A SYSTEMS APPROACH TO A PRODUCTION EHEDUUNG PROBLEM SNVOLVING ASSEMBLY Thesis ior the 993m ofPh. D. MICHiGAN STATE UMVERsm Renown mmzo 'mmuco 1967 LINN/+1}: 2' balk-u..;oiu- - This is to certify that the thesis entitled A SYSTEMS APPROACH TO A PRODUCTION SCHEDULING PROBLEM INVOLVING ASSEMBLY presented by Rodolfo Camanzo Yaptenco has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph. D. degree in Wood Technology // , / ‘. Lécdbfr/f/Z q/Lr tvMajor profigssor Date May l6, l967 UL? lVL‘L‘bl 'L‘] iv A ‘1 .—_..—‘ C ABSTRACT A SYSTEMS APPROACH TO A PRODUCTION SCHEDULING PROBLEM INVOLVING ASSEMBLY by Rodolfo Camanzo Yaptenco A scheduling problem involving assembly of the type that generally characterizes plywood manufacturing is identified and modelled mathematically in terms of alge— braic and difference equations. The facility is viewed as a system made up of a discrete number of components, viz., production centers, that interact with each other only at a discrete number of points, viz., points where inputs are received and outputs removed. The mathematical formulation is shown in considerable detail to illustrate the logic of the approach taken. Following hypothetical considerations, an actual scheduling problem is subsequently described and modelled. firoduction centers in the facility are identified and de- fined, modelled independently of each other and the com— ponent models combined (using the inter-connection pattern of the system) to form the system model. Practical implications of the dynamic case are dis- cussed, with some emphasis given to the economic feasi- bility of implementing such a model in the real world. The static case (where only one interval is considered Rodolfo Camanzo Yaptenco and taken equal to the planning horizon) is also dis- cussed. Results from a computer run of the static model using actual data, e.g., order file, initial inventories, machine capacities available, space limitations, etc., are presented in the appendix. Certain aspects of the model where improvements can be effected are mentioned. A SYSTEMS APPROACH TO A PRODUCTION SCHEDULING PROBLEM INVOLVING ASSEMBLY BY Rodolfo Camanzo Yaptenco A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Forest Products 1967 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank the College of Forestry, University of the Philippines, the National Economic Council, Philippine Government, and the Agency for International Development, United States Department of State which collectively made it possible for me to pursue a doctoral program at Michigan State University. I also thank the Department of Forest Products, Michigan State University, through its chairman, Dr. Alexis J. Panshin, for the pleasure of doing graduate work with them. Special thanks are due to Boise Cascade Corporation, especially the Department of Operations Research and the Lumber and Plywood Division at Yakima, Washington, for allowing me to conduct the study in one of their plywood mills and for giving me access to actual production data. Acknowledgment is also given for their financial assistance, especially that for computer time. I am indebted to my major professor, Dr. Aubrey E. Wylie, for his guidance during the course of my program, to the members of my committee, Drs. Richard F. Gonzales, David N. Milstein and Otto Suchsland, for their invaluable help in shaping my program, and to Dr. Herman E. Koenig for reviewing the manuscript and for his suggestions. ii Finally, many thanks are due to a wonderful family, my wife Tita and daughters Jig and Jinkle, for their understanding and patience during those trying days of graduate work. 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . LIST OF APPENDICES . . . . Chapter I. INTRODUCTION. . . . . . II. THE JOB-SHOP SCHEDULING PROBLEM III. A SYSTEMS APPROACH TO SCHEDULING . IV. THE PLYWOOD PRODUCTION SCHEDULING PROBLEM V. FORMULATION OF A SCHEDULING MODEL. VI. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS VII. CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . APPENDICES. . . . . REFERENCES. iv Page ii vi viii 26 35 75 80 85 137 LIST OF TABLES Table Page V-2.l. Green End Recoveries in Percent . . . A3 V-A.l—a. Dryer Grade Yields (Face Stock) . . . U9 V-A.l-b. Dryer Grade Yields (Core Stock) . . . 50 V-9.l-a. Panel Falldown Summary (Exterior Sheathing) . . . . . . . . . 68 V-9.l-b. Panel Falldown Summary (Sanded Products) . . . . . . . . . 69 V—lO.l. 8-Foot Lathe Production Rates. . . . 72 V-lO.2. Drying Productivity . . . . . . . 73 V-10.3. Patching Productivity . . . . . . 7A Figure III-2.1. III-2.2. III-2.3. IV-l.l. V-5.l. V-6.l. V-7.l. LIST OF FIGURES Schematic Diagram of a Hypothetical Production System . Equivalent System Graph of Production System Shown in Figure III-2.1. Region of Feasibility. Typical Construction of a Plywood Panel . . . . Relationship Between the Magnitudes of Lead Time and Period . . Schematic Diagram of Processor No. l Representing the 8-Foot Lathe, Two 8-Foot Clippers and Associ- ated Equipment . . . . . . Schematic Diagram of Processor No. 2 Representing the Core Lathe, Clippers and Associated Equip— ment . . . . . . Fish Tail. Schematic Diagram of Processor No. 3 Representing Three Veneer Dryers Schematic Diagram of Processor No. A Representing a Veneer Saw . . Schematic Diagram of Processor No. 5 Representing Veneer Jointer and Edge Gluer . . . . . . Schematic Diagram of Processor No. 7 Representing Four Veneer Patchers. vi Page l5 15 2A 28 38 Al Al A8 A8 A8 53 53 Figure Page V—8.l. Schematic Diagram of Green and Dry End Sections of Plywood Mill . . . . 55 vii LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix Page A. List of Vectors and Variables . . . . 86 B. Lay-Up Schedule. . . . . . . . . 95 C. Veneer Requirements . . . . . . . 98 D. Production Schedule for Week . . . . 100 E. Yakima Plywood Mill Scheduling Model, January 1967.. . . . . . 103 viii I. INTRODUCTION A scheduling problem is said to exist if in the pro- duction of goods there are (or there become available) a number of alternatives for sequencing a number of jobs or performing a series of operations on a number of machines and it is desired to choose from these alternatives those that would optimize some chosen objective. In general, the number of alternatives is very large; consequently, the Job of a production scheduler is expected to be complex. It is a wonder, therefore, why schedulers do not seem to find scheduling a problem at all. Pounds (13) provides us with some explanation. He reports that in most cases there are no scheduling problems to start with because ". . . the organization which surrounds the schedulers reacts to protect them from strongly inter— dependent sequencing problems." Mellor (l2) concurs, "In effect," he observes, "industrial schedulers are being asked to get a pint out of a quart pot and are experiencing no difficulty in doing so. The scheduler's protection, of course, comes from extravagant provision of shop capacity or poor commercial performance." We conclude, therefore, that multiplicity of alter- natives per se does not make scheduling difficult; rather, it is how restrictive our objective is or how good a schedule is desired and how well the capacity of the facility is utilized. Indeed, if only mediocre schedules are made or if plenty of excess capacity is available, the Job of a production scheduler would be trivial. On the other hand, choosing an optimal schedule for a plant operating at or near capacity is a formidable Job. Ob- taining optimal schedules is of course the object of to- day's factories, especially with the specter of increas- ing costs and stiffening competition looming in the future. Thus, the need for efficient methods of selecting Optimal or near optimal schedules is very real. i The purpose of the research which forms the basis of this dissertation was to find a method of solution to a certain class of scheduling problems involving assembly, to which plywood manufacturing belongs. The work herein described is an attempt to provide the scheduler assis— tance by reducing the scale of the problem to a point where it would require only Judgment to select a near optimal or Optimal schedule. It is expected to free the scheduler from having to contend with normally multi- farious alternatives. II. THE JOB-SHOP SCHEDULING PROBLEM II—l. Background Much of the literature about scheduling is concen- trated on "job-shop scheduling," a consequence of the fact that it is regarded as the most complex. We define "job— shop scheduling" as the sequencing of a number of jobs that require varied sets of operations and follow diverse routings through a facility of several production centers and compete with each other for productive capacity on common machines. It becomes a problem when sequencing is to be done with some objective in mind, e.g., minimizing total processing time, minimizing total production cost, minimizing lateness of deliveries, minimizing downtime, or some combinations thereof. The simplest approach to the problem is without any doubt an exhaustive enumeration of all feasible schedules and selecting from the set the schedule that optimizes the objective. The method, however, is not practical since the number of feasible schedules is very large even for small problems. For example, if we have j jobs and m machines and each job needs to be processed by each machine, then the number of feasible schedules is (j!)m. For five jobs and four machines this number is 207,360,000 --a number which even the modern digital computer cannot search through economically for the optimal schedule. Intuitively, though, one gets the impression that surely the optimal schedule must come only from a much smaller subset of the whole set of feasible schedules. What is obviously needed are some criteria for discarding those schedules that have no possibilities of becoming optimal and searching only those that do, for the optimal schedule. Giffler and Thompson (8) narrowed the number of feasible schedules to be included in the enumeration by considering only "active" schedules. (They define an "active schedule" as a feasible schedule such that no machine may be idle for a period of time greater than or equal to the processing time required by a job that is available for processing and that processing of a job is started as soon as both machine and job are free.) For moderate-sized problems the method has distinct advantages. However, when considered in terms of the size of real problems it likewise suffers from the combinatorial character of job-shop problems, since the number of active schedules also increases very rapidly with an increase in the number of jobs or the number of operations required on each job. To get around the immensity of the number of alter- natives, a Monte Carlo sampling technique was devised (9) for drawing samples from the set of active schedules, and searching only the samples for the best schedule. Since only samples are considered, the method does not guarantee an optimal schedule, although the probability of obtaining one can be increased by taking more samples. The impli- cation of course is that as more samples are taken to in— crease the probability of obtaining an optimal schedule, the amount of computation required will correspondingly in- crease. A method which has attracted a great deal of attention, and rightfully so, is the heuristics approach (2, 7, 18). In this method simple but effective rules of thumb are used for discriminating between alternative ways of sequenc— ing jobs. These rules may be "borrowed" from rules of thumb used by capable schedulers, or they may be the result of simulated studies of the problem, or from some other appropriate sources. Unfortunately, it cannot show, ex- cept perhaps intuitively, that the schedules chosen on the basis of these rules are consistently good. The only justifi- cation for their use is that they either represent the sound judgment of skillful schedulers and/or were found effective inder simulated conditions. Heuristics, however, provides the opportunity to narrow, rather drastically, the number of alternatives down to manageable proportions, permitting the selection of a schedule which is at least as good (if the rules are chosen properly) as a human scheduler could make. With more experience in the selection of rules, it may be the most practical approach to certain types of scheduling problems. There are of course other methods (I, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19) that have been proposed for certain idealizations of the scheduling problem. However, there exists a gap between the problems assumed in these formulations and those of the real world. Moreover, the amount of compu- tation seems to limit the size of the problem that can be practically handled. Consequently, applicability is still somewhat limited. In each of the methods of solution reviewed above, the object was always to find some optimal solution to the problem. Analytical methods tend to require too much computation (at least for now) and empirical methods tend to oversimplify the problem. A combination of analytical and empirical methods might provide the right combination. Indeed, it is a distinct possibility. In other words, instead of trying to obtain a complete solution to the problem, what is suggested here is cutting down the size of the problem by analytical methods to a point where the human scheduler can use his judgment effectively and con- sistently. The subject of this dissertation is the formulation of the scheduling problem in a format that is amenable to already available optimizing techniques. It approaches the problem with the systems concept by viewing the production facility as a "system" and describing it in terms of pro- duct flows and inprocess inventories in the form of alge- braic and difference equations. Its objective is to narrow down the number of alternatives a scheduler must choose from and the number of decisions he has to make. It hopes to present to the human scheduler the problem in a much simplified form and leave to him the details of bringing the problem to complete solution. In effect what is proposed here is some form of sub-optimization. II-2. Scheduling Problems Involving Assembly We also note from the literature that attention given to scheduling problems is generally directed at job-shop problems of the type that does not involve intermediate or final assembly. Consequently, the solutions proposed ex- clude assembly—type problems where jobs (and the parts they require for assembly) compete with each other for productive capacity. In this variation of the job-shop problem, jobs generally require certain parts that are also required by other jobs. Since parts are processed in batches, we can conceive of the problem as made up of jobs which in later stages of manufacture break up and re- combine with others to form new jobs. Thus, the problem basically is sequencing the right quantities of material or semi-finished products at each processing center so that assembly of jobs at a later stage in time can proceed with as little interruption as possible without building up in-process inventories. The development following concerns an assembly—type of scheduling although the method here proposed is not necessarily limited to such types of problems. III. A SYSTEMS APPROACH TO SCHEDULING A system is a collection of objects or entities which are related to and interact with one another in some fashion such that each object or entity performs a function that contributes to the objectives of the group. A formal- ized awareness of the interactions between parts of a system is what is popularly known as systems engineering (6). The key to the whole concept of systems engineering is the simultaneous consideration of the relationships be- tween components of the system and the emphasis given to the effectiveness or the objectives of the whole system rather than that of the parts taken separately. A production facility, in the context of the definition given above, is a system. It is a collection of processing centers functioning together as a group with a unified objective-—the production of goods. It should, therefore, be amenable to the same techniques of systems analysis used in engineering to describe physical systems, provided certain conditions are met. Indeed, if these conditions can in fact be met, then we would have made significant progress because system theory provides a rigorous and consistent analytical framework for describing the behavior of systems. IO III-l. System Theory System theory has its origins in the analysis of electrical networks. It has been extended to include dis— crete physical systems, and very recently efforts have been made to extend its usefulness to socio-economic systems. A rigorous treatment of system theory as applied to physical systems may be found in a recent book by Koenig, Tokad, and Kesavan (11). To attempt will be made here to discuss the fundamentals of the theory, except very briefly those that have pertinence to the discussion. III-1.1 Discreteness One fundamental requirement of system theory is that a system must be identifiable into a finite number of com- ponents that are interconnected and interact only at a dis— crete number of points. Consequently, each component can be isolated and modelled independently from other compon- ents and, through the topology of their interconnections, combined into a system model. System theory, therefore, assumes that the model of a component characterizes that component as an entity without regard to how the component may be interconnected with other components of the system. This assumption is not true of course in cases where the presence of a component has induced effects on other com- ponents. In such cases, we may either neglect these in- duced effects or isolate the components only conceptually. 11 We note that a production system is identifiable into a discrete number of components, e.g., machines or groups of machines, that constrain or interact with each other only at the points where inputs are received and outputs removed. Hence, the above requirement of dis- creteness can be satisfied. III-1.2. Generalized Kirchoff Postulates Another requirement of system theory is that the per- formance characteristics of each component should be de- scribed in terms of two complementary variables that satisfy the two generalized Kirchoff postulates. This pair of variables, which we shall denote as Y and Y, should have analogous connotations, respectively, as voltage and cur- rent in electrical systems or pressure and fluid flow in hydraulic systems. III-1.2.1. Flow Variable, Yi Let Yi be the flow of materials or products in the system. If the flows are expressed in the same units, then the flow variable Y satisfies the first Kirchoff i postulate. That is, "The algebraic sum of all directed flows at any point in the system must vanish." In symbols, for any cut-set m_and any time t, we write, ZYmi(t) = 0 (III-1.2.1) 12 Therefore, it only needs to be established that all flows in the system are expressable in the same units. It will be shown later, in the discussion of an actual problem, that in fact this can be done. III-1.2.2. Propensity Variable, Xi The propensity variable, X is most difficult to 1’ identify at the present time because little is known about the interrelationships between factors that influence the flow of materials in a production system. We know intui- tively and from experience that the flows of materials be- tween any two points is a function of (i) demand for such materials elsewhere in the system, (ii) the levels of in- process inventories, (iii) the costs associated with such flows, (iv) difficulty associated with holding materials in inventory (such as due to space limitations), (v) the capacities of machines in which these materials need to be processed, and (vi) still probably some other factors. Be— cause the relationships between these factors are not known, it is not now possible to identify a propensity variable that could, in addition to the flow variable, be used to describe the performance characteristics of a production system. More research and experience are undoubtedly re— quired before an appropriate propensity variable can be identified. We can, however, proceed to model a production system in terms of flows and the factors suggested above without l3 necessarily knowing the interrelationships of these factors, for we know in general how these factors independently af- fect the selection of a schedule. This is best shown by considering a hypothetical example in the next section. There we will model a system in terms of material flows and in-process inventories and use such factors as demnad, costs, space limitations and machine capacities to con— strain the selection of a schedule, at the same time making the most use of the resources of the system. III-2. A Scheduling Problem Involving Assembly In the classical1 job-shop problem, the usual assumption is that a succeeding operation on a job cannot be started un- less a preceding operation has been completed on the whole job. In other words, no two machines may work on the same job simultaneously. This assumption is obviously suited only for jobs that cannot be split physically (such as jobs consisting only of one unit each) or for jobs that require small processing times on each machine. 0n the other hand, if the processing times involved are in the order of, say, an hour or more and it is possible and practical to split jobs (such as batch types), the assumption introduces con- siderable error in the form of excessive and unnecessary 1Defined as Q_jobs, m machines, the processing time of each job on each machine being known and the object is to find the sequence at each machine center that re- quires the least total processing time. lA waiting time. In assembly-type production, the parts that go into assembly are generally processed in batches. At earlier stages of production, i.e., before assembly, these batches are themselves jobs which can be worked on concurrently by two or more machines after allowing suffi- cient lead time in the preceding operations. In such a case, it is more desirable to use a time interval as a criterion for moving completed portions of jobs to the next operations. For example, if the interval chosen were an hour, then we can for instance make the assumption that the portion of a job completed during a given hour may be moved to and worked on at the next operation during the next hour, but not before then. We also make the restriction that the movement of material between two processing centers occurs in "spurts" and is possible only at the beginning of each period. Obviously, the choice of an appropriate interval will depend on how discrete the jobs are, i.e., how many units make up a job, and the time it takes to process a unit of a job. Consider now a facility of several processing centers manufacturing products that require assembly in the last operation, shown schematically in Figure III-2.1. The solid circles represent processing centers and the dotted circles in-process inventories. If we let Z1(t) repre- sent inventories and Yij(t) represent material flows during any time 2, then we can write 15 Figure III-2.l--Schematic diagram of a hypothetical produc- tion system. Solid circles represent processing centers and dotted circles represent in—process inventories. Figure III—2.2--Equivalent system graph of production system shown in Figure III—2.1. l6 Zi(t+l) = pi zi(t) + zyji(t) - 2yki(t) (III-2.1) where yki(t) represents flow from inventory i to machine 5, yji(t) represents flow from machine j|to inventory i and p1 is some constant. In the example shown in Figure III-2.1, i 1,2...8, j 1,2,3,u, and k = 1,2,3,u. If we write Equation III-2.1 for all i, we have zl(t+l) = pl zl(t) + yll(t) — y2l(t) (III-2.2) 22(t+l) = p2 22(t) + yl2(t) - y22(t) (III—2.3) z3(t+l) = p3 23(t) + yl3(t) - y36(t) - y33(t) (III-2.A) zu(t+l) = Pu zu(t) + y1u(t) - yuu(t) (III—2.5) 25(t+l) = p5 25(t) + y25(t) - y35(t) (III-2.6) z6(t+l) = p6 26(t) + y26(t) + y36(t) - yu6(t) (III-2.7) 27(t+l) = p7 27(t) + y27(t) + y37(t) - yu7(t) (III-2.8) + 28(t+l) p8 28(t) y38(t) - yA8(t) (III-2.9) Equations III-2.2 through III—2.9 can all be written together simply as Z(t+1) = P z(t) + Cl Ll(t) - T2 L2(t) (III-2.10) 17 where Z(t) is a vector of in—process inventories, L1(t) is a vector of outputs (yji(t))’ J = 1,2,3, and L2(t) a vector of inputs (yki(t)), k = 2,3,A. P, G1 and G2 are matrices. Let us assume for the moment that we have valid models of machines 1, 2 and 3 of the form in(t+l) = R in(t) + S Yki(t) (III-2.11a) or in(t) = D Yki(t) (III—2.11b) Then we can combine Equations III-2.10 and III—2.1, elimi- nating outputs (yji)’ j = 1,2,3, and write the result in the following matrix form: Z(t+1) = P Z(t) + Q E(t) (III-2.12) where E(t) is a vector of inputs, (Yki)’ k = 1,2,3,A and Q is a new matrix resulting from the operations implied above. Equation III-2.12 can also be obtained by representing Figure III-2.1 by an equivalent system graph shown in Figure III-2.2 and selecting a tree, T (shown in heavy lines). Writing the outset equations for the tree T, we obtain a mathematical model of the interconnection pattern of the system: l8 r ‘ F ‘ F ‘ l 1 A yl(t) -1 i; (t) y (t) -1 ll( 1 y2 -1 1 $12 + -1 yl3 l y5(t) -1 ylu(t) 1 y6(t) -1 -1 y22(t) 1 y7 -1 -1 y§7 _ :L—J _y8(t)_ — -l_i $36EE§ 37 y (t) 1.38 _ - r _ Al y (t) l y§%(t) l y33(t) 1 y (t) = o (III-2.13) 1 35(t) 1 y“(w 1 §16(t) 1 ”7(t) _, J .FAB .1 The general equation for in-process inventory is given by Zi(t+l) = pi Zi(t) + Y1(t) (III—2.1A) Combining Equation III-2.1A with Equations III-2.11 and III-2.13, Equation III-2.12 can be obtained. Let the vector E(t) be rearranged such that we can partition it into (1) inputs to machines 1,2, and 3 and (ii) inputs to machine A. Then we can write El so on umfio 0: some awash wcaomnw can when: Hound m .moommomwmzwmmmn Macaw comm m now mundane oomnw man an House on oofin one no oon nonufio n no code Lennon one .oonm¢ ooozmam swoanos¢ .deoa owe me wmfiwmooomm . ooozmam ofimmm Song oopooo< .Hocma ooozzflo a no cofiuosnpmcoo aonQSBIIH.HI>H Han LoccH u mmmezmo : Amocoooaoaov mmmoo u Mo0 osmm\~ up nuo\a on £u0H\H 0» r. apnea nmz ea a mans xooHEomg seam .m mospam xooHEmm mead .m conch oosnam Lam cyan: Lam .wsoo xoOanm och .m cocmn possum Lea manna wcfipsn maooo non 00.0 33.0 00.0 0m.0 mfl.0 ma.0 $0.0 mm.o 02.0 33.0 ~0.H Fm.o 00.0 No.H 0H.H 00.0 NH.0 ~0.H od.o ma.3 30.0 03.0 mo.o hm.o mm.o mm.~ no.0 ma.: eo.a ufl.: an: 02.0 5.A mc.a mn.o no.0 mo.H ...¢ mr.o 00.3 mo.o ~0.o ma.a ww.o AQ.H am.o 37.0 ~H.3 NH.O 02.0 :3.0 02.0 50.0 OO.H mw.0 0H.H mm.0 : node: wxm: eh m can» wcwaso usapso hooco> manna none ocmm\a manna cane eno\H nflaea enaa enoa\~ : XQOHEOI : e oeaa .a e e ooaeam ocmm\a e xooasox e : OCHQ em = e cones . a museum : e Lam ends: . e Lam .waoa nooxa : xooasom : e mean .a e : thfl4 B : . cospom : : new ones: e moatnm tam .msoo anoflxa = xooasv: e e ocaa .a e : ooonam ocNM\a : XOOHEMZ c a ocaa .a e e noses . : cosham u: a Les ones: a a the .waoo noo\n e xooHEo: : e seen .a e : zoned : e oozndm : e Lam been: . new and .weom enoa\a e goodeo: . : oena .a . a ooatam ocmmxe : xooflso: : e mesa..m e 3 EULGJ I a museum 3 . 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However, these should be allowed to cool down to room temperature before using due to techni- cal requirements at the spreaders. It is therefore, necessary that sufficient lead time be allowed for the drying process so that the requirements of succeeding operations are satisfied. A lead time equi— valent to one shift was found the most appropriate so that we write as a mathematical model of the drying process, "' - F'- '1 r" Y330(t+1) R12 1A Y310(tfl Y340(t+1) _ R21 Y320(t) (v—u.1) Y350(t+l) - R31 Y37O(t) Y36O(t+l) R31 R33 LY380(t) which indicates that inputs to the dryers druing any 8-hour period will not be available for further processing until the next period. Because of the size of the recovery matrix for the dryers, Equation V-A.l is not shown here in detail. However, it can be constructed from data given in Table V-A.l and the listing of vectors in Appendix A. V-5. Model for Processor No. A Processor no. A consists only of one veneer saw. It provides the opportunity to convert 8—foot veneer to core, hence also the opportunity to peel core material at the 8-foot lathe. Since very little time is required to saw veneer, no lead time is required and we write, A“ 0 52." Figure V-3.2-—Fish Tail. Core material may be recovered from it by cutting at dotted line. Unusable portion goes to chipper. 310 330 370 3UO 320 350 380 360 Figure V-A.l-—Schematic diagram of processor no 3. represent- ing three veneer dryers. A15 A10 A30 A2 “35 AAO Figure V—S.1—-Schematic diagram of processor no. A represent- ing a veneer saw. TABLE V—A.l-a. A9 Dryer grade yieldsl (percent). Face Stock Width ABCp _2 2 39 1/10 5A's 18.89 30.2A A9.55 1.32 Doug. Fir 27's 5.A0 21.50 60.03 7.07 Strips 1.A0 20.A0 68.A7 9.63 1/10 5A's A.81 A3.58 A6.l3 5.A8 White Fir 27's 0.71 36.30 51.07 11.92 Strips 6.17 77.59 16.2A 1/10 5A's 3.08 52.AA Al.15 3.33 Spruce 27's 0.06 A5.8l A7.69 6.AA Strips 22.28 68.75 8.97 1/10 SA'S 22.10 3A.8A A0.11 2.95 Larch 27's 8.69 30.31 5A.65 6.35 Strips 3.A6 21.33 6A.72 lO.A9 1/10 5A's A.57 23.18 68.05 A.20 Pond. 27's 13.82 78.05 8.13 Pine Strips 2.68 77.66 19.66 1/10 5A's 11.5A 3A.A5 50.09 3.92 Hemlock 27's 2.21 30.55 58.88 8.36 Strips 9.76 77.65 12.59 1/6 5A's 10.6A A2.65 A3.58 3.13 White Fir 27's 3.50 A5.58 A0.00 10.92 Strips AO.A3 “9.72 9.85 1/6 SA'S 12.00 A5.00 39.00 A.00 3pruce3 27's 2.00 A2.00 A6.00 10.00 Strips 26.00 62.00 ‘l2.00 1/6 5A's 5.50 28.50 62.50 3.50 Pond. 27's 1.50 18.50 73.00 7.00 Pine3 Strips 15.00 75.00 10.00 1/6 5A's 18.80 38.9A A0.63 1.63 Hemlock 27's A.A5 A3.3A A6.29 5.92 Strips 1.21 39.92 53.17 12.70 1Based on May, June and August dryer production reports. 2 Includes 9 E9110: 3Estimated figures. 50 TABLE V-A.l-b.-—Dryer grade yields. Core Stock C 1 Type Solid C D NC 1/6 Pine Random 9.00 32.98 A9.51 8.51 1/6 Hemlock " 11.00 31.83 A6.60 10.57 1/6 Mix " 10.00 2A.61 56.16 9.23 1/6 Redry " 7.00 12.12 67.63 13.25 7/32 D. Fir " 12.00 A6.92 33.AA 7.6A 7/32 W. Fir " 10.00 56.A2 27.58 6.00 7/32 Spruce " 10.00 56.59 26.53 6.87 7/32 Larch " 15.00 58.69 22.10 A.21 7/32 Pine " 11.00 50.08 32.80 6.11 7/32 Hemlock " 13.00 37.00 A0.A7 9.53 7/32 Mix " 12.00 A6.30 3A.07 7.63 5/16 P. Pine " 12.00 1A.90 68.08 5.02 5/16 Mix " 13.00 25.73 5A.A1 6.86 lEstimated figures. It is difficult to determine precisely the percentage of C solid that can be recovered from core stock because core is only sorted for C solid when there is a need for it. Otherwise, it is sorted as C grade. However, the sum of C solid and C grade is accurate. 51 YA30(t) F51 S2 S3 — F1A10(t;_ Y03u(t) = S“ Yu20(t) (v—5.1) 31435832, - SSj YMOOJ) -Y415(t)J where Y415(t) represents a vector of fish tailsl originat- ing from the 8-foot lathe. YA10(t)’ Yu20(t) and YAA0(t) represent, respectively, dry strips, 27—inch, and 5A-inch veneers that are to be converted to core, the entries in 81’ S2 and 83 are all 1's indicating 100 percent recovery. Y03u(t) is the quantity of core recovered from fish tails and YA35(t) is the waste material that goes to the chippers. V—6. Model for Processor No. 5 Processor no. 5 is made up of a jointer and an edge gluer that is used for joining narrower veneer, i.e., 27 inches wide and narrower strips, to obtain full-sized veneer sheets for use as faces, backs or centers. Edge gluing is a slow process and it is necessary that some lead time be allowed for the operation to accumulate enough out— put sufficient to be considered for input to the next operation. The lead time required may not be quite 8 hours. However, for simplicity we also assume a lead time equivalent to one period. This has the effect of a con- servative schedule since it implies that processing of 1See Figure V—5.l. 52 needed veneers has to be done one full shift ahead, al— though in certain cases (such as when only small quanti— ties are required) it might be possible to process veneers during the same shift it is needed. For the edge gluing process we, therefore, write F1531(t+l)1 r811 G121 Y510(t) Y532(t+1) = 021 G22 Y520(t) (v-6.1) Y533(t+1) G31 G32 B53Anfi mmooonQICH woaopfio oopuoo one mnommoooam opmofiosfi moaonfio oHHom .HHHE ooozzad mo mCOHpoom one man one coonm mo Ewhwwfio OHmeocomIIH.wl> onswfim uz $55.82.. amuzm> . o 3539 .33 . a 9,. :33 muuzu> . o / Jr) as A.) \\2Amn(\\\ ”nemam»mo . n s. \ / PA . \ a. / .A.\ :Eam 1.15.50 :Ewaajo 551:3 uaoo . m 69 N w . .11 2. _ 7713,, 855330 .wazutm . _ 40v / 7 / .. ozuoua coo \ o \ \ s 5 I’ I.“ // //rWW> w n no: /.I\ .No‘ l." \1} , : - ‘1‘“. a7. \. .fim‘WEEEWNLVA/wvxww i gaunwe on -, 7 , 3n ,, bivaufly . x , . / .lnl..«.~\,w) , 2o ’Q‘ News“) 56 represents 15 different flows and processor no. 6 repre— sents four veneer patchers. With reference to Figure V-8.l, we now write the following equations for in-process inventories: Green Core Originating from Fish Tails Z800(t+l) = U012800(t) + U02Y03u(t) — U03Y380(t) (v-8,1) Green Core from A-foot Lathe 2810(t+l) = U112810(t) + U12Y221(t) - U13Y32O(t) (V—8.2) Green Face Stock from 8-foot Lathe 2820(t+l) = U212820(t) + U22Y120(t) ' U23Y31o(t) (V‘8°3) Y122(t) Y3ll(t) where Y120(t) = Yl23(t) and Y310(t) - Y312(t) t Y12A(t) Lf3l3( ) Green Face Stock from Purchased Veneer (V—8.A) 2830(t+1) = U31Z830(t) + U32YO37(t) - U33Y37O(t) 57 Dry Core 28A0(t+l) = UA128A0(t) + UA2Y330(t) ‘ YA3Y100(t) Y331(t) Y (t) where Y 3O(t) = 332 and Y 3 Y (t) 333 Y (t) A L33 _. Dry Strips 2850(t+1) = U512850(t) + U52Y3uo(t) U5AY510(t) Purchased Dry Veneer 2880(t+l) = v3l2880(t) + V32YO38(t) ‘ 1 Y3A1(t) Y (t) where Y3A01 Y101 Y 102(t) Y103(t) (t) = L?10A(t) ' U53YA10(t) ’ ’ V33Y63o(t) — 1 YA11(t) YA12(t) YA13(t) LFA1A(t) (V—8.5) (V-8.6) (V-8.7) Dry 27's 58 2860(t+1) = U612860(t) + U62Y350(t) where Yu20(t) = Dry 5A's 2870(t+l) = where Y36O(t) = U6AY520(t) ' U65Y012(t) U67Y015(t) P. YA21(t;7 Yu22(t) Yu23(t) LFA2A(t{_ U712870 U7AY532 U77Y011 T71Y017 1 Y361(t) Y362(t) Y363(t) (t) (t) (t) (t) LF36A(tZ_ and Y52O(t) + U72Y360(t) ’ U75YAAO(t) ' U78Y01A(t) ‘ T72Y021 (t) + U63YA20(t) ‘ U66Y013(t) ‘ Y521 Y522(t) U73 U76Y612(t) ‘ U79Y016(t) - — .7 YAA1(t) YAA2(t) Yuu3(t) LYAAA(P) Aa+pvomow AH+SVnnmx AH+Svmmmx AH+00Hwnw 00m AH+SV » Aa+p00nmw Aa+pvo:mw Aa+uvomm> L Aa+nvoamx Aa+nvooan An+ovommm AH+n0000N Aa+000>0N .AH+o0000N Aa+o00hmm Aa+noom0N Aa+nvom0N AH+000H0N AH+u0000 C eda.mu>o do Auv A0000m> Auv 00: com» d... as mme mme mmo Hmo mmo Hao NHO HHO mm>l 05:: see. :m :H 0 mm m0 N as 1r NH ma HA mm m» 4 law 100:: >0 3' was- 903'. n 0 D- NN 6A then we can write Equation V-9.l simply as S(t+l) = P S(t) + Q F(t) — G E(t) (V-9.2) where P, Q and G are matrices. For any given period, E(t) represents veneers demanded by the spreaders due to a lay—up schedule J'(t), that is E(t) = C J'(t) (V-9.3) where C is a construction matrix with entries representing the quantities of each type of veneer required by each pro- duct in J'(t). The matrix C is shown in detail in Equation V-9.3-b for certain selected products. The lay-up schedule at the spreaders, represented by J'(t), includes allowances for falldown.l The relation— ship between the quantities required by the order file and the quantities to be laid-up is given by D J'(t) (V—9.A) J(t) or J'(t) D-lJ(t) (v-9.5) where J(t) represents the quantities required by the order file. The falldown matrix D is always square and lower triangular (if product grades are arranged in decreasing order) whose rows are independent of each other. Therefore, lProducts not acceptable in the grade they were originally laid-up due to defects that developed during manufacture. 65 D—1 exists (17). To illustrate the construction of D, we show it for the products used for an example in Equation V-9.A-b, using data from Table V-9.l. The complete fall- down matrix can be constructed from data given in Tables V-9.l-a and V—9.l-b. Substituting Equation V—9.A in V-9.2, we obtain P S(t) + Q F(t) - G c J'(t) (V—9.6) S(t+l) or S(t+l) P S(t) + Q F(t) — H J'(t) (V—9.7) where H = G C. Equation V-9.7 is a mathematical model of the production process. For any period t_we have the following: S(t) = Veneer inventories at the beginning of the period. S(t+l) = Veneer inventories at the end of the period. F(t) = Schedule of activities at all processing centers preceding the spreaders. J'(t) = Lay—up schedule at the spreaders. We are now in a position to solve Equation V-9.7 for t = 0,1, 2.,,,1A,15, as follows. P 8(0) + Q F(O) - H J'(O) (V-9.8) S(l) P 8(1) + Q F(l) — H J'(l) (V-9.9) U) A R.) v ll S(15) = P S(lA) + Q F(lA) - H J'(lA) (V—9.22) 66 .. 0.wsao. 0 .wz he0\a msao. 0 sno\a ozoo m\m made. 0 eu0\a o 0200 m\a Haao. mmoo. oz sooa\a m 0200 m\m Haao. mmoo. 0 epoa\a s Annm.mu>0 00 0\m Hana. mmoo. u o spoa\af 00 m\a mmoo. mmoo. oz snoa\a % 8 gm £8. £8. a £3: m. 00 0\m mmoo. mmoo. o sooa\a m 00 mxa mmoo. mmoo. mmoo. mmoo. mmoo. mwoo. 0 enoa\a m. r. on m\m..mmoo. mmoo. mmoo. mmoo. mmoo. mmoo. Hana. Haao. Haas“. fi.o enoa\a w. P seoeg 67 0020 002m 0020 0200 0200 0200 00 00 00 00 00 fin 00 Ann:.mn>0 MEL m\a 0\m 0\m m\a 0\m 0\m m\H 0\m 0\m m\H 000.H 0\m 0000.H 0000.H mmmo. m:a0. 0000. H0:0. 0000. 0000. mwma. moma. mamw. 00H0. mmma. mm:0. 00m0. mm:a. m000. ::m0. poem. 0000. moao. 0:0H. wm:0. AH:0. wmao. 0:00. ammo. 0000. 0020 0020 0020 0200 0200 0200 00 00 00 00 00 00 8.0 N\H 0\m 0\m N\H 0\m 0\m N\H 0\m 0\m m\a 0\m 68 TABLE V-9.l-a.--Pane1 falldown summaryl (exterior sheathing). On- Non- Sample Product Grade Sub-Grade Cert Shop Blows Size2 3/8 CC 80.68 3/8 00—8.51 9.A3 0.63 0.75 1599 1/2 00 8A.17 1/2 CD-A.28 10.A9 0.82 0.2A A955 5/8 00 72.89 5/8 00—2A.67 2.AA A50 5/16 CD 85.10 12.37 0.7A 1.79 258A5 5/16 CD #2 77.89 17.17 1.83 3.11 1A17 5/16 CD #3 76.01 18.17 3.A9 2.33 2063 3/8 CD 83.65 1A.29 1.09 0.97 A5828 3/8 CD #2 82.68 13.53 1.91 1.88 3829 3/8 CD #3 83.89 12.A2 2.88 0.81 3576 1/2 CD 8A.59 13.53 1.18 0.70 150382 1/2 CD #2 82.30 15.28 1.72 0.70 76A32 1/2 CD #3 85.11 12.61 1.5A 0.7A 15579 5/8 CD 75.19 15.09 1.82 7.90 169A6 5/8 CD #2 8A.07 13.78 1.37 0.78 A969 5/8 CD #3 85.52 11.82 1.57 1.09 _-3 3/A CD 85.6A 11.37 1.9A 1.05 11578 3/A CD #2 86.08 lO.A6 2.78 0.68 1185 3/A CD #3 86.38 11.56 1.6A 0.A2 7A19 5/16 TRU PLY 96.81 3.19 660 1/2 TRU PLY 9A.01 2.80 3.19 20187 5/8 TRU PLY 91.A5 5.96 2.59 772 lData taken from July, August, September, and up to October 18 (1966) production reports. 2Panels. 3No data available. Interpolated from 1/2 CD #3 and 3/A CD #3 figures. 69 .oaanfim>m poc nonvona an menswfim czopaamma o.ooa 0.0m 0.00 00 0.00H 0.0a o.m 0.0a om o.ooa o.ma o.ma o.ma mm o.ooa o.mm 0.0 0.00 0a o.ooa o.am o.ma 0.30 ea 0.00H 0.0a o.m 0.0a 0.0m ma 0.00a o.ma 0.0 o.mm o.mm as asses 0000 00 00 00 ea 00 me ea oosso Heefiwaso 030000090 000nm H .pcoonmm CH mpozpong UmUQdm pom assessm czooaamm Hocmm||.nna.0|> 00009 7O Transposing terms and rearranging, we can write Equations V-9.8 through V-9.22 as Equation V—9.23. In Equation V-9.23, A1 0; F(J) J'(J) 8(0) 3(15) Matrix whose entries are productivity coeffici- ents, that is, processing time for each unit of input at each machine center, Matrix with entries of 1's, Falldown matrix, Products that cannot be satisfied and must be backlogged, Order file, Column vector of machine capacities, Column vector of inventory space capacities, Penalty cost for backlogged orders, Cost associated with each activity, Cost of holding veneers on inventory, Production schedule during the (J+l)th period, Lay—up schedule during the (j+l)th period, Beginning inventories, and Ending inventories. The submatrices, A1, are constructed from data such as shown in Tables V-lO.l, V—lO.2, and V-lO.3. 71 Amm.0u>0 ESEHCHE mHH :HH 1 0 VII VII VII VII VII VII VII Aav.h on.h Azavm Aavm onm 3' ma ml! 2... H00 72 .COHposuomm 00 mason 000 :03» pmummpw .mmazpmzpo .pzacfi mo Ameom xooanv pm 00 0000 000 003000 .psapso mo pmmm mommpsm 0000 Log mpsom 0 .AmHmom 000000 050: 000 pmmm 000000 .Am\mv mwoa mo up 00 000 0mg pm mommpsm :0 mpo>oomm n .00\mv 0:00 000 0020 .coapozvopm mo mpson 00 cmsp mmm0** .cofiposuona mo mason om can» mmmq a. *x0000.0 **Hm00.0 mm00.0 0000.0 0000.0 0000.0 **m0m.0 *xm00 *xomm.00 000.0 0mm 2:0.0m 002.0 0mm 000.00 @000 0000.0 m000.0 000.0 0mm :zm.:0 £0000 *00ma.0 *mm00.0 ##00ma.0 **m:mo.0 2000.0 0000.0 *00m.0 *mom *m00.00 **0mm.0 **0mm **mmm.00 000.0 :mm 00m.00 005000 *0mma.0 *0000.0 0mm0.0 0000.0 0000.0 0000.0 *m00.m *0mm *zmm.m0 002.0 0mm 000.00 000.0 :mm 000.00 xooHEmm mmm0.0 mm00.0 0000.0 0000.0 00m mm:.0 0mm 000.00 000.0 20m m0:.:0 mp0£3 00m0.0 0000.0 $0000.0 *0mm0.0 mm0m0.0 0:mmo.0 00m 000.0 000 000.00 #00:.0 0000 0000.00 0000.0 0000 0000.00 0000000 pSQCH oomm psauzo psasH comm unmade uSQCH oomm psapso mmaomam mm\0 0\0 00\0 mmmcxofige 000m .mmpmp coaposuopa mzpma poomlwll.0.00|> mqmqe 73 TABLE V-lO.2.--Drying productivity.l Veneer Thickness Species Hrs/MSF3/8 Hrs/MBF l/lO Douglas Fir .OMM9 .1175 1/10 White Fir .0815 .1737 1/10 Spruce .0590 .13U5 1/10 Larch .O6u8 .15U3 l/lO Ponderosa Pine .0602 .1U21 1/10 Hemlock .0633 .1419 1/6 Douglas Fir .0783 .1980 1/6 White Fir .1282 .2731 1/6 Spruce .1011 .2304 1/6 Larch .1008 .2900 1/6 Ponderosa Fine .1005 .2333 l/6 Hemlock .0924 .2200 7/32 Spruce .1078 .238u 7/32 Ponderosa Pine .11uu .2u13 7/32 Hemlock .1019 .2282 5/16 Spruce .1110 .2u53 5/16 Ponderosa Pine .1177 .2483 5/16 Hemlock .1130 .2U3O lAverage for all widths. 74 TABLE V-10.3.--Patching productivity.l Veneer Original Thickness Species Grade Width Hrs/MSF3/8 1/10 Douglas Fir AB 54 1.43 1/10 Douglas Fir ABCp 54 1.47 1/10 White Fir ABCp 54 1.70 1/10 Larch " " 1.33 1/10 Hemlock " " 1.77 1/6 Douglas Fir " " 0.94 1/6 White Sir " " 1.02 1/6 Larch " " 0.80 1/6 Hemlock " " 1.07 1/10 Douglas Fir " 27 1.80 1/10 White Fir " " 1.97 1/10 Larch " " 1.53 1/10 Hemlock " " 2.04 1/6 Douglas Fir " " 1.08 1/6 White Fir " " 1.18 1/6 Larch " " 0.99 1/6 Hemlock " " 1-2” 1/10 Douglas Fir " Strips 1.97 1/10 White Fir " " 2.13 1/10 Larch " " 1.67 1/10 Hemlock " " 2-2“ 1/6 Douglas Fir " " 1.17 1/6 White Fir " " 1.29 1/6 Larch " " 1.01 1/6 Hemlock " " 1°35 lEstimated figures or based on small sample. VI. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS The practical usefulness of the preceding formu- lation (or any other formulation) depends on two impor- tant considerations which must be taken into account before any attempt can be made to implement the proposed method. The first consideration is the improvement that can be expected over the present method of scheduling and second, the cost of implementation, in particular, the cost of computing time required to obtain a solution to the problem. The first consideration is not by any means easy to evaluate because means for measuring scheduling effective- ness are not generally available. Moreover, the proposed method has to be tried and tested for a long enough period before a comparison can be made. Such parameters as (1) unit processing cost, (ii) weekly production "through-put," or (iii) lateness in deliveries, can possible be used to measure scheduling effectiveness. However, it should be borne in mind that the magnitudes of these parameters could change, not as a result of a change in scheduling techniques, but due to some other factors. There is no question that current methods can be improved upon. This conclusion comes from knowledge that 75 76 materials are every now and then misapplied, from observ- ing frequent slowdown in production because sufficient lead time was not allowed in preceding operations, from observing the pile-up of in-process inventories because activities at various processing centers were not coordi- nated properly, and from similar omissions that every now and then hinders the productivity of the mill. But whether or not the improvement can be effected at a relatively smaller cost to make implementation economically feasible is another matter. Indeed, in any industrial innovation, it is the "pay-off" that is the deciding factor. Conse— quently, it is possible for an improvement to be practical in one application and impractical in another if the dollar savings in one is more than the other, although the size and complexity of the problem in both cases are comparable. The cost of computation (which for practical purposes represents the cost of implementation) can be easily esti- mated because the running time for any given size of a problem does not vary very significantly from one run to another. Thus, given the expected cost of computation, the question that remains to be answered is Whether it is less than the savings it is anticipated to make. The scheduling problem of the mill as formulated in Chapter V would result in a linear programming matrix of dimensions in the order of 3000 rows by 5000 columns. The matrix, however, is sparse with a density of approximately 77 0.53 percent. From past experience on the UNIVAC 1107, it is estimated that the model would entail a computation time of approximately two hours for each weekly schedule and, depending on where it is run, may cost anywhere from $600 to $1000 a run. The question then becomes: Would the expected improvement be worth more than $1000 a week? Initially, of course, this question can be answered only in somewhat vague terms. However, a production manager who has been keeping an eye on inefficiencies or deficien- cies in the mill should be able to answer the question emperically with reasonable accuracy. V—l. The Static Case The company for some time had been trying to formulate a computer model of a "veneer scheduler" which in effect would determine the quantities of materials (logs and veneers) that would be required by a given order file. In effect, the information to be obtained from the model would be a summary of material requirements for the whole week. Undoubtedly, there would be questions raised as to the usefulness of such information. Admittedly, a lot still remains for the production scheduler to do as far as mak- ing specific machine time allocations is concerned. But the information to be derived from such a veneer scheduler will serve a very useful purpose of a guide for quantity requirements of each type of material. 78 The same type of information can be obtained from the model outlined in Chapter V with very little modifi— cation. This is easily done by taking the period equal to the planning horizon, i.e., a week, and making adjust— ments in the lead times required by each processing center. This is what might be referred to as the static case and was considered an excellent starting point for evaluating the value of the model. The static model as formulated for the mill can be found in Appendix E. It is intended to be run at the beginning of each week with the order file and initial inventories as inputs. Its solution consists of two stages. VI-1.1. Phase I The first stage is the determination of the lay-up schedule, i.e., the quantities of each product that are required to satisfy the order file, and of the correspond— ing quantities of veneers that will be required. The following are the factors considered in the calculation of the lay-up schedule: 1. Products already on inventory at the beginning of the week 2. Allowances to be made for product falldown 3. The order file Because pressing is done by the press loads, viz., in multiples of 60's for 1/4- and 3/8-inch plywood or 30’s for l/2—inch or thicker plywood, the initial lay-up 79 schedule together with other pertinent data is shown in Appendix B. Corresponding veneer requirements are shown in Appendix C. VI-l.2. Phase 11 Given the veneer requirements shown in Appendix C, the next step is to determine how best these veneers can be made available at the spreaders. This is accomplished with the model shown in Appendix E. The matrix has 491 rows and 927 columns and takes about 11 minutes of com- puter time on the UNIVAC 1107. The information obtained from the solution includes (1) production schedules for each processing center, (ii) outside veneer required to balance what is available from the raw material against the requirements of the order file, and (iv) veneer re- quirements that cannot be met during the week and must be backlogged. Valuable information can also be obtained from the dual solution of the problem. The most important of these is the information on machine capacities that are expected to be inadequate (as far as the current order file is concerned), thereby giving the scheduler an opportunity to make necessary arrangements for overtime and other similar adjustments. The production schedule correspond— ing to veneer requirements indicated in Appendix C is shown in Appnedix D. VII. CONCLUSIONS The discussion in Chapters III, IV and V outlines a procedure by which a scheduling problem involving assembly may be modelled mathematically so that a realistic sche- dule can be derived from its solution. The procedure is built around the premise that alternatives are selected over other alternatives on the basis of cost, within the limitations of machine and storage capacities. To illus- trate in part the behavior of the model, we assume a situ- ation in which there is a demand for g centers at the spreaders. Specifications allow the use of Douglas fir, larch, white fir, spruce, ponderosa pine, or hemlock for centers. Normally, the model would choose the most economical source of g centers, since the objective is to minimize total processing cost. Assuming that there are sufficient machine capacities available, it would probably call for a peel of such less expensive material as ponderosa pine or spruce even if there is already available on inven- tory 0 grade of Douglas fir. Douglas fir, of course, has more valuable applications. Suppose, however, that there is a shortage in dryer capacity. Then the model would be constrained to use Douglas fir veneer (sustaining a higher material cost because of capacity limitations) or backlog 80 81 the demand for g centers and suffer a corresponding penalty cost, whichever is the cheaper. 0n the other hand, if 9 grade of hemlock were also available from inventory then hemlock would be selected since it is a less valuable material than Douglas fir. It is clear that the behavior of the model is highly dependent on the relative "costs" associated with each activity or input; therefore, it is important that these "costs" be accurately determined or appropriately chosen. It is highly debatable whether what is referred to here as "cost" is truly cost or a combination of cost and value. In certain cases it can be actual direct processing and material cost, in other instances, a combination of pro- cessing cost and value (of material) is more appropriate. For example, in applications where more than one species are equally acceptable (such as the previous example), actual cost or a combination of processing cost and value can be used. However, if the choice were between materials of the same species but of different grades, the picture changes somewhat. Accounting practices in the mill con— siders actual cost of Q and D veneer of the same species to be the same, the processing cost being the same for both grades and there being no accurate method of allocat- ing the cost of material to various grades recoverable from the log. The model as formulated in the dynamic case (Chapter V) or the static case (Appendix E) is rather formidable in 82 size. Questions might, therefore, be raised regarding the efficiency of the method here proposed for describing sche- duling problems. It is difficult at this point to assess the efficiency since there is no basis for comparison. However, it can be pointed out that the problem modelled is not an idealization of reality but an actual problem that involves 152 basic products that are assembled from 43 basic veneer types, 210 dry veneer in-process inven- tories, 50 green veneer in-process inventories, and 6 pro- cessing centers. A typical week might involve 20 customer orders (Jobs) each requiring one to ten of the 152 pro- ducts that the mill manufactures. Surely by any standard, the problem is not trivial. The model, however, can be simplified by excluding certain activities or inputs that can never or very remotely will ever be chosen over other alternatives; for example, sawing 27-inch 9 grade of Douglas fir for core (Appendix E, 881, column 1234) or edge gluing 2 grade of 7/32 spruce strips (Appendix E, EGI, column 1209). Another possibility is consolidating certain veneer in-process inventories that can be combined; for example, combining all inventories that are 54 inches wide (Appendix E, V154 and VRFX—X, VRC8—X) and combining all core inventories (VIC4 and VRC4-X). It is estimated that the number of variables can be reduced by about 20 to 30 percent if the above possibilities are undertaken. It will, however, require careful study and 83 time to make sure the removal of these variables does not impair the effectiveness of the model. Any mathematical model is only as good as the data fed to it. The static case presented in Appendix E was constructed with some estimated figures. While these figures were chosen with care and are believed to be realistic, they still remain estimates of certain pro- duction statistics that were not readily available at the time the model was formulated. The following are the data in the model that need upgrading: l. Recoveries at the edge gluer. 2. Productivity of the edge gluer for each species and each thickness. 3. Productivity of the Riemann veneer patchers. 4. Falldown figures for sanded products. 5. Processing cost at each production center. The production schedule presented in Appendices B, C and D was obtained from a computer run using actual data. These results were discussed with production people to determine whether or not they are reasonable in the light of what might be expected from usual methods of scheduling. The major difference was in the tendency of the model to bring in outside veneer (through purchase) even before machine capacities are exhausted as contrasted with the usual tendency of peeling all veneers that can be peeled until machine capacities run out. This difference was 84 traced to the fact that it is the policy of the mill to utilize its resources (logs and machines) whenever it can without too much regard to the resulting in-process in- ventories on the floor. The model, on the other hand sees to it that levels of in-process inventories on the floor do not exceed the prescribed maximum. We point out that bringing in outside veneer is a good way to balance the veneer grades obtainable from the logs against the requirements of the order file, thereby minimizing extraneous veneers not needed for production. The model also has a greater tendency to up-grade veneers (through edge gluing) than what is normally done. No comments, however, can be made regarding the logic of this tendency until more accurate data from the edge glu- ing operation is available, viz., productivity of the edge gluer for each species and grade, recoveries for each grade and edge gluing costs. APPENDICES 85 it APPENDIX A LIST OF VECTORS AND VARIABLES 86 YllO Vector--Log inputs to 87 8-foot lathe 1. Douglas Fir peel to l/lOth 2. White Fir " " n 3. Spruce " n n 4. Larch " H n 5. Ponderosa Pine " " " 6. Hemlock " " " 7. Douglas Fir peel to l/6th 8. White Fir " " " 9. Spruce " " " 10. Larch n n n 11. Ponderosa Pine " " " l2. Hemlock " " n 13. Spruce peel to 7/32nd l4. Ponderosa Pine " " " l5. Hemlock " " " Y210 Vector--Log inputs to core lathe 1. White Fir peel to l/6th 2. Spruce n n n 3. Ponderosa Pine " " " 4. Hemlock " " " 5. Spruce peel to 7/32nd 6. Ponderosa Pine " " " 7. Hemlock " " " 8. Spruce peel to 5/16th 9. Ponderosa Pine " " " 10. Hemlock " " " -- 8-f ot veneer Y120’ Y310, and 2820 Vector Green o 1. 1/10 Douglas Fir 54s 2. H " 27s 3. " " strips 4. " White Fir 54s 5. H H 278 6. " " strips 7. " Spruce 548 8. n n 273 9. " " strips 10. " Larch 548 ll. " " 27s 12. " " strips 13. " Ponderosa Pine 54s 1”. n n 27S 15. " " strips 16. " Hemlock 548 17. H H 275 18. " " strips (Continued) 88 Y120’ Y310, and 2820 Vectors (continued) 19. 146 Douglas Fir 54s 1 " 20. 27s 21. " " strips 22. " White Fir 54s 23. n n 278 24. " " strips 25. " Spruce 54s 26. " " 27s 27. " " strips 28. " Larch 54s 29. n n 278 30. " " strips 31. " Ponderosa Pine 54s 32. n n 278 33. " " strips 34. " Hemlock 54s 35. n n 278 36. " " strips 37. 7/32 Spruce 54s 38. n n 278 39. " " strips Y121 and Y415 Vectors-~Fish tails 1 1/10 Douglas Fir 2 " White Fir 3 " Spruce 4. " Larch 5. " Ponderosa Pine 6 " Hemlock 7 1/6 Douglas Fir 8. " White Fir 9. " Spruce 10. " Larch ll. " Ponderosa Pine 12. " Hemlock 13. 7/32 Spruce " Ponderosa Pine 15. " Hemlock -- r v Y037’ Y370’ and 2830 Vectors Purchased g een eneer l. l/lOth Douglas Fir AB 2 . H I! H CD 89 Y22l’ Y320, and Z810 Vectors--Green core l/6th White Fir random width n Spruce n u " Pond. Pine " " " Hemlock " " 7/32 Spruce " " " Pond. Pine " " " Hemlock " " 5/16 Spruce " " " Pond. Pine " " " Hemlock " " Y and 2800 Vectors--Green core from fishtails 380 l l/lOth Douglas Fir random width 2 " White Fir " " 3 n Spruce n n 4. " Larch " " 5. " Pond. Pine " " 6 " Hemlock " " 7 1/6th Douglas Fir " " 8 " White Fir " " 9. " Spruce " " 10. " Larch " " ll. " Pond. Pine " " l2. " Hemlock " 13. 7/32nd Spruce " " " Pond. Pine " " 15: " Hemlock " Y 30’ YlOO’ Y200’ 2840’ 2890 and Yu3O—-Dry core 3 l 1/10th C solid random Width 2 " C H n 3 " D H n 4. " NC n n 5. l/6th C solid :: a n 7 " g n n 8 9 H NC 7/32nd 0 solid " " H C 11: " D 12. " NC 13. 5/l6th C solid " . " c 15. n D 16. " NC Y34O’ Y410 and 2850 Vectors-—Dry strips 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7 8 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. l6. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. l/lOth H Douglas Fir " H H H H H White Fir H I! I! H H H Spruce H Hemlock H H H Douglas Fir n H H " H H White Fir H H (continued) ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D n V ABCp C D NC Y340’ Y410 and 2850 Vectors (continued) :3. 7/32nd Spruce ABCp . C 5 l . I! H 5 2 . I! I! EC 53. " Pond. Pine ABCp 5 LI . H n n C 5 5 . H H H D 5 6 . n n :1 NC 2%. 3 Hemlock ABCp H 5 9 . H H g 60. " " NC Y510 Vector-—Strip input to edge gluer Same as Y340’ escept without NC grades. Y350, Y420’ and Z860--Dry 27—inch veneer Identical with Y340 vector Y520 Vector--27-inch veneer input to edge gluer Identical with Y510 vector Y360’ Y440’ and Z870 Vector--Dry 54-inch veneer Identical with Y34O vector Y and Z Vectors--Centers 300 900 l. l/lOth 0 Any species 2 o H D H H 3 O H NC " fl 4. l/6th C " " 5 . H D H H 6 . n NC I! n 7. 7/32nd C " " 8 . u D n u 9 . I: NC n n Y400 and 2910 Vector-—Faces and Backs l 1/10th Doug. Fir/Larch A 2 . H H B 3 . H H Cp Ll . n n C 5 H II D (continued) 92 Y400 and Z910 Vector--Faces and Backs (continued) 6. l/lOth Wh. Fir/Hemlock Cp 7 . H H C 8. " " D 9. " P. Pine/Spruce C 10 . n n D 11. l/6th Wh. Fir/Hemlock Op 12 . N H C 13 . N H D YOll--54-inch C center input to spreaders, and Y013--27-inch C center input to spreaders 1. l/lOth Doug. Fir 2. " White Fir 3. " Spruce 4. " Larch 5. " Ponderosa Pine 6. " Hemlock 7. 1/6th Douglas Fir 8. " White Fir 9. " Spruce 10. " Larch ll. " Ponderosa Pine 12. " Hemlock 13. 7/32nd Spruce l4. " Ponderosa Pine 15. " Hemlock Y012--27-inch D center input to spreaders, and YOlu—-54-inch D center input to spreaders Identical with Y011 and Y013, except it is D grade Y Y015 016 Identical with Y011 and Y013, Y --27-inch NC center input —-54-inch NC center input --54-inch D back input to 021 Identical with Y014 Y017 Identical with YOll to spreaders, and to spreaders except it is NC grade spreaders -—54—inch C back/face input to spreaders 93 Y6l2--54-inch ABCp input to patchers 1. 1/10th Douglas Fir ABCp 2. " White Fir " 3. " Hemlock " 4. " Larch " 5. l/6th Douglas Fir " 6. " White Fir " 7 " Larch " 8. " Hemlock " Y62u-—edge glued C grade, 54-inch veneer l l/lOth Douglas Fir C 2 " White Fir " 3 " Spruce 4. " Larch " 5. " Pond. Pine " 6. " Hemlock " 7 l/6th Douglas Fir " 8 " White Fir " 9. " Spruce 10. " Larch " ll. " Pond. Pine " 12. " Hemlock " Y038’ Y630 and 2880—-Purchased dry veneer l. l/lOth Douglas Fir AB 1' H H 2. CD Y53l--Edge glued 54-inch ABCp l. l/lOth Douglas Fir edge glued 27's 2. " White Fir " " " 3 o H LarCh N n N 4. n Hemlock n n n 5. l/6th Douglas Fir " " " 6. " White Fir " " " 7 . H LaI‘Ch H H H 8. n Hemlock " n n 9. l/lOth Douglas Fir edge glued strips 10- " White Fir " " " l l . H LarCh I! I! H 12. " Hemlock " " " 13. 1/6th Douglas Fir " " " l4. " White Fir " " " 15 . H LaI‘Ch H H H 16. " Hemlock " " " 94 Y125, Y222 and Yu35-—Green veneer waste, goes to chippers Y534 and Y625--Dry veneer waste, goes to hogs Y533--D centers originating from edge gluing process 1. l/lOth D grade Mixed species 2 . l/6th n n n n APPENDIX B LAY—UP SCHEDULE 95 96 L mad m cehmq\eflm .mson mu :\m mam mam sopmq\pfim .wsom no w\m mma mma nehmq\ham .wson no mxa Ha ooom mmmm Noam 3am nenqueam .wzon no m\m BAH maa neequham .msoa no mH\m men men nosmq\sfim .o zmomsme\msm :\m mom mom nepmq\eam .wsoo om s\m m cam mom mam sohquham .wsoa om m\H ma 0am smm mma eehmn\sam .msoa om mxm ea ozm mmm mad cesqunam .wsoo om :\H mm osm mom mam sad m sea .wsoo mm :\m em: mm: ham .msom om mxm mm mm has .wson am m\H mmH mma ham .msoa om mxm : mm mm has .wzoo mm :\H mm me sag m has .wsom om :\m mmma assa ham .wsoa om m\m mm mm has .wsom om m\H Hana Hana ham .wsom om w\m mam mzm ham .msoo om :\H mm me sad m has .wson mm s\m AH ooem msem comm aama sag m ham .wson ma :\m cm cam osm Baa has .mzom ma mxm ma om m: mm am has .msoo ma :\H om oem cam gem AHA sag m ham .wsoo o< :\m w om mm gem Hmm has .msoa ea m\m mam mam has .wsoo o< m\H em 03m mam 0mm hem .wsom ca m\m m osm amm sow NHH hem .msoo ea :\H :m: mam 0mm the .mzoo << mxfi om om has .wzom << m\m mHH mHH soapafipommo mmfinoucm>cH mascmnom mquEmpHSUom xomz pom mmaaoucm>cH podUOAm wcfiocm msnmmq Hmcmm pomxm mafim Amuse Hmcmm mcaccfimmm £0LWJ\LH& .nH JD 3m NBA 00 m\m eonm ewes: m\H-H e :\m 2 m\m = m\H = m\m eoem nwsom ma\m = zxm .— ®\m : N\H aonm emecmm m\m seesaw aonm :\H emm mooqmsme w\H-H emm Hueum mxana emm memsmafie = 9290 :\m = .ozoo m\m e ozao N\H = 0290 mxm meseemxmcam ozoo mH\m 7. = co :\m o, moseem\ecam .m no maxm = e no: mam no mxm sooHEem\ham .3 an: mam oo N\H : Q0 :\m xeoasmmxeam than; no mxm = e an: mam oo m\H xeoasmmxpam .3 an: mam oo m\m xeoasmm\sam means no m\m xooasmmxnam\mpanz no mxa xooasmmxpflm means 00 mxm nopm4\uam .wsoa gas mam mu :\m = e an: mam no N\H : = AQD mBm 00 :\m nome\aam .a an: mam oo mxm nonmq\nam .a gnaw mam no m\m mas mma NNHH mu wmm mmmm mm: mmw mmHH :NHH omm 0mm omoa ONH 0mm mmm mmm mooa mod mmm mwm mm» mam CNN wax mm mam map :a OHH maoa mu mNN MHHN mm: Nam mmoa mm: :NHH Nmm ms :3: paw ommm QOH 0:» Dad msma :: mza mma ONH pom mmm NHH ONOH umma mm APPENDIX C VENEER REQUIREMENTS 98 99 Quantity* Thickness Species Grade Use/Type 11.8932 1/10 D.Fir/Larch BCp Face/Back 37.9894 1/10 D.Fir/Larch C " 24.4638 1/10 " D " 3.2118 1/10 W.Fir/Hem. BCp " E 14.4718 " " c " 17.6836 " " D " 10.0750 " Doug. Fir A " 38.3776 " . BCp n 3.6401 ” " C " 3.0903 " " D " 39.8792 " Mixed Species D Center 49.4737 1/6 " C " 3.6300 " " D " 16.8483 l/lO " C Core 56.8064 " " D " 4.3742 1/6 " C solid " 35.4826 " " D " 114.8121 7/32 " C Core 9.5260 " " D " *M3/8 APPENDIX D PRODUCTION SCHEDULE FOR WEEK 100 101 BeginningVeneer Inventories 41.470 46.613 48.560 194.320 179.840 37.870 148.900 697. 573 M3/8 8-ft Lathe 56.770 MBF 37.280 101.630 74.560 4-ft Lathe 11.160 MBF Purchased Veneer 16.450 M3/8 5-59 Band Saw 38.010 M3/8 35.490 1.41 21.15 5.69 32.33 30.65 7.06 21.143 1.61 12.143 3.15 9.66 9.53 H N H H H H H H H H H H fl 1' ‘fl 1' H 1/10 Larch 548 D 1/6 Spruce 54s C 1/6 Spruce 543 D 1/10 1/6 Pine 7/32 Pine Pine Strips Strips Strips 7/32 Mixed D Core Larch peel to 1/10 Hemlock peel to 1/10 White Fir peel to 1/6 Spruce peel to 7/32 White Fir, peel to 1/6 Douglas Fir, Douglas Fir, 7/32 7/32 1/10 1/10 l/lO 1/6 7/32 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 Spruce Spruce Larch Larch Hemlock green, green, 54s 54s 27s 27s 27s OUOUO 1/10 AB 1/10 CD White Fir 278 D Spruce 2750 Larch Strips C Larch Strips D Hemlock Strips C Hemlock Strips D 1/6 White Fir Strips D 7/32 Spruce Strips C 7/32 Spruce Strips D Edge Gluer 3.26 10.30 .74 -55 .80 .80 .15 .63 .47 20.27 179.84 OOl—‘Wl’U-D'O Raimann Patchers M3/ H 12.75 2.62 5.64' 8.37 28.86 3.50 M3/8 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 102 Larch 27s ABCp Larch C Hemlock ABCp Hemlock 27s 0 Hemlock 273 D 1/6 White Fir 27s ABCp 1/10 1/10 Larch strips ABCp Hemlock Strips D 1/6 White Fir strips ABCp 1/6 White Fir strips D 1/6 Pine strips D 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 Larch 54s ABCp Larch 543 ABCp (from edge glued 275) Douglas Fir 54s AB Douglas Fir ABCp 543 Douglas Fir 54s ABCp (edge glued 27s) Hemlock 54s ABCp APPENDIX E YAKIMA PLYWOOD MILL SCHEDULING MODEL January 1967 103 NOTES: 104 CODE FOR READING THE LP1107 OUTPUT (Next 31 pages) All veneers are given in 1000 SF 3/8 (MSF3/8) and all logs are in 1000 bd. ft. (MBF). Productivity coefficients are in Hrs. per MSF3/8 (dryers, patchers, edge gluer, etc.) and Hrs. per MBF (lathes). Products are in number of panels. To use MATRIX GENERATOR II a. Beginning panel inventories and order file (in panels) are punched within the first 10 columns. The product number (row number) is punched in the next 5 columns (11 to 15) right Justified. A 1 must be punched in column 20 to indicate that it is an element of a vector. Example: (Format is F10.4,2I5) 264.0 25 1 to indicate that 264 panels 0f 3/8 BB is on the order file or beginning inventory, as the case may be. The generator outputs cards in a format compatible with the format required by the LP1107 routine. The first card is a FIRST B card and the last card is an EOF card. Since a FIRST B and EOF cards are already in the LP routine from previous runs, make sure they are not duplicated. L26T*ZZGI 9DLA IZGI‘SOGI I'WCIA SCGI'9WBT I'CHIA Sfl81‘98LT I'LEIA SGLI'ZCLI I'WEIA IOLI'L89T X'WSSA €89T'L19I X'SSHA 9L9I'8191 X'XHEA I191‘699I X'QdEA ES9I‘EW9I H'WCIA €591-6Ev1 H-hBIA QEnI-EZWI s-nsah ZZWI'WTWI Q-QDHA £17I‘6001 E-XEHA GOtI'96EI Q‘ESHA S68I‘9SEI :11 SQEI-ILEI 8:1 OLEI'69EI AOd 89iI-L9EI Add 99EI-E9EI yzaa EQEI'EEEI IJH LEEI'ZEZI 138 IZZI'9IZI X193 Stat-BEII ID? HEII'éIII 031A 8TII"8€OI EDLA IEOI-BEOI xaix LEOI‘IOOI SJLA sumntog 11355 n '8 0 2 t”: G a :3 a: :3 a I: fl: 0 v 00 g > FE H g 9 Old 0 0 00 H , n- |"-' ”a h vi a: 1' F. I PI 0 a p :9 3 “‘0“ o o g z ~4¢I¢ o «n .. n r» a u' a g alto '1 E (2 UN N O a 4: I: 5 £35 ’ 8 E E'E‘E‘E asses E ,ths H #404 H n... II ' 1 N m l' I F- t Eg°a guesses m“ ° E >- E >- a cat: a .4 a a4 a F!Ln H E 535: E n u u u n u I I u nv Iv Iv Iv Iv Iv Iv I I I I I H N x 'f .c g x N1 : ,.. N 2 x H H r1 >4 3 a H E I m M H E— I (N n. H F I H H r! H I m z ? 3 N r ? 3 l o m ; D 3 I W r-d ? 3 E 5 m m 3: D m m I D v—d—l : b n (V o ‘ m I—JA drum: F4 3 (AWE/JV) —J 4 0 {\CDC'N f“ D Z Z I A n m , o D l m w o o LA> z 9 3 w unto >— m n > E unto ? 3 N N h— c K) 7 > o m ? 4 m I“ 2' 1 (fl N > Z 22 % c? A ufi H N o rn N xo :> I 2 m %.If A J 3 H N > U % m m N N =* m 9°? (\I M :r > 2 a M 0‘ A“ :> < ? I anqzma34r “303'”: mowcnoxor-‘I u‘ufifiH :g H ,‘(u 3 N a):: o .0 0 ()xO'0 r~ N L“ H r» m o g l I g H FifV N N CV N ru N Cu N 'fl 3 :1 a m N JWID 0‘ I I I I I I I I ,*(u N n 0\:h 0\ N «Jao w 3 ‘V “3-3 t~ u\ a r~ para N N ~3.3 : 106 YAKIMA PLYWOOD MILL MODEL ROW DESCRIPTION VRFB (D. Fir/Larch face veneer requirements) Row No. Description 1 Objective function 2 1/10 Doug.Fir/Larch 5M5 BCp 3 II II " C )4 II H H D 5 " Wh. Fir/Hemlock " BCp 6 H H N c 7 II II If D 8 " P. Pine/Spruce " C 9 H H H D 10 1/6 Wh. Fir/Hemlock " BCp 11 H H H C 12 H H I! D 13 " P. Pine/Spruce " C 114 II II II D VRFX (Doug. Fir face/back veneer requirements) 15 1/10 Doug. Fir 5M8 A l 6 II II II BCp 17 H H I? C 18 II II II D 19 " P. Pine " C VRC8 (Center veneer requirements) 20 1/10 Mix 21 .. .. Mix 9 22 II II II \IC 2 3 1/6 II II C 214 II II II D 2 5 H H II NC 26 7/32 " " c 27 II II II D 28 H II II NC VRC“ (Core veneer requirements) 29 l/lO Mix Random C solid 3 O H II n C 31 II II n D 32 II II I" NC 33 1/6 " " C solid 32"; H If H C Row No. 107 Description VRCH (Core veneer requirements continued) 35 36 37 38 39 HO Ml 42 ”3 an V154 (Bus Veneer 1/6 7<32 H H 5/l6 l/lO H Mix II inventory) Doug. Fir Wh. Fir Doug. Fir II Wh. Fir Random II D C solid NC C solid NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp Row No. V15“ (54s Veneer inventory continued) 80 81 82 83 8M 85 86 87 '88 89 90 91 92 93 9M 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 10“ 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 1/6 108 Description Spruce Larch H Hemlock H H H Doug. Fir H Doug. Fir/Larch Wh. Fir/Hemlock Wh. Fir/Hemlock Mix H H Doug. Fir/Larch Wh. Fir Larch Hemlock Doug. Fir Wh. Fir Larch Hemlock Doug. Fir Wh. Fir Larch Hemlock Doug. Fir Wh. Fir Larch Hemlock NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC AB A BCp BCp BCp D Centers H H ABCp (edge glued 278) n H n H " (edged glued strips) H Row No. VI27 (27s veneer 129 130 131 132 133 138 135 136 137 138 139 1&0 11:1 142 143 1m: 1115 1246 1M 1148 1119 150 151 . 152 153 151. 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 1614 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 1714 175 176 1/10 I! 109 Description inventory) Doug. Fir Wh. Hemlock H H H Doug. Fir H Wh. H Hemlock H H H ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC 110 Row No. Description VI27 (27s veneer inventory continued) 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 VIRD 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 (8 ft 7‘32 1/10 M 1/6 H H H H H Spruce H Hemlock H H H Doug. Fir H H H Wh. Fir Hemlock H H H Doug. Fir H n u Wh. Fir H n 17 random veneer inventory) ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC 111 Row No. Description VIRD (8 ft random veneer inventory continued) 221 " Spruce Strips ABCp 222 " n n C 223 " H n D 2211 " " " Egg 225 " Larch " ABCp 226 n H n C 227 H H n D 228 H n n {J 229 " Pine " ABCp 2 O H H H C 231 H H H D 232 H H H NC 233 ” Hemlock ” ABCp 2314 H n H C 235 H H H D 236 n n n NC 237 7/32 Spruce " ABCp 2 8 n u n C 239 H H H D 214 O n H H NC 241 " Pine " ABCp 214 2 " " " C 214 3 " " " D 288 .. " " NC 245 " Hemlock " ABCp 2L: 6 " ” " C 24 " " " D 248 " ” ” NC VIC4 (core veneer inventory) 249 1/10 Mix Random E 50111 250 n n ' V H H V D 3;; n .. n NC _ ‘ 253 1/6 4 n C SOlid 25“ H V I J H H 1 D 322 n n H NC ' " id 257 7/32 I n g sol 258 " 1 n D H H 260 " " " NC H 261 5/16 " H g solid 262 " " H D H H 263 H NC 264 " " Row No. CAPACITY Constraints 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 Hours Hours Hours Space Hours Hours Hours available available available available available available available 112 Description from from from 8 ft lathe core lathe dryers for veneer storage from edge gluer from band saw from BEGINNING VENEER INVENTORIES 272 273 270 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 280 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 290 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 300 305 306 307 308 309 1/10 M Doug. H Hemlo H Fir Fir ck Fir Fir Raimann patchers 548 H ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp D NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp Row No. 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 32“ 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 3314 335 336 337 338 339 3ND 3M1 3&2 343 3uu 345 3M6 3147 3M8 3149 350 351 352 353 35“ 355 1/6 113 Descrigtion Larch N Pine 1! H H Hemlock I! H Hemlock H H Doug. Fir H Doug. Fir/Larch White Fir/Hemlock H Mixed H H Doug. Fir White Fir Larch Hemlock Doug. Fir White Fir Larch Hemlock Doug. Fir White Fir Larch Hemlock Doug. Fir White Fir Larch Hemlock 543 D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC ABCp C D NC AB A BCp H D centers H H ABCp (edge glued 273) H ABCp (edge glued strips) H H H H H H H H H H H H H Row No. (278 Veneer) 356 1/10 357 " 358 n 359 " 360 H 361 u 362 n 363 u 36“ n 365 n 366 n 367 H 368 n 369 n 370 H 371 H 372 H 373 " 37“ H 375 " 376 H 377 " 378 H 379 " 380 1/6 381 H 382 H 383 H 38“ H 385 n 386 H 387 H 388 H 389 H 390 H 391 H 392 H 393 ” 39“ H 395 " 396 H 397 " 398 H 399 " MOO " U01 " 1:02 " “03 H 11a Descrigtion Douglas Fir H White Fir n Hemlock H H " Douglas Fir H H H White Fir H H Hemlock H H H ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp C NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC Row No. (27s Veneer'continued) HOH H05 H06 H07 H08 H09 H10 H11 H13 HlH H15 (Strips) H16 H17 H18 H19 H20 H22 H23 HBH H25 H26 H27 H2- H29 H30 1:32 433 H3H H35 1:33 1437 H38 H39 HHO uul H42 HH3 HHH HHS HH6 HH7 7532 1/10 7! Spruce H Hemlock H H H Douglas Fir H H H White Fin 1? H "' Spruce H H Hemlock H H H Douglas Fir H Fir 115 Description 0 f)?» to O 'U NC ABCp ZUOb‘I‘itJO CO?) C) '6 r3 7‘ —q [T] (‘3 (3 'U A’dem>2tjC)bLi mci 0 '0 Row No. (Strips continued) '.HH8 HH9 H50 1451 H52 H53 H5H H55 H56 H57 H58 H59 H60 H61 H62 H63 H6H H65 H66 H67 H68 H69 H70 H71 H72 H73 H7H H75 (cores) H76 H77 H78 H79 H80 H81 H82 H83 H8H H85 H86 H87 H88 H89 H90 H91 146 H H H H H H H H H H H H H Hemlock H H H Spruce H H N Pine H H H Hemlock H H H 116 Description Strips H ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC C solid C D NC C solid C D NC C solid C D NC C solid C D NC COLUMN DESCRIPTION 117 VTF8 (veneers transferable directly from veneer to inventory to spreader w/out further processing, 5H3) --combination of species Column No. 1001 1002 1003 100H 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 102H 1025 1026 1027 VTFX (Doug. Fir veneers directly transferable from inventory 1/10 M 1/6 Doug. Fir H Wh. Fir H Spruce H Larch H Pine H Hemlock n Doug. Fir Wh."Fir Spruce Larch Pine n Hemlock H Doug. Fir/Larch Wh. Fir/Hemlock H Description 5H8 UOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUO -‘ C. -. -— to spreaders without further processing)-—for orders specifying Doug. Fir/pine 1028 1029 1030 1031 1/10 M H H Doug. Fir H N Pine 5H8 H OUOID H mm 00 'U'U nat. VTC8 (Centers directly transferable from inventory to spreaders w/out processing) 1032 1033 103H 1035 1/10 M H H Doug. Fir H Wh. Fir H 5H8 D H NC H D H NC 1036 1037 1038 1039 10H0 10H1 10H2 10H3 10HH 10H5 10H6 10H7 10H8 10H9 1050 1051 1052 1053 105H 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 106H 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 107H 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 108H 1085 118 Spruce H Larch N Pine H Hemlock H Doug. Fir H Wh. Fir H Spruce H Larch N Pine H Hemlock H Spruce H Hemlock H H Doug. Fir H H Wh. Fir H H Spruce H H Larch H N Pine H H Hemlock H H D NC NC NC NC NC NC ‘C NC NC NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 H 1/10 1/6 7/32 inventory) 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1/10 H H N 1/6 119 Doug. Fir H H Wh. Fir H H Spruce ll Larch H N Pine H H Hemlock H H Spruce H H N Pine H H H Hemlock H H H Mix H H Mix H 545 H Random H H ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC D Cn H VTC4 (Core veneer directly transferable to spreaders from C solid C D NC C solid C D NC C solid C D NC C solid C D NC 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 115H 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1/10 H 120 EC: (inputs to edge gluer) Doug. Fir H H Wh. Fir H H Spruce H H Larch H H Pine H H Hemlock H H Doug. Fir H H Wh. Fir H H Spruce H H Larch H H Pine H H Hemlock H H Doug. Fir H H Wh. Fir H H Spruce H H Larch H H Pine H H ABCp C D ABCp C D ABCp C D ABCp C D ABCp C D ABCp C D ABCp C D ABCp UZJ U3 ED 0 C) O '0 'U ’U (D O 'U (D 00 EU 0 O O ’U *0 ‘U O O *C *0 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 Doug. Fir) 1/10 M 7<32 121 Hemlock H H Doug. Fir H H Wh. Fir H H Spruce H H Larch H H Pine H H Hemlock H H Spruce H H Pine H H Hemlock H H Doug. Fir H BSI (inputs to bandsaw for core) Spruce H EGIX (inputs to edge gluer for products requiring 275 H H Strips H H ABCp NC ABCp NC 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 Hemlock H H H Doug. Fir H H Wh. Fir l V H Spruce H Hemlock H H Doug. Fir H H Wh. Fir H H Spruce H Hemlock H H Spruce H ABCp ABCp ABCp ABCp NC ABCp' ABCpi NC ABCp NC 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 Hemlock H H H Doug. Fir H H Wh. Fir H H Spruce H H Hemlock H H Doug. Fir H H Wh. Fir H H Spruce H Hemlock H H Spruce H ABCp ABCp ABCp T) 0 NC ABCp NC ABCp NC 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 7/32 H H H 1/10 H H 1/10 H H H Hemlock H H H Doug. Fir H Wh. Fir Larch Hemlock Doug. Fir Wh. Fir Larch Hemlock Doug. Fir Wh. Fir Larch Hemlock Doug. Fir Wh. Fir Larch Hemlock Doug. Fir Wh. Fir Larch Hemlock Doug. Fir Wh. Fir Larch Hemlock Doug. Fir H H H 124 RPI (inputs to Raimann patchers) RPIX (Raimann patcher inputs for Doug. Fir) Strips ABCp H 543 AB-54 (originally 548) " ABCp-54 " products Specifying all 543 AB—54 (originally 545) " ABCp—54 " " ABCp—27(edge glued 27s) " ABCp—R (edge glued strips) PDV (Purchase Dry Veneer—-Doug. Fir) 1367 1368 1/10 H Doug. Fir H H AB H CD PGV (Purchase Green Veneer--Doug. Fir) 1369 1370 1/10 H Doug. Fir H 543 AB H CD 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 139H 1395 VRF8-B 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 L18 (8 ft lathe log inputs) Doug. Fir Wh. Fir Spruce Larch Pine Hemlock Doug. Fir Wh. Fir Spruce Larch Pine Hemlock Spruce Pine Hemlock L14 (core lathe inputs) White Fir Spruce Pine Hemlock Spruce Pine Hemlock Spruce Pine Hemlock 125 Peel to H H H H H H H H H H Peel to H H 1/10 veneer H H 7/32 veneer H H H H 1/6 core H H H H H H 7/32 core H H H H 5/16 core H H (Face/back veneer requirements that cannot be met—- backlogged) 1/10 Doug. Fir/Larch H H 1/6 Wh. Fir/Hemlock H H H " Wh. Fir/Hemlock H H Pine/Spruce H H Pine/Spruce H I O 'U l O 'U UOUOCIDUOUOCUUOW O '0 VRFX-B 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 VRCB-B 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 VRC4—B 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 VIS4-E 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 126 (All Pon. Pine Doug. Fir face/back veneer that cannot be met--backlogged) 1/10 H H H H Doug. Fir H H H Pine A B-Cp C D C Nat. (for knotty pine) (Veneer requirements for centers that cannot be met--back1ogged) 1/10 H H 1/6 H H 7432 H (Veneer requirements -—backlogged) 1/10 H H H 1/6 H H 7‘32 H H 5/16 H H (Ending inventory of 1/10 H Mix H Mix n H Doug. Fir Wh. Fir for core that cannot Random “H 54 veneers) 543 NC C D NC C D NC be met solid D NC solid D C solid Q—u D C C C C C V C C N C solid C D N C ABCp NC ABCp NC 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 Doug. Fir H ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NCth ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp 0 NC ABCp NC 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 VI27—E 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 128 Doug. Fir H Doug. Fir/Larch White Fir/Hemlock H Mix H H Doug. Fir White Fir Larch Hemlock Doug. Fir Wh. Fir Larch Hemlock Doug. Fir Wh. Fir Larch Hemlock Doug. Fir Wh. Fir Larch Hemlock (Ending inventory of 27 veneers) 1/10 H Doug. Fir Wh. Fir 275 H AB A BCp BCp H D ce H H ABCp H ABCp H H ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC nters -27 (edge glued 278) H -R (edge glued strips) H 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1559 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 VIRD-E 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1/6 7/32 (Ending inventory of 1/10 H Wh. Fir Hemlock H H H Doug. Fir H Wh. Fir strips) ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCr NC AFC? we 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1535 1636 1537 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 Doug. Fir Wh. Fir Hemlock H H H ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp 0 NC ABCp NC 131 VIC4-E (Ending inventory for core veneers) 1243 1(10 Mix Random g solid 1645 " " n D 1336 n n n NC 1 7 1/6 " n i 1648 " n n 8 SOl”d l6u9 " " v1 D 1650 " " I! NC 1651 7/32 " " C solid 1652 H n n C 1653 " " n D 165“ n n n NC 1655 5/16 " " C solid 1656 n n v: C ' 1657 " " n D 1658 n n n NC VRF8-X (Excess face/back veneer—-returned to inventory) 1659 1/10 Doug. Fir/Larch 54s BCp 1660 n H n C 1661 n n n D 1662 " Wh. Fir/Hemlock " BCp 1663 H H n C 1664 " " " D 1665 " Pine/Spruce " C 1666 " " " D 1667 1/6 Wh. Fir/Hemlock " BCp 1668 " " " C 1669 " " " D 1670 " Pine/Spruce " C 1671 " " " D VRFX-X (Excess Doug. Fir/Pine face/back veneers—~returned to inventory) 1672 1/10 Doug. Fir 54s A 1673 n n n BCp 167“ n n v: C 1675 I! n n D 1676 " Pine " C Nat. VRC8—X (Excess center veneer—returned to inventory) 1677 1/10 Mix Mix C 1678 n u 11 D 1679 " " " NC 1680 1/6 " " C 1681 n " " 0 1682 " " " NC 1683 7/32 M n C 168“ n n n D " NC 1685 n n 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 VRC4-X (Excess core 1/10 H H H 1/6 BEGINNING VENEER 1/10 132 Mix 1! INVENTORIES (545) Douglas Fir H White Fir H H Hemlock H H H Douglas Fir H White Fir H Random H veneer--returned to inventory) C solid C D NC C solid (3 solid 0 solid ZUOOZUOOZUO O ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 Hemlock H H H Douglas Fir H Douglas Fir/Larch White Fir/Hemlock H Mixed H H Douglas Fir White Fir Larch Hemlock Douglas Fir White Fir Larch Hemlock Douglas Fir White Fir Larch Hemlock Douglas Fir White Fir Larch Hemlock Mixed H ABCp (edge glued H u 2 m C? 7 [.1- ’0 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 (27s veneers) 1/10 H 134 Douglas Fir H White Fir n Hemlock H H H Douglas Fir H White Fir ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp C . NC 4809 NC ABCp (DO C‘) 'U UODZUOIDTZUO 1110, 3 ’G 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 (strips) 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 7432 Hemlock H H H Douglas Fir H White Fir H Hemlock H H H Douglas Fir H White Fir H ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp P \J NC ABCp ‘J NC ABCp "‘I NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 (cores) 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 (additional veneer transfers-~1/6 543 C veneers for centers) 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1/6 H H 7fi32 1/6 H H H H 136 Hemlock H H H Spruce H Douglar Fir White Fir Spruce Larch Pine Hemlock 54s ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC ABCp NC C solid C D NC C solid C D NC C solid C D NC C solid C D NC C H H H H H REFERENCES 137 10. REFERENCES Brooks, G. H. and White, C. R. "An Algorithm for Finding Optimal or Near Optimal Solution to Production Scheduling Problems," Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 16, 1965, pp. 34-40. Burstall, R. M. "A Heuristic Method for a Job- Scheduling Problem," Operational Research Quarterly, Vol. 17, No. 3, September 1966. Charnes, A. and Cooper. W. W. Management Models and Industrial Applications of Linear Programming. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1961. Dantzig, G. B. Linear Programming and Extensions. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1963. Demas, Ted. Basic Plywood Processing. American Ply- wood Association, 1965. Forrester, J. W. Industrial Dynamics. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The M. I. T. Press, 1961. Gere, William 8., Jr. "Heuristics in Job ShOp Sche- duling," Management Science, Vol. 13, No. 3, November 1966, pp. 167-190. Giffler, B. and Thompson, G. L. "Algorithms for Solving Production Scheduling Problems," Operations Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, July-Aug., 1960, pp. 487—503. Giffler, B., Thompson, G. L. and Van Ness, V. "Numeri- cal Experience with the Linear and Monte Carlo Algoithms for Solving Production Scheduling Problems," in J. F. Muth and G. L. Thompson (eds.), Industrial Scheduling, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1963. Ignall, E. and Schrage, L. "Application of the Branch and Bound Technique to Some Flow Shop Sequencing Problems," Operations Researqh, Vol. 13, 1965, 138 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 139 Koenig, H. E., Tokad, Y. and Kesavan H. K. Analysis of Discrete Physical Systems. Néw York: McGraw Hill Book Co., 1967. Manne, A. S. "On the Job Shop Sequencing Problem," Operations Research, Vol. 8, 1960, pp. 219-223. Mellor, P. "A Review of Job Shop Scheduling," Operational Research Quarterly, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 161—171, Pounds, W. F. "The Scheduling Environment," in J. F. Muth and G. L. Thompson (eds.), Industrial Scheduling. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1963. Rowe, A. J. "Toward a Theory of Scheduling," Journal ’ of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 2, March- April, 1960, pp. 125—136. Smith, R. D. and Dudek, R. A. "A General Algorithm for Solution of the n-Job, M—Machine Sequencing Problem of the Flow Shop," Operations Research, Vol. 15, No. l, January—February, 1967, pp. 71-82. Shields, P. C. Linear Algebra. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., 1964 Van Woerner, T. "The Trimmer: A HeuriStic SOIution to the Trim Problem in the Corrugated Container Industry." Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1963. Zangwill, W. I. "A Deterministic Multi-Period Scheduling Model," Management Sciengg, Vol. 13, No. 1, September 1966} pp. 105—119. l—L’" '! rim MDC HGAN RSITY ES 55 5555 555 555: 55555555 55 55’ 3 930