EMPOASCA LEAFHOPPER SPECIES RESISTANCE IN COMMON BEAN, PHASEOLUS VULGARIS: FIELD SCREENING AND QTL IDENTIFICATION By Elizabeth Ilona Brisco A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology Program / Crop and Soil Sciences 2012 ABSTRACT EMPOASCA LEAFHOPPER SPECIES RESISTANCE IN COMMON BEAN, PHASEOLUS VULGARIS: FIELD SCREENING AND QTL IDENTIFICATION By Elizabeth Ilona Brisco Empoasca species leafhoppers are a major insect pest of common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris that cause significant economic losses in both tropical (E. kraemeri) and temperate (E. fabae) regions of the Americas resulting in up to 80% crop yield reductions. Chemical controls are costly, reducing profitability by increasing input costs, and potentially causing damage to the environment and human health. Breeding beans for leafhopper resistance can provide an alternative control of this pest. The current study examined Empoasca spp. resistance by evaluating leaf curl and leaf burn damage as well as Empoasca spp. nymph counts in an inbred backcross line population (Matterhorn*/EMP507) of beans in temperate and tropical climates. Field screening in Michigan and Puerto Rico in 2009-2011 identified the existence of tolerance, antixenosis and antibiosis mechanisms of resistance to E. fabae and E. kraemeri in this population. Thirteen QTL associated with resistance to E. fabae and E. kraemeri were identified on six bean chromosomes that explained from 22.8 % to 61.5 % of the phenotypic variation of individual traits. A major QTL (LH7.1) associated with multiple resistance traits was detected for both leafhopper species in multiple seasons on Pv07. This QTL was tightly linked to the P gene that confers the presence of color in the seed coat, validating a similar QTL identified in previous studies. A novel QTL for E. fabae nymph counts was identified on Pv02 that may be associated with antibiosis resistance. Resistance to each leafhopper species appear to be controlled by separate genetic mechanisms in common bean. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... vi LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................ x CHAPTER 1: Literature Review .................................................................................................... 1 I. Common Bean .................................................................................................................... 1 A. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1 B. Center of Origin ............................................................................................................... 2 C. Production ........................................................................................................................ 4 II. Empoasca Species Leafhoppers .......................................................................................... 5 A. Classification .................................................................................................................... 5 B. Life History ...................................................................................................................... 6 C. Feeding Damage ............................................................................................................... 7 III. Plant Resistance .................................................................................................................. 9 A. Biotic Stress...................................................................................................................... 9 B. Mechanisms of Resistance ............................................................................................. 10 C. Techniques for Testing for Insect Resistance ................................................................ 12 D. Leafhopper Resistance in Common Bean ...................................................................... 14 IV. Marker-Assisted Selection and Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis .................................... 16 A. Quantitative Trait Variation ........................................................................................... 16 B. Molecular Markers and Bean Linkage Maps ................................................................. 17 C. Mapping Empoasca Resistance in Common Bean ........................................................ 18 V. Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 19 Literature Cited ............................................................................................................................. 22 CHAPTER 2: Field Screening of Empoasca kraemeri and Empoasca fabae resistance in an Inbred Backcross Line Population in Common Bean ................................................................... 29 Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... 29 I. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 30 A. Leafhopper Feeding Injury ............................................................................................. 30 B. Host Plant Resistance ..................................................................................................... 31 II. Study Objectives ............................................................................................................... 32 III. Material and Methods ....................................................................................................... 32 A. Plant material.................................................................................................................. 32 B. Field Screening ............................................................................................................... 33 C. Trichome Density ........................................................................................................... 35 D. Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 35 IV. Results ............................................................................................................................... 37 A. Choice Tests ................................................................................................................... 37 i. Puerto Rico Choice Tests ............................................................................................ 43 ii. Michigan Choice Tests ............................................................................................... 48 B. Leaf Curl by Leaf Burn: Resistance Categories ............................................................. 52 C. Resistance Classes and Nymph Counts .......................................................................... 59 D. No-Choice Tests ............................................................................................................. 62 iii E. F. V. A. B. Comparison of Choice and No-Choice Field Tests........................................................ 67 Agronomic Traits ........................................................................................................... 71 Discussion ......................................................................................................................... 73 GxE Interactions ............................................................................................................. 73 Empoasca Feeding Damage ........................................................................................... 74 i. Puerto Rico.................................................................................................................. 74 ii. Michigan ..................................................................................................................... 76 iii. Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 77 C. Empoasca Nymph Counts .............................................................................................. 79 i. Puerto Rico.................................................................................................................. 79 ii. Michigan ..................................................................................................................... 80 iii. Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 81 D. No-Choice Tests ............................................................................................................. 82 i. Leaf Curl ..................................................................................................................... 82 ii. Leaf Burn .................................................................................................................... 84 iii. Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 84 E. Agronomic Traits ........................................................................................................... 86 F. Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 87 Literature Cited ............................................................................................................................. 89 CHAPTER 3: Identification of QTL for Resistance to Empoasca kraemeri and Empoasca fabae in an Inbred Backcross Line Population in Common Bean .......................................................... 93 Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... 93 I. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 94 A. Mapping Insect Resistance in Common Bean................................................................ 94 B. Mapping Empoasca Resistance in Common Bean ........................................................ 96 II. Study Objectives ............................................................................................................... 97 III. Materials and Methods ...................................................................................................... 98 A. Plant Material ................................................................................................................. 98 B. DNA Extraction and Isolation ........................................................................................ 99 C. Molecular Marker Analysis ............................................................................................ 99 D. Linkage Mapping ......................................................................................................... 100 E. QTL Analysis ............................................................................................................... 101 IV. Results ............................................................................................................................. 102 A. Linkage Map ................................................................................................................ 102 B. Segregation Distortion.................................................................................................. 102 C. Leaf Curl ...................................................................................................................... 109 D. Leaf Burn...................................................................................................................... 110 E. Nymph Counts.............................................................................................................. 111 F. Co-localized QTL......................................................................................................... 111 V. Discussion ....................................................................................................................... 112 A. Linkage Map ................................................................................................................ 112 B. Segregation Distortion.................................................................................................. 117 C. QTL Analysis ............................................................................................................... 118 i. Linkage Group Pv02 ................................................................................................. 118 ii. Linkage Group Pv03 ................................................................................................. 120 iv iii. iv. v. vi. Linkage Group Pv06 ................................................................................................. 121 Linkage Group Pv07 ................................................................................................. 122 Linkage Group Pv08 ................................................................................................. 124 Linkage Group Pv09 ................................................................................................. 124 D. Empoasca species x QTL Interactions ......................................................................... 125 E. Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 127 Literature Cited ........................................................................................................................... 129 Appendix A: Influence of leaf color on leafhopper populations (Empoasca fabae and Empoasca kraemeri) and host plant resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) ............................... 133 I. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 134 II. Materials and Methods .................................................................................................... 135 F. Plant Material ............................................................................................................... 135 G. Field Screening ............................................................................................................. 136 H. Greenhouse Screening .................................................................................................. 136 III. Results and Discussion ................................................................................................... 137 I. Color Analysis .............................................................................................................. 137 J. Empoasca – Color Correlations.................................................................................... 138 K. Damage Score - Color Correlations ............................................................................. 138 L. Greenhouse Screening .................................................................................................. 140 IV. Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 140 Literature Cited ........................................................................................................................... 143 v LIST OF TABLES Table 2. 1 Resistance class categories based on leaf curl (LC) and leaf burn (LB) scores. ......... 36 Table 2. 2 ANOVA table showing mean squares and heritability for Empoasca species damagerelated traits of leaf curl, leaf burn and nymph counts for 75 inbred backcross lines (BC1F4:8) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population combined across 3 environments in Michigan and 2 environments in Puerto Rico (2010-2011).................................................. 37 Table 2. 3 Spearman Rank Correlations for Empoasca species resistance traits (leaf curl, leaf burn and leafhopper nymph counts) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Michigan (MI) in 2009-2011 and in Puerto Rico (PR) in 2010-2011. ....................................................................................................... 38 Table 2. 4 Spearman rank correlations for Empoasca species resistance traits (leaf curl, leaf burn and leafhopper nymph counts) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals between Michigan and Puerto Rico. .......................... 39 Table 2. 5 Phenotypic means and ranges for Empoasca species resistance traits (leaf curl, leaf burn and leafhopper nymph counts) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals combined across 3 years (2009-2011) in Michigan (MI) and 2 years (2010-2011) in Puerto Rico (PR). ............................................................. 44 Table 2. 6 Empoasca kraemeri leaf curl (LC) damage ratings for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest LC scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by average LC rating† across five replication per year in choice tests grown in Puerto Rico from 2010-2011. .......................................... 45 Table 2. 7 Empoasca kraemeri leaf burn (LB) damage ratings for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest LB scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by average LB rating† across five replications per year in choice tests in Puerto Rico in 2011. ................................................ 46 Table 2. 8 Empoasca kraemeri nymph counts for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest nymph counts from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by overall average nymph count across five replications per year in choice tests in Puerto Rico in 2010-2011. ....................................... 47 Table 2. 9 Empoasca fabae leaf curl (LC) damage ratings† for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest LC scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by average LC score across three replications per year in choice tests in Michigan from 2009-2011. ......................................................... 49 Table 2. 10 Empoasca fabae leaf burn (LB) damage ratings† for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest LB scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by average LC rating across three replications per year in choice tests in Michigan from 2009-2011. ......................................................... 50 vi Table 2. 11 Empoasca fabae nymph counts for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest nymph counts from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by overall average nymph count across three replications per year in choice tests in Michigan in 2009-2011. .......................................... 51 Table 2. 12 Resistance categories for 75 BC1F4:8 inbred backcross lines of a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population based on mean leaf curl (LC) and leaf burn (LB) damage scores from 2010-2011 under choice test conditions in Puerto Rico (PR).............. 54 Table 2. 13 Resistance categories of 75 BC1F4:8 inbred backcross lines from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population based on mean leaf curl (LC)† and leaf burn (LB)‡ values from 2009-2011 under choice test conditions in Michigan (MI). ............................. 57 Table 2. 14 Resistance categories of 75 BC1F4:8 inbred backcross lines from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population based on mean leaf curl (LC) and leaf burn (LB) values from 2009-2011 under choice test conditions in Puerto Rico, separated by nymph counts (y) of greater than, less than or within one standard deviation (SD) from the mean ( ).......................................................................................................................................... 60 Table 2. 15 Resistance categories of 75 BC1F4:8 inbred backcross lines from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population based on mean leaf curl (LC) and leaf burn (LB) values from 2009-2011 under choice test conditions in Michigan (MI), separated by nymph counts (y) of greater than, less than or within one standard deviation (SD) from the mean ( ).......................................................................................................................................... 61 Table 2. 16 ANOVA table showing mean squares and heritability for leaf curl and leaf burn damage scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals under nochoice test conditions averaged across 3 years in Michigan (2009-2011)............................ 62 Table 2. 17 Phenotypic means and ranges for leafhopper resistance traits: leaf curl (LC) and leaf burn (LB) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals under nochoice test conditions combined across 3 years (2009-2011) in Michigan. ......................... 62 Table 2. 18 Pearson and Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficients for leafhopper resistance traits leaf curl and leaf burn from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals under no-choice test conditions in Michigan in 2009 – 2011. .............................................. 63 Table 2. 19 Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficients for damage under no-choice test conditions with damage and nymph count results from choice tests in Michigan in 2009 – 2011 and Puerto Rico in 2010 – 2011 from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. ............................................................................................................................ 64 Table 2. 20 Empoasca fabae leaf curl (LC) damage ratings† for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest LC scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population vii of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by average LC rating per year in no-choice tests in Michigan from 2009-2011. ....................................................................................... 65 Table 2. 21 Empoasca fabae leaf burn (LB) damage ratings† for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest LB scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by average LB rating per year in no-choice tests in Michigan from 2009-2011. ....................................................................................... 66 Table 2. 22 Mean leaf curl values (LC)† for inbred backcross lines (IBL) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals with significantly different choice and no-choice LC scores in Michigan in 2009-2011................................................. 67 Table 2. 23 Mean leaf burn (LB) values for inbred backcross lines (IBL) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals with significantly different choice and no-choice LB scores in Michigan in 2009-2011................................................. 69 Table 2. 24 Agronomic traits from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Michigan in 2009-2011 and Puerto Rico in 2010-2011. .. 71 Table 2. 25 Seed type and flower color traits from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Michigan in 2009-2011 and Puerto Rico in 2010-2011. ............................................................................................................................ 72 Table 3. 1 Chi-square ( ) test for segregation distortion of molecular markers in the linkage map of the Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population.............................................................. 106 Table 3. 2 Putative QTL for Empoasca leafhopper resistance traits identified in combined environments from 75 inbred backcross lines developed from a cross Matterhorn*/EMP507 and evaluated in Michigan in 2009-2011 and in Puerto Rico in 2010-2011. ..................... 107 Table 3. 3 Putative QTL for Empoasca leafhopper resistance traits identified in the combined and individual environments from 75 inbred backcross lines developed from a cross Matterhorn*/EMP507 and evaluated in Michigan in 2009-2011. ...................................... 108 Table 3. 4 Putative QTL for Empoasca leafhopper resistance traits identified in combined and individual environments from 75 inbred backcross lines developed from a cross Matterhorn*/EMP507 and evaluated in Puerto Rico in 2010-2011.................................... 109 Table 3. 5 Location and description of named QTL identified in multiple environments from 75 inbred backcross lines developed from a cross Matterhorn*/EMP507 and evaluated in Michigan and Puerto Rico in 2009-2011. ........................................................................... 116 Table A. 1. The Hunter L*, a*, b* scale values and associated maximum and minimum color spectrum. The L*, a*, b* values provide an objective measurement of color that correlates with human eye perceptions................................................................................................ 135 viii Table A. 2 L*, a*, b* color means and 95% confident intervals for 75 inbred backcross lines (BC1F4:8) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population evaluated in Michigan in 2011 and in Puerto Rico in 2010-2011. .................................................................................................. 137 Table A. 3 Spearman rank correlations between Empoasca spp. nymph counts and L*, a*, b* color values for inbred backcross lines (BC1F4:8) achieving Empoasca spp. economic threshold levels (>1 nymph/trifoliate) or higher from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population evaluated in Michigan in 2011 and in Puerto Rico in 2010-2011. ..................................... 138 Table A. 4 L*, a*, b* coordinates encompassing 90% of the IBLs from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population evaluated in Michigan in 2011 and in Puerto Rico in 2010-2011 achieving Empoasca spp. economic threshold levels (>1 nymph/trifoliate) or higher. ...................... 140 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2. 1 Distribution of Empoasca kraemeri leaf curl (LC) damage from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Puerto Rico in 20102011....................................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 2. 2 Distribution of Empoasca kraemeri leaf burn (LB) damage from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Puerto Rico in 2011.40 Figure 2. 3 Distribution of Empoasca kraemeri nymph counts from three randomly selected trifoliates averaged from three plants per plot from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Puerto Rico (PR) in 2010 – 2011. .......................................... 41 Figure 2. 4 Distribution of Empoasca fabae leaf curl (LC) damage from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals in Michigan in 2009-2011. ........................................ 41 Figure 2. 5 Distribution of Empoasca fabae leaf burn (LB) damage from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals in Michigan (MI) in 2009-2011. ................................ 42 Figure 2. 6 Distribution of Empoasca fabae nymph counts from three randomly selected trifoliates averaged from three plants per plot from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Michigan (MI) in 2009-2011. ................................................ 42 Figure 2. 7Mean leaf curl (LC) scores by mean leaf burn (LB) scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line (IBL) population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Puerto Rico under choice test conditions from 2010-2011 ................................... 53 Figure 2. 9 Mean leaf curl (LC) scores by mean leaf burn (LB) scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line (IBL) population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Michigan under choice test conditions from 2010-2011. ...................................... 56 Figure 2. 10 No-choice leaf curl (LC) results plotted against choice test LC scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Michigan in 20092011....................................................................................................................................... 68 Figure 2. 11 No-choice leaf burn (LB) results plotted against choice LB scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line (IBL) population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Michigan in 2009-2011. ........................................................................................ 70 Figure 3. 1 Genetic linkage map of Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population. Mapped loci = 103. Linkage groups: 12. Total map distance: 1386 cM............................................................. 103 Figure 3. 2 QTL locations for leaf burn (LB), leaf curl (LC) and nymph counts (LH). QTL are further identified by location (Michigan=MI, Puerto Rico=PR) and by the last two digits of the year in which they were detected (09-11). QTL with no year specified were identified in the combined environment for each location (MI = 2009-2011; PR = 2010-2011) ........... 113 x Figure A. 1 Distribution of IBLs (BC1F4:8) achieving Empoasca spp. economic threshold levels (>1 nymph/trifoliate) or higher for each measurement of L* (A.1a), a* (A.1b), b* (A.1c) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population evaluated in Michigan in 2011 and in Puerto Rico in 2010-2011. ...................................................................................................................... 139 xi CHAPTER 1: Literature Review I. Common Bean A. Introduction Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a staple food crop grown world-wide because it is a widely adapted short-season crop that is an excellent and economical source of nutrition. Global annual production in 2010 of both dry (19.6 million MT) and snap beans (1.8 million MT) was greater than 21 million MT, representing more than half of the world’s total food legume production (FAOSTAT, 2012). Common bean is the most important grain legume for direct human consumption, with production more than twice that of the next most important grain legume, chickpea (Gepts et al., 2008). Bean production is mainly located in Latin America and eastern Africa, where it is commonly grown under low-input agriculture on small farms for direct consumption by its producers (Broughton et al., 2003). These low-input production systems are more susceptible to disease and insect pest outbreaks and are more likely to suffer from abiotic stresses such as drought and low fertility issues (Miklas et al., 2006). Beans provide an excellent source of protein and other nutrients for many people in the developing world. In some countries, such as Mexico and Brazil, dry beans are the primary source of dietary protein (Broughton et al., 2003). Protein content makes up 20-25% of seed weight and is predominantly composed of lysine-rich essential amino acids, which are complementary to cereal grain protein content (Gepts, 2008). In addition to protein, beans are an excellent source of many important minerals and vitamins, including Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, Z, and folate (Welch et al., 2000). Recent studies have also linked regular bean consumption to decreased cholesterol levels and reduction in risk for heart disease as well as certain cancers (Winham et al., 2007; Thompson et al., 2009). 1 B. Center of Origin Dry beans fall into two groups based on their geographic centers of origin – the Andean gene pool, which originated in South America, and the Middle American gene pool, which originated in Central America (Gepts et al., 2008). The two gene pools have been defined based on multiple traits including morphological, physiological, and agronomic characteristics. The Andean gene pool is characterized by large seeded beans with determinate or climbing growth habits, such as kidney and cranberry beans. In contrast, the Middle American gene pool is characterized by small and medium seeded beans and both determinate and indeterminate growth habit. In addition to obvious seed size and plant growth habit differences, the gene pools also differ in many physiological traits including resistance to disease and insect pests (Miklas et al., 2006). The two-gene-pool concept initially was developed based on differences in the phaseolin seed storage protein and the partial reproductive isolation seen between these two groups (Gepts, 2008). The races that make up each gene pool were then identified based on a combination of morphological adaptations and allozyme profiles. Three races were identified within the Andean gene pool: Nueva Granada, Peru, and Chile (Singh et al., 1991). Within the Middle American gene pool, three domesticated races were initially identified: Mesoamerican (blacks and navys), Durango (pinto and great northern), and Jalisco (small red and pink) (Singh et al., 1991). The advent of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers allowed the identification of a fourth race of climbing beans within the Middle American gene pool – race Guatemala (Beebe et al., 2000). The Mesoamerican gene pool has a significantly higher level of diversity than the Andean based on phaseolin types, allozyme alleles and molecular markers, which suggests that 2 the Andean gene pool was subject to a severe bottleneck prior to domestication (Kwak and Gepts, 2009). Recently, the two-gene-pool concept was questioned in light of evidence from recent advances in sequencing technology. Bitocchi et al. (2012a) investigated nucleotide diversity at five gene loci within a sample representing the geographical distribution of wild P. vulgaris. They found support for a Mesoamerican origin where both gene pools originated from different migration events of Mesoamerican populations from central Mexico (Bitocchi et al., 2012a). The same group furthered this study and provided evidence that common bean developed as a result of two independent domestication events, one event for each gene pool (Bitocchi et al., 2012b). They also found a reduction in gene diversity following domestication in both gene pools, although the reduction in Mesoamerican gene pool diversity was significantly greater than in the Andean gene pool, further supporting the theory of a pre-domestication bottleneck in the Andean gene pool. They concluded that the origins of the domestication for the Mesoamerican gene pool lie in the Oaxaca valley in Mexico, and for the Andean gene pool, domestication origins trace to southern Bolivia and northern Argentina in South America (Bitocchi et al., 2012b). These findings reflect the adaptability of the original common bean populations, which allowed movement into a wide range of diverse climates, from the lowland tropics of Mesoamerica into the Andean highlands. Understanding the origin and diversity of common beans is essential for plant breeders. This knowledge can be used to facilitate identification and introgression of diverse traits that are currently lacking in commercial varieties. In addition, this new understanding could facilitate crossing between both gene pools and among races to expand the diversity present in commercial 3 cultivars to ensure bean production continues to be viable for growers in both developing and developed regions. C. Production Beans are produced throughout the world in both developed and developing nations. The largest producers globally in 2010 were Brazil, the US and Mexico (FAOSTAT, 2012), with Brazil also being one of the largest per capita consumers of common beans at rates of approximately 15kg/yr per capita (Morin, 2010). In much of the developing world, most beans are produced on small family farms less than 20 hectares in size and often on marginal lands (Broughton et al., 2003). Bean production is important not only as a source of income for these farm families, but as a source of nutrition. According to a recent report from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), by the end of the last century, an estimated 2 million rural households directly benefitted from improved beans developed through international collaborative programs (CIAT, 2012). The US is the fifth largest producer of dry beans globally with total US crop value of $826.5 M and 607,000 hectares harvested in 2011 (USDA- NASS, 2012). Michigan is positioned as the second largest producer in the US, representing $153.9 M and 68,000 of the 2.6 M hectares total field crops planted in 2011 (USDA-NASS, 2012). In 2008, organic bean production totaled 6,663 hectares across the US with MI as the largest producer with 1,800 hectares under organic production, providing $3.9 M in income to Michigan growers (ERS, 2012). The dry bean industry is an important sector of the overall agriculture economy both in Michigan and across the United States. The major bean classes grown in the US are pinto, navy, black and great northern beans, which belong to the Mesoamerican gene pool, and kidney and 4 cranberry beans, which belong to the Andean gene pool. Michigan is currently the number one producer of black beans and cranberry beans, representing 50% and 85% of national production respectively (NASS, 2012). II. Empoasca Species Leafhoppers A. Classification Potato leafhoppers (PLH), Empoasca fabae and E. kraemeri, belong to the Cicadellidae family in the order Hemiptera. Members of this group are characterized by their mouthparts, which are specially adapted for piercing and sucking, and by the spine-like hairs or setae on the hind legs. Species are identified by the male genitalia, although only experts can decipher the differences (Godfrey and Long, 2007). Empoasca leafhoppers are small (0.3 cm long), bright green, wedge-shaped winged insects. The nymphs are similar to adults but lack wings and can move rapidly in all directions, including from side to side, which is unusual. Both adults and nymphs feed primarily on the underside of leaves, but due their high mobility, they can be found on all parts of the plant. Empoasca kraemeri is the most significant insect pest of common bean production in the tropical environment (Kornegay and Cardona, 1990) and E. fabae is a very important cause of economic loss in temperate regions (Schaafsma et al.,1998). Breeding dry beans for resistance to PLH could be a cost effective alternative to the use of systemic and foliar spray insecticides to control this pest (Gonzales et al., 2004). Empoasca fabae is found throughout most of North America, east of the Rocky Mountains. However, this species cannot survive year-round in Michigan and only overwinters along the Gulf Coast. It is dispersed northward by wind in the spring and early summer and reaches fields as far north as Michigan and Ontario (Dietrich, 2008). Therefore, weather patterns play a major role in whether or not PLH is a significant 5 problem in any given season (Murray et al., 2004a). In addition, adults continue to arrive in Michigan in a steady stream from May through June, resulting in overlapping generations, providing an additional challenge to control efforts (Dietrich, 2008). Population densities often peak multiple times following major northward winds that carry additional immigrant leafhoppers to their northern summer habitats (Emmen et al., 2004). In contrast, E. kraemeri is found year-round in tropical climates such as Colombia and Puerto Rico. It is considered to be a more serious pests because its populations do not have to rebuild and a greater number of generations are produced each year (Gonzales et al., 2004). B. Life History Empoasca leafhoppers begin laying eggs 6 days after maturing to adulthood. Eggs are laid in plant tissues and hatch into wingless nymphs after a 10-day incubation period. Nymphs hatch and molt through five instars over the course of two weeks before reaching maturity. Empoasca fabae requires approximately 30 days to develop from egg to adult (Emmen et al., 2004). Females mate within two days following their final molt and begin the cycle again. In the field, adults live up to 30 days, but some have been recorded as living up to 120 days in the lab setting (Baker et al., 2008). Under ideal conditions, an entire PLH lifecycle can be completed within a single month, but generally up to six generations are produced per year. Two to three generations occur in Michigan and other northern habitats, while three to four generations occur in the overwintering sites (Dietrich, 2008). PLH populations remain relatively constant from June through September until winds begin to carry PLH adults back to their southern overwintering sites (Emmen et al., 2004). 6 Empoasca spp. attack a number of different host plants, ranging from herbaceous annuals to woody trees (Baker et al., 2008). They are attracted to the sugars in the new leaf tissues and therefore move from host to host throughout the season as the sugars build up in different crops. Some of their hosts include dry bean, alfalfa, potato, soybean, apple, eggplant, peanut and sweet potato (Baker et al., 2008). The broad range of hosts presents a challenge to management of this pest, especially because the insects are very mobile. C. Feeding Damage Leafhoppers cause a specific set of symptoms referred to collectively as “hopperburn” (Backus et al., 2005), which is composed of leaf curl (LC) and leaf burn (LB). Damage is caused by several distinct feeding behaviors of both adults and nymphs. Kabrik and Backus (1990) identified “lacerate-and-sip” as the most damaging feeding behavior. Lacerate-and-sip involves brief intracellular probes where insect stylets rapidly puncture multiple columns of stem phloem cells simultaneously, causing cell death and abnormal meristematic development (Backus et al., 2005). This pulsing laceration appears to cause systemic vascular damage to the plant, leading to stunting and chlorosis above the point of feeding and resulting in LB damage (Serrano et al., 2000). Empoasca kraemeri feeds by this method more often than E. fabae, which may be related to the higher level of damage generally inflicted by the former (Calderon and Backus, 1992). Both Empoasca species also use two additional feeding tactics that are hypothesized to cause different symptoms – “lacerate-and-flush” and “lance-and-ingest” (Backus et al., 2005). Lacerate-and-flush, which is thought to lead to LC damage, involves longer intracellular probes that puncture and drain mesophyll and parenchyma cells in the lower surface of the leaf, thereby leading to tissue collapse. Finally, during lance-and-ingest, which may cause stunting but likely causes little damage overall, phloem sieve elements are punctured and leak phloem sap. This sap 7 is ingested while stylets remain motionless, but as stylets are withdrawn, saliva is released, causing cells on the upper surface of the leaf to expand considerably (Backus et al., 2005). The plant response to these behaviors is believed to be controlled by different genetic traits and is therefore measured separately as quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling LC and LB reactions (Murray et al., 2004b). Numbers of E. fabae adults and nymphs were positively associated with both LC damage and plant height, but this correlation was not seen with E. kraemeri (Murray et al., 2004a). As a result of early season severe infestation, bean plant growth is stunted and delayed (Backus et al., 2005), leading to dramatic yield and subsequent economic losses. Severe attacks during reproductive stages can result in high levels of flower and pod abortion, as well as the development of twisted curved pods, each with few seeds of often poor quality (Kornegay and Cardona, 1990). Crop yield losses will be affected by density, duration and initial timing of leafhopper infestation as well as temperature, plant disease incidence and interactions of any of the above (Lindgren and Coyne, 1995). In Nebraska, E. fabae damage resulted in estimated dry bean yield losses of up to 20% or $2M USD (Gonzales et al., 2002). The tropical counterpart, E. kraemeri, can be especially devastating. In Latin America, dry bean yield losses are estimated at 64% (Gonzales et al., 2002) and in Colombia, specifically, losses of up to 79% have been recorded (Bullas-Appleton et al., 2005). PLH prefers hot, dry conditions and, as a result, populations flourish and damage is more severe in hot, dry seasons than during cooler, wetter seasons. Currently, PLH is managed using pesticides, which are often prohibitively expensive in many parts of the developing world and pose environmental and health risks (Murray et al., 2004a). 8 In summary, the challenging characteristics of PLH as a pest of dry beans are threefold: mobility – PLH is highly mobile both through long-distance wind dispersal and local movement throughout the growing season; broad host range – PLH reproduces on many host plants from beans to maple trees; and high reproductive capacity – PLH females lay 3-7 eggs per day for 30 days. III. Plant Resistance A. Biotic Stress Common beans are attacked by numerous diseases and insect pests. Therefore, breeding programs globally have focused on improving resistance to these biotic stresses within cultivated and elite germplasm. Significant progress has been made in breeding for disease resistant cultivars in common bean, as recently reviewed by Singh and Schwartz (2010). Resistance already exists within cultivars to some diseases, such as rust, bean common mosaic virus, and anthracnose. However, many more diseases and insect pests have been identified to which adequate resistance does not currently exist. These include diseases, such as common bacterial blight (CBB), halo blight, bacterial brown spot, ascochyta blight, web blight and white mold, as well as insect pests, such as bean fly, bruchids, as well as potato leafhoppers (Miklas et al., 2006). Much of the global bean production occurs on small family farms under low input agriculture that is subject to both abiotic and biotic stress (Ojwang’ et al., 2011b). In these subsistence production systems, limited or no chemical pesticides and fertilizers are available, underscoring the importance and potential impact of developing common bean varieties with resistance to these important insect pests. 9 B. Mechanisms of Resistance Plants resist insect pests by a number of different mechanisms. The main types of plant resistance are tolerance, antibiosis and antixenosis (Smith, 2005). A plant is considered tolerant if it has reduced or no damage as a result of insect feeding and oviposition that would cause damage on a non-tolerant (susceptible) plant (Smith, 2005). Antibiosis reduces pest population sizes and plant damage by affecting the biology of the insect. Often antibiosis results in increased mortality or reduced lifespan and reproductive capability of the insect. Antixenosis affects insect behavior in that it is usually associated with plant traits that are less desirable to the insect in comparison to more susceptible plants (Teetes, 1996). Antixenosis is also known as nonpreference. Tolerance differs from antibiosis and antixenosis in how it affects the insect-plant relationship. Antibiosis and antixenosis interfere with an insect’s behavior or biology, while tolerance has no effect on the insect and depends completely on the plant’s ability to withstand insect damage (Teetes, 1996). However, even a tolerant plant may suffer some damage as a result of insect predation if the insect population exceeds a certain threshold (Saxena, 1969). A recent publication by Singh and Schwartz (2011) reviewed the status of resistance in common bean to many pest species, including bean pod weevil, bruchids, leafhoppers, thrips and nematodes. There has been significant progress in breeding for resistance to some pests such as bruchids, but resistance is still elusive to others, such as nematodes. Resistance to the bean pod weevil, Apion godmani, was identified in wild common bean populations and Jalisco landraces in central Mexico, and successfully introgressed into small black and red-seeded beans (Beebe et al., 1993). Resistance to the bean pod weevil has been linked to two epistatic genes: the Agr allele, which confers moderate resistance on its own, and the Agm allele, which alone has no effect, but increases the level of resistance substantially in the presence of Agr (Garza et al., 10 1996). The resistance conferred by these epistatic genes is associated with ovipositional nonpreference (antixenosis) and antibiosis in the form of hypersensitivity, the only insect-related hypersensitive response reported in common bean (Garza et al., 1996). These genes were recently mapped to the bean genetic map with Agr residing on chromosome Pv01 and Agm on chromosome Pv07 (Blair et al., 2006c). Antibiosis was reported to the bruchid pests Acanthoscelides obtectus (bean seed weevil) and Zabrotes subfasciatus (Mexican bean weevil), linked to the arcelin-phytohemagglutininamylase inhibitor (APA) family of seed proteins (Cardona et al., 1989). The resistance demonstrated in common bean involves delayed insect emergence, reduced adult size and weight, as well as reduced number of adults. The APA locus was mapped to Pv04, tightly linked to a QTL for low adult insect emergence (Blair et al., 2006). Mbogo et al. (2009) identified a 33kDa lectin-like protein in tepary bean, P. acutifolius, that they believe is responsible for resistance to bruchid pests in tepary bean and which they successfully introgressed into P. vulgaris. More recently, Kusolwa and Myers (2011) confirmed the superior resistance to A. obtectus seen in common bean backcross lines was a direct result of the presence of the APA proteins introgressed from tepary bean. Resistance mechanisms are often not isolated and different strategies may be used against the same pest, as is case for Thrips palmi resistance. Frei et al. (2003; 2004) reported the presence of tolerance, antixenosis, and antibiosis in resistant common bean germplasm. QTL have also been identified for resistance to this pest on bean chromosomes Pv02, Pv03, Pv06 and Pv08. The QTL on Pv02 (TP2.1BG) includes resistance to both T. palmi feeding damage and reproductive adaptation (Frei et al., 2005). Physical and chemical attributes are also often credited with contributing to resistance to insect pests. Greathead (1968) found that thickened 11 hypocotyls may be responsible for tolerance to bean fly, Ophiomyia sp. (1968). More recent studies suggest that the volatile compounds released when bean plants are injured by bean flies may be involved in antixenosis (Wei et al., 2006). C. Techniques for Testing for Insect Resistance In order to accurately evaluate resistance to an insect pest in a plant population, a number of tests can be conducted. Choice tests enable natural populations of insect pests to infest a field site where subsequent plant damage can be measured. This technique can allow the identification of resistant and susceptible individuals within the plant population as long as sufficient natural insect populations exist to inflict differential damage (Smith, 2005). Kornegay and Temple (1986) used free choice tests to identify resistant germplasm in some of the original studies examining resistance to Empoasca kraemeri in common bean. In order to compensate for inadequate natural insect populations, trap crops may be planted around the field study site to attract additional pests, insects may be collected from the surrounding area and re-released at the study site, or environmental conditions such as planting date or irrigation may be manipulated to encourage insect colonization. For example, Ojwang et al. (2011) delayed planting common beans by two weeks from the on-set of rainfall to ensure that optimal bean fly pressure was achieved because delayed planting and drought conditions results in increased bean fly pressure. Another strategy for ensuring adequate damage to evaluate resistance is the use of cages. The advantages of using cages in choice tests are to limit emigration of the test insect or to protect the pest population from natural predators (Smith, 2005). Caged tests can also mitigate issues arising from natural annual variations in insect populations due to environmental fluctuations. In order to differentiate between the different resistance categories of tolerance, antixenosis and antibiosis described previously, different tests must be conducted and results can 12 be compared. Using cages in choice tests, often a sub-sample of plants that have been previously identified as resistant in field tests are caged together with a susceptible check and infested with sufficient insects to cause measurable damage. Identifying resistant plants under choice test conditions allows researchers to confirm the presence of antixenosis (Smith, 2005). Cages are also used to conduct no-choice tests where a single plant genotype is inoculated with a damaging level of insect pests for a certain period of time or until a threshold is reached. This allows the identification of resistant individuals possessing antibiosis, as test insects have no choice but to feed or not feed on the specific plant genotype being evaluated. In addition, no-choice tests allow the identification of individuals that appeared resistant under choice conditions but that are susceptible under no-choice conditions. Subsequent measures of insect development, such as nymph or larvae survival, can confirm the presence of antibiosis (Smith, 2005). Cardona et al. (1989) used no-choice testing to determine that bruchid (bean weevil and Mexican bean weevil) resistance in common bean is a result of antibiosis interactions by examining larval survival rates. The different resistance strategies can also be inferred by comparing plant damage resulting from insect feeding and insect populations. In a free choice study examining common bean resistance to Thrips palmi, the authors suggested that certain genotypes maintained lower levels of thrips infestation over multiple tests due to either antixenosis or antibiosis (Cardona et al., 2002). They could not differentiate between these strategies of resistance as only choice tests were conducted. Antixenosis or antibiosis can be potentially differentiated by examining the same genotypes under no-choice conditions and comparing the results (Smith, 2005). If no differences are detected between tests for individuals with low damage and low nymph counts, antibiosis is potentially responsible. If individuals identified as resistant under choice conditions 13 suffer higher levels of damage under no-choice conditions, the resistance may be the result of non-preference (antixenosis). D. Leafhopper Resistance in Common Bean In common bean, resistance to Empoasca leafhoppers is believed to be conferred mainly through tolerance and antixenosis, with tolerance being the most common mechanism of resistance towards E. kraemeri (Schoonhoven et al., 1978). However, antibiosis is noted in some elite bean germplasm. Kornegay et al. (1986) hypothesized that this may be why some plant lines harbor consistently lower nymph population counts in the field than other tolerant and susceptible lines. Carmona et al. (2011) conducted a meta-analysis to determine which plant traits can best predict insect resistance or susceptibility. They found that the strongest correlations with plant resistance occurred with life-history traits, such as flowering time and growth rate, morphological traits, such as plant size, and physical resistance traits, such as latex or trichomes. Numerous agronomic traits have been linked to potential antixenosis resistance mechanisms in beans. These include indeterminate growth habit, days to flowering, leaf pubescence and trichome composition (Pillemer and Tingey, 1978). However, since these initial studies, leaf pubescence and trichome composition have not been confirmed to be significant antixenotic mechanisms (Schaafsma et al., 1998; Murray et al., 2001). The Fin gene, which is associated with growth habit in dry beans, may be involved in PLH resistance. It controls internode length, lateness of flowering and terminal bud fate. It is believed that when PLH populations are high and then drop off later in the growing season, determinate plants (fin) have to subsist on damaged foliage while indeterminate (Fin) plants can recover by re-growing following infestation (Murray et al., 2001). Internode distance may influence insect preference, while 14 delayed onset of flowering might allow the plant to evade peak insect pressure at flowering and pod-filling stages (Murray et al., 2001). Additionally, seed coat color and leaf color have been noted to influence preference (Bullas-Appleton et al., 2004). Together, these traits may discourage PLH feeding or oviposition. Resistance has been noted in a few commercial varieties. Lindgren and Coyne (1995) reported that Sierra, a pinto bean variety from Michigan, and Tacarigua, a black bean cultivar from Costa Rica, showed resistance to PLH injury while Starlight, a great northern bean cultivar from Nebraska, showed susceptibility. This result was later supported by Gonzales et al. (2004). Beginning in 1976, CIAT undertook extensive breeding efforts to develop resistance to E. kraemeri in dry beans, from which a series of resistance lines were developed, denoted by EMP (Schoonhoven et al., 1985; Kornegay and Cardona, 1990). The Empoasca-resistant parent (EMP507) of the IBL population examined in this study originated from the CIAT research group. Through this extensive breeding program, a number of criteria were identified that are useful for detecting resistance to PLH in dry beans. Specifically, low PLH nymph populations were noted as indicators of non-preference (antixenosis) and antibiosis (Temple et al., 1982). In addition, low visual damage scores were noted as indicators of potential tolerance in conjunction with nymph counts (Temple et al., 1982). While these EMP lines were originally developed to be resistant to the tropical species E. kraemeri, Schaafsma et al. (1998) demonstrated that the resistance is maintained under severe pressure to the temperate congener E. fabae. EMP507 represents a line developed for Empoasca resistance from the original work at CIAT, but that has gone through further generations of selection than the EMP lines tested by Schaafsma et al. (1998). In addition, EMP507 is poorly adapted to growing in temperate environments based on field tests conducted at the Saginaw Valley Bean and Beet Farm in Saginaw, MI in 2007. 15 IV. Marker-Assisted Selection and Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis A. Quantitative Trait Variation Many important traits in common beans are complex, involving multiple genes, each with often small effects on the actual trait of interest. In addition, these quantitatively inherited traits have measurable phenotypic variation that may be influenced by genetic and/or environmental factors. A QTL is a genetic locus that has an effect on the phenotypic trait variation based on which alleles are present at this locus (Collard et al., 2005). What is detected as a single QTL may sometimes actually be a cluster of closely linked polymorphic genes that are difficult to separate by recombination events (Collard et al., 2005). This can also occur in the case of resistance loci where multiple disease and insect resistance tend to cluster in groups in the common bean genome (Kelly and Vallejo, 2005). The application of molecular markers linked to trait-associated loci is known as markerassisted selection (MAS). MAS is commonly used in bean breeding programs currently and is useful for screening for resistance to various disease and insect resistance when phenotypic screening is problematic. This can occur if field conditions do not promote disease or insect infestation, if large-scale screening is not possible or cost prohibitive and/or if complex race or pathogen mixtures make it difficult to identify resistance in the field (Kelly et al., 2003). Using molecular markers that are tightly linked to individual race-specific resistance genes can allow indirect selection of major gene resistance without having to conduct germplasm screening. In addition, breeders can pyramid multiple resistance genes more efficiently, thus enabling more effective and durable resistance. MAS has been particularly successful in screening for resistance to bean golden yellow mosaic virus and CBB (Miklas et al., 2006). In common beans, the use of MAS for CBB resistance has been found to be one-third the cost of more time-consuming 16 greenhouse testing (Yu et al, 2000). However, in a recent study, Duncan et al. (2012) found that direct disease screening (US$1.55 per plant) was actually less costly than MAS (US$2.03 per plant), underscoring the importance of considering all factors before only using one method in a resistance breeding program. Knapp (1998) found that the frequency of obtaining improved genotypes is higher for MAS than for phenotypic selection, especially for traits of moderate and low heritability. B. Molecular Markers and Bean Linkage Maps A core linkage map for common bean was described by Freyre et al. (1998). This map was based on recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between BAT93 and Jalo EEP558 and uses markers from the Florida (Vallejos et al., 1992), Davis (Nodari et al., 1992) and Paris maps (Adam-Blondon et al., 1994). Most markers used to develop core linkage maps in P. vulgaris used random fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and/or random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers (Yu et al., 2000). The core bean map is approximated at 1200 cM in size (Gepts, 1999). The relationship between the genetic linkage map and the physical map has been approximated at 500kb/cM (Llaca and Gepts, 1996). Recently, the core map was expanded using additional molecular markers such as simple sequence repeats (SSR) (Blair et al., 2003). SSRs have a number of advantages over older markers – (1) they are codominant and PCR based; (2) they are multiallelic and hypervariable; (3) they appear to be randomly and uniformly distributed throughout eukaryotic genomes; and (4) they are accessible to other researchers via published primer sequences (Yu et al., 2000). In 2009, a Common Bean Coordinated Agriculture Project (BeanCAP) was initiated with the goal to “strengthen the bean research, education, and extension communities by focusing on the genetics and genomics aspects of nutrition in this important food crop” (McClean, 2012). The 17 first research objective of the project was to develop high throughput, market-class-specific breeder-friendly markers. New markers were developed as a result of this project, including ~2,700 insertion-deletion markers (InDels) to date (McClean, 2012). InDels exploit polymorphic genomic regions of base-pair insertions or deletions of various lengths. InDels are numerous and distributed throughout the genome, and are believed to contribute significantly to both intra- and interspecific divergence (Vasemagi et al., 2010). In Arabidopsis, it was determined that a substantial proportion of large InDels are the result of transposon insertion or excision. Also, gene structure can be affected by small (2-10bp) InDels (The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative, 2000). These small apparently random DNA insertions-deletions have been found to be amenable for fast and cost-effective genotyping as these polymorphisms can be screened for length differences similar to SSRs (Vasemagi et al., 2010). These advances in genetics and related technologies have enabled breeders to utilize new tools to decrease breeding time and increase selection specificity. However, it is necessary to link genetic information with agronomic characteristics in order to optimize their use in breeding programs. The variation within a population for a specific trait can differ dramatically. By screening for genetic morphologies associated with the traits in question, genetic loci associated with that trait can be identified. Locating additional markers on the core map increases the usefulness of QTL-marker linkages for other researchers and increases the overall usefulness of the map itself. C. Mapping Empoasca Resistance in Common Bean Resistance to E. kraemeri is quantitatively inherited with low heritability (Gonzales et al., 2006). In addition, selection in the F4 and F5 generations generally produces lines with greater unprotected yields than selection in the F2 and F3 generations. Gonzales et al. (2004) suggested 18 that Empoasca resistance may be determined by only a few genes (3-4) and found that the heritability of resistance can be explained by a narrow sense heritability model, which quantifies only the portion of the phenotypic variation that is additive (allelic) by nature. The low narrowsense heritability estimates also indicate large environmental effects on the expression of Empoasca injury in dry beans (Gonzales et al., 2004). While extensive work has been done to identify molecular markers and map resistance to numerous diseases of common bean, comparatively little has been done to identify QTL associated with insect resistance, specifically related to Empoasca leafhoppers (Miklas, et al., 2006). Murray et al. (2004b) did identify QTL associated with resistance to both E. kraemeri and E. fabae. They identified major QTL on Pv01, Pv03 and Pv07. The QTL on Pv01 BE (LH1.1 ) was detected for both E. kraemeri and E. fabae resistance and was linked to the fin locus for determinacy. Resistance to LC and LB damage for both Empoasca leafhoppers was controlled by a single QTL on Pv07 (LH7.1 BE ). This QTL was tightly linked to seed coat color at the P locus (Murray et al., 2004b). An additional QTL on Pv03 was identified in this study but was only detected for E. kraemeri LC damage (Murray et al., 2004b). V. Objectives The current study was undertaken in order to further investigate the nature of resistance to Empoasca species leafhoppers by examining feeding damage responses in an inbred backcross line population of common beans grown in temperate and tropical climates. The goal of this research was to identify QTL associated with these traits and resistance to both tropical and temperate Empoasca species, as well as to verify existing QTL for Empoasca resistance. In addition, by utilizing an IBL population with an indeterminate Type II growth habit, the potentially confounding factor of growth habit was eliminated. Identifying molecular markers 19 associated with these QTL would be used by breeders to incorporate leafhopper resistance into bean germplasm, thereby providing future protection against crop losses due to this damaging pest. 20 Literature Cited 21 Literature Cited Adam-Blondon, A.F., Sevignac, M., Dron, M., and Bannerot, H. 1994. A genetic map of common bean to localize specific resistance genes against anthracnose. Genome. 37: 915-24. Arabidopsis Genome Initiative, The. 2000. Analysis of the genome sequence of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature. 408: 796-815. Backus, E.A., Serano, M.S., and Ranger, C.M. 2005. Mechanisms of hopperburn: An overview of insect taxonomy, behavior, and physiology. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 50:125-151. 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Breeding dry beans for leafhopper resistance can provide an alternative for control of this pest. The current study examined resistance to Empoasca species leafhoppers by measuring leaf curl and leaf burn feeding damage responses as well as Empoasca spp. nymph counts in an inbred backcross line population (Matterhorn*/EMP507) of common beans grown in temperate and tropical climates. Field screening in Michigan and Puerto Rico in 2009-2011 identified the existence of tolerance, antixenosis and antibiosis as mechanisms of resistance to E. fabae and E. kraemeri in this population. Resistance to each species and each damage trait appear to be are controlled by separate genetic mechanisms in common bean. 29 I. Introduction Leafhoppers are a major insect pest of common bean. Empoasca species feeding cause significant economic losses for bean farmers in both tropical and temperate regions of the Americas resulting in crop yield reductions due to feeding damage. The most important species are E. kraemeri in Central and South America (Kornegay and Cardona, 1990) and E. fabae in North America (Schaafsma et al., 1998). Chemical controls are costly, reducing farmer’s profits by increasing input costs, and potentially causing damage to the environment and human health (Singh and Schwartz, 2011). Breeding dry beans for leafhopper resistance can provide an alternative for control of this pest. A. Leafhopper Feeding Injury Empoasca leafhopper feeding causes specific damage symptoms unique to E. fabae and E. kraemeri. Leaf curl (LC) and leaf burn (LB) damage are caused by both adults and nymphs piercing vascular tissues and using any combination of three feeding strategies: “lacerate-andsip”, “lacerate-and-flush”, or “lance-and-ingest” (Backus et al., 2005). Lacerate-and- manifests as leaf burn damage (Serrano and Backus, 1998), as this pulsing laceration causes systemic vascular damage to the plant, leading to stunting and chlorosis above the point of feeding (Serrano et al., 2000). Empoasca kraemeri feeds by this method more often than E. fabae, which may be related to the higher level of damage generally inflicted by the former (Calderon and Backus, 1992). Lacerate-and-flush is thought to lead to leaf curl damage, since it involves longer intracellular probes that puncture and drain mesophyll and parenchyma cells in the lower surface of the leaf, thereby leading to tissue collapse. Then, as stylets are withdrawn, saliva is released, causing expansion of upper surface cells of the leaf (Serrano and Backus, 1998). Finally, lanceand-ingest may cause stunting but likely causes little damage overall (Backus et al., 2005). The 30 plant response to these behaviors is believed to be controlled by different genetic traits and is therefore measured separately as LC and LB traits that are inherited as different quantitative trait loci (QTL) (Murray et al., 2004b). As a result of LB and LC damage, dramatic yield and subsequent economic losses can occur. In Nebraska, it has been estimated that dry bean yield losses of up to 20% or $2M USD are a result of E. fabae damage (Gonzales et al., 2002). In Latin America, in general, dry bean yield losses as a result of E. kraemeri damage are estimated at 64% (Gonzales et al., 2002) and in Colombia, specifically, losses of up to 79% have been recorded (Bullas-Appleton et al., 2005). While leafhoppers can be controlled using synthetic pesticides either as foliar sprays or seed treatments, the growing organic bean production industry does not have this option. This small but significant sector of the bean industry will benefit greatly from the introduction of commercial quality leafhopper-resistance beans. B. Host Plant Resistance Plants resist insect predation by three different mechanisms: tolerance, antibiosis and antixenosis (Smith, 2005). A tolerant plant can withstand a level of insect predation without incurring damage that would cause damage to a susceptible plant. Antibiosis reduces pest population sizes and subsequent plant damage by adversely affecting insect biology such as reducing the reproductive capability of the insect or by direct toxicity to the insect. Antixenosis is also known as non-preference. Antixenosis affects insect behavior in that is it usually associated with plant traits that are less desirable to the insect in comparison to more susceptible plants (Teetes, 1996). In dry beans, tolerance and antixenosis are the main mechanisms of resistance to Empoasca leafhoppers (Kornegay et al., 1986; 1989). Kornegay et al. (1989) hypothesized that 31 antixenosis may be why some bean lines harbor consistently lower nymph population counts in the field than other tolerant and susceptible lines. Numerous agronomic traits have been linked to potential antixenosis resistance mechanisms in beans. These include indeterminate growth habit, days to flowering, leaf pubescence and trichome density (Pillemer and Tingey, 1976). However, since these initial studies, leaf pubescence and trichome density have not been demonstrated to contribute significantly to resistance in the tropics (Schaafsma et al., 1998). Additionally, seed coat color and leaf color have been noted to influence Empoasca preferences (Bullas-Appleton et al., 2004). Together, these traits may discourage feeding or oviposition by both Empoasca species. II. Study Objectives The objectives of the current study were to examine potato leafhopper (PLH) (Empoasca fabae, Empoasca kraemeri) resistance in dry beans through field and greenhouse screenings of an inbred backcross line (IBL) population derived from a cross (Matterhorn*/EMP507) between a resistant germplasm line (EMP507) and a commercial cultivar from Michigan (Matterhorn). Resistance was measured by collecting phenotypic field data from 75 individuals from the IBL population (BC1F4:8) under both choice and no-choice conditions over five growing seasons in two locations (Michigan and Puerto Rico). The IBL population was evaluated against both E. kraemeri and E. fabae predation. III. Material and Methods A. Plant material The P. vulgaris population examined in this study was developed from a single cross Matterhorn/EMP507 followed by a single backcross to Matterhorn to create an inbred backcross line (IBL) population consisting of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. Matterhorn is a high-yielding 32 commercially available great northern cultivar developed in Michigan (MI) with quality seed and agronomic characteristics (Kelly et al., 1999). EMP507 is a carioca germplasm line developed at the Centro International de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) (Kornegay and Cardona, 1990) as part of a long-term recurrent selection program designed to enhance resistance to E. kraemeri (Schaafsma et al., 1998). While these EMP lines were originally developed to be resistant to E. kraemeri, Schaafsma et al. (1998) demonstrated that the resistance is maintained under severe pressure to the temperate congener E. fabae. An IBL population was created in order to generate a higher frequency of lines that would resemble the recurrent parent, Matterhorn, in seed, agronomic and performance traits, as EMP507 lacks adaptive traits for production in a temperate environment. Both parental genotypes have a type II growth habit, as defined by Singh (1982). The crosses resulting in the IBL population were made by Dr. Tim Porch at the USDAARS-Tropical Agriculture Research Station, in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. The F1 was made in the greenhouse in 2005 and the BC1F1 backcross generation made in 2006 was selfed and advanced using single seed descent with no selection at the same location until the BC1F4 generation. BC1F4 seed was increased in 2008 and 2009 in the greenhouse and in the field in East Lansing, MI until sufficient quantities were obtained for field screening. Individual IBL were coded with G08 prefix if they possessed white great northern seed type or with P08 prefix if they possessed colored pinto bean seed type. B. Field Screening Empoasca-resistance screening was initiated in the summer of 2009. Open choice tests were conducted on the Crop and Soil Science Research Farm at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI and at USDA-ARS-TARS in Isabela, PR. Three replications were planted each year 33 in MI from 2009 to 2011 in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) of 5.4 m long singlerow plots. Individual plot were spaced 20 cm apart and consisted of up to 80 plants per plot. Five replications were planted in December 2009 and January 2011 in PR in a RCBD of 1.8 m long single-row plots. Individual plots were spaced 90 cm apart and consisted of up to 30 plants per plot. Empoasca species were allowed to inoculate each field test naturally. In each location, Empoasca nymphs present on three randomly selected trifoliate leaves on each of three randomly selected plants per plot were counted at the flowering stage. The plants were evaluated for LC and LB at physiological maturity using a damage scale from 0-5 as described in Murray et al. (2001), where 0 = no visible damage and 5 = severe damage. Damage scores were assigned as an average of the overall plot. No-choice tests were conducted in the field in MI in 2009-2011 with a single replication evaluated each year. In the no-choice tests, 3 x 1 ft (approx. 100 x 30 cm) cages were placed over plots following germination and thinned to five plants per cage. Leafhoppers were raised in growth chambers on fava bean (Vicia faba) plants at 25°C and 12 hr D:L and collected via an aspirator into individual 25 mL vials that were deposited into each cage. Additional leafhoppers were collected each season from alfalfa fields (Medicago) using a sweep net and aspirator when necessary. Cages were inoculated with E. fabae adults at current industry economic threshold rates (one adult leafhopper/trifoliate) at the third trifoliate stage. Cages were removed when plants had achieved physiological maturity and plants were evaluated for LC and LB using a damage scale from 0-5 as described in Murray et al. (2001), where 0 = no visible damage and 5 = severe damage. Damage scores were assigned as an average of the overall plot. 34 C. Trichome Density Trichome density was measured on the parent genotypes and a subset of the IBL population representing the nine most resistant and nine most susceptible IBLs based on field screening from 2009-2011. Images of abaxial leaf surfaces were taken using a Leica imaging 2 system and all trichomes were counted within a 1 mm area. Three sample images were taken per genotype and mean trichome densities were analyzed. D. Analysis Statistical analysis of damage indices (LC, LB, nymph counts) was conducted using the SAS statistical package 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, USA). Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tests were conducted using PROC MIXED. Correlation testing between traits was conducted using PROC CORR. Comparisons of choice and no-choice tests were conducted using PROC TTEST. 2 Narrow-sense heritability (h ) was determined for each trait on a progeny mean basis (Hallauer and Miranda, 1981) as: where = the variance due to genotypes, due to genotype by year interactions, and = the variance due to years, = the variance = experimental error, = the number of replications = the number of years. 35 Inbred backcross lines were categorized into resistance classes ranging from Very Resistant (VR) to Very Susceptible (VS) based on standard deviations (SD) from the mean for LC and LB in each location as outlined in Table 2.1. Table 2. 1 Resistance class categories based on leaf curl (LC) and leaf burn (LB) scores. Resistance Classes Very Resistant (VR) ̅̅ LCi ≤ (̅ ̅ ) - 1SDLC and LBi ≤ (̅̅̅̅) - 1SDLB Resistant (R) ̅̅ LCi ≤ (̅ ̅ ) - 1SDLC and (̅̅̅̅) > LBi > (̅̅̅̅) - 1SDLB or ̅̅ LBi ≤ (̅̅̅̅) - 1SDLB and (̅̅̅̅ ) ≤ LCi ≤ (̅ ̅ ) - 1SDLC Moderately Resistant (MR) ̅̅ ̅̅ (̅ ̅ ) > LCi > (̅ ̅ ) - 1SDLC and (̅̅̅̅) > LBi > (̅̅̅̅) - 1SDLB Moderately Susceptible (MS) ̅̅ ̅̅̅ (̅ ̅ ) ≤ LCi ≤ (̅ ) + 1SDLC and (̅̅̅̅) ≤ LBi ≤ (̅̅̅̅) + 1SDLB Susceptible (S) ̅̅ LCi > (̅ ̅ ) + 1SDLC and (̅̅̅̅) ≤ LBi ≤ (̅̅̅̅) + 1SDLB or ̅ ̅̅ LBi > (̅̅̅̅) + 1SD and (̅̅̅ ) ≤ LCi ≤ (̅ ̅ ) + 1SDLC Very Susceptible (VS) ̅̅ LCi > (̅ ̅ ) + 1SDLC and LBi > (̅̅̅̅) + 1SDLB LC Resistant (LCR) ̅̅ LCi ≤ (̅ ̅ ) and LBi > (̅̅̅̅) LB Resistant (LBR) ̅̅ LCi > (̅ ̅ ) and LBi ≤ (̅̅̅̅) th th ̅̅̅ LCi = Leaf curl damage of the i individual, LBi = Leaf burn damage of the i individual; ̅ = LC test mean; ̅̅̅̅ = LB test mean SD = Standard deviation; SDLC = LC standard deviation for test; SDLB= LB standard deviation for test 36 IV. Results A. Choice Tests Mean squares were significant for genotype effects and environment effects for all leafhopper damage traits measured in choice tests in MI and PR (α <0.0001), except for PLH nymph counts in PR which were significant at α = 0.05 (Table 2.2). Significant genotype by environment (GxE) effects were evident when traits were combined across locations. However, GxE interactions were not significant for LH nymph counts in either PR or MI. Table 2. 2 ANOVA table showing mean squares and heritability for Empoasca species damage-related traits of leaf curl, leaf burn and nymph counts for 75 inbred backcross lines (BC1F4:8) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population combined across 3 environments in Michigan and 2 environments in Puerto Rico (2010-2011). Combined (MI and PR) Michigan (Empoasca fabae) Puerto Rico (Empoasca kraemeri) Leaf Curl Leaf Burn Nymph Counts Leaf Curl Leaf Burn Nymph Counts Leaf Curl Leaf Burn Nymph Counts Genotype (G) 4.5*** 3.4*** 26.8*** 3.2*** 2.7*** 19.8*** 4.2*** 1.9*** 3.8* Environment (E) 90.0*** 67.0*** 849.8*** 128.5*** 67.0*** 1076.8*** 12.9*** - 395.7*** GxE 0.67*** 0.87*** 5.6*** 0.59*** 0.87*** 6.2ns 0.98*** - 3.3ns Heritability 0.82 0.55 0.58 0.82 0.68 0.69 0.77 0.74 0.13 Coefficient of Variation 27.0 63.2 61.0 27.4 91.4 51.7 26.0 33.5 112.6 Trait * significant at α=0.05, ** significant at α=0.01, *** significant at α<0.001, ns= not significant. 37 Table 2. 3 Spearman Rank Correlations for Empoasca species resistance traits (leaf curl, leaf burn and leafhopper nymph counts) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Michigan (MI) in 2009-2011 and in Puerto Rico (PR) in 2010-2011. Combined (MI and PR) Michigan (E. fabae) Puerto Rico (E. kraemeri) Leaf Burn Nymph Counts Leaf Burn Nymph Counts Leaf Burn Nymph Counts 0.57*** 0.22*** 0.68*** 0.46*** 0.49*** 0.28*** Trait Leaf Curl Leaf Burn -0.15*** 0.48*** 0.15* * significant at α=0.05, ** significant at α=0.01, *** significant at α<0.001. Correlations between all traits were significant when analyzed across all environments (Table 2.3). LC was positively correlated with both LB and nymph counts across all environments. LB was negatively correlated with nymph counts when analyzed together, but positively correlated in MI and PR. When contrasted by environment, only LC scores were correlated between MI and PR using Spearman rank correlations (Table 2.4). LB and nymph 2 count correlations were not significant (α=0.05). Heritability (h ) estimates of LC were high across all environments, ranging from 0.77 in PR to 0.82 in MI. LB heritability was higher in PR 2 2 2 (h = 0.74) than MI (h = 0.68). PLH nymph counts were more highly heritable in MI (h = 2 0.69) than in PR (h = 0.13) (Table 2.2). Significant differences were observed for all resistance traits on an entry mean basis in all years in both locations. However, significant differences were only observed for the parents’ mean scores for LC (Table 2.4). Matterhorn and EMP507 LC mean values differed significantly in both MI and PR and under combined analysis. In MI, Matterhorn had a LC rating of twice 38 Table 2. 4 Spearman rank correlations for Empoasca species resistance traits (leaf curl, leaf burn and leafhopper nymph counts) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals between Michigan and Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Trait Leaf Curl Michigan Leaf Burn Nymph Counts 0.48*** 0.15ns 0.16ns * significant at α=0.05, ** significant at α=0.01, *** significant at α<0.0001. ns = not significant EMP507 (Matterhorn = 2.44, EMP507 = 1.22) and in PR, Matterhorn rated an average LC value of 2.60 compared to LC score of EMP507 of 1.74. LB and nymph counts were not significantly differ between the IBL population parents. Both parents performed significantly better in MI than the susceptible check, Swedish Brown, but had higher damage scores and nymph counts than the resistant check, Sierra. In PR, both parents rated significantly better for LC and LB than the susceptible check Othello, although there was no significant differences between nymph counts. In all locations, EMP507 performed similarly to the resistant check, EMP509. Transgressive segregation was evident in all locations for LC, LB and leafhopper nymph counts. Trait distributions in PR are seen in Figure 2.1 (LC), Figure 2.2 (LB) and Figure 2.3 (nymph counts) and in MI in Figure 2.4 (LC), Figure 2.5 (LB) and Figure 2.6 (nymph counts). Mean distributions were nearly normal for all traits when analyzed by location. In each year, differences were detected with LB being left-skewed in MI in 2010 and 2011 and nymph counts also being left-skewed in MI in 2010 and in PR in 2011. 39 35 PR 2010 30 PR 2011 Frequency 25 EMP507 LC = 1.7 20 Matterhorn LC = 2.6 PR 2010-2011 15 10 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Leaf Curl Damage - Empoasca kraemeri 4.5 5 Figure 2. 1 Distribution of Empoasca kraemeri leaf curl (LC) damage from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Puerto Rico in 2010-2011. 30 Matterhorn = 2.1 PR 2011 25 Frequency 20 EMP507 = 1.5 15 10 5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Leaf Burn Damage - Empoasca kraemeri Figure 2. 2 Distribution of Empoasca kraemeri leaf burn (LB) damage from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Puerto Rico in 2011. 40 80 60 Frequency PR 2010 PR 2011 PR 2010-2011 EMP507 = 1.0 Matterhorn = 1.4 70 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 Nymph Counts - Empoasca kraemeri 6 7 Matterhorn = 2.4 Figure 2. 3 Distribution of Empoasca kraemeri nymph counts from three randomly selected trifoliates averaged from three plants per plot from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Puerto Rico (PR) in 2010 – 2011. 45 40 MI 2009 MI 2010 MI 2011 All MI EMP507 = 1.2 Frequency 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Leaf Curl Damage - Empoasca fabae 4.5 5 Figure 2. 4 Distribution of Empoasca fabae leaf curl (LC) damage from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals in Michigan in 2009-2011. 41 80 60 Frequency MI 2009 MI 2010 MI 2011 MI 2009-2011 Matterhorn = 0.4 EMP507 = 0.1 70 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Leaf Burn Damage - Empoasca fabae Figure 2. 5 Distribution of Empoasca fabae leaf burn (LB) damage from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals in Michigan (MI) in 2009-2011. MI 2009 30 MI 2010 EMP507 = 3.9 Matterhorn = 4.0 MI 2011 Frequemcy 25 MI 2009-2011 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Nymph Counts - Empoasca fabae 9 10 11 Figure 2. 6 Distribution of Empoasca fabae nymph counts from three randomly selected trifoliates averaged from three plants per plot from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Michigan (MI) in 2009-2011. 42 i. Puerto Rico Choice Tests The combined mean LC score for the 75 IBLs in PR in 2010-2011 was 2.54, ranging from 2.38 in 2011 to 2.71 in 2010 (Table 2.5). Four of the 10 IBLs with the lowest mean LC scores remained in top 10 in both 2010 and 2011: P08125, G08128, G08134 and P08142 (Table 2.6). The 5 lines with the highest mean LC values overall also had the 5 highest LC scores in Puerto Rico in both 2010 and 2011 (Table 2.6). The IBL population was only evaluated for LB values in 2011 due to infection of common bacterial blight (CBB) in 2010, making it impossible to differentiate CBB disease damage from LB damage as a result of E. kraemeri feeding. The mean LB value for the IBL population in 2011 was 2.43 (Table 2.5). LB values for the IBL population ranged from 1.111.78 for the 10 most resistant lines and 3.22-3.78 for the 10 most susceptible lines (Table 2.9). Empoasca kraemeri nymph counts were recorded in 2010 and 2011. The combined mean count for the IBL population was 1.41 and ranged from 0.4 in 2011 to 2.41 in 2010 (Table 2.5). Only a single individual from the 10 IBLs with lowest combine mean nymph counts remained in the top 10 in both years: G08159. Of the 10 individuals with the highest combined mean nymph counts in 2010-2011, four IBLs remained in the bottom 10 in both years: G08109, G08155, G08165, and G08175 (Table 2.8). 43 Table 2. 5 Phenotypic means and ranges for Empoasca species resistance traits (leaf curl, leaf burn and leafhopper nymph counts) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals combined across 3 years (2009-2011) in Michigan (MI) and 2 years (2010-2011) in Puerto Rico (PR). Leaf Curl Leaf Burn Nymph Counts Mean 2.53 1.50 2.36 2.16 – 2.54 0.58 1.42 0.95 0.59 1.29 0.65 – 2.43 0.98 0.54 2.67 2.41 2.99 1.44 – 4.53 2.01 1.97 LSD (0.05) Puerto Rico (Empoasca kraemeri) Inbred Backcross Lines Mean EMP509 Merlot Othello Verano Morales Leaf Curl Leaf Burn Nymph Counts EMP507 Checks Matt. Parents Range Checks EMP509 EMP507 Parents Matt. Trait All Locations (PR and MI) Inbred Backcross Lines 2.60 1.74 2.54 2.38 – 2.71 0.63 1.49 2.02 3.56 1.37 1.73 2.09 1.45 2.43 1.11 – 3.78 0.91 1.11 1.45 3.61 1.22 1.45 1.43 1.03 1.44 0.41 – 2.48 1.69 0.73 0.93 1.20 0.87 0.80 LSD (0.05) Sierra Swedish Brown Santa Fe Leaf Curl Leaf Burn Nymph Counts Mean EMP509 Checks EMP507 Michigan (Empoasca fabae) Inbred Backcross Lines Matt. Parents Range 2.44 1.22 2.16 1.30 – 2.63 0.84 1.33 0.78 4.17 1.33 0.44 0.11 0.65 0.03 – 0.97 0.78 0.22 0.00 2.83 0.67 4.04 3.93 4.53 2.49 – 6.79 2.81 3.34 2.04 8.11 4.90 Range LSD (0.05) 44 Table 2. 6 Empoasca kraemeri leaf curl (LC) damage ratings for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest LC scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by average LC rating† across five replication per year in choice tests grown in Puerto Rico from 2010-2011. LC Mean 2010-2011 Mean Rank Mean Rank P08142 G08128 G08130 P08161 P08120 P08125 G08134 P08104 P08151 G08156 1.58 1.68 1.70 1.70 1.72 1.73 1.73 1.75 1.76 1.83 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.4 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.4 2.0 3 11 2 5 21 10 12 7 4 22 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.9 2.1 1.7 4 3 25 32 2 9 7 24 35 8 G08136 G08158 G08113 G08121 G08149 3.53 3.73 3.83 4.09 4.11 3.4 3.8 4.0 4.4 5.0 69 77 79 81 82 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.2 81 79 80 82 76 Matterhorn EMP507 EMP509 Morales Merlot Verano Othello 2.60 1.74 1.49 1.73 2.02 1.37 3.56 3.2 1.6 1.2 1.8 1.6 1.4 4.0 66 8 1 18 9 6 80 2.0 1.9 1.8 2.4 1.7 3.1 1.3 27 17 13 54 6 74 1 Test Mean LSD (0.05) 2.52 0.64 2.7 0.91 Inbred Backcross Lines 2010 2011 2.4 0.73 † LC Damage Scale: 0 = no damage; 5 = severe damage (Murray et al., 2001) 45 Table 2. 7 Empoasca kraemeri leaf burn (LB) damage ratings for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest LB scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by average LB rating† across five replications per year in choice tests in Puerto Rico in 2011. Inbred Backcross Lines LB Mean (2011) Rank (N=82) G08128 P08151 G08156 P08175 P08161 P08104 G08134 G08171 G08130 P08116 1.11 1.22 1.44 1.45 1.56 1.56 1.67 1.67 1.78 1.78 1 3 5 6 9 10 11 12 14 15 G08136 G08164 G08149 G08113 G08118 3.33 3.44 3.66 3.67 3.78 77 78 80 81 82 Matterhorn EMP507 EMP509 Morales Othello Merlot Verano 2.09 1.45 1.11 1.45 3.61 1.67 1.22 28 7 2 8 79 13 4 Test Mean LSD (0.05) 2.34 0.94 † LB Damage Scale: 0 = no damage; 5 = severe damage (Murray et al., 2001). 46 Table 2. 8 Empoasca kraemeri nymph counts for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest nymph counts from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by overall average nymph count across five replications per year in choice tests in Puerto Rico in 2010-2011. Inbred Backcross Lines Nymph Count Mean 2010 – 2011 2010 2011 Mean Rank (N=82) Mean Rank (N=82) G08159 G08167 P08120 G08154 G08171 P08161 P08175 P08172 G08103 P08151 0.33 0.57 0.63 0.63 0.73 0.77 0.80 0.83 0.83 0.87 0.60 0.67 0.87 0.80 1.20 1.06 1.47 1.53 1.27 1.33 1 2 4 3 10 6 16 19 12 13 0.07 0.47 0.40 0.47 0.27 0.47 0.13 0.13 0.40 0.40 7 61 51 59 27 60 15 13 42 52 G08174 G08155 G08165 G08149 G08158 2.53 2.60 3.07 3.07 3.10 4.33 4.20 5.27 5.40 5.80 78 77 80 81 82 0.73 1.00 0.87 0.73 0.40 72 80 76 70 49 Matterhorn EMP507 EMP509 Morales Merlot Verano Othello 1.43 1.03 0.73 0.80 0.93 0.87 1.20 2.60 2.07 1.47 1.20 1.67 0.87 2.33 50 32 17 9 21 5 41 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.20 0.87 0.07 28 3 4 50 19 77 9 Test Mean LSD (0.05) 1.41 1.69 2.41 2.72 0.40 0.68 47 ii. Michigan Choice Tests The combined mean LC score for the 75 IBLs in MI from 2009-2011 was 2.16 and ranged from 1.30 in 2010 to 2.63 in 2009 (Table 2.5). Of the top 10 individuals of the IBL population in MI for lowest mean LC rating from 2009-2011, 5 IBLs remained in the top 10 entries in all 3 seasons: P08125, G08128, P08151, G08160, and P08166 (Table 2.9). Of the 10 IBLs with the highest levels of LC damage in MI averaged over 2009-2011 – G08102, G08113, G08170 and G08174 – remained among the bottom 10 entries in all three seasons (Table 2.9). LB damage scores were much less variable than LC in MI, especially in 2010 where only 5 IBLs had non-zero LB scores (Table 2.10). The combined mean LB score for the 75 IBLs in MI was 0.65 and ranged from 0.03 in 2010 to 0.97 in both 2009 and 2011 (Table 2.5). Of those individuals with the lowest mean LB scores averaged over 2009-2011, 4 IBLs remained in the top 10 across the three seasons in MI: G08143, G08160, P08169, and G08119 (Table 2.10). G08160 is the only IBL that had one of the 10 lowest scores for both LC and LB across all three growing seasons. Leafhopper nymph counts of E. fabae for the 75 IBLs ranged from 2.49 in 2010 to 6.79 in 2009, with a mean count of 4.53 over the 3 growing seasons in MI (Table 2.11). Two individuals from the top 10 IBLs remained in the top 10 in all years: P08153 and P08169 (Table 2.11). Two of the 10 IBLs having the highest mean nymph counts from 2009-2011 remained among the bottom 10 entries in each year: G08165 and G08168. 48 Table 2. 9 Empoasca fabae leaf curl (LC) damage ratings† for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest LC scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by average LC score across three replications per year in choice tests in Michigan from 2009-2011. Inbred Backcross Lines LC Mean 2009 2010 2011 2009-2011 Mean Rank (N=80) Mean Rank (N=80) Mean Rank (N=80) G08160 P08125 P08142 P08151 P08166 P08153 P08175 G08128 P08150 P08135 1.11 1.11 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.33 1.33 1.44 1.44 1.56 1.00 1.00 1.67 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.67 2.00 2.33 2.33 2 3 8 18 9 6 10 11 34 33 0.67 1.00 1.00 0.67 0.33 0.67 1.00 0.67 0.67 1.00 10 34 28 6 1 7 35 2 11 23 1.67 1.33 1.00 1.00 1.67 2.00 1.33 1.67 1.33 1.33 17 6 1 2 14 21 8 12 5 7 P08144 G08103 G08137 G08157 G08113 G08127 G08102 G08165 G08170 G08174 2.78 2.89 3.00 3.00 3.11 3.11 3.22 3.22 3.22 3.22 3.33 3.00 3.00 3.33 3.33 3.00 3.67 3.67 4.00 4.33 74 53 63 72 69 60 75 77 79 80 2.00 1.67 2.00 1.67 2.33 2.33 2.33 1.67 2.00 1.67 74 60 76 67 79 78 77 62 73 69 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.67 4.00 3.67 4.33 3.67 3.67 54 76 75 78 69 77 68 79 70 74 Matterhorn EMP507 EMP509 Santa Fe Sierra Swedish Brown 2.44 1.22 1.33 1.33 0.78 4.17 2.67 2.00 1.33 1.33 0.67 - 52 15 4 5 1 - 1.33 0.67 1.33 0.67 3.33 41 5 45 8 80 3.33 1.00 1.33 1.00 5.00 64 3 9 4 80 Test Mean LSD (0.05) 2.14 0.84 2.56 1.04 1.31 0.85 † LC Damage Scale: 0 = no damage; 5 = severe damage (Murray et al., 2001) 49 2.55 0.94 Table 2. 10 Empoasca fabae leaf burn (LB) damage ratings† for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest LB scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by average LC rating across three replications per year in choice tests in Michigan from 2009-2011. LB Mean 2009-2011 Mean Rank (N=80) Mean Rank (N=80) Mean Rank (N=80) G08143 G08160 P08169 G08119 G08124 P08125 P08150 G08152 G08158 P08172 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 5 6 8 13 3 4 18 19 22 9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 40 57 64 17 22 23 47 49 55 67 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 6 10 16 3 20 27 14 8 9 31 G08137 G08140 G08102 G08163 G08127 G08148 G08174 G08112 G08168 G08165 1.33 1.33 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.56 1.67 1.78 2.00 2.44 1.7 1.7 2.3 2.3 1.0 1.3 2.3 2.7 2.7 3.0 70 71 74 76 46 64 77 78 79 80 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 34 37 2 60 79 45 69 11 78 62 2.3 2.3 2.0 2.0 2.7 3.3 2.7 2.7 3.0 4.3 72 73 66 69 75 78 76 74 77 80 Matterhorn EMP507 EMP509 Sierra Santa Fe Swedish Brown 0.44 0.11 0.22 0.00 0.67 2.83 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.7 - 39 24 25 10 40 81 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 73 71 72 74 80 0.7 0.0 0.3 0.0 3.7 41 11 26 18 79 Inbred Backcross Lines 2009 2010 2011 Test Mean 0.65 0.93 0.05 0.97 LSD (0.05) 0.78 1.18 0.29 1.13 † LB Damage Scale: 0 = no damage; 5 = severe damage (Murray et al., 2001) 50 Table 2. 11 Empoasca fabae nymph counts for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest nymph counts from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by overall average nymph count across three replications per year in choice tests in Michigan in 2009-2011. Inbred Backcross Lines P08153 P08172 P08169 G08101 G08147 G08123 G08149 P08135 P08120 G08119 Nymph Count Mean 2009-2011 1.63 2.16 2.40 2.40 2.52 2.63 2.73 2.88 2.96 3.12 2009 Mean 2010 Mean 2.43 3.57 3.77 3.10 3.00 4.33 5.00 4.53 3.43 5.10 Rank (N=80) 1 8 9 4 3 13 22 15 6 25 2011 Mean 0.90 1.70 1.20 1.33 1.10 2.33 0.87 1.10 2.67 1.47 Rank (N=80) 2 23 8 10 7 38 1 6 46 15 1.56 1.22 2.22 2.78 3.44 1.22 2.33 3.00 2.78 2.78 Rank (N=80) 3 1 6 16 27 2 9 20 17 15 G08102 G08126 G08133 G08174 G08127 G08106 G08171 G08111 G08168 G08165 6.56 6.57 6.59 6.60 6.96 7.11 7.12 7.25 7.38 7.70 11.133 12.333 9.767 8.667 10.767 12.9 13.033 10.867 10.8 11.433 76 78 69 61 72 79 80 74 73 77 3.2 1.7 3.333 3.133 4.767 2.767 3.1 6 4.333 4.567 61 24 63 60 79 51 59 80 77 78 5.333 5.667 6.667 8 5.333 5.667 5.222 4.889 7 7.111 59 61 74 78 60 63 56 51 76 77 Matterhorn EMP507 EMP509 Sierra Santa Fe Swedish Brown 4.04 3.93 3.34 2.04 4.90 8.11 6.00 6.13 3.57 2.90 4.90 - 41 44 7 2 21 - 2.00 3.33 2.80 1.00 3.77 27 64 52 5 72 4.11 2.33 3.67 2.22 12.44 39 7 34 5 80 4.50 2.81 6.66 4.78 Test Mean LSD (0.05) 2.49 2.91 51 4.34 3.31 B. Leaf Curl by Leaf Burn: Resistance Categories Leaf curl and leaf burn data was analyzed to determine leafhopper resistance categories for individual IBLs. Resistance categories were defined based on standard deviation (SD) from the mean of the test, described in Table 2.1. Based on these values, the IBL population separated out into eight categories ranging from very resistant to very susceptible and including “inverse resistance”, which describes those IBLs that were found to be resistant on one scale but susceptible on the other. In PR, the SD for both LC and LB was 0.6. The mean damage scores for 2010 and 2011 for LC and LB were 2.53 and 2.40 respectively. Figure 2.7 displays the IBL mean LC and LB scores and resistance categories for choice tests in PR from 2010 to 2011. Individual IBLs are listed in each category in Table 2.12. In PR, 28 IBLs fell into the three “Resistant” categories: nine IBLs were very resistant (VR), where both LC and LB values were greater than 1 standard deviation less than the mean; seven IBLs were resistant (R), where both LC and LB values were less than the mean and either LC or LB was greater than 1 SD less than the mean; 12 IBLs were moderately resistant (MR), where both LC and LB were less than the mean but within 1 SD of the mean LC and LB values. Twenty-five IBLs were found to be “Susceptible” in PR: seven were very susceptible (VS); seven were susceptible (S) and 11 were moderately susceptible (MS). In addition, 22 IBLs were found to have inverse resistance conditions: 14 IBLs were found to be LC resistant (LCR), having LC scores less than the mean but LB scores greater than the mean and eight IBLs were found to be LB resistant (LBR), having LB scores less than the mean, but LC scores greater than the mean. 52 4.0 VR (𝐿𝐶) = 2.53; 1SDLC= 0.6 (𝐿𝐵) = 2.40; 1SDLB= 0.6 3.5 R S MR VS S LCR 3.0 Leaf Burn VS MS 2.5 MS S LCR LBR R Matterhorn 2.0 MR EMP507 LBR Mean Matterhorn VR 1.5 R EMP507 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 Leaf Curl Figure 2. 7Mean leaf curl (LC) scores by mean leaf burn (LB) scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line (IBL) population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Puerto Rico under choice test conditions from 2010-2011 VR = Very Resistant; R = Resistant; MR = Moderately Resistant; VS = Very Susceptible; S = Susceptible; MS = Moderately Susceptible; LCR = Leaf Curl Resistant; LBR = Leaf Burn Resistant. 53 Table 2. 12 Resistance categories for 75 BC1F4:8 inbred backcross lines of a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population based on mean leaf curl (LC) and leaf burn (LB) damage scores from 2010-2011 under choice test conditions in Puerto Rico (PR). Very Resistant PR Resistant Moderately Resistant Moderately Susceptible Susceptible Very Susceptible LB Resistant LC Resistant P08104 G08128 G08130 G08134 P08142 P08151 G08156 P08161 P08175 P08116 P08120 P08125 G08146 P08153 P08166 G08171 G08105 G08106 G08108 G08115 G08117 G08123 G08126 G08140 G08147 P08150 G08165 P08169 G08110 G08129 G08131 G08137 G08138 P08144 G08152 G08163 G08174 G08173 G08155 G08102 G08103 G08118 G08119 G08121 G08139 G08145 G08112 G08113 G08136 G08149 G08158 G08164 G08170 G08107 G08109 G08114 G08127 G08132 G08157 G08168 P08162 7 8 G08101 G08111 G08122 G08124 G08133 P08135 G08141 G08143 G08148 G08154 G08159 G08160 G08167 P08172 14 Total 9 7 12 11 7 ̅ ) = 2.53; (̅̅̅̅) = 2.40. SD = standard deviation: LC=0.6, LB=0.6. ̅̅̅ Mean damage scores: ( 54 In MI, the SD for LC was 0.54 and for LB was 0.51. The mean LC score was 2.14 and mean LB score was 0.73 for 2009-2011 under choice test conditions. Mean IBL scores for LB and LC and resistance categories are displayed in Figure 2.6 and listed in Table 2.13. A total of 35 individuals from the Matterhorn*/EMP507 population rated as “resistant” in MI: seven were rated as VR; 13 as R; and 15 as MR. Twenty-six IBLs were rated as “susceptible”: nine IBLs were VS, where both mean LC and LB scores were greater than 1 SD above the mean; 10 IBLs were S, where both LC and LB were greater than the mean but only either LC or LB was more than 1 SD greater than the mean; seven IBLs were MS, where both LC and LB were greater than the mean but both were within 1 SD of the mean LC and LB scores. A total of 14 IBLs were shown to have inverse resistance in MI: nine IBLs rated as LC-R, having LC scores less than the mean, but LB scores greater than the mean and five IBLs rated as LB-R, having LB scores below the mean but LC scores above the mean. Of those IBLs in each category in each location, 11 IBLs had consistent responses to Empoasca feeding in both locations. Five IBLs were found to be consistently rated as resistant to both species: P08175 and P08142 were rated as VR in both PR and MI while P08120 rated as R and G08117 and G08147 rated as MR. Four IBLs were consistently susceptible to both leafhopper species. G08117 and G08147 were rated MS to E. kraemeri and E. fabae, while G08103 rated as S and G08112 rated as VS. Both G08107 and G08109 were rated as LBR to both species, but no IBLs were rated as LCR in both locations. An additional 11 individuals were identified as being resistant to both leafhopper species by having mean LC and LB scores less than the mean in both locations. P08151 and P08161 were VR in PR and R in MI. P08125, P08153, and P08166 were VR in MI and R in PR. P08104 and G08134 were VR in PR but only MR in MI while P08150 was VR in MI but only MR in PR. 55 2.5 VR (𝐿𝐶) = 2.14; 1SDLC= 0.54 2.0 R (𝐿𝐵) = 0.73; 1SDLB= 0.51 MR Leaf Burn VS S 1.5 MS LCR 1.0 LBR Mean 0.5 Matterhorn EMP507 Matterhorn EMP507 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Leaf Curl 2.5 3.0 3.5 Figure 2. 8 Mean leaf curl (LC) scores by mean leaf burn (LB) scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line (IBL) population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Michigan under choice test conditions from 2010-2011. VR = Very Resistant; R = Resistant; MR = Moderately Resistant; VS = Very Susceptible; S = Susceptible; MS = Moderately Susceptible; LCR = Leaf Curl Resistant; LBR = Leaf Burn Resistant. 56 Table 2. 13 Resistance categories of 75 BC1F4:8 inbred backcross lines from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population based on mean leaf curl (LC)† and leaf burn (LB)‡ values from 2009-2011 under choice test conditions in Michigan (MI). Very Resistant MI Resistant P08125 P08142 P08150 P08153 G08160 P08166 P08175 Moderately Resistant Moderately Susceptible G08119 P08120 G08124 G08132 P08135 G08143 P08151 G08152 G08158 P08161 G08164 P08169 P08172 Susceptible G08101 G08105 G08103 P08104 G08106 G08113 G08114 G08108 G08129 P08116 G08111 G08140 G08117 G08118 P08144 G08131 G08133 G08146 G08134 G08136 G08148 G08139 G08155 G08157 G08141 G08173 G08168 G08145 G08170 G08147 G08149 G08154 P08162 G08171 Total 7 13 14 8 10 †LC ( ̅ ) = 2.14, ‡LB ( ̅) = 0.73. SD = standard deviation: LC=0.54, LB=0.51. 57 Very Susceptible LB Resistant LC Resistant G08102 G08112 G08127 G08137 G08163 G08165 G08174 G08107 G08109 G08115 G08121 G08122 G08123 G08138 G08159 G08167 G08110 G08126 G08128 G08130 G08156 7 8 5 P08169 was MR in PR but R in MI while G08171 and P08116 were MR in MI but R in PR. It is also notable that of the 16 individual IBLs having resistant reactions to both species, 12 individuals were pinto seed-type of which there are only a total of 16, representing 21% of the entire population but 75% of the resistant IBLs. Ten more IBLs were identified as being susceptible to both leafhopper species in addition to the four previously identified. G08136 and G08170 were VS in PR but MS in MI. G08137, G08163 and G08174 were VS in MI but MS in PR. G08113 was VS in PR but S in MI, while G08102 was VS in MI but S in PR. G08129 and P08144 were MS in PR and S in MI and G08118 was MS in MI and S in PR. Of the six IBLs identified as LB-R in PR, three were identified as resistant in MI and three were identified as susceptible: G08114 and P08162 were MR and G08132 was R; G08157 and G08168 were S while G08127 was VS. Fourteen IBLs were classified as LC-R in PR. In MI, these 14 IBLs were detected in all other categories. Eight were identified as R: G08101, G08141 and G08154 were MR; G08124, P08135, G08143, and P08172 were R; and G08160 was VR. Three were identified as susceptible: G08111 and G08133 were MS; and G08148 was S. Three IBLs were categorized as LB-R in MI: G08122, G08159 and G08167. The other 4 IBLs classified as LB-R in MI were found to be MR (G08115, G08123), MS (G08138) and S (G08121) in PR. Of the five individuals classified as LC-R in MI, two were MS (G08110, G08126) and three were VR (G08128, G08130, and G08156) in PR. 58 C. Resistance Classes and Nymph Counts In order to further analyze the relationship between damage scores and Empoasca species populations, resistance classes identified in PR in Table 2.12 and in MI in Table 2.13 were further separated by nymph count populations. In PR, six of the nine VR IBLs and five of the seven R IBLs had nymph counts within 1 SD of the test mean ( ̅ = 1.4), suggesting tolerance may be involved (Table 2.14). Three VR IBLs and two R IBLs had nymph counts of more than 1 SD below the test mean, raising the possibility that these IBLs may have antibiosis resistance. The majority of all IBLs in each resistance category had nymph counts within 1 SD of the test mean in PR. In MI, the majority of IBLs in the R and MR categories had nymph counts of more than 1 SD below the test mean, suggesting that antibiosis may be present in this population and may be more effective against E. fabae that E. kraemeri (Table 2.15). Only P08120 maintained both its R classification and nymph counts more than 1 SD below the mean in both PR and MI. G08171 was R with E. kraemeri nymph counts in the lower threshold in PR but while still maintaining some resistance in MI as MR, this IBL was found to have E. fabae nymph counts in the highest threshold. 59 Table 2. 14 Resistance categories of 75 BC1F4:8 inbred backcross lines from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population based on mean leaf curl (LC) and leaf burn (LB) values from 2009-2011 under choice test conditions in Puerto Rico, separated by nymph counts (y) of greater than, less than or within one standard deviation (SD) from the mean ( ̅). Nymph Counts (y) Very Resistant Resistant Moderately Resistant Moderately Susceptible Susceptible Very Susceptible LB Resistant LC Resistant y> ̅ + 1 SD 0 0 G08165 G08137 G08174 G08155 G08145 G08112 G08149 G08158 G08109 0 ̅ -1SD ̅ + 1SD P08142 P08104 G08156 G08130 G08128 G08134 P08166 P08153 P08125 P08116 G08146 G08123 P08150 G08117 G08108 G08105 G08106 P08169 G08126 G08147 G08115 G08140 P08144 G08129 G08163 G08131 G08173 G08152 G08110 G08119 G08102 G08121 G08118 G08139 G08164 G08136 G08113 G08170 G08157 G08114 G08107 G08132 P08162 G08127 G08168 G08141 P08135 G08122 G08160 G08133 G08148 G08124 G08111 G08143 G08101 y < ̅ - 1 SD P08161 P08175 P08151 P08120 G08171 0 G08138 G08103 0 0 G08159 G08167 G08154 P08172 Nymph count mean ( ̅ 1.41; 1 SD = 0.55 60 Table 2. 15 Resistance categories of 75 BC1F4:8 inbred backcross lines from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population based on mean leaf curl (LC) and leaf burn (LB) values from 2009-2011 under choice test conditions in Michigan (MI), separated by nymph counts (y) of greater than, less than or within one standard deviation (SD) from the mean ( ̅). Nymph Counts (y) y> ̅ + 1 SD ̅ -1SD ̅ + 1SD y< ̅ - 1 SD Very Resistant Resistant Moderately Resistant Moderately Susceptible Susceptible Very Susceptible LB Resistant LC Resistant 0 0 G08171 G08106 G08111 G08168 G08127 G08165 0 0 P08150 P08125 G08160 P08142 P08175 P08151 P08161 G08158 G08141 P08116 G08145 G08114 G08117 G08118 G08136 G08108 G08133 G08170 P08144 G08146 G08140 G08129 G08148 G08137 G08163 G08112 G08102 G08174 G08121 G08159 G08138 G08115 G08109 G08110 G08128 G08130 G08126 G08101 G08147 G08149 G08139 G08154 G08131 P08104 P08162 G08134 G08173 G08105 G08155 G08113 G08103 G08157 0 G08123 G08122 G08167 G08107 G08156 P08153 P08166 Nymph count mean ( ̅ P08172 P08169 P08135 P08120 G08119 G08152 G08124 G08164 G08143 G08132 5.39; 1 SD = 1.44 61 D. No-Choice Tests Both LC and LB resistance traits were significantly affected by genotypic effects, as seen by the mean square values listed in Table 2.11. LC and LB were also affected by environment (Year) but there were no significant interactions between genotype and year (Table 2.16). Under no-choice conditions, LC had a coefficient of variability of 30.3 % and h2 of 0.67, while LB had a coefficient of variability of more than double (63.2 %) and an h2 score of 0.53. Table 2. 16 ANOVA table showing mean squares and heritability for leaf curl and leaf burn damage scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals under nochoice test conditions averaged across 3 years in Michigan (2009-2011). Trait No-Choice Test Leaf Curl Leaf Burn Genotype (G) 1.50*** 2.94*** Year (Y) 6.31*** 19.16*** GxY 0.50ns 1.37ns Coefficient of Variability 33.15 65.37 Heritability 0.67 0.53 * significant at α=0.05, ** significant at α=0.01, *** significant at α<0.001. Table 2. 17 Phenotypic means and ranges for leafhopper resistance traits: leaf curl (LC) and leaf burn (LB) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals under no-choice test conditions combined across 3 years (2009-2011) in Michigan. No-Choice Test Inbred Backcross Lines Parents Trait Matterhorn EMP507 Mean Range Checks LSD EMP (0.05) 509 Santa Fe Swedish Brown Sierra Leaf Curl 1.67 1.67 2.17 2.16 – 2.54 1.00 1.67 1.00 5.00 1.33 Leaf Burn 1.33 0.33 1.78 1.46 – 2.29 1.79 1.00 2.00 5.00 0.67 62 Within the IBL population, LC phenotypic means for ranged from 2.00 in 2010 to 2.54 in 2011 (Table 2.17). The LC mean in 2009 for the IBL population was intermediate at 2.16. On average, the IBL LC mean score of 2.17 was higher than the LC score of parent genotypes Matterhorn and EMP507, as both parents averaged LC scores of 1.67 between 2009 and 2011. The LC scores were also higher among the IBLs than among all check genotypes, except highly susceptible Swedish Brown. LB scores averaged 1.78 for the IBL population, higher than both parent and check genotypes except Sierra and Swedish Brown (Table 2.17). IBL LB mean scores ranged from a low of 1.46 in 2010 to a high of 2.29 in 2011. Highly significant positive correlations were seen between LC and LB scores using both Pearson Correlations and Spearman Rank Correlations, indicating that as LC values increase, so do the LB values (Table 2.18). No-choice LC and LB were also significantly correlated with choice test LC and LB scores as well as E. fabae nymph counts in MI, but only no-choice LC scores were correlated with choice test LC and LB scores and E. kraemeri nymph counts in PR (Table 2.19). Table 2. 18 Pearson and Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficients for leafhopper resistance traits leaf curl and leaf burn from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals under no-choice test conditions in Michigan in 2009 – 2011. Trait Pearson Correlation Coefficients No-Choice Leaf Burn Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficients No-Choice 0.70** 0.64** Leaf Curl * significant at α=0.05, ** significant at α=0.01, *** significant at α<0.001. 63 Table 2. 19 Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficients for damage under no-choice test conditions with damage and nymph count results from choice tests in Michigan in 2009 – 2011 and Puerto Rico in 2010 – 2011 from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. Trait Leaf Curl Michigan Leaf Burn Nymph Counts Leaf Curl Puerto Rico Leaf Burn Nymph Counts No-choice Leaf Burn 0.45*** 0.57*** 0.25* 0.12 ns 0.20 ns 0.08 ns No-Choice Leaf Curl 0.67*** 0.57*** 0.30** 0.47*** 0.43*** 0.26* * significant at α=0.05, ** significant at α=0.01, *** significant at α<0.001, ns = not significant Of the 10 IBLs with the lowest average LC scores, four genotypes ranked in the top 10 in each no-choice field test: P08120, P08142, P08166 and P08169. G08128 and G08149 ranked in the top 10 in 2009 and 2010, while P08172 ranked in the top 10 in 2009 and 2011 (Table 2.20). On the other end of the spectrum, of the 5 IBLs with the highest average LC scores under nochoice conditions, two IBLs consistently had the highest LC scores in each year: G08137 and G08168. Two IB lines ranked in the bottom five in two out of three seasons: G08165 in 2009 and 2011, and G08174 in 2009 and 2010 (Table 2.20). When the average LB scores for the IBL population were ranked, no individuals remained in the top 10 in all 3 seasons (Table 2.21). G08121, P08169, G08119, and P08142 ranked with the lowest 10 LB scores in 2009 and 2011, while G08131, G08132, G08149 and P08166 ranked with the lowest 10 LB scores in 2010 and 2011 (Table 2.21). Of those that ranked as the most susceptible with respect to LB in no-choice tests, only a single IBL ranked among the bottom five in more than one season: G08165 had the highest overall LB score among the IBLs and had one of the five highest LB scores in both 2009 and 2011. 64 Table 2. 20 Empoasca fabae leaf curl (LC) damage ratings† for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest LC scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by average LC rating per year in no-choice tests in Michigan from 2009-2011. Inbred Backcross Lines No-Choice LC 2009-2011 2009 2010 2011 Mean Rank Mean Rank Mean Rank P08120 P08142 P08166 P08169 G08128 G08149 P08172 G08160 P08125 G08110 0.67 1.00 1.00 1.29 1.33 1.33 1.43 1.57 1.57 1.67 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1 8 11 12 6 10 13 44 5 22 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.33 1.00 1.33 1.00 1 3 5 6 2 4 22 13 21 7 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.67 2.00 2.00 1.67 2.00 2.00 2.00 1 2 3 11 13 14 12 17 22 15 G08165 G08174 G08102 G08168 G08137 3.00 3.14 3.17 3.29 3.33 3.00 3.00 3.33 3.00 3.00 75 77 78 76 64 2.33 3.00 2.67 3.00 3.00 62 79 63 78 77 3.67 3.33 3.5 3.67 4.00 75 72 73 76 79 Matterhorn EMP507 EMP509 Sierra Santa Fe Swedish Brown 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.33 1.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 - 53 51 52 54 15 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 17 15 16 18 80 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 21 19 20 4 80 Test Mean 2.18 2.13 1.96 2.43 LSD (0.05) 1.02 1.93 1.69 1.81 Coefficient 33.2 32.0 32.2 27.8 of Variation † LC Damage Scale: 0 = no damage; 5 = severe damage (Murray et al., 2001) 65 Table 2. 21 Empoasca fabae leaf burn (LB) damage ratings† for the inbred backcross lines (IBL) with the ten lowest and five highest LB scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. IBLs were ranked by average LB rating per year in no-choice tests in Michigan from 2009-2011. Inbred Backcross Lines No-Choice LB 2009-2011 2009 Mean Rank (N=80) 2010 Mean Rank (N=80) 2011 Mean Rank (N=80) G08131 G08121 P08169 G08132 G08114 G08119 G08149 P08142 P08153 P08166 0.33 0.33 0.57 0.60 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.71 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 2.00 21 3 12 13 18 2 25 10 72 57 0.00 1.00 0.33 0.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.67 1.00 0.00 5 15 11 2 22 52 4 13 32 6 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 1.00 6 5 14 17 4 1 23 22 8 28 G08102 G08163 G08168 G08137 G08165 3.28 3.29 3.29 3.33 3.57 3.33 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 73 68 69 63 78 2.33 2.33 1.67 3.00 2.67 65 67 47 75 68 4.17 4.33 5.00 4.00 4.33 75 77 79 71 76 Matterhorn EMP507 EMP509 Sierra Santa Fe Swedish Brown 1.33 0.33 1.00 0.67 2.00 5.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 - 30 8 31 36 56 - 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 23 7 41 45 80 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 5.00 36 18 19 7 80 Test Mean 1.82 1.71 1.46 2.29 LSD (0.05) 1.79 2.63 2.54 3.19 Coefficient 65.4 54.4 65.0 52.0 of Variation † LB Damage Scale: 0 = no damage; 5 = severe damage (Murray et al., 2001) 66 E. Comparison of Choice and No-Choice Field Tests When the mean LC scores from choice and no-choice tests were compared directly, the overall LC mean values were not significantly different among individual IBL genotypes (Figure 2. 9). However, seven individuals had significantly different results (α=0.1) ( Table 2. 22). P08135, G08152, G08168 and P08175 all had significantly higher LC scores under no-choice conditions, while P08120, G08107, and G08123 all had significantly lower LC scores under no-choice conditions. Only P08135 changed from a resistant rating of 1.56 under choice conditions to a susceptible score of 2.67 under no-choice conditions, when susceptibility is defined as an average LC score of 2.5. G08107 dropped from a susceptible score of 2.67 under choice conditions to a resistant score of 1.67 under no-choice conditions. Table 2. 22 Mean leaf curl values (LC)† for inbred backcross lines (IBL) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals with significantly different choice and no-choice LC scores in Michigan in 2009-2011. Inbred Backcross Lines Choice Mean 95% CL No-choice Mean 95% CL Mean Difference‡ P08135 G08152 G08168 P08175 P08120 G08107 G08123 1.56 1.67 2.67 1.33 1.78 2.67 2.33 1.00 – 2.11 1.28 – 2.05 2.12 – 3.21 0.95 – 1.72 1.27 – 2.29 2.12 – 3.21 1.95 – 2.72 2.67 2.33 3.29 2.00 0.67 1.67 1.67 1.23 – 4.10 0.90 – 3.77 2.83 – 3.74 1.12 – 2.88 -0.77 – 2.10 0.23 – 3.10 0.23 – 3.10 -1.11** -0.67* -0.62* -0.67* 1.11** 1.00* 0.67** Test 2.14 2.06 – 2.22 2.18 2.08 – 2.27 -0.04ns * significant at α=0.10, ** significant at α=0.05, *** significant at α=0.01, ns= not significant † LC Damage Scale: 0 = no damage; 5 = severe damage (Murray et al., 2001) ‡ To determine significance, pooled variance used if test variances were equal. Satterthwaite variances were used if test variances were unequal between choice and no-choice tests. 67 3.5 Leaf Curl 3 Choice 2.5 Matterhorn 2 1.5 EMP507 Antibiosis Antixenosis Tolerance Moderate Tolerance Susceptible Mean Matterhorn (G93414) 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 No-Choice 2.5 3 3.5 Figure 2. 9 No-choice leaf curl (LC) results plotted against choice test LC scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Michigan in 2009-2011. 68 More leaf burn scores varied between choice and no-choice conditions. Overall average LB values were significantly different between choice and no-choice conditions (Table 2.23). Twenty-two IBLs were identified as differing significantly for LB damage between test conditions. All significantly different LB values were higher under no-choice conditions than choice conditions (Figure 2. 10). LB values for G08122, G08157, G08137, G08155, and G08102 increased from resistant choice scores (0.33 – 2.17) to susceptible no-choice scores (2.67 – 3.28). Table 2. 23 Mean leaf burn (LB) values for inbred backcross lines (IBL) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals with significantly different choice and no-choice LB scores in Michigan in 2009-2011. IBLs G08122 P08175 G08124 G08143 G08134 G08157 G08101 G08147 G08137 G08145 G08155 G08159 G08164 P08161 P08172 G08171 P08150 G08102 G08123 G08160 P08125 P08169 Choice Mean 95% CL No-Choice Mean 95% CL 0.33 0.33 0.17 0.00 0.67 1.33 0.50 0.50 2.00 1.00 1.33 0.67 0.33 0.33 0.17 0.50 0.17 2.17 0.33 0.00 0.17 0.00 -0.21 – 0.86 -0.21 – 0.88 -0.26 – 0.60 0.00 – 0.00 -0.19 – 1.52 0.79 – 1.88 -0.07 – 1.07 -0.07 – 1.07 1.34 – 2.66 0.34 – 1.66 0.79 – 1.88 -0.19 – 1.52 -0.21 – 0.88 -0.21 – 0.88 -0.26 – 0.60 -0.07 – 1.07 -0.26 – 0.60 1.74 – 2.60 -0.21 – 0.88 0.00 – 0.00 -0.26 – 0.60 0.00 – 0.00 2.67 2.40 2.00 1.78 2.33 3.00 2.17 2.00 3.33 2.33 2.67 2.00 1.67 1.67 1.43 1.67 1.33 3.28 1.33 1.00 1.14 0.57 1.23 – 4.10 0.98 – 3.82 0.76 – 3.24 0.85 – 2.70 0.90 – 3.77 1.24 – 4.76 -0.42 – 4.75 2.00 – 2.00 1.90 – 4.77 -0.54 – 5.20 1.23 – 4.10 2.00 – 2.00 0.23 – 3.10 0.23 – 3.10 0.25 – 2.6 0.23 – 3.10 -0.10 – 2.77 2.35 – 4.20 -0.10 – 2.77 0.47 – 1.53 0.79 – 1.49 0.08 – 1.07 Mean Difference‡ -2.33** -2.07** -1.83** -1.78** -1.67* -1.67* -1.67** -1.50** -1.33* -1.33* -1.33** -1.33** -1.33** -1.33** -1.26* -1.17* -1.17** -1.11* -1.00* -1.00* -0.98** -0.57* Test 0.95 0.86 – 1.04 1.83 1.68 – 1.97 -0.88*** * significant at α=0.05, ** significant at α=0.01, *** significant at α<0.0001, ns= not significant. † LB Damage Scale: 0 = no damage; 5 = severe damage (Murray et al., 2001) ‡ To determine significance, pooled variance used if test variances were equal. Satterthwaite variances were used if test variances were unequal between choice and no-choice tests. 69 3 Leaf Burn Antibiosis Moderate Tolerance Tolerance Antixenosis Susceptible Mean EMP507 2.5 Choice 2 1.5 1 0.5 Matterhorn EMP507 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 No-choice 2.5 3 3.5 4 Figure 2. 10 No-choice leaf burn (LB) results plotted against choice LB scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line (IBL) population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Michigan in 2009-2011. 70 F. Agronomic Traits Hundred seed weight (g) and days to flowering were recorded for the IBL population and parent germplasm (Table 2.24). Matterhorn averaged a seed weight of 46.4g/100 seeds, while EMP507 averaged almost 10g less per 100 seeds at 37.3 g/100 seeds. The IBL population mean was 44.6g/ 100 seeds with a range of 38.7 to 49.9 g/100 seeds. Days to flowering was determined when 50 % of the plot had a single flower ranged from 34.7 to 41.2 days with a mean value of 37.3 days for the IBL population, with Matterhorn flowering 5 days earlier, at 35.2 days, than EMP507 at 40.5 days. Table 2. 24 Agronomic traits from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Michigan in 2009-2011 and Puerto Rico in 2010-2011. Parents Matterhorn EMP507 Trait 100SDWT (g) FLWR (days) 46.4 35.2 Mean LSD (0.05) 44.6 37.3 37.3 40.5 IBL Population Range 38.7 - 49.9 34.7 - 41.2 9.7 2.5 100SDWT = weight of 100 seeds (grams); FLWR = days to flowering. Seed coat and flower color of the IBL population were recorded (Table 2.25). Matterhorn is a great northern seed type and therefore has a medium-sized white seed, while EMP507 is a carioca seed type and therefore a small-sized colored bean. Of 75 individuals of the Matterhorn*/EMP507 population, 59 had white seeds and 16 had colored seeds, which is in direct contrast to the expected single gene ratio, as white seed color is recessive to colored seed. Likewise, flower color was skewed more than the expected 3:1 towards Matterhorn in that 65 IBLs had white flowers while nine had pink flowers similar to EMP507. One IBL was noted as having purple flowers (P08153). 71 Trichome density and composition was also examined as it has been linked to E. fabae resistance in Medicago sativa (Ranger et al., 2004) and suspected of involvement in common bean resistance (Pillemer and Tingey, 1978). However, in this study, no significant differences were evident between the parent genotypes or between resistant and susceptible IBLs; therefore, trichome density was not further analyzed in this study. Table 2. 25 Seed type and flower color traits from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Michigan in 2009-2011 and Puerto Rico in 20102011. Parents Inbred Backcross Lines MatterhornEMP507Trait Matterhorn EMP507 Other type type Great Seed Type Carioca 59 0 16† Northern Flower White Pink 65 9 1‡ Color † 15 IBLs = pinto seed type; 1 IBL = other non-carioca type ‡ 1 IBL = purple flower color 72 V. Discussion A. GxE Interactions By evaluating the inbred backcross line (IBL) population in MI and PR for a combined five seasons, it was possible to evaluate these genotypes under diverse growing conditions as well as test them against two different leafhopper species, Empoasca kraemeri and E. fabae. Michigan represents a temperate climate with long days and short nights, while PR represents a tropical climate with short days. In addition, the different species presented a challenge in identifying lines with consistent reactions to leafhopper predation in both climates. This challenge presented an opportunity to separate out the different components involved in resistance to each species of Empoasca leafhoppers. While genotypic and environmental effects were significant in both environments for all leafhopper resistance traits, heritability varied largely between traits (Table 2. 2). The low heritability estimate for leafhopper nymph counts in PR suggests this may not be a useful measure of resistance to E. kraemeri, but the moderate heritability estimate of nymph counts in MI indicates this is a valid measure of E. fabae reaction. Heritability estimates were moderate to high in both locations for LC and LB, confirming their usefulness in evaluating leafhopper damage in this population. Trait correlations varied between tests (Table 2. 3). When examined in each location, nymph counts were positively correlated with both LC and LB values. This indicates that overall, as leafhopper populations increase, feeding damage also increases as expected. However, when examined on a trait basis, only LC was correlated between MI and PR (Table 2. 4). LB values were significantly lower in MI than PR. An explanation for the lower LB values may be because E. kraemeri is known to use lacerate-and-sip feeding more often than E. fabae. Lacerate-and-sip 73 feeding causes chlorosis above the point of feeding and is detectable as LB damage. Another possible explanation is that the presentation of LB damage may be related to environmental factors, such as temperature and humidity. When the IBL means from each location were compared to the parental means for LC, LB and nymph counts, in all cases the LC mean value for the Matterhorn*/EMP507 population fell between the values of the two parents (Table 2. 5). However, in all cases, the IBL means for LB and nymph counts were greater than the range of the parent values. This suggests that Matterhorn may have some levels of resistance to LB damage and nymph counts but not to LC damage. This is not surprising as Matterhorn’s pedigree includes Sierra, a commercial pinto bean variety, which has demonstrated resistance to E. fabae (Gonzales et al., 2004). B. Empoasca Feeding Damage i. Puerto Rico Leaf Curl With a heritability estimate of 0.77, LC damage values were normally distributed in PR in 2010 and 2011 (Figure 2. 1). P08142 and P08104 consistently presented lower or equal LC values in PR than the resistant parent EMP507 in each year (Table 2. 6). When LC means for both years were examined, an additional five IBLs were identified as being more resistant than EMP507 (LC=1.74) under E. kraemeri pressure: G08128, G08130, P08161, P08120, P08125 and G08134 (Table 2. 6). In addition to identifying resistant IBLs, a number of individuals were identified that presented significantly higher LC damage than Matterhorn or the test mean in PR. G08158, G08113, G08121, and G08149 ranked the most susceptible IBLs to E. kraemeri in 2010-2011 with mean LC values of 3.7 or greater (Table 2. 6). 74 Leaf Burn In addition to having LC damage scores outside of the range of the parent genotypes, a number of individuals were identified in PR as having transgressive segregation for LB damage (Figure 2. 2). G08128, which had been already noted for its low LC scores, was also identified as having lower LB scores in PR in 2011 than EMP507 (LB=1.45) (Table 2. 7). Three other IBLs were identified as being equally or more resistant to E. kraemeri damage than EMP507 with respect to LB damage: P08151, G08156, P08175 (Table 2. 7). G08149 and G08113 also ranked among the most susceptible IBLs with respect to LB damage in 2011 in PR. G08118 also had a higher LB score than the susceptible check Othello (LB=3.6). Resistance Classes When IBLs were analyzed by comparing LC values with LB values, individuals were able to be classified into either resistant or susceptible categories (Figure 2. 7Mean leaf curl (LC) scores by mean leaf burn (LB) scores from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 inbred backcross line (IBL) population of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals grown in Puerto Rico under choice test conditions from 2010-2011). Individuals for which LC damage was significantly correlated with LB damage were identified in all categories but “susceptible” (Table 2. 12). Nine IBLs were classified as VR in PR with respect to both LC and LB values, while seven IBLs were VS with respect to both LC and LB values (Table 2. 12). Overall, as LC values increase, LB values also increase. Resistance and susceptibility were not found to be segregating in a single or duplicate gene ratio indicating more than two genes may be involved in resistance/susceptibility to E. kraemeri. The presence of individuals classified in the inverse resistance categories of either LC-R (14 IBLs) or LB-R (8 IBLs) further supports the conclusion that LC and LB reactions are controlled by independent genetic mechanisms. 75 ii. Michigan Leaf Curl In MI, two IBLs had lower mean LC scores than the resistant parent EMP507 (LC=1.22): G08160, P08125 (Figure 2. 4). Three additional IBLs were identified that had mean LC values equal to EMP507: P08142, P08151, and P08166 (Table 2. 9). No IBLs were more resistant to LC damage than EMP507 in every season. The 10 most susceptible IBLs with respect to LC damage in MI all had higher LC values than Matterhorn; however, no individuals ranked higher than the susceptible check Swedish Brown in any year (Table 2. 9). Leaf Burn The low LB damage scores in MI provided a challenge in identifying individuals with higher levels of resistance to E. fabae (Figure 2. 5). G08143, G08160, and P08169 all had lower mean LB values than EMP507, but this is because EMP507 had a LB score of greater than 0.0 only in 2009 (Table 2. 10). While genotypic effects were found to be significant factors in determining LB scores, all of the 10 most resistant IBLs had LB scores of less than one. In 2010, LB values were even more left-skewed with the test mean being 0.05. In determining the most susceptible IBLs, similar to LC, all of the 10 most susceptible IBLs had higher LB scores than Matterhorn. G08165 was the most susceptible IBL in 2009 and 2011, achieving higher LB scores (LB=4.33) than the susceptible check Swedish Brown (LB=3.67) in 2011 (Table 2. 10). Resistance Classes Seven IBLs were classified as VR to E. fabae feeding damage and seven IBLs were classified as VS with respect to both LC and LB damage (Table 2. 13). As LC damage increased in MI, so too did LB damage, similar to PR (Figure 2. 8). Segregation ratios did not match 76 expected ratios for either a single gene or for two dominant genes, indicating that resistance to E. fabae may involve multiple genes with possible epistatic effects. iii. Conclusions The lack of correlations between locations and the existence of significant environmental effects presented a challenge in identifying individual IBLs that demonstrate resistance to both E. fabae and E. kraemeri. However, multiple individuals were identified within the population where resistant or susceptible classes overlapped across the different species. High levels of transgressive segregation were seen in the IBL population for all resistance traits. Transgressive segregation is a rare phenomenon that occurs as a result of a unique recombination of alleles from both parents (Guzmán-Maldonado et al., 2003). These alleles can be additive or complementary in nature or could have epistatic effects between them. The IBLs having lower damage scores than the resistant parent may have also inherited resistant alleles from the recurrent parent which are not normally obvious in the genetic background of Matterhorn. In addition, overdominance caused by heterozygosity at specific loci can also lead to transgressive segregation. Although the IBL population was a BC1F4:8 population, some individuals were observed to be segregating for certain traits, such as flower color, and therefore overdominance could be a contributing factor in the LB and LC scores outside of the range of the parent genotypes. Only P08125 had lower LC scores than EMP507 in both MI and PR. No individuals were identified that had lower LB scores than EMP507 in both environments. The fact that so few demonstrated extreme resistance to both leafhopper species may be as a result of the small population size. G08160 had both lower LC and lower LB scores than the recurrent parent when tested against E. fabae, but not when tested against E. kraemeri. In contrast, G08128 had both 77 lower LC and LB scores than EMP507 when tested against E. kraemeri, but not against E. fabae. These results suggest that resistance to each species may be controlled by separate mechanisms. Among the susceptible IBLs identified in PR, only G08113 was also identified in the 10 most susceptible in MI. Overall, in both MI and PR, negative transgressive segregation was more common than positive transgressive segregation. Since the recurrent parent demonstrated moderate tolerance to both E. kraemeri and E. fabae, this also supports the possibility that Matterhorn and EMP507 each have unique alleles that have some effect on leafhopper feeding damage. This is not surprising as Matterhorn was developed from the cross WM1-85-56/2*Sierra/3/WM1-8545//Sierra/P86241 (Kelly et al., 1999), and Sierra is a local pinto variety that has previously been documented as having resistance to E. fabae (Gonzales, et al., 2004). In addition, although both parents are members of the Middle American gene pool, they have distinct origins, with Matterhorn developed for adaptation to temperate climates and EMP507 developed with tropical germplasm from Brazil and Colombia. The IBL damage scores were compared between the two environments and species by using SD from the mean, because LB mean values were very low in MI in comparison to PR. P08175 and P08142 were found to be very resistant in both environments, while G08107 and G08109 were very susceptible in both environments. These IBLs may have alleles that confer either susceptibility or resistance to both leafhopper species. In total, 16 IBLs were identified as resistant in both MI and PR, i.e. having LC and LB scores greater than one SD less than the mean, and 14 were identified as susceptible in both locations. The remaining 45 IBLs had inconsistent reactions to leafhopper feeding in each location, supporting the case that LC damage and LB damage are controlled by different genetic mechanisms. This finding also suggests that 78 resistance to each Empoasca species is controlled by different mechanisms. Those IBLs conferring resistance to both damage mechanisms and both species may be the best candidates for introducing broad resistance to Empoasca leafhoppers into future bean varieties. C. Empoasca Nymph Counts Nymph counts were included in this study because low insect population number can be indicative of antibiosis or antixenosis. Nymphs were counted in the place of adult Empoasca leafhoppers due to the lower mobility of nymphs in comparison to the winged adults which could not be counted within the limitations of this research. Empoasca kraemeri nymph counts were significantly lower than E. fabae counts in all years. This is surprising as E. kraemeri is a non-migratory pest and it was expected that since the insect population would be present in the environment already, high pressure from large numbers of individuals would occur. One explanation is that E. kraemeri has lower fecundity than E. fabae, i.e. the tropical leafhopper lays fewer eggs than its temperate counterpart (Wilde et al., 1976). Therefore, it may not be appropriate to compare nymph populations between the different Empoasca species. This species difference presented a challenge in identifying resistant individual IBLs with respect to nymph counts alone. In addition, significant environmental variation occurred from year to year within each location. Therefore, resistant individuals were identified as those having mean nymph counts more than one standard deviation below the mean in each location. i. Puerto Rico Transgressive segregation was also found to occur within the IBL population for nymph counts for both species. The IBLs with the 10 lowest nymph counts in PR (Table 2. 8) had lower mean nymph counts than EMP507. This was consistent in both 2010 and 2011. In addition, the 5 79 IBLs with the highest nymph counts had higher mean counts than the recurrent parent in both years. These five IBLs also had higher nymph counts than the susceptible check Othello. From the positive transgressive segregants that were identified for their extreme low LC scores, P08120 and P08161 also fell in the lowest 10 mean nymph counts (Table 2. 14). P08175 and P08151 had been identified as falling below the range of the parents for LB values and were also identified as having low nymph counts outside of the parental genotype range. Those individual with low nymph counts and low damage scores may harbor antibiosis or antixenosis resistance to E. kraemeri by negatively affecting E. kraemeri biology in the case of antibiosis or by providing an unattractive environment for feeding or oviposition in the case of antixenosis. ii. Michigan In MI, the IBLs with the lowest mean nymph counts all fell below the test mean and the mean for EMP507 (Table 2. 11). Five of the ten IBLs also had lower counts than EMP507 in all three years. Of the individuals with the 10 lowest E. fabae nymph counts, P08153 and P08135 were also identified in 10 most resistant IBLs for LC, and P08172, P08169, and G08119 were also identified in 10 most resistant IBLs for LB. Four of the 10 IBLs with the highest E. fabae nymph counts also had the highest mean LC and LB scores in MI: G08102, G08174, G08127, and G08165 (Table 2. 15). Those individuals that have low damage scores and low nymph counts may be resistant to E. fabae through antibiosis or antixenosis mechanisms while those individuals having both high damage scores and high nymph populations may be highly attractive to E. fabae, therefore attracting higher numbers for feeding or by providing a superior environment for oviposition and nymph development. 80 iii. Conclusions By examining both resistance categories and nymph counts, it may be possible to further test the relationship between the host plant genotype and the pest. When IBLs from each resistance category were separated by their nymph counts, individuals were noted as having nymph counts greater than 1 SD less than the mean in almost all resistant categories in each location. In PR, P08151, P08161, and P08175 were found to be both very resistant with low nymph counts. In MI, P08153 and P08166 were classified as very resistant and had very low nymph counts. While these individuals did not overlap between locations, P08120 was identified in the resistant category and had significantly lower nymph counts than the mean in both locations (Table 2. 14, Table 2. 15). Antibiosis or antixenosis may be involved in the resistance demonstrated in each of these individuals. G08103 also overlapped categories and nymph counts in both locations but this IBL was deemed moderately susceptible even with very low Empoasca populations. Of those IBLs having nymph counts more than one SD greater than the mean, G08171 and G08165 were the only IBLs to be retained in the resistant classes in MI and PR respectively. Tolerance may play a role in both of these genotypes. Inverse resistance individuals did not assist in determining what mechanisms may be related to resistance of either LC or LB damage with respect to nymph population numbers. For example, if the IBLs categorized as LC resistant (i.e. LB susceptible) had had consistently lower nymph counts than the LB resistant (i.e. LC susceptible) IBLs, it may have suggested that LB resistance is more likely to involve tolerance while LC resistance may be more likely to involve antibiosis or antixenosis. However, this phenomenon was not evident in the choice test results. Many more IBLs had lower nymph counts in each category in MI than in PR. In addition, particular, more IBLs had very low nymph counts in each resistant class in MI than in PR. Only 81 five IBLs in the resistant to very resistant categories had nymph counts greater than one SD below the mean in PR. This lack of correlations between E. kraemeri nymph counts and visual injury scores was also previously reported by Kornegay and Cardona (1990). These findings suggest that resistance to E. fabae may involve antixenosis or antibiosis mechanisms while resistance to E. kraemeri may be more likely to involve tolerance. In addition, Schoonhoven et al. (1978) also found that tolerance to E. kraemeri was more common than antixenosis in common bean. D. No-Choice Tests Both LC and LB were highly heritable under no-choice conditions but LB was found to have a much higher coefficient of variation than LC. There were also significant environmental effects between years. LB may be more sensitive than LC to environmental differences such as temperature and humidity. The test did not have significant effects on either the mean LC or LB damage scores for population, however individual IBLs did differ significantly under the different test conditions, thus allowing further insight into the mechanisms involved in resistance to E. fabae in the Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population. i. Leaf Curl The IBLs having the ten lowest and five highest LC scores under no-choice conditions are listed in Table 2. 20. Five of the most resistant IBLs under no-choice conditions were also identified as having the lowest LC scores under choice-conditions: P08142, P08166, G08128, G08160 and P08125 (Table 2. 9). Because of the similar IBL responses within each test, it can be suggested that these five IBLs are very tolerant of E. fabae feeding with respect to LC damage. Four of the five IBLs with the highest LC damage scores under no-choice testing also had the 82 highest LC values under choice conditions indicating that the no-choice test was able to accurately identify susceptible individuals. When individual genotypes were directly compared, seven IBLs were identified that had significantly different responses under no-choice test conditions than under choice test conditions. Four individuals had higher LC scores under no-choice conditions: P08135, G08152, G08168 and P08175. P08175 is particularly interesting as this IBL ranked as one of the most resistant to LC under choice tests with a choice LC mean of 0.33 but a no-choice LC mean of 2.40. Given that under no-choice conditions, leafhoppers cannot make preference decisions whether or not to feed on a particular genotype; it can be assumed that these IBLs have lower LC scores under choice conditions due to antixenosis (non-preference) mechanisms. The other three IBLs with significantly different responses with respect to LC all had lower LC scores under no-choice conditions versus choice conditions: P08120, G08107 and G08123. Given that each genotype was caged and inoculated with the same number of adult leafhoppers and that no additional leafhoppers should have been able to enter the cage following inoculation, it was assumed that E. fabae adults were not able to maintain a sufficient population on these genotypes to continue to cause LC damage. In addition, of these three IBLs, G08120 had a LC score of less than the mean in choice tests but G08107 and G08123 presented LC damage greater than the choice test mean. G08107 and G08123 may also have some antibiotic effects on E. kraemeri and E. fabae as they also had significantly lower LC damage under nochoice conditions. However, G08107 was considered only LB resistant in MI and PR, and G08123 was moderately resistant in PR but only LB resistant in MI. And while nymph counts were more than 1 SD below the mean in both locations, the resistance present in these IBLs may 83 not be sufficient to overcome damage as a result of additional incoming leafhoppers which will occur in an open choice system. In addition, while ideally no E. fabae adults could either enter or leave the cages once they were inoculated, the system was not perfect and there exists a possibility of escapes as some cages did open briefly due to storm winds during each field season. These instances could have provided an opportunity for the inoculated leafhoppers to escape or for additional leafhoppers to enter the caged system. ii. Leaf Burn Leaf burn damage under no-choice conditions differed significantly from choice test results. Twenty-four IBLs had significantly different LB scores under no-choice test conditions than choice test conditions. In each case, no-choice LB scores were higher than choice test LB values. Seven individual genotypes had LB scores less than the test mean (̅̅̅̅ = 0.95) under choice conditions but higher than the test mean (̅̅̅̅ = 1.83) under no-choice conditions: G08101, G08122, G08124, G08134, G08147, G08159 and P08175. P08175 has already been implicated as having antixenosis resistance based on LC scores. While it is unknown why consistently higher LB damage was seen in the cages, it is suspected that LB may be more susceptible to higher temperatures or humidity as the cages likely maintained higher humidity levels due to reduced air circulation. However, there is no empirical evidence to support this suspicion as temperature and humidity levels within the cages were not recorded. iii. Conclusions Despite the small size of the IBL Matterhorn*/EMP507 population, field screening for Empoasca fabae and E. kraemeri feeding damage supports the finding that all three major 84 mechanisms of resistance are involved in P. vulgaris resistance to these major pest species. Extreme tolerance to both species is demonstrated by P08142 which was classified as very resistant in choice tests in both MI and PR and had very low LC and LB scores in each year under no-choice conditions. In addition, nymph counts for P08142 were within 1 SD of the mean suggesting that this genotype did not have a significant antibiotic impact on E. fabae. Evidence of antixenosis is suggested by P08175 as this IBL ranked as one of the most resistant under choice test conditions with nymph counts more than 1 SD less than the test mean, but P08175 had significantly higher levels of both LC and LB in the no-choice test, especially LB damage, which was considered a susceptible level of damage under no-choice conditions. Together, these findings indicate that E. fabae may avoid feeding or laying eggs on P08175, but if there is no alternative, P08175 is an acceptable host for E. fabae. In addition, the fact that P08175 is the only IBL that was identified as having both LC and LB damage that was significantly different under the two test conditions further reinforces that LC and LB damage are separate trait responses. Antibiosis may be involved in the resistance demonstrated by P08120. This IBL ranked as resistant in choice tests in both PR and MI with nymph counts falling more than 1 SD below the mean for both Empoasca species. However, P08120 ranked as the most resistant IBL with respect to LC damage under no-choice conditions in every year and the actual level of LC damage was significantly lower under no-choice conditions than under choice conditions. These results when considered together suggest that P08120 may have deleterious effects on Empoasca biology, limiting the pest’s survival. 85 E. Agronomic Traits Agronomic traits measured in the Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population had been observed in the field as being skewed towards the donor parent, EMP507, such as the particular loss of the upright type II growth habit of the Matterhorn parent (Kelly et al., 1999) in the IBLs, accompanied by later maturity. However, seed traits appeared skewed towards the recurrent parent, Matterhorn. In the case of seed coat color, which has been co-localized to a QTL for Empoasca resistance in previous studies (Murray et al., 2004), 59 IBLs had white seeds and 16 had colored seeds. Because the presence of the P allele conditioning color in the seed coat is dominant, this result is contrary to the expected 3:1 ratio of colored seed coat to white seed coat. As mentioned previously, Matterhorn was derived from a predominantly pinto background and, as such, the pinto seed coat pattern is present in Matterhorn but masked by the presence of the epistatic p allele. Also noteworthy is that among the 16 IBLs with colored seeds, none displayed the carioca seed coat pattern of EMP507. Fifteen individuals displayed a pinto seed type and a single individual was segregating for multiple seed patterns, none of which were carioca. These findings suggest that there may be a genetic incompatibility which is preventing transmission of the carioca seed pattern into the population despite the clear introgression of agronomic traits of the EMP507 parent in the IBL lines. Among only 16 IBLs with colored seeds, ten were classified as VR and R in PR and 12 were classified as VR and R in MI. This finding suggests that the presence of seed coat color may either be involved in resistance mechanisms as pigment components can be metabolically active compounds. In addition, leaf color, which is related to seed coat color, may play a role in resistance to Empoasca leafhoppers (see Appendix A). Since the presence of color in the seed coat is tightly linked to Empoasca resistance, as previously demonstrated by Murray et al. 86 (2004b), this observation could simply be an artifact of this tight linkage. If such a linkage exists, it could present a challenge in developing highly resistant white seeded cultivars. F. Conclusions In summary, the examination of resistance to Empoasca species undertaken in this study has found that multiple resistance mechanisms, including tolerance, antixenosis and antibiosis, may be functional in the Matterhorn*/EMP507 population. While previous studies have demonstrated tolerance and antixenosis, this is the first study to suggest antibiosis as a possible resistance mechanism in common bean against Empoasca leafhoppers. Individual IBLs identified in this study can be used to introduce resistance to both E. kraemeri and E. fabae into bean breeding programs. 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The goal of this research was to identify QTL associated with these traits and resistance to both tropical and temperate Empoasca species, as well as to verify existing QTL for Empoasca resistance. Twelve QTL associated with resistance to E. fabae and E. kraemeri were identified on Pv02, Pv03, Pv06, Pv07, Pv08 and Pv09 explaining from 22.8 % to 61.5 % of the total phenotypic variation trait. A major QTL (LH7.1 BE, ME ) was associated with multiple traits and was detected for both leafhopper species in multiple seasons. This QTL was tightly linked to the P gene that confers the presence of color in the seed coat and may be related to antixenosis. A novel QTL for E. fabae nymph counts was identified on Pv02 that may be associated with antibiosis resistance. QTL for each species and each trait co-localized in few regions, suggesting resistance to each species and each trait is controlled by separate genetic mechanisms in common bean. 93 I. Introduction The status of resistance in common bean to many insect pests, including bean pod weevil, bruchids, leafhoppers, thrips and nematodes was recently reviewed by Singh and Schwartz (2011). There has been significant progress in breeding for resistance to some pests such as bruchids, but resistance to others, such as nematodes, is still elusive. The development of insectresistant cultivars can have a significant economic and health impact for common bean growers globally, especially in developing countries where subsistence agriculture is common and growers rely on common bean production for income and sustenance (Ojwang’ et al., 2011). In particular, insect-resistant cultivars can minimize yield loss while maintaining crop quality, reduce pesticide use and minimize risks to health and the environment, and lower production costs so profitability and competitiveness are improved (Singh and Schwartz, 2011). A. Mapping Insect Resistance in Common Bean The development of resistant cultivars can be greatly enhanced by using molecular markers to locate and map quantitative trait loci (QTL) involved in resistance (Kelly and Vallejo, 2005), as well as by understanding the nature of the resistance involved, such as tolerance, antibiosis, or antixenosis (Smith, 2005). In addition, by locating resistance loci in relation to other QTL for traits controlling physiological processes or plant morphology, the interaction between resistance and these traits has been confirmed (Kelly and Vallejo, 2005). Resistance mechanisms are often not isolated and plants may use different strategies against the same pest, as is case for Thrips palmi resistance. Frei et al. (2003, 2004) reported the presence of tolerance, antixenosis, and antibiosis in resistant common bean germplasm. QTL for Thrips resistance have been subsequently been identified on bean chromosomes Pv02, Pv03, Pv06 and Pv08 (Frei et al., 2005). 94 Resistance to the bean pod weevil, Apion godmandi, has been linked to two epistatic genes: the Agr allele, which confers moderate resistance on its own, and the Agm allele, which alone has no effect, but increases the level of resistance substantially in the presence of Agr (Garza et al., 1996). The resistance conferred by these epistatic genes is associated with ovipositional non-preference (antixenosis) and antibiosis in the form of hypersensitivity, the only insect-related hypersensitive response reported in common bean (Garza et al., 1996). These genes were mapped to the genetic bean map with Agr residing on Pv01 and Agm on Pv07 (Blair et al., 2006c). Antibiosis has also been reported to be involved in resistance to the bruchid pests Acanthoscelides obtectus (bean seed weevil) and Zabrotes subfasciatus (Mexican bean weevil) (Cardona et al., 1989). This resistance was first detected in wild bean accessions, associated with the lectin-like protein arcelin (Osborn et al., 1988). Since the initial studies, it has been determined that multiple genes and multiple alleles make up the arcelin, α-amylase inhibitors and phytohemagglutinins (APA) locus, which was mapped to Pv04 (Blair et al., 2003). Recently, a novel arcelin-like protein (ARL2) was identified in tepary beans (P. acutifolius) and successfully introgressed into common bean providing superior resistance to bruchid pests (Kusolwa and Myers, 2011). Recent studies have looked at enhancing resistance in common bean to bean fly (Ophiomyia spp), an important pest of African common bean production. Physical and chemical attributes are also often credited with contributing to resistance to insect pests. Volatile compounds released when bean plants are injured by bean flies may be involved in antixenosis (Wei et al., 2006). The genetic basis of resistance to this pest is not yet understood and therefore developing resistant cultivars is challenging (Ojwang’ et al., 2011). 95 B. Mapping Empoasca Resistance in Common Bean Empoasca resistance has been reported to be quantitatively inherited with low heritability, making it an excellent candidate for marker-assisted selection (MAS) as expression of Empoasca injury in the field is subject to strong environmental effects and other confounding factors (Gonzales et al., 2004). Previous studies have identified QTL associated with resistance in common bean to both E. kraemeri and E. fabae (Murray et al., 2004b). Major QTL were identified on Pv01, Pv03 and Pv07. The QTL on Pv01 (LH1.1 BE ) was detected for both E. kraemeri and E. fabae resistance and was linked to the fin locus for determinacy. Because the RIL population (Berna/EMP419) used by Murray et al. (2004b) was segregating for growth habit, this QTL may in fact be an artifact of growth habit differences in the population and not related directly to leafhopper resistance. Numerous agronomic traits have been linked to potential antixenosis resistance mechanisms in beans, including indeterminate growth habit, days to flowering, leaf pubescence and trichome density (Pillemer and Tingey, 1976). However, since these initial studies, leaf pubescence and trichome density have not been demonstrated to have a significant effect on resistance to Empoasca species (Schaafsma et al., 1998). Resistance to LC and LB damage for both Empoasca leafhoppers was found to be controlled by a major QTL on Pv07 (LH7.1 BE ). This QTL was found to be tightly linked to seed coat color at the P locus (Murray et al., 2004b). Color genes have been linked to other resistance loci. For example, the color-intensifying B allele is linked with the I gene for bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) resistance on Pv02, and the V locus on Pv06 is linked to common bacterial blight (CBB) resistance. These findings suggest that genes involved in pigmentation and related pathways may also be involved in plant defense mechanisms. Additionally, seed coat color and leaf color have been noted to influence Empoasca preferences (Bullas-Appleton et al., 96 2004). Together, these traits may contribute to resistance to both Empoasca species seen in common bean. Murray et al. (2004b) identified two other QTL for Empoasca resistance. On Pv03, they identified a QTL for E. kraemeri LC damage and a fourth QTL for E. kraemeri LC damage that could not be located on the common bean genetic linkage map (Murray et al., 2004b). Multiple clusters of resistance genes and QTL have been located in common bean (Kelly et al., 2003). While the majority of the genes identified in these clusters are involved in disease resistance, it is possible that quantitative insect resistance traits could also cluster. Additionally, QTL for resistance have also co-localized with morphological traits, such as the fin and P genes mentioned previously. There are generally two kinds of co-localized QTL – those that map with major genes and those that map with defense response genes (Kelly and Vallejo, 2005). Given the polygenic nature of most insect resistance QTL, it is more likely that colocalized QTL for resistance to different insect pests are involved in some kind of general defense mechanism versus species-specific resistance genes. II. Study Objectives The goal of this investigation was to identify quantitative trait loci associated with resistance to both tropical and temperate Empoasca species, as well as to verify existing QTL for Empoasca resistance in an IBL population with the same growth habit. Molecular markers associated with these QTL can then be used by breeders to incorporate leafhopper resistance into bean germplasm, thereby providing protection against crop losses due to these damaging pests. 97 III. Materials and Methods A. Plant Material The P. vulgaris population examined in this study was developed from a single cross Matterhorn/EMP507 followed by a single backcross to Matterhorn to create an inbred backcross line (IBL) population consisting of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. Matterhorn is a high-yielding commercially available great northern cultivar developed in Michigan (Kelly et al., 1999) with quality seed and desirable agronomic characteristics. EMP507 is a carioca germplasm line developed at the Centro International de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) (Cardona et al., 1989) as part of a long-term recurrent selection program for resistance to E. kraemeri (Schaafsma et al., 1998). While these EMP lines were originally developed to be resistant to E. kraemeri, Schaafsma et al. (1998) demonstrated that the resistance is maintained under severe pressure to the temperate congener E. fabae. Both parental genotypes have a type II growth habit (Singh, 1982). The crosses resulting in the IBL population were made by Dr. Tim Porch at the USDAARS-Tropical Agriculture Research Station, in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. The F1 was made in the greenhouse in 2005 and the BC1F1 backcross generation made in 2006 was selfed and advanced using single seed descent with no selection at the same location until the BC1F4 generation. BC1F4 seed was increased in 2008 and 2009 in the greenhouse and in the field in East Lansing, MI until sufficient quantities were obtained for field screening. Individual IBL were coded with G08 prefix if they possessed white great northern seed type or with P08 prefix if they possessed colored pinto bean seed type. 98 B. DNA Extraction and Isolation The Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population and parents were grown in the greenhouse and young trifoliate leaves from three to four individuals per genotype were collected for DNA extraction. Total genomic DNA was extracted from leaf samples following a modified CTAB protocol (Haley et al., 1994). Isolated DNA was quantified using a flurometer (Hoeffer DyNA -1 Quant 200, San Francisco, CA) and diluted to a working concentration of 40ng μl . DNA was stored at -20°C. C. Molecular Marker Analysis Parent DNA was screened for polymorphic molecular markers including 369 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 152 InDels (Insertion-Deletions) (the author acknowledges receipt of Indel markers developed by the BeanCAP project at North Dakota State University, by S. Mafi Moghaddam and P. McClean). Markers that were identified as being polymorphic between Matterhorn and EMP507 were used to genotype the IBL population. Seed coat color was also included in the analysis as a phenotypic marker (P locus). SSR marker amplification was conducted using the following PCR reaction for each -1 genotype: 1.0 μl DNA [40ng μl ], 1.0 μl of (2mM) primer, 0.2 μl (1U) of Taq polymerase, 0.6 2 μl (50mM) MgCl , 2.0 μl (10x) PCR buffer, 0.8 μl of a 5mM mix of dNTPs, and 14.4 μl sterile distilled water. PCR was performed using a 96-well PTC-100 Programmable Thermal Controller (MJ Research Inc., Waltham, MA) programmed for 1 cycle of 5 minutes at 94°C, followed by 30 cycles of 1 minute at 94°C, 1 minute at 47°C, and 1 minute at 72°C, then final extension was conducted at 72°C for 5 minutes. To each PCR product, 8μl Formaldehyde loading buffer was added. Five μl of each mixed product was loaded onto a 6% acrylamide gel and separated via 99 electrophoresis at a constant power of 300 W for approximately 3 hours in 0.5% TE buffer. PCR products were visualized using the following staining protocol: fixed in solution of 210 ml 95% ethanol, 10 ml acetic acid and 1780 ml distilled water for 5 minutes, stained in solution of 2 g silver nitrate, 3 ml formaldehyde and 2 L distilled water for 7 minutes; and developed in solution of 3 ml formaldehyde, 30 g sodium hydroxide, and 2 L distilled water until bands appear. InDel markers were amplified using the following PCR reaction for each genotype: 1 µl -1 DNA [40ng µl ], 2 µl each forward and reverse primers, 10 µl GoTaq® Master Mix (Promega Corp., Madison, WI), and 5 µl distilled water. PCR was performed using a 96-well PTC-100 Programmable Thermal Controller (MJ Research Inc., Waltham, MA) programmed for 1 cycle at 95˚C for 3 minutes, 45 cycles of 95˚C for 20 seconds, 55˚C for 30 seconds and 72˚C for 1 minute, followed by a final extension cycle at 72˚C for 10 minutes. 5 μl of each PCR product was loaded on a 3% TBE agarose gel and separated by electrophoresis at a constant voltage of 100 V. PCR products were subsequently visualized under UV light after staining with ethidium bromide. D. Linkage Mapping Linkage analysis was performed on genotypic data using QTL IciMapping Version 3.2 (Wang, et al., 2012). The Kosambi mapping function was used, which assumes the existence of interference that is negatively related to recombination frequency. Molecular markers were anchored to linkage groups based on previous assignment on the common bean core map (Blair et al., 2003; Galeano et al., 2011). Grouping, ordering and rippling were conducted to divide the 107 markers into linkage groups, determine marker order and calculate the relative map positions. The logarithm of odds (LOD) threshold was set to a minimum of 3.0 and the recombination counting and ordering algorithm (RECORD) was used, which calculates the pair100 wise expected number of recombination events from genotyping data in a mapping population. Rippling was conducted using sum of adjacent recombination frequencies (SARF) with a window size of 5.0. Linkage groups were designated according to Pedrosa-Harand et al. (2012). Segregation distortion of molecular markers was analyzed using the SDL protocol of the QTL IciMapping Version 3.2 (Wang et al., 2012). E. QTL Analysis QTL analysis was performed using the mean for each trait in either environment across three seasons in MI and two seasons in PR, and separately for each individual environment using the mean for each IBL in the respective year. QTL IciMapping Software Version 3.2 was used to identify QTL for LC, LB and nymph counts in choice tests, and LC and LB in no-choice tests using the Biparental Population (BIP) protocol. Additive Inclusive Composite Interval Mapping (ICIM-Add) function was set to a window size of 1.0 with a probability in stepwise regression of 0.001. The LOD threshold was determined by 1000 permutations with Type I Error level set at α = 0.05. Linkage maps and QTL were visualized using MapChart v2.2 (Voorips, 2002). QTL identified in this study were named according to the guidelines established by the Bean Improvement Cooperative (Miklas and Porch, 2010). 101 IV. Results A. Linkage Map A total of 370 SSRs and 150 InDels were screened for polymorphisms between the parent genotypes Matterhorn and EMP507. SSR and InDel markers were found to have polymorphisms rates of 32% and 27% polymorphic respectively. Four markers were deleted as they could not be mapped despite being polymorphic between the parent genotypes, or all IBLs were found to have only alleles from the recurrent parent. 105 molecular markers were placed on the Matterhorn*/EMP507 linkage map and divided among 12 linkage groups for a total map distance of 1386 cM (Figure 3.1). Each chromosome is represented by a single linkage group with the exception of chromosome Pv04, which is represented by linkage group Pv04 and Pv04b because InDel markers PT059 and PT103 could not be linked to other markers on Pv04. The number of markers on each linkage group ranged from two on Pv04b to 19 on Pv03. Limited coverage was observed of Pv01, Pv05 and Pv11 with the number of mapped loci being 3, 5, and 5 respectively. B. Segregation Distortion Segregation distortion was detected on 10 of 12 linkage groups. In total, 34 markers were detected with significant segregation distortion from expected Mendelian ratios of 1:3 for a BC1F4:8 population (Table 3. 1). Markers with distorted segregation towards recurrent parent Matterhorn were detected on chromosomes Pv02, Pv03, Pv04b, Pv05, Pv06, and Pv10. Regions of distortion towards the donor parent EMP507 were detected on chromosomes Pv02, Pv04, Pv07, and Pv11. In particular, all markers on Pv04 exhibited a skewed segregation towards the donor parent EMP507. 102 Pv01 0.0 8.3 15.8 PVBR218.300 PT149 PVBR107 Pv02 0.0 8.6 44.9 77.6 79.4 83.2 BM142 PVBR25(180) PVBR18 PVBR94 GATS91 PVBR78 104.9 DROUGHT1 PT079 PT154 157.0 PT048 0.0 18.2 27.5 30.8 34.2 42.0 48.0 49.0 49.9 54.6 FJ18 PVBR255 PVBR67 PVBR5 PT077 FJ35 PVBR20 BM187 PT147 PVM26 87.6 93.6 PT148 PVM148 Pv04 118.3 62.4 69.9 BM211 PVBR235 84.0 BMD10 PVM113 17.4 PT103 PVBR16 200.7 BM165 PT059 PVBR21 PVBR23 BM159 188.6 47.7 0.0 PT072 153.3 157.6 163.2 BMD15 BMD9 PT109 PT037 PT097 Pv04b PT050 129.7 0.0 9.3 11.6 14.1 28.9 109.0 PT045 129.4 137.1 140.9 Pv03 PT062 Figure 3. 1 Genetic linkage map of Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population. Mapped loci = 103. Linkage groups: 12. Total map distance: 1386 cM. 103 Pv05 0.0 BMD20 27.5 33.1 38.6 BMD17 PT015 PVBR093 57.4 BMD28a Pv06 0.0 48.9 56.0 79.9 83.7 PT005 FJ10 FJ16 149M2.200 FJ01 107.3 PVBR198 123.1 128.6 141.2 146.1 153.6 PT003 PVM14 BM170 PT145 PVM21 175.3 Pv07 0.0 40.7 Pv08 PT016 PT020 81.9 84.4 88.5 92.5 97.7 105.7 PT082 PT001 BM210 149M2.120 Plocus PVBR35 142.8 PT013 BM3 0.0 33.8 46.9 59.0 63.9 65.0 75.0 78.8 PT040 PVBR218.185 PVBR53 PVBR102 BM153 PT038 BM188 PT043 100.6 0.0 BM195 38.9 45.6 BM184 PT141 62.7 PT125 79.6 PT054 PT046 114.2 Pv09 PVM118 121.3 178.0 200.5 210.3 BMD8 PT055 Figure 3.1 (Cont’d). 104 PT019 PT146 140.2 BM141 158.2 137.7 PVBR199 PVBR131 Pv10 0.0 6.1 8.9 10.4 13.2 15.5 38.2 39.6 PT092 PT081 PT017 PT108 PVM13 PT105 PT123 PVM2 Pv11 0.0 PVM98 11.3 FJ11 30.7 36.9 FJ41 PT070 73.4 PVM152 Figure 3.1 (Cont’d). Inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM) identified 13 QTL associated with seven traits on six linkage groups in nine marker intervals when data was combined in each environment (Table 3.2). QTL per linkage group ranged from one to four, with clusters of two or more QTL located on four linkage groups. Individual QTL explained from 9.8 % to 62.9 % of the phenotypic variation, and the total phenotypic variation explained for a trait varied from 22.8% for LB under no-choice conditions to 61.5 % for nymph counts in Michigan. Named QTL are listed in Table 3. 5. 105 Table 3. 1 Chi-square ( ) test for segregation distortion of molecular markers in the linkage map of the Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population. Linkage Matterhorn H EMP507 Chi-Square Direction Marker Position Group (A/A) (A/B) (B/B) of Skew ( Pv01 PVBR218 0 70 0 5 13.44** Matterhorn Pv02 BM142 0 66 3 3 15.70** Matterhorn PVBR25 8.6 71 2 2 19.29** Matterhorn PT045 104.9 38 0 37 23.68** EMP507 Pv03 PVBR255 18.2 70 0 5 13.44** Matterhorn PVBR67 27.5 72 0 3 17.64** Matterhorn PT077 34.2 71 1 2 19.29** Matterhorn FJ35 42.0 70 2 3 16.99** Matterhorn BM187 49.0 71 2 0 23.67** Matterhorn PT147 49.9 72 1 0 24.00** Matterhorn PVM26 54.6 65 5 2 17.32** Matterhorn Pv04 BMD15 0.0 34 4 30 16.33** EMP507 BMD9 9.3 28 0 47 56.75** EMP507 PT109 11.6 28 2 44 50.07** EMP507 PT037 14.1 27 7 40 43.04** EMP507 PT097 28.9 27 0 47 58.54** EMP507 BM165 47.7 21 0 54 88.36** EMP507 BM211 62.4 11 0 64 145.60** EMP507 PVBR235 69.9 3 0 69 192.67** EMP507 BMD10 84.0 21 0 48 73.09** EMP507 PVM113 109.0 36 0 38 27.41** EMP507 Pv04b PT059 0.0 73 0 2 19.95** Matterhorn Pv05 BMD28a 57.4 51 0 3 10.89** Matterhorn Pv06 PT005 0.0 64 3 5 11.60** Matterhorn Pv07 PT055 210.5 36 0 34 20.74** EMP507 Pv10 PT092 0.0 73 0 1 22.07** Matterhorn PT081 6.1 68 6 1 20.41** Matterhorn PT017 8.9 67 3 2 17.98** Matterhorn PT108 10.3 69 3 1 20.74** Matterhorn PVM13 13.2 70 1 3 16.99** Matterhorn PT105 15.5 71 1 3 17.32** Matterhorn Pv11 PVM98 0.0 38 0 37 23.68** EMP507 FJ11 11.3 36 0 30 14.73** EMP507 FJ41 30.7 42 0 33 14.44** EMP507 Significance of chi-square tests: * ≤ 0.05, ** ≤ 0.01 106 Table 3. 2 Putative QTL for Empoasca leafhopper resistance traits identified in combined environments from 75 inbred backcross lines developed from a cross Matterhorn*/EMP507 and evaluated in Michigan in 2009-2011 and in Puerto Rico in 2010-2011. Location Agronomic Linkage Position Flanking Markers† LOD‡ R2§ Add¶ Trait Group Score Left Right Puerto Rico Leaf Burn Pv06 79 FJ16 149M2.200 7.0 24.5 0.30 Pv06 142 BM170 PT145 4.4 17.2 0.26 Pv07 86 PT001 149M2.120 3.7 20.4 0.32 Pv06 170 PVM21 BM3 3.9 17.1 0.25 Pv07 85 PT001 149M2.120 4.7 25.5 0.36 Pv08 177 PT019 PT146 3.8 14.5 -0.26 Leaf Burn Pv02 135 PT079 DROUGHT1 4.6 22.3 -0.29 Leaf Curl Pv03 88 PT148 PVM148 5.9 19.8 0.30 Pv07 85 PT001 149M2.120 7.2 36.3 0.38 Pv09 154 BM141 PVBR131 2.8 10.0 -0.18 Nymph Counts Pv02 102 PVBR78 PT045 14.4 61.2 -1.14 Leaf Curl Pv07 83 PT082 PT001 5.9 33.1 0.38 Leaf Burn Pv03 158 PVBR23 BM159 4.8 22.8 0.38 Leaf Curl Michigan No-Choice † Primer information for SSR markers available online at http://bic.css.msu.edu/_pdf/Bean_SSR_Primers_2007.pdf. ‡ LOD: Log of odds; log of likelihood ratio statistic at p=0.05. § Proportion of the phenotypic variance explained by the QTL at peak LOD using inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM). ¶Additivity: Effect of substituting a single allele from one parent for another. Positive values indicate allele originates from Matterhorn. Negative values indicate allele originates from EMP507 107 Table 3. 3 Putative QTL for Empoasca leafhopper resistance traits identified in the combined and individual environments from 75 inbred backcross lines developed from a cross Matterhorn*/EMP507 and evaluated in Michigan in 2009-2011. Agronomic Linkage Position Flanking Markers LOD‡ R2§ Add¶ Trait Group Score Left Right Leaf Burn – Choice Tests Combined Pv02 137 2009 Pv02 137 DROUGHT1 DROUGHT1 PT079 PT079 4.6 6.1 22.3 34.3 -0.29 -0.50 Leaf Burn – No-Choice Tests Combined Pv03 158 2009 Pv03 3 PVBR23 FJ18 BM159 PVBR255 4.8 4.2 22.8 30.6 0.38 -0.91 Leaf Curl – Choice Tests Combined Pv03 Pv07 Pv09 2009 Pv03 Pv07 Pv09 2010 Pv03 Pv07 2011 Pv07 PT148 PT001 BM141 PT148 PT001 PVBR199 PT148 PT001 PT001 PVM148 149M2.120 PVBR131 PVM148 149M2.120 BM141 PVM148 149M2.120 149M2.120 5.9 7.2 2.8 4.1 7.6 3.6 3.4 4.4 3.7 19.9 36.3 10.0 12.3 38.2 12.4 14.7 23.9 21.0 0.30 0.39 -0.18 0.28 0.48 -0.26 0.21 0.26 0.44 PT082 PT020 P-locus PT001 PT082 PVBR35 5.9 3.8 3.3 33.1 37.9 19.0 0.38 0.65 0.37 88 85 154 88 85 126 88 85 85 Leaf Curl – No-Choice Tests Combined Pv07 83 2009 Pv07 75 2011 Pv07 98 Nymph Counts (E. fabae) Combined Pv02 102 PVBR78 PT045 14.4 61.2 -1.14 2009 Pv02 112 PT045 DROUGHT1 10.3 68.4 -2.22 2010 Pv02 110 PT045 DROUGHT1 4.6 33.8 -0.61 2011 Pv02 105 PT045 DROUGHT1 8.4 37.8 -0.98 † Primer information for SSR markers available online at http://bic.css.msu.edu/_pdf/Bean_SSR_Primers_2007.pdf. ‡ LOD: Log of odds; log of likelihood ratio statistic at p=0.05. § Proportion of the phenotypic variance explained by the QTL at peak LOD using inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM). ¶Effect of substituting a single allele from one parent for another. Positive values indicate allele originates from Matterhorn. Negative values indicate allele originates from EMP507 108 Table 3. 4 Putative QTL for Empoasca leafhopper resistance traits identified in combined and individual environments from 75 inbred backcross lines developed from a cross Matterhorn*/EMP507 and evaluated in Puerto Rico in 2010-2011. Agronomic Linkage Position Flanking Markers LOD‡ R2§ Add¶ Trait Group Score Left Right Leaf Burn 2011 Pv06 Pv06 Pv07 79 142 86 FJ16 BM170 PT001 149M2.200 PT145 149M2.120 7.0 4.4 3.7 24.5 17.2 20.4 0.30 0.26 0.32 Pv06 Pv07 Pv08 Pv06 Pv07 Pv03 Pv08 170 85 177 0 85 129 167 PVM21 PT001 PT019 PVM21 PT001 PT050 PT019 BM3 149M2.120 PT146 BM3 149M2.120 PT072 PT146 3.9 4.7 3.8 5.6 5.6 5.5 4.6 17.1 25.5 14.5 20.7 29.3 18.8 27.1 0.25 0.36 -0.26 0.35 0.48 -0.26 -0.34 Leaf Curl Combined 2010 2011 † Primer information for SSR markers available online at http://bic.css.msu.edu/_pdf/Bean_SSR_Primers_2007.pdf. ‡ LOD: Log of odds; log of likelihood ratio statistic at p=0.05. § Proportion of the phenotypic variance explained by the QTL at peak LOD using inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM). ¶Additivity: Effect of substituting a single allele from one parent for another. Positive values indicate allele originates from Matterhorn. Negative values indicate allele originates from EMP507 C. Leaf Curl QTL for LC were detected on Pv03, Pv06, Pv07, Pv08, and Pv09. QTL for LC damage in both Empoasca species were detected on Pv03 and Pv07. Separate QTL for E. fabae LC damage were detected on Pv09 with QTL for E. kraemeri LC occurring on Pv06 and Pv08 (Table 3. 2). The E. fabae LC-associated QTL on Pv03 was detected in the combined analysis with an R 2 2 value of 19.9 and additive effect of 0.3. R values ranging from 12.3 to 14.7 with additive effects of 0.21 to 0.28 were detected in 2009 and 2010 (Table 3. 3). All three QTL were tightly linked to 109 InDel marker PT148 (87.6 cM) with a map distance of 0.4 cM. The only QTL for LC detected on 2 Pv09 was detected in the combined analysis in MI and in 2009. R values ranged from 10.0 to 12.4 with additive effects from -0.26 to -0.18. 2 QTL for LC in PR were detected on Pv06 in the combined analysis and in 2010 with R values ranging from 17.1 to 20.7 and additive effects of 0.25 and 0.35 respectively ( Table 3. 4). Another QTL for E. kraemeri LC damage was detected on PV08 in 2011 and in the combined analysis ( Table 3. 4). In 2011, this QTL explained 27.5% of the variation for LC with an additive effect of -0.34, but in the combined analysis, this QTL explained only 14.5% of the phenotypic variation with an additive effect of -0.26 ( Table 3. 4). An additional QTL for LC was detected on Pv03 only in PR in 2011 and is 2 distinct from the QTL detected on this linkage group in MI. This QTL has an R value of 18.8 and an additive effect of -0.26. Despite the lack of overlap between the two species in many of the QTL for LC, a major QTL was identified on Pv07 that was associated with both E. fabae and E. kraemeri LC damage (Table 3. 2). This QTL was detected in the combined analysis in MI under both choice and nochoice conditions (Table 3. 2) as well as in 2009-2011 in choice tests and in 2009 and 2011 in no-choice tests (Table 3. 3). In PR, this QTL was detected in the combined analysis (Table 3. 2) as well as in 2010 ( 2 Table 3. 4). R values for this QTL in MI ranged from 21.0 to 38.2 with effects ranging 2 from 0.26 to 0.65. In PR, R values ranged from 25.5 to 29.3 with effects ranging from 0.36 to 0.48. D. Leaf Burn QTL for LB damage in Michigan were detected on Pv02 and Pv03. A major QTL for LB in the 2 combined MI environment was detected on Pv02 with R = 22.3 and additivity of -0.29 and in 2 2009 with R = 34.3 and additivity of -0.5 (Table 3. 2). This QTL was found to be tightly linked to InDel marker PT079 with QTL located 0.1 cM from this marker. Two separate and significant QTL for E. fabae LB damage were detected on Pv03 under no-choice conditions. One QTL was 110 2 detected in the combined environment and the other was detected only in 2009 (Table 3. 3). R values ranged from 22.8 to 30.6 with additive effects ranging from -0.91 to 0.38. The QTL identified in the combined analysis was found 0.4 cM from SSR marker PVBR23. In 2009, the QTL was found 3.0 cM from marker FJ18. No overlap was detected between QTL for LB damage associated with E. fabae and E. kraemeri as QTL for LB damage were only detected in 2 PR on Pv06 and Pv07 (Table 3. 2). Two QTL were detected on Pv06 with R values ranging from 17.2 to 24.5 and having additive effects of 0.26 to 0.30 respectively ( Table 3. 4). Another QTL for E. kraemeri LB damage was detected on Pv07 co-localized with 2 the major QTL for LC damage. The R value for this QTL was 20.4 with additive effects of 0.32 ( Table 3. 4). E. Nymph Counts A very significant QTL was detected on Pv02 for E. fabae nymph counts. This QTL was 2 detected in the combined analysis (Table 3. 2) and in each individual year (Table 3. 3). R values ranged from 33.8 in 2010 to 68.4 in 2009 and additive effects ranged from -0.61 to -2.22 nymphs/plant. QTL locations ranged from 2.9 to 7.1 cM from InDel marker PT045. No QTL were detected for E. kraemeri nymph counts in the analysis. F. Co-localized QTL QTL co-localized at four locations in the genome (Table 3. 5). On Pv02, QTL for E. fabae nymph counts were found adjacent to QTL for LB in MI. The QTL for nymph counts was detected in the combined analysis (2009-2011) and in each year. The QTL for LB was detected in MI in the combined analysis and in 2009. QTL for LC in MI co-localized with QTL for LC in PR and LB in MI under no-choice conditions on Pv03. A QTL for E. kraemeri LC damage was identified on Pv06, adjacent to a QTL for E. kraemeri LB damage. A large cluster of QTL for LC in MI under choice and no-choice conditions, as well as both LC and LB damage in PR colocalized on Pv07. 111 V. Discussion A. Linkage Map A total of 105 SSR and InDel markers were used in the development of a linkage map for the Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population. SSR and InDel marker polymorphism rates of 32% and 27% were found to be similar to the 31.7% polymorphism rate identified in other Mesoamerican intra-gene pool populations, although lower than the average rate 37.5% for race Mesoamerica by race Durango parental combinations (Blair et al., 2006a). EMP507 has a carioca seed type and therefore a member of race Mesoamerica, while Matterhorn has a great northern seed type and is a member of race Durango. The total map distance in this population was found to be 1386 cM (Figure 3.1). This is larger than the bean core map which is estimated at 1200 cM (Freyre et al., 1998). Marker density was less than the recommended one marker per 10 cM and marker intervals ranged up to 57 cM. On Pv07, three marker intervals of greater than 40 cM were identified. These 112 Pv02 DROUGHT1 PT079 PT154 157.0 PT048 PT050 129.7 PT072 153.3 157.6 163.2 PVBR21 PVBR23 BM159 188.6 PVBR16 200.7 LBMI09 118.3 PT062 LCPR11 129.4 137.1 140.9 NCLBMI PT045 LHMI 104.9 PT148 PVM148 LCMI10 PVBR94 GATS91 PVBR78 LHMI11 LBMI 77.6 79.4 83.2 LHMI10 PVBR18 LHMI09 44.9 LCMI09 87.6 93.6 BM142 PVBR25(180) FJ18 PVBR255 PVBR67 PVBR5 PT077 FJ35 PVBR20 BM187 PT147 PVM26 LCMI 0.0 18.2 27.5 30.8 34.2 42.0 48.0 49.0 49.9 54.6 NCLB09 0.0 8.6 Pv03 Figure 3. 2 QTL locations for leaf burn (LB), leaf curl (LC) and nymph counts (LH). QTL are further identified by location (Michigan=MI, Puerto Rico=PR) and by the last two digits of the year in which they were detected (09-11). QTL with no year specified were identified in the combined environment for each location (MI = 2009-2011; PR = 2010-2011) 113 Pv06 0.0 Pv07 PT005 PT020 LCPR10 LCPR LBPR 114 LCMI11 Figure 3.2 cont’d LCMI10 BMD8 PT055 LCMI09 BM3 PT013 LCPR10 175.3 LCPR PT003 PVM14 BM170 PT145 PVM21 LBPR 123.1 128.6 141.2 146.1 153.6 142.8 PVBR198 PT082 PT001 BM210 149M2.120 Plocus PVBR35 200.5 210.3 107.3 81.9 84.4 88.5 92.5 97.7 105.7 LCMI 149M2.200 FJ01 40.7 NCLC09 NCLC11 79.9 83.7 PT016 NCLCMI FJ10 FJ16 LBPR 48.9 56.0 0.0 Pv08 0.0 33.8 46.9 59.0 63.9 65.0 75.0 78.8 Pv09 PT040 0.0 38.9 45.6 79.6 PT054 PT046 114.2 PT125 PVM118 137.7 LCPR LCPR11 178.0 140.2 PT019 PVBR199 BM141 158.2 PVBR131 PT146 Figure 3.2 cont’d 115 LCMI 121.3 LCMI09 100.6 BM184 PT141 62.7 PVBR218.185 PVBR53 PVBR102 BM153 PT038 BM188 PT043 BM195 Table 3. 5 Location and description of named QTL identified in multiple environments from 75 inbred backcross lines developed from a cross Matterhorn*/EMP507 and evaluated in Michigan and Puerto Rico in 2009-2011. Assigned QTL† ME LH2.1 LH2.2 ME BE,ME LH3.1 LH3.2 LH3.3 LH3.4 LH6.1 LH6.2 LH6.3 ME ME ME ME ME ME BE,ME LH7.1 LH8.1 LH9.1 ME 2 § Add¶ 14.4 61.2 -1.14 PT079-Drought1 4.6 22.3 -0.29 Pv03 PT050-PT072 5.5 18.8 -0.26 Leaf Burn - No-Choice Pv03 Pv03 PVM148-PT148 PVBR23-BM159 5.9 4.8 19.9 22.8 0.3 0.38 Leaf Burn - No-Choice Pv03 FJ18-PVBR255 4.2 30.6 -0.91 Leaf Burn - E. kraemeri Pv06 FJ16-149M2.200 7 24.5 0.3 Leaf Burn - E. kraemeri Pv06 BM170-PT145 4.4 17.2 0.26 Leaf Curl - E. kraemeri Pv06 PVM21-BM3 3.9 17.1 0.25 Leaf Burn - E. kraemeri Leaf Curl - E. fabae Leaf Curl - E. kraemeri Leaf Curl - No-choice Pv07 Pv07 Pv07 Pv07 PT001-149M2.120 PT001-149M2.120 PT001-149M2.120 PT082-PT001 3.7 7.2 4.7 5.9 20.4 36.3 25.5 33.1 0.32 0.39 0.36 0.38 Leaf Curl - E. kraemeri Pv08 PT019-PT146 3.8 14.5 -0.26 LG Flanking Markers LOD‡ Nymph counts - E. fabae Pv02 PVBR78-PT045 Leaf Burn - E. fabae Pv02 Leaf Curl - E. kraemeri Leaf Curl - E. fabae Trait ME R Leaf Curl - E. fabae Pv09 BM141-PVBR131 2.8 10 -0.18 2 †LH: Leafhopper, § R : Proportion of phenotypic variance explained by QTL at peak LOD; ¶ Additivity: Effect of substituting a single allele from one parent for another. Positive values indicate allele originates from Matterhorn. Negative values indicate allele originates from EMP507 116 overestimations may be a result of high levels of recombination in this population. Increasing marker density in these and other regions could help reduce the size marker intervals and thereby reduce the size of the linkage map. However, it can be assumed that the Matterhorn*/EMP507 linkage map does represent approximately 100% coverage of the bean genome. Limited coverage was seen with three, five and five mapped loci on Pv01, Pv05 and Pv11 (Figure 3.1). This could be a result of large linkage blocks that did not recombine easily in the Matterhorn*/EMP507 mapping population. B. Segregation Distortion Significant segregation distortion of molecular markers was detected in the Matterhorn*/EMP507 population. In a BC1F4:8 population, the expected Mendelian ratio is 3:1 towards the recurrent parent. However, 34 markers (32.4 %) were detected with significant segregation distortion outside of this expectation (Table 3.1). Ochoa et al. (2006) found similar levels of segregation distortion which they explained to be a result of significant preferential transmission of maternal alleles. Specifically in the Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population, 55 % of the distorted loci were skewed towards Matterhorn alleles leaving 45 % skewed towards EMP507. These distortions are supported by field observations as seed coat pattern was predominantly Matterhorn-type in that all population lines were either great northern or pinto seed types. No carioca seed types were observed in the population. However, agronomic traits such as flowering and maturity tended towards EMP507 (see Chapter 2). Large regions of distortion towards recurrent parent Matterhorn were detected on Pv03, and Pv10. Regions of distortion towards the donor parent EMP507 were detected on Pv04 and Pv11. In particular, all markers on Pv04 exhibited a skewed segregation towards donor parent EMP507. Deviations from expected segregation ratios can be a result of linkage to factors 117 involved in the transmission of genes (Paredes and Gepts, 1995). Segregation distortion of molecular markers has been found in many crops, including maize, barley, rice and common bean, and is often attributed to gametophytic or sporophytic selection, the presence of genes for incompatibility, as well as directed selection (Gonzalez et al., 2009). Overall, Matterhorn may have improved fitness over EMP507 in terms of transmission of alleles; however, EMP507 preferentially donated alleles for all markers on Pv04. This finding suggests that Matterhorn may contain deleterious alleles on Pv04 that are selected against during meiosis. C. QTL Analysis Inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM) identified 12 QTL associated with seven traits on six linkage groups in 9 marker intervals when data was combined in each environment (Table 3.2). QTL per linkage group ranged from one to four, with clusters of two or more QTLs occurring on four linkage groups, as is often the case with resistance genes clustering in the genome (Kelly et al., 2003). Specifically, two QTL were identified on Pv02, three QTL were identified on Pv03, two QTL were identified on Pv06, and one QTL were identified on Pv07. i. Linkage Group Pv02 QTL for both E. fabae nymph counts and LB damage in Michigan were detected on Pv02. In the case of nymph counts, this QTL was detected in the combined analysis (2009-2011) and in each individual year, indicating the stability and heritability of this QTL (Figure 3.2). This QTL is designated LH2.1 ME , using the standard nomenclature as described by Miklas and Porch (2010), as this is the first QTL for leafhopper (LH) resistance on linkage group Pv02 detected in the Matterhorn*/EMP507 (ME) population. In the combined analysis, LH2.1 explained 63% of the variation for E. fabae nymph counts and was responsible for decreasing nymph counts by more than one nymph per trifoliate (Table 3.2). The LH2.1 QTL spans a region including InDel 118 marker PT045 (Figure 3.2), which was noted as being one of only five markers on the Matterhorn*/EMP507 linkage map with distorted segregation towards the EMP507 allele, not including those on Pv04 (Table 3.1). This region may contain alleles donated from EMP507 that are particularly advantageous or with better fitness than Matterhorn alleles. The LB QTL on this linkage group was detected 35 cM distant from the LH2.1 and was detected in the combined analysis as well as in 2009 and explained up to 34% of the trait variation. This QTL is designated LH2.2 ME and it decreased LB damage by 0.5 out of the damage scale of zero to five. LH2.2 was the only QTL for E. fabae LB damage detected under choice conditions, suggesting that this trait may be difficult to detect under field conditions and/or may be subject to strong environmental interactions. Previous studies have identified QTL on Pv02 for resistance to multiple diseases (Kelly et al., 2003), as well as to another insect pest, Thrips palmi (Frei et al., 2005). Because the same markers used to map the Thrips-resistance QTL did not map in the Matterhorn*/EMP507 population, it is unknown how close these QTL may be located. However, they are believed to be clustered because similar to LH2.1, the TP2.1 BG loci included resistance to both Thrips feeding damage and reproductive adaptation. Since many disease-resistance loci have been known to cluster in the bean genome (Kelly et al., 2003), it is possible that these insect-resistance QTL may also cluster in the same genomic region. Frei et al. (2003, 2004) reported evidence of tolerance, antibiosis and antixenosis to Thrips palmi in common bean, demonstrating that while antibiosis is an uncommon mechanism of insect resistance in common bean; it has been known to occur in some genotypes. The LH2.1 locus is the first major QTL for nymph counts found in common bean and was specifically associated with reductions in E. fabae leafhopper nymph populations. Therefore, if antibiosis resistance is present in this population as field data suggests 119 (see Chapter 2), LH2.1 QTL is a likely candidate. Previous studies have also identified agronomic traits linked to the same markers on Pv02 as LH2.1 and LH2.2, including seed weight, yield and days to flowering (Blair, et al., 2006b). Agronomic traits such as flowering and days to maturity have been noted as potentially linked to leafhopper resistance (Galwey, 1983), possibly involved antixenosis mechanisms. ii. Linkage Group Pv03 Four QTL for Empoasca-related damage were detected on Pv03 in the Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population. A previous study had identified QTL for resistance to E. kraemeri on Pv03 (Murray et al., 2004a). A QTL was identified for resistance to E. kraemeri and associated with LC damage in PR in this study between flanking markers PT050 and PT072. This QTL was only evident in PR in 2011 and may be the same as previously identified by Murray et al. (2004a), because both of these QTL were only found to be associated with E. kraemeri LC damage. Therefore, this QTL is designated LH3.1 BE, ME . A separate QTL for E. fabae LC damage was detected between flanking markers PVM148 and PT148, designated LH3.2 ME , as it is distinct from the previously described QTL. It was detected in the combined analysis as well as separately in 2009 and 2010, and explained 12.3% to 19.9% of the variation for LC in the field. Also, this QTL may have utility in MAS as it is tightly linked to both flanking markers. Three clusters of QTL for disease resistance have also been located on Pv03 (Kelly et al., 2003). Unfortunately, none of the markers mapped in this study have been linked to any previously identified QTL on this linkage group. Therefore, it is unknown where LH3.2 may be located in relation to these previously mapped QTL that condition disease resistance. 120 Two additional QTL were detected on Pv03 for resistance to E. fabae LB damage. Both were evident only under no-choice test conditions suggesting involvement in antixenosis. ME LH3.3 was detected in the combined analysis between PVBR23 and BM159 explaining 22.8% of the LB variation. The second LB-associated QTL (LH3.4 ME ) was detected only in 2009 under no-choice conditions and while it explains 30.1% of the no-choice LB variation, the fact that it was only detected in a single year and because no-choice phenotypic data was only replicated by a small proportion of the IBL population in each year, it is unlikely this QTL is very meaningful. In addition, because its additive effects are negative, thereby reducing LB damage by 0.9 out of the 0-5 scale, it likely would be involved in either tolerance or antibiosis and should have been evident in open-choice tests as well. iii. Linkage Group Pv06 Three separate QTL were identified on Pv06 for resistance to E. kraemeri. Two QTL were identified for LB damage and one QTL was identified for LC damage. The first LBassociated QTL explained 24.5 % of the trait variation in 2011 with a positive additive effect of 0.30. This QTL is designated LH6.1 ME . The second QTL, designated LH6.2 ME , was responsible for 17.2 % of the trait variation, with additive effects on LB scores of 0.26. LH6.2 QTL was closely linked to marker BM170 (0.8 cM distant), which has also been linked to many agronomic traits, including days to end of flowering (DE6.1), days to maturity (DF6.1), and seed width (WI6.1) (Pérez-Vega et al., 2010). Previous studies have shown resistance to E. kraemeri to be associated with late maturity (Galwey, 1983). The LC-associated QTL on Pv06 was detected in both the combined analysis as well as individually in 2010. This QTL is designated LH6.3 121 ME and explained 20.7% of the LC variation in 2010 and 17.1% of the LC variation overall. Additive effects were found to be 0.25 in the combined analysis and 0.35 in 2010. If these QTL could be pyramided and incorporated into germplasm using MAS, significant reductions to the impact of E. kraemeri predation on common bean could be made. When combined with LC and LB field data from PR (Tables 2.5 and 2.6), those IBLs with the five lowest LB values all had EMP507 alleles at BM170 and four of the five had EMP507 alleles at 149M2 indicating that individuals with donor parent alleles at both loci do have lower LB damage. The picture for LC is slightly less clear. Four of the five IBLs with the lowest LC scores in PR have EMP507 alleles at BM3 with three of the five having Matterhorn alleles at PVM21. This suggests that there are possibly beneficial effects originating from both parents that interact to reduce LC damage as a result of E. kraemeri feeding. Also, increasing marker density in this map interval may help pinpoint the source of the LC resistance associated with this QTL. iv. Linkage Group Pv07 A major QTL for resistance to both species of Empoasca leafhoppers was detected on Pv07. This QTL is designated LH7.1 BE, ME as Murray et al. (2004a) previously identified a QTL for leafhopper resistance on Pv07. In the current study, this QTL was detected for LC damage in both PR and MI and was also detected for LB damage in PR between flanking markers PT001 and 149M2. In MI, the LC-associated QTL was detected in choice tests in both the combined analysis and in every individual year as well as under no-choice conditions in the combined analysis and in 2009. Furthermore, LH7.1 was also detected for E. kraemeri LC 2 damage in PR in both the combined analysis and in 2010. R values for the LC-associated QTL detected in MI choice tests ranged from 0.21 to 0.38 with effects ranging from 0.26 to 0.48. Under no-choice conditions, this QTL explained 19.0 – 37.9 % of the trait variation with additive 122 2 effects of 0.37 – 0.65. In PR, LC damage R values ranged from 0.26 to 0.29 with effects on LC ranging from 0.36 to 0.48 respectively. LH7.1 also explained 20.4 % of the trait variation for E. kraemeri LB damage with additive effects of 0.32. LH7.1 was also found to be closely linked to the P gene, which is responsible for determining the presence or absence of pigments in the seed coat (McClean et al., 2002). Similar results were found by Murray et al. (2004a), when they identified a QTL on Pv07 for both E. fabae and E. kraemeri damage symptoms located 7.2 cM and 39.3 cM from the P locus respectively. The co-localization of LH7.1 with the P gene for seed coat color and the similar association with resistance traits for both species assists in confirmation of these QTL as occurring at the same locus. Having many QTL co-localized to the same position with the linkage group could indicate multiple tightly linked loci or a single locus with pleiotropic effects (Hittalmani et al., 2002). The P gene may be involved in resistance mechanisms as it has been linked to other disease resistance QTL on Pv07, including a recent study that linked the P gene to resistance to multiple strains of white mold Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Perez-Vega et al., 2012). In addition, other color alleles have been linked to disease resistance including tight linkage of the B allele with the I gene to confer bean common mosaic virus resistance on Pv02 and the V locus on Pv06 is associated with CBB resistance (Kelly et al., 2003). Because additive effects were positive under no-choice conditions and because of the tight linkage to the P gene, LH7.1 is believed to be involved in antixenosis, which was evident in field studies (see Chapter 2) and may be related to leaf color Empoasca spp. preferences (see Appendix A). Of the IBLs with the five lowest LC scores under choice conditions in MI, all individuals carry the EMP507 allele for markers PT082 and PT001 and four of the five carry the EMP507 allele for marker 149M2. In PR, only three of the five IBLs with the lowest LC scores 123 had EMP507 alleles for PT082, PT001 and 149M2, suggesting other QTL may be more applicable for MAS for resistance to the tropical E. kraemeri. In addition to identifying QTL for Empoasca resistance, previous studies have also identified a QTL for bean pod weevil resistance on Pv07. However, this locus is associated with the Agm gene which only has an effect on A. godmani resistance in the presence of Agr, which is located on Pv01 (Blair et al., 2006c). It is unknown whether this gene is present in the Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population or whether it has implications in resistance to Empoasca leafhopper species. v. Linkage Group Pv08 A QTL for E. kraemeri LC damage was detected on Pv08 in the combined analysis and in 2011 (Table 3.3). Designated as LH8.1 ME , this QTL explained 34.8% of the variation for LC with an additive effect of -0.39 in 2011, and in the combined analysis, this QTL explained 16.5% of the phenotypic variation with an additive effect of -0.28 (Table 3.3). As additive effects were found to be negative for this QTL, LH8.1 is likely involved in tolerance or antixenosis. vi. Linkage Group Pv09 The only QTL identified on Pv09 was detected for LC damage in the combined analysis 2 in MI as well as in 2009. R values for QTL LH9.1 ME ranged from 10 % to 24 % with additive effects of -0.18 to -0.26. Although the QTL regions do not overlap, it is believed to be a single QTL located between SSR markers PVBR199 and PVBR131. Increasing marker density in this region may assist in determining the specific location of LH9.1. Since the additive effects are negative for LC damage and this QTL was not evident under no-choice test conditions, LH9.1 is believed to be involved in tolerance to E. fabae predation. 124 D. Empoasca species x QTL Interactions This study did not find strong correlations between the two species of Empoasca leafhoppers, despite the fact that previous studies have demonstrated that resistance to E. fabae is consistent with resistance to E. kraemeri (Schaafsma et al., 1998). Out of 10 genomic regions where QTL associated with resistance to Empoasca species were identified, only LH7.1 was evident for both species in multiple seasons. In addition, only LH7.1 was expressed for more than one damage symptom. These findings support the hypothesis that LC damage and LB damage are results of distinct plant responses. In addition, it is known that E. kraemeri and E. fabae feeding behaviors differ on common bean (Backus et al., 2005). The lack of overlap between QTL for E. kraemeri and E. fabae may be due to these distinct insect feeding behaviors. These differences could also be due to QTLxEnvironment interactions as a result of the significantly different environmental conditions of photoperiod, temperature and moisture in MI and PR. These findings also raise the question of whether the EMP lines developed by CIAT to be resistant to E. kraemeri are an effective source of resistance to E. fabae. The recurrent parent, Matterhorn, was found to have moderate tolerance to E. fabae in the field (see Chapter 2) and was originally developed from Sierra, a commercially released pinto bean that has demonstrated resistance to E. fabae (Gonzales et al., 2004). This evidence suggests that there may be more effective sources of resistance to E. fabae already existing in the temperate germplasm, possibly as a result of indirect selection under annual E. fabae pressure in the Midwest region of the USA. The QTL identified in this study for resistance to Empoasca leafhopper species may have utility for MAS. In particular, LH2.1 is a strong candidate for reducing E. fabae nymph populations, possibly as a result of antibiosis mechanisms, because it was seen in all seasons indicating stability of the locus and it was responsible for a large proportion of the phenotypic 125 variation observed in the Matterhorn*/EMP507 IBL population. LH3.1 could also be used for MAS of E. fabae resistant material as it also was apparent in multiple seasons with markers flanking a small map distance of only 6 cM. The QTL on Pv06 may be most useful if pyramided to provide resistance to E. kraemeri leafhoppers in tropical common bean germplasm. The LH7.1 QTL on Pv07 may have the broadest application for MAS to incorporate Empoasca leafhopper resistance as it was evident in both MI and PR in multiple seasons. LH7.1 might be most useful if it is pyramided with other QTL utilizing different mechanisms for leafhopper resistance, as it 2 is potentially involved in antixenosis resistance and because R values in MI are relatively low. Previous field and QTL studies have suggested that LC and LB are distinct genetic plant responses to Empoasca leafhopper feeding (Murray et al., 2001, 2004a, 2004b). The lack of overlap in this study of QTL for LC and LB damage supports this hypothesis. Only two significant QTL for E. fabae LB damage were detected in this study – LH2.2 under choice conditions and LH3.2 under no-choice conditions. In contrast, four QTL were detected for E. fabae LC damage with choice and no-choice LC QTL co-localized on Pv07. The fact that E. fabae LB-associated QTL for each test condition were detected on different linkage groups while E. fabae LC-associated QTL overlapped on the same linkage group suggests that LB damage may be more significantly influenced by QTLxEnvironment interactions than LC damage. Damage responses from E. kraemeri may be more closely linked as QTL for both LC and LB were detected on Pv06 and Pv07. This may be a result of E. kraemeri feeding behavior as it is known that E. kraemeri uses lacerate-and-sip feeding tactic more commonly than E. fabae (Backus et al., 2005). Lacerate-and-sip feeding is believed to be responsible for causing LB damage (Serrano et al., 2000). 126 E. Conclusions In summary, this study has identified multiple QTL for resistance to both Empoasca leafhopper species. These QTL can be utilized by bean breeders in both temperate and tropical climates seeking to enhance levels of resistance in their germplasm. 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Historically, insect vision has been ranked as less important than olfaction in selecting host plants. However, in a recent review by Reeves (2011), he reports that visual cues may be the first line of host plant recognition, especially for highly polyphagous insects such as Empoasca fabae (Harris) and E. kraemeri (Ross & Moore), which have a broad range of potential host plants. Common beans, Phaseolus vulgaris, are among their preferred host plants and are an important staple food crop in much of the world. Temperate E. fabae is a pest of North American common bean production east of the Rocky Mountains, while tropical E. kraemeri limits common bean yields throughout South and Central America. Empoasca feeding can cause serious damage by reducing bean seed yield and quality, while causing distinct damage symptoms – leaf curl and leaf burn. Previous studies have shown that P. vulgaris leaf color influences E. fabae preferences, more so than host odor, suggesting that Empoasca leafhoppers may also avoid certain plants based on the color of the leaves (Bullas-Appleton et al., 2004). Empoasca preferences for egglaying and feeding (antixenosis interactions) can be assessed by evaluating nymph incidence (Schaafsma et al., 1998). The importance of visual traits, such as leaf color, in determining insect preferences can be inferred by correlating nymph incidence with such traits. When insect preferences are better understood, developing resistant plant material can become more achievable. If leaf color preferences and aversions are limited to specific spectra, this data can be included in routine breeding program screening. Therefore, having a simple objective method for measuring leaf color would be very useful for breeders who are looking to include this method of resistance. The Hunter L*a*b* color space system is just such a method. Hunter L*a*b* values 134 characterize specific color spectra as described in Table A.1, and can represent all perceivable colors. L*a*b* coordinates can only represent an absolute color if the white point (the XYZ data they were converted from) is also specified. The objectives of this study were to compare L*a*b* color spectrum of bean genotypes that differ in reaction to Empoasca feeding damage. Table A. 1. The Hunter L*, a*, b* scale values and associated maximum and minimum color spectrum. The L*, a*, b* values provide an objective measurement of color that correlates with human eye perceptions. Hunter Coordinate L* Scale Minimum Dark 0 to 100 Maximum Light a* Green Red b* II. -100 to +100 -100 to +100 Blue Yellow Materials and Methods F. Plant Material In order to determine the role that leaf color may play in Empoasca species preferences of P. vulgaris, an inbred backcross line (IBL) population (Matterhorn*/EMP507) that is segregating for leaf color was examined. The IBL population examined in this study was originally developed from a single cross Matterhorn/EMP507 followed by a single backcross to Matterhorn to create an IBL population, consisting of 75 BC1F4:8 individuals. Matterhorn is a commercially available great northern cultivar developed in Michigan (Kelly et al., 1999) with high yield and quality seed and agronomic characteristics. EMP507 is a carioca germplasm line developed at CIAT (Cardona et al., 1989) as part of a long-term recurrent selection program for resistance to E. kraemeri (Schaafsma et al., 1998). While these EMP lines were originally developed to be resistant to the tropical species of PLH, E. kraemeri, Schaafsma et al. (1998) demonstrated that the resistance is sustained under severe pressure to the temperate congener E. 135 fabae. The population was developed with the USDA dry bean breeding program in Puerto Rico, led by Dr. Tim Porch. G. Field Screening Field screening of leaf color traits was conducted on the Crop and Soil Science Research Farm at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (MI) and at USDA-ARS-TARS in Isabela, Puerto Rico (PR). Three replications were planted in MI in 2011 in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) of 5.4 m long single-row plots. Individual plot were spaced 20 cm apart and consisted of up to 80 plants per plot. Five replications were planted in December 2009 and January 2011 in PR in a RCBD of 1.8 m long single-row plots. Individual plots were spaced 90 cm apart and consisted of up to 30 plants per plot. Empoasca species were allowed to inoculate each field test naturally. Plant leaf color was measured using a Kodak Chromameter CR-400. Measurements were taken by placing the chromameter directly on the leaf surface and recording the L*a*b* values. A randomly selected leaf from the upper canopy of three plants per plot was analyzed in each replication. Nymphs were counted at pod set by counting nymphs present on three trifoliate leaves on each of three randomly selected plants per plot. Plants were evaluated for leaf curl and leaf burn at 78 and 79 days after planting (DAP) using the damage scale from 0-5 as described in Murray et al. (2001). H. Greenhouse Screening Twenty-three IBLs were selected from the population from the extreme ends of each L*, a*, b* value based on field screening results and inoculated with 5 E. fabae adults/trifoliate at 23 DAP in a caged greenhouse choice test. L*, a*, b* scores were recorded at 35 DAP and nymph 136 counts were taken at 42 DAP. All data were analyzed using SAS Statistical software (SAS Institute, Cary, USA). III. Results and Discussion I. Color Analysis L*, a*, b* color space coordinates were normally distributed in each field test. Significant correlations between color scale values were determined for each color value both within and across field trials and greenhouse tests (α=0.05). L* and b* were positively correlated, indicating as L* increases towards lightness, b* increases towards yellow. a* and b* were negatively correlated, indicating as b* increases towards yellow, a* decreases towards green. L* and a* were not significantly correlated in this study. IBL population means and 95% confidence intervals for each Hunter L*, a*, b* color value are listed in Table A.2. Table A. 2 L*, a*, b* color means and 95% confident intervals for 75 inbred backcross lines (BC1F4:8) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population evaluated in Michigan in 2011 and in Puerto Rico in 2010-2011. Color Coordinate Location L* PR a* MI PR Min 47.1 49.1 35.3 -22.3 -15.9 -14.8 2011 2010 2011 2011 2010 2011 2011 2010 2011 MI b* PR MI 137 Mean ± SE 95% Confidence Interval 51.1 ± 0.10 53.5 ± 0.11 39.31 ± 0.13 -14.3 ± 0.20 -13.2 ± 0.07 -12.8 ± 0.06 55.1 57.9 43.3 -6.3 -10.5 -10.8 23.9 21.2 15.2 Year Max 28.5 ± 0.17 28.8 ± 0.11 20.4 ± 0.17 33.1 35.8 25.6 J. Empoasca – Color Correlations Nymph counts were found to be normally distributed in each field trial. Mean nymph count values were 4.3±0.16 (MI11), 2.4±0.11 (PR10), and 0.4±0.02 (PR11) with an overall mean of 2.1±0.07. When color scores were analyzed with both Empoasca sp. nymph scores using Spearman rank correlation coefficients, significant correlations were seen with all color spectra across all years and locations (α=0.05) (Table A.3). L* (light-dark) was negatively correlated with nymph counts. Nymph counts were also negatively correlated with b* (yellow-blue), while a* values (green-red) were positively correlated with nymph counts across years and locations. Environment was found to play a significant role in leaf color as location was a significant factor for all L*, a*, b* values (α=0.05). Table A. 3 Spearman rank correlations between Empoasca spp. nymph counts and L*, a*, b* color values for inbred backcross lines (BC1F4:8) achieving Empoasca spp. economic threshold levels (>1 nymph/trifoliate) or higher from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population evaluated in Michigan in 2011 and in Puerto Rico in 2010-2011. Color Coordinate L* a* b* Spearman Rank Correlation (r) -0.15* 0.11* -0.04* K. Damage Score - Color Correlations L*, a*, b* values were sub-sampled for those where E. sp. nymph counts achieved economic threshold levels or greater (N ≥ 1 nymph/trifoliate) and analyzed both by location (Figure A.1a-c) and species (Table A.4). Those individuals included in each range were selected for analysis with LC and LB damage scores. Significant correlations were identified between LB and all L*, a*, b* color values (α = 0.05). LC was only found to correlate with L* values. This 138 result could be due to the fact that LB damage itself directly affects the color of the leaves, and damage symptoms may already have been present at the time of evaluation. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 PR11 A.1a MI11 PR10 30 35 40 45 50 L* (dark-light) 55 PR11 50 40 60 A.1b MI11 PR10 30 20 10 0 -20 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 a* (green-red) -13 -12 -11 -10 PR11 A.1c MI11 PR10 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 b* (blue-yellow) 29 31 33 Figure A. 1 Distribution of IBLs (BC1F4:8) achieving Empoasca spp. economic threshold levels (>1 nymph/trifoliate) or higher for each measurement of L* (A.1a), a* (A.1b), b* (A.1c) from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population evaluated in Michigan in 2011 and in Puerto Rico in 20102011. 139 L. Greenhouse Screening Nymph counts were not found to be significantly correlated with any L*, a*, b* color values under greenhouse conditions; however, correlations between all L*, a*, b* values were significant (α=0.05). Genotype was found to be significantly associated with all L*, a*, b* values 2 2 2 (p<0.001). Heritability values (h ) were calculated for all variables – L: h = 0.65, a: h = 0.67, 2 b: h = 0.66 – indicating that under uniform conditions, 65-67% of the variation in plant leaf color is under genetic control. IV. Conclusions The IBL population displayed significant segregation for leaf color as indicated by L*, a*, b* values. Empoasca species appear to have leaf color preferences as previously indicated by Bullas-Appleton et al. (2004). Each species was found to have distinct preference ranges. Preferences for host plant leaf color ranges for E. fabae and E. kraemeri are shown in Table A.4. The strong association of plant leaf color with location may be a result of differences in plant growth habit due to the different environments, such as differences in fertility. Table A. 4 L*, a*, b* coordinates encompassing 90% of the IBLs from a Matterhorn*/EMP507 population evaluated in Michigan in 2011 and in Puerto Rico in 2010-2011 achieving Empoasca spp. economic threshold levels (>1 nymph/trifoliate) or higher. Species Hunter Color Scale Min (5% Quartile) Max (95% Quartile) E. fabae L* +35.97 +42.82 a* -11.40 -14.40 b* +16.60 +24.89 L* +48.82 56.29 a* -16.19 -10.79 b* 23.99 33.62 E. kraemeri 140 Given that Empoasca sp. appear to have distinct preference ranges, it can also be inferred that there are ranges of leaf colors that they avoid. This may be involved in the antixenosis resistance demonstrated in choice tests in Chapter 2. By selecting against those plants that fall within the insect’s preferred ranges, breeders could retain germplasm that may be more resistant to Empoasca sp. predation and subsequent damage and yield reductions. 141 Literature Cited 142 Literature Cited Bullas-Appleton, E.S., Otis, G., Gillard, C., and Schaafsma, A.W. 2004. Potato leafhopper (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) varietal preferences in edible beans in relation to visual and olfactory cues. Enviro. Ent. 33: 1381-1388. Cardona, C. Posso, C.E., Kornegay, J., Valor, and J., Serrano, M. 1989. Antibiosis effects of wild dry bean accessions on the Mexican bean weevil and the bean weevil (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 82: 310-315. Kelly, J.D., Hosfield, G.L., Varner, G.V., Uebersax M.A., and Taylor, J. 1999. Registration of 'Matterhorn' great northern bean. Crop Sci. 39:589-590. Murray, J.D, Michaels, T.E., Pauls, K.P., and Schaafsma, A.W. 2001. 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