INFLUENCE OF APPLIED NITROGEN ON NITRATE DISTRIBUTION IN SOIL PROFILES AND NITROGEN UPTAKE BY CORN Dissertation for the Degree of Ph. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY RUSSELL PAUL-SCHNEIDER 1975 P” Q:\. r”; \5\ cf‘\ ABSTRACT INFLUENCE OF APPLIED NITROGEN ON NITRATE DISTRIBUTION IN SOIL PROFILES AND NITROGEN UPTAKE BY CORN BY Russell Paul Schneider Soil profile distribution studies were conducted on two Michigan soils using two sources of nitrogen. Corn was grown on a Hodunk sandy loam using four rates of N (0, 100, 200, 400 kg N/ha) added as urea. Significant yield increases were obtained as the rate of application increased from 0-200 3 of greater than 200 kg N/ha created conditions for N0; leach- kg N/ha. Soil profile NO levels indicated that the addition 3 prediction model was developed from soil test NOS-N in a 90 ing and possibly NO pollution of ground water. A yield cm soil profile. The second experiment was conducted on a Metea fine sandy loam. The application of Ca(NO3)2 (0, 50, 100, 200, 400 kg N/ha) suggested that there is an optimum amount of NOS-N in a 90 cm profile which will produce maximum corn yields. A computer program was developed which will predict the amount of N0; leached during a season. The program can be used Russell Paul Schneider to predict the amount of NOS-N present in order to predict corn yields. INFLUENCE OF APPLIED NITROGEN ON NITRATE DISTRIBUTION IN SOIL PROFILES AND NITROGEN UPTAKE BY CORN BY Russell Paul Schneider A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Crop and Soil Sciences 1975 To Ben and Helen ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special recognition and appreciation is due to Dr. Donald R. Christenson, committee chairman, for his guidance, patience and understanding during this study. Gratitude is also expressed to the committee members, Drs. P. E. Rieke, M. L. Vitosh, A. R. Wolcott and C. J. Pollard for their advice and consultation. Appreciation and thanks are expressed to Drs. B. G. Ellis, A. E. Erickson, R. J. Kunze, M. M. Mortland and the late J. F. Davis for their helpful "hints" during the acquisition of this education. Gratitude is extended to the Tennessee Valley Authority for the financial assistance and enlightening experience during this study. Special thanks are extended to Dr. E. C. Doll, for his interest, keen judgement and advice during the early portion of this study. Appreciation is extended to F. Rodammer and R. Voth for their assistance in the development of the computer program, and to Jan Schwinke for assistance in the laboratory analysis. To Cathy and our two daughters I am especially grateful for without their patience and adaptability this study would never have been completed. iii TABLE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . LIST OF TABLES . . . . LIST OF FIGURES. . . . INTRODUCTION . . . . . LITERATURE REVIEW. . . Nitrate Pollution Methods Used for Testing and Recommendations for N. . Problems Involved in Soi Modeling of N03 METHODS AND MATERIALS. Experiment 1. . Experiment 2. . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Experiment 1. . Soil . . Yield. . Experiment 2. . Soil . . Yield. . Computer CONTENTS 1 Testing for N . Leaching and Yield Responses. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. APPENDIX A . . . . . . APPENDIX B . . . . . . LITERATURE CITED . . . iv Page .iii , v .vii . l . 3 . 3 . 4 . 6 . 8 . lO . 10 . 13 . l7 . l7 . l7 . 22 . 27 . 27 . 3l . 35 . 45 . 49 . 56 . 59 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Distribution of rainfall and irrigation during 1973 growing season . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2. Initial levels of NHZ-N and NOS-N in a 150 cm profile of Metea fine sandy loam, May 1974. . . . l4 3. Distribution of rainfall and irrigation during 1974 growing season . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4. Effect of urea on soil pH 45 days after N application, Experiment 1, 1973 . . . . . . . . . 20 5. Soil moisture in the profile at each sampling period, Experiment 1, 1973. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 6. Effect of urea on corn yields, Experiment 1, 1973. O O O O O O I O O O O O I O O O O O O O O O 25 7. Effect of urea on soil NOS-N in an acre 90 cm soil profile 45 days after N applications, 7 Experiment 1, 1973. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 8. Soil organic N at various sampling times, Experiment 2, 1974. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 9. Soil moisture in the profile at each sampling period, Experiment 2, 1974. . . . . . . . . . . . 32 10. Effect of Ca(NO3)2 on corn yields, Experiment 2, 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 11. Effect of Ca(NO3)2 on total plant N at harvest, Experiment 2, 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . 33 12. Effect of Ca(NO3)2 on soil NOS-N in an acre 90 cm soil profile 45 days after N application, Experiment 2, 1974. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 13. Effect of Ca(NO3)2 on the amount of total plant N derived from applied N, Experiment 2, 1974. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Table Page A.l. Effect of urea on % moisture, NHZ-N and N03 N, July 9, 1973 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 A.2. Effect on urea on % moisture, NHZ-N and NOS-N, September 25, 1973 . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . 50 A.3. Effect of urea on % moisture, NHZ-N and NOS-N, May 14, 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 A.4. Effect of Ca(NO3)2 on % moisture, NHZ-N and NO--N' may 24' 1974. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 52 3 A.5. Effect of Ca(NO3)2 on % moisture, NHZ-N and NO—-N' JUly 8' 1974. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 53 3 A.6. Effect of Ca(NO3) on % moisture, NHZ-N and NOS—N, september 36' 1974. O O O O O O O O O O 0 O 54 A.7. Effect of Ca(NO )2 on % moisture, NHZ-N and NOS-N, May 12, I975. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Vertical distribution of NH+-N due to applica- tion of urea, Experiment 1, 1973 . . . . . . . . . l8 2. Vertical distribution of N0-—N due to the application of urea, Experiment 1, 1973. . . . . . 21 3. Yield response curve resulting from the NO--N in an acre 90 cm of soil after 45 days, Ex eri- ment 1’ 1973 O O O O O O O I O O O O O O O O O O O 26 4. Vertical distribution of NO--N due to the application of Ca(N03)2, Experiment 2, 1974. . . . 28 5. Flow chart followed to develop the computer program, 1974. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 6. Simulation versus actual NOS-N data, 1974. . . . . 44 vii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In 1974, according to the Fertilizer Summary Data com- piled by TVA, 9,157,200 tons of nitrogen fertilizer were used by the American farmer. Population demands for greater food production coupled with increased demands for agricultural land have accelerated the use of N. The intensive utiliza- tion of such fertilizer materials necessitates additional responsibility to environmental protection. A routine and necessary endeavor associated with crop production is the application of essential plant nutrients to the soil with fertilizers or manures. The application of most nutrients is based on soil test determinations and field correlations. Nitrogen is not one of these nutrients. 'Most N recommendations are based on application rate studies which do not relate to leaching probabilities or environmental contamination. Nitrogen in its available form is very mobile and consequently quite difficult to evaluate routinely. A great deal of emphasis has been placed on commercial fertilizers in recent years and nitrogen fertilizers specif- ically. Environmentalists claim the eutrophication of many lakes to be a direct result ofthe agricultural use of fertilizers and the improper management of such materials. The improper management by a few has led some extremists to state that scientists and farmers have no regard for the environment. Such statements, while having little merit, attract the greatest attention by the media and are widely accepted by many people. Scientists must therefore develop new methods to evaluate fertilizer recommendations which consider the impact on the environment as well as yield. Realizing the many factors of nitrogen fertilizer application and use efficiency, two major points were 3- leaching losses, and 2) how considered: 1) how can soil test NO N be used to predict 3 can scientists predict the amount of NO crop yields while limiting NO 3 soil profile. With this background the following studies leached through a were conducted. CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW As the clamor for increased production grows louder so does the outcry and outrage of environmentalists concerned with nitrate pollution of lakes and streams (24). Some work— ers (38) have gone so far as to state that soil scientists have not been concerned with N0; losses that were economically unimportant to the farmer but which could contaminate large volumes of water. This statement is erroneous, but the 3 increased NO} levels in ground water as well as lakes and streams do occur. The U. S. Department of Health, Education problem of excess levels of NO in the soil does exist and and Welfare set a drinking water standard of not more than 10 ppm NOS-N (46). Nitrate Pollution The concept that all fertilizer nitrogen must be bad has caused a great deal of controversy in production agricul- ture. In recent years Kohl et a1. (24) has stated that the addition of fertilizer N was polluting lakes and rivers in Illinois, and Viets (46) quoted Commoner as saying that there should be an elimination of N use for the next 10 years. Present research has shown scientific concern for the pollution problem and in part corrective possibilities. Bartholomew (7) has shown that No; pollution may occur at either low or high application rates of N depending upon how well plants utilize the nutrient. If corn yields were less than 1 metric ton per hectare (T/ha), N03.pollution could occur when 100 kg N/ha were added. However, if the corn yields were 12 T/ha, then N additions would need to be about 400 kg N/ha to be pollutants. Realization of proper manage- ment practices by producers in relation to the recommended fertilizer additions can make a great deal of difference in the amount of NO3 moving through the soil profile. Pratt et 31. (36) felt that drainage water would not be appreciably affected by NO3 when proper management was used to maximize production. Olsen and his co-workers (33) found that the total amount of N0; in the soil profile was directly related to the rate of N application and that NO 3 could be limited by avoiding excessive rates of fertilizer N. in the ground water 3 during the winter and early spring was a process of leaching More recently, Derici (14) has shown that the loss of NO and not denitrification on a Hodunk sandy loam. Derici also indicated the possibility of ground water pollution by NO 3 when application rates exceeded 186 kg N/ha. Methods Used for Testing and Recommendations for N Leibig's law of the minimum and the Mitscherlich equation, log (A—y) = log A - cb, have been used by scientists to relate soil test N or tissue test N to the N needs of agri- cultural crops. Fitts (18, 19) and Stanford (44), worked on incubation techniques which were quite successful for predicting N fertilizer needs in Iowa soils. Several workers (26, 43) have worked with A values, (A = B (l-y)/y) where A is the amount of available soil N, B is the amount of added N fertilizer and y is the fraction of N in the plant derived from the fertilizer, to develop better soil test methods. 3 soil plus the N from organic sources. Legg (26) concluded Stanford (43) calculated A values from N0 initially in the that the A value constituted a precise standard for characterizing N supplying capacities of soils but it has not been utilized to any great extent. Hunter (23) felt that N values, (N = B (l-y)/y) where N is the amount of indigenous soil N available to plants, B and y are the same as described in A value, were best for calculating N for sudan grass production. Soper gt gt. (39) found that the NOS-N content of the soil to a depth of 120 cm gave the best correlatiOn with yield in assessing nitrogen fertilization in barley. Spencer and his co-workers (40) found that N uptake by corn was most highly correlated with initial NOS-N in the 15-30 cm depth, or initial NOS-N plus N released on incubation for 2 weeks and total N in the 0-30 cm depth. They indicated that the initial N0; had little effect on correlations between miner— alizable N and N uptake by corn and sugar beets. Giles gt gt. (22) has shown that soil NOS-N levels determined before planting were useful in estimating the N requirement of sugar beets. These same workers found that fertilizer N responses were unlikely when soil NOS-N levels in the 0-60 cm depth were greater than 130 kg/ha. Lucas (30) has proposed that 40 pp2m of NOS-N in the plow soil represents a critical level for estimating the N available to corn during tasseling, silking and pollination. Doll gt g1. (15) felt that in potato production additional 3- ppm 10-12 weeks after emergence. Work in Missouri (29) N fertilizer should be applied if soil NO N fell below 20 indicated that applications of N greater than 112 kg N/ha exceeded the N needed in corn production while Derici (14) obtained maximum yields in corn with 186 kg N/ha. Vitosh (47) has shown maximum yields with 154 kg N/ha on clay loam soils producing corn. Stanford (41) stated that the efficien- cy of applied N was rate and time dependent and was also influenced by growing conditions. The evaluation of plant N has been used to predict N needs. Baird gt gt. (6) found that the N in corn leaves could not be used for predicting N fertilization.‘ Stanford (41) maintained that the maximum attainable yield for corn was associated with 1.2% N in the total dry matter. Stan- ford concluded that the efficient use of N was not just an uptake phenomenon but was also part of the NOS-N and NHZ—N present in the soil initially, and the N mineralization potential of the soil. Problems Involved in Soil Testing for N Allison (5) stated that it was impossible, or at least impractical, to account for all gains and losses of N in a single experiment under normal soil conditions. Evaluation of NO3 leaching and mineralization during the growing season have posed problems. According to Allison (4) leaching of available nitrogen beyond the plant root zone seldom occurred in cultivated, medium textured, humid soils unless the annual 3 occurred during the winter and early spring. Wolcott gt gt. rainfall was above 127 cm. He felt the leaching of NO (50) has also shown that annual accumulations of N0; were largely moved out of the soil before the following season. Stanford (41) felt that properly timed applications of N at economically optimum levels for crop production would reduce 3 The failure to adopt a standard sampling depth may the leaching of NO from the root zone. cause problems. Onken and Sunderman (34) felt that samples to a depth of 30 cm were sufficient for grain sorghum. Giles (22) recommended 60 cm in sugar beets and Soper (39) stated that 120 cm was best for barley. Due to mass flow and diffusion patterns N0; tends to move in several directions, the amount in any direction depending on soil texture. Allison (3) stated that the chief avenue for loss of N in normal agricultural practices was leaching, but leaching seemed to be restricted by the clay content of the soil (31). Wetselaar (48) and Boswell and Anderson (8) found that nitrate would accumulate at the soil surface on drying which would cause sampling problems. Another problem encountered has been that associated with recycling of high N0; ground water from shallow depths (1). The total amount of available plant nutrients would be impossible to determine under such conditions. Band applications of N at planting may cause problems when soil testing in mid-season. Since the N was concentrated in a band, root proliferation was greatest in this region and leaching was minimized (35). Lateral move- ment of N0; in the soil was restricted by banding and there— fore the uniformity of the total soil-water system was decreased. Soil tests for N are difficult, sometimes misleading, often controversial but necessary. Carter gt gt. (13) has 3 mineralizable N and NOS-N levels of a soil. Carter's idea coincided with Stanford's (41) suggestions for optimum N stated that a good soil test for NO should measure both the use. They felt that the crop's needs must be known as well as the amount of N mineralized during the season. They also felt that the amount of residual mineral N present in the root zone early in the season and the expected efficiency of the crop available N supply was needed. Modeling of NOELeachingand Yield Responses The modeling of yield responses from N applications has been studied in several areas of the country. Vitosh EE.§l- (47) and Engelstad and Parks (17) developed yield models for corn based on rates of spring applications of N. A conclusive computer model, or more specifically a leaching simulation computer program, has many integrated pieces. The total system must include soil transformations, environmental influences and plant characteristics. The scientist must realize that minimal use efficiency has been obtained with applied N (12, 25), and poor efficiency 3 3 but Wetselaar (49) found that NO3 moved about 3.8 cm when the soil was near 15 atmospheres increased the probability of NO leaching. Free water has been shown to remove NO tension. Liao and Bartholomew (28) showed mass flow to con— tribute more to corn nutrition than did diffusion in a soil system. Foth (20) defined the root distribution patterns in corn according to the time of year in a dynamic soil system. Gardner (21) developed a leaching equation for N03 solutions. The equation was based on leaching being a function of perco- lated water and percolated effectiveness based on porosity and water content (45). Mineralization also influenced the development of leaching models. Legg and Allison (27) have shown mineralization to be essentially constant regardless of the rate of nitrogen addition. Stanford and Smith (42) found that mineralization rates of soils were similar but crop rotations played a major role in the amount of mineralization. It has been indicated (32) that N applications did not in- crease the rate of breakdown of soil organic matter. Duffy gt gt. (16) developed a simulation model which predicted the concentration of NO- in tile effluent based on many of the 3 afore mentioned concepts. CHAPTER III METHODS AND MATERIALS Two field studies were conducted at the Michigan State University soils farm during 1973 and 1974. Corn (Egg mgyg L.) was utilized as an indicator crop to evaluate several N rates with respect to soil test NOS-N and N recommendations on corn. Incremental-soil samples were taken by depth four times during each growing season to determine the profile distribution of NHZ-N and NOS-N. Experiment 1 The first experiment was conducted on a Hodunk sandy loam (Cchreptic Fragiudalf). This soil series is a moderately well-drained, gray-brown podzolic soil, developed on'a Calcar- eous sandy loam glacial till, with a fragipan usually at 40-60 cm. Soil test results were as follows:pH(l:l soilzwater), 6.5; Bray P 50 kg/ha; NH OAc extractable K, 143 kg/ha. l' 4 Initial NOS-N levels were found to be negligible throughout the entire soil profile. Nitrogen treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Urea was broadcast at rates of 0, 100, 200 and 400 kg N/ha and disced into the soil. Funks hybrid (F—4444) was planted June 1, 1973, in 71 cm rows with a band application of 200 kg/ha 0-26-26, 5 cm below and 5 cm to the side of the seed. 10 11 During the growing season, sprinkler irrigation was utilized to maintain adequate moisture throughout the profile. The distribution of rainfall and irrigation during the 1973 growing season is given in Table 1. Soil samples were taken before the crop was planted, 45 days after the N application (32 days after emergence), at harvest and finally in the spring of 1974. Five holes per plot were taken with a 8 cm soil auger to a depth of 180 cm initially, 150 cm at 45 days and 180 cm at harvest and in the spring. Each increment for each hole was screened through a .5 cm screen and sub- sampled. Each sub-sample was placed in a plastic zip-lock bag and then 5 drops of toluene were added to each sample to restrict biological activity. The bags were then sealed and frozen until the time of analysis. Corn was harvested in late September, weighed and sampled for moisture. All yield values were based on 15.5% moisture. The soil samples were analyzed for NHZ-N and NOS-N using a micro-kjeldahl analysis outlined by Bremner (9). A representative 1 9 sample of soil was suspended in 10 m1 of 2N KCl and directly steam distilled. The NH+-N was liberated 4 first using MgO and the NOS—N was reduced to NH3 with Devarda's alloy. A 30 ml sample was caught in a 2% boric acid solution containing a mixed indicator of bromocresol green, methyl red and ethanol. The solution was titrated using standard H2804. 12 Table 1. Distribution of rainfall and irrigation during 1973 growing season. Date April May June July August September cm 1 2.79 1.71 .13 2 .23 .38 3 .23 1.27 (2.54)9/ 4 .23 1.14 (2.54) 5 .25 6 .25 7 8 1.78 1.91 9 .66 .64 1.14 .64 10 .66 ll 12 .l3 13 14 (2.54) (2.54) 15 16 .41 2.39 17 .58 18 .28 3.23 19 .23 .09 20 « 21 .29 22 2.31 2.23 .25 23 .25 .05 24 25 1.26 26 .38 .20 27 2.72 2.11 .80 28 .89 2.10 29 .10 1.27 (2.54) 30 .30 .25 .03 31 .54 .41 .13 Total 8.20 11.87 7.79 5.74 11.11 10.34 a/ — The values in parentheses are irrigation data. l3 Experiment 2 The second field experiment was conducted on a Metea fine sandy loam (Arenic Hapludalf). This soil series is a well—drained, gray-brown podzolic soil, formed in water or wind laid sands or loamy sands overlying loamy till. Soil tests were as follows: pH (1:1 soi1:water) 7.0, Bray Pl 174 kg/ha, NH OAc extractable K 213 kg/ha. 4 On October 9, 1973, 400 kg N/ha as urea was broadcast over the entire experimental area. The urea was disced into the soil and rye (Secale cereale L.) was planted. In the spring the rye was plowed under and soil samples from each plot were taken to determine the NHZ-N and NOS-N in the soil profile (Table 2). Nitrogen treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with 4 replications. Calcium nitrate was broadcast at rates of 0, 50, 100, 200 and 2 400 kg N/ha to all but 3.25 m located in the center of each plot. The 3.25 m2 were treated with the same rates of N except 1% atom excess 15N was applied as KlsNO3 plus Ca(N03)2 to give the desired rates. The entire area was hand raked to incorporate the N without moving the 15N outside the desired area. Pioneer hybrid 3780 was planted May 27, 1974, in 71 cm rows without any band applied fertilizer. During the growing season, sprinkler irrigation was used to supplement the limited rainfall (Table 3). Soil samples were taken at 45 days, harvest and in the spring of 1975 as described in Experiment 1. 14 Table 2. Initial levels of NHz-N and NOE-N in a 150 cm profile of Metea fine sandy loam, May 1974. Depth NHZ-N NOS—N cm kg/ha kg/ha 0-15 9.8 12.6 15-30 13.0 12.8 30-45 10.0 13.8 45-60 11.6 22.6 60-75 6.6 25.2 75-90 10.0 20.6 909120 10.2 17.6 120-150 7.2 10.6 15 Table 3. Distribution of rainfall and irrigation during 1974 growing season. Date May June July August September cm 1 1.37 .81 2 1.40 .15 1.12 3 .05 4 .74 .05 / 5 .76 (3.18)-‘1 6 1.02 7 1.24 .18 8 .81 9 .33 .66 10 .05 1.42 11 1.78 .43 .30 .23 12 4.60(3.18) l3 14 1.07 15 16 5.69 .10 (2.54) .41 17 .46 18 .41 19 (2.54) 20 .15 ' 21 (3.18).38 22 .05 23 .08 24 .03 25 26 2.99 27 . .08 1.19 28 1.68 .08 2.03 29 (3.18) .08 30 1.04 .03 31 Total 11.79 5.23 12.24 19.08 6.99 g/ The values in parentheses are irrigation data. 16 The corn was harvested after a 120 day growing season, weighed and sampled for moisture. All yield values were based on 15.5% moisture. Total corn stalk and ear samples were cut from each 15N treated plot and chopped with a con- ventional silage chopper. The samples were forced air dried, 15 sub-sampled, and ground for total N and N determinations. Total N was determined as outlined by Bremner (11) and 15N was analyzed according to Bremner (10) by personnel at the National Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals, Alabama. The soil samples for each sampling period were analyzed as specified in Experiment 1. A yield model was established from the 1973 data and a computer program was developed from the 1974 data which computes the amount of NOS-N leached during a growing season. The computer program data was compared to the actual soil NOE-N data to evaluate the applicability of such a program in an agricultural situation. CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Experiment 1 ggtt Soil samples were taken at the initiation of the 1973 study. These samples did not indicate the presence of any NHz-N or NOS-N. The area utilized for the experiment had not been fertilized for approximately 3 years and was considered ideal for a N study. The rapid hydrolysis and nitrification of urea, in most soils, may be influenced by soil pH or microbiological activity. Ammonium N determinations were made twice during the 1973 growing season and in the spring of 1974 (Figure l). The NHZ-N levels shown were greater than expected at the July sampling. Only the application of 400 kg N/ha increased the NHZ-N content significantly above the check (Table A.1). The zero treatment and the applications of 100 and 200 kg N/ ha show similar NHz-N distribution in the soil profile (Figure l). The application of 400 kg N/ha showed an increase in +- 4 the high application of urea with the subsequent nitrification . . + NH N to a depth of 90 cm. The increase in NH4—N was due to being inhibited. The inhibition was thought to have occurred due to a rapid decrease in soil pH. Solubilized iron oxides l7 NHI-N (ppm) 18 NHI-N (ppm) O 5 IO I5 20 25 30 O 5 I0 I5 20 25 30 I5 I5 30[ 30‘ 45’ 45~ 60- 60- E 75- ’g‘ 75- \ gem gem-f ”-9-73 3- 3 0 9—25-73 0 0 7- 9-73 0 A 5-I4—74 I20 » 0 9-25-73 (20 - l00 KgN/ho A 5—(4-74 CHECK I50 I50- I80- I80- NHI-N (ppm) NH,+-N (ppm) 0 5 l0 I5 20 25 30 0 5 I0 I5 20 25 30 I5 I5 30 30* 45A 45- 60- 60- E 75 r E 75 - £90" .7— 9—73 5 90’ _ _ G. a 0 22:23: a '2 _ _ 09- 5—73 \ 200 Kg N/ha I20 A 54444 400 Kg N/ho |50- [50. I80 - I80 - . + . . Figure 1. Vertical distribution of NH4-N due to application of urea, Experiment 1, 1973. 19 were observed on the surface of the plots which received 400 kg N/ha. The rapid solubilization was caused by the pH depression due to the acidifying effects of the added nitro- gen (Table 4). The acidification arises from the protons donated by the following reaction: H20 - + - — — - + HZN C. NH2 rease H4NO C| ONH4-'---¥2NH3---—'INO2 H20 + H 0 There were slight differences in the NHZ-N soil profile dis- tribution at the end of the growing season and May 1974 (Figure l). A great deal of NHZ-N was present in July and subsequent nitrification later in the growing season increased the amount of No; subject to leaching (Figure 2). The amount of NO3 N found in the soil profile was quite high when applications exceeded 100 kg N/ha. The NOS-N found in the surface 30 cm 45 days after the application of 200 or 400 kg N/ha showed that significant amounts of NO3 N were still present (Table A.1). Greater amounts of NOS-N were found to be present at harvest than were found in July when applications exceeded 100 kg N/ha (Figure 2). The increase in the amount of NOS-N in September indicated that nitrification had been delayed early in the growing season. The amount of NOS-N present in significant amounts (Table A.2) in September was subject to leaching as some leaching had already occurred. The values show that applications exceeding 200 kg N/ha are excessive and the possibility of leaching increased. By the spring of 1974 20 Table 4. Effect of urea on soil pH 45 days after N applica— tion, Experiment 1, 1973. Treatment pH kg N/ha o 6 . 09/ 100 5.7 200 5.3 400 4.3 a/ —-Values are means of 4 replications. 21 N03-N (ppm) N03-N (ppm) 0 IO 20 30 40 50 60 0 I0 20 30 40 50 60 IS 30- 45 — 60— g .g 75— .5 o 7— 9—73 5 90’ 07- 9—73 5} ° 9-25-73 E} 0 9—25—73 0 A 5—(4—74 ‘3 A 5—14—74 I CHECK '20 ' I00 KgN/ha I |50~ I80 I80- N03-NIppm) N03-NIppm) 0 IO 20 30 40 50 60 0 IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 m» 30- 45* 60— E E 75. .3 .3 s s 90' a. G. 8 .7- 9-73 5’ 07—9—73 I20 — o seas—73 (20» ° 9‘25‘73 A 5-(4—74 A 5—(4-74 200 KgN/ha 400 Kg NH“! (50 - |50r |80 L |80 Figure 2. Vertical distribution of NO--N due to the applica- tion of urea, Experiment 1, 1973. 22 the NOS-N which was present in September had been lost from the system. These results support the work of Allison (5) showing that little NO} was leached during the summer and that the removal of NOS occurred during the winter (50). The loss of N could have been caused by denitrification or leach- ing. The work by Derici (14), on the same soil type as used by the author, using Cl- as a tracer indicated that No; leaching from the soil profile was the most probable method of N loss. The loss of N after the growing season could be contributing to environmental contamination. Water was a factor in the nitrification process as well as the leaching process and as indicated (Table l) irrigation was applied during the growing season. The % moisture was determined at each sampling period (Table 5) for each depth to determine whether the NOS-N concentration was a function of soil drying. The data indicated that there were significant differences in soil moisture with respect to depth. There were no significant differences in the surface 45 cm where the NO--N concentration differences were greatest. 3 The values obtained show that the water served as a leaching pathway but NO3 concentrations were not a function of soil water. The corn yield was significantly increased by the addition of up to 200 kg N/ha (Table 6). The amount of N added has often been considered to be the amount needed for optimum yields in corn. Two questions must be asked: 23 Table 5. Soil moisture in the profile at each sampling period, Experiment 1, 1973. Depth Date cm 7/9/73 9/25/73 5/14/74 % w/w 0-15 8.1 9.2 12.7 15-30 7.8 8.3 12.5 30—45 9.2 7.8 11.2 45-60 9.7 8.9 12.3 60-75 10.9 9.8 13.9 75-90 12.6 12.1 15.0 90-120 14.6 14.7 14.8 120-150 13.1 14.1 14.4 150-180 - - 14.3 L.S.D. .05 1.4 2.3 1.5 24 1) why is 200 kg N/ha critical, and 2) how is the critical amount reflected in soil NOS-N levels? The critical time for and maximum uptake of N occurs from 30-45 days after corn emergence (2). This would seem to be the appropriate time to evaluate soil NOS-N. Root penetra- tion by corn is usually in the top 90 cm (20) and therefore soil test levels to this depth seem desirable. In 1973 the 3- was determined (Table 7). The values indicate that the total amount of NO N in the top 90 cm of the soil profile presence of approximately 76 ppm NOS-N in the top 90 cm of the soil profile 45 days after N application produce maximum yields. The 76 ppm NO3 N coincides with the application of 200 kg N/ha. This information showed that there was a critical level of NO3 N associated with the application of N. The critical factor was not the application rate (200 kg N/ ha), but rather the soil NOS—N content of 76 ppm. The eval- 3- ing a yield model (Figure 3) based on the ppm NOS—N in a 90 uation of the critical soil NO N was completed by establish- cm soil profile 45 days after the N applications. The regression equation gave the best fit when compared to either a linear or cubic equation. The summation of NOS-N was --N with 15 cm depths or NH+- 3 4 N with 15 cm depths or in 90 cm. Yield predictions can better than individual NO N plus 3- 2 be made with reasonable confidence Ul=.84, P=.05) using soil +- _- 4 3 a yield model did not give adequate correlation coefficients. NO test NOS-N and yield. The use of NH N plus NO N to develop 25 Table 6. Effect of urea on corn yields, Experiment 1, 1973. Treatment Yield kg N/ha _ , bu/a I T/ha 0 28.73/ 2.3 100 88.7 ' 6.8 200 129.5. 10.2 400 123.4 9.7 L.S.D. .05 33.7 2.7 2[Values shown are means of 4 replications. Table 7. Effect of urea on soil NOS-N in an acre 90 cm soil profile 45 days after N applications, Experiment 1, 1973. Treatment NOS-N —————— Yield kg N/ha ppm bu/a’ T/ha 0 36.83/ 28.7 2.3 100 43.2 88.7 6.8 200 75.8 129.5 10.2 400 125.9 123.4 ' 9.7 a/ -Va1ues shown are means of 4 replications. 26 200 r- l60 - ° 3 I 20 - B E .92 >- 80 _. y=-28.68+2.72x-.0Ix"- o o a”: .84 40 - 0 1 1 J 1 1 l l 1 1 ' o 40 80 I20 I60 200 ppm NOS-N Figure 3. Yield response curve resulting from the NO—-N in an acre 90 cm of the soil after 45 days, Experi- ment 1, 1973. 27 Experiment 2 §gtt The field experiment in 1974 proved to be of interest in several respects. Initially the author thought that excessive levels of NOS-N could be established by the fall application of 1000 kg urea/ha. The author felt that the late application of urea would limit the amount of NOS-N released in the fall. He also felt that the small amount released would be utilized by the rye. The rapid growth of the rye early in the spring probably immobilized some of the applied N but the large amounts of soil profile NOS-N which were expected were not detected in the analysis (Figure 4). The urea was either readily hydrolyzed, nitrified to N0; and leached or else the NO_ was denitrified. The vertical dis- 3 tribution of NO--N rarely exceeded 10 ppm. The No; pulse 3 shown from 45-90 cm was present initially and was assumed to have originated from the fall applied urea. The additiOn of the various N treatments were quite obvious at the July sampling. Significant increases occurred in the surface 30 cm 45 days after N application (Table A.5) while treatments greater than 100 kg N/ha showed increases below 30 cm. This suggested the movement of some NO3 in association with the 8 cm of rain and irrigation water which had been applied (Table 3). The pulse present initially from 45-90 cm was still evident in July and in the 400 kg N/ha treatment actually accentuated. Loading of the system the previous fall had little influence on the movement of the spring applied N. 28 ~03-~(ppm) ~03-N(ppm) '~o;-~(ppm) 0 l0 2.0 39 4O - 50 60 0 IO 20_ 30 40__50 60 0 IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 .E. ,_. i. 3 05—24-74 E 0 5-24—74 :63 ‘. 0 5—24—70 5 [jg—221: ‘ o '- 6—74 5 | o 7- 8-74 3 AS:I2:75 5‘ r o 9-36774 a :1 9—26—74 9 CHECK Q )5.) o 5-(2-75 5 I50 .- s—uz—rs so I'g rm). . l00 lg Nlha ‘83) I80) 2'9 are!» 240.L 240A I“ ' 270 270L NOS-N (ppm) N03~N (ppm) I0 20_ 30 40___50 69 70 0 I0 20 30 40 50 60 7O ‘ I00 IIO I20 P—"V " '7' _ 'V ' ' ' " Y v T v v r *7 fl Y Ta \/ 15 ”M‘- / 0 5-24—74 A I20 °7-0-" 5 0 9-26-74 " 65—12-75 g '50 200 Kg mm 0 0 I80 2(0 240 270 Figure 4. 089” (cm) 2|0’ 240 ' 270 if 0 5—24-74 0 7- a-u 0 9—26~n 0 542-75 400mm“ 2' Vertical distribution of NOE—N during 1974 as due to the application of Ca(N03) Experiment 2, 1974. 29 After 120 days, the addition of greater than 100 kg N/ha was changing the profile distribution of NOS-N (Figure 4). Where less than 100 kg N/ha was applied, NO3-N levels were reduced to levels less than those found prior to N application. The depletion suggested good crop utilization 3 subject to winter loss. The application of greater than 100 of the applied N as well as a reduction in the amount of NO kg N/ha significantly increased the amount of NOS-N found in the upper 60 cm (Table A.6). The leaching patterns observed where 200 or 400 kg N/ha were applied show the leaching of NO3 from one depth to another. The redistribution of N0; was certainly prevalent in the surface 30 cm. The variabili- ty of the soil profile was demonstrated by the non-uniformity of the leaching patterns (Figure 4). Increased amounts of NOS found deep in the soil profile suggest that the large application of urea the previous fall increased the amount of 3 following spring as had been shown in Experiment 1. Samples No'-N in the fall of 1974. However, this was lost by the taken to a depth of 270 cm Show that NO3 had been completely leached below this depth. The addition of the excessive amount of urea and the plowing of the rye made it necessary to evaluate the organic N in the soil (Table 8). Significant differences were a function of depth but not treatment. Very little difference was found between sampling periods. It appeared that no N of significance came from the organic N pool, but rather from the N applied as fertilizer. 30 Table 8. Soil organic N at various sampling times, Experiment 2, 1974. Depth Date cm 5/24 7/8 9/26 PPm 0-15 693 716 670 15-30 573 591 549 30-45 251 304 248 45-60 238 267 ' 242 L.S.D. .05 85 57 ’55. 31 The moisture content was determined for all depths at each sampling time (Table 9). Significant differences occurred between depths but the % moisture was not considered to be influencing the N03 concentration in the individual increments due to drying. The 1974 corn yield was excellent considering the late start and the hot dry summer. The addition of N did not significantly increase the yield of corn (Table 10) though a yield increase did occur. The residual N from the fall application was considered to be responsible for the yield similarities. The application of 50 kg N/ha revealed a significant increase in total plant N (Table 11). The total plant N was not changed significantly where applications exceeded 50 kg N/ha. The total plant N values obtained were similar to those considered optimum by Stanford (41). The yield model developed earlier (Figure 3) was used to predict the 1974 corn yields. The NOS-N levels determined to a depth of 90 cm 45 days after N application implied that yield differences would be predicted. The yields were different (Table 10) but not as predicted from the yield model. The maximum yield predicted from the model using the 1974 NOS-N values did correspond to the greatest amount of total plant N. Comparison of the 1973 yield (Table 7) with the 1974 yield (Table 12) disclosed that the maximum corn yield occurred when the NO--N content in 90 cm was between 76 and 3 82 ppm 45 days after N application. 32 Table 9. Soil moisture in the profile at each sampling period, Experiment 2, 1974. Depth Date cm 5/24 7/8 9/26 5/12/75 % w/w 0-15 7.5 7.5 11.2 11.7 15-30 8.0 7.1 10.5 12.6 30—45 7.7 7.7 9.4 12.6 45-60 10.0 9.6 9.7 10.9 60-75 12.0 10.9 10.8 13.6 75-90 12.7 11.7 11.5 14.6 90-120 12.7 12.0 11.9 14.0 120-150 12.4 12.2 13.0 14.5 .s.0. .8 1.1 1.2 3.1 33 Table 10. Effect of Ca(NO3)2 on corn yields, Experiment 2, 1974. Treatment Yield kg N/ha ' bu/a T/ha 0 126.83/ 10.02 50 132.3 10.45 100 119.9 9.47 200 117.8 9.31 400 123.3 9.74 L.S.D. .05 n.s. n.s. 2/ Values shown are means of 4 replications. Table 11. Effect of Ca(NO3)2 on total plant N at harvest, Experiment 2, 1974. Treatment Total Nitrogen kg N/ha % 0 .983/ 50 1.14 100 1.16 200 1.19 400 1.17 L.S.D. .05 .10 51/ Values shown are means of 4 replications. 34 Table 12. Effect of Ca(NO ) on soil NOS-N in an acre 90 cm soil profile 45 days after N application, Experi- ment 2, 1974. Treatment NOS—N ——————— Yield kg N/ha ppm bu/a T/ha 0 51.63/ 126.8 10.02 50 81.5 132.3 10.45 100 102.1 119.9 9.47 200 153.0 117.8 9.31 400 223.5 123.3 9.74 a/ — Values shown are means of 4 replications. 35 Computer Model The use of the computer has gained widespread attention in recent years in regard to ecological simulation. This author concluded that given specific information a simulation program could be developed which would predict the movement of NO3 through the soil profile. There are several parameters which must be considered: 1) plant uptake, 2) root biomass, 3) evapotranspiration, 4) denitrification, 5) nitrification, 6) leaching, 7) soil profile water, 8) water application, and 9) mineralization. The use of the afore mentioned parameters can be made particularly when utilizing the following leaching equation developed by Gardner (21) for nitrate solutions: K-b [co - (£—)1[1‘1§§£]T + 3,133 [11 0 II where c = amount of NO3 present at a specific depth Co= amount of N added B = rate of nitrification K = proportionality constant of uptake versus Co b = water content at a specific depth qo= soil water content x = depth in cm The plant uptake curve for N by corn (2) was used to determine the amount of N03 removed from the soil each day. The first 50 days the uptake follows the curve expressed by the follow- ing equation: 36 y = .3e X/lO-l [2] where x = number of days y = amount of uptake The uptake from 50-60 days was expressed as: y = x-l [3] and from 60-120 days as: y = 13.75 + .75x. [4] The uptake was then determined according to the % root bio- mass in each 15 cm increment of soil. The root biomass data was obtained from work by Foth (20). The root biomass distri- bution varies with time requiring recalculation of the root distribution each day. The evapotranspiration parameter was computed as an effective evapotranspiration percentage based on pan evaporation in corn (37). The % evapotranspiration loss from each layer was computed from the root biomass in each layer and the total loss each day. Denitrification was assumed to be a 10% loss per layer per day. The rate of nitrification (B in the leaching equation) was assumed to be a unity factor of .14. The amount of NOS added to the top 120 cm of the soil due to nitrification was .16 ppm per layer per day. The soil water content was determined at the beginning of the study and the field capacities of the various depths were determined from soil surveys. The water content was adjusted each day according to evapotranspiration and the amount of water added each day. Once the water content exceeded the field capacity leaching was assumed to have 37 occurred and Gardner's equation was utilized. The propor- tionality constant K was determined from the 15N data. The data indicated that as the amount of N applied increased, the % of N in the plant derived from the applied N increased. The 15N data suggested-that the plants obtained the major portion of their N from somewhere other than the spring applied N (Table 13). A flow chart was constructed to aid in the development of the computer program (Figure 5). The flow chart indicated every step needed to develop the computer program contained in Appendix B. Table 13. Effect of Ca(NO3)2 on the amount of total plant N derived from applied N, Experiment 2, 1974. Treatment Fertilizer Derived kg N/ha Plant N % 0 9/ 50 15 100 29 200 39 400 ' 48 a/ — Values shown are means of 4 replications. 38 MAIN PROGRAM Start . W Read in H20 Data and Pan Evaporation Data W Convert Inches to Centimeters Read Initial NO- for Each Depth Adjust Surface to Amount of Applied Material Initialize Soil H 0 Content of Each Layer Read in Saturation Content of Each Layer Convert Inches to Centimeters 120 Day Growing Season Using a Do Loop ' ; Figure 5. Flow chart followed to develop the computer program, 1974. Figure 5. 39 If Day >27 J’Yes If Day) 32 J'Yes If Day) 35 [Yes If Day >41 ‘lYes If Day >49 ‘lYes If Day 767 J/Yes Set % Root I 70 Subroutine No NO NO NO NO NO Biomass by Depth Determine % Root Biomass Per Depth By Day Set % Root GOTO Biomass by‘—’ Depth Set % Root GOTO Biomass by ' Depth Set % Root Biomass by Depth Set % Root Biomass by Depth Set % Root Biomass by Depth Set % Root Biomass by Depth Call Evapotranspiration GOTO GOTO GOTO GOTO 70 7O 70 70 70 7d 40 Call Soil Water Subro tine f Check for Leaching Adjust Soil H O in Each Deptfi I Call Uptake Adjust Each Layer for Uptake and Leaching Adjust Each Layer A for Denitrification Adjust Each Layer for Nitrification If Print Data___ Nitrate=0 NO ' for the Day 1' Yes Print Message End Figure 5. (Cont.) Figure 5. (Cont.) 41 SUBROUTINE UPTAKE Determine Uptake % for Day Adjust Layers for Uptake End SUBROUTINE LEACHER Determine Amount Leached According to Amount of S.W.C. and Co End 42 SUBROUTINE SOILWATER Check for NOI Layer 1 Yes Update Soil Water Content for Layer 1 Considering Rain L-—-’Update Soil Water Content ¢ for Layers 1—12 Check for . (Call Leacher) No Leaching Yes iObtain Amount Leached End SUBROUTINE EVPTRNS Convert Evapotranspiration in Pan Figure to Field Figure Determine Evap. Amount Per Layer End Figure 5. (Cont.) 43 The prediction of the amount of NOS-N in any given 15 cm of soil proved to be quite interesting and of value. The data from three sampling periods shows (Figure 6) that simu- lation can be accomplished given knowledge of the total system. The equation of the line (y = 4.61 + .94x) and the subsequent r value (.83) show that variation does occur be— tween actual and simulated data. The variation at low concentrations was caused by the lack of data available for actual mineralization values for the specific soil depths. The assumptions used may not be valid for all situations and possibly not for the soil in question depending on soil variability. Mass flow has been shown to be the major influ- ence on NO- leaching (4), but to assume that profile saturation 3 must be established to remove N0; is erroneous. Water poten— tials must be determined to evaluate unsaturated flow as well as the movement of water upward due to capillarity. Root efficiency data would also increase the efficiency of the pro- 3 biomass. Expansion of the system could be made utilizing gram, by predicting the amount of NO utilized by a given root different sources of N, organic matter contents and the many transformations involved in the system. The author feels that a simulation program concept is essential in a modern agricultural soil testing program. Once a complete program has been developed any soil could be evaluated for an entire growing season. The use of a yield model similar to that discussed earlier (Figure 3) could be made early in the season to predict the N needs of any crop. 44 240, 220 . 200 ~ I80 - -N/h0 I60 ~ Kg N03 3 0 I20" I00- 80" 60.;- y= 4.6I+.94 X ’r=.83 SIMULATED 40- 20 - “a I... .1 l . l l 1 J l 1 J l l I O0 20 4O 60 80 I00 l20 I40 |60 |80 200 220 240 ACTUAL Kg NOg-N/ho Figure 6. Simulation versus actual NOS-N data, 1974. CHAPTER V SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Field experiments were conducted in 1973 and 1974. The initial N experiment was conducted on a Hodunk sandy loam soil. The experimental site had had no N fertilizer applied in recent years and was ideal for the study. Four rates of N (0, 100, 200, 400 kg/ha) were broadcast as urea. The experiment was conducted in an effort to determine the opti- mum rate of N application in corn. Leaching characteristics and a yield prediction model for corn based on NOS-N were also included. Several areas of significance developed from the study. Significant yield responses were found as N applica- tions reached 200 kg/ha. The application of N greater than 200 kg/ha did not increase corn yields. Profile distribution of NO3 indicated that the application of N greater than 200 kg/ha was a potential environmental pollutant. The data revealed that severe leaching occurred during the winter, and not during the growing season. Soils those used in this experiment must be monitored carefully to avoid excessive N applications and leaching losses. The NHZ-N data showed nitrification of urea was not as rapid as previously thought. The application of 400 kg N/ha as urea also 45 46 magnified the acidification properties of the N carrier. The pH of the soil was lowered to such an extent (6.0-4.3) that nitrification was inhibited. The experiment also indicated that a yield prediction model based on soil test NOS-N was feasible. The soil test NOS-N to a depth of 90 cm was found to give the best results in relation to the observed corn yields. The total NOS-N in 90 cm corresponding to the highest yield was 75.8 ppm. This level of NOS-N was determined 45 days after applying 200 kg N/ha. The yield obtained suggested that an optimum NOS—N content in the soil can be determined to predict the N requirements of corn. The data from the following spring disclosed that minimum levels of N0; persist in the soil following winter leaching and denitrification. The second experiment was conducted on a Metea fine sandy loam. The application of 1000 kg urea/ha served as a residual N load in 1974. Five rates of N (0, 50, 100, 200, 400 kg/ha were broadcast as Ca(NO in association with 1% 3’2 atom excess 15N as K15N03. The experiment indicated that residual N0; levels are of little value when trying to pre- dict corn yields. Once again, the optimum time for determin- ing the amount of NOS-N appeared to be 45 days after the application of N. The maximum yield occurred when the NOS-N content was 81.5 ppm. The work from Experiment 1 and 2 suggested that an optimum range does occur at the most active time of N uptake by corn. The range appeared to be from 47 75-85 ppm. The yield model established in 1973 predicted greater yields than were obtained in 1974. The model did predict that the highest yield would occur where the greatest total plant N occurred, however. The experiment showed that the additional application of N did not affect the organic 15N indicated that given suffi- soil N. The limited use of cient amounts of soil N, corn utilizes more fertilizer N as the amount of fertilizer N increased, even though the total plant N was similar for all treatments. The leaching patterns observed in 1974 showed that some leaching occurred during the growing season but that the major loss of N0; occurred during the winter and early spring. The simulation model showed that a computer program can be developed which will predict the NOS-N status of a soil any time during the growing season. Agreement between simula- tion data and field data was best when N applications were greater than 100 kg/ha. The variation of points at the low end of the simulation curve (Figure 6) indicated that work must be done to evaluate the mineralization potential of the soil. The model could also be utilized to a greater extent if the rate of nitrification were known for specific soils. Several refinements must be made in the model, but the data disclosed that a computer simulation program predicting N0; leaching was a workable concept. The values determined by the computer could be used to make yield predictions based on the yield model discussed previously. 48 The computer program simulation concept should involve team research. The work of the soil physicist dealing with water potentials and unsaturated flow must be considered. Research should be conducted which determines the rate of water movement with varying intensities of rain or irrigation. An active leaching solution must be obtained as a function of applied water. Plant physiologists must work in this area to formulate the efficiency of roots exposed to various nutrient concentrations. Their work should also include the efficiency with varying degrees of root distribution. The prediction of a realistic amount of nutrient uptake from specific root distribution at a specific depth would be invaluable in simulation work. Several conclusions can be made from the work dis- cussed: 1) Soil test NO--N can be used to predict corn yields; 3 2) the application of greater than 200 kg N/ha may be an 3- optimum 30-45 days after corn emergence; 4) the application environmental pollutant; 3) 75-85 ppm NO N in the soil is of high rates of N to poorly buffered soils may reduce the pH to such an extent that other nutrients are influenced; 5) a computer program simulation can be developed to predict NO3 leaching; and 6) leaching of NO3 occurs mainly during the winter and early Spring. APPENDIX A DATA 49 Table A.l. EffectIOf urea on % moisture, NHZ-N and NOS-N, July 9, 1973. Treatment Depth Moisture NHZ-N NOS-N kg N/ha cm % ppm ppm 0 0-15 7.1 5.7 12.8 15-30 5.8 6.3 10.1 30-45 9.1 3.7 5.0 45-60 9.4 3.7 3.3 60-75 11.6 2.8 5.5 75-90 13.3 2.6 3.5 90-120 13.0 2.9 3.6 120-150 13.1 2.7 3.5 100 0-15 8.4 7.9 17.6 15-30 9.2 7.8 7.0 30-45 9.7 6.9 4.3 45-60 10.0 7.9 3.8 60-75 11.2 5.4 4.4 75-90 12.4 6.1 4.8 90-120 13.3 3.8 3.9 120-150 13.0 2.4 3.0 200 0-15 7.6 9.4 28.5 15-30 7.8 10.4 22.7 30-45 8.9 6.2 5.9 45-60 9.1 5.0 6.2 60-75 10.0 3.1 6.2 75-90 12.6 4.9 6.3 90-120 13.2 3.8 5.8 120-150 13.0 2.3 3.5 400 0-15 9.1 23.7 56.9 15-30 8.6 14.0 38.2 30—45 9.3 9.8 8.0 45-60 10.2 8.2 7.2 60-75 11.0 5.3 6.6 75-90 12.3 8.1 9.0 90-120 13.2 6.5 9.0 120-150 13.3 4.1 5.1 L.S.D. .05 (Depth) .8 n.s. 4.4 .05 (Treatment) n.s. n.s. 3.6 .05 (Depth within treatment) n.s. 14.0 13.9 .05 (Treatment within Depth) n.s. 28.1 21.3 50 . + Effect of urea on % mOisture, NH4- NOS-N, September 25, 1973. Table A.2. N and Treatment. Depth. Moisture NHZ-N NO--N kg N/ha CIT! PPm PPm 100 200 400 0-15 15-30 30-45 45-60 60-75 75-90 90-120 120-150 0-15 15-30 30-45 45-60 60-75 75-90 90-120 120-150 0-15 15-30 30-45 45-60 60-75 75-90 90-120 120-150 0-15 15-30 30-45 45-60 60-75 75-90 90-120 120-150 HF-P‘ LUUJO\O\HmO\m OPQGDmFdOMQ\J Ht-k‘ panopmcnoxmcn O O ~4Khhh-ounhaq HOKOKDkOkD OQO‘UJNUJNN Hr-PJH pan t-uahnbrahuytn I—‘HQNU'IUJ-bq O O O O O O .0 O \OQOQUJO’NKDKO \OI—‘QWUUNNU‘I Ht- LflNNWLflbI—‘O o o o o o o o o UlI—‘umell—‘le :bONI-‘prU'lO‘UI O O O O O O O O cowoqwmxow I-' wmwwwmoow 60.5.5004:qu O O O O O O O C O C O O O I O I-‘I-‘QU'lmubChKO \DNADVWWUT NU‘I Hk-F' upmrac>oxo~1m I C O O oomxloowooxo 0‘ N .b 56.3 Ht- Pan mcn I-‘ moooq O O O O‘Nubxl L.S.D. .05 (Depth) 1.5 .05 (Depth within n.s. treatment) .05 (Treatment n.s. within Depth) Stu O O mro OCh O O oxm ('4 \l (I) n.s. 51 . + Table A.3. Effect of urea on % mOisture, NH -N and NOS-N, May 14, 1974. 4 Treatment Depth Moisture } NHZ-N NOS-N kg N/ha cm % ppm ppm 0 0-15 12.5 7.7 7.2 15-30 12.6 5.8 4.2 30-45 11.3 4.1 2.0 45-60 11.8 3.4 2.9 60-75 13.2 3.1 2.8 75-90 14.0 3.1 3.0 90-120 12.3 1.5 1.4 120-150 13.6 4.2 1.2 150-180 13.2 1.2 2.3 0-15 12.9 5.5 7.8 15-30 12.8 5.0 6.5 30-45 11.7 2.8 4.0 45-60 12.4 2.4 2.7 60-75 13.6 3.2 1.9 75-90 14.9 2.0 1.9 90-120 15.5 1.3 2.4 120-150 14.9 1.0 1.6 150-180 14.8 3.1 1.0 0-15 13.1 7.9 6.2 15-30 12.3 5.5 4.8 30-45 11.5 3.6 3.1 45-60 12.8 2.4 3.4 60-75 14.3 ' 5.2 4.7 75-90 14.9 2.7 3.4 90-120 15.0 3.1 3.6 120-150 14.3 1.6 1.7 150-180 14.5 4.1 1.8 0-15 12.3 8.2 6.5 15-30 12.3 6.1 5.5 30-45 10.2 3.7 5.2 45-60 12.0 3.4 8.6 60-75 14.6 2.6 9.2 75-90 16.1 2.3 10.5 90-120 15.2 3.1 10.0 120-150 14.9 2.5 3.3 150-180 16.1 2.6 4.6 .05 (Depth) .9 1.4 2.0 52 Table A.4. Effect of Ca(NO3)2 on % moisture, NHz-N and NO3-N, May 24, 1974. Treatment Depth _ . Moisture NHI-N NOS-N kg N/ha cm % ppm ppm 0 0-15 7.8 11.6 5.7 15-30 8.6 10.0 6.6 30-45 7.6 7.1 7.3 45-60 8.9 2.9 11.1 60-75 11.2 2.9 12.6 75-90 13.0 2.9 14.4 90-120 13.8 3.7 11.5 120-150 14.6 2.9 8.2 50 0-15 7.9 4.7 4.6 15-30 8.2 6.2 5.4 30-45 8.1 3.4 5.5 45-60 10.0 5.0 8.5 60-75 11.8 2.4 10.1 75-90 * 13.4 4.0 8.4 90-120 12.6 4.1 7.0 120-150 12.2 3.2 5.0 100 0-15 7.0 4.9 6.3 15-30 7.5 6.5 6.4 30-45 7.9 5.0 6.9 45-60 9.6 5.8 11.3 60—75 12.8 3.3 12.6 75-90 11.9 5.0 10.3 90-120 12.2 5.1 8.8 120-150 12.2 3.6 5.3 200 0-15 7 6 8.0 6.6 15-30 8.5 9.1 8.9 30-45 7.9 6.9 8.4 45-60 11.4_ 5.4 10.2 60-75 12.3 8.3 12.8 75-90 12.8 4.0 9.3 90-120 12.4 4.2 6.8 120-150 11.3 5.2 5.7 400 0-15 7.1 5.7 4.1 15-30 7.3 4.7 4.4 30-45 7.3 4.2 4.0 45-60 10.0 5.9 8.1 60-75 11.8 5.3 11.7 75-90 12.4 5.3 14.1 90—120 12.4 4.9 10.6 120-150 11.8 4.3 9.4 L.S.D. .05 (Depth) .8 n s. 2.0 53 Table A.5. Effect of Ca(NO3)2 on % moisture, NHZ-N and NOS-N, July 8, 1974. Treatment Depth Moisture NEE-N NOS-N kg N/ha cm % ppm PPm 0 0-15 7.8 6.3 14.0 15-30 7.8 5.3 6.1 30-45 6.9 3.5 3.4 45-60 8.4 1.2 5.1 60-75 10.1 1.7 9.8 75-90 11.3 4.9 13.4 90-120 12.0 5.1 9.8 50 0-15 7.2 8.9 25.5 15-30 6.7 6.7 12.0 20-45 6.9 5.3 7.1 45-60 9.2 5.9 10.9 60-75 11.3 6.2 13.9 75-90 12.4 6.4 12.1 90-120 12.1 6.0 9.9 100 0-15 4.1 7.4 32.9 15-30 6.4 5.4 23.0 30-45 7.7 3.8 11.7 45-60 9.5 2.7 11.6 60-75 11.0 3.8 12.5 75-90 11.1 2.9 10.4 90-120 12.3 4.3 7.2 200 0-15 8.2 8.8 62.2 15-30 7.5 5.9 34.4 30-45 8.3 . 3.6 13.8 45-60 9.6 3.8 13.5 60-75 11.0 3.9 14.5 75-90 12.0 3.0 14.6 90-120 12.6 3.7 7.1 400 0-15 10.2 7.4 111.7 15-30 7.3 6.2 39.4 30-45 8.5 2.4 14.5 45-60 11.1 3.2 18.3 60-75 11.0 3.5 21.9 75-90 11.6 5.7 17.6 90-120 12.1 4.7 11.8 L.S.D. .05 (Depth) 1.1 1.6 7.0 .05 (Treatment) n.s. n.s. 6.4 .05 (Depth within n.s. n.s. 15.7 treatment) .05 (Treatment n s. n.s. 24.5 within Depth) 54 Table A.6. Effect of Ca(NO3)2 on % moisture, NH+-N and NOE-N, September 26, 1974. 4 Treatment Depth Moisture NHZ-N NOS-N kg N/ha cm % ppm ppm 0 0-15 11.8 4.3 6.0 15-30 10.6 8.5 4.0 30—45 8.7 7.8 3.5 45-60 8.4 2.6 1.6 60-75 11.4 7.6 4.1 75-90 11.5 6.3 6.2 90-120 11.7 9.9 9.8 120-150 12.7 5.8 6.8 50 0-15 11.8 4.6 4.4 15—30 11.3 4.9 7.5 30-45 9.2 6.6 2.6 45-60 9.2 5.3 1.5 60-75 10.7 2.1 3.5 75-90 11.8 4.1 9.2 90-120 11.6 6.6 5.2 120-150 14.3 2.2 6.7 100 0-15 10.7 4.1 3.8 15-30 9.9 6 2 10.2 30-45 9.8 6.5 9.3 45-60 9.9 1.3 5.6 60-75 9.9 2.6 4.7 75-90 10.1 2.1 7.9 90-120 11.3 3.8 7.2 120-150 12.6 6.0 11.2 200 0-15 9.5 7.6 24.3 15-30 10.0 7.6 37.9 30-45 10.4 9.2 19.8 45-60 10.1 4.9 23.8 60-75 9.5 3.1 10.3 75-90 10.3 15.1 18.0 90-120 11.8 5.3 8.5 120-150 12.5 2.5 7.1 '400 0-15 12.1 6.0 9.8 15-30 10.8 8.8 54.7 30-45 8.9 3.2 29.9 45-60 10.9 5.9 21.3 60-75 12.6 5.4 21.3 75-90 13.7 8.0 9.5 90-120 13.2 15.1 27.3 120-150 13.1 8.5 12.0 L.S.D. .05 (Depth) 1.2 n.s. 6.5 .05 (Treatment) n.s. n.s. 5.1 .05 (Depth within n.s. n.s. 14.5 treatment) .05 (Treatment n.s. n.s. 22.1 within Depth) 55 . 4- Table A.7. Eftect of Ca(NO3)2 on % moisture, NH4-N and NO3-N, May 12, 1975. Treatment Depth Moisture NHz—N NOS—N kg N/ha cm . % ppm ppm 0 0-15 11.8 7.4 5.4 15-30 12.0 3.4 1.0 30—45 12.8 1.7 4.1 45-60 13.6 6.2 1.0 60-75 14.0 2.7 1.4 75-90 16.0 1.0 3.3 90-120 14.4 2.8 1.7 120-150 13.8 1.0 3.8 150-180 14.9 3.7 1.0 180-210 14.7 3.2 1.0 210-240 15.8 1.0 1.1 240-270 16.0 4.3 1.0 ' 50 0-15 11.1 9.7 6.4 15-30 13.3 5.5 7.2 30-45 12.1 3.0 1.0 45-60 11.9 7.5 3.8 60-75 11.7 4.5 3.8 75-90 11.7 1.7 1.7 90-120 14.0 6.2 1.4 120-150 17.1 7.6 7.5 150-180 14.2 1.0 4.4 180—210 13.6 1.0 4.1 210-240 15.6 1.4 6.7 240-270 14.5 3.1 2.1 100 0-15 11.5 6.7 1.4 15-30 12.2 4.7 1.0 30-45 13.4 3.4 1.0 45-60 14.1 2.8 1.0 60-75 14.8 1.0 3.5 75-90 16.1 2.1 7.1 90-120 12.3 9.1 5.5 120-150 14.2 1.1 7.4 150-180 12.3 2.3 1.0 180-210 10.6 1.7 1.0 210-240 11.3' 2.3 1.0 240-270 11.7 1.0 1.0 200 0-15 12.4 1.4 1.0 15—30 13.4 6.2 1.4 30-45 11.7 3.3 3.3 45-60 14.8 1.0 1.3 60—75 13.0 2.7 1.0 75-90 14.3 1.7 1.0 90-120 14.9 1.4 2.7 120-150 12.9 1.4 1.4 150-180 21.3 9.4 1.1 180-210 15.2 1.1 1.0 210-240 8.2 1.0 1.0 240-270 35.4 3.6 1.0 400 0-15 11.7 3.4 1.3 15-30 12.2 2.4 1.0 30-45 13.0 1.3 1.0 45-60 13.2 1.4 2.0 60-75 14.4 4.5 1.0 75-90 14.9 3.8 3.2 90-120 14.3 2.2 1.7 120-150 14.7 2.1 1.0 150-180 14.3 3.1 5.9 180-210 14.1 1.0 3.8 210-240 13.8 1.0 5.0 240-270 12.8 3.5 2.8 L.S.D. .05 (Depth) 3.1 n.s. n.s APPENDIX B COMPUTER PROGRAM CDC 6500 FT" VSQC'PSCO OPT=1 OQ/OQI75 011026.590 COMPUTER P ROGRAM LEACH PPOGRAH 09/04/79 0 A1026. 590 R I, .t 5 Y T O 1 V 9 O A 7- : L D u 1 F t 0| 2 8 L F o 3 A, p S 1’ I O -L o o s (2 .t 0 a, T N C 0 T1. 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AS 3 = S 9 v . \I 1’ to A1 T C HI H F CT C A XA A 0 EH E H o 9 C L S C c. 5 YVA R A 6 0 AF. 0 r. F. ): D Y T Y L c 2, J) A O )15 OHC 1 H L 0 c '1‘ Y1 C. ) T ) AYC an AI R U 0 R) 0 LA A LY E) 0 C EH H C PL! 1 DA Y1 N I HI 6 I VP 0 VL AI 0... H TY 0U N EVB . =6 LY 0 I CA 00 I E2 X IV A :c. H L = u... H 9‘ I. u N... QL )F: 0; Q0. ):. C II. T T. I 00 190A 0V H. 0A 0 I : 3 A) FV IA2r Fr ICOF. VI) 7 Y Y 90 E T L L . Tru L EDI“ T. l I 1.5 T. A 0N T) A3..n.u III 0 ) ) C1 N) HSTA N1 NATA Y)C 7 Y Y ”I ‘.Y\IP I ’ F.-\ICL 7 A) 3 A A SH. TAIX QT T41! UT 0209 2 D D 1 NUIEuTrJA NII:.TGA J1 5 o J J *A AJJT nu 3 OTT “,4 .3 IIO o o I I (D UCIA)—L\l Q. CAD).T\I 9 ND1 10 T p p T or 1 N: 0T1C HS 0? 1:1, AV 0 OT x V V A) 31.0w .H St)“. .4 RE: . u E 5 H2 OFA) .0 as EX) .0 05 T a.) 00 X C I L1 TIT-RAE; 9 TEH.LCT’ p)z 8 \I O \l \I II AOIL LC AOIL LC V7I / o 8 K 3 “C 0N)C ID .1! H)C 0Q .I EIC X) o 1 IV I I SH C 1H)E)Q HH)E)P C = .17 . 1 3? P S) LIS1T1E LIFMTME E 5 T0: I J) 8 I: : c. Z)IC:IAIH IC:IA(H NN 1XQ._I_1 XJ A 1) ) NN110H)THTC OH)THTC 102 o o .. /IE81:.E:KEA IOI oSS1A AAUSSMA AAc. T110233... TCU10UUKIUI TIFE :IHLHEZ :(HLHEU US..YG YIN GNN YNYN USCNE)TCICL E)TCTCLNN ON: :A .60 IZTOOIIOAIAR DNA .T1AXOX OTHAxOX To RE))OX31J¢ ITT TTSLTLU R...EHAIHESELTA(HESELTU N BH17JI o =ZYN .NN PNPTD QHLIOCCI IL nCCI (LN. mm A UTII:F..0J=:00:nOOVOVr.H UIHF HXFFFAUPHXFEFAP .I‘ R SOCCXTYDXZYCCYCCDEC2.9E (.CAI SEIIICCIC.FIIICCQ.I T I . . . . P 0 580 0 u . .rU . 0 V 1 12 3 . _ oi. . 2 E . . . . . . . . P C F. C. E N I T U 0 R 8 U S 5 0 5 0 c. 0 5 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 558 I SUBROUTINE UPTAKE CDC 6500 FTN V3.0-P380 001:1 09/ou/75 ,JfiTé(12I c vv IS THE TOTAL PERCENT NTTonTr USED 5 I IS THE PERCENT USED BETHEEN STEDS 5 TFIJDAYOEQQ1) YY=00 X=JOAY 220 IF(x.Ga.o..AND.X.LE.SJ.)Y=.T'Taxptxx1o.)-1.) IFAXOGTOSOOCANOOXOLTISOO) Y=Y-1. 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