9~”—€, 7—3-9, 1-1-3. Frl? 1W ffid uffifi o? +‘c Ff‘H ficfhnciux tvnq*rpht To” +‘nwn n shnfifi ”1v+*%a*?c“, ’” “ '“° five“*lv nu*@rior 1n “C“VTT all cwrar. - '\“ - '0 g -. L ': -‘ \v 3 ' 4 w,- Totvl nnr:‘lwrr*tas, 0? @‘=1fi“’. ’wfac771 , tevaed to he of nbowf *“¢ rnme IQVfil “’rt"*“ +”¢ Emlv*inn “'"Tr‘. v ‘, CTO?‘ 75‘ V “'3!" ‘3‘f'7-h if! Y‘f‘fu‘|sg~:fi~.4 ‘8‘) ~. nary-00“] . t. . r“ ’n *‘Yn ‘~ "' 1 In (‘4‘.1‘” . .‘1‘n.’\1“‘ rs" ~‘J’3‘*"' 9‘5 lo 1 ... .1 L r.l,. . trnPL.-.-, “dc: .M H l L _-Ll Series II, Thurs an o“9essivel? F11? Java} *PCV“{19d . nwflafi all 90095*10fi9. *1~j+€-’n ~-'. .1.~3mw 1"".-.'?' 3 - ‘ . '~- H 3-H .2: ’-- t.‘ . ,-. cl. I ... l I ‘ -' ch? 5‘ a ’. .. ”‘1 “r g 0'1 "‘~.‘ ‘os\;3.s H 0“; fi’(‘ ' n -f ..‘ ’u \(‘13 .V '. ‘ ’4‘ .‘~ -C,‘ " 1 Q."-- R.) ' ~ ~ . - ‘4 - — . ‘ "u. ~ ...~.. I! .I u‘ I '*.'- '-.L ~ I' ‘5. 1' o - “wsP‘QV'Vfil-v ‘3 “ 5“ 1 ‘ "n 1‘ ‘4 '3 ‘ " P ‘ ' . ' t ‘ "' A“ r-‘I‘D "\ ‘=' * . ‘ ‘ ~ “‘\ . '-..'i-l‘*«" O. ‘43:)L7 ”Ah t fi3\.3 i \-.. C\k_ . 3 l ‘4'".-' .L' '1 J~J~"'C" .4.:r:. (‘39 ‘- '1 ’\.-.,.. AQLI,-\~p..~,a r. 3' I.."x5..‘!~;-. -'~~,17)'.v--7‘ .‘-\_. .1m~\'\-,~t“.-\u‘ "he _ . " ‘ . _ .. ‘ __ , ~_ ‘ ~, ‘ . " . . . __II t m“. t‘a r’nlf‘.’ ”$2.3 rmn-cfiifs of cat-“bo- u I. . l-c \ ' s) ‘g\l I ‘ Q ‘_ _ ‘1 1 ‘ _ 1 . 3 o 1 "o A Invf“ ‘0' "\ ~‘ 0 P . ' 'n \ ‘9 -. --,~‘. I. "\ I“ r‘ . a A n _‘- a ‘ < f‘ ‘. ~ -- ‘f ‘ 3 - ‘,“° (9 Q'. 3.”, 4. . ' '5: ' ‘O;' I ‘I‘ '~.‘ rs .' I-" A ’u . .u .. .LL 1 “) L11,‘ 0. (‘ 1;“‘0 O‘Z'V.‘ "? 7'“..* :‘W! '11 ‘0 (‘0 .--.‘|f' . » '.- ) - .. ' ‘40 J.-; v' . ..'- .,. 0 ., 'I’. 0% ‘ '5 Q ' Q s ' . y a g t 3 Q f'" 1 r. ' 'fi | "V " r‘} g ‘ ‘ A r‘” I“ I N“ . \ f ‘ L ...'1_‘..‘3 I. ...>v“.7'1..|. . ‘ . . -. ‘ 5‘1 _, (I“~!.{ ‘.’., 4. $.51 J ' a, * A(‘ f‘. + "7- . "I1 f ‘,"~ +‘0 I‘ tip] f1“!"'g 'H“ prf‘ 1L: Ilr'.'l".fi fl._‘.‘,. ‘ 'G“th H -. - ‘- ‘... - . t.) \ 1' \‘g-J ";‘-:.¢-. ‘~.‘ .‘,. ,V‘ p.'\1-I~'.‘ v. ‘y‘QA'I‘: *lw O""’" ”‘2‘“ o'.‘r~t 1"!) "‘~'i’\ -.—_. -. ‘. . - . . 0.... ' . ' ' - .a . T F "? (v.1 .r {- ‘. ,4. -‘p J~ .'.‘ I ’ . ,-nv' ’ r 9 .-.w' .. hf} g~\o- a, a . . ~'.‘ ‘- . t \ . , ~. , ‘ . A !- ‘ v. .- J.’ .1 .. . . .. 5 3. y .1 A_ ‘ '_ ~ . ' . 9‘"?! u ' I --. ‘- ‘ ' Q' \ ‘ fy' h n - ‘ , . N. f. Q. S; .\;3 (Se) « '- ~. .'.’1!.«. ~ .C .- 4 ‘- s. _. , .,‘: .. 1‘... ~veam+msgm~~ (.4......,.x. W: vn\-A4(..-11n1,-u-.-.\ _ .- . HA1... . 5’ - .- I“! -L‘. _. v ‘ _. 3, ~_' . L. 1 . L.-. . .. .. .' -‘-"~.-“’ / ' “ -- i ' s ’ , ~ - a ‘- . a \ ..‘ ‘ L ‘ ,q, 1‘ pr." t“ F. a‘ 5". f: r “’V‘4| g \ .‘D. rq I \‘I1-_-. ,«1 y ‘ {\1.‘ r n ‘ I: ‘. . , . ., _ ""n‘!' 1 ("""1u‘": " °'”'.b:-.4-n"' '. r 15;» w "“"f’ 3'?" “x" '3 "A. " ‘flf'4‘17 b ‘. .I . ‘ n —_ -. ‘. - :. ‘. . t .. ~ I »‘ .a ~ ~ - ' . L . »' ' '. ' .- ”... 4-. "ff“h lr'-*7r'-". I." "7.2 f'P-W-‘fiwfw'tn ($11113? “" r‘. “1'19 3.5" "‘ ' “:96qu1. n \ \ 7""!"1’" *4 «- <3“ 3’- +1.01%: i‘n‘rre 1"!“ :‘*‘f1”a“‘r<’."‘. “7’71: C.) ‘.l —‘ .‘;*rm (:7‘ *7’."’;*‘: "('r?".‘~'.'""*ff.‘."(‘.’° {7.39. {"‘fiz‘rrnl 7'???” ft? earl-(‘2- ‘. ¢ .. . A ‘1 .l \J . - I ) f"”wr*m tn” r’frz":fi '°nf“*?"+ffin. “VT“?{F fi"-°"€u was 91 1.! at"?! ?'q T‘.':A‘. n fifi 1‘: ‘. +' ‘Q If! h‘fit .1". .'?l‘ N " I‘.'-':f.: V}? rs ‘17” r“ 1 .'.q~'g “ .1 fig-fiLal‘ v; 1 t h inter cfliétd l‘“’? théfi ”’fF lovi 31f”?. Total c s. r‘a 3711:: "A 1 '. 'v-fl "' "l ‘ A. »‘ O 1"” n- -- ’ - Iv ‘ ..o " fi4'hv-N . ‘. . ‘I": l V - f. O n +{xJ-_~1 "fin " -‘\ n Orv-k }r -J C‘lk'u 0-.1‘) 01" \Q '.-'_1' "'fi‘ -I ..‘ s. 5.... M a; n 4,, r1) +r~r+ew+m ~6- 4. 'l A!" 4HJ-rss‘»~~.(~.r’ {I1 “ S -‘ ‘ - " . ' I'. ' . n nw‘!‘ “" "PM” Pr 9‘, g. ‘g M 1 ~ . “‘J . ~.’..J 1 ‘0 Oant Mm, 1 a S'- f3f‘.“}.“'fi‘ n I- -. .ol‘ ",va \ r‘. lo"fi\l " :‘ar‘v ‘ . .. .. 1 ‘n- 3- C“ a. 0.1 11.} t, L- If; 3 ‘, ? axyfv‘p1nn 9"?“"153 :3 {'f‘x 2‘“th 1 4 rv'hff «:n‘ qy~ {-‘fio ~13 1 fifil‘ (if-f ~5§~~39 ”13.1rxfi].y v,n plfi~11-, >51 ‘ $3 'l . "\ ' a "o-- 5‘. (Pnfi‘fis T P43 77} '~_1,~;. tn faith“ a." 1“”?317?!‘ v ‘1 r-P \ .91 t‘-\f‘.+ . a 5?.”“”+ “0% \I 1.. 'A. l‘. «I. .‘- “’Ufi? If- anv A '7"? Ifi‘.‘_‘ -_. u. r‘.1o.0 7..., . Y “ _. a ‘7 . .,-. I. T g. H .~ V I. ’ T. . Q . n -( .’ U. . n ‘ - ": ‘1‘}. L, ( . . - 01:6 .‘ hJ'. ..‘J.fl ..‘t‘l . :1.‘ 1“.” ' a? w.’ ‘ _. a 3"" (\~-’ 1-‘ .. ,\.,: 'x“":" 1 “‘4 .1, ._ _- ‘ '. _ _ _~ _ . l .‘ - . ..;\_ (1"‘0” firf',‘ (W‘ ‘ ""r" ’ * 6‘1 "1“ “‘"I “in“? :1 . "-- mm. ,‘Tn- 3"". '1‘“ I 1‘3 + F}. Ifi f: qrflf‘ (forf‘ :0.., 1 .. A-.' o 3. . -..‘o “‘o A -'-‘.‘ la, n f‘ ‘fit. 4' '\ Ar- , w‘ L~ Pl « M.’ ‘o ("1" crcci -i'fi n, f‘.nm 1 grjc:1.1rr1 ”T.H?.S. m;i131&l . A :-.- up. ‘ :n w . . .‘ .2 an. a . ~ ..t- gfw ~¥93v¢t‘ ‘10“? 7'), OR: (‘1 "z‘!’ , T139. 1' > (‘f . {It}: inr’bon’ 1‘, 1'! 1pm.: . "Q .’.- .. Y" ‘3 - "' V‘ T-.. ... .- .2 -- .- ._ 1 . . I“. "mnch-w', . . ‘ n w? )1" t 0:90:19. 5 1r.“ 9‘.. ”giants. an." ?\“1 ’-‘ «l.\' Y??\ .. V(\:‘!‘ anLy T‘-—" r W . :‘(‘. “"?‘,‘“n'~e . '1 914. a J' ‘ V 1‘ "“ --‘- ~ 1 L9. y. .4... 1 :. w_ 5. ulowonus, .. .. L-VL nz-Pfhanz c .4.03 n r. ' {on to +¥p *‘V‘I’fifi"“‘.11~‘ “ O‘f’“"~-“ a” "I f m~"?" ‘ . n 1 ”‘4‘ E‘ ‘ .l ‘. .-_ ' ‘ 3‘“ .‘. I .. I ‘1 b . IJ. II fl . Q . u 1")? ’1. 'V r'" Crfifl ~wrvtifi'1. . : 441—4”... 1 . ‘. ! ~ 7'" - ' 'n v ‘- “1 r‘ 11 .' ”4"" -. .2" ‘. " ”'3‘. 7(1’, 0 -- O , fl ‘5' '1. I'd, ’.. Q ..... Ct "4. + ‘e I,“ .Lr1.t1ve lefi'** 0° ”=w ~na n1~Vt r“” at ca f<¢fh"2 c? +nn en- "!T'QVW'EVQ'. 71?". "“31 L‘ ”TM” 7‘F-‘fif‘fir7jjn‘j'ofi {vs filq-~¥js. ‘Tour. a .. 3‘ .r‘ or «r-n 7.. Iraq.’ 7”,: .f'... 07, 1...». ' v" a g 1 . 71.1,. f g . ,.- cf‘t‘fini”, o o , F V? 41,..-"7'd3 no 3-. ¢ 7‘1“? f t ‘ '13“: in '3 pfiofoéewio’té , +fi¢ ran an a “9 t‘c #1n3* '0 reautive lené+h n” va rh’ ”ivhh. Fowr. nfiv. ¢~9. 9“: QVI-QBI. "' ' ' ’ m . 1““? L.‘ .., . . “Gr“a? “. w anmn, C. ”., afii illvr”, Y. fl. 9hoto— nrpfn3’c‘ 1n #:Ipinfl tn fivflr¢¢en-1ofi ccncertration C? +‘" 6°11 rfifi Pm“ +V° 0””‘3‘T”T“te "G“teht G? the '4 fi‘f:"‘,". .Tfi‘)”. 'r“-,. .ng. , 5‘7: 1.19-157. . 923-. . “.- ,. 1 10. 13. ’5 H. H 4'" \J "5’11“?” ‘r‘ 9's "-r ' 1. t _ 1;, Lu. . .4 ca: (‘9. Q .‘ _ Q'\_. .1 x . . O . vv3~‘- ‘1). T‘ v ~r .‘ -‘_’ ‘ a, . . a. . nfirTW"C‘T 7'?“ cc ’T {‘0 “4., T”w“ Tm”, fl"! urn-v . K a. . 4 . . -. .L- . soil solution. ‘_"'.'f..""‘1.’.‘-"-“. 3.6.3.. balance IQPV. v? ‘v -‘- ‘ “("€‘. . ’ n: ]_—9 P, - 11 -,1 " " VI 15' 1. .fi 4.’ - A. ‘ on “Q“"T" , . . P n! n r a n ~1 J an ‘ufi reaction “a 1 a” ‘ ' ‘ ..I' . ‘ :q‘ 5 b ‘ *f“ 2" e r'f"‘F~1 "*?. h" w"?. h c5- izrvor ‘ 3"» 5"". x . 1,4 . "1L -. .-.1. - n ' 4 r t. , ' :L_z, .. A. : ffis a, u. 9. ,3? L 01 fr? “itrate Tit?0“t G“: *“v *'"n 3? .‘~r* ”infiti. "13*? ”EVSiOIOO Q, ,2 . nor am “vs-~41 .- :- -1 . _:_. '.' . . - ‘, 3 “. w, , . r: .. rm, amp . . JS‘I‘qgefi’ Go, 2'. ~ ..‘fi-H‘01': infir, Ho 7. '.’ h L .1 "‘.",c-Q Of. tlle a} l‘“a ‘ m“ . . - . L. . 4‘ ' . . ’. . 9 . . 9.. '. . A 1.1": ‘1 ’3"- (E P c.~r:\:)/\‘w7.?yu, 10'“ .r‘ ‘91- Iw A 42: T4‘-T I. I -~. {'05 I.. T Q .1. v" . . a {1‘18 ' O U 0 , «3.2P3L’l A.‘ Q '1 9., ('2‘ 3.-- . r“, .‘r c“"’\ 1 “ 'L n . . , . *«wanmaraa “. ”., few 03—3" W“ ' "ID fihfi‘fir' on " fl " ‘°' 'r‘ :‘ "éC1rE11"f»7 r“ ” 6'6‘.-u'\ .fi y“\1\'v“ -."‘ I ‘ l I I .' ‘ r ~nnrvvnfl‘h‘ '7 a (71‘. . k4 . _ K.. ‘ Q '.I & As-- ’4- 0"1.‘ e ‘. :09“. 'T“,11, V. ”.- TIMI. 0 r010 .+ 0 C, Lfififiofi _’- ..I -L. “1. .gb _ . ‘.... ..-u..‘. .Tnnr. .l ’3‘" v ’. Vnfin+fi*'1fi ‘”“PP“””@Q f6 +ka n 14’). 101‘). fnwins-aw. Y. W O 1. x . O, C‘110H.1.fl, ‘fib-‘qf J"). ‘ofiifm ”fi 559 pro— ). '2. >13“. 1"-080, nr4 ronro- Ore. . A plan "2"19'i“”~“"" r‘r“ ’3’”. rm}? “wintrrwehts of ~ .0 ‘ D... . . . .3. T fa . I. w o ~u‘*a1 -1¢*Ls. '“7.. I“ ‘ 1 1 7 z -a . as. -!“%Uc.~. ‘flxt'- ‘5. Ftndies 0f an v o.’u‘f".‘1. '.'-r "I . .en., n? "?fi“fl“090 . c .-- 44! ISQR—ISQR. 1h¢0 “Innfs. Gav. “1v. 6 02?} r’? 0') 1"an -' l-av.‘ O \ (ukd. Jour. 1°. 1“ ‘. . N K... o 2?. 24. «_--:m-, 1.. . , r ’ .~ «-r-«x-ss- a: cvlturo -" .. ’- s "‘41 r. ‘fl 1 'fi Vfic*" ‘ ‘ - ~‘ ‘ *. - -‘ a. nr ' Av. -' “' d 1 no .. )u Ix, . ~ ‘\C|-~ . O - ' . . , ._;.--‘. 1.9 . Gut). § ‘ ., , / «A ’9. - ~ : ' - n /-, ” I ~ /. . t 0 ’ u “ | 'II h I ‘.. v" “a" 1, . .‘ \ b - _ . o . >4. (L. .9 1 / ' Q Q. " N " 1‘ ‘ ‘ ~fl -- I" } avv ‘ \ ' - -w In - n . -' 1 . fl ..I. - .1 u + « .L. ( .. -Cncu ‘ S r- ’ ’ < y ‘ '1 r r. ‘ - ‘ ‘ '1 ‘- ‘ w 'l ‘ "‘ B E - I ’1 A #-.~~ n .o L. o , 4. “ “.0 .. o 0—.“ .-’ --‘ d. a, p q r. '3 - . .NL . a ‘ p ‘ 1 ' Q \~« {0. ) f'. 0‘ V."§;“'.‘"“\| "..ld , C O . L" , ._~‘ \ ~ A .. C 4-. __ - . ‘. u q a t A \ r \ ~ ‘ ~ v q s . l 0 r .1. ‘s. --\ a a A. ' \r‘ - " "a'§‘ " A: 1 - o 1 " (‘f 1 ’2"n .. O k I ’ . O - - ~ 3-. ’ .. n -- '— ~ 0 - " O - 'L ~- - '3." w "'4 1 ‘rxry '-r~~I O - -- o l o .5...— 1 . CI. “’3 ‘. l 1 v v - ‘ -. ‘I‘ -. . p q‘, 1 -. 1.1 ~ , 3,1- 5 {r . . . ~ I) , 1 ‘ f . " ' ’ . . ,« ~ 1 ( . - f. - )V . w t} . h . - ¢ , o a, . '7 I. ‘ Q . ’ O i‘. "‘ \. ‘-f'n~‘r~"t: n." ‘.~.7-*'"'3""*-" :"P‘?" f‘,“ I-‘P" ("71 ‘5’ f‘ " "t 01‘010- v - --‘ -.. . .. . . U .- s Q “is”? ““‘W‘ “1" -’ '7‘ ‘7"? C""‘.O""”“L"“.‘.‘i‘ con- - . I. 4, A " T F., *., ’ "-'~~ n3 tf* ‘ ‘. s 7 r. .. -. t. 39. ~ . -'- . 4-3. _ afifin ..L .' _ ("11 "A. (1" ~-« 1 mien-5-4- m." .-\!1.y¢3! Gimmicrfll {"171‘7‘2-53” 1f} fultrient , O O . .-,.,-..?--. ,._ '1. m. - ,‘1 r“ ,. 1 . atr'm__"~r; 101 .'.3 - ’ . _. ' -_o_, .- . 'u'., -.n ‘ 9'\ 0 .-,v _..-_. - n’ :‘0 ~ .' I. . ' s3“ ‘ h. -é- ‘ \fi"‘y.-.. ‘I‘ .n1.-J .9 9“ “r.“ \ ‘r"- t , .43: ..o o ‘ ‘ - 'és ' '\ ( .. “:3“ . .)..»z'. s. ‘ -~ ‘0 A Nr-‘N fl ~‘ (‘1 r- .j T\. quay . ' . ~ . (fl‘ . ' ‘1 ’- 'I . , ‘1‘ ' --- l4. 1.. -_ . l I U .. 1.. , C n , . . ~ ". _ - ‘V . 0 ‘- " .‘. - i". . .‘ - .. ,,_ ._ ”\f‘ "T"? 1‘ ‘ F,” ' 'f“ ’f P1Y‘C 5"’.’ :' [’(T? 2 " 3 Q -’\'1 T\ 41": ‘_ . . . . . o -.J . ~ - * . .. - 'L n1 1‘ '""C 1 '.' ‘3 .“(VI‘ A1 1 I \”1_nflfi 15‘3.‘ I - t - w . ¢. - ‘1 .1 a’- . ~ 3 .— . . . n-o ~.¢« ‘-' ‘ _ T?¢1m aw. pm. ¢m. om.w ma. 0*. Hwom Hoow hm. 0;.H on. .1mm.v ‘MH.a uxuafl mane; pa mg 60 a ma so u m; HHH mofihow Hl,mowaoa mammp 5:ku PMH Mu main.“ BC mmOH UP .ABHLWLXOQ e _. .u.... (the. n aflflwa Mm.L_.HO.».<.O . .35.ku mm. um. 31. CC H9.m «a. mw.fl be. my.) 1.0 L 60 H weaken bo.m bm.m Odor omow ob.¢ mo.w pn.¢ n.® po.n 1V.“ C t meow Hmov wo.m whom $6.3 M .95 to BK. wlmum manta mtacm Haoofl ovata wows“ mums...“ «naum Hconfl o-H-H “(v-0 I‘m «gram NIHIw HIQIH fivfim‘uhnwc @vHH. -14.. \ " ’ ' SEQ/ES I , { TOPS 65 k: Pa 7.45st —---- .--~~-~ ~ E a n m . z ‘ . 3 __‘_‘_:_~_~.§£L‘L ‘ _. Mar: ------- I E ”3‘?"'fifi+'1' R‘ I 6 2'3” "1’1 . I-cl-I 54‘; MOLECULAR PROPORTION5 0FKH¢PO.,CaflV0_,/,,MDM¢SO4 ' IN CULTURE SOLUTIONS r 1' C I a J .4 \ a , i 1. ' ‘ 9 J r" C J. .2 I, ‘ J I . . . 1 und P sevcrql light exoosares in Series I. \ «13- but 0? .9 of tb 9 ther 9 1i9L9 lL;ht treat 03ts a regular increase in percentnju of patssh was 1L he found. ”hile calciun did not vnvy 3 $13017, yet it also showed a higher content in the culture solution. The cor9019 tion in tLe case of ray esium was r95: 9 p0 or in t.v:9h1:19r treat nonta groxn U‘ with 13 h urs llth, but as‘de frozn this 9r0up, t dis- ?viffixcc 99 the mutually repressive effect of the bases was 2 lie apgnrcnt. ' lfirgc a aunt of potash in t‘c alt” 9 solution (treatgent 5-1-2) resultefi in a lower calciu: 19tu19 unr‘le“ 911 conrltions t}.9n 9 L13 990909t10n of magnesium (treatnont l-l-G). Furthermore so1uticn 1-1-6 permitted graater calcium intake than solution 2-2~4 in two light durations, faillfix only in inter 9-31 to lljit. This was perhaps due to Lbs fact that .};119-solut19n 9-2-4 furnished twice as [1193 9919 um 93 solution l—l-G, it also supplied twice as much potassium. Tie offgct of potassium on rGSnosinm intake was quite 91711 9. In every ca 99 solution l-L-l permitted grc9tor ruyJesium 19*3 W than solution 5-1-2. Dotwcen solutiam 5-1-2 and Hs—--2, both of 91101 supplied equal trrovnts 3? rvfrns’u; but varied in rotassiur, tic intako , v ’9' ' .3 . “ ‘< l' G ' ..'u of mnfhesLun L29 Increaae- as {”9 _9LLsslu3 supply decreased, 99 pt unlcp short 11 Lt. -14.. Calcium ShOng a gecnter_repressive effect than magnesium on the intake of potc9sium. In all cases solu- tion 1-6-1, Fish in calcium, produced :1 fits lever in potfissium content than did solution l-l-G. TLe fiOSt necked effect of the dusation of light on the absoretion of bases was upon the intake of potas- siue. 71th 10 hours lifbt t?e level of potassitn intake was significantly Lifher t roughout ire rsn3c of cultural treatment. Intermediate lifiht gave 113 or gerccntcgcs of this element tLan len: 11 fit, with the oxccction of one treatment. Between long and short light cl av r933 differ- ence of over one per cent in potassium content was found for all treatecnts. Calcium content in reference to aeration of light sFOVCd the 13 hour any length able to reintcin the highest level. Short light was featured by the lowest relative level of calcium absorption, and except in the highest concentration by s r9ther low absolute content. Lith resecct to ragnesium, the intake was not consistent. Intertcdicte litht Gurstion eermftted a greeter intnbe tb9n-lonf 11 fit in all but one treatment. 7 Unfier 10 hour day length the "3 9n,c of ragwesium content :‘-. L Q was nerrower, tne low angnet ‘1 J J R a CVILPVCS havinf 3 slightly hither intake, 99a tLe li"h concc9trstions somewhat 1088 J .Lcn under greater light finnetions. -15... a”: 3 3 1‘0 flata :03 333103 I: are also rrcrcnted in o I Table 3, 03d $.33n gvnyEicnlly 13 71jur3 2. 4‘3 correla- ‘ 37p .- ., -\. - . g.§ ‘ ~ —.,1 ‘I‘ _- ‘.p-‘ f" w.-.'. n \. tiimu‘betamun1 1‘0 :‘33 1, guw3331t Eva. .3; L1; Argtififil\;08 ceasifiernE13 Eettor 13 “3v? r3r303t3. “etasstum ntako . Q I {2" ' \ x - ~ ' c - 0 1hCPCfiCGQ In‘ulwl7 » increASQ In 110 sipply aid the trrfiestwm.yas F12 o cowslst33t. TEG 0310511 '33*03t of tEe 132: lféEt 31 2,8 $r3vn En s3lut103 3-3-2 was lower tEan in solution 2-2- -1, Eat 1313 #53 £73 333? 13003313- tency in this respect in tEe serlcs. The var13fs Ee3ressive eff at: 20133 1: "cries I wera again ev113nt 1n tfiis series. 219 Eigh ;%0 83113 cultur3, S-l-E, was p3rticulnrly Pegrcsg L‘e to calcinam are *3‘303 12 absowwifimw in all cases. Very flcfinite differences in pothssiun sEsorp- tion wifE r32300t t3 light exyoswre wore fauna. CEort lfifEt plants were ngafin the higant En patsssium content, wh1le 1ntnwwnllwte IETEt was clenrly more conducive to otassium 1nt9“e t‘an long light. 53 mifiht be exgccted ‘6 13 View of EEO ant33331 n of nntnssium and c31c1um, the ab ort liflht plants E3G the lowest level of cal cium intake. 7E0 fitfferences hetrean 1033 313 12f3r33d13t3 light were not as conclusive, E33 favorefl tVP £33 or in 3111 but one treatrento Eng-1.3394311 1.33.0. cawsir’cru‘olv 3.1;;va “raster long * u 113Et than in Series I and fie fin1+ ely greater tEQn 1n the ”4‘4" 7' x u 5 ER IESI TOPS ‘ ' 104 "I x /‘ Llfi'fl """"" ./ oRIn‘"-' /'/ ‘ at ’5)?" 1' /'/ 3 ___________________ ‘ LAG}. ‘ U) TE,/' «3 TERMEQ—l’?" LcGflT ' f :93...»— - k 56 .._ v—-'#.—m/"°V Q P K ’/ 4 ms 2-2-4 ' 332 5", 1o 30- Slog. : § 6 . 31.0 \Oififi‘m/ (’00 < . ' "9'4? ' u \.\E'sL-.’6Hr ‘\ ______ I125! LIBW\'\'~=N 5r\ ' 5?”? """""""""" fit }._-....._ Z . 4 ~ . g1 ‘ \'\ “.2 __ "\. - . 17v“\ “~51... ' 1: TEAM?) \.~.~L‘_T:.=-.-.-—...—-~.\ ? M s LIGHT “““‘~--=ai 21-4 aft I— 1 .542 MOLECULAR Pnbponnous 0r K-H1P04, CAINOfl‘ ..o M60. m CULTURE sauna/vs ’ Figure 2. Graph showing intake of base elements p‘?§”§1 3*“”t neworvres in Furies II. 11v. "(3% ‘~ ‘. Q’J shorter ligrt ergoenhes 0? this series. TFn Cfffcrnnces bnt.,,een 1n+5r71?3{ n to on" P‘fi‘r‘t 14 ”fit "Mayan. ‘Ifljsu? (,1 ira‘wt, p o .- .lU both hnfi a low level C“ rheorrttcn. Tne nvcre”e ’6“ n11 O trenffenfs of Vat“ flurr+infir we? wovrly the srfic. Vennnee n” er ”Get fPfit +3fi “Inwfs ‘n tfin tFird series refie Twnwn “vi? to tin tfive of f1naer’dé, a povfin I ‘v ‘- 0 I‘ 4 r-T ‘ v. ‘ 1‘91 of fame won 3 tr? reerlta as sk-"n *n :fif7“ 5 '“5 Eider: 9 3, pro not entifioly COfihfirnhle to these 0? t”n pvcnniinj eeriee. T”e rerponse tn rijh 6? In“ rwrelf o? 7P0 fliffer— ent elerefits was not as fireat, cansefifiertly the rrrfe of F@?““n*“?°fi was ~nch refinned. ' feirl? bifh level of hntnesivm nonfefit wee reached bu? oe)c*Hn dh’ wagnesium were very law. The ercoe’inz lew Kfi§“fifliufl catftrf of tFe yfi"né leeveg wag 4n afrea~on+ witb reenlfis a? lutwnh snfi “nihrflflje {14) an intntoes “nrlvzefl at reverel stares of rrnwth. Potessivv we: nn-awha+ enfvfoniskic to t¥e oanr bases, but tr“ relatively cheater rejwnssive effect of calcinr toward rotaeeiuu F~d vet bn~un to he eviéofit. The effect “.1“ liffi’W rnfinwffi-fin $2769 ' (we olev‘rly shown in t*e nevtant of nfilcinw fi““ '*"Mheiwv thnfi of pofngeium. “0th hnneg warn absorbed 1% 31rnc? relation to f“e 11 Mt period. fiewfivev*1v the ebvovafifin of thoee elemnhfs was finite refinlfi? dwwirr tVe novlv Pt9¢¢fi of prowth, pna “a frent Peonnulottcn ten? elece in any culture . 70 1'0 P5 , I 5 "u-~ \ ’, --“'--— \\ / D \\ ‘r_ :’/. \ ' ~\/\'0(r / “. (L1_ \\\7~ /'/’ ‘ “‘17.{(.fi’jr /. ’I’ < H‘./ “““ ’ P ,a_ x \ x 1_ Tmmr n11 / \ 16/ [/6 T4 ,ala/ 5/2 a. [Sr- F O T \\ ‘ x \3\ 3 \§\ uaS— ‘x\\ 4 \\ INTLRLEPL—ATE— Li6H_T_ __.\. 3 “““ “aaaifirmlnap7=““‘*-“*~~:?===z=a~ art .311 2-4-4- l-ll'6 5-1:; y. o I \‘ § \—\ \ \"\”_qu tn \.M€ N b _____ \.’4r z ““““““““ \-6 LIGHT . -‘”‘~‘_\o———.—_.~—. ~._. i 2 SHOR} ——————————————— fi—“—‘—:.r:..—:_: S “our ‘6' 2-6 3-,?2 I16" 5/ r2. MOLECULAR PROPORTIONS 0F KHzPO,,C/50V03&A~0MGSO4 ' IN CULTURE SOLUTIONS vi fur; I". “wr- ’: 9‘, ""‘ ' 1"" z" 4*" 1:11:63 6le :onts under s‘v r9 1 11~‘t x? wres in o*’os III. -13.. r; .2 ' ' l .. :0 potns- 1:231, ’r ‘K -I 3 .. ‘- -‘.‘ | tnuee up in accexuanee high the 34;: lower increments. ‘P'r rev-:1" !!1' w 3-"- H I x " " ‘ -" ‘ s - L“ . - e, L § 0 1a- ‘7’!“0 r3 t 5‘1"" A17») 3 fl‘ 1 cht0 tknt n lever concantret ion 1‘ or ycung plants. on t' o 07:31:? .‘\‘§v‘1 '4' * 11 Q?<‘ ‘I: 2.31 "t’: ‘A'._\ nm‘: 4...: --- ‘ I ‘~". ' .- \cu-u . .5 .. a. ;nu, yes no» If) 1. , 3.3 -.-.L. 16118., L". but} " c02tai:1n* th ‘J ‘ q . ’ 00'“ n n'. ‘*‘. < (15‘ w i... t , V~«‘ L ‘J ‘.‘--‘.(A1_‘_j L "_ “.r_ m‘e. -. ‘ - L three. T1‘.1.s ‘m011d ~A v,” ‘ ,:~ “ ‘l' youaeh is auoqaaue General niscussion Consifierin: the evidonse o? the first two series, it seems conclusive that notsssiuw was most abnnflsnt in nlsnts grown to firtvrity under short lirht. is the light period was lenstkoned, the level of sotnssiun intake dressed. In yovng plurts t?ose rtenorons ears not as well definei. 0n tfie other bend, calcium wcs_:nst sbunfinnt unfler longer lifiht periods, with 13 or 17 hours about equally efficient in promoting absorstion of this element. refinesium was similsrly effected by the rhetOporiod. In attempting to explain the results of these exocriments, it is well to remember that on those same plants, determinations of organic and total nitrogen showed that the shorter the light varied, the higher the percontape of nitrogen. This was in accordance with the rinsinzs of nsny other investigators. Foreovcr the length of day was practically tle only controlling factor, as the plants were sole to get an adequate suowly of nitrogen from the lowest increments, and therefore failed to resnond to inoressod.smounts. Thus it may be assumed that in a series of culture solutions having the same OSfiOtic concentration, but varying pronortions of the ttroo sslts, all the plants in the series would Pave an equal supgly of base elements. . " v" , ”fl 0 ~ .q- . .-\ ‘ -. s It, is 1 its :6 1:.- .1-.__;.r .1.,r*-:e..l that 51.1 soil-base a - ~v . ’ 9 .-\ . ,H L 2 ,--‘u ,r -. . - - _. OQ“111bP1J; s i‘pc u; wl~-rs. If 11 " cgflliiions xaro 910“. 9'3 to 1V“? "7“ A “vs-J" ivz'r‘m e“ -“n~:““° “1 9.371in- b . -' \ .. .~- t.. I -- .... .~.. I. ’ 1-- lort nzount of oxo e“ for: tone. WW“? 9130 fitter ‘0 . LA... , -. . . .-l L. V. ,‘ _.._ - L .. F1°3to Tn L a?“ UT-v I ¢r~s. gresssx‘; W?” o.pir~_kl' “, J.‘ . ..e- ,.. - .. . Q- . l A" 2 A , . , a .3 ‘.. ~ , P‘Jfitl-‘H‘lo {1‘ :‘J 3 v:1 t ‘ f3 5 ‘I' Jilin-4.1!" fl. *‘73‘! ' r1." . 4.33309.) 1.133 hith level in tfic short 11 F? el"n‘s 4’ a? “see all sitally bi"% in orragio filtre“nn. Th- ‘J' ‘...' ' " \_. is ylzo 9:“xlficnnt thvt it was only win» sfiovt li;bt tlnq s? rite *‘fr0"un use present to soy afiownt in fTrso ollrts. In orxgri tits on L ‘fonnrsl.+*uyto vitrojofi In the plants grown in sVort 13;?f, preportionsl to tte Rffififlt of on aim . In this arse, calcium was apparently *fie rest ubwndant cation, alt’o no rnnlysos of t ‘3 . a ..-, ..- I, -, .\ l ‘5 _. \ $ . :19H:8 fies 2°09a'101 LJ 310! w-s filer tTo )1 =ts tn: uh- sorboi wore calcium. The afisorjtion of csloiun, tfid to s l rgs extent 3'79_"“-‘Sl'2)71, sons": to be???" r. I‘OClPPOC-fll volition to Uni: of 8.- -._ . ., 1. \ -2 ._ ,. . . .u. , -.,, . , PO.FSSllJ. P"o« the cvi.01ce wt {and L Ffl.3 us? 0so: .\r .. t I .1 {.30 5.1 }..J 1.4 “““sto nwaor , )- I;'r.n .. . . . . .1 .l. \ . safe to o?'*l_'i‘:7-.'t,"':."f3' 13"“ .0. ~* f- cult) «new 721th 1" t 9 n1 axis ‘v c ‘;f'gf"::1*{;‘»r'-.E f'rsgm \ (u 2‘ Q. 0- .. . a . .L. y 3-x, xfose unaor w ice t ed * ‘ _- .- .-. I-.. .._.) ., -... ,. salts 1116331? 2-?3'.',-‘. :2 cl 1.: r M: e. . iriois 9.1» <-- 3. 1 i“ 3“““Gctinn wit? fFCSB studios. busy fanni tfiqt solutions O - ~. , . . an . 1..., 2. ..1’: 3 .-,-.-; wLicn StifiulltSd ¢:ou.; : mug c.:;311 CflnmiziOQB HIQLL 9 a" n .3 ' “ r" 1 ~- 3" -'-. -'- ‘.~ iv.‘ (V 3“ ‘-\'.r\' ‘ ‘ 5‘: ’ a} z‘ ’ Pagfi'h'vvv!‘ ""1'11 QI‘OHJCO 1'3-” .3\4 ,...A H. ._ .. ‘-v-v-1 v. a”... .. \ 3. ‘.'., -.. at 2.3- J. .9 ‘ ,J L . 0‘ "Cir. O C * C fl -w" Conclusions Crufle 09h wag bifihe" 13 wens TPGWfi 11 10 hours liyht fhnn in 13 hours, but not consistan¥lf Fianr fbrn 1“ plants Prawn in 17 hnnvs 1!*%%. A cv1+uvn solntion kirk in warhesinm rennlfnd in tha lovafif crude 98% in 811 bufi one case. Vifh normssiWfi or “if% onlfiinfi Solutions grow plwntn which were the Pifhest 5n crude 99%. The correlation between ffin relative Sfif‘lf of nvy one elewnnt in a group of chtvvcs, anfi +59 rclnfive intake of thnt element by the plants grown in tiese cultures, was very clearly parked. Pokassiufi displnfied a stront repressive effect on the intnko of cnlnfnfi and magnesfivm, often ovornhnfiowlng ofVer factnrs where the supply of nntnssinw was high and the gvfiélv of the othnr banes rntVQr 10W. Calcium End a sorewhfit firnnfier infinsnive effect on nofnssififi ran hnd “njnesflun, in cvitnres where these bases were nbundnnt. Riéht evboenros n? 10 Pours flvily ffioflucefl qunts bfqh in nofnseinr av? 10? in cn701nw v”? "W”PCPXUfi. L1“%t erfidruree of 13 rnwrs ”fioflvccd plants lower in poqu“ ova hifihe“ 4% “21c1Vfl ovfi ~nf“9u’ufl than 10 hour plants. TFflfi cwfinvuro in Sarina T Enfl +Pe h1QVest level of onlofium infnve. 9 :31d ‘f‘fir‘FVO :3 mm. J t (J: I BIPIIOUW‘”KY 1. .5619 T7. YT. our! "nnfl, '77. I}. A rm"! 7*.0f3?*r?’1 7“" 0951‘ffiting morass ur. Jnvv. Chew. 900-: 21: lOVS‘ICQO‘ 1900' 9. findnrnnn, P. 3., Swnnlnck, T. F. and Sfroef, 0. E. Potsnh POTU1?O”GWfS o? tbn tohanno Oran. Conn. Ear. Em. :"tn. F1111. 3.74.. 1W1". 3. fissocirt?on of "ff1cin1 ThricWItHral ChnW1sts. tfficial and tenfntive mehtofis of analysis. fififi OR. "no ington ah . 9“, Partbolonew, R. ’. and Jannsen, G. The rate or obsorption of pOrnsnfun by plants add its posnikle effect upon h ‘9‘ f" of pot'ssiun fertilizers. Ar”. ”fir. 1x3. ta. Bu11.2oo. 1071. 5. Fonfier, J. F. A critical study of fho influence of soil type on the cnlcium nnfl rnfifinsfum COfitnnt and other physiolnficn] characters of nlfalfs. Soil Fc1., g1; 205-232, 1939. 6. Variations in fho calcium and magnesium . 0---“w contnnt of non vlnnfs 0w fit”?wrent :rilu tfines. $011 Sci., 9“: 15—95, 1929, DJ.’ .. . " ... 7.. . .. . . J- . - '7. Y;L.".:.:;’-. 04-3 . .‘u’mazsiil; €;0!.»..0.-1{.- 01' zzlfalf‘a .._ ..._: . .. - 73.3... ‘ x- b. r..- .. n ' l I t ' , .’ ,n - N: .JA.L S'.,._ .‘o u 3 53. k ‘ -.... . . ;(“-~ . h“)v. - L)I)Qfl.' “1: ~ 7 rvr-n r‘vr 4“ 1"}"3‘f . o': .4J-~' l.'.'. Us) 0 a 0* ~ "' 1 1 o , ’1 ~. 7“ »""7 ._ Iv V (3 l-‘( ‘.‘ T T r.1\‘.'\ ..Qv \‘u‘r‘w - a {0114 U. ~J....U- ', «I. .1. ,1 L --.-.'. . -.., -1. LI ..-.---I .- s. a .-4 kL ' _‘ ‘ v ‘5 9 ‘ ‘ _'_ _ j. , . _ _ I: ! \‘9“:‘l ‘. "g‘ \,"\Y“ .‘ ‘7'".‘ r. 4 -‘ r V" ' ‘ 1.' 2f ' .‘ ' ‘ ' .|(" l \ it!¢'l l 1-... v 1 -,o' . Q d C .o'm- 5 0..- w - .. ‘v .u‘" h- l- -- g '- Lo- L31 v- - CL -' . ‘u '- ms“ (n!- ~ a. ‘ 5-1 .5 U 6 q q o a . ‘ q o o n 0 fi 0 o g - -.-‘ \ a: s" P. s; ‘f' . ' -"I x ' '1 (w. 2' ‘v'g " - ‘ x. ‘ ~- .- 9 . r~ '34, - .1 . . . «HA-.- I... . 0...: ‘l—. C!» . o' A I-‘v ul- ‘\. -- A ..1'. :21 \b'u'n O ..I L 1.5 L" 4. L‘J) u, i;— ‘ 4 I. .Ltb)r1. ' 9'- fi fr. - —\ .r)‘\y~. ’ .7... r?"(' F'"\. 1 -‘\‘r‘\.‘\ .1"! 7, ‘4 \ vcvb . vb . v «r w . , K 'u- b u. ‘ ~l«‘$ ‘ . -.- /’I ‘ . »’ q- .‘ O. ‘ O h e (1 :Vqr‘h I V" ‘ . fl ‘6‘ 4- \ '3‘ “ L") - (”“1 ~—r‘ A , .1. ) t‘ {..‘er w. .2.» (~54, . ... v. -. g. .1“ ‘biv- 5 ~.- - . 0.." --\—'~ ~---— L; - tb- V . .- - n .v .. 1 3. .. . -- . .u ~=~. . rv- {j ‘ 100 n c ~. -\7 0‘ .. - ' ' Is 1" _ ' ‘.< .‘ \ .. . . \ [u i ‘ . 4 ._.. 0 ‘J j- |' 'v ‘00...- v .3. V"- ~ -- , 4- 3‘ ' ‘ ‘ (v’ v' 1’ .... - - - ht 5" C o n) v . ' ' “ ‘k . , "” 2 o ‘ / M)- Li. “ .- 10. Eff-.19": "‘. 75., T021353 .9 27:23.“, J. 33.. and Olsen, 1). (30.113081- . _1 _,' 5‘ "z _ ‘ Q ‘ _ _ O _' 4 . ... Q n ,0 ‘ r'x c tfi. “' ’\ "'9' -‘~ 1‘-r‘-' 'W ' '- 3 "h ’ .0 '\ ‘ I" t 10 o' 51‘ "'1. 1’ ;'.Y|‘ ..L.1. 1.. ~‘ 03 («1-45k'3v L 1' \1. .1 ‘ a (m' -.\-_ '. .. --‘-'-‘J .‘ v.0 - - ~v~. ‘U‘CO ' . ”'1 a 1 .‘\ '- ’ ‘. w. - J ? 1“ .- .2 '-. g" t v ‘~ 3‘ 7-. ' ‘ 3“ .‘~ .‘ '1‘ . :1 v3 «1‘ —-'~ L " I. 1‘. - .,.‘~-‘15 5."..L—1-9- 03‘ ‘9-.- ‘-:‘”ON ‘-'Q -(.:---—U. 3. z} a -— #Du", f“ .101. , G: ” - 17/” .‘o\"'d. l 1 u... 7’ __ "‘ "(1' .- Q“ g- , ‘.._3. _- 3". l.‘,-, , ‘7‘ . -.‘ 11. . 1- , J. U. '-.-;.v._: volun .21: z ., 2:: L21"? 31:31.: . 27.1,-0311m. T n._ ,._ .. "‘ . . . 1" fr!» '1’ "" U\ C .11). .R'L'. 351. -'....‘._E. '.Q ~- ()0. ’ I—liJ: \.' -- 3 . u. - #0: a“ ’v x.‘ .‘ 75 f." I 0“ :‘1 .. (a ‘ O u- ' . T Vt. . 112. on U‘u‘n: .1(‘., -t . . . -"~ ‘1 .Lon. 4 *fijrw . 1‘1:J v‘.. Ctr C.: -l~v- ~‘- 0* 13b :2 *u,m a - no . .» .... 1.3.. .. . #1 n, . J- ' ..- .._- . 1.131“. .21 f _‘ a, h. . '. ,.l _ ‘ v . " . )g;‘}1'_$ I ,' no I‘ l .o. I' n \' ;.. .L J L 2‘. _C-~‘.’ 3 (.11‘.. 2.. {5" ‘54 ‘~id.‘>'-- “..r‘i- ~‘ g »- ~’-. ~" h-u ‘ ctr - 0:1 0 a ‘ . ' ‘ 9 on”: .--; '3”-""‘a'~0 -‘r‘m "."bfif‘n ""8 ‘ . '1 I": ", 1 1:1“- . "T" g , .. ~ .. . . . _ Jy‘ f .- Jau’ ‘. . .- .. ~r.s on . ,- «r- -~ .. ._..‘ w W -. ms t .. 3-.. , ~1- H "~'~ :. n 3.1. 1;... O ". , .. . -.. .3..T“LL‘I‘, x. a. 3. (cm. n- 8271138 on ru- 1 I I. A “ v i g. V n J . J C u... _‘._ . ‘o.A _ ' '3': ' ~A ‘. '.‘ ' - .1 9.. ' H ‘4 t 3.. 3 t“ .".P ‘._ ’..,“~"17' .I‘A f . .‘Lf 1: r a. I J. A gr". I.‘ 3 ‘5 .._‘-§ - - ' _, a... J . — La‘ . t no . ‘-¥ . “~" ._ _ Tech. ?aper 8. 1923. ' T‘vsnn'mqf n‘a ("1} a 7- I .. . - \ ‘ ,. nil.-. -5-l ‘ ~ ‘ fi.‘ n fl u—, -: - I“ ’3 ‘ ~t 1“ ~"~ -‘ ‘- NH, .;“A1 ’1 I . ijjt 23‘1"}, L). on o "r, i .J. ..I .z.‘ -: .Q’ ..Q .l‘. «~33 L clAJ O). . “‘881’17'1 ~- ‘1 ,‘,.' ._. . (f5 vs" “.1-" '9'.!. --_, u”... .' f.,. "5"} '1 J)’\/‘ “0;. ~-‘ 4., _;'-'~ --4.vg. ‘ v. . - 0 «db 'C ‘ w .~b 4 £11.. .. “v k). \ u ' r“ '\ ‘ ' | 'O . J‘ t. l . J.. n\ V}. ‘ .. ‘0 a. f 45 . a . Al_.‘ul A. -. .L‘Q L J- C-' 0‘ O £OO%, 1A. I'p‘10 qr‘i 0‘ fl'~ "‘9! "“5 3‘01 w ‘1‘ ." 7‘ ‘11 f‘ " g g -0 _ ; . -.m ,. t L; . us--- - o A... s a u... a, O! 'I?:P" o . 4 II- ‘c' . “ rim... on a 78 -, 1 W0 azu- a ,4 ""0 ‘ -. .-. O ‘ O —-~‘—r -2.-J.. ‘- 1‘ -—.-‘-‘~.4 -- Lo .3. O 9' ALT}. ' 5.11 O {V 'fi ~..'_'.‘ 73 '- 'a if. \1- r: .r‘t 1',"‘. 4- .9 r.'\~ rfiqs ~‘ -;--. y . {- ,y‘N .\ «I V- . .1 g‘ '. . h I. [x j d ‘ 5 {a . «5,. 54'.) -_ . J. V ; ~w~ 4L 0*). A C Lp-‘Iv'nJi-w .“L. 52.1. J .- 1v 3 ~'.. 3 O . *Klfi’lt an .'\ fl" r: . ~fi“ Aw 14-1 3.. ’ L g L} .,"£ "LL‘ 1 . .4 § . - .- '2. "fl ‘ v" . ' 7 "‘ »' e'.>-~-"-‘~ ‘9“ ‘9“ "- 7" npx‘nr v‘ *' fin-n‘" d it ’ ‘ o. . J .f'a ‘_‘I ‘.-. ~‘Jbfib — S -- '1. .s . L.‘ ‘ ‘AI‘L ~= - V J M); i ‘8 nn ‘4‘ Hr? up 5‘34'hr‘” ”H "I‘fifl '~’\."\i"finc~".1“-~ :‘x'u‘f-H'! ‘Y'fr" ". -J.-. sf\- ‘ -5 a-.~ yo. \J‘ _ an ~~ . - J: ‘u‘- “mg... 1.-.... .~_ . .4.-. ,_._.:.|,‘, .v. 0 w 'l‘ " ‘ht- ‘ ‘- - '1 ‘1 F)‘fi .I‘ {- f“ " ('- " - r w .‘\‘\ r‘. T‘. .. 3 . =.'$.;.~.') ..w J. . __.o , L a “11-44.. 5.“). .L- 4;). 3., “lllfi‘fiw, J. J. and '. -‘- I ‘l‘r Léryesz, Z. I. factors . .._..9 .‘ . . . v . a 1" 1- 117' t C: 911.114.?3" O." ’30 :tcr’cif’zl 0‘." 31¢; "cl-Jr's. M. ‘1. T~s‘""¢~9~ n a" gym-91 "o\$“‘. :...,‘ o ‘PNV'F’.’ “r“ .h u . .5 '41 w kl ' - ~ n: .J ‘0. V .J l u.‘ ..L1 , J l J V J. 4-. --b ’¢'~ .. »-._'\-.-'§~c~ ‘ ‘ 1 3 " 3" g“ *.1"-r11*? ~t !‘ « ”~9.fi“"‘"\ ’3‘ '1‘. ‘7 fl c-NJ’ < - u..- ..A. s- l- .‘ v \0- L’a'o’ I “l ‘ I .’ t \w .' \;- g. -.f'.'1~v‘-" fl Ififi‘!‘ '9‘ ‘,’;t?? (5.?” 9"“""‘n” ."‘.'JtQ . 1., s I, u \: .LJ ~. . , _l ., _ _,- . -. °.' ~' ‘fi _‘ l, .‘P L IJ I 2. . x. ,n ' . 0‘ ,‘ p‘__ ~ -— .1 . 1 .r‘r‘y 1 AIV(\ Q . o \ L o - 24 o A 0 at. .. -- LII, ii 04‘:& 5-51.»; i. ;